#this is not a safe space for aziraphale hate
tardxsblues · 2 months
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1.02 The Book // 1.03 Hard Times
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krakensdottir · 11 months
So that new clip, huh.
This is cementing something I suspected when I saw Crowley’s reaction to Gabriel in the trailer. Crowley is afraid. Like seriously terrified of what’s about to happen to them. He’s not just being dramatic this time, he’s looking at their own personal apocalypse standing there in the bookshop.
Like, it’d be easy to expect that Aziraphale would be afraid. But no. He’s nervous as hell - always has been, around the bosses - but he doesn’t seem to be afraid of Gabriel. This is what I was saying about him actually being a legitimate cinnamon roll. Boss shows up with no memories, after not long ago trying to kill him, obviously needing help, and Aziraphale like. Doesn’t even hesitate. Of course he’s going to help. Not because Gabriel deserves it, but because whether he deserves it doesn’t come into play. He has no one else. Aziraphale can’t just leave him like this, now can he?
(Note that I don’t think this is Aziraphale being a doormat or anything. He’s too forgiving, yes, but that’s a known and accepted character trait. He likes to help people, and he chooses to help people. He’s choosing to help Gabriel, and perhaps forgive him, whatever we or Crowley might think of the wisdom of that choice.)
Crowley, though... he’s freaking out. Aziraphale wasn’t there to see Gabriel’s cold-ass eyes consigning him to the flames. Crowley can’t forgive him. No way. And he can’t see Gabriel as anything less than someone who will gladly destroy them both.
And as touching as it is to interpret ‘precious, peaceful, fragile existence’ as referring to Aziraphale, I don’t think it’s that simple. It certainly includes Aziraphale, but believe it or not, I don’t think he’s the be-all end-all of the situation. Crowley is afraid for himself, for the closest thing to peace he’s ever had. And he has every right to be. Maybe it’s easy to forget because of the way he usually plays it off, but Crowley has lived his whole post-Fall existence with terror in the back of his mind. He’s had the threat of torture and destruction hanging over his head, not only from his own bosses, but from the angels who oppose him along with the rest and even from God who decided to toss him out in the first place. He has no safe space other than Aziraphale and the bookshop. He never has, and he has every fucking right to be afraid of losing that for his own sake. He has every right to be angry and upset and terrified and to hate being dragged into this.
And I don’t know, I kind of don’t want to see that watered down into something purely romantic and protective. Crowley talks about the peace he carved out for himself, he means it. He carved it out over millennia, often without Aziraphale’s help. I’d be furious about the idea of losing that too, especially when it’s because the person he thought he could trust just can’t say no to helping the guy who tried to kill him.
(Not hating on Aziraphale here, and I don’t think Crowley is either. Aziraphale has his reasons, and I’m pretty sure one of them is that he doesn’t think they actually have a choice here, that they’re facing something terrible they have to deal with regardless. Just like Crowley with Armageddon. He just... isn’t communicating that very well. At least not in this clip. Instead he’s trying to appeal to Crowley’s good nature, which does not extend as far as his own. Once they agree they have to deal with this regardless, I think they’ll be alright.)
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actual-changeling · 6 months
Do you think Aziraphale has been verbally, emotionally and psychologically abused by Heaven as well?
I will answer this question like one asked in good faith even though my gut is telling me there's a 50/50 chance it is very much not one.
There are two parts to his answer, or rather one question is actually two.
Firstly, we have to talk about whether heaven is abusive, what that abuse looks like, and how it differs from hell.
Secondly, how did the results of question one affect Aziraphale, if it is different from what the other angels in heaven face, and what additional trauma might he have experienced due to being on earth.
I could write a 10k meta post about this and go into the finest detail, but I will just try and stick to the main points for now. It's still going to be way too long because I am so fucking tired of people accusing me of 'hating' Aziraphale or harassing me on my posts or in my inbox.
Is heaven abusive? Yes, and it applies to both heaven as an institution and the Archangels running it.
Getting to know Muriel and what their life looks like was extremely helpful in properly defining this, because they showed us that although the Archangels tend to travel and work as a group, most of the angels are incredibly isolated.
The result is complete emotional neglect, which not only impairs your ability to form and maintain healthy relationships with other people, it also stops your from learning emotional regulation and how to behave and feel as a part of (angelic) society. We see the consequences of that in Muriel, who comes across as overly naive, socially awkward, and out of touch with not just people but themselves.
When your entire life has been shrunk down to what happens inside your own head, suddenly being confronted with having to live outside of your mind is jarring, overwhelming, and foreign.
How do you talk to people when no one ever taught you how to do that? How do you behave around someone after a lifetime of being alone? How do your regulate your responses to their behaviour?
Who are you when there is someone else to perceive you?
Figuring that out is complicated and it takes time, and while most of the angels are only distantly aware of how humans live and what kind of interactions some of the other angels might have, the effects of that neglect stay the same whether they are aware of it or not.
Muriel shows us that angels are not born/made as a blank slate, and neither are humans for that matter. Tabula rasa as a philosophical belief is one thing, but reality is very, very different.
Angels also appear to have the same inherent need for connection, for a caretaker that loves them unconditionally, for someone to help them figure out how to be, and that provides a safe space to make mistakes. Without some or all of that, you grow up into a disregulated, socially awkward if not inept person who does not know how to have relationships or how to properly exist.
It is one of the reasons why autistic people are a) almost always traumatized to some degree and b) do not know how to socialize. No one ever works with our brains, and the resulting neglect is very similar to not receiving any help at all.
If you are now curious what happens if you're both autistic and were completely socially neglected, the result is uh. me. Hi! Not nice, but at least I am very sure I win the award for being my therapist's most fucked up client, so that's something.
Yet the angels are not solely emotionally neglected, the system/household they live in demands a low self-esteem, a lack of individual identity, and complete adherence to a defined ideology and behavioural pattern. In short, you are told how to be a useless, tiny part in a bigger machine, that your only purpose is to succeed at your tasks, and any opportunity for individual development is removed or destroyed.
If you are now once again curious what that might be like, uh, yeah, hi once more. Obviously my childhood was not exactly like an angels life, but the core characteristics were the same, just realized differently. Again, not pretty, really, really fucks you over.
Take that and the neglect, combine it into one person, and then drop them in the Garden of Eden—hello Aziraphale! Crowley got dropped into hell first, experienced more abuse, and then dug his way up into Eden before joining him.
Aziraphale experienced everything Muriel (and Crowley, and every other celestial being) also experienced, with one main difference: He is the one who got away.
We have to remember that out of every single celestial being, Aziraphale got the best deal. He did not fall, he got out of heaven (more or less) permanently, and was then largely left alone.
Does that erase anything I laid out above? No, of course not!
It simply provided him with the opportunity to heal, to take his cPTSD and who knows what other disorders he developed as a result, and start recovering.
Canonically, heaven did not bother him, like, ever, except for the odd note about 'frivolous miracles' or ten minutes of catching up every millennia. They only started monitoring him once they started to suspect he was involved with Crowley and trying to stop the apocalypse from happening.
Aziraphale worked on some things, he got better in many regards, especially with Crowley there to support him, but after six thousand years, many aspects have stayed the same or regressed back to the start over and over.
I will tell you a hard pill to swallow now: If you refuse to acknowledge your issues to instead live in a world of nicer denial and compartmentalization even when you have been offered the chance to change it, that is partly on YOU.
Is it fair? Fuck no! It's not fair at all, and I have had so many breakdowns over that fact. I did not break it, this is not my FAULT so why should I have to fix it all on my own? Why do I have to do the work, not them? How come they get away with it while I am going to have to carry this for the rest of my life?
I still have to do it though. I have to do the work, no matter how uncomfortable and exhausting, because I want to get better.
This conversation has so many facets and is a lot more complex, but this is already long enough, so if you have any questions or want to know something specific (while asking politely and in good faith) just send me an ask; I will do my best to answer it.
We are now only missing the last part of question 2, and that one is also so fucking complicated reducing it to the main points almost feels wrong, but I will do it anyway. Again, just ask if you have questions.
Abusive households are horrible, and you want to get out and away, but they are also the only thing you know. The world is scary, too big, too open, where did all the rules go that were previously defining your life?
Surviving in an abusive environment means you establish routine after routine after routine for every possible horrible scenario, you write a mental rule book to try and reduce the abuse (don't make them angry, don't cry when they're already shouting, don't do this, don't do that, do x but not y), and THAT is your socialization. THAT is everything you know, everything you are, everything you know relationships to be like.
Once you are away from that, you are completely and utterly lost. Even breathing feels like making a mistake, you feel watched, judged, rated, berated, you have them stuck in your fucking head. So you keep sticking to what you know, your behavioural patterns that have kept you safe your entire life.
The problem is that they kept you safe, past tense. In a healthy environment, all of those coping mechanisms are now maladaptive and harm you instead of keeping you safe.
However, breaking out of them and starting from scratch is terrifying. So, so, so terrifying. I live in constant fear, I feel judged and unsafe in my own flat with the curtains shut and the lights on. I feel like I am about to get subjected to another one of his fits for daring to use the stove.
No matter what you do, your body and brain are SCREAMING at you that diverging from what you know will kill you—and then you have to do it anyway.
Do it alone and afraid and awkwardly but DO IT. Otherwise you will always find a way to recreate the environment you grew up in, whether that is people getting into unhealthy relationships and replicating the patterns they know (which Aziraphale does with Crowley, e.g. the push-pull of his affection) or eventually even returning to it because they ruined you, but a part of you is so, so attached to them you just have to try and change them.
Some people can move on from it without going back, but sometimes you need to try and experience that failure for yourself before being able to move on, and that's where Aziraphale is at.
He needs to try and fail to be capable of finally committing to recovering.
So, to summarize this entire shitshow: Yes, Aziraphale experienced emotional neglect and abuse, and while it is different to what Crowley went through and objectively less intense and physical, it is still just as valid and horrid.
Just because a car accident is objectively worse than falling off a bike doesn't mean the biker's pain is unimportant. Both can kill you, both can hurt you, and both deserve to get their injuries treated.
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Hello, I kinda wanted to ask you about some takes on characters of Good Omens. It irks me that some people seem to hate on Aziraphale since the season 2 finale.
What is your opinion on all this discourse? If you have heard of some of those.
Anyway, I hope that you still have an awesome day or night!
(Maybe it would be better to just ignore takes and theories that you can’t stand. Who knows🤷🏼‍♀️)
Hi anon maggot! Yeah, I have seen some of the discourse around, though I try to avoid interacting with it. And personally, the finale made me love Aziraphale more than ever, because I saw the scene as a moment when he made the best of an awful situation, and tried to make the right choice.
As for the rest of the theories, I'll give you whatever advice I can, but bear in mind I haven't been in an online fandom space before, so I'm new to all this.
I'd probably advise you that, yep, ignoring theories you don't like is the only way to go. People are going to have differing opinions and takes, and they will inevitably clash.
And any kind of argument where either party is unwilling to change their opinion is usually a waste of time and energy, whether in fandom or real life. Things can get toxic very quickly.
Everyone is allowed their interpretations, that's the beauty of stories. Find your corner of the fandom and if you do interact with people having different theories to you, make sure you're in a headspace where the discussion is fun and informative rather than a toxic argument. Otherwise it's just going to upset you and quite possibly the other person too.
If other people interact with you in a way that feels uncomfortable or hostile, then you've always got the block button if they don't respect your boundaries :)
Most of all, remember fandom is a place that you came to so you could find happiness and community, not more toxicity, the real world has enough of that.
Stay safe and I hope you have an amazing day or night, anon maggot. All the love to you.
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Omens On Baker Street (Good Omens/BBC Sherlock Crossover Series)
The Ineffable Game Sherlock and John are no longer the only crime-solving disaster duo in London. After Sherlock unknowingly wrongs a demon, he finds himself with two mysterious rivals in the detective scene. For Crowley and Aziraphale, it's just a bit of fun, but they end up learning more about human nature than they bargained for. London Falling It’s time to start reconnecting. It's been a long time since John and Sherlock first came face-to-face with the supernatural. Crowley and Aziraphale now spend their days bickering in the South Downs instead of London. Life seemed to be getting back to normal... Unfortunately, 'normal' is only a relative term. Welcome Home Tulip arrives in the South Downs, and finds that starting a new life isn’t as easy as she first thought. Luckily, she now has a family to fall back on.
Length: 155,306 words (full series)
AO3 Rating: Not Rated (but basically PG13)
Best for: Pick-Me-Up, Safe in Public, Comedy
Triggers: Brief Violence
Read it here, series by WorseOmens
Personal Rant: I've been ignoring this one for months. I'm sure I'll bring it up plenty, but BBC Sherlock was my life 10 years ago. Reviewing fics on fuckyeahjohnlockfanfic was such a joy and I have so much fondness and nostalgia for that part of my past. Good Omens is the first time I've engaged in fandom at all since then. I was betrayed by Season 4, I had lost my love for fan spaces, tumblr was emptying. I moved on. But the day I finished Good Omens season two I dived headfirst back into this world. It's been nonstop every day since then for me. I started reading 2-3 fics a DAY again. I kept thinking how insane it would be to start reviewing again. But this series? Idk, I didn't think I wanted to engage with Sherlock again. I thought it'd be too weird, maybe too cringe to indulge in something I thought I "grew out" of. But since I've been working on this new review blog I thought it was time. And oh my god I can't tell you how good this felt. I feel like my Moffat induced heartbreak is starting to heal. So enough about me, let's talk about this series.
*Minor Spoilers* I'll let you guys find out for yourselves just how it happens, but let's say eventually Sherlock and John team up with Aziraphale and Crowley. The first series is set just after the Apocalypse-that-wasn't, and in Sherlock canon in between S1 and S2. The second installment is set post S4 of Sherlock. I am overwhelmed by how much I enjoyed this series. I had assumed I knew how this would go. I thought it was going to be a predictable checklist of crossover tropes. My eyes were practically rolling before I gave this a chance. I wanted to hate it, maybe to prove that I was totally over my past love of Sherlock. But its good. It's entertaining, it's surprising, it's funny, it makes sense.
This is mostly a Good Omens story. If you were never that into Sherlock you'll mostly be able to follow along fine, but I'm not sure the opposite is true. Crowley and Aziraphale are sickeningly in love, and I ate it up. Their relationship is established by the time this starts, but it's been maybe a year (?) since the Notcalypse. John and Sherlock are firmly in their canon of "I'm not his date". I can't spoil it for you, you'll have to see yourself, but how John reacts to Aziraphale just took me out. I was shocked. I had to walk around for a bit. It was unexpected, bold, I wanted to hate it and I loved it. It shouldn't have made sense! Moving on before I spoil...I just can't believe that this series took all the assumptions I had about the rapport between all of them and just chucked them out. Characterizations are all amazing, though I feel Sherlock's presence was a little quiet at times. I feel like he should have noticed more was off sooner than he does. But that can all be explained by supernatural interference so I don't really care too much. This plays with Sherlock canon in such a way that's just like, oh totally that actually makes perfect sense. And it's so smart to skip over past plot lines that it knows we're familiar with. We don't need to go over scenes we all have ingrained in our memories, let's enjoy the story happening right now. And it handles S4 so well. The thing that ruined Sherlock for a lot of people. It's not waved away, but just moved on from and brings Rosie into the second series.
I could spend days in this combined universe. I love the banter between Crowley and Aziraphale. They’re also very Gomez and Morticia here. Very secure in their relationship and madly in love. Extremely possessive Crowley, so expect some fun moments with that. Protective of each other, but also have complete trust in the other’s ability. I love their clumsy half hearted attempts at being human and that it completely goes over everyone's heads. Come on Sherlock! Cosmo and Wanda aint slick!! It's fun and silly. It's the kind of fanfic that makes your cheeks hurt from smiling too much. But it's not shallow. It has some excellent insight. Even though Sherlock and John are not the stars here, they still get their moments to shine. In the second installment there is a line about their bond being foraged not in the danger of their lives but in the quiet and gentle in-between and I wanted to cry. It was so healing for my broken Johnlock heart.
This post is much too long already. If you are a fan of both series, just do me a solid and read it. I just know you'll like it. Embrace the silly, warm your heart with the rest, and enjoy it. It's completely safe for public, but it was incredibly annoying to have to keep walking away from it. My next read will be at home, and very soon.
Read it here, series by WorseOmens
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queer-reader-07 · 9 months
ok time for me to be an aziraphale apologist / stan on main. because i am tired of how much shit he is getting.
1) i hate hate HATE the amount of people who keep insinuating that crowley is *more* in love with aziraphale than aziraphale is with crowley. did we watch the same show and read the same book??
did you not see aziraphale’s longing gazes that started *checks notes* literally before time? did you note watch as he got himself into precarious situations just so that he could be rescued by crowley and subsequently be asked out on a lunch date? did you not see aziraphale take any and every opportunity to simply touch crowley’s body? to just feel a little more closeness? he literally gave crowley holy water. if that isn’t love i don’t know what is.
yes, crowley shows his love for aziraphale very differently. for crowley it’s acts of service and that loving snark. but that doesn’t mean aziraphale doesn’t love crowley. they both love each other so so deeply and equally. they just love differently.
2) aziraphale is not a bad person for choosing to go to heaven.
i have talked about this in a few contexts before (eg how it makes sense from a religious trauma standpoint) but today i’m talking about it generally.
aziraphale did not choose heaven over crowley. he chose saving the world in the now, so crowley can be safe in the future. so that he and crowley might still have an earth to have a future on.
aziraphale still has faith that heaven can change for the better, and if it can be him doing the change why wouldn’t he want to take the opportunity? i don’t think you have to like his decision, but so many people are screaming “aziraphale bad!!!” and i just don’t get it.
the decision makes sense. it is so completely in character.
look. i understand being distraught or upset about the ending of season 2. i won’t pretend that i was happy about the ending. but i think a lot of people have forgotten how stories are structured. season 2 is the second act in a three act story. the final fifteen are the standard conflict that basically every three act story has.
but it was really shocking to see how many people went from loving aziraphale to just crapping on him because he made an in-character- understandable-in-the-context-of-his-past decision.
idk i just don’t think it makes sense or is fair to boil his decision down to “it’s out of character” or “he doesn’t love crowley as much” (don’t even get me STARTED on coffee theory) just because you didn’t agree with it.
aziraphale has flaws, but so does crowley. that’s what makes them such good and compelling characters. they aren’t black and white, bad and good. that’s the whole point of their characters and dynamic, they exist in the gray space.
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theshippirate22 · 7 months
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congrats @snazzy-serpent you just got an unsolicited subscription to my art teacher Crowley headcanons
-the minimalism of his flat carries over 110%. his supply closet has everything meticulously organized in clear boxes with white lids and everything’s labeled. He has the kids spray down their desks every period so they stay the same color white they were when he bought them five and a half years ago.
-The only exception to this is the walls of the classroom that are covered floor to ceiling (and part of the ceiling for that matter) in art, whether it’s a famous piece, student work, or one of his. One time a painting fell off and all the students freaked out because they didn’t know the walls were white and it looked fucking weird to see that single patch of cheap industrial paint.
-He has a pet snake that he keeps in the classroom called Janthony. all the students are obsessed with it and they often take pictures of him to use as reference images.
-there’s also plants everywhere. also for references. and to make the place seem a little less sterile. the students have named most of them.
-his still lifes are made entirely of plastic skulls, old candles, said plants, and rubber ducks. he says it’s an art choice, something something the concept of Vanitas. all the students just think he’s a retired emo kid.
-he literally always has Hozier on because he says it’s good for creativity. all the students now have a pavlovian reaction where they can’t work unless Hozier is playing somehow. once there was a sub who couldn’t get spotify to work and the whole class almost erupted into anarchy
-crowley almost always starts with a black canvas or paper. he does his sketches in light gray or white pencil and he like actually twitches when he sees people starting on white.
-he also does paintings of galaxies, planets, nebulas, other space things pretty regularly. There’s a huge mural in the library that he’s working on of one Alpha Centauri
-sometimes when Aziraphale is on prep (like a teacher free period if prep is the regional name) after a really stressful period he’ll come and sit in the back of the class and just watch crowley teach because a) his classroom is really comfortable and b) he’s a delight to listen to. plus then a bunch of the students show Aziraphale all the stuff they’re working on and it’s fucking cool
-alternatively, if crowley is bored, he’ll go sit in the back of one of Aziraphale’s lessons and sketch him. the students have learned that if they go ask after class crowley will show them his drawings
-he doesn’t so much “teach” as give the kids supplies and let them trial-by-fire it out until they can experience it for themselves
-Crowley has a very loose painting style. it’s pretty objective but it’s always just a *little* abstracted so it never quite looks like just a photo. his drawings are much more photorealistic though
-he went through a purple phase for a whole year where everything was monochromatic but the rest of the time he has a lot of green and yellow influence
-he has an ap art class but it’s by invitation only and only open to seniors because it’s one of the most sought after classes. Crowley gets *this* close to a mental breakdown every February when he has to decide who gets an invitation because he hates the idea of leaving someone out and he thinks that all of his kids have the potential to be really good
-he makes a point of seeming just a little intimidating but it’s a total joke to everyone who knows him because he’s actually just really weird and super sweet
-there are students in his room literally constantly. his favorites go in there to hang out during lunch because it’s safe and quiet and clean. when others are having bad days, they come sit in his room with their head on the desk, regardless of if he’s got a class in there or not. he never mentions it unless it happens frequently and then it’s just to help out if somethings going on
-he also moved a shitty leather loveseat into the back of the storage closet because multiple kids had gone in there to have panic attacks and he’d much rather they were back there where they were alone and safe and he’s within earshot than freaking out on the bathroom floor or trying to hide that anything’s happening.
-he literally knows everything. somehow he ends up in every conversation about high school drama so he knows what’s going on all the time, and people tell him the most random shit because he just feels generally safe. he thinks it’s funny
-he still drives the bentley. everyone speculates about how he could afford it because he’s a fucking teacher. he also has an unofficial designated parking spot in the staff parking and everyone knows not to even get near it.
-he’s covered in paint all the time. he selectively wears black but everything has little flecks of color on it. the students tease him when he gets new clothes because they can always tell because they’re not speckled yet.
-he’s also the co-chair of GSA (aziraphale is the president) and he has a single white mug on his desk that’s full of pens, mechanical pencils, and little pride flags on sticks. it’s a whole thing.
-he has a filing cabinet that’s just full of graduation announcements from former students. they’re very dear to him
damn that go long very fast anyway thanks for reading reblog with your own
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badaziraphaletakes · 4 months
Hey ik you guys are getting a lot of hate sent your way through anons but I just want to say that y'all are wonderful.
The first time I saw Aziraphale on TV was the first time I actually was able to see myself, a trans autistic man, represented accurately in a way where he wasn't demonized for making mistakes. He was loved. And appreciated. And good.
And then I got to the fandom. Which was great for like. Two days until I found the Aziraphale hate train and I IMMEDIATELY debated on leaving the fandom over it because of how ruthless it was.
And then I found it was by you guys. And you responded to it. And defended him. You even brought up the fact that he represents a lot of autistic traits and those were the ones that the post was demonizing most.
So I just wanna say, in some small way, you saved my happiness.
You made me feel safe in a place where I would've originally gave up.
So thank you.
From the bottom of my heart.
And I'm sorry that some people can't see the good that you do for others by running this account.
Please make sure to take plenty of care of yourselves now with all the hate coming your way and remember you are loved and appreciated!! Thank you!!
Thank you SO MUCH for the love 🥹. This kind of response makes it all worth it, truly, this warms my heart 🩶🩶🩶
This is what we've been aiming for, saving this small piece of comfort for us all. This is what Good Omens is all about. In Good Omens, people like us are LOVED, as you said. You are loved, anon.
Also, as someone who's been in the fandom for years, rest assured, this is not the norm here and is most likely temporary. There is a space for ppl like us here, and it's wonderful and we're trying to make it visible for others who may need it.
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blackthorn-faerie · 10 months
I’m rewatching Good Omens 2, but I’m analyzing it and taking notes this time (I need to know everything). Here’s what I have for episode 1!!
Episode 1
- “Oh, I can. I’m very good at forgiveness. It’s one of my favourite things.” S2E1 9:57
- Gabriel shows up at Aziraphale’s bookshop bc he forgot everything when he got in the elevator. He was gonna take it to hell to find Beelzebub, but he accidentally took it to Earth. Dirty Donkey is across the street from A.Z. Fell and Co, which is a familiar (and angelic) location. Could probably sense that it was a safe space for him to be
- Michael was on the phone with Beelzebub
- The fly can be seen crawling on the box just before Aziraphale goes to pick it up
- “Gayyyyybriel” 20:56
- “Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out” Job 41:19 (written on matchbox)
- When Maggie calls him an angel, he says “nothing of the sort”
- Distancing himself from heaven? He’s no longer an angel?
- Or is it like all the times he claimed he and Crowley weren’t friends/didn’t know each other?
- Is he telling the truth or lying bc he’s scared of the repercussions?
- “Doing good again, angel?” “Oh it hardly counts. A purely selfish action.” (24:40)
- He’s no longer working for heaven, so he’s not obligated to do good. Crowley appears to be teasing him in a “don’t you wanna go apeshit?” kinda way.
- He now has to justify his good deeds by saying they’re for selfish reasons.
- Like Crowley has all along
- Does he see himself as a demon now?
- Like in the Job minisode when he thought he was going to fall for lying?
- Or is he just hella anxious bc of naked Gabriel in his bookshop?
- Nina immediately getting defensive when Maggie gives her the LP
- Says she doesn’t have anything to play it on, which is true, but it’s also a refusal of the gift
- Immediately tries to turn the conversation professional/tries to get Maggie to order
- Then brings up her partner/how controlling she is
- It’s an unspoken “please don’t do extra things for me bc my partner won’t like it”
- Obsessed with the fact that “Jim” doesn’t know literally anything, but found a duster and was like “ooh hell yeah I’m gonna deep clean this place”
- Why is it that they only communicate when they’re arguing?
- Aziraphale really likes suggesting that the only way to solve arguments is for them to separate
- Communicate and then compromise omg
- Crowley can summon lightning
- Why was this never brought up again?
- It might fall under the broad “they’re more powerful than heaven and hell realize” category
- But it’s a big thing, you’d think it’d be brought up again
- But y’know, it’s a plot device for Maggie and Nina’s fanfiction moment
- Michael and Uriel’s power struggle
- Michael’s all “we’re equal, I’m just a little more equal than you”
- Uriel’s all “this is bullshit, why can’t I give the orders too”
- Saraqael is all “shut tf up, you both suck, there are important things to deal with”
- The archangels not only see humans as vastly inferior, they see all the other angels as such too
- And the angels know it too
- Muriel introducing themself as “no one”
- Beelzebub is literally all “Crowley you could have my job if you find my himbo bf for me”
- Extreme sanctions
- “That isn’t actually a thing. That’s just something we used to joke about to frighten the cherubs” (35:37)
- Why doesn’t Crowley know about the Book of Life?? He was a high ranking angel (throne, dominion, or above), why doesn’t he know about the “extreme sanctions”?
- I think the Book of Life is just a bluff
- Nina’s “why not?” when Maggie says she doesn’t drink
- Bracing herself for a sob story or a “it’s so not good for you” type of lecture
- “Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy”
- God I hate the fact that Lindsay didn’t go to Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death to check on Nina
- “Worried texts from Lindsay” nope, she’s not worried, she’s abusive
- Why is “a proper apology a humiliating dance?
- Don’t get me wrong, I love the dance, but PLEASE COMMUNICATE OMG
- Zira did the dance in 1650, 1793, 1941
- Crowley cut him off, was he gonna list more times????
- He hasn’t told Aziraphale that he’s still in touch with hell
- He regularly meets with Shax (EDIT: He does tell Aziraphale about Shax, so he knows that much)
- Didn’t tell Zira about Beelzebub showing up in his car
- It’s almost like he’s not willing to let go of the way things used to be (/s)
- And feels guilty that he’s still in touch with Hell, but Zira isn’t in touch with Heaven
- Jim is visibly upset that they won’t talk to him and they instead talk down to him or talk about him right in front of him
- Was the miracle so strong bc Crowley and Aziraphale together are super fucking strong or because Jim accidentally helped?
- While I love Zira and Crowley together being strong, and the whole point of them being underestimated by Heaven and Hell, I think the latter would be funny
- It’s like Shadwell with his finger
- It could also be another way of tricking Heaven and He’ll like the body swap
- They already think they’re super powerful bc of the body swap, this would add to it
- Probably why the Metatron wanted them either to be split or together on his side
- Doin Mackichan and Gloria Obianyo slayed as Michael and Uriel
- I love the way that Heaven matches the modernity of Earth
- Uriel’s “smartphone” and their clothes
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 3 months
Just wrote a big ass one-shot on my main, might as well write up something here as well.
And this is for my android Aziraphale au, which... doesn't have an au tag and is a pain in the ass to find on this blog.
But here's a quick plot for you guys:
Crowley is a cyborg hacker who is trying to break into Aziraphale's, a club owner who no one knows is actually a very dangerous android, office to steal his files that he keeps on a hard drive, really important files, that sorta thing. Shit happens and they hate each other but also wanna, ya know, hate-fuckk and stuff, but then romance happens when they both realize that their is more to them than they realize about each other.
Oh, and Arthur from Passengers is there, and he is part of the relationship. He is loved, because I love Arthur, he's a good android that is respected on this blog.
Also, Aziraphale looks like Castor/Zues from Tron: Legacy, but with cool extra limbs like Doctor Octopus. :)
This one-shot is when Crowley finally breaks into the office, and what happens when Aziraphale finds out.
Warning: injury, blood, violence
On with the fic!
Third time's the charm, as the saying goes.
Crowley had been careful this time around, his last two attempts had been... bad. Really unprofessional for him. First time he hadn't gotten the chance to go anywhere near Fell's office! Second time he got caught being in the wrong place, but he was able to joke it off, saying how he got lost trying to find the bathroom.
Fell had been so nice about that second mistake, but Crowley knew, he knew the man was suspicious of him.
And Crowley needed to be careful, really careful.
Rumor has it that Fell was good about making people disappear.
The club was busy, at the height of the night, music was booming, drinks were being served, and Fell was too busy schmoozing to notice that Crowley had slipped away from the bar. He had told the bartender, Arthur, that he'd be right back, just needed to step out to make a call, in case if anyone asked where he was.
The halls were empty, not a guard in sight. This was too easy, but Crowley wasn't dumb to just step into a trap so easily. He was a professional.
He tapped at the small tablet in his hands as he stood out of the way of the cameras in the hall. He watched as the little blue lights on them dimmed, and he smirked. A simple hack into the security system, nothing he couldn't handle.
A few more taps and the overhead lights went out, a blackout. The club was fine, the blackout was only here, and would only be for a short period of time. No power meant the electrical locks were done on the doors, leaving only the average ones. Who even still uses those nowadays?
With a huff, he tapped twice on the side of his shades, and the world was suddenly visible once more, no longer pitch black. Infrared, always good to have on hand. He looked at the tablet before pocketing it in his jacket and walked down the hall, keeping light on his feet.
He stopped outside of a door, marked with a symbol, a sword outlined in what looked like fire. Fell's signature, this had to be his office. He grabbed the knob, frowning when he noticed it was locked. Of course the guy remembered to lock the manual one, he seemed the type.
Crowley thanked his lucky stars boredom as a child allowed him to learn how to pick a lock as he used the small kit he carried to pick the lock on the door.
He heard the clicks and smirked, trying the knob again, and the door opened.
The inside of the office looked oddly cluttered, unlike everything else in this space or the club, where it was all clean, sterile lines and colors. This was a disaster, how weird.
But that was something for Crowley to ponder over later, right now he needed to find the safe.
After searching for a few minutes, Crowley found it under a stack of books that looked really old, fragile. Jackpot. He removed his glove from his right hand, looking at the black metal he kept hidden, lines along his fingers and wrist glowing pink in the darkness.
He touched the dial on the safe, how old school, and started to turn it, listening carefully for the right sounds to know he was putting in the right combo. It had taken quite a while to learn what familiar numbers would work best for the safe, ones that Fell used often.
Oddly, it was 4-0-4, curious, Crowley thought as he heard the final click.
Opening the door, he could see papers and the like, but not the hard drive. "Fuck, where is it..." He whispered, patting around, trying to find the damn thing.
Then he noticed something odd in his lenses. There seemed to be the slightest shift in how dark the room was. And it wasn't due to his ungloved hand.
"Ooh, what a shame." Came a posh, cold voice from somewhere behind Crowley.
Something touched the sides of his neck, sharp, like needles. Crowley froze in place.
"'Never trust a pretty face', quite a fitting saying, don't you think?" He heard the sounds of footsteps approaching, the sounds of metal shifting.
Fingers touching the back of his head, gently toying with his hair. "I really don't want to have to do this, dear boy, but I can't allow thieves a second chance. I'm sure we would have had such fun, darling."
Instinct had always been Crowley's saving grace, getting him out of sticky situations, and it didn't fail him now. His brain screamed for him to move forward, and luckily his body.
There was a loud snap of metal, as if someone smacked knives together, and Crowley would later recall in a fearful moment as he tried to sleep that he had nearly been decapitated.
Spinning around, Crowley could see in the darkness and his shades that Fell was standing there, just feet away.
Except he wasn't standing on his own feet. No, he was standing with the help of two long, terrifying metal appendages coming from his lower back. Two more were hovering over his shoulders, the end of one was right where Crowley had been just seconds before. It was clawed, and it looked very, very sharp.
Aziraphale's suit's lights were glowing in the dark, as were his eyes. Those same eyes had been hazel before, but were now a cold white, like snow. And they were focused completely on Crowley. There was a slight shift to them as they looked at the exposed right hand.
"I thought as much, your grip wasn't as breakable as most others are." He said, almost sounded fascinated. "But it won't save you from what I'm about to do, darling."
Crowley only had seconds to move out of the way of the claws that slammed right into the ground where he had been sitting. He charged for the open door, dodging another claw that brushed his head, probably cutting some strands of hair.
The hallway was dark still, there were still minutes until the lights and power returned. It was too risky to go back to the club, so Crowley would have to take the back way. There was a stairwell he had discovered in his research, he could use that to escape.
He screeched when a clawed hand shot past his face, he felt the brush of metal on his cheek, and then wet warmth on his skin. Fuck! FUCK! He was going for the stairwell.
He turned and ran down the hall, hearing those fucking claws tearing into the walls and floor as Fell chased him. The hallway seemed to become illuminated in a growing light. Glancing back, Crowley could see that there was a glow coming from the metal limbs, and shit, the man looked terrifying in the glow.
Was he a cyborg too?! Who the hell had metal appendages like that!? Androids had them, or at least some did, cyborgs didn't! Too risky, too heavy and dangerous to have on human bodies! Crowley knew how heavy metal appendages could be due to his own arms and his upper back, but all those? Holy shit!
And where did he keep them! They weren't there during their previous encounters!
"Come back here!" Fell shouted as Crowley turned a corner and found the door for the stairwell. He flung it open and charged down the stairs, trying to be careful not to trip.
"You can't escape, little one!" Fell's voice echoed and Crowley heard a horrible sound of metal tearing, and nearly flew down the stairs when the door was thrown at him.
Okay, he most certainly was NOT a cyborg! He had to be an android! Guess the rumors were true!
Crowley gasped when something grabbed at the back of his leg and he lost his footing, tumbling down the metal and concrete steps. He cried out in pain when he hit the landing. He opened his eyes, finding he was in the dark, his shades lost in the tumble. His knees hurt and so did his head, his metal parts creaked, Agnes is gonna kill him if he damaged anything.
He saw the blue glow of Fell as he descended the stairs, his feet never touching the ground, his extra limbs carrying him. He looked at Crowley with a terrifying glare. "I don't know what you think you were trying to do, but I will not allow you to complete your mission. Now, return whatever it is you took."
"I didn't... take anythin'." Crowley growled as he pushed himself up.
"If you return it, I'll make sure your body is found."
"I told you, I didn't take anythin'." Crowley put his hand in his jacket, rubbing at his side, fuck, that was gonna bruise.
Fell's eyes narrowed. "What were you doing in my office then?"
"Just... that ain't any of your business, Fell."
"It most certainly is." Fell snipped. "Well, if you're not going to tell me, I'll just have to search your corpse. It really is a shame, you interested me greatly, it's been a long time since anyone has done that. Well, I suppose that I can be a bit nice, I'll make this quick."
The claws were coming close and Crowley only had once chance at this.
He had been working on something, a backup for if his power outage hack didn't work, or if he came across something troublesome of the robot variety.
He really hoped this work.
"Nah, but maybe next time we meet, angel." Crowley said and pulled out a taser.
Fell gave pause, confused, and that was all the opening Crowley needed to pull the trigger.
Four bolts shot out and struck Fell right in the chest.
Then Crowley heard the most horrible, metallic scream.
The screaming stopped, and Fell slumped forward, dropping to the ground right at Crowley's feet. The stairwell was silent and the glow was gone, minus the faint pink of Crowley's hand.
He could see just the barest of light from Fell though, his eyes. They were focused on Crowley, staring right at him.
"EMP taser." Crowley swallowed, holding up the device. "Not enough to kill you, but enough to stun you for an hour or two."
Fell made a strange sound, like an overheated laptop. He sounded angry.
Crowley took that as his cue to get his ass out of here. "Didn't steal anythin'." He said, wincing as he pulled himself up, removing his other glove, giving him a bit more light. "Couldn't find it anyway..."
The sound got louder, echoing in the stairwell, as Crowley continued to now-slow trek down the stairs for the exit.
He survived, just barely, but he was sure that he wouldn't be able to push his luck like this next time.
Aziraphale and Crowley's stairwell encounter has been on my mind for months, since I first started developing this au. I wanted something scrary in the dark with limited space and limited light.
Also, yes, Crowley's LED lights are pink, like his android counterpart in the other au.
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halemerry · 10 months
Back when the kiss first leaked I wrote a little speculative thing about what the context could be that I think we're finally removed enough for me to keep my promise to post.
ao3 link below but also in its entirety below the cut
hear my soul speak
"Kiss me."
Those two words brought every part of his corporation skidding to a halt. His pulse, his breathing, every neuron and atom down all stuttered in the moment Aziraphale's own lips parted, seemingly in shock at the words that had left them. The angel's eyes went wide and a light flush had begun to bloom across his face.
He felt coiled - and not in the way he was meant to, but like a string about to snap. Like an asteroid threatening to pull out of orbit. Zeroed in on one point of time and space like it was the only thing that mattered. Like the moment before a fall.
His body moved before his brain had gotten with the program, snapping forward with a sort of desperation he wasn't sure how to describe. One moment he was standing there, staring into the sun and then suddenly he was crashing into it, two celestial bodies unable to resist the pull of 6000 years worth of gravity.
It wasn't pretty or elegant or any of the things he'd managed to keep behind a well locked door of maybes and what ifs. It was awkward and their lips didn't quite fit and his damned glasses were in the way and then Aziraphale let out a little noise and none of that mattered. This was them - awkward and not quite right until they figured out how to slot into place together. It was perfect.
And why wouldn't it be? They'd already done the hard part. They'd picked each other in the face of the end of the world. They had spent a millennia building this home around them and this… well, this was just another way of coming home, wasn't it?
They drew back, staring at each other, drinking in each other's expressions with the greed of beings who knew the importance of committing something to memory. Aziraphale was flushed still, eyes filled to the brim with more emotion than he could put words too, cottonfluff hair gently tousled.
Aziraphale reached out next, slow and careful, silently asking for permission as Crowley let him pull off his glasses. The part of him that dimly registered the gentle clatter as Aziraphale set them down was drowned out immediately as those well-manicured hands reached for him and the angel cradled his jaw between those hands in the same way his own had once held star stuff. It made him feel stripped bare and exposed in a way part of him was convinced he should hate and yet-
Their lips met again, soft, lingering, more certain this time. It was as easy, falling into sync together like they always did. Aziraphale grounded a hand in his hair, an action that sent all sorts of new sensations sparking through him. Then, too fast and too slow all at once, Aziraphale drew back just enough to press their foreheads together. "Be safe," the angel demanded, tone leaving no room for argument.
A breathless chuckle left him at that, a bubbling feeling catching in his chest. He grinned, giddy and feeling lighter than he had since they fooled Heaven and Hell, and drawled out, "Angel, I'm not the one who likes playing the damsel."
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
it's high time that i redid the ✨masterpost✨ of all the shit floating around this blog where i say anything arguably insightful, existential/philosophical, or even just teetering on the cusp of being vaguely intelligent, so voila here you go and fucking enjoy:
worth having a looksie through this: longwinded anon (LWA)✨ masterpost
and then because i am actually so proud of these i did video edits to lewis capaldi (he's my hozier fight me) and im sorry but my beat matching is insane, godlike even:
season 2 (forget me)
season 1 (heavenly kind of state of mind)
did i get emotional over crowley's fall and having to leave behind his creations and aziraphale's various conflicts in faith? you're goddamn right i did (credit to hillywood for the fall scenes that sent me into a frenzy)
stuff that is potentially relevant to s3 or is essentially my safe space to shit on these two incompetent-ass characters for being the most ridiculous beings god ever conceived:
(be warned, all of these will conflict each other bc im a loose cannon, a wildcard, and can't settle on a single thing)
(no seriously my opinion changes over time so interpretations that i once held might no longer be the interpretation that i have now, ya feel me)
you wanted a s3 plot prediction, right?
aziraphale brought an ak-47 to a fist fight and ohooo boy did it have Consequences
god i really ought to work out a tagging system in here, huh - this is my ramble on what i think could have happened during the fall
just a small one on the 1967 scene and the holy water thing (tw: suicide)
crowley found the book of life and tbh it was very james bond of him
saraqael rapidly slotting into my top 5 GO characters based on a singular hc wahoo
fuckin ✨1941✨ (this also upsets ALL of my interpretations of the Final Fifteen which... well what can u do)
a fucking rug just put shivers down my spine
more on raphael/azazel/scapegoat/fall theory, glorious smart anons are feeding me yummy soup
perhaps a more comprehensive rambling on omelas, scapegoats, and Those Promo Photos
an updated maggie rambling why not, she's still giving me a headache (and this ask neatly summarises some stuff too!)
my boy crowley really doesn't like change, does he wee baby (may develop this into a full meta who knows)
you know i think heaven might just be the bad place, i know - shocker
god i hope i was possessed by agnes nutter when i wrote this
a gifset format bc i cba to write, but aziraphale might have been, or might become, raphael
ive lied like a rug in previous theory posts: THIS one, this time travel clusterfuck, is the bottom of the barrel
spent hours studying michael sheens face in utter disbelief that he is capable of portraying every emotion known to man, and wrote about it (ie my take on the kiss)
i think goob might have been more important in the mega miracle than we initially thought (and no - not in the way you're currently thinking)
aziraphale and suffering are pretty well acquainted with each other (warning: i absolutely HATE this meta it's so bad)
um i guess you could term this as god is dead theory? nietzsche strikes again anyway
we REALLY hit rock bottom in the theory stakes with this one, lads (it's about whether crowley does in fact fully remember the fall)
(REWORKED) greasy johnson is the second coming. that's it. that's the post.
finally wrote about the book of life well done me
crowley was offered the same chance as aziraphale, im fairly sure, and as far as ive seen noone noticed??
the motif of lies in job made me come over all poetic
relativity is NOT my milieu especially in GO but giving it my best shot
hahaha is everything aziraphale's fault hahahaha
EVERY DETAIL MATTERS? YEAH I SHOULD FUCKING THINK SO (and im still keeping this on here bc if im right in s3 im never going to shut up)
job is crowley and crowley is job except job didn't get sent to sit on the naughty step
never thought id see the day where i analyse richard curtis' 4WAAF but this show has got me whipped, jumping through hoops and over stalls like a fucking show pony
i have the dreadful feeling that we might have been fools by sleeping on aziraphale's own angelic importance all this time
did the costume department just simply go ham in s2 or are the angel costumes Important?
more on outfits
ruminations on the fall, morality and omniscience vs. free will, and making choices as if i have any idea what im talking about
okay this one is a little shitpost-y but the message is sound and im an un-apologetic aziraphale supporter, sue me
a sprinkle of s2 symbology, a dash of ineffable plan speculation, and laure girlbossing on how the two go together mwah
this was sooooo tasty i love talking about nietzsche
honestly this one doesn't even have a theme i just like talking to people
okay so this is the genesis of my aziraphale defence league (population: like 15% of the fandom) but i will not stop until he gets the recognition and empathy he mf deserves
Cancel Metatron 2k23
this was pre-s2 but the concept still stands: something feels icky about crowley's fall narrative and the book of life is ringing alarm bells
the concept of pedestals is one of my juicy favourites in psychology and you will find out just how much if you stick around this blog long enough (aziraphale's critique)
and lastly crowley's narrative of his fall? hm, big issue there and honestly the root of all Crowley discourse on this blog, be duly warned
old stuff if you fancy having a giggle at my expense
come chat to me about things
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coyotestarcraft · 1 year
I Need To Know
Fandom: Good Omens
Poly!Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley
A/N: It’s been over a year since loss of my grandfather that I miss dearly, there’s a lot I want to say about him, but I’ll wait till the end, if you want to read it or not I don’t care, it’s just a way to show how much I loved him.
So please read this story and know that even though you’ve gotten into many fights or quarrels with your grandparents, they still love you, so go hug them or call them and tell them that you love them. Spend as much time with them as possible, because you never know when you’ll get to have that chance to spend time with them again.
And I call him papaw.
First Person POV
I sat on that grass ledge expressionless.
I wish I had more time, more memories, more.....anything. I wished had spent more time with him, I wished had given him more hugs and kisses when I left for school each morning.
Now that I sit here and think about all of it, it doesn’t matter anymore....none of it will happen again because he’s gone...forever.
He used to say to me, “I love ya, but I don’t like ya.” I chuckle at that, it’s the first time in a while since a smile has taken over my face.
He used to aggravate the crap outta me, and honestly, I miss it more than I know. I hated it but as I sit here now I want that back more than ever.
“Y/N?” A familiar voice softly calls out, pulling me from my thoughts, I turn to see Aziraphale and Crowley standing between two trees and forest behind them.
“I was just thinking again, about him.” I say as I turn back around to stare off into the sunset that sets just above the horizon out far in the distance.
Maybe, just maybe I could ask.
He comes and sits next to me along with Crowley who sits to the right of me.
I need to know.
“Yes my dear?” He wraps an arm around my shoulder, looking at me curiously.
It’s now or never.
“Will you please....go...check on him?” My voice breaks as I try my best not to break down in tears.
“It’s against-“ Aziraphale gets cut off as he looks at my face and sees how much I need him to do this.
“I will see what I can do, if I have to fall to make your pain go away love, then I’m willing to do this for you.” He puts his forehead to mine.
Just one day is all I want, one time is all I need.
“Thank you.” I sniffled, it was hard not to break down, but after not knowing if he’s okay is rough.
I just need that feeling of relief knowing he’s no longer in pain.
*Timeskip To a Week Later*
Crowley’s flat had it’s comforts, he had his plants, Aziraphale had some books stashed somewhere and Crowley gave me my own room with a desk for drawing and to just hang out it when things go to be too much, it was a safe space.
I sat at my desk drawing away, Crowley was in the plant room yelling per usual.
To others it may have frightened them, but I laugh, it’s typical Crowley, the demon I have fallen in love with for a long time.
The sound of the door opening and closing is what draws me away from my desk.
“I’m back loves.” Aziraphale calls out.
I walk out and smile at Aziraphale who gives a wide smile back, he never did that unless it was good news.
He had been gone the past week, up in heaven doing work.
“I’ve got some good news my love,” he opens the door, and there stands my grandfather.
I stand there wide eyed and mouth agape.
“Hey huckleberry.” He says.
Tears fill my eyes and before I realized what I was doing, my arms wrap around his shoulders and I’m sobbing.
“You’re-you’re, okay, your not in pain anymore!” I smile appears on my face, I look at him and noticed how young he looks since the last time I’d seen him.
“Holy crap, when did you look like this! You had white hair and everything since we’d last seen each other!” I laugh.
“Things change dear, even in heaven.” He says.
“I guess so.”
We chat for a bit and I talk about how Aziraphale and Crowley have brought happiness into my life, how I’m working on bettering my mental health, and much more.
Eventually he has to leave, I give him a long hug and a kiss on the cheek, “I’m happy knowing your okay and not in that hospital bed in pain. It hurt when mom got the call about your passing.”
“You know I’ll always be here, in your heart.” He smiles.
“Yeah, I know pops.” I laugh.
“Please come back and visit, I miss you more than ever.” I say.
“Alright, but you know I’ll have to aggravate you.” He laughs, making me laugh along with him.
“Okay.” I say, he walks out shutting the door.
“Do you feel better?” Crowley asks.
I turn to him with tears rushing down my face, but I have smile, “yeah.”
He knows I need him, he knows I love him, he knows I won’t forget him.
Rant down below! ⬇️
In case anyone wants to know, his name was John, that’s all I’m giving to keep his full name private.
I think he knew I loved him a lot even though I didn’t show it much, and yes the name huckleberry was an actual nickname he gave me and I hated it, but after he passed I came to like it.
I almost cried while writing this but I stayed strong.
I wrote this not for fun, but to get people to realize that you NEED to spend as much time with your loved ones as possible, not just your grandparents, but your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, whoever.
It may seem like you have all the time in the world to spend with them, but that can change in a heartbeat.
I feel so guilty that I didn’t spend as much time with my grandfather as I should’ve.
Anyway! I hope you read this story and learned to not take time for granted, you never know when you’ll have that chance to spend time your relatives again.
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Custody Battle--Third Visitation
Angel in Distress
Tumblr media
(This cover was designed by @pigeondraws for last years Fandom Trumps Hate!)
The Ritual of Propagation has succeeded. Aziraphale and Crowley are ready to welcome the newest member of Their Own Side. But the Archangels have other plans. No young angel has ever been raised outside their closely guided care, and they have no intention of changing that...
After a very long break (and tons of help from my excellent beta readers) I now present part 3 of Custody Battle! In this newest chapter, Aziraphale struggles with the emotions of the last few days while he and Crowley try to prepare for the Archangels' inevitable return. More chapters to follow shortly!
Read it now on AO3!
(Note: this story is M rated and contains heavy CWs for noncon, SA, emotional manipulation, various forms of abuse, and a good amount of violence. Please check the tags. Continuing readers, please check if you read last month's update, there was no Tumblr post...)
He jolted awake, trapped, panicked, fingers desperately scrabbling for something, anything to hold onto. A heavy weight rested across his body, like a blanket, pinning him down, white, warm like a body, only—
Only it wasn’t trapping him, it was keeping him safe.
Taking a deep breath, he rolled onto his back and gazed up at his angel. Sitting pressed into the corner of the sofa, a heavy book wedged between his hip and the sofa’s arm, wings spread wide, softly golden in the sunrise light. Rubbing his eyes as he woke.
“Oh!” Aziraphale mumbled. “Oh, I must have dozed…” He glanced down at Crowley and smiled, a beautiful morning smile. “There you are, my dear. How are you feeling?”
“Nnh.” He stretched his legs, but didn’t otherwise move from the safety of the wing. “Shouldn’t’ve let me sleep.”
“You needed it.” Aziraphale stroked his husband’s hair and glanced up at the clock. “It was only two hours or so. We still have… almost six, before…”
Before Gabriel’s deadline. Before the Archangels came to take his family away.
“Really shouldn’t’ve let me sleep,” he growled, pushing himself up. Aziraphale’s wing flicked away, giving him space but leaving him cold and exposed. “Don’t have time for—”
“Yes, we do.” Aziraphale retrieved his notebook from the sofa cushions. “In between research, I jotted down some ideas on our… counter-offer.” His hands were starting to shake. “I think this will be enough to get them to the negotiating table, at least. Particularly once our… enhanced defences are in place.”
Crowley grabbed the notebook, hardly sparing it a glance before tossing it on the coffee table. The too-white pages of Gabriel’s offers lay scattered across it, more reading Aziraphale shouldn’t have had to do alone. Crowley took his husband’s hands, thumbs carefully brushing his knuckles. “And how are those coming? The defences?”
“I think I have enough for us to… to be getting along with.” Another smile, this one far shakier. “Now I just need to set everything up.” He squeezed Crowley’s hands, then stood, arching his back in a careful stretch, enormous wings briefly filling the room before settling to his shoulders. Then he held out the right again with a smile. “And good morning to you, Kokabiel. How was your first night?”
Moving more slowly, still shivering a little, Crowley joined him, slipping an arm around Aziraphale’s waist for support. “Hey, you,” he said softly, pushing his fingers into the feathers, and surrendering to a delighted smile when he felt the gentle tapping of the youngling. “Yeah, I missed you, too.”
Aziraphale kissed him, a careful brush across his cheek. “Another nightmare?”
Read the rest on AO3!
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Good Omens Fic Rec: It's About the Journey
“Do you ever miss it?” Crowley asked apropos of nothing, as per usual. Aziraphale hummed, preoccupied. “Flying,” Crowley spoke to the ceiling of the bookshop. The demon’s carefully casual tone sent gentle alarms ringing in Aziraphale’s ears, a delicate chime that whispered, this may be A Thing. He set down the pages and swiveled in his chair to give Crowley his full attention. ** Or, two celestial beings talk about flying.
Length: 3,945 words
AO3 Rating: General Audiences
Best for: Safe in Public, Fluff, Romance, Post S2
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by hakunahistata
*Minor Spoilers* Mothman Crowley CONFIRMED!!! This is such a sweet story. I actually read this for the first time in line at the bank on Valentine’s day. Literally as soon as I saw my AO3 subscription alert for this author (who I love) I could not resist. It was a very long wait and by the time it was my turn I was at such a heartwarming spot, I couldn’t get my words out properly and embarrassed myself in front of the teller. Whoops
God this is beautiful. Set after whatever happened during the Second Coming, Crowley is reminiscing about flying. How much he loves it, and why he’s not that good at it. I loved the way flying is described here. More workout than it seems, and you can tell how much Crowley loved it. It's a touch sad, but we're healing and moving forward. There’s a section I particularly loved, about Aziraphale learning to give Crowley the time and space he needs to open up. That he will share how he's feeling if he's not pressured into answering. They’ve come such a long way in not only reading each other, but understanding each other. It's a very healthy relationship they're developing here.
Then, we get to the The Gift. I won’t spoil everything but what Aziraphale gives him makes me want to scream with pent up love!! “You’re allowed to hate it” he says!! As if Crowley could ever hate such a display of affection!! A handcrafted labor of love, a promise to love and to cherish, to bring happiness into each other's lives. But I do understand the anxiety that comes from such a gesture. It’s acknowledgment that he sees Crowley, he’s doesn’t want to fix him, he wants to provide a way forward. And they have created such a safe home in each other. Y’all are killing me I swear.
Just a gorgeous GORGEOUS short story. An ode to mobility aids and new beginnings. It’s a must read for me. Plus mothman reference, and we stan mothman here.
Read it here, fic by hakunahistata
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scintillating-galaxias · 11 months
THAT being said. im also glad good omens 2 talks about and shows the complications and nuances of queer relationships just like any other non-queer relationship. neither of the main relationships that the storyline follows from beginning to end... well, they don't, quite, not work out, but they're obviously not a committed item in the end, either. maggie and nina need their space. that's the good and healthy thing to do, especially if they want to try for a relationship together. they know they need to talk. so they do, and this is how they resolve it. and i truly think that's for the best.
especially when, a few minutes later, we watch what happens when you don't Really get to talk about.
even when crowley tries to talk like nina and maggie advised him to, aziraphale speaks over him gleefully about his connection to heaven, how he can help crowley still (he says crowley's the one who's always so happy to rescue aziraphale, but he's been trying to 'save' crowley from hell this whole damn time!) and crowley... i don't know. it didn't sound like he said everything he wanted to say. not properly. fuck, we see him spending precious seconds just trying not to cry. and that, plus the past six thousand years, that's why he kissed aziraphale then.it hurts! that kiss hurt, because GOD was there a lot of tension and hurt and frustration and the hope that it would just, make aziraphale understand what 'us' means. crowley needs him as much as aziraphale says he needs him. heaven and hell aren't a part of their game. it doesn't matter what they throw at crowley and aziraphale; they will always be at each other's side. and it doesn't work. it doesn't work.
it's complex and it's bittersweet and neither of them are horrible people for what they did. they did it, truly, because they love each other. aziraphale thinks he can spare crowley and keep him safe if he's in charge. he isn't a nobody angel who's pushed around by higher-ups anymore. he personally can ensure crowley's safety, and the earth's safety, and he Will do everything he can do ensure it. comparatively, crowley thinks that cutting their ties completely and never being tied down by their sides/institutions ever again is what will keep aziraphale safe. and it doesn't matter who's in charge, what happens to earth is going to happen unless he and aziraphale are there together to stop it. this isn't something they've talked about. not the way they need to.
(tl;dr it's not homophobia for showing where communication fails, how it falls flat, how emotion drives us to do things that maybe we hate ourselves for. it's human. they're both human, and painfully so)
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