#this whole thing having happened again...
doctorsiren · 3 days
I loved your headcannons about inukawa, reigen and reigens sister and I would really like to see what you think would happen if mob and reigens sister met and I was wondering if you could possibly draw them :D
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hello yes I accidentally made a comic after seeing this ask yesterday 😁 bro psychoanalyzed her 😨
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I find it really funny that Mammon is genuinely one of the kindest demons,
• He rarely loses his temper
• He was picked to look after a human because of this and so he's the only brother that never attacks or genuinely threatens MC
• He adopts some random 9yr old orphaned human, is determined to pay for all her needs until she's an adult, and lets himself be extorted by the witches just so they continue to look after her
• He forgives any slight against him if the person who wronged him says sorry
• He has put Luke's happiness & safety over money multiple times
• His whole reason for Falling was just so he could follow Lucifer & continue supporting him while he was suffering
• He gave a birthday present he received to a random demon who tried to hurt him because he figured that demon needed something to make him happy
• Even though Raphael doesn't see the good in him, he still wanted to help Raphael see the beauty of the Devildom
• He was worried about Sineon and ready to fight Michael on Simeon's behalf
• He tries to give up a prize he would have won for Asmo
• The thing that makes him initially reach out to MC in Nightbringer is seeing them being nice to Levi
• Levi describes him as a "jerk with a heart of gold"
• Levi says Mammon makes friends easily and isn't selfish
• He cares deeply about consent
• MC says he's "innocent & genuine"
• MC says Mammon has "always been kind" and the others don't disagree
• He says that angels, demons & humans are all people and shouldn't be treated differently because of what they are
• He gets upset because of the way Cinderella's family treats her because he thinks family should love each other, and it doesn't matter if they are blood related or not
• He cries during nature documentaries
• He's the one that takes the first step to make things normal with Belphie again after what happened in Lesson 16 despite the fact that he was the one who was most outwardly affected by MC's death and was mocked for it by Belphie
The only thing stopping him from doing a complete 180° and becoming a villain is that MC has decided to use their considerable power for chaotic neutral level hijinks and not chaotic evil level destruction
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wandurlvst · 2 days
Baby Trouble
ken sato x gn!reader one shot
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notes: this is my first time publishing my writing so IM REALLY NERVOUS, but i hope you enjoy 😭 and yes i know ken calls ami for kid advice but let’s just say he called you instead 🤗
warnings: none! just wholesome fluff with slight crack tbh
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ever since you could remember you’ve always wanted to raise a family. either that’d be your biological children or adoptive. i guess you could say it came from your own parents—how they were able to raise someone who isn’t themselves so well-
a buzz pulled you from your thoughts—your phone was ringing from the other end of the couch. you placed the remote of the tv down and checked the contact. it was ken—an old friend of yours. you’ve known him since you were kids and shares many things in common. “i need to work in the morning, ken.” “i know- i know. but i need your help.”
you sighed, “and what could be so important that i’m needed this late?” “just come over.” the call ended, you looked at the black screen and decided to just visit for a minute. it can’t hurt
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you exited your vehicle and ascended the stairs. you raised your fist to knock on the door. but before you could, you were pulled inside quickly. “woah!”
“took your sweet time didn’t you?” ken said in a very annoyed tone, “well it didn’t sound like an emergency.” you shrugged, “whatever just follow me.”
“what is this about ken? it’s getting late- and don’t you have a game tomorrow?” “that- that can wait.” he led you two to the giant elevator that led down to his basement. “don’t scream okay?” “what do you mean…?” once the doors opened you were met with a giant pink baby kaiju who was in a large cage. but of course your first instinct was to scream—but ken covered your mouth just before you did. “what did i just say!?” he released your face, “i can’t help it! it’s a kaiju and why is it your house in the first place?”
“you saw what happened after my first game with the giants- and the KDF wanted to take her so…” “you took her instead.” “yeah.” you approached the glass wall of the cage and the baby cried as if she was going to be hurt by you, you all covered your ears and ken jumped in front of you. “mina!” the ai surrounded the cage with images and videos of ken playing baseball—distracting the infant, “so why did you need me here again?”
he sighed, “i need help- or advice on how you raise her.” “i’ve never raised a kaiju, ken.” “i know that! i mean a kid. what would a normal baby need?”
you stepped towards the infant again now that she was distracted, “well she isn’t a normal baby. but she’d need a lot of attention at her age- you’ll need to feed her, wash her, uh- figure out the whole potty training situation, the five s’s- mina could teach you that-“ “we’ve already started.” she chimed in.
“oh and don’t get me started on the constant lack of sleep. now i know i don’t have kids of my own- but from what my parents told me i was a nightmare when i was a baby.” you were in your own world rambling on and on about baby advice—you didn’t notice ken right next to you
“how about we do that?” he commented, you were confused—naturally. “do what?” you turned to him
“raise her. together. like parents.” he noticed you staring at him and he grew nervous that his idea was ridiculous, “i mean- since you’re basically the expert i could learn along the way- i don’t want you doing all the hard work. but i understand if you’d say no- you have a lot on your plate already“
“i’ll help you.” you smiled, “it won’t be easy but, it could be fun.” this time you calmly called to the infant. introducing yourself. the baby smiled and was entertained by you. ken smiled at the immediate bond you two had and he knew it would work
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Summary: Aaron Hotchner x Fe!Reader -> The team knows something is up between yourself and Hotch, except Rossi seems to be the only one to put the pieces together.
Disclaimer: Descriptions of sick. Fluff. Jack and Haley don't exist in this fic. Happy ending. Not Proof Read.
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The whole team knew something was up. They just didn’t know what. 
Usually, you were normal with everyone. Chatty. Smiley. Professional. Maybe a little blunt every now and again. 
But not this time. 
For the last week you had been…cold. Well, not with them, at least. 
But with Hotch? You had been as cold as ice. 
But no-one could pin why. 
Even if it had just been small things, like the feeling in the meeting room in the morning when it just seemed to be the two of you, or the small looks you both gave each other – which had started out as awkward, but then quickly turned to shame and clear annoyance, the latter being much more clear on your end. It was definitely clear now. 
From the beginning of the case, you had been quick to change subjects. Always staying on the case, which was normal. But not your abruptness to do so. And when Hotch tried to pull you aside as the others made their way to the main doors, you brushed him off. 
Hotch was someone you never brushed off. Not until recently. 
And when you all landed in Seattle, Hotch was assigning teams for who was driving. But before he could place you with himself, JJ and Morgan, you pushed past him. 
“I’m going with Rossi.”
And Hotch didn’t say a word. 
Instead, he watched you walk away with your go bag, throwing it into the trunk with Dave. He gave his orders to Prentiss on what would happen and she updated you in the car. 
However, forty five minutes into a ninety minute drive, Emily’s voice started to make you feel dizzy. Then the heat in the car felt like it was blasting. So you rolled down the window. But that didn’t help. 
“Garcia said she’s already sent over some case files- Hey, you okay?”
From the backseat, Emily leaned forward to get a better look at you. 
“I’m fine.”
But five minutes later, you changed your mind. 
“Pull over.”
“Pull over, I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Okay, okay. Just hold on.”
The car had barely been put into park by the time you threw the door open, tore your seatbelt away and ran out. 
Less than ten feet from the open car door, the last three drinks and meal you ate came straight back up and soaked into the dry grass. 
You heard a second car pull up behind and then heard Morgan and Hotch’s voice. Dave had already reached you, placing a hand on your back before pulling your hair back. 
“Okay, take it easy. Are you okay?”
You could only hum before throwing up once more. He rubbed circles on your back for a moment before you finally finished throwing up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Is she okay? Y/n, are you-”
“I’m fine!” You called out, a little harsher than you had intended. 
Holding out a hand, Rossi signalled for Hotch to stop and stay where he was with the others. 
“She’s okay, she just needs a minute. Emily, do we have water in the car?”
“Yep, here.”
Making her way over, Emily poured some water onto a tissue before handing it to you. You wiped down your mouth and your hand before being handed the bottle by Dave. 
“Small sips, okay? Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nodded, your back still to the rest of the team. “I just need a minute.”
“Aaron, we’ll meet you there.”
It took him a minute before he moved back to the car, but Hotch eventually nodded, calling out they’d see them at the precinct. 
“Do you know what it could be?” Emily asked. 
“Probably just some bad sushi.”
Emily nodded before getting back into the car. 
“Are you sure that’s all it is?” Rossi asked once she was out of earshot. 
And for a moment, you paused. 
“Let’s just get going.”
Things only seemed to get worse from there. 
You managed to hide it as best as you could from the rest of the team, but every hour you had spent a good ten minutes in the bathroom throwing your guts up. 
A couple of officers did question where you had been when they couldn’t find you but hadn’t seen you leave the building. One mention of Aunt Flow and they didn’t ask again. 
Your coldness with Hotch didn’t ease, either. It just seemed to become more frigid. And everyone saw it. 
By the third day in Seattle, Prentiss and Morgan had questioned you on it in the break room. 
“Yeah, what do you have against Hotch all of a sudden? What, one week away from us and you’ve suddenly made an agenda against him?”
“Because I love you, I’m going to ask this only once. Please don’t ask about Hotch.”
Morgan and Prentiss looked between each other, slightly worriedly, but both silently agreed to drop it. 
“But you will sort it out?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I don’t know.”
A few hours later, you were coming back out of the bathroom when Rossi seemed to jump out at you. 
“Jeez. Rossi. Give a girl some warning next time.”
Dave smiled. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Have we caught a break?”
“No, but I need to talk to you.”
“What about?”
“About the fact you’re running to the bathroom every hour to throw up.”
“Like I said, it was probably just some bad food. I’ll be okay.”
Only, as you started walking away, Rossi asked you a question. 
“What happened between you and Hotch?”
“Nothing.” You answered, your back still to him. 
“Really? Because I wouldn’t call it nothing. I’d call it strange.”
“Rossi, I’ve asked Morgan and Prentiss-”
“I know, and I heard. But, to be frank, I think you’re lying and you’re too scared to tell anyone.”
“Tell anyone what?”
But rather than voice it, Rossi just gave you a look. It took you a moment before you cracked a little. 
“You don’t have to tell me how or what happened, but I’m asking, just find out the truth. You don’t have to tell anyone. But I think the sooner you do it, the better it will be.”
“We’re in the middle of a case.”
Rossi shrugged, “Morgan and JJ are on their way back. Reid’s got it handled here. We’ll pick up some coffee on the way back as a cover. Let’s just go now.”
You seemed to hesitate, and Rossi could see it. 
“Please, for my sanity's sake?”
Twenty minutes later, you found a pharmacy and picked up a box. 
“Can you wait outside the door for me?”
“Of course.”
And he did. 
Once you paid for the box, the cashier directed you to a bathroom in the back. Except, long after the two minutes were up, you still hadn’t come out. So, Rossi knocked on the door. 
You swung it open and he jumped back a little. 
“I can’t look at it.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to at some point.”
“I’ve wiped it down and it’s got a cap but…can you look? I’m too scared.”
Rossi could see the fear in your eyes. Oh, how two little lines could instil so much fear into people who dealt with crime every day. 
Handing the package to Rossi, he turned it around and pulled it out of the packet. 
“I believe congratulations are in order.”
Turning it around so you could see, you took it back into your grasp as you pushed one hand through your hair. 
“Oh, my god.”
“I think you and Hotch need to have a conversation.”
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
Rossi smiled, holding your hand which he could feel shaking. “You have my word.”
Somehow, back in the precinct, you managed to keep your cool. You’d brought back coffee for the team and, despite the fact you caught Hotch watching you from his seat, noticing your shaking hand, you pulled it back and found a spare pen from JJ’s notepad and spun it over and over in your fingers. 
Thankfully, due to the “food poisoning”, you had been kept out of the field when it came to finding the unsub. However, this just gave you a very large sense of dread. You watched them all run out of the door, Rossi placing a hand on your arm talking directly to you. 
“I’ll look out for him.” He told you before the others could hear him. 
“Thank you.”
Possibly carrying Hotch’s child made watching him and the team run out of the door, without you, made that sense of dread practically triple. Especially considering no-one other than Rossi knew the truth, or at least a part of it, about yourself and Aaron. 
Thankfully, no-one got hurt and the unsub was apprehended in time before he could hurt anyone else. They all came back with looks of relief and tiredness when you saw them, but there was a barely visible look of confusion and perhaps, hopefulness, on Hotch’s face when your scowl at him didn’t seem so cold. 
On the plane ride back, you were quiet. Everyone was, but there was just an air about you that told those paying attention to you that you were in your own world. 
Of course, Rossi knew why. 
But it was tearing at Hotch why he didn’t. 
Pulling back into the office, Penelope greeted you all by the elevator, hugging you all. And handing you some dry crackers and a bottle of water. 
“Thanks, Garcia.”
As everyone said their goodnights, you watched as Hotch walked directly through the bullpen and towards his office. 
“I think there are a couple of things you and he need to talk about.”
You nodded, with a light smile. “You’re right.”
Rossi kissed you cheek before saying goodnight and saluting you before the elevator doors closed. You did a small one back before turning your gaze back to the dim lights coming from Hotch’s office. 
However, first, you ran to the bathroom. 
Sitting at his desk, Hotch was halfway finished with the last of his reports when a knock came to his door. 
Looking up from his desk, there was a slight look on his face that told you he wasn’t expecting you. And you couldn’t be surprised. You’d barely been able to look him in the eye for the last month and a half, and you’d been nothing but cold and if a little harsh with him for the last couple of weeks. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Can we talk?”
Hotch nodded. “Come on in.”
You nodded back, entering, but closing the door behind you. Which made Hotch stand. 
“Is everything-”
“I’m pregnant.”
A silence settled over the room that you were expecting, but still shocked you. And every possible emotion, some you couldn’t even name, passed over his face before he was forced to sit down. 
“Can I sit?”
He nodded, quickly signalling for you to do so. And so you did. 
“What did…How- When did you find out?”
“Sometime in the last twenty four hours.” You answered which confused Hotch, which you could understand. It was a vague explanation. “It’s all been kind of a blur.”
He nodded, understanding what you meant. 
“Does anyone…know?”
You nodded. “Rossi.”
“Dave knows?”
“He seemed to know before I did…kinda.”
“What does that mean?”
“I guess I had a feeling when I got carsick, but denial carried me through.”
“Does anyone else know?”
You shook your head. “No. Oh, and, um, I-I took another test to be sure. H-here.”
With a lot of nerves and a lot of awkward courage, you passed the second test across the desk to Hotch who took it in his hands and looked at it. 
Two bright pink lines. 
Positive test. 
“Just so I’m…clear. You are telling me because I’m…”
“The father?” you questioned. “Yes. There wasn’t anyone before or after you for it to be someone else.”
Hotch nodded. “Okay.”
You both sat in silence for a while, taking in what had just happened. 
“I, well, I haven’t been to see a doctor yet so I can’t know for certain but these tests are usually pretty accurate.”
Hotch could only nod. 
“You’re free to make any decision you wish,” Hotch assured you. “I’ll support you either way.”
You nodded in a small thank you. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’m going to do. With our line of work, it gives you the handbook over why you shouldn’t have children. But, if I do decide to do this…I’m prepared to do this on my own. If I am going to do it, I’d prefer to have you in their life.” 
Your hand absentmindedly touched your stomach and you looked down to it for a moment. 
“But, I’m prepared to do it on my own.”
Hotch took in everything you said and nodded. “Like I said, I’ll support any decision you make but if you do decide to have our child…” 
Those two words settled over the both of you. 
Our Child. 
Our Child. 
Our Child.
“One thing you don’t have to worry about is doing it alone. I want to be a part of their life. And whatever support you need, I’ll try and help with.”
You nodded before looking back down to your stomach. 
Once again, a silence settled over the both of you and it was like he could hear your brain going into overload with information and feelings. But just as he was about to call your name, you looked up. 
Tears were being held tight behind your eyes, but a few words and they were ready to fall free. 
“I’m…I’m scared, Aaron.”
It didn’t take him a second thought before he stood up and met you where you were sitting. As he got around his desk, you stood and he embraced you tightly. 
He swallowed thickly, nodding and placing a quick kiss to your hair. “It’ll be okay.”
A week later, the team had taken notice of the change between yourself and Hotch. It was no longer cold, but it wasn’t what it was. It was something…uneasy. You had both clearly had a tough talk and were on rocky shores, but you were both finding a way to make it work. 
It was also a week later that you had made your decision. 
You were going to have a baby. 
A lot of different scenarios passed through your mind when you thought about what you were going to do. It would be hard, of course. It would be difficult to work the cases you do and not feel a little more emotionally involved. But you also couldn’t help but think that maybe this was a blessing in disguise. 
A part of you had wanted children for a long time, but the thought of actually having them was slipping further and further away the more you worked. 
And, despite you feeling selfish, you wanted a baby. You wanted to see a child, your child,  grow up and have a life of their own. You wanted to make the memories you had as a kid, but with them. 
You knew it would be difficult to do so when you joined the Academy, but part of you always wanted a home filled with the sound of laughter and joy. 
And maybe this was your only chance. 
And in all honesty, Aaron had similar feelings. 
It would be hard, sure. But he also wanted this in his life. He wanted a child. He wanted you in his life, however that would be. 
Of course, neither of you had seen this coming when you had run into each other at the Inn you had found. A halfway stop to your actual destination. Only, rather than continuing on your separate journeys for your week’s vacation time, you both found yourselves unable to leave the small town and the safe walls of the local Inn. 
It was that part of the story the team would forever speculate on once they found out you were pregnant and it was, in fact, Hotch’s baby. 
That was a piece of information they clued together themselves when Hotch called them in for an early meeting, but had confirmation on just a few moments later.
“So, what’s happening here?”
“Are you together?”
“We’re…still figuring that out.” Hotch answered, looking at you.
Neither of you had exactly had the conversation over what you were. Were you a couple? Were you friends? Were you co-workers? Were you just co-workers having a baby together?
HR weren’t exactly happy about the get-together but so long as the relationship wasn’t going to break any codes of conduct within the field, you were both still free to keep working. And more importantly, working together. 
However, over the next nine months, certain things seemed to blur. 
Aaron came with you to every doctor’s appointment, never missing one. When you had both first heard your baby’s heartbeat, you had clutched onto his hand and not let go. And when the sound got clearer, he pulled you a little closer, rubbing your arm and kissing your hand. 
It was a little odd, feeling the baby kick for the first time whilst being stood outside of a crime scene. 
Morgan had been with you at the time, quickly calling for Hotch when your posture and face changed from quizzical to concerned. Only, by the time Aaron had reached you both, you laughed and told them what was happening. 
Morgan then called JJ over as you guided Aaron’s hand to your stomach. And you both shared an intimate moment, just looking at one another, feeling your unborn baby kick at your stomach for the first time. 
JJ was able to confirm what was going on and both herself and Morgan congratulated you before you all remembered where you were and got back to work.
The cold glares you had given Hotch in the weeks leading up to you finding out had disappeared completely after the hug you shared in his office when you told him. And by the time you were entering your second trimester, they had turned into something similar to what they were before everything had changed. 
You had both become friends. 
He had also relaxed a little more around you, which allowed him space to take in what was actually happening. So, when your cravings started kicking in, he would hand you snacks throughout the days. You wouldn’t even know what you wanted at the time and he just…seemed to know. 
And at some point between him attending doctors appointments, helping you with your pregnancy cravings and reading to your belly, you had both begun to live together. 
It made sense, at least for the first couple of weeks after the birth and partly during the pregnancy. If you went into labour, it would be safer if someone was with you. And, it meant he was there when, in the middle of the night, you woke up with braxton hicks and panicked a little before getting checked out at the hospital, just in case. 
Also, small touches began. 
From you holding his hand against your stomach when your baby kicked, to his fingers tracing yours whilst they held that position. Then, in break rooms. They were quick, but light kisses would be pressed to your head or cheek whenever he handed you something. He was always close to you, barely leaving your side when in the field. His hand, always at the small of your back when leading you somewhere. And in the early hours of the morning, his arms would be across you as you both lay in bed, holding you close against his chest. 
Until, finally, one night whilst lay in bed, you asked a question. 
Both facing each other, despite your eyes being closed, Aaron traced repeated patterns from pushing your hair back to trailing his fingers down your arm to find your hand, rubbing soft circles with his thumb. 
Both of you should be fast asleep, yet you weren’t. 
“What are we doing?”
You laughed a little. “No we’re not.”
“I’m sleep talking.”
“Aaron, I’m being serious.”
With a small laugh, Aaron sighed. “Okay, what is it?”
He finally opened his eyes and so did you.
“What are we doing? About us, I mean. We’re having a baby together, but we’re not together together. We work together, but we also live together. What happens after the first couple of months? Do we…what do we do?”
“I suppose we just have to take each day as it comes and see what happens.”
“I can live with that.”
“Oh, no.” 
Aaron laughed a little and shook his head, bringing his hand back to your face and brushing the hair from it. 
“Or,” he repeated, “we treat this for what it really is.”
“I don’t…” you shook your head. 
“I know I don’t regret what happened that week away. Even more so now, but before…before we both found out. I still didn’t regret it. I don’t. We say we live together out of convenience, but I know, at least for me, it’s something more. Now, if for you it’s still out of convenience and bonding for our child, then we can have this conversation when the time comes. But, you should know my feelings for you run deeper than just you being my co-worker and the mother of our child. Do you…could you see yourself…feeling the same?”
The silence that came over both of you for a moment made Aaron worry. Maybe he had gotten it wrong in his head. Maybe you didn’t feel the same. Maybe you were just caught up in the emotions of carrying his child and, since you were in it together, some form of feelings, similar to that of his, were getting blurry. 
But then you blinked. 
And a light smile graced across your face. 
“I do.”
Your voice was barely above a whisper. But still, your words echoed louder and louder around his head. 
“You…you do?”
You nodded. “I do.”
Aaron took a moment, before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips. It was like your first, all over again. Except, this time, rather than a little fear being behind it, considering at the time you were both still co-workers just on vacation, there was nothing but…
More specifically, relief for love. 
For months you’d both been avoiding the biggest barrier between both of you. Too scared and too fearful that the answer to each question would be some variant of “No.” 
And now…
Finally the answer was yes. 
Yes to love. 
Yes to a life.
Yes to a family. 
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lurochar · 2 days
The Domino Effect (Pt. 1)
Alastor's shadow has been banned from seeing you for a week. The fallout thus begins.
This was getting long, so it's going to be split into 2 parts. I'm not sure when the second part will be posted, hopefully next week.
Warnings: Alastor's shadow is a massive simp for Reader. There are a few cringey deer puns to get through
18+ MDNI
The Shadow will Play and The Buck Stops Here
Please read those two first
One week.
An entire week – 7 whole days (his Master was so, so cruel), 168 hours (time wasn’t the same for a being like him), 10, 080 minutes (so why was it taking so long to pass?), 604, 800 seconds (would have to go by before he could smell, touch, taste you again).
He was getting restless, antsy in the meantime.
His Master was allowing him to roam around freely if he didn’t need him for anything, so perhaps his Master did understand that being separated from you was one of the worst things he (they) could endure.
Not that Alastor would ever admit that out loud of course.
But misbehaviour was misbevaviour – Alastor couldn’t let his own shadow think it could do whatever it wanted without his explicit permission, especially when it concerned you.
Everything about you belonged to him. Your pleasure was his, your pretty sounds were his. All of your blood, sweat, and tears were his. 
His shadow may be a literal part of him, but he was a selfish, selfish man. Wasn’t he already being kind enough to allow his shadow to watch and observe? 
Yes, you were his in every way but one – your soul. 
It was an utterly frustrating aspect about you and Alastor wasn’t completely sure why you would not give your soul to him. Surely by now you know he would do everything in his power to protect it, treasure it, and he would never dream of mistreating you in any way.
You saw how he treated other souls under his thumb, how he treated Husker and Niffty. He was most certainly charitable to them, wasn’t he? Sure, he may be a little rougher on Husk, but it wasn’t his fault the former Overlord didn’t seem to know his place at times and he couldn’t have the souls he owned out of line and misbehaving, could he?
You, of course, were different from them, they were toys, his pawns. You were his lover, his mate. 
He was selfish, but he was also patient. He could wait, he would wait until he could find a loophole and break out of his own contract – you didn’t find out about that, did you? It’s not as if he told you about it. He wasn’t even sure how Husk found out about it, it wasn’t something he spoke about to anyone.
(Was that why you refused to give him your soul?)
It must be difficult, he was sure, so he gave his shadow a little bit more leeway than usual and it certainly was using it.
His shadow was clearly irritated, engaging in activities that it was familiar with, but ramped up in intensity.
Pranks against the hotel’s residents were now borderline assaults and Alastor simply allowed it to happen, despite the annoyed complaints he was receiving and concerned looks he was getting from you.
He didn’t answer when you asked about ‘Shadowy’.
“Fuck you.” Husk grumbled, not bothering to get up from his slumped position at the bar as the damn shadow just seemed to pop up from nowhere. He was already starting to deal with the shakes, suffering from the backlash of not having any alcohol when the shadow switched out all of his alcohol with other liquids during the night.
You had kindly volunteered to go and fetch him some booze, but Alastor had simply sneered at him and reminded you that you two had a lunch date with Rosie and thus, wouldn’t be back at the hotel until quite late. 
You had thrown him an apologetic look and Husk just shook his head, not wanting to piss Alastor off. At least you tried, the only one who bothered to do so other than Charlie, who quickly ran off to town as soon as she saw his condition to buy him a six-pack to get him through the night. He could order more once the withdrawals wore off.
That fucking shadow popped up just as he finished his first bottle.
Other than cursing at it, Husk didn’t have the energy to do much else other than growl at it. It just snickered at him and before Husk could even react, its arm swiped across the counter and knocked the five remaining bottles off the bar and watched with a menacing glee as they shattered across the floor.
Husk stared in disbelief as his remaining booze leaked on the ground and the shadow cooed at him in an extremely condescending manner, stroking the back of its hand with its tongue and giving him a look with its hollow eyes as if to say, ‘lick it up.’ 
The shadow vanished as swiftly as it came.
That one bottle wasn’t enough and Husk vaguely wondered if he had done anything to anger Alastor recently and if Charlie was willing to go back into town again to pick him up any more booze.
Hell, he’d even ask Niffty at this point. He didn’t care who got him what he needed, as long as he got it in the end. 
He almost felt desperate enough to lick it right off the floor.
That damn shadow was probably watching him and waiting for him to do it.
Fuck him.
The shadow dealt with his frustrations the next day by leaving the hotel and slaughtering a few Sinners, specifically targeting ones that had any VoxTek on their person. 
He licked the blood off his claws, but grimaced at the flavour. Nothing had an appeal for him since he had a taste of you, but then had immediately been deprived right after. 
Why was his Master so harsh?
Why couldn’t he touch you too?
But orders were orders and he had no choice but to listen. He just didn’t understand, you had thought the bleats were cute and he knew you would not go around telling everyone that his Master bleated during sex, so why was his Master annoyed with him?
Would his Master react in the same way if he told you about their tail? Well, it was more specifically his Master’s secret than his own since pulling his own tail just wouldn’t have the same effect.
He may be punished again, but he also felt the contentment from his Master, especially that night where he felt the tinges of euphoria and a ghost-like touch upon his ears. He hadn’t been completely connected to his Master that night, so he only felt the barest of touches, but he knew you must have gotten Alastor to bleat.
What was one more thing?
Another punishment would be unpleasant, but ultimately if his Master (and him too) got the utmost pleasure out of revealing ‘humiliating’ secrets to their lover, who would never laugh at them no matter what, another punishment would be worth it.
Besides, if these thoughts were running in the front of his mind, then they must be running in the back of his Master’s – probably pushed down and away because his Master thought they were weaknesses.
His Master had even once thought that about you in the very beginning, as ridiculous as it seemed now, considering his Master (and him) would rip Hell apart and make it rain with guts and gore should anything happen to you.
His Master was just bad at feelings, that's all.
The shadow was back at the hotel.
His ears twitched as he sat on the top of the stairs. He caught the sound of Charlie’s voice somewhere nearby. Ah, she was a lucky one, his Master had told him to leave Charlie out of any pranks as he needed to stay on her good side. 
Everyone else was free game.
He had gotten Husk.
Charlie was a no-go.
Angel Dust was… honestly, he wanted to avoid being near him. The constant sex jokes made even his Master uncomfortable and irked. He only understood what his Master understood and before you, Alastor had almost zero interest in sex. Most of the time, his Master (and thus, him) had no idea what Angel Dust was even talking about and did not want to know.
So, Angel Dust only if he were desperately frustrated to the point of breaking his punishment.
Vaggie, how could he get her? Hide that precious spear of hers in a place she could never reach, stash it away in the shadows? Maybe shear off a good chunk of that long hair of hers with his claws?
Hmm, decisions, decisions…
His ears twitched again and the shadow glanced down, eyes glowing brighter when he noticed the little creatures cheerfully moving past him and towards the first stair.
Right, these are the pets(?) of the second resident of the hotel – the snake man, the shadow did not know his name because it seemed his Master did not bother to remember it, even after the snake managed to rip a piece of his Master’s coat off.
Well, they were the pets of that snake.
The shadow nonchalantly kicked the first Egg Boi, watching with sadistic pleasure as its fellow Egg Boiz panicked when their companion cracked wide open in the middle of the staircase. 
“Where have you gone off to, my little sssssweetssss?” 
The shadow stood, grinning at the scene before disappearing into the darkness just as Sir Pentious slithered towards the staircase. 
He heard the snake screech in horror before vanishing completely.
“In and out.”
His shadow whined, using all its willpower to not look in the direction of the bed where it knows you are sleeping. This is the closest it has been to you in a few days and it took almost everything out of it to not just jump into that bed and cuddle up into your side and curl around you.
“I’ve been getting complaints about you.” Alastor eyed his shadow before turning his attention to the pile of corpses gathered at his door. “Husk told me you sabotaged all of his alcohol and that snake fellow said you killed one of those egg creatures.”
The shadow chittered.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I don’t care. As long as you avoid Charlie, do as you please. If you do target Vaggie at some point, do go a bit lighter on her. Charlie may get angry at me on Vaggie’s behalf and I can’t have that.” He paused for a moment to listen to his shadow chirp and titter. “I don’t know, this is your project.” Alastor shrugged, ignoring the glare his shadow was giving him. “Steal her hair ribbon or such.”
His shadow’s chitters stopped and Alastor assumed that was exactly what it was going to do the next day.
“You have been quite active today, I see.” Alastor turned back to the corpses. “Much more than we need, but I suppose it's fine. Rosie is always in need of more meat.” His smile darkened and he turned to your sleeping form in the bed, casting a spell to make sure you stay asleep. He didn't want you waking up to the unpleasant sight of mangled corpses. “It's a good way to let off steam.”
His shadow let out a noise of agreement.
“Now then, let's get this meat into the bayou dimension. Hmm, it seems you even snagged a worker of that insufferable Vox. I do wonder how they will taste?”
You stayed sound asleep.
“Have you seen it?”
You feel Vaggie's grip around your arms tighten and you sigh. “No, I'm sorry, I haven't.” You answer. “But I can help you look.” You offer.
“Are you sure?” Vaggie's expression is a mixture of panic, suspicion, and anger. “I know Alastor has been playing his weird sadistic little games with us lately and I really don't think you're doing anything yourself, but I know you would choose him in a heartbeat over us.”
“I…” You are taken back by the amount of vitriol in Vaggie's voice. “I really had nothing to do with this.” You said firmly, causing Vaggie to rub at her hair in exasperation – something she's clearly been doing all day judging by how unruly it is.
“Are you two fighting?” Vaggie asked after clearing her throat and the panic disappeared from her face and voice. 
That ribbon must be very important to her if she's acting like this.
“No.” You murmured, having a feeling of where Vaggie’s ribbon might have vanished to. “But I think I am a part of the problem here.” Your proceeding smile is shaky. “I'll help you find your ribbon.”
“I-it was Charlie's first gift to me.” Vaggie looked forlorn for a second. “I know it sounds stupid to be attached to something that can be so easily replaced, but–”
“It's not stupid.” You cut Vaggie off. “It's not stupid at all. You love Charlie, you love every and any little thing she does for you, gets for you. I understand that.”
Vaggie smiled softly, nodding before her eye widened and she looked at you closely. “Y/N, Alastor, he… he isn't like Charlie–”
“Love is irrational sometimes.” You've heard this speech enough times already. “I know what Alastor is, what he's done. But he's never done anything to hurt me and he protected me even before our relationship began, all without asking for a single thing in return. I give what I can willingly and happily.”
Yeah, Alastor may have asked for your soul a few times, but he never seemed angered or upset that you turned him down nor did he incessantly pester you about it.
It's just how Overlords worked, you figured.
Vaggie stared in disbelief, not sure if you were even speaking about the Radio Demon anymore.
“Let's split up to look for your ribbon.” If your guess was right, you really did not want Vaggie there to see. “Is that okay?”
“Oh, yeah, that's fine.” Vaggie snapped out of her stupor. “I've already searched my and Charlie's room. And Charlie is looking in the main room. Maybe I left it in with my dirty clothes?” Vaggie muttered to herself. “I think I'll go check the laundry room. You can look anywhere you like.” She began towards the laundry room, but stopped a moment later. “Hey, Y/N. Thanks.” 
You watched as Vaggie practically sprinted off in her chosen direction and smiled. “Of course.”
You had a buck and his shadow to find.
“Quite the accusation, Darling.”
Your fingers scratched your cheek and you looked away. “I know you didn't steal Vaggie's ribbon.” You said. “But I know Shadowy has been causing problems for the past couple of days. Shadowy has Vaggie's ribbon, right?” It takes only one look at Alastor's tight grin to know you are correct. “Just let me see Shadowy if he's causing all these problems!”
“I will not tolerate disobedience.” Alastor retorted. “My shadow had one simple order and it did not follow it. There are consequences for that. And it seems there are side effects to the consequence I have put in place. It may not be ‘fun’ for the others to deal with, but they are harmless in the long run.”
“Husk was going through withdrawals.” You frown. “And one of Sir Pentious’ Egg Boiz, you know, cracked open, so I assume that must mean it's dead.”
“We are in Hell, my dearest Doe. While I'm sure withdrawals are quite unpleasant to experience, Husk won't die from them.” Alastor moved closer to you. “As for the egg creature, many have already ‘died’ in my previous… ‘engagements’ with that snake fellow, yet he is never without them. I'm sure he has a source of some sort for those egg creatures.”
“Okay, I get that Shadowy is frustrated? Angry? But why are you letting him do it all here?” You ask with a sigh.
“Of course I allow my shadow to go out and about, but I still do need it close by, so it may only go into the city for a few hours at a time in a limited range. If I need to, I can call it back quickly should something unlikely occur, such as the hotel coming under attack.”
Sometimes, Alastor’s thoughts were beyond you and this punishment for his own shadow seemed a bit excessive.
“Just… just tell Shadowy to give Vaggie back her ribbon in the same shape it was in. It's very important to her, all right? Please, please don't let him rip it!” You plead.
Alastor's ears twitch at your tone and his tense smile turns into something wicked. “And what would you do to ensure that would happen, dearest?”
You blink and then gape at him for a second. “I–” This situation was odd, but ultimately, you are at the centre of it and if all you needed to do was have sex with your lover to get Vaggie's ribbon back, then of course you would do it.
(Maybe you could squeeze out a few bleats too~)
He stared at the mirror, tying the ribbon on various parts of his body, wondering if you would like it.
First, around his neck. His Master wore something like this everyday, so he was sure you would like this too.
Second, around his ear. It was cute, right? You liked cute things. You had called him ‘cute’ many times before. 
‘Do not damage that ribbon in any way. If you do, I will extend your punishment. Bring that ribbon back to me.’
His Master's voice sounded in his head and the shadow whined at the thought of not seeing you beyond the allotted time.
He carefully untied the ribbon from his ear, making sure not to rip it with his claws. He let out a huff, dissatisfied that his ‘prank’ was already over and that he would have to move on to something else.
Should he slaughter more Sinners – go out and find more of Vox's employees and risk getting caught doing so? What would Vox even do in retaliation? Sing his pissy little song about his Master again on that awful picture box?
It sounded much more fun than pranking Niffty, who didn't seem like he would get an entertaining reaction from.
He could switch her bleach with water – but that was boring, he already did something similar with Husk and it's not like he could watch and snicker cruelly at Niffty afterwards since she wouldn't suffer from withdrawals. She might briefly huff and pout, but that would probably be the extent of it.
She was already quite deranged, she would more than likely enjoy anything he could think of and he didn't want anyone to enjoy anything until he could see and cuddle up to you again.
He still wanted to avoid Angel Dust and besides, the adult picture show actor wasn't even at the hotel to begin with. He didn't care where the spider was, but he was probably at work with that other Vee.
He could always mess with Angel Dust's room, tear it to shreds before the spider arrived back, but that meant stepping into it and the thought of all those disgusting sex fluids that still covered the surfaces of that room, just unseen to the naked eye, was enough to put a halt on that idea.
No, the only sex fluid he (and his Master) would ever partake in is your slick and the very thought had him salivating and his tail wagging.
But before he could get lost in his arousing thoughts, he had to get this ribbon back to his Master before he accidentally ruined it.
You have to wonder.
Did Alastor go out of his way to drive you out of your coherent fucking mind or was he just malevolent enough to come up with these nasty ideas right on the spot?
Probably a little bit of both.
“NO!” You sob, arms struggling against their restraints and legs kicking out uselessly as you were denied your orgasm yet again - what was that, the third time now? “No, hah! Please, Alastor!” You were literally dripping now, slick oozing down your thighs to stain the sheets below.
You could be embarrassed about it later.
“Hmm, I must say, I do enjoy the sound of your begging, it’s always pleasing to my ears.” Alastor pulled his staff back, hovering the microphone just over your quivering folds, but not quite touching. “It’s lovely. Won’t you keep it up, Darling?”
Oh fuck, keep it up? How many more orgasms was he going to ruin?
“H-how else…?” You slurred, feeling your head snap back when the microphone starts vibrating once again against your sensitized clit. You barely feel the pain when the back of your head bangs against the headboard of the bed since it only adds to the light-headed feeling swirling around your mushy brain. “–should I b-be begging?”
You can only say please so many times, doesn’t Alastor get tired of it?
Alastor tapped his fingers against the shaft of his microphone staff, eyeing you for a moment to make sure you didn’t accidentally concuss yourself. He may be a bit of a sadist, but not so much as to cause permanent damage to his precious doe. “Oh dear, have you lost the ability to speak? Surely you can do better than that?”
“Nngh!” A strange sound erupted from your mouth and your vision was swimming. “C-can I cum?” Finally, words are forming and you gasp when the vibrations against your cunt seem to intensify. “Please, let me cum, Alastor!”
“I suppose you can. You’ve been a good girl tonight.” Alastor cooed, knowing he had to wrap things up a little quicker than he would like because he could sense his shadow was close and honestly, it just might out right disobey him again if it sees you like this. “Go on then. Cum.” He reached over, tracing over your slick folds before sliding two fingers into you smoothly because of how wet you are.
You tremble, feeling Alastor’s fingers press against that sensitive spot inside you, hitting it again and again with precision while holding his microphone on your small bundle of nerves. “A-ah!” Your eyes rolled back and your slippery walls clamp down around Alastor’s fingers, but he doesn’t stop, working you through your orgasm until it starts to become painful, “Oh… no, no more…”
The vibrations of his microphone slow down gradually when your hips try to shift away and Alastor is still casually bumping his fingers against that responsive little spot, allowing the tentacles restraining your arms to retract from the headboard. He finally pulls away from you and you let out a little breath. “Do you need anything, dearest?”
You collapse against the bed, grimacing at the sticky feeling between your legs, but you’re not in the mood for a bath. Your body and mind were buzzing pleasantly with endorphins and your eyes looked up to Alastor and your mouth opened before your brain could really think of what you were actually saying.
Honestly, he should like it, he really should! He loved those cringey puns and dad jokes and other than his mug and referring to you as a doe (which wasn’t a joke to him), Alastor really seemed to stay clear from any deer puns.
“Nope, I feel like a million ‘bucks’!”
It seemed to take a moment for him and his grin twitched on one side, static dying down for a second and he seemed to let out a sigh.
“Quite…amusing, Darling.”
He was bitter, furious.
Was his Master torturing him? Trying to get him to deliberately disobey him? Why would his Master call him back, end his prank – his current amusement – only to be wrapped up in you, when he wasn’t allowed to be? His Master’s emotions were his as well and stronger ones like desire wreaked havoc on a being like him.
He growled, stalking towards the exit of the hotel, ears flat against his head when he spotted Charlie. He made a beeline for her, causing her to gasp in surprise at the sight of him and take a step back.
He let out a huff, not even allowing her to say anything as he threw the ribbon at her feet before he disappeared into the floor, speeding out of sight before anger could take hold of him and he did something he couldn’t take back.
“T-thank you?” Charlie was confused by the strange occurrence, but grateful all the same. She picked up the ribbon and smiled widely, hugging it against her chest. 
She knew that Vaggie had told you about the lost ribbon, so maybe you had told Alastor and he actually decided to help for once? And for something that he would deem so unimportant and beneath him? Even if he only used his shadow to help, it was a big step forward.
Maybe there was hope for him? 
Probably not, but you really did bring a softer side out of him and it always brightened her day seeing you and Alastor together.
Who would have thought the Radio Demon would ever find love?
There was a commotion outside.
“What now?” Angel Dust groaned from the bar, slamming back his drink and he winced when he moved in the wrong way. Val had really been doing a number on him lately and he wasn’t in the mood for any weird shit.
He was already on guard for that creepy shadow since Husk and Vaggie already warned him and he had told Cherri Bomb to stay away for a few days since he just needed some nice R&R, so who the hell was it now?
“I know that fucking voice.” Husk scowled. “What the fuck is she doing here? She knows she’s not welcome here.” Well, it would be only a matter of a few minutes before Alastor noticed, if he hadn’t already, and she would be sent on her way – or better yet, shut up permanently for coming back to the hotel.
“Ya can’t mean…?” Angel lifted his head as Husk rolled his eyes before shrugging. “She’s not that stupid, right? Smiles told her right to her face not to come back.”
“She was involved in the Boss’ life when they were alive, how smart could she possibly be?” Husk grunted and Angel’s brow rose at the unintentional insult to you. “Well, no offense to Y/N. Boss actually seems to care about her, as unlikely as it is.”
“You serious? Smiles is head over heels for Y/N! But I get it, you got a bias against the guy, for a good reason. I don’t blame ya if you can’t see it.” Angel let out a laugh at Husk’s glare. “Hey, it just means we don’t have to worry about Smiles paying attention to us as much when it's all directed to Dollface.”
“Is that so, my effeminate fellow?”
Angel jumped in surprise, nearly falling off the bar stool as Alastor and you rose up from a void of black through the floor right behind him. “You’re gonna give someone a heart attack doing that!” 
“Interesting method, but not efficient or quick enough. I think I’d rather just rip the heart straight from the che–” Alastor glanced down when you put your hand on his shoulder.
“I think what Angel means is that you scared him by appearing behind him so suddenly.” You explain with an affectionate grin, seeing the relieved look Angel is sending you. “Anyway, is she really…?”
“She always was a bullheaded woman.” Alastor’s smile is tight and his fangs are gritting. “But the absolute audacity to show up here after I explicitly told her she’s not welcome.” He closed his eyes and let out a calming breath before opening them again. “Well, I suppose I should see what she wants. Darling, stay close to me.”
Alastor gestured you to follow him and you did so, stepping past the front doors of the hotel to see why the commotion was even happening to begin with.
Why was Mimzy, of all Sinners, here?
“I ain't leaving until Alastor shows his face!” Mimzy snarled impressively, flanked by two bulky shark demons on each of her side. “I know he's here!”
 It seemed she hadn't learned her lesson yet about getting tangled in the world of loan sharks, which was that much more dangerous in Hell.
“He told you to stay away!” Vaggie had her weapon at the ready, prepared to strike at any sudden movements. “You almost destroyed the hotel last time you showed up. I'm not going to let you do it again.”
Charlie flailed a bit, glancing between Vaggie and Mimzy while wringing her hands. She wasn't particularly happy to see Mimzy again, but if Mimzy wanted her shot at redemption, Charlie certainly couldn't deny her that.
“Mimzy! What a pleasure to see you again!” Alastor’s cheerful voice cut in, but his expression told a completely different story as his pupils slowly began to shift into radio dials. “I believe I told you t͓̰̹̣ͨ̈́̿o̭̞̗͍ͦ̾ n̷͇͈̎̉̌͘ê̢̼̱̝v̻͔̆ẻ͇̊ṟ͆ͪͧ s͑͗h̸̪̋ͯ́o̥̘w͒̆̕ y̢͚o̘͎͔̪̒ͦ̿u̖ṟ̥̤̆ͭ͜͠ f̘á̯ͪ̔͋c̻̽̂ͬ͒͜e̶̳͑ͤͦ́ͅ ĥ͟e̋r̰̬̹̀̾͞e ǎ̞g̏ͭa͂ǐn̰̱̓ͩ͡.”
“Heh, believe me, I don't wanna be here either.” Mimzy huffed, crossing her arms under her ample bosom. Her eyes drifted to you and her brow rose in surprise. “You're still around? Huh, thought Alastor would've dropped you like a hot potato by now.”
Charlie immediately recoiled back and Vaggie almost slapped her own face at the utterly stupid and probable life-ending words coming from Mimzy's big mouth.
You really didn't have much of a reaction, you didn't need to.
Alastor’s head tilted at an unnatural angle, accompanied with a loud disturbing snapping noise. “You come here, to the hotel under my protection, as an unwelcome guest, and then proceed to insult my mate not only in front of me, but to her as well?” His eyes were beginning to black out and his antlers were growing rapidly.
Mimzy now seemed to realize her mistake and took a step back, trying to look smaller and hide behind her two lackeys, who were also visibly panicking, “I didn't mean anything by it, I swear! C'mon, Al, I'm just going by what I know! When we were livin’, you never had a woman on your arm for more than a single night! A-and even then, you never took them to your home!”
Alastor barely registered Mimzy's words, but his rage became manageable when you placed a comforting hand on his arm. “Just hear her out?” You asked. “If you kill her, you might regret it later. You were friends in life, right?”
“More so business partners than anything else.” Alastor answered under his breath. “We exchanged favours. We benefited from each other. I can't say it was anything more than that.”
“I’m…I’m sure she has some good reason for showing up here.” You sigh, though you were not very convinced of your own words. You had no real idea what to think of Mimzy and her last appearance at the hotel hadn’t exactly raised your opinion of her.
That, and she had subtly insulted you by calling you ‘Plain Jane Doe’ and that you were not even near the league of beauties that Alastor associated with, drank and danced the night away with at the speakeasy Mimzy ran back when they were alive. Of course she had done so while Alastor was out of earshot.
But still, on one hand, she was an acquaintance of Alastor’s, one he seemed a little more friendly with than most. On the other hand, Husk had outright warned you Mimzy only showed up when she needed Alastor to help her out of whatever hole she had dug herself into and it seemed she had done so often enough in the past that she simply expected it, that Alastor would ‘take care of her’.
“Oh, it’s a pretty damn good reason, sugar.” Mimzy’s panic quickly turned to annoyance once she remembered the reason she had bothered to come to the hotel. “Alastor, I know you can be petty, but I didn’t think you’d sink this low!” Her expression turned ugly. “Is it payback for the one time I came here?! Did it really bother you that much?! You can just use your hoodoo voodoo crap to magic it all back, can’t you!? Well, I can’t!”
“Err, what are you talking about?” Charlie asked reluctantly, seeing how upset Mimzy was, but none of them had a clue what she was referring to.
“My club!” Mimzy screeched. “Alastor sent his shadow to my club! And that thing destroyed it! Completely ruined it! Do you know how long it’ll take me to fix it back the way it was?!” Her hands curled into claws as she glared viciously at Alastor. “And that’s not the only thing it did!”
You stared wide-eyed at the blonde woman in disbelief.
“It ate ten of my contractees! Ten souls may be chump change for you, Alastor, but that’s a serious blow to me! I can’t believe you! I never thought you would turn on me like this!” Mimzy spat. 
Alastor returned to his regular form, his anger turning something more contemplative. If he were completely honest, he didn’t care how this affected Mimzy because, well, he had nothing to gain or lose in her situation. 
But this was also curious and vexing at the same time since he did not tell his shadow to do such a thing and an action like this was far beyond its familiar activities.
If he left his shadow to its own devices for longer than he intended, what else would it do? Was it that outraged it couldn’t see you it needed to scatter destruction wherever it went?
Well, he couldn’t blame his shadow, he couldn’t exactly say what his actions would be if he were to be suddenly separated from you, but he knew they wouldn’t be pretty.
“I believe you’re well aware of the type of relationship we truly have, Mimzy.” Alastor didn’t exactly want to admit in front of others that his shadow was briefly out of his control for a time. “Give and take. Tit for tat. However you wish to word it. Here in Hell, I have given you much, much more than I have taken. How many times have I saved you from your own foolishness?” Alastor gave an obvious look to the loan sharks still by Mimzy’s side. “And you refuse to learn from it. You can think of this as retribution if you want. Tell me, what would I gain if I chose to help you this time?”
You gave Alastor a look of dismay, but you weren’t surprised.
Mimzy ground her teeth. “Huh, fine. Guess we’re even then. I do a little damage to your shithole hotel, which you can fix with a snap of your fingers and you total my club, which will take me weeks, maybe months to fix.” She turned to the car waiting for her and the loan sharks followed after her. “Got it, Alastor. Your little squeeze there is more important than a decades-long partnership.”
With that, she was gone from the hotel.
“W-well, that was something!” Charlie laughed uncomfortably, breaking the tense silence and was about to say more, but slammed her mouth shut when Vaggie shook her head at her. “L-let’s just head back.” She muttered.
The short trek back was just as tense.
“What the fuck did she want?” Husk asked as soon as he caught sight of everyone. “She’s not coming back again, right?”
“I should think not.” Alastor answered. “I believe I drew a very clear line this time. I’m sure Mimzy will be busy for quite a while and won’t have the time to think of our humble hotel here.”
“Good.” Husk simply said, shrugging. “That bitch was never good news. Glad you finally see what I've always seen, Boss.” He ignored Angel’s snickers from the bar.
“Alastor,” You bit your lip nervously, catching his attention as he glanced towards you, a knowing look in his eyes. “Can I talk to you?”
Alastor said nothing, he just put his hand on your shoulder and you both were travelling through his shadows and to your shared room.
What a conversation this was going to be.
“You’ve been quite the help!”
The shadow let out a chirp, but barely felt the satisfaction it used to feel when Rosie praised him in the past for delivering her any extra meat he and his Master had on their hands. 
He wanted to see you.
But he still had three days to go and he had no idea this was possible for a supernatural being like him, but he felt like he was losing what little rationality he had. 
It was surprising he hadn’t felt his Master call for him yet, he had to have heard what he had done to Mimzy’s club by now, but he was going to do whatever he could to keep his desire suppressed as best as he could.
Bloodlust and a penchant for violence was a good way to go.
And going back to the hotel now – he would, without a doubt, disobey his orders and that wouldn’t be good.
Or would it?
Maybe he could somehow catch you alone, bask in your presence, regain some of his sanity, and attempt to tell you about his Master’s tail. His Master wouldn’t be happy and his punishment would probably be extended, but getting them over with all at once sounded better than them being spread out.
The secret about his tail was coming out one way or another.
Maybe he could somehow compromise with his Master – maybe he could only see you when you’re sleeping? He wouldn’t touch you, of course not! He’d just watch you from a distance, just having you in sight and your scent nearby was good enough for him.
“I have to say, this is quite the haul!” Rosie’s voice broke him out of his thoughts. “It’s not like Alastor to overindulge like this at all. He has a distaste for wasting food.” Rosie tilted her head thoughtfully. “And I don’t believe the rutting season doesn’t start for a few more months, so that can’t be it.”
Rosie wasn't complaining, was she?
“I am ever so grateful of course, do not get me wrong.” Rosie seemed to notice the downright ominous scowl on his face, though she did not seem frightened in the least. “For your troubles, I’m more than happy to give you any choice of your preferred meat. Any cut you like! I believe I even received some venison this morning!” She tempted him with a grin.
His ears perked up, teetering on the choice whether to accept Rosie’s offer or not. He had already gotten his fill earlier – it had been rather satisfying devouring those insignificant lackeys under Mimzy’s control right in front of her while she couldn’t do a thing about it – but Sinner venison wasn’t particularly common in Hell and it was something his Master could only indulge in once in a while.
Could he use it to bargain?
He nodded eagerly and Rosie’s grin grew wider, as if she expected his answer. “Of course, of course! I did save it for Alastor after all. Wait here for a moment. I even have it packed up and ready to go. Plus a little sample for your help~”
It only took a few moments and Rosie was handing him a package and a few bite-sized pieces of raw venison. He took them with a pleased chitter and her fangs seemed to sparkle at him. “I always appreciate your deliveries, it’s always a great help! I look forward to seeing Alastor and dear Y/N at our next lunch date. One of these days we’ll manage to get her to at least nibble on a ladyfinger.” She joked, not hearing the soft whimper he allowed to escape from him at the sound of your name.
Hopefully his Master was craving deer.
Alastor stared at you expectantly.
It frustrated you a bit. “Don’t you think this has gone on long enough?” You finally said, seeing that he wasn’t going to say anything and fully expected you to initiate the conversation – he probably didn’t even see the need for a conversation and that made you a little upset.
“I do not. A week has not fully passed. Punishments are given for a reason, are they not? My shadow did not heed my command. I can’t have that.” Alastor answered as if it were already obvious.
“It’s just me, me! Your shadow did that because it likes me, because you feel something for me, or I at least I hope you do. You know I’m not going to tell anyone that you–you might bleat because your ears become extra sensitive or whatever goes on! I don’t really know much about deer biology– do you even follow deer biology? I-I just know I really, really like it when you do bleat because it–”
Damn it, you were fucking rambling nonsense and becoming totally off track.
Alastor’s brow rose, but he said nothing and just let you rant.
“No, no, I mean, uh…” You licked your lips nervously and your face was burning, but you ignored it. “Well, I do mean that, but really, even if you didn’t care if anyone else knew, I-I wouldn’t… wouldn’t…” You trailed off. 
You wouldn’t tell anyone anyway because, well, you wanted it – you wanted those bleats to belong solely to you.
Was that awful of you?
“Err, anyway, Shadowy seems to be escalating with each day. It was contained in the hotel at first, and even then, the pranks seemed a little more… cruel than usual. But with Mimzy, that… that’s completely– I don’t even know!” You shook your head. “Especially since you didn’t order it to do that! What’s next if you don’t stop this now? It attacks the Vees?!”
You were breathing a little harder now.
“Do you feel better now, Darling?” Alastor reached out and stroked a finger down the side of your face, feeling how heated your skin had become even through his glove. “It seems you had a lot on your mind for quite a while now.”
“Are you… are you going to call Shadowy back now?” You asked hopefully, glad that Alastor didn’t tease you for your rambling, but the situation seemed a little too serious for that now.
“I believe it’s coming back on its own.” Alastor answered. “But I cannot let up on its punishment.” He wasn’t surprised by your absolutely disappointed expression. “This is unexpected even to me. I never had given a thought to Mimzy since I had banned her from the hotel, so why did my shadow display such aggression against her? I have to admit, it’s very interesting to me as to what else it may do, but despite that, surely you must understand?”
You furrowed your brows.
“I am still an Overlord, dearest, the Radio Demon. If it gets out that I cannot control my own shadow, how would the souls I own react? It might make for an amusing broadcast, but I can’t have my pawns thinking they can rebel against me. Enough souls are lost during the Extermination, I would rather not add to that count myself.”
“T-that’s a fair point.” You certainly could see Alastor’s side, but why he was still letting his shadow run around freely was not something you could understand. “Maybe just five minutes? Two? Even a minute? Even thirty seconds? I… please let me see Shadowy for just a second so he doesn’t do something completely insane!”
“Three more days. I don’t think Hell will fall because my shadow refuses to behave.” Alastor observed as your disappointment deepened even further and you sighed. “But I will keep it on a tighter leash. It won’t be allowed anywhere near the Vees and their territory if that will ease your mind.”
“I, yeah, that’s good.” You just felt bad, horrible that these things were happening simply because Shadowy couldn’t see you and maybe Alastor’s reasons were reasonable in his eyes considering his position, but you still felt awful. “If you don’t mind, can I sleep in my old room tonight?”
“You needn’t ask my permission, my dear Doe.” Alastor’s smile grew tight, but nothing else gave away any displeasure. “Of course, you are welcome back at any time. You have no need to knock, this is our room after all.”
You nodded. “Thanks, that… that really means a lot to me.” You stepped up to him and he bent down out of habit, causing you to briefly smile. “I sorta get where you’re coming from. You’ve got your position to maintain.” You stepped on your toes to kiss Alastor’s cheek where his smile hadn’t managed to stretch. “But I don’t know, try to look from Shadowy’s view?” You stepped back from him and towards the door. “Goodnight, Alastor. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The static was deafening.
“My my, what brings you back?”
His shadow chittered just as nonchalantly as Alastor appeared before glancing around the room, ears dropping when you clearly were not there, though that should have been expected.
“You have a captive audience in me. I would like to know, why did you attack Mimzy as you did?” Alastor asked, causing his shadow to bristle at him and he couldn’t help but to chuckle almost darkly. “Oh, fear not. I am not angered by your admittedly odd actions. In fact, they are almost intriguing in how… erratic they are.”
His shadow huffed before it went on a rant of growls, chirps, and snarls and Alastor listened patiently until it was finished.
“You went after Mimzy because she insulted my precious Doe while I was giving that little dead-beat king a tour and this was your opportunity to do so freely, is that what you’re telling me?” Alastor could feel his form shifting once again because of Mimzy and he was not sure his rage could be quelled this time around. “W̯͚̼̓͋͑h̰͕ͤ͊̈́͘ỹ̗ ẅ͉̚͝a͔͆ͅs͍͕͈̏̆̈́̐ Ỉ n̹̳͒̐o͟ț͍̰̆̌ i̲̳ͥn͌̃͊_f̵̝̣̭̣o̝̙ͣͯ̂r̗̰͑̌̚med̸ͦ͆ o̮ͮf t̗̰h̬̅͛i̵̥̅͋s?͈͘͢”
His shadow tittered, causing Alastor to stop in his transformation. He closed his eyes, willing himself back to his normal form and took a breath. “Darling begged you not to tell me?” He wanted to shake his head at your naivete – sometimes he even wondered why you were in Hell to begin with. “She didn’t want me breaking my friendship with Mimzy over a mere insult?”
Oh, his dearest Doe still had much to learn it seemed and he was more than happy to teach you.
“I suppose it’s a good start for now.” Alastor grinned wickedly. “Once Mimzy rebuilds her club, we can proceed from there.” His expression then returned to its usual one. “Our dearest is worried about you,” He watched as his shadow’s ears immediately perked and there was somehow a tinge of red on its blackened face. “You are not allowed anywhere near the Vees or allowed to take a single step in their territory, am I clear?”
His shadow nodded and Alastor was satisfied, knowing it would not break this restriction. He glanced up when his shadow reached into his own body, pulling out a package from a void and Alastor’s ears stood straight up as soon as the smell hit him.
And not just that.
Venison from a Sinner.
“A gift from Rosie, I assume?” Alastor asked casually, narrowing his eyes when his shadow did not hand over the meat right away like it normally would have done. “I suppose I can at least hear you out.”
His shadow gripped the venison tightly before chittering and chirping, tittering and whining, giving his Master his side of the story. If his Master could not agree, he would just burn this venison to ash (even if that was just such a waste).
Alastor could feel the drool run down his fangs as he stared intently at the package held in his shadow’s hands. Venison from Sinners was rare since deer demons themselves were scarce. Most deer and other prey-based demons were simply killed within minutes of waking up in Hell since they were considered easier targets, and so, the deer demon population was small and only getting smaller.
Sinner venison was a luxury nowadays, even for an Overlord like him. He usually had to make due with just regular venison (though you enjoyed it well enough).
But was it a luxury worth his authority over his shadow?
His shadow whimpered and whined, sniveling and Alastor thought back to your words for a moment, ‘to look from Shadowy’s view’, before his ears flattened briefly and he let out a sigh. “All right. The venison is mine and you get five minutes and only five minutes.” He turned when his shadow let out a happy purr and threw him the package of venison before disappearing into the floor and streaking out of the room in a flash.
Alastor shook his head, grabbing the packaged venison before he moved toward his bayou dimension, needing some fresh air to think and clear his head of what had just happened.
“I’m growing soft.”
You couldn’t sleep.
You tossed and turned before letting out a defeated noise as you sat up in the bed. Were you really that pathetic? That you couldn’t sleep without Alastor around in the room?
No, no, it wasn’t that, the guilt of it all was getting to you – Husk suffering withdrawals, the death(?) of one of Sir Pentious Egg Boiz, and Vaggie’s ribbon. Luckily, Charlie, Angel Dust, and Niffty were overlooked by Shadowy, but it was Mimzy that made you feel the worst.
You had mixed feelings about Mimzy, but having her club – her income – destroyed and ten of her owned souls just ripped away wasn’t something she deserved.
All of this was happening because of you, this was your fault.
You let out a ragged sigh, bringing your knees to your chest to lie your head on them, not noticing the big black shape streaking right under your door and towards your bed.
Cold arms wrapped around you and you jumped in fright, beginning to shout when a tendril covered your mouth before you could scream. A familiar purr rumbled in your ears and your panic slowly ebbed away in disbelief.
Did… did Alastor actually change his mind?
“Shadowy?” You whisper and he nodded enthusiastically against you, rubbing his face against your neck as he practically tried to climb into your lap with his much bigger body and failed rather miserably. “How? Did Alastor let you…?”
Shadowy nodded again and held out five fingers. “Five minutes?” You guessed and Shadowy let out a chirp. “It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.” You smiled. “I’ve missed you, Shadowy.”
“♡♡~” Shadowy made those heart eyes at you again, but then his ears perked straight up as if he remembered something important. You blinked, watching as Shadowy reluctantly left your warmth and moved towards the little nightstand beside your bed, where an old radio had been placed.
“Oh, yeah, meant to bring that to the other room.” You muttered, not sure why Shadowy would be interested in the antique when time was short. You blink again when Shadowy pulls you closer to him and it hits you that he’s trying to tell you something like he did with the bleats. “A-are you sure? Alastor might get annoyed again.”
Shadowy shook his head, simply tapping the radio and it turned on, much to your amazement (though he is a part of the Radio Demon, what did you expect?) and he reached out to you, grabbing your hand and curling your fingers around his tail.
“Y-you want me to pet your tail!?” You blanched, paling at the thought. You had never touched Alastor’s tail even outside of the bedroom, you knew it was a trait that he absolutely loathed about himself.
Hell, he had even confided in you (the one and only time you had ever seen him drunk, even if it was mildly so) that he had attempted to cut off his own tail numerous times back in his early days, only for it to grow back the next day like nothing happened.
You were probably the very, very few who even knew he had a tail to begin with. Even his shadow didn't show his tail when others were around and typically only let it emerge around you as a form of communication.
And Shadowy wanted you to touch Alastor’s tail?! During sex at that?! 
Shadowy wrapped his cold hand over yours, making sure you had a firm grip on his tail and he tugged, and you snapped your head to look at his face. “You… you bleated again. Is this just another way to get you both to bleat?”
Shadowy pointed to himself and directed you to tug his tail again, which you did curiously. Your face must be turning red when Shadowy let out that cute little noise again. He then patted both hands on his chest and used his thumb to point directly at himself.
“Are you saying only you bleat when your tail is pulled and that… that Alastor reacts differently?” You are almost crushed against the bed when Shadowy happily leaps on you, tail wagging furiously. “Do you know how Alastor reacts?”
Of course it does, it's a literal part of him.
Shadowy moves closer to the radio, pulling you along with him. He gestured for you to grab his tail again and you reluctantly do so, firmly grasping it. He nodded and you tugged and just as you did that, you heard a bleat and Shadowy tapped the radio and the station it was set on changed.
You tug again, hear that cute bleat, and the station changes again.
T-that can't be right…?!
“Why would you tell me this, Shadowy?!” You panic. “This is way beyond a bleat!” You tensed when you felt Shadowy’s hands on your shoulders before he pulled back. He cupped his hands, clumsily shaping them into a form of a heart and you let out a strange choked noise.
How many minutes have gone by? How many do you have left?
Shadowy is all over you, ripping off your sleeping bottoms when you're too slow for him. His claws hook into your panties and he drags them down your legs and throws them somewhere across the room.
“It has to be quick. Really quick.” You mumbled, your face burning when you feel Shadowy’s cold hands spread your legs. The anticipation has you started, but you're still not nearly wet enough for it to be comfortable.
Shadowy buries his face in your cunt, parting your folds with his fingers and keeping them spread as he laps around them a few times before moving to that fleshy little nub that seems to give you the most pleasure. He elongated his tongue, circling and flicking it before lightly tugging at your sensitive clit without reprieve.
“Fuck, oh fuck!” Your eyes are blurred with tears and your brain is going fuzzy, but you still reach down and grab onto Shadowy's ears. He purred at your touch, licking at you faster as he slid one finger towards your now soaking hole.
Your thighs squeeze around Shadowy’s head when he bleats as you squeeze his ears and you could probably just cum on the little vibrations alone – just a few more…
Oh shit!
‘How did he find that spot?’ You thought dazedly, feeling Shadowy’s finger jam repeatedly into that extra sensitive area among your velvety walls. He was still slurping away at you, releasing a vibrating bleat every time you remembered to squeeze his ears.
You came when a second finger poked down hard on that spot and you were seeing stars, clenching on Shadowy’s fingers and tongue as he released a few more bleats when you held onto his ears and did not let go. 
You sank back into the bed, muscles twitching in your legs when Shadowy kept on licking at you, determined to get every drop of slick it could possibly wring from your body. “P-please, ah, it's too much.” 
Shadowy finally pulled back, licking his lips of the last of your slick before he crawled to your side, placing a hand on the side of your face and letting out a concerned coo.
Again, your mouth is working before your brain is and you seriously wonder if those orgasms are frying your mind to mush.
“I love you, Shadowy, so ‘deerly’ much.”
Shadowy lets out a noise that suspiciously sounds like a groan.
Alastor was no longer hungry.
His venison would have to wait.
It had surprised him when he felt the radio he had given you turn on and quickly felt it was his shadow's doing.
His brow rose, wondering why his shadow was using his five minutes tinkering with a radio when it could be devouring you between your legs, but those thoughts are swiftly pushed away.
The station has changed.
He can hear his shadow bleating.
The station changed aga– 
Alastor's grin widens obscenely and stitches appear to hold his face together. He digs his claws into the nearest tree, almost ripping it down as his growing antlers stab right into the trunk and still continue to grow.
“Why would you tell me this, Shadowy?!” 
Alastor can hear your panicked voice through the radio and it serves to calm him down some. He rips his antlers from the tree and watches with satisfaction as it falls.
“This is way beyond a bleat!”
Very much so, Darling. 
His smile twitched in places, as if he were having trouble keeping it together, suddenly recalling what you said to him the night you had gotten him to bleat.
His shadow was a part of him. What he felt, it felt. Whatever he chose to push down, away, and to the back of his mind would end up expressed in his shadow freely, no matter how much he wished it weren't so.
Why in all the rings of Hell would he want to tell you this utterly pathetic thing about himself?
A bleat? Fine, you can have all the damn bleats you wanted, but this?
Did you really want to see him lose his composure – his control that badly?
(Or was it him? Did he want that???)
No, no – there was only one logical explanation for this and it made sense, it had to. You were his mate, after all. Mates tended to groom one another, didn't they?
He just wanted you to stroke his tail, that's it.
It shouldn’t be surprising that Shadowy was gone, Alastor had only given him five minutes after all, but it was still a little disheartening to wake up to an empty room. You must have fallen asleep not long after your quick little tryst with your lover’s shadow – guilt eased somewhat, knowing that he wasn’t causing any trouble.
You stretched, giving a look at your ripped sleepwear and chucking them into the corner of the room. You would either have to throw them out or ask Alastor to fix them up with his magic and you definitely didn’t want to ask him that any time soon.
You flounder for a bit as you pull on some new clothes before ultimately deciding to head back to your shared room with Alastor. He did say you were welcome back at any time, right? There was no reason to be hesitating and if he was in a foul mood, you doubted he would even be there.
You took in a deep breath before opening the door, not needing a key as his magic recognized your presence and you slowly stepped in. “Alastor?” You called out, knowing he had to be here since you could hear the faint jazz playing in the background.
“Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
You almost jump when Alastor manifests behind you, feeling his hand stroke through your hair once as he waited for your answer. “I-I did.” You swallow. “I don’t know why you changed your mind, but thank you. Thank you so much, Alastor.” Your fingers are fidgeting. “Can I… can I do something for you?”
“That blasted shadow of mine is more cunning than I originally thought it to be. It came across something rare enough that even I had to think twice. How pesky it has become.” Alastor seemed more amused than anything and that had you relieved. “But also quite fascinating.”
Alastor is directing you to your shared bed.
“S-something rare?” You stammer a bit, not sure what Alastor has in mind. “What would that be?” You’re honestly curious about what it could be that he actually changed his mind, it had to be something pretty valuable for him to even consider doing so.
“Nothing you would be interested in.” Alastor answered offhandedly. “I must admit, I am bothered by something my shadow told me last night.” He pushed you lightly onto the bed and before you could fully comprehend his words, he was already in the bed with you, head settled in your lap. “However, I shall forgive you should you forget what you learned last night. Focus yourself on my bleats instead. You believe them to be ‘cute’, correct?”
What was he bothered by? What did his shadow tell him?
How could you possibly forget about his tail?
“Can I ask what?” Your hands shake a bit as they trace the shape of Alastor’s soft ears and there is no bleating, Alastor can control those sounds in a normal state. After a moment, your strokes become more firm and his ears droop a little in response. “I do think your bleats are cute, though.” You quickly say under your breath.
“Hmm, ‘Plain Jane Doe’, is it?”
Ah, damn it!
“You heard Mimzy, she said she meant nothing by it!” You accidentally squeeze down on Alastor’s ears, but he doesn’t seem to notice or care as his red eyes stare a hole into you. “It doesn’t really matter, does it?”
Alastor had called you his mate and that made you happy.
That’s all you could ask for and who cares what Mimzy thought?
“There may have been a bit of truth to what Mimzy said.” Alastor admitted. “I did accompany women to Mimzy’s speakeasy for a dance and drink. I did it to boost my appearance, to look like a normal man. Presenting myself as ‘normal’ is how I got away with killing for as long as I did.” He glanced up to you to see your attentive gaze. 
It wasn’t often he spoke of his mortal life, after all.
“Mimzy does have a way with twisting words. ‘Jane Doe’ is a name for an unidentified female victim, isn’t it? She very well knows I never killed a woman as a human. I do wonder if all that alcohol has ravaged any wit she has left. Ṯ̡͒o͂͟ i͔̰̓̑̊m̨̫͈͑ṗ͙̓ḷ̴ͤ̍͟y̡̥̹̌ I̋ͣ w͐͌͋o̡͙̮͚ͥ̉uͭl̛̤ͧ̐̔͞d̙̖ m̪u͊̾͆r͉̹̘̈́̐̀d̵͍̂͜͠é̪ͤͩ͢ȑ m̻ͤ̌͗͝ͅy̸͇ͩ o̠̠͈ͥͭ̀̚w̶͕̚ṋ̽ m̂a̴t̶̹͌̅è͈͉?”
He was getting angry again at the thought of Mimzy.
You smiled, feeling your face grow warm and you couldn’t help but to feel giddy and Alastor’s smile twitched, not sure what your reaction was.
“I’m sorry!” Your smile was blissful and your hands were back at stroking his ears. “I’m just so happy… that you consider me your mate!” Your face must be completely red by now, but you just feel like you’re floating on clouds. “You’re my mate too, Alastor! I-if you want me…”
Your answer was a bleat.
Your head snapped down to look at Alastor, whose eyes were closed, there seemed to be a red tinge to his skin, and his smile was wonky and twitchy, looking as though it was taking everything out of him to keep it a smile.
You say nothing and keep on petting his ears, hearing those soft bleats every once in a while as you tangle your hands in his hair near his antlers. You gave them an experimental stroke, but there is no reaction, much to your disappointment.
“You would have to wait until rutting season for that.” Alastor’s eyes open and he sits up from your lap. “I do believe my previous bother is no longer a bother to me anymore.” He turns to you. “Well done, Darling.”
“Of course!” You’re still riding your little high. “I’ll touch your ears anytime!” You wanted to add to that, that you wanted to touch his tail too, but he wanted you to forget about that and you would.
For now at least.
@chibistar45 @mo-0-o @sirens-and-moonflowers @ashdaidiot
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folkwhoredoll · 2 days
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a little blurb for all of you because i just reached 200 followers 🥹💞
pairing: rafe cameron x fem!reader (established relationship)
warnings/tags: smut! (your media consumption is your responsibility :> )
Your skin was damp, Rafe’s hair was all over the place, and the bed was creaking loudly due to his rough thrusts. You were grateful that Tannyhill was currently empty, aside from you and Rafe of course.
You couldn’t remember what exactly happened; one minute, you two were cuddling on the couch as you enjoyed each others’ presence. Then the next minute, you were arguing after Rafe found out that you had been secretly purchasing from Barry. Not that he had anything against you using substance, but it was the fact that you went alone. And he hated that. Now you’re stuck beneath him, writhing and whining as he released his frustration by fucking your cunt and refusing to let you cum.
“R-rafe, fuck!” You screamed, legs shaking as you gripped the blanket at your sides. You were beyond frustrated as well. Whenever he felt your walls tighten around him, signaling that you were about to release, he would abruptly stop and change positions. There were tear stains on your cheeks as you glared up at your boyfriend.
“Yeah, scream my name, princess. Should’ve listened to me.” He shook his head.
“Just let me fucking cum.” You groaned as your back arched when he gave you a particular hard thrust, desperate for a release.
Rafe stopped with his movements, looking strictly at you. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Y/n. You’ll take what I give you.” He threatened.
One thing about you is that you’re usually submissive during sex. That’s why Rafe loves missionary, because he gets to look down at you while you succumb to whatever he wants to do. You’re his sweet and good girl. So when you surprised him by slapping his cheek, Rafe lost all control that he has in his body.
“What the fuck.” He slowly turned his head until his eyes met yours, his irises darkened.
You began to process what you’ve done but before you can say anything, Rafe held your hips tightly and gave you one strong thrust, hard enough to make your whole body shake.
You let out a scream from the impact, your pussy completely filled with his huge dick. Before you can recover, Rafe continued with his rough thrusts. Slower but harder.
“You’re forgetting who you’re dealing with, baby. You want to cum so bad? Then fucking cum.” He snarled, watching you with hungry eyes.
Whatever ounce of bravery that you had is now gone as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You were mumbling Rafe’s name as he filled you, the strength of his thrusts never faltering. You breasts were bouncing, your boyfriend’s eyes alternating between your tits and pussy.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” You whimpered, eyes closing.
Rafe slapped the side of your thigh. “Look at me or I’ll stop.”
You obediently followed him, struggling to look at him as pleasure overtook your body. You were breathing hard, your whole body shaking as you finally released.
Rafe watched you the entire time, mesmerized and proud. He gave you a few more thrusts before you start to feel his warm load released inside you.
“Fuck.” He breathed, keeping his dick inside your pussy. “Slap me again and we’ll see what happens.”
a/n: hi everyone! i know i usually post full-length fics but i just had this quick idea of reader slapping rafe and i didn't have time to think about making a proper plot for it 😆 thank you all so much for your support with my works and i hope that you enjoy reading them as much as i enjoy writing them 💞 if you have a request or simple want to send a message, feel free to message me. and if you want to check out more from my blog, check out my pinned post 🤍
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joonsytip · 1 day
Only for Love || Mingyu - Part 3
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Pairings: Mingyu x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Husband!Mingyu, Cold Wife!Reader, Arranged Marriage au, Contract Marriage au, Divorce au
Synopsis: When an accidental discovery has your perception of happy married life crumbling down, you do what you think is the best for everyone involved. Naturally, your opinion of the best doesn't cater to your husband's. So what happens when things spiral out due to unforeseen events?
Warnings: character death, mentions of pregnancy, Mingyu acts dumb, reader goes through a whole lot of emotional turmoil, mentions of divorce, tears, profanities, major angst.
Word Count: 5.7k
@wongyuuu thanks a lot for brainstorming out this with me & happy birthday, love! 💕🎂
[ SVT Masterlist ] [ SVT Flick - Fic Masterlist ]
Teaser | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Mingyu returns to an empty house. He waits for you for an hour, two hours and when the clock strikes midnight his mind clouds with concern. He fishes out his phone and ignoring the series of notifications that keeps on popping up, he calls you.
But with all his calls remaining unanswered, Mingyu surges in panic and calls Soonyoung who's extremely pissed and shows his discontentment through a dry, edgy reply.
"She left with Minghao."
That's the only line Mingyu hears before getting hung up. And Soonyoong does not pick up his call again.
And now he sits rooted to the couch, tapping feet in anxiety and worry with no idea about your whereabouts and who the hell is Minghao?
His thoughts bounce off the walls and he decides to take his car and drives off to find you aimlessly. He goes to your office only to be greeted by the security. He goes to the café you are regular at, knowing very well that it would be closed but he makes a round just for his sanity. He knocks on your apartment door but it's empty just like the house was.
Dejected he fishes out his phone to call your uncle when the notification of your name flashes on the screen.
'Meet me at home within fifteen minutes.'
There's no way he's gonna get home within the said timeframe but just as he rushes towards his car, his phone vibrates again.
'Half an hour. Don't run the red lights, don't run over people.'
Mingyu listens to your advice and thankfully he reaches you in one piece.
But he stands frozen as he sees you in the hallway carrying a duffle bag.
"Where were you?", no greetings, you ask checking your watch.
Mingyu knows you know and you know that he knows that you know.
"I had to leave with Sora."
"And who's she?"
Mingyu bites his tongue before answering, "My ex."
"What made you go somewhere with your ex rather than watch your wife getting felicitated?", your voice is calmer than usual and it scares your husband to the bones.
He stays silent. And you wait for him like you have all the time in the world.
"I can't tell you right now, Y/N. I'm sorry.", he answers quietly, lowering his gaze.
"Okay.", you say and Mingyu looks at you flabbergasted. Before he could speak, you add,"I'm going to stay at my uncle's."
Mingyu feels electrified, the sensation which burns his whole body, itches on his skin and scratches at the throat.
"I'm sorry, I know it is an unacceptable behaviour of me but please trust me. I haven't done anything to be ashamed of.", Mingyu grabs your hands and blabbers, "You can stay with your uncle but please tell me when you are going to return, that you're going to return."
You pull back your hands from his grip, "I don't think I'll be returning anytime soon.", you say sternly, "I had something to share with you but this isn't the right time."
"Before I leave, tell me one thing. Are you going to keep seeing her?"
Mingyu flares at this, "I'm not seeing her for fucks sake! I would never do something bad, I'm your husband."
You stare at him for a solid minute, "You didn't answer my question. Anyways, I'm disappointed. Keep yourself in my shoes and give it a thought."
"Let me drive you, it's late.", he offers.
"You don't have to worry about me, Minghao is already waiting with his car."
Mingyu twitches on hearing the name for the second time, "And who's that?"
"I can't tell you right now, Mingyu. I'm sorry.", you mimic his words from before and just as you are about to cross the threshold, you whisper shaking your head, "You can't even put yourself in my shoes..."
Mingyu watches you leave with a grim heart.
It's been a two weeks since you've been living with your uncle. And though you've left home in despair, Mingyu has somehow made it a mission to win back your trust.
But who's gonna tell him that you never doubted him, you were just mad, just like a teenage girl who can't keep her act straight in front of her love.
He calls you every night. For the first week you didn't pick up his calls but when your anger started to subside you entertained his calls but never spoke much, just listened to him telling how his day went. He asks every time if could visit you, getting a straight no as reply. He might be obedient but he's sneaky as hell because most of the times when you're getting off work you somehow see him engrossed with some conversation with Soonyoung at the parking.
What is he doing at your workplace almost everyday, when he could crash at Soonyoung's place. Why does Soonyoung have to call out your name every time when you're walking past them, roping you into some small talks.
Soonyoung is the imposter.
And why does everytime aa you are about to take leave after the conversation, Mingyu asks you the same question, "When are you returning?"
You never answer.
"You've gotta be kidding me!", Seokmin yelps. They all have gathered at Mingyu's place because everyone is stressed and wants to know what is actually happening.
"There are all sorts of rumours at the workplace. And I wanna punch everyone in the face.", Soonyoung says dejected, "Minghao and Y/N went to the same university so some are saying that they have dated during that time." he takes a chug from the can and continues, "And since Mingyu didn't show up at the event last time, it has sparked the speculations."
Mingyu sits head lowered, rubbing his hands all over the face.
"I'm sure Minghao likes her. I can tell by the way he looks at her.", Soonyoung puts it down.
"What about Y/N?", Mingyu asks his heart beating in his chest rapidly.
"What do you think dumbass?", Junhui glares at him.
"Woah, I'm offended now that you asked that question.", Hansol speaks in distaste.
"It's been a month without her.", Mingyu sighs, his lips curl down, eyes filled with concern, "I think everything was going back to normal, assuming by the way she responded, I felt like she'd be coming back anytime but she has gone radio silent suddenly. For the past two weeks she isn't responding to my calls or texts, she is even working from home."
"Yeah maybe Minhee can tell something", Junhui suggests, "But I doubt she'd spill anything if Y/N has told her not to."
The evening bleeds into night and the guys keep on chatting when suddenly Jeonghan who hasn't been much involved decides to speak.
"Now that Sora is back? What are you gonna do?"
The laughters die down and room falls silent with all the eyes on Mingyu.
"What's going on guys? Is there something we don't know?", Seokmin asks in fear.
Jeonghan leans back on the couch and looks at Mingyu, saying, "I think it's time, they should know. I'll go first, that day Mingyu left with Sora to meet me. Apparently, the guy Sora had left Gyu for turns out to be a douch. Won't go to the details but he kept blackmailing her, so desperate to save herself and afraid that I won't be meeting her if she went alone, she took him with her. I'm skipping the legal parts and that guy has been sort of taken care off. But that's not where it ends.", he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "The problem is that Sora wants him back now."
Gasps erupt through the room.
"Why did I see it coming though?", Seokmin says, "You have said no straight to her face right, Min?", he asks Mingyu.
The silence that follows horrifies every other one present in the room.
"Don't tell me...", Hansol trails off, eyeing his friend in utter disbelief.
"It's not what you're thinking.", Mingyu frowns, "I haven't said anything to Sora. But I have loved her for so long it's rolling back like a habit.", he hesitantly looks up and sees a bunch of disappointed faces, "But if it had been the previous me, I'd have gone to her in a snap but I'm changed now."
Mingyu gives a wry smile when looking at the relief washing over his friends.
"Here's the real deal begins. We have been married for over two years, in a few months we'd be hitting the three year mark. It's a long time right?", he sweeps his gaze across the large wedding frame of you both on the wall, "Instead of being a couple, I feel like living with a roommate. No feelings involved. She's stoic, nonchalant and even inconsiderate sometimes, even if I think that there's something between us, her actions act as bucket of cold water on those thoughts. I understand that not everyone is the same and I agree that Y/N has changed but somehow we're still at the starting point and it's starting to tire me out. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage--"
There's a sudden thud and all the necks turn in unison only to find you standing by the hallway and your bag on the ground.
Heartbreak is one thing but the humiliation is another form of descend you're currently facing. You return your home only to find your husband shit talking about how unhappy he is in this marriage to his friends.
And the biggest loss turns out to be how you're the only one who thought that it's a happy, perfect marriage. Your husband isn't wrong when he said that you're inconsiderate.
Tears prick at your eyes but aren't you stoic, nonchalant so why should the people infront of you get the leverage to see you vulnerable? They shouldn't, so you pick up your bag and walk past them going straight into the guest room.
There are continuous knocks on the door. Your phone keeps ringing but you pay mind to none. Your mind only reels the words of your husband from before.
The previous you would have stomped out of the house but now, you can't. The situation has changed, the circumstances are different and you are totally lost.
Because there's a life is growing inside you. The reason you decided to return home tonight but your second attempt at letting Mingyu know that he's gonna be a father cracks again. The first attempt was the night where Mingyu chose Sora over you. He doesn't want you, would he want to raise a child with you?
Maybe you shouldn't have gotten married, maybe you shouldn't have fallen in love with your husband and maybe she's better, the previous you who knew you're undesirable, who knew that people like you are unlovable, who very well knew how to maintain a boundary.
You have lost the track of time but you sure can hear voices from the other side of the door. You think attachment is something you can't effort, you are not people's people.
So that's how what Mingyu had said, you turned into his roommate. Since that day, you have settled in the guest room. You don't get out of your room unless it's an emergency. You leave for work early and return home at late hours.
You haven't spoken to Mingyu since that day. You've rejected all his advances of striking a conversation. But you're thankful to him for making you food everyday because you can't eat anything else, it makes you nauseous.
"Hey, are you okay?", Minghao asks worried as he takes a sit beside you at the cafeteria of the office, "You have been throwing a lot."
You nod your head, avoiding his gaze, "I'm fine."
Minghao doesn't buy your words but you both settle in the comfortable silence and until he gasps.
You cock brows looking at him.
"Are you pregnant?", he gasps, "Oh my god."
You freeze and slap your hand over his mouth and proceed to tell him everything that has been happening.
"So Mingyu doesn't know yet. And he's being a jerk ever since his ex-girlfriend returned.", Minghao says in anger. He sweeps a gaze across your face and his eyes soften, "You love him, don't you?"
You avoid his gaze again, you don't answer him.
A sad smile graces on his lips as he reminiscences the past. How he had practically clinched himself in your life. How he had fallen in love with you but knew that you wouldn't reciprocate, the reason why he disappeared abruptly from your life years ago. The apologies are always on the tip of his tongue for leaving you alone, for creating the safe place but also leaving it void.
"You know you shouldn't be taking stress. I know it's not easy but I'd suggest for you both to sort things out, atleast for the baby.", he says patting your back in a comforting manner, "If Mingyu does anything to hurt you again, tell me I'll beat him for you."
"Thanks Hao.", you say smiling.
"Also let me know if Soonyoung bothers you. I'll handle him as well."
You shake your head laughing, "He insufferable Hao, you'll give up."
"We'll see that.", he smiles softly, "But do plan on telling him. Uncle also needs to know, he'd be so happy."
"I want the baby's father to know first. Then I'll tell everyone.", you assure him.
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Mingyu knows he went overboard. He knows he was being an absolute asshole when he uttered those baseless words in your favour.
Maybe he should never have compared the type of relationship he had with Sora with the one he's having with you. It's a grave mistake and the lack of your presence is taking a toll on him. But he understands if you need space or even don't want to see his face. He's willing to give you all that but he plans to apologise to you and if you don't forgive him, he'd understand.
Work is hectic but the situation at home is feverish. He has been getting earfuls from all of his friends and family, specially Minhee. She has been giving him shit routinely.
His reverie breaks when he receives a text from you. Hurriedly opening the text, his eyes widen with a mixture of horror and anticipation.
'Come home as soon as possible. I have something to tell you.'
His mind could only hint at it being something ominous.
You pace around the entire house nervously.
"Mingyu, I'm pregnant. You're gonna be father."
You shake head at the selection of words.
"Congratulations! You're going to be a dad!"
Sounds too exciting for an unplanned pregnancy.
"You're pull out game was weak. Guess what I'm pregnant."
Too snappy, rejected.
"Kim Mingyu, you're pregnant, I will be-- wait what no-- I'm pregnant, we're expecting."
You sit down pulling your hair in frustration.
After another hundred million failed rehearsals you sort to say whatever your heart would feel like at the moment in his presence.
But where's Mingyu? You check the clock, it's past his work hours. Maybe he's running late for some reason. It's your third attempt to tell him about your pregnancy and you hope that you'd succeed this time.
Your phone rings and you would never have guessed that your world would come crashing down.
You stand with head your head bowed down the entire time at the funeral hall. The band wrapped around your arm acts as a constant reminder that you're the chief mourner. You don't raise your head, not ready the see the picture that's kept on the board.
The heart attack was so brutal that it claimed the life of your uncle without a chance of revival. When you were informed he was already gone.
No last words, no goodbyes. Now you're left with only his photo and memories. You walk into the room where his body is kept as you've made a special request to let you meet him before he's taken into the coffin.
He's almost unrecognisable as you sit beside the body. Gently caressing his head, you finally let the tears fall.
"You were so eager to meet everyone that you left me alone here.", you sob, "What do I do without you now?"
You caress his cheeks gently, "Whatever I have become it's because of you. Even though I was the reason they died, you took me in and raised me like our own."
"I have something to tell.", your hands place themselves back on his head, "I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a grandparent. Tell mom, dad and aunt that I have grown up. Tell Sejin that he's gonna be an uncle."
You spend some more last moments with your uncle before there's a knock on the door. You quickly wipe the tears and look up to see Mingyu standing at the threshold.
"It's time.", he says solemnly.
You nod and look back at your uncle saying, "Thank you for everything. Have a nice reunion with everyone up there. Forgive me if I have been a bad daughter. Goodbye comrade."
You don't like the pitiful look everyone throws at you. You hate it, it claws on your skin and you feel like throwing up. Running into the washroom, you sit down opening the lid to empty your stomach when you feel your hairs being pulled back in gentle grip.
It's Mingyu, you know even though even without seeing him. He doesn't care about entering a ladies washroom when he has to look for you.
"Here, drink some water.", he uncaps the bottle and offers it to you.
He's presence is somewhat comforting, he makes things bearable. Your uncle is laid beside the rest of your family and you request everyone to be left alone. It's night time when you leave the place only to see Mingyu waiting for you.
There's silence throughout the ride back to home, no words spoken when he makes you eat something he cooked when you were showering, unspoken words when you go back your room and he goes back to his.
You mourn for days and while you do so you take notice of a lot of things.
"Y/N, I'm sorry for that day. I didn't mean anything I said, I was just being an idiot.", Mingyu  says after barging into your room one night because he had enough. He decides he won't let you suffer alone anymore.
You nod your head, "It's okay.", your short and curt reply doesn't settle well with your husband.
"I know one apology isn't enough and I understand if you won't forgive me but please let me be there for you.", he pleads closing the gap and taking your hands within his. His eyes searches for your face and his brows crease when he finds you avoiding eye contact.
You pull back your hands out of his grip, "I can take care of myself, Mingyu."
Your call of name rings oddly in his ear. It's rare for you to call him by name, it's always husband when throwing banter or Gyu while being affectionate.
Affectionate? His mind reels in the moment. Aren't you unexpressive then how could his mind produce that word in your wake?
"I'm tired. Let's call it a night.", you say poised, "There's no need for an apology. Everyone has the right to voice out about anything they don't like."
Mingyu feel like he's not your husband rather an office colleague. Your tone is so formal and dry. Your words cut him like a dagger. He wonders if he has caused damaged beyond repair.
It's so fucked up that he wants to hold you sleep, say sweet nothings to calm your senses but he's afraid to ask you to come back to the master bedroom.
So he lets you bask in your own company. He'll interfere with your personal space for sure one day, hustle in forcefully if you don't let him, no matter how rude and irritating it is, he'll mend the broken bond.
His heart breaks when he notices that you don't look him in the eyes anymore. You always had a strong lively gaze, but they are now hollow. You don't call him when you're struggling to open the jar, you don't ask for him when you can't reach something kept on the top shelf.
His friends are all dejected at how you don't indulge them anymore, they're sad at how they don't get to see you nowadays.
Mingyu had attempted to gauze you out of the coop by inviting the guys to the apartment. But you had locked yourself in the room the whole time.
His parents lament on how he ruined something so beautiful, his sister cries at how you don't communicate with even her nowadays.
He's already going crazy and Sora's pestering him by showing up outside his workplace often or making thousands of phone calls almost everyday, makes him ponder upon how was he even in love with her at some point.
He regrets again, now that he can clearly see the difference. You are you, the actual indifference you're showing is now and it's driving him crazy.
He wants to fix this. He needs to fix both of you because he needs you.
You're in the middle of some paperwork when there's a knock on the cabin door.
Soonyoung enters and the look that you give him is sharp enough to scare him off.
"How have you been doing?"
"Breathing fine, alive."
He should have taken the clue and left but it's Soonyoung and he lives as if he has nine lives.
"We miss you, please stop ghosting us."
"I'm not ghosting anyone."
"Minhee is miserable."
The writing stops, your hand halts for a moment before continuing. Soonyoung knocks on the table demanding your attention on him.
You sigh, having no option but look at him.
"You can be mad at your husband but we didn't do anything, Y/N. I don't even know Mingyu, I'm your friend."
The corner of your lips threaten to curl up. Your heart twinges and you smile sadly, "It's better to be prepared ahead so that you all will get accustomized to it later. Attachments are always painful."
Soonyoung looks at you quizzically, "What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing.", you drew yourself back in the papers, "I have a meeting in ten minutes, I need to go over these documents before that."
Soonyoung maybe callous at times but somehow seeing you and hearing your words today makes him bothered.
Another weak passes and you are packing your bags the entire time little by little, unknown to Mingyu because your door is always locked. Your office room is almost empty except for the systems. When Mingyu's not at home, you roam in the bedroom, swaying in the memories you both made there. You lay on the bed, sniffing the pillows because they smell like him.
You crave his touch all the time and him being in your vision doesn't help at all when you could sense the longing in his eyes.
Mingyu doesn't know that you've stolen one of his shirts and a hoodie. He should never find out.
Your soul knows. It tells you that it’s time to distance yourself from those who no longer align with you mentally, emotionally or physically.
"I can't stay here.", you whisper to yourself as you continue to pack rest of the items.
"I'm cursed.", you frantically wipe your tears, "People related to me keep dying."
Your body shakes, eyes producing another batch of fresh tears, "No one should be associated with me. I need to cut everyone out of my life for their sake. Without me, they'd be safe."
You heave a breath, in an attempt to calm yourself, "Mingyu doesn't like me anyways. I'm just a burden. He'll be free once I leave, he can be with Sora.", you rub your chest as it stings, "He'll be happy and that is what I want."
Your gaze instinctively lands on your belly, hands gently rubbing circles, "I promise, even if we won't be together, me and your dad will try our best to raise you. I can't wait to meet you, to hold you."
Mingyu, on the other hand is set on winning you back. He knows you don't like anything extravagant, so he plans to surprise you out a romantic date at home. He's ready to go to the lengths to make you forgive him. He craves your presence, your touch, your shy smiles, the way you call him when you want something from him.
He wants to love you, wants to make love to you. He has been dreaming a lot about starting a family with you. He wants the little versions of you both running around the house. When his friends took the initiative to show him how he has changed and it's for better he knows that it's true. He wonders if all the frustrations were because his heart wasn't ready to seek out the real feelings.
But now he has figured it all out, he likes you, likes you a lot. So he wants this marriage to work out.
He hopes for you to like him back. So who's gonna tell him the truth?
Some free time at work and he's watching new recipes to cook for you. Before going to bed, he's open the phone gallery and goes over your pictures, the pictures which are candid, the ones in which you posed, the best where he's with you in them.
Would you like it, if he throws pebble at your window and serenades you at the middle of the night? Would it be a good idea if goes down on his knees because he hasn't done it before and know he wants to.
Mingyu is all giddy making up scenarios in his head. He wishes to watch them all happen successfully.
"Are you having mood swings?", Jeonghan asks him one day when everyone gathers at the former's home, "Or do you have dissociative identity disorder? You were regretting getting married to her some weeks back and now you're saying that you like her?"
Junhui is grumpy, he takes a look at Mingyu and smacks him hard on his head causing the later to scream out in pain.
"He claims he is the most closest to Y/N and he is grieving because she is not responding to his texts.", Seokmin clarifies and eyes Mingyu in disbelief, "Seriously dude, what's wrong with you? How can you mess up this bad?"
Before Mingyu could speak up, Hansol interjects, "How hard it is to sort out your feelings? How could you even utter such ridiculous things about her when you know how difficult it had been for her, the whole life. Now she even lost her uncle. Imagine listening to your husband yapping about how much he dislikes you when you think he is one you can lean on? And that too instead of voicing out your mind to her first, she heard you telling it to us."
Hansol is a calm man, he never loses his cool except for some situations and this being one of it.
"It's not only me and Jun. Everyone is upset.. I know I'm making it sound bigger, we know that she is your wife, first and our friend, second but we can see that even though she never shows it she cares a lot. I'll tell you no one has ever entertained me constantly to help me, not even you guys. She even suggested me tools that she thought might help me with the editing though she had to invest time on getting to that point. She gifted Jun a diffuser as the previous one was causing him throat irritation but he was too stubborn to discard a newly bought machine."
Seokmin adds up to Hansol, "Didn't she help you with the paperwork late at night even though you both work in an entirely different industry? I'm sorry but did Sora ever do that being in the same line of work? No right. If you would have noticed she has always tried to accomodate herself within us even when it was difficult, it was all new to her."
Mingyu sinks his face into the palm of his hands, as he says regretfully, "I made a huge mistake. I let my intrusive thoughts win and ended up hurting her."
"What if it's too late to fix things?", Soonyoung speaks, his vision dazed as your words from before keeps reeling in his mind, "You should resolve the matters before it's too late."
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The following week is hectic for Mingyu. The clients are visiting and everyone has to stay late attending them. It's a whole damn hustle, draining the employees out. The week goes on and out with him spending most of the time in office when all he wants is to go home just to see your face.
It's the last day of the visit and Mingyu thanks the heavens. He's usually patient but now all he wants is to avail the comfort of his home.
It's around one at night but unlike other times the hallway is lit in dim lights flooding  into the dining. There's an eerie silence and something unpleasant awaits.
"Let's get divorced."
When Mingyu came home late at that night to see you awake and waiting for him, there was an uncanny feeling that settled within.
Your hands are crossed, face void of any expression. He almost misses your words. If not for your next words, he would think he's hallucinating.
"We can decide on the terms and clauses, all as per your convenience.", you stress, "I do not expect any trouble from your side."
Mingyu finally registers everything you have said till now and everything hits him all at once.
"W-What are you talking about? Why do you want a divorce all of a sudden?"
Your monotonous tone rather asks him another question, "We have been married for over two years, nearing its third anniversary. Do you really want to be tied in this marriage?"
Though Mingyu thinks he doesn't know you well enough but he knows you enough to catch the wind of your words. He knows its not because of something he had said that day.
A familiar set of papers lying on the table catches his attention. His gaze then turns towards his office room and his suspicion confirms to be correct when he sees the door opened ajar.
"Why did you enter my office? I had clearly warned you about not doing so.", he says in a strict voice.
"That doesn't answer my question.", you say getting up, "Anyways it doesn't matter anymore. I'll get a lawyer, you get one too and proceed with the divorce. Oh, you already have Jeonghan."
As you turn back, you feel your husband's hand wrap around yours.
"How are you so calm? Why are you not asking me anything? Do I really mean nothing to you?", you hear his voice laced in frustration, "We are married for almost three years now and your cool headedness after, I'm assuming, knowing everything makes me aware of the fact that I really don't know you."
You jerk your hand out of his grip and turn back to look at him, "And how is that my fault? Maybe you've never tried to know me.", your voice drops another octave, "You can stop with the doting husband act now that I know the truth."
Mingyu doesn't miss the way your eyes show vulnerability for a moment. Your words strike a chord within him.
"You signed a contract with my uncle in exchange for marrying me.", you chuckle bitterly, "All you wanted was the stocks of the company uncle owned, a goddamn promotion, this house, everything else but me. I was never on the list. I was just a pawn. I don't know what my uncle saw in you to desperately marry me off to you. I hope all of this was worth it. The stocks must have passed down to you smoothly as it can only be acquired by someone working in the company. You can keep this house, keep everything."
"I don't wanna hear anything. I was waiting for you to come back so that I could make you aware that you're busted. I'll to go bed."
Mingyu reaches out for you again but you lay out a hand, "Please, I'm tired."
"O-Okay.", Mingyu backs down noticing the resignation in your demeanor, "But we're gonna talk it out tomorrow morning.", he sounds sincere when he says, "I'm sorry. I hope you'll give me a chance to explain everything."
But little does he know, you've already closed the room for any diversions, that you've decided to part ways with the person who has betrayed your trust.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip.
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nakahras · 2 days
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི heartbeat • osamu dazai
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synopsis • a one time thing then becomes a sometimes thing and that becomes something entirely different when dazai is officially pardoned from his long list of crimes. his timing is impeccable considering it’s a special day for him.
warning • intentional lower case, fem!reader, cursing, use of pet name “bella”, oral (m -> f), fingering, dry humping, dazai cums in his pants womp womp
wc • 3.7k
a/n • happy late bday to the stinky!!!!!!! bday or not it’s my job to embarrass this man ^.^
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it started as a one time thing, a mistake the two of you made one drunken night when dazai was a whole bottle in and you a few shots in. he used to have no problem drinking alone but that night, for some odd reason, he sought you out — he was craving your company in his intoxicated haze. with your usual restraint heavily impaired, nothing stopped you from spending the night sitting on top of dazai and making his eyes roll to the back of his head.
it was supposed to be a one time thing but isn’t that how these types of things always start?
the second time it happened was the very next day. something in dazai had clearly been stirred because he would not stop bothering you all day. usually he’d pick a time of day and use it to poke fun at you but eventually your indifference would make him grow bored and he moves on to the next person closest to him (i.e kunikida). however, he was persistent the next day and a lot more touchy. worst of all? everyone noticed. you were mortified when atsushi of all people leaned over the desk across from you and asked “did something happen” the pause to look between the two of you for dramatic effect was really the nail in the coffin, “…between you two?”
you wanted to throw up. curse atsushi and his weretiger animal instincts. you wanted to be careful. you continued to shut down the not-so-subtle advances from the brunette. but your composure was thinning — that paired with the images of the previous night’s activities flitting across your mind, was enough to cut your thread of restraint. of course dazai was so bothered he couldn’t make it back to the dorms. he had you in the electrical room that kunikida was prone to lock him in when the detective was being especially annoying. 
it happened again and again and again. and then several more times after that. you had a sort of schedule almost. a tell when dazai was going to visit you after work.
it was never more than sex.
and that’s what you’re trying to remind yourself of as you prepare to face dazai for the first time after being in prison for months then being pardoned for his crimes after assisting in bringing down fyodor dostoevsky and the decay of angels. you’re uncharacteristically nervous to see him. the freshly freed man has been in yokohama for a week now, you saw him on his second day here for a welcome back party the agency threw for him. 
he was… distant. 
that was the best way you could think to put it. he was seemingly normal with everyone else but with you, it was as if whatever you’d been doing before the doa incident had never taken place. it was unsettling to say the least.
or, at least it was unsettling, until today.
dazai “the best detective of all time” osamu: i’m coming over in five minutes. got anything strong?
you roll your eyes at the contact name that dazai had clearly entered himself, regardless of that, you let a fond and somewhat relieved smile tug at your lips.
you: you insult me. i always have your favorite stocked
dazai “the best detective of all time” osamu: a woman after my own heart (♡ヮ♡)
you don’t bother with a response. instead you ignore the odd ache in your chest and pull down a bottle of liquor that you normally would never touch but the nagging feeling in your gut needs to go. you pull out two shot glasses and pour some of the alcohol in each one. you don’t wait for the brunette and throw your head back to toss the amber liquid down to the back of your throat. you make sure to swallow it all in one go, hoping the after taste isn’t too strong. 
you refill the glass and you’re getting ready to take another shot when the doorbell rings.
what the fuck?
dazai never uses the bell? he doesn’t even knock most of the time, he just barges right in. you cautiously toe your way to the front door and lean up to peer through the peephole. you’re met with a mess of burnt caramel tresses. you’re quick to lean back and open the door. 
dazai’s attention clearly wandered while he had been waiting but the second you open the door he perks up and swivels around to present you with a singular yellow iris flower. you wonder where he found the gorgeous flower, they were hard to find this late in june, just barely no longer in bloom. 
the former fugitive thrusts the flower forward in your direction, his face is the perfect picture of composed, eyes lidded and smile relaxed. the way his free hand twitches at his side gives him away though. you make sure your eyes don’t linger on it for too long, dazai would know and would sink back into himself. instead you flit your gaze back to the flower and let a your mouth curve up in a shining smile.
“this wasn’t easy to come by, bella, but the search was worth it now that i get to see that stunning smile of yours.” the brunette bows in a way that’s reminiscent of a young lord courting a young lady.
you scrunch your nose in amusement and take the flower. your giddiness overtakes you and you’re quick to bring the beautiful plant up to your nose and breathe in. the smell is refreshing, what a flower should smell like in its prime. this iris is truly the perfect pick.
you look back up to dazai only to find him observing you with an unfamiliar gleam in his curious eyes. “thank you for the flower. i was surprised when you rang the doorbell, y’know? anyways, come in, your favorite is on the counter in the kitchen.”
the detective wastes no time in shuffling in. he toes his shoes off quickly and tosses his jacket on top of them, majority of it laying crumpled on the floor. dazai’s nose finds the amber liquor before his eyes do. he looks at the poured shot glass almost apologetically. you watch him do so and furrow your brow in confusion. 
you don’t linger on dazai’s strange behavior for long or the fact that he was in such a rush to get over here that he forgot to put his vest on and match his socks. you focus on opening your cabinet for your thin vase made for a single flower you totally didn’t steal from an event the ada hosted. you struggle for a moment before dazai’s chest is lightly grazing your back and he’s reaching above you to grab the object for the iris. 
the detective keeps you trapped between the counter and his body as he reaches over and fills the vase with some water. once he’s done and straightens himself, dazai plucks the flowers from your hold and plops it into the water. he scoots it as far away as possible before spinning you around. 
dazai brings his hand up and wraps it around the back of your head, fingers gentle as he runs them through your hair then he pushes your head into his chest and reaches up with his other arm — softly murmuring, “watch your head…” 
his voice trails off, like he’s not sure whether he should continue as he closes the cabinet doors above you. when he’s done, his fingers wrap around your hair and he tugs lightly to get you to look up at him. your breath hitches when his eyes catch the light, golden hour. the warm lighting turning his usual dark irises into a shining bronze. they’re beautiful, he’s beautiful as your eyes trace every feature on his face. 
dazai looks tired, you can tell by the way his skin is dull and in the bags that sit under his eyes and in the way his eyelids droop just a little bit lower than they normally do. despite his exhaustion, he still shines in the sunlight painted across his features. 
then he whispers out your given name, as if breathing it is all he knows.
the thing he was scared to utter, because dazai is dazai and you now know what that means. he’s terrified of rejection, specifically yours. so, instead of telling him — you’ve never really been good with words — you show dazai how willing you are to reassure him that rejection from you will never happen.
you search his eyes for a moment, looking for any hesitancy on his part. you don’t find any. you reach up and gingerly cup the brunettes cheeks. his reaction is instantaneous as he melts into your touch like a man starved. his fingers in your hair tighten and you let out a short noise, something caught between a whimper and a gasp. 
the noise you make is all the confirmation dazai needs to slip from your grip, he leans in to slot his lips with yours in a deep and fervent kiss.
you let out another noise, this time a hum of approval. your hovering arms rest on the detectives shoulders and you wrap them around his neck. with your new leverage you draw dazai even closer to you. your chests are pressed together as you breathe each other in. your senses are suddenly flooded by him and a welcome chill rolls through your body when he nips at your bottom lip.
his movements are slow, a stark difference from the usual desperation he displays when the two of you initiate sex. his tongue dances along your lips, silently pleading for entrance. you part your lips with ease and even let out a soft hum of appreciation. dazai explores your mouth like he’s discovering something entirely new for the very first time. his tongue goes from entangling with your own to scraping the back of your teeth then flattening against the roof of your mouth. you feel as if he’s devouring you, taking his time and not leaving a single centimeter untouched. 
while dazai’s mouth has you preoccupied, his hands roam freely, sliding across every curve until they land on your ass. again, he’s taking his time. it’s almost excruciating how slowly he’s taking things, but you have no say in the matter when your mind is this foggy. his guidance is welcome even though the pace isn’t quite to your liking.
dazai’s lithe fingers gently massage the swell of your ass, eliciting another whimper from you that he swallows up with a smile tugging at his lips. directly following that he steals your breath when he takes hold of the back of your thigh and hoists you up onto the counter with surprising ease. you distantly think, once again, how it feels like the man is trying his best to devour you. your hold around him tightens but you part from him, a string of spit following you. you’re panting, trying to collect the air you lost, the air that was taken from you by the brunette standing before you with a lopsided smile and gleaming eyes.
“…osamu…” you imagine the way you said his name just now sounds eerily familiar to the way he said yours.
dazai lets out a groan and dips his head down to nuzzle your neck. his fingers are now biting into your hips and teasing the hem of your tank top. his mouth trails along your jawline then he begins leaving sloppy kisses down the expanse of your neck. you push your chest into his and rake your fingers slowly up his clothed back.
you're desperate and it’s showing — it’s contagious even. dazai can only take so much. he’s waited too long to have you wrapped around him in the most intimate of ways. 
his fingers finally find their way under your shirt as he all but whines, “been waiting for this since i was taken, wanted you s’bad when i was gone.” 
you lean back and stare at him for a moment before trailing your fingers under the collar of his shirt and along the string of his bolo tie. you expertly loosen it along with the buttons of his shirt, which you also untuck from his trousers. you leave everything hanging on him for now while your lidded eyes stay trained on his face as you trail your hands down your body to where dazai’s hands rest on your now exposed hips. you want to see the reaction on his face as you guide his hands up, to expose more of your torso.
it’s your turn to guide him to your chest, letting him hold your breasts. his breath hitches and eyes flutter when you still. his fingers twitch and he watches you closely as he gives you a cautionary squeeze, testing out the waters. you hum in appreciation and give him a short nod. dazai is slow, again, it’s almost frustrating. you let out a huff but he’s far too focused on your tits to notice your ire. 
you stew in your frustration for a moment before a wild grin spreads across your face. you think you’ve figured out how to make the surprisingly patient man crack. you push your chest further into his hold and he thinks nothing of it, that is until you lift your shirt the rest of the way off and drop it on the floor. the brunette’s eyes flit from your chest to your face. he raises a brow curiously as you reach over and pull the bolo tie off his neck and pull it over your head, letting the accessory rest in between the valley of your breasts.
“i missed you too.”  
dazais eyes roll to the back of his head as he abandons your chest and takes hold of your face. “you’ll be the reason for my demise, bella.”
the detective gives you no room to rebuttal because in the next instant he’s crashing his lips to yours, his patience clearly thinned out. you smile triumphantly and reach out to slide his shirt off his torso and both of you let it fall to the ground. you trail your fingers down his abdomen. following the bumps of his bandages and leaving a wake of goosebumps on his exposed skin. when you make it to his pants you waste no time in unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants button. 
while you’re busy with your own endeavor, dazai is conjuring up a plan of his own. his hands trail down your thighs squeezing at the plushness of them. just as you’re about to unzip the brunette’s pants and let them drop to the floor to join the rest of your clothing, dazai slips from your grip as he drops to his knees. and how are you supposed to complain when he looks so good looking up at you through his lashes sitting pretty between your thighs? 
the answer is you don’t.
your hands quickly find his hair and your fingers tangle with the soft tresses. he leaves a trail of kisses up each of your thighs. once he’s satisfied with his work his fingers curl into the band of your shorts and looks up at you expectantly.
”off…” it’s a soft demand, but a demand all the same. 
you lift your hips and dazai all but tears the small article of clothing from your legs. he let’s out the most pathetic whimper when he notices two things. the first being that you weren't wearing any underwear. the second was just how wet you already were. it’s a clear testament to how worked up you must be and something in dazai’s chest swells as he realizes you must have been just as frustrated as he was. 
“no panties all because of me? how pretty. somehow your prettier than i remember, absolutely divine to a man that’s been starving for months.” 
your thighs lightly squeeze his head and you let out a frustrated groan. “osamu, please, would you just shut up and-“
your sentence is cut off by dazai practically shoving his face into your cunt and attaching his lips to your clit. it’s tactless but the way he sucks harshly has you seeing stars. your head lulls back and you let out embarrassing little pants. your fingers in his hair tug and scratch against his scalp, which earns a shameless moan from below you.
dazai is still watching you through his lashes. he can feel himself hardening in his pants, his hips twitching as they threaten to start thrusting and humping the air desperately. he ignores the desperate need to be inside of you and focuses on your pleasure. the detective brings his hand up to your mouth and taps your bottom lip with his middle and ring fingers. you’re happy to comply and open your mouth to welcome the two digits, wrapping your lips around his slender and long fingers and sucking on them with a smile.
dazai can feel the way he leaks into his pants at the view before him. it’s embarrassing how easily he’s getting off to you getting off on his mouth. pathetic even. only you could do this to him, no one else has ever drawn this kind of reaction out of the ex port mafia executive. once you're done swirling your tongue around his fingers, he pulls them from your mouth and guides them to your entrance. 
without giving it a second thought he pushes both digits into you with ease. 
your own fingers tug harshly at dazai’s hair and you let out a string of moans. “fu- ‘samu ‘s too much… oh my god- gonna cum already.”
dazai stills, for both your sakes because he thinks the knot in his own stomach is far too tight to just be desire. he was gonna cum. he was going to cum untouched. but he can’t just leave you hanging like this. your release versus his embarrassment. it’s an easy decision. dazai continues the suction he had on your clit and he pulls his fingers out of you almost all of the way and slides them right back in. 
you’re babbling incoherently, you can’t hold your head up, can’t see the way dazai is desperately bucking hips humping the air as he chases the minimal friction his underwear brings him. 
all it takes is two more thrusts of dazais fingers and you’re done for, cumming on his fingers, his mouth, his tongue. dazai is a messy eater, he’s slurping up your juices, everything that's drooling out of you is caught by his tongue. your vision is white and ears are ringing so you miss the way dazai starts cursing to himself. his mouth is still lapping at you but his hand has disappeared. 
you look down to see him using the same hand to pump his cock but by the time you register it, he’s already cumming, making an absolute mess of his pants and your kitchen floor. dazai’s whole body is twitching, but once he’s done he slumps over and rests his head on your thigh. his face is flushed, a telltale sign that he did, in fact, just cum.
you blink, trying to find your bearings and come to terms with whatever the fuck it was that just happened. “did you just-“
“shut up- no! i didn’t- no- shut up!” dazai whines as he shoves his face into your thighs and you can feel the heat radiating off his face.
you let out a snort and stroke his now sweaty hair. “osamu, it’s fine. it’s been a while. plus we both know, with that freak stamina of yours, you’ll be ready to go again in 10 minutes max.”
dazai rolls his head on your thigh so he can pout at you. you let out a small giggle at how cute he is. your hand drops to caress his cheek. 
dazai shakes his head defiantly at your request. “no. i’m a mess. i need a towel to clean up first.”
you sigh at his dramatics but scoot over to jump off the counter. you walk a few paces forward to your small kitchen table where your paper towels sit. you pad on over and hand him the roll. dazai lets out a weak ‘thanks’ as you walk to the fridge and pull something out: a small container with a single cupcake in it. you pop the lid open and stick a birthday candle in it. you snatch your lighter and flick it on to light the candle.
walking back over to dazai, who’s shifted to sit against the cabinets and grumbling to himself about how he’ll show you how long he can really last, you're careful to make sure the candle doesn’t go out. you slink down against the cabinets and wait for dazai to stop cleaning himself and notice you.
with a huff dazai kicks his pants off, sitting only in his underwear. he looks over at you with a perplexed look, staring between you and the cupcake in your hands.
“what… what’s that for?” his face looks strangely innocent, he’s genuinely confused. 
you smile softly at him, hoping it’s enough to reassure him. “happy birthday, osamu.”
”how…??” he’s so stunned he can’t even speak.
you suppose this reaction is to be expected. until his arrest, you had no knowledge of when his birthday was. but since becoming public enemy number 1 a lot of his personal information had been shared to the public. his birthday being apart of that. you don’t feel like ruining the mood and explaining all that to him right now.
so instead of explaining, you simply move the cupcake towards him. “would you stop being difficult and just blow out your candle to make a wish?”
dazai gives you a scorned look but listens to you anyways. he seems to take the wishing part seriously as he contemplates something. his eyes flicker to you for a moment before he leans in and blows out the candle.
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leclucklerc · 1 day
Something Immortal CL16 - 02. Bad Idea
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Wayne!reader
Summary: Y/n Wayne knows that this is a bad idea. But well, going against the law is something that runs in the Wayne Family.
Word Count: 4.4K
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“Is B really going to buy an F1 team?”
Y/n looked up from the plate of dessert in front of her towards where Jason was sitting. The both of them are in the VIP lounge of the Monaco GP, waiting for the race to start before being ushered towards the Ferrari garage.
“What makes you say that?”
Jason gave her a pointed look. “I’m not dumb,” he said. “I can see a business talk even if it’s miles away.” At this, he pointed towards the paddock that could be seen from the windows in front of them.
They could see a glimpse of Bruce, laughing and talking with people with different team kits. Y/n recognized most of them as the team principals or even the management team from different F1 teams.
“Y/n, seriously, I don’t have time to become a driver,” said Jason. “And I’ll probably suck at it, most of these guys had been racing since they were in diapers.”
“Still,” defended the woman, fully aware that Jason’s argument was fairly logical. “You don’t have to be a driver, but I think being around Formula One, something that you’re passionate about, can help you, Jason.”
He doesn’t have to be a driver if he doesn’t want to. Hell, truthfully, if Jason really puts his foot down and strictly declares that no, buying a whole Formula One team is not going to help him, then y/n and Bruce will stop. The both of them will leave this silly idea behind and never look back once more.
But she had seen him. How his eyes followed every garage that they passed in rapid attention. How he attentively listened to what John had said about Ferrari’s Formula One team, how he had watched the free practice and qualifying alone the days before.
It’s been a while. Maybe the last time she saw him being this passionate about something was before his death. To see Jason looking forward to something, to see his brother actually enjoy doing something outside of his crime-fighting activities.
“Jay,” she said again, reaching out to hold the older man’s hand. “I- I know we’re not the best family. B is not the best father and the rest of us have not been the best siblings but still I-“ she stopped at that, eyes searching for Jason’s own. 
Years of guilt appeared inside of her. Years of missing memories between the two of them. Years full of regret and anger that had soured their relationship beyond words. 
Y/n, only wants what is best for her brother. “I still want you to be happy,” she said, blue eyes with a hint of green meeting hers. “I want to see you laughing again, be integrated into society, and live your dream-!”
Jason looks lost and y/n is really glad that this section of the VIP lounge was reserved for them.
Because the man in front of her looks so fucking vulnerable. 
She still remembers that time when Jason just returned to Gotham. All Lazarus green eyes and rage oozing out of his form. How he had practically attacked Tim, taunting the rest of them, and begged their father to choose him over that clown.
Y/n also remembers the emptiness that appeared in his eyes when they informed him that the Joker was dead.
It was one of the most terrifying moments of her life. Because Jason had it made his mission to kill that clown. To avenge the fallen Robin that had remained unavenged. To finally end the reign of terror that the prince of clowns had put upon Gotham City.
To know that he’s dead?
There are just so so many things left unsaid between the two of them. Too much pain and history that had happened between the two of them. To see, Jason who had always raged and raged looking this lost is-
“I’ve been wondering-“ said Jason, leaning forward. “Ever since that clown died, I’ve been wondering what the fuck I should do with my life-“
It’s a familiar conversation. Something that Jason had told her months ago under the darkness of the night. When there are only the two of them on top of his safehouse rooftop, sharing a stick of cigarettes to fight off the cold.
Y/n leaned forward, touching their shoulder together. It’s something that they often did before Ethiopia all those years ago. When Jason was nothing but a short and skinny kid that’s not too far off y/n own size. 
It’s been years since Ethiopia and a lot of things have changed.
“Have you decided, Jay?” she asked, eyes closing and head leaning towards his shoulder. “Whatever you want, you know that we will support you.”
Jason was silent for a bit.
The female too, sat there in silence, giving the older male a chance to think it through.
“I still want to be Red Hood,” he whispered, far too low for anyone to hear except y/n. “I still want to make Crime Alley a better place for people to live in.”
Y/n has to fight off a smile at that. Such a typical answer for a bat. Such a typical answer for the son of Bruce Wayne.
“Yeah?” she said. 
Jason hummed. “But I also want to live my life.”
A smile appeared on y/n face. She can feel the excited thrumming of her heart as she continues to listen.
“Oh?” she asked. “And that is?”
“Going to university, getting an English degree,” at this, he stopped. “And living the dream F1 fan life ‘cause my family owned a fucking team here.”
Y/n laughed at that; happiness clear on her face.
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Bruce got the honor to wave the checkered flag that marks the end of the Monaco GP.
Her dad looks pleased, but she also knows that inside of that large smile and laugh, her dad simply doesn’t care. This business trip to Monaco had been a risky move after all, if it’s not for Jason’s happiness, y/n doesn’t think her dad would even consider going on this business trip.
In the end, when her dad was handed the checkered flag, the man put the flag into Jason’s hand.
“Do you want to do it, Jay?”
Jason blinked. “Huh?”
“Waving the flag,” answered her dad, letting out a smile. “Instead of me, my son can do it, right?” asked Bruce, turning his head towards where the president of FIA and the chairman of Ferrari stood.
“Of course, of course!” Said Ben, the president of FIA. “It would be an honor for us!”
“But they literally asked for you” answered Jason.
Her dad merely laughed at that. “They said you can do it, son.”
Jason may look like as if he wants to protest, but y/n knows that the man is far too excited at the prospect of waving the checkered flag at the Monaco GP. He may grumble and curse her dad a few times, but he really can’t hide the happiness that’s shining through his eyes at the mere thought of it.
The older man too, seemed to notice his son’s excitement as he let out an indulgent smile as he watched her brother being escorted to his position.
“Jason looks happy,” she said. “It’s been a while since I saw him like that.”
“I know,” murmured her dad. There was silence between the two of them before her dad leaned forward towards her a bit. “I saw you earlier.”
Y/n raised her eyebrow. “What?”
“I saw you flirting with one of the drivers,” replied her dad. “The Ferrari one.”
Ah, she thought. He was referring to Charles. “It was an act, Dad,” she simply said. “You know, like your Brucie Wayne persona? I just think that it will do us some good if we’re on a friendly term with the paddock.”
Her dad stared at her. “There are better ways to do that, like chatting with the FIA president, for instance,” replied the man as he turned his gaze toward where Ben and John were talking with Jason near the track. “I don’t think flirting with a driver will really help our cause.”
Y/n shrugged, “He’s cute, what can I say?”
“What?” she hissed out. “I have to watch you flirt with Selina the entirety of my life, let me flirt with cute boys for a change!”
“You know it’s different,” pointed out her dad, leaning closer towards her. “Don’t associate with anyone outside of the masked community.”
The woman rolled her eyes at that.
She knows that the older man has a point. She knows that he’s doing this in order to protect all of them. Not only his hidden identity, but the rest of the family and possibly the rest of the Justice League. Bruce has always put a tight leash on all of his children regarding the interaction and the social circle that they all kept. Most of the time, the man didn’t have to worry considering most of his children worked inside the masked community, resulting in most of their friends being another superhero.
But y/n?
Despite her close association and frequent presence in their nightly activity, she sometimes thinks that her dad forgets that she’s not a vigilante or a hero. Yes, she knows all of their secret identity, yes, she often assisted her brothers on their not-so-legal work.
Outside of all of that, y/n is a civilian. She’s just a normal doctor who’s not saving the world during her past time. She’s a normal woman that’s working in a perfectly legal job.
Friends are hard to come by when you’re the daughter of the richest man in the world. Friends are harder to come by when you’re the daughter of the richest man in the world who is also hiding the fact that he’s the dark knight himself.
“I know,” she hissed out. “It’s a persona dad, I doubt we’ll talk again.”
Her dad gave her a look as if he didn’t believe in that.
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And well.
Charles won the Monaco GP. The first Monegasque driver to do so in the last 93 years. Jason had failed to hide his excitement as he waved the checkered flag.
Her family was there, right in front of the podium as they watched the Ferrari drivers and the McLaren driver celebrating the win that they acquired. Y/n was standing there, smiling politely as she watched the champagne shower that was happening in front of them.
It was also then, that their eyes met.
She was not sure if Charles was looking at her or at someone near her, but the man’s already wide smile had gotten wider as he locked his eyes with her. And it was also then, that Charles sent her a wink.
I’ll meet you later, he seems to mouth off, a bit quickly, before he continues the champagne shower with the rest of the drivers.
So much for not talking with him anymore.
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“Hi, stranger.”
Y/n can’t help the quirk of her mouth at that greeting.
The woman turned her gaze towards the source of the voice, eyes immediately falling towards where Charles Leclerc stood next to her. There’s a smile on his lips, hair tousled and green eyes twinkling.
“Hello,” she greeted back, raising her glass of champagne. “Drink?”
Charles chuckled. “I had enough champagne for the day,” replied the male as he took a seat next to her.
She can’t help but laugh at that. “I mean, you won today,” answered the female, putting down the glass of champagne on top of the table in front of them. “How does it feel to be a Monaco GP race winner? And did you actually drink the champagne that’s being sprayed earlier?” Being sprayed with a bottle of champagne sure is an experience, it seems. 
“Amazing,” he breathed out, inching closer to her. “I guess a change of mindset is the only thing needed to break the curse.”
“I told you,” said the female, amusement dripping on her tone. “Guess I did become a really lucky girl today.”
“I hope so,” answered Charles. “I did remember your words throughout the race.”
“Oh? You did?” teased y/n. “Seeing Charles Leclerc win the Monaco GP live and being constantly on his mind? What a lucky girl I am.”
Charles let out a laugh at that.
The dinner party around them is buzzing with blaring music and drunken chatter. The event itself was hosted by WE and the FIA. A collaboration work between the two entity that marks the beginning of WE’s involvement in the motorsport industry. It was the reason why her dad – a reclusive who hardly leaves Gotham if he can help it – needed to do a business trip in Monaco.
And of course, for the simple reason of buying Jason an F1 team. 
Not that y/n is complaining. She had wanted to visit Monaco forever and this was the perfect opportunity to do it. Watching a Formula 1 race live is a bonus that she will never miss out on.
The dinner party that they hosted was the formal event that they made for the winners of the race. Though, it seems most of the drivers are in attendance. No doubt advised by each of their respective team to gain the elusive Wayne sponsorship.
She knows that the news of Bruce Wayne wanting to buy an F1 team or become a major sponsor had already made its rounds. Even the bigger teams who don’t really need more money came in order to make some kind of connection with Wayne Enterprise.
Truthfully, this dinner party made her nervous a bit. After all, it’s not like she attended a party outside of Gotham.
But still, Charles’s sudden presence helped ease up her nervousness for a bit.
“Where’s your brother?” asked Charles, eyes flickering around the room.
“Ah, Jason is not feeling well,” replied the female. “He decided to stay in our hotel.” Which is a blatant lie. Y/n knows that Jason brought his Red Hood gear all the way here. He’s probably prowling the streets of Monaco, searching for that gang boss who made him join this business trip to Monaco initially.
Charles hummed at that, taking a seat next to her.
“I heard you helped orchestrate this whole dinner party,” started the man.
Y/n laughed at that. “Orchestrating is a big word, considering me and my family just throw some money at the event organizer.”
“Still, I really like the red accents, it was as if you already know that Ferrari is going to win today’s race,” said the male as he gestured towards the red flower as well as the red napkins on top of the tables.
The woman grinned cheekily at that. “Who said I don’t? Maybe I have the power to see the future?”
Charles raised his eyebrows at that, amusement clear in his eyes. “Oh?” he prompted out, leaning forward. “Can you see my future then?”
Y/n hummed, mouth closing in a wide smile as she too, leaned forward. Both of their face are really close to each other. “Hm…” she let out. “I think… You’re going to be really drunk tonight.”
He laughed at that, eyes crinkling. “It’s given,” he said, grinning.
“Really?” she said, sounding amused. “Do you want me to see further into your future?”
“You can?” asked Charles, with a tilt of his head, mouth still grinning. “What a fearsome power that you have.”
The female giggled. “I think I can see…” she whispered. “A future world champion here.”
Now, Charles is full-blown laughing, the glass of champagne that he had been holding now forgotten as he lets the amusement to envelop his very being. 
“Seriously,” he said the first part in French before he switched back to English, “You really know how to appease someone.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah,” said Charles. “You better be careful, or I’ll think that you’ve been flirting with me.”
It’s a bold thing to say, especially to Bruce Wayne’s daughter.
She knows that she’s one of the most desirable women in the marriage market, considering her looks and her family. Many people had attempted to flirt with her, to trap her with their honeyed words and kind gestures. 
But still, it’s been a while since there’s someone this bold.
“Well, I’ve been flirting with you,” replied y/n instead. “It would be embarrassing if you thought otherwise.”
Yeah, the moment she uttered those words, she knew that this was a bad choice to make.
Because at that moment, she could see the sparkle of interest in Charles’s eyes. The light that suddenly shone behind those green orbs as the man leaned forward toward her. Y/n could faintly smell the cologne that he wore, a masculine one that reminded her of her dad for a bit.
“Oh?” he said, mouth quirking up and eyes crinkling. “I’ve been flirting with you too, if you haven’t noticed.”
Okay, this isn't good. She needs to stop this before they go further and ignite her dad’s anger. 
“I see,” answered y/n with a smile. “Anyway Mr. Future World Champion, I think your team principal is looking for you-“
It was the perfect excuse because she really did have seen Fred wandering around the room in search of his driver. However, whatever she was going to say stopped immediately when a hand reached out to grab her wrist. She immediately looked down, staring at Charles’ palm.
“Hey,” said the male, grinning. “Wanna go somewhere fun?”
She should say no.
Y/n can already imagine her father’s disappointed sigh and the loud protest from her brothers. She can already see her doing the walk of shame tomorrow, with Jason silently judging her. It would be stupid of her to say yes because there are just so many consequences waiting for her if she took up that offer.
There’s literally no reason for her to say yes to someone that she barely knows.
But well-
Charles looked at her with those bright green eyes of his, the corner crinkling up from how wide his smile was. There’s something about his expression – so transparent, so genuine, something that she rarely saw in Gotham – that tickled her heart at the right place.
Maybe it’s the dimpled smile, maybe she was simply swept up by the moment.
But the next thing that she knew was-
“Yes,” she answered.
The smile that Charles let out can ignite the room.
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The music is loud. Louder than what she used to.
There’s a huge misconception of her back in Gotham. Due to her father’s public persona, as well as her brother’s less-than-idle nature, the media had portrayed her as a party girl once upon a time.
But really, this is the first time for her to be in a club.
Clubs are not that common to start with in Gotham. Due to the high crime rate, and the many many dangers, clubs scarcely exist in the city. Galas though? Galas happens almost every week. Due to that, y/n only ever attended galas and galas.
So this, this is a new experience for her.
She could see the throngs of people around her, dancing and laughing, fully immersed in the music around them. There’s something about the air that just made everyone highly excited as if there’s no tomorrow.
It didn’t take long for her to be swept up by the atmosphere too.
 “So, how are you enjoying the night?” Yelled Charles as the two of them laughed and danced in the middle of the dance club. Y/n was glad that she had opted for a short dress because really, the ball gowns that she used to wear for galas will be sticking out like a sore thumb in this kind of scene.
 “It’s been fantastic!” answered the woman, amidst the loud music. Her mouth is a bit aching from how wide she’s been grinning but that really can’t dampen her mood. “It’s not my usual scene, but I guess a change of environment is not that bad.”
“Oh? Gotham doesn’t have a lot of parties?” laughed Charles, hand finding themselves around her wrist.
She stepped closer, face almost touching. “Mostly galas, or gatherings,” said y/n, letting out a shrug, before a grin overtook her face once again. “It’s not exactly safe to throw a wild party like this in a city like Gotham after all.” 
Something flickered in Charles’ eyes as he let out a hum.
“So,” started the woman, wanting to change the subject of the conversation. She leaned forward, cocking her head for a bit. “Is Monaco nightlife had always been this lively?”
“It is when it’s my party,” said the man, as they stepped out of the dance floor towards the bar.
Ordering for the both of them, Charles sidled close to her.
“You’re really trying to get drunk tonight?” teased the woman.
“Not too much,” replied the man. “I wanna remember you.”
She hummed. “Well, what’s stopping you?” she asked. “Don’t you think we should make more memories then?”
Charles turned to her, and the grip that he had around her waist tightened.
“Oh?” he said, voice lower. “Are you sure?”
The grin that she lets out must’ve been enough of confirmation because the next thing that she knew, they’re stumbling into Charles’ Ferrari, lips interlocked with each other in a desperate and sloppy make-out session.
She’s grateful that the parking space is located in a discreet place because her appearance right now is less dignified than what Bruce Wayne’s daughter should be. Though, she really can’t seem to care right now. All she knows is the taste of Charles’ lips on her and how his hand traveled all across her body, giving her a delicious tease of pleasure.
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They fell into bed together.
That night had been a bit of a blur, to be honest. He remembers dancing with y/n, laughing, and touching her under the club lights. He remembers dragging her to the edge of the dance floor, head leaning forward.
“Can I?” he had muttered, head cocking sideways.
Y/n had let out a laugh at that, hands winding around his neck before she too, leaned forward.
He remembers the sweet taste of her mouth, how she had opened her mouth, letting their tongue meet in a wet mess. How his hands had wandered around, starting from her back before reaching downwards towards the edge of her short dress.
“Let’s take this somewhere,” muttered y/n back then, releasing his mouth with a string of droll still connecting them. “Somewhere more private,” the last part was whispered and he remembers the jolt of arousal that hit him at that very moment.
Charles doesn’t have a clear memory of how they managed to get into his apartment. All he remembers is how he pinned y/n by his front door, savoring her as they rutted against each other like a teenager. 
The night ended with them on his bed, rustling against each other and-
Charles cracked his eyes open, watching the sun filter into his room from the crack of his curtain.
He could feel the pounding headaches as the memories from last night rushed into him like a tsunami. Of him winning the Monaco GP, of him attending the formal dinner, of him and y/n stumbling into bed together-
His eyes widened as he immediately turned his gaze toward the other side of the bed.
Sitting there, still topless with a blanket covering her, is y/n Wayne, brow furrowed as she scrolled something on her phone. That sight immediately warmed something across his heart as he stared at the woman silently, not wanting to avert his gaze for a second.
“You’re awake?” asked y/n, turning her gaze towards him.
He let out a hum, shuffling closer towards her.
At that, y/n’s hand fell on top of his head, caressing his unruly mop of hair. It’s soothing, something that he really needs amidst the headache that’s been throbbing inside of his head. They stayed like that for a couple of moments, basking in each other presence.
The moment didn’t last long because y/n phone rang.
“Yeah?” asked the woman before she stared at him for a moment before she began talking in a language that he didn’t understand.
Charles faintly recognizes it as German. He knows a couple of words, but with the way y/n talking as if she’s a native speaker, well, it’s safe to say that he really doesn’t have a clue about what she’s talking about. The phone call didn’t last long. Only a couple of minutes at best. Though, at the end, y/n let out a sigh.
“Something wrong?” he asked, sitting up.
“Charles, listen,” stated the woman. “This is a bit awkward, but I gotta go.”
He ignores the disappointment that erupted inside his chest. The driver had been hoping that they could have breakfast together before taking a stroll around Monaco before he had to see her off.
“I really enjoyed last night but-“
Before she can even finish that sentence, Charles interrupts her again. “Can I see you again?”
Y/n blinked, staring at him. “Yes?”
“See you again,” said the driver, leaning closer. “I really enjoyed last night. More than simply enjoying it,” he continues. “I like to do it again.”
The woman is still staring at him.
“Of course, I mean not only fucking, but like, I would love to have a date with you,” he continue, tongue a bit tied at the sight of an angel in front of him. “If you give me the chance?”
Honestly, he was not expecting much. A woman like y/n must have had a lot of suitors or partners all her life. Charles will be the luckiest man on earth if y/n even gives him a chance for a single date, let alone dating her.
It was silent for a bit, as the both of them stared at each other with no words being exchanged.
The moment was broken when y/n let out a loud laugh.
It startled him a bit, Charles doesn’t really understand what’s funny about his declaration and yet, he doesn’t really mind it. After all, the sight of y/n letting out such a carefree laugh is something that he will integrate into his memory forever.
“Yeah,” said the woman, finally. “Let’s see each other again.”
“Yes,” grinned the woman. “But next time, bring me to a proper date, okay?”
Charles laughed at that, giving her a single kiss.
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@piceous21 @myloveforfandom-blog @barnestatic @ilivbullyingjeongin @fangirl-dot-com @halleest @a-beaverhausen @sagestack @redcellghost @mac-daddy-210 @kellysthilaire
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emblazons · 2 days
forewarning: this is the longest "this is mike's arc and I'm tired of denying it" breakdown i've done in a min (it's def about gay mike bar none so. skip if you want)
I keep reading posts about "where Mike is with his feelings for Will" all across the dash now, and...while I get the idea of wanting a Mike as devastated by not hearing from Will as Will was because Mike's aware he has romantic feelings, *Arya Stark Voice* that's not him?
In the show, Mike Wheeler wears his heart on his sleeve. He is prone to emotionality and doesn't really track his feelings within himself the way Will does—is "less interior," for a lack of a better phrase, which both plays dramatically into how things are playing out with both El and Will and makes it (dare I say it) out of character to believe he's as "hurt by his own hope" as Will is when it comes to mutual feelings.
Let me see if I can explain.
First: I think it's important to keep in mind that, at least with Mike, you get someone who will subconsciously act on "inner truths" before he even realizes they're true about him—and someone who will behave according to whatever external reality deems "correct" until he realizes 1) its bullshit or 2) its not true for him personally. We see this season over season:
First with how he willfully breaks rank with authority (his parents, the police, even the community) first to find Will and then again breaks rank with even his friends to protect Eleven in season 1
Then in S2 when he throws "proper" behavior to the wind (which is even slightly acknowledged in Will's 'don't tell the others' / 'crazy together) to be there for + lowkey confess the depth of his feelings to Will (everyone say thank you shed scene)
Again (though slightly different) in S3, with how there's this bubbling thing being gay he doesn't realize has started to manifest itself—cue that comment the duffer's made forever ago about S3 being about "the monster of puberty," aka when people start to understand their own attractions—until the very end of the season with how he realizes he's not attracted to El
And finally in S4, when he consciouslly knows for a fact he's not into El and tries to hide it—quite poorly, because, as I said, he can only abide a "lie" when he doesn't realize it is one—but hasn't yet realized that the thing bubbling up inside him THIS season (that keeps slipping out without him realizing it) is his attraction to/romantic feelings for Will.
In Season 4 especially, its easy to track how this "I can lie...until I know it is one" affects Mike's romantic prospects; we see plainly that his lying about his feelings to El during the monologue was a failure because the power of Mike's whole character is rooted in the importance of him being true to himself and his heart. Season over season, we've seen that Mike has to be honest with people once he knows what he feels in order for his leadership to be effective—and by S4, he knows he doesn't love El romantically (+ has known for a HOT minute, aka since his little S3 post-kiss revelation)—which is why he tries to skirt around the issue with that "I care for you so much" rather than lie to El's face about his lack of romantic feelings.
Basically: once Mike consciously knows something is not right in either the world or inside himself, he has to act on it...or suffer the consequences of his lack of honesty. But then....what does that have to do with him not being the one "not trying to be in love" with Will?
Despite the fandom urge to deny it even in the wake of The Duffers and Finn Wolfhard themselves telling them it's true: Mike being oblivious to his own feelings, or at least consciously unaware, of his own romantic feelings for Will is a solid amount of what's driving his character's growth right now. Mike "friends don't lie" Wheeler has spent the entirety of this show trying to be as honest as possible with the people around him, and we've clearly seen as of S4 what happens when he isn't honest—the world (quite literally) falls apart.
When it comes to his romantic arc especially, it's important to remember this is true, because it means, through logical deduction, that Mike isn't hiding the fact that he has feelings for Will throughout season 4—he's hiding the fact that he's not in love with his girlfriend the way he's supposed to be, which both plays into the whole forced conforming through-line of the season and explains the crux of his narrative even as we are primarily shown that experience through Will's eyes—unreliable as they are. The thing leaking out of Mike without his knowledge is the fact that he likes boys—but the thing he's consciously hiding and lying about is the fact that he doesn't like girls the way he knows he's supposed to.
Now: does that mean he doesn't have a million subconscious responses to things regarding Will—one's rooted both in his attraction to men and his friendly/romantic/evolving feelings for him? Absolutely not. Half of what drives Mike's S4 narrative was built into his wordless/subconscious actions throughout S3, from the way we see him look disgusted with girls when they're mentioned, the way he take's El's hands off him when she tries to kiss him, and even the way he looks conflicted by her kiss at the very end of the season. Just because Mike is consciously unaware that something is happening to him doesn't mean the thing isn't happening—it just means that Mike himself is oblivious to it.
Even so: Mike being oblivious to the fact that he's attracted to men/in love with Will means he isn't consciously trying to keep himself away from Will—which is clear, if you pay attention to every moment before he gets guilted into remembering he has a GF by Argyle.
Basically, the crux of Mike's own experience with his problems is—
"I don't love El the way I'm supposed to, and it's going to cause problems if I can't do that for everyone I care for,"
"I am trying to hide my feelings for boys/Will and have to pretend they aren't there to be normal."
—which is a subtle but critical distinction in understanding both where he is by the end of S4 and where he's headed moving into S5.
Now: I get that it's more fun to imagine a Mike fighting his feelings for Will consciously throughout S4, but....that's Will's story and experience of his feelings, not Mike's. Mike is fighting with his lack of attraction to women more than his attraction to men/Will—which is also why you see it slip out so much despite the time/era/what he knows of what happens to gay men in Hawkins.
If Mike knew he loved Will/boys consciously, he'd be much more afraid of himself and Will than he is even as of the last shot of S4—but he's not, which is shockingly telling if you consider how he already knows what he doesn't feel for Eleven. Once he does know what he feels—his "a-ha" moment about liking Will, the same as his consciously realizing he didn't love El "like that" as of end of S3—it will be impossible for him not to address it in himself...and finally be honest/undo the damage of The Lie he told El (he loved her) during the monologue.
That's the (canonical) trajectory of Mike "The Heart" Wheeler—and why him being oblivious to his feelings for Will, not just "secretly longing without wanting to indulge hope he might have the boy he loves" the way Will is experiencing moving into S5. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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redcherrykook · 3 days
𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙯𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙨 5!
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
College Photography Teacher!Jungkook x Student!Reader
27 year old, stupidly handsome asshole teacher Mr. Jeon has absolutely no human decency, he believes your victim complex is what keeps you from ever achieving anything, letting people use you as a bridge. When something unexpected happens, the ice starts to melt as a foreign word called "empathy" enters his egocentric lense. Maybe he will finally manage to teach you a lesson now, since you keep failing his class.
(Mini series)- Episode five!
song recommendation: white Mustang- Lana del rey
Content: Cold, mean, distant, unprofessional Jungkook, hurt, stubborn reader, enemies to lovers, lowkey dramatic, accident happens, mutually beneficial relationship (emotionally), Jk learns a lot from her, Jk is mean but has a soft spot for reader (eventually), 6 year age gap, Reader is from a struggling background, Jk kind of rescues her, happy ending, angst at first, fluff, smut, comedy/crack, bickering, college setting, brief hospital setting
Warnings: swearing, name-calling,mentions of an accident involving a biker, mentions of hospital, mentions of injuries, really mean Jungkook, i promise he gets sweet, mentions of trauma and abuse (non detailed), mental health struggles (semi detailed), arguments
Sexual content: (light) praise kink, (light) size kink (lmao next episode bout to go crazy with that one), oral; fem. receiving, chest play, making out
Taglist: @bts-iris @kaeysv @khadeeeeej
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
Another day, another night spent on the couch of Jungkook, watching some sort of show with him, munching on dinner he cooked.
He got used to cooking for two.
Its been a week,
A week that turned into a week and a half.
Still no calls, no places, no friends to crash at.
Not even Taehyung, his fraternity house is much worse than just staying with Jungkook.
Not like it bothered you, Jungkook is comfortable, he has a cozy apartment with enough space for two people.
Growing borderline nice from day to day.
His little gestures like buying two of the icetea he drinks, like changing the sheets if you had class the days he hadn't, cooking jjajangmyeon without onions because you hate them.
It was easy to get used to his routine, to bicker with him daily, to sit next to him when he works on his lesson preperation, while you study for your classes.
Sleeping in his shirt, doing your laundry in his bathroom, and accidentally stumbling across his calvin klein's.
It felt intimate at times, like living together was more than just that.
Tonight is different.
Tonight would be your very first party.
After a whole week of persuasion, Taehyung talking your ear off about how fun it was, how many people you could meet, how you could dance your heart away.
You decided, fuck it. One party.
"To be clear, I'm NOT drinking and i swear if you touch me, Taehyung, I will actually strangle you" loud and clear, your boundaries set while you're on call with him. Taehyung called you at 10pm as you were peacefully watching "Running man" with Jungkook, at first you shut off the call.
Until another followed by another call coming through.
"Just come on! once! One single time" he begged, Jungkook's jaw clenching at the voice from the other end of the phone.
He simply can not stand Taehyung, the way he devours you with his eyes, the way he talked you into doing things you don´t normally want to do,
like parties.
In desperate need of social contacts and having some serious fun, a party doesn't sound too bad anymore, Tae would keep his hands off, now that you told him to.
"You're seriously going?" Jungkook asks once you end the call, his eyes stern and burning through you, judging you almost.
"Yeah. You can enjoy a night to yourself again, I won't get back late, I promise" you smile at him, already thinking of what to wear from your very limited selection of clothes.
He scoffs, pressing his lips together.
"What? Got something against it?" your head tilts, a playful smirk on your lips.
His eyes move away from yours and back to the flashy TV screen.
"Just not looking forward to having to pick you up wasted, possibly having to push off some jerk to even get to you" his tongue presses the inside of his cheek, not making eye contact with you. A strong hand is rubbing his thighs that are spread on his couch, while the other one moves through his hair, lifting his arm enough to see his well defined triceps.
A part of you hopes that he was jealous, that he hated the thought of you making out with some college jerk, just like you hated the thought of making out with anyone that wasn't him.
There was nothing left to confront, nothing to deny.
You have a crush on Jungkook, on your photography teacher that you live with.
Maybe it was the intimacy of living with him, but the racing heartbeat in your chest, the pertruding smile on your face whenever he smiled too, even if slight, even if to make fun of you,
The throbbing between your thighs when he speaks in his sultry, low voice. The way his hair is messy most of the time, how his muscles flex when he's working, his groans of frustration, making you wonder just how he could sound if he groaned more. Your thoughts when he drives with his skillful fingers, the way he licks his lip piercing when he's focused. Having to surpress the thoughts of what happened, almost happened, when you were both drunken by the burning alcohol.
All of it is impossible to ignore, to talk yourself into believing it´s nothing.
Every inch of him, of his habits, it made you flaunt for him. Wishing that instead of his shirt, it was him, sleeping next to you peacefully.
Looking at him ever so often, hoping to catch him looking back.
Even taking longer in the shower when your wandering thoughts get accompanied by your wandering hands.
It is wrong, it is so wrong because he's your teacher, because the goodness behind his hard exterior helped you through your own mess in life.
And yet, you find yourself going out to party away the thought of him, only to return back to him the same night.
"Don't worry kook, I'm not drinking. You won't have to pick me up, just enjoy your night alone" you make your way into the guest bedroom to change.
"Am not worried, you're old enough" he grumbles as you walk away.
Of course, he wasn't worried.
Until he's stuck in his living room, pacing around.
He glances at the clock, 2:15 am, still no text, still no doorbell.
Originally, Jungkook wasn't going to do anything special, just watch Tv and cook something nice for a midnight snack.
You had left the house at half past ten, in a pair of black low waisted cargos and a tight fitting crop tee. Black as well, matching your shoes too.
Simple, comfortable, not too revealing.
Not that he would have cared if someone saw you in a revealing outfit,
That's what he likes to believe. In reality, he would have probably come with you if you did, glaring at every guy who dared to look.
The thought of you not answering his text because of being drunk somewhere or being in bed with a guy you had just met made him sick.
"I'm not letting you walk back at this hour. Call me when you need me to pick you up. And don't start arguing over this"
Sent at 11:39, over two hours ago.
Left on delivered.
He sits back down, sighing and deciding to call over his best friend, turn this into a boys night.
You are out partying, probably having fun with other people, why shouldn´t he?
Dialing the familiar number, it rings briefly before a voice deep answers the phone.
"JK! what's up bro?" Mingyu greets
"I'm good. My student left so i thought i'd ask you to come over? Haven't hung out in a while" Jungkook humms while checking the pantry for any snacks.
"Your little girlfriend left? Miss her so much you gotta make your best friend keep you company?" Mingyu laughs loudly from the other side of the phone.
Naturally, being Jungkook's best friend, he knew about the night that you almost kissed. Ever since then, he's been teasing him about it. Pissing him off by insisting on calling you his "little girlfriend".
"Fuck off gyu, could´ve just said no asshole" he scoffs, ready to hang up the phone.
"Don't get so butthurt Jk, she's getting you soft already. I'll be there in 20. Wanna go to a bar?"
He ignores the other comment,
"Nah, I'll go pick her up later. Stop by to get some snacks" he replies casually.
"Alright. Where did she go by the way?" Mingyu just noticed that Jungkook hasn't mentioned why you weren't at his apartment tonight.
His scoff was enough response that could be heard on the other end of the call,
"A fucking frat party"
Mingyu chuckles, thinking up a cheeky reply, but he was too slow.
Jungkook hangs up the phone, waiting patiently for a ring on his doorbell, not sure if he was still waiting for you or Mingyu.
"You'e insane Tae" you shout through the blaring music, barely able to hear the sound of your own words against people screaming and a bass stronger than any drug that was being done around you.
There were many of those, openly at that.
"Is that good?" He shouts back, grinning.
The party is as expected of a frat house party, about sixty college students running around the large apartment, a pool, many couches filled with girls and all of that jock stuff.
Bottles flying around in the kitchen which you found yourself standing in right now, all types of alcohol and cocktail mixes in bowls, what ever is them no one really knows.
Clothes seem basically optional here, most guys are running around shirtless, most girls running to the pool that´s a few feet from the huge glass sliding door around the corner, wearing either underwear or nothing at all.
Taehyung thankfully being clothed.
He did, as usual, have a stupid thought. Thinking it was a great idea trying to outdrink his friend that you had just met,
And already hate.
Jackson, a tall football player who's shoulders are as huge as his ego. He, like the rest of the guys, is shirtless, covered in hickies that wrap all the way around his neck.
Apart from the fact that he's made out with four different girls that all called him some variation of the word 'baby',
he has also been eye fucking you since you first saw him
To which Taehyung is oblivious to, or has been ignoring.
Still, he promised you not to leave your side throughout the entire night, as well as making sure you don't drink, like you had said you wouldn't.
"What? Think I can't win?" He says again when noticing you silently judging him.
You roll your eyes, hands throwing upward to express just how ridiculous he's being "Not about winning, it's a stupid idea. I'm not gonna pick your ass up the floor"
Taehyung laughs in return, throwing back his first shot, to which Jackson follows
"You won't have to"
Jackson smirks, "nine more to go Tae"
"Easy buddy, gonna kick your ass" his voice sounding cocky, already on his way to pour the next shot of vodka.
"Sure you don't want a shot miss goody two shoes?" Jacksons eyes wander to your cleavage,
Eyes are up here, you think.
"Sounding like a broken record at this point. No drinks" you scoff at him, grossed out by his shameless behavior.
In order to distract yourself from the situation, your eyes wander around the apartment, looking for anything interesting.
People making out left and right, no matter if "Va Va Voom" or "Fe!n" played, no one cared who was looking, what lyric was blaring.
It made you cringe inside when you spotted a guy grinding against a girl you knew from Piano lessons, right next to two guys taking molly.
Never going to a frat party again, you think.
Upon first arrival, it was really fun. Tae was dancing his heart out with you, making small talk with some people here and there. You could engage with them as well. Soon enough, he started drinking, making himself tipsy within a couple shots and a beer.
By then you realized you would end up having to look after him at the ned of the night, not the other way around.
While you came to make friends, it was practically impossible. Sure, amaybe small talk. Sadly, it always led to the same outcome:
Every girl coming up tried to get it in with Tae and glared at you for being with him or was too drunk.
Meanwhile every guy either tried to get you to drink, tried to touch you, to which Taehyung did push them off immediately, or was also well, way too drunk.
So much for making friends, i guess.
Noticing you have been zoning out for a while, your eyes glance back to the guys in front of you, leaning against the counter.
Wondering how many shots it has been since you last looked.
Both set the small, empty shot glasses on top of the surface.
"Six. Four left to go Tae" Jackson looks relaxed, flushed out a bit but definitely stable, definitely not tipsy yet.
Taehyung on the other hand was slurring his words, a drunkenly hazed smile spread flat across his flushed pink face.
" 'course man. Bring it on"
Shaking your head, you ponder if it was even worth staying still.
Time is truly a weird thing because just when the thought was finished, the words "I´m leaving" at the tip of your tongue,
The guys have already taken another shot, the 7th one back to back.
Tae opens his mouth to speak, presumably about to brag,
" s'easy Jacks-"
but, he can't finish his sentence due to gagging and quickly covering his mouth with his hand.
Of course.
You wince at the sight, Tae stumbles back fast, running and making his way to the bathroom on unstable footing.
That's to not leaving my side tonight, i guess.
A few minutes with Jackson would be fine, you suppose. Tae would be back soon enough.
"Come on princess, take a shot too. Loosen up a bit"
His steps approach you as he talks, his voice sounding like a little devil, waiting to convince you of his foolish plans.
You laugh a small, annoyed laugh,
One hand running through your hair as you talk,
"How many times have i told you I'm not drinking?" unamused, as you look him up and down
But he steps one foot closer, finger grazing your arm maliciously, bringing shivers to your skin at an instant.
"Come on, you need it. Let me give it to you princess, now that Taehyung is gone"
Instinctively tug your arm back, ready to scream in disgust.
But his grip only tightens, a whole palm wrapped around your wirst now, trapping you in his hold as he squeezes.
Angry and scared all at once, you shout at him, the sound coming from the bottom of your throat.
"Fuck off, i told you im not interested"
The pop music playing betrays you, drowning out your screams, reducing it to a hopless yelp.
Filled with rage and mentally cursing at Taehyung for being careless, your eyes flicker to the way which he had left, only to find it filled with everyone but him.
Jacksons arm swiftly moves to grab your hip as he steps closer, his other hand making its way to your waist. He leans down, breath close enough to make every single hair stand up on your neck.
"Fine, if you wanna act so stuck up, hope you know how to swim bitch. Might pull out the stck from your ass"
Before you could process what words had left his mouth, you were lifted up over his shoulders as he ran out the glass door.
no no no no no
A second later you are submerged in the cold water of the pool, splashing loudly,
Not failing to catch everyone´s attention.
The reality of what you had dreaded surrounding you as your mind runs miles.
Muffled you can make out people shouting, the water drowning out the sounds ever so slightly, dimming your lights.
Shutting out any other thoughts.
Helplessly, your arms move, trying to fight your way back up.
Gasping for a breath of air once your face had finally poked out from the greedy water below you,
A laughter breaks,
And another one,
Soon enough it felt like the whole campus was laughing at you, calling you pathetic.
When you manage to climb your way up to the surface completely, holding on to the rim for dear life, you hadn´t yet fully grasped what was going on,.
Everyone else on the other hand had, phones recording your smudged, drenched face and hair, clothes clinging to every nook of your figure, working hard to drag you back down by the heavy weight.
Weakly you pull yourself out of the pool, the sound of laughter still humiliating you, along with Jackson proudly walking off inside the party again.
Probably searching for his next victim.
Absolutely petrified and fucking freezing, you run back to the kitchen were you had left your bag minutes ago. Ready to find Taehyung and get the hell out of this mess.
Minutes before you were thrown in a pool on your first and certainly last frat party, being caught on camera on top of everything.
While pushing through people, you do happen to spot Taehyung,
on the couch,
making out shirtless with a girl that, not surprisingly, Jackson had made out with tonight as well.
That must have been your very last straw, he had not even gone looking for you, not even thinking of why you might be gone.
The dam holding back tears of embarrassment and frustration breaking, evrey single tear you had in you beginning to flow down your face, merging with the chlorinated water that´s already coated along your entirety.
Grabbing your purse and running out, you call the only person you knew to call.
"FUCK YOU GYUUUU IM WINNING" the XBox Controller tightly clutched in his hand, hunched forward to stare at the screen that lights up his dark bedroom, Jungkook's voice rings through his apartment.
Fifa is not for the weak if you play with Jungkook.
"JEON JUNGKOOK YOU FUCKER" Mingyu screams back, slamming the controller down on the teachers bed.
He lost again, 5th time in a row. There is truly nothing that Jungkook can´t do, it seems.
"Mad huh? Mad?" he laughs, punching into his best friends arm jokingly, a wide and proud smile provoking every one of Mingyu´s nerves at once.
The moment is caught off by his phone ringing, interrupting Mingyu in the middle of trying to deck Jungkook straight in the stomach.
He picks it up, reading your name on his bright screen.
Mingyu, as curious as he is, listens for any words he could make out, planing to use it for teasing Jungkook later on.
Only to be met with loud cries and hics,
"Jungkook please come get me, something horrible happend i wanna go home please pick me up, please come get me, ah fuck" you ramble through sobs, not being able to think straight.
Jungkook's eyes soften at the noise, his eyebrows meeting together as worry washes through his body.
He looks at mingyu who seems equally as worried.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay. Just send me your location, it's okay, i'll drive fast" while he says this, his body shoots up, tucking his phone between his shoulder and face to put on a jacket and gather his keys in the meantime.
Mingyu stands up with him, rushing to put on his own shoes and jacket.
"Thank you, thank you" you mumble again, trying to tap your phone through blurry vision, barely managing to hold it together any second more.
The sounds from the other end stop, his phone slipping back in his pocket.
"Fuck gyu i might end up in jail today if someone fucking touched her" he groans, jutting down the stairs with his best friend following.
"I'll bail you out. Want me to tag along? Might need some help" he asks, wondering what could have possibly made you this upset.
So does Jungkook, thinking of the worst possible situations, a pang of guilt running through him.
Should have come with her, he thinks.
Jungkook shakes his head, "No no, thank you tough. I don't want her to feel unsafe, she might not wanna see anyone right now" his thoughts continue running ballistic, from going to hold you and reassure you that it is okay, to strangling who ever made you sob, made you sound so scared.
Mingyu smiles, "Take good care of her. You care about her a lot, that's good" he pats his back, before making his way down to his own car while Jungkook unlocks his.
Sitting down and scrambling to turn the engine on, he drives as fast as he can through the thankfully empty streets, keeping an eye on your live location in anxiety that it would move.
When he finally spots you, crying messily, squatted down next to a random building, his car pulls over.
Having to fight back the urge to cradle you, wipe all your tears.
Sure, he had seen you upset before, seen you hurt after something and usually, he'd be annoyed,
Having to muster up some empathy.
Not this time, not when you were falling apart in the cold, in the middle of the road.
There was nothing put empathy in his system.
Jungkook runs out of the car, crouching down in front of you, his eyes scanning your figure.
He notices your entire body shaking, clothes clinging to you, soaking wet. Once his eyes move up your face, he sees your wet hair sticking to your face with eyeliner running down to your jaw.
Eyes red and lips trembling.
"Y/n what.. what happened" he reaches forward to set a hand on your arm, his thumb stroking your cold skin, hoping to provide any warmth.
Every thought of beating up the person who had brought you to this state leaving him,
All he cares about when seeing you so fragile is wanting to make you feel okay.
Your voice comes out broken, wiping your tears with unstable hands. Even in the dark of the night, you could make up the worried expression on his face.
You felt ashamed, embarrassed to have to call him, to make him see you like this.
The look on his face earsed every trace of feeling pathetic before his eyes,
Knowing you were safe now.
He had never felt so angry and devastated combined, desperately he wants to stop your tears. Longing for anything that would return you to your usual self.
"home please i, i will tell y-you later"
Jungkook nods, standing up as he signals you to stand up as well.
Holding on to the wall behind you, you get up, only to stumble forward. The cold on your wet skin is too much, the wind pushing you back to the ground,
contributing to your already triggered state of mind.
It is all too much.
His strong arms catch you from falling to the floor, wrapping around your own shivering ones.
"It's okay. Can i carry you inside? Don't want you to fall" his eyes scan for any reaction, any indication of you being even slightly uncomfortable.
But you trust Jungkook, you needed him right now.
So you nod, looking back at him with a noticeable look of appreciation.
Gently, one of his hands move to wrap around your shoulders as he crouches down slightly. His other arm wraps around your thighs, delicately swinging you in his arms bridal style.
The water is dripping on to his own clothes, but he doesn´t even feel it at all, he doesn´t notice how your tears trickle down to his shirt when you try to hold up your head.
How your hair was whipping against his chest with every step.
The way he touches you is sweet enough to erase the marks of disgust left on your skin by Jackson's filthy hands.
Slowly he walks to the car, ducking his head and back to open the back door without having to set you down.
The crying has stopped out of pure exhaustion, although the comforting smell of Jungkook's clothes did contribute a fair amount.
He has begun to feel like home.
His arms reach forward to lay you down in the backseats.
"Try to relax okay? Im gonna get us home fast, it's gonna be okay" he mumbles, stroking your arm reassuringly as he let's go of you.
You don't manage to react in any way, even if your heart had swelled up in your chest.
Jungkook jogs to the drivers seat, making his way inside the car again.
The whole ride was completely silent. Not even the usual humming habit of Jungkook sounding in the car.
With your back pressed on the seats in the back your eyes are pried open, red and burning from the make up and salt on your face. You´re thinking of blocking Taehyung and never wasting a word on him ever again.
Almost blaming yourself for giving in and coming to the party in the first place.
The car comes to a hold, the familiar street greeting you when you sit back up to look around.
Jungkooks eyes looking at you from the mirror, releasing a breath he had held for way too long.
Thanking himself internally for keeping your vow of not drinking.
He gets out, walking over to open your door and sticking a hand out to you.
You look up at him with the weakest smile he had ever seen, admiring you for even being able to muster up any smile at all.
grit your teeth sometimes and keep going, he had told you back in the hospital.
Your own hand clasping into his, heart skipping a beat as he pulls you up.
His hand never left your own until he had opened the door to his apartment.
He didn't need to ask this time, knowing you would take his hand.
It made him melt when you did.
"I'm gonna get you clothes okay? Sit down on the couch" the words ring in your ears wonderfully, feeling thankful for his help once again.
As he disappears into the guest bedroom, you run your hands down your face in disbelief.
Being thrown in a pool and called a bitch for rejecting guy was not your bucket list, ever.
Coming back with a hoodie and one of your sweatpants as well as socks, he sets them down next to you.
"Thank you kook" you mumble, looking to the floor in sheer embarrassment.
Jungkook had seen you in situations you didn't even know where possible.
"Don't worry. Im gonna get the hair dryer and make up wipes, just say something when you're done changing" his hands reach down to stroke your shoulders.
At this point you knew,
you knew that Jungkook had fully embraces you into his life.
The way his eyes look at you with no sign of the stern glare he still mingled with until now. The way his voice is rough but reassuring, the way his hands keep touching you in an effort to make up for the hurt on your face.
He locks himself in the bathroom, pulling out make up wipes from your cosmetic bag and gathering up the caple of the dryer while you sit on the couch, slowly changing your clothes into warm and dry ones.
Looking at himself in the mirror startled him.
Not even Jungkook could really recognize himself,
Sharp features of his reflection staring back at him with worry, asking himself if you felt okay on his couch right now.
"Done" you shout out, still choked up from the loud sobbing previously, throat itching slightly from the cold.
The door opens once again, walking to you before plugging in the dryer. He sits down, immediately looking at you.
"Here. Take your time okay?"
"Okay" your fingers reach to the wipes, erasing the traces of the ruined make up that you had put on beautifully hours prior.
A pathetic attempt to trust in people that had let you back down again,
Cruel world.
Turning own the dryer, you start combing through your hair softly, finally filling your freezing head with warmth.
Finally making your entire body as warm as the presence of Jungkook.
Silence returns to the room as the device turns off.
"Can i.. tell you about what happend?" wandering to gaze to his soften features, he nods, smiling briefly.
You take a deep breath before mustering up the courage to tell him about the party.
"Taehyung introduced me to this football player who tried to get me into drinking multiple times. He was shirtless and he was super provocative"
He continues listening as your voice becomes weaker.
"They decided to compete in drinking ten shots but Taehyung was already tipsy. And i- Fuck i told him not to. He didn't listen and at the like, 7th shot? He was gagging, stumbling to the bathroom"
You sigh, nervously recalling the events that felt so surreal now, your eyes finally moving to his. Catching him glint at you with nervousness himself.
"He fucking promised me not to leave me alone and- and and then he did and that asshole he-" by now tears are brimming back at your eyes, unable to let out the words in a straight line.
"He fucking touched me and when i told him to back off he called me a bitch and threw me into the pool. Everybody was laughing fuck, Jungkook people were recording it. It was so fucking- it was so"
You stop, aggressively wiping tears from your face, a scoff pained it's way to the surface,
"So humiliating. Even worse, Taehyung was making out with some chick when i managed to get out the pool" your voice is a bit more stable again, angry at the memory.
Resenment is a stronger emotion than sadness in this moment.
"Motherfucker. Both of them. Motherfuckers" Jungkooks eyes turned dark, glaring at the sound of what you went through.
You laugh a small laugh, "I know"
He inches closer to you,
"I'm gonna get them suspended. What was the friends name?" His expression is serious, determined of making them feel it.
You shake your head slowly,
"No don't- please don't go through all that effort okay? They won't make it long anyways"
He glares at you too now, before catching himself doing so, revoking it and replacing it with a neutral expression.
"Don't let them walk all over you. At least that football guy, im getting his scholarship revoked, what he did was assault. Please let me do this for you"
His voice is stern, he isn't asking.
And you knew he was right.
".. Jackson. Wang, i think"
He huffs, "He can kiss his degree goodbye. I'll find something to make em. Promise you. I might just strangle him myself if I'm being honest" he sighs, his hand rubbing his forehead in an effort to not snap and drive back to party.
A soft giggle can be heard inside the suffocating sphere of the living room.
He looks back up at you,
"What's so funny?" a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips,
You giggle again, focused on the way his lips look when trying to hold back a smile.
"You. Seeing you so worked up. I like it, makes me realize this friendship may not be that one sided after all"
He groans in response, leaning back against the couch and tilting his head to look back into your eyes,
"It took me carrying you to my car to make you understand that i care about you?"
Your heart jumping at the admission,
His eyes widen slightly as he hears himself admit to it, but he tries to conceal it.
Play it off like he isn´t surprised himself.
"Letting you live with me for damn near two weeks wasn't enough, huh?" His elbow digs into your side,
But you can't react, stuck on the fact that his teeth are lightly digging into the side of his lip, biting it softly.
Eyes wandering to his torso that is leaning back on his couch, his lap looking so inviting.
Only now noticing how close he is next to you.
It's his turn to chuckle now,
"Would pay to know what's in that pretty head of yours right now"
Another breath caught in your throat, eyes shooting back up to meet his,
They are ranking over you entirely,
Watching your every feature, studying you as if you were a piece of art in a gallery.
His flirty tone making it hard not to just risk it, crawl into his lap and tell him how you feel about his stupidly handsome face and his annoying way to care for you.
"Shut up, you're saying nonsense" your eyes roll to distract from the fact that you were caught red handed, shyly turning your face away from his form on the couch.
"Answer the question idiot. Did it seriously take this long for you to get it?" his voice is soft, sincerity laced beneath his words.
A long sigh makes it's way out of your mouth as you turn to take the same position that he's in, tilting your head to meet his eyes once more.
The moment is precious in a way, his face is so close you could count the moles on it, but just enough space not to loose any and all control.
"I'm not sure. I mean, i guess i knew you kinda cared, but, i think i mostly tried to gaslight myself into thinking you like me as a person and don't just see me as some sort of charity case" you laugh gently, keeping eye contact with him as you talk.
Although the words you're speaking are truthful, they aren't the full extent.
His heart clenches a bit when he thinks about it,
"Charity case? Fuck no, i mean" he pause, playing with his lip piercing,
"I guess it took me some time to get used to caring about someone else like this, living together and shit but i do like you. I find you annoying and obnoxious at times, and you still suck at photography, but i do like you, you're a good friend" his hand moves through his pretty, dark hair, trying his very best not to look down at your lips.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to hold back.
It was now, just now that he became aware too,
Aware that you weren't just a friend, roomate or a student to him,
That his feelings, his thoughts and urges weren't some sort of strange hormonal reaction.
Still, he hoped that saying it out loud would convince him that you are, indeed just a good friend.
He can´t help but notice how bothered he is by it.
You nod, almost disappointed at the way he ruined his lovely speech with three simple words.
a good friend.
"How nice of you.. thank you tho. No really, i, i appreciate you. You're.. a good friend too, Jungkook" you bite your lip softly, wishing for him to just move away or say something mean to lessen the tension.
He allows himself to look once,
Locking his eyes with your lips, noticing the small blush forming around your face.
It makes you look irresistible, naturally beautiful.
"You know I'm a liar, right? That i say a ton of things I don't actuallly mean?" his eyes are focused on your lips now, his voice almost breathless as he feels himself getting lost at the thought of you.
You scoff, chuckling softly right after,
"Absolutely, it's ridiculous, actually. But you know, i learned not to take every you say too seriously" your arm makes it's way to hit his chest playfully.
He laughs briefly, holding your wrist against his chest.
Eyes locked on your lips, just as he had feared they would.
You could practically feel your heart breaking out of your body,
Moving your palm to lay flat against his chest, you allow yourself to touch an inch of what you've been wanting to feel for so long.
"Well i just lied to you again. You're.. fuck. You're not just a friend"
The air in your lungs leaves you hanging completely, a breathless, thoughtless and emotion driven voice answering him
"I swear if you're playing with me right now I'm gonna-"
There was no time to finish your sentence,
In the blink of an eye, his hands are on your face, cupping it,
His soft, dreamy lips on your own.
There wasn't any time to process either as he pulls back briefly, just enough to whisper against your lips,
"You talk too much, and I'm not good with words"
As soon as the last letter leaves his lips, they are back on yours.
The way Jungkook kisses is as you had imagined, possessive and dominant, he needed to guide you.
Needed you to understand that he likes you,
Way more than just a friend.
Finally registering that he's actually kissing you, that this isn't one of your fanatsies, you kiss him back.
Your own lips moving softly against his, earning a small groan from him.
Melting into his kiss even further, the urge to hear his pretty sounds again overtaking you completely.
The strong hands that held your face in place move now, pulling you closer by your hips.
It makes you hum into the kiss,
Allowing him just enough space to lace his tongue in with yours,
Gently but firmly he keeps kissing you.
As infatuated with him as you are, you follow his every lead, moving in sync and savoring every single second.
Lips developing a mind of their own, Jungkook being the only thought.
By now, he is resting his large hands on your hips, shifting to pull you closer once again, sitting you on his lap,
One knee on either side of his hips, both your hands pressed firmly against his chest.
The way he pulled you to straddle him made you gasp lowly.
He smiles into the kiss, clearly affected by the way this conversation had gone,
By the way you react to his touches.
Naturally, your arms wrap around his neck, allowing your hips to rest on his, he hums in approval, gripping your hips and tightly and securing them in place for him.
Before you can wonder what all of this meant or where it was leading, he pulled back again, this time enough to get a full view of your flustered face.
At first, he doesn't say anything, making space for insecurity to creep up into your brain,
Apparently he can look into those too.
"To be clear. This means something to me. I'm not kissing you just because you looked fucking irresistible, but because i like you, i like you way more than I should. And if you don't, then you better tell me now"
Once again, his pretty face doesn't match his stern words, he's nervous.
You could tell by the way he licks his piercing, nibbling on the small metal ring.
If it was even more possible, your heart swelled with affection for him, desperate to tell him what you had felt for so long.
"I like you too. I like you way too much. Wasn't it obvious? I wanted this for so long"
Without wanting to waste any more time on things you could discuss later on, your head leans back down to kiss him.
He groans much softer this time, his hands ranking up to your sides, feeling them up slowly.
He needs to touch you, feel you, kiss you everywhere.
Just like he had imagined for long now, chopping it up to feeling touch starved.
But the words urge out of his mouth,
"I guess that means you're mine now" he mumbles against your lips in a sultry voice, the heat of the moment becoming far too much.
This wasn't just out of hormonal instincts, both of you could feel it.
A smile latches on to your lips, forcing you to stop kissing him for just a second
"Possessive, i see.. but i want to know much more about you first kook" your reply is sheepish, well aware that him calling you his was enough to turn your underwear see through.
He hums again, placing a hand on your cheek, stroking his thumb against it as his eyes move to your lips.
"I'll tell you everything you want later, let me keep kissing you first" his thumb drags down to your bottom lip, stroking it gently as his pretty brown eyes fixate back on your own ones, looking for resistance.
"Kiss me then" was all it took for him to close the gap once again.
Your arms unwrap around him, moving in anticipation when they reach the hem of his shirt.
You tug on it gently, asking for him to remove it.
He groans once more, "so eager" slips past his lips when he makes enough room to take the shirt off,
Revealing what must be the most beautifully, carefully carved person you have ever laid your eyes on.
His tattoos reach up to his shoulder, you've seen it before but it's even better when you get to touch them, carefully trace the lines with your finger tip.
His chest is firm, a broad set of shoulders that make his small and very well-defined abdomen look even more sinched.
The sight is truly breath taking, your hands caressing, touching everywhere they can.
He likes to think that it doesn't phase him, but the way his body shivers makes it undeniable.
"Done staring, doll?" he asks, the nickname sending a wave of pleasure straight through you as he tilts your face back up to look at his.
"Mhm.. you're just really hot" you can't help but giggle, finally being able to touch and kiss him, it makes you giddy.
Finally being able to utter out all your dirty thoughts, even if it embarrasses you.
He rolls his eyes, sneaking his hands teasingly under your hoodie, caressing the soft and bare skin of your stomach.
A low moan follows his movement, you attempt to kiss him but he smirkes, leaning his head back softly.
This time you whine, having already guessed that he's as much of a tease as he normally is too.
"You sound so desperate. Want me too take this off hm?"
You only muster up a small nod, in no time the hoodie is thrown somewhere, forgotten easily by the way his eyes sparkle when landing on your chest.
Roaming over your chest down to your hips, taking in every inch as his hands reach to grab them.
In one swift motion, you're tucked beneath him on the couch, his shirtless figure hovering over yours, veiny hands resting on your stomach, softly touching his way upwards.
"Just tell me to stop if you don't want anything" he's considered, gentle in the same way that he's demanding.
"Will do, but right now i really need you to continue"
He smiles, leaning down to kiss you again before moving to kiss down to your neck, softly burrying himself in it.
Hearing you moan and gasp was enough to make him lose his mind, make him want to give you absolutely everything you could ever ask for.
"Feels.. nice.." your hands play with his hair, holding the back of his head firmly against your neck.
He bites your neck in response, one of his hands moving to cup your chest in it, squeezing and groping firmly.
He keeps kissing, licking and gently sucking at your skin, trying to learn about every spot that made you moan a little louder.
Once he's satisfied with your neck, a short kiss is placed on your lips.
His head trails down to your chest, kissing from collarbone further south.
"You look even prettier than i imagined" he mutters against your skin, lips in the space between your breasts, kissing and sucking carefully.
"I-Imagined?" you manage to say between soft moans, to shy to let out what you really felt.
Your teeth biting down on your lip so hard it could have made an imprint.
He chuckles against your skin,
"Mhm.. many times doll, driving me insane with these pretty sounds, keep making noises" his voice is deep, underlined with desire.
"f-feels so good.." your whines filling is request instantly, feeling his lips wrapped around your breast as the other one is being gently cupped and squeezed, making you feel blissfully satisfied.
He switches sides after a couple more seconds, your eyes focused on his hand that looks so large compared to you.
However the sight of his bare and definitely well toned, broad back peeking out made you feral, needing to touch him too.
So you do, moving to wrap your arms under his, touching his back carefully as sinfully sweet noises come out of both your lips.
His lips move from your chest to your own, both of his hands groping your chest, moving and brushing over your spots carefully, hitting ever sensitivity.
He lets go of your chest just as he lets go of your lips, his hands making their way down to your waist, wrapping around and securing you in place.
Jungkook´s beautiful dark eyes can't seem to leave your body, licking his lips before planting gentle open mouth kisses down your stomach, nibbling at the skin every so slightly.
"Can i take this off?" his tattooed fingers playing with the hem of your pants, teasing and tugging beneath it with a sly smile on his face.
"Yes please" almost pathetically quiet you answer him, desperate for him to touch you, to make you see stars.
He nods, pulling down your pants to reveal white lacy panties beautifully placed over your core.
Jungkook doesn't like to waste time, so he moves his hands up and down your thighs while kissing your hip,
"So soft" purring against your skin, his lips move to kiss your thighs, hooking one arm gently under one leg, spreading them open. His kisses become more passionate which each one, kissing and nibbling the inside of your thighs,
Dangerously close to where you wanted him to be right now.
Your hand wraps around his soft curls once more, gently tugging, making him groan.
"Doing so well doll, i know you're desperate, so needy. Gonna give it to you yeah? Ask nicely" the way he sounds right now, raspy and gentle, the way he uses the nickname that rolls beautifully off of his tongue, it is enough to make you whimper.
Close to being speechless, you stammer out softly, needing him more than anything.
"Please kook.. touch me.. please eat me out, fuck this is so embarrassing" your hand untangles from his hair, both of them meeting to cover your face.
A small laugh can be heard before he moves his own hands up, prying yours from your face by your wrist.
He scans your face, your slightly parted lips inviting him to a kiss once more.
"Don't hide pretty, sound so good when you're this pathetic and desprate. Gonna give you just what you asked for"
He hooks his arm back under your thigh, the other one holding you by the knee. Letting his eyes wander down to your core for just a moment, he takes in the sight of your soaked underwear, basically transparent.
It made him twitch in his pants,
Knowing that he has just about the same effect on you as you do on him.
He presses a kiss your still covered clit, tongue poking out to lick over it, pressing the fabric to your skin.
It doesn't take long for him to move his tongue down to your entrance, licking slow stripes across and using the tip of his tongue to push the fabric into your slit a little bit.
It fills you with excitement and frustration,
"Please stop teasing me.. please" your whines are much louder now, annoyed that you're so close to finally feeling the relief you need.
Finally knowing how it feels to have him touch you.
He groans softly, quickly pulling the panties down to your ankles before latching on to suck on your clit.
The feeling is euphoric, nothing compares to seeing Jungkook's pretty face burried between your thighs, his lips wrapped around your clit as his tongue gently darts across it.
He moves his tongue down, caressing your thighs with his hands, tasting every drop of arousal spilling out from you.
His body is filled with the need to feel your every reaction, touch where ever he can reach.
The tip of his tongue pushing into your hole ever so slightly, before moving to lick back up to your clit.
Ever since he started you haven't stopped moaning, softly rambling about how good he feels.
"Look so pretty.. fuck it feels so- so good.." your voice trails off into a whimper, the knot in your stomach tightening with each lick, his soft groans only intensifying the pleasure.
Helplessly your hips buck into his face,
he takes it gladly, humming in approval.
"You'll take a finger won't you doll?" he says as his pointer finger is already circling your entrance, ghosting over it.
As a response, your hips buck up again slightly, moving both hands to grab his shoulders, nodding furiously at his question.
"Words. Will you take it?´´ he repeats, his tongue returning back to licking your folds once he finished speaking.
"Yes, yes, yes will take it"
"Good, very good" he pushes his single digit in without any further warning, sinking in until his knuckle stops him, immediately pumping in an out.
"So fucking small doll, only my finger and you´re suffocating it, so greedy" the vibration of his low purring only supporting your approaching orgasm.
For a moment Jungkook allows himself to look at you, face fucked out completely, eyes weakly staring down at him,
Your mouth opened softly as gasps and whines leave your mouth.
It keeps him going to see you enjoy it, his finger speeding up as his licks become more firm.
The pleasure built up fast from that point, feeling like you would snap and come on his tongue and finger at any moment, clenching around it.
He moans softly on your skin when he feels it,
"Close? Are you gonna coat my finger with your cum pretty?"
"Jungkook- fuck yes, close. God, the way you talk is driving me insane" your legs pick up shaking again, fingers digging into his shoulders when your whole body shudders against him.
His voice, his hands, lips, face burried between your thighs, it all creats a beautiful picture, unforgettable.
"Come on doll, give it to me, let me taste it" his lips move to wrap around your clit,
Which is all that you needed to come undone under his touch, shaking and whimpering loudly.
He slowly retracts his mouth, stroking your thighs and gently moving his fingers to let you ride out the high, before removing it completely as you still pant from the pleasure.
Naked and slightly bruised chest moving heavily, clit swollen and throbbing.
He places a small kiss against your hip,
"Did so well, sounded so fucking pretty, taste so sweet"
You look at him wide eyed as he licks his finger clean, clearly enjoying every drop of your release he could get.
His hand reach down to your ankles, pulling your panties back up and kissing your newly covered clit one last time.
"Come here, calm down yeah? You on earth doll?" he chuckles in a cocky and low tone, pulling himself up next to you and placing a kiss on to your forehead.
The absolute aftershock and realization hitting you, immediately blushing the darkest shade of red and hiding against his chest.
"Oh.. my..god. what the fuck just.." mumbling against his chest he strokes your back and hair softly. A small effort to reassure you.
"No don't. Don't say it. I know what happened but.. i mean.. what.." you continue, not knowing how to act know, not knowing what to say.
Asking yourself if that meant you were his now, like he had said before.
"Well, you tell me. I said you're mine, you're the one wanting to know things" he puts one hand under your chin, lifting your face to his and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Although his eyes look neutral, his kiss is filled with care.
You smile against his lips,
"Fuck whatever i said, i can learn while being yours, if the offer still stands"
He scoffs, flicking your forehead once he pulls away from the kiss
"You're an idiot. Of course it does"
It was hard not to giggle when he's being so stupid after giving you the best orgasm of your life.
It's your turn to kiss him now, placing a small peck to his cheek and another one to his jaw.
His lips curve into a softy smile, "Come on, let's go to bed hm?"
Your head tilts at his suggestion, knowing full well that he's fully errect,
You can feel him pressed against you after all.
"But.. what about you?" he strokes your hair before holding your cheek in his palm, a cheeky grin on his lips.
"Don't worry, i don't really care for that right now, besides I don't want to tire out miss virgin Mary hm?" his hand moves down to your chin, squeezing your cheeks between his thumb and remaining fingers.
Instead of reacting, your entire body freezes, looking at him with an expressionless face.
"What? Think i couldn't tell? Come on, you were a mess from kissing, so tight around only a single finger doll. Not that hard to miss" he chuckles, kissing your forehead another time, all the while you wish you could disintegrate into the ground.
Sure, it might have been easy to tell, but did have to keep teasing?
"Oh my god you're unbelievable. Do you.. uh, mind that i didn't say anything?"
His hand moves to grab your hoodie that was surprisingly not far gone, tapping your arms to signal you to lift them up,
"No, i don´t. I get it, i mean, I'm not that experienced either and at my age that is kind of embarrassing to admit as well" he speaks carefully while slipping the hoodie back over you, moving some strands of hair out of your face.
You nod, smiling at his delicate gesture.
"I see, you're sure that you're okay?"
He rolls his eyes,
"Yes, I'm sure. Come on, let's go to bed, I´m tired, i know you´re too" he shifts, picking up his tossed shirt and your pants only to throw them on the couch when he stands up.
You´re still sitting, eyes moving down to the very visible bulge in his pants, straining them in a sexy and arousing way.
He snorts, waving a hand in front of your face before he grabs yours, pulling you up and leading you to his bedroom.
"Kook?" you ask him, a million questions running through your mind at once.
Everything that happened after the intimacy is so normal, almost thoughtlessly routine.
His presence being so comforting and complete to you, you did not even need to ask why you should sleep next to him, or if it was okay to do so.
"Yes?" he answers, pulling the covers on his bed back and stepping closer to hold you by your waist and staring you down,
A look of admiration on his face, his eyes practically screaming the words I love you
"So.. we.. uhm.. this is official now?" was somehow the only condensed version of all the thoughts you could gather together.
He smiles, lifting you briefly to lay you on his bed, climbing in to lay beside you, his hand immediately finding your face again.
"What does it look like? How many times do you need me to confess? Damn, im starting to think doll, that this gets you off" he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to his warm body.
Your feelings for him intensifying in that very second,
"No, but i do get off on that nickname. And the way you're so touchy. Kinda cute" you scrunch your nose up, putting your arms on his body as well.
"Shut up. Sleep well yeah?" he says, tucking your head under his to stop you from seeing the shyness spread across his cheeks, accompanied by the smile visible in his voice.
"Sleep well, kook. but.."
"Oh my god what is it?" he groans, squeezing your body to show off his annoyance.
You giggle softly,
"Thank you. For saving my ass today and uh.. for, you know" the last words leave your mouth in a stuttered manner, too shy to speak out what you are referring to.
He scoffs playfully, "21 and can't say the word orgasm. Whatever, get used to it doll, gonna take care of you from now on"
Knowing it didn't matter how annoyed he was, nothing could take away the fact that you're falling asleep in his arms this very second.
It made both of your hearts melt.
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chaniceroses · 3 days
Bad Boys Ride or Die (Armando x Reader) PART SEVEN
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The sun is barely out now while the darkness is slowly covering the sky. You’re seeing shadows within the woods, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It’s getting cold and you’re probably about a mile away from where Mike, Marcus and Armando were. You’re starting to regret walking away from them but what else were you supposed to do. Sit around and let McGrath find you since that’s what he’s been doing.
So you kept walking until you heard a soft sound of wood snapping which made you turn around. You couldn’t really see so you just stared into the abyss. Someone was most definitely there, the thought of it maybe being McGrath crossed your mind.
“Reveal yourself, I don’t have time for the games.”, you sighed trying to see past the trees. At this point the sun was completely gone and the moon was shining. Allowing you to see a tall dark figure move from behind the tree. You watched as the person started taking small steps towards you, it was Armando. Turning back around, you started to walk again when you noticed that the sound of branches and leaves started happening rapidly. He was running towards you so you started running too. Now we can play his games. You ran as fast as you could to get away from him, making random turns to confuse him. 
“Y/n! Stop!”He screamed while chasing you but you kept running. You tried picking up speed but were too tired so you stopped.
“Armando, have you been following me the whole fucking time.”, you asked,looking at him as he is also out of breath while walking up to you. You knew he was but wanted to play dumb, it was better that way.
“Y/n,you’re a smart girl, you knew that I was.”, he responded back pointing at you. You didn’t like how easy he could read you. How he knows you so well without really knowing you.
“Why won’t you just leave me alone man. I don’t need you.”, you knew that was a lie but it was better to say that then have Armando and the others involved in your mess when the whole purpose with us being out here is to prove Howard’s innocence.
He looked down at you, although you couldn’t entirely see his face, his eyes nearly glowed in the dark. “I don’t make promises at all because things always happen but you can trust me. Even if I don’t like you. I wouldn’t want my…a woman out here by herself. No matter what kind of “killer” I am.”, he explained, going off. He was mad and you could tell. His eyebrows were now caved in and you could tell that his breathing had picked up in speed.
You looked down and grabbed his hand and caressed his forearm. You weren’t sure whether to trust him or not, but you had no choice. You knew it would be a death sentence if you went to McGrath by yourself. You turned to look to the side and saw how you guys were overpowered by darkness, so you accepted your loss.
I watched as she looked around while rubbing my arm. Her hands were soft and her touch was making my friend smile. I could tell that she didn’t want to go back but honestly, she had no choice. I wouldn’t have allowed her to walk out here by herself, I would be a fool. 
“Come back with me, please.”, I begged. Me…Armando…Begging, this is new. 
She turned around and was now looking up at me. Her skin was as smooth as the night time, while her eyes twinkled. Damn, she’s sexy and the way she stares. I would love to see her staring at me from a different position.
“Focus.”, I whispered to myself. I watched as her facial expression changed from being worried to now being confused. Think of something.
“You..need to focus.”, I added, trying to come up with something. I watched as she shook her head in agreement.
“Well, show me the way.”, she replied, letting go of my arms and folding hers. I turned around and started heading towards  the direction that we came from. 
“Do you remember the way?”, she asked following behind me. Honestly, I didn’t but I also know that if Marcus and Mike did what they were supposed to do. We should be seeing a small fire from a distance.
“Yeah so come hold my hand so you won’t get lost.”, I commanded, handing my hand out behind me for her to grab. I was afraid that she would be hesitant to do so and for a second, all I could feel was air going in between my fingers. However once she connected her hands with mine, I could feel the warmth from our bodies connecting. It made me feel odd, a feeling I've never felt before. 
After a couple turns and a couple minutes of running, I spotted Marcus and Mike near the fire that I told them to make. We eventually met up with them and were greeted by the sounds of the woods. Not a single word was said. We both sat down, Y/n and I on one log and Marcus and Mike on the other. We could see each other clearly now due to the fire blooming out.
“So you’ve come back.”, Mike whispered looking at y/n across the fire. 
I watched as Marcus turned at Mike and whispered something to him. Y/n just stared. I wasn’t sure if she was looking at Mike or looking at the fire that was right in front of him. All I know is that she wasn’t here.
“Yeah, so what?”, she answered, still keeping her eyes at whatever she was looking at.
“What the hell is going on?!”Mike yelled, standing up while looking at every person.
“Calm down!”I yelled back. I didn’t like how he was talking to her. We all go through shit and lose people but he was attacking her for no reason.
“Seriously, this isn’t needed right now but Armando and y/n we do need answers.”, Marcus added, looking at Mike and then at y/n and I.
I turned to look at y/n, I didn’t know as much as they think I do. I wanted answers also and even personal questions to ask.
“Okay.”, she whispered looking up at Mike and then Marcus. “I say this one time and one time only with no disrespect added because I’ll be damned.”, she continued pointing at Mike and then at the log underneath him
  I watched as Mike sat down. I could tell she was sick of Mike shit because I was too. I watched as she moved her eyes to look off into the abyss within the woods, maybe trying to figure out what to say.
“My name is Y/N Smith. However, when I was undercover while working with the Cartel, I was known as Rose and was extremely close with everyone that did business within it. So I made sure that only the heads would know what I looked liked and that no one knew my real name. ”, she explained, looking at us. 
“You’re Rose…Rose Gonzalez? How did you keep your identity a secret for so long?”Mike asked, looking at her and then at me.
“Wait…you worked with my mom?”I asked, turning to look at her. At this point we were all searching for answers.  
“ I stayed hidden because I killed anyone who wasn't supposed to see me or would tell. So I guess you could say I have a lot of blood on my hands.”, she whispered, turning her hands around to look at her palms.
“I knew that you were undercover Mike because I had worked with you. We just had never met. Same with you, Armando.”, she answered, turning to look at me. I could see regret fill her eyes, what else was she holding back? “The operation that Mike was working on, blew up in my face at the wrong time. So I had to actually become a boss in order for my identity not to be revealed because they were killing their own people to figure out who was undercover.”
“I remember that happening…someone was talking to me on the phone while I did it.”, I replied, reminiscing about it. My mind started playing back to that night, I was on the phone with a woman and she was calling all of the shots and was paying me heavy money for it.
“So, that was you that night?”I asked, keeping my attention on her. I could tell she was becoming uncomfortable with talking about her past, maybe this is why she’s been all over the place.
“This is starting to make sense but…how does this correlate with you and McGrath and Howard? How did you know him?"Mike interrogated, scratching the back of his head.
“McGrath and I met when I was out with Armando’s mother. Although your mom, Armando, was way older than me, we became good friends due to the connections that I had within the Cartel. McGrath came up to me and introduced himself to me. At first I was afraid, thinking it could be a set up with how deep I had gotten to my role but after a while of seeing him, I became drawn towards him. That deep harsh voice that he has, kind of like yours Armando besides the accent, pulled me in.”, she explained, grabbing the rocks that were by her feet.
“So it was one of those falling in love bullshit.”, I scoffed, rubbing the back of my neck but blushing at the fact she mentioned my accent. I watched as she snapped her head to look at me really fast. I couldn’t help but to feel jealous inside but the pieces are connecting between her and McGrath.
“It wasn’t bullshit at the time. I was hooked, although I was young, very young. I was genuinely hooked.”
“I guess you can say she’s a"DILF ".”, Marcus laughed 
I wasn’t sure how to respond to his comment, I thought it was kind of disrespectful knowing what she’s been through. “So what happened for him to hate you.”, I asked, shifting my whole body towards her. I wanted to know every detail about their relationship, her past. I wanted her and I wanted to fill and complete her. Sexually and Spiritually.
“He proposed to me about a year and a half later. I was terrified because he never knew that I was undercover, and I didn’t want to get a random citizen involved. It was things within that nature that I had to think about…”
“Did you say yes?”Mike questioned moving away from Marcus to sit next to the log that was near y/n.
He was intrigued by her past, I could tell by the way he was leaning in towards her. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t too.
“I did, and I knew I was asking for a death sentence but I had no choice but to say yes.”, she replied, shaking her head. She didn't acknowledge anyone’s presence anymore, she was just talking and listening to the questions that were being asked.
“I was pregnant and I had told him, some may think he proposed to lock me down but I look at it as him genuinely loving me however, you never know with men…”
You’d know with me…
“Okay so this makes sense but still…with Howard death, and  McGrath hating you? You had to have done something.”Marcus interrogated standing up.
“I knew about you being an undercover Mike, I just never said anything because you would’ve been killed plus Howard told me so once your operation was a success with Armando’s mother being sent to prison, it became a death trap for everyone else who were still in hiding. Which is what had happened. I didn’t know that McGrath was a D.E.A Agent, I had no clue.”, she whispered.
At this point, I could tell that she was on the verge of tears. The jealousy that I once had in my body was now turning soft. I slightly moved my head to Marcus and Mike to see them looking at her with sympathy.
“I had called the heads and formed a meeting so that we could talk about Armando’s mom being sent to prison. At this point of time, I was passed being undercover, I was drawn in. I wanted her out so that’s when I called you, Armando, and formed a plan but while I was on the phone with you, the other Cartel members brought in McGrath, which left me so confused, which is why I had randomly hung up.”, she replied, getting up to pace back and forth.
“I thought…I thought maybe he followed me because from time to time I made it hard for him to see me ....so that he could be safe y’know.  I never knew that he was an undercover agent. He would talk to me about things that he would do and feed me fun facts that had honestly helped me with my operation, however it never got to me that he was being literal because he would always laugh. So when he and his team showed up, there was nothing that I could do. I couldn’t help because that would’ve gotten me killed so I sent them to one of the rooms for them to be dealt with.”, she cried, shaking her head back and forth.
I stood up, and grabbed her to embrace her with a hug. I wasn’t used to having sympathy for others but y/n was different and I didn’t care about the  stupid expression that was on Mike and Marcus faces. I just knew that she needed to be comforted and I was going to be the one to do that.
I lifted her chin so that she could look up at me. Her cheeks were wet from the tears that ran down it so I took off my orange prison shirt, exposing my entire upper body and wiped her face with it. I figured it would be the littlest things that counted.
“Are we…interrupting anything?”Marcus coughed, throwing his shoulders at Mike.
“Yeah…I’m wondering the same thing.”, Mike replied, looking at him.
I watched as Y/n grabbed my hand and stopped me from wiping her cheeks. Was she embarrassed that I was consoling her? 
“Thank you Armando but just stop. I don’t need sympathy, I just need you guys to listen, okay”, she sighed moving across the fireplace. I watched as she sat on the other side alone, so much for me trying to help.
“After I sent them into one of the rooms, I figured that they would be just beaten because I didn’t tell the others, who were allowed to be in the room with me, to kill them. But when I went to check to get information out of them, they were all dead except McGrath. Their heads were cut off and they kept McGrath alive to torture him.”, she continued, leaning her weight towards the back of the log.
“So that’s why he hates you, you chose yourself over love.”, I whispered, looking over at her. I saw as she looked over defeatedly. I wasn’t sure if that was a smart decision or a dumb one. She was young and alone, surrounded by Cartels, but that’s no excuse because  if that was me, I would’ve done something to save the person that I love. I guess we're two different people.
“He was so mad at me for my decision that it took me a while to get some information out of him, however, I eventually got it and allowed him to tell the Cartel about Mike’s operation and those who were involved so that they can let him go, which they did.”, she continued, shrugging her shoulders.
I could see that she was slowly starting to accept what had happened, which was good but I couldn’t help thinking about the decision that she made. Was it really worth it? I turned my attention to her stomach after realizing that she mentioned about her being pregnant. She must’ve been watching because she looked down also and touched her stomach.
“Yeah after he was free, and the Cartel started moving around. The word got out fast about how they were going to move and I knew that they were slowly growing suspicious about me so I went to my house off the coast to get my things to try to leave.”
“He was there wasn’t he.”, Marcus said looking at her.
“Yep, he was there and I didn’t know. I was on the phone with Howard to let him know where I was going and to tell my team to get me a new name ready with a fake background. He snuck up on me and shot me in the back twice.”, she replied standing up, while pulling her pants off her hips to reveal the two scars on her lower back. 
My heart sank, making me remember the promise that I told her earlier. I for sure was going to make sure that I keep it now.
“Yep, Howard heard it all and everything that McGrath was saying. McGrath took my phone and looked through all of my documents while i layed on the ground crying. I watched him leave at some point and I don’t know what happened after that, all I know is that I woke up in the hospital with heavy security and Howard. He was there the whole time for me while I mourned. Since then, I've been trying to figure out what to do, so that’s why Howard said what he said in the video.”
“And that being about McGrath?”Mike muttered, fidgeting his fingers. 
“Majority of it, yes. The rest is just personal, you know, starting a new peaceful life…getting married, having kids.”, she blushed looking at Marcus and then at Mike.
“She should be looking at me, I can give her that.”, I thought while watching her blush. Settling down has crossed my mind before, maybe I can do that with her. If she doesn’t continue to play hard to get. Decisions.
“Thanks for explaining everything to us, y/n. We appreciate that.”, Marcus smiled while nodding his head up and down.
“Yes…thank you and y/n, I’m sorry.”Mike apologized,  getting up and walking towards her. You watched as she got up and looked at him while he went up to her. Was she going to accept it? Or maybe make him get on his knees? Hell, I know I would for her.
“It’s okay, pull that shit again and you’re dead…”, she replied, looking at him as he threw his hand out for a handshake. I watched as he laughed and as she stared right into his eyes. She wasn’t kidding.
“I’m not joking, I will.”, she repeated this time, grabbing his hand and shaking it.
I could see Mike's face switch from laughing to serious within a second. I loved how serious of a person she is and the dominant personality follows after that. It made me want to be submissive, just for her and to make the thing between my legs cry.
I watched as she let go of Mike’s hand and started walking away.
“Where are you going?”I asked, standing up alarmingly. She said nothing, until she went and sat in front of a tree then leaned her head against it. I just watched, looking out into the thin air to be sure that no one was around her.
“What?”, she laughed, folding her arms while adjusting herself against the tree. She was tired and we were out in the woods with chilling temperatures so I knew it would be hard for her to get comfortable.
“Armando can we—”, before Mike could finish his sentence I got up and walked over to y/n. I couldn’t help it, I felt drawn towards her. The need to protect her and to make sure she was comfortable and safe. 
“What do you want Armando, I’m done talking.”, she sighed, removing her head from against the tree. I could tell that she was sleepy and that she was getting annoyed with the fact that I kept messing with her. Her eyebrows began to droop inward and she was looking up at me with her low eyes while her head was leaned all the way back. Perfect position but the wrong time.
“Don’t act like you’re annoyed with me, baby.”, I flirted squatting down to her level to be eye to eye with her. I watched as she covered her mouth while she smiled and then quickly frowned.
“No seriously, what is it?”
“Here, put this on.”, I demanded, handing her my shirt.
“What about you?”, she asked, pointing to my exposed body. Honestly, I was a little cold but I'd rather her wear it than me.
“I’m going to sleep next to the fire but first I'm going to talk to Mike unless you want me to keep you warm.”, I replied putting my shirt over her head, allowing her to put her arms through the sleeves.
“Goodnight, Armando…”, she smirked, leaning up to kiss me on my forehead and then laying back against the tree. The way she says my name, made me shy and bubbly on the inside. 
“Get a fucking room!”Mike yelled, antagonizing y/n and I while Marcus chuckled.
“Shut the hell up Mike!!!”, y/n and I yelled in unison which led to us laughing.
It felt good to hear laughter coming out of everyone’s mouths, especially knowing that in the next couple of hours. We will have to find help and eventually  kill McGrath. I playfully slapped y/n on her thigh and walked away. Mike called my name earlier so I knew that he was going to be up a little longer talking. I had been dreading this conversation with him, it’s my first time actually communicating and being around him.
I sat on the opposite side of the lit fire so I could watch y/n sleep. For the rest of the night, Mike, Marcus and I talked about Mike’s and I’s relationship and how we were going to help Howard and y/n. Truth be told, Howard wasn’t my priority anymore. Y/n was. I want her to live a life that she deserves, and I am going to make sure that she does, whether me or McGrath dies in the process.
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Hi!! I hope you’re doing well love! 🥰 just imagine staying in with Andrew and cuddling all day with him playing with your hair. Little kisses happen here and there, but nothing too steamy. Just laying with each other perfectly content.
sorry i've been gone for so long but i have some free time today. it rained all day and this request is speaking to me very much haha because i would have loved to spend the whole day in bed (with andrew) alas... there is work
cw: sappy as always!!!
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“do you think we could have one day utterly undisturbed?” he poses the question as soon as he’s awake. well, alert at least. beside him, i turn, still half-asleep, and bury my face in his chest. 
he’s sleep-warm and soft, yet to move and disturb our perfect little cocoon. 
“i am not the famous one here,” i snicker and feel him exhale. 
his fingers trail up my arm. it’s not intentional, i realise, he’s deep in thought. if i were to open my eyes (a herculean task) and look up at him right now, i’d see that all-too-familiar expression on his face—brows pinched, lip caught between his teeth, eyes faraway. 
“darling boy—”
“we should have a day,” he interrupts, and i crack an eye open, coming face to face with his white t-shirt. “to ourselves, i mean. you and me.”
“and your phone callls?”
“i’ll turn it off!”
“would you?” i smile at him lazily, finally open my eyes too. 
he looks exactly as i’d predicted, with the addition of soft sunlight on his face, lightening his green eyes some more. the red in his hair looks gorgeous like this—messy and unkempt. without much thought, i thread my fingers through it. he closes his eyes and smiles. 
“for you?”
“no,” i thumb over the crinkles around his eyes, “for you.”
he wrinkles his nose, like a child being told to finish his vegetables. “things feel better when i do them for you.”
“alright, then,” i relent and continue threading my fingers through his hair. it’s a languid movement, and yet he leans into it. “would you turn it off for me?”
“but it’s all the way over there!” he almost whines, pointing somewhere behind his back, at his phone that’s barely a foot away. 
i laugh. “and if it rings?”
“you have my full permission to chuck it out the window,” he declares, pulling me closer until we are one tangled entity, limbs intertwined—his leg between mine and my face tucked in the crook of his neck and his chin on top of my head. 
“what should we do then?” i giggle. it’s funny how much he doesn’t want to get out bed today, not to make coffee or use the loo, not to get a book to read and pass the time, not even to think about having breakfast. i let it be. it’s not often we have this. 
“stay like this?”
“for how long?”
“hmmm,” the vibrations from his voice pass through my whole body and send tingles down my spine, “the entire day maybe, the night too. i don’t know, forever.”
sluggishly he shifts, until his hand is right by my head, fingers weaving through my hair. it’s gentle, tender, so much so that i feel sleep coming over me once again, but i strain my eyes and stay awake. 
“i could get behind that,” i speak into his chest, voice muffled. a moment later, he tilts my chin up for a kiss—featherlight, barely-there, and yet it leaves goosebumps in its wake.
it doesn’t go unnoticed either. a moment later, he lets go of my lips and trails kisses up my arm—sweet, chaste kisses that somehow do the opposite of what he intends. or perhaps this is exactly what he intends. 
“and what happens when we get hungry, hmm?”
“is my love not enough for you?!” he grumbles and i snort, unable to keep it in at his exasperated tone. it takes more effort than i’m happy with, but when i kiss his nose in response, he smiles again. 
we stay quiet after that—maybe for a minute, maybe for an hour—but when i open my eyes, he’s already staring at me. 
“hi,” i giggle.
“hi,” he copies my tone. 
i feel a little shy then. there’s no reason for it. we have done this before—stolen mornings and tiny moments rescued from the clutches of busy afternoons, swamped evenings that still somehow hold pockets of quiet for the two of us—but he’s right here now, holding me so close like he never intends on letting go. 
i hope he doesn’t.
“sounds like a good day in my head,” i confess in a whispered voice, “to be here with you and do nothing.”
he nods and kisses me again, a little longer this time, a little more fierce. “sounds perfect to me too.”
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striped-carpet · 2 days
M. List
First Date Headcanons
Characters: Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, Iwaizumi
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A first date with Kuroo would probably consist of either a walk in the park or a movie
Maybe even both depending on the situation
I feel like he'd definitely be insistent that he pay if you two were to go get food
Or even if you just found a little trinket you like
I also think he'd be the type to walk you home and drop you off, and he might even be interested in a second date depending on if things went well
Kenma very obviously prefers low-activity, indoor sorts of things
That being said, I feel like to even get him to ask you out (if that's what happened), you two would have to be friends beforehand
I think the actual date part would consist of playing video games with him or something of that nature
And if video games aren't your thing, he'd offer to teach you how to play. But if you don't want to do that, either, he'd just have you watch
Either that or he'd put on a movie for the two of you
For me, your first ever date with Bokuto is split between a casual movie date or something more energetic
I feel like he'd definitely be the type to take you out to a playground, and for some reason the kids there absolutely love him
The two of you would also probably grab some ice cream or something along those lines as the very last activity
Either way, it would definitely be a fun-filled date
This feels so stereotypical, but I have a gut feeling that Akaashi would take you to a book store for your first date
You don't even have to buy anything, since he's mainly there to look around and get to know you
He'd follow it up by stopping at a local café for something to eat as his initial anxiety starts to fade away
To him, the first date is less about having fun as much as it is getting to know each other since he wants to make sure the two of you would be a good match
He's very sweet the whole time, though, and makes sure to take note of what makes you happy, sad, uncomfortable, etc.
Much like Kuroo, he's another one to walk you back home.
But i feel like instead of asking flat out, he'd send a follow up text to see if you'd be interested in going out again
Oikawa's idea of a good first date is something fun, yet laidback
That being said, the two of you would probably meet up somewhere before heading to get something to eat
Afterwards, he'll start to actually try and get to know you
During this process, I feel like he'd either take you to something volleyball related, or to a cinema to see a movie
At first, I don't think he'd consider the date anything more than casual, but if he finds himself actually taking an interest in you, he'd try to show that a little more in hopes for a second date, and maybe even a third
Unlike Oikawa, Iwaizumi would actually take your first date seriously, since I see him as the type of guy who dates to marry, or at the least be with someone for a while
He'd probably be decently nervous, but wouldn't show it, of course
I see him as a trampoline park on the first date type of guy, or if that's not really your thing, you could do something different
However, he'd prefer something activity based since-especially in the time skip-he seems like a fitness guy who doesn't really enjoy sitting around
The entire time, he definitely makes sure to be respectful of you and your interests, but also tries to make things as fun as possible for both of you
And again, he's the type of guy to walk you back to your place. He'd probably wait a day or two to ask you out again, though, since he wants to take time to process and think about how the date went and how he felt during it
Thanks for reading! I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes, and hope you have a great rest of your day/night!
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drawdotstrings · 1 day
the people of penacony are still (yes, still) stuck in a dream.
disclaimer: i am not a theorist. i just want to present some very suspicious things i've found and speculate on some things because i am frankly going insane over this
firstly, did anyone else get deja vu when first starting the new trailblaze mission? march says the exact same things as she did in ena's dream when trying to get the trailblazer to get up. "wake up, wake up," and then "wake up! the sun's frying your butt!"
the trailblazer has the option to say that this sounds familiar in both quests. the similarities stop after this, but another thing i found weird was how the stellaron was only mentioned once by march and then, to my knowledge, never again. no more attention focused on the thing that helped cause all the disaster in penacony?
onto other things - in the new quest checking out, qingque says this:
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that's exaclty how the 2.3 quest went as well. everything went smoothly, including the deciding of the future of penacony, which i personally thought was going to be much more difficult. after that, everyone just leaves in a silly unvoiced side quest. and we didn't get to say goodbye to firefly in the end. she didn't actually experience her third death either, did she? i thought her third and final death in the script would've been a bit more dramatic, at least.
after going to firefly's secret base and interacting with the railing, you get this dialogue. this is only available after completing the 2.3 trailblaze mission.
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why would the writers want to point out that it's supposedly not an illusion?
on the radiant feldspar, you can listen to these two npcs talking about the astral express acquiring the airship. this npc should be very aware that they're in the dreamscape, being in penacony, right?
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the whole thing with ena's dream was also covered up by the family, with the guests having no memories of it, so they aren't talking about still being in ena's dream. what was the reason for this dialogue, then?
this is from the ending cutscene for the 2.3 mission. we fixed that screen behind aventurine. so... why is it still broken?
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yes, you could say that it's for the people who haven't completed the quest where it was fixed. but that quest, once upon a dreamville, is supposed to happen before this one, so it should be fixed anyways, right?
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i personally don't think hoyo would overlook something like this and leave the cutscene inaccurate for a good portion of players and mess with the timeline unless there was a good reason. trying to hint that something's not right, maybe?
in an optional interaction on the radiant feldspar, welt says this:
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...but that didn't happen. welt knows that jing yuan wasn't actually there, so why wouldn't he mention that at all? iirc, march, himeko, and the trailblazer don't mention anything amiss with this either, even though this is supposed to be a snapshot of the trailblazer's memory and it didn't actually happen. don't you think that's worth mentioning?
you also get these two pieces of dialogue:
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both of which i find very suspicious. i tried to chalk it up to the trailblazer being paranoid after ena's dream, but they haven't expressed that anywhere else, and they're happy in these scenes. so... why would the writers put both of these here?
after interacting with these building blocks near the monitoring room in the dreamscape reverie, you get this strange dialogue:
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i could be wrong, but as far as i know, from my experience and another person's, this dialogue only appears after the 2.3 update.
in this video, sparkle says this:
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firstly, the answer is important. this question is repeated countless times throughout penacony's quests, and answered by multiple different important characters. second, it's also repeated countless times that in penacony, it's not just about being happy. there are so many people in the beautiful dream who are miserable, who threw their lives away to get there, who are forced to work tirelessly to try and fulfill their dreams only to get no where. both of the things she claims are untrue. it feels like they're trying to hint at something or distract us.
yes, you could chalk this up to sparkle being sparkle. but i don't know why they would put this in the official video saying goodbye to penacony if it was just that.
onto some smaller things - robin says this in the new checking out mission:
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...they all woke up from their dreams already, no?
also from the aforementioned video:
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why would they acknowledge that the audience isn't satisfied with the ending? they did that with qingque too, and with something March said at the end of the quest: "so even if there are parts of it that aren't really realistic nor logical, we still hope that their story gets a good ending when it comes." why would they acknowledge this three different times if the story is truly over?
it's also said that the astral express will run out of fuel in two warp jumps if we don't go on more trailblaze missions. why are we going to the xianzhou then, if we need to trailblaze to get more fuel?
one last thing. personally, the conclusion feels all too perfect. despite this, virtually nothing has changed for the people of penacony. the beautiful dream isn't any more beautiful than it was before. people are still spending all their money to get to penacony, still wasting the rest of their remaining lives away in the dreamscape, still failing to achieve their dreams after giving up everything. despite one crisis being averted, it isn't going to get any better for the people of penacony. is this really such a perfect ending?
there are definitely hints i'm missing, but this is what i have for now. if i find anything else, i'll put it in a reblog. also, most of these are things I've noticed myself, but I did get a few from MeganeSimp on twitter.
i know a lot of people were very happy with the ending of 2.3 - and i am too! i don't necessarily want this theory to be true, but i also can't ignore the hints that hoyo is giving us. well, i could, but they've been eating away at my brain for days now. sure, these could all be meaningless, but i don't think the writers would put all of this in for it all to mean absolutely nothing. they're hinting at something.
i am also not trying to say that everything that happened in 2.3 was fake. i believe it did all happen, just while everyone (or just the trailblazer?) was unaware that they were in a deeper layer of the dreamscape and couldn't get out.
alright, that's all. thank you for taking the time to read through this, i hope it wasn't as disjointed as it feels. also, there are admittedly many holes in this theory. if you have anything you want to point out that I've missed or that debunks this, please feel free!
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paradiseprincesss · 3 days
hi!! if ur requests r still open could we get a fic w robert fischer based on deja vu by olivia rodrigo? like maybe reader and robert had like a summer fling but to her it felt like more ykwim 😭 ive kinda been in the mood for some angst lately LOL
btw i love ur fics i start tweaking a lil whenever u post 💀💞
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do you get deja vu? | robert fischer
hi anon, first of all thank you! you're so sweet, i really hope you enjoy this & i apologize that it took me so long to post it. i don't know why but i kept revising this fic over and over again. i wanted it to live up to your expectations LOL.
summary: sometimes we don't realize how much things meant to us until we no longer have it.
warnings: smut, p in v, angst, lovers to strangers, robert fucks up lol and now he's forever sad, mdni 18+ only
word count: 2.3k
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the city of malibu was breathtaking; every moment spent here was somehow better than the last — how could a place be so beautiful? as you sat in the passenger side of robert's brand new luxury vehicle, you took in the beauty that you were residing in, whilst robert was taking in the beauty of you.
you weren't totally sure how this whole thing happened — but god, did it mean everything to you.
robert had approached you in a bar while you were out with your girlfriends in the city, offering to buy you a drink. one look at his face and you were agreeing because honestly; who would turn down a man like him?
after your friends encouraged you to keep talking to the handsome stranger, who introduced himself as robert, you two just clicked. conversation flowed effortlessly between the both of you, and soon enough, the two of you were going on your first official date.
it was safe to say that robert had charmed you completely, he had you enamoured with him — infatuated, truly. he was a true gentleman, classy and organized, not to mention that he came from money. after a handful of very upscale, fancy, and luxurious dates, the two of you had began seeing each other regularly.
neither of you had put an actual "title," per se, on what you had going on between the two of you, but at this point in time — you didn't see the harm.
so that's the story of how you ended up in robert's luxury car, speeding down the roads of malibu whilst he took you on a weekend getaway here. far, far away from the city you two both resided in.
"i'm craving ice-cream," you said to robert while the two of you were stopped at a red light, "strawberry, specifically."
"what, like right now?" robert asked with a small chuckle, sighing as he admired your breathtaking beauty underneath the heat of the malibu sunshine.
"yes, like right now."
"okay, let's go get some then." robert decided, his baby blue eyes melting your heart as a smile tugged at his lips.
true to his word, robert drove the both of you to a nearby ice-cream shop, and got you your strawberry ice-cream — one spoon for two. that afternoon was spent sharing laughs, sweet kisses, and the strawberry ice-cream that you'd been craving.
even though robert came from money and had more than you'd ever thought someone could have, it wasn't his wealth and status that snagged your heart. it was him, just good old robert fischer. not his money, not his materialistic things, not his cars, no — just who he was.
robert was caring. he was so considerate, listened to you, and was always there for you when you needed him the most. it felt like he was yours, and you were his — and that's how things should've been.
that's how the story should have ended.
but you know what they say; all good things have to come to an end at some point.
"robert," you said breathlessly, "take this dress off of me, please."
"sweetheart," he whispered against your ear as he unzipped your designer dress, "you're so beautiful, you know that?"
"i love—" you paused, suddenly hyperaware of the words that were about to leave your mouth, "i love that you took me here."
you weren't sure if you should've said it — i love you, that is.
robert and you had been seeing each other for the entirety of the summer by the time he'd taken you to malibu, but again; to you it felt like more than a fling. you just weren't sure where he stood with this whole thing between you and him.
"anything for you, sweetheart. i'd do anything." robert replied softly, turning you around as he slipped you out of the dress.
stood in your lacy, white, la perla lingerie along with matching jimmy choo's and stockings (courtesy of robert, of course), you face him with a blush. "how does it look?" you ask shyly, to which robert smiles and sighs happily in bliss.
"you..." he whispered, trailing off for a moment, "you're just so perfect — how are you mine?"
"mine, and mine only, sweetheart. don't ever forget it."
you'd soon come to never forget it — just not in the way you'd hoped.
robert took your hand in his gently, guiding you to the huge, king-sized, luxurious bed in his miami penthouse. no hotels over here; this is robert fischer were talking about — he owned homes down here.
you found your way into his bed, laid up in the pile of silk pillows, as robert found his way between your legs with his hands wrapped up in your hair. he kissed you passionately with a hunger that you'd never seen from him before.
you took your time helping him out of his suit, being dainty and deliberate with your movements — maybe you felt like being a tease tonight. after you'd gotten him out of your clothes, your lacy bra was long gone, but his hands wandered down to the scrunched lace of your underwear.
"may i?" robert asked sweetly, his eyes darting between your pretty face and perky breasts, causing you to blush profusely.
"y-yes," you whimpered, "i can't wait anymore."
"god, when you say things like that — i don't think i can either, sweetheart." robert groaned softly, finally pulling down your white lace panties.
up until this point — you and robert hadn't actually had sex yet. you thought it was sweet; special, even. you thought he really liked you, that he didn't want to sleep with you until you felt ready. obviously, you took this as a sign that he deeply cared about you as a person, in more than just a "fling" way.
as his cock stretched you open perfectly, you arched your back and let out a soft moan, as did he. he started to move in and out of your soaking cunt gently, truly taking the time to make sure you were enjoying this as much as he was.
his cock was thick — it had you feeling fuller than you'd ever felt before from previous partners, and it felt like his cock was made for you. with the way it stretched your pussy out perfectly, hitting every spot just right, bringing you closer and closer to the edge with each thrust he gave you.
"so beautiful," robert praised through gritted teeth, "and so tight, fuck."
"r-right there! mmph!" you moaned softly as his cock brushed up against that spongy spot inside of you, causing your cunt to clench around him.
"right there? is that it, sweetheart?" robert cooed, making you nod feverishly.
"yeah," you said breathlessly, "right — f-fuck! gonna cum!"
"thaaaat's it, my pretty girl. drench my cock so i can fill you up with my cum." he encouraged, causing you to see stars as you came around his length.
your pretty little noises pushed robert over the edge a minute or two later, his hips snapping into your cunt as he fucked his cum into you. as you looked up at robert, he had a small smile on his face and his cheeks were dusty. you returned the smile, and he sighed as he pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in his embrace tightly after he'd pulled out.
he whispered your name to you softly, causing you to stare up at him with admiration and love. "yeah?" you say softly, intertwining your hands with his as the two of you cuddled in between the sheets.
"i never want you to leave," he said, voice saccharine, "you mean so much to me, sweetheart."
"i—" you stammered, unsure if this was a good time to say it; but you figured it would be. especially after what he'd said to you, after the way he made love to you. "i love you, robert."
you smiled to yourself, but frowned when you realized you were just living in a memory — something that only existed in the past now. reality hit you like a freight train as you were brought back to your current situation; in the same bar you'd met robert at once months ago.
you weren't in miami with him anymore — you didn't even know who he was anymore; perhaps just a fragment of your past. you hadn't spoken since the end of august when the both of you had gotten back from your weekend getaway.
things had changed since then.
it was the middle of a bleak november evening, and the cold weather was depressing. summer had left as quickly as it had come.
"are you okay?" your friend asked as you sipped on your martini, looking as beautiful as ever — but for nobody in particular anymore. "that's your third drink, you sure you there's not something you want to talk about?"
"actually, there is," you say, turning to her as the two of you sat in a secluded little table in the corner of the bar, "doesn't she look familiar?"
as you pointed across from you, your friends eyes trailed along until they stopped at a woman who looked eerily similar to you.
she wore the same type of clothes that you did, down to the brand of high heels. her hair was the same colour as yours, so were her eyes, and not to mention she looked like she could be you if you didn't look too hard.
"looks like you found your doppelganger." your friend joked, nudging your arm but to her surprise, you didn't laugh — nor did you come close to even cracking a smile. "are you sure you're okay?"
"look at who she's with." you say bitterly, and your friend looked back at the woman to see that she was now accompanied by a man — a man who she knew as robert fischer.
at first, when robert walked into the bar on the crisp autumn night, you had to do a double take to make sure you were really seeing what you thought you had seen. once you'd confirmed it was him, you were about to grab your purse and drag your friend out of the bar with you — until you saw who he'd come with.
the woman hanging on his arm was a walking reflection of you; it was like everything was all reused. you silently hoped that maybe you weren't just another one of those girls who he pretended to care about; just saying whatever to get into their pants because they were just his type and nothing more.
but this woman couldn't just be his "type" — she was a mirror image of you.
"is that—?"
"yeah," you answered your friend, "it is."
"didn't he tell you that you guys couldn't see each other anymore because of his fathers passing?" she asked you, to which you nodded, throwing back the rest of your drink.
"i told him i loved him and he told me he didn't feel the same. after everything we did together and everything he said. after he called me his and his only — the thing with his father was just some excuse."
"what a piece of shit," your friend scoffed, "but it seems like he might still be thinking about you — i mean, it looks like he's looking for you in every other woman."
"do you think he gets deja vu when he's with her?" you suddenly ask, causing your friend to laugh softly.
"probably," she tells you, "i mean, who's to say he isn't going out with her just to feel like he has you again?"
"do you really think so?"
before your friend could answer your question, you heard your name being called as you both peered over at the sound. at first, your heart dropped because of the familiar voice that had called out your name — but when you looked over at him, you almost flatlined on the spot.
he hadn't even realized you were at the bar, and that's when it hit you — she even had the same name as you, which made everything ten times worse? or awkward? or weird?
"oh shit," your friend said with shock, "she has the same name as you, too. you can't tell me my theory isn't true now."
"my god." you whisper, feeling at a loss for words in this very moment as you watched the two of them together.
he had his arm wrapped around her waist the same way he used to do with you, but the way he looked at her was completely different. there was something missing in his once lively, baby blue eyes — he seemed so blank. like he was there but also, he wasn't really.
you overheard fragments of their conversations; they were talking about the songs you two used to listen to together, and he told her all about how those were "his favourite songs." you also heard him tell some familiar jokes — the same jokes you two used to laugh about.
back when he was yours for the time being.
"i'm going home, you coming?" you ask your friend, swallowing hard as you felt yourself become teary-eyed.
"yeah, yeah, i'm coming."
as you both made your way to the exit, you took one last look back at robert and his new girl, just to get one last glance — but when you looked back at him, he was already looking at you.
time stopped for a minute, and you'd sworn you'd never seen someone look so full of regret in all your years of living. every time you thought he was going to look away, he didn't. he continued to look at you as if you were otherworldly — as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing in that very bar.
but you reminded yourself of the heartache he caused you.
so, with a heavy heart, you walked out of the bar as you turned away from him, letting him relive the past and linger in the feeling of deja vu.
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