#though I always thought it was a silver bracelet?
notgrungybitchin · 7 months
From the gossip section of the January 1965 issue of 16 magazine:
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Good fucking question 60s teen magazine!Evergreen, even!
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aquasoftware · 26 days
His baby. ⪩✿⪨
No warnings just Nanami being a dad (fluff) + ML.
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Girldad!Kento, who pulls the classic "Go ask your mother." When his daughter wants something but eventually gives in, shaking his head with a slight smile once she brings out the big doe eyes and pleading combo. "I'll see what I can do." He says as he acknowledges her request.
Girldad!Kento, who supports his daughter's little dreams and gives her wads of cash to start her snack business at school, then once she quickly sells out, she finds hidden colorful sticky notes at the bottom in her big tote bag telling her how proud he is.
Girldad!Kento, who teaches his daughter how to save money when he finds out she spent most of her earnings on Doordash and Roblox.
Girldad!Kento, who covers his red face in embarrassment when his daughter dolls him up for a tea party, wearing a comically large powder pink tutu paired with a plastic silver crown as she records tik-toks forcing his two left feet to dance.
Girldad!Kento, who proudly wears his daughter's homemade bracelets that she made from a gifted hobby lobby bracelet kit to work anytime he gets handed a new one, not at all caring about the idiotic snickers he gets from his co-workers. Kento's favorite bracelet that he'll forever keep safe is one that has lettered black and white charms saying "Best dad."
Girldad!Kento, who never gets tired of the crafted macaroni gifts, whether it's on a card for his birthday, a picture frame for Christmas, or a macaroni necklace for Father's Day to him, it's always the thought that counts.
Girldad!Kento, who gets spoiled by his wife and his daughter, receiving two packed lunches for work. He was intensely observant of his daughter's latest interest, which this time became those junior cooking shows eager to try out a new recipe. Yet although it wasn't the best tasting food in the world, he still scarfed down his daughter's cooking as if it were his last meal.
Girldad!Kento, who awakens to the horrified cries of his precious child, begging "Papa, there's a monster in my room; can I sleep with you and mama tonight...?" He couldn't deny that, swiftly enough you both accepted her with open arms in your shared bed.
Girldad!Kento, who encourages his child to do a sport, feeling his heart melt as his little girl picks ballet.
Girldad!Kento, who spam calls you while you're at work so you can guide him through doing makeup for her ballet recitals. "That's the last step? Okay, I promise I'll get some videos for you, honey!" He reassures you, understanding that you don't want to miss a moment.
Girldad!Kento, who humiliates his poor daughter at the recital jumping up and screaming "That's my baby!"
Girldad!Kento, who never misses a PTA meeting or a parent-teacher conference meeting.
Girldad!Kento, who knew no amount of pep talks from you could prepare him for his baby getting her first period, halfway panicking in Walgreens, snatching up every sanitary napkin possible as soon as he got the text, picking her up from school early due to how bad it got getting her favorite comfort food to cheer her up afterwards.
Girldad!Kento, whose heart absolutely shattered hearing the sentence "Papa, I'm way too old for dolls now." What did she mean she was ready to give up Monster High and Barbie's? The saddened blonde refused to let his baby grow up even though he knew he had to.
Girldad!Kento, who almost sheds a tear when he finds out other cruel kids have been picking on her, calling her ugly, so instead of a typical lecture, he gave a warm embrace reminding her how beautiful she is.
Girldad!Kento, who will sob his eyes out at every single graduation, including elementary, middle, high-school, and soon eventually college, needing at least five boxes of tissues to himself at her middle school graduation, not even being able to fathom how he'd handle her high school graduation.
Girldad!Kento, who loves his daughter unconditionally.
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8/28/24 11:59pm
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itneverendshere · 6 days
omg omg i’m completely inlove with bartender reader and rafe!! what if the reader saves up her money to get rafe something special as a just because gift, something to show that shes grateful for him or maybe handmade some gift for him
it hits different 'cause it's you - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe) word count: 2.5k
thank you so much for loving them and for you request 🫂
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Between the country club, side gigs, and saving every extra penny, you’d finally done it. You had something for Rafe.
You turned the little bracelet over in your hands, the silver chain glinting in the dim light of your bedroom. It felt kind of ridiculous at first—getting him a gift. Rafe could buy whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. But that wasn’t the point. This was your first birthday together, and you wanted to give him something that came from you.
Something that showed him you were grateful for everything he’d done. Because even though you’d heard all the stories about how terrible he could be—and you’d seen flashes of it sometimes—he’d always been different with you. Softer, quieter, like everything around him softened when it was just the two of you. You didn’t need the flashy gifts or the five-star dinners, though he insisted on both.
You needed him. The Rafe you knew when it was just the two of you sitting in his truck by the beach, laughing over nothing.
A handmade bracelet, not flashy but personal. You’d saved up for the silver chain, a simple one but still nice. But the charms? Those were the important part. Tiny reminders of things you’d shared: a little compass for those late-night drives home where you’d just get lost on purpose, a wave for the time he dragged you out surfing (even though you had no idea what you were doing), and a tiny heart because, well, obvious reasons. 
You didn’t care if he thought it was dumb.
You’d spent weeks working on it between shifts, sneaking away to the little craft store on the mainland to find the perfect pieces. It wasn’t expensive, but it had you in it—your time, your memories, your effort. And you hoped that was enough.
You’d been nervous all day, counting down the minutes until you could finally give it to him. Rafe had picked you up after work, his grin lighting up the parking lot, and now the two of you were sitting on the hood of his truck, the ocean breeze cool against your skin. His birthday dinner had been perfect, of course—he'd made sure of that.
He’d insisted on this little restaurant by the beach, his favorite, and the sunset view had been unreal, like something out of a movie. But you’d been quiet.
He nudged you with his shoulder. “What’s up? You’ve been acting weird all night.”
You fumbled with the zipper of your purse, pulling out the small, wrapped box. “I… I got you something.”
Rafe’s eyebrows shot up. “For me?”
“No, for the other guy I’m sitting on a truck with,” you teased, nerves bubbling up. “Yeah, for you.”
He smirked, shaking his head. “You didn’t have to get me anything, you know.”
“I know. But I wanted to.”
Rafe carefully unwrapped the box, pulling out the bracelet. He held it up, the charms catching the light. For a moment, he didn’t say anything, and your heart sank, wondering if he thought it was cheap or lame compared to everything he was used to.
But then he looked at you, his blue eyes soft and serious in a way that made your chest tighten. “You made this?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, twisting your hands in your lap. “It’s nothing crazy. Just, uh, little things that remind me of us.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, just turned the bracelet over in his fingers, tracing the charms. Then, without a word, he slipped it onto his wrist, the silver chain looking a little out of place next to his expensive watch. 
“You can wear as a keychain if you want— or, I dunno, maybe keep it somewhere. You don’t have to wear it,” you added quickly, the words tumbling out in a rush before you could stop them.
You felt stupid. Of course he wasn’t going to wear it, not with all his designer clothes and luxury watches.
But Rafe didn’t even flinch. He glanced down at his wrist, then back at you, “I want to wear it.”
You blinked. “You don’t have to just because I gave it to you.”
“Course I do.”
Your cheeks felt warm, and you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, not sure what to say next.
Rafe just grinned, like he could read your mind or something.
“What?” he asked, nudging you again with his shoulder. “You think I wouldn’t like it?”
“I mean…You wear designer everything. This is… it’s kinda cheap compared to that.”
He gave a small laugh, shaking his head. “Cheap doesn’t mean it’s not special. You made it, and that’s what I care about.” He paused, then added softly, “It’s from you. That’s what matters.”
Your heart did this little flip in your chest, and you had to bite back the stupid smile spreading across your face. “You’re serious?”
“Of course I’m serious. This is us.” He held up his wrist, the bracelet catching the fading light from the sunset. “Every charm means something, right?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, suddenly feeling shy. “I just… I didn’t want you to feel like I couldn’t give you something better.”
He turned fully toward you, his hands gently cupping your face.
“Better? Baby, no. This is perfect. No one’s ever given me something like this before.” He kissed your forehead, and you felt yourself melt a little bit. “I don’t need ‘better’ or more expensive shit. I’ve got enough of that. I need this.”
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body, the steady rise and fall of his chest under your cheek. It was hard to wrap your head around the fact that someone like Rafe—who could literally have anything—wanted something as simple as a handmade bracelet. But he did. And it made your heart ache in the best way.
“I’m glad you like it,” you whispered, resting your hand on his chest.
“I don’t just like it. I love it,” he said, his voice soft. Then, as if he could feel how much this moment meant to you, he added, “And I love you.”
That did it. 
Your stomach fluttered, and you couldn’t help but smile, that big, stupid, giddy smile you only got when you were with him. “I love you too,” you whispered, like you were saying it for the first time all over again.
Rafe kissed you, slow and sweet, and it felt like time had stopped for a moment—just you, him, and the sound of the ocean in the background.
When he pulled back, he glanced down at the bracelet on his wrist again and smiled. “I’m never takin’ this off, you know.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Okay, let’s not get crazy.”
But he just smirked and kissed the top of your head. “No, I mean it. This? It’s a part of us now.”
“Not even when you shower?”
You could feel his shit-eating grin against your temple, “You thinkin’ about me showering?”
You rolled your eyes, but your cheeks burned as you tried to keep a straight face. "Shut up," you muttered.
“That’s not what you were sayin’—”
“Okayyyy,” You interrupted pushing his chest away, “We get it.”
You turned your face away, hiding your grin as he laughed, that deep, rumbling sound that always made your heart skip a beat. Being with Rafe was like that—playful and intense all at once, always keeping you on your toes but making you feel safe in a way you hadn’t expected.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, shaking your head as you tried to sound exasperated, though the smile on your face gave you away.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his arm wrapping around you tighter. For a moment, the two of you just sat there in comfortable silence, the waves crashing softly in the background, the air cool but not cold. Everything felt easy in moments like this. Just you and him.
“I’m serious though,” Rafe said, his voice quieter now, more thoughtful. “No one’s ever done anythin’ like this for me before. You don’t even know how much it means.”
His fingers absentmindedly traced the bracelet again, like he still couldn’t believe it was his.
Your heart swelled a little, knowing that something as simple as a handmade gift could mean so much to someone like him. Rafe had everything—money, cars, houses. But maybe, in some weird way, he needed something that couldn’t be bought. Something that came from you.
“I’m glad,” you whispered, feeling your throat tighten with emotion. “I just… I wanted you to know that I see you, you know? Not just all the surface stuff.”
Rafe was quiet for a moment, his hand finding yours and giving it a squeeze. “You do. You really do.”
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his in the dim light. And in that moment, it hit you how much he’d become a part of your life, how much he’d broken down those walls you didn’t even know you’d put up.
“I’m not taking it off,” he repeated, more serious this time, like he needed you to believe it.
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Okay, Rafe. Whatever you say.”
The bracelet, the moment, this night—it was more than just a gift.
“You’re still givin’ me birthday sex, right?”
You groaned, but you couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out, “Seriously? I pour my heart out, and this is where you go?”
He grinned that mischievous, cocky grin of his—the one that made your stomach flip even when you pretended to be annoyed.
“What? I’m just saying, it is my birthday, after all.” His voice dropped, teasing, playful, the way it always got when he was trying to push your buttons.
You shoved his shoulder, pretending to be all serious, but he just caught your wrist, pulling you closer until your forehead rested against his.
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Yeah,” he murmured, his lips brushing yours, “But you love me anyway.”
You smiled, your heart doing that stupid flutter thing again. “Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?” he raised an eyebrow, looking all mock offended, but there was that softness in his eyes again—the one he only ever let you see.
You kissed him before he could say anything else, slow and sweet, letting the teasing fall away for just a second.
And when you pulled back, you whispered, “Of course I love you. Birthday sex or not.”
Rafe chuckled, his hands slipping down to your ass, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You tried to glare, but the way his thumb was tracing circles on your lower back made it hard to keep up the act. “I don’t have to admit anything.” You leaned in close, your lips brushing his ear. “But maybe... if you’re lucky..”
Rafe’s breath hitched just a little, and it sent a thrill down your spine. You loved this—having him wrapped around your finger. He always lost it when you played the game right back.
"Now who's teasing’?" he murmured, his lips grazing your neck, leaving little kisses that made it hard to keep your thoughts straight.
"You started it," you whispered back, your fingers finding the edge of his collar, tugging him closer until there was barely any space left between you.
Your legs ended up draped over his, and you could feel his hands on your thighs, warm and familiar, as you settled deeper into his lap. His lips traced your jaw, slow and deliberate, like he was savoring every second of this, and your head tilted back instinctively, giving him more room.
God, he knew exactly how to make you melt without even trying.
Rafe’s hands slid down to your hips, his fingers digging into your skin. He always knew how to make you feel like you were the only thing that mattered. “You’re gonna drive me insane,” he muttered, his lips brushing yours but not quite kissing you yet. 
You leaned into him, your hands sliding up to rest on his chest as he finally kissed you. His hand came up to hold the side of your face, his thumb brushing your cheek in that gentle way that made you flutter. He tilted his head slightly, angling the kiss, like he was savoring every second he had you this close. You kissed him back just as slowly, letting yourself get lost in it. 
The kiss was deliberate, slow, like he wanted to memorize the way your lips moved against his, the taste of you, the quiet sighs you couldn’t hold back. His hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you just a little closer, deepening the kiss as his other hand traced gentle circles along your thigh.
“Y’know I’m crazy about you, right?” he murmured against your lips.
You nodded, your heart doing that annoying thing again. “Yeah. Happy birthday, baby.”
He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours, his fingers still tracing lazy circles on your leg.
Then, in the same casual tone he used when asking about what to eat for dinner, he said, “You know, you should make the same bracelets for our kids when we have them.”
Your brain screeched to a stop.
Wait, what?
You blinked up at him, your heart skipping a beat for a completely different reason now. “I’m sorry, what?”
He grinned like he didn’t just casually drop the most insane statement ever. “I’m serious. Like, one day when we have kids—you should make them little bracelets like this. It'll be a thing.”
You stared at him, trying to wrap your head around what he just said. “Rafe, we’ve been together, what… less than a year? And you’re already talking about kids?”
He shrugged, completely unfazed by the shock on your face. “Yeah, why not? I can see it, y’know? You, me, little mini-us running around—driving us crazy. It’d be fun.”
You blinked again, your mind still catching up.
Kids? Your kids? Together? You tried to picture it for a second—little versions of Rafe, with his mischievous ways and messy hair, running around. 
“Wait, hold up—you want kids with me?”
He shrugged like it was no big deal. “Yeah. A few. Maybe more.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “A few? Oh my God, you’re insane.”
He smirked, looking way too pleased with himself.
“What, you can’t picture it? I bet they’d have your eyes. Or my attitude. Definitely my attitude.”
“Great, that’s exactly what the world needs.”
He chuckled, pulling you closer, “Not, like, tomorrow. But one day. You’d be a great mom, don’t act like you haven’t thought about it.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “Okay, maybe once. Can we just get through your birthday first?”
“Fine, fine. But just so you know, when the time comes, you’re making all of them little bracelets.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “I’ll consider it... if they don’t take after you too much.”
“Oh, they will. And you’re gonna love every second of it.”
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riaki · 11 months
moneyload | satoru gojo x reader (implied fem)
this is for @satoruoo + everyone who’s tired of my angst | 1k wc
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satoru likes spoiling you.
no— like would be the world's greatest understatement. satoru feels about spoiling you the way he feels about you— he doesn’t just like you, he‘s utterly enamored with you. if you asked, he'd move mountains for you. or give up a portion of his candy; both are equitable in his bright eyes. he loves you so much that he'd skip a basketball session with suguru or leave in the middle of the fight to throw the leftover scraps of a cursed spirit to whoever was unlucky enough to be there at the time; you're more important. you've always been.
yeah, that’s gotta be it. a perfect way to paint his feelings for you on a pure canvas brightened by your smile, light as a feather and lively as the sun. and you're completely deserving, he thinks— you, who's always been so patient and kind with him.
as such, he thinks it’s a crime to waste such a beautiful figure on things less than lavish dress and delicate jewelry; but to be honest, he thinks you could don a potato sack and still make it look exquisite. nevertheless, each time you protest when he drapes another dainty necklace glittering with gems cut from a million-dollar wallet and 58 facets (all the reasons he loves you— that's what he calls them.), he shushes you promptly with a swift, sweet kiss; you get a noseful of his expensive cologne every time he sidles up to you and gets comfortable. which, for the record, is quite often.
out of everything he gets you; bouquets of beautiful speckled flowers that look as if a painter dumped their entire palette of pastels and pretties onto the petals, sweet chocolates dark with the tiniest amount of cherry liquor in the center ("i don't need them— i already get drunk off of you, sweetheart!"), fragrant perfume or the latest comfortable clothing that catches his eye (this one's less common. he likes it better when you're only in his clothes.), jewelry is the one he always finds his way back to the most often.
why? well, if you ask him— there's nothing better than being sprawled on your couch with his head in your lap, nuzzling into your warm hand as he catches a whiff of the perfume he gifted you last week paired with the reddest rose he could find on your wrist. your hands card through his hair, and he uses the opportunity to catch your arm before you can move any further, giving you a smug grin as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box.
(it's a little embarrassing the amount of times you've thought he was going to propose from that alone.)
you'll open it, and it'll be a pretty silver necklace that matches the one around his neck, or a gold ring with ornate details that he slips onto your fingers after taking your hand in his and pressing a kiss to your knuckles with a smile and a laugh. sometimes it's a bracelet adorned with rich jewels the color of your eyes; maybe something rose quartz to represent the flush on his cheeks you always seem to elicit or a marigold yellow to show the pure joy he gets from being around you. if you ask him about it, he'll just say, "i wasn't kidding when i said i get drunk off of you, baby." with a boyish giggle that's far too charming to not have been used in his younger years to get his way and a sweet little wink of an afterthought that has your heart racing.
on the occasions when the gift is far less... appropriate, you'll always sigh and chastise him with a shake of your head because you both know the fabric will be torn to shreds in a matter of a few minutes. he does it anyway, though. he's always been a little bit of a brat in that sense.
whatever it ends up as, satoru absolutely adores seeing your reactions; the cute flush on your cheeks when you accept it with a little thanks and a kiss to his cheek, leaning forward on the tips of your toes because he's too tall for his own good. maybe even to hook a finger around the bridge of his sunglasses for lips to lips, if he's lucky. of course, he knows he doesn't have to buy your affection— you've made that abundantly clear in moments he doesn't like to think about as anything more than vulnerability when he's worn out, but there's just something about you that makes him want to pile it on. he's always had more money than he knows what to do with, anyway.
and maybe, just maybe— one day he'll dare to hope for a future past school hallways, flattering dresses and skirts or sneaky kisses when he's a little sweaty and his jacket is in your arms and you're on the bleachers, hijacking shoko's pack of cigarettes while the squeak of shoes on the gym floor and the sound of a basketball rattling in the hoop fills your ears. past nights when you're curled up in his arms and he can comfortably rest his head in the crook of your neck, tucked away where it always should be (and always will be).
he'll hope for days when he gets to wake up to you by his side, a silver band with so much more meaning than the fifth one he's given you that week on your ring finger and a matching one on his own, because satoru loves you so much that he'd empty out the vaults of a bank just to make you smile at him. not in the hollow way his father always had at home, or in the obligatory resolute smiles of the servants on his estate, but in a genuine way; a way no one else (except his mom) had ever come close to because if he sold everything he ever had for you, his world would still be right in front of him, holding his hands and kissing his face in spontaneous bursts of love, like shooting stars dancing across his cheeks as a way of thanks.
...so, maybe satoru likes spoiling you so much because you always seem to return tenfold.
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if u looked at my search history you'd see 'how many cuts does a diamond have' and 'what are the chocolates with alcohol in them called' my (riaki) stuff. don't repost and/or plagiarize !
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luveline · 11 months
I don’t really have a request I just love anything you write💗 maybe something with girly!reader?
thanks lovely💗
Spencer wrings his hands behind his back, shifting from one foot to the other unhappily. He hasn't felt this nervous since he was young —his PhDs have acted as a shield for years now. Even if he doesn't know what to do, he physically cannot be stupid. 
He feels pretty stupid. Less when you look up, smile blinding and sticky with gloss. He's thought about how it would feel to kiss you before and he tries desperately to push the thought away now, his hands shaking where they're hidden. 
"Hey, Spencer Reid," you say, lightly teasing as you wave him toward you. "How are you?" 
"I'm good." 
"Yeah?" You gesture at the empty seat in front of you. "Are you having lunch?" 
The bureau cafeteria is less of a cafeteria in the kitchen sense and more of a staff room, though hot food is served at the very back. There are couches toward the patio of an outdoor area to the left. You sit at one of the tables near the doors. The air is cold around his ankles as he sits with you. 
"No, I– I came down for coffee, but the jug is empty." It's a bad lie. Luckily you have no idea that there's a kitchen in the BAU offices. "You're not?" 
You turn your laptop screen to him. "I ate my lunch at my desk. I'm just catching up with my show." Your laptop has stickers around the screen, silver shiny stars and tiny pink hearts that look like they're made of jelly. There's a closed bottle of nail polish resting near the keyboard. "And I'm gonna touch up my nails, too. They're always chipping." 
"They look perfect to me," Spencer says. 
You beam at him, beatific, so, so pretty, he could die. He might. "Thanks, honey. You'd look cute with painted nails, have you ever thought about it?" 
Spencer honestly forgets about his nails. He should take better care of them. He thinks about hiding them under the desk. "I don't think I could do it." 
"No one's good at it, at first. I'd paint them for you, if you wanted. I have a couple of things in my bag." 
Spencer's relieved to present freshly trimmed nails to you for painting. Your polish is a light blue colour, milky, and he assumes it'll be the one you use on him, but you decide to ruin his life, taking his hand into one of yours. You hold his fingers in a way that presents the nail as you brush cuticle oil around the edges of his nails with a small pen brush. You chatter as you do in your way, all sweet and gentle in mirror of your touch. 
He's proud of himself for keeping his cool. To have you touching him for so long, so kindly, to have your attention, it has him squirming with a mixture of pleasure and horror. He wants to be seen by you but he doesn't know if he likes what you're looking at. 
"You have really lovely hands," you say, using the tip of one of your nails to scrape stray wet polish off of his skin, "do you play piano?" 
"You can tell?" he asks. 
"Pianist's fingers," you say. "That's a thing, isn't it?" 
"I haven't played much since I was younger. I got distracted by other stuff." 
"Maths," you surmise. "And criminology?" 
Everything. He pushed away a want for human connection with books and education until it got too much. Even the wisest of honeybees will brave heavy rain for a beautiful flower, and that's sort of how he feels about you. He knows it's stupid, knows it's doomed, but he couldn't not try to speak to you. You're the prettiest girl he's ever seen, all your lip colours and shimmery eyeshadows, the chirpy way you talk, the earnestness of your please and thank yous. 
Your hands. The silver ring on your index finger dotted with tiny pink stones. Your bracelets. The smell of your perfume and your soft sweaters. 
"Done," you announce, an uncharacteristic hesitance to your tone. "Are they okay?" 
You've done a perfect job. "They're so neat. Thank you. I– I love it." 
Your eyes linger on his hands. "I love when guys wear nail polish. You're even handsomer now, it's crazy. I didn't know it was possible." 
Spencer should have more style for sure, but he asks you to dinner right then and there. 
You smile until the lashes kiss in the corners of your eyes and say yes. This new place opened just around the corner from your apartment, and you've been trying to drum up the courage to ask him all week. When Spencer hears that he almost passes out. 
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azrielbrainrot · 3 months
Sweet Somethings
Pairing: Band Member!Azriel x College Student!Reader
Description: You help Azriel put on a necklace and almost get lost in his eyes.
Warnings: a lot of fluff and some healthy tension
Word Count: 2360
Notes: The tension between these two is so delicious, I can't help but watch them burn. I promise I'll get to writing some stories from when they are actually together though. For now, I hope you enjoy!
Band AU Masterlist
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There was no doubt in your mind that Azriel's hands were more than talented, the biggest evidence being how beautifully he plays his bass, how strong yet careful they are when he holds onto you, how softly his hands run through your hair, but watching him now struggling to successfully clasp his necklace around his neck no one would have guessed.
For a moment you had wondered if the way his hands were trembling now had anything to do with the terrible wounds that were inflicted on them when he was only a child. When he told you the infuriating story, he assured you there were no lingering ailments, apart from the scars that marred his skin and a somewhat increase in sensitivity, especially when his hands got too cold. You're infinitely thankful that his hands weren't hurt even more in that fire, but you hate knowing the people responsible are still out there, free to walk the world as if they hadn't hurt Azriel so much when they should have protected him.
You shake your head softly, pushing away the invading thoughts and sour feelings that usually accompanied them, adjusting your position on Azriel's bed and focusing back on the amusing sight before you: your tall, usually more than capable friend leaning down too close to his full length mirror, a frustrated and adorable expression on his face as he tries to clasp a silver chain around his neck.
Azriel had a concert tonight and had invited you along, as he usually does if he knows you have free time. But when he told you about it on the phone, you hadn't quite realized he would not only drive you there, but also bring you home to have dinner with him and his bandmates so you could keep him company before it was time to go. It was incredibly domestic to watch them before the show, discussing technical things you didn't understand and making last minute adjustments over dinner. It felt even more intimate to accompany Azriel to his bedroom when dinner ended, sitting on his bed reapplying your lipstick while he got changed.
Most of the regular platonic boundaries have been thrown out of the window between you two - if you were being completely honest with yourself, you had barely paid attention to that ever since meeting him, - but it still made your heart beat wildly in your chest when Azriel simply grabbed your hand and led you into his room when dinner was finished and the boys all went on their separate ways to get ready as if it was the most natural thing.
He took his shirt off so fast it almost knocked the wind out of you, even though you've had the pleasure of seeing him without a shirt on a few times before, strutting to his bathroom with a change of clothes and a knowing smirk on his face. You hadn't expected him to be such a tease when you first met him either.
The outfit he was wearing was similar to what you've seen him perform in so many times, or even outside in his day-to-day life, but it still somehow took your breath away. The black boots made him a bit taller than he already was, even sitting down you could tell, and no matter how loose his t-shirts were they always seemed to catch perfectly around his chest and biceps, reminding you of his beautiful physique. It drove you a bit mad how stupidly attractive he was sometimes, even in otherwise plain clothes.
Since he always wore black, the jewelry and accessories he added always had their moment to shine, the silver rings, bracelets, chains and piercings almost shining in the midst of all the darkness. It was exactly that you were now witnessing, Azriel trying to put on his necklace as you sat on his bed and tried not to grin too widely as he struggled. The small clasp on the chain he wanted to wear seemed to be disagreeing with him though, his fingers too big to even hold the dainty metal properly let alone successfully fit it into the small hoop. After watching him fail for the nth time you decide to lend out a hand.
“Do you need some help?”
Azriel looks up at you then, eyes a bit wide as if he's forgotten you were there in the middle of his frustration. He lets out a sigh, “yes, before I throw it out.”
You can't help letting out a small laugh at the exasperation in his response, getting up and moving closer to him, his cologne assaulting your senses as you do. As soon as you reach him, the toes of your boots meeting his, strong hands fall on your hips as if it was a simple reflex by now, smoothing down the fabric of your skirt.
“You could have just asked,” the words come out far breathier than you meant for them to, the proximity making you a bit light-headed as your hands fall on his chest, picking up the discarded metal.
Azriel lets out a hum in response, one you feel vibrating through his chest, resulting in you dropping the small clasp just as he had done so many times. Noticing this, or simply wanting you closer, he leans back against his desk, sitting right at the edge, making it easier for you to reach the chain, and pulling you closer to him, fitting you between his legs, the rough fabric of his black jeans teasing your exposed legs.
Those captivating hazel eyes were burning into your face, making it harder for you to focus on the task at hand. In fact, nothing about this position, the way his hands fit perfectly over your hips, his thumbs running slow, goosebump inducing circles over the skin made visible by the crop top you wore, or the way you could feel his breath on your face, were helping you keep calm or clasp that damn necklace.
One thing you've learned ever since you've met him is that your face is an open book when it comes to your emotions, a wickedly amused smirk fighting its way onto his face the longer he watches you, as if he could hear the way your heart races inside your chest, or even feel the ruined state of your underwear. Sadly, knowing he can see right through you only makes it worse, your face burning under his scrutiny as desperate fingers fumble with the chain.
“Are you nervous, princess?”
The way his voice deepens as he whispers the words so close to your ears has you fighting your instincts so you don't press your thighs together, this man affects you too much, too easily, but the teasing litl to his voice sends your brain grabbing for any lingering sanity, not wanting to go down without a fight.
“I should be the one asking you that,” you say, your gaze escaping your command for a moment and meeting his, before returning to the task at hand. “Rita told you the bar was already full, right?”
“I don't get nervous with you next to me.”
You hum embarrassingly, not knowing what to say in response. Lucky for you, he seems content enough with your reaction, his grin growing as he looks down at you adoringly, strong hands squeezing your hips softly.
It's only after five tries that you manage to successfully clasp the necklace, a small sigh escaping you as if it had been an insurmountable task, before looking up at him, palms falling flat on his chest, finally allowing yourself the pleasure of basking under his attention. When one of his hands moves to the small of your back, bringing you in even closer, it becomes clear that he has no intention of letting you go just yet, and so you decide to indulge yourself too, looping your arms around his neck and molding your front to his, your top and his shirt not enough of a barrier to keep the feeling of his firm torso against yours away.
“I got it,” you say, as if he wasn't aware of the chain now properly hanging around his neck. If you didn't distract yourself you might end up getting lost in his eyes.
Azriel leans down closer to you, making your heart jump in your chest, his forehead meeting yours as he whispers, “We need to go then.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, closing your eyes and leaning even closer to him as if you've been bewitched.
Nails run down the back of his neck softly, prompting a soft, defeated sigh out of him. He nuzzles your cheek, bumping your noses together, his breath falling over your skin as his lips linger right over yours. A battle seemed to be raging on between his body and his brain, and you couldn't tell which was winning as one of his hands came up to cup your cheek, almost making you want to make the decision for him and just kiss him at last.
You can't even begin to count how many times you've dreamt of being in this exact position with him, wrapped in his arms with his inviting lips barely a breath away from yours. The same exact thought is running through his mind, you know this just as well as you know the sky is blue. Azriel has never made you feel anything less than cherished, even when you were still trying to rationalize this thing between you as friendship.
But you knew he was planning something, and had been for a good while. He wanted to do things right with you, supporting you through the mess that had been the last few months, when all you needed was a good friend, waiting until you finally felt like yourself again so there was no room for error, something that made you feel inexplicably giddy, not used to being thought of with such care and adoration. You really didn't want to ruin his surprise, even though it took every bit of strength in your body to speak up and break this moment.
“We're still on for Wednesday, right?”
Azriel tenses slightly, almost imperceptibly, letting out a soft chuckle as he catches himself. “Yes,” he pulls away, only enough to look into your eyes, licking his lips before adding, “just a few more days.”
You don't know how you'll be able to even sleep until then. Ever since he asked you if you were free, you knew what his intentions were, could almost feel it in his tone, in the way he watched you.
“Are you really not going to tell me where you're taking me?”
“It's a surprise,” he smiles down at you, with so much emotion in his eyes you feel like you might burst.
You card your fingers through his soft hair, “What if I don't like it?”
“I know you will,” he assures. There's no doubt in your mind that he will make everything perfect for you, wherever it is. Azriel knows you well, has made sure of learning every little detail, no matter how insignificant it might look at first sight.
“Fine, you can keep it a secret,” your grin widens, “but next time I'm the one taking you on a date, and I won't tell you where we're going either.”
“Sounds fair,” he chuckles.
“Are you not even a little worried?” One of your hands moves to play with the necklace that put you in this situation, hooking your finger on it and using it to pull him a bit closer.
Azriel shakes his head, not resisting your grip on him even a little, “You can take me anywhere your little heart desires.”
“You might end up regretting saying that,” you warn playfully, eyes involuntarily dancing between his hazel eyes and his lips. You know it will be worth it, but part of you is furious at yourself for pushing away from him earlier.
“I don't think I'll regret anything when it comes to you.”
“Sometimes I forget you write songs in your free time,” you roll your eyes lightly, “You always know what to say.”
The smirk he gives you lets you know he's more than aware of the power he has over you, with his words and everything else. It might have made you feel intimidated if he was anyone else, or if you didn't know you hold the same power over him. You're not entirely sure if it's meant as a reminder or simple revenge for the way he so easily sends your heart racing, but you're on your tiptoes before your brain has time to convince you to stop, one of your hands falling over his cheek as you drop a quick peck to his other cheek, right on the corner of his mouth. He chases you instinctively, wide eyes staring down at you.
“For good luck,” you explain, way too proud of yourself for putting that look on his face.
Azriel lets out a groan, his grip on you tightening as a smile fights its way to his lips. “Cruel, little thing.”
You let out a laugh of pure joy, Azriel joining in right away. In moments like these, standing between his arms and laughing with him about any and every thing, no matter how silly it is, it's like all your worries evaporate.
“Come on, love birds. We have a show to play,” Cassian yells out from the hallway as he passes by Azriel's door, startling you both - you can always count on him to have the best timing.
You step away from Azriel as he glares at the door, as if Cassian could see him through the wood. Holding onto his hand, you tug on it to bring his attention back to you, his expression softening immediately when his eyes meet yours, sending your heart fluttering. You take a couple steps back and pull him onto his feet and closer to the middle of the room, his gaze never leaving yours as if he's entranced.
“He's right, rockstar,” you say, grinning at his bashful look, “You can't be late to your own show.”
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erwinsvow · 6 months
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“yeah, you want that one?” rafe asks you, while you browse through the dresses on the rack. the one you’ve picked out to show him is yellow gingham, with skinny straps and a bow on the neckline. you hold the dress to your chest, looking down to see where it’ll end on you. “i’ll get it for you.”
“hm…” you consider the idea for a moment, holding the dress out again to get a better look. “i don’t know. it’s pretty short.”
“since when is that a bad thing?” rafe moves his arm against the rack, manhandling the hanger from your hand and holding it against you himself. “think it’s perfect.” you laugh at your boyfriend’s antics.
“there has to be a reason to wear it, rafe. i don’t have any right now.”
“we’ll go to dinner. there’s your reason.”
“i have other dresses,” you decide finally, putting it back between the others.
“c’mon, just let me get it for you.” he follows you while you walk away and wander towards the jewelry section of the store. you look down at sparkling silver and shimmery gold, while rafe joins you and leans against the glass counter. “you want jewelry instead? that’s fine.”
“no, i’m just looking,” you insist again. “it’s called window shopping. ever heard of it? 
there’s pretty things in the case, a silver bracelet with little blue stones that particularly catches your eye since blue is your new favorite color, but you don’t really want anything, and you really don’t want rafe to buy it for you.
“no. just pick somethin’ out. my treat.” you glance up at rafe.
“for what? i haven’t done anything.” he laughs to himself, not necessarily at you, more because of you.
“i don’t need a reason.” he makes you flush, so you walk away again, this time to the shoes. you hold a pair of brown sandals in your hand, flipping them over to see the size.
“you already treated me, remember? you paid for lunch.” rafe grabs the shoes out of your hands too.
“that’s a meal, not a treat. want these?” he looks down at you, not even sparing a glance to the price tag. “c’mon.” you grab his wrist as fast as you can.
“no! no. i have some just like these. it’ll be a waste, i’ll never wear them.”
“are you bein’ serious or are you just sayin’ that?” damn it. you are just saying it, since you don’t want rafe spending his money on you. you lie to cover your tracks.
“serious. i’d never lie to you.”
you wrestle the shoes out of his hand, settling them back on the shelf. 
“fine. c’mon, we can go somewhere else.” you finally let him buy you an ice cream cone just so he’ll stop offering.
you try to explain to rafe that the reason you want to walk around is to look around and spend time with him, not to really buy things, but he’s hard to convince. 
rafe thinks you need to stop being so worried about what everyone will think. you’re still bad at it, trying to ignore that part of you that murmurs in your ear that people will judge you for all these nice, new things rafe wants to buy you. you think people will say you’re dating him for the money, but worse than that, you think people will say bad things about rafe, about his choice in dating you, if you ever make him buy you more than dinner or ice cream.
your hesitancy gets the best of you, and even though you’ve always had some nice things, being pampered by rafe feels inherently wrong, like you should at least make sure he knows he doesn’t need to buy you anything. lost in your own thoughts, you’ve rejected his offers countless times, and the only new, expensive thing he’s gotten you since you started dating is the R necklace you wear everyday. 
you think you’re good at hiding it, but you’re not. rafe sees right through you, and he knows what he’s going to do about it. 
later that week, rafe drops you off at home in the morning after you slept over. you still think he hates driving in the cut—as much as he denies it—but he refuses to let you bike back and forth to tannyhill. 
“i’ll pick you up for dinner.” he says, leaning across you to open the passenger side door. you flush like you always do, partly because he’s not asking, he’s telling.
you nod, and then wave bye from the window. he waits until you get inside to drive away, which makes you want to go scream into your pillow. you head into your room to do just that, but you’re greeted instead by bags and boxes littered across your bed.
you know what they are, even before you walk over on your wobbly knees and set aside the tissue paper, looking down with watery eyes all the things you had been admiring in the store the other day with rafe. you sit down next to them—the yellow dress, the pretty sandals, the glittery bracelet—and dial rafe’s number on your phone. you exhale shaky breaths while the line rings, but can’t hold back tears any longer when he answers.
“you didn’t have to do this,” you say quietly into the phone, biting your cheek. you try to blink away the new tears.
“do what?” you laugh, so rafe laughs too. 
“i…i feel bad when you buy me things.”
“i know. y’should stop that.”
“or you can stop first.”
“i’m never gonna stop.” you suck in a breath, heart thudding and feeling deliriously in love. “gonna come get you later. wear the new stuff, okay?”
“okay. i will.”
“that’s my girl.” you fall back and let your head hit the pillow.
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Pirate/Mermaid Steddie One
There is way more mermaid culture world-building than I intended, but that's the fun part lmao
This part discusses injuries, has a mention of mutilation in passing, and involves stitching up a large wound. Nothing is graphic, but there are some descriptions of pain
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future parts!
As always, if you see any typos no you didn't
There were a few things Eddie expected from this raid. Gold, of course. Supplies like food, obviously. Some new weapons, surely.
A fucking mermaid? Nowhere near that list of expected things.
And yet, here he stands in the doorway of the raided ship captain's cabin, caught in a staring contest with a merman that's definitely seen better days.
He's stuck in a tiny wooden tub, his tail forced against his chest as the rest of it flops over the edge and trails the floor. His blue-and-green with inexplicable hints of orange scales are dull, too dull, and Eddie is trying really hard to control the sheer rage he feels at the jagged cut that drags down the middle of the tail and through the fin at the bottom. The edges of the wound have crusted over, but it still looks painful, and Eddie knows it was meant to keep the merman from using his tail to escape.
Eddie takes a step into the cabin, ready to just scoop the merman up and take him back to his ship. But he stops when the merman tenses, his entire body somehow becoming more rigid. His hands on the edge of the tub tighten, his sharp nails digging into the slowly rotting wood. He's staring at Eddie like he's some new threat, which seriously is not gonna help with the whole "take the gorgeous merman with incredible hair and alluring brown eyes back to his ship and nurse him back to health" thing.
Eddie freezes and holds his hands up. "Sorry," he says, keeping his voice low and soothing. The merman doesn't relax much, but his nails are no longer digging into the wood. Eddie figures that's a tiny win.
"I'm Captain Eddie of the Corroded Coffin. We didn't expect to find you here, sweetheart."
The nickname just slips out, an unthinking attempt to butter the merman up and an admission of his own thoughts. The merman's eyes narrow, slowly looking Eddie over as though sizing him up.
Eddie lets him, perfectly content with standing still if it means the merman will give him even one iota more of his trust. "That doesn't look very comfortable," he says, nodding to the tub. "Would you like some help?"
The merman relaxes a little more, and Eddie has no clue what he did to cause that. Before he can think too much about it, the merman points to a dresser on the other side of the room, looking at Eddie expectantly.
"You want something from there?"
The merman nods, which tells Eddie he at least understands human language. That doesn't give him any idea if the merman can speak it, though.
He walks over to the dresser and looks at the merman, pointing to each drawer in turn until the merman nods. The fourth drawer is, apparently, the correct one. When Eddie opens it, he finds a small treasure trove. It must be a collection of trophies from the ship captain's previous raids.
A quick glance reveals a gold crown with rubies, several diamond rings, a few silver bracelets with various gemstones along the bands, and a pearl and seashell necklace thrown on top. Eddie knows the merman probably wants that necklace most, but he can't help thinking of a rumor that mermaids like shiny things.
The drawer is full of shiny things.
He hesitates for less than a second before pulling out the entire drawer itself and turning around. "I'm not sure what you want from here," he lies, smiling apologetically at the merman. "Can I come close enough to show you?"
The merman stares at him before slowly nodding once, suspicion practically radiating off of him. Eddie flashes a more genuine smile and slowly approaches, giving the merman enough time to reject his presence. When he's a few steps away, Eddie crouches and tilts the drawer so the merman can see what's inside.
Immediately, the merman reaches out and snatches the pearl and seashell necklace. The gills on the side of his neck flutter slightly as he puts it on, and Eddie wonders if that's a sign of relief. "Was that everything you wanted?" he asks.
The merman glances at him, one hand still lingering on the necklace. He glances down at the drawer again, seeming to argue with himself before reaching out and removing the crown and every bracelet. He carefully slips the bracelets on and clutches the crown in his hands.
"Anything else?" Eddie asks, his tone indulgent. It must be reassuring, though, because the merman looks at him with curiosity more than anything else. It's like he's trying to figure out what he can get away with.
A few seconds pass before the merman glances down at the drawer. His gaze lingers at the edges, and Eddie starts to wonder what could possibly be there when the merman points at one of his rings.
Eddie blinks, following the merman's finger to a chunky ring. It's shaped like a bat with emeralds for eyes and diamonds for teeth. It's one of Eddie's favorites; he found it on his first raid, took it right off the captain's hand himself. Nobody has ever dared ask to touch it, let alone have it.
Without a second thought, Eddie puts the drawer down, slips the ring off his finger, and offers it to the merman. It sits in the palm of his hand, meaning they'd have to touch if the merman really wants it that badly.
Slowly, the merman reaches for the ring, his nails tickling against Eddie's palm as he takes it. From the light brush against Eddie's fingers, the merman's skin is cool, exactly like jumping into the ocean on a hot day.
Steve is a firm believer in the power of small comforts, especially as it relates to the growth of his guppies. Dustin has long outgrown his baby tail belt, but he still wraps it around his wrist every morning. El and Will no longer need the seaweed and coral dolls Steve made for them when they were barely able to swim a straight line, but they still tuck them in every night.
So, when the human (Eddie, Steve reminds himself) offers up a drawer filled with shiny jewelry, Steve doesn't hold himself back. The bracelets make him feel grounded, the crown gives him something to clutch without the risk of breaking it, and the ring...
Well, the ring was more to see if Eddie's actions would match his tone. And because Steve thought it was fascinatingly grotesque. What kind of creature would have wings without feathers? Sure, the gulls he sometimes sees near the surface are confusing, but the ring depicts something even further beyond his imagination. What's up with the sharp teeth? Why must the eyes be green? Does it know it's a freak of nature?
Anyway, the jewelry helps. Steve uses it to distract himself from the sheer agony screaming from his tail when Eddie lifts him out of the cramped tub. He thinks about which bracelet he'll give to which guppy (Robin will get the crown) when the edges of his tailfin graze against Eddie's legs as he confidently walks across a plank connecting the two ships. He closely studies the featherless wings on the ring to avoid thinking about what's to come when Eddie sets him down on a large, surprisingly comfortable bed in another private cabin and starts gathering a needle and thread.
There's not much left to distract him when Eddie kneels next to the bed and looks up at him, his eyes reminding Steve of his guppies when they've done something bad and need him to clean up the mess.
"This is gonna hurt," Eddie tells him, his voice soft and gentle and full of regret as he grabs a bottle from the table next to the bed.
The liquid inside is clear, and Steve would think it was water if his nose hadn't been hit with such an astringent scent when Eddie opened it. Before he can fully process the smell, Eddie tips the bottle and pours the liquid onto Steve's tail.
An involuntary screech rips out of his throat, a burning sensation clawing along the cut and making his scales buzz. Without thinking, Steve grabs Eddie's wrist and yanks it away, his lips pulled back in a snarl that reveals sharp teeth. Despite the physical pain, Steve thinks the worst part is that he let himself get distracted by small comforts and warm brown eyes and Eddie's soft voice.
He should know better.
"Shit," Eddie mutters, quickly dropping the now-empty bottle to the floor. It cracks but doesn't break, and he looks up at Steve. "I should've explained that better. Holy fuck, I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I had to clean it. If I sewed it up without doing so, it might get infected."
Steve narrows his eyes, his grip tightening briefly as he studies Eddie's face. He seems genuinely apologetic, and Steve understands his intentions once he's processed Eddie's words. Steve had to do something similar when Mike and Lucas bothered a shark too much. Their wounds weren't nearly as bad as Steve's, but they'd still cried and shouted when Steve and Robin had to pull teeth and bits of coral out of their wounds before wrapping them in seaweed.
"I'm done with that part, though," Eddie says, his voice practically desperate for Steve to understand. "You can squeeze my shoulder or something while I sew it up."
A few seconds pass before Steve nods once, slowly letting go of Eddie's wrist. As Eddie starts threading the needle, Steve places his hand on his shoulder, bracing himself for the upcoming pain by squeezing the crown in his other hand.
Eddie takes a deep breath as he glances up at Steve. He licks his lips, looking back at the top of the cut. "Okay, I'm starting now," he says, waiting long enough to see Steve nod before starting the first stitch.
The alcohol hurt. The stitching is a fucking bitch. But, honestly, none of it is as bad as when that first disgusting human dragged a dagger through Steve's tail. He still hisses, gripping Eddie's shoulder tighter and unable to stop his nails from digging into his skin. Despite how it must hurt, Eddie doesn't flinch, and Steve feels a little better.
"You know," Eddie says, mostly focused on keeping his hand steady and his stitches even, "I wish I knew your name. I can't keep calling you sweetheart."
He could. Steve wouldn't mind it. But he also knows it isn't entirely fair that Eddie doesn't know he can speak. They'll need to be able to talk, Steve thinks, if they're going to be around each other for a while longer.
And Eddie has been kind enough that Steve wouldn't mind being around him for however long it takes his tail to heal.
"Steve," he says.
To his credit, Eddie doesn't drop the needle. He does tense for a moment, his hand pausing as he looks up. "What?" he asks.
"My name. It's Steve."
"You can talk."
"Why wouldn't I?"
Eddie hums, looking back at the cut as he starts stitching again. "You didn't say anything before," Eddie says.
"The last human who saw me mutilated my tail," Steve replies.
"Fair. Is, uh, is your name really Steve?"
"That's the closest translation to your language."
"What's your name in your language?"
Steve hesitates for a moment before clearing his throat. He feels his gills flutter, trying to create the bubble pattern that accompanies his name as he lets out a rhythmic series of squeaks and clicks with a short hiss at the end.
A few seconds pass after he's done. And then Eddie nods once and says, "Steve it is. How'd you get caught, Stevie?"
Ignoring the slight urge to point out that Eddie said his name wrong, Steve frowns slightly. "One of my guppies got caught in that ship's net. I got them out but was caught myself."
"One of your...guppies?"
"Yes. You would call them...children, I think?"
Eddie has nearly reached the middle of Steve's tail by now, and his hand falters once more. "Children? Aren't you...a little young?"
Steve bristles, glaring at Eddie. He's heard that same question plenty of times from members of other pods before, and he's tired of it. "What does it matter if they are happy and healthy?" he asks.
"Sorry," Eddie whispers, glancing up at Steve. There's something he can't quite read in Eddie's eyes. "Do you raise them alone?"
"What? No, of course not. My partner, Robin, raises them with me. We have seven guppies, with an eighth on the way."
"An eighth?!" Eddie asks, sounding strained as he pauses his stitching once more to look up at Steve. "Shit, man, shouldn't you give Robin a break?"
Steve blinks, tilting his head slightly. "Why would she need a break?" he asks.
"She's already popped out seven!"
Suddenly, Steve realizes what the disconnect is. He blinks once more and dissolves into laughter. "Oh!" he says, the exclamation broken by a giggle as he tries to calm himself down. "No, no, she is my partner, not my mate. Besides, she doesn't even like mermen."
Eddie seems to relax at Steve's explanation, his shoulders dropping and his voice significantly lighter as he starts stitching again and says, "Oh, I see. Then whose kids are they?"
"Technically, they belong to the pod," Steve explains, gritting his teeth as Eddie reaches the tailfin. He feels warm all over, his nerves jumping and his scales feeling half-ready to just fall off. "Each pod has at least two caretakers. Mates have a guppy and let caretakers raise them while they focus on their own roles within the pod."
"Do you like being a caretaker?"
"Yeah," Steve says, managing a shaky smile despite the tugging on his tailfin and Eddie's fingers pressing against his scales. "They're my guppies. I'd drain the oceans for them."
"And, uh, what about your mate? Do they mind you being so...devoted to the guppies?"
It's not at all subtle, but Steve finds it oddly endearing nonetheless. He slowly exhales, forcing himself to loosen his grip on Eddie's shoulder. "I don't have one."
Just like before, Eddie seems to relax some at the answer. He also finishes stitching, tying off the thread with a secure knot before carefully cutting away the excess. "Well, uh, we'll get you healed up and back to your guppies as soon as possible," he says, looking up at Steve.
"It needs to be wrapped in kelp. And, uh, I'll need a tub. You know, with seawater."
Eddie nods along, flashing a reassuring grin. "Don't worry, Stevie, I'll get you anything you want," he promises.
"Anything?" Steve asks, leaning forward some as he tilts his head.
"I already gave you my favorite ring, sweetheart."
Steve glances down at said ring, wondering what about it could possibly make it Eddie's favorite. He can't immediately figure it out, but that doesn't change the sweet warmth and anticipation for the time he'll spend with Eddie that he suddenly feels.
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mollysunder · 1 year
Lunari Heritage in Zaun
This is gonna be a reach, but from the little we've seen of Vi and Jinx's mom and younger Silco, I'd guess they were both from the same ethnic group.
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In a place like Zaun, where the people are left with scraps, any piece of jewelry sticks out. Vi's mom and Silco are both wearing similar pieces of jewelry. Silco's bracelet could likely be fitted as a necklace since it twice wraps over his wrist. Neither are wearing anything of high quality, but the necklace and bracelet in their respective pictures seem decently maintained if not worn. That's when I thought, these are probably heirlooms.
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In fact they looked pretty similar too, but in smaller scale of the princess's own pendants. I wouldn't bring this up if it weren't for the fact that Piltovans prioritize elaborate art-deco aesthetics, the more elaborately geometric the better (Councilor Shoola). So you would assume even the simplest jewelry would be a square pendant or a straight line. But no, big plain circles, and then I remembered we saw that before, on the princess Ambessa killed. Big bronze circles.
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And when we look at young Vi , you notice that she's wearing jewelry too. A simple necklace with a green (it looks green) gem. And I realized that the princess's necklace was also adorned green gems.
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I'm pulling from scraps, but it's interesting that small things these Zaunites have to adorn themselves (though not for long with the time skips) are similar versions if not simpler version's of the princess's.
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At first I thought this meant that many of the cast were actually of Ionian descent. But then in the Princess's scene a thought kept coming back to me, "Why is Mel wearing purple?". Mel, a skilled diplomat from a young age, typically wears the main colors of the nations she hosts and is hosted by. White for Piltover, Black for Noxus (Ambessa), and always with her signature accents of gold. So if Mel followed her mother to Ionia ,where green is a culturally significant color, why purple? It's because Mel and Ambessa weren't in Ionia, they were in Targon fighting the Lunari.
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The Lunari are Rakkor tribal people in the Targonian region who worship the moon, and are persecuted for it by the Solari, the religious order that worships the sun. While technically Mt. Targon is influenced by Mt. Olympus and Greek mythology aesthetic, that's more the case for the Solari. Overtime the Lunari aesthetic has been mixed it's originally nomadic culture with East Asian influences. The prominent colors of the Lunari happen to be turquoise, silver, black and purple. It was such a little thing to remember but it made me see connections I hadn't thought about.
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Suddenly everything starts to connect. The bronze coins represent the 3 moons that exist in Arcane's Runeterra. How do we know there are 3 moons, because the Valdiani piece Jinx stole was depicting their planet. In the Valdiani there are 3 orbits circling the Earth, meaning 3 moons (or satelites). Now the engraving on the gold of the princess's necklace makes sense, because it's supposed to resemble the gates at the peak of Mt. Targon. The pendant itself is shaped like the mountain with the gates fitted at the top.
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Frankly, it works for the Princess to have been Lunari and waves of descendants of the Lunari to arrive in Piltover and end up in Zaun. In Arcane, Piltover was created as a safe haven to escape the Rune Wars 200 years from the start of the show. Even after the Rune Wars ended the shipping port has likely seen waves of migrant labor and refugees from the ongoing crisis that occur in Runeterra (*cough*Noxus*cough*). It's likely that many of the current generation of Zaunites are of mixed heritage of the various fleeing people's.
It creates a whole new dynamic of the ways in which Piltover's laws, their Ethos, strips the people of Zaun from their identity and reducing them to tools for the mines. Magic is inherently a part of religious ceremonies and religion in general in Runeterra, especially for the Lunari. How do you practice your religion in a place that has banned the means by which it's conducted? There must have been more people like the Lunari who didn't have a problem with their magic, their problem was that they were being persecuted.
The remnants of family keepsakes brought over as communities fled were clung to as best as possible especially as they had to let go of part their spiritual identity. But even that doesn't seem to have lasted either. Vi doesn't keep her necklace, her mother is dead, so lost is her necklace, and we never see Silco wear his bracelet. They could have been stolen, or at best, hidden for safe keeping, maybe Enforcers get suspicious at the hint of mysticism and suddenly they want to talk.
Finally, maybe a little less related, it is interesting how prominent Piltovans and Zaunites take on day and night aspects. The sun shines over Piltover at their best, begins to set at times of uncertainty. While in the cover of night with moon above, the strongest Zaunites strike hardest. One more thing, it is interesting how Arcane's Jinx has taken on darker tones of purple rather than stick with neon pink. I always have to go back and look at a reference to remember that her pants are purple-er than I recall.
Update: I wanted to include that the large doodle Jinx made on her cup actually looks similar to the Lunari's sigil. And the sigil remains on the cup into the timeskip, also the center moon is made smaller within the crescent like in the necklace. I also noticed Jinx's cup later has more violent bomb imagery around it.
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Update 2: With the final season approaching I'm noticing this is getting some attention again. I would like to say that if I could write this from scratch again I'd say it's more likely the princess is from Ionia now, which doesn't up end the Lunari theory.
Previous League canon confirms the Lunari faith does have ties to Ionia. A good portion of the Lunari are Ionian in descent, and Diana, their aspect of the moon (essentially their demigod), currently lives in Ionia. League even created skinline for Ionians blood moon worshippers, an edgy offshoot of the Lunari faith. It's all very interesting and a bit complicated because Riot loves to drop plot points in the lore and never come back. I'll try to clean something up for a longer explanation later. What's crazy is the Medardas are still the aggressors because Noxians and Solarians, which the Medardas are both, terrorize Ionians and Lunaris respectively.
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starreadssstuff · 11 months
Finally - Choso kamo
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Warnings- fluff, kissing and possibly insinuating other stuff, mutual pining
authors notes- YOU KNOW I HAD TO WRITE MY MANNNN. I love him HES SO SILLY!!!, anyway, his brothers are alive and the reader is a rambler.
Choso didn’t like to talk, words were hard for him, and he really was the most awkward person you had met. He just couldn’t express his feelings so he’d rather just be quiet.  The only people he usually talks to are his brothers, other than them, he stays quiet opting to speak only when need be. That was until he met you. At first, he had planned to do the same he did to everyone, speak when necessary. However, that was very difficult seeing as you loved to talk. You always talked to anyone you could, if they seemed available, you’d start up a conversation as quickly as possible. No matter how many slip-ups he would make with his stuttering you would just sit there, allowing him to gather his thoughts and to talk freely. He felt like you understood him better than anyone else, even his brothers. 
He had grown on you, just like you had on him. He really started to like you, you could sense it too, but neither of you had ever said anything. Choso had to do something, even though he wasn’t good with words, everyone says that actions speak louder. So he did something about it. After gathering so much information about you from your mini rambles you thought he didn’t care about, he made a plan. He had planned to buy you a book you had mentioned and… and what? Write a note? Maybe this was more difficult than he had thought. Does he just give it to you? Yes, he’ll just give it to you and you’ll move on, right? Wrong. When he handed you the book you were ecstatic! You squealed, drawing everyone’s attention, and hugged him so tight he couldn’t breathe. While he was surprised, he wasn’t mad, he wanted you to like him, to hug him, to kiss him, and he got what he wanted. “Thank you so much Choso-san!” he just gave you a smile, not liking the attention you’ve brought to you two, but still wanting to be kind.
Later that day when he is finally ready for bed he gets a knock at his bedroom door. “Hi Choso-san! Sorry to bother you, Eso let me in, but I just wanted to say thank you for earlier today. That was really sweet!” you rambled, “yeah, of course, you said you wanted it so..” he trailed on. “Well to thank you, I wanted to give you this,” you hand him a beautiful silver chain bracelet, not too small but not too big, it was a casual accessory he could wear anywhere. As he grabs the bracelet and puts it on, you see his eyes brighten. When he lifts his head to look at you, you’re already looking at him, not expecting any words, but expressions of happiness or gratitude. That’s when suddenly he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you into a searing kiss. While very unexpected, it was so relieving that he felt the same way. Choso was so happy you didn’t pull away from the kiss, he couldn’t believe that you hadn’t if he was being honest, he might have died from embarrassment. Suddenly you hear a whispered “Finally” from Eso who was walking by. Choso quickly pulled the two of you into his room and locked the door kissing you again.
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 5 months
Seventeen & matching/couple items
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💕Who; seventeen (individually) x gender-neutral reader 💕What; soft thoughts about the couple items they'd have with their significant other 💕Wordcount; around 1.5k altogether 💕Warnings; none! I didn't even swear in this, go me
-2024 Masterlist-
A/N; this wasn't supposed to be a whole thing which is why there's no capitalisation, plus it's almost 2 am so I am not about to go through and change the style now
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seungcheol; definitely rings. i imagine something simple and in silver with both of your initials on the inside so it's more subtle but he can still look down at it when he needs the strength you give him but he's also always giving you his hoodies/jackets/hats and will buy another of any you refuse to give back so you wind up matching that way too but only intentionally in private. cheol likes to show you off but only to those he trusts and loves because he only wants you to feel the love you deserve
jeonghan; jackets, like matching bomber-style jackets with cute embroidery and maybe your names embroidered on them somewhere. but he often steals yours so you have to wear his just so that he can see his name on you he'll definitely come up to you one day like "babe, let's get matching tattoos" only to show you a packet of temporary tattoos he got for some change in a machine. the designs are all clearly aimed at children but you both wind up with arms dotted in these cute little matching images
joshua; something sweet and handmade because it means more. yes, im talking about his handmade bracelets, or beaded keychains you made for each other one lazy afternoon full of giggles as you make each other the most atrocious keychains in a competition to make the worst just for the fun of it. yet you both still adore the keychain gifted to you because the other made it and wear it proudly on your favourite/daily bags omg mugs, every morning(if you live together) he gets up earlier than you on purpose just so that he can make sure that he can make you both your morning beverages(regardless of if you drink hot drinks or not) in the matching mugs. he smiles sleepy and content at you every time without fail as he watches you sip at your mug with the sweet phrase on that matches his own
junhui; i don't know why but i suddenly imagined matching plushies and that feels right. maybe you happened to both win the same one during an arcade date in a claw machine but now you both sleep with that same one on your bed even if it's for an anime neither of you has watched i don't imagine jun purposely getting matching items because it wouldn't really occur to him as he's never felt the need to boast, he's happy with you and he hopes you're the same though when you're out together wandering around stores and see little decor you both like, he'll rush to buy you one each so your living spaces matches. (he's really just slyly making your homes similar enough that it won't seem like such a difference when he asks you to move in)
soonyoung; i actually think he'd be quite subtle with it tbh. he'd give you a tiger plushie keychain to attach to your bag and he'd have a matching one of your favourite animal on his own and will always fiddle with it mindlessly and think of you. so it actually wears out quite often and he has to geta new one. though he keeps the damaged ones in a secret box under his bed because it'd feel like throwing a piece of you out, he really does link the cute little plushie to you so much he might also like something like bucket hats/beanies that match but in simple designs/colours so although you two know they're purposely matching, others will just see you both in plain black bucket hats and think nothing of it other than an easy to happen coincidence
wonwoo; wonwoo would definitely want something just for you two that isn't necessarily an obvious couple item. maybe a cute little enamel badge on his favourite jacket and you have the same on your daily bag also matching gaming headphones because how can i not mention that? even if you don't really game, he'll buy a set he's had his eyes on for ages aimed at couples, with the matching stands and keeps both on his desk so he can look over at your one even if you're not there. always makes him smile to himself and perk up even if he's about to rage quit a game
jihoon; another simple subtle kind of guy. i'm imagining something like braided leather-look bracelets with silver beads with a heart etching which he only takes off to shower/swim and will glare at any stylist who tries to convince him to remove it another one with matching headphones but in this case it's more that jihoon bought you a pair specifically for his studio so that you can listen to what he's working on with him without any outside noises disturbing your peace like can happen with the speakers. sometimes he subtley removes his own when he plays songs you already know just to hear you singing along softly while you do work on your laptop without realising he's listening to you utterly enamoured
seokmin; necklaces, probably multiple of them but his favourite is one of those where you shine a light through the gem and it projects a chosen photo onto the wall or something. the amount of times the others have found seokmin tucked up in a dark corner somewhere awkwardly trying to use the light on his phone to shine through the necklace without removing it is unreal. cute boy just wants to see the first photo you two ever took together for comfort <3 but i also imagine that one upon a time you two were in a store and he saw novelty hats and he didn't manage to slyly buy them for you both because he kept giggling so you found out before he made it to pay but you let him buy them because he looked to happy. so now you both have a novelty hat hanging proudly in your homes, you don't wear them but it makes you both smile to look at
mingyu; everything. he'll want every possible matching couple item. hoodies, bags, hats, rings, bracelets(im emotionally attached to the one he gives reader in this fic i wrote), necklaces, phone cases. omg phone cases, that's his favourite and you can bet there's multiple of them and he matches them to his outfit so every morning you get a selfie of his outfit, but not the case because he likes to make a game out of seeing if you'll guess the correct case to put on your phone that day to match (you always do)
minghao; i feel like he'd like matching necklaces or bracelets, something delicate and simple but full of meaning for you both. he'd especially love a necklace long enough that he can hold the pendant over his heart as he thinks of you when you're apart and hopes you're thinking of him too but he'd also like to make something, maybe one of you buys an embroidery kit one day for you two to try something new together and you personalise matching premade little zip bags(coin purse/toiletry bag idk what you'd call them) to gift each other. obviously as it's your first attempt at embroidery, they don't turn out that great but minghao proudly carries him around all the time with whatever little items he may need during the day and doesn't want to lose in his bag
seokmin; i have no idea why but my brain said shoes and now honestly that seems so random but i can't let it go now so you have matching shoes, a variety to match a range of outfits. They may not be exactly the same(though some are) but they're similar enough to work. seungkwan always smiles dopily to himself then plays it off and side eyes you when you tease him for it, though he's realyl fighting hard not to smile because he really loves the unique way to match with you also matching scarf/gloves/hat sets for the cold weather because he loves bundling you up so you're all cosy snug. the matching aspect is just a happy bonus and definitely always leads to loads of selfies with your matching pink cheeks and noses barely in view under the thick scarves
vernon; t-shirts, band tees, graphic tees, plain ones. just t-shirts. it started because you always stole his and he didn't realise it was because they're his so he bought you the same ones and took his back, only for you to swap them out next time. but he knows now and buys two of pretty much every t-shirt he buys though makes sure to wear one a handful of times before giving that one to you because he knows you like things he's worn he's also the type i think to like carrying a photo of you two in his wallet/tucked hidden into his phone case, like a photobooth one and obviously you have the other half of the strip in your own
chan; honestly, i think chan would just be happy to do whatever you want with matching. he thinks it's cute as hell to match with his partner but he won't really be the one to actively bring it up, just hint "oh look, babe, that couple have matching jackets, isn't that cute?" until you get the hint and ask him to get something matching with you, though he still has you lead it just anything at all would be his favourite regardless of if it was just a cheap prize keyring from the arcade or expensive brand new phones just to match, he won't care so long as he gets to show off that you two belong to each other
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A/N- if you liked this, don't forget to let me know so that I know to try and do more things like this & also reblog so others can enjoy it too!
And if you have ideas/suggestions for seventeen content, feel free to send me an ask to help inspire me to write! (or just scream at me about the ideas if you want and I'll likely scream back with a continuation with your own thoughts tbh)
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"She is not a bird" - Hvitserk x Reader
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SUMMARY: In Eddas, every great warrior falls in love with a Valkyrie - a winged goddess equally beautiful and imposing. Hvitserk finds his after a battle as she's stitching wounds and bringing comfort to those who will not see another dawn.
In a colourful dress, she busses around, Time and time she turns her head, gives a smile, You could swear you saw her wings yesterday, How she hid them under the dress, But she’s not a bird, Can’t you see? She is not a bird.
Hvitserk has no interest in medicine or healing. Despite that, he has found himself watching one of the healers as she’s running back and forth between beds. She’s been at it for hours now and Hvitserk begins to wonder how come she’s not tired yet. Her feet and hands are equally quick as they had been when they arrived at the camp after the battle. The mesmerising glint in her eyes, something between curiosity and adoration, is still just as bright. Whenever one of the wounded warriors wants to talk to her, she sits at the edge of their bed. Her head nods gently before her lips curl into a reassuring smile and she says something in return. Maybe she’ll even chuckle at something. From where he’s standing, Hvitserk can’t make out her words but he can quite clearly see the faces of the people she’s talking to and it makes his curiosity consume him entirely to know what words turn agony into peace.
Lost in his own thoughts, the young Viking doesn’t notice jarl Friedgeir approaching him. 
“Enchanting, isn’t she?” he asks with a smirk. He’s seen this scenario one too many times to have any doubts about what Hvitserk is thinking about. Friedgeir himself has been in that very same position before.
Friedgeir Esrason is nimble for his age. White and silver hair circles his tired face like a halo. Sun-damaged skin makes him appear even older, although fuller of life. It’s a testimony of long days spent on adventures, seeing what the world has to offer. Despite nearing grandfather’s age, his torso is broad and his arms are about the size of a shieldmaiden’s thigh. Brass bracelets clink every time he moves his hands. The purple material of his tunic is clearly worn out, tearing in places of the most friction.
“She is,” Hvitserk admits.
Jarl puts his heavy hand on Hvitserk’s shoulder. For a moment, the young warrior wonders if Friedgeir could actually crush his bones should he squeeze his fingers a little tighter. 
“Can I entrust a secret to you, son of Ragnar?” Friedgeir asks in a low tone. His grey eyes look around the two of them as though expecting to find a prying set of ears. Everyone besides them appeared too preoccupied with their own duties and worries to care about the gossip shared between the Jarl and the famous Lothbrok boy.
Hvitserk looks at the older man with a frown.
“My brothers and I have risked our lives for your cause, Jarl Friedgeir,” he reminds the ruler. “I have no interest in breaking your trust. You know that already.”
“Good.” Friedgeir pats Hvitserk’s shoulder. He must be unaware of his strength as the gentle slaps are actually quite forceful, making Hvitserk answer his own question about crushing bones. Friedgeir can definitely turn someone’s skeleton into dust with a squeeze. “My wife mustn’t ever hear what I’m about to tell you. That girl…” he makes a pause and points his finger at the healer, “I think she might be a bird.”
Taken aback, Hvitserk looks up and down the Jarl.
“Did the Swedes hit you on the head?” he asks half-heartedly.
“I wish it was that. But no.” Friedgeir laughs bitterly and shakes his head. A shadow of melancholy flies past his sun-damaged face only to reside inside his silver eyes as a teary glint. “I always knew there was something strange about her but I came to understanding only after seeing the great viziers of the East and their pets locked in golden cages.”
Hvitserk glances towards the healer. His eyes follow her like hawk in hopes of some enlightenment that would make Friedgeir’s words clearer to him. Alas, she appears as she did before - enticing and human.
He shakes his head.
“I don’t understand.”
The Jarl lets out a sigh.
“Just look, dear Hvitserk. See the colourful dress like a parrot’s feathers.” Hvitserk has never heard of something called a parrot, so he is left to assume that they must look nothing like the birds in Norway. “And look at men’s faces when she talks to them. Pain and suffering change into hope and peace. The only time I’ve seen that was when one of the viziers asked his angry guests to listen to his oriole singing. After an hour, no one remembered what they were fighting about.”
Time as if slows down as Hvitserk is watching the healer sit on the edge of a cot belonging to a dying man. She holds his hand tightly and tirelessly wipes cold sweat from his forehead. The warrior is stuttering, fever and pain making his wants incomprehensible. The woman sitting beside him only nods her head, offering a warm smile and a short response. Soon, the man falls limp. His eyes turn blank as his head rolls lifelessly to the side. The healer squeezes the corpse’s hand and only then gets up to continue her work. A pair of healthy warriors wrap up the body in blankets only to carry it away, to the place where a great pyre will burn after nightfall.
Hvitserk is more intelligent than the jarl. More perceptive. He’s seen geese flying southwards when winter was coming, only to come back after snow thaws. But not her - she stayed until the warriors’ skin turned cold and grey. Let go of dead hands only after the heart stopped, never earlier.
“She’s not a bird,” the young Lothbrok speaks up. Friedgeir looks at him curiously. “Can’t you see?” he asks with a chuckle on his tongue. “She must be a Valkyrie, leading fallen warriors to the gates of Odin's hall.”
The Jarl only nods slowly, pondering Hvitserk’s words. 
“If she is, perhaps death isn’t a too high price to be by her side.”
But he’s too young to be this patient and Hvitserk has to find a reason to be beside her now.
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You’re taken aback when someone suddenly takes the wooden crate from your hands. The unexpected helper reveals himself to be none other but Hvitserk with a playful grin on his face. Despite giving all he could in the battle, just hours prior, he appears to still be vigorous as though the fight was a mere warm-up.
The man puts the heavy crate on his shoulder, securing it with one arm. What has given you backpain and cold sweat, seems like no chore to him. The Ragnarsons really are a different strain.
“Where do you want this?” he asks casually.
“At the pyre.” You point in the vague direction of where the bodies will be burned. “Illness thrives within the old, used dressings.”
Hvitserk begins wandering to the place you have pointed out and, not sure why, you begin to follow him. His strides are long and sure, his breathing calm and steady. He hardly fits the image of a man who had to fight like a rabid dog to survive just earlier that day.
“Are you not tired afer the battle?” you ask him. Confusion slips past your words.
“I am.” Hvitserk glances at you. It’s a quick look but you manage to notice him staring you up and down. “But I thought you might need help. You’ve been tending to the wounded for hours.”
A melodic, light chuckle escapes your lips.
“You’ve been watching me?”
His playful half-grin turns into a genuine smile. Staring at the road ahead, he almost looks bashful.
“I have a habit of admiring enticing things,” Hvitserks admits.
You feel your cheeks burning at the nonchalant compliment but you don’t let him notice that. Neither do you let his sweet words distract you.
“Then you must lead a busy, beautiful life.”
The man’s voice seems faraway and absent as he answers, as though his mind is suddenly occupied with vivid daydreams:
“Not yet.”
The noise of the camp is inaudible now. Only pine trees and wild berries accompany Hvitserk and you. A murder of crows suddenly takes flight as you pass by. Their cawing echoes through the empty forest.
You can’t quite put a finger on this sensation but something about Hvitserk makes you feel warm and calm inside. It’s the same feeling one experiences when sitting in front of a warm hearth after spending long hours in the cold. When the blood begins flowing again and the relief of not freezing to death is forgotten, the warmth and safety make one sleepy and giddy. But how can a man make you feel the same as a fireplace on a cold night?
Hvitserk sets the crate down with a low thud. The sound shakes you awake from your thoughts. A strong, putrid smell of blood, fresh wood and animal fat fills your nostrils. Even after all those years, it never gets easier to prepare people for their final journey.
“Thank you,” you begin awkwardly. Some more anxious part of you is suddenly terrified that he will somehow learn of your thoughts about him. “I don’t know if I could have carried it by myself all the way here.”
His lips curve into a sly grin and you can tell he’s about to weave a string of charming words but something about him distracts you instantly. Hvitserk’s shirt, once greyish-beige, is now brown and crimson. Not thinking much, you suddenly grab his arm. He doesn’t even get a chance to protest when you roll up his sleeve to reveal a, re-opened wound.
“Your hand is bleeding,” you state.
Hvitserk is unsure whether your stern gaze scares him or excites.
“It’s nothing.”
He tries to roll his sleeve back down but you swat his arm away. Pushing down on his shoulder, you force him to sit down on the ground with you.
“Well, it’s definitely going to scar,” you say quietly as you inspect the deep cut in his skin. “But the good news is, some women like men with scars. I know I do.”
You take out a sewing needle made from animal bone. For practicality, you’re used to wearing it pinned somewhere in your clothing. After all, one can never know when they might need it like when a handsome, charming Viking suddenly needs his wound stitched. Gods work in mysterious ways, truly…
A drop of blood drips from the wound each time you push the needle through the pale skin. Hvitserk is impressively collected - he only grunts a few times and clenches his teeth. 
“All done,” you whisper more to yourself than him. In a quick, mechanical manner you wipe the skin of his arm again and roll down the sleeve of his shirt. 
You’re standing up when Hvitserk decides he’s not quite done being the apple of your eye:
“How hurt does a man have to be for you to stay around longer?”
As though he didn’t just get stabbed eigh times in his cut and bruised arm, he’s staring at you with than same insufferable mischieviousness that you’ve grown to love so much. Sometimes you wonder whether this is exactly the reason he’s never had trouble charming women.
“A broken rib would do it,” you say with a shrug. “Or you could just ask.”
Suddenly, Hvitserk jumps to his feet. A newfound fire is burning inside him - a flame known only to those, whose affections are returned.
Jokingly, you frown at him.
“I didn’t know the Lothbroks knew such words,” you say in a surprised tone.
You feel his fingers dragging up your arm until his palm gently brushes against your cheek. The skin of his hand is dry and calloused, standing in a stark opposition to its owner.
“We hold it for special occasions.” Hvitserk’s voice is low, almost raspy.
“And me standing here is somehow special?”
“You don’t even know,” he whispers. His breath is hot against your cheeks. But how can a man make you feel the same as a fireplace on a cold night?
“Then tell me.”
At that moment, he knows he will have his entire life to remind you just how special you are to him; he will have his whole saga to love a Valkyrie.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
based on this post. i flipped a coin and it landed on dan heng. it was going to be dragon!dh but i thought this was better. top + gn!reader. major spoilers for the hsr main storyline. implicit nsfw 18+
wc ; 1.8k
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There is no place for you in the Xianzhou Luofu.
You are a prisoner of war. A long life species. Once, long ago, you'd been taken in by Imbibitor Lunae for your unwavering strength. From a planet long destroyed, with no family nor honor - you'd pressed your forehead to the floor and begged for your life.
Your Master had laughed at the time. Head tilted and smiling, shining and brilliant. You can recall the image so well even now, so many years later.
In the prisons of the Xianzhou, a new lifeform was birthed. The splitting image of your master, but no more than their ghost. The reanimated being Imbibitor Lunae took the punishment of your Master - banished from the Xianzhou. And you, a soul with no ties, took it upon yourself to follow.
For starters, Dan Heng does not like when you call him with any honorifics like he is above you. Dan Heng prefers his name. If you are to speak to him at all, it must be with his name. He likes names, it seems. He gave you yours when you'd followed him far enough and realized you didn't have one.
Next, Dan Heng does not seem to like you very much. You don't think it's personal. As far as ghosts go, you are little more than a poltergeist of his past. The people on the Express regard you fondly, but Dan Heng always looks like he is in pain when his gaze touches you too long.
And last, Dan Heng is beautiful even when he is not in his other forms. Even when he is the Dan Heng of the Astral Express. Dan Heng without name or origin. When he is a little more like you, somehow - you think he is beautiful.
And despite the similarities, Dan Heng is nothing like your master. There are many ghosts in the Xianzhou, but the ghost of Dan Feng does not linger in Dan Heng. Dan Heng is colder. Smoother. At times gentler, too. You know little of reincarnation, but of this much you can be sure. And though your Master saved your life, by now you've spent more time with Dan Heng than you ever did with them.
You do not know much of love. There was someone once. Long, long ago.
And yet, this much you know - you think your heart flutters whenever you think of Dan Heng.
Often, you are forced to reconcile with the differences between your master and Dan Heng. Their tastes, from food to clothing, always stand out to you. It is their taste in adornments that you usually pay most attention to. It's not that Dan Feng was particular.
But Dan Heng often wears jewelry so thin you can hardly see it. It's hard to describe how much it effects you, other than saying that it does. Other than saying you're always the first to notice the changes. He wears the connected tassel and ribbon only when he's leaving the ship. If someone is to gift him jewelry for any reason, he will always wear at least once.
You are forced to recognize the little details of Dan Heng when you notice these adornments. Forced to picture them in your fantasies in which you are able to put him to bed. Often on the floor of the archives, you wonder about the thin swishes of silver.
He wears a necklace underneath the high collar of his shirt. It's a gift from March 7th. A blue moon on a thin silver chain that sits perfectly in the middle of his sternum, trapped against his chest. Sometimes, when he puts on the clothes he has for sleep - you catch a glimpse of it. The starlight pouring through the windows make it shine.
His neck is thin, you think. Something about it is fragile. What would happen to such a material if you were to reach out and touch it.
(What would happen to Dan Heng if your hand tightened around it. Would his skin finally feel flush? Warm to your fingers, contrasting to the cool tones? )
There are bracelets too. Several. Some less formal, more gifts from March. One from Mr. Yang - this time it is gold. Gold, a braided chain - but delicate all the same. This one he takes off often. Only for special events. The curve of his wrist bewitches you. You think the bend of it must be pretty as a picture.
(You think of the indentation it might leave on your spine, had he let you have his way with him, The sound of his voice in your ear, pitchy and high - enough that the pain of being imprinted wouldn't faze you at all.
How good he would feel with his arms around your shoulders and your hands on his hips, bracing for dear life.)
Dan Heng says he doesn't wear rings often.
"They'll tear the pages in the archives if I'm not careful."
But he does own them. He buys them for himself usually, at the market. They're all of the same type. Bands of fine metals that are practical. Silver with aquamarine and amethyst. Gold with quartz and opal. He's not the type to spend so heavily on excess - so there are few. Accumulated after years and years, but untouched by time.
You wonder, if there's any particular reason he keeps them. You aren't sure there is. But he likes them, all the same. Rings are important in your culture. Different ones for different occasion. You think it is too much of a pipedream to hope he thinks of you as he buys them.
(You think of him wearing rings more often than not. It fills you with homesickness. The slender of his fingers with the jewels you've given him. A tradition from your homeland. Something about Dan Heng incites the desire to spoil, adoration bloomed from something much more potent than subservience.
He's beautiful always, but how beautiful would he be underneath you? Black hair and thin features. Delicate and ethereal, otherworldly. His hands covering his expression, painted in pink. Pink cheeks and hot pink mouth, bitten and swollen to hell.
The shine of the things you've given him, all over. You are dying to know lately, if it's possible to make a perfect thing more beautiful)
Last, there is your favorite thing to gift him. Anklets. From the beginning, you're unsure of where the compulsion came from. Even before you ended up in this state - you thought it would suit him. A chain around the ankle, with trinkets. Something more playful than elegant, but suited to Dan Heng all the same.
Recently, Dan Heng parades around the express in his dragon form often enough. The secret is out, so it's pointless in more ways than one to always maintain it. Though he prefers his other form, it is less energy to maintain this one. So he does.
Imbibitor Lunae is seated on the edge of your bed wearing your anklet, and you think the part of you that tries not to get too close might die soon.
You blink once, then again to assure you've not got mad.
"You're wearing it,"
Dan Heng gives you a momentary blank stare before flushing down to his neck.
"You noticed." Comes his reply, curt and deflective. Normally, you'd meet him tit for tat. Match his sarcasm to yours, but the words die as you inch closer to the edge of the bed. He doesn't back away.
"You're...wearing it. Why?"
He doesn't say anything to this. Just flushes and sighs like he's somehow above answering. You think it's endearing. You stand, sit on the edge of the bed and stare. You feel something in you start to crack.
Yes, lately - it is harder and harder to pretend that you do not look at Dan Heng and long.
"Dan Heng," You say, slowly and clearly "I want to touch you."
This makes him look like he'll keel over. There's some words forming in his mouth, something meant to scold you. When your eyes meet the words seem to die. Maybe he can tell you're serious. They're blue and wide and ethereal, stunned into shocked silence.
Your hand rests on his ankle. He doesn't move as you turn to look at it, pressing it against your thumb. You think a single hand around the bend of it, from thumb to ring finger could fit it. A being so powerful not much thicker than grass blades. Pale like milk pouring over honey.
"Since when?" Is his next question. He looks troubled.
"Since as long as we've been aboard the express."
You move towards the end of the bed and Dan Heng makes room for where you sit. You place your hand against clothed calf, planing up until his knee and resting there. He frowns.
"Did you not long for your Master?"
"No," You say firm, getting on your knees and leaning up. Dan Heng stumbles back against the pillows that hold him up. He falls to them as you hover over them and suddenly you're so close. "Only you,"
You take a piece of his hair, long and silky, kissing it as tenderly as you can. From this angle he flushes. Adorned and beautiful, with the same necklace and dainty hooped earrings. The little details that make up all of his idiosyncrasies.
"Only me." He repeats, soft and low and cute. Yes, there is only Dan Heng. You're sure your master could never make a face like this. He looks up at you a little stunned, into quiet silence that doesn't reach you.
"Why did you wear it?" You lean in his. His breath is warm with mint.
"I'm sure you're clever enough to figure that out."
You put your hands on his waist, inching up against the fabric. Your noses touch.
"I want to hear you say it," You reply to him, a little closer - brushing against his lips. He makes a face at you "Or else it will feel too much like a dream."
Your knee presses against the place between his legs but Dan Heng makes no moves to stop you.
"I wore it for you to notice. I didn't think you really would."
You laugh softly.
"I always notice. I'm always looking at you. Just you. It has been that way for a long time now."
He closes his eyes and laughs with you.
"I suppose it has."
You kiss him like this. Slow and tender and gentle, a soft sensation that builds itself to one of lust. You try not to devour Dan Heng, but it grows impossible. How could you turn away from him like this? Ripe like something waiting to be plucked, eaten whole even when taken apart slowly. You dip your tongue into Dan Hengs mouth, licking the fangs but never cutting yourself on their sharp edges.
Something stirs in you, something hard pressed against your stomach. You laugh a little.
"Dan Heng," You say again, teeth scrapping his jaw "I want to look at you a little closer."
He breathes you in. His hand reaches for yours, feeling for your ring finger.
"Nothing is stopping you."
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twink-between-worlds · 2 months
when the sun loves the moon
this ravioli fic is brought 2 u by chappell roan's "Hot To Go". the ao3 writer curse hit us btw. our hand is broken lol. this is so fucking long i dont know what happened it was supposed to be short.....
ao3 link; x
Legend hums, messing with the bracelet around his wrist. Not Ravio’s one—that one is far too thick for him to be able to fiddle with it easily—but a different, smaller one on the other wrist.
The second one—the one he’s playing with—is much smaller and simpler. It’s made of black rope, and has a small golden charm attached to it in the shape of a sun.
Ravio brought it back from Lorule after one of his visits. There was a moon-shaped one, too, but Ravio has that one. Legend doesn’t mind. He thinks the sun-bracelet is pretty.
He doesn’t really know why Ravio gave it to him, though. He just kind of showed up back home, gave Legend the bracelet, and never talked about it. It was a little weird, but this is Ravio. There is nothing about that man that isn’t weird.
That thought is nothing but fond.
He kinda misses him. He always does. Doesn’t matter how many times he’s had to travel and leave Ravio behind—he always misses him.
Deep down somewhere inside his chest is a part of him that’s scared that Ravio will be gone by the time he comes back.
He does his best to ignore it. Ravio wouldn’t leave without telling him—he knows that much.
“Your bracelet’s pretty,”Hyrule hums quietly, watching the veteran mess with it as they walk. “Where’d you get it?”
“Oh, uh. It was a gift.”Legend explains with a shrug. “Ravio brought it back from Lorule. He’s got the other one.”
“Other one?”
“It came in a set. The other one’s got a moon on it.”
“You and Ravio have fucking couple bracelets?”Four pipes up, and Legend goes a little quiet. A couple bracelet? No way, they’re not even together. Ravio doesn’t like Legend that way, and Legend doesn’t like Ravio that way either.
Or, well, he doesn’t think he does? It’s a little confusing and Legend doesn’t have time to unpack all that. He’ll probably never have the time to unpack that mess. It’s the emotional equivalent of moving all the things from his storage-shed around—lots of effort and very messy, best to just not do.
So he shakes his head with a snort. “No, Four, that’s not what they are. Rav’s literally just my roommate.”
Four doesn’t look convinced in the slightest. Honestly, Legend can’t even find it in him to be annoyed about that. He knows he and Ravio are a little weird, to the point that even his own sister thought they were dating for a while.
He wants to say she was just being hopeful and that she didn’t seriously think that he and Ravio were together.
“Don’t look at me like that,”Legend rolls his eyes. “It’s just a bracelet, Four. Nothing special.”
Four just snorts at him. “Sure.”
He decides that he isn’t going to respond to Four anymore. Why should he? Four’s just being dumb anyways.
“Why a sun?”Hyrule tilts his head, curious. 
“I think Rav just gave me this one cause the charm is gold. The moon one is silver.”Legend shrugs. He never gets explanations as to why Ravio does things, and the reasoning behind the specifics of the bracelet is no exception, so really he’s just guessing.
The healer nods along with the explanation. Pauses for a second, then, “How long’ve you been friends for?”
Wonderful question—Legend doesn’t know. He can’t remember when he’d started welcoming the other man’s presence, when he stopped getting annoyed by the other being there. He doesn’t know how, or when, Ravio became something akin to home.
That thought catches him off guard, just a bit. He thinks Ravio is home, now? That’s…definitely a new development.
“A while,”He starts with a shrug, ignoring his own mind as he regards the other hero. “Known him for about five years now.”He thinks so, anyway. How old is he, again? He thinks 19, might be 18 though. He’ll ask someone else when he can.
“Is he your best friend then?”
Legend could laugh at that idea. He doesn’t. Instead, he just shakes his head. “No. He isn’t my best friend. That title belongs to someone else, and she really is not willing to share it.”
He did bring it up to Styla once; not about Ravio, specifically, but just in general. She got all pouty and dramatic at the idea of sharing the best friend title, so he’s never really tried that since.
It’s not like it matters a whole lot. He never really had anyone in mind the first time he brought it up, and he doesn’t exactly have anyone in mind now either.
Or, well…okay. Maybe he does. But he’s taking it to his grave. Legend is never telling Four that they’re on the same level as his current best friend.
It’d probably go to their head.
The conversation dies, Legend thinks. Admittedly, he isn’t paying much attention anymore, so they could still be trying to talk to him and he’s just not listening enough to hear.
He wonders how Ravio’s doing. In his last letter, he mentioned that summer must bring out the hero aspiration in people, so business is probably good for the merchant right now. The other is likely ecstatic about it. 
Ravio said the orchard is looking good. He collected the honey from the beehive, too, but he hasn’t sold any of it. Didn’t want to in case Legend wanted to keep it. He’d told him to keep two jars, and that he can sell whatever was left. No point keeping all of it when the two can make a profit.
He knows for a fact that Ravio hasn’t actually touched the orchard, either—he never does. He knows better. Ravio just…doesn’t do it right, it drives Legend a little bit insane, so he learned to just not do it.
Maybe it’s a little mean, and a little weird, but Ravio hasn’t directly complained about it, so Legend guesses that it’s fine, since Ravio is often vocal about things he isn’t happy with. It’s surprisingly a good thing that Ravio likes to complain—it lets Legend know what’s wrong and what needs work.
Legend wonders if Ravio’s sneezing every five seconds now that it’s summer over there again. He always does it, so realistically he knows the answer is yes, but he doesn’t exactly have real proof of it happening right now.
He really just kinda wants to go home.
“You okay?”A voice snaps Legend out of his thoughts, and he turns slightly to see Sky walking with him. Four and Hyrule wandered off at some point, it seems.
“Mhmm,”The veteran hums in response, because what is there to say? He can’t tell Sky the whole truth cause he’ll get all weird and start thinking Legend is into Ravio or something too, like everyone else.
“You’re, um, playing with your bracelet a lot,”Sky notes gently, “Are you missing home?”
Legend doesn’t miss a beat as he nods, still toying with the bracelet’s charm. “It’s been way too fucking long,”He mumbles with a frown.
Sky doesn’t say anything about Legend’s previous claims of preferring life on the road. Hell, he probably knows that Legend’s home is a person rather than a place. He doesn’t say anything about that, though. Instead, he hums softly and places his arm around Legend’s shoulders. “I get it. I miss Skyloft a lot.”
Legend wants to make a comment about him really missing Sun, but he doesn’t say it for two reasons. The first, and most important, being because it would set Sky off on another ramble about her.
The second is more confusing. He’d feel hypocritical if he said anything, and Legend might be a lot of things but he doesn’t like being a hypocrite. He’s not 100% sure why he’d feel like one, but he has a vague idea that it’s because of his own current issue of missing Ravio.
It’s different, though. Legend doesn’t like Ravio the way Sky likes Sun. He doesn’t. 
“Is it new?”Sky hums, reaching over and gently holding Legend’s hand so he can look at the bracelet better. “I don’t think I’ve seen it before.”
It’s not exactly new, not really, but…he guesses he hasn’t really let anyone see it, so the assumption isn’t baseless. Usually he just has it hidden under his sleeve. “Sorta. I mean, I’ve…had it for a while, but only started wearing it a little while ago,”Legend mumbles with a shrug. 
The chain never really needed to know about it. It isn’t magic—just a regular bracelet—so there was no reasoning for letting them know it exists. He isn’t gonna sit down and tell them every accessory he has—they’d be there forever just on his piercings alone.
Sky nods along with Legend’s words, a soft smile on his face. Legend’s not really sure what he’s smiling about. Then, “Wanna tell me about them?”
Legend shoots him a look.
Sky takes it like he has to elaborate. “The person who gave you the bracelet. What’re they like?”
“Dad.”Legend complains, rolling his eyes. “It’s just Ravio. You know him.”
“Oh! You and Ravio are—”
“Slow your roll,”Legend cuts him off with a huff. “No. Ravio is just my roommate.”
“Oh.”Sky pauses, then frowns. He looks genuinely confused. “Really? But you two are so cute together.”
“Ugh, dad, come on.”The veteran rolls his eyes, face tinting slightly pink. 
“What? You are!”Sky insists with a pout. “I think the nicknames are adorable,”
Legend wants the ground to swallow him whole. “They’re mortifying, actually.”
“He calls you honeybee. That’s so cute.”Sky ruffles Legend’s hair. “The whole ‘bunny and rabbit’ thing you two’ve got going on is adorable, too.”
Legend falls silent. Hm. So Sky’s heard that. Shit. Legend thought he was being careful enough.
“You weren’t…supposed to notice that…”Legend confesses after a brief moment, ears tilted downwards from the embarrassment. He didn’t think anyone was around when he called Ravio ‘rabbit’. 
Being wrong is not a great feeling.
Sky just giggles about it. Giggles, right in front of Legend. He notices that Legend goes even more red, and just smiles more. “Awh—hey! It’s okay, you don’t have to be embarrassed. You know, I have more embarrassing nicknames for my Zelda!”
That doesn’t really make anything better, but Legend appreciates the fact that Sky at least made an attempt at comfort.
“Whatever,”Legend mumbles after a moment, “It’s not the same as yours and mama's nicknames.”
Sky hums. Legend has the idea that Sky doesn’t believe him. That idea is only solidified as Sky responds with a simple, “I’m sure.”
Legend chooses to ignore him now, too. Seriously, what’s up with them? It’s just a bracelet. It isn’t even the first gift Ravio’s ever given him.
Ravio gives him a lot of gifts, actually. Legend can’t offer much in return — Ravio doesn’t exactly have any piercings, nor does he really wear that much jewellery. All Legend can do to show appreciation for the gifts is cooking for him whenever he’s home.
Ravio says that it’s enough. Legend doesn’t particularly agree, but he doesn’t have anything else, so he just sticks to what he knows. He’s started learning how to cook Lorulean dishes too, for when Ravio’s missing Lorule. The hero’s never actually tried making one of those yet, but he’s got a cookbook that he’s been reading. If he can memorise the recipes, he’ll have an easier time when it comes to making them.
He hasn’t told Ravio about that part yet. Doesn’t know how Ravio would even react to that. He wouldn’t be upset by it, he doesn’t think. He’d probably get too affectionate about it, though. Every time Legend does something that Ravio really likes, the merchant gets weird and doesn’t leave him alone for a little while. Always keeps close to him for at least a day or two afterwards.
Ravio never explained it ; Legend never asked.
It’s just one of those unwritten things about them. There’s a long, mental list that Legend has that’s just filled with unwritten things that Ravio does. Ravio has a written list about things Legend does. He knows because he found it while cleaning up their room. …he’s pretty observant, but Legend supposes that it’s hard to miss things when you share a space with them. Especially for so long.
It would probably be more concerning if Ravio knew nothing about him, to be honest. Legend being cagey doesn’t translate over to the little things — the stuff Ravio’s written down. The fact it’s all written down on physical paper does make him a little embarrassed though. Some of those habits are intended to be taken to the grave, thank you, and putting it into a physical form is not taking it to the grave, Ravio, that actually makes it harder to take to the grave.
He hates him sometimes and he really does mean that in the most affectionate way possible. He doesn’t actually know what he would do if Ravio left now — he’s gotten far too used to the other being around. The stupid part of his mind tells him that he would simply stop existing. The rational part tells him that he would go into isolation again. Neither is very helpful, actually. Or particularly great. Hell, at least the rational part usually tells him he’d be fine. Fucks up with that part today? Just because it’s true doesn’t mean he wanted to hear it.
Legend tries not to let the homesickness show on his face, fingers tracing over the small, golden charm. It’s a small comfort. Both bracelets are somewhat comforting — even if he still doesn’t like that the chunkier bracelet smells like Twilight. It’s something he, unfortunately, grew used to. Ravio did say that he’d probably get used to it eventually, so it isn’t like he wasn’t warned about it.
Having it on just gives him a false sense of security — he feels safe with it, even though it realistically can’t do much in terms of protection. Neither of the bracelets can…he doesn’t think? The matching one has a strange aura that Legend can’t figure out. It’s magic, that much he knows. He’s just not really sure what type of magic it is, or what it does.
Little frustrating, but of course it is. Ravio, one of the most frustrating men that Legend has ever met, gave the thing to him, of course it’s frustrating. He’d ask about it but he wouldn’t get an answer. Hell, Ravio never answers questions half of the time. Thinks he’s really funny, and he’s only right about that one every so often. Most of the time, he’s just a little annoying.
“Fuck,”He mumbles under his breath. Doesn’t bother to even fully distract himself from his thoughts, can’t even tell if anyone heard him. He’s a little busy with his inner turmoil, with the fact his brain is yelling at him and he kind of wants to scream but he can’t because it would be concerning and nobody would have the context but —
Four and Sky were right. They were right about him and that’s never a sentence that Legend likes to say. 
He likes Ravio. How did he miss that? It’s so fucking obvious. Fable noticed it, and he’d laughed at her for it. Four noticed. Sky noticed it, even compared it to his own relationship with Sun.
This is so dumb. Also a little mortifying. But mostly dumb. How can he be that stupid to not even notice he was into Ravio before it was essentially spelled out for him?
It’s been years since he’s ever liked someone that way. Years. He damn near swore off that emotion entirely. Maybe he did notice it, then. Maybe he just ignored it til he forgot about it. Wouldn’t be the first time he’d dealt with things that way. It’s not healthy, but it’s efficient, and he’s taking efficiency over health any day.
He should probably tell Ravio. It kinda scares him to think about. Is this the type of conversation you have to have in-person? Or is it acceptable to just put it in a letter and hope for the best? He’s not really sure. He could ask, but he knows better than to think that the rest of the chain won’t figure it out. Four or Sky would know. They’d probably mention it.
God, this sucks. He might just write a letter and call it a day. Future Legend problems are not Current Legend’s problems. Who knows, he might not even send the letter! Might just write it and chicken out! It’s very plausible! It has happened before, and it will continue to happen throughout his life!
When they all stop for the night, Legend tries to keep his mind off of it all. Helps set up camp, and he knows that they’ve noticed him trying to distract himself by helping out, but nobody mentions it so it’s fine, he’s fine. Honestly, he could just ask one of them about the whole…like…etiquette of love confessions, or whatever it is, but they’d get weird about it, and Legend would rather do it wrong than be teased for it.
How should he know how it’s done? He never had the chance to confess the first time he liked someone this way, and that was years ago now. He’s about on the same level as the actual child of the group when it comes to this kinda thing, and it’s only partially his fault. It’s not like it’s ever come up often — sure, he’s had people try to date him ; has been technically engaged, but they all did the work of the whole…confession business. Legend’s never done it himself. He waited too long with Marin. Doesn’t know, even now, if he would have managed to do it at all, even if the circumstances were different.
He’s starting to think he doesn’t know anything at all. Maybe that’s a little dramatic. He isn’t surprised that he’s started being dramatic too. Legend’s picked up a lot of Ravio’s other habits — talking with his hands, clicking his tongue when annoyed, he’s even picked up on Ravio’s awful habit of chewing on whatever’s available when he’s nervous or thinking — so it was just a matter of time before he picked up the dramatics. 
Legend chooses to ignore that he was dramatic without Ravio’s influence, was dramatic about things ever since he was a kid. One of the many things he never grew out of, the many habits he never had time to get rid of. His uncle used to say that he was the most dramatic girl in the entire kingdom. Now he’s the second most dramatic man. Ravio’s always going to be the most dramatic, he thinks.
He wonders if he and Ravio had a kid, would that child be extra dramatic, on account of having two dramatic parents? And then he shoves that thought away, embarrassed at the idea and the thought of having a kid with the merchant. He’s got it bad, huh? He didn’t even notice it before. Legend is really hoping his face isn’t betraying him, because he doesn’t know how to explain why he’s embarrassed. What would he even say? ‘I thought about having a kid with a guy I just denied having a thing for’? Not a chance in hell.
Legend can’t even remember how long he’s been ignoring this. Can’t even tell if this is going to cause Ravio to finally decide he wants to move out, to ‘expand his business’ as he would explain it. He doesn’t think Ravio even thinks of him as more than the guy that saved his life and kingdom. Sure, they live together, but…Legend still kinda thinks Ravio’s only still around just because Legend doesn’t charge him rent. He wouldn’t really blame him — it’s a good deal. Legend can admit that he’s being very nice letting Ravio do what he does, and that anyone rational — anyone not stupidly in love with the man — wouldn’t put up with it.
Yeah, honestly, he’s not sure how he didn’t notice the signs of him liking the guy. The signs seem really obvious now that he’s caught up to himself enough to read them. He’ll blame it on not having time for it. That’s usually the only answer he can give — he never has enough time. It’s not a very peaceful existence, but it’s his, and isn’t that enough? Who cares if he doesn’t like it all that much. He has to work with it, he doesn’t get a choice.
Of all things to catch up on, did this really have to be the first? He feels a little cheated. Is there nothing else that he can get? Does he have to deal with this one right now? This one is all stressful and scary, could end with him losing the comfort of sharing a home with someone. He doesn’t like being alone, and Ravio being around helped with that. What if this makes him leave? Legend doesn’t really know what he’d do. Fable always says he can move into the castle when he wants to, that she would like to see her brother more, but he doesn’t like how big it is and he doesn’t feel safe around the knights, so even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t move in there. He doesn’t want to leave his house either — his uncle left it for him. It’s all he’s really got left, and he likes the orchard. 
If Ravio left, maybe he would just…stop existing, or something. He’s never had to think about it before. He’s worried about it before, sure, but he always has the confidence that Ravio would tell him before he left and he wouldn’t just go — Ravio’d told him so. But this? He’s never thought about it in this circumstance. This could really fuck things up and make the merchant never want to even look at the hero again.
He hopes that, if the goddesses can hear his thoughts, they hear him when he begs for his life to stop getting complicated. The goddesses have never listened to his pleas before, so he doesn’t bother having high expectations, but it would really be great if his life could stop getting complicated and weird. His life hasn’t stopped getting complicated since the moment he stepped out of that house and was given the burden of ‘Hero’. It’s just kept getting worse, actually. He prayed, at first, for it to all stop and go away. He gave up on that a long time ago.
Maybe if he asks really nicely, Hylia can make this problem go away for him. Maybe he can finally get some use out of being her favourite? Probably not. The thought’s nice, though. He probably wouldn’t do it anyways. Being her favourite has just made him really tired and he thinks that if he tried to use it to get her to help him out, she’d just make him keep working. He does kinda want to retire without having to die to do it.
The letters are usually reserved for Fable. He doesn’t tend to send them to anyone else — Ravio sends a few, but Legend just replies on that paper and sends it back. He’s never actually written to the other first. — but he guesses he can’t just ignore this. If it all goes wrong, at least…at least he won’t have to see Ravio leave, if he does. It’ll still hurt but it would hurt more if he had to watch it happen. This is safer. He has the safety of it being on paper, of not having to watch as Ravio puts on that fake little smile, the one he puts on when he’s uncomfortable but doesn’t want to hurt feelings. Legend’s seen him put it on around knights and particularly annoying customers. He never wants it directed at him.
Legend doesn’t eat a lot of his dinner that night. Mostly just pokes at it, eats whenever Sky gives him a look, but doesn’t finish it. Passes it off to Four, when he’s sure nobody else is paying much attention. He just tells Four that he isn’t hungry. Doesn’t know, or care, if they believe him or not. They don’t question him, which is good enough. He kinda likes that about the smithy — they barely ever question him on things. They love questioning everyone else, just to make them annoyed or upset, but they never seem to do it to Legend anymore. The two have got their own little dynamic going on, anyways, so the cycle of questions and annoyance wouldn’t work with them for long.
It’s especially helpful now, because Legend hates telling Four that they’re right about anything. They’re a cocky little shit about it and Legend has enough going on, he doesn’t think he could convince himself to not throttle the smithy this time. That’s hard enough to do when he isn’t distracted. He loves the other like a little sibling, but it’s very hard to not want them dead sometimes. He supposes that might just be a sibling thing, though, because he and his sister have wanted each other dead every so often too and they’re literally twins.
He takes first watch. Manages to convince Time to let him take watch on his own. He doesn’t tell him why, just manages to make up some bullshit excuse about how it’ll be better so that the later watch doesn’t have to only be one person. It’s convincing enough to work, and that’s good enough for him. It gives him time to work on writing that letter that he has to write, and it means nobody will be bugging him while he does it.
His handwriting isn’t the best anyways. He doesn’t like to write around other people due to that. It’s messy and it’s just not something he’s proud of. Honestly, it’s bad enough that he can’t figure out how to say the things he wants to, it’s even worse when his terrible handwriting is thrown into the mix. This whole thing is making him feel ten times dumber than he is.
They head to bed not long after sorting out the watch system for the night. This is somewhat comforting. Means he isn’t sitting around with anxiety for even longer than he wants to, and gives him extra time to figure out what the hell he’s doing. Does he put filler in the letter? Talk about something for a while before getting to the point? Should he just confess and leave the letter as nothing more than a shitty confessional? He thinks the former, but he knows Ravio’s attention span isn’t great. Would he get bored of the letter if he talks too much, miss the point of it completely?
Damnit. Why isn’t anything ever easy? Everything has to be a difficult task for him, even when it’s something stupid, small and trivial. It’s so unfair. Legend thinks he deserves a raise, but then remembers that he doesn’t get paid for any of it, and just gets a little annoyed at how he doesn’t get paid. He wishes he did. He doesn’t really need it, he and Ravio make enough from their own business ventures, but it’d sure be nice to be paid for his efforts.
Is that selfish? Maybe a little bit. He’ll probably forget about it in the morning anyways, he’s just upset and has a lot going on at the moment. It’ll pass. It always does. This is not the first time he’s gotten annoyed about this topic and it certainly will not be the last time, either. Seems to come up whenever he’s stressed. Maybe he should talk to someone about that.
Nah. He’s got more important shit goin on. Such as this stupid letter. He hasn’t actually managed to write anything yet — he has the paper out, and has a pencil in his hand, but he doesn’t have any words. Not even one. This is a lot harder than it looks, alright? He’s never done this before and it’s definitely showing. Who knew something as simple as a letter could cause so much difficulty? 
It’s just Ravio. He shouldn’t be worried. Ravio’s never given him reason to be afraid to tell him things. He briefly glances at the bracelet on his wrist, watches the sun-shaped charm reflect the firelight. It really is a pretty bracelet. The veteran hasn’t been able to stop looking at it, today. Maybe it’s because it helps with homesickness, or maybe it’s just because Ravio gave it to him, but he doesn’t ever really want to take the thing off. There’s something about it. He still doesn’t know what kind of magic this thing is coated with. Maybe he should ask about it. Ravio knows him better than to think he wouldn’t be able to tell it’s magic, maybe he’s just waiting to be asked about it.
Wouldn’t be surprising in the slightest. The other hasn’t ever been very forthcoming about things until he’s directly asked about it.
As he just sits there and looks at the charm, Legend realises that he just feels so out of his depth. This isn’t something he’s good at — the whole…expressing emotions thing. He always feels awkward and embarrassed about what he feels, so he just never really talks about that kinda stuff. He’s not sure why he gets so embarrassed about it, really ; nobody else seems to struggle with it. Maybe this is just another thing he never learned to do. Like reading. He didn’t learn to read until he was twelve, after all. Maybe he just needs to learn how to do it when he has time.
He is never going to stop giggling about anything relating to the word ‘time’ now. Every time he just thinks of Time himself and it gives him the funniest mental images in the world. He is very glad that there’s only one person in the world that can hear his thoughts and that she finds it as funny as he does.
This is just stalling. He’s absolutely stalling by thinking about anything and everything except the task at hand. Maybe he should just get it over with — throw some words on the paper, shove it in an envelope and seal it up so he doesn’t have to look at what he wrote before he sends it off. But, then, he worries that he’d throw the wrong words on there, or that he wouldn’t even get to the point. No matter what he does, he’s going to be anxious about it. It’s eating at him, a little bit. The worry. It wants to swallow him whole and leave not a single thing behind.
Legend chooses to stop thinking about it so much. He tries to write as neatly as he can, though it takes more effort than it would take anyone else. He just wants it to be legible. If he was so nervous about it only for Ravio to not be able to read his handwriting, he would actually die. He asks what magic the bracelet has. Tells Ravio that he noticed it a while ago and felt awkward asking about it. Talks a little about different things that’ve happened since they last spoke. He leaves the confession until last. Puts it at the end, and he notices that his handwriting is shakier when he writes it. No matter how hard he’d tried, he couldn’t stop his nerves from getting the best of him when it got to the point.
He signs it off with a small doodle of a bee and folds the letter in half to go into the envelope. Seals it with a small, blue wax seal that he stamps with a small bunny-shaped stamp. He has the one with the royal crest on it, but he’s never actually used that one. He just has it in-case it’s needed.
There. Done. He bit the bullet and now whatever happens after he sends this is in the goddesses hands until he gets home to find out if Ravio left or not. No big deal. Not terrifying at all, no sir. Not at all.
He doesn’t have to wait for the postman. He can just get Sheerow to deliver it — she’s been the one taking the letters back and forth between himself and the others back home anyways. She wouldn’t mind. But he doesn’t actually know how she would feel about it. She’s a smart bird, she would know this isn’t a normal letter.
What to do.
If he waits, he has to hold onto this thing for longer. If he just calls Sheerow, she could investigate the letter herself. …she can’t read, can she? He genuinely isn’t sure. He can read when he’s an animal, and Twilight can. Is that only because they’re really Hylian? Or can all animals read, to an extent? Has Sheerow been reading their letters this whole time? 
He really didn’t think he’d be questioning if birds can read. Maybe Sky knows. Surely he wouldn’t mind being woken up for one question? Legend glances over to where Sky is sleeping. He’s got Four tucked under his arm, the other laying across his own stomach. He’ll never say it out loud, but he kinda wishes he was tucked into Sky’s other side.
Legend heads over anyways. Pokes Sky’s face a little. “Dad. Dad, wake up.”He whispers, rolling his eyes when Sky makes a vague noise in response. “Daaaaaaad.”
“Whuh?”Sky blinks his eyes open sleepily, looking a little more awake the second he sees Legend next to him. “S’mthing wrong?”
“I need to know if birds can read.”
Sky stares at him for a minute. Legend just stares right back. After a moment, Sky lets out a tired sigh. “Baby, it’s late.”
“I know. I’m sorry. But can birds read? It’s important.”
He clicks his tongue slightly, but smiles softly anyways. “Birds can be taught to read a little, yes.”
“Oh. Okay.”Legend nods. Ravio wouldn’t have taught Sheerow how to read, so he’s in the clear. “Thank you.”
“You’re…welcome? I think?”Sky blinks rapidly, confusion written on his face.
“Night dad,”Legend hums before heading back to the fire. He’ll just call Sheerow to give Ravio the letter, in that case. What reason would Ravio have to teach her to read?
…apart from just because he thought it would be funny. He would do it for that reason. But it doesn’t matter — Legend doesn’t understand a damn thing about that bird anyways. He’s not sure how she even gets here when he needs her, but it’s efficient. He’s still taking efficiency over all else.
Who cares if the little jelly bean shaped bird is somehow a tiny time-traveller? She’s cool. Legend likes her. She sometimes just hangs out in his hair. Fun times all around. He likes Sheerow a lot. If Ravio leaves him, he would actually mourn the loss of Sheerow, too. If anything bad ever happened to Sheerow he would commit a crime. Maybe he just likes small animals. Another thing to add to the list of weird things about himself. 
She doesn’t take long to arrive when he calls for her. She sits on his knee patiently, nudges his hand a few times until he pets her. He never does give her the letter right away, always gives her affection first. Come on, how can he not? Sheerow deserves it. She chirps a few times, turns her attention to the letter after a while. 
“Yeah, um.”Legend sighs when she does, frowning. “I, um. Need ya to take that to Rav. Okay?”
She confirms and takes it with little convincing. She stopped being stubborn about things a little while ago, when Legend started giving her attention first. It’s a decent way of dealing with things, and it’s not like he minds much. She gets one final pet before she takes off with the letter.
Legend lets out a heavy sigh. Well. That letter is Future Legend’s problem now, not his. Whatever happens…well, it happens, he supposes. He just hopes Ravio won’t hate him now. The merchant likes to say he doesn’t have a single hating bone in his body, but Sky said that too, and Sky hates some of the people in his and Four’s eras just because of how they speak to them. So his worry isn’t really placated by the statement.
He wakes Warriors and Wild up when it’s time to switch shifts. He’s tired and stressed at the same time, which is a really fun combination. Will he succumb to the tiredness, or will the stress keep him awake? He has absolutely no idea! He hopes he gets to sleep. Really, he does, because if he doesn’t sleep he’ll just think, and thinking is way worse than sleep sometimes.
Legend ends up giving into what he wanted to do earlier. Heads over to Sky and tucks himself into the man's other side, more for the comfort of it than anything else. Maybe it’ll calm his mind down and let him sleep? It does the trick. He isn’t sure when he falls asleep, but he manages it eventually, curled up into Sky’s side.
Morning comes and Legend’s anxiety hasn’t gone away like he thought it would have. It’s still there eating away at him, which is total bullshit. It should have left. The letter was sent, he doesn’t have to stress about it anymore. 
He wonders if Ravio’s read it yet. Immediately after, he lets out a tired sigh. He’s still worrying about it. He can’t even get a break — fuck, he isn’t going to relax until he knows what Ravio’s reaction is, will he?
This is so lame. 
“You alright over there?”He hears Four, but doesn’t actually answer. Just lets out a heavy sigh and tucks his knees up to his chest so he can hide his face. He's not ready to exist as a functioning person. Won’t be until he gets an answer.
He hates this, actually. This was supposed to be Future Legend’s problem, not Current Legend’s problem! He feels a little bit robbed, honestly. So not cool.
He doesn’t express his anxiety. Just gets up for the day. Doesn’t eat his breakfast, passes it off to Four again. They give him a look this time — Red’s worried about him, going off that eye colour. He feels a little bad about worrying her — but don't speak. Good enough. He can ignore looks much easier. Even if he does feel a tiny bit bad about it.
At least it’s not Vio today. Vio would hold him at knifepoint until he told them what was wrong. A little intimidating, but it gets the job done, so Legend can’t blame Vio for using a method that’s never failed them.
He just would like to never experience it. Ever. Vio honestly scares him a little. But thankfully, it’s too early for Vio to be fully functioning, so he isn’t getting threatened today.
He hopes Ravio replies to the letter. Even if it’s just to make an excuse about why he has to go back to Lorule. Even if it’s just to tell Legend that he hates him and doesn’t want to see him again in their entire lives. It would hurt, but it wouldn’t be new. Legend wouldn’t blame him.
They don’t linger around long, and it doesn’t take a long time to get all their shit together either. Legend ends up helping Four out with their things ; he thinks they have a headache. They aren’t focusing very well this morning. Legend wouldn’t be surprised if they have an argument going on up there right now.
He sticks to the back of the group when they set off. He ends up having to walk beside Twilight, and he has to do his very best to hide any of his negative emotions right fucking now because Twilight can read emotions far too easily. He doesn’t need Twilight asking him about it.
The worry is still eating at him. It hasn’t stopped.
“I hope we get a portal soon,”He hears Wind whistle, “We’ve been in this era for a while.”
“Yeah, I hope we get to go somewhere else. Who’s era do you think we’ll end up in?”
“Hyrule, nobody’s keeping track of it,”
“I think we’ll end up in Legend’s era next,”Four speaks up, “We haven’t been there in a long time. It would make sense if it was his next.”
Oh he hopes not. He would take anyone else’s era right now, not his own. His own era is exactly where he doesn’t want to be. Like, there is nowhere he wants to be less right now.
“Oh, fun!”Sky laughs a little. “You might get to be home soon, bun!”
“I really, really do not know how to express how much I do not want that.”Legend snaps out, too busy trying to ignore his nerves to even remember he’s supposed to be pretending to be fine. 
“...you don’t want to be home?”Warriors blinks slowly. Legend can feel the confusion from the rest of the group.
“I don’t want to be home,”He repeats back simply. “Can we drop it?”
He watches Sky’s confusion turn into concern, as the other slows to walk beside him. “Okay, baby, we don’t have to talk about it.”
Legend nods once. Doesn’t open his mouth again. He’s not sure what Sky or the others are thinking about what he said. Really, he isn’t convinced that he wants to know their thoughts.
They run into a portal, eventually. Legend really hopes Four is wrong. He doesn’t want to be in his era. He’ll take Wild’s era over his, and he fucking hates the champions era because of how much walking you have to do. He hopes this isn’t his era, he isn’t ready.
It’s his era. He knows it the second he walks through that damn portal. He feels his connection with Fable strengthens back up, smells the familiar scent that his era has.
He lets out a long, pained sigh. Sits on the ground with his head in his hands. He does not want to be here — really, he doesn’t. He can’t avoid his problems forever when the person he’s avoiding knows all of his hiding spots. The goddesses must really enjoy laughing at him.
“Um.”Four kneels down and pokes Legend. Wind copies Four’s actions and pokes Legend a second time. “Are you good down there?”
“Let me rot and die.”
“Um, I don’t think I want to do that,”
Legend flips them off. Four just hums. 
He isn’t ready for this. He doesn’t really know if he was ever going to be, but he definitely isn’t ready right now. This is such a cruel joke. He knows he hasn’t been very into religion, despite Impa’s best efforts, but is that really bad enough to warrant being turned into the goddesses personal jester?
If they think he’s going to start praying because of this, they are sorely mistaken.
“Apple, come on, we need to get moving, if that’s okay?”Sky tries to nudge him gently to get up.
“Why are none of you willing to let me just sit here and die?”
“Because we need you. Now get up.”Warriors is much less gentle about it. He gets glared at by Sky for it, which is a little bit funny.
He gets up, eventually. He’s not going to be addressing any of his problems right now, not when he has a much bigger one to address when he gets home. He was hoping he had a little more time, but really, why did he expect to get what he wanted? Never does. Probably never will. He exists to suffer. Yes, he’s probably being dramatic again, but it feels perfectly reasonable to him right now.
“I need you guys to fuck off for a little while so I can deal with the consequences of my own actions.”Legend states once they reach the village. He can just head home, deal with his problems, and then promptly die. If Ravio isn’t there, he will be letting the earth reclaim him, though.
He doesn’t wait for a response. Just leaves them behind and heads to his house. He can feel his heart pounding as he walks, the nerves eating his insides and his brain screaming at him.
The shop signs are still up. Usually, Legend hates those things, but he can’t help but be a tiny bit relieved to see them. Ravio wouldn’t leave without those — “It’s way too expensive to replace them, Mr. Hero.” — and so it’s good to know that, at least, the merchant is still here.
He doesn’t think he’s ever opened that front door with more hesitation in his entire life. “Rav?”His voice sounds way too quiet but he can’t even care about it at the minute. He sees the envelope open, discarded on the top of a sales cabinet. Ravio read the letter, then. Legend takes a breath. 
“Ah! Mr. Hero!”Ravio jumps a little. “You’re back!”
A hum. “Yeah. Um. Hi.”
Ravio tilts his head at Legend, but Legend doesn’t know if he can even look at him, so he looks at the ground and kicks his feet a little. It’s so quiet, it might actually drive him insane. 
“If you hate me can you just tell me?”He blurts out after the silence dragged out for too long. It was too much, he couldn’t take it. He’d rather Ravio just yell at him or insult him or something, anything is better than silence.
“Mr. Hero…”Ravio hums, and Legend hears him walking over. “I don’t hate you! I could never!”
He doesn’t know if he believes him.
“Your letter was nice,”He continues, voice quiet. Legend can’t tell if he’s just trying to match Legend’s own quiet energy with it. “I’m afraid that the magic on that bracelet is a trade secret though, honeybunny,”He laughs a little and pokes Legend’s nose. Legend bites his finger for it. “Ow—meanie!”
“Deserved it.”
“I thought you loved me,”Ravio teases with a grin, and Legend falls quiet. Shrinks in on himself a bit, takes a step back. He’s scared of this whole thing and he wants to run and hide and never show his face ever again — “Hey, hey. Breathe. I’m sorry, Link, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Yeah right. Legend doesn’t believe that for a second. “So you read the whole thing, then…”
Ravio sighs. “Yep. Did you not want me to?”
“I don’t know.”
Ravio goes quiet. Legend hears him tapping his fingers against his arms like he does when he thinks. All that’s running through the hero’s mind is “He’s trying to figure out how to let me down easy”. He really regrets sending the letter, this shit is way more terrifying than any of the monsters he’s ever fought.
“I’m glad you were the one to say something. I thought you were going to kick me out if I told you I wanted to kiss you.”Ravio shrugs, eventually, and Legend genuinely thinks his brain just stopped working. He just kinda looks at the other for a while.
“Don’t look at me like that!”He laughs nervously. “I did! I thought you would kick me out for it!”
Why did Legend’s type in men have to be ‘stupid’.
“Oh.”The hero sighs, shaking his head a little. “You don’t hate me for it?”
Ravio shakes his head again. “The opposite, actually! See, if you didn’t say anything, I was going to have to. We’ve been at this for months now, Mr. Hero. Honestly, I’m glad we can get past that whole deal now.”
He lets out another breath. Oh, hey, the anxiety’s stopped eating his guts out. Hooray!
“Though, you never asked me to date you in that lovely little letter of yours,”
“I will actually kill you.”
Ravio just laughs. Legend cannot believe that this is the man he’s decided he wants to live for.
That thought is still fond, though, because of course it is. Legend hasn’t had a single thought about Ravio that hasn’t been affectionate in the past twenty four hours.
“I guess you did do half of the work,”Ravio speaks again with a shrug. “Okay. So. You did the confession stuff, can we date now, or do I need to wait for your next emotional breakthrough for that one?”
“Just for that, you have to wait.”
“What—hey! No!”
Legend heads out to go and fetch the others, laughing at Ravio’s minor distress as he leaves.
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axdjelx · 8 days
First Light
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Pairing: Logan “Wolverine” Howlett x Vampire!Reader
Warnings: Bit bloody (no gore just reader crying blood), angsty and hurt/comforty, fluffy, people in love (yucky i know), the word sun and sunlight might have been used a bit too much,my bad guys.
Synopsis: You get to experience the sun again,after decades, thanks to Logan.
Words: 5k-ish
Note -> This is my first piece of writing that I’ve finished so far and i’m still getting used to writing again so please be nice :D English isn’t my first language and there might be some errors even though i proofread it like 3 times ;-; Ily guys enjoy
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The cabin was wrapped in shadow, the heavy curtains drawn tight against the pale, creeping glow of dawn. It was a small place—Logan's retreat from the world, a quiet hideaway—but it felt safe. Even in the darkness, you could feel the warmth of the wooden walls, the faint smell of pine and lingering smoke from the hearth. The night had always been your time, your sanctuary, and you were content in it.
You sat on the worn leather couch, legs tucked beneath you, gazing out through a sliver of space between the curtains. The sky was shifting, ever so slowly, from deep indigo to the muted gray that preceded the sunrise. Soon, the sun would rise higher, and the world would wake up. You, as usual, would retreat back into the shadows.
But tonight—or this morning—something was different.
Logan moved around the small kitchen behind you, the low scrape of a chair across the floor breaking the silence. He hadn't said much all night, but then again, Logan wasn't exactly the talkative type. You'd learned to appreciate the silence between you, the comfortable quiet that came from a kind of understanding few others would ever grasp.
A soft creak of floorboards, then the familiar weight of his presence beside you. Logan sat down on the edge of the couch, his arms resting on his knees as he leaned forward, staring into the same darkness outside the window. For a long moment, neither of you spoke. It wasn't until the first blush of pink began to smear across the horizon that he shifted, reaching into his jacket pocket with a grunt.
"Got somethin' for you," Logan muttered, his voice low and rough, but there was a softness beneath it.
You turned your head, blinking in surprise as he held out a small, wrapped package. His expression was unreadable, but you could tell from the way he looked at you—half expectant, half uncomfortable—that this wasn't just some ordinary gift. Logan wasn't the type to give presents for no reason. The gesture alone was enough to make your heart tighten a little.
"What's this?" you asked, reaching out but hesitating for a second before taking it from his hand.
He shrugged, looking away for a moment, out the window.Ears just a tad bit pinker than seconds ago. "Just... open it."
You pulled at the simple string, unwrapping the brown paper carefully, trying to keep your breaths steady. Inside, nestled against the folds of tissue, was a delicate bracelet—a thin silver band with a small, shimmering stone embedded in the center. It wasn't flashy, but the moment your fingers brushed against it, you felt the faint hum of something old, something powerful.
Your breath caught in your throat as you lifted it, the weight of the gift suddenly feeling far heavier than it appeared.
"Logan... this is—"
He cut you off, his tone gruff, but you could hear the concern beneath it. "Figured you might miss it. Bein' out there." He nodded toward the sliver of growing light outside, the dawn creeping ever closer. "This'll help. Give you a couple hours, at least. Long enough to feel it again."
You stared at the bracelet, a strange mix of disbelief and something warmer rising in your chest. You hadn't stood in the sunlight in years—centuries, even. The thought of it was almost painful, like remembering something beautiful that you'd lost long ago. And now, in your hands, was the chance to feel that warmth again.
You glanced up at him, your voice barely above a whisper. "How did you...?"
Logan's gaze shifted back to you, and for a second, his hard exterior cracked, just enough to see the thought behind his eyes. "Had some help," he said simply, before quickly adding, "Don't make a big deal out of it. Just try it."
For a moment, you couldn’t speak. The bracelet felt impossibly fragile in your hands, delicate yet humming with an ancient power you could hardly believe. It almost felt like a dream—a cruel, impossible dream. How long had it been since you even let yourself think about the sun? How many centuries had you spent shunning the light, retreating into the darkness because you had no other choice?
You didn’t realize your grip on the bracelet had tightened, your knuckles white with the strain, until Logan’s voice broke through your spiraling thoughts.
“Hey,” he said softly, leaning closer, his hand hovering just above yours. His eyes were dark, searching your face for some sign of what you were feeling. “You okay?”
You blinked, and suddenly your throat felt tight. The air in the room seemed too thick, too heavy. You swallowed hard, trying to steady yourself, but the weight of everything—of the gift, of what it meant—settled deep in your chest. The bracelet shimmered faintly in the dim light, mocking you with its promise of something you thought you’d lost forever.
The sun. You had forgotten what it felt like, forgotten the warmth, the way it could bathe the world in light and life. It had been so long since you had even dared to dream of it, and now… now here it was, in the form of this delicate piece of jewelry that Logan had somehow found for you.
A gift, yes—but it felt like more than that. It felt like a crack in the armor you’d built around yourself for so long, a reminder of everything you’d given up when you became what you were. A monster, cursed to roam the shadows forever. The thought of stepping into the sun, of feeling that warmth again, was overwhelming.
Too overwhelming.
Without warning, a hot tear slid down your cheek. You reached up to wipe it away, your fingers brushing the wetness—and then you pulled your hand back, staring in horror at the crimson smear on your fingertips. Blood.
You were crying blood.
“Shit,” you whispered, squeezing your eyes shut as the tears continued to spill, hot and thick, rolling down your cheeks in dark, crimson trails. You tried to stop them, but the harder you fought, the more they came, until your vision blurred and your breath hitched painfully in your chest.
Logan’s hand finally found yours, his grip firm but gentle, like he wasn’t sure whether to pull you in or give you space. He didn’t say anything at first—he never did when you were like this. Logan had always known when to push and when to just be there, solid and steady. But now, his thumb brushed the back of your hand, and the simple touch was enough to send another wave of emotion crashing through you.
“I—I can’t,” you choked out, shaking your head, your voice breaking. The tears came faster now, streaking your skin with dark rivulets, each one heavier than the last. “I can’t… Logan, I don’t deserve this. I don’t… I don’t even remember what it feels like to—”
Your words caught in your throat, torn between a sob and a gasp for air. The pain of it, the grief that had been buried so deep for so long, was bubbling to the surface, raw and unbearable. The sun had always been a distant, unreachable thing, something you could never touch again. And now, it was right here, just a bracelet away. And it terrified you.
Logan didn’t speak right away. He just stayed there, his hand still holding yours, his presence a grounding force in the storm of your emotions. When he finally did speak, his voice was low, rougher than usual, but steady. “You deserve this more than anyone, darlin’. Don’t let yourself think you don’t.”
You shook your head, the blood-tears continuing to fall, each one feeling heavier than the last. “I’ve spent so long in the dark… I don’t even know who I am anymore. What if it doesn’t work? Or worse—what if it does, and I have to give it up all over again?”
Logan’s grip tightened slightly, just enough to pull your attention back to him. His gaze was steady, unwavering, and in the dim light, you could see the lines of worry etched into his face. But there was something else there too—something like hope, or maybe belief, in you.
“You won’t have to give it up,” he said, his voice firm now. “And even if it’s just for a few hours, you deserve to feel it. Just this once.”
You closed your eyes again, more tears slipping free, painting your cheeks red. His words should’ve been comforting, but all they did was rip the wound open wider. You didn’t deserve this. The sun was for people with souls, for people who hadn’t spilled blood and made monsters out of themselves.
And yet, here he was, offering it to you.
A strangled sob escaped your throat, and you brought a hand to your face, trying to wipe away the blood-tears, but it was no use. You couldn’t stop them. They flowed freely, staining your skin, your shirt, Logan’s hand.
You felt him shift beside you, and then—without a word—he pulled you gently toward him. His arms came around you, strong and unyielding, and for the first time in what felt like forever, you let yourself collapse into him. Your head rested against his chest, the smell of leather and smoke enveloping you, and for a moment, the world outside seemed to fall away.
Logan held you like that, his hand smoothing over your hair as the quiet sound of your blood-soaked sobs filled the room. He didn’t say anything, didn’t try to fix it or make it better. He just stayed, his presence a lifeline in the storm, until your tears slowed, and the weight in your chest eased, just a little.
When you finally pulled back, your face streaked with dark red, Logan’s shirt stained with your tears, you looked down at the bracelet still clutched in your hand.
There was no going back now.
With trembling fingers, you slipped it onto your wrist, the cool metal a strange contrast to the warmth flooding your chest. You stared at it for a moment, breath shallow, feeling the pulse of magic settle into your skin.
The sun was waiting.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, your voice hoarse from crying. You reached out, hesitating before lightly touching the blood-stained fabric of his shirt. “I—your shirt, Logan, I—”
He snorted, the sound rough but filled with something softer than you’d expected. “This old thing?” He looked down at the shirt, wrinkling his nose. “Didn’t like it much anyway. Just gave me a good reason to finally get rid of it.”
You blinked, caught off guard by the casual way he dismissed it. A small, unexpected laugh bubbled up in your throat, weak but real, and for the first time in what felt like hours, something inside you lightened. You glanced back up at him, feeling the corners of your mouth twitch into the ghost of a smile.
“Yeah?” you said, trying to play along, though your voice was still shaky. “Guess I did you a favor, then.”
Logan gave a low chuckle, shaking his head. “Guess you did.”
For a moment, the two of you just looked at each other—his expression softened in that rare, unguarded way he only ever seemed to show around you. It was enough to pull you out of the haze of your own self-loathing, if only a little. The mess on his shirt didn’t matter. The blood-tears didn’t matter. What mattered was the way he was looking at you, like he wasn’t going anywhere. Like he was here for you, no matter how broken or undeserving you felt.
“C’mon, bub,” Logan said suddenly, his voice gruff but gentle as he stood, pulling you up with him. His hand slid from yours to rest at the small of your back, guiding you toward the small bathroom down the hall. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Can’t have you goin’ out there lookin’ like you just came from a damn battlefield.”
You let him lead you, too tired to resist, the steady warmth of his hand grounding you as he guided you into the bathroom. The soft click of the light switch flickered the room to life, and you caught your reflection in the mirror above the sink.
It was… not pretty.
Your face was streaked with dark, crimson trails, the blood already drying in places, smeared across your cheeks and chin. The sight made you wince. You hadn’t cried blood like this in years—decades, even. The weight of it, both the physical mess and the raw emotion behind it, settled over you again, threatening to drag you back into that hollow place.
But then Logan was there, standing beside you, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. Without a word, he grabbed a towel from the nearby rack and wet it under the faucet. His movements were slow, unhurried, like he had all the time in the world to deal with your mess. And maybe he did.
You bit your lip, trying not to feel so vulnerable, so exposed under his quiet care. “Logan, I can clean up on my own. You don’t have to—”
“I know,” he said simply, turning the faucet off and wringing the towel out. Then, without waiting for you to protest, he gently brought the damp cloth to your face, wiping away the blood in soft, slow strokes. His touch was surprisingly gentle, careful as he worked to clean the stains from your cheeks. “But I’m doin’ it anyway.”
The warmth of the towel felt like a small relief, easing the coolness of your skin. You stood still, letting him wipe away the evidence of your tears, your hands hanging limply at your sides. His touch was deliberate but tender, like he knew just how fragile you were in this moment, and for once, you didn’t mind being taken care of.
“Logan,” you started, your voice barely a whisper. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
He paused, his eyes flicking up to meet yours again in the mirror. There was no judgment in his gaze, no pity, just the steady, unwavering presence that had always made you feel more grounded than you ever thought possible.
“You don’t gotta say anything,” he said quietly, resuming his careful work of wiping your face clean. His thumb brushed against your cheek as he smoothed away the last traces of blood. “I’ve got you, okay? Just take a breath.”
You swallowed hard, nodding as you took a shaky breath, your chest loosening just a little with the simple, reassuring words. Logan finished wiping your face, then rinsed the towel out and wiped his own hands clean, leaving the sink splattered with faint traces of red. He glanced back at you, eyeing you with a small, satisfied nod.
“There,” he muttered, tossing the towel aside. “Good as new.”
You looked up at him, the depth of his commitment hitting you hard. You reached out, pulling him into a tight embrace, needing his strength more than ever. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, his warmth enveloping you.
When you finally pulled back, there was a tenderness in his eyes that made your heart ache. Without thinking, you leaned in and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips. It was a quiet gesture, filled with all the unspoken gratitude and affection you had for him. He responded gently, his hand cradling your face as he kissed you back.
Breaking the kiss, you took a deep breath, the shared moment giving you a sense of resolve. You turned back to the door, feeling a renewed sense of calm.
You managed a weak smile, wiping the last dampness from your cheeks with your own hands. “Thanks.”
Logan grunted, giving you a once-over. “Now you’re ready.” His hand found its way back to the small of your back, guiding you toward the door with purpose. “The sun’s waitin’ for you.”
The simple statement hit you harder than you expected, but it wasn’t the same crushing weight of before. This time, it felt like hope. Like a promise. You followed him, each step feeling like a strange mix of fear and anticipation, but there was comfort in the fact that Logan was with you, grounding you with his steady presence.
As you approached the door, the faint glow of early morning light spilled through the cracks in the curtains, and your heart skipped a beat. You froze, your hand hovering just above the doorknob, the reality of what you were about to do washing over you all at once.
Logan, standing just behind you, placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently.
“You’re not doin’ this alone,” he said quietly, his breath warm against your ear. “I’m right here.”
You could feel Logan just behind you, his presence strong but silent, like he was waiting for you to make the first move. His hand hadn’t left your shoulder, a subtle reminder that you weren’t doing this alone, but that didn’t stop the knot of fear twisting in your chest.
After so many years in the dark, it felt wrong to even be thinking about stepping into the light.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Logan’s voice rumbled from behind you, quiet but firm.
You nodded stiffly, but your fingers wouldn’t move. They stayed glued to the doorknob, your muscles locked in place. Your mind was reeling, every instinct screaming at you that this was wrong—that stepping into that sunlight meant danger, pain, death. Your body knew that much. It remembered centuries of fear, of hiding from the sun like it was your sworn enemy.
And yet…
The bracelet on your wrist hummed softly, its magic tingling against your skin like a quiet, steady promise. You’d be okay. You were protected. But your mind wasn’t convinced.
You squeezed your eyes shut, taking in a shaky breath. The words felt hollow in your head, but you said them anyway. “I can’t… I can’t do this, Logan.”
“You can,” Logan said, his voice steady but firm, not leaving room for argument. “You’ve fought through worse.”
You didn’t answer, your breath hitching in your throat as the light continued to filter through the door, tempting and terrifying all at once. Your hand was trembling now, your heart racing so hard you thought you might collapse.
“Look at me,” Logan’s voice was low, commanding, and you turned your head slightly, your gaze meeting his.
There was something in his eyes—something strong, unwavering—that cut through the haze of your fear, if only for a moment. He was looking at you like he’d seen every scar, every part of you that had been broken, and wasn’t flinching away. Like he believed you could do this, even if you didn’t.
“You survived a lot worse than this,” Logan said softly, his grip tightening just a little on your shoulder. “The sun’s not gonna hurt you. Not this time. You got that bracelet for a reason. And you’re strong enough to use it.”
You swallowed hard, trying to absorb his words, but the fear still sat heavy in your chest. You wanted to believe him—you wanted to believe in yourself. But it wasn’t that simple. You’d spent so long hiding from the sun, living in fear of its light. Stepping into it now, even with the protection of the bracelet, felt like willingly walking into a fire.
“I don’t…” Your voice cracked, a thin thread of panic creeping in. “What if it doesn’t work? What if—”
“It’ll work,” Logan cut you off, his voice firm, leaving no room for doubt. “I wouldn’t let you do this if it didn’t.”
His words hit you harder than you expected, grounding you just a little, but it wasn’t enough to shake the fear completely.
You were about to step into a part of yourself you’d locked away for centuries, into a world that felt as foreign as it did familiar.
Your throat felt tight, and the sting of tears threatened behind your eyes, but this time, you forced them back. You didn’t want to break. Not again.
Taking in a shaky breath, you turned back to the door. Your hand still rested on the knob, fingers frozen, but you felt Logan’s hand steady on your back, keeping you grounded.
“Go slow,” he murmured, his voice quieter now. “No one’s rushin’ you. Just take it one step at a time.”
You nodded, though your heart felt like it was lodged in your throat. You didn’t move right away, but slowly, so slowly, you opened the door wider. The sunlight spilled in, filling the cabin with its golden light, touching your skin for the first time in what felt like a lifetime.
It didn’t burn.
Your breath hitched as the warmth of the sun spread over your skin, sinking into your flesh like a forgotten memory. It wasn’t painful, wasn’t sharp like you’d imagined it would be. It was soft, gentle, and oh God, so warm.
A shuddering breath escaped you, and you stepped forward, the sunlight washing over you in full now. Your feet crossed the threshold, one tentative step at a time, until you were standing fully in the light.
The warmth enveloped you, and for the first time in centuries, you were standing in the sun.
It was overwhelming—the sensation of it, the sheer *rightness* of it—and suddenly, your chest tightened, a sob clawing its way up your throat. You tried to hold it back, but it was too much, too fast. A single tear slipped down your cheek, followed by another. You clenched your jaw, forcing the rest back, trying to keep it together, but Logan stepped up beside you, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off him too.
“Don’t hold it in,” he said, his voice low, gentle but firm. “Let it out. You’ve held on long enough.”
His words undid you.
The sob broke free, and then another, and before you knew it, you were crying again, but this time it was different. These weren’t just tears of gratitude but also of relief and joy.You were feeling emotions you haven’t felt in centuries.Emotions you thought ceased to exist long ago.You were shaking, your body trembling under the weight of everything that had built up inside you for so long.
Logan stepped in close, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you into his chest without a word. He didn’t shush you or try to make it better. He just held you, solid and steady, while you cried into him, your fingers clenching into his shirt.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured into your hair, his voice barely a whisper. “I’ve always got you.”
For the first time in centuries, you weren’t alone in the dark. You were in the sun. And you were with him.
As the last of your tears dried, you remained in Logan’s arms, letting the steady rhythm of his heartbeat calm you. The sun’s warmth, which had once seemed overwhelming, now felt like a gentle embrace. Logan’s presence was a comforting anchor, grounding you as you adjusted to this new experience.
Logan’s hands stroked your back in a reassuring manner. “It’s okay,” he said softly. “Take your time,bub. We’re here, and it’s gonna be alright”
You took a deep breath, the initial shock of the sunlight beginning to fade. Logan’s support made it easier to let go of the tension and focus on the present moment. As the warmth of the sun settled around you, it started to feel more like an ally than an intruder.
After a moment, you gently pulled away from Logan, giving him a grateful nod. “I needed this,” you said, your voice steady and reflective. “I needed to really be here.”
Logan gave you a small, encouraging smile. “Go on—enjoy it.”
You pulled away from Logan with a smile so radiant it seemed to light up the entire garden. The warmth of the sun against your skin felt like a gentle affirmation of everything you’d longed for. With a deep breath, you turned to fully immerse yourself in the moment.
Barefoot, you felt the cool, dewy grass beneath your feet. The sensation was both invigorating and soothing, grounding you in the present. The fresh, crisp air filled your lungs with every breath, mingling with the delicate scent of blooming flowers and the faint mist that hung in the early morning light.
As you began to move, the sunlight played across your skin, casting a golden glow over the garden. The birds' songs created a melodic backdrop to your joyous laughter. You twirled with abandon, the fabric of your nightgown flowing around you like a light, airy cloud.
You danced across the garden, the dew-covered grass tickling your toes with each step. The feeling of freedom was overwhelming. You giggled as you ran after a butterfly, its delicate wings fluttering just out of reach.
You reached out to touch a nearby plant covered in morning dew, marveling at how the droplets glistened like tiny diamonds. Each delicate leaf and shimmering drop felt like a new discovery. Your heart swelled with happiness as you explored the small garden, your laughter ringing out freely.
Suddenly, you spotted a flash of movement in the corner of your eye. A deer, grazing gently nearby, caught your attention. Excited, you turned to Logan, eager to share the moment. “Logan, look—”
But as you began to call out to him, you noticed him standing with his back to you, wiping something from his face. Your words faltered as you saw him wiping his face profusely, the excitement fading into concern. “—a deer,” you finished softly, the enthusiasm in your voice replaced by worry.
You carefully made you way back to him,with messy hair and worried eyes.”What’s wrong?” you asked gently, reaching out to touch his shoulder. “You’re not feeling well?”
Logan quickly turned around, trying to mask his emotions. “It’s nothing. Just got something in my eye,” he said, though his voice betrayed a hint of distress.
You held him in place, your gaze full of concern. “Logan, you’re crying.”
He hesitated, then allowed you to see him more fully. You reached up, gently brushing the tear from his cheek. The touch was tender and full of unspoken care. Logan’s eyes softened, and he took a deep breath, his hands coming up to cradle your face.
As he brushed a few stray hairs from your face, his fingers lingered a moment longer, his touch both soothing and reverent. “I’m just...” he started, his voice faltering slightly. “I didn’t think I’d get to see you like this—happy, in the sunlight. It’s everything I hoped for you.”
His voice wavered, and you could see the raw emotion in his eyes. With a tender smile, he leaned in and kissed you softly, his lips lingering against yours. The kiss was a gentle promise, a shared moment of deep emotion.
When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes searching yours with a mixture of love and vulnerability. “I’m so glad to see you like this,” he murmured, a tear slipping down his cheek. “I wanted so much for you to enjoy this, to be happy.”
You gently wiped the tear from his face, your heart aching with affection. “You’ve given me so much, Logan. This is all thanks to you.”
He shook his head, his expression tender as he gazed into your eyes. “No, it’s you who made this possible. I’m just lucky to be here with you.”
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as he steadied his breathing. The warmth of the sun and the closeness of your embrace seemed to dissolve the last of his tears. Logan kissed your forehead softly, his touch lingering as he soaked in the moment.
Together, you stood in the sunlight, embraced in each other’s arms. The sun’s rays felt like a shared promise of new beginnings, and with Logan by your side, you were ready to face whatever came next, knowing that this moment of warmth and connection was just the beginning.
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graveyard-stray · 9 months
Since you returned || Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
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Includes: Angst, PTSD, mentions of war, violence, and death, mentions of NSFW topics (briefly), swearing and yelling, rejection if you squint, fluff at the end <3
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: I literally JUST started Peaky Blinders and had to write this so if any details are wrong please forgive me!!
You and Thomas Shelby had some- history to say the least.
You were practically apart of the Shelby family. Ever since you could walk you were best friends with Arthur, John, Finn, Ada, and of course- Tommy. You were the same age as Ada and grew up next door to the family so you spent lots of time with her, and in turn also her brothers.
You could almost always be found running around the street with the Shelby children, playing stupid games or causing a bit of trouble. The brothers never seemed to really care that you and Ada were girls. I mean sure they would be protective over you with danger or boys, but they didn’t exclude you or limit the activities just cause of your gender- and for this time period, that meant a lot.
Tommy in particular, you had always taken an interest in. He was quieter than the other brothers, and a bit smarter too. He was calm and calculated but also fun and sweet. You knew you could always go to him if you needed something and he had no problem getting into fights to protect you and Ada.
It was a very prominent memory in your mind, the day you realized your crush on Tommy. It was your 13th birthday and he was the first Shelby to arrive at your home to wish you a happy birthday. Even before Ada, who you could only assume was running around with her little boyfriend. Of course you didn’t mind though.
But it was your birthday and you were home alone as your mother was away at work and your father had been dead for years, and you heard a knock on your door. You got up from the table where you sat eating some breakfast and strode towards the door, upon opening it you see a 16 year old Tommy standing infront of you. He smiled down at you. “I believe I owe you, a Happy Birthday” He said rather smug and sarcastically but in a fun and playful manner.
You couldn’t help the smile that emerged from your face as he pulled you into a quick hug, once he drew away from you, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small box wrapped with some ribbon, “And a little gift for you, of course.” he held the box out towards you. Your face tinted a bit pink as you looked down “oh Tommy you really didn’t have to get me anything.” You insisted. “Oh but of course I did, your 13 years old today, practically an old woman now!” He joked, causing you to giggle sweetly.
You grabbed the box from his hands and unwrapped the ribbon carefully. Your smile grew wide as you opened the box to see a silver bracelet inside. You weren’t sure if it was real but you’d didn’t care of course. What meant a lot to you was the fact it was silver. Everyone usually gave you things colored gold, but you really didn’t like gold. You were just too nice to say anything. Except once- mentioning it offhandedly. You didn’t think any one heard but…he did. He always heard you when you spoke.
“It’s silver, since I know you don’t like gold all that much.” Tommy mentioned as he observed your reaction to the gift. You smiled widely up at him and quickly wrapped your arms around him in another hug. He smiled and hugged you back.
After he left you realized his kindness. He was always kind to you, he listened when you spoke and sometimes you felt like he knew more about you than Ada. And then you can’t forget he is quite handsome.
From that day on your ever waking thought was consumed by Tommy Shelby.
13 YEARS LATER; 1919
Ever since he had returned from the war, Tommy wasn’t the same. He wasn’t Tommy anymore. Tommy Shelby was long gone. This was Mr. Shelby. The leader of the Peaky Blinders and the toughest man in Birmingham.
The day he came back from France you ran to him, you went to give him a hug and to welcome him home but he stepped away, avoiding your embrace. You were confused and a bit concerned at this reaction, taking note of his glare and the almost blank expression that painted his face. The light behind his eyes you knew so well was gone.
His refusal of your hug was exceptionally odd because- before he left you were quite close more so then usually. You were both in your 20s and it was unspoken but there was definitely a bit of tension there. You weren’t sure if he felt the same about you, but you were undeniably in love with him, more than just a grade school crush.
Now though, he was a completely different man. If you were told he was a different person entirely- not even named Thomas Shelby, just with the same face…you might actually believe it.
The fun gaze he possessed before was replaced by a hard glare. The smile you were so familiar with replaced by a constant blank expression or scowl. You could’ve swore you saw him smoking a cigarette 24/7 (although that wasn’t TOO strange for him) His face was thinner, his eyes baggier, and all around you could see that this was a broken man.
You walked into the Shelby family meeting and took a seat next to Aunt Polly. Arthur looked at you and furrowed his brows, “Uh no, this is a family meeting, You are not a Shelby. Your a (l/n).” He scolded you. But you didn’t move or even seem to acknowledge his words.
“(y/n)!” He snapped, attempting to get you to reply. You turned to him slowly, staying in your seat and taking a long drag from your cigarette. “As far as your concerned I am a Shelby. I helped your sister and aunt run this place while you were off in France, and now here I am getting disrespected and have no say? What happened?” You defended yourself, your tone quite unbothered.
Before Arthur could speak Tommy chimed in, “we came back.” He said, answering your question. Your eyes moved to him, “did you though?” You asked rhetorically. He was going to reply but Polly cut him off and began the meeting.
After the meeting ended you were the last to leave, or at least you thought you were. There you sat, in your chair looking out the window, cigarette between your fingers as you got lost in thought.
You were pulled out of your mind by a rough voice behind you, “What the hell do you think your doing?” Tommy asked angrily. “Smoking.” You replied matter a factly.
He scoffed, “you know damn well that ain’t what I mean. Showing up to family meetings and acting like you are one of us, like your a peaky blinder.” He scolded you.
You got up angrily and faced him. “I am a peaky blinder Thomas. While you were away fighting in that damn war I was here! I was here with Polly and Ada, and we ran this place. We did a bloody good job at it too! I am just as capable as you are!” You defended.
He looked down at you, “it isn’t safe, the people out there are bloody viscous. Your gonna get ripped to shreds!” He said, the scowl on his face never faltering.
“You don’t get to tell me what is and isn’t safe for me, who do you think you are? My keeper? Not in a million years Thomas!” She spat at him, the words seeping into him like venom. He hadn’t heard you call him by his full first name, ever- not that he really thought about it.
He got angry now, although deep down it wasn’t anger, it was sadness. Of course it didn’t come out that way… “ACTUALLY, I CAN TELL YOU WHAT IS AND ISN’T SAFE BECAUSE I AM IN CHARGE AROUND HERE. IF YOU WANT TO BE A PEAKY BLINDER YOUR GONNA LEARN TO FOLLOW ORDERS LIKE A DAMN OBEDIENT WOMAN.” He yelled in your face. You didn’t flinch, just frowned angrily and shook your head.
“Where is Tommy. I want him back.” You said softly? Mostly to yourself. “The hell do you mean? I’m standing right fuckin’ infront of you!” He said, still angry and now a bit confused.
You looked him in the eyes. Those piercing blue eyes that used to hold the world and now, were empty and cold. “The boy who used to care for me, for others. The boy who was kind…who knew my favorite color and cared to say goodmorning and goodnight and wish me a happy birthday every year. The boy who laughed and joked and had fun and had a life! The man who would NEVER speak to me, or any other woman for that matter, like I was some common whore!” You retorted.
He scoffed, “What? You expected me to come back and be the EXACT same man? You have no idea what happened over there! you could think about it realistically- But no! your just a little girl who doesn’t understand how the god damn world works. I mean seriously, PEOPLE DIED. I WATCHED PEOPLE DIE. That changes man! And besides, what’s it matter to you anyway?!” He yelled.
You took his face in your hands roughly, putting on hand on each cheek and forcing him to look you in your eyes as you said this, said the thing you always had wanted to tell him but were always to scared to say. “IT MATTERS BECAUSE I LOVED TOMMY SHELBY. I LOVED HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING AND NOW ALL I GET IS A MAN WHO IS ANGRY AND COLD AND JUST BLOODY MEAN!” You screamed, trying to suppress the tears that threatened your eyes. Not wanting to seem weak.
He pulled away from your grasp on his face and rolled his eyes “oh, so your upset because I didn’t take you home and sleep with you as soon as I got back? FUCK, you really are a cheap fucking whore!” He yelled, slamming a drawer closed.
“THAT ISN'T THE POINT AT ALL!” You yelled and looked up to blink, so the tears wouldn’t fall. “THE POINT IS THAT I LOVED YOU….” Your tone began to soften and the tears finally fell. “I loved you and, god- Thomas I know your struggling and I know that everything over there was horrible. But you won’t even let me help you. You won’t let anyone! All you do is get angry and mean and bitter and…I know my worth and I don’t deserve this.” You responded finally. Before turning and leaving the room.
As you left Tommy watched you go, the anger in his face now melting away and revealing the sadness. He realized he had made a mistake.
3 days later; 1919
You hadn’t spoken to Tommy in days. You had been entirely avoiding him. Mostly out of anger at how he spoke to you, and partially out of embarrassment and guilt. You knew he was struggling and ended up just screaming at him instead of trying to talk to him- but in your defense he was being rude first. And then you told him you were in love with him which you never even considering doing. It was not the greatest memory right now.
Tommy seemed quite alright, some rough business with other gangs but nothing too out of the ordinary, you knew how business was.
It was around midnight you assumed, you had just gotten out of bed to make some tea since you were unable to sleep. As you waited for the water to heat you heard a knock at the door. You looked suspiciously at it.
You grabbed your gun off the table near the door and held it tight as you looked through the peephole.
A soft sigh left your lips as you saw who it was, Thomas Shelby. You rolled your eyes before putting your gun down and opening the door to see what he could possibly want.
You hadn’t noticed through the peephole but he looked pretty messy. In just his pajamas and a jacket, his hair a mess and his face covered in sweat. You looked concerned, and any annoyance you had at his arrival soon washed away.
“I uh. I had a nightmare.” Tommy started, as he stood nervously in your doorway. “I’ve been having them every night really.” He continued softly. Your gaze softened. “Oh Tommy. Come in.” You moved out the way and let him walk in, he took a seat on your sofa as you closed the door and took the water off the stove- then moved to join him on the couch.
“I’m sorry (y/n). For the other day and showing up here now. All those things I said I- I didnt mean it. Your not a whore. Or a stupid little girl, you’re smart and beautiful and you’ve always been a deal too good for me…and tonight I woke up from my nightmare and I just. I don’t know…You said you wanted to help me, and I was scared of letting anyone help me. But I..love you.” He confessed, the look in his eyes tired and sad, but also that warm familiar look you knew well.
You put your hands on his cheeks softly, a striking 180 from how you held his face the other day, and placed your forhead against his. You could feel his shaky breaths on your face as you just sat there for a moment. “I will help you get through this, all of it. Because I love you too, Tommy.” You said as you sat there, once again getting to feel and smell him there with you, you missed this proximity to him.
Tommy smiled a soft smile as you called him his nickname. He put his hands atop yours, which were still on his face, and leaned in to connect his lips with yours in a quick kiss. It was quick but it was also soft and loving. You both had clearly waited for this for so long and it was worth it. “I missed hearing you call me that.” Tommy admitted. “I always thought my name sounded best coming out of your mouth” he said a bit suggestively. You chucked.
“Why don’t we head upstairs to my room? You can stay here, incase you have another nightmare.” You suggested, smiling softly at him as you pulled away from the closeness to look at him fully. He nodded softly before getting up.
As you got back to your room and crawled into bed and layed on your side facing the wall. He climbed in a moment after you, you could feel the dip in the mattress as he got in and under the covers. After he adjusted for a moment you felt his arm wrap around your waist and his body press against yours, his face burying in your hair. “I hope this is alright, love.” He asks softly.
You smile and grab hold of his hand which is resting on your stomach. “Definitely.” You reply as you both snuggle close and drift off to sleep.
Tommy Shelby didn’t have another nightmare that entire night he spent cuddled up with you in your bed, and sure he had a long way to go but he knew with your help it would be okay.
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