#this is the same stuff that happened in 2016 wtf is wrong with you
hazel2468 · 4 months
You know, to get political for a second.
It hasn't escaped my notice that every time someone brings up the presidential election. There is ALWAYS an early 20-somethings queer person in the comments or replies going on and on about how Biden won't help Palestine, about how Biden is doing a genocide, about how "Israel this and that" and like...
You're all fucking idiots for falling for this. You are. Because those people saying that shit are either the morons we see protesting who can't answer which river and which sea they're screaming about or who don't know what Hamas' charter says, OR they're the same fucking bots who appeared all over tumblr back before the 2016 election to try and convince all of us, using the hot political topics at the time, not to vote Dem. Because they had a vested interest in us not voting Dem.
And just to speak on the whole Palestine thing here... Do you really thing. That Trump. The racist fascist who openly wants to be a dictator. Who is buddy-buddy with Netanyahu, the other racist fascist who wants to be a dictator. Is going to do anything other than give Bibi the fucking green light to do anything he wants? If you think that Trump is going to be better for your "Pro-Palestine" movement (which, btw, is in quotes because the vast majority of the idiots supporting it don't know jack shit about what's going on and don't actually care about the Palestinian people, seeing as they have a habit of cheering for the terrorist organization that uses them as human shields, steals their money and aid for their own devices, and they have a lovely habit of attacking actual Palestinian peace activists who call them on it and ignoring what they say they actually need so...) than Biden? You're out of your fucking mind.
Holy shit I am not going to sit here and watch people fall for the same BS they did back in 2016. Israel and Palestine is the hot-button topic right now. Every time you see someone talking about how Trump has promised to roll back all the protections that the Biden/Harris admin has put in place, every time you see someone pointing out that the Republicans LITERALLY have a plan to fucking turn our country into an Evangelical hellscape, there is some fucking numbnuts in the notes, probably with a pride flag in their bio, wailing about "Genocide Joe".
And you all need to ask yourself why the hell there are all of these nearly-identical blogs. All doing the exact same thing every time someone tries to point out that another Trump term would see people literally dead and our country fucking torn apart, possibly forever. Use your fucking brains.
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lenfantsauvagestuff · 7 months
this song says "fantasy is not a crime, find your castles in the sky" but when i try people always start to yell at me like my mom she comes into my room without knocking while im doing my stuff and starts screaming that im not productive enough and that i have to stop doing what im doing and do what she tells me to do
i really dont know what im doing wrong, all i ever wanted was to have a normal life, to have a caring family and some good friends but all i have is autism, toxic parents, and everybody at school who thinks im crazy and that refuse to consider me as part of them, and everybody they just hate me, laugh at me, point their fucking finger in my direction like wtf am i doing wrong, all i wanted was to have friends and a normal life
like my mom she sends me to a psychologist because she "wants me to feel ok" but then after all the hard work the psychologist does to make me feel fine she treats me like shit and just behaves like the average toxic person and refuses to even just try to understand how i feel and then shes like "but why do you not have any idea for your future, why dont you know what you want to do once you finish high school?!" like of course i dont know what to do, because when i knew and told her about how i wanted to become a professional musician she would yell things like you better find a decent job and stop wasting time by just daydreaming about shit that will never happen. but i was like 9 or 10. i was just a small girl behaving like a small girl. what was i doing wrong? why did she have to come and ruin everything? now she wonders why i never open up w her. of course i dont, if everytime i talk about something cool i did she starts to talk shit about how that thing is irrelevant for my future and i better go studying.
because of her my life never felt really complete. i never felt like i could have peace when i was in my room doing hobbies. i never felt like i could tell her the entire truth about my passions or about the things i like to do. tell me why is that? i was just a kid doing shit kids do, why did she have to come and take it all away? or course now i have the mentality of a child, because i never had the possibility to express myself fully.
plus at school, i cant be just a normal person. people they all treat me like a crazy weirdo. all i want is just friends. but my classmates they only see me when teachers treat me the special way and start talking shit about how teachers favour me.
yea now because of all this being the special kid, and the weird kid at the same time, and then never growing up out of my childhood i cry every day just because my eyes they feel like it. and i didnt even learn normal shit like how to communicate w people, how to make friends, how to behave like a normal human being because my mom she was always overprotective and didnt teach me. now im scared to ask people for help, or to stay in touch with people.
but mommy why did ou have to do this to me? i was just a child, all i wanted to do was to be a child. but you came and ruined everything. now because of you i am so miserable and hopeless
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 8 months
MAG5 - Thrown Away, more quotes and review
This one? If Amy Patel's statement in MAG3 was painfully normal, this one is more than that, this one is about those parts of society you have forgotten because they are often unseen or just so far away from you that you can't make yourself care about them.
This is gonna sound like the roman empire meme but, how often do you think about the trash truck? I hear it every night as the insomniac I am, and sometimes I wonder about the people that collect the waste, how they look like, what kind of life they have; hell, I even think about where the trash go sometimes, the process it goes trough until it reachs the wasteland or its recycled. Humanity is damned and all we will leave behind is a big pile of rubbish, etc, etc
And then you remember that waste collectors exist, because a fictional guy in a podcast talks about another fictional guy who happens to be a bin man, and the second guy finds weird AF rubbish.
Quotable bits:
Not gonna quote anything from the statement part cuz it Rubs Me Wrong with capital letters.
"It’s nice to have a statement where most of the particulars are easily verifiable." - Freaking Jonathan Sims, acting like he didn't shat his pants, April 1st 2016
" (...) but at least it got Martin out of the Institute for an afternoon, which is always a welcome relief." - Also that guy who records freaky stuff
lmao Jon. U Know when someone tells a little girl how a boy is mean to her because he likes her? This quote has the same vibes.
"(...) but all two thousand seven hundred and eighty of them were the exact, same, tooth." - Jon "u r not sleepiing tonight" Sims
And then he says "End Statement" like you are not looking at your wall in disbelief.
Small review:
The "ominous garbage bags" statement is so goddamn weird, like, you spend 20 sth minutes of your life remembering that waste collectors exist and muttering wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf for a while and then boom, teeth.
Soooooooooooo many teeth.
Now, I don't Know if you guys feel gross out about this kind of stuff, I don't, I'm quite insensitive to body stuff, but wow, this upsets me a lot, like it's sth, u Know...
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(transcript: Sam Winchester from Supernatural saying "not natural?")
General overview: Vibe: wtf did I just listen to??? (but in a good creepy way)
Horror: spooky, the kind of spooky u wanna forget soon
Audio: naisu
Humour: Jon bullying Martin in the way emotional constipated people do when they don't want to face their feelings
Score: 10/10
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
Just a weird thing I thought you’d find funny because I sure as heck do:
I never got diagnosed officially but throughout my life, my mom, stepmom, a therapist, and her mentor have suspected that I was on the spectrum (my brother got formally diagnosed, thus increasing my chances). The problem is that I’m so specific and in need of examples (a symptom) that I didn’t take it quite seriously because I thought “Oh, everybody does that” or “Well, I don’t quite do that so maybe I’m not autistic.”
The arguably funny part is, it got to where an autistic friend told me that a lot of the stuff I do suggests it to a point where I kinda?? Broke her??
So it would be me bringing something up, her explaining how it could be read as a symptom, and then me going, “Oh. ... So I used to (insert v specific thing that matches perfectly that I didn’t think counted).”
Me: *I struggle letting myself break “a rule” I personally established because the thought of it causes me actual distress to the point of stimming furiously*
Friend: Bruh, this is textbook. It sorta mixes in with a sense of right and wrong.
Me: I don’t have that
Friend: Dude, you get ridiculously pissed when people break rules that don’t matter all that much in the grand scheme.
Me: ... My dad did tell me I was very intense about right and wrong as a little girl. 🤔
The ensuing rage from her included lines such as “GO GET DIAGNOSED, YOU FOOL!!” and “GO SMELL A PIE ON A WINDOWSILL AND FLOAT TO IT SINCE YOU WANNA BE SO CARTOONISH!!” After months of me asking if something I did was a spectrum thing (and it always fucking was with the evidence to prove it), I had broken her.
I just have all these quotes saved because seeing her come undone at my obliviousness was hilarious. 😂😂😂
I’m the exact same way! When reading diagnostic criteria for autism, I had a hard time connecting to it. I researched more and found articles about autism written by autistic people. Now those? Those made sense. I connected and understood those.
Like the social parts. I get so unbelievably drained from the smallest social situations. I always keep in my mind how to sit, act, what to say, what tone of voice, where to look, and when to respond. I’ve learned that that isn’t normal.
My face is often flat. My voice is low. People don’t know when I’m joking because my voice doesn’t reflect anything. If I need to try to speak over music or some loud sounds, I just won’t talk because of how much energy it takes to raise my voice even a little.
My friends thought it was weird how invested I got with my interests. When TMNT 2016 came out, I loved it. I went back to rewatch the old cartoons, read some comics, and just read about their creation. They didn’t understand why and how I got so easily involved with something seemingly minimal to them.
I have a morning routine, but I don’t have a daily routine. People think you need the latter for autism. But I have two specific towels, one purple, one blue, that I use for showers. I also have two Purple washcloths. Only I can use them. If someone else does, I get angry. I don’t mean to. Others don’t understand. I just get so irrational because they’re mine. No one else gets to use them. 
I always need to sit in the same chair at my dad’s house. It’s beside my dad’s seat. If I don’t sit there and my dad doesn’t sit in his, I get pissed off and confused. My room needs to be organized how I need it. If someone moves or touches something, I’m hurt and angry. I have a specific cup and bowl only I can use. When I was younger, I never let my sibling use my toys. They’re mine. I was scolded for not sharing by teachers. Other people would just use them wrong, make a mess, get them dirty, or lose them. Only I can touch them. I’m still like that when it comes to my toys, collectibles, and books. 
I learned that humming and repeating words/lines are a form of stimming. Articles by non-autistic people never include things like that. They never actually provide useful details and examples. I thought it was just something I did. But they’re not. I hum the Pink Panther theme song all the time. I love it. I mostly do it when I’m stressed or in a rush. It helps me focus.
I’ve also been able to understand how hypersensitivity leads to meltdowns and shutdowns. I’ve always had them. I never shared that part with my friends and family because I thought I was being immature. But it was my brain genuinely struggling to process wtf is happening around me.
It’s the same with my fumbling and poor coordination. And my uneven skills. I either excel in something because I love it, or I’m the worst and cannot do said thing. I wore the same sweatshirt to school for nearly a year because I couldn’t physically, mentally, and emotionally handle anything else touching my skin.
Or how I never understand why being blunt is rude/mean. My friends would come to me specifically for advice because they appreciated that I could be blunt with them. I don’t understand why not waving or smiling at someone is rude. Apparently, it is? I don’t say ‘hello’ or ‘good morning or whatever when I walk into a room. Apparently, you need to greet someone when you do that? I don’t get why. They can see me. I can see them. Why do I need to say something as a greeting when we very clearly see each other?
But yeah, I definitely understand what you’re saying and can relate. I’ve found that reading and relating to articles/books/posts is so much easier when it’s written by an autistic person because they understand. They don’t stick to the stereotypes. They provide genuine advice and help.
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cautelous · 3 years
Hi. League lore is a nightmare that contradicts itself and has the nasty habit of spawning fan theories that, while interesting and honestly sometimes more clever than canonical content, are most likely not intended to be canonical.
What I’m talking about mostly is this thing that I really started thinking about in earnest yesterday, although I think I’ve had it on the backburner for a while. The thing in question is people taking all of League’s lore to be simultaneously canonical - assuming that it’s part of a grand overarching plan, or treating it as if it was all written at the same time. This is... not a good way to approach League lore, although it may seem it.
Example one: the theory that I heard that Annie’s parents actually moved to the Noxian borderlands to keep Annie safe from the academy Rell was held in. (Annie wasn’t born at the time they moved, but magic seems to work along familial lines in League and her mom was a witch, so it seems a safe bet.)
On the surface, cool theory! It works if Rell’s been in the academy since age 8, which isn’t exactly specified but is definitely possible. Annie’s parents could potentially have heard about missing kids and assumed something bad was up. Unfortunately, while it may make sense when you take lore as a combined bundle, it doesn’t make sense if you look at the out-of-universe timeline. Annie’s lore update came in 2018 and Rell came out about two years later. We know the champion production timelines are about a year (I think? Please correct me if I’m wrong), so Rell probably started taking shape in 2019. This means that the whole Noxian sigil magic evil academy thing probably wasn’t on Riot’s radar when they made Annie’s update - and, besides, her lore has always portrayed her as coming from an area adjacent to/on the outskirts of Noxus. It’s much more likely that Riot just rehashed elements of her original lore into something that worked in their modern setting, instead of them having this master plan where the true reason Annie’s out in the borderlands is to keep her safe.
Now, since Riot does often seem to have a habit of taking concepts from fans in one way or another... Maybe there will be another Annie lore that ties the academy in. It would certainly make the world feel more connected. But at the moment, it’s a fan theory that was probably 99.99% not intended to be canon, because the timelines don’t match up.
(Also, I think Rell lore could have been handled better. Not even from a “Swain wtf are you letting the Rose do” standpoint, but from a character standpoint from Rell. But that’s an aside. Also also, how long has Swain been in power? Annie’s lore has Darkwill in power 8 years ago. Also also also, I think a lot of people who subscribe to this theory might not think about the fact that Rell is 8 years older than Annie - they may see all the events as happening simultaneously, since there isn’t exactly a canonical timeline. If that makes sense?)
Example two: hi, Viktor and Blitzcrank lore.
Blitzcrank’s lore directly contradicts Viktor’s new lore, showing that Riot isn’t exactly interested in maintaining continuity. Maybe it’s just for champions that are less popular, but whatever.
Viktor’s lore update (which I think came in 2016, along with Piltover-Zaun unification? I wasn’t active in League then, so I don’t recall) describes Blitzcrank in the following manner:
In the midst of his studies in Piltover, a major chem-spill devastated entire districts of Zaun, and Viktor returned home to offer his help in the rescue efforts. By grafting a sophisticated series of cognitive loops upon existing automata-technology, he crafted a custom-built golem, Blitzcrank, to help in the clean-up. Blitzcrank was instrumental in saving scores of lives and appeared to develop a level of sentience beyond anything Viktor had envisioned.
Even with the spill contained, Viktor remained in Zaun to help those afflicted by the released toxins. With the golem's help, he attempted to use his techmaturgical brilliance to save those whose lives had been blighted by the spill. Their attempt was ultimately unsuccessful in preventing more deaths, and the two parted ways.
Blitzcrank’s lore currently (circa 2019) does this:
Useless to all but one person. The inventor Viktor discovered the abandoned golem and, seeing the potential still within the inert chassis, inspiration struck. Viktor began a series of experiments, seeking to improve the automaton by introducing a new element that would elevate it far beyond the original scope of its creation.
Implanting a priceless hextech crystal sourced from the deserts of Shurima into the chassis of the forsaken golem, Viktor waited with baited breath as the machine rumbled to life.
Zero mention of at what time this occurs. Zero mention of Blitzcrank being designed specifically for a rescue effort. The lore continues to diverge. The post’s long enough already, but you can read it and see for yourself. Blitzcrank’s 3rd lore (see wiki) is slightly more in line with Viktor’s, but still doesn’t make sense if you try to read it in concert with Viktor’s lore:
An ambitious young inventor known as Viktor longed to create a durable machine that could clean more effectively and eliminate the need for costly repairs. He gathered broken parts from the retired golems, avoiding the flashier components popular among his peers. Even employing an assemblage of unwanted materials, Viktor designed a more resilient machine.
He named his creation Blitzcrank, hoping the golem would quickly eradicate all waste and become far greater than the sum of his discarded parts. After instilling in Blitzcrank a relentless desire to serve the people of Zaun by removing the toxins in their path, Viktor sent him into the Sump to help.
What’s going on here? I don’t know. Also, it’s 2021 and I really wish Riot would stop using “golem” as a synonym for a robot. I know that fantasy generally does this, but like. Come on.
Example three: Talon’s lore.
It hasn’t been updated since 2015, man. I really can’t take the idea of Riot having some master overarching plan that everyone fits into when Talon (and I think some of the Void monsters?) hasn’t gotten an update since they snipped the Institute out of his lore.
TL;DR: League lore is piecemeal and any attempt to make any lore that came out about more than a year or two apart fit in with each other is probably not going to work. It may spawn some interesting theories, but those theories probably weren’t intended. It may also just directly contradict character backstories. It may also just be completely outdated and incoherent in the modern narrative.
Stuff like this is why I have trouble taking any lore analysis channels on YouTube seriously, because it really does feel like they don’t acknowledge the out-of-universe fact that Riot really doesn’t seem to have an overarching plan for more than about two years at a time. Maybe they have individual plans for each area - even that looks unlikely, considering Viktor and Blitzcrank’s issue - but something larger? I really doubt it.
Maybe this will all change with Ruination and Riot’s second attempt at doing a Big Event. Maybe they’ll realize that there’s at least one character lore contradiction (I don’t read all the lore, so while I have no doubt that there’s more contradictions I’ve really only spotted Viktor and Blitzcrank) and try to shore that up with minor edits. But at the moment it’s kind of a mess that sometimes feels like the fans think more about the impacts of the lore than the writers do.
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angrydeobi42069 · 4 years
The hate Blackpink gets is driven by internalized misogyny and here’s why
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Blackpink. Basically the biggest girl group on the planet and one of the biggest groups in general, dominating the charts worldwide. Blackpink’s comeback, “How You Like That” broke world records for most viewed video in 24 hours and debuted no.2 on the Billboard charts. I’m sure “Lovesick Girls” charted as well or the same. The first kpop group to perform at Coachella, Blackpink have collabed with too many western artists for me to name (actually, I could probably name them but I could care less about some of these western artists so I’m not going to). I mean, not really a surprise, Blackpink has been breaking records since their debut in 2016. There’s not even really a point in introducing them to you since there’s literally no way you don’t know who they are. 
Now like many celebrities, the more famous you become the more hate you get. I hope everyone knows that this is just bound to happen regardless if your favorite celebrity has never done anything problematic and consistently produces bop after bop. However, BP get some of the worst hate I have seen towards a kpop group and most of it coming from kpop fans and blinks themselves. I’ve heard it from my close friends, from randos on stan twitter, and from locals. So, I have a bone to pick with y’all haters because I truly don't understand. 
Let me start with saying that I’m not a blink. I’m kinda far from it. I like bp and I will definitely click on their stuff when it comes out but I am in no way shape or form an actual stan. I wouldn’t buy their stuff or cry over their achievements, though it does make me somewhat proud. But even though I’m not a blink, I find myself defending these girls whenever someone tries to start shit. 
Ok, so from what I could gather from scouring the internet, harassing my friends, and looking through twitter, people hate bp for mainly these reasons: they hate Jennie, they think bp are overrated and overhyped, they “are not serving what they could serve” (yes, I quoted this from my friend), they’re basically models not idols, their fans suck, and BIG 3 privilege. There’s actually a lot more reasons that I found by looking at a “why do you hate blackpink?” quora thread but these are the easiest to tackle. I’m here to tell you that most of this hate if not all of it comes from misogyny. To be more specific, internalized misogyny because most of this hate comes from female kpop fans. 
Disclaimer: I did not research which demographic hates on bp the most but from personal experience, it has always been women who share their distaste for bp. Ok, moving on. 
I’m going to tackle the reasons I laid out one by one, hopefully well enough that you look back and see if the reason why you hate bp is out of just simple dislike for their music or because you hate women. There’s a big difference if you didn’t notice. If you get offended by this piece then that’s on you not me, just saying.  
Ok, first reason. You hate Jennie? Is that so? May I ask why you hate her so much? What exactly has she done to you that you have such a strong hatred for her? Is it because she’s lazy? Because she’s not doing what she’s capable of? I need reasons. I really do need some reasons before I label you off as someone struggling with internalized misogyny. Jokes aside, I don’t see how you can hate someone you’ve never met. I think most of the time we forget that you literally don’t know these people. I don’t know my favorite kpop boys and you definitely don’t know my good sis Jennie. I could make a whole other piece on the fake images and personalities these idols have and how we eat them up but whatever. 
Back to Jennie, you literally don’t know her. This whole Jennie is lazy argument is bs, pure shit if you ask me. You have no way of knowing what’s going on in her life. I’m pretty sure you’ve had bad days, bad weeks, maybe even bad months. You forget her job is draining, mentally and physically. She’s got dances to memorize, songs to memorize, fans to deal with and communicate with. She has a social media presence, she still has to practice and train (idols don’t just stop practicing once they debut). I know my body would not be able to withstand that no matter how long I trained; I’d drop dead immediately. The matter of fact is there are a ton of reasons why she wasn’t performing up to YOUR standards, which is a whole other can of worms since you’re probably on your bed doing nothing. It’s almost like y’all forgot sickness and fatigue is a thing. 
(this is just one of many videos where you can see jennie being “lazy”, let my girl live smh) 
And even if the reason wasn’t a medical reason, you can’t let my good sis be lazy for once??? The thing is everyone acts like they’ve never been lazy in their entire life. You’re telling me you’ve never not wanted to do nothing for no good reason? Lies, you’re fucking lying. Ok so what if she doesn’t feel like doing the move with that much energy. Let her live?? All I’m saying is you’d probably survive 5 days in the kpop industry with your lazy ass. And don’t try to hit me with the “but that’s her job she has to perform at 100% all the time” because I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be failing your classes or pretending to be sick to get out of class. It’s the hypocrisy of it all. All if you had to perform the same song for a year, I’m sure you’d get sick of it too (fuck you YG). 
The reason why you hold Jennie to ridiculous standards is because of your ~ misogyny ~. Yes, it’s showing. Especially if you don’t hold male idols to the same level as Jennie. Female idols on the daily are held to ridiculous standards when it comes to their performances. One hair out of place and all of a sudden the knetz come holding their pitchforks. Gfriend slipping on the stage, something caused by literal rain, is still laughed at to this day and mocked. Jang Gyuri on Produce 48 had a voice crack that was edited and replayed to death on the show, ending in her elimination because she couldn’t recover from it. Meanwhile male idols make a mistake on stage and it’s like “Omg, a babie! Omg, that’s so funny!”. I don’t think I can think of any moment where male idols got shit because of a stage mistake. If anything he’s just babied and posted on twitter. My point is female idols are always shat on no matter what they do. Jennie is no exception. 
(tell me why the fancam of gfriend falling has 15M views... for what? FOR WHAT)
Now the second point, bp is overrated and overhyped. Umm, so this point is a little harder to flat out say you’re wrong, mostly because it depends on your own personal taste. If bp’s music is not for you then it might be easy to say that they’re overrated since they’re literally the biggest girl group in the world. The nuances come with the reasons behind this statement. I’m not going to address if you just dislike their music, I can’t really change your opinion on that. I will however, address if the reason behind you saying they’re overrated is because their music sounds “generic” and you don’t think they’re talented, or if you don’t think they deserve their fame because of their small discography and short promotion periods. 
The statement that all four of the bp members are untalented is just false. Wrong. W-R-O-N-G. Don’t mind me just spelling it out for you. Listen, to be able to debut you have to have some sort of talent. No one really debuts without any talent at all (for record yes I’m including visual as being a talent, sue me and leave hate idc). The only reason why someone with no talent would debut is if they had a HUGE fan base before debut and the company was trying to capitalize on it. I can name a few examples but I’m not trying to start shit. These fan bases could show up from predebut commercials, acting gigs, or reality shows. Blackpink had none of that, sure a few of them had appearances in other mv’s but I wouldn’t consider that abnormal in companies’ promotion tactics. Bp went through the typical trainee process. They passed the auditions, trained for a couple of years, and debuted. Now if you knew anything about the trainee process you would know that trainees have monthly evaluations. These monthly evaluations determine whether or not you can make it to debut. If you don’t show progress, then you’re getting the boot. So the fact that bp made it up to the final levels of evaluation and actually debuted indicates that these girls have talent, I’m sorry to say. Objectively, these girls can dance, sing, and rap. Maybe they’re not the best in the industry, I never said that but they are capable of doing all 3 things. Also they come from YG and as much as I hate YG, they’ve got trainees for dayssssss. YG’s status and income did not rely on these girls debuting, they could’ve picked anyone out of their 100 trainees they’ve got in the dungeon. If anything it’s way more competitive to debut in any of the Big 3 companies. It’s like picking the best of the best. If you’re saying these girls are not talented then maybe check yourself a little bit to see why you’re exactly saying that. I’m assuming you won’t be able to do anything better than them. 
The other three points were that their music is generic, their discography is small and their promotions are short. Well, in that case say fuck YG? You’re really acting like these girls produce their own music, make their own choreos and schedule their own promotions. Like wtf? That’s what their companies are for? The way that everyone chooses to ignore YG and their staff and immediately put blame on the girls like they get to choose what they do is ridiculous. Now I know not everyone does this, but the amount of people I’ve seen say bp is overrated because of their discography is a lot. But y’all really out here acting like they make their own discography smh. Yell at Teddy? Yell at YG? I’ve been yelling at those mfers because they’re not giving bp what they deserve. There’s no surprise when I say what they’ve been giving bp is subpar in terms of choreo and vocal ability in songs. I know those girls can do so much more. I don’t even wanna talk about the pretty savage choreo. I don’t. But this is no reason to hate on them? It’s like if I hated a starbucks barista for starbucks having a pumpkin spice latte. Like ???? 
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( i drew this myself :) )
Even the hate that they receive because they get sponsorships and ads makes no sense. You don’t want them to make coin? A huge part of what comes with being famous is brand sponsoring. Brands pay you to promote their stuff because hello, you’re famous. So the fact that you don’t want them to do this is first of all wack but also again you’re acting like these girls choose the sponsorships and choose when to go on these trips. YG. MFING YG. I don’t think y’all understand how much control these companies have over their idols. Company says drink water, you drink water. Company says stop breathing and you stop breathing. You do whatever your company says you have to do. That’s your boss. 
So why don’t y’all start hating the producers, choreographers, and management instead. Why focus your hate on these four girls? I won’t spell it out for you again but I hope you get the jist. Most of the time it’s way more easy to attack the woman when she has nothing to do with anything. Society tells you to direct your complaints to the girl involved. You see a male celebrity start dating and who gets attacked? The girl. A girl gets cheated on in a movie by her boyfriend and who does she attack? The girl he cheated with. It’s internalized misogyny luv, yes I ended up spelling it out for you. For real, the girls just breathe and y’all scream at them. 
Final point about the big 3 privilege and fanbase. You have every right to not stan a group because of their fanbase. What you don’t have a right to do is hate on them and leave nasty comments on their posts. First, that’s fan behavior. Second, if you’re gonna do this keep the same energy for people who want to do this with your group. I’m talking about every group because every idol group got some wack ass fans. You shouldn’t hate a group because their fanbase is annoying, they don’t get to pick and choose their fans. So, don’t be a hypocrite ok :) Now big 3 privilege. Ah big 3 privilege. Yes, it exists. There’s no denying it. Big 3 privilege doesn’t really die out in my opinion. For as long as they’re still active, bp will have big 3 privilege. But just with any other sort of privilege, if you have it might as well use it. Listen, if I was white you know I’d be eating up my white privilege I’m not gonna lie. Jokes aside, bp has worked extremely hard. Yes, they have the big 3 privilege but they still have to perform these concerts, shows, and go to these interviews and train. As much as you’d like to disagree with me, I think that it’s a very objective to say that they have worked hard. 
I think it’s important to acknowledge how hard it is to get into these companies in the first place. You’re not born into it like a lot of social privileges people have. You have to audition. There are so many idols that have tried to get into these big companies but have failed. Now I’m not saying that these idols are not as talented as the ones that get into these big companies. Most of the time, these idols aren’t ready at the time of their audition and work harder on their own before trying out other companies. The big 3 get their trainees at very young age, which means these kids have to be either geniuses or show an incredible amount of promise. They’re the big 3 for a reason, they’ve been around the longest and have the most experience. They can see a future idol in the making relatively quickly. So yeah bp have big 3 privilege but they’ve worked hard, sacrificed their childhood, and get shat on just as much as your kpop idols. They’ve just got a fancy name behind them that doesn’t even make good choices promoting them anyways. It’s not a valid reason to hate them because of this, just saying.
Most of the hate bp gets is brought upon by the idea that our patriarchal society has ingrained in us. Women = bad, yell at them vs. men = good, don’t yell at them. We hate seeing women succeed. It’s as simple as that. Seeing powerful women dominate the industry they’re in scares us to our core. We don’t like it. I’m just here to bring light to it.
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sunshinemossboy · 6 years
which is your fav ahs season
I'm just gonna be extra as hell and list my pros and cons... get ready for a long ass answer sorrynotsorry you're dealing with a writer here:
Murder House
just gonna say it - overrated
I do appreciate it because it sparked the rest of AHS
created some iconic characters
in hindsight, at least Tate is better than Kai
still a really good concept
a bit boring at times though
Jessica Lange is fucking superb
lowkey started trend of Lily Rabe's characters either dying or already being dead and me no likey that so much
Francis Conroy talking about men is always great but I liked the more subtle hints to her speeches this time
Sarah Paulson and Lily Rabe were ICONIC in this season holy fckin christ
so was Jessica Lange
and Zachary Quinto
basically the characters had really good like writing and rounding out and such
but wtf was with the alien subplot??
some damn good writing
while I do not approve of Sister Mary Satan raping the monsignor I can never get "There was a priest, the dirty beast, his name was Alexander. His mighty dick was inches thick, he called it Salamander" out of my head
Jude and Kit at the end was so sweet
honestly at times bit off more than they could chew with the subplots, not all of those were really resolved
Jessica Lange somehow even more iconic
same with Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett, what QUEENS
seriously both Misty and Cordelia are adorable on their own, and together I just can't handle it
the music in this season provokes an emotional response from me
"Can we please not move things? Some of us are blind!"
*stuffs bagels into bag* "Who's takin me home?"
Myrtle Snow calmly playing that instrument while Cordelia had a breakdown
those all black looks were good shit
Freak Show
this shit was SAD AS HELL
like literally how they killed all the characters was fucking gut wrenching
also Pepper? at Briarcliff?? seeing that magazine with Elsa on it??? I cry every time
once again proved the crazy talent of Sarah Paulson
at least Lily Rabe was kinda there
despite being a little shit Dandy was a great character
last time they had some really long episodes, or at least varied between 45 min and longer, which I liked bc I think it let them do quite a bit
I want Sarah Paulson's cover of Criminal to play at my funeral or my wedding or goddamn something ugh
"We might not be on a farm but something sure smells like bullshit to me" (paraphrased)
I can't believe they made me feel so damn bad for a scary clown dude, he didn't deserve that
the fucking style? and music? SUPERB
when Iris was gonna off herself and made that video
I have a love/hate relationship with John Lowe 'cause he kinda stupid
Evan Peters looking like Spongebob as a fancy waiter
Lady Gaga and Matt Bomer drenched in blood
everything about Liz Taylor was like beautiful
somehow the vampire thing worked
could (should) have used literally any song other than hotline bling
Devil's Night was great but then they made an inconsistency with the zodiac killer in Cult
aT lEaSt LiLy RaBe WaS kInDa ThErE
loved it when Billie came back
enjoyed the documentary style and kudos to Ryan for doing something different
with that being said it was pretty predictable and cliche
so damn happy to see Lily Rabe back
favorite fan promo thing I saw: "Lily Rabe is back and she has a gluten allergy and questionable judgement" (paraphrased but hilarious and accurate)
wish they had time to round out the actor characters (Audrey, Monet, etc)
RIP an accent 2016-2016
still though, it brought some good people back into the cast
good call with Adina Porter, she's amazing
"I'm not American, I'm not used to all this carnage!"
honestly a lot of Audrey's lines were great
and her reaction to Shelby's death holy fuck that honestly startled me
Cricket Marlowe looking like Danny Devito in that one episode of Always Sunny
I liked how they worked phobias into it
a good deal of the sexual stuff just made me really uncomfortable, like especially when it was directed at Ally (or Ivy I guess), idk I think as a lesbian myself it felt like they were pushing all this phallic shit on her and challenging her sexuality which just really rubbed me the wrong way (my take on it, anyway)
Ally's character development though goddamn
Ally in general, she was so fckin cute ugh
I feel like they made Ivy too dislikable? like she could've had SOME redeeming qualities but nah
Kai was fucking awful
people shit on Winter as a character but I still think Billie Lourd acted wonderfully
why do all of Emma Roberts' characters have to be such bitches? lol
still don't know how I feel about it ending with Ally supposedly like becoming leader of the SCUM group or whatever
loved that they used extreme stereotypes of both conservatives and liberals
they killed Venable too soon
she and Mead were so extra together I loved it
again, Foxxay (they better kiss and be happy by the end of this season I stg)
Cordelia's vision was terrifying, like she got her throat torn out jfc
if Cordelia (or, hell, even Billie) die too I'm going to be 2-3 times more heartbroken than I already am about Venable
especially excited to see Mallory's character develop
I both love and hate Michael Langdon
Leslie Grossman still getting all the wack, iconic one-liners
BD Wong being in it was lowkey hilarious to me bc I've only ever seen him in SVU before
"Because I'm the FUCKING Supreme"
can't wait to get more Billie Dean Howard
Jessica Lange! it's been so long, how ya been?
where the hell did Brock go after he broke in to kill Coco? did he just fuck off back into the wastelands?
Ryan, USE LILY RABE'S TALENT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD even if she doesn't stay for long this season (plz let Misty be okay and while I don't quite think it'll happen I'm still hoping to see Nora) bring her back sometime with another major character I miss her so much
I'm excited to see more!
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blazehedgehog · 5 years
Ghostbusters 3?
I was thinking about the new Ghostbusters movie today, and how they’re constantly pitching it as “righting the wrongs” of the Paul Feig movie. This started out as me wanting to post a couple of generic plot predictions but ended up being a cliffnotes version of a full movie.
I spent long enough writing this weird thing that I figure I should dump it somewhere, so enjoy this extremely truntcated fanfiction for what I’d do for a modern day Ghostbusters 3 set in 2019.
Things to note: I have not yet seen the 2016 Paul Feig movie, so if i I end up retreading some ground with this, it was purely by accident (I don’t know, honestly).
Also, this might not seem terribly funny, but it’s a summary. Jokes come from the details.
Anyway, here we go:
An early 20 something encounters a big, mean, extra-scary ghost out in the boonies after a power outage.
Somebody recommends the Ghostbusters
Can't find any record of them.
Finds an old, busted, poorly designed website from the 90s with broken images.
Lists a phone number, but its disconnected.
Lists a FAX number, so the kid tries it, and somebody picks up. We don’t hear who it is.
They arrange a meeting.
It's an aged Ray Stanz, who identifies himself as the last Ghostbuster
Lives alone in a tiny cluttered apartment in the bad part of town.
He’s a little jaded.
“Some of us aren't even alive anymore, and they didn't turn in to ghosts...”
He doesn't believe the kid about his encounter, the ghosts they busted of old were a psychokinetic reaction to excess paranormal energy radiating from big bads.
They busted Gozer and Viggo, so that means no more ghosts, no more work, and no more money.
He afforded his apartment by selling the firehouse.
Kid gets upset, throws the “we're ready to believe you” line in Ray's face
Ray begrudgingly agrees to check it out.
They drive Ecto-1 over, it barely runs.
Kid discovers all four proton packs still loaded in the back, Ray explains what they are on the trip there. Explains they are very dangerous, but won’t say why.
Ray's assumptions are right, and he sees nothing at the kid's place.
Suddenly the PK-E meter spikes in a weird way.
Ray brushes it off as the old tech malfunctioning.
He even gives it to the kid as a souvenir.
He thanks the kid in a bittersweet way, as if he hoped there were ghosts, and leaves.
It's revealed the kid stole a proton pack.
The big mean ghost returns.
Kid tries to bust it himself with the stolen pack, starts a fire.
Ray comes back for the proton pack, sees the ghost, helps the kid trap it
Meanwhile the house burns down.
Ray: “Sorry about that. You handle the pack well though!”
Kid stays with Ray until he can get back on his feet.
Kid sees all of Ray's GB stuff around the apartment. Tobin's Spirit Guide, etc.
Ray gets cagey when kid finds open book on a spirit world.
Ray believes the ghost they encountered was a one off event.
Until the phone rings. (It’s an old land line telephone, maybe even rotary)
More ghosts are showing up.
Ray has to teach the kid how to bust ghosts
Suddenly they're swamped with calls
Training Montage
Have to hire a secretary, get a bigger space, hire more GBs (chubby guy, super nerd obsessed with the GBs, and a girl. Expect a low hanging fruit joke about the girl.)
The GBs have to modernize: they get a new website, mobile app
Get the containment unit out of storage
Ray gives them proton pack lessons, tells them to NEVER cross the streams, because it creates a dangerous feedback loop.
Ray: “It would make Hiroshima look like a wet fart.”
The GBs are back in business
But where are the ghosts coming from?
Kid remembers what Ray told him about Gozer and Viggo fueling the increase in activity.
Ray is happy to see Ghostbusters thriving again, tells the kid to worry about the big bad later.
New Recruit GBs are exhausted and ghosts are getting more aggressive
Kid tells the other new recruits to take the night off, even GBs have to take self-care days
Kid finds Ray in the basement of the new GBHQ trying to summon ghosts using some kind of a ghost beacon device
Kid asks WTF
Ray explains he was always wondering what happens to us when we become ghosts
He always figured that if any of the GBs died, their ghosts would contact him from the other side, but that never happened.
He figures maybe they got lost, somehow, but he doesn’t really know.
His research says that when people become ghosts, they change somehow. Some ghosts become pure representations of emotions, or they repeat events from before their death, or any number of things.
So he was hoping to use the ghost beacon as a way to guide his fallen GB friends to him.
He built the device by reading up on occult books and Spengler’s notes.
He turned it on for the first time on the same night the Kid encountered his ghost.
Unfortunately, it’s been bringing the wrong ghosts in from the spirit world in.
Kid explains THIS is where all the ghosts are coming from
Ray knows, but they were making so much money that stopping it or shutting down the device was a secondary priority.
The beacon doesn’t look very safe. It’s clearly getting out of control, as bigger and meaner ghosts are coming through.
Ray says everything is fine, he knows what he's doing, as long as the new recruits keep catching the escaped ghosts, nothing will go wrong.
This entire time, Ray hasn’t been paying attention to a build up of energy generated by the beacon.
It short circuits, blowing a hole open between our world and the spirit world.
Ghosts begin pouring out of the portal as it widens, and widens, and widens.
It swallows the entire building
Kid just barely gets out, but Ray is lost to the vortex.
Kid has to get the new recruits together and venture in to the spirit world to get Ray back and close the vortex
The spirit world is a lot like our world, mirrored, but skewed somewhat and with spooky lighting.
In the spirit world they encounter all kinds of weird ghosts
Some look like see through people, others are more animated and esoteric creatures
A few ghosts recognize the GBs as human and beg them for their bodies
The GBs have to escape
Run in to Slimer in an alley, who gives one a big sloppy hug before realizing they're just kids in the jumpsuits
Slimer directs them to Ray
Ray is now a slimer-esque ghost
“That's Ray?” The ghost gets super excited seeing the proton packs. “Yeah, it's him.”
How can they close the portal now? Ray's dead and his ghost is of no help
They find the beacon, and the book Ray used to build it
Nerdy recruit understands how to reverse the process
He begins tinkering with the device, but Ghost Ray sees this and steals it, flying off
Ghosts are representation of our pure I'd, Ray doesn't know what he's doing, just that the beacon is his
They corner Ray's ghost, to which his response is to switch the beacon on
The modifications aren't done, so it goes haywire
Ray absorbs hundreds of ghosts and turns into a giant monster ghost
“That's not Ray anymore.”
New GBs have to retrieve the device before the monster absorbs so many ghosts it reaches critical mass and explodes, destroying both dimensions
They retrieve the beacon, but it doesn't have enough power to reverse the process, and the monster is getting so big it's pulling ghosts in on its own
They have to cross the streams.
They set up the beacon under the portal, aim all the proton packs at it, and cross two streams
Waves of beacon energy ripple through the spirit world
The ghost monster feels it and turns around, reaching a hand out to stop it
The hand melts in to raw ectoplasm (slime)
It splashes at the Ghostbusters feet, but they keep crossing more streams. The beacon grows brighter, the waves more intense
Slime splashes into the portal, and the PK energy causes it to fluctuate and grow
Soon the whole ghost world begins to melt in to slime from the beacon’s waves.
The proton packs start to run out of juice
The portal is huge now, it's sucking in the remnants of the monster
Suddenly the portal is big enough that it picks up the beacon, which circles it like it's caught in a swirling drain
The portal, beacon and crossed streams combine in to a massive explosion of light and slime
The GBs are suddenly standing in the human world again, everything across the block is covered in ectoplasm.
Where their building was is just a smoking crater.
The police come and arrest the GBs, confiscate all their gear, they spend the night in jail
What happened to the spirit world? What happened to all the ghosts? What happened to Ray?
Bailiff comes in, somebody posted bail, they're free to go.
It's Venkman. After it was clear the GBs weren't coming back, he became a politician.
He's a very successful senator now.
He knows all of this wasn’t really their fault. He’d been keeping tabs on Ray for years, knew something like this was inevitable.
He offers the new GBs a job cleaning up all the ghosts that spilled out of the portal before it collapsed.
Government work. Steady pay. A dedicated tech budget. All property damage debts paid in full.
They agree.
Post credits: The new recruits are setting up their new office. The kid brings in and sets down Ray’s old rotary phone, which the other recruits give him funny looks for. He says it’s not hooked up or anything, it’s just a memento.
They all admire the new GB offices, having proven themselves as the next generation.
They turn the lights out, and head home for the first night as the new Ghostbusters.
Pull in close on the Ray’s old rotary phone…
...as it rings.
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eileentothestars · 6 years
Today I am going to kind of review but mostly scream about Batman ‘66 Meets The Man From UNCLE because it makes me happy.  Yes, I know this comic came out like two years ago but I don’t care and you can’t stop me, so either strap in or scroll past, kids.  No knowledge of either show required.  Spoilers ahead.
So ‘60s Batman is famous for being a camp fest, but The Man from UNCLE did that too; the 1965-66 season started to slide into light camp and even did the whole two-part-episode-separated-by-a-cliffhanger thing (”Alexander the Greater Affair,” Parts 1 & 2) several months before Batman debuted and made it legend.  But it wasn’t a one-way relationship.  When Batman proved a monster hit, MFU cranked the camp up several notches to try to siphon off some of their success.
In other words, this is a perfect choice for a crossover, even if the timing of this comic’s release (early 2016) makes me think they only did this in response to the 2015 MFU reboot movie.
So the comic revolves around a mysterious agent of THRUSH, the evil organization UNCLE frequently went up against, recruiting several Batman villains for some nefarious purpose, and you know what that means: STUPID DEATH TRAPS GALORE WHEEEE
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Once again Illya is given reason to despair of heterosexuality.
The villainess there is Olga, Queen of the Cossacks.  Her captives are, of course, Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin, the men from UNCLE.  If you’ve never seen the show, that’s okay, the comic helpfully pilfers the opening sequence from the very early episodes to introduce them to you.
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Olga takes a liking to Illya based on the fact that they were both played by actors who are clearly not Russian and lets him go... as long as he promises to kill Napoleon.  Illya is very happy to go along and semi-pretends to smack Napoleon around a bit.
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Well he wasn’t THAT happy about it.  But what would either of these shows be without blatant innuendo?
Skipping ahead (do I even need to tell you they escape?), Batman and Robin have their own near brush with death at the hands of the Penguin, who admits he was working with THRUSH.  Thankfully for the Caped Crusaders, their butler Alfred just happens to be an old friend of Waverly’s, and both sets of characters finally come together at a fancy-pants soiree at Wayne Manor.
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1) I love the fact that Alfred and Waverly were army buddies 
2) I need to talk about the art for a second.  It’s mostly pretty good, but then you get weirdness like the above.
For the uninitiated, Alfred was played in the ‘60s show by Alan Napier, who was 6′9″ to Adam West’s (Batman’s) 6′2″.  And yet somehow here he’s the same height as Waverly, who was played by Leo G. Carroll.  IMDb says Carroll was 5′10″, which I suspect is an exaggeration, but regardless, Alfred should be TOWERING here.
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Now this panel seems a little more accurate in terms of the height differences. (Robert Vaughn was apparently about 5′8″, making him Burt Ward/Robin’s height, but again, this is from IMDb which is a lying liar so idk anymore). Clearly the artist knew what the actors were supposed to look like, so I really don’t know wtf was up with Alfred there.
Speaking of weird artistic choices, there are some artist’s notes included in the back of the book as a bonus feature.
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“handsome but generic” lol ouch
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Um pardon me but what universe is this artist living in that he thinks that sweater is “frumpy?”  Lana Turner could walk into a malt shop and get discovered in that sweater.
ANYWAY back on track.
THRUSH’s Bat-recruits crash the fancy-pants soiree to steal a science doohickey.  Said recruits include some relatively minor villains from the ‘60s series, like Siren, Egghead, Sandman and Mister Freeze, as well as characters who never got a chance to appear on the show, like Scarecrow and Poison Ivy.  Ivy has a southern accent for some reason, but it works, so I’m not complaining.
The attack leads to this fantastic panel.
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So now our heroes have to figure out where the bad guys took the science doohickey and what their ultimate plan is.  The Bat-clan and the UNCLE agents hold a video conference to compare notes, which Robin is super hyped about because VIDEO CONFERENCE IN THE ‘60S YOU GUYS
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Wow wait what the sh--
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Never let Napoleon run a Skype chat
So UNCLE has discovered the bad guys’ hideout is off the coast of Monaco, with the help of a random lady named Blanche (she of frumpy sweater fame).  See, part of MFU’s shtick was that some innocent bystander--usually a woman--would get dragged into the mission du jour and help our heroes resolve it.  That element really gets shoved to the sidelines in this comic, and that’s fair enough.  We already have a lot of main characters running around.  Blanche only shows up for like three pages, but it’s long enough for Bats to give his unsolicited opinion.
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Surprisingly, Waverly’s response is not “Yeah well you bring an underage boy in hot pants on your missions so stfu.”
So off to Monaco we go--and yes, an ersatz Princess Grace does show up, thanks for asking--only for everyone to get captured and dragged to an undersea base.  There we finally discover our main villain: Doctor Strange (not that one... though now I want that crossover too), a THRUSH agent who got into Arkham Asylum as a psychologist in order to determine which villains would serve THRUSH best.
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I mean she’s not wrong.
Basically Hugo Strange’s plan is to slowly brainwash all of our heroes into becoming his pawns so they’ll help him achieve world domination.  His brainwashing methods look suspiciously like the Bohemian Rhapsody music video, anachronisms be hanged.
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FOR MEEEEEEEEEEE *vigorous headbanging*
Okay this post is already way too long so let’s wrap up.  Our heroes manipulate the Bat-villains a bit, pointing out that Strange only sees them as subordinates, which hurts their egos enough that they’re willing to team up with both dynamic duos to defeat Strange.
Side note: Batgirl is in this comic and she is amazing.
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Look at her kicking the heads off Ivy’s plant men like a BOSS
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A hundred feet under the ocean and outnumbered seven to one and she’s still ready to throw down.  THAT’S MY GIRL
And you can probably guess the rest of the story: heroes triumphant, villains defeated, and there is also a giant octopus involved.  So if you were disappointed in the ‘66 Batman movie where Penguin mentions having a trained octopus but never shows it to us, I hope this will heal the octopus-shaped hole in your heart.
So anyway, that’s the comic.  I skipped over a whole lot of cool stuff so please buy it and also both of these shows and also the Batman ‘66 comic in general.  One day I may do a post about Batman ‘66 Meets The Green Hornet too because it is actually EVEN BETTER
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evilelitest2 · 7 years
Letters to my Grandmother: How did we get here Zeitgeist
This is part of an ongoing series on my Patron (follow me here, its good for your soul) where I try to explain WTF happened in 2016.  And so lets talk about the ground work . Now if I was writing a book (Which I could do if more people donated to Patron) I could start this story back with the election of Nixon and work our way to President Trump year by year, but we are going to have to skim here (and if this was a musical, I could do a “We didn’t start the fire style musical performance”).  So what is happening in America?   Lets do a brief run down
1) Wages have declined and haven’t risen in decades, despite the fact that the nation is richer than it once was.  This means that workers are getting the same amount of money as their parents but can buy less with it.  This is blamed on Women
2) At the same time, more and more jobs are being shipped over seas or are being automated.  While many jobs are being taken by low wage migrant labor (a minority of which is illegal), that is more of a symptom of the larger problem rather than the cause.  Also companies are starting to remove other benefits from their jobs (gee its almost like getting ride of Unions was a really bad idea wasn’t it?).   This is blamed on Latinos (like...collectively)
3) The US goverment is constantly running a deficit due to the massive amount of money that they spend on the military while the amount of income is dramatically reduced thanks to tax cuts (notice a pattern here).  This is blamed on poor people 
4) Thanks to Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush weakening anti lobbying/anti corruption laws, money in politics have exploded, lobbying is a billion dollar industry and the vast majority of politicians decisions are determined by who donated to them, to the point where they literally grafted it out.  
5) The press is so reliant on ratings that they judge an news story by its potential to get attention rather than by its educational quality and since much of it is owned by major corporations anyways, their news is extremely slanted.  
6) NAFTA’s idea of giving corporations massive legal rights while shipping jobs overseas might have worked if the ground work had been set up first but...they didn’t so it just really hurt a lot of Americans
7) People who are rich basically can get away with anything, especially if they are tied to positions of power.  Also said Politicians constantly lie to their voters whose interests they don’t have in their heart and our electoral process is a massive joke of campaign contributions and buzz words/platitudes by ambitious power hungry insecure pricks rather than genuine governance.  
8) We are involved in a long pointless war in the middle east that we can’t seem to possibly win that was fought on false pretenses and just seems to be a massive wast of time and money
9) our education system is crumbling and is utteryl useless at its job (thanks tax cuts)
10) Something is going wrong with the weather (its climate change but don’t tell the red states)
11) The US film industry is a total mess and has loss any semblance of class, putting it alongside most of our TV
12) The vast majority of our public services aren’t performing correctly, are disorganized, needlessly complicated, ineffective, outdated and just plane incompetent, like the DVA Now the actual reason for this is mostly tax cuts and we haven’t reformed these systems in almost 40 years (thanks Reagan) but people mostly blame “The left” as like a concept.  Or maybe George Soros, I don’t know
13) More and more Americans are in poverty and once there, can’t really get out of it, because that is how poverty works, and social mobility is fading
14) And most importantly of all, the wealth gap in the US is growing every year, which is a pretty good indication of how badly you are failing as a country
    Now it is critical to note that there are many many other problems in the US, the Wage Gap, Police Brutality, the Military Industrial Complex, the prison system, the unfair way our court system is set up, systemic racism, the fact that gay people being allowed to exist is evidently a debate, US war crimes, the growing strain of anti intellectualism, the fact that Climate Change is fucking real, the horrible level of abuse and fraud that makes up the Religious Right, the steady erosion of environmental rights, the anti feminist backlash, the fact that access to abortion and contraceptives is a debate, I could go on forever, but the reason why I listed these 14 specifically is they are all things that 
A) the Vast majority of AMericans agree that those 14 are problems and want them fixed.  They don’t necessarily understand these problems or know who to blame, or even be fully aware of them, but they understand that they are problems and they are upset about them.  Because they effect almost all of us.
B) These are problems that aren’t being talked about in mainstream politics, except as sort of token acknowledgements.  You might see political leaders talk about the problems with the US deficit but they don’t really talk about the fact that the only real way to fix that problem is by cutting the military budget and raising taxes.   
Or to put it another way
These are issues that both White Straight Men and everybody else care about, and yet the political leadership isn’t relentlessly talking about them.
Their use to be a 15th item on the list, Healthcare, but Obama brought that issue out into the open.  
    And the thing is, most Americans know these problems are real, and aren’t happy about them...its just that most of them doing understanding why they are happening, and who to blame because...again education system.  Also because psychologically, who would you want to blame for a seemingly unfair economy?  The leadership of both parties, the most powerful corporations and rich industries in the world, the most well trained lawyers in the world, a good chunk of the news media, and of course the foundation set up of the US itself?  Or blame...Immigrants?  Aka, poor people without resources who can’t really fight back?  i mean really now.  
  So just bear in mind through all of the other stuff, these issues are on the minds of a lot of Americans, and for the white straight ones, they aren’t use to having issues they care about not be address (I know that sounds crazy but mentally my default state towards politically issues isn’t “yeah the country hates me”). Now Americans might not talk about these issues, they might not even be fully aware that they have them, but they are effected by them and they aren’t happy about how the country seems to be failing because of them.  
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/biohacker-josiah-zayner-is-under-investigation/
Biohacker Josiah Zayner is under investigation
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In 2017, Josiah Zayner injected himself with the gene-editing technology CRISPR at a biotech conference, live-streaming the experiment. It was the highest-profile stunt for the biohacking celebrity, who had developed a following among fellow biohackers — people who experiment on their own bodies outside of traditional labs with the hope of boosting their physical and cognitive performance.
Some of those followers became his customers. Zayner runs a company called the Odin out of his garage in Oakland, California, selling biohacking supplies ranging from $20 DNA to a $1,849 do-it-yourself genetic engineering kit.
Now it seems his stunts have caught up with him: He’s under investigation, accused of practicing medicine without a license. In a May 8 letter, which Zayner posted on social media, health officials from California’s Department of Consumer Affairs asked him to come discuss a complaint filed against him and bring along a lawyer if he wants one present.
It’s a sign that the law is starting to reckon with biohacking, a group of activities for which there aren’t yet clear regulations, but which could be dangerous if amateurs try to follow Zayner’s lead and tinker with their genes at home.
This isn’t a far-off risk. High-profile practitioners like Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey are making biohacking into an increasingly popular lifestyle. The underlying philosophy is that we don’t need to accept our bodies’ shortcomings — we can engineer our way past them using a range of high- and low-tech solutions. While some of the “hacks” are probably benign, like Dorsey’s penchant for drinking “salt juice” each morning, others are scientifically untested experiments that could cause harm.
Biohacking, explained
Biohackers talk about “optimizing” and “upgrading” their minds and bodies, and they’ve got many ways of trying to do that. Some are techniques that people have been using free of cost for centuries, like Vipassana meditation and intermittent fasting.
Then there’s cryotherapy (purposely making yourself cold), neurofeedback (training yourself to regulate your brainwaves), near-infrared saunas (they supposedly help you escape stress from electromagnetic transmissions), and virtual float tanks (they’re meant to induce a meditative state through sensory deprivation). Some people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on these treatments.
They may also buy wearable devices to track their sleep patterns or implant devices to monitor their glucose levels subcutaneously. The more data you have on your body’s mechanical functions, the more you can optimize the machine that is you — or so the thinking goes.
Some biohackers believe that by leveraging technology, they’ll be able to live longer but stay younger — or even avoid death entirely. As millionaire Serge Faguet, who plans to live forever, put it: “People here [in Silicon Valley] have a technical mindset, so they think of everything as an engineering problem. A lot of people who are not of a technical mindset assume that, ‘Hey, people have always been dying,’ but I think there’s going to be a greater level of awareness once results start to happen.”
Josiah Zayner, explained
At first glance, Zayner comes off as an attention-hungry stuntman. His exploits include giving himself a fecal transplant in a hotel room (he invited a journalist to document the procedure) and trying to genetically engineer his own skin color (he documented that effort on his blog).
But he also has a solid grounding in science. He holds a PhD in biophysics and used to work on synthetic biology at NASA.
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Josiah Zayner
In 2015, he left his NASA fellowship early because he was, in his words, “fed up with the system” and with the slow pace of scientists just “sitting on their asses.”
Zayner has also long been frustrated with what he sees as the Food and Drug Administration’s sluggishness in greenlighting all sorts of treatments. It can take 10 years for a new drug to be developed and approved in the US, and for people with serious health conditions, that wait time can feel cruelly long. That’s part of why Zayner wants to empower people to experiment on themselves.
He seemed upset to learn he was under investigation, as anyone probably would be when facing up to three years in jail and a $10,000 fine. He tweeted, “I need a lawyer on retainer. People be accusing me of all types of crazy shit.” On Instagram, he wrote, “WTF!!!! … The fucked up part is that so many people are dying not because of me but because the FDA and government refuses to allow people access to cutting edge treatments or in some cases even basic healthcare. Yet I am the one threatened with jail.”
He added that he’s “never given anyone anything to inject or use, never sold any material meant to treat a disease and never claim to provide treatments or cures.”
The biohacker’s indignant tone is at odds with some of his past statements. In an interview with the Atlantic last year, he expressed regret for publicly injecting himself with CRISPR, which he admitted was an act intended to provoke. He seemed disturbed by his own celebrity: After the CRISPR incident, a cult of personality had sprung up around him, which he described as “out of control.” And he worried aloud about what biohackers would do next:
Honestly, I kind of blame myself. … What it’s turned into now, people view it as a way to get press and get publicity and get famous. And people are going to get hurt. There’s no doubt in my mind that somebody is going to end up hurt eventually. Everybody is trying to one-up each other more and more.
Zayner acknowledged that some people contact his company “for the sole purpose of buying stuff from us to inject” and said he discourages them from doing that. But given that he’s live-streamed himself doing it and that he sells the DIY CRISPR kits necessary for others to do the same, his words of deterrence may not mean much to customers.
He sounded a self-aware note about that, saying “that’s why I feel responsible for this shit.” Yet asked whether he was going to stop selling CRISPR kits, he said no.
In his recent Instagram post, his sense that he’d been wronged (“WTF!!!!”) was quickly followed by a different sentiment: “I knew this day would come.”
This isn’t the first time he’s run into trouble. In 2016, he tussled with the FDA, which objected to him selling kits to brew glow-in-the-dark beer. And after he injected himself with CRISPR, the FDA released a notice saying the sale of DIY gene-editing kits for use on humans is against the law. Zayner disregarded the warning and continued to sell his wares.
Now that state officials have stepped in to investigate, they’ll have their work cut out for them. Existing regulations weren’t built to make sense of something like biohacking, which in some cases stretches the very limits of what it means to be a human being. As biohackers traverse this uncharted territory, it’ll be fascinating to see how the law scrambles to catch up with them.
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Swiss Fact Check #5
Im not a billionaire and most likely will never be one, and im absolutely not inspired the slightest
Every country is a center of government by this definition, at least as long as it has one wtf???
8.4 in 2016 (This video was released in March 2017)
“Romanisch” it’s Rumantsch, not Romanian
The facts dont start until 1 minute into the video and I have already found 5 things wrong with it…
The first Bollywood movie shot in Switzerland was in fact released in 1964, but it did not exactly use the scenery as a “backdrop” but was shot in the country. The first Bollywood movie that used Switzerland as a backdrop for singing and dancing scenes was released in 1967
There are six bollywood tours, and only one of them features “gastaad”
People from India used to make up a large share of tourists in Switzerland (not including any tourists from other European countries which used to be ), but now they are falling far behind the Gulf States, China and Japan
Don’t go to fucking Starbucks
This is calculated from the highest price (Zurich) and not an actual average. not mentioning Zurich afterwards is… uhm yeah ok
“Supposedly committed suicide” He shot himself how is this “supposedly”
This just applies to guinea pigs
Many small animals want to have their space, which would make it animal cruelty to have them with other animals of the same species (At least if you don’t have a huge area where they can live)
Why do you have cats in the video, most cats are asocial towards other cats lmao
Again, its only guinea pigs, and thats also the only one you can “rent”
There has been exactly one case of a guy defending a dead fish dont blow that up please
Why do you present these “facts” together
Swiss men do not “all” do military service, there are alternatives to it. They literally wont take you at all if youre vegan
If you don’t pass you are not physically fit enough and you won’t have to pay anything, you only have to pay if you are fit, do not want to do civil service and refuse to go to the military too. Also, these “3%” are the highest tax percentage you have to pay, normally you pay less.
Considering that we have so many initiatives and referendums saying “a referendum” is too unspecific
Also it was probably an initiative, bc the only referendum held about the military in the last years was one about the Gripen?
Pretty much all initiatives/referendums that pass do so by a small margin, 73% would be insanely high
The entire “blowing up bridges omg” thing gets so repetitive. Anyways, the program was abolished after the Cold War. The absolutely last explosives that could still be used were removed in 2011
It would be just bridges. The rest would be just super stupid
“Protect the population” aka the military that’s hiding in the fucking mountains
isn’t it copy right infringement to blur out someones name on a document they wrote that is available on the internet???
There aren’t any regulations on building bombshelters anymore
I never heard of this Christine
Or did you misspronounce her name?
They (the court, not the government) argued that it’s an object and not a name
Germans eat more chocolate per capita than swiss people
Swiss people eat 10.75kg chocolate per capita, which would be about 23.7 pounds. I cant excuse that as a rounding mistake
172 bars/100g equal 17.2 kg????
It would be about 107.5 bars (each 100g)
His net worth is 8.8 Billion, you don’t even get 11.7 Billion if you add up the net worth of his family
He’s Italian born, his entire family is Italian born, they moved to Switzerland in 1977
He inherited his Grandfather pharmaceutical company. He did not work for his “fortune” in the way you implied
He is literally only known for Alinghi and you skipped that?
These are regulations that depend on where you live. Just don’t be a dick
I didn’t find any news on that happening
Its illegal to own cannabis in Switzerland
Only extremely small quantities are “decriminalized” to a fine in 2012
There were multiple attempts to decriminalize it and they all failed
The laws regarding cannabis used to be way more liberal in the 90s than now
It’s assumed that about 25-37 tons on cannabis are consumed each year by about 190’000 people.
About 30% of people in Switzerland has a gun at home
It’s about 100′000$ a night
You get a private elevator, not a helicopter
68′000$ isn’t “extremely well paid” in Switzerland
The average wage is 85′522 CHF which equals about 85′130$ (Data form 2015)
“Highest paid proffession jobs in the country” wtf are you kidding me, trusting this website, being a regular teacher is on 335th place overall
This might be a contradiction to Americans but???
Most people that love luxury and buy stuff from Swiss manufacturers are people from other countries: Generally, Swiss people do not flash their wealth
Do we love it
That’s why they are called SWISS guards
They are all from catholic cantons and have served in the military. They are voluntarily able to join the Swiss Guard, at least if they fulfil the aforementioned as well as some additional requirements.
The current uniform is based on a design by a Swiss guard serving between 1910 and 1921. I don’t believe he lived since the 1500s?
Am I an “Aluxer”
60/10.43 = 5.751 alternative facts/minute (Thats a new record!)
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resbang-bookclub · 8 years
AMA Transcript: Pell Grant Matrimony
This weekend, @marshofsleep, @sojustifiable (known as Amanda on Discord), @adorabbey and @tilliquoi braved yesterday's Discordacolypse in order to chat about their 2016 Resbang, Pell Grant Matrimony! Here's some of what went down:
Q: Please, give us a rundown of how this was conceived.
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sleepmarshes: It's almost been an entire year. We've lived with this sin for 11 months. Right, so, like, there was that tumblr post going around about how a bro realized he could help another bro out since gay marriage became legal, and they could get a green card. So my thought was, of course, this is Soul and (somebody).
Amanda: I believe this was the tweet marsh referenced when she first described the initial idea to me before we were collabing on it:
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sleepmarshes: So, the setup would be Maka meets Soul and of course they hit it off because this is why we came here. But it turns out Soul is married.
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sleepmarshes: Then we decided B* would be the best choice. He would be ultra gung ho about PDA. THEN, Amanda started signing up for financial aid, and she was like hey, what if we do it like this instead of green card? And then BAM, COLLEGE AU. Then it became a game of how many tropes, cliches, and memes we could pile in.
Amanda: And then when I was signing up for financial aid I also saw this post and was like hey alternate motivation: http://zhuy-doodles.tumblr.com/post/144803762284. How we ended up collabing and doing it for real was that I was talking to marsh about how I wasn't sure if I was going to do resbang or not, and that if i was, I wanted to do something silly. And she was like, hey you should do that thing I told you about. And I was like I can't do that, it's your thing. And she was like oh we can collab and then we made a blood pact.
sleepmarshes: Now we are borg.
Adorabear: Amanda, marsh, and I did a minecraft FRAND ritual. Very legit.
Q: How did the collab work?
sleepmarshes: At the time, I was busy with house building stuff and other things, so I knew I wasn't going to be able to help a whole lot.
Amanda: I imagine it works differently for different people but ours was a Process. When we discussed collabing we pretty much decided I would do the bulk of the writing while marsh would act as helicopter mom with plotting and everything.
sleepmarshes: HELICOPTER MOM omg. It me.
Amanda: So we plotted together and marsh would be like hey I know this is a joke but we need actual character motivation and shiz and then I started cranking out words. And then marsh trailed behind me, editing and making parts funnier and more coherent and filling in the scenes I was really struggling with.
sleepmarshes: She trucked right on man, just huge chunks. Well, I also kept throwing stupid ideas at you.
Q: Who came up with my daughter snappy, and also, how do you feed an alligator on student budget?
sleepmarshes: We don't talk about the budget.
Amanda: So once upon a time, I sent marsh this meme:
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sleepmarshes: How DID that happen? This is clearly America.
Amanda: Just as a joke, I was like haha look at this meme and she was like fake gay fic??
sleepmarshes: I don't remember this but I believe it 100%.
Amanda: And I was like, not my intention, but okay, I can roll with it, they have an alligator now. Gained through some vague but nefarious means.
sleepmarshes: Snappy*Star. I think we decided [she was] smuggled from Disney World? I regret not making the epilogue about [Black*Star's] TV show.
Amanda: Yeah there were some interesting epilogue plans for when Snappy got too big to keep in an apartment. Black*Star was gonna have a TV show with Snappy I think on exotic pet care or maybe like, exercising with your pet. Just picture like, 3 years from the end of the fic, Soul and Maka are hanging out and turn on the TV to see the two of them.
Q for the artists: What inspired your arting decisions?
Adorabear: So I knew I'd do drinks, and wanted to do nail art (after getting a lot of encouragment from the resbang discord). I did some trial runs of the nail art shortly after the Resbang matchmaking.
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Q: What inspired Queen Wes?
Amanda: Queen Wes appeared out of nowhere when I was writing the last 15k in three days and was in a delirious state of confusion.
Q: How did you two like collabing? Did it work well?
Amanda: I had a blast and think the collabing probably went better than either of us could've expected.
sleepmarshes: Oh yeah def. I've been terrfied to collab for years.
Amanda: Like, it ended up being even more collaborative with merging our writing styles so we just got this monster of laughs out of it. Tbh I was surprised that marsh even suggested collabing cuz I didn't think she did collabs.
sleepmarshes: I DON'T do collabs, but I get along with you so well I figured well, if anything'll work, it'll probably be this. Actually, Amanda did a lot of work on the timeline.
Amanda: More like I did a lot of work harrassing Marsh about the timeline because I need things to be linear.
sleepmarshes: Yeah I'm definitely not that.
Amanda: Let me pull up some parts of the outline for posterity. These are the kinds of notes Marsh makes in the outline:
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These are the kinds of notes I make which are about 5% more coherent:
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Q: Why Harvar with Wes? I think it was hilarious.
sleepmarshes: Uhhh well we knew we wanted Wes to hit on DTK. Why DID we hook him up with Harv? Just because Harv has put up with his shit for so long and won't leave him?
Amanda: We hooked him up with Harv because you love Harv and love shipping everyone with everyone else.
sleepmarshes: Ok this is probably true.
Amanda: Other random add in about shipping cuz I forgot we had another pm chatlog and found where we were discussing possible ships and I have this quote from marsh's shipping habits:
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sleepmarshes: Can confirm, this is my hobby.
Q: Was there a line or joke or meme that made either of you legit laugh out loud when you realized it fit/it ended up in there?
sleepmarshes: Probably every meme we came into contact with?
Adorabear: Amanda and Marsh are basically the people on the date shoving all the breadsticks in their purse, but the breadsticks are memes. And their purse is overflowing, and they're going into the Olive Garden kitchen to get more breadstick memes.
Amanda: I think there was a lot of coming up with ridiculous lines and then having the other be like "wtf is wrong with you that's hilarious."
sleepmarshes: Yes, exactly that. As for drummer DTK....
Amanda: That was another last minute thing. We knew he was a math metal head but then I was like lol what if he shows up as a guest in the music festival?
sleepmarshes: ROFL when you said that I thought well man, if you wanna write it go for it. And then when I caught up to it for edits even I was surprised. I was like FUCK YEA.
Q: Did you guys have a playlist?
sleepmarshes: I didn't have a fic-specific one, personally. I think I was mostly listening to the Macabre Records mix and maybe a Sufjan Stevens album.
Amanda: I also didn't have any specific writing music, being a musician also I find music pretty distracting so the only music I can write to is if it blends together well and is really cohesive and doesn't have any distracting vocals. Hey, I was listening to Sufjan too. Carrie and Lowell.
sleepmarshes: SAME HAT oh I had uhhh. A Sun Came.
Amanda: And maybe some Seven Swans and some old Bon Iver and Iron and Wine sometimes. But basically I need a specific ambient music to write to as opposed to anything relevant.
sleepmarshes: There was a lot of dialogue in this fic, so I needed some chill stuff towards the end.
Q: Did you guys find any characters really challenging to write?
Amanda: I can't write DTK at all so I needed a lot of Marsh intervention in that camp.
sleepmarshes: DTK is uhhh very polite 'I care nothing about what you just said, let me do what i came here to do.' How happy do you expect goth burberry to be? Despite all that, he's got squishy innards [and] four smile muscles. I had Wes issues so his flamboyancy got a lot of help from Amanda.
Amanda: I turned Wes into a monster. Marsh did most of the bbq scene cuz I was quite stuck in the middle of it and wanted to keep steamrollering ahead.
sleepmarshes: We always knew Wes would be obnoxious but I was watching a lot of beauty gurus on YouTube at the time and like... stuff... happened.
Q: Does Tsubaki continue to be a badass pilates instructor after the story ends? Does B* continue to go to her classes? Q: DO THEY BECOME PARTNERS EVENTUALLY?
sleepmarshes: Maybe they can have a workout show together with Snappy the mascot.
Amanda: B* continues to be a big fan of her workout stuff and they're swolebuds.
Q: How goes Patti's Etsy?
sleepmarshes: She's always in business the more Snappy grows.
Amanda: I think we had another potential future ending in which Patti adopts Snappy and cares for her at a wildlife refuge when she gets too big. There were quite a few potential futures for the different people, especially as we were still playing shipping roulette.
Q: Is it really that easy to get divorced in America?
Amanda: Yes, at least as far as I'm aware. If it's not, then we're going with suspension of disbelief.
sleepmarshes: I mean, as long as both sides want it and no one raises a fuss, yeah no one cares.
Q: Why continue to call Kid 'Morty' instead of Kid?
sleepmarshes: Oh, man, idk, college AU with a guy named Death? I couldn't do it.
Amanda: Like, Kid isn't a name and if it's his stage name people wouldn't probably call him that all the time.
sleepmarshes: Bonus: Shinidaddy calling him Junior.
Amanda: Even with B* it's definitely a nickname, we just decided to go off the walls with his actual name. Like, what if instead of being Blake we call him something ridiculous?
Q: Does Blair ever give up the panty thieving?
sleepmarshes: Actually I had wanted that last sock Blair stole to actually belong to DTK, and he was going to find out at the festival, but I totally forgot. Disgruntled DTK with only one sock... chance missed.
Amanda: Just one of those things that slipped through the cracks in the last three days of screaming.
Q: How did Stein and Spirit move the car?
sleepmarshes: I don't know, I always figured Spirit just annoyed the heckie out of everyone in between parking spaces.
Amanda: I wanted to leave it ambiguous just to leave it like... how the fuck did they do that? Cuz they had to get the people to switch spots with them anyway, but then also had to get everyone to move to let them through too.
[a tilliquoi appears, there is much joy]
Same Q: What inspired your arting decisions?
tilliquoi: Hmmm well for Soul and Maka at the mailboxes, I liked it bc shark slippers and bc that was when they first met. And I drew Snappy and Wes just bc they're both fabulous and I couldnt resist.
Amanda: Both the showstealers of the fic.
Q: How did you make those pieces? What programs/materials did you use?
tilliquoi: They're all digital and done in photoshop. It's the only program i really use anymore.
Q: What made you go: Yes. That. This is the fic I want in the first place?
sleepmarshes: YEAH, I WANNA KNOW, TOO.
Adorabear: For me, I was looking for things that I knew I could make drinks for and uh, yeah, it looked fun af, and I like silly af shit.
tilliquoi: Well, last year I was an artist for another Marsh fic, coincidentally, and that one was a lot more serious. It was amazing but this year I wanted to go for something fun and ridiculous as a change of pace. When I read the summary for Pell Grant I was just thinking that I'd probably end up laughing the whole time, so I was like "that one. thats the fic I gotta art for."
sleepmarshes: When your claim came in I laughed SO HARD.
tilliquoi: Yeah it was pretty funny finding out you were one of the authors.
sleepmarshes: She had no idea I was involved.
Amanda: Marsh messaged me like "lol guess who claimed us" but wouldn't tell me until it was official.
Adorabear: Amanda and I were talking about my list, and she was in my Google doc watching me make my pics, watching me eliminate stuff.
Amanda: I was screaming inside because I couldn't let her know it was me.
sleepmarshes: We were both dying.
Adorabear: The joys of anon claiming, I guess.
Q: What are you guys' next projects?
Amanda: Uhhhh I should probably finish Strangers... but I've been focusing more on writing music lately and taking a break from fic, and then I have a couple back burner fics that I won't go into cuz I haven't decided if they'll be for a Resbang or not. Potential original fantasy story also, but I think working on more music is really gonna be the focus while I'm finishing school.
sleepmarshes: Strangers hype. I'm working on Quantum Entanglement, and intend on finishing Lodestar. Probably no Resbang ficcing for me this year, because I want to finish some fics and work on an original novel.
Adorabear: I'm not going to Reverb this year, but I think I'll Resbang art next year.
Q: Did you all ever have to reign each other in? Like were there moments you had to go whoa whoa whoa too much, too far, time to say when?
sleepmarshes: Uhm I think we were just a cycle of enabling, tbh.
Amanda: Confirmed: no reigning in nonsense, only enabling more and more batshit insanity.
Q: Anything not make the cut?
sleepmarshes: I think stuff that didn't make the cut were things we ran out of time for, since a large part of it was written in the last three days. Like I wanted Wes to have an obsession with cinnabon. I think there was more bean warfare.
Q: How did everyone, writers and artists, feel like they grew/changed/learned during the resbang season?
sleepmarshes: I think overall I learned there are more ways of collaborating in writing than I had thought. Like, I thought there was only some way with magical hand holding sentence by sentence and somehow no one committed murder. But like, we just delegated roles, she did the bulk of it, I did invasive betaing, and we talked in discord a lot about junk.
Amanda: I think my growth was just it being the first time I ever wrote that much in a short period of time. Like the last three days were crazy, but I didn't have any problems micromanaging cuz I was fine with just being like "yolo just make this better", for a murder free experience.
sleepmarshes: I was so worried at first about hurting your writing feelings. But then you were like JUST EDIT IT DON'T SUGGEST 200 THINGS.
sleepmarshes: After that it was just prancing through a field of yolo.
Amanda: I think both our collaboration and our friendship was helped severely by the fact that I don't have control issues or take anything personally, so invasive betaing was no sweat.
tilliquoi: I think if I learned anything or grew from this, it was in experimenting with coloring styles, particularly with that Wes drawing. That was pretty far out of my comfort zone in terms of how I usually color, but it made me a LOT less afraid to use excessive colors in places I wouldnt normally.
sleepmarshes: I had Wes open on all three monitors while I was editing. This is what it's like to have Wes on every channel:
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Adorabear: I think for me, it was just a lot of confidence building in terms of my artwork, because I have been really nervous [about whether] my authors are going to like what I do, or [whether] they'll think I've done enough. I'm just a worrier.
sleepmarshes: Did you get ultra fast at cross stitch? Because that's certainly what it looked like.
Adorabear: I think I just motored through that one. I guess I have gotten faster. But I was like, in beast mode for that one. I am very pleased with it, though.
sleepmarshes: I love it.
Adorabear: Anyway, I think I feel more confident that the things I make are ~enough.~
Thanks to all of our creators for stoppin' by!! Stay tuned for more transcripts!
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tauxolouves · 8 years
Tagged by: @fadeslikewhispers
1) Are you really ready for 93 questions? it’s 2am and i got nothing better to do, so bring it on
2) Was your last real relationship a mistake? ha haha
3) Who did you last say “I love you" to? my mom
4) Do you regret it? nope
5) Have you ever been depressed? not really. i’ve had my sad moments, but i wouldn’t say i got ‘depressed’
6) Are you a boy or girl? girl
7) Who is your best friend? @imbasicallytrash and @chibimintcandy
8) How do you want to die? sleeping would be a good way. i’ve heard people don’t suffer that way, they just die.
9) What did you last eat? two small bags of chips
10) Played any sports? i used to swim, skate, and do artistic gymnastics. Now I’m having flamenco classes 11) Do you bite your nails? no. i used to, when i was younger, but i’ve stopped 12) When was your last physical fight? can’t remember when, but i’m pretty sure it was with my brother. 13) Do you have an attitude? i guess? (i’m not really know what that means, i’m not a native speaker and i don’t really know if that’s a bad thing or not-) 14) Do you like someone? a dude i met during the christmas concert 2 months ago okay? 15) What is your real name? Giovanna 16) Are you gonna get high later? why in the shit would i? 17) Do you hate anyone at the moment? ‘hate’ is a strong word, so i’d rather use the expression. ‘crush them to smithereens’. in that case yes, and that ‘anyone’ is the dorito in charge of america 18) Do you miss someone? my grandma. but i’ll be seeing her on thursday, so... 19) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? tWIRL 20) Do you tan a lot? i’m already tanned bby ;) 21) Have any pets? a dog and a cat 22) How exactly are you feeling? hungry 23) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? everytime i go out for rides with my grandma 24) Ever made out in the bathroom? no 25) Would you take any of your exes back? i hope they burn in the fiery pits of hell and never come back to haunt me again :) 26) Are you scared of spiders? kill it with fire 27) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? tempting, but i don’t know 28) Do you regret anything from your past? *flashbacks entire life* noo... 29) What are your plans for this weekend? road trip with my family to celebrate my birthday! 30) Do you want to have kids? ye 31) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? my godmother 32) Do you type fast? reasonably, yeah. i type faster when i’m on my phone 33) Do you have piercings? How many? earrings 34) Want any more? aha no 35) Can you spell well? yes, surprisingly 36) Do you miss anyone from your past? a coupe of friends, yes 37) What are you craving right now? food 38) Ever been to a bonfire party? that sounds so american. but no, i’ve never been to one 39) Have you ever been on a horse? yeah 40) Kissed someone in a pick up truck? no...? 41) Have you ever broken someone’s heart? maybe. considering i was the one to walk away from my last relationships (both romantic and platonic), people got really upset, and one of them texted me on monday. so i guess yes, i did 42) Have you ever been cheated on? i don’t want to talk about it 43) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? no, but they have 44)Would you live with someone without marrying them? hello @imbasicallytrash, m8, fren, do u has moar space in ur house? 45) What should you be doing? sleeping 46) What’s irritating you right now? the fact school’s back on my birthday and neck pain 47) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? yes, can we stop with this relationship shit? 48) Does somebody love you? wHATS UP WITH THIS RELATIONSHIP STUFF gOd dAMN I T i don’t know, probably not 49) What is your favourite colour? that shade between pink and purple, where you can’t tell which one is it 50) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? yes, many times 51) Do you have trust issues? hMMM 52) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? it’s been worse, tbh, so yes 53) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? i’m done with this bullshit questionnaire. no, i don’t give a fuck about what he thinks about me 54) Who was the last person you cried to? my grandma and my therapist 55) Do you give out second chances too easily? sadly, yes, i do 56) Is it easier to forgive or forget? it’s easier to forgive, but i never forget 57) Is this year the best year of your life? i have a feeling it will be. then again, i thought the same thing about 2016 and it backfired badly- 58) What was your childhood nickname? Gigi, Gigia, Gio 59) Have you ever walked outside completely naked? what kind of question is that- 60) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? in a way, yes 61) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? i can’t remember wtf happened last night, i was tired as fuck 62) Do you socialize often? does Tumblr count? even if it does, i don’t do a good job on socializing i’M SORRY- 63) What is bothering you? didn’t we already have this question? 64) Have you ever been out of your state? yes, many times 65) Do you play the Wii? used to, we gave it away to my aunt last month, for my baby cousins to wreck it while trying to play it 66) Are you listening to music right now? no, but i am listening to the wonderful sounds of my typing, the pc engine thing and screaming from my drunk neighbors 67) Do you like Chinese food? ya 68) Do you know your fathers b- day? surprisingly, considering i’m terrible with dates 69) Are you afraid of the dark? :’> maybe 70) Is cheating ever okay? i will make sure to burn alive whoever has cheated/is cheating/has considered cheating and spread their remainings on a ditch full of shit, because that’s where they belong 71) Are you mean? not really, but it depends on my mood and whoever’s talking to me 72) Can you keep white shoes clean? i don’t have white shoes and even if i did, i wouldn’t wear them 73) Do you believe in true love? meh, i don’t think about it too often tbh 74) Do you like the outside? yes, but i don’t have time to go there 75) Are you currently bored? take a fucking guess, babes 76) Do you wanna get married? yes 77) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? hahaHAHAHA NO ONNE CALLS ME BABY   78) Are you hungry? i said that twice, were you even listening? 79) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? DUDE I’VE NEVER KISSED, OKAY??!?1!!1 80) What makes you happy? food, animals, my computer, my grandma, books, fall, vacation, the mountains, the sea, lots of things, actually. 81) Would you change your name? i like my name tbh, i think it fits me. but i think if given the chance, i would fuck around with names i like 82) Ever been to Alaska? no, but i really wanna go there! i’ve heard it’s a beautiful place, and it’s cold, which is even better! 83) Do you watch the news? *no shits given* 84) What’s your zodiac sign? pisces (my bday is on feb 22nd :) ) 85) Do you like Subway? i guess. there’s nothing wrong there, and it’s been a while since i’ve eaten there 86) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? no, considering it was my mom 87) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? i’m too dense to even realize that, if that ever happened. hell, it DID happen once and my friend (that he proceeded to cheat on me with two weeks later) had to tell me :^) 88) Do you talk like your friends? depends with who i’m talking to. i’ll either sound like a retarded seal, or i’ll be the most polite little shit you’ll ever meet 89) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? probably. i can’t remember of any time now, but i’m pretty sure that happened 90) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? partially, not completely 91) Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? dad 92) Does it matter if your boyfriend smokes? (i’m not even 16 yet, but let’s say i’m older in that case) it does, actually. i don’t like when people smoke 93) Can you count to one million? yes, because i’m a smart bean Tagging: @imbasicallytrash and @chibimintcandy, do it if you want to ^^
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cowboylikedean · 8 years
Anonymous Said:
What I was trying to say yesterday with the asks that didn’t go through…it makes me sad that haylories feel the need to devalue H&Ts other relationships (another sign of tinhatting. Larries are fond of this too). Take their most recent relationships/flings/whatever. Haylories were crying “PR!!!!” For both hiddleswift and hendall. Taylor was on a break and so was harry. Why would they need PR? And both looked pretty happy with those ppl, so haylories find excuses for why they were happy. “Well harry and Kendall were always drunk on that yacht”. “Tom is an actor, he pretends for a living and Taylor was acting too”. And they ignore the similarities between haylors relationship, and harry and Taylor’s other relationships, which is again cherry picking their proofs. Harry and Taylor share clothes/accessories = it’s true love! Harry and Kendall share clothes/accessories = it doesn’t mean anything, harry does that all the time OR (my favourite) it’s a coincidence and they probably had the same hat before. Taylor and harry go on public outings holding hands, and Taylor meets Harry’s family = true love! Taylor and tom go on public outings holding hands and Taylor meets toms family = PR!obviously!! It makes me sad. I saw on a confession blog someone said about Larries that they’re not actually fans of the real Harry and the real Louis, but fans of the fictional relationship THEY’VE created, and I think haylories have gone down that path too. I don’t have hope that they’ll ever be supportive of Taylor and harry end up with other people. They’ll both be married to others with kids and haylories will still be sitting here crying “PR!”
~this is a very long reply sorry i got carried away~ I agree on all of this. It’s really frustrating. 
Particularly because it leaves no room for ambiguity. This is what bugs me about all tinhatters... this idea of All Or Nothing. To them, it’s not possible that hiddleswift and hendall were real and Harry and Taylor will always mean a lot to each other. By their actions, hiddleswift and hendall seem to cancel out the love and connection Taylor and Harry have to these people.... Which is ridiculous. That’s not how people work. Just because someone matters doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t. Like shit.. my parents divorced when I was 6. My mom remarried when I was almost 18. My parents aren’t in love with each other and they’ll never be together again (thank god), but the matter deeply to each other. My dad is still a very important person in my mother’s life, not just as the father of the three children they share but also as her first husband and a relationship she saw lasting forever. A wirlwind that lasted 14 years total and started with an accidental meeting that turned into a first date because neither wanted to say goodbye. The fact that my parents’ history matters enough to my mom that it is one of her favorite things that she can say that through all of it, the fights and bullshit of the downfall of their relationship and aftermath, they have come to a point where they’re friends doesn’t negate her relationship with her current husband. My mother’s current marriage to her husband doesn’t mean that her relationship with my father isn’t or cannot be one of mutual trust, love, care, compassion, and friendship as it is. The same goes for Harry and Taylor. Any relationships they get in don’t negate their love and care for each other. 
It takes me back.. last year this time, Harry was getting off the yacht.. actually that was a year ago today (thanks facebook lookback lol). Taylor was dating Calvin. We all knew this. They didn't call tayvin PR because they weren't this bad in early 2015 when tayvin started... but New Years Eve 2015/2016 when we got the first photos of the yacht, haylories stood with others who hate hendall because it challenges their view of Harry and his personal life calling it PR. This was the beginning of haylories actually using larries to back them up. During this five day period of yachtgate, I saw several haylories reblogging larries with their illogical reasons why the yacht was a PR stunt... 
Things like: “why are they standing where they know the paps can see them” (ridiculous - it’s a yacht. There’s not that much room. Also, I know they’re great photos.. but it’s not like the paps were on a little boat right next to the yacht... it’s called long lens cameras... the same kind that caught Taylor in Hawaii.) or “that’s too much PDA for it to be a normal vacation” (lololol they’re on vacation?????) to “why is Jeff also on the yacht? why are they signing papers? see? It’s about business.” (Jeff is Harry’s best friend??? and like we don’t know what the papers were (harries who tell you otherwise are full of shit too) and also it’s none of our business???) or “the only reason ellen would be on the yacht is because it’s PR” (??? i still to this day don’t know why ellen was on that yacht other than a personal reason like happening to be in St. Barts and being invited to chill. how does this even make sense) 
And like don’t get me wrong, I participated in some of that shit... but I also never seriously used the phrase “PR stunt.” I always saw it as a vacation fling that was made Extra and Over The Top by paps, fans, and our good friends the media and general public. The haylories literally and seriously saw it as a PR stunt. 
PR for what? Well I’ve only ever gotten the answer about PR for Kendall... the newest season of KUWTK was coming up and they needed hype... But what about Harry? Nothing. The harries have chimed in and said it was “to distance Harry from 1d and the 1d image” which makes no sense.. but haylories have offered nothing.
Same with hiddleswift. Haylories and others who believe it was PR talk about what PR Tom could need or get from it... putting his name in the forefront of people’s minds while the Bond considerations were happening for instance. Promo for the filming of Thor for instance... But there’s nothing that Taylor was promoing. Nothing she could have been promoing. It was bad press for her and contrary to the saying, some press is bad press.... So wtf was the PR angle? 
And then this leads me to......... 1. I have always said it’s really sad seeing haylor stans of all people accuse a ship of being PR. We all know what it’s like to see that happen and literally... Hunters and foxes much??? like not to be That Taylor Stan but like... IKP isn’t just talking about the media and the GP. It’s talking about fans who accused PR stunt and used that as an excuse to be invasive and nasty too. OOTW refers to “couldn’t take the heat.” That heat is all of it. The fans too. We should know more than anyone why that shit is harmful and we shouldn’t do it.
but 2. You refer to a confessions blog that says that the larries aren’t fans of Louis and Harry but rather the fictional relationship between them that they created... And like.. I’ll take that a step further and say what many others have said as of late... the larries are actively against Louis and Harry. They fling personal insults at Louis and his family. They yell negative things about potential Big Moves for Harry’s career. They’re nasty and they work against them as people and professionals. The same is true here. 
I have no idea what happened between hiddleswift, but I think it would be foolish to rule out the idea that the bad press and negative fan reaction wasn’t a part of it. If it got to haylor, who’s to say it wouldn’t get to hiddleswift? Either way, it wasn’t nice and the stuff people were saying about her was nasty. 2015 was a tough year for this fandom, and I’ll be the first to admit that some of the things we all as people who didn’t like tayvin said and did were not okay. It was heartbreaking to see that carry over to summer 2016 with even nastier stuff being said for less. Seriously... I remember there were some fans that took photos on their phones of the yellow dress before the paps showed up and people were saying how she’d called them. I saw people say that say that she’d instructed random strangers to take photos of her. That is ridiculous! 
And then as for hendall.. When the Anne iCloud leak happened, these people fed, contributed to, and used for their own beliefs the larries’ posts (again) about how this leak was a fake done for PR reasons to push the narrative that hendall was dating. They opted for harassing Anne, Harry, and family and making fun of them... saving the photos that their legal team was trying hard to get off the internet and reposting them with long explanations about why that photo was “obviously fake.” Speculating stuff about how it’s “weird” to have so many pictures of your son and his vacation girlfriend. Posting about how why would Harry have taken photos with Anne’s camera. Making mountains out of molehills. It was obvious that Anne, Harry, and family were hurting and frustrated by the whole thing... and the haylories were fucking awful!
It’s just clear to me that Taylor and Harry and their personal wellbeings don’t mean that much to these people. The Idea of Haylor as an Established Romantic Relationship means a lot to these people... but Taylor Swift and Harry Styles as people... not so much.
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rantsbymiriam · 5 years
I had a terrible nightmare last night. It was so bad that im still thinking about it today....so vivid in my memory as if it actually happened to me. Thats the thing about dreams, you actually feel all the emotions when you dream. And when you have a bad dream, you feel it as though it was real.
I dreamt I was in a school bus filled with school children and we all got into a major accident. We crashed into the river..but it wasn’t a river..it was a river filled with oil. You cant swim in it. (gila climate change dream)
I survived. The bus driver managed to haul me out. The children died. I cried so much. The bus driver told me that we should leave the area immediately and act like nothing happened so no one would find out. I was appalled at his suggestion but I was too much in shock to be able to process his suggestion. Then suddenly im back at home trying to tell an ex of mine what happened to me with the accident and all. And he just ignored me. 
Then I woke up. 
How many layers of trauma can you point out in this very dream? So many! I dreamt abt dying chlidren!!
 I have a bajillion things to do at work today and all I can think about is 
1- The children died. I can hear their cries. 2- wtf is wrong with the bus driver 3- wtf is my ex boyfriend of 10 years ago doing in my dream ignoring me? Seriously wtf. dah dah la tu. 
Obviously whatever thats going on in your dreams is a reflection of your reality.  Howver, my reality is not so bad now though. Work is work. I should feel pretty excited about whats to come for work stuff (murals and new projects and shit) but I think at this point of my life i cant derive happiness from work anymore. In the beginning I could because everything was new and exciting and now everything is just work...blerghhh..
You know what I need to get? A life. Thats what I need to get. I spent the whole of 2018,2019 focusing all my energy and time on work and figuring out the business....but its already the end of 2019...and im legit dying for something new. I also think I need to start dating again. You know, be a normal 31 year old single woman.
I just dont know how to anymore. All the things I used to like a few years ago...before I left for London in 2016...going to bars, clubbing, partying...im just not into anymore. Whenever I am invited to go, or think about going, my head immediately feels heavy...like my entire body refuses to do all these things...
So i’ve been trying out new activities...like THRIFTING. I am a natural thrifter. It gives me so much satisfaction if I find something I love for RM2. I went last weekend with some friends and we found a RM2 MARIMEKKO PLATE WHAT WHATTTTTT. If thats not a steal I dunno what is. I used to sell these plates at Janine and they’re like RM50. 
I said in my last post that i’ve been getting back into my music.....which is really playing the guitar again..playing my ukelele....writing music..singing to myself. Why did I even stop doing this? I loveeeee music. But for the longest time, ive had the weirdest most complicated relationship with all the music I love. (to cut the story short, a lot of bands trigger my PTSD LOL) I’ve been trying to deal with all these triggers and FORCE myself to listen to the songs and create new memories attached to it. 
I notice this abt myself. When I go through a bad experience in life... when im out of it... I avoid everything to do with that time of my life like THE PLAGUE. Even when the experience also had good stuff in it, I still avoid. I don’t think this is a good way fo navigating life.
For example, last night I went to watch Last Christmas with my mom and my sister (#romcomnight) and the movie was shot in London. I legit had so many WEIRD flashbacks of my time in London. It was non stop. Good and bad memories. mostly bittersweet.  I couldn’t bring myself to really get into the movie because THE ENTIRE MOVIE TRIGGERED ME. I need to deal with this. I WONT allow just a shitty time in London make me hate an entire city that I used to love. Ahh.. London...what a weird time of my life. Thats the moment I realize you can get what you want in life, but still be unhappy about other shit. It never stops. More on that later. 
You know another city that triggers me? Singapore. Oh my god. Now I have 2 freaking countries that make me have the hibbyjibbies when I go there. 
Anyway, this year, I plan to stop getting triggered with crap that doesn’t even directly affect my day to day life. Like music, movies and entire cities that i’ve been completely avoiding because it triggers me so much. As you can obviously guess by now, relationship memories trigger me. I now know that it isn’t the relationship per se that triggers me, it isn’t even the person im seeing. It is just me being overly sentimental and having all these childhood traumas that come back to haunt me when I date people.
And it only comes out when I start getting intimate with people. All my emotional baggage from being abandoned and neglected as a child comes back tenfolds with any guy I date. He could be the nicest guy in the world and I would still have to deal with my baggage. I know my nightmare last night is probably a reflection of all these experiences i’ve had as a child.
It took me a looooongggg ass time to accept and forgive all the people who had hurt me as a child. If you dont know yet, childhood trauma is one of the main reasons why people behave / do / believe in what they do / have unhealthy coping mechanisms...and it can REALLY affect relationships and how you are in a relationship if one does not deal with these traumas properly. It also affects how you deal with stress and stressful situations. It affects everything really. For me it affects EVERY SINGLE THING abt my life, except work related stuff .People always assume I have my shit together because when its work related im almost always on the good side of things. My personal life is the opposite of my work life. It used to be a disaster area. Literally a hurricane went through it and nobody rebuilt it. It was just left there in shambles...Theres a rave happening in the middle of it.....Not really a happy rave...more like a rave happening out of desperation, like “fuck we live in a hell hole. LET’s RAVE!!!” Instead of cleaning up the mess, I chose to rave. Omg. Thats totally me and my life haha. Anyway, that was back then. Currently my personal life is a beautiful garden straight out of a Monet painting..theres a beautiful cottage right by the river.....flowers are blooming everywhere...Its pretty scenic...fantabulous...level boleh masuk Architectural Digest (welcome to my crib)...... The only problem is that its completely EMPTY.... More on that later. 
Back to childhood traumas, I am not the only one in the world with childhood traumas. EVERYONE has childhood traumas in one way or another. EVERYONE has baggage.  You reading my blog here. You have traumas. It’s only a matter of being AWARE of ones trauma or not. Thats your own journey to find out. Some people are lucky to have been born into mentally healthy and happy families, GOOD FOR YOU BRO.
Im not special at all. I hear stories front left and centre about relationships falling apart because of they haven’t properly dealt with all their mommy and daddy issues...and issues regarding the self....
Anyway I dont even know why im talking about this right now..I guess the dream last night made me realize that ive totally been avoiding dating or having relationships (or even meeting new people) and using work as an excuse to not have to deal.
Then again, its not like TINDER has the best quality of men in the world Lol so I know im not missing out on much. But I know I must. 
For the sake of my “art” and creativity. I’ve never been a full time artist AND be in a relationship at the same time. I always wondered all these artists and their “muses” - being inspired by another person to create your art....I find it fascinating. 
If you read about Frida Kahlo’s life and her artist boyfriend...whoa..thats like ART TELENOVELA....Artists are so passionate when it comes to love. I scare myself when I think about it. Artists have no chill honestly. When they feel, THEY TRULY FEEL. Im sure many artists are able to properly regulate their emotions and are just normal ass people...but the artists I know are all super mad in some way....
Which is why, I believe this is the best profession for me. There was no way I could work in an office and be a robot...churn out report after report and new marketing strategies when there is so much ABOUT LIFE out there to get inspired by...I guess this is a topic for another time which I really wanna talk about. Basically how I came into “myself” when I made the change to do what I really want in life. I changed my hair and dressing too.....I suddenly realized “Why am I wearing all this 9-5 bullshit? Why TF am I wearing an A line skirt” I can wear whatever the hell I want I dont have a boss or have to be “professional” and I can get away with wearing a plastic bag on my head if I wanted to. And here I thought I was a “non-conformist” There was so much more I was subconsciously “conforming” to and didn’t realize. Dressing and hair are just surface level stuff....Theres a whole lotta “lifestyle” choices that ive been re-thinking too....Also the sacrifices i’ve made to do the business...I had to do a whole entire LIFESTYLE rehaul for me to be able to afford doing my business......(this is something that I REALLY want to share. Cause chasing your dreams ain’t easy. People only see the glamorous parts of it)
Thats a post for another time. For now, I really gotta go back to work and FINISH UP SOME REALLY EXCITING PROJECTS....
(I tried to do this in caps lock to hype myself, but it didn’t work. im dreading work today....oh well) Im human. some days we get nightmares and it fucks up our entire day. 
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