#this is why I was crying over s3 outfits
spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Hi @rarlkove :) gosh I loved this (but also omg this took so longgg), but like Zane angst and the composition and idea were very cool! Thank you for the challenge!! Hope you like it I’m really proud of this one!!
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hotluncheddie · 1 year
for @thefreakandthehair spring fanworks challenge! i chose the dialogue prompt “Listen, I’m a fern, okay? I need sunlight.” thanks so much lex for doing this again! so fun!!
(high school steddie, post s2 pre s3, 1.6k)
(now on Ao3 !)
Eddies Munson is the Marmite of middle ages female teachers. They either take his theatrics and short attention span in stride, seeing that yes he is trying he just needs things done a little differently. That he does genuinely think he’s funny when he spouts his little lines, the joke being aimed at the room and not at the teachers expense. That yes he is trying actually and does want to graduate, a lil’ help maybe? 
They either see that for what it is. Or, they hate his fucking guts. 
The theater teacher, much to his continued chagrin, seems to be in the latter. Which is abysmal, awful. Genuinely soul crushing for one Eddie munson.
Why? Because he needs to pass theater, with extra credit (for being ‘an integral and helpful part of the spring show’) in order to potentially scrape through and pass the year. Having to take senior year again you’d think some teachers would cut you a little slack, even to just see the back of you. But no, not in Eddie's experience. They fuck you over same as always. 
That's how he’s sitting out back on the theater building steps, dying for the cigarettes in his van. But he doesn’t wanna go over there. Can’t go over there, because he's dressed like a glorified shrub. 
‘Oof, what are you supposed to be?’
Oh how wonderful, beautiful, a truly glorious turn of events. Steve Harrinton is here. Eddie rests his face in his hands for a moment and resists the urge to scream. Steve Harrington in his stupid blue jeans and his new stupid glasses that he sometimes wears, which shouldn’t look as good as they do. Shouldn’t fit his stupid pretty face but they do. They do and Eddie wants to cry.  
Squinting up at Steve, who's haloed by sun rays because his giant, massive head is directly over the spring sunshine, Eddie sighs.    
‘I was supposed to be Puc, but noooo I'm the dry ass narrator with no creative freedom.’ He flings his arms up and glares down at the toes of his sneakers. Away from Harrington's big, stupid face. 
Because that's the real kicker. He likes theater, wants to be in the play, but whenever he tries to act the teacher just seems to think he's goofing off. And sure, maybe he took some creative liberties with the audition script. Maybe they’ve been in a sort of stalemate with the tone of voice the narrator should deliver certain lines in. But that's art, man! Interpretation! But the iron fisted Ms Farrel is having none of it. So Eddie has to take regular breaks to seeth.  
‘Puc? like hockey puck?’ Steve interrupts Eddie’s internal monologue, sounds actually confused. Oh to be pretty.
‘Listen, I’m a fern, okay? I need sunlight. so move outta the way would you. you're harshing my mellow.’ 
‘Geez sorry dude.’ Steve moves so he's next to Eddie, leaning up against the building wall. He messes with something in his jacket, moving it to the back of his jeans, then slips a pack and lighter out and lights up, talking out the corner of his mouth. ‘You want one? apology for the mellow? condolences for the outfit?’ 
Eddie rolls his eyes, fights down his smile. That was actually funny, maybe there were genuine reasons this guy was popular. Ones beyond generational wealth. 
‘Apology accepted Harrington.’ Eddie hums, plucks a smoke from Steve’s carton. Tries to steady his heart rate at Steve lighting if for him, leaning in and cupping his hand to protect the flame from the breeze and everything.  
Eddie inhales deep, closing his eyes to savor the taste. Feels a bit calmer now, less like screaming. ‘What are you doing here anyway? it’s Friday at 4, you not got fair maidens swooning for a romp with king Steve?’ Eddie peeks back over at him, sees Steve looking Eddies hand holding the smoke poised by his lips. 
‘Huh?’ Steve’s eyes snap up to meet Eddie’s eyes, ears tinting pink. Weird. 
‘You looking to score huh? Well, not right now, I’m wallowing.’ Eddie rubs at his eyes, glowers at the rustling of his costume.  
‘Oh nah, no, I needed some uh, extra credit. Had to talk to Ms. O’Donald.’ Steve pulls some rolled up papers out of his other back pocket and wiggles them. 
‘Ah a man after my own heart, I see.. Or are you just doing it to get into some Ivy League?’ Eddie cocks his head, sneers at the rich boy.
Steve just laughs, no anger. Scratches the back of his neck. ‘God no, I think I uh, missed the application deadline actually. Had, um, some health issues, so.’ He fiddles with his wire frames, looks embarrassed, maybe a little sad.
Eddie eyes him, The Fallen King. Steve Harrington. Eddie never really had that much of an issue with him. Always paid for his weed upfront and seemed to interact with Eddie with an air of vague boredom rather than, like, wishing Eddie was dead in a ditch. Plus there were those couple parties where Steve was wasted and spent some of the night just hanging around Eddie while he dealt. He was kind of a goofy drunk, kept asking Eddie what shampoo he used, refusing to take ‘whatever's cheapest’ for an answer. So, seeing him looking even slightly like a kicked puppy has Eddie’s “look out for people who know how cruel the world can be” radar going off. He doesn’t know the story but some shit went down with Harrington, you can't cover bruises like that.  
‘Well, don’t sweat it too much. Doubt anyones gonna start calling you four eyes. You’re still the cream of Hawkins crop dude, Ivy league or not.’ Eddie heaves himself up to stand, crushing the but of his cigarette out under his shoe. 
‘Plus, your extra credit looks like that.’ Eddie points at Steve's fist of papers. ‘While mine looks like this.’ Eddie holds his arms out, giving Steve a twirl and ending with a bow. ‘So cheer up buttercup.’
Steve dips his head and chuckles, looks up at Eddie through his lashes, grinning. It’s all sunshine and long days, sun warm skin and freckles. 
Eddie swallows and looks away. Bounces his shoulders against the brick. 
Steve clears his throat, mirrors Eddie’s positions against the wall. ‘Look, there is actually something I want to talk to you about. You run the D&D club right?’
Eddie hardens a little, see Harrington’s pretty chill, especially for the past year. But Hellfire is his baby. Eddie’s baby, full of Eddie’s people. 
‘I do.’ 
‘Right, so there's these kids I babysit and uh, they really like that game. They start highschool in the fall and I just wondered if you’d tell the other members to maybe keep an eye on them? Let them join and like, you know.’ Steve gestures vaguely to the school around them. 
Eddie can't help it, he moves so he’s back standing, facing Steve. Steve Harrington who just asked him to look out for kids, who he babysits for. Wearing glasses and looking like honey. While Eddie is covered in paper leaves and wearing what could honestly be argued as tights. What the fuck? 
‘Babysitter huh?’ Eddie smirks but sees the way Steve squares his shoulders and turns to face him, daring him to keep going. Eddie’s smirk softens to a smile. ‘I’ll let the guys know Harrington. Or, uh, recruit them myself if, you know, the extra credit doesn’t work out.’ And Steve smiles, understanding but there's no pity on his face. 
‘Thanks Eddie, appreciate it.’ Steve tugs on one of his leaves which makes Eddie blush because he's stupid and the straight boy in front of him is being nice. His name in Steve's mouth getting tucked away for a rainy day.  
‘Anytime.’ Eddie says quietly, finally noticing how close they’ve gotten. 
‘I’ll have to come see the play. Make sure to voice how “that narrator really puts on a show, truly spectacular”.’ Steve crosses his arms and brings a hand up to his chin, as if he's some snotty theater critic. Eddie snorts. ‘Butter up Ms Farrel for you.’ and Steve winks. Eddie's breath catching in his throat. 
‘I’d like that.’ Eddie rasps. Lame. Why is he so LAME. 
‘It’s settled then. See you front row.’ Steve smiles, boyish and charming. Eddie swears Steve's eyes flick down to his lips. But he's also willingly dressed as a tree so his judgment can't be trusted right now. 
‘Munson!!’ A voice calls from inside making Steve and Eddie jump, moving so they’re no longer standing almost toe to toe. Breaks over it seems. Eddie is definitely not looking forward to going back in there but, needs must. 
‘Well, uhm, duty calls.’ Eddie steps back. Giving Steve a little two finger salute, turning to go back up the steps. 
‘Break a leg’ Steve watches him go, a little amused glint to his smile. Eddie only trips over his feet a little ascending the stairs.  
Steve starts to walk backwards, towards the parking lot. He raises his voice slightly and Eddie stops in his tracks to listen. ‘Nice seeing you in a different outfit. You look a lot less scary.’ and that amused glint flashes in his eye, like he knows Eddie’s never really been scary at all. ‘I’ve been trying out a new look myself, sort of inspired by you.’ Steve winks again, turning on his heel and Eddie gets a full view of the light blue hanky shoved in Steve's right back pocket.
Eddie coughs, splutters, feels his brain fizzle and the blood in his body moves treacherously to one place. Sees Steve throw his head back and laugh as he walks away, must have heard Eddie choke on his own tongue. 
He needs a moment, slumping back down on the steps. Steve Harrington who babysits. Steve Harrington who's gonna come see his play. Steve harrington who might not be so straight after all. 
Maybe spring is his season.
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kiirotoao · 7 months
the ask :
so, i wanted to get ur opinion on s3 mike. such as, what he was going through and his internalized homophobia. things like that!
maybe some things w/ him and his relationship w/ el too!
I’m gonna pretend that I’m fine after weeks of getting flustered just staring at this in my inbox! Thank you, anon!!! 🥺🥺 You’re making me blush! But, uh, anyways! Let’s talk about Mike Wheeler! 💙
I think that Mike in season 3 is the most interesting version of himself in the entire show because of how hidden his story becomes. In all other seasons, Mike cries openly with other people and expresses his sadness and fears over Will and El.
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In season 3, though? Besides the finale, the tearful goodbyes narrated by Hopper, we never see Mike truly cry and explicitly talk through why. Sure, it can be pretty readily implied that it’s because of the Byers leaving, but we don’t hear that aloud. We don’t see exactly who’s on Mike’s mind as those cars pull away. We're left with silent and unsure stares, looks of seeming regret or something else unknown.
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Season 3 is truly a huge turning point for Mike, he’s losing his girlfriend and arguably his closest friend in the Party, and it's so easily overlooked because it all happens at the very end of the final episode. Whereas El goes through hell and fights to connect to Billy and save her friends, where Max also feels the weight of his loss, where Will gets his heartbreaking scene at Castle Byers - all the Party members who are very linked to Mike get their emotional moments that season, and we know exactly why they cry.
But Mike dances around his emotions all season long. In consulting Lucas to deal with breaking up and making up with El, in trying to tell El that he loves her without ever saying it, in fighting with Will because "it's not [his] fault [Will doesn't] like girls."
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Oh, Mike. I really don't think that Mike was out to hurt Will when he said that. Rather, it's a culmination of heteronormativity and the poor relationship that he has with El and trying to compensate for it. I interpret the outburst as him saying, 'it's not my fault that I'm in a relationship and you're not, so you wouldn't get it.' And by extension, Will being in a relationship would require, normatively, being with a girl.
But at the same time, for a jab that deep - I can't help but question more.
Mike could have said, "it's not my fault you don't like anyone!" or "don't bring her into this!" or even as simple as, "you wouldn't understand!" But no. Mike takes the direct train to sexuality station and brings up the fact that El is a girl. So it seems to me that Mike is very likely harboring something in his heart about why El being a girl is important for him to argue.
But we never know for sure. This moment is never addressed again due to the Mind Flayer’s sudden return. And so it’s up to us as the audience to decide what we think of Mike’s statement. And personally, as I’m sure many of you believe, too, I think that Mike is projecting and trying to hide the fact that he doesn’t like girls onto Will, pushing away his problems to someone he trusts who’s more similar to himself than he realizes.
Tied to his inability to say to El’s face that he loves her, to the fact that they've - reportedly from Hopper - kissed all Summer long with no mention of meaningful conversation, to the very surface-level relational mending his makes by calling El’s outfit “cool” and giving her candy, to the very end of the season where Mike once again denies saying that he loved El just before an open-eyed kiss and a face like this:
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Mike doesn’t need to say anything about that kiss for me to know that that’s not the reaction of someone who’s perfectly happy to be back together with his ex-girlfriend. So do I wish that we had a moment of vulnerability for Mike where he expressed his heart in season 3? Yes, but his nonverbals spoke volumes.
So, yeah, I think that in season 3, Mike is very much gay, but he he acts cautiously and self-preservingly because trauma is drowning everything out.
And what is this trauma? I know that I’m working backwards, but I need to bring up that Mike was separated from El for so long in the time of season 2, and I think that that makes him so attached to her in season 3. Think about what else he says in that scene when he admits his love: “I love her and I can’t lose her again.”
As sweet as it is to be reunited to El by the end of season 2, it’s not a clean reunion for Mike. He’s in shambles when he learns that Hopper was lying to him and not letting El even tell Mike that she’s okay.
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Not to mention that this isn’t his first but second time almost losing her to the monster that season.
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Because of this unstable connection, I think that Mike has built a protective relationship with El, one that focuses on keeping her rather than knowing her, and we see how that all unfolds with his superficial “superhero” complex he has of her in season 4. Season 3 was just the beginning.
And so I think that Mike in season 3 stands as a version of himself that’s confused protectiveness with love. Even though he arguably behaves with that same mindset all the time, it’s at its highest during season 3 because of his never-ending insistence to help El even if she’s capable to do things by herself. Mike isn’t just clingy, he’s worried. Worried for her life. There’s no time to worry about where the problems in their relationship arise, there’s only time to fix them and go back to how they were at equilibrium - when things were normal.
Thus, Mike behaves rather stubbornly. He’s insistent and defensive, not letting a single thing slip through the cracks and risk any more hurt. In doing so, his personality is left far under the surface and unexplored. He only acts to stir up emotions rather than reflect on them, because any pausing to think will only confuse him more. He’s looking ahead, looking at the light, holding onto everything good he has with all the propriety of a 13/14-year-old who has a heart bigger than his head.
Simply put, Mike is a bit of an anti-hero this season. And I think that it's because of this that he starts to get most controversial for the audience.
I’m clearly a Mike apologist, but I genuinely don’t think that he’s out to hurt anyone when he argues with others this season. He’s just stubborn and loud about it, which can definitely be to his fault at times. But in the end, when it comes down to who he loves, I think that season 3 is the era of change, and that ending scene with Hopper’s letter paints the perfect setup for the next seasons to reveal that Mike has a lot more going on under the surface that’s causing all of this. Maybe some regrets, things he wishes he could “turn back the clock” on, regarding, say, Will and El and how he treats them platonically and romantically? Just a thought.
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The question of the day for Mike in season 3 stands: is he being selfish or selfless? And I think that it’s a mix of both, blended in with some heavy confusion due to role changing (not needing to protect El) and uncertain affections (not knowing how to figure out what he has with Will).
So, yeah. All in all, I think that Mike is really closeted in season 3 and doesn’t realize it until the final episode, and I honestly love him for it. As someone who’s gone through similar hurdles of internalized homophobia as a teen, it’s really heartwarming to see him grow and figure things out, even if the journey is far from perfect. It’s a humble origin story. And if he somehow ends up being straight and Byler isn’t endgame, well. I’ll be upset at the writers, but the impact still stands.
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'when blue and yellow meet in the west' pt.2
I reached the image limit in the first post so season four will need it's own post.
First part is here!
⭑ Season 4:
Ah, yes, the lying, hiding and miscommunication season. This should be great.
El's outfit at the start has a lot of red, but still with some blue. Mike isn't around now, and she's being mostly true to herself at school, but that's the issue. People are mean as hell and don't like her for who she is.
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She wants so badly to be seen as normal, to live the life of an ordinary girl, but even now she's seen as weird and unusual. At least one sweet detail i noticed is that the flannel she's wearing might have been Joyce's.
I also find it sweet how red has been incorporated into Will's outfits, too. It happened a few seasons back, and it's a nice detail considering how undeniably close he and El are.
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Mike's in his Hellfire shirt. With El away, he doesn't feel the need to perform so much anymore, and feels more free to actively enjoy his interests and be himself again.
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The day Mike came to California, El was, once again, wearing mainly blue.
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And then there's.... Michael's outfit....
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Mmhm. Yellow over purplish blue. This is the outfit for the awkward ass airport hug, and the entirety of Rink-o-Mania, until they get home.
After his s3 realizations, he went straight back to repression. Acting totally weird around Will and forcefully happy around El again.
While Mike wears yellow, Will wears blue.
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Oh, also, the flowers Mike picked for El had "too much yellow", and "vomit green socks".
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Mike's fight with El here is a super important scene to mention. He's wearing mostly blue with just a few yellow accents, but he's still lying to El, isn't he?
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Oh, he's lying, alright. It's just not working.
El isn't running with it like usual. She's crying, confronting him about not being able to tell her he loves him and Mike's trying to convince her but even then, he can't say it. Eleven can see right through him. And the yellow... Well, I think we know why Mike can't say he loves her.
The monologue scene is the same case. About 0% of what he said in it was true, but El knows that. That's exactly why it didn't work.
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This is when the pink starts showing up again, but there are still layers of blue to remove before it's free.
Mike and Will switch back to their respective colors again, and make up from their previous fights. Will wears blue and yellow, and Mike wears that blue shirt with that godforsaken sideways pocket.
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These are the outfits they're forced to stay in for the rest of the season cause everything goes to shit afterwards.
Throughout the season, El sheds her blue layers, until finally, she's all pink.
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She realized she doesn't need him and they're definitely going to break up next season. She's finally free and will finally get to be herself without molding her image to fit into what others think she should be like.
Now it's Mike's turn to free himself.
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Okay, that was a lot! Once again, thank you @62percentmaplesyrup for all the help !!! I'll leave her posts linked down here if you guys wanna look for yourselves, it's a super interesting detail.
Here and here!
If any of you actually read through all of this, i really appreciate it. I worked on this for days on end lmao.
anyway byler endgame stay gay losersss
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stars-n-spice · 7 months
as always, spoilers under the cut and my thoughts are in no way coherent or in the order of how things happen in the episode
it's just me going to be screaming about whatever comes to mind as i type this
holy shit y'all new comfort episode just dropped!
kid you not, after seeing the episode i deadass went, "Wow, I'm so glad that episode didn't absolutely devastate me!" while I was like,, sobbing
whole episode i was either crying, screaming, or punching a pillow
can't even cry anymore, don't got no tears left
what is it with this show and having what would be emotional reactions to heavy things off screen???
fanfic writers you know what to do
Omega being back with Lula :( and her new outfit is so cute I love it so much :((
THEM BEING BACK ON PABU!!!! <3333 and still sleeping in their ship lol
Crosshair practicing :( and his aim just,,, getting worse :(((
will never ever ever ever get over cross and omega's dynamic,, I love them so much and I'm so glad he's back
I don't know how many times i went, "They're all back together!!" in this episode only to remember Tech isn't there and then sob violently
BUT ECHO FINALLY RETURNS - i'm kinda bitter about how he reacted to seeing Omega again because it seemed like,, like he was completely unfazed by the fact she was captured and sent to a hidden facility conducting god know what experiments BUT at the same time,, I could see it being that Echo always knew she was more than capable of escaping on her own so he wasn't too worried but STILL
"What no hug for me?" <- AAGUUHH,, and then the little smirk Crosshair gave after Echo's response,, they have no bad blood, love that
when Crosshair started talking about the facility I fucking KNEW he was talking about Barton IV and i was in so much pain,, agony even
Was NOT expecting them to return but I'm so glad they did because it played such a vital role in Crosshair's growth and returning to it and growing even more,, just,, aguughhh
WHEN HE FOUND MAYDAY'S HELMET,, FUCK FUCK FUCK minutes before that scene i was like "i swear to god if he finds something from Mayday-"
Hunter and Cross' dynamic in this was so fun to watch but also had me gnawing on my hands
could NOT get over the fact that they brought the dog with them on the mission, idk why but that's fucking hilarious to me
god I love Wrecker so much
"Omega trusts him and that's enough for me" FUCK
he wasn't super prominent in this episode but everything he did made me love him more
like you can tell the whole episode Wrecker was just waiting for the two of them to work things out
i missed all of them so much
it was so good to see them all work together
when he started to blame Hunter for his failures?? oh fuck as an oldest child that hurt SO much and I was so scared Crosshair was going to pull a "You're the reason why Tech is dead" card
But your honor they are brothers, I love them so much
"i said talk to him, not argue with him!" - "he started it" <- crosshair you cannot beat the youngest brother allegations
hey Crosshair probably didn't tell his brothers about his shaky hands,, ahahahahahaha,aha,,ahh,,,ha..
lmao love that being in a life or death situation and saving each other from it was what made Hunter and Cross start to trust each other
this episode was so great you don't understand
and i'm so happy nothing like,, terrible happened in it
yes I cried a fuckton throughout it but,, at least Omega is still with them and at least Echo is back (for now) and at least they're slowly starting to make up and be a team again
anyways,, nice episode,, can't wait for things to just get worse from here
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My thoughts on the characters throughout the seasons on my first watch:
Luther: very very annoying, ew incest, kinda wanted him to die only so the incest plot couldn't happen
Diego: Oh he's cool I like him, and him canonically being semi-verbal? Absolutely love that, me too
Allison: she's sweet, kinda annoying, not the best person but I can see she's trying so I'm going to try to like her, didn't like how she went about the Leonard situation, very worried when she almost died
Klaus: oh I love you, favorite character, best character, you kind of remind me of my friends
Five: you are so interesting I am staring at the screen intrigued, very cool power, but also the mannequin??
Ben: side character, I like his interactions with Klaus
Viktor: you are.. Interesting, however there is too much you and not enough Klaus
Luther: annoyance from last season persevered and I don't trust his interactions with Allison but the scene with the two Fives was really fun
Diego: why the jfk obsession why, also he is a complete dumbass lmao (/endearing)
Allison: I forgive her for the previous season she is top 4, very sweet, I love her and Ray
Klaus: you have been demoted to second favorite but I still love you I swear
Five: you are actively winning me over I have become so attatched you are such a bitter old man who loves his family so much I absolutely adore you
Ben: he is also winning me over, was very near getting really attatched to him at the end of the season and then he fucking died
Viktor: Liking him more now too, he's very sweet, I love him with Sissy and Harlan, the amnesia thing was pretty good, was very nice this season
Lila: not sure how I feel, conflicted, kinda don't like
Luther: fine you win I don't hate you anymore now go dance with your wife, also his reaction to Viktor coming out was so sweet I died, wasn't rlly worried about his death but damn all he wanted was a hug poor guy
Diego: "Do you feel loved? Good, you are" bangs fists on table, crying, screaming, also the whole thing with Stan was very sweet but Diego isn't rlly a good dad, not horrible, but as someone heavily interested in psych and parenting techniques; yikes my guy, you could do better
Allison: Oh her relationship with Viktor is so nice I hope nothing bad happens between them stares at the camera like in the office , also FUCK YOU, the SA was way way too far, completely irredeemable
Klaus: FIVE KLAUS ROADTRIP FIVE KLAUS ROADTRIP, also immortality thank fuck if you died I would have never recovered, all his interactions with Reginald all he wanted was for a good father :(, people need to start listening to him and taking him seriously asap I'm gonna lose it he deserves the world
Five: I would kill for you and your stupid old man outfits, also him being blamed for the apocalypse made my blood boil Five has been trying so hard to keep his family alive and he loves them all so much only to be treated like shit
Ben: I miss Umbrella Ben bring him back why is he such an asshole
Viktor: trans guy swag, all of the coming out scenes warmed my heart, liking his character more, him losing Harlan and Allison treating him like shit :(
Lila: She won me over she is so fun however what she did to Diego with Stan was shit
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years
except that’s not what derry girls is about and there’s even an interview in the new york times this week relating to that?? derry girls is about violence being so routine and normalized that it’s unremarkable to the characters.
I just woke up so this might be rambly but a show can be about multiple things. And whilst you are correct in that part of the story is about war being so normalised they don't even think about it as out of the ordinary, part of that is also that life continues to go on even in the darkest of times.
Derry Girls is a comedy. One of the first jokes is everyone complaining about being late to work because the IRA are trying to blow up a bridge.
In the early series we see this happen again with the finales. The day they all stand up with Orla and dance on the stage and affirm their friendship is the same day of a fatal bombing. Their happy and smiling, but somewhere out there there's a parent mourning the loss of their child and they will go home and learn the news and cry. But it works the other way around too. The day they get totally embarrassed in front of the whole school, where they have red paint/pig blood poured all over their outfits which they CAN'T return now even though they paid for them on their Mam's credit card is the same day as the IRA ceasefire. They'll go home miserable and fearful of their parents reaction and learn this amazing life saving news!
And yeah, those two ARE related to war, but they're still about life being a balance of good and bad at the same time.
My post in question in fact has nothing to do with war. Because, life continues to happen no matter where you are. That hierarchy of needs is bullshit, just because you can't have safety from violence doesn't mean you can't have glitter eyeshadow and movie marathons with your friends.
My post in question (and spoilers for S3) is about how the day of Clare's first kiss with a girl is the same day her father dies. One thing that is beautiful and exciting and a life affirming! The next is shattering, life destroying and the greatest pain Clare has experienced so far. It was also, random. They live in a war zone and the thing that takes him is his own big, loving heart.
We see Gerry going through the turmoil of needing to tell the girls about Clare's Dad but not wanting to ruin their last few moments of joy at this VIP event!
So I say again, one of the things that Derry Girls shows is that life is not a series of linear events. The best and the worst parts of your life can and will happen at the same time. We don't live within a cozy narrative, things are complicated and ongoing and messy as all hell. That's okay, that's how it should be and that's why you have to take every moment as it comes, because you don't know what moment may be your last. Be it from a bomb, or your own heart. Either way it hurts.
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I am literally half way through with 24 minutes left so, here we go!
CAMILA! YOU'RE BACK! And instantly being a mother, love you!! She came back and went "YOU ARE ALL SO EXHAUSTED YOU ARE ALL BABIES!"
NOOOO DON'T CRY BABY, god please tell me us as a fandom love the Collector after this, HE IS JUST A BABY
Woah. love the new outfit/appearance Luz!! ....And not knowing what one liner to say is amazing, me too sweetie, me too
RAINE fucking hell pal i kinda forgot about you, no offence, BUT I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE OKAY, AHHHH MY CUTIES
ooo did it work? now he is melting, well, kinda your fault Belos
COLLECTOR MY KIDDO!!!!!!! I am so glad you are okay
Philip? You are a terrible lying, like man, hush
Hell yeah! Squish the man!!!
"Dang kid, you do have tall genes" Okay but please tell me there is fanart of aged up King where they still pet him but he is like, 100x times bigger than everyone
"I loaf you" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? I AM ALMOST TEARY OVER A BREAD PUN?! fucking titans (/aff)
i am so glad the collector is okay, like i am so fucking happy
STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH, Steve and lilith are besties, I accept nothing less
i will go insane over them I am not kidding BUMP!!!!!!! Ed and Emira!!!! Boscha and her grudgby team, reunited at last
DARIUS AND EBER MY FAVOURITES, just absolutely refusing to let everyone go back to how it was
STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been a steve fan since day 1, I am glad he is convincing the others to leave the emperor's coven (that really shouldn't exist anymore nor any other coven)
AHHHH Luz and Amity and Luz and Camila! AH EDA AND CAMILA!!!!!!
WHY IS HOOTY YAS-IFIED?!? I had to pause to fucking laugh here, 10/10 THEIR FRIENDSHIP BROOOOO
Francois reunited with king, as things should be. NO DON'T GO BACK TO THE STARS SWEETIE
Luz gets to keep Springbean tho, that's good, I am very glad
Please tell me she has an easy way to and from the demon world thing
WOAH WAIT, ITS MAGIC COLLEGE?! NOT HUMAN ONE!? THANK GOD, and of course she chose all of them, as she should, I would too, she is iconic
"Luz.. you saw them last week" MOODDDDDD
VEE!!!!! AUHDOSL, the house looks so good now too, damn, COLLECTOR YOU ARE ICONIC FOR THE DOOR THERE
okay the credits have started but there are 5 minutes left still, so I will continue watching
NOOOOOOO FLAPJACK, fuck i will cry, please, you are okay, promise...... guys I think flapjack may not be coming back(/lh)
Bump the gardener is making me laugh but in a great way, as he should, he looks so happy
Eda the headmaster is so amazing, awwwwww that is quite sweet in a way, finally liking school because its how it should be now
King's little badge now saying "KC" is making me go feral, for a moment I forgot he was adopted officially
COLLECTOR1 AWODJW, god I love this too much
Oh my god. I've finished the show. DAMN. THAT WAS GREAT
I am so glad I started this show.
Also for anyone curious, it took me 2 and a half hours total to watch this finale episode. Which, I am not proud of BUT HEY, i savoured every moment
God, that was legit amazing, I feel like screaming for a whole day now, this is weird, I am speechless, I have no idea what to say
I am incredibly happy I can finally engage in the fandom though, and follow so many more blogs now and such
Thank you to those who have followed me on my journey, and this has been, an adventure? Is that too cheesy and big of a word for this? Ah I don't care, this has been great, i started this show to distract myself and MAN did it do that
I cannot wait to keep posting about this show now, and find out all the little lore facts that are canon that i missed!
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elis-exists · 1 year
So, I just watched the S3 finale of The Owl House and I have a lot to say. Spoilers ofc. Also please tell me if The Collector's pronouns are He/Him or They/Them. I use He/Him in one paragraph and They/Them in another, so please tell me thanks!
The ending for The Owl House and Amphibia felt similar (IN A GOOD WAY) with the protagonist "dying", coming back to life with grand power to end the massive threat, and then living again with the proper chance to say goodbye. I have to say, this got me crying/tearing up on a few occasions, especially with how childish and pure The Collector is. (I just realized I have to change my pfp I'll do that later) He just wants to make friends, but he's unaware of how to do so because everyone he's met has used him for their own advantage.
The Collector is one of my favorite characters because he's like me; We don't know how to make friends properly and just hope it works. They just want to help and I can't blame them, especially when Luz takes the hit for them. The fact that it took them a bit to realize that Luz was actually gone broke me. The Collector is so pure. I love them and want them to be my friend. Also, when Luz, Eda, and King were showing The Collector how they became friends, they started looking upset and during the games they played. They felt left out and I can understand that, making me relate to them more.
Raine is my most favorite character for various reasons but that's for another post. The fact that they were possessed by Belos as a puppet was like "Bitch what the fuck?!". Also, the fact that the moon sticker came off to reveal Raine's original outfit was like a punch in the stomach and I can't explain why. I wanna give props to them for fighting off the little shit that is Belos and the fact that Raine broke their violin to protect the Titan's heart just shattered me, especially since it didn't work.
Closer to the middle/end where the trio (Luz, Eda, and King) come to save Raine, they were whistling Eda's Requiem and I had to get up from my bed and just stop like "damn stop trying to break my heart" so yeah. At least they and Eda got their happy ending tbh good for them.
There are also a few things I want to point out that aren't long enough to have paragraph explanations, but I don't want to gloss over them:
Camila as a puppet was crying when Luz's light particles(?) entered The Archives, giving her that motherly instinct that her daughter is gone without her even realizing it.
The Collector was going to sacrifice themself to save everyone else in The Archives probably because Luz sacrificed herself for them.
Everyone (I think) understood that The Collector wanted to help and let him.
Alador and Darius got a gay scene (okay maybe not gay but it gave off the vibes, especially since I ship them.) (The scene is during the credits when Owlbert is getting the others in The Demon Realm)
The fact that the birds just don't care that the trees on the Titan's arm are sideways and just perch there anyways is amazing.
Everyone got a glow-up and I'm here for it
I love how overly animated some of the scenes are. It makes it more immersive and energetic and I am here for it as well.
The Titan in The Inbetween wearing a Bad Girl Coven shirt and Glyph pajama pants with a little Hooty replacing his right eye is something I thought I'd never see, but I love it. He's such a dad.
The "I loaf you" message The Titan wanted Luz to give to King is such a dad thing to do and I fucking love it. Gave me something to laugh about after the angst I just witnessed.
Hunter working with Eda's dad (I'M SO SORRY I FORGOT HIS NAME I KNEW IT BEFORE) in Palisman carving is just AHHHHHHHH MY HEART
Everyone growing up and doing what they love is so amazing I wish Disney didn't cancel TOH so that we could've had more exploration, especially the lore.
Raine's face is stained from Belos' goop and it looks like they've been crying forever and idk what to say.
That's not all I have, but for rn it is. Tell me what you thought about the finale. If you made it this far, tell me which version of Raine I should cosplay (the original, the puppet, or the glow-up/finale version)
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clovesnz · 1 year
not snz at all, I just watched g/ood o/mens s2 and ahhh
I’m REELING so here are my thoughts this has spoilers and is not meant to be calm or collected
First of all I am in love with M/urial literally what a cinnamon role literally from their first scene what a darling I would die for them
Alright and then there is B/eelzebub and I had trouble looking at them last season because of all the gore but then they got rid of the gore and got an actor who has a VERY attractive smirk and so like every scene with them I was literally like why is b/eelzebub like SMOKING now??? Like hello I can’t look away??? wouldn’t even mind the teeth like have at me
And then there is tha boys and well D/avid T/ennant already had my whole heart but this just made it worse again like goddamn I will never get over the swagger walk 😭 and the outfits?! And the silly little jumps he does in that one scene in heaven??!? And of course M/icheal S/heen is great though I’m pulling so hard for Azi to come around because we all deserve it
Loved that G/abriel was more endearing in this season and living for his whole storyline with beeb and the song kinda makes me feel like crying now
I have actual like, character analysis thoughts about all of it too and the parallels and the feeeeelings that isn’t just me simping over everyone if you wanna hear those lmk lmao
Overall I found the season kinda bitter sweet because I could definitely feel the absence of TP, if I were to describe it I would say that it felt more like well produced fan fiction, but I’m honestly not mad about that at all I had a blast and they better make a s3 after what they did to us
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x15 the final nail
At least the dog said “hey help, mom is dead” but wow those nails are brutal!
This is season 3. I can’t tell if s1 & s2 took place over one year or two, esp since s1 was short & at the end of s2 castle retired for the summer. Then he returned in s3. So yes, yes Ryan has already had a valentine’s day with Jenny.  JE: Lanie doesn’t care for that kind of stuff KR: kha, all women care. Beckett! You & Josh, u got big plans for valentine’s day, right? KB: Josh is a surgeon, I’m a cop. In the unlikely event that we have a couple hours free on monday night we might go to dinner.  JE: See?
(the boys just talking in there lol)
KB: Hey castle, it’s beckett, call me when you get this. JE: Ooh, castle is going to be sorry he missed this. KB: Why? JE: Society murders! Rich people are always the freakiest. 
Outfits are great. We have Beckett in her casual fancy outfit as usual, double breasted which is always nice; ryan with a black shirt, dark blue+black striped tie which we have seen before, & possibly a scarf there, nice grey jacket; then esposito with his fashionable dark green felted coat, grey scarf, looks like a jacket, & then another shirt. Layers. This man must be bisexual or trans to like all those layers. 
I like this gal explaining the scene. 
See? I told you. freaky. (beckett likes the weird ones)
The types. Esposito talks to gang cops & ryan talks to the people.  (sito used to be on gang squad) When did the ME leave?  Castle!? Why does this guy need to have a friend who is in with the nypd? Castle that promise is not yours to make.  Ricky shut it. You can say to him “she just needs to ask” & undermine her authority In Private. Not in front of the vic’s husband. Good to let them know personally. 
Yo castle! He sounds so happy to see castle. Hey you made it! What were those looks between beckett & esposito? RC: & I’m just speculating, maybe has some experience with nail guns?!!!
I love the way esposito pronounces his own name Esposito needs some hair btw. & today he is wearing what seems to be a darker green felt suit coat but it may be the lighting & it may be the same coat as last night. Then he is wearing a suit jacket underneath his coat, which (through the captions) I initially assumed was a vest.  Ryan has what looks like a double breasted coat & then a sweater. His dress shirt is ugly tho.  Dang that’s an expensive ring! Why would you get a piece of jewelry if you are not going to wear it? He’d be a millworker then, a cabinetmaker. Love a good trade.
These two literally just got here (btw ryan in fact does have a suit jacket underneath his coat) why are they putting Back On their coats? (Wait the inside of esposito’s jacket it blue! Oh now that’s nice! Sorry I apparently love costume design. I used to be really into musical scores but I’m going deaf & TV typically doesn’t have scores the same as movies. Then I was into camerawork for a while, being a DP seemed interesting.) (also uh twin moments puttin gon their coats) Castle idk why you decided to jump to the conclusion that their discomfort with you was bc it sounded dirty.  They just stole the coffees of beckett & castle!! & then you see esposito take a sip & ryan lift it to his mouth before trading in the background. Great detail. 
She cry-- She cried? I see beckett’s slavic language skills & social mirroring are still a thing. 
He is the reason Rick started writing. That & james bond.
That sounds relevant to the investigation castle. Also man got a vacation home in puerto rico? Dang I hate rich colonizers. 
Suddenly castle’s unshakable faith must not be so unshakable.
Or maybe not. Wow this is a shouting match.  Castle shut it. (looking thru the glass I can see ryan standing watching, talking with esposito. then they cut to him walking up) Oh wait Ryan is wearing jeans with his outfit. That’s a good note. KR: What’s going on? JE: Mom & Dad are fighting. (XD mom & dad) KR: Who’s winning? JE: *turns around to look at ryan instead of the fight* KR: *shrugs* Interesting framing. They usually have Ryan sitting while Esposito stands. This time it’s the other way around.  Both just pick up the phone & fake conversations XD WAIT DID YOU SEE RYAN PICK UP THE PIECE OF PAPER THEN FLIP IT BC IT WAS UPSIDE DOWN  & then esposito looks so soft for her... (the actors play it as if especkett have some history) btw ryan says “thanks bill” to his phone, he mentions in a later season that he usually talks to bill “over there” continuity <3
Castle’s ^-^ face.
I mean it would have surely been good for the kids. Is it more likely that he is not involved in both, is it more likely he is involved in both, or is it more likely is is involved in one not the other? If the latter, which one? Rank them. 
Good of him to apologize
*when his father was murdered. & also that money is gone.  What is a tennis bracelet? Why do ppl like them & why are they cher? She’s right castle.  Oh outfit update! Becket looks pretty as normal, castle is dressed the way he usually is, ryan looks good except for the tie, & esposito is wearing.. a hoodie? RC: Alright! Let’s go get this guy, huh? *slaps file back into esposito’s chest* JE: *looks at beckett confused & possibly angry* KR: *Looks at beckett with puppydog eyes* KB: Ok, go. I got it.  KR, short & strained: Thank you! *As he runs off* (won’t clip)
I love castle stuck in the back of the car Don’t u guys usually have one go around the other side in case he runs? Oh & there he goes on the truck. Good for him! Yo look at esposito running faster than the truck (it is still speeding up & in a small area) But why doesn’t one of them go get the car in case of a car chase?
woah that’s weird. U can just get a gun pulled on you in the usa. People should go back to the old fashioned way of fighting: fists & feet.  Oh hey I just noticed castle is in the interview room with espt  & ryan is not in the room.  Hun don’t say “If I were him I’d have killed her too just to shut her up” like my dude that is Not something you want to say. Ever. That’s why it was so weird to me when beckett told castle “I’m going to kill you” literally while on the phone with her boss
Castle HAS done an interview with esposito
RC: Yes but JE: ihyi! *holds up hand* Mum said you tell ppl to have a good game even if you are mad. Idk how much I believe her tho bc I have siblings.  KR: .. What’s in a playroom? RC: Not much more than a bed... (All three look at rick) RC: Yes I’m a member Girl you what
Confidentiality!!! Why did she come with them? She wasn’t arrested so did she request that they do this away from her place of work? How did the wife figure out that it was the desk lady specifically? That’s sus of him. That’s valid That’s also sus of him.
You don’t know him either castle.  Wow beckett that’s harsh but actually not harsh & she is very good for the soft explanation Wow that’s a story. Interesting & fluid change between he pronouns & you pronouns
I love alexis & martha.
They’ve had this conversation before. You should have told me.
Ok so since the captions are missing the spanish, I’ve put on the spanish sub. AH FRICK IT ISN’T CAPTIONING THE SPANISH BECAUSE IT ASSUMES I’M A HEARING PERSON, BRO I AM NOT PUTTING ON CAPTIONS BECAUSE I DON’T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE I AM PUTTING ON CAPTIONS BECAUSE I’M FRICKING DEAF. The french captions also do not have it written. I thought I might as well try. Ok it goes smth like this, but again I’m hoh & have audio processing issues, I also don’t speak spanish but I have romance language experience & google translate JE: hola, que haces siendo aqui?  - hi, what are you doing, being here? Blanca: Este loco [...] (I actually can’t tell, my ears are not good enough, my spanish is not good enough, & anything I put into google translate is wrong.) - This madman (idk) JE: Ah, Lo siento. Buena suerte.  - Ah, I’m sorry. Good luck. RC, not realizing they just laughed about how crazy & annoying he is: Yeah. I don’t know what...
Edit:  hola que estas haciendo aqui este loco me hizo venir con el // MADE ME COME WITH HIM lo siento buena suerte
Good that the first thing he does is acknowledge that they were right
Castle out here solving decades-old murders, huh
Heartfelt yet humorous!
AC: Dad, that case is older than me. & then she helps him with it, regular little detective!
Meh white sapphires are better than diamonds & ugh hearing him say silicon carbide, “silicon carbide is the hardest common abrasive grain, measuring 9.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness, very close to that of diamond.” It is found naturally as Moissanite & honestly looks better than diamond in some ways. Sorry I just really really love minerals & rocks. Silicon carbide is generally made in labs tho. White sapphires are actually more different to diamonds than silicon carbids & diamonds’ differences. White sapphires are still top notch tho. & tbh quartz, which is silicon dioxide, has a better structure to it imo. Hexagons are some of my fave shapes. & I mean quartz is still what a 7 on the moh’s scale of hardness? A lab grown quartz is better than any old rhinestone. Oh my goodness I’ve just realized how much time I spent reading & writing about this. Rocks are just so good. 
But richard castle believes in you & I believe in him. Yes you have damien. 
Love <3.  Rutherford scholarship?
KB: Guys, I hate admitting it, but castle might be right Oh & outfit update: Ryan is not wearing a tie with his cute sweater & esposito looks good in purple; purple shirt, purple tie. Beckett has a cute pink shirt.
KR: So, what did you decide about Lanie & Valentine's Day? JE: Oh. I'm gonna play it safe and show up with a gift. KR: Hm. JE: I found this little jewelry store that sells stuff, you know, that.. girlfriends like. (xd stuff that girlfriends like.) Necklaces, charm bracelets. What about you? What are you gonna do? KR: Oh, Jenny loves chocolate. *nods* JE: Jenny's planning her wedding. JE: Your girl's on a diet and you're gonna give her chocolate? (he’s right)
That was weird tho.  JE: Thought so. (to ryan) Let’s bring em both in.
Ah, very casual huh. Why would she say that tho? It incriminated her. Jolene! I’m begging of you please don’t take my man!
Kismet. Destiny, fate? Man’s got a nice shirt. 
No, No... He still has the map? Oh no, no this is so sad, no DX DX DX But hey Salazar is here again so that’s neat!
KB: "Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." F. Scott Fitzgerald said that. RC: It must have been Ernest Hemmingway who said, "Man, I sure could use a drink right about now." [...] KB: U ok? RC: Yeah, I'm fine. KB, hitting him gently with her elbow: Liar
got all my clips. I actually rewatched this one & separated mustard/pennycress seeds at the same time
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bestworstcase · 3 years
Do you think Rapunzel can be condescending at times?
absolutely yeah
as is the case with most of rapunzel's flaws, it's most evident in her interactions with cassandra because frankly - ok i have to back up here a little and start this off with a hot take™
i don't think rapunzel likes who cassandra is very much.
she does love cassandra. she desperately wants to be friends with cassandra, and she enjoys spending time with cassandra.
but the cass rapunzel knows is this very dependable, steady person who showed her the ropes of coronan society and is always sort of there to provide support when rapunzel needs it, and who is also blunt-spoken, honest, maybe a little too closed off, and a little rough around the edges.
when... the reality is that cassandra is a very ambitious young woman whose driving motivation is to leave. she is a dependable steady presence at rapunzel's side because that is her job. she wants to be a guard. she wants to be respected and seen as her own person. she is very carefully trying to thread the needle of genuinely being rapunzel's friend whilst also fulfilling the requirements of her duty as rapunzel's servant, which necessitates being very careful about what parts of herself she reveals to rapunzel. she's brash. she's very independent. she likes to fight. she feels constrained and stifled in coronan society generally and in rapunzel's shadow specifically.
every single time rapunzel gets a real glimpse of this reality she reacts... well, in pretty condescending ways.
cassandra thinks a romantic holiday is annoying and stupid? rapunzel concludes that she is deeply unhappy because she's single and makes it her mission to cheer cass up, ignoring cassandra's repeated and increasingly firm attempts to get her to stop.
cassandra says something is going on that she isn't ready to talk about and asks rapunzel to be patient until cass is ready to discuss it? rapunzel stalks her to find out what it is, and then blames all the consequences of that decision on cass because if cass had just told her everything then rapunzel wouldn't have interfered.
cassandra breaks her leg and, after having it properly seen to by a doctor, asks to be left alone so she can rest while she heals up, and then gets increasingly frustrated and cranky when rapunzel refuses to stop bothering her? rapunzel can't fathom why cass won't accept her "help" and implies the situation is equivalent to red and angry running away.
cassandra vibes with the vardarans and happily incites a street brawl for fun and to drum up excitement for rapunzel's goodwill festival? rapunzel scolds her ("we're supposed to be celebrating goodwill!") and then tries to apologize to the sheriff on her behalf.
cassandra tries to tell rapunzel that she feels insecure because rapunzel no longer trusts her judgment, and rapunzel shuts her down hard because "i'm going to be the queen someday, and i'm going to make decisions you don't agree with, and i need you to be okay with that."
cassandra is hurt and angry because rapunzel's decision-making left her disabled and likely in horrific and constant pain? rapunzel gets mad at her, blames her for the injury, refuses to apologize, and purposefully isolates cassandra from everyone else in the group including owl with the intention of forcing cass to make up with her so things can go back to normal between them.
every time they have a conflict, no matter how large or small, rapunzel's instinctive reaction is to assume that cassandra is the problem. and that's where the condescension springs from. she has this... underlying and i think probably subconscious feeling that cassandra's independence, her boundaries, her rough edges, her feelings that do not align with what rapunzel wants her to feel... that in small doses these things are okay, even appealing, but the instant they come into conflict with what rapunzel wants or thinks they become. A Problem. that needs to be Fixed.
this happens from time to time with other characters as well but with cassandra it is constant, i think probably because their personalities are so wildly different in so many different ways.
allllllllso there is an extent to which toxic positivity is just. innately condescending in and of itself. like forcing this upbeat peppy attitude on people is inherently patronizing. so there's also this like low-grade constant background radiation of condescension going on as well.
also also, i 100% believe this was an intended flaw and my pet conspiracy theory about the likely executive meddling in s3 was that the tts writing team was forced to scrap an arc that would have involved rapunzel reckoning with this, and i think we can actually still see the vestiges left over. consider the following:
1. in crossing the line, cassandra outright says that rapunzel has been condescending to her for the entirety of their relationship: "this has to stop now/this thing where you think that you've been my friend/and don't even hear how you condescend/the way you've always done" -> crossing the line in general has this odd dissonance with the rest of cassandra's villain arc where, in CTL, cass is very much focusing on rapunzel's treatment of her and the unfairness of her own position in corona more generally - all of which gets swept under the rug in the rest of s3.
2. in both rapunzeltopia and s3 a point is made of emphasizing that rapunzel's view of cass is lady-in-waiting cassandra. lotus dream cass cheerfully occupies her role as rapunzel's servant, and only appears as her "real" self (represented by her appearing in her preferred outfit) once the dream is twisted into a nightmare. and in s3, rapunzel reaches past all of cassandra's weapons - possessions that actually represent who cass is - to cry into her lady-in-waiting uniform; and every time she reminisces about cass, it's cass in the dress. it's never spelled out but the implication of all this is pretty damn clear.
3. at the end of plus est en vous rapunzel says that she always thought cassandra's place was beside her in corona, but acknowledges that was wrong and that cass deserves to leave and be free and live her own life outside of those constraints. she never quite apologizes - because evidently disney vetoed the princess being framed as in the wrong in any way - but there's still a marked difference between the attitude implied by that statement and the attitude she displays towards cass throughout the rest of the show.
so, this is my theory for how s3 was intended to play out originally:
- gothel is merely the last straw. cassandra takes the moonstone and flees after spitting rapunzel's last bit of condescension back in her face.
- zhan tiri encourages cassandra to ruminate on everything rapunzel did that hurt her, slowly cultivating the smoldering embers of her anger into an uncontrollable inferno.
- meanwhile rapunzel struggles to make sense cassandra's betrayal while it slowly dawns on her that... maybe cass was right. maybe she is condescending. maybe she did take cass for granted, and maybe she doesn't know cass as well as she thought she did.
- the symbolism rapunzeltopia set up of this divide between Happy Servant Cass In Her Gown on the one hand and Angry Vengeful Cass In Her Own Clothes + Burnt Hand becomes a visual shorthand the way rapunzel views cassandra, with Happy Servant Cass slowly being discarded as rapunzel more and more sees cass as she truly is: an independent person who has been terribly hurt by the way rapunzel treated her, despite rapunzel having the best intentions
- when they are trapped during zhan tiri's rampage, this is the subject of their conversation rather than rapunzel randomly apologizing for being an obnoxious flower child in the first few weeks; she talks about the traits that she saw that made her want to be friends with cass, and then segues into talking about how despite how much she cares about cass she really... didn't know cass that well, didn't bother to get to know her, and took for granted that cass would always be there and how that led to cass suffering so much pain - both emotionally and physically - and that's what she apologizes for.
- and then all this leads much more naturally into what rapunzel says when she and cass are saying goodbye at the very end, because we've seen that character growth happening on screen.
but since rapunzel wasn't allowed to be wrong because disney princess brand, most of this arc had to be ripped out and all we're left with is these weird hints around the edges of the hole it left behind.
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supercasey · 4 years
What Your TMA OTP Says About You
By a dumb asexual who makes too many sex jokes
Jon/Martin: You project onto/kin at least one of these two fools, but no matter what, you are yearning for a relationship like theirs. You're also probably a theatre kid, at least spiritually.
Elias/Peter: You like the dynamic of Jonmartin, but you think it would be 10x better if Martin bullied Jon back and if they were both GILFs. You also probably have "Big Boy Man" as your ringtone.
Tim/Sasha: You believe that both of these characters deserved better, and you probably love the Archivist Sasha AU more than life itself. Also, Tim gets pegged.
Basira/Daisy: You are a hotbed of drama, which is completely unintentional on your part and you rarely participate in it at will; you just want some quality wlw content, and you will not be stopped from getting it.
Melanie/Georgie: You are completely done with Jon's shit, but you still find him somewhat endearing in his panic induced stupidity. You are also a wlw and want to live in a small apartment with your gf and cats, but only if the apocalypse is happening in the background.
Michael/Gerry: You like Jonmartin, but you also want to crank that shit to 100 and blast MCR in the background while they kiss. You also might kin Nico from PJO, and you are most certainly a scene kid.
Jon/Gerry: You are all about that sadboi content, and I honestly can't tell which of these depressed motherfuckers you kin, but I know you kin at least one of them.
Jon/Martin/Gerry: Same as Jonmartin, but you're dead certain that Gerry would be an amazing addition/middle man for them and that he would've gotten them into a relationship together by the end of season 1.
Gertrude/Agnes: There is literally nothing more heartbreaking yet addictive to you than starcrossed lovers that can never be together because of circumstances outside of their control. You're also gay.
Leitner/Gertrude: You honestly just find it so funny that Jonny Sims' parents voice these characters so that's why you ship them. You either hated or loved when they roasted Jon at the end of S3, there is no in-between.
Jude/Agnes: You are a Jude Perry kinnie/you want to set the world on fire beside the woman of your dreams. Probably a top.
Jon/Tim: You lived for the sassy bits between Tim and Jon in seasons 1-2 and you would give anything for Tim to have kissed Jon to shut him up midway through a rant.
Mike/Simon: You're here to love Mike Crew and fuck some GILFs. Press F to pay respects to our short king.
Jon/Michael: I don't know what's going on with you after S3, but dear God do you wanna fuck monsters, specifically if they look like a Bill Cipher humanization that you can only perceive while doing acid.
Jon/Elias: You are an Eliasfucker and you wear that badge with pride.
Martin/Peter: You are an Eliasfucker and you hide this fact at all costs. Also you probably have a very complicated relationship with your father.
Jon/Basira: You thought Tim was spot on about these two being good together; they're bookworm buddies!
Jon/Georgie: You cannot get enough of absolute off his shits college!Jon and frankly, good for you. You also want Georgie to peg you.
Melanie/Basira: Just a couple of gals being pals, and nothing is sexier than performing life-saving, non-consensual surgery on your GF so she doesn't start killing people... according to you, apparently.
Jonah/Barnabas: You heard Jonah say that he held affection for a character mentioned exactly one time even though he left him to die, and you went fucking feral. Tbh you just wanna get with a Victorian dude.
Jonah/Mordecai: This is just Elias/Peter but with more Victorian outfits and letters that would be considered incredibly scandalous, even for the era. Also it makes Elias/Peter 100x more uncomfortable, but I guess some people are into that???
Jon/Martin/Tim: Why be just friends when you can all be in a gay polyam relationship together and kiss? In other words, every fight between Tim and Jon has gutted you like a fucking fish.
Jon/Martin/Tim/Sasha: Same as before, but you stan the first season of the series so hard that people outside the fandom think it's an office comedy.
Gertrude/Elias: Somehow you came to the conclusion that if Elias got pegged then none of the bullshit in the series would've happened.
Melanie/Helen: You're similar to the Jon/Michael shippers in that you wanna fuck monsters, but more like the kind of monsters that make your eyes bleed and your brain melt when you fully perceive them.
Jon/Helen: You either started shipping this as a joke or to cope with the death of Michael, there is no in-between.
Jon/Nikola: You heard Jon admit that he got daily, fully body lotion massages from Nikola and you lost your fucking mind. Clownfucker.
Breekon/Hope: Breekon's statement made you cry for a hundred thousand years, and you will never be over it. Fuck getting a bunch of divorces like Lonelyeyes, you wanna stay with your soulmate until the end of time!
Nikola/Jane Prentiss: You want more wlw content, but specifically you want them to be cartoonish supervillains who can't stop kissing each other in the middle of trying to murder Jon.
Alright, that's all the one's I'm doing. Please don't send me any hate, these are all just meant to be jokes!
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saturnaftertaste · 3 years
I would love to hear your thoughts on YJS3
sure! fair warning, though, I'm a ranty person by nature so this might end up being a bit long. sorry in advance ♡
anyway! things I liked:
the humor: s3 was pretty funny lmao, theres that whole collection of outta pocket scenes from throughout the season that I find hilarious each time + the humor was a little more dirty which is nice bc the audience has also grown up from the kids they might've been when they watched it on CN
dickbabs!: I'm not a huge fan of dickbabs, I prefer dickkory (no hate to dickbabs stans btw I just vibe more with dickkory) but this dynamic between the two of them was so sweet and well-balanced I couldnt help but squeal everytime they were on-screen
Clark and Conner getting along: them calling each other brothers was so CUTE I canttt
FORAGER: an absolute legend 10/10 freaking love him
That Episode With The Hallucination: mmmmmmm I miss wally. SO MUCH. and the og 6 I was Super Mad about the first timeskip so it was nice to see them all together again🥰
yeah that's about it for things I liked lmao. now time for the Much Longer list of Things I Hated:
HALO: young justice the bar was so fucking low how are you still successfully doing the limbo what the fuck. you take a muslim immigrant in what is VERY CLEARLY a hijab and 1. infantilize her to an exceptionally uncomfortable degree (I KNOW SHE WAS THE MOTHERBOX, I DONT CARE) to the point where she resembles a five-year-old with every sentence she speaks or action she takes 2. you made a visibly muslim girl claim that she's actually no longer muslim, she's just wearing the hijab as some kind of security blanket???? I'm sorry??? what the fuck were you aiming for here exactly 3. why did you have to name her violet harper. what. 4. really?? the immediate romance with brion? What the shit was up with that...you make her Muslim in some aspects like victor not seeing her hair when she brushes it but her LITERALLY making out with brion like I'm sorry what the fuck are you doing??? you had one muslim character and you fucked up so bad holy shit...like...it could've been simple as hell, man, but no...Big Yikes.
M'gann: I've said this before but I really feel like once they introduced artemis m'gann immediately became a side character whose only job is to be villainised again and again even though it doesn't really vibe with her character. Secret teams?? Lying to Conner??? This isn't s3 but that whole thing with their breakup in s2...what the shit are they doing to M'gann, man. I loved her so much in s1, she's literally trying her best after having gone through so much and it's never fully explored...like we get half explanations every season but we're never shown half the shit that we were given for artemis. And by making her the Uncool Girlfriend at points it just looks like they're trying make her easy to hate like what the fuck. no. stop it
The Plot: too overcomplicated, too many characters. It's only season three, why are you introducing Apokolips already. Why are there so many characters?? what's with all the subplots yall were switching location cards every five minutes. And it's so convoluted...like...what was going on with Beast Boy and the monkey-god-doom-patrol-exposition stuff? I can't even remember if there were two granny goodnesses or just the one. All of those meta kids left over from the last season are a cute cast but like...I was so bored??? we know you can do well-written self-contained storylines a la s1, so hop to it, yeah?
THE ANIMATION: ok ok ok so. season 1 and two (one especially) had a very distinct feeling to them and that feeling was very late-2000s Cartoon Network Action Show - the base model for the males and females is the same (like Ben 10 Alien Force) the colors were not dynamic (stayed the same no matter the lighting, lots of cel shading, and generally were realistically colored in the sense that suspension of disbelief was not entirely necessary) CHEEKBONES, gritty textures and purple skies (Batman the Brave and the Bold). overall theres a certain Tone to the earlier seasons that spoke a lot to the animation capabilities of the studios at the time, as well as the general feel of the show. however, season three was a MAJOR downgrade in terms of animation. they made it both simpler and more complicated - they started using their DCAMU animation style which while it does give muscles to the women, adds too many unneeded shadows and a strange stiffness and dullness to every character. There are now extra lines and uncessesary shadows on the face of every character, and their eyes and facial features are almost identical. There's also less highlights, and the hairstyles are way too overcomplicated now to be appealing (see mgann and dick) - the hair is unspeakably dull and and the skin tones and hair colors are painful on the eyes. This isn't even taking into account the shitty backgrounds they've started using (AHEM AHEM ARTEMIS'S KITCHEN) because while the earlier seasons may have had unappealing, mostly empty settings, the characters still fit in to the scene, unlike now.
the lack of sisterhood????: apparently, only artemis goes to see zatanna for her Dr. Fate appointments. Apparently, M'gann barely talks to Artemis after the very tragic apparent death of Wally. the two of them, dare I say even the THREE of them, should be close as hell considering they spent their early years super-heroing together on a team full of boys. M'gann LITERALLY called Artemis her sister in the SAME EPISODE she was introduced, and neither of them had any real girlfriends other than each other at this point. M'gann who fell apart so hard Artemis died in her head that she almost killed them all in her grief. Like. You're telling me, you're SHOWING me that these two aren't each other's support system? Where is the sisterhood, bitch????
Lastly: the costume design. I understand that they're constrained by the need to make it simple enough to animate, but COME ON. if you're going to borrow Diana's DCAMU/JL: War costume, at least keep the metal silver. What the fuck is that green-gold. And Tigress? god DAMN that mask is ugly. Cassie looks like she robbed a goddamn supermarket discount clothing aisle for her outfit. Why is bart's outfit Like That it's so ugly it makes me want to cry. @ young justice costume designers Please Rethink Your Decisions
that's about all I can think of right now. it got REALLY negative whoops, but theres just so much I didn't like about this season :/ hopefully the next one will better ;-;
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S3 ep4
Girl Stinky fighting Grandpa for Sal's honor 😍
So many Sams😲
Can the narrator pls shut up
"After they yanked it away they turned their attention on us." "actually I think they were more interested in me."
"Looks like it's time to boil the haggis" I love u Grandpa Stinky
"Need any help?" "No, I've been dreaming of this for years." *Continues to shoot Sam clones*
Skunkape loosing his mind
Oh geez, the dogglegangers kidnapped him
Girl Stinky still denying her obvious relationship with Sal
Oh hey I can make toast... Never mind then 😕
"Ah, I remember when I was a toaster."
Max and Grandpa are having a little too much fun shooting the clones
Why does Stinky have a picture of the DeSoto???
Well, the plan to turn into the DeSoto failed
I really didn't need to read minds to figure out how to get out, but I guess it was a good way to remind players of the tunnel
"Max is so powerful now... Soon he won't even need a partner."
Ew, Grandpa wants to sell clone meat 🤢
Sam struggling to not eat a fudgcicle is super relatable
Oh the tunnel is blocked. Knowing Girl she probably has a backup
I knew it.
"Happiness is a warm gun." "My gun is always warm... and a little bit moist." WHAT
*Gives clone a peanut butter ball* "Ew. It has peanut butter dog mouth. I hate when I do that."
Haha I made Sam eat a peanut butter ball now he's doing that dog lip smack thing
Oh hey, we can take a fudgcicle now. ...Oh, I know what to do!
Presidential Alert: The Stinky's are fighting!
Why does Girl Stinky's tunnel lead to a cloning facility?
The clone Sam approves of Sam's outfit
He stole Sam's hat!!!
"That's strange." yeah, you think!?
"--unholy army of sexually provocative Sam clones" What you just call them Max 👀
Cthulu tenticles!!!
They have spikes
"I'm thinking of a number between--" "Potato!" "That's uncanny."
"Momma sure does love a nicely turned Sam gam."
This episode is quickly turning into Max repeatedly saying how hot he thinks Sam is 👀
I guess let's explore the tunnels
Ooh the museum
Doctor Norrington? We get to meet him?
Nope :(
When they jumped back into the tunnels Max raised his hands up and Sam picked him up 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰
Back through the tunnels
The shadow physics are all messed up
Harry and Superball are trying to contact Momma. Can she not appear anymore?
Queen? Where are you?
"Keep your eyes peeled, Max." "Ugh, that's disgusting, Sam."
"What do you know about these scary--" "But dashing!" "--toy stealing Sam clones." oh max
"So you don't know where Momma Bosco is?" Sam says with a huge sad face
Superball my love
Max smokes Cuban cigars
"Yes sir, quite the coinkydink."
"I'm going to stand over here and try to shake off the memory of you saying balliwick." *,Literally stands in corner shaking his arms side to side* Max. I love you
*Harry insults Sam* *Max jumps to his defence*
"I'm afraid the contents on my mind is classified, sirs."
I'm going to find Sal
The hat thief stole the car!!!
Buster Blaster!!!
"Max." "that's what they call me at the manipedi." The boys get manicurs
I can't get to Sal or Buster Blaster because of the clones :(
Look a buster blaster's future and he's just floating through space shouting "This is totally awesome!"
Back to Stinky's
Flint Paper!!!
Flint's mind is just noir narrative... As it should be
Girl Stinky realized Max has been reading her mind
Sam and Max role-playing as Flint and Girl has me laughing
Girl tied Sam up into her lies
The fact that the boys don't realize who Mr. S is is astonishing
Great I have to find a cake. Back to Sal?
The clone Sam hugging the stuffed Bunny 🥰
Sam was doing the same to Max 😍
Love for legomorphs is stored in the dna
Oh hey I missed Charlie the first time
Max shares the creeped out feelings Charlie gives me. Good
Sal knows how to cook 💖
Sal is an artist 🥰
I love Sal
OMG is there actual blood on the cake
No! Don't eat Max!
Sam got a kiss from Stinky, lucky dog. I can't tell if he's surprised or grossed out 😂
Flint and Max are disgusted by the kiss
Oh to be kissed by Girl Stinky... or Sybil... Or Momma Bosco.
Sal doesn't want to kill. Good man
Girl and Sal are my new otp
Oh no, power het couple are possessed
Ok, I'm going back to boscotech for now to mess with Harry now that I have Charlie
Max really hamming it up
Oh hey, Max actually summoned Momma
Agent Superball just teleported?!
What is going on with him?
Also he has OTHER superiors
Momma are you hiding something?
"mmm-mm-mm, those shorts sure don't leave anything to the imagination, do they?"
Was Max right, does Momma have a thing for Sam?
Lol she was lying.
She seems to feel guilty about selling her cloning machines.
Max don't you dare mention the poppers in front of me!!!
It's pretty obvious it's Papierwaite
I like it when she spins
Oh, are we going to track down Bosco to get more DNA for her new body?
I'm going to take to Buster Blaster
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know anything about those Sam clones running around?" "THOSE ARE REAL?" "Yeah." "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!"
He gave us a letter to give to Momma from Bosco.
"See ya Buster." "I AM BECOME DEATH!"
Sam called Bosco "baby Bosco"
Oh hey, I probably should have tried reading Papierwaiite's mind already
Sam picked Max up so he could type in the code
Ew, Norrinton is a chest burster cthulu
Everyone keeps making fun of Sam's weight :(
Max's reaction to Norringron's grandson being named Junior is great
I used the destabilizer to look for the weapon and now Sam is crying profusely
That Romeo and Juliet reference tho
He's fine now
Well that was a lot of trial and error
Got the new toy and killed the tentacles
Time to get Momma a new body
Momma is bald. That's fine
Love that she's fully clothed even though that doesn't make any sense
Yay shooting things!
Oh no we made Sal fall
Momma is so excited to telport
Aw, she held Max's hand while Sam patted his head ❤️
She punched out Girl! Go Momma!
Ha, we made the clones dance.
Yay, we figured out where the toybox is.
I knew Charlie was going to be evil!
I hate evil dolls
The clones knocked the boys out
We're at the statue of liberty now???
Ew, she's got tenticles
Charlie wants to be reunited with Junior. Can't let that happen since it'll cause the apocalypse
Max is more concerned for Sam than the world
Charlie kidnapped Norrinton
Sam is still struggling against the thrall
Oh hey, got Charlie to let Sam talk
Let's mess with the sheet music
The liberty puzzel was fun
Oh shit, did Charlie just kill Norrington and Papierwaite
Ooooh, Max is all glowly
Ok, that last puzzel was kinda easy
Sam got his hat back!
Max, oh no he fell
Sam looked so scared
Oh Max, scared us for no reason
Oh God, he's scaring us for real now
OMG is this because he swallowed some demon yolk?
He's so big and Cthulu-y now!!!
Shut up narrator!
"Well, this is new." oh Sam
Wait the episode just ends there!?
Gaaahd now I have to stay up and play the next one or die from suspense.
After credits scene... Did we kill Sal!? Nooo!!!!
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 4
XANDER: And I have no idea what Riley and Mrs. Riley's wedding was like. ANYA: Well, you haven't shut up about them. XANDER: Well, they have a great marriage! And it bummed Buffy out, but I can see it. And Anya ... I really have no clue what their wedding was like. ANYA: So our wedding... is not our marriage. XANDER: Separate things. One fills me with a dread akin to public speaking engagements. ANYA: And that would be the wedding. XANDER: Which will be over soon. ANYA: But our marriage... XANDER: That lasts forever.
~~Buffy Season 6 Episode #115: "As You Were"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Story Time (Xander, T, Devil May Cry xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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fright night (Willow/Tara, T) by displayheartcode
Independent 38 - Hell for Leather (Ensemble, G) by Aadler
A Much Needed Reminder (Angelus/Spike, M) by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
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Books And Brimstone (Giles/Reader, unrated) by multifandomfix
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder (whatever that means) Ch. 1-4/4 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Giles, E) by rip24
A Trip To The Mountain Ch. 1 (Robin Wood, T, SG1 xover) by Rod
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Landed, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
You Learn, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, E) by bramcrackers
Someting To Sing About Take Two (Reprise), Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Kyzaiah
The Tiger is Out, Chapter 62 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Cosmic Tuesdays
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Darkest Before the Dawn Ch. 35 (Dawn, T, LotR xover) by Luna
It's Not Easy Fearing Green. Ch. 1 (Willow, G, Muppets xover) by Sithicus
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The Ring Talks Ch. 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Rupert Giles fandragon () by clouds-of-wings
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “the Puppet Show” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:“Huh?” (Buffy) by prophecygirl1996
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Video: Buffy & Dawn Summers - La Pressione Sale (Surface Pressure) () by Nicamon
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Lessons 7x01 by bradtholym
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love s3 spike by july-19th-club
I put this in the tags of my last post by funnywings
Also, just want to talk about how excited Giles is by dreadfulcalendarwoman
Faith's sexuality by herinsectreflection
whenever I see someone write off Dawn as terrible and annoying I think man, you’re not a younger sibling are you? by 5bi5
The worst Bangel scene is when Buffy tries to dress up as a princess by
It’s been over twenty years and I still get defensive when fans side against Buffy in Sanctuary. by millennialslayer
a lot of people don’t like season 6, but it occupies a special place in my heart. by fallingtowers
i love how vampires react to willow by july-19th-club
the other very funny thing about lover’s walk by july-19th-club
Imagine if that demon didn’t go into the sword so Halfrek didn’t lift the curse. by millennialslayer
“Buffy took her sweet time deciding to kill Angel but instantly wanted to kill Anya." by millennialslayer
ormal Again by herinsectreflection
What are your thoughts on Andrew as a character? by herinsectreflection
Man, “The Body” hurts. by oveliagirlhaditright
-random thought that i’m sure the rest of the fandom realized ages ago by oveliagirlhaditright
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Faith's murder victim by DazzaGee
Should Angel have just kept the Gem of Amara? by Multiple Authors
How come Joyce did not realise supernatural activity after Ted?. by Benz
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BOOM! Buffy The Vampire Slayer # 33 (Spoilers) by BAF
Cordelia's AtS story end... good, a total failure or just unfinished? by multiple authors
Why do people say Spike is soft? continued by multiple authors
Reacting to Reactions! AtS Season 2 continued by Stoney
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something that's been annoying me for a while (angel spoilers) by Nathan-mitchell
As You Were is the cringiest episode of Buffy. Fight me. by Pixelfrog41
Kennedy's skepticism about magic is laughable by MaveDustaine
"Hey Ken, want to see my impression of Gandhi?" by KevinLundell
So uhh what’s up with Willow, Cordelia, and Fred? by SmoothSoup
Symmetry in Riley and Spike speeches by keedanlan
For the fans who saw Buffy as it aired by jdpm1991
Why isn't there a (good) BtVS RPG? by takepityontheloser
Spike is an idiot (Normal Again) by Lizcatherine
Does Spike (James Masters) wear contact lenses? by NorsacceBerlusconi
Unpopular opinion (I think?) : None of Buffy’s relationships are ship worthy by Lizcatherine
Was Buffy right in Selfless? by Lizcatherine
The Denzel Washington is the most underrated joke in the Buffyverse by The810kid
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #33 Preview: Scoobies vs. Actual Scoobies by Bleeding Cool
PUBLICATION: Everything You Need to Know About 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' the TV Series by Inside the Magic
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Why Seth Green's Oz Left The Show by Screen Rant
PUBLICATION: 'In Every Generation' Review: Kendare Blake Takes Us Back to the Buffyverse by Screen Rant
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