#this just haunts me every day don't worry about it 😭
zuzuzuko · 10 months
the "he should have been at the club" meme except it's Tim Drake and NO he absolutely should NOT have been at the club. He was 13 someone get his ass out of the club 😭
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
First of all, let me tell you about how much I love your blog and your writing style. Your fics quality is top notch and I giggle like an idiot every time I see a new post from you. So, if it's ok with you can you write about our favorite COD men (including daddy Konig and Simon) whose SO keeps getting texts from her asshole ex - some of them begging to take him back and others borderline threatening, like "who's that dude you're dating now? You think you can replace me that easily?" etc. And our boys accidentally see these texts. How would they react to that situation? Thank you so much :)
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𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒
Task Force 141 (+König) x fem! reader
You have no idea how much I appreciate these kind words. Like you literally just made me CRY because I‘m so happy to hear that. You guys motivate me to keep writing fr🫶🏻🫶🏻😭 I love you so much and I‘m so thankful to you! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Also I love the idea oh my god. I can imagine them being super mad at him and be like as soon as she’s sleeping I‘m gonna haunt that mf and be super caring and not leaving your side until you’re okay again. AHHHH I have so many ideas I can’t put them all into words😮‍💨😫😫
I hope you enjoy this fanfic! Thank you again for the kind words, I really do appreciate it❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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König found himself in a situation he hadn't anticipated. As he and you went about your daily lives, a series of text messages from your ex started flooding your phone. König couldn't help but catch glimpses of these messages, each one more distressing than the last.
I know you miss me
I still have that red dress from you…
You can stop acting like you don’t need me anymore and just come back ;)
You date insecure guys now? Wow Y/N… I mean I knew I was the best for you but I didn’t expect that low from you
I saw you the other day… You got a lot sexier ;))
I miss you so much baby. I love you…
They were filled with toxic words, attempting to undermine the happiness you had found with König.
Upon stumbling upon these messages, König's usually calm and composed demeanor wavered, replaced by a mix of concern and protectiveness. He couldn't fathom why someone would target you in such a hurtful way and it stirred a fire within him that burned with a fierce determination to shield you from harm.
His grip tightened around his phone as he confronted you, his voice laced with worry. "Schatz, what is this? Who is sending you these messages?" His eyes searched yours, a mix of anger and concern burning in their depths. But he wasn’t angry at you. He was more angry at himself because he feels like he failed as a boyfriend. His only mission is to make you feel comfortable and it feels like he failed at it. Because you didn’t talk to him…
You took a deep breath, realizing that the time had come to open up and share the painful truth. "It's my ex. He's been unable to let go and now he's trying to sabotage our relationship. I've been trying to handle it on my own, but it's becoming overwhelming."
The weight of your words settled between you, the gravity of the situation sinking in. König's protective instincts kicked into high gear as he reached out, pulling you into a comforting embrace. "Liebling" he whispered, his voice filled with determination, "You don't have to face this alone. I'm here for you and together we'll navigate through this storm."
His words were like a balm to your soul, offering solace and reassurance in a world that felt suddenly tumultuous. You found strength in his unwavering support, knowing that you didn't have to battle your ex's toxicity alone.
With each new text that appeared on your phone, König became even more resolved to protect you. He devised a plan to confront your ex, making it clear that his attempts to sow discord and threaten your happiness would not be tolerated.
But König's reaction wasn't solely driven by anger. It was driven by love and a deep understanding of the pain you were experiencing. He knew that these messages were more than just words on a screen…they were emotional daggers that pierced your heart. And he will make sure that your ex will never bother you again. Trust him.
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Simon Riley
In the midst of it all the chaos he‘s been through, there was you, a source of light and solace that gave his dead life light. The two of you navigated the challenges of life together, an unwelcome presence lingered, threatening to disrupt the tranquility you had built.
But you were constantly tormented by text messages from your ex Josh. The messages were a relentless barrage of mixed emotions, ranging from desperate pleas for reconciliation to menacing threats aimed at undermining your newfound happiness. It was a constant reminder of a past you were trying to move beyond. It was always him trying to manipulate you into leaving Simon and go back to him.
One fateful evening, as you lay beside Simon, your phone illuminated with yet another message from your ex. Simon, ever vigilant and protective, caught a glimpse of the text and as soon as he read the words "I still think about you when I’m on my bed alone", anger flashed in his eyes. He knew about your crazy ex.
Concern etched across his face as he realized the torment you had been enduring in silence. You turn your phone around and looked up at Simon. So many emotions were written on his face that made you tear up.
Carefully, Simon pulled you into his arms, offering a comforting embrace. His touch was gentle, his voice soothing as he reassured you that you were safe with him. In that moment, he became your shield, determined to protect you from the darkness that lurked in your past.
As you drifted off to sleep, exhaustion finally claiming you, Simon's heart swelled with a mixture of tenderness and anger. He couldn't bear to see you suffer any longer. Resolute, he rose from the bed, leaving you in peaceful slumber and made his way to confront the source of your personal torture.
Due to his Job, it was easy for him to find out where he was living. And with determination etched upon his features, Simon found himself standing outside your ex's residence. He had no intention of resorting to violence, but his presence alone was enough to unnerve the cowardly individual who had been preying on your vulnerability.
As the door swung open, revealing your ex's face, a mix of surprise and fear washed over him. Before he could utter a single word, Simon's voice rang out with authority. "Leave her alone mate. If you ever come near her again, you'll regret it. And I‘m not a man to play fucking games with"
Josh felt the weight of Simon's unwavering resolve, cowered beneath his gaze. Fear clouded his eyes as he stammered out a half-hearted apology. Without further hesitation, Simon turned on his heel and walked away, leaving your ex to contemplate the consequences of his actions.
Meanwhile, back at home, you stirred awake, finding Simon by your side, his gaze filled with comfort and love. Wordlessly, he climbed back into bed, pulling you close, and kissed your forehead with a mix of gentleness and possessiveness.
"I won't let anyone hurt you," Simon whispered, his voice filled with a fierce protectiveness. "You're safe with me. Always."
In that moment, you knew that Simon was not only your lover but your guardian, a force that would go to any lengths to shield you from harm. And as you drifted back into a peaceful sleep, your heart swelled with gratitude, knowing that you were truly cherished by the man who would stop at nothing to keep you safe.
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John MacTavish
You felt a mixture of frustration and fear as your ex continued to invade your life. The messages ranged from desperate pleas for reconciliation to thinly veiled threats, designed to unsettle and intimidate you. The constant reminders of your past were enough to make anyone's heart race and palms sweat.
One chance. Please baby.
Are you really dating a scottish man? You‘ve sunk so low.
One evening, as you and John were relaxing together, the barrage of texts became too much to bear. With a heavy sigh, you pulled out your phone, revealing the string of toxic messages that had invaded your peaceful sanctuary.
I will have you back, I‘m waiting baby.
John's eyes widened as he read the manipulative words that spilled across the screen. Without hesitation, John wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. He understood the fear and turmoil that consumed you and he was determined to be your shield, protecting you from the pain of your past. His voice, laced with a mixture of concern and determination, filled the room.
"Baby" John spoke softly, "I won't let him hurt you anymore. You're safe with me, and I'll do whatever it takes to ensure that."
His comforting words and his strong embrace provided a temporary respite from the torment. As exhaustion claimed you, sleep finally descended upon your weary mind and body. Unbeknownst to you, John's resolve had been steeled.
As you slept, John quietly slipped away, his footsteps echoing with purpose as he made his way towards your ex's location. The darkness of the night seemed to amplify the intensity of his emotions. Anger simmered beneath his stoic exterior, a force ready to be unleashed upon the person who had dared to threaten the newfound happiness he shared with you.
John's arrival sent a shockwave through your ex's world. The smug arrogance that had permeated his messages quickly evaporated as he realized the true extent of John's determination. Fear replaced bravado, and he attempted to escape from the formidable soldier who now stood before him.
But there was no escape. John, fueled by a protective instinct, pursued your ex relentlessly, his presence an indomitable force that left no room for evasion. "Text my girl ever again and oh boy you wish your mom never gave birth to you" Cornered and overwhelmed, your ex succumbed to his fear and fled, leaving behind the remnants of a broken ego.
As John returned to your side, a mix of relief and admiration washed over him. The confrontation had served its purpose: to ensure your safety and send a clear message to anyone who dared to threaten your peace of mind.
You awoke to find John by your side, his features softened by the moonlight that filtered through the window. His eyes met yours, filled with a blend of tenderness and determination.
"He won't bother you again," John assured you, his voice unwavering. "I'll always protect you, no matter what."
In that moment, as you gazed into the depths of John's unwavering devotion, you knew that you were not alone. With him by your side, you felt a renewed sense of strength and security.
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John Price
You had tried to move on from the toxic relationship that had left scars on your heart. But your ex refused to let go, bombarding you with text messages that ranged from desperate pleas to borderline threats. Each message chipped away at your sense of peace and security.
One evening, as you sat with John, sharing the burden of your past, a notification flashed across your phone screen. The words that appeared before you were a cruel reminder of the darkness that still lingered.
Who's that dude you're dating now? You think you can replace me that easily?
Your heart sank as you realized John had caught a glimpse of the message. The look in his eyes, a mix of concern and anger, mirrored the tumultuous emotions raging within you.
John's voice was steady, but determination laced his words. "Baby, I can't stand by and let this continue. He needs to understand that his behavior is unacceptable and that he must leave you alone."
A mix of fear and relief washed over you, knowing that John would go to such lengths to protect you. You nodded, your voice barely a whisper. "I want to move on and leave this behind. But it’s getting so difficult" All night he did nothing but hold you as you cried because the memories kept adding up. And John did nothing but kiss and hold you the entire night.
The next morning, as the sun painted the sky with shades of gold, John prepared to leave for what appeared to be a simple grocery shopping.
Time seemed to stretch endlessly as you waited, anxiety and anticipation mingling within you. Hours passed and just when doubt threatened to seep into your thoughts, you heard the familiar sound of John's footsteps approaching the door.
His face bore the signs of a confrontation, his eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. John took you in his arms, holding you tightly, as if to shield you from the remnants of the past that clung to your spirit.
"He won't bother you again" he whispered, his voice filled with an unyielding resolve. "I made it clear that his actions were unacceptable. He knows the consequences if he dares to cross that line." and you knew that he went over and made it clear to him to never text you ever again.
Tears welled in your eyes, a mix of gratitude and relief streaming down your cheeks. You gazed into John's eyes, overwhelmed by the love and protection he offered so selflessly.
"I don't know how to thank you, John," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "You've given me a sense of safety and peace that I thought I had lost forever."
His grip tightened, his voice a comforting reassurance. "You don't have to thank me, my love. It's what love does. It protects and empowers. I won't let anyone hurt you, not while I'm here."
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Kyle Garrick
You stood there, reading the text messages that illuminated your phone screen, each word like a dagger to your heart. The messages from your ex, filled with desperation and anger were a painful reminder of a past you desperately wanted to forget. His words were like poison, seeping into your thoughts and threatening to unravel the happiness you had found with Kyle. The man you want to share your life with.
Just as you were about to put your phone away, hoping to bury the unsettling messages deep within your mind, you heard a gasp from behind you. Turning, you saw Kyle, his eyes fixated on the screen, his face a mix of concern and anger.
"Love?" he murmured, his voice laced with sympathy and a fire burning within, "I didn't realize you were going through this. I'm so sorry."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, the pain of the messages threatening to overwhelm you. But Kyle, ever the steadfast protector, closed the distance between you, wrapping his strong arms around you in a comforting embrace.
His words, infused with a fierce protectiveness, resonated within you. As he held you close, you felt a sense of safety and reassurance wash over you, erasing the fear and uncertainty that had plagued your heart.
Days passed and Kyle prepared for his next mission, a dangerous assignment that would take him away from you for a while. But before he left, he made a promise to himself, and to you. He would confront your ex, ensuring that he never dared to disturb your peace again.
As he set out on his mission, he carried with him the weight of your trust and the burning desire to protect you from harm. And when the time came, bruised and battered, he sought out your ex, determined to make him understand the consequences of his actions.
Face to face, Kyle confronted the man who had caused you so much pain, his eyes ablaze with an unwavering resolve. Your ex, taken aback by the sight of Kyle's injuries, cowered before him, realizing the severity of his actions. He pleaded for mercy, promising to leave you alone for good.
Kyle’s voice filled with an authority that brooked no argument, made it clear that any further harassment or threat would be met with severe consequences.
When he finally returned home, weary but determined, you met him at the door. The weight of the past seemed to dissolve as he enveloped you in his arms, the warmth of his embrace erasing the remnants of fear and doubt. In that moment, you knew that together, you could face anything.
After seeing him all bruised up but with a smile on his face, you couldn’t help but jump into his arms. In his embrace, you found healing. The scars of the past fading into insignificance compared to the love that bloomed between you. Together, you would face the challenges that lay ahead, fortified by the strength of your bond and the knowledge that no matter what, you were not alone.
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dinogoofymutated · 16 days
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Happy halloween everybody!!!!
Well, Happy early halloween, that is! I hope everyone is having a good day! As some of you know, I'm choosing to celebrate my 1000 follower celebration in the incoming months!! (well, technically like 1300 right now, I'm a little late 😭) I'm doing something especially special for this event, and I'll be letting all of you guys customise your fics!!
So the way this is going to work will be fairly simple. I will be writing these fics exclusively in the incoming months due to the fact I've been extra short on time lately, Overall, I will be posting four customised x-men fics in the month of October (once every week) Plus a special guest appearance on halloween day!
Sounds good, right? Well, you might be wondering, "Goofy, how in the world are these customisable?" And let me tell you!!! I will be creating seven writing prompts for all of you to choose from! The first three fics will all have two prompts per poll, with the winning prompt being the one used for that fic in particular!
But don't worry if the prompt you voted for doesn't win, it won't be lost to fanfic limbo completely! The fourth fic in october will have four prompts to choose from, the three losers + a brand new prompt! That way each of the losers gets a chance at redemption!
Once a prompt is selected, I will then create another poll to choose what character will be chosen for that fic! Not every character in X-men will be on every single poll, as candidates will be chosen by prompt compatibility. Once a character is selected, there's also a chance I will create a third and final poll choosing what sort of halloweeny character they should be!
These polls will be posted in the weeks leading up to october, with my hope being that I will have them all finished before october actually starts. I'm very excited to do this with Y'all, as I definitely have not done an event like this before!! Y'all better help me stick to it!
(Also, I have most of the characters I plan to put in the polls in the tags, but if you have someone in mind and want them to be considered as a candidate, please reblog, reply, or send me an ask!)
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Poll 1: Haunted Mansion vs. Hocus Pocus!
Prompt one: Haunted Mansion
You've recently moved into an old, spooky mansion that your great-aunt left you in her will. It's been uninhabited for years but is strangely well-kept. You're sure you live here alone, but every once in a while you can't shake the feeling of being watched…
Prompt two: Hocus Pocus
You've been working at the Harkness museum of witchery for about six months now. One night after you get off of work, you decide to take a walk through the graveyard across the street to look at the stones. You find a very strange cat stuck in a trap in the process, and let the poor thing out. Turns out, he's not actually a cat at all, but working at a witch museum has its perks, and you find yourself helping the kitty regain it's true form!
Winning selection: Haunted Mansion!
Character poll:
Candidates: Nightcrawler, Quicksilver, Cyclops,
Winning selection: Nightcrawler!
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Poll 2: Howling vs. Bloody halloween
Prompt Three: Howling
Something has been spotted in the woods behind your house. You don’t believe any of the bullshit all these reporters and wannabe horror vloggers are pushing, all you know is that you really want them off your land. Until you have a personal encounter with this creature, that is. What is the thing that has seemingly moved into your neck of the woods, and does it have anything to do with your new neighbor?
Prompt Four: Bloody Halloween
A bat flies through your window one night, and although you're dreadfully afraid of rabies and scared to touch the little thing, it's in really bad shape and you can't stand by and just let it die. You spend the next few days nursing the little guy back to health, when one day he up and disappears. The next night you go out with your friends, and feel like you keep seeing a familiar pair of eyes in the crowd.
Winning selection: Bloody Halloween!
Character poll:
Candidates: Gambit, Quicksilver.
Winning selection: Gambit!
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Poll 3: Season of the Witch vs. Halloween town!
Prompt Five: Season of the Witch
You’ve always considered the rumors about your family’s witchy and magical past to be fictional, absolute nonsense. Well, you did, until you found yourself accidentally bound to someone who’s more or less your familiar. Neither of you particularly wants this, so you focus on whatever magical skills you managed to inherit on breaking the bond- but is that really what you want?
Prompt Six: Halloweentown
You've won the title of best pumpkin carver for the past five Halloweens, which is a big deal in Halloween town! The Sixth year rolls around, and you're determined to keep your title. Until some dude accidentally smashes your masterpiece mere steps from the festival. You make him swear to you he'd make up for it next year. You've almost forgotten about it when the end of August rolls around, only to find him right at your doorstep.
Winning Selection: Season of the Witch!
Character Poll:
Candidates: TBA
Winning selection: tba
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Poll 4: Redemption round
This poll was a chance for the losers to win, and one fresh prompt to round them out
Prompt 8: Practical Magic
You recently found out that your family is cursed for any man you love to die. You’re devastated when you find this out the day after you realize you’re deeply in love, and make it your mission to keep your boyfriend alive. Shenanigans and ridiculous conflicts ensue, and after a very long couple of weeks- He reveals to you that he’s been immortal the whole time.
Winner: Practical Magic!
Character Poll:
Candidates: TBA
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cloudluvrrr · 4 months
Dainslief headcannons !?
DAINSLEIF MENTIONED IN NEW GENSHIN UPDATE 😱😱 havent touched genshin in years. unless they release my king i will return 🤞
but i felt like redoing some headcannons i made back in my early days 😓 IT WAS THREE YEARS AGO LMFAO
this is a long one pookies 🤞i also didnt proof read it HAHA
Dainsleif headcannons - 2021
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-- mostly fluff! some angst :)
-I feel like he wouldn't know what the feelings he had for you were.
-So you'd likely confess to him first: While you'd two would be taking a small stroll in Mondstadt. You'd stop by a cliff filled with dandelions, the small white tufts flying passed you two. As you quietly spoke the words, 'I Love You' to him. Looking up at him with watery eyes afraid of rejection. His world had gone silent as he saw you mouth the words. He'd been left speechless.
(do you guys see the vision yes or no comment down below 👇)
-After you two confess, he'd eventually visit you more in your small apartment. Bringing you small gifts from his travels, a simple white rose from Fontaine, a book from Sumeru, mochi from Inazuma and a hair pin from Liyue.
-More often than not these gifts were apologies for taking shelter in your home, when he couldn't find an inn (or he didnt have the funds)
-When in your home he'd always offer to help with literally anything. Cooking, cleaning, helping you with your hair or ironing clothes. The man does it all, how else would he have survived 500 years?
-With the burden of living many lifetimes, he has the knowledge of 500 years. Often when laying in bed with you he'd start to ramble about small fun facts about the world and what was his world.
-He'd be very vulnerable with you, of fucking course he's not sleeping in his mysterious ass cape (😭) so you kept some pajamas for him.
-You'd left the small bedroom to let dainsleif change for a few moments before slightly opening the door, to see him looking at his topless figure in the mirror (😍). His eyes narrowing at he looked at the tainted flesh of his side, noticing you coming from behind and gently tracing it. 'it suits you', is all you said before he placed a gentle kiss to your temple as he quietly replied 'don't worry about it darling'
-as well as the tainted part i feel like he has small moles scattered around his body (whether it was there before the fall or they're small tainted bits) they're still cute.
-He often admires your from afar preferring to show his love through actions than words. Like small kisses on your knuckles, holding the door open for you, playing with your hair while cuddling.
-He prefers to call you by your given name, but sometimes if your lucky he'll call you 'darling', 'my starlight', love, 'my light' things like that. (idk he seems very astrological to me???)
-Since hes literally fucking broke, he often takes you on walks rather than actual dates. But when he does have some, he likes to look at the local food stalls persuading you to try a bit of everything.
-He'd overall adore you with all his being, giving you every bit of love and money he had on him. With the deep dread in his heart you'd one day you'd leave him all over again, just like before.
-of course the day you depart from the world, is a shattering one for him. He'd make sure to visit your grave often, cleaning it and leaving white roses when he could. His life returned to what it was before you, only with the lingering idea of you always haunting him.
i try to make this shit aesthetic but i yap too much 😔
i prefer to make small headcannons but yall this was brewing in my head for YEARS
hope you enjoyed my redo of my old ass headcannons 🥺🥺
Requests are open ^^ look at my navi for more info :D
-Love yall 💖
NOT sent from my iphone 😡
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bigdsgirl · 9 months
Alright, let's freaking go episode 11:
"I didn't know that was possible" -- well you haven't met Gu-won that's why!!!!
this drama queen "I have returned!!!"
immediately falls apart when do do hee shows up KING BEHAVIOR
i love him picking out her clothes
that's right, do do hee, girlie you have taste. he looks FIRE in that outfit
the petty bitch, showing up to sass God. I LOVE HIM.
bruh, pls don't regret being sassy
"when is he not glowing?" "you're right" "he's always glowing" -- these employees, icons.
the CAKE alkjglkadfgjadf -- he loves to celebrate and king i do too
uh oh uh oh scary man
SEEDS AND SCALLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the dog's sweater alkgjdfl;kgjadf;lkgjadfgjadfg
the TATTOO!!!!!!!!!
this good news cannot last forever sigh
i luv his assistant. the sweetest man <3
sir. do not mention HER in front of him. Yeah that's right! you are getting the silent treatment!!!!!!!!
this show is iconic - the hangover cure scene is TOO GOOD!
i thank the lord every day for Song Kang's stylist
oh oh oh this scene with the husband and wife with alzheimers. this is killing meeeeeeee, i am not stable enough to handle this.
I am unwell, holy fuck.
beautifully shot wowowowowowowow.
oh this fella is not the same anymore.... lol the "I was sweating" ok king.
the stake out for ms. shin lolololol. what is in the apple box!!!!!! it better be.... apples. lol.
these TWO BYE.
this is exactly what i want. i LUV IT.
love has no secrets - i love this
"we can't them out do us" competitive king.
even when he sleeps he is holding her wrist!! AH!
HMMM I WONT FORGET YOU? interestinggg....
oh wait. WAIT. god's teeth are normal now... HMM HMM. on purpose? or just now that's we know who she is, it's normal.
Because fate always repeats itself - oh that line is coming back to haunt us.
the investment agreement is so freaking sketch. oh. wait. oh shit. that's her parents? oh wow. wait her father left the company??? oh wow what HAPPENED. to think I was worried about how they would continue for the next 6 episodes.
"call me bro" gu-won has a DEATH WISH (lol)
"don't mind him" -- hmm... no.
oh WAIT he sees the CROSS oh no no no
no not a flashback of her in the new house :( you will break my heart.
her relationship with the chairwoman i am sobbing
omg she wants to show him the photo of their family!
wait. wait. wait. they died on her 11th birthday? wait wait wait. wait.
she needs a hug stop 😭😭😭😭
"I want you to stay next to me"
so like, he is definitely going to "double cross", yup ok now he's being sneaky. would not go in that door bud, i feel like its gonna be BAD. sneaky, he came real fast.
awh shit, he's alive. BOOO.
definitely faking that his son is the culprit. oh yuck.
yuck. yuck. yuck.
oh he actual is turning himself in. wowowowowow.
"the devil" - the cut to Gu-won, ow ow ow.
the way she flinches, god this man is a monster.
ah, the SFL & SML -- i hope they get to bond 🥹
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kamigui · 10 months
Hi! Ok, this might sound kinda strange, but i'm the guy who asked you to let me translate you haunted house AU few months ago. So I did it and here some messages from your Russian fans:
"This is one of the most wonderful Welcome Home AU's! Mix WH and haunted house is just brilliant idea! My favourite part is the duet of Julie and Frank, they are gorgeous as reporters! Every character has its own individual appearance and personality, what is really respectable! Kamigui I want to wish you further development of this au, good mood and luck!"
"This is beautiful! The character's design is pretty and beautiful (my favourite one's are Howdy and Sally :3), the plot is interesting, me and my friend are dying to see the whole story! Author I love you!❤️"
"Author is amazing, character's designs are magnificent, and everyone has its own charisma! Especially Howdy, Frank and Wally 😄 I'm really interested in continuation of the plot of this story and how it's going to end!"
"Author is just wonderful! I really like her creation and her WH AU <3✨
I want to wish her to continue delighting fans with her beautiful arts 🌸
I really like this AU and character's designs, especially Wally, Barnaby and Howdy
Thank you very much for this gorgeous au, love you!!💖💖💖"
"*Loves it affectionately*"
"I really hope to see comic based on this au. IF THIS HAPPENS I WILL KNIT TOYS BASED ON YOUR AU! (Sorry. I just really like it)"
I literally cried when I read this 😭 You don't know how much these words mean to me! These are the sweetest words I've heard in days. Thank you guys so much😢
I haven't been doing so well lately. I've been under a lot of pressure from school. Especially the artblock... These words really cheer me up!
I've always thought that my AU weren't as famous as others, But because of you guys' support I'm still passionate about writing these stories and settings! Don't worry guys! I'll finish the whole story about Haunted House AU, I just need a lot of time, haha!
Some of you may know what's been going on lately(on Twitter), but I'm not leaving this fandom, I really love you guys! Thank you guys so so much🥰
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
okaaaay, first of all i just wanted to say that i've been OBSESSED with your writing and your fics about victor vale lately. it's just SO good???? just know you're changing lives out here
second of all, my request was yet another angst w victor (maybe with a fluffy ending??), but sort of inspired by the grudge by miss olivia rodrigo? i was just listening to this song rn and then this thought came to my mind all of a sudden 😭 idk if you're gonna like the idea, but if you don't, that's absolutely ok ❤️
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! Changing lives? You're too kind. I absolutely love this idea; I don't listen to Olivia but I actually really like this song! It definitely gives Victor Vale vibes! I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted and please let me know what you think!! (PS, you said 'another' angst to fluff, did you request one of the others? If so, thank you for coming back and did you like it?)🤍
Warnings: ANGST, gets a little fluffy toward the end, spoilers for Vicious. 1.8k+ words
"The Grudge" by Olivia Rodrigo (explicit version)
Like a Grudge
The phone rings, and a rare photo of Victor smiling at you lights up the screen. Your day brightens as you answer. Summer is approaching quickly, but Victor promised to spend extra time with you on Fridays.
“Hey, Vic,” you greet, smiling at the flowers he sent you this morning.
“I’m leaving,” he interrupts, out of breath but emotionless.
“What do you mean?” you ask, sitting up.
“I have to leave. And I am never coming back.”
“You’re leaving school?”
“I’m leaving everything.”
“Why?” you whisper, remembering his promise from a few weeks ago. He said he’d be by your side through anything and protect you, hurt people before they could hurt you. And now, he’s doing the very thing he promised to protect you from.
Your world shatters around you as the call ends. Victor chooses Angie.
You sit up with a choked gasp, your sheets tangled around your legs as you wipe your hand harshly across your cheeks. Victor chose Angie like he always does. The memory of Victor betraying your trust, leaving you, and then hanging up on you still confuses you. Victor was your entire world, and he left, crushing your happiness between his fingers. Life without Victor is different than you expected, and the ghost of him haunts you every week.
The dead flowers on your desk are the only physical reminder of Victor, yet he never leaves your mind. Staring at them, you imagine Victor sleeping peacefully, unaware of the pain you’re experiencing, even years after losing him. You doubt he ever thinks about the damage that he did. Every single detail of the day Victor left you is vivid, but the slow, love-filled moments from before fade more each day. You cling to the memory of him, his voice choosing Angie, and the lack of care he ever had for you. 
You kick your sheets off as your heart rate slows, pulling your knees to your chest. Part of you, deep down, wonders what it would be like to wake up beside Victor, leaving this nightmare you call life behind. You know what you’d say. Despite what he did, you still love Victor Vale with a deep, undying love that you hold to like a grudge. As his voice fades, the nightmare returning to its waiting place in your mind, you stand from your bed, passing the flowers on your way to another day filled with distractions.
Since Victor chose Angie, his voice has been ever-present in your mind. It morphs daily; his simple answer of “Angie” becomes “I chose someone better” when you feel like you aren’t enough. Angie Knight was a part of Victor’s life, but he was yours. Or, at least, you thought he was. You had never worried about him finding someone better and leaving you, and it came out of nowhere, changing your life forever.
“What is taking you so long?” your best friend huffs, pushing your door open.
You stare at the flowers, and the pile of dead petals at the bottom of the glass directly mirrors your shattered heart.
“That boy did some damage.”
You shake your head, trying to be tough. “I don’t care. I’m completely fine.”
“Then why keep them?”
“Let’s call it a reminder of my past mistakes,” you answer, brushing past her as you struggle not to scream.
Your act that everything is fine, that you learned from the break-up and got over it quickly, is a failing façade. Under the fake walls you’ve built, you are utterly broken. The tough exterior hides the pain and tears threatening to spill over at any moment, but it doesn't make you feel any better. Victor made leaving you for Angie look easy, with no emotion in his voice as he said goodbye (though, you didn’t even get that, just "Angie"). If Victor made that look easy, you can make moving on look easy, even if it’s impossible.
Walking into the restaurant, you hope your friends celebrate the weekend without asking about your nightmares. You’ve regretted confiding that information to them since the night you called. You just didn’t want to feel alone, but the Victor-sized hole in your heart can’t be filled by gossip and perfume-coated hugs from girls who will never understand what you’re dealing with.
“How are you?” someone whispers.
You pick up your glass, taking a quick drink before raising it slightly.
“To cursed memories,” you say, deflecting from answering.
In your effort to forget him and block the memories out, Victor is the only thing on your mind. He never leaves, and for some forsaken reason, you don’t want him to.
“You should forgive him and forget him!” someone cheers.
“Then move on to the next!” your best friend adds.
Smiling, you wish you were strong enough to do that. Maybe desperation could force it, too, but you need Victor’s memory, or you’ll have nothing to live for.
The first breath you take after getting in your car is cleansing. Your friends try to cheer you up and give decent advice, but it doesn’t help. Nothing short of finding out why Victor chose Angie will cure you.
Looking at your reflection in the rearview mirror, you go return to Lockland.
“I’m leaving. Angie.”
Right now, sitting in your car, you hate Victor, and you’re prepared to argue. It happens often: arguing with a ghost in your head, in your car, and in the mirror before bed.
There are hundreds of things you could have said instead of the tear-strained “Why?” you managed. When you picture winning, you lie about cheating on Victor or tell him you won’t miss him, anything to make him feel an ounce of the pain you did.
Winning in your mind is cathartic, especially when Victor falls to his knees, clutching your hands to his chest as he begs you not to go. Fantasising about when he’s sorry is fun at the moment, but when the nightmare returns and you remember the truth, it’s like you’re back in that moment.
There should have been a sign, a clue of some sort, that Victor was unhappy with you and looking for something new, different, or better. As you try to understand why he would do all this to you, you often wonder what you did to deserve it. Could you have saved everything by being less like yourself and more like Angie? Would calling Victor and telling him you loved him a few minutes earlier have changed anything? Victor had to have been unhappy and insecure, because you know in your heart that hurt people hurt people. Had you realized how hurt he was, you would have done everything in your power to heal him, to make him invincible.
“You hurt him too,” you whisper to yourself in the mirror.
It was never intentional, but Victor Vale was easy to hurt. You weren’t always there for him, didn’t notice when he needed to talk, or, evidently, when things were too much for him. You both drew blood, but those cuts were never equal. The scrapes you left on Victor will never hold a candle to the fatal stab wounds he gave you, and they still hurt.
The flowers really need to be thrown away. Cleaning your room, you keep stopping to look at them. It’s been years, but moving on seems impossible. 
“Coming!” you yell, snapped out of your thoughts by a heavy-handed knock.
Opening the door, you freeze. You should slam it, throw the vase, do anything to keep space between you. But you can’t move.
“It’s been a while,” Victor says, his hands in the pockets of his trench coat. “I- I just needed to check on you.”
“You needed to check on me?” you repeat quietly, holding the doorknob with white knuckles as you look anywhere but at Victor’s face.
“A lot has happened, and Eli,” Victor begins, but you don’t want to hear it.
“So now I deserve your pity and care? Last I checked, I didn’t.”
“You- can I come in? For just a minute, and if you want me to leave after sixty seconds, I will.”
You clench your jaw as you step back, counting in your mind as he begins talking.
“Your flowers are dead,” he points out.
“Your flowers,” you correct.
“Mine- those are from ten years ago?”
“Yeah, apparently vitriol makes flowers live longer,” you snap. “You’re wasting your minute.”
Victor’s brows furrow as he says, “I tried to be there for you, but when everything happened-“
“You tried to be there for me? You built me up to watch me fall, Victor.”
“I was trying to protect you.”
“From what? You?”
“Yes!” Victor shouts, his hands raising and falling. “Look, everything fell apart, and I didn’t want to drag you down with me. I know that I should have gone about it better, but I was running out of time and your safety was more important than answers or explanations. That’s what I thought, at least.”
“You betrayed me for my safety. That’s an interesting approach, Victor,” you say, crossing your arms across your chest.
“You don’t believe me, I get it. But we were in Merit - for Eli - and things started looking better, and being this close? I couldn’t pass the chance to check on you.”
Victor falters slightly before saying, “Yeah. My, uh, my friends Mitch and Sydney.”
You nod, glad that he has everything but wants more.
“Well, your minute has been up for a while, so you can go.”
Trying to be tough, to be mean, you’re disappointed when the comment doesn’t come out as sharply as you intended. You haven’t looked at Victor yet because your eyes will betray your emotions. They will show that you still love him.
“I know you don’t care, I guess that’s fine,” you add, walking toward the door.
“It takes strength to forgive, but I’m not sure we’re there yet,” Victor says, cutting you off.
“You moved on, Victor,” you reply, missing the flinch at your continued use of his full name. He wants to ask what happened to ‘Vic,’ but you continue, “How is Angie?”
Glancing over your shoulder, you watch Victor’s eyes widen as he asks, “You think I left to be with Angie?”
“What else was I supposed to think?”
“I left because I killed her.”
You fall silent, a wave of memories crashing over you. The EO topic was a joke as far as you were concerned, but it explains the sudden changes in Victor and Eli and their subsequent departures. Looking up at Victor, you remain in place, unmoving and failing to find something to say.
“Why’d you keep the flowers?” he asks, cutting through the tension.
He confessed something, so you decide it’s only fair to do the same. “Even after all this, you’re still everything to me, Vic,” you whisper.
Victor's shoulders fall slightly before he looks over your shoulder to the window behind your table. Hearing a giggle, you turn quickly and see a hand retract into the bushes outside as the dead flowers turn green, blooming again.
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thueenz · 11 months
have any of u guys seen that cheeseball cat on tiktok/insta?? idk i dont use instagram. this one
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i saw them months ago but they popped up again last night on my fyp and i want to talk about them so bad because theyre an occupied object as i like to call them (object with some kind of spirit in them, not to say haunted, just an object with some kind of 'being' or soul to it) and i find it endearing that a cheeseball cat i randomly saw one day is occupied. now we go under readmore
im pulling most of the screenshots from this video because its the one i saw last night so go watch if youre curious and to show the creator some love for their art!
if you have no idea who cheddar is they were not always a cheeseball, the creator bought them and painted them like this originally they looked like THIS
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the being in them was present from the time of buying, they stick out like a sore thumb in this image specifically (likely because this is the day of buying and they havent settled into their surroundings at all)
luckily they dont seem to mind the fact that they were painted like a giant cheeseball at all. i cant say every being would take well to that, but if anything, they seem to like it. even if op and the fans on tiktok arent aware theyre 'there', they seem to enjoy the attention they get, and the individual love they have been given in the paint job. to be loved is to be changed or whateva. in all seriousness though they are fine with it, more than fine, which im glad lmao
theres plenty of beings in objects that are discontent with their situation, where the person theyre with either is not aware of them at all, or is misguided in their views towards beings in objects/uncaring/ even scared, but cheddar here seems perfectly happy. while others might shy away from attention, they seem to like the attention tiktok gets them.
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i mean, they have their own little pedestal, special gift like baby cats that are custom painted, theyre special and named to the person theyre with, and people on tiktok love them. not a bad life if thats something you like! im really happy they feel so content, i get sad seeing beings that are unhappy on the internet but i cant rlly do anything about those cases so 😭
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they really seem to like the person theyre with too, in this frame of them being picked up, their energy softens and brightens and makes my chest feel giddy and affectionate. theyre very cute i adore this cat i would give them a hug if theyd have me
i think they likely have a purpose or magical skill, but i cant pinpoint it further than 'they want to bring good into this persons life', which could cover a raaange of things.
theyre not malicious at all, they seem very content and friendly and i wouldnt feel uncomfortable around them at all in person so no worry of that. a bit intense before settling into their new life, but not bad. sometimes beings are just a bit intense lol. theyre not haunted by any human spirit, i can't say where they came from, or when, but i don't think they were ever 'alive' either animal or human.
i ♥️ cheddar and their sweet little cheese throne
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popfishjr · 2 years
After Everything We've Been Through
Requested by @nerdytwat
Warnings: idk man, mentions of death by holy water?💀 angels crying lol
Note: Get high on angsty-fluffy romantic af god knows what, bitches
Argh why is this so shorttttttttatsgvfij8bbikbhi8rs7ez FORGIVE ME😭😭😭
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Even now, that moment still haunted Aziraphale. After handing the thermos of holy water to Crowley, Aziraphale had spent days wondering if he had made the right choice, did the right thing. Being an angel, the fear of making the wrong decision had always been with Aziraphale his whole life.
Afterall, he believed demons were just angels but with that very fear taken away from them. Though, something must've gone wrong when Crowley fell, because it seemed like every other fear had taken from him as well. Despite it being the main reason he worried about Crowley, it was also a part of Crowley's personality that he admired greatly.
Aziraphale was woken from his thoughts by the sound of Crowley sauntering into the room. However, the demon stopped in his tracks when he saw his angel sitting on the sofa with a worried expression on his face. Crowley instantly knew what Aziraphale was worrying about. Heck, it was the only thing he ever worried about. Crowley sat beside Aziraphale, draping his arm around the top of the sofa, as always.
"You can't still be worrying about that, can you? That was so long ago! Besides, I'm still here, am I not?" Crowley sighed. He knew damn well the Aziraphale didn't deserve to worry about one stupid moment for the rest of his life. He was determined to put an end to it.
"But what if I had made the choice? If you got discorporated by the holy water, it'll be because of me!" Aziraphale turned away. "I can't have that on my conscience, Crowley."
Crowley closed his eyes in frustration. "Why do you care if I had gotten discorporated? I'm a demon and you're an angel! I don't matter to you!"
"Yes you do, Crowley!" Aziraphale blurted out, words seeming to flow from his mouth without much of a thought. He must be drunk. "6000 years of friendship! Of course you matter to me!"
Crowley was rendered speechless. No one had ever cared about what happens to him, whether he got discorporated or not. Especially not Heaven!
"That's why it was so hard to give you the holy water, Crowley! I can't lose you! You're all I have!" A tear fell from Aziraphale's eye.
"Aziraphale, stop." Crowley said. "You did the right thing. You saved me by giving me the holy water. I wouldn't be with you right here, right now if you hadn't given it to me. I used it for self-defense, okay? And it worked. It saved me." He hesitantly placed an arm around Aziraphale's shoulder. "You saved me."
Still drunk, Aziraphale leaned into Crowley's touch, resting his head against his shoulder. Crowley stiffened but didn't move.
"Please, Crowley. Please promise me that you'll never put yourself in danger again." Aziraphale buried his face into the crook of Crowley's neck. It made Crowley wonder exactly how drunk was his angel.
"Alright, I promise." He comforted, wrapping his arm tighter around Aziraphale's shoulder. Aziraphale pulled Crowley into an embrace, which Crowley accepted, patting him soothingly on the back. Little did Aziraphale know, Crowley was also struggling to keep his tears at bay. The demon realised that someone did care, after all.
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kasmis · 2 years
Thanks so much for posting your thoughts on Death Mark II, really informative and has made me even more excited for the game! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what was the one line they changed for Mashita in Death Mark that you mentioned?
Hii of course I'm so glad you read and enjoyed!! I really enjoyed playing it so I'm super excited that more people get to play it soon.. Fall 2023 needs to come faster 😭😭
Oh my god.. I'm going to stick my answer under a read more just in case people are concerned about DM spoilers in 2023 (?) and also because I accidentally went off and wrote a super long response LMFAOOOO. But I realize this is something a lot of overseas fans don't know so I hope you don't mind that I'm tagging my response!!
So.. in Chapter 2 of Death Mark, it's possible to trigger the Live or Die where you close the beehives with any partner character. And every partner character get a unique line of dialogue as soon as it starts right. In the translation, Mashita says "(last name)! Get away from there!" But.. in the original.. he says "(first name)! Run away!"
Here are screenshots comparing the two with the default "Yashiki Kazuo / 八敷一男" name:
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Trying to figure out the reason they changed this has like haunted me to this day LOLLLL I just don't understand it!! At first I thought it was because the localizer might be worried overseas audiences would get confused at the sudden name switch, but then in Chapter 6 Hiroo calls Yashiki by his first name when she's possessed. So I don't know why they kept her "Kazuo" while removing Mashita's!? Like it's possible they made the decision to keep Hiroo's after they had already finished translating and localizing the earlier chapters, but I still like. Idk. It makes me mad to be honest LOL I think it's such a good and cute Mashita moment and the change is truly unneeded.. I'm holding back from going off on another tangent but you get the idea 😭😭
In general I have several other issues with the quality of the translation and localization of DM overall but also like. IIRC the AKSYS team was literally just one translator and one localizer so I try to be understanding. I just really hope that for Death Mark II they give them more resources because there's plenty of stuff that I think will be difficult to carry over accurately and if the team is stretched thin it might not live up to its full potential. That's why I said before that I was a little nervous about how they'll approach some things in the new game looll..
Anyway. If it wasn't obvious I'm like very interested in comparing the differences between the JPN and ENG versions of the game and I have plenty to say but I feel like I've already made this way too long.. I'm always happy to discuss the other things they changed and my opinions on the changes tho so like. As an open invitation to anyone else reading ig if there's anything else ur curious about I'm happy to chat!! Thank you for asking this and allowing me to ramble 💖
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
hello merms! i've recently been on an animal crossing binge, just for some relaxing and time away from everything else, because its just a very fun and easy game <3 (also combatting the cold and dark days by playing a game where i can see the sun) i am currently designing my island (trying to get to 5*'s!! i just unlocked terraforming and such) and went to yours because i wanted some ideas (i've been to your island once, in 2021 for your birthday! it's changed so much — everything changes when things go on for long enough) but i am here to say that i loved your island tremendously !!! your house is so cute and its full of personality, and tbh exactly what i imagined your house (irl or otherwise) would look like!! i loved all the music you had playing and ur lil bkg poster <3 i saw you in the dream and all you said to me was 'don't talk about it' LMAO kinda creepy, kinda on brand? i'm also very jealous that you have shino!! she's next on my list for villagers (i am lucky enough to have sasha [my favorite], and raymond, along with a few others i enjoy)
but thank you for opening your island and sharing it! i had a blast exploring and looking at everything and it was very beautiful <3
Scout! Hello!! Happy Gaming! 🌷🌿
The animal crossing party in 2021! That was held on Cat’s island—Gratitude. 🌻 Fun fact, I drew Gratitude’s flag. 😌✨ But i’m so excited you came to Hettisland!!! 🥺 Good luck on the five stars!!! I believe in you!!! I hit three stars and then just accepted I’d never hit five, LOL (i have too many trees! Isabelle tells you the islanders are complaining about getting lost among them, if you over do it!). Cat gave me some of the Lily-of-the-Valley that grows on Gratitude, so I use them to dot around Hettisland instead of worrying about growing my own. 🥺🌷
But lmaooo, I’m glad you liked my resident home. 🥹 The current version has taken a lot of fussing and random midnight trades through AC groups—dream home woes. 😩 And of course, on top of that, we had to represent our boy. 😌💥✨ His code actually replaced a space filler i had before, so for ages after downloading it, i was finding random Bakugous dotted all around my island lmaooo.
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when you mentioned Henrietta (my island rep) was saying creepy shit i was like, ????? but then i remembered i’d entered it as my passport comment. 😭 humiliating, LOL. i got on and changed it today, though, so it’s less… ominous (“I’m gonna catch bugs!” which might be still ominous but is hopefully better suited to the vibes of Hettisland lmaooo). 🥹 speaking of horror islands though, have you ever visited Purgatory? Evil Imp makes like, little movies with New Horizons and their island is like a haunted film set, LOL, it’s so intricate! Creepy too, although sometimes that’s dispelled when you’re walking past some whistling islander, LOL. But apparently Evil had poured like, 1600+ hours into the island by the time the dream address was available to people. 🥺 It’s really fun to explore!! Every house tells a story!!!
Shino!!! Yeah, she’s a cutie—she was a camper, and at the time I had a rooster I really hated (he was a snobby, and I already had one—plus he was lowkey kinda mean LMAO i couldn’t tolerate it), so I asked her to stay. Mostly though I just take what I’m given, in terms of who shows up on the island—i think the variety is fun (unless it’s that hateful rooster!!!)
But anyways—thank-you for visiting!!! 🥺 I hope it gave you some fun ideas, for your island!
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi lovely ☀ I'm so happy to hear from you, this week I was literally checking your Tumblr five times per day with my tags. I miss you so much and this week I also needed you so much, but it's okay💛 I'm so sad that you are sick😿😿 I thought you recovered but you mentioned that you don't feel good and I'm just so sad about this(((
Honestly this week I have my period, and I have to take 💊 every single day because it's just so painful 😔so I think we could have some sick party together😹
I had an exam last week which I failed, but I was so confident but I failed and my manager was so stressful and is pressuring me so much😮‍💨🤕🥴
How were your weekends? Today is Sunday and I just don't feel anything ...tomorrow I have to start work again and it's not tomorrow even it's like in 6 hours(((
Today I talked to my grandma and the second time during this 10 months and she's not doing good and mental health is bad she's pretty messed up 😣😭I'm watching this one movie now and it just reminds me of some Horrors that have been through and how lucky I am to actually Escape. ironically the movie is called No Escape. The movie is so well done tho 😭😭💔😢🥺
I Never thought these things would ever happen to me.. or would ever happen in my reality 😔😔I am just so shocked that this happened and they're still consequences and I just don't want to be a part of this you know❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💔 I wish all of this was just a nightmare and I wake up tomorrow and everything is like before
I actually wanted to send you a short message just wish you could have happy Monday and better week 😭😢🥺🥺🥺💛💛
Stay strong baby I am just so thankful that you exist thank you for all the love you give me💛
Thank you for hyunnies gifs and quotes 🤗💗 I miss you so badly
You probably have no idea and will never understand the way you helped me during this sickness period of my life😔❤️‍🩹💗 thank you so much for saving your hyunnie lixie. Please get well soon
Hi hi hi my love 🥺🤍 tumblr has been mean to me with my other asks since they crash when I make em too long (?) and can’t be edited later so here we go!😭 keeping it short but ilysm 💗 and value every little bit u say ~
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First of all don’t worry about me, I’m doing better now altho I skipped my medication yesterday bc I thought I got better but apparently it made my sickness worse and took away my good night’s sleep 💔 but anyway I’m mentally active now..how are you feeling baby?:( is your period pain GONE?? I’m so sorry for being ia I’m here now promise ☀️💛🫂
The movie seems so strong..and really pain invoking and lesson learning is it on Netflix? If so, I’d love to watch while trying to understand you..
Aah it’s getting hectic for you I can say :( no sleep and so much work 😭 but I really hope smh u get a break soon and can rest as much as you need anonie. <3
I can understand about the whole nightmare part. Altho I have not been in such an intense situation like you (that’s why I give it to u always that you’re super strong bc you are my love) but I have had super dark times too and I can relate to that part where I’d be terrified and cry myself to sleep everyday and beg whatever deity was listening to make it better tomorrow and make it all vanish..but everyday I woke up and nothing changed and that made me feel devastated and made me feel like I was better off gone 💔
but I sincerely hope like me a time comes in your life where everyday would feel as good as a dream where you keep wishing you never wake up from the happiness..💖 the things of the past will never really leave u and even tho the shackles are gone someday and you’re free to walk forward, the scary marks will still be there to your feet. But look baby, slowly you’re healing even if it’s at a micro pace, getting a job, connecting w your family member (grandma) and slowly getting up even tho the suffocating feeling still haunts u, it’s slowly leading to a betterment. Like this, I’m sure you will walk towards light, love and happiness soon. Just faith it till u make it okay??
exams Are shitty..and it’s so disappointing to fail after giving your best it’s like realising your best never amounted to anything but hey love remember what I told u? “Human beings are filled w crazy potential even if you feel like u gave your best today you could still wake up tomorrow and try harder.” So keep your chin high, take a deep breath and try hard again. 💘 every success comes with ten failures, remember that.
and lastly I’ll always be here to save u and pull you up just like lixie does for hyunjin. It’s a promise, not a fancy statement. And I keep my words always. I love you sm and I couldn’t add the last quote bc that post isn’t working anymore but it was..
“The world doesn’t matter. YOU matter. 💛☀️..”♡♡
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idontmindittakestime · 6 months
I'm back to writing about the weeks in between.
Weeks in between:)), a series
I completed my first residency as an artist last Saturday. The drive back felt way too fast. I look at my sculpture and I'm happy. I'm happy a lot these days. I listen to Olivia Rodrigo and Sam smith a lot in good grace. I love Tumblr. I'm glad being at that residency felt like I was alive. So much. I'm thinking about January, January which has began to feel so distant like it's departed. Departed and told me its left in its weightless weigh on my memory. Damn Jan/Feb. I created in this at that moment haze at Chelenge's. I made art immediately inspired, unconscious. That was me. That has brought weight, meaning and direction, aspiration, to my art making. It feels like I'm truly w the art and communication with it. She says I shouldn't be afraid cause it's normal to not know where to go with the piece. Take a walk. When the inspiration feels like it's got the wrong mail address 💌
My residency is awesome. Woke up feeling so honoured because I'm an artist here to learn make art and that's valid no problem. Or to be picked one of the four participants. Wine burns my tongue and throat. Man😅
Oh my! The dogs!!!
Chui, chocolate, yellow and Spot. Dog breath. Puppy bites. Chewing my shoes; thanks chocolate.
Movie nights. Jokes. Chocolate 🍫🍫🍫
Coke(lunch time)
Coffee (mornings) what a beautiful day ☕
At the start every conversation felt like it turned grown up when I entered it. Ridiculous. Made so many life decisions man. About being married and having kids. Motivated by fear and focus.
Visited her studio. Caught myself in that mirror. I looked damn good. I remember the painting, the story behind it, crying. The other room, empty wax crayons case. Mine.
Or the weekend before. Drive down to her neighbours. Drive down or up?
She's so wonderfully social. I love that about her. Calm and rest. Haunting my city return lord. Just calm, allowing and easing into rest. That John Donne poem "... For whom the bell tolls"
Stories about life abroad, panic, worry stress fermented and rose. Deep contemplating. Where am I? Why?
Milk damnedest culprit
Stories about Kenya damn.
Games at night. Mbao game. Kenya at fifty. Charades.
Tucking earphones under my pillow. Babe.
Plates of food. LORD.
Receiving the creative vision award and the Silas Rhodes scholarship. (That moment) sealed, remembered in gratitude.
Learning I was chosen first.
The sleep was so good. Accomplishing a lot each day. Morning showers. Our rooms feeling ours. (Someone hotspot me😗😭)
Chui looking at me and coming for pets. So good for both of us. (...give us a movie from this century)
Her first wooden sculpture 🙀 yoh!! mild phasing out, intimidated, challenged, dazed,
Hanging out with Maggie that afternoon before that weekend before that week of the start of my residency.
Her first exhibition (robina's too) :))
Clear blue skies. Treacherous SPF 50
Learning my welded sculptures don't have to be a clean finish. Can be rusted.
A residency is so special.
Deciding I recognise a gallery that supports the artists and every such organisation and wanting that for myself.
On N each C other's A team I.
I learnt so much beyond art making man:))
A different artist, aware she's destructive at times. Reading Paulo coelho. Damn the mountains I'm walking the valleys passed. The decision to keep making art. Breath. A comma? A punctuation? An abbreviation? A painting.
To be explored:
- live portraiture
- jewellery design
- fashion design
Each project special and eighty. The challenge of sculpting wood. The beauty of it. My youngest wood aging. Georginah, aged 19.
Yellow pulling my hair.
So much laughter. Because life is generally ridiculous and growing up can wait.
Grace knocking down doors, hiding a door behind it, Grace filling, the miracle, the work of grace.
Dik-diks, a lioness, ostriches, elands, a hippo, a warthog.
Creating art.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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namchyoon · 2 years
ANNA HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! 🎊❤️🎉🎁✨️❤️💘🎊🎉❤️💘✨️🎉 happy birthday to the one of the most wonderful, funniest, most enthusiastic, supportive and kind-hearted people i've ever had the pleasure to meet in this fandom!!! ❤️✨️ i hope you have an amazing day aheas and feel how much you're loved and adored by the people around you and please know that no matter how bad i am at texting back in time, i am and always will be one of ur biggest supporters because i love you very dearly 🥺❤️ you've made the past 3 years on here feel like home and i can never imagine this fandom and this platform in general without you 🥺❤️ wishing you a lovely year ahead, filled with joy and warmth and fellow namjoon lovers, museum dates, good food and mono. part 2!!! ❤️❤️❤️
ALICEEEE i'm actually so glad i'm actually replying to this because my unanswered wish from last year is still haunting me this is my batman redemption arc 😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH all those kind words coming from the actual best person on this hellsite is very overwhelming and your way with words is like no other because the extreme warm fuzzies i'm feeling just from reading this message is the exact warm fuzzies i get from your very presence 🤍 i really did and i hope you also had an amazing day because you deserve it every day regardless of what day it is hehe and i hope you never worry about texting back on time or ever because it's always completely fine with me so don't pressure yourself! 🥺 i hope you know it's the same for me that i can't imagine tumblr without alice's amazing tags and even more stunning gifs 😭 AND THANK YOUUUU i'm wishing you the same + pjm1 (and really hoping he drops a teaser on YOUR birthday hehe <3)
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simp4ace · 3 years
Hello, MikoYami here always a fan of your writing. I send a few of your headcanons to my friend for inspiration. If you don't mind me asking for a request >//< Law with a S/O who is jaded from love thanks to a few bad relationships in their past?
OMG u flattered me 😭😭😭😭 seriously I'm blushing rn *blush* 🥺 I don't think my writing is good enough to be anyone's inspiration but hhhhh thank you for your kind words </33333 and errmmm I seriously have no idea how it comes out so many words like this, my first intention was to write a short headcanon only. I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for....but I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do when writing this😞
Wc: seriously I didn't count but believe me, it's not that long (is it?)
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It's the same ending, every time. As if you are watching an old movie over and over, and your heart slowly grows colder each time another person walks through your life. It's all the same, they're all the same. You're exhausted, impatient, and fed up with these relationships that surely are going nowhere.
There must be someone, right? There must be the one, they all say that. The one who was only meant for you, you only meant for them, and your love has already been written in the stars from the very start. A love story where the red thread of destiny will never be cut.
Yet, the past relationships haunt you every night like a ghost, making it hard to open your heart to anyone else. Because at the end of the day, nothing is going to work out. Or at least, that's what you've thought.
Until you met him.
Trafalgar Law.
There's something about that man. Something special, more than just good looks or his incredible strength. You honestly have no idea what makes him stand out from other people you've met? Is it the way that he never says sweet words but only short, straightforward, and at the same time very sincere sentences? Or is the way he always silently pays attention to the smallest details; always notices even the slightest change in your emotions?
You don't understand. You just know, with him, everything happens as if it were the most natural matter in the world. No rush, no fuss, Law comes into your life quietly and unexpectedly. Just as the first warm breeze heralding the arrival of spring.
For one day, you realize that, somehow, his deep laughter seems to linger in your mind a little longer than usual; that even when you close your eyes, you can still clearly see those sharp golden eyes of his looking straight into yours as if they can see through your soul, and reach to the deepest place in your heart. And there's an awakening, ah, this is it. You fell in love again, you fell right into what you had run away from before. Again.
Terrified, you want to bury this feeling forever, want to forget it, to run away from Law, but the betrayal heart doesn't listen to your wishes. His presence is now something you crave for every here and there and his soft voice is the first and last thing you want to hear during the day. Oh, how you adore its silvery tone, adore how it sounds like music to your ears! That is why, when you hear that modulated voice you love so deeply telling that its owner has fallen for you, you, and no one else; it feels like hundreds of fireworks go off in your head.
"What-why-but-" Your thoughts are all messed up.
Law is sitting next to you, so close, that you can smell his scent wafting in the air. He repeats those three magic words again. And ah, you thought you were tired of that old phrase already, but when hearing them from Law, somehow, they sound perfectly fresh and vibrant, enough to make your heart skip a beat or two. However ...
Law waits patiently for your answer, and he's surprised to see tears streaming down your face instead of the happy smile he was expecting. Did he do something wrong? Worry and concern are written all over his face.
"What's wrong, y/n-ya? I-I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable."
No, you told him through the tears. It's not your fault, Law. It's just some...bad memories. It's just your own fear, that you'll lose him forever if you take another step in this relationship, just like before. And Law, oh he is the last thing you'll ever want to lose in life.
With a knowing look, his hand finds yours and squeeze it sympathetically. Law asks if you wanted to talk about it. If yes, he's all ear, if not, he'll still be here, with you, waiting until you feel comfortable enough to open up. He''ll wait no matter how long it takes.
"Because you are not only the one I love but also my crewmate, my family, y/n-ya. Your joy and pain are also mines, so please, let me share them with you."
Without realizing it, you find yourself opening up for the first time in forever. His words are like raindrops to your withered soul; if it's him, you feel safe enough to open your wounds one more time. To tell the darkness which you only dared to carry alone before.
Law listens carefully, his hand never leaves yours. It's been a long time since you had had a feeling that you were heard and shared. With Law, you know you're protected, no one will ever judge you; there's only love and sympathy here. Ending the story with a sniff, you say quietly.
"I love you too, Law. But I'm scared. I'm too jaded from love. What if-"
Law doesn't let you finish it. His eyes are locked on yours, there is warmth and solidity in them.
"It will be alright, y/n-ya. Everything will be alright, and I'll be the guarantor for our story."
And with that, you feel more courage. Right, maybe Law is not the destined person on the other side of the red-string, so what if that is the case? It doesn't matter, as this time, you will fight for him, for this relationship. This time you don't need a star to tell your story, you and Law will write your own romance and live with that.
"No, silly. Not only you. It's us."
Law smiles gently at you. He leans forward, and for a moment, you think those lips will cover yours; however, he just places a soft kiss on your forehead instead. Your heart flutters with affection. Oh, it's so Law, of course!
No rush, no fuss, that's how he comes into your life, and, that's how he'll write this love story with you ...
And I want to express my gratitude to @simpforroses, thank you for pointing out my grammar mistake and for your kind words it really means a lot to me!!! You're such a supportive and sweet friend!! I'm so glad that we've talked🥺💖🌹
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