#this why i love this precious bean so much uwu
pseudophan · 4 days
i need to be a bitch somewhere and where better than pseudophan dot tumblr dot com (said in a very honoring way love you nora)wait pause i just heard like a squeaky rubber duck noise out my window. im on a 10th floor in nyc. hello? okay anyways i need to keep being a bitch ducks aside but oh my god fics have been so unreadable lately. why is everyone so obsessed with doing like yaoi gender roles to them. i dont think ive opened smut i havent clicked out of in months at this rate. like every single one is like "ohhh phil is a delicate helpless uwu little princess and dan is the big strong manly man" im actually going to start killing people like it is so insufferable why does no one hear themselves. do you people hear yourselves? for real? pause i just heard the duck again. is it an omen do you think
LOVE the journey this ask takes you on first of all, i wonder what the duck's fanfic opinions are it seems eager to share
i haven't read enough fic recently to comment on ALL of them but i can't say i don't get where you're coming from cause a lot of what i have seen... yeah... and look if that's the dynamic someone wants to portray in their fic that's whatever i guess, i'm not here to police people's fiction, but it is annoying that there's so much of it. kinda feels like we're back in 2015 just with the roles reversed
the whole uwu princess phil thing is largely brought on by dnp themselves and i don't even have a problem with that at all, by all means live your precious baby angel smol bean (sigh) dreams phil but what bothers me a little is the part where a lot of people take that and feel the need to then make dan, like you said, some Big Strong Masc Dom Top like can we be sooooo serious for just one second... again if thats what people want to write porn about whatever i guess but i totally agree the sheer amount of it is a bit.......... hmm........
this isn't just fics though it's the way people talk about them in general. at least with fics you're technically allowed to write whatever the hell you want, it's all fictional, but when it's posts talking about their real life selves .... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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traumatizedbymay2016 · 5 months
Ok this might be a little bit tinfoil hat, but I feel like a large part of the reason that Tony Stark ended up being the de facto soul of the MCU was that he was in a different genre to everyone else. It feels so obvious to me.
Every other Avenger stars in some variation on character versus character conflict the majority of the time, and the exceptions I can think of are still (generally) external (character versus society and character versus fate seem to be common secondary conflicts). Tony is the only character who stars predominantly in character versus self conflicts.
For starters, the Iron Man trilogy is way better when you recognize this distinction. Whiplash and Killian are lame villains, yes, but it's because they aren't the antagonist at all. At best they're secondary conflicts, but at worst they're straight up just the inciting incident. The real antagonist of the story is the flaw that Tony is grappling with --- in Iron Man, it's his willful ignorance and isolation from the world; in Iron Man 2, it's his fear of needing help or being a burden (and secondarily his fear of his impending death); and in Iron Man 3 it's his crippling anxiety that nothing he ever does will be enough to protect the ones he loves. It's relatively rare that we see any other character perform this kind of introspection at all, let alone see an entire story built around it (Thor: Ragnarok is the only one that readily comes to mind).
Even weirder to me is that this somehow persists into crossover films. Age of Ultron features Tony grappling with the way the remnants of his Iron Man 3 anxieties are interfacing with his mask of hyper competence; Civil War centers around Tony deconstructing that same mask and attempting to hand the reins over to someone else; the examples are abundant (even if they're handled worse here than in the standalone films).
And I think that's why so much of the Marvel discourse that the interwebs seem hell bent on showing me ends up presenting every Marvel character as "uwu soft precious pure bean" heroes who are nuance-free portrayals of goodness and light in spite of their own laundry lists of mistakes that they move past but never really grow from, only to reach Tony Stark and present even the most understandable of mistakes as though they were pre-meditated and cold blooded decisions for which he is responsible and can never be absolved. If the narrative never forces anyone else to properly reconcile their actions, then those actions were clearly justified; when it does so to Tony, that sends the message that his actions are clearly worse or of greater significance than the others' are.
But that difference is about presentation. It's about the story being told and the conflict being centered, not the culpability or severity of the actions at play. I'm not sure any Avenger has ever screwed up as royally as the time that Thor's coronation got crashed and he decided to get his friends together to attempt frost giant genocide, but the narrative chooses not to focus on that in favor of other elements of Thor's progression. Weighing it as lesser is purely based on bias.
And here's the thing! I understand that 1) protagonists are not necessarily good people and 2) good people can and do make mistakes. I actually prefer characters who can do something terrible --- whether as a result of ignorance, trauma, or panic --- and then, in time, learn from those mistakes and become better people. I would argue that makes a character more compelling, not less so. In fact, the very way that the narrative never even acknowledges the potential for Steve Rogers' actions to have a negative consequence when even bare minimum common sense would dictate that there must be at least a little downside is part of why I don't enjoy the character.
But so much fan meta fails to engage with this in any meaningful way, and so you end up with situations where people are ranting about Tony blasting Sam after Rhodey got knocked out of the sky while entirely ignoring the obvious and understandable distress that would cloud anyone's judgement in that situation in favor of treating it like an intentional act of malice on Tony's part; in spite of the fact that there are dozens of instances in the MCU of heroes attacking each other with greater force in lower stakes situations --- Thor choking Tony in Age of Ultron comes to mind.
Age of Ultron is actually the perfect case study in this phenomenon, as it stands. Tony's arc in the movie is an explicit continuation of his arc in Iron Man 3: He's terrified by the vision of his teammates dead and the world at risk, and is desperately trying to solve that problem on his own in a panic. This leads to the objective mistake of Ultron's birth and near rise to power, which the fandom all-too-happily places the blame for squarely on Tony's shoulders.
Except Tony is just one piece of the puzzle. At a minimum, Bruce Banner was equally involved in the creation of Ultron; a task perfectly in line with his established character trait of pursuing scientific advancement at any cost. Cinematic parallels between the birth of Ultron and the birth of the Hulk are unsubtle, to say the least.
Thor could (and should) have provided some instruction to the two pertaining to the literal magic gemstone they were studying, but went off to go celebrate another victory. Wanda used her mind control powers to influence the situation in the direction of Ultron. Hell, I find it hard to take Steve's "sometimes my team mates don't tell me things" line seriously when the lab is a room made entirely of windows inside his house.
The cherry on top, obviously, being that even if we ignore all available subtext and let Iron Man be the sole creator of Ultron, the Avengers were still effectively functioning as a team and were properly equipped to prevent Ultron from enacting any real damage to the world when they intervened in the vibranium deal with Klaue --- but a certain pair of Avengers were literally fighting on Ultron's team at that point, enabling him to retrieve the needed vibranium and capture Helen Cho.
They're not culpable for that, though, right? How was it said... "She's just a kid"?
With the final irony being that the selfsame Avenger in question would go on to marry the Vision. A character who is literally just "What Tony Stark intended Ultron to be." But when it comes to Vision coming out worthy to wield Mjolnir, that's not Tony's fault, is it? It was a team effort, or a happy accident, or the Mind stone intervening. Never mind that it's personifying J.A.R.V.I.S., Tony's creation. Tony's not the one who does good things, he's the one who makes mistakes.
Meanwhile from the perspective of someone who loves the man versus self narrative, Age of Ultron is about Tony admitting his mistakes and quite literally learning from them and doing better next time. He spends the film taking responsibility for the places he messed up and working to understand how he can do better, and the next time he tries, he does do better. The narrative functions as intended.
But because there isn't a single other character in the room willing to admit wrongdoing --- or, perhaps more accurately, there isn't a single other character in the room that the narrative is willing to force to admit such a thing --- the implication to someone who isn't acclimated to the cycle of Fail, Learn, Succeed that characterizes Tony is just that Tony is The One Who Made Ultron. I mean, Bruce Banner gets more remorseful about being mind controlled to unleash the Hulk than he does about having been an active participant in the creation of a malevolent AI.
I just think it's interesting because so much of the fandom buys into the idea that the characters who never admit that they were wrong actually never were wrong, and that therefore Tony Stark is the worst; but at the same time, the whole heart is gone from the MCU as a franchise. There are still individual fun properties, especially when your particular favorite character is on screen, but you can feel in the places where the fandom is even still a fandom and not a toxic pile of self-consuming sludge that there's something missing.
As frustrated as I am that the fandom is like this, though, I'm more sad that other characters never got to have this kind of introspection. There's just so much missed potential for growth in so many of these characters.
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rikalovesrice · 2 years
Rika’s Wittle Review of Pokemon Violet (Spoilers ahead!!!)
I’ll go ahead and say that, aside from the atrocious framerate and occasional glitchiness, I had a blast playing this. It’s beautiful to see how far Pokemon has come in terms of immersion. With such a rich variety of Pokemon wherever you go in this vast landscape with different habitats, all interacting and exhibiting behaviors specific to their species (and even their natures!), I genuinely feel like I’m in the world of Pokemon. I love it so much >w< I quite enjoyed the three stories and the CHARACTERS. Ahhh the characteeersss I love them all so much lol
Now for the more spoilery bits in good old bulletins. These aren’t in any particular order but in general I’ll start with stuff I loved and things that were kinda eh. Let’s goooo~
There’s now a canon Pokemon character named Rika aaaayyyeee XD Feels a little weird, ngl
Unpopular opinion, but I actually love Meowscarada lol At first I was like, “Uuuggghhh of course they made it stand up” but the more I understodd what it was, the more it grew on me. She’s a jester, magician, dramatic sort of character and she’s a kitty........all things I adore lol
Arven is a precious bean who must be protected at all costs. Seriously, I adore him so much and his story was so saaaad T_T My poor baby...And then it turns out his dad not only wasn’t around but he freaking DIED.
AND YOOOOO SPEAKING OF WHICH I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. Like bro, Pokemon actually went there. At first I thought Turo was stuck in the future or something and that’s why his transmission got all wonky. BUT NAH. HOMEBOY STRAIGHT UP GOT DEAD AND UPLOADED HIS CONSCIOUSNESS INTO A ROBOT LIKE???? Every time I saw his face on the screen I was like, “Why is his face so...stiff?” Oh. That’s why. AND MY POOR BOY ARVEN.
Also that final battle was legitimately a little terrifying. I loved it haha
Miraidon is electric Toothless and I loved him and we’re best friends forever uwu
I know some people may be bummed that Team Star didn’t turn out to be a bunch of hardcore criminals. But the fact that Pokemon decided to tackle a subject as serious as bullying in school? Big, big claps. And in my opinion, it was really well done and heartfelt. By the end of game I adored Team Star and little Penny. Seeing them go back to school and bumble their way back into society, awkward, shy, but being true to themselves, was so precious. (Giacomo is literally like, “Let’s yell at everyone so they know we’re friendly” and for that I cherish him)
I’d join Team Star in a heartbeat, facts.
Penny being Cassiopeia wasn’t immediately obvious to me but as soon as she mentioned her hacking skills I went, “....Waaait a second...” Might I add that when “Clive” first showed up I physically buried my face into my hands lol
Okay and then when Clavell “revealed himself” as Cassiopeia I went, “Huh?? That...How??? Makes no sense but ok...????” And then was like “just kidding” and I just...wtf dude XD 
Can I just say I love Clavell’s character? He genuinely cares about every student with all his heart and shows compassion towards Team Star. He turned out to be such a good-hearted man who wants to do right by his students and I love that.
While I do love Nemona (what’s the girl version of a himbo? lol), I will say her character felt the least fleshed out, in my opinion. But I guess it could be all that energy conceals more subtle character traits? I liked how she mentioned that people mistunderstand her because she comes from a wealthly family and assume she was born with her battle prowess. When if fact, she’s just super passionate about battling and so became really good at it. Wish the game had leaned a little more into that but Nemona still cool lol Paradox Pokemon are gonna destroy the world and she’s just like, “ Can battle? :D”
While I loved Path of Legends and Starfall Street, Victory Road was the most....meh storyline for me lol There wasn’t much to it, really. And the Elite Four and Geeta were so easy. After the nightmare that was the BDSP League I was fearing for the worst but they were about as easy as the Kalos League. But that’s overall neither here nor there for me.
Picnics were fun but I wish I could get closer to my Pokemon like I could in SWSD and pet them like the Switch has a touchscreen whyyyy T__T Or just use the same format as the washing bit but with a hand :(
Welp, following Pokemon didn’t improve all that much rip Same issue of some Pokemon just being too dang slow. Or too dang fast to the point that they look unnatural cause they keep slowing down and speeding up so rapidly. I always have to ride Neon (my Miraidon) when I let Jellica (my Meowscarada) out cause otherwise she’s just constantly startin’ and stoppin’. Still a lovely feature but I just wish it was better. The Pokemons’ mannerisms are still adorable tho <3
This game removed a lot of little shortcuts (like using items on Pokemon, certain buttons when using the Boxes, switching Pokemon around, etc.) and I gotta say, not a fan lol
Customizatiooooon. I get it, we’re students. BUT WHY DOES PENNY GET TO WEAR HER LITTLE CUTE FIT HMMMMM?????
Socks, gloves, and shoes are fine, I suppose...I just wish there were more ways to customize the uniform at least. It would be cool if the school sold jackets, sweaters, t-shirts, skirts, scarves, ties, etc. Freaking Atticus’ little compadre bought NINJA OUTFITS from the school store. Where’s my ninja outfit huh????
Also Clavell said we shouldn’t let our Pokemon out inside the school and then there are Pokemon in the school at all times for the entire game lol Plus Arven, Nemona, and Penny get to have their Pokemon out in their rooms so why can’t I??? D:<
Side note MC, Arven, Nemona, and Penny gotta be my favorite Pokemon friend group besides the SWSD squad ^^ (That shot of all of us climbing aboard Miraidon before plummeting into the Crater was so precious holy Arceus my fwieeeends)
Ehhhh what else?
Sad to say that a lot of the Pokemon designs this gen weren’t really my taste. It was hard for me to put together a Paldean team cause I just...didn’t like how so many of them looked lol
Grusha has no right being that pretty. Also poor thing ;__; Would’ve loved to know more about him.
Larry. That is all.
All the Gym Leaders were so much fun. Wish we could battle them over and over like in BDSP.
History Class was my fav because looore.
I actually riverted back to a student mentality for a bit playing lol I was like, “M’kay, I’ll take my level 2 classes, explore, then move on to my level 3 classes before dark. Lemme fight this Gym and then I’ll take my midterms. What’s that, I gotta go the Great Crater and finish the story? I should finish my finals and graduate first.” Lol
The music in Area Zero o__o
I mean yeah, the framerate is awful but we all know this probably lol The game’s performance ain’t it, sis. Like I said, this would probably be my favorite Pokemon game to date if it ran the way it should.
Looking forward to patches and whatever new updates and shenanigans will ensue in the DLC hehehe
Those are the biggest things, me guesses. Loving the game and will definitely keep playing it~
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seething-fire · 2 years
The Sides in High School Headcanons 
What I think the Sides would have been like in highschool
He LOVED school, and was in the astronomy club 
He and Patton were very close 
They always went over to each other’s houses on weekends 
They mostly baked together 
Logan liked the science aspect, and Patton liked it because it's fun 
Spent a lot of time in his room 
Did not want to learn how to drive, like vehemently opposed even the mere idea of it 
His parents forced him when he was 17, and he still hates driving 
His first job was at a grocery store 
He switched between being a cashier and stocking the shelves and the back room 
Despised being a cashier, because of the social interaction
Started questioning his sexuality and gender identity early in high school 
He spent a LOT of time researching all the different genders, pronouns, and sexualities out there 
He did not like school, not at all 
But no one knew that, of course 
He pretended to be happy and enjoying it, though 
When he got home, he could really be himself 
Spent a lot of time crying and sad baking to make himself feel better 
It also didn’t help that the poor boy had undiagnosed ADHD 
And depression 
He didn’t really have many friends 
He *knew* people, but he didn’t really have anyone other than Logan to vent to 
Sorry for all the angst, on to happier things 
All of the sad baking gave him a cute tummy that he adores 
When his parents would leave him home alone, he’d pull a Risky Business and dance around in his underwear 
Only went to school for the social aspect 
Was obviously enrolled in drama classes and in the drama club, too 
He had lots of friends, but not one of them knew he was gay (well they knew, but Roman didn’t ever tell them) 
I don’t care what canon says, this man was NOT a nerd in high school 
He was obviously one of the popular kids that lots of girls had crushes on, but he always liked the guys in his creative writing class 
Just about lost his shit in junior year when his crush sat in the front row of a play he was in 
That guy taught Roman the gay eyes 
It wasn’t something he verbally taught him, he just learned it because neither of them were out at the time 
He worked at an ice cream shop and loved it 
Didn’t give a flying fuck about school 
Wasn’t sad and a precious uwu emo bean, he was a rebel 
Got into fights, didn’t do his work, got suspended, skipped class, set off the fire alarm, you name it
He and Remus were practically inseparable 
They got matching tattoos together in senior year 
He was kind of like the Crofter’s ad they did, but actually a badass, and much cooler  
Did not want a job, and no matter how hard anyone tried, they couldn’t force him to get one 
Pissed that his parents were making him go to college because he thought it was a waste of time and money (especially money) 
Hated being at home, so he was usually off somewhere causing chaos with Remus 
He surprisingly liked school 
The kid who always sat in the back and never spoke to anyone, but observed everything 
But he was a stellar student 
Always had A’s and all the teachers loved him 
The other kids, however, were a different story 
He was bullied some 
But one day, Patton invited him to sit together at lunch and they just kept doing it? 
It was never really spoken about, it was just something they did 
He never talked to Patton, it was just enough to have someone there
But Patton always talked to him, and that made him happy 
He would never admit that though 
Had a HUGE crush on Roman, but no one knew that
Only went to school to see Virgil 
If Virgil wouldn’t have been there, you know no one could get him to go 
He loved pissing off his teachers
He didn’t do his homework, but he did stay up for hours working out new ways to get suspended
He wasn’t in any clubs because why the hell would he spend his precious extra time at school? 
He got arrested for the first time in freshman year 
He was a chainsmoker, who knows where he got the money to pay for the cigarettes 
(Don’t smoke, kids) 
Okay he probably stole it from Roman or his parents 
(Don’t steal from your parents) 
Skipped class to do random shit around the building 
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leonicscorpio · 3 years
What your favorite Member of the Bat Boys Says about you: WILD ACCUSATION/ROAST EDITION.
(also disclaimer, this is meant to be a joke. If you send hate I'll only be mildly amused and then contemplate whether to share your hate or delete it based on how much traction I think it'll earn me. I understand these are a lot of y'all's comfort characters but considering the fact no one throws more hatred and criticism against these characters than the fans themselves. I figured why not join in.)
Dick Grayson
You are either inconceivably horny on main for this man, usually stemming from a childhood attraction to him from Young Justice, Teen Titans if you're old, or the Batman and Robin movie if you're even older, and also gay.
Or you're a puritanical hypercritic who wants to burn down DC Comics if they have one more character comments on his ass in a way that would make Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame call you an extremist. AND you're also horny as fuck for him on the DL.
You call yourself the mom friend and secretly hope everyone else will call you the mom friend, but the only person whose life is falling apart worse than yours is Dick Grayson under Devin Grayson's penmanship.
You somehow find a way to hate and nit pick every detail of a comic of one of the most consistently written characters in DC (and that's saying something) and I don't know whether to compliment you or look mildly aghast.
It applies to all the bat boys but how's your relationship with your father? Answer the question. I said answer. The question.
Jason Todd
I have yet to meet a single person who says Jason Todd is their favorite Bat Boy and they weren't some combination of 1. LGBTQIA+, 2. Below the age of 30, or 3. currently dealing with some form of mental trauma/illness.
I understand that a lot of y'all are bitter and upset over the fact Jason had the setup to be the perfect villain to Batman, one who could even outpace the joker. But hearing y'all complain about his characterization every. single. time Jason even makes so much as a cameo is like watching someone trying to mop the Titanic.
Oh, you hate Scott Lobdell? That's a very agreeable opinion nowadays considering all that he's done. By the way, there's a rather large collection of JayRoy and Jaytimas reblogs on your Tumblr dash, can you tell me what that's all about?
As hypocritical as it is for me, a Jason fan with Jason as their profile picture, if someone doesn't tell you that they think Jason Todd is a genuinely awful person after they tell you Jason Todd is their favorite, that's not a red flag, that's literally the most direct metaphor for someone pointing a gun at your face and telling you to run.
Tim Drake
How's the victim complex my friend? No seriously, as much as I love Tim all of the bad things that have happened to him as Robin happened because he fucked around with being Robin and found out that his family was killed because of it.
You either are a brand new infant to the fandom because Tim came out of the closet back in August (although we've done been known for literally decades now) or you've been with this fandom so long that it's self cannibalism and toxicity completely doesn't phase you anymore.
I'd argue that Tim fans are the least toxic of all the fans of the Bat Boys only because DC Comics, up until recently, kind of hasn't touched Tim all that much, so people have kind of shoved him to the wayside.
That being said, the literal shipping wars this literal fuckboy of a vigilante whom everyone swears is their small uwu precious string bean has caused is on par with the ALTA/LOK/V*ltr*n Fandoms.
Damian Wayne
So you hate how people write Damian and you have a literal fight response anytime anyone criticizes Damian because he's a minor? Tell me how's your favorite Damirae/Damijon fanfiction? Answer the god damned question.
I'll give Damian fans their credit because at least 90-95% of them recognize that yes, Damian is a child, but he's one of the most horrific and abjectly abhorrent assholes to ever be written into comics (but that's also a large reason why you all like him)
To the 5-10% who think Damian is their perfect precious murder baby who has done nothing wrong, how does it feel to know you are objectively worse than even the Jason Todd Stans/Kinnies?
I haven't met anyone yet who is a Damian fan/someone who says Damian is their favorite who wasn't chaotic. And not the good kind of Chaotic.
I also have seen someone issue actual death threats to an artist over a characters skin tone exactly 3 times through fandom, for SU fans, for V*ltr*n, and for Damian Wayne.
Duke Thomas
I don't understand how you, a Duke Fan, have stuck with this fandom for so long considering I think he's appeared in like 2-3 canonical comic runs, but like good on you for making the most of it.
Understandably you all are the least problematic of the bunch because again I think there's maybe 2-3 comics where he's featured.
I guess my bigger concern is do you exist? If so would you like to be perceived as a Bat Family fan? Are you sure? Are you certain?
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queersturbate · 3 years
The Ryuzaki Persona Theory is this (incredibly ableist) idea that L was faking all of his mannerisms/eccentricities (for lack of better word). Because autistic / otherwise neurodivergent ppl can't be intelligent, or lie, or be anything other than "uwu precious beans" or whatever. As I'm sure you can tell, I'm v bitter that this theory exists.
hi austerus!
uhhh ??????????? tf LMAO
Literally what evidence do they have to back that up ?????? HUH?? he acts the same when no one is watching him and when people are watching him?? and why would he act different there's literally no reason he'd act different. you dont get respect from acting like he does, there's like no benefit from acting like this if it's not his personality. i literally don't understand this at all. that is so fucking stupid lmao. it's literally just ableism. cool. that's so annoying. they created such an autistic coded character (which was huge for like 2006) and ableists were just like <3 🥰 actually it's a persona 😍 that we dont have evidence for except our own ignorance and stupidity 🥴 love that. im annoyed now. ugh.
but thank you so much for explaining <3 means a lot!
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
who in jjk do you ship your favorite moots with?
Hmmm, let's see. Gotta scour my followings.
Disclaimer: I do not know how cursed I'm going to be with this one HAHAHA
Lowkey Gojo x everyone because they're my favorites (the ones who talk to me the most <3) and he's my favorite man... see it as the highest compliment I can give, ever, or as a minor inconvenience, either way works-
@catharticvillains: Yuji. I don't know but Cat's just super sweet and makes me want to give out endless hugs, so I'll pair her with an equally sweet person.
@takenbytoji: San, my twin, I just know you'd want to be railed by Toji until you cease to exist, so... I'll give you this man to fulfill your desires. Kiss kiss. <3
@gojos-mochi: You deserve nothing but Gojo's best and most loving side, idgaf, you deserve THE BEST
@sukirichi: You deserve better but... I'll give you your man because you want it that badly... or would you prefer Junpei uwu??? (Nie, do not mention the water curse, do not-)
@delammi: You are my baby. Yuji. But probably more as a big brother, tbh.
@megumifushi: Suguru. He'd treat you sooooo fucking well and you deserve to be spoiled. Sorry it's not Megumi :(
@assbuttbaek: You need someone to keep you grounded and that's Nanami spending time with you after work. I said what I said.
@hawksky: My Queen, I'll ship you with Nobara because in my head, you'd be such a powerful duo. God made Nobara 2d because he knew you and her would have been to powerful.
@j0succ: Another angel, I'll give you Nanami because he's just the perfect husband <3 But it would also be interesting to see you with someone super upfront... but idk who....
@chosonore: Tengen oppa lmao who else- [gunshot] In secret, I'll give you Choso because I feel like you'd both be so fucking wholesome... it'd be too much for me.
@aceilora: I can't believe it's not Nanami (he's second tho) but I'll give you Gojo? For being cursed with me. Because Satoru would do that shit too. May I remind you of the lyrics you wrote?
@shibarito: Yuji would certainly match your Kermit energy but I'll give you Gojo. Solely for the fact that you can eat Schokoladenkuchen together uwu
@melonnbar: You only have eyes for Gojo, so it's hard to not ship you with him aksdhakhsd
@charlie-xo: Sorry babe, but you are too sweet for Sukuna. I'll give you Kenjaku Yuuta because you're both so soft and sweet and awaken my protecting instinct.
@madisnorm: Officer!Gojo I mean Megumi. He'd treat you so right and judge us all, together with you...
@cursedivine: The prin- Sukuna and you know it's because of your **** kink HAHAHAH
@l-ilysm: There, there.... I'll give you Jogo oppa... On another note, I really don't know who your fav is BUT I ALWAYS SEE YOU TALKING ABOUT JOGO OPPA???
@https-jane: YOU AND INUMAKI DOODLING IN THE PARK, I see it with my third eye. Trust me, I stole it from Gege.
@silversatoru: I'll give you Megumi because idk, you give off the same pretty adult vibe?? I don't know how to express it?? And you both sweet af <3
@pretty-toru: ANOTHER SOFT BEAN, I'LL GIVE YOU YUUTA TO BECAUSE WHY ARE YOU BOTH SO PRECIOUS and my heart wouldn't be able to take it-
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hooniiverse · 3 years
𔘓⁩ the boyz reacting to you coming out !
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
a/n: requested by anon <3
[ something was different when you woke up today. maybe it was the fact that pride month had only just started, that gave you some newfound courage. and that's how you ended up here, in front of your boyfriend, finally coming out to him ]
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ SANGYEON
his leader instinct is definitely showing lol
you're not even that scared to tell him because you know there's not a single cell in his body that could ever discriminate anyone
hugs you very tightly and repeatedly tells you how proud he is of you for telling him
just like you thought, he is gonna be so sweet about it, you feel like crying
read the other members' reactions under the cut !
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ JACOB
similar to sangyeon, you know that jacob wouldn't hurt a fly and would never be able to judge you, ever !
he was literally sooo understanding when you told him, it made you feel so so loved
jacob literally shed a tear when you told him
you were having a little moment which was more than wholesome uwu
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ YOUNGHOON
the softest bean on planet earth™
you have been acting very weird the past days so he was quite worried when you wanted to talk to him
his instinct told him that something was off about this whole situation, the worry was written all over his precious face
you quietly sit with him on your kitchen floor which only makes him worry more
at some point, younghoon is so scared that he starts crying because he thinks you want to break up with him
you take note of that and quickly explain yourself
"omg hoonie, i'm not breaking up with you, i just wanted to tell you that i am [ insert your sexual orientation here ] ! "
cries even more because he feels so proud uwu
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ HYUNJAE
you didn't mean for him to figure out the way that he did
you had been planning on telling him but before you could, a "friend" of yours told him
not hearing from him ever since, you thought he had turned his back on you and didn't want anything to do with you anymore
however, you didn't expect what was coming
coming home from work, you didn't expect your friends, including hyunjae to jump up and congratulate you on your coming out
mf really planned a whole coming out party
standing there stunned, you began to cry
jae is quick to hug you tight and kiss you on your nose lovingly
"the people who aren't comfortable with your honesty and you being a proud member of the lgbtq+ community, clearly aren't worth it. i am utterly proud of you"
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ JUYEON
another soft moment uwu
you were laying in bed, cuddling and listening to the heart beat of your boyfriend
you just couldn't seem to fall asleep as this one thing has been bugging your mind for days
"ju, i've been meaning to tell you something"
already half in his slumber, he looks at you lovingly, wondering what the hell was so important that you needed to tell him at 3 am
when you told him, he lovingly stroked your hair and hugged you tighter
"your sexuality doesn't define you, you're still the same amazing person that you were before coming out, it doesn't change a thing"
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ KEVIN
kevin had always been your safe place and you always told him everything about you
kevin has been aware for a long time that you were struggling to come to terms with your sexuality, due to people around you not showing much support towards people that aren't like the "norm"
countless of times he had to comfort you when tears were streaming down you face, asking why you had to be different from everyone else
knowing that, it is understandable that he started crying when you, for the first time, openly and proudly told him and acknowledged that you finally accepted yourself for being different, for being yourself
he is a literal mess which leads you both to cry tears of happiness and relief
"i love you so, so much"
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ CHANHEE
you were literally soooo nervous to tell him
you were shaking and almost near tears, the words barely left your mouth
chanhee only replied with "yeah, i know. i sensed it a loooong time ago"
wow you were this nervous for what? for him to tell you that he already knew
doesn't wanna make a big deal out of it because it doesn't change who you are as a person
"take your time. tell me more about it when you're ready, i won't force you to say anything !"
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ CHANGMIN
he overheard it when you were on a phone call with your best friend who you've just come out to
at first he thinks it was your friend that was coming out, but turns out it was you
he's gonna be a little bit confused because he doesn't quite understand
but once you officially tell him, he's so so supportive of you and does his best to educate himself about it to not say anything wrong
"love is love but i hope you still love me the most" what a cocky mf
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ HAKNYEON
things haven't been going the best for you lately and hak was well aware of it
you had always been very insecure and trying to find yourself, your true self
seeing how much you were struggling, he thought of things he could do to make you feel better about yourself
one night he caught you crying to sleep
"i hope you realize that i won't ever be in your way and will support your decisions"
at that moment you couldn't figure out what he meant but you understood when he sent you a song via text
haknyeon really wrote a song for you, you truly were lucky to have him as your boyfriend
only then you understood that hak was well aware of your sexuality and that you didn't have to hide anymore
big big uwu
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ SUNWOO
just like in hyunjaes case, you didn't mean for him to find out like ... this
unfortunately, your - homophobic - parents found out about your sexuality and immediately kicked you out, leaving you with no place to stay
seeing no other option than to ask your boyfriend for shelter, you ended up crashing by on sunwoos couch
crying so hard that your words were inaudible, he couldn't figure out why on earth you were crying so hard
when you finally calmed down and managed to tell him that your parents kicked you out because of your sexuality, he froze
"i'll go get all your things, you're living with me from now on, baby"
there couldn't have been a better response to your coming out
⋆ ࣪. 〣 — 𔘓⁩ ERIC
there was no need to tell him, he already knew
you had no idea that he was aware that you weren't straight
you only found out when he sent you a text at the start of pride month
"it's pride month for a reason, baby. be proud of who you are, doesn't matter if you haven't fully figured it out or told anyone yet"
you instantly broke down in tears replying with
"god, hand in the marriage papers already"
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Hiiii!!! 💫💕🌸🥳
Can I bother with a question... I was (re)watching that zhang qiling edit (not today) - 'cause it's so cool, btw- and I wondered if Reboot Xiaoge’s your favourite one...? And if you're up to answering, what do you think about the other adaptations? Especially (our small bean) xiao yuliang's interpretation of xiaoge?
Hey, my precious patootie hehe ILY it always makes me very happy knowing that you rewatch my vids <3
lol dang it, I was kinda hoping to avoid this question, just because I feel like I'd find it hella hard to explain some things, but I'll try my best and hopefully it'll make some sense xD
I'll start from afar bc I wanna try to explain my reasonings, since I don't want to go without arguments into such highly debated question lolz. I talked about this a bit in my previous asks somewhere, but not broadly as to why that one guy hit all the right spots.
So throughout the books Wu Xie always does this wonderful thing, where he very tangibly describes the feeling he gets when Xiaoge is near, I mean like the aura around him. And he always somehow does it so colorful, that this mix of safety, assurance, calmness, composure and some things I can't quite put into one noun, that he brings to him, I think everyone who've read the books can recognize as this almost magical "Xiaoge feeling". It's not just the way he acts in some dangerous situations or smth like that. It's just everything. You either have it or you don't. And here goes my first argument... to me none of them, except for Huang Junjie and Yuliang have it.
I mean it's not even the obvious stuff, it's like the way they move during the action scenes, the way they even stand and hold themselves, the way they touch Wu Xie, the tone of their voices (both of which are like soothing as fuck), little things you'd think wouldn't matter, but when you watch it and all the puzzle pieces are together, you're like... fuck yeah, thats him.
Also not really that weighty of a point, but to me there's always a joy to see that the actor who plays the character not only gets what's he's playing, but also loves it, bc it's always seen on screen. Usually when some asked about the character they play and what they have in common for example they answer with obvious things like if some character is introverted they're like "well I also don't talk very much" or smth like that, you know what I mean. When I was watching interviews of Yuliang and Huang Junjie I was just smiling so much, bc they've said such things that made me go "yeah, Qiling is safe in their hands".
In Reboot case working in such close proximity with the author definitely also played a huge role here. Bc it kinda gets complicated in some aspects since the books are written from Wu Xie's point of view and you can't only base your picture on his perspective, just bc it's coming from a person who after being basically told "you're my whole world" goes "I'm just a person he randomly passes by in his long life" in his thoughts. Not only he's utterly clueless and dumb when it comes to all this, that he wouldn't notice the way Qiling looks at him and other things, its also not that kind of book, that would go "I suddenly caught poker face looking at me like I'm his whole existence" (and I honestly don't want it to be that book lmao). So you have to take into the account here stuff like what author says to get the whole picture, bc if you look at that from the point of Qiling's view for example, this shit takes a whole wild turn. So I really loved that in UN and Reboot ways of showing Qiling's feelings were well thought out and fit the timeline.
Bc it also works both ways, when it comes to other adaptations. Like Qiling is very and I mean ETREMELY hard to win over. We all know that it was a very long process of gaining his trust and even longer for him to fall for Wu Xie to the point of him being his everything. So what I want in those interpretations is for them to get at which point of their relationships what Xiaoge's behavior makes sense. I do not need any fanservice if it ruins the character, I'll just hate it. The thing that their feelings didn't come out of nowhere is what I LOVE about this ship, bc I'm not the kind of person who believes in "we love for nothing" thing and love at first sight thing (only "got hots for each other" at first sight), bc thats bull. Wu Xie became his everything after a long LONG process of getting to know each other. At the beginning tho he was the same stranger to him as everyone else. So what Reboot Qiling feels for Wu Xie is not what UN's Qiling feels for Wu Xie yet and what UN's Qiling feels for Wu Xie is not what Lost Tomb's Qiling feels for Wu Xie (which at that point was nothing). And I feel like not everyone gets the fact that you can totally wreck the character if you make him behave not the way he behaved in that particular time. Like for example, if someone would make a MDZS adaptation where at the very beginning of their relationships LZ treats WWX the way he treated him after the reincarnation just because "who cares, it's still LZ", that would be dumb af, see what I mean. So Xiaoge having a weakness for Wu Xie in part one is automatically not a Xiaoge to me, bc a huge part of his character and the thing NPSS speaks a lot about is just how IMPOSSIBLE it is for someone to catch his attention and how long it took Wu Xie to get there. So let's just say to me UN and Reboot Qilings for the first time didn't feel like some mashup or character summary/parody, they were Qilings the way they are supposed to be in that part of the story, bc it was the only times someone actually bothered to coordinate it.
Now as to why I prefer one to another. Xiaoge has this thing... the way he holds himself with other people, that is sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally suppressing.
Like everyone knows that if you're a passerby, Qiling genuinely doesn't fucking care and would in fact be pretty harsh about it in terms of treating people like they do not deserve their attention. He won't be like "please, don't bother me", he simply ignored them like an empty space. He is also like that with acquaintances who in his opinion do not deserve his respect like that girl who went hysterical, bc she was upset that he was the only one who wasn't drooling on her like all other men on the crew, Chen Wenjin, Wu Xie's uncles and etc. He's not openly disrespectful unless they trigger him in some way (usually by trying to act superior or later on for not treating Wu Xie right), but if they do, he will in fact remind them their place in sometimes a very rude way, at times humiliating them in front of ppl bc he looks younger than them and talking starts.
He's always doing things on his own terms and hates being told what to do. Like he legit scared Chen Wenjin just with a look and the tone of his voice when he said "let go", when she tried to command him on the mission and grabbed him trying to lecture him about what he should or shouldn't do. That's why Wu Erbai didn't even try anything like this and let him do whatever he needed to do and equally lead the mission in Reboot. And why the scene where Wu Xie 'commands' "Xiaoge, come back" and he immediately listens holds another special place in my heart. Bc he NEVER and I mean NEVER allows such things to ANYONE.
So here I came to a point of why despite loving them both dearly, my favorite Xiaoge is Huang Junjie.
I have this dissonance with Yuliang's version when to me in many scenes it felt like he and Wu Xie are the same age. Like if he was Xiaoge, but in his 20s. In his interactions with Chen Wenjin the dynamics was turned upside down, with him being okay with her telling him what to do and just in general the way she behaved with him. Same as like I didn't always quite believe him to be on par with older generation or even Pangzi, it just felt like he was truly younger than them. Some scenes that I do find extremely cute just don't fit book Xiaoge at all, I'm talking about some moments like his face when Wu Xie gave him food, or him pouting and many things he's done, when you were going "uwu he's a baby". He just never gives me this feeling in the books ever, not just bc he's 100 years old, but sad fact here.. bc he's simply unable to behave that way. Like in the books you'll desperately want to shower him with love, but he's just... I can't quite explain, it's very sad.
I guess it's just you know these characters, who are like hundreds years old, but look like they're 18? I think you have to be very careful with how you write those, so you could deliver that. And in UN because of some changed dynamics and scenes I straight up forgot about it, until Wu Xie threw some joke like "he's an old man" in front of a restaurant.
In Reboot Xiaoge could make Wu Erbai stutter with one move, put Yuliang's version in the same scene, I just don't think it would've worked. Like I'm trying to imagine him telling UN's Wu Erbai what to do and having troubles already haha. Same as I don't think he's capable to be genuinely mad at Wu Xie, and HJJ nailed it esp in one of my fav when Wu Xie was laughing at Pangzi's joke about him catching cold. The look he gave him and how ZYL just retreated was priceless xD. And boy could Qiling get angry with him in the books!
Otherwise I didn't have any drastic fall outs there, like with Joseph's Wu Xie and Ah Ning's death, because that was just too much of a difference, but there were still moments where it was once again this the same scene completely different emotion thing. He was more tolerable to ppl in general here, more pliable. And 50% of the time he gave me the cute lost kitten type, which I just cannot connect with the feeling he gave me in the books. His personality is a cat type 100%, but like seriously "cute baby" is the last word combination I would ever apply to book Xiaoge, but with Yuliang's version it's easily applied. So small bean he is indeed. With Joseph and in UN it works incredibly perfect to me, but the way he is in UN is at times too gentle. And there are lots of scenes where Joseph himself looked at him in a way "you're too cute, let me pinch your cheeks" kind of way, or the way he like sat down next to him on the coast, he was a bit babying him at times. I can't imagine book pingxie doing that. It's just a whole different vibe, the way he takes care of him, the way he lets him take care of him... it's...uuuuuuuuu another vibe (see, I'm so good at explaining lmao).
It's also kinda funny to me, bc HJJ who's the smallest and who irl truly a kitten never once gave me that feeling on screen for some reason. The one babied and loved by every crew and old ppl, who was cutely hiding behind ZYL's back on set, who won't sue an ex who almost ruined his career bc of how stupid she is, bc he "didn't want to hurt her", who according to staff can't even step on a fly, whom CMH was petting for several minutes after he had to hit him with a prop brick bc he didn't wanna do it lmao. I was just like.. ok, this is hilarious, bc I in fact didn't expect him to be a small bean, so watching all the bts made me go LOOOOL. Probably ZYL acting like a 3 year old helped him transform and the age difference problem got lost lmao
As for other adaptations. You know I can't watch seriously "Lost Tomb", I think some ppl probably have some nostalgic feeling about it, but I'm sorry, to me it's fucking hilarious. Like I've already said it looks like some type of twilight parody thing or smth. Soft damselle Wu Xie esp killed me, bc 1st when he ever was that, 2nd in the first book he's salty af, I don't even know this dude in this interpretation, I was like who's this. YangYang I know him from other things, I really don't think it's his role. I know the script and everything is bad. I know the costume and hair are horrendously funny, but it's just I was watching him in those action scenes and was like no... just I'm sorry but I'm not feeling it. I simply just don't know what to say about the whole thing seriously, bc I don't even know where to start. 10 episodes of some salad finished with one mutilated scene from book 6 for no reason the fact that characters are weird themselves also I can't quite tell, did they really just meet or they imply smth else lmao.. I'm sorry, but I do not get it.
I've given LT2 another try after finishing all the books and I've dropped it half way through, Cheng Yi wasn't even close to how I pictured Xiaoge in any aspect. He in fact didn't do anything OOC or off the book or anything, I just was like "not my Qiling". Happens sometimes.
Explore with the note you already know how I feel about this lol let's just forget.
P.S. To be fair here also maybe we should take into account the fact that some got luckier than other with "at which point" Xiaoge they're playing. Like for example, "Wrath of the Sea" and "Qingling Tree" books which is LT2 is not exactly you can say much about Qiling there, he trolls them there in the beginning (in a brilliant way that was totally lost in the adaptation) and he is there in "Wrath of Sea", but it's not the part that can make his character shine in any way, there's not much things happening there that would make you fall for him or get to know him; Yuliang grabbed the fattest piece bc it's middle several books, when they're always together and his character shines the most in terms of clues about past, opening up to Wu Xie and Pangzi, and there are many many events where you can get the picture of what kind of man he is; Huang Junjie grabbed my fav piece of utter devotion, where he's already fully and wholeheartedly belongs to Wu Xie, that I'm just weak for. So like... there's also that I guess xD.
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
SKZ vs. their embarrassed s/o doing aegyo
Pairing: Reader x Member
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Their s/o gets embarrassed while doing aegyo
Requested by @m4rshm4llow​
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Wouldn’t exactly force you into doing it 
But if he knew you were comfortable, then he would be more teasing about it 
Chan strikes me as the kind of person who can read people really easily esp if they’re his s/o 
So he wouldn’t force you if he knows you don’t like it
But he would tease you into doing it if you don’t mind
And usually you wouldn’t mind doing it he asked
The problem is that you’re in the middle of the dance room with the rest of his members 
They’re all watching you intently and waiting for you to do something bcs Jisung thought it would be good to ask you about it
“Do you not want to?”
“No, no, I can do it.”
Chan raises an eyebrow while you mentally prepare yourself 
You raise your hands in front of yourself, ready to do the apple heart bite
When you remember everyone’s watching you
And you completely break 
Your entire face goes red 
Chan immediately goes (´∀`)♡
You kinda bury yourself in his hoodie to shy away
He just laughs as he wraps his arms around you to let you hide away from his friends 
He would be the reason you’re doing it in the first place 
“Haha, (Y/n) does cute aegyo” 
Because as much as Minho loves you, he likes to see you suffer sometimes 
Everyone turns their attention to you at the mention of aegyo
You turn to him and he’s giving you that smug smile on his face
“Yeah, you do cute aegyo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
You want to punch him
You don’t do aegyo because you don’t really care much for it 
Even if you do it it’s when you’re only with Minho 
And it’s something like wanting to either annoy him or get him to do something for you
Like buying you food or stealing bites of whatever he's eating
But he has the look on his face that just lets you know you can’t escape 
So you turn back to his friends who are watching you intently 
You raise your finger to your cheek and you’re about to let out a whine when you break and cover your face with your hands 
You’re blushing like crazy 
Minho finally gives in and lets you off the hook
He pulls you into a hug because he kinda feels bad but he also just wanted to see how far you would go
But he still goes all ^-^ because he finds you so cute
So we all know how Changbin is the fake maknae 
He does aegyo a lot and when you started dating he realised that you might take his spot away 
You do it because you like seeing how Binnie seems to challenge you to be cuter than you
So he turns to you and he pouts 
“(Y/n), Binnie hungwy” 
The moment you see him your heart kinda goes WHOOOOSH ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
But you fight back 
“(Y/n) is hungwy too, can Binnie get (Y/n) food?”
He subtly raises an eyebrow and turns to his friends
“If Binnie is cuter, then (Y/n) has to get it” 
They all turn to you guys and they’re like !!! because they hear the mention of food but half of them are gagging bcs hhsjdhsd why
Oh, it’s on
“Binnie can’t be cuter because (Y/n) is always cuter!” 
You’re starting to cringe internally because it finally hits you that his friends and managers can see you
“Binnie is the tiniest!” 
You’re around to fight back when you make eye contact with Seungmin and that face he makes when he’s judging the people around him
Your face heats up and you immediately drop your head onto Changbin’s shoulder 
“I can’t go on, it’s too embarrassing” 
You bury your face into his shirt as he laughs
“I’m sorry, baby. I’ll buy lunch instead”
But you’d never tell him that was your plan
His members can tell you planned it tho
Bcs everyone knows he’d do anything and everything for you
Man doesn’t mind doing aegyo but he thinks it’s cute 
You don’t really do it either, but Hyunjin LOVES when you do it
You don’t do it because you find it embarrassing 
Hyunjin likes trying to pull it out of you anytime he gets
Bcs whenever you do it he gets so (。♥‿♥。)
So he tries to lure you into doing it one day 
You’re at home just chilling on the couch when you see him eating ice cream 
“What flavour is that?”
He sees the opportunity immediately 
“Cookies and cream”
“Can I have some, please?” 
Hyunjin turns to you and raises an eyebrow
“Do aegyo and I’ll consider it” 
You’re already blushing because what 
He gives you a look and it makes your face scrunch up in annoyance bcs you realise there’s no way out of it
“C-Can (Y/n) have some of J-Jinnies—” 
Your voice is so soft 
And you just cover your face with your hands before you finish because you feel embarrassed
“Are you okay?”
Hyunjin feels bad because he thought he heard you sniffle 
His ice cream’s on the coffee table and he’s pulling you into him
“Baby, nooooooo I’m sorry”
You pull away and punch his arm lightly and Hyunjin laughs because he feels like he deserves it for making you do aegyo
God he wouldn’t force you to do it, but whatever opportunity he gets to see you do it will make you do it 
He would also probably most likely find ways to make you do it without him actually asking 
So it’s like 
Idk he would find a way to pull it out of you without making it seem like he’s doing anything 
So if it just so happened that you were spending the night at the dorm and everyone was in the living room 
It would be Jisung that would end up going “Whoever does the worst aegyo has to do the dishes”
And you’re like “umm I’m excluded because I’m not part of the band...right?”
And at first they’re all thinking yea that sounds pretty fair 
Then Minho starts talking 
“You’re here already, might as well join in”
You turn to him before turning back to Jisung
He can see the look in your eyes 
But Jisung smiles 
“You do cute aegyo, right, baby?” 
“I hate you” 
You turn back to his friends seeing that Changbin and Hyunjin have already went ahead with theirs 
You raise your hands to your face but you stop halfway because it’s e m b a r r a s s i n g and all of his friends are watching 
So you turn to Jisung and your face is red as hell
He starts panicking for a minute when you turn to him
His mind’s like ヘ(。□°)ヘ shit I made my baby uncomfortable
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to do it baby. We can exclude you” 
He pulls you into his lap and lets you hide yourself while his friends bully him for being whipped 
“That’s not fair!” 
“Shut up, Hyunjin” 
Genuinely feel like Felix would have regular aegyo interactions for not so basic things 
Like he would do it randomly because he wants to or if he wants to get you to do something for him
And you would do it too
“Are you sure?”
You give him a nod
You made a bet saying if you can take his breath away with your super duper adorable aegyo then he has to buy you Animal Crossing for your Switch that you had also won through another bet 
Felix watches you as he waits for your next move 
You look him dead in the eye 
If he’s being honest you look like a determined kitten and he loves it (。♥‿♥。)
And you press your fingers into both of your cheeks
“Can Lixie pwease get Animal Cwossing for meeeee? ... PFFFTTT”
You start laughing bcs you feel lowkey kinda cringey 
The moment Felix realises that you broke he’s all giggly and starts to wrap his arms around you
“Aww babe” 
You cover your face with your hands and just go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 
And Felix is just like uwu because he thinks his baby is so cute and precious 
“You lost tho, babe”
“Shut up” 
Would pretend he finds it cringey 
So you use it as like a weapon against him 
Because he’ll do things to make you stop 
“Seungmin, I’ll sing the gwiyomi song if you won’t take me to have lunch at that stall by the 7 11”
“( - _ - ‘ )”
Seungmin loves it 
He really loves it 
And you know that he likes it because he always smiles or laughs whenever you actually do it bcs he can’t resist your adorable charm uwu
He also wouldn’t ask you to do it if he didn’t like it
“We can get jjajangmyeon if you do Back Door but aegyo”
How are you supposed to aegyo BACK DOOR 
You just stare at him like wtf while you try to figure it out bcs you want the jjajangmyeon
You raise your fist in the air like trying to do the choreo 
And you realise that you probably look really silly doing it 
“Min this is so weird”
Even though you’re alone with him it just feels so cringey and embarrassing 
But the smug bitch is just smiling at you because he knows he’s won 
If you can’t do Back Door might as well try something else 
So you pout and give him your best puppy eyes 
“Minnie, don’t be so mean. Can we please get jjajangmyeon?”
Seungmin’s heart goes (*≧∀≦*)
Even if he wouldn’t admit it 
He absolutely L O V E S your puppy eyes 
And he wouldn’t admit it but he seriously just can’t reject anything you ask of him whenever he sees your puppy eyes 
I would assume that Jeongin would probably date someone who’s probably smol and soft like he is 
So assumingly his s/o would probably be as shy as him or even more shy
And since you’re like technically his s/o
You’re a smol shy bean 
Very smol
Very shy
Tinie (´∀`)♡
Jeongin doesn’t strike me as someone who would do aegyo regularly bcs like I said he’s shy 
So you probably wouldn’t do it that much either unless someone Jeongin would ask you to but even then I don’t see him asking you for aegyo regularly 
I feel like it would be more of a joking kinda thing 
Kinda like 
“(Y/n) if you do aegyo then I’ll let you shoot me with this BB gun”
And you’d do it 
But he wouldn’t actively force you into situations where you would have to do it because he would feel bad if you got like too embarrassed or anything of that sorts
It just so happened that when you were about to do aegyo in the dance room
His members walked in
And you had the biggest pout on your face and your hands poking your cheeks 
That you kinda yanked onto Jeongin’s hoodie so that you could hug him to hide yourself 
“Woah, (Y/n) was doing aegyo?”
And of course the rest of Stray Kids wanna tease you or Jeongin about it 
“Do it again!” 
“Yeah, you never do aegyo. I wanna see it c:”
But Innie would go all <(`^´)>
Because he’s protective of you 
“Don’t make fun of them!!!”
He just
Wraps his arms around you
And protects you while the guys end up teasing Jeongin instead
And he takes it as long as they don’t say anything to you uwu
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sunaswife · 4 years
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A Suna Rintarou Series
Summary: Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game.
A/N: PART 16!!! next chapter might be the smutty smut.
Warnings: underaged drinking, smut, guys talking badly about women, heartbreak, messed up shit that you shouldn’t do and a bit of fluff if you squint
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Disc eight-slide two: Suna Rintarou 🖤
“I heard you started dating some guy in the soccer team. Congrats I’m happy for you.” Suna fake smiled at the girl in front of him. “Oh shut up. I know what you’re doing.” Jamie fake smiled back and his smile dropped. “Okay great. So first order of business, the bet is off. No if’s but’s or maybe’s. I quit, and the twins quit as well.” He immediately got serious and she laughed. “I knew that’s why you called me here. You want me to keep quiet so I don’t spill the beans huh?” She smirked with a brow raised. “Yeah.” Suna deadpanned but she just stared, she wanted to hear him plee and beg.
Suna bit the inside of his cheek as he stared at the girl in the eyes. “Listen.” He started and her brows rose in amusement, she was listening. “Y/N. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I swear. She is so kind and patient. She’s smart and funny. She’s perfect, my perfect. I feel so bad for treating her like an object and even treating you like one too.” Suna’s voice lowered. He was obviously embarrassed, society said “boys will be boys.” Always giving an excuse for the stupid shit they do.
“I learned my lesson, I found a strong and independent girl who is my number one motivator and supporter. I don’t want to lose her. I want to tell her about the bet but I know she’ll be upset so I want to make sure we all agreed to end it before telling her.” He spoke honestly. “Damn you really are a fucking simp.” She snorted but he didn’t pay her comment any mind. He’s used to it.
“Fine. I don’t really care about her so I don’t mind.” She shrugged and he smiled. “Friends?” He asked and stuck out his hand for them to shake. “Wait—nevermind. Y/N will get the wrong idea.” He chuckled nervously and moved his hand to grab the fork and eat his cheesecake. He was honestly so happy that Jamie would stay silent. Now the second issue is when to tell you. Before nationals? That’s probably for the best. But what if you’re angry throughout the whole tournament? That’ll cause an issue, and he doesn’t think he’ll have the privacy to properly talk to you about it. “Can i have a bite? I regret not picking a pastry.” She pouted. “Knock yourself out. I’m not in the mood to eat sweets anymore.” He said and slid the plate. She grabbed the fork and immediately took a bite. “Oh I hope your girlfriend doesn’t mind that we shared the same form.” She teased and he rolled his eyes.
“What did we miss?” Atsumu asked as he and Osamu sat down on the booth. “She’s keeping it between us. The bet is off.” Suna spoke up and Atsumu layed back against the chair. “Oh thank god, I was feeling so bad with every month that passed by.” Atsumu sighed. “Me too.” “Me three.” Suna finished. “Well, it looks like I gotta go meet with my boyfriend. I’ll see you guys at nationals.” She fake smiled again and they waved and she was gone. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“I felt like so much weight was lifted off my shoulders.” Suna covered his face with his elbows rested on the table. “I’m so fucking happy.” He said and Osamu patted his back.
“Me too dude. Me too.”
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“Okay okay okay! Please be gentle they’re delicate...ATSUMU NO!” You yelled as he shook the box. “What is it a puppy?” He asked and you shook your head in disappointment. Suna chuckled at Atsumu’s stupidity and he looked down at the medium sized box in his lap. It had his name on the top right corner with a heart replacing the dot in the letter i.
“I want you all to open it together.” You instructed as you gently placed Atsumu’s box on his lap. They all unwrapped the boxes and Osamu was the first one to pop out his pocket knife to cut the tape thats keeping the contents inside secured. He tilted his head in confusion when he saw a bag of soil, an index card, a pot and some flower seeds.
“Maybe you got the wrong gift?” Atsumu asked as he took Osamu’s pocket knife from his hand and cut his box as well but he was met with the same thing. The same bag of soil, a different colored pot and some different seeds. “Did you get the same thing?” Osamu asked as he and his twin turned to Suna. His box was already opened as he looked at the seeds. “Is there a reason we have literal dirt in our Christmas box. I mean I know we’re not perfect but I think this is worse than coal.” Atsumu said and you giggled.
You excitedly hugged your legs and rested your chin on your knees. “I always try to be creative and my friend gave me a flower book not that long ago. Different flowers have different meanings. I thought it was beautiful. So I wanted to share these with you. Each flower type represents my individual relationship and feelings with you. It’s on the card.” You said and they couldn’t stop their blushes.
Why are you so fucking adorable?
“Do we read them outloud?” Osamu asked and you shrugged. “If you want.” You replied honestly and he nodded. “Ooo lemme go first!” Atsumu said and dramatically cleared his throat. “Chrysanthemum: represents friendship and support. Aka I’m always going to be there for you, boke.—Hey! That ending was uncalled for.” He whined and you laughed along with his twin and your boyfriend. “It’s the truth, ‘Tsumu. Nothing but the truth.” You shrugged and he scowled. “At least the flowers are kinda pretty.” He muttered and Osamu glared at him as he impatiently waited for his turn. “Can I talk now or yer still uttering bullshit?” He asked with a raised brow. “Shut yer trap!” Atsumu said and nudged Osamu with his shoulder. “No fighting in my parents house please. If they found out I had a Christmas get together here they’d kill me.” You warned and they stopped.
“Alstroemeria: represents friendship, good fortune, and prosperity. Aka you better give me all the free onigiri I want when you open your restaurant.” He read outloud and snorted “Nope, on the contrary I’ll charge you more.” He smirked and you nudged him with your foot with a pout. “Hey I thought you said no fighting.” Atsumu pointed out and you nudged him too. “Shut yer trap.” You mocked but before Atsumu could even reply your boyfriend began to read his card. “Sunflower: Represents adoration and pure love—“ “Ha gayy.” Atsumu interrupted but you grabbed the hood of his jacket and pulled it over his head and you pulled the strings. “Shut up.” You said.
“Aka, Roses are red. Sunflowers are yellow. I’m good in bed, will you be my bedfellows?” He said and your eyes widened as well as the twins. “Y/N! You naughty naughty girl!” Osamu yelled and you tried to grab the card from Suna’s hand. “I DID NOT WRITE THAT I SWEAR!” You yelled, Suna kept dodging your grabby hands on his precious card so you decided to tickle his armpits. “Y/N no! I’m sorry I’m sorry! Stop I’ll stop!” He laughed and you took the card from his hand. “Read it!” You said and shoved it in Osamu’s face, “Aka, I love you bitch, ain’t gonna stop loving you bitch.” He read outloud and Suna tried catching his breath as he layed on the carpeted floor defeated.
“Y/N-chan, I can’t untie this...” Atsumu said quietly.
This was definitely the best Christmas ever.
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Up next
A/N: I don’t celebrate Christmas so I just did the gift exchange ☺️
@therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki
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theboyzism · 3 years
Salty Coffee
genre: fluff
pairing: Yuta x gn!reader
warnings: none
summary: when you're in love even salt looks like sugar so pay attention ♡
word count: 850
a/n: this is a quick one shot I wrote quiet some time ago. I hope y'all like it, even if its simple uwu might write a part two idk yet-
- admin 🌙
As every morning you can’t really get awake without your precious morning coffee. The little café you always visit lays across the street and on your way to work there is nothing better than a freshly brewed coffee to go.
You open the door and a quiet bell rings, while the familiar smell of fresh ground coffee-beans reach your nose. „Good morning Y/N“, Jaehyun greets you with a smile. „Morning Jae“, you smile back at the man. Jaehyun is the owner of the small store. Or well, not really the owner, because those are his parents, even though they are almost never seen here, but for you he is.
You visit his café since it opened about one year ago and you can’t help it but love it’s calming atmosphere. At first it was just Jaehyun alone as a barista and since you already almost visited every day back then, he remembered your name pretty quick and you guys started to talk more often. He is a handsome young man, no one would deny that, not even you. But you two just became some sort of friends over the time. You could even say best friends. One time he asked you to come over to his place to join him and his friends for a movie night. And as quick as that you guys were a new pair of besties. Jaehyun may be flirty sometimes, but you know he is just joking with you.
„Hey Yuta“, you also greet the new worker. You still don’t know much about the red haired guy, who gives you your coffee, just as every day. He have been working here since some months and Jaehyun has told you he is from Japan and is still learning Korean and also English. „Hey Y/N, enjoy your coffee.“ A big smile is plastered on Yuta’s face as his gaze meets yours. The two of them already know how you drink your coffee and the time you come through, so it's normal that you don't even have to order. You take a lid to put on your cup and smile again at the two of them. „Thank you guys!“, you nod to Jaehyun and wave back at Yuta as you leave the shop.
The fresh morning air is hitting your face after you left the cosy store and some sun rays are shining at the ground. You make your way to work while the sky shows it's most beautiful colors and the sun slowly rises higher. It seems like a perfect day as you take a sip of your coffee, but… wait! Your eyes widen in realization. You force yourself to swallow the disgusting mixture. „This tastes horrible!“ You hold the beverage away from yourself and look at it very critically. At the next trashcan you throw the cup away and shiver at the thought of the taste again. „Eww…“ You continue your way to work and have no other choice as to drink the mildly warm instant coffee at your workplace. As if your whole day wasn't already horrible enough… A sigh escapes your lips as you have to work even longer today. „Today is really not my day“, you think to yourself and face your desktop again.
The next day you go to Jaehyun’s café as if nothing happened. Of course did you text him about the incident yesterday and he apologized so many times. Kinda weird that he did such a mistake but you can't be angry at him at all, like it is Jaehyun after all. Nobody can be mad at him. You greet both of the baristas as usual and get your daily coffee in the hope it won’t taste horrible again.
Yuta hands you your beverage as usual, but seems a bit off since he doesn’t smile at you today and even gives you a napkin with it. You still thank him and make your way out of the store. This time as you take a sip your coffee tastes even better and you smile to yourself. But the napkin in your hand feels strange. You never get one from Yuta. But as soon as you take a closer look you define ink on it. He wrote you a note! Quickly you read the lines.
„Hey Y/N… I am so sorry that I put salt instead of sugar in your coffee yesterday. I don’t really know how this happened… why do we even have salt here at all? Well, I just wanted to ask if you maybe would like to go to the cinema with me as an apology. I would be happy if you would say yes! See ya, Yuta“ On the backside is his phone number written. You read the note over and over again to realize what exactly the red head is up to. But you just have to smile brighter than ever. „Oh yes I really would love that“, you think to yourself as you put the note in your pocket and take another sip of the coffee Yuta made for you.
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moonlit-mark · 4 years
── Osaki Shotaro as your boyfriend ;
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Okay so this lil fluff ball would be the cutest boyfriend ever uwu
Isn't really into PDA, just likes holding hands or little short pecks
Loves to hold your hands soooo much, like he'll randomly just hold it out of nowhere
He gets flustered pretty easily
So like if you try to flirt with him he'd shyly giggle and try to hide his pink face uwu I'm sOfT but those tiktoks nkihkck
If he's in the mood he might flirt back too, then cringes at it later hehe
He's more into cuddling than kissing
He just loves the way you both cuddle your worries away and sink into each other's present and warmth
He also likes to watch the stars with you
Gathers all his courage just to compliment you, still stutters though lol
“Your eyes are really pr-pretty"
“Shotaro is this what you've been trying to say for the past 15 minutes? I-"
He usually calls you by your name but in a specific tone you know?
Loves to go on dates with you
Might film a tiktok there lmao cjojgknor
Usually the beach, park, a simple café or just indoor dates are his favorite
Like he'd be more than happy to just listen to music with you as you both solve a puzzle
I feel like he'll need some time before he makes out with you because he's a ShY bEaN uwu
Idk why but I get this feeling that he'll definitely pull pranks on you when you both are alone
Might film your reactions to his pranks too SM please let this legend post a fuccing TIKTOK ALREADY!
He also loves when you nuzzle your head into his chest as he gently plays with your hair
He's not the type to kiss you very slowly or too fast or for too long or short
Just the perfect amount of time, might break into a flustered giggle while kissing you sometimes too
Most of the time they last about a minute or a little longer
Not really the type to get jealous
I mean if he does, then he'd not really show it
In conclusion, Shotaro would be the cutest little precious boyfriend that needs to be protected at ALL COSTS!
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
PART ONE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oipklztKzFg
PART TWO : Wizard Train Battle of Fire & Ice 🔥❄️ Trollhunters: Rise of the Tit...
The Magical Siblings all sitting on a subway💙💚🖤
Nari’s humming whilst Douxie excudes Anxious Big Bro energy
Nari’s little squeak when she slipped on the ice daww
T H E  A N I M A T I O N  
The way Douxie, Claire, and Nari all fired their magic at the same time was absolute *chef’s kiss* PEAK (and of course Douxie had to do a little spin like I love you so much but why lol)
Also Nari has a murder plant?👀 
Yooooooooo that magic cancelling thing is RAD, way ta go Krel!!
Douxie straight up smacking Skrael in the face with his staff is hands down the best scene in this entire franchise change my mind
Me after watching Bellroc torment Jim : Ah, so this is what murderous rage feels like :)
I love you so much Jim Lake Jr.. With or without the Amulet or a suit of armor or a fancy weapon, you’re an extraordinary young lad who’s been through too much, through hell and back, and you your heart of gold still shines and you’re so, so strong and you didn’t deserve that and can we please stop hurting him and BELLROC’S GONNA HANG I SWEAR --
Ah, so he wasn’t driving. Just...landing the plane :’)
Is that a comic book store
You know what kills me even more? This is supposedly the just OPENING SEQUENCE. 
So. If this is indeed the beginning of the movie, will we see how Jim and the others got to New York?
From the looks of it, Nari has willingly decided to confront Bellroc and Skrael. It could be that Douxie contacted his friends in Arcadia to help with this throwdown. So they all met together to talk about the plan. But it’s heavily implied, I want to say almost confirmed, that this plan will fail and Nari will be captured (that Forest Titans gotta rise somehow T__T). And while I’ll love the found family hurt/comfort to result from this.... ouch.
Phew, man I just....Just wow. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for a film, God bless this franchise UwU
It looks gorgeous, I’m emotionally invested and in love with all these characters, and I’m going to get lots of snacks and I should go cause all I wanna do is gush about this and --
RoTT Countdown : 7
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Alexander Stormrose Lightwood-Bane and Adelyn Stormrose Lightwood-Bane were brought into the world through IVF. The details depend on the AU (YES I AM STILL STUCK THERE NO DON'T QUESTION IT).
Alex is a precious bean who reads Jane Austen and drinks tea and plays instruments. In the background, you can see his sister lighting things on fire and dyeing Pineapples blue.
When the twins were 6 they got a pair of bunnies, Pineapples and Crocodile. Yes, Alex and Lyn named them. Yes, Olivia sided with them as Alice looked at them with fond exasperation.
Olivia has to travel for work sometimes and more often than not she'd come back with a stray animal.
Olivia: So, hypothetically, if I came back with a puppy, hypothetically what would you do?
Alice, who had to deal with two tiny humans for an entire week one of which decided it would be a good idea to take a ride in the washing machine: I would kick you out
The twins are so spoiled by Malec. You want ice cream for breakfast? Of course, love, which flavour? I know this amazing place in Switzerland why don't we go there for ice cream? Great don't tell your mother!
Adelyn exploits this so much. She claims to be Alec's favourite (she is, no matter how much he denies it). During events, Adelyn sneaks under the tables and listens eavesdrops on the conversation and reports it all back to Alec in exchange for candy. Lyn demands more and more candy every time.
Olivia and Alice did not find this funny.
Malec are Lyn and Alex's favourite babysitters because they let them get away with most things but they are also super protective of them.
Alice taught Alex how to play the piano. Adelyn though hopeless with music is a brilliant artist.
It is a very common occurrence to see Alex dragging his sister away from another fight. Olivia once mentioned how in the olden days they used to duel to settle an issue. Adelyn got a...little obsessed with that.
Every night Alice and Olivia read the twins a story from Percy Jackson and the Greek gods/heroes. Alex and Lyn take turns deciding which book and story.
okay wow, this is long.
This is so wholesome and made me uwu so much.
Also - I love Alex with my whole heart oof.
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villainsblog97 · 4 years
NCT as Your Boyfriend
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This is gonna be the LONGEST BF scenario I’ve ever done!!! O.O
Warnings: Maybe some language? some PG-13 Content 
Scenario: BF, Romance, Angst if you squint -.-....fluffy (TO THE MAX) 
HERE     WE    GO! 
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Our Brave leader!
Taeyong might look, tough, scary, and totally sexy and charismatic
He’s nothing but a big floof
Especially for you...his girl 
Taeyong would be nothing but a sweetheart to you!
He would be the kind of boyfriend to make cookies with you at 2 in the morning because you were hungry and had a sweet tooth. 
I also see him just melting over everything you do! 
He loves making you laugh, and you love making him laugh
He is always making sure you’re happy and healthy
Like one day he’ll make you some Ramyun, then the next day he’s making you some detoxing tea and a nice fresh salad
You are his world.
Fights happen, but oh so rarely
But when they do
Our lil Bubu is a mess
He can’t focus, he can’t think straight
All he can think of is how your face looked
He has to make things right with you
And of course he does.
Overall he would be the best Boyfriend ever! 
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Kun is definitely more of your best friend 
But he gets to cuddle and kiss you too 
Kun loves you to no end
And he will let the entire damn dorm know about it
He’s the leader of WayV 
God help him
You’re the only thing that keeps him sane
But you can bet that this boy will hype you up on everything
He’ll stare at his phone, smiling like an idiot 
Lucas: what’s he all smiley for?
WinWin: What else??
He also loves his magic tricks on you
Pulls flowers out of a hat for you
Like Taeyong, fights rarely happen
But if they do
Kun is gonna do something totally hilarious to make up with you
Something you can’t help but laugh at.
I see Lucas and YangYang involved in it too
Once you two have made up, he’s glued to you
He just wants to love you and you alone
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Taeil is kind of hard to read, because we don’t see a lot of content with him
But I see him being a pretty chill boyfriend 
He supports you in everything 
and he loves to spoil you
Always buying something that reminds him of you 
He also loves taking you out to restaurants 
Like the ones you get all dressed up for
Taeil also loves you in dresses
He just looks like he would like dresses 
He also can do fun dates too
Like the amusement park
He just wants to see you happy
If you have fights 
It’s hella serious 
You guys need some time away from each other
Until about 3 in the morning when he’s calling you and pouring his heart out
You have no choice but to forgive him
Mostly because he hates sleeping without you
Like I said he only wants to see you happy 
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Our Chicago boy is DEFINITELY a romantic!
You are his girl
And he’ll make sure everyone knows that 
I get the feeling he would love holding your hand
Like everywhere
You are his queen 
He’s always gotta show you off
“Wow... who is that beautiful woman??? Oh right, that’s my girlfriend!”
He loves making you blush too 
Always giving compliments to you
He tells you he loves you 24/7 
Cuddling is his favorite 
and because he’s so tall 
(Yep you guessed it)
Lots of forehead kisses
It’s healing for both of you
I can’t see you guys fighting a lot
It’s more like little bickers and arguments 
He will do whatever it takes to keep that smile 
Your smile is his favorite feature on you
Johnny Suh is a 1,000/10 Boyfriend 
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Much like Taeil 
He loves spoiling you 
Dates are mandatory for our Japan boy
He’ll do just about anything with you 
I feel like he would love buying little plushies for you
Don’t ask why
He’ll call and text you every chance he gets 
If he’s on tour
Video calls
Counts down the days til he get’s back to you 
Loves hugging and holding you
You absolutely love his smile
Who doesn’t???
Yuta doesn’t look like he would be too much into PDA 
but when you guys are alone
He’s stuck to you like glue
He can’t fight with you 
It’s just not in his nature
If you guys do
There’s gonna be tears 
From both of you 
He’ll just hold you and tell you how sorry he is 
He love you so much and never wants to lose you
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I’m not gonna get into how he looked in this MV
Doyoung is precious
Doyoung is sassy
and he also has a really strong RBF (resting b*tch face)
So Dating Doyoung would be...... a challenge 
He would be the best boyfriend 
but at the same time you’re questioning it 
not in a bad way of course 
I feel like he would be very blunt with you 
You come out in a long yellow dress
“Doyoung how does this look??”
“You look like a banana” o.O
But then! 
He would suggest his favorite dress that looks absolutely stunning on you
He would even pull it out of your closet 
“This one... you look so beautiful in this one”
He won’t apologize for the insult
but his eyes will make up for the comment
When he’s having a bad day he’ll just want to hold you
Doesn’t matter where 
He loves it when you hold him too
Running your fingers in his hair
Because he’s so savage, fights could be often
But he does make up for them and this time he will apologize 
He also loves slow and long kisses 
He loves to feel you 
He loves you.
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Ten literally bias wrecked himself into my bias list 
Now this boy is more than just a beautiful dancer 
He’s shown that in past couple years now
Ten is a total weirdo too
You love that 
He’ll make you smile and laugh on your worst days 
He loves making you laugh
but he can also be super romantic 
I see him being a flower petal guy 
Getting a hot bath prepared for you 
He’s just a gentleman 
He also loves cracking up jokes with you
Always calls you baby
and always telling you he loves you
if a fight happens 
I can see it going two ways
the first being very emotional 
lots of tears 
The other way
An aggressive make-out session 
Like you two are so mad at each other that it becomes sexual tension
and you two have to get rid of it
after your night (hint hint wink wink)
You both lay in each other’s arms, promising to not fight again.
Or maybe fight, if it ends like that
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My bias wrecker! 
Okay Jaehyun is already like the ultimate boyfriend material 
So you know he’s gonna meet all the qualifications 
Why do I see him loving to go shopping with you?
Any kind of shopping
Clothes shopping, grocery shopping, even shoe shopping 
like his hyungs
he too loves to spoil you
with everything
anything he buys you, you treasure it.
He loves taking you out and showing you off to the world 
He makes sure no guy even looks at you wrong.
He gets jealous really easy 
“I don’t like that guy...” *pouty face*
“Well that’s my cousin so you have to like him a little”
If you two fight it’s for something serious
maybe he’s working too much
or you feel like you never get to see him.
He can usually stay really calm during the fight 
He tries to listen to you as much as he can.
When you’re standing there yelling at him out of frustration
He’ll just walk up to you and hug you.
“Let’s not fight anymore, let’s just stay like this for a minute” 
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Like Taeil we don’t get to see much of our boy
but he is still there!
And to you
He’s the only one
I get the feeling that WinWin would be a very shy and cute boyfriend
Like he asks you for everything he wants to do
Asks to hold your hand
He never wants to make you feel uncomfortable 
Always asks you where you want to eat
He takes his time learning all about you
He probably blushes more than you do
And he loooooves hugs
You in his arms is the best feeling ever! ^_^
I feel like it would take A LOT to make him mad 
so your fights would be almost non existent 
When he’s away from you
He’ll send you a ton of snaps!
Miss you so much beautiful
He’ll wait for hours until you reply 
“She’s not answering” *sad eyes* 
“Dude it’s like 3 in morning in Seoul! she’s probably asleep”
Lots of good morning / night texts
He would be an adorable boyfriend!
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Lord help me...
My bean!
Okay so Jungwoo is a literal squish
So being your boyfriend
Is like the biggest UWU fest ever!
He is so whipped for you 
All the members will give him hell for it
You aren’t just the love of his life
You are his EVERYTHING
My heart is gonna hurt
His favorite word to call you is Jagiya 
There it goes >.<
Can you actually pick a fight with this boy??
He probably would get seriously emotional
He is also one who gives you a lot of plushies and flowers 
Bubble Tea dates
Arcade dates
He loves spending time with you 
He pouts when you can’t go to shows with them
Because he wants you to how cool he is on stage.
Jungwoo would be the ultimate squishy boyfriend
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This little Sh*t... -_-
Okay so this boy takes pride in making you flustered AF
It’s his job
He’s a flirt
He’a tease
You’re constantly yelling at him.
He just laughs it off
Okay now hear me out
This boy will kiss your neck and growl in your ear
Just to get a squeal out of you
You neck all cringed up 
But he can also treat you like a princess
He loves holding your hand in public areas 
He wants people to know who you belong to
He’s not afraid of PDA 
When you two fight, if can actually get a little scary
Lucas has a deep voice and it gets husky when he’s mad 
You’re not turned on by it at all 
That’s probably where it will end
“You really piss me off sometimes” 
“Yeah and you do too!” 
Boom... making out 
At the end of the night you two still love each other and would do anything for each other. 
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My boy! Loved him since Cherry Bomb! (first MV I saw)
Okay so like Jaehyun
Mark is already boyfriend material
He loves you beyond words 
So Mark is definitely a cuddle bug
He will fall asleep holding onto you
and if you are having a bad day 
He’ll lay you down on his bed, sit beside you and play his guitar
He loves playing with your hair
He’s tried failed to put it in a ponytail 
Mark is always trying to make you laugh 
He loves hearing it
He definitely calls you babe a lot
He likes to show you his parts in his songs (127, dream, U and Super M)
Fights with him would be small
and short 
He would try to end them as fast as they started 
If he can’t he’ll wait til you’ve calmed down a little before coming into your room, playing your favorite song on his guitar
He never sleeps without you
That’s why he always gets a little sad when he has to go on tour 
So you two video call until one of you falls asleep
I need a Make Lee >.<
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I’m becoming utterly whipped for this boy
Xioajun is also a romantic 
He also looks a really good kisser
So with that said
He will kiss you every chance he gets
This boy will treat you like absolute royalty
He will also call you princess 
I mean Xioajun himself looks like a prince
He also loves back hugs 
Like while you’re in the kitchen and he just comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist
Lots of cheek kisses that would trail down to your neck 
(Deep inhale and exhale)
A fight would only happen if you initiate it
If you told him he did something he would run over a hug you before you could walk away
It would be like a scene from a kdrama 
He would hold you for a second before you turned around to return the hug that lead to a kiss and an apology.
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One of the biggest crackheads in NCT and WAYV 
So obviously 
You’re gonna have a crack head boyfriend
Hendery is more than likely from another planet
Or at least that’s what you feel like
You are his baby
He makes sure you know too
“My baby!!!” (He is so loud XD)
You’re always questioning what he’s doing
He loves making you laugh too
So he’ll be doing something totally weird just to get a giggle out of you
“Aha! you smiled!” 
I think it’s impossible to fight with him 
I think if it were to happen 
It would be weird
Like you two aren’t actually fighting 
and eventually you two would just bust up laughing 
he looks like the kind to always hold your face when he kisses you
like his hand on your face, or lifting your chin to kiss you
he also looks like a good kisser too
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I feel like Renjun would ultimately be an amazing boyfriend
So you are his first priority 
He is so caring of you
and he loves being around you 
He could be practicing and he sees you coming into the room
Everything stops
“Hold up! my girl is here!”
He also loves taking you on dates 
Fancy dates
Movie dates are his favorite though
I can’t see you two fighting a lot but if it does
He is gonna cry
(Please no one hurt him)
He’ll go to his hyungs for advice 
Then he’ll show up in front of you
Face all puffy
Eyes all red 
(My heart is breaking)
He’ll apologize so many times 
You have no choice to hug him and forgive him
He’ll feel relieved when he feels your arms around him
Then he spendss the rest of the day with you
Ultimate boyfriend!
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Jeno is total baby
so granted
He’s your baby
I feel like is adorably clingy
Like always needs to be touching you
Holding you
Whines when you have to leave your cuddle fest 
Pouts when you won’t kiss him
but then 
He can take charge on you
He was the one that asked you out
He initiated the first kiss
But he just likes being all soft and squishy around you
If the day ever comes that you two argue or yell at each other
Its definitely short
He will return to his baby act and bat those little eyes at you until you give in to him
Much like Hendery, you two kind of just laugh it off
Then you two are back 
Who can resist those eyes
Lets be real
No one can
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He’s obviously spent too much time with Doyoung
He’s savage 2.0
But he loves you to no end
You two definitely have video game dates
He gets mad when you win
“Psht! I let you win...”
*Dramatic eye roll* 
He doesn’t let you live any of your embarrassments down
He’ll tease the shit out of you
He is the most extra boyfriend ever
You literally cannot take him anywhere
But no one else gets to mess with you
That’s his job
If someone tries to prank you
It’s on!
“This is my woman, no one else messes with her but me!”
Now don’t get me wrong
He still takes care of you
If you’ve had a bad day, or a fight with him
He’ll hold you in his arms
Gently rock you back and forth 
Sing sweet ballads in your ear
(Writing this is making my heart ache!!!)
Maybe he’ll mess up the notes just to make you laugh
Start singing off key
“Haha! My baby laughed!” 
You love this dork to the moon and back.
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(Lord give me strength)
Okay Jaemin is also the ultimate boyfriend
This boy would treat you like absolute royalty
He is so in love with you
It’s almost sickening 
He can’t go a day without you
If he does
It drives him crazy 
He’ll sends you so many pics and videos 
Telling you how much he misses you or loves you
This boy is a big lover
He will show you it 24/7
Kisses all the time
He can’t help it
He craves your taste, your touch
He craves you 
(This is making crazy O.O )
He loves it when you wear his hoodies
He melts with everything you do
He can’t help it
Jaemin can’t fight with you either 
He’ll just ask you to please stop fighting 
Also hold you in his arms until you’ve calmed down 
He also loves playing with your hair 
Loves the feeling of your soft locks
He will cuddle the hell out of you
I’m not saying I want a Na Jaemin
But that’s exactly what I’m saying.
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Our boy YangYang would also be a total goofball
He’s such a cutie
And he takes pride in that
Like Jeno
He is your baby
and you love it so much
But he’s more like a baby that flirts with you 
He’ll say little sentences in German too
and won’t tell you what he said
“Please tell me what you said!!”
“That ruins the fun” 
He will love to tease you 
All the time
He laughs at you for everything too
You just make him giggle
Especially when you want to know what he said in German and he won’t tell you
Like a lot of the members 
I can’t see you two getting into a lot of fights
I just can’t 
If there ever comes a day where he does tell you what he said in German
Let’s be real
It’s probably dirty...
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We don’t know much about Shotaro
Except that he’s FREAKING ADORABLE
But I feel like he would be very similar to Renjun
He just spoils you rotten
You are his princess 
He loves to hug you too
Lots of hugs
and cuddles
(Give me strength!!! >.<)
He is also loves shopping with you too
He looks like snackin boy! 
So lots of snacks 
and movie dates
Okay another ultimate boyfriend 
No one better ever hurt this boy
Or I’ll fight you! (ง'̀-'́)ง
So on that note
no fights
Because I can’t imagine his sad face
Please protect him
We must protect him!!!
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I get the feeling that Sungchan would also be like a combination of Mark and Jaemin
He loves you like a best friend
but also like a queen 
And again
Because he’s so tall
More fore head kisses
And lots of hugs too
He loves putting his arms around you
He’ll put your arms around his waist and then wrap his arms around you 
Tall people just make you feel secure
He too is very difficult to fight with 
Its also more like bickers or arguements
(Ah Young love)
He loves movie dates too
Just curled up on the couch
Buried in blankets
Snacks all around you
He is just the best.
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First thing’s first
This boy is so loud
But he’s a giggle box
And he loves it when you make him laugh
He also loves to make you laugh too
He seems like a chill one too
and he’s always singing to you
Chenle looks like a cuddler too
and a tickler
He’ll do whatever it takes to hear your laugh
He is also a sweet heart too
Always buying you food, and snacks
He wants to keep you happy
I can see him loving picnics
But he’s very underrated 
So he needs reassurance a lot from you
You always tell him he’s doing well
No fights from you guys
But you guys can be away from each other 
Only for a little bit though
Then he has to see you
He’s been without you too long
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Our little baby
Ain’t so much a baby anymore ㅠ.ㅠ
So this boy 
You’re his first love
So he doesn’t want to mess anything up
He wants to only make you happy
But he’s never dated before
So he isn’t sure all the time on what you guys should do.
He’s got 22 hyungs
They’ll help him out
Okay maybe not Haechan...or Hendery...
He really like to hold your hand 
I feel like he wouldn’t be too much into PDA
He likes to be alone with you
If any of the members tease him
He’s gonna get flustered AF
Lots of facepalms when the guys are around giving him a hard time
He’s their baby, they aren’t use to seeing him with his arm around a girl
or giving her kisses
or cuddling her on the couch
If you guys get into a fight 
He’s gotta ask everyone how to make up for it
So there he is
At your door
Flowers and giant teddy bear 
He’s really shy and tripping on his words
So of course you forgive him shortly after he stars stuttering words out to you
He’s growing up too fast!!! >.<  
(WHEW! Made it!! hope you guys enjoyed it! let me know what group I should do next! Please support NCT in their new album and Stream their MVs!)
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