#this topic makes me feel very .. idk passionate is the only word i can think of
littlestpetgoth · 11 months
Do you think natural talent is required to be a great artist?
not at all, im sure that the rate of improvement will vary between people based on whatever it may be, but art is not a talent it’s a skill. like most skills its easier for some than it is for others, but i think if you can teach yourself to have a good mindset about learning and improving then anyone is capable of becoming a good artist.
i see a lot of people who feel stumped and frustrated that they aren’t learning or improving as quickly as other artist/ aren’t as good as artists that have been practicing for longer than them, but like working out it’s hard work and everyone’s experience is going to be different. some people have an easier time understanding shapes, colors, and volumes, those people will have an easier time understanding the. fundamentals ig! your process is never going to be the same as someone else’s so you shouldn’t compare your journey with theirs..
ive seen plenty of people create incredible things from all different kinds of backgrounds, ive seen an artist who is unable to draw with their hands so they’re forced to use their feet/mouth, their disability hasn’t stopped them because they don’t feel defeated to create..
sorry if it’s hard to understand what im saying im sure there’s a better way to word it, but if you’re ever feeling sad that you’re not where you wish you were on your art journey, just remember that as long as you don’t give up you will always improve. those improvements are slow and subtle but they are there, you just won’t notice it until you take the time to look back on your old work.
if you feel like you are stagnating, try doing studies, draw something out of your comfort zone, identify a part that you feel unsatisfied with and work on improving it.
im purely a hobbyist, so im not under any pressure to perfect the things i create for the art industry. i think its really important to prioritize your own enjoyment when creating art, because it should be fun! it should be fun to use your brain and to put out something that you felt in your creative organs.
it always breaks my heart to see people be so broken about their natural ability to create whatever their brain comes up with.. so i feel very passionately about enjoying the process..
i understand thst finding that patience is harder for people who rely on their art for money, so i have no advice for relieving that stress. unfortunately the art market is very over saturated (does not help with all of the ai art bs) and i wish you good luck..
uhh tldr i think that art, like most skills, is something that everyone learns at a different pace. one workout routine is not going to bring everyone the same results at the same time. everyone’s needs and experiences are going to be different . people need to accept that..
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Hey Mun! Not sure how many characters you take but can you do headcanons of turn ons and turn offs for Geto Gojo Toji and Nanami? Bless 🙏🏻
wgw1!! idk if this req was actually meant for me or nawt but why tf not!! lool lets get into it!
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ft. Geto, Gojo, Toji and Nanami (ft. Megumi)
contents: modern au, strong language, slight glimpses of gaslighting idk
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Turn OFFs:
Dislikes strong smells!! deffo think he’d be one to faux gag if something even vaguely annoyed his senses (he can be so childish at times lol).
doesnt even have to be a bad smell, it could literally be perfume
He refuses to say its sensory overload, which you’d even be able to accustom and understand better, but no he literally just… doesn’t like it
“Eurk! Wha’ the fu’k?!”
Geto loudly makes a display of gaging as the two of you were sat on the train. With a face of surprise, you look at Geto with annoyance.
“Really?! In public?!” You hissed.
The man only held his nose as he sideeyes the lady that just passed him by. Subtly sniffing yourself, you scoff at Geto’s reaction.
“The perfume didn’t even smell that bad. It was kinda nice even.”
Geto disregarded your comment by making even a bigger heaving sound.
“It’s infiltrating my fucking nose, oh my god.
You had to look away with a sigh. He really could be dramatic sometimes.
He gets turned off when a significant other asks for his opinion and does the exact opposite. he says it’s a waste of his ‘sacred wisdom he chose to bestow upon you’
especially if its to make a decision they’ve been pondering on for time. if they do or pick the other option, he feels like his opinion is so bad that in giving the wrong answer, the person chose the right one !!
it gives him a very phat inferiority complex but he wont admit it so anytime he sees it he’s like RedFlagRedFlagRedFlag 😭😭
Turn ONs:
he gets turned on when a significant other plays with his ears.
its kinda weird because he’s very particular about who touches him and its a part of him that normally people would look at in wonder but not go out of their way to ask to touch because he’d probably say no
and in all honesty, he would dsodjsj but if you’re both laid up with each other and you subconsciously do it, he won’t complain
he secretly loves the stimulation of it
With his head laid up in your lap, Geto’s eyes were glued to the screen.
He was so adamant to watch this documentary and you had absolutely no interest or intention in watching it with him. Yet surprisingly, you found yourself rather interested in the topic of discussion and so ended up sitting with him.
Subconsciously, your hand stroked down from the crown of Geto’s head to the shell of his ears, your fingers aimlessly fiddling with the soft flesh.
Geto hadn’t voiced anything about it so you didn’t realise for awhile, but when you noticed it was his ears you were touching, you made a short ‘ooh’ sound before retracting your hand.
“What? What happened?” Geto used his arm to sit up and look back at you, eyes beady as he made sure everything was okay.
You quickly shook your head.
“No, its nothing. I just realised I was touching your ear and I didn’t mean to. Sorry.”
Rolling his eyes, Geto only lowered himself back onto your lap with a huff. He gingerly wormed himself back into a comfortable position as his eyes were already trained back onto the TV.
“I thought it was something serious.” He mumbles.
Oh he loves intelligent conversations — this doesn’t mean the content of the conversation has to be strictly complicated or about something big brained. it could simply be something you’re both passionate about and therefore can talk in great depth about
he loves being able to have bartering points and see different perspectives or discover new possibilities together with someone who knows what they’re talking about!!
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Turn OFFs:
Excessive swearing
Gojo’s own mouth isn’t the cleanest in the book, but he hates when there’s just too much bad language flying around
In his words: “It disturbs the Holy Spirit in me.”
“And I swear to God! If you ever touch my fucking wife ever again, I promise you I’ll fuck your shit up so bad, you’ll fucking wish you were pissing out your own’s mother’s cunt!”
You were practically on the edge of your seat at the confrontation scene that was going down. The movie had built the climax up so well, you couldn’t believe that this was how it turned out.
However, before you could see what happened next, the TV turned black and you were left with looking at your reflection within the screen.
You turned round to see Gojo with the remote in his hand as he shook his head in fake solemn conviction.
“It’s just way too much foul language. How are you even watching this?” He sighed.
Leaning up from your seat, you grabbed the remote back from the man.
“Boy, JustGimmeThatShit.” You gave Gojo a stank face before turning the TV back on. Only this time, you lowered the volume.
Big turn off is when people are too much in his business — Which is real contradictory because Gojo’s the King of Tell Me The Drop, but he really believes that he’s superior in the sense that when he knows something, it’s because he rightfully should
Its kinda toxic tho because if you try and pry something out of Gojo because he may well be hiding something, he will vilify you for wanting to know shit from him
Turn ONs:
Kinda the opposite to Geto, but he loves strong smells (but only nice ones)
Use too much detergent in your clothes? Dont worry, Gojos inhaling the scent right tf out of it
New perfume? He notices right away and demands he get to smell all the areas you’ve used it
Cooking something zesty?! Gojo’s first in line to try it out (and sneaks nosefuls directly from the pot throughout the day)
Caught red handed, Gojo looked towards you like a deer caught in headlights, his eyes wide as he had the opened pot lid in his hands.
“I saw that!” You pointed.
Dropping the lid and quickly scrambling away from the crime scene, Gojo let out a high pitched cry. Walking over to the abandoned pot with a sigh, you placed the lid back on top to close it.
“We’ve spoken about this.” You say into the air.
You couldn’t see him but you heard the soft sound of pitiful shuffling from somewhere within the vicinity.
“I’m sorry…” You heard whine from a far away place. “It just smelt so good.”
He gets turned on from a good rub session.
It doesn’t even have to lead to sex, but Gojo just loves rubbing up on others and being rubbed on (permitted he likes the person)
Hes got langly arms so hes able to reach all parts of you regardless of your positions
Just being able to snuggle up with each other for hours on end is his thing; to the extent where you have to ask him if he needs to go toilet because he’d rather be busting to go than not suggle
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Turn OFFs:
Things that take too long!!
Hes a very impatient man and wants everything instantly
you sometimes worry about doing things in public with him because his patience is vey minimal
“I’m not waiting any longer, gimme the car keys.”
You were just about getting the last of the items off the shopping list when Toji had popped up in front of you with a very constipated expression.
Sighing, you fling your head back in annoyance.
“I— TJ, just hold on! I only need to get the last of the stuff then we can go. Just queue up in line and by the time it’s our turn I’ll be back with the rest.”
“But I’ve been waiting for too long!”
“And I’ve only been gone for two seconds!” You say with open eyes.
Shrugging, Toji sorts his hands inside your pocket before pulling out the car keys.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m going back to the car.”
You couldn’t even stop him slugging off regarding your hands were full. Looking left and right, you called out to him.
“Wh—So where’s our shopping trolley?!”
Toji shrugs, his back towards you as he made his way towards the exit.
“In line.” He shouts back.
Nagging. This man absolutely hates when people nag him. It’s even more annoying because he will not get shit done on the first listen/ask so sometimes nagging is all you can do
He’ll literally switch off if he thinks you’re nagging him and it’s so jarring when he does because you could be telling him something so crucially important but because he was nagged an hour ago he’s not listening for shit
Turn ONs:
when you automatically co parent with him
now again, yes hes a bit of a lazy guy so any prospects of a potential babysitter guardian for his kids he’ll run at
but its that energy of treating his kids as your own (and no less to your other kids if you have any) that really turns him on
“Alright, ‘Gums, you know how this goes, right?”
The black haired boy nodded, a subtle smile on his face as he met you in the middle to shake hands.
“Of course. Win the match, or at least MVP, and then coerce dad into taking us out for a congratulatory meal.”
With a wide grin, you ruffled Megumi’s hair before patting him on the shoulders.
“That’s my boy. Now go get’em.” Surging him off onto the playing court, you gleamed upwards as you felt Toji come stand behind you.
“What’dyou tell ‘im?” He gruffly asks as he passes you your requested confectionery from the stand.
“Oh, nothing too much.” You grinned. “Just your usual pre-game encouragement!”
turned on by the exposure of flesh in subtle places
hes not talking barely no clothes (which he doesnt mind) or nakedness (which he even more doesnt mind) but when you wear an outfit that is supposed to be modest but theres a lil slip or cut in the cloth that shows just that sliver of innocent skin, hes bearing his teeth in glee
its the prospects that you could be showing a lot more or covering up way less but you choose to go sensible. yet that lil fun side to you still peaks out
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Turn OFFs:
a bit canon yes but he hates when people dont know when to take a break. like my goodness its not everyday work yourself to the bone
hes very serious about holidays and clocking in overtime so the very scent of doing more than you should aggravates him.
“Where are you?”
Nanami’s voice over the receiver sounds plain but you can tell there’s a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Hey Ken, I’m still at work. I’m just packing up now. You outside?” You say as you hold the phone between your ear and shoulders.
“It’s five past.” He grumbles.
Pausing in your tracks, you make a confused face.
“Yeah, and?”
“You should have been packed up ages ago.”
Noticing where he was coming from, you sighed loudly albeit with a smile tinted on your lips.
“I was just catching up with a colleague. Don’t worry, I’ll be right down.”
There was a slight pause, almost like a thought, before he spoke again.
“As long as you weren’t working past your finishing time—”
“Yes, of course! Never would I ever dare to work past clock-out!” You laugh as you make your way out of the office.
hes turned completely off when people have no regard for others
whether that be not tidying up after themselves or not being aware of their surroundings or even deciding to eat something shareable in the presence of others without othering
hes a very considerate man when it comes to these things and he genuinely hates when people are just really selfish with shit
Turn ONs:
Seems quite vague because isn’t that how everyone’s caught?!
But no, someone having confidence to seduce him always works. It doesn’t mean he’ll always be receptive to it but simply having the guts to approach him will definitely have him thinking about it at night
As the music played throughout the apartment, you couldn’t help but dance playfully onto Nanami, backing up onto him as he stood rather distracted with the dishes.
“Versace on the floor, Ouuuh! Take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now girl!”
The man kept his head stoically focused on the dishes, trying his best to not engage with your antics.
“Come on, Ken, dance with me!”
You laid your hand out in his direction, beckoning him to your patronage. Nanami shook his head although he had a slight smile on his face.
“I’ve got to finish the dishes.” He excuses.
Leaning forwards to look at him, you lift your hand up to drag a smooth palm down his chest.
“Forget those for a second, handsome. They’ll always be here. Just come dance with me. for a bit.” You said in a sultry voice, you eyes hooded as you bit your bottom lip.
Nanami looks between the dishes and you three times before dutifully succumbing.
Having a clean place, person and home is very important to Nanami! Even more when it comes to his significant other because he aint going down on nobody with glued shut booty flaked cheeks or poor grooming habits
but in general, just being graced with the cleanliness of others is his thing
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undobutton · 11 months
I agree with you totally and to add something, Im white and it is extremely easy to be respectful? Like you dont have to be too smart to know that because you are white that doesnt mean everyone else reading is, and the people that are like “im just not used to it/ idk how to not write white reader/ being inclusive is too difficult" and else are really self-centered and probably kind of racist people, not only to black people but to any POC. If you are going to describe the reader as white, dont even call it an "x reader"🙄
this! this! i gotta say:
i feel like some people need to hear that. there is no default besides being human. and hate to burst anyone's bubble but we're all fucking humans. You and your experiences are not universal.
not everyone blushes visibly, or has hair that fingers can be ran through, or can go straight to cuddling someone as soon as they get through the door.
sometimes our skin is too dark, or our hair is too thick, or getting free of our outside clothes is the most important thing to do when getting home. and thats okay.
adding a little "written with white reader mind" or "written with straight reader in mind" or "written with able-bodied reader in mind" helps so much. like let. us. know. please.
cause it hurts to be knee deep in a fic and then have to recalibrate and ask yourself if this character would like you if you're not white. and feeling like the answer is no? that shit SUCKS ASS.
and if you feel called out by this? That's fine. you don't deserve death or a curse on your whole bloodline. just make the effort to acknowledge this and add those warnings in the future. adjust the tags you use in your fics! I'll do it too!
If I make a mistake tell me! don't tell me to die bc i forgot a warning. be humane.
the problem is when people act like they are above adding these warnings. or acknowledging that they accidentally considered their fic inclusive when it wasn't.
im not writing all this to make people feel bad. I'm just passionate and like making bold words and using all caps. If you realize that you've been doing some of these things just make your future works more inclusive or add those warnings.
if you "don't know how to write a non-white reader" or something. the xreader tag is for everyone, sure. but you can tag your fic as xreader and xwhite!reader or xfem!reader. it's not hard, really.
i also don't want to take away from anon's original statements. so i just want to ask anyone reading this to maybe reread what they said. since i drifted away from that topic and i think they said it very well!
also wanna add that xwhite!reader isn't even really a tag? like it didn't pop up as i typed it so.. maybe we can make that a thing?
-button 🌺
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lunicho · 5 months
Saw this on another blog and wanted to send it to you too ☺️
Pick any 5 moots and describe them using 3 words! <3
ooh this is so cute, i love when ppl ask me to talk abt my moots cuz i love bragging about them!! the hard part is picking 5 moots to do this with hmm
@adoresol - passionate, honest, and devoted. i have actually been good friends with her for a good like four years now i think omg so there's many words to describe her but i think these are the best ones for now. she feels deeply and is very genuine in her emotions which is something i admire about her. she's also extremely honest, i love this about her because if i ask her something she'll be straight up with me. she's also very devoted bc like why is she still my friend LMAOOO she's so loyal and just like!?!?!?!?!?!??! my pookie wookie bear fr, i've told her so much cheesy corny shit abt how i feel abt our friendship so i'll spare y'all
@kissohee - its so hard to describe her with just three words! but i would say chaotic, lovable, and genuine. i never feel stress when talking to her and we've grown comfortable with one another quite quickly. i think we just have had this connection from the beginning and she just made me so so comfortable. she's also so loveable like im gonna hold her hand fr she's so cute. and she's so genuine, i always feel that she means everything that she says and it makes me even more comfy with her. she's also just like me we're both so random and we both talk a lot so its the perfect pace for me. the convos are always so fast like idk if ppl would be able to keep up with us and how much we switch topics LMAO but yeah! i hope that we just get closer and closer in the future and that she's always happy <3 (also open-minded would be a rlly good one for her but only her and i know why and that's the way its gonna stay LMAO)
@sminiac - saiii!!! i never include her in my moots posts so i wanted to this time :3! i'm gonna say kind, inviting, and adorable. she's literally so so kind, everytime i send smth or interact with her she's like "my dearest bunny!" AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY SO SO HAPPY!! she's always so sweet to me and like idk smth abt her is just so adorable. plus her blog rn is so adorable i love the layout. i do still get anxious to send too much stuff and things like that but ur so so welcoming and inviting that ik im always welcome but im scared to be annoying LMAOGDJ. i hope we can yap more and more abt 8turn tgt and just chat some more!!
@bubblegyu00 - energetic, humorous, and chatty,, our convos are extremely fast paced and go on for the entire day. i'm always laughing at smth or we're always losing it over smth someone did (usually a zb1 member or nicho tbh). she's energetic and keeps up with my pace and i do the same with hers. she also makes me laugh which is why i said she's humorous. we're always going on and on abt the same 3 things yet we never get tired of it like its gonna eat every single time PLS. BUT YEAH she's super fun, her nonnie to friend storyline is very very iconic and i love that for her. can't wait to keep screaming about kyungmin over and over <33
@xhdream - we've started to talk in the dms now and dinna's such a sweet girlie :(. i would describe her as easy-going, charming, and friendly. dinna's sooo so cute and always so sweet to me and she has been since the beginning. talking to her has been so fun so far cuz she's very approachable and she engages in the conversation so so much. our time difference is very big so we have to catch each other at a specific time but it's worth it everytime. there's just something about her that's so fun and so kind and that's why i said she's charming. her and her blog just have this good and sweet energy that i really really enjoy <3
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mokkemusic · 3 months
✨Yugi Sensei headcanons 🥼📝🌌🔭 ✨ (I wrote this a while ago but I need to put this here for archive purposes AND because everything I said basically came true! But I’ll get to that later date posted: 5/7/24)
Ok so I cannot contain myself any longer I’ve tried believe me I’ve tried but I am actually COMBUSTING so here they are:
(I wanted any pic here so Kamome building worked)
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1) Aside from the obvious that all the girls had a crush on their very dapper science teacher (well maybe not all but at least a few at the very least they thought he was cute. Just them thinking that.) Aside from that! Him as a teacher-the words coming out of my mouth now still don’t feel real🥺- BUT
2)He would be the understanding teacher that everyone can go to for help. He shares his passion for the stars and he makes a big show of exaggerated disappointment when his students are like “Well Sensei, space is just boring.” “Boring? Well will just have to fix that.”
He’d be that teacher that got all the permissions for a nightly class excursion to the school buildings rooftop (idk how it works at Kamome and what paperwork or forms would have to be approved but putting that aside)and sets up the telescope and helps everyone set up theirs (The school has a lot of funding ok let’s just make believe)and watches as everyone’s face lights up in awe as they take turns with their group partner watching the Perseids meteor shower on a day there’s a new moon and the stars are exceptionally bright!
He’d be the teacher that collects all the equipment after with a smug look on his face and who would not be above teasing the so called “bored students of the bunch” in their next class ever so slightly.
His passion that’s full of “life” would be contagious for that specific topic and it would spread to his students. It would. Even if it’s only for the time they are in his class and they can talk about how their science teacher was really overly enthusiastic and when they graduated he would be memorable.
3)He’d be the teacher who…if he sees things are getting out of hand between students during his class hours would nip it in the butt right away. He’s got a no bullying tolerance policy.He’d either be firm“Excuse, me but I’m teaching here.” or light hearted “Fighting in my lesson?Maybe I’m not giving you enough to keep you occupied depending on what it calls for. At least during class time.But he would always be keeping an eye on students giving them a nudge to see him after class or having his door open for anyone who needed to come to him with a problem. And if the student was really lucky it would be On a day that he brought with him an extra donut or two🍩 because they all knew their Sensei had a donut addiction and he wasn’t opposed to sharing if he had a few more. If it was a really serious situation though he would give up his own donut. One of the kids comes to him crying cause they failed a test or got their heart broken. One of the kids is having troubles at home and lost the light behind their eyes. And he’d listen giving up his own donut he saved knowing he would be staying at the school until the late night grading papers cause he’s a workaholic… until Tsuchigomori has to physically come to his class and drag him out seeing him asleep on a stack of papers and smack him on the head and tell him to go home cause he shouldn’t be living at the school. (But at least he’s living.)
Ok I think I’m done. Cause I’m crying again! I didn’t mean for it to turn into this. But yea he would be like this 🥺.🥼 🔭 🌌 📝
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Writing asks: 10, 11, 38
10: Top three favourite fic tropes
Transformations - Vampires, alien goo, zombification, demonic corruption, dragon mode, I eat this shit UP! Day fucking one my mom asks little 3 year old me what kinda imaginary story I wanna play and I am immediately transforming motherfuckers into various animals, monsters, and strange shapes. I've been on my freak with this since birth.
Omegaverse - I've only half written the one fic for it myself, but I find A/O/B very fun and extremely gender affirming. I could honestly rant about the appeals of this one for a while, but half of it would be NSFW and the other half would be railing against one specific anti-omegaverse argument that genuinely makes me want to fist fight people lol, so suffice to say, I do really like it.
Edgy Panic Button Powers - uhhh so idk what the proper name for this would be, but I'm talking like superpowers that are overwhelmingly powerful, but have some kind of cost that necessitates that it can only be pulled out in absolute emergencies, and I want that shit to be edgy as all hell. Ichigo's Hollow mask thingy is a good example of this. Rin from Blue Exorcist doing his demon thing is another great one. Alucard's control level zero (might be getting that name wrong??) from Helsing Ultimate OVA. Dante's Devil Trigger and Jason's All-Blades could be the same kinda sauce with the right tweaks. Bonus points if the Edgy Panic Button is a transformation.
...Just realized this one isn't exactly a fic trope, have another one
Only One Bed - something about this one strikes just the right balance between fools getting put in awkward scenarios against their will and character choice. The bed forces temptation, and it's up to the characters and their own foibles as to who breaks how. Have yet to write this one yet, but it will happen someday, mark my words.
11: Three tropes that are fine but overrated
continuing the trend of only half staying on topic, some of these are more like tropes of unknown rating that don't jive with me? I have a hard time saying something is getting undue praise, but I tried
Soulmate AUs - I think they're simultaneously underrated and overrated. They get treated like they're THE exemplar of romantic storytelling in fanfiction, especially in terms of talking about hating it and wanting it subverted into dust because it's supposedly this hollow hedgemonic whatever, when really like... It is not the core and pinnacle of pure romance, nor is it emblematic of what's wrong with the kids these days. It's just a trope, with narrative strengths and weaknesses the same as any other trope. It's fine.
coffee shop/flower shop/mundane job AUs - These are simply incompatible with me. I do not like normalcy; normalcy does not like me. I have a really hard time imagining my weirdo blorbos being so normal without exploding out of their own skins trying to find something more. Tim and Jason would attempt to throw hands with everyone and God in every world I think, but at the same time, maybe I kinda get why people like it? If I wrote the same kind of slice of life fic about Jason and Tim working together as assistants in a necromancer's lab I'd really like it. I can respect a trope that's comforting and has a routine that puts the characters in proximity with a craft they can mutually share and have passion over. Still feel like it's kinda over-done tho
Wing fics - I am way, way too anal retentive about speculative biology and speculative anthropology for 98% of these, which prefer to focus on using the wings as thematic and emotional indicators. I get why they're popular, they're cool and lend themselves well to dope ass art, but also they do sometimes make me want to scream about wingspan ratios and improper joint placements.
38: "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
"This happened but" all the way. I find taking the concepts that didn't work in comics execution and improving upon them to be a fun challenge. I firmly believe that with effort and care, you can make a good story out of nearly any starting concept, and there's a ton of advantages I have as a reader/fanfic writer that the original comic writers didn't have (like hindsight and a lack of executive demands), so idk I pretty much always feel like I can take the comic's basic beats and figure out a way to improve it.
I'm also just way more forgiving than a lot of other comic readers I think? Like I have gone on record as a defender of both Brothers in Blood and Pill Helmet Jason and some of my first comics ever were Lobdell's Red Hood and the Outlaws new 52 stuff and that somehow didn't turn me off of comics lmao, it takes a LOT to make me say "this is too garbage for me to want to use any of it". I enjoy going into comics looking for stuff that works or could work better if ___.
The only "this never happened"s I really go for are the ones that are like specifically in service to keeping a character's cool magic power or transformation curse or whatever intact. Like if the story's happily ever after involved the main character no longer turning into a sicknasty demon form when mad, I will hate that enough to pitch it out entirely lol
anyhow, thank you for the ask Laufire! I might send u some questions back as revenge :3
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fettuccinewrites · 7 months
I AM HERE to give a fic review nobody asked for but i have no one else to talk about it
I have finished CWM couple hours ago and i've been obsessing over it ever since. Firstly would like to point out that cwm was already in my reading list and when i decided to start reading it after sending you that first ask i kept asking myself "why didn't i read it sooner?" cause i do have a severe case of love square brainrot and i have an unresolved passion with ice skating so why haven't i read that indeed.
Then I got the scene in which Adrien's ed is revealed and it was a big OH THAT'S WHY moment for me. I have been recovering from an ed myself for years and i try to avoid the topic because i dont think i'm there yet yk? ANYWAYS. That did make my reading take a little longer than planned, out of caution really, but nothing i couldn't handle (my therapist will be very proud). On that note, I would like to apologize for needing to skip some of the more in-depth ed related parts, but to also congratulate you on the way you handled the subject. I don't usually feel safe reading these type of stories, but cwm was an exception due to your writing and story telling skills.
MOVING ON cause i feel cringey talking about my ed but you really deserve the praise for this
It really is amazing how well you are able to sell rivals to lovers narrative. dymdc and cwm both had me invested in their rivalry. It didn't feel forced, the progression of the relationship had incredible pacing and the reasons behind were believable. Like, writing this trope is so hard because it's easy to fall in traps of the narrative – not making the rivalry strong enough or making it too strong and having to bullshit a reason to end it – but you do it SO WELL. LIKE. i actually don't have words, I keysmashed three times over this so yeah i guess that's what i have to say.
Something I would also like to point out: the choice of performances. bruh. You matched the characters vibes to the choreographies so well. Like I know nothing about the fem skater from the 2010 phantom of the opera but I can see Lila so clearly in her expressions that makes me want to punch her in the face. The way the snake dance has Kagami's seriousness and precision and Luka's edge and style. *chefs kiss*
Now on the note of Moulin Rouge for Adrienette, i feel like keysmashing is not enough i need to bark. The way the story of the performance is a parallel to their relationship AND andrien's condition. Part of me thought he was going to die. I lost cound how many times I cried while reading this and I wish I could have recorded the way i GASPED when they came in twelfth. Had me shaking and tearing up ngl.
The one thing i did not understand tho was why Marinette kept that Gabriel remade their costumes a secret. Like I get Adrien making his piece with the relationship with his bio father, and deciding not to pursue one with him anymore, but Marinette not telling him felt a little shady for me. Maybe I missed something, but I don't think that shutting that door was up to her. I like the ending for Gabriel and Adrien, but idk maybe i just don't like that Marinette kept it a secret from him.
Alright I think I've said enough for one ask holy shit look at the size of this so i'm gonna stop it here. I think I said everything I wanted to say, but if I remember anything else – and I'm still welcome in here –i'll come back to dump more unrequited opinions.
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing work with us 🧡
omg! thank you!! one thing about me is i LIVE for long comments, particularly about cwm (my forever favorite story) so you are always welcome
i figured the ed parts would be difficult for some people to read, so they are 100% skippable & i’m glad you were able to take advantage of that and still enjoy the story ❤️
i love that you actually went and looked up the performances bc i just feel like it enhances the reading experience so much??? moulin rouge felt like the ONLY choice for them, i am soooo glad the parallels were noticed bc it was very much my intention :)))))
re: costumes… really just needed to wrap up that plot line and didn’t know how else to do it haha. I’d spent far too long on it already, and thought of it as like a parting gift kinda thing? A was done with G so (in my head) she didn’t see a reason to tell him, i guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️
anywayyyyy always happy to talk cwm! or writing! or dymdc! or anything else <3333
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dear--charlie · 11 months
Dear Charlie,
hi it's me, again. It's been a while, I know. I'm done with my masters and I work as a teacher now. I teach 1/2 grade and 5/6 grade in mixed age classes. It's so much work that that's all I do, but since all my friends live away, I'm pretty much alone all the time. It's not as if I had anything better to do, but I'm slipping down again. I guess I'll pick myself back up again when I got the time. Anyway, that's not why I am writing. 
My 6th grades were supposed to do a chore. Instead, they used the comment section of the word document and insulted each other. And I mean, they're teenagers. I could deal with them calling each other jerks, but that's not what they did. They called each other gay. "gay" as in "that's so gay" as in "that's so fucked up". And well, I couldn't let that sit on me. I went home and did a worksheet. Screenshots of their conversation on the cover. On the next 4 pages an instagram post Hoshi shared, where she received insults and death threats for being a lesbian, as well as her statement about it. Then I made them watch videos: what is LGBT, why is there so much suicide in queer youth, why are gay footballers scared of coming out, what do kids mean when they "gay" and what's the real possible consequence. They were shocked. 2 boys cried. I brought my point across but there is so much more talking to do. They know nothing about the matter and I dived in head first. Now we will decompose, and I will make sure that they do not use gay as a slur even in their dreams. 
Anyway. I shared this with J., the woman I work with in 2nd grade. She is really nice and knows the kids and the school and I just needed to share what had just happened because I was really emotional. And well, we talked and talked and it was nice and she made me feel safe but I didn't manage to come out to her because something in me was still scared. But then I was home and felt like shit. Not only had I not told her the truth but I had gotten back in the closet when for the past 2 years I had been out and proud abroad. Well now back at home I'm a little closeted bat. And I hate it. I feel like I am betraying myself and my values and losing part of myself because I am hiding it away again. 
So, I texted J. And I told her that I didn't really know how to tackle this but that there was something I wanted to tell her and I was scared to do so because I was scared out work relationship would change and I really appreciate that relationship. But then I told her about A. And she didn't answer for hours. Then this morning, I receive this text: Hi Lena, thank you for your message, I could see that this topic is really important to you and that you are passionate about it. I can imagine that it was not always easy and I am terribly sorry for that. Unfortunately, our society is still quite primitive and conservative in this sense. I wish you and your girlfriend only the best. I am very open-minded and think that everyone should go their own way without having obstacles put in it. And besides, there is no such thing as THE right way. You are authentic and have dared to come out. Many people do not have this courage because a large part of our society does not tolerate it. This changes absolutely nothing in our teamwork - on the contrary! As I said before, I think it's good that you wrote this to me. It was very emotionally touching. You're a really kind, sympathetic and emotional person/ teacher. Stay true to yourself because you'll see it's worth it in the end. Feel hugged.
And well, I cried my eyes out and then I just thanked her. Now I'm better but I still think about it a lot and well Idk, I don't like that wherever I go there has to be a coming out again. It's annoying. 
Plus, a kid asked me why gay people decide to be gay if it means they are threatened. And well... that's a whole other story. 
Love always, 
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stars-tonight · 2 months
Hi there!! I’d like to be a🪻 anon and I want to request a long romantic matchup with either girl or a guy (I’m okay with both)
My ideal partner is someone I can rely on (especially in different social situations), also someone understanding and patient (who’s an extroverted person), someone passionate who likes to explore and learn new things
My pronouns are she/her, I’m an introvert, I’m usually calm and quiet, let’s say I don’t take failures well: I get stressed easily (I failed an exam that I had to retake this week, hopefully it went well👍)
When it comes to hobbies I’m kinda like a sponge - everything I try becomes my hobby in some way; mostly I like reading, listening to music, travelling, astronomy, mythologies, yoga, philosophy, psychology
Love languages: quality time and physical touch (giving), acts of service and quality time (receiving)
Other: I’m an intp, I like to learn new things all the time and I yap about them all the time too, I love museums, aquariums, theatres, art galleries so my ideal date would probably be something like that, also I like to analyse media I’m consuming so if I watch a movie I like to talk about what I liked about it and symbolism in the movie etc and it’s the same with plays, books, music, paintings all kinds of things
Okay I think that’s all! I’m excited who you’ll pick for me, take all the time you need❤️
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🥛 i'll be honest at first i was at a loss for who to pick for you
🥛 but after a couple days i read your ask over again and i was like "it's noya! it's clearly noya!"
🥛 noya is one of the biggest extroverts in the whole series
🥛 man is absolutely fearless
🥛 he's extremely passionate about volleyball but at the same time likes to explore new things
🥛 literally quits volleyball to explore the world after high school
🥛 i think noya's generally a pretty chill person but if it's a topic he's really passionate about he can get fired up pretty easily
🥛 prime example is when asahi left the team
🥛 but he's a great friend and seems to make friends pretty easily
🥛 the type of guy that not everyone likes but very few people dislike if that makes sense
🥛 like you, asahi gets stressed easily, but everyone sees how noya can cheer him up and inspire him
🥛 so he'd be the same way with you
🥛 the biggest reason why noya would fit you is because he's also like a sponge
🥛 he's one of the only characters in the whole series (that i can think of ofc) that avidly embraces change and wants to try everything
🥛 you would definitely join him on his voyage across the globe
🥛 you'd try so many things (new food, crazy activities, just making the most of life while you're young)
🥛 you'd be THAT couple on instagram with the coolest pictures that makes everyone jealous
🥛 noya would be JUMPING at the opportunity to do something for you
🥛 idk if i've said this before but i feel like his biggest giving love language is acts of service (followed by physical touch and words of affirmation)
🥛 even when you don't need his help, he's jumping to do things for you
🥛 examples: carrying your bags, holding an umbrella for you even though he's probably shorter than you, cooking for you even though he probably burns toast
🥛 his receiving love language strikes me as physical touch
🥛 one touch from you and he's melting
🥛 you could slap him and he'd still love you (*cough cough kiyoko*)
🥛 even though it seems like nothing in nishinoya's life is permanent or lasting, you are the one constant in his liquid puzzle
runner up for you was hinata shōyō!
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A/N: there you go 🪻anon, i hope you liked it! sorry about the long wait, lost creativity and motivation for a couple days 🙈 i hope your exam went well!
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Heyy, idk how to say this but im gonna try putting it in words, i took two gap years for giving an exam and now i won't make it, i can't find the right option to choose what to study and everytime i think about studying for a certain course, i get bombed with what if i hate the job that comes with and im scared. Do you have any advice for me? Ive been clueless thinking about everything and its just idk what to do
Hello, darling. This is a very common fear. It’s always been so frustrating to me that we’re expected to not only choose one thing to turn into a career, but do so at such a young age. So many people choose something and burn out because of this. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. I think taking those gaps was a great idea, you deserve all the time you need to explore and rest from academics. Here are a few centering questions and points I think may help.
Do you want to go to college? Do you feel like you should/have to or do you want to but feel worried?
Many people feel college is the only way. While there are fair concerns about starting a career with no degree, many forms of work don’t need one. A good example is trade work, which is often hands on learning. These are worthy pursuits! Additionally, if you want to pursue something such as art but feel no need for a classical education, maybe finding a job that lets you do that is better.
What are your top five passions?
They don’t need to make sense for university or a career. Say they’re bread, crayons, Russian literature, snails, and gaming. Those are all tangible things! Make a list and then think about what makes you so happy about them. What’s the common ground? How can you make these your study?
Have you considered not choosing one thing yet? Or at all?
Many universities and colleges offer unique opportunities in two ways. One is to be undeclared as a major. At my university and others they place you in University Division, where instead of starting right away on one topic, you explore any and all that interest you. Nursing? Sure! Painting? Yes! Finance? You bet! This was you can test what you like and don’t like. Secondly, many places now offer a whole degree that’s tailored by you for you. For example, my university has an office that will help you create a major. I know a student who’s studying music and neuroscience as one cohesive major.
Are you doing this for you?
So many people attend a university for their family or social standing. Please remember that this won’t be good for anyone, it will only burn you out.
What’s so bad about changing?
A consistent fear of students across the globe is “what if I change my mind?” It’s a valid fear, but not so scary as it sounds. A perfect example of this is in fact my brother. He got halfway through a BA in political science and well. He hated it. It wasn’t engaging the way he thought it would be, he didn’t enjoy his classes, and he was afraid of his future work. So what did he do? He went to his advisor, they talked and by gosh he changed his major. It delayed him a little while, but now he will graduate spring of 2023 with a degree in outdoor education and parks. Hold space for the fact that change is possible and ok. It will not be the end of the world. A woman I know for her PHD in economics and then became a minister. You won’t be the wildest story.
Quick Tips: Interview people with jobs you’ve considered. Literally just email and ask them! Most people will love to talk to you. Ask your professors as well, and chat consistently with them. Never underutilize your advisory office. They seriously know what to do. Take one class every semester that’s completely out of what you normally study, challenge your mind.
In the end no matter what happens it truly is okay. If you change your mind you do. But I know somewhere in your heart is a bright passion for something. You’ll find it, by typical methods or not. I’m here if you have any more questions! I love talking about academics and education. Also I have a good track record of helping people choose majors. Best of love and luck!
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
Genre: Fluff, hurt? a little angsty? Idk. you tell me ;)
Request: Yes
Word count: 1135
Warnings: Swearing, mention of drugs, injury, blood (I think that's it but lemme know if any more should be added)
This is the request: May i humbly request a Natasha x reader where R comes back from a mission all messed up and doesn’t want any help. R hides their injuries from the team but Natasha can see something is up. Later that evening, she tries to talk to R but they are stubborn and shouts they want to be left alone! Suddenly the reader starts coughing up blood due to internal bleeding and collapses. A worried Natasha screams for help while holding R. Feelings are confessed after R wakes up at hospital. Happy ending!
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted anon!
The mission had gone okay. It was a success for all intent and purposes and on paper, it looked like the perfect mission. Perhaps the paper should talk to your definitely bruised ribs and chest. Unfortunately, Stark's newest 'shock absorbent' fabric was more shock and less absorbent. You'd have to let him know that this was nowhere near the finished product he had promised. You'd do that tomorrow though. Right now, all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep the pain off. When the medics came to check you over, you waved them away, saying that you'd had worse and a bottle of painkillers would do just fine. You were hoping to just slink in unnoticed, have an extremely hot shower, followed by an even hotter bath and then pass out on your bed.
This did not happen.
Bless your team, you really did love them but when Stark decided today would be the perfect day to throw a little 'Congrats on doing so well' party, you wanted to scream. The only saving grace was that it was just the team attending.
The adrenaline had slowly begun to wear off and as you watched Peter's mouth move incredibly fast about a topic you didn't have the strength to listen to, you suddenly felt very faint.
"Sorry Peter, I think I had a little too much to drink. I just need to get some air."
"Oh sure - I'm sorry y/n - I completely forgot - you must be so tired from your mission and-"
You patted his shoulder tiredly and moved away before he could draw you back in with another conversation. Little did you know that a certain redhead's eyes hadn't left you since you came in.
"and then that's when- Natasha are you even listening to me?"
"Yes. And that's when you saved the kitten from the tree. Now if you'll excuse me. I think I need some air."
"But I was talking about the time Morgan gave me a makeover." Tony sulked. The sulk was abruptly replaced with a smirk when he realised who else 'needed some air'.
When Natasha made her way to the balcony, you had your back turned to her and were coughing. Your coughing fit stopped and you pulled your hand away only to see tiny red spots.
"I didn't know my company was that undesirable y/l/n." Natasha made her way next to you, leaning against the railing.
"Tasha! How've you been?" You nudged her and tried to wipe the blood into your hand.
"I'm pretty sure I should be asking you that question. Did you even go to medical before coming here?"
"Umm yes? Maybe?" Natasha gave you a look "Okay, no. I didn't. But it's not even that bad okay? Just some minor bruising. It's not like the time I got shot!" Even as the words left your lips, you could feel yourself slowing down, moving your mouth just took too much effort. That's when you were sent into another coughing fit.
"Y/n, we are going to the medical bay right now." Natasha looped her arm around your waist and tried to ignore the warm feeling she got by being so close to you. Now wasn't the time.
"Get off me, Natasha." You pushed her away and leant on the wall. "I don't need your help. I'm perfectly fine. I just-" You shook your head quickly, trying to clear the fog that was infecting your brain. "I just need to sleep." Apparently, sleep came a lot quicker than you expected because your vision suddenly went black.
Natasha's heart dropped. She didn't know what to do. She caught you before you fell to the ground but after that, she was frozen. She snapped out of her fear-induced haze and shouted for help. She didn't care how she looked, she just needed you to be okay.
An annoying beeping woke you up. "5 more minutes and ugh, turn that light off."
A low chuckle rumbled out, indicating that you were not alone. "Detka, I can't turn off the sun." Although Natasha would have surely tried to.
"Tasha" You reached your hand out and slowly peeled your eyes open. "What happened."
That was the wrong thing to say because her face switched from being concerned to pissed off.
"You didn't go to medical when I told you to." Her voice was low and dangerous. You had never been afraid of Natasha but right now, you weren't so sure you were going to make it out unscathed.
"I really didn't think it was that bad..." You at least had the humility to look a little guilty.
"You had internal bleeding Y/n. How is that 'not that bad'?"
"Okay so maybe it was a little worse than I thought but you're not exactly one to talk." You were offended that she had the audacity to shout at you when you remember multiple occasions of her walking around with bullet wounds just because she wanted to have a shower instead of being fixed up.
Natasha scoffed. "That's different."
"How. How is that different Natasha? Do you think I like having to find out that you're bleeding out because you refuse to go and get stitched up?"
"It's different because I care about you."
"Wow. You're saying I don't care about you? News flash Natasha - you're one of a few who I actually trust and care about."
"That's not what I-" You cut her off
"No no. I'm glad we cleared this up."
"If you would just lis-"
"You know I really thought we had something special Tash. Nice to know our movie nights were meaningless."
"THAT'S THE THING! Our movie nights weren't meaningless. They just meant more to me than they did to you. I came straight back from missions just to see your face Y/n. I didn't want to go to medical because I wanted to get to you as fast as possible. When you fell to the floor I realised I had to tell you. I've been sitting on this for far too long and today made me realise that. The thing is Y/n, I like you. Like a lot. So much that when I think of my future you're the only thing in it."
"I-" You didn't know what to say. The painkillers they gave you were pretty strong and words weren't being your friend at the moment. "I really like you too."
Natasha's lips reached yours and the kiss was slow and gentle, almost as if you were both afraid that if it was too passionate, it would break.
"I would really like to continue this but I'm on so many drugs Snoop would be jealous."
Natasha kissed your head "We'll continue this when you've come down off your high then."
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thejsorcerer · 3 years
My experience as a greyromantic person in a world full of romance and pressures: 💚💃🏻
tw // amatonormativity, rant
I live in a place where at a young age you're expected to "like someone" and start dating them, kissing, maybe having sex together; to have a romantic relationship. You're pressured to find a partner and go on double dates with your friends, commit to one another, be long term and even take it a step further to a marriage soon enough bc "the train is departing". UGH. I truly hate the amatonormativity here! And when I say young age I'm talking 16-17 years old because at 21 you're already being asked about a fiance and marriage, LIKE CHILL- 🥴. Don't get me started on the heteronormativity too...
From a young age though, I think 14-15 years old, I realized I didn't want all these things society demands from me. I didn't want a fairytale romance and swooning scenarios; it always made me uncomfortable to even picture myself in that situation. And mostly bc I just didn't feel that way about ANYONE around me. I wasn't a fan of dating apps or going out with people I barely knew so I never involved myself in dating. Neither in high school when I was slightly older.
I loved romantic novels and movies (and still do 🤭) but never pictured myself in them bc they weren't exactly what I wanted... it felt like too much, if that makes sense. Naturally, people started asking questions and I always answered with "I'm just not interested in romance." I didn't have the language to describe myself back then, but if I'd found it earlier, it would've clicked. Romance indifferent 💚.
I thought that because I didn't want this over-the-top romantic stories I saw everywhere then it meant I didn't want a partner at all. Now that I'm educated and have understood myself better, I have the words for it. I experience attraction differently, hence why I view relationships & romance differently too 👀.
I'm greyromantic, which (if you didn't know yet) means I do not experience romantic attraction often, almost never actually; I have only experienced it before 2-3 times that I can recall, and the feeling is never consistent. It can fade away easily... plus the times I've felt romantic attraction is towards people of my same/similar gender too (lesbian). When I do experience romantic attraction it doesn't always make me want to have a romantic relationship tho. I don't feel romantic love in a super overwhelming and passionate way as movies and books portray it. A romantic relationship isn't a priority for me even if I do like someone, it's mostly second place.
I don't long for that stereotipically romantic relationship or a romance that will sweep me off my feet; I think what I desire is a close companion and partner. Romance is still an iffy topic to me even if I do like someone romantically... I guess it's because of all the pressure and expectations surrounding it in my culture. It's made me want a close companionship and emotionally deep connection with someone, not the romance that society portrays.
When I experience romantic attraction (which is VERY rarely bc of my aromanticism) it is towards people I'm already very close too and I've never gotten to the point of wanting to ask them to comitt to a relationship with me yet. Idk if I'm ready for it bc of all the societal pressures previously talked about. But I think that if I ever get to the point of feeling very strongly about someone and it's mutual, we'd agree on a middle ground where both our emotional, physical and affectionate needs are met in a way we both want it to be and it not be triggering or uncomfortable for anyone. 🥺
I've always wanted to explain the way I experience attraction and relationships so thank you very much if you read all that. Let me know what your opinion on the topic is, down below!! 💃🏻🌹
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
hehe the way I smiled when I saw that your requests r open!!Thank you😗
May I request Cherry X Reader where they r in an arranged marriage. Like maybe the reader is from a traditional family and she agrees to it anyway since she loves her parents but is low-key scared of being his wife/a mother. They have a rocky start but end up falling in love. Maybe one day cherry takes her to S to see him race and meet the gang and she loves it. You can make it spicy at the end if you like 👀
idk why but I always think about this when I see him and also braiding his hair coz it's so much prettier than mine 😒💖
A/N:I don’t understand how a man can be so beautiful// much longer than I expected it to be....
Please enjoy~🍰
Warnings; Some mention of smut; Nothing too detailed, but it’s there
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“Come here your kimono isn’t tight enough“ your mother said as she went behind you to tighten it even more than before 
“Mom! I can’t breath if it’s this tight!“ you said almost wheezing for air.
“You have to make sure your waist looks small and appealing” she said, even though, looks are not everything in a relationship. As much as you didn’t want to, you had to look your best today, it was important. You were going to meet the man you were to marry. You were part of an important family in Japan, and of course your family was very traditional. This only meant you were already expecting an arranged marriage.  
 Today you were meeting with him for the first time. From what you heard, he was a successful calligrapher, and popular with women. You didn't quite know how to feel with that, but this was your future. Most people wouldn't agree with arranged marriages but, you love your parents and this is what they wanted.
They told you that he was a gentleman, and very respectful. Well your hopes were up now, hopefully you’re not disappointed. Could you possibly end up in a good marriage? walking into the home you were greeted not by someone work there, but by a voice.
“Welcome, master Kaoru is waiting for you in the meeting room.“ for someone who is traditional he sure had a good AI system. Walking off to the right your father opens the sliding door and there he was. A young man with long pink hair and glasses, he wore traditional clothing and seemed very proper.
“Mr & Mrs Y/L/N, welcome please take a seat.” Not a hint of emotion on his face.
He was stoic but not cold. He poured you all some tea and your parents begin to discuss the marriage. Now that you say there and listened to everything, it really started sinking in. You were getting married to a complete stranger. You didn’t know the first thing about marriage! Or being a wife! Oh gods.....what if they expected children??
A million things were flooding your mind, you felt so lost. In all honesty, you were scared of what was to come..
“Y/N..” you were brought out of your thoughts by your mother gently shaking your shoulder “are you alright? You look sick”
“O-oh, yes I’m fine!“ you assure her swallowing the lump in your throat
“If you say so, we need you and Mr.Sakurayashiki to sign the papers as well. In 2 weeks time there will be a wedding ceremony but for now, we must fill out the papers.“ you watch Kaoru take the pen read the line and signs his name next was your turn.
He hands you the paper and pen, you bite your bottom lip as you read ‘spouse sign here’. You let out a shaky breath as the ink forms your name on the paper. After some more discussions on the wedding it was your time to leave. You all thanked him for tea and his time. Before you walked out the door he asked t speak with you for a moment, making your heart drop. You parents wait outside as you have a word with the pink haired man.
“Y/N, I just want you to relax, I noticed you were nervous before and you should know I won’t mistreat you and will try to be a proper spouse“ 
“Oh, uhm thank you Mr-“
He interrupts you “Please call me Kaoru“
Just as planned the wedding happened 2 weeks from then. You couldn’t stop blushing that day, from anxiety, to shyness, to even Kaoru. He looked very handsome that day, and he was just as much as gentleman. The ceremony was calm and heartfelt, friends and family gathered to witness your union. He saw you were very nervous that day so, instead of a general kiss he gave you a quick peck.
Only for you to duck you flustered face, he found it quite cute actually. He thought you looked beautiful that day in traditional wedding attire. He took mental note son how you were as a person. Although you seemed somewhat intimidated, you were considerate and kind. You helped people who needed it, and you put others before yourself. He just hoped this marriage will have a good outcome.
“We don’t have to do this” he simply said beginning to disrobe
“But-“ usually it was on the first night of the wedding when. It should happen
“If we get to that stage in our relationship, then you can tell me. You don’t have to force yourself. I can leave the room until you’re done getting changed” he left the room so that you can change. You take a moment to assess the situation, and you smile to yourself
“How considerate...“ you think to yourself. after changing, you both ordered room service and have dinner for the night. He was nice to talk to, it had some interesting topics to share with you. Even his calligraphy job seemed interesting. He offered to take a different room while you slept in this one's may be comfortable, but you said it was okay and you were fine with sharing a bed.
he's not like most men I hear about an arranged marriages. He's not forcing you to do anything, he's asking if I'm comfortable with everything. All the stories really kind of scared me into this, maybe it won't be so bad....maybe....
“Y/N, get dressed we’re going out tonight“ he says coming to you and kisses your cheek. It has been about 11 months, almost a year, since you married and it has been better than you thought. of course you had fears of Nami and expectations of a “good wife”. He made sure to tell you how much of a good job you were doing, even if you didn't do much. He thought you were perfect the way you are. He also believe that he could trust you enough to share secret with you--he was taking you to “S”
Usually you both go to events together, especially ones that associated with his work. But tonight was different he had different attire on. He wore his hair in a ponytail, no glasses and a mask covering the bottom portion of his face.
“Where are we going? A costume party?“ you joke 
“After seeing one person you mat think that“ he said but was still serious about you getting ready ““make sure you dress comfortably you don't need to wear kimono for this.” he gave you more detail “Now listen to me, where we are going you cannot speak of after. Not to me, nor to your parents or anyone else if they know about it.“
“Huh? Are we joining some secret society?“ you giggle coming back out in some jeans and a t shirt with a sweater. 
“In a way, let’s go.“ if you thought tonight was strange you only got stranger, you would expect a person like him to have a motorcycle. Or to be carrying a skateboard for that matter, just who was this person and was he really your husband. Holding on to him you take off into the dead of night. eventually make it to the gate where he showed an s-shaped sticker and was granted entry. There multiple women started to scream 
“Cherry!!”  “Master Cherry!!” Were they referring to Kaoru?
“Yo Cherry, ya made it- and you finally brought a girl with ya. It’s about time” a tall muscular man with green hair said patting Kaoru on the back roughly. Next came a man with dramatic makeup and a cape. Two boys who seemed to ebe in high school, one with red hair and the other with blue. Finally a much younger looking boy with a cat hoodie. Huh, interesting crowd...
“Get off me!“ he said kicking him in the ass “This is Y/N, she’s my wife“ he said standing next to you and all their jaws drop
“Cherry is married?!“
“Huh, she’s pretty quiet compared to these girls...it’s kinda nice“
“Damn, and to think you could have gotten anyone but got married.“ Kaoru seemed very annoyed at this point 
“Yes I am married, she’s better than the screaming women here, and I will not toy with women like you do!!“ he answered all their questions in one go “Y/N, this is a place where skateboarders come to race, it’s called ‘S’, these are JOE, MIYA, Reki, Langa, and SHADOW“
“H-hello..“ you wave to the small group and they waved back 
“Y/N, do you mind stay here with Reki and Langa? I need to race and I’ll be back“ he asked laying hand to the top of your head and you nod. He leans down and places his covered lips to your forehead. He then picked up his board, it was black with some purple lining and goes to the start. 
There he and JOE get ready to race as a traffic light counts their start. After it turns green they were off like rockets. It was still a lot to swallow...how he kind of had a double life and you were just now finding out about it. It was a bit overwhelming when you really watched him go. The way he picked up speed and rounded corners, made you hold your breath and gasp with each trick he did. 
When they approach the finish line he had won and the crowd was chanting his name. They both made their way back bickering about who was the best skater, when they were both equally amazing. Crowds joined around them but you just stayed behind still processing everything. It wasn’t a bad thing, but you were just wondering so many thing. Cherry pushes his way through the crowd and to your side lifting your head without warning captures your lips in a kiss. 
This was the most intimate you had been with him, and in public! The crowd went quiet and some of the girls there complained or whined about not being in your place. After he pulls away he whispered to you
“Let’s go home...“ and you were on your way back to the comfort of your home. That night he had made love to you for the first time ever. It was passionate, and steamy, and full of love. He was your first ever so he made sure to go slow for you. Everything about it just felt so good, the way he held and kissed you. He handled you like glass but did not fail to meet your pleasure.
That night was when you opened up about your fears of being his wife
“..and seeing how amazing you were tonight only made me more aware of who you were. I just...hope I can live up to your standards as a wife, and don’t get me started on children. Imagine having a plain mother“ you vented to him as he held you close 
“Don’t say that,“ he snapped back “You’re an incredible wife and you’d be an even better mother one day. When I heard about the arrangement I was honestly nervous. And the day I saw you only raised my anxiety, I thought you were stunning, and your shyness only made you cuter“ he admits with a chuckle 
“I guess....we’re both nervous wrecks who married each other then?“ you giggle looking up at him as your head lays on his chest 
“You’re my nervous wreck“ he said poking your nose with his finger “...I have something else to tell you...“
“What’s that?“ you ask. He cranes his head down toward you 
“...I love you“ he whispered as he catches you lips in a kiss
I hope this was okay!❤️
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thatfrenchacademic · 3 years
hey! you seem like you're a really good TA (? idk if that's the right term but you seem to have some prof/teacher tasks?) and i was wondering how you got the confidence to do that? i'm basically on your level of education but i wouldn't think i was smart/capable enough to judge other students' writing and stuff, i feel like one of them more than one of the teachers if you get what i mean. do you have any advice?
Hello !
That is such a thoughtful question - and I am sure all postgrads who suddendly have to start teaching feel the same at the beginning. In my opinion, it is a fairly healthy mindset to have, as long as it does not inhibit your own teaching and remain just some healthy awareness that, hey, you are still learning many things yourself.
I am very touched you think I am a good TA - I hope I manage to be a helpful one at least.d I definitely still often wonder "am I qualified to teach this ? To... grade this ? Who am I to say whether this is good work or not?" But here are a few thingsm coming both from my experience so far and my discussions with other TA, which could maybe be of help to you (each developed under the cut)
1. You know more than your students, and that will be enough to help them.
2. Teaching is a two way street : you are not lecturing to them, you are working with them.
2bis : Give constant verbal feedback to your students !
3. Your own experience of being an Undergrad may not be the best point of reference
4. Talk to other TAs ! You all face the same issues !
5. Try out things, and if they do not work, it's fine.
6. Organize your session alternating moments where you take the lead, and moments where students take the lead.
7. Help, My students are not talking !
8. Grading is tough, but we can make it easier.
I hope they will be of help, but no worries, it takes practice, trial and errors, and time will help you figure it out. Do not hesitate to come back here if you have any question or something you want to discuss ! (And tell me how your teaching went, I would love to hear it!)
1. You know more than your students, and that will be enough to help them.
It means you do not have to be an expert in the topic you teach. You may even just be familiar with it. But by virtue of being a postgrad student, you know how to do the reading effectively, you will get very quickly what is important, what to retain from this or that reading. And you just need to know more than your students. Which you absolutely will.
I think being passionate, showing that you are excited about what you are teaching, giving them this energy, this interest, is much much more important than being a full-blown expert in your area.
2. Teaching is a two way street : you are not lecturing to them, you are working with them.
And that is not me being vaguely pseudo-inspiration ; it is something I have learnt and truly realized when I took a course on teaching. There is much literature on this, but the take-away is that especially as a TA, it is helpful if you see your job as working with students. Engage with them, offer them different options to choose from during the session, explain that you are here to support their learning, and give them some space to have some agency over what happens ! Trust them to at least try their best - many are!- and they will trust you in return, and will be more likely to give you some feedback.
2bis : Give constant verbal feedback to your students !
This does not come easy to me, but students NEED to be told when they said something good ! Because if you do not tell them explicitely, how would they know that, hey, this was a pretty cool comment !
But also, be clear when answer or a point raised is not relevant or wrong, because it also guides their understand of the topic. "Ok, I can see why you would say that, but it's actually abit trickier...". "Ah, yes, it is very interesting that you raise it, it is a common misunderstanding and I am glad you are pointing it out, because it is an interesting discussion to have!"
3. Your own experience of being an Undergrad may not be the best point of reference
When I started teaching, I made the mistake of thinking "ok, what sort of TA/tutorial do I wish I had, in Undergrad?", and went with what I know I would have enjoyed. Except I am a passionate nerdy introvert who hated talking to my peers and doing group works, and wanted a TA who was no-bullshit, clear, professional. Most of your students are probably not, and may indeed enjoy group work, or the opportunity to connect with their peers during your tutorial. Most of your students will appreciate a TA who is more forthcoming, friendly, and may crack a joke or two. And it is a weird role to have, it may clash with your personality (it definitely clashes with mine), but it's ok if it takes time to find the right zone for you ! It is absolutely part of the process !
4. Talk to other TAs ! You all face the same issues !
Pooling experience with other TAs is fantastic. Because no matter what issue you are facing, one of them faced it already. How do you teach in the shitty Room 605 where the computer does not work ? How do they deal with students who do not do the readings ? How to they handle lack of motivation from students ? What sort of group work do they organize ? Who sort of online tools do they rely on ? How do they deal with all the emails they get ? And on that note...
5. Try out things, and if they do not work, it's fine.
Do not be afraid to try things. I tend to stay away from "complex" activities which can confuse students, or rely too much on technology. But group work ? There are so many types of group work ! Why stick to just the "think of this question in group of 3 for 5 minutes", when you could do a syndicate, snowballing, 2-minutes essay, fishbowl, think-pair-share, buzz groups...
And sometimes, it will not work. Just... a bad session. And you feel that it's on you, that you did not manage to do your work, that you are a bad teacher... And refer to Point 2. Then, calmly, talk about it with another TA. Explain what you did, and try to get their opinion on it, reflect on it. But it is never all on you.
6. Organize your session alternating moments where you take the lead, and moments where students take the lead.
Teaching is exhausting, learning is exhausting, genuinely, so balance out moments where you do the heavy work, and moments where they do. I like to have a rough session plan with all the activities I have planned, and indicate for each if it is "ME", "STUDENTS", "ALL". And also ensure that your students are given the opportunity to really take an active role, which is way better for learning !
7. Help, my students are not talking :
This will happen. You will ask a question, no one will answer. Big, awkward, heavy silence. You reformulated the question, but clearly it is not working. Here are a few ways I have reacted to it :
- Show of hands 1 : for a quick diagnosis. "Can you raise your hand if you have done the reading for this question ? Just so I know if this is maybe the problem". Encourage the ones who have done the readings to explain it to the others.
- Show of hands 2 : "Ok, there are two ways to answer this question X and Y. Can you raise you hand if you think Y, and lower it if you think X?". Encourage some who picked Y to explain why, then same with X.
- Show of hands 3 : "Ok, let's lower the pressure. Who thinks they kind of have an answer, but is not sure about how to word it, or properly argument it?". Ask whoever raise their hand to start, and pick up yourself from there.
- Switch to think-pair-share : "Ok, how about we think a bit about this on our own for a few minutes, and then you can compare your own answers with your neigbour"
- Collapse the classroom : "Ok, I can see that this is not working. It's ok, can you tell me if it is because the topic is not super interesting, or the reading ? Are the questions not what you expected?"
- End of the session clear-up : [once everything is over] "Ok, so now that the session is over, can I ask you guys why it was difficult for you to talk today ? Just so I can make sure I can come up with questions that are useful to you, next time. If some of you want to stay a few minutes to talk about what you would like to change for the next tutorials, we can talk about it now ; you don't have to, of course"
8. Grading is tough, but we can make it easier.
Especially if you are grading things like essays, we can often feel uneasy, unsure how to grade them, how legitimate we are to grade them, especially with the sheer impact grades can have on students. Ideally, you want to have a list of things that are PLUS POINTS, and perhaps some that are MINUS POINTS, and have those strictly guide your grading, to be fair to all students and assess them similarly. I also found that it is helpful to grade the paper, only the paper. When there is a really, really bad essay where clearly the student barely tried, it's easy to get frustrated, because you did your best, and clearly the student did not care ? But you never actually know what happened. Real examples of students submitting absolutely terrible work include : a student who was grieving her mother, a student who had been in hospital and did not know she could ask for a delay, an adult student whose child had gotten sick the days before, a foreign student with a poor grasp on English... When you are grading the 78th essay of the week, it is easy to forget that each of them is from an individual, and we get to judge the work they do, but not why they did it. Even in your comments and feedback, always be compassionate.
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Young and Beautiful | Rudy Pankow - Part 2
You guys are literally the best! Thank you so much for all the amazing feedback for this little weird imagination in my head :’) BTW I have no clue how the movie business works or if this is even close to accurate but just bare with my fantasies here okay :D xoxo
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Trigger warning: It gets a bit very smutty people, be prepared, angsty ???idk
Word count: 3295 (so I went totally over the top with this once again)
Y/N just got the role of her lifetime, starring beside the cast of Outer Banks in the second season as JJ’s love interest. It’s a dream come true and gets even dreamier when she meets Rudy Pankow her alleged love interest. Lines start to blur between reality and film and Y/N is left wondering if taking a leap of faith is worth risking her career.
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A couple minutes later you found yourself in your trailer alone. Images and thoughts were flashing in your head, all of them revolving around that kiss. That kiss that didn’t feel like a normal kiss, or any kiss you ever had before. That kiss had been pure magic. There was no other way to describe it. Alone the thought of it send your heart into overdrive and quickened your breath. 
And that wasn’t even the worst part, in a couple of hours you were expected back on set after a scene change and doing that kiss with Rudy over and over only half naked. 
You had to calm yourself down right this second. Your possible feelings for him couldn’t get in the way of your big break. There was so much more on the line.
A soft knock on your trailer door pulled you out of your thoughts and after opening the door you were faced with a grinning Madelyne and Madison who immediately snuck into your four walls for now.
“What was that?” Maddie C squealed as she sat down on the couch and pulled you down with her. 
“What do you mean?” You feigned innocence and looked at them quizzically. 
“Hun, you’re a great actress but not that of a good actress and neither is Rudy,” Bailey stated and raised a brow at you.
“Like, Chase and I had our moments on set and even JD and Bailey but we never got so into it that we ignored the ending of the scene,” Maddie pointed out, big smile on her face.
“Guys,” You groaned, just thinking about the embarrassing moment from before. “I don’t even know what happened out there,” You admitted quietly hands over your face as you leaned back.
The girls shared a worried gaze between them as they looked back at you.
“Are you okay though?” Maddie asked and patted your thigh lovingly. 
You were so grateful for these two in that moment. You wished you could just bawl in their arms and let all your frustration out but bigger matters were at hand.
“Yes, I’m fine… well I don’t really have a choice,” You mused and gave them a reassuring smile. 
Bailey looked at you with a sympathetic smile and closed her arms around you. 
“No matter what else might’ve happened out there, you were great. Really really great,” She praised you and you couldn’t help but laugh at her sweet words.
“Thanks for supporting my kissing skills, I guess.” The girls chimed in with laughter at that and you stayed cuddled on the couch until it was time to get back on set.
“You’re going to rock this,” Maddie assured you when she saw your faltering confidence the closer you got to that scene, “and then we can talk about it properly after you had some time to think.”
You squeezed both of the girls’ hands as they led you back to the cameras and the action. You were grateful for their support but the only person you wanted to talk to right now was Rudy. Maybe you shouldn’t have split immediately after the scene and actually talked to him so it wouldn’t be awkward now. But you were an actress after all, you could pretend to not care as much for just a bit longer. 
As he came into view with his soft blond waves, where hours before your hands had been entangled in, your heart stopped for a second. 
But he didn’t seem to be too bothered as he joked around with the guys and laughed carelessly. Had you been the only one affected by the kiss? Was he just a better actor than you had thought?  The thought stung but you knew it would only be for the better. You could be just as nonchalant as him. 
“What’re we laughing about?” You chimed in and smiled at the guys. You cringed a bit at your overly joyous voice but couldn’t take it back even if you wanted to as all eyes were fixed on you.
“Rudy just told us how terrible his first kiss was,” Chase explained and smirked at his co-star. 
So they had definitely talked about your kiss otherwise they wouldn’t be on the topic, would they? You tried your hardest to look unbothered by it, hoping your face wasn’t turning crimson again.
“Well, I sure hope that I wasn’t your first kiss then,” You joked, “For your sake and for mine.” You bit your bottom lip as your eyes traveled over his face. 
He regarded you with an amused little smile playing on his lips as he took you in. 
“What? Y/N, as if. Yours would win all the most passionate kiss awards in the country,” JD babbled which earned him a stern look from Rudy and an eye-roll from you.
“At Rudy’s first kiss he actually accidentally spit a piece of gum-“ Chase started giggly but got interrupted by Rudy pushing a hand over his mouth and pushing him out of your ear-shot.
“Would you shut up!” He warned him under his breath and you had to suppress a giggle at his antics.
You could imagine all too well what might have happened with the piece of gum and the poor girl. 
For now though, you were just happy that all seemed to be calm and collected between the two of you. 
Sooner than you would’ve liked however you were back in business and a dozen people were around you, giving you instructions, doing your make-up, positioning you right and and and…
You loved your job, you really did, but right now you just wanted some piece and quiet. 
You were led together into the bedroom of JJ in the Chateau for the scene. It was supposed to be a bit more intimate and shown sex scene than what Chase and Madelyne had done in the first season. You couldn’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable but this wasn’t the first time that you did something like this and you were sure no one would ever get used to that kind of film-making. 
The directors sent everyone out of the room they did not especially need to make it as comfortable for the both of you as possible which you thought was infinitely thoughtful. 
“You guys have the scene in your hands okay?” Jonas assured you as he went over it with the both of you. “You do only what you’re comfortable with and stop whenever you want.”
“Thanks,” Rudy nodded at his kindness and dropped an arm around your waist. “You’ll tell me how far you want to go okay?” 
“We’ll work it out as we go?” You suggested and he pulled you closer to him with a sweet smile. His lips met your forehead in a soft kiss and your eyes fluttered shut for a second at the gentle contact. 
“You’ll be great, I’m sure about that,” Valerie gave you a thumbs up and then cameras were rolling. 
Rudy’s arm was still around your waist as he led you to the beginning of the scene. 
“Promise me, you’ll be honest with me when it’s too much” He whispered, lips grazing the shell of your ear barely and a shiver went down your spine. 
You turned your head slowly, eyes locking with his and the incredible saturating blue colour. You didn’t realise how close he was until then. Just a step forward and you would be kissing him. 
“Promise,” you gave him your word and watched as relief washed over his face. A simple gesture as him making sure you were comfortable was worth more than any gifts and roses he could have gotten you. Your heart swelled as you looked at him, so grateful that everything in the world aligned for him to meet you in that way. The word ‘destiny’ was dancing around in your mind. 
“Action!” You heard someone call and then reality was hidden for the next moments and you were back playing a part. 
His lips found yours immediately, just as passionate as before if not even more, and your hands grabbed at him, anything to get him closer to you. 
One of his hands pushed the door to the bedroom open as the other sneaked around your waist and you stumbled into the room, lips never leaving another. 
“Jump,” Rudy or rather JJ instructed you and you locked your legs around his hips as he grabbed your thighs. Goose-bumps erected on your skin as you felt his touch on the back of your bare legs. 
The both of you were already breathing hard, as you couldn’t keep away from each other long enough to catch your breath. It was like your bodies were melting into each other, always closer.
At last his lips left yours and you almost whimpered at the loss of contact but he found a new home on your jaw and neck as he pressed you against the walls of the wooden cabin. Your hand locked around his neck, pulling at the blond waves at the base of it when he met a particular sensitive spot.
“You good?” He asked and you weren’t sure if it was Rudy or JJ asking you. The lines were blurred once again in your mind, but God yes you were more than okay.
“Yes, JJ, yes,” Your voice was slightly hoarse and you thought you heard him moan as he pulled you tighter to him and lifted you off the wall to bring you towards the bed in the middle of the room.
Gently he let you down and hovered over you for a second, admiring your flushed cheeks and red swollen lips. He pecked your lips sweetly over and over and you pulled him in-between your legs, wanting him as close to you as possible. Your breath hitched when he discarded his shirt and you were met with the bare skin of his torso. Your eyes admired every valley and hill of his muscles and soon your hands followed, carefully touching the soft and strong grooves of his abdomen.
A sharp breath escaped him as your cold fingers met his stomach and he leaned back down, reattaching his lips to yours. His right hand found its way to your waist where your shirt had ridden up slightly and you gasped at the contact. His hand wandered to the small of your back, pushing slightly, a signal for you to sit up.
You pushed into him further, your chest pressed to his and he was fingering the hem of your shirt.
“May I?” He inquired kindly and stopped his actions to take a moment to look at you. His brows were drown together as his gaze met yours and you instinctively reached out your fingers to caress the worry of his face. You nodded willingly before you pulled him back into a short kiss and then he stripped off your shirt.
Your head hit the pillows once again and you felt his wet lips on your stomach seconds after. You were only in your bikini top and a pair of shorts now and you tried hard to blend the other people in the room out. Rudy was making a fantastic job of distracting you on that part. 
You felt your heartbeat quicken, felt your breath going faster and you knew that this wasn’t anything you could tell your body to do. This was a genuine reaction to this wonderful boy on top of you.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire and drowning in ice-cold water like-wise. You couldn’t remember the last time somebody made you feel like that. The thought that this wasn’t actually real was pressed to the very corners of your mind as you stared into Rudy eyes, his shirtless form hovering above you. God, he was gorgeous. When he looked at you like that and touched your bare skin with his slightly calloused warm hands, it was too easy to forget all the cameras and people around you. But all this was just in your head and you were playing your part just as he did. How you wished in that moment it would be true.
He leaned down further, one hand on your waist drawing lazy circles there and the other one holding him up to not crush you. His lips wandered from your cleavage up your throat to the sweet spot under your ear. Your legs locked around his hips and pulled him closer, his groin meeting the spot between your thighs and you gasped at the sudden sensation, pulling his hair where your hands were entangled.
“Can I take your top off?” He whispered only for you to hear and goosebumps were flashing on your skin at the soft vibrato of his voice. 
“Yeah,” You breathed out and arched your back to give him access to the knot between your shoulder blades. 
His hand was resting there for a couple seconds without moving and you grew concerned and pulled back to look at his face.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” He was genuinely trying to make sure you were comfortable with the scene and your exposed body. Nobody in the world could’ve made you feel more secure in this decision than him. 
“I would do everything with you,” You whispered just loud enough for the microphones to pick up. You weren’t talking to JJ in that second, you were talking to Rudy. The flashing spark in his eyes and the easy smile returning to his lips told you he knew that as well.
He pulled you up against him and sat up with you straddling him, so your back was turned to the cameras. You gasped surprised at the sudden change of position but it didn’t escape you that he moved you like that so your bare breasts wouldn’t be seen by anybody but him.
“Thank you,” You let out under your breath just for him to hear. You looked at him with so much adoration in that moment and couldn’t help but let your heart fall for him just a bit more.
His eyes moved over your face, just like one of his hands, as if he tried to memorise every plain and freckle on it. You leaned back down to connect your lips and felt an enticing shiver down your spine as his calloused hand opened the knot between your shoulder blades and moved up your spinal column to your neck to remove the top from your upper body. 
You welcomed the sudden cold on your bare skin, everything was too hot in that second. But as soon as Rudy pressed his own chest to yours, creating friction on your nipples, it felt like lava was flowing through your veins. 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” He said between kisses and one of his hands wandered to your ribcage just below the soft skin of your breast, slowly caressing the skin there.
Your emotions were running high and so was your heart at his touch and his words. With your eyes closed you could pretend that he belonged just to you and nobody else was in the room. Just him and you. 
You started grinding on his hips involuntarily your body taking matters into its own hand and not listening to your mind anymore. You gasped when Rudy took one of your breasts into his way bigger hand.
“I need you closer,” He groaned and pressed his hands to the small of your back and your neck before he lay you down again, his chest pressed to yours so close, not allowing anyone to take a look at you.
His hand wandered down to your shorts and he looked down at you questioningly before you nodded and he removed another article of clothing. He removed his own shorts quickly afterwards leaving both of you only in your underwear. 
Before it could go any further however he grabbed a blanket lying around on the bed and covered both of you from the waist down and then pretended to pull your last clothes off as well.
“I’m gonna fuck you now, ok?” He groaned in your ear and you could feel his wicked smile pressed to your skin as he told you so. 
Holding your eyes locked to his he gave you one last sweet kiss and waited for your consent, which you gave, before he pretended to enter you.
You fake gasped as his hips bucked against yours and your fingers dig into his back as you held him close, chest to chest.
Even though this was all just pretend you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to actually share this intimacy with Rudy. What he would feel like inside of you. What he would to you and with you when no one else was around. The thought alone made you wet and your nipples harden. 
His head rested in the crook of your neck as he moved against you and breathed hard, occasionally leaving wet sloppy kisses on your too hot skin.
“Fuck, JJ!” You fake moaned and locked your feet around his tight ass as you pulled him closer.
Rudy picked up in pace, you could feel his member even through the hard protective underwear he had to wear for scenes like that. And it drove you absolutely crazy. He through his head back, breaths coming in gasps as his hips grinded into yours.
You wanted him so bad that you felt your insides twisting and knees buckle. Your mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of him: his bright blue eyes and how they crinkled at the corners when he laughed, his brilliant smile with his adorable too sharp teeth, his sinful lips that drove you crazy, his strong body the shone in the late afternoon sun like a god’s. It was only him, him, him. 
“Cut!” You heard Jonas scream and the magic disappeared like somebody had hit you with a baseball bat right in the stomach. You could’ve killed him right there and then. 
Rudy hovered above you unmoving, still shielding you from the views of everybody else in the room and grabbed a shirt, JJ’s shirt, for you to cover up.
“Are you okay?” He asked once again as soon as the shirt was over your head. 
“Yeah,” You smiled at him thankfully, “Are you okay?”
“I am,” He laughed at your sweet question and pecked your forehead before pulling away from you so the both of you sat up in the bed. 
Your pulse was still a bit too fast as you faced the team surrounding you.
“Okay, that was wonderful. You two did great. Are you both comfortable?” Jonas asked and you nodded immediately. You were a bit too comfortable actually.
“I think, we’re gonna shoot this scene a couple more times, just to get some different angles and then just JJ and Y/C/N sleeping afterwards and you’re done for today,” Valerie mused and looked between the both of you and to Jonas. You all agreed and then the ordeal started all over again.
It didn’t get any easier to entangle your thoughts of JJ from your thoughts of Rudy however, no matter how often you did the scene. 
You were always just as enchanted by him as the first time. His skin on yours, his eyes, his lips, all this sent you right into an abyss of feelings and emotions where no return would be possible. 
You had always been good at differentiating between reality and fiction but right now you weren’t so sure if there was anything to keep apart. Because the way Rudy looked at you in-between scenes and during filming… it was the exact same passion and kindness in his eyes.
Tags: @lovelymaybankk​ @sspidermanss​ @1d5sosddl​ @arthiriticcricket​ @teamnick​ @lieswithoutfairytales
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mysmegrace · 3 years
hey i hope your game is working normally again , can i please request the rfa with an mc who has a part time job as an animator/artist ?
hello~ yes, my game is working well now! i think it might've been the network (i heard like a day later that something happened to it, idk exactly im not very tech savvy lol). i love the request btw.
RFA with an MC who Has a Part Time Job as an Animator/Artist
--- yoosung kim:
the pandemic had effect many things in your lives.
from his university classes to your late night outs.
one of the upsides you found in the time was the fact that you could work straight from your bed now.
you couldn't think of anything better
waking up ten minutes before your start time and sleeping in the comfort of your home during your breaks.
life was finally going in your favour.
and yoosung was in a similar position.
only he wasn't working, just attending university.
the sequence of events had led you to this moment.
you had woken up alongside the sun to start your work for the day, yoosung laying right beside you about to join a class.
you rose your head every once and while to give him a smile of encouragement, yet he wasn't getting the message.
did you want to do something right here?
right now?
while he's just joined a class?
with his cheeks becoming visibly more red, he reckoned a little affection wouldn't hurt.
it wasn't like the teacher could see him.
and he wasn't about to lie and say he was paying attention anyway.
going to wrap his arm behind your neck, he glances upon your project for work.
from the first second he laid eyes on it, it amazed him.
his curiosity was peaked as he started questioning your occupation.
he'd come to realize that he never actually asked about your job, he just knew you had one.
"i'm an animator, i only work part time though" you said with a hint of pride evident in your voice.
he was becoming increasingly more intrigued.
but after you explained many of the ups and downs of your part time job, he gave you his full support.
even asking if you'd be willing to teach him some time.
but nothing too hard, he doesn't want to embarrass himself.
after his class was over, you offered to show him your past works, in which he welcomes with open arms.
you continue to knock him off his feet.
hyun ryu / zen:
"zen zen, what do you think about this?" you ran up to him saying with excitement.
he looks up to meet your eyes after you caught his attention, before redirecting his focus to the tablet you held in front of him.
he was stunned.
it wasn't something he was expecting.
he never knew you were so good at drawing.
with his mouth hung slightly open, he began saying "it's amazing mc, how did you do this?"
he was truly floored, and you took notice of it.
"i've been drawing from a young age and now i make art part time for people who would like to buy my work" you explained.
he was insanely supportive from the get go.
knowing that you were able to make an income from your passion was comforting to him.
being glad you were able to achieve these accomplishments, he wouldn't want to let you work on your own.
granted he couldn't help you, his art wasn't one somebody would invest in.
but he could help in other ways.
hence why he offers to bring you supplies, help with project ideas, and love you from the sidelines.
jaehee kang:
"i've gotta make it to my other job now jaehee, but i'll see you later" you screamed as you ran to catch the bus.
the day was a success, going out with jaehee and shopping together.
however, your words had completely caught her off guard.
shes aware that you two haven't known each other for a long time, but it didn't change the shook that came over her when she heard.
sitting down, catching your breath from the short run you just came from, you decided to check your phone.
after all, there's not much else to do on the bus.
not too long after your departure, you receive a text from jaehee.
"i wasn't aware you had another job, what is your part time job?" it read.
oh, right.
you hadn't told her yet.
but what time was better than now?
"i'm an animator" you responded, waiting in suspense for the next text.
and you weren't waiting long, as the familiar sound of your messenger went off.
"animator? that's really awesome mc, can you show me some of your work?" it read.
you could feel as the smile creeped up your face, not able to hold back your excitement.
yet wasting little time, you send several screen recordings of your previous work that has done incredibility well.
"i'm speechless, that's so amazing" jaehee responded after a few minutes.
the overwhelming of positive emotions that had just come over you wasn't unwelcomed as you held the phone ever so closely.
knowing jaehee was proud of you was enough to make you cry tears of joy.
jumin han:
"but how was your day mc?" he says, changing the topic.
he had come home with the fatigue slowly overcoming him.
the fact that his father had introduced him to a new girl wasn't exactly helping either.
you wanted to talk to him about it more, but you knew better than to make him keep reliving the moment and experiencing the same emotions again.
hence why you took him up on his offer to change the topic.
"well, i finished my recent art project" you said, sipping the wine your husband had recently poured for you.
you watched as his eyebrows raised in curiosity.
"art project?" he questioned, encouraging you to elaborate.
and that you did, explaining how you made art for people as a part time job.
staying quiet for a second, redirecting his focus to the red liquid in front of him.
suddenly, he speaks up, saying "let me see it".
with a quick nod, you hop out of the seat to go pick up the project.
only to return a few seconds later, handing your artwork to him.
you watched intensely, following his eyes as he examined the piece in his hands.
"i'm quite impressed" he says, eyes not leaving the art.
"thank you" you mustered up in response through your excitement.
hearing that jumin was impressed by your skills made your day.
the conversation ended at the same speed it started, soon changing the topic.
but the new expensive supplies that laid in your little make-shift office was a reminder that he always had your best interests in mind.
as long as he could make you happy, life would be fine.
saeyoung choi:
"hey, i made that!" you practically screamed with excitement.
your time has finally come, the time you had been dreaming about since you were a little girl.
growing up on anime to seeing your animations being used in an anime made your life complete.
your attention broke as saeyoung reminded you of his presence, saying "wait, you made that?"
you turned to face his laying figure on the couch, nodding aggressively with a huge smile plastered across your face.
he always told you how contagious your smile was, and his point was proved as he began to duplicate your excited smile.
standing up to hug you, he started questioning you as if he were cosplaying an interviewer.
""when did you do this?"
"why did you do this?"
"how did you do this?"
you had to place your hand firmly on his chest to calm him down.
giving you time to explain your part time job as an animator.
how you've dreamed of this as a child and how grateful you were to be able to pursue your passion.
and saeyoung couldn't be prouder.
he felt like a father watching his child receive their first award.
your happiness made him feel incredible.
and your talent astonished him.
after the initial excitement died down, he offered his help in any way possible.
anonymous, of course.
he would do anything to make you happy.
achieving your dreams was something he never experienced until he met you, and he would never let you down.
00:32 AST - 08/10/21
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