#this might sound harsh but you are a nobody
hellaephemeral · 2 years
people need to fucking learn what queerbating is and that real people cannot do it. even celebrities. people just existing and being themselves is not queerbating.
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siyzuii · 1 month
shifting is self discovery.
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excuse the yap but i think it’s very important that people realize how fundamental you are in your shifting journey and that you are literally the only thing you need to shift.
you do NOT need:
a method
(guided) meditation
to look for advice hour after hour online
the void state
lucid dreaming
to visualize
to use your 5 senses
a script
you DO need:
you can say fuck you to the universe, doubt as much as you want, and still shift. i say that because i’ve done it before even with doubts! so you can too!
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“how do i shift?”
every time someone asks this i lose 5 years off my life span. i can’t determine that for you, nobody can. i can tell you what has personally worked for me and so can others, but there’s no guarantee it’ll work for you.
“so what do i do?”
sounds a bit harsh but you figure it out. and that’s what i mean by self-discovery.
of course, you can & should see what other people are doing to create a base line of what you think could work for you. for example try getting into the void state, see what happens from there. doesn’t work or you don’t like it? (because that obviously won’t do the same thing for everyone) try something else!
play around. add new things into the mix. affirmations. intention. you can visualize or use your 5 senses. keyword can. you don’t have to. because what do i think works the best? minding your business and shifting your own way.
remember that you can literally just say “fuck you i want to shift” and shift. you can shift accidentally. so who’s to say what you’re doing doesn’t work? (if it really doesn’t then you can adjust it slightly. look back on your behavior and think about what you want to change.)
you can shift:
in the hypnagogic state (the state of the transition from wakefulness to sleep)
in the hypnopompic state (the state of consciousness leading out of sleep)
while dancing
laying down
on the floor
through a lucid dream
with doubts
and so much more i didn’t mention. seriously no need to overcomplicate it.
just remember that other peoples’ shifting journeys are not yours and that you’re the most important part of your own.
you are what makes you shift.
it’s not your subliminals or your method or whatever, it’s you. YOUUUU. subliminals? “methods”? those things? just helpful tools. they can HELP you shift, but there’s no guarantee.
for example, i personally have been getting more effective results after listening to specific subliminals regularly (psst.. i make sure they’re safe! to check if they are safe, look at the comments around the page and if you’re still not sure and you feel uneasy then do not use the subliminal. if it makes you feel unsafe or weird then do not use it. always read the benefits or what you can find in the description.) it works for me. it got me results (along with other stuff) but it might not give them to you and that’s okay. you don’t have to use subs.
just a reminder that you don’t need anything but yourself to shift <3
it’s self discovery because you’re learning from it and actively finding out (discovering) what works for you.
your shifting journey is yours so don’t make it rely on what someone else does.
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yuvany · 17 days
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SYNOPSIS : growing up "ugly" was not for the weak. Being absolutely ignored both in and outside of school was not for the weak. No one is ever ugly forever though. Changing schools and meeting new people, but most importantly meeting him might have been the best choice you've ever made in a very, very long time.
CONTENT WARNINGS : angst (with a happy ending) + bullying + insecurities + strangers to friends + friends to lovers + written in second perspective + self deprication + fluff + long + little rushed + partially proofread
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i. "WHY WON'T THEY EVER PLAY WITH ME," you asked your mother after returning home from a long and harsh first day of school. Your hair looked a mess, and dirt was scattered across your clothes, yet your voice sounded like childish innocence and pure wonder. Maybe it was too much for such a young child to realise that her newly made friends maybe weren't actually her friends?
(Read more under the cut)
"I'm sure they didn't mean to?" She replied, her voice sounding soft and vulnurable, feeling like she was responsible for the sorrows and grief that her child had been put through, since she was the one who had bought you into this world. Instead of confronting the problem, she told her child that the world wasn't as evil as it seemed, that thinking on the bright side, or the possibilities, were the correct way to live life.
Eight-year-old girl walked up the stairs with heavy weights glued beneath her feet after dinner was finished. You threw yourself onto your bed that was neatly made in the morning before you went to school happily, just to come home opposite of the way you left. The softness of the pillow and blanket laying on your bed was enough to comfort you as you buried your face deep into it and wrapping the blanket around you tightly. You wished for friends, and you wished to be happy, but most of all, you wanted to be like everybody else.
ii. ONE MORE DAY at school, the daily mistreatment never seeming to come to a halt. You walked through the corridors anxiously holding onto the straps of your backback tightly with your pair of eyes wandering all over the place in case of danger. This was certainly not nessecary for a child your age, but when nobody chooses to help, you've got to start taking care of yourself.
Maybe it was your nerves that made it feel as if everyone's eyes were on you, but their mouths would open to release a fit of laughter that they had held in until specifically you walked past them. You crossed your arms, feeling extra aware of yourself now, guessing that they were laughing and giggling at you, which you didn't appreciate, but you were also too insecure and scared to speak up against them.
You reached your locker, looking forward to being able to collect your throught, away from everyone else, the locker shielding you away from their piercing gazes and judgemental stares and whispers. As you look up from your shoes, you see piles of gum stuck onto your locker, the gum being pressed onto the metal aggressively by the people you wished you didn't see. It was them; the popular girls of the school, and few of many people who seemed to despise you. They saw you standing there, shooting you an all too familiar look before walking away with their hips swaying from side to side dramatically.
You approched your locker to finally see what they were doing up close, "UGLY!" it read. You felt embarrased imagining all the people who passed by and saw this. Did they laugh? Did they feel bad for you? What did they think? You wanted to run away and hide in a deep hole you'd dig up with all the stored up shame inside of you.
iii. "MOM, DO YOU THINK I'M PRETTY?" You asked your mother once more, years after the first, but soon to the recent encounter. "I think you're very pretty." She says, but your gut tells you another story. "Really?" You ask, awaiting her response that takes a long while before she hums lowly. That just confirms it, she wasn't being honest. "Thanks," you say, with no emotion in your tone. She looks away and eats her dinner quietly.
You quickly finish yours, and wash it in the faucet, the soap bubbling up and covering your fingers as you scrub and rub the plate, utensils and glass that you used. After finishing that up, you return to your room, locking it behind you. You hid under the covers for a while until it got too suffocating and warm, leaving you itchy and irriatted before sliding out and standing in front of the mirror. You inspected every inch and detail of your face, feeling not so content with some parts. You sighed at your reflection that looked back at you with tired, red eyes. At just fourteen years old, you began caring about how you looked, and how others precieved you, so you took matters into your own hands. That night, you stayed up all night searching for 'how to be prettier' and scrolled endlessly through social media.
The next day, you had decided to get a new hair cut to maybe fix the way you looked, you knew excatly what you wanted, and how to cut it. Before anyone else woke up, even before the first birds chirped their morning tune, you made your way to the bathroom and grabbed a pair of scissors in your grasp. You carefully cut strand for strand, the same way you remebered how the video showed. "It doesn't look too bad." You think to yourself, and then you hear footsteps outside the door. Your eyes quickly scanned the hair that layed on the tiled floor and faucet, wondering what to do with it.
Too late. The door slowly swung open and in came your mom. She was silent upon seeing the scene, the horror only showing in her eyes. "What happened here?" She asked like a sharp whisper. "I just cut my hair..." You reply equally quiet. You see her shake her head in disappointment, so you turn your head down, looking at all the hair that had been flying everywhere while you had fun cutting your hair, and suddenly you weren't as proud of your hair cut like you were before. "Go get the broom, y/n." You obeyed your mother's order and hurried out of the bathroom feeling tears of embarrassment reaching your eyes.
iv. YOU STARTED WEARING MAKE UP to cover up, but to everyone else, you told them that you wore make up becase you thought it looked pretty. Still, they'd give weird glances toward each others, which you knew was their way of judging you.
Each morning, you woke up early to sit in front of your mirror examining your appearance like you always did. Hoping and praying to somehow change over night, you hated how your features looked together. You opened the drawer of your vanity and picked up sponges and brushes, leaving them aside for later use while you chose the different essintials. You had prepared the whole summer break to look pretty. Every day, you followed a new tutorial, improving as you continued. You did all this to look presentable at school.
You thinly spread the foundation across your face, dabbing the liquid evenly all over as you moved onto the next step. You sat there for a long time, perfecting each detail and mole, brushing your brows and coating your eyelashes with mascara, and lastly smacking your lips together after applying lipstick.
You stood in front of your larger mirror that you had ignored and hidden away since you never wanted to see yourself ever, but now you felt prepared. In your eyes you looked prettier. You wore your hair differently, you had earrings and necklaces, the school uniform from last year looking a lot better than you remembered. The confidence boost put a smile on your face as you made your way downstairs and made yourself breakfast.
In the kitchen, your mum was sipping her coffee calmly, but as she saw you walk in, her eyes widened in shock, but she didn't say anything. "Good morning!" You greeted happily, and she waved her hand slowly, still trying to process what was happening. "You look different." She comments, and you are content with that reply, and answer, "Thank you, mum!" You proceed to eat your breakfast and then made your way to school.
At shcool, you felt everyone's eyes hooked on your face. The corridors got quiet when you walked by, and you heard murmurs and whispers about you, "Is that really y/n?" "No way..." "What happened." You didn't know what context to put it in and just walked with hurry in your steps, wanting to get to your class and focus on your studies.
Lunch also happened to be no different compared to before your make over, the group of three girls made their way to your table, cackling amongst themselves, planning what to do today. You, who already finshed your lunch stood up to walk away, not wanting to have an encounter with them, until one of them, the blonde barbie, knocked into you with her lunch tray, spilling her food and drink all over you. "oops!" he chuckled cheerily, enjoying the laughs and fingers pointed at you from around her in the cafeteria. You angrily stood up and rushed over to the bathroom, feeling embarrassed once again.
v. "I WANT TO CHANGE SCHOOLS." You say to your mother after a long while of thinking, fearing that you might make the wrong decision, but what could possibly go worse than how it already is? Your mother is sneering at you from the side as she puts down the bags of groceries by the sink. She hums, and you wait for her reply, feeling your heart beat through your ribs, beating so hard that you start belive it'd jump out of your body any second. To be fair, you'd rather for that to happen than to be rejected of this preposition. "Are you sure?" She asks with uncertainty in her voice after silence, and you nod your head, "Of course." "Think about it for a little more, and then we can ask your father when he returns home." She says and walks away. How much longer could you ponder it when you're already certain.
You help her organise the groceries, washing them in the sink to sterilise it of bacteria before placing it in either the fridge or freezer and taking your sweet time, not knowing what else to do other than lay in your bed or be on your phone scrolling through social media.
So, that's exactly what you did for the past hour or so after your chores.
Of course it was boring, but you had nothing else to do. Homework was done, your room was clean and you could only wait for dinner with your father. You heard the sound of the stove from your room, and rushed down to help prepare with your mother. You plated the dinner table, helped your mum with the dishes and washed them afterwards, now you waited in your seat for your father to arrive home from work.
You hear the door slide open, the sound of keys jiggling from the entrance. You sit straight in your seat, resembling a meerkat on its legs as you inspect the person who enters the kitchen. Your father walks in with his coat still slung over his shoulders, his briefcase slamming onto the kitchen counter while he sighs. "Hello, dad!" You greet him cheerfully, and he simply nods his head in your direction. Your mum rose from her seat to help him with his jacket and hat, but he just shrugs her off, and you notice both of their irritated moods.
Dinner was quiet - the sound of utenstils hitting each other and then being left on the plates filled the house. "y/n wanted to ask something." Your mum blurts out, wanting something to happen, being too awkward in this stale atmosphere. You see him look at you from the corner of your eye and he clears his thoat. "Really? What is it?" He asks, and you manage to utter the same statement from before. It takes a moment before you get a reply again, but he says, "I'll think about it." You pleaded with both your parents to let you change schools until they finally caved in with an extended sigh.
vi. YOU WALKED INTO THE FULL CLASSROOM feeling everyone's eyes glued on you, the feeling being vagualy familiar yet different. Some leaned over to their friend, whispering something, but as you saw them and they made eye contact with you, you wanted to shove yourself inside a locker. "Everyone, this new student ..." You zoned out her speaking until she placed her palm on your shoulder and asked you to intruduse yourself to everyone. "Hello, I am y/n l/n, and I really hope we can all be friendly," You said, and then walked over to the empty seat that the teacher pointed at.
As you take a seat, you take extra notice of your bench mate. Oh, how beautiful she was, her hair looked neat, her skin looked perfect and her eyes... You finally took a seat and did what everyone else did - copying what the teacher wrote. After class, you observed your schedule, confused by where to go. This school was big, and you were a new student who just joined, there was no way you could ask anyone else for help except the teachers, but the one in you room had already left. The girl from beside you tapped you on the shoulder and you turned your head curiously.
"Do you need any help?" She asked, and you nodded. "Help would be appreciated, thanks."
You spent the day with her, laughing and talking like never before. It was comforting to have someone like her beside you. At the end of school, she walked you outside of school and there you saw a group of other people gathered, and they waved in your direction. You turned to see your newly made friend, Yoona, waving back. Her pace quickened as she rushed over to the group, pulling you along by the sleeve of your uniform when she noticed you standing still.
It was a fairly small gang, but they still stared at you as you arrived. They all greeted each other, hugging and chatting till Yoona introduced you to the rest. Her voice sounding so smooth.
As she spoke, you noticed this guy. His hair was long and swept in waves, his eyes soft and brown filled with warmth and kidness. You learnt that his name was Jake from your friend's introduction. "Y/n, wanna come to karaoke with us?" She asked, and you shook your head. "Sorry Yoona, but I gotta head home now" you say, not wanting to interrupt the harmony established amongst the people. She nodded understandingly and let you go, waving her farewell.
On your way home you realised you had made a new friend. A real one at that, but thoughts of insecurities snaked its way into your mind. What if she was just being kind? To say that this could possibly be one of many occurrence was high, and the possibility that you'd fit in was low.
vii. YOU FOUND YOURSELF IN THE PARK with them. You've come to the realisation that a new start was exactly what you needed. Your feet swung you back and forth on the swing, hearing the laughter of everyone around you and feeling the warmth in your heart expand. You had gotten close to everyone, but Jake seemed to have a special place in your heart for some reason.
"Anyone wanna go to the arcade?" Someone called out, and everyone said yes, including you who never went along with them. On the way there, you walked along side Jake, chatting with him and joking. "So what made you change schools so suddenly." He questioned, and you shook your head with an awkward chuckle, "Nothing, I just wanted to." Jake had this friendly smirk on his face as he nudged his shoulder against yours, "you can't be serious. You probably had a lot of friends there." You had your eyes focused on the road as you tried to comply a decent reply. "I mean-" as you were about to answer, everyone had already arrived at the arcade. You found this to be the perfect escape.
Everyone rushed inside, being bombarded with games and bright lights. Almost immediately, you spotted the claw machines. You eyed it like it was candy. There were many plushies, but you really really wanted the bunny one. Jake who was close by saw the way your eyes lit up and approached you with his hands in his pocket. "If you beat me in any game, I'll get you that plushie." He says, and you turn to look up at, his lips being extremely close to your face. "Are you sure you wanna bet?" You asked and he nodded his head, "Go ahead, choose a game." You pointed at an air hockey board and Jake ushered you over there with his palm resting on your shoulder.
You played a couple of games, and you were determined to win. Jake, not so much. His eyes roamed everywhere except for the hockey puck, his eyes landed on your concentrated face a handful of times, observing your reaction to each goal. You easily won and rushed over to his side, cheering. Your smiles were contagious, and Jake laughed, exposing his pearly teeth. "You wanted that white bunny, right?" He asked, and you nodded. "You could get whichever one, really." He made his way to the machine, you standing beside him. Jake kissed his coin before inerting it into the machine. It took him many tries before he sighed and collected his calm once more. "You don't really need to continue, Jake." You tell him, but she shakes his head and stretches his arms and back. "I'll get it this time. I might need more luck though." You see him point at his cheek with a smug smile. "That's silly." You reply sarcastically and he pleads with you giving you the puppy eyes before caving in. You stand on your toes and quickly peck him on the cheek shyly. Your heart was pounding and you could feel your cheeks turn rosy at the act.
He winks at you once before turning to the machine with one last try. His focus is evident in his fierceful gaze and you also hope for him to win this time, mostly becuase you start to feel bad for all the coins he's lost.
While being consumed by your own thoughts, Jake celebrated his win. He turned around to hand you the bunny, but saw you spacing out. He snapped his fingers in you face and you shook you back into reality. You finally processed the fact that he had won after staring at the plush in his arms. Jake gently hands it to you and you take it with a smile. "Woah! Thank you so much!" You thank him over all the other people's conversations around you two.
The rest of the evening was spent with silent glances that held adoration between the two of you. and eventually, it was time to go home. You all gathered outside the arcade to wave each other off before going their separate ways.
You notice that Jake was taking the same way as you and you stopped in your tracks to let him catch up to you. "Do you also take this way?" You asked him. "Kind of, I actually wanted to walk you home." He rubbed the back of his neck before you two began walking again. "You could've told me before, you almost looked like a creep." Jake chuckled at your remark and said, "I would've, but I guess I got shy." with his thick accent seeping through.
The sound of crickets and owls hooting filled in the silence during the short walk to your front door step. "Thanks for walking me home, Jake." You say as you search for your keys in your purse. He was silent for a while as you unlocked your door. "Y/n, I have something to ask you." You turned to him curiously and arched an eyebrow. He was obviously nervous as you saw him fidgeting with his own fingers and clearing his throat over and over again to muster up the courage to ask,
viii. "WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME, Y/N?" It had totally slipped your mind that prom was soon. You stood there wide eyed at the question. "You're not joking with me right." You wonder if he's pranking you, but he shakes his head. "Why would I joke with a pretty girl like you." His tone sounds genuine, but you still can't shake this feeling of uncertainty. "There's many other people you could've asked, but instead you chose me." The identical feeling of hopelessness returned after finally being chased away. "Becuase I only want you. Y/n, please." It takes a while for you to open your mouth an reply, but you feel the cold sweat coat your hairline and seeing Jake's soft expression was not helping you to calm down.
"I need to think about it, sorry."
You take notice of how Jake's expression turns dark when you shut the door and lock it behind you. You rush up the stairs and sprint into your room, ignoring your mother's calls. The plushy you had gotten from Jake was thrown onto your bed as you hurry to look out the window, observing him walk away from you. To your surprise, you see him look back at your house. Hurriedly, you pull out a diary that you had hidden under your mattress and write about everything, it isn't until after you're done taking notes that you feel bad for Jake. How must he feel?
You take a look at the plush he gifted you, and groan at the dilemma.
ix. THE NEXT DAY at school you searched for Jake everywhere, but you never saw him. Your mood visibly worsened as the day had come to an end without seeing him once. Yoona took notice of this and decided to question you. "Is everything okay?" She asked you and you nodded your head with a hum. "Yoona, have you seen Jake today?" She shakes her head and pulls out her phone. "He sent me a text this morning that he wouldn't come today since he felt under the weather. Why?" "Nothing, just wondering." You quickly blubber, grabbing your stuff quickly. "Hey, what's the rush? Wait for me alright." You hear Yoona chuckle as she packs her stuff. You apologise and wait for her.
You two part ways at the split road with a hug, and you gradually start to jog your way to his place. You stand there on his door step, bag slung over your shoulder with your fingers twisting the hem of your skirt. "Is it too late to turn around?", you think you to yourself. You shake away these thoughts, and raise your curled up fist to knock, but to your surprise, Jake opened the door, his eyes looked equally as shocked as yours. "Uhm, so I wanted to talk to you." You utter, and see Jake sigh. "Sure, I'm going on a walk if you wanna follow along." You nod and walk behind him.
"So, I've been thinking." His interest perks, and he glances your way. "I'll go to prom with you, but I don't understand why me? I'm not pretty. I'm not that ....good." You voice comes out weak, and Jake stops walking. "Don't say that. Not only are you incredibly beautiful, but you're also so, so kind and caring." He approaches you, his hand gliding up your cheek. "Are you not angry at me?" You ask, trying to avoid his eyes. "Angry? At you? That's ridiculous." He scoffs playfully, and you finally get the courage to look him in the eyes. "I might've been slightly upset since I thought you rejected me, but i guess I have a date for prom!" He smiles brightly and you look at him awestruck. "Of course," you reply and kiss him on the cheek once again with your arms swung around his neck, and his arms instinctively wrap around your waist. "You make me so happy." He is smiling widely as he pecks your face with butterfly kisses.
TAGLIST :: @swaivy
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adverbally · 3 days
Face to Face in Secret Places
Written for the @steddiesmuttyseptember prompt “sneaking around” | wc: 1,576 | rated: E | cw: none | tags: set pre-S3, established relationship, in public (school library), fear of getting caught, exhibitionism (but no voyeurism), making out, dry humping, oral sex | title from “A View to Kill” by Duran Duran
“Ow, shit!”
“Shh, someone’s gonna hear you!” Steve hisses, covering Eddie’s mouth with his hand.
Eddie jerks his head away and whisper-shouts back, “Then stop hurting me!” The Hawkins High School library apparently has extra-sharp shelves, which Eddie knows because they’re digging into his back where Steve has him pushed into a corner in the reference section. “Plus nobody comes in here during class time and Mrs. Wright already left for her lunch break, like, five minutes ago. Who’s gonna hear?”
Steve rolls his eyes as he leans in for another kiss. Eddie accepts it happily, even if he still hasn’t fully come to terms with the fact that Steve Harrington is ditching class with him so they can make out in the library for the third time this month.
Once “King” Steve was dethroned last fall, Eddie found that Regular Steve wasn’t actually bad company. They got to talking after Tina’s Halloween party, where Steve got so shitfaced that Eddie had to physically peel him off the lawn before he could take him home. Their truce extended to their shared classes as the semester came to a close: Eddie proofread Steve’s essays for English, while Steve walked him through the problem sets for Algebra II. They hung out after school when they didn’t have basketball and Hellfire Club, growing closer by the day.
Steve had made a move first, leaning in for a kiss when Eddie dropped him off after a study session around Valentine’s Day. Now, in March, it was looking like Eddie might actually graduate on his second attempt, as long as Steve didn’t get them both kicked out for dry humping in the library.
Well. Actually, that doesn’t sound so bad right now, with Steve’s tongue hot in Eddie’s mouth and Steve’s thigh pressed between Eddie’s legs and the soft noises Steve’s making as Eddie sticks his hands in the back pockets of his jeans and squeezes.
“Eddie, I swear to god, if you make me come in these pants, I’m never touching you again,” Steve says, burying his fingers in Eddie’s hair like he’s hanging on for dear life.
He laughs in Steve’s ear. “As if you could keep your hands off me.” He licks over the moles just below Steve’s jawline to make him squirm.
“Shh,” Eddie teases.
Steve growls in frustration and pulls Eddie’s hair until his mouth is close enough for another kiss. He tastes like Eddie’s cinnamon gum and the can of Coke they had shared at lunch. When Steve slips a hand between them to grope Eddie’s cock through his jeans, Eddie’s head buzzes like carbonation is trapped in it.
“Jesus Christ,” he breathes against Steve’s lips.
“Mm-hmm.” The sound travels through Steve’s tongue to vibrate against Eddie’s teeth. It’s a weird feeling but a good one, too, one that has Eddie’s hips bucking up and the shelf behind him jabbing into his kidneys.
He grunts in pain. “Wait, wait one second.” When Steve pulls away, Eddie uses the leverage from his hands in Steve’s back pockets to spin them around, pushing Steve up against the shelves.
“Shit, those are sharp,” Steve says to himself.
Eddie doesn’t respond, too busy sinking to his knees on the ancient carpet and unfastening Steve’s jeans.
“Hold on, Mrs. Wright might be back any minute!”
“We probably have ten minutes, at least. And frankly, I don’t think it’s gonna take that long to get you off.” Eddie pointedly looks down at Steve’s cock tenting his boxers through the open fly of his pants. “So be quiet, keep a lookout, and let me suck your dick, okay?”
Steve’s eyes are wide, almost glowing in the harsh fluorescent lighting, but he doesn’t protest. He nods, brushes some of Eddie’s hair away from his face, and watches intently as Eddie takes the head of his cock into his mouth.
It’s not the first time Eddie has done this with Steve, but it is the first time they’re doing it in public (Eddie’s van doesn’t count as public, does it?). It’s a little thrilling, the idea that anyone could come in here and see Eddie on his knees with Steve Harrington’s cock down his throat. It makes Eddie want to show off.
When Eddie pulls back to lick into his slit, Steve lets out a shuddering moan, hunching over and scrunching a fist in Eddie’s hair like he’s in pain.
“Are you—?” Eddie starts to ask, but Steve quickly cuts him off.
“Don’t stop.”
It’s punctuated by a whine when Eddie does it again, lapping Steve’s precome straight from the source. It tastes even better with Steve trying to muffle his cries with the back of his hand, with him staring down at Eddie like he’s something out of a dream. Eddie looks back at him while he mouths at his tip, flushed bright pink with the need to come.
“Eddie, please, I’m close,” Steve begs in a strained whisper.
He squeezes Steve’s hips in encouragement, then he sinks down as far as he can around his cock. Eddie’s not, like, a professional at this yet, so he can’t deepthroat him or anything, but he takes Steve’s dick deep enough to nudge at the back of his throat without making him gag. He bobs his head slowly, relishing the drag and the wet noises and Steve’s unblinking eyes full of awe and desire.
Steve’s hand tightens in Eddie’s hair. He whispers his name like a prayer, “Eddie. Eddie, Eddie—” He goes quiet when he comes, throwing his head back and staring at the dirty ceiling tiles with his mouth wide open.
Eddie holds Steve’s twitching hips in place against the shelf as he swallows him down. It goes better than his past attempts, with much less choking and spluttering involved, but he still has a little come dribbling down his chin when he gets to his feet.
To his surprise, once they’re standing eye-to-eye again, Steve leans in and licks his own jizz off Eddie’s face before pushing it back into Eddie’s mouth in a filthy kiss. It’s probably the dirtiest, sexiest thing Eddie has ever experienced, and it’s happening in the school library. Incredible.
Steve pulls away, still breathing heavily, to ask, “Did you come?”
Eddie grinds his still-hard cock against Steve’s hipbone. “Not yet,” he responds, a little pointedly. “But unlike you, I don’t care if I come in my pants.”
“Great, that’s great,” Steve babbles, already going in for another kiss and propping his foot on the lowest bookshelf so his thigh is in a better position for Eddie to ride. His leg fits between Eddie’s like it was made for him, the thick muscle surrounded by soft-worn denim providing the perfect amount of friction when Eddie’s hips start to rock.
Steve cradles his face and kisses him with a gentleness that’s at odds with the frantic rutting of Eddie’s hips. They haven’t had a big discussion about their feelings yet but it’s almost like they don’t have to, not when Eddie can feel Steve’s care and affection in every touch. He tries to kiss Steve back with the same intensity, like Eddie can telepathically project how much he likes him with his mouth.
It’s not long before Eddie’s rhythm starts to falter. Steve whispers, “C’mon, baby, come for me,” and Eddie is helpless to resist when Steve’s looking at him with his eyes like liquid honey and his lips shiny with Eddie’s spit.
He buries his groan in the crook of Steve’s neck, biting at the skin just below the collar of his shirt, while his cock spills in his boxers. Steve cradles Eddie’s head against his shoulder and gently runs his fingers through Eddie’s hair while he catches his breath.
Once his heart rate settles, Eddie jokes, “Maybe I should’ve cared a little more about coming in my pants.” He’s sticky and damp enough that he’ll probably skip the rest of his classes for the day so he can go home and change.
Steve tucks himself back into his pants with a smug look. “I tried to share my wisdom and you rejected it. Now you’ll pay the price.”
“Are you going back to class?” Eddie asks. He hopes Steve picks up the underlying invitation to ditch with Eddie.
He tilts his head with a grin. “Geez, you’re clingy,” he teases. “If you don’t want to be without me for the rest of the day, just say so.”
“Mm, how about every day?” Eddie pecks him on the lips.
“I think I could make that work,” Steve says, looping his arms around Eddie’s neck for a final, lingering kiss before they sneak out of the building. “Your car or mine?”
Wayne is home and Steve’s parents are out of town, so it’s a no-brainer for both of them. ”I’ll drive us to your house?” Eddie suggests.
“It’s a date.” Steve smacks his ass as he turns to go out the side door, making Eddie jump. “You better get going if you don’t want to get caught in the hallway between classes.”
“Meet you out there.”
Five minutes later, they’re giggling together in Eddie’s van, giddy with the feeling of getting away with something and being alone together and tangling their fingers together on the gear shift. Eddie can’t stop turning to look at Steve’s face, scrunched up with a smile, and thinking about how much he wants to have this every day for the rest of his life.
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ponderingmoonlight · 18 days
could you do an obanai x reader where the he treats the reader rlly badly like being rude/cold and when the reader gets badly injured (like on the verge of dying) he realises he loves them and treats them better. 🔥🔥
Beneath the serpent's mask
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Pairing: Obanai x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,8k
Synopsis: Despite you always staying soft and thoughtful, it seemed like Iguro Obanai hated you more than anything else. Until you risk your life for him. Until your nearly die.
Warnings: big big angst like we all love, Obanai is really sassy in this one, but you'll learn to love him hehe
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Obanai Iguro was never an easy man to get along with. Known for his sharp tongue and cold demeanor, he kept most people at arm's length, including you. Despite your best efforts to form a connection with him, Obanai remained distant, cold, and sometimes even outright rude. You, on the other hand? Maybe the greatest sunshine within the whole corps.  
Nobody really understands how you could fall for a man like him. Something about the way he carries himself, his unwavering dedication, and the flashes of vulnerability he rarely shows made your heart long to know him better. But every time you tried to get closer, he pushed you away with cutting words or outright indifference. And even though the rejection hurt each and every time, you continued to fight by his side, believing that one day he might see you as more than just a nuisance.
Today wasn’t that day, though. You are on a mission with Obanai, tracking a particularly dangerous demon that has been terrorizing a remote village. The tension between you is unmistakable as you walk side by side through the darkened forest, the only sound being the crunch of leaves beneath your feet. Obanai barely spoke a word to you since the mission began, his expression hidden behind his usual bandages.
“Obanai,” you begin, trying to break the silence,
“do you think we’ll find the demon soon? The villagers said it’s been getting more aggressive these past nights.”
He doesn’t even glance your way, his voice as cold as the night air.
“If you focused more on the mission and less on talking, we’d find it faster.”
You flinch at the harshness of his tone, your heart sinking. It shouldn’t even bother you anymore when he talks with you like that. After all, he’s been like this since the moment you’ve met him. You have no right to feel hurt by his cold tone.
And still, you do.  
“I’m just trying to help,” you murmur, feeling the sting of his words really sink into your heart.
“If you really want to help, then stay out of my way. You’re more of a disadvantage than anything else,” he snaps.
When his gaze finally meets yours, it’s filled with nothing but irritation.
The words hit you like a physical blow. You trained hard to be where you are and hearing him belittle your efforts is painful. Those countless nights you’ve spent training, the pain you’ve had to endure to finally get called a hashira…for nothing?
But instead of contradicting, you swallow the hurt and nod, falling silent as you continue to walk beside him.
When you finally reach the demon’s hideout, you feel the evil aura in the air. The demon is close, without any doubt. Obanai unsheathes his sword and you follow suit, your heart pounding in your chest. This is your chance to prove yourself, to show Obanai that you are capable.
After that, you have no further time to think or react. The demon is powerful, its speed and strength far surpassing any you faced before. You barely manage to shield your throat from its teeth when it attacks out of the shadows, leaving you falling to the ground.
Obanai continues to fight with the skill and grace that had earned him his reputation as a hashira, but even he’s struggling to keep up with the demon’s relentless strikes. Over and over, you try as good as you can, attack again and again in order to support the man you have your eyes on. But that demon… It targets your weaknesses, exploits your lack of experience without any mercy.
You can’t stand a chance.
“Stay back!” Obanai shouts at you as the demon lunges at you with full speed.
You tried to dodge, but it was too fast. Its sharp teeth rack across your side and pain explodes in your abdomen as you were thrown to the ground.
Obanai’s eyes widened in shock when he sees you fall, blood pooling beneath you. The demon turns its attention back to him, but something in him snaps. With a roar of fury, he unleashes a barrage of attacks, his blade moving faster than the eye of the demon can follow. In the matter of seconds, the demon is finally decapitated, its body disintegrating into ash.
But Obanai doesn’t care about the victory. The only thing he can think about is you lying motionless on the ground. He rushes to your side, his heart hammering in his chest. He drops to his knees beside you, his hands trembling as he reaches out to touch you.
His voice is barely a whisper, all the harshness of those past weeks gone and replaced by a raw, desperate fear. Blood stains your entire uniform, your skin deathly pale as your eyes flutter open weakly.
“Obanai...”. your faint voice mumbles.
And despite the visible pain that glisters in your eyes and all those things he said to you earlier, you smile up at him.
“Why did you do that?”, he demands, his voice cracking as he pressed his hand against the wound to stop the bleeding.
“Why didn’t you listen to me? You should have stayed back!”
“I wanted...to help you. I couldn’t just...stand by and do nothing,” you gasp with shallow breath.
“You idiot,” he mutters softly.
And for the first time since you know him, tears sting his eyes while he looks down at you for the first time.
“You’re so stupid. You should have let me handle it.”
“I know. I’m sorry…” you whisper.
You feel so tired. It’s impossible to stop your eyes from closing when exhaustion overtakes you.
“No, don’t you dare to close your eyes. Stay with me, (y/n), I’ll help, just…just stay with me!”
Panic surges through him when he sees you slowly but surely fading away. And for the first time since his childhood, Obanai is forced to feel the stinging sensation of fright again.  
You’re growing colder in his hands with each passing minute, your breathing more labored.
“I’m sorry...for being...a burden,” you whisper, your voice barely audible as your eyes begin to close.
Obanai’s heart clenches in his chest. Why would you think you were a burden? All the times he had pushed you away, been cruel to you... His eyes widen in sheer horror. He realizes now, in this moment, how blind he has been. So afraid of getting close to someone, of being hurt, that he hasn’t allowed himself to see what was right in front of him.
You with your warm smile. You with that voice so angelic that he could listen to it all day. You in that uniform or in that kimono you only wear to special occasions. You, loved by everyone with your eyes on him only.
And now, it might be too late.
“No, no, no, please...”
His voice cracks while holding you close, tears spilling down his cheeks like a waterfall.
“Don’t leave me. I…I need you. I can’t do this without you. Please, (y/n)... I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...”
You want to respond, to comfort him, but you can’t find the strength. Your vision starts fading, darkness creeping in from the edges. The last thing you see is Obanai’s tear-streaked face as he begs you to stay with him.
Then, everything goes black.
-two days later-
When you open your crusty eyes, find yourself in a bed with soft sheets wrapped around your aching body. The room is dimly lit, the soft glow of lanterns casting warm light across the walls. You blink a few times, disoriented while trying to remember what happened.
The last thing that comes to your mind is that demon, the pain, and Obanai’s voice, desperate and pleading.
This voice. So soft, filled with a mixture of relief and guilt. You turn your head to see Obanai sitting beside your bed, his eyes red and tired, as if he hadn’t slept in days.
Your voice is weak and your mouth feels dry like the desert, but you manage a small smile.
“Barely,” he murmurs.
He reaches out, hesitating for a moment before taking your hand in his.
“Shinobu…said you were lucky to survive. I thought... I thought I’d lost you.”
“I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to worry you,” you croak, squeezing his hand gently.
“Don’t apologize,” he replies quickly, shaking his head.
“It’s me who should be apologizing. I’ve treated you so horribly, pushed you away when all you wanted was to help. I was so afraid of losing someone I care about that I didn’t realize I was hurting you.”
You look up at him with your doe eyes, surprised by the vulnerability in his voice. This is a side of Obanai you have never seen before, a side that he kept hidden beneath layers of coldness and indifference. But you always knew it was there. You always knew that Obanai has in fact a big heart.
“I’m sorry. I was wrong and you almost paid the price for my stupidity. I don’t know if you can ever forgive me, but... I promise I’ll do better. I’ll be better. I don’t want to lose you. It took me way too long to realize how important you are to me, (y/n)…”, he continues, his voice barely above a whisper.
Tears well up in your eyes a, the sincerity in his voice breaking through the last of your defenses. You waited so long to hear him say something like this, to show you that he cared about you as well.
You squeeze his hand tighter, your heart swelling with emotion.
“I forgive you. I always have. Just... don’t push me away again.”
He nods, his grip on your hand tightening as if he’s afraid to let go.
“I won’t. I promise.”
For the first time since you know him, you see Obanai smile. A small, hesitant smile, but it is real. And in that moment, you know that things will be different from now on. The walls he built around his heart begun to crumble, and you are there to help him rebuild.
-a few months later-
„Shinazugawa-san, have you any idea where (y/n) went? I need to ask her about the medicine she produced earlier.”
“Where is she supposed to be apart from Obanai, huh? Seems like all these guys do is piling each other with love”, Sanemi grumbles through gritted teeth.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are jealous, Shinazugawa-san-“
“Me, jealous? Because he found his true love and a girl that adores him more than anything else? Jealous because he only spends time with her now, because they sleep in the same bed every night? Jealous because I can’t understand how he pulled a girl like that? Just…shut up!”, Sanemi snaps back, earning a heartfelt giggle from Shinobu.
“I will go find (y/n) now. But maybe you should talk to Iguro-san about your discomfort”, the insect pillar comments before making her way towards Obanai’s estate.
There you sit, devoured in his arms and cloak, your face bathing in the sun with that signature small smile decorating your lips.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if we could talk about the medicine you gave the blond-haired boy earlier”, Shinobu begins, earning a deadly glare from Obanai himself.
“Sure! Did it work?”, you question while peeling yourself out of his longing arms.
“Amazingly. He’s fully healed now.”
There it is again. That signature bright beam decorating your face that makes your eyes sparkle.
“I’m glad to hear that. I’ll be back in a few hours, my love.”
“Don’t be gone for too long. And take good care of her, insect pillar”, Obanai replies in a warning tone.
“Of course!”
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @vrystalius @sanemifucker @blunderland
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impishjesters · 11 months
Can you do Jax x reader who has a lot of insecurities about how they look and act in the real world and the digital one? And if not you can just ignore this 💕
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warning(s): Jax (only slightly kidding), insecurities, mentioned dark humor to cope, minor bullying (Jax throws Zooble and Dangle under the bus on their appearance) note(s): I'm quickly learning that just like Jax, I'd probably be an awful human being to seek comfort in.. at least words of comfort... A/N: Realized more than halfway through writing that I wasn't sure if the request was separate hc's like knowing him before being yoinked into the digital hellscape and after or not... Feel free to toss another ask though and I can try some pre-digital hellscape hc's...however, I feel like they'd still be pretty similar to the post-digital hellscape reactions.
Jax is probably the last person to talk to when it comes to insecurities, real or digital
One time the topic of what everyone looked like before being sucked into the digital hellscape came up, but not everyone remembered, whether it was because they simply couldn’t remember or because they’d been there too long to remember
Jax’s response is never consistent. In one comment he’ll say he misses having long hair and was 5’4”, and the next comment is how he was actually bald and 5’10”
Now whether that’s him fuckin around or not is anybody’s guess
Currently, he’s got no real beef with his appearance, and he’s unapologetically himself digital or human. Now when it comes to you?
It can go a few different ways depending on how close the two of you are
Right out the gate, he’ll claim whatever toy-like appearance you’ve taken on can’t be any uglier than Zooble, which is like wow, harsh—they aren’t exactly easy on the eyes but that’s still a person with feelings…
He might even throw in a harsh comment about Gangle’s lack of a body, being ya know just ribbons… but hey! At least you have a body compared to her (Jax..that’s not helping..)
See what I said? Not the best person to go to with this sorta stuff
In the beginning, there’s always the gamble he might poke fun at your digital appearance and not really realize till later on that you were insecure about your appearance. (Whether it’s because someone else pointed it out or you flat-out told him.)
The closer the two of you get—friendship or romantic—he’s still an ass but once you’ve confronted him about your feelings and insecurities about your appearance, digital or human he knocks it off.
Nobody’s really voiced their complaints on what they ended up as here, at least not publically…
He’ll try to reassure you that you look fine, likely not understanding how deeply rooted something like insecurities can go and something like a “well I don’t think you’re ugly” isn’t gonna cut it.
Jax isn’t a sweet talker, or rather he doesn’t really sound all that genuine if he does, but he does try to put some emphasis that you really do look fine. (again, sweet but likely not helpful)
Now real world you? He wouldn’t know in the slightest, and while he could lie and say that the description you gave him wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, he’s not gonna do that to you (not that the appearance you gave him sounded ugly or anything).
Jax copes with dark humor and will without a doubt throw out some comment about how you won’t have to be insecure about your human appearance anymore because it’s unlikely any of you are getting out of here. (I’m sorry I’m laughing so hard because that would 15/10 make me laugh, dark humor is how I cope)
It’s not helpful (depending on the individual at least)
Oh! What about now you don’t have to worry about any acne or wrinkles?
Better? But is it really? Eh..
Overall he’s not particularly great at the whole reassurance about your appearance or how you act “I mean have you seen how some of the others act?” (Jax that’s not..helpful), but because you are someone important to him he’ll make the extra effort to listen to exactly what it is your insecure about and if you need him to reassure you he’ll do so
It might sound insincere but that’s just how he talks
On the off chance that you have a really bad day, it tugs at his heartstrings (yeah, he has those), he’ll pull you aside and give you little kisses over those places.
Insecure about something facial-wise? Face kisses.
You end up as a toy with too many legs and not enough fingers? Kisses (maybe not the legs though...)
When in doubt kisses and he’ll let you hug him or whatever, but breathe a word of this to the other’s and he’ll.. I dunno, prank you later or something. He'll have to workshop it.
Back to the act thing, I don’t personally know how someone would be insecure over that—but if you stim or anything of the sort Jax won’t really comment on it, but if someone else does? Poor them because they are about to get on the bunny’s bad side.
Gangle stims and as big of an asshole as Jax is, he’s never made fun of her for it.
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gh0vtzb1og · 2 months
Pouring, Simon Riley x fem reader
Trying a new format <3
Cw; dub con , Threatening , impregnation (?)
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Your hands gripped your AR, eyes narrowing at the field infront of you. You had worked under graves, being one of his shadows. You were the group of graves only female shadows, just you and another few. Right now you were in the streets of las Alma’s, listening to the chatter of other shadows and the crying of the rain. Flooding the sound of innocents crying out for salvation, for a hero.
This was a war crime, still graves would get away with it. Either blow or ride Shepard shriveled cock to not get in trouble, you shook your head with a bit of frustration. Stopping to listen to a few shadows ramble over the radio.
“I'm telling you right now, don't let these guys get in your head...”
“So, you're tellin' me you see that big boy with the skullface and you're not gonna start sweatin'?”
“I'm not gonna see him-“
“You're right, you won't see him. It's too late if you see him, you're fuckin' already dead.”
They were so fearful of someone who probably couldn’t do anything. You mocked him underneath his breath, him and soap. They didn’t seem intimidating, a Scot and a Brit? How much damage could they do. You moved deeper down an alleyway, your eyes avoiding the dark corners, thinking nothing could lurk there. Nobody could be watching you from the shadows, only evil on their mind. Sure if someone would’ve wanted you dead you would’ve been my now. If ghost wanted you dead, you would be.
For now the masked lieutenant lurked around, slowly following you and listening to your soft voice occasionally whisper into your radio. Just a reminder you were alive. Not that anyone would miss you too much, you refused to let the shadows sleep with you, even graves. You were a virgin and you’d stay that way.
“Eh? Maybe after this we can get drinks and have some fun.” One shadow spoke out into the silence. You clicked your radio and fully replied.
“Virgin, I’d like to stay that way. Not loose it to some random guy.”
The shadow went quiet, ghosts interest peaked at that, virgin you say? Gosh he’d love to pin you up against one of these cold slick walls and ram his cock into your gummy cunt. Ruining it for anyone but him, he wanted to feel your slick velvet walls try and push his cock out. But with that body? You were practically begging for his twitching cock.
Atleast in his mind you were, it was his way of making his actions morally correct. He snuck up behind you quickly, listening to your frustrated quivers and whines. Without a second thought your radio was stripped from you and crushed and you were shoved into a broken in building. Up the stairs and onto a bed. You tried to reach for your side arm or even your main but neither were on your body. Ghost was quick. The man pointed the pistol at you, narrowing his eyes.
“One fucking word and I make these sheets white, am I clear.” He coldly said, you just nodded and laid against the plush white sheets. The lieutenant clicked his radio, speaking to the Scot and keeping his eyes on you.
“Found a girl. I’ll be busy, she might be a tough one to take out.”
Then he clicked his radio off without a second thought. Your shirt and pants were still wet, drenching around your curves and body. How beautiful you were. I’m your mind you were thinking of an escape plan. Ghost crept forward, grabbing his knife and your ankle, tugging you closer to his body. How adorable you were, with that terrified look in your eyes.
You wanted to scream curses and profanities at him. But you knew better, now you just sat quietly and waited for his move. Ghost moved his knife closer to your shirt and cut it off you. Throwing it aside and staring at your pretty lace bra. You swallowed nervously and kicked a bit in protest only to be met with a harsh slap to the ankle. Ghost didn’t enjoy brats, you seemed panicked when his eyes rested on your tits, how gorgeous they were. You were only a body right now, just a personal porn.
Ghost removed your jeans and stripped you of your panties, you felt exposed and fragile. Embarrassed aswell, you didn’t like being naked infront of men, or anyone. You nervously crossed your legs and kept your nervous eyes on him.
“Said you were a virgin eh?”
“. . .” No response from you.
“I’m sure I can work with that, you might tear around me though. Maybe I’ll just leave you all used so your team can have a try.”
“Fuck you.”
He chuckled at your attempt of being tough and ran his fingers against your wet slit, you didn’t want to be sopping for this man but you couldn’t control yourself. This was embarrassing, why were you drenched for the enemy. You crawled further onto the bed as the lieutenant got onto it. Crawling towards your legs and opening them, from the sudden movement you now could see his pants. Along with that massive bulge craving to be taken care of.
“Fuck no.” You immediately protested, a harsh slap meeting your face as you looked down nervously. He was rough, not an ounce of mercy in him. His rough glove teased around your tense warmth, pulling your wet folds aside and letting his finger graze your entrance. Immediately tight. How fun. The masked man undid his belt, then jeans, pulling out his cock and letting one of his hands wrap around it.
This man was a lieutenant, he had power, and strength. There was no way you could fight against him if you wanted to, sure a kick and scream but he’d be balls deep into you before any help came.
“Yknow I haven’t done this on a mission in awhile.” He lined his tip up with your warmth, feeling your walls immediately tighten at the new feeling.
You let out a little grunt in response.
“Last time I did it was anal, god that girl was fucking amazing. Shame she didn’t make it through the rest of the mission.” He pushed his tip into you without a warning. Listening to your pained cry as you hit and squirmed against him. Trying to push him away from your body. He put his weight on you to stop your protest, your cunt squeezed and tightened around his tip, tears filling your eyes.
Ghost hushed you softly, letting one of his hands rest beside your head as his other guided another inch into you, your warmth wrapped around him as you slowly stretched and tried to get used to his cock. Ghost jolted his hips forward and pushed deeper into your body.
“Fuck, there ya go, slag.” He cursed into the silence of your pants and desperate cries. His fingers rubbing your pearl and enjoying how slick you were. The masked male shoved the rest of himself into your tight cunt. Listening to your frantic and desperate cries, you were a virgin. This was tough on your body, he rested both his hands beside your head and roughly bucked his hips towards your own.
A groan of absolute pleasure left the male as you were left whimpering into his chest, he arched his back in the slightest and continued to pound into you, those hazy little eyes of your made his own mind go feral. Enjoying your soft and sweet noises you let out for him. Ghost sped up his hips and carefully fucked you. His cock twitched inside your cunt, soft pants and grunts leaving his rough lips as your arms wrapped around his shoulders. You quietly sniffled and tightened more around his cock.
Your stomach curled up in a weird way, a burning sensation filling it as your moans of desperation got louder and louder. Simon sped up more, letting his cock ram against your g spot until you orgasm’d on his cock. He wasn’t soon to follow, filling up your cunt and holding you on his cock. Making eye contact with you.
“Do you take the pill?” He spoke out into the heat of the room, panting ever so slightly.
You shook your head, why would you? You weren’t sexually active. Simon flopped down beside you, taking off one of his gloves and leaning you against him. Rubbing your cunt as he thought.
“Might want to now. I don’t want a kid to take care of.”
Okay but sequel where you do have his kid? Keep it hidden bc he’s a fucking maniac. Lmk in anon or comments<3
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
TW: angst, daddy issues, daddykink, praise kink, slight smut, gn reader, description of mental suffering, unreliable narrator.
Inspirations - "Daddy issues" the neighborhood and "the crow" by Edgar Allan Poe.
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Bi Han was always your safe haven, the man who, despite being cold and harsh, managed to leave you well in his hands, the walks outside in the gardens, at sunset with the cool breeze of air on the two of you's sweaty skin, after an exercise from the Liu Kuei clan. The lights mixed incessantly with the desire for a new day, a new day that you could be in Bi Han's arms again, in a more intimate way, like a lover, like his odyssey.
The grand master, so feared by everyone, was a man who welcomed you in the worst moments, giving you the pleasure of being truly accepted by someone in such a cruel and empty reality, he was your master, your teacher, but also your friend , your man, your impossible passion.
Bi Han always found your eyes reflected by an impossible connection for several reasons of unfortunate fate, one of them being his position as grand master, he was and had to be a serious man and older than you, even though you two were adults he I just knew I wasn't good enough for you.
So many nights you ran, with sore, cut feet across the steep forest floor with tears in your eyes towards Bi Han's house, he was already waiting for you at the door, he knew your problems. His muscular and slightly cold arms surrounded you, a chaste and long kiss was received by the older man's lips.
"-Go ahead and cry, little boy/girl, nobody does it like you do, I know how much it matters to you. I know that you got issues." -Bi Han spoke with a deep and calm voice, a side that only you knew existed, as he ran his hand through your hair, your tears fell on his arm, salting his skin, but he didn't care what mattered was you, in that At the moment it was just you and him in everyone.
"-And if you were my little boy/girl, I'd do whatever I could do... I'd run away and hide with you.." -He whispered in your ear, an impossible promise, an empty truth, a sweet lie, but you needed sweet things and even though it was impossible you wanted to believe, to cling to a reality that you and Bi Han were more than just grand master and ninja apprentice.
It wasn't impossible to deny the exchange of looks between you, every touch, every caress wasn't a secret, but no one would dare question the nature of the two of you. The nights lying beneath him, with Bi Han's silky black hair falling over his face, his skin reflected in the moon.
"-Are you okay to continue?"
"-You're doing so well"
"-Those are such pretty sounds."
"-One more for me, you've done such a good job for me."
"-I think if you beg a little more sweetly, I might be convinced."
"-You open up so nice for me."
"-You look so silly and cute squirming like that."
"-I really want to spend my entire life by your side (Y/N)" - Bi Han spoke in a hoarse tone, grotesque moans, louder than the eternal evil of greed in his own mind, sickened by the thirst for power, you knew, you always knew he was a broken man but those moments of lustful voluptuousness, lying in the soft, gentle bed of your hidden lover. The moon was the only witness to such feats of the intimate encounter between the two of you.
But that didn't last long.
Bi Han broke, you could be his love, his refuge of peace, the hope of an empirical and silent future, unique and direct days, lost in a dismal space deep in the soul and mind of your former lover, he betrayed his brothers, he sought the power he so desired, you were now seen as weak, an obstacle for him.
Nothing else was important to him at that moment, the pain of immortal longing, the emptiness in his cold chest and his heart beating faster with each memory of you, sitting in his solitude, the fortress that surrounded him, echoed, seized the feeling of having you and understand the love and passion that was lost in the mortal days, where Bi Han's war for power made you turn away from him.
You sent letters and everything you could, trying to communicate with him, but no response, no sign of life in your love. Then, you saw him later, married to a powerful woman, who was going to help him make the new Liu Kuei clan strong, you were in shock, but you just walked past him, saying...
He would never forget your words.
Bi Han, found sitting at rest, in vain, the quiet of his thoughts, the soft thought of your name echoed in his chest. "-(Y/N)." such a name, which he will never forget.
The snow and wind breached the open windows, entering the room unceremoniously, then a familiar voice whispered in the night along with the cold wind.
Bi Han trembled, his legs slowly gave out, he had lost everything, he wanted you again, but it was just a projection of guilt, the punishment of fate for leaving you, even though he was meditating, waiting, conjecturing, your voice didn't stop , taking away the balm of little peace pretended and created, in a lie of power and conquest that he lived.
He whispered your name, letting it echo through the dimly lit room, the pain of guilt, the pain of having lost you, the pain of having thrown away a future with you left his soul in an eternal cry of regret and suffering, never calmed by these immortal hours.
The Time continued, his life passed, but without you, it was like claws opening his chest, a pain that was already raw, and remembering your words he understood, he would never have you back.
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moonlightspencie · 11 months
Everything Goes Wrong
Description: A few bouts of bad luck aren’t all that bad.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!Reader
Warnings: none. this is straight fluff
Word Count: 2.4k
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The case had been a hard one, especially in the dead of winter in North Dakota. Not only had we been working tirelessly for a week and a half, but the cold had pretty much knocked me on my ass. I was sure I could say the same for the rest of the team, too. We were groggy and exhausted by the end of it.
Not to mention, we were all a little irritable with the fact that the hotel had screwed up our sleeping arrangements, leaving many of us pairing up in rooms that didn’t exactly accommodate two people.
I didn’t exactly pull the short end of the stick, getting paired up with Hotch this time around, but we definitely all were over having roommates. I needed alone time desperately a few times over the course of the time we spent, and never got it. I couldn’t have been the best person to room with considering how snappy I could get.
Then, right as we thought we were going home, plans changed again.
“You’re kidding,” Derek said as we stepped out of the local precinct.
We looked around at the snow pouring out of the sky. We could hardly see a few feet ahead of us.
“How are we supposed to get home in this?” Emily asked, groaning. “I hate the winter.”
Hotch let out a harsh breath. “Let’s try to get back the hotel, at least. I’ll call and see if we can take off, but don’t pack up yet.”
We were a chorus of annoyance as we trudged to the SUVs. It was a hard drive back, and I was more than thankful I wasn’t the one trying to drive in this. Our five minute drive to the hotel took thirty. The roads were a mess, and visibility only got worse as the minutes ticked by. It was a miracle we made it back at all.
Though, as expected, halfway through the ride Hotch got word that we would be staying the night again. Nobody took that news real well.
I sighed as I stretched out on the mattress almost an hour later. It felt more than good to finally rest after a full day on my feet. I couldn’t wait until it was my turn in the shower. I could practically feel the hot water soothing my sore muscles already.
Suddenly, silence fell over the room. It was already quiet, save for the sound of running water, but now… Something was off. Literally turned off.
I stood up, walking towards the heater with hopes that this wasn’t what was wrong. I should have known better. As my hand reached out to feel the warm air rushing out, there was nothing. I sighed heavily, retreating back to the bed to take a seat once more.
It was several minutes until Hotch was walking out of the bathroom, a towel around his shoulders, dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. At least he looked comfortable before I had to deliver the news.
He took one look at me and knew something had happened.
“What is it?” he asked, voice exasperated.
I gave half a smile, nodding towards the heater in the room.
“I think we might be sleeping without heat.”
He furrowed his brow, doing the same thing I’d just done. He groaned quietly when he, too, felt no warm air against his hand. He mumbled something about calling the front desk, but judging by his facial expressions alone, there wasn’t much they could do about it at the moment.
He hung up the phone, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry. First we don’t have enough rooms and you have to get stuck with me, and now this. This is ridiculous,” he huffed a sigh, looking around the room.
“It’s alright. You didn’t choose this place, and you certainly didn’t make, well,” I paused, gesturing around vaguely, “all of this happen.”
He shrugged, reaching up to rustle his wet hair with the towel around his shoulders as he stepped past me. I stood for a moment, just watching as he sat on the edge of the mattress. Then, I decided now was as good a time as ever for a hot shower, in hopes that the water would still be warm.
It was.
I got out of the bathroom almost an hour later to find Hotch already asleep in bed. For him to immediately hit the hay proved that we’d worked too hard on the case. I snuck into bed next to him after shutting out the remaining lights, curling into the comforter for some warmth. The cold seeping into the room from the broken heater was getting a little bit noticeable, but luckily for me, he definitely ran hot. I realized it the second the warmth under the blankets hit me. I effectively passed out within a few minutes.
The next morning was especially warm as I woke before my alarm went off. The heater must’ve kicked back on sometime in the night. I went to stretch, but found it much more difficult to do than I had anticipated.
I looked down to see Hotch curled up against me, and my eyes immediately widened. I swallowed a lump in my throat that formed quickly. I certainly hadn’t been expecting to see him like this, with a strong arm holding me to him. It was… attractive?
It would be a lie to say I’d never noticed him before. Who couldn’t? Even if he somehow didn’t catch an eye the second he walked into a room, he just had an aura around him. Some kind of presence that could pull a person in before they knew what was happening.
But, now, in the same bed with his arm draped over my stomach and his breath against my neck… This was a whole new feeling.
It was butterflies and warm cheeks and— something that I probably shouldn’t feel while next to my boss. But, then again, he definitely shouldn’t be cuddling with a subordinate. We were both a little guilty.
He shifted in his sleep, his arm around me moving a bit until his fingers were just under the hem of my shirt. Cuddling was one thing, but if I felt his hand on much more of my stomach, I felt I might combust.
“Hotch,” I whispered.
He didn’t budge.
“Hotch,” I said, a little louder this time. “Hey.”
He shifted again, this time squeezing his eyes together a little harder.
“Time to wake up,” I said, my hand on his arm.
His eyes slowly opened, though they suddenly snapped open when he realized where he was. He pushed himself off of me, quickly glancing over me to confirm he really was doing what he thought he was.
“I’m sorry,” he rushed out.
“It’s alright. It was cold last night,” I said quickly, trying to soothe the nerves that were obviously eating at him. “At least it warmed up this morning.”
He shook his head as he stood from the bed, running a hand through his hair quickly. I swallowed, knowing he felt like he crossed a line.
“I really don’t mind,” I tried again.
“We should be downstairs soon,” he replied, glossing over my attempts. “I’ll be out soon.”
He walked into the bathroom without much of a glance in my direction. I huffed out a breath, quickly getting dressed before I heard the water in the sink stop. He opened the door right as I sat on the edge of the mattress again, hardly catching my eye as he did.
“Hotch,” I called, determined to get his attention.
He hummed in response, immediately ruffling through his bag as if there was something he was actually looking for. I stood, taking a few steps in his direction.
“Can you at least listen to me?”
I watched as his shoulders dropped with the breath he let out. He straightened, turning to face me.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, not meeting my eyes again.
“I’ve already told you it’s fine. You really need to take my word for it.”
“I was practically on top of you,” he said, looking at me at last.
Unfortunately, he finally looked right as my cheeks were heating up a tad. I didn’t expect that innocent of a phrase to have any effect on me, but apparently my brain had other ideas.
“You didn’t mean to. It was freezing last night, and we were kind of forced to share a bed.”
He was quiet again.
I continued, “Besides, when have I been the type to hide my emotions that well? If I was upset you would’ve known immediately. Honestly, you were keeping me warm.”
He cracked a small smile, though he tried to hide it.
“I promise I was okay with it. Really.”
He nodded. “Alright. Just— Don’t report me to HR.”
I laughed. “Deal.”
Half an hour later, the team was waiting in the lobby of the hotel for news on our travel arrangements. Hotch and Morgan had gone off to figure it all out, leaving the rest of us to sip on coffee and watch the blizzard outside.
“Well, technically, the blizzard ended 4 hours ago. Now, it’s really just a heavy snow,” Reid stated, hardly glancing away from the magazine in his hands.
Prentiss rolled her eyes, looking towards me for some kind of understanding. I smiled at her, sipping at my coffee. We heard voices soon thereafter coming towards our small group. Hotch and Morgan walked up, chatting quietly.
“We should be able to take off within the next few hours,” Hotch stated, glancing around at us. “I’ll be getting a call when they’re ready. Until then, let’s get lunch and make sure we’re packed up and ready to go.”
“Eating on the company dollar?” I asked with a smirk.
He looked at me, a small smile on his face and… a bit of a blush on his cheeks?
“Yes. So, make sure you all decide on someplace good.”
Now, when I looked back at Prentiss, she was the one with a smile on her face. One that wasn’t sympathetic in the slightest. I knew what was happening in that head of hers from the twinkle in her eye alone.
I started walking towards the elevator, knowing she’d follow me, but still hopeful that maybe she’d leave it be. My former assumption was correct.
She caught up just as the doors started shutting, crossing her arms as she stood next to me.
“So,” she started.
“What was that?”
I sighed. “What was what?”
She quirked a brow when I looked at her. I shook my head, looking away again.
“You know what. I’ve got to say, I never expected to see Hotch blushing. What did you do to him?”
I chuckled. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Oh? Who did?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I asked, stepped forward as the doors of the elevator opened on our floor.
I hoped that line would shut her up for the time being, but that was once again wishful thinking. She practically chased me down the hall.
“You’re not getting away that easy.”
“Ugh,” I groaned. “Nothing actually happened.”
“He was smiling. And blushing.”
“You ever think it’s just because I’m charming?”
I made a sour face, finally reaching my door. She raised a brow, giving me a proud smirk.
“I’ll find out, you know?”
���You’re sure about that?”
She shrugged. “Pretty sure.”
“Sure about what?” Hotch asked, walking up on us.
I looked away quickly, hoping to catch Emily’s eye before she said something she shouldn’t. Luckily for me, she got some sense in her head at the last second.
“Nothing. Just can’t pass up an opportunity to tease her.”
He raised a brow. “Right. Well, pack up. Sooner we’re done here, the sooner we can eat.”
She nodded once, sending me a quick wink before she turned and walked towards her own door. I finally unlocked the door, walking inside with Hotch hot on my heels. We silently packed the rest of our things, though neither of us had really unpacked all that much to begin with. He finished first, standing near the door to wait for me rather than leaving for the lobby. I glanced over my shoulder as I put my toiletries bag in the suitcase.
“Ready?” he asked.
“Just about.”
He hummed. “Prentiss was bothering you, huh?”
“When isn’t she?”
“What about?”
I shrugged. “I don’t even really know.”
He chuckled as I turned around. “You’re not a great liar.”
Maybe I liked him better when he was being shy about being all over me. He seemed a little too self confident now.
“Says you,” I replied with raised brows.
We made it to lunch in one piece, deciding that even though the roads were mostly cleared now, we’d stick close by.
Prentiss nudged me a few times during lunch, trying to get information out of me, but I refused. Though, it certainly didn’t help that I found myself looking at Hotch much more often than I usually would.
Maybe I’d had a small crush on him before, but now my brain wouldn’t stop reminding me of it. Every time he laughed or talked or moved or breathed. He was stuck in my head. It was ridiculous.
Embarrassment really came when I looked at him again only to find him looking at me. He quirked a brow as my eyes widened a bit at being caught.
Emily definitely caught that interaction.
I shook my head at her as she teased me, definitely noticing the self-satisfied smirk Hotch tried to hide at the interaction. He knew. Bastard.
We started the leave the restaurant when we got the okay from our pilot, but I didn’t get far before I felt a hand on my arm keeping me behind the others. I turned.
“I’d like to see you in my office when we get back,” he said with a quirked brow.
“What about?”
“We’re not sharing a room anymore, I need somewhere where I can speak to you in private.”
“You going to try to cuddle me again if I agree to be alone with you?”
“Not yet,” he replied, a smile barely there on his face. “Maybe next time. We’ll have to see how that talk goes when we’re home.”
I nodded, hiding a smile of my own. “Deal.”
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superblysubpar · 7 months
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Sit Down:
steddie x reader | my blog is 18+
"Sit.Down," he practically growls before soft lips brush along your temple.
"I can't! This is ridiculous!"
Eddie’s dirty sneakers continue to pace over the worn carpet of the lobby. His thumb between his teeth as he glances at the double doors for the hundredth time in less than a minute.
Steve adjusts his arm around your shoulders when you shiver, his other arm wrapped tight around your lower back pulls you closer against his chest.
"I mean, we've been here a fucking hour! And nobody else is in this waiting room and she's clearly sick-"
"Ed..." Your voice is hoarse, muffled against Steve's chest.
Your eyes are squeezed shut tight against the harsh flourescents so you don't see the way your pitiful voice makes Steve's eyes harden in their gaze at Eddie, or the way his jaw tenses when he risks a glance at the doors himself. The only way you know it makes Eddie stop is the jangle of his chain and the sound of his feet dragging halting. Not seeing how broken his face looks when he takes in your crumpled body against the other boy.
"Sorry. I'm just...I hate doctors. I mean I don't hate them, they're cool, they have the drugs you need, but I feel helpless and scared and you look so sick babe."
"Not. Helping." Steve grits out to Eddie in another warning, his arms tightening around you protectively.
They glare at each other until the doors open and your name is called.
You pathetically remove yourself from Steve and start to follow the nurse, wheezing out what brought you in today until you realize the two boys are trying to follow and you turn, hands practically smacking their chests if you had the power behind your weak limbs.
"Stay out here," you plead, nodding towards the chairs.
As the door starts to swing closed behind you, Eddie nods, like the sight of you going through the doors is finally enough to ease his nerves, but Steve's mouth is parted in a protest you don't get a chance to hear.
When you finally come back out to the lobby, Eddie sits in the chair you once were in. His chin propped in his palm, bored in his stare and command of, "Sit down, Harrington."
Steve's hands push through his hair repeatedly, voice grumbling something you can't quite make out as he paces back and worth.
They both turn at the sound of your cough, immediately overwhelming you with questions about prescriptions and food you might want, lips to temples and cheeks as they start to get you bundled back up in your coat and hat and gloves.
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A/N: I've been having quite a tough time in various ways, including writing and being on Tumblr lately. @carolmunson had asked how the boys would act with you at an urgent care a bit ago, I posted this, and then almost immediately deleted. I'm re-posting now, trying to feel better about posting things on here again. Thanks for asking for this Carol, and can't wait to participate in The Boy Is Mine too. 💛
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maopll · 1 year
Could I request headcanons of Dan Heng, Blade, Gepard and Samp being called a term of endearment (like sweetie or honey) from their s/o?
—MY LOVE, MY LIFE : #honkai star rail
⌗:, a/n: they deserve princess treatment cause they r so baby girl (but I don't like sampo)
⌗:, warning: none just men who r baby girl material
⌗:, pairings: dan heng, gepard, blade & sampo w/ gn!reader (separately)
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Sweet endearments like dear, sweetheart, honey are all enough to make him swoon for you. He does not mind you calling anything. He knows the words you call him with are from the depths of you heart. The way your lips would would curl when you would them and how your voice goes high and then low whenever you call him with adoration.
It was late in the Astral Express. Dan heng, your lover, being the authority of the data bank, was busy learning about the species that you would encounter on your next mission. You saw him from the corner of your drowsy eyes. He only had a small lamp near him to help him read. "Dear, it's quite late at night. Why don't you come and sleep?" You called out. He looked at you and said, "Just five more minutes, babe, I will be right back," ignoring his words, and you slithered your way to his lap. You hugged him and locked your arms around his neck. "I was unable to sleep because of your absence, honey,". Knowing that he wouldn't be able to fight back, but your warmth was making him even more drowsy. Calling it a day, he laid you on your shared bed and kissed you a good night sleep.
The Silvermane Guard Captian, although holding more authorities than a normal citizen of Belobog, is a soft guy throughout. Praises and endearments like good boy, my hero, Prince charming work wonders on him. The way his face would go bright red is a sight to see.
After a long day of work, returning to home is the best feeling. Especially when you are there. You greet him with a soft smile, a warm hug, and a sweet "welcome home my prince," contrary to the bitter and harsh cold climate of Belobog. He nuzzles his face in your neck, inhaling the scent of oak and lavender you emit, which makes him sleepy. He wishes days like these would frequent him more. Although he has many responsibilities but when he is with you he wants to run away from them. However for now he likes these fleeting moments better as he finishes your sentence with a tone filled with adoration saying "I'm home my dear."
The emotionless and stone cold Blade never found amusement in anything, but when you came into his life after a chance encounter, his views of the world changed. He found solace in your company and amusement in the words mortals use, which he finds quite unnecessary since he has a name, but he can't deny the way he feels whenever you call him darling.
It was raining a lot at the place your hideout is. The streets were filled with rainwater, and the pitter patter accompanied by the roaring thunder seemed to grow louder by the second. You were snuggling in his arms since the day was a bit cold. You noticed how distant he looked as if he was thinking about many things. "What are you thinking about, darling ?" Your use of the endearment snapped him out of his thoughts. He told you that it was nothing that you should be worried about. Knowing you wouldn't be able to get the information you want from him you slid onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Alright then since you don't want to tell me I won't ask too much baby". You suddenly started to shower his face with your kisses. The room which had turned cold and only the sound of rain could be heard now resonates with laughter filled with adoration and warmth.
He knew he had an aura, which many found annoying. As a result, he believed that nobody would find him attractive or likeable, but you were different. Although you did admit to him one day that he might get a little clumsy at times but you liked his silly little attitude by saying "oh you're just a silly little guy babe" and oh what that endearment did to him. His cheeks bloomed full red like fresh ripe strawberries. Ever since then, he would ask you to call him by whatever nicknames you wish for.
Usual day in both of your lives. Trying to not get caught by Silvermane Guards as they chase both of you together. Hastily opening up a portal using your ability, you escape the chase. By now, you have gotten enough experience to know where to land and when to open up the portal. "Another successful escape! goodness I was worried about my client's goods" he sighed to you "It's only a success when it's me bro you've got caught more than 4 times if I'm not wrong" you told him panting and sweating. "I know, I know ! that's why I always take you with me, dear. ". "Yeah, yeah, I know, babe, let's go home. I wanna sleep so ba—" abruptly hoisting you up in his muscular arms, he proceeded to walk towards the desired destination "Oh come on I know you can never be so feisty when I'm around" you know you cannot argue with him too much since he always has a thing or two to counter your statement with so chuckling at his childlike behaviour you kissed him on the cheek. What an eventful day it was...
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Captain John Price...🏷️
main masterlist📌
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*·˚Don’t forget to reblog, follow, like, and comment on the authors’ or artists’ pages. Show them some love!
*·˚Broken link or @? Pop a note in the comments or my ask box.
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Works by @miniwheat77
Sweet: Price is harsh on y/n until a mission goes sideways
Sensitive: The only person reader can confide in is her captain
Maneater + Gaz: Reader is a mechanic on base who takes a break with the boys
Give ’em hell Pt.1: Reader and Price are exposed to a weird chemical
Give ’em hell Pt.2: Repercussions of the weird chemical
Red Lipstick: Reader and Price keep one another company
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Works by @captainfern
Lake Of Fire: Price isn’t happy about working with another team
Heart-Shaped Box Pt.1: You help Price feel better
Serve the Servants P.2 + Ghost: The aftermath involving Ghost
Breed: You and Price meet up off base
Marigold Pt.1: Price asks you to meet him upstairs
Marigold Pt.2: Crying becaouse you missed him
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Works by @halcyone-of-the-sea
Songs That Sound Like Sea-Foam: Fisherman Price meets an unexpected person
Our Remains: You are hiding something big from John
Lions and Ibexes: Your voice cuts through and John’s shoulders sag under a non-existent weight.
See No Evil Pt.1 and Origami Boats Pt.2: But you’d been hurt because he had been too late. Nearly bled out. 
I’ll Take the Night Shift: It doesn’t matter what I feel…Where is my John?
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Works by @xyziiix
ARDOUR: He could already hear the pleading edge in your voice
Three Is A Crowd: Well your Captain always liked proving you wrong
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Works by @the-californicationist
He Opens the Mail and Part 2: It was hard to concentrate when he was nearby.
Wonderland: He chuckled, and you enjoyed seeing his eyes shine with his laughter
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Works by @charliemwrites
(Re)organized Crime: In general, you’re like a breath of fresh air. A smiley little charm of colour and delicacy in his world
Squeak 'Em If You Got 'Em
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Price Eating You Out by @catsnkooks: Too blissed out to notice a guest
Civillian Reader Is Hurt by @lvlyghost: She believed he would save her. And that was enough
Jealous by @stormiwaves: “I like it when you’re jealous”
Angel of Small Death Pt.1 by @whynot-tryit: Price hires a team medic
Not Meant to Be Here, But Glad You Are by @paranoid-borderline-insane: You need to remember all the tips John gave you to survive
Breaking and Entering Pt.1 and Reprieve Pt.2 by @sprout-fics: No place safer in the world than with him
Doll by @blingblong55: It started as innocent stares
No Hero, Just Me by @firsttimewriter92: Price rescues reader from an abduction
Duty Over Heart by @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world: Your lives were forever changed afterwards
Million Dollar Man by @qilinxingg: John gave a satisfied smile as his arms tightened around your small body
Price’s Young Housewife by @moongreenlight: Weekly manicures and pedicures that he’s put his card on file for
My Girls by @bearieio: happy just being able to share moments with your 3 favorite people
Hell on Earth by @ghostlywhiskey: His demeanor and lack of response to your attitude caught you off guard
Designer Dress by @halfmoth-halfman: You can’t think of a better place to start your new life
I Think I Might’ve Inhaled You by @agentmarvel: It eats at him daily, knowing his own indecisiveness is the root of anguish for both of you
Nobody Does It Like You Do by @bunnyreaper: In his embrace, firm and reassuring, you might actually believe him
Spread Your Wings by @crashandlivewrites: “Besides, I find my scene partner enjoys it more when there’s a lot more sensual physical contact involved.”
A Warm Heart by @flowermiist: That clicks in John’s head, it really was you and he was almost amused to say the least.
Soulmate AU Part 1 and Part 2 by @shotmrmiller: your vision distorts with the tears that threaten to spill and bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling.
To The Flame Pt. 1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Pt.8, Moving Day, Afternoon Coffee, Seeing Shadows, A Drink From Her Cup: by @lunarvicar
Dangerous Pursuit by @gloomwitchwrites: The two of you will either close the distance or end this entanglement in blood.
The Prowl by @cordeliawhohung
Elephant in the Room Pt.1, Pt.2 by @penelopepine
Mafia!Price Pt.1, Pt.2 by @lovemebutleavemewild
Blowing off Steam by @yeyinde
Champagne Dreams by @fireya-x
New Pen Pal by @sherriesherbet
Call me Captain, Captain by @highlandhour
Price’s Assistant Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3 by @angel-eyes-and-devil-hearts
The Favourite by @inkbybambi
Don’t Poke The Bear by @sirenmoth
Didn’t Have Time by @highlandhour
When Lilacs Bloom by @fireya-x
She’s With Me by @evermoreal
Business Call by @evilgwrl
Captain's Good Girl by @uhohdad
John Price and The Girl Next Door by @eowynstwin
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
432 notes · View notes
sugarcoatedstarkey · 1 year
Tear stained pillow case p2
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Pairings- Drew Starkey x Fem!reader
Summary- It doesn’t take Drew long to realise he messed up.
Warnings- language
A/n- thank you to the anons who sent in what they wanted to see happen, apologies I couldn’t give you all what you wanted! There will be another part after this which will be longer 🖤 sorry this one is a bit short.
Part 1
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Drew was struggling, he found it hard to get out of bed most mornings. He wasn’t putting his all into filming, the creators of outer banks had pulled him aside multiple times to try to figure out what was going on with him.
By the end of the month, everyone on set knew he was going through a break up. The boys tried to cheer him up, took him out to parties, and took him to theme parks. Took him anywhere that might get his mind off of you.
But nothing was working, he kept slipping further and further into himself. He knew he has messed up, the moment his lips touched Odessa he knew he fucked up.
He knew he had to suffer the consequences, he couldn’t expect to kiss a cast mate, then go back home and play happy couples, not when you were at home tearing yourself apart from all the hate online.
He was pulled from his thoughts, Austin standing in front of him with a cup of coffee. He hands the cup to Drew who gives him a sad excuse for a smile.
“You need to reach out to her man” Austin states, taking a seat next to his friend. Nobody was game enough to bring you up around him, but Austin was worried about Drew.
“She won’t answer my calls or texts”
“well, let’s go to her then. Go to her mums house and beg her to listen to you”
Drew shook his head, he couldn’t do that to you. He knew you’d hate it if he just showed up, especially when your sister was unwell and resting at home.
“Okay then, let Maddison invite her to dinner with the girls. We can get her alone and you can talk to her”.
Drew wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, it was still showing up unannounced. Something you hated deeply, but it might be the only way for you to listen to him.
He needed to express how sorry he was, beg for you to forgive him. Beg for you back, promise he will work on himself and be a better boyfriend.
He couldn’t throw away 4 years of memories with you, you are the love of his life. You are the one he pictures beside him at red carpets, eating breakfast in the morning, having kids with.
“Okay, let’s do that”
You weren’t going to meet up with the girls, they worked with Drew and you didn’t want to get between that, you considered them dear friends but you just wanted to cut everything out from your life that was associated with or reminded you of Drew.
Yes it was harsh but how was you expected to move on when you surround yourself with everything that reminded you of him. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t even cut Drew from your life. Sure, his texts went answered and your phone was on silent most of the time.
You spent every waking moment thinking about him, looking him up online, checking if he was okay from his parents. It was unhealthy.
So that tiny voice in your head that told you it was a bad idea got pushed further into the back, you found yourself getting ready and hoping they would bring him up in discussion.
It was you, Maddison, Mariah and Carlacia. Madelyn was busy filming at the moment, you all had a glass of wine and was waiting on the food to be brought out.
No conversation of Drew which hadn’t bothered you, no one had brought up the break up. But they had given you individual hugs that were like they were saying I’m sorry about the news.
Conversation was flowing and it was turning out to be a really good night, it felt good getting out of the house. Good having a conversation that didn’t consist of your sick sister, the breakup and work.
It was fun hearing about their projects and how filming of season 3 had been going, you had to bite your tongue a few times to stop yourself asking how Drew was.
You froze at the sound of Drew’s voice, you could tell it apart from anyone. Your eyes widened, meeting the gaze of Maddison in front of you. She gives you an apologetic smile, your body stiffens when his fingers brush over the tattoo on your shoulder.
“Please look at me”
You close your eyes briefly and pull yourself to stand, you couldn’t ignore him. There was an ache in your belly, you needed to see his face. “Hi drew”
“Hey” he breathes a sigh of relief. Tears build in his eyes when you finally turn around, the wind gets knocked out of him when you give him a soft smile. He wants to grab you by the jaw and kiss you, express his undying love to you.
“How are you?” He asks, he can’t help himself and pulls you into a hug. Your body melts under him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
Your breathing in his scent, memories flooding your head. You can hear the thud of his heart against your ear, his arms feel like they are shaking.
“I’m… okay, you?”
“Been better”
Silence falls over the two of you, your eyes searching his. “What are you doing here?”
As he opens his mouth to speak, a group of girls come barging over. “Omg Drew”
“Hi girls, I’m just busy at the moment”
“Just one photo please?”
“Not right now”
Their eyes go to you, silently begging for you to tell him to take the photo. A sickness washes over you, if you didn’t do what they wanted, they would spread more hate on the internet.
“It’s fine, I was just leaving. Take the photo” you give them a polite smile.
“No no, I need to speak to you”
“Another time, girls”
They don’t give him time to speak again and they flutter around him. Shoving their phone into his face, you take this opportunity to grab your bag and jacket.
“I’m sorry…I have to go”.
You're rushing out of the restaurant before anyone can stop you, your shoes hitting the pavement faster than you thought was possible. The rain splashing up against your calves.
Reaching your car you fumble with your keys, his hand grasps yours. A sob escapes your lips as the rain falls around you both, you can feel his body against your back. “Please don’t leave”.
“I don’t know if I can talk to you Drew”
“Please… I need to apologise, I need to fight for us”
You turn and face him, water runs down your face. Your hair clinging to the sides of your face and neck. He can’t help himself and he grabs your cheek, staring down at you as he sorts out all the words flying around his head.
“I’m sorry okay, I shouldn’t have kissed Odessa… fuck I shouldn’t have done a lot of things, I was such a shit boyfriend towards the end”
You can’t find the words to respond, you don’t know if you want to hear this yet. You don’t know if you can forgive him, move on from the events.
“I don’t know Drew”
“Please y/n”
He’s pressing his lips to yours before you can say anything else, you let him slip his tongue inside for a moment before pushing him away roughly.
Rubbing your hands over your face, the rain makes you feel uncomfortable. “You can’t just kiss me Drew!”
“I’m sorry…. Fuck! I’m sorry!”
You shake your head, turning back around to unlock your car. “I have to leave”
“Please don’t.. let’s talk”
“Not right now Drew, give me time”.
He lets you get inside the car, pressing the palm of his hand to the window. You can’t look back at him, you would cave. You’d hop out of the car and kiss him again, you’d forgive him without really overcoming the betrayal you felt.
You're driving away without another word, watching his figure disappear in the rear view mirror. Your body shakes as you sob, tears dripping down your face.
Part 3
🏷️- @vigilanteshitposting @drewstarkeysleftfoot @cameronmedia @pedrisgatorade @teresalesbian @users09 let me know if you’d like to join my Taglist
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
This has been something that's been living in my mind for a very long time. Sometimes, when things are hard, I write this in my head and it helps, so I thought I'd share. There's a bit of hurt before it goes to the comfort, but the comfort is there, I promise. This got long so you can read it on ao3 too
cw: non-sexual bathing, depression and a whole bunch of self-hatred
Daniel doesn't hear the door opening, but one minute he's alone, curled up under the blankets, and the next Max is sitting on the edge of the bed, running clothes still on. To be fair, Max might have been there for longer than one minute. Daniel hasn't been great at keeping up with time lately, keeps losing hours to naps and blank stares at walls. He's not been great at noticing Max either, sometimes feeling like he's living alone, even when Max is right beside him.
Daniel opens his eyes again, hadn't even noticed he had closed them in the first place. Max sounds tired, careful, as he often does lately. It makes Daniel want to curl up tighter, shut him out harder, embarrassed and ashamed of being like this.
"Daniel, hey."
Did he close his eyes again? Max has one hand hovering near Daniel's cheek now, but he isn't touching. The last time Max had touched him without asking first when Daniel had been like this, just a hand on his shoulder, Daniel had flinched so hard he had kicked him off the bed.
Max has been sleeping in the guest room since, and the bed feels big and cold every night. Daniel is still glad Max is not touching him.
Max's voice is firmer now, a frown on his face. It used to make Daniel feel worse, knowing he was upsetting him, but it's been a reality for so long he has learned to accept he's just made to make Max feel worse.
"Your therapist appointment is in two hours, Daniel, you should get up."
This time, Daniel makes the conscious decision to close his eyes. It doesn't matter how many hours he's been spending in this bed lately, he is always exhausted, and getting up sounds like way too much work. He doesn't want to get out of his blankets, doesn't want to have to sit up, to have to speak, to have to sit in their office to talk about his fucked up brain to a lady through a screen.
For a long moment, nobody says anything. Daniel is expecting Max to argue with him, to tell him he's being childish, pathetic, but Max doesn't.
It's worse when he simply sighs and gets up, leaving the room. It makes the chasm in Daniel's chest grow new teeth, gnawing at his lungs, breath stuttering in his throat. He didn't know he could feel more lonely.
He doesn't know what to do with this, with all the slick tar coating his insides, suddenly threatening to spill out, so he does what he's been doing lately and turns around, back to the bedroom door, and wills himself to sleep.
Max's voice drags him out of the fog. He doesn't know how long it's been, but when he forces himself to open his eyes again, Max is crouching next to the bed, this other side now, still in his running clothes. Not long, then.
"I ran us a bath, will you come with me?" he asks. He doesn't look mad at Daniel for not speaking, doesn't look upset. He looks worried, and pleading. There are black shadows under his eyes. It's worse than him being angry.
It takes a long moment for Daniel to actually process the words, to filter them through the fog, but Max waits patiently. He always waits for Daniel, even when Daniel doesn't deserve it.
He doesn't want to get up, doesn't want to drag his limbs to motion, but he knows he stinks, knows his hair are a greasy mess, flattened on top of his head. He should. He doesn't want to.
It's only a whisper, but it's impossible to miss in the quiet room. It pierces through Daniel's heart, his next breath coming out harsh and choked, his eyes closing on instinct. Even when he's deep in his own pain he can't forget how this is hurting Max too, but it's worse to see it so plainly, to hear the desperation in his voice. He doesn't know why Max hasn't left yet.
"You won't have to do anything," Max continues his pleading, more urgent now, "I will carry you, I will wash you, you just have to give me permission to touch you."
There was a time, before everything got this bad, when they were all over each other all the time, constantly touching, kissing, fucking. Now, Daniel can't remember the last time he even had wanted to come and his boyfriend is asking for permission to take care of him. He feels sick.
He hates the idea of Max seeing him like this, dirty and too skinny, but Max has never been good at letting things go and he doesn't have the energy to argue with him, nor the heart to hear his pleading, so he nods.
Relief shows so plainly on Max's face it's almost a physical blow.
He's still hesitant as he grabs Daniel's shoulder, helping him sit up, holding him still until the dizziness wanes, gently easing the t-shirt he's been sleeping in off. Daniel is gearing himself up to stand up when Max leans in closer, guiding Daniel's arms around his shoulder and his legs around his waist. It's not until his hands are under Daniel's thigh and he's heaving himself up that Daniel processes what is happening. A surprised gasp leaves his mouth, but Max only shushes him softly, walking towards the bathroom.
"I won't let you fall," he reassures, as if Daniel could ever be scared of that. As if Daniel had ever not been safe when in his hands.
In the bathroom, Max puts him down on the closed toilet seat. The lights are off and the curtains are drawn, but it's still much lighter than the bedroom, making Daniel squint his eyes almost all the way closed. The bath is full, the sweet smell of his favorite body wash already filling the room. There is an unlit candle on the edge of the tub, and it tugs on Daniel's heart, how deeply Max knows him, how he was aware that Daniel likes to have candles when he's in the bath, but doesn't like smells mixing when he's already so overwhelmed. How he left Daniel the unspoken option without pressuring him to take a decision with a direct question.
"Daniel." Max waits until Daniel is looking back at him before touching his shoulder, fingers warm on Daniel's clammy skin. "Is it okay if I come in with you?"
Daniel had thought it was implied, when Max had said he had ran them a bath, wonders if Max has changed his mind, now that Daniel is almost fully naked in front of him.
Some of his thoughts, who knows how much, he hasn't had control of his face in so long, must show, because Max frowns, other hand coming up to cradle Daniel's cheek.
"Daniel, I want to, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Can you please tell me? What is best?"
What is best? The best would be to go back four years and tell his old self to make different decisions. Go back two years and tell Max to make different decisions. Go back ten minutes and tell himself to fall back to sleep for a long long time.
He doesn't know how to answer an open question, one that requires more than a yes or no. He nods anyway.
"Yes, I can?" Max clarifies. Daniel doesn't understand why he looks so happy about it, but he nods again, and Max smiles, the lovely crinkly one that makes his cheek bunch up. It's a stab in his chest, realising how much he had been missing it, how long it had been since he had last seen it.
Max is efficient with his own clothes, stripping off and throwing them on the floor, but he's careful with Daniel, pulling him up and gently easing his underwear off, one leg at a time. Daniel finds himself looking at the wall over Max's back, refusing to look down at his own body, refusing to think about another time, when Max on his knees in front of him would have meant something completely different.
He lets Max help him into the bath too, water deliciously hot, scooting forward to let Max sit behind him.
For a second, the inch of space between them feels like a wall. Then Max sneaks a arm around his waist, pulling him against his chest, legs bracketing him.
Daniel lets himself go boneless, knowing Max will keep him upright.
He doesn't know how long they just stay like that, lost in the warmth of the water and the steady movement of Max's chest, but after a while he feels him shift behind him, reaching for something.
"I will wash your hair now, okay?"
Daniel nods, following Max's guidance to reposition himself slightly so that he has easier access to his hair, but keeps his eyes closed, brain for once blissfully quiet.
He doesn't know what he was expecting, but for sure not the smell of his favorite shampoo to fill his nostrils, aware that he had ran out weeks prior and hadn't bothered to buy more, using Max's 2in1 instead, uncaring of how frizzy it made his curls. He doesn't know when Max went to buy more, but it's yet another squeeze to his heart.
Max is slow with it, massaging Daniel's head, his firm and gentle fingers moving down towards his neck and shoulders too, working his tension away.
He holds a hand over Daniel's forehead when rinsing him, like Michelle does with the kids, and maybe once Daniel would have argued against the babying, but not now, not when he feels so deeply cared for.
He's not expecting to hear the click of another bottle opening, wasn't aware Max even knew of the existence of conditioner. He must make a sound, because he feels Max's chest move under him, as if Max is leaning forward to check his face.
"Okay?" he asks, fingers pausing in his hair.
Daniel hums, more sound than he's produced in hours, and it feels like a reward when Max presses a kiss on his wet shoulder.
"I called Vic, before," Max starts talking, hesitant and almost embarrassed, fingers twisting in Daniel's hair. Daniel doesn't know where this is going, but it's nice, to listen to Max's voice, his chest vibrating with it against his back, feeling closer than they had in weeks.
"I wanted to know, I..." Max huffs out half a laugh, self deprecating in a way he usually isn't. "I sent her pictures, of your hair things. I don't know why you have so many, but of course she knew, and..."
Daniel twists around, Max's fingers slipping from his hair, suddenly overcome with too much emotion to be able to deal with it like this. He bangs his knee against the side of the tub, his tense shoulders twinging with pain at the uncomfortable position, and he barely gets a glimpse of Max's spooked expression before he's burying his face in his shoulder, kissing the warm skin there.
He feels Max move, giving him more space to turn around, hands rubbing his back.
"I'm sorry," Max throws out in a rush, voice tense, and Daniel doesn't know what he's apologizing for, not when he's been so wonderful all this time. "I don't know, I..."
Max's voice breaks in sync with Daniel's heart.
"What have I done wrong?" Max begs, both keeping Daniel against him and pulling back, trying to look at him. "Daniel, please, if I..."
Daniel shakes his head grabbing at him to keep him close.
"No, it's good, you..." his voice is raspy from disuse and he can feel Max flinch in surprise when he hears it, but he pushes through, for once, unable to stand Max thinking he's done something wrong. "Thank you."
Tension bleeds out of Max's body as he cradles him close again, lips finding Daniel's hair, uncaring of the conditioner still there.
"I want," Max pauses, breathing out heavily, almost a sigh. "If I can do something to make you feel better, always I want to do it."
It splits Daniel's heart wide open, the candid way Max is able to say things like this, the steadiness with which he's never stopped caring for him, not even back when they weren't together, when they weren't even talking. He hopes Max can't feel the tear he can't stop on his already damp skin.
They breathe together for a long minute, while Daniel tries once again to process the impossibility of Max's love and Max holds him close, but it still feels too soon when his back starts screaming in protest, forcing him to turn back around.
They settle back in the previous position, but it feels like something dislodged in Daniel's chest. He feels lighter and more anchored at the same time, feels like Max's hands on his body are more real, like the fog in his brain has dispersed a little.
After rinsing the conditioner, careful hand still shielding Daniel's eyes, Max moves onto an hair mask.
"Vic said, of course she does not have your hair, but Vic said this was last," he explains, coiling Daniel's curls around his fingers, one by one, focused on the task as he would be on following the perfect racing line. "She said to do this, to make them right."
Daniel tries to imagine it, Max in the living room, or maybe on his run, or in the supermarket, calling his sister for advice on hair care. He knows he talks to his family most days, but it's different, to know he talks about him, about doing something to make Daniel feel good. A spike of shame curses through him, knowing that it means at least Victoria is aware of how much of a shitty boyfriend he's been lately, but for once it doesn't stay, quickly replaced by overwhelming affection. For Max, for asking, and for Victoria, for giving such careful and detailed instructions, clearly invested in making sure Max could do his best.
The water is cooling down by the time Max rinses off the hair mask and presses another kiss on Daniel's shoulder, arms wrapping around his waist once again.
"We can get out, or I can add hot water," he offers, lips brushing against Daniel's skin. Daniel almost asks him to stay, wanting to prolong the time spent in this little bubble of comfort, but their fingers are wrinkly and he knows his therapist appointment will be soon. He had thought about skipping it, earlier, just hide in bed and refuse to talk, but now that his brain is clearer he knows it would just make things harder.
When he moves, Max moves with him, keeping him steady as they both stand up, holding his hip as he rinses him with the shower head, knowing that Daniel doesn't like to just get out of the bath, even without him having to ask, taking his hand as they step out of the tub, offering him a towel.
Daniel doesn't fight when Max starts drying him, or when he squeezes the water out of his hair with another towel, or when he goes to the bedroom and comes back with clean clothes. He lets himself be taken care of, for once enjoying again being the center of Max's full attention.
It's only when Max steps back that Daniel notices how the hoodie Max is wearing is one of Daniel's, and it reminds him all over again how he's not the only one suffering from all the shit his brain is putting him through.
It makes his heart hurt, but at the same time he can't help but feel yet another wave of love for his boyfriend, who hasn't complained, hasn't left, has never made him feel guilty for any of this. His boyfriend, who so obviously misses him, enough to wear clothes that are too warm for him.
"Come here."
Max's head snaps up, surprise clear on his face, but when Daniel opens his arms he goes willingly, folding into himself a little to be able to fit against Daniel's chest.
"I love you," Max whispers it like a secret, hiding it in the folds of Daniel's sweater, and it makes Daniel wish he could fix his brain quickly, once and for all, just to not have to hear him so small ever again.
"I love you too."
He presses one kiss on Max's hair, then another.
He knows that when they'll break the hug, Max will probably try to convince him to have some food, then will sit in the living room pretending he isn't waiting for Daniel to be done with his session. He will try to make Daniel talk about it, go outside, eat dinner, brush his teeth, take his meds. He will be there, and stay there, even when Daniel kicks him to the guest room because he can't stand the touch of another human being, even when Daniel won't speak to him for hours and hours, too lost in his own head.
Daniel wants to say thank you, but it feels like there's so much he has to be thankful for, two little words wouldn't be enough. He hopes Max gets it anyway.
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sosa2imagines · 3 months
Broken Hearts. Part 7
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Warnings- Slight smut, fluff, revelations, planning.
The setting of the room was enveloped in a soft, intimate glow, its corners bathed in gentle candlelight. Lloyd's touch on your body stirred a heady mix of desire and tenderness. His kisses slow and lingering, sent tremors of pleasure through you. The air around you was heavy with passion, as you lost yourself in the ecstasy of the moment.
Time seemed to stand still, each movement and touch creating a symphony of pleasure that echoed through your being. It was as if you were caught in a dream, where reality blurred and all that mattered was the intense connection between you and Lloyd.
“Lloyd” you moan against his lips, your body shudders through your orgasm and you hold tight onto him… “Please.” “I know” he kisses you deeply “Sugar, just give me one more”
Just as you were about to reach the peak of ecstasy, a jarring ringing echoed through the room, jolting you back to reality. Your eyes snapped open, the dreamlike state shattered by the harsh sound of your alarm.
You groaned in frustration, the interruption leaving you on the edge of both physical and emotional release. The intensity of your dream lingered, leaving you craving for the sensations that had been so vividly experienced just moments before.
After kissing Lloyd last night before things go further, the persistent ringing of Lloyd's phone shattered the moment. Again, and another, his attempts to ignore it grew futile, and your irritation rose as the interruption continued.
Finally, at the sixth call, you got annoyed and it spoiled the mood for you both. So, you went to bed alone, and he went to attend business, which is why you ended up having a wet dream.
You were in the kitchen, searching for any sign of Lloyd, when a soft, warm voice called out from behind you. “Sugar.” Startled, you turned around to find Lloyd smiling at you, holding a tray laden with breakfast.
Fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, freshly toasted bread, and a steaming cup of coffee. “I thought you might be hungry,” he said, a hint of affection in his eyes.
He placed the tray on the kitchen counter, gesturing toward a chair. “Sit.” he commanded gently, his tone a mixture of care and affection. You took a seat, still slightly surprised by the unexpected breakfast spread before you.
As you looked up at him, he poured a cup of coffee and handed it to you with a smile. “Bon Appétit,” he murmured, watching as you took a sip, the rich aroma awakening your senses.
As you sat there, enjoying the breakfast that Lloyd had graciously prepared, a stark contrast between him and Steve settled in your mind. Steve had never bothered to do anything like this, not even a small gesture to show that he cared.
With Lloyd, however, the simple act of making breakfast and brewing coffee held an immense weight. It was a testament to his attentiveness, care, and affection for you.
As you savored a forkful of scrambled eggs, you looked up at Lloyd, gratitude and a hint of affection in your eyes. “Thank you for this. Nobody's ever made me breakfast before,” you admitted with a soft smile.
He chuckled softly, the corners of his lips curling up into a warm grin. “Well, you deserve it, Sugar.” he said, the endearment rolling off his tongue naturally.
The two of you continued to chat, the conversation flowing effortlessly, filled with light-hearted banter and shared laughter.
After finishing breakfast and getting ready, you and Lloyd headed towards his office. The walk was filled with comfortable silence, occasionally punctuated by light-hearted conversation.
Upon arriving, you noticed Nick and Jake already waiting outside. Lloyd gave them a nod as you approached, and they returned the greeting.
“Everything alright?” Nick inquired, his gaze flickering between you and Lloyd. Lloyd nodded, his hand gently resting on the small of your back as he ushered you into the office.
The office was bathed in soft artificial light, and the familiar surroundings brought a sense of comfort.
Lloyd took his seat behind his desk, gesturing for you to take a seat on the chair across from him. Nick and Jake leaned against the wall, their watchful gazes fixed on the two of you. Lloyd began, “Alright, let's get down to business.” His tone was serious, but there was a hint of determination in his eyes.
Ari's voice interrupted the silence, his words breaking the tension in the room. “We have good news and bad news...” he said, his expression holding a mixture of hope and concern. You and Lloyd listened intently, waiting for further explanation.
Andy spoke up, a small smile playing on his lips. “The good news is that, Steve signed the papers.” A wave of relief washed over you, the knowledge that your plan had worked easing some of your tension. “He realized he didn't have any other choice since we managed to capture his confession on our hidden camera.” Ari added, a satisfied smirk on his face.
Jake chipped in, his tone serious. “We located the video... but there's some bad news.” You tensed up, and Lloyd furrowed his brow in concern. “Steve doesn't have any copies,” Jake continued, “but we can't be certain if James Barnes has another copy.”
The room fell silent as the implications of this revelation sunk in.
Nick's voice broke the stillness, his words carrying a hint of unease. “That's not all,” he added, his expression troubled. “We still don't know the extent of James Barnes involvement in all of this.” The room grew even quieter as the weight of Nick's statement settled on everyone present.
Lloyd leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming absently on the desk. “We'll need to get to the bottom of this,” he said, his voice leaving no room for argument. He turned his gaze towards you, his eyes filled with determination. “We won't rest until we know the truth,” he reassured you, his words laced with resolution.
Ari, his expression grave, added further revelations. “But that's not all,” he said, pausing, “Jake went through Steve's call records, and it seems Steve has been video calling James Barnes... a lot. In fact, this started even before you got married.”
Your heart sank, the extent of Steve's deception slowly unfolding before you.
Lloyd's grip on his pen tightened, anger evident in his eyes as he absorbed the information. He glanced over at you, concerned for your well-being. “Damn,” he muttered under his breath, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
Your voice trembled slightly as you spoke, the realization of the situation settling heavily on your chest. “He... he must be missing him or something?” you said, the words catching in your throat. “I never saw him video call James...” There was a hint of disbelief in your tone, as if you were trying to rationalize Steve's actions, although a part of you knew it was far from innocent.
The room fell silent for a moment, the reality of your words hanging in the air.
Lloyd could see the pain and hurt etched on your face, and he longed to be able to soothe your worries. He reached out and placed his hand over yours, offering silent support.
Lloyd's voice echoed through the room, laced with determination and anger. “That's enough,” he said firmly, his tone brooking no argument. “To hell with them. We'll show them what we can do.” A steely resolve filled his eyes, and he fixed his gaze on the others, a silent agreement passing between them.
You were about to speak, but Lloyd's voice cut through, his words taking you by surprise. “No buts, Sugar,” he said firmly. “I've booked a spa appointment for you, complete with a manicure and pedicure shit. You're going to relax and pamper yourself for a while.” His tone left no room for argument, and you could see the stubbornness in his eyes.
The others smiled, clearly amused by Lloyd's bossy display. Nick chuckled softly. “Looks like Mr. Bossy is in charge now,” he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
Lloyd shot Nick a glare, although his eyes betrayed a hint of amusement. “Shut it, Nick!” he retorted, though his tone lacked any real annoyance. He then turned his gaze back to you, his expression softening. “Go get ready, Sugar. We'll handle things here.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but Lloyd's glare stopped you in your tracks. His eyes held a look of determination and stubbornness, leaving no room for argument. With a resigned sigh, you closed your mouth, knowing that arguing would be futile.
“Fine,” you muttered quietly, relenting to his bossy demeanor.
As you sat in the cozy and peaceful ambience of the spa, surrounded by the soothing scents and soothing atmosphere, you couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude towards Lloyd.
His insistence on taking you to the spa had initially annoyed you, but now, enveloped in the calmness of the place, you realized he had been right. The soothing music and the gentle touch of the spa therapist working on your hands and feet left you blissfully relaxed. Perhaps Lloyd knew you better than you gave him credit for.
As you exited the spa, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, you spotted Lloyd leaning against his car, a smile on his face. He pushed off the car and approached you, his eyes gleaming with appreciation. “How was it, Sugar?” he inquired.
You returned his smile, grateful for his insistence on this self-care session. “It was great,” you admitted, feeling the tension that had been weighing on you seem to melt away. “Just what I needed, thanks to you.”
Lloyd chuckled softly, pleased that he had made the right call. “I knew it was perfect for you,” he said, opening the passenger door for you. “Now get in. We are going to party, just us four.”
“What about Ari?” You could sense Lloyd getting jealous with the mention of Ari, “He is busy with something!” Lloyd tells in a cold voice, making you giggle.
As you were about to enter the car, something caught your eye, freezing you in your tracks. A sense of unease washed over you, and Lloyd immediately noticed your reaction. “What's wrong?” he asked, concern etched on his face as he gently placed a hand on your shoulder.
You shifted slightly to get a better look, and anger flared within you as you laid eyes on the person in question. “That fucker!” you exclaimed, your voice filled with a mix of hatred and frustration. Lloyd's grip on your hand tightened, sensing your distress. “Who is it?” he asked, his own body tensing up.
Your voice was filled with a mix of anger and distress. “It's Bucky Barnes,” you muttered, your eyes darting around nervously, trying to pinpoint his location. “I swear I saw him.”
Lloyd quickly followed your gaze, searching for any sign of Bucky, but came up empty-handed. “I don't see him anywhere,” he said, his brow furrowed in concern.
Truth is Lloyd had spot Bucky, but kept his cool, knowing that telling you the truth wouldn't do any good. “Let's go, sugar,” he urged, guiding you gently towards the car.
You scanned the area once more, hoping to catch another glimpse, but ultimately resigned yourself to the fact that you may have imagined it.
As you entered the car, still feeling on-edge, Lloyd stole one last glance in the direction where he last saw Bucky, his expression tense, quickly texting someone.
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Part 6- Part 8
Taglist- @imyourbratzdoll @blackhawkfanatic @ordelixx @sapphirebarnes @ilovetaquitosmmmm
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@whore-for-chris-evans @caplanreblogsfics
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drunk-fantasies · 11 months
ex’s and oh’s
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+18 content, minors dni
ex!Sunghoon x fem!reader / 1,6k words / mention of break up, unprotected sex, oral (m. receiving) / note: well, it’s been a while guys, i don’t think i’m going to post as much as i used to but here’s something from my drafts :)) / mlist
explicit content under the cut!
“why didn’t you tell me he’s going to be here?” you asked your friend almost too loud.
her brows furrowed in a question. “who are you talking about?”
“my ex, who else?” fury and anger filled your body, and you motioned your head in his direction.
she glanced over your shoulder, spotting none other but sunghoon sitting on the couch and talking to some girl.
“if only i knew he’s gonna come. my brother probably invited him” she shrugged and continued preparing her drink. you sighed loudly bringing her attention. “i thought you were over him already?”
“because i am?” you said in a tone a bit too harsh.
“what’s with the attitude, y/n? i’m just asking since you look disappointed.”
“yeah, disappointed i have to see his face here when i want to have fun. he always makes everything so much worse.” you took a drink from her and clinked your glasses.
“don’t look at him then? there are so many guys you could talk to, yet you worry about your ex who doesn’t want anything to do with you, just like you.” her rational tone made you even more angry.
she intently watched your expression drop at her words. a little smile crept on her lips at this reaction. she knew you still weren’t over him. and she knew damn well that you didn’t want anything to do with guys that weren’t him.
sunghoon smiled slightly at the completely wasted girl who almost undid his belt, not minding all the people around them.
that’s when something inside you snapped. with a confident look you made your way through the crowd across the room to finally stand in front of him. his attention immediately went to your form and just before he managed to say something you said: “come with me.”
you didn’t even wait for any reaction. you just went upstairs hoping he would follow you. you opened the door to your friend’s bedroom and thankfully found nobody inside. not hearing any footsteps behind you, you closed your eyes, already imagining scenes that must be happening downstairs. but then, you heard the sound of the door closing and you felt the presence of another person.
“are you going to tell me why you decided to interrupt her? i was kinda enjoying our conversation,” he spoke in that specific tone, only you were familiar with.
you turned around to face him. he knew what you wanted him for, so he just waited for how you were going to express your need. he watched as you first took a step closer, way too close for an ex-girlfriend. you slowly took off the straps of your dress and let it slide down your body.
a small smirk formed on his lips as you said: “i think i know what you might enjoy a bit more.”
your confidence, the strong look on your face, and the way you stood in just your underwear in front of him made his bulge more evident. you took a look at his pants and just as you expected, you noticed how hard he was.
just when you looked up at him, you felt his hand on your head, brushing away your hair. leaning in whispered straight to your ear: “i know you do.”
without breaking eye contact you slowly went down on your knees, now facing his crotch. with painfully slow motions you started unbuckling his belt. his dark eyes watched your every move, noticing how they started to increase the tempo. he wasn’t the only one to get impatient.
when you finally slipped down his pants along with his boxers you were met with his hard dick, leaking with hot precum. you gave it a slow lick from the base to the tip making sunghoon throw his head back. the anticipation to already feel your mouth around his cock was big, but not wanting to let you know how he missed you was a bit stronger.
but as soon as you started to give it little kitten licks he hissed loudly, impatience hitting him harshly. that’s all you wanted. to know that you weren’t the one who wanted him back. he needed you just like you did.
slowly you started sucking him off, hollowing your cheeks to double up the pleasure. he let out a satisfied deep sigh. just when the tempo of you bobbing your head on his dick he gathered your hair in a makeshift ponytail to guide the speed.
you waited for this moment since the day you broke up with him. he pushed your head to the point your nose hit his pelvis. you grabbed his thighs for support while he bucked his hips against your throat. the room got filled with his grunts and wet sounds of him basically face fucking you. without any warning, his cum spilled down your throat.
wanting to show him that you swallowed all of it you opened your mouth but it was soon shut up with his lips. in a moment you were laying on the bed, him hovering above you already shirtless, placing kisses all over your body. his hands grabbed your tits after he freed them from your bra. his lips trailed down to your stomach when you stopped him. he immediately looked up at you, confused.
“please just fuck me already,” you whined, not satisfied by the mere touch of his hands. you needed him deep inside your core.
he quickly got rid of your panties and brought you closer by your thighs. his length poked your entrance and with closed eyes, you waited for him to finally push it in. when he did, your eyes rolled back in pleasure and you subconsciously wrapped your legs around his waist.
“fuck, sunghoon,” you moaned at his initial slow thrusts, that only grew in speed.
his breath shuddered with your every whimper, stimulating the feelings he buried deep inside. how he missed the view he had right in front of him. you chanting his name like a most beautiful serenade, looking the most vulnerable you possibly could. how he missed being able to show you his love, show you that his heart truly belonged only to you. nobody else was more important, no matter how many girls tried to get into his pants, you were at the back of his mind.
“i love how your body reacts to me,” he spoke just above your ear, feeling your walls clench around him.
both the sounds of his soft voice and skin slapping made you shiver and let out a long whine. in a daze, you brought him closer to feel that sweet taste of his lips on yours. your tongues twirled around each other, while his hand continuously travelled along your side.
in no time you felt a knot in your stomach untie, leaving you completely worn out. soon he pulled out with a low grunt, a small puddle of his cum forming on your belly. without saying a single word he reached for a box of tissues from the bedside table and quietly wiped it clean.
both of you sat and waited for the other one to break the silence. but the longer you waited the more painful it got. you thought you made a mistake. he was your ex after all, with whom you broke up pretty brutally. you must have had a good reason right?
but why did you actually break up with him? did he cheat? no. did you? definitely not. was he violent? possessive? unloving? no, no, and no.
you tried your best to remember what truly happened between you to make such a decision, not knowing that he tried to recall those events too.
“sunghoon,” you finally called his name, breaking the agonising silence. it took him a while to look at you, but once he did he noticed how tears brimmed in your eyes. “i’m so sorry,” you said and your voice broke.
seeing that he pulled you towards him, letting you cry in his arms.
“i didn’t mean all the things i said to you and i didn’t want to hurt you. i love you and i don’t know how to fix it. it’s all my fault,” you cried, words almost completely muffled by his skin.
he tried his best not to cry too, but hearing your voice cracking up and barely managing to catch your breath handicapped him doing so.
“it’s not only your fault. i shouldn’t have let you go.” he looked at you, vision blurry from his tears. “my ego was so hurt i just decided it would be best for us. but i think we both agree it’s not, right?” he chuckled and you smiled at his words. “i love you, y/n, so much it actually hurts.” he placed his hand on his chest dramatically, bringing a peal of small laughter out of you, the laughter he adored so much.
“i can’t with you.” you shook your head in disbelief. he raised his eyebrow. “i love you too,” you said with an eye roll.
“oh, so you’re playing like that?” he said, fakely indignant. you knew what it meant, but it was already too late. within seconds you were laughing uncontrollably and squirming under his tickles.
“i’m sorry! i mean that, i love you!” you managed to confess between your giggles and let out a breath of relief once he stopped.
sunghoon laughed heartily at your reaction. before you could say something he hovered above you and kissed you slowly and passionately. his hand stroked your cheek lightly and you tangled your fingers in his hair. it got heated with every time your lips brushed against each other. his lips once again trailed down your neck to your boobs and finally pelvis. you watched his every move, hand still holding his hair. just when he was almost touching your clit with his nose, his head raised: “your friend wouldn’t mind if we spend just a bit longer here, would she?”
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