#this is so funny bc i can see his face in my head and ill be mad if i cant replicate it when i draw it
swamp-teeth · 2 years
I need to go to bed but, nika luffy and demon zoro hc that's making me fuckin laugh
they both like to sleep obviously but the thought of zoro rolling over and then immediately can feel light on his face, opens one main eye to see fuckin luffy STARING at him with a manic fuckin smile on his face LMAO
and just a voice with multiple layers like the biblically accurate angel his ass is just
zoro tries not to piss himself right there bc whaT THE FUCK GO TO BED BRO
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hi guys, may i introduce you to the concept of ailette/hestio
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If hesphael is ephael giving in to hestio with some jibes that have little to no heat behind them, then ailette/hestio is ailette returning hestio's energy even more and hestio not being able to take it. Ephael teases hestio with a ☺️ or 😄 face while ailette is like >:)) and she does not pull punches. she would embarrass him happily and watch him combust. They compete on a bunch of inconsequential things and hestio loses 80% of the time because ailette is just too cool like that.
#hestio ligenel#mimin voice i think everyone in this series should kiss hestio actually#i made that one post recently from twt abt how you end up making everyone in the franchise in love w ur fave#and i was like. me w tesilid#wrong actually its me w hestio. everyone should plant a big fat kiss on hestio's cheek it would delight me greatly#me yelling into the void in irinbi's vague direction:#hello could you please give hestio a love interest???? please???? for me???#like please PLEASE hestio has so much potential HE COULD BE SO FUNNY....#i am NOT immune to his irresistible tsundere charms#the fun thing abt shipping hestio w like literally every character is that he's slightly different w each of them but hes still very funny#i just want to see him imploding on himself a little. okay#like this scene is so funny to me. hes so cute#and he says the gnarliest things sometimes too like when he called ailette a cabbage bc her layers have layers#why are you calling a girl a cabbage.... he has no tact i want to pinch his cheek#i need someone to bully him a little#teshes flavour of teasing hestio would be done w a straight face and tesilid would let hestio off the hook very easily#hesphael flavour is ephael making good natured jabs abt things he knows hestio wont rly get super riled up abt#and then ailette just goes straight for his throat#actually while we're here lets think abt other hestio ships too. clears throat. please consider prinzhestio#it would be very cute bc prinz is very considerate and accomodating#he has the same vibes as pre regression tesilid except he doesnt give hestio blood pressure issues bc he can take care of himself#prinz isnt a doormat. he would probably be like. a hestio restrainer. stops hestio from losing his head at things and calms him down#hestio almost loses his temper and he takes a deep breath turns to prinz stares at him for a couple of seconds and then#turns back completely calm and serene again#AND ALSO prinz is a knight he can protect hestio#like listen its just in prinz's blood to be knightly and protect ppl arnd him okay that fits well w hestio's need to be protected#literally its so funny how hestio is like super vulnerable but hasnt awakened his aura. he just relies on ephael#what a princess. i love him.#(ephael voice) yeah okay ill protect you or youll prob die...#(tesilid voice) my obligations.... (prinz voice) OH NO ARE YOU OKAG
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vintagemulti · 9 months
shards and splinters
parings: marc spector x reader , steven grant x reader
desc: apparently what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. now you’ve died and returned alive, perhaps it’s time to test that theory; or risk losing your life once and for all.
warnings: blood, angst, swearing, fighting, guns and gun violence, death descriptions, long as fuck, sex mentions i guess(? if you squint), hurt/comfort, gory i guess (jake🤷🏻‍♀️) writers note: idk how accurate these are bc i’ve been writing this on and off for years but cover all bases i guess xx
a/n: psa to pls reblog anyway she’s BAAAAAACKKK did you miss me ?? i missed youse … if there’s even a moonknight fandom anymore 🫣 i’m so sorry for the 2 years gone from the face of tumblr, i’ve quite honestly had two years from hell and insane writers block so. can anyone even remember this series?? idk maybe you should all reread the first parts 👀👀 anyways. there’ll be one more part to this (will it come this year? next? 2026? who knows…) bc i HATED my original ending and just had to change it. also sorry if this feels rushed or like it jumps around a lot, it’s been written over YEARS, but i’ve tried my best for continuity. also, i know there’s a lot missing in like fight scenes but they are BORING and i hate writing em so i’m not doing it. tried, got half way thru then didn’t touch this for 7 months so.. it’s no fight scene or no part at all. but my last part is pretty much done so hopefully it’ll be posted soon! ill let youse savour this for a while tho lol. on a real note thank you all SO much for all the love, even two years later. it means the world. all my love, all the time x
series masterlist
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the air felt different now. it was funny; you and marc had been apart hundreds, if not thousands of times, but he had never felt your absence. not like this. no, never like this. it was different now because he knew he could look for you everywhere and you would still be in that room, not breathing, not living.
he could see it all so clearly now. all of what? all of it. everything; life, your life, his life, where everything went wrong, what he should have done, should have said, how he could have saved you.
there was nothing you could have done, marc.
“that’s easy for you to say.” he mumbled, looking down at his hands. “you’re not the one who was halfway through a fucking argument when harrow took her. and if you can remember, harrow took her because of me.”
steven sighed, and went quiet.
“i should’ve died on that fucking alter.”
marc said it over and over, like a prayer, to go back in time and pull the trigger. he was fuck knows where, it looked like the middle of the desert but marc didn’t care enough to question it.
he had walked out of that pyramid and kept on walking - for hours. the hot egyptian sun had began to set, casting a rosy hue on everything. the humidity make marc’s head ache.
steven had gone silent - a small hum of anger in the back of marc’s head. it usually would have surprised marc, for steven to be the angry one. but he wasn’t sure he would never feel surprised again.
are you going to wallow here forever?
marc looked up, low sun glinting in his eyes, making him squint. but he could tell exactly who it was - crescent staff in his peripheral.
“fuck off.”
khonshu laughed. that’s one way to talk to a god.
“fuck off.” he repeated.
and why should i, mortal? why should i listen to you?
“you did this.” it was stiff, cold, a definite statement. “you did this to us.”
khonshu groaned, moving to block the sun from marc’s eyes so he could see him properly. aren’t you going to question how i am here?
perhaps you should.
marc could never cope with khonshu’s riddles. they had always infuriated him - never getting a straight answer. but this one, he could tolerate.
“fuck does that mean?” he was looking directly into khonshu’s eyes now - something he had readily avoided for years. “and don’t give me any of your goddamn riddles.”
if you must be so blunt, it would seem like osiris has taken a liking to your poor lady wife. hathor isn’t half fond of her, either. maybe you ought to go back to the pyramid, something tells me your needed.
and he was gone. disappeared with a gust of wind, leaving marc alone in the saharan sunset, shaking and still covered in his wife’s blood.
she’s alive?
“i-” marc looked around. “i don’t-”
his eyes slipped into the back of his head.
steven took a deep breath, swallowing hard. he set off in a run - towards the pyramid.
“this feels so fucking weird.”
you were pressed flat against the wall, peeking around every few seconds to make sure one of harrow’s followers wasn’t coming your way.
i must admit, it’s been a while since i’ve had an avatar.
you let out a breathy laugh. was that your first ever laugh since being revived? you supposed it must be. oh, you wished it was one of steven’s jokes you were laughing at instead.
you didn’t think you’d ever find one of his jokes unfunny again.
“where is he?”
it’s hard to tell. i can’t check, unless i’d like ammit to spot me.
humming, you looked around the corner once again, breath hitching when you saw a shadow come closer.
what made your breath stop completely, however, was the slow, melodic tapping of a cane, following every footstep the person took.
harrow was less than two feet away from you.
swallowing hard, you pushed yourself against the wall even harder, back cold against the concrete. you hoped - prayed with your newfound faith in osiris and his mercy - that harrow would turn back the other way, not hearing your thumping heart.
but your luck had ran out for this lifetime.
the tapping of the cane became louder, until you could see the tip of it in your peripheral, crunching glass finally becoming audible. he was about to come around the corner, and see you. you would be impossible to miss, even the bright red of your new outfit making you stand out.
it seemed like it was impossible to escape harrow, and the tapping of his cane. he had killed you once, what would stop him from doing it again?
apparently, a guardian angel. someone spoke, making harrow turn to look behind him.
this was your chance - to slip away and turn the opposite corner, escape harrow in your new life as you couldn’t in your last.
his voice made you flinch. cool, charming, low. like a snake - exactly like a snake, now you thought about it. the way he slid through life, from the bar all those years ago, to now, awakening a centuries old god, aiming to destroy the world.
you could slither away too, though.
still holding your breath, you sidestepped along the wall, making sure to watch your step over any lose stones, until the wall fell away behind you and led you into another corridor.
as soon as the light from the hall had faded, you let out your breath, hands coming to your forehead and rubbing your eyes.
we have to keep moving. ammit is almost ready to begin.
nodding - although it felt like your brain was rattling around your skull - you looked back up and saw hathor, still looking as beautiful as ever.
this hallway was much dimmer than the last. colder, too. it was like all the light had been blocked, the only thing keeping your vision was the small, fading candles lining the walls every meter or so.
perhaps it was your natural instinct, or a new given sense as an avatar, but you could tell - something wasn’t right. something in the air had shifted, on top of the hot, sticky, egyptian heat, there was something sinister.
your years as a mercenary had taught you to recognise something - blood in the air. and there was certainly blood in the air around you.
“what is harrow’s plan?”
he wants to judge people. through ammit, he believes he can rid the world of everyone bad, even if they aren’t already bad.
“so he’s playing god?” the corridor seemed to go on forever.
he would never admit it, but yes. and ammit is the perfect enabler for him, she’ll know exactly what he’s up to, but because he can give her her power back, she’ll play along.
you scoffed lightly. “harrow isn’t stupid either. he’ll know what she thinks.”
hathor shrugged, a few paces in front of you. only time will tell, my dear.
for a few minutes, the walk along the corridor was silent. the tap of your shoes echoed down the hall, breeze from your passing flickering the candles on the wall.
why did you marry him?
it stopped you in your tracks, hathor stopping too.
marc. why did you marry him?
you stuttered for a moment, looking around as if someone would come and help you.
i don’t mean it in a rude way. i’m the goddess of love, it’s natural for me to want to know.
“well,” you paused for a moment and began walking again, slower this time. “we were young when we met, i was coming up for 18 and he was 19.”
“and i knew what i had done to him.” you swallowed. “i felt fucking awful, i thought, maybe if i get to know the guy, and he’s not as much of an ass as everyone makes him out to be, it’ll make it easier for me to forgive myself.”
the corridor kept on, as if it were never ending.
“as you can tell, it didn’t work.”
he wasn’t as much of an asshole as everyone thought?
“no, he was,” you gave a dry smile. “it just so happened that assholes are my type, and i think he worked it out pretty quickly. so after only about two months of knowing each other, he asked me on a date. a real date. it was my first ever date too, god knows anton never took me out. but god, he was such a gentleman.
he picked me up, gave me flowers, wore a fucking tie. and he payed for everything, too. dinner at a four star restaurant, a movie, then out to a bar for drinks.
i knew i had fucked up when he kissed me that night.”
you regret it?
“not for a day. and that’s my mistake- i mean, i was supposed to hate him. i told myself i would hate him. so i wouldn’t feel bad about telling someone to kill him. i didn’t even know how he got out alive- he didn’t tell me about the khonshu shit until after we got married.
oh, our wedding,” you smiled again, a real one. “it was perfect. i was twenty one, marc was twenty three. we were so young. it was a small wedding, just some friends, neither of us invited our family. it was the best night of my life.
it was the night i met steven, too. i think the stress of the day must have triggered it. and that was it- there was marc, and there was steven.”
didn’t it take a while to get used to?
the corridor began to open up, getting slightly wider by the meter. still - there was no end to it in sight.
“it did and it didn’t. i knew for a while there was something happening to him, he would disappear, look confused all the time. i knew it was a matter of time until something changed. and then came steven, perfect steven.
he changed so much- it was like dating all over again. he was even more perfect than marc, stupid english accent included. but, naturally, abuthing that’s perfect must come to an end.”
hathor sighed. and it gave you the impression, just for a moment, that she already knew the whole story. that she was humouring you by letting you tell it. her sigh, sad and resigned, almost confirmed that she knew what was coming.
“the-” you stopped. your voice had broken, and your feet no longer moved. hathor continued for a few paces before looking back at you.
i understand, but if there’s any time you need to tell this, it’s now.
“you know?” you voiced your suspicions.
take into account which god i am, my dear. there is no one else i could chose, but you.
you swallowed. “what’s the point of talking about it if you already know?”
you have been born again. revived. would you like to carry this, this horrible vendetta against someone who has done nothing but love you, for the rest of your new life?
then voice it. i can take this pain from you, if you only ask me too. i can help you.
you bit your tongue, looking down at your feet and kicking around a few of the loose rocks. hathor waited.
“the baby was supposed to be born just after my twenty-third birthday.”
a beat. hathor didn’t reply.
“but he didn’t live past twelve weeks.”
you looked back up at hathor, anxious for a reply. she didn’t give you one, only nodding.
“i don’t- i don’t know what i did. i was waiting until i could get a scan, tell marc, have it done properly, you know? but when i went to my appointment, i knew. she didn’t say anything, she just looked. then she left, got the doctor to come in.
he said that the baby had died, that they weren’t sure of the cause, but it was a boy. that my baby boy had died.”
tears threatened your eyes. never - never - had you spoken about this before. not even with marc.
“i went home, with a hatred in my heart. the next few days were the worst. i was grieving a child no one knew i even had. the blood was horrible, it hurt so badly. i told marc i was on my period. fuck, for all he knew i was.
and then my baby was gone. and i hated marc.”
why did you hate him?
you shrugged. “i have no idea. i needed someone to blame and marc was the easiest. that’s when it all went downhill, you know? i wanted him to be there for me, for something he didn’t even know happened. and when he wasn’t, i blew up at him. and he blew up at me.
and that was it, for three years. this horrible hatred towards each other, me hating marc for something he knew nothing about, and marc hating me for every other reason.
he hated me the most for making him stay a mercenary. he wanted out, he wanted a normal life in the suburbs with a dog and a big house and maybe, one day, a child.
but i can’t have that. i don’t want that kind of normal - not when i was so close to it and lost it. so i pushed him into this world. i made him take jobs and work himself to death, even when i found out about khonshu. i made him do it.
and that’s why we’re here. because i told him to follow khonshu here. and now look what i’ve done.”
hathor took two, wide steps towards you, and cradled your face in her hands.
you have done nothing that makes you inhumane. none of this mess is you fault. khonshu would have gotten marc here one way or another. anyone in your shoes would be the same.
her hands were warm. you felt a tear fall, running underneath her fingers. “but i’ve been so horrible. i’m a monster - if not for this, for everything else.”
hathor shook her head. you are a human being.
there was silence as you cried and hathor wiped your tears. at least two minutes passed - but it didn’t matter to you. harrow could come running around the corner and you wouldn’t bat an eyelash.
hathor took a deep breath, looking to her left along the corridor. she opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, another figure appeared.
is now a bad time, human?
you flinched at the rough edge in khonshu’s voice. “what do you want?”
what do i want? there’s a long list.
even through your tears, your patience thinned. “seriously?”
hathor took her hands from your face, turning to look at khonshu. enough of your riddles. just tell her.
the unmistakable sound of footsteps, running, drew your attention. they were getting closer.
i don’t think i have to say a word, actually.
just as khonshu had finished, a figure appeared, coming around the twists and turns of the corridor.
your heart stopped.
marc looked around in a daze, eyes falling first on khonshu, then on hathor, then…
just as he had stopped running, he started again, coming towards you like a lion out of his cage, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you off of your feet.
“oh baby,” he mumbled into your neck.
you had just reached - wrapping your arms around him in equal tightness, hands flying into his hair. oh, god. his hair - his curls, his skin - you’d never take it for granted again.
he pulled back, hands on your cheeks in a mirror image to hathor. his eyes locked into yours, brown irises melting into his pupils, filling with tears.
marc stuttered, trying to get several sentences out at once, before you hushed him.
“please, marc, we don’t have much time. harrow is gonna-”
“i know,” he nodded, eyes still not breaking from yours. “i know- baby, i know. please- please, just give me a minute. i never- i thought i’d never- oh, baby.”
he leaned in, moving his hands out of the way to rest his forehead against yours. he was hot - sticky with sweat and dirt and, although you didnt want to think about it, your blood.
“i know,” you whispered, closing your eyes. “marc, i know.”
barely having finished your sentence, he leaned in and kissed you.
it was like the first kiss all over again, and you supposed it was. hot, needy, passionate, desperate. you could live in this moment.
but the unmistakable sound of khonshu clearing his throat broke your kiss.
if you wouldn’t mind, harrow is about to release ammit. i’m sure your couples catch-up can wait another hour.
“yeah,” you nodded, breaking away, but marc was far more hesitant to let go.
“i can’t-” he looked around, paranoid. “i can’t do this, y/n. i just lost you, i can’t run the risk of losing you again, i’ve never- y/n, i can’t let you go, you’re everything to me, and if harrow- oh god, what did harrow do to you? i swear to god, the minute i see him, i’m gonna-”
he blinked. a beat.
“paranoid git never did know when to be quiet, did he?”
“oh, steven,” you threw your arms around him again. “fucking hell.”
steven, unlike marc, seemed far more willing to let you go. “love, i know, but if we don’t go now, we’re all gonna end up dead. please, we can do this all after, yeah?”
he took your hands in his, stilling your shaking fingers. he was so warm - always so warm.
“okay,” you nodded, looking between him and the gods beside you. “okay.”
you had severely underestimated how far harrow was willing to go. it had been what felt like hours, an unrelenting fight. you weren’t even sure when layla showed up, hoping to help you in any way she could.
but her attempts were futile; ammit was huge. really - huge, bigger than the pyramid behind her. khonshu had, as usual, gotten involved too, so that meant he was the same size, almost trampling you with every step he took.
you had tried. really, you had. you’d tried to use your new found avatar abilities to at least land something on harrow, but truth be told, you were failing. he’d hit you far more times that you’d even aimed for him, you were covered in cuts and rapidly forming bruises, you were sure your shoulder was dislocated.
but worst of all? your head wasn’t right. you weren’t sure what was wrong with it - it seemed fine every time you focused on identifying the issue, but every time you weren’t paying attention, it was there again. dizzy, a ringing in your eyes, everything a second or two behind; your vision lagging and cloudy. but just as you’d notice it, it was gone.
it was getting worse, too. you could see marc out of the corner of your eye; he was one to one with harrow. it would have made you anxious if you could properly focus on what was going on. but you couldn’t - your thought were scattered, a ringing back tenfold in your ears, the world had gone distant and hazy.
the doctors told you it was a concussion the next morning. layla had actually came in very handy, able to translate the man’s arabic into english for you.
he had told you that you’d sustained a massive head injury - you figured it would have been investigated, if you hadn’t been one of the people there last night.
‘there’ was all people could talk about. first the sky had gone backwards (you’d missed that part, thanks to being dead), then, out of nowhere, two ancient egyptian gods had appeared, destroying all the buildings in their wake, pyramids too.
it wasn’t that you couldn’t remember it. you could - it was clear in every aspect. it just didn’t feel like you’d been there at all. even the build up to it, every moment from when you’d stepped out of that pyramid, hand in hand with steven, hot air hitting your face;
it wasn’t you.
well, obviously it was you. but it wasn’t the same you. everything felt different, you didn’t have the same emotions you did before. the same key ones, yes, like how you felt about marc, and steven, and who you are as a person, but basic thing, like fear, and compassion? it was gone.
you’d have voiced this to a doctor if you could put ‘i died and got brought back to like by an ancient god, but not the same one who destroyed half of your city last night, sorry about that, by the way’ into layman’s terms.
trauma induced dissociation was enough of a label for you. it fit - everything just felt a little hazy, was all. not that you’d asked your doctor, a google search (excluding the resurrection part) had taken you to pages and pages about dissociation and how it’s normal to feel it after a traumatic event. you were pretty sure dying was a traumatic event.
and yes, you could bring it up to your doctor, he was payed to help you, after all. but there was a strange gnawing in the back of your head: that if you voiced this feeling, it would only get worse, and the happy ending you and your husband currently had would be shred in two because you couldn’t feel properly.
so instead, you listened to his professional diagnosis; a severe concussion, fractured rib, dislocated shoulder, several cosmetic wounds, and mental trauma that would be discovered at a later point, if you ever got around to voicing it to a doctor.
what a lovely shopping list, you thought.
it was three days before they let you out, and marc wasn’t getting out for another two after that. you’d had to beg him to even go to the hospital in the first place, but now he was getting the medical attention he’d needed for years, he seemed content in his hospital bed. not that he’d ever admit it.
with two days to yourself (not nights, you’d go back to the hospital and stay with marc), you decided to have the egyptian holiday you had come for.
the first stop was obvious; buy clothes. all of the ones you had were either covered in blood or halfway shredded. once you’d achieved this, in a new white linen sundress (cut below the knees to hide the still raw scars), you felt just slightly lost.
of course, you weren’t lost, you were always quick to get your bearings in new places - mercenary years had left you with a few skills, after all - and you kept yourself in a fairly small area, close to the hospital in case you got an emergency call.
no - the feeling of being lost came from deep down. ever since you’d come back to life it was the same, a strange longing for something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. something you felt you just had to have, maybe not right now, but in the near future. the hazy feeling had already begun to pass, you were sure google had served you well. but it left behind this in its wake, a new, even stranger feeling.
a breeze blew your hair lightly as you looked down the street in front of you. it was picturesque, all kinds of small shops and cafes as far as you could see. you could hear kids playing somewhere, a baby crying in the distance.
the lost-longing feeling piqued at this.
“oh.” you breathed. “oh.”
beside you, hathor, dressed in a golden, floor length dress and looking beautiful as ever, laughed.
oh, indeed. did you forget which god i am?
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smrtnik07 · 6 months
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librarians redesigned!!! by me!!! :)
the designs are free to use, i used this as a character design exercise for myself while recovering from carpal tunnel issues! read more for all the individual designs + me ranting :*
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first off roland!! i included an angelica in here, i designed her before him, shes very triangular to me.. maybe a bit more messed up than roland tells us about, he is a biased narrator afterall. anyways i wanted his design to match hers nicely, so hes like a rounded square type of guy... i think projmoon designed him to be Just A Guy intentionally, so i played into it. overall the least interesting design of the bunch imo. its on purpose :)
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angela !!! my baby :) an important thing here is her bangs. i dont want her hair to be able to recover from however many years she spent with the hard middle part in lobcorp, i think its cute to incorporate it still. swoopy, fluffy hair for her! and the clothes are just a bit more casual idk the librarian uniforms were kinda boring and stiff to me, as much as it does go with her character.. if u wanna be human u gotta experience the joy of sweatpants or whatever. also i didnt add color but i dont want her to be fully white<3 or fully clear skinned.. give her sunspots on her face. she finally gets to experience sun. :)
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guess ill go in order of appearance lol. malkuth! whats the headband for if it doesnt keep anything out of her face!! since shes a bit more active than some of her colleagues, i also gave her a ponytail(its also for the silhouette...) also gave her some chubbier thighs.. also maybe a butler-esque coat, at least to me; i just made it a bit more form fitting than the original. playing into her personality or whatever. shes cute.. remember to take deep breaths!!
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yesod!! i want to play into the skin issues a bit more, i still removed his gloves but i gave him a poncho, not just for the square silhouette im trying to build but for more coverage. also emo hair over eyes was funny. also wide flare pants for you, boy. just very square and put together in general
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hod! this ones my favorite (i even cared enough to give her a pattern on that skirt!!) it was kinda bugging me how in the artbook i couldnt tell who was writing because hod's, malkuth's, and tiphereth's colors are so similar. so hod is pink now, and malkuth a bit more orange. i kinda went for a romantic poet thing here, dunno how much that worked out, but i think out of everyone you can tell shes the literature girl. gave her pigtails !! theyre cute :> also since i removed the coat decoration off of angela, i gave part of it to hod in the bottom of her coat :). cute and round!
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netzach is a very strange man to me.. ellipse shape and loose fitting clothes for u. if i saw him irl i wouldnt approach him. not to say i dont like him as a character, i love him, but i want him to look like a depressed guy who would pick up art as a hobby to distract himself and it works. bro is just surviving out there. also gave him comfy clothes to make the surviving easier, down to the shoes and wide, id assume non-denim pants - maybe cotton? maybe sweatpants that dont fit around the ankle? who knows.
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tiphereth!! since she's like the teen girl of the group i gave her a skater dress, converse, and a tied coat around her waist.. like how i used to wear as a teen when i was being a hater and recovering from a death in the family that changed my entire life (im still a teen ... 9 more days till im 20 as of posting this). also gave her fishnets i think she would like that. i imagine she would get headaches bc of those dumb braids on her head<3 or maybe bc her coworkers are kinda dumb<3
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gebura :) round face, reverse triangle shaped body.. like a true butch lesbian stereotype.. i decided a leather jacket, docs and pants i see metalheads wear would fit her! red leather jacket, of course. also gave her spiky hair just like projmoon did<3 my favorite detail here are the eyebrows, i think their shape is rlly neat! nvm i think its just that gebura is rlly neat. anyways the eyebrows fit her
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chesed my boy.. idk i just saw him and hit him with the transmasc beam and gave him , as the kids say, wh0re eyes. i wanted him to have rounder hips and just be round in general. turtleneck and cardigan combo also, i think he would like wearing that. also somewhat curlier hair, or at least wavy would do him well! and a tote bag, i dont doubt that he would go out to read in coffee shops if he could - so he gets a tote bag to carry his sociology books. i want him to look like he would give the warmest, comfiest hugs and be friend shaped
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binah!! this one was the most challenging, trying to find the right place for the colors - to not use too little or too much yellow. i still dont think i got it right but this is as close as im getting. long face, long nose, siren-ish eyes.. messed up in the head bird lady that speaks like hannibal! i also dont think a dress really suits her so i opted for wide pants and a fancy black button up .. maybe angela styled her, who knows. also black fingertips which is a trait i like to give the arbiters (including an oc).. just my own little consistency thing i like to do :)
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hi grandpa! ok for hokma i dont think the changes are that big? i gave him O shaped legs and his sword thing i turned into a walking cane, gave him a vest (didnt want to opt for a corset but i think he would enjoy the back support for proper posture) . also gave him a mild gradient from darker gray to lighter gray, since he IS the gray part of the ABC trio. gave him salt and pepper hair and an older face. forgot to draw it, but i wanted to give him a silicone tip for the sword so it doesnt dull out, which he can take off when recieving guests
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honorary mention to go along with the angelica i mentioned with roland, i mildly changed up her twin(k) brother. i gave argalia and angie the same hair but mirrored, his a bit more curly and hers a bit more spikey, his face a bit more edgy, hers a bit rounder and kinder. not much else to say here, i liked his design as is, but wanted to add him here :)
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gojosnympho · 2 years
f*ck around, find out - k.hj
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pairing: hongjoong x black!fem!reader
genre: smut, non-idol!au
word count: 1.2k
content warnings: established relationship, use of the n word (i was feeling spicy), allusions to cheating (but nobody’s cheating), manhandling, degradation (fem receiving), name calling, unprotected sex (don’t), the slightest bit of praise, possessive joong (bc i’m mentally ill), squirting, he’s a little mean i won’t lie
synopsis: a little joke you tell your boyfriend goes south.
author’s note: this one is definitely not my best work but i hope you enjoy it anyway! 🥰
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he walked by the bedroom to see you sitting in front of your vanity all done up. makeup done. hair done. outfit showing off that body. he entered the room, leaning against the wall opposite of you, arms crossed over his chest. he watched as you put the finishing touches on your outfit, your earrings and the gold cartier love bracelet he got you for christmas. you spritzed some perfume on yourself which finally had hongjoong asking you the burning question.
“where are you going?”
“to my other nigga’s house.” you replied and he couldn’t help it when a scoff left his mouth.
“excuse me?” he asked you
“to my other nigga’s house.” you repeated as you buckled your shoes. you turned to look at him and the look on his face had you laughing. a deep belly laugh that you had you hunched over. “god joong i’m fucking with you! i’m going out with my girls.”
“that shit’s not funny, ____.” he said and you pouted at him. he was such a big baby sometimes.
“i’m sorry, baby. you know you’re the only man i’d ever let fuck me.” you told him, looking at him through your lashes that he paid for earlier this week.
“i’m the only one?” he asked, stalking toward you. you were still sat at your vanity, one of your smooth brown legs crossed over the other. you had your hands folded in your lap when he came to kneel in front of you.
“you’re the only one, joong. i promise.” you pushed his bangs away from his face to look at him. that look of lust in his eyes.
“i’m the only one?” he repeated when his hand trailed up your thigh.
“i have to leave soon.” you said and hongjoong scoffed again, pulling you up from your vanity’s stool and manhandling you to where you were sitting on top of your vanity; not caring that you still had makeup products scattered on it. your back was pressed against the cold mirror, it made you shiver.
both of your breaths were ragged and quick. he grabbed both of your thick thighs in his hands and pulled your legs apart. he situated himself between them and smiled at the way you watched him in anticipation. he hooked his finger under your chin, tilting your head up so you were staring directly into his eyes.
“you think you can just fuck with me and leave? have me thinking some other asshole is fucking you?” he said and when you dared to look away from him he gripped your chin tighter. “answer me.”
“i said i was sorry, joong.” you said and joong tsked at you.
he pulled your skirt up to see the wet patch on your panties. you would never admit it but you loved when he got all angry and when he manhandled you and had his way with you. but what’s understood doesn’t need to be explained.
“you like this?” he asked and you didn’t answer him so he grabbed your face in his hand. “i think you do. i think you like it when i treat you like a bitch.”
you couldn’t deny the way your pussy gushed in arousal. hongjoong let your face go and you sighed in relief. your heart was beating out of your chest now as you awaited his next move.
“before i go any further, do you wanna stop?” he asked you, and you shook your head no so vigorously hongjoong couldn’t help but to laugh. he pulled his sweats and his briefs down in one go and then pulled your underwear to the side. he ran his fingers through your wet folds earning a moan from you.
“i don’t even have to prep you.” he teased you pulling his fingers from between your legs and showing you the way they glistened in the light. he brought the two digits to his lips to lick your juices off of them.
he kissed you so deeply and so gently, letting you taste yourself on his lips. he pulled you to the edge of the vanity and spread your legs as far as they could go.
“don’t make a mess.” you told him as he lined himself up.
“shut up.” he replied, that angry demeanor returning just as quickly as it went away. he stuffed all of himself inside of you in one go. you cried out, fisting his black t-shirt in your hands. he pulled all the way back out and rammed back into you making some of your makeup fall to the wooden floor beneath you.
from there hongjoong set a nasty pace, knocking your vanity against the wall with each thrust and making your makeup fall to the ground.
“ohhh shit!” you cried out when you felt him push against your g-spot over and over again. your eyes were rolled into the back of your head while he used you and you loved every second of it.
hongjoong gripped your face in his hand again, forcing you to look at him while he pounded into you. “you gonna give my pussy away?” he asked and you shook your head no as much as you could. “that’s a good girl. you’re mine, right?”
“y-yes joong. i’m yours i promise. ‘m sorry. ‘m so sorry.” you babbled out. tears were spilling down your cheeks and ruining everything you did to get ready to go out with your friends. but hongjoong didn’t care.
“are you gonna fuck with me again?” he asked you hand still squeezing your cheeks together, punctuating every word with a hard thrust that almost made you cum all over him. you shook your head again. hongjoong gave you a sadistic smile. “you fuck with me again and i’ll make sure your little ass can’t walk for a week.”
you threw your head back with a loud gasp while he continued to fuck you like an animal.
“fuck i’m gonna—!” it happened before you could say anything. you clenched around him and arched your back as you squirted all over him with a soundless scream. it was so unexpected and so sudden even hongjoong had to stop for a second, his grip on your face loosened.
“did you just fucking squirt?” he asked you in disbelief looking at the puddle left on your vanity and the way both of your clothes were soaked in your juices.
“yes. felt so good.” you said, hazy from your sudden orgasm. hongjoong leaned down to place a deep kiss on your lips. he was so fucking depraved when it came to you. with his lips still on yours he started to fuck you again and you whimpered against his lips.
“you’re such a dirty little bitch. squirting all over me, letting me fuck you like this.” he said to you, his lips still against yours. you could feel his dick pulsing inside of you almost close to cumming.
“i’m yours, remember?” you asked him breathlessly half completely fucked out and half teasing. that’s all it took for hongjoong to spill inside of you, kissing you while he did.
“looks like i made a mess.” he said looking at you with his own hazy eyes. your hair was fucked and your makeup was even worse. your makeup products were all scattered on the floor from your little sexscapade. you glared at him, poking him in the chest until he pulled out of you.
“you’re an asshole.” you said to the man who was tucking himself back in his briefs and sweats.
“you started it, baby. next time you’ll know not to fuck with me.”
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vodika-vibes · 14 days
i love the love for the relatively obscure corries on this blog, personally i love stone bc the episode with him is so damn funny.... he was kicking ass and protecting jar jar but he wasn't having any of his loony tunes nonsense, he's rlly a perfect man!
It Will Be A Privilege
Summary: Stone loves you. You know this. You’ve known this since the day you first met him, and he looked at you like you hung the stars. But stress and poor health have aged you prematurely, and you can’t help but be worried.
Pairing: Commander Stone x F!Reader
Word Count: 988
Prompt: Whiskey, Grey hair, and warm hands
Warnings: Some insecurity, but mostly just fluff
A/N: Confession, I am very, very sick and have been for the last three days, but I wrote this, and the other store I wrote today, because I needed to focus on that and not how bad I feel. Anyway. I don't think this was a request, but I turned it into one anyway. Yay for the Corries! I love them so much~
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 The home you share with Stone is filled with soft music and warmth. There’s a fire crackling in the fireplace, and it is easy to forget about the snowstorm raging outside when everything is so warm and inviting inside.
You know that if you were to leave the bathroom and head into the main part of the house, you would see Stone stretched out on the couch, dressed down in lounge pants and an old tee shirt while nursing a small glass of whiskey that your father gifted him when the war ended.
In fact, if you close your eyes, you can even see the scene.
Stone stretched out, peaceful and relaxed, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach with how he’s stretched out. His foot bouncing in time to the music, while he holds a datapad in his free hand and reads the most recent draft of your latest mystery novel.
The fire in the fireplace paints him in a warm light, and, in your mind’s eye, he looks like a deity.
And, as soon as you leave the bathroom, you can see him for yourself. You can drape yourself over him, steal a sip of his drink, and tuck your head under his chin. Stone will wrap his arms around you, and kiss the top of your head…and the both of you will be happy.
You will.
And yet—
And yet, you can’t seem to bring yourself to leave the bathroom.
Your gaze darts across your face in the mirror, picking out flaws that you know Stone doesn’t see, and then your gaze moves up to your hair. There, glittering under the harsh fluorescent lights, are grey hairs.
You can’t hide them anymore.
And it makes you want to cry.
You’ve been sick for years now, and the stress of your illness and trying to make a living while also battling your health has taken its toll on you. And while a part of you is sure that Stone won’t mind, the large majority of your mind is screaming that he won’t want you anymore now that you’re showing signs of aging.
And losing him might actually kill you.
You jump when you hear a light knock on the door, “Cyare?” You press your hand over your racing heart, “Everything alright? You’ve been in there for a bit.”
“Oh, um…yeah. Everything’s fine,” You take a deep, silent, breath and then walk over and open the bathroom door, “Sorry for worrying you.”
Stone smiles down at you, his gaze warm and adoring, a look reserved for you and you alone. “I always worry about you,” He replies, his hand coming up to cup your face and then sliding into your hair. 
You smile up at him, “I know you do, and I love you for it.” His hands are warm, he’s clearly been lounging in front of the fireplace, and you don’t stop yourself from leaning into his sturdy frame. “You’re warm.”
“You could be warm too if you came to cuddle with me on the couch.” Stone points out with a quiet laugh as his free arm slides, securely, around your waist, “I have some comments on your story?”
“Good comments, I hope?”
He presses his nose into your hair, “I think you’re plucky lady detective needs a handsome partner to help her.” Stone pulls away for a moment to look you in your eyes, “In other words, she needs a me.”
You laugh softly, “Finish the story and then come back to me on that.” You tease lightly, and his arm tightens around your waist.
“Ah, there it is.”
You tilt your head, curious.
“You weren’t happy. That’s illegal, didn’t you know?”
Honestly, you don’t know why you’re surprised. He can read you better than anyone, so of course he can tell that you aren’t happy. “Well,” You start, “If Commander Stone says so, then it must be true.”
Stone lightly kisses you and then guides you from the bathroom and out of the bedroom, until you’re standing in the middle of the living room.
“What’s bothering you, cyar’ika?” Stone asks as he slides his hands to settle on your waist.
Without your permission, your lips turn down into an unhappy frown. Though the frown fades slightly when he starts swaying with you to the music. “My hair—” You start, though you don’t finish the sentence.
Stone doesn’t stop dancing with you, even as his sharp gaze moves to examine your locks, “It looks the same as ever.” He finally announces, “Perfect, just like you.”
You shake your head, “My hair is going grey, Stone. That’s not perfect.”
His smile doesn’t waver, “Is that what’s bothering you?”
You frown at him, though you’re not annoyed with him. You just don’t understand his question. Of course it’s bothering you. Your hair is what makes you…you.
“Let me be clear,” Stone murmurs, his voice warm and quiet, “I will love you no matter what. I don’t love you for your hair, I love you for you. Whether it’s black or white or you shave it all off. I’ll love you all the same.”
He stops you with a gentle finger pressed against your lips, “It will be a privilege to grow old with you.”
You stare at him, shocked at his words, “Stone,” His name is a breathy whisper on your lips.
“I will be here, for as long as you’ll have me.” He promises, and you believe him.
You smile up at him, tears in your eyes, “That almost sounds like a proposal, Stone.”
Warm hands slide up your sides to cup your face, and he leans in and kisses you, slow and deep. “Nothing would make me happier than becoming your husband.” He whispers against your lips.
And finally, a real smile crosses your face as the last of your fears vanishes as though they never existed, “Yes, Stone. I’ll definitely marry you.”
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@imabeautifulbutterfly @n0vqni
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
bts fic recommendations | 01.25.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren’t i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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scent of eager suds - @rkivian (knj x reader | smut, angst, pwp, fluff)
summary: you missed each other, too fucking much. but your head had stayed down in futile hopes of remaining stubborn, forgetting that there is a wedding ring on that tricksy little finger of his for a reason.
so..... genuinely convinced you are the reincarnate of shakespeare babe bc like:
"He would spend a considerably scant amount of time on such a task, yet fulfil it so thoroughly that the constant aching between your legs seemed more equitable than you would like it to be."
LOOK WHAT YOU DO WITH WORDS!!! like everything is so precise. i can tell there's so much thought put into every single word of this piece and woah.. the writing is fucking stellar, seriously. like just the words you use throughout this displays how the reader feels about being vulnerable with joonie: cruel, vengeful, venomous. u put pwp but like you characterized the fuck out of this reader and it's so good...
also... this is thee kim namjoon. like as someone who is v much similar to the reader and self sabotages relationships, ppl who love you enough to recognize that trait and do their best to prove u wrong
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the one where jin is drunk off his face and you get friend-zoned - @indgio (ksj x reader | fluff, crack)
saf everything you write just comforts my soul. it's missing jin hours around these parts and this is exactly want i needed. i don't know how to explain it but this gives me run episode vibes? like... this is legit kim seokjin. I COULD TOTALLY PICTURE HIM DOING SOME SHIT LIKE THIS LMAO WHAT A SWEET BABY!
also love this oc fr. like from the opening paragraph i could already tell she's the most adorable, most precious being, and you proved it throughout the rest :') <3 taking care of ur drunk partner trope will never not get me and you did it so splendidly ugh will definitely be coming back to this when im sad and 3am and missing my seokjin :'( thanks for this ily <3
"tell me more about this girlfriend of yours."
but jin looks at you with a frown, as he downs the water. "no. get your own."
^also for whatever reason this took me tf out lmao
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the one where jungkook will always protect you, even from the fictional - @indgio (jjk x reader | fluff, humor)
bby istg your writing is so... refreshing? like i always think i need these super crazy, convoluted, heavy plots for my fics to be good, but your writing is proof that doesn't have to be the case. your writing is so effortless, yet so beautiful. like once again, genuine comfort content that i don't see too much of anymore. going through your masterlist has really inspired me to take a new avenue, because your fics are just so fucking addicting. i just love the slice of life vibes so much uGh okay enough nutting over u and onto the fic sehfbjsehbdhwb
pov ur saf in my brain BC THE AMOUNT OF TIMES IVE DAYDREAMED ABOUT THIS EXACT SCENARIO IS MENTAL ILLNESS (was just picturing binge watching AOT w him :'))
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this jungkook is such a golden retriever ass boyfriend my heart can't take it. the banter ?? the protectiveness ?? THE BITING THE EAR ??? naur im in love it's settled. adding him to the list of fav jungkook portrayals on tumby. will be thinking about him when im bored in the back of my lecture tomorrow. thank you for daydream fuel &lt;3
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stfu yes it's wednesday get off my back >:'( i posted this early last week and was just trying to even the timing out that's all... im lying. anyways, love u lmao
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saltymothball · 1 day
my unpopular takes on beetlejuice beetlejuice SPOILERS!! (long post)
(i am a fan of the original pls do not come for me) these are just my thoughts on the sequel :D please feel free to add yours too
context! im writing these notes as i watch so theyre a little disorganized
for reference i also rewatched the original immediately prior to the sequel
not opening with the classic beetlejuice muisic ?? even the stage show opens with that music where is it (EDIT- restarted it and it actually does open w the music, but it is much less fun/campy an and more of a spooky remix so i forgot)
its not plot necessary but i do wish we learned how BJ fixed his shrunken head and death by sandworm
where are the maitlands ???? 0 mention of adam and barbra at the beginning ?
BJ's ex wife intro was a very creative concept but i wish they did it with more sfx props and less cgi/green screen
Astrid is like very boring, theyve done nothing to get the audience (me) invested in her?? disney wish vibes like who is she
call it a headcanon i feel like lydia wouldnt be this fucking awkward of a parent ?? she had good role models ie adam and barbra (even if her own parents werent as active, by the end of the original movie it implied they were now living in a healthy family dynamic
the mother daughter drama feels really forced, reminds me of the out-of-place tension between wednesday and morticia in the 2023 show
all angles are super close up and feel like horror angles. the scene where astrid befriends that boy ?? felt like someone was gonna come up and kill them the ENTIRE interaction (edit i guess that makes sense but it nerfed the scene)
IMMEDIATELY knew his parents are dead btw. not showing their faces is so clearly they are dead. not an ounce of mystery. theory the boy might be a ghost too?
theory astrids dad isnt dead bc Lydia cant see him
the witching hour wrong ?? last i knew it was 3am not 12am. weird thing to get wrong
its like not a silly campy vibe ?? its like uncomfortable.
dont like lydias new man hes pushy and gross
i miss adam and barbra
it doesnt make sense that no one taking lydia seriously ? delia knows she can see ghosts and has also experienced beetlejuice
lydias fiance is a horrid excuse for a partner (how tf did she meet him like did he just walk in bc the plot needed another person to hate lydia
not the dead protester joke :(
the spill-your-guts/pregnancy felt really idk,,, icky??? dont know how to explain it but it uncomfortably long
follow up- a lot of the visual ghost gags felt very gross/gorey ? like in the original movie the gags were inbetween silly/sexual/spooky-but this one feels more like blood and guts instead of spiders and snakes. exhibit A) otho casually shoving corpse barbra out of the way when looking at the closet with delia / exhibit b) the guy with the cigarettes at the end of the original
theory that astrid is going to end up seeing ghosts by the end of the movie
love the "eeee!" noise BJ makes when people say his name
ok BJ with the guitar after lydia tells him off was legitimately funny
i know astrid is an angsty teen but my god she is so hostile towards lydia
listen i have nothing against jenna ortega but it feels like she is type-casted to play exactly one character now, like let the girl play something other than a monotone gothy teen
calling it at 56mins the boys parents are SO dead bc they deliberately didnt have lydia meet them
astrids awkwardness w this ghost boy is pretty cute. he is so definitely a ghost though
yup called it hes a ghost
"my mom was telling the truth... shit" lmao
this boy feels very sus bc why are you trying to bribe her w her father
still no info on how lydia and rory met ??
MURDER HOUSE ?? TH BOY IS A MURDERER ??? okay thats a good twist ill give them that
astrid going into the afterlife to see her dad feels very "lydia going to the afterlife to see her mom" plot from the stage show ?
astrid honey you have too much faith in this ghost boy
oh my fucking god delia did you really get poisonous snakes....so on brand for her
Beetlegeuse literally carrying the whole movie
every scene he's in is absolutely giving
william dafoe is pretty good too but adding him just feels like he is william dafoe and not the character hes playing (who is also an actor)
delia correcting herself from saying fuck is really funny like girl was that scripted
okay ok astrd seeing her dad working in immigration was pretty neat
i had actually forgotten abt BJs ex wife until now ? doesnt seem like she actually adds much to the story beyond giving BJ a new reason to pursue lydia... which he was already doing...?
are they all going to end up in the afterlfe wtf
the afterlife desert takes place on the fucking moon of saturn ?? okay
is it just me or is the sandworm not claymation... like maybe its just the way it looks but i swear it looks like they cgi'd it but then cut down the frame rate
damn lydias husband really got eaten by piranhas.. what a way to die oh my god
there was no real stakes to astrid switching her soul? they resolved that so fast like lydia just grabbed her and they ran
oh their husband/dad is back now everything is fixed...? like all that hate towards her mom is now gone bc her mom was telling the truth about seeing ghosts? dad just resolved the only conflict
beetlejuice didnt even help get astrid back he went on a pee break and the plot progressed
love bad cop william defoe
"are you filled with fear and trembling?" "yes im shitting my pants" absolutely gold
BJ on fetchquests this whole movie fr
the soul sucking lady please she ate bobs nametag :(
ok wtf they really solved ghost boy dilemma in 5 seconds, BJ ex machina... like he rlly just got him like that ??? anticlimactic
ok good astrid apologized for being a shitty kid
rory please stop kissing lydias neck
i kind of hate the modern nods like the self securing seatbelt in the priests car, or the influencers at the wedding, really weird unnecessary detail
BJ and Delia wedding crashers my fav
how did Beetlejuice get into the church ? if he is a demon like previously established, shouldnt he NOT be able to step on holy ground
enjoyed the slapstick moment of lydia punching rory, good moment
her red dress omg !! pretty
BJ himself is just too funny, making the priest sing top tier
i still miss adam and barbra :( if they can cgi that dead guy in star wars i think we couldve brought alec baldwin and geena davis who are in fact still very alive and look great
they really didnt make me interested in BJs ex wife other than she is pretty and looks like morticia addams ?
BJ making everybody partake in singing is very silly
everybody dancing at the wedding scene must have been fun to film, everybody looks like theyre jamming
lmao whos dog was that in the hallucinations ?? is that the dog who killed the maitlands
"ghoul squad" ok monster high
oh finally his ex is here
lydia so casually pushed out of the way lmao
why does BJ have more etherial powers than every other ghost?
offering rory to the soul sucking lady is so good
theyre really just gonna sandworm for the plot resolution again ???
his ex wife was a threat for all of 4 seconds
lol the legal marriage loophole was kinda funny
is delia like forever dead ? is she a ghost now? is beetlejuice dead?
i still love delia. "i will find charles and we will haunt you both" good for her
are the influencer wedding guests dead
everything got wrapped up very quickly
good on delia for still loving her husband even though that shark absolutely annihilated him
what ?? astrid is married now???
oh ok its a dream
having a second pregnancy bit felt really weird
they alluded to another sequel :(
please remember i am actually a huge fan of beetlejuice !! no hate to the franchise these are just my personal opinions on the sequel. i would love to hear your thoughts as well !!
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
ok here are some of the one part melbourne hpcc play highlights (part one only because i need to make two seperate posts… they’re too long together) in an attempted chronological order:
part one
first off, why so many dilfs? like not to be like this person about a family friendly play but seriously harry? draco? RON? RON RON RON OH MY GOD 🧎‍♀️ michael whalley please one chance
ron’s voice was very… mhmm. it was good.
harry got more attractive as he got more depressed too..
and also draco’s buttons and cuffs were sparkling and he had many silver rings on his fingers. ill leave it at that
anyways if we were to talk about actual content: the first train carriage scene was so gold omg. right before it started - karl sat down in scorpius’s carriage, seemed to realise who he was sitting with and then immediately this look of horror crossed over his face and he BOLTED away 😭😭 he ended up sitting with james sirius and craig loll
yann and polly were in a carriage together the cuties
also polly was in bicycle shorts the whole time. it was like a cloak and then just black bicycle shorts fr. idk if the actress just didnt have her pants or sum because i found out later that she was a cover (which is CRAZY because she played myrtle and polly so extremely well, she literally sounded exactly like myrtle im not kidding, aisha aidara has so much talent fr)
rose hostile side eye at scorpius when him and albus are talking for the first time i swearrrr shes so funny she was literally like this the entire time
rose looked so pleased with herself when she said “the rumour is that hes voldemort’s son! ☺️☺️” then she realises that both scorp and al are extremely uncomfortable and goes “😧😧😧well its not like its true! 😰 you clearly have a nose 😝” shes so funny bro
when albus was sorted into slytherin craig seemed to be the only one (besides scorpius) excited about it but then composed himself when he saw everyone else’s reactions
in wand dance (which is still the funkiest song of the whole score)— albus’s movement with his cloak wasnt as graceful as everyone else’s transitions in the dance, like he was messing up even that. he was more flinging it then twirling it around and his expression was one of a constant state of annoyance, like he’s aware he’s always messing up but he can’t change it because he doesn’t know how to. its why im grateful for sitting so close to the stage because i don’t think i would’ve recognised this (and other later acting i’ll talk about)
in between the first and second year with draco and harry mirroring each other was not gone unnoticed but was funny asf still.
like here’s harry trying to talk to his kid when karl runs up with his whole belly out wanting an autograph
and then you have draco who yann walks by once and he’s immediately glaring this boy down. like yann literally started ZOOMING AWAY 🏃‍♂️💨 bc draco’s intimidation tactics are so intense
scorpius sniffs rose twice whilst trying to flirt with her. w rizz.
the scene with amos, harry and albus was just ungh *chef’s kiss*
you can literally see the plan forming in albus’s head as he listens to them and his anger at his dad as he’s listening to them, harry’s discomfort at lying to amos whilst also being put to blame for cedric’s death yet again and amos’ bumbling confused pain. like idk george henare plays amos so well it was literally painful to watch
delphi’s eye makeup was so slay. tbh everything about her character was amazing
idk why i just noticed it but delphi literally acts like scorpius when her and albus first meet. awkward, unassuming, clumsy and nonthreatening and seemingly very sweet and funny. hmm.
if you take into account that she was in the background during the 9 3/4 scenes and have the opinion that she was planning on meeting albus for years, and observing him and his family the entire time, then she probably also purposefully tried to mimic the only person albus was known for getting along with, which was scorpius. HMMMM.
when delphi first meets harry she was smiling at him and looking at him with these wide eyes that can be mistaken for awe but as soon as she and amos were out of his line of sight and were leaving the stage she stopped smiling immediately but continued to look at him. the focus lights were off her and the scene was already changing but I NOTICED and it was fucking ominous
i could see how some of the effects worked when sitting up close. for instance i know that the incendio flames and the consequent fire were from tubes that were set into the pillars of st jeromes church. i could see some of the strings when things were flying around. bane’s two-body centaur was more noticeable and less smooth. when ron got kissed by the dementor i thought he was kissing back because he was discreetly holding the dementor by the waist 😭😭 then i realised he was hooking himself onto the dementor to be carried off
BUT there were some tricks that even i literally couldn’t explain and the one that comes to mind is when harry and ginny appeared in the bed during the post-nightmare bedroom scene. like how tf did that happen?? how????? i literally cannot think of anything besides the the actor and actress hiding in the mattress and then emerging BECAUSE LITERALLY HOW ELSE
ginny and harry slandering dumbledore in the bedroom scene 🫶🫶
draco looking at the audience like he’s ryan in the office every time harry says something. especially during the scene in the ministry meeting where harry says his scar is hurting. bro was so done with him.
when albus and scorpius were escaping the hogwarts express scorpius attempted to climb out onto the train’s roof first and he was sticking his leg out and pulling back in, and then sticking his leg out and pulling back in and then he turns to albus like 😧🫴 “i have never done this before bro” look on his face so albus pushes him away and just yanks himself out 💀
“my son is missing” “SO IS MINE” so good, the line delivery was perf
you know i’ve heard lots of people go on and on about how nyx calder plays the perfect scorpius and i totally get the hype now. even the way he stands is accurate to how i envision scorpius. and he’s always fidgeting with his hands, giving this impression of a cute little dorky german boy. his posture is always super straight and his hands are usually clasped which makes him look proper but awkward and very sweet, i love him, very superb acting through body language
speaking of which when amos was roasting the shit out of albus, scorpius looked so terrified. he was gripping albus’s robes and trying to pull him away 😭
“go to your room” being the first thing out of scorpius’s mouth to albus as soon as he’s polyjuiced as harry 💀
ron/albus tried to hide with scorp and delphi when hermione and harry were coming and they pushed him out of the office forcibly 😭😭
albus/ron was the number one instigator that whole scene was fucking funny and it was the first time i could watch it without cringing
when ron blocked the door from hermione he squatted and started t-posing in front of the door and went “im 🕺not🕺blocking🕺anything.” this whole scene was probably the funniest part of the play especially the “I WANT ANOTHER BABY OR A HOLIDAY AND I WILL INSIST ON IT”
also the line where hermione is like “there better not be another stink pellet in there” to ron/albus is replaced by “there better not be another romantic firework display in there” i love them sm
when ron/albus said to hermione that she married ron because of his “puckish sense of fun,” he was saying it a little flatly with this big awkward smile on his face and he was double thumbs-upping her. it looked so fourteen year old core lmfaooo
scorpius started hyperventilating on the ground when delphi and albus got swallowed by the book case and literally started crawling on all fours like *pat pat pat* cmon scorpius *pat* think!! *pat pat*
scorpius standing in between both albus and delphi talking… farther off in the forbidden forest as they were laughing. he looked so defensive like his hands were clenched and his whole body was tense, and when delphi said “wizzo” it seemed to snap scorpius out of whatever he was thinking and he went up to them and said (very sharply, mind you) “what’s wizzo?” like that’s HIS catchphrase. bro was jealoussssss heheeehehe
and when albus quizzed delphi instead of scorpius like usual, scorpius looked like he had been slapped
then when delphi said “im flattered but do you honestly think i can pass as a student” to albus scorpius started shaking his head aggressively and not so inconspicuously doing the cut-it-out hand gesture to albus 😭😭
when delphi kissed albus, scorpius flinched… and then slowly put his own cheek out and delphi literally was like “mmm no” 😭
scorpius said “you look sweaty and red” to albus after the kiss, it didnt sound light-hearted like the other times it did when i saw the play, but accusatory. hmm. interesting.
scorpius also said “sweaty and red” instead of “pale and red” like the script and i might be biased and reading too much into it, but i was thinking about why they might change something so minuscule. maybe because “sweaty” gives a grosser connotation then “pale,” and i genuinely think in this revised version of the play albus isn’t supposed to have a crush on delphi
when scorpius and albus are alone together looking at the school, and talking about how beautiful it is and how they each view their lives at present, scorpius was looking out at the view the whole time but halfway through the scene albus stops looking at the view and starts looking at scorpius instead!!! um!!! with this very soft look on his face as well, until they’re interrupted by hearing their parents come. guys. im not kidding. its so gay usually but up close the play is even worse my jaw was dropping.
albus’s “ZORRY HERZMIONE I ZINK HE HAZ GOZZEN YOU MIZZED WIZZ ZUMUN ELZZZE” in bad german accents and scorpius’s very manly, very loud “YEZZZZ 👹💪” 
when albus and scorpius got caught by harry and co. albus went “hi dad 😙” and his voice was so high, bro was scared 😭😭
i have to think about whether i miss gryffindor albus or not. maybe. i think i kinda do bc it shows how albus being a loser isn’t dependent on his house (and neither is his connection to scorpius). but yeah that whole plotline was scrapped and albus just remained in slytherin in this timeline.
when harry told albus to stay away from scorpius, harry tried to leave it at that and leave but albus started to chase harry out of the hospital because bro was that desperate. his feet were literally bare (im pretty sure this is in the script too but seeing it live is so… god.)
the seperate scene where ron and hermione meet each other in private at the top of the staircase is merged with the scene where albus meets the new not-funny ron. and they both meet on top of the staircase with the light spotlighting them, and its very clear that they are in love with each other
hermione is about to walk off when ron calls her back and she immediately turns around and goes right back to him, her face is so happy 😭
and its so sad because this whole scene mirrors scorpius and albus so exactly in the staircase ballet. like if not in love, why mirroring ron and hermione throughout the play? (even in dark world, which i’ll get into later…)
anyways, staircase ballet: scorpius and albus stare at each other total of three times. and when i mean stare, i mean the light reflects off of them and they are frozen in prolonged silence (longing). once when the staircases meet, another when albus is on the ground and scorpius is at the top of the staircase, unreachable from him. last time is when the staircases stop at a cross section, and they’re standing, looking at each other. and from my angle i could see albus’s face the best, and i feel like it could be interpreted by either seeming apologetic or desperate, either way there was this very pleading look on his face.
they both froze when the saw each other and still look on the verge of moving to one another and then the staircases move off as soon as scorpius starts walking towards him.
albus looks so disappointed because HE WANTED SCORP TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE because he’s too scared to do it himself. he ends up just sitting on the staircase and dropping his bag beside him in defeat, and looking away. scorpius still stands and watches albus go off. yah its as queer as i remember it. glad this wasnt cut.
draco was fixing and adjusting the furniture whilst duelling harry. idk if the furniture just wasnt on the mark on stage but it was fucking adorable. he kept fixing the chairs up and then patting it nervously ☹️ idc if it wasn’t intentional it seemed in character to me for him to just be a total busybody even in the midst of a duel
ginny’s micro-expressions at draco when he talks about how lonely he felt at school were amazing. harry looked a little uncomfortable when he was speaking but ginny looked really sympathetic to him, and draco notices this and thats why he speaks on “i know you must feel the same ginny” and shes like “i do” which immediately changes harry’s discomfort to shock, then i feel like he starts taking draco seriously
seen the play three times and during the fight scene with scorpius and albus, scorpius has acted differently each time. first time, scorpius was literally sobbing when talking to him, second time he was literally screaming at him in anger, third time he was just disappointed asf in him. i think this time was the best for his characterisation but god it hurt each time
mcgonagall’s “if i didn’t see you, then i didn’t see you” and she does this big over-exaggerated shrug and starts creeping away like a cartoon character to insinuate to albus and scorpius that shes leaving. i love her 😭
also when albus and scorpius were talking about their next plan i realised their bags are so different: albus has this raggedy big ass brown messenger bag and scorpius has this shiny, small, flashy, zesty little pouch. there are two types of gays.
myrtle was literally hitting on scorpius lmfao scorpius was just like 😨 the entire time
and of course myrtle’s “hello draco 😏 heloooooo harryyy 😻” nah because i get her
craig is such a fucking busy body he was trying to manage harry, ginny, draco AND mcgonagall and only stopped when draco pushed him away and death glared him 😭
erm why was umbridge hot asf. idfk the dark world looks really good on her guys
here’s part two
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ohshy · 8 months
Feelin kinda down so fuck it- how about some burnt bread hcs if you got any?
If not, how about disco kid?
~ fan-mans
hope u feel better soon bro ! also HELL YEAH BURNT BREAD !!!!!!!! one of my favorites :3
so where does it all begin? well.... (under the cut bc its Long)
aran didnt actually have to use any of dirty tricks to take joe down, so they didn't start off on that bad of a foot, or a bad foot at all. (fighting is par for the course for this sport, of course.)
that being said though, you still see n hear things ab eachother, and have assumptions as a result. Aran initally sees joe as a snobby, wimpy man, and joe aran as a scary, unpredictable brute.
eventually, however, aran starts looking at joe... a little differently. he pranks him a lot because yknow. its funny. but joe doesnt seem to mind it at all... in fact, he takes his pranks really well, and it makes aran see strong joe is in a way and how much of a sense of humor he has.
joe at the other hand, noticed that aran, outside the ring, was actually fairly tame, outside of his pranks of course. it helped a lot with mellowing his perception of him. combine this joe's many hobbies and aran's try-everything attitude, and youve got the start of a click !
news of their little budding relationship spreads around the minor- and world circuit, and kaiser begins to take notice ab how joe talks ab aran, how hed normally b horrified at the prospect of him being anywhere NEAR him.
so one day, in all his eternal german grace, he says...
''well if you love him so much, why don't you two kiss, hm?''
and joe hadnt gotten that thought out of his head since.
as for disco kid hcs, ive already told most of them so ill talk ab how the minor circuit reacted to joe wanting to confess to aran instead !!
disco, albeit kinda scared of aran, is ecstatic for joe, wishes him luck and wants to know EVERYTHING about how it went afterward
i imagine hippo would be pretty whatever about it. guy isnt too concerned ab peoples love lifes. wishes him luck like disco tho.
meanwhile kaiser? ''Eh, it is your funeral''
I imagine the world circuit wouldn't be as close with eachother seeing as how theyre busier n likely more hounded by journalists, but they do know in broad terms what goes on in the lives of eachother.
so macho catches wind of aran's crush, and he basically shittalks joe to arans face
''I know everyone's standards are too high for you, but joe's just a sad bar, even for you.''
Aran, not even reacting to the dig against him, starts ranting to macho about how joe is admirable as all hell for getting back up after 99 losses, and how that must mean he has a real love and respect for the sport. He even boldly exclaims that joe arguably works harder than macho, the victories who seems to come so easily to him.
macho eventually leaves, deciding aran's not worth his precious time.
aran then turns around, and OMG HE SEES JOE STANDING THERE !!!!!
anyway he heard all about what aran said (thats right, overhearing ooc conversations and miscommunication happening is OUT, overhearing conversations and gaining respect for someone is IN), and confesses right there and then. aran, hearing prolly the most romantic speech thats ever been directed to him in his entire life, is at a loss for words. He can't say anything other than ''of course, joey.''
and thats the start of their relationship :3
as for other misc hcs that dont fit anywhere else...
one time, when cleaning out aran's jacket pockets (joe's a bit of a neat freak), he found... a bunch of lint. But also !! he found a ton of crumpled up notes. They included phrases for the ring, comedic poems... but they also had affirmations for himself, about his family, but also about joe. joe, sans the lint, left the pockets as is. ever since then though, he's felt closer to him than ever.
joe will often try to pick up aran like a princess. considering hes still decently muscled, he can do it succesfully.
joe loves baking, especially bread, but aran will ALWAYS manage to set something on fire. think spencer from icarly.
they infodump to eachother ab their respective countries histories and folk tales, joe esp ab the former n aran ab the latter.
one time, joe and aran set out for a night walk. then, they (or rather aran) thought he heard a banshee screech. what they actually heard prolly was a car tire screeching in the distance. aran, however, was never the less scared SHITLESS and ran tf home, screaming highpitched. He had to be comforted by joe all night after they got home.
aran loves going to theme parks. he loves the rush. joe, however, hates the tall rides like the rollercoasters, n prefers the calmer rides like the teacups. They have a ''goes onto the rollercoaster alone'' x ''holds the persons stuff while theyre gone'' dynamic.
they rly like singing duets together, especially after a couple drinks. wine in joe's case and beer in arans case. theyve sang at macho's parties before as well, and needless to say they make for great entertainment.
aran often sends joe cursed memes n selfies that joe just Does Not understand
''aran, i will Not hold feet with you, zat's disgusting''
''come on joey..... do ye love me or not......''
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eevee-mech-art · 9 months
Tumblr media
Illness be damned, I finished my boy!
I present to you: Rigamarole, my Saw-based sona! Funny hellhound boy.
@dragofelid tagging you bc you said you wanted to see him!
Below the read more is a list of every reference contained in his design:
Unclothed version:
-multiple spirals present, particularly his horns, eyes, stomach marking, and shiba-like tail [his horns in particular are supposed to be a stand-in for Billy's cheek spirals]
-white face like Billy, but I didn't want to go with a full white head, so it's just his face
-scars on his mouth replicating the scar Hoffman gained from the RBT, but mirrored because I dislike asymmetry, and smaller because I didn't wanna copy the scar exactly
-rounded marking on his throat representing Strahm's tracheostomy
-ability to switch to pig hooves because...well, pigs are all over the franchise
-while his top scars are mostly...well, top scars, they're also supposed to be an ever so slight reference to The Brazen Pig [in the sense of Bobby gaining scars from it], which is my absolutely least favorite trap in the whole series lol
Clothed version:
-robe is directly taken from the robe worn when victims are kidnapped
-collar references any time a collar is used in the franchise
-the default charm on the collar is of course the failure puzzle piece, but it can be swapped out to any sort of charm to reference anything in the series not depicted on the design [or maybe I can just double up on something already depicted lol]
-leg chain is both a reference to the bathroom from one, and Pound Of Flesh from 6! The chain itself being attached on the foot is of course the part referencing the bathroom, and the meat cleaver references the one Simone cut her arm off with
Alongside these, his name is a reference to the rigamarole that is setting up the games! And as a silly bonus, his nickname is close to Rigg!
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yuzuuu4 · 2 years
I want to know the individual polystars dynamic in your mind!
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED (puts hardcover book on table)
lets do this in a very detailed manner where i give the dynamic for both A/B and B/A (ex: hokkesuba and subahokke) because it's more fun to ramble more
ill put it all under the cut so i don't flood everybody's dashboard
HokkeSuba - these guys fight. a lot a lot - subaru is extremely clingy and hokuto bristles like a cat as if he doesn't like it (he does, a lot) - subaru gets easily flustered if hokuto reciprocates the affection - hokuto is suave and he is not even trying - have i said they fight a lot? especially over the most petty things and keep it going even if they've already forgiven each other in their heads because it's fun seeing each other "mad" - gross sappy ew gay ew ew get a room /affectionate /positive - hokuto and his pet dog akehoshi - they push each other to be better by being rivals while also being loving boyfriends - hokuto is awkward but he does his best to comfort subaru anyway
SubaHokke - they still fight, a lot - the fights never stop in any iteration of these two and they will still keep it going until one of them cracks and they go back to being ridiculously sappy - subaru is more suave here and he IS trying to be (it works) - genderbent romeo hokuto genderbent romeo hokuto genderbe - subaru can (albeit debatably) curb hokuto's violent tendencies if mao can't - subaru clings, hokuto pretends he doesn't like it, but with an added thing of subaru maybe sometimes leaving his zip up hoodie with hokuto because he likes seeing him in his jacket (pink suits hokuto) - like hksb, they push each other's buttons to be better people while still being grossly in love - hokuto is still awkward at comforting but subaru loves it anyway because it is just sosoosososo much like hokuto
HokkeMako - hokuto is makoto's biggest cheerleader and i live for that - hokuto oblivious to his suaveness pt.2 (expect to see this in all of my hokke main pairings) - makoto getting scolded by hokuto for gaming too late - consider: he said he wanted pickles and the one who wanted pickles was makoto and the one asking the cashier is hokuto - insert lovesick gaze from hokuto to makoto wearing an ugly-cute shirt while hokuto looks like a model on their date to an arcade - literally just theatre kid and gamer kid i love them - hokuto knows he is courageous and encourages makoto to be more courageous bc it's in his name and he loves seeing his boyfriend flourish MakoHokke - they bond over gaming but it's just makoto silently crying but also still very endeared by hokuto struggling with the basic rules of gaming - "Yuuki, what is this" "I don't have a signal" - "Yuuki, look what I learned" (proud face); "That's nice, Hidaka-kun!" - makoto has a secret private twitter where only trickstar's own private accounts and anzu (minus hokuto) are the only ones following it and it is literally just pictures of hokuto doing little things and makoto is crying about it - they try cooking! nothing goes correctly - makoto is on cooking duty if they ever live in an apartment together (with the other two) - hokuto still tries to cook something for makoto sometimes as a special treat for an anniversary or monthsary and makoto eats it even if it's undercooked/overcooked/literally charred
SubaMako - IDIOT COMBI !!!! IDIOT COMBI !!!!!!!!! - funny men silly silly goofy men and they always save each other's joke setups by saying a punchline whenever and wherever - men can cook, men can clean, they'd be good together in an apartment whether alone or with the other trickstars - they can relate to each other quite well and maybe bond over talking about it in the dark at night while they cuddle - if makoto feels bad then subaru will cuddle him until he isn't while blabbering about random things like the dog he saw on the street - they are very very very affectionate even in public. their love knows no bounds - subaru likes watching makoto cook very much (and the reverse is same) - subaru is the one scolding makoto for gaming too long this time but sometimes he is also involved in the gaming
MakoSuba - suave makoto. suave makoto. hear me out, smooth makot - "Ukki, you got games on your phone?" "We are in a meeting right now Akehoshi-kun" - this time it's makoto and his pet dog akehoshi-kun - they are still very very very affectionate no matter where they are - makoto likes fixing subaru's makeup for him if hokuto doesn't get to him first - subaru loves being spoiled by makoto and makoto knows it so he does anyway - makoto looks forward to getting into bed when he just finished gaming in the middle of the night because subaru is all clingy and loves mumbling about how much he loves makoto
MaoMako - isara "i can't leave him alone /affectionate" mao - mao loves taking care of makoto because he's a little hopeless - they are just so so soosososos so sappy and soft and gay and they are just being happy with each other - makoto visits mao at the StuCo office and mao always looks forward to it so much that he gets stared at and judged by yuzuru and tori - mao jock boyfriend i can carry my boyfriend on my back in a princess carry in a football carry in a - mao makes sure to put his jacket on top of makoto's head in case he feels a bit too seen and sits beside him for comfort - makoto gets showered with soft kisses from mao when he takes his glasses off in private so he feels less insecure or anxious - they help each other :) skrungles
MakoMao - here it arrives... people scolding mao about overworking - vocal encouragement for mao to not wear his clip often so makoto can appreciate mao with his hair down - makoto with a private twitter makes a comeback but this time it's mao but mao knows through subaru and he loves it - mao loves the head massages from makoto after a long day with his clip on - makoto making mao little onigiri in the shape of basketballs to give during basketball club time when he's on his way to tennis practice because he likes seeing mao's face light up - mao has a gay awakening to makoto looking confident in a suit and makoto finds out so he uses it to his advantage - makoto gaming at around 10pm and startles a bit when mao comes home and suddenly sprawls over makoto's lap but only asks "Long day?" and gets a garbled hum in response, proceeds to let it happen and mao naps while makoto continues gaming
MaoSuba - mao and his pet dog subaru - subaru causes chaos and mao has to clean up after him, poor lad (but he sighs affectionately anyways and keeps doing it out of love) - athlete couple !! - they definitely play basketball by themselves sometimes and have little bets like "If I shoot this I get three kisses" "Only three??" - mao lets himself get swept up into subaru's pace but makes sure to reel him in when he's getting a bit too out of hand - boyfriend senses tingle when subaru is the slightest bit uncomfortable - they definitely swap jackets for fun and maybe forget to swap back and end up taking them home - subaru's mom knows who mao is because mao insists on taking subaru to his house even if it's just close by - they are very sappy but it looks so casual that it's a blink and you'll miss it thing - subaru pouts when mao has to work and subaru won't be able to see him but spams him with pictures of daikichi while he's gone (mao loves it)
SubaMao - subaru also scolds mao for working late and showers him with kisses when he's back from a very tiring day - subaru loves it when he sees his mom and mao interact and be happy - mao sometimes ends up at subaru's door by accident because he's so tired his feet just dragged him there but subaru and subamama take him in anyway and sbmo have a sleepover - subaru cooks for mao when his mom is gone when they both wake up - they practice together when the other two can't make it and maybe even sing off-key while laying down on the floor - subaru does his best to comfort mao when he's upset by cracking jokes or just staying with him while mao leans on his shoulder
MaoHokke - mao and his other pet, this time a cat named hokuto - mao is hokuto's impulse control with legs - they are very sweet and wholesome - hokuto doesn't know some things that mao has to explain to him in a simple manner and it is always a treat - mao enables hokuto's stupidity by being encouraging when hokuto is proudly showing off a new skill he learned like how to exchange business cards because he finds it really really cute - connecting to previous point, hokuto showing that he learned something new so he can get praise from mao - hokuto is also hopeless but he's mega oblivious so mao really can't leave him alone - hidaka hokuto's spokesperson - mao loves hokuto's unique brand of awkwardness and straightforwardness in the weirdest moments - hokuto styles his hair like shinobu to cheer mao up and mao loves it because it's endearing
HokkeMao - hokuto is like a mom, and is the main one that scolds mao for working so late especially when it's to the point that he forgets to change and just conks out - they are hardworking and don't know their limits, but they're doing their best to watch out for the other and trusting that the other has their back for their own limit - hokuto makes time to go to the StuCo office just to check up on mao and becomes a frequent visitor that yuzuru and tori don't even question it anymore - hokuto asking his grandmother about what things he should do so mao is less stressed when he comes back to the dorms - if they live together in an apartment it would be clean and tidy but only mao cooks and it's only the simple stuff (subaru and makoto take care of the more advanced dishes for them)
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darth-sonny · 2 years
Imagine Leo sneaking out alot after all this, because of many reasons really:
The coddling will eventually get a little too much, everyone needs their privacy. Yes even traumatize bitches who needs help.
I feel like Leo might feel a slight bit paranoia near his family or at least drift a bit from his family, i mean he was trapped in that dreamscape believing his "family" was his real family, bro needs to have distance to properly heal. And having all eyes on you at all time.. gotta feeling of deja vu (yes i'm talking about his Prime possession)
A new scenery or a few new faces could be some help for him, seeing the same people over and over and over again.. not that good for mental health (being in the same place with the same people watching you could make days blur together, sometimes dissociate but thats rarely)
So what i'm hoping happens is:
Leo sneaks out one time for only a bit(still has a tracker) -> Meets idk some Yokai -> The guy deactivates his tracker -cameras/whatever donnie puts on him- with magic/mystic -> have a great time also frends :3 -> Manage to get home without being caught -> rinse and repeat -> one of his fam went to check on em (Donnie) -> Family panics -> Someone almost had a panic attack at some point -> Leo got home -> Family hug/cuddle (really it was choking Leo tbh) -> Leo sets up boundaries -> Fam goes Aight bro 👍-> Profit a.k.a Happy ending
As you can see, this AU is stuck in my head. You have infected many people dear author.
P.S The fam tries to track down Leo's friends and murder them before going "ok maybe not murder but lets scare them a bit" and then someone (donnie) proceeded to throw a fucking bolder at one of them.
yeah, post Prime everyone's relationship with Leo is very reminiscent of that of a chronically ill person and their family. I read somewhere that someone with an illness has a harder time connecting with their family members since they know pretty much everything about them, and why it's so important for them to make friends to give them some sense of normalcy
that's pretty much Leo with the fam. he loves that they're trying to show how much they care, but it does become overbearing a week and a half in. he hasn't had any real privacy or a genuine moment to himself in what? almost a year? so he'd like some right now at this very moment, thank you very much
funny how you mentioned Leo meeting and befriending a yōkai that gives him some sense of freedom bc that's exactly what's going to happen lol (bonus points if anyone can guess who that yōkai is)
also, I'm pretty sure that the new friend wouldn't be really all that intimidated by the fam. they've heard stories from Leo how they're very overprotective after everything (he’s obviously didn't tell them what really happened. Leo deserves the choice to tell people about his trauma. now that he has it. plus there's another reason why Leo didn't tell his new friend but that's for later so shhhh) so they understand what the fam is doing
they're still gonna tease the fame about it though (especially leo)
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
no wait talk 2 me abt rook&vil they're so silly (unless ur legitimately busy but I will listen if u ever want to talk abt sillies lol)
god i had to restrain myself from literally screenshotting every single convo vil and rook have ever had bc theres Simply Too Much, and even trying to contain myself i still went over the limit LOL god ok anyway love is real and i have to put in a readmore bc i love posting screenshots and talking FOREVER!!!!!
one of my earlier memories of them was back when i first got into twst in 2020 and reading random card stories. i remember the jade leech dorm story and i just got his card recently so i got to relive married couple vil and rook experiencing Jade Leech Behavior
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"you're making me jealous~ is he as good as meeee~" and vils like well kinda LOL but also in the rook lab coat story
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aka the one where rooks openly thirsting after leona and teases vil about being jealous about it. like hello. ?? ?!?!!?!?!?!
also TWO instances of vil casually dropping that leonas attractive
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a pretty face. a good looking layabout. vil no one is making you say these things.
anyway i just love how openly loving rook is in general, but especially with vil 😭
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^both from the jade dorm story.... vil shows up and hes like Oh My God Life Is Beautiful. ok well hes like that about everything but he does it More when vils around :')
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god this whole second half of rooks lab story is soooooooo hshdhfhehheskefkjjdfjfgfdg yknow????? like the whole story is half rook being So Very Weird About Leona fkjefskljdf "if those sharp fangs of his pierced my windpipe, why, i'd be done for in an instant. the very notion makes my heart quiver" ROOK BE NORMAL CHALLENGE just kidding i love that hes a freak it's so fun. he says something kinda similar about vil??? i cant remember which instance it was - i wanna say maybe when vil got kidnapped in Halloween 2 or book 6 or something? where he said something like "oh no, i know vil doesnt need my protection. if i dared imply such a thing he'd kick me in the head with his six inch heels lol 🤗" like HELLO????
speaking of halloween 2, omg. i forgot to take screenshots but that whole bit makes me insane. he calls vil "my etolle/ my star" and is agonizing over his disappearance......... hes so overjoyed to see him again and rushes to his side when theyre reunited,, and omfg i also forgot the part in masquerade where hes getting ready to leave and hes like "here is a flower, im so sorry im leaving you alone vil, ill be back to you before this flower blooms ♥" like literally why was he so romantic about it. vils like dude you will be gone Three Days fjklsejklfjkls i cant get over it. it's so FUNNY and so,,, hfhdhhhghf. the way he and vil act like parents of pomefiore is so cute too. like when theyre leaving rooks like "dont worry vil ill be with epel to make sure things are going okay!!" and vils like "hmm. yea idk im still worried actually" bc he loves rook but he also knows rook better than anyone LOL
anyway i got distracted, back to the rook lab coat story
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this part is so good. rook is going on and on about leona and vils like "ok so just join spelldrive club and bother him there" and rooks immediately like "no. im in science club so i can help you with special effects for your film work to support you " HE LITERALLY SAYS SUPPORT WITH HIS LOVE WAHHHH god they make me go bonkers actually. a lot of what rook does is out of love and support for vil and his pursuit of beauty wahhhh
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he likes being close to vil
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he knows vils exact measurements, he even says in vils lab story that the only person that looks at vil longer than vil is him lol
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he was so enthusiastic about vil and his work that hed run up to him and just talk forever and ever until vil finally spoke back to him and they were just INSEPARABLE after. i think so often about that bit where they say they talked so much they GOT SICK IN THE SNOW!!!! HELLO HI CAN ANYONE HEAR ME- theyre so full of matched passion i love them so much no one understands them like they understand each other AUGHHHH
anyway back to rook mentioning he wants to be up close to vil and his pursuit of beauty,,, i ALSO cant stop thinking about how thats literally one of the reasons he TRANSFERRED DORMS TO POMEFIORE
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it means everything to him to be at vils side as long as possible and the fact that he cant when theyre away on their internships in fourth year is devastating WAHHHH 😭😭😭
but also. beanfest.
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LIKE. HSDFHDSLJ every time they interact in this entire event is So Charged. hey rook your body is bulked up, i know this because I Was Looking. vil i am so excited to brawl with you one on one ive been anticipating it for a month. back and forth banter with each other and then just
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whatever this is. and epel standing there like 🧍‍♂️ I Will Avoid Them Actually. jfksdlfjdkslfjkj
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hes So Fucking Excited when it's time to fight vil,,, he even brought evil face trey LOL
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"btw you look hot-" thats nice rook
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THEY ARE FLIRTING. and then rook literally Sent Trey Away because he was so excited for his 1v1 with his beloved husband skdjfdskl and trey was like "yea i dont wanna be involved Bye 🚶‍♂️" fjlkdsfj no one wants to get tangled up in their Strange Relationship
also this line vil says in the home screen
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ive seen fanart about this too thats like "hmm. vil most of you is covered. you have no hard to reach parts. it's like, your hands and neck and face 🤨" and it's so tender, rook putting sunblock on vils hands.... but also WHY cant you do that YOURSELF, HMM?? 🤨🤨🤨
ok ok ok but then. book 5 finale. i remember some people were Rook Haters after that and i simply do not agree!! and apparently some people dont like book 5. cant relate!!!!!!! rook hunt dislikers do not interact book 5 is everything to me!!!!
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i might have those out of order but sjdklfjelsjkfdjsklf DFHDLKSJFLDKF GODDDD I CANT TAKE ITTTT 😭 rook going on and on about how it doesnt matter what vil looks like but as long as hes confident like rook knows he is then he will always be beautiful!!! i didnt get screenshots of that part in book 6 where theyre flying back and vil Turned Old but i love how loving and supportive rook is while vils just having his breakdown 🥺
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idk man i just really like their interaction about this whole think ;A; like yea vil practically fell over in BETRAYAL when he saw rook voted for their enemy LOL but then i like that hes like "please. i know you and i know you dont make biased decisions ever, you always tell what you truly believe in your heart," and and and god damn it tumblr wont let me post any more photos but vil SMILES and hands rook back his handkerchief to let him dry his own tears and it's just SWEET WAHHH listennnnNNNN. i think it's nice. vil couldve gone off and been super mad at rook but he wasn't 😭 like he wasnt happy lol, but he knows rook. he understands [as much as one can LOL] rook. and rook loves and supports vil with everything he has, but hes also true to his heart and i think thats something vil really values about rook and a big part of why he keeps him around. it can be a positive and a negative, sure- this isnt the only time rooks honest to a fault lol, but i love,, multifaceted characters with deep relationships....
point is i lay facedown on the floor and cry for hours when i think too hard about vil and rook bc theres just So Much Love..... i cant get really coherent points or analysis out i just love repeating parts that happen in the game and posting six million screenshots bc thats all thats happening in my brain constantly JKFLJDSKLDJS i love rookvil. one of the ships ever. theyre married your honor theyre MARRIED and also being in a toxic yaoi polycule with leona is very funny to me jfklejskljfe marriage + divorce love wins(?)
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dephirium · 5 months
So. I am leaving my fic's big ass infodump here because A) having it in the comments is ugly and B) I am too busy and tired to try to make it hmtl pretty on the author notes or whatever. Plus, AO3’s character limit is ass.
Here's the fic: Tha koimithó ótan petháno.
Akire: I trust that mister Delamer and mister Maitsu are doing well together :)
Damon: *screaming, traumatized*
Jean: *screaming, also traumatized*
Damon: Why tf are you calling me a kid I am 18
Jean: I thought you were like 16
Jean: I am worried about you.
Damon: Hahaha.
Damon: Oh you're not joking?
Damon: HAHAHahaHAhA—
Scrapped content
In chapter 2 I forgot to add that Jean notices signs of Petechiae (Red dots on the skin/cheeks, usually present after crying) on Damon's face, which he points out in the narration and mentally ponders "maybe he is not holding on as well as we thought." I don't fucking KNOW how I did not add it because I remember writing it into the doc but I guess I accidentally deleted it???? What-fucking-ever man I am too tired to rewrite that scene. Also, this chapter would not work as well if Jean was a lot more aware about how badly Damon was holding on. Sooo, yeah. Good forethought past me question mark.
(Jean knows general medical stuff because of his job / he binge read about it after the Edward thing to avoid any other crewmates being ill / hurt. Kind of comes out of left field in this chapter sorry lol I kind of gave up mid-fic so the quality is kind of bad)
In the titanic argument I was planning for Damon to respond “The debate was so bad I regret doing it sober,” or something of the sort. To which Jean asks Holy Shit You Drink ? Ended up scrapped because Damon, even while sleep deprived, is way too secretive about his abuse personal life for his own good. Besides, the scene was getting too long.
Also, yes, he does drink (/hc). Not by own volition most of the time, but he does. Legal drinking age? What is that? The Maitsu family never heard of it. (Wolfgang would have a stroke if he knew nobody tell him)
I actually planned a bit where, when Damon bandages Jean's wound (it was planned to happen on the bed and not the floor btw), Jean explains the items™ to Damon after he points out the first aid kit being the debater's and Damon looks at the ship captain like he grew a third head. Hence, explanation.
It felt too forced and I ended up removing it. You probably can figure it out with the context I left (I HOPE), but here is the explanation just in case:
(This idea was based on a fic by the lovely Insqmniac. I don't remember the name rn, sorry ;; EDIT: Acting and Pretending!!! They deleted the work but it was very good!) Tozu left an item for all the killing game participants with deep emotional and / or medical significance in their room’s nightstands. Be it a family memento, a candy brand you liked as a kid, a perfume that isn't sold anymore, prescription pills or eye contacts: That kind of stuff. It is like an intimidation tactic or something??? Something to scare the participants with bcs of the amount of information they have about their personal lives. Or something. I don't know man, it is 4 pm I have not slept in like 30 hours I have reached a new plane of existence. It just sounds so creepy and it is definitely something Tozu would do. Maybe. I already had the canon divergence tag so might as well utilize it in a angst way while at it /shrug
Jean received Edward’s marine dog tag, Damon received a first aid kit (and he's the only person in the killing game that has first aid equipment, fun). You can probably imagine why Jean reacted like that to seeing Damon’s item and his subsequent realization. Let's just say that Maitsudad was not kind.
I had a very lovely idea very late into this fic of playing on the concept of Dragons and snakes being very similar (in mythology/religion, anyways) but I couldn't figure out a way to include it organically in this fic (considering that the themes/metaphors of the fic were already too wonk as is) so I MIGHT get another Jean & Damon fic just to get that symbolism out of my head???
Not likely. I feel horrible about my poor characterization of the dude in this fic already.
I butchered Jean's characterization so bad I made salami with it,,,
In the Damon panic attack from Jean’s POV, I had to scrap a small line where Jean notes that some of the nonsense Damon is spewing in his panic is actually Spanish. Another hc of mine, personally Damon looks like the kind of guy to throw Hispanic slang and insult all your family lineage in one breath (and yes I am biased because I am Hispanic how could you tell. But no, he is not Hispanic, it is actually kind of complicated to explain). I will probably delve into that hc and my general mental illness about the backstory I made up for the guy (yes I am very normal about Damon shut up) in another fic I have planned.
I had to scrap so many Damon lines y'all. He is just. So easy to write. This dude is like depressed 14 year old me trying to seem edgy and pretentious istg.
Info dumping
I don't think I am doing a fic of Jean alone to actually write this down so, here, have the whole Edward situation and my delusions about it: basically, back when Jean was just becoming a ship captain by himself (he probably started as a cadet/assistant of one of his relatives, who was the ship captain themselves. Jean then took the job from them later down the line, idk) at age 18ish, there was this regular crew he had. One of the people in said crew was Edward, an asshole with self-worth issues who made it everyone else's problem.
On one departure, they get news of a big-ass storm happening, and they are very much stuck in the middle of the sea trying to just survive it(tm). Luckily it was a cargo ship so the only people they had to look for were themselves, but still.
Edward decides to be the main man on everything to prove his worth, that he means something to the crew, that his life has meaning. Everyone was kind of ignoring Edward's self destructive behavior (not their issue, they said). Jean in turn decided to try to do something about it, so new into the position and wanting the best for his crew, so he went to talk to Edward so he hopefully realizes he is being a moron and stops playing the martyr.
Edward, as you can tell by this fic, does not heed Jean’s pleas to take care of himself and decides to spitefully double down on his self-destructiveness so hard he fell ass backwards and killed himself due to sleep deprivation and starvation the fucking idiot.
(His crew, who were in their late 20s to mid 50s and had already seen some shit™, took care of the corpse themselves. They didn't want Jean, as young as he was, to see the body. He saw it anyways, if only on passing. Which is also the reason why he was more inclined to believe Eva when seeing the dummy, but details)
Jean blames himself over pushing Edward “too hard” and causing his death. (While at the same time he feels like he could have done MORE to avoid his death back then, ain't guilt fun?) That's why he fears pushing Damon too much until there's nothing he can do but twist the debater's arm into actually resting after days of watching the younger consistently get worse. And, welp, we know how that ends.
At least he tried tho. 乁( •_• )ㄏ
Another thing. Was the buddy system actually chosen at random or was Damon right about it being rigged?
... Who knows! Lol
Logically speaking I think it would make more sense for it to either be rigged in the random pairings to get the most optimal-ish outcome (List of pairings in chapter 1 AAA), or like Akire actually bullshitted the random bit to try to get Damon to cooperate. But in the other hand it would be too fucking funny if it was actually made at random and Damon is just being unnecessarily hostile and antagonizing for no reason. So, I wrote it to be ambiguous! probably!! Go have your own interpretation idk!!
Other miscellaneous notes
Eva had the exact same "You are doing this to keep tabs on us" train of thought as Damon, but unlike the debater she decided to cooperate on the plan without whining about it. She and Ingrid have an amazing time playing Dos in their dorm.
Desmond is having a shit time because he wants to help Ulysses have a, at least, decent sleep schedule since they are partners. They have a similar ish arc to Damon and Jean funnily enough, except all the trauma and accidental PTSD triggering.
The Titanic bit is actually a thing that happened. A dude legit predicted the Titanic it is bonkers (I learned this thanks to 999 and thought it would be funny to add it because sleep deprived Damon likes to info dump (yes I am neurodivergent how could you tell) and Jean is the fucking Ultimate Ship Captain what better chance can you get?). Also yes ships back then were bonkers it is hilarious.
When Jean returns with food after this fic him and Damon sit down to explain to the latter all the things he missed in the class meetings so Damon is not running with fake facts again (and hopefully avoid other panic attacks about it in the future). They are forced to communicate about being partners and while they are both still very emotionally stunted because of their respective traumas they at least have a semi-honest conversation for once. Mostly because Damon is too tired and worn-down to be antagonistic.
The roommate system prooobably gets ruled out at the week two and a half(?) by a very frustrated Tozu, but by then he will need a very strong/kill or die motive to actually get a crack on the partner system itself (which is too broad a concept for him to actually rule out the game entirely).
(Realistically speaking he probably would deny the system from happening as quickly as it was brought up because he would notice it as a liability to his killing game plan, but then again. This is fic. I like my Tozu very stupid in fic)
Damon slowly starts reintegrating back into the group when he feels less like "Hi I just had 4 panic attacks in a week what is life at this point." Jean personally helps him in it.
Damon doesn't exactly remember what happened when he was triggered (bcs I hc him to forget trauma to cope, only vaguely remembering things when triggered / having intrusive thoughts). He remembers stabbing Jean because of a "overreaction" on his part and that's pretty much it. He feels like garbage about it but doesn't know how to apologize.
Thankfully, the wound was very minimal so nobody really noticed it after the bleeding stopped and Jean removed the bandages. It is their shared secret that nobody shall know about.
After chapter 1 Damon has a 10 minute panic attack, call himself cringe for it, and forces himself to go for the futon. You could hear him cursing out to all the gods throughout the living quarters. Like La Llorona but it is a dude swearing instead.
Jean brings Damon food. From things like granola bars to small portions of meals (to avoid any accidental refeeding syndrome), every time Jean goes out, he brings Damon something to eat. The others question it at first but Jean only gives vague explanations so they give up (they know, somewhat. But it is not their business so they don't push about it).
Damon has never had anyone offer comfort or food without a catch to it so he is very confused to the whole ordeal but too tired to actually complain (he still compulsively checks everything, afraid of poison, despite never being any).
after a bit he actually somewhat warms up to the ship captain !! Yaaay Damon getting comfort !!!! Finally !!!!!
Writing this my entire thought process of Damon's characterization was "abused stray cat that hisses / scratches you but all it wants is love and a stable living environment and once it has it and gets used to it, it is actually very cuddly." That's just him in a nutshell. Just add some asshole pretentious vibes into the mix & you're done
I made Edward up very late (writing session 8 out of 10) into chapter 2 because I needed a reason as to why Jean would physically force Damon to sleep. When I said the man is a plot device I meant it lol
Tozu had a Live Tozu Reaction to Jean's and Damon's fight thinking that fINAlLY SOMEONE IS DYING.. And then nobody did. Oop.
AND THEN Jean gets killed and Damon suffers horribly /jkjk
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baahsu · 1 year
SIGH ITS ME LOCAL VSCEST WHORE BACK AGAIN. neways my minds fr like a fishbowl rn bc my one braincell keeps swimming back n forth btwn thinking about "yoniji dog and cat dynamic" and "super possessive of his all his siblings ichiji" but since you urself made the "craving manhandling yoniji" post ill give you my silly strange little thoughts on that one first. but know that possessive ichiji is also coming sometime soon bc he makes me crazy lmao
SO as we all know, yonji is very much puppy coded, but what we DONT know/talk enough about is how cat coded niji is. like i'm confident that mf would start purring if you pet his head n carded your fingers thru his hair
so cat and dog dynamic, already great, but now it's YONIJI where the puppy is like a head taller than the cat and the puppy loves the cat very much and wants to carry the cat around like a fancy handbag and wants to make the cat see stars (in more ways then one ;]) and this whole time the cat is like "🤬😡😾🙄" bc like. yeah niji feels the same way but GOD yonji you are a literal '''''emotionless''''' prince AND soldier please stfu you are embarrassing him 😭😭
yonjis the one who'll pull any of his siblings into his lap whenever he wants to, even in front of soldiers/staff bc A. hes physically affectionate and B. he just. can. lol (what are 0123 gonna do?? physically overpower him when theyre LITERALLY in his lap??? maybe sanji could if he was desperate but thats abt it fagagfaaghwf and if any soldier/staff member made a comment abt it they'd just fuckin die lol)
AND yonji likes doing this to niji the most bc the others just dgaf about it (ichiji doesnt mind- a chair is a chair- this one just happens to want its hands wrapped around his waist, reiju finds it cute and endearing, and sanji might've been tense about it at first but after a while he just melted into it bc ZAMN hes touch starved) but niji VERY MUCH gives a fuck about it. he gets sooo flustered and red in the face- twisting in yonjis lap and banging his fists against yonjis head n chest and shrieking "let me go you fucking ape!" in a voice an octave higher than usual. yonji is simply sitting there like "😊😊😊" bc his ass is NOT listening. hes prolly lost in his head thinking about how hard hes gonna be fucking niji within the next 3 minutes if he doesnt stop that damn squirming.
ALSO fitting cat and dog dynamic methinks- yonji bites. affectionately. like ofc he does hickeys and claim marks but sometimes he'll just go up to niji or any of 0123 and (lightly, gently) bite them somewhere on their arm or shoulder or finger to be affectionate. (is this me projecting?? maybee <3<3) niji, resident cat who finds biting as a challenge, does NOT fucking get it and goes "??!?!? motherfucker WHAT?!?!" everytime it happens. 013 understand that its meant to b affectionate but instead of telling niji this they simply watch this interaction go down whenever it happens bc its Really Fucking Funny
and to end it out, obviously yoniji fuck like animals in heat, too. yonji with the doggy style and deep growls in nijis ear and the (strong, heavy) bites that draw blood all along his neck and thighs. and niji with nails that leave scratches all along yonjis skin and whos back can arch better than any cats and who sure as hell ACTS like a cat by constantly whining and complaining the whole time during sex abt yonji smothering him with affection but the second yonji sighs n eases up on em niji immediately goes "!! what the Fuck do you love me or not??!?!". yonji quickly realizes that sometimes the best thing to do is just shove some fingers in his mouth to get him to stfu :)))
OKAY and fin lol. they are so silly yet hot together. goofy whores, even. they make each other better AND worse. i love them.
-J.J c(:
No no no but this is so good?? So accurate?? Even the little details?? Ichiji doesn't mind yonji putting him on his lap because it's just another seat to him?? Yonji's ready to murder someone if they say shit about what he's doing?? Everyone's amused at how much of a dumbass niji is?? I LOVE IT ALL
Cat and dog dynamic just fits so perfectly for yoniji it's crazy!!
Yonji is that mix of being a huge dog that doesn't realize it grew too much and of being a huge dog that's pretty much aware it grew and it's making the most out of it. He's constantly craving physical affection, you can see it in his eyes and in his figurative tail that's constantly wagging as he trails behind his siblings, the catch is that if they ignore him he can just manhandle them all, toss them over his shoulders and plop them on his lap when he gets to a couch
Then there's niji, only outwardly accepting physical affection on his own terms, but making a scene if he gets ignored for too long. He's always threading that line of "I hate you, leave me alone" and "I hate you slightly less today, come cuddle me"
So when you put them together it's just hilarity overload. Niji has no chance against yonji, he can't fight him, can't overpower him, he can't barely even move when yonji got his arms around him (even worse when yonji gets his whole body on top of him). But it's obvious to everyone niji secretly loves it, he feels yonji's weight and warmth and the way he mercilessly pounds into him and he just purrs and whines uncontrollably
I also think ichiji's kinda like a cat too, except he's the type that just sits there on his own, judging everyone and just takes it if someone decides to do something to him. And by someone I mean yonji and reiju, if it's niji or sanji his other side comes out and he'd much rather tease them for being needy
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