#this will actually get colors but i really like the lines
sir-adamus · 2 days
i've got the blu ray for volume 1 playing and i'm watching the behind the scenes video and Monty explicitly spells out how important collaboration with other creatives was in building RWBY, saying how he wanted to work with Kerry and Miles on it in creating the world and how he mostly gave them broad strokes. and it's mentioned how they all put the show bible together - i'm gonna put the whole transcript for the video under the cut (which i'm having to do myself because no one has uploaded this video anywhere as far as i can tell and there's no fucking subtitles)
Monty Oum [Creator and Director]: It’s the stories I’ve always wanted to tell versus the idea I came up with about, a little over a year ago. And we were talking about doing another show, and I just kind of half-asleep came up with the idea of a color rule for a bunch of characters. The red, white, black and yellow color scheme was something that was very prominent even in my previous work, so I started matching names up, matching ideas up. Also thinking about like, some of the ideas I’d stored up over the years. At some point or another the word ‘RWBY’ came to me.
Monty: Starting the show out originally, I designed the original character, Ruby, as well as going into the other characters. So once I had the first trailer done, and thinking about the rest of the characters for the show, I started bringing in other artists who I had watched for years. People I’d always said “someday I’ll work with them, someday I’ll have them design for me.” And when I was certain about having certain characters, I first contacted an artist I admired and found over DeviantArt. Her name was Ein Lee, she’s actually from Taiwan, and I found her art probably well over five years ago, and just loved her art style, and therefore wanted to incorporate it into my characters. So, I would do rough designs for team RWBY as well as designs for team JNPR, and she would flesh that out to be even further. To the point where eventually I didn’t need to design characters anymore, she started designing a bunch of the rest of the characters down the line.
Monty: The second person I brought on to RWBY was Kerry, because we had just been having conversations about the kind of show we could make. I’d been working with Miles on Season 10. He was writing scenes while I was making scenes, and so the three of us would have a lot of meetings and collaborate on the show to the point where I just started coming up with the broad strokes eventually and they had pretty much written the bulk of the show. Collaboration’s a big deal here, and I tried to include as many people as I can.
Kerry Shawcross [Co-writer]: Right after RvB ended, we wanted to just go straight into RWBY, but that was like right when we were going into commercial season. So we would work our normal hours here. Like 10 to 7-ish, then we would go back to one of our apartments and just start writing.
Miles Luna [Co-writer]: Monty really was enthusiastic about having these characters that may appear really one-dimensional for like the first few scenes that you see them, but the longer you get to know them, you realise “Oh, Yang isn’t just a dumb blonde party girl. She’s a very caring and nurturing girl, that has had to essentially be there for Ruby when she was young.”
Kathleen Zuelch [Producer]: When Monty and Miles and Kerry came to me, and really took me through the story. I started becoming a huge believer, because I’m a big fan of old school, traditional fairy tales, I love the Brothers Grimm, I love all the Snow White, and I love Little Red Riding Hood. I grew up with all of those stories, and the way that they were very clever in creating this whole world that’s kind of making homage to all of these amazing stories really inspired me to get more on board with what they wanted to do with this whole anime show.
Taylor McNee (née Pelto) [Art Director]: The world of RWBY, it looks very familiar. We wanted a blend of very classic looking architecture and clothing and cars, but we’re also mixing in this really kind of futuristic feel, like these little touches of some really futuristic stuff like holograms and things that you wouldn’t find in a classic [inaudible]. And that’s how we’re making this world unique. Our assets have to go through this pipeline of concept, modelling, texturing, and then finally being able to be put into the 3D program. So we start out with the concept and we usually bring that image into Maya, which is the main 3D software that we use. We have to make a 3D model that looks exactly like the concept that we were given, and it’s quite a process. Basically, we’re pushing polys and extruding stuff until we make the perfect shape, then afterwards we have to UV unwrap it, and then lay everything out on a texture sheet and then paint it, and that will put the image on the model. After that we’re basically done with the model and texture, and then we have to give it to the animators. So then we will set it up in Poser so the animators can grab it and use it for their characters.
Gray Haddock [Lead Editor]: There’s a lot of people working on this show, and there’s a lot of different elements in the pipeline. Editorial kinda serves as a hub between all the different departments, so we help all the communication and coordination between all the different pieces of the show, depending on what part of development that they’re in. Editorial’s getting involved way early in the process, we work alongside the director and the writers and the storyboard artists, and we use the scripts to help develop the storyboards and the camera angles for all those boards. So editorial is responsible for building up the moments of any given scene in terms of the timing and what you wanna look at, at any given moment. So we take the script and we help develop the camera angles and how long you wanna linger in a particular camera angle, look at one character or another or the scene as a whole, and the rhythm of the scene in terms of how long is it gonna take to spend on a particular line or when you want the music to come in, things like that. So we build up a set of animatics with the storyboards, and the first pass of all the audio. This is what then is handed off to the animators, so they can know exactly what is in what shot and how long do they have to animate it in a given shot. And once they’re done animating and their shot’s been approved, then their shot goes to the render farm, we get the rendered shot back and we drop it into the timeline for our episode and finesse the cut a little bit if we have to. But for the most part, we’ve done our job right and everything should pretty much be locked in for the most part by the time we’re getting animation.
Kerry: What’s kinda interesting as we’re creating the characters is, we kinda knew what kind of character they’d be. We knew Ruby would act a certain way, we knew Weiss would act a certain way, but we didn’t really know much about them. So we would get to the point where we’d be figuring out plotlines or figuring out dialogue and we’d be like “What would Weiss say here? What would Nora say here?” And then it turned into “Oh well now we know.”
Miles: Obviously we put a lot of thought into Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang before we started writing the dialogue. I remember sitting upstairs and we made a show bible, and we’re starting- we talked about likes, dislikes, personality traits. One of the first things I remember making was “Weiss drinks coffee. Blake drinks tea.”
Kerry: It’s important. It sounds not important at all, but it’s very important. It says so much about them
Miles: But it’s so important. So much about them, also it says nothing about them. It was just like- that’s just what it is.
Monty: I want the show to have resonance with people who are growing up. Cos everyone’s story is the story of kind of becoming who they are. Especially these days when the path of becoming who you are tends to be marginalised with reality. Having done what I’ve done, where I’ve essentially dropped out of high school, started learning this stuff on my own, and therefore land in a position where I get to take the things I was dreaming about when I was growing up and make it real. I tend to get a lot of response from people who are also not sure what they’re meant to become, a lot of them also have the same bright imaginations and with the way the world is, the hardships of what it means to grow up tends to marginalise who you are, and I would hate that to happen to anyone because the future is in creativity and that’s not something you can just manufacture. I actually would like this show to grow up with the people, so unlike most shows where they tend to be ageless or age very slowly, I’d like our fifteen-year-old fans watching fifteen-year-old Ruby, when they’re twenty-five, to be watching twenty-five-year-old Ruby, and to actually have some resonance with the character. Probably one of my favourite types of feedback is to say “I know this person” or “this person is just like me,” and that’s probably one of the best things about coming up with these characters.
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bri-cheeses · 1 day
| Rosekiller microfic | Word count: 855 | This is actually a part 2 to this post that I happened to completely forget about until about thirty minutes ago lol | Hope you enjoy! |
Barty watched Evan go, grass being crushed under his feet as he walked away.
Then he whirled back to Regulus and Dorcas, desperate for answers.
“Tell me what just happened,” he demanded.
Dorcas rubbed a hand over her forehead and Regulus scoffed.
“If I had to take a guess, I’d say that these past few years of relentlessly pining for each other finally caught up to you.” Regulus delivered it like a fact, and Barty gaped at him.
“What?” He could feel his mouth hanging open like a dumbstruck goldfish.
Next to Regulus, Dorcas rolled her eyes. “That was pathetic, Crouch,” she said. “For both of you. Merlin knows how we’ve watched you two tiptoe around each other for years now, but I’m scared it’s about to get a hundred times worse.”
Regulus wrinkled his nose at the thought. Barty felt slightly faint. “What do you mean we’ve been tiptoeing around each other for years?”
There was a long-suffering sigh from Regulus. “You like Evan,” he stated plainly, “and Evan likes you. And neither of you will pull your head out of the sand long enough to actually notice that the other likes you back.”
“But I don’t like Evan?”
Dorcas wheezed in surprised laughter.
“What?” she gasped. “Did you just say that? Regulus, tell me he did not just say that.”
“He did just say that,” Regulus said grimly. “Now you see what I’ve been living with for all this time.”
“I am so sorry.”
“Wait, I’m sorry, can we go back? Why is me saying that I don’t like Evan so incredibly hilarious?” Barty crossed his arms in petulance.
“Because,” Dorcas said slowly, as if she were explaining something to a small child, “you’ve liked Evan for years.”
A rush of heat traveled to Barty’s face. “No, I haven’t!”
“Barty,” Regulus interrupted, “how would you describe Evan’s hair?”
“What? Why?”
“Just do it.”
Barty barely had to think about it, but he still frowned while speaking. “Well, it’s this really light blond color, and it’s more of a whitish tint than it is yellow. Except for when the sun lights it from behind, then it looks more like gold.”
He didn’t see the point of this.
Regulus shared an amused look with Dorcas. “Right. And what color is my hair?”
Barty frowned again, confused. “It’s black,” he said.
He looked on in confusion as Dorcas and Regulus burst out laughing.
“Barty, tell me, what’s Evan’s eye color?” Dorcas laughed.
“A really lovely brown, kind of like coffee with a dash of creamer in it.”
“And what’re my eyes like, pray tell?”
“Dark brown?”
It came out like more of a question than he wanted it to.
His friend's laughter had started to gain some attention, and Barty’s face grew warm at being the butt of some joke he didn’t know the punch line to.
“Barty, I want you to say the first word that comes to mind after I finish my next sentence, okay?” Regulus was actually smiling. It was at Barty’s expense, sure, but even then, it was rare enough occasion that it made Barty even more nervous. He nodded anyway and braced himself for Reg’s next words.
“Evan coming out of the bathroom without a shirt on.”
“Merlin,” Barty breathed, then clapped a hand to his mouth. Where had that come from?
Regulus and Dorcas both leveled a pointed stare at him, as if they were waiting for a realization to kick in.
When it did, Barty’s jaw dropped to the ground. He pointed an outraged finger between his two friends. “Why didn’t any of you tell me?!”
“Look,” Dorcas said as she raised her hands in defense, “it’s not our fault that you’re exponentially more dense than any of us expected.”
Regulus nodded his agreement. “We thought you knew.”
“Well, I did not know that, so. Thanks for that,” Barty glowered. Oh, this simple little fact has complicated everything for him.
“I’m done for, aren’t I?” he said miserably.
“Not really,” Dorcas mused.
Barty cut a sharp look towards her. “What do you mean?”
“Do you even remember how we got onto this topic in the first place? The whole “you liking Evan” thing, but also Evan liking you. For even longer than you’ve liked him, if I’m not mistaken.” Dorcas glanced towards Regulus for confirmation. Regulus nodded. He looked slightly pained and more than a little weary of Evan and Barty’s stupidity.
“Wait, really?” Barty questioned. “How do you know?”
“Because I’ve been subject to his constant staring at you with his white-gold hair and coffee eyes for way too long,” Reg muttered.
Barty dropped his head down to his hands, covering the blush that has made its way back to his cheeks. “Merlin, I’m so gone for him, aren’t I?”
“Yeah,” Dorcas said at the same time Regulus responded, “Definitely.”
Barty groaned into his hands as Regulus continued, “But if it's any consolation, he’s just as gone for you.”
Barty looked up. “Actually,” he contemplated, “that is a consolation, Reg, thank you.”
Regulus nodded in acknowledgment at the same time a grin started to spread across Barty’s features.
This could be fun.
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Quick world lore question; does the game ever specify what kind of potions/poisons exist in twst? Like, since it's technically a fantasy world, would things like health/stamina potions like you'd see in rpg's exist? Or would it be closer to reality, like home remedies and basic pharmaceutical stuff?
I'm only an EN player and I havent read all the pomfiore student's vignette's so if they answer this there then im sorry for the bother ; ;
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Potions aren't talked about in the only Pomefiore students' vignettes! (In fact, if we're talking just strictly Labwear vignettes... Vil and Rook's don't really focus on potions at all; only Epel's sort of does.) There isn't actually a ton of lore about potions, and in the times when they do become relevant, the writing tends to focus more on the ingredients and/or the preparation process rather than what kind of potion would be produced. For example, the entire Labwear series of vignettes frequently brings up rare or dangerous plants that require the application of magic in order to safely harvest, such as the mandrake and the lantern blossom.
I wasn't able to check all vignettes (since that would be like... what, probably a few hundred at this point? If not that, then at least over 100.), but there's definitely mentions of potions with various effects. From all lab vignettes alone and combing through the main story, here's what I could glean:
transformation/transmutation potions (prologue, book 2, Beans Day, book 6, etc; this is probably the most often mentioned type of potion)
voice-changing potions (Leona Labwear vignette)
color-changing potions (Epel Labwear voice line)
plant growth potions (Epel Labwear voice line)
sleeping potions (Silver Labwear vignette)
awakening potions (Silver Labwear vignette)
magic enhancing potions (book 2)
a potion that changes one part of your body to that of an animal's (book 3)
On the subject of poisons, no specific kinds are mentioned as far as I'm aware. There's a Poison Refining class (Cater Labwear vignettes), but we don't really get specifics. When poisons are talked about, it's usually in reference to the Fairest Queen or the Pomefiore dorm leader being skilled in making potent poisons, or it's Kalim talking about the many attempts on his life and unnamed poison antidotes. There may be more mentioned in other places, but at this time I don't have the capacity to check every single event and vignette. If you know of any more that aren’t listed here, please let me know and I can update the list!!
It should also be noted that "potions" can also be used for other purposes. This includes creating special effects for movies (mentioned in Vil's Labwear vignettes) and enhancing the effects of skincare (book 6, Azul Ceremonial Robes, etc.).
You'll notice that the effects of these potions can also be achieved via regular spellcasting. (In fact, we see Adeuce practicing color changing magic in Floyd's Labwear vignettes + Vil using color changing magic to help himself hide from paparazzi, etc., Jack's/Malleus's/Azul's UMs also allow them to do things without the help of potions.) Because of this, I believe that potions are meant to be an alternative way of spellcasting without actually needing to use magic. This makes already prepared potions usable by mages who don't want to expend energy/build blot as well as by NON-MAGES.
Within the world of TWST, there is an occupation known as the “medical mage”, who appear to combine magic and medicine into their practice. Furthermore, what is called “Potionology” in EN is written as 魔法薬学 (literally, "magic pharmaceuticals") in JP, implying that there is, in fact, an intersection between magic and medicine. This is similar to how "technomancy" is described to be the cross between magic and technology.
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In terms of a "healing potion", there are instances which show that a magic potion may heal or at least speed up the body's natural healing process. For example, in 7-68 of the main story, Baur gives Lilia something to drink to help him with the dire blow he just took. It doesn't appear to restore him to full health though, as Lilia states he still needs rest afterward. In EN, they use the term "potion" but in JP they use "薬" (kusuri), which is "medicine". Baur qualifies the character with "魔法" (maho), which is "magic", so the term he's using is "magic medicine". This is probably the closest thing to a "healing" potion that we know of in the TWST lore.
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So technically, yes, TWST has "healing potions". I wouldn’t say there is one blanket cure-all potion though; based on what we know of potionology and how it’s very similar to irl chemistry classes, we can assume that there are generalized “healing potions” but that there must also be far more specialized and targeted ones, similar to medicine irl or non-enchanted or non-magic infused medicine. I would imagine that, like transformation potions, “healing potions” would have to be highly regulated since they’re basically a drug 💀 (There would probably be OTC types too, given proper governmental approval!)
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theysaidhush · 3 days
Dear Christopher,
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-> Pairing: Ex!Bang Chan x Reader
-> You write a letter to Chan one year after he breaks up with you, asking questions you wish you had answers to before he left.
-> heavy angst, bit of smut
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I thought love was everything I needed. You said it was everything we needed. I believed it. Truly did. Because even if everyone likes you, even if I am everyone, everyone is not me. They don't get to see you when waking up, they don't get to touch your face like I wish I did, don't get to hold your hand or look into your eyes when we were dinning - that, I wish I did too. I'm just realizing that I might as well be just everyone, don't you think so too?
"I will love you, to the moon and back."
Was your trip to the moon too short that it did not last long? Was trying to reach out for the stars too tiring? It wasn't even what I asked for...
I met you on a sunny day, remember? I bet you do, because as much as I want you not to, so I can blame you, I know you do. You're just like that, so perfect that it's actually hard for me to write this letter. I want to point at your flaws and scream and screech at that blank, virgin piece of paper. But I can't. It holds too much meaning to me. I still have it. Why do I still have it? Ah, seriously...
So yeah, we met on a sunny day. I think it was holidays? At least for you. Those are rare aren't they? You were nobody, walking down the street. No holy glow, no charming or alluring walk. Just you, your cap and your way too baggy black clothes. I wasn't sucked it, did not look twice at that strange man covered like a person would if walking in Netherlands. And you came to me and told me a weird pick up line with that accent of yours that made me think about what you said twice just because I couldn't comprehend it. I wouldn't have answered if it wasn't for your giggle. You were giggling. Giggling for God's sake. What man giggles in 2022? But you sucked me in, just like that. With those charming dimples. Suddenly, the ocean wasn't enough to quench my thirst, no weight was heavy enough to hold me down and no colors was enough to paint you and picture you just like you were that day. It was so overwhelming I wish I hadn't met you, that day. I was a blushing mess (I still am when recalling that scene), my hands were sweaty and I was feeling dizzy. How dare you sounding so pretty? Because yeah, you made me realize that a sound could be pretty too. I fell in love for the first time in my life. I fell when I met you.
We met later. You were late. I did not think much about it. I am not one to care for those kind of things. Still am. How could I known it was a telltale sign? How would I known? You asked me questions about myself. You were the first to actually make me feel like an interesting person. Is it fool? I don't know. But I loved telling you about my life. You always hear, you always listen. I love that about you. I could have told you about how I saw an ant carrying another ant, how funny I thought it was, and you could have laughed like you were here to witness it, like it was actually funny. I could have told you about this really sad movie that I watched a few days prior and you could have scrunched your face and furrow your eyebrows as if you were trying not to cry. I could have told you about that stain on my table that I just can't clean and your fingers would have itched to do it for me. I fell in love a second time. I fell when I got to know you.
And then you left. I appreciated spending time with you. I appreciated the way you asked me if you could hold my hand. Just by that I could tell that your mother was a lovely and respectable person. I appreciated the way you were always trying to find something to do. I did not care about that suffocating thing covering half your face.
"I wanna see you do plenty of things so that I can know what you like and what you doesn't. I wanna get to know you when you are surprised, sad, happy, delighted. I wanna fell in love with every facet of your personality." you said. Was what you found not attractive enough? Was it not enough to keep you entertained, Chan?
Then you told me you had to leave. I hoped it wasn't just a summer fling. But you asked for my number, and we talked even after you left. Even in my sleep I was thrilled about waking up and reading your text in the morning, can you believe that? Who gave you the right to take my heart hostage and to care for it? Your texts were sweet, your voice in our weekly phone calls sweeter. And those pictures of landscapes even more. Got me thinking about how I wanted to be by your side. How I wanted to watch this sunset with you, how I wanted to hold your hand and kiss you until I can't breathe.
We never kissed. I regret that. I despise that. But maybe it is because we weren't meant to. And yet, in the darkest of night I was thinking about how I wanted to be next to you. How I wanted some warmth, some love. How I wanted to trace your body with my tongue. How I wanted to hold your hands while I'm making love to you. For the first time in my life I was horny. I wanted you to fill me up, to caress and to touch. I wanted to feel your fingertips on my body, to feel you fingers in my private part, to hear your whispers in my ears as you are delicately rocking my body. For the first time in my life I was a stranger in my own body. Touching and trying to please myself just like you would do if you were there. How funny, I'm sounding like a perv.
But you slowly started to disappear. Photos getting blurry. Texts getting shorter. Phone calls getting rare. Affection being yearned for.
And then you told me that you could no longer be with me. And that's when I fell in love for the third time. I fell because I realized how our one year relationship meant to me. You took everything with you. After that, the sun rays were burning flames, the smell of coffee was suffocating, the laughs of people was defeating, my thoughts were deadly.
You got me thinking about me. About I could would have be if I never met you. A happier version of myself. Confident and proud. But instead, you got me thinking about what was wrong about me. Was I not enough? Were my quirks and habits too weird? Was my voice and my laugh repulsing? Was my body disgusting? You got me dreading looking at my reflection, you got me dreading meeting new people. What if they didn't like me? What if I was not interesting enough? What if I was too loud? too obnoxious? too silent? too shy? too quiet? to weird? too ugly? too clingy? too distant? too mean? too nice? What if I was me? What if they didn't like me?
And I hate myself for saying this, because this is not all your fault. I was insecure before meeting you. But you gave me a taste of self-confidence, and it was like drug, addicting. But it was a you thing. The way you made me feel like we were on top of the world. You took it with you. I don't know how to go back to my old self.
I hope that one day I will heal feel again. But for the moment I will try.
It's been a year now. I still love you. I'll never love someone like I loved you. But you'll never love me like you love music. And I respect that. I only found out a few months after our break up that you were a world wide star. Mask and cap be damned, your voice is one that I can't forget. I think I understand now. Why you left. And again, I respect that.
I love you. We could have talked about it
I love you. If only you had told me
I love you. I'm sorry you didn't feel loved enough to tell me about your job
I love you, I wish you just told me why you left
I'm sorry. I should have try harder.
But maybe I was just that. Maybe I was just everybody. I'll try to forget because I genuinely wants to see you happy. Maybe one day I'll thank you for helping me growing up as a person. Maybe one day I'll tell about my first love to my friends. Maybe one day I'll write you another letter and write:
"And one day, your name didn't make me smile anymore."
To Bang Christopher Chan
From A Baby-Stray Stay
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pinkandpurple360 · 3 days
someone made one of those color coded lyric things for the stol!tz duet and holy smokes, Blitzo has barely any lines compared to Stolas
the song is basically structured like - Stolas intro, pseudo-duet bit in the middle where Blitzo gets a verse to himself, Stolas outro
like in what other show would the main character's song where the voice actor is doing the singing this time (unlike Moxxie's bad trip) be written so that his emotional state is effectively overshadowed by the emotions of his 'love interest'?
like outside of Viv's favoritism for creator's pet Stolas I can only assume they had to do it this way since there's no real way to have Blitzo sing 'I remember that time I got sold to be his playmate and he thinks that makes us childhood friends' or 'I remember that time he didn't care I was getting shot, extorted me for sex and talked down to me for 6 episodes straight' and make it sound better than it was.
like if they bothered to dig into what he would be feeling in this situation outside of surface level stuff it would really undercut this whole 'Stol!tz should be be endgame & also everything is Blitzo's fault' angle they're going for
Yeah from what I saw, stolas/bryce has his fourth song and Blitzø got to have a single verse in it. Lucky for him /sarc can’t wait for his fifth song in his two back to back episodes. Then the sixth and the seventh…Is it not obvious that stolas is actually the main character? Episode 1 (sortve), 3, and 4 are an episodic break from the recurring stolas plot, which takes up 2, 5, 6, 7, season 2 ep 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 etc etc. Like this is the stolas show.
And you’re right, Blitzø, who is now just the villains minion, has nothing to sing about? I think medrano realised that she can’t come up with anything substantial for him, so just focussed on the funnee sex part and transferred that flaw onto him. Normally it’s the owl wanting sex and cuddles and Blitzø wanting to focus on his life goals.
If you tried to dig to what he’s feeling it would validate stolas ‘adorable’ insecurity that he’s making someone else do things for him: sex and being his escapism. Oddly, even though he said he wants to make amends and lamented that it was wrong, now he’s “testing” whether somethings wrong or not, wanting to become a couple. That is a dramatic whiplash in motivation.
This is the messiest inconsistent plot line I’ve ever seen? It’s like it’s desperately trying to retcon and cover its tracks but keeps changing its mind on how to do it. I’m actually dizzy? The season 2 premier had him letting it go then 2 - not, then 4 - back again, but here we are episode 8 and it’s back to not doing that.
A while back Viv said stolas was getting all this screentime “because he’s important to Blitzø and imps story” but who is that kidding? This isnt his story or theirs. Stolas is the only character with an ongoing narrative which is solely focussed on his emotional journey and his life, especially his romantic life, ever since Ozzies. It doesn’t touch on Blitzø only to vilify him for not saving stolas from his responsibilities and messy divorce. Yet. Maybe even since LooLoo land. And every time the show drifts premise, it’s for imp to do a job for stolas, security, which in harvest moon he didn’t intend but that’s still what ended up happening anyways. Or for his random shoe horned appearances in e6 and e7.
That duet showed disharmony, unequal power, discomfort, two entirely different paths, lack of rhythm and lack of compatibility. Kinda the opposite of what a romantic duet is supposed to do? It’s painfully opposite to the harmony and in sync nature of the crooked duet.
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feelingbluewrites · 3 days
I truly believe that Bokuto is one of the most passionate lovers in Haikyuu.
With his sun sign a Virgo, not only is he extremely loyal, but with his Venus sign in Scorpio he's literally ride or die. Venus in Scorpio crave intensity, he can be a bit dependent but there's nothing he wouldn't do for you, that is, except letting you go.
So I can only imagine when you two break up, he's always going to come crawling back. Trying to look for you in different girls. Similar hair color, hair style, height, mannerisms, but none of them are actually you.
It takes a couple days though. A couple days for him to dissociate that you two really are over, A couple days for him to learn this new life without you. He seems fine at first, seeming like his usual self. That is until he's up one night, tossing in turning. It's cold in his room, usually by this time you would be snuggling him, face nuzzled into the crook of his neck, with small snores that is like white noise for him to sleep.
All of a sudden his walls break down and he's crying to himself, hugging himself to try and stop the pain that he feels in his heart. Never in his life has he felt so empty without you here. He thought he was fine, he swore that he was fine. But yet he can't help the tears that flow out of his eyes, gripping his chest trying to find a breath. It just hurts so bad, it hurts his heart physically that you aren't his anymore.
So he's up early in the morning, with little to no sleep. Going for an early jog even when it's practically freezing out. He thinks maybe he just needs to clear his mind, he just had a moment of weakness that's all. Everyone usually needs to cry here and there to get better.
Then he's suddenly changing up his path, making a b-line to your house. He can't control it, his feet won't stop and it's only a matter of minutes before he's in front of your house. At coincidental timing you're exiting your house, unaware that Bokuto had been standing there for a few seconds, unclear of what to do next.
And it isn't until you reach your mailbox that you noticed the silver haired owl standing tall in front of you.
Before being able to finish your sentence, his arms already wrap around you, practically tugging you into his own body. And he can't help but kiss you, kiss you with so much emotion that you feel as though you might explode from how intense he's biting and licking your lips, almost as if this is your last kiss together.
You don't pull back, of course you can't pull back. Unlike Bokuto, you've been missing him almost every night that you'll cry with tear stained pillows, look through old photos of memories that make you throw your phone across the room. Of course, you always put on a mask, Convincing people, even him, that you are fine. When in reality, this break up is slowly breaking you, exactly like it's breaking him too.
He takes all of you in, your perfume that brought him so much comfort, and his hands have a mind of it's own as it wanders all over your body.
"I missed you." Choked cries in between kisses because this all he needed. All that he's ever wanted, The only thing that he cares about right now.
He loves you so much, too much that it makes his heart want to explode. And he's not letting you go again because the emptiness he feels when you aren't there, kills him.
You may not believe him when he says it but, he'd do anything for you.
He'd die for you.
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lovedbee · 1 year
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I think I want to make a coloring book :)
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hamofjustice · 10 months
nemona feels like an obscure blorbo instead of the main rival character from the latest pokemon game because to get to her really good content from people who really get it, you first have to wade through the ocean of yandere pervert obsessive stalker annoying punchable bimbo amazon goddess interpretations of...
... a neurodivergent and possibly disabled high schooler who's desperately trying to make any friends or get any support from her rich neglectful family - while everyone in her school is jealous of their own imagined version of a privileged asshole version of her they made up - who deeply and platonically loves and supports the one new kid who agreed to take the time to get to know and respect her and her special interest without having to hold back her true self
unlike her, it's not great!
kinda feels like she has the same problem in our world that she does in hers.
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bigkickguy · 6 months
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daanmarcoh doodle - they're sleeping in shifts and keeping watch
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chirpsythismorning · 7 months
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The Bizarre Love Triangle playlist is finally here!
📝 ☎️ 🎨 🛼 🌈⏮️ 🫀 💡
I've been working on this playlist for almost a year now, sharing piece by piece slowly with gifs accompanied by lyrics, which are meant to encapsulate what I think each of these characters were feeling at the time. This playlist goes in order narratively, so if you want the full experience, be sure to click start below to see where it all begins!
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You're the Inspiration
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
This Is the Day
The Great Pretender
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
Who Can It Be Now?
I Need You
Bizarre Love Triangle
You've Really Got a Hold of Me
I'm Not In Love
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Dust in the Wind
I've Been Losing You
I Want to Break Free
Enjoy the Silence
Always on My Mind
The Chain
It's Too Late
How Can I Be Sure?
Alone Again (Naturally)
Just the Two of Us
The Promise
Never My Love
At Your Best (You Are Love)
Wouldn't It Be Nice
The Flame
Is This Love
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?) - BONUS TRACK
I Know There's Something Going On
Slippin' Through My Fingers
More Than Words
If I Can't Have You
What You Won't Do for Love
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Time For Me To Fly
I Will Survive
Blue Moon
If You Leave
Somebody to Love
Don't Dream It's Over
#bizarre love triangle playlist#stranger things#happy stranger things day#a present from me to you!#byler#platonic elmike#willel twins#mike wheeler#will byers#el hopper#music#things to know:#-- you have to be familiar with the color theory to understand why I chose: red for el / blue for mike / yellow for will#-- some songs fit perfectly for the moment while others only have like one or two lines that fit so keep this in mind#-- there are a few songs that have titles that match the title/context of the songs that follow them and that was merely a coincidence#-- it would've been cool if el getting track 11 / will getting track 12 was a coincidence but that was entirely intentional <3#-- will and el both have 13 songs while mike has 17 songs#that's bc this playlist actually started out as a mike playlist with the same title bc bizarre love triangle is just literally his pov#but then i came across songs that fit really well with both will and el's pov and so i switched it to a trilogy of sorts#there also just happen to be a lot more songs that match with mike's pov more than the other two#el's pov is a lot of questioning whether your s/o loves you back and the shift from that to letting go and being happy/moving on#so there's only so many songs that fit into that#will's pov is sort of loving wholeheartedly in the most pure way while also feeling like that person will never return those feelings#there are a lot of love songs from that pov but more often than not they have lyrics that fit more with mike's pov than will's#there's definitely songs on here that fit with both will and mike's pov but it just turned out it fit mike's more in the moment#mike's pov is sort of a mixture of both will and el's where he assumes his love is unrequited / has fears about letting go of what he knows#mike's pov is also not in the forefront in s4 as much as we're used to it being previously so this offers a nice glimpse into his thoughts#-- the bonus track contains the pov of the entire bizarre love triangle and it's epic#-- also keep an eye out for some special features!#Spotify
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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I drew Dark Choco with the slit eye thing
Let this be canon Devsis, let him do it
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qeyond · 1 year
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First kiss <3
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solradguy · 2 years
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The lines, the colors, the decorations, ALL half-assed. Nevertheless, it is one of my favorites. That’s because this picture is historical in that it is the first time I designed gloves with decorative nails on them. I’m sure this information will come up again in the future. 
Cover for Arcadia Extra’s Guilty Gear XX Slash Beat Encyclopedia. Scan and caption from Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 by Daisuke Ishiwatari. 
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roitaminnah · 1 year
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hey have u guys read the fic bandit queens of the mont satiné shopping mall. (shaking through tears) i think u should. join me in my insanity <3
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bimbosupreme · 2 years
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“..What? Don’t tell me you actually started to care for her?”
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my art from the na vs art party!! took me a lil bit cuz i wanted to color it and that meant cleaning up the sketches and then i wanted to shade them and hajsksldhaflk
the characters from left to right:
Quinn Teeling - @sunsrefuge
Ambrose Wolfsbane - @commander-gloryforge
Finnegän - @pinecone-enthusiast
Astrëllä - @ohpollenpowder
#vsartparty#gw2#guild wars 2#others ocs#my art#also!!! please let me know if i got any of the names or tumblrs wrong!! especially ambrose cuz i didn’t get the name in my ref screenshot#i did go thru the art party tag to find the character i drew and i’m like 99% sure it’s ambrose but if it’s not him i’m SO SORRY#ahhh i hope people like them ajhsjalakf#like i know that getting art of ur oc is usually great no matter what but i get anxious lol#also i used a new shading technique and idk how i feel about it#like i like how i blended out the edges and stuff#but i might have to play with using different colors in different areas instead of just using the same purple lol#really happy with how i did the hair this time tho!! i feel like i usually like hair better in the sketching phase#cuz it’s all loose and rough and messy#i just feel like i get the shape and idk vibe? of the hair better then#and when i get to lines or shading i feel like i end up making the hair too solid? like i lose the flowy-ness of the hair and stuff#anyway i think i did pretty good with it this time tho!! i liked adding the highlights a lot :)#…i actually kinda was referencing an old how to draw manga book i got when i was 11#listen. it was one of the good ones and had actually good tips and info#and the way it showed shading hair kinda influenced me here and i think it worked!#oh wow i really rambled in the tags this time#there’s a reason my personal texts posts (at least on my main) are tagged as ‘regan rambles’
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