#this is probably bc I said trans woman are woman and can be lesbians
r0nni3 · 2 years
You’re a homophobic freak and you need to hang yourself. The world would be better off without you
Sorry I don’t have any rope or money to buy it if you wanna give me some money for buy it I’ll send you my email can you ca like give me an Amazon gift card
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
do you think it’s possible for a lesbian to be somewhat attracted to a trans woman (who passes well) if the only place she sees the tw is online/in videos/in pictures? i’m gender critical and i believe attraction is based on sex, but if somebody strongly resembles the same sex and you’re only seeing them from a physical distance, wouldn’t it make sense for somebody attracted to that sex to be able to find them attractive? (not referring to pursuing a relationship with them)
its almost 4am at the end of a long work week, and I'm still recovering from covid, so I hope this is coherent lmao
ik this will be controversial but I urge people to really mull over this before reacting in anger, though I really do understand the impulse:
honestly, as a (former) neuroscience researcher and someone still deeply passionate about neuroscience who likes to read neuroscience journal articles in her spare time... I think it's fucking complicated and there's a bit of intellectual dishonesty on both sides. the TRA side claims you can (only!) be attracted to someone's internal identity or ~gender feelings~ while the gc side claims that there is NO circumstance in which a person could pass well enough as the opposite sex to be perceived as attractive by someone whose orientation includes that "passing" sex.
and yet, I've had the experience of being at an lgbt bar or club and seeing someone I thought was a cute masc woman initially, only to realize it was an androgynous or slightly effeminate-appearing gay man - and many many lesbians I've told this to have shared similar experiences with me. I know a male transitioner online who is really cool and calls himself a eunuch rather than a woman or anything, and while I don't find him attractive, I have to admit that in the ~100ish photos I've seen of him (incl many candid full body ones taken by other people), I've not been able to "clock" any distinct male characteristics. maybe that would be different in person, but we live on totally different continents so idk.
I've known a TON of trans people irl, likely far more than most people on radblr or anywhere. this is partly because Florida has the second highest # of trans people in the country, and partly bc of where I went to college, and partly because my life is just strange like that. but I'll admit I've known a couple mt"f"-transitioned folks who I truly had no idea were male for quite some time - physically or behaviorally.
the reality is that your brain only knows what it perceives, and if it perceives a male as a female without your knowledge, and your orientation includes females, then it could be possible to feel attraction. however, I'm preeetty damn sure that would not persist beyond learning that person's sex is male, at which point you'd probably suddenly start noticing whatever male traits you were able to overlook initially. but I don't think it makes rational sense to claim that it's never possible to experience "mistaken" attraction for a period of time. there are known cases of historical women who lived as men who were flirted with by straight women who believed them to be male, for instance.
this is one of those situations where the truth (what I've said above) could be twisted and deliberately misinterpreted by the opposing party, which I believe to be why so few, if any, are willing to acknowledge this. but it's a question I've pondered a lot and this is the only logical conclusion I've reached. and it simply is not rational for anyone to act like anything I've said here implies that homosexuals can/should be open to dating/sleeping with the opposite sex. anyone who could come to that conclusion from this response needs a seriously intensive review of reading comprehension.
like I said I'm not fully awake so I'm sure I could have made my points here more clearly and I'm sure I'll get retaliation from people who want to nitpick my wording or whatever, like usual, but o well.
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tma!sanders sides au bc i’ve been brainrotting over this for the past several days
(@wobblystrawberry helped a lot with this [hiiii])
- The Corruption
- the bastard that made me start this whole thing (wanted to make The Stinky Trash Bastard Man, Stinky Trash Bastard Man Squared and it sorta just went from there)
- known as The Duke of The Crawling Rot
- raided the magnus institute with Jane Prentiss (where he meets Logan, they probably start dating sometime in the AU) (both Remus and Prentiss wore raggedy red dresses and Roman got pissy about Remus stealing his color)
- dating Janus and living with him + Annabelle Cane (more on her later)
- The Desolation
- known as The Prince of Total Desolation/The Prince of Devastation
- was The Lightless Flame’s attempt to salvage the idea of having a Messiah and all the work that was put into that (a failed attempt at that)
- a lot of “he hurts everyone close to him because of the intensity of his love for them (“also he can’t touch anyone without burning them alive)” going on with him
- him and Jude Perry are lesbian/gay hostility (also Jude pretty much HATES Roman because he’s quite literally the “replacement” for the woman she loved) but sometimes have their moments of coexistence
- him and Virgil have something going on but it isn’t clear to anyone (including me) what exactly it is
speaking of…
- The Dark
- it was close between The Dark and The End but ultimately I went for The Dark
- ascended to Avatar-hood earliest out of everyone else (at like something between 14-17 idk)
- much more on the human-ish end of the spectrum (main thing is his eyes, i’ll drop the design soon i promise)
- Janus (who’ll i get to next) was like a mentor/older sibling figure for him, and tried to get him to become an avatar of The Web (is still trying to do so) which is why 1) Virgil is still closely tied to spiders, and 2) mostly why Virgil Does Not Like Janus
- Virgil still has a pet tarantula that Janus had given him, he’s tried to muster up the will to kill her or get rid of her more times than he can count now, to cut off his ties with The Web, but he just can’t bring himself to do it
- him and gerry (who i’ve decided doesn’t die in this au and instead becomes a fully realized Beholding Avatar) are close friends and most of their interactions go something like:
“You fell in love with the fucking personification of insanity and lies" "big talk for a guy with a crush on the biggest bitch of a fancy dumpster fire" "fuck you" "fuck you" "so you're trying to tell me you didn't name yourself after gerard way?" "i didnt" "bullshit, i bet you heard 'mama' and immediately took his name" (gerry’s trans in this, i make the rules)
- Virgil used to be friends with Julia Montauk before someone got jealous and tipped her off that Virgil’s an avatar (they get less toxic later i promise okay?)
- also he’s sorta friends with oliver banks, they have these “oh hey, it’s you” acquaintances and sometimes sit down to catch up like:
“how’s it going with your vast boyfriend? (mike crew)” “oh yeah a Hunter cop shot him he had to pretend to be dead while Buried for a bit but he’s doing better now, tea?” “how’s your bf in the red?” “my what.” “y’know the Lightless Flame’s Messiah 2.0?” “MOTHERFUCKING ROMAN??”
- The Web
- okay yes The Spiral is literally the fear of deception, and yes Janus is literally called “Deceit” but this fits him better imo
- he/she Janus because fuck it
- as i said, tried to get Virgil to become a Web Avatar, still trying, how well this is working out for her is up for debate
- he is pulling all the strings possible to keep Virgil far away from The People’s Church of The Divine Host as possible (whether this is out of genuine care and fear for how being in a literal cult would affect Virgil’s wellbeing or a want to keep Virgil’s connection to The Dark as possible… that’s also up for debate)
- has severe scarring on the entire right side of her face, how did that happen? basically, Mary Keay wanted to test to make sure the Leitner skin book was real, so she hired janus (who also brought Virgil, and that’s how gerry and Virgil met) to help with that, long story short, she then backstabbed him and tried to skin him alive. janus got away but let’s just say she’s pretty damn lucky Virgil was there to get him to a hospital
- dating Remus (and eventually Logan) and lives with Remus + Annabelle Cane
- Speaking of Annabelle Cane, one day while Remus and Janus were just cuddling on the couch, Annabelle just walked in, said “We’re a colony now”, and set up in the spare bedroom s5 style and Janus + Remus were just like “oh-kay?” and went on with their day
- if you’ve ever seen that one “passive aggressive roommate” song on youtube, that’s Janus and Annabelle. both are the passive aggressive roommate.
- spider limbs from his back as well as the several hands thing because why the hell not, it works
- The Eye
- mainly the being judged/having your secrets exposed aspects (because in sander sides he is literally the judge over thomas’ morality, his job is to watch over thomas’ actions and tell him whether or not he’s a good person)
- certain people make eye contact with with him and Know that he Knows all the bad things they’ve done, and feel the compulsion to spill their guts, once they start, they cannot stop no matter how hard they try
- after the fact, his victims find a teddy bear sitting on their bed that always seems to be Watching them no matter where they go
- works at The Magnus Institute, where he meets Logan, who, during his transition to becoming an avatar, was one of his biggest supports, since he was going through the same thing, they start dating after a while, and by the time of the Prentiss + Remus attack, they’re engaged (they both fully ascend only a few months after their wedding)
- [insert patton having a moral crisis because he doesn’t want to be a monster that feeds off of people’s fear but he has to and part of him likes it wow this is reminding me of a certain other Beholding Avatar]
- idk how it happens but he still becomes a father figure for Virgil somehow, i’ll figure out specifics eventually
- The Vast
- while i absolutely love Beholding!Logan hear me out. the fear of insignificance works so well here.
- he started working at The Magnus Institute a year or two before Patton (and five or six years before the Prentiss + Remus attack)
- i cannot overstate how everyone in the au thinks he’s Beholding: Jon thinks he’s Beholding, Gertrude thought he was Beholding, Gerry, who canonically has an ability to tell if people are marked by an avatar and who, for the purposes of this au is an avatar of The Eye, thinks he’s Beholding, motherfucking Elias/Jonah thinks he’s Beholding, Virgil, Janus, Annabelle, everyone thinks he’s Beholding EXCEPT Remus, who just knows for some reason (at one point when Patton and Logan got engaged Remus was like “damn patton you’re so committed to the eye, wouldn’t have figured you’d marry a vast avatar.” “a what”)
- to be fair, he was like 0.5 seconds away from becoming an Eye Avatar then BOOM BITCH VAST JUMPSCARE (The Eye is immensely bitter) and is partially Eye-aligned
- when Patton and Logan started dating, Logan just kinda assumed that Patton knew he was a Vast avatar
- after Patton learns, the convo goes something like “but- you work with the institute? how are you an avatar of the vast?” “i still need to eat, patton, and rent in central london is not cheap.”“huh.”
- Logan has a tie that Patton got him after learning he was a Vast avatar, the tie has a blue sky that fades into a deeper blue at the top, has some clouds and birds scattered around, and has a colorful sunset at the bottom, he wore that to their wedding and every day after
- there is healthy communication between all parties when Logan starts dating Remus and Janus as well
- probably levitates elias/jonah over the edge of a building for threatening/traumatizing Patton at some point, Elias had no clue that Logan was a Vast avatar until that moment (self-made blind spot, like the one he had around Martin being a threat)
- Jon and Logan would be friends. they just would.
- Logan’s probably the one who convinces Virgil to go to therapy
that’s most of what i have right now, i will probably continue to talk about these bastards + post the designs
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chaosclover1999 · 2 days
so general political fandom opinion that is also kinda emotionally charged 4 me that i don't think a lot of ppl will agree w me on:
while it's generally understood that "race-bending" a character can b politically insensitive in certain contexts, e.g. making the only character in a show that's a racial minority white, or making a character POC 4 clout ect
i feel like we as adults need 2 acknowledge that the same can b said of gender-bending characters
[important: there is a difference between gender-bending a character vs headcanon-ing them as trans, trans hcs r not what this is abt]
there's a very concerning trend i've noticed lately, where ppl will take a fandom ship that's a mlm ship and gender-bend it into a wlw ship, or even just make art of the mlm ship but in the description say "lesbians" or "yuri" and omg don't get me started on the ppl i c calling mlm ships "yuri yaoi" 2 indicate a non-toxic mlm "yaoi" ship
u guys need 2 come off of the gender essentialism kool aid, i rly need u 2 get this thru ur thick fucking skulls
being a man is morally neutral
being a woman is morally neutral
being a man does not make some1 inherently bad or abusive
being a woman does not make some1 inherently better or remove any toxic traits
it's exactly that kind of mentality, the idea that being a man is inherently wrong or evil or perverse in some way, that kept me and many other transmascs in the closet 4 way longer than we would've been otherwise, that leaves us fearing ourselves, what lies beneath the facade of false womanhood, that leaves us unequipped 2 deal w the concept of loving ourselves and accepting ourselves completely
trans men ARE men and not just when you want to malgender them
transmascs ARE masc and not just when you want 2 use our masculinity against us
transmascs who see ourselves as "man-adjacent" are still hurt when u say this shit abt us and abt men even if they r men in a way that's different from us
also, gay men (and probably also bi and other groups of men who love men but i can't speak 2 that personally) , who are often accessorised by straight women (c "gay best friend") often hav 2 deal w being seen as an accessory 2 straight women and being expected 2 make our entire existence revolve around straight women while at the same time our love is seen as inherently toxic, the "logic" usually goes smth like "well men r inherently abusive and there's 2 men so that must mean they r just abusing each other in a circle right?" which obviously isn't how that works bc not all men r abusive bc abusive behaviour is not smth inherent 2 being a man
im so sick of wanting 2 look at an mlm ship 2 try 2 remind myself that it's okay that im like this and that i am the way i am only 2 c the tag flooded w gender-bend fanart or ppl calling these gay men "lesbians" 2 indicate that they r older than 25 or 2 indicate that they think the ship isn't toxic or worse, they say that the original ship is toxic, don't explain y other than "man inherently abusive" and then make a gender-bend of the ship and act like it's them "fixing" it
i am not inherently abusive 4 being a gay guy
i am not inherently abusive 4 being transmasc and "man-adjacent" as i would put it
i also am noticing ppl putting words like "lesbaians" or "yuri" in the description when they make more chaste mlm ship fanart like of cuddling or hand holding which like.... ew.... way 2 piss off 2 communities at once ig
i wasn't 2 mad abt the gender-bends at 1st but then i started 2 notice a pattern and i had 2 say smth
istg if i c 1 more person make gender-bend fanart of an mlm ship w the description being "fixed it" or another fucking piece of fanart that is of 2 men being cuddly and chaste and neither of these men identity as also being women and the description is "lesbaians" or "yuri" i am going 2 fucking scream
tumblr users stop taking popular mlm ships and then flooding the tags 4 them w wlw gender-bend fanart versions of those ships at the very least make ur own tag 4 it like idk "fem![character]xfem![character]" or "fem![ship name]" it's not ok when u invade our mlm ship tags 2 tell us u think our love is toxic or that it would b better if we were women, ur literally just invading our online spaces where we go 2 feel safe 2 tell us u don't like us, and 4 some of us, 2 tell us that u wish we never transitioned
just 2 b clear im not talking abt cases here where the characters in question r nonbinary in a way that means that they see themselves as both men and women and so ppl call it "yuri yaoi" bc the characters r both men and women at the same time, that's a whole different thing of ppl just having some cool stuff going on w their gender and not at all what this post is abt, it's also smth tho that i hav not seen nearly as much as what this post is abt and also i don't hav any experience w being nonbinary in that way so im gonna leave that topic 4 some1 who has a better understanding of that shit than me
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dead6ite · 1 year
valorant agent sexuality and gender hcs, from a bigender pansexual who is always right
cis, doesn’t rlly do labels! she thinks ladies are so pretty but is EVERYONES hype woman
cis, gay gay homosexual gay… uncle who tells u stories about his hoe years
cishet supportive dad, however, “you should’ve seen me and my buddies back in my military days”
god. fucking europeans it’s literally the gay or european thing till i DIE…. anyways he’s bisexual and his gender identity is “i can be whatever u want bbg”
he has a wife and kids? ok… he also has crushes on men (cisbi)
i saw her and immediately thought she they. that is the most she they ever. also she becomes physically ill any time a man approaches her (reluctant bisexual)
MY BEAUTIFUL TRANSGENDER WEED SMOKING GF!!! anyway she is transfem, she/they/night pronouns + bi w a femme lean, and i won’t her… also i can absolutely see her on the ace spectrum, if not aroace
NO WAY ITS A HE/THEY OUT IN THE WILD !!! enby identifying, bi with a masc lean bc yea
cis gay. astra thought he was into her until he said something like “THATS MY GIRL !! (insert gay slang)
cis and bi. very masculine in any relationship, even if she’s with a guy. has been mistaken for a guy before and doesn’t mind it. she likes her expression and loves being masculine! she’s like those super androgynous cis people that make you oh so jealous
110010110101100010100… beep boop he doesn’t do allat. neon told him about neo pronouns though and he likes he/bot
cis bi… she loves her wifey but she’s dated men before, many of which assumed she was a lesbian
she/they HEAVY femme lean bisexual. thought she was a lesbian for a time
??? and gay. gender isn’t real and neither is this guy. they/he/it/void kinda fella… also very interested in neos, i’m thinking fade told him about it and they spent an afternoon picking some
cis bi. the most bisexual disaster that ever graced the face of this earth. he’s scared of talking to women, and all his romantic male relationships have been built from fucking with each other and then realizing he has a crunch.
cis, BUTCH LESBIANS RULE THE WORLD!!! she loves her pretty gf. end of story
she’s above trivial things like “romance”. she probably feels sexual attraction, but not much more than that. aro pansexual
cis lesbian, i definitely can get behind the trans femme agenda w her tho
cis pansexual femme preference!! she likes everyone, but a preference for ladies…
he/they gay!!! he’s just a guy who likes guys
cis, straight, bi-curious. she’s had some feelings in her young life that have been deeply repressed.
trans gay. you CANNOT tell me he’s cis. the transness radiates from him, and he has so much gay tension with phoenix it’s thick enough to cut.
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genderstarbucks · 8 months
" Usually I ignore hate like this but this is so fucking funny to me
Nowhere in my bio does it say I'm a woman you dumbass LMFAO, it says I'm female, which is different than a woman
Saying I'm just gay and trans does not explain the entirety of my experience, I can use whatever fucking labels I want to describe myself whether you like it or not you wet sock
"That's not real it's made up", yeah all words are you fucking idiot
The fact that you would stone people based on an identity that literally doesn't affect your tiny brain at all says a lot about you
YOU'RE the one who's disrespecting the trans people who have died to transphobia by caring so much about the fact that this is how I experience my transness
I think they'd be proud of the fact that me and so many others are reclaiming slurs that have been used against us
Have you ever even heard of cistrans people? Probably not considering your brain implodes at the thought of male lesbians
Also where the fuck are the "fetishes" in my bio you're speaking of? Those are just my dating preferences fuckface, what? Are you mad that you don't fit those preferences? You're just mad you can't be with me because I'm so great
You are actually so fucking stupid it's funny, you think I actually care about your opinion?
Mspec gays, lesbians and straights will and have always existed, no matter what your tiny brain thinks
Lesboys and turigirls still exist too you idiot
Oh boo hoo a butch lesbian is calling themselves a lesboy, and you're getting offended over that? That's really fucking pathetic
Gay and trans people died for my and other weird queer people's rights, and the rights for us to identify however we want
R you rlly gonna support xenogenders but not other niche queer identities? Stupid ass
Nobody ever said all lesbians like men or that lesbians have to like men, lesbians only like men if they're attracted to men while also calling themselves a lesbian you dumbass
Irl literally nobody cares if you identify as an mspec gay or lesboy, it's people like you who keep pulling this stupid discourse back up WHEN LITERALLY NOBODY CARES
It's not affecting you assfuck
I'm pro stoning people who are like you, specifically with big boulders "
" Have you ever even heard of cistrans people? Probably not considering your brain implodes at the thought of male lesbians " neither of those exist take your meds,
"R you rlly gonna support xenogenders but not other niche queer identities? Stupid ass" yeah lol :3
" Nobody ever said all lesbians like men or that lesbians have to like men, lesbians only like men if they're attracted to men while also calling themselves a lesbian you dumbass" so theyre not lesbian got it ^_^
" It's not affecting you assfuck " have you ever thought about maybe the ideology that lesbians can like men is literally what gets most of them raped
anyway all the swearing from ur post makes me giggle bc youre actually so mad, maybe ask mommy to change your diaper or something
" Also where the fuck are the "fetishes" in my bio you're speaking of? Those are just my dating preferences fuckface, what? Are you mad that you don't fit those preferences? You're just mad you can't be with me because I'm so great " im actually so happy i dont fit those bc i dont date 500lbs people LMAOO maybe try listening to other people than your divorced mom who got beaten by all her past partners who says "youre so beautiful" because all shes doing is lying to you, it would b better for you to know now that ur double chin aint doing any good for you. you just gotta know youre really below average before someone tells you and you end up killing yourself over it
" Saying I'm just gay and trans does not explain the entirety of my experience, I can use whatever fucking labels I want to describe myself whether you like it or not you wet sock " how about you use the labels the term "delusional, obese, and extremely ugly"
I literally do not care
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manicpixiedckgirl · 9 months
okay, so i posted a timeline. sue me! i quit all other social media last year and needed that dopamine hit. just a lil nicotine patch for online attention. seasonal depression is a bitch okay. i posted it here and to ig, bc ig is to late millennials what facebook is boomers. and people have all said some very nice things, but when you're posting a 10 year timeline, you're usually hoping for someone from your past to see it and go "woah! you're so different now"!
and whaddya know, this time it worked. one of my exes from when i was a teenager saw it. not one of the ones who turned out to be a lesbian, one of the ones who turned out to be a trans man. He just wanted to say hi - that he was so happy to see that i looked happy, and that i looked incredible, especially compared to the scruffy twink they had dated. (okay those are my words not his)
he and I didn’t have a great relationship at first - no one had a great relationship with me before i realized i was a trans woman obviously, but this was pretty young. I was really repressed and weird back then, and still very much without any social graces, and we were only like 16. they caught the full broadside of my emo fuckboy energy and got out fast once they saw that - i don’t blame them. I was crying in their arms about how much i hated my new body hair, and how i wanted to be able to wear dresses, and the next day i’d be completely emotionally unavailable and denying all of it. not exactly boyfriend material, not entirely boyfriend. They were very traumatized too in their own way, just realizing they were trans too, and engaging in a lot of ‘i want to be a gay man’ antics, fucking their way through the pain. He was frankly way too cool and sexually liberated to be wasting his time with that version of me. And it was very obvious to everyone who knew what that was 12-15 years ago that i was a closeted trans girl. we had a friend group that eventually fell apart, and we parted for the first time.
Later, in our late teens/20, we would end up fucking - i had started to accept and announce that my gender was complicated, and i was starting to be kinda faggy and loud about it, and not everyone hated that, and they had just started T and were boy horny. We split a bottle of wine (or was it two? It was probably two) and started watching an ashley tisdale movie. Looking back on it, how it went must definitely have been his plan, but i’ve always been blind about this stuff and was that night. It was definitely bad sex, but it was also fun sex - the first time I enjoyed myself,  and the pressure of having to be a guy wasn’t so overwhelming i didnt effectively black out. he’s one of the first people i ever talked to about feeling complicated about gender, and i think by then he had figured me out, and was just letting me get the rest of the way on my own. I still couldn’t top for him, i never rly could top for anyone, even before estrogen. but we still had fun, with our hands and with our mouths. and then after that, we'd go to art shows and poetry readings and hang out again occasionally, like we talked about doing when we were literal kids, putting on rocky horror in our front rooms.
but life takes you away from people, and he got into film school, and i somehow graduated my chemistry program and moved to the US. he moved to Germany for a while, although i hear he's back home. i got married, got separated, there was a global pandemic. we hadn't talked in years, although i had snooped on him once or twice. He’s a director now - he’s made some impressive arthouse films, all horror and gender and kitchy campy cerebral themes. He’s got a big tv writing credit on the way in irish tv. Idk - it felt rly good to impress him, to say hi, to remember. it's really cool to see other trans people thriving and living life, always. anyone who cleaves reality to themselves and fashions themselves into someone they can love is someone who impresses me. but it's different when it's someone you've known for almost half your life - someone you were a fucked up kid with, not sure if either of you would make it to 18. and to be smiling at each other, looking at 30, and wondering what's next. i'm really proud of the both of us actually. and i needed that today.
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adhderall · 1 month
damn the t"""girls""" really dont want anyone to acknowledge that transmen get treated like shit in the so called "trans siblings" community (hmm i wonder why):
and the notes on this post are awful. all the transmen are behaving so spinelessly. its giving me second hand embarrassment
give me 1 example where a t"""girl""" actually tried to listen to a transman without crying about trans"""misogyny""" and accusing said transman of commiting that crime
in fact, these oh so supportive t"""girls""" will tell transmen to add "trans misogyny exempt" in their bios to virtual signal themselves as "privileged". its akin to wearing a dog collar. they treat transmen like pet dogs who must behave appropriately at all times
but its totally nothing like a millennia of males treating women like controlled animals hahaha no that's completely different bro trust me (this time they switched man and woman labels so its ok)
im sorry for an unprompted rant but posts like these really piss me off. this is the transman version of "were never making it out the patriarchy"
and this so called "trans siblings" community get so hostile if youre a transman lesbian 💀 the lesbophobia in this community is so rampant thanks to these brave and stunning t"""girls"""
No yeah I fucking hate it. every tr○○n (I don't want ppl finding my shit in searches) space is insanely fucking biased against transmen. I can definitely see why a lot of transmen would rather just go stealth and blend in with regular ass men (though homosexuals of either sex tend to do that with the respective opposite sexes usually).
and the constant spineless self-hating doormat behavior from other transmen gets on my nerves sooo fucking much. they wanna say female socialization isn't real but act like this........... :/
idk, I have too much pride for that shit. for someone to push me around they at least have to be in the right smh
I've been through too much homophobia in my life to ever not think of myself as a lesbian, and anyone who thinks I'm "invading" can shove it bc they're probably not female homosexuals themselves lmfaoooo
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menalez · 3 months
In regards to ppl jumping down your throat about that post (TM). 1) you're right. But 2) Like... I can see how discussing participating in sex acts with a trans woman is no different from having them with any other male is something that has merit.... But thats not RADICAL FEMINIST content. Like, is it gender critical content? Probably? Thats where it fits better. It would be more appropriate to tag it as such. But radical feminism isnt JUST gender criticality!!! Like, being gender critical is a part of radical feminism but They! Are! Not! The! Same! Thing!
And yeah, people instantly assuming that you asking "how is talking about giving a male person oral sex so explicitly (and in a way that would immediately alienate a lesbian reader... who the post is supposedly for????) is in any way relevant to radical feminism?" Meant that you were saying "female heterosexuality is unsightly and i dont want to see it and also het women need to shut up forever".
(And also the comparison of lesbians being like... I dont want posts about sucking dick to abound in the radfem tag is in ANY WAY AT ALL similar to homophobic people not wanting to see women kiss.... Like???? Thanks for being so bald-faced about your homophobia. Its not the same actually but its interesting to see that you think a minority asking an innocuous question is the same as oppression)
Dear. God. Some people on this site just fucking love to assume the worst from you and needlessly attack you about it. They bring all their lesbophobic assumptions into ANY discussion that you happen to have.
I'll tell you what a rational response could have been to the question you posed. "I think this is relevant based on gender critical beliefs that radfems hold and i wanted to share my experience with that audience"
That doesnt mean that anyone has to agree about whether or not it was a relevant post for a FEMINIST TAG based on FEMINIST CONTENT. But the way ppl responded to you was ABSOLUTELY DERANGED. Words in your mouth. Baseless assumptions. Critique based on things you didnt say. Like..... ????? HUH???
If ppl were normal the convo could have ended with you saying "actually i dont think this is relevant to radical feminist analysis. I think you should have used a different tag for this". Instead you had to have paragraphs long responses where you had to pick apart the lesbophobic rhetoric that is being tossed your way and defend yourself FOR LICHERALLY JUST ASKING A QUESTION.
You didnt even ask an inflammatory question! You didnt even ask it with intent to attack the original OP.
Not only is gender critical and radfem tumblr just.... Fucking radioactive with lesbophobia, but people *specifically* attack you with SO MUCH hostility and treat everything you say with so much bad faith. Like???? Its fucking exhausting to just read, i cannot imagine how fucking irritating it must be to experience it constantly. I wonder if perhaps... Hmmm.. there might be a specific form of oppression you face that might make you more likely to face these attacks.... Hmmm... i think it starts with "race" and ends with "ism". I have not seen white lesbians with similar politics to you facing the same backlash on EVERYTHING they say.
And accusing you of faking anons???????? HUH????? Yeah no, you -- a blog with thousands of followers who regularly gets anons -- MUST OBVIOUSLY have to send urself messages to show ppl agree with you and your opinions 🙄 maddening.
u said it all perfectly anon 😭 and yeah funnily enough it’s very clear people treat me differently, like even if ppl want to argue i’m an obnoxious drama queen or whatever, women who are that & worse still don’t get treated the same way. but if i point out maybe there’s some sort of prejudice underlying ppl treating me differently then i get mocked and belittled further 🤭 oh well. that whole interaction was just insane bc she straight up just lashed out at me & put a bunch of words in my mouth simply bc she saw that i’m a lesbian. funnily enough these things happen even when i word things in the mildest least confrontational way possible so i don’t even know what to do to to get ppl to chill out
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lighthousegod · 1 year
Recently, my cis lesbian roommate made a comment about "he/theys" that kinda stuck with me. She said these people, on her dating app, were matching with her and ignoring that she had lesbian in her bio.
We'd had convos about whether trans mascs and trans men could be lesbians (im a transmasc person, but not a lesbian, although ive identified with the label before), and I'm all for he/him lesbians and trans men who are lesbians- I've researched, I know Stone Butch Blues, I don't think telling anyone they can or can't be anything is right.
So this sorta stuck with me. I went, "but. They probably identify as nonbinary if they use they, and even if they don't, trans guys sometimes ID as lesbians too." And she was like "well, but I'm not attracted to masculine people." And I brought up that she does usually like butch lesbians (who definitely use other pronouns besides she/her sometimes!), and she sorta brushed me off, saying there was a different "vibe" between transmascs who use he/they and butches (even though they... sometimes are the transmascs she's talking about???)
So I was like "well, do you have 'looking for femmes' in your bio or something?"
"Then how are they supposed to know??"
"I don't know it's just my preference!!"
It was super. Odd. I should say, my roommate is cis but uses she/he pronouns. She is, in fact, a lesbian who uses he/him sometimes, as he identifies as bigender *but not a man, ever.
I just find this all so confusing. I mean, let's think about it, fr.
So the popular idea today is that lesbians cannot be men, so trans men can't be lesbians.
Now, here's what that implies: if trans men can't be lesbians, then they are always in the same category as cis men. Now, of course, some trans men ARE in that category, usually binary trans men- and they're all men, right, so every man is under that umbrella. But still, gender isn't so simple. Trans men and transmascs have vastly different experiences between each other and especially cis men. This isn't to do with internal identity, but outward perception. Regardless of whether I'm a man or not, the world has seen me as a woman all my life. That makes it very hard to be accepted and comfortable in mlm spaces, especially when theres so much transphobia in the cis gay community. Plenty of trans men are stealth, or simply have a supportive community, and are welcomed like a cis man would be. But that's not the case for everyone, and not every trans man WANTS to be treated in the same way a cis man might.
But whatever, okay, let's go with that. Trans men are men and lesbian means non-man attracted to non-man, so they're not included cause it's invalidating to (some) trans men, regardless of if they've identified with the label lesbian for years or feel unsafe in mlm spaces bc of how overwhelmingly cis they can be, or whatever else.
So... what about nonbinary men, then? Nonbinary women seem to be accepted, not just nb fems but those who identify as both nonbinary AND a woman- so why are nonbinary men not?
"Because they have man in their identity and lesbians can't like men"
So.. what about bigender people? People who are both men AND women. They can't be lesbians? I guess not.
But let's say they can, and we're just excluding binary trans men from the term lesbian..
People often bring up "would you accept a cis man identifying as a lesbian?" As an arguing point here. Bringing it back to my original point, would you accept a "he/they"? What if they were amab, and had no interest in transitioning? Or a transmasc person who DID? I just saw a transfem lesbian saying she couldn't possibly let trans men with full beards into lesbian spaces as it was transphobic and wrong- aren't there transfem lesbians who don't want to shave or get their face lasered? What do sex characteristics have to do with it? I thought we were trying to avoid labels based on that sort of thing.
So at the end of the day, I guess it really is about the label of "man." What's that even mean? That's literally just a word. I'm so confused.
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singularsoldier · 1 year
One of my biggest complaints about lesbianism on this site is that I haven’t seen a remote whisper of similar discourse surrounding gay men.
Heads up, a lot of this is ranting/venting so im probably gonna repeat stuff or not make a ton of sense in some places:
Like, a man was married with kids before realizing he’s gay. Okay, cool. You’re still gay dude. A man dates a boygirl person. Still gay who cares. He thinks a female celebrity is stunning. Duh! Look at her! But the second a lesbian is inserted into those exact scenarios, its a race to micro label and argue over what she can call herself.
Previously married with kids, dating a boygirl, thinks a male celebrity is hot, all of these are used against the lesbian identity and can be boiled down to elementary “eww you have BOY cooties” which leads into terf territory. Its a rehash of gold star lesbianism and ultimately shames lesbians who were unsure of their identity or found themselves in comphet relationships for safety/lack of support. Hell, its shaming lesbians for even thinking a random person is objectively hot bc they ID as a man.
Moving on, a similar thing happens when someone who previously ID’d as gay/lesbian realizes they’re attracted to multiple genders. Even if its just romantic for one and sexual for the other, the gay person is ultimately seen as bisexual. No further questions. The lesbian? Once again, its a race to label and argue.
This is where “bi” lesbian loses me. I don’t see anyone calling gay men bi gays for being in those previous scenarios I listed. A bi guy who only dates women and sleeps with men is bi. End of story. Not a peep about being a bi gay. I have, however, seen multiple definitions of bi lesbianism that include those exact examples. A lesbian got exposed to BOY COOTIES so now they can’t call themself a lesbian.
Or, rather, a woman only likes men romantically but since she isn’t dropping her panties for him, she’s still a lesbian. Is she only bisexual if she has sex with men? What if she only dates girls and sleeps with guys? Does that make her a bi straight? Once again, the second a woman enters the equation, everything goes out the door and we have to argue about Person Who Doesn’t Have Sex With ____. Why is being bisexual regardless of how it presents a bad thing? I haven’t seen anyone give a solid reason other than “i dont wanna be bi” or parroting some kind of terf rhetoric.
Adding to that, in a lot of the discourse, it honestly feels like bigender/multigender people are being used as a gotcha. Like I said before, a gay guy dating a boygirl is just a gay guy dating a boygirl. A lesbian dating the same person? “They identify as a boy!!! You clearly like men!!” which, ultimately, ignores the full scope of that person’s identity. They aren’t just a boy in the same way they aren’t just a girl. I guarantee no one would jump down a gay guy’s throat and say “ummm ACTUALLY she says she’s a girl so she makes you not gay”.
The same gotcha issue comes about with trans people. It’s as if saying “I’m not attracted to men” equals not calling a trans woman a woman. I only ever see terf accusations float around when a lesbian makes that statement. Never when a gay guy says he isn’t attracted to women. If your first thought when hearing that is “well they MUST be talking about trans people” then you have a problem, and anyone who actually refuses to date someone bc they’re trans is the actual exclusionist.
Gay and lesbian have a region of gender identity that falls out of bounds. A lot of people do. Yet the level of discourse over everything I mentioned is drastically different between them. God forbid a lesbian say “oh I dated a gay once but realized I wasn’t attracted to men”. They’ll get called a terf, an exclusionist, and every name under the sun. If a gay guy said the same about a woman? Two notes and its gone.
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chaoxfix · 1 year
Hey, i might be wrong but i think i remember you making a post for international women's day, and in it you said that you went through a period of thinking you werent a woman at all but then realised you were actually a lesbian. I just wanted to ask how you figured it out? I cant figure out if im a trans guy or a lesbian and I'm sort of desperate for guidance rn. Sorry this is a bit out of the blue and i totally get it if you dont wanna talk about it. Hope you're having a good day and take care!
ah, this is definitely a tough one, so please know that wherever your journey takes you i hope you find happiness and peace! im also not the end-all-be-all and im also not the sexuality and gender police. people can have similar experiences and feelings and still end up using different terminology and understanding themselves completely in a way that's totally different from one another, so please don't feel the need to use my experience as a roadmap for yourself.
under the cut in case discussion of sexuality and gender is triggering! genuinely, for my trans followers especially, please don't feel the need to look at this if it's something you would be uncomfortable reading. my journey definitely doesn't need to be yours.
in the end there are a few important details for why i ended up thinking i was a guy, or at least nonbinary
grew up evangelical christian and never really believed or felt the faith i was 'supposed' to feel. i also had trouble connecting with my family since they earnestly did believe it. i felt like a stranger in my own home, and worried that someday they'd disown me. i was also terrified of hell, and of 'sinning'. (making mistakes - see 4)
realized i liked girls when i was 12 and not only did i not know much about being gay aside from it being a 'sin', every girl in my grade talked so much about crushes when we were 12 that i felt super isolated from them as a peer group. due to 1 (the evangelical thing) i also grew up knowing my expectation in god's eyes was to be a christian wife and mom someday, and even aside from the 'sin' aspect and the disowning aspect, realizing i liked girls and didnt really like boys, the evangelical ideal for me was suddenly so, so terrifying.
i believed i was a tomboy growing up, but ultimately had to play with mostly feminine toys bc thats what i was given. i wanted to play with my brother but i was often left behind. i had a pretty lonely childhood and associated close friendships with my brother and his friends, not me and the other girls on the playground. when i was really little my best friend was a boy who stopped being friends with me because 'girls cant play power rangers or star wars' so that was probably pretty impactful on my psyche.
i was terrified of making mistakes due to my evangelical upbringing. because i didnt have faith i was so, so terrified of anything i did that could be considered wrong. i wanted to banish everything i'd ever done wrong, even the tiniest misstep, from everyone's memory as well as my own.
i grew up feeling guilty for any of my accomplishments because i was compared favorably to my brother and instead of feeling proud of myself, i felt like the worst person alive if i was being used as 'motivation' or a 'positive example.'
i wanted so badly to be respected by peers. but there were instances where i was told at like. debate teams. 'wow, i thought you were just here to look pretty'
an older trans friend told me he wished he'd known he was trans at my age so he wouldn't have wasted so much time, and told me i was probably trans too because he'd been just like me a few years ago, and that i should get started on social transition so it'd be easier to transition medically when i was older
i had a lot of tomboy interests, and grew up really enjoying mostly 'boy' cartoons. i also really wanted to get into parkour and obstacle courses and the punk scene, which had mostly guys where i lived
i really, really, really hated myself. i would try to reinvent myself every time i moved, but no matter what, i was still myself wherever i went -- awkward, shy, smart and interesting but always puts my foot in my mouth eventually. the only way to avoid that would be to completely change myself. every memory i had, i wanted to get rid of and replace with one from someone better.
i hated my name and body and face and personality and voice and hobbies. everything that's hardest to change, i hated viscerally.
so basically, those were the top 10 reasons i thought i was trans. ultimately, i ended up not being trans. but i thought i was for the better part of 5 years, closer to 6 altogether. i went by a gender neutral name for most of that time. every day i went by that name i was convinced that someday it'd actually feel like me, and i'd feel better for changing my name. but it never really happened. but i still hated my birth name, too, so... what was the issue? i couldnt figure it out, and was so, so anxious about it.
well, turns out the issue was reasons 9 and 10. i hated myself. and that issue was caused by 1. all of it ties back to being raised evangelical christian.
ultimately, ive been dealing with handling my depression and self-hate and anxiety. and i realized that, for me, trying to be a boy, or at least not a girl, was part of me just wanting to destroy myself in any way i could.
when i was 12, i wanted to kill myself, or at least do it by 18. when i was 14, i was presented with the option of reinventing myself as a completely different person. that seemed like the better option. but i think, overall, i didn't need to destroy anything or become someone completely different.
in the end, i don't hate myself for believing i was trans for 5+ years. i wasn't correct in my assessment of myself, but obsessing over it wouldn't really do any good at this point, so i try not to overthink it. im just sad that i didnt address the actual issues i had, and instead blanketed over them with the wrong solution.
the reason i don't see myself as nonbinary or trans anymore is because i was using it to fix the problem that i thought i had, not the problem i actually did. to me, even though i sincerely believed i was at the time, i think it was a way to not be the definition of woman that my parents had. (also, especially when i'd been assaulted at a pretty young age, as soon as i was starting to 'look like a woman' it felt safer to not become one...)
anyways. i think what i needed to do all along was just hate myself less, and try to like myself more.
that's hard to do. but it came in time, with focusing on hobbies that i genuinely enjoy. making connections and friendships that i felt seen and appreciated in, not just tolerated. pushing back on my family's views. understanding that being a woman doesn't have to mean settling down with a husband and having kids. it also meant finding jobs and careers that i feel like the best version of myself in, where i feel like im doing something good for both myself and others. and trying not to base my style or my appearance on how others would view me, but instead of how i wanted to view myself.
i hope this helps you sort through your thoughts!
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riotdyke · 2 years
Sorry for the long ask but I want to talk about the "transandrophobia" BS as a transman with a minor in gender studies bc just the word itself shows so much ignorance. I've never seen one of these dudes actually describe what transandrophobia supposedly is in a coherent way and thats bc it's an incoherent concept. They are trying to seperate themselves from the rest of they're community, and from the amount of t*rfs who've said to me "i used to be like you, now I'm smart" I'm assuming thats very much on purpose. But i also don't think the entirety of the transmasc struggle can be neatly catorgorized as transphobia. Speaking as a man who looks like a lesbian, the Karen in the checkout line probably doesn't hate me bc I'm trans, there's a good chance she doesn't know transmen even exist. She hates me bc my head's shaved, my legs arent, and I'm in mens clothes, but it's not "tranny" shes trying to beam into my skull. The truth is they do hate us bc we are men and deeper than that bc we are masculine but that's not the end of the sentence and the end of the sentence is the most important part. They hate us bc we have claimed masculinity When We Weren't Supposed To. And That is not a struggle anywhere close to exclusive to transmascs. I just which the term Hegemonic Masculinity wasn't sequestered away in college lectures and dense gender theory writings.
I appreciate what you're saying here and I get the thought process but I can't fully agree. I think what you're describing specifically in that example is homophobia from you being perceived as obviously queer and the misogyny of that person thinking you need to be a "proper woman". None of that comes down to misandry.
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Pride asks for Xaele, Kyira, Bal’sara: 4 and 10
and for you: 14 and 17
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
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Well, Kyira isn't queer, so I'm not sure this question applies here. (although she's flattered if she gives off queer vibes)
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Xaele, agenderfluid asexual lesbian, they/them or she/her
(Congratulations, this question made me reevaluate their identity, so it's different from what I previously said)
With Xaele it's more interesting. Admittedly, I don't know enough Chiss lore, so no idea how they treat queer identities. I want to think that it has little meaning in their society, and that could lead Xaele to not question their identity bc it's irrelevant. When it comes to Imperial Intelligence, they were a little concerned that Xaele might not use seduction when it is useful bc of their asexuality. However, it's not a big problem for Xaele - while she doesn't like it, she sacrifices a lot more than just comfort for the job.
It did influence the way they see intimacy - as a tool, not something they can actually enjoy for the sake of pleasure. When it comes up in the relationship with Lana, it needs a lot of work. Takes a lot of trust and learning from Xaele to do it, but in the end it works out.
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Bal'sara, bisexual cis woman, she/her
First, I'll give my thoughts about how Jedi probably view this in general, and then how it impacted Bal specifically.
I don't see the Jedi being homo/trans/aphobic bc why would they be? Jedi strive for knowledge, to understand the world around them and within them. They seek to achieve harmony, and that can't be done if you do not know yourself or have an internal conflict. Pretty sure the Jedi teach younglings and padawans about different identities and all that, so they wouldn't feel scared or confused or misunderstood when discovering their own identities.
As to how it impacted Bal'sara - positively. When she started having doubts and questions about her identity, she went to either her master or whoever was in charge of teaching this stuff, and they helped her navigate through this. In her free time Bal did more self-exploration, tried different things, and before she was knighted, she was already confident in her identity as cisgender bisexual woman.
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
I'm not sure how I would approach the concept of Pride in Star Wars (and tbh I know little about it irl), so this is more of 'what if my characters existed in real life'.
Xaele - probably not, they have too much going on and no time or energy to celebrate. She appreciates its existence though.
Kyira - tags along with her queer friends if they celebrate.
Bal'sara - hell yeah she would celebrate with her girlfriend.
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
Yes! Their number grew bigger especially after me realizing that I'm ace and learning more about nuances in ace and aro spectrums. Admittedly, I don't have a lot of aromantic characters, but maybe it's bc they haven't told me yet.
Xaele, Myk and Rykeer are asexual; Shailla and Drechard are demisexual; Auletta and Lorri are aroace.
Also, I'm beginning to think Jett is somewhere on the asexual spectrum as well, but no specific label yet (maybe grey asexual?)
And Jaria strikes me as aromantic, but I'm reluctant about this bc for now she would be my only aromantic OC, and that's a bit problematic, considering her personality. (yeah, I have two aroace characters, but to me aroace is a little different to asexual or aromantic)
17. Do you share identity with any of your ocs? Which ones?
Well, I'm not yet completely set in my identity (it's mostly to do with aromantic spectrum and gender identity), but any asexual character has this in common with me (see above).
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newyorkkiss · 4 months
long ramble on gay 👇
over the last year or so that i've spent reconciling w my femininity (still a work in progress), i've for lack of better term "come to terms" with being a majority woman attracted person. and with time i've sort of remembered some of the things that now make sense. i would say the veronicas were like the first introduction to lesbianism. can still kind of rememb when jess (i think?) was linked to a woman in the mid oughts bc there was like a kind of outrage about it. then them saying i wanna kiss a girl in take me on the floor was another one. and i'm just taking this in like yep. and even tho at that time i hadn't acknowledged anything and would sometimes call other girls gay as a derogatory thing which retrospectively upsets me but i think it was probably self hatred and my own unacknowledged insecurity w being attracted to women. and i was a kid saying this! like 7!! i didn't stop doing it until i was 12 and even that is mortifying. i rememb calling two ppl in my class lesbians bc of how close they were and it's like holy fuck the insecurity... and i only stopped and re-evaluated after one of them gave me a handwritten letter asking me to not do that and whatever. i still have that letter. feel extra bad about it now that the person who gave me it since came out as trans and whatever. hope i see them in passing one day as i'd really like to sincerely say sorry for what i did then. they were a lovely person too – the both of them were. they did not deserve an ounce of what i said to them. but yeah. even as a child i was enamored by the female form in ways. like i would love trying to sneak a look at boobs in the softcore porno mags they had where my mother worked. straight up loved doing that. seeing lesbianism in music is truly what like made it click tho. so many pretty women and lesbianism but for the male gaze unfortunately in that. and i even think now my very, very loose "attraction" to men is weird bc i think a lot of them were and are.. feminine or femme-coded. soft. pliable. ever so slightly girlish in conduction. BUT i never rly held attraction to real life men and they all hated or held me in extremely low regard because i'm peculiar in a way that legitimately frightens them (was basically seen as low hanging fruit and frequently a bullied target by them – i do not ever recall once being bullied by a girl) and because i never fit the mold of a conventional woman which later caused a lot of dysphoria and extreme self hatred as a female body and i had no female figures in my life so it just kind of ruined me for a very long time. admitting attraction to women really did help me heal a bit though. even my first like real love was towards a girl when i was 13 who basically dragged me around like a dead animal to her heel – yet i still didn't acknowledge anything. like i remember one of my peers asking me what my sexuality was and i was like "idk pan or something i like all people :)" like lol but i guess that was a start. but yeah. it's just something i've been working on finding solace with but i still don't feel comfortable with the term lesbian in reference to myself bc i see that as a very... icky term? which in itself is angering as i don't want to reduce myself or be reduced to being a porn category and seen as some kind of sex object by calling myself that. i don't want to appeal to men in any way possible. which then sort of sets of a spiral of self hatred on itself. but yeah. that's that.
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
Ok kind of tmi but it's something I've been thinking about and lowkey struggling with for a while so I'm bringing this to community to ask.
So I'm bisexual and I've always been pretty fluid with my sexuality and was always very much a type to be attracted to anyone regardless of gender. And while I was in closet and deeply in denial about being trans I had a very brief phase where I thought I might be lesbian because men as concept were deeply upsetting (good ol' dysphoria). But like in these last few years I feel so...I don't even know how to describe it honestly?
It's not that I'm not attracted to women because I am but I'm so turned off by the idea of being involved with women romantically (and even sexually to some degree?). And I have been with more women then men in past and I tend to attract women a lot more. I recently said to bestie how I love company of women and I enjoy being around them and like I love women as a concept (idk how else to describe it but I don't think it's a right word but whatever). And it feels so much more performative then with men??
I did genuinely like being with women before and sometimes I still get periods of "holy fuck I am so into this woman" but very rarely 😭 One close friend pointed out that it's probably because I know and accept I'm trans now so it's easier to embrace my queerness and attraction to men but idk. Like I'm on kink side of Tumblr and I follow a lot of queer trans blogs and sometimes I'll come across something transhet and I'll just sit there like ??? Wym straight ??? because my community offline and online is almost exclusively queer people.
It's so weird to explain because I feel like it can come across as misogynistic but it genuinely isn't that. I just feel like I somehow over night lost my attraction to women almost fully and it's been years I can't explain it. A lot of trans guys say similar thing happened to them when they started T but I'm not on hormones so idk.
I'm leaving out my emoji because it's a weird topic and I'm sorry if it's too much.
I definitely agree with your friend! You know and accept that you’re trans and by slowing doing the inner work you’ve healed enough to feel a powerful attraction to other men. Also I think that yes you are attracted to women to some degree but you may also harbor some type of fear that they don’t see you as a man but rather let’s say a lesbian because of plenty internal reason I know I used to feel that same way bc I was like I’m not on t I don’t fully pass as a guy and I have been so closely intertwined with the wlw community so what if this girl im with doesn’t see me as a man
But no matter if it’s a man or woman you want in life always aim to have someone that will love and accept you for who you are someone you can 193737474% feel comfortable with
Also yes every time I see a straight trans man I’m like ?4?3?3?: e🧍🏻 I mean good for you brother but what the hell😭
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