#this is not a snape-friendly blog
Snape: ugh. I hate my life. I have so many problems.
Mcgonagall: well, you create most of them yourself, you know.
Snape: I am trying to brood, Minerva. Kindly cease ruining the ambiance with your factually correct statements.
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multifandomshorts · 4 months
Harry Transported into the World of Vanitas no Carte (Crossover AU/Fanfic Concept)
General Overview
To combine my current hyperfixation (Harry Potter) with one of my other long-term hyperfixations (Vanitas no Carte) my brain very frequently likes to put Harry through the MochiJun Experience (because he obviously hasn’t suffered enough)
Taking advantage of the Department of Mysteries’ endlessly ✨mysterious✨ nature, we’re gonna throw 15-year-old Harry, fresh from battle, into the world of VNC. Let me set up the small bit of background that I bothered with. A device constructed by a long-vanished vampire who ended up alone in the Wizarding world, whether by choice or exile, gets hit by the chaos of battle. Harry, the main character that he is, happens to be alone with it when it activates. He’s whisked away to the time of the interlude chapters, just after Noé and Vanitas have their attempted murder divorce (courtesy of my son, Misha).
Tada! Harry can add isekai protagonist to his resume now too. But he has to relearn how to use magic in a world with a different framework. A world where he doesn’t have so much weighing on his shoulders. He gets to be free from the prophecy, free from the Horcrux, and it makes sense that Vanitas would notice something off about his soul. I consider True Names and souls to be in the same realm of things. They’re a person’s essence, the shape behind their magic. “Dr.” (this man’s never been to medical school) Vanitas swoops in and gets Harry set right. To ashes and dust with the Horcrux. 
Throw Harry into the midst of characters who make him question the structures around him. He’s no longer in a school dividing its students by personal characteristics and life outlooks. Now, he has to keep company with a wide array of dysfunctional companions. They’re also mostly a few years older than him (in the case of the main cast), or a few years younger than him (in the case of Mikhail). Then there’s one who’s actually about his own age (Astolfo). He has to get accustomed to having drastically different people around him. But still, he can relate to them in ways he couldn’t with anyone in his own world. He especially empathizes with the Dhams because the social inequity they face is similar to the kind he understands from what he’s seen before. Sometimes, he feels guilty for appreciating being able to relate to characters like Vanitas. Of course, he misses everyone back home…but…it’s so nice to feel seen.
Harry’s similar to Vanitas in that he’d rather greet death than be transformed into an immortal being against his will. I’d like to make him suffer as Vanitas has. This comes in the form of Faustina marking Harry, taking his choice to greet death with open arms. The mark of the Crimson Moon and his eyes burn like the fire of a phoenix. It’s a horrifying rebirth, and he harbors the same anger as Vanitas over it. Of course, there are somewhat different feelings mixed in there. The vampire who marked him was an enemy rather than family, after all. Since we don’t know much about the fights to come in VNC, I’m keeping the conflict vague. There’s war again. Vampires vs. vampires, vampires vs. the Church, and whatever’s being set up with the Dhams right now. Harry’s there for five years, and it’s during the later stages of this conflict that he’s marked. The events of VNC have played out at the end of that time. Vanitas and Faustina have died, leaving Mikhail as the last to inherit Luna’s powers and Harry as the last to inherit Faustina’s powers.
This series of events will most likely be completely blown away by the canon timeline when it comes around (which I of course look forward to).
After all this, Harry returns home, back to the very moment he left. It was a toss-up whether the device would send him back to the time he left or if it would send him back with the same amount of time having passed in each world. It might depend on what the device’s user does. They’re still figuring out how it works. Naturally, Harry’s goal is to seek out the vampire who made it, and usually I make that vampire a de Sade. Now Harry has to figure that out in addition to the Voldemort shit. Not to mention the new personal issues that he has to work through.
Oh, to be changed and feel almost like a stranger when returning home. Five years have passed for Harry. The battle is the same as he left it. Will he try to hide the changes in himself to keep a sense of normalcy, the sense of nostalgia? He’s not quite human, and not quite a vampire just yet. I love the idea that he comes back wrong, returning to his world, but now with his very soul and magic rewritten.
If my brain’s craving a little chaos, then I’ll throw in some other versions of Harry Potter characters, whether displaced across time or worlds (or both!). They’re like dolls to me. It really depends how far from canon I want to diverge (usually not terribly far since I’m a bit of a stickler for it, at least in the case of characterization).
Anyway! What I wouldn’t give to know more about what’s coming in VNC! There’s so much that’s up in the air right now. We know we’re in for a lot of pain soon, so maybe playing around with the possibilities is a bit of a comfort. What would a war in the setting of VNC do to Harry’s development? How would the different approach to writing affect him? How would he view the people he left back home after everything?
Those are some things I like to think about within the larger story. The larger plot itself is easy enough to change, but the little tidbits remain about the same. Each author has such a different approach to world and character building. I’m so fond of MochiJun’s writing (less so of Rowling’s), and I also appreciate Harry as a main character. It would be awesome to see how MochiJun would approach the story of Harry Potter, and playing around with the possibilities is a great deal of fun to me. Rewriting Harry Potter through her lens would be a much larger undertaking though. So, instead, I send Harry into her world.
Other Tidbits
1. I like the idea of Harry becoming good friends with Domi. She has an interesting mix of characteristics that would make it hard for Harry to view her through the house framework, and I think becoming friends with her would be a big part of him reconstructing his view of people. He shares some traits with her (and other characters) that would push him to self-reflect in interesting ways too.
2. Imagine Harry hearing about Luna and being reminded of his loyal friend by the same name (ough ough the angst)
3. Following that, I think he would understand her better now. VNC would have untethered him in some ways. In addition to more life experience, he would have grown to understand that which is outside of his view more than before.
4. Thank fuck he would be in a text that explores and criticizes abuse in a way that doesn’t echo Rowling’s weird dynamics that cast women as less capable of being perpetrators in certain contexts (namely those of relationships and sexuality). If there’s one thing I appreciate about MochiJun, it’s that her women can be awful freaks just as much as her men can.
5.  I like to think about the ways vampires get inside each other’s heads. They clearly have some supernatural mind abilities (like we see with the Archivistes, Naenia, and Ruthven). That could be interesting to explore in the context of Wizard mind magic, though I know Occlumency is often over-utilized in fanfiction. Exploring the variations of how the magic works is interesting. The Archivistes’ ability is similar to Occlumency in that you need more direct contact, though it’s a one-time use. However, we still don’t know much more about that clan’s abilities. Naenia/Faustina has far more open access to the minds of others. It seems like she needs minimal contact. Lastly, Ruthven’s is probably the most similar to Occlumency (if you threw in a little Imperio, yikes). I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out more in the future. (Fingers crossed)
6. I’m curious about Loki Oriflamme since we know so little about him. That makes it fun for me to play around with him as another character Harry could become involved with.
7. Also, I’m absolutely using the timing of this AU as an excuse to keep Sirius alive. It would be a lot of fun to explore their relationship after Harry comes back so changed. Harry would have become more reserved in ways that might be beneficial to Sirius, and help him grow as a person too. Harry’s a lot more understanding now.
8. I think it would also be fun to see how Harry handles interactions with Snape. At this point, he’ll have developed a much different management of his emotions and temper, so I think it could be fun to see them snipe back and forth a little, lol. Who knows, maybe he could have an effect on Snape too (albeit one Snape would find intensely irritating, lol).
9. I love the parallels of Harry’s rebirth with that of a Phoenix. See the burning colors of one in the signs of the Crimson vampire. Death as a human, slowly being born as a vampire. Reborn in body and soul. More than that, he’s changed as a person.
10. He would have grown into his trait of exceptional loyalty during his time in the world of VNC. More than that, it comes from love. A key point of MochiJun’s characters is that they’re deeply, deeply flawed, and love comes in spite of that. They have so much depth to them and they inflict a great deal of conflicting feelings on the reader. So, Harry would come to have more forgiveness to his loyalty, more tenderness. He still burns with it, but it’s a more controlled flame. He’s already canonically loyal to the people he cares about in spite of disagreement and anger, but after VNC, this trait reaches an even greater extent than before.
10. Lastly, I couldn’t go without mentioning my favorite Harry Potter blorbo: Dumbledore. Harry’s parallels with a phoenix and his growth as a person make him so much fun to play with regarding that relationship. Dumbledore is flawed, though not as much as some of the people Harry has grown to care for in the world of VNC. Harry sees the other people he cares about in Dumbledore and feels the need to comfort him. The self-hatred, isolation, and masks that Harry’s companions also share become visible to him now that he looks at Dumbledore through mature eyes. Regret. It’s something he’s seen countless times in the eyes of vampires, muggles, and magic folk alike. It’s what he sees when he looks in the mirror. If Dumbledore can’t forgive himself, then Harry will forgive him in his stead.
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mrs-snape5984 · 4 months
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“To you, my heart I surrender…”
“And I can't count the times, I stayed awake pretending you were mine…” (“My heart I surrender” by I Prevail)
About one year ago, I decided to give tumblr a go for the first time in my life. With my “old” age of almost 40 years, I was afraid of being a grandma in this whole social networking thing. But, damn, I would have never expected, what I’ve actually found here, in our beloved Snapedom: I found the kindest, sweetest and most understanding people, which I would never thought, they’d exist! I found friends!
For more than 20 years, I only lived my immutable love for Severus Snape in my own heart, mind and home. But since I decided to share my thoughts, my sorrows and my devotion to my precious dungeon bat on my blog, I got overwhelmed by the positivity and interest people offered to me.
One of these lovely souls is my friend @exlibrisseverus. Ellie, you surprised me with this beautiful artwork of Severus and my OC Jules and I can’t stress enough, how grateful I am for your friendly gesture. I love the way, you made the love and trust between these two tormented souls become palpable. And OH…MY…GOSH, his cute ass makes me want to squeeze, pinch and bite it all at once! 🫠😅
Ellie, please take my apologies for this uncommonly short post of mine, but I’m struggling a lot with typing and accepting screen time, lately (yep…ME/CFS is a bitch 🥺). Nevertheless, I wanted to thank you for everything and share this mesmerising piece of art with the community of Snapedom… my safe space!
🖤Severus & Jules🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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lumosatnight · 2 years
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22 FIC RECS 2022!
There have been some fantastic fics this year. Out of the hundreds that I've read (yes, hundreds) here are some of my favorites! These are all fics that I've read and loved in 2022, although some of them are quite a few years older. Here's to another year in the wonderful HP fandom! 22 fics ordered by ship!
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut
💫 Drarry 💫
1. help yourself and refuse to be buried by Ingi [Drarry, G, 3k] 💔 🍰 A heartfelt story about food and magical cooking! Master of Death Harry connects with his family and his Indian heritage after the war (and also with Draco ahem).
2. Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants [Drarry, E, 36k] 🌼 🔥 If you enjoy slag Harry with a heart of gold trying to woo his way into Draco's pants, then this fic is for you. Did I mention it's regency era?
3. facedown on my bed (thinking of you) by @onbeinganangel [fem!Drarry, M, 10k] 🌼 💅 A super sweet college AU fic in which Drarry end up being unlikely roommates. They still remain in character while being genderswapped!
4. Good Boy by @lqtraintracks [Drarry, E, 15k] 🔥 🐺 HOT WEREWOLF SMUT!!! Everything you could possibly want with a fic like this. Size kink, breeding kink, scenting, knotting.... um, hell yeah!!
5. An Emerald In The Sky by @corvuscrowned [Drarry, M, 7k] 💔 ⏳ Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Time travel fuck buddies to lovers with Unspeakable Harry. A love story for the ages. Crow, you continue to amaze me with your fics.
💫 Common Ships 💫
6. Industry by charlolwut [Wolfstar, G, 22k] 🌼 📷 Sirius Black is a Muggle TV producer. Remus is his editor. Secrets, misunderstandings, and hilarity ensue!
7. oops I did it again by Anonymous [Jily, E, 16k] 🌼 🔥 College AU where James and Lily are accidental fuck buddies and Lily is confused about it. Their dynamic is flirty and combative! I love James so much in this.
8. The funny thing about grief and time by @etalice [Snarry, E, 44k] 💔 🫂 This fic is flipping fantastic! The angst is glorious, the setting is gorgeous, the interactions are beautiful. Time travel and loneliness wrapped into one amazing story!
9. a mass of fools and knaves by @displayheartcode [slash!Romione, T, 2.6k] 🌼 📖 Short but sweet. Male Hermione is instantly drawn to Ron and how they grow together throughout the years. You'll be rooting for them the whole time!
💫 Rare Pairs 💫
10. Growing Teeth by @earlybloomingparentheses [Flonks, E, 2.6k] 💔 🔥 This is a story about growth and recovery and fucking. This is also a story about hair and cutting it all off to finally feel free. Fantastic characterization!
11. Crown Enterprises by @storyof-eden [Cissamione, E, 3k] 💔 🔥 I cannot get over this fic!! Mob boss Narcissa and assassin Hermione are the murder lesbians of my dreams.
12. Little Old Witch by @anxiousgoat-blog [Aragusta, G, 12k] 🌼 👶 This is an AU I can get behind 1000%! Augusta Longbottom finds out Harry is being abused and raises him herself. With the help of the friendly neighborhood squib :)
13. Extraordinarily Ordinary by starstruck1986 [Sirron, E, 9k] 💔 🔥 This ship came out of nowhere, but once I read this fic I couldn't unsee it. Ron is just the right amount of innocent and insecure to be taken in by Sirius's charms.
14. Courtship Rituals by @impishtubist [Cedrarry, T, 4k] 🌼 🌹 Cedric tries to court Harry, but of course he's oblivious. This is cute and hilarious!
15. Yes, Minister by iamisaac [Kingco, E, 1.5k] 🔥 👔 This is pure filthy smut between Draco and his minister boyfriend. Hop aboard the Kingsley/Draco ship where there's mind-blowing sex and that sweet sweet age difference!
16. Gyre and Gimble by eldritcher [Drarity, M, 3k] 💔 ☀️ A stunning fic from one of my hands-down favorite authors! Draco is drawn to the prisoner in the manor's basement. Charity is perhaps a little mad.
💫 Poly Ships 💫
17. A Life Worth Remembering by @writcraft [Snarryaco, E, 23k] 💔 🔥 Memory loss, de-aged Severus Snape, and established Drarry pulling him into the fold. This fic is such a wonderful dive into polyamory and relationships.
18. Terms and Conditions by @maraudersaffair [Linnansy, E, 8k] 🌼 🔥 Pansy can't get over her ex (Ginny) and is stuck on a trip with Ginny's new girlfriend (Luna). This fic made me laugh, swear, and sweat all in one sitting.
19. Slice of Pleasure by @misdemeanor1331 [Bleonsy, E, 5k] 🔥 🔪 Theo is obsessed with knives, Pansy is obsessed with Theo, and Blaise is just there for a good time. Knife kink and hot smut. Like very hot. Very very hot. But also sweet.
💫 Gen 💫
20. Nine Hundred and Twelve by @cannibalschism [Fred & George, T, 5k] 💔 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 This fic is filled to the brim with metaphors, friendship, and life lessons. I absolutely loved this take on time travel and the journey that George takes. Percy is the real MVP!
21. Where You Belong by blue_string_pudding [Severus, T, 6k] 💔 🐀 This is probably the creepiest, most unsettling thing I've ever read. I completely ADORE it. But I was definitely checking around corners after reading it.
22. Family Legacy by @thistlecatfics [The Tonks, T, 2k] 🌼 💔 Following Ted, Nymphadora, and Teddy as they navigate life and queer identity. This is a fic that is so wonderfully poignant, it leaves you in awe of all that it accomplished.
💫 Bonus fics! 💫
Here's a WIP I'm excited about for 2023!
One More to Love by @krethes, @theresthesnitch [Wolfstarbucks, E, 94k, WIP] 🌼 🔥 Omegaverse and surprise pregnancy! The sexual chemistry between the three is off the charts! I'm not usually into WIPs, but for this I am (im)patiently waiting for every update.
Also a cheeky self-rec because why not?
What is this, fucking Jeopardy? by @lumosatnight [Drarry, E, 20k] 🌼 ❓Cursed Draco meets Curse-Breaker Harry. Lots of misunderstandings, humor, oblivious boys in love, and talking in circles. Will Draco ever be cured? Was the author in hysterics while writing this?
Want more fics to read?
Try my rec tag: #lumosinthelibrary
My 2021 list, b-day oneshots, WLW Library
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henryisabigfatbitch · 7 months
Hello, you can call me Asher, Henry, or Micah
I am a physical nonhuman due to delusions
I am a werewolf, fish, werebat, and dragon, Tornado/hurricane, ecosystem, and a Cuban crocodile-esque creature (bigger and longer)
I am a Holothere (werewolf, shapeshifter, vampire)
I am a samgladiator YHS fictionkin
I love GHOST
I am trans masc (typically masc presenting, I'm genderfluid) and homoromantic(?), omnisexual
Sometimes we use We/Us pronouns, this is sometimes an indication that we're stressed out or in a delusion but sometimes it just feels right.
My diagnosis':
Schizoaffective depressive type (schizophrenia+depression) 👁️🫀🌑💊
Bulimia Nervosa non purging type (Eating disorder) 🍖🍲🍜🍗
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)👉👉👉👉✅ (or else)
SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) 🥲🫂🔊📸
Clinical Vampirism/Renfield's Syndrome (ties into my Holothere identity) 💉🩸🦇📌
I am an extreme maladaptive daydreamer and sometimes forget that I'm not that paraself, my paraselves include OCs such as Chip Zerthagil, Ruskchre Hirouriski, Kelpoltyosha, Fowl Krasikthia, all bogian species. Non OCs include, Alastor (Hazbin), Severus Snape (HP, I don't support JKR), Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Netflix), normal animals, Tigerstar (WC), Aizawa (BNHA), Izuku Midoriya (BNHA), Shirou Ogami (BNA), and one I will not mention because it is someone I idolize's OC and I don't wish to make them uncomfortable.
There is also Alastor, Fae, Sasha, and Gore who are extremely similar to alters but aren't alters.
A lot of my "OCs" happen to be paraselves so please be polite when talking about them
NOTE: Speculation, but I believe some of my paraselves turn into something similar to an alter when I'm under pressure or extremely stressed, they talk to me and comfort me
Post my shit to r/systemscringe and I will fucking obliterate you, fuck off, I'm not a system. (Not diagnosed with any disorder that might make me plural, minus schizoaffective)
Public proshippers (proshipping publicly for non coping reasons or for reasons such as it providing a safe outlet if you have a para)
Anti kink, y'all kinda piss me off, don't want you here.
Anti Reality shifting, I'm not talking about people who don't believe in it, I'm talking about people who go out of their way to harass shifters
Extreme anti endo (I MIGHT tolerate you ONLY if I really like you and you're a good person in general)
Anti alterhuman
Any people with HARMFUL PARAPHILIAS who think PRO CONTACT is okay, I'm not getting groomed and molested again, fuck off
Schizoposters (non-schizophrenic people posting things to trigger paranoia and delusions)
Elon musk supporters (he's a dickbag)
Political blogs (pro-Palestine is not political, it is anti genocide)
Ai bros (not much else to say)
Sorry if I offended you but I have a no-hate policy here
Other than that I'm a friendly person who likes making friends (I do have pretty bad anxiety though so it may take a while) :3
If you have any questions, send an ask
Me (might update sometimes)-
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mauveberries · 7 months
intro post!
hey, i'm mauve! :)
previous url: @/cubeberries
hp + hannibal + mcyt sometimes
lord voldemort is my fave
i have questionable tastes
disclaimer: if you find yourself offended by any of my critical posts, just block me. don't come into my post and scream at me, because i won't care. never did, and never will. this is my blog and i can post what i want (i don't outright hate on anyone, though.) friendly reminder that i am not obligated to cater to fic authors. the vice versa applies, too. thank you.
mainly harrymort and bellamort
i don't really like tomarry anymore
fem!harry/canon lv enthusiast
prongsfoot!! / but i also like snape
i write sometimes. ao3 [on a temporary hiatus for now due to broken keyboard :( ]
huge tombraxas fan!!!
i really HATE hinny and jegulus // strongly dislike jily, tomione, wolfstar + fanon characterisations of the marauders
anti jkr obviously
i like mcytber dream
i have… haterisms
top tom/voldemort >>>>>>
"but anyways, voldy is top cause i said so 💅" -- coolfunstrawberry ♡
you can hmu in my inbox or dms anytime!! <3
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autisticarachnid · 1 year
Introduction to me and my MCs
Hello there ! I decided it was about time to have a proper introductory post to my blog. My name’s Salem or Spider- feel free to call me either. I’m an autistic 22 year old from Florida, USA and I use they/them pronouns. Here on my blog you’ll find a lot of things; I’m mainly into Hogwarts Mystery, and I have a taleblr sideblog, @allabouttaleblr , where you can find my taleblr stuff. I’m into a lot of other things though- from Phasmophobia to TOH to goth/metal music to Criminal Minds to ATLA to horror movies to Fnaf, and many other things. Feel free to browse my blog a bit!
As for my fellow HPHM fans, the following is an introduction to my MCs and the characters in my friends and I’s HPHM AU. Some of the MCs below are not my own but belong to my friends, and I will distinguish them as such. If you would like to make your MC a friend to any of my MCs, feel free to send me an ask !
Salem Jordan: My first and main MC, Salem Jordan is a lesbian, agender metamorphmagus from Galway, Ireland. They moved to Dublin, Ireland at age 9. They were sorted into Hufflepuff, and they’re the half brother of our AU’s Jacob, Jacob Dyer. Salem ends up with Merula Snyde, and becomes a magizoologist at first, before eventually switching to become the new COMC professor after Hagrid’s retirement in 2011. They and Merula settle in Dublin and have three children together. 
- Personality: Salem is an INFP-T, with a 2w1/4w5 enneagram. They’re a virgo sorted into Hufflepuff. Salem is kind, thoughtful, intelligent, creative, open-minded, stubborn, loyal, friendly, supportive, talkative and analytical. Salem is an autistic introvert, which may come as a surprise considering Salem is very talkative and excitable once they feel close to someone. Salem has autism and ADHD and uses they/them/xe pronouns, and they are always happy to make a new friend. Salem is a planner through and through, loving to plan fun activities and days out for their friends. When not in class,  Salem spends most of their time hanging out with friends, listening to music or tending to the animals in the creature reserve. They identify with the punk/alternative/goth scene, usually dressing in very alternative/punk/gothic clothing. Salem especially loves befriending those who are into creatures, alternative/punk fashion or rock/metal/punk/goth music, and also have ADHD and/or autism. They get along best with those who also like talking about their interests and are unashamedly weird. 
- Likes: Salem likes creatures, winter, cold weather, snow, punk music, alternative music, metal music, rock music, goth music, emo music, the color black, cats, reptiles, art, sculptures, sweet things, soda, history, rollercoasters and horror movies. Best classes are COMC, Charms and History of Magic, Closest friends are Rowan, Tonks, Badeea, Chiara and Barnaby.
- Dislikes: Salem dislikes hot weather, bullies, Snape, judgemental people, being judged, most food, steak, seafood, being touched suddenly or without permission, most sitcoms, being late and strobing lights. Worst class is Potions (but they don’t necessarily hate the subject itself, their dislike stems from Snape). They don’t usually get along well with overly loud/obnoxious people, or those who don’t respect personal/physical boundaries. 
- Misc: Salem has Autism, ADHD, Clinical Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, ARFID, anxiety and later on, PTSD. They are an insanely picky eater (it’s way easier for them to list off what they won’t eat than what they will eat), mainly due to sensory issues from their autism. They’re an atheist, but they don’t really care what religion someone is, as long as it’s not being used to harm others. Salem has a Horse animagus & patronus. Being a metamorphmagus, they always have their hair some bright color- but it’s also always incredibly short. Their hair never goes more than two inches below their chin. They’re a legilimens, but not a super powerful one. They have a number of physical tics, such as rolling their eyes a lot, twirling while walking and pausing randomly while talking. Salem is usually pretty anti-authority and leans towards being very individualistic. 
Thalia Dyer: Thalia Dyer is the main MC of the AU, and the full sister of Jacob Dyer. Thalia is a bisexual half-blood witch and an eighth veela, with her mother being from the famous pureblood Carraro family and the granddaughter of the famed and esteemed Lucia Carraro. Thalia is from Porthcawl, Wales, has three (full) siblings total (older brother Jacob, older sister Cassandra, little sister Rhian), and eventually becomes a famous quidditch player for the Wigtown Wanderers. Thalia ends up with Talbott Winger, settling with him in Edinburgh, Scotland along with their three children. She uses she/they pronouns.
- Personality: Thalia is an ENFP-T, with a 3w2 Enneagram with strong influences from types 7 and 8. She’s a Scorpio sorted into Gryffindor. Thalia is an extrovert with a very strong ‘hero’ personality. She is brave, daring, passionate, courageous and energetic, always feverently standing up for what she believes is right. This can lead to somewhat reckless and impulsive behavior, but Thalia puts others safety and justice above all, pursuing the just, moral path to the ends of the earth. They’re outgoing and very friendly, and love to make new friends. She’s energetic and active, preferring physical activities such as playing quidditch or exploring. She’s a go go go type of person, rarely sitting still or staying in one place. If she’s not doing something, she’ll find something. They’re steadfast and eternally loyal to their friends and their beliefs, and isn’t afraid to fight anyone. She has a cheerful air to her, and is often happy or good at making others laugh. They tend to get along best with other outgoing, energetic people. She loves befriending those also into quidditch, duelling and other exciting things, but they must have a strong moral compass as well. 
- Likes: Thalia likes quidditch, fast paced things, action/horror movies, duelling, flying, birds, rock music, alternative music, the color red, leather or jean jackets, warm weather, cold weather, the season Fall, exciting things, cats, dogs, italian food, greek food, savory foods and rollercoasters. Best classes are DADA, Charms and Flying. Closest friends are Bill, Skye, Murphy, Charlie, Talbott and Tonks. 
- Dislikes: Thalia dislikes bullies, potions class, Snape, immoral people, people who take advantage of others, freezing cold weather, boring things, super spicy foods, foods with a leathery or gooey texture, bland food and injustice. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She does not get along well with selfish or obnoxious people, or those who insert themselves into others business. She can befriend people who are much slower paced and prefer staying indoors and reading/knitting/studying, but doesn’t usually. 
- Misc: Thalia is an eighth veela, meaning she’s insanely attractive. She has Autism, ADHD, Anxiety and Clinical Depression, and develops PTSD after the fifth year vault. They identify as a demigirl in terms of gender, but most often just uses the term nonbinary. They also thoroughly enjoy putting their hair up and experimenting with hairstyles. They’re a considerably powerful legilimens. They become quidditch captain of the Gryffindor team from fifth year to seventh year, and has remained one of the better captains in the 20th century.
Loki Colosa: My friend Rudy’s MC, Loki is a trans, bisexual polyamorous Welsh-Mexican werewolf with no relation to Jacob Dyer. Loki was born in Cardiff, Wales to a Mexican family, and came out as a trans woman shortly before her Hogwarts years. Loki is short with green hair and numerous scars, including on her face. She initially pursues a career as a dragonologist, before forming a punk-rock/metal band with Ismelda Murk and Merula Snyde in 1999. Loki ends up with both Jae Kim and Chiara Lobosca in a polyamorous relationship, and the three settle down in Cardiff, Wales with four children. 
- Personality: Loki is an ENFP-A, with a 7w8 Enneagram. She’s a Pisces sorted into Slytherin. She’s quite a wild card in her personality, and is known to get into full on fist-fights without a second thought. She’s fiercely loyal and very protective, and is actually so fearsome that very few people, if any, will willingly fight her. However, Loki is also incredibly intelligent, extroverted, energetic, confident and street smart. She’s good with animals and is a great friend, eager to protect those she cares about. She likes to play insult or bicker with people, but simultaneously knows to not push someone’s boundaries (ex. she will play insult a friend unless they’re genuinely upset, at which point she will become much gentler). She’s chaotic and friendly and wild, but overall a very good friend and an incredibly strong, determined ally. She gets along great with other outgoing people, and those also into quidditch, dragons, punk music and punk fashion. She most often befriends those with a good sense of humor, a chaotic nature and ability to hold long conversations. 
- Likes: Loki likes punk music, rock music, the color green, alternative music, punk fashion, stars, animals, raining, cooking, listening to birds, bird watching, hair dye, makeup, making fun of Ben Copper, DADA, quidditch, COMC, dragons, dangerous creatures and metal music. Best classes are DADA and COMC. Closest friends are Jae, Chiara, Tonks, Tulip and Bill. 
- Dislikes: Loki dislikes hiking, long car rides, sand, crowds, chickens, ice, history, fishing, air planes, bowling, Ben Copper, history of magic class, boring things, stuck-up people and bigots. Worst classes are History of Magic and Astronomy. She does not get along with people who are in any way bigoted, stuck up, purposefully ignorant or blatantly hypocritical (and she will absolutely deck them in the face, too). 
- Misc: Loki is a werewolf, and was bitten as a child. However, she doesn’t outright fear the moon; she somewhat embraces her werewolf identity, though she is afraid of hurting people unintentionally. She has the mindset of ‘I’m already a werewolf, I ought not to hate myself for something out of my control’. She has four younger half siblings- three muggles, and one a wizard. She plays the drums in her band. 
Samara Graham: Samara is my main slytherin MC and the paternal cousin of Jacob Dyer and Thalia Dyer. Samara was born in Aberdeen, Scotland to a neglectful, workaholic Scottish muggle father and doting, history-obsessed Welsh half-blood mother. When Samara was 7, her little brother Arran was born. Samara is genderfluid and uses they/she/he pronouns. Samara tends to keep to themself, usually helping out the curse squad in terms of research rather than going into the vaults. Samara is incredibly intelligent, being the top Slytherin student in his year, and frequently being one of the top performing students in the school overall. Samara ends up with Rowan (fem) and briefly works as an archivist before becoming the Transfigurations professor after McGonagall becomes headmistress. Samara has three children with Rowan and the two live in Hogsmeade. 
- Personality: Samara is an INTJ-T, with a 5w6 Enneagram. They’re a Taurus sorted into Slytherin. Samara has a very naturally reserved, calm and collected personality. While Samara is shy, he doesn’t really dislike people; she just prefers to be on their own. Samara will happily hold a conversation with someone on any topic that interests them. Samara is also incredibly bookish, with a never-ending thirst for knowledge. Samara is almost always either studying or reading a book. They have a deep-seated interest in figuring out spells, and even ends up inventing a few of their own. While Samara is notably friendly and fair, she can be a tad overcritical- though, this criticism is almost always directed at himself and not others. Samara is always looking for new things to learn and new problems to solve, and rarely ever loses her cool or gets angry. Samara gets along best with those who are also intelligently-minded and like reading, music, nature and/or studying. He also often befriends those who understand his need for isolation sometimes and immediately respect it.
- Likes: Samara likes instrumental music, books, reading, libraries, rainy days, quiet, piano music, playing the piano, playing the violin, violin music, history, historical places, dark/muted colors, winter, gardens, cold weather, nature, storms, keeping busy, studying, academia fashion, solving things, sweaters, loose clothing, brown clothes and wandering. Best classes are History of Magic, Transfigurations and Charms. Closest friends are Rowan, Badeea, Chiara and Ismelda.  
- Dislikes: Samara dislikes loud noises, hot weather, falling, overly sunny days, being bored, not being able to learn, obnoxious people, overly bright colors, blatant rudeness and flying. Worst class is Flying. They don’t usually get along well with loud and super lively people, but they can. He doesn’t get along at all with purposefully ignorant people, workaholics or those who cast others out without reason. 
- Misc: Samara is generally emotionally distant, and can have a hard time expressing or admitting her emotions. They grew up with a neglectful, workaholic father who was never there and left their life permanently when Samara wasn’t even 15, and a mother who was genuinely caring, but often also away at work. Samara spent the first seven years of his life very alone, and so they learned to adapt to solitude. While Samara can definitely be emotional at times, they almost always have a careful, stoic façade up. 
Isla Lyall: Isla (Eye-luh) Lyall is one of Jacob and Thalia Dyer’s maternal cousins. Born to a pureblood, 1/4 veela mother and muggleborn father in Glasgow, Scotland, Isla is the younger of twin girls. Isla uses she/they pronouns and has curly, bright red hair and a personality to match. She’s one of the more involved figured in the vaults, and dreams of becoming a cursebreaker. She ends up with my friend’s MC Oliver Adams, and works as a cursebreaker for years before retiring early to work at Oliver’s bakery instead. She and Oliver end up with four children- triplet girls and a son- and continue to live happily in Dublin. 
- Personality: Isla is an ESFP-A with a 7w6 enneagram. She’s a Gemini sorted into Ravenclaw. Isla has a very creative, driven and playful personality. She’s naturally quite intelligent, sharp, quick witted and resourceful, but she’s also outgoing, talkative and enthusiastic. They’re light on their feet and talented at quidditch, but she also is very talented at painting and sewing. They’re quite inventive too, often painting their own clothing and even making their own outfits at times. She’s adventurous, curious and energetic, and is always doing something. They’re a genuinely fun loving person with a good sense of humor and a slight mischievous streak- though not as much as their twin, Vera. Isla best gets along with those who are also talkative, adventurous, creative and/or good-humored. They tend to befriend those who are just as fun-loving as them, or just as into creating things. 
- Likes: Isla likes stars, space, dogs, quidditch, astronomy, astrology, adventuring, exploring, duelling, gelato, playing quidditch, sweets, sewing, painting, art, diy-ing clothing, sweaters, being outdoors, sunny days, rainy days and baking. Best classes are Astronomy and Charms. Closest friends are Andre, Tulip, Tonks, Badeea and Murphy. 
- Dislikes: Isla dislikes boring things, being bored, overly spicy food, bitter food, loud thunderstorms, obnoxious people, people who brag, judgmental people, people who don’t appreciate art, overly hot days and freezing weather. Worst class is Potions. They do not get along well with people who are slower-paced, don’t appreciate art or judge others. 
- Misc: Isla is an eighth veela like her cousins, and is incredibly attractive as a result. She has ADHD and doesn’t use sexuality labels, but she is definitely not straight. She doesn’t appreciate being told what to do. She’s a seer along with her twin sister, but neither are very powerful. 
Vera Lyall: Vera Lyall is the older twin sister of Isla Lyall, and a maternal cousin of Thalia and Jacob Dyer. She was born to a pureblood, 1/4 veela mother and a muggleborn father in Glasgow, Scotland. She later gains a younger brother, Athan, and a younger sister, Evanthia. Vera mainly uses she/her pronouns, but likes to be occasionally referred to with they/them pronouns. She’s just as involved in the vaults as her twin, and while she initially wanted to become an auror, they ended up becoming a cursebreaker instead. She marries Badeea Ali and the two settle in Glasgow with their three children. 
- Personality: Vera is an ESFP-A like her twin, but with a 3w2 enneagram. She’s a Gemini sorted into Gryffindor. Similar to her twin sister, Vera is considerably intelligent, sharp, quick-witted, outgoing, resourceful, energetic, adventurous and good-humored. She’s also skilled with her hands like Isla, often painting her clothes and making an outfit or two from scratch. She’s just as active, inventive and resourceful as well. However, the main difference is Vera is surprisingly sarcastic- she loves teasing her friends and pulling pranks. She’s the most sarcastic around Oliver, whom she’s best friends with and loves teasing and poking fun at. Vera gives off an air of classiness with her well styled fashion sense, white-blond hair and makeup, but she can also be quite brash and does not at all mind getting her hands (and clothes) dirty. She gets along best with others who are outgoing, active, adventurous and fun-loving. She also, of course, gets along great with those who share a love of mischief and pranks and can handle a bantering friendship with lots of joking and teasing.
- Likes: Vera likes the moon, dogs, quidditch, playing quidditch, being outdoors, exploring, moon clothing and decorations, keeping busy, duelling, sunny days, swimming, painting, sewing, diy-ing clothing, stylish clothes, small dogs, divination, greek food, gelato, pulling pranks and teasing Oliver. Best classes are Flying, Divination, DADA and Astronomy. Closest friends are Tulip, Tonks, Jae and Penny. 
- Dislikes: Vera dislikes boring things, bullies, people who don’t appreciate art, having nothing to do, showy/braggy people, judgmental people, bitter food, freezing weather and overly hot days. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She doesn’t get along well with slower-paced people, people who judge based on appearance and those who take things too seriously. 
- Misc: Vera is an eighth veela, and is insanely attractive as a result. She identifies as a lesbian and has ADHD. She, like her twin, is a seer, but not a very powerful one. She is a big fan of teasing/bantering with friends, but only with certain ones who don’t mind or actually like such things. She has a very strong-headed, demanding side who won’t allow anyone to tell her what to do. She’s overall a person with a big presence. 
Fallon Byrne: Fallon Byrne is a muggleborn witch and the second youngest of seven children born to a French mother and Northern Irish father. She was born in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland on a property with a large yard that even connected to a small stream, and Fallon spent much of her childhood outside, always running around and playing with her siblings, even though most of her older siblings were several years older than her. She’s actually cishet and uses she/her pronouns. Her older siblings are Shane (13 years older and also a wizard), Lorraine (12 years older, but disowned her family),  Élodie (9 years older), Aisling (7 years older), Juliet (4 years older) and Matthieu (2 years younger). She wanted to become an auror, but she actually quit just two years into the job once she realized how corrupt the justice system could be. She went on to work as a cursebreaker, and she married Diego Caplan, having three children with him. 
- Personality: Fallon is an ENTP-A with a 7w8 Enneagram. She’s a Sagittarius sorted into Ravenclaw. Fallon is intelligent, sharp, quick witted, outgoing, talkative, friendly, stubborn, clever, confident, courageous, daring, adventurous, curious and bold. One of the more surprising aspects of her personality is that she’s insanely individualistic. She constantly challenges people and things around her: the rules, authority, traditions. She challenges the rules and norms a lot because she wants to get a better understanding of them and form her own opinion. She always seeks to be knowledgeable on several topics and such, and she absolutely will not let anyone tell her what to do or believe. She hates the idea of blindly following anything or blindly listening to anyone; she’s firmly of the belief that people should form their own opinions rather than listening to the authority telling them what to think. Her strong sense of individuality also ties in with her adventurous side- she likes to explore things, experience them for herself. She was actually friends with Tulip and Merula during their alliance, and that’s how she got into the cursed vaults in the first place. She, along with Tulip, ended up cutting ties with Merula when things went south, because Fallon does have a strong sense of morality- she defies the norms and expectations because she doesn’t believe they’re always right. She gets along best with those who are also highly individualistic, outspoken, outgoing, friendly, rebellious or adventurous. She most often befriends those with a similar love of either adventure or rulebreaking, and is drawn to those who also have ADHD. 
- Likes: Fallon likes flying, being outdoors, skateboarding, roller skating, ice skating, striped shirts, adventuring, learning, DADA, quidditch, Enya, ABBA, upbeat music, dogs, duelling, irish music and french music. Best classes are DADA and Flying. Closest friends are Tulip, Diego, Tonks and Andre. 
- Dislikes: Fallon dislikes overly hot or cold weather, the English (/hj), most classical music, overly spicy foods, bullies, judgmental people, authority figures, blind conformity, super bright clothing, stormy days and ignorant people. Worst classes are Potions and Astronomy. She doesn’t get along well with those who are narrow-minded, purposefully ignorant or judgemental. She also doesn’t usually get along well with those who are overly conforming or blindly follow the rules. 
- Misc: Fallon is half Irish and half French. She’s also religiously and ethnically Jewish, and is very proud in her identity. She is somewhat of a nerd; while she reads a lot to become as knowledgeable as she can, she also hyperfixates on certain topics like music and skating. Whenever she’s not studying, reading or in class, she’s out with friends, skateboarding/rollerskating, or just looking for an adventure. she is not one to sit still, ever. 
Codi Nozawa: Codi Nozawa is a pureblood Japanese-Irish trans witch born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Her father is William Nozawa, a Japanese man born and raised in Ireland, while her mother is Masaki Keneko, a Japanese witch born and raised in Japan. Codi has twin younger siblings: Keiji and Kenna, born in August 1977. Codi is a big fan of herbology and plants, and ends up becoming a herbologist and marries fellow MC, Amaryllis Ferrara. The two end up with a daughter and a son. 
- Personality: Codi is an INFJ-T with a 5w6 enneagram. She’s a cancer sorted into Gryffindor. Codi is courageous, quiet, bookish, intelligent, observant, dutiful, polite, patient, practical, chivalrous and clever. She’s a bookish sort of person with a strong work ethic, and a strong moral code that pushes her to help others out whenever possible. She tends to keep to herself, but she’s by no means unfriendly; she loves talking about herbology and will go on about it for hours. She’s happy to be alone in a corner and to be surrounded by people all talking about herbs. She gets along best with those who are also introverted, autistic and/or share a love of herbology. 
- Likes: Codi likes books, herbs, herbology, plants, reading, studying, gardening, cool weather, warm weather, rainy days, flowers, savory food, sweets, gyoza, curry rice, her parents cooking, libraries, quiet days, muted colors and sweaters. Best classes are Herbology and Charms. Closest friends are Liz and Badeea.  
- Dislikes: Codi dislikes loud noises, crowded spaces, cramped/small spaces, hot weather, overly sunny days, divination class, super bright colors, neon colors, burnt food and rude people. She doesn’t get along well with overly boisterous people or those who boss people around. 
- Misc: Codi is a trans asexual gray-romantic lesbian. She’s a really good cook and often cooks in her downtime; her favorite dishes are gyoza, curry rice, okonomoyaki, sukiyaki, katsudon, tonkatsu and taiyaki. She’s not related to any of the other MCs in any way. She becomes one of the Gryffindor prefects, and ends up becoming head girl as well. 
Amaryllis Ferrara: Amaryllis is a half-blood south asian witch and an only child to a single father. She was originally made by a friend, who has since transferred ownership to me. She was born in the small town of Lizard in the Cornwall region of England, at its southernmost point. Her father, Chadwick Ferrara, is a half blood wizard who has dedicated himself to Amaryllis and giving her the best life possible. She’s fond of potionmaking and ends up becoming a potioneer and marries fellow MC Codi Nozawa. 
- Personality: Amaryllis is an ISFJ-T with a 9w1 enneagram. She’s a Pisces sorted into Gryffindor. Amaryllis is chivalrous, observant, friendly, helpful, pleasant, enthusiastic, idealistic, brave, cheerful, optimistic, hardworking, calm and open minded. Amaryllis is a generally cheerful and friendly person who likes talking to others and helping people out. They enjoy being around people despite their introverted nature, but she also just as much enjoys being in an empty room with a book in her hands. She often busies herself with a small project and is good with their hands. They get along best with those who are friendly but not boisterous, have a good sense of morality and are happy to both go out and do something and stay in for a movie. 
- Likes: Amaryllis likes potions, reading, divinations, savory foods, nihari, meat dishes, rainy days, swimming, the ocean, quiet days, relaxing, sweaters, the color red, winter, spring and spending time with her father. Best classes are Potions and Divinations. Closest friends are Penny and Ben. 
- Dislikes: Amaryllis dislikes hot weather, Snape, intolerant people, spice-less food, muggy/humid days, humidity, horror movies, her mother, judgmental people, being judged, being bored and having nothing to do. They don’t get along with people who are crass, snippy or judgemental. 
- Misc: Amaryllis is South Asian- specifically Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi. She was largely raised by her Pakistani father and therefore is mostly in tune with that side of her heritage. She’s physically disabled and walks with a cane. She’s a gifted seer. They have the unique patronus of a Demiguise. They identify as a demigirl and a lesbian, and use she/they pronouns. 
Blair Clark: Blair is a trans witch born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland. She has a younger sister, Maisie, and they’re both the half sisters to Jacob Dyer and therefore Thalia and Salem as well. Blair is fond of writing, and ends up becoming a journalist. She marries Tulip Karasu and the two settle in Edinburgh and have two sons. She was originally created by a friend but now belongs to me.
- Personality: Blair is an ESTJ-T with a 6w7 enneagram. She’s an aquarius sorted into Hufflepuff. Blair is kind, stubborn, loyal, clever, sarcastic, intelligent, enthusiastic, friendly, optimistic, caring, curious, sharp, cheerful and level headed. She has a bit of a sarcastic, teasing side with close friends. She’s generally a pretty honest and reliable person who’s happy to help others out. She’s extroverted but not overly outgoing; she’s happy to both spend one-on-one time with someone or be surrounded by people. She gets along best with those who are also generally friendly and chill-going, and especially gets along well with those who like writing and/or will banter along with her. 
-Likes: Blair likes watching quidditch, writing, charms, muggle music, magical creatures, jokes, teasing friends, flying class, the color yellow, sweaters, cold days, winter, fall, coffee with milk, milkshakes, strawberry deserts, roasting marshmallows, baked goods, rainy days and sitting by the fireplace. Best classes are Charms and COMC. Closest friends are Tulip, Andre and Penny. 
- Dislikes: Blair dislikes Snape, tea, making mistakes, most of her family, Filch, stuck up people, extreme weather, hot weather, muggy/humid days, humidity, super loud music, bright neon colors, strobing lights, gore, loud noises and people touching her without permission. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She doesn’t get along well with people who are super boisterous, constantly draw attention to themselves or belittle others. 
- Misc: Blair is a trans demi-lesbian. She can be quite naive and bottles up her emotions a lot. She has ODC, ADHD, anxiety and clinical depression. Blair cut contact with all of her grandparents (excluding her donor’s side) due to them all being very transphobic. She has a good relationship with her mom, but has a slightly more tense relationship with her father; he struggles a lot but does try, and their relationship improves quite a bit as Blair becomes older. She has a few tics caused by her ADHD. 
Danae Adhikari: Danae Adhikari is a half blood, Indian witch born and raised in England. At the age of 8, she was orphaned after her parents were attacked and killed while sleeping in their house. Danae had been staying with her aunt at the time, and was subsequently raised by her cousin. She is bisexual but generally uninterested in romance, and remains single her whole life. She ends up as an archivist in the Ministry. 
- Personality: Danae is an ISTJ-T, with a 5w6 enneagram. She’s a virgo sorted into Slytherin. Danae is quiet, clever, stoic, intelligent, calm, level-headed, apathetic, reserved, independent, analytical, hard-working and responsible. Danae is autistic and struggles heavily with emotions- mainly, she hardly ever feels anything very strongly, or in-depth. This can make her come off as emotionless and uncaring, but she does genuinely like to help people and make an occasional friend. She is understandably, however, very socially inept and tends to stay by herself, as socializing doesn’t often end well for her. She gets along best with other autistic people most, but also tends to get along with other reserved and very introverted people. 
- Likes: Danae likes long sleeves, cool weather, winter, snow, rainy days, stormy days, forests, quiet, libraries, dim/low-light places, loose clothes, tea, warm drinks, hot chocolate, sitting quietly with other people, reading, wandering, spicy food, dal tadka, samosas, spicy foods, savory food, cooking, neutral tones and coffee. Best classes are Charms and Transfigurations. Closest friend is Badeea. 
- Dislikes: Danae dislikes hot weather, summer, sunny days, bright lights, loud noises, loud people, boisterous/obnoxious people, stale food, overly loud music, being disturbed, socializing, parties, slimy things, bright neon colors, strobe lights, being forced to do anything, being forced to socialize, divination and fighting. Worst classes are Divinations and DADA. She doesn’t get along well wiith super extroverted, loud, energetic or boisterous people. 
- Misc: Danae has autism, depression and PTSD. As stated before, they struggle heavily with emotions and rarely feel much of anything. Because of this, Danae is not very emotionally intelligent, and bad at reading the room and recognizing emotions in others. This can make her come off as rude, uncaring or harsh, but she’s truly not; Danae does care for others and likes to help, she’s just naturally very reserved and tends to avoid socializing, due to her poor social skills. Danae is also naturally independent and used to doing things either by herself, or in a very small group, so she does not do well in crowds or with a lot of people. 
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bikelock28 · 2 years
i'd like to hear your additional wolfstar thoughts, and thoughts on the queerness of sirius and remus
Thank you for this Ask! I got a bit carried away with this answer so it's very rambly long and detailed.
General disclaimers :
Content Warnings: Homophobia, teenage sex, brief mentions of sexual assault.
This is a LGBTQ+friendly blog which supports all queer identities :)
I'm going to refer to Sirius and Lupin as MLMs. "Queer" is too general given I believe both are cis, and MLM encompasses gay/bi/pan/ etc.
I'm a cishet girl woman so none of what I'm saying is from my own personal experience
More specific disclaimers:
While all sexualities have always existed, the language for them hasn't. We're dealing with 2 dudes in the 90s, who were born in the 60s, so they'd be unlikely to refer to or even understand their sexuality in the way we do now.
Actual Canon: what happens on the page in the book. Facts.
Possible Interpretations: self-explanatory. There will be multiple of these and they will be contradictory!
Bikelock's Interpretation: Which of the Possible Interpretations I believe.
These days it's tempting to read queerphobia into all of JKR's writing. Personally I disagree with this because mars critical analysis, and because it's a sweeping generalisation based on her recent transphobic tweets and comments, not her writing of fictional MLMs 15+ years ago.
Some of the evidence is from when Sirius and Lupin were teenagers. Therefore it's easy to say "well they hadn't figured their sexuality out yet". This is true, but also that's the evidence we have to work with, so we have to go with it.
Is Sirius Black An MLM?
Here I will look at Sirius in isolation (without Lupin I mean, not like when he was in Azakaban).
Actual canon: "Several posters of bikini-clad Muggle girls" on his bedroom walls. Harry notes that he "had to admire Sirius' nerve". Possible Interpretations: 1. He isn't really into girls in bikinis as the main point is to piss of his parents, not to lust over. 2. He is into girls in bikinis and can lust over them while pissing off his parents. Win-win.
Actual canon: "The girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though we didn't seem to have noticed". I love this! Possible Interpretations: 1. Sirius has so many girls after him that he doesn't notice. He's got that cocky, "Oh hey? Didn't see ya there" swagger (this is more commonly known as Being A Prick). 2. This moment is a representation of Sirius not being into girls in general.
Bikelock's Interpretation: I reckon both interpretations for both the above are very plausible. I do think JKR intended Sirius to be straight, but I believe and enjoy the MLM readings of them.
Actual canon: "He was very goodlooking" "Still-handsome face", "Looking haughty and bored, but very handsomely so" etc etc etc. Honestly, the narrator is always banging on about how goodlooking Sirius was/is (JKR, stop crushing on a teenage boy BORN FROM YOUR OWN MIND, you absolute weirdo). But we never hear about a girlfriend? That's a bit odd. Possible Interpretations: 1. The constant spelling out of how sexy Sirius is is the narrator implying his womanizing, 2. It's a deliberate omission of romantic interest because he's gay, 3. While we see a lot of photos etc, we only see pre-Azkaban Sirius do stuff in Snape's Worst Memory, and Sirius' love life was not relevant in that scene, 4. Sirius' handsomeness isn't anything to do with who he's going out with, it's more about his arrogance- being goodlooking can be about YOU, not your relationship with others! Bikelock's Interpretation: I think JK intended 3 and 4, but as a Basic Straight Girl I'm a sucker for fictional and irl too bad boys, so I also think 1.
Is Remus Lupin an MLM?
Here I will look at Lupin in isolation.
Actual canon: Carries a Big Secret which will affect his job and his security if anybody finds out. In general is a private person who lives with shame. Possible Interpretations: 1. How very sad that this secrecy and shame can be interpreted as a signifier for queerness :( 2. It is more about infection, illness/disability, Snape being a dick, the structure of leading up to the PoA finale, than an metaphor for queerness. Bikelock's Interpretation: 1.
Actual canon: Big Secret publicly revealed by Snape in an act of revenge. Possible Interpretations: Snape outs Lupin. 1. Metaphor of outing of queerness. 2. This is, like, a thing that generally happens in dramatic fiction, and not necessarily queer coding. Bikelock's Interpretation: Err, both.
Actual canon: Married a woman and had sex with her at least once. Possible Interpretations: 1. Lupin is sexually/romantically attracted to women, meaning he: 1A. Is straight, 1B. Is MLM who is bi/pan etc. 2. HOWEVER:
Actual canon: Lupin is literally never seen happily interacting with his wife on-page after their wedding. Yep, that's right. Go back and check if you don't believe me. Possible Interpretations: 1. Lupin doesn't really want to marry Tonks (1. 1...but he was pressured into it by Tonks, Molly, and like, all the others (evidence for all this being in the hospital wing in HBP), 1.2. And/or because it was a crazy time, he was grieving for Dumbledore, he was scared, he was doing mad shit). So yeah, it's possible to argue that even though Lupin marries a woman, he could still be gay. In fact, I actually think this kind of makes sense with everything else we know about Lupin's self-hatred, shame, commitment-phobia r.e Tonks, and general appalling decision-making. Bikelock's Interpretation: Despite everything I just said, when it comes down to I believe that Remus is in love with Tonks and did want to actually marry her.
Actual canon: Lupin ditches Tonks twice, including when she's pregnant. He "made a grave mistake in marrying Tonks, and have regretted it very much ever since". Oof, not a good moment this. Possible Interpretations: 1. Remus Lupin is a character who has experienced trauma, the effects of which makes him a dreadful boyfriend/husband to Tonks, especially when he is terrified he has subjected her and their child to lycanthropy. This man is a walking disaster, and I don't mean that in a cute "this smol lil catastrophe bean" way. His bewilderment, self-loathing, shame, fear and experiences of abandonment and grief, are the reason he is so changeable regarding Tonks. 2. See above bullet-point: he never wanted to marry her. Bikelock's Interpretation: First one. Lupin is an awful husband for reasons explained by his Actual Canon lycanthropy, not reading into it that he didn't want to be with her in the first place.
Actual canon: After 4 books of the narrator banging on about how old, grey and ill Lupin looks, when Teddy is born he "looked younger than Harry had ever seen him" and "seemed dazed by his own happiness". Omg i'm dying reading this bit, it's so lovely. Possible Interpretations: 1. Heterosexual marriage and parenthood appear to have metaphorically cured Lupin of his infirmity and misery. Does this heteronormativity stretch into homophobia? 2. This joy is everything this beautiful man deserved. Of course he would be happy after the birth of his child! A key HP theme is parents and children and the love between them- here's JK demonstrating it. This is especially important given A. Harry being orphaned as a baby, B. Lupin (and Tonks) being killed off, leaving Teddy an orphan. It is key that Harry witnesses this love from a new parent about his child, both as part of A. Harry's own understanding of himself as an orphan and his relationship with his parents, B. The father-figure role he will play in Teddy's life.
Wait, What About ALL Of OotP?
I'm putting this separately because a lot of Wolfstar's situation in OotP applies to them both:
Actual canon: Secretly living together and despite being outcasts, Sirius and Lupin are father figures to Harry together. They even get him a joint Christmas present! Possible Interpretations: 1. ...gay subtext af. 2. Harry has many father figures, there are plenty of people are barging in and out of 12GP not just Lupin, Sirius is stuck inside and Lupin is skint so in terms of practicality they had to share the present, and it's just part of adventure stories that characters have to hide in secret. Stop reading so much into this! Bikelock's Interpration: No2.
Actual canon: The 40-Line Stare. A classic of Wolfstar shipping. Possible Interpretations: 1. Staring at someone is not a signifier of romantic attraction. 2. Staring at someone is totally a signifier of romantic attraction. Bikelock's Interpretation: First one.
Actual canon: Sirius and Lupin's interactions in Snape's Worst Memory are negligible. Possible Interpretations: 1. They weren't together at this point but would be later. 2. They were together at this point but it was a secret. 3. They weren't together at this point and never would be.
Other Stuff
Actual Canon: "Lupin walked to Black's side, seized his hand, and pulled him to his feet so that Crookshanks fell to the floor, and embraced Black like a brother". Another Wolfstar classic. Possible Interpretations: 1. He embraced Black like a brother. 2. This is from 13-yr-old Harry's understanding, and they actually may have embraced more like lovers. Bikelock's Interpretation: No1. "Brother" is what it says on the page. I think to cast the “misinterpreted a lover’s embrace” aspersion on Harry's viewpoint is grasping at straws. Think about irl the last time you hugged a sibling, friend or romantic partner...would a a bystander know the difference?
In fact, that whole scene in the Shrieking Shack arguably has lots of Wolfstar Hints dropped. But think about what's going on in that moment. It's batshit crazy! It's the dramatic climax of the book so the characters are all heightened. I just don't think any of the alleged Wolfstar Hints can be counted as legit given the circumstances.
The two characters are very close friends. Staring, hugging, caring for each other, avenging a friend's death, nagging each other, going to places together staying inside together, being distraught when the other one dies- these are all ordinary/understandable things for old, close friends to do. Personally I am irked by the idea that these actions can only be explained if the two characters are romantically involved. I think that's a disservice to Sirius and Lupin's friendship. It also demonstrates a pretty negative view of male friendship in general. Male friendship isn't just "wheeyyy football Quidditch booze bantz bantz". It can be caring and meaningful, like Lupin and Sirius'. Moreover, in general imo platonic relationships are just as important as friendships. Sirius and Lupin don't need to be romantic lovers for their love to be valuable.
OK You've Rambled On Long Enough, What Do You Actually Think?
Bikelock's Interpretation- Lupin: Easy for me. I interpret him as bi. The Big Secret and outing in PoA is a clincher. I don't think it was intentional by JKR but in my view it has a clear MLM reading (poor Lupin, the main signifier of his queerness is something upsetting, shameful and vengeful). I also like the idea of him as bi because he is so far from the Chaotic Sex-Mad Bisexual stereotype.
Bikelock's Headcanon- Lupin: (this is stuff I've made up myself with less/no canon evidence): Lupin is bisexual het-romantic (though, he wouldn't refer to or consider himself this way). I don't like the idea that he has had zero romantic/sexual relationships by the time Tonks turns up. It just...it's a bit cliché, a bit easy? (also a pain from a Remadora fanfic-writing perspective).
If you've read Pluto you'll know I write Lupin as having a poor relationship with sex. Although actually, I reckon it's mostly a poor relationship with heterosexual sex. See more in this post. The gist is, Lupin he believes he is a potential sexual predator because he is a werewolf. He would therefore feel more safe from himself when having sex with another man, because blokes are generally bigger and stronger and would have a better chance of fighting him off if he were to lose control. (It therefore a was a real twist of the knife to have JKR pair him off with a girl a lot younger than him). So, I think for the 12 years between the Potter Deaths and PoA, he was occasionally jacking off/blowjobs with random blokes met in pubs. Not to stereotype here, but that casual sex is a bit more common amongst MLMs than The Straights. Also I like the idea that our quite sweet, mild Prof Lupin has sucked off some dude behind a wheelie-bin. I think this would probs be Muggles because A. Lupin presumably spent a lot of time in the Muggle world, B. More anonymity.
Any girls ever? I think so. As I said, I don't want Tonks to be the first woman Remus ever slept with. I think his mates may have parlayed him into some action at school, and maybe after. Of course he would be very anxious about if/how/when to tell them he's a werewolf, and very guilty if/when he didn't tell them. This pre-Potter Death version of Lupin was a bit cheerier and less ashamed than the version we meet in canon, so his view of het sex wouldn't have deteriorated to the point I explained in the above para- that would happen after the Potter Deaths. In the 12 years after that, I reckon there probably was a girl or two, but ngl I struggle to come up with scenarios. She'd almost certainly be Muggle.
I dislike the fact that this headcanon of mine carries with it the homophobic implication of "had sordid and unfulfilling gay sexual encounters until monogamous het marriage and fatherhood made him truly happy". But, err, I guess that's how it is and idk what to do about it.
Bikelock's Interpretation- Sirius: I have less to say about Sirius. I fancy him see him as a very annoying, cocky, arrogant, womanising straight fuckboi. But I also think the MLM interpretations are plausible and fun.
Bikelock's Headcanon- Sirius: When I wrote Sparkling I wrote him as both interpretations. Defo having my cake and eating it BUT I plausible imo, and Sirius would have his cake and eat it too, wouldn't he?! I see teenage Sirius as a speedball of "wanna do it all, say it all, fight it all" so it's not a huge jump to "fuck it all", especially if he's getting lots of offers from girls. Plus, power is a big thing for Sirius and I think he'd enjoy the power element of sex, especially ditching girls once he's done with them. I think the MLM side of things would be more disconcerting for him, as it would for any boy in the 1970s.
Wasn't This Meant To Be a Post About Wolfstar?
Oh right yeah, sorry.
Bikelock's Headcanon: I think at Hogwarts Wolfstar could have happened. Generally such relationships between boys are A Thing at boarding school (although maybe less so at a mixed-gender boarding school) and I find that interesting and...kind of cool?
Pre-Potter Death Lupin is more fun and light, and boy is he happy to be cajoled into naughty fun with his friends. So I can see him copping off with Sirius, even if it was just as experimentation/boredom/horniness (remember, they are teenage boys!). Surely he'd actually feel better experimenting with a close friend? As for Sirius, I think if he sensed Lupin was MLM he would use that to his advantage. Not in a predatory way, he'd just...yeah, also participate. Likewise, if he's getting all this attention from girls but suspects he's MLM, he might feel better exploring that with a friend, who he knows won't be (too) weird about it or out him.
I don't know why I don't see them as legit "in love". Maybe because most 17-year-olds aren't?! It's something I find frustrating about Harry's gen. And you don't need to be in love with the person you're getting off with at school!
Lupin’s situation means immediately post-Hogwarts he HAS to crack on and start making money to clutch at whatever stability he can find. Sirius' upbringing was materially stable and financially privileged, but emotionally shit, so I bet he wants/needs the opposite to Lupin: to get out there, see the world, have adventures. Lupin has to be more pragmatic than to want those things. A long-term romantic relationship would therefore not work. Being in the Order would change things too.
I also like the idea that James is always Sirius' BFF. His romantic relationship with Lupin was separate, perhaps less close- see my above point about the value of platonic friendship.
Wolfstar could not possibly be A Thing by the time the Potters went into hiding ABSOLUTE LATEST. Sirius suspects Lupin of betraying the Potters to Voldemort! Lupin wasn't told about the change in Secret-Keeper. Obviously that's Best Practise Secret-Keeping, but think about how many huge secrets the Marauders kept at school: werewolf, map, Aminagi, Snape incident. Lupin not being informed of the switch is therefore a big deal demonstrating major distrust.
Fats-forward to OotP. Imo it's too much time past, they're too different, they weren't even together particularly romantically or for very long as teenagers, and even that was now a lifetime ago. Therefore it doesn't make sense for Wolfstar to be together in OotP. Also, it doesn't fit timeline-wise with Lupin/Tonks (who are Actual Canon!).
However, I do like to imagine touch-starved Sirius being, like, weirdly physical with Lupin, like putting his head on his shoulder a lot, maybe he kisses him goodnight sometimes. But, more in a strange, sad, lonely way, than a romantic way.
The End. Phew, that was a long post! Thanks for reading- even if you just skipped to the bottom. In case you possibly need more of my rambles, here's a plug for some of my Wolfstar fanfic, or at least fanfic involving the characters:
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k-howlett · 28 days
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Your Friendly Neighbourhood Fanfic Enthusiast
⊹₊⟡⋆ ⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺ ⊹₊⟡⋆
Name: Lark | Karot | Mav
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 21.
Prompt/Character Requests: Open (ask submissions)
*please note; not all story requests can be fulfilled but there will be updates on how many slots I can take at a time located on the Status Page (Here) as well as the schedule for the month
₊‧⁺ ⊹₊⟡⋆₊‧⁺ ⊹₊⟡⋆₊‧⁺ ⊹₊⟡⋆
(Reposts) when reposting please give credit, especially if its being put on a masterlist of sorts
(//Tag lists) please see below information on how I run tag lists, do not flood my asks with taglist questions please and thank you! <3
(Characters) All Characters are based off of a multitude of sources, therefore they could seem OOC, but I try to operate based on how I think a character is at their core breakdown (Will release a personal analysis of each character I write for and why I write them the way I do as a part of the CHARACTER tag list) (This will make more sense when my blog has more fanfics to build into a masterlist)
(Prompts) I'd love to be nominated for challenges and such during the holidays! I love detailed prompt requests, however, smutt is a whole other beast of literature and requires gender specific pronouns. I can write implied scenes for general audience, but for more intricate pieces, I am completely limited to my own anatomy and what I understand the human body to operate as; therefore I will have to ask that you keep your prompts GA if you are looking for neutral terms. I also will NOT write incest! This rule is bent a little bit, as I will do adjacent non-blood related sibling dynamics (example: their mom marries your dad). I will NOT stray from character integrity, meaning if you request a prompt that doesn't align with the character (loyal character!xcheating prompt) I will not grant the request because I believe it is not true to their nature.
Please just be mindful and respectful in understanding some of my work may have themes (example: age-gaps) that are a way for me to work through some trauma I have and may not necessarily align with what you're comfortable with. All my works will have a rating system and trigger warnings to accommodate.
(Mutuals) I would love to be friends with you guys! I do have a discord, I will only give it out once the friendship is established and I will keep my other socials private as I have little siblings on those platforms
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//Tag List CHARACTER Request Masterlist: Coming Soon
This functions SEPARATELY from story tag lists, where you would be getting tagged purely for that specific fanfic until it is completed
*Note that character tag lists will be released when fanfics correlating to the character are posted
Example: (for characters with more than one series, one shot, or headcannon) A post will be made and you can request from that page (comments) to be put on the CHARACTER TAG LIST which includes all future works for that specific character until removal request (PM or Ask)
//Tag List STORY Requests are fulfilled within comment sections of ongoing stories (not available for one-shots or headcannons)
Status Page for current stories: link at top*
all completed works will be available on the masterlists (coming soon)
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Characters I Write For:
*please note this is based off of characters I know in depth enough to be able to write for, not necessarily a reflection on my favourite characters
Batman | Bruce Wayne
Catwoman | Selina Kyle
Nightwing | Robin | Dick Grayson
Red Hood | Jason Todd
Red Robin | Tim Drake
Robin | Batman | Damian Wayne
⊹₊⟡⋆Harry Potter⊹₊⟡⋆
(original series)
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Doctor Strange | Stephen Strange
Loki Laufeyson (Pre-TV Show)
Spider-Man 2099 | Miguel O'hara
Venom | Riot | Symbiote Host Reader
Wolverine | James Logan Howlett
Carlisle Cullen (Twilight)
Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games)
Christopher Wilde (Starstruck (2010))
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Hunter (Owl House)
Kylo Ren / Ben Solo (Star Wars)
Sherlock Holmes (BBC Version)
Temperance Brennan (Bones)
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Additional Information:
yes platonic and romantic pairings
I write:
Smutt WITH PLOT (female reader only) 🫧
fluff ☁️
hurt/comfort ☔️
angst 🌧️
angst with a happy ending 🌦️
gender nonspecific AND gender specific labels
GN! <gender neutral reader>, MLM<men love men>, WLW<women love women>, FW! <for women>, FM! <for men>
no gender bent characters
I DO NOT do ship pairings (this is an xreader focused blog)
Master Lists: coming soon
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yan-senna · 11 months
firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨
Hi! This one was really hard😭
I guess I like:
1. The colour of my eyes
2. My hair
3. My love for Snape and Lucius😌
4. My taste in music lol (I like Chinese music🎵)
5. That I’m friendly and helpful (at least I try to be🥲)
As always, I’m too lazy to send this via ask, so I’ll tag instead-:
@iobsessoverfictionalmen ϟ @giosnape ϟ @sevsnapes ϟ @zennywrites ϟ @zyfe4 ϟ @eternal-silvertongued-prince ϟ @sneepseverus ϟ @ensnapemysenses ϟ @misskitty1912-blog ϟ @encantadiafan12 ϟ @acupnoodle ϟ @smilingformoney
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intristitia · 1 year
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                ' Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell the truth. '
        THIS IS AN INDEPENDENT AND HIGHLY SELECTIVE ROLE PLAY BLOG FEATURING SEVERUS SNAPE OF J.K ROWLING'S HARRY POTTER SERIES. Private, selective, OC friendly. Multi-ship and 21+.         Please read the rules before interacting.
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thatravenpuffgirl · 2 years
✨ Requests are open✨
Hi everyone! I'm a new writer on Tumblr, but I wanted to let you guys know that I am taking requests for one-shots, headcanons, etc. Below are details on what characters & ships I'll write, what I will and won't write, request guidelines and stuff like that. Please read this before you request, and if you see one of my posts before this and want to make rest, I'll be linking this post to each of the other posts I make, but anyway, let's get to it.
Characters I'll write for (at the moment, I'll update this when I become more comfortable writing about other fandoms):
Harry Potter, Golden Era Characters:
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Billy Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan, Hannah Abbott, Padma Patil and Parvati Patil, Terry Boot, Colin Creevy, basically any other characters that I might have forgotten to list or minor characters.
Harry Potter, Maurders Era Characters:
young Remus lupin, young James potter, young Sirius black, young regulus black, young lily Evans, young Severus snape, young mary Macdonald, young Dorcas meadows, young Marlene Mckinnon, young pandora Lovegood, young Narissa Malfoy, young Bellatrix Lestrange, young Andromeda tonks, young molly Weasley, young Arthur Weasley, Fabien and Gideon Prewett, young Alice Longbottom, young Frank Longbottom, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter, pretty much all of the Black family, and any other characters I might have again, forgotten.
Now, onto request guidelines:
I will write oneshots, headcanons (general or based on a specific prompt, like a character's hobby or relationship with another character) fluff, and angst. I can write some level of smut, but only something like making out, kissing, etc. Please don't be afraid to ask, but please don't be upset if I turn down the request, it's usually only because I'm not comfortable with writing it. I also won't write anything about rape, abuse, incest, anything that's racist, anything smutty that involves a minor and an adult, etc.
2. There are certain ships I will not write about as well, I won't list specific ones, but I will not write about ships that involve an adult and a minor, a student and a professor, polyamorous ships, etc. I get that everyone has their preferences, and that's fine, but I'm not comfortable writing those types of ships. Any other ships, though, are totally fine! I will also write platonic ships, not just romantic ships.
3. Be kind. if you don't like the request I've written, please be polite. Although I am by no means transphobic, racist, etc, I do not have much experience in writing characters that are part of the LGBTQIA+ community or characters with different cultures, and this may reflect on my writing. But, with that matter and just in general, I try my best, so I will not accept any hate on this blog, towards me or others.
4. Be patient. Please take this as a friendly remember that, like the rest of us, I do have a life, and while I'll try to get back to you on a request as soon as possible, I can not write 24/7. So please don't be offended if it takes a while for me to finish your request, I will try to finish it as quick as possible. And, please don't be offended if I choose not to write your request. There are a lot of things I really don't feel comfortable writing about, and that's okay. It's not my intention to offend you if I don't write your request, it's just my preference. And, sometimes it has nothing to do with the content of your request, but simply because I don't have the energy to write sometimes, and I just have to turn down some requests.
5. Please be detailed. This is very important! Please specify in your request, what character you want me to write about, the ship you want me to include if you just want it to be a character x y/n thing, or a nonshipping request, a clear summary of your idea, the type of writing you want it to be (headcanons, one shot, fluffy, angst etc), that type of thing. It doesn't have to be super long, just enough so I know what you actually want me to write. And please only submit your requests via my asks, not in the comments of my posts or anything like that.
And I think that's all! I really appreciate you taking the time to read this, and just an extra note, if you would like to submit anything via my asks, that's not a request, just a question or to share your own thoughts on Harry Potter, please feel free to do so! I would love to hear from you guys. Anyways, thank you again, and I look forward to you submitting any requests you might have!
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Could you tell me what are your favorite Snape's relationships in the books? I'm also curious to know what other Harry Potter characters you might like/love? And maybe, if you have a favorite Harry Potter book. It's a lot of questions, you don't have to answer them all (or to answer them at all). Thanks in advance! Btw, your blog is very cool! ; )
Hmm good question, I think my favorite is definitely with the other Hogwarts teachers, especially McGonagall. Though there isn't a ton of evidence that they were friends, they definitely feel compatible so you can't help but think they're quite friendly behind the scenes and open house rivalry. Then just for my own sanity I like to think he was fairly respected by his colleagues and on friendly terms with most. Even minor characters like Sinistra and Burbage, there are some interesting fics out there exploring that
I've also been warming up to the idea of him being friendly with the Malfoys, his friendship with Lucius may have started out on an uneven foot due to the age and status difference but it may eventually have developed into a somewhat sincere friendship. Narcissa also seemed to know her way around Cokeworth suspiciously well
His friendship with Lily is also another fav, they were such an odd pair, Sunshine and Grump frolicking together with magic. Tragically we only got to see them at their worst moments but I'm convinced they were truly best friends until some bad choices were made
As for another character that I love – Severus Snape takes up the top 10 fav character seats lmao I'm that far gone. But I usually list Harry Potter himself as a second fav and then Neville but they don't really come close to the snobsession
Fav book – maybe The Half Blood Prince, it really cements Snape as an important character and we get to see what a nerd [smart af] he was as a teenager. It was also probably the biggest emotional roller coaster for me when it came out, definitely super depressing reading about him offing Dumbledore but the buildup for waiting for book 7 also really built up my hype for Snape, I desperately wanted to find out what motivated him and what the hell he was actually about, team-snape is actually a good guy etc. In the end Snape didn't disappoint
Huh I have a lot to say when prompted, sorry about that. And thank you so much!
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I posted 10,522 times in 2022
That's 8,112 more posts than 2021!
875 posts created (8%)
9,647 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,680 of my posts in 2022
#stupid - 628 posts
#the-c-odd-prompt - 254 posts
#prompt - 196 posts
#cool art - 96 posts
#yes - 87 posts
#tony stark - 80 posts
#lol - 78 posts
#iron man - 69 posts
#lmao - 69 posts
#ironstrange - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#in which steve is the cool uncle and charlie has a thing for bananas and danny has to stop steve from leavin the country cause he feels bad
My Top Posts in 2022:
Snape & Harry prompt
Make it shippy if you want, I'll keep it gen for myself.
Snape survives the war and when Harry goes back for his 8th year, Snape ignores him. No more insults, no more detention, no more asking him questions he doesn't have the answer to, nothing. Since it's after the war, Harry's a bit...traumatised, and feels kind of without a purpose, because he doesn't want to fight anymore but he also doesn't know anything else, much less what he wants to do. And so, his helper-complex kicks in and he thinks clearly Snape's traumatised too, so much so that he doesn't even enjoy his favourite pass-time anymore : tortuting Harry. So Harry's new purpose is to annoy Snape into being a giant dick again, and make him feel better. Except the whole dickishness (well, the extent of it anyway) was part of his spy gig so Snape doesn't wanna go back to it, but my god is that Potter kid a pain in his...backside.
125 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Mystrade/Mycroft prompt
Mycroft's waistcoat is a bulletproof vest. Mystrade version is Greg finding that out the hard way.
126 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
All the ships
A's got some visible consequence of trauma ; maybe scars, maybe nervous ticks, maybe some obvious reactions to stuff, anything. B asks them about it and A lies, but A's a shit liar telling a shit excuse and they're in a bad place right now so when B just accepts it cheerfully, A thinks "oh, you don't care enough to call me on my bullshit". In the end, A realises "oh, you care enough to wait for me to be ready to talk about it"
144 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
All the ships:
Strangers to flirty Friends to Lovers to friendly Exes to ... Well after that you can choose what you want.
So, they used to date but for some reason they broke up and they thought "well we were friends before, we can be friends again now as exes, right?" but wrong because they weren't friends, they were flirty friends, the kind where the friendship is mostly based on the mutual attraction which prevents real connection because you wanna impress. So now they realise they've got nothing to talk about and friendly Exes become "haven't talked to you in weeks but no hard feelings" kind of strangers. And then they meet again and start over.
154 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One prompt all the ships:
Soulmate AU where you have "the most meaningful touch" your soulmate ever gives you as, like, a birthmark.
A has a giant handprint all across their face, covering their mouth and cheeks. Obligatory angst of "oh shit my soulmate is violent/hates me/etc" until it turns out that B (the soulmate) actually saved their lives by preventing them from making a sound while danger was near (or something else non-evil).
(an example would be that scene where Klaus covers Caroline's mouth while 'saving' her from Psycho-Alaric ; another would be a high level of "shut up now before you say something you shouldn't" slam-my-hand-against-your-face thing)
449 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shouta-edits · 1 year
Hello!! I was on the hunt for a selfship blog and I’m so glad to have found a proship-friendly one.
I took a peek through your rules ofc, but I’m not sure the term for this one. A selfship moodboard, maybe?
I selfship with a couple fellas, namely Count Olaf (from the Netflix show, not the movie), Severus Snape, and the Santa from the Violent Night movie ^^;
If any of those are able to be moodboarded, I’d love that!! Ooh, or maybe like, a phone background? I’m not sure, but y’all’s posts are so cool, may I give creative freedom?
Hi! Please just pick one and the themes of them. Thank you.
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rebelside · 1 year
Why are you so mean to Snape Stans?
We don’t come on your page and bother you so leave us alone. If you don’t agree with something we say then oh well…scroll. The person you just argued with is actually really nice and he listens to all of his followers even if they’re flooding him with rants. I’ve actually seen him have civil and friendly conversations with anti snapers. You’re just a mean person. Send him a respectful anonymous ask to ask him about why he loves Snape and I’m sure you’ll get a respectful answer.
1.the post is in the anti snape tag, tagging something with a tag with the opposite content of the tag is just meant to annoy people, and is far worse than going to someone's blog and disagreeing with their posts (funny enough I don't post snape hate or james hate in the snape or James tags).
2. So I'm being mean because I am calling out a statement for lacking any proof of validity, a statement pro something tagged in the anti something tag, okay.
3. If you are so sure about your comment you shouldn't hide behind anon, you might as well being talking about yourself in the third person, and praising your amazing argumentative skills xD
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