#this is my second day on it it's better than yesterday for sure but i'll see how it goes
subarashiihibi · 8 months
sorry i have to rant for a minute abt these meds cause theyre kinda pissing me off bc first i hasve to wait like over a month for my stupid insurance to approve it (they send me a nice letter saying 'we are ALLOWING you to take this' like yea thanks man), then i go to pick it up and it's SEVENTY DOLLARS (which is better than the 300 w/o insurance but still), then i start taking it to try it out and now it's lowering my hr sure but it's also giving me headaches and making me feel funny 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ my 2 dolar beta blockers did not give me this shit i'm furious
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luveline · 1 year
Hi Jade! I’ve been on my criminal minds rerun and it made me come up with this Spencer request if you’re taking them right now! Something along the lines of the reader and Spencer being together and she becomes pregnant but he pieces it together before she does!
tysm for requesting! hope this is ok♡ 1k
cw fem!reader has a positive attitude towards her pregnancy. vaguely adult theme
"I really don't think I can go," you say, flopping down on the bed. 
Spencer laughs and shakes out the shirt in his hands, hoping the creases from the dryer will iron themselves before dinner tonight. "You always say that."
"I really mean it this time. I miss Hotch, I do, and I'm glad he's out of WITSEC, but thinking about the restaurant is making me queasy." 
"Really? I looked it up, it's a nice place. They have their Grade A, it should be spotless in there. I'm pretty sure they almost got a Michelin star." 
You groan, turning onto your side. "I looked too. The entire menu is seafood," you whine. 
"What's wrong with that?" Spencer asks, giving you a quizzical look. 
"The smell." You rub your nose against his pillow and sigh. "I don't feel good. Didn't rough me up in my sleep, did you?" 
"I would never do that," he says, putting the last of the laundry aside to sit by your hip. His hand rests naturally against the slight curve of your side, fingertips pushing the hem of your shirt up enough to steal a glance at your back. 
He wouldn't say this aloud and it doesn't matter, but you've gained a little weight recently. Actually, it does matter in that he thinks it's adorable, but he knows that telling your partner they've gained weight is a faux pas. He likes it, anyhow. It's happy weight. 
Things are so serious now but they don't feel serious. There's no solemness in your relationship, just comfort. He's putting on weight in tandem. 
"You really don't want to go?" Spencer asks. The earlier he lets Hotch know the better. 
You wrap an arm around your stomach. "Sorry, Spence. I'm so sorry, I've felt sick all day and I think it'll just be a repeat of yesterday morning." You puked before breakfast, the smell of eggs too much to bear.
Spencer feels it click into place then and there. The weight, the puking, your changing taste. Your sore chest and lower back, your sensitivity. 
He pushes you gently, a hand on your hip to encourage you down. Careful, he lays down next to you, propping his head on the pillow as he brings hand up to hold you. He can't know for sure… but if you're pregnant as he suspects, it fits. And more than that, it's insane. He doesn't know how to handle this besides wrapping you up in his arms. He'll keep you forever, if he can. 
"Don't be sorry," he says, his voice faraway. You relax completely in his arms, sliding your leg over his to lock him in. "Does your back still hurt?" 
"My chest, Spence," you lament, "it feels like I'm winded. I think I'm coming down with something. Maybe you shouldn't be near me." 
"In that case, I'm staying right here." 
You laugh softly, the warmth of it a circle on his shoulder. "I can call Hotch myself and say sorry. I'll feel better in a few days, and we'll reschedule, and I'll pay even if he tries to." 
Spencer draws a line up your back. Now or never. 
He steels his nerves, the beginning of a hypothesis hesitating on his tongue. Your symptoms in addition to your irregular period and your regular sex lives points toward pregnancy. How does he say that? How should he say it? Should he even bring it up? Perhaps he should wait until you discover it yourself. And you aren't definitely pregnant, it's just a possibility. Maybe you're simply sick—
"Hey, earth to handsome," you whisper, cupping his cheek in your soft palm. You smile as he snaps out of his thoughts. "Hey. I lost you for a few seconds, where'd you go?" 
"Nowhere. I'm here." 
Your smile gets impossibly fond. It's not dissimilar to how you usually look at him. "Are you okay?" 
"Fine. I love you." 
"I love you," you say. 
There's something about you now, this gaussian blur to you. Sunlight seeps in lazily through the blinds thick as honey, a golden kiss to your skin where you lay face to face with him, and your I love you makes him want to cry. This is all ridiculous and amazing and he doesn't know what to do, doesn't know how to make his mouth move into the right words. 
"What is it?" you ask. You know him better than anyone. 
"I think you're pregnant." Spencer winces, though he can't beat his smile into submission. "I mean. You could be pregnant." 
"Why do you think that?" you ask, visibly startled. 
"Your sensitivity to strong smells, your soreness, your late period, to name the more obvious. That's not factoring in your worsening low iron lately, and your headaches." You make a strange sound he doesn't like. "What?" he asks worriedly.  
"I'm late," you say into yourself, looking past him as you puzzle it over. 
"It's a good thing, if you are. I mean, it's an amazing thing if you want it to be. I'm saying everything wrong. It's only amazing if you want it to be, I want it to be. But I'm on your side no matter what." He grimaces into his hands, rubbing his face with both palms. 
You sit as he panics. He clicks his neck looking up, racing to follow you, alarmed as you shimmy down the bed toward the ensuite bathroom. 
"What are you–" 
"I'm gonna take a test." 
"Wait a second." Spencer catches your hands before you can get too far, pulling you back to the end of the bed to sit down. "Wait. Is it– is it bad? If you are?" 
You look down at your stomach briefly. Anyone else might miss it, but Spencer can't not follow your behaviour, and the way you're acting now makes him think he got it wrong. That you won't be happy. 
You grab Spencer's hand. "You know, it's not funny. All our friends are gonna ask how I found out, and I'm gonna have to admit that you noticed it first." Your eyes track up his face almost shyly, and soon your smile is as blistering as his. 
Spencer bends under your weight as you jump up, throwing your arms behind his neck, your lips smashed to his ear. "I love you," you whisper urgently, "so much. This is good, right? This is really good." 
"Are you kidding?" he asks incredulously. 
Spencer takes your face into two hands and kisses you as hard as he ever has. He realises a second in that he'd much rather be squeezing you, caging you into the circle of his arms unrepentant. 
"We have a really good excuse to miss dinner," Spencer says.
He sounds close to tears. You're worse, laughing wetly as you pull him into the bathroom to take your test. 
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sturniqlo · 1 month
Here To Stay Forever- C.S
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summary: when chris starts to turn cold towards his best friend, y/n, she thinks the worst. what happens when she starts to back off and chris is desperate to hangout with her and confesses something?
cw: slight angst, cursing, commitment issues, fluff
an: i've been OBSESSED with bff!chris lately so here's more!! | thank you to @monroesturnns for the idea💋
Chris and Y/n have been best friends now for about four years now. As they spent more and more time together, Chris started to feel different about her. Not in a bad way, never that. Just different.
He started to picture a future with her. An, eternity with her. And it scared him, it really did. He's never felt like this towards anyone. Yeah he's has a few girlfriends here and there but, he never saw a future with them. It scared him that he saw forever with her and they weren't even dating.
Unfortunately, something in his mind told him to turn cold towards her. She doesn't like you back, she never will. He tossed and turned in his bed, trying to fall asleep. She needs someone better, you aren't it for her. He groaned, throwing the comforter off of himself and getting up. He goes up to the kitchen and serves him a glass of water, placing it quietly in the sink.
Getting back in bed, his phone buzzes on his nightstand. He picks it up and sees a message from no one other than Y/n. hey chris, sorry if you're sleeping already but are we still on for tomorrow night? They had planned on going to a fancy dinner. Someone they always joked about, dressing to super fancy and join the rich snobby people at a fancy restaurant. They'd been saving a good amount from their paychecks. sure, hopefully you aren't getting any cold feet about it? i was looking at the menu and holy shit is all i have to say. He types back. no cold feet at all, i'll see you tomorrow! goodnight:))
Her messages somehow gave him hope and he was able to sleep.
Over the next two weeks, Y/n has been getting treated differently by Chris. Whenever they hangout, he's quieter than usual and moody. It would hurt her from time to time when he would snap at her for something so simple. Chris never snapped at her.
Even his brothers noticed it. "Chris, why are you being so mean to Y/n?" Matt said once he heard the bathroom door closing signaling Y/n couldn't hear. "No I'm not?" He scoffed, opening the fridge to grab the leftovers from yesterday's dinner their mom had cooked. "Uh, yeah you are." Nick says next to Matt. "She's been telling me how you snap at her all the time. And five minutes ago you literally bumped her shoulder and didn't say sorry. I'd say you are being pretty fucking rude."
"Why the hell is she even texting you?" Chris says, retrieving the plate from the microwave. "If I remember correctly, she's everyone's friend, not just yours. You know what? I thought you had feelings for her." As Chris was about to respond, they all heard the bathroom door opening and he shut his mouth.
The following Friday, Y/n went over their house per Chris' request. It had been about an hour and Chris had spoken no more than ten words to her. She was feeling unwanted. She felt awkward and uncomfortable at the shift in his mood. "I- I think I'm going to head out." She broke the silence. "So soon?" Chris' heart dropped and he shut his phone off. "Yeah, my mom she- uh she needs some help with something." She waved her phone. "Oh, okay. I'll walk you out." She nodded and walked toward his room door.
Chris walked her down to the door and wanted to phone her mom and tell her if Y/n can stay for longer. "I'll see you around." She goes for a full hug but Chris only gives her a side hug. Her heart stung for a second. "Okay." He cleared his throat, shutting the door once she went down the steps.
"Y/n is gone already?" Both Nick and Matt magically appeared in the kitchen, snacking on the chips they had bought the other day. "Yep, I feel like shit though." He groans into Matt's shoulder. "What up, Kid?" Matt pats his back. "You guys were right, I've been such a shit best friend to Y/n."
"We've been telling you." Nick says from the sink. "I thought you had like major feelings for her." Matt looks at him. "That's what I said last time," Nick throws his hands up. "what happened to said feelings?" Nick adds on, he knew how much his brother had feelings for their friend Y/n. "Fine," He pauses before continuing. "I like her, but I cant help but act like such a bitch to her. I'm- I'm scared to tell her." He walks to the fridge to retrieve a can of pepsi.
"Scared of what?!" Nick yells, his eyes widen in disbelief. "Commitment? Rejection? It's all over the place!" He opens the blue can. "Have you seen how she looks at you? Her eyes turn into fucking heart anytime she looks at you. I doubt she'll reject you." Matt nods at Nick's words. "As for your commitment issues, you guys can take it easy, or you guys can be exclusive for sometime. It's up to you two."
The following week, Chris has noticed a change in Y/n's behavior. Something that has never happened. hi, do you want to hangout tonight? Chris waited patiently with his phone in his hands. The three familiar dots popped up before disappearing for a couple of seconds and popped up again. sorry, i can't tonight. Chris sighed. It was the third time this week she had said no to hanging out and it was only tuesday.
oh okay. tomorrow maybe? He replied. maybe He turned off his phone and threw himself back. "What is going on!" He rubs his face.
It was now Friday and they were finally hanging out together. Chris had managed to finally get some of Y/n's time. However, Y/n was home all week. She felt so guilty turning Chris' hangouts down while she was in bed thinking about Chris' cold behavior. She took some time to think and finally decided it was time to come out of hiding.
"Hey, get over here!" Chris said, grabbing Y/n by her waist pulling her towards him. "Oh- are you sure?" She's startled by Chris' sudden touch, something she hasn't felt in over three weeks. "Of course. I missed you this week, you know?" He kisses her cheek. "Sorry, I was uh- busy?" She stutters. "Why're you questioning it?" He giggles against her shoulder. "I wasn't actually busy. I was giving you space."
"Space? From what?" He pulls back. "I just- I thought- you were being so cold to me I thought you wanted some space. Thought you were getting tired of me or- or maybe you were talking to someone. I wasn't sure." She shrugs, playing with a loose thread on her sleeve. Chris grabs her and places her on his lap. "Hey, listen. I have to tell you something." She nodded at him.
"I'm sorry, about my behavior. I just- I- I love you. And, I was to- I was too scared to admit it. N' I thought if I were to I don't know. Mean? Cold? That my feelings were to go away. But I realized that they're never going to leave. They're here to stay forever. I love you, Y/n." At this point, Y/n is in tears. She's waited so long for Chris to admit something like this.
She knows how much his commitment issues have gotten away in the past. "What?" She says through a teary laugh. "I love you, Y/n. I fucking love you." He smiles and grabs her face to kiss her. Chris hesitantly leans his face towards hers and Y/n grabs the back of his head and locks their lips together.
"Mmph." He huffs in relief and grabs her jaw lightly. They finally let go of each other once they're out of breath. "I've been waiting so long to do that." He places one chaste kiss to her lips. "Me too." She moves the hair out of his face, staring at him with a smile. "I take it you feel the same way." He giggles. "Of course I do." She kisses the tip of his nose.
"I love you, Chris."
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misotsukiiyeooo · 2 months
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“Are you mad at me?”
Pairing: Chwe Vernon x F! reader
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Genre: Angst + Fluff
Word count: 4.3k
Synopsis: Vernon couldn't tell that you were upset until hours later. So he attempts to make up for it.
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Still upset with the fact that Vernon completely ignored you while you were talking to him. You decide to be a bit distant with him, petty you thought but you were still pretty upset.
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"Babe, do you want to go outside with me? I'm going to the store." He peaks his head through the door viewing you lying on the bed, scrolling through your phone, not even looking at him you respond. "No, I'm alright." You state barely audible. He brushes it off and goes out. Time passes and you're sitting on the couch, away from him and you can't believe he still hasn't noticed your attitude towards him. Making you even more upset you get off the couch, mid-movie walking to the room, and slamming the door softly. An hour passes meaning the movie's over, Vernon walks into the bedroom, observing your body, facing the wall while you once again scroll through your phone. He raises an eyebrow, usually, you'd turn around and practically jump on him. But since yesterday you've been acting distant with him. Getting under the covers, resting his head on the pillow he bites his lip, nervously he looks over to your back. "Are you mad at me..?" Seeing you turn off your phone and make an excuse made his heart drop. "I'm tired." You pretend to go to sleep while Veron's now fidgeting with his fingers. "Oh alright..." He looks at your back for a couple more seconds before attempting to sleep himself.
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The sun kissing your face wakes you up only to see the other side of the bed cold and empty. 'Way to make me grumpy in the morning' you thought. Getting out of bed walking to the bathroom only to see a pink post-it note on the mirror. Vernon's handwriting, you take the note reading it. "I had to go help Seungkwan out at his house, can you buy some more snacks for when I come back home?" Scoffing, you crumble the paper and throw it out.
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Next thing you know, You're at the store getting his snacks. 'Why do I do these things to myself' You grunt filling up the basket with chips and candies. Driving home, you call Joshua, your therapist. "Hey, Y/n! What's up?" He answers jolly per usual. After ranting about Vernon you hear him hum. "Do you think he knows what he's done?" "No.." you know where this is going. "So then don't you think you should tell him? You know Vernon better than anyone, he won't know unless you tell him." You secretly knew all along however, it would've been nice if he at least acknowledged he was in the wrong. you huff, "You're right...like always. I'll tell him about it when I get home. Thanks, Shua." "Anytime, Y/n." You hang up, time to talk to Vernon. Sighing at the thought.
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Walking into the house, eyes widening upon seeing Vernon hold a bouquet of your favorite flower and cute squishmellow. He bites his lips nervously. "Listen, I'm not exactly sure what I did...I sound like a fucked up boyfriend not paying to their girlfriend, but trust me I noticed you were upset. Probably a bit late but if you could explain to me what I've done wrong, I would never, ever do it again.." He emphasizes the 'ever'.
His nervousness turns into a worried expression after seeing you cry like a child. "Did I say something wrong?.." He attempts to approach you but stops himself mid-way. "Vernon, I-" You try to talk all choked up. "Vernon, I'm sorry, I should've talked about it with you instead of acting out of character...Now thinking about it, it was so stupid." He hugs you. "Tell me, if it upsetted you that much, I should know so I won't do it again." Calming down you mumble into his chest. "Well, I was trying to talk to you three days ago on the couch and you completely ignored me...I was pretty excited to talk about it but you didn't respond at all." You finally let out. "Oh my...Babe, I'm sorry but I'd never just ignore you for no reason. I had my AirPods in...I didn't realize they were that loud in my ear." You look up at him. "Are you telling the truth?" He chuckles and nods. "Great, now I've made a fool out of myself." Sinking your face into the crook of his neck he giggles. "I can't believe you actually thought I would ever ignore you. But still, I apologize for having my AirPods too loud in my ears. I won't do it again." Now chuckling, he wipes your tears. "Am I forgiven?" Admiring your face he picks back up the bouquet and squishmellow smiling. Grabbing his cheeks, tiptoeing, you kiss him. "Of course you are, Mr.Headphones."
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Reqs are open!
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sebscore · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do female driver and her side of the garage shenanigans. Like her and her team just being besties and entertaining. Love your work can’t wait to see what you do next!
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader
warnings: swearing. slight slander of two dutchmen (nothing too serious). mention of checo’s quali crash last year.
author's note: i was bored during the race so i wrote this :) I know it’s not exactly what you asked, but it does include more of her and marco 💜 (also, I know that gif is from 2021, but it was too beautiful not to use lol)
• • • • • • •
''Y/N!'' A hand on her shoulder pulled her attention away from her conversation with her engineer, and to the older German man next to her. ''Norbert! Hey, how are you?''
''I'm in Monaco!'' He exclaimed, pulling the young woman in a hug.
The driver's face broke out in a smile, endeared by Norbert's excitement over being in the foreign country. ''Yeah, you are!'' She laughed, her face resting on his shoulder.
''Can I get a hug too?''
Her eyes widened as she recognised the voice, pulling away from the older man, she was met with the bright smile of Sebastian. ''Seb!''
Y/N almost jumped into her mentor's arms, delighted to see him for the first time in months. ''What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming.'' She held an accusing but disbelieving tone, shocked to see him in Monte-Carlo out of all races.
''Surprise!'' He joked, holding up his arms as if it were a surprise party.
The woman slapped his arm in return. ''When did you get here?'' She asked him, still in shock about the former driver's appearance.
''Just now, my dad and Fabian got here yesterday- I came by car.'' Sebastian answered, pointing at his father who was busy catching up with the Aston Martin team.
''Of course you did,'' Y/N chuckled at the mention of his transport, ''are you staying here the entire weekend?''
The German shook his head. ''No, just today- Stefano invited me, I'll be there for the driver's briefing, though.'' He clarified, pouting at the flash of disappointment in her eyes.
''That's nice, everyone will be happy to see you.'' She was slightly let down about his one-day visit, having hoped he would at least watch qualifying on Saturday.
Sebastian nodded. ''Yeah, it will be nice to see all the drivers again.''
''You know,'' Y/N spoke up, catching his attention, ''retirement doesn't really suit you- I think you should come back.'' She smirked, a mischievous grin on her face.
The older man let out a chuckle, shaking his head. ''I put on some nice clothes for you today, I'm hurt.'' He feigned to be hurt by her words, an overdramatic pout hanging on his lips.
''It's definitely better than the usual attire, for sure.'' The driver glanced his outfit up and down, the man wearing blue pants and a white loose shirt.
Sebastian simply laughed, scratching his voice. ''So, uh, how are you feeling about the race?'' He asked her.
Y/N unsurely nodded her head, not too confident. ''The car felt good today so I think there's a good chance for pole.'' The first free practice of the GP had gone well, taking the second top spot right before Lewis.
''Well, I'm quite confident you're gonna take pole.'' Sebastian retorted, matter-of-factly.
The young woman snorted at his response. ''Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I'm in the car.''
The German patted her shoulder. ''I hope you win,'' he confessed, a serious expression on his face, ''I like Max, but the Dutch anthem is not to my taste.'' Sebastian grinned
''You won last year. Who says you can't do it again or at least make it onto the podium?'' He didn't expect an answer out of her, he just wanted her to feel more confident in herself and especially at a circuit she had consecutively done well at.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. ''Last year, I got lucky with Checo's crash during quali and with the Ferrari strategy. The Red Bulls are way too fast, Seb. I'll be happy with a podium.''
The young driver knew a win would be practically impossible if either one of the RBR cars made it in front of her in qualifying. The previous year, she managed to qualify P3 behind the two red cars and due to Ferrari's disaster class, she was the first to take the chequered flag.
''But you still held up the Red Bulls last year, you're being too negative.'' Sebastian argued, discontent about her certainty that she wouldn't win again.
''It's whatever, anyway- I have to discuss some things with Marco. I'll see you later?'' Y/N made the move to leave, sticking out her fist.
Sebastian bumped his fist against hers. ''Yes, Turn that frown upside down, Y/N!'' He yelled after her as she walked away, resulting in a joking middle finger from the young woman.
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''What's the best time now? I have one more lap in me, if I need to.'' Y/N asked her engineer over the radio, on an out lap.
There was silence on the other side for a few seconds. ''Uh, the leaderboard is very chaotic right now, it changes every time a driver crosses the line.''
''Who is on top now?''
''De Vries.''
''Are you fucking serious?''
She knew Monaco qualifying would be absolute madness, but an Alpha Tauri on top of the leaderboard? She was not expecting that.
''Push for one more lap- we're safe, but everything is changing very fast.'' Marco encouraged her to do one more flying lap, wanting to be confident they made it into the next round of qualifying.
Y/N was the last car on the circuit starting her last lap right before the time of the quali session ran out. She had the fastest second sector and crossed the line, moving up to P2 and being safe from elimination.
''We're good, nice job!'' Marco complimented her, confirming that she made it into Q2.
''He he, that was a little scary.''
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''You gotta push like a beast now, Y/N! Verstappen on pole now and no one is behind you.'' Marco's words sounded over the radio, doing his best to hype her up as this was their last chance to take the pole position.
''Copy.'' She simply answered, before starting her flying lap.
''Y/L goes faster than Verstappen in the first sector. Look at how she's pushing the car to its limits! It's absolutely unbelievable!'' Crofty's voice boomed through the speakers.
''A purple second sector as well! Is Y/L going to take her first pole position in Monaco? She's very close!'' Ted continued, his eyes glued to the big screen.
''UNBELIEVABLE STUFF! Y/N Y/L TAKES THE POLE POSITION HERE IN MONACO! SHE SURPASSES THE RED BULL OF MAX VERSTAPPEN TO SET THE FASTEST TIME! WHAT A PERFORMANCE BY THE TALENTED YOUNG WOMAN! WHAT A LAP!'' The commentators couldn't believe it as they saw her name rising to the very top of the leaderboard, not expecting her to set a better time than the Red Bull car.
''YOU DID IT! POLE POSITION, Y/N! YOU DROVE LIKE A MANIAC!'' Marco shouts over the radio, trying his best to give his congrats as their entire team jumps around him.
Her eyes widened as she took in the news. ''I'M ON POLE? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? WOOOOO!!! MONACO BABY!'' The driver loudly exclaimed, so loud that her team had to remove their headphones from their ears.
''Guys, I'm so proud of all of you! Everyone worked so hard and this is for the entire team, thank you so much!'' Y/N expressed her appreciation for her team, knowing she couldn't have done it without them.
She made it to Parc Fermé and parked behind the No. 1 standee, already seeing Charles and Max there. It took her some time to get out of the car as it was difficult to turn everything off with shaking hands.
The young woman stood on top of her car and threw her hands in the air, pointing at her team who cheered for her- along with the crowd who went crazy at the sudden turn of events.
She ran to her team, immediately hugging Marco upon spotting him at the front of the fence. ''I told you to drive like a beast, not a maniac!'' He laughed, patting her back.
''I don't remember anything from that lap, I think I blacked out.'' Y/N told him, pulling away from him and shaking the hands of the rest of the team.
Charles was the first one of the drivers to congratulate her. ''That was crazy, congrats.'' The former Prema teammates hugged each other.
''Thanks, it was absolute chaos out there,'' she sighed, taking off her helmet and balaclava, ''I know you wanted a different result, but you still did well.'' The younger one told the Ferrari driver who simply brushed it off.
''You fucker!'' A sudden slap on her arm, took her focus off Charles. ''How did you do that?''
She found the smiling face of Max, holding out his hand for a typical driver's greeting. ''Dude, I don't know! I for sure thought it was over for me.'' She told him, a shocked expression still on her face.
''Congrats, you deserve it.'' The Dutchman praised her, a genuine tone found.
Y/N nodded her head at him. ''Thanks, appreciate it.''
''It's the three of us again.'' The Red Bull driver laughed, pointing at the three of them as it was also the same trio in Baku, just a different order.
Charles sighed. ''I have to meet with the stewards after the interviews so I don't know if I'm gonna stay at P3.'' He told them, confusing the two other drivers.
''What do you mean?'' Y/N asked him.
''Lando was on a flying lap and I got in his way- in the tunnel.'' The Monégasque explained, informing them on the unfortunate moment.
Max frowned. ''That's not good, no. You didn't saw him coming?''
''The team didn't tell me.'' Charles answered, holding in the urge to roll his eyes.
''They didn't tell you that Lando was coming? That's fucked up.'' The youngest one said, puzzled on why this even happened in the first place.
The Ferrari driver shook his head. ''I'm gonna get a penalty for a mistake I didn't make.'' The defeated look on Charles' face upsetted both of his competitors, disappointed that the Monaco curse had found its way to him again.
A silence fell upon them, not knowing what to say as the three of them were all feeling very different emotions after the chaotic qualifying session.
''Well, I'm gonna grab my award.'' Y/N sheepishly smiled, breaking the uncomfortable silence between them.
The two men nodded at her as she walked away, but she turned around as a thought came into her brain. ''Oh and Charles?''
''Tell them it was just an inchident.''
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taglist :: @cl16version @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @alonsogirlie @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123 @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis @champomiel @ooooohmicky @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads
@mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria @idkiwantchocolatee @anonymous-platypus
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
i could listen all night
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is wanting to hear every detail of their day'
rated t | 803 words | cw: recreational drug use (weed) | tags: established relationship, stargazing, they're so in love
"And it's not even that I'm worried about failing the test!" Steve said as he leaned back against the wall of their too-small balcony. "I did a practice test yesterday and only missed one question. I just feel like it's too easy."
"I think you're just smarter than you give yourself credit for, Stevie," Eddie said as he exhaled smoke.
"I don't think that's it."
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly.
They didn't love their apartment. It was on the third floor of a three story townhome that seemed to be a revolving door of large families who couldn't make rent after a couple of months. They'd get close to someone on the first floor and they'd be evicted two months later. They'd finally have a quiet neighbor below them only to find out it was an old man who was moved to a nursing home a month after moving in.
But they at least had this balcony that faced a parking lot of some business that was empty and closed by the time they needed to smoke.
And when Steve graduated, they could move closer to whatever school he ended up working at.
"What if I don't graduate?" Steve asked quietly, reaching out for the joint Eddie had just taken a third pull off of. "What if I'm doing all this for nothing?"
Eddie turned to Steve as much as he could, covered his hand in comfort. "If anyone knows what it's like not to graduate, it's me. And it's not the end of the world. It may feel like it at first, but just because you don't do it when you think you should doesn't mean you won't ever. You're smart and you work hard, sunshine, you're gonna graduate."
"You have to say that. You're my boyfriend."
"I don't have to say anything! I told you just this morning that you were stupid if you thought I wasn't gonna wake up just to kiss you goodbye," Eddie pecked his cheek and took the join back from him.
He knew Steve got emotional if he smoked too much, and he'd already reached the glassy eye part of the high. Better to stop him now.
"Other than your professor scaring you, what happened today?" Eddie asked casually. He wanted to hear about everything, and Steve liked talking about it.
"I had the best cup of tea. The library was giving free cups to students who donated $1 to the writer's club. So I guess it wasn't really free, but still, $1 for the best cup of tea I've ever had isn't bad." Steve leaned his head on Eddie's shoulder. "I studied for an hour between classes and saw these two women making out. One was like, a lot older than the other and I'm almost certain she was a professor with a student. Don't know what that's about."
Eddie raised his brows, but stayed quiet as Steve continued.
"And then I managed to eat my sandwich after my second class. Best one you've made yet. Perfect ham to turkey ratio," Steve kissed his neck.
"Glad you liked it, sweetheart."
"Oh! And there's gonna be a student run show next Friday. I get two free tickets if you wanna go. Maybe we could make it a date night?"
"I think that sounds lovely. Write it on the fridge and I'll make sure I'm home in time to get ready for it," Eddie took one last drag from the joint before putting it out in the ash tray he grabbed from the flea market downtown when they first moved in. "Anything else today?"
"I got to sit outside and look at the stars with my boyfriend. That's been pretty nice," Steve whispered.
Eddie felt his cheeks heat up, never quite used to how easily Steve shared his love and affection. He'd been like that before they were even together, overwhelmingly honest.
"Was he good company?" Eddie teased, leaning his head on top of Steve's and looking up at the few stars they could see in the city.
"He's always good company."
Eddie kissed the top of Steve's head and settled back.
"What about your day?" Steve asked, sinking further into his side.
"My day was boring." Eddie sighed. "But we have new releases hitting the shelves tomorrow. Those days are always fun."
"Any you want?" Steve sounded tired.
It was barely eight at night, but the weed was hitting and he'd been up since five that morning going nonstop.
"Might grab this local band's demo. We're the only place carrying it and they're hoping to do a show in our basement next month, but we'll see. Brad said we had to see how the demos sell."
"Sounds like fun," Steve said.
"You wanna go inside, sweetheart?"
"Not yet. Keep talking. Wanna hear about everything."
"Mkay, baby."
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syoddeye · 6 months
useless, part two
Part Two of my submission to @glitterypirateduck's O, Captain! Challenge. As a reminder, I rolled a d100 to select three prompts. Unfortunately I got carried away with this part, so I haven't used my third prompt yet. But that just means a Part Three is coming.
You could argue this fits 95. Attending an event together...
Read Part One. Tag list: @v1x3n @kiranezra
~2k words, Price x f!Reader. Enjoy!
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The ice bites through the steel shaker, your fingers sting, and the noise is a tick too loud, but both are decent distractions while you figure out what to say. In the corner of your eye, John watches with an amused look, tempting your elbow to somehow find his chin. When you finally stop, popping the cap to strain the vodka and vermouth, of course, he's already prepared with a snarky comment.
"Did it owe you money?"
"Yeah," you say, pulling an olive from a jar and dunking it into the glass. "Be glad you don't." 
John leans on the counter beside you. "I'd hate to cross you."
"That's new," you retort, savoring both his mildly confused look and the drink. "They feed you growth hormones in the army?"
He laughs. "Breakfast, lunch, and dinner."
You suppress a smile behind your glass and cross an arm over your front. "Are you back for long?"
His laughter peters out, and he shakes his head. "Nah, I leave tomorrow night."
"Mm," The noncommittal masks your wilting. You study John's face in the half-second pause. Since stepping foot in the house, no, since hearing about this soiree yesterday, he's plagued your thoughts. All those hours spent in each other's company for the better part of a year. That dumb fight resurfaces. You're not going to amount to anything! Classic John to prove you wrong. The jerk. 
"My mom told me you're doing well for yourself. You graduated something early? That you got into the SAS or whatever?"
"'Whatever'?" John scoffs, turning to face you better, enunciating each word as if you can't recite As You Like It by memory. "Yes. I'm doing well. You're looking at Lieutenant John Price, I'll have you know."
You arch an eyebrow. You know, in your gut, it is impressive. How or why is a mystery; it just is. Zero chance you'll let him know that. "And that's a big deal?"
"To some people."
"Well, I'm not 'some people'." You say with a tilt of your head.
"No, you're not," He answers a mite quieter before taking another swig and straightening. "Rumor mill says I'm looking at another promotion, maybe next year."
"What'll your title, er, rank be then?"
He smirks. "Captain."
You nod as if this again means something to you, a foreign civilian, and make a show of it. "Right," Your eyes hold each other in place in his parent's kitchen. A balloon of silence begs to be popped, for a decade's worth of fleeting memories and games of telephone through your mothers, to burst and ease the tension. And it's so typical, so John, that he hasn't even asked about y–
"And how're you faring?"
Stunning. Fucking karmic.
You can't stop yourself. "Oh, look at you, John Price. Did the army also finally teach you how to hold conversations?"
His eyes narrow a fraction, and that quizzical pinching of his brow returns. His lips part to speak, but a commotion at the entrance to the kitchen draws your attention. A pair of older men meander in, pink-faced and glassy-eyed, slurring the words to Auld Lang Syne two and a half hours too early. You take it for what it surely is, an out, and slip away. 
John's parents are eager enough to receive you in the crowded living room and return to their fawning. You'd rather wade through another stint of stilted conversation with their questions about your credits stateside or reminisce about embassy days than suffer John pretending to give a shit regarding your useless career.
You dance around speaking to him again, politely finding ways to dip in and out of conversations he thrusts himself into. The practice leverages all parts of your acting career and what you remember of the education your mother gave you. Smile, nod, ask leading questions, and watch for the interloper. It pays off, as John seems to eventually get the hint and fades into the background of the party.
When the clock strikes half past eleven and some ex-policy advisor nearly spills his ale on you, you decide it's time to sneak out. You've overstayed your allotted time. John's nowhere in sight, most guests are deep within their cups, and the giddiness of the impending countdown is palpable. It's easy enough to step into the front hall unseen without an ounce of guilt in your veins. You came, you saw, you drank expensive vodka, and made nice with your mother's friends.
Buttoning your coat, you step out into the night's chill and start down the steps. You're two paces from the garden gate when a man's voice pushes into your ear.
"Goin' somewhere?"
The two courses of stage combat you've completed guide your hand in a flat chop to the offending jugular. The owner of said jugular, however, catches the blow with an arm, then laughs, a rich and deep sound, to drive the humiliation home.
"John, Jesus Christ, you complete asshole!" You hiss, turning to shove the man standing in the shadows behind you. 
"There she is," He cracks, still chuckling. "Didn't mean to scare you."
"Yeah right, you absolute-"
"Arse?" His hands rise in defense when you glare, the glow of a cigar catching your eye before he lowers it to his mouth for a puff. It's a moment before his mouth opens, the tobacco scent permeating the short distance between you. "Just out for a smoke."
Wrinkling your nose, you sigh. "That is awful for your health."
"So's my line of work," He counters.
"Fair point."
"Glad you think so."
You stare at him again. Admittedly, it's hard not to. Even in the dark, the glint of his steady gaze tethers. Maybe it's the military thing—like he's learned to restrain people without touching them. It must be because it couldn't be anything else. A shiver compels you to speak. "I have to get going."
"So close to the bell?"
"I need to prepare for an audition," You lie. There is no audition. The only thing waiting for you at home is an inherited prompt book for Kiss Me Kate to work on.
"I'll walk you to the station."
"You don't need to do that."
John corrals you toward the gate, his accompaniment apparently a foregone conclusion, and holds it open as you pass. "C'mon. It's been ten years. You used to escort me all the time."
You huff. "That was security, not me."
"You were always in the car, weren't you?"
John sticks to your side despite your protests, which last for all of one street. You slip once, and his arm offers itself immediately, which you take only for stability. Beneath the layers, his muscle is firm and a sure thing, unchallenged by your leaning on it. He's always been strong. 
"Is there a reason you avoided me all night?" he asks suddenly, showing you the small mercy of keeping his eyes trained forward.
The walk is slick, and you realize that a minute too late, his arm is both a gentlemanly safeguard and a leash.
"I didn't avoid you."
"No, you just ran off again before I could talk to you."
Ran off again. The lout remembers. Has to.
"Fine. I wasn't in the mood to be reminded of my failures."
He scoffs, arm flexing to squeeze your hand. "You weren't a failure. Furthest thing from it."
"I'm not talking about school, John," you snap, exasperated. You regret ever wishing he'd inquire after you. "I don't—I don't want to talk about that." You see him glance in your periphery and then search the air for a way forward. You provide it.
"So, Captain. That's a big deal." As much as it kills you, it's easier to speak of his successes. "Bet your parents are over the moon."
John sighs. "They're thrilled."
"You do anything particularly insane to earn it?"
"Can't tell you," he answers automatically, a notch more serious, his cigar adding a touch of drama.
You pat his arm. "You'd have to kill me?"
"Something like that."
A few minutes pass in silence. Muffled music and cheers trickle through open windows on either side of the streets. Midnight rapidly approaches, as does the station.
"You seeing anyone?"
Oof. Maybe you should've spoken about your failing acting career. At least that had some color and excitement.
"No. My boyfriend, uh, ex-boyfriend ended things a week ago."
John stops, gently tugging when you nearly stumble. His expression is difficult to read between lampposts, but his tone suggests contempt. "At Christmas?" 
You want to laugh at his incredulity, the pure scandal in his voice. But you don't. He's gone all serious again. "Two days before, actually. It's alright though," you nudge him to walk again. "It wasn't anything serious."
It's the truth. Jeff was a middling boyfriend. He was never going to go the distance. He'd been a half-decent romp and someone to drink with. 
"Well he seems like a serious idiot."
"I won't fight you on that," you shrug. "And you, Captain? I bet you must beat them off with a stick in uniform."
He chuckles, releasing smoke. "I'm not a Captain yet. And I'm too busy."
"You'll make Captain," you say a little too quickly, too confidently, snapping your focus back to the stairs to the station ahead. "I can make it from here."
John seems to consider it. He's quiet before he snuffs out his cigar on a bin. "I'll walk down with you."
You descend the steps arm in arm, passing a giggling, buzzed couple on their way up.
"It's a shame you're leaving before midnight, Cinderella," John teases as you stroll slowly into the virtually empty tunnel. His head is on a swivel. Ever the soldier, apparently.
The ground is dry and even below street level. There's no need to keep his arm.
"Yeah, well, I'd rather not stick around to see everything turn back into pumpkins," you check the time. The train is due at 12:02 AM.
John seems almost on edge as he looks around. You feel a slight, frenetic energy reverberating where your arms touch, mismatching the absolute rigidity of his bearing. His eyes are wilder when they meet yours, and his head dips slightly.
You frown. "What's wrong?"
"It's good luck to kiss somebody at midnight." He all but blurts out.
Your hold on his arm loosens, but he grips back firmer. "That's what's got you in a tizzy?"
"I don't know about you, but I'm going to need all the luck I can get this next year."
What is he going on about? His promotion? You're unsure if you like how he's looking at you. "John—"
A trio on the platform starts counting down some distance away, but the sound carries.
"Please." It's earnest. It's certain.
You bite your cheek, searching for any hint of this being a joke. "Just a friendly peck." you clarify.
"'Course." He reels you in, eyes half-lidded, closing in suddenly with a barely held-back urgency.
A hand cupping the back of your head knocks a gasp out of you. "It doesn't change anything." You quickly add.
"Not a thing."
Cheers erupt down the platform, but you barely hear them over the roar of blood in your ears. John's mouth is a force. It's earnest. It's certain. It was never going to be a friendly peck. You've kissed many people on stage and off, but never quite like this.
The train's rumbling knocks you back into reality. You're both breathing heavier. John's eyes darken with a hungry look, and everything in his posture suggests he's after more. Your name slips from his mouth like a command.
"Stay," he orders.
But you're not a soldier. You've never even played one. You're not equipped to face whatever this is—what that was. The doors to the car open behind you, and his eyes flicker toward them as if to will them shut. You shake your head imperceptibly.
"Happy New Years, John."
You step into the train, a coward. You don't look back to see if he watches the train depart, but you know he does.
It's another fourteen years before you see John Price again.
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 7 months
A Princess' Guide to Interrogating a Radio Demon
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Ler!Charlie, Lee!Alastor (strictly platonic)
Content/Trigger Warnings: tickling, interrogation (in the most playful sense). If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add in the future (and/or to this fic), PLEASE let me know! I am always happy to oblige.
This is a ticklefic! If that's not your cup of tea, kindly move along.
This is my first fic for Hazbin Hotel, so any feedback would be welcomed and deeply appreciated! (also, let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future work - I'm quite sure this'll be FAR from my last fic for this fandom hehe)
Hope you enjoy!
Ever since he'd discovered glam metal, Angel has been blasting it nonstop from his room.
Unfortunately, his room happens to be directly beneath Alastor's... and the insulation in the hotel's walls leaves an awful lot to be desired. The Radio Demon's eye had been in a constant twitch for three days by the time he'd finally had enough.
"Alastor? Have you seen Angel's speakers?"
When Charlie appears in his doorway, the demon in question is sitting comfortably on his couch, sipping a mug of black coffee and reading a newspaper (though Charlie isn't sure how he acquired it - the local paper has been out of print for weeks).
"No. But I've certainly had the displeasure of hearing them."
"They've gone missing. Do you have any idea where they might be?"
"Far away, I hope."
Charlie rolls her eyes and leaves to go consult the other guests. The deer takes a long draw from his mug.
To Alastor's slight irritation, he only enjoys a few minutes of peace before the princess' voice echoes from the hall again.
"Oooh, Al...." Charlie sings.
"What is it, my dear?" the Radio Demon sings back absently.
"Nifty says she saw you with Angel's speakers yesterday."
"Did she?" He flips a page of his newspaper.
"Look, all I need to know is where you put them."
Long pause. "I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."
"Whaaat?" Though his eyes haven't left the page, his grin has widened slightly. "You think I'm lying?"
"You're always lying. That's your thing."
Charlie perches on the sofa beside him.
"Are you gonna tell me where it is or not?"
"Fine. I'll be completely honest with you."
She perks up.
"I would honestly die a second death before subjecting myself to one more note of that infernal garbage."
Alastor's eyes flick up from his paper for the briefest of seconds, just to watch the bubbly princess' face fall into a delightfully exasperated scowl.
"You can't steal someone's stuff just because it annoys you!"
"On the contrary. That's exactly what I did."
Charlie narrows her eyes. "Alastor. You tell me where Angel's speakers are or else."
Alastor chuckles in spite of himself - Charlie's attempts to be intimidating never fail to amuse him.
"What's so funny about that?"
"My dear, I say this with the utmost respect and admiration for your many talents: there's a reason I tend to be the one called upon to scare off demonic threats."
Charlie huffs and crosses her arms. "Just because you're creepier and... more sadistic than me, doesn't mean I don't have ways of making you talk."
"Oh?" Alastor arches a skeptical eyebrow at his paper.
"So you better watch your step, Mister."
"Hmm. You make a compelling case." He flips another page. "Maybe I should tell you where Angel's poor excuse for music is."
Charlie brightens. "Really?"
The princess deflates.
He's right, of course: even if Charlie figures out a way to make herself legitimately threatening to the Radio Demon... he's the fucking Radio Demon. She may be the Princess of Hell, but she doesn't want to have to rebuild the hotel from rubble all over again.
The two sit in impassive silence for a few minutes - Charlie glaring at Alastor, Alastor staring stubbornly at his paper - until she finally stifles a sigh and slouches against the cushions. He's enjoying this, she just knows it. Sitting there with that stupid grin. He's probably been laughing to himself all night, imagining poor Angel waking up and finding his most prized possession missing.
She finds herself wishing she could make the old deer laugh himself sick sometime, just to teach him a lesson.
...Which is a horrible thought! Charlie's eyes widen, her brow furrowing in self-disgust. She could never bring herself to hurt Alastor, even via laughter.
In fact, she quite likes his laugh - it's a little maniacal, sure, and certainly hard to truly enjoy amid the gory contexts that typically trigger it. But if she knew a way to make him laugh at something other than another person's expense, she'd probably do it all the time... it's just that the things that make him laugh also tend to make Charlie nauseous.
Once again, the princess finds herself completely baffled by her own subjects. How one could be so tickled by anything that goes on down here - the pain, the violence, the gore...
Charlie tilts her head. She may have just gotten an idea.
If Alastor had happened to cast a quick glance down the couch, the smile creeping across Charlie's face would've been enough to give him real pause.
But since he is instead stubbornly focused on his paper, he is completely unprepared for the fingers that suddenly begin crawling oh-so-gently up his side.
To her initial disappointment, Charlie finds at least three layers of fabric dampening her touch, and aside from a subtle flinch at first contact, Alastor himself remains perfectly still.
But then a low buzz of radio static swells around them. As she probes up his ribs, she can hear a soft crinkle of paper as his grip tightens.
"Charlie..." His voice is oddly clipped.
"Mm?" Charlie takes one glance at his face, and her smile deepens - even Alastor's signature grin can't mask the effect. He's still technically staring at the paper, but his eyes have gone wide and blank. He opens his mouth to continue just as her fingers reach his armpit - and his jaw quickly clamps shut. It's clearly taking everything in him not to squirm.
"Got something to say, Al?" She starts pinching back down his ribcage.
"Mmph!" The giggles start in his chest, bubbling up and fighting to escape through clenched teeth. Soon his shoulders are shaking with the effort of holding them in.
"...Maybe about the location of a certain object?"
No response. The radio demon just curls forward a little, hiding his face in his paper.
Taking advantage of this new posture, Charlie slips her other arm around behind him, and gives a good pinch to both sides of his slender waist.
The demon straightens right back up with an audible gasp and tiny squeak of surprise (that he quickly tries to cover with a cough).
"Charlie! Are you s-seriously trying to-"
"Are you seriously ticklish?"
In response she delivers another series of pinches to the same spot. His posture crumples again, until finally he loses his grip on his paper and twists to face her.
"No?" she giggles. And squeezes him again.
"Stop that!" He fumbles at her fingers, trying to pry them off his sides.
Instead Charlie swaps her hands, wrapping her fingers around his waist with both thumbs resting lightly on his stomach... and begins digging them right under his lower ribs.
That finally does it. He flinches back with a little snort, followed by soft but utterly helpless giggles pressed shyly into his hands.
"Awww!" Charlie coos.
"Keheh- f-fuckin'- heheh! - quiet!" His voice cracks amusingly on the last word.
There are about fifteen different things Charlie is dying to say as Alastor goes to pieces with laughter, but she can't think of anything that wouldn't risk embarrassing the poor guy - and humiliating him is the last thing she wants to do. The fact that Alastor hasn't instantly dissolved into shadows (or cursed her across the room) hasn't been lost on the princess; she is NOT about to jeopardize this moment by making him uncomfortable enough to do so.
That said, she is conducting an interrogation here.
"What was that about not being ticklish?"
His clutching at her wrists becomes more frantic. "Don't-!"
Alastor hyperventilates a couple times, trying to get ahold of himself - but then she continues squeezing down the sides of his belly, and he can only collapse into even worse laughter.
"I think I know just how to get you to talk..."
"Nohoho- ahagh, Charlie! Shihihit!"
Charlie shifts onto her knees for better leverage, gives him a gentle push backward, and pins him (surprisingly easily) against the couch. Her snaggle-toothed grin looms over him...
For a split-second, Alastor gets a flash of what his victims must've seen moments before they debuted on his show.
But he's pretty sure this isn't quite how they felt about it. He's already shaking with anticipatory giggles, grinning back at her wider than ever. And the giddy panic behind his eyes quickly forms an unlikely union with defiance.
"Do your worst, my dear."
To be continued... pt. II is already in the works, so stay tuned!!
Until next time - hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! 💕
💜 - Cozy
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meimi-haneoka · 7 months
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Special Chapter: Comments and Analysis
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Oh my god 3 months went already by from that December 1st and chapter 80, didn't they?? Feels like yesterday 🙈But we're finally here, finally ready for the release of the definitive, last SPECIAL CHAPTER of Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card!!!! After this, no more CCS for at least a while!!
Why do you see me so euphoric?? WELL, THERE IS MORE THAN ONE VERY GOOD REASON 😂 But let's not jump the gun and let's introduce this post properly: this time around, I won't be posting pictures to "illustrate" the analysis/commentary, because this special chapter was treated differently from the other ones. It didn't get, in fact, a free release on CLAMP's Youtube channel, in any language, and wasn't even uploaded for digital purchase on Comic Days like all the rest of the chapters. The only way to obtain it was via the April issue of Nakayoshi, either with the physical or digital version. Since it is clear to me their intention to keep this gem of a special chapter away from the internet jungle, and since lately I used only the screenshots from Youtube to illustrate my analysis, this time around I won't be posting anything (aside from the color page, which was released by the official account themselves).
AND! I won't be mixing analysis and summary, because I have already conveniently prepared some screenshots with a detailed summary of the chapter for the people who were curious to know, but didn't get to see the chapter yet or did see it but couldn't read Japanese. I have already posted these screenshots on my Twitter account, and I'll put them here too under the cut (please don't repost them around or in other social media), so you can immediately get a broad view on the content of the chapter (I don't have to point out translation mistakes, haha 😅), and then, afterwards, I'll write my commentary. And there is SO MUCH to say!!
But before starting, we can't break the tradition right at the LAST ROUND of our chapter commentaries, right?? So off we go, with the GIF OF THE MONTH!!
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Yes, I think this is the GIF that can represent this chapter the most. 😂
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The Color Page
This special chapter is composed of 33 pages, and of course I can't avoid starting my commentary precisely from the color page!!
I admit it, I hoped for a color spread with the four main characters of Clear Card (hence, including Kaito and Akiho too), but since the other two appeared with their own color page just in chapter 79, we'll gladly take this single color page with SyaoSaku too!! ❤️ The JP text reads "We've been together till now, and we will always be! Featuring a long-awaited special chapter!!" Syaosaku look absolutely adorable....and so, so happy!! Looking at us, from a wreath made of cherry blossoms, of course dressed in their image colors pink and green, in a "pair look"...I think their shiny smiles conquered the hearts of the entire fandom (saw many comments about it) and it is certainly a perfect introduction to a chapter that is, indeed, completely made of this happy, leisurely, warm atmosphere. I feel like it tastes even better, after all the anxiety they made us go through, right? I'm pretty sure that was CLAMP's goal all along, giving us this little reward after all the hard situations they've put their characters through. This color page looks like Sakura and Syaoran are saying "goodbye" to us, holding their hands in a lover's hold, but seeing them so cute and happy definitely soothes the sad feeling 🥲 Until we meet again...hopefully!
Letters From Around The World
But it's when the chapter starts that we get our first surprise: the time skip is of one entire year!!! We left our little heroes at the end of the first year of Tomoeda Middle school, ready to go in spring break and then start the second year...here, Sakura says she's in her spring break of the next year, ready to become a 9th grader!!! I almost couldn't believe they actually went that far, I knew from CLAMP's podcast that there was a timeskip, but I expected just some months! Although....I have to say the characters don't look that different, Mokona said she made them a tiny bit older and she kept true to that, because it's barely visible! 🤭 But if you compare them with how they looked at the middle of the story, of course the difference is visible.
I was so happy to see that the chapter started right away with a letter from Akiho: a letter or a videocall was definitely among the type of content I wanted to see in this chapter, because of course I still was quite preoccupied about the difficult journey Akiho and Kaito embarked on, so I wanted to see how they were faring. The amount of letters Sakura accumulated over the span of this year tells me that they moved around quite a lot, and she had always something to share with her "long-distance sister" 🤭 Kero praising Akiho's skills and even feeling some sort of "reverence" for her insane talent to find all the crazy and rare books was so funny and nice!! 😂Sakura is adorable, feeling all proud about the talent of her "sister" 🤭 Loved that they actually mentioned the place where Akiho and Kaito are currently at!! (cause they didn't reveal where they'd go first, in chapter 80, and I guess we'll never know). I appreciated SO SO much that they let us see that Akiho didn't drop, but actually continued to practice her sewing skills like she was doing before everything went down the drain with the Alice in Clockland play: moreover, finding out later that this skill is also helping her greatly with the true ambition of her life made me incredibly satisfied. How cute of her to send outfits for Kero and Suppy, even from far away??
I was quite surprised to find out that Akiho sends all the rare books to Eriol, and then laughed my as* off at Kero saying he's selling them off (the way Kero phrases it in JP makes it look a QUITE shady activity 😂). This shows there's a continued collaboration between the "group" in England and YunaAki, and it's very nice. They're not only "taking" support from Eriol, Akiho also does return the favor, providing Eriol with the books he needs.
And then....got really emotional to know that Kaito wrote a letter to Sakura, back when they left one year ago 🥲 I DID feel like some kind of acknowledgement or apology from Kaito to Sakura was missing from chapter 80 (but honestly, with everything they had to explain, where they could fit that?) and so this little mention completely fixed that sense of "he made a mess and barely managed to apologize to Akiho before leaving". Kaito isn't an ass*ole so of course he would've done something like that, and a letter seems perfect for an introvert boy of few words like him. I imagine the letter wasn't really long either. The little moon on the sealing wax...❤️The fact that Sakura is storing that single letter together with Akiho's letters in a specific box makes me almost cry. She cares for those two so, so much! 😭 Sakura wishes to receive more letters from Kaito and I really hope he will open up to her along the way, because he could benefit ENORMOUSLY from her advices and perspective! Also THANK YOU CLAMP for giving us a little "still" of those two next to eachother from the moment when they were leaving Tomoeda, with the suitcases and all 🥲that last faraway shot of all four of them together in chapter 80 was so great, but I wanted to see them like this too!
The SyaoSaku Date
Aaaaaand then we get to the long awaited, craved, coveted SYAOSAKU DATE!!! 🤣 I can't count how many people I've seen wishing for this....to be honest I was going to be ok with any kind of sweet moment between the two, but gotta admit that a carefree afternoon watching a stage play and then taking refreshment at a café gives this sense of normal, complete fun that was missing a bit for them. They are dressed in a very fancy way (loved that Sakura isn't wearing her usual long one-pieces but something different, with puff shorts! A sign of her growing up?) and even though they're not exactly wearing a "pair look" (too corny, maybe?), they are well matching eachother's outfits. And of course we find out that Tomoyo made Sakura's cute outfit and even the decorations on Syaoran's collar! The fact she was the one asking Syaoran to wear them at the date is kinda funny, like some sort of guidance into looking like a couple, thanks to the matching decorations! Tomoyo really takes care of everything....yes....everything. 🥲 The mention of Sakura's wedding dress of course made me go "OH MY GOD" and made me realize that if Tomoyo is already mentioning that.......we aren't *that* far away from that day (I always imagined SyaoSaku marrying early, since they're soulmates and got together so young!! 😆). Truly an emotional, sweet moment that was reinforced by Tomoyo's tender expression in the flashback. Her resolution to devote herself to learn to design even normal everyday outfits, or date outfits, everything that could accompany her dear Sakura everyday, reminded me that Tomoyo found her very own way to be with Sakura, and she's perfectly content with that. Tomoyo's happiness is seeing Sakura happy, and she will do anything to achieve that. ✨
Syaoran and Kaito's Friendship
And then my blushy blushy Sakura changes topic and suddenly throws me on the floor in a fit of laughter, because seeing Syaoran's confused look while he was trying to make sense of the pictures Kaito sent him on his phone WAS HONESTLY PRICELESS. 😆 My god, how long have I wished to see them like this? Moving their timid steps into a friendship (since their girlfriends are like sisters and Sakura literally saved Kaito's derriere), being their awkward dorky selves...they surprisingly get along so well and Syaoran doesn't seem to hold resentment towards him, which is GREAT for me!! He's learning from Sakura to just let go of hard feelings, when you've found out the person who acted in an oppositive way was just in a very desperate situation and had actually no ill intentions. And that makes me incredibly happy. Kaito needs all the support he can get, to make the right decisions in his life, and I can totally see him finding a particular connection with Syaoran, due to how they're both moon boys, who would give their life for the person they love. I think precisely for this, precisely because Syaoran can understand to a degree Kaito's situation and behavior, he wouldn't feel judged and would feel more free to establish a connection with him. I was k*lled with laughter and endearment when I saw that Syaoran felt confused, but still tried to understand Kaito's peculiar way of communicating with him 😂 And guess what? I think he doesn't realize it, but he's totally starting to get it! 😂The way our wolfie boy snaps that picture IMMEDIATELY as the cat passes by, and how he only framed the ear, really shows how in the end he's speaking "the same language" as Kaito 😂 Seeing Sakura so excitedly think to herself that the two became such good friends made me scream "SAME SAKURA-CHAN, SAME!!!" 😂 All in all, seeing these two having such a relaxed, comfortable date talking about their friends and stuff that happened lately made me completely feel that one year that elapsed, and now they act totally like a couple that's been dating for quite some time. 😊 Ooooh thank you sensei, really. Thank you so much for this scene. 🙏
The Moon Is Really Beautiful, Right?
BUT! The real reason why CLAMP will always have my heart and my gratitude is hidden in the next scene. 😂
Oh my god, the screams I've belted out when I saw them. And when I've read THAT. But let's go in order, let's go in order and not jump the gun! We're in Germany, Akiho and Kaito now seem to be living in an apartment in a nice building! They're still talking in keigo, and still calling eachother "Akiho-san" and "Kaito-san". 😊
Kaito SMILES genuinely at the picture Syaoran sent him!! And answers, to an observant Akiho, that he's having fun!! 😭HIM! The one who couldn't understand what was fun in interacting with others!!! He looks honestly so radiant and happy, a sign that his mental recovery is going strong. And that he's slowly expanding his "trusted people" network. 🥲🙏Also, he looks younger than ever!!! 😂
It made me INCREDIBLY HAPPY to see that Akiho didn't drop the "hobby" she had started in chapter 26 (ages ago!!), remember this scene?
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I remember how much I loved to know she had started learning how to do this, because together with my friends, at the time, we all thought this could easily become her aspiration in life......and guess what?? CLAMP confirmed she wants to take on a job revolving around books and book repairing!! This is all canon!! T___T oh my happy tears.... There's a sense of pride in seeing that this journey for Akiho isn't only revolving around finding the cure for Kaito's shortened lifespan (which hurt his body terribly) and restarting his "stopped time", or finding Momo and the Alice in Clockland book, but she's also got the mental resolution to do something for herself, for what she wants to do in life, something that is completely disconnected from Kaito. Again, I cannot reiterate enough how this girl doesn't have an unhealthy codependent relationship with Kaito, and she's completely capable of thinking about her own future, aspirations and wishes. She wants him with her, and she could never live happily without him, but the love of her life isn't the only thing that exists for her. It is incredibly satisfying to see her working hard for her own future, where she'll be able to contribute (especially financially) to their livelihood. I can see Kaito helping her and assisting her with that. The other day I was dreaming away with my friends about Kaito and Akiho managing a "book cafè" together somewhere, how impossibly sweet that would be?
Seeing this volitive, ambitious, strong-willed Akiho once again filled my heart immensely. And I wasn't the only one, apparently.....
Oh god, you have no idea of the SHRIEKS I belted out when I saw Kaito saying "the moon is really beautiful, right?" in full daylight. Like. It is absolutely unmistakable at this point what kind of love he feels for her, and while I always knew, I'm sure the character took his own sweet time and personal introspection to reach that conclusion. If you remember, I've always said it and reiterated it at the end of chapter 80: Kaito won't understand things overnight, it will take a long time. And one year, at that age, is enough of a long time to come to terms with one's feelings and understanding what exactly they mean. They lived all that time together as two "equals", no more butler/boss bullsh*t, so they had even more opportunities to see eachother's true colors. And Kaito couldn't help but fall even more in love with Akiho, to the point that seeing her working so excitedly for her future made him gently overflow with that feeling....and said that sweet quote of Natsume Soseki that we all know, by now, what it means. I think the mere fact that what made his heart explode was seeing her so independent and strong, is a good sign that Kaito's love for her is the healthy and supportive kind, too. He doesn't love her and feels attracted to her soul because she's a weaker, younger, malleable being that he can dominate (as a toxic relationship would portray), but at the contrary, because she's free and strong and wonderful on her own. The more he sees her shining, the more that feeling grows. Throughout this scene, he looks at her and talks to her in such an intensely sweet way, you can totally see he's smitten with her.
The most popular reply to someone who confesses with "the moon is beautiful" is the equivalent of "I could die for you/I can die happy now", in Japanese. And Kaito had been unconsciously replying that way, with his actions, the whole damn time during the serialization of Clear Card. But since he took it way too literally, things were really heading to tragedy. Nobody wanted him to die for real, and yet, subconsciously, that was the only way he had found to give outlet to an enormous amount of feels that he couldn't express (because it wasn't appropriate, and nobody would ever love him, and he only caused her pain, and he had to let go of Akiho anyway at the end of it).
So considering all of THAT, this "I love you very much" he said now (he added とても, "very", like Akiho did ❤️) in this way, makes me think even more "yes, you finally understood what was the best way to convey it!" and therefore, it represents another character development for our moon boy. 🥲
There's debate over whether he had already understood what Akiho had meant, in chapter 48. I stand firmly by my convinction that, even if he was informed of the Japanese folklore tale around it, he quickly dismissed it as "no, she's meaning it literally for the moon", since he couldn't really believe that anyone would ever take interest in him, and was sure he would've always been alone. Otherwise, if he really understood and believed that Akiho was in love with him, I don't think he could've ever said that "I thought you didn't need me to be happy". It doesn't make sense. But everything that happened at the fake moon, and all her angry tears, and all her resolution to find a way to cure him, made him finally see that she really meant it in that way. ❤️So his own acceptance and introspection could finally start, and....it brought to this. ❤️ If you want to know more about the popular phrase "the moon is beautiful, right?", I invite you to check my first Clear Card Trivia post, focused on the literary and musical references portrayed throughout this story!
And LOL, I couldn't help but noticing several things in how this scene played out: first, he immediately "runs away" blabbering about the breakfast being ready, a very similar way to how he "ran away" in chapter 52 when Akiho could see right through him and was trying to express her support and feelings to him. This is definitely an indication (taking into consideration also how he acted when he was little) that the reason why Kaito walked away back then, slamming the door, had a sprinkle of embarrassment embedded in it, too. Yeah. I mean, look at the face he's making here, just before he notices, puzzled, that his hand is shaking:
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He's smiling so tenderly, among the pain he's feeling because of his poor health. He even laughs! He's happy he heard that! But he just couldn't stay hearing any longer, back then. Now, in this scene of the special chapter, he literally throws "the bomb" and runs away without hearing her answer or reaction 😂😂😂this is definitely embarrassment, and I'd like to think there's even a hint of teasing streak that I've always seen between the lines in his personality. It came out particularly with Syaoran and Momo, but Akiho isn't excluded from this dynamic! 😂
And excuse me, but Akiho's reaction literally made me roll on the floor laughing!! 😂The poor girl is probably so used to live abroad, and Japanese folklore isn't probably coming up immediately in her mind anymore, despite it's a phrase SHE used HERSELF back then! 😂Or maybe it's because she didn't really expect it from him, and so she took a moment to connect the dots. Either way, it was extremely funny! And I can't absolutely avoid pointing out how our girl isn't blushing like mad anymore, but just slightly.... I mean. It must have been quite clear to her too, by now, that her feelings were in some kind "reciprocated", be it for what Sakura said back at the fake moon, his decision to go back to her, and his decision to reveal his true name, hence giving her his most vulnerable part of himself... This isn't a shock for her, and she probably waited patiently, patiently, for him to finally say something like this. So maybe, more than embarrassed, she's surprised that the day finally came! 🥲 Goodness. This really puts all my worries to rest, Akiho will truly be happy. And it makes total sense that CLAMP made him say this now, and not at the end of chapter 80. As I said, more time was needed. This entire scene leaves me with a sweet, soft, comfortable feeling, and it's totally how I've always imagined their relationship to be. Also....no more of that "he loves her as a daughter/sister" crap, not canon-wise at least. 😊
One last thing I have to point out about this scene, which curiously reconnects everything together, is that recently CLAMP have announced the themes to which their upcoming exhibition will revolve around: among them, there's LOVE (of course!), and among the decorations surrounding the featured character on the key visual (Sakura, for now, but there's at least another one coming!) there are a couple of birds too. Birds are, in this sense, a symbol of love in CLAMP's language. I couldn't really help but noticing all the birds flying outside the window next to Akiho, the moment Kaito says that "the moon is really beautiful, right?". Basically, CLAMP were trying to scream it all over the place, however they could. 😂
It was so nice to see Yukito and Kero-chan gossiping about Touya right in his face, with the complete intention to tease him 😂in that sense, Yukito really seems like a sweet and harmless character, but don't be fooled! His teasing power is over 9000!! 😂Touya's killing glare made me crack up! He's so done for, now that both Kero and Yukito can tease him in the open! 😂😂😂
But please, please, let me scream about MOMO!!! Oh my god I would've never accepted a special chapter that didn't feature her!! Aaaaahhh I'm so glad to see that she's fine 🥲 The conversation between her and Sakura made clear to me that she isn't that free to move how I imagined her to be. Certainly, she decides where to go and who the book stays with (and when to leave), but the impartiality imposed on her role doesn't allow her to act freely like she wants, unless she pays a price. And she decided to pay a price, not to see Akiho and Kaito, but to go and thank Sakura herself first. Because, as her "those kids" suggests, she of course still feels some kind of maternal instinct towards them, and as any mother would do, she wants to thank Sakura from the bottom of her heart for having helped and saved those two. Even her body language (the position of her hands) portrays that. And excuse me, but I A B S O L U T E L Y loved how CLAMP clarified once and for all, addressing directly the complaints of their own fandom, that Sakura wasn't forcingly dragged into a matter that wasn't related to her. Everything she did, she decided to do it because she felt it touched her personally. From the moment she became Akiho's friend and came to care for her, everything that happened and everything that she was involved with was related to her too. This wasn't "somebody else's business" anymore. Because Akiho is one of her most beloved friends, no matter how "fast" that happened. Some relationships bloom almost immediately, because the connection is just that strong. And so, this turned into just another expression of "your happiness is my happiness", with Sakura acting according to what her heart suggested. As Kaito is Akiho's most beloved person, Sakura couldn't help but care for him too, because doing so would've made her friend happy, in a wonderful "circulation of love".
Special mention for the scene with pregnant Lilie, oh my god I didn't really expect this either. How long ago I wrote that Tumblr post about cosmos flowers and the origin of Akiho's name? A couple of weeks ago? It's like CLAMP answered my curiosity, with this scene. I still keep my interpretation in my heart, but I also love the logic "it is a flower that keeps the same name in many countries". Of course. "Wherever you'll go, you'll always be your unique self". (And now I want to cry, mama's heart is so big😭) The way Lilie keeps her hands over her womb made me tear up. The ring isn't there anymore, a sign that she probably already gave it to Momo (understandably, since once Akiho would be born, she wouldn't really have much time left). The baby bump isn't that noticeable, probably because she's at the beginning of her pregnancy. Who knows if she kept seeing little Kaito while she was pregnant. 🥲Who knows if in the scene where she's telling him about how wonderful it is to have something you love, especially a person, she was already pregnant with Akiho. 🥲
Momo and Sakura's final words made me understand that Momo cannot go back to Akiho and Kaito till the circumstances and the moment is right. Whether it depends on Akiho's wish, or the right cosmic arrangement, it's surely not in the short term. Especially considering the limited scope of Momo's agency. It cannot come from Momo (unless she pays a huge price), it needs to come from them, strongly enough. I also want to think that, again as an acquired mother figure, Momo wants those two to find their own way, identity and figure out their relationship on their own, without her interference. I'm sure she's keeping an eye on them from faraway, though. 🥲Even though this still feels bittersweet because I wanted to see them reuniting in canon so badly, it gave me lots of hope for the future. Momo is just waiting for the right moment, and she'll be ready to embrace them when the time is right. Maybe, who knows, we'll see that reunion in another series or in a special publication in the future?
The End
And then....the final scene 🥲NOW it is finally clear what Ohkawa meant in that one Twitter Space, when she mentioned that there was a reason why they never featured Sakura's birthday!!! THEY NEEDED TO KEEP THE EXCLUSIVITY FOR THIS!! 😂 I'm so glad they did, really...it's so sweet to see her reaching 14 years old (the "standard age" of many shoujo heroines! 😂) and seeing Syaoran giving her a present, with that strikingly sweet smile full of love...but most importantly....the breathtaking final double spread 🥲🥲🥲🥲 The way she pulls his hand close to her chest, to her heart, while saying that Syaoran will be forever and ever her most important and special person.....really, this chapter is meant to k*ll us all with feels!🥲and I love how CLAMP keep finding ways to portray their physical displays of affection without resorting to the classic, most wanted (but also probably considered not appropriate yet) "kiss". The very final page is a direct parallel of a page from chapter one, where Sakura was going to school alone and looked back down the street to admire the cherry blossoms in full bloom.
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Now, she's not alone anymore, but actually hugging the love of her life on her special day! Really, what a wonderful and fulfilling way to give the final touch to this amazing story! 🥲 Her very last line also contributed to this. Sakura leaves us again, 24 years after the first ending, with words of positivity for the future, and love for her important people. This wraps everything up nicely, but it still keeps things quite "open-ended", hopefully in the eventuality to return to this wonderful series in the future. Sakura is growing up, as CLAMP wished, and it might be possible to see her dealing with more "grown-up" situations, magic and non-magic wise. But one thing is for sure, her relationship with her loved ones will always take top priority. ❤️
Well well well, we came to the end of this looooooong commentary for this special chapter too. I can't help but thank once again all of you who followed my posts all these years, and commented with your POVs on the story.
As I've said multiple times, Cardcaptor Sakura gave me so much ever since I was a kid, and this sequel was no exception. This special chapter, in particular, overflowed with things I wanted to see, and I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking so. I once again want to congratulate CLAMP for wrapping everything up nicely, and thank them from the bottom of my heart for these almost 8 years of emotional journey. 🙏
See you around with my other tumblr posts, and let's look forward to the release of volume 16 on April 1st, and hopefully, news about the anime sequel of Clear Card!!
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screaming-universe · 2 months
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Day 2 of @buddietommy-week: Bodyguard AU
This is a sketch that I'll complete later ^^ Like yesterday's drawing it's for a fic I've been writing, where Buck is a burglar, Eddie the son of a duke and Tommy is Eddie's guard. Under the cut there's a snippet that goes together with the sketch.
Tommy came around yet another bend of this labyrinth, one he had not been in yet, he was fairly sure. It was getting lighter, not the flickering light of torches but the more steady light of the sun. He would have slowed down, weary of being blinded by the light but then he heard gasps, harsh breaths. And they sounded just like Lord Edmundo. There was a low voice talking to him, murmuring; probably his captor, maybe his torturer. Tommy threw away all caution and stealth: he started running, just as his lord shouted something. Around another bend and he was in a natural chamber of the cave system, half open towards the outside world. There, in the morning sunlight streaming in, lay Lord Edmundo. He was not alone, as Tommy had known by the second voice. But the man between his legs was not his torturer and the gasps Tommy had heard were not of pain. No, instead they were kissing deeply, the strange man's tongue shoved into his charge's throat by the looks of it. They had not noticed Tommy yet but he could not stop the "My lord!" that escaped him. Though before the abductor could assess the situation - or indeed withdraw from Lord Edmundo's body, as Tommy was very much trying not to notice - Tommy had closed the distance between them and put his sword against the criminal's throat. He looked up with him with wide blue eyes, a shocked expression that morphed into something like determination and if Tommy did not know better, he would say that the young man tried to shield Lord Edmundo with his body. But why would he? He belonged to the criminals who had stolen Tommy's charge in the first place. "Sir Thomas!" Lord Edmundo finally gasped out, even more flushed than he had already been. Tommy knew that he himself was blushing: in all the years of his service, he had only ever caught the lord in a compromising position once and that had been nearly ten years ago. Despite everything, his charge still tried to go with the all-time classic that had never worked even once: "It's not what it looks like?" At least he had the decency to sound so uncertain that it came out as a question, cringing badly as he said it. The rogue himself snorted and looked down at Lord Edmundo with a smirk. "Oh sweetheart," he drawled. "I think this is exactly what it looks like." Then he had the gall to wink at Tommy, despite having a sword to his throat.
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littlest-w01f · 7 months
Helion x Priestess!OC
Summary: Helion is low on staff for his libraries, Rhysand casually mentions to him he knows of someone who wishes to try to go out of the House of Winds' library
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part one - part two - part three
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Alora stood in front of the inner circle of the Night Court in the House of Winds, in her robes, her teal invoking stone sitting between her brows. Rhysand had told her that he had offered her a job at the Day Court as staff there. Everyone was quiet, waiting for her to speak, standing surrounded by the bags she had packed, 3 hours behind as Rhysand had kept messing up her packing.
"So, do we hug goodbye?" Alora asked jokingly, but Rhysand wasn't joking as he instantly held her tightly. Alora wrapped her arms around him, hugging him back.
Rhysand's arms tightened further around her. "We can tell Helion that I wasn't serious, please stay here."
"Rhys..." Alora chuckles, her head in his chest, "I am ready." She smiled looking up at him as he released her from the hug. "I want this."
Alora squealed as Cassian hugged her from behind, the giant twirled her around as she laughed, "Ok, put me down, put my down." The females of the inner circle watched on with smiles of their own as the two hugged.
"We'll miss you, Al." Azriel walked forward, hugging her next, his hands firm around her making her melt in the shadowsinger's hold.
Alora was one of the oldest priestesses working in the library in the House of Winds. She had been saved by Rhysand himself, in a lot more ways than one. So when she looked at Rhysand her throat clogged up. "Thank you for saving me, and for everything else after."
Rhysand was fighting tears, looking at the female he had basically raised, "Why did you have to grow up so fast? It seems you were 17 just yesterday."
"Well, I'm 300 now..." Alora smiled, teary-eyed herself, "I'm glad I met you, Rhysand." Even though she had not met him in the best of ways, and she had thought he would hurt her, use her. "I... I don't know where I would be without you."
"I want to see the world. I am ready for it." She nodded to herself, holding the hand that Rhysand reached out to her. "Helion is a friend to you, I think I'll be ok."
Rhysand squeezed her hand as if they were the only people in the room, "I will write to you every month, and if you for a second, feel uncomfortable, you let me know and I'll come get you."
Alora chuckled, "I'll write back too, I promise."
"My little bird," Rhysand pulled her in a second hug, "The world will be yours, at your own pace. Helion will not hold it against you if you aren't able to stay around him or others, he will treat you well."
"I know, and if not, I'll always have you to bring me back." She pulled away from the hug, she then looked at Feyre and smiled at her High Lady, "Goodbye, Fey." She gave a wide smile to Feyre, holding her elbows in her hands, the female cradling the heir of Night in her arms. "Take care of the little bat."
"I mean Rhysand, by the way." She called out with a smile in his direction, making the High Lord flip her off.
One by one the rest said their farewell to Alora, she approached Nesta and hugged her, taking the female by surprise, "Thank you for trying to help the others, it means a lot to me." Nesta hugged her back, "They... They needed a push to get better, and you were that push, I am quite grateful for it."
Nesta smiled, holding the priestess in her arms, "You are so much stronger than you might think, leaving here will be so much better at healing you fully. I'm sure of it."
Alora turned back, Rhysand had picked up her bags quite easily, thrown over his shoulders, holding his hand out to her, "Shall we, little bird?"
"Yes, yeah." She nodded, walking forward and holding the hand he had reached out, she gave a single look back to the rest of them before darkness surrounded her, winnowing out of the Night Court, out of the life she had grown used to.
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Alora gasped softly, seeing the brightness of the Day Court palace, even at night, it was bright and beautiful, and the guards looked surprised to see Rhysand still bowed to the High Lord. Alora's eyes were wide with excitement and a little fear as she noted everything, the walls were white and with gold accents, and she smiled at everything.
"Ah, you're here late," Came a deep voice, Alora spun around to see the High Lord of Day, he was the most gorgeous male to ever exist, his dark brown skin had a glow to it with his powers, his russet eyes set on Rhysand. Helion was in some comfortable white silks as if he was preparing to sleep.
Alora couldn't look away from the male, any praises she had heard of the male couldn't live up to how he looked to the eye. He was a sight for sore eyes, simply put. A blush formed on her cheeks when she realised she had zoned out during the conversation between Helion and Rhysand, "This is Alora, the priestess I told you about."
Alora bowed to Helion in an instant and the male chuckled, that sound seemed to imprint itself on her, it was wrong, she thought, to feel this way about a male she knew nothing of, or to feel any attraction at all. Flashes of some scenes from Nesta's smut books fill her mind.
"Get up, please, Alora," Helion smiled, waving his hand at her, "No need to be so proper around friends."
Helion's breathing hitched when she looked up, making eye contact, he felt his cheeks heat from his power. Her eyes took most of his attention, her eyes were jewels, soft doe-shaped, one emerald, the other sapphire. He was sure she could get any male or female she wanted with just a simple look from those heterochromatic eyes, and could make people do anything. She was all in all, gorgeous. He looked away the second it hit him why she had been with Rhysand, he shouldn't be looking at her in the way he did more people easy on the eye.
"Friends?" Alora asked, looking between the High Lords. Rhysand smiled, wrapping his free hand around her shoulders.
"Of course, sunshine." Helion nodded, Alora blushed slightly at the nickname, "Any friend of Rhysand is a friend of mine."
Helion approached Rhysand, patting the male on his back, "After all, it's not always you see the High Lord of the Night Court talking of someone in such a peternal manner."
Rhysand rolled his eyes, "Don't make me take her back."
Helion raised his hands in surrender, and Alora smiled at the High Lords' playful banter as they walked to Helion's study. Alora tried noting everything, staying back to look at every single detail on the furniture.
"Little bird," Rhysand called out, "It's time for me to go, alright?"
Alora's eyes softened looking at him, a small smile forming on her lips, "Alright, goodbye, Rhysie."
Rhysand held her in a hug a final time as Helion watched the two, a smile on his face, he had her bags already winnowed to her new room. Alora pulled away as Rhysand pressed a kiss to her forehead, with another "bye" he winnowed away.
Helion smiled at Alora, keeping his distance after Rhysand had left, he nodded to her, "Come, sunshine, let me show you to your new room," He held his hand out to her, "If I may?"
She looked at his hand, then back up at his painfully gorgeous face, "You may," She smiled, reaching her hand out to hold his.
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{general taglist: @nox-ceur}
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nsharks · 10 months
bleeding blue | part fourteen preview
Blue holds her arm out, stopping you from taking another step.
"Sh. I see one."
Up ahead, a squirrel stills on a tree, beady eyes unblinking. In a matter of seconds, Blue throws her knife and pins it to the bark through the stomach. 
"Nice," you comment. "You got it on the first try this time."
In your hand is the other squirrel she killed for you. Ghost started working on your bow yesterday. He didn't say anything to you about it, but you spotted him sitting on the porch chiseling away at a hunk of oak. Until he's finished, you've struck another deal: helping Blue skin the rabbits in exchange for her killing squirrels with you. She's better at killing them with a knife than you are, and you needed something to get you off the couch, anyway.
"This is good practice for me." She wriggles the knife out and hands you the kill. "Poor guy didn't see it coming."
"Probably better that way."
She slips the knife back to her ankle. "Do you need more? Or is two enough."
"Two is enough. I saw these flowers by the trench that I think are edible."
"You can eat flowers?" She makes a face. The two of you begin heading back toward the camp. You didn't go off too far with her. Ghost said she wasn't allowed to go past the pond without him. Truthfully, you were surprised he let her go with you at all. 
"Yeah. Pink Sorrel. They taste lemony, and I'll add the leaves, too. Like a salad."
"Yum," she says sarcastically. "Did Paul teach you that?"
You nod. "He knew a lot about plants."
"Are you sure he didn't like you?" 
"Blue," you almost groan. "You've asked me this twice now."
"Well, you seemed to have spent a lot of time with him, and he taught you a lot of things."
"You can spend time with someone and learn things from them without... liking them."
"I wouldn't know," she shrugs, waving her hand around. "There are no boys here for me to spend time with besides Ghost." 
There is a pause as a cloud rolls over the sun, turning everything dim before it passes. The weather these past few days has been fluctuating like true spring. Cold showers in the morning, intense sunlight by noon, and clouds that come and go. The cabbages Blue planted have sprouted fat, juicy leaves. You've mentally scolded yourself for not including seeds in your deal with Ghost. 
"So when are you and him going to start training or whatever?" Blue speaks up, switching subjects.
"Training?" you repeat.
"He told me you wanted to learn some things." She glances at you. "Look, let me just warn you, he can be a real hard ass. One time, he made me climb up and down a tree twenty times without stopping. And another time, he made me throw knives over and over until I hit the exact same spot on the tree again."
Right. Somehow, that last request you made of him has slipped your mind. You did ask him to teach you how to better defend yourself against other people.
It's been over a week now, and the two of you still haven't talked much except for the necessities. Honestly, it's probably best that way. Maintaining a clinical relationship with him should keep the peace and maybe even earn more of his trust. You're growing confident that he doesn't see you as much of a threat anymore. Last night, you ran into him again after waking up sweaty at some odd hour, and all he did was walk past you, step outside for a cigarette, and then go back to his room. He didn't seem suspicious of you being up at all.
That said, the reminder of the 'training' he's supposed to give you makes your teeth snag onto your lip. 
When you don't respond, Blue adds, "What exactly do you want him to show you? I hate to say it, but I don't think he'll give you one of his guns."
"No," you shake your head. "I don't want that. It's not Greys that I'm as worried about. As long I've got distance, I can use my bow for them. It's more about... other people. They get close. Too close."
"Well, you can always bite their nose off," she gives a bump to your shoulder.
You cringe. "I'd rather not have to do that again."
She pauses, looking at her boots. "What did it taste like?"
"Fucking awful. Probably the grossest thing I've ever experienced."
She looks up. "If you were a Grey, you would've loved it."
"Well, I'm human still, and I much prefer these guys." You wag the dead squirrels in front of her face and she laughs. If you could replace all her tears with that sound, you would.
"You still haven't answered my question," Blue tilts her head. "When are you getting started? Because I have some training in mind for you, too."
You arch a brow but don't question it. "Um. I don't know. Ghost hasn't said anything to me about it, and he's busy working on my bow right now."
"Why don't you ask him, then?" She shoots you a knowing smirk. "Are you scared of him, Twix?"
"No," you say all too quickly. "No... I'm not. I just don't know how to talk to him. He's not exactly approachable."
"Just do what I do. I say whatever I want to him. Except when he's pissed, then—" she freezes for a moment and lays a hand on your shoulder. "—it's better to shut up and listen. Believe me."
You speak under your breath. "Noted."
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reddeaddamnation · 10 months
"Possession vs Obsession" - Sub-Zero x reader x Scorpion- Chapter II
Summary: An arranged marriage between clans in the name of peace ironically disturbs the peace of the two brothers who find themselves in a new feud. This time between themselves. Betrayal and heartache had been destined for them since she entered their lives. Y/N of the Shadow-weaver clan, promised to Bi Han, future Grand Master of the Lin Kuei, stands in front of the difficult decision- to end the war between their clans or end the war within the Lin Kuei temple.
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The morning rays of the sun tickled Y/N's skin as they shone through the cracks of the wooden window covers. The Shadow-weaver awoke from her slumber, annoyed from the light, turning in bed left to right, in an attempt to escape the sun. Alas, it was in vain. She opened her eyes and slowly observed her surroundings. Bi Han was nowhere in sight. Who knows how early he had left. For a moment she contemplated whether she preferred it this way. Seeing him once per day for less than an hour seemed agreeable, as she could forget he existed for the rest of the time, for the rest of her life. It's definitely better than his snarky remarks and reminders how much he didn't want to marry her.
A light knock on the door startled her out of her thoughts. Thomas Vrbada, her smoke wielding friend from yesterday stood on the other side, beaming as if they hadn't woken up less than 10 minutes ago. "Good morning, Y/N!" He greeted. His smile was contagious. The girl smiled back, tired and greeted him back. "Father said we need to do our best to accommodate you and not leave you behind from everyone else. He said we all have to train equally, so that includes you, too. So today you can spar with me." Thomas explained. "But I can only fight with what I learned from my clan." Y/N was no stranger to waking up early to fight. Shadow-weaver training was in a way quite brutal if she had to be honest.
She remembered her first trials. Making her way through the pitch-black caverns. She felt claustrophobic from how tight the hallways were. Not knowing which way to go. Feeling her way through the darkness, all while attempting to defend herself from "attackers" from the clan. Of course, they weren't going to kill her, but until she learned her way around, she endured quite the battter. At the end of her training, her skills as an assassin grew, the shadows bent and made way for her, followed her every step and protected her from attackers. She moved in silence, striking and disappearing at the blink of an eye. Became a master of her art. Now... fighting out in the open wasn't a foreign concept for her, but she would be lying if she said she was comfortable with it. These people were warriors. Not assassins.
"We can exchange experiences. I'm sure we have a lot to learn from each other." The boy suggested. "Alright. It is a new dawn for us after all." Y/N chuckled "It's time to start learning from each other instead of arguing who is superior." They shared a laugh "You took the words out of my mouth." Thomas remarked "I'll meet you in the training grounds after 15 minutes."
The training grounds were full of novices and masters. Even if they were busy with their own training, Y/N couldn't help but feel nervous being around so many people who could watch her at any given moment. She attempted to ignore her feeling and brush it off as her imagination, while she was busy defending herself from her friend. Thomas had great abilities and swift movement. He could vanish into smoke in seconds, evading many of her attacks. Little did he know, she could also blend in with the shadows around her. Using his confusion, she snuck up behind his back silently and kicked the back of his knees, making him kneel. "And I win." She smirked.
There was that feeling of being watched again. This time more intensely... more demanding... Y/N felt her body heat up as she turned around and met eyes with Kuai Liang who analyzed her every move from the other side of the training ground. His eyes were full of admiration, inviting in ways his lips could never speak of. His soft expression, unfazed by the fact that she had caught onto his staring, feigning innocence as he held her own gaze for what felt like eternity. No morning chills could dwindle the fire he ignited within her. Obviously, he had completely forgotten to supervise the trainees he was responsible for in favor of watching the Shadow-weaver's fighting style. Y/N was almost ready to go to him...
"Assassin." Bi Han's chilling voice made her freeze in place and made her break the eye-contact. He stopped near her and Thomas, eyeing the both of them. "What are you doing?" She rolled her eyes before shifting her gaze to him "Training, Bi Han." She answered dryly. The future Grand Master clenched his jaw, ready to spew another protest like he always does, but not at her. He was eyeing Thomas who had stood up and was dusting himself off, fixing displaced armor pieces. Bi Han then looked at his betrothed. For the first time, she could distinguish an emotion of some kind... a different kind of anger. You should be training with me. Oh, he was almost ready to say it. But he did not. His pride would never allow it.
"What can I help you with, Bi Han?" Y/N tried her best to remain polite, growing tired of his silence. "You and me are being sent on a mission together. Father's orders. We don't have a choice." Bi Han explained. "When have we ever?" Her comment made him bite his lower lip, trying his best not to say anything that would hurt his pride. "Are you going to be this smart mouthed the entire time?" He asked, voicing it as a warning. "I didn't say anything." Y/N shrugged her shoulders innocently. Again, a heavy silence fell over them, in which the man was calculating his words carefully. He let it go. "You have 30 minutes to prepare before we leave." Bi Han ordered "I hope you realize you aren't exempt from missions and work here, princess." Sneering the last word, he turned around and started distancing himself from her and his brother. "I never said I wanted to be." Y/N stated, loud enough for him to hear and scoffing in mockery.
"Good luck." Thomas snickered under his breath.
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honey-riley · 3 months
Love You To Death || S.R. || 2 || Hang
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WARNINGS: a little bit of paranoid Simon, domestic Simon.
wc: 1.9k
1 || 2 || 3
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In the morning, Simon's schedule was interrupted for the second time. Honey stood in the shower of their now shared bathroom, preparing for the day. It was already early in the morning - earlier than Simon liked. Simon was the type to wake up pretty early in the morning, but this was too early for him. Checking his watch, it was 3:38 a.m. Soap would never get up this early.
He sat up, rubbing his face, sliding his legs off of his bed. He stretched his aching back out, letting out a grunt. He shuffled over to his closet, grabbing his stuff for the day. He got dressed and put his mask on, checking the weather. Seeing that it was going to be rainy and cold all day, he threw on a sweatshirt as well. The sweatshirt was black and had Lt. Riley on the back, in bold, yellow letters on his shoulders.
He sat back down on his bed since he had a bit more time before he had to be up and about. He grabbed his phone, checking what little social media he had.
All of his social media was private, and never gave any information about him, making sure that it was completely anonymous. He didn't even like having a phone on him — or at all. He knew that if shit hit the fan, and the enemy found his phone, anyone he had in there could be fucked over. He never saved contacts, never had any pictures of anyone, and especially never took pictures with anyone.
Within the next 20 minutes, the shower stopped, and within minutes afterwards, Honey stepped out, dressed in her uniform, her hair tied in a braid that rested between her shoulder blades, tracing along her spine.
"Did I wake you?" She asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed.
Ghost grumbled something in response, not bothering to give her an actual reply. He glanced up, watching as Honey put her boots onto her feet — pushing the tongue out of the way, sliding her foot in, pulling the sides up, ensuring that the ends of her pants went into the boots, and lacing them tight. She tugged on the ends of her pants for a moment, giving them a neater look.
"When is breakfast?" She questioned softly.
"5." Ghost grunted, paying more attention to his phone than her.
"This is temporary, I am temporary. It's not like I'll be here forever." Honey reminded him.
"I know." Ghost replied, glancing up at her for a moment.
For the next hour, Honey sat on her bed, reading a book. The silence and the tension radiating from Ghost was palpable.
As soon as Simon's watch went off, they both stood up, and went to the mess hall. They met with the rest of the team, and Honey sat sandwiched between Price and Gaz. Soap and Ghost sat across from them.
"You did well yesterday, kid." Price smiled as he ate his breakfast.
"Thank you, Captain." Honey said softly with a small nod. She looked down at her food, keeping her eyes off of the team as she ate.
"Four months left with ye?" Soap questioned. Honey nodded again.
"Months?" Ghost said, almost whining. He didn't want to be stuck with her for months.
"Simon, dinnae be a prick." Soap said, nudging him with a disapproving look.
"She thinks she's better than everyone, Soap! She's the one who got the shot, she's the one who walked in here, killed the guy that we've been hunting for years. That was supposed to be my shot!" Ghost growled, starting to get frustrated.
"Step outside, Simon." Price said, standing up and grabbing him by the bicep, getting him to his feet. Price led him outside of the mess hall, shutting the door behind them.
"I don't know what stick got up your ass, but you need to do something about it. I've never seen you act this way." Price said, looking up at Ghost. Though Ghost was the tallest of the team, Price could reduce him down to Simon.
Price was like Ghost's father figure — the father that he never had.
"There's something about her, Price. I'm telling you. I don't like her. She's... off." Ghost replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm sorry, Cap. I know I'm probably being irrational, but I can't stand her. Can we at least transfer rooms or something?" Ghost sighed.
"How about you get some time off, yeah? Time to relax and think. She hasn't done anything to you, correct?" Price asked, his eyebrow raising.
"No, Sir. She hasn't done anything to me. She just gets on my nerves. Like she knows exactly where to pull and push me." Ghost replied.
Price nodded, looking up at him. "We don't have anything going on for these next few days except for paperwork. I'll send you home, and email you the paperwork. You can print it, do it, and then come back with it." Price replied. Ghost nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.
With a pat on Ghost's back, Price sent him home.
The next few days were filled with his usual routines, finding the much needed solace in them. He woke up at the same time, watered his plants, read a book, fed his cats, did whatever he needed to.
Simon had two cats, Trooper and Tank. They were brothers — Simon figured getting them both would make it easier on them. They were both Ragdolls, Trooper having a cream colored body, brown paws, and a brown head. Tank had a cream colored body with a cream head, and a brown tail with brown paws. Trooper was the more playful of the two, Tank being the most laid-back.
Simon sat in his recliner, Tank perched on his knee, and Trooper sitting on the back of the recliner as Simon read his book. He had his reading glasses on as he skimmed over the pages. The ringing in his ears from the gunfire that was constantly around him was a thing that he had gotten used to. It served to take his mind off of the incomprehensible silence that always wracked his home.
After about an hour, Simon put his book down, standing up. It was almost 5 pm, which meant that he would have to start making dinner soon.
"What should I have for dinner, boys?" Simon sighed, looking down at the cats that trailed behind him more than his own shadow did. Trooper let out a chirp, and Simon nodded, pretending to understand him.
After a bit of debating with himself, Simon decided on pesto and pasta. Checking the cupboards, he noticed he was out of pasta. He put his shoes on, grabbed his keys, and a black surgical mask and left.
While at the store, he grabbed the necessary things. Standing in line, that's when he realized he forgot his wallet.
"Fuck." He muttered under his breath, feeling his pockets. A hand shoved a £20 bill in his hand, and he looked up at the person who did so. It was Honey.
"Don't worry about it." She smiled softly, clearly not recognizing him.
He stared down at her for a moment, refusing to take the money.
"Sergeant." He said under his breath. That's when Honey's face dropped a little. She gave him a nervous smile, motioning for him to take it.
"It's really no problem, Sir." She said softly, watching as he took it out of her hand.
"I owe you." He said getting his groceries. Honey shook her head, buying her own things.
"I told you not to worry."
"I refuse to let this go unpaid."
"I'll let you come over and have dinner, how about that?"
Honey's heart nearly stopped in her chest when he said that. She looked up at him in disbelief, blinking up at him. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her answer.
"Um.. Yeah. Y-Yeah." She stuttered out. He gave her a nod, and they went back to their cars. Honey followed him to his house, and he let her inside. She glanced around the place, taking her shoes off at the door.
"Listen, I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. I understand that you're upset about the shot, and that's completely fair." She said, standing shyly by the door.
"What's unfair is my attitude towards you." He replied, watching as Tank and Trooper peeked out curiously from under the couch. Honey glanced over, a small smile finding her face.
Simon turned back to the stove, getting ready to cook.
"There's beer in the fridge, make yourself comfortable." He announced, getting all of his ingredients for the pesto. Honey nodded, going into the kitchen and grabbing a beer out of the fridge, sitting down at the kitchen island. She watched as he cooked, taking sips off of her beer.
"Where are you from?" He asked, attempting to make small-talk.
"Lübeck, Germany." She replied. "You're from Manchester, right?" She asked.
"How'd you know?" He questioned, his brow furrowed as he cooked.
"Accent." She said softly. He nodded, salting the water as he waited for it to boil.
"Got any friends here?" He asked after a few beats.
"A boyfriend, but he works a lot." She replied. He nodded, watching as the water started to boil. It wasn't enough to put the pasta in, but he was patient.
"What's his name?" Simon asked.
"Benjamin Morgan." Honey replied softly. Simon nodded, leaning back against the counter, crossing his arms.
"How long have you two been together?" He asked.
"About a year." She sighed softly. His eyebrow raised as he heard her tone. She didn't sound happy about that. He nodded for her to continue.
"He's a good guy, just.. has some problems." Honey shrugged softly.
"What kind of problems?"
Honey shrugged again, not wanting to get too into it. He nodded, understanding that he shouldn't dig deeper.
He turned, putting the pasta into the water.
"If you need a place to stay, let me know. You can stay here, or I can get a place arranged for you."
Honey's face dropped a little, looking up at him.
"Was I that easy to read?" She murmured under her breath.
"When someone's been through the same thing, they know." Simon replied.
"You're worth more than that, Honey. You don't deserve the shit he's put you through. No matter how much he leans on his problems." He added. Honey's breath caught in her throat as she blinked up at him.
"Thank you." She whispered. He gave a nod, watching as the cats came out.
"That's Trooper and Tank. Tank is the mostly cream one with the brown tail, Trooper is the one with the brown head. The colors fit the personalities. Trooper's a shithead." He said softly.
Honey giggled softly, shaking her head.
"Didn't know you were a cat person."
"Me neither."
Honey's demeanor warmed up a little, the weight lifting off of her chest as she looked down at the cats. They sauntered next to each other, their tails wrapping around each other.
"They're brothers. About four years old." Simon said, glancing down at the cats.
"They're pretty." Honey smiled, watching as the cats sniffed at her. She reached her hand down, letting them get a better smell. Tank rubbed his head against her palm, and Honey took the opportunity to pet him. She glanced into the living room, taking note of the library in the corner.
"You read too?" She asked softly. He nodded.
"What do you read?"
"A bit of everything."
She giggled at that — surprised that a man like him would read something as simple as a romance novel.
"Most people don't guess that one. I like to feel loved as well." He grumbled, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he drained the pasta then put the sauce in.
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sorry this one took so long to get out, ya'll. Haven't felt very motivated, but now that I feel like I have the ball rolling, I'll be pumping these out :)
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the---hermit · 3 months
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My ability to focus and my motivation are still pretty low, but today was a bit better than yesterday. I did send my English lit paper, and I also started writing a few notes for the historical sources I have read in the past weeks. Yesterday I starte my second outlout review for my English lit exam, and hopefully I'll manage to finish that, and review everything one additional time. I am not feeling super confident about this, not because I don't know stuff, but because I don't know what to expect. I am so used to historical talk than the new topic makes me feel a bit insecure, but that might also be my tired brain being negative. I am still in a pretty big reading slump, and I have yet to find an audiobook to help me deal with it, but I am sure I'll get the inspiration for something one of these days. I just accepted that at the moment reading a physical book is impossible because it requires too much brainpower I don't have, and it's okay.
Today's productivity:
emailed my history lab prof
started writing notes for the historical sources before I work on the skeleton of the paper
continued my second outloud English lit review
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genderlessghoul · 1 year
I'm sick so this is purely self indulgent
(Please be nice, I don't usually write but I have a lot of ghoul thoughts)
Summary : Phantom gets sick for the first time, Dewdrop decides to take care of him. Nothing more than Ant being an oblivious dumbass and Dew turning into his mom.
Since his first day Top Side, Phantom was always one of the first ghouls awake. He'd already be sitting down at the kitchen table eating his toast when the others would start to slowly appear one by one for eggs or coffee or whatever they needed to start the day.
That morning, Phantom was not up before everyone. In fact he did not even show up at all for breakfast. The unusual change in behavior had one particular fire ghoul worried enough to pay him a visit after his meal.
Dew finds himself in front of the young ghoul's closed door, no light coming from under it and no noise coming from the other side. Maybe Phantom's still asleep. But he's never still asleep at this time.
The fire ghoul knocks after a few seconds of consideration. A small, almost inaudible whimper answers him. He turns the door knob and walks into the room.
The curtains are still closed. There's a faint halo of light emanating from the edges, just enough to cast a dim light on the bed. There lies a truly ridiculous pile of blankets, the only sign of the quintessence ghoul burried within being the gentle rise and fall of said pile. The room, which usually carries Phantom's scent of sunlight and chamomile, smells of something sour.
"Hey..." Dew starts, not quite sure how to handle the situation. He walks closer to the bed as he speaks "What's going on, what's wrong?"
"I don't know" the younger ghoul's voice is shaky and coarse "I just woke up like this. My head feels dizzy, I'm so cold and my nose" he sniffs loudly "it just won't stop leaking."
Now sitting on the edge of the bed, Dew is able to push away enough of the blankets to be able to see Phantom's face and make up the outline of his body. He's curled up on himself, completely shivering.
"Oh shit, I think you might have caught a cold for the first time. I told you to dress up warmer yesterday, it's getting chilly outside."
"How can I catch a temperature?" the tone of absolute confusion in his voice makes the fire ghoul chuckle against his better judgment.
"No baby, it's just a way of saying you got sick. One of the joys of living amongst humans, you can get diseases like them too. It's just a little virus, it'll pass."
"What's a virus?"
Dew's not sure how to answer that question. He's never been one to get into the sciences of it all. He's never been sick himself, one of the pros of being part fire ghoul is that his body runs too hot for most uninvited guests of the sort to thrive.
"I don't... Really know, I've never been sick... I guess it's a thing that lives inside you and tries to like... Kill you?"
"What???" Phantom gives out a truly pathetic squeak and another loud sniff "Am I gonna die? Is that why my nose is leaking, are my insides slowly liquifying?"
"Naaah, takes a whole lot more than a cold to kill a ghoul. But it's gonna royally suck to be alive for a couple days."
"Please just kill me already" the request is accompanied by a series of sad groans as the sick ghoul turns around to bury his head in his pillow.
"Oh don't be so dramatic" Dew gets up the bed and heads towards the door "Stay there, I'll be back."
He hears more groans as he heads into the halway towards the kitchen.
Phantom doesn't move after Dewdrop leaves. His head is in too much of a fuzz, it feels like it's about to explode. He feels truly pathetic and quite frankly gross, laying there with his snot slowly soaking into the pillowcase. When the fire ghoul emerges back in the doorframe, he's carrying a tray with a bowl, a cup, a box and a small container.
"Whas all that?" the quintessence ghoul inquires.
"Sit up" the older ghoul orders. Phantom obeys without arguing but not without a few pathetic whimpers. How dare he be asked to move when he's on the brink of death?
Dew walks back towards the bed and sets the tray on the nightstand before sitting next to his protégé. "That's chicken noodle soup in the bowl. It's the fake kind that come in an envelope but I swear it's just as good. I think the yellow powder's slightly radioactive, it might help kill the virus."
Phantom's eyes go wide and he doesn't have a choice but to explain to him that it's not, in fact, radioactive. The new ghoul is so gullible sometimes. It's adorable.
"The cup's mint tea. Real kind tho, Mountain would probably skin any of us for make tea the wrong way. But you know that. Box is just tissues, it's for your runny nose."
"I thought you said you never got sick?"
"I don't... Why?"
"Well there's a box of it by your bed. Is it in case Rain gets sick?"
"Yup that's it, it's for Rain, enough questions. And that small thing" he grabs the container from the tray and unscrews the lid, putting it directly below the other's nose. The smell is strong, Phantom throws his head back in surprise. "It's to help you breathe better"
Dew dips his fingers into the mixture and rubs it lightly on between the sick ghoul's collar bones. "Thank you"
"You're welcome. Now move over, I need space in there too."
"Speaking from everyone else's experience, the best way to get over a cold is to cuddle up next to somethin' extra toasty" the quintessence moves enough to allow the older one to settle right next to him. He takes the bowl of soup from the side of the bed and places it carefully in Phantom's lap. "Eat it while it's still warm. Then we can spend all day napping and watching stupid movies, sounds nice?"
"Yeah... Sounds real nice" there the hint of a purr starting up in his chest. Maybe it's not all that bad if he gets the fire ghoul all to himself for an entire day.
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