#thought about existing in the world again 20 dead etc
gideonisms · 1 year
thought about working a job again 20 dead 40 injured
#thought about existing in the world again 20 dead etc#would love to get to the point where thinking about having to live my life instead of sitting in my apartment doesn't make me cry!#eventually my savings from 2 years of the soul killing job + living with my aunt will run out#not like. right now or even within the next few months bc. i worked so hard to save all of that bc i knew i was about to crash again#but eventually#like. when i got that job i did have to come home and cry a lot until i adjusted and then i only cried sometimes#it got to where i would have my 2-3 predictable breakdowns a month pause everything to have the breakdown#call in or skip class or whatever#and then recover faster#but the fact is i was still having like screaming in my car breakdowns a couple times a month#i was just like waiting for a private location#if i think about continuing to do that forever i really want to throw up#you can never explain why sometimes you have to isolate yourself completely for a bit either!#what are you even supposed to say#i got really good at being like oh i'm just tired from work need a nap!#but then people could tell i wasn't doing anything but going to work and coming home and getting in bed#idk how i passed those classes#i mean i didn't pass all of them#most#it's just like life is so stressful and you can't even explain why and people's advice is stop getting overwhelmed#i would also like to stop!!#or they'll be like just find a less stressful job! where?? i've tried
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Once known as a Chosen of Helio, Kristen lost faith, found out she was gay, escaped the abusive church, and helps a lonely abused goddess return from the dead and continue the goddess of mystery. She also ends up creating her own god in the middle there, but decides it's kind of super annoying and eventually nopes out.
Kristen might be skirting a couple lines here so I'll provide my reasoning for why I think she might belong in the competition but feel free to choose as you wish. Kristen used to follow Helio, and her entire relationship with religion and Helio is meant to show a story of a queer teen leaving an abusive Christian church (I'm not sure if it's specifically Catholic or not, I'm Jewish and don't really understand the differences very well). Throughout the story Kristen meets Helio, finds out how much of a dick he is, finds out how terrible the Church has been and becomes more aware of how her family and the Church are racist/homophobic/abusive/etc., learns more about the world and breaks her ties with the Church, and then goes to find her own faith and a god worth worshipping.
girl is miserable for so much of the first season. girl is battling the brain demons. girl is battling the actual demons. and the actual angels. and the football coach who she knows from church. girl has brothers named bucky bricker and cork. girl invents a new god and cannot get people to convert to her faith apart from a singular dude named craig because she is so visibly annoyed by her own god. girl is gay and has a werewolf girlfriend. girl is so kinky. girl has a dexterity score of 4. not modifier. score. i'm kissing girl on the mouth i love her a lot.
She was a chosen prophet of Helio but oops she’s a very lesbian and so she has to battle with her faith hating gay people as she realizes she is gay people. Early on dies and goes to heaven and discovers Helio is a frat bro and doesn’t really vibe with that. Eventually dies again and fights past angels to get to Helios office and finds her old principal (who died to resurrect her the first time she died, it’s a long story, watch dimension 20, shits wild). And so he makes a deal to help her if she helps him break out of heaven. And also while she’s in heaven she makes a new god whole cloth out of her current beliefs. (She later finds that god annoying because it’s the embodiment of “YES! WOW! YOU CAN DO IT!!” The god turns from YES! Into Yes? In her changing faith. She later resurrects an old god of dreams who was corrupted). But yeah so she has religious trauma out the wazoo. She went to church camp that was actually a front for a cult within the Helioic faith. Idk if it’s Catholicism exactly cause I’m not catholic but it’s clearly parallel so some real world Christ based religion.
At one point they drop 10 stories because they thought they could use their ribbon to fly. They couldn’t.
her entire arc over fantasy high's first season is realizing she was gay and also that her church and the people in it were basically a cult which like SAMESIES and she does end up going to heaven after dying by slipping on corn and getting incredibly disappointed by the jesus equivalent of her universe (his name is helio and he is a frat boy) and after she's resurrected she makes her own god (not very catholic sorry) and preaches about it (pretty catholic of her tbh.) aside from the religious trauma some other kristen fun facts and highlights are that she once ribbon danced down the center of a spiral staircase and lived, she carried a bible around for a good chunk of her freshman year of high school, and her last name isn't a reference to anything because applebees does not exist in the world of fantasy high.
View more propaganda in her tag
Catholic deer girl. She’s just nature themed. Wants to have access to a Catholic phone line. But is not allowed to due to it risking the possibility of exposing SCPs to the world. But she has a rosary. Just unhinged.
She was just left in a convent and was raised catholic. But I love her because she has the most unhinged father and she's close to getting there istg
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shadowofroses · 1 year
I'm actually writing a proper Isekai and I just crack myself up aaaa
“Hm….Well at least your death looked painless!” your head turned sharply towards a woman with pink hair floating on an Oar. You blinked seeing her big purple eyes, and her grinning just happy-go-lucky like there wasn’t a dead body below you. 
You scratched your head, “Am I dreaming about Yu Yu Hakusho? Makes no sense, Botan has blue hair…”
Her eyes brightened and a beautiful laugh fell out. “Oh no. I’m one of the reapers similar to her actually! You can call me Sakura!” you gave a confused look. “You know multiple worlds slash universes slash dimensions exist right? Well, there is a Yu Yu Hakusho one if you’d like to see it.”
“Tempting but I’ll pass on that one.” you replied nonchalantly. “Alright, so does Heaven and Hell actually exist, and which one am I going to?” 
Sakura hummed, licking her finger as she went to flip through a small book, “Actually you weren’t supposed to die for another thirty years, you were actually going to become the first Wiccan President of the United States and start on a plan for world peace.”
You frowned at that, “Just wiccan not woman?”
“Oh no in about ten years the United states is about to have a Trans Woman President.” 
Your eyes brightened at that, “Way to go USA! But I’m not going to be around for that.” 
“Hm… well I was talking to the HMFiC and we were actually discussing this.”
You tilted your head and furrowed your brows. “Uh…HMFiC?”
“Head Mother Fucker in Charge.” she plainly responded as your eyes widened and you let out a noise between a cough and a choke. “Reapers are actually stretched thin lately, so we’ve been taking on cases in other countries. King Enma decided that he thought HMFiC was hilarious and wanted to be called it. BUT ANYWAY, We decided to give you a chance at another life in these other worlds. Isekai if you will. You’ll be able to keep your first name, memories, knowledge etc.”
“Oh great so I’ll be keeping my attention span in regards to hobbies too right?” 
You cried, “I just want to finish a project for once…” Sakura giggled at that, covering her mouth with her purple kimono sleeve. 
“Fine you’ll be granted ONE project to finish in your next life. Make it a good one!” Sakura teased. 
You pouted, “My luck that’s going to be a kindergarten drawing…”
“Hm…you may be right actually, now we’ve already did a personality test on you, I was bored and ran multiple simulations and did a lot of those internet quiz things, and I discovered the best world for you would be Boku no Hero Academia. 
You tilted your head at that, “Huh…well at least it’s not Dragonball Z I don’t want to die and be revived multiple times.”
“THAT’S THE SPIRIT!” Sakura high fived you and then giggled, “heh…Spirit…” causing you to deadpan as lights and sirens started to fill the air. She gripped your hand and started to fly off into the air. “There is no limits, no rules. If you decide to join the villains or Heros or be a civilian that is completely up to you we’re not going to judge. Your birth family, having a Quirk and everything else is going to be like rolling a D 20. You’ll keep your first name.” 
You looked down at awe as you flew over the land. “Uh so where we going?” 
Sakura smiled down at you for a moment, “I’m looking for a portal at a point where two ley lines converge. Once we get there, you will be born again!”
You thought back to your earlier questions, “Wait you never told me if Heaven and Hell was just a concept or actually exis-” 
A bright light flashed, next thing you knew you were crying and being held. Being passed off to a woman muttering about how you were her miracle. Cooing, which instantly calmed you down, you flexed your small left fist over a finger of hers and relaxed. 
Feeling safe. 
D 14 on birth.
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faroreswinds · 10 months
Existential question, but what are your thoughts on series changes and how it creates a rift between old and new? The new get criticized for being "casuals", and the old get criticized for being "stuck in the past".
Hm, good question.
I like to believe my opinion is nuanced. On one hand, I don't believe in abandoning a series' identity, and turning your back on the old fans. Old fans are what kept the series alive in the first place, after all. The fans that stuck through the bad because they believed in what the series stood for. The fans that shelled out their precious money for the mediocre as well as the good.
Those fans who stuck around because they loved the series for what it was, what made it special, should not be thrown aside casually.
On the other hand, I also do not believe in completely catering to old fans. New ideas can breath new life into an old franchise. And new ideas can bring about new ways to grow and gain an audience. Sometimes, some ideas are just too niche, and when ideas are niche the series can't pull the numbers in to expand beyond their horizons.
It's a fine line to walk. A series should explore new ideas, but I believe those ideas need to stay rooted to what made the series unique and special in the first place. This is not as easy as it sounds, though. We can see this in series like Zelda or FE, where some of the changes in the newer games have the older fans scoffing at them, while bringing in new fans who have no interest in the older games believe the older stuff is inferior in every way.
Like, if I was to use Totk and Botw as an example, Botw did not scratch that Zelda itch for me because it deviated too much from the origins of the games. Yes, I do mean the OG Zelda game. It has weak dungeons, a weak story, weak puzzles, and so on. But Totk actually felt more like a Zelda game. It still had weak dungeons and a shit story, but it took steps into attempting to bridge the gap between the new playstyle with some of the old, like a linear narrative (sort of), thematic dungeons, etc. [Admittedly, some of that might also be Totk cannibalized a bunch of Zelda games for ideas as well (sky islands, Imprisoning War, Ganondorf kneeling in fake fealty, Sages awakening, a "dark world", a Puppet Zelda AND a Phantom Ganon, time-loop).]
Fans on both sides, though, shouldn't be trying to gatekeep each other from the series. We all love the same thing in some way or another. Old fans should not sneer at the new for being different, and the new should not reject the old as some nostalgic boomer bait. It's the old that lead to the new.
I have been on both sides of the coin. I can say it is certainly easier to be on the "new" side than the old. I am not an old FE fan, for instance. I've only been a fan since Awakening. So the changes that came with Awakening and onward did not hit me so hard as it has FE fans that have been fans for longer. There was a time when I didn't understand why older FE fans clung to the older games, when these newer ones were just the old games but better! It took some time before I saw their side, and I understand now why these fans hold the positions that they do.
The "old" side is much more difficult side to be on. The newer side provides comfort. Comfort in knowing that future titles will likely be more like the new. But the old is not offered such luxury. The old side cannot know if the series will ever return to the way they liked it before. Will I ever get another 2D Zelda again, for instance? Is 2D Zelda dead for 20 years, or longer? Will Zelda continue to be copies of Botw, like Totk was for Botw?
And it is hard to hear how "aged and terrible" the old games are. It is hard to have fingers pointed at you as you hear that you only like the old games due to nostalgia.
I personally hate that this rift exists. I don't want it to exist. And I don't think it has to. I do believe that as long as the series stays true to what it originally was meant to be, what made them popular today and survive so long, the new would be welcomed by the old with more open arms, and the new would look more fondly on the old.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Do you think Alola’s stories took a lot of story elements from Alain’s story. Like a strong good unbeatable charizard trainer scouted fairly young by an evil man to do wrong stuff without them knowing the truth. Alain-Lysander Leon-Rose. Then a professor who is more a dad than an actual dad Alain-Sycamore Ash-Kukui. Then a brother who goes to extreme limits to protect his sister. Alain-Mairin Gladion-Lillie. Looks like an antihero but was always a good guy taking on burden of world-Alain Gladion
Short answer: No.
Longer answer:
First thing's first — Chairman Rose and Leon are both from Galar, not Alola. More to the point on them, though, Rose in particular is very, very different from Lysandre, to the point where I wouldn't even call him evil at all (insofar as a CEO of a monopoly megacorp can be not evil), but instead just stupid misguided. To extrapolate on that:
Lysandre's goal was to commit mass genocide because he believed that there were a finite number of resources in the world and that only those who were willing to pay him $5mil and follow him unquestionably were worthy of living. This is true in both the games and the anime (although the anime doesn't tell you that the fee for joining Team Flare in normal circumstances is $5mil; that's only in the games). Put simply, Lysandre is an ecofascist, and therefore is evil even before you bring in what he did to Alan, how he wanted to use Hari-san as a living battery, etc etc.
Rose, on the other hand, had the goal of making sure that climate change didn't completely fuck Galar over into an energy crisis even after he was long dead and gone. Although he didn't specifically name climate change as the issue, Galarian Corsola / Cursola's existence notes that climate change is a very real issue, and the energy crisis is one that we can relate to in our real world given the impact that it has on Galar's environment compared to our environment, food shortages, etc. Although the true catastrophic event wouldn't be for something like a thousand years (I don't remember the actual number but it was something like that), Rose foresaw it happening due to the power spot issues already existing in Galar, things like Galarian Corsola etc, and so he wanted to do something about it while he was alive to do so. To this end, he put together a plan to gather Wishing Stars to summon Eternatus, because he believed that Eternatus could solve the problem by flooding Galar with the same energy that allowed for dynamaxing and power spots. And he even did consider the possibility that he wouldn't be strong enough to capture and control Eternatus, hence why he wanted Leon to do it . . . but he failed to consider that something called the Darkest Day was never going to be a good thing regardless, and so it all spiraled out of his control. And to that end, once he saw what he did, he turned himself into the police, which seems to be the only way anyone ever actually goes to jail in the PokéWorld, at least in the games.
So to summarize: Rose was considered about an actual problem (climate change), versus an imagined and classist one (too many poors wanting resources), and his solution was to use a legendary pokémon to hopefully fix it versus genociding half the population. Rose's plan was ill thought-out, but it wasn't evil, and certainly not on the level of Lysandre. He's much more comparable to Archie and Maxie, who were even more stupid with their proposed plans / ideas, but again, they realized that in the end.
As for "using Leon" . . . I'm not entirely sure where you got that from? I can't remember if Rose did sponsor Leon in his original League run or not, but even if he did, Leon would have been 10 at that time and it's been at least 10 years since then (I want to say probably closer to like 13; Leon and his age contemporaries seem early 20s to me). Leon has been the Champion this entire time and while there is a lot to be said about how he feels the burden of protecting Galar and raising its spirits as its Champion (which makes sense because that is literally his job), he wasn't manipulated into that or used for any other purpose. And while Rose did want Leon to step up and catch / battle Eternatus, he didn't emotionally blackmail him into doing so the way Lysandre emotionally blackmailed Alan into collecting mega evolution energy for him ("you have to do this to protect Professor Sycamore"), and when Leon gave a final "not until after the tournament," Rose just shrugged and tried to deal with Eternatus himself. Leon and Rose worked together on League stuff certainly, since Macro Cosmos has a financial monopoly on the entire region (which is another issue entirely), but there was never anything in-game that gave the impression that Rose manipulated or used Leon. Maybe the anime was different, idk since I didn't watch that arc, but in the games at least there was never anything there about that. (And again, even if he sponsored Leon for the League, sponsorships are required for participation in the Galar League so . . . nothing really shady there.)
The only one that could really be said to have been used in Rose's Eternatus plot was Bede—but even then, it was not Rose who was using Bede, it was Oleana. It seems early in the game that it would be Rose, since Rose is the one that Bede idolizes for having given him that watch and hope back when he was in the orphanage, and Rose is the one officially sponsoring him. But it is Oleana that has Bede going after Wishing Stars, it is Oleana that gave Bede Rose's pokémon to destroy the mural in Stow-on-Side. Rose himself was extremely disappointed in Bede's behavior. And Oleana is just fine admitting that she does what she thinks is best for Rose whether it's behind his back or otherwise. So while a minor was used to further Rose's means, it wasn't by Rose's call. It was by Oleana's. Rose's hands are clean of that.
Moving on from that very long segment (I'll try to keep the rest of this brief):
I did joke a lot when the Alola anime started that, after Alan beat Ash at the Kalos League, Ash was like, "well if he got so strong by having a professor be his dad then I'll get one, too!!" and thus Papa Kukui happened. But I honestly think that this was less inspiration from Alan's story (especially since Ash is not an orphan despite how many people try to act like Delia wasn't right there as a loving parent his whole life) and more drawing from the SM games, wherein Lillie was a runaway and was taken in and taken care of by Kukui and Burnet. They went a . . . different route in the anime with regards to Lillie and her family, so Lillie was no longer there to be raised by the professor parents. So that got given to Ash instead, along with Nebby and a host of other plot elements. I don't think that had much to do with Alan at all.
As for sibling comparisons, Big Brother Instinct and Knight Templar Big Brother are known tropes for a reason. While I still prefer to think of the Aether siblings as twins (and in the games there's nothing to dispute this; in Japanese the younger twin will refer to their older twin as nii-san or nee-san regardless), in Pokéani canon Gladion is the older one and it's just a very common trope to make older brothers protective of younger sisters. We even have that with another set of siblings in the very same saga of the anime (Kiawe and his little sister whose name I forget). It's just a common trope and I don't think it was particularly inspired by Alan and Manon any more than it would have been inspired by Clemont and Bonnie (or, for a gender flip, May and Max).
Lastly, while there are comparisons that can be made between Alan and Gladion, again that's more because they pull from a lot of the same tropes that are present in other characters in other series. "Antihero with a heart of gold" is very common, especially in this day and age, where people like when characters (usually male) are broody and complicated but inside they're very loving and just care so much. Their overall stories are very different though (Gladion was never used and manipulated by a villain for starters; Team Skull isn't really evil and I never got the impression that Guzma did a whole lot to keep Gladion around), so even if there are similarities in their characters, I think that's more due to Game Freak deciding "we want to make one of the Aether kids a brooding boy with a heart of gold" because that's a popular character trope in anime especially, especially for rival characters, rather than because they were inspired by Alan specifically.
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doopy-n-loopy · 3 years
Yan!TF2 × reader headcannons (SFW and NSFW)
// obsessive tendancies, mentions of violence, blood, sexual themes, noncon
Let's start with the defense classes
Deffo didn't admit that he loved you
Tbh he probably blamed it on his drunkenness
But dude you're always drunk
I mean seriously if he sobers up he'll genuinely die so like-
He would usually drink with you or just around you if you don't drink
He's generally a fun chill guy to be with
He would watch you from a distance at times, especially during battle you might distract the cyclops
He's okay with you asking questions
One time he broke his eyepatch and needed a new one
You gave him a nice black eyepatch with the demoman emblem on it
He gets all red whenever you say his full name, because he knows you remembered it
He is generally against kidnapping, I mean especially since he lives with his ma he'd rather not
And because he's a gentleman
If you ever reciprocate his feelings he'll make sure to treat you right
He is a messy person but for you? He'll clean
Probably would get carried away and make home made bombs with all the cleaning supplies 🤦‍♂️
Takes you to meet his mom
"ooo Tavish, yer gonna get me some grand kiddos are ya?"
That made you both blush like crazy
Soft cheek kisses
Probably made a special bomb and named it after you
"this one's for you, luv!" *Proceeds to set off all stickybombs which blows up the entire enemy team*
Blew up the last guy who looked at you funny
Hell, even worse when they make a sexual remark to you scout probably did it
Likes to give you your space but when he's paranoid he follows you to wherever or watched you from a distance
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Two words: big boy
Hugs are 10000000000/10
Sometimes it fewls suffocating but man it's like hugging a cloud
Soft forehead kisses
Russian pet names
He sometimes lets you touch Sasha, that's how he knows he loves you because he doesn't even let medic, his best friend, touch her
Probably named a gun after you or one of the pet names he calls you
You definitely met his family and they loved you
Zana especially
Doesn't get jealous easily but will not hesitate to unload 12 pounds of bullets into someone who even LOOKS at you the wrong way
Lord have mercy on the ones who dare flirt with you, rest in pieces scout
Doesn't really follow you anywhere (you're a bit too fast for him) but he does watch you and check up on you
He preforms okay on the battlefield but when you're around, he'll show off
Will cook for you, mainly russian dishes
He's very against kidnapping and would rather not do it
Doesn't shut up about you when he's around medic
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F l u f f y
Very softspoken in general but he gets all flustered when you talk to him
Will check up on you occasionally
"Darlin'" "Honey bunny" things like that y'know
Huge smile when you're around
Will cook for you most definitely, knows what you like
Makes little robots for you
Likes seeing you use his dispenser
Doesn't get jealous easily either but will try and take you away from someone who wants your attention
Likes just having you in his presence, doesn't need to talk to be happy with you around
Very very against kidnapping like all other defense classes, wouldn't do it unless if he truly felt the need to, last resort kind of thing
The last guy who flirted with you had a sentry gun shoved up his ass
Doesn't really follow you anywhere
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Nothing short of a horomonal teenager
I mean he's 21 but
He gets so giddy around you, very loud, tries to show off
He loves you very much
"oh yeah? Well I once absolutely smashed a guy into peices, he was still screaming when he was dead!"
He brags about brutal things but hey you love it since you're also brutal
Flexes his non-existent muscles around you
Would talk about his mom to you all day
Definitely got a tattoo of your face and name somewhere on his body, most likely his bicep
Your name is probably misspelled too but you never say anything about it because he can't read so it's fine
He hasn't really thought about kidnapping in all honesty, again, a last resort kinda thing if he can't get you to love him
He will make a damn SCENE if anyone flirts with you
"you think that's funny, chucklenuts? I eat guys like you for breakfast lunch AND dinner!" "I'll blow yer freakin head off if ya talk to y/n like that again!" Would definitely drag you away
God help anyone that makes you uncomfortable, he'll fuck them up, if that person is medic I mean he'll try to but we all know how fucking scary medic is
Follows you at times
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Seems more lovey around you
Definitely gave you a hand full of the enemy's bloody bones thinking it was a bouquet of flowers
Absolute baby
Just so precious, scary but precious
Hugs for days
Good luck trying to get their ass off of you when you're on cease-fire
Very warm though, they smell like smoke with a bit of blood
Likes petting you
Isn't against the idea of kidnap because they don't realize what they're actually doing, they think they're just taking you to a magical place
When someone flirts with you their whole world changes
Gets angry and starts yelling at them
Will not let you get a checkup alone, he trusts medic but not with you
Very sweet tho, he'll turn around when you need to strip down
Will follow you almost EVERYWHERE and if they can, while holding your hand
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Yells at you a little less than the others
At first doesn't realize how he feels but then realizes that he loves you
Is pretty protective over you
Rants about America all day to you
Probably got you an american flag to wear
Doesn't really take off his helmet but he likes seeing you in it, makes him proud
If you ever live with him you'll find out that he owns like 20 racoons
He loudly wakes everyone up in the morning but tries to avoid waking you up
Loves you as much as he loves America
Will show off on the battlefield for you
Isn't against kidnapping you, he probably did it early on if you showed immediately that you didn't reciprocate his feelings
Will blow any guy that hits on you to absolute bits
Probably put you on his back and rocket jumped just to show you what it felt like
Follows you around a lot, it's really obvious because he wears a bucket over his head and crashes into things, when you look back he'll stand behind a lamp post or somewhere really obvious
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Ah yes, everyones favorite class including mine
Very quiet
Takes secret glances at you
Pays more attention to you than the others
S h y
Asks how you are, how you slept, etc
Doesn't really need to be holding you, tbh he's against PDA
But he likes being in your presence
Just sit down next to him and he'll be fine
When he's on the battlefield, he'll look for you and make sure you're safe
God forbid anyone try to hurt you, he'll make them suffer
Talks about Australia to you and accidentally admitted that he wanted to take you there
Doesn't like the idea of kidnapping but he isn't totally against it, I can see him doing it
He smuggled you all the damn way to Australia
He'll nonchalantly show off to you on the battlefield, he'll let you get cornered and come in to save the day
"love" is a word he uses a lot with you
Will grumble to himself if he sees someone flirting with you
If it's a random person, well, that'll be the last time you ever see them
Has talked about you to his parents
Kind of follows you? I mean he sits atop a high placeand watches you through his scope whenever you're going somewhere
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He knows what he's doing
Will kiss your hand a lot
Likes to flirt with you and see you blush
Sleazy french fucker
Watched you from afar at first then approached you a little later
Isn't against the idea of kidnapping, pro kidnapping, definitely did it not only to have you to himself but for some sort of sexual satisfaction
Just very uh... Lewd? Can't find the right word
He treats you very respectfully though
If he hears anyone else flirting with you he'll be fuming but won't show it
"Oh please, like you could EVER satisfy y/n's desires"
That person mysteriously disappeared that night
Very cocky bastard
Definetly follows you home, not only that but he watches you through your window
And stalks you
He knows everything about you
Would get you either by knocking you unconscious or by blackmailing you
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B a s t a r d
Gets LOUD when you're around
And giddy
Very touchy, always has a reason to put his hands on you
Talks a lot with you around, I mean he already talks a lot but now he won't shut up
Keeps his office nice and clean for you
He restocks on everything so when you come around you can take a loot at all his medicines
Big smile :D
Like spy he is not at all against kidnapping you
Makes sure you're comfortable during checkups
Will make you wait to be seen last just so he can take his time touching your body
"it's all part of the procedure".mp3
Compliments you in weird ways, ex: "your skin is so smooth and lovely, it's the perfect texture to make leather out of" "you have an amazing colon"
Look he's just trying his best here he has a screw loose
You're the only member who he's careful with really
Sometimes allows you to get hurt or has you get hurt by something just so you can see him
Always follows you wherever
Knows everything about you
If someone is flirting with you, he'll get quiet at first and use a low tone to speak to them
"you have guts talking to y/n like that"
They were never seen again
With kidnapping, he won't hesitate to use blackmail against you, or will just use anesthesia
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Bonus: Pauling
This lady values her work over her life, but to her you're so much more important
Will call you a lot on the battlefield to check in on you
Won't give you extremely hard missons to do because she doesn't want you to get hurt
"Hey (class), Pauling here. I need you... No not like that I just- I mean- for a mission yeah a mission"
Gets all flustered when you're around
Will take her only day off to spend time with you, what a sweetheart
Keeps multiple tabs on you
Follows you around
Doesn't really have time for kidnapping
But if it comes to that, she'll make something up so she has a reason to kidnap you
If anyone else is flirting with you she won't show that she's annoyed
She'll make something up as an excuse to execute them
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Has definitely thought of what you'd look like while naked
B l u s h
Has used a mental image of you to get off before
Probably has an actual photo of you
When he drinks a little more than usual, he'll accidentally brush his hand against your ass or get touchy with you
Will not force himself on you, he's 100% against that
If you decide to have sex with him, praise is what you're gonna get
"you're as beautiful as a shot of whiskey in the sunrise"
Very gentle with his hands
Not the type to masturbate
Unless if he gets THAT worked up
Again, against forcing himself on you
But if you want it no doubt you will top
He's also gentle with you
And loving
Praise is all you're gonna get
Sometimes russian sometimes broken english
Either way he will worship your body
Again, a more modest guy, doesn't really touch himself
Might just use a robot to pleasure himself when thinking about you
Probably has a photo of you and him around his workshop
Never forces himself on you
He's sweet and gentle when you do want it though
Sometimes gets help from his robot friends
Gets off on thinking about you
Won't force himself on you though
Sexual remarks × 100
Calls you handsome/beautiful in bed
I wouldn't say he's the best in bed but hey he's good I guess
Cuddles after sex most likely
Probablh threw out all his sexual magazines because they just didn't do the trick anymore
Sometimes when he runs past you, your shirt/skirt gets lifted up by a gust of wind and he can't help but look ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
Since I hit the text limit, I'll be making a part 2, stay tuned
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
Do you agree Namor is kind of a C lister? Do you agree or why do you think that is? :u
Namor is not a C lister, and I feel people really don't understand what it means when they rank characters by A, B, C, D List. So let me explain:
Character Rank List
A - The Hotshots, the cash cows, the big money makers. These characters are the celebrities. They have their own comics, their own large and dedicated fanbase. They got it all; the merch, the show/movie, heck maybe even a video game. This is where you have your batmans and spidermans. In the comic world these characters never go without a comic solo, popping up in other comics, cameos, etc. You and your mother and grandmother know who this character is. The fan wars never cease, but that is the price you pay for popularity.
B - The Support. A lot of comic characters fall under this ranking. They rarely ever lead, they might get a comic solo once every 10 years, people who aren't embedded in the comic world may not have heard of them. People who are embedded in the comic world might have heard of them or at least have a vague idea of them. More than 10 people have heard of this character. Usually they have a much smaller but dedicated fanbase that wanes and waxes as the years go by. They get small references, maybe even a cameo in a tv/movie, or again they show up as support in another character's comic. This is NOT to be confused with an A Listers supporting cast which are all there for the A Lister. B List characters move from comic to comic, sometimes they have big or relevant roles, however they are usually more well known for being on a certain team. B characters are literally one good comic run or movie or show away from becoming an A Lister, all they need is Comic Creators putting in the effort to build them/their fanbase up. You will find fans if you scratch more than the surface of fandom.
C - The Plot Device. This character was created/used only for the Plot. They are in some way needed, or created to be needed for a certain storyline. Usually you will never see this character again. They may pop up once every 10-20 years if someone remembers they exist. Usually when these characters do appear it's because a creator has a fondness/loves them and tries to include them in their book. The remaining bulk of comic characters fit into this ranking, Sometimes they are thrown onto teams because Creators need their specific skill set/character and they become fan favorites. C Listers can become B Listers if they clock in enough cameos which in turn, may lead to a one shot or recurring solo comics, and more recognition within the comic world. C Listers are that character you fell in love with in an older arc and can see the potential of them but sadly they were shelved so now you thrive on them maybe showing up in the background of other comics. C List characters rarely get solos or focus. Comic fans will tell you "X character showed up in one comic series in the 90s but that's all we need, you have to read this because I can't be the only one obsessed with this character." Only about 10 people remember or know of this character. You all know each other in fandom.
D - Trash. Absolute Garbage. This is a Trash Fire of a character. You will find this character and think "who the fuck thought this character was a good idea?!" D Listers are canon fodder. They are the red shirts. They will die and no one will care. They will be replaced by another D Lister. This character is usually made for a specific era and have about 5 comic appearances, so unless a Creator finds this character and decides to update them and give them some TLC then you are shit out of luck. You will pull this Trash out of the fire and decide to love it. You will be maybe the only person who likes this character, you might find one comic fan was dedicated to this character in the 60s and wrote many fan letters about them but that fan is long dead so you're the only one left who likes them. You will be the only person writing about this character on Ao3.
That's the Rank List. Even within the Rank List you will find some A characters are more popular than other A characters, etc.
So when I say Namor is B Lister, that is his current role/popularity in the comic world as of this year, 2022.
Namor in the Golden Age was an A Lister and very popular, for comparison: he was literally the Spider-Man of his day. As the first comic Anti Hero he was a trailblazer for many characters to follow and didn't follow the mold of other heroes of that era. The only reason his comics stopped printing in the 50s is because many superhero comics stopped printing due to them falling out of fashion. However he was only out of print for about 5-6 years. The Superhero Boom of the Silver Age had Namor right back in very early where he was once again an A Lister with cameos in other characters books and his own long running series. The Bronze Age came along and pushed Namor into B Lister status where he was literally moving from book to book for cameos, and Namor has been in this ranking ever since. Namor is that wild card that creators use when they need a big gun on their book or they need him to shake up a team, he is usually used as the Voice of Opposition who either points out the flaws of what is happening or needs to be convinced to go along with the heroes, convincing him is like convincing the reader, or giving voice to the readers doubts as Namor is usually the outsider and can be used in multiple ways to challenge or help the main hero.
However The Powers that Be at Marvel feel he can't carry a comic outside of limited runs because they don't want to put in the effort.
Why won't Marvel put in the effort with Namor?
I feel it's in part due to whomever being in Charge doesn't see the potential but also Character Rights, there's a reason why in recent cartoons Marvel had to use Attuma instead of Namor as leader of the Atlanteans. His rights were sold off in the 2000s, however currently those rights might be back at Marvel. There can be alot of backstage fuckery happening that we know nothing about and sometimes the Ones in Charge do hate certain characters and prevent them from being used. A famous example is Dan Didio at DC, known for hating Legacy characters, removing many Legacy characters to bring back their predecessors yet the moment he was kicked out of DC those Legacy characters began to make a come back.
If Namor does appear in a movie soon then we will see a change in his status.
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jeannereames · 3 years
This is probably a very stupid question, but how did the Ancient Greeks measure time (in terms of years and months) ? What was their calendar like? What year would Alexander have viewed himself to be living in?
I love these sorts of daily-life details, so I may have got a little carried away…. Before I get into the weeds, however, I want to make everyone aware of a reference resource:
E. J. Bickerman, Chronology of the Ancient World. Thames & Hudson, 1968.
Yeah, it’s old now, but Bickerman spent most of his career on dating puzzles, and I don’t think there’s anything recent to match it. When I first was told about it years ago in my historiography class, I practically bounced off the walls. (My fellow grad students thought I’d lost my mind.)
I’m not sure of the best way to address this query—topically or geographically—but I’ll go with topically. I’ll also say upfront that I’m unfamiliar with Egypt, so they’re not much mentioned. Also, if you want more details on any particular system (Roman, Athenian, Babylonian, Jewish), there are plenty of online resources.
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Long-count Calendar
How to number years across a span? Regnal years was most common in antiquity: year 1, year 2, year 3 of ___ king. Also, king lists detailed how long ___ ruled. The Ancient Near East (ANE) excelled at chronologies; we have some that go back to Sumer. That’s pre-Bronze Age. The span of some reigns can be deeply problematic (e.g., mythical), but we have the lists. Fun note, Neo-Assyrians named years by its major military campaign. Tells us a lot about them, no?
What about places without kings? Greece, Rome, Carthage?
The Greeks had several systems, internal and panhellenic. Internal systems often dated by the name of a prominent city magistrate. In Athens, that was the eponymous archon, in Sparta, the eponymous ephor, etc. The panhellenic system used Olympic years. In Dancing with the Lion, if you look at date plates before sections, that’s what I used. It’s a 4-year system, so, “In the year of the 97th Olympiad,” “In the first year of the 97th Olympiad,” “In the second year…,” and “In the third year…,” then we’re to “In the year of the 98th Olympiad…” In modern annotation it’s Ol. 97.1, Ol. 97.2, Ol. 97.3, Ol. 97.4. From (our year) 776 BCE down into the Roman Imperial era, the Olympics made useful anchor dating for the eastern Mediterranean (Magna Graecia).
Rome had its own system: two in fact. It counted years by both consuls, but also AUC = ab urba condita … “from the founding of the city.” Carthage used a similar system involving their two senior Judges for their senate.
When it came to “world histories,” authors such as Diodoros Siculus used several systems: Olympiad, Athenian archon, and Roman consuls. It gets a bit unwieldy, but is about as universal as we have for the Med until Christianity took over everything.
Yearly Calendars
Much of the ancient world used lunar (354 days), not solar (356 days) calendars. Yes, they knew a lunar year didn’t line up with the solar, and they used “intercalation” to fix it, avoiding summer festivals being celebrated in winter. Either a 13th month was needed every 3 years, or they added a few days to months here and there, making a “lunisolar” calendar. We have an intercalated day in our own calendar: Feb. 29th in Leap Year. To fix a calendar, however, an “anchor” is needed. This anchor is usually a solstice or equinox, which may (or may not) correspond to their New Year.
Our modern (Western) world places New Year’s in the dead of winter. But many pre-modern calendars put it in spring. Makes sense: life renews, it’s a new year. The Babylonian New Year was decided by the spring equinox—first new moon after—which pattern affected most of the ANE.
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The Hebrew New Year (Rosh Hashana) is in autumn, but their first month (Nisan) is in spring. (They also have a New Year for Trees! Tú bish'vat. How cool is that?) Wanna know when your Jewish friends are having a holiday? Use Hebcal, the gold standard.
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MANY ancient cultures have more than one calendar running at a time. So do we. Working in the uni, I have the “normal” year, but also the “academic” year to keep up with.
Despite the dominance of certain early systems like Babylon, counting the new year was specific to a region and people, and their religious traditions. No single Greek new year tradition existed. Both Delos and Athens used the first new moon after the summer equinox: early July. The Macedonian calendar seems to as well, so Alexander was born in the first month of the year. Other city states were different. I’ve forgotten most but do remember Sparta’s is in autumn because their new year almost falls on my birthday.
Remember, although we today talk about “ancient Greece” as if it were a country—it wasn’t. There was a landmass called Hellas, but each city-state was independent, and had its own laws, gov’t, coinage, and religious cult. Too often “Greek” winds up being conflated with “Athenian,” because we happen to have the most evidence from ancient Athens. But both Athens and Sparta were weirdos. Corinth, Thebes, Argos, Mytilene, Cos, Eretria, Miletus…all were a lot more typically Greek in their gov’t systems, etc. There were also 3 (or 4) different branches of Greek: Ionic-Attic, Doric, and Aeolic. When we talk about reading the “ancient Greek” language today, most people mean Attic Greek, or even Koine Greek (Hellenistic era common Greek).
That means every city-state had its own calendar, connected to its own festivals.
In fact, most city-states had several: sacred, civic, etc. Athens had a 12-month lunar calendar for festivals, but a 10-month civic calendar corresponding to the 10 tribes for Assembly business. Originally, they had only 4 tribes, not 10, so political changes meant calendar changes.
In each city-state, month names were derived from the major festival for that month. We have the complete month names for only a few: Athens is one and (fortunately for me) Macedon is another (specifically Ptolemaic, but it’s likely the same as the Argead). Below “Ancient Greek Month” REALLY means “Athenian month,” which annoys the hell out of those of us who don’t consider Athens the be-all and end-all of Greek history!
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Because their months were lunar, they bisect our months, e.g., July/Aug = Athenian Hekatombian or Macedonian Loos [Alexander’s birthmonth], Jan/Feb = Athenian Gamelion or Macedonian Peritios [probably the month that gave Alexander’s favorite hound his name: Peritos]. Likewise, as the Athenian new year began in midsummer, dating ancient events also bisects. You’ll see 342/1 to designate the year from July of 342 BCE to June of 341.
As mentioned, most places used lunar months as the most basic time-keeping, but the moon isn’t the only way to make a “month.” Rome originally had 10 months of 30/31 days, adding 2 later, which is why our 12 months have Romanesque names.
Just remember: NO UNIVERSAL SYSTEM for months.
What About Weeks?
A seven-day week is borrowed from the Jews via Christianity. Both Jews and Egyptians had a dedicated day of rest. (For Egypt, the 10th day.) In most places, however, days off were festival related. Every month had festivals, which might last from half a day to several days in a row. You worked…took off for a festival…then you worked. No regular day of rest. (For the modern weekend? Thank unions and the Labor Movement!)
How did others subdivide a month? Athenian months were c. 30 days, divided into 10s: 1-10, 11-20, 10-1. Yup, the last is backwards. But dating also counted waxing and waning moons. So the new moon began a month, the 7th of the month would be the 7th waxing moon, the 24th the 6th waning moon. This is the Athenian system. Other city-states are less clear, but probably similar.
Romans had kalens (1st), nones (7th), and ides (15th). Nundinae (market days) means 9th, but were really the 8th day. The 7-day week is late Imperial and, again, owes to Christian take-over of Jewish weeks.
Most systems had “auspicious” and “inauspicious” days for religious activities, civic activities, and business activities. Don’t start anything on an inauspicious day! (These were manipulated, especially in Rome, but that’s a whole different discussion.) The closest modern equivalent I can think of is Mercury Retrograde. 😊 Although in modern Greece, signing a contract on a Tuesday morning is bad juju, or May 29th. Constantinople fell on a Tuesday morning May 29th, 1453. We might, in America, consider 9/11. Who wants to open a business on 9/11?
The Horai (The Hours)
When did the day begin? Again, the ANE and Med are different. In the ANE, day typically began at sunset. So yes, that’s why the Jewish shabbat starts at sunset on Friday and lasts till sunset on Saturday. (If you didn’t know, the Jewish “day of rest” isn’t Sunday, but Saturday.)
For Greece and Rome, et al., day began at dawn. Each day was then evenly divided between day and night, so there was no standard length of an hour. It depended on the time of year. Each half had twelve hours, subdivided into 4 groups of triads. Originally in Greece it seems there were only 9, not twelve, but they increased to match the lunar months. The division of 4 groups of triads also yielded the 4 seasons of 3 months each. Hora was initially a season, not an hour.
In any case, dawn was always the first hour, noon the 6th, sunset the 12th. Same deal for night (twilight, midnight, pre-dawn).
This is great for military and civic purposes, but most people tended to refer to daytime divisions more generally: dawn, midday, etc. And there was nothing like minutes or seconds. That’s totally modern. Closest, they might come would be to count “breaths.”
The gnomon (sundial) was the chief way to measure hours, as it matched longer or shorter days. But it’s kinda hard to use a sundial at night, or on a cloudy day, or inside. Night hours were approximate.
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The water clock (klepsudra) was first popularized in Greece in courts and the Assembly (to time speeches), but spread to other use, for inside or on shady days. Yet water clocks are unwieldy to carry around.
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The Romans did have portable sundials (below), but again…needs the SUN. Btw, I should add that sundials aren’t only a Greco-Roman thing. The Chinese had them too. By contrast, the sand-clock or hourglass is a medieval invention. Won’t find them in the ancient world.
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scoobydoofenshmirtz · 3 years
LGBTQ Supernatural Character Breakdown
Okay so yesterday I posted this lovely screenshot of yet another stupid reddit post about spn that I thought was funny and shrugged off as another reddit dudebro thing. However, then @thehappyearth went and actually read through the thread and reported back with results. The opinions of OP were unsurprising, but they got me thinking. Part of the post reads "I would prefer a neutral show that doesn't aim to include LGBT people in nearly every episode.. its unrealistic unless they are in a location where this holds true..example (California)". Now that's ridiculous for a lot of reasons. 1) Not having LGBT people in a show does not make it "neutral." Cishet is not the default human experience, neither is male, nor white nor able-bodied, etc. 2) It's not "unrealistic" to have LGBT in literally any location in the world. We exist everywhere you go. Yes, certain places tend to attract LGBT adults and families due to their culture, legal protections, history, etc. but it's not like there's something in San Francisco water that just makes people there gay at a higher percentage. I assure you, reddit user, there are LGBTQ people in every single place Sam and Dean have visited in the show. 3) like literally it's just homophobic shut up reddit bros. ANWAY...
But what really got me thinking was the "nearly every episode" comment. Like, dude. What show are you watching? But then I thought...wait how many LGBTQ characters actually are there in Supernatural, so I did a little digging and compiled this list (google sheets) of every LGBTQ character to appear on screen. This doesn't include characters who are only mentioned (although there aren't many to add with that anyway). I looked into some different criteria and I included each character, the number of episodes they appeared in, their first and last episode, how many episodes they appeared in as a confirmed LGBTQ character, their sexuality, if they speak or not, and if they died. I also included a description and notes, and noted which characters were in episodes nominated for GLAAD awards. I also included "ambiguous" characters who I either felt weren't "confirmed" as LGBTQ (like the man who is possibly a gay porn star or the sassy yorkie) but in that realm, or characters where there were bigger issues that make it more complicated (Dean, Crowley, and Rowena).
And then I got curious and made a whole second spreadsheet with a list of all the episodes featuring confirmed LGBTQ characters. I included which characters are featured, if it includes an LGBTQ couple, if it features an LGBTQ storyline important to the plot, if it features a recurring LGBTQ character, if any LGBTQ character dies, if it was nominated for a GLAAD award, and my opinion on if it's homophobic. I only included episodes where a character was confirmed LGBTQ when it aired, however I did include retroactively LGBTQ characters when listing what recurring characters are featured.
Some findings under the cut:
I counted a total of 32 on screen (reasonably) confirmed LGBTQ characters in all of Supernatural (for the purposes of this I have counted Charlie and apocalypse Charlie as separate characters). Now when I say confirmed this is a range from Charlie to characters who had a same sex kiss in the background. There is a chance I have missed some, so if you look through this and notice someone missing, please let me know. (Also sidenote I say LGBTQ but there's no confirmed trans characters as far as I could tell). That's an average of 2.13 per season. There are 9 recurring characters and 23 that only appear once. There are 6 with 3 or more episodes. The only characters that appeared in more than 2 episodes while confirmed as an LGBTQ character are Charlie (apocalypse world and regular) and Chuck. Of all these characters 10 are dead (with three of these presumably resurrected off screen) and 22 survived.
If we break it down by era Kripke had 4 with 0 recurring characters and half and half dead/alive. This is .8 per season average. Gamble had 3 and (at the time) none were recurring and none died. This is 1.5 per season average. Carver had 10 including making Chuck bisexual. Charlie also became a recurring character (then she died). This is 2.5 per season average. Dabb has 15 including Castiel and Claire. This included 7 recurring characters and 8 one offs, and 8 alive and 7 dead. This is 3.75 per season average.
As far as sexualities go, we have 3 (presumably) lesbian characters (2 Charlies and Donna's niece) 3 gay characters (Max Banes and 2 one offs who die) and 2 bisexual characters (Chuck and Noah the gorgon). No single character ever refers to themself by any sexuality as far as I can tell, but Alan J Corbett (Ghostfacers intern) and Conner (from the church) are both referred to as gay by other characters. Everyone else I based on context. All the other characters were unspecified as to their specific sexualities.
In terms of episodes with confirmed LGBTQ characters (so characters who at the time the episode was written were reasonably confirmed as LGBTQ) we have 39 total, a bulk of them being episodes that feature either Chuck or Charlie. That's about 12% of all SPN episodes. If you take out episodes that only include either Chuck or Charlie as the confirmed character you have 20 left which is 6.25% of all SPN episodes.
There are 12 episodes that feature an LGBTQ couple, 3.75% of all episodes. There are, by my count, 9 episodes with an LGBTQ storyline important to the plot or 2.8% of episodes. I know this is more subjective but I included Ghostfacers, Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, LARP and the Real Girl, Sacrifice, The Chitters, Wayward Sisters, Ouroboros, Gimme Shelter, and Despair.
If we break down writers from who has the most episodes with confirmed LGBTQ characters Robbie Thompson comes in the lead with 9, Buckleming next with 6, Bobo and Dabb with 5, Yockey and Glynn with 4, Davy Perez with 3, and Nick Vaught, Nancy Won, Nancy Weiner, Eric Kripke, Jeremy Carver, Sera Gamble, Brett Matthews, and Bed Edlund all having 1. As far as writers who introduced new LGBTQ characters or canonized previously existing ones we have again Robbie Thompson in the lead with 7, Dabb with 6 (although 4 were from co-written episodes), Berens with 4, Yockey and Glynn with 3, Brett Matthews, Davy Perez, Nancy Weiner, Eric Kripke, and Nancy Won all with 2. Gamble and Edlund each have 1 and Buckleming sort of have 1 since they introduced apocalypse world Charlie. All of this is quantity not quality, so keep that in mind.
As far as deaths go, Bobo has the most with 3.5. 3 of those are from Despair where the characters were all (possibly) resurrected and the .5 is for Kaia who later turned out to not actually be dead. Yockey has 2 (both from Ouroboros). Edlund, Glynn, Perez, and Gamble all have 1 and Dabb also has .5 for cowriting Wayward Sisters.
The LGBTQ character who appears in the most episodes is very obviously Castiel who appears in 142 total episodes. Chuck is next with 19 and then Charlie with 7. Chuck has the most episodes as a confirmed LGBTQ character with 12 total and Charlie has 7.
Apologies if any of the math on this is wrong or if I left anyone out. Feel free to let me know and I'll correct the documents.
So really I don't know why I did this but basically yeah I don't know what fantasy world those reddit dudes are living in with LGBT people in nearly every episode (unless he's counting Castiel which...win for the gays I guess?). Nothing about this was particularly surprising but it's interesting to see all these things laid out and play around with the categories. Um...hope you enjoyed this i guess. lol
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Michelle Kiefer
Michelle has 55 stories at Gossamer. If you haven’t read them, what are you waiting for?! She has great takes on Mulder and Scully. I’ve recced some of my favorites of her fics here before, including Christmas in California, Making Other Plans, and Six Inch Valley. Big thanks to Michelle for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
I’m not sure anyone is still reading my stories.  I haven’t migrated my X-Files ones to AO3. I don’t think Gossamer provides any viewing statistics. I’d be very happy to hear that people still like my work.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
My X-Files fandom experience was amazing.  I remember that sense of excitement and immediacy.  It was thrilling to write stories (and read those of other authors, of course) in an active fandom for a show that was on the air.  It was truly my first experience in an online world--a parallel world to my real life existence.  I learned how to keep a foot in each world.  As I recall, it was very hard to keep my focus in my “meat” world, when the online one was so fast moving and thrilling.  But I did get some balance in my life as time went on.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Message boards and mailing lists were my experience.  They were primitive compared to the pretty screens now.  I forged some amazing friendships, some of them with people I discovered lived relatively near me.  All I wanted to do was discuss episodes and fic.  The flame wars were a little intimidating, but also amusing if you didn’t get swept up.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
I was very passionate about the fandom--as I said, there were times when my online life seemed to overpower my real life experiences.  I learned to manage that, and think I’m all the better for that.  And I found some amazing friendships that are active and thriving today.  I learned a lot about writing with XF fanfic.  The level of quality was stunning.  A decent percentage of fic were as good or better than traditional published fiction.  But there were so many writers!  I wanted to make an impact on the fanfiction world, but that meant taking my writing very seriously and learning to develop a story, pace that story, make it compelling and believable.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I had a couple of coworkers that talked about the show all the time.  I was curious, so I watched an episode.  I believe it was the cannibal town one.  I thought David Duchovny was odd looking and wasn’t terribly impressed.  But I tried another episode - Wetwired, which blew me away with the morgue scene when Mulder thinks he’s going to identify Scully’s body.  Ah...I thought, now, I see what everyone is talking about!  And from then I was hooked.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
As I watched, I wanted more.  I was fairly new to the internet (frankly, the internet was new to almost everyone)  I found episode reviews, and some of them were fantastic.  Some mentioned fanfiction.  I was unaware of such a thing, though to be honest, since childhood, I’d been spinning stories in my head about characters on TV shows.  I found some fanfic. The first couple of stories were not great (at least one was horrible) but then I found some that were very good.  Probably a bit soap-operaish, but still readable.  And then I became voracious as I plowed through the mass of stories looking for the good stuff.  And boy was there good stuff.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I’m not estranged from it, but I don’t spend much time with it after all these years.  I’ve found fanfic in some other shows that I like and only occasionally read old XF stories.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I’ve not been as involved with any other fandoms, i.e. following commentary on the show.  I tend to dive into TV shows well after their heyday, so I’m always late to the party. I do read fanfic from other shows, and have actually written fanfic for other shows, but I need a really good idea to write.  None of the other fandoms for my other shows are as busy and active as XF, even ones currently in production.  And none of them have as much fanfic and certainly not the level of brilliance that we had in XF.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
I tend to go for interesting partnerships, very much in the XF fashion.  And a flawed hero is always a plus!  The partnerships don’t necessarily have to be romantic---in fact I find I prefer those that are not.  Really, Mulder and Scully were the only ones I felt deeply as a pairing, probably due to the chemistry between the actors. But the partnerships have to be well-balanced and realistic.  I loved the characters on Sleepy Hollow.  The two main characters were very much in the mold of Mulder/Scully.
My newest passion is British detective shows and I’ve completely fallen for the “Morse-verse” shows, Inspector Morse, Inspector Lewis and Endeavour.  Less of an XF feel, but compelling characters with interesting backstories.  Other favorite partnerships in the British detective genre are on Inspector Lynley and Broadchurch.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
A bit less now, though I’m still involved with a wonderful group of ladies who love the X-Files.  When we get together for a yearly weekend, we binge episodes and eat impressive amounts of junk food.  XF isn’t on network TV these days, but if it was, I’d probably watch it.
A couple of years ago, I listened to Kumail Nanjiani’s XF podcast on my long commute.  I loved the commentary and interviews so much that I did watch some old episodes.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I don’t read much XF fic.  I’m currently reading in some other fandoms, but it’s harder to find good stories--the ones I follow aren’t very active these days and the quality just isn’t what XF was.  We were so lucky.  We had maybe 20 incredible top authors at any one time, then maybe another tier of 50 to 100  good to maybe great writers.  And with new episodes, there was so much inspiration. We were so spoiled.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Everything from Syntax6, MaybeAmanda, Kel.  A special story for me was “Strangers and the Strange Dead” by Kipler because I remember reading that very early in the morning in my unheated basement in the winter because that was the only time I could use our single computer without others in the family complaining.  I remember actually gasping at the big reveal in the story.  I can even remember the story’s opening line!
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I was just learning how to write fiction when I was involved in XF, so I’m not sure my best work is there, though the bulk of my stories are there.  I liked some of the work I did with others.  I wrote Bone of Contention and Out of the Everywhere with Kel and I think that those stories got the best aspects of both of our styles.  For stories I wrote myself, I think they’re not bad, but they are rather short and it’s always easier to maintain a theme and style for a short story.  I liked Black Cherry Velvet.  I’m writing some Inspector Lewis stories that I think are pretty good--they benefit from the years of experience that I was gaining through XF.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
Never say never, but I probably won’t write more XF.  I used to burn with it, but I think that got burned out a bit.  Still, I have such wonderful memories of the whole period.  It might be worth looking at again.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
As I mentioned, I am currently playing in the Inspector Lewis world.  It’s sad--it’s a very small and not terribly active fandom.  Sad that my best work is in an inactive fandom where I’m lucky if 20 or 30 people are reading them.  It doesn’t help that I don’t write the most popular pairing.  
But I’m really enjoying it.  I occasionally write for Man From Uncle, which really shows my age, as that was a childhood obsession.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
With XF, it was always a take on an episode--did I get a tiny idea that I wanted to develop, or was I not thrilled with the way something went on the show.  Now,  it’s usually a “what if” kind of thing where I get inspired by a possible event and explore how that would play out, i.e.  “What if this character had a one night stand resulting in an unplanned pregnancy?”  What would happen?  How would he handle the consequences of this?  How would it change his life?
What's the story behind your pen name?
It’s literally my own name.  I SOOOO wish I’d used a pen name.  But I was naive and fandom was so new to me that it never occurred to me that a pen name would be better.  I always told myself that my real name sounded like something made up, like a TV newscaster name, and I hoped people assumed it was a pen name.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
My husband and my kids were the only ones who knew about it for many years. Then I went to a fandom/fic gathering for three days and had to explain to a few other family members and my work mates why I was going to Chicago on my own. It’s still mostly a need to know thing and they don’t really need to know.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I’m on AO3 as msk.  And everything I wrote for XF is on Gossamer.
(Posted by Lilydale on February 2, 2021)
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This is the second time making this post because i am angry as fuck because for some reason when I added the names it didn't save so I'm doing this shit again 
Hey! I had a stupendus idea, the past few days I've gathered a bunch of mitten squad quotes and captain sauce quotes
Soooo, I'll put wich book of mario characters would say each quote and we'll see what happens
Yes I know 99% of the mitten squad quotes is gonna be bolivia and carbon
Also, some quotes reference characters and locations, so I'll put an [ ] with what I think the book of mario counterpart would be
Lewis:"I have successfully turned an ordinary kitchen utensil into the most valuable fork in the known universe, no one man should have this kind of power, but I am not mortal man, as a sexualy identity as a big rock being thrown into the ocean"
Princess of peaches, talking about 1 TEC-20"The robot wasn't able to pick the lock and I lacked the fire power to blow the bitch open" 
Marc:"I left a broom there too so my bucket wouldn't be lonely"
Carbon:"Calm down vegetarians I am talking about animals in video games, animals in real life matter way less"
Barney one:"Killing it isn't the hard part, the hard part is getting away from the explosion of the goddamm Nagasaki bomb strapped up its ass that was rigged to explode once it died"
Bolivia:"Todd Howard [barbie], even in death you find a way to fuck me"
Bolivia:"We came back to the little shit with the ant problem and killed most of the ants, I left one alive for the boy, either he becomes a man or that ant will have a very good day" 
Goomb:"Me brain fixed gud no hurt no more"
Marc:"Picked up trash for the make a wish kid"
Bolivia, talking about maria:"Because she hits like a bull with down syndrome and has the personality of a piece of plywood"
Belize:"You might be wondering, who is the boy and who is the girl? I won't give it away but I will say this, the knife is a whore"
Maria:"I had armor, i had supplies, i had pockets full of room temperature tomatos"
Bolivia:"For some reason I thought that stupid the horse v2 could fly, bad decision on my part"
Carbon:"For some reason this shrapnel character had 200 BB's, what a weirdo, who caries around 200 BB's?, anyway, I talked to daddy and brought my 300 BB's and headed off to clear off the Jefferson memorial"
Goverman::"Get a juice box and strap on your helmet, because we're going to hell"
Carbon:"I punched a puppy to death"
Marc:"My iq is similar to that of a 14 year old block of cheese"
Lewis:"Theres an oxygen exhaust pipe, the second best tipe of pipe to suck on to keep yourself alive, for those who need hand holding, that was not a drug reference, this is a family friendly channel, it was a suicide joke"
Bolivia:"I got an amazing slow motion shot of dogmeat getting fucked to death by a nuclear warhead"
Maria:"My only option was to become a vampire, wich sucked"
Bolivia:"But just as when like how every virtual dog goes to hell when it dies, what the fuck does that even mean?"
Carbon:"I took advantage of a unconscious military officer and beat him to death"
Barney one:"Nothing else says more victory than overdosing on drugs after a war"
Prof. Ceasar reality:"And decided to go to the much bigger and much more research facility x-13 research facility facility center, WHAT? I think I had a stroke"
Bolivia:"Used more than 3% of my frag mines to blow up a dog"
Carbon:"The last few coursers ran for their non existence lives and I went after them because I'm not letting anyone get away, one got away"
Maria:"I got a warning saying that nuka world is intended for those level 30 or above, Mathematics show us that me being lv11 is close enough to lv30"
Carbon:"Killed a pain-maker and got a glimpse into the big G in the sky who manifested himself as a fire axe floating in the air, this voodoo shit has no place in zion so I chopped of the pain-maker's legs and arms so If there is an afterlife he will be a cripple in hell for all eternity"
Goverman:"Its head turned into jelly, I threw its egg down into the nightmare bellow, and then I jumped after it"
Carbon:"A herd of big hornets paid the ultimate price for being alive"
Goverman:"Used his gun to turn off a woman"
Maria:"Me being the player can't open the door, theres a know you have to twist it its a whole process"
Goverman explained why maria survived the fall:"One of them belonged to God and refused to die"
Goombell, talking about hoko saba:"The dragon I pretended to not exist a few minutes ago is one of my mom's friend's kids so I had to play with him even tho he's weird"
Belize:"There was no hamster's luck in a garbage disposal chance that I would follow this giant fuck all the way to the cit ruins"
Lewis:"Along the way i saved a shopping cart from drowning and returned it to its family"
Prof. Ceasar reality:"Its about 24 million cheez its away from New vegas"
Bolivia:"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to bedworld"
Carbon:"With enough notches in my pistol to spell psychopath in braille"
Gooverman:"I spie with my little eye a ville whore who deserves to die, I cleaved her back in half with my stick and what I saw was glorious"
Maria?:"Its kinda like playing the floor is lava, but you can't see the lava and instead of burning to death you turn into a vegetable"
IDK"I hid from Ringo by hiding in ringo"
Bolivia:"The plate worked as well I thought it would, wich means it didn't work"
Bolivia:"There was a 3 for 1 discount on dead raiders if you use the promo code granade at checkout"
Belize:"The only explanation is that has a 5th appendage wich he pulls out on special occasions, wich probably isn't the case, we all know elmo doesn't pull out"
Goomb:"You don't need those things, Jesus got trough his life without any guns"
Goombape:"When i played it as a children"
Barbie:"Its like how you don't know if your life has any meaning until you die and see your score"
Belize:"This was the most stealth oriented part of the game by a metric mile"
Bolivia:"I stripped him naked, talked with Elliot [lewis] whose face bothered me for some reason,Talked with the samurai[maria], talked with red dead redemption [barney one]"
Carbon:"Some idiot spilled red paint on the clouds"
Bolivia:"Before traveling with the wizard, I spent some time pestering earnie with the prospect of friendship, by walking back and forth in front of him, making him think i wanted to talk to him just for me to keep on walking,I was voted the quietest guy I high-school and I know how loud earnie is screaming inside his head right now, it's kinda fun to be in this side of it :) ,also this isn't related to the video in any way, I just wanted to make it known that i have a sealed copy of elmos letter adventure for Nintendo 64 and you don't"
Maria:"I knew I could use that as a lighthouse of sorts in order to cast myself further into the ocean until i drowned in my own disappointment"
Goombell:"Vulpes[carbon] was adopted, his mother is both infertile and imaginary"
Belize:"Being alone is mental, you can be surrounded by friends family laughs and love on Christmas morning and still be alone in your head"
Bolivia:"I acted in self defense by committing various war crimes"
Carbon:"My throwing spears were broken and wouldn't fly,stupid fucking game" 
Bolivia:"That wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the truth"
Maria:"If there's anything Shaun b knows to do is die"
Boombell:"The number of bear traps I activated for sexual reasons turned my angles into a fine powder"
Goverman:"Where the grass is green and the air is even greener"
IDK"I consulted a doctor who flucked out of medical school and followed his advice by killing myself"
Belize:"Being a futuristic[X-nauti], nazi dominated world version of polly poc,etc it has its own set of drawbacks"
Marc:"They're mass effect 3 of fallout 3's 5th dlc, I've never played mass effect"
Lewis:"Who loves their father like how their brother loves his mother's sister"
Carbon:"Like most existential crises it went away after I killed somebody"
Carbon:"If you're wraped in chains and dropped into an empty bathtub to drown, a snorklew won't save you"
Goombape:""A wise man once said "hi! Jeanie may's here"  and he's right, there has to be a better way""
Browser:"After it took 3 grown man to kidnap a baby with a gun"
goldbob:"The lever action gun riffle can kill a mutant in a single shot if you land a shot that can kill it in one hit"
Maria:"Its 2020, Noone wants to use their hands anymore"
Bolivia:"Before journeying into more death, some jackass hit me with a granade and killed me, not the explosion, the granade bouncing off my soon to be corpse is was what made me dead"
Belize:"Some Neanderthals gave me their bullets to hold in a pretty rude way >:("
Princess of peaches:"Im not worried about offending blind people, it's not like they'll be watching this"
Carbon:"30 seconds is longer than you'd think, ask anyone whose been on fire"
Lewis:"I was as useful as a comatose toddler with a nerf gun at pearl harbor"
Goomb:"I also poused the challenge to satisfy the curiosity of mine regarding the birds in the sky that Don real because birds aren't exist"
Marc:"Any doctor worth their weight in styrofoam cups can fix a leg with their feet"
Bolivia:"I had me a silenced weapon, but I didn't account for today being his birthday, this changes everything, so I shaped for hollow point"
Carbon:"Maybe if Steve earlin had a gun instead of a snorklew he'd still be alive today"
Marc:"It took me 30 minutes and 3 phone calls to get my food because I'm too much of a pussy to go outside at 10 o'clock at night while drunk in a Christmas sweater after news year to steal my own food of one my neighbors doorstep"
Maria:"We've got rogue, tank dampse, and squidword"
Lewis;"And they're no joke, but I am, I am the big joke and my body is the punchline"
Bolivia:"I got mentally Nagasaki'd by this guy at the stables"
IDK"And went outside where Victor is unhappy with me, after killing Victor, Victor came out of the lucky 38 to avenge victor" 
Bolivia:" i shot a kid, i sent that little bitch to the moon"
Sushiya,  testing her products:"The door was of its axis, a plate was misbehaving on the chair, a cattle was dancing on the table like the whore she is"
Carbon:"And went shopping for dead bodies, they weren't in stock,  but i know a guy who knows a guy who could help me out, both of those guys are me"
Bolivia:"Now vault yosh is I your head too, and he won't be going anywhere"
Maria's son:"As much of a monster that I look like, I think it's gonna work"
Sushiya:"But you know what they say, imagination is what happens when annoyance meets drug use"
Carbon:"If they're stupid enough to be in my way they might as well be my enemy"
Goverman:"But the slippery bastard was too clever, he walked around it, I didn't even know that such a maneuver was even possible"
IDK"Homeland security at this point has yet to be impregnated by a sentient barrel of oil"
Bolivia:" if I drunkenly put a giant hole on my sink with a goddam coffee cup imagine what I could do with a gun"
Belize:"Got ambushed in the freezer while searching for chicken nuggets"
Goverman:"But the fucken bullet Williams come flying out of fucking nowhere"
Maria:"The next second you're in a universe where everything that exists is the sick bastard child of a drunken fuckfest between a pin screen and a light brush"
Bolivia:"Ask the cashier if they have a granade, if they say no, say nothing for a few seconds, put a big smile, put your hands on theirs and quietly ask, would you like one?"
Sean hampton:"Can't do anything until I have my arms around a fat man"
Barbie:"The premise of this run is that I have no arms and I must dab"
Maria's son:"I told you before that I was a genetic disaster"
Bolivia:"And in that cabin, theres some west Virginian mountain folk who are so deep in incest that one of them somehow managed to be his own father"
Bolivia:"Can you hear that? It's…. It's an air conditioner! And it's so fucking anoying, aw no I hurt it's feelings :( "
Goverman:"He could probably put the end of his musket inside his mouth, pull the trigger and still miss"
Barney one:"The big beaver ended his life in stile, he even made a summersault into the afterlife"
Goverman:"Im a good Christian boy,  I'll save my ammo for my suicide"
Carbon:"I am not Cinderella, I'm a parasite"
IDK"I played with a doggy too, it used the flesh on my arm as a chew toy, and I booked his nose with a nuclear newspaper to show that that kind of thing isn't allowed in the mitten squad household"
Sean hampton:"The crusable is a magical weapon like divorce papers, capable of tearing everything it comes across in half"
Barbie:"The curse of grandma sparkle managed to reach me all the way in hell"
Barney one:"If you are gonna get a cat, you might get a gun aswell"
Belize:"Corn on the Joe sat back not helping his brother's"
Carbon:"I bought 24 regular bullets,28 hollow points, and 60 that need to wear a helmet"
Bolivia:"After the squad died I had to content with the leftovers, the scraps, statically speaking the majority of what remained"
Lewis:"What I need to face is like a toddler with a learning disability, that would be fair"
Carbon:"I took both left eyes of this dead guy "
Carbon:"It took longer to pull out the Esther than it took of kill the general"
Sushiya, while high:"Deeper inside shit got weird, i killed a giant skeleton right? Nothing weird about that, but then his body just kinda danced in place really slowly, I tought speeding up time would fix it, that was a massive fucking mistake, and changing time back to normal was an even bigger mistake, he'll be hunting me until I die, but until then he'll still be dancing"
Carbon:"They're old, how hard can it be to turn them into blueberry jam and ram them into the grass"
Belize:"I guess if you do electrocute a tank enough it would just explode"
Boliviz:"Id have a better chance of finding a snowball down here than winning a coin toss"
Marc:"How does my Christmas lights break to a stiff breeze but these ones are practically terminators"
Barney one:"I never tought id see the day where I would have to hire a sniper to assassinate a troublesome light bulb but here we are "
Lewis:"I get the feeling if you try to milk a minotaur then you're gonna be its wife"
Sushiya:"In the history of mankind do you think we've ever seen a snake fight an octopus?"
Goverman:"Lets see if you can wobble your way trough the grim reaper" [the grim being carbon]
Goldbob:"Its a steaming pile of something ill tell you that much"
Goverman:"He died? How! Did he have an allergic reaction to the sun?"
Goomb:"Michelangelo is Swiss cheese and where good to go"
Bolivia:"It really looks like I'm taking a sharpened stick to a bazooka fight"
Princess of peaches, talking about 1TEC-20:"Im playing pictionary with a blind robot"
maria:"Theres on the nose dialogue and then there's punch you in the nose dialogue"
Bolivia,  talking about barney one:"This lady looks like her father was half refrigerator"
IDK"Im supposed to sabotage the mail missile assembly line but it looks like someone got here before me"
Belize?:"And the ghosts of previously murdered pianos???"
Maria:"Im getting outsmarted by puppets"
Bolivia:"After careful deliberation with my associate we've come to the conclusion that the local government must have Removed all quarters from circulation,  the laundromat went under and before you know it the entire society fell into nudism and then anarchy "
Carbon?:"This is like the hunger games of sesame street"
IDK"Im a weird shotgun santa"
Garlic?:"Oh damm! CTHULO IS THICC"
Krump:"What kind of interdimensional time traveling toilet is this?"
Carbon:"Wheater it be cultural appropriation or demonic abomination,  i don't realy care im just gonna try to hit it with a pee bucket" 
Goombell:"This isn't a bridge its just the worlds weakest motorcycle trebuchet "
Bolivia:"Oh hellow mr berry"
Carbon:"Giant alien space worm 2020, make America worm poop again"
Bolivia:"When did snuffy[barney one] decide to judas me and join the hobbits?[origamis]"
Lewis:"Theres a surprisingly high amount of chickens in this map and a dramatic lack of eggs"
Bolivia:"Im pretty sure we've sent the first claim to the moon"
Maria:"And yet I'm forced to defend myself from stuff like bloodthirsty scp's using nothing but uncooked t-bone stake, I mean technically its doable but it doesn't make It any less ridiculous"
Barbie:"What's the point of a metal detector if literally everyone here has somekind of cybernetic, like I swear to God If I walk trough here aND you guys start pounding the shit out of me just because I got a couple of extra inches of robo-dong IM GONNA BE PISSED"
Bolivia:"Everyone's wearing slick black suits meanwhile I look like somebody skinned a couch from the 70s"
Sushiya:"Is this bacon flavored weed or weed flavored bacon?"
Sean hampton:"Do you think that Darth Vader ever had to deal with a rebel or a henchmen who was into getting chocked? Like starts force checking them and they tell him to go harder?"
Koopley:"I was stabbed to death by a naked man with a spear and my arm is perpetually running"
Koop kotu:"So I'm crazy enough to be locked behind bars but not crazy enough to think I can fly*
Bolivia:"Usually spooders have 8 arms not 8 abs"
Carbon:"I just bludgeoned Jesus to death with a stick of meat, I'm guessing he's gonna be back in a couple of days he's gonna be looking for me so we'll start running now"
Carbon:"Im done with words, shooty goody time"
Maria?:"Id have a better time cutting down bushes then these strange little robo hobits"
Belize:"Dad this is not the time to be dancing with crabs!"
Maria:"Thats my little brother, who has a fully posable deny devito action figure,I've always been jealous of that one"
Bolivia:"The turns are tabbleling"
Maria, talking about barbie:"She's not exactly the brightest tool at the picnic"
Belize:"Are you kidding me mom? Realy?, you were the one that said you're sick of seeing donkey kongs donkey dong"
Maria:"I have no idea what was in that Wonster energy drink that made him go master roshe style"
Bolivia:"I want to file a complaint against Stacy [belize] for T-posing to assert Dominance over me"
Marc:"Believe it or not dangling a padlock the size of a shoebox from a doorknob does as much work as I want to"
Caesar reality:"You can never have too many rotten floor bananas"
Carbon:"Poisoning your boss is probably not the best way to skip work, but ya boy gotta do what he has to do"
Goverman:"I'll take nicknames of my penis for 300$ alex"
Starvinden?:"I guess we'll just leave you in your special sarcophagus mr tutan-deez-nuts"[browser]
Lewis:"I've been skipping work for 2 weeks now and I'm starting to think that my computer isn't even plugged in"
Bolivia, talking to maria:"Your suit smells like a wet fart and your mouth smells like a ashtray"
Bolivia:"If anyone needs me I'll be on the insane asylum,  why am I caressing a mannequin on top of a boat?"
Carbon:"Would you like to hang yourself or be crucified? Dealers choice!"
Bolivia talking about carbon:"He's doing something ingenious probably diabolical……..or he's dressed as a panda"
Marc:"We should really pay for security around here not only are people breaking in there is also a giant spine breaking chickens"
Maria to Bolivia:"You are very angry at that stake"
Sushiya, after using its products:"I wonder why was I twerking at the office statue"
goombell:"I guess we're gonna leave the cookie monster dildo in the locker"
Sean hampton, to Maria:"My love for you is like diarrhea, sometimes I just can't hold it in"
Bolivia:"You're watching me In a Google video platform playing a game from a Google gaming platform that was translated using Google translate, if this isn't a dystopian future I don't know what is"
Bolivia?:"I couldn't have predicted the run after her like a velociraptor made out of pool noodles"
Lewis:"Jumping Jack neighbor help me!"
Bolivia:"Bread! There's no bread,there's your bread! That's a cookie God dammit"
Belize:"So I can be invited to the worlds saddest birthday party"
Maria:"I guess we're playing ring around the Rosie till I lose his dumb ass"
Carbon:"If you see jehovah's witness you tell them to eat shit"
Bolivia::"For my shopping list I need to find a floppy disk with a s, but for the distraction I could use a floppy dick with sunglasses and a tie"
Carbon:"I really hoped that your little bird bath had a couple inches of water so I could steal a tiny toaster to throw it in with you"
Belize::"Its pretty safe to say Mr voice bad Benjamin good, but we just saw Benjamin talk with the grim reaper and pull around a cart wich is about the size of a child's body"
Goombell:"She may have a crush on the interdimensional death fox"
Maria:"Its like the herpes of craft supplies"
Barney one:"Everyone wants to split checks for keano Reaves, even if they're a 10ft dragon made out of logos and seizures what is going on right now?"
Sushiya, high, again:"When I dilapidated the banana and poked the mayo's brain then had an indept conversation with the strawberry cocoon did bread get arrested? I didn't see the police come by, that would make sense because the alcoholic cat ran away"
Goombell:"I think I graduated for the university of food torture"
Well, this is all, took some time but it's here, hope you enjoyed
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My thoughts on Dr. Stone’s S02E03 (“Call from the Dead”)
My thoughts after watching Season Two, Episode Three:
01. Taiju and Yuzuriha have different types of shoes – that’s a nice detail 😊
02. Leave it to Yuzuriha the arts and crafts club member to notice a detail like the dirt around the grave being different!
03. Day after day… I wasn’t expecting them to visit the grave THAT often. I like that they used the same phrase (“mainichi mainichi”) as last time – in Season One, Senku used it to describe Kohaku’s dedication to her sister, and now in Season Two, Nikki used it to describe Taiju and Yuzuriha’s dedication to their friend 😊
04. I liked Kohaku and Ginro’s excitement at hearing Taiju’s voice. This is the first time they’ve heard an outsider who they knew right away wasn’t an enemy! (Well, second time for Kohaku, since Senku saved her the day they met.)
05. The next time I’m on the phone with somebody, I’m going to imagine the same huge arc of electricity that Kaseki did 😁
06. Senku was so emotional – eyes shining with tears, smiling as he listened to Taiju – and then it all went away because he had to remind his friend that HE was Senku 😆
07. Just like how Gen is the stand in for the audience (modern timers, but generally clueless compared to Senku), Kokuyou and Ruri are the stand-ins for how incredible the phone must seem to Ishigami Village 😁 Come to think of it, Kokuyou’s had that role since last season – he’s far away enough from the main cast that he doesn’t know all of their adventures (and that distance makes him like the “normal” villagers), but close enough that he gets to share his thoughts and theories. It was through his eyes that we saw the big impacts that bottling and furnaces had on Ishigami Village 😊
08. I know it was short, but I like how Senku greeted Yuzuriha separately. They haven’t had that much screentime together since the anime began, but I like how Senku and Yuzuriha have their own friendship, instead of Taiju being their go-between or something like that.
09. “He’s been screaming all day.” All day? Have they been there longer than just the few minutes we’ve seen?
10. Kohaku noticed the defensive reason for why they had to speed things up! 😊 And I liked her observation about Senku and Taiju 😊
11. It’s could be easy to just write Taiju off as a loud blockhead, but it’s scenes like his allowing Tsukasa to hit him in Season One and his question about bloodshed in Season Two that really show you the kind of admirable, pacifistic guy he is 😊
12. “Gen will be back tomorrow or so.” Okay, so we have an estimate of how far the two kingdoms/empires are from each other. I’m glad they mentioned this!
13. Magma and Chrome’s loud conversation really shows how much anime can improve upon manga. When you’re just reading, you do know characters are talking and being loud, but when you’re watching anime, it drives home the fact that they’re being SO LOUD and that they need to SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! Poor Gen… 😆
14. Thank you for finally saying Ukyo’s name, Gen 😆 Anime only folks get important information, and manga readers can sigh in relief that another character’s name has been revealed 😁
15. I’m with Magma. Chrome’s so selfish, worrying about his own life like that! 😡 Not like Magma, who’s strong and noble and self-sacrificing and only thinks of others and their safety 😁
16. You have to feel sorry for Gen… he’s trying to get the two of them to just SHUT UP 😆
17. I doubt Magma was seriously thinking that Chrome would go along with that plan, so he must have been joking… and the fact that we have Magma JOKING around with main characters after being the main antagonist in the middle part of Season One… they’re really pals now, aren’t they? 😲😊
18. Chrome’s battery has 15V… how much is that compared to an AAA battery for a remote control? I'll look it up later 😁
19. I’m a modern era person and it would have never occurred to me to use a wire to connect two ends of a battery and throw it into the grass to start a fire. Either Senku told him that battery stuff fairly recently and it was stuck Chrome’s mind because he was in charge of the heating team, or he’s just that much of a genius that nobody explained that to him but he intuited it anyway… or I’m just that stupid 😆
20. It’s expected that Chrome would sacrifice himself, but Magma… very impressive character development 😁 (I mean, I’m a manga reader, so I knew this was going to happen, but still 😁)
21. Gen’s eyes are blue? I never noticed until this episode.
22. Poor Gen… first, in Season One, he had to run like the wind from the shed of science to the Cave of Miracles while he was SEVERELY injured, and he had to do it as fast as possible to help Senku stay safe, and he was the only one who could do it… and now, he has to run like the wind while dealing with the knowledge and guilt that two of his comrades sacrificed himself for him, and he has to do it as fast as possible to be able to start his extremely important deception mission, and he’s the only one who can do it.
23. Gen really needs to get Kaseki to build him some kind of cable car system or a limousine so that he can travel in style between the two kingdoms/empires instead of exhausting himself all the time running back and forth 😲 Or at least a bicycle!
24. Since it’ll take Gen at least one day, possibly longer, to reach the shed of science, that means that Taiju and Yuzuriha must have talked to Nikki one or more days after they spoke with Senku. Anime helps with some things (like sound), but it can sure confuse people about the passage of time…
25. Copper swirly! 😊 I like Kaseki’s name for it better than Senku’s name for it 😆
26. Kohaku’s eyes! She’s SO fascinated by how the copper swirly is being used 😁
27. Nikki’s SO hostile 😲 I get that she’s a guard and everything, but she doesn’t really have a reason to be this hostile to Taiju and Yuzuriha, does she? It’s weird O.o Unless maybe she wanted to do something else (hunting/training/etc.) but she was forced to be their guard specifically because she’s a woman and can stick to Taiju AND Yuzuriha like glue? (Like Brienne from Game of Thrones.)
28. Why are her eyebrows a darker shade than her hair? This is sort of like Kokuyou’s weird hair colors, but to a lesser extent.
29. The punches are… she’s really hostile. Maybe it’s just to emphasize how much she changes later on and the episode, but it’s still so weird.
30. Didn’t Senku “die” on a cliff, out in the open? Kohaku was able to see him from (presumably) far away, and all that stuff with the gunpowder and the huge rock… am I remembering it wrong? Was it NOT a cliff after all? Because the rocks around this grave make it look like some kind of natural, concealed fortress!
31. Senku’s Sebastian voice sounds so silly 😆
32. I wish they had done Lilian’s voice differently. Gen’s fake Lilian doesn’t sound like a native English speaker while speaking English. Maybe they’re counting on the people they’re talking to not knowing the difference between foreign language accents… but still, this could have been done better. Maybe the studio just didn’t want to hire a new person to speak just a few lines. Or maybe they did this on purpose so that Nikki could notice something was off with her voice?
33. Yuzuriha being quick on the uptake again! 😁
34. This has to be the most stressful, rushed, and mathematical estimating of CD sales and body measurements ever 😆
35. The video game music was used in such a fun, light way last season (choosing the third mining team member) that hearing it in this scene for this situation sounds so weird 😲
36. That crouching backwards, pointing straight ahead Lilian pose seemed really out of place when the music is this really soft, gentle song 😲
37. I wonder if the stadium they showed us is based on a real stadium in Japan?
38. “Lilian doesn’t exist in this world anymore. Am I right?” Oh, Nikki… 😭
39. Senku’s eyes were shining when he replied to Nikki… I wonder if talking about Lilian reminded him of Byakuya… somebody who was in space with Lilian and also doesn’t exist in this world anymore… 😭
40. I love how Senku doesn’t lose anything or inconvenience himself at ALL by making that promise, since he’s going to protect the glass recording anyway because of Byakuya 😆
41. Okay, after Nikki committed to the plan (welcome, Nikki!), they zoomed out and the grave is seriously surrounded by all those vertical rocks. There is NO WAY this grave is in the same place Senku and Tsukasa last talked. No WAY.
42. I was SO surprised when the episode ended there 😲 That was NOT what I was expecting. This episode felt so short!
43. I still love this ending theme! 😁
44. About the ending theme (“Koe” / “Voice” by Hatena), songs mean a lot more to me when I understand what the lyrics mean, so I went to YouTube hoping to find an English cover or English subtitles or something. I found this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scv09Dtby-8) by a YouTube channel called AniComet Music, and from 0:12 to 0:34, the lyrics are, “I keep struggling and suffering, but still / I’ll gain strength from the feelings I’ve had for you / It’s a story that will never change / Even though I knew I’d never be a match for him.”
45. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel the song is from Senku’s point-of-view, and both the second and fourth lines could be about Byakuya (especially the fourth line) – in a father/son context, of course – of how he gets strength and inspiration from Byakuya and how he feels his father will always be beyond him and more than him 😭
46. With that said, even though my interpretation is really meaningful to me, it doesn’t really make sense, since “you” and “him” are obviously different people, and when you read more of the lyrics, “you” can’t really be referring to Byakuya. Maybe my interpretation will change when I listen to the song more and read more translations, but this is the first English translation of the ending song that I’ve read, and it really speaks to me 😊
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danieyells · 3 years
Yo Danie, I wonder if you've got any ideas on this; in TAS, transients either get summoned to Tokyo because the app reaches out and makes pacts on people's behalfs with willing familiars, or they get summoned by having, like, a wish of some kind and they end up stumbling through a portal to Tokyo to see that wish fulfilled, right? And then they either get unsummoned, or stick around for whatever reason?
Here's the thing; when they get unsummoned, do they go home? The Red Oni in chapter 1 seems pretty convinced that he's going to die unless you make a Summoning pact with him, but Salomon says later that Shiro's familiar whose connection you cut will just end up going home. Further to that, Macan says about Oniwaka when he's vanishing into light that he's going back to his home world, and then when his strength recovers he'll pop right back in.
The thing is though, that there's a remark early on that Stray Transients, who are Transients without a Summoning bond by the game's definition if I'm remembering right, can only maintain themselves for a while by sustaining themselves on the land's energy. Even further, the actual Housamo wiki says that they'll be unsummoned from the game if they don't find a way to sustain themselves, usually by getting into a pact. Guilds I believe are also noted to be one way around this. Does that mean that if you just wait outside of a Pact, you'll go home? Or would you pop back in again after a bit, essentially trapped in Tokyo?
ALSO ALSO, Bathym says that, though this only applies to "his hella demonic self", demons need tons of emotional energy directed at them to survive, and a pact is the most efficient way to get energy.
But we don't see Sitri in a Guild or a Pact (unless you Pact him, but I'm pretty sure that's non-canon), and Sitri also has a family. They're all demons one would presume, so why does he not seem to need anything like Bathym does? We can derive from this that Bathym was either speaking about himself, and only himself, lying to try and get the Protagonist to make a pact with him, or that Sitri has a Pact he isn't chatting to anybody about, right?
HOWEVER. In chapter 4, we see that the Aoyama guild provides supplies for the enormous number of Stray Transients who have nothing and no prospects, but that those strays are unlikely to be guild members. Further to that, she mentions that the ninjas and many other strays are like, literally treated as the dregs of society. So, how come they're still around? Surely the Stray Transient population should be either dwindling all the time, or in constant flux? But I'm pretty sure there's a notable overpopulation issue in canon because of the sheer number of Transients! Not to mention, if they're treated like dirt and killed and traded, you'd think they'd just...WANT to leave, right? So they could just wait until their connection ran out.
AND ALSO, it's noted in the backstory that Transients started pouring through the gates one day in history, and that this generation has never lived in a Tokyo without walls, but the previous generation therefore presumably did; that means like, it's been at least 2 decades, possibly 3. How long could those Transients have stuck around without a pact going by the lore?
Lastly, the Protagonist has the power to rend Transients connections to Tokyo, canonically. How then, do those Transients come back if they've had their connection severed? And shouldn't the Protagonist offer to go to the slums and ask if anybody would like to go back to their homeworld if that were the case? Or will everyone literally just rebound to Tokyo completely?
Further to that, when people fulfil their wish, do they go home? When they've played their Role out completely, is that the end of their tenure in Tokyo?
Basically, I think the whole system is a little underexplained and I've seen you post thoughts here on stuff, so I was wondering as to what you'd make of it all! Am I missing something?
. . .holy shit anon this is an essay innit lol not that i'm complaining, I just was not expecting it when I saw the notification after I woke up. For the record I saw this at. . .7am or so. It is now 11:55 when I'm finishing it. HYPERFOCUS GO BRRRRRRRRR. OKAY LET'S SEE IF I'VE GOT SOME THOUGHTS FOR YOU.
DISCLAIMER: I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME FOR LITTLE OVER A MONTH AND I FEEL LIKE I HAVE FAR FROM ALL OF THE DETAILS. I haven't read three of the translated past events yet and I haven't read most of the untranslated content(including Chapter 11 although I'm super tempted you don't even know.) These are just my understandings of things, I suppose.
ALSO IDK HOW FAR YOU ARE IN THE STORY. . .I mean you mention them being sold so you're probably up to Chapter 10 at least since that's where we learn about Daikoku selling transients because it gets him off I guess, although they also could have mentioned it some other time and I just forgot lol BUT. YEAH PROBABLY GONNA MENTION SPOILERS.
Red Oni: summoned to Tokyo without a pact. When rended from the land would disappear, possibly die. Likely this is because of whatever conditions are happening where they came from or having had already been dead when summoned. Possibly also just a false belief because they didn't know well what was going on to begin with. Possibly also just part of the game plan originally but retconned by the devs then never rewritten.
D-Evils: Shiro's Rule is Ressurection which causes an exception when clashing with Rending. The world of the Old Ones is gone, the D-Evils are familiars created by/living in Shiro's book. Entities, abilities, and artifacts from Old Ones are able to be used outside of the app/battle zones, so D-Evils can exist if Shiro just summons them. D-Evils don't go away when rended because they're part of Old Ones and Old Ones is gone--if they go away they return to Shiro's artifact where they came from. They also donct go away because rending them causes an Exception.
Oniwaka; Zabaniyya; Ophion: rended from EXCEPTIONS not from the world. Were likely sent back in order to resolve the exception after being rended and to recover the energy that sustained their physical forms in the first place, not because they had no means of being sustained in Tokyo. Returned due to pacts with MC, positions in Guild, unfulfilled pact, etc once their energy to maintain physical form returned.
Stray Transients: likely have outstanding pacts and thus do not disappear over time. However, some don't and those proper strays will likely return home after an amount of time, but we don't know how long. Alp has been in Tokyo for a few months but isn't disappearing despite arriving because he wanted to be loved/popular. So unattached transients stay around longer than a few months. They may also be attached to the school they were initially meant to go to to be monitored, or someone who works there. They may not want to go home due to poor conditions, being dead, lacking a home or people to return to, etc. Remember, even in real life people immigrate to places that treat them poorly--but that's because even that and the potential in those places is likely better to them than whatever they're running away from. If the transient arrived in distress it's because they wanted to be away from wherever they started out or because they desperately needed something. This new opportunity may be what they need--to find someone they lost, to find an answer, to simply start life over fresh. Even if they're being abused, looked down on, they may simply be happy to be alive. If they want to go home, they hopefully just have to wait--but you have to live if you wanna get home, don't you? Best to survive as well as you can.
Stray Transient Population: constantly increasing to sustain/grow the Game for the World Representatives. The overpopulation is deliberate. They do not care about the wellbeing of these people, they only want to create a stadium to fight in, and for that they need more transients and app users than humans not using the app in Tokyo.
Sitri: Aside from forming a pact with him, Sitri's Sacred Artifact is his wings/are his feathers, which cause people to fall in love with someone who touched them after the feathers that had been touched are attached to a second party. Sitri feeds off of the love directed to him. This is troublesome for him more often than not, but I'm pretty sure that's how he gets the emotions he needs to eat if not via pact.
Being around from the start?: The gates appeared in 1999--it's been at least 20 years, assuming the game takes place anywhere near the present year. Off the top of my head we don't know if any stray transients have stuck around for extended periods. How long someone's been in Tokyo rarely comes up. We know Yule has been in Tokyo for a few years because he went to middle(elementary? Idr) school with Ryota. Sitri is similar with Kengo. As such, given Sitri and Yule aren't in guilds as far as we're aware, assuming being attached to a school doesn't make one connected to Tokyo, we can assume they're stray transients. This means that they'd been here for years, as strays. Given we know stray transients disappear eventually, it's safe to assume that there have been stray transients who disappeared and went home. Assuming it isn't different per individual, stray transients can stay in Tokyo for several months to several years, but to my awareness there's no set number.
Going Home: in order to go home a transient who's been summoned must fulfil their summoner/pacted humancs desire. Surtr, Azathoth, and Babalon all disappear after fulfilling Arc's desire for them to be their family, leaving behind their sacred artifacts which contain their memories until they disappeared. So, yes, fulfilling the desire entrusted to a transient/playing out their role will cause them to fulfil the conditions of their pact, causing them to disappear. However, we don't know what happens when they do. Thus far, those three haven't come back despite the reset occurring. Arc was able to summon their artifacts but otherwise could not reach them. Their artifacts were taken by Breke who was able to channel the memories within and allow Arc to communicate with Azathoth's memories.
(read the tl;dr anyway because I probably remembered things while Inwas writing it that I didn't remember to put in the 'full' version lol I WROTE MOST OF THE LONG ONE, WROTE OUT THE TL;DR, THEN FINISHED THE LONG ONE SO. PROBABLY WANNA READ BOTH.)
Transients arrive in Tokyo either by being summoned, by being summoned ACCIDENTALLY(someone wishes to have friends/meet someone new, etc), by being pulled in by the Rainbow Of Transient Light randomly(?) sucking them up when they're in distress/have a wish to fulfil, or some combination of those.
In Macan's character quest, MC and Macan learn that the one who technically summoned Macan was MC. The same thing happens in I think Xolotl's. They end up going to the collided past--or a collided memory?--and when past!Macan is in distress over being alone, MC approaches him and says they're there for him, however past!Macan can only hear them, not see them. He calms down and asks if they're searching for him and says he's going to find them--which causes him to disappear and be summoned to Tokyo in search of this person who wanted to be by his side. Macan realizes that's exactly what happened to him--he heard a voice saying that they were with him and, in his desire to no longer be alone, the transient light came along and took him.
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(it's written as 'Magan' in Japanese hence why it's written that way here--this was likely translated before his English name was given.) (Such a request, perhaps, means that he's with MC until he's dismissed by them specifically.)
Xolotl was running from being sacrificed to Tezcatlipoca and MC and future!Xolotl protected him. Seeing himself be weak and seeing himself be strong enough to try and protect MC and seeing MC who refused to leave him and hearing what they had to say, he desired the strength to live with the people he loves and for there to not be sacrifices again. He may not have gone to Tokyo if he hadn't realized that desire through meeting himself and MC. In fact, he may not have survived at all(though maybe Quetzalcoatl would've protected him if not collided MC and present!Xolotl.)
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SO. If you recall correctly, MC is implied to be a transient as well. There's also the possibility that they're not, and simply are some poor sob the Game shoved 23+ memories in at once, broke the memories of the host in the proccess, and thus we have MC coming to in a park confused about everything but their own name(of course if that were the case surely someone in Tokyo would recognize them beyond their being the trophy/exile from their home world, so it's not likely.) Lil Salomon says that as a summoned transient they can only go home if they find and fulfil the wishes of their summoner. However they neither know who or where their summoner is.
Transients can appear simply due to someone's desire for companionship. But they don't necessarily appear atop that person, hence not knowing their summoner. They just hear a voice, may not even hear exactly what's being said or asked for, and the light picks them up and drops them off with no further info or ceremony. So if someone is pulled into Tokyo this way they have a summoner even if they don't know it--even if the summoner themself doesn't know. So they won't just disappear over time unless that person unwills what willed them there or they die or something. Plus we don't know how long stray transients stick around if they have no pact/summoner--we just know that they disappear eventually. It's more than a few months, because Alp showed up a few months ago and hasn't disappeared yet.
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Several characters are attached to guilds which may keep them from being Strays. However some, to our awareness, have neither summoner/master nor guild. At most they may be attached to schools. Sitri, as you mentioned, is one of them, as is Yule--whom Shiro refers to as a stray transient he sees every year without being corrected(although the situation wasn't exactly a good time to clarify that lol.)
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Both of them have been in Tokyo for years without disappearing--and the app is a kind of but not super recent creation, so guilds likely didn't sustain them this whole time. Neither have disappeared. Of course someone may have summoned them or they may be part of guilds without it being stated or perhaps being in a school has the same effect as being in a guild. But we don't know that for sure, either.
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(Japanese middle school is from 12-15 years old. Kengo's a second year High School student now, so 16-17 years old. Sitri was a first year while Kengo was a third year, so there's two grades between them. Sitri's been in Tokyo at least 2 years. I believe he mentions seeing Lucifuge in a magazine in Ghenna so he hasn't been here his whole life either. So a few years, but not 15.)
Transients that disappear don't have pacts but transients that come back probably do/have formed pacts/attachments to the world. Remember, Oniwaka, Zabaniyya, and Ophion say to call on them if you need them. They're attached to the player now, perhaps having formed a pact incidentally, assuming the situation that brought them there in the first place isn't still in effect(or they're not still bound by, say, their guild.)
Also, much like in real life, sometimes whatever is home is worse than the horrific things you deal with wherever you immigrate to. Or perhaps you've formed attachments somewhere you've arrived and are willing to endure suffering for them. It's rarely as simple as "we're suffering, we wanna go back to where we came from." Especially since transients likely arrived due to distress or wanting to be anywhere else but home. Some of their worlds don't exist anymore(Old Ones) or are collapsing(Yggdrasil; El Dorado.) Some people have no one and nothing back home and this is a new start for them, even if the start is bad. Also they could be waiting until they go home automatically, but what're you gonna do while you wait? Probably live your life as best you can. If you're gojna be stuck somewherefor a few months you may as well make yourself at home.
So why doesn't MC go around rending people themself?
Well, for starters, they're made to be a high school student most of the day. Where would they find the time lol. Second they're a bit busy trying to save the world and all. . .and if some teenager wandered up to you and said they could get you home if you had an app battle with them, would you really believe that when you've been told your best bet is to either find your summoner or wait out your incidental connection to the world? Sounds like a kid trying to stir up trouble, and not all transients have the app anyway. I mean really would you expect the local homeless population to have smartphones? Probably not.
Furthermore. Spoiler alert
This system of the game, the gates, the transients, it's no accident. It's intentional. Tokyo is the setting for this inter-world competition to prove which world is strongest or something to that effect--and the winner gets MC, the host of the exiles and perhaps some kind of powerful system. Of course what they do with MC is up to them. The Warmongers want to keep the game going so they can fight the powerful MV over and over again forever. We don't know what the Invaders want yet afaik but based on the name I'd assume they want to use MC as a super soldier to conquer other worlds. And the Rule Makers want to use MC to support one of their own worlds as its System. /smacks MC on the back) this baby can hold SO MANY rules and roles! Hold up a whole damn world apparently!!
So think of it this way. . .they could go around rending everyone until the transient light returns them home or to the deaths they desire. . .but would the World Representatives really allow that? They'd just keep bringing in transients. They need to fill Tokyo with them--until transients and app users outnumber the humans naturally belonging to Tokyo--so they can have their little contest.
MC alone would never be able to pull off sending everyone home as long as the Game is running. The worlds would not allow their contest to be ruined.
As for who goes where and does what when unsummoned. The Red Oni hadn't been there long. And perhaps wasn't summoned in the first place, nor had anyone likely explained much to them for that arrival. Also if you felt yourself disappearing, felt your connection to this world just torn off and uprooted and fading away, even if you knew better you'd probably think you're dying. That'd be scary. You'd want to avoid it.
Of course it's also possible the oni was dead or dying to begin with and their connection being severed would send them back to death--like Shino, who'd died long ago in the Land of Wa and when he died in Tokyo he went back to being dead.
The D-Evils don't have anywhere to go back to besides Shiro's book. The world of the Old Ones is gone. As such "home" for them is back with Shiro--and remember, their rules clash anyway. Rending and Ressurection don't mix. MC couldn't rend the D-Evils from Shiro properly because it causes an Exception. At best rending them will send them back to the book until Shiro summons them again. Plus, entities from Old Ones can use their powers without the use of the app--including those with Old Ones artifacts. Shiro can summon the D-Evils at any time, even outside of an app battle--so to send them 'home' doesn't really send them anywhere but back to Shiro since they both have no home to return to and were summoned to exist in Tokyo.
Demons needing to recieve emotions seems to be more of a feeding thing than a transient connection one afair. Like Alp eating dreams--he'll die if he doesn't. It's like "I need to external feelings or I'll starve" not "I need external feelings or I go back to Ghenna." Sitri likely survived thanks to his feathers--his sacred artifact which cause people they attach to to fall in love with whoever touched them previously--causing a constant stream of love towards him as he needs it. As such he doesn't need to have a pact to live, he only needs to make people fall for him to absorb that feeling and then take his feathers back to stop eating.
The canon-ness of MC making pacts with everyone is perhaps debateable. However events, character quests, special quests, etc have characters refer to Mc as Master or Summoner. And the story can sometimes reference events and such(see: meeting characters in events before they're part of the main story, meeting them in the main story, and being able to go "didn't I meet you in [season/holiday]?" And they go "yeah, we did! It's nice to see you again!" So technically events and the like are as canon as you make them. Also having a pact doesn't mean that person can't be your enemy or can't hurt you or is fully at your command, which means that it doesn't necessarily not make sense that characters can be in pacts with/summoned by the player while still being against them. MC likely has the ability to form pacts easily/unconsciously.
This is likely(and this part is speculation!) because of MC's role as the Wanderer--as the host of the Exiles of the many worlds, they're a system in and of themself(or they'e able to be one.) As such attachments to them are like individuals having 'faith' in them, the way Systems sustain worlds. Especially those who had some relationship with or attachment to an Exile they host. This may also cause a pseudo pact with people they meet and get attached to(and are attached to them in turn, not necessarily in a positive way)--like people believing in a faith. The attachment to them, love for them, hate of them, fear of them, is a sort of belief that causes them to be able to stay in Tokyo longer because they are now unwittingly part of MC's system. After all MC is a transient and transients, as far as I recall/understand, don't summon other transients to Tokyo, they only summon artifacts because bringing a whole person and their memories requires a strong means to bind them. Transients' connections are already dependent on someone/something else--which is already taxing as a pregnancy--and that'd be hard for them unless they were born into Tokyo.
In cases like Oniwaka and Zabaniyya and Ophion, they likely needed to disappear temporarily in order to resolve the Exception on top of regaining energy to sustain physical forms in another world. Think of it like closing a program on your computer. If the program clashed with another and an exception occurs you close the one of lesser importance. You can then maybe open it again once things have cooled down with your proccesser and it can handle them at the same time--thus, they come back to Tokyo even after being dismissed by fixing the exception.
So they pop back in because they're still bound to Tokyo. MC only rended them from the exception, not from the world itself. But transients who truly have no connection will go back and stay until summoned again. . . .
(Now that I think about it when someone fulfils the reason they were summoned to Tokyo they disappear and seem to disappear for good. We don't know if they die or what. They've been eliminated from the game. This happens with Surtr, Babalon, and Azathoth. After they successfully, properly became like Arc's family and that desire was considered fulfilled the pact was complete and they disappeared, leaving behind their artifacts.
Red Oni may have been summoned to be a tutorial for the player. But also a tutorial for the player character. Red Oni thus would go away completely after fulfilling that desire of whoever summoned them, thus giving them their fear they'd die because they'd served their purpose.
I just happened to remember/consider that lol ANYWAY.)
Basically it's a bit underexplained I agree.
But that's because you, as the player, as the MC, aren't supposed to know everything that's going on. You're supposed to learn as you go while also being denied information by the Powers That Be. You don't have your memories, you don't know what's going on here until you see/experience/hear about it. It's part of the immersive understanding/storytelling proccess. The characters don't tell you how things work because they only barely understand it themselves--and then when they learn 'this isn't just a game, this isn't just coincidence, there's something greater happening here' everything they know gets thrown into question. The people who do understand it aren't going to tell you much because they don't want you to ruin their game. You're just the final boss and the trophy to be won--and possibly the system upon which the game resides, resetting every time you die so you can struggle to be won someday.
You "can't win."
So you don't need to know how it works.
That doesn't stop you or anyone else from trying to find out, though, nor does it stop you from trying to change it.
. . .I hope that helped a bit! 8'D I don't think you missed much, really. You're right in that it's underexplained but That's Storytelling, Baby!
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jackoshadows · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Jon-Bran-Tyrion & their relationship in TWoW & ADoS?
I have read that in GRRM original-idea [?] Jon was to rival Tyrion [because of their love over Arya] as well as Bran for the sake of Northern Power [& Arya apparently too, but not in the same sense??]
[No idea what Bran & Tyrion's relationship was suppose to/could look like, don't think GRRM has mention smth]
That being said, I can get behind Tyrion vs Jon, alright. But Jon vs Bran? How is that suppose to look like/work?
Even if we ignore that they think of each other fondly & miss each other, and that I don't see a reason why this would change all of a sudden... Or that Jon will likely gain the support of the North in TWoW, since he rather fit the "perfect image of an Lord", since he is a able-bodied, traditional [swords-] man, grown & proven as Leader/Lord Commander, has the same education as Robb did, is the eldest Son of Eddard, etc....
[Although I guess Lords like Manderly could prefer Rickon, so they can grap power as his custodian/regents? And the whole being-dead-but-not-anymore-&-what-about-the-oaths thing could be a little tricky & stuff😅] while Bran will likely remain longer behind the Wall, won't be able to rally allies & bannermen [Althouse I have read the speculation of Bran, The Blizzard and The Battle of Ice, my main concern is again the pacing:where Bran's plot seems on overdrive, while Jon's & all those around & in Winterfell are on hold in order for Bran to come back. It's the same problem for me with all those "speculations" about Dany & arriving way to early in Westeros] ...
But the thing that makes it so unbelievable for me is: the fricking age gap?! Put aside their feelings for each other, who is more likely to gain poltical support & all of that, Bran will be like 11 & Jon 18-19? Like... a rivalry between a elementary school student & a high school graduate? 😂🙊
I think for certain that there will be some kind of conflict between Jon and Tyrion. Them shaking hands on the Wall and calling each other friends is foreshadowing a friends to enemies arc, IMO.
As for Jon and Bran, it's hard to see this happening, but I am not ruling out the possibility - meaning that I won't be surprised if it happens. As you mentioned, a Jon/Bran rivalry/bitter estrangement was one of the major parts of the story in the original outline.
By the end of A Game of Thrones,------------------------------------- ---------------------------------g--------------- onto the iron throne with a bit----------------premature death, Bran sits free.--Yet his seat is hardly a comfortable one. In the North, Jon Snow is his bitter enemy. Beyond the narrow sea, Daenerys Stormborn prepares her invasion and on the far side of the Wall, the others are watching with cold dead eyes and gathering their strength.
Can this still happen? I think so. I have always said that GRRM likes his themes of dysfunctional families, conflict among family members and the human heart in conflict with itself and again, I don't see why the Starks should be the exception.
But I think it is a mistake to generalize about “the Westerlings,”  just as it would be to generalize about “the Lannisters.” Members of the same family have very different characters, desires, and ways of   looking at the world… and there are secrets within families as well.
GRRM SSM, May 01, 2001
The reason Sansa even exists as a character in the first place is because he wanted family conflict among the Starks.
Arya was one of the first characters created. Sansa came about as a total opposite b/c too many of the Stark family members were getting along and families aren’t like that.
Why would Jon and Bran have a rivalry? That I cannot speculate on, yet. We still have a lot of story to cover. But in the next book, my speculation is that both Jon and Bran would have changed a lot.
Bran is the current Lord of Winterfell/Heir to the North/Robb's Heir and King in the North. Robb's decree legitimizing Jon Stark could be a possible issue between them.
GRRM has said that death and resurrection changes a person and Jon is going to be spending time in a wolf. A resurrected Jon Snow coming back more wolfish and more hungry. Remember this?
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger … he could feel it. It was food he needed, prey, a red deer that stank of fear or a great elk proud and defiant. He needed to kill and fill his belly with fresh meat and hot dark blood. His mouth began to water with the thought. - Jon, ASoS
GRRM ties in his desire for Winterfell to a deep hunger that then connects to Ghost - his hunger for Winterfell intermingling with Ghost's hunger...
Remember the kings in the North of yore, like Ice Eyes. I doubt Jon Stark is going to hold back much. He's going to be doing some really messed up stuff.
Meanwhile, Bran's heavily involved in the magical stuff beyond the wall. Has connections to Bloodraven, the Children of the forest, can influence timelines (Hodor), unearth past truths and will be one of the most powerful greenseers. Blood sacrifice and human sacrifice is a big part of the dark magic of the north. Maybe they fight over how to defeat the Others? I think Bran's connection to the children of the forest is how they win again this time around - and his relationship with Jon suffers because of that?
Bran ends up King on the Iron Throne and Jon Snow ends up in the lands beyond the wall - just the opposite of what we would expect for these two characters considering where they are now and what we know of them (R+L=J) etc. How does this happen?
Anyways, according to GRRM, TWoW is a very dark book and if there is a Jon-Bran rivalry, we may see the seeds of it being planted in this book.
There are a lot of dark chapters right now in the book that I’m writing,” he said during a Q&A at the Guadalajara International Book Fair, according to Entertainment Weekly. “It is called The Winds of Winter, and I’ve been telling you for 20 years that winter was coming. Winter is the time when things die, and cold and ice and darkness fill the world, so this is not going to be the happy feel-good that people may be hoping for. Some of the characters [are] in very dark places.”
This is why I find all the Dark!Dany stuff slightly hilarious. Is Dany going to do things that go against the Geneva conventions (lol) in the next book? Yeah, I think so. She is going to come back from her sojourn at Vaes Dothrak and be like I have had it with these effing slavers and go all Aegon the Conqueror on them (About time I say, she should have done it a while ago). But I am pretty damn sure most of our characters are going to become darker in the next book. Tyrion is already on a downward spiral, Jon will surely go on a rampage against the Boltons, Bran most probably eating Jojen paste over there and learning dark magic, getting taught by Bloodraven, Sansa participating in the slow poisoning of her little cousin in the Vale and have you read Arya's Mercy chapter? That stuff is dark.
As for the rest, I think we should ignore the age gap like GRRM is planning on doing ( GRRM sees his young people as adults anyway - "Arya has the experiences of a 40 year old, If a 12 year old has to conquer the world then so be it" etc.) and I do think he will include some time gaps in the next two books allowing for travel etc. I am pretty sure Arya will end the books at 14.
Bran, Dany and Arya's plots have to be in overdrive in the next book out of necessity. Bran has to advance a lot in his plot, be used to build up the Others as a big threat, give us more info about the Children, Bloodraven, what is actually happening, Hodor etc. - there's just so much stuff here that GRRM has to write. Same with Dany. Dany has to wind up in Meereen, land in Westeros and start her campaign. Same with Arya. I think that's why they will get the most chapters, and time in the next book.
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sleepingpatterns · 4 years
“Should I use InDesign to lay out my books?” - A Passionate Guide
Ok, if you are like me, you recently stumbled upon @armoredsuperheavy​‘s brilliant blog about bookbinding and fanfiction, and now you are excited to throw yourself head-first into bookbinding.
This also means that you are about to invest a fair amount of time into figuring out how exactly to lay out books. What you end up getting comfortable with will most likely be what you end up using long term, so it is worthwhile giving it some thought. The question really comes down to this: who's name will you be cursing for the foreseeable future? Adobe? Or Microsoft?
Full disclosure: I only started using InDesign because I was forced to. I worked as an editor at a newspaper, and that was what we used. The beginning was hell. I won’t sugar coat it, it sucks. In the end it was worth it. Once you figure it out, InDesign’s potential far outstrips Microsoft Word (in my opinion).
That encouragement means very little when you open this treacherous program for the first time and see THIS:
Tumblr media
“What?! I will literally give you $100 if you guess what all the buttons on the left are for. How the fuck do I make the margins disappear!?”
So, if using InDesign means figuring out what at least one third of the tools on the left are for, lets talk pros and cons.
Let’s get the cons out of the way.
It is expensive. Adobe is not fucking around. This puppy costs 20 bucks a month (Canadian) to RENT. If this is out of your price range, do you still have options? Yes. Do they range in legality? Also yes. I think I could potentially get in trouble for telling you to find your friendly neighborhood torrenting site and steal this software. I will say, outright, that no one should steal software ever. Got it? I would be very upset if someone were to message me for specifics. As you naturally wish to be law-abiding, there is also the quasi-legal option of repeating the 14-day free trial. My friend works at a professional print studio in Russia, and this is the tactic they use: every 14 days they uninstall all of the software from all of the computers, and reinstall it with a new trial. Every 14 days! At a professional operation! My friend hates working there.
It is not initially intuitive. I’ve covered this, but it bears repeating because it is a serious hurdle. Keep in mind, that with time, InDesign becomes more helpful than other software. Now when I use Word I find myself reaching for keyboard shortcuts automatically, and feeling bereft at the lack of my favorite tools. Nonetheless, expect a time commitment up front learning how to harness this glorious and confusing computer program.
It can run kinda slowly, depending on your computer. Up until two months ago, I had the world’s most precarious laptop. I bought it for $200 in 2015. It once took half an hour to restart. Inexplicably, when it got stressed, it would switch to Spanish. It was literally and figuratively falling apart. And yet, it ran InDesign. Granted, it worked slowly. If I asked it to process too many images at once it would panic (again with the Spanish), but for the most part, it worked. If you have a slow computer and are patient, then InDesign will probably work fine on your computer. If you are not willing to suffer, stick to Word.
You will also need Photoshop (sometimes). Part of what makes InDesign glorious is that it is professional software that is designed specifically to work with print and anything text-heavy. I love that about it. It even manages to do some handy things with images! But, inevitably, you will need to learn some Photoshop to punch up your graphics. I have, admittedly, only learned the bare minimum Photoshop in order to feed my InDesign addiction. It was a pain in the butt. For example, inexplicably, Adobe has not standardized keyboard shortcuts across the suite. As with InDesign, now that I’ve learned the tricks, I adore it. But you should go into this knowing that with Adobe, the fun never ends.
Printing signatures is the WORST. Adobe, please explain to me, in front of God and everyone, why the hell you would make this software specifically for laying out books etc. and not include a method of printing signatures?! I’m livid. This is absolutely where Word wins the day. It is almost worth using Word just to print the signatures so nicely and easily. I’m not kidding. Me—a person who has used InDesign professionally—almost wanted to switch software entirely just because of this. Hands down, InDesign’s biggest goof. Despite this crime against bookbinders everywhere, you have options. You can export your design to a PDF and literally print each signature separately (I am fucking livid) or you can complain enough to your friends that they offer to buy you a lovely program called BookletCreator for your birthday. It costs $20 bucks USD and it was worth every penny. However, Adobe, FOR THE AMOUNT THAT YOU CHARGE FOR YOUR PROGRAM, I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE ANY ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE IN ORDER TO PRINT MY BOOK. Did I mention that I am livid?!
But InDesign must be worth something, right?! Otherwise why would I be writing a long post encouraging people to use it? Let’s talk pros:
The horsepower on this baby will blow your mind. Forget what I just said about printing signatures; imagine using software that was literally made for this. You wanna do a thing? InDesign has got you. Are you a perfectionist? This software was designed by people as pedantic and obsessive as yourself. It gets you. Dream it, google how to do it, and InDesign will deliver. This is really the main reason to use InDesign; it is the professional standard for a reason.
There are so SO many resources available to help you learn. Almost everything I’ve learned about InDesign I learned from Google or YouTube. Honestly, if you have a question, I promise that other people have already asked and answered it. The advantage is that because this software is specifically for laying out books, there is lots of information available specifically about how to do what you want to do. (This may also be true for Word, but I’ll be honest, I only used Word for a book layout once, so I can’t say for certain either way.)
Once you figure it out, InDesign will give you back hours of your life. Things like master page spreads, clipping paths, tint, the eyedropper tool, and the one-hundred-percent adjustable text are just... lifesavers. My experience with Word is limited, so my frustration using it was probably due to my own ineptitude, but honestly, when putting together my thesis, the tears I cried trying to get page numbers to format correctly were some of the most bitter text-related tears I have ever shed. I can take care of the whole operation in InDesign in a matter of minutes. Hours. Of. My. Life. Saved.
This is an actual marketable skill. Ok, bear with me here. I have used InDesign for every single job I have had since I worked at the newspaper. That includes working as a bookkeeper and a kindergarten teacher. Hell, I even made my resume to get those jobs in InDesign. There is no job that I forsee in my future that doesn’t include some form of text-based design. Even when my work has absolutely nothing to do with layout (see: kindergarten teacher) I still found some way to use it. My previous boss was actually so thrilled about my InDesign skills that she had me run a 101 seminar for the other employees. (Did any of them end up using it? I suspect not. Did they look at me strangely for being so enthusiastic about design software? Absolutely.) I’ve even managed to use InDesign to branch out from freelance editing to take on design projects as well. In short: if you learn how to use InDesign, put in on your resume. You will be surprised at how much mileage you get out of it.
With Adobe, the fun never ends. I know I joked about it before, but really, I love seeing what this program has in store for me next. For example, thanks to bookbinding, I discovered that InDesign will do a lot of things that I had previously assumed were the domain of Word, such as spell check. I literally stumbled onto a measuring tool today that I wish existed irl to help me glue my covers together. Part of the beauty of this software being so intricate is that there is always something new you can do. I love learning how to harness a new feature, and then watch my design improve over time. Using this program you really get the feeling that the sky is the limit. Look, just the fact that I’ve now resorted to saccharine platitudes about computer software tells you that InDesign is remarkable. Considering that this program has made me suffer so significantly, I have either seen the face of God, or I have Stockholm syndrome. Take your pick.
TL;DR, at long last:
How complicated would you like to go? Either way, for bookbinding you’ve got to learn to use software in a new way.
Do you just want to get your book laid out reliably with little fuss? Word is for you! Are you interested in delving into the details? Do you have the patience of a saint? Try InDesign!
Both work. Both are good. But you can pry InDesign from my cold dead hands because I adore it.
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uwu-boll · 3 years
Yesterday I consumed nearly 4 grams of mushrooms. Here is what that was like for me:
First, this isnt my first rodeo. I've consumed psychedelics a few times before; I wouldnt call myself necessarily experienced but I have an education background in psychopharmacology and I have a couple of trips under my belt already so I knew what to expect and how it was going to feel going into it. 2 months ago. my girlfriend and I purchased 7 grams of mushrooms to split for our anniversary weekend this past week. We purchased a hotel room - I wanted to avoid doing this at home due to a very stressful living situation - and situated our setting so as to be best prepared to go about our experience. This included water, music, videogames, some snacks, etc. The necessities.
Our day started following a night of several shared margaritas and burgers between us. We went swimming, had coffee and a light breakfast, went to therapy together, and then a healthy midday lunch. Following that, we gathered the supplies for the night and settled in at around 3pm. Starting then, I measured out the dosages for the both of us; 2.75g for her, 3.87g for me (the dosages were more or less arbitrary, but we had a ballpark of what kind of experience we were looking for). She ate hers straight up, while I prepared a 'lemon tek'; powdered shrooms soaked in lemon juice for some time. There is some science behind it, but the idea is to shorten the duration or the experience while making it more intense. This also helps with digestion to prevent nausea, although there will still be some present as your body tries to 'reject' the chemical.
My shrooms sat in lemon juice for 20 mins before I tossed them all in orange juice for me to take big gulps of. Disclaimer - I HATE the taste, smell, texture, EVERYTHING about mushrooms. This... isnt necessarily better, but it's the best way to consume them short of capsules, I've found.
3:25 PM: I start drinking my pulpy orange juice - mushroom cocktail. It tastes like sour orange juice, because of the lemon juice I added, but the thought of the mushrooms in there makes me gag before I even get the concoction in my mouth. I can already tell this is going to be an endeavour. I take one big swig, maybe a fifth of the bottle, and approximately a quarter of the dose. I wait about 5 mins before taking another swig
3:35: one more swig, followed by a dab, hoping that the weed will calm my tummy. It does, but not before I nearly puke coughing up a lung
3:45: I finish the cocktail. This whole time I'm watching my girlfriend - who is approximately 15 minutes ahead of me having already dosed - set up the Nintendo switch and design a character on Tony Hawks Pro Skater, the remastered edition. She finishes, we take a dab, and we start playing. We, for some reason, start with a VS game, first to 500,000 points. I dont know why we thought that was a good idea, but we did. From here on, times are approximate.
Approximately 3:50: We are mindlessly skating in complete silence, absolute fixated in this game. I'm pretty high from the dabs as it is, so I'm spacing out and having trouble coordinating.
Approximately 4:00: I'm focused entirely on how gross my stomach feels having drank the cocktail. My body feels heavy, and it's very difficult to coordinate in the game properly.
Approximately 4:15: We are probably 100,000 points into this game before we both realize how long it's going to take before anyone wins. Were both kinda over it, and clearly struggling with performing and we only know it's going to get worse. As the come up begins, I feel a profound sense of anxiety. Recognizing it as the comeup anxiety, I dismiss it, but it's quickly becoming pretty overwhelming. The lemon tek, in shortening and intensifying the experience, creates very powerful come ups. We stop playing THPS and switch to Super Mario 3D World, which makes me feel better
Approximately 4:30: We get through 2 levels before we stop playing for the night. We decide to cuddle and try to calm each other down. We put on Bo Burnham's 'Inside' to listen to while we come up, which was a great idea because we love him. Really got us talking about our pasts and the meanings behind each of his songs. My body is very heavy, but I feel at absolute peace within it - I'm not biting my nails compulsively or shaking my legs - despite the come up anxiety and the slight nausea. I feel attached to the bed, I didnt want to get up even if I had to. I am absolutely CHEESIN, smiling so hard my cheeks still hurt a day later.
Approximately 4:45: I am staring at the wall, looking at what appears to be a pattern overlaying the texture of the wall. I see the same pattern on the bathroom floor. I'm questioning as to whether or not it's really there. I quickly move to the ceiling - a popcorn ceiling - where I am blown away; the lighting in the room makes the ceiling look both purple and green. My pareidolia is going crazy and I see constantly shifting patterns in the white noise that is the popcorn ceiling. The crazy thing is knowing that there is no pattern to the nonsense I am seeing, but making out patterns regardless. I stare at this for awhile. The ceiling is flowing like water.
The exact order of events henceforth are kind of a blur. We lay in bed for the rest of the night, but the topics of discussion vary from point to point, mostly us complimenting each other and praising each other. At some point, Inside ended, and we listened to Hamilton. However, I hardly remember both the end of Inside nor the entirety of Hamilton, and so it's likely that around d approximately 5 oclock, began the Great Existential Breakdown (TM)
At approximately 5 oclock, I was peaking. Emotions were running high, and, in response to being hungry, I had a breakdown because I hated the fact that I was born into a world dominated by cruelty, inhumanity, and the insatiable drive for profit. I hated that I lived in a world where something as simple as hunger was a problem, and that food - a human right - is commodified. I hated that consumption was obligatory, and that to feed the endless gluttony that is the human need to consume, we exploit both our fellow humans, and the planet. I hated that in that obligatory need to consume, weve facilitated this social climate in which it's okay to pollute our world and exploit the human labor condition so as long as its convenient to the consumer and profitable to the corporation. (Now that I think about it, this may have been spurned by Bo Burnhams 'That Funny Feeling', which I feel like is his most powerful song on the album. ) This quickly evolved into how being born, and forced into a world without your consent where conditions like this exist in the first place is inherently a violent act, and that having children is immoral until we create an environment where those conditions are obsolete. Then to how bullshit it is that I am forced to take care of a meatsuit for the whole of my life, but I have to pay to upkeep all of it as if i had some choice in the matter. This lead to me talking about how I wanted to be a transient observer of the universe, untethered to any physical point in space. Not quite dead, not quite alive - still able to see things happen, but not be able to participate. I then went on to say how I didnt think suicide was the answer to my problems because that doesnt necessarily get rid of the conditions that lead to my despair, but rather creates new problems for my loved ones. I knew that the key was to live in despite of the despair and to continue on in search of my own personal meaning.
This breakdown lasted approximately 3 hours and was very emotional for both of us. We spent a lot of time crying and talking about stuff weve never spoken about before. The comedown was very gentle and helped me feel very cathartic and relaxed. Over the course of the comedown I took several dabs, a few of which brought me back to 'The Wonky Space' (TM). However, this was short lived. My girlfriend sat in the tub naked from the waist down, which quickly turned into a bath, and from there, after my breakdown, we started to relax, watch some Shameless, went downstairs, got some snacks, some drinks, and went to bed.
Before I fell asleep, and once I knew the experience was 100% over, I took some time to reflect and felt very satisfied with what happened. It wasnt at all what I expected the night to be, but I felt like I needed to do that, and experience that kind of existential pain. I felt very relaxed once I got control of my body again, and that peace - the general sense of wellbeing, happiness, lack of anxiety, connectivity to my partner and my fellow man - has persisted well into the next day, and will likely continue for at least the next week. 10/10 would do again.
Would I say I had a bad trip? No. Was it a good one? N...no. but I had a great time, it was fun, and enlightening, and helped me realize where I feel like I am struggling mentally.
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