#this side of dean is Emma’s favorite
pickledpascal · 3 months
Meat & Candy
Chapter Two
Warnings: mentions of child neglect and starvation, some innuendos (?)
Word Count: 3.1k
Meat & Candy Masterlist
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Dean had been fussing over his appearance for what seemed like hours. Swapping out his shirt, his pants, anything that didn't seem right. Eventually, he settled on what he usually wore to his restaurant. A black chef's jacket, dark-washed jeans, boots, and a green bandana tied around his neck. 
“Hey Dad!” Emma greeted between bites of leftover egg salad that she slathered onto some toast. “You excited?” She asked with a smirk.
Dean maneuvered into the kitchen and decided he might as well have the same thing as Emma. “Sam told ya, huh?” He pursed his lips as he popped two pieces of bread into the toaster and started up the coffee machine.
Emma shrugged bashfully but didn't deny it. Dean was glad Sam and Emma talked a lot without him needing to be there but sometimes it was the bane of his existence. 
Dean had never been interviewed before. Especially not about his food. Sure there was that one time back in the 90s but that was years ago and it had nothing to do with him, it had everything to do with Bobby and Ellen and how so many locals loved that place. He was on his own now. Well, as ‘on his own’ as he could be with more than half the staff at his restaurant being friends he made years ago.
Needless to say, Dean wanted this interview to go well. He wanted good press—which was what Sam and Benny told him would happen. He wanted people to like him. And his food. 
Cooking was Dean's favorite pastime. His labor of love. He partly blamed his cooking for how well Emma turned out so far. It was something they could do together when he came home at night, or sometimes in the morning, they could make breakfast together. Even when she was little, Dean had Emma wash vegetables and haphazardly chop them for preparation. 
Dean took a few bites from his toast and hummed. “You wanna come to the restaurant after school? See the masters at work?” He asked teasingly.
Emma didn't grow up with Dean in Michelin star restaurants so she was excited to truly see him at work. The thousand-dollar stoves and ovens, the array of different pots and pans, the tile floor Emma helped pick out—yeah, Dean designed the entire restaurant from top to bottom. He did have help. A lot of help from Benny and he called in a few friends of Bobby's to make sure the restaurant was everything he wanted and more. Emma was happy for her father. 
Nothing was quite like seeing his reaction to the finished product. Or even when he made the first menu for the place. 
She knew that growing up, her father didn't have a lot. He had to scrape up money just to have food for the night. But that was before Grandpa Bobby came in. Life was still hard but it got easier. Dean was able to be himself, be the man he always knew himself to be. Even when Emma came into the world and messed with his plans a bit, his resolve never wavered. He just sort of…. Rolled with it. 
“Maybe. But I have homework.” Emma set her plate in the sink. “And I love you, Dad, but you kinda distract me when you start singing when you clean the counters.” 
Dean rolled his eyes affectionately. “You like it, kiddo.” He took another bite of his breakfast, careful to eat it over the plate to not get any crumbs on his jacket. It was freshly ironed and cleaned, he didn't need to get it dirtied. Especially before an interview. 
Emma tilted her head slightly, lips forming a lop-sided grin. She didn't need to answer, Dean already knew the truth. 
She leaned up on her tip-toes and kissed his cheek. “I'll see you later, Dad.” She smiled as he squeezed her shoulder in return. She grabbed her backpack from its chair, waved goodbye, and left through the front door.
Dean smiled fondly as Emma left for the day. He poured his coffee once the machine stopped, prepared it how he liked—three sugars, a healthy pour of cream—and took a sip. Like most people in the world, Dean had to have coffee in the morning or else the rest of his day would be out of order. He'd mess up dishes, send out the wrong plate, call out the wrong order—he’d be a mess. 
He arrived at his restaurant a few hours before the interview, just to get his nerves under control. And to meet up with Sam and Benny. 
Sam ran the front of house so he was usually there just to take reservations while it wasn't busy and no one else was there. Dean didn't know the extent of the reservations but he knew there were a lot. More than he expected at first. 
It was exciting. And nerve-wracking. 
Culinary school prepared him for a lot of things and, try as they might, nothing quite compared to actually opening up his own restaurant. It was happening. The reality of it. He couldn't believe it sometimes. 
And Benny, his sous chef, was there partly for moral support and partly to do some inventory on non-perishable items. Dean prided himself on using fresh ingredients, as would any chef, but some things couldn't be worked around. 
“Hey, Sammy, what can ya tell me about this interviewer?” Dean said as he slipped into the booth Sam was working at. 
Sam glanced at Dean from his laptop and stopped typing. “Nothing. I just talked with Crowley and he said he'd give us his best writer. I didn't ask who it was and he didn't say a name.” Dean pursed his lips as he tapped his fingers on the table. “It's alright to say you're nervous.” Sam cocked an eyebrow at his brother.
“Me? Nervous?” Dean laughed as convincingly as he could, “Ha! Have you met me? I don't get cold feet, Sammy! I mean, hell, if anything, I'm the most confident son of a bitch you'll ever meet. Ego the size of the Sears Tower. Nerves of steel, me. Definitely,” He took a breath. “Not nervous. At all. Uh-huh.”
Sam stared at him. 
Dean let out a puff of air, knowing his cheeks were red as he looked down at a grain in the table. He didn't meet Sam's eyes knowing he'd been caught even if he was too prideful to admit it. At first.
Dean relented. “Look, man, I haven't done anything like this before. I'm gonna be in a fucking newspaper. That's fucking weird. ”
“Better get used to it with the way things are going.” Sam pointed out softly. He took a breath, “Look, you're not alone here, Dean. We're all going through this. You think I'm not nervous at all? I'm the one handling all the calls about this place. Charlie's tryna make sure all the desserts are, in her words, superb. I'm pretty sure the powdered sugar fumes are starting to mess with her head. And Benny, god, I swear he's looked over your menu a million times at this point. Jo has washed the wine glasses so many times, I think her hands might prune.”
Dean got the point. But he couldn't help but feel the weight on his shoulders. It was his restaurant. His and his alone. He didn't co-own it with Benny or Sam. No, it was Dean's name on the lease. It was Dean who picked out the Prussian Blue paint on the walls. It was Dean who put the first chestnut piece of wood on the floor. It was Dean who hand-printed the menus. 
The restaurant wouldn't be his if he didn't have a hand on everything that came into it. He even got a few splinters. 
Getting to Crossroads was easier said than done. Cas had to find parking somewhere. Seeing as the restaurant was on one of the busiest streets of Chicago and Cas wasn't much of a walker, he came straight from his house, not the Tribune building. 
He was pleasantly surprised with how the restaurant looked. With sweeping windows to peek inside and a sign he could see from miles away—if there weren't buildings in the way. Dean Winchester must've taken a few notes from the Roadhouse. 
He could see a bit of movement in the otherwise empty restaurant as he walked up to the door. He gave it a light knock. 
A man he didn't recognize opened it for Castiel. He had shoulder-length hair and kind, deep brown eyes. “Hello. You must be the interviewer.” He bowed his head like he was trying to make himself look smaller. The man was tall. “I'm Sam, Dean's brother and I run the front of house.” He stuck out his hand to shake.
Castiel remembered reading something about Dean having a brother but he didn't put it down in his notes. “I'm… Castiel. Castiel Novak. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Winchester.” He shook the man's hand, trying to recall what it was like to have to interact with people for the first time. 
Sam let out a small chuckle, causing Castiel to tilt his head. “No one calls me Mr. Winchester. Just call me Sam.” Cas nodded as he followed Sam into the dining room. 
Castiel swore the world stopped.
Dean Winchester had changed.
His hair darkened to a nice warm brown—it was a little longer too, curving around his ear and the nape of his neck—his body seemed to fill out his clothes properly, and he grew out some nice facial hair that Castiel wouldn't mind feeling on his skin. And, fuck, his tattoos. His arms weren't exactly covered in them but he had quite a few, the ones he noticed first were on his fingers. In traditional script, his right said “Dead” while his left said, “Alive.” He could see some resemblance in the brothers. 
Castiel quickly collected himself and jutted out his hand. “I'm Castiel Novak, it's nice to meet you, Chef Winchester.” He barely took in his surroundings, a little distracted by the handsome man in front of him. 
“Nice to meet ya too. Just call me Dean.” The man smiled as Sam retreated to a spot with a computer. God, the curve of his lips. Castiel would be content he was struck by lightning and Dean was the last thing he saw on Earth. Dean motioned to the table he was sitting at. “I'm sure you'd like to sit for this, huh? Parking can be a bitch.” It was set up with cups and a water pitcher. The glass across Castiel's place was full. 
Castiel squinted at his choice of words. “Yes. However, I was able to find a spot a few blocks away. Not too bad.” He set his leather bag on the floor next to him and took out his notebook. His throat felt parched. He took a long sip from his water. “Well, uh,” He coughed as he took out his phone. “My phone is going to record this conversation if that's okay. I'm only doing this because I'm not the best at writing as people speak and I don't want you to have to repeat yourself.” 
Dean nodded and gave him a patient smile. “That's alright. I mean, I don't know how interviews work so,” He waved his hand and tilted his head slightly, “You have free reign here.”
Castiel didn't want to think too hard about what that could mean in other circumstances. “Right,” He turned the audio recorder on. “Interview with Chef Dean Winchester at Crossroads.” He cleared his throat. “Chef Winchester, thanks for taking the time to meet. From what I hear, you'll be quite busy in a few days.” 
“Yeah, well,” Dean shrugged bashfully as a beautiful shade of pink graced his cheeks. “I just hope me and the staff can live up to the hype. Knowing my staff, they will. Me? Not so sure.”
Castiel cocked his head at Dean. He immediately caught onto his self-diminishing tendencies. To some, it might come across as humility but Cas knew better. “Well, would you like to tell me a little bit about yourself to begin?” 
“Sure, uh,” Dean coughed slightly. “I used to live in Naperville when I was young. Until I turned ten, if I remember correctly, then I moved into the city when I got adopted by my, now, parents.”
“Bobby and Ellen?”
Dean looked visibly taken aback. “Yeah.” He quickly adjusted his expression to be more neutral. “They let me work at their restaurant a while back. I wouldn't be here without them.” There was a fondness in his eyes when he talked about them. 
Then again, Castiel hoped that would happen when a child talked about their parents. However, he wasn’t oblivious to the things that went on in the world. 
“Has food always been a passion of yours?”
Dean let out a breathy chuckle. “Not exactly. Food and I had… an interesting relationship growing up.” Castiel nodded for him to continue. Dean took a breath as he shifted in his seat. “My dad, my biological one, wasn’t the best. My mom died when I was four and he sort of just stopped caring—meaning I had to take care of Sam, some nights I’d go as far as to starve myself just to make sure he had something to eat. When we did have enough for the both of us, I’d gorge myself on it 'cause I never knew when I’d have something like that again.” 
“What made that change?” Castiel’s lips pursed as a crease formed between his brows. He wasn’t quite prepared for this but he appreciated Dean’s honesty and openness. 
“The fact I had a stable home. Bobby and Ellen weren’t rich but they always had food on the table, no matter what.” Dean admitted as his fingers drummed against the table. “That’s why I started to cook, turned out I had such a knack for it that they hired me at their bar. People loved my food,” His eyes sparkled with passion. Castiel loved seeing him like this. “It’s so… nice to know people like your food, y’know? I put my heart into every dish I make, it’s nourishment, and I want people to feel full when they walk out that door.” 
“Is that why you opened Crossroads?” Castiel hadn’t even registered that his voice softened. 
Dean spoke so passionately, so fondly, Castiel felt it. Maybe Dean wasn’t the most eloquent speaker but Castiel was sure the man could convince him of anything if he spoke that way to him. 
“Some of the reason, yeah.” Dean looked flustered again. “Maybe it’s a bit selfish. I was fortunate enough to go to culinary school,” That answered one of the questions on Castiel’s mind. “And half the people there thought they were destined to share their art with the world. Me? Not so much. Like I said earlier, I just want people to eat my food and be happy with it. I have nothing to prove. Besides, maybe this place could be successful.”
Castiel wet his lips. “Why name the restaurant Crossroads anyway?”
“It’s partly because the kind of food we serve here. Culinary school taught me French techniques but I grew up mainly making American cuisine. We serve a mix here.” Just when Castiel thought he was done, Dean continued. “But it’s also just… The story of my life. I couldn’t count the number of times I felt like I was at a crossroads on both hands.” Castiel was intrigued but didn’t push. He had only just met the man after all. 
“Why open your own restaurant? The way you’re talking about them, Bobby and Ellen would have been content to give you their bar.”
Dean shook his head with a light laugh. “I could never touch the Roadhouse. It’s perfect the way it is. But,” He paused, eyes flicking over the table. “I want something I can call mine. Solely mine. Which is nerve-wracking but,” He breathed but forced a smile on his face, “Nothing’s ever easy, I’ve come to learn—and I’m prepared for it not to be.”
Castiel quickly looked back down at his notes, noticing the light scarring on Dean’s hands and arms. “What do you hope to accomplish from this?”
The question seemed to surprise Dean. His lips pursed as he thought for a while. “There is the short-term gratification of being a successful restaurant that doesn’t have to close down after six months,” He tried to joke. “But there’s also security in that. The security of a proper, flowing income will make sure my kid never has to go through what I went through. She’s part of the reason I did this.” He motioned to their surroundings. “She wants me to be happy. I want her to be happy. It’s a cycle at this point.” He chuckled. 
“Alright,” Castiel said reluctantly, “I think that’s all the questions I have.” He turned off the recorder and pocketed his phone. He gathered his things and stood. “It was nice talking with you.” And he meant it. Every single word. 
Dean quickly stood as well. “You too,” He averted his eyes for a moment too long that Castiel thought he might’ve done something to offend the man. “Would you, uh, like to come back tomorrow? So you can see me work and put it in your article or something?”
A warm feeling washed over Castiel. He couldn’t help the smile that graced his lips. “That sounds wonderful.” 
Spending more time with Dean was more than what Castiel could ask for. Not only that, but it would help to see Dean’s process. To witness the amount of love and care he put into each dish. He didn’t doubt Dean’s words but it was an entirely different thing to see and perhaps taste the compassion, the dusting of his heart, the careful composition from his hands. 
His hands. When Castiel shook hands with Dean, he could feel the roughness of them. But he could also tell they were used to delicately place a garnish on top of a dish. Dean had gone through so much that he knew the strength of being gentle. How much it took to be gentle. How much it mattered.
God, Castiel needed to use that thought as a line in his article.
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ghostradiodylan · 3 months
What type of music would the counselors listen to?
I know some of my mutuals have answered this question before and I'm sure my headcanons will be influenced by theirs, AND I'm also significantly older than the counselors so they're probably listening to gen z stuff my late millennial ass doesn't even know about but here goes nothing!
Laura So much SIØBHAN! Just kidding. Laura feels like two completely different characters in the game so I have a hard time deciding what I think spunky but straight-laced, ‘this is my first cop,’ over-achieving pre-vet student Laura Kearney would listen to vs badass avenging murder spree Laura Kearney (but maybe she always had that inside her). Part of me wants to say, like, 80’s pop (Prince, Blondie, Tiffany, Michael Jackson, Pat Benetar, etc.) and part of me wants to put her in the hard rock/metal zone with Ryan. Maybe she’s a bit of both.
Max I believe it was Addie (@insertlovelyperson) who said Max would listen to country music where women murder their cheating or abusive husbands. That tracks to me. Maybe it's the use of Alma Cogan's version of 'Fly Me to the Moon' in the game, but I also tend to associate him with crooner type singers of the 40's and 50's (Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Dean Martin, etc), which is what I said he'd choose for karaoke. And because of this fanart I have no choice but to HC him as a major Ariana Grande fan, he's probably the one who chose the music for the drive to camp. So. Max has range.
Abi is the K-Pop/J-Pop stan to me but I know so little about that music beyond the crossover bands like BTS that I can't speak to it a whole lot. I think she'd also like some emo, pop-punk and moodier alt/pop. Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Melanie Martinez, Florence and the Machine, Metric, Lorde, Halsey, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Billie Eilish, Phoebe Bridgers/boygenius, etc. I feel like she's really into female fronted bands for some reason.
Jacob likes pretty much whatever is on the radio. He's a top 40 guy and has no shame about his enjoyment of Ed Sheeran and Justin Beiber, or about ugly crying to Taylor Swift and Coldplay. He rarely listens closely to the actual lyrics (and often gets them humorously wrong), he just goes on vibes. He discovers half the music he listens to via TikTok (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Emma is a theater kid through and through and loves broadway musicals. She goes through phases with each popular one. She's had a Waitress phase, a Mamma Mia phase, a Wicked phase, and a Hamilton phase, of course, and now she's into Mean Girls, Heathers, and Hadestown. Beyond that, I think she'd be a dedicated Swiftie, big Adele fan, and a lover of Britney Spears's entire body of work from the 90's through today.
Nick probably listens to stoner bro music. Like jam bands and psychedelic rock and stuff. He probably likes Dave Matthews Band and the Grateful Dead/Dark Star Orchestra, Sublime, Widespread Panic, Tame Impala, and O.A.R. Googling jam bands to remind myself which ones exist led me to the knowledge that there's an Australian psychedelic rock band called King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard and that name is so bonkers that I've decided without listening to more than a few bars that it has to be Nick's favorite band.
Ryan is a little bit emo and a little bit goth and a little bit old school punk. He needs music that's loud and moody to help sort out his feelings about life and drown out all the excess noise inside his head. He's into metal, the harder side of emo/screamo, goth rock, hard rock, punk, and post-punk. He definitely listens to Nightwish, GOJIRA, Mastodon, Lacuna Coil, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Nine Inch Nails, Deftones, Thursday, Alkaline Trio, My Chemical Romance, AFI, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Ramones, etc. He doesn't hate more accessible pop and rock music, but the closest he gets to choosing it for himself is probably something like The Cure or The Smashing Pumpkins or Depeche Mode, maybe some of the creepier Weeknd songs and Muse tracks too heavy to go on the Twilight soundtracks. He and Abi listen to Babymetal together.
Kaitlyn classic rock and 90's alternative. This girl likes the Stones more than the Beatles, though she'll listen to both. Led Zeppelin, Joan Jett, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Black Sabbath, the occasional hair band. She especially loves the 90's girl rockers like Alanis Morisette, Garbage, Hole, Veruca Salt, and No Doubt (Kaitlyn can't believe Gwen Stefani is married to pop-country dork Blake Shelton who sings that song about being your honey bee, because Gwen used to be so cool [I'm definitely not projecting]). I feel like she'd also love Bikini Kill and Sleater Kinney, Le Tigre, and The Donnas.
Dylan is the Music Guy ™ (and my personal bias/url namesake), so I've admittedly thought about his musical tastes more than most of the others'. The official Quarry website mentions his 'deep musical knowledge' and I imagine he has pretty broad views on what constitutes good music. He's got kind of a vintage vibe to him, maybe it's the reproduction band shirt from 1988, or the fact that he's into analog technology, or both, but I've noticed he's often depicted playing Queen or Bowie or something of that era in fics, which I think is realistic. This kid goes to the used record store and just buys whatever looks cool.
Fun Fact: According to the datamine, the chapters originally had literary or musical quotes at the beginning of each, and Chapter 5: White Noise (the radio hut chapter) was originally headed by the opening lyrics from Queen's 'Radio Ga Ga':
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He's also the only character we see play music in canon, so we know he likes... songs from random compilation albums with inexpensive royalties. XD Just kidding, but these are the diegetic (in-universe) songs we get to hear from Dylan's playlist at the bonfire party:
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All pop music of varying subtypes, so we know he appreciates a well-crafted pop song. I honestly am a fan of all of these. I think Dylan genuinely listens to everything but he seems like the type to especially like alt and indie pop, classic rock, garage rock, a bit of the more melodic side of punk, emo, and pop-punk, new wave, synth pop, electronic, and a little bit of hip hop that’s sufficiently nerdy white boy friendly (probably Beastie Boys, Run the Jewels, Post Malone, emo rap like Blackbear, etc). I also tend to gravitate towards early-mid aughts indie for him, like MGMT, Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, OK Go, LCD Soundsystem, etc. Just seems to match his vibe. I think he'd really like BØRNS, Hozier, COIN, Mitski, and K.Flay and probably have a fair amount of overlap with Ryan's more melodic picks (MCR, Muse, The Cure, etc). Dylan probably hates Morrissey but begrudgingly loves The Smiths and definitely cranks up The Killers in his car. He’s also listening to bands right now that you’ve never heard of but will be huge in a couple years. He can probably tell you the difference between subgenres like chillwave, dream pop, and shoegaze but don’t ask me about it because I have no fucking clue.
Since we’re on the subject, here’s my absurdly long and ever-growing Rylan/Radioheads playlist because I have a problem.
And my Sweet Summer Jams playlist, that’s just a bunch of random songs I think would be clean enough to play at a summer camp as long as the kids/your boss don’t ask too many questions.
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Pairing: past Dean x Reader, past Dean x Allie (OC), past Benny x Reader, Sam x Jess Word count: 2,255
Read on AO3
Final Part of Unholy
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Mary knew Holland, and had for years. So, she offered to speak with her that night while Dean worked on your car. You honestly felt that was the best way to go about things. You truly hoped that Mary could get through to her. 
Once you locked up, you went to ask Dean what he would like for dinner. “Hey.” You greeted him. He was by your car, getting it on to the lift. 
“Hey.” He glanced at you for a moment. 
“I’m gonna order dinner so we can eat before you deal with my tires.” You told him. “Any requests? Subs? Pizza? Chinese?” 
He thought for a minute. “How’s subs sound? Haven’t had those in a bit. I’ll get their pizza one.” 
Smiling, you nodded. “Sounds good.” You turned to go get those ordered. 
“I’ll run down the street to get us drinks. What would you like?” He asked, wiping his hands. 
“Can you get me a Sprite and an OJ? I like to mix them.” You chuckled. 
“Sprite and OJ coming up.” He agreed, going to clean up. He’d leave his coveralls on, not seeing the point in taking them off, just to put them back on. He hoped that the two of you could get to a point where you were friends. 
Smiling, you went to go relax at the counter. You’d work on getting things ahead for the following day until the subs arrived. Then you’d be done for the day. 
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You had just finished eating when Dean got a text. You couldn’t tell who it was from by the look on his face. “Mom talked to Holland.” He told you. “She said that she told her how Allie talked to her about everything that happened, and how Allie was your friend. She also told her that Allie would be very disappointed in Holland’s actions towards you.” He went on, then chuckled. “She ended with the mom voice and telling her she needed to behave before my mom went to speak with Holland’s mom because this would affect the kids.” 
That made you laugh. “Yeah, don’t get other mom’s involved.” You shook your head. 
“Thankfully all that worked. Holland promised to back off. That she’s still not happy with everything, but the last thing she wants is to upset the kids.” 
“I owe your mom some flowers and a thank you card!” You smiled. “Maybe tomorrow after work I’ll go get my car washed and then stop to get her one.” 
“I’m gonna powerwash that side of your car. That should take care of that spray paint.” He didn’t want you driving home with your car like that. “Won’t take too long.” He assured you, knowing you’d likely try to refuse. 
You nodded. “Alright.” You agreed. That would be one less thing on your mind, at least. 
After a few minutes of silence, Dean spoke up. “Did you want to talk names before I go back to working on your tires?” He offered, taking the last bite of his sub. 
“How about we each make a list, and then tomorrow after the kids are in bed we can call and talk about them? Unless you already have a list.”
He looked a bit bashful. “I have a couple in mind, actually.” He admitted. 
You were a bit surprised. “Yeah? Can I hear them?” 
He pulled up his notes app where he’d been putting them as they came to mind. “Clara, Jane, Daisy, and Alice.” He looked to you. 
“Those are really cute names!” You grinned. “Not gonna lie…Clara Jane sounds like a good name.” You said truthfully. “The names I like are Grace, Sophia, Penelope…Yes, like from my favorite show. You cannot fault me. She’s amazing.” You chuckled. “And then Emma.” 
Dean thought those names over, putting different name combinations together. “Isn’t Penelope from that serial killer show you watched with Allie?” He asked after a moment. You nodded. “Penny is a cute nickname for that.” He mused. “I’m digging either the Clara Jane or maybe Penelope Grace. Those right now are the top two.” 
You pulled out your phone to write those down. “I think both would sound good with ‘Winchester’, too. Only reason I avoided ‘w’ names.” You chuckled. Seeing the shocked look on his face, you tilted your head. “What’s wrong?” 
“She’s gonna be a Winchester?” He asked, voice quiet. 
“Of course. I can tell you’re a great dad, and you didn’t run for the hills when you found out I’m pregnant.” It was easy for you to decide that. 
He looked emotional. “Thank you. I’d been wondering, honestly.” He downed the last of his soda. 
You gave him a soft smile. “Of course.” 
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After that night, you were invited to weekly dinners at the Winchester’s house, feeling more and more welcome as time went on. You’d even had Dean and the kids over a couple times to have pizza and a movie night at your apartment. Layla looked more and more like Allie as time went on, as well. She loved to ask you to brush her hair when she saw you, and you had no objections. 
You and Dean were friends, and nothing more. If you were honest with yourself, he was your best friend. Garth and Cas become like your family, as well. When you were 8 months pregnant, Mary threw you a baby shower at their house. The guys were there, and so was your mom. It was the first time your mother was meeting the rest of them. You were nervous as all hell. She knew the truth of what had happened, and you didn’t know how she’d be with Dean. 
Everyone was having a good time and you realized that you couldn’t see you mom…or Dean. “Great.” You groaned. Hopefully your mom hadn’t dragged him off to yell at him or something. Just as you were about to go check the backyard, you saw them coming back. Your mother patted his cheek lovingly and you chuckled. Clearly, your mother liked Dean. You went over to your mother when Dean went to talk to John who was refilling the cooler. “Mom, please tell me you were nice to Dean.” 
“I just wanted to make sure he was going to keep up the whole ‘being sweet’ thing for you.” She smiled. “And I approve.” 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You approve of him being my friend?” You chuckled. 
She dramatically rolled her eyes. “That boy loves you, and I know it.” She shrugged, sipping her drink. 
“Please don’t, mom.” You sighed. “It’s only been three months since Allie and Benny passed, and do you forget that he cheated on her with me? What’s to say that wouldn’t happen again?” Your voice was low. “So please, don’t meddle.” You asked her, clearly ending the conversation. “Just enjoy the baby shower.” 
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You worked until you were 38 weeks pregnant, and then you opted to take some time off. Thankfully you still got paid, which was a huge help. It was one less thing for you to worry about. It did mean you felt somewhat bored most days. Not having to go into work left your days wide open. You hoped you had her on time because that would mean you had her to look after.
However, come 41 weeks pregnant, you were still very much pregnant. And very much over it. Every day you took a walk after dinner, having been told that could help. You also continued to go to the weekly dinners at the Winchesters. You adored the kids, and played cards or board games with them whenever they asked. 
“Are you okay?” David asked you as he sat next to you at dinner. “You made a funny face.” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You assured him. Until you made a face a few minutes later. “Okay, maybe I’m not.” You breathed. “I think I’m going into labor.” You looked at Dean, scared. You’d never done this before!
“Alright, Dean, bring Y/N to her apartment. Relax there until contractions are about 5 minutes apart.” Mary spoke up. “The kids can stay here.” She added. Although she knew Dean had done all this with Allie, his mind was likely in a very different place. The last time he brought her to the hospital…she didn’t make it out. 
Dean nodded, quickly getting up to help you up. “We’ll drive your car, okay?” He told you. 
“Yeah.” You agreed. “Bye, guys.” You waved at the kids. 
“Bye!” They waved. Did they know they were getting another sister? 
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Once back at your place, you went to sit on the couch and paused. “Can you get me a folded towel to sit on? Just in case?” You asked him, watching him rush to find one. “Thank you.” You watched him get it set up for you and then helped you sit. 
“Do you have a hospital bag packed and a diaper bag?” He asked, wanting things ready to go when you told him it was time. He was doing his best not to let panic take over, wanting to remain calm for you. 
“They’re both in my room in her crib.” You told him. “Sit down. Relax. There’s nothing you can do for me right now.” You said gently as he paced the living room. “She’ll let us know when it’s time to go to the hospital.” Holding out your hand for him, you also wanted to remain calm for him. Four months ago he was in the same spot with Allie, and he didn’t know that he’d lose her. You couldn’t fathom what was going through his head at the moment. 
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Mary was plating up breakfast the next morning for the kids when she got a text. Putting down the pan that held the cheesy scrambled eggs, she quickly looked. It was a group text from Dean. “Penelope Grace Winchester. 8:01am, 21 inches long, 7 lbs 3 oz.” He sent with a picture of her sleeping. 
She instantly replied, gushing over how cute she was. Hearing Ethan fuss, she went to scoop him up. He instantly quieted, making her chuckle to herself. He just really wanted to be held. She kissed his forehead and finished serving breakfast one handed. She loved her grandkids, and looked forward to being there for Penelope, too. 
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It was a whirlwind when you brought her home. Mary had surprised you with some freezer meals so you didn’t really have to cook, which was a massive help. She also told you if you’d like, she could bring Ethan and Layla over some days to keep you company. Those days, she cuddled Penny as much as she could. 
Before you knew it, it was time for you to go back to work. Penny was three months old, and you were all but pouting. Dean was over with Ethan while John and Mary took the older kids to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. You couldn’t wait for Xander and David to tell you all about it. “I’m so used to being around her that I don’t know how I’m gonna last all day without seeing that little face.” You told him as he fed her. You were holding Ethan who was contently watching you. 
“I actually thought about that…” He smiled at you. 
“I can’t stay home any more.” You chuckled. “I need to work.” You reminded him. “And she needs to eat.” 
He stuck his tongue out at you. “Bring her to work. You have that baby carry Cas got you, right?” You simply nodded. “She’s not mobile just yet, and it’s not like the shop is all that loud. Just bring her carrier, diaper bag, and swing.” He suggested. “I happen to know the owner would be totally okay with that being the solution.” 
You looked down at Ethan and made a face at him before looking back to Dean. “And plan to find a daycare when she’s more mobile?” That seemed a bit more feasible. 
“Oh, no.” He didn’t like that idea. “That’s when we get a playpen for behind the counter and give her some toys.” He said like it was the easiest thing in the world. “We’ll make it work.” He promised. 
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And you had made it work. Penny was a fixture in the shop most days of the week. Some days Mary and John wanted time with all their grandkids and would come get her. You never argued. You’d met Sam, Jess, and their two kids early that summer. You’d been beyond nervous, but it soon occurred to you that you had no reason to be. Sam took to both Ethan and Penny, easily carrying both infants around the yard as the older kids all played. 
You and Jess hit it off right away, as well. In many ways, she reminded you of Allie. While the guys played with the kids, you and her sat with the babies in the shade. She told you a bunch of stories about Dean, about Allie, and the group as a whole. 
When they left, you and Jess exchanged numbers, wanting to stay in touch. “I was a bit worried how awkward things would be…when Sam explained the entire situation about you and Dean.” Jess told you softly. “But there was none. You two are great together. I’m still upset about him being a dick, but doesn’t mean I don’t want him happy in the long run.” 
You blushed. “We’re not together.” You corrected her. 
She smirked. “Yet.” She teased before hugging you. 
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, January 21st
REAL-ESTATE MANAGER: And we'll be asking for first, last, security, and a small cleaning deposit.
~~The Replacement~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Stirring Trouble by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Клин клином by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, T, in Russian)
Inner Sanctum by MadeInGold (Willow/Giles/Angel, T)
The Bunny Issue by cmk418 (Xander/Anya, G)
Words by sparrow2000 (Oz, G)
A Hopeful World by Pinkperson (Buffy/Angel, T)
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Stirring Trouble by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13, anthology rated R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Fox's Cry Chapter 6 by madimpossibledreamer (Persona 4/Angel Crossover AU, Gunn, Cordelia, Teen)
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Who are You in Twenty Years? - Chapter 8 (COMPLETE!) by StrangeBint (Sandman and American Gods crossover, Faith, M)
Marry Me on Monday - Chapter 2 (COMPLETE!) by Jess_Ann_Perreault (Giles/Jenny, G)
but I’m bending the light connecting you to me - Chapter 12 (COMPLETE!) by winterlovesong (Buffy/Spike, T)
Let me rest in peace - Chapter 9 (COMPLETE!) cauliflower666 (Spike/OC, Explicit)
The Master and her Court - Chapter 1 by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Buffy/Angel/Darla/Drusilla/Spike, Explicit)
The End of Destiny - Chapter 1 by ConstantCommentTea (Angel, Cordelia, Connor, brief Doctor Who crossover, T)
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It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Ch. 31 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Wayward Girl, Ch. 3 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
To Boldly Go, Ch. 3 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Cherry On Top, Ch. 25 by Maxineeden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs, Ch. 21 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Ch. 7 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Surviving Together, Ch. 13-14 by ionlylikebadboys (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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The Yellowstone: A Safe Harbor, Ch. 3 by Buffyworldbuilder (Yellowstone crossover, Buffy, FR7)
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To Boldly Go, Ch. 3 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Rules of Engagement, Ch. 7 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs, Ch. 21 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Waxy Gent Chuckled Over My Fab Jazzy Quips, Ch. 21 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Ready for it? Ch. 2 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
To All We Guard, Ch. 1 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
I Do! Ch. 19 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Clean Slate, Ch. 6 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Wayward Girl, Ch. 3 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Coming Through, Ch. 2 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Drawing: they're going to in n out by genericaces (Angel, Cordelia, Fred, Wesley, Lorne, Gunn, worksafe)
Playlist: Dean and Buffy's car radio by waywardfallenone (Supernatural crossover)
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a few quick doodles of some of my favorite early-season willow fits by cheerio-fujisnacki (worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Season 7 was my least favorite, but I just started appreciating it by Usernamelesses
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Grave S6 E22 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) - Lisa Lilly
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Spotlight Saturday: Sparla (Spike/Darla fic recs and vid recs) by februaryfangfest
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"Weight of the World" Score? - question by Big-Restaurant-2766
OhHeckBois is selling a season 8 and 9 comic collection
DarshDarker is looking for a song from "Get it Done"
[Fandom Discussions]
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What kind of shower do you think Spike really has in his crypt? by am-i-the-one
[this is how I think Buffy characters would feel about Taytos] by xandersrailcrash
The methods of dealing with the big bads in Buffy are so funny by aingeal98
One thing I love about Willow is how aware she is in a meta sense by aingeal98
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S2 EP 5 - Bangel and Buffy's Depression by olliedollie1204
Would Angel and Cordelia have sided with Buffy in "Empty Places"? by Agent Z and others
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Xander calling [Riley] "teutonic" in the Initiative? by NowMindYou
Amy's mom is hot (Name your hottest 1 off villain) by Jwyldeboomboom
You get Jeff Pruit and Sophia Crawford back for three episodes... by Brodes87
Confused about the whole Ben/Glory thing [not a joke post] by Suspicious-Thing5215
Was there a different plan originally for Angel's S2 finale? by Nostromo87
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Buffy Revamped is back on tour in the UK in February
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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thewapolls · 1 year
The WILD ARMS Hero Tourney
Look I'll be real with y'all: I wanted to be super clever and evenhanded about these match ups, and not just pull names out of a hat. I had a whole schema in my head about how to balance shit and keep obvious fan favorites on opposite sides of the tournament, while also preventing any one game's cast, or even specific recurring archetypes to all be in the same bracket... and then I threw all that out because it got real complicated real quick....
And so I bring you instead this 4 division set up of mostly hand-picked match ups, only loosely curated, sometimes thematic, sometimes absolutely not, because to hell with balance!
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More detailed posting schedule under the cut...
Each of 4 Divisions is made up of Two opposed Brackets, each Bracket(except for one) is headed by a Wild Arms primary protagonist. I will run each batch of polls for FIVE DAYS before clocking results (a single day still feels like way too little time, but a full week would take us forever and I'm not up for a months long commitment to curate this right now, sorry...) Despite my fiddling, it really doesn't look like there's any version of this that's "quick" that doesn't involve just an stupid number of concurrent polls running at the start... so I guess this is just gonna take a while...
So to clarify, that makes the schedule thus:
WEEK 1 - Division 1 PRELIMINARIES Round 1: (5/15)
Rudy -v -Jet, Maya -v- Clarissa, Marivel -v- Mirabelle, Carol -v- Soleil
Ashley -v- Lombardia, Zed -v- Kresnik, Mariel -v- Guy, Jessica -v- Gallows
WEEK 2 - Division 2 PRELIMINARIES Round 1: (5/20)
Virginia-v-Labyrinthia, Jane-v-Rebecca, Clive-v-Greg, Arnaud-v-Chuck
Jack-v-Sigurd, Magdalen-v-Todd, Anastasia-v-Alicia, Kanon-v-Raquel
WEEK 3 - Division 3 PRELIMINARIES Round 1: (5/25)
Jude -v- Levin, Tim -v- Alfred, Hanpan -v- Shady, Luceid -v- Tony(?)
Dean -v- Asgard, Ruka -v- Emma, Brad -v- Ragnar, Loretta -v- Mercedes
WEEK 4 - Division 4 PRELIMINARIES Round 1: (5/28)
Sheyenne -v- Maxi, Felius -v- Euclid, Cecilia -v- Alexia , Avril -v- Irving,
Britney -v- Kiel, Lilka -v- Isaac & Jerusha, Yulie -v- Feel, Axel-v- Ingram
WEEK 5 - Division 1 & 2 PRELIM. Round 2 (5/31)
Rudy -v- Maya, Marivel -v- Carol, Ashley -v- Zed, Mariel -v- Gallows
Virginia -v- Jane, Clive -v- Arnaud, Jack -v- Todd, Anastasia -v- Kanon
WEEK 6 - Division 3 & 4 PRELIM. Round 2 (6/9)
Levin -v- Tim, Hanpan -v- Luceid, Asgard -v- Emma, Brad -v- Mercedes
Sheyenne Rainstorm -v- Euclid, Cecilia -v- Avril, Britney -v- Lilka, Yulie -v- Ingram
Rudy -v- Marivel, Ashley -v- Gallows, Virginia -v- Clive, Jack -v- Kanon
Tim -v- Luceid, Asgard -v- Brad, Sheyenne -v- Ceclilia, Lilka -v- Yulie
Rudy -v- Gallows, Virginia -v- Jack, Luceid -v- Brad, Cecilia -v- Lilka
Gallows -v- Luceid, Virginia -v- Cecilia
Gallows -v- Virginia
Luceid -v- Cecilia (3rd place runoff)
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tsujiharu · 2 years
Back with another sneak peek for @spn-mediabigbang! Robbie created yet another gorgeous piece for my fic that I’m so excited to share! This fic is a modern day AU of the 2020 movie, Emma. Except there’s a bit of a twist—what if Emma ended up with Harriet?
It’s been such a blast to collaborate with Robbie! There’s another short excerpt below the artwork (it’s from a separate, but tangential scene). I hope you enjoy!
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So Dean’s best friend is some sort of angel.
“How’s a man supposed to live up to the impossible standards you set, huh?” Dean jokes as they’re putting chairs back into the corner of the dining room.
Cas squints at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grumbles as he picks up two chairs at once.
Dean eyes the bulge of Cas’ biceps through the thin fabric of his t-shirt (now that the weather is warming up, Dean’s learned that Cas prefers t-shirts that barely contain those broad shoulders). He tears his gaze away before he gets caught ogling.
“Nothing,” he mutters, warmth rising in his cheeks. “By the way, I had lunch with Charlie and Dorothy yesterday, and they invited us out next weekend.”
“For what?” Cas quirks an eyebrow. A bead of sweat trails down the arch it creates, and Dean is tempted to reach out and wipe it away (he doesn’t).
“I guess Bela wanted to check out the city. Sounds like she’s getting a bit antsy staying in Oakridge.”
“We’re going to the city?” Cas perks up.
They haven’t spent a lot of time in the city together, considering it isn’t Dean’s favorite activity. They’ve made one or two trips just to get gear, but otherwise they’ve stayed in Oakridge or its surrounding nature reserves.
Dean can’t believe he’s saying this. “They want to go to The Titanic.”
There’s a pause before Cas replies, “Where the boat never sinks?”
Dean groans as Cas begins to laugh. He can’t even be mad with Cas with his face scrunched up all cute like that.
“It doesn’t make any sense and you know it.” Dean pretends to pout.
“Are you sure you want to go to Balthazar’s establishment?” Cas asks, his head tipping to the side.
Dean rolls his eyes. “I mean, now that you seem so stoked about it I can’t really say no.”
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raith-way · 2 years
🎬 and your last written OC
thank you for the ask!! the last oc that i wrote for is emma motley, so this is going to be a twisted supernatural mess. some spoilers for emma’s fic, but i’ll be sticking to the actual canon as closely as possible.
how they’d be introduced
in the first episode of season five, emma would bust in while meg and the demons had dean cornered and bobby possessed. she’d stop bobby from stabbing himself and instead exorcise the demon while dean and then a returned sam dealt with the other demons. once the commotion was over, bobby would thank emma for showing up so quickly after he called her. it would be revealed that she has a year left on her demon deal, and that she’ll tag along to john’s storage as backup. once there, zachariah would tell the winchesters that their sister won’t be needed for what’s coming. after castiel shows up and zachariah is gone, castiel is able to confirm that emma is john winchester’s daughter. despite the distrust and tension, it’s agreed that emma will help with the apocalypse because she doesn’t want the world to end and not because she suddenly has brothers.
who the fandom ships them with
michael. as the apocalypse winds down and before her deal comes due, emma says yes to michael to spare dean and sam. (because despite their rocky beginning, they do grow close over their year of getting to know each other.) michael and lucifer fight, and dean and sam open the hole into hell. emma takes control long enough to say goodbye to her brothers and then grabs lucifer to pull him into hell along with herself and michael. emma isn’t seen again until season fifteen, when her and michael are finally released from the cage. by that point, they’ve grown close and trust each other completely.
why the fandom loves them
emma’s only around for season five and isn’t seen again until season fifteen, but she is a fan favorite. she has a personality that’s similar to dean’s while having no problems with being emotional, and she can be equally fun and heartbreaking. it also helps that she isn’t shipped with any of the male leads.
why the fandom hates them
she tries too hard to be a female version of dean. she’s proof that john and mary didn’t have a perfect marriage like fans were led to believe. shoehorning in another sibling detracts from the sam and dean dynamic.
what the cast relationship would be like
zoey would absolutely love jensen, jared, and misha. would most likely refer to them as her boys. she would adore rob and richard, despite never sharing the screen with them, and would go all out for the singing parts of the cons. zoey and mark pellegrino would be the closest of the cast, and she would really look up to him and enjoy just spending time with him.
what was their audition scene
zoey’s audition scene would come from closer to the end of season five. after saying yes to michael, she would have to play two roles while the two of them had a conversation. basically, acting by herself and portraying two vastly different characters. very dialogue heavy and emotional on emma’s side.
dependent on the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with
zoey would occasionally be paired with jensen and jared, but she would usually be with mark pellegrino to play up the “michael vs lucifer” story.
if they spoil things
zoey is a locked box, especially after her descent into the cage at the end of season five. mostly because she has no idea what’s going to happen next and had no idea that she would ever return.
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large
zoey, as both emma and michael, was able to appear several times throughout the last season. after emma is resurrected by jack and realizes that michael is truly gone, she leaves a note for sam and dean at the bunker explaining that she’s going to be on her own for a while. the last shot of emma is her driving away from the bunker. zoey doesn’t like her ending, that emma abandons her brothers after everything and that michael never got a chance to experience freedom. she also doesn’t like the overall ending. she always believed sam and dean would go out together, and don’t get her started on castiel’s death.
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themovieblogonline · 2 months
Top 10 Movies Perfect For Spring
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Spring bursts forth with vibrant blooms, warm breezes, and a renewed sense of energy. It's a time for fresh starts and lighthearted fun, perfectly mirrored by the movies on this list. So grab your favorite blanket, some popcorn, and settle in for a cinematic celebration of spring! 1. Notting Hill (1999) This charming rom-com blossoms with the blossoming love story between an A-list Hollywood actress (Julia Roberts) and a bookstore owner (Hugh Grant). Top it all off with a hint of scandals and paparazzi, and you’d get Notting Hill. A perfect spring feature that’ll make your heart sing with its romantic themes and full-of-life characters. 2. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) Bunking school and spending the day with your girlfriend and best friend? This is exactly what Ferris (Matthew Broderick) does in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. However, things aren’t smooth sailing, as the school’s dean is committed to tracking the school slouch down. Enjoy the youthful blooms of spring with its light-hearted spring watch. 3. A League Of Their Own (1992) Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, and Lori Petty make A League of Their Own a film of its kind. With World War II in progress, an All-Girls Baseball team and a manager with bottle issues work together, to hit a home run. Revisiting this joyful classic during spring seems like a good idea. 4. Pride and Prejudice (2005) Jane Austen’s feminism-themed classic Pride and Prejudice never fails to entertain and make you yearn for a love like Elizabeth and Darcy. The rising temperature of spring has something to do with the scorching chemistry of Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. 5. Spring Breakers (2012) Starring James Franco, Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine, Spring Breakers features a group of college students who decide to jazz up their spring break and head to Florida. There, they meet a drug dealer and they know that this is going to be a vacation to remember. With its upbeat storyline and happening plot, Spring Breakers lives up to its name like no other film. 6. Emma (2020) Classic English countryside, Jane Austen’s comfort characters, and coquette aesthetics make Emma a fitting pick for your spring watch list. Emma is the story of the titular character (Anya Taylor-Joy) who plays a matchmaker for her friends. Little does she know that her beau is waiting for her along the sidelines.  7. Mean Girls (2024) High-school bullies get a reboot with Mean Girls. Things are about to become messy for new and naïve Cady, as she gets caught in the whirlwind of popular girls, jocks, and the ugly side of the frenemy equation. Watch this new refreshing take on musical this season.  8. The Secret Garden (1993) A garden with mysterious, magical secrets and it’s in England? Spring has never sounded this better. The Secret Garden features a curious orphaned girl (Kate Maberly), who’s about to get struck by enchantment.  9. Hitch (2005) A professional wooer (Will Smith) meets a workaholic columnist (Eva Mendes) and it’s safe to say that his dating tricks don’t work on this babe. However, quitting is for the weak and he’s determined to win her over.  10. Palm Springs (2020) Being stuck in a resetting time loop in Palm Springs doesn’t sound all that bad. Starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti, Palm Springs is hilarious, heart-warming, and will make your head spin in the best way. A perfect trio for springtime, isn’t it?  Regardless of what genre you’re in the mood for, enjoy the breezy weather with these comfort flicks.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QznvWYHs4J4 Read the full article
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Speak Now Taylor's Version Thoughts!!!
dude this post is longgggg
Mine TV:
Mine stolen version has been my favorite song recently so I'm really excited!
this is like better than Christmas to me
it's just the "ah-ah-ah-ah"s and I'm already crying
she sounds so much more grown up 🥹
I want you to know that I'm actually crying rn
I only just realized that SNTV is almost 2hrs long... it's ten now and I have to be up at six....
Sparks Fly TV:
awwww Sparks Fly's canvas is her singing it in Nashville 💜
the country twang 🥹😭
fun fact: this song makes me think of dean winchester
I would meet her in the pouring rain literally any day of the week
omg I just saw the SNTV post and she looks so pretty
Back To December TV:
I love this song so much
I can definitely hear the differences a lot more in this one
BRB crying
somehow this one sounds even more regretful than the original
there's a lot less of the orchestral strings which I'm kinda sad about
I'm sorry, her little voice shake on understand???? I'm sobbing
yeah there's def more guitar
Speak Now TV:
omg title track time bby
her vocals have matured so much 🥹
it almost sounds like 19yo taylor is doing backing vocals in the chorus
she didn't do the giggle??
Ok she's forgiven, somehow the bridge got better
nvm I thought the giggle was in a different spot, it's still there
Dear John TV:
side-eyes john mayer
tears just tears 😭😭
the way she says "I should've know" I'm bawling
I literally blacked out for that entire song
Mean TV:
dancing to the little banjo moment while still crying from dear John lol
she sounds so petty at the bridge lmfaoooo
The Story Of Us TV:
I wonder if she's gonna keep "next chapter" and "the end"
omfg she did!!! she sounds so good!!!!
pop-rock is where she shines
I love the guitar solo so fucking much
I love her "the end" so much
Never Grow Up TV:
this one is gonna make me ugly cry
the bridge is gonna kill me
I literally curled up in a ball and cried for the entire song
Enchanted TV:
I really hope we get more speak now on the setlist now that Taylor's version is out
the amount of joy the TV of this song gives me is indescribable
nearly bridge time
*the woman was too stunned to speak*
it's so good guys
Better Than Revenge TV:
omfg the intro is so so good
I don't mind the lyric change, I understand that it didnt reflect current taylor anymore
also it fits really well
altho I saw someone say that it was a fountain pen line in a gel pen song and I do agree
Innocent TV:
I made it to the first chorus before I started crying lol
I want you to know that I am fighting to get through this album for you guys, I am so so so tired
Haunted TV:
this one I'm really excited for
omg the echoing????
it's giving dark cave in the forest while it's raining vibes
the "I know" repetion?!?!?!
she sounds so angry in the last chorus and I love it
Last Kiss TV:
not one of my faves from the original SN so this is gonna be hard for me to get through this tired
yeah I zoned out for that entire song lol
Long Live TV:
I'm gonna cry (I actually didn't, idk how)
I want a long Live tattoo
I think this will really cement that
I can't get one yet because of reasons but by god do I want one
this song holds such a special place in my heart cause I associate it so much with my friends
Ours TV:
I think I've listened to the stolen version of this song like twice??
tbh I love the chorus but the rest of this song is kinda meh to me
Superman TV:
same category as ours
not my fave
Electric Touch feat. FOB TV FTV:
I need this song injected into my veins, oh my lord
taylor and Patrick sound so fucking good together
again like I blacked out for this song lol
When Emma Falls In Love TV FTV:
a piano moment??
it's giving folklore
"jokes about the ways this one could go wrong" me
"little miss sunshine always thinks it's gonna rain" ow
now I wanna know who Emma is
"takes on the pain and bears it on her own" again ow
I Can See You TV FTV:
I have heard a little about this one but all I know is that it's so it goes and dress's raunchier older sister
omg this was written in 2010?????????? miss girl????
"up against the wall with me" 👀😳, taylor-- what?
I did not know she had this in her, holy shit
ok I def know why this wasn't on the original
"jacket on the floor" girl 😳
"start behaving myself" what the actual fuck?!?!!
I'm gonna need some time to process this lol
Castles Crumbling feat Hayley Williams TV FTV:
oh this is gonna hurt isn't it
I'm 20 seconds in and I know this is gonna hurt
this fuckin hurts
again, I blacked out lol
dude this is how I feel about my family, I went from being the golden child to being hated by my dad's side because I look and act too much like my mom
I only know like two songs by Hayley but her voice fits the song and she sounds great
Foolish One TV FTV:
damn I'm only on the first verse and she did not need to at me like that
god ow
"I will do my best to seem bulletproof" FOR FUCK SAKE TAYLOR JUST CALL THIS SONG SPRITE WHY DONT YOU
😦 -> me the entire time
dude this fucking hurt
the end made me cry 😭
Timeless TV FTV:
it came on while I was in the shower so I don't have any notes besides that it's an adorable song
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
s, v, w, x <3
S: What’s a headcanon you have?: Hiii anon since you didn’t specific a fandom I’m choosing Buffy cause I’m not very good at thinking of head canons off the top of my head but one I was thinking about recently is that in BTVS in the Dawn timeline Dawn & Spike had a fun little banter / back & forth even in season 2. It’s canon that Spike gets along with Joyce even when he’s evil so why not Dawn too? I like the idea that they always had a funny little weird frienemiship that later became a real friendship in seasons 5 & 6. In season 4 when Spike is hanging out with the Scoobies even though he’s evil he & Dawn sometimes talk or play cards when everyone else is busy
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what? yes! I love three way ships. Speaking of Buffy I believe in Buffy/Spike/Faith supremacy. Funnily, I ship Spuffy & Fuffy but I do NOT ship Spike & Faith UNLESS Buffy is involved but all three of them? Thematically interesting AND sexy & ripe with potential drama.
Also Willow/Tara/Oz would’ve been cute & interesting & I just like the idea of it.
With ATLA I have several trio ships! I love Azula/Katara/Yue thanks to the White Lotus Gambit on ao3. Three complex & interesting powerful ladies with different background that bring out different sides of each other. I love them. Also I’ve taken to Sokka/Yue/Suki. This is one where I was like “I love Sokka/Yue AND Sokka/Suki AND Yue/Suki however will I decide which ship to use in my fics?” And well, a solution came to me 😂 And my newest favorite trio ship is Zuko/Jet/Jin. They’re quickly becoming one of my favorite relationships to focus on in my current fic which is hilarious because initially Jin was a smaller character & a temporary love interest for Zuko pre-Jetko but that is NOT how the story is working out the three of them have decided to be messy & in love ☺️
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms:
1. Sam Carpenter in Scream 6 2. Azula in ATLA 3. Buffy Summers in btvs 4. Jackie Taylor in Yellowjackets (I Know) 5. Dee Reynolds in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
I am a multishipper I don’t usually have true OTPs but some fave ships -
1. Azula/Katara atla 2. Buffy/spike btvs 3. Emma/Audrey Scream mtv 3. Mac/Dennis it’s always sunny in Philadelphia 4. Jackie/Shauna Yellowjackets (.I know) 5. Veronica/Jason Dean Heathers
Thank you for the ask <3
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Hi! For that ship game ask: Rory/Logan, Rory/Jess, Luke/Lorelai, Rachel/Ross, and Rachel/Joey :)
Rory/Logan - SHIP IT!
What made you ship it? Logan's very first scene! He was cocky, handsome, charming, witty, and a bit of a douche, but that's really my type lmao. I loved how he brought out Rory's snarky side, and I loved their banter and enemies to lovers vibe.
What are your favorite things about the ship? Their growth and that they're a normal couple - I love well-established ships where the couples date for long time and become "boring" and domestic. I love how Rory and Logan change because of the other, how alike and well-matched they are, how they have genuine fun together, and how they support, love, and are such an indelible part of, each other.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Shipping them is in itself unpopular, but I think the fact that my favorite arc of theirs might be their AYITL arc is unpopular too. I just love their domesticity so much, and that, in spite of the cheating, AYITL only showed how good they were together. Their goodbye scene was soooo good too. The way Logan told Rory she never really needed saving and took a mental picture of her... Ugh, my emotions.
Rachel/Joey - Ship it!
What made you ship it? Their domesticity! Rachel was so warm and patient with Joey, and he was so dependable and mature with her. They were the closest of friends and had natural, warm, subtle and sweet chemistry. They revealed different sides of themselves together. Rachel's growth was especially obvious around Joey and the same could be said for him. I just loved them living together so much, and raising Emma together! Joey was great with Emma.
What are your favorite things about the ship? All of the above!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Again, the ship in itself is unpopular and I honestly don't know what opinions are considered unpopular among Rachel and Joey shippers.
Rory/Jess - Don't ship it
Why don’t you ship it? They weren't a good couple in seasons 2 and 3, and afterward there was nothing tying them together.
What would have made you like it? Jess initially being less of a cliché and a better and more reliable boyfriend, Dean not being sacrificed for Jess's character, better communication and more growth, them not growing further apart in latter seasons, etc.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? They make good siblings. Glad they straightened things out. No, Jess is not still pining after Rory.
Luke/Lorelai - DON'T ship it
Why don’t you ship it? They're legit one of the worst main couples I can think of. The minute they got together, anything that was good about their relationship went up in smoke, no, flames. They were too different yet too stubborn to come to a compromise with each other, argued over everything, hurt each other with their lack of communication and secrecy and lies, and couldn't stay together longer than a week until AYITL. Luke was often an ass to Lorelai too, and they never seemed happy and were just a terrible match - they were even worse in the revival, so what does that tell you?
What would have made you like it? Nothing. I highkey hate the characters, especially Luke and especially together.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? They stayed together? Luke loved Rory?
Rachel/Ross - Don't ship it
Why don’t you ship it? Ross was an ass to Rachel for most of their relationship and they could never get their shit together. They argued so much and had way too much drama.
What would have made you like it? If Ross had been a better and more supportive partner, and if they communicated better and had less pointless drama.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I loved them as co-parents and loved the love they held for each other despite everything, as well as their commitment to staying friends. Ross grew up quite a bit too, and so did Rachel, so hopefully they made a good couple in the end...
Thanks for the ask! My right arm is kind of tired from typing lmao.
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pinknatural · 3 years
The Emma resurrection at 8 years old is truly consuming my brain you opened a new can of worms and dumped them into my head I cannot stop thinking about it.
Like does she remember purgatory? Does she appear half-feral eyes flashing and a growl in her throat ready to lash out? Does Jack hurtle over in the unsteady sprint of toddlers and throw himself at her and call her sister and she’s so shocked that it isn’t an attack that she doesn’t react.
Does Dean’s breath catch as he recognizes her, from her eyes or her brand or her scared expression. Does he whisper her name. Does Sam flee the room partly to not scare her but mostly out of overwhelming guilt?
How do they talk her down do they have to put food down and move away while she eats it distrustfully and Jack just babbles away about Dean’s cooking and his favorite foods and how he wants to show her his room
Does she try to stay awake for days bc she doesn’t trust them and then pass out from exhaustion and wake up with her face washed in a soft bed and realize maybe it’s okay
Does Cas reach out to her because he has the least history and an understanding of being not a human and of forgiveness
Jack was angry, is the thing. Angry in the way little kids are angry, but he has powers and it's never a good idea to set him off. And what is the solution? He's upset that he doesn't have a playmate his age, upset that he can't tell the kids at daycare about who he is, can't show them his powers. When reminded about Claire, he stomped his foot and screamed, lightbulbs shattering, and oh, Dean remembered when Sammy would get like this, when the only person who could calm him down was Dean himself, eight years old and Sam's favorite person.
Dean and Cas exchange helpless glances, and Jack's not an only child but with the age gap between him and Claire he basically is, and Dean aches, suddenly. Maybe he and Cas need to have a talk about another kid.
"I'll just MAKE a sibling!" Jack cries, and Dean glances at Cas worriedly before he reaches for Jack.
"Come on, kiddo," he says, because you can't just make a sibling, he doesn't think, but Jack stomps his foot again and gold light bursts out from the kid and Dean has to cover his eyes.
When he can open them again, there's a girl in the room. She has blonde hair and round green eyes, dressed in an oversized jacket and bright pink shirt, jeans that are falling down her legs. Her clothes are covered in blood and dirt and her hair is tangled with leaves and mud and who knows what else, and she looks around with wide eyes, mouth slightly open in shock.
"Oops," Jack says, staring at her.
"Jack," Cas says, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Did you kidnap a child?"
But the thing is that...well....Dean recognizes the white jacket and the bright pink shirt, dark stain of blood right in the middle of her chest, if the shirt actually fit her. Dean recognizes the curve of her face and the twist of her eyebrows, and the shade of her eyes, which are rapidly welling up with tears.
She's staring right at Dean and sobbing, heart-wrenching noises pulled from the deepest parts of her, and Dean holds out his hands, showing that they're empty.
"I won't hurt you," he says. "None of us will hurt you."
Jack creeps across the room and clings to Cas' leg, looks up at Dean with wide eyes.
"I didn't mean to," he says. "It was an accident."
"It's okay, buddy," Dean says. He steps closer to the girl, who takes a stumbling step back, nearly tripping on her pants.
"Dean," Cas says. "Do you know her?"
She's choking on her sobs, not looking away from Dean, and his heart twists as he backs up, reaches a hand for Cas. Cas takes it, squeezes.
"Emma?" Dean whispers. Cas's breath catches. "Are you...Emma?"
She nods, wipes snot away with her oversized, dirty sleeve.
"Okay, sweetheart," Dean says, exhaling shakily. "This is Cas, okay? And Jack. We aren't gonna hurt you. Can Cas touch you?"
She shakes her head rapidly.
"He can heal you," Dean cajoles, and she shakes her head again. Her sobs have slowed, but tears are still streaming down her face. "Okay. Do you want to follow me or Cas to the bathroom, get you cleaned up? We won't hurt you." He hopes if he repeats it enough, she'll believe it. She looks at him, then at Cas, then at Jack. Jack lets go of Cas and walks toward her. Emma stares but lets him approach. He holds out a little hand and touches her cheek. Gold light glows, and she doesn't break eye contact as he heals her.
"It's okay," Jack says. She nods and starts crying again.
"Daddy," she whispers, and Dean runs to her side, drops to his knees, wants to touch her but doesn't. "I don't wanna be in the monster forest anymore."
"You aren't," Dean says. "You're safe, here, with us. Cas is my husband and Jack is my son--your brother--and you can have the guest room, and you'll never have to see another monster again."
Emma pushes back the sleeve on her wrist, but the brand isn't there anymore. Jack must've healed it.
"What about..." Emma whispers. She swallows. "What about your brother?"
Cas walks up behind Dean, puts a hand on his shoulder. Dean's gonna have to call Eileen, ask her to bring some clothes for a kid. It's not like Emma can go to a store--not yet, anyway. She already looks overwhelmed, and there's only three people here.
"You don't have to see him," Cas says. "Not until you're ready." Dean swallows, looks at his daughter. She's covered with the blood of Purgatory. She must be eight, he thinks. Too young for what she’s seen.
"He won't hurt you again," Dean promises. "And you can see him when you're ready. I'll keep you safe. I couldn't do it the first time, but I swear, Emma, not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you, that I haven't wished I could do it over."
Emma fiddles with her necklace. Dean remembers seeing Lydia put it on her from across the parking lot as he staked out the house. Dean strips off his flannel, and hands it to her. She wipes her face off with it, and then looks at him.
"Okay," she says. "You can touch me."
Dean wraps his arms around her, scoops her up, holds her close, and promises he's never letting her go again.
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augment-techs · 2 years
and ye shall receive my friend! for the book recs
1, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 44, and 62
a book that is close to your heart: Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. I watched the movie first, A LOT, as a pre-teen and teen, and then found out the book was about three times as good--no offense to Kristen Stewart, my first queer crush and still reigning champion of Queer Icons. The writing is so very good to form the pictures in your head, and you can actually feel the girl breathe in those first chapters. a book that got you through something: The Hours, by Michael Cunningham. After my mother died, I fell back on watching the movie repeatedly, until I found the book and started reading that--and then I started writing 'Twinning' for the Batman Beyond fandom~ a book that made you trip on literary acid: In This Light, by Melanie Rae Thon. I knew of stream of consciousness in writing since being introduced to Virginia Woolf after high school, but this is a WHOLE other level. Especially when you consider some of the characters being a war veteran that took pity on an overweight corpse in a morgue and broke his legs as a result; a young southern girl who almost died after leaving an abortion clinic too soon after her appointment and crawling into an open refrigerator in left in a field at the height of summer; an underage sex worker following in the steps of the ghost of her sister and experiencing both tragedy and transcendence; the daughter of a Holocaust survivor who tried and failed to save a girl who simply died swimming in an city pool. a book you’d recommend to your younger self: The Shining, by Stephen King. The movie never scared me, it just made me anxious for Wendy and Danny and PISSED when Halloran was killed. The book was much more eerie, and morally grey, and I fully agree with Mr. King about how the movie is more of a mirror universe to the one he created in print. your least favorite book ever: I have a collective that I've read once and never again. The first three in Tucker Max's self-important party boy memoirs that each had one--count them--precious gem of wisdom in each, usually about the freedom of speech and hypocrisy of Conservative Republicans. His writing is provocative, but his homophobic, borderline-sociopathy makes me want to slam his head in a car door. Especially when you get to him reviewing all the sexual partners he's had and realized he's slept with trans-girls (asshole). a book that got you out of a reading slump: ....I don't technically HAVE reading slumps. I have writing slumps, but not reading. I'm pretty sure the only days I don't read are when I'm too sick to stay awake for more than five hours. But, for the sake of answering the question, let's go with Go Go Power Rangers, the first in the Boom! Buffy comics, anything written by Emma Donoghue, The Novel Cure, 500 Books for Teens, and Film-ol-ogy. your favourite fantasy novel: I...can't...choose. There is a tie between Watership Down, by Richard Adams and The Last Unicorn, by Peter S. Beagle. One is the epic journey of rabbits into their new home, being brutalized and prone to getting side-tracked the entire way; and everyone knows what the other is about. a book with a forgettable plot but amazing characters: Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, by Tamaki and Valero-O'Connell. The entire time throughout this gorgeous graphic novel, I wanted to shake Freddy for letting Laura Dean back in and forgetting about her best friends that are always there for her, but have their own issues constantly going on in the background. Thankfully, we have Vi cheering her on again and again--even after Freddy introduced herself by puking on Vi's work counter.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
Opinions on Bates Motel;
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Honestly, it was kinda disappointing for me, here’s why;
Series is from a movie named ‘Psycho’, its about a boy who suffers from severe of mental illness, has a twisted relationship with his mother and later become a serial killer. So you would think main focus would be Norman’s pschology but no, not really. It actually become background. Story focus on other things, the town, ‘the bad guys’ of town, police Alex, brother Dylan, uncle Caleb, Bradley, Emma, mother Norma’s relationships and those character’s relationship between each others etc etc.
Now, dont get me wrong, i am not saying that it shouldnt focus on those things. Of course, it should, if there wasnt any other plot or characters, it would be boring but at least, i think story should’ve focus on Norman and his relationships with other characters far more than it does in series. But eventually not only become the ‘hardly focus’ but also, he is only there when its about his mother. Especially after season 1. Every episodes and seasons, he was isolated more and more that it was hearthbreaking.
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At least, at season 1, we were seeing how much abusive, controlling and manipulative his mother was. Norman was trying to connect with his brother, girls from school but its like after making sad backstory for Norma, it all changed? Norma became ‘less abusive’ or it was how it portrayed by narrative. Norman was just ‘being crazy’ for other characters. They knew his mental illness but it was neglected for seasons which was so ridicilous.
(I felt really sorry for Norma too but its like things or characters suddenly changed after this and i hate how Norman was treated as abnormal.)
Like, if this was supposed to be ‘serial killer’ series, then i think Norman should’ve get more focus with his character and relationships but story is less about Norman’s mental illness but more about problems of Bates family and the town.
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I am not surprised that Dylan became fan favorite. Typical masculine boy who looks tough but actually craves for love with sad backstory. And Dylan x Emma is so cliche. Masculine boy x good girl trope. Not that i am so against it but it was predictable and i love them both. Good for them. But i wish authors didnt make Norman’s ex end up choosing Dylan thing with both Bradley and Emma...
And another thing; somehow Dylan find a way to ‘only normal’ person in this broken family because thats supposed to be ‘realistic’ so he gets happy ending as ‘normal’ one, he has a family, good for him but there is no hope for his mentally ill brother because ummm yeah well so they decided to kill him in the end. He never heal form his traumas and again death is treated as peacefull for another mentally ill character.
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Look, mental illness can be healed.
Why they make therapists and mental hospitals in series look useless? Yes, there are bad therapists too but there are a lot of good ones. In many series or movies, they make someone with mental illness look like monters/crazy/serial killer when in reality, thats not the case at all, most of the time. Victims are not your ideal victim, they wont be, sometimes traumas look them ugly, monstrous but there is hope, healing for them so people should stop acting as there is not.
Another ‘villain’ character who suffers from mental illness is treated as monster, they cant be ‘saved’ because thats how authors decided for drama.
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Ok, i love Dylan too but if he gets this much focus, i wish he really saved his brother. They were both broken in a way, two sides of same coin. They could be like Dean and Sam from Supernatural. Then we would watch more hopefull, meaningfull and nice family series. Then it would makes sense why story focus on dramas of Bates family and town cause everything would come to this.
So i started this series for Norman and his psychology but i think he got less focus than he should and he also deserved better. I know this is from another movie but authors change things when they want to. They also changed many things with this series. Then they could change the direction this series go and ending too. Then it would fit better.
Anyway, some scenes were beatifull, dramatic and tragic and some of them were boring, annoying or hard to watch. Actors really did god job though. What i am saying is that this story could’ve been written better. Thats just my opinion.
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Personally, i would like to see happy ending for Norman and Dylan being together alive happiely after eventually. (Maybe after Norman got helped from mental hospital, after all, there is a reason that place is exists.). Anyway, at this point, thats how it ended in my mind cause i can make my own endings.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Hey Bowie🧡 what are your favorite books? Would love to get some recs :)
Oh nonnie what a question! There are so so many. I read A LOT and literature from different countries (not so much last year and the beginning of this year funny enough because for me it was actually the busiest year comparing to the majority of the world where people were forced to stand still) but here is a selection of books that I love from many different genres of literature (fiction, non fiction, historical, political, scientific, poetry etc). Some are classics, some I read recently and enjoyed. Some are complicated reads and some are simple. I have read some of them in their original language so I am not quite sure if the translation will do them justice but here you go.
Homer- The odyssey (I read it when I was about 10, loved it but never came back to it and then in my early 20s read a psychology PhD work about how the odyssey is an allegory of the human personality and how the characters are a symbol of our intellectual, emotional, spiritual side and the fears we all face, decided to re read it in Greek this time around from a totally new perspective and maturity and absolutely adored it. It is a multilayered, amazing piece of literature)
Plato- Symposium
Fyodor Dostoevsky- Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov (this man’s ability to dive into his extremely fucked up characters’ psychosynthesis is unparalleled) 
Leo Tolstoy- War and Peace
Mikhail Bulgakov- The Master and Margarita
Jane Austen- Emma, Pride and Prejudice
Virginia Woolf- The waves, To the lighthouse
Gabriel García Márquez- One hundred years of solitude
George Orwell- Animal Farm, 1984
Sylvia Plath- The bell Jar
Oscar Wilde- The picture of Dorian Gray 
Chinua Achebe- Things fall apart
Paulo Coelho- The alchemist
Victor E. Frankl- Man's search for meaning
Antoine de Saint- Exupéry- The little prince (read it for the first time as a child and have read it multiple times since then at different stages of life and every time I find something new about it)
Charlie Mackesy- The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse
Haruki Murakami- Norwegian wood, Kafka on the shore, After Dark
Atul Gawande- Being mortal (was given to me by my mother before I started studying medicine and I will cherish that book for life)
Toni Morrison- Beloved, The Bluest Eye
Amitav Ghosh- The hungry tide
James Baldwin- Giovanni’s Room, The fire next time
Chelsea Kwakye and Ore Ogunbiyi- Taking up Space
Elie Wiesel- Night
Kahlil Gibran- The broken wings
Mahmoud Darwish- A river dies of thirst
Odysseas Elytis- The monogram 
Fernando Pessoa- The book of disquiet
Rainer Maria Rilke- Letters to a young poet (if you are a creative you need to read this), Dark Interval, Book of hours 
Anne Carson- Autobiography of Red
Qiu Miaojin- Notes of a Crocodile
Cho Nam-joo-  Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 
Yukio Mishima- Confessions of a mask 
Brit Bennett- The vanishing half
Bethan Roberts- My policeman
Dean Atta- The Black Flamingo
Ocean Vuong- On earth we’re briefly gorgeous
Stephen Hawking- The theory of everything, A brief history of time
Those are just a few that I liked for very different reasons. I am writing it while commuting so it is what comes to mind first.
There is so much incredible work from many writers that haven’t been translated in English yet or are extremely difficult to find translated but I tried to include well known easily found pieces of work that are a good starter in different genres. Hope that helps.
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perlukafarinn · 3 years
S, T, Y :)
(spn ask game)
S. Another show/movie you’d want a pastiche of (a la Scoobynatural) A Shining pastiche/bottle episode set in the bunker would have been amazing! Or way on the other side, a pastiche of one of those 60s domestic supernatural sitcoms like The Addams Family, I Dream of Jeannie or Bewitched. T. Dream spin-off (besides Wayward Sisters) Emma spin-off set in Purgatory! There would be endless possibilities for familiar faces showing up (Benny's a major character, obviously), plus justice for Emma! You take the trope of the magically aged up child and place her in this horror/post-apocalyptic setting and then surround her with monsters who want to parent her. Idk, I'd watch that! Y. Favorite canon AU (i.e. French Mistake AU, 2014 AU, etc.) It's not so much an AU as Dean and Sam being brainwashed by angels but I'm very fond of Dean Smith and I would have loved to see more of him (ofc they couldn't show more because then they'd have to acknowledge that he's very obviously queer and not hiding it).
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