#this moment leads into a big family hug but the start with sakura is a sweet little moment like she loves her mom and she'll always be her
t-u-i-t-c · 1 month
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Tokusatsu x Mother's Day ✿ Day 4 │ Favorite Mother & Daughter Moment(s) in Toku
Kamen Rider Revice (2021-2022) │01x27 ↳"Mama...!"
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lyaenidae · 6 months
Last dates before being officially married
The night before the wedding, Miki and Kenta go out for one last meal as boyfriend and girlfriend. Or rather as fiancés. They go over everything they've prepped for the next day, running by the last choices, like the piano songs they want playing just before the ceremony. "I told the pianist he shouldn't play anything too enthralling before my bride appears, I want you to be the focus point, always." "Ken ! That's incredibly cute, but what about when you'll be walking down the aisle ? Something nice needs to be playing then !" "I'm not worried !" he answers, and then the menus are brought to their table.
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Bu as Miki focuses on it, Kenta can't help but stare at her. "You're so beautiful."
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"Thank you, you're handsome too !" "I can't wait to be married to you..." They get interrupted by the waiter who's never seen a couple so gooey and mellow dramatic. But after all, they're allowed, they are the main characters !
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Once he's gone, Kenta finishes his sentence. "... and I can't wait to get that sexy dress off of you tonight !" They both chuckle and when their food arrives, they move on to safer conversation subjects, like the house they're trying to buy at the moment, and how great of a starting point it would be to start a family.
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As they finish their food, Kenta's attitude changes slowly, as if some bad thought was creeping its way up. Miki noticing it, asks what's going on, if he's having doubts about the wedding ?
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"Not about the wedding itself, I think it's where my whole life has led me... But I can't help to be sad my mother won't be there for it." Both their chests fall together, as if the weight of this thought was too much for both of them. But then Miki gets up and walks around the table, pulling him up too, to wrap her arms around him.
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"Ken, it's okay to feel sad about it... I'm sorry it's the case, but I'm sure she'll be there, somehow, whether it's in you, your sister or your dad, I'm sure we'll still be able to feel her. And I was thinking..." "Mmmh ?" said Kenta, signaling to her to keep going, as she had stopped in the middle of a sentence.
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"Well, your sister gave me a necklace..." "Sakura gave you-" his voice catches in his throat, not believing that this is actually happening. "She did. She said it could act as all of the staples at the same time, as it is something old and blue, she'll take it back afterwards, and it's new to me... I've still not seen it in person, you see." "Miki, you would do that ? It's a big necklace if I remember correctly, even Sak' doesn't wear it often because she says it's heavy" says Kenta, his eyes a bit watery.
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"I'm sure. I want your mother to be present in as many ways as possible, and if I'm being honest, it's an honour I never thought I'd be given, to wear what used to be hers." "Miki... I love you so much." "Good, 'cause we're getting married tomorrow !" she jokes, lifting the tension in the air just before Kenta gives her another hug.
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They don't believe in the tradition of keeping the bride and groom apart the night before the big day, and so they go home to their townhouse, and Kenta makes good on his promise from earlier in the night.
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The next morning, they even have breakfast together, one last moment of peace and quiet before hopping on the ferry that will lead them to Mt Komorebi, and their wedding venue.
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cherrynojutsu · 3 years
Title: Years Past
Summary: Sakura haunts their small home in grief, feeling already a ghost even while surrounded with beautiful raven-haired children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. As she sees each and every one of them over the months that follow, a select few stare back with her own eyes. Most of them are so like her husband's, though, luciform soot flecked with silver, and she feels so sorry when she looks too long and starts to cry. Romance, Character Death, Sad With a Happy Ending, Sakura POV.
Disclaimer: I did not write Naruto. This is a fan-made piece solely created for entertainment purposes.
Rating: T
A/N: A little late to this prompt, but better late than never, I suppose. This has been sitting in my drafts since June, but reading it made me emotional and I got distracted by writing things for Like Gold. I apologize for the tardiness!
Sasusaku Month 2021, Day 7 Prompt: Years Past @ssskmonth
AO3 Link - FF.net Link
Sakura passes in her sleep, marcid and weary of a broken heart and missing mismatched eyes, at the age of eighty-two.
It is longer than most Shinobi make it by far, but she doesn't feel very grateful for it, in the last five excruciating months of her life.
Her husband hadn't made it to eighty-two; Sasuke-kun passed in December. It had been peaceful, all three of their children, most of their grandchildren, and even some great grandchildren, the ones not on missions outside of the village, at his bedside.
Sakura had been there, too, old and frail and holding his hand. She'd kissed him goodbye tearily, sensing it was almost time after decades of watching it happen to others inside secluded hospital walls. It had been in front of nearly all of their descendants, family the only thing helping to hold her together in his final moments.
He hadn't complained. He'd kissed her back, for everyone to see, and Sarada and the twins had started crying, then, squeezing their hands around those of their parents, because they knew it really was time.
He had thanked her, said her name one last time, all equanimity even then. Then, so softly, "I love you. I'll see you next time," before he went, bones settling wearily at long last.
There had been melancholy in his expression even in death, wrinkled skin turning glaucous and beginning to sag against old, hardened muscle.
Sasuke-kun was buried next to Itachi’s memorial. There is a plot he saved for her on his other side, his right arm, the hand she held so many times in life.
Sakura haunts their small home in grief, feeling already a ghost even while surrounded with beautiful raven-haired children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. As she sees each and every one of them over the months that follow, a select few stare back with her own eyes. Most of them are so like her husband's, though, luciform soot flecked with silver, and she feels so sorry when she looks too long and starts to cry. Little Satoko, their newest great-grandchild all of eleven months old who she dotes on endlessly, reaches at her wrinkled cheeks to try to wipe them dry, babbling out a garbled version of "Oobasan, no cwy." He is talking earlier than most babies, stormy eyes eerily full of awareness and an endless lineage, just like Sarada at that age. Sakura laughs as she sobs, cradling him close to her heart, and looking out her window at their daughter's visage on the mountain. It is also Satoko's grandmother's image; it is hard to believe their sweet little baby is now old enough to be a grandmother. She remembers the first time Sarada had smiled at Sasuke-kun, the first time he held her at only an hour old, and he broke down sobbing.
She makes the trek to Sasuke-kun's grave every day for 138 days, each step an arduous agony, before stooping down to lay a fresh daffodil atop the soil where her husband's bones rest. She has also planted white lilies around his headstone, the same as those that surround Itachi's and the Uchiha Memorial Stone. Her children help her keep them watered as needed through a short spring drought; she is too old to carry a watering can now without spilling.
She misses him. It hurts worse than Sasori's poison or Madara stabbing her or giving birth or a giant shuriken nearly cleaving her in two.
There is joy to be found in the desolation, too, in her last few months of life. Their progenies throw her a birthday party like none other, and she eats her fill of cake while watching little hands eat some, too. Little Satoko dances, or moreso balters, with Sarada in time to a dramatic song he finds by pressing buttons on the radio; it is not a very appropriate tune for a dance with a toddler, all clumsy crescendo and orchestra, but amusing all the same. Sasuke-kun would have smiled, if he were there.
The white lilies bloom before her eyes one last time, resplendent and perfect. She gets to hear about Haruki making Chunin on the first try, every bit the pride of the Uchiha, reborn anew with Sharingan blazing. She even gets to see Akiko make Jonin in person, ambitious and ingenious with Sharingan and diamond seal on her forehead setting her apart from her adversaries in the arena.
But finally, at long last, it is her culminating day. 138 days doesn't seem like a long time to be without him, compared to the larger number of days he was absent in their youth, but she finds it is worse, following their life together.
She tells them all she loves them and falls asleep for the last time, watches their confluence of family say goodbye from above. Sarada and the twins cry the hardest, clinging to her body as her heart finally pumps for the last time. Satoko is too young to understand, but he pats at her, too, in a sea of dark-haired descendants that she knows will continue to bring honor back to a clan revived at the brink of death. She takes in each and every one of their beautiful faces one last time, faces so similar to Sasuke-kun's; not a single one of them has her nose.
It is a legacy of love they have created, exactly the dream they started willing into color the day they discovered they had made Sarada together.
Then, she is on a dock that has slightly singed edges, looking over a small, familiar pond.
It is a spring evening, the sun just falling beneath the horizon and cherry blossoms abloom, and she thinks that is strange, because it is June and Hanami has already passed them by. Satoko had been so cute in his new outfit; she had made it herself, not much else to do in their empty house filled with aching memories. The tiny uchiwa on the back of his collar was sewn with the utmost care, the kind that came from decades of practice.
Crickets chirp, cicadas buzz, and there are a few fireflies leaking out of the greenery, soft light reflectant in the stillness of the water. It is serene. She had sat on this dock many times with her husband, when he was alive, on his right side so she could hold his hand. He told her she was beautiful during Hanami here, every year. She shifts to begin the process of sitting down, planning on leaving the space he'd taken up in life empty for him, in case his ghost is around. She has felt it, sometimes, tugging at her own spirit; she leaves his side of the bed empty every night, trying to will him back to her.
As Sakura shifts, she looks down, and she is startled to see pink hair instead of white, and no wrinkles. She crouches to analyze herself more closely in water still as glass, and there are no creaking old bones. She is young again, somehow.
She is overjoyed; she will be able to water the white lilies herself again. She can even dance with little Satoko now.
Light footsteps sound behind her, and just as she stands and turns, she is being swept into an unfamiliar yet comforting pair of arms. A woman with long inky hair, black as night, is hugging her tight.
"Thank you for loving my son," she breathes immediately, and Sakura starts crying, because she somehow knew who it was before she even said anything, without even seeing her face. When her eyes focus blearily through tears over Mikoto Uchiha's shoulder, Sasuke-kun's brother is walking up not far behind her.
Itachi Uchiha is smiling at her like she's done something wonderful, like he has been waiting for years to meet her. He is younger, healthier here, flecks of silver dancing in eyes just like her husband's, just like their childrens'. There's an impossible ache in her chest.
He waits patiently for his mother to pull back. When she finally does, Sakura looks into her eyes, and Mikoto is smiling at her so big, like she hung the moon in the sky, beginning to peek out from behind clouds above them.
"I have waited so long to meet you," she says, eyes shining, and her eyes are like Sasuke-kun's, too. "You are so beautiful."
Then Itachi is embracing her, and Sakura cries harder, because his arms feel almost like Sasuke-kun's arm had felt, slipping around her for sixty-one years of marriage, the same height and strong.
"I have waited, too. It's an honor. Thank you, for everything," Itachi says as she sobs.
"They are so beautiful, too, Sakura," Mikoto adds softly, hand at her shoulder, and she knows she means their children, Mikoto's grandchildren that she hasn't gotten to hold yet, Sarada and the twins and their children and all the others. Little Satoko had made twenty-seven blood relatives; including spouses who married into the clan, the number was thirty-eight, and there were two more babies on the way, yet.
Itachi lets her go, smile tender when he pulls away. He directs his gaze momentarily to the path leading up the hill, as if he's looking for someone.
She follows his gaze; Fugaku Uchiha is coming over the top, all stoicism even as a spirit. He stops momentarily and gives her a nod of recognition, not breaking eye contact for a long time.
Then, he glances back over his shoulder, tilts his head as if telling someone to follow him down the hill, and Sakura is running, though she hasn't been able to for years.
Sasuke-kun is all of twenty again, young and strong, too handsome for his own good and every bit the sweet but stoic man she fell in love and grew old with. He's smiling at her, just for her, and she's in his arms - he has both, here - in the blink of mismatched, teary eyes.
His arms feel like home, two spirits together in permanence at long last. It is the same feeling as the little piece of heaven they touched together whenever they made love, souls intertwining, but this time for good. She has missed him. Oh, she has missed him.
"...I told you I'd see you next time," he murmurs against her hair.
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Confessions, Coffee, and Kisses - Part 1
It's been an awfully long day for Hinata Hajime.
Packing up his books, he stood up in one of the Reserve Course classrooms, admiring the terrifyingly clean floor.
Hinata hated this. Hated being around people who were so incredibly bland.
It just reminded him of his own bland existence.
When it comes to Hope's Peak Academy, the Main Course was the "big deal". Talented people who were the hope of the new generation. They could achieve anything they set their mind to - a clear carrier path. An obvious road to success.
... Hinata didn't have that.
A part of him wanted to accept it. A part of him wanted to give up.
Just let it be.
The universe wasn't kind enough to him to bless him with a talent, so he should just live with it.
He could only have one opinion overwriting all:
"Fuck that."
His Ultimate parents got him into the Reserve Course because of their fear for their image.
Imagine a successful, talented couple raising a child without talent.
Couldn't be them... so they did their best to hide the truth, for their own selfish desires.
Mr. Hinata long gave up on cultivating any possible talent his son might've had - he did not have any - so their so-called "family" was just a reason to keep their son alive.
He got fed, he had a roof above his head - but he never felt loved.
Hinata would never admit, but he craved validation. Which was fine, most children do... but not this way.
He developed the need to prove his worth.
This is why he attended every competition he saw fit, worked three times as hard as any of his other classmates - to get some sort of praise from his parents.
No, not praise. Any kind of acknowledgement of his existence.
He was mindlessly walking down the corridors, careful not to bump into anyone.
He heard a high-pitched male voice call out to him.
Hinata sighed, it was probably that annoying classmate again... Sakugi Kuri.
The boy always seemed a bit too happy-go-lucky to him, quite a nice contrast when it comes to the gloomy Reserve Course.
As if a gray cloud was constantly hovering over this department, while the Main Course had all the sunlight.
"What is it, Sakugi-san?
The brunette had the feeling the black haired boy felt like they were friends.
Hinata didn't really think so, but as much as he thought of Sakugi as a bother, his company was tolerable.
The shorter male looked at him with pleading eyes.
"You promised to help me out with the history homework, so please~?"
There came Hinata's signature sigh, paired with a nod.
"I did... give me your book, then."
Sakugi let out a loud "yay~" and bowed his head to Hinata, who had to give him a smile.
While they were walking out of the building, the black haired boy talked about things he found exciting.
Normal people talk.
Sakugi talked about his family, how they were planning to go on vacation to some city... Towa, was it?
Hinata just hummed as he listened, though his thoughts always seemed to drift away.
As they walked now on the streets, he noticed another one of his friends standing with a girl under a cherry tree.
Hinata's eyes widened, pulling the shorter male along with him to hide behind some bushes.
"Hinata?" Sakugi whispered curiously, obviously confused by the other's actions.
"That's one of my friends from the Main Course. He is probably getting confessed to right now."
The brunette smiled, even though not every part of him was happy for his friend's new possible relationship.
"Ah, but that is wonderful!" the boy exclaimed, and Hinata had to cover his mouth.
"Shh, be quiet, don't ruin this moment for him."
Hinata is going to be honest, he didn't really know much about Komaeda's love life. He didn't know if he liked someone at all, or if he would accept the girl's feelings.
The spring leaves were gently swaying in the wind, the sakura tree standing tall and beautiful as ever.
It was the perfect moment for a love confession, Hinata thought.
So you could imagine the confusion when he saw the girl staring at the ground, trying her best not to cry.
Sakugi raised an eyebrow, and he looked at Hinata.
"Didn't... why didn't he accept her confession?"
Hinata shrugged, honestly confused. The girl was an Ultimate as well, beautiful purple hair, pink eyes...
Then it dawned on him.
"Komaeda... is a difficult person."
That was a really accurate statement.
"It's because she is an Ultimate, isn't it? Komaeda can't indulge in being with a talented person, he wouldn't let himself do so in a thousand years."
The girl ran away crying, and Komaeda did look extremely uncomfortable.
"Sakugi-san, I've-"
"It's okay, Hinata, just talk to him."
The brunette nodded.
"Thank you for understanding. I promise I'll finish your history homework by tomorrow, okay?"
Sakugi chuckled.
"Alright, but make sure to redeem a cup of coffee."
Hinata smiled as well.
"I will, I will."
After waving to the shorter boy, Hinata made his way to Komaeda, who just helplessly stood there like a puppy.
Hinata's heart sank at the sight, so he placed his hands on the other's shoulders, as an attempt to comfort him.
The lucky student looked our protagonist in the eye, as if searching for answers.
Upon hearing his name, the white haired boy closed the distance between them, hugging the other male.
"Want to talk about it?"
Hinata asked cautiously after a couple of minutes, just gently rubbing the other's back.
"Hinata-kun, I just... I don't understand. She confessed to me. She doesn't even know who I am! A-and she looked so upset when I rejected her, I just froze in place... she..."
Komaeda was sobbing at this point.
As someone who rarely experienced care, a love confession out of the blue could stir up so many confusing and unwanted emotions.
"I made her cry, Hinata-kun..."
Hinata hated seeing Komaeda like this. He absolutely despised it.
... Though he didn't expect such a strong reaction after a love confession, but Komaeda was different.
Hinata carefully put together his words, not to say the wrong thing.
"But did you like her, Komaeda?"
The white haired boy shook his head, but didn't respond verbally.
"Then you did the right thing. You could've let her live a dream, a false reality... and leading her on like that would've just led to more heartbreak."
Komaeda was slowly calming down, holding Hinata tight.
"You think so?"
He asked in a small voice, which Hinata nodded to.
"As much as the truth hurts, wrapping yourself in lies will just mess you up more. It would've been so much worse if you told her later, believe me."
Komaeda sniffed, now no more tears forming in his eyes.
Hinata kept his strong but tender hold, not letting go until Komaeda wanted to.
Komaeda didn't exactly want to let go... ever, but he wouldn't say that.
So soon enough they let go of each other, not without the lucky student faking a sniff to smell Hinata's scent.
After crying, some people start to giggle. That's usually because of them feeling so overwhelmed, they don't know how else to function.
This was the reason why Komaeda chuckled, though he was much calmer than he were before.
"C-can't believe a Reserve Course Student came to comfort me... how despair-inducing."
Hinata sighed of relief. Komaeda had quite the sarcasm and his snarky comments, so whenever his friend used such abilities, Hinata knew he was alright.
That didn't keep him from rolling his eyes.
"You're welcome."
Komaeda chuckled again, and looked around to actually remind himself of his surroundings.
Hinata still had to make sure his friend was better, so he opted to ask:
"Would you like to grab a coffee?"
The lucky student gave him a small nod, being too emotionally overwhelmed right now to put up a fight.
Plus if he knew anything about Hinata, it was his stubbornness.
The brunette took him by the arm, and led him to his favourite café.
Komaeda was paying attention to the familiar route, and shook his head with a smile, and a look of disbelief.
"Hinata-kun, are you seriously taking me to Thanks a Latte again?"
The other male just shrugged with a grin on his face.
"I may be... by then, perhaps you'll be able to learn some manners, and actually thank me for caring about you."
Komaeda pouted, narrowing his eyes.
"I think someone needs to know their place here."
Hinata tried his best to hold back a laugh, though he failed miserably.
"Oh really~?"
Komaeda sighed in fake disappointment.
"This is exactly why I don't hang out with people from the Reserve Course. All of you are so cocky."
The brunette chuckled as they were walking down the streets, turning the corner of Lollipop Street.
"Mhm... then why are you hanging out with me so often?"
Hinata loved playing this game. Whatever this game was.
Komaeda blushed, but he tried to give a rebuttal.
"W-well, because I have nothing else to do, of course. And you seem oddly obsessed with me, so I might just let you live your dreams of befriending an Ultimate."
Hinata shook his head again, giving Komaeda a "yeah yeah sure, keep telling that to yourself." before he stopped at the door to the café.
The brunette knew Komaeda was hanging out with him because he enjoyed his company - and because Komaeda always seemed so lonely whenever he saw him.
He knew Komaeda liked him; just not in a way the lucky student actually did.
Hinata opened the door the usual way.
"After you, my liege."
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vasoula · 4 years
The Peepshow (chapter three)
Summary: Two months after his redemption journey, Sasuke is back to Konoha and  Sakura couldn’t be more happy about them spending a lot of time  together. However, things take a hard turn when Sakura is assigned a  special mission and she has to hide it from the rest of Team 7. Everything comes spiraling down when Sasuke finds out exactly what she has to do.
Tags: hard rated m, blank period, kinda AU-ish
You can also read it on ffnet and Ao3.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's notes: The grand finale of my three way saga ends here with a bang! Beware this chapter is hard M, lots of naughty things happening here ;) This monster is almost 10k on its own XD BTW this is the only chapter my friend strawberrycreampiefluff has not read, even though this is a collab between us and the story was her inspo, so this is a surprise for her also. I hope everybody enjoys this fic, comment your thoughts. Ah, I didn't know which way to end it because this is quite self indulgent and the main theme of the fic was teasing so the ending is similar. One day, maybe, I will write a continuation. Thank you everyone for your love and support!
“Act three: Jealousy will drive you mad”
With two powerful stomps and a determined expression on her face, Sakura reaches for the doorknob and pulls.
Sasuke does indeed greet her in the doorway. It is obvious from the casual attire he has put on that he was also about to go to bed; his toned physique is adorned with gray sweatpants and a light blue shirt.
The pink haired woman has no clue what riles her up the most. Is the way those simple clothes cling onto him like second skin emphasizing his fit body or is it the way he is staring her with those bewitching mismatched eyes of his? She cannot wait to find out.
"Sakura," he says in the usual lethargic timbre he uses to pronounce her name.
She blinks her eyes at him fast in response to make sure she is seeing right.
"What are you doing here, Sasuke-kun?", Sakura asks, "It's late."
She casually points out it is time for sleep and not time for late night conversations in her room the two of them alone, together. It does the trick because Sasuke seems to realize a few things about their current situation. His eyes lose focus and start their slow descend, carefully scrutinizing what she is wearing.
His gaze stops his inspection the moment it reaches her chest, zeroing on her breathing pattern and the way some parts of her body stand out thanks to the chilly weather. Sasuke's impassive face instantly changes, his cheeks and ears coloring in a nice red hue.
Then, without much thought, his observation continues and he bites his lip at the display of her bare legs so up close.
For the life of her, Sakura cannot fathom that Sasuke Uchiha is blatantly checking her out.
Feeling self conscious, she hugs herself and steps sideways to allow the man to come into the room. Her blush matches his in response.
Sasuke finally – finally moves from his position and steps into her territory.
Putting a few loose pink strands behind her ear, Sakura closes the door quietly and props her body on it, hands coming to rest between her backside and the wood.
She lets the silence hang on for a few minutes allowing Sasuke to take his time to make up his mind.
"I came here to apologize," he speaks after a while, "I am sorry."
Sasuke peers at her from his spot in the middle of room, shuffling his feet unconsciously.
He looks down, "I shouldn't have interfered with your mission," and spins around to face her bed instead. "It was brash and uncharacteristic of me."
His apology sounds genuine enough, but that still does not excuse the fact he acted out of the ordinary for no reason.
Sakura has had it with this man. Even though she feels beyond furious with him, the girl prefers not to argue with him.
"Apology accepted." She announces curtly. "Still doesn't explain the reason you decided to interfere, Sasuke."
The lack of honorific translates to failure in Sasuke's book of apologies. He tries to take another route. Although he came inside her room prepared and resolute to be honest with her, it seems his pride and ego are still in the way.
"Sakura, you know I am not good at this," He deflates in frustration, "I am not good -"
Sasuke pauses abruptly, not capable of continuing his next sentence. Why is it so hard for him to confess his feelings? How does Sakura do it? Why can he not be more like her when it comes to matters like these?
The lone Uchiha knows how he feels about her, his heart hammering in his chest is that much of a clue. Since he was a young boy- he has always known -what he felt towards her. There is a special connection, even the most logical part of his brain cannot grasp it enough to explain it. It should not make sense how strongly he feels about her without him even comprehending it when growing up.
It has been building up since the start, those emotions have been lying dormant for years, slowly but surely pestering inside his heart. His mind always conjuring up images of her lovely smiles and her healing words. Her confessions and trials towards him whispering hotly in his ears and driveling his mind mad into oblivion.
For such a foolish little game she was playing, her opinion is sure important and sufficient to have him questioning his moralities; her words festering inside his heart and poisoning his mind with good prospects in life like love and family. Who is he to deny her anything when at times he was ready to sacrifice everything he thrived for just to keep her safe? He can try but ignoring his feelings like he used to do in the past is no solution anymore.
Sasuke recalls everything about her until now and comes to one realization.
Sakura was, is and will always be precious to him.
"What?" The woman, plaguing his thoughts, asks defeated. She pushes herself off the wooden door and takes a big step forward.
Thinking what he can possibly do to make things better, he comes up with an idea.
Following along, Sasuke moves closer to her, leaning the right side of his body to a pillar next to him. He is right across her now.
"I am more of a man of action-", he starts trying to redeem himself with his compensatory qualities.
"Then do something -", she explodes, interrupting him mid sentence.
Sakura puts her foot down hard, literally stumping it to the ground. With her fists balled to her sides and a snarl on her face, she feels her patience running out.
The woman looks at him expectantly, waiting for him to do something – anything.
Sasuke's ears are roaring, his pulse skyrocketing. He is breathing hard now, his gaze penetrating as he surveys every aspect of Sakura's face. From her rosy cheeks, to her heated eyes and at last to her luscious, red lips.
She hears him before she sees him react. A hard punch to the pillar he has been leaning on signals he too has reached his limit.
With two fast strides, in speed only Sasuke is capable of, he pushes her against the door with his body. His right hand comes up and he tangles his fingers in her hair, cradling her upper half in urgency.
His stump meets her waist halfway in an attempt to hold her.
"I am losing my mind here, Sakura," He confesses unabashedly, looking at her straight in the eye.
The girl in question glances up at him, his sudden embrace unexpected, but welcome nevertheless. Both of her hands are at his torso, her clenched fists clasping his shirt tightly and crumpling it in the process. Thanks to the position of her grip, she feels his heart beating fast inside his chest – a sign that rings true to his earlier statement.
Searching his eyes for any sign of discomfort and finding none, she makes it easier for both of them and inches closer; her mouth a breath away from his lips.
Sasuke's eyes open and close languidly in response, her glittering irises and pampered freckles on her nose the last thing he sees before he leans in to kiss her.
Sakura spots stars behind her closed eyelids the moment their lips finally touch. It is nothing more than their mouths caressing each other in slow strokes, but the implications of that innocent kiss are more than enough for the two of them.
Feeling brave, the pink haired woman wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer to her. Her heart is about to jump off her chest, aware of his hard yet lean body flash against her. They do not have any prior experience to this, but with their instincts leading them on, they are matching each other just right.
Sasuke feels something inside his head clicking into place, like a puzzle being completed; the repressed emotions inside of him exploding into a thousand pieces. The way he loves and displays it might be crooked, but when he has the woman he adores in his arms, he knows, he can conquer any emotional disadvantage he may encounter.
It seems everything that happens next plays out like it is in slow motion.
Grabbing her by the hip, Sasuke begins to move. Sakura arches into him, their kiss turning deeper. With the tall man leading them on, the couple turns around, mirroring their previous position, but with Sakura on top this time.
"Lift your legs," Sasuke quietly orders with his back against the door. Sakura obliges wordlessly and jumps slightly. Putting pressure on his shoulders, Sakura breaks their kiss for a split second and wraps her thighs around his waist, locking them tightly.
Sasuke's lone arm comes and finds its position snugly under her backside, palm open on her butt cheeks. Without so much a strain, years of physical exertion being put into work, Sasuke lifts her off the ground easily.
Sakura, still preoccupied with Sasuke's soft lips, does not realize their compromising position. Gently coursing her hands through his hair, she caresses his scalp while kissing him tenderly.
With his limbs busy and his vision limited, Sasuke takes a few cautious steps forward. With the bed as final destination, he carefully maneuvers them through the room. A few centimeters away, the mattress lies warm and inviting.
Their kiss stops abruptly when Sasuke's foot comes in contact with outpost of the bed. Lips breaking apart and breaths mingling, they stare silently into one another.
Realizing where the course of their situation is taking them, both of them pause.
Sakura searches his eyes and sees the lust mirrored in them similar to her own. With a determined expression, she grabs the collar of his shirt and drags him down with her the moment she lets herself fall back into the mattress.
Trying to stop his body from crushing her, Sasuke's arm goes forward and he places his hand next to her head. He lets out a disgruntled sound and lets his face fall into the soft cushions of her breasts.
"Sakura," he mumbles incoherently. In response, the girl in question lets out a sigh of pleasure and relief.
She knows the implications and relishes in them. No dream or fantasy could counter that moment in her mind.
Sasuke hesitantly looks up, face heating up slowly. Then, feeling suddenly nervous, he glances sideways, a scowl forming.
Being on top of Sakura, her body body pliant underneath him and her lips bruised from their intense kissing had him feeling some type of way. But, god, her face is what made him look away. Nothing prepared him for this.
Sakura makes a sound in the back of her throat, her teeth biting hard her plump bottom lip. She bats her eyes at him, light pink eyelashes fanning against her rosy cheeks prettily. Sasuke pretends to ignore her, even though he keeps stealing glances at her.
Sakura cannot believe there would come a day where the great Sasuke Uchiha, the infamous avenger, would be shy with her.
Hot stares and naughty smirks are more his thing than awkward and fleeting looks.
Sasuke is nervous, no one taught him how to handle situations like these.
Love is a new, unknown part in his life, and he is quite unprepared.
Wordlessly, she lifts her hand and touches the right side of his face.
He looks gorgeous like this, all strong bone structure and pale white skin. His aristocratic nose scrunching up in distaste, because he dislikes the fact he has no control.
"What?" The Uchiha finally looks at her and asks. He purses his lips and drags his body forward a little bit.
Sasuke is snugly on top of her now, their chests pressed together closely.
Sakura starts caressing his cheek, staring lovingly into his eyes.
"I thought I couldn't love you more than I do," she takes a shuddering breath, her eyes watering slightly. "But, I do."
Sasuke takes the whispered confession in, his throat bobbing. He feels so emotional right now, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. He clutches at her words, her proclamation consuming him like it did in the past.
The inner turmoil inside him makes his eyes burn. He struggles to find the words to express what he feels for her. The capacity to love and care endless, unlimited for her. A never ending waterfall of emotions washing his wrongdoings away.
The power coursing through his veins is nothing in comparison to the power she has over him. She could bend him all she wants, mold his being all the way to nothingness and put his pieces right back to their rightful place. No darkness inside of him is strong enough to overcome him as long as she loves him. Her light nourishing him and making him feel alive again.
So many thoughts plaguing his mind, but no words are enough to describe his admiration for her. He wants to convey though, he has to try. For her, going forward in life, he has to try.
"You make me feel alive," he shares with her, "I need you close to me,"
Sasuke utters in a mere whisper, but with each syllable his drive to confess grows tenfold. "I love you," he breaks, voice cracking in the end.
He closes his eyes to get his bearings for a second and hears Sakura's breath hitch.
Sakura feels her soul quivering in her chest; she went to heaven and back.
Before anymore tears could escape her eyes however, she quickly shuts them close. This is no reason for her to cry, for this is a happy moment. She sniffles and opens her jade orbs again. The sight that greets her makes her feel like her entire being is being consumed by hot molten lava. The man of her dreams is staring at her, his eyes intense – an endless inferno of feelings exposed for her to cherish.
Her throat bobs in anticipation at the prospect of him acting out what his eyes are conveying.
"Sakura," he says and nudges her chin with his nose.
Sasuke senses her shiver underneath him even though the temperature of the room is far from low. No matter, he is starting to sweat so he decides to undress. Knowing where this is leading them, he pushes himself up and straddles her, knees on either side of her body. Using his lone hand he grabs the outer part of his cotton shirt from behind and lifts it forward over his head.
Sakura gasps beneath him, eyeing him up and down in appreciation. That escalated way better than what she had in mind. Years of need, aching deep within her.
Her hands twitch and she tries to think clearly despite the situation.
"W-what are you doing Sasuke-kun?", she mumbles worriedly.
After finishing his task, the man in question looks down at her. The left side of mouth lifts in haughty grin before he can stop himself. Now, now what a nice view, he thinks.
Sakura's hair has created a beautiful pink halo around her head, matching her flaming, flushed cheeks. Those unique eyes of her sparkle in the dark, passion shining through clearly in them. Her lips part sensually in silent plea for him to claim her.
She wants this as much he does.
"Hot," he answers. The sensation of her, needy, under him or the room temperature are either correct interpretations.
He knows she likes what she sees. His athletic, lean body is no secret, but for him to display it so proudly to her strokes his ego in all the right places. No woman can appreciate him the way she does. Her pure devotion fascinates him, her hungry stares excite him. Only she has that effect on him. She may be the one to yearn for him since the beginning, but he is the one that has been suffering in silence for so long.
She has been loud, clear, but he has been repressed and tortured with his own fondness right along with her. He wants to toy with her a little more, tease her with some scalding remarks until she is dripping wet with fervor, but alas his patience is running out.
His arm stretches out and his hand reaches her throat, her eyes following along his every movement. His fingertips tenderly graze her pulse point, her skin alight with heat.
Goosebumps rise on her skin, his touch creating thousand fires along her neck. He is stalling, they both know it. But, she continues to stay pliant under him allowing him to continue his ministrations.
His eyes burn in a hankering frenzy, analyzing every little reaction he can get out of her before she turns the tables on him.
She closes her eyes in pleasure, throat stretching out and torso lifting, baring more surface for him to please.
Sakura breaths heavily, legs squeezing shut. She cannot believe this kind of simple form of touch brings forth this much twisted pleasure out of her. This is too light for it to be even considered foreplay, yet...she can get off just to the thought of him even touching her.
"N-no…" she tries to halt the upcoming teasing.
She is weak and needy and she knows he will abuse this knowledge to the fullest. He has always been a person to test her limits. Sasuke loves having the upper hand.
His hand slowly goes down and it reaches her ribcage, right at the center. Her nipples harden in response and she feels Sasuke shift above her.
When something hard grazes her stomach, her insides quiver. She is affecting him even though she is doing nothing to him in return.
Sasuke's movements stop abruptly when he realizes his body has been reacting quite positively to the display. He feels himself confined in his loose pants, the underwear straining against his hard length. Apparently, the object of his desires noticed it too.
This is where he loses the battle it seems.
Sakura opens her eyes slowly, her hands reaching her torso. Both of her palms lay flat on top of his hand – trapping him there. She takes it and starts to move it around her body, showing him just where she would enjoy for him to touch her.
When it reaches her right breast, she lets it loose. Sasuke keeping eye contact with her starts to massage her mound; first tenderly and then more roughly.
Depending on the reactions he gets out of her, his fingers play with her hardened nub, her thin t-shit an extra layer of teasing against her sensitive skin there.
Not knowing what to do with her free arms, she decides to test her power. She splays them flat on top of her lover's chest without so much a thought. His skin is a little cold and damp from sweat, his nervousness slipping through bodily fluids rather than expressions. Going up and down with each hand, she caresses his taught stomach, abs prominent against his skin.
Sasuke hums in response, an appreciative tone somewhere hidden in there.
Sakura makes it her mission to get more reactions out him before he finds out just how wet he has made her down there. His chest is there, pecs hard and her fingers skim over his nipples with a feather like touch.
His eyes clump shut and his body leans forward a little bit. He bites his lip and lets out a small sigh. Sakura smiles triumphantly knowing she is staring to push his buttons. Her hands descend lower, fingers toying with the waistband of his trousers.
Sakura looks from where her hands are, the bulge obvious and near to collision with the inside of her left wrist. She purses her lips and risks glancing up at him. He is breathing harder now, his hair falling like a curtain, his side bang hiding half of his face.
"Don't," comes out the strained response.
His jaw is taught, the angles of it sharp, someone would think he is mad.
He is mad alright, mad with desire.
Sasuke has been thinking a lot about these kind of moments the last few months, his mind conjuring up scenarios and positions – dirty, dirty little longing.
Nothing has prepared him for this sensation. He is powerless against her, needing her to feed his solicitude with ardor. Still though, greedy for her as he is, he struggles to shred his shyness away.
She sees right through him and pauses. "Are you sure?" she asks tentatively.
In an abrupt movement, he grabs her hand, grip strong on her wrist and slams it right back at the bed, near her head. An act of dominance will not hinder Sakura obedient so soon. She fights right back, seeing Sasuke struggle to keep her hand in place.
Sakura huffs and smiles smugly up at him. His face stays impassive, but his eyes glint dangerously.
Thinking she has won this round, the woman prepares a trotting remark. However, Sasuke renders her speechless with his next move. Abandoning his place above her, he straightens up and pushes his knee right between her legs, just below her searing heat. His lone arm reaches out and grips her left thigh roughly, pinning it backwards and spreading her legs apart in an instant.
Sasuke smirks devilishly at her.
The new position and attitude leaves her all hot and bothered.
Then, his hand finds its place just below her belly button. Leaning forward, he grabs one side of her shorts and starts pulling it towards him. Stunned, she allows him to take them off her.
Sakura wants, needs...she craves to see just how much further he can take it.
But despite all the excitement to see Sasuke's walls fall apart in front of her, she cannot help it when she tries to hide her half naked body from him. Only a thin layer of underwear is keep them apart. Feeling shy now is useless, but god these feelings in her heart are so intense and Sasuke acting out all her desires does not help her at all.
Sakura squeezes her legs shut, thighs pressed deliciously together and stomach taught - straining to keep her lower body hidden from his hungry eyes as much as she can.
In a way, Sakura muses, she is teasing him further by denying him access. Sasuke hates disobedience as much as he hates not getting what he wants.
As always impressed by her strength – even in bed – he clasps her knee and tries pushing it apart. "You don't have to ever hide from me." Sasuke says heatedly.
"I-I," Sakura struggles to find the right words, her blushing cheeks a hot flame on her face. "Sasuke-kun, please," she tries to prolong the inevitable.
How can he be so cool about this when they both know how reserved they are? Be that as it may, they both covet each others' touch and they have been doing so since their younger years.
Knowing she can hide herself no more and she is willing to give all of herself to him, all her scars and her invisible wounds, the pink haired beauty spreads her legs apart, baring her womanly figure to him.
It occurs to her that Sasuke is about to say something to her, but decides against it and prefers to speak with his body instead. With more space now free, the man finds himself snugly between her legs.
Before Sakura could realize what is exactly happening and what his next move is going to be, Sasuke surprises her yet again. Rather than mirroring his previous position on top of her, he chooses to cascade down gently with an objective in mind.
Continuing his ministrations, he smoothly lifts her shirt and scrunches it up towards her chest. With that out of the way, Sasuke starts peppering her belly with soft, open-mouthed kisses. It tickles a tiny bit, but the heat pooling between her legs is a tell-tale sign just how much this is affecting her.
When his hot breath fans above her damp underwear, she knows exactly what he is planning on doing to her. Then, Sasuke pauses and looks up at her questioningly as if to confirm if this okay with her.
To answer his unspoken query, Sakura sits up slightly and crosses her arms grabbing her white blouse by each side. She takes it off in one swift movement and quickly lies down, her eyes focused on the ceiling.
Sakura bites her lip, her hands finding themselves near his nape and fondling his shoulders in an attempt to clear any doubts in Sasuke's head that she may not be ready for this. No words need to be exchanged between them, Sasuke could tell even from the way she breathed if this kind of loving was unwanted from her.
She still feels coy, but, Sasuke knows how to handle her. His hand grips one thigh gently, putting slight pressure on it. He bends down and starts pressing delicate kisses right below her belly button and going lower. When his teeth graze the top of her baby pink, lacy panties, she lets out a tiny whimper. He bites the cute bow and pulls down; his eyes are closed and his fingers are digging into her supple skin, a sweet pressure pulling her back to reality.
Her feet trash a little bit, the covers of the bed becoming a mess in her wake.
Sakura unconsciously lifts her butt up when his hand places under her leg. Taking that as his cue, Sasuke grabs the underside of her lingerie and takes it off her.
With that out of the way, her legs spread apart and he leans back to take a good at her. So many thoughts are running through his head, too many things he wants to say to her. Compliment her beauty and ravishing body; even the most hidden parts of herself are pretty to him.
She looks gorgeous like this, all docile and yielding for him. Sasuke wants to worship her body and treat her with fairness; kiss every scar and caress every curve of her. Every little thing he cannot confess to her, he wants to convey it through every action he does just to please her.
The raven haired man wants to clear any doubts she might have in her head. He needs to make her his, claim her and show her how much she means to him. But first, he has to make sure she knows just how much he wishes to satisfy her.
Sasuke bends down once again, his head between her legs and his arm under thigh, his lone hand holding her captive.
Sakura puts her hands over her mouth in an attempt to muffle her upcoming reactions. When his hot breath fans over her wet folds, she loses it.
He hums thoughtfully as if he is pondering something and then his lips are on her most intimate area. First, a gentle kiss on her clit and then his lips part and he is consuming her wholly. Sasuke uses his tongue skillfully, parting her nether folds and lapping at her entrance. The skill he is displaying has the woman questioning her sanity.
He is very meticulous with her, going as far as using the sounds she makes as guidance. His mouth works in wicked ways and she is making embarrassing, loud noises.
When he pauses to take a breather, Sakura whines. The loss of this endless satisfaction turning her bratty.
"So wet, already," Sasuke says with pride.
Sakura wants to punch his face to the next dimension for that snarky comment, but he has her putty in his hands.
Her face is a little damp from sweat and she pushes a few loose pastel strands away from her sticky cheeks and forehead.
"Don't tease me," she pouts and she slaps his arm lightly – a warning.
Sasuke smirks as if expecting that reaction and then his hand leaves her thigh, a slight bruise already forming on her skin where he had been grabbing her.
Sakura's toes curl in anticipation, her hands settling flat at her sides.
At the same time, Sasuke's exploration begins once more, his mouth finding its place on her needy point. Her heart hammers in her chest and she feels her pleasure reach new heights when his fingers join his tongue.
He strokes her dutifully with his tongue while his two long digits spread her wet folds further apart, providing him with more access. Sakura moans in response, her legs unconsciously lifting with her feet landing gently on his shoulder blades.
Her eyes stop staring at ceiling and she watches as the man she desires has his face all up in her pussy, eating her out like she is the most delicious meal.
"A-ah, please," she keens, anything to lead him on.
Suddenly, he is sucking her clit benevolently, his eyes opening slowly when he senses her staring at him.
Sasuke's prowess activates committing this particularly sensual moment to his memory along with many others to come. Her green eyes are shining brightly and her skin glows; the color of her hair matching her skin, splashes of unique shades of pink intensifying her beauty to the next level. She is shaking slightly, trying fruitlessly to suppress her upcoming orgasm from reaching her too soon.
He itches to make her cum more than once, but his main mission for tonight is to make sure she remembers this night forever... just as he will.
Next thing Sakura knows, a finger is added to the mix and now both his tongue and this are hitting different pleasure points inside her.
Too soon, he suddenly stops and sighs against her quivering entrance. "Fuck, Sakura."
Those last few seconds were such a delicious sensation, she never wants him to stop until she is completely spent. Before she could prod him to continue, the woman feels his index entering her.
Sakura trembles when two fingers start going in and out of her in a fast pace, the intrusion welcome and needed. Then, as if this is not enough, his hand curls and his thumb starts teasing her clit simultaneously whenever possible.
Unable to do anything other than shake in his grasp, Sakura courses her hands roughly through his black hair needing to hold on to something. Her waist bends like a feline in heat, her chest heaving up and down and her breaths coming out in quick pants.
Sakura knows she might be hurting him with how much she is pulling on his hair, but she is unable to care at the moment. He deserves it for turning her in to this tiny, needy monster.
"Don't stop," she moans, face contorted in bliss. Her eyes are closed and her brows are furrowed in concentration. Sakura's mouth parts in a silent plea, her red lips shiny with spit.
She is so close, yet so far away.
Sasuke bites his lip, changes his position and moves to rest his forehead on her shoulder. He feels his member leaking precum inside his boxers and he tries to keep it together.
The man is listening intensely to all the beautiful sounds she is making and breathing hard. His pace is relentless and the muscle in his bicep is straining against his skin from the exertion he is putting it through.
Sasuke grits his teeth when Sakura's walls clench around his fingers, signaling she is close – he cannot stop now.
Sakura's arms loop around his neck and she hugs him close, their bodies sticking to each other. The position is not the most comfortable for him, but damn him if he does not love the way she feels around him. A few of her stiletto pointed nails dig into his skin, leaving angry marks on his back, but the pain just adds fuel to the fire.
"S-Sasuke-kun," she sobs into his neck, reaching euphoria finally. Her body spasms around him, his fingers getting coated with her juices.
Sasuke lets out a pleased sound, something akin to a quiet moan and rests his body on her, his hand coming at a stop and pulling out of her.
Sakura lies spent beneath him with her eyes closed and breaths shallow.
The black haired male feels immense pleasure and pride knowing he made her orgasm just with his fingers and his ego swells at her satisfaction. He has been wishing to be the only one to make her a hot mess like this.
Moreover, the discomfort he is experiencing right now because of her is distracting him from teasing her further, even though he truly enjoys watching her blush and squirm under his penetrating gaze and vexing comments.
His cock is solid hard and aching. It is borderline painful not only because he wishes to get his release soon, but also the whole stimulation confined in his pants is a dire situation that needs to be fixed immediately.
When she shifts underneath him, his boner brushes against her hipbone firmly. Sakura pauses, and peaks at him cautiously, her eyes burning with desire once again.
Not wanting her to make her uncomfortable, he tries to untangle himself from her, but the woman in his arms has other plans.
"You are…" Her voice speaks with purpose, however, her tone is light and shy.
Sasuke flushes and stays still as a rigid board, not wishing to discuss his rather big problem down there. He swears if she tries anything, he will lose control fully.
He is like a wild animal caged and untamed, but about to be set free.
The tall man starts to sit up on his knees in order to avoid the impending confrontation, but his member stands proud and obvious to the eyes. His hand, still wet from her peak, lies limply at his side. He swallows hard and blushes, turning to look the other way and avoiding her ignited stare.
Sakura's mouth waters at the sight displaying before her. Her beautiful lover has never looked hotter than this moment. His skin glistens slightly from perspiration, adding a nice glow to his body and accentuating his toned physique. Sasuke's bangs are tinted at the tips, damp from sweat.
His trousers, along with his boxers, hang low past his waistline and his pelvic bones peak out bringing attention to his happy trail and the prominent bulge in his pants. A vein is popping out in his bicep and Sakura catches a glimpse of his arm flexing, probably to ease up the muscle there.
Sasuke tries hard to compose himself in front of her, but his expression gives out and exposes how clearly turned on he is by this – as if his body has not showcased it enough to her.
It is her turn to command him, it seems.
Sakura decides to take the initiative since Sasuke has not moved from his spot. She approaches him cautiously, slowly sitting up on her elbows and regarding him. He murmurs something inaudible and glares at the mattress if it is the source of all his problems. Sakura takes his silence and his stagnant form as her cue and raises completely from the bed, her core still sore from his intense loving.
"Let me,"she whispers to him immediately upon kneeling in front of him. She almost does not recognize her own voice, with how seductive her tone sounds.
The moment the words come out of her mouth, Sasuke gets alert and his eyes widen a fraction. His lips part, ready to say something, probably to stop her, but he does not have the power to do so. She notices his sharingan is deactivated now, but the look he is giving her makes her resolute with her decision.
It incites her motivation to please him and show him how much she appreciates him and all of his efforts towards her. After that amazing orgasm he gave her, the talented man deserves to feel some kind of pleasure too. Besides, she cannot let him handle all that by himself, she thinks cheekily.
"Sasuke-kun," Sakura uses the best authoritative voice she can master at a time like this.
He instantly glances up at her, contemplating his options inside his head. Everything points to her with his dick in her mouth. Fuck him and his traitorous body. The most collected part of his brain melts at the thought of her even touching him.
Sakura's hand reaches forward and she palms him roughly through the layers of fabric, face set with a purpose in mind. Sasuke in return short circuits.
He allows himself to be completely overtaken by her.
His senses are overcome by the sheer desire coursing through his veins. Every fantasy, every touch, every word that has to do with her replaying like a broken mantra in his mind. He feels everything tenfold, the emotions consuming him like the black fire he commands to destroy.
Sasuke closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose, his cheeks aflame and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. His path to redemption has reached its final destination.
To become hers, wholly.
Sakura begins to massage him based on his repressed reactions like a twitch of his lip or the fluttering of his eyelashes. She starts gently, then she adds more pressure as she goes on. When the woman feels like she has had enough, she grabs the hem of his trousers and pulls down. The same process follows gradually for his boxers too. His cock stands proud and thick, complementing his already perfect figure.
Meanwhile, Sasuke, not knowing what to do, tries to minimize his reactions, preferring to stay reserved yet. His introverted nature makes him hesitant when he is the one on the receiving end. Despite that, he knows Sakura, being perceptive when it comes to him, will catch on quickly and she will accommodate herself to get customized to his still reluctant attitude.
Sakura understands why Sasuke acts so averse since he has yet to come to terms with that fact that it is alright to feel emotional. It is okay to express love and feel it consume you. He is afraid that if he lets himself go, he will never be able to stand even the thought of losing her.
When the outer part of her index finger starts to tenderly caress his hipbone, he shallows hard and opens his eyes to look at her.
The look she is giving him makes his heart flutter in his chest. Her expressive light green eyes shine with so much genuine adoration and her smile is sweet and warm; her whole aura feels inviting and secure.
"Sakura, I-" Sasuke begins, the tremor in his voice startling him.
"It's okay," Sakura says kindly and her other hand lifts, her palm laying flat atop of his heart. She soothes him with her next words, "It's okay to feel like this."
Sasuke studies her carefully, appreciating how much she cares for his comfort. She knows him so well and they are not even an item yet. He cannot wait to spend more time with her and learn each others' habits and quirks.
He lets out an affirmative hum and nods at her.
The powerful shinobi observes her as she continues her ministrations. Her left hand joins her right down there. She breathes out heartily, something akin to a laugh and an awkward smile etches across her face. Obviously, she has not done this before.
Then, Sakura purses her lips and with determined expression on her face, her right hand descends smoothly on his rock hard cock. The head is angry, red in color, his shaft one shade darker than the rest of his body. The girl inspects it as discreetly as possible and with two swift motions, her fingers circle around him and she begins to stroke him gently.
Sasuke lets out a hiss, unprepared for the foreign contact. He has touched himself before thinking of her, but nothing compares to this new, real sensation.
Her left hand stays still, clasping firmly his left hipbone to steady her movements. Sakura peers at him from underneath her pastel eyelashes, jade orbs shining innocently just as she bends down and places her bruised, scarlet lips right before his manhood.
Sasuke gulps down the saliva stuck in his throat, his Adam's apple bobbing. Sakura breathes out hotly on it, blinks at him and her tongue comes out to lick him.
The first swipe of her cute tongue against his shaft makes him let out a quiet moan. Unconsciously, his lone hand grabs a fistful of her hair, tangling his fingers in her soft tresses. He tags her forward a little bit, her mouth and nose bumping on his hardness, urging her to take him into her mouth.
Sakura, realizing she needs to step her game up, opens up and pushes his cock inside her mouth. She starts to suck him, creating a steady rhythm in tandem with her right hand. Half of his member is inside her crevice, her jaw stretching and aching pleasantly because of his girth while her hand strokes the other half that she cannot fit in her mouth yet. His size is above average and hard to handle, but it is nothing Sakura cannot learn to master with Sasuke as her teacher.
In time, she swears, Sakura will learn to please him so good, she will have him begging for more.
The woman picks up the pace, and her taste buds feel a salty essence on her tongue. He is starting leak precum already and her suspicions are further confirmed when he commences to panting.
Sasuke is rougher with her now, pushing her forward and making her cheeks hollow out. Her jaw hurts, but the pain is welcome. She gags a little bit, but she does not relent, wishing to deep throat him further.
"F-fuck, Sakura," he curses, his pleasured groans music to her ears. Sasuke sees white behind his closed eyelids, and he grits his teeth trying to hold on longer to the feeling.
The air smells like sex, and the hormones releasing from Sasuke's body makes his manly musk even more intense as Sakura tries to breath through her nose since her mouth is busy.
She moans loudly at a rather harsh tag against her scalp, and the vibrations it creates against his dick cause Sasuke to buckle suddenly. Her fingernails dig into his skin anew and it stimulates him even more, his orgasm approaching at an alarming rate.
Her strokes become uneven, but faster. At that moment, he decides to look down at her, and seeing her like this, on her knees for him doing everything she can in order to satisfy him enhances his experience even further.
"S-Sakura," Sasuke tries to warn her, albeit late. "—I am going to-"
Before he can get any more words out of his mouth, his climax hits him and his hand grips her hair hard, holding on for dear life.
"A-ah," Sasuke lets out a racy moan; a foreign sound when it comes to him. His eyes close in satisfaction and he leans forward slightly, riding out the remnants of his orgasm inside her mouth.
The image that greets him is enough to make him hard again.
Despite being unprepared, Sakura took his cock well, his semen filling her up and quenching her thirst to please him. She shallows everything he has to offer, like its sweet wine pouring down her throat.
He releases her hair finally, and in return she lets out his member fall out of her mouth with a loud pop. At the same time her left arm abandons its place at his hip and steadies herself on the bed instead. Her lips are bruised and swollen, while her hair is wild and untamed, the endeavor clearly leaving her disheveled. Her chin is shiny with spit and some of the excess fluids that must have spilled out.
As if this is not erotic or sensual enough, her fingers come forth and tap on her coated lips and chin to capture any sticky residue that has escaped. She glances up at him from her spot on all fours before him and puts her fingertips in her mouth, savoring every drop of him. Sakura smirks mischievously up at him, putting his infamous sneers to shame.
Sasuke almost gives in, ready to act out all his shameful thoughts away.
Sakura's core still burns deliciously and Sasuke's reactions to her has made her a little wet, in need of attention again, but she does not voice anything out loud and chooses to let this moment pass. They have all the time in the world, after all. The beautiful woman sits on her knees, her palms resting flat on her thick thighs and she lets out a content sigh.
And just like that, their lust infused spell is broken, their awkwardness and shyness returning back, reverting to their usual selves.
The man seems to have a similar thought process, because he relaxes and following her lead, he sits down on the bed.
They exchange a few fleeting glances, unspoken naughty thoughts going back and forth between them; the newly made couple stays put instead.
A few minutes pass, and then Sakura is getting up. She is fully naked, but she is not ashamed anymore, flashing her gorgeous naked body to him.
"We should probably wash up," she comments as casually as possible to alleviate the awkward atmosphere. Unconsciously, the girl scratches her head and puts a few pink locks behind her ears.
In an act of bravery, Sakura adds a proposition.
"Join me?" she asks and extends her hand out.
"Aa." Sasuke nods and gets up from the bed in all his naked glory, leaving his trousers and boxers behind.
Sakura clasps their hands together and leads him to her private bathroom.
Sakura steps inside the shower stall, Sasuke following close behind and joining her, just as she opens the tap. She alters it from faucet to shower head and together they let themselves be washed by the hot steam. His lone hand grabs her by the hip, aligning her thick behind to his still semi hard length. Sakura bends over a little bit, both palms laying flat on the shower wall, probing him further to sensually rub against her. They stay like this for awhile, their aftermath of their hot desire still prominent, influencing their movements.
Sasuke leans in close and hugs her, his hand continuing its journey and draping over her tummy, bringing her adjacent to his chest in an intimate embrace. Then, he kisses her neck and closes his eyes, sighing in contentment. His black hair is fully wet, sticking to his face and obscuring the left side of it completely.
The pink haired beauty, enjoying the warmth provided by her lover, exhales in quick gasps, her lips parting – tasting the water on her tongue, quenching her imaginary thirst. Her pastel locks stick to every part of her face, the hair transforming under the influence of the humidity and turning one shade darker, a close mix of hot pink and coral.
Deciding she has had enough, and this could lead them further into an endless inferno of love and sex, Sakura grabs the nearest bottle of soap and pours some of it into her open palm. Noting the new development, Sasuke lets go of her and allows the woman in his arms to turn around. She starts to wash his hair, standing on her tip toes. To help her out, Sasuke tries to shorten his height by buckling his knees a tiny bit and minimizing the distance between them.
He inclines forward, favoring her gentle touch, her caresses soothing him. The man pulls her into his chest, his arm circling around her waist and hugging her close. Her fingers tend to his scalp, her nails scratching him and creating a pleasurable, fuzzy effect.
Finishing her task, Sakura washes the soap suds off his head with the help of the flowing water, creating bubbles in her wake.
To return the favor to herself, Sakura pours another patch of soap straight atop of her head and turns around. "My turn," she says, giddy.
"Sure, darling." Sasuke says ironically to tease her, smirking lazily. Not counting the implications of such endearment, they both brush it off as a joke for the time being.
He stars to tend to her locks, coursing his fingers through her hair and smothering the soap everywhere, washing her up. Sakura stays still, humming in appreciation at the gentle touch of her menacing warrior, marveling at the fact he is becoming this soft with her.
When his hand descends lower and starts massaging her nape, Sakura lets out a whimper, feeling her knots loosen under his skillful fondling; the stress leaves out of her in a whoosh.
Sakura relaxes under his ministrations, not minding him caressing her body, from her shoulder blades down to her backside. Stopping just above her perky butt, Sasuke halts abruptly, not wanting to be tempted to do more. Paying attention to his struggle, the woman turns around and gives him a chaste peck on the lips.
After that small show of affection, the beauty does not waste anymore time and pours soap all over his body in a rush. He grimaces instantly at the sudden assault, but she does not relent, giggling heartily at his reaction. With the steam volume lowered, she gets her chance to wash his body clean, helping him out and lending a hand wherever it deems necessary.
Busy as he is, Sakura begins her own cleaning process. Using her hands quickly, she gives herself a throughout bath, paying extra attention to her nether regions. Always preppy and careful, Sasuke makes a good use of his lone hand and he washes up nicely, leaving no spot unattended.
They both finish around the same time, and Sakura adjusts the temperature and flow to fit their needs. Splashes of hot water come out strongly, rinsing their foamy bodies fully.
With that out of the way, Sakura grabs the nearest towels she can find; one for her and one for her lover. She lends it to Sasuke who steps out of the stall, giving her more space. The material feels fluffy as she brushes the towel against her body, wiping any excess water.
Sasuke swipes his black locks behind, the purple of his rinnegan glimmering in the low dimmed lights of the bathroom. The mirror is foggy from humidity so his reflection is blurry, a haze of skin in contrast to his glowing eye and dark hair. Sakura's pink halo comes to view, the rose to his black abyss; the contradiction of their permanent colors a poem of its own.
He uses the towel she gave him to wipe away most of the wetness on his skin, tapping gently everywhere. Meanwhile, Sakura struggles to squeeze all the water out of her hair, the towel moving along her scalp to make her strands as dry as possible. Sasuke follows her steps and uses his own towel to dampen his locks just enough so it is not dripping on his shoulders anymore.
After that, they both take a few minutes of their time to finish some extra bathroom businesses respectively and they exit the room. Clean and fresh, the couple lies on the bed; the fact that Sasuke has his own separate room across the hall left unsaid.
Sakura turns to her side to look at him, her body slightly curling to adjust to her favorite sleeping position. Sasuke lies on his stomach, his head turned to his left, staring at her silently. It feels quite domestic like this, Sakura almost muses out loud.
"Good night, Sasuke-kun," she says sweetly, a toothy grin on her face.
She is happy, Sasuke thinks. He blinks slowly, savoring every second he is looking at her.
"Goodnight," the man responds, a tiny smile gracing his lips.
His eyes speak way more volumes than his words are. The night may be small, but their love is forever. Both content, they let the need to sleep overtake them.
Knock, knock, knock.
What an awful background noise for the nice dream she is having; Sakura stirs in her sleep, her brows furrowing as she tries to hang on to the sleepless state. The imaginary images stop and her mind draws a blank.
She feels a little drool on her lips and her hand unconsciously wipes it away.
Ah, yes, Naruto of course, Sakura thinks, exasperated.
Then, the weirdest thing happens. The woman hears mumbling next to her, more specifically grumbling. This person must be quite grumpy in the morning, because next thing she knows, someone curses.
"Oh my god, I can't believe this!" The blond is desperate, his fist banging against the wooden door loudly.
"Wake up Sakura-chan!" Naruto bellows, frustration clear in his voice, "That bastard, Sasuke, had the audacity to leave before us!"
This piques Sakura's interest, because she clearly recalls being the last one to see Sasuke last night. Just when she was enjoying her sleep, her overly excited friend had to come and remind her about her problem.
But wait a minute…
The culprit came to her room last night.
"Shut up," a male voice mumbles hoarsely, the grouchy tone awfully familiar.
Sakura's eyes widen instantly and the sight that greets her makes her breath hitch.
Sasuke is on his back, his lone arm resting on top of his eyes, trying to prevent the sunlight from peeking through his closed eyelids. His chest is rising up and down, the blanket barely covering his naked torso.
"Open up, already, Sakura, don't keep me waiting!" The blue eyed man shouts desperately. He is ready to barge into Kakashi's room if his friend does not show signs of waking up anytime soon. Sasuke has obviously left the building since his room is empty, no sign of him found anywhere when the blond barged into his room.
His options are limited here, and he thought since Sakura usually wakes up early, she would be the one to keep him company until they meet up with Kakashi.
Sakura is about to have a quarter life crisis here. She cannot believe she woke up to this. First, she felt annoyed at being woken up so abruptly, and now, as she stares at Sasuke's good looking side profile, she feels like someone is trying to torture her.
Then, in flash, her memory floods back and Sakura remembers exactly what went down last night. More specifically, how Sasuke went down on her.
Her loins burn and her core aches in a gratifying sense.
"Oh my god," Sakura whispers, trying to keep her voice down. In any other circumstances, she would be shouting. The woman puts her palms upon her heated cheeks, gaping at her lover who seems to be clueless as to what is going on.
"Okay fine," Naruto announces dejectedly, his voice a tad lower this time. With one last look at the door, the young man finally leaves.
Sakura lets out a breath she did not realize she was holding in. Sasuke seems to be wide awake, although his attitude leaves no room for discussion. He is still quite sleepy, and Naruto's wake up call was not the best to start the day with.
"Finally," The man besides her mutters. Sakura pokes his arm, curious to see his reaction to their predicament.
He looks at her from the corner of his eye, processing everything in. When his stare softens, Sakura greets him breathlessly. "Good morning, Sasuke-kun."
She gazes at him lovingly, remembering how his words left searing marks on her heart, how his lips felt against her skin, making her his.
"Morning," he mumbles and turns to his side, bringing her lithe form close in an intimate hug. Sakura fits herself into his embrace instantly when she realizes what his intentions are.
The couple snuggles silently for a while, their soft exhalations the only sound in the room. The birds are lightly chirping outside, creating a nice cicada in the quiet morning.
"The idiot can be quite a hassle in the morning," Sasuke murmurs suddenly as if commenting about the weather.
He pulls her closer, basking in her scent. His gentle touch, a huge contrast to his past self who was selfish and harsh. She is making him kind again, bringing forth the child like innocence he used to have. The man sighs against her, his heartbeat calm and his mind clear from any insidious thoughts.
The only thing important in his life is in front of him, right in his arms.
Sakura laughs, a beautiful sound and it rings inside him like a bell signaling happiness.
"Yes, always," Sakura responds, a teasing smile on her lips. "But he is our idiot and I wouldn't trade him for the world."
"Sure," Sasuke sneers, mirth somewhere hidden in there.
"Should we..?" Sakura suddenly asks, the implications clear. She gazes up at him seriously, awaiting for his opinion, making sure he is comfortable with all this.
"Let them figure it out on their own," Sasuke says, his eyes sincere. "Besides it will be funnier that way," the black haired man smirks, enjoying immensely the possibility of Kakashi and especially Naruto struggling.
"Hm, fine," Sakura smiles, her eyes glinting evilly. He is becoming a bad influence to her, but she will not lie and pretend that she will not be enjoying torturing those two – their funny comments about her beloved Sasuke-kun had teased her far enough.
Having decided that, the couple gets up and starts preparing for their day. Sasuke collects last night's clothes and wears them again. He bids Sakura a soft kiss goodbye on the forehead and heads to his room to finish up getting ready. Sakura blushes and stares at this retreating back fondly, a huge grin forming on her lips.
When he is out of the room, Sakura punches the bed in excitement, letting out a muffled cry, "Shannaro!".
Half an hour later, all members of Team seven meet up at the hotel lobby. Naruto's reaction is instant, proclaiming how he is going punch Sasuke's lights out for disappearing. The man explains, cool and collected, how it was none of the blond's business where he went. This arises some suspicions and some raised eyebrows as to where Sasuke could have went.
Sakura is trying to be subtle, really, but she is having too much fun. She giggles every now and then, throwing fleeting glances at her lover who is avoiding answering any questions about his whereabouts, probing the curious men even further to try and understand what could have possibly went down between the full of tension – not yet or so they thought – couple.
"I am going to find out what what is going on here and when I do, I will never let you guys leave it down," Naruto swears – an oath he is bound to regret really, really soon...
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renxamamiya · 4 years
Theatre of Mirrors - The Empress Theatre Part 1
The first/second chapter is here! This is were P5R spoilers start, so yeah be careful.
Shoutout to @digifangirl97 for proof reading the majority of this chapter for me and @rui-the-galax-angel for being the reason why I’m writing this fanfic tbh.
ALSO the fanfic is now on AO3 PogChamp.
An hour had passed since the discovery of Ren's Palace, Futaba and Morgana had since lied down on her bed. The lights were off, her curtains shut, the only sources of light were from the glowing green stars on blue fabric and the various monitors that softly hummed within the still air. 
Morgana was curled up on her chest, her phone in her lazy grip. Futaba stared at the ceiling, eyes still red from crying. Neither of them had fully recovered from their shared grief, the chat in which the thieves all talked on falling silent.
Her phone chimed. Futaba raised her phone to her face, a herculean tasked with her sapped energy. It was Sumire. She dropped her hand back down limply. She listened to the continued chimes, her phone vibrating until it fell silent again. Sumire now knew. 
Neither she or Morgana uttered anything. The girl's hand was resting on the feline’s back. Her fingers curled around his short black fur. 
A knock on her door. Morgana perked his ears up. Futaba stirred from her depressed stupor. 
"Futaba?" a gruff voice called out in concern. Sojiro. Futaba groans as Morgana hops off from her chest. She rises up from her bed as Sojiro opens the door. 
"Did you just wake from a little nap?" her father figure asks, reaching for the light switch to illuminate the room, "I was wondering where you'd run off to, I expected you to-" 
He stops, gazing upon his daughter. He notices her red, blotchy eyes and her snotty nose. Futaba did not make eye contact with her father figure, electing to further withdraw within herself, hugging her legs as she looked away from him. 
"Futaba-" he says, his cheery demeanor easily replaced with concern, but it was when he saw Morgana did a sweat break from his forehead. 
"Futaba, what happened? Why is the cat here?" 
She hugs her legs tighter.
She buries her face in her hands. 
“Hey, hey.” Sojiro coos, stumbling towards Futaba, his arms wrapping around her, pulling her into a hug “Why don’t we talk about it when you’re ready, alright?”
“But… But-”
“The kid’s gonna be fine, Futaba. Now, come down and have some dinner, you can tell me what's happened to Ren, alright?" 
Futaba hopes she can.
The small dining room within the Sakura residence was quiet, warm light illuminated the room while Sojiro and Futaba sat around a small square table, Morgana lapping a bowl of cat food nearby. The girl stared at the plate of Sojiro's curry, her favourite food. Though normally she would have already dug into the delicious, irresistible dish, today she could not bring herself to eat it. This causes Sojiro worry. 
"So, how was today?" he said, trying to break the tension between the two. The way her shoulders slumped, eyes drooped, head tilting downwards. It reminded him of the time she constantly isolated herself in her room. He didn’t want to lose her again. 
He put his utensil down, but sat there in silence, waiting for her to talk. Though he was a stern parent, he knew that Futaba needed to come around herself. It would do more harm than good to force her to speak about something incredibly sensitive. 
Silence fell between them, the hum of the lightbulb above, the faint whooshing of cars and the sound of quiet crickets chirping the only occupying the space between them. 
Futaba shuffles in her seat, Sojiro raised his eyebrows in attention. 
“..was fine.” Futaba answered, still avoiding eye contact with her father figure, “I went and got some stuff. And I talked to Kana-chan.” she mumbled, Sojiro having to strain his hearing with great effort. 
“That’s good!” he exclaimed, Futaba only hid her face further within herself and Sojiro had regretted his words. 
“Futaba… I’m sorry I.” 
“T-The Metaverse is back, Sojiro.” Futaba whined, her voice strained as she began to cry again, fresh tears retracing streaks left by her earlier crying session, “It’s back and… Ren’s… Ren…”
“H-hey now.” Sojiro said, jumping out of his chair to hug his crying daughter, Morgana watching silently within the corner of the dining room as Sojiro wrapped comforting arms around Futaba, a hand resting on her head as she buried her face into his stomach. He allowed her to cry, not uttering another word as she sobbed, soaking her tears upon the striped, pink dress shirt he wore when working in Leblanc. 
Once she calmed down, he let her go. Sitting back down, he waited for her to continue explaining Ren’s situation. 
“Th- thanks, Sojiro.” 
“You don’t need to thank me, Futaba.” Sojiro said softly, “Now, if you are comfortable with telling me about what’s happened to Ren…”
“...Yeah…” she trailed off somewhat still avoiding his gaze, “Remember when… when the phantom thieves were a big thing. A-and we went to Palaces and the Metaverse t-to change hearts and stuff?”
“Yeah, kind of.” Sojiro admitted. Though he did his best in trying to understand the Metaverse, he never really completely wrapped his head around it. 
“And when we destroyed it? During Christmas Eve?”
“Yeah, when you went to battle with that weird robot-God-thing.” Sojiro laughed, “I still remember that day. Thought the world was going to end and everything when it started to rain what looked like blood… it wasn’t blood, right?”
Futaba weakly shrugged before continuing her explanation. 
“W… Well.” 
Futaba felt something brush up upon her lap. It was Morgana, giving that extra push of comfort as she continued. 
“It came back today and… Ren and Mona got pulled into it. Into a Palace, the heart of a distorted person’s desire. Mona got out somehow but… Ren wasn’t so lucky.” 
A pause. 
“The Palace was his.” she squeaked, “It was his Palace.”
Another pause. Sojiro sighed. He understood what Futaba and the other ex Phantom Thieves were considering doing.
“I know I’m not able to help much.” Sojiro admitted, Futaba looking up at her father figure, “But… if there’s anything that I can do, Futaba, please don’t hesitate to ask. The kid’s practically family, and I want to do anything I can to help save him.” 
Futaba looks at him, stunned. 
“S-Sojiro I-”
He smiled at Futaba, “I may not know much about the Metaverse, but I do know you, Futaba. Now, just be careful when you’re out there, alright? The last thing I want you to do is for you to get yourself in danger as well. Just… bring yourself and the kid home safe. Do you understand?”
Futaba ponders for a moment, her gaze drifting towards Morgana. He gives a nod to her, Sojiro’s words uplifting his mood as well, and then smiles determinately at Sojiro.
“I do.” she answers. 
Ren could only stare at the figure before him, dread and disbelief choking his throat. No. He tried to deny it, deny the golden eyed reflection that stood before him, but he did not want to believe it. He could not believe it. He was a Persona user. He was the Trickster. He was the Wildcard. So how, how was he able to have a Palace of all things?
His shadow, his eyes and the black-gold mask adorned on his face similar to the fountain he saw earlier, grinned toothily at him. The only other differences Ren could note between his Metaverse outfit and his shadow was the red waistcoat that adorned its chest, golden buttons sparkling in the light as his shadow moved. 
“Hello, hello my very special guest!” his shadow greeted him, taking his hand off of Ren’s chin, a glass of what appeared to be brandy and ice in his other hand, “So good of you to come to me, I take it that you're comfortable in your seat?” 
“Of course you are.” his shadow interrupted him, “After the trouble I went to pick out the chair for you. All my fellow lead actors insisted I get that one, and who am I but a servant to the masses?”
He playfully bowed, the glass of drink still in his hand clinking loudly, “Vous êtes les bienvenus.”
“You can’t be real.” Ren muttered to himself shaking his head. His shadow raised its head from his bow to look up at him, “This is a dream. It has to be a dream.” 
“I can assure you that this is all real.” his shadow purred, delighted at Ren’s distress as he rose from his bow, “Everything you see right now is happening in real time. This is not a dream, no matter how much you wish it to be. Here-”
His shadow suddenly reached out towards him, grabbing a bit of skin on Ren’s arms, twisting it roughly and suddenly. Ren yelped in pain, and when his shadow let go, Ren could see the patch of skin reddening before him. 
“See? Not a dream.” his shadow said, taking a sip from his drink, “Completely in the conscious realm, or whatever this world counts to anyway.” 
Ren wants to deny his shadow’s words, but he couldn’t. He looks down on the floor, his shadow still standing in front of him, waiting for him patiently to speak. 
“This is…” 
“Impossible, unfeasible, out of the question. Yet here I am!” his shadow chuckles, voice rattling in excitement, “The star of the show! And you’re here as well! It worked!”
“But why? Why am I here?” 
“Because you’ve been a naughty boy, Ren.” his shadow’s smile growing wider and more sinister, “A naughty, naughty boy. Your heart’s a mess, your wishes distorted, but don’t worry. I’m here to take care of you, to grant us your wish. I needed you here for it to work, however.”
“But I don’t have any distorted desires.” Ren shakes his head, eyes on the marble floor. He wants to deny what is in front of him, yet a sense of dread tightly grasps his heart, “I don’t under-”
A muffled grunt came from his shadow, Ren looked up to see his shadow gripping onto himself, eyes squeezed shut, a hand over his mouth while another held a shaky grip on his drink. His eyes widened in surprise as his shadow gasped shaky breaths. As suddenly as he started, his shadow quickly relaxed, shoulders that were tensed up slowly falling, his shadow unwrapping himself from his sudden hug. 
“I’m… sorry about that.” his shadow apologised genuinely, putting his drink upon the nearest available surface, “I have no idea what came over me, but…”
He smiled at Ren, “That doesn’t matter right now. All that matters is that you’re here, and that the show; my plans, can finally commence!” 
“Why do you need me?” Ren asks his shadow, looking at it with genuine confusion, “Wouldn’t it be better for us if I wasn’t here?”
“I know you don’t think so, but you’re so important for what I have in store.” his shadow replied, striding towards Ren yet again, this time to give him what appeared to be a reassuring pat on the head, “I can’t reveal much. Not yet. But I can tell you that I needed you to give our friends some extra motivation in order to join us in our utopia-” 
“-And you’re the one who somehow put the app back on my phone.” Ren interjected, “You’re the one who dragged me to this place, the one who most likely ordered Morgana to be thrown out of the theatre, the same one who me to be captured and brought up on here.”
“You’ve caught on pretty quickly!” his shadow congratulating him mockingly, clapping thrice as if to give him a round of applause, “And yes, I was the one who did all those things. Oh, by the way…”
He pulled Ren’s phone out of one of his pockets. 
“Thank you so much for this.” he smiles, “I couldn’t have done what I did without it.”
“How did you get that?”
“This?” his shadow gestured to Ren’s phone in his hand, waving it back and forth tauntingly at his captive, “I got it from you of course. You looked so peaceful with Morgana while unconscious… I didn’t want to disturb you.” 
“So you waited for me to enter the theatre, just to capture me?” Ren asked, raising an eyebrow, “Wouldn’t it be easier for you to capture me while I was out there?”
“Yes, you’re right, but I needed Morgana to know you were captured, silly!” his shadow explains, clearly enjoying how confused and uncomfortable he made Ren, “I needed to give him a reason to come back; and after all, we’re both suckers for the dramatics, aren’t we?”
Ren bit his lip, his eyebrows knitted in thought. His phone! If his shadow had somehow used it to get him in, then he can use it to get out. He just needed…
He heard his phone drop onto the floor, and looked to see in time his shadow bring his foot down, the heel of its boot digging and crumbling the glass of the screen. He continued to stomp on it. Repeatedly. He broke the device further and further until it was nothing more than a smoulder of glass and plastic. Ren could only watch as the whole ordeal took place, eyes wider and more terrified as his shadow laughed and laughed in delight as he continued to destroy Ren’s only option of escaping the Metaverse.
“There we go! Another task off my list!” The shadow exclaimed in delight, Ren grimacing at the sputtering sound and sour smelling smoke that came from the remains of what was once his phone. His shadow looked to see Ren’s saddened expression, faux curiosity crossing his face. 
“What’s the matter, me?” he asks as he gets closer again to Ren, “Are you-”
The shadow’s throat suddenly tightened up, he gasps as yet another surge of energy shoots his veins. He feels his heart writhing, twisting tighter in his chest, and he barely could save his composure as a whine escaped his throat. Ren could only watch as his shadow turned his back at him, horrified and confused as to why his shadow was suddenly having a fit as his shadow grabbed onto the nearest surface available and held it for dear life.
His shadow groaned loudly, feeling himself sweat under his mask as yet another surge ravaged his veins in what could only be described as pleasure. He gripped tightly onto a small table for life, knocking his previously forgotten drink, the glass smashing as he rested his forehead on the cold surface, still exhaling shaky breaths as his fingers curled tightly into fists. 
“Are you okay?” he could hear Ren ask, over the drumming of his heart, squeezing tears out of his golden eyes. His shadow could only laugh weakly. His other, his… real self, trapped and held by his twisted thoughts and hidden desires still cared for someone other than him. His shadow rolled his golden eyes, hidden from Ren as the surge slowly started to dissipate from his veins. 
“Yes. Yes I am.” his shadow grunted, slowly uncurling his fingers, feeling sparks of energy flowing freely from within his fingertips. Without moving from his position he thought to himself: this had happened thrice. Once when Ren had looked upon the fountain statue, and twice during their conversation. Though his shadow had yet to draw concrete causality, he did know that he liked these surges of power. He licked his lips in delight. He liked them very much so. 
The shadow pushed himself up, arms still shaking, his head still somewhat fuzzy, turning to his guest, “So sorry again. Now, where were we, mon invité?”
“Telling me your plan?” Ren asks sweetly. His shadow gave him a look, before laughing. 
“Now, now. Don’t get hasty.” his shadow purred, striding towards his captive, “There was something. Something I wanted to- Ah, yes, that was it!”
His shadow reached for Ren’s glasses, snatching them up, before effortlessly crushing them in his hands. 
“There we go!” he said, marvelling as Ren’s shocked face, “You don’t need them anyway, we both know the lenses are fake.”
The shadow drops the broken glasses onto the floor, snapping his fingers with another, two shadow guards appearing behind him, “Clean up this mess and put him in his room” his shadow ordered before turning on his heel, slipping his hands in his pockets, before walking away, the faceless shadows saying nothing as they advanced with their tasks.
“Oh, by the way.” his shadow called for him from behind his shoulder, Ren feeling one of the shadow’s gripping tightly onto the back of his chair, “You may call me Joker here. This may be your Palace, but I alone am the star of this theatre. You best remember that, my special guest.”
He turns away and continues to walk away as Ren gets pulled into a dark room. The last thing he sees is Joker’s coat flapping in invisible wind as the shadow guard slams the door shut, leaving him in total darkness yet again. 
After the heartfelt dinner with Sojiro, Futaba dashed up the stairs of her home and towards her room with newfound determination, slamming the door shut and hopping into her office chair. Morgana barely caught up with her, this sudden burst of athleticism from the normally bone idle girl shocking him, and he almost got locked out from the room. 
“Futaba, watch it!” Morgana squeaked as the door slammed behind him, “You almost locked me out of the room.” 
“Sorry, Mona.” Futaba apologises almost offhandedly as her fingers rapidly jumped around her keyboard, furiously typing, occasionally reaching for the mouse beside her making rapid clicks, her gaze glued towards the main monitor as the others flickered with text. 
“Well, what are you doing?” Morgana asks as he hops onto the available desk space beside her.
“Some preparations.” she answered simply. 
“Preparations?” he asks, “for what?”.
“For infiltrating Ren’s Palace, duh.”
“Oooh.” Morgana nodded, and then looked at the screen curiously, “Wait, how are you going to do that?”
“I’m making some notes on what to buy from the clinic nearby.” she explains, “I remember what Ren normally brings on missions. That and quickly researching some possible resources we might need.”
“Like what?”
“Smoke bombs, lockpicks, all those spicy things.”
“You know I can teach you how to make those right?”
Futaba stops her typing abruptly, turning to Morgana. 
“Wait, what?!” she exclaims, Morgana gives her an unamused look. 
“You know I was the one who taught him how to make infiltration tools, right?” Morgana informs her bluntly. Futaba continues to look at him, shocked. 
“It never occurred to you?!”
“Well… I mean…”
“You don’t have any thumbs, how could you teach him if you don’t have thumbs?”
“I can still teach without thumbs, Futaba!” Morgana exclaims, annoyed at her assumption.
“I know,” she scoffs back, “I just forgot, okay? I’m sorry.”
Morgana looks at her, and sighs, shaking his head, “Well… what else are you gonna do? We don’t exactly know what’s in his Palace yet… maybe we should consult the others before making preparations.”
“Hmmm you’re right.” Futaba says, going back onto her computer. Morgana looks at her, surprised. 
“What are you doing?” he asks. 
“Chatting with the others.” she replies, turning to him, “You do know that most, if not all chatting applications have a desktop version.”
Futaba: YO GUYS Futaba: been thinking about stuff and Futaba: we should really make plans to save ren
“No I don’t, I’m a cat!” Morgana exclaims, “How am I supposed to know that?” 
“Do you even know anything?” she asks, amused and annoyed by the cat. 
“I know lots of stuff.” he huffed, “Just not… human technology stuff.”
“Well, you do at least know how warm kotatsu are.” she giggles, “And how warm laptops are, and are a total radiator hog.” 
“Hey, that winter was particularly cold!” Morgana defends himself, remembering his reaction when he saw Ren sending pictures of himself sleeping on different appliances to Futaba, “I couldn’t resist! You’d understand if you were a cat!” 
Futaba giggles, her computer chimes. She turns to see messages being typed within the chat. Ann: heya futaba Ann: yeah I’ve been thinking about him after we talked Ryuji: me too Ryuji: felt so shit after knowing he had a Palace Ann: I talked it over to shiho as well Ryuji: after all the shit we’ve been through, it really sucks that he’s gotten that bad Yusuke: The heart can be a fragile thing if not strengthened properly… Ann: and i ended up reminiscing about stuff
Futaba checks to see if the others were online within the chat.
Sumire: but Ren’s senpai’s heart is the strongest one I know! Sumire: I know that I’d never be able to do the things he did… Ryuji: like what ann? Haru: I was actually wondering what could have caused such a dramatic shift. Makoto: Is there something he’s not telling us? Makoto: It has to be. Makoto: He’s been really distant lately. Ann: like i dunno, when we were still at shujin with him? Ann: the more I talked about it with her, the more I realised that I wanted to help him. Makoto: I know what you mean. Ann: I mean i want to help him but, i wanna do that even more Ryuji: me too Futaba: wait shiho? Futaba: who’s that again? Ann: my friend, remember? Ann: the one who jumped because of kamoshida Ryuji: if it wasn’t for him that shithead would still have a teaching position Ann: without him, i wouldn’t have gotten justice for her, Ann: and i wouldn’t have wanted to broaden my horizons without him Haru: Maybe it has to do with something that happened during our year apart? Sumire: could be, but he hasn’t really told me anything… Ryuji: and without him i wouldn’t have made up with my ex track team Makoto: I don’t know. He usually talks with me about things that bother him Yusuke: I second the motion of helping Ren by uprooting his Palace. Yusuke: Without Ren, I would still be in an abusive situation. 
Futaba wipes a tear from her eye. 
Makoto: But now whenever I talk to him, about him, he suddenly changes the subject. Yusuke: A slave to that sham of an artist, Madarame, I would still be in his oppressive grasp without him. I wouldn’t have found a way to express the heart of man without him. Yusuke: I even got justice for my late mother because of him… Yusuke: I feel as though at this point, we would let him down if we do not return the favour and assist him in his time of need. Ryuji: yeah! Ann: wait how can you second a motion, ryuji already beat you to it Yusuke: I’m just saying I agree. Makoto: Yeah. Makoto: Without him, we wouldn’t have been able to stop Kaneshiro from exploiting teenagers for all kinds of disgusting, illegal activities he was conducting. Makoto: Without him, I wouldn’t have saved my sister from her own distorted destruction, nor would have I had the opportunity to broaden my horizons and realize what I wanted to do in life. Makoto: I want in. 
More tears started to run down her face as Futaba typed her own message. 
Ann: god mood Makoto: I agree as well. Yusuke: Poetically put, Haru. Ryuji: hell yeah!!!!! Sumire: same. Without his help I wouldn’t really haven’t gotten over with my sister’s death. Sumire: I would have still lived a lie and wouldn’t have moved on without senpai… I wouldn’t have seen my worth in the world without him. Sumire: I… want to help him. I want him to help like he helped me. Haru: Me too! Sumire: Let’s go save Ren!
More tears streamed down her face, yet she was not sad, her heart fluttered with joy.
Ryuji: shit dude i’m crying irl rn Ann: me too ;;; Yusuke: I think I’ve gotten something in my eye...
“He helped me get my memories back, and save the world from distortion, twice.” Morgana says to Futaba, looking at her with resolve, his tail flicking in the air, “I want to do anything it takes to save him from his own distortions, no matter the cost.”
Haru: Me too! Sumire: Let’s go save Ren! Makoto: So. Since we are all in agreement, when is everyone free? Makoto: I’m free tomorrow. Ann: me too! Ryuji: same, got nothing on rn Yusuke: I can meet up tomorrow if that’s what everyone wants. Haru: I’m free this week! Futaba: same, got nothing on. Sumire: I’m on a break for gymnastics training anyway, so I can meet up! Makoto: Great! Now all that’s left is to decide on our hideout. 
Futaba remembers what Sojiro said to her during dinner. 
Futaba: we can meet at leblanc tomorrow! Futaba: sojiro knows, and he says he wants to do anything he can help Makoto: That… could work. Haru: It would be like old times, wouldn’t it? Yusuke: Yes. I was actually thinking about swinging by regardless. Ryuji: lol for real Yusuke: This would be the perfect excuse to revisit the cafe. 
Futaba rolls her eyes, wiping off the tears and snot on her face with the back of her sleeve.
Futaba: oh inari. Yusuke: I was actually thinking about going there again during this week. Sumire: haha, that totally sounds like you, Yusuke-senpai. Ann: so uh, tomorrow right? Makoto: Yes, if everyone is free. Ryuji: count me in! Yusuke: Me too as well, please. Futaba: ofc! I’m in! Haru: Count me in too! Sumire: Me too! for Senpai! Makoto: So just to reiterate, we’re meeting at Leblanc tomorrow? Ryuji: hell yeah! Ann: yeah! Yusuke: I agree Haru: Of course! Sumire: Yes, you can count me in!
Futaba looks at Morgana. He nods with confidence. 
Futaba: me and mona are ready to go! Futaba: i’ll tell sojiro right away! Makoto: Good to hear! Remember to bring your weapons and guns if you still have them. Makoto: Other than that, let’s do it. Let’s go into his Palace and save him! For Ren! Yusuke: For Ren! Ann: for ren! Ryuji: we’re coming for you dude Haru: For Ren! Ryuji: for ren! Sumire: hang in there, Senpai!
Futaba was now crying, full of joy and determination and emotion as she typed her message of agreement. 
Futaba: for Ren ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑
They were going to save him. Just like he had saved them, no matter what. 
“For Ren.” Morgana mutters, looking straight past the curtained window, hope shimmering in his eyes, “We’re coming to save you, Ren. Just hold on for us. We’re coming.”
The next day as promised, Futaba had Sojio close the forgotten cafe, sitting on one of the booths as she typed away on her laptop. The only sounds that occupied the rustic space was the sound of her rapid typing on the keyboard and the sound of clinking cups and boiling rice, Sojiro reading the food mainly for the handful of regulars that visited him. It was early morning, Morgana resting on the booth seat next to her, hidden from the rest of the public. Sojiro often emphasised the need for the feline phantom thief to stay hidden from potential customers, worried that the sight of the cat would cause customers to doubt the impeccable freshness of the food he served. 
“So… you’ve got everything?” Sojiro asks his daughter, breaking the tense atmosphere that inhabited the cafe.    
“Mmhm.” Futaba nods, gesturing to the plastic bag behind her laptop monitor full of different boxes, “I had that doc from the clinic give me some items… I was gonna pay her but she said it was complimentary.” 
“Is that so?” Sojiro hummed, raising an eyebrow. He wondered why Tae would just give out medical supplies for free, him not knowing the doctor well personally. Futaba must have either told her Ren was in serious trouble, or that she was lying, and had somehow procured the money by other unknown means.
He had to ask Tae about the medication later. He sighed, looking down with a hand resting on his forehead. 
“Boss seems really stressed.” Morgana meows. Futaba looks up to see Sojiro with a stressed expression. 
“Hm?” he said, looking back up to see Futaba’s eyes gazing with worry. He flashed her one of his confidant smiles, washing away the stress that adorned his face, “What’s the matter?”
“Mona says that you seem really stressed,” she explains, “Is there anything wrong?”
“No it’s just…” Sojiro sighs, his facade dropping back to the same stressed expression Futaba had caught him with, “I’m just worried about Ren. The kid’s strong don’t get me wrong but; I just don’t know enough of this Metaverse place to have an ease of mind about his safety.”
“Don’t worry, Sojiro.” Futaba says, closing her laptop screen before standing up in the booth, a determined expression crossing her face, “We’re gonna save him no matter what happens! We’re gonna bring him home, you can count us on that!”
Sojiro looks at Futaba, looks at the sheer fire and determination in her eyes, and smiles. She had grown a lot after Ren had stolen her treasure, after he had saved her from her own distortions and misery, and how she intended to do the same. That passion. That desire to pursue something she had her mind set on. It reminded him so much of her mother. 
The chime of the doorbell rang as it opened, Makoto walking into the cafe. She awkwardly stood there, seeing Futaba up in her seat.
“Did I interrupt something?” she asks, “I’m so sorry if that’s the case. I just thought I would arrive early to make some last minute preparations.” 
“N-nothing!” Futaba stammers shily, and Sojiro breaths a half hearted laugh. 
“Um… okay then.” Makoto says awkwardly as she walks towards the booth that Futaba’s sat in, giving Sojiro a quick ‘thank you’ and a bow before returning to her intended path, Sojiro flashing an appreciative smile in response, “By the way, I bought some supplies on the way here.”
She raises the plastic bag full of what seemed to be medication, “These are for us in case we need them while in the Palace. I don’t know what items Ren normally gets during our infiltrations, so I’ve taken the liberty to get some of everything.”
“Oh...”Futaba says, “I mean, I did that as well.”
“Oh!” Makoto exclaims, “Well, the more the better. We still have no clue what to expect in Ren’s Palace, so it’s better to be over prepared than under!” she awkwardly laughs. 
“Nice save.” Morgana puurs, half amused at how awkward Makoto still acts around them. She puts down the plastic bag full of medicine and sits across Futaba.
“So, what have you been up to?” she asks, an attempt to start up a conversation between the two of them. 
“Been mostly doing my own research.” she says nonchalantly, “Digging through Ren’s social media, the social media of his parents-”
“Have you talked to any of his friends?” Makoto asks, Futaba nods, but looks disappointed. 
“He doesn’t really have a lot of friends that live there,” Futaba informs Makoto as she types away, “The ones that he seems close to, this girl named Nanako and her cousin Yu, has no clue as to how he’s been doing. To them, he just seems to be acting just fine. No shifts in mood, not anything.”
“Well that is troubling…” Makoto murmurs to herself, “What about his parents?”
“He hasn’t spoken to them since he’s moved to Tokyo.” Futaba winces, “Judging by the way they typed, I think they have a more than strained relationship between them.”
“That’s…” Makoto says, shaking her head. From her late night chats with Ren she knew his relationship with his parents were less than favourable; but to not talk to them for so long, “I think that may be a factor as to why he has a Palace.” 
“Sounds like it.” Futaba hums in agreement, “I’ll see what else I can dig up.”
“Thank you, Futaba.” Makoto says, Futaba nodding back as she typed on her keyboard. 
A minute later the door opened again, Yusuke striding into the cafe, a wide, brown bookbag strung on one of his shoulders. 
“I’m not interrupting anything, aren’t I?” he asks politely, looking at both Futaba and Makoto. 
“No, of course not.” Makoto says, moving deeper into the booth before patting the spot next to her, inviting Yusuke to sit, “Come join us. We were just discussing stuff.”
“Ah, well.” Yusuke says, taking Makoto’s offer, sitting down next to her, “I have some theories of my own, if this thing we’re talking about is Ren of course, but first.”
He turns to Sojiro. 
“Thank you for allowing us to use Leblanc again. We’ll sure make up for it.”
“You don’t need to thank me, kid.” Sojiro sighs, “It’s the least I can do. You’re all risking your lives in order to save the poor kid from himself if I’m understanding this whole ‘Palace’ thing correctly. Just… get him out of there in one piece, okay?”
“We will.” Makoto nods, “We’ll do everything we can to save him.”
Another ring as the sound of the door closing grabs everyone’s attention, Haru standing in front of the doorway along with Sumire trailing behind her.
“Hello, everybody.” Haru waves, “I hope we’re not intruding on anything.”
“Nah, you two are good.” Morgana chirps up before anything, using his hind legs to stand and his front legs to support his small frame on the table, “We were just discussing what led to Ren’s sudden distortion. We haven’t gotten any leads so far however.”
“Oh..” Sumire says, and Haru’s smile seemed to drop as well, “So you were talking about Ren-senpai.”
“Yes, I was wondering myself about what caused his Palace to appear. I even have some theories of my own.” Haru murmured, “But before I share them.”
She turns to Sojiro, bowing, Sumire following her lead. 
“Thank you for allowing us to use Leblanc, Sojiro-san.” Haru thanks. 
“Yes, thank you so much!” Sumire exclaims. 
“Aww, you don’t need to thank me.” Sojiro bashfully accepts their thankful attitude, “Just bring the kid home safe will you?”
“We will!” Haru cheerfully smiles. 
“Oh course!” Sumire says, rising from her bow, before turning to the rest of the group, “Oh yeah, on the way here I got some supplies that I’ll think would be really helpful for us.” 
She raises a plastic bag, it having a cross and a cute drawing of a mascot, “I got some supplies from the pharmacy in case we need anything like that in the-”
She looks at the two plastic bags that had similar contents to her’s.
“Oh… uh.”
“You can put them with the rest.” Makoto huffs, and Sumire does so obediently. She turns to Haru, who politely asks Futaba to move further into the booth, “So, you were saying?”
“Oh? Oh yeah!” Haru exclaims as she felt Morgana hop into her lap, instinctively reaching out to pet his soft fur, “I was mentioning about how I have some of my own theories as to why Ren suddenly has a Palace.”
“I have my own as well, although I don’t really know that much about senpai, so I think I might be wrong about certain things...”
“Don’t worry, Sumire. I’m sure your theories would be just as helpful to us as the others.” Morgana smiles (as well as he could as a cat), “We need all the info we can gather if we’re gonna have any idea what we’re up against.”
“Thanks, Mona-senpai!” Sumire exclaims, her mood lifted by his words. 
Another ring from the cafe door sounded, the thieves turning to see Ryuji in the doorway. 
“What’s up guys.” he exclaims, grinning as he walked inside, “I’m so ‘effing pumped about this. Couldn’t sleep last night.”
He turned to Sojiro. 
“Hey, Boss.” he greeted the elder, “Thanks for lettin’ us use the cafe again.”
“No problem.” Sojiro waves, “Just doing what I can to help you all save Ren.” 
“Yeah. Oh, speaking about helping Ren.” he says, taking out a small white box of pills, “I uh… forgot to bring some stuff, so I quickly snagged some painkillers from a pharmacy in case we need any.”
He smiles, proud of himself as he holds the pills. Yet the unamused faces of his friends caused his expression to shift to one of confusion, “What’s up?”
His gaze drifts to the booth table currently occupied by them, him stepping back in shock as he sees the large stack of supplies in front of him. 
“Whoa, what?!”
“I feel like this situation is turning to one of great irony.” Yusuke mutters to himself, wincing at how embarrassingly comedic the group's endeavors of being useful turned out to be, “I suggest we should elect who would be responsible for gathering healing items as soon as Ann gets here. Just looking at the excess of medication sickens me somewhat.”
“I agree.” Makoto sighs, “I’d doubt we’ll be using most of it regardless.” 
“I was just trying to help.” Ryuji sulks disappointingly, “‘The more the merrier’, right?”
“I think that saying only applies to people.” Haru informs. 
“Well, I still mean what I said!” he huffs. 
The cafe door rings again, and all of them turn their attention to whoever the newcomer was. 
“Heya, so sorry I’m late.” Ann smiles, the girl holding a half eaten sandwich in one of her hands, a plastic bag wrapped around her wrist in another. She nods an acknowledgement to Sojiro, him smiling back at her, before returning to the conversation with her friends, “I brought-”
“Please, don’t say medicine.” Sumire exclaims, Ann looking at her with a quizzical look. 
“Medicine? Why would I-”
She spots something from the corner of her eye, turning to see the plastic bags and the multitude of prescription boxes inside.
“Whoa…” she says in amazement, her eyes widening, “That’s a lot.”
“We know.” Makoto sighs, already tired of the situation they found themselves in. 
“If I may ask, Ann.” Haru pipques up, “What did you bring if not medicine?”
“I brought snacks, of course!”
“You… brought snacks?!” Yusuke asks, surprised by these turn of events, “But… why?”
“Well,” Ann started, everyone but Futaba’s gaze started to get to her, “I knew Makoto would be the one to bring things like medication, and Ryuji would bring some snacks for us. But I knew Ryuji would also forget, so I took the liberty to stop in Shibuya to pick up a few things before I got here.”
“Gee, thanks for being so confident about me.” Ryuji said, sighing, slipping his hands in his pockets. 
“Hey, I only said that because I’ve known you the longest!” Ann exclaims. 
“Yeah, I know!” he shouts back, before turning to the rest of the group, his mood perking up somewhat, “Anyway, since Ann is here, we gotta def discuss the Palace.”
“I agree.” Makoto said, tucking a stray hair back behind her ear, “Since everyone has gathered, we need to discuss the possible reasons why Ren is having these distortions. I’m somewhat confident that there will be minimal danger since this is his Palace after all, but we still need to discuss possible scenarios we'll be facing during our infiltration.”
Makoto turns to look at Futaba, who was on her computer the entire time, “Futaba, you may go first.”
“H-huh?” Futaba snaps to attention, looking at Makoto with a startled expression, “I uh… what did you say?”
“I was talking about us all discussing possible reasons for Ren’s distorted thoughts.” Makoto repeated herself exasperatedly, “We need to consider anything and everything as to why Ren would feel the way he does.”
“Well, I do have a theory.” Yusuke talks up. 
“She asked me, Inari.”
“Yes, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to share.” he explains himself, turning to Makoto and ignoring the glare Futaba was giving him, “I suspect it has to do with something with him returning back to Inaba after our first year with him. The few times I’ve talked to him about his hometown before he moved permanently into Tokyo he only gave vague answers and affirmations. If I had to guess, it would probably be about his dissatisfaction towards his hometown.”
“I’ve done some snooping around myself.” Futaba informs the rest of the group, slightly lowering the monitor of her laptop, “It seems like a lot of friends Ren used to have in Inaba have stopped interacting with him ever since he received the probation charge.” she explains, “And even if his name has been cleared up, he’s still labeled as a delinquent over there. The handful of friends he still has don’t really talk to him anymore, too busy with their own stuff.”
“Apparently,” Makoto begins to relay her information, “He has a strained relationship with his parents as well. Sometimes when I video-chat him, I sometimes witness him having verbal fights with either his mother or father, him looking more agitated right after.”
“Mmm those were pretty common, unfortunately.” Morgana mutters, gazing down at the table, his comment startling the rest of the phantom thieves. He looked up, noting their surprised expressions.
“He has regular fights with his parents?” Sumire winced at this new information, “What about, exactly?”
“I dunno, I’m normally in his room when they fight, but they fight pretty frequently. Mostly about his reputation ever since Shido sued him, but Ren seemed to shrug them off effortlessly.” 
“He never told me about that.” Makoto grimaces, thinking about the reasons why Ren would hide such information from her, “I mean, he’d vent to me about school and how his teachers treated him there, but nothing about his parents.”
Morgana gives her a worried look. 
“Maybe his parents have to do something with his distortions?” Haru puts forth, “It seems like that might have at least contributed to the formation of his Palace.”
“Yeah, definitely.” Ann said, “But there must be more reasons why he’s suddenly getting these distortions. I mean, his Palace location being the World? Something about that doesn’t sit right with me.”
“We still don’t have anything concrete.” Morgana sighs, “Yes, all those things can contribute to a distortion, but I don’t feel like it’s the main reason why Ren has a Palace. Remember, this distortion is so strong that it’s able to completely rob Ren’s will of rebellion and take away his Persona. It has to be something that severe.”
“Well, I’m not sure it’ll help much, but Ren has been really quiet lately.” Haru humms. 
“He’s always quiet though.” Ann points out, finishing the sandwich she brought with her.
“Yes,” Haru said, an edge of irritation in her tone, “Sorry for not being more specific but, what I meant was that Ren’s been quieter than before.” She clarifies, “Whenever we meet up and talk he’d give me brief comments and always answered with ‘yes’ and ‘no’, especially about the advancement of my cafe. I always left it that way only because he seemed a bit more tired than usual. I should have pried further looking back.”
“I know what you mean.” Ann huffs, a look of self disappointment on her face, “Whenever I chatted with him he always forgets to text me. He always talks to the group like it’s nothing you know? But whenever I try to confront him about it he never really replies. It’s frustrating.”
“Maybe he’s been really busy?” Sumire reasons, “Whenever I ask for senpai to spend some time with me, he always cancels at the last minute and apologises. I always feel really bad whenever that happens, but he assures me that it’s not my fault. Maybe he's somehow depressed or overworking himself?”
They all turn their heads to Ryuji. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Ren’s normally handing out with you, right?” Ann points out, “I mean, you are the closest person to him besides Makoto and Sumire. You’re practically inseparable. Everytime I see you you’re with him.” 
“I mean, it’s the same old Renren when I spend time with him.” Ryuji laughs awkwardly, hand scratching the back of his head nervously, “Even if he seems down whenever we hang out, I’m sure it’s nothing.”
He lowers his arm, leaning on the cafe’s counter. 
“At least, I hope so.” he admits, “I’m worried about him too but… he’d tell us if anything was bothering him, right?”
He looks at the other thieves, hopeful. They looked back at him, unsure. 
Ryuji gritted his teeth as the group fell into silence. He scratches his head. He wanted to talk, to say something in order to get the group motivated, yet the words escaped him and he was left there, struggling to come up with a rousing speech to raise their spirits. He growls, kicking the ground, frustrated by their lack of knowledge going into the Palace. Though the key words were there, they wanted to know why Ren was feeling the way he did beforehand; it went against everything they knew about their leader.
“Fuck it…” Ryuji hisses, pulling out his phone.
“Ryuji, what are you doing?” Yusuke asks, seeing how frustrated his friend had become.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sick of waiting around.” Ryuji replies, “We’re all standing here like morons while who knows what is happening in his Palace. I don’t know about you but I want to get him out there ASAP.”
“We don’t even know where his Palace is located!” Makoto exclaims tiredly, “Unlike other cases the term is too vague. Where does ‘The World’ even convey!?”
“I know you want to save him, Ryuji, but Makoto’s right.” Ann says as she reaches to grab Ryuji's phone, him yelping as he just manages to dodge her hand, “You’re just gonna risk us getting found out!”
“Well, is there a place anywhere in Japan called ‘The World’?” Sumire asks Futaba, who returned to her laptop before the fight between the thieves broke out. The girl shook her head. 
“Nope, nothing.” she replies, “I tried hacking the new Nav as well to see if there were any hits that correlated in real life, but the location’s too vague.”
“Well, me and Ren managed to get into the Palace from an alleyway...” Morgana mutters, a fleeting thought that soon suddenly roused an expression of sudden comprehension. He wiggled out of Haru’s lap, dashing across the tiled floors of the cafe and up the steps leading to the attic. 
“Mona-chan!” Haru squeaked in surprise as the feline suddenly jumped out from her lap, startling her as she threw her hands up to not accidentally harm him, “What’s gotten into you?!”
“Quickly, up here everyone!” Morgana calls out to the thieves, and they look at each other with bewilderment. One by one they proceeded to climb up the stairs to the attic, following their shot caller to the small, dusty room above. Futaba gently pushes her laptop closed, and she sees the ginormous bag of medication Yusuke has wrapped around his wrist before he disappears upstairs.
“Whoa, that’s a lot of medicine.” Futaba mutters to Ryuji, pointing out the obscene amounts of boxes within the plastic bag that Yusuke carried upstairs into the attic with him. 
“We know.” he sighs. 
Ren wakes up, his eyes fluttering open to darkness. He raises his head up from his shoulder, his neck aching from craning it in an awkward position throughout his sleep, feeling himself still sitting on something. He tried to get up, wanting to stretch his aching limbs and back, but the rope that bound his wrists made him unable to fully do so, instead standing unnaturally, his bound arms forcing him into an awkward half-sit.
He anxiously sighed, realising that the meeting of his shadow wasn’t one of the sick, twisted, hyper realistic nightmares that occasionally tormented his sleep, his mind conjuring up vivid imagery and almost tangible memories of everything that still quietly haunted him a year and a half later. He breaths in slowly, and out again. He tugs at his restraints, and the door in front of him suddenly burst open. His captor, his shadow, appeared as a silhouette against the sudden burst of light that assaulted him. Joker stood there casually, hands in his pockets, features half hidden by black, yet his golden eyes shone unnaturally in the darkness that caressed his figure.
“Bonjour, mon invité.” Joker greets, the grin on his smile as wide as Ren remembers from the previous day, “Did you sleep well? Have any good dreams?”
“You tell me.” Ren smirked, looking rebelliously at his shadow as he continued to tug on the rope that bounded him, “You’re me, aren’t you?”
“Haha, yes.” Joker smiles, his tone dismissive as he notices Ren standing, his arms bent backwards from him still being restrained by the rope, “Very funny.”
Joker walks casually towards Ren, slipping a red hand to touch Ren’s chest and gently pushes back, Ren instinctively sitting back down, “I’m glad you have so much energy today,” Joker continues to purr menacingly, his grin unfaltering as he takes his hand away from his other, standing close, looking over him, “Because I have a whole day of fun planned for you to enjoy.”
“Me? Enjoy?” Ren asks, curious as to what his shadow’s intentions are, “What are you suggesting?”
Joker laughs in response, clearly amused by Ren’s question, “Why, this is a theatre of course, silly! What is there to do in theatres except to watch? Tell me, do you know where you are?”
“In a dark room within my Palace?”
“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong.” Joker growled sinisterly, raising a hand and snapping it. A mechanical whirr sounded somewhere behind him, followed by another, and then another, a chorus of whirring surrounded the both of them as Joker spun Ren towards monitors that suddenly flickered on, emerging from the dark. Ren winced, his eyes blinking rapidly as they struggled to adjust to the bursts of sudden light. He squints, eyes still adjusting, slowly making out different sections divided by the screens. He looked at the simple humanoid cognitions wandering through different foyers and theatres, them talking amongst each other, realising that the monitors showed different sections of his Palace. 
“I… I don’t understand?” he admits, darting his eyes towards the different displays, “Why are you showing me this? All of this?”
“Entertainment, of course.” Joker explains, reaching from behind Ren's chair as he flicks a few switches on the twinkling dashboard in front of them, “I can’t have my guest be bored while he stays here, can’t I? No. I need to keep you busy, keep you entertained as I play with our friends, keep you here as I show you how much they love me, Joker, more than you.”
“Is that it? Is that your whole plan?” Ren questioned, raising an eyebrow in perplexity, “Your plan failed before it could even begin, none of them have the Metanav app, and you can’t possibly drag them in like you did with me. I might die in my own distorted heart, but at least they’ll be safe from your grasp.”
“Is that so?” Joker hinted as he casually pointed at one of the screens, “Then explain that.” 
Ren follows Joker’s fingers, looking at the screen he’s pointing to. His throat tightens in dread as he sees his friends standing at the entrance of the theatre.
“Morgana, what’s gotten into you?!” Ann shouts for the cat, clambering the stairs behind Haru as the group pursues him, old wood creaking beneath her as she ascends after her friend, “You gotta tell us what’s gotten into you!”
“I’m sorry, Lady Ann.” Morgana apologises as he jumps on the abandoned makeshift bed he used to share with Ren, turning around in a swift motion, “But I needed you all up here first. I want to test something out.”
“Couldn’t you just have told us downstairs?” Haru questions him as the rest of the group made their way up the old, dusty wooden stairs, pouring out from the narrow space into the spacious room of the attic, “I would have been easier than to have rushed up here.”
“I know. But I needed a space in which we could all gather.” Morgana explains, seeing that Futaba was the last one to arrive, hugging her laptop, joining the others as they stood around to face him, “And I needed to make sure that no one can see us.”
“Why?” Ryuji asks nonchalantly, “I mean, Yongen-Jaya barely has anyone walking the streets at this time, Boss has the cafe closed just for us, and no one really cares about the Phantom Thieves anymore.”
“This is something different.” Morgana says to Ryuji, his face knitted in a serious expression, “It has something to do with the Nav. More specifically the keywords for Ren’s Palace.”
“The keywords?” it was Makoto’s turn to ask, “Have you figured out something about them?”
“Yeah.” Morgana nods, “It’s something to do with where Ren and I got pulled in. It might be a long shot but I need to know if it works.”
“Um okay…” Makoto replies, “What do you need to know about them, exactly?”
Morgana turns to Ryuji, looking at him expectantly, “You still have the Nav open on your phone?”
“I mean, yeah I do.” Ryuji informs him, unlocking his phone before tilting the screen upside down for Morgana to see that he still has the Nav ready, “But I thought we didn’t know where this ‘World’ place is?”
“We do.” Morgana says, the whole group taken aback by his suggestion, “Now, on my word Ryuji, begin the navigation to Ren’s Palace, you got that?”
“Whoa whoa whoa, wait!” Ryuji sputtered, Morgana giving in an expression of annoyance towards his hesitance, “Mona are you sure this is gonna work?”
“Of course it will!” Morgana shouts back, clearly getting more anxious and tense, no doubt the absence of Ren ebbing away at his patience, “And even if it didn’t, nothing bad will happen to us!”
“Morgana-senpai, please relax! I’m sure Ryuji’s just expressing his concern for our safety” Sumire appealed to him, trying to get the both of them to stop fighting, “I know I haven’t been  on many missions unlike the rest of you, but I do agree with Ryuji only because the app feels really suspicious to me.”
“I agree.” Yusuke speaks up, his hands resting in a thoughtful position, “This is unlike anything we’ve encountered. The only thing I can liken this to is when we had to go after Maruki. However there is nothing out of the ordinary in the real world, and the application appearing seemingly just as Ren’s Palace formed can be interpreted as a cry for help from his subconscious.”
“A cry for help?” Ann said in surprise, “You mean his shadow is the one who sent the app to us? Then why was he trapped by his own Palace?”
“I have no concrete answers for that.” Yusuke hummed, continuing to think out loud, “I think that… If my interpretation is correct, and Ren is a prisoner of his own Palace, then regardless, I feel as though that Ryuji’s hesitance is quite appropriate.”
“Are you guys really going to hesitate now, after all we’ve discussed about last night?!” Morgana snaps, his voice squeaking from both frustration and desperation, “Ren’s in trouble! I want to save him, and I can bet that we can handle whatever his Palace throws at us!”
“Well, we can’t leave him there.” Ann says, twirling a finger in her hair impatiently, “If it’s really that dangerous, then it makes more sense to get him out ASAP. The more we argue, the more danger Ren’s in.”
“I agree. We can speculate all we want, but it won’t get us any closer to freeing Ren from his Palace.” Makoto sighs, “We need to take a leap of faith; for Ren’s sake.”
“Thank you, Makoto.” Morgana says, before turning his attention to Ryuji, “Now start the Nav, Ryuji. We don’t have all day.”
“Fine, fine.” Ryuji grumbles before tapping on the screen. A second later, all of them felt a sudden, almost sickening wave echo through their heads. Each of them instinctively closed their eyes until the once so familiar feeling passed. When it subsided they all opened their eyes, and found themselves in front of the sweeping steps that led to the same regal theatre Morgana talked of in front of them, surrounded by desolate, barren landscape. It was beautiful, a beacon against the drab landscape as it loomed above them, shadows dancing past the stained glass windows that decorated it, no doubt the patrons of Ren’s distorted heart.
“We arrived at the Palace?” Sumire says, curiously looking around them, a light frown curling the corners of her mouth from the severe distortion surrounding them, “But how, exactly?”
"Oh I get it now." Haru chimes, "It's just like Shakespeare's 'All the World's a stage' line. Ren must think that everywhere's a performance space of some kind."
"So 'The World' keyword in the Metanav refers to anywhere and everywhere." Makoto mutters sadly, hand on her chin in a thoughtful gesture "That's… extremely troubling."
“Hey Yusuke, why didn’t you think of that?” Ryuji asks the tall, blue haired man innocently, “Aren’t you studying the arts or something like that?”
“I am.” Yusuke responded, scowling in disappointment towards his faux blonde friend, “But my speciality is within the fine arts. Not theatre.”
“Um, guys.” Sumire interjects, looking worriedly towards the group, “I hate to interrupt your conversation but… We don’t have our Metaverse outfits on.”
“Hm? Oh yeah, that’s not really surprising.” Ryuji brushes off casually, “I mean, this is Ren we’re talking about. You can take it easy, Sumire.”
“Yeah,” Ann agrees with Ryuji, “I mean, Ren’s our friend, right? It’ll be odd for him to see us as a threat.”
“Come on you guys,” Morgana huffs impatiently, starting to climb up the stairs into the grand theatre, “Let’s go in, follow me!”
“I bet the fact that he knows he has a Palace also means he would more than likely anticipate us coming here to claim his treasure.” Makoto rationalises, placing a foot on one of the steps as she continues their conversation despite Morgana’s interjection, “He knows how we, as Phantom Thieves operate, and I feel our Metaverse outfits not appearing also has something to do with that.”
“Oh, okay.” Sumire nods in understanding, blushing in embarrassment for having asked such an obvious question. She bows, “I’m sorry for asking such an obvious question. This is the first time since Maruki’s Palace since I’ve joined in a Phantom Thief operation.”
“That is completely understandable.” Yusuke says as he starts to follow Makoto up the stairs, “We are more than happy to help you if you need it, Sumire. I’m sure we all recognise that relatively, you’re still new to our operus mondi.”
“Oh, thank you, Kitagawa-senpai.” Sumire smiles, starting to follow him up the stairs alongside Haru and Ryuji, “I feel much better knowing I can rely on you for assistance.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He smiles, “Now, let’s reunite with the others, shall we?”
“We shall!” she giggles, continuing to climb the steps.
Ann is the second last person to ascend the stairs, stopping in her tracks when she fails to spot Futaba among the group. Turning around, she sees Futaba standing at the foot of the steps, her head down as she hugged her laptop tighter near her torso. She looked sad; anxious; hesitant to follow them, electing instead to stay behind, almost scared of the building ahead of them
“Hey.” Ann mutters as she descends down to meet the girl, Futaba tilting her heads upwards to only just meet Ann’s gaze, “Are you okay, Futaba?”
“I… I dunno.” Futaba admits, sighing while she looked away from the older blond, “I mean… this is Ren’s Palace… I’m...”
She trails off. 
“You’re scared aren’t you?”
Futaba looks up at her, shocked. “Y-yeah, how did you know?”
“I’m scared too.” Ann admits, “Scared of what we’ll find in there. And I’m pretty sure the others are scared as well. But we’ve got each other. I know it’s really hard to not be scared; but Ren needs us more than ever, and we need to be brave in order to change his heart and save him from his Palace.”
“Yeah.” Futaba mutters, sulking at her own cowardice, swallowing down her anxious feelings as best she could, “You’re right, Ann. Sorry for acting like this, especially since I’m the one who thought of the idea to go into Ren’s Palace in the first place.” 
“Don’t worry about it!” Ann smiled, her joy and confidence feeling infectious as Futaba could not help but smile back, “Now come on, let’s go in, I bet the others will get worried if they notice we’re not with them.”
“Okay…” Futaba nods, climbing after Ann. Yet when Ann turns away her expression sinks again. Her eyebrows furrow, the feeling of anxiety coming back. She knew that they were all scared, terrified of what awaited them inside, terrified of what hidden thoughts and memories Ren had that rotted and twisted his heart. She climbed the stairs, repeating what Morgana had told her the night before as she approached the grand doors alongside Ann. But there was one detail. One question she realised she still has on her mind. One question she forgot to ask. Yet she now dared not ask it, afraid of jeopardizing the mission before it even properly began.
“Whoa holy shit!” Ryuji exclaimed, marvelling the interior of the theatre, the glittering gold accents catching his eye, twinkling invitingly as he entered the foyer, “This place is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it!”
“I agree, it’s really hard to believe that this place is a Palace.” Haru marvels with Ryuji, instead looking at the elaborate stained glass windows that shined within the interior lights, “I can’t really put my finger on it but, it feels really pleasant to be inside.”
“I know what you mean.” Yusuke sighs, “It certainly feels welcoming. The decor here is immaculate and beautiful in the way that soothes my heart and itches my fingers, begging to be captured and preserved. Oh if only I brought my brush and paint with me today.”
“I agree with Yusuke.” Makoto nods, “But we need to keep our guard up. Though this is Ren’s Palace, we still aren’t sure exactly why his Palace appeared. While we’re still seen as not a threat, anything we do or say might trigger something that’ll turn the shadows against us. After all, Morgana was attacked by what we can assume were hostile shadows, there’s no knowing that will happen if we encounter one while we don’t have our powers available to us.” she reminded them.
“I agree, Niijima-san. Caution in a Palace that belongs to a powerful Persona user should be exercised, even if it belongs to Amamiya.”
A familiar voice belonging to no one in the group spoke to them, Makoto instinctively opened her mouth to answer. But the realisation hit her as she turned to her right, mouth agape with surprise as the others jaws dropped in shock, some covering their mouths in awe, all wide eyed, the same expression of surprise shared among them. 
"Is that....?" Ann dared to utter, having just arrived with Futaba, yet she saw the answer right before her.
His eyes stared back at them, recognisable red irises radiated within the room, the colour matching the velvet that generously decorated the foyer of the theatre. His brown hair, long and slightly unkempt hung straight on his head, a hand tucked within his brown winter coat, his other hand hung out by his side casually, gloved. He stood there in front of them, his weight shifted from one leg to another, him looking at Makoto, and the rest of the group, with an almost expectant expression.
It was Goro. He was alive.
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
gaalee - 6, 20, 24 ❤
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Hmm, this was a tough one, because frankly both of them are straight-up pretty weird looking. I know in canon Gaara has a bunch of Suna ladies that crush on him, but you’ll notice it’s only Suna ladies (and Fuu) which leads me to the conclusion that Sunan aesthetics are less about looks and more about power. Power = attractive, which is why Gaara seems to attract a flock of lady admirers, in my opinion. ‘Cause listen, the dude looks like he hasn’t slept more than a few hours in the past ten years, and he’s the only person I’ve ever seen who managed to make himself look worse by running a comb through his hair. Plus he smiles in a really unnerving way (Have y’all seen that photo of all the Kage from Boruto where Gaara’s making the grimace emoji expression? That’s what I’m talking about). 
Anyways, now that I’ve just dissed Gaara’s looks really hard, let’s talk about physical attraction. I don’t see Gaara as being particularly invested in his partner’s looks overall; he just doesn’t strike me as the type. I think he likes Lee because Lee is kind to him, and doesn’t hold a grudge, and is strong. I think he likes that Lee is in many ways his equal and that he doesn’t have to worry about protecting Lee (his thoughts on the relative vulnerability of his partner compared to himself comes up a bit in the Gaara Hiden light novel) ... at least, he doesn’t have to worry about protecting Lee from anyone but Lee’s own self-destructive impulses, for the most part. Physically, I think he would then be attracted to Lee’s body/muscles, because that’s a physical representation of his strength. Also I think Lee’s turtle mouth is cute, so let’s go with the little turtle mouth as well. 
Of the two of them, Lee is definitely the more physically oriented and probably finds a lot of things attractive about Gaara, although as I’ve already established, I hc that Gaara is a straight up little sand gremlin in physical appearance. But I think the feature that would sell him would be Gaara’s eyes. Not because they’re unique or because of the tanuki marks or anything, but because I think when he first starts learning to read Gaara’s expressions, he conveys everything in his eyes. The rest of his face is relatively impassive and inexpressive, so as they’re getting to know each other I think Lee spends a lot of time staring at Gaara’s eyes to try and figure out what he’s thinking and feeling. And that probably grows into something of a favoritism.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Oof, okay, this is gonna be a somewhat long one because they each have like three people who are the most important in their lives. 
So, for Gaara:
Kankuro thinks Lee is weird as hell, but ultimately well-meaning. He respects a guy who lulls you into a false sense of security by looking like an animated green bean and then straight up clocks you in the face so hard you shit your pants. I do think him and Lee butt heads on occasion, because they’re both stubborn as hell and Kankuro’s a bit of a bastard while Lee’s very noble, so they don’t have very well aligned values. And neither of them is willing to back down from a fight. So there are probably some family dinners where Kankuro gets this close to flipping a table because he can’t believe how stupid Lee is being about something, Gaara why do you even put up with this dude? But there’s definitely a respect there, and Lee is a genuinely nice guy, so Kankuro probably takes advantage of that a little bit (”Lee, can you run to the store and get me...” and Lee of course says yes even though Kankuro has two perfectly functional legs). 
Temari initially doesn’t trust Lee. I don’t think she believes at first that Lee isn’t playing the long con and going after Gaara for revenge. It takes her a long time to realize that, no, Lee really is just like that and that he genuinely doesn’t hold a grudge at all. She’s also the most likely to get worked up about the political implications and be scared for how this might affect Gaara’s standing. I think Shikamaru probably sells her on it a bit, because he’s known Lee for longer. And I think seeing how happy Lee makes her brother and how Lee makes Gaara come out of his shell really seals the deal for her. 
Naruto doesn’t get it, but he’s supportive. You know that meme that’s like “he’s not quite there but he’s got the spirit”? That’s Naruto’s approach to basically anyone’s relationship. He doesn’t have any room to judge anyway; his romantic life is a complete shitshow. And Naruto’s pretty guileless so I doubt he really even thinks through any of the potential pitfalls in their relationship. Gaara tells him and he goes “Oh okay, cool!” and then back to talking about Sasuke. 
As for Lee,
Gai does not trust Gaara at all after he caught him trying to kill Lee in the hospital room. I think that’s probably something he never even brought up to Lee, because he wanted Lee to focus on his recovery. So when Lee ends up bringing up that he and Gaara are dating, Gai kind of pales and goes quiet for a minute and then tells Lee very seriously, “He tried to kill you.” And Lee is probably like, “Haha, I know but that was in a match! Anyone could have killed anyone!” and then Gai has to drop the bad news that no, it wasn’t just during the match. Ultimately though he probably gives Gaara a very stern “what are your intentions with my precious student” speech (that Gaara mostly doesn’t understand because it’s so flowery), but is convinced enough by Gaara’s answers that he gives him a big snotty, tear-filled hug. 
Tenten has kind of the same wariness around Gaara initially as Gai does, but she’s much slower to warm up. She sees herself as Lee and Gai’s common sense/”angel on their shoulder” and she doesn’t necessarily believe that Lee has his own best interests at heart. She probably thinks at first blush that Lee is just overcome with infatuation like he was with Sakura or any other spur-of-the-moment crush that he may have, and definitely thinks Lee is going to get hurt. She absolutely threatens Gaara, more than once, even though she wouldn’t stand a chance against him in a match. In my opinion would be the last of Team Gai to come around. She’s probably the person on the morning of Lee’s wedding straightening his shiny orange bow tie and asking him if he’s sure he wants to go through with it. 
Neji (who is alive, damnit) also doesn’t trust Gaara, but he has his own emotional walls up about caring for Lee. So on the surface he tells himself “what do I care, that’s Lee’s bad decision to make and I’m not responsible if he gets hurt”, but he is definitely on edge and wary whenever he sees them together. I think he and Gaara are more similar in personality though, in the sense that both of them have trauma that has made them emotionally closed-off, and Neji recognizes something of himself in Gaara and is probably the first person to actually believe that Gaara means what he says and doesn’t have bad intentions. He sees himself in that inability to express one’s feelings properly in a way that convinces others that you’re genuine, and he probably is the one to bring Gai around in the end. 
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
I answered this one here!
OTP ask meme!
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| signs | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: fluff a/n: another scenario for you all yay! excuse the grammar if there are sore ones down there.😂 ideas pop up to me at midnight and i probably wrote this with half-lidded eyes/sleepy self lol this is a prequel to this! 😊 enjoy reading! ~j.
you twirled several times in your new dress, admiring the style and design you recently bought from your savings. it was your favourite outfit. especially today when it was summer; your floral yellow smocked bandeau mini dress shaped your body. gladly your best friend gifted you a new curler and because of that, you tried your best to doll up for today’s occasion. and as much as possible, you kept your makeup natural.
the mirror in front of you revealed your husband jaehyun, eyeing you from head to toe as a smile crept his lips. he rubbed the nape of his neck in surprise that no matter how he looked at you, he always told himself that he chose the right one for him. “wow..”
your lips curve to a smile from ear to ear. “so.. how do i look?” you swayed as you held the hems of your dress, tiptoeing on your wedged heels with fresh white manicure. on every new outfit you wore on dates with jaehyun, you felt like a princess. and this time, you got married, queen was the definite and suitable word now.
“do you want my honest opinion, love?” his hands snaking to hug your waist where he rested his chin onto your shoulder. jaehyun looked at your side profile for a while before looking back at the mirror, in awe that his wife was his world now.
you giggled at his reflection, his ears turning from pink to beetroot red. “i think you’ve said it already.” you kissed his cheek. a scoff from him made you laugh so hard, he chuckled at your reaction.
“damn, i can’t really hide them, can i?” he kissed you back and let his fingers inter-locking with yours. “c’mon, we’ll be late.”
the drive to the beach was a long one, but since jaehyun was with you, it was ever so often that car karaokes were the norm. it became daily. he called it ‘car’aokes instead, and you sighed at the corny bad pun. yet despite his failed attempt on bad jokes, his voice was so soothing you secretly could not help yourself to record his vocals while he was immersed into the songs he played. today though was quite different. jaehyun wanted to enjoy the drive with a track from chet baker.
you brought out your sunglasses and fixed it onto the bridge of your nose. “love, here.” you handed his pair between your fingers and he took to wear it.
“the vibe’s great.” he turned to the next street. “sun’s out and i’m with you. this is the life.” you hiccuped at the sudden cheesiness, feeling his hand onto yours as you hummed in response. “‘everything happens to me’ is great.” he smiled, referring to the title song track.
at the corners of your eye, you spotted the crystal blue of the sea with white sand in contrast. you sat up properly that it caught jaehyun’s attention. “gosh i love the view!” you squealed as if you’ve seen it for the first time. you loved beaches, which was why for your honeymoon just a month before, you and jaehyun went to the maldives. heck you wished you never left.
“i love this view better.” he said under his breath as he smiled, but you couldn’t hear it since you excitedly vlogged the scenery. minutes later you both arrived at the car park just by the beach. jaehyun unbuckled his seat belt and grab the essentials. just by the outdoor hut and public toilets, he noticed how men would eye you differently. and because of these kinds of indicidents, he became protective. you felt him pulling your body closer to him. “stay close to me, y/n.”
you sensed what he meant and you assured him that everything will be fine. “aren’t we close already?” you teased as you both walked to the party.
“closer is better.”
upon arriving to the beach, johnny and your best friend min-ju welcomed you both. their one year old son youngmin, immediately ran to you with his wobbly legs and squeaky shoes; it was a gift jaehyun chose for his first birthday.
“hey buddy!” you bent down, later carrying him in your arms. “i heard you’ll be a big brother soon! oh min-ju he looks just like you.” the compliment made her blush. she then brought you to the nearby restaurant where the others had been.
jaehyun had his hands in his pockets, smiling to himself at the sight of you as he followed you from behind. johnny nudged him, making the lad blush. “so how was the honeymoon?” he wrapped his arm around his shoulders, attempting a head rub.
“it was great. could’ve stayed there longer but i had to work with the team right after-”
“will youngmin expect a best friend in a few months?” johnny’s grin crept his lips and for sure he wanted to see his best bud’s reaction.
“oh my go- dude!” jaehyun attempted a punch but was stopped by taeyong, yuta and taeil.
“what did we miss?” taeil asked the younger ones. curiosity grew in him when he spotted jaehyun’s red ears. “yep, i think i got what you mean.”
the party began shortly after lunch. at one table, there were two buckets of blue and pink, and post-its beside them. variety of foods were placed nearly onto the tables. you stood beside jaehyun, who wrote his guess onto the squared paper as you poked his cheek. “i think it’s a boy.” you said.
“my guess is a girl.” jaehyun held your waist, walking to the rest of the group. there was a short video tribute, of how johnny’s family had started; from the proposal to the birth of youngmin. games were played too, and it somehow ended up becoming a bet of who will have their next child. now, johnny and min-ju stood at the front with youngmin as they lead everyone out to the beach. the baby’s gender was about to be revealed.
phones and cameras were up already to record the moment. johnny had his baseball bat ready and min-ju threw the ball. blue powder scattered the air and you hopped in joy, cupping your mouth for a louder volume. jaehyun found that trait of yours cute and imagined the time when you both become parents some day in the future.
his friends approached him and johnny soon followed. “congrats johnny!” mark shook the older’s one hand. behind the dimpled man, little did jaehyun know that his friends planned to tease him again and obviously it was johnny’s idea.
yuta nudged jaehyun, trying to point out how his wife and you, were conversing by the hammock. “looks like they’re having a good time.”
“y/n, how was maldives?” sakura sat beside you, handing you fresh orange juice and cookies.
“tell me about it. i’d want to live there forever. it’s all stress free.” you munched onto the cookies as you told her how the place truly felt like paradise.
sakura giggled at your hungry self. she noticed how much of a foodie you were today and leaned in to whisper. “you can’t be.. uh pregnant right?”
you bursted out a laugh with cheeks that made you look like a hamster. automatically your hands waved in the air. you held your dress and made your stomach shape visible through the fabric. “it’s a food belly though.” you tapped onto it.
jaehyun choked on his drink when the droplets slid down his lips. quickly he put down the glass he was holding as he watched you giggle with sakura. smirking at the scene, yuta saw the lad with a teasing mind. “it’s probably a sign, jae.” he said, making him cough.
*cough* “it can’t be that fas-” he trailed off, later realising how he slipped. “ah! it’s not what you-”
“so youngmin will actually be expecting a best friend in the months coming.” johnny interrupted, overhearing the conversation. “great i’ll tell him!”
“uh wait we haven’t really plan-” jaehyun stumbled his words, panicking that how to reply.
squeals and laughters from children stopped the men from teasing jaehyun. they looked over to where you were, surrounded with children who thought you had a life inside you by tapping your belly. your flustered state caused you to fan yourself from the heat. whether it was from the temperature or the reaction towards the children, heat still crawled your body.
you carried youngmin in your arms and he pointed at your stomach. jaehyun rubbed the nape of his neck; a lost for words. he really wanted to have a family with you, be a father to your kids and watch each other grow as parent.
his tinted ears caught the attention of his friends. “is y/n really pregnant?” taeyong asked.
“babies are crowding over her.” taeil took a sip from his drink.
“she’s loved by everyone because she’s a teacher. i’m guessing it’s instinct for children to know if a person loves children.” jaehyun looked at you.
“well, i’m sure she’ll be a great mom.” taeil said, noticing how jaehyun held his chest that was probably hammering quick.
the party was ending and you later stood beside jaehyun, his hands rubbing circles at your back. his lips took your attention where teeth marks were seen. whenever he would bite his lips, it only meant that either he was thinking too much, or that he was stressed. he felt fingers brushed onto them made jaehyun turn to you. “hm?” he hummed.
“are you okay?” you asked with worry in your eyes. he didn’t respond, but his large palms pulled you to rest on his chest for a hug. “well if you are, i think we should be heading home.”
you had already fastened your seatbelt. jaehyun soon opened the door, typing away on his phone as he waited for the air conditioning to settle down. his brows furrowed onto the luminated screen.
[22:54] john suh: “u might want 2 buy a pregnancy tester. :p”
[22:55] john suh: “there’s a possibility ;D”
[22:56] jae jung: “we’ll do that if symptoms comes, johnny. lol take care on ur way home. see you at the office in 2 days. :p”
“love?” he shot up at your voice and grabbed your hand.
“yes?” he asked and you pointed at the back.
“they’re flickering headlights?” you giggled and jaehyun embarrassedly stepped on the gear with his faint dimples.
whilst on the way, jaehyun decided to stop by the convenient store before heading home. he opened the roof for fresh air and to stargaze. he thought that a little night snack wouldn’t hurt, so when he saw you entering the car with a bagful of snacks, all he could do was to hide his reaction from you. you sat comfortably with your legs rested onto the dashboard, munching away your favourite sushi roll and chips. he saw your slowly-hyped up self, dancing to nothing but the sound crunches your mouth made as you created your own song out of pure happiness.
when you danced, he then remembered the children back at the party. his eyes took a quick glance towards your belly and did notice a belly. his loud gulp caused you to turn at him. “okay, what’s up with you?” you giggled. “you’re all so tensed right now.”
“uhm n-nothing.” jaehyun said as his fingers gripped so tightly onto the stirring wheel.
you eyed him with a smirk, and a short stare-off happened. “are you sure love?”
“of course!” he attempted a smile but gulped unknowingly.
“uh-huh. i recognise that kind of gulp.” you popped another piece into your mouth.
jaehyun inhaled deeply enough that his lungs were running out of oxygen. all kinds of ideas came flooding his mind. did you know what he was thinking as you looked at him? he anticipated for the answer and the silence was killing him. maybe you overheard his conversation with the guys? of the possibility that you might be-
“you’re hungry too, aren’t you?” you laughed so loud that jaehyun did the same. “you could’ve just gotten a pack for yourself!”
“what?” a dumbfounded jaehyun asked with his mouth slightly open. “oh gosh..”
“look i even got your favourites!” you fumbled the insides of the paper bag. “see!”
jaehyun pursed his lips, grabbing a red handkerchief from his pockets to wipe the sweat rolling down his temples. as he finished doing so, a piece of chip appeared before him. “y/n my love. you are so cute.” he said with his ears dusted with pink shade.
“it’s my dress that makes me feel cute.” you singsonged.
“no i mean i find you really cute when you’re hungry all the time. you’ve had cravings here and there. sometimes it’s out of the blue too. the guys even joked about it but i just can’t help thinking that you might be-” he felt you kiss his cheek as he said his feelings in one breath. you smiled at him lovingly, and you found your hands interlocking with his.
“the guys could be right though.” you spoke in a soft voice. jaehyun had his hopes high earlier with his friends, but right now the assumption was confusing. “but they could be wrong too. jae, we’ve been wanting to start a family. i know that completely. we even talked about this back in college and i really can’t wait for that time to come when there’s mini you’s and me’s. we have to wait for the right time.“ you said as you caressed his cheeks.
“okay.” he finally smiled. “i guess i just got excited at the thought of it. because the hyungs have their own children and i’m kinda lacking behind.”
“it’s never a race to start a fambam! it’s a process that needs effort and dedication.” you said. “and for the record, mark’s still single so you’re way a step ahead.”
“but you just said it’s not a race.” jaehyun chuckled.
“did you know mark actually planned to pursue me back in high school?” you teased jaehyun again. his smile slowly disappears on every word. “but you were better at scoring the jackpot so yeah.” you gestured yourself.
jaehyun’s face cringed at your self compliment. yet he wouldn’t say he didn’t like it. “that’s because you’re really cute, hot nerd.”
“nah you’re star player who caught my eye, hot coach.” you felt your neck being pulled closer. he looked at your lips and tilted his chin slightly for a kiss.
there were only two things; the signs earlier could be wrong or that it was going to happen soon. jaehyun knew anyway, that you both were to be parents later in the future.
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storyswap-color-au · 4 years
StorySwap Color - New CORE / Alphysuki Stadium
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This beast of a machine is both source of the Underground’s power, and one of its last lines of defense! It needs to be cooled to prevent it from exploding, so water taken from the forest is frozen into blocks of ice, then inserted into vital parts to cool them down. In addition, its modular design allows most of its parts to be rearranged in order to create a new layout.
Swapy arrives at the CORE’s entrance, to then be greeted by Toriel. She’s relieved that they made it out of the town alive, offering some heal if Swappy happens to be hurt, she tells them not to worry, She’ll guide them through the core no problem! She knows it back to back despite all the shuffling that tends to happen. However, Toriel isn’t able to show her all knowing skills, because the door to the CORE closes right as Swappy comes in, leaving her out.
Understandably worried, she calls them and tells not to worry and that she’ll find a way in eventually, the call ends, and Swappy notices all the cameras that are appearing. One of the TV screens nearby displays Alphysuki and Friends happy, and she mentions that the trap to keep Sweaty-Chan trapped worked! She sends them to go after Swappy, and the broadcast ends.
From here, Swappy has to solve puzzles, face off against Alphysuki’s friends (that are, in reality, robots) and get a key from each to open the door that leads out of the Core, the tension rises as Swappy exits the Core, but enters the stadium.
Everything is dark, the crowd is whispering in anticipation. A bright light shines on a determined looking Alphysuki pointing at Swappy. “I-It was you all along, Sweaty-Senpai!?”
“Yes, it was me, the whole time!” The voice over all the way back from Sakura Town yells over the speakers! Swappy stares blankly at Alphysuki.
Alphysuki-Chan starts to cry, then wipes her face. “No… I must stay strong… even if you are so horrible after all and broke my kokoro… I will stay strong for my friends!! My family!! My people!!!!”
Alphysuki starts to ‘glow’ pink. The lights go off behind Alphysuki to make a silhouette. Sparkles and cherry blossom leaves fill the arena as Alphysuki starts spinning, and spinning, and spinning… before the costume finally opens up and out jumps the legendary ALPHYSUKI-SENPAI!!!
The crowd goes wild! A brand new form on the epic finale!? How cool is that! Taking a moment to flaunt her new design, Alphysuki-senpai points at Sweaty-Senpai again and says. “With the power of love and friendship, I’m going to take you down for good, Sweaty-Senpai!”. The actual fight then begins.
During the fight, she explains the plot to Swappy through subtle dialogue exchanges. Sweaty-Senpai, being a human, had a corrupt and powerful SOUL that sealed the monsters under the barrier oh so long ago. Alphysuki was going to defeat Sweaty-Senpai and take their SOUL, purifying it by absorbing it, and finally break the barrier to free all the monsters, all while being an amazing magical girl.
Unfortunately, throughout the fight the robot slowly begins to malfunction. Some joins give out. Alphysuki passes them off as Swappy making painful blows. Soon, the voicebox starts cutting out. Alphysuki tries to pass this off as powerful wind. But eventually, the robot breaks down entirely and crashes to the floor silently. The everyone is concerned, Swappy even goes over to Alphysuki to make sure she’s alright.
Suddenly, Toriel steps in with Undyne following behind, confused as to why she had to come here and interrupt the show. Toriel yells out for the real Alphysuki, Alphys, to come out from hiding. Undyne becomes even more confused and a little pissed off at why Toriel is trying to call out someone who disappeared years ago. After Toriel calls out once again, saying she shut off the cameras completely, Alphys reluctantly steps out from behind the curtain.
The audience gasps! Undyne stares in shock. After a moment of nervousness, Alphys finally explains everything. Why she ran away from Undyne, why she started Alphysuki, why she hid herself. The stress, the pressure… everything laid out thick. After bowing down and apologizing, Undyne walks up to her and… suplexes her right into the leftover Alphysuki costume!?!? Don’t worry, it’s a suplex of love and Undyne just grabs her again for a big hug. Undyne semi-forgives Alphys, just happy to know that she’s actually alive. The audience goes “awww” at the cute display, flustering Alphys deeply. Toriel steps in, saying how Alphys never needed to hide. The monsters accept her for who she is, no matter who she is. Alphys thanks everyone, teary eyed, then thanks them for following the show for so long. She doesn’t know if this is the final episode or not, but either way she thanked them for being such amazing fans for so long!
Eventually, everyone leaves the stadium except for Toriel and Swappy. Toriel thanks Swappy for helping Alphys, and guides them to the subway heading towards Capital. Before letting them in, she asks Swappy one last time to reconsider what they’re doing, aware that Swappy would have to take Papyrus’ SOUL to escape the underground… Swappy is determined, so they head off to the Capital. Little do they know, a little flower is still watching…
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raising a princess ch one
“Sakura come here!” Mitsuhide yelled through the house.
“No daddy.” She said as she stood on the landing, “I don’t wanna go to school.”
“Sakura Akechi! I have to go to work and you need to get to daycare.” He said as he went over to the stairs.
“I is a big girl, Daddy. I can stay here by myself.” She said as her golden eyes glowed with a knowledge Mitsuhide sometimes hated.
“You are a big girl but baby you have to go to daycare. I have to go to work. It is Friday and we can go to the park this weekend if you will just please go to school.” Mitsuhide pleaded with the now three year old.
“I don’t like it daddy!” she said as he moved up the stairs.
“Why don’t you like it?” he asked as he sat down at the landing she was standing on.
“Daddy Miss Tanya yells all day.” She said. “She is mean. I don’t want to go.”
“Sakura Do you want to look for another school?” Mitsuhide asked.
“Yes Daddy.” Sakura said as she hugged him.
“Well you still have to go to school today but after my meetings I will pick you up and we will go look to see if there is something you like better.” Mitsuhide said as he knew he was giving in to her to easy but he also really didn’t like the way the school was headed. When he placed her two years ago in the new school it was fashioned to be more of a learning center where the young girl would learn things like a pre-school but as time went by he could only see it being a place where people dumped their children all day. He hated leaving Sakura in it but until she said something he wouldn’t move her again. That day finally arrived.
 “Okay daddy.” She said as he hugged him and he lifted her up. He carried her to his car and belted her in to her car seat. Still small he wondered if she would ever be ready for a booster seat. They got to the daycare and he walked her in with her small backpack on his back and he looked around. She walked to her classroom which was in the back, though she was small she was in the advanced classroom with some of the older kids. He placed her backpack in the cubby hole she had and he bent down.
“I’ll see you in a few hours, princess.” He said as she hugged him tight and he pat her back.
“I love you daddy.” She said as she went to the table in the center of the classroom.
“I love you too princess.” He said softly.
“Mr. Akechi.” Miss Tanya said as she walked up to the man who was watching the tiny little girl at the table. “We would prefer it if you only used Sakura’s name here instead of any nicknames or pet names.”
“I will call my daughter whatever I wish.” Mitsuhide said as he looked down at the woman with disgust.
“It is just that some of the other children do not get called things like Princess by their parents and we find it gives a false sense of superioty to a toddler.” The woman went on.
“She is three. If I want to call my daughter princess, I will.” He said.
“I just find it causes much more trouble down the road.” She said, “Also I do have to ask you to refrain from doing it here.”
“You know what.” Mitsuhide said as he was trying to reign in his temper, “I don’t believe that we will have an issue with nicknames any longer.”
“Well it is good to see that you are taking my advice seriously.” Tanya said with a smile.
“I would like my daughters records please.” Mitsuhide said. “Sakura come here please.”
“Her records?” Tanya asked blankly.
“Yes. I would like her records please, NOW.” He said forcefully trying to not roar.
“But we don’t give those back to parents unless they are pulling their children from the school.” Tanya said.
“I know. As of this moment you do not have to worry what I call my daughter. She will not be going here any longer.” He said as an evil smile crept over his face.
“But.” Tanya said and the owner of the day care came over to help disfuse the situation. To which five minutes later he was walking out of the daycare with a folder on one hand and Sakura holding on to the other.
“Where are we going daddy?” she asked.
“To my job. I have that meeting I have to go to today but you can stay with one of your uncles. After that we will go find you another school.” Mitsuhide said.
    Three hours later he was standing in front of a small house as he wondered if he had the right address. This did not look like any of the other daycares he had been too over the years. He looked down out the little girl next to him who also had bright wide eyes. He went up and rang the bell. A young woman opened the door with a smile.
“Hello, Can I help you?” she asked with a slight southern accent he could detect.
“I called about the daycare about an hour ago.” Mitsuhide said when he cleared his throat to speak as the woman in front of him was one of the most beautiful he had ever laid eyes on.
“Oh, Mr. Akechi. It is so good to meet you.” She said as she opened the door wider to let the two of them in. “And you must be Sakura!” she bent down to Sakura’s level and put out her hand to shake the girls hand. Sakura looked up at her father who nodded and she placed her small hand in the one of woman in front of her. “It is a pleasure to meet you Sakura. My name is Kristy.” She stood up and looked again at Mitsuhide, “If you will come with me we can discuss what you wish for Miss Sakura and then if your still interested in our program I can gladly show you around.”
“Lead the way.” Mitsuhide said as he looked down at his daughter who also seemed to be taken with woman. They went into an office off to the side and she left the door open.
“As I told you the owner who happens to be my aunt isn’t in today. She won’t be in for a week or so but I can answer any of your questions.” Kristy said as she sat down.
“So your aunt owns this place?” Mitsuhide said.
“My aunt started this place because of the sheer size of the family.” Kristy said. “We all went here at some point of our lives.”
“We?” Mitsuhide asked.
“My Siblings, cousins, and myself.” Kristy said as she pointed to a picture on the wall. “We were a huge family and my aunt was the only one who had a degree in early childhood education. She started this place to help all of us find a place to fit in.”
“A place to fit in?” Mitsuhide asked.
“Most of our fathers were also in the military. We were born in different places and often had different backgrounds in education even from our own siblings at times. She helped us with learning English and getting us ready for the school systems here. She made the program to help us, her family, but found that adding a few children from other families was the key to having a well rounded program. Even now the family is the main users of the school.” Kristy said with a smile. She looked at the tiny girl who was looking around the office. “Do you have any questions Sakura?”
“Is that you?” the tiny girl asked as she pointed to a picture on the wall.
“Surprisingly no, hun.” Kristy said as she walked over and took the photograph off the wall. “This is my mom.”
“Mom?” Sakura said with a tilt of her head. “I don’t have one of those.”
“Well if you wanted to see me in one of those pictures. I am in this one. Though I must be around your age.” Kristy said as she glossed over the admission of the young girl, “It was when my dad moved us from south America to here. He was in the military too just like your dad.”
The girl continued to look at the different photographs on the wall. “Now Mr. Akechi can you tell me what you are looking for in a program for Sakura?”
“Something that will teach her something. I don’t want her to be sitting in front of a tv or doing arts and crafts all day every day.” He started and Kristy let out a small laugh.
“I understand.” She said. “I think maybe I should show you around so you can see that we are slightly different then most daycares.”
“Yes. I think I would like to see that.” He said and Sakura took her fathers hand as they left the office.
“Now this right here is the front entrance. Though most people use it to come and go so we can monitor who enters and leaves we do have another entrance around back. It has a special badge that you have to have to open the doors. We do have an alarm on that one as well so we know inside the building that someone accessed it. These front rooms are our conference rooms that we can have meeting with families to give quarterly reports on each child. We do have these conferences on your schedule so if you have an issue we can help address it here as well. Now here comes the classrooms. This is the babies room. We have two teachers and eight infants under twelve months old in here. We also have a floating teacher that helps out in here when needed. Now the younger toddlers room. And further down the hall over here is the classroom that Sakura would be in.” Kristy opened the door and waved as all the twelve heads of the children turned and saw her. The two teachers that were in the room also looked up, “Please continue.”
“And this is how we say it in French.” The teacher said as she repeated a phrase in french to the class while the other teacher said, “This is how we say it in Spanish.”
Kristy shut the door and smiled at the two people she was giving the tour too. Mitsuhide was impressed already and it seemed his daughter was. “Now let’s go to the art rooms and the computer lab.” Kristy continued on the tour showing them room by room and the outside of the building with the semi large playground.
“This place is completely different.” Mitsuhide said.
“Like I said my aunt built this whole concept from the ground up. She knew that it would be more effective on the learning parts if it wasn’t like a school. There is one television in the whole building. That is only used for the older children on a Friday if they have received enough credit for the week. They also only watch a half an hour of whatever it is they won. Language skills are important for under five years old so we introduce things that will help them as well when they are older. It also helps for those who have to learn English that we offer five different langagues here. We are a family regardless and my aunt runs this place like it is her family.” Kristy said as she sat back down.
“Sakura what do you think?” Mitsuhide asked.
“I love it here daddy.” She said as she looked up at the woman who was sitting there.
“Okay princess.” He said as he looked up at the woman. “How much is the school.”
Kristy threw out a number and Mitsuhide looked at her like she was insane. “How is that possible? I was paying three times that amount at the other place.”
“Mr. Akechi we believe in quality over making a profit.” She said. “My aunt will never be rich but she will have the knowledge she helped guide her children here into something better.”
“We will take the spot.” Mitsuhide said.
“Good, now let’s have you fill these out.” Kristy said as she pulled out a new folder with a bunch of papers.
“Do you work here?” Mitsuhide asked.
“Actually no I don’t.” Kristy said, “I fill in for the office if I am needed like this week that my aunt is on vacation. I also help out here over the summer. I am in medical school and have break then.”
“A doctor huh?” he asked.
“Yes but I owe a lot to my aunt. You will find that most of the teachers here are either my cousins or they are former students.” Kristy said.
Mitsuhide looked at her and smiled. This was going to be the daycare that worked out for him and Sakura. Something told him this was going to help him with the girl.
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welcometophu · 4 years
Into the Split: Into the Dream 1
Twinned Book 3: Into the Split
Into the Dream 1
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Nikolai sits beneath a lemon tree, his eyes closed as he focuses on breathing soft and slow. The ground is hard and cold, the trunk narrow and rough against his back. The sharp scent of citrus in the crisp spring air is a comfort. This is the first grove. It’s warded. It’s stable. It should be safe.
No thanks to him.
“Nikita, he wants—” Seth’s voice cuts off abruptly.
“I know, but this is important.” Nikita barges between two trees, drops into a crouch in front of Nikolai as he opens his eyes. “I need to talk to both of you. About coming back to our world with us.”
Nikolai meets Seth’s gaze. Seth is slowly sinking to sit next to Nikolai, his hand stealing out to hold on. His lips are pressed thin, and he shakes his head. “You know what I think about this idea,” Seth mutters. “I think it’s a bad idea.”
“I swear I will get you home after.” Nikita shifts from crouch to kneeling, inching closer to Nikolai. “We’re twinned. Our worlds are twinned. I think the only way we can actually deal with this is to work together. And maybe there are other twinned people here. There probably are! Look at Alia! But I can’t see getting Alia to come with us, and besides, Mattie says she’s bedrock and an anchor point so she shouldn’t leave because it’d make things worse. But you and me—if we’re together, we’re a small representation of the worlds as a whole. It’ll make a difference.”
“We need to stay here,” Seth says firmly. Nikolai unwinds their fingers, drops an arm across Seth’s shoulders instead and tugs him closer as Seth keeps speaking. “If we’re going to build a network of Dreamwalkers, someone has to be here to help create that.”
“And if you come with us, you’ll be able to help bridge the way back here,” Nikita counters. She’s close now, so close that Nikolai can feel every huff of her breath as speaks quickly. “My way into my world and your way into your world are different. They’re close. I think Del can find them both. But if we’re together physically when we start, won’t it be easier than trying to somehow reach out and contact each other after I leave? We need to be able to—”
“It’s dangerous.” Nikolai pushes the words out, interrupting her rushed explanation. He looks up at her, blinks because she does look like him, if the mirror were slightly cracked and off-center. “It’s dangerous, Nikita. If we go, we might never get back here. Our family’s here. This is our home.”
She leans back, sitting on her heels, and a small smile lifts one corner of her mouth. “But you see why I’m asking you to come.”
His heart aches, like a physical twist in his chest. He nods once. “Yeah. I think I do.” He can see it, even if he doesn’t fully understand it. “We need to set up a network of Dreamwalkers—here and in your world. We need all of them to be able to reach the Dreamscape, so we can work together, join the network across worlds. And you and I are the only Dreamwalkers who are going to know how to go through that Dreamscape from one place to another. And I will only truly know that if I actually go in the first place.” He looks at Seth. “I need you to come with me. They need to learn the importance of bonding Dreamwalkers and Empaths.”
“Do you think that’s how the Split started spilling into my world in the first place?” Nikita asks.
“I can’t think why it wouldn’t have happened sooner, if that’s all it is,” Nikolai says. “And it doesn’t explain here, either. Somehow those cracks happened, and it’s worse. We have more Shadows, and we’re actively losing ground.”
“The Emergence and the Split happened around the same time. If you come with us, maybe we can figure out why.” Nikita leans forward and gives him a quick hug before bouncing to her feet. “I need to go talk to everyone, and we need to figure out exactly how this is going to work.”
“Since you don’t know how you got here in the first place?” Seth says dryly.
Nikita makes a face, but doesn’t deny it. “Be here, at the house, tomorrow morning,” she says. “We’re going then.”
“It’s not like Alia left them any choice,” Seth says.
Nikolai feels as if Alia’s words were more than that. He kisses the top of Seth’s head. “Did you feel like she was talking to us, too, when she ordered them to leave?” Tension steals into Seth’s body, leaving him tilted stiffly against Nikolai’s shoulder. Nikolai touches his face, slides a thumb along his cheek. “Leaving might be the best idea,” he says softly. “And I don’t want to go. I just found a home. I just found a place that we could just be ourselves, and we could live without looking over our shoulders. And my brothers—they’re all the family we have left besides us, right? I don’t want to leave them behind.”
“They could come with us.” Seth doesn’t sound like he believes they will, and neither does Nikolai.
Mikhail and Josef would also mean Amaranth, and they haven’t even spent time figuring out what other ties they have to the community.
Nikolai knows that when the newcomers leave, the only ones going with them will be Nikolai and Seth. Other than his brothers, he’s not sure anyone will really miss them.
“We need to go find Mikhail and Josef.” Nikolai thinks he heard the rumble of the Jeep leaving. He’s impressed it still runs; he felt as if he stripped the gears just trying to get home, and the way the engine roared hadn’t filled him with confidence. But the Jeep had rumbled to life when it was started, and the sound faded when it left. Nikolai just assumes both his brothers were in it at the time.
Hands clasped, he and Seth walk back to the main Benford house. It’s funny how in the last week, no one’s stopped calling it by the name of the family that disappeared, and that will probably never change now that they won’t be staying.
Nikolai wonders if they’ll keep the smaller house for him and Seth, for when they return.
If Alia will let them return.
He exhales in a soft rush, and Seth stops walking before they head up the steps. “Are you sure?” Seth asks.
“Just going into the house isn’t going to make us disappear,” Nikolai replies. “Not yet, anyway. Let’s just start by seeing if anyone knows where Mikhail and Josef went.”
The door opens before they get there, Ethan pushing through with a radio in his hand. It crackles as Marybelle’s sweet, high voice comes through. “…at the house. Now. Aunt Val is in a mood.”
“Yeah, I saw, believe me.” Ethan stops, one hand pushing his hair back, the other holding the radio in front of his face as he looks at Nikolai and Seth. “Did you say someone was looking for Nikolai?”
“Mikhail’s here. They drove over to talk more with Alia.”
Ethan nods. “Okay.” He touches something on the side of the radio and the crackling stops. He slides it into a pocket in his light jacket, then crosses his arms. “You up for a trip to the main house? Apparently my mom and Alia are holding court.”
“Depends. Are they going to yell at us again?” Seth edges closer to Nikolai as he speaks.
Ethan winces. “Maybe. They’re just worried about Havenhill. I’m pretty sure any one of us would’ve done the same thing if we were chased by Shadows. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s happened. They’ve just never gotten through the wards before.”
And maybe it was just because Pawel was in the car, or maybe it was Nikolai and Seth. Nikolai has no idea, and neither does Alia, which is why everyone’s so pissed off about it.
Not to mention scared.
“Yeah,” Nikolai mumbles. He could go past Ethan and go into the house to continue his conversation with Nikita about going with them, and maybe find out from Pawel more about the how and when. Or he could follow Ethan and talk to his brothers, even if it means dealing with Alia.
“We should talk to her about what’ll happen when we come back?” Seth murmurs, and damn it, he has a point.
“We’re going with you.” Nikolai moves away from the bottom of the steps, making room for Ethan to descend. It’s time to deal with goodbyes and promises.
The path they follow is familiar from the sugaring weekend, winding through the trees on a path that leads parallel to the main road and more directly to the big house. Nikolai spots the Jeep parked outside when they arrive, near Jefferson’s truck and Sakura’s sedan. Everyone’s here. This is going to be great.
Marybelle meets them at the entrance, and they all head into the center space, a large open room with tables around the edges and scattered chairs. “We have meetings here, and dances, and all our holidays.”
And right now, there’s a meeting of some kind of going on at the opposite end. Val sits in a large comfortable chair near the table, her feet bare and drawn up, tucked in next to one hip. She tilts to one side, eyes closed and her head pillowed against the back of the chair. Alia’s hand rests on her head, fingers idly combing through her hair.
Alia has claimed one end of the table, and others are scattered around it, chairs angled to face her more easily. There’s food out, but only snacks—a heavy loaf of bread, already cut, with meats and cheese and jams, a bowl of nuts with a nutcracker lying nearby.
Nikolai’s stomach rumbles, and Alia stops speaking.
Her lips press together thinly and she motions for them to approach.
Nikolai wonders if this is how peasants felt approaching a king, begging for some kind breadcrumb. Alia’s been reserved since they arrived, but she has been welcoming at the very least. Until now. In  this moment, Nikolai doesn’t feel welcome. He feels like an intruder.
Ethan starts talking before he pulls out a chair and drops into a seat next to Sakura. “Pawel’s working on a ritual. Alaric’s whining but he won’t leave the house because he’s afraid of being left behind. Carolyn’s drawing something and muttering how it isn’t the same as Kit. Heather’s trying to keep everyone calm, and so’s Mac. I don’t know where Mattie is.” He slides a glance at his mother when he says that. “Pawel promises that she’ll be leaving with them.”
“What about that other Shadow who clung to him?” Alia asks stiffly.
“She’s gone.” Ethan’s words have a sense of finality to them, and Nikolai wonders how Pawel feels about that.
He knew her, after all. He knew that Shadow somehow.
Mikhail nudges a chair out with his foot, and Nikolai leans on the back of it without sitting. Seth presses in close, and they create a united front there, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot.
“We’re going with them,” Nikolai says. He looks straight at Alia, waiting for her to look at him. She never looked at him when telling Pawel to leave, but he remembers how she responded to his words. When he said they had no place to go, Alia had said they could leave. She’d implied he was a part of them, and he supposes that in her eyes, he is. She turns now, her gaze calm and her jaw set as Nikolai continues speaking. “Seth and I are going with them to their world, and we are going to work with the Dreamwalker network that you’ll set up here, and we will work with your Technopaths, and we will find a way to stop the Shadows from spilling through the cracks. We’ll find a way to seal this world—our home—off from the Split, and then we’ll come back. And we hope that when we get back that there will be a place for us here, in Havenhill.”
His throat is dry, his lungs empty as he blurts it all out in one breath, rushing before someone could interrupt him, or he could lose his nerve. He rocks to one side as Amaranth stands and throws her arms around them both, pulling them in for a rough hug.
“Of course you’re coming back,” she says. She lets go long enough to reach back for Josef, pulling him with her into the hug. “We’re here.”
As Mikhail joins the group hug, Nikolai is all too aware that Alia has yet to answer.
They all draw away, and Josef sinks back into a chair, the corners of his mouth white with pain. Nikolai wonders how much he strained himself while they were rushing to fix the wards.
“Amerika and Shamir are working on the Technopath network,” Val says, her voice rough and husky. Her eyes don’t open when she speaks, and Alia’s fingers go still on her head. “I think it will be valuable for many reasons, but most importantly, we need to know what’s coming toward us. We need to know if the Shadows are coming here. And we need to let others know what has happened, see if we can pool our resources and understand why those Shadows were able to break through. It might be because our visitors are here, or it might be something else entirely. It could also be the rise in the number of Talent here, and that our wards weren’t strong enough to hide us anymore. We don’t know, and the Technopaths can help us learn.”
“And the Dreamwalkers?” Seth asks.
Val huffs slightly. “A little harder, but I think we’ll find a way. It might take time. We want to be cautious, and we don’t want to create more breaks in our wards. Talk to Ethan about that thing you two do together to scare off the Shadows. We might need that.”
“Shadows can’t exist where there’s that much light,” Nikolai says. “I just bring that part of the Dreamscape here, and Seth….” He glances over because he can’t really explain how they amplify it. “He keeps me from losing control, at the exact point when I let myself almost lose control.” It’s hard to explain that joy of reaching into the Dreamscape and pulling it out, letting it slip into reality, but at the same time knowing that it won’t become real, that it won’t break the walls down. He can create dreams in the middle of reality.
“That almost makes sense,” Ethan says slowly.
“It feels awful after,” Nikolai admits, touching his head automatically. “If I didn’t have Seth, I would lose control. I’d go into the Dreaming, or bring it here. Or my head would explode afterward. We don’t do it lightly.”
Seth huffs at the pun. “Lightly,” he mutters. “It’s all light, Nikolai.”
“I’ll help them figure it out,” Ethan promises. “We have Dreamwalkers. Anya already agreed to reach out. She and Damon know it isn’t going to be easy, but they’re stable, like you two.”
“We’re going to need that network to get back, I think,” Seth says. “If we want to come back safely, without breaking anything down between here and there—”
“You think it will make things worse when you leave?” Alia asks, halfway to standing, both hands on the table.
Nikolai blinks as Seth looks at her. Seth licks his lips, pushes his glasses up his nose. “I think that what Nikita and her friends are about to do requires a great deal of raw power, and by having Nikolai and me help, we will be able to give them some finesse. We know more about working with Dreams than they do, but it’s still risky, yes. Sending all of them home is probably going to leave some damage in its wake. But if we create a network on both sides, we’ll be able to do it more easily. You could wait to send them back until the network is established,” he suggests.
The gears are almost visible as they turn in Alia’s mind, twisting her way through the options. The risk of Shadows that hangs over them now, versus the possibility that the transfer could be smoother and not create new risks. She shakes her head. “They go now,” she says firmly.
Val reaches out blindly, pats Alia’s side, then her hip.
Alia looks to Val and her expression softens. She reaches out to touch her hair again, and slowly sits. “And you’ll be welcome back,” she says quietly, not looking at them. “Your home will be waiting for you if you can return.”
Not when, if. Because that’s the bigger question.
If they can even manage to leave at all.
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harunoheart · 5 years
Oneirophrenia C4
Oneiropherenia C4
Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto had every right to brag about his house, it was very impressive. It was brand new, modern architecture with a very refined classic look. At first glance I couldn’t fathom how they afforded a house so big but I had forgotten he married the Hyuuga princess. No doubt a sizable portion of the property was paid off by her family.
Hinata greeted us at the door, her dark, pin straight hair perfectly contrasting Naruto’s wild blonde.
“I’m so glad you made it!” She said smiling. “Sasuke-kun, welcome to our home,” she bowed politely. I lowered my head in a small bow back.
Naruto jumped up the stairs into the foyer and kissed Hinata on the cheek before tossing his shoes onto the bench by the door. “Come on in guys! I’ll get some sake ready! I still have the fancy bottle Tsunade Obaa-chan gave us for our wedding!”
Sakura and I followed him into the house, with Sakura offering to help Hinata in the kitchen. I followed them to the living room area which was much more spacious than I anticipated. Definitely Hyuuga money.
The back of the house sat on a hill just high enough to see a view of the Hokage monument on the mountain. Kakashi’s face carved stoic and protective next to the others. It was strange, thinking about my teacher as Hokage. Kakashi never really struck me as the type.
He seemed to be doing alright, though. Despite all the chaos and the recent ANBU captain being exposed for illegal drugs and treason.  
I pushed the thought aside and tried to focus on the scene in the kitchen instead. Hinata was mixing up some kind of sauce in a pan while Sakura chopped up the vegetables and put them in a colander beside the sink. I watched her rinse everything, smiling and chatting with Hinata about how her clinic was doing. Naruto pulled a large fancy bottle of sake out from the very top shelf and began to set up the water to boil.
Then a knock came at the door.
“Ah! Sai’s here!” Naruto exclaimed and ran to the door.
“Oh look you remembered to answer the door this time.” I heard a male voice say sarcastically.
“Shut up, asshole.” Naruto groaned, “Hey, Ino!”
Oh no...
Yamanaka Ino?
I just had a flashback from the ninja academy of her pressing herself against me way too often. She’s with Sai? How the hell did that happen? So many questions raced through my mind before I caught Sakura’s panicked expression a couple seconds before she shifted it into a polite excitement.
“Ino! It’s so good to see you!” She rinsed off her hands in the sink and ran to hug the blonde. Ino bounced into the room, blonde hair practically dragging on the floor and Sai came walking around the corner with Naruto right behind him.
“Oh! Sasuke-kun is here.” He said.
It’s so weird that he says my name like that. But at the mention of it, Ino whips her hair around and goes “Ehh?! Sasuke-kun you’re here?!” She ran over and I prepared myself for the inevitable embrace. Her arms squeezed around me and I just stayed still and all I could do was hope it would end soon.
“It’s been forever you jerk! You look so good it’s unfair!”
Naruto was losing it in the background, sticking his tongue out at Sakura. Reading her lips I saw her Sakura whispering “Why did you invite them?” Naruto shrugs and whispers “Sai is family too.” Sakura turns her head to look at Ino who thankfully has let go at this point.
“I can’t believe you haven’t stopped by to say hi or anything, where have you been hiding hmm?” She said coyly. Her blonde hair brushed my arm as she turned towards the kitchen.
“Is Kakashi-sensei gonna show up too?” She asked Sakura, who just shrugged and said “If he does he’ll be characteristically late at usual” and went back to chopping up the veggies. Ino just laughed and grabbed Sai’s hand as she led him to the loveseat on the other side of the coffee table.
“In the meantime,” Naruto said eagerly, “We have sake and a comfy couch!” He set down a small ceramic cup in front of each of us and poured. He lifted his cup in the air and looked over at Sakura and Hinata who already had cups in their hands.
“Alright I wanna make a toast!” He said grinning ear to ear. I grabbed my cup and Ino got extra excited, handing a cup to Sai before picking the last one up for herself.
“Sasuke and Sakura are leaving tomorrow on a mission without me!” He began, pouting, “I hope you guys have a boring time and find nothing interesting and-OW!” A wooden spoon bounced off his skull and landed on the floor. I didn’t even need to look over to know where that came from.
Ino chimes in, “What?! You’re leaving and you didn’t tell me?!”
Sakura raises her glass in the air and took over the toast, “To getting out of the village for once!” And downed the whole glass of sake in one go. The rest of us raised our glasses and took a drink.  
Ino just casually sipped her sake and cuddled up with Sai, practically sitting in his lap at that point. Naruto refilled our glasses and sat down next to me.
“Sasuke hows staying at Sakura-Chan’s place been?” He asked casually. I noticed Ino suddenly turn her attention towards our conversation, but she pretended to still be engrossed in Sai’s shoulder.
“It’s been fine. The couch is comfortable.”
This is really a conversation I’d rather not be having right now.
Sakura walked over and took the bottle of Sake from the table and refilled her glass herself.  
“Hey! It’s rude to help yourself!” Naruto teased.
“Shove it, you refilled everyone else’s.” She clinked the bottle against his skull before setting it back down onto the coffee table and taking a seat on the arm rest of the couch next to me. Her feet still planted on the floor, not quite committing to sitting down.
Ino chimed in, “Sakura I hear Sasuke-kun is staying at your apartment, hmm?”
Sakura visibly stiffened and forced a smile.
“Yeah, well, he was only going to be in town for a few days anyway. No point in wasting money on a hotel.” She lifted the glass to her lips.
“Aah, of course!” Ino said coyly, “Anything else you’re hiding from me Sa-Ku-Ra? “ she teased.
Sakura looked unfazed, sipping her sake.
“Why are you so nosy, Ino-buta-chan?”
“Dinner is ready!” Came Hinata’s voice from the kitchen.
“Oy!” Ino stuck her tongue out. “You and I will be talking later,” she said, her voice low and slightly threatening.
Sakura just sighed as we all got up from the couch to sit at the table.
Naruto grabbed my shoulder as I stood up. He clinked his sake cup against mine and just whispered “Don’t fuck things up with her.”  Before leading me to the dinner table.
Naruto took a seat next to Hinata, sitting at the head of the table. Ino sat next to Hinata with Sai sitting the the other end of the table opposite Naruto.  Sakura grabber the seat across from Ino and next to Sai while I took the final spot in between her and Naruto.
Naruto grinned from ear to ear as he looked around at his guests and said,
Sakura Haruno
Dinner was delicious, empty dishes scattered the table and the chatter had started to slowly return to fill the space left after everyone’s chopsticks were laid to rest on their plates.
“How’s your leg?” I whispered over to Sasuke.
He just acknowledged me with his eyes, but didn’t fully turn his head. A very Sasuke move.
“Still a little sore but,” he lifted his same glass, “this is helping.” He said as he took a sip.
I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“Oh I’ve just never seen you drink is all. You look very relaxed.” I said.
Sasuke just made a short tsk sound with an exhale and bumped his knee into mine under the table as he took a sip of sake. I hit his knee back playfully with mine before getting embarrassed and reached for my own sake glass.
I blushed and turned my attention towards Naruto who was helping Hinata clear the dishes from the table. Everyone started to get up and clear their plates to help.
“I invited Konohamaru but he said he didn’t wanna babysit a bunch of drunk adults” Naruto said, picking up Ino’s barely touched plate.
“Maybe you should pace yourself more?” Hinata suggested. Naruto just laughed.
“Nah, Kurama makes it difficult to feel the alcohol, plus I’m at home! I can pass out here if I wanna” he said, pulling out a bottle of red wine from the pantry.
“Whose with me?”
Ino excitedly raised her hand and I followed suit. I was gonna have to be drunk to handle her prying anyway. Sai followed with Ino’s lifting of his arm in the air.
“Sasuke-teme I’m pouring you a glass too!” He said pouring the wine glass VERY full. Hinata brought out the glasses to Ino and Sai first and then Naruto brought ones for Sasuke and I.
“Naruto we have a mission tomorrow,” Sasuke said, his hand resting on his forehead in exasperation.
“Just fucking drink it you asshole.” He said teasingly. “See? Sakura-Chan can handle her liquor better than even Tsunade! I can never tell when you’re drunk”
I took a sip and tried to be coy, “Good, that’s how I like it.” The wine was good, dry and not too sweet. A merlot, maybe? Sasuke should be able to tolerate it. I looked over and was surprised to see him looking straight at me.
We held each other’s gaze for just a moment before Naruto shoved a glass full of wine at Sasuke, who took it without much persuading. He met my gaze for another moment and I raise my eyebrow at him and gave him a look.
Pick your battles, Sasuke.
He took a sip and didn’t break eye contact with me.
Suddenly a hand grabbed my elbow and pulled me to another room. A flash of a blonde ponytail rounded another corner and I heard the soft ‘click’ of a door closing behind us.
“Alright, forehead. Spill. He’s sleeping at your fucking apartment?!” She hissed, audibly pissed at having this valuable gossip withheld. “I’m genuinely offended you didn’t tell me immediately. Does he sleep in only his boxers? Does he snore?”
“Ino it’s not like that he’s just staying on the couch,” I offered.
“Does he speak?” She asked, bewildered. “Does he actually consume food anymore or does he suck all the chakra from a room like a vampire for sustenance,” she joked. I laughed. At this point I could tell that Ino was totally drunk. I could smell it on her breath but I could also hear it in her banter. She can be pretty hilarious when she’s wasted.
“Ino we just had dinner with him, I don’t think he’s a vampire.” I said, taking a sip of the wine that thankfully survived the trip down the hallway.
I looked around and it seemed like we ended up inside of a spare room, filled with boxes that had yet to be unpacked from their move.
I pushed past Ino and looked around at the random things strewn about the room.
“Come on, girl you gotta give me something,” she begged. “Has He said anything to you? Does he talk in his sleep?” She asked.
“He does look damn good coming out of the shower,” I offered, stocking my tongue out at her. I thought back to our training session this morning and felt the head rise to my cheeks. “Get out of it.” Rang in my ears like an echo. I decided to keep that to myself.
She groaned and pouted, “I don’t fucking doubt it, that man is shredded. And massive! When did he get so tall? And his shoulders are so broad; it’s gotta be the kenjutsu. One handed sword wielding? Slay me.” She said grabbing a seat on a box marked “Naruto’s Living Room”.
“So tell me, what’s your game plan? What lingerie are you bringing with you? Are you going to sleep with him?”
“Woah there, Ino. This is a mission, not a honeymoon. Besides, I have no idea what he wants. I’m just going to figure it out as we go,” I sighed. “He isn’t exactly straightforward about his feelings. I’m trying to learn how to understand him all over again.”
“You’ve always had a knack for understanding his weird pseudo-language. You’re the only person I know who can make him look predictable.” Ino touched her wine glass to mine in a toast and took a sip. “If he wants you, Make him work for it. You’ve already done the waiting.”
I laughed at her bluntness. “This mission is gonna be interesting,” I smiled.
Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto pulled a tipsy Hinata into his lap and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled and blushed but never broke eye contact with him. Naruto had the biggest grin on his face and I saw him mouth the words “I love you”.
I felt like I was intruding on something private, watching those two.
They were so in love.
I heard giggling and turned my head towards the hallway to see Ino and Sakura walking around the corner. They have been away for quite a while.
Sakura’s cheeks were flushed and she was smiling and hugging her friend around her waist.
“Are you going to tell her you love her?” Sai deadpanned.
I nearly spit out my wine.
Naruto howled with laugher. “Yeah teme, just tell her already.” Hinata jumped off his lap and ran towards the girls with the premise of needing help with dessert.  
Nice teamwork.
Ino and Sakura more than happily jumped to help her in the kitchen and left the three of us alone to talk.
“I say you should just kiss her.”
“Really? Ino says he should shove Sakura onto a hotel mattress...”
“You are both idiots.” I said.
“Oh come on, Sasuke.” Naruto rolled his eyes in exasperation. “You two are going to be alone together every night. I can feel your sexual tension from here.”
“He’s right. You guys stand weirdly close together. But never touching. It’s very strange”
“Sai, what the fuck are you talking about...” Naruto shook his head and poured himself another glass.
“Well,” he started,”You guys stand next to each other very closely. Like just a hairsbreadth away from touching. When you sat down for food you sat just far away enough not to bump elbows or knees but you kept muttering under your breath to each other during other conversations at the table. And when Sakura came over here and sat next to you on the arm of the couch instead of in the open seat next to mine.”
Were we really standing that close together?
“Holy shit you’re right.” Naruto said, impressed with the logic. “Let me guess, you don’t want to make the first move. You’re hoping she does, because that would make it easier. Right?”
...Since when was Naruto that perceptive?
“Look, you’re both my best friends. But I have dealt with Sakura for a lot longer than you have. And I’m gonna tell you right now, she’s not going to be making any moves. Her ‘move’ was to ask you to go with her. It’s your move, buddy.”
“Ah, like chess? Is that how it is normally?” Sai asked.
“I don’t know how to play chess...” Naruto said scratching his head.
“Ino just tells me what she wants me to do, like she’ll say “you should kiss me” or “you should hold my hand” and then I just do what she says.”
“You two are perfect for each other.” I said jokingly, taking another sip of wine.
The girls started to walk back towards the living room and Naruto goes “Just kiss her” under his breath as he gets up from the chair to pull Hinata into his lap again.
Ino went over to Sai and kissed him on the cheek before taking a seat next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder.
Sakura took the spot on the armrest of the couch again and clinked her almost empty wine glass against mine.
“You ready to go?” She asked.
I thought she’d never ask.
The walk home felt a little warped, the alcohol in my system was definitely making my perspective skewed. I felt like time was moving faster with every step I took. Like I was crossing distances without much grasp on the passage of time.
Sakura was always next to me. Every time I could grasp my focus I would be sure to focus on her, so I would make sure I was headed in the right direction.
She let me through the door and I felt her arms wrap around my waist.
“Sasuke? Sasuke are you ok?” I heard her say. Her voice felt like it was underwater as my knees weakened underneath me. I felt her catch me with worry and promptly blacked out.
I opened my eyes to see her silhouette stand up from the side of the bed and begin to walk away from me towards the door. I felt trapped under the blankets and the room still felt tilted.
I reach my arm out and grab her wrist before she turned around completely.
“Stay.” I finally say out loud.
Sakura froze and I pulled her hand towards me.
As always, Thank you for reading! -BBFX
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Battle Against What Was Forgotten
The time was nigh -- Kamui’s and Xander’s efforts to rouse up the hoshidans, nohrians and vallite under a single banner with the intent of defeating their nemesis finally reached its purpose: There was only Anankos, the Forgotten Dragon, standing between them and true peace. They would all do whatever it took to win. No matter what had to be sacrificed, or whose help they had to get.
Part 1 - Part 2
No legends could have prepared Kamui's army to what was happening right before their eyes: A thousand-eyed dragon the size of the moon had launched some sort of magic at the center of the world once known as Valla, which consumed everything it touched.
Buildings, trees, clouds and even stars. Nothing escaped the black hole which grew bigger and bigger with each passing second.
"We can't give up! Not now!" Were Kamui's words before the Forgotten Dragon set its sights on her -- pursuing her, it threw its dissolving magic left and right in an attempt to erase its closest family and worst enemy.
The battle seemed hopeless: although Kamui's Seal of Flames dealt considerable damage to the dragon's ancient scales, being able to get it close enough to them without destroying the entire structure they were on proved to be their hardest challenge. Not to mention, of course, the fallen vallite soldiers Anankos summoned the very moment it lost sight of its enemies.
They couldn't fall back and regroup.
They couldn't attack head on without fearing losing their footing and falling to oblivion.
They couldn't keep that up for much longer, either. Exhaustion was starting to wear them all off.
"We need to press on -- let's go hide inside that crumbling chapel, it seems far enough from the borders of this floating island-" Kamui huffed, using the Seal of Flames as a support to help her up, her entire body aching.
"Big Sister!!" Elise and Sakura both pointed in horror to something behind the dragon princess' back, but she turned one heartbeat too late -- Anankos' magic hit her head-on. Ryoma threw himself over his little sister and his wife-to-be, protecting them from the blow at the same time Xander pulled Kamui's hand to him, close to the one standing wall that protected them from the dragon's might.
Her Yato shone with the brightness of a thousand suns, covering both her and Xander in its light, negating Anankos' dissolving magic; though not being able to protect her from its physical damage.
Consciousness slowly slipped away from the dragon princess' grasp. "X-Xander- take everyone away from here-" she didn't hear her voice say, but her lips managed to think of others before herself even without enough strength to keep her eyes open.
Kamui could hear her name being called as though through a thick glass -- the sound became farther and farther as she felt her grip on Yato lessen, the last noise she heard before passing out was the loud clang of her blade hitting the destroyed stone floor.
Xander felt his heart beat cold blood to his entire body the moment he saw Kamui being hit by that blow -- it was as though he was seeing everything in slow motion.
The way the distorted purple ray managed to dissolve the remains of the half-standing wall Kamui had just been leaning in moments before; the way he saw his hand pulling hers before his own mind could process what was happening.
The way Kamui's body felt unbearably hot due to the Yato's protection for only half of a second, then increasingly cold in the next moment -- it all wrought his entire body in physical pain.
The way she weakly raised her hand to touch his cheek, asking him to lead them while she couldn't.
The way she thought of others even during such a critical time for herself -- she was losing consciousness in the middle of battle, for the Gods' sake! -- and how she exhaled calmly as though she was falling asleep in his arms once she finally passed out.
The way her limp arms let her sword fall to the ground, the clanging sound ringing through all of their ears, making their hearts fall: every wielder of a Divine Weapon could feel their power diminishing rapidly.
Without Yato -- alas, without Kamui -- there was no power that could unite them all to bringing out their weapons' full potential. There was no 'full potential' to be brought out in the first place.
They needed her.
She was crucial.
Xander quickly adjusted Kamui in his arms, "move!!" He vociferated, the rush of battle exploding all around them, despite the stillness that invaded their bodies with the loss of Kamui. "Camilla, take Kamui's Yato; let's move quickly to the chapel she just mentioned -- we shall be safe there while she's unconscious." He ordered quickly, placing his beloved over his horse, mounting it right after. "We've no time to mourn -- Kamui will wake up in time; we must survive until then!"
"... Right!" Elise sniffled, still lying in shock as she hugged Sakura in Ryoma's arms. "C'mon, Sakura, Ryoma, I'll take you two on my horse!"
Camilla rushedly took the Yato, running towards her wyvern. "Dearie, Marishka can carry me and your sweetheart much better than your horse. Come now, Prince Ryoma."
"Of course, Princess Camilla." Ryoma finally snapped out of the desperation that had hit them all, quickly helping his betrothed to get on her feet. "Take my sister with you, Elise. I'll monitor the skies with Lady Camilla."
"And you're coming with me," Leo pulled Takumi by the arm, shoving him towards his horse.
"I'll scout the area, but we still need someone to stay behind to lead the troops!" Hinoka jumped on her pegasus and took off, not waiting to hear Silas' volunteering to take on the role.
"Proceed!" Xander held Kamui with one arm, taking out his Siegfried with the other, pointing forward. "We will survive this!"
"...my. H-... c-... hea... e? ...my!" A childish and far, faraway voice called, scratching the back of Kamui's consciousness.
Though her head throbbed a bit, her body felt light. It was as though she could feel a newfound power coursing through her veins, despite having no idea where that power came from, or how she found it.
She felt the tips of her fingers tingling; overflowing with energy -- if she so much as clenched her fists, she would feel like she were controlling the sun and the stars, making them burst into flames.
"Flames...?" Her voice groggily said, not noticing how she shook her head ever so slowly, delirious.
"The Seal of Flames, Mommy." The childish voice whispered, so close to Kamui's ear she could feel its breath. "It's right here."
A small, so very small hand held Kamui's, its tiny fingers eagerly holding two of hers.
"I didn't know I could have all this power, honestly." The voice went on, too insecure about itself, but overflowing with pride from its ancestry. "But it's all because of you and Father, Mommy. Because you two are my parents, I can reach this potential."
Kamui felt a warm tear itching down her cheek, wanting more than anything to be able to open her eyes. "You're-" she choked her breath, squeezing the baby's hand on hers. "Siegbert?"
The voice was silent for a beat, but Kamui could almost see the little boy nodding, smiling proudly. "Mhm. I'm with you, Mommy. Please, don't give up now; I want to meet you so badly."
The princess breathed heavily, the chains of unconsciousness pinning her down with an almost inhuman strength.
But her longing to meet her child; to meet hers and Xander's child was so, so very much stronger. She broke through the stillness holding her body and reached out to her stomach with her free hand, using the last of her forces to sit straight, quickly opening her eyes to finally look at her child's. "Siegbert!!"
The stillness broke.
Cold wind swept Kamui's hair apart, slapping her face. She huffed for breath, her wide eyes looking at where the child had been just a second ago, his warmth still tingling her hand.
"Hah... hahh..." The princess blinked, finding that her hand was indeed being held -- by Xander's own. She trailed her gaze from his long fingers to his arm, shoulder, neck and finally to his eyes, which met hers with surprise and relief. "X-Xander... he's here with us."
The Crown Prince opened and closed his mouth, the perpetual frown over his brow growing deep, even after lessening just as Kamui had woken up. "You are pre-" he choked on the word, widening his eyes further. "Siegbert-" he breathed out, slowly reaching out to the hand Kamui never took from her stomach.
The moment his fingers brushed on hers, they both felt a surge of power so intense and sudden, they almost jumped out of their skins.
"He's here... He's here with us!" Kamui smiled widely, her eyes shining with tears.
She looked all around herself -- all of her family looked at her in differing levels of happiness and confusion. She reached out to her Yato, properly laid beside her, and clenched its hilt. "We're going to win this, everyone! I have the blood of another one of Yato's chosen inside of me!"
The wielders of Divine Weapons felt the breath leaving their bodies, most of them crumpling on the ground due to the intensity of power coursing through them the moment Kamui brandished her Yato. It was as though their weapons had gained a heart that beat in sync with their own.
Leo, Takumi and Ryoma could barely hear the calls of their concerned family members, their astonished gazes leaning on their weapons. The samurai took out his Raijinto, staring at how it crackled with power -- the lightning surrounding it jumped from the blade to his hand, entering his body and filling it with vitality.
The mage closed his eyes, placing one hand over his tome -- he could see himself wielding it with his mind eye; he could see the power of creation he had in his hands. Minuscule roots bound the book to his hand, infusing him with the wisdom of millennia.
The archer felt his bow crackle, the magical bowstring fizzing by his ear. He but tapped on it, and the resulting sound sent waves of energy around them, breaking any remaining glass windows the ruined chapel had. He could see the bluish arrow dig deep into his hand, binding the bow into it and tackling him with the strength to shoot a thousand arrows.
The King held his beloved's hand, Siegfried pulsating by his hip -- calling for its master. He looked deep into Kamui's eyes, feeling the power of Yato coursing through her body towards his, seeping even more into his own weapon. The dark blade exhaled energy, its purple glow merging with Yato's golden light -- the moment he took it off of its scabbard and pointed it upwards, the world went still.
A barrier  big enough to cover the entire chapel seethed from Siegfried, as though its overflowing energy physically dripped out of it. The blade dug deep into Xander's hand, binding itself to him as he squeezed Kamui's hand on his. Yato did the same to her, red and yellow veins popping out of her arms so as to accommodate the overpowered sword, ready to integrate it into her own body for as long as it took to accomplish its mission.
They got up, exchanging meaningful glances. "Never leave my side, my Little Princess." Xander's voice dug into Kamui, showering her with warmth.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Xander." She smiled back at him, squeezing her hand on his. Blind to the world around them, they didn’t notice how Leo got up from his crouching position, one hand under his chin in thought.
"You know what, I think I know how to defeat that overgrown lizard now." Leo said a ways behind them. "Prince Ryoma, Prince Takumi? If you may?"
Takumi was holding back a smirk. "This power should be freaking me out, but I think I'm too high strung to realize that my bow is PHYSICALLY BOUND TO MY ARM to care right now. You had a plan?"
"I'm all ears, Prince Leo." Ryoma nodded, approaching.
“Good. So, for starters, we should lure it back to where we were first…”
The wind howled, its sound the only remaining thing that felt somehow real for all the players in that deadly -- undoubtedly their last -- game. Even the breeze was being sucked into the dark void Anankos tore in the sky, which grew ever closer to the island they stood on.
The thunder of their army's cavalry broke the sound of the world being torn asunder -- under Silas' command, the soldiers roared towards the invisible vallite soldiers. "Don't break formation! Keep them on us!"
"Draw their attention!" Hinoka barked orders to her pegasus knights, covering Silas' left flank while Camilla commanded the wyvern brigade by the right flank.
"Let us be the last thing they see!" The nohrian princess lifted her overgrown axe in a battle roar.
Mages, archers and lance throwers kept to the rear, encircling the battle formation so as to make sure no vallite escaped their pincer attack.
Barriers exploded; arrows hit their targets; lances pierced through their enemies -- flashes of magic left and right rang into their ears. The soldiers' utter and raw will to survive made each and every of them fight as though possessed, raising dust, spilling blood and dripping in sweat.
From above the battlefield, atop a borrowed kinshi, Ryoma raised his divine blade, thunder crackling in the distance. "Kamui!" His voice travelled like the lightning itself towards the dust which kept on growing amidst the battlefield.
"Do it, Ryoma!" A dignified, confident yet desperate voice rose itself from the chaos into which it mingled, but the sound of it brought a smirk to the hoshidan prince's lips.
He pierced his gaze to the far-away thousand-eyed dragon, "you die, NOW!" He vociferated, thrusting his swords upwards to the vortex of clouds that followed his command.
A lightning bolt as large as the dragon's claws thundered from Raijinto to the clouds, ramifying into thousands more -- they followed their master's command, from the clouds to the void whence the Dragon made its home, far from their reach -- but not from Ryoma's thunders.
"Get here, you coward!" Takumi yelled from below, sharing Leo's horse as they pierced through the vallites towards the edge of the island.
"One more time, Ryoma!" Kamui dispelled the dust around herself with but a wave of her Yato -- nay, of her Seal of Flames -- as Xander steered his horse under them both.
They shone with a purple glow, the barrier Siegfried emanated highlighting them from the battlefield.
"You underestimate me, Sister!" Ryoma smirked with the fervor of battle, his lightning quickly making its way to the void which Anankos protected itself into. "Look this way, beast! We are not done yet!" He bellowed, once again raising his Raijinto above his head.
Then, there was silence.
A heartbeat of a moment inside a millisecond of silence before the explosion.
Friend and foe alike had to cover their eyes for the burst of light blinded any and all who could see, the following shockwave blowing away those who hadn't their feet solidly planted on the ground. The island itself shook as though a boat amidst a storm, the ear-piercing screech the Forgotten Dragon released making soldiers hold their heads lest they split in half.
"Overdoing it, much?" Leo felt cold sweat itching down his temple, betraying his excited smirk as he got his horse into position. Behind him, Takumi kicked his feet in excitement.
"That's my Brother! I bet he could single-handedly-"
"Let us focus, yes, Prince Takumi? Your turn approaches." Leo turned his horse to the abyss a thousand meters ahead of them, his frown deep but his mind blaring with all the possible outcomes of his insane strategy.
"Sheesh, no need to tell me twice." Takumi groaned, though he wore the same smirk as his sibling, carefully aiming his Fujin Yumi before pulling its magical string.
Wind revolved around them, lifting hair and mane alike as the blue arrow started to form itself -- bigger than Takumi had ever seen it. Merely the tip was large enough to cover both him, Leo and their mount.
He laughed nervously. "This power is freaking amazing; I can feel it literally inside my veins."
"Don't get carried away! Though I do understand what you mean -- I can now remember things I read only once in my life, as though the book is filling me with magical and intellectual potential."
"No time for idle chatter, you two!" Xander steered Bucephalus towards his younger brother's position, Siegfried's purple glow tapping into the Fujin Yumi's power and engulfing inside its protection. "We have its attention, now!"
Recovering from the stunness Ryoma's thunder brought into its body, Anankos once again screeched to the head-splitting level, words long forgotten being sung in the background as though the souls of the fallen were playing the Forgotten Dragon's tune.
Azura's pendant pulsated with power, her own blood feeling like fire inside her veins -- her voice echoed louder than the damned souls driven to sing for Anankos, her words delivering the true meaning behind the ancient song.
"¡ǝɯ ʇsuᴉɐƃɐ -פNOS ʎW -ƃuos ǝɥʇ ǝsn noʎ ǝɹɐp ʍoH ¡∩Oʎ NW∀p" A voice clashed into their consciousness, ramming its way into their minds.
Breathing heavily, Kamui lifted her Seal of Flames. "This ends TODAY, Anankos!"
"¡∩Oʎ NW∀p" The dragon rolled its thousand eyes to make way for a monstrous teeth-filled mouth, getting ready to shoot its dissolving beam.
The world blinked as the light flickered into the dragon's mouth, its ray as blinding as Ryoma's lightning had been moments before.
But none of them moved.
Kamui kept her Seal of Flames raised, not flinching as the ray approached.
Takumi kept his bow apeak and ready to shoot, unblinking.
Leo hovered his hand over his open book, ready for an opening; his mind focused on what would come next.
Ryoma flew overhead of his family, his eyes unfaltering.
Xander slowly raised his blade, his frown deep as the lowest caves of Nohr's underground, unmoving. "I WON'T allow it!" His low voice shattered the world like a wave breaking on the shore.
Siegfried's barrier pulsated, strengthening with the extent of Xander's feelings -- his protectiveness over Kamui and their unborn baby, his resolve to protect their people from whatever had been controlling his beloved Nohr for so many years, his own hopes for the future, borne only after embracing his love for Kamui and opening his own eyes to a path laid by their happiness.
A mere dragon's rage would never topple Xander's resolve to protect what he held dearest into his heart -- and into his arms. He held Kamui with his free arm, never letting go of the reins, as he lifted his sword with the other hand, the barrier completely withstood the impact of Ananko's previously-dreaded dissolving blast.
"HAH!" Takumi and Leo sneered in unison. "Take that, you lizard!" The hoshidan prince laughed as he shot the overgrown arrow the moment the impact of the dragon's attack lessened in Xander's barrier. The arrow flew, straight and true, towards one of Anankos' arms, entangling itself around his claws as though a sailor tied a tight knot around his ship's anchor. "And another, and another!" Takumi panted, shooting one more magical rope to tie itself between the first and the very ground they stood on -- followed by another two to do the same with the dragon's right arm. "Bind!" He bellowed, his voice echoing with the hoshidan mages and ninjas so very far behind them as they finished the hand seals necessary to strengthen the binding spell, physically pulling and constricting Anankos to the edge of the island they stood on.
Once again the ground shook as though in a seaquake, the island infinitely smaller than the gargantuan dragon bound onto it. The ground level started to slanten, forcing the soldiers to hold themselves into any walls or trees so as not to fall into the nether right below.
Not giving the Forgotten Dragon any time to understand what was going on, Leo chanted under his breath before thrusting his book upwards. "We'll erase you!" He roared, the very island trembling in the rhythm of his breathing -- it not only stabilized itself due to the power of Brynhildr’s roots , but the forest itself rose from the ground, entangling itself around Anankos’ claws and filling the space between them, proceeding to go upwards.
"Form a path!" He panted, the strain of using so much of his weapon's power seeping into his life force, but he wasn't about to stop -- not when the roots acted as he commanded.
Not when the path was almost visible -- the stairway he willed to be unravelled itself in front of their eyes, his hands coordinating it as though a maestro guiding an orchestra.
The strain to keep Anankos stunned made Ryoma clench his teeth, as did the burden of keeping him bound drove Takumi out of his breath.
Yet, like Leo, they wouldn't stop. Not when victory lay so very close to their eyes -- the nohrian prince had but to carve the path for Kamui to reach her nemesis' head.
The Seal of Flames would do the rest.
"Onward!!" The dragon princess vociferated at the same time Xander whipped the reins, Bucephalus himself receiving much of the Yato's power to be able to withstand the shocks and explosions of that battle.
"Sister! The stairs aren't ready yet-" Leo huffed, his vision blurring and his breathing failing him. He was at least thankful that the book was physically bound into his skin, otherwise it might've fallen as well.
"I have faith you can do it, Leo! Keep going!" She smiled at him before turning to the still-forming path ahead in the split of second their mounts crossed paths.
"Hah! Failure is no option!" He renewed his breathing by sheer willpower, straightening his back to resume his conduction of Brynhildr’s roots.
"Fly, Bucephalus!" Xander spurred his horse to its limit as they ascended towards the Forgotten Dragon's head.
Without wasting any time, Anankos once again turned its thousand eyes so as to open its nightmarish mouth, ready to cast his dissolving blast at point blank.
"The path -- we are almost at its end." Xander whispered gravely by Kamui's ear, making her hurried yet attentive eyes switch from it to their goal right on ahead.
"Jump, Bucephalus! Don't falter!" She breathed out, getting ready to jump herself. Xander held onto her abdomen for support as she crouched on the horse's back -- at the very moment the stairs under them ended and the void started.
Anankos once again shot its blinding light, clashing immediately with Siegfried's force shield. "Think again, worm!" Xander made use of the very last bits of strength he had to throw Kamui upwards, aiding her in her jump.
"This ends now!" She yelled as she pointed Yato towards the still open mouth of the Forgotten Dragon, throwing herself inside -- cutting everything open in her path.
For a moment, there was nothing.
No one could remember when they had closed their eyes, but they quickly opened them again to witness the fall of the World Eater.
As though the sea before a quake, the wind was sucked into the nothingness that Anankos had become, tearing the grass from its roots towards the black hole so far up in the sky.
"Kamui! Xander!" Leo yelled desperately for the first time in his life, reaching out to the spot where his siblings had disappeared at, uncaring about appearances.
"Big Sister! Big Brother!!" Elise cried from behind the lines, theis voices being mirrored by one and all who still stood around them.
"May this not be the end of our Queen!" Remaining vallite people cried for their chosen ruler, echoing their nohrian counterpart's words.
"Long live King Xander!" The nohrians clamored, tears falling down their tired faces. "Long live Queen Kamui!" Their voices thunder in the stillness, their words spurred the gears of time to move again.
From far ahead them all, the black hole started dissolving itself into hundreds of thousands lights -- each one of them a single thing it consumed.
The light felt gentle, albeit far, though it didn't raise the worry from the soldier's wrung hearts. The very spot Anankos had been -- where its carcass still lay, unmoving but undoubtedly dead -- still stood, Kamui and Xander nowhere to be found.
The wind started to gush, first as a slight breeze, gaining momentum as though it brew a hurricane -- bringing the flocks of light closer.
They shone over the people's heads, flying towards this or that specific place so as to restore it to its former state -- before the Forgotten Dragon had absorbed it, but not to its former glory from time immemorial.
Islands appeared in the sky one after the other, as did half-collapsed buildings all around where they stood -- the magical display to take one’s breath away.
The world was being rebuilt all around them, but they couldn't feel happiness -- if bringing the world back meant the sacrifice of their heroes, then perhaps they should have left it to oblivion.
Too tired to even move his eyelids, but still resolute in his faith, Leo gripped at the reins, ready to climb the still-standing staircase he managed to finish after Kamui dealt the final blow.
But in that moment, breath was taken from his lungs.
Takumi and Ryoma felt it right there and then as well -- the pulsating power from the Seal of Flames telling its shield-siblings that it still lived; that its wielder still stood, all the while severing their physical binds with their hosts.
A single flock of light touched the empty carcass, quickly making it dissolve into another thousand lights. From within, one could see a purple yet gentle glow enveloping three silhouettes, protecting them from without and within.
Differing levels of surprised gasps roamed around the troops, starting from Kamui and Xander's family.
Siegfried's barrier lifted its future King, Queen and their mount towards the edge of the staircase, slowly dissolving alongside the Forgotten Dragon's dust.
On his feet, Xander pulled Bucephalus' reins as he let Kamui ride it, allowing her an early rest.
The rumble of the soldiers' clamor started as a huff of breath, quickly evolving into a quake that shook the very sky. "Long live the Queen! Long live the King!" They roared, clapped and laughed, finally feeling the high of victory.
Kamui covered her face with emotion, holding her stomach with the other hand. "T-they're calling me your Queen-" she whispered, leaning on the horse's neck so her beloved could hear.
"As they should -- for I will not allow another moment to pass without making you my lawful wife." Xander smiled softly, his heart filled with warmth.
"Oh, Xander..." Kamui's voice shook, her eyes itching with tears. Reality that they had finally beat their nemesis was yet to sink in, but to be there, beside her beloved; to be standing in front of the future whence they would be husband and wife made Kamui quickly accept it as true.
"There is much to do after a war -- for ourselves, that means our coronation. You, as my Queen-"
"And you, Xander, as my King."
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Totsuka x Yata (2/2)
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Name: Totsuka Hikaru (十束光)
Physical appearance: She’s a very cute little girl with chubby cheeks and bright green eyes. She has long dirty blonde hair that’s always kept wild in all directions, regardless of how well it’s brushed. She loves to wear bright colors like yellows and pinks, and refuses to wear dark.
Personality: A very happy and fun-loving child, Hikaru can most always be seen with a smile on her face. Though she’s the younger twin, she’s most always the one to take charge, and is always the one to come to her older brother’s aid whenever he’s hurt or being bullied. He’s her very best friend, and she always wants to be there for him and the rest of their family. She’s naturally energetic and can be pretty rowdy, and she’s also picked up Misaki’s ADHD which doesn’t much help the situation, but her parents have her on some medication and a healthy dose of after school activities to help combat it. She does baseball, ballet, soccer, and gymnastics, just to name a few. And though she takes after Misaki in much of her energy levels, she takes after Tatara in that she’s a people magnet, though the trope is more reversed in that she loves other people, which in turn draws them to her. She’s also very friendly, and is quick to go chat up a new person.
She’s also very spoiled though, and isn’t wary of taking advantage of it either. Mikoto- or ‘Inu-ji’ is her favorite person in the world. She’s quick to always climb all over him or, if by some miracle she’s able to be tired out, she’ll sleep on top of him. She also loves Bando or ’Sabo-ji’ however, because he harbors a similar rowdiness and immaturity to her own. Her favorite thing is to ride on his shoulders around the bar- that is until Misaki finds them and starts shouting at them both. 
She retains Tatara’s interest in doing new things and loves to participate in trying out crazy new hobbies. Growing up with a dad like that has taught her to have a very open mind when it comes to exploration and it’s helped her learn to be flexible, even with her dynamite personality.
First love: A female friend she used to play with in elementary school. It was a very trying time for her, as it was the instance she discovered that she liked girls rather than boys. Even as the child of homosexual parents and the twin of somebody who treated gender presentation and sexuality as very fluid, she was terrified to see say anything. She’d started isolating herself from her friends, rejecting touch from other people (her family included), and she got angry when pushed to talk about anything. In the end, it was her overly empathetic twin brother who made the connection through watching her discomfort with certain things. Of course he hadn’t been certain, but he knew what it was like to feel scared and unsure. He’d turned on his flashlight at night after their parents had put them to bed, and crawled under the covers of his sister’s bed where he held her hand and asked her if she was gay. It was an emotional event that ended with him offering to hold her hand while she told their parents. When they came into the living room, Misaki started on scolding them both for being up so late on a school night and coming out of their beds on top of that, but he shut his mouth when he noticed his daughter’s tears and listened instead. Tatara, as the more observant one of the two, had his suspicions that something like this had been coming for awhile, but he sat quietly with a smile. After she was done, they picked her up to sit between them and tell her that they still love her, her brother still loves her, and nothing’s changed. She was brave for telling them and everything’s fine. All in all, actually telling them like that was a very simple, short, plain moment- nobody made a deal out of it, though Tatara and Misaki DID crush her between them in a big hug ‘to make up for the ones you haven’t been letting us have’, before tugging Sora into it with them. 
Future: She and Sora went through the entirety of their educational careers together, practically joined together at the hip: before he decided to break off from their codependency to find his own persona and discover who he was as a singularity, rather than as a pair. She put up a big fight, but in the end she couldn’t convince him to stay and he moved away to Hokkaido. She held animosity about it for a little while, but seeing him on video chat after he got there and realizing how happy he looked had her changing her perspective. Shortly after he left, she decided to follow his lead and moved to Saitama to get her own apartment that she shared with a close friend and child of a member of HOMRA’s ally clan, Yatogami Avaron (アヴァロン夜刀神). As they fell into a routine of living and being together, they ended up entering into a relationship by twenty-six, and by twenty-eight they marry- a spring wedding among the sakura trees, both brides in lovely white gowns and matching hairdos. At thirty-two, they have a little redheaded girl that they name Natsuko (夏子). Hikaru was an office worker, but after having Natsuko, she became more of a stay at home mom- though she coaches children’s sports part time too. 
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purrincess-chat · 5 years
Top 5 Ships
List your top 5 ships and tag 5 people.
I was tagged by my twin @lnc2 and I'm going to make two lists I suppose, one ML specific since this is an ML blog then one general. So for ML:
1. Love square (yall know ladrien and adrinette are my jam but I do view all sides as the same ship.)
I know everyone gets frustrated with Adrien in canon and love square has been losing face with a lot of people but tbh I always fix Adrien when I write them so I still love them a lot, and when they become canon I am going to transcend to a new plane of existence.
2. Myvan
They're just so good and pure. I adore them in canon. Ivan is so big and rough but he is also super sweet and gentle to Mylene and I die.
3. Julerose
I. Live. For. Toll. And. Smoll. Dark. And. Light. Gfs.
4. Chloluka
This one has crept up on me more recently. I liked the idea of it back before we had Luka, but I think his mellow attitude could be good for Chloe if she ever gets her shit together. I have plans for them in Lady Luck eventually that I'm super excited about.
5. Kimax
I know Kimdine is canon basically but like Kimax is so good??? Two poc, a jock and a nerd so in love and supportive and soft and I just, my crops are watered. My skin is clear. I am thriving.
And for my general non-ML otps, in no particular order:
1. Sakusyao
Aka Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura. Listen, when I heard that they were continuing the story in Clear Card I had a fangasm because they are so. fucking. precious. The second movie in the anime was such life and like the tension and second hand embarrassment that I felt for those two was another level. Love square who? Weredad what? Move the fuck over and let me tell you about these two precious beans that one confessed their love to and the other didn't know how they felt but then she decided and they traded bears so that they could stay in love forever because he had to go home to China and she waited for him to come back and he came to visit and then their friends pushed them together at every moment possible but they keep getting cock blocked anyway and then they get thrust into a romantic school play together because the male lead breaks his arm and they end up fighting a clow card together and you think that Syaoran sacrifices his feelings in the end to save the day but JUST KIDDING HE DIDN'T and she literally jumps into his arms and declares that she loves him and I die. That was a long ramble but I have a lot of feelings. Don't even get me started on those two in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
2. Amuto
Aka Amu Hinamori and Ikuto Tsukiyomi from Shugo Chara.
Now I know this ship is controversial because she is younger than him, but tbh their relationship is like such my jam. They sass each other, there's pining and denial of feelings, and not to mention Ikuto looks like a daddy but is actually a huge cinnamon roll and he doesn't try anything because she is younger than him and agrees to wait for her to grow up before they date. They're cute as fuck okay, and when she gets older they're gonna be even cuter as fuck.
3. Ichigo Momomiya/Masaya Aoyama
From Tokyo Mew Mew!
TMM was one of the first anime that I watched subbed as a kid. I remember waking up to watch the dub on Saturday mornings and my sister being like what is this garbage? Let me educate you, and so she let me read the manga and watch the subbed version and I shipped them so hard. Me and my friend have jokes that we need to find us a man as smooth as Aoyama-kun because hot damn that boy had game. "Oh, you have ears and a tail that pop out when you get excited/overstimulated? Here let me hug you and hide them." BITCH GOT MOVES.
4. Tohru Honda and Kyo Sohma
From Fruits Basket!
It has been a minute since I read FB but I remember my little shipper heart beating so fast when I finished the series as a kid because the ship sailed. I was a sucker for the bad boy turning soft when he finds a lady as a kid.
5. Kiri Koshiba/Shougo Narumi
From Beauty Pop!
So this was a manga I read as a kid or rather as a preteen and I really liked it. For anyone unfamiliar with it, it's a manga about hair styling and the main character comes from a family with a small hair salon and she is like super gifted at hair styling and there is a club of sorts at her school that is all dudes who run a big fancy salon where they pick a girl at school and give her a makeover and each guy does something different like nails, makeup, hair, etc and the guy who is the hair stylist (Shougo) becomes a super rival for Kiri because she is better than him and he knows it but he has a lot of pride and the downfall of his pride into begrudging admiration and affection was just so cute and satisfying to watch and they end up together in the end with little babies and their salons and it's super cute and I recommend you all read it if you can find it. I read it online forever ago, and if anyone finds a link to read it somewhere send it to me because I kind of want to reread it now that I've talked about it.
So there you go. I have so many ships and otps tbh, these were just the ones that came to mind first. I read a lot more as a kid, particularly manga which is why most of my general list is older. There are some anime/manga that I liked growing up that I have multiple ships in that I couldn't choose from, so some honorable mentions are: Hikaru/ Lantis, Fu/Ferio, Umi/Ascot from Magic Knight Rayearth. Ryo/Ichigo and Kish/Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew (I shipped all of them but Aoyama-kun was canon so). Nina Sakura/Hiroki Tsujiai from Ultra Maniac. Ash/Serena from Pokemon XY (yeah I shipped it, fight me). Link/Zelda. Kaname/Yuki and Yuki/Zero from Vampire Knight. Catradora and Catra/scorpia from the new She-ra. And just so many. I shipped a lot as a kid.
Anywho I tag anyone who wants to do this.
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fortitude-sakura · 6 years
Noir [3/?]
“Promotions”, the ghost of past loves and family come to visit.
Rating: M
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SAI: When are you coming back to Konoha?
INO: august :) i can’t wait to see you
SAI: If you really can’t wait, why don’t you come back earlier?
INO: you know i would -kissyface-
INO: i have a few jobs booked until then
INO: gotta make that bank $$$
INO: sai?
SAI: I miss you.
INO: aw! i miss you too babe <3  
INO: i’ll bring back a big present for you
INO: promise!
SAI: I just want you all to myself when you’re here.
INO: haha of course ;)
INO: although I did promise sakura i’d have dinner with her as well
INO: that’s one dinner date I can’t miss.
INO: hey forehead :)
SAKURA: Hey pig. What’s up? How’s New York?
INO: Same old same old >_>
SAKURA: I’d hardly call it that, pig. It’s not as if every photoshoot you do is different.
INO: haha XD it’s not as glamorous as you think
INO: anyways i’m coming home in august
INO: dinner?
SAKURA: Sure, let me know closer to the date. Need a lift from the airport? I can borrow Tenten’s car.
INO: no it’s okay
INO: i have a ride
SAKURA: In both senses?
INO: you know it ;)
“No personal texting when you’re on the clock, Haruno.”
Her Team Leader had been coming down on her hard since that meeting and everyone felt it. Sakura found it ironic that she’s being reprimanded for something as minor as sending a few texts and yet he had no problem sending her on personal errands for him (as punishment for the meeting).
Thankfully, next week that would be ending since the Intern Program forced interns to rotate departments to take on different work. ‘ To find the best fit for each candidate’ said the information packet.
She hadn’t told anyone what had happened. Not even Tenten, who would have fired up and told her to stick up for herself. As much as she would have liked to do that, she was only 3 months in to a 12 month internship and burning bridges now would only hurt her career long term.
She would however, have a glass of wine and watch reruns with Tenten when she got home.
“You made it!” Izumi squeals happily, pulling Sasuke into a tight hug. “Come in!”
“Like either of you would let me live if I didn’t.” Sasuke says, as he takes off his shoes at the door.
“That’s for sure, little squirt.” Shisui says, taking advantage of Sasuke bent over and puts him in a head lock and ruffling his hair, “You know how much your brother loooooves you.”
Sasuke manages to get Shisui in the ribs, hard. Shisui howls in pain and Izumi laughs.  
The three of them had been inseparable since they were children and the bond between them only grew stronger. Both Shisui and Itachi were the kind of men who loved unconditionally, deeply and without restriction. Izumi had a big heart and wanted the best for his brother and Shisui. While Sasuke didn’t really understand how none of them imploded from jealousy (Sasuke himself was not the type of man to share), he couldn’t imagine them without each other - they were just that.
“Little brother.” Itachi says warmly, emerging from the kitchen.
Smiling, he walks into his brother’s embrace. “Happy birthday. I got you your favourite - 12 year old Kamazaki.”
“You spoil me. We’ll crack it open later.” Itachi says smiling, accepting the bottle of whisky. “Mother says she’s stuck in traffic. They’re going to be a bit late to dinner.”
Sasuke had known about the three of them for years but so had their parents. To his surprise, they had never made any off colour comments about their eldest son’s arrangement (as some relatives would call it).
Mikoto had been nonchalant about it - or at least seemed that way when Sasuke had overheard a hushed conversation between his parents.
“Anata, your son loves both Izumi and Shisui. You’ve known this ever since they were children. Was there ever a time they weren’t together?”
Fugaku hadn’t said anything - something he usually does when his wife is correct. Which is a lot of the time.
“Does his preference somehow change him?” she asked gently when Fugaku stayed silent a touch too long. “Does it stop Itachi from being the kind child he is?
“No.” said Fugaku firmly, “No, Itachi has always been a child that’s full of love. I hadn’t anticipated just how much.”
For Izumi and Shisui’s birthdays later that year, they were given with heirloom gifts - Mikoto’s pearl and diamond earrings and Fugaku’s sapphire and platinum cufflinks. Sasuke understood the importance of these gifts, especially the cufflinks from Father. It was their way of welcoming them into the family and to hell with the gossipy relatives.
The topic of weddings and children were never brought up - they all figured that they’d talk about it when they were ready to share.
Dinner consists of Itachi’s favourite dish - ochazuke. Even though technically it’s considered the kind of simple dish you make when you have next to nothing in the fridge but last night’s fish, Shisui’s version is anything but simple. The dashi is beautifully savoury and the fish fresh, the skin crispy. Shisui serves it with some of his homemade pickles, featuring vegetables he had grown himself. Sasuke doesn’t partake in dessert - unlike his brother, he isn’t much of a sweet tooth. Mikoto makes fun of Itachi and says that he’s eating too much of the Izumi’s Fluffy Cheesecake and that he’s getting chubby. Fugaku praises Shisui on the pickles and Shisui tells him to take some home with him as Izumi is getting sick of seeing all the canning jars in the fridge. It’s when Fugaku and Shisui are discussing gardening techniques (as Fugaku himself has taken to it) and Izumi is encouraging Mikoto to come to her yoga lessons that Sasuke notices his brother’s absence.
Sasuke finds his brother later in his study, nursing a glass of whisky. Escaping family gatherings for a few minutes with a glass of his favourite liquor was a habit of his.
Pouring himself a glass, he sits down in an armchair.
“Another year older.” Itachi muses. “You know, we’re thinking about trying.”
Sasuke raises an eyebrow. “Trying?” inviting Itachi to elaborate further.
“For a baby. Izumi isn’t getting any younger. She keeps making jokes about her body clock but I know she’s anxious.”
“Oh.” is all he can say. A million more questions flood his mind and he needs to ask the obvious.
Itachi laughs. “Like I said, we’re just thinking of it. I know okaa-san wants a grandbaby to spoil.”
This was true. Mikoto had been teasing the three of them, asking them when she could expect a little bundle of joy. At first it had been just a casual question but the question was popping up with more frequency.
Itachi notices Sasuke making that weird frowny face. The one where lips make an almost frown and that frown line on his brother’s otherwise smooth forehead makes an appearance. He only makes this face when he wants to ask something but doesn’t know if he should.
“Go on, ask.” he says.
“Are you happy?” Sasuke blurts out and for a moment, he’s reminded of Sasuke as a child.  
“You’ll have to be a bit more specific.” Itachi says gently.
“Being here with Shisui and Izumi. Not having any part of the business anymore. Are you happy?”
Itachi smiles. Every once in a while, Sasuke would ask him about his lack of involvement in the company started by their father. He himself never once cared for business, although it so happened that he was good at people. All he ever remembered wanting was a quiet life with Shisui and Izumi. Business didn’t allow for that. Nor did it allow for Itachi’s softer, gentler nature. His little brother was much more suited to it. His stubborn streak, his eye for detail and his ability to remain collected in the face of difficult situations made him a natural candidate.
Of course, that’s not what the papers saw. The papers saw an ambitious younger son (indeed, Sasuke was ambitious in that he didn’t want to live in the shadows of his older brother) overthrow the elder son to take position as the Director of Uchiha Enterprises, leaving the elder to find a different vocation. What they didn’t know that Fugaku had never planned for Itachi to remain Director for multiple reasons. Fugaku only asked that Itachi take the role for a little while, so that Sasuke himself could learn about the business from the bottom up. Not to mention that Itachi’s complex relationship would be fodder for media vultures and he’d wanted to spare his elder son from the scrutiny. Fugaku knew his sons well and had enough faith in the both of them to run the business well (while he went with Mikoto on that trip around the world he had promised her when they had gotten married).
Itachi doesn’t think his father ever said any of that to Sasuke. Fugaku was never one for proud, sentimental words (at least not directly) even though he think that Father was secretly the most proud of his younger son. He does know that Sasuke does put a heavy burden on himself to uphold the Uchiha name and to run the business well - a self imposed burden.
“Yes, Sasuke. I’m happy.”
Time for you to find yours.
From: Takaya Ito ([email protected]) To: Sakura Haruno ([email protected]) Subject: Internship Program - 2nd Quarter Placements
Hi Sakura,
I hope you’re enjoying your internship. As you are aware, interns will rotate roles and departments on a quarterly basis, with the eventual goal of finding the best fit for you at Uchiha Enterprises. The next quarter, you will be working under Director Uchiha as his executive assistant. Please see Keiko on Friday for handover.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind Regards,
Ito Takaya
Sakura’s jaw clenches when she reads the email. Executive assistant.
She didn’t suffer through 3 years of university just to become someone’s coffee fetcher! This must be some kind of cruel and unusual punishment - from her Team Lead and from divine forces unknown.
The other interns organise a dinner, to celebrate getting through the first quarter of the program.
All the interns were being moved to various departments according to the disciplines they had majored in. Annoyingly enough, Toshiro is moved to a project team and was using the dinner to lord it over the other interns.
“No one fucking cares, Toshiro. So do us all a favour and shut up.” Ami says, having reached her patience quota for the night and downing her drink.
“Sakura, where are you going next?” Hiromi asks, leaning in.
For some reason, Hiromi reminds her of a vulture (a blonde vulture) and she isn’t sure if she doesn’t want to answer out of shame or because of Hiromi.
“Uhm, I’ll be working under the Director as his executive assistant.” she says quietly, moving the rest of her bean salad around on her plate.
She sees Hiromi’s jaw tighten. Sakura is sure Hiromi would have loved to be in her position, working under the Director and Sakura would have swapped with her gladly as Hiromi was also moved to a project team. The other interns are surprisingly sympathetic but she can’t seem to shake off Hiromi’s stares for the rest of the night.
When Friday morning rolls around, she heads to the 38th floor to find Keiko. She finds Akane at the front reception desk.
“Oh! Sakura! Welcome! My name is Akane. I’m the office manager here. We’ll be talking a lot. I organise meetings and run the office - make sure there’s enough ink in the printer that sort of thing.” Akane shakes her hand vigorously.
I hear you’ll be replacing Keiko. Director Uchiha’s office is that big one all the way out back. You’ll see Keiko at her desk just outside. Between you and me, as long as you get the Director’s coffee order right, he’ll be happier with you than with Keiko.” she says with a wink. “Good luck!”
Sakura finds Keiko at the desk, looking as bored as she did in that meeting a few weeks ago, flipping through what looks like the latest issue of Haute.
“Oh finally. You’re here. He’s not in yet.”
Keiko is blunt and to the point. There isn’t much to the handover - just the handful of appointments and a few dry cleaning tickets (although the pile of papers seem to suggest otherwise).
“Usually the Director already knows what meetings he has.” she says, shoving the last of her desk ornaments into a file box. “Thank fuck I won’t have to get any more coffee.”
“Where are you transferring to?” Sakura asks. She’s curious to know where on earth Keiko is going to warrant being replaced by an intern.
“Marketing. Anyway, good luck!” Keiko says with a smug, catlike smile before sauntering off with her file box, leaving Sakura at the desk.
Good luck, indeed.
“Yes?” Tenten puts down the fabric scissors and pokes her head out from the sewing room.
“Ah there you are!” the elderly Yoshikawa-san says, patting Tenten’s arm. “A very important customer is coming in this afternoon. Can I ask you to perform the fitting? Asahi is meeting another client.”
“Of course! Leave it to me.”
Tenten smoothed the suiting fabric she was working with that day. She hadn’t expected to find herself in this line of work - she had originally dreamed of becoming a traditional Chinese dancer. However a combination of lack of jobs and oversaturation of talent as well as her body proportions (she wasn’t the delicately emaciated maiden that most dance companies looked for) made it difficult. Luckily, over the years she had altered her own dance costumes and clothes which led her to  a part time alterations job at a dry cleaner’s to pay the bills which then led her here.
Sure, it wasn’t the career she had dreamt about, but it paid the bills and she was good at her job. She loved Yoshikawa’s little shop. It had all the original fittings - dark oak panelling, brass doorknobs and creaky doors with tinkling bells that chimed when customers walked in and out of the shop. On the glass window, ‘Yoshikawa & Sons’ was printed in a beautiful serif font.
Yoshikawa Inari was the best bespoke tailor in Konoha and Tenten considered herself incredibly fortunate that she works for him. Not very many bespoke tailors took on female apprentices but the Yoshikawa-san saw something in Tenten and decidedly hired her when no one else would. Yoshikawa-san was extraordinarily kind, humble and patient as he taught his craft to his grandson, Asahi. He treated Tenten as part of the family and would always give her a generous quarterly bonus.
She just about finished with the vest lining she was working on when the doorbell chimes.
“Ah welcome! I’ve been expecting you. Have you been well?” she hears Yoshikawa-san address the client. "How is your father?"
She hurries into the small kitchenette to prepare some tea while they make small talk. Placing two porcelain cups and the teapot on a wooden tray (all of which were antique), she walks out, almost dropping the tray in shock.
“Ah! This is my apprentice. She’s cute isn’t she?” Yoshikawa-san beams as he introduces them, “This is Hyuga Neji. You’ll be performing his fitting today. Tenten-chan? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost!”
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