#this shit is so sappy good luck
ocean-armin · 2 months
Armin Arlert/LDR Series
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hi y’all! just felt the need to organize this series here!
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Series Description: Post-War/Ch. 139 Armin x Reader; based off of Lana Del Rey lyrics <3
PART 1: Get Free
PART 2: Thunder
PART 3: How to Disappear
thanks for all of the love with these, it means a lot! post-war armin has my heart <3
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slayfics · 13 days
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You get jealous when Katsuki talks about Burnin.
600 words
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Internships started back up and they were even more challenging than last time. The pro heroes had a good idea of what your classes could handle now, so the training was even more intense.
After the past days of non-stop hero work, your body collapsed into bed. You didn't think your bed had ever felt so comfortable.
You wondered if your other classmates' internships were as strenuous. Katsuki's at least had to be, after all, he was interning at Endeavor's.
You reached for your phone to send him a text.
[You] Hey, how is your internship going? [Katsuki] Awful. I'm losing my goddamn mind here. [You] Oh shit- what's going on?
Your phone rang as a call from Katsuki came through. Eagerly you answered.
"Hey," you greeted him.
"Fucking hate texting," he stated.
"I know," you chuckled. "So, what happened?" you asked.
"Had dinner at Endeavor's house the other day," he mumbled into the phone.
"What!? How was that?!" You asked.
"Fucking weird- they got a lot of family drama. It was stupid to bring me and Deku into it. Fucking rude not to keep your shit together when ya got guests. HA! And I thought my family had problems," he said.
"That bad, hu? Come on tell me the details, what were they fighting about?" You pleaded.
"Tch- you're nosey as hell ya know that? What the hell do you care anyway?" He asked.
"Endeavor is the number one hero now! It's- interesting to hear that his family life is trash when his career is so good," you explained.
"Yeah- sounds like that's what the problem is. He was an absent father I guess... I don't know- it's not my damn business and I don't care about that crap. I'm here to get stronger not fucking be on a drama show," Katsuki spoke.
"He taught you anything good yet?" You asked.
Katsuki grunted into the phone, "Nah- we've been having to try and beat him to the scene of a villain. But- he's so goddamn fast it pisses me off- and then that damn sidekick of his gets on my fucking nerves."
"What's he like?" You asked wanting to hear more about Endeavor's sidekick.
"She," Katsuki corrected you. "Fucking annoying. She's a strong hero I guess but she's too damn loud all the time."
"Oh.... what does she look like?" You asked, trying to keep the growing insecurity out of your voice.
"Hah? Why? What the hell does that matter?" Katsuki asked confused by your question.
"I'm just curious," you lied.
"It's Burnin' you've probably seen her in the news before, she's a pretty famous sidekick... Wait- are you jealous or something?" Katsuki asked, picking up on the tone in your voice.
"What!? No!" You exclaimed into the phone, but it was too late. Katsuki had picked up on your insecurity.
"I already told ya she's damn annoying, didn't I?" Katsuki said, his way of saying you were dumb for feeling insecure about the sidekick.
"Yeah, but you say that about everyone," you pointed out.
"That's not true," Katsuki challenged you. "I... don't say that about your ass," he mumbled voice lower than before.
Your cheeks warmed at his words, and you shifted in bed. "I miss you," you said, your voice equally as low.
"Tch- don't press your luck... You ain't getting that sappy shit out of me," he grumbled voice rough again. "It's getting late, we should rest."
"Yeah," you agreed hesitantly. He was right you both had to be up early tomorrow to be back at internships, but you didn't want to hang up.
"I'll talk to ya later," he said and paused for a moment before continuing. "I... guess I miss you too or whatever. Good night." He concluded and hung up before you could make any remarks on his sentimental words.
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sinners: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @peachsukii @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @pinkpurpledreams @that-one-fangirl69 @dreamcastgirl99 @jays-adventure3
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cassiopeia-core · 2 months
Hiii, can you do the same request about sleeping with Frank but this time is with Jason Grace? Pleaseeee
falling asleep w/ jason grace
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firm believer that jason snores (otherwise he's a little too perfect)
its rlly cute tho so its fine
before actually falling asleep, u guys probs talk abt some deep shit
"where do u think you'll end up in the underworld?"
"idk, ive done some pretty heroic shit so i hope elysium."
"do u think we'll still be together down there?"
"ofc baby, forever"
"what if i choose reincarnation?"
"then we'll find each other again"
very sappy
you would end up falling asleep facing each other, his arms wrapped tightly around you
when you wake up, its a different story
the blankets are probs on the ground and he would be lying on top of u???
good luck getting this man off of u
does not let u go even if u need pee
also bonus:
you wake up like 99% of the time to the smell of pancakes
jason defs loves making breakfast for u <3
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a/n: tysm for requesting <3 (these r so fun to write)
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Rain-Soaked Kisses
Ship: Steve Harrington x fem!Mayfield!reader
Summary: Steve hates storms but loves the rain—just another oxymoron of his life, like the secret the kids are trying so very hard to dig up.
Word Count: 6,582 words
Warnings: fluff!!!, sappy & romantic Steve, scheming Dustin & Max, healthy Mayfield sibling relationship, Billy mention, lumax sprinkles, secret relationship, friends to lovers, byler sprinkles, jancy sprinkles
Note: Told in part from the perspective of the kids! Written because it's storming where I am, and I love this weather so much.
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
"Who could he possibly be dating? There's not a girl in Hawkins that wants to go out with him!"
"Well, clearly one of them does!"
Dustin sighed, taking in Max's exclamation. As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. Steve had stopped complaining about bad dates and girls who left quickly; Robin reported he'd completely stopped talking about Leah and Heidi and Helen and the five other girls he'd been on-and-off again with; he walked around with a dopey, happy smile on his face all the time; and he was less and less reliable for rides, instead going on dates with a girl who's name he always pretended to forget.
As impossible as the idea seemed, Dustin had to admit it was a logical conclusion.
But who?
"Robin?" Max suggested.
Dustin shook his head. "Impossible. Steve steadfastedly refuses to date her. It's not Nancy again, is it?"
"Nope—saw her with Jonathan yesterday." Max huffed a sigh. "Maybe we have to...think outside the box more?"
"Who's outside the box? Who hasn't he already tried to date and failed miserably at dating?" Dustin demanded.
Max was silent for a moment too long. Then she said, "Alright, I don't know. I can't think of anyone who would actually go out with him."
"Exactly, neither can I," Dustin said. "We've got to watch him. We need to know who this is."
But tracking Steve and his mystery girl down was much, much harder than either Dustin or Max had anticipated.
Without Steve driving them around, getting around town took twice as long as it needed, either in the attempts to find someone to drive them or in walking themselves everywhere. Nancy was either busy or with Jonathan most of the time, which ruled out Jonathan as well, and Robin still didn't have her license.
During yet another slow afternoon of trying and failing to put together the pieces of where Steve was going and with who, the phone rang. Dustin and Max both looked up quickly, scrambling over furniture and Dustin's new cat to beat each other to the phone.
Dustin got to it first. "Hello?"
"Hey, Dustin? It's Robin."
"Yeah, I know it's you, Robin, I can recognize your voice."
"Now's your chance."
"Steve just left work—he said he's going on a date. Now's your chance to go find out who he's going out with!"
"Oh, shit!" Dustin turned to Max. "Steve's going on a—"
"I heard," she said. "Does she know where he's going?"
"Where's he going, Robin, did he say?"
"A restaurant, and he changed into a really nice outfit before he left here. And by nice, I mean really nice. Like fanciest restaurant in town kind of nice. Whoever this girl is, he really wants to impress her. And he's obsessed with her, too, he's been smiling all day from excitement."
Dustin scoffed. "And you didn't call us before he left?! Now we have to find out where he's going and how to get there!"
"Well, it's not like I could call you talk about him in front of him! Besides, we do know where he's going. What's the fanciest restaurant in town?"
"Enzo's," Dustin realized. "That's where he's taking her."
"I can guarantee it. If you go to Enzo's, he's going to be there. I'd go myself, but Steve and I'll both get fired if at least one of us isn't at the store right now."
"Thanks, Robin!"
"Good luck, guys!"
Dustin turned around to give Max the details, but she cut him off. "I heard. Enzo's."
"All we have to do is catch them in the middle of their date, and we know exactly who Steve's dating," Dustin said with a grin. "Easy!"
"Yeah, easy," Max snarked. "How are we supposed to get there?"
Dustin paused before he sighed. "Start calling everyone we know with a car, I guess."
Max rolled her eyes. "Like that'll ever work. Nobody's been willing to drive us around so far!"
"Can't hurt to try," Dustin insisted.
"No, Dustin, we'll be wasting time! We should just start walking now!"
But Dustin was already dialing the number to the Wheelers' house. It was answered by Mrs. Wheeler.
"Hello, Karen Wheeler speaking!"
"Hi, Mrs. Wheeler, could I talk to—"
"MIKE!" Dustin flinched at the volume from the other end. Max cringed, hearing the shout from where she stood. "Dustin's on the phone!"
A few seconds later, Dustin heard Mike's voice. "Yeah?"
"Is Nancy there?"
Dustin could see Mike's frown. "What do you want Nancy for?"
"Mike, I don't have time for this—"
"What. For? If this is Keith trying to get a date with her again, I swear that I'll—"
"Oh my God, Mike, no! Steve's going on a date and we need to catch him to figure out who he's going out with! We need Nancy to drive us there."
"Dustin, do you realize how idiotic that sounds? Nancy's not gonna drive you to go spy on her ex and his new girlfriend!" Mike hung up without another word.
Groaning, Dustin tried to call again, but he was met only with the dial tone.
Max rolled her eyes. "I told you it wouldn't work."
"I'm calling the Byers," Dustin grumbled. He dialed the number, but when Joyce picked up, she was talking to someone else in the house and by the time Dustin had gotten out "Is Jonathan there?" he heard the click of the receiver being put back.
"Try my sister," Max said.
Dustin dialed the number to Max's trailer, but no one answered. He shook his head.
"She's probably out running," Max sighed.
"Another run? Isn't that all she does now?" Dustin asked with a frown.
Max shrugged. "She says it helps her...deal with things."
Dustin sensed a can of worms—the kind that most people would avoid, the kind that Max clearly wanted to talk about anyway. So he asked it, when most people wouldn't. "Things?"
Max nodded slowly. "Yeah. You know...the Upside Down, Eddie..." She hesitated. "Billy."
Dustin glanced down at his feet. There was blood associated with all of those memories. He knew they plagued all of them, those who'd survived Vecna and his creatures, and he knew that they all had different ways of coping. Dustin's was research, Max's was music, yours was running.
"She's more like him than she wants to admit," Max said. "At least, she is with the running. Billy, he...he used to exercise to distract himself. She runs."
"Is that a bad thing?" Dustin asked.
"No, it's just... She needs someone in her corner is all. And I don't...I don't think that person is me anymore."
Dustin's heart squeezed in his chest. "Max..."
She shook off his concern. "Come on—we'd better start walking, or we're never going to make it to Enzo's on time!"
It started to rain halfway through their walk to Enzo's.
The storm didn't start gently. There was no warning before it started to pour, no flash of lightning or boom of thunder. Just a steady downpour, hard and fast and painful against the skin.
Dustin and Max hid from the weather as much as they could, ducking under store awnings and hiding under outdoor umbrellas as they came across them.
After getting turned around at least twice, they spotted the restaurant's glowing sign. They ran toward it, stopping at the bay windows peering in. They scanned the tables inside. From the parking lot behind them, there was laughter and the slamming of car doors.
"Do you see them?" Dustin hissed. He looked at every face he saw, overanalyzing the back of every head that looked like it might be Steve.
"Are we sure they're still there?" Max said. "It's been, what, almost an hour and a half? Who eats for that long?"
Dustin shrugged. "Enzo's is a fancy place, they've got designated courses and shit. They could still be there."
A car engine revved. "Are you sure?" Max took Dustin by the shoulders and spun him around. "Is it just me, or does that look like—"
"Steve's car!" Dustin hissed. "Shit!"
They raced after it in the rain, Dustin catching sight of Steve through the driver's side window, his hair perfect and a huge grin on his face.
"Is he wearing a suit jacket?" Max asked.
"Did you see who was in the passenger's seat?" Dustin demanded.
Max didn't answer, still staring after the car, her face fixed into confusion.
"Huh? Oh, no, I...I couldn't tell who it was."
Dustin groaned. "Shit! That was our one chance!"
"We'll get another one," Max snapped. "He's been going on dates a lot, right? Robin said so, and he's always gone because he's been on a date. He'll go on another one with her soon."
Dustin sighed. "Good point. Now we just have to wait. Come on—we should call Robin."
Max walked home in the rain by herself, hearing her mother fuss that she would get a cold if she kept walking around in the rain without a jacket, but not caring. Louder than her mother's voice was El's: friends don't lie.
Should Max have told Dustin what—who—she saw in Steve's car? Or the fact that she'd seen them going into Steve's burgundy BMW in the parking lot while he'd been focused on the store?
It was too late now. Besides, was she absolutely sure of who she'd seen?
Well, yes, she knew you better than anyone. You'd been by her side her entire life. There were pictures hanging in the trailer of Mom in the hospital bed after she'd given birth to Max, but it was you who was holding her, sitting in the plastic chair next to the bed.
The lights of the trailer were on when Max reached it, but only your car was in the driveway.
She pushed the door open. "Hey, I'm home!"
You poked your head out of the door to your bedroom. Your hair was just as drenched and stringy as her own. "Max! There you are, I was worried— Why are you soaking wet?"
"I walked home," she said, shrugging.
You hurried out of your room. "Come on, we need to get you out of those clothes. Mom will kill us both if she finds out we've both been out in the rain in the wrong kind of clothes."
"Where were you?" Max asked as you brought her into the bathroom.
You glanced up at her but didn't meet her eyes. "You couldn't get a ride home?" You left her in the bathroom, running into her room to grab her some dry clothes.
"No—Steve's the only one who will drive us anywhere, and he's unavailable most of the time."
Guilt flashed over your face. Max narrowed her eyes, watching you closely. You didn't seem to notice. "We'll tell Mom we took showers if she gets back before our hair dries." You paused. "You could have called me, you know."
"I did," she said. "You didn't answer."
Your face fell. "Max, I'm sorry, I didn't—"
"Are you dating Steve?"
The question stopped you in your tracks. "Max, I..."
"Are you?"
You sighed, wiping a a hand over your face. You sighed. "Yeah."
Max sighed. "Hand me a towel, please." You did so silently, taking one of your own to towel-dry your hair. "Why didn't you tell me?"
You shrugged. "At first, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. I mean... I knew I liked Steve, but his track record with girls hasn't been good lately, and I..." You sighed. "I wanted reassurance he wouldn't be gone after a week."
"And after that?"
You groaned, putting your head in your hands. "This is...gonna sound stupid, but... Steve has been everything for you guys. For you, for Dustin, for El, everybody. He's saved you countless times, I watched him stand up to our brother to protect us, even though Billy beat him bloody for it. I didn't...I didn't want to feel like I was taking him away from you all, but I also...kind of wanted him to myself sometimes. And he seemed to want time alone for the two of us, too, so..." You looked up at Max. "And I didn't...want you to feel like I was taking away from you. After Billy..." Your voice caught in your throat.
There it was again. The silence that surrounded death.
"Died," Max whispered. "After he died."
You nodded. "After he died, I know Steve kind of...stepped up for you. I didn't want you to feel like he cared less about you just because I was in the picture now." You laughed shakily. "I know that kind of, uh, backfired. I'm sorry to keep him away from you guys for so long."
Max shook her head. "Stop apologizing for wanting someone that's yours." She breathed out a laugh. "I was just telling Dustin that you needed someone in your corner. I should have known it would be Steve. I mean, he's always been there for the rest of us, why wouldn't he be there for you?"
You looked over at Max. "Just how mad is Dustin that I'm dating Steve?"
"He doesn't know," Max said. "We've been trying to figure out who Steve's mystery girl is for months. He won't tell anybody, so Dustin wanted to try and see if we could figure it out ourselves." She glanced at you. "We saw you guys last night. At Enzo's. Or rather, I saw you. Dustin was too busy trying to peer inside the restaurant to even notice Steve's car."
You made a face. "How can you not notice Steve's car? It's a burgundy BMW for Christ's sake."
"I know!" Max giggled.
You laughed with her for a minute. The lightness in her voice—it had been a while since you'd heard her laugh like that.
After a moment, you said, "So...nobody else knows that it's me Steve is dating?"
Max shook her head. "Not even Robin."
You whistled. "I'm surprised Steve's capable of keeping a secret from her. It's gotta be killing him, I just know it." You giggled. "However...we could have some fun with this."
Max raised her eyebrows.
"If Dustin wants to know who's Steve's dating, he can keep digging as much as he wants." You grinned. "That's gotta be amusing, surely?"
The storm that had swept in over a week ago had lasted the whole week, turning Hawkins into a mud patch and its roads into rivers. It let up briefly, leaving behind perfect spring days, only to return with a vengeance the next week—randomly on a Thursday afternoon.
Thursdays had become movie nights at Steve's house, and Dustin had concocted a plan to trick Steve into telling him who he was dating.
Max knew it wasn't gonna work. She had been present when you told Steve about Dustin's snooping and the both of you had decided to continue yanking Dustin's chain. Steve had seemed more excited about it than even you had.
While Steve set up his house for the group of rambunctious teenagers for movie night, Dustin explained his plan to Max in whispers.
"So, I'm going to try talking about Suzie for the first few hours," Dustin started, watching Steve like a hawk while he moved about in the kitchen, making popcorn for the group. "Get him thinking about his own relationship, you know? And then you know how he gets—" He cut himself off abruptly when Steve came into the living room with bowls of popcorn, setting them on the coffee table.
"Any idea when your sister's supposed to be here, Max?" Steve asked. "I thought she was driving you."
Max shook her head. "She said she'd come after she got out of work, but I don't remember when her shift ended."
Steve nodded. He disappeared up the stairs in the next moment.
"You know how he gets when it gets late into the movie and its dark and he's focused?" Dustin continued, picking up immediately.
Max frowned. "Like when he's so focused on something you can ask him a question and he'll either go 'huh?' and make you repeat it or he'll just answer without thinking?"
"Exactly like that," Dustin said. "That's when I'm—"
Steve returned with a stack of blankets. "How many of us are there, again? Twelve?"
"Thirteen," Dustin and Max both said.
Steve tossed the blankets onto the couch. "Go grab five more. Up the stairs, closet on the left."
They went up the stairs, Dustin whispering again before they'd even reached the landing. "I'm gonna ask him who he's going out with when he's like that."
Max rolled her eyes. "You don't know that'll work. He could say 'huh?' and make you repeat the question, like I just said."
Dustin shrugged. "Then I'll ask him something different, wait a little bit longer, and then ask again. He can't do that the whole night. Can he?"
"How should I know?" Max picked up the blankets and started back downstairs. Steve was whistling in the kitchen. "This whole plan is so stupid, Dustin. It's hardly a plan!"
"Do you have a better idea?" he hissed.
Max stayed silent. Of course she had better ideas, but those might make Steve actually tell Dustin.
"That's what I thought," Dustin said, clearly on the wrong path. "We'll stick with my plan." He glanced at Steve's back in the kitchen. "Unless your sister knows who he's dating? They're pretty much best friends now, right?"
Max nodded. "Blame Robin for that," she said, praying her poker face held. "I don't think she knows. I can't see Steve telling her if he hasn't told Robin."
"Fair point," Dustin decided. "Even more reason to rely on my plan."
She rolled her eyes. "Your plan is just going to annoy him until he kicks you out of his house."
"He likes me too much," Dustin said, with confidence Max wasn't sure he should possess—not about this, at least.
When they reached the first floor again, Steve was pacing around the living room, double checking he had everything set up. Max had to admit she liked the set up he had for movie night: the coffee table was set up with bowls of popcorn and a drink tray, there was a cooler next to filled with water bottles and soda cans, he had dragged every pillow in the house to the couch and floor, a fluffy winter comforter spread out on the carpet to make the floor more comfortable, and an egregious number of bagged snacks in a wicker basket.
"I think we're all set, guys," Steve said, surveying the room with his hands on his hips.
As if cued by Steve's motherly behavior, the rain outside grew louder, falling fast against the AC unit in the window. Steve winced.
"Looks like we're going to have to have the volume up high to hear the movie over the storm," he said.
"What are we watching?" Dustin asked.
Steve shrugged. "I dunno. We've got a couple choices in that cabinet over there, plus the stuff Robin's bringing. I think Nance had a movie she wanted to suggest, too, but I can't remember what it was..." His eye caught on the stack of blankets, leaning down to count them.
Dustin dug through the movie cabinet. "Come on, Steve, what are these movies? Why are they all romantic comedies?"
"Because they're my mom's favorite, dipshit," Steve said with an affectionate roll of his eyes.
"There's nothing of value here!"
"Well, I'm not watching Star Wars again, so—"
"It was Star Trek last week!"
"Even worse." Steve looked up at Max and waved her over. She glanced at Dustin, but he was too busy judging Mrs. Harrington's taste in rom-coms to notice her get up.
"Would it be too obvious if I gave your sister my blanket? I miscounted and we're short one."
Max bit back a laugh. "I think Nancy might notice, Robin would definitely notice, but Dustin's still a little too oblivious for that."
Steve huffed a sigh. "Can't have one of them letting it slip. Alright, fine, I'll use mine and give her a different one." He glanced at his watch. "Her shift ended almost an hour ago, she should be here any minute."
Max frowned. "Why do you know her work schedule better than I do?"
He shrugged. "In case she needs a ride to or from work. Can't leave her stranded if her car breaks down again."
A knock sounded at the door. Steve grinned at Max, both of them knowing you had arrived. He rushed to the door, slowing down only when he was within Dustin's sightline again.
You were hugging your arms when he opened the door, your hair wet and stringy, your clothes soaked through. "What took you so long, Stevie?!" you demanded, hurrying through the door. Max pointed to Dustin before you could kiss Steve's cheek.
"Jesus, you're soaked," Steve said, taking in your more than damp appearance. "Did you walk here?"
"No," you said, pointing out the still-open door to your car. "It's just raining hard enough that I got drenched on the run from my car to your door."
Steve slammed the door shut before more water could get inside. "Uh, okay, come on, I think I've got something for you to change into."
You blinked at him, gaze flicking briefly to Dustin. "Oh, no, that's alright, I'll just—"
"I'm not letting you stay uncomfortable and catch a cold in these clothes," Steve insisted. You nodded, all too ready to curl up in one of Steve's sweaters. "Come on—you two, we'll only be a minute. Answer the door if anyone else comes while we're gone."
Steve ushered you upstairs. Max waited a few minutes before telling Dustin she'd be right back, using the bathroom as her excuse, wanting to keep an eye on the two of you and stop you from any funny business. She followed the damp footprints you'd left behind, slipping into the bathroom across from Steve's room and peering around the door. She smiled at what she saw.
You had ditched your wet pants and shirt and were pulling on a pair of Steve's jeans. Steve had his back turned as he dug through his dresser.
"Um...do you need a different bra? I'm pretty sure you left one here last time..." Steve glanced back at you and smiled. "God, you look cute."
You looked up at him, cheeks pink. "You're just saying that because I'm half-naked in your bedroom and the clothes I'm wearing are yours."
Steve shook his head, still smiling. "I'm sayin' it 'cause you're cute." He walked over to you, sweater in hand, and kissed your nose. "You are beautiful, Miss Mayfield." He brushed your wet hair out of your face. "Arms up, honey."
You lifted your arms for him and he tugged his sweater over your head. He pulled you to his chest as soon as it was on, holding you like it was the last time he ever would. Max watched your hand go into his hair, pulling a soft sigh from him.
"Kiss me, Stevie," you whispered, coaxing his head toward your own with your hand.
Eyes closed, Steve obeyed, kissing you softly, chastely. Max heard the movie-perfect sound of your lips parting before you tugged him back down for a second kiss, deeper than the first.
"I love you," he whispered.
"And I love you," you said back. The two of you smiled at each other, sickeningly sweet, and Max wondered if the look on your face was the same one on hers whenever she was with Lucas.
Steve adjusted his sweater on your body one more time. "We should get back downstairs," he said. "Dustin might get suspicious."
You fell back into his arms for another hug. "Okay."
Steve took your hand and slowly lead you out of his bedroom, though he seemed just as reluctant as you to have to let go and pretend to just be friends. "Your sister thought it would be too much to give you my blanket during the movie, but I think I like having you in my clothes more."
You smiled. "If it's anything scary, I'll jump a lot and cling to you and we can blame it on the movie."
Steve grinned. "Let's hope Robin brings a good scary movie, and that Eddie wins the vote tonight, then."
Max shut the door before you could see it was open, making sure it closed quietly, quickly flushed the toilet, and turned on the sink and made a show of opening the door to see the two of you. She glanced pointedly at your hands.
"I thought we were still making Dustin guess," she said.
Steve sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know." He brought your joined hands to his mouth and kissed the back of your hand before letting you go. "Alright, I'm done now."
The three of you headed back downstairs, Max at the lead and you just behind. Max knew Steve had let you go down the stairs first just so he could watch you prance around in his clothes and run his gaze over you again, but she'd give him a pass, just this once. You did look rather at home in his clothes.
Max watched you while you made yourself at home in your usual spot, in the middle cushion on the Harringtons' couch. In fact, she realized, you looked more like yourself, the happiest you'd been, since Billy had died—maybe even since you'd left California.
Credit where credit was due, Max would have to thank Steve somehow (without it seeming like she was thanking him for bringing you back).
"You want anything?" Steve asked you, tossing you one of the blankets. He set his down on the cushion next to you, then the blanket Robin had claimed on your other side.
"I'm all set," you promised. "Anyone else here yet, Dusty?"
Dustin rolled over onto his back from the place on the floor he'd claimed as his several months back, which he said was the best place to watch the movie from, but Max knew was his spot because it was still close enough to Steve, too. The middle, which was hers, was definitely a better view than Dustin's righthand side.
"Not yet," he said. "Hi."
You smiled. "Hi. Find a good movie?"
"No," Dustin said. "Steve's taste sucks."
Steve narrowed his eyes, picking up a piece of popcorn and throwing it at him. "For the last time, it's my mom's rom-com collection!"
Max lay in her spot between Lucas and Dustin, Erica on the other side of Lucas, only half-paying attention to the movie while she braided El's hair, Will and Mike snuggling on the opposite side of Dustin. Max was sure Dustin felt singled out, being boarded by two couples, plus Nancy and Jonathan sharing a blanket and a lounge chair just behind him. Eddie had curled himself up on the chair on Steve's opposite side, covering himself in his blanket to protect himself from the blow of the AC unit.
Robin had managed to snag a new release that had just arrived at Family Video—Tim Burton's Beetlejuice, a movie that had only been out for a few months in the theaters. The kids on the floor had propped themselves up on their elbows, drinks and half-eaten bowls of popcorn in front of them.
Every so often, Max faked a yawn to duck her head back to glance at her sister and Steve. Robin was stretched out across both your laps, and the two of you had leaned together to share both of your blankets after Steve had muttered something about the AC being too cold, only for the others to shout for him not to touch it.
And judging from the way you and Steve occasionally exchanged a look, Max guessed you were holding hands beneath the blanket.
Max turned her attention back to the movie, lifting a small handful of popcorn to her mouth. Not so subtly, Lucas fake-stretched and laid his arm over her shoulders. Giggling quietly, Max snuggled into his side. She heard your amused hum behind from behind her, followed by a small chuckle of Steve's.
As it had the entire movie, thunder crashed outside. While the rain had lightened up enough not to be distracting, the flash of lightning visible through the curtains and the boom of thunder had been frequent and often made the room's occupants jump in fear.
Another boom of thunder announced the power flickering.
Dustin looked back at Steve. "Uh, Steve?"
"We've got a generator," Steve said, but he had sat up straighter and had pulled away from you, his face uneasy.
With the next flicker of lightning and crash of thunder, the power went out.
The group of thirteen sat in the pitch-black room in silence. Lightning illuminated faces briefly, showing Max that Robin had sat up, and that you, Steve, and Eddie were all on your feet.
"There are candles in the study," Steve said, breaking the silence. His voice was wavering, and Max remembered you saying something about cutting a date short due to the storm earlier that week. Was Steve...afraid of storms?
"I'll get them," you said.
"Matches in the drawer next to the sink and lanterns in the sunroom storage cabinet," he continued. "Eds, come on, let's go see if we can get the power back to the fridge and a few lights, yeah?"
"After you," Eddie said and followed Steve out the front door. The pattering rain grew louder as the door opened, revealing a world in grey scale, but still lighter than the inside of the house.
Dustin sat up. "Candles? Why not just use flashlights?"
"Steve only has two flashlights," Robin said. "Working ones, at least. But candles? The Harringtons have plenty of those."
Max followed you around the house, lighting the lanterns as you found them and helping you carry the candles back to the living room.
With the room now illuminated by flickering flame, it was easy to see the worry on people's faces.
"Do you think the whole town's out?" Mike asked.
"No, it can't be," Nancy said, but she didn't sound sure.
Will wriggled out from under his blanket. The look he exchanged with Jonathan was concerned.
"Everybody keep calm," you said, setting a lantern down on the floor at the center of the group. "Steve and Eddie will get the generator running in no time."
Silence fell, still and eerie. You sat beside Max and Lucas, and Max laid her head in your lap, trying to smile up at you. It only took a look for her to know you were lost in your head, in memories of the night Billy went AWOL and had been controlled by the Mind Flayer.
Max took your hand in hers. "It's okay," she promised.
"Mmm," you hummed, but your gaze was fixed on the door; you wouldn't relax until you saw Steve walk back in, unscathed.
The AC kicked back on. A few lights flickered to life and the low hum of the refrigerator filled the room.
Relief filled the room with the sound of an audible sigh. Moments later, the door opened and a waterlogged Steve and Eddie stepped back in.
"Did it work?" Steve asked. Then he heard the AC. "Alright, good." He looked around. "Turn the lights back off—the candles will do until power really comes back."
"Steve, you're drenched," Nancy said, "you're going to catch—"
"A cold, I know," he sighed, glancing over at you. You fought a smile. "Sorry about movie night, guys."
Dustin shrugged. "It was only a matter of time before we lost power. The size of the storm—"
"Oh, shut up, nerd," Erica said, rolling her eyes.
Dustin leaned around Lucas. "Do I need to remind you of the vents?" he hissed.
Erica narrowed her eyes at him.
"Children, children," Eddie admonished with a shit-eating grin that said he knew his chiding was only going to rile them up more.
"Eds," Steve warned, opening the curtains to look outside.
Eleven craned her neck to peer outside. In a small voice, she asked, "Can...can we dance in the rain?"
Nancy hesitated, then said, "I'm not sure that's the best idea, the weather isn't exactly kind at the moment."
Steve looked back outside again. "It's not raining too heavily right now."
El wrung her hands. "Joyce says it's...fun and romantic to dance in the rain."
Robin leaned forward, gasping. "You've never danced in the rain before?"
El shook her head. "Only biked in it."
"We have to go dance in the rain!" Robin insisted, jumping to her feet and pulling Eleven up with her. "It's a...a...a cognitive milestone!"
"I don't think that's the right phrase, Robin," you laughed, but you were also getting up. "Still, I think it's a good idea. Good way to pass the time until the power comes back."
"Come on, Nancy," Jonathan said softly. "Let her have fun. Mom's right. It's fun in the rain."
You took one of Robin's hands and one of Steve's and dragged them into the rain. Robin created a chain by grabbing El, who grabbed Max, who grabbed Lucas. The small group raced out into the street, running through puddles and spinning through the falling rain.
Dustin appeared at Max's side, his hair matted to his face. "It's like the time they were drugged by the Russians," he said, staring at Steve and Robin, the latter of whom was trying to taste the rain.
Max did a doubletake. "When they were what?"
"Don't ask," Erica suggested.
Laughter filled the air as the group danced around each other, twirling each other and splashing through the current of water at the side of the road. Steve tripped through puddles with Robin; Jonathan convinced Nancy to dance in the driveway; Will and Mike splashed each other in the puddles.
"May I have this dance?" Lucas asked, holding his hand out to Max and trying his best to look gentlemanly, which was ruined by the water running into his eyes and making him squint.
"You dork," Max laughed, but she took his hand anyway and let him pull her close, guiding her in a slow dance through the rain. She rested her head on his shoulder and watched as you went over to Steve and Robin.
Steve stopped his fooling around, watching you approach with a dopey, lovesick smile. He held out his hands to you and you took them; he twirled you in the rain, catching you and pulling you close before you could fall in the wet road.
"Careful there," he laughed. Even with his hair plastered to his head, his clothes heavy and hanging off him, you were still looking at him like he was the most beautiful creature you'd ever seen.
Max watched the time slow around the pair of you. She knew you were both completely oblivious, cut off from the company around you, even from Robin's stare as she took in the way the two of you gazed at each other.
Steve swayed you, getting himself lost in your eyes. He cupped your face with one hand, running his thumb over your cheekbone.
Lost in your bubble, neither of you noticed that the others had all stopped to watch, unable to speak and break the spell—not even Dustin, whose mouth hung agape.
You were lost in Steve, Max could tell. Close enough to the pair of you now, she could see you drinking in every detail: the water droplets hanging off Steve's hair and eyelashes, the amazed curve of his open mouth, the gentle swipe of his thumb, the lovestruck look in his eyes, his rosy cheeks so stark against his otherwise pale, cold, and wet skin, the reassuring hold of his arm around your waist.
Max knew what Steve was going to do before it happened, before even you had caught up. He bent his head, slotting your lips together.
Like some magic, divine will, the rain fell a little faster, distant thunder boomed, and lightning splintered through the sky, lighting up the clouds above you and Steve, a dramatic backdrop to a kiss so similar to a first kiss.
Robin whooped first. You and Steve smiled into each other, but neither pulled away, and Max realized you had been aware of your audience the entire time; but keeping it a secret hadn't been worth skipping out on a spectacular rain-soaked kiss.
Mixed in with the cheering was Dustin's incredulous cries of "What?! Max, did you know?!" that she pointedly ignored.
Steve swayed you while the kiss continued, embarrassingly long but adorably sweet. When it finally broke, Steve pressed his forehead against yours.
"I love you," he said, loud enough to be heard over the storm. (Robin shrieked.)
"I love you, too," you giggled. (Robin shrieked louder.)
Steve pushed your wet hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead, then shoved his hand through his own hair to get it out of his face.
"Not what you were expecting, huh, Henderson?" he said with a cheeky grin.
Dustin looked flabbergasted. "How did you know I was— MAX!"
You and Steve burst into a fit of giggles. You snuggled into his chest.
"How is that comfortable? I'm soaked!" Steve asked you.
"Yeah, but it's you," you said. A soft, sweet smile pulled at his lips, barely distracting you from his quiet moan of relief. He squeezed you tight.
"You're going to need to borrow more of my clothes," he said.
You grinned up at him. "I'll happily live in your clothes, Stevie."
A few feet away, Mike sneezed violently.
"Alright, back inside," Steve decided. "That's enough rain for today. I don't need you all getting sick and still needing me to drive you everywhere."
Dustin rolled his eyes. "Are you actually gonna drive us again?"
"If you give my girl the front seat and behave when she's in the car with us," Steve said. "Inside, come on. Go, shoo."
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, watching the others flee to the safety of his house, then following them in with you. You kissed his cheek as you walked. Max hung back with Lucas, wanting to know what you said about the sudden rain kiss.
"You are perfect, Steve Harrington," you whispered. His cheeks darkened.
"Says you," he said, nuzzling his nose into your hair. "Hey, um... You wanna stay the night?"
"Gotta take Max home," you said. "But...I can come back?"
"I...I'd like that," Steve said. Max wondered if he'd ever been this shy with a girl before.
"Me too," you whispered. Steve squeezed your hip.
Dustin rolled his eyes from the doorway. "Get a room," he groaned.
"Oh, shut up," Max teased. "You're just annoyed you couldn't figure it out!"
Dustin scowled. "You knew! You knew and you were hiding it from me!"
Max shrugged, fighting a giggle.
Steve passed out towels with a warning not to let them get close to an open flame. Halfway through his warning, the power flickered back on—and so did the movie.
The group cheered, but Max watched you and Steve sneak upstairs and come down a few minutes later in dry clothes, hand in hand. She smiled before shaking her head and turning back to the ending of the movie.
And if—no, when—Steve asked her for advice on how to propose to you, Max was going to tell him to do it in the rain.
☞ ❊ ☜
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Stranger Things // Steve Harrington
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the S.H. taglist!} @ohatropa@nix-rose@live-the-fangirl-life
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leathfaic · 6 months
Simon Riley it turns out, doesn't have a taste in furniture.
It's not that he has objectively bad taste. He just has none at all.
Which he reckons in hindsight he should have anticipated. He never really furnished his own place after all. Always lived in cheap, outfitted places. Never homes, always just places to stay.
And now he's being confronted with a question he can't answer.
"What would ye like?"
Instinctively answered with "Whatever you'd want, don't really 'ave an opinion."
Only apparently that answer doesn't count.
Even as a kid it was second-hand furniture. The few times there was enough money to repaint something Simon as the big brother had to let Tommy pick first. He usually went with blue. No blues then, that's a start right? He doesn't need to give his brain ammunition to pull him back to his childhood. It has more than enough.
And Ghost has all the blue he'll ever need to see in his life in Soap's eyes.
Good thing he didn't say that sappy shit out loud.
Knowing what he doesn't want is a start but nothing prepared him for a vast store full of things. To make choices like "Which couch do you think will give you the least back pain when you can only test-sit them for a few minutes?"
The only thing he knows for sure is that these gigantic stores would make for a mean close-quarter training ground. He's half tempted to ask Price if they can find one that's about to close down and no one would mind getting shot to shit. It would be a fun challenge.
"Simon, ye with me love?"
Shaking his head to clear it and then giving Johnny a quick thumbs up he struggles up from the sofa he'd been sitting on and contemplating.
"Ye like tha' one? Went right to broodin' on there like ye felt all at home."
"Fuck off."
The defense comes instinctively but he has to admit Johnny is right. Giving the couch another cursory look, like it might jump up and bite him, he can't help but be a bit perplexed.
It's very large, definitely bigger than Soap's old couch. It's also very...red. Which isn't blue. But still it looks like someone spilled an intensiley dark wine all over the thing. Did he like red couches?
Simon Riley, it turns out, has a great taste in furniture. It just took him a moment to figure that out.
He picks sturdy things. Solid woods, iron fastenings, robust. Somewhere in the realm between industrial and old hand made styles.
Soap has been trailing him happily, barely saying a word because letting Ghost pick is easy, he almost always found himself agreeing. It wasn't always his first choice or even something that caught his eyes, but slowly and surely the flat was coming together.
It made him giddy, even knowing it would be a while until everything was delivered and assembled.
It would be lots of warm colours, light wood and dark iron in contrast. But most importantly it would be theirs. Something they'd make their home together. And wasn't that novel?
Two trained SAS operatives picking the carpet they found most cosy? Not plotting for tactical advantages but for a home to come back to. A place to share comfort and to share nightmares and panic attacks.
Because no matter how right they got it they would still be themselves, drenched in blood and now on an appropriately coloured sofa.
Johnny knew he should snap out of the line of thought he was barrelling down before it took him to darker places, but he was ensnared already.
Would one of them sit in that flat, drowning in grief when luck finally ran out for them? Would the signs the other left behind before deployment be a comfort or would they feel haunting?
Or would it just be Price and Gaz, lost in a place that had been a home and was just empty? Soulless. Ready to be emptied of all traces that could tell of secrets that better stayed hidden.
Would it just be one of Laswells people, burning the place without a care, just a precaution after a taskforce lost?
"So it's no' tha' one for sure."
Torn from his thoughts Soap looks up at Simon in confusion.
"Starte' broodin immediately. Can't 'ave you in a shit mood every time you hit the sack. 'ave too many plans for tha' place."
Soap finds himself snorting as he gets up from the bed he was testing.
"Fuck off." he throws back softly. Sees a warm smile spread behind the medical mask on Ghost's face.
"Ye're right though and ye need to tell me of these plans."
Part 1 //Part 3
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katsutora · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi ; itoshi rin ; nagi seishiro ; bachira meguru ; chigiri hyōma ; itoshi sae
summary: them picking you up after a trip
note: i’d like to be everyone’s weekly teeth rotting fluff provider but then i remembered i dont have it in me to serve content every week LMFAO i lack prompts besties
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ㅤㅤhas a relatively normal reaction as he sees you approaching him, but is actually trying his best not to freak out. he smiles at you softly as if he didn’t almost explode from all the excitement. once you’re in the car, he doesn’t let go of your hand the entire trip home. can’t stop staring at you too (a huge simp, good for you) because it’s been a while since he last saw you in person and it’s still kind of surreal to him. hmm, what was that? hands on the wheels, eyes on the road? yoichi, seriously, pay attention oh my god. you better promise you’ve tried everything and that this really is the last resort. “kaiser is in the middle of the street.” oh? oh. oh shit. “i'll run him over.” i mean... you gotta do what you gotta do to snap him out of it, right? (no)
ㅤㅤhe’s definitely in a sour mood. seething. most likely scared every single person who passed by him. the fact that he’s rapidly gaining fame doesn’t help at all (prayer circle for that one poor kid who only wanted to ask him for his autograph). he’s leaning against the wall, looking super annoyed. the root of the problem? not the fact that he has to be there of course, more like why the hell haven't you arrived at the gate yet (calm down rin it’s only been like ten minutes lmao). misses you as hell but won’t tell? that rhymes. immediately wraps you in his coat as an excuse to hug you tightly. “t’s not that cold, rin.” refuses to let you go. he’s clinging onto you for dear life as if he’s finally found you after a lifetime. “i know. just a little longer.” his grip only tightens when he notices people looking at you two. gee, they’re just trying to get to the exit gate, stop blocking it smh.
ㅤㅤit’s almost comical how he suddenly turned into a lighthouse as soon as he spotted you. people are putting on their sunglasses indoors, someone help. mandatory bear hug (but there’s a 50% chance that you’ll both fall to the ground because he can be clumsy like that). “that was so cringe.” “you love it, though.” “i love you.” ugh sappy. if somehow you survived that acrobatic act, he’ll bend his 190cm ass after putting you down so you can kiss the top of his head! if you don’t, well, he's not gonna stand up any time soon because it’s “comfy” and definitely not because getting up is a hassle. gets super chatty all the way home. “did you know shidou decked rin again today?” “barou planted his face on the ground yesterday, king who?” “i told choki to watch the food in the oven btw.” says it in the most casual manner; you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. “mhm. wait WHAT?”
ㅤㅤa pinball. will not hesitate to break through a crowd, bumping into everyone and everything. should be classified as a hazard to society. no jk. but he did almost tackle a kid when he was running towards you. has his arms wide open and ready to tackle you too embrace you. “you’re back! welcome home!” “i’m home!” “welcome home!” “i’m home!” don’t you have anything else to say besides that lmfao (it really went on for a solid five minutes). falls asleep on your lap in the car since he already spent all his energy on that whole “embodying a golden retriever” thing back there. looks so peaceful and angelic like that. also sleep-talks. “y’re hmm”. you didn’t expect him to remain this quiet but it’s the best nap he’s had in a while so uhh “karaoke night?” karaoke night he said. good luck to your poor neighbors tonight.
ㅤㅤladies and gentlemen, him. a runway model. is he picking someone up or is he going somewhere? with looks like that, no one will ever know. forget the elegant saunter; the moment he saw you, he full on sprinted. the type that brings you flowers and your favorite snacks. seems like someone who knows what he’s doing right? but when you pat his head in response to his warm welcome, he short-circuited because you just stole his line. “i’ve missed you.” immediately softens and melts in your embrace. you think it’s all calm and that until his sister arrives out of nowhere, calling out both of your names and the next thing you know, she’s taking pictures of you as if this is your graduation day. “lookie over here, you two!” you’ve never seen someone speedrunning five stages of grief in record time.
ㅤㅤmans turning the airport into a red carpet premiere smh; cameras flashing everywhere, people eager to ask him questions, etc. he’s learning that looking down on his phone isn’t a good enough disguise, and that his bored face isn’t scary enough to fend off his fans. oh finally, he thought as he spotted you amidst the crowd. “over here, sae!” “oh my, it’s itoshi sae!” but he has his gaze fixated on you and only you. don’t worry, of course he’ll notice if you grow uncomfortable with all the attention and will immediately wrap his arm around your figure. !! breaking news: itoshi sae quits the world of football and is now becoming a personal bodyguard. navigates through the crowd while mumbling “fall under my spell.” boy what they’re not shidou (narrator: they did, in fact, fell under his spell). “give me your number!” uhh? “move in with me!” wow it’s not your sae, huh? it’s everyone’s sae.
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© 2022 katsutora ; do not repost and/or translate and/or claim my works
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helluvapurf · 23 days
*deep breathes* Sooo, those last couple mins from the latest "Full Moon" ep... lets talk about that🍵🍵
Welp, here it is folks... the ep that finally gave us that hyped up "Asmodeon crystal" exchange teased at in the S2 Pt. 2 trailer. And... hooooo boi, I have formed so. many. thoughts. upon rewatching that scene a few times. Some that are... kiiiinda on the rant-y spectrum the more I lingered on 'em, so how bout I share them here lmao
Fair warning in advance, this maaaaay not be particularly "nice" to Stolas in these rambling thoughts, so if anyone out there's a big Stolas(+itz) fan... yall might wanna skip reading ahead- lol .w.;;
Okay, so to start things off on a (semi?) positive note, the animation & lighting here is quite beautiful to look at. The glittery curtains, the shine in Blitz's eyes throughout his shifting emotions, even the shots of that one broken chandelier (which I thiiink might've been the same one him & Stolas played under as kids?) was a neat bit of symbolism ngl.
Props to Brandon Rogers as well for his voice-performance on Blitz here cause... gawd did it hit me in the heart how much hurt you feel from his yelling ;-;💔
Curious to see more of the use of Blitz's new Asmodeon crystal in future adventures (esp from that one shot in the trailer w/ him using the portal effects against the DHORK crew), it looks cool~ ✨👍
....ummmm, ok I think that about covers my positives atm. Onto the problems I have with this exchange:
Stolas... okay, you were this close to actually doing a good job ending the Full Moon deal. Admitting to how "wrong" the transaction part of their dynamic was, allowing Blitz more "freedom" via-the crystal (that could also help avoid any legal issues that the Grimoire gave), even wishing him good luck with his I.M.P. business as the night drew to a close... ...buuuuut then Stolas just had to muddle everything up by his whole "even tho you don't have to be with me, I want you with me if you want it~🥺" ...which honestly came off selfish to me than anything else?? Like, dude... if you really ARE regretful of how long you let this deal go for, and truly DO want to let Blitz go... you CAN'T throw in such sappy, lovey-dovey words on top of that?? Otherwise, how can one blame Blitz for getting as confused & flustered as he was throughout that convo... you've basically just sent even more mixed-messages in the grand scheme of things, my dude-🤦‍♀️
"I have wanted you for SO long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that its always about sex..." ...Ummmmm Stolas... did you seriously forget HOW this whole deal of yall's started?? 🤨 Waaaay back in the initial-series pilot, to the first official ep, and pretty much the majority of Season 1:
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As far as I checked, Blitz wasn't the one who kept making everything about sex... that. was all. YOU. 😒Heck, literally one of the first things you told Blitz upon reuniting as adults in "The Circus", was that you expected he wanted to "ravish" you-
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-so like, get outta here with the whole pushing-the-perv-responsibility-bs onto Blitz... you ain't helping your case >>
Finally... like, it was already getting bad enough by the point of Blitz begging & pleading out of fear he'd lose his livelihood without the book, AND not being allowed space to breathe after getting further pushed away (and thus, more pissed off-)... but THEN on top of all this, Stolas just haaaaad to throw in this lil gem: "Blitz... I think so very highly of you. I didn't realize you think so low of me..." ...Stolas, with all due respect... stfu with that lousy, last-minute uwu-ing self-pity party crap😑Just because you TRIED to show more attentive care & concern post-"Ozzie's", outside of the typical bedroom stuff... that ain't gonna prove shit if you're not gonna be consistent with it. Where was that "high opinion" of Blitz during the two of you getting stuck in the sitcom set during "Seeing Stars", when Blitz was having that panic attack performing live, where all you ended up doing was... just hitting on him/praising his bedroom skills again?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Like... couldn't you have just, I dunno... TRY to actually cheer him up/comfort him like an actual friend, would? Encourage him on his jokes, "just be yourself", promising another way out of there on his own merit... literally, anything could've worked fine and it wouldn't have come off so skeezy imho >>;;
...*sighs* so, yeah... thats basically what I had to get off my chest regarding the ending of "Full Moon". Honestly, had the writers actually committed to Stolas cutting off Blitz (even if harsh), giving the crystal with no strings, then going about their separate ways afterwards, I would've been totally fine with the scene tbh. But all this... odd lowkey-blaming of Blitz thrown in, the sappy words, and Stolas not once actually-apologizing during all this (Like, literally I checked and the only utterance of "sorry" seemed to come from Blitz's end before he got kicked out... for what, I dunno- 🤷‍♀️). Sorry for the length btw, but hopefully that about covers my thoughts on the matter-
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buckyegans · 9 months
I need ice man headcannons taking care of pregnant reader or ice man headcannons of being a good husband to reader?
Sure thing! Thanks for the request!
no warnings to my knowledge. gender neutral reader as always!
note: i am such a sucker for tom kazansky…you already know this is lengthy. will feature a mix of civilian! and pilot! reader.
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Oh, where do I start? There’s so much to cover here!
Firstly, Tom Kazansky is thee best husband. If there was an award, he would be the winner
Behind that cold and arrogant demeanor is the most loving man who really knows how to take care of his spouse
He’s a big fan of little domestic things. He definitely isn’t much of a cook due to being out most of the day, but he loves to surprise his partner with baked goods (always from a box, but you let it slide). You can’t ever get enough of the infamous Iceman, presenting you with a pan of brownies, smeared with messy icing and stray sprinkles—his smile is what makes it all worth it
House chores? Count on Ice to get it done. While your bed is made with folded hospital corners, you opt not to say anything because that’s just the Tom Kazansky way.
Laundry? He’s quite literally throwing the basket of dirty clothes down the stairs to make his life easier on you.
Date nights are sort of russian roulette. If you’ve both had a long day at Top Gun, take-out is your go-to. If you have a bit of a slower day, maybe you’ll clean the dining room table and pour some wine.
If you’re a pilot, leave it to Ice to make a hard day better. Another aviator said something about you? Done. Lost your helmet? Take his. Forgot your lunch at home? Share his, you made it anyways. Wanna beat him at dogfighting? He’d let you.
If you’re a civilian, it’s much of the same. Your car broke down, Ice is there. Work was tough, he’s bringing a pizza home and letting you lay on top of him while watching a movie, rubbing your back as he comforts you.
Tom Kazansky is a good husband—if not the best. He gets shit on from the guys for being so whipped, but that’s only because he scored someone as great as you.
If his spouse is a pilot, Ice would definitely be protective—but he’d hang back, knowing you can hold your own. He loves being able to compete with his partner and then go home and seperate his home life from his work one. It’s refreshing. He doesn’t think he could stand being able to be head to head in the sky and at home.
Tom Kazansky is a competitive guy. He’ll race you up the stairs, to the car, and he takes board games way too seriously. But, if it made you happy, he would let you win
Again, he loves the little moments. Like when you laughed as you put your cold feet on him in bed, slow-dancing while you waited for the pancakes to cook, or your slow morning routines. Tom especially loves it if you sit on the bathroom counter and shave for him. He doesn’t know why, but it feels intimate. He loves it, and will always ask you to join him if you aren’t busy.
Tom loves your hair. Whether it’s short, long, up, down, curly, or pin-straight, he loves it. Messing with it, styling it, whatever. He likes it in return too, especially when his tips need touched up.
Tom’s kind of a mush. Sappy. Lovesick. He loves to mess with the wedding band on your finger, smiling to himself about how he lucked out on a piece like yourself. He loves to do cliche things—bring you flowers, put a record on and dance in the living room, bathe together, but only if you’re up for it, too.
If Tom is anything, he is such a loser for you. You got new clothes and want to show him? He’s seated—he will even ask you to do a spin for him. You want to tell a story he’s heard a million times—tell him, he’ll act like he’s never heard it. You wanna play a movie—you choose, you like it, so he wants to like it, too.
He is such a fan of everything you do, he’ll always be there to root for you. His main goal in his marriage is for his spouse to feel comfortable with him, and Tom Kazansky will do everything to get to that point.
Tom Kazansky is a really good husband, y’all. He is Husband Material ™
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matmiraculous · 5 months
Support Group Drabble #1
"This whole Support Group gets bigger every day doesn't it?" Eldest muttered, half to himself as he looked around the room. They could... probably leave at any time. Eldest hadn't really tried since the first day when he realized time was kinda... wonky here. He didn't really have to worry all that much about back home and he got to talk to other versions of himself that had gone through awful things, sometimes worse things than himself. 
It was a weird experience, but kinda cathartic.
"Seems fucking like it," Grey mumbled, crossing his arms. 
"Come on man stop being such a downer." Eldest chuckled softly, nudging the first member of the group with his elbow. 
Grey shifted away and shot a glare that wasn't really heated at Eldest. "Don't do that. It's too early for that. And I'm tired. So so tired," he said.
"You're always tired man." Which... fair honestly. Eldest was often tired too what with all the stress of back home and his natural tendency to big brother people. That often ended with him TRYING to help all the other JD's here and often getting himself into some shit. Like the time Feral stole his arm. 
He subconsciously rolled his shoulder and checked to make sure his prosthetic was secure. Good, still there.
Grey huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm allowed to be. I'm an old man."
"Aren't we roughly the same age? Late 30's early 40's?" Eldest asked, looking Grey up and down.
The shorter JD shrugged and sighed, slumping forward. "Yeah yeah, I'm still an old man. I've been through some shit, Eldest. And I'm tired," Grey mumbled. 
"Thats... fair." He shrugged, his eyes following Feral and Snake Dory as the two tussled like rabid cats. Such was the ever strange normal of this support group. He could probably try and stop it but Snake was still new and Eldest didn't much wanna get back on Feral's "bad" side.
Grey huffed a little but was quiet again.
"We've both been through a lot of shit. I'll give you that." Eldest murmured softly, more to himself.
"Yeah." Grey muttered gruffly. "I know all of us have been through some shit though," he continued, looking around the room at the various JDs, who were all busy talking. 
"Sounds awfully sappy and sentimental of you. You gone soft and started caring about us?" Eldest grinned slyly.
"Don't push your luck," Grey grumbled, though the slight twitch upwards of his mouth betrayed him. 
Eldest laughed softly and shook his head. He wasn't surprised, they'd known each other for a while now. Long enough to call one another friends. "Wouldn't dream of it. Wouldn't wanna end up in the dog house, I'd never hear the end of it."
"I'll kick your ass." Grey warned, but there was no heat to it.
"That's a lie and you know it."
"It isn't."
"Oh yeah? Why don't you come over here and kick my ass then?"
Grey huffed and looked away from Eldest. "Don't tempt me. I just might."
Eldest rolled his eyes. "Sure ya will buddy. Just remember not to go overboard. Wouldn't wanna throw out your back old man."
"You're not funny," Grey muttered, but there was amusement in his eyes.
Eldest couldn't help but snicker and pat Grey on the back.
Grey swatted his hand away. "Watch it, I'll bite."
"Okay Feral." He rolled his eyes and went back to looking around. "Uh... Is Brotherhood talking to Unsual and his Creek over there?"
Bunker Bro's my beloved. The Besties ever. ... If it isn't clear, Bunker Bros is Eldest and Grey's bestie team name lol. Mentioned AU's: Eldest and Youngest - Me < 3 Unusual Brother - Me and @ijjstlostthegame Grey - @ijjstlostthegame Feral - @draco-after-dark Snake - @gingisauce (WIP) Brotherhood - @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s
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damn-stark · 3 months
Chapter 33 Haven’t I given enough?
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Chapter 33 of Sugar
A/N- I’m trying to use like 3 chapters of the manga per chapter, but bro these domain expansions make that hard! But moving forward I’ll have a chance to use less manga chapters so we don’t have to move on so fast!
Warning- Swearing, ANGST ;), fluff, violence and blood, SPOILERS!! long chapter!
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode and or chapters- chapters 226-230 (but only the beginning of 230) of the manga
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“Can I say something like, whenever I think about a father I never think about you, but you were kind of like one and a lot better than my actual father?” You say with a teasing smile even if just under the surface emotional tears threaten to burst out. And your emotions are especially more heightened at the moment because you’re dancing a dance that’s supposed to be with your father, but instead, it’s your brother.
“No,” Satoru shoots you down quickly and looks at you with a pointed look. “No sappy shit at all for the rest of the night. Even if I appreciate it,” he finishes with a grin.
“So,” you add with the same teasing grin. “I can’t say that even if I would have loved a sister I’m glad I got stuck with you?”
Satoru shakes his head and counters. “No, but again it’s appreciated.”
You laugh softly and drop your head to smile at the ground before you look back at your brother and catch him looking around the dance floor with wonder for a moment before he looks at you with an all too snarky grin. “Considering how much you could do for this wedding in a couple of days, I wonder now how your other wedding was. Was it over the top?” He dares to ask. “I remember Suguru would spoil you even if he said he shouldn’t.”
You glare at him and then whisper sharply. “I won’t talk about my other wedding to another man with you right now. It’s bad luck.”
Satoru scoffs. “Where did you hear that from?” He asks teasingly.
“I'm just assuming, I mean we would be talking about my previous marriage on my wedding day, that’s gotta be some kind of bad luck,” you mumble, making him laugh.
“Women and their superstition,” he says under his breath, mostly just to taunt you because he knew you heard him.
“This is why you’re single,” you remark.
“No I’m single because death for me could be around the corner, and even if it won’t catch me, it could get them, so I’m sparing someone actually,” he goes on to say without sounding lighthearted at all. He let himself be vulnerable.
“Death is around everyone’s corner, no one is immortal, not even Sukuna,” you tell him softly now that you have the space to have a heart-to-heart. Even if people are watching you two dance, they can’t hear you, and Satori won’t run over and interrupt either of you—“don’t deny yourself of a happiness you deserve just because you think you’re doing something good. You don’t actually know anything.”
Satoru scoffs but he doesn’t counter. He knows you’re right, but he does bring up one argument. “You almost died after Suguru died, why would I want to put someone through that?”
You sigh and avert your gaze to share your answer that you take no time to actually think about. You just know grief and loss well, you’re great friends. “Because as selfish as it sounds, at least you were happy. It’s about the memories you made. Sure after death those memories hurt, but after a while, you can look fondly at them and thank the stars that they were in your life, that you got to share your life with them and live together. After a while you’ll realize that they weren’t meant to be in your life forever, they were a chapter in your life you’ll always cherish.”
Satoru lets out a deep sigh, and you meet his gaze and make him laugh softly—but honestly, it sounds pretty forced.
“How poetic of you,” he whispers.
You smile at him and laugh softly.
“Well,” he says softly. “I'm happy you got to meet someone else that you get to write a chapter with. I hope you can share many chapters with this one. And I’m glad Suguru was such a great part of your story.”
You grin and nod before your lips flicker down to a frown and your eyes dull. “Can I tell you something?” You ask in a very low whisper so none of what you’re saying can be heard.
“Go ahead,” he encourages you.
You sigh and hold his gaze to share a secret. “Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was a naive teenager who dreamed for most of her day and knew hardly anything about the world. It’s only when I’m really down, but I still sometimes want to go back.”
Satoru swallows thickly and sounds completely genuine. “Sometimes I wish the same,” he admits.
You both share a small smile and you can’t help but lay your head on his shoulder and sigh deeply. You stay quiet for a moment after, but before you can finish your dance you break your silence to say one more thing in private. “I want you to write a new chapter in your story after all this is over, Satoru. Let the kids take over and start something new.”
“After I win,” Satoru says softly and confidently. You don’t look at his face, but you know he’s expressing his ever-so-bright and smug confidence. “I will.”
A slash to the jugular also doesn’t mean immediate death. You know that too.
So please don’t let this slash on Satoru’s throat be deadly.
“Gojo!” Yuji yells out mere seconds after you with just as much panic as you currently feel riddling your heart.
“Come on,” you mumble and step closer to the screen in some hopeless delusion that you could be closer to your brother.
Nevertheless, seconds later steam rises off Satoru’s slash as he uses RCT to mend his flesh back together.
“He’s healing himself!” You exclaim because you forgot that it was a possibility in your panicked state.
“But as long as he remains within Sukuna’s domain, the slashes won’t stop coming!” Higuruma reminds everyone and makes your excitement dim.
Which is good, you can’t get overly excited.
“Sukuna’s domain has no enclosed barrier,” Choso interjects. “Shouldn’t it be easy to escape his range?”
You let out a deep breath and glance over at him past your shoulder before you drift your gaze to Hakari responding. “Even if we assume Malevolent Shrine’s effective range encompasses the area of razed Shibuya, with Gojo’s speed, he should be able to break out of it in a flash.”
“No,” you cut in to explain. “His teleportation is just an application of limitless where the space between his location and his destination is compressed.”
“But in this short window immediately after his domain was destroyed, Gojo cannot use his cursed technique,” Kusakabe doesn’t fail to add what you left out.
“Which means…” Miwa trails off to let Kusakabe answer.
“He’s in one hell of a pinch.”
You clasp your hands together and return to your seat in between Choso and Yuji to try and watch how your brother will go on about destroying Sukuna’s domain while the monster keeps hitting him with slashes he can’t deflect, and has to keep using RCT for to heal all those shallow cuts—that surprisingly doesn’t cut any material of his shirt, or his pants.
What kind of material is his clothes made from?
Regardless! In the blink of an eye, Sukuna hops off the roof and tries to swing his fist, but your brother quickly blocks him.
“You’d think I’d let you run?!” Sukuna exclaims, and you start to wonder why your brother isn’t running or actually fully healing any of his cuts.
“What is he doing?” You whisper out loud.
Choso catches your comment and probes while you watch Sukuna and Satoru exchange swings. “What do you mean?”
You sigh and shift your body towards him, but keep your eyes on the screen to not miss a thing. “His cuts are still very shallow, he can use this time that Sukuna isn’t throwing more slashes at him to finish healing. He can multitask. But he isn’t…” you trail off and start to think of an answer.
Is he going to use RCT to heal his cursed technique?
“He’s up to something,” you mumble to your husband and can’t help but let a small smile creep onto your face.
“That shrine,” Yuji interjects while Sukuna and Satoru face each other after a heated exchange. “What would happen if he destroyed it?” He asks.
“Usually, objects materialized within an innate domain don’t hold any special meaning or importance,” Kusakabe explains, proving to be quite a patient teacher. “You can think of them as if they didn’t exist at all.”
“If that shrine is simply a symbol of the domain, so to speak,” Mei-Mei says, “then you would not be able to destroy it and there would be no purpose in doing so.”
“So he can’t do anything?!” Kirara shouts, “isn’t that like, super super bad?!”
You glance at them and see that they’re grabbing their face and looking completely stunned at the screens.
“New Shadow Style,” Satoru announces, “simple domain.”
A bright barrier suddenly grows around your brother and those deep cuts now start to completely disappear.
“Simple domain!” Kusakabe exclaims and Yuji follows by yelling out in surprise too.
“I thought he said he couldn’t do that?!”
You scoff and retort. “Satoru can do anything he puts his mind to, it’s an annoying trait, but it’s true. He probably just can’t teach it because he also tends to get everything right in his first try.”
“Why the hell is someone like that in charge of the first years then?!” Yuji follows by asking and you can’t actually answer that, so you shrug. He doesn’t really seek an answer so he drifts the subject back to the fight. “He used simple domain to counter the sure-hit effect while simultaneously using reverse cursed technique to heal his body. How is he even able to manipulate cursed energy while he’s still using RCT?”
“Even still against a real domain,” Choso comments while he picks your travel cup off the ground and hands it to you as you leave it forgotten on the ground—“the only thing a simple domain will do is buy you some time.”
He could use the falling blossom emotion technique, it would be the perfect time so why isn’t he?
This is all hurting your head, so you take a long sip from the tea and slide your hand on top of Choso’s, feeling him instantly secure your hold in his hand by squeezing it tight. All the while Sukuna breaks into Satoru’s simple domain and starts swinging.
However, he does miss your brother because he reacts fast, but Satoru’s domain fades away by the second until there’s nothing left to protect him, causing the slashes to hit him once again.
“Told you,” Choso follows up on his previous comment.
You swallow thickly and notice your brother doing another Simple Domain, albeit this time he doesn’t use RCT either…
“Why the hell—Gojo stopped using reverse cursed technique to heal himself!” Kusakabe points out loudly in frustration and confusion.
You albeit look at the screen proudly as your theories are starting to become a fact.
“I told you he’s up to something,” you remark to Choso quietly so only he can hear.
“What?” Choso asks.
You meet his gaze and smirk at him. “Watch,” you don’t give out the surprise you assume Satoru wants to give. “I should’ve bet you.”
“I never doubted you.” He deadpans.
You hum and shrug. “I still should’ve. I could’ve won something like a kiss, or a second to gloat.”
The corner of his lips perk up to a smile and he lifts your hands to kiss your knuckles whilst you look back at the screen whilst Ino argues against someone, but you don’t catch who.
“…Like I said, that's under the assumption he’s using cursed energy normally! Right after using domain expansion, he started using RCT at max output, which consumes twice as much cursed energy! And that’s not even taking into account the fact that Sukuna’s still pouring on attacks!”
Is he forgetting that Satoru Gojo is fighting?! He’s not like everyone else.
Nevertheless, as you continue to watch the fight you notice that Satoru’s second simple domain breaks, and more cuts slash his face. It honestly seems like he’s close to reaching his end, but then in the blink of an eye, he zooms to Sukuna and catches him completely off guard when he jumps on him to wrap his body around Sukuna’s.
“Cursed technique reversal,” Satoru announces and proves you right; he leans back and points two fingers at Sukuna.
“Yes,” you mumble happily and suddenly stand up.
“Can he do that?” You hear Okkotsu shout, which is surprising, you’ve never heard him be so emotional. He looks so reserved.
“That’s why he didn’t heal himself,” you point out proudly.
“He was using his RCT to heal his exhausted cursed technique?” Okkotsu asks rhetorically to the group.
“Red,” Satoru mutters and blasts out a bright and powerful technique that sends Sukuna crashing through his shrine, and finally gets him badly wounded.
Will that affect him completely? No, but he’s still wounded.
“Jeez. What a pain in the ass,” Satoru sass’s Sukuna, making you hold your cup against your chest as you smile brightly.
“Using RCT to heal his exhausted cursed technique?” Okkotsu still can’t seem to grasp what just happened.
“Okkotsu!” Kusakabe yells out, but the boy goes on.
“I’d like to say it’s impossible but the fact is Gojo is doing just that! A cursed technique that’s been burnt out by using domain expansion is an entirely different matter than physical damage,” he explains. “Just like when a machine overheats, even if it isn’t broken, you have to let it cool or it won’t work.”
“So what you’re saying is that RCT can repair damage but can’t cool an overheated technique?” Maki asks.
“That’s why I always thought, but it looks like my understanding was incomplete.”
You sigh and sit back down again, but out of the kindness of your heart, you explain why he’s having such a hard time understanding what Satoru just did. “That’s Satoru Gojo for you. Don’t overwork yourself, man, he’s strong, stronger than everyone, what he can do will never compare to what we can do.”
“Yes,” Okkotsu mutters, “I'm understanding that.”
“You can expand your effective range, can’tcha?” You catch Satoru ask Sukuna smugly.
But as if answering, Sukuna does a hand sign and does exactly what your brother just asked, causing your smile to fall.
“Are you crazy…” Kusakabe’s words trail off in your ears as Satoru expanding his own domain expansion and leaving you all in the dark once again catches you by surprise.
“Does he just want the same thing to happen again?!” Ino exclaims.
“He isn’t that naive,” Shoko defends your brother.
“I see,” Mei-Mei muses.
“He switched the internal and external conditions for the barrier,” Higuruma points out, and Hakari adds on to that piece of information.
“Which means this barrier…”
He trails off and Yuji excitedly picks up where he left off. “…can guard itself against attacks from the outside!”
You clench your jaw and lean forward to watch every screen carefully to look for any crack or difference in the barrier since that’s all you can look at as of now.
“Seems a bit unfair that he can just change the conditions of his domain on the fly,” Kusakabe mumbles.
You’re really starting to hate all these domain expansions! They leave you completely in the dark, you can’t see what Satoru is thinking and planning, and what Sukuna might be scheming. You can’t see if Satoru might miss something or if he needs some kind of aid, you have to wait, not long, but at this very moment time isn’t kind, it’s determined to torture you by moving slowly.
But you also know you shouldn’t let yourself feel so tortured, it hasn’t been long at all since the fight started, and there’s hopefully still so much more time to go.
Satoru has gotten wounded but he hasn’t hit the brink with no return. Sukuna hasn’t even tried yet either, which means there’s still a lot more stress to go through, and you can’t let this affect you as much as it is.
“Do you need to step out?” Choso worries over you.
You meet his gaze and shake your head. “No, no. I just need to remind myself that he’ll be okay.”
Choso nods. “He is. He’s done great so far.”
You sigh deeply and let those words repeat in your mind so you can hold onto that hope and not push yourself to a dangerous edge of deep anguish.
“There isn’t just one way out of a domain,” he adds to try and calm your nerves. “Not for strong sorcerers like them.”
You knew that but you still need to hear it from someone else.
“Either of them can break it without meeting a catastrophic end, or your brother can be a smartass and have something up his sleeve…not like he has any.”
You can’t help but snort and crack a smile at his silly comment, making the corner of Choso’s lips tug on a faint smile because of the fact he could make you smile.
“They are taking longer,” you point out and glance back at the screen still displaying the black barrier.
“I don’t think it’ll last much longer,” he says.
You take his hand again and he interlaces his fingers with yours before he tucks them in his sleeve as he hides his hands in his large sleeves, and slouches down to rest his elbows on his legs.
The pictures on the screens are at a standstill for a few more seconds before the barrier explodes, and Satoru finally shows up back to back with Sukuna.
“I should have bet you,” Choso remarks.
You glance at him and smirk before you lean over and press a peck on his cheek. Instead of pushing yourself back to your spot you stay pressed against him and watch the fight continue on screen.
“Take it from the top, eh?” Sukuna brings up something neither of you understand, and then hits Satoru with multiple slashes that harbor so much strength that your brother goes flying back.
Again, you can’t stress yourself over every wound your brother gets, and or every hit he receives, but you really can’t hold back from feeling anything but panic and stress. Just like when you watched Choso fight Kenjaku, only you weren’t expecting his babies then or married to the man.
You can’t even imagine being in your current state and having to watch a similar situation with Choso now. You’d probably die from a lack of air in your lungs, or die from a collapsed lung because of how heavy you feel it. Or your heart would explode. Either or.
“Why?!” Yuji bellows.
“Looks like Sukuna’s also changed the conditions of his domain somehow!” Kusakabe points out.
“Hey,” Kashimo cuts in with blunt honesty. “If he dies I'm going out there next.”
You clench your jaw and snap back. “Shut up.”
“You can’t try and stop me,” he thinks you’re trying to defend him, but that’s the furthest thing from the truth, even if you do consider him a friend.
“No,” you spat. “Stop talking like if this is the end. Satoru has proven he can take what’s thrown at him.”
“Hm, well he’s also gotten pretty close calls, I wouldn’t bet all my money on him, he’s proving to be a losing bet.”
You draw in a deep breath and get ready to argue, but Choso gives your hand a gentle squeeze and leans forward to shake his head.
You take that as a sign to let it go and only listen because your brother is still standing…And Choso is also right, Kashimo is not worth your time.
“I learned this one when I was a kid,” Satoru interjects and omits a technique you’ve used before, and one you wanted him to use; the Falling Blossom Emotion technique—“I haven’t used it much since I mastered my domain, but not bad right?”
You lean forward and manage to catch Kashimo’s gaze like you wanted and shoot him a smug smirk.
“Falling Blossom Emotion!” Kusakabe yells out and slightly startles you.
“What is that?” One of the students asks.
“Not sure.”
“No idea.”
“It’s weird how in the know you are Acchan.”
Yes, how does he know a secret art form?
“It’s a secret art of the big three sorcerer families,” Panda explains to the clueless ones before you had a chance to—“an anti-domain technique. Not so secret if you knew about it Kusakabe.”
You hum and continue to explain how it works while you still look at Kusakabe suspiciously. “It’s an application of cursed energy that automatically repels anything you touch. It won’t work against Satoru’s infinite void, but if you’re up against a simple technique like Sukuna’s slashes then it’s pretty damn useful. It saved my life against Kenjaku because it doesn’t tear apart like a simple domain either.”
“But you won’t come out unscathed,” Choso adds. “Remember, you only managed to get spared from getting hurt because Tengen broke Noritoshi—Kenjaku’s domain.”
You sigh and nod. “Right. Still, It’s useful.”
“Exactly,” Shoko agrees from across the room where she can smoke without letting any of the fumes hit you—“it’s enough and Gojo can heal his burnt-out cursed technique with RCT. At the very least he’ll buy enough time to heal.”
Or…not considering he proceeds to open yet another domain expansion.
“Damn,” you groan and feel a grip on your throat tighten.
Plus this time the domain grows a lot larger, as if he’s trying to capture Sukuna's entire domain range within it. But then he switches up his domain and it grows incredibly tiny, consuming all of Sukuna’s domain, and making that weight on your chest only get heavier.
And again you can’t push yourself to a brink, you’ll only freak out and that won’t be good, so instead of waiting again you get up and pass Choso a quick comment, “I'm going to get some air, I’ll be back.”
He stands up immediately, but you grab his bicep and assure him. “I’ll be okay, I just need to calm myself down.”
Choso seems hesitant and like he’ll ignore you and follow you, but he actually listens and lets you go outside by yourself.
And as much as you despise solitude you actually find a moment of peace where you don’t feel like your head will explode.
Maybe it’s the silence or the fact that you’re not overwhelmed with thousands of screens, or surrounded by multiple people. Which, you never mind being around so many people, but today with your stress everything’s a bit overwhelming.
However, when you look out at the city past the balcony, you can’t help but feel a bit…not scared, it’s not fear you feel upon looking at the secluded city, it’s disbelief.
The city used to be filled with people but now it’s all been evacuated due to the fight. It honestly makes it feel like it’s the end of the world. Which is chilling and brings forth a hint of loneliness, but also curiosity.
Is this how your world would be without non-sorcerers?
It’s kind of lovely…
Nevertheless, you turn to face the door and just look up at the white sky and get startled by your phone ringing. When you check who it is your breath hitches when you see Larue’s name on your screen.
“Hello?” You answer nervously as you think the worst. “Larue?”
“She’s fine,” he says right away since he hears the fear in your voice. “They all are.”
You let out a deep breath and now feel a bit puzzled as to why he’s calling. “Are you okay?” You ask. “Did the flight get delayed?”
“No, no, I’m just calling to let you know…” he pauses and exhales deeply before he continues. “I’m returning to Japan with Miguel. And before you ask, Manami, and Toshihisa stayed with Satori, and they will all be protected by the guards.”
You blink repeatedly in disbelief and can’t even answer right away because of how thrown back you are.
“They’ll all be fine, but now you have to fight harder to go back to Satori,” he says nonchalantly.
“You left Satori?” You ask because when you meant that you trusted your family to take care of your daughter you only meant Miguel and Larue, not Manami or Toshihisa.
Sure you know that they’ll probably be safe in Africa nonetheless, but Manami has little patience for kids, and Toshihisa doesn’t feel that much responsibility for taking care of kids, he acts like her brother, and they fight together!
“I know I’m sorry I told you something else, but I knew you’d protest otherwise, and you’d want to keep Satori here,” he explains. “Besides, Miguel wouldn't agree to fight without me. He says it’s better to fight with more friends.”
You rub the bridge of your nose and let out a worried sigh. “Of course, he’d say that,” you finally muster something else. “Just…I wish you would have told me before I sent my daughter away, but,” you groan and clench your fists. “There’s nothing I can do about it now,” you mutter to yourself.
“Why can’t either of you just talk to me?” You ask with annoyance. “First…” you trail off and let out a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, I know this doesn’t work in our favor, but think about this, who better to take care of your daughter in a time like this than family? She’ll be fine.” Larue speaks softly and kindly to try and comfort you. He tends to do that all the time.
“I told you she’d be mad,” you hear Miguel tell Larue. “You should have told her before.”
“Well,” you mutter and turn your fist to look at your nails. “It seems we'll fight together now.”
There’s nothing you can do now.
There’s nothing you can do now.
There’s nothing you can do now…
“If!” Miguel cuts in from the other side. “There's a chance Sukuna will be dealt with before it’s our turn to join, so, if we join, you’ll fight with us.”
You let out a deep sigh and nod. “Yes. If. Still…if I’m not there be careful, if I am—”
“We'll fight with all we have like we always have, for Suguru and for our family,” Larue inputs, making you lift your eyes and look at the white sky with a softened look.
“Yes for our family, Suguru, and Nanako, and Mimiko,” you repeat quietly. “They’ll be avenged today.”
“They will,” he says confidently at the same time the door opens behind you; and thinking it’s Choso coming to check on you, you peer back.
However, to your surprise it’s Kirara.
“Larue, I have to go,” you cut off your conversation and look back ahead. “I’ll see you.”
“Be careful, and I’m sorry again.”
Larue hangs up first letting you put your phone away to turn and face Kirara, noticing they have water bottles in their hand.
“Is everything okay? Are you feeling fine?” They immediately worry.
You smile brightly and nod. “I'm fine, I just needed to catch my breath.”
Kirara lets out a relieved breath and grabs at their chest. “Good,” they say breathlessly. “I saw you come outside and I got worried.”
You smile with appreciation and approach them to grab their shoulder and press your reassurances. “I'm fine Kira. There’s still so much that’s going to happen so I thought a break would somewhat calm me down.”
They hum and hand you water. As you take it they grin brightly.
“About what’s going on, I would have come sooner but I wanted to wait to give you some good news,” they add with growing excitement. “Satoru managed to break Sukuna’s shrine, and he wounded him! Which might be nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it’s process, don’t you think?”
Finally, Satoru managed to probably scrape Sukuna, and get rid of that ugly open domain!
“It’s something,” you agree with Kirara. “Thank you for that. I needed to hear it. Now how are you feeling? I need to ask before I don’t have the chance to.”
“Me?” They point at their chest. “Well, to be honest, worried for Kin, you, and the rest of my friends, but mainly Kin. And you. This is much bigger than Egypt or anything we’ve faced, Kin can die…I’m scared he’ll die.”
You sigh and watch the agonizing grief already take root behind their eyes. Nothing has happened to Hakari, but Kirara still fears for the life of the man they love. You can relate to that kind of fear.
“Yeah, I know what you’re feeling. I’ve had the bad luck of living through that fear more than once. I can’t say it’s easy. And it won’t go away until you see them breathing after the fight…and if something does happen…” you start to be honest so they know what they might face. So they can somewhat prepare for that blow to their soul.
“…You will die a little, it’ll be agonizing going on without them, you won’t know how to live, but…it won’t be the end,” you admit softly, seeing their face twist with horror because even if they like to hear you say the truth, hearing this truth is hard.
“You’ll relearn how to live,” you continue. “The color will return to every corner of the world, and your grief will be a scar. You’ll find that time will heal what was broken, and…” you pause and smile softly at them. “Those you least expect will help you realize that it isn’t the end.”
Kirara swallows thickly and looks down with a sad frown, but then they seem to realize who you’re referring to and smile. Yet you don’t see it so you quickly interject. “I’m not trying to be negative, I just…”
“I know,” they cut you off and finally show off that smile to you. “You just want to prepare us. I understand. I admire it.”
You smile softly and continue with the other matter to bring up something more positive. “Kinji is strong, he’s got luck on his side. He’ll be fine.”
They tighten their hold on their water bottle and let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, that’s what I keep telling myself.”
“I believe in the abilities you and Kinji possess, and your unbreakable spirits,” you add sweetly and cup their shoulder again. “You will preserve. He will too.”
Kirara pats your hand and offers you a soft smile. The door proceeds to open and this time Choso is the one that shows up and calls out your name with panic before he throws out his concerned filled question. “Are you okay?”
You meet his gaze and nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just needed some air.”
Choso still studies you to make sure, making Kirara grab your hand to put it down before they step back and excuse themself. “I’ll get back inside. If you take longer I’ll come back to update you master.”
“Great thanks!” You nod and watch them leave before you put all your attention on Choso. “You know when you fought Kenjaku, when I was watching you on that screen Tengen put up, I could barely breathe. I felt the exact same way I’m feeling now. Only ten times worse. That’s how I knew I loved you, how I knew I couldn’t live on without you being by my side.”
Choso’s face grows a deep red and his hardened expression falls, letting a happy gleam twinkle in his eyes.
“When I was watching you while I waited,” he shares his side of the story now. “I was going crazy. Besides being angry at Kenjaku and wanting to go kill him, seeing you there was driving me crazy.”
You smirk and approach him to close the gap left between you and cup the sides of his neck. “I hate watching this fight. Just like I hated watching you fight,” you say.
Choso grabs your cheeks and nods softly. “I know sweetheart. But hey, I’m with you. I was the one fighting the last time, but I’m here now.”
You let out a shaky breath and nod in comprehension before you slide your arms around his neck and muzzle your face in the crook of his neck to feel comforted by his warmth, and feel secure by his tight embrace before you have to go back and continue watching your brother fight.
“Can I tell you something?” Choso interjects seriously as he rubs your back.
He sighs deeply and continues without breaking that serious demeanor. “My brother who has a stutter is in prison.”
Oh? Is he using your trick on you?
“It’s just heartbreaking knowing he’ll never finish his sentence,” he finishes and you hear the pride in his voice.
You pull back and see a faint proud smirk on his lips, which only makes what he said that much funnier, and makes your heart skip a beat before it flutters after hearing his pun that he most likely learned just to cheer you up.
And it worked, you smile widely before you drop your head on his shoulder and laugh.
“That’s just so messed up,” you murmur.
“It really is,” he agrees before he grabs your shoulders to step back and face you. When he sees your amused grin he can’t help but smile in awe.
“That one was the quickest one I actually understood. The other ones took longer,” he admits before he brushes his thumb over your lips that are pulled to a smile, and leans in to press a gentle kiss on them. “Do you feel like going back inside now? Or do you still need time?” He then asks.
“If I stay longer I'll be tempted to listen to another joke and just go on and tell you the ones I know, so let’s just go,” you say and take one of his hands to return inside.
Yet before you can walk past that door, you lean over and press a peck on his cheek. “Thank you,” you whisper in his ear. “That really made me feel better.”
Choso smiles bashfully and turns his head at the same time you do, letting your lips meet for a short kiss before you return inside.
“I wonder what this says.”
Without looking at what the students are referring to, you share the story behind all the hieroglyphics carved on the walls. “To summarize, it's about a man loving his wife so much that he couldn’t fathom going on a second without her after her death, so he killed himself so they could be wrapped away in the same sarcophagus...” you trail off quietly and peer over at the sarcophagus of the man and woman.
How loyal and in love was that man with his wife that he chose death over continuing to live on because she would no longer roam the earth.
How stupid too, but how envious do you feel as well…they never spent a day apart after they married, and they never spent a day apart after death. Their love is endless now that it’s forever marked in this pyramid…
Your love for Suguru will always be marked within Satori, but that isn’t enough.
Are you a terrible person to admit that? To say that a child born out of love isn’t actually enough to commemorate your love for Suguru, because no matter what, he will always be gone now, and every time you look into her eyes you will remember who you couldn’t save.
“You know how to read hieroglyphs, master?!” Kirara snaps you from your stupor.
“No,” you deadpan and twist around to point your flashlight at their face. “I read up on the history of this pyramid after we were told we had to come here.”
Kirara flashes their light on you with their lips formed to an ‘o’ and whispers. “That makes a lot more sense.”
You can’t help but muster a gentle smile before you move down to admire more of the work carved on the walls. “Their children built this after their death,” you muse and hear stone scraping against the ground; and as if a sixth sense you interject right away as you sense trouble. “Put it down Hakari, we’re here on a mission not to be tactless grave robbers.”
“How does she even know?” You hear him whisper as he puts down what he has in his hand.
You smirk and choose to leave the question unanswered for a dramatic flare.
“Besides we have enough to deal with, we don’t want to get cursed now do we?” You tease and spare them both a glance before you walk along the wall to continue admiring the art.
“I’ll welcome whatever cheesy love-crazed curse they cling onto me,” Hakari remarks smugly and cracks his knuckles.
You look down at the worm cursed spirit wrapped around your neck and share a judgy look like if you're your best friend.
“Well,” you scoff and smirk. “We’ll be your smirking revenge then,” you murmur.
Hakari chuckles loudly after you didn’t think he’d catch it, and your cheeks grow slightly hot. But you’re filled with more pride than bashfulness because he laughed at something you said without having to be forced to do it.
He and Kirara usually tend to joke with you and appreciate more of your brash humor than your puns. Nanako and Mimiko have reached that stage in their lives where you aren’t that funny to them. Where they once used to find you hilarious now they can’t stand any of your jokes, it’ll pass, but hearing your students find you funny is…refreshing.
“We should keep going, the sooner we find the curses the sooner we get out…”
“And explore,” Kirara blurts exactly what you were thinking.
“Exactly,” you praise them and look over your shoulder to flash them a grin.
“You know, considering that you and Tsukumo are special grade, I never thought you’d be so laid back,” Kirara says, making Hakari scoff and retort.
“We know Satoru can be lazy when he’s not working, why does this surprise you, Kira?”
“Well Satoru is Satoru, and Tsukumo and our master are different. I just thought they’d be more serious on missions.”
You make no effort to walk out and instead walk over to where the sarcophagus is to admire the details still visible on the stone, whilst Hakari slowly makes his way to the entrance of the next passageway you’ll take.
“It’s because we’re special grade that we’re so laid back in missions,” you share honestly. “We’re risking our lives more than others, especially those who hire us, why can’t we enjoy ourselves while we’re out?”
“Hm…well that sounds smart,” Kirara says.
You turn and face them with a smile, realizing at that moment that Hakari was already out of the room so finally decide to do what you said and walk out, followed by Kirara.
And up until now you never knew how fast of a walker Hakari is when he wants to be because you can barely catch up, you have to basically jog to catch up to him.
“Hey, what’s—”
Kirara cuts themself off when Hakari puts his hand up to shush you both.
“What?” Kirara whispers out.
Hakari looks over his shoulder and you notice the seriousness in his gaze now so you lose all your awe and amusement and fall serious too. After you quickly focus on trying to catch if it’s cursed spirits he caught, you see just that, a terrifying amount of cursed energy up ahead just in the dark room past Hakari.
“I’ll follow your lead, you two,” you remind your students since you brought them along to train. “We could call Yuki and the twins, or plan something ourselves.”
Hakari and Kirara meet each other's gaze and brainstorm in silence for a moment, making you turn your flashlight off and just focus on the cursed energy the curse radiates.
But wait, there’s not one curse there’s multiple…Which shouldn’t be all that surprising, why wouldn’t a pyramid made for passionate lovers be cursed? They probably cursed it themselves without knowing.
And if there's multiple just past the passageway, how many are multiple exactly? And why are they ahead and why weren’t they where you just came from, hm?
“The way we came from must be the way out,” Kirara interjects exactly what was on your mind. “So the curses ahead will probably not be aware of us until they see or hear us, so we could surprise attack and gain the upper hand…”
“…but if we attack, does that mean somehow there’ll be more? We haven’t quote on quote triggered any alarms, they could be unaware and only be active when we trigger their defense system, so what if there’s more hidden in the shadows, and attacking these fuckers only triggers more to come out?”
You sigh and nod softly. “That could happen, and…” you swallow thickly and feel a grip around your heart. “We would expose Yuki and the twins…”
It’s not that you don’t trust Yuki, you trust her more than anything, but this place doesn’t have a fortified foundation anymore and it’s hundreds of feet tall and made of stone. This can all easily crumble down and bury you and everyone else with it. That’s what worries you.
But they are paying you to get rid of the curses that haunt this pyramid, so how can you do this without making a mess?
“Kin…master?” Kirara whispers out for your attention.
“Hm?” You probe and look over. And the moment your eyes land on them you see that two huge beetles have made their way on their arm and shoulder.
“Stand…” you gag at the sight of their creepy legs and bug-like bodies. “Stand still.”
You flick your fingers to flick off the one on their shoulder by manipulating a small whirlwind. Next, you aim your fingers to flick the one off her arm, but it starts to crawl up so your aiming is off and instead of swiping it off swiftly, the beetle bounces up and hits their mouth, causing them to squeal out.
Hakari quickly leans over and puts his hand over their mouth and pushes them against a wall, whilst you freeze and drag your eyes out to the danger, hoping they didn’t hear, but they did; snaps echo in the room and then instead of some kind of messed up figures you see glowing white cloudy eyes all staring at the three of you.
“Shit,” you hiss and slowly lift your hand to prepare to shoot fire.
However, suddenly they all start to sprint towards you, and since you’re in a narrow passageway they can easily overwhelm you. And even if there’s a lack of air and water inside, you still have a lot of stone and sand, so to buy you time, you stomp your foot on the ground and thrust a fist up to lift stone off the floor and make a wall to block them from reaching you so fast.
“We need to find enough empty space to face them, this will buy us time to run before they break out and come and find us. Come on,” you urge them and lead the way back to where you came from, finding yourself back in the tomb room, but since that space isn’t as spacious you plan to move on.
However, just before you can make it out, the people carved on the walls pop out from the walls and grow tall, and have the same cloudy white eyes, followed by rotting appearances that make them look like unwrapped mummies.
One of them catches you off guard and lunges at you, causing you to yelp and stumble back, and bump into the sarcophagus.
This makes the corpses suddenly stop what they’re doing and take a second before they all suddenly screech loudly, making Kirara and you cover your ears.
“What did they do?” Hakari asks with concern.
You don’t try and answer because you don’t know, instead, you push the students behind you and throw your hand out to engulf every single corpse in flames that is born from your cursed technique.
Yet even if your cursed technique exorcizes them all, that doesn’t stop the ground from starting to violently shake, which in turn causes the walls and ceilings to start crumbling and dropping dirt and small rocks.
“It’s coming down,” you murmur in disbelief as you snap your head in the opposite direction because you hear multiple distant footsteps approaching rapidly—“and the others are coming. We have to run and take care of them outside. Go!” You bellow and push them ahead of you first.
Hakari leads the way, and you don’t proceed to run into any obstacles in the way, but that’s because you're running through passages that aren’t marked with stories, or paintings of people. You’re running down an empty hall with a falling ceiling that you barely catch with the help of you manipulating the air within the room to keep the ceiling from collapsing on all of you.
“Go!” You shout sharply so they would understand. “There’s only so much air in this room, and soon there will be nothing. Go! I’ll catch up.”
Kirara shakes their head and they quickly argue back. “No! We can make it out together!”
The other curses are approaching fast, you can hear their footsteps get louder, and this ceiling is only getting heavier to keep up as more stone falls on it.
“If I drop this the entire room falls before either of you can make it out, but I can hold it up and walk out alone. I can’t move air through all your lungs, just mine, you’ll die. Go!”
Kirara steps back and this time Hakari hesitates to listen to you, after all, he hasn’t told you but you have changed his life. He felt believed in because of you, how could he let a mentor like you go?
“Kinji Hakari,” you scold. “I’ll catch up soon and we’ll fight together.”
He draws in a sharp breath and lets his eyes linger on you for a moment.
“Kinji,” you shout.
Said man turns sharply and runs away with Kirara, letting you use more air to hold up the falling stone.
However, you can’t say you won’t welcome death. Because you will.
Oh sweet death, how tempting is your offer because there in your realm is him, Suguru Geto.
He will welcome you with open arms and you can be with each other for the rest of eternity because it’s true, you can’t live on without him by your side.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble to the image of Satori, Nanako, and Mimiko as you get ready to drop the stone weighing you down to also drop it on the curses only feet away now.
However, like shining white lights of hope, Hakari and Kirara return to the hall with their breaths held since all the air in this room is either flowing through you or being used to hold up the stone.
“No, what are you two doing?!” You panic.
And since they can’t answer they simply ignore you, and they work together to use their cursed energy and punch through the floor, making it all suddenly crumble down and pulling you with it.
Since you lose your concentration when you’re falling, the stone you were holding up falls too, but unlike you, it stops when it hits the floor you were on. Some pieces fall with you, but thankfully not enough to crush you.
And thankfully you don’t fall to your deaths, you hit some solid ground not far below the previous floor. Your body does instantly hurt at impact, but you’re all alive. You’re alive, Hakari and Kirara went back for you. They didn’t have to, but they did.
They went back for you…
Why—no, you know why, you’re their mentor, but you didn’t think they cared so much as to risk their lives for you. You wanted to die, but they risked their lives and saved you…
“Master!” You hear Kirara yell before they get on their hands and knees and crawl over to you. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
You drift your eyes over to meet theirs and with lingering disbelief, you nod slowly.
“Why?” You can’t help but ask. “Why did you go back?”
“I know, I know it was stupid,” they defend themselves and Hakari. “But how could we let you take all the risk? You’re our mentor! We care about you! You’re special to us.”
You blink repeatedly and hold back tears even if your throat starts to sting.
“Yeah it’d be pretty stupid to let you die,” Hakari interjects. “Where could we find another mentor like you?”
You sit up and snap your eyes to him and offer him a faint smile.
And for the first time in a while, you feel a bit of your broken heart heal. Whereas before it was like you were left with scabs over your broken heart, now it’s actually mending as you realize that it doesn’t have to be the end.
“What’s going on?” You ask the group of attentive sorcerers as you return to your seats.
“Gojo’s nose is bleeding,” Yuji lets you know.
You look at the screen and in fact, do see a dribble of crimson blood running down his nose. Which means he’s probably exhausting his technique and his head.
And Sukuna hasn’t even used any of the ten shadows yet…damn.
“Domain expansion,” Satoru and Sukuna say simultaneously.
“Again,” you mutter.
And just as you came back too!
“They activated it at the same time!” Yuji points out.
“Which means Sukuna can restore his burn-out technique with RCT after all!” Angel interjects, making Kurusu speak after her.
“But has he been able to do that all along, or did he just figure it out?”
“How many times have we said the word cursed technique today?” Yuji muses, making you look over at him and laugh softly.
Yuji catches your reaction and can’t keep down his smile.
“Within the three minutes, it takes for Sukuna to destroy Gojo’s domain from the outside…Gojo needs to damage Sukuna to the point where he can no longer maintain his domain,” Kusakabe mentions really melancholy.
“Let’s not talk as if Gojo’s on the ropes,” Shoko argues. “If Sukuna is drawn into unlimited void for even a few seconds, he’ll be incapacitated.”
Your attention piques and you can’t help but chime in hopefully. “Exactly and if he’s able to destroy Malevolent shrine within three minutes Satoru will win.”
It’s really some high hopes, but you trust Satoru more than anything.
“You really think so?” Yuji asks with doubt laced with fear.
You draw out a deep breath and turn your head to meet his gaze and nod with a confident look to comfort his nerves. “I know it. It may not happen right now, but I know it’s possible. Not only because Satoru is strong, but Sukuna is overconfident. In a situation like this, overconfidence can lead to your demise with a simple mistake you make.”
Yuji’s eyes return to the screen to watch the black barrier floating in the sky. “Hm, I have noticed overconfidence leads to mistakes.”
“Not that it’s bad, it can be a good thing to be overconfident, you just can’t leave out any details, do you get what I’m saying?” You explain yourself and lean towards him. “Like you can’t doubt the weakest player, always think like they have something up their sleeve even if they don’t. Be aware.” You say and then lift your head to speak loud. “That’s why I beat Kusakabe in a card game, he doubted my skills!”
Yuji looks over and Choso’s eyes snap at the man you dragged in the conversation.
“You cheated!” Kusakabe shouts back, making you look at Yuji and shake your head.
“I milked him dry, he's just a sore loser. Get over it man it’s been two months!”
“You’re already rich, why did you need more money?” Kusakabe grumbles.
You shake your head and cross your arms over your chest. “It’s not about the money, it’s about the gloating I got to do afterward. And it’s about winning too.”
“I told you that you shouldn't have played against her,” Hakari interjects with a smirk.
You smirk now too and catch Kusakabe grumbling. This time you can’t counter because the domain breaks and both men are sliding back on their feet when they land. Only one has his face wounded and that’s Sukuna.
Way to go Satoru!
“Again simultaneously!!” Kusakabe shouts.
“Keeping us on the edge of our seats,” Mei-Mei says.
“I mean, this is just…” Choso trails off.
“Any more of these domains and one of them will give out,” you say and drop your hands to lean forward and slouch.
“Satoru needs to—” Choso cuts himself off as those two damn words are announced again.
“Domain expansion!”
You let out a frustrated huff and lean back to grab Choso’s hand since you’ll be left in the dark again.
“Just now!!” Okkotsu exclaims as the domain turns small again.
“Ah,” Higuruma utters.
“What's up?” Hakari questions Okkotsu’s outburst.
“Maybe, just maybe Gojo expanded his domain an instant earlier?” Okkotsu says.
Hopefully. Just hopefully.
You sit up as you can’t handle your nerves and use your other hand to pick up the cup and try to drink your tea. However, you’re too worried so you just put it against your lips and watch, while Choso tightens his hold against yours to provide as much comfort as he can at the moment.
Nevertheless, only a couple of seconds later the domain breaks and your heart sinks a little when you see the Zenin’s pride and joy, Mahoraga looking down at your brother.
“No,” you gasp quietly.
“Cursed technique reversal,” you hear your brother try to counter, but Mahoraga seems to easily deflect that technique and swings down his mighty blade and breaks the ground Satoru jumped away from in time.
“What?!” Satoru exclaims.
“That’s Mahoraga!” Someone exclaims.
“So that’s the crown jewel of the Zen’in clan,” Mei-Mei muses with what you detect is awe.
Awe for a beast that can—
You don’t even want to think about it.
“It’s a shikigami with the ability to adapt to any attack,” Choso says.
“You’re saying it was even able to adapt to unlimited void?!” Yuji blurts his question.
“Of course, it can,” Mei-Mei responds, making you draw in a deep frustrated breath before you clench your jaw and your hands.
“He’ll get rid of it,” Choso tries to assure you. “I’m sure of it.”
You shake your head stiffly and contradict the hope you just shared mere minutes ago. “No, you don’t know that,” you snap back. “You don’t know anything.”
You slip your hand off Choso’s and stand up to continue watching the fight in your fuming irritation.
A/N- It feels like these past few weeks have flown by!!
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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aechii · 1 year
a.k.a good luck charm pt. 2
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{read part 1}
PAiRiNG ?! childhoodfriend!kylian x black! femreader
GENRE ?! romance, angst if you have 15/15 vision, fluff (😞)
SYNOPSiS ?! in which kylian and y/n bond over a decade-and-a-half old time capsule that has old feelings reflourishing.
C/W ?! just too sweet sweetness, kylian has ****** **** ** ****, small mention of dismembering (it's not serious at all, i promise), kiss kiss
A/N ?! the part two of 'good luck charm' that was requested many a time 😋 divine romance at its finest, i think i luv this 🖤 anyways, enjoy this kinda long fic :D
TAGLiST ?! @mrs-bellingham
[y/n] slides an unbranded shoebox into the centre of the carpet. vertices still crisp, crooked and wavering hand doodles tattooed all over cardboard brown, with assorted stickers stuck haphazardly, in no particular order. it very much screamed 10 year old kylian and [y/n], infected with chaos and eagerness to fill any empty space.
"my mum gave this to me over the weekend," [y/n]'s voice is whimsical, "do you remember it?"
kylian scratches his head, contemplative, "not necessarily. though, i can recognise my atrocious handwriting."
[y/n] is chuckling, shuffling closer to kylian and the box, which has currently found purchase in the midst of his palms, "with you on that one. you've never been one to have good writing."
a fact that kylian couldn't deny, so he stays silent, not without emitting a surrendering grunt.
he reads that words written in block bold with black, a failed attempt at times new roman capitals.
"'bondy's golden duo- kylian mbappé & [y/n] [y/l/n]', " he snorts and [y/n] does the same.
"so corny."
"yet who made it?"
kylian is taken aback, mouth slightly agape, "right— okay then."
[y/n]'s laughs seep into the air of the room, bouncing off the walls and sinking into the skin of the man in front of her. leave goosebumps in their wake and kylian has to clench his fists to extinguish the jitter in his stomach.
giggles diminuendo, and she urges him on to open it with a light nudge.
kylian picks at the tape that edges the lid on all its four sides, sticking it to the body. the sound of tearing is swift, ends no sooner than 5 seconds later, and kylian is quick to flip the top off.
the first thing noticed is two pieces of paper, folded twice and inscribed to their respective person.
both adults look at each other, a silent gesture signalling the other to read theirs first. but none seem to want to move.
"come on, [y/n]," a smirk, "ladies first."
she rolls her eyes, complying as she picks the letter with two fingers.
"ah, won't you kill me with your chivalry."
kylian snickers, and she pries the folds open, seeing the first few words that initiate a smile, "we wrote these for each other."
kylian's lips curve into a grin too, "really?"
[y/n] nods, causing kylian to take his, hurriedly opening it as his fingers fumble, "then i definitely can't wait to read this."
"i was probably just spewing shit, i don't even remember, to be honest," [y/n] tries to excuse the impending nonsense past her had written to kylian. yet, it rather makes the man more excited.
"that's why i wanna read it... first."
[y/n] sighs, groaning into her hands, "go ahead, then."
smiling, his lips begin to move as he says what his eyes scan, aloud, " 'dear ky, i don't even know what to write but i see you speeding ahead so i'm pretending i do right now'- do you really hate me that much?"
[y/n] is quick to deny, "no! ky, you know i'm not good with words."
he pushes the use of the nickname into the depths of his mind, somewhere he could reach later to daydream over.
"i know, i know. i'm sorry." his smile portrays otherwise, and [y/n] clicks her tongue.
"just continue reading, kylian."
he does so, uttering his best friend's words through his.
"'i think i'll start this letter by saying how much i love appreciate you. sappy and all, yes, but your smile makes me smile, and your laugh makes me laugh. i don't see us as best friends, but soulmates? i think that's what it's called. anyways, i hope you stay being kylian, whatever that means. continue kicking the BALL and not my LEGS, and kick your way stardom!! i wanna see you on my screen one day. imagine it: kylian mbappé, france's best footballer (not the world's, you can never beat LIONEL MESSI!!). how cool would that be??? anyways, love adore you forever, and see you in 10 years. can't wait to open this with you haha.' "
the silence that follows is not awkward, or filled with embarassment, but instead, holds too much emotion to bear the weight of words. kylian is sure he has read it countless times within the space of deafness, ensuring that every syllable is etched into his subconscious, memorising every word so that he could proclaim them by heart.
"10 years, huh?" a number that had been exceeded by 5 years, numbs [y/n]'s oesophagus as if boiled water trickled down the walls of her throat. it seems as if all their friendship had were fraying ends of broken promises and loosening bonds.
"i'm sorry, [y/n], so so sorry." his tone leaks pained regret, [y/n] hates that.
"and, as i said before, you don't need to be."
kylian doesn't look convinced, avoids the girl's eyes as he stares at the paper for so long that the loops and leaning lines of [y/n]'s writing turns into a swirl of black in his vision.
"but you know it didn't have to be that way, [y/n]. a friendship doesn't have to end just so a career can start."
stays quiet because she truly has nothing to say. knows that if she retorts with a blame on herself, kylian would be more angry than he already is at himself.
"we departed on good terms, didn't we? so i have nothing against you."
"i didn't even know if you were alive, [y/n]!"
leaves a quiet room after, and [y/n] sighs, moving closer to kylian.
"but i did. i knew you were doing what younger you wanted, and as much as it hurt that i wasn't a part of it, you being happy made me happy."
tugs at the loose strings of a pillow that graces her lap, then continues, "you had neymar, achraf, sergio, the whole of the france national team, as your support system-"
"but they aren't you, [y/n]," blinks the burning sensation of accumulating tears away, "i wanted to experience all of this, with you, and i hate myself for pushing you away."
she doesn't like how her heart jolts in her chest, sending a ripple of shivers down her spine. they've only just gotten back into contact, yet her body is replenishing the old feelings she pushed down, because kylian couldn't like her back.
"don't hate you, never did and never will, ky," doesn't know what to say and so urgently tries to fill the air with something, "we've reunited now, so why focus on the past?
her words are final and she goes to reopen her letter. kylian stops her however. remembers what he had written, messily but passionately, and would rather she read it when he wasn't there to bear the humiliation and ache of butterflies.
"open yours later." his smile is shaky, but deems it reassuring enough.
[y/n] is skeptical, and raises and eyebrow, "why? i want to know what you wrote about me."
kylian fiddles with the thread that rings his wrist, "and i want to see what would put in there."
[y/n] says nothing, just gazes at him, but gives in and sighs.
kylian cheers, removing the novelty gift wrap that had covered the contents of the box. the laughs that follow are loud, full of disbelief.
"no way!" [y/n] reaches into the box, and takes out a metal case. the things within in hit against the corners, and she feels the weight of the box tilt to one side as they roll inside.
"i forgot about these!"
kylian is dumbfounded, "marble crash?"
she nods, opening the container. there's only a couple of the glass spheres in there, but that's all needed to complete a heated game. reads the small note stuck beneath the lid, and laughs after. it's obvious that it was written by kylian.
"'demand a rematch when you open this. [y/n] cheated in our last match before we put this in here.'" followed by angry face and a sad one.
"there you go— telling lies."
"lies?! [y/n], you never played a marble crash game fairly, and you know that."
she ponders for a few beats, shrugs her shoulders and dips her hands into the box for the next item.
"a win is a win, kylian."
he side eyes her, expression incredulous.
cut off by a scoff, before a soft object is hurled into his direction. he catches it before it hits his face, and recognises the matted fur and missing space of where an arm should be.
"armless messi ?" smiles as he notices ]y/n]'s disdained look. recalls the memory like it was yesterday, and can't help but feel sorry for the footballer-named teddy bear.
"i'm still angry at you for that, kylian. don't look at me."
he cackles, mouth wide and he falls backwards. [y/n] climbs over to snatch her sentiment back.
"you know i didn't mean to rip his arm off." pants as he attempts to recover. fails, and starts laughing again.
"i will kick you out-"
"okay, okay! i'll stop."
[y/n] stares at the odd, white stitches situated near the bear's right shoulder, traces the abstract lines of string before settling it beside her.
"you're not touching messi ever again."
kylian whines, latching onto his friend's arm, "come on, i'm more responsible now."
[y/n] sarcastically replies, "i believe you."
kylian lets her go, and pulls out two figurines. the girl beside lets out a gasp, and grabs her respective one.
"letting this go was the worst decision of my life," she hugs the kim possible doll as kylian twists the legs of ron stoppable.
"still functioning."
"and why wouldn't it be, kylian— i swear, you have an obsession with dismembering dolls-"
"i do not!"
"yes you do!"
the back and forth continues until they get tired, lips stretched wide and upwards, teeth showcased and glimmering in the dim, warm light of [y/n]'s room.
something distinct, yet minutely incinerating surges through their bones as the sun begins to sink below the horizon and the air loses it energy. doors of locked events in the past fly open with the key of nostalgia and gasping surprise.
from a picture of kylian in a leg cast and [y/n] signing it, to outdated souvenirs from when they both went to portugal with their parents.
a staggering reminder of what they once were, and wish to be.
hours pass like seconds, the box is now only one item empty- another sheet of paper, so much for 'not being able to put things into words'- and steaming mugs of coffee warm their hands.
"are you gonna read it, or should i?" kylian asks [y/n] as she takes a sip. her head juts towards him, and he obeys, ridding the box of its last content. it's only half an a4 sheet, and it's titled '5 questions to answer', which [y/n] laughs at when she's told. decorated with more stickers and weirdly drawn stickmen, courtesy of kylian.
"what's the first one?"
"'how's life like 10 years later? '"
a chuckle, light and forced, leaves [y/n]'s lips, and she shrugs, "i wouldn't be able to remember life 5 years ago, to be honest. i guess i was just studying and living life as it came. you?"
kylian takes time to think, "won the world cup, was on loan at psg. that's pretty much it."
"you say it as if winning the world cup is nothing, kylian!"
"i'm happy about it, but still salty over the last one."
"ah," [y/n] grins, picking up armless messi as she makes him dance in the air, "he's truly the goat, isn't he, messi?"
kylian is quick to disagree, "i may play with him at home, but ronaldo tops him, by far."
"i'll tell him you said that."
"how?" he cocks his head, "and even so, he's already aware."
doesn't give her a chance to reply, reading the next question beneath, "'is [y/n] still taller than kylian?' oh wouldn't past me be glad."
[y/n] huffs, "i'm still supposed to be taller, you just had an odd growth spurt."
"it was bound to happen."
looks at him disdainfully as he snickers, "next one, kylian."
"is kylian famous yet? like as famous as ronaldo?"
"i guess you already speak for yourself," [y/n] says, smiling, "i'm proud of you."
kylian returns the grin, gives the girl a look that forces her to avert her eyes elsewhere, "thank you."
"my pleasure. what's the one after?"
kylian straightens the sheet of paper, "asks if you're a graphic designer now."
[y/n] smiles and nods, "can strongly confirm."
"always been a picasso-" his words make the girl laugh, "-how's that going?"
"stressful at times, but honestly, it's fun. didn't feel pressured into pursuing a career i didn't want so, i'm not gonna lie, i had things easy."
"but that's good, right?"
"of course. never envisioned myself in the stem industry, don't know why."
"you were smart, though. too smart," kylian playful retorts. [y/n] slides out a chuckle, "it was obligated intelligence, not necessarily welcomed, you know."
"something smart people say," he rolls his eyes after, causing y/n to shove him.
"shut up, rich man, and read the last question."
kylian is humoured, shaking his head as he goes on to read the last words on the sheet. his amused expression falls and eyebrows raise as he is reminded of what he had written as the final question.
"what is it, ky?"
inhales, then reads the words out loud, "'are we living together as promised? remember, it has to be a large mansion in the heart of paris!' "
[y/n] tries to formulate words, fails at doing so, and leaves the room silent.
as promised.
kylian remembers. frankly speaking, it was the only thing he wanted to remember because it was something that he looked forward to in the future.
then things fucked up, [y/n] had moved away from paris as a whole and kylian tried to fill his apartment with only one presence, but failed everytime.
"it's not too late, is it?"
he doesn't know what he's saying, his mouth moves on its own accord.
"what?" [y/n] sounds winded, feels the stare on her face and turns to look at who's guilty for it. her eyes are everywhere, all over his face, all at once. from his hardened eyes to his pouted, blushed lips.
looks at the kylian mbappé now, and sees the kylian mbappé then. aged, and that's it, but devious childishness still remains.
she doesn't realise that he has moved closer, and can suddenly see the fine lines of his textured skin, and feel his breath tickle her cheeks.
"what are you doing, kylian?" she whispers, can't muster a volume louder than that.
fingers pick at her stray braid, tucking it behind her back, "i don't know... should i stop? i will if you wan-"
"no," she cringes at how desperate she sounds, "it's okay. i want you to."
kylian's thumb traces the dip of her lip, out of breath as her eyes absorb every intake of air from him. [y/n] had always caught his eye, been the only one who had, and kylian knows he would be downright stupid to let her slip through his fingers again.
a ringing phone cuts through the static silence, and they both jolt violently in shock. [y/n] distances herself from him, numb all the way to her fingertips in anxiety, as kylian huffs, digging his pockets for the source of the loud sound.
picks it up, and [y/n] doesn't hear who exactly he's speaking to, but rules them as important when kylian's eyebrows furrow inwards and mumbles a chorus of 'yes's and 'okay's. ends the call just as quick as it started, and sighs, looking apologetic.
"i have to go."
"that's okay," ascends from the floor, and stretches out an arm to help kylian do the same. knows he's too heavy for the girl so he doesn't dump all of his weight on her, using his other arm to push him upwards.
grabs his coat from the hanger by the door, and slides into his shoes, but stops as he remembers something.
"kylian, where are you going?"
"one second, wait," shuffles into the room again, and immediately notices the ron stoppable doll lying on its back on the carpet. smiles, bends to pick it up, then shoves it into his pocket. looks at the room one more time, then closes the door behind him, ambling back to the front door.
"what did you forget?"
"nothing, i thought i had."
she doesn't look convinced but lets it go, opening the door.
"call me when you get home, okay?"
nods and says an 'i will', but remains stood on the doorstep.
he truly has no clue where his confidence surfaces from, but the next second, his lips are flush against [y/n]'s. they're soft, he notices, taste slightly of cherry and it's fucking addicting.
breaks it before he loses himself within it, a small smile upon his face as his mind becomes hazed and dizzy.
[y/n] is still, eyes wide, and the thrumming of her heartbeat upon her skin is... thrilling.
"see you later, [y/n]."
'dear [y/n],
i think letters are old fashioned and something people in the 17th century do, but for you, i guess i will suck it up and write one anyways.
i hope when you read this, you smile like you always do. have i told you that you look pretty when you smile? i'm only saying it once, and you'll never hear me say it again.
life with you is fun. i don't think i would be alive if God didn't put you with me, so i'm thankful everyday that you're my best friend. i really hope we stay friends forever, and that when i become the world's best footballer of all time (after cristiano ronaldo of course!), i can show off to everybody that you helped me get to the top of the top!!
anyways, this is getting too long and you know i don't write. so, bye bye, and see you in 10 years.
i love you.'
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lighthaunting · 1 year
DoA Imagines (GN!Reader) | Love Languages and Dates
CHARACTERS - Fyodor, Nikolai/Mykola, Sigma
A/N: yes this is definitely out of character but i love writing fluff and the most ungodly sappy romance imaginable, your honor. got me giggling and kicking my legs and shit
Likes words of affirmation and giving gifts.
Not the greatest at outwardly speaking of his feelings, at least not as much as he’d like to.
If he needs to leave early in the morning before you’ve woken up, don’t be surprised if you wake up to the most eloquently written and poetic love letter you’ve ever seen in your life.
Not the greatest talker, more of a listener, but when he writes to you, he writes.
Because he’s a good listener (not to mention his brilliant memory), he’s good at giving gifts.
If you offhandedly mention a nice ring, piece of clothing, etc? He is committing that to memory for future gift giving.
Prefers receiving more practical gifts; likes things he can use in his everyday life rather than luxury objects.
Generally prefers staying in for dates, or at least quiet, peaceful places if you do both decide to go out.
Picnics under a tree in a field in the middle of nowhere, nothing more than some wine, a charcuterie board and casual conversation to pass the time, maybe a book or two.
Not much of a touchy-feely type, prefers more subtle things, might link his pinky with yours while he reads or does a bit of paperwork.
Isn’t the greatest at initiating touch, but likes to give forehead kisses, likes the simplicity of it.
Gets noticeably more clingy in the winter, even he notices it, but he pretends he doesn’t. He gets cold easily, and your hands are probably warmer than his.
If you don’t know how to play the cello already, he’d gladly teach you about it. He makes a wonderful tutor and he’s very patient when teaching you, and he certainly won’t object to holding your hands to guide you on how to move the cello bow.
(Okay this one’s just a joke but I bet he goes to sleep with a night gown and a little night cap on his head. bet he goes snore mimimimi when he sleeps)
Nikolai (Mykola)
Likes words of affirmation and physical touch.
Expect consistent compliments, he has no shame and won’t hesitate to gush about you, whether it’s just to you or anyone else who will listen.
If you’re the one complimenting him, he may get just a tad bashful. He’s not shy by any means, but you may notice he’ll avert eye contact with a huge grin on his face.
Loves referring to you with terms of endearment, but in public he will purposely give you the most ungodly and obnoxious petnames imaginable just because he thinks it’s hilarious, especially if you get embarrassed over it.
Definitely wants to test how many times he can refer to you as ‘snookums’ in a public setting before you start swatting at him.
Loves holding hands and being close to you in general.
Likes having his hair messed with or being helped with his braid, will fall dead asleep on your lap within a few minutes if you’re not careful.
Likes going on dates in more lively places, especially if it’s somewhere he can properly explore.
Naturally pretty energetic, so expect to go to an amusement park or arcade at least once.
You bet he wants a cliche ferris wheel kiss (so long as you’re not afraid of heights, of course).
Once halloween rolls around you’re definitely getting taken to a haunted house with him (he’ll do a remarkable job at keeping you from being scared in the event you are, would 100% find ways to make you laugh throughout it).
Escape room dates !! He’d have so much fun with you, and he’s absolutely going to make sure you feel the same way.
Good luck trying to get out of bed at a reasonable time from now on, he will wrap around you like a koala to try and keep you there longer. Complains very audibly from across the room if you do manage to escape his grasp.
Unlike the other two, probably has more of a random mix of love languages, doesn’t usually stick to or prefer receiving just one kind.
Ultimately, he just likes you and spending whatever time with you he can.
Scarily observational, will pick up on your every mood and does his best to help you when you’re having a bad day.
Definitely the type to pick up on the fact you texted him slightly differently that day and gets you something from your favorite restaurant on his way back from the casino to try and cheer you up.
Loves cooking and baking with you, and he’s pretty great at it, too.
Cookie baking dates over cups of tea on a rainy day.
Adores trying new hobbies in general, especially if it’s with you. Tries to start up a little vegetable garden, or maybe even something like painting or pottery.
Absolutely lives for the super cheesy romance movie type dates. If the weather is nice, he likes to explore the outdoors and seeing what the world has to offer, so long as you’re by his side.
Driving two hours into the middle of nowhere to go stargazing with a clear view, exploring a flower meadow, finding the best spot to watch a sunset, etc.
Not very used to receiving gifts due to his situation with the book and DoA, so he’s very flattered (and maybe just a bit bashful) at any gifts you give him.
A bit hesitant to initiate physical affection at the beginning of the relationship, but as he gets more relaxed he likes being close to you. Will gladly give you a tour around the casino with your arm linked with his or his arm around your waist, if you’d like.
Very good at formal dancing. Romantic slow dancing in the middle of the night, moonlight shining down from the grand windows of his office in the casino.
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gamerwoo · 1 year
svt as 5sos songs (1st album edition) except the explanations hardly make any sense but if you listen to 5sos then they probably do lmao
a/n: i know i literally just did this for skz but i'm having some weird brainrot rn leave me alone
seungcheol -- heartbreak girl
he is the trope of "best friend in love w his best friend who has shitty luck w boyfriends but hello i am right here i am your simp" but seungcheol probably knows the friendzone doesn't exist
jeonghan -- voodoo doll
idk it makes sense in my head bc he manipulates shit in games to win
joshua -- good girls
remember when everyone pinholed joshua as a gentleman and nothing else haha yeah :)
junhui -- don't stop (bonus: greenlight from their b-sides bc jun is a harlot. no i'm not over limbo) ((also jun gives don't stop vibes 5sos girlies iykyk))
don't stop is horny but disguised as.......sort of not horny??? greenlight is full on horny jail
soonyoung -- 18 (bonus: english love affair from their b-sides)
horny & unhinged
wonwoo -- amnesia (bonus: beside you)
he needed an angsty love song and also a sappy love song. idk they both give me wonu vibes that's all i got
jihoon -- everything i didn't say (bonus: end up here)
also needed angsty love song and sappy love song. shy & tsundere vibes only
seokmin -- lost boy
i know it's from their b-sides but it's so cute and wholesome and very seokmin
mingyu -- mrs all american
milf hunter mingyu
minghao -- never be
deep song for a deep artsy man
seungkwan -- social casualty
seungkwan does what seungkwan wants fuck everybody else
hansol -- long way home
very casual and chill and the perfect song to drive around aimlessly at night
chan -- she looks so perfect
still slightly horny but good at being normal
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tag list: @minluvly @honeyylin @miki-chi @heemingyu @noraehey @awkwardnesshabitat @floweryjessy @woozarts @anothershorthuman @shuabby1994 @vernxnsfool @ti--red @etaerealboy @plants-w0rld @futuristiccomputerkitten-blog @thepencilkorner @shmooooo @dejavernon @slut-for-dabi @pussymode @iamxelia @itbtoblikethatsometimes @wonderfulshinee @aikisbbq @ohmykwonsoonyoung @just-a-really-bored-kpop-fan @merapehlapyaaradhoorarahgaya @saythenameseventeen178 @starlight-night0 @ulavenger64king @itbtoblikethatsometimes @woo8hao @lillijayy-blog @twistedsiren
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imwetforyourmom · 2 months
yall we hit the big 1000 😧‼️‼️
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ok, im not one for any sappy shit or anything but I genuinely dont think I’d be where I am today without any of you guys. if I werent to be writing and talking to all of my favorite people I dont think I’d be in a great place.
I fucking love knowing that I have a thousand people here for me to comfort me, to support me and to always be here for me whenever I need it. i love knowing that I have a thousand friends with me whenever.
its so comforting because I know I have all of you when im feeling down or lonely. ive had really bad social anxiety majority of my life and havent had any good luck with friends, so knowing that I have a thousand people that look forward to me doing anything and that I have a thousand friends or a thousand people who went out of their way in their day to read my stories, to like them and follow me. I love knowing that you did that out of your own will and because you genuinely like me. I like knowing that I dont have to worry about being lonely or disliked or anything along the lines of that because i know I can always come to one of you
being here today, with all of these people reminds me just how adored/liked or loved I am just because of one of my hobbies. you guys like my writing, some of you even adore it, and knowing that I didnt force any of this makes everything so much better. I wouldnt be here today, where I am, how happy I am without any of you and I fucking adore that. without you guys I dont think I’d be as productive as I am, I dont think I wouldve ever pursued my writing, I dont think I wouldve ever tried writing. so knowing that each and every one of you helped me find the thing I enjoy most is so admirable, its amazing and I cannot thank any of you enough.
to the one whos been here since the start @luverboychris, you’re one of the only reasons im still as happy as I am today, you’re one of my bestfriends and I love you so fucking much. you’re the only reason I started writing on tumblr and you’re one of my favorite people 🫶🫶
to the one whos recently become my bestfriend @lovesodakid, I wouldnt have had as many laughs without you. you’re the funniest person ive ever met and im so grateful I can speak my true opinion without you judging me
to the one whos literally my favorite nick girl @nickgetsmewetter and one of the people I look up to, you’re a reason im excited to go onto tumblr everyday
to my idols, who inspired me to write and the reason I continue writing today @luverboychris, @hysteria-things and @worldlxvlys, you guys are literally one of the reasons I write today and continue to write
again, to @worldlxvlys, anytime im upset or feeling down I always go to your stories and read them. you’re one of my favorite creators on this app
im so fuckung grateful for each and every single one of you ❤️❤️
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asherbakugou · 22 days
Kai Kalama | (She/They)
Reader stood beneath the overhang of their apartment building, off to the side so she wasn't in the way of those entering or leaving. Shifting side to side in their heels, they struggled to not reach for her phone to check the time or to see if there were any new texts from Kai.
The loud rev of a motorcycle had her searching the streets for the dark red, gold, and black cycle that Kai adored. It pulled up, with Kai flipping up his sunglasses, having decided against wearing his helmet, to flash them a wink and smirk.
"Flirt," Reader teased, the familiarity making Kai laugh. At least once a day, she called him a flirt, though recently they'd taken to calling him 'my flirt' if they were feeling particularly sappy.
"You know it, bombshell." Kai allowed his eyes to wonder over their attire, damn near salivating at the exposed skin of their chest and legs. Seeing that, Reader spun around to give him a full 360 allowing him to the design along the back of her leather jacket. "Holy shit, you look sexy."
Reader trailed their eyes over his attire, a red silk button up, black slacks, and boots, all pulled together with the leather jacket he wore over top. "You look good yourself."
He smirked, smugly smoothing a hand down the front of his shirt as she came closer. Perking up, he reached out to hook a hand around her thigh, looking up into their eyes, "Is this alright?"
"I'd stop you if I didn't like when you touched me, hotstuff." Reader rested a hand on his shoulder as their eyes flicked to his lips. Kai grinned, tilting his head back to watch their lips in turn.
"So, do I get a hello kiss?"
Huffing, Reader bent down, stopping before their lips could connect, "Don't push your luck, Kai. You still haven't taken me to dinner."
"Well then I guess we better get goin'. Wouldn't want you to miss out on the best date of your life." Kai scooted back a bit so she could sit in front of him.
"I'll have to ride sideways," Reader noted, sitting down in front of him. Their eyes flicked up towards him, searching his face to see if that was alright but he didn't seem to care, more preoccupied with watching her.
"Fine with me." Shifting closer, he carefully guided her legs to rest over his, using his other arm to tuck her more securely against his front. "Hold on tight, bombshell, don't want an accident."
Tucking her arms into Kai's jacket, they felt the shiver that ran down his spine as they rest their face against his chest. "Let's get going, shall we?"
"We shall."
The motorcycle ride was smooth, with Kai going the speed limit rather than shooting past all the cars and trying to make it before the light changed as he normally did. He later admitted to her that he didn't to mess anything up by getting either of them hurt or in trouble.
Kai pulled up to Morimoto's, a three story sushi and hibachi restaraunt with only the finest chefs allowed to work there. The building was old-fashioned in make, but it was very obviously new with a stream of actual koi fish swimming below the bridge one needed to get inside.
Reader was in absolute awe, a smile splitting apart her face as they saw the large sign above the restaraunt. "You remembered?"
Kai shifted, reaching up to rub the back of his neck, "You were so excited about the place, I might have wrote it down in my notes so I would remember it. For when I asked you on a date."
Turning, Reader grabbed his face to tug him down so they could kiss him. His hands immediatley dropped to their hips, squeezing as he tried to deepen the kiss.
"Not right now, Romeo. Maybe after dinner," Reader teased, pulling away. Kai gave her a dopey grin as he straightened up.
"It'll happen." He seemed incredibly confident in himself as he offered an arm for them to take.
Dinner was positively amazing, their chef making them and the others at the table laugh and cheer in awe. He seemed to employ everyone of his tricks, showing off as he served them.
Kai spent the time, watching Reader without being obvious about it. He was in awe of her smile and laughter, reaching out to gently rest a hand on their thigh, squeezing when they simply placed a delicate hand on his own.
And compared to his hands, scarred and heavily calloused from handling swords and fighting, theirs were delicate with smaller scars and callouses from sewing and drawing. Taking her hand, he raised it too press a kiss against their knuckles, smiling at the flush that spread across their cheeks.
Reader, of course, admired how handsome Kai looked, all dressed up in the warm lighting that brought attention to his tanned, scarred skin and brilliant amber eyes. They seemed to glow with fire anytime the chef ignited flames across his stove, much to her amazement. When his hand came to rest on her thigh, they thought their heart was going to beat straight of their chest. His calloused palm was warm, melting her straight down to her core and when he lifted her hand to his lips, she genuinly thought they were gonna become a puddle at his side.
Dessert was just as delicious, with Kai happily eating matcha basque cheesecake while Reader had picked out matcha tiramisu to try. Nudging him, Reader caught Kai's attention.
"Can I try your cheesecake? I've never had matcha cheesecake," Reader admitted. Scooping up a spoonful, Kai offered it too her, struck dumb when she reached forward to take the bite without taking the spoon as he'd assumed they'd do.
Kai watched her lips with rapt attention, unable to look away as she licked a little from her lips. "Its good."
"Yeah," Kai whispered, still stuck in a trance.
"Do you wanna try a bite of mine?"
"Huh, uh, yeah sure. Can't say I've had matcha tiramisu."
He decided to do the same thing she'd done to him, leaning forward to take the bite from her spoon. His core warmed at the smirk that ticked the corner of their lips up, her eyes focused on him with the same attention he'd given them.
After paying, Kai paid waving off her attempts to split the bill, and he even made sure to leave a generous tip for the chef since Reader had liked it so much.
"I did tell you how hot you look, didn't I bombshell?" Kai asked, smirking when she reached up to lightly tap a long nail against the clasps on their chest.
"You might've, but I don't seem to remember."
"Well, bombshell," Kai began, as they stopped in front of his bike, "You look absolutely, jaw-droppingly, ravishing. I'd get down on my knees anytime for you."
She laughed, startled by sudden raunchy joke, but felt a sense of pleasure curl along her spine. "I'm glad you like it. And you, my silver tongued flirt, look absoluteky stunning yourself all dressed up for me."
Grinning, they couldn't help but press their lips together. The kiss became far hotter than it should have, with Readers nails scraping Kai's scalp as his hand dropped to her thigh until a car honked.
"We should uh, probably get goin', huh?" Kai asked, laughing even as he glared after the car that interupted. "But, before that, I have a question for you."
"Go ahead," Reader murmured, hands cupping his cheeks.
"Will you be my girlfriend, or uh, partner?"
Reader smiled, throwing their arms around his neck, "Yes. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
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peppermintquartz · 16 days
Not gonna write this so have the bulleted points version
Tommy first went to a gay bar just before he enlisted but fled when a leather daddy offered to get him a drink
During his army days, he sometimes went to gay bars but always alone. He'd stay someplace a bit dim, just to be there, and with a maximum of two drinks because he doesn't wanna let down his guard and he's afraid Drunk Him would do something stupid like reveal his real name
and occasionally he'd dare to dance with a guy who's caught his eye, and do a little more than dance in the back rooms or side alleys, but only with hands or mouth and always with protection because he can't risk being found out
When he decides that it's enough, he's had enough of flying around warzones, he decides he'll save lives instead, the first person he tells is the owner of a snug little place, and he drinks more than his usual
He ends up sleeping with the owner, who's very sweet and gentle and very experienced, taking care of Tommy throughout his fumbling attempts. In the morning he wishes Tommy good luck and stay safe before he leaves.
When he returns stateside, Tommy's a little more daring about going to the clubs and bars, but only those that are plausibly for anyone who enjoys fun. Occasionally he sees a familiar face and he brushes it off by saying he's there to check out the hot girls, "maybe they're bisexual and I get lucky", and he knows it's a crude thing to say but he doesn't know what else to do. And to make it plausible he does sometimes go back with women, and he tries, he really does, maybe he can fix himself, he tries so hard to enjoy these trysts, but it's never quite what he wants and the women sense this
He stops going because it's getting tiring to pretend, and it's so empty inside his head and his heart when they're tangled in the sheets. His body is just a thing, some thing to play with and use, and he's tired of it.
And on the rare occasion he hooks up with a man, he makes it clear he's not gonna be acknowledging any of this outside of the bedroom
He doesn't want to do this anymore
He leaves the 118 hoping he can find something else to fill that aching chasm in his heart. A work family, maybe. He's heard of such things. Maybe he can find family instead of love.
He still watches the sappy hallmark shit during Christmas season and yearns for something stupidly sweet like a handsome man swooping into his life and choosing to, wanting to kiss him under the conveniently placed mistletoe, for "happily ever after" to be true
He gets tired of the pretence enough that he stops pretending. When a colleague sees him checking out a hot guy at the basketball court, Tommy doesn't deny it. Slowly, slowly he lets them figure it out. He puts up a male celeb's photo as his lock screen (younger Brendan Fraser shirtless is so droolsome).
He doesn't announce anything, he just stops pretending to be what he isn't
(he sends Hen a message to apologize for his behaviour. He doesn't know if she's forgiven him completely but he hopes that she won't think too badly about him.)
And 217 is cool with it, cool enough to point out the occasional cute guy who's come by the station (brothers, cousins, boyfriend's friend, pizza delivery guy)
And then Howie calls in a favor one night
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