#this scene at the end of miss understanding CHANGED kid me
andradrawsstuff · 2 months
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Doing 9 year old me some justice by redrawing this scene from the end of Miss Understanding
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manicpixiefelix · 3 months
head, heart, hand. {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
Part 18.
Summary: Love as seen in the stars, in the flowers that bloom, in your best friend's eyes, and in the taste of him on Oliver's tongue as you catch him in the bathtub. Summer continues at Saltburn.
{ masterpost }
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
Warnings: SMUT; vouyerism, dom!reader, handjob, bathwater as lube, cumming almost untouched, pervert/enabler dynamics. I cannot stress to you enough that both the reader and Oliver are COMPLETE AND UTTER FREAKS ABOUT FELIX in the bathtub scene.
A/N: 6670 words. this chapter is very special to me for a lot of reasons, but mainly because there have been several scenes that i've been writing for a while now that have all found their forever home in this chapter. if you have any feedback or thoughts about this chapter or the story so far, i'd always love to hear them! also something something bath water something ;o)
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Things were easier to navigate now that you understood Oliver. Or at least you thought you understood. Less fucking around with Farleigh and Venetia in Oliver's peripheries; when you put yourself on display, it was as an extension of Felix. If Felix had noticed the change, he hadn't commented on it. Considering how much effort you put in making him feel good and moan like a whore for Oliver's benefit, he probably appreciated it.
Things with Oliver himself were getting better by the day too, it seemed. More and more he was reaching out for you again. Sitting too close, sharing your space, seeking you out when his time wasn't filled with Felix. There's less tension too, on the nights you share in the lilac study. Oliver's been through the book you'd given him on the Estate, and has moved on to picking out books he'd found on your bookshelf, it seemed. You, having quickly identified the flower he'd mentioned as the honeysuckle, native to Australia, had also moved on to books from your Summer reading list for your upcoming year at Oxford. As the first week of Summer is coming to an end, it seems as though Oliver had finally settled in at Saltburn.
"Do you miss your room?" Oliver asks one evening. Without even looking up from your own book, you give a fond laugh, shaking your head.
"It was more just a formality half the time," you tell him with an easy smile, "a place to keep my stuff." Looking at him beside you on the sofa, you see he understands the implications, the holidays you and the others have reminisced about, the trysts masquerading as something much more innocent that you would share with them all when you were at the Estate. There's nothing judgemental in his eyes, there never was when it came to Oliver, "why?"
"It all just feels very much like you in there," he offers, gaze wandering as he speaks, "Felix's room feels very You-And-Felix, and I get bits of him in your room too, but it feels much more you." You're actually rather surprised by how well you understand what he means, "like up on your roof you've got these little stars. They glow. I didn't notice them the first few nights."
Your smile widens, all bright and warm, and you close your book.
"Do you want to have a sleepover, Ollie?" You ask with a childish kind of glee. The offer seems to take Oliver by surprise, but you lean forwards, "like an actual sleepover, like we're kids again."
"You still do just sleepovers?" Seems to escape Oliver without him quite meaning it to, and for a moment your expression does falter a little.
"Yeah," you can't help but feel a little self conscious, "promise I'm not trying to seduce your or anything," then, shifting your legs from him you shuffle back to sit cross-legged on the sofa, "we actually do them kind of a lot, or, well, I do. I think Farleigh and Ven have a few and I know when they get tipsy Ven and Fi have had a few. Sometimes after events when we were teenagers we'd all head back to one of our rooms and end up all passed in the same bed trying to fit in like sardines, all four of us."
"That's very cute," Oliver says softly after a long moment of silence, and when you finally meet his gaze again, he's smiling.
"Yeah," you grin once more, "we were."
Which is how you ended up back in Oliver's room, back in your old bed, looking up at the canvas that made up your ceiling, stretched across the full length of the room, rigged and taught, littered with a constellation of glowing stars. Oliver, laying still beside you, asks about it, and you have to explain that there was no way in hell you would ever be allowed to mark the actual roof of any room in the Saltburn Estate. Which he realises makes a lot of sense once you say it out loud.
"But you should see Felix's ceiling, it's much more impressive," you tell him softly, not even aware how your smile was coming through even in your words. Oliver, bedside you, was simply quiet as he gazed at the glowing dots, "haven't you ever looked up at the ceiling in Fi's room?"
"Not properly," Oliver admitted quietly, and the silence lapses out between you both for several contented seconds, "did you two do this?"
"I did," you said proudly, "and this is just from what I had left over."
"What do you mean?"
"About this time, uh," you considered for a long while, trying to remember the full context of the stars that littered both yours and Felix's ceilings, "seven years ago I think, Felix pretended to have gotten really into astronomy as an excuse to always be out of bed, out on his balcony at night."
"But... he wasn't really?" Oliver's head shifted on his pillow to look at you and your amused smile. You shook your head.
"He picked up smoking from Venetia, she was bribing him with cigarettes to hide both her own habit and the fact that she gave it to him."
Oliver shifts beside you on the bed, no longer content with looking at the stars you'd placed there, interested, it seemed, only in watching you.
"How old was Felix?" He's looking at you, clearly listening and invested, but he seems distracted by something.
"Fourteen," you sighed, "Ven was fifteen, which really isn't much better -"
"And how old were you when you picked the habit up from Felix?" Oliver asks with the faintest, knowing quirk of his lips. Embarrassed about how well he seemed to know you, your whole face scrunched up momentarily, "fourteen?" Oliver teased when you refused to answer, grin widening as you squeezed your eyes shut. Still, he went on, "so when you say Felix pretended to get into astrology seven years ago to hide his smoking habit, you mean you and Felix pretended to get into astrology seven years ago?" And this is when you feel Oliver's gentle fingertips touch your flustered face. His fingertips beginning to glide so gracefully along your features, as you relaxed into a simple, embarrassed smile.
You really weren't trying to do anything untoward with him tonight, you weren't lying about that. Still, you wouldn't rebuff any kind of gentle affection he had to offer.
"Well, yeah," you admitted, and Oliver makes a noise for you to continue as he seemed to be wanting to map each delicate feature on your face through touch alone, "but Fi ended up really getting into it. Went through this whole big astronomy phase that year - I say that year; he still really into it - but back then, it was..." you closed your eyes, letting yourself be immersed in the memory of how excited Felix had been. Felix was always a beautiful sight to behold when he was passionate.
"Little Felix," Oliver mused fondly, "bet he was desperate to be an astronaut." Oliver touches you like you're porcelain, so delicate and precious, his fingertips skimming your cheeks and brushing your eyelashes.
"Actually," you laughed a little, though not unkindly, at the memory. Opening your eyes, you turn just enough to be looking at Oliver, to catch the adoring look in his eyes as his hand stilled, now simply holding your cheek, "he wanted to be the guy who got to give speeches about the stars and planets and the universe every day at the planetarium," you recounted, "and become a Doctor of Astronomy so he could make the videos they play in the room with the domed roof that you get to lay back and watch in the dark," you grinned, "but also then he could still be the guy who gave the speeches, but he'd get to answer questions about his own movie about the universe as well." After a moment of silence, Oliver smiles so widely and genuinely; you know he can see it so clearly, "he'd be so good at it, wouldn't he?"
"He'd be cute," Oliver agreed softly, fondly.
"So for his fifteenth birthday, I spent weeks designing and figuring out how to rig this piece of canvas across his whole roof, since I couldn't paint or mark his ceiling, what with this being a heritage building," you explained, proud little smile on your face, "and I asked my nan about all these paints and fancy pigments and stuff that would last and would glow in the dark, because nan's a painter and she's always had this gift with like, making her paintings look like they glow," you turned to Oliver, expression so adoring, "but Fi turned fifteen while we were at boarding school, so the very next break we had, I convinced him to spend the first week visiting Farleigh and his aunt in America, while I was back here, spending night and day on this. I had the whole canvas stained navy, and nan even stayed here for a few days to help me with painting it all perfectly and making sure all my paints would do exactly what I wanted them to, and we painted this canvas-ceiling I'd set up for him to look like his favourite starscape at the London Planetarium." Giving a loud, contented sigh, you added almost as an afterthought, "there's probably a bunch of the print outs of references I used somewhere in the study; the Planetarium people were so lovely."
"Is that why Felix is doing a physics degree?" Oliver practically gasped like it was a revelation; right, you forgot Felix rarely bothered to explain anything about his academics to anyone. When you confirmed as much, Oliver seems somehow more shocked, "I never got the impression that he thought much of uni." It's... not an incorrect observation to have made about at least half of Felix's academic career.
"He gets weird about it, about talking about it and stuff, thinks he sounds like a nerd," you agree after a moment, with a fond laugh, "he's got this weird mind for physics and anything really related to space and stars and astronomy, but he'd rather complain about the electives that he takes despite knowing he'll hate them."
"Then why does he take them?"
"A lot of them are actually my core subjects," finally you admit, a little abashed, "he knows I'm not as fond of my course as he is of his, so he takes them out of solidarity and complains the whole time." You're pretty sure Oliver can hear the sickeningly sweet undercurrent of I love him, I love him, I love him in your tone, but you can't help it. Neither of you have much more to say on the matter, but you think you know what Oliver's thinking. Something about favouritism, about best friends, about how he's pretty sure that Felix Catton wouldn't do that for anyone else.
And he'd be right.
"Hey Ollie?"
"Can I move closer?"
"'course," his voice is warm and soft and before you even move he's coaxing you closer to him, arm around you, letting you rest your head on his chest.
"Thanks for letting me sleep over," you yawned, but the affection in your voice was sincere. A chuckle rumbles through Oliver's chest, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"Thank you for suggesting it."
Oliver's warmth is familiar and foreign all at once. How is it that you could have missed someone so much despite only having spent one night beside him.
However the following morning, over breakfast, Elspeth gives you a reminder about an upcoming event that you'd been trying desperately not to think about.
"Y/N, darling, I just thought I'd remind you about the Arts Collective dinner we'll be hosting in a few days," her voice is carefully neutral as she brings it up. You freeze, "Duncan needs to finalise the numbers today so the kitchen can start figuring out what we need to order. We'll be gathering in the fairy garden for drinks and canapes beforehand." What she's really trying to ask is if you'll be in attendance considering your mother's name is on the guest list. Before you can properly answer, however, she turns to Farleigh and asks if he's still intending on joining the garden portion of the gathering.
"As usual, I will I'll indeed be showing my face for wine and cheese," he says, though his smile is tight, "at my mother's behest."
"I'll be taking dinner in my study that night," you force a smile at Elspeth, and she gives you the same kind of look that was so often directed towards Pamela. Pity. Sympathy. You poor, dear, thing, I understand. In a moment, however, she brightens once more and asks if Oliver would like to join the pre-dinner gathering, or if he'd simply like to attend dinner, dismissively assuming that both of her own children would be forgoing the garden themselves - she'd be right.
You can feel Felix looking at you as you return your focus to your breakfast, but you remain uncharacteristically stoic for the rest of the meal. As your plate is taken away, you try to shake your negativity, looking up and around as you ask if any of the others have plans for the day. Swimming, reading, lounging around; leisure, as always. But you feel as though you'll get lost in your own head if you don't do something with yourself today.
So instead, you find something suitable to garden in, and spend a good deal of the day in your garden, uprooting all of the purple pincushions in preparation. It's satisfying to be working with your hands, satisfying to be ripping the flowerless stalks up by the roots and disposing of them in a bucket to later be composted. You'd brought your iPod and little speaker and make a day of it in the garden, waiving the staff off who offer to help, only asking them what the garden needed that day.
You till the soil you'd just disturbed, mixing fertiliser in in preparation for the plants due to be arriving in a day or two, and water the rest of the plants in both rings. You take great care, admiring each flower in bloom, and even the more utilitarian ivy that curled across the latticed archway of an entrance.
Some of the staff members bring you food and water throughout the day, and for each one that does, you invite them to stop and sit and talk for any time they had spare. All seem surprised by the invite, and even moreso when you seem to know them by name, and how eager you are to ask them about themselves. They also all seem grateful to get off their feet for a few minutes.
Duncan sits very awkwardly opposite you at the picnic table. He does not touch the food he has brought you, even as you push it to the middle of the table, as an offering. Duncan does not ask questions. Duncan has never much liked speaking unless spoken to. But still, you know he's more than willing to refuse a request for company such as the one you'd made, so you take the kindness for what it is. He watches you down the bottle of water he'd also brought like your life depended on it.
"How long has it been since you last applied any sunscreen?" He does finally broach the surprisingly comfortable silence. He'd provided you with a tube of the stuff as you'd announced your intentions to spend the day gardening, and now it sat at the other end of the picnic table with the gardening tools. You promise to reapply after you'd finished your lunch, but smile at him warmly. He gives one of his awkward smiles back, and asks if you need a hat, which you decline.
"Your mother has confirmed that she will be in attendance with the Arts' Collective," he says, and you go still, "what would you like to be brought for dinner that evening?" The confirmation stings, but you know this is Duncan's way of showing he cares about you. You get to pick your own dinner, unlike most other nights, and he won't subject you to the cruel anticipation of wondering just whether your mother really would or would not be in the same house as you.
Trying your best to smile, you let him know that you'll think about it, and get back to him tonight. With a faint nod, Duncan stands smoothly, and leaves the garden once more. He'd always been good to you, in his own way.
By mid-afternoon, you've done all you can, and head back to the house to soak, and perhaps even have a sulk about the upcoming event, in the tub until you had to get ready for dinner.
Except Felix doesn't even knock before he bursts into the bathroom, already in his suit with a bottle of champagne in his hand. He's practically radiating joy as he informs you that he and the others had managed to get their hands on several bottles of champagne and are going to hit the tennis courts before dinner.
Black tie tennis and getting absolutely shitfaced sounded great right about now. You were already feeling pretty recovered from the day seeing as you'd spent over an hour in the bath already, so much to Felix's delight, you agree to join them with a delighted grin. From somewhere behind him, Venetia also orders you to wear something flashy.
"If you're in a black suit too I swear I'm going to scream!"
Which is how you end up in your bright red suit pants with the red, silk paisley embroidery, and matching suit vest, buttoned up, with nothing beneath it. It's also the kind of thing you can move in, throw yourself around in, which is perfect for how the five of you play tennis.
Champagne bottle in one hand, tennis racket in the other, the sunset paints you all a joyful gold. Swapping in and out on all sides to play even games, you find yourself forgetting everything that had been weighting you down, instead drowning in your friends laughter. So often your gaze is caught by Oliver and Felix, cheering, drinking, playing. Love swells in your chest at the sight.
You all share giggles over dinner, and while Elspeth and James and Pamela can all clearly tell that you're all already drunk, the way the five of you are all grinning softens their exasperation.
After, not wanting this rather fantastic evening to end, you end up on one of the many balconies or patios, you're not sure which, sharing a sofa and several cigarettes, and the last of a bottle of champagne with Felix. He's got his head in your lap, pointing out constellations, but all you can see is him, the stars shining in his eyes and wide, excited smile he always got when he was rambling about something he was passionate about. Good how you loved his passion; you wished Oliver were here to see him like this. Of course Oliver loves him, and of course he's desperate for Felix to love him back; to be loved by Felix was -
"You're thinking about Ollie, aren't you?" Felix's voice breaks through your thoughts, and you can see he's grinning up at you, nothing but affection in his eyes.
"I'm thinking about you," you corrected, carding your fingers through his hair.
"You're always thinking about me," he says it so easily, so dismissively, throwing the idea away despite how vain it would sound if it weren't rather true, still he takes on a teasing tone, "you get this look about you when you think about Ollie," he reaches up and pokes your cheek.
"He loves you," you give a contented sigh after a moment, expression turning soft, of course he does, how could he not? But that's also kind of a given.
"And you," Felix's jabbing finger turns to a gentle hand holding your face, "that's why we're being absolute sluts, isn't it? Trying to get him to make a move?" And you laugh, loud and bright, in agreement. But then, after a moment, there's a change in Felix, something in his eyes. It's not jealousy, but it's more serious than before.
"Fi?" Your voice is soft, and he smiles at you, overwhelmingly adoring.
"I've been getting to watch you fall in love," he said gently, incredulously, "how weird is that?" Something tightens in your chest.
"Again," you correct. Felix gives you a vaguely confused look, but you can't help but shake your head at your beautiful fool of a best friend, "you get to see me fall in love again, Felix." You roll your eyes, but as he's hit with the implications of your words hit him, a beautiful flush works its way up his cheeks. He actually has to cover his face with his hands, embarrassment and joy lighting up his expression.
"You're so sappy," he crows, "you are so fucking sappy!" You practically cackle with glee draping yourself over him, onto his chest, the two of you awkwardly wrapped up in each other on this little sofa. As your laughter dies down, you give a faint hum.
"But he's not your competition, for the record, he never really was -"
"I'm not jealous! I've told you that!" Felix insists, "I thought I made that clear!"
"You have, Fi," you laughed, "but what I'm saying is... well, he knows I love you both, and he loves me, but he's not -" ever going to love me the way he loves you, God, you can't say that. It takes the last bit of self restraint you have to bite that back, shifting to get a little more comfortable, you reach out and stroke Felix's hair.
"Fi, I have spent months watching him fall so in love with you, the way I often hope, or," you laughed a little self conciously, "feared, the rest of the world would," and slowly Felix uncovers his face, those big, brown eyes of his full of all kinds of hope and affection, "he was never your competition, Fi, he's mine," you joked.
"Oh," the flush on his cheeks only grows steadily darker, and the faint exclamation comes out as more of a breathless gasp, "Ollie's your competition for..." He grins sheepishly, like he just wants to hear you say it.
"You, Fi," you tell him with an affectionate grin, but for it up with a nonchalant shrug and teasing smirk, "though competition implies that either of us would make you choose."
You would never let him know the full truth. You'd let him believe wholeheartedly that while you both loved Oliver, he reciprocated that wholeheartedly. Which was... mostly true. True enough that it kept Felix happy and you happy enough.
Yes, Oliver loves Felix, and therefore loves you by extension. Only you knew how sharp that distinction really was.
But you realised Felix was right; he was watching you fall in love with Oliver, and you too had been watching him fall for the boy as well, even if it did seem to be a slower process than it had been with you. You reasoned that Felix had far more reason to be cautious with his heart, especially with men. The first and last boy you'd seen him fall in love with broke his fucking heart at Saltburn, you knew part of him was terrified for history to repeat itself. But clearly he couldn't stop himself from falling in the end.
It was a waiting game now, either Oliver makes a real move and proves his love and loyalty to Felix, or Felix makes a real move and proves to Oliver that his affections are entirely, overwhelmingly genuine. So you'd be the proxy when you had to be, something a little safer for them both while they built up the courage.
Though you're not above stressing this tension that's building between them. The bend before the break, how far it would go before it snaps and you can all stop dancing around this thing that you all clearly want.
And an opportunity arises in the days that follow.
Saltburn creaks it's own kind of melody, it always has. You've become used it, learned the ebb and flow of the house and it's noises, the way it settles itself as it cools from the Summer afternoon heat. You know which door is shutting in the rooms adjacent to yours and Felix's just by the sound of the latches alone, and you know all too well which floorboards squeak along the halls you frequent.
On Felix's balcony, winding down for the day with a book as he takes a bath before bed, you don't hear the creak of the little hall between Oliver's room and the bathroom. The blinds are drawn over the bathroom window, but you catch a faint bit of movement in the mostly dark hall and give pause in your reading.
You could barely make out the arch of a shoulder through the break in the blinds, but you could tell that beautiful, bathing Felix had himself a captive audience. Part of you wondered if it was by chance or by choice, if Oliver was watching or simply listening, and if Felix knew either way. He'd have to; there's no way Oliver was adept enough at moving through Saltburn silently that Felix hadn't heard that awful floorboard that creaked right before the bathroom door.
Oh there was purpose to this, you were sure. Felix knew the feeling of Oliver's gaze upon him, the want he so callously toyed with, seeing it in Oliver's eyes all too often. All the world's a stage for Felix Catton, you just wonder what kind of reaction he's trying to pull from tonight's audience. Settling back in with your book, all you can do is wait.
When you hear the water start to drain from the tub, you still take your time, give them both time for anything to occur, before you feel a sense of disappointment or defeat in your heart.
"Can I come in and brush my teeth yet?" You knock loudly at his door and hear Felix laugh on the other side.
"Since when do you knock?" Wrapped in his robe and sitting on the edge of the bathtub, Felix is drying his hair with his towel as you come in. Before you can answer, he follows it up with, "since when did you care if I was in the bath for that sort of thing?"
"It's called respecting your privacy, Fi," you tell him, swanning past him to get to your toothbrush. You do give pause, however, stopping in front of him, and he lowers the towel, as if in anticipation. For a moment you lift his chin, loving the way he grins in almost sappy anticipation, and you give him a quick peck on the lips before you're moving on again and he's back to getting the water from around the edges of his face and ears.
Oliver, who'd watched the whole exchange after slinking into the bathroom from the opposite door, looks quickly at himself in the mirror as you join him in collecting your toothbrush.
"Do you want me to start respecting your privacy?" There's half a joke in Felix's voice, since it's a strange sentiment for you both, especially at Saltburn. Oliver's gaze flicks to you, then to Felix in the mirror.
"If I needed privacy I know you'd respect it," toothpaste on your brush, you leave Oliver's side of the bathroom to join Felix, the two of you having devolved from a real conversation, into some kind of silly, mock-conversations entirely consisting of eyebrow movements, and trying not to choke on your laughter as you brushed your teeth.
Oliver was watching, of course, Oliver was always watching, but you kept noticing the way he'd glance at the bathtub as it continued to drain between the three of you, stealing focus. There was tension in his shoulders, in his gaze, in the way he held himself. Never turning away from the sink - you'd bet he was hard. Oblivious Felix - at least that's how he appeared - was doing nothing but the most mundane bathroom task, which still wasn't able to help Oliver's current state with the way he was glowing, content and beautiful in the steamy bathroom, hair still slick and curling and clinging to his beautiful face.
You watch Oliver swallow hard in the mirror, but then his gaze meets yours. In this moment you don't do anything, you barely acknowledge what you saw, but you see the rapid way he starts to blink as he looks away, as if hoping he'd imagined the look in your eyes.
You finish brushing your teeth in silence after that, only stopping to wish Oliver good night after Felix does, the two of you closing your door to the bathroom.
"I'm going to finish my chapter then I'll be right with you," you tell Felix with a warm smile, picking up your book on the balcony as he yawned loud and wide. He tells you there's no rush, that he'll be out in only a few minutes. True to his word, after a long day, his deep breathing starts to take over not too long after the lights go out.
Except for the one in the bathroom. Just as you'd expected.
You turn out the lamp on the balcony, and move quietly through the darkness. Yes, you know the way Saltburn creaks and moans, know how to make yourself known, or how to slip through the shadows like you're made of them. The old house is well maintained, the hinges on doors don't creak if you move them right, you can slip into the role of observer with ease if you know how.
Behind you, you close the door almost all the way, making sure the latch sits flush with the door for privacy without it's click of proper closing giving you away.
The water is still draining from the tub, Felix's water, and Oliver there along with it. The running water echoes through the old pipes, but not loud enough to cover the lewd noises you hear from the bathtub. The slurping, the moaning, the grateful sighs of contentment to be afforded this moment of perversion.
You let him have his moment. Then you let the door click shut.
Immediately Oliver sits up, panic on his face; he looks like he wants to say something, to explain himself, say anything, but he can't seem to find the words. It's like he was expecting Felix. Or even if he was expecting you, he was expecting judgement. When you remain quiet, remain observant, you watch his panic fade to something wary.
Why? You knew exactly what he was doing, why are you just standing there, watching him? You can see the questions in his eyes, and feel your heart rate pick up. Slowly, you move towards him. Slowly, you let yourself smile.
Oliver sits back in the tub, never taking his eyes off of you, the way you stalk around the space, predator and captured prey, caught red handed. Your fingers trail the lip of the tub, graceful, threatening, until you get to him, his shoulders pressed against the porcelain. His expression is taut, defiant, ready to push back against any kind of mockery or blackmail attempts, you assume.
No, you want him to relish this moment.
You curl your fingers in his hair, leaning down by the edge of the bathtub to make sure he finally sees how pleased you are by this development. The moment he realises, you can see his thinly veiled panic turn to a conflicted kind of desire. But you don't give him another moment before you crash your lips to his, wasting no time, licking at his lips to deepen the kiss, to taste Felix on his tongue.
And you climb into the bath with him, sitting on your knees between his spread legs, mouth on his like you're desperate to devour each other. Oliver is pressed against the edge of the bath, one arm along the edge, the other braced beside him, his mind still catching up to the moment even as he gasps into your mouth.
You break the kiss, the faintest hiss from your kiss-bruised lips being all he needs as a reminder to be quiet. Everything about him has changed, has become needy, pupils so shiny and dark with lust you could lose yourself in him. Instead, you let go of his hair, taking his jaw in a forceful grip, tilting his head to the side roughly, fingernails digging into his cheek. But his eyes flutter closed, choked kind of whimper escaping him, half muffled behind your hand over him mouth as you carefully angle his head back a little further.
He'd indulged himself in Felix's bath water, pressed himself into it, tried to lose himself in it, and the remnants of those moments of extasy clung so delicately to his skin. You take your time, kissing delicate drops of Felix's water from Oliver's beautiful features like a lover, temple to cheekbones down to his jaw. When you finally relax your grip on him, his head tilts enough for him to meet your gaze. Oliver is yours, totally and completely at your mercy. Good. Once his gaze moves to your mouth, to the pleased, hungry smile you wore, he couldn't look away.
With your hand trailing down his body, teasing against his ribs and belly until your nimble fingers find their way beneath the elastic of his pyjama pants, he tries to meet you in the middle, tries to kiss you, but that's not how this game goes.
The hand you'd been using to brace yourself over him pressed against his chest, pressing him back against the porcelain, and you go with him, your cheek pressed to his, lips by his ear, his heavy breathing, desperate panting in your own. The hand on his chest finds his necklace, entangling two fingers in it until it became tight enough that you could feel the hard way he swallowed when you finally wrapped your hand around his achingly hard cock.
"Good boy," you purred into his ear as you worked your hand up and down his cock, already leaking precum into his boxers. Oliver bites down on your shoulder to muffle his moan, and you have to fight to keep your own whimper quiet. The two of you find a rhythm, panting echoing in each other's ears and Oliver's hips rocking to meet your hand each time.
When you move away, Oliver looks momentarily despairing - no, please, don't stop! - in his eyes, but you reassure him with a languid kiss as you ease his pyjama pants down enough to properly free his cock. Now, when you sit back on your heels, he watches you with a dark kind of want in his eyes. Like a cornered animal, unsure of what to expect, but full of anticipation nonetheless; he watches you reach behind yourself to the drain, to the last remnants of Felix's bathwater still clinging to the metal and porcelain. You gather as much of the liquid as you can across your fingers, palms pressing into the mostly diminished puddles.
You can see it when Oliver realises what you're doing, the way his eyes transfixed on your hand as you wrap it around him. Already slick with his own precum, your hand glides with the remnants of Felix's water. Oliver's head drops back against the edge of the tub, mouth open and desperate and gasping, his eyes closed. God he's gorgeous like this.
He coaxes you up to him this time, and you let him, press yourself to him, rocking gently along with the movements of your hand and his hips, close enough to fucking to tease you both. For all this was about Oliver, every part of you felt alive and on fire with need, and seeing him like this, getting him into this state and knowing how he looked at you, how much he wanted you in this moment, it was doing things for you. Fantastic things.
When he gets close, he wraps an arm around you, hand holding the back of your head in a far firmer grip than you'd been anticipating. But there's a thrill about it, about how he holds you so tightly, his lips by your ear as you obligingly speed up to meet the frantic pace of his hips.
"Felix~" he keens, a desperate whimper in your ear amid dizzying, gasping breathes, hot against your neck. And again, Felix's name pulled from Oliver's lips like a desperate prayer for only you to hear. Something about hearing it tips you over the edge, and you realise how close you are in this moment. All it takes is you making the faintest whine, a noise of encouragement -
"Felix, please," Oliver gasps, and your breath catches as you see stars behind your eyes. You barely feel it when Oliver sinks his teeth into your shoulder once more, his orgasm hitting mere moments after yours, cumming all over your hand and his stomach. Finally, Oliver lets you go, eyes wide as you lean back with the widest, satisfied smile. There's blood on his lips, watching you with this unreadable expression as you sit back on your heels again.
Your head's still spinning, endorphins pulsing through your blood alongside the adrenaline.
Neither of you move for a long moment, still sizing each other up it seemed, at least until you raised your hand. Oliver all over you. You won't be the one to back down; his eyes meet yours and you smile, all satisfied and wolfish as you slowly lick your fingers clean. He's transfixed again, watching the way you lap him up.
No-one's ever looked at you like that, like they're desperate for you to devour every inch of them. But the moment can't last, not outside of your memories at least.
You leave in silence, just as you'd arrived, leaving Oliver alone in the bathtub, watching you like he can't quite be sure it wasn't all a dream. You hope he dreams about this, about your blood on his tongue and Felix's name on his lips.
Except you reach for the door handle only to realise it's cracked ajar. Its closed over, door almost flush and closed, but not quite. Huh. You could have sworn... But you shrug off the thought, slipping back into your room and making sure to shut the door properly behind you.
Pyjama pants and underwear both damp for several reasons, you pull them off and quickly toss them into the laundry hamper. At this moment, you can't bring yourself to bother with anything more than a new pair of underwear before you're crawling into bed beside Felix. Who's on his side.
Felix never sleeps on his side because it messes with his shoulders. He's also still, like he's holding his breath. When you curl an arm over him, cool hand resting on his chest, you can feel his racing heartbeat. Finally, his breath comes stuttering out. Pressing yourself up against him, you hum faintly, hand drifting lower, teasingly. You rest your hand low on his belly, between the gorgeous, defined lines of his hips, but refusing beneath his waistband. There comes a faint huff from Felix, but it's indecipherable; he's still on edge, clearly having realised that you'd connected all the dots.
When you speak it's practically a moan, voice low but sharp in his ear as you let your fingers dip lower. What a night it will be to remember, spent keeping your boys happy.
"Fi, you fucking pervert."
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franciswasteland · 3 months
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Summary: You land the role of Veronica Sawyer in a musical your high school is putting on, and your tech boyfriend tries to be supportive and reassure you when you need it.
Warnings: Highschool!au, Mortal!au,already dating fic, Beware spelling errors, im lowkey dyslexic. I DONT KNOW HOW TO END FICS….
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You were in the drama/theater club at your high school, often appearing as the leading or supporting roles in musicals your school would put on in the auditorium. It was amazing, both fun and something you were good at! But what made it even better was one of the tech kids, Leo Valdez—Who was your boyfriend!
A few weeks ago, you scored one of the lead roles—Veronica Sawyer—in a musical your school was putting on called ‘Heathers’. But, there was a rather… intimate scene with another character, Veronica’s love interest, in the show during the song ‘Dead Girl Walking’, and Leo tried to tolerate it and support you the best he could, but it was getting a little unbearable for him.
“Baby…” Leo whined as you ranted to him about your role in the musical, even though you should have been practicing your lines. “Shouldn’t you be, uh, practicing or something?” He didn't want to send you away like that, but he could go on hearing you talk about that scene.
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right. I’ll go practice my lines. Thanks for the reminder. Love you, bye!” You say apologetically, kissing his cheek quickly (If any teacher or adult at the school saw you do that you’d probably get detention.) and running out from backstage where you were talking to Leo as he worked on… Whatever he does.
It was a few hours from the first showing of the show as your high school was doing a morning and afternoon show. You were backstage getting ready, changing into costume, and makeup, making sure you had your lines completely memorized and you could hit each note in the songs—Which you could. Expect you couldn’t help but be a bit worried about this. Sure, you had played so many roles before throughout the years you’ve been in high school, but you were worried about little things, a lot of little things which slowly added up to become one big thing for you to worry about—Making sure you’d sing the school appropriate version of the lyrics, making sure you wouldn’t blank on stage (How embarrassing would that be?!), making sure you were perfect.
Then you got an idea.
There was one person that you knew for sure thought you were perfect. Your boyfriend, Leo! Of course, you’d be able to get reassurance from him! So naturally you ran—Not too fast though, you couldn’t ruin your costume—off from where you were sat to find him.
It didn’t take you long to find Leo, he was exactly where you had expected him to be after all. “Leo!” You called out as you walked up to him, placing one of your hands on his arm so he would turn around to face you. And he in fact did turn around and face you like you had suspected he would.
“What is it?” He asked, sounding confused. He thought you would be getting ready for the musical, not running up to him for a chat. “Did ya miss me that bad you had to stop getting ready to come find me?” He added with a short chuckle, gaining a smile.
“Nono,—Well yes, but that’s not why I came to find you.” You replied, worry practically seeping through your words the more you spoke. Leo noticed almost immediately.
Your hand was still on his arm, Leo put his hand on top of yours. “Wow, I’m hurt.” He teased. “Well then, what is it? Whatcha need?” That was one of the things you loved about Leo; he always seemed to know when you were worried or upset about something, even if he didn’t know how to comfort you.
“I dunno, I guess I’m just nervous about this. I’m scared of messing up on stage.” You admit to him, and Leo seems to immediately understand what you mean. “Oh, don’t worry about it. You’ll do great, trust me.”
Then, when you were finally getting that reassurance from your boyfriend, it was about roughly 15-to-20 minutes until curtain—Until you would be on stage. Oh, brother.
You were feeling a little more better as you rushed back to the backstage area of the auditorium, Leo’s words ringing in your ears. The backstage was suddenly not as easy to navigate as it was before you ran off to find your boyfriend. People—Either in the show themselves or apart of tech like Leo—Were running around, trying to make sure the preparations were all set and everything was ready for the first showing of the musical.
Then you got told by one of the tech team members to get in your place on stage.
After about 2 and a half hours, the morning show of your high schools performance of ‘Heathers The Musical’ was over. You bowed before the audience, sweating, your throat sore and hurting from singing for almost 2 hours straight. At this point, all you could think of was the bottle of water that was waiting for you by your bag backstage.
As soon as the curtain closed, you ran off stage to where you had set your bag in desire of the bottle of water you had gotten before hand. And there it was waiting for you, along with Leo, your boyfriend.
“See? What did I tell you? You did amazing, just like I said you would.” Leo said, wrapping one of his arms around you, seemingly not minding the fact that you were practically covered in sweat.
“Yeah yeah, I know,” You groan in reply. “Just lemme grab my water before you start praising me.” You let out a dry laugh, —Dry to the fact that your throat was now killing you. You reached out your hand for your bottle of water, but Leo grabbed it before you could. You thought he would hold on to it tightly and reach his hand up high, making you reach even farther for it, but he didn’t. Instead, he opened it for you and handed it to you, seemingly recognizing how tired you were after performances.
“You look tired,” Leo mused, knowing exactly where this was going to go. After most shows and performances, you would be tired and feel miserable. So miserable and tired that you would just crash in his arms. “Come here..” He said, opening his arms for you to fall into. You quickly leaned your whole body against him, leaning into his arms.
“Thank you,”
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reinieseason · 8 months
here are my live reactions from episode 6
gen v notes frm e6
- it seems like cate's powers are not just getting people to do things, from the way that she, when pushed too hard, could hear jordan and marie's thoughts in their head without touching them. it seems like it extends to a general like mind control? cause she wasnt touching them either
- "didn't you learn cpr?!" "WHERE?!" "AT SUPERHERO SCHOOL????"
- cate learning that she can control blood inside of people's bodies. this will change everything i swear
- so they are preparing a virus to like control supes, can they control is she doesn't get sick or like a cure
- oh my god cate is more powerful then we thought, it can zap people into her memories. the blood dropping down her eyes but it looking like a tear gen v...
- why is soldier boy in cate imagination so weird HHAHAHA
- sam and emma are so cute stop this "i missed you" "for real?" "for real-real" THEYRE SO SILLYYYYYY
- i love you cate i love you
- dean shetty getting closer to cate is crazy, manipulative bitch
- i love you cate, i get you, i understand you.
- oh okay the voices and the like hearing people are part of cate's powers the reason they exploded now is because she hasn't been able to take her meds
- the way andre looks at luke... bruh this show and grief, i can't do this.
- i'm so sorry like the way . the way . the scene with cate and luke this is so so so so sweet i cannot . i'm gonna cry in the middle of class
- "i miss you man" WHAT THE FUCK "i miss you too man, so fucking much" i can't fucking do this . whats with this "but you know what i don't believe you" WHAT THE FUCK
- "This isn't Cate's memory... It's mine" JORDAN KNEW???? JORDAN KNEW???
- the relationship between brink and jordan i can't do this, i can't do this this show and grief
- "We could've stopped everything right here. Saved someone. Like we always wanted, but instead we're a fucking TA, saving our own ass." "I loved Brink. He was good. Or not. But he was good to us" "He was nice it us! He was nice to us! Is nice all it takes for us to let someone get royally fucked? You're a coward. And you always will be." I CAN'T DO THIS THIS SCENE IS SO CRAZY
- the way sam and emma are having sex while jordan, andre, marie, and cate are going through like the worstish experience of their life
- if like last episode was the time of marie and jordan then this episode is sam and emma's
- annabeth and marie stop "no matter how hard you try to be a hero, you'll always be a murderer to me"
- this is trauma dumping premium, today they're experiencing others traumas
- the way they're college kids at heart "you have sex hair" "... no we don't"
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tiredtxmblrvet · 4 months
Fic Rec Friday
Thanks again to @mediumgayitalian for the idea!
Below are 5 fics I've enjoyed this past week/recently.
IT'S A SCREAM, BABY! by @rosyredlipstick
It’s June 1984, Prince is at the top of the charts, and Nico di Angelo has spent the last three weeks scratching at mosquito bites and herding around a group of elementary school kids—and somehow it’s been the best summer of his life. - “Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake!” Jason yelled over, ever-polite.
Okay I'm back with another Rosy rec. When I tell you this story literally captured me within the first paragraph and held me in a vice grip the entire time. I literally started the beginning and went "now this is how you start a story" and then couldn't put it down. This is a horror/slasher AU, but none of the major characters die! It's a love letter to a lot of horror films, so if you're in to that sort of thing, I'd totally recommend. Or if you're like me and don't really watch horror, I'd still recommend because it's that good. Also once again Will and Nico's dynamic is top tier in this fic, and I really love Will's POV.
The Other "Heroes" by SirOliverSurface
Percy Jackson had seen weird before. Swimming in the River Styx to gain invincibility to fight the Titan lord of time was "weird". Getting your memory wiped by the goddess of marriage and family in a gambit to unite Greek and Roman demigods was "weird". Having a spiritual attachment to blue food was... well... completely understandable, no matter how much Leo joked about it. But this? This is "weird".
When a battle goes wrong, and magic goes wild, the son of Poseidon and Hero of Olympus finds himself dumped in a world that seems strangely familiar. The Greek Gods are still around, the old myths were really true, all seems well. But one thing has changed: the people he's come to love. And it doesn't take long for him to figure out that these new faces all miss someone else, too; Hero of Olympus, and daughter of Poseidon, Percie Jackson.
This is Percabeth centric, with Solangelo as a side ship, but this story is so good. Granted, I'm only about 150k in, but the writing has captivated me, and the adventure our heroes go on is fascinating to me. Plus I just love the "other" versions of all the heroes. Will I ever be able to finish it? Maybe in 2 years, but hey! It's my go-to fall back on fic when I'm running out of things to read. (It's 1.2 million words!)
August by CordeliaRose
Somehow, Nico's life only gets more confusing after he defeats a primordial Goddess.
Will Solace accounts for about 90% of that confusion.
(A journey through August, and all its ups and downs.)
I just had to rec this story, as I am about to re-read it only a couple of weeks after finishing it the first time because it's just that good. This follows the rest of August after the end of BoO, and the way Will and Nico's relationship develops is just absolutely stunning. Also Nico and Will are autistic coded in this story and it just makes me beyond happy.
peach tea by ghosttotheparty
He sits up after a moment, but Nico doesn’t let go of his fingers, so he lifts the arm that’s awkward between them and sets it behind Nico, leaning back to rest on it. Nico just looks at the tapestry.
Will brushes his thumb over the side of Nico’s hand gently. His skin is soft. Nico’s fingers tighten on Will’s. It kind of feels like neither of them wants to move. Will doesn’t mind.
or; Will falls in love with the new kid.
I love the way ghosttotheparty writes intimacy, just, warm, soft, fragile moments that have such a wonderful air to them. I'm not usually one for high school AU's, but I love their characterization of Will and Nico so much that I just had to try this story, and I'm so glad I did. There's a particular scene where Will helps Nico down from a panic attack, and it just made me want to cry it was so well done. Just a lovely story.
Safe (better keep that thought to yourself) by @buoyantsaturn
Nico figured he was probably overprepared, but it was better to be safe than sorry, especially when leaving his child with some guy he barely knew and a kid he’d never met.
God, he hoped Will wasn’t some kind of psychopath. 
I'm back again with another one of CJ's lovely works. I'd been looking for a cute Parent!Nico and Parent!Will kidfic, and this story absolutely delivers. The way that both Will and Nico stumble around each other is so endearing in this story, and their kids are JUST the cutest!! I absolutely recommend this story.
Okay that's all! I'll probably keep doing this until I run out of fics to recommend. Have a good friday lovelies!
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getousatoruu · 8 months
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Must reads:
i’d like the sun to set with you by @chuuyasoup (T, 8.8k)
What changes is this:
Geto Suguru does not say, how arrogant. He does not say, kill me if you want, there’s meaning in that too. He does not look at Gojo Satoru with unfamiliar indifference and he does not assume that he won’t understand.
Or, Suguru extends an offer on that day in Shinjuku. Satoru accepts it.
愛のある場所; river of light (that brings me to you) by cosmichorrour (T, 66k)
A lesson in love is a lesson in swimming. Except for Suguru, it's getting dropped into the deep end with the tide licking at his neck, no kickboard or life preserver keeping him afloat.
(Or: This is how Satoru finds the ocean.)
Caesura by cielelyse (M, 85.5k)
The first time they meet, Suguru and Satoru do not like each other. Arrogant, cocky, insufferable, they think. Despite the smirks Shoko gives Suguru, or the sighs Yaga gives Satoru, they do not like each other.
Until a mission changes that.
paper cuts by HamsterQinghua (T, 36k)
“Hey,” he starts. “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” Understatement of the century. “My name’s Suguru Geto, what’s yours?” It’s a question asked purely for formalities, and he’s sure Gojo knows that, but he’s still unprepared for the other’s answer.
“Your mom,” Gojo drawls out, and Suguru realizes he’s starting to see why people want this kid dead.
or, Suguru is a contract killer. his final target is Satoru Gojo. this isn't a problem until it is.
The Traveller's Song by No_Ir (E, 23k)
When it comes, the death of summer is vapid and quiet. It tastes like stale water and smells like memories gone bad in the heat. Nothing mourns it and the air is speckled with bits of seawater that cling to the dampness on the back of his neck.
Crickets chirp throughout the night and the bed is too warm to sleep in, so he buries his face into pillows that smell like dust and salt and ignores the stabbing behind his eyes till he can feel the irritating warmth of another day on his back.
I miss the sea, he thinks, staring at the familiar outline of the window, palm resting on the friend-shaped dent on his bed. Exhaustion drapes itself over his shoulders and sweat beads like pearls at the roots of his hair.
I miss the sea like I miss my friend
Punishment For A Monster by @duckiemimi (T, 8.1k)
“Yeah! Oh, my name is Gojo Satoru, by the way.” He hides the hurt behind his teeth, his grin wide and friendly. He thought he’d only have to introduce himself once to someone he called his best friend. It’s strange to repeat words from more than a decade ago to the same person. “You can call me Satoru.” He hopes he calls him Satoru.
“I’m Geto,” he says back. You were Suguru to me, Gojo thinks. “Nice to meet you, Satoru.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” He leans against the wall beside him, tries to look nonchalant as he does. “So, do you come here often?”
Geto thinks Gojo is just a lonely guy who wants friends. Gojo just wants to know if he remembers him, even just a little bit.
bang bang, kiss kiss by bunkuto (E, 12.7k)
Suguru brings men home and Satoru wonders if, judging by the pangs in his chest and the sudden overwhelming urge to punt these hookups into the sun, he’s homophobic. They figure things out slowly.
Puppet On A String by @killjoyproductions (E, 6.8k)
Huh,” he muses. “Are you… saving yourself for marriage?”
“Are you asexual?”
Satoru shakes his head. “I’m not asexual, just a virgin.”
Golden hour by damiselart (E, 38.6k)
the one in which Satoru doesn't run away at sunrise and has an existential crisis over morning sex.
love is all I ever yearned for; not this affection carved in stone by getoswrongs (juyang) (T, 15k)
“You’re a menace,” Suguru mutters.
“You do this all the time? Making clay dicks before you turn them into bowls and vases? And it took some loser dude you met at age 27 for you to realize you like dick?”
Suguru is a potter and Satoru is in love.
smile like brass by @chuuyasoup (T, 15k)
Upon arriving at the scene, it’s hard to say whether turning up just five minutes earlier would have made much of a difference.
As it stands, there is a lot of blood. Too much blood to be explained away, and too many strong residuals to be traced back to anyone other than Satoru.
Or, Suguru arrives at the Time Vessel Association hideout a little too late. This changes things.
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guardianspirits13 · 6 months
Ok now for a list of things that I'm kind of iffy about or wish they had kept from the books. It's worth noting that I can't think of a single show exclusive scene they added that I did not like, and most of the changes were integrated flawlessly.
Starting out, the pacing. I'm hoping this gets better with time, especially given that the second episode has much more time to breathe. The whole first episode felt a little cramped, and some of the exposition felt a bit... exposition-y. I don' t think there is much they could have done to get around this though so I'm not gonna dwell on it.
As a fan of the series, I love how they introduced the structure and function of the PJO world with the intro, but I think the jump from "Percy sees things" to "everything is all real" felt a bit abrupt. I am curious what first time fans think about this, and again the first episode covers a lot more ground page-wise than ep 2.
Manchild Gabe... I am not sure how I feel about this. In the books he seemed downright threatening and even with Percy's 12yo bravado, he was still an intimidating figure. His bickering with Sally seemed more like your typical dysfunctional relationship than a power imbalance... both can be harmful in their own way, but I'm still undecided on how much giving Sally a bit more agency in her relationship with him effects the larger story. The whole "not all monsters look like monsters" thing works well in the books with Gabe, but I guess they were redirecting it to foreshadow Luke's betrayal? I'm not sure.
...which brings me to Sally. I was unsure about the casting, but she has earned her stay to me. I always imagined her as a bit more subdued, especially with the more intense iterations of Gabe. She's kind and gentle and has a rebellious streak, but as worried as she might be for Percy she hides it inside of herself. I think her being a bit more expressive as a character works in this setting though, especially since we aren't seeing her through Percy's kid colored lenses. She feels a bit less like the perfect, kind, and understanding mother Percy sees, and a bit more like a real-life single mother trying to keep some of that childhood wonder alive despite everything. She does seem younger than I would have expected, but that's a nitpick on my end. I think she is one character that I will always have a separate book/show counterpart for in my mind.
Ok. Now for Clarisse. Out of all the characters I was skeptic about, I think she's the only one who didn't win me over. This is a writing issue, nothing at all to do with the actress. She was characterized more as a 'queen bee' type mean girl than a bully who picks fights just to feel worthy of her father's approval. She would be better fit for a vindictive daughter of Aphrodite than a daughter of Ares. My mind might be changed in the future but we got most of her scenes in these first two episodes so I'm doubtful. The one moment that had potential was when Percy broke her spear, but the Clarisse I know would not back off just because there is an audience.
There was no hellhound... I was kinda looking forward to it, and it does emphasize that even camp isn't really safe for Percy and is a catalyst for both his quest and the idea that there is a traitor. I can kind of see why the cut it for thematic purposes so Percy feels safe for once in his life, but that's only if I squint.
The scene cuts. I know, I know they're supposed to mimic book chapters. I get it. But it just doesn't work for me, it feels like there's a lack of establishing shots and the black screen is long enough you think the tv is buffering. It's an interesting idea in concept, but the execution falls flat.
OH also as far as things that were missing- the 3 fates. I know this is in the show since it was in the trailers, but I'm curious as to where they're gonna put it now.
Anyways minor nitpicks aside these two episodes were an emotional roller coaster and absolute masterpieces of television cinema.
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ladyfocalors · 4 months
Where is home? (my hands are covered in ashes)
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note: Hi! Surprise, I am not dead. Anyways I come to you with a story idea that I might never write but I think you might like. This is basically a word vomit so... don't expect a masterpiece! I kind of don't know what I am even writing at this point, it's difficult to put my thoughts in words. This is sort of a summary kind of... thing? This story was supposed to be more like a character study on Lyney but I have tried to change that here... kind of.
pairing: lyney x fem!reader (intended to be a platonic relationship but can be interpreted as romantic, whatever you like)
warnings: major character death, murder, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, angst, implied mental health struggles, themes of isolation and loneliness, mentions of manipulation and betrayal, no happy ending, also there are spoilers! ...tell me if I missed anything.
word count: 1.6k
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When reader and the twins were pre-teens:
You are Cesar's little helper, often referred to as such or as 'Cesar's daughter'. Cesar took care of you and taught you everything he could. Your didn't remember who your real parents were; you were quite young when you were separated from them.
You enjoyed watching Cesar's performances. You had quite a sharp eye, noticing little details. So, he taught you the ropes around what is magic and what goes behind the scenes.
You met Lyney and Lynette on just another random day. The twins had approached Cesar for some help. You stuck around as you always did, following Cesar around like a little duckling, going wherever he went.
You were quite shy around new people and the same held true for the twins. Despite being in their presence a lot and Cesar's encouragement to interact with kids your age, you barely talked and mostly kept to yourself. Whenever Lyney did try to interact with you by asking little questions, you would give a short and polite reply. Lynette only offered you little smiles which did comfort you a little.
But within a span of few days, you formed a friendship with them. You found Lyney easy to talk to and Lynette's presence to be very comforting. Cesar was pleased with the outcome, happy that you had made some friends your age. You barely used to interact with anybody other than him; you even refused to spend much time with Jemma (Cesar's partner) or Lorenzo (Cesar's assistant), so he was genuinely glad that you had people other than him to talk to.
Maybe because you were highly empathetic or just used to hardships or just a child who didn't really understand much about the world but you weren't upset to find out that your friends were Fatui. You didn't care, you were just happy to have them.
By no means was Cesar an artist but when he drew a picture of you, Lyney and Lynette, you cherished the picture and kept it with you at all times. When the twins declined the invitation to tour Fontaine, the three of you had made a promise to meet again and tore your cherished drawing into two parts, you keeping the drawing of the twins and them yours.
Unbeknownst to you and Cesar, there was a ploy by Jemma and Lorenzo to kill you both. The main target was Cesar but the traitors believed that you would be a hassle to deal with and you were just smart enough to work out that they were the perpetrators so they decided that you had to go as well.
On the day Cesar died, your mind blanked out. He was framed as the Phantom Weasel and instead of staying in the scene, you fled, unknowingly escaping Jemma and Lorenzo's trap. You didn't know what to feel so you didn't. You spent the night alone in the streets, feeling numb and alone.
On return from their mission, Lyney was inconsolable when he learned what happened to Cesar and he whole heartedly believed you were gone too. He was enveloped in grief for the next few days that even Arlecchino got worried for his state.
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When reader and Lyney are teens:
An old lady finds you in a dark corner of a street, hidden away from view. She takes you in despite your weak protests, you were barely alive anyway so you did have to give in at the end.
With nowhere else to go after getting back on your two feet, you continue to stay with the grandma.
It doesn't take long for you and the grandma to get accustomed to each other's presence. You finally get a room of your own and you immediately framed and put up the half torn and a bit crumpled drawing of Lyney and Lynette.
Grandma (that's what you decided to call her) was a highly spirited and adventurous person that it started to rub off on you. Paired with your already itching desire to experience something new, to create good memories. So you spent a few years visiting Mondstadt and Liyue time to time, always accompanied by grandma.
Meeting Lyney again was a funny incident. You were out to buy some tea, since you ran out and Lyney was out for some tea because Lynette was sick. When he saw you, he completely disregarded you as a hallucination at first until you looked at him and your face lit up did he realise that it was you, in the flesh.
Falling back to the rhythm of your friendship was easy. Both of you were beyond happy to meet again. It didn't take long to catch up since you started to spend more and more time with him.
Lyney had changed, you had noticed and you didn't know if the change was for worse or for better. He seemed flashy, his magic seemed to have improved a lot, a worrywart when it came to his siblings and you and his demeanor was a lot more flirty than you have seen. In fact he would try all his pick up lines on you first, and without fail, you would scold him instead, reminding him that he shouldn't do too much or otherwise he would come off as a sleaze.
The twins meeting grandma went better than you had thought, although Lyney would disagree with you. He felt like he was getting interrogated as if he had committed a crime. Lynette had a far easier time earning grandma's trust but Lyney needed a few more minutes to win her good side.
The twins on the other hand described you meeting with their "father" as "good" while you would describe the meeting with Arlecchino to be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences. She was directly staring into your soul. You felt like she had her doubts but she reluctantly agreed you being around them.
The House of Hearth knew of you but that was all. The rest of the Fatui were not aware of your existence and you would rather have it that way. The Fatui wasn't exactly an organization one would like to be affiliated with, so you kept your distance as much as you could.
The days went by and so did the time for grandma, she wasn't feeling very well. You could sense that she was in her death bed but you didn't lament about it. You accepted it, as she had told you. People would come and go so it was better to learn to accept someone leaving rather than spending time wallowing about it. So when she passed away, you held no regrets of not getting to spending more time with her. You were simply glad you met her.
During this time, Lyney and Lynette helped uncover the truth behind the Phantom Weasel, clearing Cesar's name of any wrongdoing. It brought a sense of closure and justice.
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The current timeline, just before traveller comes to Fontaine:
The moment someone gets the taste of freedom, they would never turn back again. That's what you had told Lyney when you expressed your interest in visiting Inazuma. Travelling was a freeing experience for you, your desire to see the entirety of Teyvat was strong and going to Inazuma was one of the major steps to fulfill that wish. Inazuma had just opened it borders again and you wished to seize the opportunity to visit the nation while you could. It would also be your first time travelling alone as well, which was exciting.
Lyney on the other hand didn't seem to share your sentiment. He advised against it. He feared he would lose you, knowing how dangerous it was especially for a visionless person like you. He simply wished for your safety, a bit too much and you were having none of it.
You stood your ground. By no means were you an excellent fighter but you knew how to defend yourself good enough, you didn't need a vision. Besides, you were kind-of-sort-of knew the Fatui, which removed a major class of enemy group as a threat. You could handle others, as you have done so many times.
Lyney eventually came in terms with your wish. Despite his reluctance, he cannot keep you away from fulfilling your desires/dreams. So with a promise that you would write to him once you reached Inazuma, you bid adieu to them.
For the first seven days, Lyney patiently waited for your letter. Then it turned to ten days and he was starting to get antsy. Maybe it took longer to reach Inazuma than ten days, maybe you were tired and decided to take some rest in Liyue, you often said you missed Liyue's cuisine and scenery so you might have stayed there a bit. By the end of two weeks, he ran out of excuses and all he could conclude was that you didn't make it.
He barely held it together, troubled by your absence. More than the idea of death, the uncertainty of your fate haunted him. The silence was defeaning.
On the day one of his siblings from the Hearth returned with a solemn expression, they presented him with a handful of items recovered from the charred remains, explaining that they had stumbled upon them among ashes and recognized them as yours. In that moment, a heavy silence enveloped Lyney as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
The items that once was treasured as mementos of your adventures, now served as painful reminders of the cruel fate that had befallen you. His soul was crushed and Lynette hid behind the covers, hiding her tears.
Betrayed and defeated was what he felt when he knew you died at the hands of the Fatui, that too consumed by fire. The very Pyro ability that had once captivated you, that had drawn admiration and wonder from your eyes whenever he wielded it, now had robbed him of your presence. The same organization he worked for was the one that took you away.
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© ladyfocalors
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Heyyyy I finally got an idea (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
It again Mafia Au since I liked the prev one so much shshshhshshs.
Buuuuut this time it's an enemies to lovers.
R and J's gangs have a rivalry for wtvr reason.
But when J and her groopies gets captured by another gang (too many gangs) one of jens dudes who fled the scene came to R for help.
After a while she went and got her rival back (and the others ಠ⁠∀⁠ಠ)
Maybe R patching up Jenna, them getting together? only if you want. though
Again if this makes you uncomfortable pls delete or ignore this
Thank you broko loco
I hope you have a wonderful day
I love your requests 🫶🏻
Small heads up: I still don’t know anything about the mafia so this kinda sucks soooorrrrryyyy.
Also I figured out that Mafia stories aren’t really my thing, they just aren’t as good because I don’t know shit about it
Jenna Ortega x reader
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The mafia was something you grew up in, as a small kid you lost your dad. Your mom didn’t have a lot of money, you were about to live on the street when someone swoop in and decided to help you. He was a friend of your dads, his death hit him nearly as much as it hit you guys so he decided to take you in. It was how your family got into the mafia thing.
18 years later you were second leader of the group, after your second dad. He thought you everything, how to use guns, the codes of the mafia and how to earn yourself respect in a group of men.
This was also how you met the Ortegas, leader of one of the other biggest Mafia groups around. You were taught to despise them and honestly you got why, they were arrogant, it was impossible to talk to them and they were unfriendly. Your group also had its flaws, that’s for sure, but there was no way that you were this bad. Sure, sometimes you guys were a bit stubborn but you were always willing to help, or at least most of the time, and it was always possible to talk to you.
The rivalry with the other group went from verbal fights to physical fights in open spaces or bars. Nobody has ever been killed but people were hurt to the point where it was a close call. Sometimes you wish for the fights and the rivalry to end but then their first and second leader showed up, being all snappy and up on their high horse because they had a lot of money and suddenly you were back to understanding why you had these fights.
Every once in a while on a blue moon you met Jenna, daughter of the leader of your rivals, in a bar. If you were both alone you’d sit next to each other and drink in silence for a while, then you’d talk for a minute before a weird tension builds between you two which is the moment the conversation turns into a fight and you guys part.
You were sitting in a cafe one of your members had as a side hustle, it was nice, kinda cute with lights and plants everywhere, coffee and cake, just like any other pastry were great. You were doing some work, looking for your own side hustle and drinking some iced coffee when a friend of yours came in. “It’s been quiet lately hasn’t it? I mean like suspiciously quiet” he said as he sat next to you, stealing a piece of your cake. “What are you talking about?” You mumbled as you kept scrabbling down numbers, “the Ortegas. No fight in 3 days, nobody of us has seen any of them. You have been home from the bar early yesterday which means that miss Ortega wasn’t there like she normally was” he explained, and it suddenly clicked. He was right, she wasn’t there yesterday and nobody came running to you about how someone was beaten up again. “Well, maybe they finally backed off” you answered as if you didn’t care where the girl was. “Oh, be honest. You were sad that she wasn’t there” he teased earning himself an elbow to the ribs. “Shut up and get going, I still have work to do” by now he has eaten your cake, drank half of your coffee and destroyed your order. “Alright, if you wanna lie to me” he grinned before disappearing.
Two days later and nothing happened with the Ortegas again, they were nowhere to be seen and nobody heard anything. You also hadn’t seen Jenna for a while now.
“Go and get us out of here” mister Ortega whispered towards one of his newbies who managed to escape the handcuffs and ropes. “Who am I supposed to get?!” He whispered back, “just anyone” he looked around anxiously. “I don’t know anyone, I’m new and nobody listens to me. The only one I know is y/n y/l/n” he said and started creeping away a bit. “No! Everyone but them” the leader scream whispered, “just get anyone to get us out of here. Damnit” Jenna said and ended the discussion with that.
It was rather late, you were in a bar playing billiard with the owner. It was only you, the owner, your dad Marc and about four other members when somebody entered. “We are closed” the owner said as soon as the door squeaked, when there was no response you finally looked up. “Owen?” You asked as you saw the smaller man, “I-we need help” he mumbled out as he walked further towards you. It was the first time you could take a good look at him, he had some bruises in his face and was covered in blood. “Who needs help?” One of the members asked, “the Ortega group. We-We were captured, I could escape but I can’t get them out alone, please” he pleaded looking at you. “No! We are not going. It’s their own business” Marc said causing you to gasp, “Marc” you started but he interrupted you, “no. We are rivals. We are not going to save them” Owen stood between you, unsure of what to do or what to say. “You took me in back then, you took my mother in. You told me you did it because everybody deserves a chance. Where is their chance?!” You asked, stomping onto the ground like a little kid. “They had their chance y/n! We tried to make peace. So no, we are not going. Nowhere. They brought themselves into it, they can get theirselves out of it!” He raised his voice, towering in front of you. It was something you rarely did, probably never but the way he stood there looking down at you made you uncomfortable.
But if this man taught you one thing, it was to never back down if you really believe in something. “If you aren’t going then I am” you said looking him straight in the eyes. “This is my gang y/l/n and I say we are not going” he said, his voice dangerously calm. “Then I’m going alone. You don’t have any control over me” you answered and stepped away from him to get a warm coffee for Owen.
You sat on a bench further away talking about what happened, “mister Ortega said that they are from downtown, something about them wanting to form one gang and something about a marriage but his daughter didn’t wanna marry their son. So they chose whatever this is. Y/n, I wasn’t made for this. I didn’t know it would be this hard” he explained, his hands shaking spilling some of the coffee. The thing about Jenna made your heart stop. “Give me an address and about 30 minutes. I’ll figure something out but we definitely need more people.”
So Owen gave you an address, you called one member and he send you a map of the building. “I think I have a plan” you called out, Owen immediately scooting closed. “It’s going to be extremely hard but we may be able to do it together” you started when suddenly somebody scooted in next to you. “You would really risk your life to save them?” Marc asked you as he looked down onto the plan you made. “For these unfriendly and arrogant assholes?” You nodded not daring to look at the man, scarred that you’d see the disappointment you feared would appear. “Well then, let’s call the rest” he smiled warmly with his arm around you shoulder.
He called the rest and you explained the plan. It wasn’t really a plan by now, storm the thing act like you guys were one gang and then fuck off again. “We are trying to set an example so no fights with the Ortegas!” He said before grabbing his gun and walking towards the car.
It took about 25 minutes to get there, you didn’t even try to be discreet about it, you wanted them to know that you were there. After 10 minutes you found the hostages, they were tied together. Mister Ortega looked the worst, he had open wounds, a broken leg where you could see the bone and he had bruises all over his body. You looked through the whole place but Jenna was nowhere to be found, “where is she?!” You asked her father as you pulled the gag out and untied him, “I don’t know. They took her, we couldn’t do anything” he was too weak to even stand alone. “Y/n, we have someone screaming over here” Marc called out causing you to immediately sprint towards them. The screams that came from the other side of the door made your heart clench. “We gotta go in there” you said, pulling out your gun. You kicked in the door and stepped to the side letting the others flood the room, there were around 4 shots and a like two screams, both male before you entered the room. One of yours guys was shot in the arm and the guy in front Jenna was from the other group, he was laying in front of the girl holding his stomach. You guessed that the rest of the shots didn’t hit anybody. Then your eyes finally fell onto the petite girl, her body was bloody, her nose broken and her left eye bruised, there was a cut just above her check bone and one over her eyebrow. Tears streamed down her face, rolling over the cut one her lip. Her hands were bound behind the chair and her legs were bound to a leg of the chair. She yelped out a sigh of relief when her eyes fell onto you.
You had to take a second to calm yourself before you finally walked towards her, pulling the gag out of her mouth just like you did with her father minutes ago. Pulling a pocket knife out you cut through the tape that bound her hands and legs together finally freeing her. She was still panicking and immediately stood up looking around hastily. Not even 10 seconds later her legs gave out, luckily you stood behind her and were quick to catch her. “Careful, your das seems to be okay. My guys are getting him fixed and now we need to fix you” you told her and wrapped an arm around her waist to try and support her to walk but it was no use. “I’m gonna carry you okay?” You asked her and as soon as she nodded you swooped her up, carrying her bridal style into the car. You sat in the backseat with her.
“How do you always get into stupid shit like this? You guys, all of you, could have died!” You said looking out of the window, “for real? So this is our fault?” She asked clearly pissed but you were too. “If you guys werent arrogant and wouldn’t always show how much money you have it would be possible that this didn’t happen?” She rolled her eyes but kept quiet which scared you. You looked over scanning her face, her head was leaning against the headrest with her eyes closed. There was blood coming thru her shirt and her hands were still shaking.
“Come on, let’s get you out od here. We need to take care of your wounds” and that’s what you did. You carried her out of the car and into the house where you cleaned to wounds on her face. As carefully as possible you cleaned up the dried blood and everything else before putting band aids on the cuts. “The cuts are taken care of, so you have any wounds somewhere else?” You ask as you throw the wrappers away. She shyly pulled her shirt up, which was weird because she was normally really overconfident. There were some cuts and some bruises, “I’ll clean the cuts, once the doc is done with your dad he’s going to look at the bruises alright? Don’t wanna risk Internal bleeding” you told her and disinfected the cuts. Your phone blinged, “your dad is alright. They had to bring him to the hospital to take care of his leg but other than that he has a small concussion. He will be completely fine” she smiled at you and pulled you into a hug which surprised you but you hugged her back nonetheless. “Thank you. For saving us and looking out for me” she mumbled into your neck and then you suddenly felt tears streaming down your neck. You tightened your arms that were wrapped around her waist, trying to give her comfort.
You hugged in silence for a while, then you pulled away and whipped the tears away too. “Dad didn’t think that you’d come, I know that we don’t have the best relationship but when Owen said that he only knew you I knew that we’d be safe. And I finally wanna do something about that damn tension” she rambled, her sentences weren’t really connected but it was cute. You liked her like this, it was the real her. And while you thought about how cute she was when she rambled she surged forward and pressed her lips to yours. You were quick to reciprocate the kiss, your hand on her cheek.
“Y/n, I’m here to look after … oh” the doc came inside causing you to break apart. “Oh, no. It’s fine. Come on check her out, I wanna be sure she’s fine” you smiled at her softly, a smile nobody has ever seen. “So an arranged marriage to form two gangs into one? What year is it? 1750?” You laughed out while the doc pressed onto her stomach. “I feel terrible about it. If I had agreed none of this would have happened”she sighed sadly, you grabbed her hand and shook your head. “No, that’s not true. It would have happened anyway and now you’re at least free. Which means that I can take you on a date right?” You smiled which made her smile too. “Yeah, let’s do it. I will give my dad a heart attack but hey” she laughed out causing you to grin. When the doc was done he told you that she was fine. “So how about I cook something as a first date?” You asked her making your way to the freezer to grab her something that she could press onto her bruised eye. “Or we could go to your guys bar? I’m in desperate need of a drink and I kinda just want your comfort, and you can’t do that when you’re cooking” the way she talked so shyly made your heart beat faster. Without another word you stretched your hand out for her to take. You grabbed your keys and drove her to the bar where you ordered drinks and food.
“Gosh, I’m so tired” she mumbled and rested her head on your shoulder. Without a second thought you kissed her forehead and grabbed her hand, your thumb stroking circles on the back of her hand. “I’m gonna get you home, you should sleep” you whispered into her hair. “You’re really sweet” she mumbled and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, followed by some more. When you parted you saw Marc and mister Ortega starring at you. “Are you guys trying to kill us?” Marc asked, holding a hand over his chest while Mister Ortega just had his mouth open. “Well, we are going home so if you guys die do it outside, I don’t want my bar to smell like death” you said before standing up and pulling the young Ortega with you. “Wanna sleep over tonight?” You asked her as you started the car, she immediately nodded.
That night you laid in bed, cuddled up with Jenna in your arms. Something you didn’t really imagine would happen anytime soon. “What does this make us?” You asked her, unsure of yourself, “oh wow, the big y/n y/l/n wants to talk about what we are?” She grinned and turned around in your arms. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow okay? I’m so tired” she kissed you again before laying her head on your chest and falling asleep.
You’d talk about it tomorrow. Then you could figure out what you’d do about the rivalry and about the gangs. It would work out in the end. Right?
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iamnmbr3 · 25 days
Random vent cause I found a post of yours in the discourse tag and it reignited my passion for a moment, feel free to totally ignore lol
Bro I am so mad that Harry & Draco don't canonically end up friends. After all that? After Draco throws him his wand and yells his name at the final battle?? AFTER ALL THAT? No way. No frickin way dude. While I do love dr/arry (don't wanna tag on accident) I don't even mean this in regards to the ship... literally you cannot convince me that they don't talk and become some kind of friends. WHO ELSE COULD UNDERSTAND BEING A PUPPET IN A WAR YOU HAVE NO DESIRE TO BE IN... 😭 (that and they were teenagers ofc they grew into "different" people than who they were made to be tbh who is the same at 24 as they are at 16? or any other age.) They were just kids... they deserve a second chance at friendship 😭
It's so true. (Though the wand throwing scene is only in the movie but still). Regardless of whether you ship drarry or not, Harry and Draco are so central to each other's arcs. I mean, Draco risks everything and throws away his last chance to get his family back into Voldemort's good graces to save Harry. Harry risks his life to save Draco. Harry defeats Voldemort with Draco's wand. They've been a key part of each other's lives since book 1. Draco even realizes he was wrong and changes his attitudes.
And there's just...no payoff. No final interaction. No conversation. It feels like something's missing. And it's so natural to bring it in since Harry needs to return Draco's wand. They could've had a moment. They could've finally shaken hands. Maybe in a callback and reversal this time it's Harry who offers his hand first. (Maybe Draco looks a little bit doubtful and indicates his left arm and makes a little quip about Harry needing to be careful not to make friends with the wrong sort. But Harry just says he can still tell who the wrong sort are and leaves his hand out till Draco takes it.) It could've been so good.
But for some reason even though JKR wrote Draco growing and changing his mind she views him as fundamentally different from Snape or Dumbledore or Regulus, whose redemption arcs she acknowledges. And that leaves a huge piece of the story feeling a bit unfinished. Because what she actually wrote doesn't seem to match what she wants us to feel about it.
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lomltrentarnold · 1 year
❛ alleged girlfriend. (part 2) ❜ — trent alexander-arnold
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❪ part one / part two ❫
warnings : childhood best friends to lovers, mutual pining, smau at the end.
hana’s notes : hey y’all!! you don’t have to read the first part to understand this one, it can be read as a stand-alone 😘 got me giggling while writing this fr (i am mentally ill) hope y’all like this <3
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
Sneaking out of a party with Trent wasn’t something new. You have been doing it since you were fifteen but you were amazed how it still had the the same rush 10 years later.
Sounds of laughter boomed around the beach as Trent almost lost his balanced and trip for not looking straight up front. He was looking at you, but you didn’t want to dwell to deep on that.
“Watch where you going, T!” you giggled, fingers tightening itself around his, as he almost took you with him to face plant onto the sand.
He chuckled, “Sorry!” pulling your body closer to his, trying to keep steady. His hand instinctively rested on your waist, thumb running over your hip.
And maybe he just wants to be close to you, but you didn’t need to know that.
The party quieted down when you both stepped outside, the music sounded like it was underwater, making the night more peaceful. It was lucky that the party was on a beach house. The smell of salty ocean already hitting your nose.
There were people scattered along the beach, most of them were in groups and some of them you’re assuming were couples.
You suddenly felt awkward walking alone with Trent. But then you immediately stuffed that thought away.
Best friends walk together along the beach, while holding hands and giggling, right?
“What‘s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Trent asked, you were more quieter than usual and he could feel you losing yourself in your thoughts, so he wanted to know what you were thinking.
Your hands were swinging back and forth between you two, the wind kissing your skin, your hair flowing along with it. Trent caught himself staring at you multiple times, but that didn’t mean anything. He was just distracted by your hair movement.
That’s normal for best friends, right?
“Nothin’, I’m just—“ you sighed, shoulders relaxing, “—happy to be here. I missed this.”
I missed you. You wanted to add.
“Ya didn’t miss me?” he smirked, bumping your shoulder’s together.
Damn it, can he read minds?
You lightly scoffed, shaking your head, “Yeah, sure.”
Comfortable silence hangs between you two as continue to walk along the beach. The sound of the waves hitting the shore filled in the atmosphere, it made you feel at home. Finally.
Your eyes wander around the dark night sky, grinning wildly when you spotted twinkling stars and a full moon. “Trent, look! It’s a full moon!” you gushed out excitedly, pulling on Trent’s sleeve, and pointing at the sky. Your gaze never once left the scenery. You have always love the moon, ever since you were kids. It’s nice to know that some things never change. Trent’s gaze was stuck on you. The way you look under the glimmering night sky, made his heart rate speed up.
But, It’s okay to think that your best friend is pretty, right?
Trent couldn’t help himself. He reached in his pocket, taking out his phone and taking a picture of you.
He just thinks it’s a pretty scene and he needs to keep the image forever. That’s normal for best friends, right?
When you heard a camera click off behind you, you snapped your head towards Trent. Noticing the that he was taking a picture of you. “What’re you doing?” you nervously laughed.
“Nothing.” he huffed with warm cheeks, acting like he didn’t just got caught red handed. Before turning off his phone and putting it back in his pocket.
You rolled your eyes, as you slowly stopped in your tracks.
“Ya feet hurt?”
Sometimes you hate how he can read you so well.
You nodded, “Yeah.” a small pout forming on your lips and Trent has to force himself to not stare at it for too long.
“Come ‘ere.”
Trent sit down on top of the sand, pulling you down to sit next to him.
The night flew by, conversation went on as you both talked about your careers, family, friends accomplishments, drama, everything honestly.
Trent looked at you as the conversation died down. Big brown eyes stared into yours, it made your stomach flutter. You sighed, eyes involuntary dropping to his lips. You were hoping that he didn’t notice, but when you saw the slightest smirk curve up on his lips, you think you got caught red handed too.
“Trent?” you softly whispered, afraid to break the comfortable bubble you both were in.
Trent’s raised his eyebrows, encouraging you to continue.
Pausing for a moment, you shyly said, “I really do missed you.” you dropped your head a little. The eye contact was getting a little too intense.
Suddenly you felt Trent’s fingers brushing on your chin, tilting it up, so that you would look at him. “I really missed you too.” he muttered, warm breath hitting your cheeks.
You don’t know who leaned in first, but you reacted to it naturally. Body moving forward as Trent did the same. But just before anything could happen, a voice disturbed you.
“Trent!” Marcel’s yelled — Trent’s younger brother — causing you both to back away.
You think you heard a faint damn it from Trent but you weren’t too sure.
Was he disappointed that he didn’t kiss you? Was he mad that he tried to kiss you? We’re you both really going to kiss?
Marcel’s footsteps drew nearer as he continued to call out for his big brother. “What are you doing out here— oh.” he stopped midway, eyes darting between you and Trent, and the distance of you both. “Sorry, if I interrupted you guys.”
“Yeah, you kind of did—“
“It’s alright, Marcel.” you cut off Trent. Hands moving to hold his in a comforting manner, brushing your fingers across his knuckles. You smiled at the young boy and asked, “Is everything okay?”
He return your smile, “Yeah, I need a ride home and all of my friends are just about wasted.” he winched, looking at you and Trent apologetically.
Trent nodded his head in understanding, “Oh, well then.“ he stood up, pulling you up with him. “Let’s go home.”
You nodded, and moved to stand next to the younger boy, wrapping your hands around his shoulders. “So, what has been going on with you?” you asked, Marcel eyes lit up as he caught you all up with his stories from the walk to the car and the drive home. Not noticing how Trent was looking at the you with the fondest look on his face the whole time.
But that’s normal for best friends, right?
• • •
trentarnold66 posted on their story!
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YOURUSERNAME just posted!
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yourusername absolutely adore beach nights <3
view the replies!
user1 is she with Trent????
andyrobertson So that’s where you guys went 🤔
→ yourusername he was the one who wanted to go out 🙄
→ trentarnold66 Hey! You didn’t say no 🙄!
→ andyrobertson Okay, relax. You both are acting like an old married couple.
virgilvandijk The view is beautiful 😍
jordanhenderson I love the view 😉😍
→ curtisjr Me too mate!
→ _fabio.10 I agree!!
→ judebellingham i am onboard!
→ harvelliot So gorgeous ❤️
→ yourusername what is going on here 🤨
user2 omg is this the girl ???
user3 I love her relationship with the team 😭😭
user4 i ship her and Trent 💕
→ user7 me too!!
user5 they look so cute together 🥺🥺🥺
user8 mom and dad
user10 Back off Trent is mine 🙄
→ user12 NO HE’S MINE!
user11 who is she
user9 this poor girl is gonna be so confused when she reads the comments 😭😭😭
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footballcelebritynews just posted!
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footballcelebritynews Trent Alexander-Arnold seen with the same girl again after a private party last night!
view the replies!
user1 they look so cute together!!!!
user2 y’all need to chill they’re just friends
user14 we lost him guys 😕
user3 who even is this girl?
user4 Post about Bellingham.
user5 is this the girl from trent’s story????
→ user8 I think so
→ user9 Yupp
user14 heart been broke so many times 😔
user15 no Trent give me a chance!!!
user6 Why is she suddenly everywhere?
→ user7 right?!!!! she came out of nowhere and now she’s suddenly close with trent and the boys??? somethings fishy 🤔🤔🤔
→ user11 I think she’s a clout chaser
→ user10 maybe they have known each other before 🤷‍♀️ common sense is free guys
→ user12 nah fr 💀
user13 the people that are acting like they actually have a chance with trent LMAOOO
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reblog for a kiss <3
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alright no one asked but here are my final opinions on the kids. obviously spoilers for the quarry ahead
jacob: super mixed feelings. idiot who ruins everything, but most realistically 18-20yo in his behavior. makes stupid mistakes because he thinks with his dick, but also openly cries and shows fear often which i appreciate. didn’t like how he tried to force emma into a relationship at all, but the “i wish i could tell you i’m sorry; i don’t know what to do” lines were deeply satisfying for me. he was also actually funny to me in a couple scenes which is more than i can say for some of the others. “hhhngng skill”
emma: liked her, then didn’t like her, then was mostly distracted by her awful dialogue and strange mouth animation, not that that’s her fault. i think i understand her to an extent from her conversations with abi—she believes her talent and therefore her value lies in being entertaining, so everything she does has to be some kind of spectacle. unfortunately, it just wasn’t the kind of spectacle i found fun to watch, i.e. flirting with someone despite not reciprocating their feelings, creating drama where it wasn’t necessary, etc
kaitlyn: easily one of my favorite characters. i don’t find her funny at all, but just as it was with emma, that’s more the writers’ fault than anything. regardless, once the lighthearted tone of the night finally dropped and shit hit the fan, i liked her character infinitely more. she’s so clever!! and i love how handy she is. honestly many of the hacketteers wouldn’t have survived if it hadn’t been for her taking the reigns when necessary. what a total badass—and i’d say a semi realistic one, who still exhibits fear and panic
ryan: love this kid. everyone in-game seems to think he’s mysterious and brooding but he’s actually mostly just awkward and shy—at least that’s how i read him. and even though i saw other people getting annoyed with him for pushing back against laura at first, i really admired his loyalty and his sticking to his personal morals until he couldn’t anymore. he helped her in the end anyway, isn’t that telling enough that he ultimately does what needs to be done? also love the headcanon that he’s autistic, i definitely see it.
dylan: right up my alley. slightly annoying smartass? check. actually quite genuine and kind? check. secret genius? fuckin check babe. hard for me to pick a favorite scene of his; i enjoyed watching him interact with the others regardless of who he was with. maybe that’s because i think his dialogue sounds the most naturally human? at least in the playthroughs i observed. i’m also a bit embarrassed to admit i actually found him pretty funny, but let me know if that’s just favoritism lol
abi: sweetheart, but pretty one-note to me. i admired her kindness towards the other characters but i spent most of her screentime feeling bad for her. i think she’s very cute and would’ve been open to seeing more from her, though i suppose i understand why she fell to the wayside a little bit. not everyone needs to be a fearless badass, i can appreciate her role of needing more protection than the others. she felt the most like a typical 18-20yo girl to me.
nick: i guess he seemed like a sweet kid before shit went south for him. obviously i enjoyed watching his behavior change from “baby deer” to “cause for concern” over the course of his transformation. his… let’s call it “food aggression” over abi was incredibly uncomfortable and delightfully creepy to me. i was glad when she pushed him away of course, i just appreciated seeing the progression. besides that i didn’t particularly care for him one way or the other.
max: not gonna lie i love this dude. i unironically find him funny, i appreciate that he wasn’t overly skeptical of laura when she was scared in the woods, and even when he snapped at her he apologized right away calmed himself down. i also liked that he was primarily the one who needed saving. his takes never missed he was always right, they should’ve just gone to the motel and leaving a voicemail is absolutely not the same as calling ahead. love u puppy boy
laura: took me a hot min but i did in fact warm up to her a bit. obviously the mess she got them into was largely avoidable, but seeing as this is a horror game, i won’t fault her for that. i can even admire her stubbornness for the sake of character depth. i also liked her intelligence and resourcefulness, and sort of enjoyed watching her grow more ruthless towards the hacketts in order to save max. corruption in the name of love is what horror is all about baby
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I've thought about the contradictions between Abstinence Camp and NPMD a lot, specifically with Pete, and I think I kind of love them??? I don't know how intentional this was, and I honestly don't care, but think about it- Pete is confident in himself and his ability, but he struggles with the difference between how he sees himself vs how others see him. He's got some identity issues, that's normal, but they don't show up at all in Abstinence Camp, there's not even a hint of trepidation in his friendship with Steph. The only time he even mentions being a loser is when he thinks it might negatively affect Steph's reputation, but that's concern for her, not himself.
The main thing that got me was the motivation change with his outfit. In Abstinence Camp he says that he wears the classic nerd look on the advice of his cool older brother, committing to an aesthetic. In NPMD he says that the outfit is specifically designed to prevent as much harassment as possible. Those two things didn't really click in my head until the thought popped up- what if he's just lying? Camp Idontwannabang has a strict social hierarchy for sure, but it's one that Pete doesn't have any reason to care about. You show up for the summer, you do the dumb activities, you have a bad time for a few months, you go home. There isn't a Max at Camp Idontwannabang. Sure, there's the Axe-Man, but he's just a scary story, the Boogeyman to blame when kids go missing in the woods. All he does, hypothetically, is kill you. Very bad, but he doesn't follow you home, drag you through the dirt, humiliate you for years on end, frighten everyone else into leaving you behind. So when Steph asks about the bow tie, why would he say the truth? Why would he drag all that baggage into a place where he is finally separated from it? Yeah. I wear it because I like to wear it. I make the choice to wear these things this way. I want to stick with this look. I feel cool.
He's been beat down since the fourth grade, not just by direct attacks on him, but by the attacks on people around him. Every choice he makes is in direct response to how Max has reacted to a similar choice in the past. The whole reason he wears a bow tie is to avoid what happened to Travis Colson. His most iconic fashion choice isn't really his own. It's a defensive reaction. All the nerds at Hatchetfield High are basically living in survival mode. The threat isn't just not being accepted, or being challenged by mean kids, the threat is getting the shit kicked out of you. The threat is being harassed and humiliated so badly and so constantly that you have to literally change your home address.
One of my favorite NPMD scenes is the scene at Pasquale's parking lot, because this might be the first piece of media I've ever seen that actually understands why people don't "stand up" to bullies. Sometimes when someone wants to hurt you, they will just do it. Max doesn't need a reason to hurt people. He just wants to, and he doesn't see any reason not to. Pete tries to establish himself, hoping that Max is putting up a front, hiding behind a tough façade. And he might be. But that doesn't stop him from beating Pete until his fists bruise over.
Pete isn't just hyping himself up or trying to act confident in front of a cool girl. Pete is reclaiming his autonomy. Because he doesn't get to make decisions for himself at school, it's all a futile effort to keep out of Max's line of sight. But anywhere else he gets to decide why he does things. And I just think that's neat.
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
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Man, I did NOT realize how much I missed Morty until I watched "A Rick in King Mortur's Mort." If you've spent thirty seconds on my blog, you know that Rick is my favorite character. I like Morty, but I don't specifically watch the show for him. But his dynamic with Rick is brilliant, and separating them by putting Morty in the background could've been a fatal flaw if season six didn't start turning it around near the end.
When other characters appeared on the screen (especially in group family scenes) I thought "OK, let's not take too much attention away from Morty." I never thought I'd hear myself thinking that. I think that season six is great overall, but that actually made me look at it a little more critically. This show just does NOT work without Morty. Developing the family dynamic was great, but I'm hoping that the show will start focusing on the core characters again.
Anyway, this was a good episode. Like Morty, I kept waiting for the reveal that Rick was just being an asshole and letting Morty talk himself into a disaster so that Rick could save him and then hold it over his head for ages. I wasn't too worried since Rick's been changing so much and going to therapy, but it still crossed my mind.
Maybe Rick's still following Dr. Wong's instructions: being patient and watching events unfold instead of immediately reacting with anger.
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The callback to the infamous "The Vat of Acid Episode" blew me away. I didn't think the show would ever even mention it again. That episode was Rick at his worst: an abusive, sociopathic monster who emotionally destroyed Morty under the guise of being nice. So much of Rick's affection in seasons 1-4 was fake or manipulative. He did care for Morty, but boy, he didn't hesitate to smack him down and remind him who was the Rick.
I loved how the end of the episode paralleled the start of "The Vat of Acid Episode" perfectly. It's like this scene with Rick and Morty saying "I love you," grasping each other's hands and jumping willingly into the lava together undid all of Rick's cruelty.
Well...not quite. Which brings me to the one issue that I have with their relationship development: the show keeps acting like they needed to come to a mutual understanding, like their issues were partially Morty's fault. 99% of their problems came from Rick's bullshit.
Rick IS taking accountability, admitting that he fucked up and trying to do right by Morty. However, I think Morty needs to tear into him. In fact, it's a little unsatisfying that he doesn't. Rick needs to know how much he hurt Morty because that's the only way that Morty could ever find peace and Rick could even begin to atone for it.
I don't think Rick's trying to dodge responsibility. If Morty finally unleashed his rage, I think Rick would stand there and accept it. Maybe Evil Morty was supposed to be C-137 Morty's stand-in when he tore into Rick at the end of "Rickmurai Jack," but it's not enough because C-137's got personal issues with Rick that no one else has.
Rick's my favorite character, but--he deserves it. He took his shit out on that kid for way too long. Even once would have been too many times. I wish the show would let Morty seriously confront Rick about everything that he did.
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Also, Rick's still got a lot of work to do, but this episode left me wondering where they could go from here. Either Morty's going to start seizing control, or something huge is going to happen that shakes up the status quo.
Still, I enjoyed the sweet moments in this episode. Rick calling Morty "little junebug" was so unexpected, but so loving and sincere. He's called Morty "buddy" and "kiddo," but that's the first time he's given him an affectionate nickname like that. Sounds like something that he would have called Beth when she was little.
I was wondering when Rick and Morty would share an emotional hug (as opposed to the spontaneous one that they shared in "Get Schwifty" all those years ago), and there it was. Not the scenario that I expected, but Rick and Morty hugging while Rick assures him that "we're going to make your dick so fake" is perfect for this series.
And again, Justin Roiland does a great job. I love how he captures the gentle undertones in Rick's voice.
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Between Rick (basically) having two daughters in the house, trying to give Beth parental advice and showing Morty affection, it seems like he's learning how to be a father again. The way he extends his arms to Morty while shushing him looks so natural, like when he gently turns on Morty's goggles for him in "Full Meta Jackrick." He's reclaiming in his 70s what Prime Rick tore away from him in his 30s.
I also liked how this episode kept things fresh by returning to Earth's solar system. When Rick and Morty can visit infinite planets in infinite universes, what else is there to do? Return to an "ordinary" setting that they haven't spent much time in. This episode reminded me of "Something Ricked This Way Comes," which Rick mentions directly--another great callback to earlier seasons.
I noticed that Morty and Rick are continuing to gradually switch places. Morty's the one who suggests that they move to another dimension, and he says in the beginning that he wouldn't be too upset if he never saw his family again. Glad to see that he hasn't regressed back into being a passive little boy, which I was worried about.
Overall, this was a solid episode. I would've done a few things differently, but the writers have done a great job of pushing the show's boundaries and transforming the characters. Still, this upward growth can't go on forever, which makes me a little worried about what's coming next.
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Hi, so this is a big request, not sure if it’ll be too long considering my whole idea. It’s a “smut” idea that I think of a lot. My idea of it is being a collab between Chan and a female idol/artist/reader for a second mv for Red Lights, they’re good friends and all, that song in my opinion is a like very smutty song, the reader is wearing a red outfit, don’t have much of a description for it except part of the outfit being a corset. The mv is more on the smut/sexual side of things, Chan grabbing the reader here and there, neck grabbing, and some of it in my head being that Chan is almost leaving kisses up and down her neck, like the chemistry between the two is like on fire type of deal. Towards the end of the making of the mv, reader is alone in their changing room, sitting around, a few people are around the set but not in the changing room, Chan comes in to talk to reader, they talk for a bit and then things start to get hot and heavy after a few minutes ❗️if this is too much to try to write a smut on or not enough descriptions/ideas for some of it, or you don’t feel like you can or want to write something on this, I completely understand, I don’t expect you to be able to write anything on it. I just thought I’d send my idea to someone I know who writes smuts❗️
Bangchan x reader
Genre: Smut baby, romance, love at first sight
Word count: 6.6k 
Warnings: finger, oral sex (males & female receiving) coming on body parts, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid people wrap it before you tap it) use of the word cunt…. Amongst other things that little children should not be reading. So if you are under the age of 18, this is not for you.
“ACTION” the producer screams then the music starts to play
 🎶 make you feel my love, oh🎶 “okay Y/N hands on throat in 3…2…1” you place your hand on chans throat
 🎶 Now, tell me you hate me, 더 이상 널 버틸 수 없어🎶 “ANNNNNNNDDDDD CUT….on to the next scene” the hair and makeup team run in. 
The next part was the beginning of the song. Christopher was going to have to rough you up on camera. “Okay, Y/N, we have you in a costume change” you all of a sudden got ripped away into the change rooms. The costume lady pulls out this corset.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” you say as she pulls out the matching underwear.
“How the fuck am I going to fit into that” you tuck your hair behind your ears and grab the corset, lifting it to the light. 
“What are these dangly parts,” you say. The costume manager laughs as she walks over to you. 
“It’s okay, miss Y/N it will look amazing on you…. Just trust us, okay” you have to agree you’ve come too far to stop production now. 
“Okay, I’ll put it on for you”, you smile. She grins as she helps you put it on, tying the corset so tight to cinch your waist. 
“Perfect,” she said, turning. You are around to look in the mirror. The underwear was barely covering your vagina, and the rest of the outfit was just as revealing. 
“I’m not sure if Christopher will be comfortable with me wearing this,” you said as the manager pushed you back out, closing the dressing room door.
“Y/N good you ready”, the stage hand brings you to the next scene. Chris is their bare chest, and he looks so embarrassed to be half naked as well. It got you so much comfort knowing he felt the same. 
“Fuck me,” he said when he saw you. His mouth dropped, and his body went stiff. It felt like his eyes scanned your entire body. 
“OKAY, QUITE ON SET……3….2….1” you had no time to make small talk. The producer was already starting the music. 
🎶 I cannot breathe without you being right by my side. I'll die🎶 Christopher’s lips touched your earlobe as his hand slid up your side. Bring your hand behind his neck. You tilt your head so your lips are almost touching while he lip-syncs. You continue this for a couple more rounds until they think they have a perfect shot.
“Okay, guys, THAT'S A WRAP,” The man says. Christopher lets go of your hips, and you sprint to get this off your body. 
“Omg,” you gasp, holding onto the chair in front of you as you cannot finally breathe. 
“You looked so beautiful out there”, the younger stylist said while packing her things up. 
“You think so?” Your eyes glimmered as you smiled towards the young lady. You loved to hear good feedback, especially when you felt as insecure as you did at that moment. 
“We will clear out so you can get dressed,” the manager said, shooing everyone out of the room. 
You take your corset off and throw on a hoodie. You sit on the couch they placed in the dressing room and take out your phone “finally, a minute alone”, you say while scrolling through Instagram. You sat cross-legged on the couch, still, in the stockings and underwear you wore from the music video. 
*knock knock* 
“Shit….come in”, you called. 
“Sorry to …….uhh….omg…. I am so sorry….I thought you said to come in” Chris was fumbling all over the room, trying to find the exit.
“It’s okay…it’s okay…. Relax…. I said, Come in” you laugh, pulling him to sit on the couch. 
“What’s up, Channie…. You’re sweating,” you giggle a little.
“Oh no, I’m just hot”, he smiled, fidgeting in his spot. 
“I’ll get you some water” you got up and walked over to the mini-fridge, bending down to grab Chris’s drink. You smile a little knowing your ass is in his view. You turn around, and Chris's head turns away quickly, looking at the posts on the wall. 
“Here you go,” you say, handing it to him. 
“Thanks, I appreciate it”, he replied 
“Soooo…I was thinking of tomorrow in the bed scene….instead of” you got this excellent idea, what if you teased Christopher. All the idol girls loved him. All you heard about for days before coming to this music video was how attractive and polite this man was. 
“Chris…..I have an idea. I’ll show you what I mean,” he almost chokes on his water. 
“Ohhh….Ummm…okay,” he is so awkward it’s kinda cute. He puts the water down and turns to face you. 
“Okay…..so you’re lying down” you smile as you push his upper body down, so he’s now lying on his back. “And I’m on top like this”, you swing your leg over, so now you’re straddling him. “ what if I do this” and you lower your body, so your lips are hovering over his. “Is this too much, you reckon” without thinking, Chris attacked your lips, holding the back of your head in place while he aggressively kissed your lips. 
“Fuck…..you’ve been teasing me all day,” he says, breaking the kiss. 
“I have not”, you reply, smacking his chest playfully.
“Mmmm, sure” his hands move to your hips, pushing them down, so now you’re sitting on his pelvis.
“Explain to me how?” You give him a cheeky smile, and he leans back up, reconnecting his lips with yours. You move in sync, pushing his upper half back on the couch. “Okay, maybe I have just a little”, he scoffs in reply to your comment.
“I knew it was going to be hard… doing this music video with you….but fuck me….you make me so horny” he takes a deep breath in and presses his lips to yours again. You part your mouth, allowing his tongue access to your mouth. You begin to grind on his clothed member. Chan pushes your hips down, forcing you to stop. “Stop….we couldn’t be doing this…in the stage clothes that are” he gave you a cheeky grin. 
“True… do you have a condom?” You add Chris was so horny he forgot to bring his wallet. You were on the pill, however, you did prefer to use a condom as extra protection.
“Fuck, it’s in my changing room. I’ll run and grab it” he pushed you off and adjusted himself. “You change into something, okay I’ll be back”, he runs out of the room. 
He ran out and down the hallway towards his dressing room “fuck, where’s my wallet” he ripped that room apart, looked under all the couch cushions and finally found it.
“Please, god, let it be in there….she’ll kill me if I don’t have one” he knew he always kept one in there however, it had been a while since Chris last used a condom, and he didn’t know if he replaced the last one. 
He opened up the section he would usually put it in, and to his surprise, he found one with a tiny note. “Channie Hyung….good luck….Y/N is fucken hot as fuck soooo in case you need this…” it was signed by changbin the Cheeky cunt. He looked up and rolled his eyes. This wasn’t his intention to sleep with you; however, he was grateful for his best friend who pulled through when he couldn’t. 
“That cheeky cunt”, he mumbled. “Thank you,” he said as he placed it in his back pants pocket and walked back to your changing room, Chris didn’t want to walk with too much purpose to not draw attention to himself. 
“Yo Chris”, his head shot up as he recognised the voice.
“Oh my god fuck….what are you guys doing here” he did not look impressed. All 7 of the boys had shown up to check out the set. 
“We came to see you silly….why got something better to do?” Hyunjin spoke up. 
“I’m actually on my way to a meeting”, Chris was quick on his feet “, but you guys go into my dressing room. I’ll be 45 minutes tops. Changbin looked at Chris and narrowed his eyes. Chris shot him a look to which changbin replied. 
“Okay…will see ya in 45 then” none of the boys objected, and all started to walk towards the freeing room except changbin. 
“Did you get my note” he smiled as he passed Chris. 
“Yes, now piss off….and do me a favour…..take the boys out for lunch and don’t let them come back until I text you, okay” changbin was suspicious about what was happening; however, the look you gave him before now clicked.
“Oh, shit….your gonna sleep with her….you lucky Son of a bitch…how does it feel to live my dream” he laughed, patting chans shoulder. 
“It feels fucking good,  now fuck off the lot of you”, changbin laughed as he walked away towards the dressing room to collect the boys. 
Chris opens the dressing room door, and you are dressing in the same dress you walked in with on. 
“What took you so long,” you say, dragging him inside.
“The boys are here” he smiled as he swung the door shut behind him. 
“Oh really…should I go say hi” you tease as you go to open the door. Chris grabs your wrist, pulling you back towards him. 
“You can say hi to them after I’m done” chan pulls you towards the couch sitting you down.
“That is so hot”, you grin as he pushes you down, kissing your lips while taking his denim jacket off. 
Laying you down, chan slides his hand up your thigh grabbing on and squeezing as he part your leg kneeling between them. 
“All the girls in the company would be so jealous,” you say, pulling away and running your hand up his chiselled stomach. 
“Huh?” He said, kissing down to your neck. 
“Really…. Like every girl in JYP thinks you’re hot” chan paused for a second, lifting his head. 
“They what?….no they don’t”, he laughed. 
“They do”, you wiggle to passion your body better on the couch. 
“Well, practically every male artist wants to sleep with you”, he added. This was a shock to you. You had no idea that people even noticed you let alone male idols. 
“You’re just making that up”, chan continues to nibble and suck on your neck. 
“I’m not…but that doesn’t matter because you’re all mine” you never liked the idea of being someone's property. However, your mind quickly snapped out of it when Chris lifted your dress, exposing your wet underwear. 
He runs two fingers up your clothed vagina feeling how wet you are for him. “You are so wet for me, baby….that is so hot”, you blush as you start pulling at his t-shirt, aching for him to take it off. 
He lifts his body, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it across the room. His muscular arm is on either side of your body, and he smiles as he plays with the top of your underwear line. 
“Your turn,” he says as you sit up and pull your dress off. It meets his shirt on the ground. 
“I want you to bend me over this couch, Chris”, you moan between kisses. Chris chuckles out of excitement. He has wanted this since he saw you 6months ago. You are the only idol in JYP Chris has ever wanted to hook up with. 
Chris picks you up, showing you how strong he is “before we get to that, I have some other ideas” he smiles he leads you to a wall, where he pins your back against it. You unwrap your legs from his waist, “you can do whatever you like”, you say, sucking his earlobe. 
He kissed along your jawline until he reached your lips. “I want you so bad”, you whisper before he kisses you passionately, your mouths working in sync, your tongues tangling with each other. With your underwear now dripping with your arousal, Chris brush’s the top, waiting for your approval to pull them off your tight little body. 
But you remove his hand. Chris is shocked. Did you not want to continue this? “You are gonna have to beg for this pussy” the grin on Chris's face begging was something he never did, so this was a challenge he was willing to accept. 
“We will see about that” with that, Chris reaches around the back and clips your bra. He grabs one in each hand, massaging them as he places kisses down your neck. He starts to suck on your breast, using his tongue to flick your nipple, squeezing to shove more into his mouth. 
“There is honestly not enough time to do all the things I was to do to you today”, he moans as you reach down and start stocking his cock. 
“Who said we have to do it all today” you smile as he stops sucking for a second to look at you. 
“Do you mean that?” He was looking at you for confirmation.
“Yes,” you lick your hand to use it as lubrication, continuing to stroke his cock. 
“That is so hot… so tomorrow as well, then?” He started to kiss your shoulder bones, and you rolled your neck to the side for more skin exposure. 
“Let’s see how today goes,” you say in a cheeky tone, leaning in and placing your needy lips on his.
Chan has his hand pressed against the wall next to your face while his other hand roams your body. 
“Please, Y/N… let me feel you’re wet pussy”, he huffed into your ear. 
You grab his hand and place it onto your now naked vagina, his fingers spreading your lips. Your back hits the wall as chan creeps closer, pinning you while you stock his cock. 
Chan rubs your entrance before inserting two fingers inside you curling his fingers to hit your g spot. 
Chan moans into your shoulder as your grip on his cock tightens just the right amount. Chan uses his thumb to circle your clit, making you arch your breasts into his chest. 
“Come on baby… come for me”, he moans in your ear. You kiss him as you increase his speed and stroke his dick. He moans as he two speeds his finger up. 
“ Oh, Channie”, you whimper as you feel the heat in your stomach rise a release through your whole body. 
Chan grunts as you feel him release his load into your hand. 
He lifts your chin and kisses you softly “thank you…. It's been a while since I’ve cum like that” he smiles as he pecks your lips. 
“Again tomorrow?” Your question. 
“Fucken oath”, he laughs as he pulls out of you, his fingers covered with your arousal. 
You wash your hand in the sink, chan following after you. 
“I better go meet the boys…did you want to get dressed and come along,” he said, pecking your lips again. Chan couldn’t get enough of you. 
“I can’t sorry… I have so much I need to do for tomorrow,” chan pouts at your response.
“Can I call you tonight?” This man was whipped after one hand job.
“Mmmmmmmm, let me think about it,” you say, putting your bra and dress back on. 
Chan snakes his arms around you, placing kisses behind your ear. It takes everything in you not to turn around a rip Chan's clothes back off.
Later that night. 
“I Miss you.” 
“You saw me 5 hours ago.”
“Yeah, I miss you…and how you moan my name.” 
This man is the hornest motherfucker you’ve been with in a while. 
“Did you want to come over?” 
“Be there in 15, yeah.” 
Chan was excited. He had never had a booty call. He went to walk out of the dorm when he was court by changbin. 
“ Where do you think you are sneaking off to,” he said with a half smile. 
“Y/N’s,” he said with his head down. 
“You horny bastard”, he laughed “here, take these,” he said, tossing him a box of condoms. 
“Don’t you think this makes me look too keen?” chan said, looking at the box in his hand. 
“Well.. you are the one sneaking out to get your dick sucked,” changbin said, patting his shoulder while pushing him out the door. 
“You think she’ll suck my dick,” chan said as the door was shut and locked in his face. Chan smiled as he walked into the elevator. The idea of you portraying sucking him off made him gitty. 
He is wearing his favourite hoodie and sweats to your apartment. All jyp idols live in the same building, it’s easier for the company to pick up and drop off. He knocks on the door, and you look breathtaking. Chan immediately feels guilty for coming over to take advantage of you. 
You pull him over to your couch “shall we start here” you say, pushing him down and straddling him. He gulps before you place your lips on him. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have come here,” he said, pulling away. 
“Why,” you say, running your fingers through his hair. 
“I feel bad….. like I’m just using you as a sex doll or something” you look into his eyes, and he seems genuinely worried. 
“Channie,” you say, racking your fingers through his hair.
“Mmmm,” he says, eyes flicking to your lips. 
“Shut up,” you say, pressing your lips down on his he squeezes your hips, and you rock back a forth. 
“I want your pretty lips around my cock”, he said as you deepened the kiss. You wearing joking when you told yourself you were going to make him beg for your pussy. 
“I can do that,” you say, getting off his lap and kneeling between his legs. 
You pull down his sweatpants and his jocks, his dick bouncing out. You lick your lip, and just before you place them on the top of his cock he stops you. 
“Chan, WHAT NOW,” you say, looking up at him, annoyed.
“I want to make sure….you are okay With this. I’ve never done anything like this before” he was sweet, you had done this countless times before, but with Chris, it was different. You wanted to take care of him. He was sweet and kind.
“Done what… a one-night stand?” You say, confused. 
“Yes,” he said, leaning down and kissing you. 
You placed your lips on his tip, sloppy kissing down his shaft. Chan relaxes on your couch and starts to run his fingers through your hair as you put his balls in your mouth. 
“Fuck baby”, he moans as he grabs and tugs your hair. 
You grab and play with his balls as you look up at him, spread on your couch, enjoying your mouth on his hard cock. You lick his tip, making him cringe a little, indicating that your actions are working. “Do you like that, Channie” you whimper, wanting reassurance from him. 
“Every much baby”, he moans as you continue to suck and swirl your tongue around his cock, all while using your hand to play with his balls. Chan starts to buck into your mouth, forcing his dick to hit the back of your throat. 
“Oh please…you are gonna make me cum”, he moans suddenly. He ejaculates into your mouth, making you swallow immediately. He pulls your head back by your hair and leans in to kiss you. 
“What did you want from me,” he said seductively. You thought you might play a little game with him. 
“Nothing….you can go now”, you smile. He was shocked. He looked at you as you stood up. 
“Huh?…you don’t want…..wait, what?” You had heard rumours about chan. He liked to have a relationship with the girl he was sleeping with. He wanted to get to know her. Making her feel good was what drove him. So you decided to test that theory and tease him. It seemed to work because he had a tight squeeze on your hips. 
“Isn’t that what you came here for?” You questioned. He was so confused.
“I thought maybe…I don’t know….shouldn’t this be an equal exchange” he said, trying to pull you in, eager to satisfy you. 
“No….I’m okay, Channie,” you say, kissing him. He’s now squeezing your ass. “You can go home now”, you smile “ I’ll see you tomorrow”, you continue. “Bye, Channie”, you kiss him as he pulls up his sweats. He walks out and grabs you one last time. 
“This is over the right?….you still want to do this with me again…because I do like you” his eyes were searching your face. 
“We will see”, you smile. He let go of you, and you shut the door. 
The next day 
“Good morning beautiful….I can’t wait to see you today.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at your phone truth was you did like chan more than you have ever liked anyone. 
“Happy last day of filming 🥰” 
You didn’t want to show chan how excited you were to see him. After he left last night, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. 
“Channie Hyung, we are all coming with you today” Jeongin smiled as the boys came out of their bedrooms, chan almost choking on his glass of water. 
“Whose idea was that?” Chan knew the exactly whose idea that was. 
“Changbin Hyung… he said he wanted to see you in action”, chan laughed. He couldn’t fucking believe the nerve changbin had. 
“Cheeky cunt”, chan mumbled as changbin patted him on the back. Chan turns his head, and death stairs him. 
“Come on then, Channie Hyung, we are going to be late” changbin smiled, knowing chan couldn’t say anything without exposing himself for wanting alone time with you. 
All the boys rushed out the door leaving chan and changbin in the kitchen alone for a moment “cock block”, chan said to changbin, who laughed. 
“Have you bought her a gift yet?” Changbin added. 
“I’m supposed to buy her a gift” Chan was so confused. 
“Yes….see you need me”, he again pats his back as he walks towards the door. 
“Wait….what should I get her?” Chan said, running after changbin. 
“How’s the music video going?” 
“Good last day today.” 
“How does it feel to be inches away from chans face….. that’s my dream 🤣🤣🤣” 
Oh, Ryujin, I have been far closer than just inches, and from his face, you thought to yourself. 
“Good, he is very nice 😊” 
“Changbin texted saying he and the boys are coming down…..so some girls and I are coming as well.” 
Ryujin had a thing for changbin, and all oh JYP knew it. She would have been excited that he texted her, but the fact that he was made you think he was up to something. 
“Oooohhh, are they now…..sure come on down.” 
You messaged chan
“So I heard your boys are coming for a visit. Can’t wait to meet them finally.” 
“I am so sorry….they just sprung this on me this morning.” 
“It’s okay…..I am excited to meet them… especially changbin….Ryujin doesn’t shut up about how great he is 😂” 
Chan couldn’t help but get jealous; in the car, he locked his phone and squeezed it, placing it upside down on his leg. 
“You okay, bro” changbin said, placing his hand on his shoulder. 
“Hana?…. Today could you make it your mission to find miss Y/N a thank-you gift?” 
Chan's assistant Hana nods and starts looking immediately for gifts online. “What do you think she would like, Mr bang.” 
“Ummm, she has a lot of Prada things, so maybe a nice new bag” changbin almost choked on his spit.
“Those bags cost millions of won Hyung” chan didn’t care about him. This was nothing. Chan competed for your heart. He wanted to show you why you chose to sleep with him and not changbin. 
“It’s all good. I can afford it,” Chan smiled at a changbin, who just plopped back in his seat, stunned. When changbin said to get you a gift, he meant a lovely bracelet or something, not an almost 3500-dollar bag. 
Chan picks up his phone 
“I can’t wait to see you.” 
You begin to blush. He was so cute. You giggled at your phone your assistant smiled.
“Who has you all gitty today?” She said, continuing to work.
“Oh, no one”, you smile and look out the window. 
“Mmmmhhmmm….is it a boy?” She was so interested. 
“Maybe…will see…..he’s um working hard…and it’s nice for once” you continue to look out the window trying to think up a reply. 
“What else can’t you wait for?” 
You decided to be a little flirty with him. You knew he would get flustered, and it would make for a great shoot. 
“Are you teasing me?” 
“Is it working?” 
“Do I currently have a boner?….yes….can I do anything about it….no…so yeah, it’s working” 
“Is it that easy to make you hard?…. Ha, you don’t have sex much, do you?” 
Chan was smiling at your text. Indeed, he doesn’t have sex often; however, this won’t stop him from fucking your brains until you can no longer form a sentence. That’s if he even gets alone time with you today. 
“Ha….wouldn’t you like to know how much sex I have” 
You laughed at his reply. He’s trying to be a fuck boy. 
“Well, if you're getting so much ass, I guess you don’t need me anymore.” 
Two can play that game, Mr Christopher.
Chan thought he had fucked up big time. His eyes widened. 
“Changbin?” He said out of panic 
“Mmmmm”, changbin replied, texting a special someone of his own.
“Help!” The word made changbins eyes shoot up to meet chans.
“Let me look,” he said, grabbing the phone. The other boys are now curious as to what’s happening. 
“She’s just playing with you….don’t worry about it….ignore her”, he smiled.
“Ignore her?…..she just told me she doesn’t want me anymore”, chan was going to hyperventilate. He had just got you. Now he’s gone and fucked it up. He had to write something to get you back. 
“Chris”, changbin said, chans head snapping to look at him, trying to hold back his panic.
“She’s playing a game……where has all your confidence gone, bro….just text her back, okay,” he said, grabbing the phone and typing “Okay then” into the message.
All chan had to do was press send “listen to me… she’s trying to make you sweat….hit send” the boys in the car are still so confused about who they are talking about. 
Chan pressed the sent button squeezing his eyes shut as he did so. 
“Did he just okay then me?” you said in the car, shocking the driver jumping out of shock. You laughed because he was asking for advice from someone, and you would make him sweat. As the car pulled up, you hopped out. There was another black car behind you that you thought might be chan, so you waited. 
You popped changbin first, then the rest of the stray kids finally chan. “Morning, Channie”, you smile and wave.
“Oh, uh, morning”, he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“You guys must be the rest of the stray kids….changbin, Felix, Han, Minho, Hyun-jin, Seungmin and Jeongin, right?” You were hoping you got the name right. 
“It’s so nice to meet you, Y/N….Channie Hyung is so excited to do this project with you” chans eyes widen as he knows he has to get these boys inside before they expose his embarrassing secrets to you. 
“Alright….. inside we go Y/N has a lot to prep for”, he smiled, pushing them in a line inside, turning his head back towards you, mouthing “sorry”, before turning back and directing them all into his dressing room. 
You giggled as you watched him struggle to control them. Just as you stopped, Ryujin showed up behind you. 
“Y/n, omg, long time no see,” she said, hugging you.
“So good to see you, Ryujin” you smile as you hug her, you lead her into the dressing rooms, and she sits on your couch. 
Thirty minutes or so went by, and you said you were about to start getting ready; there was a knock on the door. 
“I think that’s my hair and makeup. Could you let them in, please, Ryujin” she gets up and gasps as she opens the door to Chan's assistant, Hana?
“Miss Y/N….she said, entering… Mr bang wanted me to give this to you,” she smiled, holding the most beautiful  Prada bag 
“Omg…. Is that the Prada Cleo brushed-leather shoulder bag?” You jumped up. You had wanted this bag. It just came out this week. You grab it and hug Hana, who hands you a note.
“Read it,”, Ryujin said, grabbing you to look at the bag.
“Happy last day of filming…thank you so much for EVERYTHING” you can’t help but blush. As you look inside the bag, your eyes widen. You quickly close the bag holding it to your chest. “Ryujin?…..could you do me a favour?” You smile, knowing she will do it because it includes changbin. 
“Sure, anything?” She smiles, still trying to get her hand on your bag. 
“After the shoot today….. I’m going to take chan out for dinner as a thank you… do you think you could distract the boys for me” this was right up Ryujins alley?
“That is too easy….I am the girl for the job” you shove the bag in the corner with the rest of your stuff. 
“OKAY ACTION” 🎶 The moment when I close my eyes. 🎶Plays as you present to play with chans chains. 🎶All I see are red lights, red lights, and red lights. 🎶you lean into his body, your chest to his 🎶도저히 널 가만히 둘 수 없는🎶 you say as the flashing lights flicker, your hand rising to his throat as the producer screams “HOLLLLLD”  you star into Chan's eyes as he flicks between your lips and eyes.
“OKAY, CUT… great chemistry today, guys,” he says, getting off his chair “let’s break and come back for the last scene.” Chan chuckles “been a while since I’ve been changed to a bed” before getting off his lap, you thank him for his gift “thank you for my bag….how will I ever repay you” you flirt as the stagehands untie his wrists. He leans up to kiss you; however, you quickly remember where you are and pull away. You hop off and walk back to your dressing room, looking around. You Can’t seem to see Ryujin anywhere. 
“Has anyone seen Ryujin?” One of the boys pointed to her flirting her heart out with changbin, leaning against the wall, just listening to her babble while she twisted her hair. 
“Never mind, I found her”, you laugh, walking back into your dressing room. 
You hear your name get called over the loudspeaker, and finally, the last scene of the music video, two whole days of typing. What a fantastic journey this has been. The people you have met, chan, which is just wild humans. 
You walk out on set, and there he is, all smiles as you walk up and stand next to him “my turn to choke you”, he whispers, razing his eyebrows. 
“Okay, everyone, take your provisions, please…..ACTION” the backing to the song plays, and you fall to your knees, chans hand snakes around your neck as you mouth  🎶 도저히 널 가만히 둘 수 없는🎶 
“PERFECT….Love it, good job,” he said “okay, team love the first take. That should be enough”   Everyone around us applauds as chan smiles, helping you off the floor. 
“I’d like to take a minute to thank everyone for the last two days of work… you are all appreciated…now let's pack up and get out of here, aye,” the head of the project said, smiling. You walk into your room to get undressed when Ryujin walks in “okay, I told changbin…. We are going out to dinner”, she smiled 
“So you and can better make a run for it”, she laughed; you quickly popped on your dress and walked out with her chan behind the boys, so it was easy for you to grab him and pull him away from the crowd. 
“Ryujin gooooo”, you whisper, shout, shooing her to catch up with them. 
“Oh, I thought we were going to dinner?” He said, pointing and looking back at the boys. 
“I have other plans for you, are I, “ you said, placing a hand on his chest. 
He gulped as you leaned forward onto your toes to kiss his lips. “Oh, okay….I’m pretty hungry,” he laughed. You roll your eyes and yank him out the back door. 
“We are going back to my place,” you say, pulling him through the alley and into a cab. 
“Can I eat first?” he said. Your lips are now shutting him up. You pull his collar in and deepen the kiss, and chans body relaxes. 
“Never mind, this is good too,” the cab driver chuckles at Chan's comment. You start making out in the back of the cab; once he arrives at your dorm, chan pulls out his credit card from his pocket and, without breaking the kiss, starts tapping random parts of the card machine until he hears a beep. 
You pull back, cupping his face “okay….kids, you have fun”, the cab says as you open the door. Hopping out, chan thanks him and closes the door, grabbing your waist as the taxi drives away “stop, I’m ticklish”, you squirm.
“Good,” he says, pinching your waist again. This time, you play, squealing as you run into the dorm building. Once, chan looks around to see if anyone is around before pulling you in and kissing your swollen lips “the number of times I wanted to do this to you today,” he said breathily. You push the elevator button, and it dings; you both hip in, and chan places his hand on your lower back as you swipe your level card. 
You both live in the same building; however, chan lives on the upper floors with the boys as they need a bigger apartment. The door opens, and you take his hand as you walk through the halls. 
You open the door to your small apartment and say. You turn around. Chan pushes you against the wall kissing you tenderly. “Hope you don’t already have the bag”, he breathes into your mouth. 
“I don’t thank you…. You didn’t have to do that for me…..but I have one question?” 
“Mmmmm,” he says, pecking his lips. 
“The lingerie inside…..” chan pulls back, all confused.
“Sorry, the what?” You realised that maybe Hana had made a mistake.
“The lingerie…the set you gave me is so tiny…I’ll never fit, sorry” chan pushes your shoulders back so they’re flat against the wall. 
“Show me?” He was so confused. He never asked Hana to get anything like that for you, and when he looked inside the bag before it went, it was empty. 
You pulled out this tiny laced underwater bra. “No….that was not me…..fucking CHANGBIN”, chan growled. You couldn’t help but laugh at Chan's anger. 
“What a wanker”, he said, looking down. 
“I suppose that he sent the….okay then text to this morning”, chans head shot up. 
“How did you know?” His eyes are looking at you with awe.
“Because I know you would never be okay than me,” you say, walking him back into your bedroom. 
“You’re so right…I wouldn’t,” he agreed as the back of his legs hit the bed, making him fall backwards onto a peaceful sleep. 
Placing his hand on the back of your thighs, He pulls you in to straddle him. “I forgive you, though”, you smile while running your fingers through his hair.
“Did you want to eat first?” You mumble between kisses.
“No…..I’ll be okay,” he says, pulling you closer to his body. 
“Chan….you sure?” You didn’t want him to starve himself in case he was afraid you’d lose interest. 
“Positive…..I want you first” he flips you over on your back, so he is between your legs. You giggle as he removes his hand from behind your back. 
“Me over food….Channie, you must be whipped,” you laughed. Chan leaned in and softly kissed you to quiet you for a moment. 
“Oh, I am 100% smitten by you” he brushes the hair out of your face, his eyes roaming, taking in the beautiful sight he has beneath him. 
You start to kiss his neck. “Be careful…I still have promotions tomorrow”  you wanted nothing more than to mark his neck, but you didn’t. 
His clothes member grinding on yours as he kissed down the side of your face “but I don’t,” Your breath chan got the hint a. He lightly dug his teeth into your neck, nibbling and sucking in the right spot. 
“Mmmm”, you moan.
“You are all mine….you understand….any other guy you have….get rid of him” this possessive side of chan was supper sexy. You pressed his head further into your neck, moaning in his ear. 
“Show me why I should give them up” you didn’t have anyone else, but he didn’t need to know that. 
Chan grunts as he pulls back, unbuckling his belt from his pants. Once his belt hit the floor, he pulled his jeans off. You could see if rigid member bouncing in his boxers; you like your lips as you sit up, placing your lips on his line. 
“Shit”, he moans.
He pushes your body back down on the bed “ah ah ah…..your turn, baby girl” chan had this other side to him when he got hungry he was so sexy he tended his arms as they pulled you to the edge of the bed. 
“Spread,” he says, widening your legs. Squeezing your tights and licking his lips, he pulled your underwear down your legs, flicking them to the side. Chan pushes you to dress up, trying to clear as much away from your body as he can. 
“You’re so wet for me”, he said before spreading your wet fold with his tongue. 
Your body indirectly flinches, dude, to pleasure. “Hmmm, you like that, don’t you?” He said before wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking and flicking his tongue. 
“Love it”, you moaned; no one had ever eaten your pussy like this before; he didn’t need any prompting. He just knew exactly what you wanted. 
He poked his tongue inside your core, flicking up at your G spot. “Plss Channie….keep going” chan wasn’t playing on stopping anytime soon. You pull his hair, and he grunts while eating your pussy harder. 
“You taste so good”, he hummus into your centre, sending shivers down your spine. 
“You eat pussy so well”, you moan. You can see chan flicking his boxes off. 
“Channie, plss, I need you inside me”, you moan, the sudden realisation that he had again forgotten the condoms. 
“Baby….I don’t think I can. I have no condoms,” he grunts.
“Channie….. I’m on the pill,” you moan.
Chan stops and stands up in between your legs. He inserts the tip into your centre; you arch your back at his touch. 
“You are so tight….this feels fucking amazing”, he says as he enters you, your dress and shirt still on. You are both so hungry for each other that you forget to strip. 
He's pumping in and out of your centre; you continue to moan his name, “Channie….keep going”, you lament as his thumb is now situating your clit.  Just a couple of seconds later, you are screaming. 
“Channie, I’m coming” you can feel his white liquid enter your core. It feels warm as you feel your stomach turn and a flash of pleasure shoot up your body. 
Chan pulls out and lays beside you “fuck me….you are fantastic”, he pants.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you say, rolling over to kiss him. 
“Can I ask you a question?” He said, still breathless.
“Sure”, you smile.
“Can I be your boyfriend?” 
Thank you so much if you have read this far I appreciate all your likes, comments, and reblogs 
Tags: @9900z @bellamuerte1987 @shellyyy177 @nightrayseishina @daceydeath
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 29 !!!
we're in the second half of season 2 batchersss (was gonna say were in the end game now but I'll save that for tomorrow 😫)
The Bad Batch 2x09
her voice 🥲 she sounds so down it hurts
"sounds dangerous" *giggles* ilysm Wrecker 💕
Hunter sniffing dirt again hehe
Tech says "without Echo" and Omega immediately droops her head 😫
creeper peekin 👀
I love how Wrecker was carrying the case with one hand and Hunter needs two and keeps adjusting it 💪
Wrecker checking in on Omega 🤲
oop Omega dramatic sigh count 👀
Hunter lifting Omega up 🥺
"chain reaction, explosion got it 🙄" tbb dealing with teenage fett mood swings now
gentle hands 🤲
that is not your ship kid 👀
Hunter slams the highly dangerous explosives into the ground lmaooo
Hunter hearing the ship power up !!! his turns so fast and jumps over the stairs 🙌
the bickering batch
they're literally all so feral at each other rn 😮
Wrecker giving Omega water first 🥺
she's calling Echo for help 😭
Tech knows he disabled his comms... have they been chattin 👀
Hunter's senses on fire this ep 👌
Hunter pushing Omega in front of him and steering her out of the way 🙌
the Lion King ???
Tech: "protect the ipsium!" Wrecker: bruh 😑
the ipsium survived Hunter slamming it on the ground I'm sure it'll be fine
Wrecker: "why don't you carry it 😠" Tech: "fine" lolol
Tech is so strong omg he carried it like Wrecker 👀
Omega needs something to cover her face in this sandstorm 🥲 give her a helmet
Omega bby someone hug her !!!!! 😫😭
"what is your issue" 💔
how soft Hunter said her name 🥺🤲
Tech doesnt understand the emotional connection she has to everything but they probably all struggle to see that being soldiers, they're taught to let go of things, stay in the moment to be able to be the best they can, she's just a kid who wants her brother and her home back after just losing everything, I can completely understand both sides of this 🥲 I'm blabbing and it's not making sense anymore 🙃
"thats not the only mistake you need to fix" Hunter's dad mode applies to Tech now too
Tech: "but she said she wanted to be alone" 🥺
they're getting so much better at the whole dad/big brother thing 💕
Tech said her name so gently 😭
Omega and Tech having the same ideas 🥰
"I am fully aware you are capable of the task" 🥺
oop I forgot the 😫 Tech falls count: we're on 5 now
THE WAY HE GRABS HER IN THE WATER OML 😭 he was so desperate to save her
Hunter sensing they're in trouble 👀
Not only do I love Hunter's senses but I also love how aware they all are of him, like they all question him every time he pauses or looks off at something, they're all just so aware of each other 💕
Tech and Omega lying down out of the water 🤲
Tech emptying the water from his glasses !! 🥺
"we are alive" ~ bro I love how often he responds like this I can't wait to hear it again hehehe
Omega's wet droopy hair is getting so long 🥺
"the narrow crevasse" i love the way he talks he's so fancy 💅
Putting a bunch of quotes in bc they're iconic 💕
Omega: "everything is changing and you don't even care"
Tech: "I am not sure how I should care about change, it is a fundamental part of life"
Tech: "I am aware that you miss him, but we have to adapt and move on. That's what soldiers do."
Omega: "we're more than that. We're a family aren't we?"
Tech: "yes of course we are"
Omega: "why don't you act like it?"
Tech: "Echo chose a different path, as did Crosshair. I have to respect their decision. Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on. I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you"
I have to put it all in bc this scene means so much to me 🥺🤲💕
Wrecker's scream and the big *fwosshhh* landing in the water vs Hunter's tiny *bloop*
Omega's wave 🫶
the way Hunter just tosses Tech's stuff out of the water and he's still holding Omega's bow is the difference between brother and dad
wet hair Hunter when 👀
Omega "see that wasn't so bad" Wrecker: 👍
Tech being almost as precise as Crosshair 💕
Tech and Omega looking at each other 👀🤲
Hunter noticing somethings different with Omega now after talking with Tech 🥺
CID 🔫 I want to hunt her for sport fr 😈
Omega quoting Tech 💕💕💕💕
oooohhhh this ep holds a special place in my heart fr
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