#this one looks better this one i can actually play as without panicking
ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: April 15
"Something in the Way She Moves" by James Taylor
#song of the day#it's been two weeks + two days since the last song of the day#the issue is you see that I started the songs up again in December because my insomnia was fucking up my perception of time#and I wanted some kind of regular marker to help me keep track#and then what happened two weeks + two days ago is that I lost all track of time and subsequently the songs of the day failed#I'm gonna see if I can keep up again for a bit now that I've re-restarted without an alarm on my phone#but if I miss any this week I'll just give in and turn the alarm back on#updates from the last two weeks are going to sound so chaotic let's see#I got a new project at work /and/ I got demoted /and/ I got added to a higher access level /and/ I'm in charge of a new database#yes all of those things together. I'm to be an accountant now! not instead but in addition to my other stuff. should be interesting#I didn't get April Fools off like I was scheduled to because all my scheduled vacation got unapproved#(I was here for about twenty nonsequential minutes to boop people and I'm glad I made time for it. extremely fun to boop)#I lied shamelessly to get eclipse day off and we went on a full-day roadtrip and it was wonderful. everything I dreamed and more#I killed one of my baby succulents through clumsiness and rabbits ate my pea plants but my sage and cabbages look promising#got a massive pot of mint flourishing on my porch and the horseradish is gorgeous#got Duncan lights and plants and a filter system for his frog tank but we haven't set up the substrate yet#so there's just potted plants sitting inside a terrarium. very amusing honestly#I've been playing a little Stardew and eating a /lot/ of hot sauce and tofu#drinking tons of klass aguas frescas--especially the soursop one. holy shit is it good. the mango and hibiscus also#and these past few days I've been sleeping better#for most of those two weeks I was getting a handful of twenty-minute naps each workday and then crashing unwillingly on the weekend#I haven't read any comic books since February :'( this weekend we're going to costco and then I'm reading comics until Monday#what have y'all been up to? I've missed being around#edit: oh shit the actual song part. anyway this is James Taylor! makes me happy and helps me settle. good vibes songs#I'm half-panicked about work all the time recently and then also today was tax day (Nick's taxes. blegh)#James Taylor doing some heavy lifting round here
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First of all, so glad to be able to request for the first time. I'm a huge fan! I'm doing this as an anon because this is my first time ever requesting, and it's nsfw 😅 Could I ask for a headcanon where twst MC is at the beach and their swimsuit top falls off, and their crush sees? Specifically, Idia (because he deserves his anime beach day style episode), Trey, and Leona?
Idia Shroud:
Idia doesn’t consider his luck stat maxed, he actually thinks this roll should be considered a critical failure. As silly and comedic as it can be played off in anime he doesn’t feel right about his first glimpse being so tainted, both from it being without your consent and in public with others gawking at you like a piece of meat. He whispered urgently to Ortho to cause a distraction and his younger brother dutifully agreed, able to see how your stress levels matched his brothers at this point in time. He’s wary about approaching and keeps his head turned firmly away from you, stuttering out what direction he thinks your swimsuit went in and wishing the sand could just swallow you both whole.
Leona Kingscholar:
This is your lucky day, because Leona doesn’t show his shocked face to just anyone. He somehow remains strikingly handsome even when caught completely off-guard, that princely charm of his shining through. You figured you’re thinking about this to avoid the complete and utter embarrassment that came with exposing your entire upper body to half the beach, arms covering your chest as you desperately look for the top. Leona came to stand in front of you, blocking the others view of your half-naked torso and scanning the sand alongside you to see where your pesky swimsuit had run away to, muttering that you better tie it extra tight next time.
Trey Clover:
Trey tried not to let out a sigh, as no day could truly be peaceful for him. As flustering as it was to have you exposed like that right in front of him he managed to keep it inside as you were panicking, and he couldn’t have you half-naked in public any longer than you already had been. He gives you the colorful shirt he’d worn to the beach to cover yourself before helping you search for the swimsuit, with one crisis averted he could focus on truly fixing the problem. He helped you put the swimsuit top back on, telling you to keep the shirt ‘just in case’ as he’d rather not have a second issue popping up today.
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booty-uprooter · 2 months
some tips on how to make bosses easier if youre feeling theyre too hard:
play a ranged physical dps class. that way you can hang back to keep an eye on the arena and what the boss is doing without having to worry about needing to stand still long enough to complete an induction
on that note, inductions are considered finished before the bar is full. you can usually move right before it fills and still have it go off, but it takes some trial and error to figure out how close you can cut it
move your ui around. my own life was made immeasurably easier when i put the target right above my hotbar so i wouldnt have to pay attention to both the top and bottom of the screen at the same time, but try stuff out and see what works best for you
the best time to mitigate an attack is right before the boss finishes casting it. the second best time is as soon as the mit becomes available, every time it becomes available
use addle and feint. you almost never see these used in casual content and it's a waste because they really are extremely useful skills at any level
use arm's length and surecast. there are some knockbacks they dont work on but those are rare. if you know youre gonna get pushed, use these and you probably won't get pushed
take advantage of duty support. the npcs know the mechanics. watch them and let them teach you
particle effects cant hurt you (usually). with the exception of puddles that stay on the ground for a while or layered stacks like akh morn, as long as youre not standing on the marker when it disappears (or are if it's a stack), you're in the clear. feel free to move through the animation if necessary. more and more mechanics require you to do so to be in position for the next one in time
it's usually fine to let spread markers overlap. just, yknow, make sure another person isnt in yours (though its the responsibility of anyone without a spread to keep themselves out of harms way)
when in doubt, ask your party members. it's extremely rare to match with a group of randos and have everyone be a first-timer. most players are happy to help, and the ones that know the mechanics but are bad at explaining them will usually just stick a marker on themselves (usually a triangle) for you to follow
read your tool tips. boss fights are as much a test of how well you know your class as they are your ability to read and react to mechanics. unless youre playing a healer or paladin, youre going to use your entire kit, so make sure you know what everything does
on that note, freecure is a scam. once you get cure ii/benefic ii, you will never need cure or benefic again. keep them on your hotbar for when you get synced content if you wish, but otherwise you do not need them. do not use them
if you play multiple classes, try to keep skills that do the same/similar things at the same spot on your hotbar. this isn't always possible bc despite what some may claim, not all classes of the same type are actually identical, but it will save you a lot of headaches
entirely new and unique mechanics are rare to the point of being nigh nonexistent. everything is a remix of something else and practicing in lower level content can actually be a big help
look up guides. the internet is full of them in pretty much whatever form works best for you (though they can be of admittedly variable quality)
turn down party effects. theyre on one of the tabs under character configuration > controls. if you put them on minimum you can still see heals and such but you wont have your screen constantly full of explosions
turn on target health percentage. this one is under character configuration > ui. it lets you better see how close the boss is to going down
make summons smaller. we all love titan's ass but not when it's the only thing you can see. "/petsize all small" will make this problem go away
relax and have fun. panicking leads to mistakes, which can lead to worse mistakes. if you need to take a second to breathe, do so. your party members probably wont mind waiting a minute or two between pulls
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
Steve and Eddie go through the whole adoption process in 1996, despite how difficult it was to find somewhere willing to help them at all and despite their conflicted feelings on adoption.
The way they saw it though, providing a loving home for a child who needed one was better than the alternative. Eddie had enough experience with temporary foster homes to know stability was better than constant moving and questionable foster parents.
They get a foster placement almost immediately, a six year old girl named Amelia. She’s quiet, but not in a way that worries them. She’s very focused, and enjoys going to school more than any regular children’s hobbies. Neither of them know what to do with that other than keep encouraging it.
She stays for months, months turn into a year, and the agency finally gives them the go ahead to complete the adoption process.
But they don’t do anything without talking to Amelia.
She’s happy there, her therapist signs off on it immediately and explains that Amelia has shown more personality development and less signs of trauma with them than she had even living at home. Not to mention they actually brought her to appointments, unlike her previous guardians.
To celebrate, they throw a party with all their friends and family and tell Amelia she can invite anyone from school she wants. She invites everyone.
Turns out their daughter is a social butterfly and is friends with everyone.
At the party, Eddie pulls out his guitar, plays a bunch of popular kid-friendly songs after a very scathing look from Steve as a reminder to behave.
Amelia walks over to him after a few songs, on a sugar high like he’d never seen on her before, and asks to play the guitar.
He’s hesitant, but not because he’s still protective of his guitars, more because he doesn’t want her to embarrass herself in front of her friends. Kids are cruel, even and especially at seven, and the last thing he wants is this to be the thing that kids talk about for the next ten years.
She sits on the couch and holds it, arranging her fingers…correctly. Eddie watches.
Steve is watching from across the room.
She starts strumming, very quietly at first, not as confident as she’d been a moment ago. And then she starts really playing.
It’s one of the songs Eddie wrote. He played it for the last four months nonstop as he perfected it, and she’d apparently been watching.
Eddie’s jaw is on the floor and he quickly looks over to Steve, who has a similar look of surprise on his face.
He doesn’t interrupt her. She makes it through the entire song.
She looks up.
“When did you learn to play guitar?” Eddie asks.
“When I was watching you.”
“But have you played before tonight?”
Amelia shook her head, looking down. “Didn’t wanna touch it without asking.”
Eddie pulls the guitar from her hands and sets it aside, then pulls her into his lap and hugs her. Steve sits down on the couch next to them, hand on her back.
“You can always ask, sweetie. And if you’re this interested and this natural, we can buy you your own guitar if you want. I didn’t think you were interested in playing.”
“I wanna be like you,” Amelia admitted against his shoulder.
Eddie was done for. He looked at Steve, half-panicked, trying not to cry in front of these people, but Steve wasn’t faring any better.
“Then we can go get you a guitar tomorrow. You can get your own picks, too. They might even have purple ones.”
“Can I have red? Like yours?”
“Of course, sweetie.”
It only took them two days after that to realize she could play by ear, just like Eddie.
And then it only took another day after that to realize she had taught herself to read music too.
They spent hours and hours every week playing together while Steve cooked dinner or checked her homework or just watched them.
When Eddie’s band decided to record another album and go on tour when Amelia was 12, Eddie insisted that she get to be on it.
She ended up helping write one of their songs, played on the track on the album, and with a lot of work, convinced Steve to let them homeschool her for the entire 8 months they’d be on tour so she could perform on stage with her dad.
“Can’t believe she’s not even genetically yours. Are you sure you didn’t have an affair?” Steve asked the night before they were leaving for Europe.
“When would I have had an affair? I came back to the tour bus or hotel with you every single night,” Eddie kissed him softly. “She’s amazing, huh?”
“She is. What happens when she wants to be a full blown rockstar like her dad too?”
“Then we make sure she’s protected and has good people around her like I have. She could be a rockstar easily. She’s got the talent and the presence,” Eddie smiled. “And she’s got me to make sure no one takes advantage of her. But she’s only 12. We’ve got time to worry about that later.”
“You’re bringing her onstage every single night all over the world for the next eight months, baby. I think later is now.”
Eddie sighed. “She’s gonna blow them all away. I’m proud of her. Let’s focus on that for now.”
And she did blow everyone away. The fans and the media had nothing but good things to say, and Steve didn’t have to go into overprotective mom mode at all until she was 15 and signing a record deal of her own.
But between Eddie and him, the entire industry knew better than to fuck with her or them.
They made rules, of course. School still came first, she still had required family events to be at, she still had regular friends at home. She wasn’t allowed at any parties, not even the events for award ceremonies.
But she didn’t really need those rules. She had no interest in parties or abandoning her friends or family, and she was a straight A student who still had hopes of getting into Brown for Journalism like her Aunt Nancy. She had a passion for music and wanted to share it, but not at the cost of the rest of her life.
And Eddie and Steve did everything they could to make sure she got to have everything. That’s what they’d promised her from day one.
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romancefranaticstay · 6 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Ship on sea ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Captain!Hyunjin x Siren!fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff, smut
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'Hoist the sails, loose the nets.'
"Root everyone."
"Let go of the nets."
"Ah, we've got one, Captain!"
That's all you can remember. You got captured by pirates, the worst kind of people. You were unconscious in the net, you had human legs again, you were naked. Your long wet hair covered your body, luckily too.
You woke up in one room. How can you describe the room? It was average, wooden walls, there were some candles on a desk. You saw a few cards and some goods. Lots of papers, two doors that lead to other rooms apparently.
You were sitting in a bathtub, with cold water that felt good. You looked around in a bit of surprise. You could still hear the sailors' words in your ears.
You saw a man come in. His eyes were dark, it scared you. You panicked and tried to crawl out of the bathtub, but unfortunately you couldn't.
"Ahh, you're finally awake again, hmm."
he came to you and he lifted you chin with his index finger.
"Looks healthy enough to sell."
'Excuse me? To sell?! I am not an object.'
'In my opinion, yes. A strange kind of quick-witted person.'
"I have legs too."
“I've seen that before, little girl. I have eyes here.'
he pointed his finger at his eyes.
"Can I get out of the bathtub?"
"So you can run away, back into the water?"
"I'm not going to do that."
"As if I trust a being like you."
'I'm a person too.'
"Not in my eyes." so he left.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You were still in the bathtub, quietly playing with the water. Suddenly the door opened again. He had a plate in his hands with some delicious food. He went to his desk and started eating.
'That looks delicious.'
you said.
'Could I have a piece too?'
"You can't let me starve, who would want to buy me."
'You think I didn't think of that? You won't get food until tomorrow.'
"Why not today?"
"Because I said so, little girl."
"Stop calling me a little girl."
He paused and continued eating. You couldn't look at it, so you dived under the water. You observed your tail. It was beautiful, to be honest.
'What is your name?'
he didn't answer.
"Can I at least know your name?"
"Because it's strange to be in the same room with someone, without any information."
“Hyunjin…nice name.”
he nodded. He stood up from his chair. You leaned against the bathtub.
"Where are you going?"
'I'm going to sleep.' '
'Goodnight then.'
So he left again without saying a word.
You pretended to be sleeping, but actually you couldn't close your eyes for 2 hours. You heard a door creak and some footsteps. You felt eyes on you. You used your senses to maybe know who it was. You smelled a certain scent and felt a certain atmosphere... it felt like... Hyunjin.
You opened your eyes and looked straight into his eyes. He stood there leaning against the door frame. Just staring you up and down. He didn't say anything, nothing came out of his mouth. His pyjama was a long fleece blouse with a long fleece pants. After three minutes he just went back into his bedroom.
You thought he was scary, even though he looked very attractive. His look gave you chills. You wanted to flee, to leave.
The next morning, you woke up on a bed. You were laying under a blanket. You don't know how you came here, but it was at least better now when you had legs. You looked under the blanket and saw you had a dark blue dress on. It was beautifull. You stood up from the bed and looked around in the bedroom.
The bed you were in was not too small, but not too big either. It was in the corner of the room. This definitely wasn't the captain's room, or at least you hoped so... You started walking around the room. You had to get used to your legs. You hopped around a bit so your muscles could move a bit. It had been a long time since you used your legs. You were surprised that you still knew how to stand up.
The door opened again and the captain named Hyunjin entered. There was a table in the room where you sat. He had a plate of food in his hands.
you cautiously approached. It was hardtack and salt beef. It looked quite tasty.
'Thank you.'
you muttered. You sat at the table and began to eat quietly, not daring to look up at the captain. He just stood leaning against the door. He watched you eat everything. He also looked at your legs, it was strange that you first had a tail and now two beautiful shiny legs. It was fantastically impressive.
You looked to your right where he was standing. You looked him up and down. You had never really looked at him properly. He didn't look too unfriendly, he had long black hair, thick lips, he was also tall and muscular, but that's probably normal.
"What's your name, little girl."
You looked at your plate and didn't answer. He came closer and grabbed your chin.
"Answer the captain."
you said softly.
“Y/N, okay.”
He sat across from you at the table. His hands were together and he looked at you. His eyes seemed darker than ever. You kept looking at your plate.
"You're a strange creature."
'You too.'
He clicked with his tongue his inner jaw. The silence was a bit awkward.
He got up again and left again. You thought he was finally leaving for a while, but he came back in with his plate of food. He sat across from you again and started to eat. You watched his actions. It was quiet, you could hear the sounds of the sea. The ship moved a little, but the sea was quiet this time of year.
The two of you grew a little closer together, you always ate lunch together. You two talked sometimes. It was very quiet. You'll be sold in just 1 day. The captain had forgotten that, and he still didn't know. The captain became close to you. He came and sat with you, you talked about the ocean. He asked many things, all of which you had seen. It was nice to finally have someone with the same passion. He couldn't stay away from you, until today...
The ship sailed on the shore. The captain was still asleep. You were sleeping in the room next door, suddenly some sailors came to get you out of bed. They put a cloth over your mouth.
'Healthy enough to sell.'
You tried to stop them, you moved and tried to escape from their grasp. You pushed things over but they finally got you out of the ship. They grabbed your arms and dragged you away. Your anger swirled, you had sharp teeth, you bit the cloth from your mouth. They didn't notice yet because you were pretty quiet.
Before they know it you bit their hands, blood pouring from their bodies. You were still wearing the dark blue dress. The captain heard shouting and immediately went to your room, you weren't there. He ran outside to the deck and looked where the shouting was coming from. He saw the bloody hands of his crew members.
He saw you running to the beach, clutching the dress tightly to you. You ran deep into the water and finally dived into the water itself. No no no no, you couldn't leave, you couldn't leave him. Hyunjin took off some of his clothes and jumped into the water.
You no longer swim that fast because you were already used to your legs. You heard some water splashing. You turned around and saw Hyunjin swimming towards you. It was too dangerous here in the Ocean for a human like him. You swam far out into the sea, but you still saw the ship.
he tried to shout.
“Y/N, wait, please.”
you stopped and turned around. He tried to keep his head above water, but he was so tired. You saw him sink a little underwater. You immediately swam over to him and grabbed him in an embrace. You kept his head above water as you swam to a nearby shore. This one was a little further than the normal one, it was not really accessible.
You laid him down and started knocking water out of his body. You started mouth to mouth breathing. You made sure you scooped up enough air. His eyes opened again and he gasped. You were still giving him life support. He straightened his back and started coughing. You looked at his chest, which was heaving.
he said softly. His fingers slid over your cheeks.
"Don't leave me alone, please."
"You wanted to sell me."
'They came in without my permission. I would never sell you after the time I had with you.'
'The time?'
“I feel alive with you Y/N.”
You grabbed his face and pressed your lips against his. Your tongue slid through his mouth. Your hands interwined.
"Let's go back, okay?"
he put a piece of hair behind your ears.
Hyunjin carried you to his bed and laid you down. He trampled the members who took you. They were given community service for the coming months. They also came to you personally. Of course you forgave them, also because you bit them.
You lay on the bed and waited for Hyunjin to come back. He came in and locked the door. He sat on the bed next to you. He played with your hair. He started kissing your face softly. You took his hand and brought it under your dress. His fingers started rubbing your clit. He watched you react.
He lifted your dress and he attached his mouth to your clit. He devoured it, like a hungry man. Your back arched and you grabbed the sheet. He pinned your thighs on the bed, because they were a bit shaking. You came without a warning and he licked everything up.
You pulled his pants a little down so you could get his member out. You stroked it softly and brought it against your lips. You started licking the tip, your tongue slid over his length. Twirling around. You heard his whimpers above you. You saw some precum coming out.
Hyunjin positioned himself by your entrance. His face was already sweaty. He slid in with ease. He tore the dress loose so he could have access to your boobs. He nibbled on your nipples, with one hand he kneaded one of your breasts. You grabbed his chin and brought him back in for a kiss. You tasted each other.
His rhythm started to speed up. He pushed into you. He wanted you now, he wanted to feel everything about you. He grabbed your ankles with both hands and spread your legs wide. He pumped into you fast. He sucked your neck and licked everything he could reach. You threw your head back on the pillow.
'You are so Beautiful.'
he whispered in your ear. He started biting your earlobe. He let go of your ankles, but your legs remained open. He took one of your hands and placed it on the lower part of your stomach. You felt him pumping into you. You felt him all the way in it.
Hyunjin could already feel his orgasm coming. You felt drops of sweat falling on your body. He started to push into you more.
"Hyunjin, I am about to cum."
you said softly with your eyes closed. Hyunjin grabbed your chin so you looked at him as you came. You came moaning out his name, because of that he also came. You stared at each other for a while, just admiring each other.
Your hands went around his neck and you pulled him to you. Your arms surrounded his stomach. You were so small compared to him. You clung to him. His arms went to your waist. You fell asleep in this position with him.
It was night and you opened your eyes. You looked to your right and saw Hyunjin sleeping. You stood up and put your dark blue dress back on. You went outside to the deck. You walked around there a bit. You went to the edge and leaned your arms. You looked at the waves of the sea. You missed that cold water. You missed your hair being wet. You heard some creaking of planks.
you heard someone whisper in your ears.
“I miss the water Hyunjin.”
his hands surrounded your waist.
'I know.'
he whispered in your ears.
“But I can’t leave my ship Y/N.”
you looked at each other. Your look changed.
"We'll find a way."
you said
. "Let's go back inside, okay?"
“Okay, babe.”
You kissed his cheek. You were back in bed with him. His warmth felt good, maybe even better than the cold water.
Days passed and you felt homesick. You wanted to jump into the water, you couldn't help it. It was your siren instinct. You tried life on board, but it didn't work out. Every day you saw the beautiful waves, you saw fish and sea animals swimming. You wanted to swim with them, you wanted to go back to your family, to your friends,... You were on deck at night again. This looked like you were standing on the edge.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
“I can't hold on anymore, I want to get in the water, Hyunjin.”
"We have a bathtub?"
"That's not the same."
“What do you want to say,Y/N.”
"I'm a Siren, I live in water, Hyunjin."
There was a silence between you.
'I understand.'
“I'll never forget you Hyunjin. I love you so much, I don't know if I can leave you. I want you to come with me, but you can't.'
He came closer to you and kissed you softly.
“I love you Y/N, I'm never going to find love again. I will never make love to anyone else but you again.'
He had a chain around his neck, he took it off. He brought the chain to your neck and put it on for you.
"So you don't forget me."
"We'll see each other again, I promise."
"I'm not going to let you go if I see you one more time."
You kissed him on the cheeks and turned around. You looked back again and then jumped into the water. Hyunjin watched as your legs turned back into a tail. You disappeared into the water. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His tears dripped into the water.
“I love you Y/N.”
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buckgasms · 15 days
How do we feel about more fluffy Bucky?
Because I'm feeling good about it...
This is also very much inspired by my own insomnia lol...
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I had this thought that maybe you stay up late with Bucky some nights because you can't sleep and it's nicer to be awake together than alone right?
And maybe you start talking about ASMR and Bucky is like "wut?" So you explain what it's all about and show him some videos. And I like the idea of sitting tucked into him, watching videos together and it's all cosy and tingly.
So he tries it out for a few days and he LOVES it. He finds some that he likes and he gets all the tingles and feels super relaxed and he actually manages to get a few nights of sleep!
But one night he comes down to the living room all grumpy and dejected. Flopping down on the sofa next to you.
"What's up?" You ask offering him a bit of blanket as you flick through netflix for a film. He groans and rubs a hand over his face.
"I lost my tingles doll."
You can't help but giggle at him as he gets grumpier, stealing more blanket as punishment.
"Hey, quit it! I'm sorry. It does happen, sometimes you need to not watch for a bit, then they come back..."
He huffs and covers your legs again. "I guess. It's just... It was so nice to get some sleep for once."
You sat back for a moment, looking at the tired man in front of you. Then you had an idea.
"What if we tried in for real?"
He gave you a side eye, before turning to look at you properly. "Whaddya mean try it for real?"
You chuckled and sat up a little, already bouncing with excitement. "Like I can do it for you, which ones do you like watching?"
His cheeks flushed a bit and he tried to evade your question but you kept prodding. Finally he relented.
"I kinda like the skincare ones.... And hair brushing I guess... But you don't have to..."
You squealed a little in delight and stood up, grabbing his hand and dragging him to your room without any chance to argue.
"Get into bed and I'll grab some bits. Just get comfy" you instruct and leave him to head to your bathroom to gather everything you need.
Bucky stood in the middle of your room feeling like he was in a dream and that you were, at any moment, going to start laughing at him. He hesitated for a moment but then heard you call, "get into bed Bucky..."
How could you hear his thoughts? He was sure you had a secret power you hadn't disclosed to the rest of the team.
He carefully pulled back your soft duvet and settled his back into plumped up pillows. The sheets smelled fresh but also like you. He felt better already. He was sure if he shared a bed with you every night, he'd sleep just fine.
Before he could think anymore you appeared with a little bag full of bottles and skincare tools and a shy smile on your face. "I'm not sure the best way to do this, but if it gets too weird, then tell me ok..."
He nodded and watched as you popped your bag next to him on the bed, then panicked a little as you climbed on top of him and sat gently on his covered thighs.
"Is this ok?"
He nodded after a moment and exhaled gently. You smiled and broke the tension by taking a deep breath and exhaling out.
"Welcome to Bucky's BFF ASMR, your personalised pamper session to provide as many tingles as humanly possible."
You both giggled as you started your session. He hummed when you started brushing his hair, parting delicate lines and running your fingers gently along each part.
"Damn" he muttered as your fingers gently pulled as his hair, releasing tension from his entire body.
"You feeling ok there?" You whisper as you clip his hair back and give his shoulders a squeeze. He nods, before cracking an eye open to look at you. "You alright?"
You nod enthusiastically and run your hands gently down his arms. You're about to start when he reaches his hands forward and holds onto your hips gently.
"Actually doll, do you mind if I...just hold you there?"
You think your head is going to explode with how much you are very ok with that, but play it as cool as you can and nod. He smiles and closes his eyes again, his fingers squeezing at your hips ever so gently.
You then grab the skin care and quietly explain everything that you are doing. Cleansing his face with cool micellar water, applying a sheet mask and using a little roller to reduce tension in his face and neck.
Once you remove it you apply some moisturiser and notice his breathing has evened out and his hold on your hips has become a little looser. You sit for a minute, watching his handsome face in relaxed mode.
It was so lovely to see him like this, and your seat for the view was pretty great. You pulled the clips gently from his hair and brushed a little strand of hair out of his face. Just one kiss would make it perfect but it would have to wait.
You quietly packed everything away before lifting as gently as you could off the sleeping former assassin without waking him. You slipped under the duvet and clicked off the light before curling up, hoping he would be ok sleeping with you in there.
Your question was answered when be stirred and rolled towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
"Thanks Doll...goodnight.."
"Goodnight Bucky..."
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pauli-writes · 6 months
Aventurine with a s/o who is former Stellaron hunter but s/o also doesn’t trust anyone easily
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warnings: none, it’s just a conversation
pairing: aventurine x reader
author’s note: thank u for the request. It’s pretty short, but I hope that you like it anon :3
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“do you trust me, reader?”
you froze at question, lifting your head from where it was on his lap. this was supposed to be a quiet night in and he just killed the comfy mood with this question.
you sat up slightly and looked at him with a slightly panicked expression. “what do you mean? of course-“
“lying doesn’t look good on you, you know.” he cut you off, making you slightly frustrated. you sometimes hated how perceptive he was, always seeing through you and the facade you put up. the smug expression whenever he called you out on it, didn’t particularly help either.
you sat up properly and sighed, “fair enough… but you don’t trust me fully either.”
“i suppose so, but can you blame me?” he didn’t seem affected by your accusation in the slightest, instead taking an idle sip from the drink he’d been having. “a stellaron hunter getting cozy with a member of the icp, it’s hardly a promising prospect.”
“former stellaron hunter.” you corrected him.
“like it matters. the icp is looking for you all the same,” he stated, and he wasn’t wrong. there was a reason you couldn’t simply go outside like that. your relationship with the stellaron hunters haunted you, not just in your mind, but also in your day to day life. “it’s a hefty reward too.”
you watched him pull out a coin from his pockets and starting to play with it, letting it slide between his fingers with practiced ease. it was mesmerising to watch. you pursed your lips, leaning forward to have a better look at him. “then why haven’t you handed me over? why keep me around at all?”
“because i like you.” aventurine replied without any hesitation. the coin stopped in his hand. he turned to look at you, and for the first time in a while you saw the sincerity in his eyes. he said it and he meant it, which left you speechless. “and i’d be heartbroken to see you imprisoned or worse…”
your eyes quickly glanced at the tattoo on the side of his neck, before focusing back on his face. he looked like he was remembering a painful memory, but he quickly shook it off and pocketed the coin in his hands.
“i don’t mind that you don’t trust me fully,” he stated, “just as long as you stay around.”
you didn’t know what to say. he wasn’t exactly the most honest about his intentions, even in your rather short lived relationship. He always assured you that he liked you, bought you expensive gifts to keep you around, but his show of genuine emotions was far and few between. this seemed like one of the only times that he actually admitted that he needed you, that he hated being alone.
he took a deep breath and put his usual charming persona back on, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer again.
“let’s stop it at that, sweetheart. i don’t want to ruin our night by getting all sappy.”
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ollycohens · 3 months
oh no you guys. i’m going to spew things i’ve realized while rewatching umbrella academy. I’m realizing were all being too sucked into fanon things after being stuck without canon content for so long. We have convinced ourselves Five acts like a mean mean dude to everyone but rewatching, i’ve realized he’s only stressed and is saying things out of panicked anger, especially in s1 with the apocalypse dooming over them. he acts soft to his siblings multiple times, he’s really not as mean as we write him in fanfiction. he is a little crap though, that’s for sure, and i love him for that <3
also realizing that the siblings don’t hate five. they just literally don’t know him at all. he came back a completely different person after 17 years for the siblings, they don’t know five, he’s a stranger so of course they’re gonna be cold to him. it’s like, “i don’t know you well, but you’re always going to be my brother in the end”.
ALSO. for those who ship some of the siblings, uhm… i’ve seen a lot of you guys try to prove that they don’t see eachother as siblings and more like academy students, but they very much say in just about every episode that they see eachother as siblings. they don’t actually SAY that word by word but they say things like “she’s our sister”, or “our dad”. if they say OUR dad… bro. i’m not even going to continue, you can put it together yourself. But, i do realize why people ship the siblings. I am not defending incest shippers but with umbrella academy i can see why people have resorted to it. only 3 of the characters in the main sibling cast has romantic partners. people like shipping people, people love writing romantic relationships, but with only diego/lila, dave/klaus, and sissy/viktor, (i’m not going to count five/dolores for now) people are desperate with the need to ship the rest of the siblings with someone, and since there are only a few actual canon characters in the show that interact with our main 7, people start shipping them together… yikes. anywho, that’s all for that peice. i blame the show writers as well for shipping luther/allison, they did not have to do that, but i’m hoping it was only to convey the severity of what childhood trauma does to people.
ALSO THIS HERE SHOOK ME. I actually think Reginald cares for the siblings. i hate to say it, but it’s true. caring for them does not mean being good, though. he was a horrible father, and person, but he genuinely did care for the siblings, in a like, “being the best is the best thing for you, i will make you better, for your sake, even if you don’t know it now, you will see that i am right” kind of way.
also why has NOBODY MENTIONED THIS. in season 2 when diego first reunites with five in the asylum, while he’s walking into the visitors room, he’s staring at five with this heartfelt, soft look, and then says “five…” in the most soft spoken voice ever 😭 your honor i love them
ALSO UGHHH THIS. IM GOING TO FREAK OUT ABOUT CAMERAWORK AND METAPHORS HERE SO BARE WITH ME. we as a fandom complain about the lack of flashbacks five has due to his ptsd. we’ve seen his first flashback since getting back to his family in s1 during the van scene when he gets triggered by those kids playing and starts thinking about his own childhood, i’m guessing. i ate that scene up, and was sad to see that be one of the only deeply vulnerable scenes he has in the season, and during my first watch i thought they’d never bring it back up. but they do!! i may be stupid for not realizing but whatever. in season 2, when five is trying to explain at elliot’s with all his siblings around that another apocalypse is coming, everyone starts talking about each other. as someone who studies film and camerawork, i love this scene. we see the camera focus on five as it slowly zooms in. it doesn’t switch scenes at all as the siblings voices overlap and echo over eachother. this whole scene conveys him getting overwhelmed and he starts to zone out, starting to think of the nuclear war he saw his siblings in. the scenes of the war start quickly switching through, showing many different scenes of it before it switches back to five, who says “guys, you all die. i want to forget it but i can’t” which just UGH its so well done there. if you think about it, he was starting to slip into another flashback. he was triggered by talking about their deaths in the war but was handling it well until the siblings started fighting, where we see the overlapping voices happen. it portrays him losing control and being unable to pull it back together with too much going on for him to focus on grounding himself. we DO however, see that five was able to pull himself out before he fell too deep into the flashback. i love how they show this through them still having the scene showing the war, but then fives voice starts talking over the scene which is still focusing on the war as if he was pushing it back and forcing himself to come back to the present.
thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far, i will continue to freak out another time <3
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Hi! Can you do one of what the wind breaker guys are like on the PDA with a girlfriend who is very affectionate and that includes sugishita and taiga? Thanks🫶
We need more interactions between them please. They are so extra, they could be besties
Kyotaro Sugishita, Taiga Tsugeura x Affectionate! reader
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Kyotaro Sugishita
He was a little uncomfortable with PDA. It was strange for him and he had the hardest time getting used to your soft touches. But he slowly adjusted to it. He wouldn't necessarily initiate it but he would let you hold his hand, sometimes even hug you back when you embraced him.
The only times he would be the first to instigate the contact was while he saw you nervous and scared. He knew that affection was your go-to, especially when you were anxious, so he would grab your hand and hold it tightly without a second thought.
Kyotaro seemed indifferent whenever you touched him but inside he was a panicked and flustered mess. You could rarely see him blush with his indifferent face.
As an affectionate person you liked PDA, and weren't afraid to show it, but you were skeptical because you weren't sure if he was 100% okay with it.
So once you heard older women talking about how it was unethical and awful, you doubted yourself. You could understand them if you really did something bad, but you were just standing with him, playing with his fingers, as the both of you waited for the bus. The doubt made you let go of his hand as you became nervous.
Kyotaro, however, as soon as he felt you letting go of him, became irritated. He huffed loudly glaring at the women. "Come here." He said looking at you and pulling you back to his side grabbing your hand and entangling your fingers together. "Huh?" You asked a little confused but also content that he didn't actually concern himself with the comments. "I don't mind it, so don't listen to them." He voiced, his thumb caressing the back of your hand while he continued glaring at the people who spoke up.
You felt better knowing that your touchiness didn't matter to Kyotaro. If someone said something like that again, he'd glare at them pulling you closer to him. He didn't care what they thought, or said, he just cared that you were happy.
Taiga Tsugerura
He wouldn't mind your touch at all. His muscles, his body, everything was for you, just as much as it was for him, that's what he would tell you.
He initiated the contact immediately when you were near him and didn't do it first. The feeling of your warm skin and body against him was pleasant and relaxing. He liked flexing in front of you while you were gushing over him and your hands moved all over his arms, it made his ego big and he felt very satisfied after the exhausting training he did.
Taiga loved to have you helping him with his workouts. He even searched through the Internet looking for couple exercises, especially the ones that let you be as close as you could. And so, you would be his frequent partner during workout routines. Doing pushups with you lying on top of him, crouches to kiss you, squats with you on his back. He would always make sure you're comfortable and enjoying yourself.
It didn't matter if you were in a public gym or exercising privately. "Oh God!" Someone once called when he saw you working out together. "Cut down on the PDA" He continued joyfully and then others joined. "You don't need to show off." "No need to remind us we're single." The voices mixed and soon laughter filled the gym. You also joined giggling to yourself and looked at the amused smile on Taiga's face.
People at the gym had enough of your lovey-dovey sessions, but it was their problem, not yours. Maybe he would tone down the touchiness, but just a little, when in the gym, in front of others, because he didn't want the two of you kicked out.
Tags: @misticbullet
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medlarmeadows · 13 days
a close streamer friend gaming with charlie or doing a ylyl stream with him?? but secretly in love with him? and the chat picks up on it and they end up trending on twitter with their ship name???? which kinda forces the two of them to confront and talk about their feelings???
only if you want to write this, of course <3 i love charlie i cannot get enough of your writing
Thank you for the request and your kind words anon! This was so fun to write and really is a feel good fluffy fic. I hope this piece is up to your expectations :)
you smile you snooze (i do, when i’m with you)
cc!Charlie Slimecicle x streamer!reader
Synopsis: You Laugh You Lose turns out to be a lot harder when Charlie lights up your life with every smile.
Warning(s): light swearing.
Word count: 1.4k
masterlist || requests are open!
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“Okay, enough! We need to up the stakes.”
You raise an eyebrow at your good friend, Charlie, who sits by your side in his own office chair. The both of you have headphones on, the sound of a submitted funny video streaming through them.
“What do you mean?” you feign confidence, switching your gaze between Charlie and the camera. “The stakes are pretty high at the moment, I mean, we both have one heart left.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the one heart on each of your corners of the OBS scene.
“Yeah, for the past thirty minutes,” he argues. “We need to up the ante! More viewership! Mo-ney.”
He throws out the last parts jokingly, making you roll your eyes and bite your lips to keep yourself from laughing.
Giving in, because you always do, you ask, “So, what do you suggest?”
Charlie snaps his fingers towards the audience.
“Instead of You Laugh You Lose, we’re now playing,” he pauses dramatically, “You Smile You Snooze!”
True to your job as a streamer, you insert your own flavour of entertainment by slumping down in your chair exasperatedly.
“Charlie,” you whine, “that’s going to be so hard.”
“Exactly why we’re going to do it,” he insists, staring back at you for your confirmation.
You grumble and glare at him briefly before glancing at chat, curious to see what their opinions were:
yes, up the stakes! it was getting boring anyways we’ll see who’s the best at not smiling i bet y/n’s gonna lose y/n can’t keep her smiles to herself! mods run a poll? have you seen how y/n looks at charlie? she’ll lose immediately she’s a goner, she smiles whenever she looks at Charlie
You blink hard. Certain chat messages sear into your corneas.
Were you that obvious?
Glancing back at Charlie, you realise that he’s still staring at you, patiently waiting for your response. You feel your cheeks warm, even though you’re certain that he hasn’t read the chat yet.
Not being able to smile at your good friend turned crush was going to be a huge struggle for you.
You sigh.
Goddamnit, you were going to lose, but anything for the views, right?
“Fine,” you answer resolutely. “You Smile You Snooze it is!”
And so, the two of you resume the media playlist with the new challenge of not smiling. The submitted videos turned out to not be that challenging to stay poker-faced at, but Charlie’s quips would often tickle your funny bone in a way that had you breathing in slowly to keep your poker face.
Curse Charlie and his good humour.
The two of you made it through a good fifteen minutes without anything crazy happening, until someone submits an edit of the YLYL stream.
“What’s this? You guys are fast,” comments Charlie.
“This better not be an embarrassing one,” you add, biting your lower lip to prepare yourself for the worse.
The edit gets straight to the point, compiling all the moments from the stream thus far of you smiling at Charlie. Heartwarming music floods your ears, barely piercing through the sudden blood rushing through your eardrums.
Panicked, your eyes glance at chat before you can stop yourself:
whoever made that is doing the Lord’s work isn’t that a little against their boundaries? what’s their duo name? no shipping guys! aw they’re actually really cute wish someone would look at me the way y/n looks at charlie
Charlie’s voice interrupts your reading, jolting you slightly:
“Dude, we should’ve done You Smile You Snooze earlier,” he snorts. “You would’ve lost so bad from the beginning.”
You turn your head to look at Charlie with wide eyes, thoughts reeling about whether he was teasing for the sake of teasing or if he was beginning to catch on to you, when you notice the expression on his face.
The way his eyes crinkle a little. The way the corners of his mouth are lifted.
He’s smiling.
“YOU’RE SMILING!” you yell at him, pointing a finger at him.
His expression turns shocked at your outburst, before he leans back in his chair in defeat.
“Damnit,” he says, although he doesn’t sound all that upset about the loss.
Meanwhile, you get out of your chair and start a victory dance for yourself, losing yourself in the euphoria of winning the YLYL stream.
You miss the fond smile that rises back on Charlie’s face as he gazes at you.
“Yo, we’re trending on Twitter,” Charlie says in between bites.
It’s been two hours since the YLYL stream. You’re still at Charlie’s place because he insisted that the two of you should just have dinner and hang out together while you’re there. You didn't object.
“We are?” you ask curiously, scooting closer to Charlie to look at his phone screen.
“Mm,” he replies nonchalantly, clicking on a post and passing the phone to you. “We even have a ship name now.”
Your eyes bulge from your sockets and you stare at Charlie. He shrugs, too calm and collected for your racing heart, and gestures for you to have a look at the tweet he pulled up.
It begins with a hashtag of your ship name, followed by “get you a duo that smiles at each other the way charlie and y/n smile at each other”. Below that was a side-by-side comparison of two screenshots from the YLYL stream, one of you smiling at Charlie while he wasn’t looking, and vice versa.
Your eyes glance back and forth between the phone screen and Charlie’s expression. While your brain is working a hundred miles an hour to come up with some sort of damage control, Charlie looks relaxed, almost satisfied or relieved.
“I – We – ” your words stutter as you struggle to focus on a topic. When you look back at Charlie, you scoot yourself a little away from him, nerves suddenly taking over from the proximity and the tweet.
Finally, you settle on accusation:
“Why are you so calm?”
“I mean,” Charlie reaches for another piece of fried chicken, “it’s no big deal. We’re friends. Let the chat think what they want to think. Unless… ”
He trails off, taking a bite of his chicken and chewing too slowly for it not to be deliberate.
“Unless what?” you push. You’re sure you look a little frazzled, still embarrassed and shocked by the post and the emergence of a ship name.
Charlie swallows before leaning closer, closing the gap that you created, saying:
“Unless you actually like me.”
You stare at him. It feels as though something in your brain has short circuited as you register his statement. As you juggle around the possible answers you could give and the potential situations they could create.
You know your face is turning red, what with how your cheeks are warming and how fast your heart is racing, so you shove Charlie’s shoulder a little first, unable to give an actual answer yet.
Letting you push him, he leans back, away from you, a smile lifting on his face.
“It’s okay if you do. I like you too.”
You stare again, your mouth opening and closing like a goldfish as you try to come up with something intelligible to say.
Charlie is laughing now, full-bellied, head thrown back. At his response, you bristle a little, overthinking his words.
“Wait,” you say nervously. “Do you actually like me?”
You fiddle with his phone, dropping your eyes to the screen to examine the tweet again. Studying the screenshots, you can’t help but think that the kind of smile Charlie wore was the same one you had whenever you looked at him.
The phone is gently pried from your grip and placed face down on the table, forcing you to look at its owner. Instead of the humour that filled his eyes, Charlie now looks at you with utmost sincerity.
“I’m being serious. I like you.”
Staring into Charlie’s eyes, taking in the face of the man that made you smile in every situation, you find yourself being honest:
“I like you too.”
His eyes brighten, and the smile appears on his face again. The same smile that he wore in the screenshot, you realise. His smile is infectious, causing your lips to lift into a wide smile that reaches your eyes.
“Guess we’re both snoozing and losing today,” you quip, sending Charlie into a fit of chuckles before he’s pulling you close to him.
When Charlie retweets the aforementioned tweet, Twitter goes nuts for days.
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backfromtwitterforw · 9 months
Pomme's diary found in the place she was with Richas (30 first pages)
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Day 117
We walked for so long, longer than a day.
Chayanne thinks we'll be safe if we're far enough. I doubt that, because no matter what threatened us manage to find my secured bunker 200 000 blocks away, and even succeded to get into my room to put its letter. Honestly, I think we'll never be really safe anywhere.
Chayanne was panicking so much that we didn't even have time to prepare stuff before leaving. I tried to talk him out ot it, but they were all already gone and I couldn't leave them alone.
At least, I had the reflex to take one of my scythe. And fortunately so.
During our journey, I had to fight a lot of monsters. It's a miracle we all survived without armor or anything else.
We weren't far from death on multiple occasions.
I'll protect them no matter what.
That's a promise.
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Day 118
We could build a little improvised camp. We're exhausted from the walk we had, we don"t have alot but it's better than nothing. The most important for now is to survive.
Dapper made a small makeshift field and planted seeds and potatoeshe had collected along the way, while we prepared tools and cut wood.
Tallulah played the flute to try to confort us and give us courage. She even leanred one of my favorite songs on the flute to try to make me smile again.
We make progress, slowly but surely.
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Day 119
I think each one of us has tools now. We continued to gather ressources, especially trying to find enough food for everyone, because Dapper's field is not enough. But we didn't have great success, we have to be comptent with the bare minimum. We'll try to build a small shelter tomorrow.
It's hard to do anything because we are all exhausted from the trip. We found materiel to make sleeping bags, so they will finally be able to rest in better conditions.
I'll try to stand guard and watch over them during the night.
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Day 120
We were able to start the construction of a small makeshift shelter. It doesn't look great but at least we have something to be protected now.
Truth be told, I haven't slept in a few days, I cannot allow myself to sleep.
We could be attacked at any time, by monsters or by the thing that threatened us. I'm scared it may trace our steps.
On multiple occasions, Chayanne asked me on multiple occasions to share the watch during the night, but I refused systematically.
I'd rather let him rest, and watch over Tallulah during the day. He's the one she trusts the most, he needs to be there to for her, and to protect her.
But I feel the tiredness winning over me.
I fight against exhaution as hard as I can, but I can see my reaction time and my moves becoming slower.
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Day 121
The shelter is almost done, I'm so proud of them. They never let themselves be overwhelmed by fear and they do their maximum for everyone to be safe. We watch over one antother and that warms my heart to see it.
On the other side, food is continuously missing.
It soon gonna become a huge problem if we don't find a solution, we won't be able to hold much longer with the ressources we actually have...
I believe it's been a week I haven't slept, I'm trying to stay awake with always being busy. As soon as I am not, I feel my eyes closing by themselves.
It's especially difficult during the night. I spend them looking at the campfire crackling and making sure it doesn't extinguish by itself. We found material to make a lighter, so I play with it to pass the time: I found out the burning feeling is particularly effective to wake me up.
I miss my parents. I miss them excruciatingly.
It's so hard that they're not here with us. I regret all the time that we couldn't leave any note, any letter. They must be terribly worried for us, i feel terribly guilty...
I hope they won't resent us...
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Day 122
Dapper amost died.
We were talking about the pending lack of food, and he suggested we could explore the surroundings to find something to eat. I know exploring is something he adores, and he knows better than anyone the different kinds of existing ressources, so I also thought it was a good idea.
I suggested to come with him, but i assured me I didn't have to worry about him, that it wouldn't take him long to come back, and that it would be better for me to stay with the others to watch over them. So, I accepted. I trusted him.
But he went to fight against a skeleton. Or at least, what looked like a normal skeleton, but it wasn't one; this one had an armor and was able to shoot arrows at an abnormal speed, in addition to having knockback.
He thought it was a normal skeleton and attacked. But the skeleton was stronger and knocked him off.
I ran.
I ran so fast, every second mattered.
He cannot die, not like this, not now.
If he dies, I'll never forgive myself.
I managed to find him, and I could finish the skeleton off.
I ran to him to save him, just in time.
With tears in my eyes, I asked if he was ok and why he wanted to attack that monster way to strong for us even though we have no armor and barely any defense.
He just answered that he wanted bones to make bonemill, to speed up the growth of the seeds in the field. And also because he wanted to make a bone mask for Chayanne, since he didn't have his fetish skull.
He was so nonchalant in explaining it all, as if he didn't care about being do close to death.
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yawneneteyam · 1 year
ALL THINGS CONNECTED | j. flatters chapter one — what's the dream?
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summary: growing up on the set of avatar: the way of water was a dream. your friends had become your family, all except for one. jamie was the one person you always found yourself drawn to, in ways more complex than the title of 'best friends' [1.7k].
pairing: fem!reader x jamie flatters
notes: based on jamie flatters documentary: all things connected. co-stars/friends to lovers. inspired by @cacapeepee. minor mentions of anxiety, foetus jamie.
masterlist ⎸ chapter two
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THEY MUST HAVE LIKED you right? otherwise you wouldn't be back here again, for a chemistry test no other. yeah.. if they didn't like your audition, you wouldn't be sitting here again. yeah, that was it.
the air had gotten stale while you sat in the green room of some office building, on a floor number way too high with windows bigger than they needed to be.
it was your third time being here. your initial reading, the callback and now a chemistry test.
your agent hadn't given you much more information other than that. you knew you would be meeting the boy that could be playing your love interest, and that was intimidating to any fifteen year old. this was the first time you had ever been called in for a chemistry test for any project, you knew it was because it was a huge franchise, but it didn't make it any less daunting; if anything, it only made you feel worse.
you knew you couldn't sit there alone for too much longer before your anxious thoughts consumed you. everything was feeling wrong, your hair too tight and the plastic chair too uncomfortable. it was just nerves, but they had you on the cusp of trembling in your seat. the feeling of waiting was becoming overwhelming and if you weren't out of this room, you were sure you would-
"y/n l/n?" oh thank god.
you stood up quicker than you wanted to, almost tripping yourself in the process. with a mumbled 'hi', you were told to come into the audition room. when the casting assistant turned away you had to restrain yourself from screaming at yourself. what a fucking day.
you tried to brush it off and take a deep breath before you actually entered the room, your heartbeat was still beating at the same quickens pace regardless.
"hi y/n" your eyes scanned the panel before landing on the man who was speaking to you. james cameron sat at a small table across from where you were standing on your mark, with four other people, all casting directors and assistants.
"hi," faking your confidence was better than showing you didn't have any, "nice to meet you all," you tried to ignore the fact that the man who was responsible for making 'titanic' was a few metres away from you, but it was getting increasingly hard when he was watching your every move.
he hadn't been at your other auditions. trying to take this as another good sign, you swallowed the nerves bubbling in your chest.
"alright," another woman spoke up, "we're just gonna run through your sides from your last audition, and then we'll get started with the chemistry read. sound good?"
you nodded without speaking, silently thanking your agent for telling you to go over your old lines from your first two auditions. she always was right, you just would never tell her.
"okay," james quickly pulled a few pieces of paper from the pile in front of him before looking back up at you, "whenever you're ready,"
you took a few seconds, looking at the ground before starting your scene.
"where are you going?" i asked panicked, my breaths heavy.
one of the casting assistants read the lines in reply, not giving you anything to work with. "no where you need to worry about". the point of reading sides is to see how you work with a monotone scene-partner. they want to see what you can give on your own.
"I know you're going to see them," you reach your arm out, "norm," grabbing nothing and stopping in your tracks. "I know you're going to see jake" you whisper.
"sai'ak I can't talk-"
"take me" you plead.
"you know that-"
"norm, please" you move your arm, showing norm has shrugged off your hold, "please, I need to see him". Moving and using the space around you, you were there, in pandora, with norm.. not in some room with james cameron.
"your parents will never allow it"
"they don't need to know," the urgency in your voice was cut-throat, pained.
"I am not taking you away from your clan, you are the next tsahik." you close your eyes at their words, "I'm not going to be the one held accountable for taking you away from your clan, even for a little while"
"norm, I want to go," you start to feel your throat closing up as tears well in your eyes, "max, please" you whisper.
"I'm sorry kid, but you can't come" you let go of the breath you were holding on to, envisioning them walking away from you.
You hesitate to respond, looking around the room in panic. the reality that you might not get to go with them settling in. "he is all I have," you cry, the first tear fell, then another, and another. "please" you swallow the lump in my throat, "please take me with you".
"alright, thank you" the voice of the casting assistant brings you back and out of the scene. you quickly wipe your tears and make your way back to the mark on the ground.
"now," james looks around the table bringing another piece of paper from his pile, "let's start on the chemistry read.. jamie?"
you had failed to notice the entire time that there was a boy sitting in the corner of the room, a script in his hand. he looked around your age, quite tall and well built. his hair was brown and from far away you could see the blue in his eyes. "jamie is playing neteyam" james told you as you watched him walk over to you.
"nice to meet you," he stuck out his hand for you to shake.. he was british.
"you too," you were too concerned with how the panel thought your scene went to give him a full smile. jamie could tell that you were nervous, he felt your hand shaking slightly when yours met his.
"you alright? he asked quietly as he turned onto his mark.
you hesitated before nodding quickly, "yeah," you whispered, "just freaking out,"
"you'll be right," jamie reassured you softly with the nod of his head, "your last scene was great, you'll smash this."
you felt your chest become a little less tight with his words, "thanks."
"okay, so this scene is very vulnerable for these two. it's set in the start of the film where we really get to see a more child-like side to these two characters, who always have to be the strong, mature ones" james spoke. "it's one of my favourite's honestly," he confessed, "so, we'll go from the top- try and make it feel as natural as possible" he explained to you. nodding in response, you checked your mark before smiling up at jamie.
"whenever you're ready"
"skxawng," you spat at jamie, pulling him closer by his ear. jamie worked with you well, moving his head so you didn't have to actually pull him toward you. he hissed in response.
"that hurts," he winced. jamie hadn't adopted a na'vi accent like you had chosen too. you felt a little insecure about your attempt now that you knew he wasn't doing the same.
"good," you didn't change it though, you kept going with what you thought was right for sai'ak. "that is point," I crossed my arms, backing away from jamie. "what do you think you were doing, huh? you are a spotter neteyam, you don't belong on the ground."
"I know!" he stressed, "but I wasn't going to let un'su go down there alone, you know how he is"
"you cannot keep following your brother into danger," you shook your head, "we're kids! you know that right? we are not warriors, we are children"
Jamie's expression softened, "sai'ak," he sighed reaching out for you.
"no," you shrug him off, "I am tired," you admitted. "I know you have responsibilities, neteyam" you met his eyes, "but, we are just kids. you are not the leader of this clan yet, you do not need to act like it all of the time, yes?"
Jamie's eyes met the floor for a while before meeting yours again. "yes," he nodded, "I am sorry,"
"you do not need to apologise to me," you take a step closer to jamie. before you had the chance to think about it too much, you sigh and rest a hand on Jamie's cheek. he shakes his head whilst looking at the ground, leaning into your touch slightly. "you do not need to a mighty warrior all the time.. you know that?" before jamie could say his line, you cut him off with one that felt right, "you can just be neteyam." you smile at him softly.
jamie exhales through his nose as a laugh, "not everyone sees it that way". you were both completely off script now, but it felt natural, so you kept going.
"I see it that way," you tilted your head with a watery smile, tears glazing over your eyes. "I see.. who are you are, neteyam" jamie looks at you like he knew what you were going to say to him, he takes this and runs with it.
he hesitates before speaking, "I see you, sai'ak."
I laugh softly, taking your hands away from his face. "you must have hit your head very hard," you go back to a line from later on in the script.
"yes," jamie chuckles, "but I know what I am saying,"
you stop in your tracks, jamie towering over you. you look up at him and he holds your gaze. "I see you, ma' neteyam" I whisper. jamie smiles, resting his forehead against yours. you close your eyes, allowing your characters to drink in their moment together.
"alright, thanks guys," you and jamie quickly broke apart from each other, claiming your own space once again. "really good," one of the casting directors nodded, "y/n, thanks so much for coming in. we'll be in touch with you over the next week or so regarding the part," you nodded with a smile.
"thanks so much," you exhaled a big breath, feeling a weight fall from your shoulders now that you had finished. "nice to meet you all," you looked from the panel to jamie, who was smiling at you. he nodded and let out a small 'you too' before you left the room.
"she was good," James kept his eyes on the door, where you had just closed it.
"yeah, I liked that one" one of the women on the panel agreed.
"how did that feel jamie?" James asked him, looking up at the young boy.
"good," he nodded, "really good. she was great"
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taglist. @littlexscarletxwitch, @thexplosivegirl, @lagoonabluebabe, @rexorangecouny, @ilovejakesullysdick @rhiannonhippiegirl @leelumenaura @playboykenz @couragemydearheart @graysonshaven @m-1234 @coconut-dreamz 
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marsplastic13 · 2 months
'Complicated' (Part 5) - Kaz Brekker x reader
Idea - Kaz Brekker hires a prostitute to overcome his touch aversion, and be a better man for Inej, but things take an unxepected turn. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Prostitute!Reader, (had to use y/n because I'm bad at names) Genre: modern AU, slow burn word count: 7.8k notes: please let me know what you think <3 @millercontracting @coldmermaidhologram @syd649
He saw her stop in the middle of the room, peek outside, and gesture for him to come up. His heart raced as he climbed the stairs, his mind a swirl of alcohol-fueled thoughts and emotions.
The lights in her apartment were soft, incense was burning, and low music was playing. “What do you want?” she asked, crossing her arms. Her tone was challenging, yet familiar.
Kaz looked around, his eyes stopping on the open luggage on her floor. “Are you going somewhere?” he asked, trying to focus on something mundane to steady himself.
“Yeah, a week away with a client, in two days.” Kaz thought that at least they wouldn't risk running into each other when Inej was there. He tried to feel relieved, but the feeling eluded him.
“Lawyer again?” he asked, forcing a casual tone.
“Surgeon,” she smirked.
He chuckled, nodding. The tension between them was palpable, and he struggled to find the right words. “Inej is coming, and you are panicking,” she stated, sitting on the bed and moving her book away to make space for him.
“Yes,” he sighed, sitting next to her, the familiar comfort of her presence not quite soothing his nerves.
“You're going to be good, Kaz. Don't worry.” She reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his arm.
He glanced at her book, desperate to change the subject. “What are you reading?” he asked, gesturing to it.
“Fairy porn,” she said seriously, meeting his eyes with a deadpan expression.
“Is there a moment in your life when you're not thinking about sex?” he asked, half-amused, half-exasperated.
“No,” she replied with a grin.
He hummed, leaning back against the pillows. The soft lighting and soothing incense did little to ease the turmoil in his mind. “I'm sorry for the other day,” he said, the guilt gnawing at him.
“I am too,” she replied, her voice carrying a hint of regret. She shifted slightly on the bed, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on the blanket.
Kaz looked down at his hands, the memory of their last encounter vivid in his mind. “I hate your nails,” he muttered, a weak attempt at humor to mask his discomfort. He couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that had settled over him.
“I know,” she said, a small smile playing on her lips. She glanced at him, her eyes softening. In such a short time she managed to know him well enough to see through his facade, to recognize the vulnerability he tried so hard to hide.
Kaz closed his eyes, the euphoric rush of the alcohol leaving him sleepy. Inej would arrive in less than 10 hours, and he was far from home. “You never told me what piercing you got,” he mumbled, making himself comfortable between the pillows.
She snorted. “My nipples. Wanna see?”
He laughed, more a growl than a laugh. “Of course you did.”
“Kaz, answer me,” she sing-songed, getting closer.
“Actually, I want to see them,” he said, forcing his eyes open. Curiosity and a strange sense of defiance stirred within him.
She smiled, lifting her shirt. He had never seen her completely without a bra, never seen a pair of breasts in front of his eyes, to be precise. “Did it hurt?” he managed to say, finding that he couldn't look away.
“A lot.”
Kaz hummed and poked one of her breasts with his finger. “Soft,” he mumbled, his voice a mix of awe and embarrassment.
She burst out laughing, pulling down her shirt. “Baby, I know that you're drunk, but please remember to never, and I say never, poke your girlfriend’s tits with your finger.”
He chuckled, flushing. “What should I do with them?” he asked, poking her again.
“You should touch them above her shirt, like squeezing a bit. You can kiss them, you have to, trust me. Oh I could talk about them all night.  Bite them if she likes, play with her nipples, use your fingers, your tongue, your teeth—”
“I can't,” he said, frowning, his eyes closed again. He felt overwhelmed by the flood of information and the surrealness of the situation.
“You'll get there.”
“No, I mean, your piercings must still hurt. I can't play with them. I'd really like to, though.” The honesty slipped out before he could stop it.
She held her breath. “Kaz, we were talking about your girlfriend.”
"Right, right, no problems then. I should go now." He tried to sit up, but his body felt heavy and uncooperative. His limbs felt like they were made of lead, weighed down by the alcohol and the intense emotions of the evening.
"Kaz, you're drunk. You can't drive. Can I call you a taxi?" she asked, her voice softening slightly with concern.
"Can you drive me back?" he mumbled, trying to muster enough strength to move.
"My license is suspended," she admitted, looking away for a moment.
"Why?" he asked, genuinely curious despite his inebriated state.
"They caught me drinking and driving a few times," she replied nonchalantly, as if it were no big deal.
"Bad girl. Inej would never," he said, a mix of disapproval and envy in his voice. He couldn't help but compare the two women, his thoughts a tangled mess of guilt and desire.
"I'm sure she wouldn't," she said with a small, almost sad smile.
She studied Kaz getting sleepier and sleepier. “Kaz, if you want to stay here, just ask.”
“Can I stay here?” he said without hesitation, the need for comfort overriding his better judgment.
“Yes. Do you need a hand to undress?”
He shook his head, determined, his long fingers stumbling across his buttons. “Maybe I do.”
She got closer, helping him out of his clothes until he was in his underwear and shirt.
They lay next to each other. He couldn't keep his eyes open, but he pulled her closer leaving some space between them. “You're really handsome, do you know that?” she said, tracing his nose.
He smiled into the pillow. “You're not bad too.”
She smiled. “Goodnight, Kaz.”
“Wait, can I get a kiss?” he pleaded.
She sighed dramatically, planting a delicate kiss on his cheek. “Did you become shy?” he asked with a cocky smile, eyes still closed.
She chuckled, leaning in again and kissing the corner of his lips. “Such a tease,” he murmured.
“Show me what you want, Kaz,” she whispered back. Without looking, he reached for her, kissing her lips with an intensity neither of them expected.
“I won't stop you,” she murmured against his lips.
“I'm drunk,” he said, as if it justified him in some way.
“I don't care.”
“I don't believe it,” he leaned in to kiss her again.
“You paid for having me. I will have you, Kaz, right now.”
“I can't even think straight.”
“I'm not Inej, love. I won't hesitate.” That made him stop and curse under his breath. The name of his girlfriend snapped him back to reality, and he let her go.
Kaz woke up with his head pounding from the alcohol, the shame about how he behaved the night before, and nervousness for Inej's arrival. His girlfriend was arriving, and he was in another woman's bed. He had to get a grip on things again.
She was sleeping beside him. She always looked a bit sad when she was sleeping. He shifted position, trying not to wake her, but he failed miserably. She opened her eyes abruptly, “Kaz! Are you trying to stick your dick in my ass without warning or something?” she said, annoyed, squirming away from him and closing her eyes again.
He sighed, asking himself why she was always so direct and vulgar. “Wake up, I have to go,” Kaz felt so guilty toward Inej he needed to leave as soon as possible.
“Breakfast?” she asked with her eyes closed.
“Fine,” he conceded. It would be rude to say no, right?
She slowly got up, stretching a bit. “What do you want? I have coffee and weird things.”
“Whatever you're having is fine,” he started to get dressed. “Are you sure?” she grinned sleepily.
She left the room and came back with two cups of coffee and two large glasses of water. They both sat on the bed, balancing them on the nightstand. Then she proceeded to align pills: “Iron, Vitamins, Hair supplements, collagen.” She slid two of each, one toward him and one toward her. “Birth control for me, aspirin for you,” she completed, satisfied.
Kaz raised his brows, concern etching deeper lines on his already tired face. “This is your breakfast?” he asked, disbelief evident in his tone.
She nodded, unfazed, and started to pop pills into her mouth one by one. Kaz watched her, his skepticism growing. “Have you ever tried, I don't know, to eat real food?” he pressed, taking only the aspirin she had handed him.
She shrugged nonchalantly, taking the last pill with a sip of water. Kaz frowned, his concern mounting. He knew her lifestyle was far from conventional, but this was a new level of worry for him. “You can't keep living like this,” he muttered, more to himself than to her.
She met his gaze, her expression indifferent. “I’m fine, Kaz. This is what works for me.”
He shook his head, frustration mingling with his concern. “But it’s not healthy. You need proper nutrition, not just supplements.”
She rolled her eyes, clearly tired of the conversation. “I get what I need. Don’t worry about me.”
Kaz sighed, feeling helpless. He couldn’t shake the image of her popping pills like candy, the empty routines she was trapped in. He wanted to help, but he didn’t know how. “You deserve better than this,” he said softly, more to himself than to her.
She smirked, brushing off his words. “I deserve whatever I can get, Kaz. Don’t make this into something it’s not. I am not your problem.”
He fell silent, the weight of their complicated relationship pressing down on him. He wanted to argue, to tell her she was worth more, but he knew it wouldn’t make a difference. So, he simply nodded, his heart heavy with unspoken concerns.
 “I saw Inej's last post.” y/n quickly changed topic, “She's so fucking flexible, I almost envy you,” she said, sipping the coffee. “We would make so much money working together,” she blurted out, before covering her mouth with her hand and widening her eyes. “Fuck, that's a terrible thing to say, given her history. Don't tell her I said it.”
Kaz openly laughed. “Sure, because I usually tell her everything you say to me.”
“No, right,” she chuckled.
Kaz was about to leave when his eyes lingered on her. “Enjoy this time, Kaz. You're going to be great,” she encouraged him, and he felt a bit better.
“Enjoy your trip,” he said back before leaving.
The moment Kaz spotted Inej in the harbor, all of his doubts and confusion shattered. There she was, beautiful as ever in her blue flowy dress, smiling brightly at him. His heart ached with the realization of how much he had missed her. He hugged her tightly, inhaling deeply her familiar scent, pressing a kiss into her hair. “What happened to you?” Inej asked with wide eyes, pulling back to look at him.
“I missed you,” he shrugged, trying to downplay the intensity of his feelings. He felt a mix of relief and guilt, knowing that he had been seeking solace elsewhere just hours before.
They got in the car, and Inej started fidgeting with the music. “Who did you let in this car?” she laughed, “What's with all this Taylor Swift?”
Kaz shook his head, trying to keep y/n out of his mind. “Probably Nina,” he raised his shoulders, trying to sound nonchalant. He stopped at a traffic light, and absentmindedly placed his hand on her thigh. 
“What are you doing?” Inej shoved his hand away with a laugh, breaking the momentary connection he was trying to establish. Kaz hoped that his disappointment wasn’t written all over his face.
They spent the day running errands around the city, the normalcy of it all a stark contrast to the chaos in his mind. By the time they collapsed on his couch, he was exhausted. Inej pulled a small toy from between the cushions, the same one y/n had found in the Happy Meal. Kaz realized in that moment how present y/n was becoming in his life, even in small, unnoticed ways.
“What's this?” she asked curiously, holding up the toy.
“I got a Happy Meal some time ago,” he tried to sound casual, but his mind raced with the implications.
“What are you, four? I can’t leave you alone for a second,” Inej nestled against his shoulder, her warmth a comfort. Kaz thought about how true her words were, how much he shouldn’t be left alone.
Inej turned on the TV, and Kaz just opened his mouth to suggest a show, but she cut him off. “We are not watching your crime show, it’s boring.”
Kaz rolled his eyes, sighing as he leaned into her. The familiar routine was soothing, yet his mind kept drifting back to the previous night. He felt a pang of guilt and worry, knowing he was hiding so much from Inej.
Inej noticed how tired he was and suggested, “You can go to bed if you want to sleep.”
“We could share the bed if you want,” he said softly, the words slipping out before he could overthink them.
“Are you sure? It won’t bother you?” she asked, her concern genuine.
“I’ll survive,” he said with a cocky grin, trying to mask his nervousness. They settled into bed, closer than they had ever been. Kaz wanted to kiss her, but he thought that they had seven long days ahead of them. It could wait.
When he woke up, he felt disoriented. The familiar scent of cherries was missing, and it took him a minute to adjust his thoughts to the situation. Inej was already up; he heard noise in the kitchen. “Morning,” he whispered in her ear, kissing her head.
She was shorter than y/n, he thought, the comparison unbidden and unwelcome. 
Inej hummed happily, making breakfast. They ate, chatting about the news. At a certain point, a sequence of messages made Kaz's phone vibrate incessantly. Kaz frowned, seeing Jesper's name in the notifications. He forwarded Kaz a link to the Ketterdam Daily.
“Four girls arrested in the middle of the night: young illegal sex workers caught in an unsuspecting neighborhood.”
Kaz's stomach sank as he rapidly read through the article, catching snippets like “constant noise,” “men coming and going,” “large quantity of cash found in the house.” At the end, there was a picture of the arrest. Three girls were in the background, but the focus was on y/n. She was in panties and a bra, with 50 kruge hanging out of it, leaning toward the camera, giving a good look at her cleavage. A policeman was taking her hands behind her back to put her in handcuffs, and she was sticking her tongue out, grinning like a fool. They blurred her eyes to protect her identity, but it was unmistakably her. And she looked like a movie star.
For a good instant, Kaz stared at the picture, amused by her carelessness. He couldn’t help but marvel at her audacity. Here she was, in a situation that would have most people feeling terrified and humiliated, yet she treated it like a game. That grin, that defiance in her eyes—she was a force of nature, untamed and unpredictable. Then, concern crept in. It was 10:03; her plane was supposed to leave in 10 minutes. Kaz got up, going outside to call her, while Inej called for him, not understanding what was happening. She didn't pick up, maybe she was still in jail. The most selfish thought made its way into his mind: maybe she wasn't going to leave for a week, maybe the police wouldn't let her go. He didn't want her to suffer, and yet, he couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of relief at the idea of her being nearby, where he could keep an eye on her.
He tried to ignore the thought and started texting her.
‘y/n, I just saw about yesterday, where are you?’
‘Are you okay?’
‘Do you need me to pick you up?’
Kaz was about to type a fourth text when she answered with a picture. She was on the plane, probably first class, a shot of two glasses of champagne clinking together. One in her hand, and the other in that surgeon's she was supposed to be with. ‘Don't worry,’ she wrote.
Kaz let out a breath. How was he supposed not to worry when she was arrested just the night before and he didn't know it?
‘He's taking good care of me :)’ she added.
Of course, that surgeon must have known some good lawyers and got her and her roommates out in no time. Kaz refused to acknowledge that what he was feeling was just jealousy for not being the one she called for.
Inej reached him with a worried face. “Kaz, what happened?”
“Nothing, Nej, just work,” he tried to sound light.
“Uhm, if you say so,” she replied, still looking concerned.
Kaz did it. He finally gave a proper kiss to Inej. It was a shy kiss at first, anxiety knocking on his brain, but then he was able to let go. After all, he had practiced a lot. A pang of guilt hit him—using one of y/n’s “great kissing moments” instead of coming up with one of his own.
Kaz and Inej were in his car, parked outside her house. He was dropping her off for the night before heading to the Crow Club to do some work. They had just gone out for dinner, and their conversation flowed easily, laughter punctuating their words. She looked beautiful, her smile bright in the dim light, and he couldn't resist any longer. The moment felt right.
As he leaned in, Kaz felt a wave of nerves, but he pushed through. He felt her holding her breath when he let his tongue slip into her mouth; she definitely did not expect it. The kiss deepened, and for a moment, everything else faded away. When they finally pulled back, they smiled at each other, a silent acknowledgment of a new step in their relationship. His gaze followed her as she entered her building, and he couldn't help but feel a rush of joy.
Driving to the club, Kaz smiled so widely that his cheeks hurt. His mind was buzzing with excitement, but amidst the euphoria, a nagging thought kept resurfacing—he wanted to tell y/n. He tried to ignore it, focusing instead on the happiness of the moment. Kaz considered telling Jesper, but Jesper spent the whole night talking to a boy, and Kaz didn't want to interrupt.
Around 4 AM, Kaz pulled out his phone, deciding to text y/n. But before he did, he checked Instagram to see what she was up to. The first picture on his dashboard was hers: she was on a yacht at sunset, in a gold bathing suit. The girl was on her knees, head thrown back, pouring champagne from an expensive bottle onto her body. A man, probably the surgeon, was caught in the act of licking the champagne, his tongue just above her navel. His face wasn't very clear, and of course, he wasn't tagged.
Kaz froze, his happiness suddenly feeling trivial. Here he was, ecstatic about a single kiss, while y/n was living a life of wild extravagance. The image of her, carefree and bold, made him feel like a fool. He shoved his phone back into his pocket, a heavy weight settling in his chest. The night felt colder, and the euphoria of the kiss was replaced by a gnawing sense of inadequacy.
Inej left the same day y/n got back, promising to return in two weeks. They had spent their time together exploring the depths of each other's desires, though Inej never explicitly signaled what she wanted. Kaz wanted to feel every centimeter of her body, but he cursed himself for being used to y/n’s responsiveness. They kept their hands mostly in neutral places, which was a significant step forward for him, but it left him wanting more. A few months ago, such intimacy would have been impossible, so he tried to stay positive.
He wanted to sleep with Inej so badly that it consumed his thoughts. He laughed at himself, thinking about how proud y/n would be if she could peek inside his mind. But with that thought came a wave of anxiety. What would happen between him and y/n once he finally dealt with his issues? Would they just stop seeing each other? Rationally, yes, but y/n was the only person who listened to him talk about his favorite show. A sad thought crept in: "Because you pay her." Bitterness filled his mouth as he wondered where the character ended and where the real y/n began.
Kaz tried to distract himself by assembling some dinner. The house felt empty without Inej. He checked his phone to text her but found a message from y/n instead.
‘New address’
Of course, she had to move after the arrest. He was about to leave her on read when she sent a picture of a small shop bag that looked like it came from a touristy shop.
‘Got something for you, love-bird’
‘Do you deserve it?’ she added.
Kaz snorted. ‘I guess you’ll be the judge of that’
‘Come over?’
Kaz sighed, torn between what he should do and what he wanted to do. Inej’s perfume still lingered in his house, and he was already considering spending the evening with another girl. But he was curious and wanted to share the progress he had made. Kaz always felt like y/n never really judged him, apart from playful banter.
He considered it. He was just going to have a chat, he told himself. He wasn’t paying her, so they wouldn’t touch. It was basically like seeing Jesper, Kaz tried to justify.
‘Be there in an hour’  he replied, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt.
y/n opened the door of the new house, her cheeks and nose still a bit sunburnt, giving her an innocent look that definitely did not fit her usual demeanor. But she looked beautiful, Kaz admitted to himself.
“Do you like the new room?” she asked, letting him in. It was bigger than the old one, with a lot of her stuff still in boxes and her luggage half unpacked on the floor.
“Yeah, not bad,” he commented, looking around.
“Can I sit? My leg is killing me today,” he said, motioning to the bed.
“Take a chair,” she said quickly. “Nasty things happened on that bed.”
Kaz raised a brow. “You came back a few hours ago and already had a client over?”
“Oh no, I had sex with my roommates,” she said nonchalantly. “When we move, we do it in every bed of the house.”
Kaz avoided her gaze to process the totally unrequested information. “All together?”
“Yeah, it’s like tradition,” y/n shrugged, a bit satisfied at making him embarrassed.
They updated each other about her holiday and his days with Inej. “I kissed her,” he finally said with a grin.
“With tongue?” she leaned in, intrigued.
“Yes,” Kaz sighed, satisfied, and she squeaked, hitting his arm.
“You're an animal, Brekker. So proud of you. How was it? I want details.”
“Of which time?” Kaz leaned back with a cocky grin.
y/n screamed in excitement, and he marveled at her reaction. How could a person so used to kissing people be so happy for a few pretty much innocent kisses? Well, his thoughts weren't exactly innocent, but that wasn’t important.
y/n retrieved his gift and handed it to him. “Condoms, how thoughtful,” he laughed nervously, the usual blush creeping in. It was the first time he had one in his hand; the colorful packages had writings of the cities she'd been to.
“They are just for display. I got them in a gift shop. Never use them, love. I swear your dick is going to fall off, and she's going to get pregnant even before you put it inside,” she said, half serious and half laughing.
“First of all, why do you always have to be so graphic? Second, why does this feel like something that happened to you?”
y/n actually froze for a moment, her lips parted. For the briefest second, Kaz felt like he was seeing her for the first time, her mask slipping. It was so fast that he doubted he had really seen it. Her usual smile returned. “Oh baby, that's a story for another time. I made my mistakes so that you won’t,” she tapped her finger on his nose, like a mother lecturing a child.
Kaz wanted to ask more, to know what he had triggered with what he thought was an innocent joke. He searched her face for a crack in the facade, a sign of the vulnerability she had shown for just a heartbeat. Did she get pregnant at some point in her life? Was she forced to make difficult decisions? Kaz had always been a private person, but maybe she could beat him. He asked himself how someone could be so careless and chat about the most uncomfortable things ever like it was nothing, and never reveal anything at the same time.
He watched as she turned away, her movements deliberate, as if she were putting distance between them to hide the truth. The thought of her experiencing such a thing gnawed at him, a mix of empathy and frustration swirling within him. How could she talk so freely about graphic details and yet keep the most important parts of her life so well-guarded?
Kaz's mind raced, piecing together fragments of their conversations, trying to make sense of the puzzle that was y/n. She had always been an enigma, someone who seemed to live without fear or hesitation. But now, he saw a glimpse of the cracks beneath the surface, the scars that she kept hidden.
“So, what do you have in mind for our next session?” she asked casually, checking her phone.
“Foreplay,” he said quicker than he intended.
“Someone’s got his ideas straight,” she commented, looking at him over her phone.
“When are you free?” he asked.
“Now,” she said, letting her eyes wander over him. That was unexpected. “Saints, Kaz, I’m kidding.”
“Sorry, I—”
“Making impure thoughts, love?” she asked, leaning in. Yes, he definitely was. Since he had managed to kiss Inej, it was the only thing he could think of.
“Shit, go take a cold shower and stop looking at me with those manic eyes. I’m such a bad influence on you,” she laughed, and Kaz thought she was absolutely right. But apparently, she wasn't done playing with him. She slowly moved to sit on his lap, giving him all the time to stop her if he wanted to. He didn’t.
“Tell me more about these kisses,” she whispered, cradling his head in her hands. “Were they like this?” She gently pressed their lips together. “Or were they like this?” y/n let her tongue slip into his mouth, and instinctively he hugged her tightly, letting the familiar cherry scent invade him.
“We should stop,” he whispered in her mouth after a while.
“Then stop,” she replied simply, pressing their lips together again. It took him more than he cared to admit to let her go, leaning back to create some distance between them.
“Good boy,” she said, licking her lips.
Kaz sighed heavily. “Time to go,” he whispered, and she got up to let him leave.
"Say it again," y/n said seriously, her head resting in his lap, while Kaz absentmindedly scratched her head. The bra she was wearing that day was without cups, completely see-through, and her piercings kept stealing his focus. He sighed, trying to stay composed despite the distracting view. 
"Always take my time, never rush her, make her come at least once," Kaz recited dutifully.
"And?" she urged him to continue.
"I'm not saying or going to do that," he protested, clearly annoyed.
"And?" y/n repeated, moving his chin to redirect his gaze back to her face.
Kaz hesitated, obviously embarrassed. "Never force her head down and ask before coming into her mouth," he muttered under his breath. "I would never do that. Why do you make me keep saying it?" He felt almost offended by the implication.
She redirected his eyes again, laughing at how red he kept becoming every time she caught him staring. "Because no one ever sucked your dick and you have no idea how much control you're going to lose."
Kaz felt a rush of shame about his inexistent experience. He hated feeling this vulnerable, hated the way her words cut through his defenses.
Her voice softened, he never heard her talking so tenderly, “Remember to tell her she's pretty” she said tracing his nose, before going back to her usual demeanor. 
y/n got up from his lap, stretching a bit. "So, enough theory. Time for practice, seduce me baby."
Kaz looked away, his mind racing. The intimacy they shared was confusing, a mix of instruction and genuine connection that left him feeling exposed. He knew she was trying to prepare him, to make sure he didn't mess things up with Inej, but it was hard to reconcile these lessons with the reality of his feelings.
Kaz let out a nervous laugh. "I don’t know where to start," he admitted simply.
"Liar, you’re just embarrassed," she said, raising a brow.
"Yes, I am embarrassed, y/n," Kaz said, frustrated. "Why is it so hard for you to see it?"
y/n frowned at his reaction. "Calm down, love. I was just trying to lighten the mood. We can keep talking if you want."
Kaz took his head in his hands, feeling a mix of annoyance and self-reproach. He didn't know if he was more upset with her or with himself. "I'm just nervous," he said more softly. "I don’t know how to approach this without betraying her."
y/n made her way between his arms. Kaz was really surprised to find out how clingy he was; he never thought of himself as that kind of person. He had always prided himself on his independence, on his ability to maintain control and keep others at arm's length. Physical closeness had always been a challenge, something he shied away from, but here he was, craving the comfort of her touch.
He wondered when this change had occurred. Was it gradual, creeping in slowly over time as he grew more comfortable with y/n, or had it always been there, buried beneath layers of self-imposed isolation? He had always been wary of relying on others, afraid of the vulnerability that came with it. Yet, with y/n, he found himself leaning into the very thing he had avoided for so long.
Kaz realized that despite his initial reluctance, there was a part of him that needed this connection, this human touch. It was a need he had never acknowledged, even to himself. y/n's arms around him, her gentle touch, provided a solace he didn't know he was missing. It was a confusing mix of emotions—guilt for finding comfort in someone other than Inej, gratitude for y/n's understanding and patience, and a deep-seated fear of what this newfound dependency meant for him.
As y/n scratched the back of his head, he couldn't help but relax into her embrace. He felt a pang of guilt, knowing that this comfort came from a relationship that was, in many ways, transactional. But he also recognized the genuine care she showed him, the way she listened and supported him without judgment. It was a rare and precious thing, and he couldn't deny how much he needed it.
"Let's set some boundaries then," she said, scratching the back of his head. Kaz hated how good her paid cuddles made him feel, how desperately touch-starved he was. He had always considered himself strong, resilient, but this vulnerability exposed a different side of him. A side that longed for connection, for the warmth of another person. It was a humbling realization, one that forced him to confront the walls he had built around himself.
He sighed, leaning into her touch despite himself. "Inej means everything to me. I don't want to do anything that would hurt her or make her feel less important."
y/n nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I understand, Kaz. And it's good that you feel that way. It shows how much you care about her. Let's make sure whatever we do here is about helping you be the best for her, okay?"
"Okay, uhm, I don't want you to do... things to me," Kaz forced the words out of his mouth, the weight of his anxiety heavy on his chest, "but I... would like to get accustomed to doing some things to you. To know if I can do them with her."
y/n nodded thoughtfully. "Seems right, but remember that you won’t know what she likes until you are with her, so you might have to adapt to that."
"I know," Kaz said, his voice wavering. "I have to be sure I won’t panic and throw up or run away or—"
"Kaz, breathe."
He took a long, shaky breath, feeling like all the progress he had made was slipping through his fingers. The girl sensed his weariness and settled herself on top of him, her eyes locking with his. "Tell me to stop, and I will," she said, waiting for his nod before she proceeded.
With slow, deliberate movements, y/n unbuttoned his shirt and helped him out of it. She guided him to kiss her neck, his hands resting on her waist. As he started to get comfortable, she moved his head to her cleavage. His kisses were hesitant, his hands trembling slightly as he reached for the back of her bra.
"Go on," she encouraged, and he managed to unclasp it easily. His fingers, so skilled at cracking safes, adapted to this new task effortlessly. y/n removed her bra, and Kaz felt a surge of panic, his mind filled with confused images of Inej, Inej whom he had never even seen change clothes.
"Breathe, love. Stop when you want," she reassured him. But he didn't want to stop. He wanted to push through the fear, to prove to himself that he could do this.
y/n tenderly talked him through it, her voice a soothing anchor. "Start with your hands, you won’t hurt me," she murmured. "Try your mouth, baby." 
Kaz followed her guidance, his touch growing more confident with each passing moment. He traced his fingers delicately across her skin, feeling the warmth of her body beneath his touch. y/n's soft moans escaped her lips, muffled and heavy with desire, and Kaz found himself emboldened by her responses.
"You're so good," she whispered, her voice breathless with arousal, her head arching back slightly. Her piercings, cold against his tongue, added a layer of sensation that heightened his awareness of every movement, every touch.
As Kaz explored her with a mixture of curiosity and determination, he couldn't help but emit quiet, satisfied hums. Each sound was a testament to the growing confidence he felt in his ability to please her, a reassurance that he was on the right track. Despite the lingering guilt and uncertainty, he found solace in y/n's encouragement and the genuine pleasure she expressed.
Her body responded to his touch, arching subtly beneath him, and he continued, guided by her subtle cues and occasional whispers of approval. The intimacy of the moment enveloped them both, forging a connection that went beyond physical sensation.
For Kaz, this experience was a revelation—an opportunity to confront his fears and insecurities, to push beyond his comfort zone. In y/n's reactions, he found validation and a sense of accomplishment, despite the lingering doubts about his own readiness.
As he explored this new territory, Kaz felt a mix of emotions—fear, excitement, guilt. Each touch, each kiss was a step closer to the intimacy he craved with Inej, but it was also a reminder of the distance he still had to cross. y/n's moans were real, her guidance sincere, and in that moment, he was grateful for her patience and understanding.
His mind flickered back to Inej, the girl he truly wanted to be with, and he hoped that when the time came, he wouldn't be paralyzed by fear. He wanted to be ready, to give her the intimacy she deserved without hesitation.
Kaz's hands moved with more certainty, his kisses deeper. y/n's reassurances wrapped around him like a safety net, and he allowed himself to get lost in the moment, knowing that this was a crucial step in overcoming his fears. 
After a while, she cupped his face and kissed his lips, guiding them to lay on their side. y/n threw a leg over him, pulling him closer. Kaz had one arm under her, hugging her, but he wasn’t sure of where to put the other. They left each other's lips for a moment, and she took his hand and placed it on her thigh, then went to kiss him again. His hand was trembling, “Breathe” she reminded. 
Kaz was painfully hard, the friction between him and y/n threatening to unravel his restraint. She moved with a sinuous grace, arching her back, rolling her hips against his, and kissing his neck provocatively. Each movement intensified his arousal, making him struggle to maintain composure.
"Should I stop?" y/n's voice was breathless, filled with anticipation.
"No," Kaz managed between heavy breaths, his desire building with each passing second.
Her moans grew louder as she pressed closer, urging him on. "Kaz, please, touch me," she pleaded, her voice a mix of desperation and desire.
Her plea sparked something primal in him, a surge of power he never felt. His hand hesitated briefly at her lower abdomen before trailing lower, teasingly slow, as he explored the contours of her body.
But just as things were escalating, Kaz's phone buzzed loudly, shattering the intense moment with an annoyed grunt. He reached for it reluctantly, glancing at the screen with a sinking feeling. "y/n, it's 8 pm."
"What? Fuck, fuck, fuck! I have a date. How could you tease me like that for three hours?" y/n exclaimed, scrambling to find her clothes in a hurry.
Kaz motioned for her to be quiet as he called Jesper back, his mind racing with excuses. "Jes, I know I'm late. I was sleeping," he explained as soon as his friend picked up.
"I'm at your house, Kaz," Jesper replied curtly.
"Fuck," Kaz sighed, frustration mounting as he saw y/n still searching frantically. "Yes, Kaz, fuck," Jesper retorted before Kaz ended the call abruptly to avoid any further chastisement.
"Can you drop me off at that bar with the French name? It should be on your way home," y/n asked as she finally located what she needed from the wardrobe.
Kaz considered his lateness but relented with a nod. "Be quick," he urged.
As y/n grabbed his hand, she maneuvered him in front of her wardrobe. "Pick me an outfit, love? I need to shower," she said hurriedly.
"What? No, how can I?" Kaz protested, feeling out of his depth.
"He's a man, you're a man. Just pick something," she insisted, rushing out of the room with a small towel wrapped around her body.
Kaz sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the situation, but reluctantly selected two outfits. To his surprise, y/n returned sooner than expected, munching on a tomato.
"What are you doing?" Kaz asked incredulously.
"Having dinner. Where's my outfit?" she quipped casually, prompting Kaz to point out his choices.
"You have taste, baby," she teased, a playful grin on her face. Kaz found himself unexpectedly charmed by her banter, a reminder of the easy familiarity that had grown between them over time.
While y/n changed, Kaz emptied his wallet onto her nightstand, sorting out the cash he owed her. "I don't have any more cash. I'll send the rest to your card," he informed her.
"Thanks," she replied casually, unruffled by the business-like transaction.
He always wondered about her earnings, knowing she was usually booked solid even before he arrived. The thought of how much she made, especially on extended holidays, intrigued him, though he never quite dared to ask outright.
They got into Kaz's car, and without hesitation, his hand found its place on her thigh, seeking the closeness they both craved. "Fuck, I can't believe you left me so on edge. I'm going to die before I get home," she remarked, unable to hide her frustration.
y/n shifted restlessly beside him. "You're not sleeping with him?" Kaz asked casually, trying to ease the tension.
"He wants to take things slow," she replied with a hint of amusement.
"How are you going to survive?" Kaz teased, lightening the mood.
"I'll manage," she sighed dramatically, her hand resting comfortably on his.
Kaz hesitated briefly before admitting, "Inej didn't like it. She shoved my hand away."
"Oh, Kaz, I'm sorry. You really seemed to like it," y/n replied sympathetically, her tone softening.
"You like it," Kaz pointed out, giving her a sideways glance.
"Yeah, I don't have a problem admitting that," she shot back with a grin. "I like it too. She never rejected me before. I know it's stupid, it's just a hand, but it felt weird."
"Your feelings aren't stupid," y/n reassured him, her voice gentle as she stared out the car window. "And I imagine for you, a hand on a thigh is like climbing a fucking mountain."
"It is," Kaz admitted quietly, grateful for her understanding.
When they reached the bar, Kaz dropped y/n off and drove on to face a very angry Jesper, knowing he would have to deal with the consequences of his delay.
A few days later, Kaz and Jesper were talking outside a shop. Jesper had convinced Kaz to go shopping together, and since Kaz still had to be forgiven for disappearing the other day, he couldn't refuse. As they chatted, Jesper's brows suddenly shot up. "Can't believe this, turn around."
Kaz turned and spotted y/n leaving a lingerie shop with several bags and a stroller. She seemed to be chatting animatedly with the baby inside. Kaz thought that she would probably talk to a rock if left alone long enough. The two men exchanged puzzled looks as y/n noticed them and waved with a smile, crossing the street to reach them.
"Who's that?" asked Kaz, a mix of curiosity and confusion in his voice. Could she be so private about her life that no one knew she had a toddler?
"Oh saints, don't make that panicked face. It's not like it could be yours anyway," she said lightly, rolling her eyes. "It's my friend's. I'm letting her parents have some time together."
Kaz let out a small sigh of relief. "What's with these hideous glasses?" he asked, reaching to take off her large sunglasses. y/n quickly shoved his hand away.
"I just got Botox. I'm all purple," she replied nonchalantly.
Kaz raised an eyebrow. "You took a toddler to get Botox and to a lingerie shop?"
"And now we are going to do our pretty nails, right baby?" she cooed, and the baby nodded enthusiastically.
"Fucking finally, they're horrible," Kaz commented, taking her hand in his gloved one to study it better.
"Isn't he a sweetheart this morning?" y/n said toward Jesper, pinching Kaz's cheek.
Jesper scoffed at their interaction. He had never seen anyone, not even Inej, touch Kaz's face like that. "And then are you going to have lunch at some point?" Jesper marveled at how Kaz's voice softened.
"If I have time. How should I do them?" she asked, looking at her nails.
"You know how I like them." Kaz's response made Jesper's jaw practically hit the sidewalk, but the two seemed totally unbothered.
y/n took out her phone to reply to a text, and both men's eyes widened. "That's your card?" asked Jesper, pointing at the black credit card in her phone case. Not even their boss had a black credit card.
"I wish. A client gave it to me to get a little treat," y/n said with a satisfied smile.
"Surgeon?" asked Kaz, puzzled.
"CEO," she winked. "Don't ask, I had to sign an NDA."
Kaz thought about this really rich and powerful man waiting on the same couch as he did, to spend a few hours with y/n. He couldn't grasp the concept. 
Jesper scoffed heavily again, his disappointment written all over his face. "You know, you were much funnier before you decided to judge me for my job," y/n said harshly.
"You call that a job?" said Jesper.
"Yes, I call it a fucking job."
"Jesper, let it go," Kaz intervened with a dangerous glare.
"The girls were thinking Crow Club for tonight," said y/n to Kaz, steering the conversation away from the conflict.
"Do you need a table?" he asked immediately.
"It's fine, some guys are taking us," she replied with a tight smile. After y/n left, Jesper looked at Kaz, disappointed.
"Kaz, come on, how are you not seeing it?"
"See what?" Kaz's patience was wearing thin.
"She has you wrapped around her finger."
"She's a professional, Jesper."
"And what were all those laughs and touches, and what the fuck does it mean that she knows how you like nails? The only nails you're supposed to like are your girlfriend's," Jesper spat, his tone dripping with disdain. "You're letting some hooker play house with you, Kaz. Do you even hear yourself? It's pathetic."
"She's also a human being, Jes. You can't treat her like that," Kaz snapped back, his eyes narrowing with anger. "And you know what? I'm a fucking human being too, even if no one seems to care about that."
"Oh, spare me the self-pity. You think anyone else would put up with this crap? You're losing it, Kaz. You're letting her turn you into some lovesick idiot," Jesper shot back, his voice rising.
Kaz felt his blood boil, the anger and frustration bubbling over. "Fuck you, Jesper," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Just because you can't understand it doesn't mean it isn't real."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," Jesper sneered. "You're fooling yourself if you think she gives a damn about you."
Kaz stormed away, his fist clenched around his cane. He didn't need this. He didn't need Jesper's judgment or his condescension. As he walked, he tried to shake off the bitterness and focus on what mattered: finding his own way, no matter how messy or complicated it might be.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
I love masquerade ball trope, specially when you have anonymity when comes to romance.
Can I have number 6?
For Deuce, Malleus and Silver. I would like to know about theirs.
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6. Crowley has decided to put together a murder mystery for the whole ball and you've been the first one "killed." Whoever is playing detective seems really upset about that.
My favorite part of romance anything is the pining and masquerade's are great for that (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ I guess they could be good for drama too but eh I am not a huge fan of miscommunication related angst. Unless it's that one route in Tailor Tales... and even then not by much.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, you have to be a special kind of stupid to "hurt" Yuu in front of Malleus, the rest of the event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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This is bad. Bad with a capital B- during finals week, House Warden Riddle finds out about. And now that he has thought up his angry House Warden, he can add fear to the list of emotions he's feeling, right underneath self-doubt and hatred of whoever decided to pick Yuu off first.
"Wait seriously, you're the detective?" Ace looks as oddly panicked as Deuce feels, their attention firmly on the playing card tight in Deuce's shaking hands.
"I just don't know where I should start." Deuce says nervously, but it is clear he has determination if nothing else. "But you're way better at reading people and I need to know if you saw anyone acting weird." Ace makes a show of looking around the ballroom, the other students are more or less just mingling as they had before. It makes Deuce angry, he settles into himself in a manner that suggests he is about to flip.
"Hey hey look," Ace has both his hands out like he's trying to soothe one of the flamingos, which grounds Deuce only slightly as the back of his brain begins to turn towards an idea without his notice "I would totally love to help you out. No really! It's just don't you think you actually want me to-"
"Of course I do!" Someone shushes Deuce to his right and he glares in way of an apology. No one else has died yet which is a relief, he has to be doing something right. "Aren't you upset that someone decided to pick Yuu off first?" For some reason Ace doesn't respond, if anything he looks a bit crestfallen but Deuce is too caught up in his mixed bubble of emotions to fully notice. "They're already singled out so much, and you know how they always say it doesn't bother them but I know better. I mean not to say you don't- I just. I worry about them so much already and now they can't even enjoy a school dance without someone trying to pick on them-"
"I think you miiiight be reading too much into it Juice." Ace has begun to back away from him now. "And while I would like to help, isn't that against the rules? Wouldn't want to be you when Riddle finds out you didn't win us the game in a card soldier like wa-"
"It was you." Ace stops. Deuce stops to drop into a stance that has Ace really wishing he was not such a slacker on track days.
"If I had known it was you I would have knocked off Jack or something first!" He yells over his shoulder as both boys ignore the established rules of the game in favor of sprinting through the ballroom, a determined officer in pursuit of an only slightly embarrassed knave. "I just thought it would be funny! And jeeze why are you acting like this over a little crush!"
"See I told you." A wise little grey sage nods next to you as you survey the scene. "It's a total race to the bottom between those two.
It was not a dark and stormy night until Crowley announced you were the first one out. You don't remember anything in the forecast calling for rain, or NRC students being so afraid of it. The green lightning flickering across the sky suggests a... degree of magic might be involved in this particular turn of events and you do your best to stamp down the tension headache that causes.
"Perhaps it would best if we take a brief recess to let the weather clear up before we continue with our game?" Crowley doesn't wait for anyone to agree with him before leaving, maybe never to be seen again, forcing you to contend with the looming shadow peering over your shoulder.
"You do know I'm not actually hurt, right?" You try to bring Malleus back down to earth, you swear you see smoke curling from his exhaled breath as beady green eyes look you over.
"Of course." He almost sounds like he's pouting, the longer you stare the more his lips purse and cheeks puff, you are surprised he doesn't break eye contact or cross his arms. "But threatening to hurt you in my presence is an insult."
"It was not an actual threat," you carefully take his hand in yours, guiding it to your neck so he can feel the steady thrumming of your heart, politely ignoring the way even more people scramble away from the ballroom. No doubt intimidated by the touching display of intimacy and not the way Malleus's eyes flutter like a blushing maiden as the storm slows to a drizzle. "Crowley just thought it would be a fun game for everyone to play, and since we are all wearing masks there's a good chance the killer-" Another lightening bolt splits the sky with a crack and Mallues's arm tenses. You gently kiss his knuckles and try another approach. "The person pretending to be the killer picked me at random. They don't want to hurt me, I'm not going anywhere." The rain ceases for now, the outburst seems to have rendered the game largely forgotten, with Crowley pointedly refusing to return to start it up and Malleus refusing to move. The band, at least, seems to take the que and starts up the music and Malleus moves to dance with you, making sure to keep you extra close in case anyone gets any ideas of really hurting you.
"I did understand that it was a game." He tells Lilia, even as the old fae shakes his head clearly unbelieving. "But human life is so fragile, theirs more so than most. I can't risk anyone getting any ideas." He won't loose them, not to anything other than time, and even then, if Malleus finds it within his power he will defy fate itself.
"And now that our first victim for the night has been announced, you may return to your mingling until our killer selects his next prey." Crewel is having way too much fun laying out the dramatic scene before him, even if he is disappointed with the first choice of victim. Silver appreciates his dedication if nothing else, it is always impressive how much attention to detail the Professors at this school put into the small things in events like this.
But he is stalling focusing on that, his purple eyes move to scan the perimeters, Idia is lingering in a corner too focused on his phone to really be playing, besides his first pick would probably have been Azul to save himself the headache. Satisfied he walks (though the people around him part as if he is stalking) away from his position at the entrance to survey the other guests. His hand twitches close to his baton when he senses someone coming up behind him, but relaxes once he notes his father.
"My, my, just what has my sweet boy so worked up?" Lilia seems to be in a very good mood, which relives Silver even if he had expected him to enjoy this game a lot more than he was. "I almost mistook you for Malleus with how severe your face looks." He pauses, gently touching his face as if he will be able to tell just what's so strange about it without a mirror and Lilia's conspiratorial grin grows wider. "Look, even our dear prefect is concerned." Silver's eyes snatch up to the balcony where Yuu sits, leaning on the railing to look at the guests below, mask set to the side lazily as they relive some of his stress with the clear boredom on their face.
The sight catches with the breath in his throat, confusion wrapping him in it's familiar embrace with a strange twinge to it he wants to say he is unaware of but knows he has been feeling more and more in your presence lately.
"I am trying to win the game." He tries, unable to look back at his father not out of fear of his judgement but desire for you to look his way just once. "I don't want this to reflect poorly on Malleus." Lilia laughs, forcing Silver to look at him empty handed with a look of disappointment his father knows he also is completely unaware of.
"Are you sure you aren't worried it will reflect poorly on you?" He watches as his son shifts, torn between wanting to spend time with him and return to his task. "After all, it isn't Malleus who is auditioning right now, is he?" And Lilia spares him the choice, flying off to said Lord as Crewel once again brings the band to a pause to name a student Silver is not sure he knows, and is surprised he does not care nearly as much about.
"Watch me." He silently promises you, bowing towards you just stealthily enough it is barely noticeable. "I will keep you safe prefect, I promise."
"You should give him a kiss when he wins." Lilia whispers into your ear and you nearly fall over the railing with how badly you start.
"L-lilia! I am not sure what you-"
"Or maybe a handkerchief with some perfume?" He is having too much fun at your expense to stop now. "That would suit the aesthetics much better don't you agree?"
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90smaximoff · 2 years
Pleaaaase write a threesome with a strap 🤤 preferably with y/n, Wanda and anyone else but tbh I’d love it for anyone
dreaming with you.
author’s note: thanks for requesting 🫶
words: 900
warnings: smut (+18), strap on, blowjob on a strap, fingering, dirty talk, kinda dubcon?? honestly i don’t think so but just to be safe i will add this, i guess that’s it, enjoy 🫶
Wanda thrusted her hips onto your mouth, moaning as she feel the warmth of your mouth enveloped her strap - thanks to her magic for that.
You didn’t even remember how this started, how you ended up on all fours in Wanda’s bed naked, actually you wasn’t even thinking about it, the only thing that you could focus at the moment was how pretty she looked with her mouth open moaning your name as you suck her strap.
You could feel your arousal running down your thighs as you look up at her, doing the best you can to make her feel good, and for the way she was looking down at you with so much lust you could tell that was working.
“Oh baby, you’re doing so good, you’re gonna make me cum in your mouth.” She whispered and you wondered if she could really cum in your mouth though the toy.
But you didn’t have much time to process this since you feel soft hands running through your lower back and heard a voice speak to the woman.
“Not yet, Wands, c’mon, bet you wanna cum inside her instead.” Natasha Romanoff herself had her clothes off and was behind you on the bed, caressing your back and looking mesmerized at the sigh of you sucking the witch’s cock.
You didn’t even panicked, because you just feel hotter, both woman’s attention were in you, looking at you and desiring you for herself.
Wanda took a grip to your hair, pressing your head to swallow her shaft deeper and agreed with Natasha as you almost gagged on her cock. “Yeah, but her mouth feels so good, i guess i will have to fill you twice, don’t i, detka?” You shake your head a yes.
You wonders what that term means, but assumed that must be tender, since she looks at you with care as saying that with the thick accent.
That’s when you feel Natasha take one hand off your back to her fingers start to play with your embarrassingly wet pussy, spreading your lips open and easily putting two of her fingers inside in a slow pace.
“Damn, she’s so fucking wet. All of that just for sucking cock, baby? Are you that desperate?” You could hear her smile.
As you feel her fingers inside, finally giving you some relief, you moan in Wanda’s cock, causing vibrations through her whole body and making her roll her eyes, mourning a bad word.
All you could think about was what that women were about to do with you, how bad you wanted them to have their way with you, everything feels so sexy and perfect that you were scared to wake up from that dream.
But, eventually, that’s exactly what happens. You open your eyes as the sunlight enters your room through the curtains of your window, actually, Tony Stark’s window, since that was his tower. The Avengers tower.
You growls trying to make your eyes adjust to the light and mentally swearing at yourself for waking up before the better part. You feel really wet between your legs, probably needing a long cold shower for start the day, but not before breakfast, or maybe just a little snack since you feel too hungry to cook anything better.
You got out off the bed and went downstairs still in pajamas, thinking that since you didn’t heard nothing upstairs everybody should be still sleeping. And you were right, except for two russians who seemed very awake as you enter the kitchen and see them both talking as eating breakfast.
Shame running through your body remembering your wet dream with them, but there’s no way they could know that, you know that Wanda would never cross boundaries and read your mind especially without a reason.
“Good morning.” Wanda greet you with a smile and you feel your cheeks flustering.
Natasha looked at you and winked, you feel even bad for dreaming about them fucking you, they were gentle with you since the moment you joined the team, always giving you advices and teaching things, they’re great coworkers maybe even friends and you just think about how they taste. As you feel like a pervert woman, your appetite is gone.
“Good morning.” You said ashamed.
“Did you sleep well?” Natasha asks, taking a sip from the mug that you’ve assumed that was coffee.
“Y-yeah.” Your voice failed and you looked at the floor from the shame, remembering how her voice was in your dream.
“Good. I slept very well too, did you have a good dream?” She smiles brighter and you could swear that you’ve heard Wanda’s laugh but decided to ignore it as you were ignoring the sound of her voice saying it, almost as if was teasing you.
“I don’t remember…”
Natasha just agreed with her head.
“Well, i’m going take a shower, see you guys later.” Since you couldn’t wait for getting out that damn kitchen, you turned your back and started your way to upstairs, until you hear Wanda’s voice.
“You’re not eating anything, detka?” You looked at her. She never called you that, not in real life, at least.
As you feel your cheeks burn from embarrassment and told yourself that there’s no way they could know about your dream, you shake your head a no and almost run to your room.
Little did you know that Wanda herself gave you that dream, and Natasha asked to participate.
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
Guest Appearance
Dick Grayson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: DC
Summary: As a PA on a nightly talk show with all kinds of celebrity guests, the job always comes with some level of unexpected chaos. But when Dick Grayson's interview is interrupted by a New York supervillain, the events of the night might reach a whole new level of wild adventure
Word Count: 2,967
Category: Fluff, Humor, maybe a little bit of Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Can you believe he's really here?"
"No. How is it possible that he's somehow hotter in person?"
I stifled a laugh behind my hand and turned to look at my coworker, Tara, who had an absolutely shameless grin on her face. I shook my head, but I couldn't stop a similar smile from spreading across my own face, too.
We'd become work besties since we got hired and added to the crew of the same talk show together at the same time. We'd worked with a laundry list of truly incredible guests (and some truly terrible ones), but today was officially the record best for the both of us.
Richard Grayson, the famous, charming philanthropist and eldest son of Bruce Wayne was our guest for today's show. My job was making sure talent knew where to go and that they got there on time, so even better, I'd actually been able to interact with him a bit.
"Was he nice?" asked Tara, keeping her voice low as we watched our host go through the interview as planned. "Please tell me he was nice. I don't think I could handle it if he was an asshole."
"Oh, Tara, he was so sweet. You should've seen the smile he gave me when we were introduced. And he remembered my name, he said thank you specifically to me when I got him to the stage earlier!"
Tara sighed. "I'm in love."
"Honestly? Same."
The two of us fell into comfortable silence as we returned our attention to the shoot before us. The host was asking about some charity work Dick Grayson and his dad had gotten behind recently, and every time the host tried to give him accolades, Dick deflected and turned all the attention back to the volunteers and the people they were trying to help.
I was quite literally melting. Next to me, Tara seemed to be having the same reaction.
"I wish he could come on every week," she muttered, shaking her head. "They're about to wrap this part though, I need to get in position to set up for the game they're gonna play. Continue this after the show?"
"You're on."
She shot me a wink, then headed over to where all the props were resting for the game our host was going to play with Grayson. I turned my attention back to the interview, then frowned. Something weird was going on with the backdrop of the set. The color was changing to an icier white, as if frost was spreading across it. I squinted, trying to get a closer look, when everything around me exploded.
Cold wind swept through the studio as the lights went out. Members of the audience screamed, and I whirled around a moment later to see exactly why. Killer Frost, one of the supervillains who sometimes operated here in New York, was at the top of the audience seats, sending ice and freezing wind through the entire studio.
I shook my head, taking a few steps backwards before I thought better of it. I turned to the main stage where our host, guest, and a few others had been, searching for anybody I could help out of here, only to find it empty. A moment later Tara rushed up to me, a panicked look in her eye.
"Tara! You have to get out of here!" I said, trying to be heard over the increasing commotion as Killer Frost slowly but surely made her way down the stairs and towards the main stage, moving as if she had all the time in the world. "Get anybody you can to follow you, go down the stairs and get the hell out of here as fast as you can! And call somebody for help on your way out!"
Tara nodded, her grip on my forearm still like iron.
"Are you coming with me?"
I glanced over her shoulder at Killer Frost with a grimace, then turned back to Tara and shook my head.
"I want to see if I can help anybody else get out of here, especially Grayson. Talent's supposed to be my responsibility, and it seems like she's probably after him for a ransom or something. Since he's not familiar with the studio, I don't want him getting lost or stuck somewhere if there's something I can do to help."
Tara shook her head, but I started pushing her towards the exit and moving in the opposite direction before she could stop me.
"Go! I'll meet you outside!"
With that, I turned on my heel and ran.
Thankfully, I'd gotten to know this place well enough in the time since I'd started working here that I was able to navigate quickly through the back hallways. Everything back here was deserted now, which hopefully meant that everyone else had already gotten out. I threw open every door I passed anyway, looking for stragglers trying to hide that I might be able to send out the back stairs instead, getting them further out of harm's way.
The temperature in the hallway dropped with every extra second I spent here, and I knew I was running out of time, but I was determined to finish checking this space. Every room so far had been empty, but the last door at the end of the hall was our guest dressing room. Once I cleared it, I could get the hell out of here myself. With one quick glance over my shoulder to make sure Killer Frost hadn't reached this place yet, I threw open the last door on my list.
I froze in the doorway, but not because of a supervillain. Basically the opposite, actually. Before me, in the middle of the room, was Dick Grayson. He was shirtless, but more notably, he was halfway into the very recognizable superhero costume of Nightwing.
We locked eyes, just staring at each other for a few long moments while my brain tried to compute what I was seeing. I blinked, thinking this had to be a prank or an illusion or something, but then the temperature dropped another few degrees and Dick Grayson—Nightwing—started moving.
"What are you doing in here?" he asked as he quickly pulled on the top half of his suit. I just shook my head, trying to get my brain engaged again.
"I... I was checking if anybody was still here, I wanted to make sure you got out the back stairs since Killer Frost is probably here for you... are you seriously Nightwing?"
Dick grimaced as he slipped on a domino mask, giving me all the confirmation I needed.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anybody. But right now, you need to get out of here."
"Right. Right, yeah, you're right."
Dick nodded, crossing the room to gently take my arm and lead me out of it. I turned to the door at the end of the hallway that would lead to the stairs and out of the building, but before I could take so much as a step towards it, a blast of ice exploded against the wall, sealing the door completely shut.
I heard Dick swear under his breath as he yanked me back against his chest, moving me out of harm's way just in time.
"Get in the dressing room and keep your head down," he muttered to me before gently pushing me in that direction. I paused in the doorway to watch as he slowly turned to face Killer Frost, who'd finally caught up to us.
Nightwing shot me a wink and a confident smile before stepping forward, past where I could see his face. I knew I needed to take cover; I couldn't do much against Killer Frost, and neither could Nightwing if he was worried about protecting me. But before I shut the door, I figured there was one last thing I could do to try to help him.
"Dick, take cover back there," I said, faking pushing someone just beyond sight of the doorway from the hallway. "Nightwing's here, he's going to take care of it. It's going to be okay."
I wasn't sure if that would convince Killer Frost, or if Nightwing's secret identity was even something I should be concerned about right now, but I figured it at least couldn't hurt to try to help him out. I chanced one last glance behind me, but couldn't see more than a blinding flash of light as the two supers collided and I shut the door.
I took a deep breath, trying to gather myself. It still didn't seem completely real—it felt like a mistake. Richard Grayson, the famous son of Bruce Wayne, was one of the last people I'd expect to be a vigilante. Yet the proof was pretty irrefutable.
I crossed the room, shakily easing down into the nearest chair. Hopefully Dick, or Nightwing, or whoever the hell he was would be able to beat Killer Frost. If he wasn't, this room would surely be her next stop, and she'd probably be pretty disappointed to just find me, without the billionaire's son she'd been looking for.
The clashing and shouting sounds of fighting continued outside, setting my nerves on edge with every second that passed. Finally, they came to a stop, and that was honestly worse. I perched on the edge of my seat, ready to jump up at a moment's notice, and watched the door like a hawk. I shot halfway to the ceiling when it came flying open, then collapsed back onto the couch when I saw it was just Nightwing.
"You scared the hell out of me," I breathed, putting a hand to my chest. He shot me a grin as he slammed the door shut behind him.
"Sorry about that. I don't have a lot of time to spare, here."
"You... won, right? You beat Killer Frost?"
He nodded before ducking behind a rack of clothes to one side of the room. I could still see his face as he slipped off the domino mask, revealing the kind but non-super guest of the show that I'd met earlier today.
"She's unconscious, and I made sure she was subdued for whichever authorities get here first. But I couldn't stay out there to wait for them, since it might make my identity a little obvious. Especially when they checked this room and found you alone in here."
I huffed a laugh. "Yeah, people might have a few questions about that, my boss included."
He shot me a smile that made me melt, then stepped out from behind the rack of clothes a moment later, his nice suit for the talk show looking as good as when he'd first come in this morning. I frowned.
"What?" he asked. I shook my head, gesturing to his overall appearance.
"You look too put together. You were almost kidnapped by Killer Frost, you got shoved into this room by a vigilante and me... I don't know, I think you're supposed to look a little more rumpled."
He laughed. "You know, that's a good point. Hold on."
He ran his hands through his hair a few times to mess it up, then ripped at his nice white button up shirt until it looked sufficiently messy. Once he'd finished, he turned back to me with a smile, arms out to his sides.
"How's this?"
I smiled. "So good you might need to start worrying about the threat our hair and wardrobe people might pose to your safety when they see you instead of Killer Frost."
"I'll take it," he said, still beaming. A moment later though, the smile melted off his face and he took a step towards me. "Look... I appreciate your help covering my identity with Killer Frost... can I trust you to keep doing that? Nobody knows this secret."
I stared at Dick, one of the nicest guests we'd ever had on this show and apparently secretly the superhero Nightwing, as he came to a stop just a few inches from me. His wide, sparkling blue eyes and messy black hair made my heart melt and race all at the same time. I still didn't really know him, although I now knew something pretty major about him, but nevertheless, I couldn't help feeling that my sense about him—that he was a good, kind person—was right on.
I took a deep breath to give him an answer when the door to the room came flying open. On instinct, I shoved Dick backwards and behind the couch, and stepped forward. My producer, the show's host, and someone I assumed was a detective here for Killer Frost stared back at me.
"What happened?" I demanded, trying to look scared and wary as I shifted slightly backwards towards Dick. "Where is... is she gone?"
Everyone in the room relaxed a little at my question, the detective nodding as Dick stepped up to stand next to me.
"Killer Frost has been neutralized," she said. "What happened to the two of you?"
I glanced at Dick, still making a show of being rattled, and he did the same. I took a deep breath and turned back to the trio before us.
"I ran down here to try to make sure everyone got out, but Killer Frost showed up before Dick and I could make a run for it. She would've..." I paused, letting my gaze go a little unfocused as I swallowed hard, doing my best to sell the fear of the experience, which really wasn't all that hard. "I think we would've been in some serious trouble, but Nightwing showed up in the nick of time. He told us to wait in here while he took care of Killer Frost. Is he... is he okay?"
The three people before us shared a look, before the detective's eyes slid over me and Dick standing beside me. I very intentionally didn't look at him, instead focusing on keeping my eyes wide and worried. After a moment, the detective sighed and shrugged.
"He's not here and Killer Frost is subdued on the floor, so I'd say it's safe to assume he's fine," she said. I sighed, letting my shoulders relax and leaning slightly into Dick. He slumped a little too, putting a hand on my shoulder, like the both of us were incredibly relieved. We sat down on the couch together while the detective made sure we were both alright, and then my producer and the show's host checked in as well. They'd obviously decided not to finish filming today, and Dick was kind enough and thankfully in town long enough that we were able to schedule an alternate filming day.
Once we'd finished going through plans and questions and being checked on, we were told to head outside and go home. Dick and I didn't say much to each other throughout the process, until we stepped outside the building together, the sun shining down on the both of us. I took a deep breath then turned to Dick, only to find him already watching me with a smile.
"Thanks for that," he said. I returned his smile.
"Thanks for saving the day," I replied. "And I know it wasn't really your choice to share... you know... with me, but I promise your secret's safe."
Dick met my eyes, the smile off his face and replaced by a much more serious expression. He took a breath, then slolwy nodded.
"I believe you. Thank you."
The corner of my mouth quirked up, and we just stayed there for a moment together, letting the new reality wash over us. Even though we'd only met today, and neither of us knew the other well, things felt different, and closer, than they had before, now that we'd shared such a wild experience today.
"So... I know tonight, you probably just want to go home and get some breathing room from everything," Dick started, his eyes drifting to the city around us as he spoke. I watched him carefully, one eyebrow raised. "But I was thinking... after I come back for our replacement shoot, maybe I could take you out to dinner once we're done? I at least owe you a drink for everything we just went through together."
I laughed. "You owe me a drink? I'm pretty sure Nightwing is the only reason I'm not a frozen popsicle in that studio right now."
Dick smiled, and I couldn't help mirroring his expression as my heart pounded in my chest.
"But... I'd love to take you up on dinner," I continued, ignoring the rush of blood and nerves in my ears. "As long as you know the first round of drinks is on me."
Dick absolutely beamed back at me.
"Deal. Here, let me get your number and we can coordinate the best place for dinner and drinks."
"Perfect," I said, somehow keeping my hand from shaking as I held out my phone to him and took his in return. We exchanged numbers, then shared another smile as we handed back each other's phones. "Well... I guess I'll see you soon, then?"
"Can't wait." He flashed a grin that made me melt, then took a step closer to me and lowered his voice. "And thanks again for all your help today. I really, really appreciate it."
I nodded. "Likewise. Happy I could help."
He shot me a wink and another smile, then backed away, heading down the street and away from the building that housed our studio. He waved over his head at me as he went.
"See you soon!" he called. I grinned and waved after him.
"See you soon!"
I watched him go until he turned a corner, then finally started making my own way home. I didn't expect to end the day with a date scheduled with Dick (no matter how many times Tara and I had joked about it), but I was certainly happy with the unexpected outcome, despite what it took to get here.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
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