#this is why I think castor is gonna
notokbutthriving · 7 months
Honestly, I think Castor has less control of his emotions than Pollux does.
Sure in the most recent ep with them(3/2/24) Pollux does appear angry and scared, but Castor is the one talking for the majority of the episode, and says things she wouldn't agree with.
I don't think its necessarily his fault though.
Because I think he literally hasn't experienced these emotions before. He outright says he's not used to caring in one episode, and expresses curiosity about both Lunar's and Pollux's emotions. He also says something along the lines of 'i'm the calm one, Pollux is the emotional one' but in that most recent ep he's not very calm!
So from what I've seen Castor has less control over his emotions than he expects of Lunar, simply because he not used them.
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 4 months
Bruce would have interesting ways to discipline his kids.
Bruce: Listen to me, Damian! You can not steal my car and drive across country to visit Jon.
Damian: Then why do I know how to drive! And my mommy says I can! You don't own me!
Bruce: Young man, when you are under my roof you will follow my-
Damian: No I don't.
Bruce: If that's how it's gonna be. *Draws a circle around Damian* Stay there for five minutes.
Damian: D-d-d-daddy?
Dick: *swinging from the chandelier that has been pass down in Bruce's family for generations* I'm gonna swing from the chan-
Bruce: Get down here this instant!
Dick: I'm not doing anything.
Bruce: Richard Grayson
Dick: You're not my dad!
Bruce: *brings out a bag of m&ms*
Dick: What are you doing? Those are mine?
Bruce: *opens it slowly*
Dick: Bruce?
Bruce:*eats one*
Dick: STOP, I'm coming down. Don't eat them!
Jason: You can't make me. I'm not going to the party.
Bruce: *head vein throbbing* This is important. You can't skip this event.
Jason: *shrugs* You'll have to carry me.
Bruce: *takes a deep breath and walks away*
Jason: ahah, baby.
Bruce: *comes back with a bottle of castor oil and a spoon*
Jason: You sick sick man. Fine I'll go.
Bruce: Tim you disappoint me.
Tim: I didn't think it would blow up the Batcave. Or make mustard gas. Or create a sinkhole.
Bruce: *sighs* I have no choice. You going on a nature retreat.
Tim: Bruce!
Bruce: Over two weekends. With the Boy Scouts.
Tim: *tears glisten in his eyes* Bruce...
Bruce: As a junior member.
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Alfred: Right! That's it, Master Bruce. *Pours a spoon of castor oil8
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lilacargent · 9 months
Here we go again,
Puzzles/ jigsaws would confuse Aliens so much
Set on the serpentine, beginning of the humans tenure
Important crew:
Primoz, captain -Limoyh a four armed species-Krag, second in command (brother of Primoz)
Kit, dokter -avian, bird like, she has feathers like a swallow-
Ortez, ASR (all species resources, human resources in space) -kiltak, insectoid species, think ants but exoskeleton-
Lugea, helmsperson (does the steering) -rock like alien-
Artex, engineer/mechanic 1 -also Kiltak-
And then our humans:
Kamari, navigator -Eritrean woman- (has cat named Sidra)
Markus, weapons expert (knows how to use them and upkeep, also shields) -Swedish man-
Petrus, mechanic/engineer 2 - Italian man-
Lilly, administrator/note keeper (learns languages for fun)-english woman-
The serpentine is on route between trading posts, this is currently the furthest route without proper jump point because of the static energy surrounding the dual planets castor and pollux.
Primoz is getting worried. The humans are becoming increasingly more jittery and Kamari looks like she a pinch away from punch someone, Markus has been ‘humming’ a song that annoys her greatly. Honestly the noises the tall man is making don’t seem that bad but every few minutes her eyebrows twitch which Ortez told him is a sign of frustration.
Before the captain can figure out how to keep them from doing something deathworld worthy, Lilly comes in with precariously stacked carton boxes and Petrus carrying a table. Setting the pile down the smallest human straightens out “look what i brought! Old earth puzzles! This one has a deer and this one has the old world wonders” immediately the humming stops and Markus is at the table with Petrus “oh yes Lilly you are the best! I wanna do the deer one, that is gonna be a challenge”
With the table in the corner of the bridge the tension among crew is nearly gone, as all species try to put the cut apart pictures together, Lilly brought 9 puzzles and at a certain point a competition was forming: after one of the human unit had finished a puzzle the other crew try to make it in less time. They have yet to win.
Looking at his relaxed crew Primoz grins at his brother who is trying to use all his four arms to put pieces together without much succes. Turning away from the competition he taps Lilly on her shoulder “how do you guys do it? Also why did you think to take these things with you.” Lilly looks up from her drawing (the crew bent over the table making the puzzle) “well i knew it was going to be a long trip, Kamari thinks Markus will be ‘professional’ but he can’t help himself” her soft smile when she puts air punctuation around professional makes her look much younger than she is “puzzles are something many humans enjoy, not everyone is as good at them as Markus, but he does this thing where he uses the shape of them more than colours. While he isn’t colour blind, he has real trouble with telling differences in shades. No idea why it works this well but it does, Petrus has already won three nights of free drinking on Castor from betting.” All of a sudden looking bashful Lilly ducks her head “ah eh yes sorry forget i said that we don’t bet on this at all!” Primoz just grins “nobody has broken anything this whole trip, im not going to disrupt the flow you and your unit created. Don’t worry.”
At arrival Petrus has won the whole human crew free drinks for the foreseeable future, and the crew in its entirety hooked on puzzles. While not all species see the colours the same way or understand the patterning in the pieces the feeling of putting in the correct pieces makes it such an enjoyable activity that Lilly brings new puzzles after every holiday back home.
This one was born out of the confusion my family had when we were making puzzles (jigsaws?) the pictures in pieces… this is where it becomes super clear English is not my first language. Anyway, we had two puzzles out and they were so surprised i could differentiate the positions the pieces needed to be in without context. I had to tell them that the pattern otherwise won’t make sense,
I have the same thing as Markus that colours are fine unless you put several of the same colours next to each other and call them different. This is why the deer one is super hard,
The two puzzles that were described:
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ghostsandfools · 2 months
Interesting Stuff From Yesterday's LAES Episode:
DISCLAIMER: I go insane under the cut. There is swearing. You have been warned.
Okay first of all, where are they???? Obviously in a dream, which Lunar says "doesn't feel normal", which is already weird, but they're in a location Lunar's never been in before. Probably not important I'm just curious, like, is it just some random place conjured up by Lunar's subconscious or does Res have him in a specific location for a reason???
Res works for Cetus apparently.
Lunar sees Res for the first time and goes "You don't have a face" and Res goes "Oh, I can assure you, I do." I'm sorry???????????
This is off topic, but these episodes stress me the fuck out. Like, the writing isn't always the best and I've seen people leave the fandom over some of the decisions the writers make. Now, I don't really care about how bad the writing is I'm gonna watch it anyways, but I genuinely get stressed out over the lore, it is an issue. I worry about it on a day to day basis, I think I'm starting to get WAY too attached to these characters.
Res looks so much like Nebula, I mentioned it in a separate post but like seriously, it's not even funny how similar they look. They could be twins, at least in my eyes idk if y'all see it too. Also, I love Nebula and I would NEVER accuse her of such heinous crimes, but the astrals have basically stripped her of her rights and are making her work constantly with almost no breaks and no pay, and from what we've seen Taurus specifically treats her pretty awful, and Res did mention hating Taurus and Leo, so... I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Res and Nebula were the same person.
Res has met Castor and Pollux at some point and thinks that they're "entertaining" so I don't know what the fuck that means but I'm scared-
The order to begin the infection has been given :)
We're all fucked :)))))))
Res didn't want Lunar there??? Lunar says "I shouldn't be here," and Res goes "You shouldn't be, this was a very private meeting," so Lunar can just get dragged into antimatter shenanigans with no say in the matter randomly????? Res didn't even intend for this to happen???????
The fact that Res doesn't care about Lunar knowing is scary. Res doesn't try to hurt Lunar or kill him or get him not to tell anyone, they just don't care. Which is worrying, because Lunar could tell the astrals, and the fact that Res doesn't care about that means that they're already far enough into this plan that the astrals knowing about it will hardly be a setback.
I was thinking, maybe Res stands for Residual or Residue. Because, they said they're made out of dark star power, but they AREN'T a witherstorm, so maybe they're residual leftover dark star power.
THEIR VOICE EVEN SOUNDS LIKE A CORRUPTED NEBULA, am I going crazy here??? Their voices even sound similar, except Nebula's is much smoother obviously, but they both speak the same way, y'know? AM I INSANE??? Like, their voices are different but the way they talk and their enunciation of certain words is the EXACT SAME.
Res being Nebula could explain their inside knowledge about the astrals. I mean, obviously they could just figure stuff out on their own or through Cetus, I'm assuming dark star power entities can probably spy on people pretty well, but it would explain why they already know Lunar and that Taurus is coming to Earth, I'm just saying...
OKAY OKAY OKAY okaay okaoaksyaa SO. Res talks about getting rid of one of the astrals for good, which is interesting. Gemini said that astrals can die, but they usually come back because they're stars and stars will just supernova and reform. But Res says they could get rid of one of the astrals for good and how Cetus would love having one less to deal with. They also say one of the astrals is already out of commission??? Unless I missed something, this is the first time that's been mentioned. I wonder who it is. Probably not Libra since she's a leader, not Gemini since they've been around recently, not Taurus because he's showing up soon, probably not Aries since they're the one who helped Gemini get into Lunar's dreams, SO WHO?!
Res, (with that incredibly sexy voice of theirs~), says that they "Need Lunar" and that he's the "Perfect Catalyst". Which is interesting because like two minutes ago they described themself as a catalyst??? I wonder what they need Lunar for, maybe to get more inside knowledge about the astrals for them?
It is getting more and more difficult for me not to talk about how hot Res is the longer this post gets, they said Lunar was "Ample for corruption~" JESUS RES, JUST KILL PEOPLE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE HOT ABOUT IT, JUST KILL PEOPLE AND FUCK OFF!
WHY ARE THEY BEING SO SEDUCTIVE???? "What I'm going to do to you when I get my hands on you, I'm going to do so many horrid things..." I'M SORRY? EXCUSE ME BITCH??????
How do you turn positive star power into negative star power? Gemini said that when star power is harnessed, negative star power is the result. Lunar does not harness star power, he is basically an astral now which means he's MADE of it. Him using it won't produce any negative star power, which means Res has a way to convert pure, unharnessed star power into negative star power. Interesting. If I didn't have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to my hyperfixations, maybe I could tell you have that would work with stars and dark matter in real life, but I forgot so sorry :D
How many negative star power entities are there??? Res says Lunar will "become one of us". So far there are at least 2, Res and Cetus, but there HAS to be more than that. C'mon. There has to be. The astrals are also interesting, how many of them are there? Obviously there's the main 12, based on the zodiac constellations, but are there more based on other constellations? Are the "Astrals" just what the main 12 are called and any others are considered lesser than them? And then for the dark matter ones, are there 12 to act as dark zodiacs? Or are the less, or worse, are there MORE?
I wonder if Gemini made Taurus and Leo sound more scary as a way to get Lunar to behave himself. All they said was "Taurus and Leo destroy planets", but according to Res, they really don't. They only put planets out of their misery once they've been infected and already basically destroyed.
I wonder if Res did anything to Lunar while he was asleep? They say "you need to wake up" and then Lunar falls asleep in the dream only to wake up in real life, but I wonder if they could've done something to him in that time that he doesn't realize?
It's kinda interesting that Lunar's first thought was to go to Monty rather than Gemini or Moon or waiting for Taurus to show up. I actually have kinda a sweet reason why, more of a headcanon than a theory though. Whenever i have nightmares, my brain kinda goes back in time for a little while, and instead of calling someone I actually trust like one of my friends or my partner, my first thought is to go to my mom. Now, i don't talk to my mom anymore because she sucks, but I really liked her as a kid and when I have bad dreams I forget about all the people i have in my life now and wanna go back to her. And Monty and Lunar used to be so close, obviously Monty knows a lot about negative star power so they're a logical option of who to get help from, but i also think it would be really sweet if Lunar goes through the same thing and that's why they want to go to Monty first, because they're almost like a parental figure to him.
ANYWAYS, that's enough rambling and simping and theorizing and trauma-dumping and going fucking insane for today, if you read this far you have a VERY good attention span. I would not read a post this long, you are a better person than me.
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glitched-lemonz · 3 months
So who wants to hear me be autistic about the new helluva boss episode? Well, cas said it would bomb on here so I'm gonna do it for funnsies and break down blitzø's character because why not!
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So this is obviously spoilers for episode 7 season 3 (?) of helluva boss sorry I'm high /j
But anyway scroll down if ur interested :3
So in the beginning of the episode we see blitz trying to actually have a conversation with stolas and I think the best part about blitzø's character is that unlike other characters that are given a personality like his, he doesn't go out of character. Most characters like him, characters who convince themselves that they cannot be loved and think they should not give love due to their past and/or mindsets, usually are tempted to show emotion in situations like the one with stolas. What I mean is, when blitzø was discussing how he felt with stolas he still didn't break and actually explain how he felt, he wasn't mis characterized. And how that personality/mindset works is that the character won't understand their own feelings or wake up from the blindness of not being loved or unable to love until something opens their eyes to it. And in blitzø's case, he isn't rushed into trusting stolas. When stolas confesses his love blitzø's character doesn't break, instead he continues to reflect and deny stolas' actual love and continue to believe that it does not exist. This situation happening the way it did; shows that blitzø's character wasn't mis characterized for once and was actually kept how it was intended unlike most media characters I've seen who are supposed to have this mindset.
Now here's the best part;
Blitzø is a character who won't change, he can't change, it's just who he is. And that's what he thinks until he's hit by that wave of character development, but his character development isn't a course of events or something hurting him or loving him, his character development IS stolas. Blitzø doesn't notice that he needs to change until he finds out he's actually losing something, someone, and that's the kicker. Blitzø's character here is still kept, how? Well, blitzø is selfish. He believes he doesn't deserve love and that others don't deserve his because of events that have happened in his past, how would blitzø react if he lost something, or in this case someone, that he has used and one day lost? It would break him. And that's where his character breaks, not too fast not too slow, his character is well-written. He doesn't notice what he's lost until he's lost it, does that bother him? Yes but he's not gonna show it. Until it's gotten so bad that he is forced to show it and that's his character. "Stolas I don't love you." Only to see him crying his eyes out and getting jealous over another man who is without stolas, it's not denial. He KNOWS he is AWARE that he cares for stolas, but is he gonna show it? No. And that's where his character stands. Double sided pinning but one won't give and that destroys the relationship and blitzø knows it's his fault, he plays it off like he doesn't care but if he didn't care why would he be getting drunk over stolas and crying himself to sleep at night? Or getting jealous when other men get with him? He doesn't just care about sex with stolas he uses that to hide his real feelings because it's EASIER. He's not an angel, he's obviously an imp (pun intended) and he isn't going to push the limits of going through the hard ways if he doesn't have to. But this; this new episode shows the START not process, THE START of his character development. His official genuine character development and that's where his character stands.
(Thank u for ur time 🤓✨)
Also thank cas while ur at it (they convinced me)
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sotogalmo · 2 months
8(yesterday) — 1:12 am
I think I should now do Rosca's turn for her own views on the Alnst OCs (minus Flor). Just for the fun of it-
So that's what I'm gonna be doing! (Forgive me if some of these are repetitive, or even small!. Rosca basically doesn't like people in general, so-)
Do tell me if I forgot your OC!
Solei ( @solei-eclipse ): Rosca is a bit.. confused about them. To say the least, in a way. Of course, though, Rosca doesn't really care all that much about history and knowledge of how things are made and why they look like that. She doesn't care all that much, and some of the things they say are very boring. But in some sense, she's grateful? She already knew it- the information, but it's nice finding someone who's like her... Who knows a lot, but of course in the thing that they are knowledgeable in.
Aurien ( @aurienneirua / @apriciticreveries ): Crybaby, loner. Rosca is.. mean to say it lightly.... Ordering people around, and especially people like Aurien; the weak will end up in a ditch! They should be stronger! Be glad that Rosca is here to at least help them with that!
Lark, Noora ( @kamersona ): As said before by kamer themselves, Rosca and Lark were together when they were being transported to ANAKT. And with all his freaking out moments, Rosca found it pretty annoying to be around him. Not sure how much he did freak out, but he freaked out and that made the trip annoyingly slow to Rosca. She has traveled before so this is nothing new, and the freaking out? Nothing new and she hates that. / Noora, a girl with vitiligo! That's a strange thing to Rosca, but then she remembers how she has traveled and has maybe seen other people like her and the other girl. Maybe she can be more better as a model or something?
Vii, Ji-Woo, Saachi, Min, Ryu ( @starry-skiez ): Rosca, IMMEDIATELY, finds them ALL strange. || Vii, firstly. .. first of all... Strange name- is it supposed to be a number of sorts? 7 perhaps? Who names their pet— ah, who cares. Aliens do what they want, so she won't question them. Did they also color their pet's hair to be like grass? That has to be a joke of sorts. / Ji-Woo, second. The red is a striking color, a pretty one! Too bad it was only there for a few days until it got washed away. It seemingly fitted Woo. Who cares though / Saachi, third. Another girl with vitiligo. Is that a desired trait? But no matter, that girl seems fine and can fend for herself in ways. She doesn't pay attention anyways. / Min, fourth. It's like looking into a reflection; in a sense. Min's acts mirror Rosca's in some small ways. It's weird, wrong but so right. Wrong in the sense of being raised as "you're special" as Rosca is the only important girl around, but right in the way of like; maybe I've already been influential before I was even born! .. but she's so mature..... / Ryu, fifth. The orange and light blonde.. to say. It's quite fitting. In a weird way. She doesn't know what else to say. This whole place is boring
Aegaeon ( @paradisedisconcert ): Fights on SIGHT/j <- just thought it'd be funny. She finds Aegaeon pretty strange, in the way of how Aegaeon acts. Cold and aggressive.. like a boy or moreso a warrior, she would think. She has somewhat seen some fights between Aegaeon and Minori but it's always so light (not that much damage is done).
Minori ( @minori-dash / @skyisjusthere ): Slightly similar to Aegaeon— cold, reverse but also similar to Aurien?? Minori is quiet and skittish. Quiet and lonely.. nothing else to note. Nothing much is important
Akane ( @aakaneeee ): Ah! A normal looking person, at least, in a sea of strange and bright (physically) people, it's nice to- oh. Another quiet one? One that doesn't pay attention to her? Hmphft! Their lost!
Azure ( @azureitri / @4listr ): Cold, reverse- annoying! He doesn't even want to talk to the most interesting girl in the garden! That's just rude of him!
Castor, Himei, Kyo, Tallis ( @lookatmysillies / @bluemoonscape ): Castor, Himei, Kyo and Tallis. Meeting them is like meeting a weird club in a cartoon that she has watched whenever she pleases to. || The oldest of the bunch in the weird club- Castor. He's an interesting one, wanting to be a parent at this age? That's quite an interesting thing to do. He's like a grandfather, or more of a grandmother because of that! / The friendly one of the weird club- Himei. She makes good clothing designs. Maybe in some moments, Rosca tries the actual clothes. Himei is good at that, nothing else to note. / The hot-head of the weird club- Kyo. A bit similar to Aegaeon if she had to think that hard about it. Wanting alone time, and being hot-headed and such. / The (expected) shy one of the weird club- Tallis. As said, to be expected. Which makes Rosca bored already, but the braids that Tallis has are interesting on a surface level. Nothing much to say
Cirrus ( @yunoftheclouds ): The pale lavender to bright purple surely also makes them stand out like Rose does. Slightly. But once again, another quiet person. Surely this isn't some sort of standard? Who cares about that though.
Daiki ( @teapotuser ): Daiki. When will the quiet and shy people- just. When will they go away!? It's tiring to be so loud, to be active and to get their eyes on her.
Ellie, Khoi, Vera, Sai ( @bittersweet-adagio / @junebluues ): Ellie, just like Min but on a physical level. Much weirder, wrong and right all at the same time. Khoi, quiet. Sai? Quiet. Yeah he might look interesting, but that's just his eyes- her eyes are better though. Vera? Another quiet one. WHEN will it get interesting!?
Stasya ( @billwasnot ): The purple hair makes them stand out. Just like Cirrus and their pale lavender to bright purple hair. But another person who is chill, and quiet. Rosca doesn't make any attempts to communicate with Stasya and others like him (or others that are just clearly shy from the get-go). It's boring like that, and it's not worth her time
Isla, Monica, Toon ( @nottoonedin ): Isla and Monica. They seem to be a pair, with further proof of how they are always, seemingly, connected at the hip. Just like a few others are like that too, a pair.
Evon, Jae ( @kofeedoggo ): Evon and Jae. They seem to be a pair? Rosca doesn't know, since she doesn't really care. Expected
Tov ( @ivanttakethis ): Rosca somewhat thought that Tov was gonna be like Noora or Saachi. Ya'know. With the skin condition, but no— and that's fine!
Lang ( @its-langgg / @pwippy ): Lang looks like Min, in a strange way. But she doesn't act like Min, at all. Which is to be expected now. Almost everyone is just too obedient, too quiet and too blank. That's why it's very important that they have her around! Or else this would've been just a static place!
Moran ( @geospiral ): A refreshing person to have in the garden. Finally! Someone with some common sense! Finally! Someone who KNOWS what they are destined for and all of that! FINALLY. And, the best part? Moran looks like her! Isn't that the best??
Rose ( @rosedeleca ): Strange in a nice way. Their uniqueness is surely a quality that makes them very.. interesting. How can one human being, be like that? Was Rose the lucky one with the lucky genetics*? They really do live up to being unique.
Onyx, Dian ( @rockwgooglyeyes ): Another pair. It seems like it's always the bright and cheerful ones with the most quiet and introverted ones ever. Like that's the only pair that is ever needed. But, besides that. She doesn't care for the both of them; it's now expected that almost everyone here would be a quiet kid or a very friendly kid. With complimentary colors that mix well
Vermillion ( @subzeromoron ): Third one of being a guy with red hair. The first one who has something hiding, a candle like boy and now someone who's named after a color of a shade of red. Who would've guessed it.
Ava ( @paperstarry ): Pretty smile with nothing behind it at all. At least that is true. (Just that, almost everything is repeating. Rosca is super glad that she's here to be in charge and at least not have this place be boring!)
*fun fact! Rosca knows some light biology of humans, due to her travels and how she has worked in plays/theaters before being inrolled to ANAKT to sing.
Again, sorry if these are short or repetitive.
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manygeese · 5 months
Ok so I finished the first series of Percy Jackson sooo
Spoilers ahead but I think you know that
- amazing. impeccable. don’t remember shit because I read it a month ago
- THE PLOT TWIST WITH LUKE PUNCHED ME IN THE GUT but he was a little cartoony villain at the end with the scorpion. Cuz he was giving the villain of rocky and bullwinkle
- chapter titles? Masterpieces. You know the chapters gonna be good when “I BECOME SUPREME LORD OF THE BATHROOM” is at the top of the page
- fave character is probably Percy because well. He’s Percy. You can’t just not like Percy
- love love LOVE this book
- Tyson’s my new favorite because he’s got that big dumb boy swag
- love how the whole book is just a parallel to the Odyessy
- I love the battle between the cyclops vs. Percy, Clarisse, Grover, Anna Beth, and Tyson
- after they get back to Florida I thought they were gonna be on better terms with Clarisse but nooooo. Everybody hates clarisse…. I LOVE CLARISSE
- Hermes is my fav god
- I love Beckendorf nothing bad is EVER gonna happen to him I love Beckendorf
- idk why tf Chiron says KRONOS brought Thalia back to life because. Cmon. He’s in a million pieces. Which is more likely: the Golden Fleece, with nature magic comparable to the Wild God Pan, brought it to life or Kronos, who has been in a million pieces for a million years, brought it to life???? Think Chiron THINK
- Thalia is great and all but I sort of want to punch her in the face
- Bianca is my favorite lesbian :)
- Scratch that Zoë is my favorite lesbian
- Thalia’s my favorite lesbian?
- fuck it they’re all lesbian and they’re all my favorite lesbian
- ngl it could just be my gay ass but annnabeth and Rachel’s feud for Percy is so annoying and I hate it
- RIP Castor RIP Lee Fletcher RIP whoever else died
- unrelated but there are so many twins in these books. Like there’s Connor and Travis. There’s Castor and Pollux. And they’re the only ones but like how many twins do YOU know?
- Dionysus has feelings?
- I was expecting it to have more Hestia bcz she calls herself the last Olympian but nooooooo. Nooo
- speaking of Hestia why so many of the goddesses’ human forms little girls but there are no little boy gods? Artemis and Hestia are literally babies. And with Artemis that makes sense but why Hestia?
- ok first Lee Fletcher now Michael Yew. What’s up with the Apollo cabin and losing their head counselor
- The part when Percy dreams of May Castellan trying to take the spirit of the oracle is so sad. Like HERMES REALLY LOVED HER. HE WANTED TO MARRY HER. The “No! NO!” Is fan fiction coded
- related to that when Thalia Annabeth and Luke go back to May Castellans house in the flashback and Hermes holds her as she has a vision AHHHHHHH I am deranged
- Percy breaking the cycle ❤️❤️❤️ a true comrade
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mrmaybank · 2 years
Fandom: PJO
Title: bad at goodbyes
Character(s): Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Clarisse LaRue, Silena Beauregard, Aphrodite, Connor Stoll, and Travis Stoll
Request: No
Genre: Angst
TW: death, injury,
A/N: they have a little friend group between Connor, Travis, Clarisse, Chris, and Silena (Which Lee, Castor, and Beckendorf use to be apart of), Silena is the readers best friend, and (G/P) stands for godly parent
(M/N) watched as Silena and the rest of Aphrodite cabin exited the black van. There eyes locked (E/C) eyes meeting blue, she smiled at him as she walked over. “You ready for a war?” He asked.
“My mom doesn’t believe in war,” Silena replied.
“Then she shouldn’t be dating Ares, you know cheating isn’t a good look your mom,” This comment earned (M/N) slight shove from Silena.
“Oh shut up, before you strikes you down,” Silena told him.
“She can’t,”
Silena raised an eyebrow at the son (G/P), “Why not?”
“Because then whose love life would she fuck with?” (M/N) laughed, which then in return caused Silena to laugh. About a minute later an arm wrapped it’s self around both (M/N) and Silena’s shoulders. Neither of them need to look to know it was Connor and Travis.
A silence fell upon the now group of four, it only last for a couple of minutes before Silena stuck and her hand and said, “We win for Charlie.”
(M/N) followed her move placing down his hand, “For Lee,” he added.
“Castor,” Travis added as he placed his hand down.
Then finally Connor placed his down, “For Luke,” his voiced cracked as he said his brother’s name. Him and Luke were always close, Travis placed a hand on his younger’s brother shoulder.
“On three,” (M/N) said, the group of the three nodded.
“One, two, three,” they spoke in unison lifting there hands up on three.
“(M/N),” someone shouted, the boy turned around to see Percy waving him over.
“I gotta go, love you guys,” he told them.
“Love you too, (M/N),” Silena replied. (M/N) smiled at her then run off joining his boyfriend.
All it all happened to quickly. “ARES!” Clarisse screamed as she charged for the drakon.
“No,” (M/N) heard, Percy mumbled.
“WAIT!” (M/N) screamed but Clarisse couldn’t hear him. She charged straight for the drakon, which spit poison in her face. (M/N) blood ran cold as he watched the Chariot Clarisse was in fell to the ground.
He was frozen, he could only watch as the Ares campers tried to defend her but that’s when he realized. A girl was rushing toward Clarisse, he expected it to be Silena but it wasn’t it was Clarisse herself. Then it dawned upon the boy, tear flooded his eyes, “No!” he screamed.
Rage filled his system, he looked over at Clarisse in there heads they made an agreement. Kill this bitch. (M/N) assisted Clarisse as she drug her sword right between the monsters eyes.
Then without a word both of them run to Silena. Clarisse sat on her left, cradling the girls head in her lap. While (M/N) sat her right holding her hand, “what were you think?” Clarisse asked. (M/N) felt a hand on his shoulder pulling his thoughts from Clarisse and Silena’s conversation.
He turned and saw Percy and Annabeth, “I’m sorry,” Percy told the son (G/P).
(M/N) was gonna respond when he heard Clarisse’s question, “you were the spy?” She asked. He turned to the two girls as he listened to there conversation Silena explaining what happened.
Oh, Silena,” he sighed.
“Forgive me,” Silena took a painful breathe.
“Your not dying,” Clarisse told her.
“Yeah you aren’t,” (M/N) agreed.
“Charlie…,” Silena spoke like she hadn’t hear either of them, “See Charlie…,” (M/N) watched as light left her eyes.
“Silena?” he asked.
No response.
“Silena, please,” he begged.
Percy pulled him up and into a hug, “I’m so sorry, love,” Percy told him. After a couple of seconds, Percy let go of his boyfriend. “She gave her life, for this. We win this for her,” he told him.
The (E/C) boy nodded, “For Silena.”
(M/N) sat by himself on a bench as all the olympians partied, he wasn’t in the mood. No even three hours ago he lost his best friend, someone sat down next to him and he looked up to see a beautiful women. She had brown hair and piercing blue eyes, “Hello, (M/N),” she spoke a soothing voice.
He quickly recognized her as Aphrodite, “Hello,” he replied.
“Why aren’t you partying?”
“Not in the mood,” he replied.
“I’m sorry about Silena,” The god replied, “She was a true hero.”
“She was,” Tears filled the boys eyes for the second time that day, “she truly was.” Aphrodite wrapped her arms around the boy pulling her into a hug.
“Thank you, for taking care of my daughter,” she told him, as she pulled from the hug.
“I would have done anything for her,” And that was truth he would have. He would have done anything for her, Beckendorf, Travis, Connor, Percy, Castor, Annabeth, Lee. He would, and would have, done anything for them.
No matter the request because he loved they were his friend and now a good percent of them were gone. And he wasn’t sure what to do yet.
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savemyballsplease · 11 months
My review on ACFTL 3.1/5⭐⭐⭐
you have been warned.
One year and 30 days. i waited. impulsively,selfishly being the first to look up any new updates on the book, the title, a quote, a word? everything. all for it to end up like this AGAIN. it felt very rushed. and was sooooooooo underwhelming. eva had to always rush behind him like she had to do the work while he just gave up. i read another review saying he is the villain so wasn't he supposed to be the one not giving up,he should have been endlessly pursuing her/ so true, couldn't agree more.
JACKS changed all of a sudden in this book, he generally is flirtatious, kind and cruel+charming.but here in this one he isnt trying at all. he wasnt doing anything for her.i wanted him to apologise and plead for her forgiveness after she lost her memories after his wholerude ass tantrum at the arch.but he didn't, instead he sort of blamed her for losing her memories. isnt he resposible in the first place.he was not even involved in this book. he felt like a SIDE character.
EVERYTIME I SAW ASSOLO's pov i had to take a deep breath because it was gonna suck.i didnt wanna see aurora or Appolo. gosh were they annoying.
it had very magical writing. But Garber has written better. the plotline seemed bland to me since the previous book was a filler book[but now looking back i was too harsh on the previous book] and this one was just adding to the second book.
okay we readers have been waiting for these two to kiss for like three years. and she gave us what one page? maybe two? couldn't she have given us a wedding? an epilogue to the epilogue???? likeeee the epilogue was not a good epilogue. what about when she saw her vision, where she was gonna married in a place like the hollow in the first book in her dad's curiosity shop??? was this there in this acftl or did i just miss it?? cuz i feel like she was supposed to be adding that as the epilogue.
i am soooo pisssed bout the fact that she GAVE US BARELY TWO PAGES OF THEM BEING TOGETHER AND THATS IT ???LIKE WHATTT. AND lala deserved better like her dude Dane's alive. shouldnt she know about this shit?? the whole deal with castor and lala what about that?? what happened to Marisol or LUCIEN??
i cant believe reading this book has made me think the previous book was wayy better. jesus i have a newfound respect for the previous book as the plot was more involved,pacing and everything was better than this one. ughhhhhh so many elements missing.
EDIT:i just read the waterstone and B&N epilogues.
in the waterstone one why tf did the epilogue have to be about such a frivolous thing.whyyy eva do u want to be so naive? after everything Apollo had done she wants to set him free or sum shit.i swear i hate evangeline sometimes. but jacks stops herself from doing that. i don't know this felt very unnecessary and tedious to be an epilogue.
the B&Noble's one was more sweet and emotional. i liked it but my statement still stands. stephanie could have given us more EVAJACKS.
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hecksupremechips · 6 months
Can we talk about mitsuham I think we should talk about mitsuham yes I’d like that very much
Imagine Mitsuru her life has been planned out for her by a bunch of men her choices are not hers to make every move is political she is nothing but a tool forced to fight as a child never allowed to burden anyone with her feelings. Her life isn’t hers, it’s never been hers for a second, she exists to further the careers of the men around her. The first two friends she makes are both boys and she was in charge of leading them, using them just to further the Kirijo agenda. Genuine friendship did blossom between them, but things fell apart pretty quickly. Shinjiro can’t control Castor, something is seriously wrong with him, he kills someone, then he leaves and the Kirijos cover it up. Was it to protect him, or to protect themselves? Mitsuru certainly doesn’t know anymore but she’s lost a friend and can’t reach him again, he’s too traumatized by personas and Akihiko is still there but he’s always so stuck on Shinjiro and Mitsuru feels like she failed both of them. Just more men for her to let down by not being good enough
Then there’s Kotone. Sweet, strong, clumsy, talented Kotone. She’s so bubbly and friendly, but behind those warm smiles is horrible loneliness. Pain. But she’s never ever gonna let anyone see that. She busies herself by taking care of everyone else, listening to their problems and never burdening them with her own feelings. She can just fix everything and make everyone happy if she works herself hard enough. She just has this way about her, so reliable and so kind
And Mitsuru watches Kotone from above. Trusts her to be the leader, or maybe she just wanted to push a burden onto someone else for a change. Someone who’s able to take on burdens with a smile for fucks sake. And Kotone leads, seemingly effortlessly, and is able to recruit several members in a short time and achieve just so much more than Mitsuru could in her entire lifetime. Just, perfectly. Without even possessing any prior knowledge of the dark hour or personas. And she does this while being so emotional, so social, so weird, so fucking cute, it’s absolutely nauseating. This should be fine, right? It’s what Mitsuru’s always wanted, for someone else to ease her burden. And hell, it’s a woman too, a woman who’s perfectly capable of doing it all without a bunch of men helping her. It’s inspiring, isn’t it?
But there’s the pain. The envy. Kotone is perfect and she doesn’t even have to try. Mitsuru on the other hand has been shaving herself down to nothing just to be allowed a place. She makes the perfect grades and wears the beautiful clothes and applies the fucking makeup and is mature for her age and never speaks out or feels anything that could possibly make her be seen as a human, a filthy fucking human. So why does a woman as unashamed as Kotone get to have it all? And why is Mitsuru still here, still acting as the Kirijo tool, still doing whatever she possibly can to hurt herself to make a man feel better? Why isn’t she useful anywhere? It’s not fair
And then when she actually spends the time with Kotone she’s trying so hard to be that wise and mature figure she’s always been, trying so hard to force herself to smile through the pain, but she’s talking to someone who can see right through that shit cuz Kotone Shiomi invented lying through her teeth to make others feel better. It’s annoying really, how Kotone is supposed to be the childish one, yet it’s Mitsuru who can’t get it together and can’t seem to look into those bright eyes without breaking. And Kotone isn’t disgusted by what she sees, even though Mitsuru is being unreasonable and emotional and talking about wanting to run away and how much she hates her life and how she’s not only eating fast food but enjoying it, letting herself enjoy an indulgence that won’t make her pretty anymore. No, Kotone sees this and listens and encourages it and celebrates it, celebrates how utterly human Mitsuru is. She holds her hand and says "let me take on your burden". And it’s horrible, this kindness, Mitsuru hasn’t even broken all her bones to make Kotone happy, so why is she being so fucking nice? And then something breaks, and Kotone defends her. Stands up for her against a man. Lets herself once again take a hit to protect someone else. And it’s just too familiar, too much to fucking bear, and it pisses Mitsuru the fuck off. And she is able to tell a man to go fuck himself, because no one gets to fucking talk to this girl like she isn’t the most amazing person ever to exist. Not after everything she’s done, everything she still does, not after giving her all and never once asking for anything in return. And in standing up for Kotone, Mitsuru is able to stand up for herself for the first time in her life. And she looks at Kotone and says "let’s take on each other’s burdens"
Oh and also they watch a scary movie together and hold hands and ride a motorcycle and Mitsuru calls Kotone adorable I mean that’s pretty gay man
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hahskeleton · 7 months
today’s episode was harsh—
Jeez the Gemini were very harsh today with Lunar—
Poor buddy was on the verge of bursting into tears. I felt so bad for him, and the fact that Castor kept telling him that he was a complete child and an absolute “idiot” and telling him he was “stupid” was a bit intimidating.
I get they were mad but they dropped the whole, “You’re probably gonna die lol” thing out of nowhere and now what’s Lunar going to do? Spend his potential last months of his life in therapy for murdering his brother?
And at the very end when he ask what he’d done, he knew he screwed the heck up. When you piece it together, Lunar did actually say he wanted to kill Eclipse, he definitely could have done it on purpose. I hope Lunar can live istg he better not fricking die I swear to god I’ll march up to the celestial bodies and strangle them /j
My heart just blew into pieces every time Castor and/or Pollux insulted him further and called him anything. Again, I understand they were furious about Lunar, thinking they could trust him with his magic, killing someone who, like they said, hadn’t done anything when he first came in.
anyways if Lunar is sentenced to death by the celestials I will cry.
also SIDE NOTE: Castor doesn’t funking like Sun and Moon???? HUH??? He called them stupid and ignorant!! Why would you say that, especially dropping it on a currently mentally unstable animatronic that needed to be comforted!! Plus, Pollux wth I mean you’re right, Lunar doesn’t needed to be aided and babied 24/7, but the guy just murdered Eclipse, bring this sh!t up when he’s not crying his eyeballs out.
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f1-birb · 7 months
Didn’t the even have black fireproofs?? Why both??
they had black fireproofs last year and they've had them during testing, so no idea where the white ones have come from
a possible guess is it's a temperature thing? like black tends to absorb heat whereas white is meant to reflect it more so it usually is a way to keep cooler?
if they're switching back to white? I'm actually gonna be unreasonably annoyed lol
not just because I think the black looks better on the boys, but because it makes more sense??
I don't like the black around the neck, it looks too blocky and out of place, the DP World and Cisco logos stand out too much, the logos with a white background (Castore, Dropbox) look weird on the arm to me because they're not like the Android or McLaren logos which don't come with a background, they keep the white so at least it makes sense on the black, and with the suit being orange and black it's more cohesive
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idk it's just my opinion but I'd much prefer the black fireproofs
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aurienneirua · 26 days
trying to think about how aurien would take castor’s death since i haven’t really articulated it quite yet . .
i think ill be using how blue diamond from steven universe take’s pink’s death as a bit of an projection onto aurien and inspiration !
well, ill start on how aurien was with solei’s disappearance . since me and @billwasnot actually discussed this before, i feel like i can articulate and word this much more then i usually do . ill also limit how long this is since that’s probably for a whole nother post .
( edit after finishing : wow im a really bad liar )
to put it into simple and hopefully straightforward words, aurien did not process solei’s disappearance at first, and her feelings about it in extension .
when they finally started to bubble up, she shoved them down . they poison parts of her in response, and she’s stuck in a cage and cycle of grief, slowly shutting down mentally and emotionally . even when she and solei reunite, she still has them shoved down .
now, finally onto cas !
for him mainly, id say she feels empty after his death .
she falls into a prolonged period of time where she either feels just . . empty, or all she can feel is pain and grief .
although she openly expresses her emotions now and doesn’t shove them away, she instead wallows in them, refusing to move on because she just doesn’t want to .
the words im referring to starting at 1 : 07 and ending on 1 : 16 being :
“ im sorry . im so sorry . i should have done more . ————— says it will all be over soon . i wonder what you would think . “
also think blue’s tone matches her exactly as well lol . quiet and low .
the words “ im sorry . im so sorry . “ transferring onto aurien in the way of how she knows she failed to save him, and “ i should have done more . “ being how she wishes that she could have, and regrets greatly how in the end, she did not .
also gonna put down some lyrics from what’s the use of feeling blue as well since that can also fit auri . .
“ why would you want to be here ? / what do you ever see here ? / that doesn’t make you feel worse then you do ? / and tell me, what’s the use of feeling, ( blue ) ? /
oh, how can you stand to be here with it all ? ( here with it all ) / drowning in all this regret ? / wouldn’t you rather forget ( him ) ? /
start looking forward and stop looking back, oh “
( formatting style originally by @sotogalmo ! )
ok, first, “ why would you want to be here ? / what do you ever see here ? / that doesn’t make you feel worse then you do ? / and tell me, what’s the use of feeling, ( blue ) ? / “ would probably be about her extreme unwillingness to move on ? and maybe also how as a result, she only feels worse and worse, inflicting pain upon herself because she feels she deserves it .
secondly and lastly, “ oh, how can you stand to be here with it all ? ( here with it all ) / drowning in all this regret ? / “ this one’s a more clear one for me . . she definitely is drowning in regret . another possible thing would be that the lyrics “ how can you stand to be here with it all ? “ can maybe be her actually asking herself that . .
how can she still stand here— why is she still here with everything that’s been going on ? she’s not special . so many people matter so much more then her . why does she live ?
anyways, i wrap it up here . . partly because i don’t think i have anything else to say, this post is already getting long, and im pretty disappointed about how this came out .
i came in with a clear mindset, ( which normally helps a lot when im trying to write things like this ) but it got muddled pretty easily . although i want to take more time on this, im not really patient with myself, and ive been having a lot of trouble wording things lately .
i don’t know how long it’ll take to “ word this right “, but i know it’ll be long combined with some other factors . I think I’ll maybe come back to update or expand on this though . . anyways, any thoughts about my depressed pookie aurien ?
( castor : @bluemoonscape )
( side note : lolol id love to hear your and possibly cas’s ( if he were still alive COUGH ) on this ! also i already have a little au in my head where auri and solei save cas . . and auri shoots and shatters a screen displaying kyo that was distracting cas mizi all in style . . may i know how he would react to this and hold up if they did save him . .
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ghostsandfools · 6 months
Gemini is so neurodivergent I don't know how nobody's talking about it.
OKAY, strap in, this one's gonna be long, and it's gonna be ranty, and I'm going to do it anyways.
Gemini is probably my favorite character... EVER. They are so perfect, I love them so much, I will die on this hill. They are the one constant for me. In this crazy, overly controversial fandom, in this crazy, overly controversial world, we all have one thing we can count on: Gemini. AND THEY GET SO LITTLE SCREENTIME! But that's not why I'm here.
So, almost everyone in TSBS has signs of some sort of mental illness or neurodivergency. This is not new. But I really wanna get into it with Gemini because I feel like nobody cares enough about them!
So, I'm going to split this up into parts. One for Pollux, one for Castor, and one for Gemini. Just to make it easier. LET'S GO!
So, Pollux. The first signs start to show with her when she was first introduced. She's hyper, she's unfocused, she's friendly, she's all over the place. These are very stereotypical, very basic signs of ADHD. HOWEVER, I actually DON'T think she has ADHD. I think she's just hyper sometimes. ADHD is much more that just being a little off the walls, it's a genuine disability that makes it difficult to focus or remember things, and I feel like if you dig deeper, that's not what's going on with her.
I do think that she's neurodivergent, however, in some capacity. Probably autism. I think her and Castor both have autism actually, but I'll get in to him later.
First of all, hyperactivity can also be a sign of autism. And while, when she first comes to Earth it seems as though she can't focus on any specific thing, I think that's because she's focused on Earth as a whole, explaining her interest in anything on Earth. I think learning about and exploring Earth might be one of her special interests, or maybe just exploring planets in general.
Now, the next point might just be due to technical issues, but maybe not. Pollux and Castor both have pretty blank faces, and don't have very many emotes. It may have just been a problem with their 3d modelling, so not the strongest point, but neurodivergent people and people on the spectrum often have difficulty with facial expressions, something I've also struggled with.
Pollux definitely has less neurodivergent coding than Castor does, but I think it's still there.
Castor. I don't even know where to start with him.
When Castor was first introduced, he was very unexpressive and monotone, already a symptom of neurodivergency.
He also struggles socially, more so than Pollux. While Pollux was over-bearing, she had no trouble making friends once the chance arose. Castor, on the other hand, was perceived by most of the main cast as "creepy" or "rude", which hits closer to home than I want to admit.
But, over time, it becomes clearer and clearer that he only wants what's best. He doesn't intend to be terse, or rude, or weird, he's just never interacted with anyone that wasn't a star before.
Pollux seemed to adjust well to the environment on Earth once she learned more about the people there, but it seems Castor struggled a lot more with adapting in a new environment.
Castor is also a very private person. He has hobbies and emotions and thoughts, but he keeps them all to himself. Of course, after a while of spending time with Lunar, he starts to speak his mind more, which eventually led up to the last episode we saw him in where he yelled at Lunar for killing Eclipse. Still, I find it interesting that it took an extreme situation like that for him to finally speak his mind.
Gemini <3
Pollux and Castor work extraordinarily well together. They are THE siblings of all time, I love them.
I'm going to delve into headcanons for a minute here, but I feel like the other astrals don't like them very much. We never hear Gemini really talk about the other astrals, aside from basic details.
I feel like, after living with people for your entire life, your SIBLINGS, and those being the ONLY people you interacted with, you'd have some fond memories of them.
But they don't. And even now, there's tension between Gemini and the rest of the astrals. They clearly stand out. The other astrals seem to not take them seriously, and don't exactly listen to them. I feel like, from that recent scene from Taurus, maybe the other astrals, at least some of them, actively DISLIKE Gemini.
This may be why they're so unused to socially interacting on Earth. They probably spent very little time with their siblings, especially considering Nebula's existence. Maybe their siblings didn't visit them at all. That thought makes me sad.
Feeling outcasted is commonplace for neurodivergent people, as well as being perceived wrong.
Closing thoughts: Okay, I might be projecting here. I'm not sure. As someone who is neurodivergent, I identify with Gemini harder than any other fictional character. They're so special. I don't know if I'm picking up on subtext that isn't there, but if you have any thoughts, please share. I wanna know what you guys think.
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misterbardman · 8 months
Okay so I just read Lore by Alexandra Bracken and just,,, wow. I really loved the worldbuilding and some of the characters like Castor! I was a little annoyed with Lore throughout the book but that’s not why I’m writing this. Spoiler warning cause I’m gonna talk about the book with no hesitancy.
Literally as soon as Castor revealed that he had no idea what happened to him with Apollo, I pretty much knew that Apollo knew something the other gods hadn’t. It makes sense, sacrificing themself to then ascend. Though I wish we got to see more of the godly stuff because if he ascended, how did literally none of the other gods know? Is there somewhere only the ascended gods could go and not the remaining ones? It is really messed up to think that Apollo ascended, then Athena, but that’s literally it. None of the others ever got the chance to figure that out, and it took those two so long to figure it out.
Also kinda disappointed we didn’t get to see what happened from Castor’s perspective. Would’ve been a bit more interesting imo.
The only plot twists I didn’t like was the one where Athena killed Lore’s family?? Could’ve kept that as Wrath and just give Athena something else to show she was desperate.
That and how Lore throughout the book is like ‘idk where the shield is’ until she needs it then ‘lol I knew all along’,,, how the heck did no one find that shield 😭 they didn’t have cameras or anything? How did she lift that manhole cover or whatever??
Final thoughts: love the world building, love Castor, Apollo, Artemis, and most of Athena. Loved getting to see how people interact in the beginning at the party for Castor. Just kinda wish we got other perspectives or a few less flashbacks (swear i was getting whiplash whenever a flashback happened because by the time it was over I was like ‘okay so what was going on-‘)
I still think it’s worth reading! I read it cause I’m still very much having percy Jackson brainrot and this was similar enough so, I love that. Also love the book because PJO!apollo is my favorite by far so seeing lore!apollo was great imo.
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sillyclowncircus · 6 months
Oh no, silly brain rot
@o-i-w-u come get some gore
Au where the tsams characters all work at a school- but ya know me, murder murder murder- so uhm- everyone has a small twinge of evil- or a lot
And all the kids are orphans to explain why no one notices kids missing
Ack- murder school
Uuuhm- gore mention besties
Tw: gore, murder, death, children death, esting flesh, EVERYONE IS MURDERERS
Sun does art classes :D he really enjoys painting the most, and red just happens to be his favorite color! And who else but those misbehaving students to provide him with that red paint his loves so much? Whats a little loss of a misbehaving student for the cost of art after all? Besides, hes been teaching these kids for 3 months now! If their art hasnt improved yet, what use are they to him but paint providers?
Moon! Going with that basic bitch science teacher for him. He enjoys science and loves it even! It's such a nice pass time for him, something he can relax while doing! Thats why its so annoying when one of the students have to mess up his relaxation time! How could a student be so stupid to mix ammonia and bleach!? Some students just have to learn by being the victim of their own failed experiments... even if it results in a little death sometimes.
Killcode is a gym teacher. After all, who but the fast predator to be one? Kill code is well aware that he scares the students, and he thrives on that terror. He loves to give students difficult tasks. What does he care that you're getting ropeburn from climbing that 20 foot(about 6 meters, i think-) rope? If you fall, then you best get up and run and keep running til someone else falls, or you're going to find yourself torn to pieces to feed his family and other students.
Earth does both cooking and gardening! She loves planting things! Especially things like Castor Beans, Winter Daphne, and Dendrocnide moroides! She has a love for plants that are dangerous and well... dont be surprised if a Castor Bean seed ends up in your food if you happen to be rude to one of her favorite students. Earth may not like killing, but she does like knowing punishments have been given, even if it results in death. She pften cooks the meat of dead students so it doesn't go to waste. It is a shame to waste such good meat after all... and meat is good plant fertilizer.
Lunar does zoology! He brings animals into the school and lets the students meet them! Who cares if last weeks wolf killed a kid? Not Lunar, he's metal. The wolf couldn't hurt him! The raccoon had rabies, and it bit you? Well, the only way to tell with animals is cutting their head off and sending it to the lab, so say by to your head and off to Moon's lab it goes! And if he so happens to take you outside and into the woods within the schools the 3 miles of fencing? He's just there to feed the animals he keeps, and you happen to be the meal.
Bloodmoon does anatomy! If a body comes in whole, they'd use it to carve ooen and show their class, maybe eat an organ or two. When there's not one? Well... no one is gonna miss that short kid in the back, right? It would be fun to cut open a live one and let their students see a heart pumping, lungs drawing their last breaths.
BM1(Bloody) he especially loves the gore, he personally loves the live students to work on, finding the dead ones boring since they don't squirm and scream. He prides himself in making the students both terrified but intrigued
BM2(Harvest) prefers working on the dead bodies. The struggle of the live ones annoys him, too squirmy, too wriggly. Tho he does hate the cold feeling of the dead bodies, so sometimes he just kills a student the moment they walk in class to have a warm cadaver to work on.
SolarFlare teaches both math and reading. Personally, he doesn't like killing that much... but someone getting answers wrong irks him. He's worked so hard with these students for months, and that can't spell something simple that 'Knowledge' correctly? Or what 2544 ÷ 48 is? It's 53! They aren't worth his time, and he doesn't feel that another teacher should waste their time either. So he kills them, his go-to method being to break their necks so its quick and not too messy.
Solar is the janitor and technician. He's just... tired. There is too much cleaning to do, too many dead kids, and most of all... ugh, Eclipse is annoying. But he doesn't break his role of janitor, knowing that he really has nothing outside this school anyways, so whose gonna judge him for snapped and punching a student who annoys him? No one. At least he's not killing... or if he is, no one noticed... It's amazing what hydrogen peroxide can clean out of clothes after all.
Eclipse is the principal. He doesn't mind all the killing, but he prefers not to get his hands dirty. It's enertaining to watch students come complaining to him, though. He will kill, tho. A student breaming too many rules, making too many messes, out with no hall pass... those who break rules have no place in his eyes. So a quick death should do fine. But if there's one he just particularly hates... He's happy to take his time to peel off someone's skin
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