#this was triggered because I remember the short time of chats on here
lifewithdavefarts · 1 year
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DaveFarts - Episode 24 “Windy Mountain”[Episode List]
Another summer, another camping trip for our heroes… and an even smaller tent than last time. On the mountain, the sounds of nature finally meet their match as Dave’s farts reach new heights in terms of loudness and power.
POV: Tim
Windy Mountain “Rise and shine, bro!”
I was woken up by a sudden thunder, a thunder which was accompanied by a peculiar scent. Considering how I could see a clear blue sky outside (somebody opened the window in my room), as my eyes adjusted to the light I recognised Dave’s ass in a pair of white basketball shorts hovering over me, effortlessly erupting a powerful morning blast directly on my face.
I probably woke up halfway through the rip, which was already around 10 seconds long. A short morning fart, for my friend’s high standards. The stench hit me and triggered my flight or fight response, effectively waking me up more efficiently than any alarm clock could. I pushed my friend’s ass away (as he kept farting), trying to remember what year it was.
“Alright, alright. I’m awake!”
Dave turned around and greeted me with a smile. 
“Come on, we’re right on schedule.” he stated.
“Should I thank you or your ass?”
Dave simply looked up, making a funny facial expression, and ripped a quick loud one.
“Yes.” he simply replied, and left the room.
Those were natural, not even on command, but honestly who could tell the difference? Dave always had a fart ready, like you could ask him out of the blue to rip one and he’d probably be more than happy to go beyond your wildest expectations. One of his many talents: the incredible farts are like the cherry on top of this wonderful friend I’m lucky to have, a cherry that pleases my embarrassing and disgusting kink, a kink that, for some reason, my bud is completely okay with, getting some good immature laughs every time he teases me.
Like last year, the four of us (the other two being Greg and Adam) decided to get in touch with nature and go camping for a couple of days, like the hypocrite city slickers that we are. However, we’re pretty good at planning stuff like this, making sure it won’t interfere with our respective jobs and whatnot. 
As Dave told me earlier, we were indeed right on schedule: it wasn’t even 6:00 AM and he was ready, a role-reversal compared to the last time we went camping, as I’m usually the one who hates being late. A quick shower, some casual clothes and I too was ready, just a shirt and pair of black shorts, whereas Dave was sporing a grey t-shirt and his signature, “summer style” camo cargo shorts which, given the context, immediately triggered my kinky ass as I just remembered how my friend mercilessly blasted me in our tent last year while wearing those.
I hated… that I fuckin’ loved it.
While farting wasn’t by far our main topic of discussion (believe it or not), I like to think that Dave too remembers… because he’s just a nice mixture of “the best bro you could ever ask for” and “your worst bully”. Or, much more realistically, he just doesn’t remember because while he does find the act of teasing me utterly hilarious, it’s not like our lives revolve around his farts.
Unlike last year we were actually much more independent as our other two buds travelled to our destination on their own, a relatively colder place where we could avoid this summer’s high temperatures, somewhere on a mountain not far from here. We’re hiking to some interesting sights, the most important being a big, lesser known waterfall located at higher altitudes and deeper into the forest. 
We packed our stuff and as the Sun was setting we got into the car, Dave being the designated driver. My (much more important) role was choosing the music for the trip and sometimes checking the map. A true duo of rally drivers.
During the trip, me and my bro chatted about some random stuff and about one hour flew by. No traffic, no road works or anything, just a long but peaceful trip.
“Oh by the way.” Dave suddenly said, changing the subject. “When Dana and I went camping last year…” 
He seemed embarrassed but couldn’t help but laugh. Knowing him, that was the kind of laughter he’d do whenever he did something stupid.
“Yes?” I asked, being annoyingly inquisitive on purpose.
“We broke your tent.” he simply said.
“Oh.” I replied, not caring that much.
Yes, after our trip last year, I let Dave and Dana bring my tent on their own trip. I totally forgot about it and it was a very cheap product anyway. Plus, I saw Dave putting a folded up tent into the trunk earlier this morning, so it’s not like we were gonna sleep with the bugs tonight.
“It was an accident, I’m sorry.” he said.
“You’re the worst person I ever met.” I replied, the sarcasm being almost tangible.
“I totally forgot about it.” 
“Me too actually.” I admitted. “How did you break it? I deserve to know.” I asked, acting like I wanted to know how my grandpa died.
“Crazy sex obviously.” my friend said, with a smirk. 
I stared back at him until he told me truth.
“Ok… I accidentally hit it while going in reverse.”
“How did it even happen?!” I yelled, amused. “Why was the car there in the first place?!”
“Girls, you know… she didn’t want to walk back to the car.”
I stared back at him again.
“We had beers in the trunk.” 
“Unbelievable. Truly made for each other.”
We both had a good laugh at their laziness, and I made sure Dave knew it was fine: he bought a new tent after all, so we’re good.
“The new tent is a bit smaller though… not that you mind, right?” he said, and winked at me.
“Oh yeah, show me the infamous crazy sex you’ve been talking about.” I played along.
“Well that, obviously.” he joked. “But I was thinking more of… you know…”
He leaned a bit while driving and, as much as he could, pointed his camo-clad ass towards me; the fart was, well, one of his average ones, long, loud and proud, the sound partially muffled by the seat and car’s own noises, but I could still hear it clearly. A firm, strong, 7 seconds display of cocky manliness from my bro, something I pretend to be used to but for a number of reasons keeps surprising me somehow.
The smell hit me but the cars’ windows being open made it bearable.
Before I could stutter something, he sat back normally and resumed talking.
“Just like last year, you know.” he laughed.
He actually remembers it. The fact that he does gives me a mix of feelings. I remained silent, trying to focus on the road ahead, which he noticed.
“Aw come on, don’t act like you hate it, you hypocrite.” he playfully said, patting my shoulder. “You know you can relax when I’m around, right?” he then asked, a bit more seriously, keeping his right hand on my shoulder.
It took me a bit to answer that simple question, Dave being so open-minded he almost leaves me speechless.
“Yeah I know man. Thanks.” 
“Good.” he said, again patting my shoulder.
This man’s patience is infinite. 
And just like that, we resumed talking about the usual stuff, as if my kink never existed. I feel like Dave accepted my fetish more than I ever did with myself.
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A few hours later we reached our destination, at around 10:00 AM, the mountains towering over us being so high we could see the peaks covered in glaciers. However, the town where we left the car was not at high altitudes, so while the weather wasn’t as hot as back home, you could still tell it was summer, a particularly hot one nonetheless, as some of the locals told us. From the small town we then begun our hiking towards a place called “Windy Mountain”, making sure our phones still got signal so we could keep our other two buds posted on our location.
As we got higher and higher, the temperatures got a bit lower, but still pleasing, despite our heavy backpacks.
“Call me hypocrite.” I said.
“I already did a few hours ago I believe.” Dave quickly replied.
“I’m just saying… I don’t blame you for parking the car next to the tent, when you were with Dana.”
“Ahah what, feeling tired already?” he mockingly said, tired.
“I could do this all day bro.” I boasted, lying.
“Well no worries, Greg and Adam set the camp right next to that river.”
Dave pointed to a location not really far from us, a bit more downhill than where we were, and I could indeed spot two people in the distance, which I assumed were our buds waiting for us. The view as a whole was also really nice, with the mountain overlooking the entire scene.
“You think they can hear us?” I asked.
“Only way to find out.”
My friend shouted our buds’ names, his voice echoing in the entire valley, but the two people didn’t seem to have any reaction. It was my turn to shout, but once again, nothing.
“Yeah it’s them.” Dave said. “I’d recognize Greg’ piss-yellow shirt anywhere.” he pointed out, as I too noticed that small yellow spot by the river.
“It’s weird they couldn’t hear us.” 
“Let’s see if they can hear this then.”
Dave simply stood where it was, which was surprising considering the sheer amount of gas he started ejecting from his ass. The fart almost fake-sounding, but it was loud and powerful, my friend effortlessly showing off his skills, easily surpassing any natural sound around us. The fart truly echoed everywhere, and as the 9 seconds blast finished, I could still hear it propagating all over the valley. An impressive, almost terrifying display of what my friend is capable of.
Funnily enough, the guy in the piss shirt did seem to turn around; he then waved at us.
“Nice.” I said. “You probably scared the shit out of every animal in the valley, but nice.”
“It’s called ‘asserting dominance’, Timothy.” Dave said, acting all serious. “The valley now knows who’s in charge.”
“Wow I feel so safe now.” I said, letting my sarcasm do the talking… while trying to ignore my boner.
The moment we arrived, Greg and Adam fetched us beers and something to eat, just some snacks, as it was too early to set up a barbecue anyway. We started setting up our camp like we did last time: our two tents being on the opposite sides, facing each other, with a fire pit in the middle, not too close, not too far away. 
“Isn’t that tent a bit too small for you two?” Greg noted, while rummaging through the snacks.
“We don’t need a bigger tent to compensate you know.” I replied, very maturely.
“Also, me and Tim like to snuggle in those cold summer nights.” Dave added, hugging me from behind. “Right, honey?”
I shook him off. “Oh yeah…” I played along. “Whisper me something soft and sweet, my stallion!”
What my ear received however was anything but a gentle whisper. Dave was really enjoying the beer and he decided to let me (and everyone) know by belching directly into my skull, the scent of yeast and water hitting my nostrils. My bro wants to make sure he can destroy me from both ends, if you know what I mean.
“Serves you right.” Greg snickered.
Like a Terminator, Dave changed his target and let me go, power-walking towards our snickering friend. Before Greg could beg for mercy, he grabbed his head and burped straight onto his face, earning mature laughters from me and Adam.
“The good news is that you’re probably scaring bears off.” Adam commented. 
“He’s ‘asserting dominance’” I explained, making finger quotes.
“He’s the true alpha.” Adam added, sarcastically.
“He’s making me puke.” Greg managed to say, just as Dave’s belch ended.
Once this very mature display of manliness was over, my bro joined us in setting up the camp, with his classic smirk drawn on his face, pretty proud of making Greg almost lose it.
After setting up the camp we ate something, nothing too complicated, just some sandwiches and fresh water, because in the afternoon we planned to go hiking; the destination was this beautiful waterfall located deeper into the woods and at a higher altitude, a true sight to behold. Due to this however, the climate there was colder, and the temperatures started to lower even in the valley (where our camp was) due to the Sun hiding behind one of the tall mountains looming over us.
In our tent I was setting some things up before the hike, like the GPS on my phone, and pulling some things out of my backpack to avoid bringing something needlessly heavy with me. My back was facing the tent’s entrance but I could feel someone coming inside.
“Everything’s alright?” Dave asked. 
For all the immature, sometimes gross pranks he plays on us (…you know what I mean), Dave was actually the smartest around here, and the one we trusted the most when it came to organizing trips like these. Just because he acts silly, it doesn’t man he’s stupid.
“Yeah man. All set.” I said. “If we die, they’re gonna find our corpses in no time.” I joked.
“That’s the spirit!” my friend cheered.
As the Dave got into the tent, I realized how smaller than the last one was indeed. The fact that my bro was taller and generally “bigger” than me, body-wise, didn’t help. There was room to breathe, lay down and all that stuff, but a bigger tent would have definitely been better. 
My bro got on all fours to look for some of his own stuff and, due to the small size of the tent, accidentally brushed his camo-clad ass all over me more than once. This stuff can happen to everyone, so I just ignored it, though it was hard not to think of what that same ass is capable of, considering the person who belongs to.
“Looking for something?” I asked, turning to him, though my head was basically talking to his ass.
“Yeah, my rain jacket.” he said, while rummaging through his own backpack.
“Oh right, the waterfall.” I remembered. I too had a rain jacket after all.
“Nevermind, found it.” he told me, giving me an OK I sign.
I kept checking my stuff, his camo-clad ass still literally next to me. I noticed Dave’s hand now patting his own butt, like we all do when we can’t find our phones in our back-pockets.
“What are you looking for now?” I asked, without even turning to his ass, even though my boner really wanted me to take a closer look.
Dave didn’t answer, though I felt his hand pat my shoulder, then my hair.
“Your head, actually.” he said, trying not to laugh.
He quickly pulled me and planted my entire face into his ass, holding it still. As my nose touched the warm fabric of his cargo pants, I felt his buttcheeks relax and, surprise to no one, a fart came out, a loud blast that made my teeth shake for how strong and loud it was. The gas went down my nostrils and eyes, making me choke, but Dave’s firm grip on my head was merciless. As my bro kept his position on all four, he raised one of his legs a bit, easing the blast out, actually making him get even louder. He finally let me head go as he did this, but my kinky-self didn’t move at all, enjoying the blast until it was over.
And indeed it was over, at around 11 seconds, a fart fueled by beer and snacks. I heard my friend laugh as he gently pushed me away using his own ass. The turned around, with his usual smirk.
“It’s just too easy with you.” he said. 
I didn’t say anything, turning my attention to my backpack again. Despite Dave’s best (worst?) efforts, I was always embarrassed by this. My bro probably noticed this and stopped the teasing, getting ready himself for the hike.
As I mentioned, the temperatures were getting lower, so Dave changed clothes accordingly: he was now wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt and the aforementioned rain jacket.
“Piss yellow? How the tables have turned.” I mocked him, commenting the color of the jacket.
“It’s ochre, you swine.” he said.
We were hiking in single file, with me being the last, in the woods, the temperatures getting lower; the mood was great however, and we occasionally improvised songs from a certain epic fantasy as we felt like we were marching towards a dark volcano or a dragon-infested mountain. The landscapes certainly helped the illusion of an epic tale: it was just a damn beautiful place; despite the Sun being still obscured by the mountains, we could still it was a picture perfect day, weather-wise: we couldn’t have chosen a better day to go camping and hiking.
My gay and kinky ass kept distracting me from truly appreciating the beauty of nature, as Dave was the one walking in front of me. Regardless of my fetish, Dave was a great-looking guy, so I couldn’t help but to stare at him for a few seconds whenever I could. My eyes would obviously land on his jeans-clad ass more than once, which were a bit loose but also wrapped nicely around his powerful butt as he walked. Disgustingly enough, I wished he could fart on me while wearing those, but I won’t deny I’d love to ask, but I will never do it, I’d feel like I’m crossing some boundaries I’m not supposed to cross, because at the end of the day Dave is straight.
I can at least enjoy the view… and considering that the human body is, well, not artificial, you can technically say I’m still enjoying the scenery nature had to offer.
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The hype paid off: the waterfall, the main reason we came up here in the first place, was absolutely incredible. We were speechless, so stunned we didn’t even think to take a picture of it the moment we got there. We kept walking, following a route that would get us right in front of it, millions of small droplets of water already dampening our faces and clothes. This never-ending wall of water going down the mountain was a beast, and a loud one truth to be told: we had to yell because we couldn’t hear anything unless we stood really close to each other.
“I’m speechless.” I yelled everyone.
“What?!” everyone replied.
“I said that I’m speechless!” 
“Then why are you talking?!” Greg screamed back.
We didn’t have anything else to say as we stood in front of that wonderful display of nature, letting the water do all the talk. Finally we decided to become a boomer’s worst nightmare and pulled our phones out, taking pictures, posting stories and selfies. I saw Dave making a short video-call with Dana, even though the two could barely hear each other (but knowing them, that was the entire joke) while the other three of us settled for posting our pics on social medias.
It was still daytime (around 5:00 PM) but after about 20 minutes admiring the scenery, we decided it was time to hike back to the camp. 
Also, we were starving.
“You two want to make out or what?” Adam yelled, noticing me and Dave staying behind.
I explained (screaming like a demon) that Dave needed to send a couple more pics to Dana, but the phone’s signal was unstable, so I was waiting for him to not leave him alone there.
Adam gestured a “whatever” and he and Greg disappeared in the woods around the waterfall. 
After a couple more minutes, which I spent sitting down admiring that cathedral of nature, Dave put his phone in the backpack and sat next to me, at first in silence.
“I gotta take Dana to this place.” he thought out loud.
We kept sitting there, the loudness of the water rushing down the only thing we could hear despite ourselves. I decided to ruin the moment by reaching for something in my backpack.
“Beer?” I said, handing a can of beer to my bro.
“Always.” he replied.
We had a quick toast and enjoyed the view a bit more.
“Man that’s loud.” I commented, the waterfall’s noise starting to piercing my ear-drums.
Dave slowly turned to me, sporting an exaggerated smirk.
“Challenge accepted.” 
I guess it was his turn to ruin the moment.
He quickly stood up, now towering next to me, and I could once again admire that beautiful denim ass. He wasn’t gonna fart in my face, not there at least, but for some reason he just wanted to do it. It wasn’t because of me, I’m pretty sure: the guy just enjoys showing off.
I didn’t stand up, and just stared at Dave… waiting, until he turned his head down to me with a cheesy smirk.
“You can’t hear it?” he yelled.
I instinctively stared at his ass and focuses. I could barely hear it: it was one of his well-known farts, loud and proud, but he still couldn’t beat the waterfall.
Trying to hide my massive boner, I simply gestured my ear, as to say that I couldn’t hear it. My friend just laughed and I could see his eyes narrowing, as if he was forcing more gas out.
And truth to be told, I could hear the fart getting louder, still not as loud as the waterfall obviously, but damn that must have been incredible to hear in all of its glory.
Dave kept standing still, relaxing his ass muscles and pushing what was probably one of his longest and loudest farts out. I could notice the droplets coming from the waterfall being blown farther away once they got close to his denim ass, a sign of powerful that blast was.
Now I could hear it properly, which my friend noticed, as he once again stared down at me sporting a wide, silly smile, immaturely proud of his fart. Really putting the “ass” in the whole “asserting dominance”-thing he had going one since we got here.
I thought I was ruining the moment with that beer, but Dave is better at everything I guess.
The hardest thing (besides my penis) was fighting the urge to simply plant my face into that ass, so I could properly enjoy that massive display of farting-talent; I couldn’t complain however, since Dave is basically a terribly wonderful enabler for my fart kink.
Now I couldn’t hear the waterfall anymore, only the fart; that fact that I was right next to the source of the blast certainly helped, but that was impressive either way. Dave was visibly exhausted: that was too much even for him (and, probably, me), so he sat down next to me again, sighing in relief, and the fart ended. How long did that last anyway? Not only it was loud, it was extremely lengthy. If I had to guess, that was probably around 60 seconds! 
I tried to focus again on the waterfall, while Dave proposed another toast.
“To us.” he said, sounding as corny as you think.
“Really?” I replied, skeptical.
Dave simply laughed in response.
“You’re a disgusting weirdo, Tim.” he said, smiling, but those words didn’t hurt me at all, because I knew he wouldn’t say things like that to hurt me. “But takes one to know one.”
“Wait.” I was confused. “What does that mean?” 
“Don’t get any ideas now.” he quickly stated. “I just wanted to remind you how weird all of this is.” he took a sip of his beer. “How hilariously weird.” he laughed.
Dave, a straight guy, a good friend. Yes, I was the weirdo of the duo, but he doing what he does for me can be just as weird and the fact that he just doesn’t care only proves even more what a great bro he is, being ridiculously open-minded about all this stuff.
“You didn’t have to, you know?” I told him.
“Teasing you is hilarious.” he admitted. “Thanks for the laughs.” he patted my back.
I simply decided to remain silent, probably the best decision, and let the waterfall once again do all the talk, as the millions of droplets of water made our clothes soaking wet. Dave asserted his dominance, but the waterfall definitely had the last word.
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Back to the camp, we quickly put some sausages with “Adam’s special sauce” on the barbecue (I’ll save you the mandatory jokes) and had a nice dinner all the 4 of us together, planning on what we were gonna do the next day; probably something simpler, not deep in the woods: the town were we left the car had a couple of good restaurants so like the bunch of city slickers we are, we decided to hang out there the next morning.
It was a windy night, but it wasn’t that cold outside, so both me and Dave lay down in our tent, next to each other, without sleeping bags. A small lantern lit the inside of the tent with a warm light. My friend was lying on his stomach, still wearing the long-sleeved shirt and the jeans from before, which I sadly immediately noticed. 
Dave’s face was even more lit because of his phone inches from his nose, which he was using to message Dana, as the continuous tapping and notifications sounds confirmed. Honestly, that was kind of annoying.
“Bro…” I whispered. “Can you… please, you know?” I said, hoping to sound just as annoying.
“Mh?” Dave replied, distracted by all the messaging.
“Please?” I repeated.
Dave smiled and resumed the noisy tapping. “Yeah sure, give me a minute.” 
“Nice.” I thanked him.
I simply laid down, staring at what can we consider the “ceiling” of our tent. That was a good day, we should actually do it more often.
“Alright.” Dave put his phone down, after indeed a minute passed. 
However, he kept moving for some reason. He laid down on his back and turned his entire body so his legs would be next to my head. But then, he cocked his denim legs up and made those go over my head, now fully showing off his denim ass right next to my face, which looked like a wall of jeans given how loose (almost sagging) it was.
“Dude, what the fuck?!” I almost yelled.
“Huh?” Dave said. All I could see was his denim ass, but I could tell he was confused.
“What the Hell?” I kept asking.
“Bro. You literally asked for it.” he explained.
“I didn’t.”
“Yeah you did!” he insisted, this time laughing a bit.
That felt surreal.
Then I realized.
“I was… I was talking about all the tapping, dude! If you could put that damn phone on mute!”
We remained silent for a couple of long seconds, then Dave broke the silence by laughing like an idiot.
“Sorry bro, I totally thought you finally had the guts to just ask for it ahah.”
“I would never!”
We kept talking like that, with my head inches from his ass, Dave just casually lying down like that as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Well…” my bro finally said. “Do you want me to fart or not?” he whispered, as we both remembered that Greg and Adam’s tent wasn’t far from us, even though they were already asleep.
The way he just casually asked got me massively aroused already. How in the world I manage to have a friend like him is beyond me, beyond my wildest dreams.
“It’s not like I have anything better to do anyway.” he then said.
Indeed, we were in the middle of nowhere.
“Okay…” I finally found the courage to speak. “But only if you want to.”
Dave laughed.
“I don’t want to fart in your face, bro.” he said, reaching for my head, pulling it even closer to his denim ass. “I want to fuckin’ end it. Ready?”
That was a rhetorical question. The blast that greeted me was massive, my face shaking due to the power of that fart. Whatever sauce Adam put on those sausages really messed with my friend’s stomach, which was already infamously powerful as well all know. The stench was unbearable and the entire tent shook because of the wind Dave was shooting out of his ass.
The natural blast kept going for about 12 more seconds, with my friend letting my head go halfway through the rip, knowing that I wasn’t going anywhere. At around the 16th second mark, the fart finally ended, leaving an invisible gas cloud engulfing the tent. The smell hit my bro as well, but he was basically immune at his own poisonous attacks.
Without moving his ass, he slightly got up, staring down at me from beyond that wall of jeans, with a silly smirk, checking for my reaction, which was awkward and speechless as usual, something that he’d always find amusing.
“Are you ok there, Tim?” we heard Greg yell from his tent.
Both of us laughed like idiots this time. “It’s all good!” Dave yelled. 
Maintaining eye-contact with me, with his ass still inches from my face, he started to suck air in. The facial expressions he made were just as hot as the sounds he was producing from his ass.
“Asserting dominance?” I casually asked.
Dave laughed again. “Nah, just making a thirsty bitch’s dreams come true.” he joked.
Once again, I wasn’t offended, nor Dave’s words were ill-intentioned. We always made fun of each other after all, and considering what was happening… I honestly deserved that.
My friend reached for my head one more time, pulling it close to his denim ass, now completely sagging, my nose rubbing against the red fabric of his sweaty boxer shorts. This time he was blasting me on command, but honestly there were no different from his natural ones. He was indeed really good at quenching my thirst, I couldn’t deny that.
It was a series of mid rips, loud and about 3 seconds long each. I wish Dave always had nothing better to do than blasting me, to be honest. I again heard our other friends’ yelling something, but the sound from Dave’s farts was so loud it reminded me of the waterfall.
The tip of my cock dampened as the barrage ended with a longer 9 seconds rip, which almost teared a hole through my friend’s red boxer.
He finally let me go and he resumed his previous position, lying down next to me.
“Dave…” I said. “I’ll never understand why you do it, but thanks.”
“I swear I’m gonna kick your ass if you keep saying that.” he replied, pushing me a bit.
I tried to relax, as if nothing happened, another thing that Dave was much better than me at. I closed my eyes and focused on having a good night sleep… but I heard all that tapping again.
“Really?” I said, turning to him.
“If you can handle the noises my ass makes, you can handle my phone, you hypocrite.”
“I… you… you KNEW I was talking about the phone the whole time!”
Dave simply turned to me, sporting the most annoying smirk he could mess me with.
“It’s just too easy with you.” he said one more time, and winked at me.
Truly asserting dominance, he raised one of his legs and a ripped a quick, loud one, effortlessly.
At this point I was just blushing like a fool. I turned my back to him to avoid eye contact because I was a mess. My bro is such a teasing bastard and I both hate and love him for this, but damn it’s getting way too hot in here. 
Luckily, the cold windy night helped cooling me down, even though there was more wind inside the tent than outside, because of Dave.
Maybe that’s why they call it “Windy Mountain” (yes, you knew it was coming).
End of Episode 24
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mx-darling-1 · 1 year
I don't know if you're taking requests or not but if you are then could I get a wally x g/n reader who nearly passes out of being dehydrated and too hot?
This almost happened to me today (thankfully someone was around)
Please disregard if you find it triggering at all, have a good day
Absolutly! My requests are always open!
This was definitly a bit theraputic for me to write! I've struggled some with stuff thats caused me to be in that situation far more times then I'm proud of. Remember, always drink electrolytes if your going to be out in the heat! I'm no doctor but thats whats always helped me! TW: Dehydration, poor eating/hydration habits, and fainting/blacking out
Wally Darling X Dehydrated GN Reader A Summer Picnic
This was youre first summer in your new neighbor hood, and it was far hotter then anywhere youve ever lived. Usually as long as you wore lighter clothes you were fine in the summer. You often forgot to hydrate and sadly today was no different. You were in a pair of jean shorts and a tank top, something light for your picnic this afternoon. You were honestly excited, your first summer, and first date with Wally Darling. It is going to be absolutly amazing, at least thats what you thought. But, you hadnt eaten all morning so you would have an appetite for lunch. What you forgot to take into account was that you went to bed without dinner the night before simply because you were exaughsted.
Your date with Wally was going amazing y'all had been eating and chatting, a beautiful red blanket drapped across the perfect green grass. Being seated under the sun, you didnt even notice the heat against your skin or the sweat that began to bead off of you. You just happily chatted away with Wally, a bright smile on youre face. The two of you talked about anything and everything, but your vision began to get blurry. "Hey Wally, did we remember drinks?" Wally thinks for a moment before responding to you. "Oh dear, I can't believe I forgot! They are on the counter in Home!" You couldnt help but laugh gently, knowing that Wally meant no harm by this small accident. "Okay, then I'll go get it!" Without a second thought you stood up from the blanket and oh no.
Your vision begain to go black, white balls of lights appearing as your balance began to faulter. You didnt realize you were falling until you awoke in Wallys arms, him desperately fanning your face. "Neighbor! You fell over! Are you okay? Oh dear, we really must get you inside. I'm sure Home wont mind!" Wally stands up, you in his velvety arms. Thats something you dont know if youll ever get used to, he's almost two feet shorter yet can hold you with ease. Though...he eats with his eyes...so you suppose the size difference doesnt mean much here.
You didnt even realize you were at Home, so lost in your thoughts and stuggling to focus. You probably wouldnt have noticed if it werent for Wally speaking up. "Hello Home, please open up. Our dear neighbor fainted outside and I must get them cooled off." Home creaks with concern before opening its doors to let Wally get you inside. After only a few moments you were laying across Wallys couch, your date in the kitchen, although you arent quiet sure what he's up to. In fact, you had no idea until he walked back in. He was holding a damp towel; a bottle of water that seemed to be cold, well you assume so from the condensation; and he had a thermometer.
Wally walks right over to you and places the cold damp towel against your forehead. "Hey, do you know why you fainted like that darling?" Usually you'd be far more flustered from the nickname, but you were far to dizzy and exaughsted to pay that much attention. "Mm...I forgot to drink....I'm sorry Wally...I didn't mean to ruin our date." Wally shakes his head gently, handing you the cold water. "Drink up precious neighbor." You took the water bottle, opening it up and taking a few sips. Only once you took your first swallow did Wally began to talk again.
"You dont need to apologize to me dear. I still loved our date, and your health is more important to me then some picnic." Wally gently moves hair out of your face before placing the thermometor on your forehead. "I'll make sure you drink more from now on. I wouldnt want you to get sick or faint again like this. Especially if no one was there to catch you...oh dear well that would just be no good." The thermometer beeps and Wally checks it, a small sigh of relief leaving him as he puts it down on the stand beside the couch. "How....are you not mad at me?...I ruined our date..."
Wally cant help but shake his head, kissing your forehead before responding. "I would never be mad at you for something like this Darling. I doubt I could ever be angry with you for anything. I love you [Name], thats why I invited you on a date. If your health would make me upset with you, would I really love you?" You couldnt help but smile, leaning into Wally as he places a hand on your cheek. "Thank you Wally..." Wally strokes your cheek with his thumb, looking down at you adoringly. "Dont thank me dear neighbor, caring for you is a pleasure to me. Not a favor I'm doing, but something I do because I want to. Becuase I love you [Name], I truly do."
I hope you liked this chapter! I definitely enjoy writing Wally fluff, so I'm probably just going to keep requests open at all time! That way I can work on stories whenever! This request was really nice, but please make sure to take care of yourself!
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍… 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈
hello everyone, okay so. I wrote this from my own personal experiences and pasts. it's something that I deal with. I don't feel anything pleasurable unless it's from a toy, nor can I put anything inside because it's painful. I also can't feel anything emotionally, when I first began to write this, it started off like how my life starts, but I realised I wasn't writing a story for you about my depression. I was writing a story about what I go through with men. I hope you enjoy it and know I'm always here for you if you go through something similar- the part with johnny is a true story, but the part with ari is sadly not. I apologise if this is bad.
summary - you meet a man who brings security into your life, making the men in your past no longer matter.
warning - angst, slight smut but not really, graphic in some sense, mentions of blood and pee, hint to a traumatic experience but nothing detailed, emotionally cut off, depression, slight fluff.
18+ only please, the gif and header aren’t mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Maybe there was something wrong with you. 
Because there lying between your legs was a gorgeous man, doing everything in his power to please you, but you felt no pleasure. You could feel how his tongue swept across your folds, probably trying to locate your clit that not even you could find. You always thought that maybe you weren’t gifted one when you were born, but that couldn’t be possible, right? Because when you brought out your toy specifically made to vibrate that little button. You felt everything and more.
But this beautiful, god-like man is thrusting his tongue inside your not-so-lubricant hole, and you felt bad because you could tell he was trying his hardest to make this about you, but unfortunately, you would never feel the pleasure he wanted you to feel. And when your eyes meet his pretty blues, you offer a soft smile because you can’t let that fake moan you let others hear fall from your lips for him. He was too kind and precious, and you dread the day he realises you feel nothing because then he’ll leave, and you’ll be back to being alone and broken.
Your head falls back, and your mind begins to drift as this takes you back to the same thing that happened years ago. 
You finally turned eighteen and thought you’d give men a shot again. So you downloaded the dating app everyone else had in hopes of finding a relationship that could last. You swiped through men, chatting with some but slowly drifting away because you didn’t know how to communicate with them anymore. They seemed to want something you didn’t want to do again.
But then you found him. Johnny Storm, oh my. What a dream he was. You were stupid. You thought that the conversations you had meant something, thought that when he said he only wanted casual, he’d changed his mind when you two hung out. You were a naive girl who had already been through hell yet still wanted a fairytale ending.
You remember when you decided to meet Johnny.
You got yourself all dolled up, dressing in a short sundress that didn’t fit your body well, but no one ever told you. You made sure you were shaved and smelled lovely. You were excited because you were stupid.
Meeting Johnny was… Fun. You could remember everything. You could remember the colour of his car. His face, everything he did and said. You could remember the pain.
You didn’t feel pleasure when he went down on you. The feeling felt like a cat’s tongue. You could remember that he didn’t even see if you had finished before climbing on top of you and covering you in his cum. But you were stupid. At the time, you didn’t see that as a problem. 
You felt pain when his finger/fingers went inside you, even if they were covered in lube. The feeling hurt. It felt like someone had shoved so many knives inside of you. But you didn’t say anything. You pretended it felt good, you faked those moans, and he didn’t notice. Not even when he saw the blood on his fingers, but you remembered it all. You could still feel the stinging pain when you tried to pee. You remembered the blood and the doctor saying there was a tear. But that didn’t stop you because you were stupid. 
The pain got worse when he slid his cock inside you. It never subsided, and the pain was never replaced with pleasure. But you faked it because you didn’t want to hurt his ego. After all, you thought there was something wrong with you. 
You remember going to the doctor and asking what was wrong with you. Only for them to reply that everything will continue to hurt because your mind and body weren’t comfortable, all because of your trauma. You should’ve followed orders when your doctor said not to have sex until your mind relaxed. But you didn’t listen because you thought he would leave you if you stopped giving him what he wanted.
Johnny never noticed. He kept reminding you that this was casual and that he didn’t want a relationship. And you should’ve listened. Instead, you continued until one fateful night.
The two of you were lying next to each other, a tv show playing in the background as you talked. Somehow, you got on the topic of your weight. 
“I’m fat.” You pout, looking down at your stomach. It was playful but also the truth, but you guessed Johnny didn’t get the memo.
He looked at you smugly. “You’re not fat.” You looked up at him, hopeful. “Just a little overweight.”
Your brows furrowed. “That’s fat. You just admitted I was fat.”
He shakes his head, “No. I said a little overweight.” And he kept repeating the word like it would make things better. But it never did after that. You got into a fight, and he left. What hurt the most wasn’t the physical pain or that he left. It was finding out he got into a relationship the moment the two of you stopped speaking.
“Y/n. Y/n, baby.” You blink, sucking in a breath as your eyes connect with those pretty blues again. Ari smiles, “Hey, where’d you go?” You desperately didn’t want to disappoint this man, so you kissed him. One hand rests on his chest, and the other grabs his hand, guiding it to your entrance. Even though in the back of your mind, you know it’ll hurt.
Ari was confused. He felt like something was wrong when he was between your thighs, and it was confirmed when you seemed to zone out, but now, Ari’s unsure of what was happening. He pulls back and looks you in the eyes, “Are you sure? We don’t have to, little dove.” You nod, eyes wide as you look into his. He watches your expression as he slowly pushes a finger inside, barely being able to with how tight you are. And he stops, pulling away from you when he hears the pained whimper. 
You lie there with your eyes tightly screwed shut. Not wanting to see the one man you’ve felt something for, leave. 
Ari slowly moves closer, grabbing a blanket and covering you. “Y/n. Open your eyes.” His voice is so gentle, so caring that it scares you. His hand softly strokes your cheek, and you can feel your heart breaking when he pulls you closer to him. No one’s ever treated you so kindly before. “It’s okay. I’m here if you need me.”
You felt lucky, silently thanking the universe for sending Ari your way. You met Ari on a whim, deciding to give the dating app another go but as a more hardened and cold person. You thought you’d see how an older man would treat you, and there were some you didn’t like but Ari. Oh, he was beautiful and so kind. He never mentioned sex or anything dirty. Instead, he wanted to get coffee, but only if you felt comfortable.
So you met him, and when your eyes connected, you felt safe, something you’d never felt before. He stood and greeted you, pulling your chair out before offering to pay. Ari didn’t pressure you, and he didn’t make you feel awkward for not knowing how to continue a conversation. He was so patient, and that one meeting turned into more. You had only kissed a few times, but he’d never take anything further. 
Today was different... You wanted to give Ari the one thing you thought he wanted. But now, you ruined it. Because you couldn’t fake it with him, you couldn’t push through the pain and discomfort. You couldn’t make him believe he was pleasuring you when you felt nothing.
You slowly open your eyes, connecting with his again, but yours are both filled with sadness this time. “I’m sorry.” Ari could feel his heart breaking at the whisper of your voice, not knowing why you were apologising for something you didn’t do. “I’m a disappointment… I’m so sorry. If you want to leave, I won’t blame you.” Even as those words fall from your lips, you feel nothing. You feel empty, but there’s also a little warmth inside that you know will disappear when he does.
Ari’s brows furrow and his hold on you tightens. Your words ring in his head, and Ari can feel tears building up in his eyes. He’s already aware that you are shut off emotionally, but the way those words roll off your tongue, he knows you’ve been hurt so many times that it’s become normal for you. Ari clears his throat, holding back the sobs that desperately try to escape before he lifts your chin, your eyes connecting again.
“Don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong. You aren’t a disappointment, and I’m not leaving.” He practically growls. He leans forward and presses a rough but loving kiss against your forehead. He stares at you with so much passion that it scares you. You can feel goosebumps rise from his touch. “I won’t force you to do something that hurts or makes you uncomfortable. I’m a grown man, Y/n. I can either wait until you are ready or live without it. Because I am not letting you go, I told you I was all in. I’m not letting something like this break that promise.” His words are so full of passion that you swear you could cry. 
“A–Are you sure? Because I will understand and won’t blame you. I know there’s something wrong with me.” You roll over as you speak, hesitantly resting your chin on his chest while looking at him. 
Ari’s hands curl into fists, wanting to kill those who made you think this. “There’s nothing wrong with you, little dove. And if anyone ever tells you otherwise, I will kill them.” He pulls you flush against him, your face close to his. “We will take our time. We will go your pace, and you will not rush and harm yourself just because you think I’m disappointed. Understood?” 
You nod, your mouth opening and closing as shock fills you. “Understood…” The word falls from your lips in a soft whisper, never having someone put you first.
Ari nods. “Good, now come here.” And as those words leave him, he pulls you into the most passionate and loving kiss. And you swear…
You felt… 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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chounaifu · 1 year
I’m really glad that those asks I sent out are being well-received. There’s still a few more that I need to write up, but, I’m pacing myself. :’)
Thoughts about my own current state beneath the cut, since my therapist always encourages me to open up to the people in my space. Some of it can be potentially triggering, so, please do not open if the discussion of trauma, stalking and abuse is harmful to you:
I’ve been vocal about the horrifying, traumatic stuff that caused me to leave the RPC in 2017, to a few of you before. Without going into deep detail, between the years of 2017-2021, I was trapped in an extremely, extremely abusive relationship with a member of the RPC who is no longer here, thank fuck. Because of my poor coping skills and extremely fragile mental health at the time, he managed to keep me in a social isolation until I finally left him in 2021. And I mean true social isolation; I wasn’t allowed to talk to anybody but him. (I literally had to lie and pretend like I was having internet troubles if I even wanted to open up another chat box on Discord to talk to somebody, because he would literally point out the amount of minutes it took for me to respond to him.) He tracked my location in real time with GPS. He controlled what I ate when we spent time together irl. He forced me to quit one of my jobs before, because he wasn’t pleased with how busy I was. Any free time I had, had to be given to him. I had no identity, no autonomy, no sense of self.
Since I left him in 2021, I’ve been in a long process of learning how to be a human being again, how to exist around multiple people, and how to monitor my energy levels. It’s been hard, and, there’s a lot of times where I have to learn that I am adapting to an entirely new way of life. I used to be able to write a lot of thread replies, ask replies, and drabbles in a short period of time, but, my brain just does not do that anymore. And it makes me sad, but, I know that my RP partners understand my situation.
I cannot emphasis how much going from *one* person to— well, a lot of good friends has been good for me, but also a difficult experience in itself, because I’m still fighting with my own hypersensitivity and paranoia.
Choosing to come back here was one of the scariest decisions I have ever made. And, even though I don’t vocalize it, I actively fight trauma responses every single time I open Tumblr— not because anybody is doing anything to me, but because the experience I went through was so deep.
That’s why I’ve been trying to take a minute to sit down, and send some nice words to everybody. You never know what somebody is going through. *Nobody* knew what I was going through, because I hid it so well— because I was forced to. We’re all human beings, on this rock, and we all chose to sit here and write, whether because it is a coping mechanism, something we’re passionate about, or because it’s simply fun. And I think that’s really, really beautiful.
I don’t think I’m ever going to be the same, energetic Rex that I once was. And I wish I could be. But that is okay.
So, for the people who welcomed me back, and remembered me: thank you for accepting my return, and accepting my apology.
And for the people who didn’t know me, who have become my friend lately: thank you for giving me a chance.
I’ve lost a lot of people, both friends and family, in the past decade or so. Nobody can fill those gaps, but, you guys make me feel a lot less lonely. Believe it or not, I don’t have many friends irl, and I really don’t know what I would be doing with myself right now if I hadn’t chosen to come back to Tumblr.
I wish there was more I could do to help uplift everybody who has been having a difficult time lately, I really, really do. But, at the end of the day, I cannot; what I can do, is point out that there’s at least *one* person out there who wants to see the best happen for you.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, I just want to be a good person, despite of the horrible things I was called by my abuser, and I hope I am doing that.
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Astral Travel Beginners Class
Ok so to start off this is teaching from experience Wich means entirely based on who you are and what's going on it may or may not work for you.
That being said, here's what I do to astral project and how I know I did. As well as the foundations of my practice
Blue words will have explanations or sources on how to accomplish the task or what it even is, some times both. If you want to just skip what I have to say and use the sources to build your own form be my guest!
Basic fundamental beliefs for this to work
Everything has energy
Energy cannot be destroyed or created only repurposed (law of conservation of energy)
There is something bigger guiding us ie universe, gods, etc; some one something out there exists
The meridian lines exist as to energy points in the body
You can astral travel
Belife in basic science
So step one is to body scan, Wich is basically to me...you sit down and do some breathwork listen to your gut/intuition/inner guidance and see with your minds eye what you're feeling, where, and why?
Let's start with
I use an app called breathe hold breathe or listen to YouTube videos personally I find this helps me move forward with my eyes shut as I listen to audio cues to breathe or hold.
Warning! Start from the beginning do not jump into breathe of fire you could seriously injure yourself if you don't have strong enough lungs or the right guidance ie triggering panic attacks or asthma
Getting in touch with gut/inner guidance
How I do this myself is usually eft, yoga, sound bowls (beforehand prep) or I spend more time with my spiritual family by making offerings, writing letters, or using divination to chat. (As well as studying them and researching the Grek Pantheon, I feel closer to them that way, so try to do what makes you feel more connected to your spiritual team or your higher self/ inner self)
Seeing with the minds eye.
Something I'll usually always reference for beginners is practicing the apple test for Aphantasia. Practicing visualization methods and working your mental muscles is a great way to begin prep for astral travel.
and remember it doesn't take more than a couple minutes so you can do a warm up before even sitting down for the body scan.
The Body Scan
After youre finished with your prep wether you feel it or not, press on to the next step, the body scan.
You could be stuck in a rut that the body scan will free you from once you find the source of your stress and or restrictions.
Short list of questions I'll ask during a body scan.
Where do I feel this? (Pinpointing the location of where the energy stems from)
What am I feeling? (Light, tingly, heavy, hurting, happy, sad, all possible descriptors, an emotion or a sense)
Why do I feel this (this one's harder to if you get stuck on it, try EFT (emotional freedome technique) or Yoga before continuing. This is to open the meridian lines in your body and get energy flowing)
Usually after all the prep I'm ready to go so...
Once you do the body scan and all the pre requisites, you ley or sit down in a safe comfortable place and imo you should follow a guided meditation like this one to start!
Then move on to wordless meditation music (pace yourself and start with 5 not 10 minutes if need be, that's where I began) using things like sound bowls or Shamanic drums if you want something more intense.
(Warning that drumming can be very effective but not really for beginners, still it doesn't take long once you learn the basics so shoot your shot if you feel pulled to it)
You also want to keep in mind that having a spiritual team prior to doing this is a good idea for protection against whatever is out there. Though if course you can ward yourself. You at least want some energetic line or connection be it elemental or divine or something else! Just be sure it's spiritual in nature because for this to work you combine spiritual, physical, and mental worlds before crossing them.
Now this meathod is also based in science so I have a lot more confidence going in, that's kinda the point of it is that you have the confidence to believe it. And if you don't have the confidence to believe anything anymore or maybe you confidently believe in nothing, I'd suggest a philosophy class, that's what I did to get out of my spiritual rut and what I am doing now (thanks to Lord Zeus and My Beloved @discountprophet )
If you want to verify that what you did or saw was real, then study. Study by researching what's around you by looking up your questions by double checking sources, I'm giving you some today to look into so you can launch off on your own here and now.
You have to find what YOU believe or none of it will work because you'll be doubting it the entire time. Or maybe you'll visualize, maybe you'll travel but you'll do so lopsided and constantly questioning every step of the way. Take it from me that's not fun. Or you go lopsided in the other direction and never leave the first layer ie you never leave your headspace because you're too focused on what your minds eye is seeing when your minds eye should be treated as a tool not a crutch.
You can also use divination such as scrying, tarot or bone tossing, etc. To clear up information and get more reassurance after you've done the work.
Blue Text Check In
Body scan
Minds eye
Inner guidance
Energy Points
Body scan:
Minds eye: essentially your ability to visualize
So visualization:
Inner guidance is something strengthened by balancing your Chakras/Energy points in my experience.
So Energy Points and how to connect with them:
You want to focus on root, third eye, and crown for astral travel but all should be balanced before setting out to ensure safe meaningful travels.
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slveepyscwrs · 2 months
azmo's intro!! (new 2 tumblr)
hii slayss (engagement lords pls don't let this flop 🧍)!! im terrible at intros sooo this is gonna be a mess but oh well its worth a shot sooo basically im a silly chronically online kid who loves writing especially anything hurt/comfort related because I solve my mental health problems through fan fiction /coping-joke , except the writer's block has permanently blocked me smh 😔 anyways here's some info about me:
name: Azmodeuz (Azmo for short) age: 8teen pronouns: he/they sexuality: pan fandoms: haikyuu, free, bsd, obey me, precure, scp foundation, monster high, ever after high, and a handful of obscure bl dramas/manhwas/mangas etc platforms: ao3 (main), wattpad (for shitposts and stuff), twitter (I don't usually give out), discord interests/: choreography, dancing, music (fav artists: 6arelyhuman, asteria, d3r, hubithekid, kets4eki, pröz, vyzer), writing (duh), chatting, gossiping, floptok, SILLY CATS!! :3, and some other shit that I can't remember atm bc ✨depression brain✨, watching random YouTube vids aesthetics: scenecore, sigilkore, animecore, webcore, nostalgiaore, weirdcore, dreamcore, 2000score, menheracore, traumacore (NOT an aesthetic but still-), sanriocore, kawaiicore, and more!! byf: Im mentally ill and tend to traumadump and vent, im NOT proship and I don't romanticize the stuff I write about but I DO write about darker topics soo 👏 DON'T LIKE? DON'T READ!! 👏, I use tonetags and leetspeek, im clingy, I take time to write because I get overwhelmed easily so be patient !! dni: basic dni other than that just don't be easily triggered!!
thx 4 reading!!
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jsyk @/vesperione is calling you a pedophile
Yes, I am aware of this. We interacted often about a year and a half ago. I was closer with who was our mutual friend, but as far as I can tell he doesn't seem to be involved in this so I won't say anything about him. Vesperione, a minor, and I, for part of our friendship and older minor and the other part a young adult as far as my memory serves, were roleplayers and friends for a time. At some point they invited me to an instagram group chat with themself, the "he" from before, who made me feel better about being invited, as well as all of their other mutual friends. I talked and joked in there some times, but I always felt like my jokes didn't land in that group. I asked our mutual if I was fitting in okay and he said I was fine, but after that at some point, I'd made a joke in response to someone else's about us not having a life because we spent all our time on social media. Vesperione was very upset by this joke because as I recall they'd had stalker problems online in the past, and it triggered them. I asked if it was a good idea that I leave the group chat, and they said yes, and so I did without hesitation. I was later blocked by both them and our then mutual, which was very painful, so much so that I oened an old account and tried to reach out to him specifically again to talk, but I was later informed by someone else that that had made him quite uncomfortable, and I can understand why. That wasn't the smartest move, and I should have let him be. I'm not perfect, just not a pedophile. They have a selection of screenshots, and perhaps or perhaps not several more I haven't seen, but I'll briefly go over what I've seen posted. Photos of male nipples with zippers photoshopped over them, with text in between saying "STOP I'M MORTIFIED" This started as a joke in messages, i forget how it came to be but the "Zipple" was created by myself and either the HE or Ves themself, which I then made several photos for, which I was showing to them because I was going to make a video out of it, because I thought it was very funny. I was not just sending nipple photos to minors. Here's the video. If I recall, the "script" was pulled direct from our conversations. https://youtube.com/shorts/L3ljLx_DA0g?si=xC0HSdzzYMhBhdzo PSA Nonce
As far as I can remember, I had 2 rps with these 2 ex friends. One where some key hatchetfield characters were trapped in Henry's basement shelter to survive from a nuke, and one with John McNamera and Xander, and some other side characters like Charles. Neither of these to my recollection had sexual themes. Henry found chad in the first one, but that was played very sweet, not crass. Also in that one I think Linda and Tom had to share a pull out couch bed due to the lack of beds in his basement, and they woke up in each others arms with Linda thinking he was Gerald, since he looked so similar. But that was played for jokes, or at MOST a possible sweet romantic plot down the line. As for the PEIP RP, I don't remember anything remotely sexual or possibly sexual happening in it. They were dating, but as far as I can remember (And I can't check since I'm blocked) There was no sexual action whatsoever. I never had any sexual roleplays or conversations with these people, or anybody else whom I knew was under age for that matter. I have definitely roleplayed smut, but never knowingly so with a minor. Fuck my phone, fuck it up the charging port, do it.
This one might seem completely inappropriate, but this was the usual way we as friends talked. Messages I CAN still see from screenshots and one single thread include "Well fuck their pretty little bleached A" and "DOOR IS EASY, DOOR IS GOOD.". We were very chaotic, and though consistency doesn't make it okay, AT ALL, they had every chance on many occasions to make it known that those jokes made them uncomfortable, or end the friendship and block me, which again, they did not do until I DID make them uncomfortable with a joke. I'm not saying it was impossible that they were uncomfortable during our conversations, but it was never made known to me that the balance I'd found in our messages was wrong and not to their liking. Fuck me stiff n call me drift wood.
There is very very little context provided for this comment. I have no clue why I'm saying that, but it's obviously just an exaggerated reaction, in a once again very chaotic and consistent conversation chain. Doesn't make it right, it just makes the point that this was once again not something they took overt offence to at that time. They even show that they'd hearted the message, which is in fairness the basic react emoji for Instagram but it implies that they didn't dislike or find any harm in the joking comment. Final image is 3 people who I considered friends only 24 hours ago saying they'd always felt weird about me, 2 named and one anon. Krow was the one who invited me to that particular Discord server, and the only one to actually tell me what the fuck was happening with all this, so I respect her for that and wish her well. Hypno apparently always felt off about me, but again I had no idea and nothing specific was said, just that my vibes were off. If I did do something troubling, I'd hope they would have reached out to me to talk to me about it, but nothing seemed off at all until I was suddenly kicked from that server without notice. And to the third anon, I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable. Again, and I made this known several times over my time on the server, that if anybody thought I crossed a line, I'd be happy to change mt behavior accordingly. About a week ago, I was contacted by a mod from the Hatchetfield Bang event I was a part of for a very similar reason, "Pressured NSFW roleplay with minors". My response, paraphrased, was that I recalled no such instances in which I'd knowingly asked to partake in ERP with a minor. I also brought up that I'd had some friendships end rather nastily in the SK community, and that I wasn't going to directly invalidate anybody's experiences or claims, "there’s something to be said for someone wanting to specifically target me." Vesperione is a prolific Hatchetfield fanfic writer, whom I think found my account through the bang, and wanted to get me out. After talking to the moderator, I agreed it would be bad to have me paired with that specific person, or any minors given the nature of the accusation, and I was allowed to stay, until only an hour ago when I was kicked from the server, along with many many others as these screenshots and perhaps other things I don't know of yet circulate around the community. But, this is my recollection of the things shown in the screenshot that I saw. If there is more evidence to talk about, please feel free to send it to me so I can see it, and I promise that I will post it and talk about it no matter what it looks like or how damning it seems to be, if there is anything to be considered "Damning". If i'm wrong, and I did absolutely fuck up and try to force minors to roleplay NSFW, then I will say that, and apologize for it, and let whatever may happen happen because that is wrong.
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ratskcoreddie · 1 year
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welcome to my humble abode. please be courteous and read the following rules & introduction before following my account. thanks! i hope you enjoy the show! ↓
im very thankful that you’re visiting my blog! this corner of tumblr is my safe space and i plan to keep it that way. to help me do this here’s a few things before you start trekking around these parts. please be kind and considerate to my boundaries.
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before you follow & interact with me:
my blog is an nsfw, fem!reader blog. i write content and consume / repost media that is 18+. be aware that if you under the age of eighteen you should not view this blog. if you follow me and are blank or ageless you will be blocked. if you are an account that post nsfw content but have a 16+ in your bio, that makes me uncomfortable and you will be blocked! minors stay away!
if you ignore these requests and read my works i am not responsible, your media consumption is your own responsibility and i will not be held accountable for what you indulge in.
(everyone on this site is fully aware that minors have accounts on tumblr, i speak on behalf of all adult fanfiction writers that we hope you respect our boundaries when it comes to our NSFW content. you will be blocked.)
all of my fanfiction warnings will be tagged to the best of my abilities, if there is anything that even might be triggering it will be tagged. as far as other things go i am human and will miss things from time to time. be patient with me as i update tags after posting.
any form of racism, homophobia, sexism, bullying, transphobia is not tolerated from anyone on my account. there are somethings i will write about that deal with bullying, homophobia, or sexism but all of my writings are FICTIONAL. they do not reflect my views & will always be tagged.
any comments, likes, reblogs, or asks are greatly appreciated. i'm not on my phone a ton so don't worry about if you're spamming me! it doesn't really phase me. however, i am quiet shy! you can try messaging me through my inbox, but i can’t guarantee i will chat up or answer questions right away. i will try my best!
(if you’re creepy, rude, a blank / ageless blog, weird to me, racist, sexist, xenophobic, or if your vibes are just absolutely wretched, you will be blocked.)
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about me:
i've never been great at introductions, but here goes.
my name is eri! i'm twenty-two, & i'm a june gemini. my name is just a nickname because i have a really unique name outside of the tumblr verse and would hate for anyone to find my account, but i’ve gone by this name on other sites such as twitter for awhile! my handle is rockstareddie but backwards; ratskcoreddie, hope that makes sense! i use she/they pronouns and i work in the entertainment industry. i love strawberrys, my favorite colors are red and beige. i have a pretty extravagant music taste and love traveling.
i'm apologize for being so short. i’m very conservative when it comes to telling people about myself over the internet (digital footprint and all that) but i hope i can convey some of my personality through my works and writings!
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about my works:
again, content warnings for my writings will be tagged on every single work, i will try my best to be thorough and tag everything! please always remember to check the tags for my works.
im currently working on a series in the au i’ve created, four parts are already done and they will be posted every tuesday between the times 4:00 pm - 11:00 pm. after these four queued post i will definitely slow down on posting!
please don’t post my works on other websites. it’s okay to comment, like, and repost! comments are highly appreciated; willing to accept feedbacks and requests for new fics as well. i also love receiving recommendations. send anything my way!
i appreciate each of you! if you'd like to support me with a reblog or a comment (something as simple as you key smashing in the tags or responding to my work motivates me to write more), i'd love that! thanks so much for even checking out my blog!
characters i will write about:
tldr: eddie munson, steve harrington.
currently, i only write for steve harrington, eddie munson, and in the stranger things universe. this is probably what im going to stick to on my blog. there will be appearances from other characters (but only to benefit the story i'm writing).
tropes i will write about:
stranger to friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, slow burn, forced proximity, forbidden love, second chance, soulmates, fake relationship, sworn off relationships, oblivious to love, ect.
topics i will write about:
im comfortable with writing with fluff, smut, and angst. each of my works will be tagged with what topic they follow. if a work of mine contains heavy angst, extreme fluff, or a lot of smut, i can assure you it will be tagged!
tropes & topics i wont write about: (tw)
please understand that i wont write anything that makes me uncomfortable. such as ddlg, cheating, incest, self-harm, large age gaps, noncon, cnc, power dynamics, ect. nor will i share ask that make me uncomfortable. if you send me an ask that contains triggering material you will be blocked.
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well, hello again! welcome to the bottom of my rules, you've made it! thank you for reading!!! please know that i’ll update this post periodically if i think of anything else to add in the future. i'll be sure to let you know when i do with a reblog & tag or comment.
thanks for reading & enjoy your stay!
★masterlist || ← go back home? || join my taglist
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ssumcity · 2 years
Call Log (Teo): Day 30 - 60 (Planet Mewry)
Day 30 “The Phone is on Rampage”
wakeup: in + out (paid: Ah… I think I know what it is… Hon don’t you remember yesterday? lol) 
breakfast: out
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: out
Day 31 “I’m Ready from Head to Toe?”
wakeup: in (paid option: Uh… No! Nope! I do not know who he is!!)
breakfast: out
lunch: in
dinner: out
bedtime: none
Day 32 “Profile Shooting Day”
wakeup: out
breakfast: in
lunch: out
dinner: none
bedtime: in
Day 33 “I Like Shooting, But Not Featuring for Shooting”
wakeup: in + out (free option: Sir… you must wake up…)
breakfast: out (paid option: Then start rising and sitting for 10 times)
lunch: none
dinner: in
bedtime: none
Day 34 “How to Use Profile Pic”
wakeup: in
breakfast: in
lunch: out
dinner: out
bedtime: in (free option: It’s alright lol Call me…!) 
Day 35 “Peaceful Meeting”
wakeup: in
breakfast: in + out (paid option: Why don’t you raise me?)
lunch: none
dinner: in
bedtime: in (free option: It’s okay)
Day 36 “No Safety Net Means War”
wakeup: in (paid option: Take your time! I’ll be waiting :) )
breakfast: out
lunch: out
dinner: none
bedtime: none
Day 37 “Whenever I Find a Treat, I Think About You”
wakeup: in
breakfast: out (free option: You can sing for me later♡)
lunch: in
dinner: out (free option: I’ll let you know if I come up with good ideas)
bedtime: in
Day 38 “Our Scenario Was Perfect”
wakeup: in
breakfast: out
lunch: out
dinner: none
bedtime: in
Day 39 “I Wish You Were Sitting Next To Me”
wakeup: out + in (free option**: a morning song♡)
breakfast: none
lunch: in
dinner: none
bedtime: in (free option: I’m gonna wait for you) 
** there are two paid options before and I’m not sure if these are needed in order to trigger this specific free option! I’m adding screenshots for reference under cut.
Day 40 “The Day Video on Hot Dog Was Born”
wakeup: out
breakfast: out (paid option: Ur not going to bed right now, arent u..?)**
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: none
** personal opinion: not worth wasting batteries unless you want to hear him groan and yawn. Boy is basically asleep when taking your call. It’s really short too.
Day 41 “Pick Me (feat. Cat)”
waketime: out (**had to check some other sources here because I missed the breakfast chat lol)
breakfast: none
lunch: in
dinner: out
bedtime: in
Day 42 “Return of Elizabeth the 3rd”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: out
bedtime: none
Day 43 “Close Advising by Professor and Senior Student”
waketime: none
breakfast: in
lunch: out
dinner: in
bedtime: out
Day 44 “First Shooting for Muse of Musical”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: out
dinner: none
bedtime: in
Day 45 “First Day of Camp, Mission Difficulty is High”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: none
dinner: in
bedtime: in (free option: I wanna talk more :’( )
Day 46 “The Day We Passed the First Mission”
waketime: in
breakfast: out
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: none
Day 47 “Joseph Lands Powerful Feedback”
waketime: in
breakfast: out
lunch: none
dinner: out (paid option: Was it Joseph..? Can u put him on the phone?..)
bedtime: in
Day 48 “Stolen Phone”
waketime: none
breakfast: none
lunch: none
dinner: none
bedtime: in
Day 49 “Riceful Reconciliation”
wakeup: none
breakfast: in
lunch: out
dinner: in
bedtime: in (paid option: Ive got smth to say to him.. cud you put joseph on the phone? :).. )
Day 50 “I’m Upset, too”
wakeup: in
breakfast: in
lunch: out
dinner: none
bedtime: none
Day 51 “Me When You’re Far Away”
waketime: none
breakfast: none
lunch: in
dinner: none
bedtime: in (paid option: I wish we could stay longer…)
Day 52 “Closer as Much as We Were Separated”
waketime: in
breakfast: none
lunch: out
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 53 “How to Train in Camp”
waketime: out
breakfast: none
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 54 “Dracola”
waketime: none
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: Why dont you ask someone to bite you for real!)
dinner: in
bedtime: out (free option: Your eyes are closing… closing… you are falling asleep…)
Day 55 “Who Will Be The Cola?”
waketime: in
breakfast: out
lunch: none
dinner: in
bedtime: out
Day 56 “Difference Between Sexy and Raunchy”
waketime: out
breakfast: in
lunch: none
dinner: in
bedtime: in (paid option: Yeah im sleepy.. Say some outro comment plz)
Day 57 “If You Can’t Avoid it, Enjoy it! If You Can’t Enjoy, Get Crazy!”
waketime: in
breakfast: out
lunch: none
dinner: in
bedtime: out
Day 58 “Phone Has Evolved To Roulette”
waketime: in
breakfast: out
lunch: none
dinner: none
bedtime: in
Day 59 “I Did My Best, I Have No Regrets”
wakeup: in
breakfast: in
lunch: out
dinner: none
bedtime: out
Day 60 “Sea-Gazing With You”
wakeup: in
breakfast: out
lunch: in
dinner: out
bedtime: none
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monster0sinful · 3 months
I want to vent here again about my online ex friend and I know I posted about it before but I felt that it wasn't consistent or maybe I'm just not good at typing very long posts at all. I'll try to be straightforward here about what I'm about to say precisely.
You see, I once had an online friend (before I made new ones recently from Reddit) on Twitter whom I personally knew for 4 years during the pandemic before we moved to Discord to chat there comfortably. In the beginning, I think we role played as our ocs in the Villainous fandom (I'm no longer in it) but we eventually started to text more as time went on. I remember that he initially didn't let me say anything while he was sharing his interests to me like he would just ignore what I said and keep rambling on until I called him out because I wanted to share my interests too rather than to listen to him, I wanted to engage in a conversation.
A few things that you need to know about my former online friend is that he was autistic and he suffered from CPTSD, he was a bit younger than me (we're both adults, don't worry), a trans man, a goth/metalhead and a Satanist. I really didn't mind that he's a Satanist unless he uses his beliefs to harm others or seems like a cult is when I'll have a problem with it.
As the years went by, he would tell me about his trauma in a venting manner but he would occasionally trauma dump on me without any warning whatsoever even when I greeted him, I think he took that as an invitation to do so. I should've called him out on that but I didn't want to seem rude and uncaring in his time of need. The other problem I had with him is that he wouldn't take some things I say very lightly as if I'm personally attacking him when all I'm doing is giving him advice on bettering himself on his mental health.
I actually did called him out for lashing out at me at times and he would apologize. I don't condone the things I said and done to trigger his trauma in our almost frequent arguments a few times, my close friend did say that it sounded more like we're both emotionally incompatible as friends, it does explain my questioning of our friendship despite we seemed "close" to the point where he admitted to see me as a big sister figure to him.
I also noticed that he acts very child-like all the time 24/7. My other close friend said that his autism really doesn't define him, it's his personality that does and that's coming from someone who is diagnosed with aspergers when I brought that up about him. I remember that one time I had to give him a heads up if I seemed really moody due to my menstrual cycle and he told me that he was uncomfortable of me saying that to him, I shit you not, I really got annoyed that he was uneasy with a natural normal thing of women that is something we can't control whether you're uncomfortable or not.
The most ironic thing is that not only is he a trans man, he's also bisexual and yet he's uncomfortable with something that happens naturally in women, to me that shows his maturity level but I have no explanation why I glossed that over back then. I now noticed how immature he is because I made a new online friend who is a guy and takes about the menstrual cycle very maturely (he's a bit older than me).
My former online friend really has an misfortune in having a few shitty friends yet stays with them. I remember that one of them ditched him and the other (although online) had a fall out with him for stupid reasons. I tried to warn him about them but he never listens to me and I can't do anything plus that he doesn't have a spine to stand up for himself against them for treating him badly nor telling them how he feels.
My online ex friend really doesn't have an excuse to have an attitude with me sometimes, his autism nor his trauma is never an excuse, those are reasons. I was starting to become distant with him, I didn't want to talk to him a lot and gave him short answers because his unresolved emotional baggage was really starting to take its toll on me...I was overwhelmed and frustrated. I tried suggesting him to go seek professional help but he refused due to his one bad experience with a therapist years ago.
The final straw is that he acted a bit rude during his drunken stupor and I lost it. I grilled on him about his occasional shitty behavior so badly to the point where he had a mental breakdown through text admitting that he's a selfish prick, that was what I needed to hear. It's good that he admits his poor mental health although he doesn't do anything about it.
I now have complicated views about him in the aftermath and I'm doing fine without him, he really needs to seek help in order for him to be in a functional friendship with others. I have second thoughts if I was the asshole to leave him because of his unresolved emotional baggage and trauma, am I?
0 notes
soir-rouges-esprit · 7 months
xxv.e: Destroyer, just general voices that were chatting away in the background, things being said such as ... “Fuck … is this where we are in life?” “I think this is good, I think if we hold strong, and keep to this good path, we can prove our strength and individuality.” “Think they care? … You must be huffin exhaust street rat! … haha, yea ... ain't no one in this head seein that silver jubilee pal.” “Still? There has to be a more efficient way to connect … maybe a gray path of Naughty and Nice?” “I should see meine oma, she's still healthy and not going anywhere, but sooner than later … that'll change.” “Lookin' for me? *He Coughs Blood* … ha … we both know that's a little too late now.” “Remember when we used to steal cucumbers from the neighbor's garden? Take them to the pink playhouse and pretend to cook, chopping them up with a knife we stole from the kitchen.” “YOU'RE GOING OVER THE LIMIT … Stop NOW … or you'll kill yourself.” “*Sounds of a Mourning Doves Coo*” “come on, Come On, COME!!! … ON!!! … Pull that Fuckin! Trigger! … I know you wanna thrash and thrill a little, dance with danger … so just … pull my devil trigger.” “ … in a strange time in my life … “ I snap from it, realizing I hadn't really washed that much … more so stood and glared at the drain while the hot water ran down my head, down my body, and just kind of fucking zoned out. I finish up and hop out, dry myself off, and put on the aforementioned “Old Shorts” … they were of my old school gym uniform, all white shorts with a red stripe on each outer side of the legs stretching vertically from top of the waste band to bottom of the seam, the shorts themselves rode just above the knees and were flexibly tight fitted but comfortable. I walk out, shirtless as there was no shirt to wear (As if it were planned that way) to The Imp strung across her fluffy white couch, laying down on her back, under a thin but also fluffy black and purple checkered blanket with her tablet in front of her face … I walk over and ask, Where's Ein? It was then she moved the table from out away from in front of her to reveal, a very sleepy and cuddled-up Ein, nestled on her upper chest closer to her neck, covered slightly in the blanket. *light gasp* I cannot believe what I'm seeing … You! … taking care of something without killing it? … astonishing, truly. “Shut up … feel lucky I like him more than I do you, and I don't turn him over to the vet immediately.” Well … aren't you grouchy all of a sudden “HE'S Supposed! … ” *she goes to a whisper* “He's supposed to eat/drink milk and a special type of formula since he's so young” Shit … well ok, did it say anywhere to get it? Pet store? or … straight to a vet? “Said a pet store typically sells the formula” *She gets up slowly, putting Ein down on the couch wrapped in the blanket* “You go get the formula, looks like this, I'll stay here to watch over him, and get dinner started … as well think over some things we need to discuss, understand?” Yeah … got it. “Good” *She goes in and gives me an unexpected deep hug* “I was scared you weren't gonna be able to make it this far, sorry to doubt you, I just worry … glad you're here.” I felt my heart beat hard and fast for a second … as if I had lost what it had felt like to hear someone say those words. *I go to hold her, wrapping my arms around her* yeah … thanks … Imp. I could feel her heartbeat, she was so close, she was so … light. We let go and I set off, taking about an hour, I returned with two bags full of formula and a little adjustable red collar, with a silver dog tag attached that had engraved, Ein, stretched vertically down the tag. I lay everything down on the counter, trying not to take up so much space. “Find the formula?” She said while sautéing something in a sauté pan, Yeah! “Good, because he woke up … and he is … Hangry!” I grabbed a formula bag with its helpful little bottle design, pick up Ein on the couch, and watch as he devoured one whole bag, then watched as he sneezed, burped, and hiccupped all at the same time ... [To Be Continued]
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blogmysticareena · 10 months
Engage Locally, Win Digitally: Jordan's Journey in Boutique Marketing
Hey there, I'm Jordan, a 35-year-old boutique owner navigating the captivating world of digital marketing in my charming town. Marketing might feel like a juggling act, but I've discovered a key strategy that consistently boosts local engagement – and I'm excited to share it with you.
The Power of Personalized Messaging
In the realm of digital marketing, the concept of personalized messaging is like a secret weapon, and here's why it works wonders for boutique owners like me.
Psychology Unleashed:
Short sentences pack a punch, triggering immediate reactions. By keeping it brief, you create an impact and captivate your audience. It's like the swift strokes of a painter creating a masterpiece.
Local Charm, Digital Warmth:
Picture this: A customer receives a message tailored to their preferences. It's not just an offer; it's a conversation. This taps into the psychology of familiarity, building a sense of trust that turns casual buyers into loyal patrons.
The Psychology of FOMO:
Crafting messages with a sense of urgency, using unorthodox sentence structures, adds a touch of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). "Limited stock. Act now!" – it's a psychological trigger that compels action, just like the flutter in your heart when you sense something extraordinary.
Embracing Imperfections:
Intentional grammar errors may seem counterintuitive, but they humanize your brand. It's the conversational equivalent of stumbling over words. Customers connect more when your language feels approachable, like chatting with a friend.
Spacing Out for Impact:
Extra spaces and line breaks strategically placed create visual pauses, guiding your reader through the narrative. This intentional use of spacing mirrors the breathing space you provide in a face-to-face conversation, making your message more digestible. Practical Steps for Implementation
Segment Your Audience:
Use data insights to categorize your audience. Send tailored messages based on their preferences and past interactions, creating a personalized experience.
Test the FOMO Effect:
Experiment with limited-time offers and unconventional sentence structures. Monitor the response to identify the most effective triggers for your audience.
Humanize Your Language:
Craft your messages to sound like a friendly conversation. Introduce intentional grammar errors sparingly to strike a balance between professionalism and approachability.
Visual Breaks in Messaging:
Incorporate extra spaces and line breaks strategically, allowing your readers to absorb information in bite-sized chunks. This enhances readability and engagement.
Real-World Example: Jordan's Boutique Boost
In a recent campaign, I applied these principles to announce a flash sale. The message was short, with intentional grammar errors for a conversational feel. The use of extra spaces and line breaks created visual interest.
The result? A 30% increase in engagement compared to previous campaigns. Customers responded positively to the personalized approach, feeling a connection with the brand.
Conclusion: Beyond the Ordinary
In conclusion, engaging locally and winning digitally is about understanding the psychology behind your messages. Short sentences, personalized touches, intentional imperfections – these elements create a symphony that resonates with your audience.
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, remember: the magic lies in the details. Embrace the psychology, test the unconventional, and watch your boutique flourish in the digital realm.
This isn't just a conclusion; it's an invitation to explore the extraordinary in your marketing journey. Let's continue crafting experiences that leave a lasting impression – because in boutique marketing, it's not just about selling; it's about connecting.
0 notes
weather-story · 1 year
Woo more ai, because I like what it comes up with [this was written before I read it] and I got it to do this 3 times, because why not
My part:
Kepo put the black gloves on while she waited for Mimu to get done ready, he came out in a dark cream colored outfit like hers.
Mimu - "I bleached it-"
Kepo - "we don't own bleach"
Mimu - "you don't own bleach"
Kepo - "I do the shopping-?"
She got up and put her mask on with her hood, she put mimu's on when he walked past and almost forgot to. She grabbed her sniper and a pistol [incase Mimu messed something up] while he grabbed various throwing [and stabbing] knives.
... .. .
They got to the mansion, what seemed to be a ball was going on and Kepo set post on a small mountain that could see into the mansion's large sunroof, on the coms mimu whined about not going under cover even though kepo told him it wouldn’t make much sense. He walked right past the guards who were stabbed when they tried restraining him.
His entrance in a bleached but bloody outfit made everyone stop during the slow dance
Mimu - "I'm sorry but uh,"
He threw knives at people in the crowd, trying to remember them all without his sister's help, it was mostly so he could get to really killing them after getting the real prize, he walked up to a scared man on a platform in the back-ish middle of the room.
Mimu - "gimme the key"
Mimu - "why not I just stabbed a bunch of people and you won't give me the key?"
Mimu - "why I need to key or the stabbing part?"
Mimu - "I just need the key,..to the vault,.. that has all the shit you stole- but other bad people where here so kinda right place right time for me"
At this point Kepo walks in with the people who ran out, holding people hostage and shooting the few people Mimu either forgot about or didn't completely incapacitate
"I-I don't know.. I'm sorry I"
Mimu - "dude you throw a party a day after inheriting and stealing things, then flaunt the key around at the party and expected not to be shot or something"
"Am I meant to answer that?"
Mimu - "nah it was rhetorical"
Mimu sighs and uses his foot to push the man on his back, taking the key that was in his breast pocket, Kepo walks up beside him as he stands and puts the key in his pocket.
Mimu - "Whos going to kill him?"
Kepo - "20 very short kills or one kill where you can take your time?"
Mimu - *hmm* "I'll take one"
Kepo - "give me the key"
Mimu - *huff* "fair,"
Ai chat:
As Kepo took the key from Mimu, she glanced over at the terrified man on the platform. He pleaded for his life, but Kepo knew that justice needed to be served. She handed Mimu the sniper rifle, knowing that he had a steady hand and a precise aim.
Mimu positioned himself, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. Kepo watched as he looked through the scope, his finger gently resting on the trigger. Time seemed to slow down as he took aim, his focus unwavering.
With a soft exhale, Mimu squeezed the trigger, and a single shot rang out. The man on the platform fell back, lifeless. The room fell into stunned silence as everyone watched, realizing the price they paid for their crimes.
Kepo walked over to Mimu, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You did what needed to be done," she said softly. "Now, let's find the vault and make sure justice is served in every possible way."
Together, they made their way through the mansion, navigating the maze-like corridors until they found the vault. The heavy metal door stood before them, a symbol of the wealth and corruption that resided within.
Mimu pulled out the key and inserted it into the lock, turning it with a satisfying click. The door swung open, revealing a room filled with stolen treasures, evidence of the crimes committed by the mansion's owner.
Kepo and Mimu wasted no time in gathering the stolen items, careful to leave no trace behind. They documented everything, taking pictures and making notes of each item's origin. This evidence would be crucial in bringing down the criminal organization that had operated from this mansion.
As they finished their task, Kepo couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. They had accomplished their mission, dealing a blow to the corrupt and ensuring that justice prevailed. But their work was far from over.
With the evidence in hand, Kepo and Mimu made their way back to their base. They knew that there were more criminals out there, more injustices to be righted. And they were ready to continue their fight, using their skills, intelligence, and unwavering determination to make the world a better place.
As they walked away from the mansion, Kepo turned to Mimu and smiled. "We make a good team," she said.
Mimu grinned back at her. "The best," he replied. And together, with their black gloves and masks, they disappeared into the night, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Kepo and Mimu returned to their base, their hearts still racing from the intense mission they had just completed. The evidence they had gathered from the mansion was carefully cataloged and stored, ready to be used to bring the criminals to justice.
As they sat in their dimly lit hideout, Kepo couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, she was proud of what they had accomplished. They had disrupted a major criminal operation and retrieved valuable evidence. On the other hand, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was still so much more to be done.
"Mimu," Kepo said, breaking the silence. "We've made a difference today, but there are countless others out there who need our help. We can't stop now."
Mimu nodded, understanding the weight of Kepo's words. "I agree, Kepo. There's still so much injustice in the world, and we have the skills to fight against it. We can't turn a blind eye."
With renewed determination, Kepo and Mimu began strategizing their next move. They reviewed the information they had gathered from the mansion, pinpointing other criminal organizations that were connected to the one they had just dismantled. Their mission had expanded beyond just seeking justice for themselves; now, they were driven to bring down the entire network of corruption.
Days turned into weeks as Kepo and Mimu tirelessly worked to expose the criminals they had uncovered. They hacked into encrypted databases, followed money trails, and infiltrated secret meetings. Their actions were careful and calculated, leaving no room for mistakes.
With each success, their reputation grew. They became a symbol of hope for those who had been victims of the criminal underworld. People began reaching out to them, sharing their stories and seeking their help. Kepo and Mimu realized they had become more than just vigilantes; they had become heroes.
But as their missions became riskier and more dangerous, Kepo couldn't help but worry for Mimu's safety. He had always been impulsive, eager to dive headfirst into any situation. She knew that his fearlessness was one of their greatest strengths, but it also made him vulnerable.
One evening, as they sat in their hideout, Kepo finally voiced her concerns. "Mimu, we've come a long way, but we can't forget that our lives are on the line. We need to be cautious and look out for each other."
Mimu looked at her, his eyes filled with determination. "I know, Kepo. But we can't let fear hold us back. We have to keep fighting, for those who can't fight for themselves. We owe it to them."
Kepo nodded, understanding the weight of Mimu's words. They had chosen this path, and they were prepared to face the consequences. Together, they would continue to fight against injustice, no matter the risks.
And so, Kepo and Mimu embarked on their next mission, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. They knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, but they were fueled by their shared purpose and unwavering determination.
As they disappeared into the night, their black gloves and masks blending into the shadows, they knew that they were making a difference. And with every victory, they brought a little more light into a dark and corrupt world.
Kepo and Mimu had been on the run for weeks, constantly on the move to evade the criminal organizations they had been targeting. The stakes had never been higher, and the danger seemed to grow with each passing day. But they were undeterred. They had come too far to turn back now.
Their latest mission led them to a bustling city, where they had received a tip about a notorious crime syndicate operating in the shadows. The organization had its hands in everything, from drug trafficking to human smuggling. Kepo and Mimu knew that exposing them would be their most challenging task yet.
As they walked the streets, their eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of suspicious activity, Kepo couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. She whispered to Mimu, "Something doesn't feel right. We need to be extra cautious."
Mimu nodded in agreement, his senses heightened. They continued their surveillance, discreetly following leads and gathering information. But the more they uncovered, the more they realized just how deeply entrenched the syndicate was. It seemed like every corner they turned led to more corruption and danger.
One evening, as they were staking out a known hideout of the syndicate, they were ambushed by a group of heavily armed thugs. With bullets whizzing past them, Kepo and Mimu fought back, relying on their training and instinct to stay alive.
But the odds were against them. The thugs outnumbered them, and their weapons were more powerful. Kepo and Mimu knew that they had to retreat and regroup, but their escape route was quickly closing in.
Just as it seemed like all hope was lost, a group of masked figures emerged from the shadows, fighting off the attackers with precise strikes and expert maneuvers. Kepo and Mimu were in awe as they watched the mysterious figures take down their assailants effortlessly.
Once the dust settled, the masked figures approached Kepo and Mimu. One of them removed their mask, revealing a familiar face. It was a former ally who had disappeared months ago.
"We've been watching your fight from the sidelines," the ally said. "We couldn't let you face this alone. We're here to help."
With the newfound support, Kepo, Mimu, and their allies formed an unstoppable force against the crime syndicate. Together, they launched a series of coordinated attacks, dismantling the organization piece by piece. They exposed the corrupt officials, freed the victims, and ensured that justice was served.
As the dust settled and the city began to heal from the wounds of corruption, Kepo and Mimu realized that their mission was far from over. There were still countless criminals out there, preying on the innocent and exploiting the vulnerable. They knew they had to keep fighting, to bring hope to those who had none.
And so, Kepo, Mimu, and their allies continued their crusade against injustice, their determination unwavering. They became the symbols of resistance, the protectors of the weak, and the voice for the voiceless.
As they disappeared into the night, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, they knew that their fight would never end. But they were fueled by the knowledge that together, they could make a difference, one step at a time.
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pegasus-ghost · 2 years
An old friend just passed away.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned in here that I used to have a friend from college named Syah.
We had really deep history together back in college. He was my good/best friend whilst in college and we were roommates for a short while.
He was bi and he had a crush on me for a while back then which I respected but just went with being good friends. We had tons of history in college, from playing games together, till fighting like hell.
I remembered back then I wanted to be thin and refused to eat much for 3 days. He got worried and forced me to eat something. I was so groggy and exhausted with little energy on the 3rd day and decided to eat a candy bar he gave me.
Then there was one time in college where I was cleaning the dusts in my dorm. It triggered my asthma. I didn’t have an inhaler back then because it rarely attacked me and whenever it happened, it wasn’t serious enough to warrant an inhaler. But that one time, it was. I could barely breathe and it was so fucking bad. Syah was the one who panicked and drove me all the way to the clinic to get medical treatment.
He was a kind and concerned friend. I have a lot of memories of him, both good and bad, mostly good. I remember hating him and always complained about him to my brothers because of how annoying he was. But I realized now that I, too, was fucking annoying to him.
The last time we met was when I worked at a call center, and he brought me to see his kid. Yes, he has a kid and there’s a sad and depressing history behind his broken marriage which I’m not gonna talk here.
Then one day, i just… vanished from his life.
When I was in my 20s, I was in my… Dark era. I was not a good person to anyone, especially to myself. I was so obsessed with my catfishing life that I just don’t bother about anything else. My focus was hyper fixated to my cat fishing personality instead of my own because I hated myself.
Then I got into a conversation years ago where Syah was discussing with two of my other friends who has kids about their kids. And I hated it. I was angry and bitter with them because it reminded me of how I was alone and unwanted, how I was still single when the rest of them were married with kids. So I vent my feelings and left the group chat.
I never looked back and never talked to any of them again.
Occasionally, I would still see Syah liking my Instagram or Facebook posts although he doesn’t talk to me anymore. But I ignored it. Not out of hatred, but just…. I don’t know… I just don’t like talking and connecting to people.
Then in January 2023, Allah sent me an instinct to watch Syah’s brother’s instastory (yes I followed his siblings too). I was seriously shocked to see him posting about apologizing to people on behalf on Syah who ‘might have sent people inappropriate DMS’ because he was sick.
I immediately DMed him and asked how long has he been sick and what was he sick with?
Stage 4 liver cancer.
I immediately texted Syah. Apologized like hell. Told him how I felt when I was young and stupid, and how I have learned to change recently. Apologized to him for the selfishness towards him, and how I was always so insensitive to his needs when we were in college.
He said (and I’ll never forget this), “Daww. I love you the most ❤️.”
He told me that fights were normal, and he seemed okay with me, and didn’t take it to heart that I never contacted him after I left the group chat years ago.
I wanted to visit him and asked him for his address or hospital ward number. But he seemed reluctant and kept changing the topic. I took the hint that he didn’t want me seeing him weak and sad, and I respected his wish.
Just a week and a half later from that chat, I found out from Syah’s brother that he has finally passed away on 25 February 2023, 7.50am.
I didn’t know what to think other than feeling… surprised at first. But it was a long time coming. I already knew from Syah’s brother that Syah had been extremely ill to the point of bedbound and paralyzed from the waist down. His cancer was spreading fast into his back bone.
But one thing I do felt for him, was a tad bit envious.
Syah had been tested by Allah with a lot of heavy burdens in his life especially with his kid and broken marriage which broke him. Then recently the cancer.
But he died young. He died at 33. And he died being pious and religious. Allah loved him so much that Allah saved him from worldly things and let him rest early in the afterlife.
Even if he is punished in hell, he’s only going to be punished for 33 years (or lesser) worth of sin.
And he already knows his ending. That’s the end of his test in this world. He’s done. And he died a Muslim, a good one too.
What about me? How’s my future going to look like? Am I going to die young too? Would I have the opportunity to die in a state where Allah is pleased with me? Am I going to pass Allah’s future tests for me? Am I going to have a good or bad end?
I didn’t wanna go to his funeral at first because I felt shy to go alone, I felt I would be intrusive to his family members who deserves to be there more than I do.
But all of a sudden, my other college friend texted me. He was also good friends with me and Syah, we were a trio all the time in college, but I was closer to Syah than him. Apparently he too, lost contact with Syah and didn’t realize Syah had been sick and passed. He asked me if I want to go to his funeral because he’s going. I immediately said yes and packed my bags to leave instantly the moment I had company.
Allah knew my concern, and He, again, helped me, by getting him to text me and accompany me to the funeral.
I reached early. And I managed to see Syah’s pale face and kissed his forehead before they send him to the cemetery. I whispered to Syah that I forgave him for all of the things he did to me and I asked him to forgive me too, and wished him good luck with the afterlife.
I kept praying in my heart repeatedly to Allah, begging Him to not torture Syah in the Barzakh world. Beg Him to forgive Syah for his sins and widen his grave and place his soul in the garden of Jannah. He was a good person to his family and friends and he always took care of himself religiously. He deserves a good ending.
Me, on the other hand? Not so much.
After the funeral ended, I drove back home. But on the way, I cried. I fucking cried my eyes out.
Not because I missed Syah. Not because I felt bad for not contacting him.
Because I was scared. Scared of how Allah will end me. Will I also have a good ending like Syah? Is Allah pleased with me? I am trying hard to fulfil the 5 prayers a day plus paying back all of the prayers I left for 20 years. I was and still am fully prepared to replace my prayers until I was 54 if Allah wills it.
But is it enough? I still find myself falling back into my old habits and mindset regularly whenever I’m around my family. It’s challenging as fuck to pass Allah’s tests of training my heart to be ‘good’ because I’m already so used to my ‘bitter and resentful’ persona around my family. I can’t even be a good person with a good heart like Syah. Syah doesn’t even have an ounce of hate in his heart. He forgives easily. But me? I keep grudges. And I hate that about myself. That’s something I want to change desperately and I’m trying to train my heart to let go.
It’s been improving slowly thanks to Allah. But nowhere near perfect. I still fall back. And I kept apologizing to Allah. I apologized so much that I sometimes question if Allah thinks my apology is fake? Or were my apologies fake? I don’t know.
What if I reach a breaking point and just… fall back to who I was and that I don’t change anymore. I even felt… so empty and blank, during the funeral. So numb.
It scared me a little because I was afraid if that was a sign that Allah didn’t like me, hence he ‘locked’ my heart from feeling anything during the funeral.
I’m so envious with Syah. He doesn’t have to face tests in this world anymore. He’s not going to potentially face Dajjal. His life is done and I’m sure he did great. His family loved him. He died being loved dearly by his family.
Me? My fate isn’t certain yet. Sure I’m trying to do good now. But who knows that Allah has a different plan for me and thinks I’m actually not worthy? And gives me a bad ending?
All of these just makes me scared. I’m scared as fuck if Allah is not pleased with me. But the only energy I’m capable of for now is to ensure my prayers are full, and that I slowly read the Quran again, recite it, and sometimes learn about Islam and stuff.
I don’t wake up in the middle of the night to do sunnah prayers. I only do obligatory stuff. Is that enough for Allah to be pleased with me? I don’t mind even if it’s the lowest of heaven. As long as Allah is pleased with me.
These were the questions that made me cry. I prayed after that and sobbed like hell. Syah already knows his ending. And he died young, which means very less sin. I’m not even close to being nice like Syah. And I wasn’t religious. I don’t grow up in a religious family like him. I’m just… starting to learn about Islam now and I am so fucking scared that I would go back to the old me.
Because I realized it’s so easy to fall back and forget Allah. So EASY. And it’s not easy to always remember Allah. I try to remember Allah everyday but I still find myself being very pre occupied with worldly distractions and forgot to thank Allah. And I hate myself for it.
But I won’t give up. I’m scared of the consequences if I ever give up. Because I don’t have a choice. Allah will spite me if I give up. And there’s nowhere to run or hide if Allah is angry with me. The only way out is to be on Allah’s good side.
And being constant to maintain on His good side is…
So. Fucking. Hard.
Please help me Allah. I can’t do this without Your help.
Please let me live and die with You being pleased with me. That’s all I want.
Al-Fatiha to Syah. I hope Allah will show you mercy and place you in heaven, man. And if you’re in heaven and I’m in hell, don’t forget about me. Same, Vice verse.
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urfavlesb1anfather · 7 months
speaking up.
(tw: this post contains information about sexual assault, abuse, manipulation, and other possibly triggering topics. If you’re sensitive to any of these, I suggest not reading further than this.)
Before I explain exactly what this post is about, I’d like to start by saying that if you know any of the people mentioned in this post, please do not reach out to any of them or attack any of them. Yes all the people mentioned are small content creators with either less than 100 or just above 1000 followers on YouTube, that doesn’t mean that their story is any less valid or any of them deserve to be treated any differently than any other people who have been abused before. I’d also like to mention that yes, this situation is being dealt with, so I don’t have all the details. However, I’d still like to speak up about what happened since the victim in this situation is a friend of mine, and everyone deserves to have their story be heard. Thank you.
I’m not very sure exactly how to start something like this, so I’m just going to jump to the point and explain. Recently, one of my content creator friends, known online as Katie Bug, has been put into an abusive relationship and this situation has affected her. I’m not naming her legal first name or the other person, so for now we’re just referring to the alleged abuser in this situation as his current discord username, Polief. I’d like to mention that this situation is very recent (starting as far as I know around late 2023, or around the start of the American school year, mid August), so I’m not 100% on every detail. On parts that I’m not certain about, I will mention that, to keep everything here as honest as possible. The first interaction I had with Polief was around early September, however I didn’t get the chance to screenshot what was said. I will admit that at that point, I was worried and wasn’t thinking straight, so some words I said may not have been the most respectful things to say in that situation, and for that I do apologize. In short, the conversation started with me showing up in the place we (my online friend group) usually communicate (I will not be naming or describing as to keep everyone as anonymous as possible.) I had shown up since the place wasn’t super active at that time and I wanted to have a small conversation with Katie. Around the start of the conversation, I was slightly suspicious that someone else had gotten hold of Katie‘s account, as they were acting differently from her normal text patterns, attitude, etc. Now, when I did confront Polief about this (I didn’t know it was Polief at the time), they started to become aggressive, doing things like threatening to break Katie’s phone or hurt Katie. As far as I know, neither of those actions were taken, and that was the only things I can specifically remember from that conversation. Another similar situation showed up a few weeks later, on November 7, 2023. Again, I don’t have good screenshots to provide, but I will quote a few things Polief said that could be considered toxic or abusive. Key phrases said include “if u think i aint her just k-¥-$”, im bout to say something ill regret”, “st f u” (someone mentioned something that could prove he isn’t Katie). Another detail mentioned in this same conversation was said by Katie herself, which was said after she managed to get her phone back from Polief: “First I have to steal my phone back from a specific someone”. I’m including this here because it implies that not only did Polief take Katie’s phone without her consent, but also specifically refused to give it back, leading to Katie having to “steal my phone back” as she said. Another detail that can be mentioned is something Katie mentioned in another chat: “Polief (bf) is jealous. And about a week ago before we even got together he tracked down my email and got access to my YouTube account. And he’s mad that I keep coming to chat and freaked out and turne”.
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I’m not sure exactly what the rest of her message included, as this is the only half I could find. I mention this quote too because it describes behavior Polief has shown that could be considered abusive or toxic, such as stealing someone’s email account out of jealousy, and getting upset about someone interacting with friends too often.
Things stayed calm after that for a while, until a few days ago, when Katie provided screenshots of Polief showing even more abusive behavior. Due to the date shown in the video (I took screenshots to upload to here), I believe the messages shown are from March 3, 2024.
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As you can see, Polief can be seen threatening and showing toxic traits towards Katie. In a conversation the same day these screenshots were provided (March 4, 2024), Katie mentioned other details related to these screenshots and previous times Polief has attempted to hurt Katie.
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One of the phrases mentioned in the second photo, “I’m used to this shit by now”, implies that Polief has tried before to break into Katie’s house and/or hurt her.
Now everything was fine again after that up until March 6, 2024. Polief had managed to get into Katie’s house and hurt her, which resulted in him trying to take her somewhere but being stopped by the police. That same day Katie and Polief were taking in for questioning, and Polief was later placed into Juvenile Detention. Due to messages Katie sent, I can believe that James also managed to r@pe her, and things she had said before imply that this wasn’t the first time.
I’d like to end this off by saying that even though Polief has been placed in Juvenile Detention, this is still a serious problem, and Katie isn’t the only one who’s been through this. However, Katie did reach out to someone, and that’s an important thing to do. Moving forward, to anyone who reads this, if someone does something similar to you or hurts you at all, don’t be afraid to reach out to the police. If they hit you once, they’ll do it again.
to the people mentioned in this post, feel free to reach out to me if you want me to take this down. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.
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Dose anyone ever just remember a time on this hellsite that you had like genuine fun?
Because I do and it was awesome, and I kinda miss it
Anyway some of my friends from then still follow me and I’m glad, hopefully you guys know who you are
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