#this is really what i'm doing as a 28 year old with a job and responsibilities huh. you know what it's fine
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Downloading sims custom content is so funny because I'm here like "omg this is so cuuuute I need to have it" and it's literally a shower curtain
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seungcheorry · 3 months
"you deserve way better than this", seungcheol says beside you. his attention is on the road in front of him as he drives, so he doesn't actually realize the moment you look at him.
you watch him, dressed in all black, golden watch in his left wrist, brown fluffy hair pushed back by his sunglasses. he's driving his amazing, expensive car, looking glorious at 28 years old - it looks like he has everything figured out, while you clearly haven't got there yet.
"and i mean it", he insists when you don't say anything. "you always take care of everyone around you - hell, you even take care of me -, so you don't have to do this if you don't want to. it's your life we're talking about, if they really care about you they will understand you."
it was so much easier said than done, right? as your best friend, cheol knows everything that's going on in your life; he's your number #1 supporter, always ready to cheer for you, to scold you when needed, to laugh and cry with you at any moment. it only seems natural, for him, to think that that's the standard for you, what you deserve. but you know better than that - you know not everyone will love you and protect you and understand you like he does.
and that includes your family.
"it's not that simple, cheol", you shake your head. "they need me, so i gotta help."
"you always help, yn!"
"well, because they've always helped me too!"
"and that's the point you're missing", seungcheol sighs. "if you tell me you're fine doing whatever they need you to do, that you're 100% sure, then it's okay - i'll even help you. but if it's gonna mess up your life, make you helpless, but you're still doing it because you feel like you owe them something, then it's my job to intervene and tell you to get your shit together."
it's your time to sigh, looking straight ahead at the road.
"they're your family, i get it, i love them too. but you can't. solve. people's. problems", seungcheol slightly hits the steering wheel at every word, just to make his point clearer.
"they need me to be the big person, so that's what i'm gonna do", you reply, crossing your arms.
cheol sighs one more time - he isn't surprised, to be honest. you're just as stubborn as he is, just as tough as he is, and that's why you two work so well as best friends, as siblings, almost.
"you're always the big person", he whispers, defeated. because he knows how tiring it can be, to be the adult, to take care of people, to solve everything when the ones who should be solving it act like kids.
but he's your best friend, after all. so he wasn't going anywhere, not when you would probably need him the most.
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a/n: this is for everyone who's an only child and has to be the voice of reason sometimes, take care of your family sometimes, make decisions and take responsibilities you shouldn't need to sometimes. we got this. you ain't alone. ❤️🍒
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senawashere · 6 months
Summary: Who is Carolina? Is she the other woman? And why Bradley is talking about her in his sleep?
A/n: I wrote this like 2 or 3 years ago for another character and i wanted to post again🤭
Warnings: tooth rutting fluff actually. Maybe a bit angst. And a bit smutt at the end. Hehehehe.
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Bradley always talked in his sleep,most of life. So you were ok with it. But one night,everything chances.
You slowly wake up to a chill in the air, realizing that Bradley has closed most of the windows once again, as usual.
The room is dark, and the digital clock on your nightstand shows 4:28; you've only been asleep for four hours.
As you turn to the side, you see Bradley curled up in the blankets, lying on his side with his back turned to you. You approach him, pulling the blanket closer for warmth, and snuggle up to your husband, wrapping your arm around his abdomen. You drift back to sleep with you melting in his embrace, emitting a low, soft purr from his curled lips.
He feels so warm and resilient against you that you bury your face into his back, inhaling his scent, placing a few kisses on his shoulder blades before laying your head on the pillow. You hear Bradley's gentle murmurs as he returns to his dreams. When you open your eyes, you lift your head slightly, leaning towards him in hopes of understanding what he's saying, but his words are jumbled.
"Brad?" you whisper, wondering if he's about to wake up.
"Baby..." he murmurs, and then you hear something inconsistent.
"I'm here," you say softly, kissing his shoulder. He usually calls you "baby," so you assume he's talking to you.
"Baby... My baby..." he repeats, and as you smile at the thought of him dreaming about you, everything shatters with a single word.
"Carolina... Carolina, baby… my…girl"
Wait a second, who is Carolina?
It wakes you up faster than an alarm. As you sit up, looking at your still-sleeping husband, talking about someone named Carolina in his dreams, you're left puzzled. You don't know anyone by that name, so she must be someone Bradley knows, and that's concerning.
"Carolina... beautiful..." the words spill from his lips, almost inaudible but piercing your ears like a punch to the chest.
Lately, he's been so confused, but you haven't thought much about it, attributing it to all the work he put into his job and getting promoted. However, now you see it in a different light.
And yes you know his mother’s name is Carol but the problem is Carol and Carolina are not the same.
Or are they? No probably not.
Could Bradley be spending time with another woman? The thought of him cheating on you didn't cross your mind. Everything seemed so perfect; you were planning the moving somewhere else next summer, and he didn't seem regretful of his decision to marry you.
But then who is Carolina? And if she invaded his dreams, how important could she be? More important than you? It made your stomatch flip.
Afterward, you struggled to sleep, tossing and turning in bed for hours.
Bradley stops talking afterward, turning his face up, and while you lie awake next to him, going through every possible theory in your mind, he simply sleeps peacefully, unaware of your racing thoughts. As the sun begins to rise on the horizon, you're already out of bed, perched on a kitchen stool with your laptop, hoping to find a clue Bradley left behind as you delve into the history.
But what if he's really doing this? If he's cheating on you, he wouldn't be foolish enough to get caught like this. Right?
You make tea and reluctantly check his socials that he follows almost everyone he knows. You hate stalking your husband with the thought of him cheating on you but now you want to know if something strange is happening. Unfortunately, or fortunately, nothing suspicious comes up. Most of the accounts are from people who works with, either with people you know,his old friends, or his family members and some of his dads old friends.
No sign of another woman.
That’s good. Right?
Bradley wakes up to an empty bed. It's strange that you're not cuddling him or holding onto him like a koala bear. He blinks his swollen eyes a few times, adjusting to the low light, and straightens the other side of the bed where your body used to rest. Since the room isn't even that cold, he knows you've been up for a while.
Yawning and rubbing his eyes, he throws on a sweatshirt and slowly exits the room, sliding his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. He notices you immediately, curled up on the edge of the couch, looking out of the window. Your forehead is creased, indicating something is bothering you.
"Hey, honey, the bed was cold without you," he murmurs, walking towards you with slow steps, sitting beside you on the couch near the window.
You look at him, your jaw clenched,on verge of tears and even though you didn't want to start like this, the truth about the morning overwhelms you.
"Who is Carolina?"
Confusion is evident on his face. It's not the kind of thing that someone doesn't know what or who is being talked about. Carolina is a real person, and Bradley knows exactly who she is.
"What's this about now?" he asks, leaning back, putting some distance between you two, his arm dropping over the back of the couch,confusion is clearly visible all over his face.
"Do you know anyone named Carolina?" you push, narrowing your eyes.
"I do... well, I mean... it's not what you think honey really..."
"You talk in your sleep, Bradley."
"What?" his eyes widen.
"You often murmur incoherently, but last night, you kept repeating the name Carolina, and... you even called her baby. You called her baby! You only call me baby. "
The revelation dawns on him as you watch, and he takes a slow breath, exhaling gently. This is going to be more complicated than you anticipated.
"I'm telling you, but promise not to think I've lost my mind, okay?"
"You're scaring me, Bradley," you breathe out. "Tell me. Please."
"Okay, okay," he says, inhaling deeply and then nodding slightly. "Do you remember... the day when we thought you might be pregnant, about like five months ago?"
"Of course, I remember," you nod,biting your lip.
Your period was late, and you had vomited in the morning. Bradley had taken a test, and you both sat on the cold tile floor of the bathroom, waiting for the results. It came back negative.
You felt relieved, but a part of you wondered how it would have been if you were pregnant. Something in your head told you it wouldn't have been a big deal, but the timing wasn't right because you two were just about to get married and it would have been nice to get married first before having a baby.
"A few days after that... I had a dream."
"A dream?" You furrow your brows, unsure where this is going.
"Yeah. It was about you and me, and... we had a baby. A little girl. It wasn't something crazy; you were breastfeeding her in our bed, and I was watching you, and then I was holding her, rocking her to sleep and she was sleeping in my arms... It felt real, and when I woke up... I felt like something was missing."
You listen to him carefully, your lower lip tense, and your heart pounding in your chest.
"Since then, I've been having similar dreams. At least twice a week. Always the same baby, always with you inside, but we do different things. Sometimes we bathe her,sometimes we play tickling,sometimes we walk in the park, and sometimes she sleeps in a stroller... Once my mom and dad were in it and one time I saw Mav and Penny too, God, it felt so real," he confesses with a shaky breath. "The last few times, we didn't even have her with us. We gave her a name."
"Carolina? Her name is Carolina?" you softly ask, pushing yourself closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"Yes. She looks a lot like you, but her eyes are like mine. A perfect mix of both of us, and... I couldn't shake it off. Sometimes I wake up after a dream, and I feel like something has been taken away from us, it feels so real,I miss her even though I don't know her."
"Why didn't you tell me about these dreams, Baby?" you whisper, placing a small kiss on his shoulder.
"It felt super foolish, and I didn't know how it would make you feel. I knew we talked about trying for a baby after the wedding, and I thought bringing it up would upset you," he shrugs, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead.
As you sit on the couch, silence falls between you two, your head resting on his chest, his arms around you. This wasn't the outcome you expected. None of your theories came close to the truth Bradley just revealed.
"I was thinking about the same thing...for a while." you say.
"About what?"
"About having a baby. If the test had come back positive, how would it have been?"
"And...?" He leans back to look into your eyes.
"I wouldn't have aborted it," you admit honestly, and Bradley takes a slow breath, gently kissing your forehead. "Do you want to... start trying for a baby before we talk about,Bradley?"
"It can wait," he replies, looking as if he's afraid to say something that might upset you. "If we continue what we're doing, it's okay..."
"But I want to know what you want, Bradley. Tell me."
He takes a deep breath, running his tongue over his lips before speaking.
"I think I want it." The way your heart explodes at his words is undeniable. Realizing that he feels exactly the same way now brings tears to your eyes.
"It would probably mean a blow to the squad if we start now and succeed," you laugh, watching his eyes glimmer.
"That would be the best thing that ever happened," he chuckles, confessing, "just the thought of going on adventures while our baby grows under your heart... God, I could just cry just thinking about it."
"So," you grin, slyly teasing him as you hold his chin with one hand. "Carolina?"
"It could be something else if it's a boy."
"I like it," you murmur, nodding. "We can add it to the list. But before we start making lists, we should probably start trying for a baby, don't you think?"
He doesn't need more encouragement. As you both laugh and kiss, you find yourselves in your bedroom in an instant, clothes flying off as you fall onto the bed. Giving him a passionate kiss before he undresses you, you can't help but whisper, "I love you."
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Ekkkk full of cuteness🥹🥹
I'm tagging people who might be interested:@ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsigns-haze @sailor-aviator @sorchathered @greenorangevioletgrass @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @floydsglasses @lyn-js @bradshawssugarbaby @torchflies @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @bradshawsbaby @hardballoonlove @perfectprettypisces @topguncortez @hangmanapologist @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @promisingyounglady
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Brother Mine (Winchester!Reader x Sam and Dean Winchester PLATONIC)
@xweirdo101x Hello, hope you are having a good day/nightI was wondering if I could request a Sam and Dean having an older brother (maybe by one or 2 years)  maybe they haven't seen reader in a couple years. The brother's finally get to see reader when he pulls them out of trouble?
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(okay, author's note in that Sam is 22 at the start of the show and Dean is 26. The show spans the same amount of time as in the real world, technically, so Sam ends the show at 37 while Dean ends it at 41. Meaning this elder brother is probably 28 at the start and ends it 43. Good lord, that show went on for a while lol)
"So, explain to me why the two of you chuckleheads are in jail in freaking Kentucky? Because last I heard, Sam was going to college in California and you were still hunting boogeymen with Dad."
The two young men in front of you share a glance as you bail them out of some podunk town's drunk tank.
"Dad's... in trouble." Sam sighs, finally, to a harsh glare from Dean.
"Good riddance to bad assholes." you growl, and Dean clenches his fist
You and your little brothers don't exactly have a great relationship.
With the better part of seventeen years of your lives dedicated to hunting what lies in the darkness, spurred on by your domineering and obsessive father, Dean always has blamed you for "abandoning the family" and "breaking Dad's heart" because you left the life at nineteen and left seventeen year old Dean and thirteen year old Sam behind.
You did the amateur boxing circuit for a while before you were hired on to an indie security company and ended up catching the eye of the owner who trained you until you took over, eventually buying the company and running it.
You know a lot of your money was sent to help pay off any expenses Sam had, but you don't know if it was used for that or blown for motel stays or alcohol or sawed-off-shotguns or salt slugs for Dean and John.
You tried to stay in touch with Sam, but it was awkward. And he wanted space away from "family."
So you know neither of them would ever contact you unless something real bad happened (and apparently Dean's grudge was so strong that he wouldn't even inform you that John went missing)
Though to be perfectly honest, it wouldn't really matter to you anyway, and that's a matter to discuss with your therapist.
"I can't believe you called him." Dean grumbles, like a child.
"Sam apparently knew you'd need a responsible adult." you snark, and he grimaces. "Now, care to tell me why you're road-tripping?"
Sam looks at you. "My girlfriend. Jess. Whatever got Mom... it got her too."
"And you think that Dad is close to tracking it down and that's why he vanished." you sigh.
"Lemme guess, you're gonna tell us that there's nothing that goes bump in the night?" Dean sneers, looking at Sam.
"No, I'm not. I'm gonna tell you that it's not your job to chase it. It's not your duty."
"We save people. We hunt things. It's the family business." Dean growls.
"Jesus, Dean, do you hear how you sound?" you groan. "It's this kind of obsession that I tried to get away from! A terrible thing happened to Mom, and there was nothing any of us could do to stop it. It's not our fault, and it's not our responsibility to chase whatever did it down!"
"It's just gonna keep hurting people. We've seen it happening. It's gathering other people like Sam."
"Fuck." you growl.
Dean senses an in. "You were even better than me, back in the day. Remember when you ganked that skinchanger?"
He says "you were only 14" with as much reverence and awe as you do disgust and shame.
"I can't convince either of you to... let the chips fall where they may?"
"Nope." Dean pops the "p" sound.
"Sorry, no." Sam adds.
"I don't wanna kill things anymore, Dean. Not even bad things. But I do care about you both. So here. I'm going to help you, on one condition. We're going to all come back to my place in California, and Sam is going to apply to fucking law school, and you're gonna think about what you really want with your life, Dean."
They think.
They look at each other.
They nod.
"Welcome back." Dean grins.
"You better not still drive that shitty Impala and listen to crappy 80s rock."
Sam winces.
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gab-has-adhd · 7 months
Thank you.
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My name is Gabriel, I'm a 28 years old disabled agender person. I have ADHD, BPD, generalized anxiety, chronic depression and untreated PTSD. I am an artist, and I have no other job besides this one, for now.
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This is my girlfriend, Olivia. She is 30, agender just like me, disabled just like me. She has BPD as well as untreated PTSD, and she is autistic.
For the last three years, we were surviving thanks to a monthly allowance she was given due to her being disabled and unable to find or keep a job. This allowance has been stopped due to her being judged "not disabled enough" and "capable of finding a job". She isn't. I don't want to give too many details about our life, but she is currently deeply incapacitated and cannot work. She has asked to get her autism diagnosed on a psychiatric level, which is necessary for her to be given the proper care for her issues.
We will now be given an allowance for job seekers. But we have learned today that this allowance, for the next two months, will be much less than it usually is because of complicated details I do not have the right mind to explain right now.
We will be given around 700€ for a month. 1400€ total, for the months of March and April. You can imagine how 1400€ for two months is a ridiculously low amount of money for two people.
I will try to find a tiny job that is compatible with my own struggles. In the meantime, getting help from other sources will really, really come in handy.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
heyyy i have a silly little idea!
What if male!reader was the oldest Winchester brother and was dating Aaron Hotchner? idk just a silly little idea i had, Love your writing and make sure to drink lots of water!
Okay so I kind of took this and ran with it, I hope you don't mind aha
Also, reader's like 14 years older than Dean, so in my head he's John's kid from another relationship and is 7 years old when John and Mary get married (based on this timeline I found).
(I might come back to this and do another part at some point aha)
Warnings: John bashing, homophobia mentions
"Hey, you guys want to meet a friend of mine?" You asked, looking at your brothers. Sam nodded, Dean merely shrugged.
"Sure, whatever," He mumbled as he stood up. You held back a sigh, trying to remind yourself that he was just going through a rough patch at the minute. Normally, he took moving from place to place in his stride, but he was struggling this time. You couldn't help but think that perhaps he had connected with someone in Mississippi during the month and a half you were all there. Besides, he was only ten, so it was bound to affect him a lot - despite how much he pretends it doesn't.
Now, you had been in Virginia for the last three months (apparently it was riddled with monsters). You met him your first day here, he had asked for your number with a charm that made your knees weak - so you gave it to him. Despite the charges for texting, you did so every day.
Sam turned to you, "Are they a special friend, (Y/N)?" He asks quietly, unsure if you're going to be offended by the question.
"Yeah, he is Sammy,"
Sam grinned, "Like a special, special friend?"
You huffed a quiet laugh, "Yeah, kid, a special special friend,"
Sam nodded, satisfied with your answer.
"How old is he exactly?" Dean asked as he folded his arms.
"He's 28,"
"28?!" Dean's eyes widen, "Dude, he's so much older than you!"
"It's four years Dean, chill." You rolled your eyes slightly.
"I think it's cool," Sam chimed as he walked up to the pair of you.
"Thank you, Sam." You said, "But we need to keep this between us, okay? Dad can't find out, alright?"
"Why?" Sam asked, looking up at you. You sighed, crouching down to his height. He was only six, he didn't quite know everything that you guys did just yet. Or at least understand it to a full extent. He also didn't understand your dad's... beliefs, let's say, to a full extent either.
"Dad, he... he won't agree with it," You explained gently.
"Why?" Sam asked again.
"He's homofonic." Dean said confidently.
"Homophobic," You correctly gently.
"What does that mean?"
"Well, it's when someone doesn't like that a man and a man or a woman and a woman get together,"
"Like boyfriend and boyfriend?" Sam asked and you nodded, "That's allowed? I thought it was only boyfriends and girlfriends allowed,"
"Well, it was illegal for a long time," You explained, "But it's getting better,"
"Are you allowed to get married to another boy now?"
"Only in a few states," You said.
"Is that why you don't really tell people?"
"Yeah, that's why I don't tell people," You said, "That's why I haven't told dad,"
"Okay," Sam nodded, excepting this once more, "Is your special special friend your boyfriend?"
"Yeah, yeah he is," You said, smiling softly, Sam beamed up at you.
You nodded, "Yep,"
"That's so cool am I gonna have another big brother?!"
You chuckled softly, ruffling his hair, "Maybe, Sammy, you'll have to ask him,"
"What's his name?"
"What's his job?"
"He works for the FBI," You said after a moment's hesitation.
"Are you serious?"
"Dean, I don't wanna hear it,"
"But he's a fed, (Y/N)!" Dean exclaims, following you through the motel hall.
"And?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Seriously?" Dean shakes his head, "Dad'll go mental if he finds out."
"Exactly. If." There's a beat, "Besides, I'm a grown ass man, Dean."
"He's not gonna be happy when he finds out about this." He huffs, folding his arms.
"He's not going to find out about this, you hear me?" You said, "I already told you, no one tells dad, do I make myself clear?"
"Who died and made you king?" Dean snaps.
"Dean, I don't wanna fucking hear it, okay?" You reply, "I'm an adult. You're a kid. Now, get in the car,"
"I don't understand why dad gave you the impala." Dean huffed as he sat in the front seat.
"How about this, when you're old enough to drive, you can drive it and I'll let you have it, yeah?"
"Really?!" You watch as Dean's face light up and you nod.
"Yeah," You smiled slightly, "Now, come on, let's go."
Sam looked at you and gave a small shrug before getting in the car.
It was a short drive to Aaron's apartment, Sam had asked questions the entire way about Aaron and your relationship (ever the curious mind), Dean had pretended not to care (but secretly did). And, soon enough, you parked the Impala and all piled out.
Aaron, as promised, met you outside, smiling. "Hey," He stepped closer to you but made no move to kiss you.
You smiled back, "Hey." Dean coughed loudly, "Oh, right, this is Sam and this is Dean."
Aaron turns to them, "I've heard a lot about you two, you're brother's very proud of you."
"Really?" Sam grinned.
"Of course kid," You ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go inside."
When you were all inside, Aaron shut the door gently before kissing your cheek. "I missed you,"
"It's been a whole two days,"
"Two days too many," He said softly, Dean cleared his throat.
"Can you not in front of us?" Dean asked, "It's a bit gross,"
You blushed slightly, closing your eyes for a moment before turning to your brothers, "Sorry, go sit on the couch and watch tv or something," You said. Dean nodded, making his way to the couch, but Sam stayed. "What's up?"
"I have some questions," He said gently, looking up at you.
You share a smile with Aaron before you both nod, "Sure," You said - all sitting down at the small table, "What's on your mind, kid?"
"Um, so you're boyfriends?"
"Is that dangerous?" Sam asked, gnawing at the skin of his bottom lip.
"What do you mean?" You asked gently.
"Well it used to be not allowed so people must have been against it. You won't get hurt for it, will you?"
Your heart melted, seeing the concern on your younger brother's face and you shook your head, "I'll be okay," You reassured, "I'm your big brother, I'll always be okay,"
"But Dean said on the way here that there's some people who are really really against it,"
You closed your eyes, making a note to yourself to talk to Dean about that later. "Yes that can happen sometimes, but I'm not going to let that happen to me, okay?"
"I promise,"
"Okay, good." With this, he turned to Aaron, "Are you going to be my older brother too?"
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 months
4 + boyfs :)
Boyf Riends + 4. things you said over the phone
September 1, 2015, 7:12pm
"Hey, I got my stuff from my hookup. Where are you right now? I've been looking around the food court for like ten minutes and you're just, gone. Uh, I guess I'll check Hot Topic until you get back to me. See ya."
September 1, 2015, 7:47pm
"Jeremy, why did I have to learn from the cashier at Forever 21 that Brooke and Chloe offered you a ride home?? And that you ended up just walking out instead?? I can't find you in the parking lot, man, like... Did you just-... walk home? Some warning would've been nice, ya know? Anyway. Text me so that I know you didn't die or whatever. Later."
September 2, 2015, 12:25pm
"Oh fuck off, don't pretend you don't know I'm calling you. I can see you sitting next to Rich! Your phone is right there next to your lunch tray! Good job taming him I guess, but can you stop ignoring me? For like, a minute?? Ditching me at the mall was one thing, but this is just... weird. You're being weird. And not the good kind. The like, got-replaced-by-a-changeling kind. Look- can you just look at me, Jeremy?!"
September 2, 2015, 3:43pm
"'Optic Nerve Block-' dude, what are you doing?? Is this a bit?? Haha, very funny. Jeremy's hot shit now and is too good for Michael. Great. Cool. Just-... actually ya know what, it's not cool. I'm not laughing. I mean, congrats on snatching Brooke up. That's... I mean I thought Christine was... you've just been gushing about her since... I- something about this is... *sigh* Never mind. Let me know when you decide to stop doing... this, whatever it is you're doing."
September 6, 2015, 12:56pm
"I hope you know I'm just gonna keep blowing up your phone with texts until you acknowledge me. I'm not asking for much, man! Just... an explanation? Maybe? Just something so that I know we're still cool or whatever. I know you're probably busy with rehearsal and all, but it's... weird that we haven't had a sleepover this weekend. I... can't really remember the last weekend where... *huff* Ok, so your SQUIP clearly doesn't like me. Fine. It can join the club. But... you still like me, right? Can I... can I get that much?"
September 12, 2015, 2:36pm
"Hey, since you and Rich are like, buddies now or whatever, you think you could call him off? He's still pulling his bullshit on me. And normally I wouldn't care that much, but... I dunno, it was different when it was both of us. And now you're just letting him go off on me?? Where's the Jeremy that broke his finger on a homophobic dickhead's nose two years ago? Where's the kid that became a little ball of rage that I had to restrain when guys gave me shit? I know freshman year was like, a really angsty spell for you, but... fucker- what do you want from me?! Can we just talk? Please??"
September 28, 2015, 2:03am
"Look, if you never wanna see me again, can you at least just say that?! Just tell me so that I don't have to question if you've actually decided to look in my direction or not? You haven't blocked my number, so you obviously... You're just-! Ugh! This isn't like you! Even if you do give me the silent treatment, it's never for this fucking long! If I fucked up somewhere just-! Tell me!! As much as we joke about it, I can't read your fucking mind! Fucking- text me! Pass a note! Flip me off! Something! This is fucking stupid!"
October 14, 2015, 4:47pm
"Have I mentioned how weird it is to hear other people actually name-drop you in the hall? Like, I'm still Antisocial Headphones Kid and probably will be until graduation. It's not like I care. Shit's not gonna matter in college. And even if it does, it's not gonna matter in the real world. In jobs or whatever. ...I don't... *sigh* I can't just keep calling you to yell about how you left. It just- it's old. And annoying. For me. I don't care if it's annoying for you. You're probably not even listening to these. Just... ugh, whatever. I'll see ya. Gonna go out on a limb and say you won't see me though."
October 27, 2015, 10:56pm
"Look, I- ...something about this whole SQUIP thing is really fucking shady. I just... it-it's creepy, ya know? You had to buy it at the back of a Payless, the dude selling it was sketchy as hell, and there's fuck-all on the internet about it. It's... and this isn't just because I'm salty! I mean fuck you still, but this isn't about that! Like I'm genuinely... this- it just- it's weird. I shoulda- fuck, I shoulda picked up on it sooner. I should've-! Ugh, I wouldn't have to leave you all these stupid voicemails if I'd just used my brain for two seconds! I'll... *sigh* tonight's been exhausting. I'll pick this up later. If you decide ya wanna clue me in after all this time, be my fucking guest."
October 30, 2015, 10:32pm
"Shit- ok, I get you're still doing your dumb little ignoring me thing but- fuck, you gotta get that thing outta your head. It's- I-I have this online friend, his brother had a SQUIP and- I'm looking at the videos and-... Y-you just- it's bad. It's really, really bad. I wanna come to you about this in person, but you're like, never home when I go there. And your dad doesn't know where you are either?? He just assumed you were with me! Which, I don't blame him after all these years, but... Jer, it's so fucking bad. I'm... I'm getting you to listen one way or another, so fucking help me."
October 31, 2015, 11:47pm
(There's no sound for several seconds, besides slight shifts in movement. It's all very muffled. Any words spoken are too quiet to distinguish, if they even are words at all. There might be the slightest inkling of a song in the distant background, though it's anyone's guess which song it is.)
*knock knock knock knock*
"*sniff* Shit-"
(There's some indistinct sound on the other end akin to one clambering about in a confined space. Metal rings clatter on the curtain rod as the plastic sheet is swept back.)
*knock knock knock knock*
"Just a fucking minute, man!"
(The sink is turned on, water rushing out of the faucet and hissing against the pearly white bowl that it's confined to. Its flow is interrupted by the flesh of cupped hands collecting it every few seconds, followed by the splatter of it falling back down in a scattered arc rather than a focused stream.)
*knock knock knock knock*
(It's not long before the handles squeak and the water is shut off, leaving the indistinct thrumming bass of a song that's been turned up far too loud.)
(Besides the underlying hum, silence. A lonely, lonely lack of sound, before a long sigh.)
(There's nothing more than this quiet, rhythmic thumping for a long time. There's very little to break the monotony of it beyond the occasional sniffle of swallowing of phlegm.)
"Is that really how you see me? Or were you just reaching for the pettiest fucking word you could've used?"
(The scream of glass echos chillingly in the small room. Sparkling crystals twinkle and sing against smooth porcelain, a prickly harmony to go with the melody of ragged sobs.)
"God-! Dammit!"
(There's a soft thud, and then a long dragging sound akin to one sliding down to sit against a wall.)
(An eternity of smothered weeping seems to pass, though in reality it's barely more than a full minute, before a blood-curdling scream is heard, disturbingly loud for how distant it sounds.)
"Shit- what the hell??"
November 1, 2015, 2:14am
"I'm guessing you don't know this, since you didn't run out of the house screaming or get dragged into an ambulance, but Jake's house burned down. Yeah, that place where that party was happening where you-... I'm fine, by the way, because you obviously cared. Paramedics got all the glass out of my knuckles. I just... wanna confirm you're fine too. Because... still fuckin' care about you and shit. Yeah, thanks for waiting up, by the way. There's no indication you were ever fucking here, so I can only assume you bailed before anyone even smelled smoke. Glad you're safe, dickwad. Hope you can extend the same relief to me."
November 12, 2015, 5:49pm
"Hey. I'm... coming to your performance. Your dad kinda... If he's suddenly wearing pants the next time you see him, you're welcome. Guess you can thank him for me coming to see your show too... I won't have any flowers for you, but... hopefully I'll have something just as good."
November 12, 2015, 6:52pm
"--- entire stu--nt bod- -- do it!"
"Wh- Jeremy?"
"Mich- GAH!"
"Shit! Where are you?"
"-- ---- ---- ---- -- ---! -- --- -- ------ --- ---!"
November 16, 2015, 11:47am
"Hey, um... it'll probably take you a while to listen to this, if you... choose to listen to it at all. Um... it was nice seeing you at The Play, all things considered. It... it was almost like things were normal again. I... I missed it. A lot. Maybe uh... maybe once you wake up, once things settle down, we could... talk? Just... at all? Doesn't have to be a call back. Could be a text, in person, note passed in class-"
"Carrier pigeon."
"Rich says carrier pigeon. He's your roommate. You'll see that soon enough if- ...when you wake up. You've been pretty determined to stay asleep though. Four days... heh, you tryna make us jealous? I just... hope you wake up soon. Before New Year's would be nice. No pressure, obviously, just... I... *sigh* 'I miss you' would be an understatement."
November 23, 2015, 4:13am
"Hey, Michael, um... I... listened to your voicemails a couple... couple hours ago. I was going to call back when I finished them, but it was late and I figured you were asleep. Um... I guess it's even weirder that I'm calling at 4am than it would've been if I called at 1:30, but... *sigh* I'm sorry. For everything. I know I said it at The Play, but I didn't... I couldn't really... I-I'm sorry. For bailing on you at the mall. For the optic nerve blocking. For the... the shit I said on Halloween- just- refusing to believe that you were trying to help, and- Fuck- the fire. I know I didn't have anything to do with it but... I'm sorry... for making you think I didn't care about your safety. I'm so glad you got out ok, really, and... I'm... sorry for making you punch a mirror. I don't... think you meant to call me in the bathroom, but... I heard... some stuff. I don't know if it was everything."
(There's an audible swallow.)
"I just... I don't... understand, why you still helped me in the end. After... after everything. I'm grateful, and thank you, but... I was so afraid I'd burned that bridge on Halloween. No- no pun intended. I thought you wouldn't-... I-I was so sure- the SQUIP was so-"
(There's a long pause. One would think that the message had abruptly cut off if not for the shaky breathing on the other end. There's a tightness in his voice when it eventually comes back.)
"'He won't come back to you. No one is coming for you.' That's what it said. And I was convinced that I'd fucked everything up and you'd never-... but you did. And-and I'm sorry we haven't done anything together since the hospital. I've just been really... it-it's an adjustment, not having a computer telling me what to do, and balancing hormones and chemicals and- fuck, I've gotten like, no sleep this weekend. I toss and turn all night and if I don't toss and turn, it's... it's nightmares, about... *sigh* Sorry, I shouldn't dump my shit on you. Not-not like this, not after..."
(His voice crumbles, like it's taking every ounce of strength he has to keep it audible without devolvng into indecipherable cry-speak. It's all but a raspy whisper.)
"I... I do wanna see you again. I do... still care about you. A lot. So much. Not seeing you for so long, it... it's caught up to me, and... I just wanna fall asleep next to you again. Which sounds clingy as fuck, and maybe it is, but I... You're the only one that..."
(He can't hold the sobs back anymore, but he does his best to muffle them. Keep them quiet. Avoid waking his dad. Hide the pain because he doesn't want this to be about him. It shouldn't be about him. Why is he making it about him?)
"*sniff* Fuck, how long've I been talking? Sorry, I'll- just- cut this off now. Ok, um... night. I... I love you. I just... wanna make sure you know that."
November 28, 2015, 1:12pm
Send you my love on a wire~
Lift you up every time
Jeremy startles awake at the sound of Michael’s ringtone, something he hasn't heard since before the start of the school year when Michael absolutely had to tell him about the dream he'd just woken up from. He tries to shake the remnants of sleep fog from his head as he pats around for his vibrating phone, thankfully finding it before the chorus ends.
"Mmg, h-" Jeremy's voice is scratchy from being woken up, so he clears his throat and tries again. "Hello?"
"Hey, bud." Michael's voice is quiet and soft through the receiver. He sounds tired as well, but in a constant, passive way instead of a groggy way. Jeremy wonders how long he's been awake.
"Hey, um..." Jeremy sits up and loosely hugs his knees, unsure of what to say next. Not wanting to leave Michael with nothing, he circles back to, "hey."
A weak chuckle flows through the speaker, colored with a fondness Jeremy's not sure he's heard since the last time they got high together. "Are you always this articulate?"
It's sweet, knowing that Michael's first reaction is banter instead of what Jeremy would consider much-deserved exasperation. He doesn't understand it, but it tugs his mouth into a small smile. "I uh... didn't fall asleep until like 6am, so..."
"Right, yeah. You did mention trouble sleeping, didn't you."
That smile crumbles as dread pools into his chest. He can't help but hide his face despite Michael not being able to see it in the first place. "Oh gods, you listened to that voicemail?"
"Couple times, yeah," Michael confesses, and it makes Jeremy cringe in embarrassment."I wanted to come see you earlier this week, but there was school stuff, and then Thanksgiving happened and..." he trails off a bit."Yeah, um... sorry."
Jeremy shakes his head fantically. "Nono, you're fine!" he insists. He doesn't want to lose this chance, but in the moment, his scrambled brain doesn't quite know what to do with it. "It's... I- do we wanna, I dunno, um..."
"Yes," Michael says immediately. "We- I do, yeah. Totally unrelated, but you should look out your window."
Jeremy blinks as he crawls off the bed toward the window. "Is it all snowy or are you waiting out there like you're in some kind of movie?"
He pulls the curtain back to see Michael standing on the sidewalk, a bright red swatch on a brilliantly white canvas, his hoodie lightly dusted with snow. It reminds Jeremy of powdered sugar on a lemon square. Michael waves his free hand, the other one still holding his phone to his ear.
Jeremy tentatively waves back, though it feels more like his hand trembles against the cool glass than it feels like a proper greeting. He feels his body shaking not from the winter weather creeping its way in, but from the nerves that come from seeing his best friend again after... well, admittedly not very long, but it's different this time. "Hi. I'll uh, I'll meet you downstairs, yeah?"
"Cool, see you in a second."
"See ya." Jeremy hangs up and pulls on some soft pajama pants before hurrying down the steps. He doesn't even check the downstairs window to confirm Michael's location before opening the front door.
Sure enough, there he is, a vibrant red light in the dull white fog behind him. Jeremy holds back on his urges just long enough to let Michael inside and shut the door before throwing his arms around him. Michael catches him easily, the cold from white flakes melting into red fabric doing little to negate the warmth of his embrace.
He remains sturdy as Jeremy quivers against him, silently refusing to let go of him any time soon. Jeremy attempts to blink back the tears threatening to spill out, but only really succeeds in disguising his sob a shaky sigh. As long as he can release the tension in his throat without being too loud about it, he'll take the win.
"I love you too," Michael whispers into Jeremy's hair, squeezing him snugly. "I hope you know that."
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deathknightrea · 11 months
I've seen a few people complaining about Anduin's new look and how he looks too "old" now, also they dont understand why he's acting so distant from his friends, so I figured I'd break it down from my perspective and a tiny bit of my own character analysis as a long time player since Lich King and have read a lot of the books. Also I'm a huge fan of Anduin as a character, so I'm sorry if it might be a bit biased.
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He was 18 years old in the book Before The Strom which takes place right before Battle for Azeroth, (he probably turned 19 around the beginning of BFA) so by the end of BFA he would've been between 20 and 21 since the war was fought over 2 years. He was fighting that war while still struggling with the death of his father as well as running the Alliance and his own Kingdom. He even said he had never given himself a proper time to grieve his father's passing. If you read Before The Storm, you know all the heartbreak and disappointment he suffered in that book. Including everything that happened with Calia Menethil. (I know not a lot of people view the books as canon, but I do believe the legit Warcraft published books to be part of the Lore.)
In Shadowlands, which was stated to be over the course of 2 years as well. Anduin would've been 22 or 23 when it ended. Let's not forget that while imprisoned by the Jailer, everyone was tortured mentally and physically. Anduin obviously had the worst of it, constantly being controlled by the Jailer and the Mourn Blade and forced to do horrible things that made him feel extremely guilty and question his own heart. Let's be honest, if Arthas had been able to break free from the Jailers' influence and not fallen so far, he would be struggling just as bad as/or worse than Anduin.
We were told 5 years had passed between Shadowlands and Dragonflight so that puts Anduin around 27 or 28 years old in War Within. The biggest clue to how much Anduin has been struggling, is his sword. The first thing I noticed is that the yellow glow that for us symbolized his role as a Priest was gone. He even told Thrall there was no Light left in him. It seems he's to a point where he is giving up and still can't accept what he was forced to do in Shadowlands.
I think they did a good job on aging him in the new cinematic. He isn't the hope filled, peace seeking, bright-eyed, boy King we all knew. Now he's the war-torn, mentality struggling, man who needs help coming to peace with himself. The trauma of constant war and loss have finally caught up with him. We also don't know where he's been or what he's been up to since he left. However, just looking at the scars and cuts on his face, he's clearly been through something rough while he was away. You can feel the pain in his voice and see it in his eyes. They really did a fantastic job putting that cinematic together.
I feel like, as an Alliance players and due to the connection our characters have had from quest lines and side Quests over the years with Anduin, through Pandaria to Shadowlands, we will be doing a lot of Quests with Anduin to help him regain his connection to the Light and bring back our Priest--but that's just a my Alliance fan heart wishing.
If you actually read all this....WOW! 😂 Thanks for reading my rambling.
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lesbianpraetor · 4 months
Just woke up and I'm still thinking about this movie, so I'm going to get the little hater out before I make an effort to only think about the movie in Watsonian terms, because if I am still thinking this much about it it's definitely good.
Being honest I went into Furiosa how I imagine 80's star wars fans went into the phantom menace and all the parts that I didn't like in retrospect make me appreciate the original cast more. Especially Charlize Theron and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, and! Margaret Sixel's edit, she was one of the editors but not the only one in this film! You can definitely tell! I keep thinking about how George Miller didn't let Anya Taylor Joy shave her head and how it was Charlize Theron that made that decision, the war boys weren't even meant to have shaved heads! I think it was symptomatic of why the movie didn't feel as through the female gaze as the first one did.
This movie felt much more in the hands of George Miller, and obviously Fury Road was a miracle in all directions but I think the first miracle was there were just that many more women on set due to the plot of the story, and those women were grownups! I think George Miller really is an auteur, he cares much more about telling the story he wants to tell than whether it has too many women or men in it. Which is why Fury Road just happened to include two huge diverse groups of women, the wives and the vuvalini, he just had the vision of them and put them in. Then the actresses playing them were older, more experienced and just together which made them not afraid to make adjustments by themselves, be more relaxed, act more freely, I think that's what made the movie what it was.
Obviously Anya Taylor Joy isn't going to do that, she's one 28, Charlize Theron was 39 when Fury Road came out, and she's the only actress on set for most of the film. If the director says you are not cutting your hair you just aren't and you are going to carry yourself like how you usually do in all your movies where you also have a male co-star for most of them. She did do an amazing job with what she was told to do, and it really isn't her fault that she's just popular to the point of being distracting. In a way it made me appreciate Fury Road all the more. Going back to how this must have felt to Furiosa herself there was just a deep loneliness to her since the moment her mother died. It must have felt much more like a miracle to have found first Angharad, Capable,Toast Cheedo and The Dag, then Max, then Nux and then finally getting what's left of the Vuvalini back.
Anyway it's 2024 hire older unknown actresses to your movies, nothing makes a movie feel more fake than only 20 year old woman being on it.
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Chapter 1: Instantaneous Analysis
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I always dreamed of being part of the forensic police force, ever since I was a child, I knew I would work with it. I studied like hell, did everything I could and then some, but in the end, I became a detective. Not that I don't like my job, it's just that my dream was ripped away from me by much more advanced technology: androids.
I don't hate androids like some out there, including my mentor Hank Anderson; no, I find them fascinating, but I never had the financial means for one, and even now that I do, it doesn't fit into the part that interests me as a young adult.
I've always pushed myself harder than I should in my studies, as if I had to achieve everything quickly. Human life is short, and sometimes I feel like mine is even shorter. Even before joining the police force, at the peak of my 22 years, I became Detroit's youngest detective. We received a call, apparently a homicide involving androids. I hitched a ride with one of the officers heading there; I don't know how to drive, pathetic, but I'm not ashamed of it.
The house was old and smelled really bad, really bad. I felt bile rise in my throat and held back from vomiting; the body had been there for a few days already. Everything was turned upside down and a mess. I approached the corpse and began analyzing everything I could. He had been stabbed 28 times; whoever wanted him dead made sure of it. He had traces of red ice in his poorly kept beard, parasites were starting to do their work on his rotten flesh. I don't know why, but he exuded an aura that he was a real son of a bitch, must be because he's dead. On the wall behind him was written in blood: I AM ALIVE.
I looked at the ransacked kitchen and went to the bathroom, covered in the writing RA9; there was a small carved doll there, some kind of offering?
I heard Hank's voice and followed him, and to my surprise, he was accompanied by an android. It was the most beautiful thing I could lay eyes on in that horrifying place; large captivating brown eyes, skin with small freckles, perfectly combed hair, except for a stubborn lock, he was the definition of perfection.
"So, who's your new friend, Hank?" I tried to sound casual, but my voice dripped with curiosity and excitement. Hank looked at me with a certain amusement, then sighed resignedly. Before he could respond, the android did, even his voice was beautiful and melodious.
"My name is Connor. I am an android sent by Cyber Life to assist in investigations regarding deviants." I looked at him with interest. "You must be Detective S/N; it's a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand; I took it without hesitation; it was warm and soft. I let go of his hand, and he began to analyze the crime scene.
"You look like a kid who just got a new toy," Hank sighed. I smirked in response and looked again at Connor; he dipped his fingers into the dead guy's blood and put it in his mouth, definitely disgusting. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Hank didn't seem to like the scene very much.
"Analyzing the evidence instantaneously." I looked at him; he comes equipped with the feature that made me give up on forensic police. All I did was watch him work for the rest of the night. As he moves through the crime scene, his determination is palpable, his expression serious and focused. There is no distraction, only his goal to fulfill his mission. As the night progresses and the case unfolds, it's impossible not to be impressed with how he works; there are things that only he can see, like the traces of thirium, was that what made him find the deviant, hidden in the attic? I'm curious to see what the next few days will be like in his presence.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 7 months
imo there is something to be said for how Lip is consistently placed in the position of protector/parent. Obviously we see him take care of all his younger siblings, especially Liam. But beyond that from very, very early on in the show we see him have a strong vested interest in protecting kids, like when Karen is going to give the baby up for adoption; "Now, uh, do you check the, uh, families for, you know, um, alcohol and drug abuse? Make sure they have enough income to feed it and stuff?", "But they're still good families right? You make sure they're going to decent parents?"(s2.8)
Or in s3.4 when he convinces Mandy to help him rescue her half-sister, Molly. "She sounded desperate. Let's see if we could get her, let's see if we could help." and "If she ran, it was probably for a good reason, no?"(s3.6). Of course there's the entirety of season 4, where he's not only willing to drop out of college to look after Liam but then is afraid to even let Liam out of his sight for almost the rest of the season. And then, obviously, there's Xan in season 8 & 9, a complete stranger but still a kid in need who he then helps without question. He also gives Xan and her mom ten thousand dollars.
Also in s4 (sorry just a really good Lip season in general), it's Lip who realizes something is wrong with Ian and goes looking for him (s4.5) and then it's Lip who takes care of Fiona after she breaks parole (s4.10). On top of which, the only reason Lip is even going to college, despite vocally saying he doesn't want to numerous times, is because it'll help his family if he gets a good job; "Except the little ones Debbie, and- and Carl, and- and Liam, and, my sister Fiona. I could be there for them but I'm not. You know, 'cause I'm here. 'cause I'm told that, that's something I could do for those kids, in a big way, in a real way.' (s5.8)
This perception that Lip both doesn't care about Fiona (or the rest of his family) and doesn't do anything for them is such a misconception. Obviously, there's everything he does to help in s4, from picking up Fiona in Wisconsin to stealing food and cooking dinner every night, but there's how he does try to help Ian, like in s7.3 when he convinces Ian to take his meds. Or in s9.6 when he does a gig as a sober coach to get Ian money for his commissary account in prison. And, then, of course there's how Lip is the reason Fiona goes to AA in s9, both by convincing V to not enable Fiona, "What kind of friend do you want to be? The kind that sees her drunk at the Alibi every morning?" and also by telling Fiona, "Get to a meeting."(s9.12).
I think it's also worth mentioning that Lip only kicks Fiona out once she starts being a danger to the kids in the house, "I'm not letting you stay here! Not with Franny, and not with Liam. No fucking way."(s9.12) Keep in mind, the previous episode he had to body block Fiona to keep her from yelling around and at Xan.
It's just such a wild misreading of the text that Lip is callous or selfish in regards to his family, and especially in the context of Fiona and their relationship. When people say that Fiona always took care of Lip and he never gave anything in return, or that he pushed her to take care of their whole family and never stepped up, I think they're just willingly choosing which parts of the show to engage with and which to ignore.
Obviously there's the age gap, she's 5 years older, (in s8 Lip says he's 23 and Fiona says she's 28) so I'm not sure how much you guys wanted a 4 year old to pitch in when you bring up what she was doing at 9. But beyond that, when Lip got old enough to help, he did. We see him helping throughout the show, we see him stepping up and caring for everyone including Fiona. And it's not just Fiona he was helping, he did Kev and V's taxes, he was the one who came up for the plan to keep Debbie out of jail in s1 when she stole the baby. He helps JimmySteve throughout season 1-3.
And at the exact same time, Lip ends up having to solve most of his problems on his own or he just never brings them to Fiona in the first place. When she does find out he has something going on, her advice usually boils down to telling him to fix it; "So what are you going to do?"(s2.5) "Make it right with Ian."(s2.6) "You want to piss away every single chance you get, including this job, that's your business but don't drag me into it."(s7.10) It's also interesting how in her big "I was nine" speech in s7.12, Lip is the only one she doesn't mention.
Honestly the only character we see actually looking after Lip during his struggles with alcoholism is Debbie throughout s6 and 7. ("I don't want you to end up like Frank" being the reason he goes to rehab, "Do you need us to hide the beer?", "He's trying to get sober Frank!", and of course her confronting him in s7.11 when she finds out he's been drinking and makes sure he's going to a meeting.)
I wanna make it really, really clear that I'm not blaming Fiona or anything other character. I honestly think it's actually really compelling story telling that Lip is the sibling Fiona has a completely different dynamic with and that he's the one she consistently leans on. Not to mention, Lip clearly struggles to accept help and is pretty closed off emotionally. (Almost every big scene we see regarding their family he shuts down and goes silent.) But! I do think there's just this wild misconception with Lip's character that he's ungrateful, selfish, and uncaring towards his family. Yes he's prickly and rude and arrogant, but he's also incredibly caring and that's been a consistent character trait since day 1.
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I love Leo de la Iglesia so much.
Yes he's just a minor character, as many of them are in Yuri on Ice. But that's one of the things that was so special about that show, at least for me. He may have only gotten one short program that we got to watch, he wasn't one of the final 6 to make it to the final, so we saw very little of him. But they had such a way of making him, as well as many others, a thought out and relatable boy.
I watched that show when I was very depressed, majorly struggling to understand why we're all here and what the point off at this was. When getting out of bed was a mountain instead of a molehill and I didn't think that life was going to really get any better. Watching Yuuri Katsuki go through similar issues, realizing that we are often our own worst enemy, that was all really great, helps me a lot. But there was something about Leo.
He's 19, I was 20 or 21 at the time, so we were pretty similar in age and that was really nice. Yuuri and Victor seemed so much older than me, older than I was really able to see myself as. 21 was hell. I couldn't imagine myself as 27, as Victor. (As I type this is am in fact 27, going on 28 in the spring. 💛)
19 year old Leo de la Iglesia. A minor character in a short show that in many way saved my life and certainly saved me from myself. I still don't know exactly what drew me in to him. I'm usually more of a fan of the dark, brooding, angry but is secretly quite soft characters. And Leo... he isn't that.
His name is Leo and he is a Leo and he's just this ray of sunshine and he loses his brain cells when Phichit and Guang-Hong are with him. He cares so much about his sport and the other people in it and he wants to do well but I think they did a good job of showing that he doesn't want to succeed because of other people's failures but because of his own growth.
I wanted to write this really well thought out post about how great Leo is but all I can think of to fully describe him is:
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So yeah, to summarize: I just think he's neat. He deserves all the love that I bet he will never get because this fandom is dying.
If you're still here, if you're seeing this, I love you. I'm sorry that Mappa hurt us. My fic Cadence isn't dead. It is very much alive and I will update as soon as I am able.
I'm glad you're still here.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk about Leo. :)
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NHLPA launches a new program to help players prepare for life outside of hockey
i.e. dad yelling at u to get a real job bc ur etsy shop aint be bumpin forever
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the kids are getting a high school guidance counsellor and co-op term! what colour is ur parachute nursey
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no wonder sabres on the rise oko's media hits so beautifully eloquent. they got smartypants mini gm at the helm
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i just find this so interesting and wonderful ...and like if a big hockey butt wants to come hit me up for improv classes i'm not complaining🫠 imma make a union actor (nate. realistic) two time emmy winner (sid. dream on u don't have that ass) outta u
full article under cut:
Early in his time in the NHL, Darnell Nurse says he did not notice a lot of players talking about what to do after hockey. Going into his ninth season, the chatter is now normal.
“People are curious as to what there is outside the game and what you can do to prepare yourself,” Nurse said.
Plenty of players have taken it upon themselves to prepare for the future, like Zdeno Chara getting his real estate license and others finishing college degrees or exploring business opportunities. The NHL Players’ Association on Thursday launched a program that gives its members the chance to do a personality analysis and delve into real estate, business or other avenues while still in the league.
The hope is to help them develop interests outside of hockey while playing and ease the transition to life afterward.
“It’s something that’s been missing a little bit,” veteran center Lars Eller told The Associated Press. “It’s kind of well known that one of the struggles for a professional athlete is the transition on to the next thing once he’s done with his professional career. And this platform helps you with that transition, and it’s something you can start even while you’re still playing so you can sort of hit the ground running once you’re done.”
New union boss Marty Walsh made helping former players one of his top priorities. His arrival in March coincided with a process two years in the making, after player feedback indicated the desire for more assistance outside of hockey.
The result is the NHLPA UNLMT program. Retired defenseman-turned-psychologist Jay Harrison is available to do an assessment, and players can get involved with companies ranging from Money Management International to The Second City comedy and improv theater and institutions like the University of Florida and Stanford’s graduate school of business.
Former goaltender Rob Zepp, who’s spearheading the program as the union’s director of strategic initiatives, said an extensive survey provided the building blocks for something that was designed to be 1-on-1 and customized for players to figure out what might interest them.
“What we’ve seen so far it really runs the gamut: anything from enhancing one’s personal brand to starting a podcast to taking these certificate-level courses in real estate, in entrepreneurship, in business, in leadership, communication skills, networking skills,” Zepp said. “We have players that are interested in or are currently pursuing commercial real estate avenues or farming ventures or construction.”
Eller, Nurse and Buffalo captain Kyle Okposo are among the players who have tried UNLMT so far. Okposo has already graduated from Stanford’s business leadership program, while Eller has spoken with Harrison and taken some of the courses offered.
“They’re not waiting until people’s careers are over,” said Nurse, who is still in his prime at 28. “It’s something that you can dip your feet into and grab a hold of while you’re still playing and giving you resources and opportunities to kind of figure out what you want to do.”
Zepp got a degree from the University of Waterloo and an MBA from the University of Liverpool the old-school way — tapes and textbooks sent by mail and tests taken in front of a proctor — while playing mostly in the minors and Europe before before 10 games with Philadelphia in 2014-15. He felt like having something to study made him a better goalie and understood there was plenty of idle time on the road.
Eller, who is a silent partner involved with helping start-up businesses, thinks the same way.
“We, as players, we have — not a lot of freedom once the season is starting — but we do have a lot of free time,” said Eller, who scored the Stanley Cup-winning goal for Washington in 2018 and is a pending free agent at 34. “It’s a huge positive if you have something else that you can take your mind off of hockey and do something productive with that time.”
Walsh got to know several Bruins alumni when he was mayor of Boston and has since talked to other former players and come away with a mandate to protect guys beyond their time on the ice.
“When they played, they gave it their all, and a lot of them didn’t really have anything after that,” Walsh said. “They didn’t make big contracts. They really didn’t have a strong pension system. A lot of them, even going back further than that, lost stuff. We can’t let that happen again.”
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whumpshaped · 8 months
yess!! talk about the new blorbo!!
okay. so.
tw minor character death
her name is mézi cooper (pronounced like daisy with an m, maisy) and she's 28 years old and she lives in a cottage out in the woods.
she grew up in that cottage with her parents, but then her parents decided they really wanted to sell the property and move to the city somehow, in whatever way they could, because they just didn't want to be living near the vampire territory border. (i made her for an rp with @whumpsday hence vamp territory.) mézi was devastated because what about the crops? the livestock? what about her precious chickens? mom you cant sell the chickens! she is Staying.
her parents said okay well you'll have to come with us when we sell the house to be able to buy a flat. mézi said well good luck no one's buying property near the border. there was a big argument and eventually it got solved when mézi's grandma died and her mother inherited the apartment. a bit small even for two people, so mézi was like yea u guys go ahead i am Staying. bye.
and well, what were her parents supposed to do? she was already 20 years old, she wasn't a kid, she had her own money by selling stuff from the little farm and taking odd jobs. they left her there. mézi visits them often enough, and nothing bad has ever happened to her before, so... (lies lies lies they're worried sick mézi can't be living out there ALONE in a SECLUDED FORESTY AREA this is SO BAD)
anyway mézi has been living in her little cottage all alone for like 8 years now :D she has Cool Hobbies (/j) like hunting and shooting guns. idk she's just a capable young woman. she's good with a knife ok. i'm sure that will save her from any mean person. or creature.
she's kinda happy go lucky. doesn't believe any misfortune can befall her. she believes many vampires have already ran past her little property and saw her tending to the plants and animals and thought "wow that's a lone woman taking care of all those things and creatures... we cant kidnap her :/ who would take care of the chickens :/" she really does believe even vampires have morals and a conscience :)
some more random facts about her
she's left-handed
she's pretty strong from working on the farm
she always has a knife with her
she names all her animals
she likes to help people and she believes it's good karma
she's very polite and good-mannered but boy does she get mad when other people are rude
she still believes her parents were overly paranoid for leaving the cottage like this
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meanscarletdeceiver · 9 months
Fic Snippet: In Buccleuch Docks
I have a snippet from a Nobby WIP that actually touches upon the topics of my last two asks, so... for anyone interested!...
This was a fic toying with inventing a Nobby visit to Barrow (specifically to be displayed in the docks for a week) in the early '60s, mostly as an excuse for me to have him see the steelworks engines and Edward again, for the first time since 1941. Not sure if this is going to be "canon" or not, but it was fun to draft.
1964, maybe
There was a pause, as both watched the great yellow-and-black hammerhead crane slowly swing a piece of container freight. Coppernob was impassive as ever, but Edward was smiling.
It was the blue engine who next spoke. "Town has never been the same without you… I expect you’re getting a good many visitors here?"
"By the train-load," said Coppernob, matter-of-factly. "They really ought to have put me at the new station. Me being here is a disruption to dock operations."
"They may move you, yet. Have you seen the new station?"
"No. But you needn't wrack your smokebox thinking how to break the news gently. I know very well how ugly it is."
Edward smiled again, tamping down a nostalgic sadness that he knew Coppernob wouldn't appreciate. (Or that he would appreciate, but would take aim at anyway, by reflex.) "Gordon complained about the new station every night for two years."
"He left off complaining too soon." Coppernob eyed the younger engine, committing several mechanical alterations to memory. "Are those new frames?"
"Don't take that tone with me. Well, if they're the same old, then that paint is doing wonders. New boiler?"
"Then why did they raise it?"
"They did swap out for a new one, while mine was in repairs, and that one required these braces. It seems they liked the look. I'm still not so sure."
"No one cares what you think, son," said Coppernob dryly. "If you please your directors, it's all that matters."
"Thanks, Nobby. Can always count on you."
"Always. You're still taking main line trains, then?"
"Not often." Edward grew quite animated. "My friend BoCo usually takes this train. He offered it to me for a day so that I could come see you. He's a class 28 — you've seen them, haven't you? The main line diesel-electrics that are stabled here. Do you know, they were built by the company that merged with Vickers?"
"All right, son." Coppernob eyed him askance. Not exactly reproving, but bemused. "I didn't need your friend's life story." A faint blush began to grow on the Seagull's smokebox. "So what do you do these days, when you're not swapping jobs with dodgy diesels?"
"He's not dodgy..."
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tmntkiseki · 2 months
Hiya!!! This is for the TMNT anniversary ask game!!
My questions are 2, 13, 28 and 33!
Thank you and have a great day!! 😊
2.) What was your first exposure to [TMNT iteration]?
Since no iteration was specified, I'm gonna throw a curveball and go with 1987
So, by definition, the first TMNT iteration I became familiar with was 2003 because it was the one that was airing when I was a child. However, in the town I grew up in, there used to be a VHS rental store and every week, my mom would take my brothers and I there to rent movies and the like (since it was much closer than the Blockbuster.) While picking out some cassettes of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, I spotted some cassettes of the 1987 show and was like "Oh hey, the Ninja Turtles! Isn't that the show that airs every Saturday on 4Kids?" and even though I was barely interested in the 2003 show at that point, I still got them anyway because. Cute animal protagonists. (I really loved cute animal protagonists growing up. It's a wonder I never became a furry XD)
Now, I was definitely confused as to why the show didn't resemble the one airing on TV (silly eight-year-old me had no idea that the 1987 and 2003 series were two separate shows), but to my memory I did enjoy those episodes of 1987 I watched via those cassettes. Which episodes were they? Absolutely no idea since I can't even remember what happened in them; it's part of the reason why I want to finally get around to watching Seasons 1 - 7 of 1987 in full so I can figure which episodes those were because it's been haunting me for MONTHS.
13.) Which version of Michelangelo is your favorite?
This one is tough... 2003 is my first exposure to the character and thus the one I think of when I think "Michelangelo," but... I mean... The Last Ronin, dude. That mini-series is the definition of "be careful what you wish for" because yes, fans finally got to see what Michelangelo would be like if he reached his full potential as a ninja, but it came at the cost of Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Splinter, and Casey all dying. (Speaking of which; imagine a TV special where 2003 Mikey is forced to fight Roninverse!Mikey. Would that be cool or what?)
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
Damn, another tough one. I feel like fans of the 2003 series already do an excellent job of exploring things that were never achieved in canon. Michelangelo angst, Donny having severe trauma from his experiences in the SAINW universe, Raphael being put in more vulnerable positions where he's the one who needs to be rescued/saved... I think the one thing I'm craving is some introspection on Leo and the fact that, outside Usagi, who lives in another dimension and can't visit a whole lot, he doesn't really have any close friends? So much of his character revolves around his dedication to protecting his family that the big question mark is, you know, who does Leo become when he's without his father and brothers (just don't kill off Raph, Don, Mikey, and Splinter to do that please sdkgdgjk)
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
This fanart
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It's not my best work, but I am so stupidly proud of the shading and detailing on Leo and Raph. (If you decide to like/reblog, please be sure to do so via the original post.)
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