#this is why honey cannot stay with me
dittolicous · 8 months
oh wow ok
hershey and honey got into a fight two nights ago (theyre ok, but still havent learned to quit it) and there was a point where i thought one of them bit my leg but when i didnt feel anything afterwards i brushed it off as them bumping me or just the panic getting to me
except i just stretched my leg and caught sight of a big ass bruise and a couple small cuts on the back of my calf. so apparently. yeah i was bit????
adrenaline is wild i never even noticed any blood or pain! though perhaps thats because the boob bruise is so gotdang painful that its hoarding all the pain receptors
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i can’t really figure out how to say this but there’s this theme in MCR’s music where like, they’re always kind of telling a story and acting it out through their lyrics, they’re always writing concept albums and things that weave a narrative, but there’s this one story they tell over and over about love like so much of their music is and it’s one person saying to the other, you’re my priority. it’s Vampires Will Never Hurt You, if they get me then put this spike in my heart. and what’s unspoken there, or rather, is spoken primarily through the title intertextualized with the narrative of the song, is the idea of, if they get me, they’ll get you next. I’ll get you next. vampires will never hurt you even if they’re me because i won’t let them and that means you have to kill me. i don’t want to hurt you i won’t let them hurt you through me i won’t let you let them put this spike in my heart. Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back. save yourself. save yourself. you’re all that matters to me. give me all your poison, give me all your pills, give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill. give it to me. save yourself. put that spike in my heart. in any world in any story in any timeline i will die for you i need to die before you, if one of us has to go it has to be me at any cost when i’m here no longer you must be stronger because you have to be the one to live. you have to be the one who keeps the light behind your eyes. if you just stop breathing i’ll stop my heart i’ll stop breathing too honey if you stay i’ll be forgiven, you have to stay, save yourself, save yourself, save yourself
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reinedeslys-central · 1 month
more for this nico-dealing-after-blood-of-olympus fic:
it's just like his brain is somehow - offline. Not willing to help him string up the words to this sentence that's sitting on his tongue. The disrespect.
He's still got to power through, though, and now he's just been standing here at the table for a good ten seconds without saying anything, gods, Will must feel so awkward trying to politely ignore Nico standing behind him. What to say, what to say, need to provide a functional human first(-ish) impression on the conversation -
Will bends his head further over the book he's reading, which seems to have a diagram on it. He shifts his neck to look at it from another angle, just enough for Nico to see the page's title: "Cross-sections of the Circulatory System".
Oh, so - a biology textbook. Cool, cool, that makes sense, since Will's the head camp medic, so maybe -
Before he can stop himself, he blurts out - "The, uh, the medulla oblongata controls parasympathetic ventilation, like, coughing and sneezing and stuff." Or - is that even correct? Damn, what if Will's going to make fun of him for getting it wrong, maybe he should try another one -
"..The pancreas secretes sodium bicarbonate, lipase, protease, and amylase into the small intestine to help with digestion." There, that works for a conversation starter. Will should definitely know about that since he lectured Nico about his starch intake last week in the infirmary.
("I don't care if they're all carbs, di Angelo, at this point you just need to eat, I don't give a pegasus' ass whether it's all carbs and fats -" - which, whatever. )
It takes him a moment to realise Will hasn't said anything back. In fact, he's barely even moved, only enough to squint at his textbook from a new angle. Clearly the most self-aware guy in the room, this guy.
He tries again. Can't have people calling him un-persistent, or whatever.
"So, the, lumen of the vein is larger than the artery, right? Since they have thinner walls?" Oh, curse me. His own insults to that zoom around his brain like a sledgehammer on nectar. And for all his embarrassment, what does he get? Nothing. Solace is still sitting, thumbing through the pages like he hasn't heard anything.
So much for Reyna making his promise to try having friends, and so much for Solace dumping out on him for pushing people away. If he's going to ignore him, and not even tell him why like - like someone who'd promised to be honest with him, then he can just catch up with his textbook in private and not have to deal with Nico's awkward conversation starters or help in the infirmary again.
Fuck it. He stomps away, shaking out his fringe and angrily pressing his thumb into the indent of his initials in his sword's hilt.
No need to let anyone think the Fates are playing favourites, because clearly Nico's in a league of his own with them. Even better, they must love him so much, because right at that moment, when he's suddenly, too irrationally angry to think about where he's going, he trips over a side table and goes careening headfirst into the shelf by the window.
Ah, merde.
"Hey, are you al- wait, Nico? What are you doing here, man? You okay?"
...And of course that's what finally makes Solace wake up from his biology-induced lotus casino haze.
As Solace bounds over, ostensibly to do his whole why-aren't-you-taking-care-of-yourself-better-nico-listen-to-me-I'm-a-doctor-so-I-know-best-and-you-don't routine, Nico resists the urge to melt into the wall, literally. Why did he tell Reyna he'd try making friends? Look where it gets him. Why, of all people, did he have to say he'd try hanging out with Solace of all people when Reyna demanded he give her some actual names to back up his promises?
- ..stupidi ragazzi carini con i loro stupidi sorrisi e le loro stupide lamentele e la loro mancanza di consapevolezza spaziale perché los tre Moirai sono così per me, mamma? perché, dei, perché....
Solace hauls him up halfway into his arms and starts asking him random questions, like:
"What's your name?" Rude, didn't he just call Nico from across the room?
"Okay, okay, cool, I deserved that one, can you tell me what day it is?" How is Nico supposed to answer that. He barely knows what day it is on a good day, he just follows camp schedule through osmosis most of the time, asking random campers what the strategies for the next capture the flag game are to get a gauge on how far away it is -
"Shit, c'mon man, help me out here, what were you looking for in the library anyway? I didn't know you were the reading type - " Which, again, rude? Does Nico not look like the reading type? Is it the black and silver? Does he not look smart enough or something? Hazel's a literal whiz, and Solace knows that, so it can't be a Hades thing.
"Come on, Nico, talk to me. You know why you came to the library, right? Can you at least tell me that?"
To talk to you, dumbass! Because you're ignoring me! Like I'm only worth your time when I'm a patient!
But it's not like he can just say that, because that would be weird. Joy of joys, Solace is getting even closer now, what the hell is going on?
"Uh - listen, don't freak out, maybe I'm freaking out, it's okay, stay calm, I'm calm, I literally do this every day, uh, can you just look straight at me, di Angelo? Need to get a good look at your eyes, figure out how bad we're dealin' here -" and he starts leaning in even closer what the literal fuck -
Is this Nico's punishment for insulting the Fates? Because, damn.
Also, because Nico's brain loves him, it abandons him once more in his time of need, forcing him to let out the weirdest squeak he's absolutely going to deny he ever made. He feels his cheeks warm, and jerks an inch away in a weird full-body shake like Frank sometimes does after returning to his human form.
Gods, what a nightmare. He lifts his hands up to cover his burning face and discreetly look for the nearest shadow when he notices Solace's ashen face, freezing.
Before he can get a real, human word out, Solace is suddenly stepping forward and cradling the back of Nico's head in a ridiculously warm hand while the other cards through his hair.
What the fuck. What the absolute fuck. He would say it feels like his soul is leaving his body if he didn't already know exactly how that felt. His eyes go wide as he wheezes, trying to stammer out a demand for Solace to fucking explain himself, taking liberties with his person -
Solace steps back, clearly confused. "No huge bumps, alright.. maybe shock?" His eyes widen again, as if he's just now noticing the state he's left Nico in.
"Shit, shit, it looks like shock, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, hold on, di Angelo, let's get you to the infirmary - " Uh, absolutely not? 'Di Angelo' has had enough of the infirmary for a lifetime, grazie mille, Dr. Solace. There isn't even anything wrong with him this time! He's not the one asking weird questions and doing weird things this time.
Without any further thought, he turns around and starts fighting his way out of Solace's grip. If his favourite doctor's shocked cursing is anything to go by, it's the first time a patient's actively tried to escape his tender mercies.
Scratch that. Solace's arms tighten around his waist and the ensuing scuffle makes it clear this is not his first time. Shit, Nico might actually lose this one.
"Sunoffa- Nico! I'm trying to help, calm down!" Like hell you are, Solace. Let me the fuck go (so I can run away and wallow with the nymphs) and maybe then we'll talk.
He redoubles his efforts while pivoting to avoid the lamp on the table next to them.
"You fucking menace," Solace hisses, and if that hidden loss of cool makes Nico grin, well, what's a skull scarf for. Not every day you get to make Sir Doctor Extraordinaire stop being all sunshiney for a day.
Solace finally growls and stops fighting him. "Alright, you win! Hey, can't you stop aggravating your injuries for once?" Which. Wait, what injury? Nico's in perfect health!
"- and like, wartime's one thing, normal camp is another. Do you seriously not respect your body at all? Come on, you haven't even argued it! D'you seriously hate the infirmary that much? Are we a joke to you? You haven't even said anything since you hit your head and - " Nico lets the rest of Will's rant fly over him as he stills, and his mind goes, oh. Oh, this is hilarious. Okay, well, all he's gotta do to correct Will's little misconception is to say something then, right?
He opens up his mouth to cut Will off when he lands on his burning blue eyes and realises, belatedly, that Will's warm arms are still ever-so-gently and firmly cradling his waist, curling around the coarse fabric of his Camp Half-Blood tee.
As his brain goes offline for the the third and hopefully final time, Nico bemoans his existence and prepares himself to blurt out:
"The kidneys are where erythrocytes go to die."
Oh, Dei miei. That's not even right. "Well, no, I mean, the kidneys are where erythropoietin is produced, when the medulla oblongata detects a lack of oxygen in the body, which stimulates the growth of more red blood cells in the bone marrow..."
At least Will's shut up now, which is great. Nico can already feel the headache brewing from his ranting. Instead of backing off, however, Will absentmindedly adjusts his grip on Nico's waist and cocks his head to the side.
"...Did you come to the library to ask me to help you with your biology homework? Because, and I really mean no offense, buddy, but I kinda thought you were a year-round camper. Where'd you find the time to study AP Bio?"
Nico gives up and melts to the floor, ignoring Will's cries to groan and repeatedly thunk his head into the thankfully carpeted floor. This is how Nico dies. He prays for his father to open up the ground and bring him down to the palace for a visit. Will's still struggling to pull him up off the floor (if he's going to chase after him, he can deal with having to catch him, damnit), but only one thought is playing through Nico's mind.
Oh, I'm never going to live this one down, am I?
same fic different scene 0 - prologue-ish
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swordcoasted-arc · 9 months
tag set: cerys & atreus.
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emocheol · 2 months
sharing the bed with seventeen
how they sleep next to you
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tucks you into his side and keeps you there all night
will not let you move, even if you complain that it’s too hot
his dramatic ass will say that he’ll die if he can’t sleep with you in his arms
pouts at you if you don’t go to bed at the same time as him
if you want to stay up later to watch tv he’ll stay up with you, falling asleep in your lap on the couch while you watch your show
“baby, just go to bed without me”
“i can’t get comfortable unless i’m with you”
a little shit
teases you whenever you want to cuddle up with him
but if you refuse to cuddle him he’ll pout until you cave
if you try sleeping away from him he’ll pull you over to him and smother you
loves to feel like he’s protecting you
always the big spoon, needs to be holding you instead of the other way around
“can i be the big spoon tonight?”
“absolutely not”
loves his personal space
literally cannot fall asleep if he’s touching someone, which he feels bad about
but at least he can sleep next to you!
will try to read you bedtime stories to make up for it
googles ‘best bedtime stories’ and ends up reading you goldilocks and the three bears
“why are you reading me a child’s bedtime story?”
“shhh we’re getting to the best part”
blanket hog
you’ll have to sleep with an extra blanket next to your side of the bed so you can pull it on when you wake up in the cold
will claim that he’s not doing anything and you’re just imagining it
even when he hogs all the blankets he’s still searching for your touch
so, you might wake up cold but your hand is warm, engulfed in his
at this point you’ve stopped mentioning it to him so he doesn’t feel bad
plus the warmth of his hand is enough to show you he loves you
“i didn’t steal all the blankets again, did i?”
nuzzles his head in your neck
likes to be as close as possible
literally a baby tiger
so what if he feels safe in your arms? sue him
likes it when you talk about your day or tell him a story, your voice soothes him to sleep
“can you tell me the one about when you fell off your bike again?”
“honey, i’ve told you that story 10 times already”
“but it helps me sleep!”
surprisingly, is the little spoon
he’s sick of having to be so strong, loves being babied by you
gets sad when you go to sleep first, but he’s playing video games deep into the night, so who’s really to blame here?
but, will feel even worse if you stay up late just for him
“are you ready to sleep yet?”
“just one more round”
“fine, i’m going to sleep without you then”
“no, wait!”
usually doesn't sleep until very late
is always working on producing and will even spend nights in his studio
when he comes home you're almost always sleeping already, he feels bad that he can't hold you and soothe you to sleep
but he opts for crawling into bed and holding you while you sleep
you'll subconsciously curl up into him, it always makes him smile
you constantly badger him about getting more sleep and he always promises that he will (he won't but he knows it eases your mind)
“when did you get back last night?”
“not too long after you fell asleep, don't worry”
(he came home after you'd been asleep for 5 hours)
doesn’t tell you that he does/doesn’t like cuddling
literally just doesn’t give you any information
some days you’ll wake up in his arms and then other days you’ll wake up about to be kicked off the bed
but, even if you wake up away from him when you try to get out of bed he’ll grab your arm and keep you there
“don’t leave me”
“i was just going to make breakfast”
“i said don’t leave me” :(
smothers you
literally will not let you breathe
claims he needs to hold you to fall asleep, pouts if you don’t let him
you can try to put a barrier of pillows between you but you always wake up in a death grip
“you’re sleeping on the couch until further notice”
“i promise i won’t do it again!”
he does it again.
cuddle bug ™
loves being close to you, absolutely obsessed with skinship
genuinely cannot sleep if he’s not holding you which is why it’s so hard for him to get sleep when he’s overseas
plays with your hair while you’re asleep
will not get out of bed without you, so he’ll just lay in bed and watch your sleep until you wake up
“have you been watching me sleep?”
“of course, i could never get bored of your beauty”
“you’re a sap”
“funny way of acknowledging that i’m madly in love with you”
big old teddy bear
sleeps peacefully as long as you two are smushed together in any kind of way
big spoon, little spoon, he doesn’t care if it’s with you
let’s you play with his hair, plays with your hair
he just loves you so much he’ll take whatever he can get
going to bed with you is his favorite time of the day
“kwannie? i’m tired, you ready for bed?”
very specific about how he sleeps
quite literally cannot sleep if he’s cuddling, also says it’s impractical
will link his pinky with yours or grab your hand in his sleep, though
if you wake up and get out of bed before him he’ll pout a little bit, he likes spending time in bed with you
your presence next to him is enough, even if you think you’re bothering his routine
“you sure i’m not messing up your sleep by being here?”
“i’d never not want to be with you”
wants to be a cuddler but is a kicker
you can fall asleep in each others arms but you will be woken up by him kicking you and pushing you nearly off the bed
you’ll try and get back to a normal position with him but he will still kick you, making you grab a pillow and blanket and go sleep in the guest room
he’ll wake up to an empty and cold bed and feel absolutely horrible
will rush into your guest room and shake you awake
“did i do it again? :(”
“don’t worry about it, honey”
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mssainz · 2 months
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Reader
Summary: Carlos Sainz finally met his son he had with her ex-wife, Y/N.
Warning: None
AN: We are still getting there guys. I'll update as soon as I can. Please bear with me. You can comment down so I can tag you for the next part. I hope you like this one. Love youuuu!
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Cael faced Carlos. He said thank you and gave him his sweetest smile. The smile that he actually got from him. Yes, Cael is a spitting image of his father. He is indeed Carlos mini-me which you think is unfair as you are the one, who carried him for months and took care of him for years.
Looking at Carlos standing in front of you is making your world stop. Your shoes become glued, refusing to move your feet out of the ground and an immense silence dampens your ears. And the moment you met his eyes, your mind started to tell you to run but your body is casually betraying you. All of this made you rethink your decision to come back here.
Fate must be joking with me and this is not very funny.
“Mama, can I still get an ice cream?” Cael said, interrupting your train of thoughts. Your eyes move to your son.
Thank you baby, I think your ice cream will save us right now.
You smiled and gave him a nod of approval. You swiftly reached out for his hand and made a move. Years have passed and you thought you were completely healed and had the strength to face him again. But now that he is here, you realize that your wounds are still fresh.
Cael, get Mama out of here. Please, I'm still not ready for this. Not yet.
You didn't even say thank you to Carlos for returning your son safely in your arms. But before you can even walk away from him. Carlos called out for Cael, which made your son stop and look back at him.
“Wait Cael,” Carlos said and started walking towards you two.
What the hell? Get away from me. I mean from us.
He knelt down to talk to Cael. He is just a few inches away from you, talking with your son, with his son. You stand frozen beside Cael not knowing what to do. You are just trying to read what Carlos is trying to do and what's going on in his mind right now.
“I think I'm also craving ice cream. Can I come with you bud?” Carlos asked, not breaking eye contact with Cael.
Lies. You don't like ice cream Carlos. You are not fond of it. What are you even thinking right now? How can you stay so calm when I am literally about to faint here?
You saw how Cael’s face lit up. That glow in his eyes and that smile in his face, you knew he wanted Carlos to come with you two. No doubt about it you know Cael's expression very much.
“Mama, can he come with us?” Cael said looking up to you, waiting for your response. Carlos also looked at you.
“Mama please,” and there goes Cael giving you his puppy eyes. And Carlos smiling beside him is not helping the situation. You never know that Cael and Carlos combo is something you cannot resist.
“Okay, fine. He can come with us,” you gave in and rolled your eyes. Cael gave Carlos a high five before giggling with each other.
What is going on, seriously? How come these two get along so much when they just met? What on Earth is happening?
Carlos lifted Cael and carried him. Your jaw dropped but immediately brushed it off. You two walk side-by-side towards the ice cream stall. And it is the longest walk you have taken in your entire life. You can't help but wonder why Carlos is not asking you anything.
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You bought two chocolate ice creams for the boys. Meanwhile, you got a pistachio ice cream for yourself. You didn't even want an ice cream in the first place but you needed something to do to lessen how awkward you feel about this whole situation. The three of you sat on the bench near the ice cream stall.
“Mama, what's the flavor you got?” Cael curiously asked while looking at what's on your hand.
“It's called pistachio ice cream, honey. Do you want to try it?” You asked Cael who is now sitting on Carlos lap. You try to focus on your son avoiding Carlos.
He is invisible, he is not here and he is not real.
Cael nodded and gave your ice cream a try. His face immediately wrinkled which made Carlos laugh.
“You didn't like it?” Carlos asked while wiping some of the ice cream at the corner of Cael's lips.
“It doesn't taste good, Mama. Chocolate is better,” Cael said after gulping the remaining pistachio in his mouth. You just laugh at your son's reaction.
You sat there awkwardly until you finished the ice cream. All this time you were munching the pistachio that you got, avoiding having conversation with Carlos. Fortunately, he is also not talking to you and just focused on Cael on his lap. They are casually teasing each other, giggling beside you. You are still puzzled why he is just enjoying the moment and not confronting you. You know he definitely has a clue on what's going on and you can notice that.
After having ice cream, Cael and Carlos decided to play tag. You have never seen Cael this happy. This view feels so wrong but feels right at the same time. It feels so wrong that that the boys have to meet this way. But it feels so right that they are finally having fun with each other.
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The sky changes into its orange hue. Carlos offers to drive you two to where you are staying here in Madrid. You didn't refuse because you were too exhausted to even grab a cab.
“Where are you two staying?” These are the first words that he said to you. After five years of not seeing each other this is where you start your conversation.
“In a nearby Airbnb,” you bluntly replied.
As you entered his car, his scent started intoxicating you. It is still the same. This scent once felt like home but not anymore or as you make yourself believe it was not anymore.
The drive to your place was still awkward. You were in the passenger seat with Cael who is constantly asking you questions about what he is seeing on the road. And you can tell that Carlos is checking on you two in his rear-mirror.
“What was your name again?” Cael blurted out of nowhere while leaning to Carlos at the driver seat.
Wait, what Cael? Baby, you two played together and you didn't even know his name! Now it makes sense to me how you didn't even insist that he is your Papa immediately after he told you that maybe he just looks like him. Cael, I think I should remind you more about not talking to strangers, honey.
“You can call me Uncle Chilli,” You raised an eyebrow on what he just said.
Uncle Chilli, huh?
“Okay, Uncle Chilli,” Cael said giggling. You can see that he finds his name silly.
After almost an hour's drive, you finally arrived at your place. You immediately get out of his car with Cael. Carlos followed you two at the doorstep. You then opened the door and let Cael go in first.
“I think we need to talk,” Carlos said.
“Yes. We need to. That's I'm here,”
I'm calling all the angels and saints, the Avengers, and even Power Rangers. Please give me the strength to talk to this man.
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@seasonswinter @charizznorizz @itsjustkhaos @celesteablack @openthenyoor01 @carlossainzbelongswithme @timmychalametsstuff @viennakarma @charlottef1 @i-love-ptv @evie-119 @somepeoplemaybe @amberpanda99 @gotthatname @karlossainz @wonderfulkawaii
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next part
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sharlsworld · 3 months
birthday girl - f1 grid
⍟ charles leclerc x fem!wolff!reader
⍟ it’s an f1 holiday, y/n wolff’s birthday. a series of birthday posts made by a bunch of people involved with f1.
fc: various girls from pinterest
warnings: none really tbh just a age gap (it’s my fathers fault for making me like this)
authors note: idk what i’m doing i’m bored out of my mind and have nothing better to do. lmk if i should keep doing these or not, p.s there’s google translated french and spanish 😭
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liked by carlossainz55 and 6,938,012 others
charles_leclerc Mon cœur, mon amour, mon trésor, there truly aren’t enough words in the human vocabulary to describe my love for you. I’ve had my eye on you before we even spoke to each other, there’s no doubt in my mind that we will spend eternity together. Here’s to another year around the sun, happy 22nd birthday chérie, my love for you is infinite. ♥️
yn thank you honey, i love you bigger then the sky 💘
↳ charles_leclerc My love for you is everlasting chérie ♥️
landonorris you two make me sick
↳ yn good stay stick
scuderiaferrari Happy birthday y/n! Wishing you a year full of happiness and health beautiful girl! ❤️🥳
♥︎ by author & yn
sharls_lerklerk “there’s no doubt in my mind that we will spend eternity together” the highways lookin real cozy 🥰🥰
charlotte2304 Happy birthday beautiful y/n I love you to the moon and back 💞
♥︎ by author & yn
yn you really like those faceless pictures huh? 😭
↳ charles_leclerc I just love your hair so much chérie
arthur_leclerc and to think that 4 years ago you were blushing at the fact she even looked at you
↳ lorenzotl He still does
lordperceval him not responding to anyone’s comment accept hers 😭
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liked by glenpowell and 5,182,732 others
lewishamilton My honorary sister, i’ve known you since you were 10 years old and it’s been so amazing watching you grow into such a good person. Thank you for always supporting me, baking me sweets and making sure I don’t get growled at for eating so much sugar, celebrating with me, watching roscoe, and always being there for me no matter what. Happy birthday y/n, I couldn’t have asked for a better honorary sister than you. I love you to the moon and back ❤️
yn thank you so much lew, your the big brother i never got. i love you so so much 💞
♥︎ by author
beloved.hamilton i hold there sibling duo so close to my heart 🥹
mercedesamgf1 Our paddock princess!! Wishing you the happiest birthday sweetheart 🥰💙
♥︎ by author & yn
futurewag822 i love how everyone loves y/n cause same 😭
georgerussell63 Awh you old sap, happy birthday y/n i love you lots thank you for always being so sweet and supportive 💙
♥︎ by author & yn
↳ yn thank you george i love you 💞
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liked by olliebearman and 1,092,566 others
carlossainz55 Mi querida amiga, feliz cumpleaños! I wish you nothing but the best in life, i’ve never met someone as sweet, welcoming, caring, and funny as you. I will always cherish our friendship, I cannot wait to make more memories with you in the years to come. Te quiero mucho mi querida amiga ❤️
yn thank you carlito i love you bunches ❤️
♥︎ by author
hoeforsainzzz i want to be like y/n when i grow up no cappy 😭
charles_leclerc Why do you have so many pictures of me and y/n?
↳ carlossainz55 It’s my job as the third wheel mate
↳ yn your the best third wheel carlito
landonorris all i got for my birthday was a “happy birthday lando!” 😐 but she gets a WHOLE PARAGRAPH
↳ yn just say your jealous
carlossainzoficial Feliz cumpleaños y/n! Enjoy your special day ❤️
↳ yn thank you better carlos ❤️
↳ carlossainz55 wow.
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liked by tomholland2013 and 1,223,704 others
landonorris happy birthday short stack, your one rude but funny, mean but pretty, ruthless but kind hearted girl. thank you for making me feel tall, if you ever find yourself single one day, you have my number 😉 i love you bunches y/n ❤️
charles_leclerc thats not funny 😐 no one’s laughing.
yn thank you norizz 🥹 i love you many bunches more ❤️
↳ charles_leclerc don’t make me lock you in the room all day
mclaren Happy birthday to our favorite guest! Your welcome anytime y/n 😉🧡
↳ scuderiaferrari No. She’s not aloud to leave us ever.
↳ mercedesamgf1 Are we forgetting who raised her? 🤣
↳ yn guys stop there’s enough of me for everyone 🤗
↳ charles_leclerc N O.
alex_albon she makes charles look tall
↳ charles_leclerc My ego is hurt
landolove all the admins fighting over y/n made my week 😭
oscarpiastri Happy birthday y/n 🧡
↳ yn thank you osc ❤️
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liked by alex_albon and 907,125 others
lilymhe wishing my best friend an amazing birthday, i’m forever grateful for f1 bringing us together. i’ve never had such an amazing friend like you, i hold our friendship so close to my heart. i love you past the moon and beyond the stars ❤️
yn i love you lily ❤️
↳ lilymhe i love you more 😘❤️
alex_albon happy birthday ig, your pretty funny ig. your a good friend ig and amazing baker ig. I GUESS i love you. ❤️🙄
↳ yn i guess i love you 🙄 thank you ig ❤️
charles_leclerc lily you are not invited to dinner tonight. i would like to spend the night with my girlfriend and not watch her spend the whole night with you and kika
↳ lilymhe just mad your girl loves me & kika more then you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
↳ francisca.cgomes bro thinks that’s his girlfriend 🤣🤣🤣🤣
↳ yn can’t wait to see you lovely ladies tonight 😉
↳ charles_leclerc PLEASE stop
↳ pierregasly we’re BEGGING
↳ alex_albon on our KNEES
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liked by pierregasly and 920,104 others
francisca.cgomes my dearest friend, you’ve helped me more in more ways then you’ll ever know. i’ve been so lucky to call you my best friend since we were little girls, i love you so so so much y/n. happy birthday big booty judy ❤️
yn i love you for infinity kika ❤️
♥︎ by author
↳ francisca.cgomes i love you more then infinity ❤️
pierregasly happy birthday to the biggest pain in my ass i love you ❤️
♥︎ by author & yn
↳ yn thanks for always distributing my beauty sleep pear i love you more ❤️
landosfootfungus i want to be y/n
↳ danielricciardo me too 😔
charles_leclerc big booty indeed
♥︎ by author
lilymhe our little girl is growing up on us 🥹
↳ francisca.cgomes times flying 😔
iheartyn big booty judy 😭
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 20,077,284
f1 Before the day is over we would love to wish our paddock princess a very happy 22nd birthday! We hope your day was filled with nothing but love and happiness, we hope your day was as perfect as you are! 🤍
yn thank you admin 🥹❤️
♥︎ by author
maxverstappen1 Happy birthday to the biggest pain in my ass. I love you more then you know y/n ❤️
♥︎ by author
↳ yn max…this is the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me 🥹❤️
olliebearman Happy birthday y/n, thank you for being so kind and baking me so much sweets i’ll definitely get a talking to about 😂❤️
♥︎ by author
↳ yn don’t worry ollie i won’t let your trainer growl at you 😭
fernandoalo_oficial Happy birthday to my favorite girl ever ❤️
♥︎ by author
↳ yn nando stop 🥹 I LOVE YOU
↳ fernandoalo_oficial I LOVE YOU MORE Y/N 😂❤️
danielricciardo Happy birthday sunshine, i love you lots. Pretty glad to know someone like you 🌞
♥︎ by author
↳ yn i love you more danny ❤️
yukitsunoda0511 Happy birthday y/n thank you for always making me laugh ❤️
♥︎ by author
↳ yn thank you yuki ❤️
i got lazy towards the end 😭 lmk what you think.
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alltoowelltom · 3 months
What about fluffy morning routines with Oscar, like being all domestic and cute together!
thank you for requesting x
The third time the alarm goes off you've had enough.
Oscar is the sweetest boyfriend with almost no obnoxious habits - almost. The one quirk of his you absolutely cannot stand? The sheer number of times he will snooze his alarm in the morning and fall back to sleep.
'Why don't you just set it for later?' you've asked him countless times before. He always answered with a shrug, 'No, tomorrow I am going to get up first time it rings.'
"Oz." you hum sleepily, one arm coming up to push gently on his back. "Turn it off."
He makes a sound of acknowledgement, reaching over to his nightstand to grab his phone and switch off the sound.
"Sorry, love." he says, rolling over so he's laying on his side to face you, dropping his phone in the sheets. He pulls you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. He wouldn't admit it, but this moment right here is always his favorite part of the day. Just the two of you basking in each other's presence before the day begins.
"You're gonna fall asleep again." you say, prodding his chest gently.
Oscar grumbles into your hair, hand swatting around the sheets blindly for his phone. You pick it up, placing it in his hand. Both of you wince at the harsh light in the darkened room and he turns it off again as soon as he's seen the time.
"Shit, I'm late for training."
"Yeah, wonder how that happened?" you sass back, kissing his chest.
"D'you want to come with?" He asks, tracing the freckles on your arm. You shiver at the feeling of his nails that are slightly too long again, knowing you'll need to nag him about cutting them this afternoon.
"No," you giggle. "I'm gonna stay here and go back to sleep until you're back."
"Lucky thing," Oscar sighs, sitting up in bed. "I love you." He presses a kiss to your head as you repeat his words back.
Oscar's quiet as he gets dressed and brushes his teeth, clearly making an effort not to disrupt your sleep any more than he already has. You think he's left and let yourself drift back to sleep until you hear his trainers scuffing the hallway floor and he pops back into the bedroom.
"One last kiss." He giggles cheekily, giving you two on your cheek and picking up his phone from where it laid next to his pillow. You smile softly, in-and-out of sleep but you manage to squeeze his hand and hope that says enough.
By the time Oscar comes back from training you've gotten out of bed and showered.
"Awh, what?" Oscar pouts. "At least come sit with me while I get ready?"
With anyone else, you'd scoff at their clinginess but you can't help but melt at him. It had taken Oscar a little while to open up to you and become truly comfortable when you'd begun dating. He could be a little shy and tried to ensure he was independent and not needy at first, worried about scaring you off. Now, you sit on the bathroom counter, putting on some light makeup while he showers and tells you about his current training routine.
"Oh, and I got you one of those apple danishes on my way back," he calls out from behind the glass. "It's just in the kitchen."
"Hmm," you chuckle at his sweetness. "A pastry from Pastry."
When Oscar's out the shower and dressed you hand him your necklace silently and he positions himself behind you, carefully doing up the clasp the way he did every morning you were together - to the point where you'd begun to struggle latching the chain together on your own, having to twist it to the front so you could see what you were doing.
"All good?" He asks, trying to smooth your hair back into place.
"Yeah, thank you honey." you say, giving him a smile in the mirror. He returns it with a big Oscar-smile, the one with lots of teeth and crinkles by his eyes.
"Help me make the bed?" you ask, knowing Oscar would leave it a mess if you didn't remind him.
"We're just gonna get into it again tonight and make it messy again," he'd tried to reason in the past. "Why wouldn't we just save the effort and leave it?"
You each take a side of the duvet, pulling it up and fluffing the pillows, Oscar following your lead on the correct technique.
"If you bought less pillows, this would be so much quicker." He grumbles with a grin, tossing one of the many throw pillows at you gently. "I'm your pillow anyway, you don't use one of these."
"It's to make the room look pretty." you roll your eyes. Boys.
"The room already looks the prettiest, because you're in it." Oscar says sweetly, crawling over the bed and reaching out to you. Your heart swells at his (cheesy) words and you let him pull you down onto the bed.
"Let's nap for a bit, yeah?" He says softly, nuzzling into your neck. "See if you're a good pillow too."
thank you for reading x
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landojpg04 · 3 months
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I should not be writing this as I have finals and a huge project due by Sunday, but on my fyp all I've been listening and seeing is the new Hozier song that is supposed to come out next Friday. The one where he sings You're too sweet for me, and I cannot stop picturing Simon saying that throughout the discourse of your relationship.
When you both first meet, you notice that when this man drinks his coffee, it’s black. No sugar, sweetener, not even creamer. It's just a pure bitter liquid that he sips through a debrief in the morning. Meanwhile, you loved sweeteners, oat milk, almond milk, sweet cream foams, and anything that would rid the bitterness. 
“Your coffee is basically sugar.” You heard him grumble as you added more cream to your cup. You smiled and offered him the creamer in your hand.
“Won't kill you to try some; it’ll may make the bitterness go away.” You said.
“I like my coffee black.” He says before walking away.
The next night out, you were running late. You finally made it to the restaurant/bar. The team had already ordered some drinks, but behind you was Simon.
“Wanna order together.” You say, and he just nods, leading the way to the bar.
You catch the attention of the bartender.
“Can I get a cosmo.” You said; he nodded his head and looked at Simon for his.
“Whiskey. Neat.”
You looked at Simon with a puzzling look. He raised his eyebrows as you stared at him.
“Your drink of choice is warm whiskey?” You asked.
“It’s better than a juice with alcohol.”
You just laughed at his remark towards you.
“Simon, you just aren’t a fan of sweet things.” You said as the bartender handed you your drinks.
“Not in the aspects you think.” He says before leading you back to the table.
Johnny knew of the crush Simon never dared to let on towards you. He would always push the lieutenant to at least try and make a move or even hold a conversation longer than 5 minutes with you. 
It's not until they are both smoking a cigar and enjoying the quiet of the night when Johnny finally gets a glimpse of his true thoughts.
“Why is it that you won't allow yourself to pursue even past the debriefing room or weekly gatherings? She definitely wouldn’t say no to a night out with just you.”
Simon just blows the smoke he was savoring in his lungs.
“She’s too sweet for me.” That is all he lets on.
Johnny gave him a look, not understanding his thoughts.
“She’s too sweet for me. She can’t be with someone like me. It would be like mixing honey and ash. It wouldn’t work.”
You heard Simon complaining about shoulder pain the other day. You had picked up some lidocaine cream and patches because that is what worked for you. 
“Hey Simon,” You tried to get his attention before he got in his truck.
He stopped and turned to see you catching up to you. You had a small bag in your hand. He relaxed on the side of his door as he waited for you.
“Here you go.” You said, handing him the bag.
“What is it?” He said, looking at it before peeking in.
“I heard you complaining about shoulder pain, and I have the same problem, so I thought I would share the love by getting you some of the remedies I use for you.” 
“You're too sweet for me.” He whispered to himself, almost as a reminder.
“What?” You said, not picking up on what he had just said.
“Thank you, this is really nice of you.” He said. You nodded and gave him a smile before walking over to your car. 
It’s three in the afternoon, and you're in his bed. It's a rainy day, and right now, you both are tucked in under his covers, taking in each other's body heat. You looked up to meet his eyes. He peers down to meet your gaze. Simon could have never thought, after years of this back and forth, that you would still agree to be here with him. You trace the scar that lines his lip. You knew he was afraid to bear himself all to you. To open Pandora's box and let you see him like this. No mask, no guard, just him. He was expecting you to run away from the bitterness he knows surrounds him. But you stayed. And continue to do so.
“You're too sweet for me.” He says before grabbing a hold of your chin and moving you towards his lips. 
ANGST PORTION (don't hate me, but this is also in my head)
He’s standing before you. Hood on, hands in the pocket. He gazes down as he mutters the words,
“You're too sweet for me.”
He’s attempting to break things between you. And his reasoning echoes in your head: You're too sweet for me. At the end of the day, you care for the man you love, have been there for him through the darkness, and have shown him the way it feels to be loved. And he's stepping back because of the words–You're too sweet for me. 
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐔𝐩 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐎𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐧
⤷ gender neutral and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆
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・The only time you are ever awake before John, is the morning after he's come back from deployment.
・You let him sleep for as long as possible, as much as you want to wake him and be his complete centre of attention, you don't.
・He looks too peaceful
・And younger; the worry lines are erased from his face, the stress completely dissolved
・You want to kiss him, nibble his ear, nuzzle his neck. Which you do eventually do, however, you wait for him to rouse himself from sleep
・When he looks at the clock, his eyes go wide
"Why didn't you wake me love?"
"Because you needed the sleep!"
"Well, know that I'd rather be sleep-deprived and with you, then asleep. So next time, please wake me."
𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑹𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒚
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・Much like his Captain, Simon is always awake before you. Even the morning of his deployment. He doesn't even sleep when he gets back home.
・Just sits on the back porch, mug of tea in his hands and Riley at his feet.
・But when he's been sick, that's when you get the jump on him (no babe not literally)
・He's grouchy and moody. Sure that he's fine and doesn't need help.
・But the downside of looking after him, is that he doesn't want you to catch whatever he has. So no kissing. No cuddling.
・Well, his rules hold up for an hour, before your puppy dog eyes wear him down.
"Fine. C'mere love."
𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝑻𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒔𝒉
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・Ooh this man loves sleeping him.
・You cannot get this man up before 8 AM when he's off deployment (which may seem still early to some but for a soldier - it is a HUGE sleep in)
・Mumbles in his sleep too, so you can just lay there and hear a random story from your unconscious boyfriend
"And then his mask was actually ... just his face," he said with enthusiasm. Eyes closed, than back to snoring.
・It freaked you out at first. But now it's absolutely entertaining. Sometimes you take videos of him and send them to Simon, who always loves receiving them.
・In the morning, you like to snuggle close to Johnny. Your nose touching his. Eyelashes fluttering against his naturally dark ones.
・You love staring at him. You could do it for hours...except, he's start to notice.
"Oi, ye know starin' is considered creepy-"
𝑲𝒚𝒍𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌
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・Does love a good sleep in
・Especially with you in his arms, his face in the crook of your neck.
・When you feel a stir behind you, you're sure to grab the arm closest to you and secure it around you
・You hear a laugh behind you, but no resistance
"Thought you were asleep love."
"Hmm, thought you were too. Now scoot closer, you're letting the cold in."
・Luckily he can't see him rolling his eyes. Although, there is a small smirk on his lips
"Whatever you say, my darling."
"Watch your tone, Garrick."
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・Loves kisses, especially on his shoulders. It makes him giddy inside.
・Sometimes he'll just pretend to be asleep so you can wake him up with kisses
・Other times, he can't stay in bed. He needs to pee.
・And as much as he wants to be quiet, he cannot. Whenever he wakes up, ultimately you wake up as well.
・Your personal heater is gone and you feel the chill near instantly
"Oh, es tut mir leid, Schatz, geh wieder ins Bett" (Oh, I'm sorry honey, go back to bed)
"No, I'll just have a tea and sit on the lounge. Will you join me?"
𝑨𝒍𝒆𝒋𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑽𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒔
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・Surprisingly, he's one to always be awake before you.
・Giving you a kiss before going downstairs to start on breakfast for the two of you.
・It's annoying when you do want to wake up before him, to take on the chores that he usually does.
・You even set an alarm underneath your pillow so that you could wake up before him.
・But you slept through the first alarm and he was the one to turn it off.
・Yet, whenever you do wake up, you immediately throw back the blankets and run downstairs to jump in his arms.
"Mi amor, what are you doing up?"
"I wanted to be close to you! I missed you."
"Aw, Calientas mi corazon querida" (You warm my heart, darling)
𝑲𝒆𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒖𝒔𝒔
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・Likes sleeping in but can't unless you're with him
・So you usually just flip over and land on top of him, knowing he was in the process of waking up anyway
"You comfortable there, kid?"
・His voice groggy and deep, a hand snaking it's way around your waist to keep you still
"The most comfortable," you said, scrunching your nose and giving him a peck on the mouth
"You comfortable?" You said sweetly, making sure to keep all your weight directly upon him.
"Incredibly," he said with a slight wheeze. But he didn't move, nor made a thought to. He loved the feeling of you so close.
・Knowing that he made it home again. To you.
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augustinewrites · 5 months
i cannot for the life of me find the ask, but this is what the fushigojo apartments (and house!) look like!! ps: i’ve attached the name of a song to each of the apartments that i think fits their time there!
the green tea & honey apartment
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so here we have the first apartment! it’s fushigojo mom’s apartment— a cute little two bedroom close to the school. gojo doesn’t have his own place yet, and he doesn’t want to bring two zenin kids to the gojo clan, so this is the only place he considered raising them in. the kids are good at sharing a room for a while, but then they start kicking each other out of the bed in the middle of the night and are starting to need their own space, so after 2 years, they move!!
core memories in this apartment:
- trust was built here
- megumi lost his first tooth (and summoned his first shikigami! see: loose tooth)
- gojo and megumi shared their first father and son moment (see: off days)
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the coming home apartment
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this is the second apartment! gojo rents this place. it’s a little bigger, a little more grown up. it has three bedrooms, so the kids finally get their own! it’s a little further into the city, but closer the middle school gojo wanted to send them to. they stay here for a long time. it hosted birthday parties and sleepovers. movie nights and homework sessions. living room dancing and kitchen table bills. first fights and family meetings. i don’t know why i’m getting so emotional thinking about how much they’ve all grown here. they must have been so sad to leave it :( which they do, after about 8 years.
core memories in this apartment:
- love grew here
- megumi brought a “date” home for the first time
- fushigojo parents “breakup”
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and finally, the sweet nothing home
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their forever home 🫶 gojo had it built a little ways out from the city and let fushigojo mom fill it with things they love. they brought pieces of their old homes to create a place to rest, to love, to heal. the perfect balance of gojo’s unnecessary spending habits and basic practicality. it has a lot of bedrooms for all of their adopted kiddos to visit and to host their friends! there’s also a nursery 🥺
core memories built here:
- a happy ending!
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fairlyang · 5 months
Appreciate 🕷️
caught masturbating while babysitting
w/c: 5.1K
pairing: dilfneighbor!miguel x latinababysitter!reader
tags: 18+ smut. slow burn oops, age gap (not specified but reader is early 20's, mig early 30's, dirty thoughts ensue, caught masturbating, he helps you out, fingering, staying quiet
notes: the getting caught fucking KILLED me rn while editing I cannot😭
Miguel O'Hara was one of your neighbors and your parents quickly got a liking to the single father across the street. He was very laidback and kind, accommodating with all the neighbors for literally anything.
So considering that when Miguel would say he never had time for himself due to always taking care of his daughter, Gabriella, your dad told him you'd be happy to babysit for him while he took him out to get a couple drinks with a few of the other dads in the neighborhood.
But of course you had no fucking clue this conversation was even had until the day your dad promised him some drinks.
"Oye mija le prometí a Miguel que ibas a quedar a su hija para sacarlo a tomarnos unos tragos." He tells you standing by your doorway while you sat on your bed and then just walks away. (Hey honey I promised Miguel that you were going to take care of his daughter so we could take him out to have a couple drinks)
"Porque hiciste eso?!!?!" You yelled and quickly hopped out of bed and ran after him beyond pissed. (Why did you do that?!!?!)
"Si apenas me estaba alistando para salir con mis amigas no chingues!!!!" You screamed following down the stairs in your heels that clicked on every step. (I was just getting ready to go hang out with my friends. it's a phrase that can be used for shock or when shit goes wrong)
"Pues dile a Miguel que se canceló el plan entonces." He says so confident you wouldn't do it until you walk past him and heading straight to the front door. (Then go tell Miguel that the plans are canceled)
"AY OKAY! Que quieres?" He says and rolls his eyes as you turn around to face him. (What do you want?)
"Me debes un enorme favor. Lo que sea cuando te lo pida." You say and point a finger at him, just to show you really mean it. (You owe me enormous favor. Whatever it is, whenever I ask you of it)
"Ya que-" (ugh whatever- or like 'since I have no other choice')
"Tu mismo te hiciste esto." You quickly cut him off and he only groans. (You only did this to yourself)
"Pues deja me pongo cómoda. Ya que no tengo otra opción." You say and glare at him to which he only gives you a goofy smile. (Let me get comfortable. Now that I don't have another option)
You reluctantly went upstairs, annoyed that this was how your Friday night was gonna go over going clubbing with your friends.
But shit happens, what can you really do?
You go back to your room and take off your perfectly chosen red mini dress and put the sweats you were wearing earlier back on. You then grab a tee shirt that had hello kitty on it with some sunglasses, hoping to get some brownie points by the little girl at least.
You then slip on a pair of purple crocs and you're done. Until you realized you had already put your makeup on so now you have to take it off.
What a waste.
You grab a makeup wipe that you had on your desk and wipe off your eye makeup, then everything else only leaving your lips alone.
Then grabbing your phone off your bed, sending a quick text to your friends that you can't make it and you head back downstairs. "Vámonos." Your dad says and snaps his finger as if he has any room to complain. (Let's go.)
He opened the front door and you walked out right behind him as you mumble how annoying he was to which he told you to just calm down and it wouldn't be that bad.
You walked across the street and stepped up to his front door, your dad ringing the doorbell to which you then hear loud footsteps coming from inside.
Then the door opens by none other than the very energetic 8 year old. This was going to be a long night...
You smile down at her and give her a wave which she returns and gives you a toothy grin of her own. "Gabi donde está tu papá?" You asked and she just pointed up. (where's your dad?)
"Se está poniendo sus tenis! Dijo voy a jugar con alguien nueva." She says and goes back inside letting out giggles as she walks to the living room. (He's putting on his shoes! He said I get to play with someone new)
You follow her in and see coloring books, crayons, colored pencils and markers all over the coffee table in front of the tv. "Te gusta colorear?" She asked as she takes a seat behind the table as you make your way around the couch to sit on the floor with her. (Do you like to color?)
"Si me encanta!" You say and her eyes lit up. (Yes I love it!)
Suddenly you hear footsteps coming down the stairs and straighten up as Miguel comes down giving you a bright smile.
And lord did he clean up nice.
He was wearing a black button up with some jeans and black boots, and his hair slicked back. You gave him a smile as he walked over to you and Gabi, who was also shining her big smile. "Papi también le gusta colorear!!" She says jumping up onto the couch and grinning ear to ear. (she also likes to color!!)
He gasps and tickles her sides making her erupt into fits of giggles, "de verdad?" He says and turns to you, to which you give a small shrug and just smile. (really?)
He stops tickling her and she hops off the couch just to sit back down on the floor. You turn to him and he walks around the couch leaning down, and gives you a quick kiss on your cheek to which you return at the same time.
"Thank you so much for this, I really appreciate it." He says and you pull back, waving him off before he continues, "Gabi's on a little sugar rush right now but she'll be calm within the next hour and will want to go to bed right after. She's a very deep sleeper so feel free to use the tv and help yourself to any of the food."
You nod and watch as he bends over and whispers something to her ear to which Gabi nods and gives him a thumbs up. He gets up and mouthed another thank you then walks out the front door.
Maybe this won't be too bad.
And it wasn't.
You ended up coloring two pages of a finding nemo coloring book while she was coloring on a spongebob coloring book. And surprisingly stayed in the lines.
After that she wanted you to play with her dolls to which you felt happy to, it was like reliving your childhood and she was such a sweet kid.
You noticed it was 8pm and helped Gabi put away all her coloring things and let her lead you to her bedroom.
She runs in as you carry her art supplies and she points to a desk for you to leave them on.
You walk over to her dresser where Miguel left a pair of pjs for her to put on and help her take off shoes as well as her glittery shirt and pants.
She then puts on her pjs and goes off to brush her teeth all by herself. Made your job even easier.
She runs back in after a few minutes and plops down onto her bed, "can you tuck me in? Porfis?" She asks and give little puppy dog eyes. (Please)
"Of course." You nod and walk over to her princess bed.
"Como un burrito!" She giggles making you laugh. (Like a burrito!)
So you pull her blanket over her body and let her lift her arms before tucking her in tightly which just made the little girl giggle. You go down and tuck her nicely tight before coming up and passing her the stuffed animal she was reaching for.
A spider.
Weird option but it had cute eyes.
"Goodnight Gabi, sueña de cosas bonitas." You whisper and smile at her as she gives you one back. (dream of pretty things)
You turn off her lamp from her bedside table, then walk towards her door, turning the light switch off before finally closing the door.
You head downstairs, turning off all the lights, and plop down on one of the couches in the living room. You scroll on your phone but then quickly grow bored so you reach over the coffee table and grab the remote control.
You turn the tv on and go through the apps they had and decide to watch 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'. You kick your crocs off then make yourself comfortable before turning to watch the tv.
You got to watch the first scene before your eyes started fluttering and you pass out.
You don't wake up until you hear the jingle of the door and you jump up, wiping your eyes and sitting up to watch Miguel come through the door, surprisingly not shit faced.
You stood up and greeted him with a hug, then a kiss on the cheek as he gives you one back. "Como les fue?" You ask and he shrugs. (How'd it go?)
You then pull away and take quick notice of the lipstick stains along his neck. You look back up at him and he smiles, "estuvo bien." (It was good)
Sure looks like it.
You shrug and smile, "que bien! If you need me to babysit just let my parents know and hopefully I'll be available." You offer and he sighs. (That's good!)
"I really appreciate it," he starts and takes his wallet out which you look at with a confused look, "me vale que era un favor, no me siento bien en no pagarte un poco." (I don't care that it was a favor, I feel bad in not paying you a little bit)
"Y más porque tu papá me dijo que tu ya tenías planes y ni sabías de esto." He says with a sympathetic smile while handing you a $50 bill. (And more because your dad told me that you had plans and didn't even know about this)
You widen your eyes and shake your head, "no te preocupes! Está bien y Gabi se porto bien! No me tienes que pagar Miguel." You say and wave him off. (Don't worry about it! It's okay and Gabi behaved well! You don't have to pay me.)
"Por favor tómalo, me siento mal. Agarra el dinero para que tomes con tus amigas, yo picho." He says, letting out a chuckle at the last two words and you sigh. (Please take it, I feel bad. Grab the money so you can drink with your friends, I'll pay."
His eyes were pleading and it looked like he felt bad but it wasn't even his fault. If anything your dad should be the one paying.
"Si no para la próxima le digo a Gabi que lo esconda en tu ropa." He threatens making you burst out laughing. (If not for the next time I'll tell Gabi to hide it in your clothes)
"Creo que quiero ver eso..." you joke and he laughs. (I think I wanna see that)
"Mis papas me matarán si lo tomo Miguel. De verdad estás bien!" You reassure him and he sighs. (My parents will kill me if I take it Miguel. Seriously you're fine!)
"Eres bien terca." He mutters and you scoff. (You're very stubborn)
A smirk tugs on his lips and you had to fight the thoughts entering your mind. Sure he was fine as hell, you already knew that but you shouldn't be thinking this mid conversation.
"Maybe next time I'll accept it!" You say and shrug as he slides the bill back in his wallet.
"Fine." He sighs in defeat and tilts his head to the side, "but I'll still make Gabi hide it in your clothes just for good measure." He jokes making you smile.
"Yeah yeah." You wave him off and walk past him to the front door.
"Thank you again, I appreciate it." He says turning to face you and opens the door for you.
"Course! Anytime, and now I'll actually know about it." You joke making him roll his eyes.
"Tu papá es algo más." He says and you nod. (Your dad is something else)
"Lo se." You mutter and finally walk out before you waste anymore of his time. (I know)
"Cuidate!" He shouts as you walk out of his porch and onto the sidewalk. (Stay safe!)
You turn back to him and wave before turning back and crossing the street back to your house. You open the door assuming your dad didn't lock it and sure enough it was open.
As you stepped in and closed the door you noticed Miguel was still outside his door, making sure you did stay safe.
So sweet.
You give him one last wave before closing the door and immediately head to your room.
You open the door and quickly close it before taking off your crocs once again and plopping down onto your bed.
And now finally your thoughts could roam free.
His hair was slicked back before he left the house, right now that shit was all over the place.
And the lipstick stains on his neck??
He definitely got his own fun tonight but you couldn't help but feel so jealous.
It's not your fault if you occasionally had a wandering eye whenever Miguel was around.
Or peeking out through your bedroom window to watch him when he mowed the lawn. Shirtless.
Or stare at him longer than you should at random carne asadas the neighbors would host.
It was natural for a young woman to feel attraction towards an older man like him.
Especially with daddy issues but that's besides the point-
He stood out from the other dads in the neighborhood, he was younger. Respectful, kind, helpful.
Everything a woman could ever ask for.
So you couldn't help but instantly felt a twinge of jealousy when you saw the lipstick stains on his neck.
Why couldn't that be you that left them?
At least now you know he looked really good in red..
But at what cost? Feeling your entire being now getting taken over by jealousy of a man you have no right to and probably stand no chance in ever having?
Or touching...
And there came the horny thoughts that always seemed to appear in the back of your mind. He always just did something to you. Your body couldn't help but want him, crave him, his touch.
So you repeated the endless cycle of anytime you see him just having to masturbate. It was becoming a bad habit, but not hurting anyone.
Alas you had to use your own fingers to make you cum and not Miguel's. Again.
But you moved on and let the next day pass. Nothing eventful happened, and there were no Miguel sightings to be found.
That was until you got a text from an unknown number and low and behold it was the man you were daydreaming about all day.
Unknown number
Hey it's Miguel! I asked your dad for your number, hope that's fine but was wondering if you could babysit for me tmrw?
Got scheduled for a late shift at the lab and don't want Gabi home alone🥲
It was embarrassing how quickly you started typing your response but how could you say no?
You're good!! And I'd love to! What time?
No way he could sense your desperation to see him again through text. Right?
You added him to your contacts before he finally texts back.
Around 6, getting out at midnight so please let me pay you this time
You sigh and quickly type back.
And sounds good I'll be seeing you guys tmrw:)
And with that no more messages from him came in but he left a like to your second message.
And the rest of your night was uneventful besides the occasional wet dream filling your mind and distracting you.
It was the next day and you were practically counting down the hours until you had to go babysit.
Given you wouldn't even see Miguel for too long before or after but still. You'd have to make do with the amount of time you will see him.
But because you knew you'd just be playing or coloring with Gabi again, you decided to just dress comfortably over trying to impress Miguel for less than five minutes.
So sweats and a tee shirt again but no bra because who the fuck wants to willingly wear a bra for six hours?
Yeah right.
Now all dressed you grabbed your airpods and phone, slipped your crocs on and went downstairs. Saying a quick goodbye to your parents before exiting your house and trying not to skip on over to Miguel's house.
It was 5:45 but you figured you'd get there early just cause, definitely not to possibly spend a little more time with him.
Definitely not.
You walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Instantly the door flew open and Gabi opened the door wide so you could come in.
You ruffle her hair as she grins up at you, "cómo estás Gabi?" (How are you?)
"Bien! Apenas comí pozole!" She says as you walk in and she happily closes the door behind you. (Good! I just ate pozole!)
You gasp and were about to respond when Miguel came down. "The pot is still warm si te quieres servir un plato." He says giving you a quick hug and kiss on your cheek. (if you want a plate)
"Might just have to." You reply giving him a smile once he pulled away.
He was wearing a white lab coat, maybe a white button up and you didn't want to look down to see the rest.
His hair was slicked back again but the best part was that he was wearing thick black glasses. It made him look 100x more attractive but you remained calm.
No way to act like a barbarian right now.
Maybe later.
"Okay have her in bed by seven because she's got school tomorrow and no sweets besides pan dulce with a glass of milk." He says and you chuckle as Gabi storms up to him with a pout on her face.
But he didn't budge.
"Tv and fridge are all yours. Make yourself at home and I'll be back by midnight." He tells you then looks down at Gabi.
"Pórtate bien." He says, leaning down and giving her a kiss on her forehead and a hug. (Behave)
"Ya se papi, ya se." She says and playfully rolls her eyes. (I know dad, I know)
He gives her a warning look before blowing her a kiss as he walks to the front door. He gives her one last look and she just waves him goodbye. He chuckles and opens the door then shuts it behind him.
"Can we watch Bluey?" She looks up at you with pleading little eyes and you nod as she sprints to the living room without another word.
So you end up watching Bluey with Gabi for a good nine episodes before you were slowly losing yourself into this little kids show. The little accents and cute storylines just got to your heartstrings.
And with fifteen minutes left to spare, you wait until the episode Gabi was watching was over before hitting the back button leading you back to the disney+ home screen.
Gabi whined and you shook your head, "no more, you've gotta get ready for bed!"
She groans but nonetheless heads upstairs with you trailing behind her. She gets dressed into her pjs then heads straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
She's literally an angel.
No way Miguel would have a hard time finding a sitter for her. She's every babysitter's dream. Besides the occasional sarcasm she got from her dad.
But nonetheless still an angel.
Finally she's in bed and you're tucking her in, once again passing her the stuffed spider, who you learned she named Gabri, after her favorite uncle.
You then shut off the lights and walk out of her room, closing the door gently.
You walk back downstairs turning off the lights before heading to the living room. You plop down on the couch and get comfortable, this time putting on a blanket that was on the armrest because it was getting cold.
You play a random movie, snuggling the blanket to your face to warm yourself up when you realize it smells like Miguel.
Maybe he was sitting there earlier?
You breathed in and breathed out, feeling so relaxed. Your eyes start fluttering and it's the second time you pass out at Miguel's place. 
You get woken up by screams coming from the tv, probably wasn't the best to play a scary movie but oh well.
You stretched and let out a yawn before switching positions and laying down so your legs were stretched out over the whole couch. You laid your head on the arm rest and wiped your eyes before taking your phone and airpods from your pocket.
You put them both in your ears before just scrolling through your phone. You move the blanket so it was mostly by your chest and stomach, exposing your legs because you weren't cold but still wanted it on you.
Just then you inhale his scent again and he must've been wearing something expensive because it smelled so good.
You then got the absolute best idea imaginable. And with Miguel being away for another two hours along with Gabi sleeping and probably snoring heavily in her room, you would be good.
So you put some music on, a mix of The Weeknd and Lana Del Rey to get you in the perfect mood. But as you closed your eyes your imagination immediately ran wild and there was no stopping you.
You spread your legs and slowly ran a hand over your body, playing with your tits then softly pinching your hardened nipples. Then trailing it up and down your stomach before it lands on the waistband of your sweats.
You slipped your hand in and began by just tracing along your inner thigh, then went deeper. You led two fingers down to rub your clit, only a couple circles before going down and rubbing your slit over your panties.
Your arousal was already building up, and this blanket was helping a ton. You just imagined Miguel on top of you, not caring if he crushed you, just craving him above you. The way he'd be looking down at your eyes while he toyed with you. Had his way with you.
You needed him so desperately, his touch, his mouth, his fingers. Absolutely everything and anything he'd give you.
Your fingers made their way back up to your clit and you started rubbing faster circles against it while bucking your hips up, imagining it's Miguel's fingers.
A moan slipped past your lips and you tried your best to keep quiet as your fingers worked fairly against your bundle of nerves.
"Miguel-" you whispered before letting out a shaky breath as you held onto the blanket tightly with your left arm.
Just the thought of this big, smoking hot dilf climbing on top of you was almost enough to make you explode.
Fortunately your thoughts went broader than that.
Not only is he tall, and big but his cock would most definitely be the best thing you'd ever lay your eyes on. He'd be really thick and you'd probably struggle keeping him inside you.
He'd stretch you out to absolute perfection and you'd tighten around him so good he's be moaning out your name from how good your pussy feels.
You felt your slick seep through your panties and it only made you more relentless. You slipped your hand under your panties, and brought your two fingers to tease your hole.
You'd need the practice.
You dipped your fingers into your folds, just letting your fingers get soaked before finally slipping them both in making you whine.
You bite your lip to shut yourself up before slipping them in harshly, imagine that's how Miguel would fuck you. You feel yourself clench against your fingers as you start to fuck yourself immediately fast, needing him so fucking badly.
His cock would fill you up so good and you wouldn't mind if he came inside. You wouldn't want him to waste any of it.
You cover your mouth with the blanket let yourself moan into it, as you breathe him in with every inhale. You let out mumbled moans of just his name, as you start to fuck yourself harder, your immersion working better than ever tonight.
And it might've manifested into itself when you felt a gently tap on your shoulder which made you open your eyes, and freeze in fear.
It was Miguel.
"W-w-what are you d-doing back so e-early?!?" You ask as you felt your heartbeat increase rapidly.
But you couldn't seem to slip your fingers out. Unable to move and staring blankly ahead and not to your right as Miguel's body loomed over you.
"Finished what we needed to do faster than expected." He says and you could feel his gaze on you. It was hard to miss.
And you were growing more and more nervous by the second. "And this is what you're doing huh?" He whispers and it doesn't help your nerves at all but does make you clench against your fingers.
"I-I- I'm sorry-" you apologize feeling your body flush with embarrassment but get interrupted.
"A good hour before I was meant to come home too. Que pensaste?" He snarls and you hold your breath. (what were you thinking?)
"Aww and gripping this poor blanket for dear life." He says in that teasing tone but you don't have it in you to look at him.
"No me lo esperaba de ti." He whispers and you take a deep breath. (I wasn't expecting this from you)
"P-perdón-" (S-sorry)
"Shh stay quiet..." he whispers and see him going down to his knees out of your peripheral.
"Let me appreciate you in some other way for what you've done for me tonight." He murmurs softly in your ear.
He then brings a hand down between your legs, before placing his hand on top of yours, fingers still buried inside you. Your lip was quivering and you couldn't believe this was happening.
And you're not dreaming.
He then pulls it away only to slip it under your sweats then panties before sliding his fingers between your folds. You whimpered and bucked your hips up, always a needy mess.
"What did I stay? Stay quiet." He coos in your ear, bringing his other hand up to your throat, lightly squeezing.
You finally turn your head to look at him only to smile at him before he leans in to kiss you. You kissed back immediately and he lets go of your throat and instead cups your jaw as you moan into his mouth. He pulls away making you pout, "No hagas que me repita nena." He whispers and you nod. (Don't make me repeat myself baby girl)
"Take your fingers out for me." He whispers and you nod, immediately listening.
You slip your fingers out and take them out between your legs. "Good girl." He murmurs and move his fingers down, teasing your hole with the tip of his finger.
"Miguel- fuck-" you moan then cover your mouth with the blanket again.
"Need more?" He coos and you whimper, nodding.
"Tell me." He whispers and you move your hand away.
"Please- I need you so fucking badly- por favor, te necesito- mmm te necesito tanto Miguel." You plead and he slides his fingers inside you. (Please I need you, I need you so much)
"Feel good huh baby?" He asks and you nod, unable to speak as his fingers start pumping into you fast.
You clamp a hand over your already covered mouth and try your hardest to keep quiet but his fingers filled you up. Two fingers, were able to feel fulfilling inside you.
"Estas tan hermosa mami." He whispers in your ear and you let out a muffled whimper, your walls clenching against his fingers. (You're so beautiful)
He left gentle kisses along your jaw, and neck while pumping his fingers faster and harder. You rolled your eyes back as you kept quiet, or tried to.
You bucked your hips up and tilted your head to the side as Miguel began sucking on your skin, leaving marks then kissing them after. Your walls clenched against your fingers and you could feel that familiarity in your lower abdomen.
"Te vas a quedar bien calladita para mi verdad?" He whispers making you gasp and nod. (You're gonna stay real quiet for me right?)
He starts fucking into you harder and curls his fingers up, hitting that sweet spot of yours with every thrust as you feel your legs begin to shake. Your eyes began to flutter and you tried to keep your eyes open, you wanted to how he'd react to you cumming.
You then feel his thumb rubbing fast circles against your clit which only makes it harder for you to stay quiet. You bit your lips and held all your moans in as your climax hit and your entire body starts to shake. You covered your mouth and breathed heavily as he fucked you slower, moving his thumb away.
You close your eyes and let out heavy pants as he stops and lets his fingers stay inside. "You did so good baby... how's that instead of money?" He whispered and you just gave him a drunken smile unable to have any thoughts.
"Still gonna leave you with both." He coos and kisses your cheek softly.
He pulls his fingers out slowly, then slips them out your juices dripping down and definitely staining your poor panties even more.
He slips his fingers out of your panties and sweats and then brings them up to your mouth which you instantly put into your mouth. You tasted yourself as your eyes fluttered and your breathing finally had calmed down.
You then let go of his fingers with a plop and he leans in, kissing you again but passionately. Tongue in your mouth, also wanting to have a taste of you. After a solid fifteen seconds he pulls away and murmurs, "Thank you for babysitting again. If you want you can stay the night, te ves muy cansada... pobrecita." (you look so tired, poor girl)
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miniwheat77 · 5 months
Taboo. (Stepbro!Soap x Reader.)
!This is 100% pure disgusting taboo smut, do not read if you cannot handle it. You've been warned! NSFW, smut, unprotected sex!
(A video surfaced on my tik tok of Neil in that god forsaken wife beater where he says "Big sister to the rescue." and this was completely the reason behind this fic. Good luck.)
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A sigh leaves Johnny's lips as they get ready to board an airplane to go home. Which catches the attention of Ghost. "What's going on Johnny?" Ghost asks. Johnny laughs. "Ah. I just would rather stay on base to be honest." He laughs. "Why?" He asks. "Well. My Step sister stays in my parents guest house everytime I come home and she kind've just... gets on my nerves." He laughs. "How so?" Ghost asks. Passing Johnny a water bottle. "She teases me about some of the dumb stuff I did when we were younger but it's relentless when she's around. Any girlfriend I've brought home she's run off by telling them what I've done." He rolls his eyes. Ghost laughs. "Sounds like her and I would get along ah?" He smiles.
Johnny laughs. "When is the last time you saw her?" Ghost asks. “It’s been a few years.”
Ghost nods. “Well. Johnny. She is your sister. Maybe just talk to her about the teasing.” He shrugs. Johnny nods. “Yeah you’re probably right.” He looks down. “Is that all she does?” He asks. “Yeah that’s pretty much it.”
“You’ll be fine Johnny. Just relax.” Ghost laughs. He nods. Ghosts flight makes last call, and they say their goodbyes. Johnny still has some time to kill before his flight is due.
He was not excited to be home.
Johnny feels dread as he catches a taxi to his parents house. They insisted he come visit during his break off. “It is summertime after all, Johnny.” Was their excuse. He agreed, but upon hearing his step sister would be there, he wished he hadn’t.
He knows she shouldn’t get to him as easy as she does, but there’s just something about her that he wants to avoid.
Despite growing up together, and getting along for the most part, he still wished he wasn’t here.
He carries his duffel bag inside and sets it down. Closing the door behind himself. He can hear his mum humming in the kitchen. “Hello?” He calls out. “Oh!” He hears her. She appears in the doorway to the living room. “Hi honey!” She smiles. She pulls him into a hug. “I’ve missed you so much. How was your deployment?” She asks. “Not bad. Fighting bad guys as always.” He laughs.
“Ah. Johnny. How are you kid?”
It’s his step dad, your dad. “I’m good old man. How are you?” He sees his graying hair. It makes him sad a bit, just how much he’s missed out on. “Good. Nice seeing you.” He pulls Johnny in for a hug. “I’m gonna go put this up in the room.” He nods. “Oh, Johnny wait.” His mum stops him. “Sorry. I turned the guest room into an office. You’ll be staying out in the guest house with Y/N.”
Johnny can feel the color leaving his face. He’s so screwed.
“Oh okay. So.. I’ll go take it out there.” He nods. He breathes. "Okay honey. I'm making lunch so tell Y/N to come in once you're done." She smiles. He nods his head. "I will mum." He laughs, making his way out the door. He runs his hand over his mohawk nervously. He's not looking forward to seeing you. He feels dread settle into his chest once again as he knocks at the door before entering. "Come in!" He hears you call. He grasps the knob, taking one last breath before he opens up the door. He sees you sitting on the couch in the small living area. You're watching something. "Johnny, hey!" You smile. He smiles. "Hey." He nods. "Heard I'm staying out here with you." He laughs. Stepping into the house awkwardly. You laugh. "Yeah, your mum turned the spare room into an office for her work since the place she was working in shut down." You explain, standing up. You hug him, and he can smell your perfume. The hair in his body standing up. He needed to get away from you. He nods his head. "I'll just go.. Unpack then. Room on the left?" He asks. "Yep."
Johnny can't get the tequila down fast enough. He hates this. He's only been here three days and already wants to go back. You've been glued to his side since he's been home. "Hey uh.. Is everything okay?" You ask.
You've just got home from his aunts house, and you'd done it once again. Pointed out something stupid or embarrassing he did as a teenager. He was trying to talk to his cousins new wife and you'd started in with it. He takes a deep breath.
"I just..." He sighs. Tilting back the cup of tequila he'd just poured. He's sure they didn't notice him take it from the main house. "Why do you always make it a point to embarrass me in front of people?" He asks. You look at him in confusion. "What?" You freeze. "Earlier, you brought up some stuff I did as a teenager and you do it all the time. Anytime I'm around." He rests his hands on the granite countertop in the kitchen. "Johnny I-"
"No, you do it all the time. I mean really. Any girl I've tried dating, anytime I'm around you, you make it a point to do it. I mean seriously. I didn't want to come home because of this and I knew I should've stayed on base." He shakes his head. "Johnny, I'm sorry okay?" He can see the hurt in your face from the words he's just said. "They're just stupid stories that I thought were harmless, I didn't know it was bothering you that bad." You sigh.
"Yeah well it is. I didn't want to leave base because of it and I've been here three days and you've already done it." He grumbles.
“Well that just makes me feel like a horrible big sister.” You sigh.
“You’re not my real sister.” He shakes his head.
He can see the hurt in your face. “Why do you always say that Johnny? We practically grew up together! What difference does it make if I’m your step-sister or not!”
“Because…” he grits his teeth. He rubs his hands over his face, stepping around the countertop. “It’s just different okay? You’re not my sister.” He shakes his head. Looking at the ground. "And I'm not a kid anymore alright? I wish you'd stop treating me like one." He sighs. You shake your head. He can see how bad he’s hurting you. He has to go all in.
All the poker chips in the pot, no going back. "Why do you always say that hm? That I'm not your sister? What's the difference?" He can see the tears gathering in your eyes.
“The difference is.. is that…” he shakes his head. Teeth gritted once more.
“Fuck it.” He mutters. He grabs a hold of your shirt, pulling you into him. He kisses you hard, feeling you tense up against him. He backs up into the countertop. Your eyes are wide for a second, closing after a moment. He pulls away when he doesn’t feel you kiss back.
“Shit- shit. I’m sorry.” He steps back. Seeing you standing there. You’re staring at him but he can’t tell exactly what’s going through your head.
He wouldn’t call you his sister because of the way he felt about you.
You shake your head, shaking yourself out of your thoughts. Kissing him again.
He freezes up, just like you had. Before wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up. He sets you down onto the countertop. Your dress gives him easier access to your body, feeling his rough and calloused hands gliding up your hips and onto your waist. Hooking his fingers over your panties to pull them down. He says nothing more, quickly freeing himself from his jeans, lining up with you. Just like that, you're exposed. Nothing between the both of you anymore.
When he thrusts up into you, a gasp leaves both of your lips. Freezing up momentarily at the intensity. Your hands clutch the edge of the countertop. His eyes burn into yours, only pulling away to look between the both of you. The clarity seems to hit the both of you all at once.
A knock at the door has you both jumping. “Shit-“ you mumble. He presses a finger to your lips. “Y/N? Johnny? Dinner is ready!” He can hear his mum yell. “Fuck- oh fuck.” He mutters as quiet as possible. “Uh. Yeah! Okay! We’re just going to finish this movie really quickly!” He calls out. “Okay sweetie. No rush.”
He can hear her footsteps going back to the main house. He turns back to you. Swallowing hard. “Should we stop?” He asks.
Your heart pounds in your chest. Johnny has barely touched you and you already have that knot forming in your stomach. He’s undeniably good at this, he feels even better. “No.” You look up at him. He swallows hard, grasping a hold of your wrists and holds them against the countertop. Pinning them there. He raises himself up, sliding out of you. Feeling you choke out a gasp as he thrusts back into you. The muscles in his upper arms and shoulders flexing. The muscles in his neck doing the same as he grits his teeth. He pushes you back by your chest, until your back is flat on the counter.
“Oh fuck Johnny.” You whimper. His pace is bruising. Slow but hard thrusts. “Fuck- I’ve wanted this for so long.” He clenches his eyes closed. “So fucking long you have no idea.” He cries, body shivering. He’s finally getting what he’s dreamt of for nearly 20 years. “I knew coming here was a bad idea, I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself around you.” He hisses.
Johnny feels like a freak. Like some kind of pervert for pining after his step-sister after all of these years.
It’s almost like you read his mind. Maybe you can see the doubt in his eyes.
“I-“ you start. You flinch as the tip of his cock presses against your cervix. “It’s why I ran off all your girlfriends.” You gasp as he clutches your thighs harder. “Wasn’t just you.” You pant. Eyes fluttering closed. “Fuck.” He growls. He lowers his head, resting it over your clothed chest. You can feel that his hair is damp with his sweat. The thought that you want him just as bad as he’s wanted you lights a fire inside of Johnny. He bites down onto your collarbone, feeling you whimper. He’s going to make you his. He’s going to show you that nobody will be able to touch you like he can.
Johnny will learn every inch of your body and he’ll know exactly what to do to get you addicted to his touch. Addicted to him.
He adjusts himself, fixing the angle at which he thrusts into you. Gliding through your folds. He presses right against that spongy spot inside of you, hearing you gasp. He lowers his hand, thumbing your clit. He can feel you jump at the pressure he puts on it. “I know it’s a lot baby. Just relax.” He breathes. You nod your head, watching his hands as he touches you. Rubbing gentle circles into your clit. “Poor thing.. so swollen.” He pouts, a smile playing at his lips. A whine leaves your lips. You’re close already. Dangerously close. He can feel you clamping down around him. This is where he makes you his.
He pushes your dress up onto your hips, spreading your legs further. Pushing them up just slightly.
He thrusts into that spot, mercilessly. Your legs tremble and tears gather in your eyes. He’s so good at this, so so good.
Tears spill over your eyelids and before you can stop yourself, a moan leaves your lips. He clamps a hand over your mouth, seeing your eyes roll back. His eyes widen as your pussy clamps down around him. He leans down, pulling his hand away to kiss you, fucking you through your high. Feeling you squirming beneath him as he overstimulates you. “M’close, so close.” He pants. “Can you take it?” He asks. You nod your head. His breathing picks up. You can hear his heart pounding from a few inches away. “It’s okay Johnny. Relax.” You breathe, trying to soothe him. His skin is beat red.
“Look at me.” You breathe. His eyes flicker to yours. “Give yourself to me Johnny.” You sigh. His body shakes, he’s right there. You wrap your legs around him, hands clutching at his shirt for dear life.
He grits his teeth, moaning out as he reaches his high, not even thinking to pull out. A gasp leaves your lips, eyes widening as he empties himself inside of you.
Your thighs are sore and shiver slightly. “Fuck…” he gasps. leaning onto the counter to hold himself up. He breathes heavily. He rests his forehead against yours. He can still hear you panting, over his own. He pulls away from you, sliding himself out of you with a gasp, hearing you whine. He stands up completely, tucking himself back into his jeans. “I.. I gotta go change.” He breathes. You nod your head, pulling your dress down slightly, holding your knees up to yourself. Once he’s gone, you make your way into your room, walking awkwardly as you feel his filth seeping from your cavern, coating your thighs. You lock your bathroom door behind you, turning to look at yourself in the mirror.
You’d just had sex with Johnny. Your step-brother.
You shake yourself out of your thoughts. Cleaning yourself up and changing out of your dress before you emerge. You can still hear him moving around in his room. Maybe, it’s a one time thing. Maybe it won’t happen again.
You want to beat yourself up because you know if he tries again. You won’t stop him. You step out into the kitchen, freezing up when you see the countertop where he'd been inside you just moments ago.
A gasp leaves your lips as he turns you by your shoulder, pushing you up against the wall. You didn’t hear him come out. He takes a deep breath, looking at you. “I’m sorry.” He breathes. “I shouldn’t have done that.” He sighs.
“I’m not sorry. Because I liked it.” You breathe, looking up at him through your eyelashes. You can see his eyes darken. He grips your jaw, kissing you again. He kisses you hard, lowering his hand to rest around your throat. Holding you still. You whine into his kiss but he knows he needs to stop before it goes any further. He pulls away, keeping his lips just centimeters from yours. “We have to go inside.” He sighs. Finally pulling himself away from you.
“After you.” He moves to the side. Hearing you laugh.
The dinner table is incredibly awkward. You and Johnny keep exchanging awkward glances, knowing that what you had done just minutes before was sinful. It was dirty and bad and you couldn't imagine what would happen if your parents found out. “So. What movie were you guys watching?” His mum asks.
“Uh..” you breathe. “It was a show I was watching, he was just finishing up the episode with me. Just some documentary.” You speak up fast. Knowing Johnny isn’t too fast on his feet when it comes to lying. “Well I’m glad to see you two getting along.” She smiles. “Yeah. It’s been fun.” You say. “Yeah, I’m glad I came to visit.” Johnny nods. Neither of you eat very much. “I couldn’t help but notice the door was locked earlier.” His mum laughs. “Almost had to dig the key out but I forget you’re both adults and I can’t just barge in.” She laughs. “Oh yeah, I was taking my makeup off in my room and Johnny was taking a shower. Didn’t want to leave it unlocked for some creep to walk in and try to join him or something.” You send him a playful smile, seeing him roll his eyes.
His mum laughs, your dad rolling his eyes at your crude joke.
I almost feels like the dinner goes by even faster. Neither of you wanting to face what had just happened between the both of you.
"Alright, you guys get a good nights sleep, we're going to the lake tomorrow remember?" Your dad smiles. "Yeah, course dad. See you guys in the morning." You smile. You and Johnny walk back to the guest house. It's a slow walk.
When you step inside, locking the door behind you, you turn to him. "Maybe we should talk about this." You sigh. He grips your chin, holding your face still so he can kiss you, feeling you melt right into him. "Or maybe we can talk later." He breathes. His breath is warm on your face. You can't stop yourself as you nod your head. He turns you around, backing you up into the door. Pushing you up against it and kissing you again.
What were you getting yourself into?
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makeyoumine69 · 4 months
Call Me Babydoll 5
PAIRING: DBF!Patrick Bateman x Innocent!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Patrick stays in your mind even after the disastrous Dorsia incident. Like a song you can't get out of your head, he continues to hum his sultry and sensual words and ways into your ears and heart. When he arrives unexpectedly with a surprise guest, he cannot deny that he is attracted to you. But is this even real?
CONTAINS: Angst, smut, masturbation (f), obsessive behavior, cursing and use of pet names, smoking, gaslighting & manipulation, humiliation & hyperfixation, Daddy kink, making out, marking, biting.
WORDS: 3.5k
A/N: Sorry to make you wait so long, I hope to get in shape soon and post more often!🥰
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Your mind was a complete mess, your heart nothing but glass dust. The echoes of your private conversation with Patrick on the outdoor terrace of Dorsia still lingered in your mind even after you returned home, though you couldn't remember how you made it since you had declined Bateman's offer to take you to your house.
The first thing you noticed when you crossed the threshold of your home was a strong, sweet scent of flowers. It was a familiar perfume that you already hated.
"Y/n? I thought you were already asleep in your room," and there she was - your father's girlfriend named Sophia, meeting you in the hall, smiling mischievously as she caught you doing something criminal. "Where have you been?"
Sophia was a middle-aged woman with Greek roots, she was really a nice person, always so kind and friendly to you, and most importantly - she never tried to replace your mother, for which you were very grateful. 
"I had dinner," you replied tiredly as you took off your coat. "Not a good one."
"Ouch…" She gave you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before continuing. "Don't be sad, honey. You're an incredible person and I'm sure that one day you'll meet the right person." Sophia cheered this, smiling as if her words were a prediction of the future. "With whom you will feel that everything is in the right place."
Sighing, you tried to master something close to a smile. "Thank you, Soph." As much as you wanted to share your worries with her, you couldn't because she could tell your father everything. "I'm so exhausted I could fall asleep right here."
"Go rest," she mused, watching you go upstairs. "Tomorrow your father and I are going to visit my family."
"Good luck with that." You replied before disappearing from her vision.
It was obvious that you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, thanks to the endless thoughts that looped in your head like a broken record.
Why did you ever think that a man like Bateman could really take you seriously? You felt deceived, embarrassed and madly frustrated, because at the end of the day, Patrick was just playing with you like a toy, twisting you perfectly around his finger. 
Fidgeting in your bed, you accidentally recalled the memories of the day he was here - you could still feel the remnants of his hypnotizing cologne as your sheets smelled of him. A lonely tear slid down your cheek, outlining the beautiful shape of your face - now so dull and dejected. 
If only you could rewind time and not allow him to get close to you, not even for an inch. Sobbing, you curled up like a kitten, pressed your knees to your chest and tried to drift off, but every time you closed your eyes - his gorgeous face popped up in your mind, making you believe that he really had blessed you with a curse. A curse to be obsessed with the man who would never be yours.
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It had been a week since you had seen Bateman, and somehow you had even managed to live through your depression and hide it from your father, although it was quite difficult due to his numerous questions about your sad face and bad mood. At work, some of your co-workers were also trying to figure out what was wrong with you, so you finally decided to take a few days off to relax and get your life back on track.
In the morning of one of those days, you suddenly found yourself writhing on the sheets, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. With an irritated groan, you threw the blanket aside, accidentally touching your painfully hard nipples. 
Oh shit, not again.
Closing your eyes, you didn't even notice that you were dreaming about him for the third fucking time in a row. You let out a muffled gasp as your trembling hand snaked down your belly between your half-opened legs to the center of your desire.
It was just impossible to resist.
"Aww, Daddy," you moaned softly, imagining it was his hand caressing your taut folds. "Please...I need more..."
Embarrassed but absolutely horny, you spread your legs wider, letting your own digits slide along your dripping pussy, and kept picturing his beautiful face as he praised you for being such a good girl for him. 
A loud gasp echoed through your room at the memory of his velvety, deep voice, playing in your head as if Bateman was really here, next to you, his hand wrapped tightly around your trembling throat as he wanted nothing more than to bring you to your climax, to see you collapse right before his dark hazel eyes.
"Mmhm, Patrick..." you frowned and shivered, your ministrations growing more impatient as you rubbed circling motions into your throbbing clit while feeling the impending orgasm building in your core. "Patrick, Patrick, please!"
To muffle your obscene moans, you had to bite the pillow next to you as you reached your climax, never stopping to massage your feverish nub. 
'You are so naughty, Babydoll. Look at the mess you have made.'
The echo of his sexy voice resounded in your clouded mind, prolonging your intense orgasm and you couldn't help but cradle your breast, only to pinch your hard little tip as you craved more. 
But unfortunately, after the haze of ecstasy wore off and you were finally able to think clearly, the bitter realization that it was all an illusion washed over you like a tidal wave, leaving you completely broken. It felt as if you had put all your energy into getting that high, and now you could barely move, feeling satisfied yet devastated.
Over the next few hours, you showered several times and refused to leave your room, no matter how much your father and Sophia tried to convince you. Shame and despair were eating you alive from the inside out, draining all your positive emotions like parasites.
Whenever you tried to distract yourself by reading, you were annoyed by your mind tricks because every character's name starting with the letter P automatically became 'Patrick'. 
You hated that man for infesting your mind, body, and soul. Before meeting Bateman, you even thought you were frigid, but now...now you were ready to climb on the walls from the consuming desire to be...possessed? Owned? Marked? 
A loud knock at the door interrupted your train of thought and you barely stopped yourself from squeaking - all these days, since you started having nasty dreams with Patirck, you felt like you were doing something bad and someone from your household could catch you. Quickly you approached the door to your room and after unlocking it, you let your vision - which turned out to be your father - in. 
"I thought you were taking a nap," he chuckled, but then his face changed when he saw your tired eyes. "Are you sure you're not sick, (y/n)?"
"I'm not sick, Dad," you rolled your eyes and crossed your hands over your chest, ready to be lectured again. "Did something happen? I was in the middle of proofreading."
Your father hummed, tilting his head to the side. "You took a few days off to work at home?"
Scowling with annoyance, you leaned against the door and mumbled: "It helps me relax and clear my head."
"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Patrick is here," you felt the ground disappear under your feet as he spoke. "He came to sign some papers and I thought you might like to join us in the living room. Soph made your favorite apple pie."
This information made your temples ache with tension, and you had to massage them to ease the stabbing pain. "Father, I... I'm not really in the mood for guests."
Especially when this guest was Patrick Bateman.
Your father just sighed and stepped back, which meant he wasn't going to try to convince you. Most of all, you hated to upset your family, even though you didn't want to see Bateman, not after the things that had happened to you during these long, crazy days.
"Okay, okay," you knew you would regret it, but now you didn't see any other option. "I'll be back soon."
With that, you closed the door, feeling the panic rising in your chest. It seemed that your father still thought that you were still on good terms with Patrick, since you had not told him anything about that damn dinner. Trying to pull yourself together, you quickly went to the mirror to freshen up a bit - the fact that you were worried about what Bateman would think of your appearance still bothered you, but there was nothing you could do about it.
Almost fifteen minutes later, you finally came downstairs, wearing a short black top and your favorite tight jeans, and no, you weren't trying to impress him - a little spice wouldn't hurt.
As you approached the living room, you began to hear a cacophony of different voices: your dad's, Sophia's, and another unfamiliar female voice that made you stop in confusion around the corner. Who was that?
"(Y/n), don't be shy, come here." Your father's comment made you frown and bite your lip in embarrassment as you felt like you were transferred back to your childhood.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped into the living room and immediately became the center of everyone's attention. Your eyes quickly found the owner of the unknown voice - a pretty blonde girl sitting next to Patrick with a small notebook in her elegant hands. 
Another blonde, huh? 
Putting on a friendly fake smile, you managed to hide your frustration and walked closer to the couch to take a seat next to your father, completely ignoring Bateman's intense gaze.
"Uh, this is Jean, Patrick's assistant," your father introduced the blonde girl to you, and she smiled shyly when you raised your eyes to her. "Jean, this is (y/n), my lovely daughter."
"Nice to meet you, (y/n)," Jean murmured and turned to look at Patrick, as if looking for his approval. When he said nothing, she continued. "Patrick has told me a lot about you."
"Really?" You replied skeptically, your hands already crossed over your chest as you desperately tried to keep your composure. "How nice."
Somehow your father managed to notice the growing tension between the two of you, and his little cough caught everyone's attention. "Sorry, my throat gets dry from time to time."
"No need to apologize, Mr. (y/l/n)," Bateman suddenly joined the conversation, causing you to almost jump in your seat. "How about your lovely daughter making us some drinks?" His white-toothed smile was blinding, but you did your best not to react to this provocation.
"Yeah, sure. I'll make them." You stood up quickly, seeing this as a great opportunity to escape.
"Let me help you!" Jean suddenly suggested.
"No no no, you don't have to!"
"Hey, let her help you," Patrick put forward and tapped Jean's knee several times, which you couldn't miss. "It's better not to refuse people's help, because we live in such a cruel world. You know what I mean, (y/n?)" 
His smug wink at you made your hands clench into fists, but you decided not to argue with him and just stumbled out of the living room, hearing Jean's soft footsteps behind you.
In the kitchen, the two of you didn't try to strike up a conversation, feeling uncomfortable but not hostile. With casual confidence, you took out two glasses and three cups under the attentive gaze of Patrick's assistant.
"Whiskey for the boys and coffee for the girls," you hummed to yourself, finally glancing at Jean, who was standing shyly in the doorway. "Maybe you want something else?"
"No," she gasped when you asked her. "Coffee is fine."
As the blonde woman watched you make the coffee, she came closer and looked around the kitchen. "'Your house is very cozy."
"Thank you," you gave her a warm smile and picked up a silver tray for the cups. "My mother used to love an atmosphere like this," your sudden confession made you stop everything for a moment and Jean noticed your tension. "She would be very touched by your compliment."
The sad undertone in your words made the woman pause and think about what to say next, and you used the moment to get additional things for the coffee, including sugar, cream and vanilla. 
"I would only ask you to help me with this," you nodded at the nearly full tray. "And I'll take glasses and a bottle."
"Okay," Jean picked up some napkins before taking a deep breath. "Patrick was right when he said you were a lovely girl."
Frowning, you almost spilled the last cup of coffee when you heard those words. "Uh, I don't understand why you were talking about me at all."
"Well, we talked about you when I made the reservation for your dinner in Dorsia."
An awkward silence hung in the air for some time before you managed to pull yourself together and place all the cups on the shimmering tray. "Mmhm-yeah, that dinner was something, I have to admit," you let out a nervous chuckle, not wanting to remember the events of that evening. "Do you like him?"
"W-what?" Jean blushed almost instantly, her beautiful blue eyes averted from your curious gaze and she had to fix her stray lock of hair behind her ear. "He's my boss, and I like working with him."
"Is he a good boss?"
"Yes, he is."
Satisfied with her answer, you crossed your arms and grinned. "Glad to hear it, I mean seriously," you watched her bat her long eyelashes as you moved the tray over to her. "I think you two look great together."
Exhaling, Jean took the tray and giggled sheepishly. "What makes you think that anyway?"
"I just noticed the way he looks at you," you replied frankly, picking up the glasses. "Thanks for the help. Now I have to get a drink for the boys."
With that, you cast your most sincere smile before retreating from the kitchen, and once you were out in the hall, your face became blank and dull. The things you just said - were they just some kind of masochism? You kept asking yourself as you walked to your father's office, where he kept his favorite drinks that he only served to special guests.
Carefully, with cat-like grace, you touched a doorknob when you noticed that the door was half open. Concerned, you quickly turned around and when you saw no one, you quickly opened it and stepped inside, only to freeze in shock and it was a fucking miracle that you didn't let the glasses fall down on the floor.
Bateman was standing with his back to you, so at first you hoped he wouldn't notice, but as soon as you turned on your heels, the man spun around and the sight of you made him smile mischievously and absolutely charmingly.
"Wrong door?" Patrick chuckled and shifted his position so that you could now see him holding a bottle and a lit cigar in the other hand.
"You can't smoke in my house," you said in an irritated voice. "I'm serious."
"Oh, stop it," his mocking chuckle echoed in your ears, annoying you more and more. "Your father gave me permission. Besides, he told me he had a bottle of J&B, so I decided to take it myself, since you two were very slow."
Having said that, the man puffed on his cigar and blew several rings of smoke, causing you to cover your mouth as you started to cough. The sheer arrogance he radiated was poisonous and somehow suffocating, it was like a tight rope around your neck, no snuff could affect you like that.
"Why did you send Jean with me?"
"And why didn't you answer my calls?" Bateman interjected sternly, closing the distance between the two of you.
The sudden question made you lose your balance for a second. "Calls? What calls? I... I don't even understand what you're talking about."
With a cheeky grin, Patrick took a drag on his cigar and blew right into your face. "Hmmm, let me remember," he leaned against the door and cocked his head to the side. "The one right after dinner, and the one the next day, and the one two days after that."
It was strange, because all these days no one had ever told you about Patrick's calls, and you thought that if he had really made them, your father would definitely have told you, since he wanted you two to get along so much.
"All right, let's pretend that you really did call me, but I can't understand why?"
"You seemed very upset after dinner," the man strove to parry your provocative question, though his eyes glowed with the thrill of the challenge you were giving him. "I just wanted to check on you, since your old man is worried about you too much, and... I didn't need any trouble to close the deal."
Another disappointment.
"Business above all, huh?" No matter how hard you tried to hide the pain, your voice still sounded somber. 
"Shhh," his sudden touch on your lower lip caused something heavy to fall in your stomach. "Don't be like that, Babydoll. I'm just doing my job."
"Even now?" You taunted him blatantly, though your panting could be clearly heard in the room.
The sexual tension between the two of you was palpable in the air, but you both remained still, even when Bateman approached your neck to inhale your sweet scent, mixing it with the sharp smell of snuff.
What the hell were you doing? 
When Bateman pulled away to place the bottle on the nearby bookshelf, he grabbed the glasses you were holding so desperately that your fingers began to curl. Then the man squeezed the cigar between his white teeth and, with practiced ease, picked you up and carried you to your father's desk. As he set you down on the wooden tabletop, he didn't let you protest, pressing his large palm over your mouth.
"Now, now, little girl," he cooed, exhaling smoke before pulling you a little closer. "C'mere, I'm going to show you something."
Carefully but determinedly, Patrick grabbed your chin and drew you closer so that your mouths were barely an inch apart. Pressing his thumb along your lips, the man forced you to part them, and in the next moment, he blew some smoke into your mouth before sealing it with his own. Intoxicated by both the smoke and Patrick's sudden intrusion, your hands clutched desperately at his broad shoulders, cramping the expensive fabric of his pinstriped suit. After all these days of desperate need for his touch, this kiss was like a sip of water in the desert; it was vital and overwhelming. With every breath you took, Bateman's movements became bolder, less tentative and more demanding; his warm hand slipped under your short top to caress your shoulder blades with feathery strokes that almost drove you to moan against his lips, but you struggled to stop yourself.
"Patrick," you gasped after breaking the kiss. "What the hell are we doing?
"You tell me, Babydoll." 
"No, because it was you who told me you didn't want to be a babysitter. Did you forget?" 
When you tried to slide off the desk, he wouldn't let you, pressing you closer to his strong body and finally putting his cigar in the ashtray not far from where he was holding you. "I always remember my own words…" With that, he placed both his hands on either side of your knees before moving them slowly up along your hips and God, Bateman was doing it so damn slow on purpose, forcing you to jolt from the strange tension in your lower belly - the feeling that had become your personal drug. "Oh, don't pretend you don't like it. Your body speaks for itself."
You tried to pull away from him as you couldn't stand the way his hazel eyes were stripping you down, but the more you struggled, the more Patrick grew impatient, so he just yanked roughly by your hair, forcing you to tilt your head back and expose your delicate neck, which Patrick didn't miss the chance to mark, biting your tender flesh and then sucking the mark with a muffled groan.
There was something feral about him and that 'something' was making your body respond to his every touch, every little contact.
Nuzzling your cheek, Bateman lowered one of his hands to your bare stomach, drawing invisible lines along it before suddenly cupping your throbbing pussy through the tight material of your jeans, making you squeal and shake on the desk.
Just as Patrick was about to kiss you again, you both noticed a commotion coming from behind the door and then realized it was your father, you both didn't even have a chance to move as the door was quickly opened, revealing a very compromising picture.
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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playlists for the readers … ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ³ ᵔ ꒱ྀིა
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bunny!reader ♡
just girly fun vibes — she likes her music catchy, pop-y and fairly relatable. rafe never lets her play her music in the car unfortunately, because he cannot be seen speeding down the road blasting the pussy cat dolls.
🎀 cassie — ditto
🎀 kali uchis, steve lacy, vince staples — only girl
🎀 frank ocean — sweet life
🎀 coco & clair — pretty
🎀 sabrina carpenter — feather
🎀 flo milli — never lose me
🎀 cassie — miss your touch
🎀 childish gambino, jhené aiko — pink toes
🎀 flo.rida, wynter — sugar
🎀 kali uchis — honey baby (SPOILED!)
🎀 angels — my boyfriends back
🎀 foxy brown, kelis — candy
🎀 lana del rey — music to watch boys to
🎀 jhené aiko — maniac
🎀 fergie — clumsy
🎀 ciara, 50 cent — can’t leave ‘em alone
🎀 shelley duvall — he needs me
🎀 nancy sinatra — sugar town
🎀 heidi montag — i’ll do it
🎀 nicki minaj, jeremiah — favourite
🎀 kali uchis — melting
🎀 lady gaga — boys boys boys
🎀 cassie — long way 2 go
🎀 the pussycat dolls — when i grow up
🎀 tom tom club — genius of love
🎀 beyoncé — freakum dress
🎀 gwen stefani — bubble pop electric
🎀 marina — primadonna girl
🎀 madonna — material girl
🎀 pussy cat dolls — stickwitu
🎀 leven kali, syd — do u wrong
🎀 kiana ledé — mad at me
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kitty!reader ♡
listens to her music to feel cool n edgy. shes one of those people that think she’s a bitch but she’s not at all, just a lil grumpy. wants everyone to know she liked deftones before it was cool.
🐈‍⬛ pixies — is she weird
🐈‍⬛ arctic monkeys — mardy bum
🐈‍⬛ black box recorder — child psychology
🐈‍⬛ the smiths — pretty girls make graves
🐈‍⬛ ethel cain — crush
🐈‍⬛ mazzy star — she’s my baby
🐈‍⬛ radiohead — creep
🐈‍⬛ chris isaak — wicked game
🐈‍⬛ limp bizkit — rollin’
🐈‍⬛ the pretty reckless — makes me wanna die
🐈‍⬛ pearly drops — bloom for me
🐈‍⬛ deftones — root
🐈‍⬛ fka twigs — two weeks
🐈‍⬛ deftones — romantic dreams
🐈‍⬛ hole — doll parts
🐈‍⬛ margeaux — hot faced
🐈‍⬛ siouxsie and the banshees — she’s a carnival
🐈‍⬛ kip tyler — she’s my witch
🐈‍⬛ deftones — mascara
🐈‍⬛ soho dolls — bang bang bang bang
🐈‍⬛ enigma — sadeness
🐈‍⬛ DANGERDOOM, MF DOOM — perfect hair
🐈‍⬛ radiohead — idioteque
🐈‍⬛ björk — come to me
🐈‍⬛ the nbhd — fallen star
🐈‍⬛ arctic monkeys — crying lightening
🐈‍⬛ deftones — diamond eyes
🐈‍⬛ the smiths — girl afraid
🐈‍⬛ ethel cain — unpunishable
🐈‍⬛ mitski — townie
🐈‍⬛ gorillaz — kids with guns
🐈‍⬛ evanescence — taking over me
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deer!reader ♡
she’d say her playlists are all over the place — but it’s organised mess. she has them perfectly collated and in her head they make perfect sense. don’t put her on the aux though, not because the songs aren’t good but because the vibes are all over the place.
🍪 shura — 2shy
🍪 minnie riperton — les fleurs
🍪 april march — chick habit
🍪 benee — kool
🍪 camille saint- saëns — … le cygne
🍪 the little dippers — forever
🍪 allie x, mitski — susie save your love
🍪 she & him — why do you let me stay here?
🍪 lesley gore — i’m coolin’ no foolin’
🍪 sza — prom
🍪 the penguins — earth angel
🍪 SALES — renee
🍪 cleo sol — sunshine
🍪 japanese breakfast — be sweet
🍪 kate bush — cloud busting
🍪 mazzy star — halah
🍪 the mamas & papas — dedicated to the one i love
🍪 scissors sisters — filthy / gorgeous
🍪 fiona apples — shameika
🍪 fleetwood mac — mystified
🍪 margo guryan — under my umbrella
🍪 erykah badu — apple tree
🍪 mort garson — plantasia
🍪 sza — sweet november
🍪 quadron — sea salt
🍪 corinne bailey rae — green aphrodisiac
🍪 sade — lovers rock
🍪 ella fitzgerald — moonlight serenade
🍪 cigarettes after sex — truly
🍪 tv girl — heaven is a bedroom
🍪 the velvet underground — femme fetale
🍪 clairo, coco & clair — racecar
🍪 james blake, rosalía — barefoot in the park
🍪 tame impala — nangs
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puppy!reader ♡
never seen without her walkman — loves running around and dancing to her upbeat music. her playlists will remind you of days in the sun and dancing in summer rain.
🐶 her’s — love on the line (call now)
🐶 HAIM — summer girl
🐶 the la’s — there she goes
🐶 stacey q — two of hearts
🐶 faye webster — right side of my neck
🐶 bakar, summer walker — hell n back
🐶 beabadoobee — sunny day
🐶 dominic fike — babydoll
🐶 jungle — back on 74
🐶 pinkpanthress — attracted to you
🐶 duran duran — girls on film
🐶 shuggie otis — strawberry letter 23
🐶 sixpence none the richer — kiss me
🐶 matilda mann — bloom
🐶 HAIM — falling
🐶 311 — amber
🐶 earth, wind & fire — boogie wonderland
🐶 lorde — ribs
🐶 lesley gore — sunshine lollipops and rainbows
🐶 stevie wonder — all i do
🐶 the human league — don’t you want me
🐶 the turtles — happy together
🐶 pet shop boys — west end girls
🐶 clairo — bags
🐶 pat benetar — love is a battlefield
🐶 the psychedelic furs — love my way
🐶 scouting for girls — she’s so lovely
🐶 noisettes — wild young hearts
🐶 the all eyes i — beat goes on
🐶 tame impala — elephant
🐶 sublime — waiting for my ruca
🐶 mgmt — boogie down
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mina-saiyat · 1 month
Twice Interactive Story Part 1218 How u doin' (Chaeyoung, Feat. Momo, Jihyo)
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Waking up next to Momo, you think about the week you spent together. It was spent well, going out some days and spending others fucking like wild animals. Each little date helped bring back Momo's smile and helped her move past things.
You get yourself dressed as the time to go arrived. You give Momo a kiss on the forehead. "It’s time I go, Momo. I had a good time with you." You hold her hands gently, swinging them from side to side. "I hope you enjoyed it too. I'll be visiting my sister so I can't visit for a little bit but I'll be back soon enough. Take care of yourself, alright?"
'It's still sometime before you have to arrive at the airport.' Momo holds your hand. 'You have clothes here, why don't you just pack things before rather than back to your home.
'We can have a quick breakfast, you know.' Momo whispers, and her hand slowly pulls the rope of the bathrobe, it falls down immediately, and all you see is Momo's naked body, covered by hickeys and your handprint.
"There are some things I need from my home, Momo. I'll eat breakfast here, but that'll be it." You say as you spank her. "And put some clothes on, sweetheart." You say teasing her as you start cooking breakfast. You send a quick message to Jihyo asking if she'd want to join you on your visit to Chaeyoung so you could travel a little together before beginning to cook.
Momo pulls away your phone and hugs you from behind. 'Honey... You know what breakfast I want...' Momo licks your earlobe and keeps blowing hot winds in it.
Feeling your body shivers under her tease, she grabs your crotch and starts caressing it. 'The dogs are still sleeping, no one will disturb us... Honey...'
"I thought you would have had enough after the week we spent together." You tell her as you turn around. You run your fingertip down her neck, flicking her nipple before grabbing her waist. "How much do you want it?"
'I want to seduce you, so that you fuck me so hard and forget that you have to catch the plane.' Momo moving her waist, so her clit is again rubbing on your bulge, she knows you cannot resist when she is dry fucking you everytime in this week.
You groan from the pleasure, and play her tits even harder. 'What would you do if you really me stay today.' You smirk.
'I want to drain you dry... Honey So Nayeon gets nothing from you..' Momo whispers
"And that sounds great, but I can't spend all day fucking." You tell her as you move your hand to her cunt and play with her clit. "I really need to go today." You tell her as you push your finger inside, listening to her moans. "If you're hungry, though. I'll make sure to feed you." You say as you pull your cock out. "On your knees, Momo," You command.
Momo kneels down immediately, she looks at your cock obediently, and start caressing it before you give the command.
'Honey, I will drain you dry. So you can't leave even if you need to.' Momo makes sure your cock is hard enough, and starts sucking it. Momo's mouth is warm as always, the pleasure makes your legs feel weak, you just lying on the cupboard and moan her name.
You place one hand on Momo's head as you push your length inside her warm mouth, feeling her plump lip reach the base of your cock. "You're such a naughty girl, Momo." You groan as you pull back, leaving the tip inside her before pushing your cock back in.
Hearing Momo's slurps turns you on, making you thrust into her mouth. She placed her hands on your thighs, holding them as she took every inch down her throat. Her tongue ran along the underside, reaching your balls as they slapped against her face. Nearing your climax, you hold Momo to my pelvis. She taps against your thigh as she runs out of breath. You begin thrusting again, giving her small windows to catch her breath before you start filling her mouth with your cum. You feel her tongue along your tip as you are cumming, You pull away at the end shooting the last bit of cum onto her face.
Momo sticks out her tongue and lets you paint her face white, 'Honey... ' Momo says as she tries to catch her breath. 'Let's move to next part, should we?' Momo grabs your cock and start stroking. Your cock is still sensitive after the orgasm, when she starts rubbing your tips, your body jerks and you nearly fall on your knees.
'I heard man can squirt if their tips keep being played after cum.' Momo smiles as she increases the speed of her hands. You feel like you are going to cum again, but it's a bit different from the normal orgasm.
You groan and play with Momo's tits twisting her nipples. "Did you like your breakfast?" You tease her as you pull her nipples and make her gasp.
'Yes, but I want more. I want lunch and dinner also.' Momo grabs and rubs with her palm quickly. You nearly surrender and keep groaning loudly. You lose the ability to speak.
It's a combination of pleasure and pain, your sensitive cock pulsing in Momo hands. 'Yes... baby... let it out...' Stroking and rubbing at the same time is to hard for you to handle, you feel you start to shoot some liquid from your cock, it's like showering on Momo. 'Ah... Fuck... Momo...'
Momo strokes you even faster when you start to squirt. 'Yeah, baby, give me everything...'
You just keep groaning hard and let Momo takes the lead, your precum is splashing out like a fountain, the pleasure makes you lose the ability to speak, you could just moan meaninglessly.
You let Momo take control as you recover from that, barely able to stand.
'Do you like it, honey?' Momo slows down her hand, giving you sometime to rest. 'I leave it for today, so I can drain you to stay.' Momo lips the prostate liquid around her lips.
'Can Nayeon and Miss Myoui make you enjoy such pleasure? I bet they can't' Momo slowly stands up and kiss you, rubbing her clit with your cock again.
"Fuck, Momo." You say catching my breath. "You're really trying to make me stay, but I can't stay today." You tell her as you grab her waist. "But I can leave you a little gift before I go."
'I guess the first flight and the last flight of the day would not make so much difference for a domestic flight.' Momo puts her arms around your neck, she stands on her toes so she can kiss you.
'You haven't told me yet. What's the feeling of squirt? Do you like it?' Momo rubs het clit on you again.
"It felt great, Momo." You tell her as you push your cock into her cunt. You reach down, rubbing her clit as you put every inch into her. "How does this feel?"
'I am always feel good when you are inside of me.' Momo jumps and hugs you like a koala, completely lying on you.
'Honey... take me... Empty your balls for me...' Momo whispers into your ear and licks your earlobe occasionally, seducing you to fall for her.
You place Momo on the counter, giving you the space to readjust. You fold Momo in half with your hands reaching behind her head and lift her off the counter. You begin thrusting as you move her using her like a toy.
'Ah... Fuck... It's so deep...' Everytime you thrust in is like hitting Momo's sound button, as her weight is totally lying on you, so you could reach her deepest part easily.
'Fuck, you are going to penetrate me!' Momo moans louder, and you could feel her walls start to get tighter.
You fuck Momo quickly, thrusting wildly as you get her close to her climax. You groan as you feel your balls tighten and your orgasm get closer. You give Momo a couple of long hard thrusts to send her over the edge and shoot your cum into her awaiting cunt. Placing her on a counter, you pull out slowly. "I really have to go now, Momo," You tell her as you kiss her neck. "At least you got breakfast.” You say before getting yourself ready and checking for a response from Jihyo.
'You really gonna leave now?' Momo gasps and opens her legs wide, showing you that how the cum drips from her clit.
Momo takes some and gets a taste of it, 'Honey, you gonna help me clean my clit, otherwise I may get pregnant again that you cum so much in me.'
"Fine, a quick shower." You say, dropping your clothes as you head to the bathroom. "Are you going to join me or what?" You say as you look back at Momo.
Momo immediately follows you into the bath, and hugs you from behind. 'Thank you, honey.' Momo whispers to your ear.
'Stay a little longer and I will make your day worth.' You turn around and see Momo starting to apply soap on her tits. 'I have checked the last flight of today would be 10 tonight, we still have more than 12 hours.' Momo hugs you and start rubbing her tits on you, you know this is not a quick shower anymore.
"I'm not going to stay that much longer." You tell her as you soap up your hands and begin to rub her ass. "We have to be quick." You say, squeezing her soft ass before you move your hands along her back.
'Gajima...' Momo 'If you're staying a week for me, which means your sister is not really that sick.' Momo hugs you tight, so her tits and clit can rub on you harder.
'Just a half day, honey.' Momo being cuddly, and rubs your even faster. Her hands go down to stroke you when she feels you are hard again, and your body jerks from the pleasure. 'Come on, honey.'
"Momo, no. I've already delayed it enough. I'm going after this." You tell her as you wash her back.
Despite Momo being disappointed, she still uses all the skills she has to please you. A hot bath seems can't satisfy both ot you, but this time you stand strong, you hug Momo back to bedroom, and help her dry the hair. 'Promise me you will stay again after you back, honey. I don't know when you are gone, will I think about the baby again...'
'I need to start my new job soon, Momo. I will try to find you at the weekend. Plus, Boo and Dobby will cheer up you, right?' You kiss her forehead once again before you are finally leaving. You have already missed the flight you booked.
You back on your car, trying to see did Jihyo replied. However, you found that you have never clicked the send button, it's seems to be a little late to invite her to join you again.
You drive home instead, planning on leaving the next day instead and a little frustrated that Momo had you miss that flight. You erase the message on your phone and head inside your home to look through your things.
It's been a week since you backed home. However, the house looks so clean, everything is tidied up, and you can't even find any dust in it. You guess it must be Jihyo that keeps the flat so clean when you are not here.
'Jihyo? Jihyo? Are you here?' You walk around the house and keep calling her name, but she is not here.
You enter her room, unlike the tidied living room, her room is much messier, half of the blanket is lying on the floor, her lingerie is causally throwing on the bed, most of them are new type that you have never seen before, they are even sexier than those Jihyo wore before, with extra openings on her nipples and clits. She must have prepared these as a surprise.
You call out Jihyo's name and look around for her one last time. "Are you in here, Jihyo?' After that, you settle down in your room and lay on your bed.
You are lying on the bed, the surroundings are a bit strange than usual, you suddenly remember you have hidden everything from Mina under Nayeon’s request.
You try to take them out again, but you guess Nayeon will be here more often than Mina as she has no sign of coming back yet.
You take a look at the things and decide to put them out. You take the time to put them in just the right place, getting distracted by the smaller objects.
You hear the door open, and it is Jihyo, seems she has just finished jogging. 'Hey! I don't expect you back home that early.' Jihyo says as she comes to hug you, despite she is still covered in sweat, you immediately pull her over and start kissing her.
'Ummm... I am sweaty...' Jihyo slurs her word but her arms around on your neck.
"I'm so happy to see you." You say as you squeeze her. "You could use a shower. Why don't I help you?" You say, smacking her ass. "Wait, I forgot what I wanted to talk to you about." You say, reminding yourself to bring up going to visit Chaeyoung.
'Yeah, so when will you leave? Are you staying another week there?' Jihyo pours her face as she hears you gonna leave for some time. 'I guess Chae could help you get Dahyun back, I tried to call her a few days ago, but she still has no intention to move back here.'
"I don't plan to stay with Chae that long. I don't want to be apart from you for that long, " You say as you nudge her. "I'd probably stay there longer if you came with me, it would be a little vacation for you and me after I talk to Chae. You're right, though Chae could help me talk to Dahyun."
'Haha, you do?' Jihyo gives you a kiss on the cheek. 'But are your parents in your hometown? Am I going to meet them?' Jihyo becomes shy immediately when she imagines she is going to meet your parents.
'Will they accept me even I have divorced before?' Jihyo leans herself in your arms, ask nervously.
"I'm sure they would accept you...if they were there." You tell Jihyo before giving her another kiss. "The flight would be tomorrow. I know it's short notice, but do you want to go?"
'No, this time is for you and Chaeyoung, we will go travel next time when there's only us.' Jihyo grabs your cheek and kisses you again. 'Thanks for inviting me anyway.'
'I am going to take a shower, wanna join me?' Jihyo smirks.
You move your hands down Jihyo's side, stopping at her thighs and giving them a rough squeeze. "Of course," I lift Jihyo, carrying her into the bathroom. "I'll make sure to clean your body really well." You say as you lick her neck.
'Ahh... Put me down...' Jihyo giggles as you carry her. You spend the rest of the day with Jihyo at home before eventually leaving for Chaeyoung.
'It's really been a while.' You tell yourself as you step out from the airport. The surroundings just look so familiar to you, even if you haven't been here for years. You haven't returned to your hometown since you graduated from the university.
You grab a taxi on the road and return to your old house. Your parents have left the house for you and your siblings since they immigrated to America after retiring. Now only Chaeyoung is leaving as Dahyun has moved to Seoul, just like you. Perhaps after Chaeyoung's graduation this autumn, here will become empty.
You open the door to the house and get inside quickly, looking for your old room before doing anything else.
Your room is the same as your memory. The portrait that Chaeyoung drew for you is still hanging on the wall. The pictures of your family and siblings are on the table, and even the pictures of you with Nayeon.
When you are still cherishing the memories, the barking of the dog catches your attention. It's Ari, Dahyun's dog. Both of your siblings have dog here, although Dahyun doesn't bring it to Seoul with her.
Not a moment, Logan and Nereri, both of Chaeyoung's dogs come in, too. Although it's already been a long time since you met them, they still remember your scent and sit quietly around you.
You pet each one of them, scratching their ears. "Hey, everyone. Did you miss me?" You watch the dogs stare at me for a moment, with Nereri and Ari doing a quick spin. "Is Chaeyoung here?" You ask them.
They seem to understand what you are talking about, Logan barks and brings you to Chaeyoung's room, signaling you that she is inside.
You slowly open the door, and you can smell the scent of alcohol, wine, and soju bottle all over the floor, while Chaeyoung is sleeping quietly. It doesn't seems like she is sick, or she still drinks alcohol even she is sick.
You walk into her room and stare at the sleeping Chaeyoung. I place all three dogs on the bed near her, watching as they lick her face and stir her awake. "Wakey, wakey Chae. You shouldn't be drinking so much. It's not good for your health."
'Ummm... just let me drink... I am so stressful...' Chaeyoung sleep talks and rolls to another side. A second later, she opens her eyes and sees you. 'Am I dreaming... Why are you here, Oppa?'
"Because you had me worried during that last call we had. Now get your butt out of bed." You say, grabbing her hands and making her sit up. "Even if you are stressed, just look at how much you've been drinking."
'Oppa...' Chaeyoung pulled up by you, 'Urgh...' She is dry vomiting again like last time.
'Do you miss my little tightly cunt? I want your cock now... It's been awhile...' Chaeyoung says she leans closet to you, however when she opens her mouth, you are nearly disgusted by the smell.
'You are so smelly, Chae...' You turn her head away so you don't need to face the smell directly. 'Go clean yourself.'
'OK, wait for me, Oppa. I want you ready when I am back.' Chaeyoung rushes to the washroom immediately.
You start cleaning Chaeyoung's room while you wait tossing the bottles into a bag and talking to the dogs. "I thought you three were supposed to take care of Chae. What happened?" You ask, pointing at them.
Logan rushes to another side of the bed and barks at the bedside table, you follow him and see there is a drawer, is he meaning that the secret is inside? Nereri even jumps on the table, you more sure that what you wanna know is inside the drawer.
However, when you try to open it, it's locked. You look around, trying to search for the dogs. This time the dogs are nor giving you hints, suddenly you are pushed on the bed. 'I am ready, Oppa! Let's have sex!' It's Chaeyoung that hugging your back.
"Hold your horses, Chae. I want you to explain yourself. What's been going on? Why are you so stressed?" You ask her, looking over your shoulder to see her small frame.
'I... I am just busy with my final year project...' Chaeyoung avoids your sight, it seems she is just telling lies.
'Oppa... I am wet... I want your cock please...' Chaeyoung licks your earlobe and start untying your belt.
You grab Chaeyoung's arm and hold them apart. "Chae, I know when you're lying to me. You always avoid looking at me when you're lying. I want to know the truth. What's going on?"
Chaeyoung, seeing herself can't hide from you, gives up to struggle. 'Promise me, don't blame me on this, Oppa.' Chaeyoung sighs.
She slowly stands up and walks to the bedside table. She uses the key to open the locked drawer. 'Watch it yourself, I am surprised too...' Chaeyoung hands you a bag from the drawer.
You immediately open the bag to check it, there's are a lot of test kit inside, you carefully check all of them, dates are marked clearly on them, and all of them are with 2 lines. You carefully check it, and it's a pregnancy test kit?
'Chae... You mean you are pregnant? And the father is me? You asked in a shocked voice. You breed your sister?
Chaeyoung just nods and hides herself in the blanket. 'I am sorry, Oppa. I didn't plan anything.'
"I thought you were taking the pills," you tell her as you look at the test again. "And what are you planning to do with the baby?"
'We were using condom before, and after we are going raw, I am taking pills... I don't know what's happening.' Chaeyoung whispers.
'I am struggling for too long, and it's passing the period for abortion.'Chaeyoung looks at her tummy, it's not significant, but it looks like Chaeyoung is bigger than Momo when she claims she is pregnant.
You suddenly recall the memories of Chaeyoung visiting you in the Sem break. At the first night, you two fucked two times with just one condom, and you remember there are cum dripping from her clit. Now everything make sense now.
'I don't know how to let daddy mummy know I am pregnant when I am still in university. And the father is you!' Chaeyoung roars.
"Calm down, Chae. We'll figure this out." You tell her as you sit her down. "We can figure this out together."
'I am still young... I don't want to be a mother yet... I am not ready...'Chaeyoung rest herself in your arms.
'I want to go for abortion, but it's a life... I can't do it, and it is too late now... I feel like my future is collapse when I know about it. I tried to call you, but I couldn’t reach you.
'We are siblings... How can I let the baby know my brother is his dad. And Mina eooni...'
Chaeyoung mentioning Mina reminds you how complicated the case is, if Myoui knows you breed your sister, everything will end.
"You could always give it up for adoption." I tell her. "Your future isn't in danger. We'll get through this, and I'm sure Mina won't change how she thinks about you."
'But... she is my baby, can I do that? Ugh.... It's so complicated!' Chaeyoung messing her hair with frustration. 'I don't wanna wear the graduation gown with a belly, it's so embarrassing. I can't go to school if my belly becomes bigger later.'
'Should I tell dad and mum, and Dahyun eooni too?' Chaeyoung looks up to the ceiling, speaks in a tone that seems to give up on everything. 'Daddy must kill me...'
"Not if I have anything to say about it." You say as you lay back on her bed. "Take a deep breath, Chae. I'm sure we can figure this out. Who knows, maybe Mina would want to adopt your baby. All we can do now is think, and you need to stop drinking, it could hurt the baby."
'I just can't stop thinking about it, even in my dream. Only Alcohol and sex can help me to forget it.' Chaeyoung keeps looking up.
'I haven't decided what to do yet, Oppa. You really feel OK if I give it up for adoption? It's your kid too.'
"How you're feeling is a lot more important, Chae." You pat her head, "Have you eaten yet?"
'But it's your... our kid. I really don't know...' Chaeyoung puts your hand on her tummy.
'I haven't, but I want your cock, Oppa. I really miss it.' Chaeyoung rolls over you and starts sliding her hand in your jeans.
I kiss Chaeyoung's forehead, "Show me how much you miss it." I say while I caress her cheek. "Show Oppa how much you miss his cock"
Chaeyoung bites your lip before moving down her head to your crotch. 'Don't be so tender, I am not used to it. You know what I want.'
Chaeyoung pulls your shaft out and keep kissing the tips of your cock. 'Miss me, big guy? Is Jihyo eooni taking good care of you every night?' When she feels the rod in her hands is hard enough, she takes you in.
You put your hand on the back of Chaeyoung's head and push her onto your cock. "Is this what you want, Chaeyoung?" You ask as you hold her in place. You keep her there for a few seconds before letting her breath.
Chaeyoung choked by you sudden assault, but you can not see any discomfort in her eyes. Instead, she looks enjoy, and she is enjoying that you are going on rough on her. She is always the least limited of your girls. No one can even compare, not even Sana.
Chaeyoung keeps stroking you while she catches her breath, 'Fuck... I love it... Just how big it is...' Chaeyoung swallows your tips and throbs her head slowly, her hands are caressing your balls at the same time, she do it as slow as she can, trying her best to tease you. 'My mouth or clit you like better?'
"I love those pretty lips of yours," You moan as you push her to the base of your cock. "Your throat is so tight, Chae. It's going to make me cum."
Chaeyoung keeps bobbing her head up and down. Having sex with you in the past year makes her understand what you like. Everytime she takes you all in, while her tongue keeps lapping at your underside, until she is out of oxygen.
Chaeyoung's face becomes red quickly as she constantly lacks air, but she still working hard on your cock. 'Umm.... tasty as my memories... Oppa, how many time you cum in my throat, I want the same for my little clit.'
You pull Chaeyoung away, letting her catch her breath before slamming her face back onto your cock and filling her throat with your cum. "Drink it all, Chae." You groan.
Chaeyoung obediently drinks your cum, but your cum is too much for her, she eventually chocked and cum even dripping from her nose. She just looks like a broken slut eager for cum.
'Oppa... you cum so much...' Chaeyoung gathers your cum that drips on your body. 'But now I want it in another way.'
"Lay on your back then Chae." You say as you push her onto her back. You rub your cock against her cunt, teasing her. "How much do you want it Chae? Let me hear about how much you miss this cock."
'I miss it just like how I miss you...' Chaeyoung grabs your cock and tries to get you in. 'Do you know I masturbating to your cock every single day? Give me right now. You can cum in me as I am pregnant already.'
You poke Chaeyoung's cunt with the tip, "You can do better, Chae. Beg for it." You tell her as you rub the tip against her clit.
'Oppa!' Chaeyoung pours her face as you keep teasing her. 'Urgh...' Chaeyoung roars like a cat and holds up her fist, pretending to be angry. 'Just put it in! Do you wanna be bitten by baby tiger? Urgh!'
You kiss Chaeyoung and twist one of her nipples, "Beg for it, Chae, or I won't put it in," Before she can say another word, you ram your cock deep into her cunt, putting every inch inside in one motion.
'Ah... Yes...' Chaeyoung crosses her legs on your back and keeps pushing you inside. 'I am wet enough, just fuck me!'
You grabs on her tits, flipping her nipples, feeling the growth of her little chest, mostly because of her pregnancy, her tits are already growing, you can't wait to know how much Chae is going to grow.
"I will," You groan as you ram your cock back into her. "You're not going to be able to walk by the end, Chae." You pinch Chaeyoung's nipples and pull them roughly listening to her moans.
Chaeyoung is even horny when you are being hard to her, it's more pleasure than pain to her. 'Yes, Oppa. Pinch me... harder.' Her hands go up, and play your nipple, 'I know you like it.' Chaeyoung smirks.
"You want this harder? Okay, Chae." You pull out of Chae and flip her over onto her stomach, smacking her ass before driving your cock into her cunt. You push her head into the bed as you fuck her from behind.
'Ummm... ummm...' Chaeyoung's moan is muffled by the blanket as her head is pressing hard by you. You could feel how hyper Chaeyoung is right now even you can't hear her words.
Everytime you slap her ass hard, her body jerks and you can feel her walls getting tighter, this seducing you to go even rougher on her. 'You little slut like being treated badly huh?' You keep slapping her hard until you feel a splash of juice on your cock, you don't expect she cums that quick.
"Cumming already? That's no good, Chae." You slap her ass until it's red while continuing to impale her on your cock. "Tell me how good it feels, Chae, or I'll stop right now." You wait a second, and when you hear no response, you slow down your thrusts.
Chaeyoung strugglely turns her head to the side, catching her breath quickly. 'Fuck... don't slow down please. Oppa, I want you to fill me up. You cock brings me to cloud 9. I miss this feeling so much... Faster!' Chaeyoung shakes her ass again, seducing you to smack her hardly.
You kiss the back of Chaeyoung's head, "That's a good girl." Pushing her head back into the bed, you start thrusting quickly, giving Chaeyoung every inch and driving her crazy.
'Ahhh! Oppa!' Chaeyoung grabs the bedsheet hard to keep her body stable under your fierce thrust. 'Fuck me! Slab me!' Chaeyoung seems to be wilder than you usual, you not sure is she just simply missing your cock or she has too much stress to be released, but you are just more than happy to use her.
'Moan louder, Chae! Do you like it?' You groan as you keep slapping her ass, decided to drain her today.
You feel her walls tighten around my cock as you continue thrusting. "Cum for Oppa, Cum for me." You yell at Chae. You listen to her whines as she cums a second time. "Fuck, Chae. I think I'm going to cum. Where do you want it?"
'In my pussy... I want it inside...' Chaeyoung moans weakly as her energy starts to run out, but she still desperate for another orgasm. 'Fill my womb, let our baby knows how your cum feels like.'
You grab Chaeyoung's arms and pull on them as you hit Chaeyoung's womb with every thrust. "I'm cumming," You moan as you fill her pussy with your baby batter and trigger Chae's third orgasm.
'Ahhhh!' Chaeyoung collapses, and she nearly completely falls on the bed, only because you are pulling her arms, so she doesn't.
'It's so warm...' Chaeyoung's body keeps jerking, and you are just slowly thrusting out your orgasm, her walls milking you good, forcing you to cum more in her.
Once you finish, you let go of Chaeyoung's arms, letting her fall onto the bed. "I'm not done yet, Chae." You place your hands on either side of her letting her lay on the bed as you continue to fuck her from behind.
You pin her hands on the bed, and fucking her from the back like a dog, every time your body crash on her ass, there is a loud 'pak' sound, although it's not in rhythm, as you are losing your self control, fucking her faster and faster.
Your hips move wildly, and Chaeyoung knows how to please you, she arcs her back like the moon, giving you an angle that can fuck her easily. 'Ah! It feels so good!' She nearly cries from the pleasure.
You give Chae a hard spanking, turning her ass a deep shade of red as you feel another orgasm coming. "Are you ready for more cum, Chae?" You moan.
'Yes! Oppa! Cum in me!' Chaeyoung's wall starts tightening around you again, she is so hungry for sex that she even moans in a higher pitch. 'Oppa... I am cumming too. Let's cum together... Ah!'
You bury yourself inside Chae, flooding her cunt with your cum. It leaks out of her dripping onto the bed as her walls milk more out of you.
'Fuck!' Chae use the last bit of her energy to roar before turning black out. Even she is unconscious, her walls still milking you hard. You keep thrusting in and out of her pussy, brings the overflowing cum dripping on her bed.
Every thrust makes me groan as you use Chae's body like a fleshlight until you cum again. After burying yourself inside her and pumping her full of cum you pull out slowly, spanking Chae once. You look at her unconscious body, "I thought you'd be able to handle it, Chae. The least you could do is clean my off." You place your cock in her mouth, and even unconscious her tongue still moves around your cock, sloppy cleaning it as you give Chae the chance to rest.
You rest beside Chae, waiting for her to wake up, looking at her pregnancy test.
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