#this literally took me a week to write over my lunch breaks
garset-grocery · 2 years
Alright you scallywags, listen the fuck up. I’m about to explain to you why fall is my favourite fucking season on the face of this earth. I massively Vibe with this season.
First of all, it’s the best weather you could ever possibly have, at least where I live. It’s not hot as balls like summer, and it’s not cold as hell like winter. Don’t get me wrong, all the seasons have their perks (except spring, fuck mud season) but fall weather is simply divine. I LOVE wearing multiple layers (for fashion, obviously) without sweating like a pig, while also not having to cover myself head to toe in snow gear just so I don’t die when I go out for lunch. Absolutely fantastic.
Second, I have SO much to say about the Vibe itself. This is a bit specific, but I have this weird thing where I feel more conscious of my surroundings when I’m outside in autumn? Idk, maybe it’s the knowledge that this season and its beautiful sights are fleeting, maybe it’s just the fresh air, but I feel like I take in more detail about my environment when the wind has a chill bite to it and the leaves are pretty colours. I’d compare it to mindfulness.
Third, A E S T H E T I C. This is a dead horse that’s been beaten so much it’s practically dust at this point, but I am a SLUT for the autumn aesthetic. I mean come on, what’s there not to love? You’ve got the aforementioned pretty trees, orange everything, and of course, the spooky. My entire personal aesthetic is based completely off of the fall/Halloween experience. The crunch of a dead leaf underfoot. The swirling storm of fiery colour when the cool wind kicks up a cloud of leaves. The feeling of temporary, of cyclical decay, the last death rattle. The final stages of decomposition before the long dark, when all the land slips into dreamless sleep. The preparation, the stockpiling, the harvest. The stubborn hope burning in all things that says if all goes well, I will wake up. I will see the sun and the colours of life again.
But I’m a spooky bitch, so of course my absolute favourite part is Halloween. I mean seriously. It’s HALLOWEEN. It’s the one time of year where it’s socially acceptable and ENCOURAGED to revel in all things dark and morbid and creepy. Any other time of year, if I walked around in a black hooded robe and goat skull mask in the shadowy undergrowth of a city park, I’d probably get the cops called on me. But during October? Normal human behaviour, probably doing a photoshoot or something. I just love, LOVE the fact that we have an entire holiday dedicated to spooky ghosts and werewolves and vampires and murderers and giant fucking spiders everywhere. And the fact that it hasn’t been TOTALLY commercialized like other holidays is a really nice bonus for me. There’s no month-long reruns of tired Halloween carols on the radio, no Halloween advertisements telling you to buy all of this year’s Halloween merchandise (ok maybe a little bit of that but it’s tolerable) and there’s overall only a marginal amount of Halloween oversaturation in the media during the weeks leading up to it (at least as far as I’m aware, I don’t have cable TV). The most that big companies are willing to do to dip their fingers in the spooky money pot is some horror movie reruns on TV and some themed candy bars. Other than that (and the entirety of Spirit Halloween, being an outlier) corporations don’t really want to do more with Halloween because it’s by definition a dark, scary holiday with roots in dark, scary folklore, which I imagine is difficult to tap into while also keeping your company image squeaky-clean and stakeholder friendly. And that’s where I think the beauty of Halloween really shines.
See, I might be totally wrong about this, but in my experience, Halloween is very much a Folk Holiday. Yes, it’s extremely widespread and mainstream, but what I’m getting at is that it’s not as forced on us as something like Christmas. It’s still mostly in the hands of the public to decide whether they want to celebrate it or not. And, my god, they DO. Like I said earlier, it’s one of the few times where people are openly invited to explore the darker corners of the human experience. Not only that, but to have fun with it. It’s FUN to go to a haunted house. It’s FUN to dress up as shadowy revenants of death and try to scare the shit out of each other. Hell, it’s basically the only time of year that you can hype your friends up to go try and summon a demon in a graveyard or something without looking like a total psycho. It’s very much all around a fun thing to celebrate fear and the things which cause it, instead of just avoiding them altogether. You can also express yourself really freely, either dressing up as something you or other people find creepy, OR dressing up as something you love and have an interest in. It’s basically the international Cosplay Day. And there’s free candy. Incredible.
So yeah, that’s about it I think. Just thought I’d dump this on y’all since nobody else will listen to me ramble about Halloween for hours. Related: I need to know the cheapest place I can get a lot of chicken wings. For Halloween reasons.
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winterrrnight · 6 months
babe I just had the best idea for a rafe concept it pains me
Okay so imagine like reader is at work (somewhere idk where) and she just gets so overwhelmed but her and rafes relationship is still new so she doesn't call him because she doesn't wanna bother him....😭
I'm probably not the first person to think of this but it ON MY MINDDDD
literally dropped everything to write this!!!! this reader is way too me coded and I cannot :’) thank you so so much for the req vee 🥹💗 you asked for a concept… I wrote a fic…. :D I hope you like this vee <3
down for you
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: rafe wants you to be able to rely on him for anything and everything.
WARNINGS: the reader is a preschool teacher and quite self dependent; lots of fluff; cute nicknames; lovesick rafe (my fav fr); minimal swearing
EDITH SPEAKS: this request speaks volumes to me 🥹 this is way too me coded, and I just had to write it, I hope you all like this! the ending is maybe a bit abrupt tho :( please like and reblog if you liked reading <3 feedback is always appreciated 🍹
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I should leave, I haven't yet, but when you smile, I just forget
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You can swear this day can't get any worse. You’ve been on your feet basically the entire day, always rushing from your students here to there. You love the little kiddos with your entire heart, but today, for some reason, they are being an extra pain in the ass. They aren’t as cooperative as you’d prefer; you don’t know what’s gotten into them, they are like little energy packets constantly running around.
Due to some teacher duties you aren’t even able to sit down for your lunch break, taking away the only 15 minutes you have to yourself. And it just gets progressively worse when you finally leave the school to go back to your place and your car has a slashed tire, and today had to be the day when you don’t have a spare tire in your trunk.
It’s been over 6 hours since you left your house this morning, and it’s just Tuesday, but it’s feeling like the longest, most excruciating week ever. You’re now leaning against your car door, letting out a deep exhale as you lean your head back, feeling a headache creep into your brain and pulse harshly. You’re tired, hungry, absolutely exhausted… and all you want are the warm hugs of your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend.
Rafe is quite a new addition in your life, both of you being together for a mere month. He’s been so loving to you, always protective and just genuinely taking great care of you.
You pull out your phone and find his contact, but before you can dial him, your thumb hovers over his name in sudden realization – he’s always at work at this time.
You begin to contemplate your initial decision of asking him to come here to help you out, and then ultimately decide against it, realizing he’s probably very busy at work, and would only be heavily distracted if you call him.
So, just like how you always do it, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
It’s nearing 6 pm when you finally get to reach your place. You had to make calls to get yourself a mechanic to get your car fixed, who took his sweet sweet time to come to you. You’re now completely exhausted, wanting nothing more than just to plop on your bed and sleep till your heart desires. You can hear your stomach grumble since you never had the chance to eat the lunch you missed out on, but you make it a problem for later, deciding to just take a nap first.
As you drive into your driveway, you recognise Rafe’s black Range Rover already parked, with him standing next to it, leaning back against the hood of his car as he’s looking intently at his phone. As he catches the sound of your car driving, he instantly looks up, watching your car enter the driveway.
Before you can properly park and get out, Rafe rushes to you, opening the door for you.
“Oh my god where have you been?” He asks you, his voice laced with concern. “I tried calling you and texting you, you always come back home by late afternoon,”
You step out of the car and Rafe shuts the door, a hand quickly landing at the small of your back as you both walk to the porch of your house. He can see you’re really tired; droopy eyes, heavy steps, deep sighs; he knows something happened.
“Yeah my phone died,” you mutter as you unlock the main door of your house, both of you stepping inside. “I just… today was kind of a heavy day, nothing much honestly,” you shrug as you toss your keys in the dish and remove your coat and shoes.
“What happened?” Rafe asks, still really concerned for you as he watches you take off your cost and hang it on the coat rack. As you’re done, you face him with a small smile on your face.
“Nothing much, really,” you say softly, gently cupping his cheek with a hand and tenderly caressing his skin. “Don’t worry, yeah?” You mumble, taking your hand off his cheek as you make your way to the kitchen.
Rafe stays on your heels, following you and monitoring every single move of yours – your padding till the fridge, opening it, getting a bottle of water, unscrewing it and drinking from it.
“You look so exhausted, I can see it in your eyes,” he comments. “Your hair is all messy, your clothes are dirty; it’s clearly not nothing. Come on, tell me, what happened,”
His voice is stern, but not in an angry way; but in an apprehensive way. He moves his hand to your face, gently brushing your hair as he fixes some of the unruly strands.
As you finish drinking your water; drinking almost all of it in one go, you keep your bottle aside and let out a sigh, turning to look at him. “It was just one of those… heavy days, but it’s over now yeah? I’m now home,” you say softly.
“But just tell me what happened,” Rafe’s voice now drops to a whisper as he moves closer to you, continuing to weave his fingers through your hair.
You close your eyes for a moment, delving into the relaxing feeling of Rafe’s fingers softly combing through your hair, but also realizing he’s going to keep pressing for you to tell him what happened.
“The kids were a bit uncooperative today,” you say with a soft chuckle. “And then we have this event coming up at school, so I was busy for my entire lunch break preparing for it. And then my car had a flat tire and I didn’t have a spare so I had to get a mechanic, which took most of the time. But besides that, nothing much happened,” you say with a small shrug.
“Besides all that?” Rafe mutters incredulously. “That’s already a lot, baby, why didn’t you call me when you found out about your flat tire? I would’ve come; or sent someone to get you, we would’ve had lunch in my office, and I would have had someone take care of the tire and bring your car back too.” There’s a small frown on his face and he now holds your face in both his hands, gently skimming your cheeks with his thumbs.
You look up in his soft, baby blue eyes. “I did think of calling you but-”
“But I thought…” you take a deep breath, your eye contact with him faltering. “you’ll be busy, and I didn’t want to be a burden to you, really, I was able to get it all fixed just fine,”
You can hear Rafe tsk; his tongue clicking against his teeth as he softly shakes his head. “I’m never busy for you okay? My work does not ever get more importance than you, okay? It never does, and it never will, especially when you’re in trouble and need help,”
He gently grips your chin and tips your head back just a bit, making you look at him. His eyes are softened, the blue even more warmer than usual.
“I know you prefer to do things on your own,” he whispers, “but you have to realise that you really don’t need to do each thing on your own, especially now that I’m around. I won’t mind, really, and besides, I would love to show everyone off at work that I am the boyfriend of the most beautiful person on this damn planet yeah?”
You can’t help but chuckle softly at his words as you keep looking in his eyes.
“So, promise me, next time you need any sorts of help, want me to do something for you, or just want me to be there, you don’t think twice about calling me up okay?” He says softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He can see the reluctancy in your eyes, but you eventually give in and nod.
“Okay, promise,” you murmur, smiling as you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. He gladly hugs you back, snuggling his face in your neck as he gently rubs your back.
“So…” you speak up, and he hums back in response, both of you still hugging.
“I’ll take up on that offer right now. I’ll go and shower, and you make something for me to eat yeah?”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @shores-kayla @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @rafesgiirl @theoraekenslover @fals3-g0d @personalfavsthatarerandom @b1mb0slvt
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inmyheaddd · 1 month
ravi singh boyfriend headcannons
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a/n: omg this has been sitting in my drafts for agesss sorry 😭 need to write for ravi more he’s so bf wc: 1k taglist: @heartwithsimplenotes @anintellectualintellectual @thecircularlibrary masterlist
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your parents literally like him more than you now, and boy does he know it. 
you’d come back home to find him in your room sitting on your bed.
“oh, you’re back! was waiting for you for hours— i started to think something terribly awful happened to you.” he got up from the bed in an instant, wrapping his arm around your side and giving you a quick peck on your head.
“hi ravi, um who-“ you furrowed your brows as you looked back to your door then back at him. “who let you in?” 
“oh, your brother did.” he stated matter of factly as you both went to sit down on the bed. “then your parents asked me to stay for lunch, then your dog started playing with me, then i started to miss you so i came up to your room. it smells just like you in here.” 
one thing caught your attention. “then you started to miss me? wow, i see how it is…” you shook your head dramatically and frowned in faux disdain. 
he shot you a smile, “what can i say? the whole family likes me, it’s not my fault.” 
“well i don’t like you.” you crossed your arms over your chest. sarcastic bits like this with ravi happened constantly. 
“oh, you especially like me.” his lips turned up into a slow grin and he poked your shoulder, breaking your annoyed facade and making you laugh. 
ravi makes new nicknames for you all the time.
you were talking a walk, telling him about your day when you paused abruptly and turned away from him, ravi looking at you confusedly and raising a brow.
then you sneezed, and then you sneezed again.
“woah, bless you.” he said through a chuckle, “and bless you again.”
after you tried to resume talking only to be interrupted by a sneeze for the third time, he spoke up.
“sweetheart, you’re going to be holy by the end of the day with how many blesses you’re getting.” he bent down slightly to get a better look at your face. “are you alright?”
you sniffled slightly, “yeah i’m—“ sneeze “i’m fine.” you said as your cleared your throat.
“okay sneezy,” he said as he slung an arm around your shoulder, not caring about getting sick himself, “how about we get you home, you take some medicine while i make you some soup, and you tell me what a spectacular cook i am?” 
“but you’re a horrible cook.” you muttered with a light laugh.
“i’m sorry, what was that?” he bent down slightly with a large grin on his face, “you’re so excited and can’t wait? oh, you’re too sweet to me, sneezy. what did i ever do to deserve you?” he quipped back as kissed the top of your head, before steering you two back to walk back to your house.
he kept calling you ‘sneezy’ the rest of the night and for days after that.
“would you stop calling me that?” you asked.
he took a second before answering, putting a finger on his chin and looking up, before shrugging and simply saying, “no.”
a week later he was the sick one, (he hates being sick. “this is what i get for spending time with my beautiful, amazing, but incredibly ill girlfriend?”) and he would still call you sneezy. 
as much as you wouldn’t like to admit it, you were missing the other cuter nicknames he would call you like crazy. but to be fair sneezy did grow on you. 
his sneezes could make a deaf man hear again. 
you were both sitting in silence, focus only on the horror movie playing on the tv and his sneeze literally made you scream and jump off the couch in fear. you thought you were about to meet your end.
“oh my- ravi!” you said breathlessly as you put a hand over your heart, catching your breath.
he was an absolute laughing wreck at your reaction, and all he had to say was, “what, no bless me?” 
speaking of scaring you, his favorite ways to greet you unexpectedly is hugs from behind, telling you how much he missed you and kissing your head. 
that, or placing his hands on either your shoulders or waist, jolting you and yelling at the same time. you always know it’s him but you get nightmarishly scared every single time. there’s no in between. 
you two have a playlist together and when you’re away, he’d randomly send you a screenshot of a song on it with something along the lines of, “this song reminds me of you.”
when he has to go on a long car ride alone he sends you updates by the hour. literally.
your texts:
ravishingly handsome — Hour one, all is good. Some bastard cut me off and another nearly rear ended me, but still, all is good 👍 
you — oh my god ravi 
you — are you okay?!?!
you — pls call me when u can 
ravishingly handsome — I’m actually perfectly fine
ravishingly handsome — Felt a strong urge to curse them out and hit something, then I thought about your face and oddly enough I felt perfectly peachy, if not a little happy 😃🙂
you — no you did not 😭 possibly giggling and kicking my feet rn
you — ur emojis make me laugh out loud 
ravishingly handsome — I think I’M the one making you laugh out loud, not my emoji choices
ravishingly handsome — Also, call me any time. Always free for you.
he texts like an old man honestly, but you love it. 
he’s the type to not be on social media too much, so when you say a reference/ joke he just thinks you’re insanely funny. 
you don’t have the heart to tell him it’s not your joke.
you start to influence him though, and he has little pieces of your slang/ way of talking in his everyday talking.
obvious but, he is a proud member of the sassy man apocalypse. 
all of your parents are now best friends because you and ravi spend so much time together and are always at eachothers houses.
it’s gotten to the point when sometimes your mom texts ravi’s mom to ask you to clean your room when you get back, because you aren’t answering your phone. 
sleepovers that last days are very common occurrences. 
you’re always wearing his sweaters, and he secretly loves seeing them on you so much. 
forehead kisses are 24/7, along with interlinked hands and his thumb running circles on your knuckles.
he doesn’t believe in all that toxic masculinity BS, but when you hold his bicep when walking, his heart flutters a little.
he’s always mentioning you, and your friends harmlessly poke fun at him for the way he can’t stop smiling whenever your name is mentioned, or how he can’t stop talking about you.
you both adore the small quiet moments, like him putting a necklace he bought you on you, or running your fingers through his hair after he’s had a stressful day. 
sometimes he cuts himself off when talking to you, or forgets what he’s saying simply because he thinks you’re so gorgeous. you act annoyed and tell him to “stop that,” but the flush on your face and the way you bite back a smile says otherwise.
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blingblong55 · 10 months
All too well- Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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A/N: this is some of me in writing and why I believe romance is not for me, not now at least...so enjoy :) --- F!Reader, angst? fluff?, toxic!Ghost, age gap, older boyfriend!Ghost ----
A/N: I know Ghost wouldn't be this kind of man if he was real but I have to break my heart with him...sorry
He is older than you, years ahead of you and has more experience than you do so when you broke up with him, it was hard to let go. You at the time were 20, he was 37. People always judged and of course, you thought it was because they were jealous not because they were seriously concerned. Still, in Uni, he wanted you to make him your priority. You always said no and for some reason, he would get mad about this. At first, he was the nice guy, he was perfect and it all made you more sure that maybe there was a future with him. Your free time was spent with him because somehow, he convinced you to give all your time to him. 
This all gets noticed by all your friends. Your phone, passwords and even social accounts get monitored and checked by him. It wasn't all romance anymore. It became a reward system, you gave him your free time? Maybe he would be romantic. You let him control your friendships? Maybe he would tell you more about his weekends. Soon enough, you noticed it. Simon became the villain and for good reasons. He played the perfect part all too well, but only to those questioning stares and in those moments, it was perfection. 
When the stares looked away, he was the same Simon that had your heart trapped at the top of the castle. His anger and manipulative tactics become the dragon. Everywhere you went, his shadows lurked for you. When he said he wanted you to think of him every second of your waking life, he meant it. Will he approve of me talking to them? Your mind always asked that, even if the guy was just a friend, a literal friend and nothing more, Simon crept into your head. 
His childhood memories, being told to you, maybe it was for sympathy or maybe it was to make you think he wasn't the cold-hearted man who made you cry on Valentine's Day. "Simon! Do you not understand how rude and mean that was?!" Your heart was stabbed by his actions on that day. "R/N, you are being dramatic!" A gift that you went out of your way for in the hands of a woman who is supposed to be a best friend of yours. Two people were lied to this day, you and the naive of your best friend. "I did it, it was for you! when I made it, my mind went to you! Gosh Simon, why can't you see how rude this was!" He walks to you, hands gripping your body. "You are acting like a goddamn child R/N!" He shook you, thinking it would make you understand better. "I'm not the one dating someone young now am I?" The anger that left your mouth, oh that sent him over the edge. "Don't you fucking dare!" he said through gritted teeth. "I'm still growing, you are a grown man who doesn't even think for a moment that your fucking girlfriend did something for you! I did that and that fucking girl thinks you did it for her!" You push him and he gives you that stare. The same one your father gave you when he was made and was ready to yell and punch walls. 
Three weeks later, that is how long it took you to do it. "I'm being serious Simon, it's over." Your voice is cold and he scoffs with a low chuckle. "Aren't you too young to make the decisions here, doll?" That voice, how he gave you a condescending tone and how he approached you. "I think I'm more mature than you to know this is wrong. Me loving you is wrong and it's dead...this is over." He shakes his head and walks away furious. For weeks he called you, maybe to haunt you but every time you answered, it was the same old thing. Random numbers during class, lunch or at night called you. When they stopped, you sighed and for the first time, you smiled, a genuine one. 
The day you broke up with him was still fresh on your mind. He was a strong man, that is no doubt, so if he wanted to, he could harm you so easily. Your friend theorised that he could make you disappear, all to keep the pretty little young lover near. It is true what they say, there will always be a reason men like him stay alone for long. There's a reason why they date younger ones and not women who know best. Sometime later, that best friend approaches you, unaware of what happened between you and Simon. 
"He told me what happened." But he told her lies, told her that it was you that was the problem. After she gave you his truth, you gave her the real truth. "So...the...gift, it wasn't really from him-" "No, and I'm not asking for anything back, not at all. Just, be careful, he...he isn't the man he says he is and please...please for your own sake stay away." That same day, you found out he asked me to meet up. I thought he meant as friends, since well I thought I was his friend." She wouldn't do it, you thought. "And at first I was okay with it until he kept asking over and over. I felt weird about it because it didn't seem like it would be a friendly meet-up, I said no, out of respect for you." You hugged her. "I know he was asking to hook up but I can't do that, not to my best friend." she hugged back and you two soon talked more. 
Simon, oh that man was a mess. He soon engaged when your young heart was still grieving him behind doors. His fiance tagged people you knew, those people, some, told you he moved on. This was a game plan. Tell the young lover what was lost and maybe, they'll come running to you. It hurt but it didn't work. You noticed how happy he was. How much more he changed and in your head, you asked why he couldn't change for you. You look at the lovers that pass by, how the guy treats his girl and for a moment, you wish that was you. 
Memories come every night. 
Winter. No one knew how your heart felt for him but he did. His body is close to yours as he wraps you with the blanket, he kisses your shoulder and smiles. The art of making love was something he was an expert in. 
Summer. He takes you on midnight rides. Holds your hand and sings along with you. Your hair is in the wind as his lips meet your hand. Simon, the man who taught you so much now making you cry on the way home. 
Autumn. Your dad heard your cries as Simon explained to you why he wouldn't go to you. A woman moans on his side of the phone, "it was the movie," he explains so easily. 
Spring. Filled with arguments, tears and sex. Manipulation works its way to your body. "Fuck you!" You cry as he yet again reminds you that you are young and stupid. He degrades you this way. Reminds you that he has the upper hand for being older than you. 
You later learn he had another girl while being with you. His free time is shared between you and some other girl. Your bed is drenched in tears of regret and sorrow. The headphones blasted the words your heart cried for. 
For moments, he was liberty, fun, happiness and love. Now, when you look back at it, Simon Riley was the man who lived as the dragon of the castle, the one you had to fight off to regain your heart. You hated him for what he was. Your heart, body and soul kept him like a sword oath. The same one that had you overthinking. Did you ask for too much? Were you even a good girlfriend? 
Get out of my head, you cry. "If we had been closer in age, maybe you would understand what I wanted." He texts you some random day. That night, your friends held you as you cried in some bar. The last time you saw him was on your twenty-first birthday. Your mum asked for something from the store, so as you walk down the busy streets, your eyes catch a glimpse of him. His gaze catches yours. It was then you learned that this would be the last time you cry over him. He is dead to you, something to be proud of. 
It was then he learned you were the only good thing he had. His ex-fiance out of his life, just like you but unlike her, you were good. 
"Simon!" Your laughter fills the lounge room. "I told you, doll, this is what you get for that tickle," Simon's deep laugh belonged to yours. It's a melody. The fireplace, the laughs, the kiss after and how you both panted from an intense tickle fight. It was rare but beautiful. You cup his face, "I love you," you whisper and he grins. "oooh I knew it!" he picks you up again and you laugh. 
This is the end of the warm time
As you walk past the park, you think of the old times. It is bittersweet. The way things ended, the way he loved you, kissed you, it was good until it wasn't. Simon Riley is a man on many faces, one you know all too well. 
Love, what a miserable thing to be a part of when you had him. 
A/N: so....there's that...
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sungbeam · 1 year
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nonidol!ji changmin x fem!reader
everyone thinks ji changmin is cute and harmless, but you know that's not who he really is.
▷ genre, part warnings. e2l, childhood friends gone bad, (extra) slow burn, fluff, angst, crying lol, mentions of childhood trauma and parental manipulation, arguing, bittersweet galore, nct ten is there for the sole purpose of being nosy like the rest of us or for being a 2nd male lead who knows!, swearing, hurt/comfort, kissing!, ji changmin dancing (need i go on), symptoms of panic/anxiety, a lot of non-tbz moments sorry i meant it when i said extra slow burn, im literally writing abt people who dance like gods but im a plebian w two left feet i have no idea what im looking at except for hips—, pining haha...ha (more subtle until the end), he's in a bathrobe near the end sorry children
▷ PART TWO WC. 17.6k
love in unity series m.list / otr part one
a/n: if u haven't read part one GO AWAY GO READ PART ONE ??? WHAT'RE U DOING HERE
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IT was common knowledge that the week before finals week was referred to as the dreaded Dead Week. Campus was barren, coffee shops and libraries were packed, and almost everybody lived in some variation of sweats, hoodies, and eye bags. You were actually holed up in the research lab (yes, again) because your deadline to get this paper to your graduation advisor was literally looming over your shoulder, and though you were practically done, you were too paranoid of not catching some dumb typo before you turned it in.
Plus, the coffee in the lab break room was free and sponsored by your resident graduate student supervisor, and beloved older brother figure, Qian Kun. God rest his workaholic soul and empty pockets.
There weren't many people here this afternoon; most had retreated to their own homes or offices or wherever they dwelled during the Week of the Dead.
Then there was Ten.
"So do you guys just wither away here by yourselves?" Amongst the empty workbenches, his words seemed to unnecessarily resonate. From his perch in Kun's office, he spread his arms wide to gesture to all the empty space.
Kun pressed his fingers to the space between his eyes. "Yes, now let me wither in peace."
"No, I don't think I will."
You felt yourself smile. Ten had come in a few hours ago with lunch for both you and Kun. Supposedly, when he had heard that the two of you habitually ran on only coffee and dreams during Dead Week, he took it upon himself to swing by the nearest fast food restaurant and pick up a very belated lunch for you both. You’d chomped down on it with Kun in his office, but as soon as you were done, you retreated back to your desk.
The sky outside of the research laboratory was already beginning to bruise to a gray-blue-purple, the color of a dusty blueberry. Soon, you would have to surrender yourself to the night and head back home, but hopefully before that, you would decide that you were at least too tired to continue staring at these same seventeen pages for hours on end…
All three heads perked up at the sound of the laboratory building door opening and closing in the distance. None of you were exactly expecting anyone, especially when people usually indicated when they would come into work. You craned your neck from your workbench to see who had come in—
“I’ll only be a minute,” you heard and recognized your colleague Jacob Bae as he strode in from the outside corridor and into the main laboratory floor.
He met your eyes and smiled. “Hey, Yn.”
“Hey, what’s up?”
He let out a sigh as he jogged past your desk and headed toward a cupboard in the back corner. “I forgot that I left my—” His voice cut out as he ducked into the dark cupboard and withdrew a giant plastic tub. From the plastic innards filled with paper, he fished out a specific packet of paper shoved into a flimsy manila folder. “Forgot my thesis draft.”
You coughed out a laugh. “Dude.”
His grin was innocent and boyish, standard Jacob. “What? A guy’s gonna forget some things sometimes.”
“Is that what you tell your girlfriend?”
He sent you an unimpressed look. “Ha ha, Yn. Very funny. For your information, she’s more forgetful than me sometimes.” He stuck his tongue out at you as he passed by your workbench, and you, as the very mature person you were, stuck your tongue out back at him. It was only fair.
A cough sounded out from the entrance to the laboratory, and you turned your head to find Changmin, out of all people, standing awkwardly in the doorway. Peering out from behind the corner of the wall, however, was his friend Sunwoo from that other night. And yanking Sunwoo back behind the wall was Chanhee. Strange.
Someone (you suspected Chanhee) gave Changmin a firm shove into the laboratory, sending the latter stumbling in before he caught himself and regained his balance. He was swaddled in a dark colored puffer jacket and a red scarf, his red-tipped nose and cheeks bitten by the cold. For the first time, he looked smaller than he was, almost shy or nervous. You hadn’t encountered this Changmin in a long time.
He wasn’t one to look vulnerable out in the open like this.
As Jacob passed by Changmin, he clasped his shoulder in reassurance.
“Hi,” Changmin said slowly as he approached your workbench.
You were still a little dumbfounded that he was here again. “Uh, hi. What’re you doing here?” The argument the two of you had earlier in the week replayed in your mind, and you almost grimaced. You’d both said even more hurtful things, and you supposed you had just been so sensitive that your brain just automatically went into defense mode to protect yourself.
No, you hadn’t been there that night for him. You hadn’t expected to see anyone there at that time of night. That was the whole point of you going so late. You had been trying to get yourself to go into the practice room on your own, but the longer you had stood there, staring at the door, the more you realized you couldn’t do it. It still didn’t sit well with you, how affected you were by your mother’s past words.
Changmin kept his distance, but he came close enough that you could hear what he was trying to say without the others listening in too much. “I was wondering if we could talk.”
You blinked. “Talk? Like right now?” Your eyes darted to your computer screen and the practically finished paper displayed. It wasn’t like you wanted to keep working on it, but your heart beat startled at the sudden thought of having that very important conversation right now, when you weren’t ready.
He caught onto your movements though. “No, no—I mean,” he stammered, recovering with a quick swipe of his tongue over his lip, “just whenever. It doesn’t have to be now. I just figured it’d be best to get that… out in the air, you know?” I think it’s what we’ve been needing all this time. Something proper; no more yelling matches.
For a second, you thought you could see some of the old Changmin in this one. It wasn’t like he had changed, per se, it was more like he was finally showing that part of himself that you had been missing all along. You swallowed, nodding. “Okay. Yeah, I’ll, uhm, text you sometime tonight after I turn this paper in.”
He nodded back at you. “Yeah, cool.”
When you saw him begin to back away, a thought suddenly occurred to you. You called out to him to get him to stop, and you could have sworn that there was a gleam in his eyes then. “Changmin—about Sumin…” You inhaled deeply as you fought for the right words to express your next thoughts, “be gentle with her, okay?”
Even then there was a pang in your heart as you uttered those words. Sumin had texted you all about her interaction with Changmin a day or so ago regarding his “interview”, and she had been gushing about her crush on him. She had even asked you how much you knew about him and if you could give her a crash course in all things dance or even Changmin. Suffice to say, you felt trapped between a rock and hard place, but you didn’t want to let her down. (You’d always wanted to be a big sister; you didn’t want to push her away because of feelings that you were too petty to address.)
Changmin’s head tilted to the side as he made a confused face. “Huh?”
You sighed, “You seriously didn’t notice?”
“No, actually,” he quipped.
You pursed your lips; why weren’t you surprised? It wouldn’t be very cool of you to reveal Sumin’s crush on him if that wasn’t what she wanted. You would have to be subtle, but also not subtle, then. “Just—” you made a vague gesture with your hands, “—don’t be brash.”
“Don’t be mean,” you amended.
“I still have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You thought even Ten rolled his eyes from where he was in Kun’s office. “You’re hopeless, really.”
Changmin’s face pinched, and he was moving back closer to your workbench. “I’ll have you know that we’re both hopeless.”
You deadpanned. “Now I’m pretty sure we’re not even in the same ballpark,” you muttered in exasperation. “Whatever. Your friends are waiting for you, Changmin.”
His lips pressed into a line. He glanced quickly over his shoulder where his friends were pretending to not be eavesdropping, then looked back at you. “Okay, yeah. Just don’t forget.”
“I won’t,” you promised.
CHANGMIN glanced up at the entrance to the coffee shop, matching the sign in the window to the one he had searched up on his GPS app. It seemed to match from what he saw.
Today was the Friday of Dead Week, a handful of days after he dipped out of his interview with Sumin and confronted you at the laboratory. He had consulted Chanhee that day, regarding his mess of feelings about the situation with you, and Chanhee had practically forced him to go with him and Jacob to the laboratory. (Sunwoo just happened to tag along because he, apparently, felt left out.) Changmin wondered how Chanhee could have possibly known that you would be there, but Chanhee dismissed his worries by assuring him that after he asked you, he would feel a lot better and less like a hot pile of shit.
Chanhee was right, as per usual. Not that Changmin was going to admit that aloud to him ever.
But today was important because of two things in particular, and they both had to do with things that occurred several days ago. The first item on the agenda was going into this cafe to finish up that un-started interview with Sumin. After he had given her his number that day, she was swift to send a greeting text to him to set up a time and place to meet. Changmin actually had yet to visit this coffee shop in particular, but then again, he was a bit partial to the one Jacob introduced to the group last quarter.
Your words of advice, or caution, rang in his ears like the bell that twinkled above the door as he walked into the building. Be gentle with her. Don’t be brash. Don’t be mean. What did all of that even mean? He liked being interviewed, especially when it was about dance, so why would you think he would be anything but well-behaved? Part of him thought it was based off of the two of your interactions for the past three years, but he knew you had the good sense to know he didn’t treat just anyone like he treated you.
The thought remained fresh in his mind even as he scanned the room for a familiar face.
Sumin was seated in a secluded booth in the corner of the coffee shop. When she saw him, she waved him over excitedly, slipping her compact into her purse. Her laptop was left on the table in front of her, but unopened. Huh, maybe she just got here, too.
Changmin slid into the booth across from her. “Hi, sorry, were you waiting long?” He asked as he shouldered his jacket off and set his bag on top of it.
Sumin perked up a little bit. “Oh, no! Don’t worry. Did you have a good week?”
“Ah, as good as the week before finals can be, I suppose,” he chuckled, leaning back against the booth seat. His eyes darted to the unopened laptop still in the middle of the table and he cupped the back of his neck. “Did you wanna order anything to drink? Or have you ordered already?”
She shook her head, her hand reaching up to fidget with the end of one of her curled locks of hair. “Hm? No, I didn’t order yet! I was waiting for you so we could order something together—I mean, at the same time.”
“Cool, yeah,” he cleared his throat, signaling for one of the workers’ attention with a wave of his hand. “We can order and then get started.”
“Ah, ha, right.”
Once orders were taken, Sumin finally cracked open her laptop and got a couple things set up. Changmin patiently waited for her to get all settled, his eyes wandering about the shop and absentmindedly observing the workers behind the counter as they bustled about to prepare drinks and pastries.
Sumin coughed, “Okay, I figured that recording is a little unnecessary, so I’ll just be jotting some notes down on my laptop.”
Changmin bobbed his head. “Sounds good.”
She shifted in her seat, her posture straightening, as she figured out how exactly to start. “I hope you’ll be patient with me since I haven’t been doing this for a long time, but Yn gave me some pointers to start with,” she said sheepishly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“No problem! I totally understand; take your time.” He cocked his head to the side unconsciously, “Yn didn’t offer to sit in for your interviews?”
“Oh! Uh, she did, but I insisted that I was feeling confident enough to do them on my own,” she laughed lightly. “Definitely a bit nerve-wracking, but I think the interviews with Juyeon and a few of the other dancers went well earlier in the week.”
“Hey, I mean, I admire your courage,” he said with what he hoped was an encouraging enough smile. “Just take your time with it, Sumin. We’ll make sure to get you all the info you need.” There. Was that what you meant by not being mean? Wasn’t this just being considerate, though?
His foot tapped against the ground absentmindedly as he thought about the next thing on his agenda after this interview: talking to you. It was weird, having to almost set an appointment to have this very needed talk, but as you had said, you texted him your availability and the two of you just happened to both have this evening free. He just needed to finish this interview… There was still plenty of time.
His words to Sumin seemed to make her shoulders relax a little bit, and she jumped right into her first question. Changmin would answer as thoughtfully as could, which wasn’t too difficult seeing as he was literally talking about one of the things he was most passionate about in this world. He could probably talk about dance and his love for dance for days on end. Sumin, in turn, would skillfully and naturally continue the conversation so it felt a lot less like an interview, and more like an interaction between friends about dance.
Perhaps he didn’t even realize when the questions became less about his experience about dance and more about him; when Sumin gradually stopped typing notes down on her laptop and instead leaned her chin onto her hands to watch him; or when she suddenly asked—
“Is that your ideal first date then?”
Record scratch.
The words on Changmin’s tongue died instantly, and his brain scrambled to process what she had just said. “Sorry?”
Sumin’s eyes widened, her cheeks flushing. “I—I mean, you were talking about going to see live dance shows with your former partner and I just…” She shook her head with an embarrassed laugh, “Sorry, was that too forward?”
Changmin blinked once, twice; dear god, he must have been running his mouth without even realizing. “I was talking about Yn?”
That ripped Sumin right out of embarrassment—well, it was closer to mortification. The color on her cheeks had turned pale. “Yn is your ex?”
Fuck— “No, no, no! She’s not. She’s definitely not—”
Sumin covered her face with both of her palms in distress, a sentiment that was definitely shared between both parties in the booth. “Oh my god, and I’ve been telling her all about my crush on you, too. I must have looked so stupid.”
His eyes flew open. “Huh?!”
“Please, I’ve been so obvious, Changmin!”
Not to me, he thought. Jesus, was he really so blind? Was this what you meant this whole time? Changmin waved his hands around in an X formation, trying to reign the conversation into some level of sanity. “Sumin, I can assure you, that you definitely weren’t obvious until you literally just said it,” he began. “And so we’re clear, Yn is not my ex-girlfriend. She was my ex-dance partner and friend, but not a significant other.” As much as it sucked to admit that—
Sumin slowly lowered her hands from her face with the light reflected in her eyes wobbling. “Oh… okay, I guess that makes sense then.”
Changmin let out a haggard sigh, holding his hand to his head. “Yeah, well… I guess I should say that I’m sorry, but I don’t really share the same feelings for you?” He shook his head to himself, trying to rephrase: “What I mean is that I’m not exactly looking for a relationship. I’m kind of messed up right now.” Understatement of the century.
She pursed her lips, but nodded. “I get that. Thanks for being so cool about it.”
“Least I can do,” he said, clasping his hands together over the table.
“So,” she drawled with a wince, “I take it this interview is over?”
He brushed a hand through his hair. “If you have everything you need and there are no hard feelings?”
She inclined her head in the affirmative, and that was that.
— ✶
Even on a Friday evening, if it was the week before an exam season, the library study rooms were always packed, one occupier after the other. Attempting to score one was the equivalent of launching a stakeout, complete with charging cables, two cups of coffee, and a will of steel (to wait hours for a room to open up). Someone must have been looking out for you though as you managed to snatch a study room as soon as you arrived on the second floor of one of the main student libraries on campus. When you and Changmin had exchanged an, albeit brief, bit of texts, you both agreed that meeting somewhere that could serve as common ground would be good for the both of you. It had to be semi-private, as well, since neither of you wanted to let anyone else in on your private, personal problems.
The library study rooms were your solution, and maybe this was the universe’s sign that this discussion needed to happen.
As soon as the door closed gently behind you, you set yourself up in one of the chairs around the small, rectangular table at the center of the room. Changmin said he would be a couple minutes late because the bus had been late to pick up his stop and Chanhee was borrowing his car, so you texted him to let him know which room you were in.
While you waited, you attempted to ease your mind by scrolling through social media and flipping through emails and returning to social media, and wait, did you ever get a reply back from that one TA? All the while, your knee would bounce up and down ceaselessly, your fingers shaking and cold and numb. You were perhaps seconds away from your throat closing in on itself again, but then the door opened.
Changmin murmured a “hey” to you as he closed the door behind him and lowered himself into the seat across from you.
The room was quiet. “Hey,” you said back, clearing your throat.
You watched as his nostrils flared slightly as he exhaled. “What did you mean by ‘when did I stop caring’?”
You were a little startled that he decided to start right away, but on the other hand, relieved that he did. You wouldn’t have known how to begin anyway. “When did you stop caring?” You parroted in case you hadn’t heard him right. If you weren’t mistaken, he was referring to what you had said that night in front of the practice rooms.
He gave a nod. “Yeah, I was thinking about what you said…” He scratched his jaw, continuing lowly, “...y’know, on the bus ride over here. And I just don’t understand where in the world you got the idea that I ever stopped caring about you.” He met your eyes then, and you could see the tightness in his jaw, but the gleam in his irises.
This wasn't about being right anymore; it was about making things right.
"You—" you grappled for words, finding yourself pinned down by Changmin's relentlessly piercing gaze, "—I just got so much radio silence from you."
"You were giving me the same excuses."
"Because it was the same, exact problem," you fired back. "And, okay, so they were excuses, but god, Changmin. I could just see how with each passing day, you looked at me differently because I was late or I told you I couldn't make it. Didn't I give you reasons why? Just that disappointment and cold shoulder…" It broke my damn heart.
Changmin's arms were crossed over his chest as he considered your words, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. "I never," he began, "thought poorly of you, Yn." It sounded like he was struggling to piece together the right words, too, and he choked down a swallow. "I was going through a lot of shit around that time, and my patience was always paper thin by the time it was our usual practice time, y'know? It was never you specifically I was mad at."
He paused for a moment. His head hung, and he picked at a stray thread on his jacket cuff. "My parents said they wouldn't support me if I majored in dance."
Your heart stopped clean.
"They basically said I'd have to finance myself for all four years if I wanted to make dancing a career," he said with a flippant, helpless gesture. "I was given some scholarship money from the school, but it was nowhere near a full ride. So I was stressed the fuck out because I knew I needed to win those comps to get more money. They were cool with me dancing as, like, a hobby or a way to get into college, but as soon as I told them my intended major was dance?"
Well, shit.
Horror pooled in your gut, the kind that started up at your shoulders and spider-crawled down the length of your spine. "I'm so sorry, Changmin. That must have been so much pressure for you, oh my god."
This entire time, you'd been under the impression that his parents were fine and dandy with their son becoming a dancer. He'd always had a natural, prodigal talent for the art form. He was the absolute cream of the crop from your class, and you couldn't believe they could be anything but proud of having a son like him.
But you supposed you shouldn't have assumed. There was a cost to being a hypocrite.
Changmin nodded, but it wasn't very affirming. It was like he had heard it all before and had already accepted it all grimly and reluctantly. "Yeah, well… I won all those comps, but what did I lose in the process, y'know?"
He gestured to you. "I just thought I'd always have you to run back to, but you were going through your own stuff. I'm not trying to pin the blame on you—it's… just that… you were my best friend. My partner."
"It's funny you say that," you said then, drumming your fingers anxiously against your leg. "I thought I could rely on you, too. And I definitely drifted away from you, but it was because of my own reasons."
Changmin nodded, settling his hands on top of the table and leaning in slightly.
Still, every time you told someone, you could never get it right. But maybe you could get it right this time. "You know how my parents got divorced and I said that my mom had changed?"
His forehead creased then, and he nodded again.
"She started yelling a lot," you said. "Would always make me listen to her scream in my face about how dance was useless, how dance would never help me in the real world, how I was absolutely awful at it and that I should be focusing on something worth my time." You swallowed, continuing on, "And when I told you I couldn't make it or that I was late, it was because she started refusing to take me to practices and competitions and shows.
"And I mean—I tried really hard to keep going, Changmin, I really did." You raised your eyes to meet his and found him staring at you still, but this time you saw that glisten in his eyes again. The tension in his jaw had slackened, and had been replaced with that same dread you had while he was telling you what happened to him. "I thought that I could get past what my mom kept telling me, and that once I got to the practice room—I just needed to get to the practice room—it would all be worth it."
There was a stinging feeling in the back of your eyes, at your tear glands. Your vision was blurring and you blinked back the traitorous tears.
Changmin pursed his lips, his face contorting slightly as he too tried to contain the emotions welling up in him. "And then I shut you out."
"We shut each other out."
"Why—" he rasped, his hand coming up to cover part of his mouth, "—didn't you tell me? I would've—god, I would've—" He didn't know, actually, but all he knew was that he would've been better. Would he have though? Truly? Would you have?
"I didn't like talking about it," you confessed, sniffling. You were ashamed of yourself, both then and now. You raised your hand up to wipe the corner of your eyes. "I'm sorry."
"No, fuck, don't apologize." He stood, arms opening and palms turning upward like an offering, "C'mere."
Both of you, teary-eyed messes, stumbled out of your chairs to close the distance in each other's arms. It was the feeling of finally holding each other after three years that made the two of you break down completely. The study room's quiet was filled with sounds of messy, blubbering sobs—hands grappling at the other's jacket, faces shoved into the warmth of a neck or shoulder.
Two pieces of a puzzle having finally been reunited.
This was where you belonged.
"This was all I wanted," you bawled into his shoulder.
It seemed to make his body tremble harder. "I would've given it to you—god, I would've given you anything. I'm so goddamn sorry."
"Hey," you mused half-heartedly, "if I'm not allowed to apologize, then neither are you."
He gave a watery chuckle. "Okay, fine." His wet eyelashes fluttered as he closed his eyes and tightened his hold around you. "That must have been awful, Yn. How…? Just how."
You rested your cheek against his toned shoulder. "Somehow… I don't really know. I'm proud of you, though, you know? I'm really proud of you."
"Thank you. I'm proud of you, too." He sniffled, mouth pressing against your shoulder. "All this time, I thought you hated dance and hated me."
"Oh, god no," you sniffled, sucking in a breath. "I—I knew I couldn't be strong anymore; I didn't want to disappoint you." And when you could no longer attend those practices, you had believed it would be better to not be there to drag him down. You thought that without having to wait on you every time, he would have been all the better. You see now that perhaps you were wrong in your logic.
For a moment, the two of you stood there in the other's arms as words settled and feelings sunk in. The realization that this tension between the two of you was possibly over now was crazy.
"For the record," Changmin murmured, "you're a great dancer. No matter what your mom told you, you'll always be a great dancer."
You laughed a little, shaking your head. "Not anymore, I'm not."
"That's where you're wrong." He pulled away from you and you saw the tears staining his dimpled cheeks, but the smile he was giving you was something out of a dream. He gently, playfully punched your arm. "You're still my partner, after all."
EVER since Changmin, Chanhee, JC!Yn, and her roommate Kei decided to change the weekly grocery shopping session to Saturday mornings, Changmin had never been so grateful for such a change until now. It used to be on Sunday mornings during the fall quarter because JC!Yn volunteered at the local children’s club on Saturday mornings, but since the Sunny Side Up Club had begun closing its doors on the weekend until summer break, her Saturdays had suddenly freed up.
Kei, as usual, had waltzed off in search of her own shopping list items, leaving JC!Yn and Changmin with the shopping cart of groceries and Chanhee sitting in the middle of it, cross-legged and swaddled in a pink hoodie.
“That’s awful,” JC!Yn lamented as she slowly trailed after Changmin while pushing the cart. There was a frown etched into her face, as well as Chanhee’s, while and after Changmin had caught them up on the events of the previous day’s talk with you. “I mean, I know some parents are super strict about their kids studying, but…” She shook her head, “You’ve both been through a terrible amount of shit, man.”
Chanhee nodded his agreement, peering up at Changmin who was at the helm of the cart, staring at the label on a container of canned corn blankly. “Yeah, for sure. How’re you holding up, Changminnie?”
Changmin shrugged half-heartedly and rather mopey. “As well as I could be.”
“Well, are you guys good now?” JC!Yn asked. “Y’know, after clearing all the air?”
Changmin made a face at the canned corn, but handed it to Chanhee to place amongst the other things in the cart with him. “I mean, kind of? Not really?” He scratched the side of his head, and his two friends looked on at him, then exchanged worried glances. Usually Changmin was the one cracking jokes, but to see him in such a state… “It’s just a little awkward now because we’ve been on ice around each other for years. Going back to normal shouldn’t be easy, should it?”
Chanhee pursed his lips, his head tilting from side to side. “That’s true. When you guys were still in grudge era, you let all the angst between you do the talking.”
“Angst? I was not angsty, for your information.”
Both of his companions scoffed their disagreement. “Every single time her name was brought up around you, you gazed far off like some kind of angsty main hero,” Chanhee retorted. “Like Kevin at that one dinner when we were interrogating Eric.”
JC!Yn laughed. “That feels like so long ago.”
Changmin sent her a look, the corner of his lips tilting upward like the arch of his eyebrow. “That’s because you and Jacob act like you’ve been married for ten years.”
Her face heated at those words, but she held her chin up in pride. “I’m gonna pretend this is your jealousy talking.”
“Oh, please,” he quipped back and turned back to the shelves to hunt for any other familiar labels that would trigger his hunger. “If I wanted to be so grossly in love—”
“Then you’d go find Yn?”
“—Then I’d go find Y—HEY!” Changmin sputtered as his cheeks lit up like the can of roasted red bell peppers in his hand. Chanhee and JC!Yn exploded into equal fits of delighted cackles, the former extending his arm back so the latter could return his fistbump. Changmin scowled through his flustered haze. “Whatever; taking advantage of my vulnerable state is not cool, guys.”
Chanhee beamed up at his best friend with the kind of smile that no one could be mad at. It was impish, adorable even. “Aw, it’s only ‘cause we love you.”
“Gross,” Changmin muttered, wrinkling his nose dramatically, then nudging his glasses up his nose.
As she stopped the cart behind Changmin, JC!Yn rested her arm against the bar and let her chin sit atop her fist as she and Chanhee watched Changmin scour the shelves again. “Didn’t you say you had feelings for her back then, Changmin-ah? Would you say they were still present or not?”
He sucked in a breath at the question as he let the question marinate in his brain. After yesterday’s world-altering talk with you, neither of you were able to stay too long afterward to catch up. You’d both, unfortunately, been called to your own separate summons. But this morning, when Changin had woken up with the information having been properly processed in his brain and given him room to overthink as he did… Truthfully, he had no idea where the two of you stood with one another. It wasn’t going to be the same, not like childhood and not like the past three years.
He didn’t exactly know what to say to you now, only that there was still that emptiness in his chest. He hadn’t expected the feeling to go away, but he also hadn’t expected it to remain. What was he supposed to do? He was pretty sure you didn’t even like him like that back then, so there was no way your feelings would have changed in that sense over the past three years. Some said that distance made the heart grow fonder, and while Changmin wasn’t one for cliche lines, he did feel an ache for you. He wanted to make up for lost time. Even if you didn’t feel the same way he had back then, it didn’t mean that he still felt the same… right?
“I think we lost him,” came Chanhee’s very loud stage whisper.
Changmin shook out of his mind and leveled a glare at his two friends. “I’ll think about it.”
“Didn’t you just think about it?”
“Hey, if JC!Yn-ie can take an entire quarter to tell Jacob-ssi her feelings, then you can give me like, five minutes to think about mine!” He squawked, waving his arms around in the air like one of those car-wash balloon people that flopped around in the wind. Except this one was high on emotions and his round lenses were slipping down his nose, adding to his overall mad man-like look.
JC!Yn deadpanned, shaking her head as she began pushing the cart after Changmin. She muttered under her breath, “He’s just astounded that he has feelings for someone, JC!Yn. Let him be touchy today.”
Chanhee, who had heard her speak to herself loud and clear, twisted around to grin and pat her arm reassuringly. “He’s just malfunctioning because he might actually have a chance now.”
“I can hear you!”
Chanhee chuckled, and the sound was villainous.
The three of them, as per routine, met up with Kei at the checkout lanes. There was one occasion where one of the workers was so tired that they tried to scan Chanhee and make them pay for him, but other than that, most people just offered him a sweet from the jar on the counter. As groceries were bagged up, and Kei was caught up on the situation at hand in verbal bullet point format, she took only a moment to suggest: “Why don’t you invite her to the dance showcase?”
All eyes went to Changmin, even as JC!Yn pushed the cart out with the group.
Changmin chewed his bottom lip. “I would, but... I dunno. I don’t want to trigger anything for her.” He winced to himself, “It would be really cool to have her there, of course! But I literally saw her in the practice room a week ago and she looked like she was seconds away from having a full-on panic attack.” As much as inviting you to watch him perform for the first time in three years thrilled him (and nearly sent him into cardiac arrest), he had seen you that day—blanched, struggling to breathe. He couldn’t imagine just what thoughts were running through your head then, especially after hearing what you had told him yesterday.
He was so—god, he was so angry at your mother. He knew about the divorce and the negative effect it had on her, but for her to practically take all that energy out on you? It was something simply unforgivable. His heart hurt for you.
Chanhee dipped his head in a slight nod, mouth curved down into a frown again. "That's fair. But I mean, it wouldn't hurt to ask, would it?"
"I just don't want to come off as insensitive, especially after three years of the cold shoulder." Your words from yesterday had penetrated him deeply—he hoped to never make you feel abandoned ever again.
Kei peered around at Changmin from the other side of JC!Yn. "If it counts, I don't think she'll take it as being insensitive, Changmin."
"She might feel better about getting, y'know, a personal invitation from you," JC!Yn chimed in. "Even if she isn't comfortable with going, she'll know you're thinking of her."
Changmin pressed his knuckles to his lips, bouncing on the balls of his feet anxiously. It was amusing, and perhaps a little concerning, for his friends to see him like this. He flapped the ends of his sweater sleeves in the air like he was hyping himself up. "Okay. Okay, yeah, I'll invite her to see me perform."
He raised an arm into the air toward the sky. "The next time I see her, that's what I'll—"
"Oh, look, she's right there," said Chanhee, pointing in the distance from his cart throne.
Changmin squeaked, "She's what?!" He slid behind JC!Yn in a very poor attempt to hide himself from the oncoming party.
Said party consisted of you, Yeri, Mark, and Ten—again. Except, instead of the coffee shop across the shopping mall, it was the parking lot on his friends' turf. Mark and Yeri were the first to see Changmin's friend group, both of them making unsubtle glances at Changmin. They passed by with friendly greetings, excusing themselves as they argued over the possibility of the store having watermelon (the answer was no; sorry Mark).
You and Ten lagged behind slightly, seemingly deep in conversation. The latter listened intently, but he felt eyes on him and looked up. His eyes twinkled as he made eye contact with Changmin—Changmin couldn't tell whether or not he liked that feeling.
You realized that he was looking outward and onward, and so you followed his gaze. Your eyes widened a tad at the sight of Changmin's friend group manifesting out of nowhere. "Hi guys," you said with an awkward smile when you and Ten met them in the middle.
"Hi Yn-ie," Chanhee giggled, turning around to wag his eyebrows at Changmin.
Changmin threw back a very unimpressed scowl. He let a smile grace his face just as he looked back at you. "Hey Yn, Ten."
JC!Yn unsubtly began pushing the cart to uncover Changmin. "Hey, you two. Changmin was actually just talking about you, Yn!"
Traitor! Changmin's jaw dropped.
Ten grinned. "That's really funny, 'cause Yn was just talking about you, Changmin."
You glared daggers at your friend with the same level of betrayal in your eyes as Changmin expressed. At least you were both getting thrown under the bus.
Kei nudged him. "Don't you have something to say to her?"
"We'll get out of your hair!" Chanhee chirped, patting the side of the cart as JC!Yn resumed her pushing on the cart past you and Ten. "See you at the car, Changminnie!"
As Changmin's last line of defense walked away with JC!Yn and the shopping cart prince, Ten inclined his head to you. "Should I stick around for this?"
You sighed under your breath. "Probably not. I'll see you inside?"
"Whatever suits your fancy," he mused, shrugging. As he passed by Changmin, he winked, then whistled some random tune as he went on his merry way.
"So what's up?" You asked him then. It seemed to be a cozy morning for you as you fidgeted with the ends of your big, woolen sweater. There was something delicate about the way the corners of your lips curled up into a smile.
Changmin cupped the nape of his neck. "Oh, uh, I know we had that whole talk yesterday, and I was wondering if you'd wanna come see my performance at the winter showcase on Friday?" He added quickly, "No pressure, of course. If you're uncomfortable, then you don't have to worry."
Your lips pursed together in a slight pucker. "I'd actually love to go. I mean—" you swallowed, "—I haven't gone to one since freshman year, but I'd love to."
"You can leave whenever you start feeling uncomfortable," he assured you, but he was smiling widely now. "It'll be cool to, y'know, have you in the audience."
"That means a lot, Changmin," you said earnestly, your smile sweet. It was almost weird to not have you frowning or glaring at him. It felt… good. It felt really good. “I will try my best.”
He shoved his hands into his pockets as he rocked on his heels, teeth biting down on his bottom lip to suppress the eager grin threatening to come out. “That’s all I could ask for.”
YOU were late. You were extremely late, actually, and to be honest, if you had known the bus was going to break down in the middle of the stupid road, you would have gotten off and walked. But then again, you were practically buried in all of the bundles of flowers you wanted to bring for your friends performing tonight. There were four bundles in total that you bothered to pick out just about two hours ago, one for Minho, one for Jungwoo, one for Ten, and of course, you could not forget one for Changmin.
When Changmin had personally invited you to come see his performance tonight earlier in the week, you couldn’t deny that the feeling made your chest warm and fuzzy. Even as you trudged your way up the stairs to the front of the performing arts building, you were filled with adrenaline and antsy energy. You’d waited so long for this, hadn’t you?
The last time you had come to see the winter showcase was in freshman year, the year the Daily asked you to write a review piece on one of the performers debuting that year, and even that had been enough of dance for the years following. It would be nice to know, this time, that you were wanted in the audience. (Changmin would have wanted you in the audience all this time, but you didn’t know that.)
Because you were unquestionably late, the doors to the hall would be closed shut now.
That was why having a friend like Boo Seungkwan was paramount.
“Thank you,” you gasped as one of the doors to the performance hall burst open and allowed you into the warmth of the lobby. You could hear the bass of whatever song was on and the audience’s cheers from here.
Seungkwan swept half of the bouquets from your arms with a click of his tongue. “Yah, you’re insane for taking the bus all the time. Yeri even asked to pick you up!”
“I know, I know!” You cried, the two of you scurrying over to one of the doors in the hall. “I panicked at the last second to get flowers and then I had to go all the way to the shop on fifth! By the way, did you know they’re open until 11?”
Both of your voices quieted as you slipped into the darkened auditorium. The stage was the only part illuminated in blinding, searing hot spotlights. You had just walked in on a brief break between acts as performers switched on and off stage. Seungkwan led you to one of the rows of seats in the nosebleeds that was relatively in the middle.
All of your friends practically occupied the entire row, and they lit up in delight at the sight of you.
“Yo Yn!” Mark whispered as he leaned over Yeri. “You’re actually here!”
Yeri reached over to squeeze your hand as you took the open seat next to her, and Seungkwan took the last seat in the aisle. “I’m so happy you’re here, Yn-ie.”
Doyoung and Kun peered out from around Mark, and you recognized a couple others from the NCT frat and RVE sorority further down the row. “Hey guys,” you said quietly to them as you wrangled your purse into your lap and adjusted the flowers in your arms, “how much did I miss?”
“Not much at all," Doyoung replied. "It's just been a few of the first years."
"We've got a little while until the older batch," Kun said with a wave of the program in his hands.
You nodded your understanding and settled into your seat to get comfortable. The performances went on one after the other. There was a mix of all different genres, ranging from contemporary ballet to tap and popping. Because everyone in the final winter showcase were in some kind of dance course on campus, a lot of the acts displayed a ton of experience already, even as first-years.
The longer the night went on, the less you believed your antsiness was a result of a nervous tick, but rather the bottled up adrenaline building up from watching all the performances. At some point, you realized you weren't even analyzing the performances anymore, but rather, sitting in awe of each one.
When a brief intermission was announced, Yeri and one of her sorority sisters squeezed past to head to the restroom while a few others from the row headed out to stretch their limbs and find some other friends. You and Seungkwan lingered in your seats, discussing your favorite performances so far, as well as how your finals weeks had gone for each of you.
"I'm just so glad we have spring break now," he groaned, his head hanging with exhaustion. "I might have skipped tonight if that meant I could sleep early."
"You would have regretted it though," you pointed out to him.
He gestured with his hand. "Right, you are." He let out a sigh as he raised his head and met your smile with a tired one of his own. "Well, Yn, you did it. You're watching your first full winter showcase. How do you feel?"
Your gaze flickered back to the stage. The house lights had come on for intermission, leaving the stage drenched in darkness. You could have sworn you saw the heavy red curtains shudder as if someone had poked their head out to view the audience. You remembered when you and Changmin used to do that when you were kids.
You turned back to Seungkwan. "I feel surprisingly okay," you confessed. "I was a little nervous before, but I think that I'm doing good."
He nodded. "Good. I'm glad you're here."
"Thanks, Kwan." You exhaled. "I didn't fully realize how long this was gonna be," you mused.
Seungkwan raised a brow at you. "Well, didn't you only stay for like, Changmin's performance last time you were here?"
"Well, yeah—"
The house lights suddenly shuttered off, and people rushed back to their seats. Your friends who were coming back squeezed past you and Seungkwan, effectively cutting off your conversation from before. The last half of the night would be handed over to the students who were majoring in dance and had been a part of the program for over two years.
You were properly in awe of the next performances. They had decided to put Ten out first, dancing to a song called Baby Don't Stop. He had mentioned the song to you once, but you hadn't really thought much about it until now. It was a side of Ten you hadn't seen yet since you had never seen him dance properly, but… you were definitely going to need to gush about this to him afterward.
You were pretty sure the crowd didn't quiet down for five performers in a row, as crazy-talented dancers such as Minho and Jungwoo followed after.
Each performance was incomparable to the next, and soon, you were sucking in a breath to the sound of Changmin's name being announced.
You slapped your hands onto Seungkwan's and Yeri's on either side of you, both of whom squeezed and shook your hands back as the curtain rose.
The lighting began a deep, electric purple, painting Changmin to look like a dark silhouette on stage. You almost couldn't make out the details of his white and black suit-like uniform. It was dynamic and unique with the suit cut outs and gloves, and he paired it all with an eye look that made his eyes feel darker and smokier.
He was still at first—until a set of horns, like trumpets, blared from the speaker's and he began striding forward.
You heard Mark gasp from two seats over. "Holy shit, he's dancing to Action Figure."
You vaguely recognized the title, but if you were thinking of the right song, then the room was about to get a lot louder. Unconsciously, you squeezed Seungkwan and Yeri's hands as you leaned forward and lingered on the edge of your seat.
The performance was everything you expected and more. Changmin was, as you had expressed before, the absolute cream of the crop. Each movement was brought with sharp precision, like the blade of a knife. Even during the slower bridge portion, he somehow executed the legato-like movements with a crispness of 4K HDR quality.
Everyone in the room held their breath (or screamed it out) with each sultry gaze, each lick of his lips, each smirk—a great dancer, a great performer; he would forever be one of the greats. That, you were very certain of.
When the song came to an end and he raised his head to peer at the audience through his bangs, you and everyone else erupted into applause, whistles, yelling—all the works. Your heart palpitated so hard in your chest that you thought it was trying to mimic his own dance. You were practically shaking from all of the bottled energy, and…
"Wow," you breathed out as you leaned back in your seat as the stage was reset for the next act. Your knee began bouncing fervently, sending the flowers in your lap up and down as well.
Seungkwan murmured his agreement, "Whew. I can't tell if I'm attracted or intimidated."
You snorted, patting his hand with your palm. "Both?"
You laughed, your hand lifting up to absentmindedly press against the base of your throat and sternum.
You couldn't help but think about what Changmin had revealed to you that day. How could a pair of parents not be absolutely floored to have a son as talented as Ji Changmin? It was so unbelievable to you, but you couldn't imagine how it might have felt to suddenly have all that support be ripped out from beneath your feet like his support had been.
The performances following would finish off those of the solo category. Afterwards, a handful of groups performed, including repeats of a few performers. Minho and Jungwoo had performed a stage together (Finesse, if you weren't mistaken), while Changmin and Juyeon made a return to the stage with another sultry hit by the name of Light a Flame.
By the end of the night, you were eager to head backstage to see your friends who had just performed their hearts out.
Plus, the bouquets were wilting.
Once the house lights had thunked to life, and the crowd was beginning to lessen, the row you were seated in with your friends stood together. Some of them were going to head straight home, but a few others planned to stay back to congratulate the performers on a night well done.
"You guys ready to head back?" Mark asked while nodding toward the stage with his hands shoved into the pockets of his puffer vest.
The high you were on was gradually fading out, and you had to clear your throat. "Can I meet you guys back there? I think I'm gonna take a quick breather and then just go in through the backdoor."
They were more than okay with accommodating you, encouraging you to take as long as you needed. Mark and Yeri both took the remaining two bouquets from your arms as Seungkwan ushered you out the door to take that breather.
As you hit the cool, early-March air, you wrapped your coat tighter around yourself and inhaled deeply. All around you, people lingered and chatted with each other, gushing about their favorite performances and reenacting the most memorable parts. You smiled to yourself when you overheard a group of boys near you talking about Changmin's tasteful choice in music, as well as the cohesion of his entire performance, ranging from not only the music choice, but down to the costuming as well. (And the choreography, of course. Everything about his performance, as emphasized, was breathtaking.)
With a sigh, you began rounding the building toward the back entrance.
Now that you had the space to deconstruct your thoughts, you realized that although you felt an indescribable amount of pride for your friends, you couldn't help the pit forming in the bottom of your stomach. In a way, you envied the performers onstage. You wished you had held on a little longer; maybe then, you could have been one of the people on stage tonight like you had wanted when you were just a teen.
When you reached the back door, you managed to gather your strength and let yourself in.
Like that day you had taken Sumin backstage, it was all hustle and bustle, but ten times that. Pandemonium erupted as performers raced past you left and right trying to find their friends, fellow performers, and even the location of their hairspray. (They should have put their name on it, you thought cheekily, but even then, it might not have worked still, you supposed.)
You kept your arms crossed over your chest as you squeezed past people toward where you were hoping to find your friends. As you walked into the dressing room corridor, you nearly collided with a silky dress shirt.
"Yn! I can't believe I found you," Ten chuckled.
You laughed, wrapping your arms around him in an affectionate embrace. "Ten! I can't believe you found me either. It's a madhouse here." You scanned the faces and bodies buzzing about for any sign of your friends. "Have Mark, Yeri, or Seungkwan found you yet? They have the flowers I was gonna give you."
Ten's lips curled up into a smile as he pressed a hand to his chest. "Gasp, you got me flowers?"
"Yes, and please never say 'gasp' aloud ever again," you winced.
That only made his smile grow. "No promises. But what'd you think of the show tonight? I'm glad you stayed the whole time."
"It was incredible! You were incredible," you amended with your eyes likely the shape of stars. "Who gave you the absolute audacity to be so talented, sir! I swear I heard some girl faint a couple rows behind me," you joked.
His eyes narrowed into sly, little crescents. "Oh? And did you faint for mine, too? Or did you save that reaction for another special someone?"
You flushed, your eyes averting to anywhere but the nosy feline before you.
Ten threw his head back in a loud guffaw. "Okay, okay. I see how it is. He's been looking for you, by the way."
Your eyes went wide. "And you wait until now to tell me?"
"I wanted my dose of Yn affection, too," he shrugged, giggling like a schoolgirl. "Plus, the look on your face was well worth it."
"Sometimes I hate you."
"Some is not all," he pointed out.
"—you said she was over here? Yn!"
Yours and Ten's heads turned and you watched as Changmin's eyes found yours in the crowded room. He began pushing his way toward you, sweat still dampening the strands of hair and falling into the collar of the dark blazer he wore for Light a Flame.
Ten snickered under his breath. "Well, I'm gonna go find Mark to get my flowers. Text me later, 'kay? Okay!"
Before you could blink, Ten had disappeared into the masses. You swore that man was so slippery sometimes.
You glanced back in the direction that you saw Changmin coming from,but when you couldn't find him, you frowned. It really was awfully hard to find people in here…
You swore your soul left your body for five seconds. You whirled around, glaring daggers at the impish squirrel man who somehow ended up behind you. "You're such a menace."
Changmin grinned so wide it looked like even his dimples were strained. "Sorry," he wheezed, not sounding sorry at all. "The opportunity presented itself on a gold-plated platter."
"You should feel very lucky that I wasn't holding lemonade this time."
"Okay, but why were you drinking that without a cap on the cup? Did they not give you a plastic lid or something?"
You felt the corner of your mouth lift. How was it so easy to recall these things? "It's just the universe telling you to end your pranks."
He shrugged helplessly. "I can't help that you are so easy to sneak up on."
"You're gonna say that when I somehow heard you asking if I was in here from across the room?"
"That's because I let you hear that; there's a difference," he said, leaning against the corridor wall next to you. He looked you up and down, tongue darting out for a moment. "Thanks for coming tonight."
You leaned your shoulder against the wall next to him. "I enjoyed myself," you said in reply. "You did really well tonight though, Changmin. It was a great performance."
He grinned, and his tongue had to poke the inside of his cheek. "Just great?"
You raised your eyebrows at him and decided to bypass that question for the moment. "Did my friends give you your flowers?"
Changmin showed his empty hands and you deadpanned.
"What?" He giggled. "I'm just stating the obvious."
"You're so infuriating sometimes."
He gently bumped your shoulder with his. "Nothing new."
Nothing new, indeed. It was strange, actually, falling into this kind of easygoing, light-hearted banter. You'd seen how easy it was that night in the lab, but this was nice, you had to admit. Banter and arguing were two different things, you learned, and the latter always took such a toll on those involved.
How did the two of you stay away for so long? Maybe you were both too prideful, too afraid to break the ice.
Changmin's expression sobered a little as he observed your expression. "What're you thinking about?"
You blinked, glancing over at him. "Nothing, just…" Your voice lowered to something like a whisper, "I missed this." I missed you.
And as you met his eyes again, you knew that he had heard you. He swallowed, roughly. "Me too."
THE quad was in bloom with the coming of spring and spring break. It was tradition at your university to take pictures and to take a stroll through the freshly bloomed cherry blossom trees lining the rectangular lawn. Only in spring did the trees reveal their beautiful, baby pink flowers, so it was optimal to go frolic amongst them while they were full.
Changmin had been dragged out by Chanhee. Well, he liked to say that Chanhee forced him outside, but in reality, Changmin had put just as much effort into his appearance today as Chanhee did, just not as formal. And luckily, it wasn't just the two best friends who were out with them among the crowd of people, but also the entirety of their friend group—plus the significant others, too.
"I hate this more than Valentine's Day," Sunwoo grumbled as he blew a curl out of his eyes. He was referring to the couples all around them taking pictures and holding hands and kissing.
"You're telling me," Kevin sighed as he messed with the settings on his camera for the pictures he wanted to take of the scenery. "At least on Valentine's Day, people won't photobomb you."
Sangyeon had his phone out and was already taking photos of the blooming flowers around him and in the trees. He suddenly turned his phone around, set at point five zoom. "Hey guys, look here and smile!"
Everyone in the shot (all the singles: Chanhee, Changmin, Sunwoo, Kevin, Juyeon, and Hyunjae) slapped smiles onto their faces. As soon as Sangyeon put the phone down, their smiles dropped.
"Who was that for?" Juyeon asked as he slung an arm around Sangyeon's shoulder to peer at the eldest's phone screen. He made a groaning noise before peeling away. "Ahhhh, 'The Girlfriend'. I see."
Sangyeon cocked a brow at him. "Have you finally accepted that I have a girlfriend?"
Sangyeon's eyes looked up and away in exasperation, before he shook his head and returned to doing whatever he was doing.
Changmin surveyed the crowded quad with disinterest. He scanned all of the faces present around him; too many to count that was for sure. Jacob and JC!Yn had separated from them almost immediately; Eric and his girlfriend were off being cute or something; Younghoon and his partner hadn't even traveled here with most of them; but at least Haknyeon and his significant other stayed with them for the first five minutes to make conversation about the dance showcase a few nights ago.
He sighed. That was how long ago it had been since he last saw you. (My god, he sounded like some kind of lovesick teenager, waiting by the landline for his lover to ring him up—)
On the other side of the quad, you and your friends had just arrived to do the same exact thing Changmin's friends were. But as soon as you saw the crowd, you were five seconds from simply giving up.
"We'd get like, one flower, and that's it," Seungkwan argued to Yeri who was trudging forward despite the load of people around.
Yeri huffed. "Not if you don't try, Boo Seungkwan."
He made a noise of disgruntlement, his head lifting up and nostrils flaring. "Oh my god—"
"Yn, my wife, defend my honor!"
You snapped up straight, tuning back into the conversation. Mark and Jungwoo trailed somewhere behind the three of you and if you weren't careful, you'd lose them, too. "Huh? Oh, well, Seungkwan…" Your voice trailed off, and your eyes wandered to a specific gathering of trees further down the lawn from where you currently were.
It was unfair how he was framed like a K-Drama shot: the slow motion pink petals drifting around him, his lithe body gracefully leaning against the dark bark of the cherry blossom tree, the green sweater vest layered over a white shirt and pants. You gulped—he looked way too pretty to just be standing there—
"—hello? Earth to Yn?" A hand was waving in front of your face and someone was poking your shoulder.
You shook away from them, eyes wide like a child with your hand caught in the cookie jar. "Huh?"
Seungkwan and Yeri sent you curious looks. "You were staring at Changmin," said Yeri, arms crossing over her chest.
Seungkwan let out a dramatically wistful, little sigh as he scratched the side of his head. "You're so lucky that Ten's not here; we are so very merciful compared to him."
You rolled your eyes, even though they were right. "I wasn't staring! I just—I couldn't tell if it was really him or not."
"Because I'm just so breathtakingly beautiful?"
"Definitely n—what the fuck," you yelped, nearly leaping out of your skin again at the right of Changmin's dimpled smile as he seemingly appeared out of thin air right next to you.
Changmin erupted into howling laughter, folding over onto his knees as he slapped his leg once, twice—
"You're not even that funny," you grumbled, side-eyeing both him and your friends. (Guess you really did lose Mark and Jungwoo…)
Seungkwan and Yeri did not hide their own laughs very well, but they definitely weren't knee-slapping themselves.
"How'd you even cover so much ground that fast?" You queried, whirling back on Changmin.
He lifted a shoulder in a half-hearted shrug, his hands resting in the pockets of pants as he stood in a relaxed posture. His skin was unfairly pretty in this lighting, like his smile. "I harnessed my inner squirrel."
"You mean your inner furry?"
Seungkwan and Yeri chose this moment to slip away, calling out something like "we're just gonna go walk a tree" before bowing out. Changmin feigned an expression of offense, pressing a hand to his chest. "Rude! It's called athleticism."
You wrinkled your nose. "Like you know what athleticism is."
"I'll race you to the stairs over there right now—HEY, CHEATER! I DIDN'T SAY GO—" Despite his indignant squawk, Changmin's cheeks hurt from how hard he grinned as he raced after you toward the stairs at the other end of the lawn.
— ✶
"So… no Ten today?"
After a daring race, you and Changmin settled on top of the stairs overlooking the entire lawn. The sun hung at golden hour position and painted the landscape and people below in beautiful, buttery gold wash. You even swore you saw Chanhee chasing after Sunwoo with a handful of loose cherry blossom petals, no doubt to dump into the latter's hair.
You looked over to where Changmin was leaning back onto his palms next to you. "This again?"
He pursed his lips. "Well, I mean," he drawled, "you guys are pretty close. I just figured you'd do this kind of thing together."
"That's fair," you conceded. "Uh, he's actually on a trip with a couple of his frat brothers this week. Something like backpacking in Switzerland."
Changmin gave an indulgent nod of his head. "Wow. Switzerland."
"I know, right?"
He peered out into the distance, eyes squinting against the strength of the sun, but he looked like an art piece nonetheless. “You and Ten aren’t, like, together? Are you?”
You tilted your head to the side. Interesting question. “No, we’re friends. I think in the beginning it might have felt like something on that level, but we’ve both—I think we’re both on the same page where we stand with each other.” You didn’t know why you were telling him so much; he’d only asked you a question. But speaking of being together with someone… You coughed, “Sumin told me what happened during the interview a couple weeks ago.”
Changmin smiled sheepishly, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. “Oh, ha, she did? I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.”
“You really didn’t know?”
“That she liked me? No,” he laughed with a shake of his head. He leaned forward onto his knees then, turning his head to the side to look at you with his fingers laced over his knees. “Who do you take me for, hm? I couldn’t just assume she had a crush on me.”
You feigned a look of disagreement, and he gasped, shoving your upper arm playfully. “I’m not that bad!” He exclaimed.
“You could be that bad,” you teased.
You watched as his expression cooled and the air around the two of you shifted. There was an earnestness in his eyes now, emphasized by the brilliance of the setting sun reflecting across his smooth lines of his face. “Have you ever thought about, you know, like trying to dance again?”
You weren’t sure what prompted this change in subject, but you gave it a thought. “I definitely have,” you said honestly, “I just can’t really step into a practice room without getting nervous.” You picked at a stray thread on your pants as you spoke and felt his gaze on you. “That night—the one when you saw me in front of the performing arts hall really late at night—I was trying to get myself to go in. To at least… try, y’know. Maybe prove to myself that I could work up the courage to go in, but I couldn’t.”
Changmin was quiet for a moment. His knees angled themselves toward you, and he leaned forward so his chest practically laid over his legs. “I said a lot of bad things to you in senior year,” he said lowly. “They were stupid—I was stupid. And—and if your anxiety with practice rooms comes from me, then—”
“Changmin,” you interrupted and captured his attention. You shifted to mimic his body positioning, so your eyes were level and you were both just as small as the other. “I said really shitty things to you, too.”
“I told you that you should quit,” he rasped. He had to turn his head so you wouldn’t see the silver pooling in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Yn; I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean any of it.”
You heard his sniffle over all of the chatter from the lawn below and you moved closer to him until your legs and arms were pressed together. You wrapped an arm around him, only for him to raise himself up and practically drape himself over you, his arms looped around your upper body and his face tucked into the side of your neck. Your heart tripped over itself in surprise, but you let yourself lean into his body heat.
“I’m sorry, too. I know you didn’t mean any of it. I didn’t mean any of what I said either.” You breathed for a moment and sighed, simply allowing him to stay in your arms for however long he needed. “I think,” you started, “even after three years, I still blame myself for letting all of that get to me. Sometimes, I want to go back in time and slap some sense into myself; maybe tell myself that I shouldn’t have let what my mom said bury itself so deep inside me. I mean… where would I be now had I not listened to her?”
Changmin pulled away then, resting his forearms on his legs again, but he didn’t back away from you. “You were just a kid, Yn. You can’t blame yourself.”
You rested your cheek against your fist. “I know. It’s hard not to, though.”
“I know.” He took another look at you, and you felt his eyes really take you in for a moment. The corner of his lips lifted. “Are you happy?”
“With how you turned out? Where you ended up?”
You held your breath. It was a good question, and as you turned to search yourself inwardly, you came to a couple of conclusions. “In a way, I am. It’s probably just bitterness and regret I feel when I wonder what could have been, but maybe things happen for a reason.”
He nodded, his hand reaching up to pick out a stray leaf that had fallen into your hair. “We can always make up for lost time now,” he said. “We never did get to finish that duet.”
THE next day, you found yourself standing outside the back door to the performing arts building. Because it was spring break, a large helping of the student population had abandoned campus as soon as their finals were over, leaving the place barren except for the area with the cherry blossoms. You stood next to Changmin, the latter holding his bag by the strap over his shoulder. You had been staring at the door for more than a minute now, trying to slow the palpitations of your heart.
“We can leave whenever you want to,” he murmured to you, the back of his hand nudging yours. “Let’s just try.”
You got yourself to nod.
The hallways were uncharacteristically quiet compared to the previous couple of times you had been back here. Since there was no one else here, you and Changmin got to pick whichever practice room you wanted. The largest one was the winner, and the lights flickered on to wash the shadows away. You immediately moved to one side of the room to set your things down, and Changmin went to his corner by the speaker. He was already hooking up his phone to the aux cord, but kept one eagle-eye on you as you inhaled the sight of the empty room around you.
As usual, your throat began closing in on itself, and you coaxed yourself into taking deep breaths.
You started out on the floor in front of the mirror, your legs crossed over each other and Changmin’s phone in your hands. Changmin had shouldered off his white athletic jacket, and began stretching as you swiped through the selection of music on his phone. The two of you collectively agreed for you to start off just watching. Once you were comfortable in the practice room environment, and if you wanted to dance, you would join him whenever you were ready. If you were never ready, then you could continue to just watch him and cheer him on during the practice.
You watched him card a hand through his hair as he peered at himself in the mirror behind you. “I always thought this mirror made you vain,” you chuckled, your hand having settled into your lap instead of at the base of your throat.
He furrowed his brows at you. His hands rested on his hips, the muscle in his forearms emboldening from the action. “Rude. I think you were the one who made me vain.”
“The fuck? How so?” You challenged.
“You always said you admired my facial expressions and my pretty smile,” he grinned at your reaction, snickering to himself. “Did you pick a song yet?”
You watched him dance. For the first few songs that played on shuffle, he was simply warming up his body and freestyling to whatever he heard. You knew Changmin was no stranger to people watching him dance, but there was something still so intimate about watching him in this space. You could watch him create things like magic, as well as watch him fumble and laugh at his own misgivings. Except, instead of doing it all by himself, his eyes would find yours and smile.
Next quarter, Changmin was supposedly signed on to be a TA for one of the dance courses, so he asked for your opinion on a few of his ideas for choreographies he could teach.
After showing you his second idea, he gestured to you then looked back at himself in the mirror. “What do you think? I’m not sure if writing something for each nuance in the beat would be a bit too much or if it’s something that should be used as a challenge routine.”
You hummed in understanding. “Well, if it’s an intermediate dance course, then I think it could be worked up to. Are these people dance majors or… maybe minoring in dance?”
He nodded when you said the latter. “Supposedly, they aren’t necessarily dance majors. But yeah, I agree—it could probably be brought out later in the quarter instead.” He made a motion with his hand as he backpedaled a couple steps to give himself more room between you and him. “Could you rewind to the first verse again? I wanna see something.”
You obliged him and rewinded the song to his desired timestamp. He tried out another possible set of choreo, but ended up stopping halfway through the chorus.
Again and again, you rewinded the song for him to try something new, but each time, he was met with his own dissatisfaction.
You suddenly stood, setting his phone on the ground with the song having been rewinded just slightly before the intended timestamp. Your hands were shaky and your heart was probably beating at an unhealthy speed, but you needed to try out something.
Changmin’s eyes opened wide as you came to stand next to him, but he said nothing. Instead, he let you loosely show him what you had concocted in your head while watching him go through trial after trial.
Before you knew what was happening, the two of you were weaving your ideas together, taking pieces of his original choreography and amending it with yours. You had watched him from the beginning so many times that you didn’t need long to pick up on the rest. By the end, the two of you had danced the entirety of the song together, your chest rising and falling fast with the speed of your breath.
Changmin released an exclamatory yell, thrusting his fist to the ceiling, then clasping your hand with his. “Let’s go! I really like that, Yn,” he said with his face split by a shit-eating grin.
Your heart was bursting again, not with nerves, but something you hadn’t felt in a long, long time. You brushed the hair from your eyes, a satisfied beam set on your face. “I like it, too.”
There was a sheen akin to pride in his eyes. “I wanna show you something,” he said, walking over to his phone with a skip in his step. “Stay there! I wanna teach you this bit of choreo that’s been living in my head for a while now.”
And so, you followed Changmin’s instructions as he put on a groovy-type beat. The routine was simple enough—looks-wise. But if you knew anything about the things Changmin choreographed, the difficulty was all in the subtlety and technique. When you were younger, the appeal between you and Changmin as partners were that you were practically foils for each other. While Changmin ruled the arena of sharp, focused isolations and movements, your area of expertise laid in bigger, fuller movements like that of a brushstroke. When you had watched Juyeon and Changmin’s performance during the winter showcase, you supposed that was why they were able to complement each other well. It was essentially what you and Changmin were, in combination.
The longer you and Changmin danced, the more your chest filled with air and warmth and love and happiness. The guilt and fear from before had melted away to reveal this suppressed portion of you that had been hidden for a long time.
At some point, the two of you were just messing around, and ended up sprawled on the polished wood floor of the practice room clutching your stomachs while choking on laughter.
Changmin rolled onto his side, eyes still squinted in delight as he tried to get a grip of his breathing. “Is your back okay?” He managed to wheeze between gasps and howls.
You wiped a tear that crept out from your eye. “No! I just tried carrying a fifty-something-kg man on my back. Do you think I’m okay?”
“In my defense,” he said, peering down at you as he rose into a sitting position and leaned back onto his palms, “you claimed you were stronger than me and could be the base.”
“A warning would have been nice!” You exclaimed. You rolled onto your stomach, laying your chin over your arms. “No one in their right mind just jumpscares people like that.”
“Have you met me?”
“Fair enough.”
A remnant of that merriment remained on his lips as he felt around the floor around him for where his phone had fallen out of his pants pocket. He caught a glimpse of the time, sighing, then raking a hand through his hair. “It’s already one o’clock. Are you hungry? Wanna get lunch or something?”
“Sure, what do you feel like?” You asked, eyes following his movements as he clambered up to his feet and tucked his phone back into his pocket.
He pressed his lips together in thought, humming, “Dunno. Fast food maybe?”
You rolled into a sitting position, similar to the one he had been in just moments before. “Okay.”
“Come on; let’s get up then.” He offered a hand out to you, and you clasped his forearm tightly.
In one fell motion, Changmin swept you upright and to your feet—but he used a little too much pulling force, and you were stumbling into him, palms pressed flat against his chest, and his arms coming around your waist. You held your breath as the two of you fought to stabilize the other.
“Shit, sorry about that,” he muttered from above you with a low chuckle.
You opened your mouth to reply, but as you raised your head to meet his eyes and not just his Adam’s apple, you lost all your breath. There was barely a hairsbreadth distance between your face and his. Changmin came to the same determination as you had and his eyes went wide.
A curious thing happened. His pupils dilated, and his eyes darted down to your mouth and his tongue swiped over his own to dampen them.
Your breath as you exhaled was as unsteady as your heart rate.
You felt his hold on your tighten slightly; his Adam’s apple bobbed. And then he was leaning forward, his eyes fluttering closed—
He kissed you then.
His lips were soft over your own with the slightest bit of pressure, nose nudging the side of your cheek.
Your hands moved up the plane of his chest to grasp his toned shoulders; he shifted his left hand to cradle the back of your head.
Wait, what is happening—
You both pulled away, as if the same thought had echoed through both of your heads at the same time.
Panic leapt into the two of you and you jolted away when the distinct sound of Boss by some group called Neo Culture Technology blasted throughout the quiet practice room.
"Fuck," you swore. You glanced back at Changmin and saw the question, the uncertainty, the—you couldn't even tell. Your mind was everywhere and nowhere at once. You could still feel his mouth on yours. "That—that's Doyoung's ringtone. I have to take this."
"Okay," he whispered inaudibly, and you slipped out from his hold.
With your back to him, he rubbed his hands down his face and an indescribable emotion seized his chest. He rubbed a thumb over his lips…
"Doyoung, you need to calm down," you said as Doyoung's voice quite literally rambled at lightspeed into your ear.
You heard your friend take one deep breath, then repeat, "I think one of these final draft files are corrupted. I'm freaking the fuck out right now, and I know you're not out of town, so if you could please—for the sake of my sanity—come to the office and help me!" He was pleading, begging, and Kim Doyoung did not beg. He sounded like one hair-pull from dropping down to his knees.
In any other context, you would have wanted to record this for the history books. Any other context.
Your eyes darted over to Changmin who was still standing in the middle of the room, hands tucked into his pockets, and gaze pinned to you.
You couldn't just—leave? Could you? Not after that—
Then you caught Changmin nodding his head in the direction of the door, his head cocking to the side in silent question. Do you need to go? He mouthed.
You pursed your lips with a reluctant nod. Something's wrong with the paper.
Then go. We'll talk after.
Talk. Yup. You started grabbing your things and you squeezed your phone between your ear and shoulder. "—okay okay, Doyoung. Can you stop wasting your energy for me, and tell me exactly what the screen is telling you?"
You began making your way to the door, but halted in the doorway. You hesitated, turning back to look at Changmin. You really shouldn't leave—but you had to.
You grabbed your phone and pressed the speaker into your shoulder. "Yes?" It sounded breathless.
Desperation gleamed like silver in his eyes. One did not often see that emotion from Ji Changmin. "Don't shut me out."
THE first person that came to mind was Choi Chanhee. "What—"
"I kissed her!" Changmin blurted, hand slapping over his mouth.
"You what?!"
— ✶
You were breathless, brain muddled, a hot mess of a shitshow, when you got to the Daily. The rest of the Board members were on break, including your resident tech expert, so you had assured Doyoung that you were free if he needed anything. (If you weren't deeply regretting that now though.)
You had fast walked all the way from the performing arts center to the Daily's newsroom, effectively cutting travel time down from ten minutes to seven, even with your bag of items. Though, it definitely didn't help your headspace. You could hardly think about Changmin, the kiss, and a corrupted file all at the same time. Not to mention, you finally managed to wrangle Doyoung off the phone with you so he could go splash water on his face to calm the fuck down.
The newsroom was dark when you got there, but you saw the light from Doyoung's office shining down the corridor. He was seated behind his desk, his expression a lot more calm than he sounded from the phone, but his face and bangs were a bit damp, meaning he had actually gone to wash his face. Good.
He saw you trudging down the hall, your baby hairs flying everywhere, and your breath coming out in pants. He noticed the bag slung over your shoulder and had the nerve to ask, "Oh, were you on the way somewhere?"
You sent him a pained stare and collapsed into the chair on the opposite side of his desk.
"You look stressed."
"Changmin and I kissed."
Doyoung's eyes nearly fell out of his head and his body was half an inch from falling out of his chair. "HUH?"
Your head craned back against the back of the chair. "I know."
"Girl, why are you here then?"
"You said it was an emergency!" You cried, straightening. You didn't even acknowledge the fact that Doyoung had just called you "girl". "Now, let's work this file situation out."
Doyoung moved his laptop further away from you. "Oh, nuh-uh, Missy. You're gonna just send me your copy, and then you're gonna go on your merry way back to Mr. Dancer Man and kiss him again."
Your face scrunched up. "Hello?" What was in the sink water in this building…
"Did you talk about it? Are you two dating now?"
"Doyoung," you whined, scrubbing a hand over your face, "you literally called right after we kissed."
Doyoung made a noise of disappointment. "Damn, I'm never gonna live this down."
"Seungkwan's gonna call you a cockblocker for the rest of your life," you muttered in agreement.
He snorted. "You said it, not me." He sobered then, closing the lid of his laptop so he could lace his fingers over it and fix you with a serious expression. "So how do you feel? Tell me what happened."
You twisted and dropped your bag to the ground by your feet, moving your chair closer to the desk so you could drape your upper half on top of the cool surface. "We were dancing—"
"Mhm," you hummed against the table. "It was… it was really nice, Doie. I actually had fun. And then we just—I don't even know—we played around a little and he was helping me up off the ground, and suddenly we were kissing."
Doyoung's brows furrowed together. "Ah, I see. Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?"
"He kissed me, but I didn't stop him." You could recall the look in his eyes with a striking amount of clarity. "I… I don't really know what it all means, or what it means to me. I'm a little confused, if I'm honest."
He sighed. "And that's okay. I think this is something you definitely need to go back and talk to him about though, hm?"
"But Yn," he continued, reaching over to rub the top of your head and get you to look up, "did you ever have feelings for the guy?"
You slowly raised yourself up from the table with a frown on your face. "When I was a kid, I didn't really see anyone else but him," you confessed, almost unconsciously. You hadn't known what the feeling you harbored for him was back then, but maybe you could seek to understand it now.
Doyoung made a vague gesture with his hand as he sat back in his chair. "Well, that's a start for sure. But you and he have been on rocky terrain for years now. You're not kids anymore and a lot of things have changed." He was right, in some sense. You and Changmin had spent three years convincing yourselves you didn't need each other. Perhaps it had been the opposite the entire time, but what did it all mean?
"I'm glad to have him in my life again," you said quietly. "I think I've always felt… different about Changmin than any other friend I've had before, y'know? It was just unconscious in a way."
"Would you want to act on that then? See where it goes?"
You let his questions resonate around your head for a minute. But the more you thought about it, the more certain you became of your answer.
— ✶
The back corridors of the performing arts hall were just as dark as it was when you had left. For a moment, you were afraid that Changmin had left. But as you neared the practice room from earlier, you could make out the sounds of voices drifting from the cracked open door of the room.
You strained your ears—who was that with Changmin?
You reached the door, quietly pressing yourself against the wall to peer in through the cracked doorway. There, sitting opposite Changmin on the practice room floor, was Chanhee.
"—think about it, Changmin," said Chanhee as he dropped his friend by the shoulders to keep him from sulking. "She kissed you back. Don't you think that means something?"
"She could've just been caught up in the moment," Changmin countered. "She could've—" He made a frustrated noise and threw his hands out in front of him, "Maybe I just don't want to be disappointed."
Chanhee frowned. "Disappointed… that she doesn't return your feelings? Changmin, can you be honest with me for a second?"
He gave a solemn nod.
"Those feelings you had for her when you were a kid—have they ever gone away?"
You had to back away from the door and press your palm against your mouth. But because of that, you weren't able to catch Changmin's answer. Your heart slammed against your ribcage, your hands shaking as your thoughts raced in your head. You had to open the door now. You'd already intruded when you eavesdropped on their conversation.
Sucking in a breath, you pushed the door open wider. No going back now.
Changmin and Chanhee were both frozen in place when you poked your head into the room. The former paled in the warm-toned practice room lights, and you saw him gulp.
"Yn!" Chanhee laughed nervously as he and his friend both scrambled to their feet. His car keys jangled noisily from where they hung on a clip from his belt loop. "Uhm, I think I should leave," he said, clearing his throat and brushing past you.
You grabbed your arm as you shuffled into the room and gently kicked the door closed behind you.
Changmin cupped the back of his neck. "How much did you hear?" He asked, not even bothering to hide the open glisten in his eyes, the pure vulnerability lying stark on his face. It felt like you were seventeen again, standing alone together in the practice room, not really sure what the other person would say or do or feel.
"What did Chanhee mean by you having feelings for me when we were kids?" You asked.
The silence was palpable. "You really didn't know?"
No, you shook your head, definitely not. "I—I mean, no. Not really. I guess I always thought… I don't know what I thought."
He braced both hands behind his head now, his eyes tilted back toward the ceiling. "Yn," he said before looking you in the eyes again, "every time I saw you, I saw someone who put the fucking stars in the sky. If you watch any of our videos from back then—" He pushed out a haggard breath from his mouth. "I could never not care for you, could never stop caring for you. It hurt a lot when we stopped being us because I thought I…"
His hands fell to his sides, helpless. "I thought I lost you. And then it felt like you hated me, so I tried to hate you, too. And then we worked shit out. And then…" Changmin brushed his bangs back and was unable to look you in the eyes for longer than a second with each glance. "I'm sorry I kissed you. I don't want to lose you again, Yn."
Your heart thundered in your ears so loud that you almost thought he could hear it, even from so far away. You got yourself to take a step forward, and then another.
Changmin waited as you walked closer to him, his lips pressed together.
You inhaled. "Changmin, I can't say for sure what I felt for you back then, and I definitely can't articulate my feelings for you as well as you just did—" His eyes clashed with yours, that energy colliding, "—but I'm not sorry you kissed me, or that I kissed you."
You thought you heard his breath hitch for a moment.
"I don't want to lose you again, either," you said and tentatively reached for his hands. Never in your years of knowing him had you known a moment where his fingers trembled like they did now. "And I—I really want to see where this goes. Would you want to see where this goes with me?"
His fingers curled around yours as he nodded. "Yes."
"WHAT about that one?"
"Don't touch that one."
"Will it burn my skin off?" Changmin asked in a sleepy daze as one hand rubbed his eye and the other reached for the gallon of liquid that sat behind a locked cabinet with a clearly marked DO NOT TOUCH. DANGER. plastered on the side.
"Yes," you said without looking up from your organic chemistry textbook.
Changmin's hand dropped immediately and he turned to send a look your way. "Well, that's not very safe."
His hoodie-covered head began bumbling back over to you through the maze of workbenches. It was the first week back to school from spring break, thus, the very first week of the spring quarter. You and Changmin were currently in your regular lab space that you unofficially dubbed your study area. Kun was in the break room probably half asleep over a bag of shrimp chips, and Ten… Ten was somewhere around here. Maybe he got lost down the hallway looking for the bathroom or something.
Changmin had come to hang out with you though, even though he was practically a walking baby giraffe as drowsiness possessed his whole being. But he insisted on staying until you went home.
"It's actually just distilled water," you said with a chuckle. "The lab professors just don't want people using it because for some reason, the convenience stores around here are always out, and they don't want to go hunting for more."
You felt him drape over your back with a fwump. "I love when you talk dirty to me," he said through a rather large yawn.
You grinned to yourself, shaking your head. "Okay, I think we need to get you home."
"Not before you take me to dinner first."
"Are you sure you're not drunk?"
You packed your things up quickly, especially when you saw Changmin nodding off while standing upright. It was already around nine o'clock by the time you said good night to Kun and located Ten (yeah, he'd gone looking for the bathroom and almost gotten locked in a supply closet instead).
Changmin tried to convince you he was okay to drive, but by the way he couldn't even figure out that his keys were hanging on his belt loop, it was safe to say that you were driving tonight. The drive over to Changmin and Chanhee's apartment was an easy one since they lived in the university district and the streets were quite barren at this point. You helped him up to the apartment, greeting Chanhee who was in a fluffy pink robe and matching headband.
"Hi Chanhee," you sighed as you pushed Changmin into the bathroom to shower.
Chanhee looked on in ill-concealed amusement. "He'll be much better after he showers," he reassured you from his perch on the couch. You saw the page-long math problems spread out on the coffee table and held in a gag.
"Dear god, I hope so."
Chanhee directed you to where Changmin's room was and you dumped both yours and his backpacks on the floor by his desk. You actually had yet to step foot in here until now, so while Changmin was doing his thing in the bathroom, you let your eyes roam all around the room. It was relatively clean (emphasis on relatively) with walls that were minimally decorated. There was a whole separate rack of shirts and jackets left outside the small wardrobe, and you recognized a couple of them.
You leaned over his desk to see what he had posted on the wall above it. There were a couple dozen printed photographs of him and his friends, as well as an award or two that were big in name and no doubt special to him. You felt yourself smile; you didn't have to be up here, but you liked seeing his smile in all of these pictures.
And then you saw it.
There was a printed copy of a review pinned amongst the pandemonium of memorabilia. The layout of the page was incredibly familiar, and with widened eyes, you realized that it was a review from the Daily's Opera Glasses.
In fact, as you squinted and skimmed, it was your review from freshman year. It was your (anonymous) review about his debut winter showcase performance.
You barely registered Changmin shuffling into the room in slippers and a bathrobe of his own, his dark hair still dripping with water.
He passed you a glance while heading for his wardrobe. "Hey, do you wanna stay over?"
You definitely weren't prepared for that question. "Stay over?" You parroted dumbly. "Also, you have an Opera Glasses review printed out?" Your hand gestured to the sheet of paper pinned to the wall.
Changmin's head turned and he abandoned the wardrobe to walk over to you and his desk. You pressed yourself against the wall to the side to give him space to look. "Ah," he said with a boyish grin, "that was yours, wasn't it?"
"How the hell could you tell?"
He leaned in close to you, bracing an arm above your head. The smell of his shampoo was strong and you came to the realization that he was still in a bathrobe. His tongue darted out to wet his lips. "You don't think I could tell what your writing voice sounded like?" He asked, his voice suddenly lowered.
You inched forward, a dare. "Are you gonna get dressed, Changmin?"
His smile widened. "I could," he teased.
"Hey! Can you guys close the door or keep it down? Some of us are single and have math homework!"
Both you and Changmin laughed at Chanhee's outburst even though your face was definitely heated up.
Changmin took advantage of your unassuming state and pressed his mouth to yours, tasting your laughter on his tongue until you could only taste his in return. It was a dizzying sort of kiss, his arm still above you and his other curled around your waist.
When he pulled away, he bit his lip around a smirk. "I'll get changed now."
Criminal. Absolutely criminal.
He indeed got changed. And so did you. Apparently, he was being serious about you staying the night, and soon enough, you found yourself buried beneath his covers and swept in his very clingy arms. Not that you were complaining; he smelled nice.
You and Changmin laid facing each other in the darkness of his room. Round spectacles sat awkwardly on his nose bridge since the side of his face was pressed against the pillow, but he said he wouldn't take them off until he was just about to drift off.
He giggled, turning over and reaching over the side of his bed for something. You were about to question what he was doing until he quite literally shoved his wretched Chucky doll into your face.
"What the flying fuck—" You glared at the toy and its creepy stitched face. You had been startled by it, but you had grown used to it after having to deal with his obsession with the damn thing in the last two years of high school.
Changmin hugged the abomination to his chest as he snickered loudly.
"I thought you got rid of that thing."
"You clearly don't know me well enough."
You began to sit up and make a show of throwing off the covers. "I'm leaving—"
"Wait, wait, wait!" He blubbered, grabbing your upper arm and yanking you back down onto the bed next to him.
He leaned over you, his Chucky doll still tucked in the crook of his arm, as Changmin pouted. The glasses were practically sliding off his nose and his hair was sticking up in the back. What a duality. "I don't want you to leave."
"I'm not cuddling with Chucky, Changmin."
"I will go ask Chanhee for an extra blanket."
Changmin's pout contorted into a scowl. "I'll murder him."
You wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of this conversation. "I think you need to go to sleep."
He flopped back onto the bed next to you, reluctantly setting Chucky back down on the floor next to the bed where the wretched thing had been hiding this whole time. You suppressed a shiver.
Finally able to breathe easy, you settled back into Changmin's arms. He tucked you against his chest, his chin settled on top of your head. You felt him shift as he took his glasses off and reached behind him to set them on the nightstand.
You were just drifting off to sleep to the melody of his heart beat when: "Yn?"
His lips pressed to the crown of your head. "I missed you."
You knew what he meant. You pressed a kiss to his chest and heard the shuddering breath that fell from his lips. "I missed you, too."
THE problem with the restaurant was that it reminded you of something like the word "home". The sign above the door was made with some common font that one could find on Microsoft Word and you were pretty sure they only took cash, too. There was a reason you had chosen this restaurant in particular, and it was because you thought that eating at a place with your comfort foods would, well, comfort you. But you had been staring at the front for a minute or two now, and you weren't sure it was working.
From beside you, you felt someone take your hand in his. "We don't have to go in," said Changmin, his expression blank and reserved as he looked at the eatery, but softened a considerable amount when he looked over at you.
Your mother was waiting for you in there, somewhere. You wanted to finally talk to her—maybe make some peace with yourself. You'd told Changmin about it, and he insisted on coming as moral support.
You squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. "I can't just not go, Changmin."
His touch was gentle as his thumb grazed over the back of your knuckles, just as gentle as his voice was, "You don't owe her anything, Yn. You deserve an apology from her and you deserve closure, but you don't owe her anything. Not after what she put you through."
You were quiet for a moment and your free hand brushed over the hollow of your throat where the tightening sensation was.
Changmin added, "I'll support whatever decision you come to."
You considered the restaurant again. It had always held a great amount of significance and comfort for you. Did you want to ruin that with a potentially sour conversation? For all you knew, this could end incredibly poorly.
But… there were some things that needed to be done.
You steeled your resolve. "Ready?"
Changmin, all dapper in his dress shirt and pants and styled hair, flashed you a dimpled smile. "Whenever you are."
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a/n: wow ... anyways lol thanks for getting through that madness, and hope u enjoyed!! pls do consider reblogging, commenting, or sending an ask to my inbox teehee i would really appreciate it ! now, onto hyunjae's ! >:)
permanent taglist: @honeyhuii @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @ethereal-engene @mingiholic @ja4hyvn @vatterie @yogurteume @justalildumpling @hyunjaespresent-deobi @hongyangi @pxppxrminty @nerdypastacalzonespy @jcmdoll @kflixnet
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Millie Bright x Reader
Around If You Need Me
Part of the Beth McCarthy mini series
Omg Did She Call Him Baby?
Did he fuck it up again?
I know that she needs a friend
But I want to be more than that
He's her type, he's a ten
When he messages I bet
Unlike me he doesn't get left unread
“Hey! What ya doing tomorrow, I haven’t seen you in ages?” you asked as soon as Millie answered the phone. “Oh hey (y/n/n), I’m out at the moment, can I call you back later?” her reply full of distraction. “Of course, yeah.. that’s fine, speak soon!” There wasn’t a reply as the line abruptly hung off after that. Flopping back onto the bed disappointed, Millie never has time for you anymore and you’re starting to wonder why you keep trying. Going back to mindlessly scrolling TikTok and playing games on your phone while murder documentaries played out on the TV in front of you. You hadn’t left your bedroom in days and had taken the plunge to ask Millie for a coffee after not hearing from her in weeks. She was your best friend but you felt like you weren’t hers anymore. If she needed anything you’d drop everything just to be there for her but that was rarely reciprocated lately. You pretended to understand, she is an international footballer these days and you just have a boring 9-5 in an office, leaving you loads of spare time to miss her.
Drawing your eyes away from your phone and towards the clock you were shocked to see it was midnight, you’d been so focussed on your phone and waiting for a call back which never happened. Again. Feeling deflated you brushed your teeth and got ready for bed, even though you’ve been laying on it all weekend.
The next morning you still had zero notifications from Millie, you know she can be forgetful so decided to text her. After writing and deleting several messages before settling on “be good to catch up x”, pressing the send button before you changed your mind again. With a mouth full of sandwich on your lunch break you were starting to feel a bit forgotten by your best friend come ex. Oh yeah, you used to date but it was only for a month. She was experimenting and let’s just say that that experiment didn’t go the way you had hoped. It wasn’t an experiment for you, you’d known you liked women from an early age and Millie kinda took advantage of that. No sooner after she called it off she got with her now boyfriend who’s she’s been with for about six months. That’s when she started to distance herself from you. You used to hang out all the time but now your messages get left on read and when they are replied to, it’s always days.. sometimes weeks later and every time it’s - “sorry I forgot”. Fair enough, she’s a busy lady but you don’t just forget your best friend exists do you? Millie is everyone’s friend yet she was your only friend so you’d been clinging on to the threads of the friendship that was left, always over thinking if you were being naggy or possessive or wasting your time, should you just let her go?
Weeks passed and you’d still hadn’t heard from her, you’d started to come to terms with that fact you’ll never be as close as you once were. Every year she always messages on your birthday so when you received a 10 second phone call of “hey, can I come over?” you literally ran home from the restaurant where your family had taken you to celebrate.
Answering the door excitedly to see her face didn’t feel like you’d imagined as she immediately started ranting about what her boyfriend’s done wrong. She wasn’t there to wish you a happy birthday, she was there because she needed someone to moan to. Nevertheless, you made tea and listened to her for hours until she noticed the cards on the window sill. Picking one up to read it was addressed to you and quickly glancing at her watch to look at the date. “Oh my god, I completely forgot!” she gasped clunking her tea cup onto the table and scooping you into a hug. You knew in your head that a hug shouldn’t make up for forgetting your birthday, but it made your heart a little happier.
Millie cleared her schedule to spend the rest of the day with you, it felt nostalgic watching films and playing with the dogs, drinking tea in the garden and listening to her sharing all the gossip. That was until she received a text from her boyfriend apologising for his earlier actions and inviting her on a date. Running to your wardrobe and flying the doors open to look at the clothes you had hanging there she started to unhook the hangers, look at them for two seconds then chuck them onto the bed - making a huge mess you knew she wasn’t going to tidy. That was until she found a dress you’d been saving for a special occasion and before you could say ‘no’, she’d already stripped out of her trackies and slipped the slinky black number over her body.
“This is perfect!” she exclaimed admiring herself in the mirror. Sighing at how good she looked, you didn’t have the heart to tell her that dress was off limits, even though you knew you’d never see it again. “Can I borrow your make up? Can you straighten my hair?” shoving your straighteners into your hands without giving you a choice in the matter. Reluctantly helping her get ready because you just wanted to make her happy, the voice in the back of your head knew she was taking the piss but your heart just didn’t let you stop. Gazing at her through the mirror as she applied your make up to her face, she paid no attention to your wandering eyes as you longed for her to feel the same way you do. The way her hair falls in exactly the right place, the way the dress clings to her curves perfectly, the way the colour makes her skin glow. You knew what her lips taste like and you’d been searching for that flavour in every woman you’ve kissed since.
“Do you have shoes to go with this?” she asked, snapping you out of your daydream. “Mill, you outgrew my shoes in year 7, don’t you remember?” you said putting your size 5s next to her size 8s. “Hmm, that’s annoying… I’ll just have to make these work” slipping her £400 trainers back on to her feet before leaving your bedroom like a bomb site. “Do you think he’ll like it?” she asked admiring herself in the mirror, “of course he will, he’s not blind Millie” you said trying to hide how deflated you were. Following her downstairs she bought you in for one last hug, “thanks (y/n/n), I can always count on you” as she walked out to the car parked up outside your house. “Oh! Happy birthday by the way!” she waved as she was driven away from you.
Watching her leave you knew, things had to change. You can’t carry on being so available and dependable to her every time she calls. A friendship isn’t a friendship if it’s one sided.. but how many times have you told yourself that before?
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sunoksunny · 1 year
It’s All Ending Now | N.RK
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Pairing: nishimura riki x kumiho!reader (fem)
Genre: written for @svngcore​‘s ‘so ends the myth’ collab; fluff, angst, fantasy, based on a myth (kumiho)
Warnings: minor character death, blood, wounds, violence, weapons, kissing, hints at misogyny, heeseung being slightly insane, near death experiences, large timeskips
Word Count: 10k (10,883)
Synopsis: As a kumiho, it was only natural that you would kill. However, you put limits and standards on who you took the hearts off. You only messed with boys who showed blatant disrespect for the world around them and gave them what they deserved. All of them turned out to be the same in the end, they always did. But when you lock eyes with a boy through your window, you get a sense that something is different. Will this be the exception you have silently wished for? Or will both your hearts end up crushed, hopeless against the winds of fate?
Author’s Note: guys i really procrastinated this one BUT i’m actually quite happy with how it turned out. it is by far the longest fic ive written, my previous longest one was only 3k,,, so um yea i kinda had a field day. but thank you soul for hosting this collab, i had so much fun writing this even if i struggled a bit to meet the deadline due to me procrastinating (i literally had the idea for this since the beginning of the collab and only started actually writing it like a week ago HA...) i hope you all enjoy !!
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“What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here in the woods?”
You turned your head towards the voice, meeting the eyes of a brunette boy hovering over you. You quickly scrambled up, dropping your hands away from the berries you had been picking. Of course, you hadn’t actually planned on picking them, but you needed something as an excuse to lead him away.
You stifled your giggle as you watched the boy stare at you in what could only be described as awe. You feigned surprise at having been seen and looked around in worry, leaning closer to call to him.
“Please don’t tell anyone, I just wanted to pick some berries as a gift for my mother. She really loves them, but she’s too sick to get them herself, so I thought I could pick some for her.” 
You took a second to admire the boy’s features. His face was gently round with small and soft features, almost delicate. His eyes were framed by long, feathery eyelashes, yet they still held a certain glint of mischief. His lips formed a natural pout, and you watched as they turned into an easy smile. 
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t tell. I’m not really supposed to be here either, my mom says it’s too dangerous. But I want to hunt, so I snuck out.” The boy claimed proudly, his eyes crinkling a little at the corners as his smirk grew wider.
Of course, he would want to hunt. No matter how pretty a boy is, they all still want to ruin everything natural and innocent.
You gasped in mock surprise and let a small smile grace your lips. You looked over your shoulder once more before taking a step closer to him.
“What’s your name?”
You smiled again and watched as he returned it effortlessly.
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“Has anyone seen Beomgyu lately? We were supposed to go fishing yesterday but he never showed up.” Jake asked, poking at his lunch with his fork before looking up at the others. 
Niki and his friends were sitting where they always did, under the big oak tree near the forest, a little ways away from their village. It was their place to retreat from everyone else, a place for only them. They saw it as a much-needed break, especially since they were growing older and girls had begun to fling themselves at them more and more as their parents pushed them to find a girl and get married. Sure, the boys had never been opposed to the attention they got from the girls in the village, but Niki guessed the thought of having to settle down and marry one of them someday soon became a little too much sometimes. Luckily, Niki was the youngest of their group and his parents had not yet brought up that topic to him, so he was still free to mess around as the rest of them had done before.
“You haven’t heard, Jake?” Jungwon gasped.
Jake tilted his head, confused. 
“Heard what?”
“Beomgyu’s dead. He was killed.” Jay said. He paused for a moment before speaking again, “I heard some of the townspeople saying it was a kumiho.”
Jake’s face morphed into something similar to horror, whether at the fact his friend was dead or the prospect that a kumiho killed him, Niki wasn’t sure. In all honesty, he didn’t know how the news had managed to escape Jake. The whole town had been talking about the murder and the possibility of a kumiho for the past few days. Niki had even heard his mother talking about it, and she wasn’t even positive creatures like that existed. But after all, this was the third boy killed in the span of a month. All the boys had gone into the woods the night they disappeared, then turned up a couple of days later with their hearts missing. Many people didn’t think it was just a coincidence. 
An unsettling silence washed over the group. Heeseung frowned before his eyes lit up, an idea popping into his head.
“Hey, why don’t we go into the woods tonight as a group?”
Sunoo looked at him in shock, his mouth falling open, “Are you crazy? What if the kumiho’s real? Do you want to get killed?”
“Of course not,” Heeseung scoffed, “But if it is real, it can’t kill seven of us, right? We can just fight it off or something. And if it isn’t real, then we can put an end to all those rumors going around about it.”
Sunghoon was the first to agree, an affirming word leaving his mouth. Heeseung smiled before asking the others. One by one, they all agreed, albeit a few a bit more hesitantly. When Heeseung looked at Niki, he out a small chuckle at the younger boy’s quick agreement. All of them knew that Niki was rather dependent on them, having grown up practically attached to the rest of them at the hip. 
Finally, Heeseung turned back to Sunoo, a sly grin plastered on his lips. The two stared at each other for a few moments before Sunoo sighed, reluctantly agreeing. Heeseung let out a small cheer before clapping his hands together.
“Alright, let’s meet back here tonight at eight.”
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Niki trudged towards the tree with Sunoo at his side, the rest of their friends already waiting, their figures illuminated by the lantern one of them was holding. Sunoo breathed out a sigh, and Niki tilted his head to glance at him. The boy still didn’t seem very enthusiastic about this whole ordeal. Niki couldn’t help but feel a little rustled by his friend’s uneasiness, and silently nudged Sunoo’s hand with his own. When Sunoo looked at him, Niki gave him a soft smile.
“Are you scared?” Niki questioned.
“No,” the older sighed, “I just think it’s a bit silly to be doing this.”
Sunoo stopped for a moment and met Niki’s gaze. “Don’t you? Even if there isn’t a kumiho, it’s late and we won’t be able to see well. The forest is full of wild animals and poisonous plants that we aren’t familiar with. If someone does get hurt, it’s gonna be hard to find our way out of the forest quickly and without other incidents.”
Niki stilled. In truth, he hadn’t really put much thought behind his decision. If everyone else had said yes, then he would too. Niki didn’t consider himself a follower, in fact, he was rather the opposite. But he trusted his friends and would follow them in whatever they chose. Sunoo watched Niki as he thought, before taking another breath and starting to walk towards their friends again.
“It doesn’t matter, I’m sure we’ll be fine. Besides, I'll be there to keep everyone out of trouble.” Sunoo said as he turned back to him with a light smile on his lips. Niki nodded, following the boy.
Jake was the first to notice them, calling out with a bright grin. Jay quickly quieted him, reminding him that it was in fact late at night and people might get suspicious if they heard yelling. Sunghoon joined in, although his remarks toward Jake were a little more snarky. The two were still arguing by the time Niki and Sunoo reached them, Heeseung slinging an arm around their shoulders with a broad grin on his face. 
“Now that everyone’s here, should we get going?” He asked. The group nodded as one, as they set off into the forest with only the small oil lamp to light their way. 
It was relatively silent for the first few minutes, each of them carefully not to be too loud in order not to awaken their drowsy town, as well as to not accidentally scare each other in the process. The seven boys moved relatively slowly, the one measly light between them halting them from progressing quickly. A silence drifted over them as they ventured further in, every now and then someone would snap a twig and their soft footsteps would freeze. Niki wondered if they were really scared of something being out here. After all, no one would be able to hear a single twig cracking all the way from town.
Eventually, they stumbled into a small clearing. Well, about as clear as it had been so far. There were still trees littered around and shrubbery to shove aside, but it wasn't nearly as dense as the woods they had traveled through prior. The boys drifted from their single-file line and glanced around as best they could in the dark. Suddenly, a hand was pointing toward something near the edge of the clearing.
“Hey, is that a house?” A voice Niki recognized as Jungwon called out from beside him. Following the boy’s hand and peering past it, Niki saw a small building. It seems rugged and hollow, but nonetheless, it did look like a cabin.
“Do you think the kumiho lives there?” Jake asked, his voice a little breathy.
“I mean, who else lives in the woods” Heeseung replied, stepping over a tree root to cross towards the structure. Sunoo reached out to grab his wrist, an almost pleading look in his eye.
“What if someone lives there? You can’t just break in!” 
“If a person lived in there, they would take better care of it,” Heeseung scoffed, turning away and resuming his way over, “come on, guys!”
Niki watched Jay give Sunoo an apologetic look, patting him once on the back before following Heeseung. The others trailed behind the two oldest until it was Niki and Sunoo alone again. Niki fixed him with a questioning look, but Sunoo simply sighed, gesturing to the youngest before setting off to catch up with the rest.
When Niki arrived at the front of the house, Heeseung and Jake were already attempting to get in. Heeseung had a shoulder against the door, trying to forcefully knock it down. Jake was kicking at the bottom of the wood, although both boys’ attempts seemed to prove futile. Sunghoon spoke up, pointing to the handle on the door.
“Doesn’t work. It’s stuck or something,” Heeseung gritted out, pulling back before slamming his body against the door. It seemed to rattle the frail house, and the sound of something crashing came from inside the cabin. The wooden door trembled against his weight but held firm nonetheless. Jake looked at the boy with widened eyes, and slowly backed out of his way. Heeseung rammed into the door over and over, grunts leaving his mouth with each collision. The rest of the boys simply watched him, the forest silent save for the thuds and creaking of the house. Niki glanced over at Sunoo, seeing the boy’s face scrunch up in a wince every time Heeseung’s body collided with the wood.
Eventually, Heeseung sunk down in front of the jammed door, his steadfast resolve cracking. His head leaned back to rest against the wood, a sigh slipping past his lips. Niki stared at him before his eyes drifted to look at the house. The wood was splintering in some places, and the wood pillars at the corners of the house looked close to falling apart. The windows were hidden by shutters, although one was hanging off by the hinges, allowing Niki to see the glass behind it. It was surprisingly clear, and he didn’t see any cracks at all. The seemingly pristine condition of the window was in direct contrast with the withering state of the rest of the cabin. The building was obviously abandoned, and yet the window’s glass seemed to be kept clean and cared for. Niki leaned forward a tiny bit to look closer at the window, attempting to make out the inside of the house, only to see a figure blocking his view.
Wait, what?
Niki froze, blinking a few times. Perhaps he was simply imagining things. Yet still, a pair of eyes met his through the window. Inside the cabin, a girl stood in front of the window, peering at Niki with a curious glint in her eyes. Niki’s gaze flickered toward Heeseung in a panic, but when he looked back at the window, the girl and her inquisitive eyes were gone. Niki felt an unsettling dread build in his gut, the desperate urge to leave filling his body. A small voice in the back of his mind wanted to push further, to know more, but his innate instincts won. The realization hit him all at once: that it was almost midnight, they were in the middle of the forest, outside a strange cabin, with a peculiar girl watching them from the window, and Heeseung was sitting right beside the door. 
“It’s probably abandoned, it looks pretty rundown. I don’t think there is any use in trying to get inside,” Niki rushed out, “we should probably start heading back anyways.”
Heeseung slowly pushed himself to his feet, a grin spreading across his face.
“What is it, getting cold feet?” He mocked, his tone light.
“I agree with Niki, let’s go home,” Jungwon yawned, “I’m getting tired.”
The seven of them begin to make their way back towards the village, leaving the cabin behind. Niki swears he hears Sunoo breathe a sigh of relief but chooses not to comment on it, still a little stunned by the perplexing girl through the glass. Niki glances at the empty window once more, only the darkness meeting him now.
“Hey, Niki! Hurry up, man!” Jake calls out. Niki shakes his head, turning and trailing after his friends. It was silent as they followed the path they took to the cabin, a lingering feeling of unease followed him until they exited the forest. The boys bid each other goodnight, small smiles exchanged, some pulled a little too tight around the edges. 
Although Niki still felt apprehensive as he snuck back into bed that night, a peculiar wonder began to eat at him. Why was that girl living in the woods? Where is her family? Why didn’t she do anything? Question after question flittered through his mind, not a single one was he able to answer. But Niki wanted to know. He felt a desire to learn about whoever it was he saw that night, and it unsettled him almost as much as actually seeing her did. Adrenaline was still running through his veins, and with that alone keeping him awake, he formed a plan.
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The next night, Niki snuck out through his bedroom window again, carefully shutting it behind him when his feet hit the dirt. It was a little bit more difficult tonight, however, because not only was Niki carrying his own oil lamp, but draped around his wrist was a basket, a white cloth carefully wrapped around the contents inside. 
That morning, Niki had taken a bit more for breakfast than he usually did, claiming he would eat it for lunch as well. On top of his usual bread and jam, he also grabbed another serving of both, and a bit of cheese to go with it. Then, under the pretense of having forgotten something in his room, he quickly stashed the loaf of milk bread, the jar of strawberry jam, and the cheese block in the basket, tying a knot at the top of the cloth to keep ants away, and shoved it under his bed. He didn’t get to eat much that day, but honestly, Niki didn’t think he would be able to stomach it anyways. Worry was eating at him for most of the day, the thought of being completely alone in the forest, unable to call for anyone if something went awry. But Niki shook it off, his eagerness keeping him going.
Gripping the lantern tighter, Niki began his journey to their tree and the forest beyond. He followed the path the seven of them took the night before, retracing their steps a little slower than before, keeping a careful watch on his surroundings. He arrived at the cabin without any adversities, swiveling his head once more before walking to the front steps. Niki carefully set the basket in front of the door, the wood seeming sturdy even after all Heeseung did to it the previous night. 
Niki’s eyes flickered to the windows, the single shutter still hanging loosely. He refused to look too closely this time, quickly slipping away from the house without lingering too long. He felt much more vulnerable without the assurance of the other boys beside him. Niki ran all the way back through the forest, leaves whipping against his skin and the gentle breeze turning fierce as he pushed out of the forest. He didn’t stop running until he reached the safety of their looming oak tree, feeling its embrace as his feet hit its roots. Niki paused for a moment, his breath coming out in quick pants. After catching his breath, Niki turned to look over his shoulder, a small grin forming on his face. 
Now all he had to do was wait.
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“Niki! Are you listening?” Jake waved his hand in front of Niki’s face, successfully pulling him from his daze. The seven boys were currently sitting around Sunghoon’s room listening to Jake tell them about his most recent catch from the lake and how his mother was complaining he spent too much time fishing. Jake shook his head at Niki before continuing his rant.
“And she kept going on about how I needed to start focusing more on finding someone to marry and settling down,” he rolled his eyes, lifting a hand to rest his chin on, “like I need to find someone, we all know that any of the girls in town would be kill to end up marrying one of us.”
Although there were some scoffs from the older boys at Jake’s confidence, it wasn’t as if he was wrong. They were popular in their village, and especially popular among the girls. Before Heeseung and Jay finally decided on one girl, they typically had a new one hanging off their arm every week. The rest of them always had girls giving them gifts and whatnot, vying for their attention. More often than not, girls would give them gifts in the form of food, such as pies or freshly baked bread.
Like the bread Niki gave to the girl in the forest.
He quickly shot up from his spot on the floor, muttering an apology about not feeling well and going home early. Niki ignored the weird looks the other boys gave him, walking out the door and away from their prying eyes. All he could think about was that girl. He had visited her cabin again last night, only to find the food was gone. And not only was that gone, but so was the entire basket, meaning that a human had to have taken it. An animal would have no need for a basket, and it was unlikely that it would even attempt to take it. The fact that it was gone confirmed his suspicion that someone lived in that cabin. He hadn’t been seeing things when he saw the figure in the window. But what should he do now? Was he supposed to tell his friends?
Lost in his thoughts, Niki didn’t pay attention to what he was doing or where he was going. He was only pulled back into reality when he felt a sharp sting on the side of his arm. He looked down to see blood beginning to trickle from a cut on his bicep. He winced, feeling the cloth of his shirt brushing against the wound. He glanced around him for the cause of the injury when he spotted someone crouching down near him. He paused, surprised to find someone else out here. He took a few steps closer, trying to get a better glimpse of the mysterious person. 
The person seemed to be a girl, and she was crouched down beside a thin red fox, feeding it something out of the palm of her hand. Niki was a little shocked, everyone knew it was dangerous to go in the woods in general but to get that close to the unpredictable wildlife? It was essentially begging to get attacked. Niki craned his neck, peering at the girl’s hand, where a small piece of cheese sat being offered to the fox. With a start, Niki realized that could be the cheese he gave to the girl in the cabin, and this might just be that girl.
“Hey, you!” Niki yelled, wincing at his own volume. The fox jerked its head up before darting off deeper into the woods, leaving the girl and her bit of cheese behind. She turned to where Niki stood, a scowl on her face. Even with her expression distorting her features, Niki could tell she was beautiful. Niki didn’t get to admire the girl for long before she was stomping over to him, calling out as she did so.
“You scared the fox away! He has to eat too, you know,” she snapped at him, waving her hands around for emphasis, “Do you always just go around yelling in the woods, huh?”
Niki rubbed the back of his neck, a little sheepish at being scolded by a girl he didn’t even know. He mumbled an apology, speaking up once her temper had quelled.
“But you know, it’s dangerous in the forest. You really shouldn’t be out here.”
She wouldn’t quite meet his gaze, but he saw her roll her eyes anyways, “Oh yeah? Then what are you doing out here?”
Niki was taken aback by this, not expecting her to rebut him. He fumbled over his words, claiming that he was just looking for something, a certain kind of berry. When questioned why, Niki made up some random nonsense about how if you see those berries, it brings you good luck. Niki didn’t know anything about berries, nor did he care for superstitious myths like that, but he couldn’t tell her that he was trying to find a random girl he saw in the window of an abandoned cabin that he didn’t even know what she looked like besides a brief glimpse.
“Is that so?” the girl questioned, clearly unconvinced by his ramblings. She finally lifted her head enough to meet Niki’s gaze, and he sucked in a breath out of shock. 
Niki recognized those eyes, he doesn’t think he would ever be able to forget them. Her eyes were the most memorable thing about her, shining through the glass. They held the same curious tinge as they had the night he first saw her, and Niki’s chest suddenly felt lighter and eerily dense at the same time. He wasn’t even able to reply to the girl, stuck staring at her eyes as they flickered down to his arm, widening at some point below his shoulder.
“What happened?” She yelped, reaching out to examine his arm. Niki hissed when her fingers made contact with his wound, the pain flaring up even though the barrier of his sleeve prevented direct contact. The girl’s eyebrows furrowed, and she looked up at him, inquiring for permission to look at his injury. He nodded dumbly, almost hypnotized by her gaze, and suppressed a shiver at the feeling of her cold fingers brushing against his arm. 
Niki peered down at his arm, surprised to find a patch of blood soaked through his sleeve. He watched as the girl gently lifted the fabric up and away from the rest of his arm, bunching it up at his shoulder. The wound itself seemed to have gotten worse, red flaring up around the injury, blood continuing to leak from the cut. It didn’t look infected, but it was clear that it would likely be soon if it wasn’t properly attended to. The girl seemed to realize this too and turned her gaze back toward him.
“Let me clean that for you, I have some bandages at my cabin,” She told him, moving her hand away from his arm to let it fall at her side. She held a sort of determination in her gaze, and although he knew he shouldn’t follow a stranger deeper into the forest, something in his gut spurred him to trust her. Niki bobbed his head, trailing after the girl as she sharply turned on her heel and walked confidently into the trees. 
As Niki tailed behind her, he noticed she moved through the forest with a sort of learned elegance, as if she could find her way around even if she was blindfolded. She knew which trees had hidden roots, knew which shrubs and plants were poisonous, knew when there was an animal nearby, and warned Niki of all of this before he had even considered it a possibility. To be this well-versed in the forest, Niki thought she must have lived here for a long time. The thought both intrigued and saddened him. He wondered what must have happened to her to force her into living in such conditions for as long as she likely had. 
If she was a kumiho, it would make sense that she’s lived in the woods her whole life.
Niki stilled at the notion, that looming dread creeping back. The girl must have noticed his pause, looking back to give him an inquiring stare.
“What is it?”
Niki opened his mouth but no words came out. He shook his head, forcing a small smile across his lips.
She didn’t seem convinced, but he caught her gaze flicker to his arm and she nodded, quickly turning back. The rest of the walk to her cabin was silent, Niki’s thoughts swirling around his head like smoke, slowly suffocating him with their fumes.
If Niki hadn’t recognized the girl before, he definitely would have when they reached her house. It was the exact same cabin Niki and his friends had found nights prior, and it was still in the same poor condition as it had been. The girl seemed to only now realize this, and Niki saw a flush creep up her neck. She didn’t mention it, however, her strides assured as she pushed open the door with ease. Niki almost wanted to laugh, imagining Heeseung’s face if he saw this after he had so much trouble with the dreaded door.
She sat him down at a small table beside the kitchen, telling him to wait there while she went to go get supplies. Niki took the opportunity to observe the girl’s home. Contrary to the outside of the cabin, the inside was well-kept and nicely decorated. The walls held a multitude of framed flowers, each one labeled beneath in skillful ink. There were potted plants in most corners of the home, ranging from petite ones sitting on the counter to vast plants reaching to the ceiling. The walls were solid, it seemed as if there was a separate wall for the inside and outside of the house. The furniture was sparse and simple, but the abundance of plants easily made up for the empty space. Niki found the cabin rather cozy, almost warm, a stark contrast from the cold and menacing exterior.
The girl returned with gauze and two small bottles of liquid. Niki assumed one was water, but wasn't quite sure what the other was. She sat down beside him and got to work silently. She peeled off a section of gauze, dousing it in water before lifting Niki’s sleeve again, carefully pressing the damp cloth against his cut. She was gentle enough for it to not hurt much as she wiped away the blood surrounding it. Once the girl deemed it sufficient, she tore off more gauze and soaked it in the other liquid. Niki was curious, but he refrained from asking, opting to let her work instead. She turned back to him but hesitated a little before pressing the soaked gauze against his wound.
“This might sting a little.” She added, settling the cloth on the gash. Niki hissed, retracting his arm from his grip. Sure, she had given him a warning, but it still hurt, and it stung more than just a little. She also moved her hand away, peering up at him with concern. 
“I’m sorry, did it hurt?” The girl worried. Niki shook his head, even though he could still feel it burning a bit. 
“No, just caught me off guard,” He grunted. She nodded, pressing the cloth lighter this time, brushing it over the wound. Niki gritted his teeth, the burning lessening the more he got used to it. He spoke up again, partly to distract himself.
“What is this stuff anyways?”
“It’s diluted vinegar. It helps with disinfecting wounds, but you shouldn’t leave it on for too long. It could end up harming more than helping.” She answered, her voice smooth. It wasn’t long before she withdrew the cloth, and Niki let out a small sigh. He saw the corners of the girl’s mouth twitch up, but she spoke before he could say anything.
“Don’t worry, I never liked it much either.” She took the dry gauze and began to wrap it around his arm. Her touch was delicate like he was something fragile. He almost disliked it, but at the same time, it felt nice to have someone take care of him for once. As Niki watched her, he wondered if she recognized him too. She had to, right? Surely you wouldn’t forget a boy who had tried to break into your house in the middle of the night. But then again, perhaps she had mistaken the incident for a dream. For some reason, Niki wanted her to know that it wasn't. 
“I know you.” He announced, his voice much calmer than he felt. In reality, his heart was pounding, his eyes a little too wide as he watched for her reaction. The only affirmation he got that she had heard him at all was her pulling his gauze a tiny bit too tight, pausing for only an instant before resuming her work.
“What do you mean?”
“I saw you a few nights ago when I was with my friends,” Niki began, his pulse creeping up his throat, “through the window.”
She finished wrapping his wound, tying it off at the side in a simple knot. He almost wanted to admire her work, the wrapping far better than he could have ever done, but he kept his eyes trained on the girl. She leaned back, looking him in the eye.
“I remember now, your friend kept banging against the door. I was woken up and took a look outside, thinking it was one of the wild animals I feed wanting food.”
Niki restrained a wince. After that disaster of a first impression, it was a miracle she even let him near her house. He felt the need to explain himself, but he quickly lost his composure, beginning to ramble and stumble over his words.
“We weren’t trying to break in! Well, we kinda were, but we didn’t think anyone lived here! I mean, from the outside, it looked pretty abandoned. Not to say you don’t take enough care of it, it just seemed a bit unkempt! That’s why we tried to get in! Wouldn’t you do the same thing? I mean, come on, it’s not every day you find a house in the middle of the woods, we just wanted to take a look inside!”
The girl suddenly laughed, her joyful expression catching Niki off guard. Her laugh was sweet, the sound easing the tension Niki had slowly built in his shoulders. She smiled at him, a soft easy-going one, and the sun caught in her eyes from the window, giving them a dazzling shine.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. You were just curious. Like you said, I would have done the same thing.” She teased, giving him a playful wink. Niki flushed, muttering a shy apology. He looked back up at her, feeling his own lips tug up at her contagious smile.
“What’s your name?” He asked. The girl seemed to stop for a moment, her gaze meeting his. There was something there that he couldn’t quite place, but it made him feel warm and safe and nervous all at the same time. She seemed conflicted for a second, before letting her mouth rest into a serene smile.
“Y/n. It’s y/n.”
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You weren’t exactly sure what to make of Niki. He didn’t seem to have the same intentions as the boys who you met before, didn’t have the same hungry gaze. Instead, he seemed curious, a desire to learn more about you as a person, not just for your appearance. It caught you off guard, especially since despite this curiosity, he still remained cautious of your presence. While the other boys were always smug, and overly confident in their abilities, Niki retained some humility. It honestly astonished you, knowing the crowd he hung around. You didn’t know most of their names, but you had heard about one in particular, the oldest of their group. 
When you first arrived in this town a few months ago, you saw a boy who would always wander around the forest, often killing rabbits and other small rodents. It pissed you off. You snuck around town sometimes after that, trying to see what he did besides killing wildlife. You watched him for a few weeks, watched as he went through girl after girl, watched as he corrupted their minds and ruined their reputations. It brought him a sick satisfaction, and you wanted more than anything to give him a taste of his own medicine. 
You purposely walked along the path he liked to hunt on, waiting for him. He responded about how you expected, all charming smiles and coy winks. You lured him in, purring your words and sweetening your tone. You acted like every one of the girls he had ruined, except this time it would be him.
You had known you had when his hands got a little too touchy and his glances lingered on you a little too long. His sweet words did nothing to mask the fervent hunger. He looked at you like he did the animals he killed. It sickened you, and you knew it was time. You teased him with a honeyed grin and watched his eyes widen in disbelief when you sunk claws into his heart. 
You don’t remember his name, but you knew he had a brother. You saw him at the funeral, a deep frown decorating his face and fresh tears streaking his face. You suppose you shouldn’t have expected anything different from the boy, seeing as he was your most recent kill’s brother. He played girls the same way his brother did, although not to the same extent. He only seemed to do it after his brother was gone, perhaps in his memory in some sick sense. But he settled down, found a girl, and committed fully, treating her as gold. Perhaps that is why you left him alone. Perhaps letting him live when his brother was gone was more punishment than simply killing him.
When Niki came along, he took the time to tell you all about his friends. You learned the oldest of their group was called Heeseung, and was finally able to put a name to his face. When Niki mentioned Heeseung’s brother, you struggled to keep your face neutral, desperate to not let recognition show in your eyes. You swore you did a horribly poor job, but if Niki noticed, he said nothing.
Ever since the day you had cleaned his wound for him in your cabin, he visited you as often as he could. Some days he couldn’t find you, and you simply took the chance to watch him from afar. You wanted to see if he was as gentle with the wildlife as he was with you. You had seen boys that treated you with care but blatantly disrespected the nature beneath their feet. A voice in the back of your head was hoping he would mess up, hoping that your previous view could be restored. But he always stepped with care, never intruding on any wild animal’s personal space. You ruled out the possibility of him simply being scared, as he often excitedly chattered to you about how pretty the foxes and deer were, and how he wished he could touch them. He brought more cheese with him, and you taught him how to feed the foxes. Niki seemed entranced by them, carefully reaching his hand out, palm open, with a bit of cheese. His mouth opened in a small gasp the first time a fox took the cheese, and when it scampered off, he turned to you with a bright smile and wide eyes. You had burned the image into your mind and secretly traced it into your heart.
You were quickly coming to realize it was difficult to lie to Niki. Not because he could read you easily, in fact, he was rather dense when it came to understanding your inner thoughts, but due to some odd moral dilemma. He had shattered your previous perception. His gaze wasn’t a tiger’s or a lion’s, it wasn’t a hungry beast waiting for the chance to strike. It was like a gentle breeze, light touches and dancing around, softly encouraging you onward. 
You simply couldn’t bring yourself to lie to Niki. Even on the first day, you couldn’t lie to him. Whenever a boy had asked for your name, you either made one up or simply refused to tell them, playing it off with a sly smirk and a wink. But somehow, Niki was able to make you let your guard down. Your name was rolling off your tongue before you could even think of the consequences. His tender smile as he told you his name made any thoughts or regrets evaporate.
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You still remember how soft his voice sounded when he asked about your parents one night. The two of you were laying on your backs in the clearing, gazing up at the stars. He pointed out all the constellations he knew, chirping about how his mom had taught them to him when he was younger. His voice had gotten faint once he asked, and he shifted himself up on his elbows to better look at your face. 
“You don’t have to answer.” He added in a quiet voice, harmless and unassuming like a rabbit. 
“No, it’s alright,” You said. You thought for a moment about what to tell him and settled on the closest thing to the truth you could get, “I never knew them. They probably died soon after I was born.” You watched the stars, keeping your eyes away from Niki. Part of you knew that if you held his gaze for too long you might spill everything to him. And while you desperately wanted to trust him, you weren’t sure you could. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Niki slowly nod, processing what you told him. 
“Do you,” He started cautiously, “ever wish you didn’t have to be alone?”
You stared straight ahead, silently stunned. You pulled yourself out of it, thinking over his question. You didn’t have a time when you weren’t alone, so it wasn’t like you really had something to compare it to. But you weren’t alone, you knew that.
“Sometimes, sure. But I have the forest. I have the deer, and the rabbits, and the foxes to keep me company. We look out for each other, we keep each other safe.” A small smile graced your lips, an honest one, not for show or anything else. You basked in the silence for a moment, listening to the wind as it brushed over the two of you.
“And you have me.” Niki declared. You looked at him, your expression confused, and Niki cleared his throat before repeating himself.
“You have me, too. We can look out for each other. Even if we feel alone, we will be here for each other, okay?” He had a determination in his eyes that you wanted to coo at, but you felt breathless. You simply stared at him for a few seconds, silence drifting between you, but Niki’s expression stayed resolute. A tranquil feeling danced over your body, and you let yourself relax into the grass.
“Okay. We have each other.” He smiled, content, and laid back down beside you, the dewy grass tickling your bodies. 
You knew then that you couldn’t deceive him any longer.
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When Niki visited you the next day, you had a sinking feeling. It was as if you were swimming towards safety but the closer to shore you swam the further away it got. You could feel your mind slowly getting tired, limbs numb as you pressed on. You prayed that Niki wouldn’t notice. You had promised yourself that you would tell him, but you wanted to decide that on your own, not because you were urged into it.
Of course, you should have known it wouldn’t happen the way you wanted. Niki had a way of making you open up. You found yourself carving spaces for him deep inside of you, time and time again, and now was no different. His eyes were considerate as they watched you, and his voice was small when he spoke.
“Are you alright? You seem on edge,” Niki coaxed, “Did something happen?”
You had never been able to lie to Niki. Even now, when faced with a question where you should have responded with a well-practiced lie, your breath caught in your throat. It was simple, you should never tell anyone about what you were, not unless you planned on them being dead within the next 5 minutes. And yet here you were, ready to spill out your heart to the boy with a gaze as gentle as the wind. In his eyes, you saw the shore you desperately needed to reach.
“I need to tell you something.”
He nodded, letting you take his hand and lead him back inside your cabin. You sat him down at the small table, taking the seat beside him. You remembered the very first time the two of you sat here, and you felt an urge to reach out for his arm, to look for the wound even though the scar had long faded. You felt Niki squeeze your still intertwined hands, and you took a breath before you spoke.
“I’m a kumiho.” You gulped, the feeling of dread building up again. It threatened to drown you, an overwhelming force pushing over your head. You braced yourself for him to attack you, ripping his hand away with a disgusted expression, using whatever was closest to him to strike you with. Or perhaps it would be worse, his gaze would turn fearful, his mouth dropping in a silent scream, and he would bolt away from you, taking the shore, taking your safety with him. 
“I know,” Niki said finally. You stared at him, astonished. 
“You.. know?” 
He nodded, a simple thing, but to you, it felt like you had finally reached safety. Your aching body collapsed against the sand, feeling the grains stick against your soaked skin.
“I’ve had a feeling since I first saw you,” He let a light chuckle slip through, the sound feeling foreign in the current situation. Niki hesitated for a second, before grasping your other hand as well, eyes piercing through you.
“Can I ask you something?”
You nodded dumbly, far too shocked to be able to think clearly.
“Why didn’t you kill me?” 
His eyes held a million questions, but he had settled on this one. You didn’t know how to explain it to yourself, let alone him You felt lost and yet seen, you were about to sink but he was keeping you afloat. When you were seconds from burning out, he lit you aflame.
“You were just… different.”
“Why? What did they do?” His tone wasn’t critical or condemning, it was simply curious. His gaze was humane, bordering on sympathetic, and you almost wanted to cry.
“They didn’t care about anyone else but themselves. They would kill wildlife and laugh about it. They destroyed and corrupted girls and got satisfaction from it. It made me sick, Niki.”
His gaze softened as you spoke, and he let go of one of your hands to reach out, brushing against your face delicately. It was only then you realized there were tears running down your face. You began to cry harder at the recognition, feeling Niki’s hands wipe away your tears as they fell, consoling you. You murmured about how you wished they would do such things, and he quieted your blubbering with soothing hands. 
You blinked away the rest of the tears, peering at him in a mixture of shame and awe. He stared back with what could only be described as adoration, a tender smile painting his lips. Niki waited until your tears had stopped falling, reduced to small sniffles before he spoke.
“Is it true that if a kumiho doesn’t kill anyone for a thousand days, then they will become human?” He asked, a glimmer of something you couldn’t place in his eyes.
“Yes, it is.” You responded slowly, doubtful of where exactly he was going with this.
“How long has it been since you last,” Niki paused for a moment before steeling himself, “since you last killed someone?”
Your voice caught in your throat, the words like a vice grip around you. Niki clasped your hands tightly, whispers of “It’s okay” and “They weren’t innocent” in his soft voice reaching your ears.
“His name was Beomgyu,” You hiccupped, “It was a week before I saw you for the first time.” The only thing keeping you steady was Niki’s secure hold.
“So it’s been a couple months?”
You nodded gently, not quite looking him in the eye. You felt ashamed, a feeling you had never had about what you did to those boys before you met Niki.
“Do you think you can do it?” He asked faintly. You looked at him then, a question written in your gaze.
“Can you not hurt anyone for the rest of the thousand days?” He coaxed, “Then you would be human, you wouldn’t have to worry anymore.” 
You almost broke out into tears again from his words. Never had you thought you would open up to someone this much, your heart in your hands, practically begging him to take it. You felt selfish, selfish for wanting to have him, selfish for tainting him with your previous actions. A part of you told you to refuse, that you had already gone too far. This was your only chance to attempt to fix things, to save him from yourself.
“I’ll wait for you, y/n, I promise. I’ll wait for as long as it takes.”
You closed your eyes then, desperately willing the tears pooling up to disappear. A single one fell down your cheek anyway, and a pitiful gasp escaped you. 
“You don’t have to, Niki.”
“I want to.” He assured, taking your face in his hands. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like ages, before he spoke again, never taking his eyes off yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
You nodded as best you could with his hands around your face, and waited for the press of his lips against yours. When it finally came, only then did you allow your eyes to close, breaking the gaze between you. 
It wasn’t anything like you had experienced before. It wasn’t rough, it wasn’t hungry, it wasn’t the beast you had come to anticipate. His kiss was just as gentle as he was, a soft, sweet breeze picking you up. It made you feel as light as the sky and brought you back down to Earth at the same time. It made you feel human.
Niki pulled back after a few seconds, resting his forehead against yours, a serene smile playing on his lips. You felt your own lips tugging upwards to match his, a silent wish to be able to live like him. It hit you then that you could.
“I’m scared, Niki.” you whispered in the space between you, “What if it hurts? What if I can’t do it?”
What if it doesn’t work?
“I believe in you. I’ll be by your side the whole way, I promise you.” He soothed. 
The two of you stayed like that for a while, just holding each other. You decided to trust in him. You had already given him the most intricate parts of who you were, you wanted him to have everything.
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Tonight was the end of the thousandth day, and you were finally going to be human. In all honestly, you were terrified. And you were upset too. Niki hadn’t visited you for an entire week now. You knew Niki had grown up some, and gained more responsibilities, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. You should have known he would have less time for you as the two of you grew older, it had almost been 3 years since you first met each other, and his town and family were calling on him to settle down. But you refused to acknowledge that until it hit you in the face.
Despite these new duties, Niki hadn’t changed as a person. He was still sweet, still gentle when he held you and gentle with your home. He still had the same beaming smile whenever a fox ate from his hand or curled up at his feet. Niki was still your tranquil breeze, the wind brushing through your hair and guiding you along.
You had learned more about him over the past few years, and under the cover of night, even gotten to visit his village a few times. His bubbly tone as he showed you around overshadowed the consequences if you were caught. 
Thinking about all the experiences you had with him only made you more irritated that he wasn’t here with you now. He had promised you, and Niki was never one to break his promises. You had seen that time and time again, which made his absence all the more distressing. But perhaps he had simply forgotten, after all, it is difficult to keep track of every single day. You secretly prayed that he had just forgotten and that nothing else had happened.
That night, when you finally became human, it wasn’t anything grand or spectacular like you had often joked. It wasn’t the deadly pain you had expected either. Instead, when midnight arrived, you simply blacked out. The next thing you remember was waking up in the morning, sore all over your body, especially on the sides of your head, hands, feet, and lower back. You felt a rush of hopefulness wash over you when you realized those were the areas your kumiho nature was most likely to show through, whether that be fox ears, claws, or the easily recognizable nine tales. In a daze, you attempted to change fully into a kumiho, ecstatic to find that you couldn’t, no matter how hard you tried. With wide eyes and a blissful smile, you began jumping around your small cabin out of pure joy.
Your first instinct was to find Niki, only to remember you hadn’t seen him in over a week. With a newfound confidence in your humanity, you began walking down to his town, intent on finding him. You still feel a little hesitant walking around in broad daylight, but to your surprise, there isn’t anyone around. Assuming they must be working inside or resting, you head to Niki’s home. You creep around the back, to where his bedroom window is. However, when you get there, you were puzzled to find wood boarded up over where his window should be.
You curiously examine it, finding a small sliver near the bottom where the planks didn’t quite reach. You peer through, seeing Niki pacing around his room. You call out to him, watching as his head snaps toward where you are in a panic. He checks over his shoulder at the door before rushing over, crouching down until he is faced with the small gap.
“Y/n? You need to run, now.” Niki insisted, his voice strained, “I don’t know how, but the town found out about us, about how you’re a kumiho.”
“But I’m not a kumiho anymore! It worked, Niki, I’m human now.”
He paused for a moment, breathing out what you could only call a sigh of relief.
“That’s amazing, really.” He answered, his tone breathy, “But right now, you have to get out of here. They don’t care if you’re human now.”
“I can’t just leave you here.” You responded. You couldn’t, not after everything he had done for you. 
“Y/n, if you don’t leave now, they are going to kill you.” 
You wouldn’t leave him now. Niki had shown you what it meant to live, to be alive. You would never leave him in a thousand years.
“I’ll be back to get you out of here. We are leaving together.” You rushed out against his pleas. You heard shouts, and snuck over to the side of his house, peeking out. There you saw what seemed to be the majority of the town, standing around with torches and a variety of weapons, ranging from swords to spears to axes. You suppressed a shudder, catching sight of Heeseung and what you assumed to be the rest of Niki’s friends. While they all looked varying degrees of upset, Heeseung looked downright furious. You briefly wondered if this was how he looked when he first learned of his brother’s death.
Before you could think about that any further, you quickly retreated back behind Niki’s house. After taking a deep breath, you began sprinting back toward your cabin. You felt the wind whipping against your face, and the leaves thrashing by your skin, but you paid it no mind. You reached your home quicker than you ever had before, throwing open the door and hurriedly flying around, tossing whatever you deemed necessary in a bag. You doubted you would be able to come back here again, so you put extra food and water than you would normally bring, multiple changes of clothes for the both of you, blankets, other basic survival equipment, and the music box Niki had gifted you last year. You slung the bag over your shoulder, checking its weight before rushing back out the door. You flew through the forest, desperate to get back to Niki before anything else could happen.
You slow your pace as you reach the outskirts of town, carefully creeping around until you reach Niki’s bedroom window again. You call out to him again, watching through the gap until you see him appear. You gently tell him to stand back and he nods, moving away. You tested the durability of the wood, pressing on it with your hand. It had more leeway than you expected, and you pull back your arm, preparing to smash against it with your bicep. Just before you were about to slam against the wood, you hear a shout near you.
“The kumiho is here! It’s trying to get to Niki!”
You turned toward the voice, spotting a woman you didn’t recognize holding a torch, pointing her free hand at you as she cried out. You took off in a flurry, your instincts sharp from living in the forest for so long. You heard Niki yell something behind you, but you were already too far to be able to clearly make out what he said. You run as fast as you are able to, taking difficult twists and turns through the forest in a frantic attempt to lose your pursuers. Soon you are only able to hear one set of footsteps behind you, and in an effort to look behind you to see who it is, you trip, falling to the ground.
Your pursuer caught up to you before you are able to get up, flipping you on your back and pining you there. You felt the cold metal of a blade pressed up against your neck, stinging as it lightly breaks the skin. You met the eyes of the person and felt a tremble run through you as you met Heeseung’s gaze. His eyes are cold, and his mouth is curled into a mocking smirk.
“I thought kumihos were supposed to be agile, hm?” He starts, feigning innocence, “I was hoping for a bit more of a chase, too bad.” He traced his sword up towards your chin, lips quirking down into a taunting frown. 
“I’m.. not a… kumiho anymore.” You gritted out, unable to talk properly due to Heeseung’s blade under your chin. He scoffed, peering down at you with hatred. He opened his mouth to speak again but was cut off by the sound of someone shouting behind him.
You watched as the boy’s eyes widened, a deep scowl crossing his face. You recognized that voice, you knew it better than you knew your own.
“Stay out of this, Niki,” Heeseung ordered, voice bordering on a growl.
“Heeseung, please, just listen to me. She’s human now! It’s been almost three years since she hurt anyone, please don’t do this.” Niki begged. You couldn’t see him, but from the sound of his voice, it seemed like he was crying. The thought tugged at your heart despite the precarious situation you currently were in.
“I don’t care how long it’s been, this… thing will never be human. Not after it killed my brother.” Heeseung instinctively pressed the sword further against your neck, a wild look in his eyes.
“He.. wasn’t a good.. person.. your brother… hurt.. people..” You rasped out, wincing at Heeseung’s glare. 
“I don’t give a damn what you think about him. He was my brother.” 
“You don’t… know what he was.. capable of…” You croaked, feeling blood begin to trickle down the side of your neck from the small cut Heeseung’s blade made. The boy snarled at you, his dark expression causing you to shiver.
“Maybe I don’t,” Heeseung seethed, a sinister grin creeping up his face, “but I do know what I am capable of.” He drew the sword high above his head, ready to strike it down into your heart. You closed your eyes, waiting for the searing pain to arrive. 
Instead, you heard a shout, feeling the weight on top of you lighten. Your eyes snapped open, darting around until they landed on the two boys. Niki jumped at Heeseung as soon as he saw the boy lift his sword, tackling him to the ground. Heeseung’s sword had sunk into his own skin when he fell over, the deep gash on his left arm making him cry out in pain. He ripped the blade out, tossing it to the side, a deep grimace painting his features. Niki halted for a moment, shocked at his own actions. His pause gave Heeseung enough time to reach into his own pocket, pull out a small silver knife, and slash it against Niki’s shoulder. It wasn’t nearly as deep as Heeseung’s wound, but Niki yelped out in pain nonetheless. 
You scrambled to your feet, grabbing the sword Heeseung had thrown aside and pulling Niki up and behind you, pointing the sword at Heeseung. He stared at you, clutching his arm in agony. A small voice told you to just kill him, to make sure he wouldn’t follow you, to make sure he wouldn’t tell the others where you had gone. The thought of hurting him made you feel sickened, even after what he had just done to you. You gave Heeseung one last glance before you grabbed Niki’s hand and ran.
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The two of you kept running until you reached a section deep inside the woods. After checking the surrounding area to make sure no one had followed you, you pulled out the gauze and diluted vinegar you had brought with you. There was a small lake here, and you dipped a piece of gauze into the water, not wanting to use up water that the two of you could drink. Niki had removed his shirt, allowing you easy access to the wound. You thoroughly cleaned his wound, before repeating the process with the diluted vinegar. Niki still flinched, even after almost three years. It made a fond smile decorate your face, even as the two of you sat in the woods after nearly being killed by one of Niki’s closest friends. 
You wrap his injury in silence, the two of you listening to the water and the wind, quiet and mild, blissfully unaware of the danger outside of its own bubble. Once you finish, you help Niki put his shirt back on without further injuring himself or disturbing the gauze. You sit back a little, guilt swelling inside of you.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Niki turn to you, confused.
“Why are you sorry?”
“You can’t go back to your home now, and you even got hurt because of me.” You set your head in your hands, the day’s events finally catching up with you. Niki slowly pried your hands away, taking them in his.
“Y/n, you are my home. I never want to live without you,” He lightly smiled, and it made your stomach fill up with warmth as he continued, “I don’t care if we have to survive on our own in the woods or worry about where our next meal is gonna come from as long as I can be with you. I would risk my life over and over again if it meant keeping you safe.”
You blinked at him before pulling him towards you, pressing your lips against his in a soft kiss. He responded immediately, letting out a pleased hum at your actions. You pulled back, pressing your forehead against yours, mirroring what he did after your first kiss. He realized this after a second, a contented laugh leaving his lips. You felt his warm breath against your mouth and leaned in to press another peck against his lips.
“I love you, Niki.” You confessed.
“I’ve always loved you.” He cooed, an honest smile brightening his expression, “All our hardships are over now, I promise you.”
And even though that wasn’t something either of you could control, you believed him.
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As Sunoo wandered aimlessly around the forest with his lantern, he had never felt more ashamed in his life. He never meant for it to happen this way, truly. When he saw Niki hanging out with this girl in the woods, he originally assumed it was a girl from the next town over. But when he saw the nine tails sprouting from her backside, he froze. Sunoo hadn’t known what to do. He ran back to town without a word, and couldn’t sleep that night. He was terrified for Niki, worried that the boy might end up dead any day. He had to tell someone.
So the next morning, he knocked on Heeseung’s door and told him everything. Sunoo didn’t see Heeseung’s eyes darken, and he didn’t see how Heeseung’s jaw clenched. The next thing he knew, Heeseung was calling all the other townspeople for a search party, telling them they were going to kill the kumiho. Sunoo had no choice but to join in.
Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn’t see them. But after looking again, sure enough, there sat Niki and the girl he had seen before, sitting together on the other side of the lake. She looked a little different, less fox-like, and more human now, but it was the same girl. Sunoo wasn’t really sure what to do. He knew what most of his friends would do, they would find backup and then attack them. He knew what Heeseung would do, he would go in alone, killing the girl at any cost. But he wasn’t his friends, and he wasn’t Heeseung. So instead Sunoo stayed still, and he simply watched them. He watched as the girl pulled what looked like bread out of her bread and offered it to Niki. He watched as they ate together, and he watched as they laughed. If he strained his ears, he could almost hear the sound.
After a few minutes, a fox pranced up beside him and sat down near his feet. Sunoo was a bit startled, but when the fox looked up at him and met his gaze, all Sunoo could do was sigh. He looked back across the lake at Niki and the girl, and he knew that he couldn’t fix what he’d done, but maybe he could give them a second chance. Sunoo peered back down at the fox, and in a soft voice, he spoke.
“Take care of them for me, okay?” Sunoo knew the fox couldn’t have understood him, but for some reason, he felt assured that the fox would stay there to watch over his friend. Sunoo glanced back at the two one more time, and with his heavy heart a little bit lighter, he turned on his heel and headed back to the village.
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Permanent Taglist: @starrpt2 @sunnytheos @kalabasaa @ghostiiess @redm4ri @xiaoderrrr @en-chantedtomeetyou 
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elkonigin · 1 month
I just came on here to say I love ur fics so much.
I’m currently reading supersum. I literally can’t stop. I read it until like 2am even though I had to be up super early for work. I read it on the subway there and during my lunch break too. Too good. I usually don’t read fics where kagome gets whumped bc she’s kind of a self insert for me but hurt comfort and angst hits different from u. The way u write I just get sucked in. I rlly love Brownie points too. I feel like ur stuff is the epitome of whump. The touch starvedness, hurt comfort, cuddles, caretaking etc… too good
I will be reading all the 1300 pages of supersum. (I downloaded it to files so I cld read it on the train)
That being said if u have any recs for inuyasha whump fics pls pls share bc I trust ur taste.
Ps. U definitely have ao3 author curse 😭😭 I wish u good luck in life
You have no idea how happy I am to hear this!
Supersum was a baby project of mine that like exploded uncontrollably. (I also didn't know that it was 1300 pages 😮).
But I do enjoy writing hurt/comfort. Like I want them to cuddle but I also want them to earn it, you know? I'm glad to know that my flavor of whump is appealing. I guess I don't like it when there's no payoff after all the suffering. Like I'll hurt them real bad, but then they get some struggle snuggles in and it's better. Not perfect, but better.
Some of these are from FFN, so bear with me. And some push the boundaries of "whump" but they're really good fics and I can't help but recommend them to everyone.
A Walk Through Hell Forget-Me-Not The Ronin All That Matters Fade to Black Clinging Fault Forget Me Not (this one is different) Miracles Not My Fairy Tale Pieces of Me Return to Me Sachi Light Me A Lantern
Okay, I think that's everything I can dredge up this quickly.
Also sorry it took me over a week to respond, I started at a new school and this past week I've been prepping for students and then I got them, and somewhere along the way I'm pretty sure my brain fizzled out.
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fantasyfantasygames · 3 months
Shop Talk
Shop Talk: a game about being trapped, Seshi Gupta, 2021
Shop Talk is a solo journaling game about being a shopkeep trying to avoid creepy suitors. Potential content warnings here - nothing in the game as written crosses lines, but it's very realistic in depicting problematic situations.
Gupta herself had an interview about Shop Talk during the pandemic:
"So there I am in 2018, young, just out of college, working at some random shop in San Francisco. And these guys keep coming in. Friendly. And they want to talk. "So for the first week I'm like 'Sure, you know, maybe I can sell them something,' so I talk to them. And it always ends with some sort of proposition. Dinner, or a movie, or sometimes they'd be, you know, really rude. I'm like 'Look, I'm just here to sell watches or paper or whatever, I'm not here so you can hit on me.' "I told my friends later, they said 'Oh yeah that's the job. Serve coffee and put up with guys who have you trapped and know you can't leave.' I'm like 'Wait all of you?' and yes, every single one of them. All of them. And it stuck in my head. Eventually I wrote a game about it, so maybe someone will find out what it was like."
Shop Talk doesn't specify a setting. It could be the modern day, or it feels like it could also be a Miyazaki-esque eternal mid-20th-century scenario. It provides you with some scenarios to write your way through. Each one starts with a job description - not the one that was on paper when the shopkeep was hired, but the things her boss expects her to do if she doesn't want to get fired. Here's a sample one for a barista:
Smile at every customer when they come in. Take their order with courtesy. Apologize when we're out of something. Smile when you hand them the receipt. When you're not busy, clean the place up or prep for the rush. Thank people if they help you but don't ask them to help you. Answer the phone but don't stay on it for more than a minute. You get two 15-minute breaks and a half-hour lunch. If I'm here I'm doing paperwork, don't call me out there except during your break.
Unlike some journaling games, where you're more literally writing in your journal, this one asks you more to write a description of the scenario with no internal monologues. No references to the emotional or mental states of the characters. You're given motivations for the customers, but you write down just pure, observable, verifiable facts.
The prompts that it gives are things like...
Does she get a phone call? What does he do while she takes it?
Does she smile at this customer? Does he say something about it?
How often does he come? How long does he stay?
What parts of her does he look at?
Does he wink at her?
Does he talk to her when there are other people or only when they are alone?
Does he show up when her shift is over?
Is her boss present in this scene? Does he ask about her boss and whether they'll be here today?
...just very straightforwardly addressing the job description, but also directly addressing points of potential danger or threat. When you read it afterward you get a pretty solid sense that things are awkward at best and feel dangerous at worst.
Gupta put the game up on itch, then took it down, then put it up again, and has said that she feels nervous about having published it because of potential backlash. I think that says as much about the situation she was in as the game itself does.
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beauty-and-passion · 1 year
Beau! Hello! How are you doing?
Hi! :D It's so nice to see you again! I really missed our conversations, can't wait for more of them to come soon! <3
This summer has been pretty busy for me. I studied almost every day - but it's summer, it's hot and my will to study was below zero, so I skipped a few days here and there, did other things, studied in the morning only and so on. Still no idea about the results, but when I get them, I will let you know :)
In the meantime, I still enjoyed my time by doing other stuff, like:
I love organizing things and since I finally had some time, I took the chance to:
Write a full inventory of the garage/storeroom where my family has been accumulating stuff for years
Buy a couple new storage racks for my apartment and move some furniture around. Still not over, but it's an improvement
Also, since my mother finally realized that yes, we have a lot of stuff indeed and we can rid of some of it, we went on a cleaning spree and cleaned:
The woodshed which had everything inside except for wood. There was even a sewing table!
The front garden of my house and that meant removing a shit ton of plants because my mother decided it was a great idea to plant them all together. She literally put two palm trees inside the vineyard. Those have been hard to tear down, but when me and my brother finally did it, the satisfaction was immense
We still have to move some stuff and properly clean the storeroom, but we have to wait for my uncle first: once he takes some furniture away, we will be free to keep going.
Keeping healthy
Since I went to the gastroenterologist and he told me to change my diet, I lost 7kg immediately and I feel WAY better. But it's still not enough: I plan to lose 7 more kilos, just to be in perfect health and to keep being healthy, even if I gain a couple kilos back in the future.
In order to do that, I kept (and try to keep) a schedule made of:
walking at least 6000 steps every day
spending at least one hour doing exercises and yoga 5 days a week
following the healthier diet suggested by the doctor, which is made of fresh fish and meat, fresh vegetables, almost no bread, gluten-free pasta, rice, couscous, no milk and no processed products. It was hard the first few days, now I feel bad when I don't follow this plan. I don't miss junk food and I still allow myself a treat once in a while. Also, since I am lazy, I cook once a day and double the amount, so I can eat for dinner and have a meal ready for the next day's lunch. This way, I'm always covered and I don't feel like resorting to junk/fast food (I also got rid of everything unhealthy, so it would be impossible anyway).
trying to get a better sleeping schedule: my alarm clock is set at 7:50 every day except for the weekends and I allow myself to get a 1-hour-long nap in the early afternoon. I also try to go to sleep around midnight, but still end up sleeping at 1am, so there's still room for improvement.
Studying was hard, but writing has always been great. And when I can have a schedule, it's even better :D
I started with two hours, every day. Right after dinner, when my mind was still fresh - and the weather gets cooler too. Then, around 10pm, I move on the couch and watch a few YouTube videos, before going to bed.
Some days, I didn't want to write a single line and had to force myself to write at least for one hour. But there were also days in which I wrote one or two hours more than planned. And now, I can write a few hours in the morning too and that means double productivity! :D Also, after sitting for so long in front of a screen, the exercise session in the late afternoon is even more enjoyable.
Small trips
I couldn't allow myself to take a longer breaks this summer. And that means I won't be able to visit Greece, so I took small trips to my uncle's farm and 1-day long trips to a few places.
In July, I visited Gaeta and Sperlonga (Italy). Those are two beautiful towns between Rome and Naples, with wonderful clean sea and beautiful sights. Sperlonga was especially cute, because the oldest part of the city is on a hill, so there are a ton of narrow streets, white-painted walls, corners decorated with seashells and painted tiles, tiny stairs and little plazas. It was nice.
In August, I visited Rovinj (Croatia): that's another little town, with a wonderful green sea. While we were there, we took a boat trip and visited the nearby fjord and wow, it was just like a postcard from a Norwegian fjord. And the trip was very enjoyable too: the boat owner offered us drinks and gave us interesting insights about what we were seeing.
I have two more trips planned for the next week: a water park tomorrow and a small cruise trip next week. Then, nothing else for now. Maybe will do something for Christmas and even New Year, but we'll see what offers we can find.
What about you?
What did you do these months? How did you spend your summer? How are you spending these last few days of August? And do you like to sleep as much as my cats like it?
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a little snippet...
A/N: so....i actually have...... maybe 100,000k words unpublished with the boys in human au.,.... and since the human au infodump, i've been wondering if i should post things from the spinoff au. i asked a friend and she suggested i post at least a bit since there Were Folks who enjoyed these characters. im hugging everyone who has been keeping up :') thank you and i love you and you don't know how much this means to me, that people like my work.
i do plan on updating more than beliefs, though as you can probably tell, updates are pretty slow. i've had big weird life changes over the past three or so years, which is kinda sad, since i used to be able to update chivalry literally once a week :'D but thank you all for sticking with me through it!! i'm hoping, once i'm done writing my thesis, i can get back to updating MTB more often. i've had the whole thing plotted in my head for a while and you all deserve to see more of macbeth, along with where he was during like. all of chivalry.
heads up that this is NOT going on AO3 — it's a bit far from the actual fandom space so I'm really hesitant to put it up there. it'll only be here! somewhat related, but i might spruce up this blog layout. the banner image is kind of old/i don't like the anatomy, and same with the icon. and i just took a look at the blog and went "wow the text is smaller than i remember it being..." so that's a sign that it's Too Small! time for a change probably.
Words: 7,615
WARNINGS: descriptions of anxiety disorder, descriptions of past child abuse, suicidal/depressive thoughts, someone's ankle breaks (don't run in heels, kids!), alcohol and drunkenness
if i forgot anything, please let me know! this is only one chapter of a longer thing (i'm still on the fence about posting all of it but frankly, if i do revamp this blog, i straight fuckin might. i don't plan on publishing these novels for market consumption, but i would be happy to know if folks out there enjoyed them :') )
enjoy the snippet! <3
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Eric Yuan hadn't considered himself lovable in a long, long time.
The anxiety disorder was just scraping the surface. There was the legal battle he'd gone into against his parents for custody over Gavin. He was so responsible it was irresponsible, sleeping odd hours, sometimes none at all, and living off of the cheapest coffee he could find to keep himself awake. There was the lack of time, the long hours of work to pay for the apartment and his and Gavin's lives, between working at the bar and at the restaurant, trying to pull together something to keep them afloat. He survived off of lunch and, when tips were good, the occasional dinner. 
Gavin had noticed, of course, but he was nice enough to not say anything. Eric tried to be as honest as he could about how sometimes they couldn't get new games or new things, how he would have to stay late at night at work. If Eric was thankful for anything, it was how understanding Gavin was. That kid rolled with as many punches as were thrown and while Eric knew he shouldn't have to, knew that his brother deserved a better upbringing than the shit that their parents and now the world were putting them through, he also recognized that this was the best he could do. 
He tried to hide himself in work, two jobs that provided enough money to keep them going. Honestly, if he’d talked with his managers and budgeted hours differently, he could get by with just the bartending job. But the days without work were spent taking Gavin to school, watching Gavin at home, laying on the couch and staring at the ceiling. He had to have something to bury himself in so he wouldn’t be stuck with his thoughts, the ones that promised danger, contempt, building paranoia and anxiety until he choked on his own breath. Thoughts that promised a kinder world. On the other side.
If he killed himself, Gavin would go right back to their parents, and Eric had to stay alive if only to prevent that. That was….that was the only reason. 
Sometimes, he wondered if Gavin knew, because on nights like that the kid always managed to find his way into Eric's bed. He'd crawl in and snuggle between Eric's arms and tell him he had a nightmare. Eric never knew how honest he was being, but he never turned the offer down.
He had to keep alive. So he did. 
And like, man worked a lot. Often, too much. How the fuck was he supposed to keep up with the world around him if he barely used his social media, didn't watch any of the new content put out in recent years, didn't engage with new platforms. Well, he had a Twitter, but that was just to look at funny memes. Those were his favorite development in recent years. Twitter also helped keep up with the news somewhat, but he didn’t exactly pay attention to that. Also, cat videos, those were important to him. 
Yeah, he was fairly disconnected, but what else was new and what could you do.
Eric Yuan's life flipped when he was opening the bar at 4 p.m. on a Wednesday. He wasn't an owner or manager, but he was a shift lead. The most dependable shift lead, if you asked his manager, and while he often told Eric that he was pretty reliable, it wasn’t as though Eric processed that kind of praise. He did know that he got the most done, and was the most efficient, because he could take that kind of metric comparison. But, like. Most reliable? He didn’t know how true that was. Eric liked to take the opening shifts, helped get home at a reasonable enough hour to see Gavin to sleep and for him to sleep enough to take the lunch shifts at his other job. 
The opening shift consisted of a few things. Making sure dishes were racked for the night, that the trash was all arranged and the bins were out in the alley, that bottles that looked like they were going to go empty had restocks close by. It was slow and quiet, for shift leads, but it was perfect for Eric. He liked to turn on some music and walk around, working efficient and quick enough usually to have a few minutes of quiet before the bartenders started showing up. 
The alley behind his bar was more like a driveway than anything, wide enough just for one car. Most of the time, the neighboring businesses would just put their bins back here during work hours. 
While opening on this day, though, Eric noticed a man running. He'd turned the sharp corner near the bar and hurried partway down the block, panting as if he'd been running a while. Eric actually pulled his own bins back as the man passed him. Then promptly tripped. What idiot runs in heels, anyway?
The man tried to get back up, but a few steps proved his ankle injured enough for him to collapse again. And that's when he looked up, frantically looking around for help, and his eyes locked with Eric's. 
Eric waved, ever so slightly. And, well. He's always been the type to help someone who needed it. He didn't know what the man was running from, but it seemed that time was of the essence. He jogged over and picked the man up easily, making sure he didn't grab the man's dreadlocks accidentally beneath his arm, and hurried him into the bar. At least the dude was pretty light, and he let Eric pick him up, wrapping his arms around Eric’s shoulders. 
The first and only real thing Eric noticed was that he smelt a little floral. Must have been perfume or something. The man wasn’t wearing clothes that Eric would have called casual, especially with the heels. A fall like that must have hurt his ankle.
"Thank you," the man whispered, and Eric noticed how gentle his voice was, how lofty and warm. "Close the door, please, they can't see me."
Eric didn't know who the fuck "They" was, but Eric kicked the door closed on his way in. Just as he did, too, he heard the sound of footsteps at the end of the alley. Eric helped the man hide behind the bar, out of view of the door, and shushed him quietly as a knock sounded on the door. 
He wiped his hands on his apron, stepping back towards the door. He paused before opening it only to prepare his face, so he could open it with the deadliest glare. And there were. People. There. Were many people. Many with cameras. All looking fairly out of breath. 
How did that guy outrun a whole ass crowd? 
The man who had knocked was haggard, taller than Eric but with an obviously lankier build, wheezing as he asked, “Have you seen anyone come up this road?”
He sounded kinda desperate. Eric shook his head slowly, cogs working in his head as he put together a cover story. “No, I’ve just been trying to open up shop. I took the bins out,” he gestured to the trash bins, set alongside the wall. “But I didn’t see anyone then. If someone was out there, they could have run past while I was stocking.”
The man nodded, either willing to accept that lie or too frantic to look too deep into it. Eric watched with sharp eyes as he and the group looked up and down the street. He didn’t think this concerned him, though, and he wanted to check back in on the absolute rando’ he’d just let into the bar. So he nudged the guy’s hand. 
“I think the candy shop over there’s open, around that corner.” Eric pointed to the end of the alley. “If someone ran past, they could have seen them. Other than that though, I don’t have anything, and I’ve gotta get back to opening.”
Just a few well-placed white lies. The man at the door nodded and motioned the group to leave without another word. Eric let the door slam behind them. 
Well. Then. He exhaled slow, a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, then turned to the bar counter. 
The way the bar was arranged was such that there was a peninsula counter, sticking out of the wall with seats arranged on all sides. On one side, too, was a small stage. Often, they would just play music. Sometimes they had performers, live musicians, and every Thursday was comedy night for local comedians. In June, they have a small drag show every Friday, and in December, they have a run of charity shows. There are still fliers and decorations up from the last one; Eric should take them down while he’s opening. 
The man who he’d snuck in slowly peeks his head around the counter. There was something awfully familiar about him, like Eric had definitely seen this dude before, but he isn’t attuned to the daily gossip. Maybe it was just because the man was pretty as could be, eyes a warm brown that lingered around Eric before darting back at the door. His brows were perfectly shaped. Eric could see a little heart on his cheek, too, and silver decorations in his dreadlocks. Very, very pretty.
The man scan the area, see Eric going around to take the chairs out from where they’ve been stacked in the corner. And he asks, in a voice almost more delicate than Eric could have imagined, “Are they gone?”
“Yeah,” Eric said, setting down the barstools as he went around the bar’s lounge area. “They stalkers or something?”
As soon as Eric said the people chasing him were gone, the man sighed, standing up all the way and cracking his neck. He scooted to the sink behind the counter to wash his hands, which was fair. It wasn’t like the bar ground was the cleanest, even just before opening. 
Someone like this dude, this put together and manicured and astoundingly beautiful, shouldn’t have had to put his hands on the bar’s fuckin’ ground.
“Basically stalkers. Paparazzi,” the man sighed. 
“Paparazzi?” Eric asked, looking back at the man.
Was this dude fucking famous? Eric couldn’t recognize him. Damn, he was that far removed from things, that he couldn’t recognize an entire celebrity.
The man must have realized now that Eric hadn’t known who he was, because his grin turned sheepish as he wiped his hands on a towel. “Yep! I’m, uh. Songbird? That’s my stage name. And my YouTube channel.” 
That name rang, like, literally no bells in Eric’s head. Figures, though. He rarely watched Youtube. 
They stood in relative silence for a few beats before the man tried again. “Cadence? Cadence Beaulieu?” 
“Oh,” Eric said, and it must have been obvious how he didn’t know who the fuck this Cadence dude was, because Cadence laughed a little in his face. 
“You’re cute,” Cadence said, limping out around the bar, holding onto the bar’s side. “I don’t get that much anymore.” 
“Cool.” Eric instinctually hurried over, holding Cadence’s arm and waist as he helped him onto one of the bar’s seats, but his head was reeling from the idea of a famous celebrity calling him cute. Like? That didn’t just happen. Did it? This guy was fucking famous? 
What the fuck was he supposed to say? How do you talk to famous people? Eric helped him settle into the seat before asking, “Do you want water or something?”
“No, I’m good,” Cadence smiled at him.
Eric was going to loose his mind, he got called cute by a famous dude and now he’s looking at the famous dude and realizing how cute the famous guy was. He hadn’t paid attention to that earlier, too preoccupied with getting the guys at the door to leave, but now that he was actually looking at this guy—his anxiety was about to start kicking in, hard, he could tell. What if he made an ass of himself in front of the famous dude? The incredibly pretty famous dude. 
“Cool,” Eric looked down, at the bar, and whistled a little. “If you want, you can, uh, stay here for a bit, until your car comes?”
He figured the famous dude isn’t driving around himself. 
Cadence nodded. “If that’s okay,” he murmured, taking out his phone. “I can stay outta your way, then.”
Slowly, Eric nodded, too. He had to get the extra drinks ready. Finish opening up. And. He couldn’t really. Process? What was happening. He just thought he was helping someone up off the street, having tripped, and….Wait.
“Wait, how’s your ankle?” he tried to swallow his anxiety, looking back at Cadence, who seemed to be idling on his phone. 
Cadence looked back up at him, then at his ankle. He was wearing strappy heels, flowy pants, a tight shirt, and an old oversized jacket, and none of these looked like clothes that were good to be running around in. Especially those heels. Eric didn’t know much about heels but he figured they might be an inch? And that was probably enough to fucking break a leg. Rude to stare, though. So he just. Averted his eyes back to the glasses he was stacking for later.
This guy was so fucking pretty. Eric was holding him earlier. He’d carried him—Eric had deadlift carried a whole ass celebrity. 
“Probably sprained,” Cadence said with a sigh. “When I get home, I can ice it. I don’t think it’s fully broken, though, I could put a little weight on it.”
Now, they had ice in the box. Eric grabbed one of the spare bags for their limes and filled one with ice, part of their protocol for when drunkards would hurt themselves. He wrapped it in one of the clean towels and, once the Grey Goose was restocked, brought it over to Cadence. Who took it. Gratefully. It seemed. 
“Thanks,” Cadence gave him a smile, which like. Eric still didn’t really know how to feel about this. 
“No problem,” he said. “Sorry, uh. For, uh, being quiet. And not knowing who you were.”
Because like, that felt like something he should apologize for, you know? If Cadence is used to people recognizing him on the streets and some level of respect because of it, then maybe Eric treating him like a regular person (maybe even ignoring him, since he’s just sitting in the corner) might be rude? He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know the fucking etiquette for talking to famous people, this isn’t a problem he’s ever had!
“It’s okay, no, don’t even worry,” Cadence giggled—that sound, that fucking sound was so soft, what the hell?—and waved his hand dismissively. 
“Okay,” Eric nodded. And he didn’t have much to. Like. Add? 
So he turned around and went back to restocking the bar. And he didn’t say anything about how he could feel Cadence watching him. He didn’t say anything, but he could feel Cadence’s eyes on his back every so often, when he’d look up from his phone. 
Maybe he was tweeting something about him. Eric didn’t know much about social media so if he did get tweeted about, he definitely wasn’t going to be able to find it. Or maybe he was texting his famous friends about the weirdo bartender who’s just ignoring him as he lifts the crates out of the storage room and cracks them open. 
There’s no way this dude would be bullying him over shit like this for no reason, right? 
Regardless, Eric wasn’t about to start a conversation and ask. He just knew that the guy was staring at him. For what felt like an hour. Realistically, only like, half an hour. But for fucking forever, man.
At some point, though, it had to end. After about twenty minutes, Cadence stood up, wobbling a little on his hurt ankle. Eric, who’d been restocking the limes, looked up, then stood up. 
“Your car here?” he asked. 
“Yep,” Cadence smiled a little at him. “When does this place open, anyway?”
“Uh,” Eric frowned, checking the clock on the wall. “In ten.”
Where the fuck are his bartenders, anyway? They’re supposed to get here at around now. Fuckers. 
Cadence nodded, though, noting the time. “Glad this all happened before hours, then. Wouldn’t want it to get too crazy in here for you,” he looked at the clock on the wall, then back at Eric, with a small smile that made Eric’s already quick-beating heart skip a beat thinking of how his eyes creased with gentle happiness. 
“Uh. Yeah,” Eric tried to smile, too, but something told him it looked a little more like a grimace. 
Cadence waved, Eric waved. Then Cadence left. And the door closed behind him.
And that was the that. On that. 
Eric was fairly zoned out for the whole shift. He was mixing drinks on autopilot, not so much as handling customers. Some drunkard got rowdy, Eric wasted no time to tell them to fuck off. His patience was zilch. 
He got home and Gavin’s already put himself to bed, tucked in and in his PJ’s, though Eric heard him get up when he closed the front door. Eric picked him up, tucked him back in again, and kissed him on the head. Poor kid hated being alone late at night, especially when he had to put himself to bed. Eric laid on the bed with him, one foot off to hold himself steady, and made sure Gavin was all the way asleep before he stood up to change his own clothes. 
Only once he was sure Gavin’s not getting out of bed again does he check his phone, too. 
“Cadence Beaulieu” had over four million followers on Twitter, over fifteen million subscribers on Youtube, and an Instagram account that makes Eric blush almost inappropriately. And this is the guy who was. In his bar. Talking to him. Eric picked this man up earlier and didn’t even notice that the heart on his face was made up of three moles. It looked like a tattoo almost, but no, apparently. 
He spent almost too much time binging Cadence’s content before he managed to pass out to the sound of one of his beauty tutorials. Interesting, that this is the guy he met. This is the guy who he picked up, carried into his bar, hid in the corner.
But not every day is so interesting. So Eric goes back to work and expects nothing to change. He tries to put this rare celebrity encounter behind him. Tries not to think of how much of an idiot he must have been, seeming to just fade into the background and ignore what could have been a real moment had he asked more questions, became something more memorable perhaps. He could have asked Cadence how he was doing, at least. How his day had been. Anything, really. 
Instead, Eric just has the memory of the prettiest man on the planet sitting in the corner of the bar, of his bar. Alone together. A stranger, sure, and maybe Eric understood somewhere that that was part of why the anxiety was so strong? But c’mon. Man was pretty. Nice, too. 
Damn. This is why he’s single, he joked bitterly to himself. Lonely, the joke in his head twisted. He didn’t have the gall to actually talk to anyone, what was he supposed to do.
He had been cleaning out glasses at the bar, late one night. He’d picked up a later shift, after Gavin had already gone to sleep. Usually, Eric liked to be home while the kid slept, but sometimes the scheduling didn’t work out like that and he’d need to pick up extra hours for other bartenders who had to tap out. He was a very strong cover, apparently. And on the spectrum of “thank god that lucky ass thing happened,” this was right below Cadence’s accident. 
About two weeks after Eric meets a whole ass celebrity, two men sit down at the bar during one of the live musical performances. It was Eric’s time working behind the bar, and he saw the one with the eyepatch wave him over. Which, like. Okay, sure, he was getting there. But customer service and you never know how many drinks they’ve had before they walk in at one in the morning and you definitely don’t want to get mad at the dude giving you the tip and maybe this dude’s never been to a bar, who the fuck wears soft cashmere at a bar, and his buddy there was in a bowtie and suspenders like this was some kind of book club and not remarkably past midnight on a Thursday. 
Like, okay, nerds, maybe they’ve just never been to this kinda bar. Sure. Fine.
“What can I get started for you boys,” Eric said, slinging his washcloth over his shoulder on his approach. 
“Two cosmopolitans, please,” the one with the eyepatch said, giving Eric a smile that read polite. 
Eric looked at the one with curly hair and glasses, who nodded in confirmation. “One shot in both? You got any vodka preferences?” he asked, taking out the house vodka and two tumblers. 
Before the eyepatch’ed one could reply, the one with glasses butted in, saying, “One with one shot, a double in the other, please. And if you have Ketel One, that would be grand.”
“A double shot? Marlowe!”
“What, it’s been a good day! I think I deserve a double shot. And you know two shots isn’t enough to do much.” This Marlowe guy sounded pretty cocky, if you were to ask Eric, but no one ever asks the bartender. So he didn’t say anything about it. 
He tuned out of the argument there, as soft as it turned. Much less of an argument, more aggressive flirting, and that was something that was easy for him to zone out of until he set the two cocktails down. “Double shot,” he said, setting the double in front of Marlowe. “And a single. If you boys need anything else, my name’s Eric and I’ll be at the bar all night.” 
“Eric,” the one with the eyepatch smiled, and it was kind of pretty in that controlled, poised way that some models do. “Thank you. If we need anything, I���ll-I’ll call.”
“Thank you, Eric,” Marlowe said, raising his glass and taking a long sip. 
Eric just nodded and went around, checking on others. Earlier, he’d seen some dude try to roofie a girl, and had taken the drink back. She had left with a friend she trusted, and he’d kicked the guy out pretty forcefully, but the moment still left quite the imprint. He was always on edge whenever that happened, hoping to prevent it from happening again. 
He did a few rounds before he ended up in front of Marlowe and his friend again, maybe half an hour later. This friend was on his phone, typing something out, while Marlowe flagged Eric down, with an empty glass before him. 
“Hello, Eric,” Marlowe raised the glass. “Would you be a dime and make me a Long Island Iced Tea?” 
Okay. This dude had to be a heavier drinker, if he was going to be calling out drinks by name. And it wasn’t necessarily Eric’s job to know how much someone could drink, especially strangers. The guy didn’t, like….he didn’t look drunk just yet. You know? So Eric nodded. 
“Sure thing. You got any preferences?” he asked, taking the cup back and pulling out a tall glass. 
Now that seemed to be the right question, or at least one the man hadn’t thought of. Marlowe reached up, cupping his chin in thought, and spared a few glances at his friend still typing. Hopefully this wasn’t, like, for the friend. Eric would have to watch for that. But after a bit of time, Marlowe nods. “Yes. Ketel One again for the vodka.” 
“Sure.” They had Ketel One under the vodka cabinet, but people rarely ordered it. It was one of their premium vodka’s and house vodka was Smirnoff. 
“Do you have Patrón for tequila?” 
“Yeah, I’m….pretty sure,” Eric, before he could be made to swallow his words, took a stride to the tequila cabinet and checked. “Yep, I’ve got Patrón for you.” 
“Excellent. I don’t know enough about the other three alcohols to have preferences, but if you could tell me what you put in, I’d love to start learning.”
An….interesting request. But Eric knew the house drinks like the back of his hand (and he might not be able to hold his liquor like the best of them, but he’d still tried all of the standard drinks. For posterity.) so he pulled out the Bacardi first. “This’ the rum. In house, we use Bacardi. Pretty light for a rum, but it does have a better taste than Captain Morgan. A lot better to mix with,” he explained. 
Marlowe had turned himself toward the counter, watching Eric pour in the Bacardi first, then the Ketel One, then the Patrón. Then, he put those three down. The triple sec was all out on the shelf, since they were common enough and the bar stocked a small enough range to have the whole selection out for viewing. Eric pulled down a bottle of Bols to add, then Henrick’s gin from the shelf below. They were running out behind the bar anyways. “Bols is the triple sec,” Eric said as he poured. “It’s really good for mixing with multiple alcohols. Sometimes a drink’ll play nice with other alcohols and sometimes it’ll only play nice with, like. Coke.”
“That makes sense. The consistencies are very different,” Marlowe hummed. 
Sounded like this dude was the analytical type. Which might explain why he had some of his preferences on hand. If you don’t go to bars often, you’re going to be scared of the unknown. Eric was almost proud of the guy for that, if this was him trying new things. 
He just hoped Marlowe wouldn’t throw up in the bathroom or something. That would fuckin’ suck. Always a situation when the patrons didn’t know their own limits.
“Henrick’s is the gin, and it’s just a easy gin to use,” he said with a shrug. “And then we just….”
He pulled out the cola spritzer, topped the glass off with cola, and put the slice of lemon in. And then he slid it over to Marlowe, who took the drink in one hand with a fascinated look. Dude even pushed his glasses up. 
“Interesting. I’m excited to try it,” Marlowe said, glancing back up to Eric with a smile. 
And before Eric could even warn him about how strong of a gut punch it was about to be, Marlowe picked up the glass and took a swig about a third of the cup. “Woah, buddy,” Eric couldn’t stop himself from jumping at that. “You alright?”
“Marlowe, what the fuck are you doing?” dude’s friend finally looked up from his phone to see Marlowe slam the glass down and cough into his arm. 
“Holy shit,” Marlowe said, fixing his glasses with a smile that seemed a little too wide to be sober. “That’s quite strong, but very, very good. Thank you, Eric!” 
His glasses were still crooked. Eric almost leaned forward to fix them, before the guy’s friend got to it first, and that was all for the better. It’s not like Eric knew these people, after all. 
Marlowe took out his phone and Eric took the chance to lean towards his companion. “He asked for a pretty strong drink,” Eric warned. “If you need a hand taking care of him, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve held a dude’s hair back in the bathroom.”
His friend must have been surprised at the suggestion, but it can’t have been an uncommon thing considering how quickly he got over the possibility. “Thank you, that’s very k-very kind. He’s not usually one to drink a lot,” the friend sighed, then nodded to Eric. “Thank you for your service tonight, Eric. My name is Phillip.”
Phillip, alright. “Good to meet you, Phillip,” Eric said, and he went back around the bar to do rounds.
It was another hour and half before the bar closed, though. Eric wasn’t technically the shift lead for closing, but he was on the shift. When it got close enough to three, he turned on Semisonic’s song “Closing Time.” Most of the people had left by then, quick to leave on their rides or to new bars. 
But still sitting at the bar were the two people Eric had pegged as nerds earlier, Marlowe and Phillip. After Marlowe finished the Long Island Iced Tea, Eric had poured a water, but the man still ordered a margarita on top of it. And now it looked like he was paying for it, given how he was literally leaning on Phillip’s shoulder, arms wrapped around his waist. Phillip didn’t look all too pleased, however. 
“David is going to be worried si-worried si-sick when we get home.” Eric could hear Phillip chide Marlowe as he got close.
“It’s-It’s all dandy. I love David,” Marlowe hiccupped into Phillip’s shoulder, then leaned around and pressed his face into the base of his neck. “I love YOU, Prince.”
Phillip tutted, reaching back to run his hand through Marlowe’s curled hair. “I love you-love you too, you idiot.”
Cute. Really gay, and cute. Eric put away the cups he’d just washed and approached the pair, noting how they’d slowly but surely become the last people at the bar. 
“Hey,” he said, waving slightly. “Phillip, right?”
“Mhm. Eric,” Phillip greeted. “Sorry to still be here. I can see you’re closing up.”
“Eh. Marlowe’s falling asleep on you, I get it. Do you two have a ride home?” 
At that, Phillip winced. And Eric could have guessed the follow up, honestly. “Actually, Marlowe was supposed to be the driver,” Phillip confessed, patting Marlowe’s hand. “I think he overshot how much he could drink, though. As per usual.”
“I only had three drinks!” Marlowe interrupted, all too proud of himself for having three drinks that had the alcoholic consistency of a freight train. 
Phillip and Eric both seemed to be on the same page, though, because neither acknowledged him. Save for a few gentle pats from Phillip as Marlowe buried himself more in Phillip’s back. 
“Okay. Do you need to call someone?” Eric asked. 
Phillip rubbed the back of his neck, thinking for a moment before nodding. “Yes. I know someone who’ll be awake who can come help, but….well. Marlowe’s car is still in the parking lot. It has a parking limit in the morning, which will quickly become an issue.”
Fuckin’ city parking. Eric had definitely gotten a ticket or two before, parking his motorcycle in the wrong place. He usually just walked to work, though, since he was two blocks away. So he didn’t have a vehicle to worry about….
A drunk man and a man with a cane could get picked up real easy this late at night by some unfavorable people. Maybe that worry was what made Eric offer. Maybe it was because Phillip and Marlowe had been fairly kind to him throughout the night. It could also have had something to do with how nice Phillip seemed to be taking it now, how calm he was handling the situation. And maybe, too, how Phillip himself didn’t ask. 
There was something nice about being able to offer help, rather than having it asked of him always. 
“If you want, I can drive you home,” Eric suggested. “I’ll catch an Uber back to my house from yours.”
Phillip blinked, and Marlowe giggled. Eric didn’t know what was so funny. He thought it was probably pretty shady to offer. He knew he wouldn’t let just any stranger drive his bike, after all. But he’d gotten to the point where he could do a solid vibe check just by looking and interacting with someone, and these two seemed nice. He could see himself accepting this kind offer, under similar circumstances, from either of them. 
Still, kinda scary to think he’d be driving someone else’s car to their own house. He wouldn’t know where it was, Phillip would have to direct him. But Phillip legally couldn’t drive, not with the one eye gone, and Marlowe definitely couldn’t drive if he tried. Which he shouldn’t. 
“That would be so-so lovely, thank you,” Phillip said. 
Getting clearance to drive some drunk patrons home was a breeze, knowing it was Eric “workaholic glad you’re getting out early” Yuan. Soon enough, he had his arm looped around Marlowe’s waist, helping him up as Phillip led them to the car, which was parked about half a block away. Phillip also used a cane, which would have been a pretty difficult thing to work around if he needed to carry Marlowe himself. All the more reason Eric was glad to help them home. 
They walked up to a nice sedan, likely a newer model judging by the built in navigation. Phillip helped Eric lay Marlowe in the back seat as he mumbled something about a pony, and Phillip himself climbed into the shotgun. The car wasn’t that hard to drive, now that Eric looked around at the controls. Same as any. The break was a little more tense than he was used to, but once he got it onto the road, he could manage. 
Phillip, in shotgun, turned on a jazzy, late night radio station. And directed Eric gently towards their home, probably. Neither of them made conversation much but, to some extent, it didn’t seem like it was necessary. And that was kind of nice, to Eric. He didn’t always like conversing, especially with patrons and folks who didn’t know him. Which accounted for most people. But Phillip’s presence was nice, calming almost, which was rich for a guy who Eric had just met. He was tense, like he usually was, but for a stranger? In this kind of precarious circumstance?
It’s when the drive took them onto a small, two-lane road at the edges of the city and beginnings of the forest that Eric starts to worry. Was Marlowe actually a heavy-weight? Maybe he was pretending to be drunk back there so they could mug him? Take his kindness for granted and leave him in a ditch? He didn’t think he looked like he was worth mugging, but like….maybe. Was that a necessary cane or was it a weapon?
“It’s this-this house here,” Phillip said, pointing to a gravel driveway, and Eric swallowed despite the dryness of his mouth. 
“Sure,” he murmured, pulling onto the gravel. 
As he did, the house’s porch light turned on, front door thrown open as someone else jogged out. Eric stopped, threw the car into park immediately, but Phillip didn’t seem too phased by the newcomer. Instead, he turned to Eric and held out a one hundred dollar bill. “Thank you so much for all your help this evening,” he said with a smile.
Eric looked at the bill, then up at Phillip. He hadn’t really expected to be tipped for this, in all honesty. But it made sense. You know, if he’s going to drive you home, tip him. He’s done over the top enough. But a hundred fucking dollars? This dude just whipped a hundred dollars out on a tip? How loaded were these gay dudes, and then they didn’t have someone to drive them home?
“That’s a hundred dollars,” he said, unthinking. 
He blushed a little, stuttering on words to add on and say he didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, but Phillip just laughed. His laugh was breezy, like leaves in the wind. “Yes, it’s a hundred dollars. I think it’s-it’s warranted, considering you drove me and my idiot home,” Phillip put the bill on Eric’s lap and undid his seatbelt. “It’s a hundred dollars plus something-something extra.”
Eric looked down at the bill, picked it up, and there was. A whole ass phone number written on the side. With the “Phillip & Marlowe” written on the side. 
Before he can ask what the fuck is happening and if he’s been dreaming this whole time, the backseat door opens. “Davy,” Marlowe’s voice is so slurred it’s almost incomprehensible, but the person who’d come out of the house, this “Davy,” unbuckles Marlowe swiftly. 
“Jesus, Marl’, how much did you drink?” Davy grumbles, pulling Marlowe out by his arms. 
Instead of setting him on the ground, though, Davy just wrapped them around his shoulders and then slowly, steadily, lifted Marlowe into his arms. Marlowe let him, swinging his own legs up to make it easier for Davy to catch them. Once he had some semblance of a grip, Marlowe leaned forward and pressed his face against Davy’s, kissing him rough enough for Phillip to laugh at, Eric to stare confusedly at. 
“He gets like this, when he’s-when he’s drunk,” Phillip leaned over to explain, though it does nothing to clear up Eric’s questions. 
At this point? He’s a lot more willing to walk home. Just get out of the car and walk. 
“Alright, y’ sap,” Davy grumbles, pulling Marlowe off of himself and nestling him into more of a hold. 
Eric was still sitting in the driver seat, just watching through the passenger window as Phillip opens his own door and climbs out. Davy leans his head towards Phillip, who pats his shoulder warmly and looks down at Eric. 
All three of them are looking at him now. 
The odd one out. 
And, like, fair. He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing here, either. 
“Uh,” he said. “I can just, uh. I can call myself an Uber now.”
“Who the fuck’re you?” Davy asked, almost at exactly the same time.
Eric put his hands up and slowly climbed out of the car. This Davy person didn’t really look mad—Phillip leaned over, whispering something to him, and Davy nodded along. And Eric didn’t know what the fuck that was about really, but he didn’t feel in the mood to test anything. Not at three in the morning, in someone else’s driveway. He had to get back home. 
“I can just….” Eric gestured to the road again, taking a few steps back. 
Davy shook his head. “No fuckin’ way, dude,” he was much more abrasive than the other two, and something in the sturdiness of his tone got Eric to shut up. “I’ll drive you.”
On literally any other day, Eric would probably have started running right then and there. His palms were sweaty still, from gripping the steering wheel tighter than ever and from the mounting panic of driving someone else’s car to a house he didn’t know. In a car with a bunch of strangers. 
But, to be frank, Eric was just starting to believe this wasn’t real. 
He was probably just tired. He didn’t usually work shifts this late, and this was a whirlwind of a night already, and he’d already swallowed whatever panic arose earlier, which usually left him without the energy to worry about semi-tense situations. It was a kinda numb feeling. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? He dies and Gavin goes back with their parents? Bit too late in the night for Eric to care about something as trivial as dying. 
So he nodded slowly to Davy’s suggestion. “That would be nice,” he said. 
Davy grinned. He lifted Marlowe a little and said, “I’ll put this one to bed and come back out, ‘ight?” 
Eric just nodded again, which must have been good enough for Davy, because he just turned around and marched himself back into the house. Phillip stayed outside, though, leaning on his cane with both of his hands. Eric shuffled around the car, now feeling a little more awkward, and Phillip gave him a small shrug as if to say he sympathized.
“I’m sure this is-this is strange,” Phillip added on. 
It sure as fuck was. But Eric was like, almost too out of it to properly acknowledge that. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “This’ gonna be one hell of a dream to wake up from.”
Phillip chuckled at that one, laugh light like air. He leaned over and rested a hand on Eric’s shoulder—Eric flinched, hands reaching up into a defensive stance, and Phillip pulled back quick. 
It was. A little out of his comfort zone. 
Just a little. He didn’t like people touching him, especially people he didn’t know, because for the longest time he’d been used to sudden motions as a threat. And while he used to take it, Eric had long since trained himself to fight over flight. So it did take self-control to not just deck this dude.
He turned back around to Phillip, shoulders hiked enough for his neck to stiffen just a bit, and he tried to lower his own hands. They were shaking, much to his chagrin, so he stuffed them into the pockets of his jeans. 
“Sorry,” he fumbled over his words. “Sorry, I, uh. I’m kinda...it’s late, and I don’t really like, uh. People touching me.”
“No need to apologize, that-that was on me,” Phillip responded. “No need at all. I should-I should have known better, but I’m ti-I guess I’m tired my-myself. I’m very sorry for touching.”
Eric smoothed himself out slowly, as best he could, and Phillip rested himself against the side of the car. He glanced over, watching Phillip as the man looked up at the tree line. In the moonlight, Eric could see him smile, ever so slightly. He looked weirdly regal, with how prim he was, even after being at a dive bar for three hours. His hair was still brushed to the side like it’d been gelled, though Eric had seen him run his hand through it a few times. And although it was dark, he could still make out the freckles that dotted Phillip’s face, like stars in their own right.
He turned away, looking at his feet, and hoped Phillip didn’t feel too badly. It wasn’t his fault Eric was a nervous fuckin’ wreck. But he didn’t say anything. Getting a little too tired to hold proper conversation.
They both look up as the front door opens and closes again, as that Davy guy jogs out. He’d changed out of his clothes into other pajama looking clothes, or maybe he’d just thrown on a jacket. 
“Alright, nerd’s been sung a lullaby and is all tucked into bed.” He clapped his hands, rubbing them together slowly. “You gonna be able to get yourself in bed okay, Princey?”
“Oh, I’ll be okay. Just-Just sad my favorite artist won’t be there to kiss me goodnight,” Phillip said, and Eric did a double take at how flippantly the flirt was doled out.
Wasn’t Phillip dating that Marlowe guy? Eric glanced between Davy and Phillip as Davy scoffed and grabbed Phillip by the shoulder of his sweater, yanking him close and kissing him for a second. Were they like, all dating? Was that what was happening here? 
Eric was more confused than anything else. He knew of polyamory. He’d just never seen it. Then again, he didn’t know about a lot in the queer community. Once, one of the queens who came in for drag night called him “gnc as hell” and he had to get an explanation from one of the girls sitting at the bar. Polyamory, though, was a new kind of fear for him. That was just more people to disappoint. 
He looked back at the car and climbed into the passenger seat while Davy pulled back from Phillip and mussed up his hair. Eric very intentionally ignored eye contact while Davy climbed into the driver’s seat and rolled down Eric’s window, though he did wave at Phillip while Davy pulled away.
“Drive safely, David!” Phillip called out, waving a hand. 
“Be back in a sec, baby!” David must have been his name proper, because he blew Phillip a kiss through the window and then rolled it back up. 
Eric just kept sitting. Quietly. He almost wanted to pull his knees up, but this was someone else’s car and he didn’t really want to put his shoes on the leather seats. He put his hands on his knees, though, and tensed his knuckles a little. 
Whereas the ride to the house was quiet in a calm manner, Eric felt a lot more tense now. He didn’t know this David. And this David dude seemed a lot less poised than Phillip or Marlowe, given how he just turned off the radio and mumbled music lyrics, off-key and without any actual tune. And Eric could recognize that only because, at some point, David was singing some Shinedown song he knew. “State of My Head?” Probably. 
Would David be mad? If this was a polyamory situation, would it be like encroaching on territory to have driven Phillip and Marlowe home? Eric didn’t know. He didn’t want it to seem like that; he just didn’t want them to have to call an Uber and get a ticket. Shit was expensive. 
At the first red light off the one-lane road, David glanced at him, and Eric caught the sight of a birthmark near his neck. It looked faded but it was still a recognizable shade of red. Eric looked away almost immediately, so David wouldn’t notice him staring. He must not have been too successful, though, because David chose that moment to start a conversation.
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qwanderer · 1 year
Big getting-the-apartment-ready-for-guests thing accomplished: the plumber visited and fixed my shit!
This was stressful for a few reasons; I'm always playing a cost-benefit analysis game with apartment maintenance, because it's so hard to schedule that stuff when I work regular business hours and so do all the maintenance people. I've been lucky so far in that for essential stuff I've managed to schedule appointments either after work (since my shifts skew a little early) or on a day I'd already scheduled myself a stay-home PTO day. But for today I actually had to schedule a special morning off with my manager, because the plumber only had one slot available all week.
I was hoping I could get the property management company person to let the plumber in, but she said she had meetings, and I think my texts got slightly snippy at one point because, like, what I actually wanted to say was "why am I the one taking time during work hours to do this when it is literally your job to maintain my apartment" but now that it's done I am less annoyed.
I've been putting off following through on this (I always let the management company people know when something is annoying me but unless I push the issue they tend do do nothing) but it really did need dealing with before I had people over.
My assessment from living with the toilet and trying different things to help it work better was like "my best guess is that the jet at the bottom of the bowl is clogged, if I had a wire coat hanger I might poke around in there myself but I don't have one and anyway maybe I should get a professional assessment in case it's a more complex issue"
Guy came in, looked at it and said "yep, looks like the center jet is clogged, do you have a wire coat hanger?"
I am vindicated.
Anyway I took a closer look at my coat hanger collection and offered him the asymmetric solid metal pants hanger which I never use but kept because it was kinda cool, and I wasn't sure if it was bendable enough but he thought that would work so I decided to sacrifice it to the cause. He left it here so now I have a special tool for unclogging the jet if it happens again!
He also replaced the float assembly which was wearing out, and increased the pressure in the sink tap; it was hard to get this scheduled so I was happy to take full advantage.
It was nice to sleep in beforehand, but the whole non-routine start to the day really threw off my groove at work, rolling in two and a half hours late in a lyft, past when I usually take my snack break but having forgotten to eat a snack. But after lunch things felt normal again.
I am proud of me for getting so many things done! But I also need to find some real time for writing sometime soon, it will benefit my sanity and my long-term ambitions.
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whats-wild-to-you · 2 years
Can I request for an enemies to lovers kind of sitch :)
I read this and immediately thought, YES! My mind was bubbling over with ideas and I had to calm myself down first 😅 then one night it came to me. I knew where this was going. I started writing and couldn’t stop. Literally.
Edit: this is going to be sooooooooo loooooooooong. For a second I thought about making it into a short story and post it separately but then I thought, nah! But maybe I’ll still do just so it is a little more structured 🤷‍♀️
ps. Sorry it took a little longer but hopefully the result will make up for it 🫶 I literally couldn’t stop writing.
Being the only woman in a company full of men wasn’t ideal, especially since everyone assumed you climbed up the career ladder by sleeping with your superiors. Despite the fact that you worked harder than anyone else and was the first to come and last to leave the office, the rumors remained.
It all escalated when the CEO hired Jay. He was an overachiever, a stickler and one who loved the rules. He wanted to get in your superior’s good graces and so naturally he sucked up to him. You annoyed him, because you seemingly got all the attention from the higher ups. 
Jay was also the one who kept the rumor mill going. Almost every day, he would sit with his colleagues at lunch, telling stories about how you supposedly only joined the company because your rich daddy paid money.
You could only laugh about these baseless accusations, but it didn’t mean they weren’t getting to you. You tried your best to remain cool, calm and collected at work, but would break down as soon as you got in your car.
Leaving this job was not an option. You refused to give Jay such satisfaction. All you could do was avoid the hell out of him. For the most part you were succeeding. 
“You. You. In my office. Now!” Your superior emerged, pointing his finger at you, then at Jay.
“I’ve been hearing rumors. Do I need to fire one of you?”
“No, Sir!” You blurted out, side-eyeing Jay who stood there stone-faced.
“Fine. Then you will go on a company trip. Just the two of you!”
“Bu-” Jay began but was cut off.
“If you don’t want to, I expect your letter of resignation on my desk by tomorrow.”
Both, Jay and you remained silent.
“That’s what I thought. Finish work for the day and head home early to pack. Someone will pick you up in the morning.”
Dumbfounded, you walked back to your cubicle, avoiding eye contact with Jay. You struggled concentrating for the rest of the day, and wondered if Jay struggled too. For a brief second you thought about writing that letter of resignation, but you’ve fought for too long and come too far to give up now.
“How bad could it get?” You mumbled under your breath.
The next morning, a van came to pick you up. The driver took your luggage and when he opened the door for you, you saw that Jay was already sitting in the back seat.
“Morning.” You said, mainly because the driver looked at you expectantly.
Jay remained silent and turned his head away from you. You did the same. He leaned against the left window, you against the right.
“We will be arriving in our destination in 3 hours.” The driver announced and took off.
Three hours later you were rudely awakened by Jay slamming the trunk shut. Looking around, you wondered where you landed. Jay was looking around too, but it was more of a figuring out an escape route type of looking.
“I’ll come pick you up in a week.” The driver said and got into the van.
“What?!” You and Jay shouted out simultaneously. You couldn’t speak for Jay but you thought you’d have to spend only the weekend with him. At most.
Defeated, you walked up to the front door. The driver had handed Jay keys and you saw him fumbling to unlock the door. You entered shortly after, inspecting your home for the next 7 days.
It was huge, spacious, minimalistic. Large rooms, an even larger kitchen and living room. There was even a pool but since it was January you wouldn’t be able to make use of that.
There was no staircase but an elevator that lead up to the upper floors. Two to be exact. Each floor had a bedroom, a bathroom, office and lounge area.
“You can stay here. I’ll take the top floor.”
It was the first thing Jay had said to you. Not knowing how to respond, you simply nodded, wheeling your luggage off the elevator.
After unpacking and exploring your surroundings, you went back to the common area and headed for the kitchen. Inspecting the fridge, you found it was fully stocked, as well as the pantry.
Your stomach growled at the sight of all the fresh fruit and vegetables, meats and other delicious foods.
In an impromptu decision, you took several things out of the fridge and looked for pots and pans.
Half an hour later, Jay appeared in the kitchen, opening the fridge to get a bottle of water.
“I made dinner!” You announced proudly, hopeful that Jay would join you.
“Congratulations!” He sneered and left without a second look.
Unbothered, you sat down and enjoyed your dinner. Afterwards you cleaned the kitchen and fixed a plate for Jay, covering it in saran wrap and placing it in the fridge. Somewhere in a drawer you found post it notes and stuck one on the fridge, reminding him that there was food in there in case he was hungry. Then you took the elevator up to your floor and sat in your lounge area, reading a book you got off the shelf.
The next morning Jay was the first to get up. You carefully walked up to the kitchen when you saw him standing by the front door.
He bent down to pick something up and seconds later you heard his irritated voice. “You gotta be kidding me!”
You made enough coffee for the both of you and when you opened the fridge to get some milk you saw that the plate you set aside for Jay was still there, untouched.
He startled you when he slammed the paper on the counter and disappeared back upstairs. You sighed when you read its content.
Good morning you two!  Did you think this was a vacation? That I wouldn’t be keeping tabs on you? Wrong! There are hidden cameras all over the house, recording your every move, documenting everything! Purpose of this little getaway is to improve your relationship with each other, and so far you’ve failed. The point is to be around each other, not avoid each other. You have until midnight to work on you communication skills. If you fail, the elevator won’t go all the way up and you’ll be forced to share one floor. Enjoy your stay!
You knew Jay would never make an attempt to talk to you so you had to be the bigger person and start a conversation.
Discouraged, you took the elevator up holding a tray with 2 cups of coffee on it.
“Jay? I made coffee!” 
When he didn’t answer you slowly tiptoed towards the lounge area, hoping to find him there. But the space was empty.
Sighing, you walked up to his bedroom door, knocking.
“I made coffee.”
You waited until Jay opened the door, looking at you condescendingly. He took a cup off the tray and banged the door in your face.
“Well, at least this time he took it!” You went back down, sitting in the large living room. Since you brought your laptop with you, you decided to get some work done before you worried about lunch.
Having lived practically all your life alone, you had developed excellent time management skills. At 1pm sharp, you shut down your laptop and walked over to the kitchen, examining the fridge.
Jay’s plate from the day before was still there, mocking you. Still, you started making food for two, determined to convince Jay to have some this time.
“I’m making lunch. Is there anything you don’t eat? Anything you’re allergic to?” Maybe that was the reason Jay didn’t eat the food you cooked yesterday. Although you highly doubted that.
“Always the goody-goody. Trying soooo hard. Wow, it must be tiring!”
The clinking of the stainless steel knife falling on the marble counter was ear-deafening. You glared at Jay who had his ears covered.
“At least I’m trying! I’m treating you like a human being, whereas you-” You stopped abruptly, shaking your head and resuming your work.
“Eat the damn food, don’t eat the damn food. I don’t care! It’s your choice.” You barked at him, noticing he was looking at you in utter shock.
Only then you realized you managed to cut yourself, the sensation of warm blood dripping down your forearm, the smell of iron making you queasy.
“You’re bleeding.” He said as a matter of fact, but stopped himself short of coming over to you and help you tent to your wound.
Instead he retreated, allowing you to cool off. Still, you managed to finish cooking but had to eat alone once again. After fixing a plate for Jay, you placed it in the fridge, threw the old food in the trash, cleaned the kitchen and left.
It was after 10pm when you heard the elevator ding, certain that Jay must’ve gone to the kitchen to eat something.
At midnight you were rudely awakened by Jay cursing when he couldn’t go up to his floor.
You chuckled gleefully but then remembered that it meant Jay and you had to share this floor now.
You heard footsteps going past your door, down the hall to the lounge area. It was furnished with a futon couch which had to do as a substitute bed for Jay.
On day three you made sure to be up and ready first, realizing in the middle of the night that the bathroom on your floor didn’t have a lock. With quick steps you approached the front door, sure that you would find another note from you supervisor.
Good morning! Well? Didn’t I promise you that the punishment for not trying hard enough would be less space? Jay, how are you even able to go without food for two whole days? Did you bring protein bars with you? Either way, these are all locked away now. If you still refuse to eat the food that y/n makes, it will have further ramifications. If you still can’t manage to sit together and eat by midnight, tomorrow you’ll only be able to access the ground floor. Bye!
You grabbed the letter and furiously stomped in the elevator.
“Wake up! You have mail!” You barked at Jay who stirred in his sleep, groaning in disdain. You threw the letter at him and turned around to leave. As the previous days before, you made coffee and offered Jay a cup as soon as he entered the kitchen.
“Are you now in the mood to talk?” You asked mockingly. When Jay didn’t answer you took it as a sign to continue.
“I’m not too thrilled with my house mate either, especially since he’s treating me like dirt but I’ve been raised to respect all people, and to always believe in the good in them. But boy! You’re making it tough for me! So let’s hear it. What exactly is your problem with me?”
Jay gulped down his coffee, looking at you wide-eyed. In all the time you’ve been colleagues, he never saw you losing control like this. Even when people gossiped to your face, you still maintained a cool façade.
“What is it, huh? The fact that I presumably slept with the superiors? Because I couldn’t possibly be smart enough to make it on my own?”
“I’m sorry.” Jay said eventually, his head hanging low.
It took you a couple seconds to register what he said, not trusting your ears at first.
“Ok, then. Stop being a dick and eat the damn food I cook for you so we can go home!”
Jay didn’t respond, but his gaze was glued on your forearm.
“Your wound is bleeding again!” He stated, walking up to you.
You watched him get the first aid kit from the cabinet and proceeded to remove your blood-soaked band aid, cleaning the wound.
Applying ointment stung and you drew in a sharp breath, making Jay look up and lock eyes with you.
“Sorry.” He mumbled, blowing softly on your wound. Then he placed a larger band aid on it and bandaged your forearm.
“Thank you.” You said, confused by Jay’s sudden change in attitude. He nodded and put the first aid kit away.
“What’s for lunch?” He then asked meekly.
“Food. I don’t know what yet.”
“I can assist, if you need me to. Because of your arm and stuff.”
You were about to decline his offer, but remembered the letter from this morning.
“You could help me chop vegetables.”
He nodded content and retreated to the living room until lunch time.
“So where are you from? I noticed a dialect earlier when you got mad at me.”
You looked at him flabbergasted, irritated that it took a good yelling from you to get him to talk.
“I’ve been to Busan, it’s nice there!”
“I’m sorry. This is creepy. I don’t know anything about you, yet we’re talking like two people who know each other.”
“Cut me some slack. I’m really trying here!”
“Okay, fine. I’m sorry. So I guess you’re a Seoul native?” 
“Born and raised, yes! My family lived in Seoul for generations. My dad was a pharmacists until he retired, and my mother still works as a teacher part-time because they don’t have anyone to replace her with.”
“Any siblings?”
“A younger brother. What about you?”
“I grew up in my grandmother’s house after my parents died. When my grandmother passed away I moved to Seoul. I was 15 at that time and had to work two jobs after school to pay rent for a small room.”
“I didn’t know.”
“You never asked.”
Jay looked at you, and in his eyes you could see he had many more questions. And lots of regrets.
“Ask.” You encouraged him when you noticed him hesitating.
“For God’s sake, I received a full scholarship. That’s how I was able to attend a good university and get a job at the company.” You cried out when Jay remained silent, looking remorseful.
“I guess I got carried away by all the rumors I’ve heard. People said you were too good-looking to be that smart so you must’ve have had help.”
“I didn’t. And I didn’t want to. I hate being pitied!”
“Ok. Noted. Let’s finish cooking. I’m starving!”
Half an hour later you sat down, sharing the food you both helped make.
“Surely that will restore access to the top floor again, right?” Jay asked in between bites.
“I sure hope so. For your sake! That couch isn’t too comfortable.” You had noticed how Jay was winding in pain every time he had to bend down or reach up the top kitchen shelves. “If you want to, you can sleep in the bedroom tonight.” You blurted out without thinking, prompting Jay to almost choke on his food. “We can take turns.”
“It wouldn’t be fair to you. It’s my fault I have to sleep on the couch. I’ll endure.”
After dinner Jay helped you clean up the kitchen and then asked if you wanted to watch some tv. You sat down next to him, watching Netflix, until you were too tired to even keep your eyes open.
“I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
“Hmm.” Jay acknowledged and laid across the couch.
Rays of sunshine tickled your face. Birds chirped in the distance. Slowly, you turned around, your eyelids fluttering open. Initially your vision was blurred but then you were able to make out a silhouette.
A musky scent filled your nostrils and an unexpected warmth surrounded you.
Gradually your vision focused in on the shape laying next to you.
“OMG! Jay! What are you doing here?”
“Urgh! Why are you yelling?”
“Why are you in my bed? Get out!”
“The couch was too stiff.” He mumbled, rolling out of bed.
Instinctively you turned your head away, but stole a few glances when Jay wasn’t looking.
Dressed in his usual office attire, button down shirt and suit jacket, you couldn’t see just how much of his skin was covered in ink. You foolishly assumed the tattoos on his neck and hands were the only ones.
Seeing him shirtless now, you not only admired his muscular physique but also the art covering his skin.
“Like what you see?”
Only too late you noticed the mirror that hung on the wall across the room. In it, Jay could see you staring at him, licking your lips absentmindedly.
“That’s ridiculous! I wasn’t even looking.”
“Sure. I’ll go get dressed and make coffee. Come down when you’re ready.”
You nodded, still covering yourself with the blanket. As soon as Jay closed the door behind him you let out a sigh of relief.
You went on about your business but the picture of Jay shirtless, getting out of bed, never left your mind.
“There’s another letter.” Jay informed you as soon as you entered the kitchen. He handed you a cup of coffee and the letter he found at the door.
Good morning kids! It wasn’t that hard, now, was it? It even looked like you had fun! Either way, I have a new task for you today. Write down five compliments, five things you admire in each other, and discuss it at dinner. If you do well tonight, you’ll get a treat tomorrow! Bye for now!
That’s doable, you thought and shrugged your shoulders.
Downing your coffee in one gulp, you laid down on the couch, getting some work done on your laptop. When you looked out the window, you suddenly wanted to escape. Feeling close to having a panic attack, you quickly got up and fumbled with the glass door that led out to the pool. You managed to get it open and took a deep breath, filling your lungs with fresh air.
“Isn’t it too cold?” Jay wondered when you crossed the threshold, closing the door behind you. The pool area was surrounded by glass walls but there was no ceiling. With furrowed eyebrows you looked up at the sky until the falling flurries tickled your nose. Quickly you retreated back to the warm interior and sat back down on the couch. It was already lunch time so you got up and walked over to the kitchen. Jay was still seating at the counter, hunched over a sheet of paper, probably doing his homework. The coffee next to him had turned ice cold so you emptied it in the sink and began cooking.
Both of you remained quiet the whole time, but it wasn’t uncomfortable anymore. From time to time you would try to decipher what Jay was scribbling on his paper but his handwriting was horrible.
You chuckled, prompting Jay to look up, realizing you’ve been staring at his writing for a while.
“Hey! No cheating.” He yelled but laughed softly.
You chimed in, trying to deflect. “Me? Pfft! You must not know me very well.”
“I don’t, actually. Tell me more about you!”
Something in his tone alarmed you. He went from hating your guts to tolerating you, even be curious about you, all in 24 hours.
“What do you want to know?”
“Everything!” He said and his eyes lit up for the first time.
So you did. You told him everything. Hours later the conversation shifted over to the couch, where you both occupied the opposite ends. When you looked out the window and realized it was already dark, you gasped.
“Oh no. Dinner!”
“Don’t worry.” Jay chuckled. “I can whip up something quick.”
He found ramyeon somewhere and prepared a pot, carefully setting it on the couch table and handing you a small bowl and chopsticks.
You stared at your food until the tears stung in your eyes.
“Is something wrong? Don’t you like it?” He whispered concerned.
You looked up at him, a single tear rolling down your cheek. “It reminds me of my grandmother.” You whispered almost inaudibly. “The year before she passed away, she started making me ramyeon once a week, saying that she read somewhere that that was what young people liked eating.”
“She sounded like a very sweet and caring person.”
“She was. Sacrificed so much to raise me.”
“Why did you move to Seoul?”
“My parents passed away when I was very young. For years my grandmother wouldn’t tell me how it happened. Before she passed away she told me that they were both killed when a building collapsed. They were in Seoul for the weekend, a small vacation to celebrate their wedding anniversary.”
“That’s horrible.”
“I wanted to visit the site, hoping to feel closer to them but my grandmother held my back saying it would hurt too much. She knew exactly what she was talking about. A year after the accident she received money, like every other bereaved family, and although she had financial problems she didn’t spend the money, instead she saved it for me. In a letter I found after her death, she wrote how that money was a constant reminder that her son and her daughter-in-law weren’t there anymore, how a child had to grow up without its parents.”
You wiped the tears off your cheeks, surprised that you were comfortable enough to share that story with Jay in the first place.
“Sorry. I rarely speak about these events.”
“Don’t apologize.” He spoke softly, getting up off the couch and knelt down in front of you. “Sometimes it’s good to let it all out.”
Fresh tears rolled down your cheeks and you buried your face in your hands. You vaguely remember Jay helping you up to your feet and wrapping his arms around you, allowing you to cry to your heart’s content. Next thing you know, you woke up in your bed, with Jay hugging you from behind, like a big spoon to your smaller one.
Instinctively you turned around, locking eyes with him. Carefully he brushed a loose strand of hair off your face and you cuddled up closer to him until you were practically on top of him, your head resting on his chest, his heartbeat lulling you to sleep, while his hand was stroking your hair.
Despite not knowing how you got to that point you knew exactly that it was what you needed the most at that moment.
Closeness. Intimacy. A shoulder to lean on. It’s been a while since you last admitted that to yourself.
“Jay…” You whispered, lifting your head, your gaze wandering from his eyes to his lips and back.
A silent agreement was made. One kiss. Just one kiss and nothing more. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you rested on your elbows until your face was inches apart from Jay’s. His scent was intoxicating, it made you forget everything else.
Slowly you dipped your head until your lips connected. An involuntary moan escaped as you parted them, allowing Jay’s tongue to go on an expedition.
One kiss!, you thought. Just one kiss.
Your hand grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of his neck and made Jay moan too. Without realizing, you ground your hips against Jay’s lap, while deepening the kiss.
Suddenly you stopped, creating some much needed space between you. No one was talking, you were communicating with your eyes.
Quickly you reconnected your lips, kissing frantically, struggling to get out of your clothes at the same time.
You woke up in an empty bed, groaning when you recalled last night’s events. It wasn’t the fact that you regretted sleeping with Jay. But still, something was nagging at you.
“Good morning.” You said meekly, while entering the kitchen. Jay stood behind the counter, drinking coffee. In front of him was a letter. You couldn’t be bothered to deal with it now, too ashamed of what you might read in it, so you just filled your cup with coffee and drank it in silence. Jay was silent too.
Did he already regret last night? Does he think now I’ll have expectations?, you thought but before you could say anything, Jay took his coffee and disappeared.
Sighing, you went on about your day, ignoring the letter for now.
It was past dinner time when you saw Jay again. Suddenly he came down and joined you on the couch. But he was neither looking at you nor talking to you.
Suddenly a light went on outside by the pool and a buzzing sound cut through the silence.
“Is that the surprise the letter mentioned?” Jay pondered to himself which prompted you to get up and read the letter. You had almost forgotten about it, your mind too busy dealing with other things.
Good morning to you! And what a good morning it is, am I right? ;)
You cringed, but kept reading nonetheless.
Since you made substantial progress yesterday, I thought I’d reward you today. Enjoy! A new task awaits you tomorrow. PS. I support an office romance, as long as it’s not interfering with productivity. ;)
You watched as Jay opened the glass door, and you were hit by an unexpected warmth.
“A heated pool?” Jay asked and was taken aback by more buzzing and whirring. “Bubbles? Nice!”
You stepped outside to check for yourself and saw that a part of the pool was sectioned off with bubbles turning it into a jacuzzi. The ceiling was covered by thick glass and the a fan was blowing warm air.
You were not impressed so you turned around and went inside. Jay followed close by, trying to get your attention.
“What’s wrong?” He demanded, cutting in front of you.
“Nothing. I’m just tired.” You said, pressing the button on the elevator.
“Stop!” Jay shouted before you stepped inside.
He sighed, searching for the right words to say.
“I don’t regret last night. And I don’t take it lightly. I want you to kn-” He stopped abruptly when he heard small sobs coming from you. Grabbing your shoulders, he turned you around so you were facing him, examining your face.
“Talk to me! I don’t know what’s going on inside your head unless you speak.”
“I’ve always sucked at expressing my feelings, but I can show you.”
With that you took a step forward, locking lips with him. The kiss turned passionate real fast and you jumped on his lap eagerly, wrapping you legs around his hips.
You didn’t protest when he carried you outside to the heated pool, didn’t protest when he slowly undressed you, drinking in every inch of your body. After undressing himself too, he took your hand guiding you inside the pool, the warm water instantly relaxing your muscles. You straddled his lap again, grinding on top of him as he kissed you passionately. Little moans escaped both your lips and you threw your head back, allowing Jay to claim you wholly.
After you came down from your high, Jay carried you outside the pool bridal style to an area where he patted your skin dry.
“What happens when we go back to Seoul?” You asked out of the blue. The loaded question took Jay by surprise too as his hand halted in mid-air.
“What do you mean?”
“Do we pretend that nothing happened?”
“Why would you want that?”
“Because everyone hates me at work, and I don’t want them to hate you too.” You said grabbing the towel, wrapping it around your body and going inside.
Good morning folks ;) I’m gonna be honest. I didn’t think this little experiment would be such a success. Maybe we should turn it into an annual thing!? Anyway, today is your second to last day here, so make it count. Originally I had something prepared for today. A little task that now seems unnecessary. Oh! Before I forget it. I’m actually not watching the camera footage myself, that’d be too cruel. No! There are two independent people that I hired specifically for the task, so don’t worry. Also. Surprise! I’ve restored access to the top floor again. Until tomorrow!
You hadn’t seen Jay all morning but now knew exactly where he was hiding.
Preparing two cups of coffee, you placed them on the tray and made your way to the top floor.
Knocking on his door lightly, you waited patiently for him to let you in.
“I thought we could talk.” You greeted him, walking past him, carrying the tray inside.
“What’s there to talk?” His harsh comment made your blood freeze in your veins but you would be lying if you said you weren’t expecting it.
“Jay, please!”
“What? Do you want to align stories? As you said, everyone at work hates you so I’m sure they won’t come to you for the gossip. What then? Do you need me to say something specifically?”
“Stop!” You yelled, clenching your fists into balls. “I knew something like this would happen. But I wasn’t expecting it to hurt this bad! I don’t care about what you say to your colleagues! I wanted to make sure everything was okay between us.”
“There isn’t an us. You made that pretty clear last night!” He spat, leaving his room.
Immediately you felt sick to your stomach. Using the last of your strength, you made it back down to your floor, collapsing on the bed, and breaking down in tears. You didn’t know where Jay was hiding and you didn’t care if your loud sobs could be heard throughout the house. You knew not to play with fire but in the end you got burned anyway.
You remained in bed all day, surprised to find a bowl of rice porridge by your bed when you woke up in the middle of the night. When you touched it you noticed it was hot. It made you cry again as you ate a spoonful of it, desperately trying to silence your growling stomach.
It was unusually quiet when you woke up in the morning. Shuffling to the kitchen, you were on the lookout for Jay. When you went behind the kitchen counter your eyes fell upon the letter. You really weren’t in the mood for it now but picked it up anyway, eager to get the uncomfortable part out of the way.
Only this letter began a little different.
Hey, I didn’t want to wake you so I’m writing you instead. I arranged for the van to pick me up a little early. There was no other reason behind it except the need for me to clear my head and figure some things out. The van will pick you up tomorrow, 8am. I’ll be waiting at your place and hope that you and I will get to sit down and talk. I apologize for making you feel bad, but I plan to apologize in person too. I’m not doing this because I can’t stand being near you, I hope you know that. Maybe you too could use this opportunity to figure some things out. Jay
You put the letter down, sighing. Jay was right. A lot had happened in the last six days, and none of you had a chance to digest it. But did you really want to deal with all of it? Was there something between Jay and yourself? Something more than just sexual attraction? After all, he was the one who made your life a living hell only a week ago. How did he turn into someone you grew attracted to in mere days? What would happen once you returned back to normalcy? How would your colleagues react? Would you be fine with the awkward stares at work?
You felt a headache coming the longer you thought about all of these things. It would be best to just end things with Jay. Cut him off before he had a chance to make a home for himself in your heart.
And although you knew this was the sensibel, the logical, the right thing to do, your heart ached at the thought of you having to avoid Jay.
In order to take your mind off all things Jay, you spent all day cleaning the entire house, even though you were sure a professional cleaning crew would show up as soon as you left. Still, you needed to occupy your mind to keep it from thinking about Jay.
At night you couldn’t sleep, counting down the minutes until you would be picked up in the morning.
You had been standing outside by the front door since 7am. When the van rolled up the driveway, you immediately grabbed your luggage and wheeled it towards the car. The driver got out and made a move to help you with your luggage but you had already stored it and climbed into the back seat. You saw him chuckling in the rearview mirror and wondered if he knew something. After informing you he would be taking you back to your place, he drove off.
When you arrived at your place and saw Jay waiting for you in the distance, you almost jumped out of the driving van. Walking up to him with quick steps, you tried your hardest to keep your emotions at bay. Wrapping your arms around him, you buried your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.
“Did you really miss me?” He chuckled amused, wrapping his arms around your waist when you simply nodded as a response.
“I missed you too!” He whispered close to your ear and helped you carry your luggage inside.
Your small apartment was the complete opposite of the place you’ve been living in for the past week, yet you were happy to be back home. Out of habit you prepared coffee for Jay and yourself and took a seat on your couch.
But Jay wasn’t really interested in his beverage, instead pulled you onto his lap the minute you sat down.
Looking deep into your eyes, he caressed your cheek until his thumb brushed over your lips, parting them lightly. Immediately his lips were on yours, and you responded to the kiss by arching your back, your body glued to his, your fingers tangled in his hair, his hands resting on your lower back.
“Tell me this is more than just sexual attraction, tell me you want my heart as much as you want my body.” You spoke breathlessly in between kisses, daring Jay to share what was on his mind.
“I’m falling in love with you!” He finally said, out of breath too, before he sealed your lips with his again.
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exylm · 2 years
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I’ve had such a great Christmas break that it’s made me realise how much I needed to be away from work. It’s so easy for me to focus on work and get stuck in a task completion cycle where I only like myself if work is going well. It seeps into all other areas of my life. Taking that time out, checking in on how I’m doing, where I’m going and where I am in life right now has been really good for me.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s also been a big reality check. If something isn’t right with myself, relationships or friendships, usually I have my lunch break or the evening to think about it and that’s it, back to the grind. Whereas, having the last two weeks to spend with my partner and spend sometime by myself - I’ve been able to take note of some things I need to work on.
Being a human is hard. Sometimes I feel like I have everything straight and that I’ve overcome so much. Things that used to be really hard, I now don’t even think about! 6 months ago, I felt like I was on the top of the learning curve, in work and in my personal life. I was ready for new challenges. These last 6 months, I’m right back at the bottom again! Part of me is proud, to realise where I’m lacking means I must be going in the right direction, but it’s also embarrassing. It doesn’t feel good.
I don’t think I’m great with responsibility. I do not think I’m consistent. I’m selfish often. It dismays me to see these things in myself, it’s hard to work out how to get better at them. I think this year there’s going to be a lot of this, it will be difficult but worth it. Last year my goals were visible and tangible, whereas this year they’re internal, there’s no one and done check box to tick off for being a caring person.
Woof, that was a lot of big talk, here’s the other stuff which will explain pictures! I’m getting teeth aligners in a month or so, to fix and maintain mostly my bottom teeth which are crooked. After I fixed the chip in my front tooth this past June, I noticed a HUGE change to my confidence and how much I loved to smile in pictures. Every penny fixing my teeth were worth it just for how much better I felt. Now that I’m in a position where I can afford aligners, to fix and then keep my teeth straight for the rest of my life… I have to do it. I’m really, really, really excited about it. It’s actually something I’ve joked about to friends before “I’m just after a raise so I can fix my teeth” 🤣
The food pictures are from some great restaurants my partner and I went to over the break, I’m still thinking about how to recreate that focaccia pizza and garlic tater tots, by god they were incredible.
The picture of me reading is awful, I literally look like I’ve just discovered reading for the first time ever. HOWEVER, my boyfriend took that picture secretly, and he took it because the book I’m reading is one of the Christmas presents he got for me (I’ll write about that on my Charis Reads blog, link in my bio lol). It’s cute so I’m keeping it.
I feel like this post was very doom and gloom, I didn’t mean it to be, I think I’m just very reflective at the moment. It’s weird hitting a point where you’ve been saying I deserve this, I want that, I’m going to get there… then you do and you don’t feel ready. You appreciate it all, but it’s scary. I’m out of my comfort zone in my life right now, but it’ll be exciting soon enough.
0 notes
princesscatstronaut · 2 years
at the office but need something to hug
at the office. its nice to have a clean desk. although someone took/disposed of the amazon box I was using as a laptop riser which is a bummer. I still have a nice big second monitor though, so its ok. I had tea (raspberry hibiscus) and lunch (easy mac) and I guess I need to get to work now, so I'll have something to show for lab meeting in 2 hours. I started the day with resetting all of my autopay stuff since my old account got hacked. I hope I got everything. all of the alerts about things trying to pull from the old account are getting old. I think I got them all.
I wish I had a stuffed animal to hug. I think in my next trip to the office I'll bring one. maybe the sea bunny. or the llama. either way it would be nice to have something when I'm coding bc sometimes its scary and I need to soothe child-me from the fear of being completely wrong.
I really just don't want to do anything. I had to email old-boss to tell him that the draft won't be ready, and had to email the dept admin too, since she asked. and those are not fun emails to write. old-boss doesn't seem to care, which is fine. but I feel like garbage bc I feel like everyone is saying "why aren't you done yet?" but like, you try working on something that gives you panic attacks while also working 40 hrs a week in a slightly different field where you have to learn new things all the time. like its not easy. I'm not having fun. well on the weekends I do, bc that's when I get to play video games and not feel bad about it. I still play during the week (bc stardew valley) but I feel much more shitty about myself then.
I got a lot of positive feedback about my work over the thanksgiving break and it was so nice. I wasn't even trying that hard. there's so much I could do with my time and instead I listen to Ethersea again and play stardew valley. at least I haven't started a new stardew valley game, that tends to be the indication that I'm not ok. this was just continuing the one I have going.
in Ethersea, Devo/Travis' voice breaks my heart. his character is someone who was raised by people who constantly manipulated him and so he is constantly attacking others and rarely trusts and I'm just here like.. yeah, same. and from his other characters, you can kind of tell that Devo is a different thing. also: it shows you can be terrifying with a french accent lol.
I've been listening to The Adventure Zone bc its a family playing a game where anything is possible. you literally fight dragons. I don't think my parents would ever do that. the fact that their dad plays and tries really hard to be the character he's playing and I love that. I wish my parents cared that much about something I wanted to do.
Today is the observation of St. Nicholas Day (in my family we call it Belsnickel Day, which is just the old german way to say it), which is a holiday lots of european countries celebrate, where on Dec 5th you put your shoes out and the next morning (today) you get a little treat if you are good, or a bundle of sticks if you're not (from krampus). my godmother has always gotten me Belsnickel day presents, even though I'm 42 now. she's so kind to me.
ever since I emailed mom about not wanting to come home for xmas (bc the aunt's house we do it at, I don't feel comfortable around them), I haven't heard anything at all from her. which is weird. in my email I had offered to host them on xmas day (family xmas is always on xmas eve), but since I haven't heard anything, I likely won't be prepared for that. and I think mom might be mad at me. not that we talk all the time, but it does seem like she would've responded by now. another possibility is that gramma isn't doing well (she's 100 so needless to say, her health is precarious and mom is her primary caretaker outside of the nursing home).
but yeah. I feel weird. I feel empty. I feel like garbage that I couldn't get my thesis edits done before this deadline. honestly it took so much to get myself to complete the analysis (which is mostly done, just a little more to do), that it took days to recover after each time I was able to engage with it. and, as my therapist keeps reminding me, I am working full-time now. but I guess I still expected I could do it faster than this. I will get it done. hopefully over the winter break I'll have more time. there's a lot I want to do then. new-boss has this really great boundary that she told our clients not to expect much from us after mid-Dec. all my years in academia are screaming at that lol but I'm so thankful that she has that sort of view point. I will learn a lot about having boundaries professionally from her, I think.
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tetsoorou · 2 years
faxing documents
♡ pairings: older timeskip!osamu miya x f!reader
♡ warnings: 18+ MDNI!!!! older osamu (like late 40s/early 50s), boss/employee relationship, office sex, implied spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, lil bit of a breeding kink, osamu is a tease, osamu says “good girl” once, rough sex, use of pet names (darling + sweetheart), a hint of exhibitionism, no mention or implication of reader’s age but i wrote this in mind w reader being in their 20s
♡ wc: 960
♡ a/n: just a couple of lil hc’s about dilf ‘samu <3 inspired by the dilf at my work who’s done a couple of these (minus the whole bent over the desk thing) n lit up my imagination hehe. also ik dilf literally starts w “dad” but i decided to not write him w kids ! ahhhh sorry it’s a lil long, this is my first time writing hc’s + realized that keeping things short n sweet is not my strong suit </3
!!! 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔡𝔬 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 !!!
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dilf!osamu who never had the chance to settle down; just couldn’t seem to find the time between all the work that came with starting and building onigiri miya. atsumu has constantly nagged him about it over the years, always trying to set him up on dates with a friend of a friend of a friend - chastising him with a “yer gonna die alone ‘samu!” when he’d impolitely decline. osamu would eventually give in, if nothing but to shut his brother up, though nothing ever really came of it beyond the occasional second or third date.
dilf!osamu whose hair is starting to revert to the silver color reminiscent of the one he sported in high school when he meets you – in an interview for the lead chef position at the new location he’s opening up in tokyo. not only are you perfect for the job, surpassing every single one of his expectations – but fuck, he thinks you’re the prettiest little thing he’s ever laid eyes on. so naturally, he hires you on the spot.
dilf!osamu who knew he had to have you from the moment his hand brushed against yours in the break room your first week. he had found you struggling with the coffee machine and took the mug from your hands – “here, it’s a little finicky, lemme help ya.” – fingers grazing over your smaller ones in the process. all it took was that one, brief little touch to have you stumbling back out of his way and heat shooting up to your cheeks, body so obviously clueing him in to the little crush you’ve developed. you avert your eyes to the ground and stutter out a quiet “o-oh, thank you.” so cute, he thinks.
dilf!osamu who knows the effect he has on you, making sure to leave little crumbs of attention here and there for you to mull over: a brush of his arm against yours as he watches you cook, a gentle hold on your wrist to reposition your hand while molding the rice, a squeeze on your shoulder as he praises your work. and sure, maybe the way his hand drops from its place on your shoulder to the small of your back as he makes his way to the door is rather unnecessary and a bit too low to be friendly – but you don’t notice. not when he momentarily presses his hips into your back, muttering “excuse me, sweetheart,” right in your ear and watching – delighted – at the way you freeze and your breath hitches in your chest.
dilf!osamu who catches you off guard a few weeks later when you’re complaining to him about it being particularly slow. “well, I could think of a coupla things we could do,” he counters, voice lowering with the idea of something that is definitely a little more than friendly. the implication makes you choke on the water you’re drinking, sputtering out a high-pitched “what?” between fits of coughs and gasps for air. “i have a few documents that need ta be faxed is all,” his soft laugh bounces off the tiled walls and echoes throughout the kitchen as he pats your back. “ya alright there, darlin’?” but he knows – and you question whether you know too – what he really meant.
dilf!osamu who calls you into his office before the shop closes for lunch, something along the lines of him wanting your opinion on a new recipe. but he’s on top of you before the door can even click shut, reaching behind you to lock it as you ask “what are you –“. he cuts you off with the slam of his lips against yours and your eyes remain open, unblinking, for the second it takes you to register the situation, then flutter closed as you curl your hand in the collar of his shirt to pull him harder against you. he only breaks away when you need to breathe, taking the opportunity to guide one of your hands down to the bulge in his pants; “see what ya do ta me?”
dilf!osamu who bends you over his desk, handprint etched into the fat of your ass, gripping bruises into your waist as your juices drip down your legs and onto the papers that were hastily shoved to the floor. he thrusts into you so hard the desk inches forward, the scratch of metal against carpet and your cries the only sounds filling the room. he shoves his fingers in your mouth in an attempt to keep you quiet, not that he’s trying too hard though – he’d be lying if he said the way you’re screaming his name didn’t inflate his ego and go straight to his cock.
dilf!osamu who cums deep inside your cunt with a growl of “good girl” in your ear and pulls your panties back up your wobbly legs for you, sending you out of his office still stuffed full of his cum. “ya better not waste a single fuckin’ drop,” he says, voice hardly above a whisper, corner of his mouth twitching up in a smirk as his cock stirs in his pants at the thought of you walking around with his cum pooling in your panties.
dilf!osamu who tells you to stick around after closing today, and waits for you by the door as you gather your things with a small, yet devilishly handsome smile stretched across his face. he leans against the wall, arms crossed, as he watches you move about, the fabric of his t-shirt – a little too tight – clinging to his biceps and pulling taut across his chest. “lemme take ya out ta dinner,” he says, much more of a declaration than a question - damn well knowing you couldn’t possibly squeak out anything but an eager, breathless “o-okay.”
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