#this song is one of my favorites just bc it feels like a foil to the song that plays during milkvans make out scene in s3
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
☎️🎲 🤼‍♂️ ✈️🚪 ➡️ 🫀🎮⌛️
Who Can It Be Now? by Men At Work
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gnomeniche · 2 years
the post where i ramble about yellow and duck's dynamic and how stressed (compelled) it makes me
i'm thinking so hard about this post about the guys all having a favorite friend but that favorite not returning the feeling bc it's smth i noticed too (+ the fave color thing. it's kind of cute honestly but it makes me sad too )
but what i'm REALLY thinking on is yellow and duck's dynamic. bc it seems like yellow really likes duck but duck has some kind of problem with yellow?
and in a lot of ways, duck and yellow are foils. like we talk a lot about how red and duck are foils but i think it's Just As Much for yellow and duck. like in this interview joe describes yellow as "optimistic and idiotic" and duck as "cynical and fussy," and baker describes yellow as a "kindly moron" and duck as a "fussy asshole." optimistic vs cynical, scatterbrained vs pedantic, kind vs cruel. and there's how red seems to have to mediate between them so often that he yells at them "I'VE TOLD YOU GUYS I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE" during the fight scene.
it seems like their relationship is just… contentious. and i want to explore that.
(this is gonna be a long ass ramble so strap in)
like duck is consistently Just The Fucking Worst to yellow like he's SUCH an asshole to him. he's always making fun of him and dismissing him and talking down to him and berating him. what the FUCK is your PROBLEM yellow has done NOTHING to you!!!
like i think yellow Does really like duck! he's always following up on duck's statements or jokes and trying to converse with him. he genuinely loves hanging out with him even when he's mean and he is utterly devastated when he dies. you can hear him sadness-remembering duck telling him "i don't want you i want my best friend" when he dissociates inside his dissociation in "friendship".
and he seems to treat him more like an equal than red, who he usually acts more deferential toward. like he directs his words toward duck more often than red, he questions him when he says weird shit, and he isn't afraid to yell back when he's mean. like your friend who you dunk on vs your mom friend. i'm just saying. i don't think he would have dared to hit red with a glass bottle.
and that's why their relationship is contentious. because duck will not stop being an asshole and yellow is not going to just sit there and take it. god dammit we Are friends and friends are Not assholes to each other.
i think the episode where they get along the best is "transport." but that's the episode where All Three of them seem to have become more comfortable around each other. maybe after having spent enough time together without being reset (yet)? duck and yellow are having fun together at the beginning + they're on the same page and chatting like friends after the transport song. and they fight about netflix on the road trip but it's still like, an actual conversation instead of duck being one-sidedly vicious. heck, even in "jobs" they have a pretty decent conversation with each other while red is gone.
i kind of want to say it's BECAUSE duck is so mean that yellow tries so hard to get along with him? like yellow is a really loving person and that love covers Both his friends so he wants to get along with them both. and red and he already have a comfortably chill dynamic. but he must sense that duck is rejecting him For Some Reason so maybe he's trying harder to show that hey. i'm your friend too! you can talk to me!
but i don't want to chalk it entirely up to overcompensation bc i think yellow genuinely just likes him! and he would like him even if he weren't mean. yellow is just sweet and wants all of them to be friends and duck refuses.
and jesus christ why DOES duck have such a problem with yellow? i mean i know i said yellow has done nothing to him but. i do have a Minor Vibe that the guys have some subconscious repressed memory of past events + there is that suggestion that yellow has gained awareness before and we know how much that scared duck. so duck could be having subconscious dread from The Time Yellow Ate Him Alive In Food or The Time Yellow Started Acting Strange And Frightening On Batteries even if he doesn't Really remember. so maybe he's just always leery around him. and we all know duck tends to lash out when he's scared.
but that is MASSIVELY speculative and based on my own personal interpretations so for now i am entirely in the right for saying that HE HAS DONE NOTHING TO YOU YOU STUPID BIRD!!!!!!!!!!! all he wants to do is be friends with you and you are a dick for NO REASON
this Yet Another Reason i want duck to have his turn on the Awareness Wheel because with what we learned about yellow this season and what duck did to him at the end… i want them to have some kind of reckoning. i want a confrontation where they are both running on Full Awareness and fully cognizant of what has happened and keeps happening between them. not even the batteries thing just… the patterns they keep falling into in general. i really want more exploration of this dynamic because it is So compelling. a lot of potential for characters to develop in interesting directions.
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your match-up game looks like so much funnn so i'm gonna submit one for myself 💖
dragula by rob zombie …. i only rly discovered it like two weeks ago but it’s one i play a lot while working bc for some reason it helps me focus lol
just took a test and got nine, the peacemaker. idk much abt enneagrams 🫣
hmm yes but only when i’m feeling spicy. and they’re almost always about video games in some regard, like analyses or creepypasta deep dives yk?
i don’t think i ever had a REAL imaginary friend. i remember trying for a little while because i thought it’s what all kids were supposed to do, but i never like. Believed in it
sleep aid audios! lately it’s been redacted (i have a whole folder of faves on my phone lol) but before that it was asmrtists like gibi. sometimes i take melatonin too ‘cause it takes me ages to fall asleep 😪
i changed my name around late 2019 to angel when i was just coming into my nonbinary-ness; i took it from the video game borderlands 2! i went back to my given name in 2021/2022 but being angel was fun for a while <3
milo’s panic attack audio i think. i was just getting into redacted and starting from the top and it just made me feel so cozy and locked him in as a fave :’) OOH also the pack smash tournament!! i love multi-speaker videos and that one was so much fun
vincent ……. i’m so sorry i’ve tried three times to listen to his playlist but he bores me 😭 the farthest i’ve gotten is past adam, though i listened to his involvement in inversion and picked up with him after the summit
do video games count bc if so i can quote resident evil 4 2005 ALLLL DAY LONG it’s my favorite game ever. if not i’m gonna say lilo and stitch ‘cause that’s my biggest comfort movie
 HUXLEY. like dgmw i love his non-canon audios & he’d be just the sweetest boyfriend but i want to be his friend so baadlyyy i just need one good huxley hug and i think it would cure me
nooo when i’m sleepy i just get quiet 🫠 i’m not a big talker in general i think
blue raspberry slushie + honey bun OR dr pepper + chili cheese fritos. depends on my mood
recently ummm it’s been a playlist i made called violent devotion, which is basically just yandere-type songs hehe
aw man ok. so i was a big homestuck fan in my teens and i rly loved broadway karkat, & last week i discovered all my faves are on spotify :’) so i made a playlist of them and spent all weekend revisiting my past
HMM okay here’s some rapid fire facts: i’m the eldest of three, i’m a dog person, i’m an introvert,  i can be very stubborn (taurus 👋🏻), i tend to prefer video games over tv/movies, and overall personality-wise i relate the most to honey out of all the listeners!
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So I consider a lot of factors when I do these, I swear I do. That said- you’re a Honey-kinnie but also a dog person? Who else can I pair you with but Asher?
Your personality types, in addition to your being an eldest child, hint to me that you’re a steadfast, reliable person and therefore an excellent foil to Asher who could use someone like that in his life to ground him. In contrast, I think his extroverted, bubbly nature would bring you out of your shell, endear you to the rest of the pack as the beta’s mate. Also, I think your love of video games and homestuck would really bring y’all together. (Out of all the boys, he’s deffo the most likely to be a homestuck.)
You’d have such a fun, chill life together, because Asher keeps it fun and chill, you know? I think Asher spends a lot of time wolfed out and with his big, dog head on your lap while you play video games. He jumps during the scary games and shifts back during co-ops so he can play with you. He comes home from a gig with either a honey bun or Fritos, because he wasn’t sure what the vibe was today, so he’ll eat whichever one you don’t want. You do 7/11 snack runs and compete to see who has the bluest tongue. It’s a great life.
Ooh, I'm in love/ It's a mystery/ When I see you out at night/ I start to get dizzy/ Before I see you I pick out some things to say/ Don't want to sound foolish and waste my chance away/ Oh, I'm not gonna make the same mistakes/ I'm not gonna run/ Just pick the boy you like
This song is peak Asher-vibes; do you know what I mean? Like, I think this is the kind of music he’d like, this sort of alternative indie pop rock sound. (Side note, the guitarist’s name is literally Darlin, so that’s a sign right there.) This song in particular is so fun and catchy; I can see Asher singing this at you incessantly no matter how long he’s already been your boyfriend.
Milo is a runner-up because you’re a dog person /hj It’s also because I would kill to watch him watch you play RE4 or any other horror game- that would be hilarious. Guy is another runner-up because, behind Asher, he’s the second most likely to have had a homestuck phase.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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libraryfag · 9 months
feel free to pick & choose if this is too many, but merrily (as well), trc, and hamlet for the ask game!!
holy trinity of media that makes me insane about tragedy!
Favorite character: a tie between Charly and Mary.... i literally cannot chose between them Second favorite character: Frank, to complete the trio, he's such an asshole but i do love him
Least favorite character: Not a proper answer because I really don't have a least favorite character but gussie was honestly done a little bit dirty by the show.i understand that it's a very easy way of showing how the friendship collapsed overtime but the show makes it seem like it was all gussies fault and i feel so bad for her because it wasn't as if she was deliberately doing it it just sorta happened but whatever.
The character I’m most like: hm. i think maybe Act Two Frank specifically just bc im so so in love with theatre. merrily is so so special to me bc it really captures that magic. not a character but i really really relate to Opening Doors bc thats just what writing a show is like or making any art reallly.
Favorite pairing: Frank/Charly/Mary not just platonic not romantic not sexual but a secret fourth thing (including all the above) they loved each other so much!
Least favorite pairing: theo I totally agree with everything you said about frank and meg. i cant think of anyone else i could say so i might as welll copy your answer
Favorite moment: Opening Doors which has grown on me since i heard that Sondheim said it was his only autobiographic song. as well as the previously discussed reliability of it, it's such an earworm, like ive had it stuck in my head basically alll year its crazy. Also it shows how close they were together which makes it incredibly heartbreaking also
Rating out of 10: 9/10. its one of my favourite musicals ever! obligatory point reduction for whatever was wrong with the original production (Hal Prince wtf were you doing casting children??)
The Raven Cycle
Favorite character: Ronan Lynch <3 Second favorite character: oh god. im just going to say chainsaw bc i love her so much and i don't want to single out any of the other protagonists bc then i feel bad.
Least favorite character: Maggie Steifvater is such a great author I cannot name a single character I'm not 100% invested in, even ones that would be so easy to get bored by, like Mr Gray or Greenmantle I need to learn everything about them ever.
The character I’m most like: gansey tbh. to the point where i try not to think about it
Favorite pairing: all of the guys (aka blue, gansey, adam, ronan, noah and maybe henry, i don't know him so well yet). basically the same as my merrily answer, labels don't really matter: what matters is they all love each other so so much its insaneeeeeee. im also a big sucker for whatever ronan and adam have going on
Least favorite pairing: tbh i wasn't so invested in maura and the gray man at first.
Favorite moment: i love it when ronan is protective of chainsaw.. he loves that bird so much
Rating out of 10: 11/10 aka so good its literally having a detrimental impact on my school results and mental health/sleep :)
Favorite character: Hamlet Thee Dane. truly the character of all time
Second favorite character: i think about ophelia every single day
Least favorite character: depends on the production tbh. like i used to not care about laertes and polonius, but i became obsessed with the former either last year or the year before, and the version i read this year (Nicki Greenberg's graphic novel which i would recommend) had a really engaging interpretation of the latter which was so good i got sad when he died.
The character I’m most like: hamlet is literally me btw.
Favorite pairing: tragic danish boyfriends is a classic and brilliant but hamlet and laertes also upsets me so so much. like they are literally perfect foils
Least favorite pairing: ugh. gertrude and hamlet sexually. freud suck my dick
Favorite moment: yes ive seen/read it 5 times now. no, i've never not been emotionally destroyed by the ending
Rating out of 10: 10/10. one of the best pieces of fiction ever. which is a totally subjective statement but also im right.
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khattikeri · 3 months
Mdzs for the shipping grid? 👀👀👀
YESSS here we are! v surprised at how strong my opinions are for this fandom but probably shouldn't be sldkfjlksd
- xue/xiao compels me and is in the middle of the makes sense line - song/xiao is closer to makes sense but compels me a bit less - song/xue/xiao is somewhere in between them.
further explanations of all other pairings under the cut!
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quadrant by quadrant bc my explanations are Long for this one
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out of the way: wang/xian undoubtedly peak! xuan/li v cute, love em. xi/yao is my favorite of the possible 3zun pairings, they're just too juicy and such good narrative foils to wang/xian...
nie/yao is also fun to me because of how much tension and strife they have.
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i like nie/lan the least of all possible 3zun pairings just bc i like the conflict jgy brings to the table LOL
even though zhui/ling is the most popular junior pairing i... am not a huge fan of it? they're not blood relatives at all but both are still family to wwx in ways that make me feel weird about them romancing each other. in no war/wens are good aus i'd be more into it...
jingzhui isn't on the chart but they're also both inner lan clan members. so. weird to me! i like ling/yi best. they banter a lot but still get along well as friends
i can see why people are compelled by wen ning and wwx. i love their fucked up codependency too. i just don't see it romantically
i also see why people might ship cheng/xian, i just sincerely think their relationship is most compelling as siblings or pseudo-family due to the social class tensions.
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chang/mian is quite rare just bc both characters are so minor but like... god can you imagine all the jiang cheng & wwx parallels. pointing. those are their dads
sang/cheng is like... most of the time it feels very pair the spares-esque. BUT. they both have a lot of similarities underneath the surface and if people tap into that i do like it. BUT (again) i just really prefer it platonic. jiang cheng is like peak "this man is aroace and does not know what either of those words are" to me. celibacysweep and all that
sang/yao. honorable mention to my favorite fucked up ship that literally nobody ships (including myself!). i can't like em romantically, only enjoy the dynamic, but it's so fun to think about. like spy x spy but worse.
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and finally stuff that i don't like
no real reason for sang/yu, i just don't see em that way. i'm too novel-only to like wen qing/jc.
LWJ/anyone else feels too much like blasphemy. similar to shipping hua cheng tgcf with people who aren't xie lian LOL
this is like peak pair the spares to me. they're literally coworkers. they're just two people who lead clans and only talk business with each other. they aren't friends, they don't even make smalltalk. their relationship is the equivalent of sometimes bumping into a linkedin connection at the grocery store. come on. COME ON. they have zero personal ties except for the fact that their brothers are deeply in love and have a torrid romance spanning decades
for lxc especially this just feels like such a weak ship to me bc you have TWO whole other people he has fascinating, actually existing dynamics with (nmj and jgy), and xi/yao especially has so so so many parallels to wang/xian. 3zun ships have so much angst and what-ifs and there's so much more meat to it.
see also my thing about jc just... honestly i cannot see him romantically working out with anyone. nobody. whatsoever. this is a man for whom romance is not the solution, ever
so i can't. it literally drives me crazy. i cannot make sense out of xi/cheng whatsoever it doesn't compel me one bit and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say i hate it when there are other ships right there ahahahghdskljfdslk
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kokomatdoroshi · 1 year
literally just a list of my favorite webdramas and short-run tv dramas bc this is my house
My Fuxxxxx Romance (2020)
messy not-really love triangle where four people become friends in a bar. two of them start screwing around while the guy prefers open relationships and the girl's friend is hella toxic and in love/obsessed with her so she starts sleeping with the guy to prove he's shitty. the 2nd guy is there to be the foil/naiive one that's new to this whole world tbh. it's just a really great drama where there isn't a single character you're meant to like or cheer for. they're all sucky people in their own way lol. anyway, it was literally made around and to promote Park Won's album of the same name.
Please Find Her (2017)
it's CUTE, it's an ad for Itaewon, you learn some Korean at the end of every episode lol. about a mixed Dutch man named Jan who flies to SK to find the girl he fell in love with. the plot's a little all over the place, but it's an ad. and it's cute >:( Lee Hyun Jae is the love of my life. Hayoung and Hyungwon are there
You Raise Me Up (2021)
a man is going THRU IT with his life and self confidence and anxiety and everything genuinely sucks for him. his urologist and old gf (Hani) brags about him being this super amazing and jealousy-worthy first love bc her current boyfriend sucks. lots of emotional vulnerability and growth. i love it sm
The Witch's Diner (2021)
honestly this one's just fun! i love every single main actor, i love the dark witchy aesthetic. each ep follows a different main subject who needs their lives fixed in some way. but ofc if you make a deal with the devil/a witch, it's not gonna go exactly how you expected. idk i love this one, it's got my mother Song Ji Hyo in it
Little Mom Scandal (2008) and Little Mom Scandal Season 2 (2008)
a very old one that i watch yeeears ago but it still holds a special place in my heart. super real, less fairy-tale idealistic romance, as most 2000s dramas were. it's about an 18-year-old teen mom and her struggles with raising a baby, being a wife, and trying to live her life. the friendships in this one are what stuck out the most tbh. they're the primary focus, despite the title/attention grabber.
Birthcare Center (2020)
this one's about a successful career woman who suddenly finds herself pregnant. she spends the time after giving birth in a birthcare center, common places for moms to get help when starting out. she's self concious about being much older than the other women but makes a bunch of friends in the other mothers who have stories and struggles of their own and she actually has a healthy relationship with her husband. we love to see it. uh, found family :( <3
The Killer's Shopping List (2022)
about a guy who has an incredible memory and is locally praised for stopping a dangerous robbery when he was a kid but struggles to pass his civil service exam. he's determined to make it while working at his mom's convenience store. but a murder happens at the apartment building he frequently delivers to and they're huge suspects bc the delivery bag at the victim's house. so he, the market workers, and his cop gf (Seolhyun) try to solve the serial murders themselves. it has good queer rep imo, not gimmicky but not so subtle it might as well not be there.
Our D-Day (2023)
big tw for suicide mention, attempts, and ideation. tw for abuse, as well
it's still airing! one week left. but it's about a suicidal 30-year-old and his friends all trying to navigate their lives. he literally spends the entire drama so far trying to figure out how to end things and you slowly learn why throughout. it's pretty dark right from the beginning tbh but they balance it with humor that might not be everyone's taste. tbh it just feels real to me, so that part doesn't personally bother me. i do know why it would affect someone else, though. definitely not for people sensitive to the subject matter.
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
🎭🤝👔💚💜 !!!
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🎭I'm gonna have to say Livesies. It was my introduction to the Newsies fandom, it's got amazing songs, an amazing Devin Lewis cast (I'm jk I love that entire cast, they're all so good). Livesies is what introduced me to my blorbos, so I kinda have to say that one. *For reference, I haven't seen the entirety of a bway, toursies, or west endsies. I've only seen 92sies and Livesies all the way through, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
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🤝That is a great question. Um... I feel like I'm most like Finch? Chaos incarnate, terrorizer of bad people, but also kinda cautious when it comes to me or my friends getting hurt or doing something too dumb.
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👔My favorite Newsies outfit???? I really like Romeo's, because it's just the most absurd hodgepodge of colors and patterns and I love it. I like 92sies Race's because it almost looks like he's trying to look nicer than the others. Almost like he's trying to look like he's above them (I'm not saying he thinks that! Just that he tends to wear nicer clothes). I also adore every costume from UKsies that I've seen. ESPECIALLY KATH'S POST-KONY. HER SPOON CROWN IS EVERYTHING TO ME.
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💚We just gonna pretend I couldn't rant endlessly about Albert? Sick Albert DaSilva is my favorite background newsies and he has been since my literal first watch through. The "a leg o' lamb" was said and I looked at my roommate and immediately said "he's my favorite, what's his name?" and then he smartmouthed Weisel and it was cemented. Written in stone.
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💜Tbh this question scares me bc I've been in a lot of fandoms where if you didn't ship the same pairings as other people they would've torn you to pieces. That being said I have a few: Finch and Romeo. Have you seen them tapping together at the end of KONY???? LOOK HOW MUCH FUN THEY'RE HAVING. LOOK AT THEIR SMILES. AND THEN THEY DO THE HANDSTAND WALKS AND JUMP UP AND POINT AT EACH OTHER????? Blink and Skittery. I have the image of Skittery being very afraid of a lot of things, and Blink totally definitely not protecting them. Skittery doesn't need protecting. Why would you think that? IKESHOT. Y'ALL. Y A L L. Do I know that they don't interact at all on stage? Yes. Will that stop me from shipping them with all my heart? Absolutely THE FUCK NOT. IKE BEING A LITTLE BALL OF CHAOTIC ENERGY AND ALSO V SMOL. HOTSHOT BEING CALM AND COOL AND COLLECTED, BUT ALSO SOMETIMES MEETING IKE'S ENERGY BC IT'S CONTAGIOUS AND THEY'RE GAY, YOUR HONOR.
Also you should ask me about my foil characters for the Delanceys
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arcadekitten · 2 years
whered u get the idea for twyla? i think shes my favorite character with mary bein second to her! shes so cool idk i always get excited when i see her or catch myself thinking about how cool her character is omg
also theres a song called mary by alex g and every time i listen to it it reminds me of cemetery mary (not just bc of the name) u might like it !
Haha, I'm glad you like her! 🧡 I think I can't answer fully without diving into spoiler territory!
She originally started as a matching character for Crowven. I always knew Crowven was involved in crime, and as such I wanted him to have a rival organization. And wouldn't you know that Crows and Owls are natural enemies in real life?
Twyla started as the vague idea of a daughter/niece to a crime head just like Crowven. Originally, she was going to be a lot more "princessy". She had lighter colors, lots of jewelry and sparkle, and would act in a way that's bratty. She was almost like a female Crowven. But then, as I started to develop her, she became more of a foil to Crowven.
I changed her design to look much more "owl-like", at least in the traditional sense (as people associate them with lots of academia and her outfit reflects that). She became more and more the opposite of Crowven and I really enjoyed it. Crowven is often loud, Twyla is often reserved. Crowven is (often) pretty sociable and playful with others, Twyla is mean and rude. Crowven is actively miserable in their "business", Twyla actively pursues and revels in it. Crowven doesn't mean to hurt people, Twyla absolutely does. Crowven really does love people, Twyla doesn't.
Twyla is also an expression of anger, and a funnel for negative emotions. Sometimes I think of her as being anger personified. Like if you gave rage a face.
I've also mentioned it on streams in the past, but Twyla is also very cathartic for me when it comes to terms of villainess girls in fiction.
Growing up, I often felt in fiction that female villains fell into a few vague categories. They were often either seductive vixens, or misunderstood women who had good intentions, or some tragic backstory as to why they were evil. And to me, it began to feel dehumanizing.
There are plenty of stories about men and male villains who have no deeper motivation behind their actions other than because they want to, and they aren't made to be sexy while doing it. Regardless of how the audience might view them, they are often written with the intention to be intimidating, someone who can't be reasoned with, or someone to be feared.
You will often find in my work female villains like this, with Twyla as one example. Girls who do horrible, atrocious things...because they are people, and people can be so evil sometimes and there's just no helping it. Not everyone needs a reason to do bad things. Sometimes they just do. To me, that is catharsis. So even if her evil deeds may sometimes seem exaggerated or even cartoonish at times, to me there is nothing that feels more human and equal. I love to create girls like that and Twyla is a prime example of it.
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sappymix1 · 1 year
Ok like kinda random sorry but this is a constant bit of brainrot I had and I saw you saying something sorta similar to it so here I am.
Also, sorry this is so long. I talk about this constantly but its one of my favorite things in concept and is super interesting and really gets me going. And also it's super frustrating
The way the larger dsmp fandom treats dream absolutely drives me nuts. Like, in my eyes, he's changed so much. Like, was he a good person when he was younger, no. But that is mostly due to his environment and then some continued ignorance, but that's normal. When you're raised to believe one thing, it takes a lot to unlearn. And he has. He isn't the same person he was when he was 16, even 20 y/o him is very different
But what drives me absolutely insane, especially as an ex-sbi main (I still love the cc's but the fandom is awful), Wilbur is Dream's foil.
So like, but foil I mean the English literature concept of two characters/people who are mirror images of each other but at some point made a slightly different desicion and therefore turned out different
Honestly there so much I could say about all this, like about the environment they were both raised in and how SBI and dteam as a whole are actually very interesting foils but this is just about Wilbur and Dream
Wilbur when he was Dream's age, was pretty much exactly like Dream. Just, not a good person, saying things he shouldn't and whatnot. Wilbur has said he doesn't like who he used to be. Wilbur changed, and his fans accept that.
But Wilbur stans will praise Wilbur as this morally better person, more *pure*. And he's not, he's the same if not maybe worse (I have a friend who is very disappointed in some of Wilbur's inaction when it comes to his friends but I never noticed this so I won't comment, just this might be a more general feeling)
Wilbur has the infamous line of "teenage girls can't enjoy anything" which great amazing agreed needs to be said.
But they sing a different time when Dream says that he supports stan and stan culture because stans get a bad rep. They say that stans are evil and are crazy and shouldn't exist. But teenage girls makeup a huge part of stan culture. Pick one. You don't get to cheer Wilbur and boo Dream for the same statement.
They look at Wilbur and see only good. And then they look at Dream and see only bad, when he was the same age as their precious golden boy when he made similar mistakes. The only difference being Dream was unfortunately more online and for Dream age 18 was only 5 years ago and for Wilbur that was 8 years ago.
This one has a little less meaning, but this opinion would get me flamed alive on twitter. I would rather listen to Roadtrip over all of Are You Alright. The only song I liked on there was cause for concern and they mixed it poorly.
And twitter would flame me for having an opinion cause it's Dream and Wilbur.
And it drives me insane. I hate it, your streamer is no better nor no worse than mine (sidenote, I hate the concept of morality among the streamers cause they're just people at the end of the day and yes some of them can turn sour but overall most streamers are pretty solid)
But it gets worse cause once, maybe end of summer 2021, a video surfaced of Wilbur saying the t-slur. And yes there was immediate backlash, but also there was "lets wait and see what Wilbur says" meanwhile for anything Dream does, there is no grace offered. The same people who extended an olive branch to Wilbur flames Dream alive and then refuses to listen to a word he says. I hate it, I hate that side of the fandom and what it's become.
Sorry for this mini-essay lmao. Honestly I could go on for hours about all of this but this is probably more than you wanted to read on a Friday night kekw
hey king not sure why you sent this to me specifically bc i can’t even think of the last time i said anything abt wilbur but slay! speak your truth
but also the point about are you alright is SO REAL like wilbur’s music/lovejoy is for the most part on my opinion a bit better written than a lot of the drusic both lyrically and in regards to like musical complexity or whatever but genuinely other than the last few things he’s put out, i’d listen to mask and road trip anyway because i hate the way wilbur uses his voice and i hate the way they’re mixed soooo much like i don’t get why they made the choices they did because so many of these songs sound good live!! but the recording is a mess
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
1, 4, 9, 24, 25 on the end of year asks?
 1. Song of the year?
Very difficult choice but if I had to pick just 1 I’d say world is mine by hatsune miku but actually by (ryo)supercell truly got me through it all <3
 4. Movie of the year?
Already answered this one, usually I’d say some runner ups but I actually can’t think of that many movies I’ve seen this year I’m sorry. My favorite movie overall is the emperor’s new groove you already knew that you’ve seen my letterboxd. My most anticipated movie of 2023 is Barbie it’s going to either be amazing or absolutely terrible either way I will love it 
 9. Best month of the year? 
This is pretty difficult to answer because it’s hard to remember ofc. An entire month. December has been pretty solid so far but I hate my job (<I don’t it’s moderately annoying) so that brings it down a little. I think I’d say October because although a lot of stuff I hated happened that month it was also highly emotional which I think is very fun. I was losing it for like 2 weeks straight feeling every emotion it was great
 24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
No, and I never make them because I know I’ll forget or get discouraged. I feel like it’s better to learn as you go along then try to stick to a plan like arbitrarily. Bc if you feel bad for messing up that’s just discouraging when really fluctuations in resolve and motivation are normal ykwim? Oh wait actually I liked I wanted to read at least 1 book a month this year and I have <3 sometimes multiple even. It’s not that impressive lol but it was nice to make progress since I read like even less last year.
25. Did you make any characters this year? 
Let me think of someone I haven’t talked abt before…. No I think I’ve talked about everyone so far. Gabriel I haven’t talked about him. He existed prior to now but I only just gave him like an actual personality and motivation. It’s not that deep he’s basically a foil to Rocio, very similar motivation but warmer and way more social when he was alive. Quest for knowledge due to a mix of entitlement and childish innocence. Kind of old fashioned. Fantasy German <I have yet to come up with a last name for him what’s a German last name. I haven’t developed him all that much bc he’s not too important (sorry king 😞) but I like the idea of him and Rocio meeting briefly and finding kinda kindred spirits, before he fucking dies. Originally he was going to be fantasy British but then I decided it would be funnier if British people didn’t exist so I changed my mind.
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Free ask, rant about anything you want
i just woke up and m y heart is already going weirdly fast so i think i will answer this, write some, then pass out again, then finish packing tonight lets go
ok so im going to rant about uh, why cutting out your moral musical number in you movie musical adaptation is stupid and dumb and why you shouldn't do it
ok so into the woods, a story about stories and families and how those connect. there's a LOT of talking about legacy and tales. The Narrator and the baker's Father is played by the same actor for a reason. the whole baker line is a line of storytellers, and thats important.
In the opening song, there are three households- three stories. Cinderella, Jack the Giant Slayer, and The Baker and His Wife. yes little red is also a character, but shes... not one of the big three. we'll put a pin in her. So, the big three. The Narrator/Mystery Man is the narrator of Jack's story.
The baker's Wife is the narrator of Cinderella
and the Baker is the narrator of his own story
So, Mystery Man shows up and meets Jack after he starts his story going to sell his cow, and mocks him, tells him that he values his cow more than a sack of beans. Later, the Baker and Wife will show up to actually convince him to sell him the cow for just less than a sack of beans (all of the beans, minus one.) The Narrator sets up a point to the Main Character (Jack), and another character in the story he's Narrating picks it up later.
The baker's Wife does the same thing- she shows up right after Cinderella's story properly starts, right after she runs from the first night of the ball, and asks her about the very nice prince. she specifically asks if he's "sensitive, clever, well-mannered, considerate, passionate, charming, as kind as he's handsome"
Later, after the (lowercase n) narrator of Cinderella sets that line up for the Main Character (Cinderella), another character of the story picks it up when cinderella's Prince asks the exact same list of things, though he then goes on his own way.
After Act 1 though, when the stories 'end', the Narrator and narrator get in trouble in the same way for trying to continue narrating them. The Narrator (capital n) gets sacrificed to the Giantess when the other characters claim he's the one she's looking for. He got mistaken for the main character of the story he told, and died for not actually being that mc. the baker's Wife, also a narrator, ends up dying after cinderella's Prince has a tyrst with her- she took the spot of her main character and even alluded "wait, what am i doing, i'm in the wrong story". After the affair, she has a Moral Song, Moments in the Woods, and then gets killed by the Giantess.
as Narrator and narrator, the baker's Father and Wife can still provide insight onto the story after they die. And they do. The Wife sings in the finale, and the Father has 'no more', which doubles as the Moral Song for both Narrator ghost dad and narrator baker son. Because, of course, the Baker narrates his own story.
1- takes out more connections of the storyteller baker line, leaving the Narrator and Baker's Wife as far less obvious counterparts
2- completely takes out the Baker learning from his father BOTH AS FATHER and as STORYTELLER. theres a reason that at the end he starts telling the baby the same way the Narrator did, its supposed to connect and aaargnn it doesnt now
3- defeats the purpose of a musical?? which is to express emotions through song? instead the baker just sits there sadly for a second after maybe seeing the ghost of his dad (who isn't even a Narrator here!!! whyyyyy YES i know how you could have adapted a narrator into the movie medium. i know its different than stage. its not impossible and it could have been so cool but they didn't even try.) and listens to the background music of 'no more' and then just gets up and decides to go back. WHY DID HE NOT EXPRESS EMOTION THROUGH SONG. this is his BIG DEFINING CHARACTER MOMENT. its IMPORTANT. that means that in a musical its supposed to be MARKED WITH A SONG
anyway the 'adaptation' of into the woods was afraid to actually make changes so instead of properly adapting the story to the medium they just chopped off a couple of chunks that didn't fit into the runtime and then shoved it together. they didn't think about the ramifications of the changes!! you could argue that rapunzel's story was a 'change' but honestly to me it just feels like like just a 'cut out' the ending because they didn't think about how changing rapunzel's ending WOULD CHANGE THE WITCH'S. because she ONLY ACTED LIKE SHE DID because rapunzel DIED. rapunzel, happy, safe, away from the giantess?? she would have had to be forced to face the fact that she was wrong! which she didn't do! because in the play! her whole lamment was "I WAS RIGHT". she thought she was RIGHT to lock rapunzel away bc as soon as she left, she died. she wouldn't have had the truama of desert childbirth (twice.) and gone mad and gotten crushed by a giantess if she had completely remained in the tower! and thats why the witch doesn't come around until after the finale after she. dies(?) it gets to be ambigous with her. BUT NO NOT HERE. just lop of bits of the story it doesnt matter
it doesn't matter if the three of Witch's Mother, Witch, and Rapunzel is supposed to very much be a foil to Baker's Father, Baker, and Baby Son. who cares if storytelling and narrating was important! we're disney, we can do whatever!
anyway "No More" is my absolute favorite song from into the woods and i'll never forgive its absence or MOCKING ME WITH IT in the background music.
thank you for coming to my ted talk, i'll leave you with a parting question. was the un-fridging of rapunzel a total #win for feminism, or did the defanging of the story totally ruin the witch as a #girlboss?
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carbootsoul · 3 years
erika+ephriam+lyon for ask game 👀? and a witch hat character of your choosing if you like as well :3v
omg clint you're spoiling me :) also this is mostly unrelated but i was listening to kat flint today and a) her music is so good thank u for introducing it to me years ago and b) VERY witch hat atelier vibes which was fun. im putting my answers under a cut bc i am sooo verbose about characters
eirika: a song that reminds me of them: this is just the first that came to mind but oh what a world by rufus wainwright! oh what a world my parents gave me / always traveling but not in love. the rly interesting mix of idealism and pragmatism that she embodies- both being in awe of and in love with the world and the people in it but also not hesitating to accept that they are in a war and the tragedies that come with it what they smell like: i think for most of the game she smells like sweat and dirt an otp: eirika and l'arachel is actually the best ship in the whole entire world they're sooo funny. they keep meeting and every time eirika is like ???? and l'arachel is just falling head over heels in love a notp: eirika and lyon romance honestly very textually relevant in the game and adds to the story and whatever but they're both so absolutely homosexual that i can't conceptualize it favorite platonic/familial relationships: eirika and ephraim 🥺🥺 but also eirika and seth he's such a good big brother figure!! but also eirika and colm and eirika and tana and eirika and lyon. it's like.. rag tag army as family.. a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: there are like two posts about her on tumblr dot com but her fire emblem heroes characterization makes me insane shut up about your brother shut up about your brother the position they sleep in: on her side one leg curled to her chest
ephraim a song that reminds me of them: omg lies by marina abt his relationship with lyon. you're too proud to say that you made a mistake / you're a coward till the end i really wish we had been able to see more of ephraims reaction to the true story of what happened with lyon, since he obviously forgives him but also seems to be angry about it and that's such a good dynamic. also oc can't let you go / i just want it to be perfect / to believe it's all been worth the fight. they make me... ugh what they smell like: he has also been living in tents for months so he probably also smells like horses and sweat an otp: ephraim and lyon do get to me... 🥺 also he and innes as a like teenage fling is hilarious to me they're so funny to each other i can't believe they don't have supports a notp: if i ever see another incest joke i'm killing someone favorite platonic/familial relationships: he and his sister are so good!! they're so siblings! a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: again i have never rly interacted with the fe fandom but something from canon i disagree with is the assignment of the sun to him and the moon to his sister he is so obviously the lunar twin im furious abt this the position they sleep in: absolutely sprawled out. he takes up as much space as is given to him
lyon a song that reminds me of them: ache with me by against me just happened to be playing rn but it's very him. do you share the same sense of defeat / have you realized all the things you'll never be / ideals turn to resentment, open minds close up with cynicism / i've got no judgement for you / come on and ache with me. what they smell like: roses but in a fucked up revolutionary girl utena way like the roses symbolize something sinister an otp: lyon and ephraim.. admittedly lyon is kind of carrying why this ship is compelling with his tragic backstory but ephraim is such a boy so he's important too a notp: see eirika :/ favorite platonic/familial relationships: he and eirika and ephraim as a unit are so important to me they are so [unintelligible] a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i haven't rly seen this much but i guess any tendency to soft-boy him bc of his character design like this guy sucks a lot and he has a lot of flaws that almost ended the world :/ the position they sleep in: hugging a pillow
and for the wha character.. agott bc she's so girl :) a song that reminds me of them: pretty little things by the crane wives! but trust is now something i make people earn / so i'm not inclined to just give it away / to a pair of blue eyes with some nice things to say what they smell like: grass in the best way possible! an otp: she and coco are SO !! im in love with them. sasunaru dynamic but better in every way. all the panels of coco hugging or complimenting agott and agott blushing furiously are the new wonders of the world. shipping kids in media always feels a little weird but i think they're a rly cute like first crush dynamic a notp: i dont think she's been shipped with anyone else lol favorite platonic/familial relationships: agott and olruggio are rly interesting to me! i've probably just drawn lines between them because they're both grumpy but i could definitely see agott becoming for coco what olruggio is for qifrey and i love when children are friends with their adult narrative foil it's about helping the younger generation overcome the things that they couldn't! it's also about olruggio being able to connect with agott because they're both grumpy :) a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: not a headcanon bc again the fandom is tiny but so much of her tag is ppl being mean to her about what she did in the second (?) volume like yeah that was mean but she's like 12! 12 year olds do fucked up stuff all the time they're still learning what interpersonal relationships are the position they sleep in: on her stomach clutching her pillow a crossover au i’d love to see them in: anything that would allow her to say swear words my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: the like single panel where tetia is getting mad at her about not liking wearing costumes and it shows her dressed as a prince! she looks so good
djskflj i feel like i wrote a novel about each of them and tbh i do not know if u will make any sense out of it but thank u for sending this it was super fun to think about them for a while!!!
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jonathanrook · 3 years
legally i have to give you intern 2
em you have awoken an ungodly beast inside me so i need to warn everyone that this post is. incomprehensible. but so is mymusic so i guess we're all used to it.
How I feel about this character:
i watched mymusic as it was airing/running/coming out specifically bc i'm a jack stannie, and as a kid melvin was my second favorite character (w scene being in first, obvs) for mostly that reason. he basically hovered around this ranking until my most recent rewatch in the summer of 2020, which was actually spurred by some events in my personal life that vaguely reminded me of scene's season two arc w jeff, and i thought it'd been a funny/nostalgic way to get my mind off things.
(i want to side note here that -- i know you didn't ask, but -- i love jeff. i have since i was a kid. like, obviously not as a person but i think he's honestly the best written character in the series, w indie close in second. idk what it says about the f*nes that their most interesting and well rounded characters are the villains, but i digress. to this day i'm salty that jeff never got added to the theme song and wasn't really included in promotional merch.)
however, in said rewatch, certain things about how he was written started to really get under my skin, and certain moments in particular have really stuck out to me in a negative way. like, for the entirety of season one and a good chunk of season two he's one person, and then he leaves mymusic and we have an entirely different person, but not in a nuanced character building sort of way.
i've said a few of these points before but i'll repeat them here regardless. at the risk of sounding like i've put on a tin-foil hat, it's my sneaking suspicion that scindie was supposed to be endgame, but since fan reception to it was pretty neutral, and scenechart stans were, at the very least, more vocal, changes were made to the intended finale, which is why in the last scene he's basically just. indie. like, if everything about the show was exactly the same but indie was the one who had ended up w scene in the end that would have made so much more sense since a) scene had a crush on indie that he/everyone knew about and b) indie was kind of a dick despite the half-assed attempts at redemption, so both combined make it slightly less weird/out-of-nowhere that he kisses her w/o her consent (since, even though like. implied consent is not real at worst and a fuzzy subject at best but you could argue that scene would want indie to kiss her); and this isn't even taking into consideration that c) melvin is heavily queer-coded in both seasons, with his friendship with nerdcore being, dare i say, homoerotic at times, and his arc about leaving the company and changing his name mirroring nerdcore's almost perfectly (with nerdcore being a character who b*nny [at least] has all but confirmed is actually gay).
i've also been on the fence about melvin's behavior in that final scene making more sense for indie's character being an intentional decision as a way of shoe-horning in a theme about the lasting effects of abuse/cycles of abuse/the corruption of power but i also don't think the f*nes are smart enough for that. however, for the sake of defending my straw theory, i also point to the scene where indie comes to visit the acid factory after melvin told him to shut up, and we see melvin use reggie as a foot-stool, going as far as to say that it feels good to do so (which, in all honesty, i think is a bit that was entirely improvised, since the f*nes were "notorious for never saying cut" [paraphrased from a bts video], but work w me here). he's also given a seltzer mug that perfectly resembles indie's kombucha mug. in these moment melvin is directly emulating the behavior of his previous abuser, purposefully or not, literal moments after being promoted to an equal position of authority, which was totally just included as a joke, but could also be argued is meant to show that he's becoming indie; or, if we acknowledge that the f*nes have no fucking clue what they're doing and were just directing like chickens with their heads cut off, it at least shows that melvin's new position of power is leading him to understand where indie was coming from, which is supported by their conversation in the finale.
the following contains a couple brief mentions of irl sexual assault so if that's something you'd like to avoid skip to the next section!
HOWEVER, that alone isn't what i have a problem with, since i think melvin is completely justified in being a dick to indie (and also reggie enthusiastically consents to being used as an ottoman so good for him i guess). the issue comes completely in how he treats scene in the scenes where the f*nes clearly thought what they were writing was super romantic. like, the fact that the only thing he's got hung on his cubicle wall is a single picture of scene taken from the fucking opening credits (like. how hard would it have been to have. literally any other photo[s] esp since there's an abundance of cute bts pics of the cast in costume that could have been put there) and him scrolling through her twitter at work really creep me out (and at the risk of oversharing the weird, like, social media stalking angle really fucks w me bc that may or may not have been the exact fucking thing i was trying to escape in rewatching mymusic in the first place). also, having him sexually assault scene as a means of comforting her after she had just been sexually assaulted in the same way by someone else was... a choice (which is also, uh, personally familiar).
again, i recognize that demonizing melvin wasn't what the f*nes were trying to do here, and i perhaps seem hypocritical for opening liking jeff, but what makes jeff work is he's intentionally "the bad guy." having melvin do the same things as indie and jeff uncritically only proves further that the f*nes can't write for shit, and ruins his character which had, up until he quit mymusic, been unironically good. like, it's obviously not beneficial that the exact asshole things he does are personally triggering, but the character would still be a mess and i would still dislike him regardless.
i want to say though that jack delivers a surprisingly great performance despite how shoddily his character is constructed and how little experience he has as an actor. like, it's clear he was having a lot of fun on set and i would love to see him in something, like, good; i think he could pull off even like, guest television roles, which is a lot more than can be said for other youtubers.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
nerdchart should have been canon i'm sorry. i know that close, nonromantic male friendships are valuable, esp between queer men, but also gd wouldn't it have been baller to have a canon interracial mlm ship. like. c'mon. and they could have been such a good friends to lovers story! we already got to see how melvin was the only person nerdcore could really be himself around so it would have been so cool if melvin's self-advocacy arc/flowchart arc had revolved more around nerdcore with a little role-reversal! and then they kiss! like god intended!
also i ship him and indie bc i'm a grubby little gremlin man ohoho. enemies w weird sexual tension? sign me up. not even enemies to lovers i'm not saying this one should have been canon i just love the vibes. do you think melvin and indie ever explored each other's bod-- *gunshot*
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i wish him and scene had just been bros. god remember in season one when they were just bros that was the life.
alternatively, i wish we'd seen more bonding w him and metal, as a means of reconciling that. uh. moment from season one. along similar lines i would have loved to see him get closer w rayna in a similar way to how she bonded w nerdcore in season two. i think that could have also worked to show how she'd grown between the two seasons.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
HIM. AND. SCENE. SHOULD. HAVE. JUST. BEEN. BROS. (though i think my general dislike of him is pretty unpopular, lmao).
when the show was coming out i don't think it's unfair to say that scenechart/scenetern 2 was the most popular ship (aside from potentially techstep whatever) but luckily we're all gay and have better taste now. unfortunately i totally fell into this camp and scenechart was even my otp for years (until it was arguably more unfortunately usurped by reddie in 2019) and i didn't even realise that it's a hot mess until, again, the summer of 2020.
when actually watching the show the choices the f*nes made in regards to how the ship actually became canon are so odd and out of place, too? okay, so, on one hand everyone just shipped scenechart bc it was the whitest hettiest ship in the show (esp in season two when idol left) aside from scindie (and we already discussed what's wrong w that). but, on the other hand, lainey and jack clearly also just got along? and i suspect that lainey probably also admired jack's work and was happy to be working with him bc we have so many shots throughout even the first season when the ship wasn't the intended endgame of lainey scene looking really fondly at jack melvin at times when it doesn't make much sense at all, esp since she's smitten w indie? this trend continues into the second season which arguably works but it still seems really out of place for him to be the one to ultimately make the first move on her since it's clear she was the one crushing this whole time and also he's gay! this bitch is gay what the fuck!!
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
at this point i'm struggling to think of anything i haven't covered yet. oops.
i've talked at length before about how he should have been a woman/lesbian, but the tl;dr is that it would have solved a lot of the queer-coding "problems" that just didn't get resolved in the show. if he'd been a lesbian then not only would the friendship w nerdcore still made sense, but scenechart would have as well (not even mentioning that both of scene's other relationships w men make a lot of sense as comphet anyway).
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vanityloves · 3 years
anyways im gonna listen to/read the fuckin...rise of the ogre shit bc ive been putting it off 🪓🥴 im gonna put stuff under the cut bc im gonna be TALKING n dont wanna make a new post everytime
ok he performed for 2 pounds 50. which is basically $3 today i- well it was absolutely a power play on his father behalf that also had the promise of money so.
also lol he said Rejection fueled my ambitions which, yknow,, i already knew but it still hurts and i will continue to talk ab it xoxo
AH HELP. "...if ebay had been invented at the time he would've sold me online there and then,"
"man hands on misery to man, yknow"
THEN PROCEEDS TO CONNECT IT TO MUSIC/HIS CAREER. this man said :) the one thing i truly have a passion for. the one thing i fucking like.
oh yeah. bullied by students AND teachers.
oh god hes 42ish during this interview? ok.
the fuckin school bully saying he wouldve acted differently if he knew what hed become
getting called "faceache", then proceeds to call 2d that. jfc he really does just repeat what everyone says. really "treating others how i was treated/how they treat me"
maybe thats why? hes kinder to fans? bc :] you support me and like me so, ok ill return that energy
a real rowdy boy. absolute nasty boy. fraud and arson... shooting ppls windows with his air pistols
black sabbath being a huge inspiration? fucking absolutely.
became a satanist n shit at age 16? "it fitted me like a glove" "heavy metal and devil worshipping became my favorite past times" ajsj funny that ppl in trying times often seek religion or following of some sort
heavy metal being his favorite, n loving the clash, while hannibals was more punk based
hannibal breaking murdocs nose for the 2nd and 3rd time for playing his music on hannibals turntable
he doesnt sound that bitter? ab hannibal? he doesnt sound incredibly fond but he talks ab how he got him into a lot of music. so, i imagine they we're a bit closer than i thought?
international baccalaureate in antisocial? anthropology?
MURDOC IS ACTUALLY SMART HE WAS JUST. NOT INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECTS? I GUESS? (also,,, he literally Built cyborg noodle and i think he had a PhD too lol. but its always nice to hear hes actually...yknow, interested or good at other things)
alright but murdoc having a fascination w/ other cultures - or at least some interests, that lead him to actually study the damn subject and "pass with flying colors"
'fuck college though. im gonna be a rockstar'
he sold his soul at 18ish? whenever the fuck he got kicked out but college was mentioned so my brain goes to 18ish idk
he lived with his father still and paid rent via low paying jobs one including 'part time dressing as santa'
help he was ab to take a Personal Job for quick cash and uhh well, "still made me call him sir though" he really said 20 dollars is 20 dollars, huh "that story was totally true"
alright, 1997,,,
2d stuff
loves zombie stuff? thats really cute, and is freaked out by the way they move. god he rambles
both he and murdoc are horses in the chinese zodiac
[[jfc ok if the official shit compares them a lot i understand why ppl ship them but Dont. its a narrative foil and that doesnt always mean Romance jfc.]]
truly... a lil stinker. super cute bouncing baby and a "bit thick" which is stull so endearing to me. hes just a happy man!
excitable 10 year old and would dance around his room
jfc the fact he has normal/caring parents. i kinda forget how opposite hes supposed to be from murdoc but i think thats another thing jsjsysg (murdoc said why isnt my tragic story making me famous why does he get to be the Star. no wonder he acts like a loon)
i still dont get how gettin bonked by a tree branch made him go bald and also turn his hair blue
big tiddy nurse mommy,,,
went to the same school as The Cure and got decent grades despite hittin the noggin quite hard. WANTED TO BE A STORM CHASER... OMG??
oh thats really cute, hed bond with his dad by building keyboards toegther 🥺💕
messed around with paints and graffiti? artistic king
oh yeah d day...new instruments, new band, new singer - and 'had to be the best or no dice' and absolutely CONFIDENT that his songs were bangers ajsjd
but on that same note, had absolute faith (or desperate) in 2d which i love
ransacked the fucking music shop jdjdj and 2d said he was Just Standing There behind the counter the whole shift hdhdh
"thats when your eye came out, yeah" "yeah!-" HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND SO HAPPY AB IT ?? yes he said ut hurt but he sounds...ok
jfc murdoc ragdolling this poor mf around. dunking him and slapping him around. actually? so incredibly terrible and abusive and i hate him for that 🔫 im sorry 2d stans. we dont condone that behavior here ong.
how and why the FUCK did 2d's parents allow that fucker near their child after that i??? help. wtf. his moms a nurse why didnt she just have murdoc sit in plain view of other people. god damn.
2d flying out the window n hitting the curb "whoops"
"just two black holes...[ah] it looked great...a blue hair, blacked eyed GOD- the girls would go wild-" "pretty boy looks" ???? HELP. HE DOESNT GO LIGHT ON THE COMPLIMENTS, HUH
oh yeah, he straight up kiddnapped this man help. idk how he managed that, russ is a Big Man??
AND MURDOCS MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING SEXY GOOD that russel said hm alright ill stay, :] out ifbhis owm free will im screaming.
"oh this is one of them febreeze commercials" "uh . yeah sure. *murdoc turning on his Sick Tunes*" but that either means? it was just his guitar playing the convinced russ? unless he and 2d recorded sumn?
"2d was the looks, murdoc the brains, then russel truly was the heart"
'while 2d and murdoc liked music, this man was a MUSICIAN' god fucking bless this book holy shit ny man russ getting some respect. he said back hurts from carrying this band.
murdoc basically heard this guy had big trauma that gave him So Many Skills n said "thats what i want" ok idk thats actually really? inch rest ting to me. seems that murdocs fine handing out compliments but i guess that where his charisma really helps out yeah?
"he was going to be in my band whether he liked it or not" ...murdoc-
HELP. 2D IS LIKE BRO GO ON IM LISTENING 🥺 despite hearing the story 50-60 times and murdoc said fuck off you lil shit.
ok irrelevant but i love his voice! its super comforting n nice to listen to 🥺
idk how/why he sucked up all his friends souls though ... how are they all possessing the same person. they said "its my turn on The Russ"
went to a private school,,, and was already possessed? and the thing where he gets bigger and smaller is a reoccurring thing?
was in a coma for 4 years?
hiphop machine...time and history...the ultimate set i guess.
his knowledge was infinite and hes a "Renaissance man" hes so fucking smart our king. jack of all trades but a master of drums. he said i know im good and what of it
yes russel our king. fuck up his nose 5 more times. probably stunted his growth too. he shrunk after russ gave him a wallop im sure
why dies paula sound like tracer overwatch
also only dated 2d for 2 months before joining the band?
HELP SHE REALLY WAS THE FIRST MURDOC FUCKER: "but when i saw murdoc with his thick greasy hair, green teeth and yellow skin i thought 'oh this is the ine for me!'" "OH HES SUCH A DANDY-" HELP ME IM HQJDHD
sick in the head...like i want to hurt people help girl. shes fucking Crazy. but she rly said damn i didnt hear back from him again 😭 and my purse is gone JSHHD
"small japanese person!"
2d: we werent gorillaz until noodle arrived!
im dying the reason he chose gorillaz. 'swinging through the jungle baring my ass'
noodle really said "im just happy to be here" and she balanced everyone out 😭 "she gave off pure love and the fact that she could laugh at murdoc REALLY helped too" RUSS... IS BABY
2d rambling ab some girl he met and "ssSs" "whats the s stand for hawhaw" "i dont know!".
one song is all it took i ❤ good for them
just murdoc talking ab the party that they threw for thier deal and saying "you dont know how much of a dick i felt like [when carrying one of those huge checks]" like oh thats whatll make you a dick? alright.
ahshdj damon and murdoc not getting along bc of Rival Band One Uppery + damon calling murdocs cuban heels crap since ge wore steel ones with gold spurs.
but the band and damon getting over music and their ambitions and became a "paternal figure"
HELP MURDOC SAID AWIOGA @ RACHEL WHICH MADE HER THROW HER DRINK IN HIS FACE AND SPLIT FROM 2D. kinda sad actually, she said i still like 2d but murdoc kinda ruined it by trying to get it in with me, it put a strain in our relationship :/ oh god murdocs That Dude
nov 31 1998: started recording :]
40 tracks that got cut down to 15 holy shit
hooking up cameras in every room ejdjsu
webby artist of the year in 2006? holy shit
noodle learning ab kong studios omfg
built in 1739?
the ghost of the first owners ghost still roams around in the kitchen in the early hours and moans 'aaa glass of water'
theres some rotting bullshit near the studios and in the summer its fucking TERRIBLE
the former owners were a biker gang, and they all died in a fire
murdoc said this place has bad vibes. i want it.
grim weather
the building feels impossible to escape from huHgg
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haus-of-wu · 4 years
Bonamana (미인아) 10th Anniversary Album Analysis/Rediscovery
Happy 10th Anniversary to Bonamana / 4jib !
I viscerally remember this album coming out when I was in the 8th grade and using my damn iTunes gift cards to buy the album tracks for my iPod nano. (WTF was streaming in 2010)
Bonamana was the first album of many in SJ’s discography that didn’t have the full lineup of members. Hangeng had departed SM, Kibum had announced a hiatus to focus on acting, and Kangin was starting off what would become SJ’s almost decade-long military rotation era.
We’ve come a long way, and we’re still out here !!
Track analysis and re-reaction below the cut - as a veteran ELF I find that middle school me fixated on certain songs (and was the biggest Ryeowook stan), and then completely forgot about entire other songs, so it’s always a fun time going back down memory lane.
Bonamana (미인아)
Even if you look and look, look and look, look and look There’s no one else but me.
It’s true, true that my feelings don’t have a place to go. You know that I adjusted myself to fit you
honestly the best iteration of the “SJ Funky” sound that started with “Sorry Sorry” imo
an absolute headbanger !! if you aren’t already bobbing your head to the bass line and percussion in the first 10 seconds you are not human
this has just the right tasteful amount of autotune that makes it age a lot better than sorry sorry over the years
i’m sorry but the choreo absolutely fucks especially with kyuhyun going out there being like “you thought i was a main vocal? i’m in this fucking dance break”
re:choreo, it’s understandable that they’ve pivoted to the rock remix of this for super shows bc there’s a squat move they do that is not friendly on the knees at all
if you wanted a club BOP about a guy trying his hardest to figure out how to get a girl’s attention, this is it
donghae doing a magic trick for every music show performance of this, while looking fiercely in character while delivering his line as a man who is hella stressed about what to get the girl as a present
the way ryeowook and sungmin (tenor line !!) exchange lines
this song made me go feral in 2010
No Other
Hearing you tell me that you love me, I have everything in this world, You & I, You’re so fine, Is there someone like you? I love you Oh, please know it, to me there’s only you, That I stupidly see you As my everything 
that feel-good cute love song that served as the foil to Bonamana
the softest MV !!
just super chill and smile inducing
all the music show performances of this are just...so cute (also featured so many shenanigans like leeteuk yelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEENIM/GOOD LUCK SHINEE, and random members playing rock paper scissors in the middle of the performance)
probably has the most evenly split line distributions for the time (each member has their own verse of sorts)
contains one of my favorite hyukjae rap parts - it flows in such a relaxing way
Shake It Up (Remix Version)
Hey get up, (Hey get up) everyone come here (everyone come here) Just shake (all your thoughts) Just shake it up!
your everyday repetitive life, right now shake it up your repeated thoughts of sadness- right now shake it up Are you separated from the world? It all depends on you
SJ said shake it up !
chill club song with the touch of autotune, heavy synth, and weird background “oh OHs” of the time
the predecessor to the electronic chill vibe that Skydive has
they really told us to have fun and enjoy
honestly the song i didn’t realize i’d need in quarantine as i jam out at my desk
All My Heart
The words I still can’t say The words that got stuck in my throat I love you more than anyone else It’s still you and me, me me me me me me me me
In this moment I’m really happy I’m really grateful that you came to me The one who gives everything to me It’s only you and me, me me me me me me just you
a simple guitar instrumental with soothing vocals, a wholesome r&b
composed by LEETEUK AND HENRY? fuck me up fam
as a kid this was just the “nanana nanana na” song (that’s the me me me part of the chorus lmao)
this is the happy song that you’d like wave your lighters to maybe
hyukjae’s been singing “don’t wake me up” for eons
god this song makes me so soft
A Short Journey
My heart that loved you My eyes that looked at you Are still here
Oh baby say goodbye, for a short while goodbye I’ll go back to the place when I once was When I open that door and take one step So that I can stand in front of you who I missed
My heart that loved you My eyes that looked at you Will wait
Kangin going to the military tribute song composed by Donghae and lyrics by Hyukjae? they really had all the rights in 2010
god the lyrics really hit me in my ELF heart. like we really went through a whole decade of military service and said goodbye for now so many times
the opening piano intro? i hate you donghae i really do
hyukjae these lyrics man. why. why you gotta make our hearts hurt like this
another simple instrumental with soothing vocals, but this time it hits you in the feels a bit
if you weren’t listening to the lyrics, this feels like a song you’d watch your parents slow dance to in the house
thanks for triggering the “i miss kangin” hours G O D
Boom Boom
From head to toe you are wrapped with all luxury things Hoo~ so eye-blinding, who would ever dare to touch you?
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I’m trying to get a hot girl, I’m drawn to her bad look look look am I wrong?
It’s nothing but such a beautiful sin
yeah i feel like 13/14 y.o. me only was here for bonamana and boom boom back in 2010 which is like...pretty valid given the taste of your typical middle schooler in 2010
but literally. if you thought bonamana was about a guy desperate to get the girl, boom boom was legit like “shit she’s hot like sin and hooking up with her might be a mistake for me but oh well wtf why the hell not”
kyuhyun’s line at the beginning “from head to toe/머리부터 발 끝까지” is apparently used in a lot of lyrics, to the point where D&E were like, Bout You’s Korean title is gonna be that, AND it’s gonna be in the chorus. this was totally off-topic.
the whiplash in this album honestly. soft love songs to trying to get girls in the club to i’ll wait for you to finish military service. they have the RANGE
On the window and on my eyes Dew forms, tears form, a small stream is made Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know The only thing I know is that I just really hurt My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold It seems even I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you
time for a KRY ballad (can you BELIEVE they are finally having their first whole-ass album in june ??)
break up crying song included with the album of two absolute bangers
just close your eyes and get taken away on the sad rainy day ballad
Your Eyes
I want to erase all of my insufficient former self It seems like someone like me has nothing to give to you
Do you still remember, do you believe that it’s only you for me Do you know how long you can keep me by your side In this large world, there’s only one person (I only want you) Did you know this about me
sad piano r&b time !! brought to you by yesung and kyuhyun only
kyuhyun’s bridge though
easily a candidate for some drama OST
i feel like this album really just had two sides - party rock central and r&b feels
My Only Girl
Even if I cover my ears I can hear it, even if I close my eyes, I can see it Even if I shut my mouth I keep calling out for you I am stupid I hate how I can’t get over you
we really opened this song with “cause i’m lonely” huh (screams at how applicable this still is for them TEN years later)
i love everything about this song except the chorus
the chorus is very underwhelming
My All Is In You
Even though I’m pretending to smile Without knowing why In truth I want to cry
It seems love is ending like this Before I know it our parting is approaching You say “goodbye” To me, letting you go is still difficult Please give me a little more time I can’t live without you My all is in you
another sad breakup bop why are you guys so good at this genre
the percussion comes in so nicely
little strings in the background that help accentuate the words (chef’s kiss)
KRY really were already yelling not even halfway into this song - perf
we literally are only in the second chorus folks
this song is great, it’s only sin was that it said “rap line you just don’t get lines”, so rip heechul, hyukjae, and shindong
Shake it Up!
the original - way less electro, more acoustic
has a very lo-fi beginning and then it amps up
has some interesting high pitched synth piano twiddling up there
a tad slower than the remix, but not by much if at all
dude the horns coming in behind hyukjae’s rap !! it fucks !
if the remix version’s vibe is people having fun in the club, this one’s vibe is a summer bbq party in the backyard
god i really love the horn line - it gives it such a nice vibe
another point in the “feel good” bucket
In My Dream
She’s walking away Embracing another person My chest’s like it’s being crushed under a heavy weight
I’m dreaming again, right? Cold sweat runs down my body It hurts to dream about things, I hate to remember
I wish I would fall asleep forever like this I wake up with her presence still… although I hope I don’t dream again, Like today, it seems I fall asleep with her presence
piano and string sadness here we go
bring back SJ KRY + donghae + sungmin
this chorus for this song stabs me in the heart every time
i’m mad where’s the MV for the heart-wrenching sad ballad
kings of emotional power vocals
we really are out here singing our hearts out about that ex-girlfriend that haunts us as we try to fall asleep
if they ever perform this all ELF in the vicinity would immediately die
One Fine Spring Day
A warm wind is blowing like it was that night The flowers you lovingly planted have bloomed Before I know it spring has come again I still want to deeply sleep like it’s winter
You are so very far, so very far To be honest I miss you every day Even the very small, very small trivial things make me think of you every day
still laughing the ryeowook brought up bonamana as his favorite album on weekly idol bc it contained his first ever solo track ;kasjf;aksdf king of promoting only himself
this is v soft, v much aligned with the little prince image that wasn’t even in the works yet
the imagery of the lyrics man. cute winter to spring yearning uwus
s o f t e s t
like this is literally the song that inspired every fanfic writer that’s ever written ryeowook as persephone in some greek god au
Good Person
When you laugh I feel good too, even when you say it’s just pretend You bring happiness to the days when I wait for you, the nights when I miss you Even when I’m alone it’s okay if I can just see you I’m always behind you, I’m always looking out for you, but it seems like I have to share
The difference between me and the person who makes you cry is that all I can do is comfort you
this song sounds like something that would be in the opening of an animated show that takes place in a high school
now that i’m looking at the lyrics, this is literally an upbeat sounding song accepting that they’ve been friendzoned and all they can do is support her relationship with the other guy
bittersweet nostalgia bop i guess
Here We Go
cue family/action movie credit music vibes
i don’t have much to say about it - i just isn’t something i’d listen to on the regular
it’s just happy-go-lucky finale type music
it has a really old-school hyukjae/shindong rap verse lmao
vocal line is out here yelling, very on-brand
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morphogenetic · 3 years
this is an obvious one, but Kaname Date for the ask game?
hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah
favorite thing about them: he cares....so much....about everything.......he won’t show it but he DOES. also i wish we got more hints into his loneliness bc the way he pushes mizuki away bc he feels like he can’t be a true guardian to her...breaks my fucking heart
least favorite thing about them: while i think the h0rniness is actually funny in his case he could definitely afford to tone it down
favorite line: “i wish...that mizuki grows up happy and healthy”
brOTP: he and aiba (DREAM TEAM REAL), also he and mizuki have......such a sweet dad/daughter relationship. i lov them. love the ABIS crew as a group as well, and date + mama’s dynamic is so fuckin underrated.
OTP: date/hitomi......also again date/boss/hitomi as a fwb situation is Neat. renju/date as a one-night-stand situation before renju met his partner would be hilarious. i also think date/[OBVIOUS SPOILER] is fucked up as hell but id wanna explore that dynamic in AUs. not in a healthy way, to be clear, lmao, just . idk. they’re foils so i think it would be interesting
nOTP: not really a notp so much as a “why???’tp but date/kagami is not actually all that good and i dont know why people care about it so much. like it doesnt have any bad qualities to it i just. Why. Theres Nothing.
random headcanon: trans. :] also i like bi date
unpopular opinion: see date/kagami opinion above. take it from this nblm: it’s funny as a joke ship but the fandom has already worn out its welcome for me even though its not Inherently Bad
song i associate with them: crywolf - lemniscate [the place between sleeping and awake]. i mean. a) lemniscate b) 
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favorite picture of them: any time he’s making this face
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(send me a character and I’ll list...)
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