#thought there was a pillow behind me etc he guided me back to lay on his chest
zer0point5ive · 6 months
lawrence and adam post trap. or whatever you get it
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Hi!idk if your requests are still open but can you write about the demon brothers(obey me!) Getting comforted by MC after a nightmare?ofc if they aren't open you can ignore my request!thx in advance
Obey me! [Brothers]
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As always, he works quite late. Exhausted, he fell on the bed. Not even bothering to change his clothes to more comfortable clothes.
After a few hours, you came in to check up on him but seeing his tired state you decided to make him move into a more suitable position and put the blankets over him. You tried to walk out but almost stumbled when Lucifer grabbed your hand.
"No...no, no no...!" His grip getting tighter, it was starting to get painful too. You slightly shook him to wake him up.
"Luci?...Are you alright? You can talk to me if you want." Due to his exhausted state, he didn't have any energy to put up with his pride and slithered his hands to your waist. He didn't say anything, silently sobbing onto your chest as he didn't dare to let go.
"Shhhh....it's ok, everything is ok. Let it all out." Soothing him, stroking his hair. You stayed still for a while until he fell asleep.
The next day, you both were doing things as if it hadn't happened. Although now you have Lucifer knocking on your door to come in and lay in bed with you. Slowly sinking into your warmth as you comfort him.
"You are my pride and...I love you, darling/[name]"
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@moonartz123 (sorry if you didn't allow people to use it. I just found your art on Pinterest since I couldn't find any other 😅 if you are not comfortable I will take the picture down and use a different one.)
Although sometimes he does come to you with silly little nightmares like Goldie being taken away by Lucifer. But this one is different, he came up balling in tears. Just putting his head on your lap as you do homework. As he tells you his nightmare. You kissed his forehead to Soothe his panic as his breathing starts to get more stable.
You slept with him through the night. Later you have an avatar of greed clinging to you. Hugging behind you, putting his head on your shoulder, etc. He smiles at you when you didn't shoo him off.
"I think I already found a new treasure. It's you and only you [name]"
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Credit: obey me lol
You were on your phone doing etc. Suddenly you got a text message from Levi to come to him. You thought it was probably playing video games since it is pretty common for him to invite you at the strangest time.
You knocked on the door quietly to not wake up the others. He swings the door open and grabs you in his room. He doesn't let go so you just guide him to his bed. (Aka his bathtub) ....he ripped his pillows. (Not the ruri-chan one. The normal ones)
You did not feel comfortable sleeping with your head on a body pillow so you just decided today was the day you broke the neck for the sake of his comfort.
Later he got embarrassed and avoided you, not because of the nightmare. More like he was sleeping on top of you. Now he can't look you in the eyes for a few weeks.
"No way! Me, A yucky Otaku!....although I do wish to do it again with you so don't do it to others and only me [name]!"
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I'm pretty sure this one is from obey me too.
You only came to him when you heard a loud
It was Satan. Hah....I guess you'll pay since you didn't want Lucifer have extra paper work to get that fix-
"What's wrong Satan?" He looked up to you as he softens. He walked up to you and launched at you. You fell to the floor. It didn't really hurt though. You got up and carried/led him to your room where you got a cat who was injured but almost fully healed.
"Seriously Satan?" You mentally smacked your forehead "you want me to keep the cat you found that is injured because Luci has a high chance of finding it?"
"Yes. I am serious! Just...for me? Please??"
'....damn those cat eyes of his!-' (also the cats too)
*Back to present*
"Satan...you can't cling to me while holding onto the cat." His face shows in disbelief.
(More like pouting.)
Later you guys slept on the bed while the cat was in Satan's arms. The next day everyone gets even MORE TERRIFIED
As he walked around with a huge eating grin. I guess his day got better.
"Thank you for calming me down, my peace/[name]"
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Pin/post by Envi on asmodeus obey me art
You were getting ready to get the makeup that Asmodeus requested at midnight. You saw him tremble. You softly poked his face to wake him up.
He started tearing up, wrapping his arms around your neck/waist. You sighed and just rub in a circling motion on his back. His throat was too dry so you gave him a bottle of water as you get ready and turned on the bathtub.
(Also I forgot, you are helping him with his skin care routine and makeup)
He thanked you for taking care of him. Now the rest of the day he kisses you!
Although he purposely kissed you with lipstick, and the bad thing is that it's hard to wipe off! That sly fox.
Bold is reader/you
"What do I need to do to comfort you?"
"F—ck me with loving s*x"
"Why do you have a rope-
. . .
"I love you, my blossom/name" (you know in anime, sometimes people confess under a blossom tree)
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Credit: Origarnic on DeviantArt
He knocked at your door. Hiding his face in his pillow now is soaked with tears.
You let him in. You let him hug you as long as he wants. But you asked him to let go so you can make food for him since it usually makes him cheer up. Especially your signature food.
He followed you like a lost puppy, he always felt so full when he is around you. He loved your S/F
(Signature food)
It makes him so happy, feeling the love and warmth you put in the food. Oh how he loves you, he doesn't feel empty when he's around you.
"Thank you for the food my amazing, lovingly chef/[name]" :D
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You always sleep with him but this one time you couldn't sleep with him.
He was so used to sleeping with you, so now he's just laying there frustrated. (How could you leave him like this!) So he just gave in to sleeping pills that he secretly bought in case if you can't sleep.
(Now he's using it)
That was a bad choice. You have never seen him walking so fast down the hallway. He fell on you. You felt a few tears on your shoulder but didn't mind.
Everyone was looking at you. Belphie was sleeping on your back/being carried.
Damn. You are hella strong.
"I love you, my Dream catcher"
"I love you, my dreamily love/[name]"
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honeymelonpm · 2 years
Part 4:
Characters: Arthur Harrow x reader
Warnings: Age Regression Themes, Yandere, Kidnapping, Fighting, mention of blood, etc
Summary: It's a new day, you see a chance to escape and you took it, well, tried to.
Note: I'm not sure how I feel about this part. I love it but I also hate it.
Requested by @gorgeourrific-nerd
The door to your room creaked open slightly, a beam of light peaking through, illuminating the specks of dust that floated in the air.
"You're awake," He uttered.
Pushing the covers off with your fists, you shuffled into a seating position, before holding out your arms.
Stepping further into the room, the puffiness of your eyes became more noticeable. Most of the night was spent quietly crying into your Tawaret plush, before your eyes fell heavy and you drifted off.
An endearing smile graced his lips as he limped over to sit beside you.
"Awe," He whispered cupping your cheek, ignoring your gestures to remove the socks over your hands, "My little baby."
Eyebrows knitting together and lips pulling into a pout, you showed him your arms again, "Can you please help me take them off."
He tilted his chin up, staring down at you over the bridge of his nose, "Why?"
A confused expression twisted over your face, "They're starting to hurt."
"Hmmmm," He thought, brushing his fingers over his face, the scratch marks still a little red.
A pit of embarrassment formed in your stomach, slowly pulling your arms back into your lap, you stayed quiet.
"Did you sleep well?", He asked, gazing at you.
Biting down on your lower lip, you nodded your head, "Mmhmm."
"You're lying to me now?" He questioned, eyes filled with disappointment.
His knuckles swept underneath your eyes, "I can see the tear stains on your cheeks. Your eyes are swollen and little miss Tawaret over there is wet." He finished, pointing a single finger at the toy against your pillow.
"Now, I'll ask you again, did you sleep well?"
Thinking for a moment, you fixed your eyes on your lap, gently shaking your head.
Beginning to feel overwhelmed, your lower lip trembled, "I was upset."
He brushed a stray piece of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear, "Why were you upset Honey?"
"I was scared," You whispered, afraid to admit it.
"What were you scared of?"
You thought for a moment, your fingers fidgeting underneath the tight fabric around them, "Being punished."
"You only got into trouble because you did something bad, but you won't do anything bad again, so you don't need to be scared of being punished, right?"
When you didn't answer, he lowered his tone slightly, "Right?"
Slowly nodding your head in response, you peered up at him.
"Are you hungry?" His hair drifted across his face as his head tilted down.
Once you gave him a nod, he stood up and gestured for you to follow.
Reaching the top of the wooden staircase, you wrapped both arms around his for support, taking each step as slow as you could.
A gleam of gold stole your attention. A polished door handle replaced the janky lock that was attached to the worn front door the day before.
He guided you to the kitchen and sat you in the same chair as the day before.
You held an expectation that you would soon hear the boiling of water and stirring of a pot, however, the only noise that you could hear was a crisp 'pop' as Arthur twisted open a jar of plum jam.
Watching the steam from the toaster rise and travel against the mosaic tiles, you soon smelt the warm toast, before two slices leaped out.
A rhythmic clinking of a butter knife sounded around a glass jar, before it was replaced with the crisp crackle of the knife sweeping against the toast.
Carrying a small plate over to you, he sliced your piece in half, before slicing it in half again, four small corners of purplish coloured toast layed out in front of you.
You waited as he sat next to you, hoping he would unveil your hands, allowing you to eat.
He took a piece off your plate and held your chin in his palm, carrying the toast towards your mouth in the other.
A crunch was heard before you slowly turned your head to the side, attempting to rip off a mouthful.
"There you go," He muttered, watching you chew. "I'll go get you something to drink."
The chair skidded against the floor, sending a shiver up your spine.
He began to fiddle around with cupboards and glasses, as your eyes started to wander.
Observing your surroundings, you noticed the jar of jam he left between you on the table, more importantly, the knife he left in it.
Sparing a quick glance back at Arthur, you stretched your hand as much as you could, allowing you to clutch the knife in your palm.
Not caring about the jam residue that had smeared against your clothes, you held the tip of it in your palm, allowing the handle to rest between your wrist and stomach.
Returning from the kitchen counter, he sat back down beside you, the cotton cuffs of his sleeves tickling your chin as he guided the glass to your lips, "Here you go sweetheart."
He urged the cup against your mouth, causing you to steady it with your hands. The knife remained hidden under the table, the stickiness causing it to cling to your shirt.
He breathed a soft chuckle, watching as you struggled to guzzle the deep red liquid, your attempts at breathing becoming louder and louder.
A drop of juice trickled down the side of your mouth, resting atop your chin as you finished the glass.
Placing the cup in front of you, he wiped your mouth with his sleeve, "Was that good?"
Before you could respond, the weight of the knife on your lap disappeared, followed by a clatter ringing off the tiles, making you flinch.
Brows furrowed, he turned his attention underneath the table. Keeping one arm firmly against the table top, he lowered his head further and further underneath the table in search of the sudden noise.
Without a second thought, snatching the glass from Infront of you, you hurled it at the top of his head.
Not a single cry of agony left him as the glass shattered, shards raining down on him.
Scrambling out of your seat, you tried for the door, only to fall flat against the ground, his hand firmly gripped around your ankle from under the table.
Screams straining from your throat, you kicked back at him with your heel, shaking him off you.
Somehow, seeing him stalk towards you at an even pace was more horrifying than the idea of him chasing after you at a full sprint.
Reaching the front door, it was impossible to get a grip on the handle with socks over your fists.
Regardless, the door swung open towards you, making you stumble back towards the staircase.
A large, stout man towered over you from his place in the doorway, his expression fixed in a look of disgust.
"Leave this to me," Arthur followed you at a steady stride up the flight of stairs, his once grey head of hair was now dyed blood red at the roots.
"I wouldn't do this if I were you," His voice was still calm, unnerving you.
Reaching the entrance to your room, you threw yourself back against the door, expecting it to slam shut. Instead, the familiar yellowing head of his cane stared you down from its position in-between the gap in the door.
"You have one chance Honey, I would think about this very carefully." A subtle glow of amythest rippled through the eyes of the cane.
You didn't feel so confident anymore. Whether you moved away from the door or stayed against it, there was no escaping what he would do to you.
"I've been very forgiving." His voice resonated through the decaying walls.
Breaking out into a sob, you hoped he would let you be.
Confusion flooded you as you wept against the door, listening to his words.
A wave of anxiety crash landed on you as you understood his plan. Panic rising in your chest, your breathing turned to wheezing.
A streak of purple gleaming against your walls sent a strangled cry out of your body as you let gravity pull you down to the ground, immediately hugging your knees to your chest.
Face red and hot, you tucked your head under your arms, ignoring the trail of snot that had descended from your nose as a result of your cries.
The door gently pushed against your back, his almost silent strides moving towards your bed, returning to you with a clink of a heavy chain.
No words were spoken as he strapped the leather cuff around your ankle. The silence was agonizing.
When you heard the click of the padlock, you raced to your bed, burying yourself into the sheets.
He watched you from across the room. He watched the way you immediately reached out for your hippo plushie, burying your head into its neck, smothering it in tears and snot.
The way your mattress collapsed under your weight, as if you were trying to claw your way through it.
You seemed desperate. So desperate that you slipped a knife from the table, threw a glass at his head and clawed at him in an attempt to get away.
Innocent kids don't do that, at least, they don't get away with it.
He was on the correct path. He was keeping you feeling threatened and vulnerable, but perhaps it wasn't enough.
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nastybuckybarnes · 2 years
All the King’s Men  -  Eight
Pairing: Alpha!King!Bucky X Omega!Reader
Summary: Your father always said that if it weren’t for your presentation, he’d think you were an Alpha. There’s a reason for that. Growing up in a world where Omegas are treated like garbage, you’ve fought for the respect that you have. Until you’re sold off to an old King desperate for a bride. But you will not lay down and present for your new husband. No, you will fight back.
Warnings: Language, Angst, kinda dark themes, fluff, ABO Dynamics (Marking, Scenting, Knotting, etc.), Smut, 
Word Count: 2.2K
A/n: The way that I am fucking exhausted. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy, sorry it’s so late, I’m just... idk. Anyway, enjoy. I love you all very much. 
The journey to Veronia is longer than you remember, but with each passing moment, your inner Omega grows more and more restless.
So close to her alpha, yet so far away.
All you need is to see him. That should shut her up long enough for you to have a conversation about what you want, what you deserve.
“Your Majesty!” Steve exclaims when you enter the Palace, your brother and Pietro following close behind.
“Where is he?”
Steve doesn’t need you to say who you’re looking for.
“He is in his chambers, but I would advise against seeing him for the time being. He... isn’t well.”
You look at him for a long moment before walking past him.
The palace smells exactly how it did when you left, though there is one distinct smell that is missing.
“I will see him and I will do so now. Unless there is something he is trying to hide from me?”
Steve splutters for a moment before shaking his head vigorously.
“No! Of course not. I just, for your own safety, Your Majesty, I would advise against.”
You purse your lips and nod, walking the familiar route to the King’s chambers with the three Alpha’s trailing behind you.
“I thank you for your input. If it is truly an issue, then you all may remain outside if I am in danger.”
He huffs a sigh but otherwise says nothing more.
As you round the last corner before the king’s chambers, you’re struck with his scent hanging so thickly in the air that you may as well have walked into a wall.
“He’s in rut,” you murmur, your inner Omega guiding you closer slowly while the three Alphas grow uneasy.
There’s a loud snarl from inside the King’s chambers as he smells the approaching men, your scent shrouded by theirs.
“Your Majesty, he is going feral. I cannot, in good conscience, allow you anywhere near him,” Steve whispers, wincing when his King snarls again.
“You may stand outside if you are worried. He will not harm me.” You say the words firmly, though there’s a small twinge of doubt in the back of your mind.
The last time you thought he wouldn’t hurt you he proved you wrong.
Before anyone can speak another word, you push into the King’s chambers.
His scent wraps you in an embrace and clouds your thoughts, and your inner omega preens.
It’s a strange comfort, that missing piece finally found now that you’re near him.
He growls lowly, head digging into the pillows while he fists his cock.
“Alpha,” the word slips out before you can stop it and his head snaps up so quickly it’s a miracle his neck doesn’t break.
His eyes are flaming red as he stares at you and you take a hesitant step back.
“Omega,” he almost whimpers, tossing his head back and digging it into the pillows as he struggles to remain composed.
“You should not be here... I cannot control myself.”
His voice is strained and gravelly and has slick pooling between your thighs.
“Your Majesty, it is not safe for you to be near him when he is like this,” Pietro’s voice pierces through the atmosphere of the room with sharpness like that of a knife.
James growls loudly, his eyes burning with red flames straight from the fiery pits of Hell at the sight of another Alpha’s hands on you.
“He may not mean to, but Alphas are unpredictable when feral.”
Your husband snarls again, pushing himself into a seated position with his deadly gaze trained on Pietro.
You pull your dagger from its place on your hip and point it at the King, growling to match him.
“You will not make another threatening move. I do not care that you are in rut, if you so much as breathe aggressively toward us I will cut off your cock and shove it down your throat.”
His top lip curls into something that’s half frown half grimace, and slowly he lowers to the bed.
“Omega,” he moans, shaking his head and taking deep breaths of your scent, wishing his nose was pressed to your neck so he could bask in it even more.
Pietro is stunned at how the King listens to you but says nothing on the subject.
“He has been like this for days, Your Majesty. He refuses any... offered help,” Steve whispers, his eyes trained on his King in case a hostile move is made.
“He had a rut only weeks ago,” you reply, brows drawn together in confusion.
When James lets out another moan of pain, you take a slow step back.
“Perhaps we should continue this conversation elsewhere. I doubt my scent is helping matters.”
The other Alphas nod and follow you out of the King’s chambers and toward the library.
“The healer thinks it is because of the fresh bond you share. Though she does not know how long it will last without his mate,” Steve explains.
You nod slowly, thinking over his words.
“Has she said what may happen if he goes unaided through his rut?” Elden asks, narrowed eyes focused on Steve. As an Alpha, he knows the risks of enduring a rut alone.
Steve releases a heavy sigh and drops his head.
“She believes that if he endures alone, he will go completely feral to the point where, by law, he will be killed and his next of Kin will take the throne. That would be you, Your Majesty.”
You blink dumbly at the blond for a long while before shaking your head.
“Why has he not accepted the help of anyone? I’m sure Lady Sharon would be more than willing to help him,” you mutter bitterly, rubbing your biceps at the memory of her hands on you.
“We have not seen nor heard from Lady Sharon since your disappearance, Your Majesty. It seems she is hiding from the consequences of her actions. And as for the King... well... whenever it was suggested that we bring him a partner, he refused. He nearly attacked Natalia when she brought it up a second time.”
Why would he be so against a partner?
That is the only option if he wishes to remain a King. Hell, if he wishes to remain alive.
“I will go have words with him.”
As tempting as it is to take control over his Kingdom, there is no way you would not be usurped by the members of his council.
And you’re not ready to have your own Kingdom to rule, not yet.
You wanted the King to die so you could escape and return to your home, not so you could take all that is his.
If he dies, then all of his responsibilities fall onto your shoulders, and that is something you cannot handle right now.
“Are you sure you want to do that? It's dangerous and he’s especially strong,” Elden warns, a hand finding your shoulder gently.
You nod at him, your eyes softening at the worry clouding his eyes.
“He obeyed when I threatened him. If you wish to stand outside, you may. But I cannot have your scent in the room, it will only further aggravate him.”
He reluctantly nods, knowing he has no choice but to obey even if he doesn’t like it. This is, after all, your Kingdom.
You return to the King’s chambers and slowly make your way inside, your inner omega whining for her Alpha.
“Omega,” he whines, sweat glistening on his thick chest.
“You will die if you do not accept the help offered to you,” you say firmly, crossing your arms over your chest and standing at the end of the bed.
He only whines again, crawling to you and shaking his head.
“If it is not you, I do not want it.”
Your heart skips a beat at his confession, but you are not going to forgive him so easily.
“You would die, give up your throne and your Kingdom, for this?”
He nods without hesitation, trembling fingers reaching out and brushing across your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“You said being bonded to me is a fate worse than death itself. I now know how you feel. For being without you has brought me a pain that I would not wish upon my most hated enemies. If I cannot rule with you by my side, then I do not want to rule at all. Life is meaningless if you are not in it.”
You watch him for a long moment before letting out a slow breath and dropping your arms.
“The things you have done to me will not be forgotten,” you whisper, eyes focused on his.
He drops his head in shame and you can almost feel his inner Alpha howling in agony.
“But to sentence you to death is not a punishment fitting of your crime. I will not allow you to destroy yourself and leave your Kingdom Kingless. Not like this.”
Slowly, so very slowly, his eyes raise up to meet yours, a thousand questions swimming in them as they flicker between blue and red.
You hold his gaze for a long while, lifting your chin slightly and asserting your dominance over the situation.
He reluctantly drops his head again, submitting to you if only for the moment.
“Omega,” he whispers, his voice low and gravelly, a soft plea for you to do something, anything.
“I’m here, Alpha.”
You slowly untie your dress and drop it to the floor, stepping out of it and standing before him as bare as the day you were born.
His eyes devour your figure and a possessive growl rumbles lowly in his chest.
You crawl onto the bed slowly, only for him to grab you as soon as you’re near enough.
You find yourself beneath him in an instant, his nose buried in your neck while he ruts his hips against your thigh like a teenager, desperate for release.
One of your hands pushes at his chest and he whines softly, ceasing the sound when you roll over and push onto your hands and knees, arching your back and presenting for him.
“My Omega,” he murmurs, dragging his hot cock through your folds while dropping his head to your neck, desperate to scent you.
“Knot me, Alpha. I’m yours.” You don’t think about the words before you speak them, far too lost in the bliss of having your Alpha back.
He growls softly, the sound vibrating against your throat as he snaps his hips forward, sheathing himself inside you with ease.
The stretch of his cock against your walls has your mouth dropping open and your eyes rolling back.
It’s a type of fullness that you’re not sure you can live without. How you managed to go without it for so long is beyond you.
His lips travel the length of your neck, sucking and marking wherever he can reach.
Now that he has you beneath him, he’s never going to let you go.
For the briefest of moments, you allow yourself to forget about how he wronged you, how he hurt and humiliated you.
For the tiniest moment, you allow yourself to be his mate. To truly be his.
Beneath him, with his strong body caging you against the bed and his hot lips on your throat, you feel wanted.
You feel cared for.
You feel loved.
His thrusts become erratic quickly, his knot swelling as he pistons his hips impossibly faster.
“Up, Omega. I want to feel you.” He dips one hand down your body, tilting your pelvis back and allowing him to hit deeper inside of you while his fingers find your clit.
You whine softly, arching further into him as his knot catches inside of you, hot bursts of his cum painting your walls white.
His teeth find the familiar grooves in your neck and the intensity of it paired with his expert fingers on your clit have you falling headfirst into an Earth-shattering orgasm.
Your hands clench the bedsheets by your head, squeezing the fabric into your fists as your cunt spasms and your body hums with electricity.
You don’t notice his hands move until they’re on top of yours, smoothing out your fists gently and interlacing his fingers through yours over the back of your hand.
His chest heaves as he catches his breath, nuzzling his nose against your neck then slowly rolling the two of you onto your sides, your back pressed tightly against his chest.
You feel content.
Whole and happy after so long.
So you bask in it.
Though there are many mistakes that you have not forgotten, you allow yourself some peace, if only for now.
His voice breaks through the haze of sleep threatening to pull you under, soft and gentle, such a sharp contrast from what you’ve grown accustomed to.
“I made you a promise, sweet Omega. One I will not break. You are all I could ever want and all I will ever need.”
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
Small headcanons of how Aizawa, Toshinori, Hizashi, Fatgum, Gang Orca, and Hound Dog would be through your pregnancy.
I don’t write about giving birth (as I’m mildly terrified of doing so) so I didn’t add anything about that. Please don’t ask for me to. And even though I’m not interested in getting pregnant, I think I’d be okay with it if Kugo or Ryo were the father.
EDIT: I love picturing all of these men with little girls. It’s just so cute!
Warnings: uh, pregnancy
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Aizawa Shouta
Shouta isn’t one to jump for joy when you tell him. However, you will get to see his handsome smile when he grabs your waist, breathing out a light laugh of happiness as he tightly hugs you. His smile won’t disappear for a while. Every time he glances at you, one simply finds its way onto his face.
It may not be by a whole lot, but his behavior changes. Just a little. When you’re out and about, his hand finds its way to your back or elbow much more often, particularly in a crowd. It’s the paternal instincts kicking in. His favorite cuddling position, laying between your legs with his head on your stomach, becomes harder the farther along you are. He adjusts to laying behind you, keeping a hand on your tummy throughout the entire night.
Shouta hides his worries well. Even the people closest to him have a tough time telling what exactly is going on with him. Sometimes, it’s a good thing. He’s a stable person to lean on. But it’s difficult to deal with when you’re hormonal and emotional. He pushes himself so hard to speak more. There’s no way of him understanding everything you’re going through, but when he opens up, he can tell just how much you appreciate it during the tough times. So he does it near-daily, checking in with each other before bed.
He hates how busy his life is. Well, he’s always kind of hated it. Now it’s worse because his partner’s pregnant, and he’s stuck in a room with screaming children when he should be bringing you to your appointments. Shouta attempts to make up for the absence by heading home every night and helping around the house more. Step in. Explain how you value his help, but also need him to relax. If he gets overworked, that would only stress you more.
Shouta changes his eating habits and fitness routines. He wants you to eat well for yourself and your child. He wants you to keep exercising for yourself and your child. He simply wants your body to be healthy. Don’t grumble because he’ll throw your complaining back in your face when the Lamaze coach explains how important physical health is. But don’t worry, his cute smile makes up for the teasing.
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Yagi Toshinori
Toshinori is starstruck. Too many thoughts flood and fight. He loves children and has always wanted a family. Being able to father one with you is indescribable. And he never thought the universe would grant any of that. On the flip side, his fear is also undefinable. People know who he is now; who knows what’s out there, waiting to expose All Might’s weakness. The rapid thoughts may bring a tear or two. Cup his face and kiss them away, reassuring him that everything’s okay.
The fears follow him throughout your pregnancy. Like all things (with you and him), there are good days and bad days. His emotions ramp-up during your emotional and physically unwell days. He tries his best to push them down to focus on you. But they eventually end up spilling over. It’ll be common for both of you to cry at the end of the day, snuggled together, talking about the future, worries, and anticipations.
In general, Toshinori isn’t that protective. He trusts you and your abilities. Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you’re suddenly disabled. You can still do things. Although, he does become a bit of a helicopter. Whenever you bend over to pick up a bag, he beats you to it. He swoops the laundry basket from your hands, claiming, ‘You shouldn’t be lifting heavy things,’ despite it not even being ten pounds. He’s just very watchful of your movements.
He’s very active in dieting, doctor’s appointments, and planning. He eats well, so it’s easy for him to aid you in that respect. For doctors, he has quite a lot of contacts and knows many doctors from his time in the hospital. He asks around, only accepting the best for you. Planning, shopping, and setting up the nursery are his favorite parts. He loves choosing the sweetest colors, softest blankets, and, of course, all the adorable All Might onesies, toys, and superhero books he can find. The nursery is set up perfectly.
Toshinori doesn’t admit how incredibly your pregnant body enchants him. It isn’t always a horny, sexual need. It’s about admiring your body and what it’s creating. He just wonders at you. All the time. Sometimes the changes may make you feel insecure. He’s always there to listen and assure you how amazing your body is. If you want cuddles and kisses, he’ll give them with a smile. If you want gentle lovemaking, he guides you onto your back and gives you exactly what you want.
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Yamada Hizashi
Expect a loud song of love, a bear hug, and jumping for joy when you tell him. Hizashi loves kids. He thinks they’re amazing and say some of the greatest things. And he’s beyond excited to see their quirk. Of course, it doesn’t mean he’ll love them any less if they’re born quirkless. He just loves imagining a little one with a similar quirk running around your place.
He is all about redecorating and planning. The entire apartment is getting babyfied and rearranged. The nursery will be beautifully painted. He regularly comes home with cute outfits and stuffed animals. Partly, it’s because he’s just so excited. The other part is he wants you to relax through the pregnancy. No stress, pressure, and unnecessary burden on your shoulders. He’s there to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
Hizashi doesn’t just spoil your unborn child; he spoils you, buying you those pregnancy pillows, your favorite ice cream, driving you everywhere, etc… He just hates how much time his jobs take. He’d rather spend his time with you. To help, he’ll ask for time off of patrols, choosing to be closer with you, physically, mentally, and emotionally, during your pregnancy.
In the later months, Hizashi is all over you. Seriously, he will not leave you alone. He’s very handsy, kneading and licking your swollen, sore breasts, and stroking your belly. Your body, and everything it’s doing, is utterly gorgeous to him. He’ll suck away, gently nursing on your nipple while dozing off to Tv, occasionally switching to the other so it isn’t left needy.
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Toyomitsu Taishiro
When you tell Taishiro, you’ll only be able to get out a few words before you’re lifted off your feet and spun around. He smooches all over your face, laughing and cheering about how amazing and perfect and stunning you are. You’ll have to ask to be put down lest you get sick from all his spinning. But his compliments keep coming. They won’t dwindle for a while. There’s just too much love in his body to keep inside.
Whatever you’re craving, no matter if it’s pineapple dipped in ketchup, he gives without complaint. He may try some of your odd combinations. Who knows? You could be on to something new. At the same time, he also watches out for your health. The cravings suck. He understands that. He truly does. But if you ate something sweet/not as healthy for lunch, then he plans a healthy dinner for you. Your body’s going crazy. It needs its nutrients.
Your worries are always taken seriously. It could be the most absurd thing to be anxious over. Tai always listens. His cute smile and never-ending positivity help a ton. Your body and brain are going through a lot. He’ll do his part to validate all your feelings. He talks down the anxieties as you eat pickles on ice cream, making sure you are and feel heard.
Since he works one job compared to the others, he’s able to be with you much more, notably during the hard-to-handle days and at appointments. And he picks up extra chores so you can rest through aches and pains. Any choices you make regarding your pregnancy and birth, he supports. He may not agree with everything, but he loves you, and it’s your body. He’ll always put your comfort and wishes first.
Tai treasured your tummy before. But now, seeing you growing with his child, he’s absolutely enraptured. He places nightly and morning kisses on your belly. When he wakes you up, his kisses trail down to the bump. Every night, he rubs lotion into your tummy, kissing and cooing to his child. It doesn’t matter if you’re only one week pregnant, and it’s just a clump of cells in there. Tai still sings to them.
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Gang Orca
Kugo is in disbelief when you tell him. He freezes, staring, hardly hearing your words. Give him five minutes. He’ll process what you said and snap back to the present. Watch out because you’re going to get lifted high into the air and maybe tossed like a father does a baby. He’s just practicing. It’ll only take one or two days for him to slip into paternal mode. It’s damn near instinct for him.
As per usual, he’s a gentle paragon behind closed doors. Throughout your pregnancy, he melts into a puddle of sweet honey. His overall affection skyrockets. His hands and claws are as tender as possible whenever they touch you, doing whatever you need him to: massaging your back and legs, rubbing lotion all over, or brushing your hair. He reassures you through tears. He prepares healthy meals that satisfy your cravings. And he holds you all night, keeping you safe on his chest and in his arms.
Kugo goes to every single checkup and appointment. It doesn’t matter if it’s just an ordinary visit to your primary care doctor; he calls out of work and goes with you. At any ultrasounds, expect a few tears, especially when you hear the heartbeat for the first time. He holds them in until you’re alone. The second the door closes, his forehead is nudging yours as small, loved-filled tears fall. He never thought he’d get a family. Part of him thought he didn’t deserve a family, but you’ve proven that false repeatedly.
The farther along you are, the more he watches out for you. He checks in every morning to make sure you took your medicine and vitamins. He washes you so you don’t strain yourself. If you’re waddling, he offers his arm for support and helps you stand. If your back hurts, he applies a heating patch to your lower back and puts your shoes on for you. If you need it, he can carry you to the car and into where you’re going.
As does everyone, Kugo has doubts about his quirk and abilities. People have always viewed those with mutations differently. And it can affect their health, leading to numerous doctor visits and tests. He doesn’t want his baby to deal with the staring, whispers, self-doubts, and distress he did. To support him, talk in detail about his fears and help him realize he’s never disappointed you or hurt anyone. Kugo’s exactly how he should be.
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Hound Dog
Ryo doesn’t have a tail, but you’ll definitely see a little happy wiggly before he hugs you. The following week, he keeps you close as he acts differently: rubbing up against you to ensure you smell like him, touching your nose with his, lapping along your neck, sleeping incredibly close, and occasionally smelling between your legs, licking the air around there to smell better. It’s awkward, almost weird, since it isn’t average ‘human’ behavior. But if you love him, let him do it. Please. Understand his nose works differently. It reassures and comforts him to smell you, checking in to see if anything’s changed.
Ryo gets protective when you’re on your period: When you’re pregnant, it’s so, so incredibly worse. He hovers, grumbling low at those walking by. Others barely hear it. It’s intense enough for you to feel it when he’s behind you. He doesn’t like people running up to you, or startling you, or roughhousing or playing in any way. He’s lenient with children, less with teens. Women get a deep growl and scowl. God help any man that approaches you. You might have to have him wear his Hero outfit’s muzzle until you give birth. Though, that might not help because then he’d be protective of two people.
It’s only the teensiest amount better at home. He makes you rest, almost too much. After work or some time outside, he shuffles you to the couch so you can’t overwork yourself. He’s a pleasant change of pace from his typical gruff self. However, as great as he is at the physical needs, he still struggles with the emotional aspects. You can cry on his shoulder, complain, and talk about your worries all you need to. He’s just a bit clunky when it comes to reciprocating the soft emotions. But he puts all his heart into it, and it’s easy to tell.
Ryo is also one who loves pregnancy sexy. You’re swollen and sensitive, and he loves watching your breasts bounce, maybe even leak a little depending on how far along you are. And since you’re already pregnant, he releases and stays inside. After, he lays behind you, keeping himself deep in you despite being flaccid, just feeling how wet and aroused and full you are because of him. When the heated moment is finally done, he licks you clean, nearly getting drunk off your smell.
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Booty Shorts
Pairing: BNHA Boys x fem!reader
Warnings: Groping and lots of making out. No-no language in Bakugou's. Idk just general vulgarity, I guess.
Author's Note: 
I don't really know what I was thinking when I came up with this, but, uh, here it is. I made this.
Anyway, my idea behind this was something along the lines of an insecure and/or modest reader who normally dresses kinda conservatively around other people but one day she decides that she's comfortable and puts on some booty shorts and a tank top (spicy spicy) more or less for her boyfriend. That's literally it. They're all a bit different, though.
I am throwing my dignity out the window here, okie? It's all for you guys, so enjoy (ya horny fricks). 
Enjoy some more BNHA trash from me!
-Sugar (from prolly four months ago. This one is kind of old and I was debating whether or not I should post it, but I’m starting to get really tired of letting it sit in my drafts and I edited it so it wasn’t quite as atrocious as the original on Wattpad)
Jesus forgive me <( ‘-////-)>
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari
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● You made your way up to Katsuki's dorm, cautiously making sure no one saw you
● You were wearing shorts that left little to the imagination and a hoodie, which you planned to discard soon after reaching your destination
● You knocked on Bakugou's door, which he quickly answered
● At first, he didn't even notice anything different, until his eyes slipped down and fell upon your bare legs
● He sucked in a breath and pulled you into his room, quickly shutting his door
● He pressed your back against his chest, his hands moving from their grip on your hips down to stroke your exposed thighs, then back up to squeeze your butt
● You knew he had a slight fascination with it, since you were constantly catching him watching you while you were turned away from him
● You had finally decided to give him exactly what he wanted, and you could tell he wasn't complaining
● "Did anyone see you?" he whispered in your ear, a possessive tone creeping into his voice
● "No," you breathed
● "Good." He gave you a light slap, enjoying watching the resulting jiggle
● He started guiding you towards his bed, where he pushed you down onto his mattress
● "What made you decide to tease me like this today?" he asked, bending over you, his hands going back to caressing your legs
● You shrugged nonchalantly, ignoring the flush that had made itself present across your cheeks
● He smirked and met his lips to yours in a searing kiss, his tongue quickly entering your mouth
● You sucked on it, pulling him closer as his lips moved to press against yours
● You halted your makeout session to pull your hoodie over your head, revealing a spaghetti strap tank top and no bra
● Katsuki kinda lost it; it being too early in your relationship to have been very intimate, so it wasn't like he'd seen your skin so much before
● His hands don't know where to go, wanting to be everywhere at once, touching and feeling every inch of your skin beneath him
● He palms one of your breasts, causing you to whimper into the kiss he had given you
● He decides to take his shirt off too, repaying your gesture
● The sight of his toned body causes your breath to catch in your throat and he grins at your reaction to him as you reach up your hands to touch him
● You make out for a long time on his bed, hands brushing over anywhere they could reach
● After several minutes, it comes to an end, the two of you pausing to catch your breaths
● "Why did I come over here again?" you ask no one in particular, your voice still breathless as you lay against Katsuki's pillow
● "To see me, dumbass." He settles himself beside you, his eyes occasionally dropping back down to your rising and falling chest
● "Well, yeah, but weren't we going to do something?"
● "You checked out of that when you showed up to my door in those shorts."
● "Like what you see?" You smirk
● "Of course, you stupid nerd. What did you think?"
● You chuckle and ruffle his hair, making him scowl. "Come on, weren't we going to watch a movie or something?"
● "I don't know."
● "Well we can't exactly make out all night—"
● "Says who?" Katsuki's eyes take on a familiar dangerous gleam
● If there's one thing you'd learned from your relationship, it was to never challenge Bakugou
● He straddled you once more, bending down to kiss your nearly bare chest, then worked his way back up to your collarbone, nibbling at your neck
● "Tonight," he said, his face still pressed into your skin, "I don't want to do anything that doesn't involve you up against me. And I'm not taking my hands off you until tomorrow morning."
● You swallowed and nodded, allowing him to plant more kisses against your body, worshiping your skin below him
● After another long round of making out, he finally got up and turned off his lights, sliding back into bed with you
● "You stopped touching me."
● "Fuck off." He laid his head on your boobs, tangling his legs around yours. "Good night, Princess."
● You smiled. "Good night, baby."
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● You and Kirishima had just come back from a late-night walk and decided to go up to your room for the night
● Kirishima had left to go get ready for bed while you did the same; brushing your teeth, washing your face, etc
● When it came to putting on your pajamas, you looked over to your tank top and shorts
● You shrugged, deciding to go through with wearing them for the night, knowing you would be more than warm enough with Kirishima pressed against you
● When you came out of the bathroom, Kirishima had already let himself in, and was now waiting for you on the bed; his hair down, in gray sweatpants and a loose t-shirt
● He turned when he heard the door open. "Hey, babe. Are you ready for—Woah."
● He stops when he catches sight of your exposed body, a dopey grin lighting up his features as his eyes slowly rove over you, taking everything in
● You're still standing by the door, a little bit shy
● He gets up and strides over to you, running his hands from your shoulders all the way down your arms, finally taking your hands in his
● He leads you to your bed, turning off the overhead light on the way, leaving your room lit only by the warm glow of your bedside lamp
● He sits back down on the edge of your bed, pulling you onto his lap
● He presses a few sweet kisses against your lips, eventually moving down to your jawline and then onto your neck
● His hands feel up the outer sides of your thighs, exploring the uncovered skin until he reaches your butt, experimentally giving it a gentle squeeze
● He finally picks you up and turns, laying you down onto your bed so he can kiss your collarbone, trailing more kisses all the way down to the exposed tops of your breasts
● You inhale deeply at the sensation and he notices, nuzzling his nose into you like an affectionate puppy
● You finally shiver and let out a little whine. The shock of if made the two of you pause and giggle
● Eijirou sighs and settles his head on your chest, reveling in the feeling of your soft skin against his face
● "What's with the wardrobe change?" he mumbles against you
● You shrug, threading your fingers through his soft red hair. "Just felt like it."
● He chuckled, the sound traveling into his chest and ending as a bit of a growl. You shivered again at the sound, your body barely held still by the weight of Kirishima
● "I like it." He kisses you again
● "I feel comfortable around you now," you say. "I don't have to hide."
● Eijirou turns his head and opens his eyes to meet yours. "You're beautiful, (Y/N). You really are. You have nothing to be insecure about, especially around me."
● You smile softly, caressing his cheek with your fingers and pulling him back up to your face for a kiss
● He grins and pulls away from you. "I'm glad you are, though. Comfortable, that is." He reached up to flick off the lamp
● Now plunged in total darkness, he goes back to hugging you, pulling your chest flush against his while you let him rest his chin on the top of your head
● The warmth you share is heavenly; limbs comfortably wrapped around one another
● You cuddle each other asleep, the soothing rhythms of each others' bodies lulling you both into a state of tranquility
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● You slide on a pair of short shorts, frowning at yourself as you study the way they make your legs look
● Finally you give up on them, turning around and jutting out your hips to check your posterior
● At least they make my butt look nice
● You were trying on some clothes you had just gotten from your recent outing with the girls to the mall; glad to finally be alone in the solace of your room so you could look ever what you’d purchased.
● Your door suddenly flew open, catching you by surprise and making you jump
● "Hey, (Y/N), do you want to—woah."
● Denki had just barged into your room, totally catching you checking yourself out in the mirror
● He hastily shuts the door, making sure no one saw you
● You bite your lip, completely aware that you were only in a tank top and shorts
● "You look great," Kaminari says, coming up to wrap his arms around you from behind, his chin resting on your bare shoulder as he gazed at the two of you in the mirror
● Of course he'd fantasized about you in outfits like this before, but dang, you most certainly did not disappoint.
● "I don't know . . . ."
● The grin he had been sporting faltered. "What do you mean?"
● You squinted at your reflection as though it had done you a great personal wrong
● "Don't you think this is a little . . . much?"
● "No," he answers truthfully. "I like it." His hands start to move before he catches himself. "I'm allowed to touch you, right?"
● Your eyes widen at the idea, excitement flickering in the pit of your stomach at the thought of his hands on you. "Sure. It's fine."
● His grin returns in full force as he begins to slide his hands up your sides, wasting no time to seize your chest with both hands, feeling the weight of your breasts as he lightly bounced them in his palms
● After kneading and massaging them to his temporary content, he ran his hands back down your sides to cup your ass, moving himself back a step so he could see, giving you a light smack
● He hummed in satisfaction and spun you around, pulling you into him so your body could lay flush against his
● He guided your face to his own, pressing his lips against yours while his hands made their rounds again; rubbing your back, squeezing and caressing your butt, even trying to dip down enough to feel the smooth skin of your exposed thighs without breaking your connection
● He pulls back, his eyes shut as he whispers against your lips, "You really are beautiful, (Y/N). You should show it off a little more."
● You chuckle at his suggestion, his hands never ceasing their quest to memorize and explore every curve and angle of your body
● "Maybe not this much though, you have a point," he admitted, pausing to meet your eyes. "This is just for me, right?"
● You smirk and ruffle his hair. "It's for me too, ya dork. These are actually hella comfortable."
● Denki smirked, pressing a quick close-mouthed kiss to your lips. "Perfect," was all he said.
A/N: If you want more characters (Shinsou, Midoriya, and Amajiki), feel free to check out my Wattpad (linked on my navi post), but only at your own risk (>д<)
Taglist: @basicaegyo @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @sendhelpimstupid @xoxopam4​
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betelgeuse-1988 · 3 years
Feel free to ignore but I'd love to see a fic where adam has a photoshoot session with his girlfriend topless 👉👈
hello sweet anon!! :) i took a little liberty with the prompt, if that's okay. i had a similar idea a couple months ago and the basic skeleton of a fic so i developed it a bit more, changed it up, etc. i really hope you like it and it was at least similar to what you were looking for! this is basically just vanilla but if you squint i suppose dom!Adam? and a female reader since that was the request :)
click here to read on ao3 or read below the cut! <3
Adam loved photography. Next to caring for animals, photography was his biggest career interest and the thing that kept him alive, before and after his time in the bathroom. Not only has it helped with saving to go back to college, but it’s been the healthiest way for him to cope (though, you couldn’t deny seeing Adam smoke was attractive). With this being, essentially, the most important part of Adam’s life (he would say it’s you), you couldn’t help but get curious.
So, on the next good day Adam seemed to be having, you decided to ask him if he could show you the process. He was a little suspicious at first, immediately questioning why you wanted to know about photography. “I dunno,” you said after taking a bite of your dinner, “I just wanna see what my boyfriend is so passionate about.”
Adam nodded. You knew he was only suspicious because he really cared about his work. “Well, maybe I could have you develop some fun photos with me,” he said with a smirk.
You raised an eyebrow. “Fun?”
“Yeah, like maybe...we take some pictures in the bedroom?”
A smile grew on your face as you nodded. “Hmmm...what would we be doing in these photos? Sleeping?” You knew saying that would provoke a detailed, snarky comment from Adam and you reveled in the moment of silence as Adam leaned closer to you. His simple movement instinctively drew you in closer, too, so that you were almost nose-to-nose.
Adam ran his hand over yours and looked you in the eye. His voice dropped, low and quiet, “Maybe, but I think I would much prefer taking pictures of you cumming on my cock. Or, my cum all over your face or dripping down your thighs. Maybe even your pretty mouth wrapped around my cock.” He leaned in and gave you a peck on the lips before quickly pulling away. “But, it could just be pictures of you sleeping.”
God what a tease, you thought, sitting back in your seat. “Ah. Those all sound like fun options.” You grabbed his plate and yours, tossing them into the sink for later. Adam watched you closely, a dopey smile on his face. You walked back to where he was sitting and draped an arm around his shoulders. “So, how about we get started?”
Adam turned slightly to kiss you, moving his hand to cup your cheek. You moved your hand from his shoulder to tangle in his hair instead. You tugged on his short hair, to which Adam hummed pleasantly in response. Adam pulled away slightly, a smile still bright on his face, “Okay, okay. Let me go get my camera while you undress for me in the bedroom.” He gives you one last kiss before completely pulling away to grab his camera from the darkroom. You watch him walk away in admiration, rubbing your flushed cheeks. “Go to the bedroom!” He shouts, not even looking back, causing you to chuckle and walk to the bedroom.
While waiting for Adam, you stripped down to your underwear and hopped onto the bed. Adam came in a few minutes later, his camera in his hands. Standing in the doorway, he snapped the first shot of you sitting against the pillows. You smiled widely as he held up the camera. “You look cute,” he said. You blushed at the comment (and bit your tongue to prevent you from denying it). Adam then placed the camera on the edge of the bed and began taking off his shirt. You immediately snatched the camera and took a photo once his shirt was off.
You noticed, however, that he instinctively tried to cover the scar on his shoulder. He was starting to blush under your gaze, mumbling out an apology. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, Adam. You’re so pretty, and I wanna capture that.”
He smiled slightly and joined you on the bed, taking the camera out of your hands gently. Adam held the camera in one hand and held your cheek with the other. Kissing you gently, he moved you so that you were underneath him completely and shifted himself down to position himself between your legs. Adam then pulled down your panties and threw them on the side of the bed. Thrusting two fingers into your pussy, he took another picture. “You look so cute, surprised like that.” Putting the camera down, he focused on you. He leaned down to lick your clit as he fingered you. Thrusting in and out at a slow pace, he would curl his fingers slowly in order to hit your g-spot. He would occasionally move down to shove his tongue inside of you, along with his fingers. He pulled off of you as he added a third finger. “Think you can cum for me baby? Wanna see some pictures of you blissed out after cumming on my fingers. Can you do that for me?” Nodding, you moaned out his name. He latched back onto your clit and began fingering you faster. The feelings built and you became so overwhelmed that you shoved your hand into Adam’s hair. You attempted to keep his mouth as close as possible, latched onto your clit. In response to (accidentally) tugging roughly on his hair, he moaned softly on your clit, adding to the overwhelming build up of your orgasm. Your walls clenched down on his fingers as you came, closing your eyes and throwing your head back. Spasming against your boyfriend’s mouth, you tried to keep Adam as close as possible. After riding through your orgasm and letting go of Adam, you heard the snap of a camera as your chest rose and fell.
You opened your eyes to see Adam staring at you through the camera. “Can you take off your bra for me? You can stay laying down if you want.” Nodding, you sat up slightly and took off your bra. Laying back down, you could tell that your skin was slightly flushed, which was only increasing as you realized Adam was still looking at you. You kept your knees bent and threw an arm over your face as the embarrassment overcame you, to which your boyfriend snapped another photo before setting the camera down again. “Aw, sweetie, you look so cute. Trust me, these pictures will turn out great.” Adam looked at you and pulled at your arm to look you in the eyes.
“Sorry, that was just a little...overwhelming I guess.” Adam nodded in response and stroked your arm.
“We can stop, don’t worry about it, baby. I think we got more than enough shots to show you how this works.” “No! I mean, I just don’t want you to fuck me. Just wanna suck your cock,” you said, moving to pull down his boxers.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to, (Y/N).”
“Mhm, now kneel. I want some pictures for you of cum all over my face.” Adam chuckled at that, but complied. You pushed the waistband of his boxers down far enough to pull his cock out. You immediately began sucking on the head of his cock as he moaned lightly. His higher-pitched voice strangled out groans as you began to take his dick as deep as possible. Gagging lightly on it, Adam threw his head back. With one hand, you cupped his balls, and with the other you took the camera from his hands. Pulling off of him completely, you snapped a picture of him. Adam’s head was still thrown back in pleasure, but his eyes were open to snap down and look at where you disappeared to. You could tell the photo would turn out to be slightly blurred, as he began whipping his head down as you took the photo. Once he saw you were just taking a picture, he smiled at you. He leaned down to kiss your head before you put the camera down and placed your mouth on his cock again.
Adam strangled out your name as you deep-throated him again. He instinctively placed his hand on your head and began to lightly guide it up and down his shaft. “Keep going...so good, baby.” His grip on your hair tightened as you reached around to grab his ass. Circling a finger around his hole and slowly pushing it in, Adam thrusts deep into your mouth with a groan. “D-don’t...too much.” As he continued to thrust down your throat, the grip on your hair got tighter. You moved your hand to rest on his hip as he finished himself off. As he started to cum down your throat, he pulled out and finished on your face. His cum fell mostly around your mouth, some shooting up onto the bridge of your nose and some down onto your collarbone.
Shifting back so you’re sitting on your knees, you grab the camera with the arm you’d been leaning on and take a picture of yourself. You take yet another while licking some of the cum off your face. Adam watched you, smiling, knowing the two of you were blissed out of your mind. Once you were done, he leaned over to the bed stand and grabbed tissues for you, wiping the cum off your face and chest. He threw away the tissues and sat back against the headboard. He lit a cigarette and began smoking as you went to grab a shirt off the floor. You had taken the camera with you, intending to set it on the dresser. But, when you turned back and saw Adam smoking casually, an arm thrown behind his head, you snapped one more photo. Adam looked lost in happiness, eyes closed and smoke flowing from his mouth. The white cigarette balanced between his fingers, held tightly as he flicked excess ash into an ashtray on the bedside table. He turned towards you after hearing the shutter of the camera and posed a little, urging you to take the last picture of the night. He put the cigarette down and placed his hands under his chin, cupping his face. Giving you a dopey smile, you took the photo. “See, you’re cuter than me, Adam.” You finally set down the camera and grabbed your shirt off the floor to sleep in. Sliding back into bed, you wrapped around Adam and watched him smoke his cigarette. Adam looked so content and happy, smoking his cigarette with his arm wrapped around you. “I’m really glad I got a photo of you,” you said, sleepily, “you really are so beautiful.”
Adam stubbed out his cigarette, moving to lay down and hold you closer. “Thanks...I wouldn’t say that about myself, but I’m glad you think so.” He kissed you lightly, “But, I’m glad we took pictures, too. You looked so beautiful in all of them.” He looked down at you and saw you were already asleep. He shifted a little, trying to get as comfortable as possible, despite sleep already dragging his eyes closed. “Love you, (Y/N),” was the last thing Adam said before letting sleep overcome him.
Adam had developed the photos the next day, with you sitting on a table in the dark room. You watched him meticulously develop the film, choosing the right chemicals to put into what. You found it all very fascinating, even if Adam saw it as just work some days. You came back later in the day to help him make the prints, soaking them and hanging them to dry. They began to develop right before your eyes. Your focus kept falling on the one of Adam smoking a cigarette after everything that happened the night before. Pointing at that one, as Adam hung up the last photo, you turned to him, “I want that one. Think I’ll frame it and put it on my desk at work. If that’s okay.”
Adam paused for a moment. He had never really had anyone take his picture since childhood and even then they never took his picture to work or anything like that. Adam’s chest swelled with the feeling of love that he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Yeah, of course. I can make more prints, too.” He looked back at the photos hung up, many of them only looking completely developed but were still wet, dripping onto the table below. “This was a lot of fun, (Y/N). I love you.”
He pulled you in for a quick kiss and you responded once he pulled away, “I love you too, Adam.” Most of these pictures were ones you’d keep secret, but you’d definitely cherish them forever.
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love4buckybarnes · 3 years
Summary: You have a not so great past. Being tortured and injected with a special serum created by a mad Scientist, you gained powers. You help Sam and Bucky one day, in return Bucky lets you stay with him. You and Bucky start developing feelings for each other. One night you have a nightmare and Bucky is there to help you.
Bucky Barnes x Ready. No warnings, some fluff. at the end. Told in 2nd POV.
A/N: This is my first story on here so hope you all enjoy. All my stories will be Bucky Barnes only, featuring some other characters. You can request stuff. I write smuts, imagines, etc. Most of my stories will take place after Endgame and TFAWS, but you may request at any point in time after Bucky is introduced.
She jolted awake in a cold sweat, gasping for air. Y/N’s eyelids peeled open to darkness. A faint blue hue gleamed from the window, illuminating the room. She shut her eyes for a second, only to have the nightmare that woke her from her slumber to flash back. Sighing, she tore the sheets from her sticky body. She tried swallowing, to dampen her parched throat only to feel a lump.
The cool water from the bathroom faucet soothed her throat. Y/N’s heart was still racing and she struggled to control her breathing. She gripped the porcelain sink in her hands tightly, her knuckles turning white. An anxious feeling boiled in her stomach. Forgetting her own strength, the sink crumbled into pieces. She cursed in frustration as she punched the wall, leaving a significant dent.
Y/N stood up and let out a surprised loud shriek, whirling around. She had not noticed the dark silhouette she knew as the Winter Soldier was standing behind her.
🔹🔹🔹🔹 backstory blurb 🔹🔹🔹🔹
Y/N has been living with Bucky Barnes for a couple of months. Before she met him, she was sold by her family for money to a scientist who performed experiments on her. He created his own serum to try to create new superheroes. She was one of many of his test subjects. Eventually, she had escaped thanks to her newfound powers. Because she had no one to go to, she was on her own.
One day, she happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson were fighting a group of bad guys. One of the evil men shoved an SUV off the bridge. The poor civilian tried to jump out to avoid from drowning. He held on for dear life to the car. Not being able to stand there watching this man die and do nothing, Y/N jumped into action. Using her super strength, she pulled the automobile from falling along with the man.
It impressed Bucky and Sam. They heard Y/N’s story. In return for her help, Bucky offered her a place to stay in his spare room at his apartment here in Brooklyn, until she could get back on her feet.
Since living together, they grew close and formed a bond, hanging out and talking. They shared similar past. They both secretly had crushes on each other. Y/N couldn’t lie, she found Bucky to be attractive. And he found her attractive as well.
🔹🔹🔹🔹back to present🔹🔹🔹🔹
Concern etched on Bucky’s face as he took in the scene in front of him. “Still having a hard time, huh?” His tone is soft and velvety.
“Yeah,” she replied, not meeting his eyes. She struggled with dealing with her emotions sometimes. They would bottle up inside her and explode. Her nightmares weren’t often. When she had them, she would wake up gasping for air as if she was being choked in her sleep. Him on the other hand, she would hear his blood-curdling screams echo through the apartment. Most nights instead of sleeping, she would find him on the couch watching TV to keep himself awake.
His eyes traveled down to her legs. “You’re bleeding,” he said, a hint of worry lacing his voice. Bucky walked over to her, standing close. She could feel the heat radiating off of him, and she could smell the faint scent of the body wash he uses. His human hand took her wrist and tugged gently to signal to follow.
Bucky hoisted her on to his bathroom counter with ease. He pulled out what he needed from the cabinet. “This is gonna sting. Hold on to me. I really don’t want a broken sink too,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood. Without warning, he pressed a cotton pad soaked with rubbing alcohol on her wounds.
Y/N gritted her teeth, letting out hisses and profanities. She dug her nails into his metal arm. He mumbled apologizes. After he was done, he took a further look at the cuts, making sure she didn’t need stitches and patched them up with bandages.
“Want to tell me what happened?” he asked. His amazing blue eyes that held reassurance met hers.
“I just had a nightmare,” she admitted. “Couldn’t contain my emotions like always.”
If at all possible, his eyes softened even more. Bucky understood. He also had nightmares. He’s pretty sure she had heard him some nights.
Ever since that day they met, he felt drawn to her. A bit cliché, but it was true. He admired how courageous she was, how she’s been through a lot, but still saved the civilian from dying. She showed the world that she was brave and a hero, despite what she had endured.
Truth to be told, he also had a major crush on Y/N. He was completely smitten. Anytime she was around him, he couldn’t stop the giddy feeling. He wanted so badly to do something about it. Even though Bucky had strong feelings for her, he doubted she felt the same way.
“I know how that is. I’m right down the hall, or you can find me in the living room.” He hinted she could come to him whenever.
Y/N nodded and hopped off the counter. “Well, thanks for patching me up. I should try to sleep.” She made it to her room.
Bucky mustered up some courage. Before she could step any further, she felt a cold sensation on her shoulder.
He turned her around with his metal arm. “You can sleep on my bed. Besides, we’ll have to share a bathroom until yours gets fixed.” He guided her back to his room and grabbed a pillow.
“It’s your bed, I’ll take the floor,” she insisted.
Bucky shook his head. “Nope. You’re not sleeping on the floor, love.” The nickname of many, he called her always sends a warm feeling through her.
Y/N decided to be brave, not wanting to miss this opportunity. “Or we could share the bed.” She slides in and beckons him to join her.
He didn’t need to be told twice and followed her. Being the gentleman and didn’t want to intrude, he stayed on his side. “Sleep, doll. I’ll be right here.”
Y/N eventually fell asleep laying on her back, while Bucky laid there awake. Light snores left her mouth. Those lips that Bucky wanted to feel so badly on his own. He turned his head to watch her. Her eyes fluttered in her sleep. She then rolled over to her side suddenly and without realizing it, wrapped her arm around his waist, snuggling in close.
Bucky’s breath hitched and froze in surprise. At first he tensed up. He then relaxed under her touch, wrapping his own around her, bringing her further towards him. Without knowing it, he too was pulled into a deep slumber.
The sun blared through the window. Y/N groaned, covering her eyes. She slowly blinked them open. At first, she was confused about where she was, but heard soft snoring next to her and remembered. She realized that at some point in her sleep, she cuddled up to him. Embarrassed, she tried to sit up only for the surrounding arm to tighten, pulling her back.
She looked up at his face. He stirred in his sleep, blinking his eyes opened. “Mornin’ darling.” His voice was raspy from just waking up. “Any dreams?” He didn’t want to let go, not yet.
“No, not all. How about you?” she asked.
“I didn’t have any either. That was the best sleep I’ve ever had in a long time.” Bucky turned over to look at her. “Maybe this is the cure.” He was enjoying this, being so close to Y/N. He could get used to it. Not only that, but he wanted it to last forever.
Y/N shifted her head to peak at the clock on the nightstand. She jerked straight up, causing Bucky to jump up too. “Jeez Bucky. It’s three in the afternoon.”
“Well, it seems like we both needed the sleep,” he shrugged. “Should have sleep-overs more often.” She hummed in agreement.
“Thanks by the way.” He cocked his head to the side, silently asking why she’s thanking him. “For, you know, helping me last night.”
“No need to thank me, doll. I’m here for you anytime.” Here goes nothing, Bucky thought. “Truth is, I care a lot about you and I like you, like a lot.”
Y/N couldn’t believe her ears as she looked at him in those blue eyes. “I feel the same way, Bucky,” she confessed.
Bucky’s mouth was on hers when the words left her mouth. His lips were just like how she has imagined. Smooth with a bit of roughness. They molded against hers perfectly as she moved hers in sync. He placed his hand on both sides of her face, caressing her skin with the most gentle touch.
He can’t believe it either. Her lips are like pillows, soft and silky. He pulled away, making her whine, resting his forehead against hers. “We should get up. Don’t worry, we can do more of that later.” He looked at her, giving her a wink.
Y/N grinned like a ray of sunshine. “I’d like that.” His own grin matched hers at her words.
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littleoddwriter · 4 years
Bored | Roman Sionis x Male!Reader | Smut
"hello I have a request as usual  (nsf/w as warned lol) Prompt 24 "I am working here!" (sorry don't know the exact line.) Roman Sionis x male!reader. Reader is needy as usual for reasons (idk, woke up after a particular dream, is just horny because he is, wants Roman, take your pick) but Roman is working in the living room or in the club or something and so he really can't just abandon that for reader because it's ~important work~. Reader keeps badgering him and whining for him so eventually roman snaps (hence that line) and yeah, the whole cock warming etc ensues, you know what I mean" @iscariot-rising​
summary; You’re bored and horny and want attention from Roman, who is working. Smut ensues. This is really just PWP.
notes; KINKS: Daddy!Kink; Degradation (Reader is being called a ‘whore’ and a ‘slut’); Dom/Sub; Cockwarming; Facefucking; Fingersucking; Bratting (i guess); Subspace. Male!Reader; PWP; Lemon; Smut; Boredom; Horniness; Roman is beautiful. 
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You were bored out of your mind. Not having much, or anything really, to do you didn't know what to make of yourself for the day; and usually you would do something with Roman, whatever he felt like doing, but he was working. He sat at the dining table in front of his laptop and typing away on some things. You didn't know what he was doing and which of his businesses it concerned, but you really wanted him to stop and pay attention to you instead.
Lying on the chaise longue that was closest to the dining table, you looked at him.
You've been looking at him for a while; and you knew that he was trying to ignore the feeling of your eyes on him. Your gaze roamed over his body, picking out details about him; like how his hair wasn't done as nicely as usual, a few strands loose and hanging over his forehead, and how he didn't use hair gel to put it into place, so it looked fluffy and soft. He also didn't bother to put on one of his many suits, instead he sat there in his purple silk robe, a grey soft cotton shirt that still cost more than your smartphone, and his pyjama pants with his face printed on them, such as his slippers with his initials on them. It was a favourite of yours. He looked delectable in everything he wore, but fuck, you really liked it when he just looked comfortable and less well put together. It turned you on. Which, fair enough, wasn't hard for him to achieve; you were horny for him basically all day, every day as it was.
When you were bored, you usually were also extra horny. It was just how it worked for you. Usually, you would have resorted to getting yourself off, but since you've been with Roman that was barely needed anymore and frankly, it left you feeling unsatisfied.
Instead you thought that Roman should take a break from working anyway; he's been at it for at least two hours straight, so that would be fair.
So you whined, pathetically and unmistakebly wanton, and elongating each syllable, "Daddy."
Roman ignored you, not even glancing at you or stopping to type. Nothing.
Pouting, you did it again.
Still no reaction.
Fine then.
"Daddy, I'm bored! Bored and horny. Daddy, please." You were laying it on thick, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
That got a bit of a reaction out of him; he stopped typing for a moment, closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath. Then he continued to ignore you. Pity.
Standing up, you sauntered over to him, swaying your hips a little. He paid you no mind. When you reached him, you draped your arms over his shoulders and leaned your forehead against the back of his head. Fuck, his hair really was as soft as it looked. Nuzzling it, you withdrew your arms so far, that your hands sat on his shoulders. You squeezed them, kneading the tense muscles there.
"Daddy, please pay attention to me. Please, I need you!" You whined again, pressing kisses into his hair.
"I'm trying to fucking work here! So, could you stop fucking annoying me? Fuck!" He growled.
For a short moment, you faltered, unsure if he really wanted you to stop entirely, or if perhaps he was just playing it up. It was always hard to tell with him.
When he didn't try to pry out of your hands on him, though, you were fairly sure that he was alright with it after all and just playing along.
"But Daddy, I really need you! You wouldn't want me to go and just get myself off, would you?"
Roman sighed, sounding annoyed with you, and leaned back against you. Promptly, he grabbed one of your hands and tugged you forward. You lost your balance and came around the chair he was sitting on, when you felt a little more steady again. Standing next to him, he looked up at you, your hand still tightly grasped in his own.
"You wanna play with Daddy, even though he is so very busy, huh, baby boy?" He rasped, a playfully dangerous edge to his voice and eyes.
You swallowed thickly, already so fucking aroused by him; you could only nod dumbly.
"Use your words, sweet boy. I've taught you better than this, haven't I?"
"Y-yes, Daddy. Please, I need you, I can't wait till you're done."
"Well then, baby, I don't want to keep you waiting any longer, now do I?" You shook your head. "No, of course I don't. Why don't you go and get yourself a pillow from the chaise longue, hm?"
He let go of your wrist after you whimpered a 'yes, Daddy' once more, and then you went and got one of the many pillows. You chose your favourite, the really fluffy one with the orange fur on top.
Coming back to him, you stood just a few inches away from him, the pillow close to your chest, enveloped by your arms. "What now, Daddy?"
"Now, I'd like you to get in between my legs and on your knees, like a good little boy, 'kay?" As he said that, he spread his legs wide enough for you to fit in between.
Without hesitation, you got under the table, put the pillow on the floor and kneeled on it. Then you looked up at him, smiling and looking eager as ever.
"Good boy," he cooed and you bit your lower lip in response, shivering slightly.
He lifted his hips slightly, as he pulled down his pants. Of course he wasn't wearing any underwear, so he pulled them down just far enough that he could pull out his half-hard cock comfortably. Your mouth watered at the sight. You'd never get over how fucking perfect it was; to you anyway.
"Keep it warm then, will you? No sucking, no bobbing your head - just keep it in your mouth and hold still. 'Kay?"
"Yes, Daddy! Anything for you," you moaned, grinning stupidly up at him.
"Dumb little slut," he murmured, smirking down at you. "C'mon then, Daddy won't ask again," he rasped and gripped the back of your head tightly, pulling you forward and into his crotch.
You let loose another lewd moan and mouthed at his cock a little, licking over it and pressing open mouthed, panting kisses on it. Roman pulled on your hair to get you back on track, as you got so distracted by having his dick in your face. You stopped mouthing at him and instead put him in your mouth just far enough to not breach your throat, so you could still breathe shallowly. Then you leaned your head against his thigh, unseeingly looking up at him through your lashes. He loosened his grip on your hair and stroked it gently.
"That's my good boy, hm?" You made an excited, affirmative sound in the back of your throat. "Yes, you are. Now, promise to keep still and let me finish my work. When I'm done, I'll play with you properly, 'kay?"
You gave him a thumbs up and relaxed into having his softening cock in your mouth.
Drool formed in the corners of your mouth and your bottom lip, running down your chin. You weren't allowed to suckle or swallow, so you didn't, and let it all flow instead. Usually, you didn't like it, and neither did Roman; but in moments like that your mind was blissfully empty and Sionis liked to indulge you. So, neither of you could really give a fuck about the drool making a mess of your shirt, his pants, and the pillow below you.
You couldn't possibly tell how long it's been, but your joints and your neck were rather stiff, when Roman pulled on your hair again to make you pay attention and get off his cock. Still a little behind on everything happening, you slowly rose your head from his thigh and let his cock slip from your mouth; a trail of spit and a little precome connecting your lips to his length.
"What a good boy you are, hm? Kept still the entire two hours I've had you on your knees here. Aw, baby, let's go then, have a bit of real fun. What does that sound like to you, sweet boy?" Roman cooed stroking your hair gently and as if you were a dog, rather than a person.
"Love it, please, Daddy, want you," you slurred, smiling up at him.
Gently, he held your jaw away from himself as he pushed out the chair and stood up, smirking down at you.
"I'm going to fuck your face, 'kay, baby?"
You could only nod frantically, despite the grip on your jaw.
He gripped his cock with his own hand and moved it up and down, swirling over the head and making himself groan, as he got hard. When he was fully erect, he buried both of his hands in your hair and gripped onto your head tightly, but not painfully so. You opened your mouth wide for him, and then he was already guiding his hard cock into your waiting, spit-slick mouth. Both of you moaned at that.
Then he started moving, first thrusting in shallowly, yet with force behind it. When he felt like you got used to it enough, he moved his hips quicker and with more intent, shoving his cock down your throat repeatedly, until he kept it there, buried down your tight, convulsing throat. Tears started to roll down your cheeks then, your face red, your eyes unseeing.
He pulled out when you could barely keep your eyes open anymore. Roman gave you a few seconds to breathe and then he was back inside and down your throat once more. That process was repeated a few times, until eventually, he kept his cockhead in your mouth and jacked himself off, coming in your mouth with loud groans.
You moaned lewdly, and as if it was the best thing in the world, which to you, in this moment - it was.
When he was done, he tucked himself back into his pants and looked down at you. You had a stupid, happy smile on your face, and showed off your empty mouth, after having swallowed down his load.
You were hard and aching in your pants, and you wanted to come so desperately, but you couldn't make yourself signalise it in any way, too fucked out already.
"Aw, baby, look at you. Absolutely fucking ruined. You're such a filthy fucking whore for Daddy, aren't you?" His voice was raw and husky now, it made you whine wantonly.
"Yes, Daddy!" It was barely intelligible at all.
"Get yourself off for me, will you? Right here, right now. But don't make a mess of the floor, 'kay?" Roman commanded you.
Obediently as ever, you nodded and got your own hard cock out of your sweat pants. To wet your hand and make the slide of it a little easier, you put your fingers in your mouth and drooled all over your hand for a minute, still looking up at Roman with such desperation and adoration in your eyes.
When you deemed your hand wet enough, you wrapped it around your cock and started moving it up and down roughly in a quick pace. Roman kept cooing and rasping filthy shit to you and you came impossibly quick, making an even bigger mess of your shirt and sweat pants than before already. You moaned loudly all the way through it, but focused on not getting anything on the floor. Satisfied, you noted that your come only landed on your clothes, and your hand, and nothing else.
Afterwards, you were panting, red-faced and looking fucked out in the best possible way.
"Thank you, Daddy!" You slurred.
"You're welcome, baby," Roman replied and helped you to stand up and into the nearest bathroom. 
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saizoswifey · 4 years
Nezu Jinpachi
{N//SFW HC’s}
~Happy happy birthday, Jinpachi! And congrats again on your main story release! I think it goes without saying, since he doesn’t have any solo content in English yet but; A few very light spoilers for his route/events tied in here, so be warned!  
Actually not a virgin. He doesn’t have a string of lovers tied around his waist, but there were a few trysts while he was at port or wandering from place to place. Perhaps one he thought might develop into more, but fizzled out. 
He’s never had a lover since coming to Ueda, though. 
When he feels pent up, he simply masturbates. His home is unknown to virtually everyone in the castle, so he doesn’t have to worry about people interrupting him in the middle of the act. He has a handful of tasteful erotic drawings hidden away and uses those for inspiration before meeting you. 
He doesn’t get the urge to jack off more than once a week, but his desires grow stronger once he meets you and he finds himself getting hard just thinking about you when he’s alone
An ass man, but he really likes everything. Prefers a slightly thicker MC as well 
He’s huge, and it’s no surprise he has a rather large cock. (In one of his CG’s, his hand is as big as MC’s head, so...) The man is pACKIN. It’s straight, it’s not overly thick, but if you are a size queen you are going to be very happy. 
He’s also extremely well groomed and clean, he takes super good care of himself. As right hand to the heir of a prominent clan, and especially one such as Nobuyuki, he has an image to upkeep. Luckily, it’s in his personality to be well kempt from his styled hair to his trim pubic hair. 
Biggest turn-ons are domestic things. When your hands are on him wrapping his wounds or you’re both enjoying a quiet evening in his room and you make him tea and feed him sweets. Or seeing you darning his hems by lamplight. 
He loves your touch. He finds the warmth you bring to his simple life incredibly sexy, and he will pounce on you many times over during these moments, just to remind you of how much he loves you
Also has a kink for being told what to do. His subservient attitude does not end at the bedclothes. Tell him where you want him, how you want him, when you want him. He’ll do anything you ask, just say it. 
Tell him to use his mouth, that you want to be fingered, tell him how fast and hard to fuck you or when you want him to come (or not come!)
Nobuyuki is much better about forcing him to take alone time for himself now that you’re together. 
That being said, Jinpachi is a man of action. In everything he does, he wastes no time and gets right to the point. So when he’s ready to fuck you, be prepared for the 0-100 intensity. 
I’m talking up against a wall, grabbing you and tossing the shit off of surfaces to lay you down for him right then and there. When he has the time--he doesn’t waste a second. 
He’ll surprise you by coming out of nowhere, you suddenly feel his hand tracing up your thigh to the underside of your ass for a squeeze from behind before it swiftly moves between your legs. 
“I want you...” he whispers to the crook of your neck, and it surprises you how quickly his hand between your legs is making you wet and dizzy. “I need you...now.” 
Though he can be rough in how quickly and passionately sex begins, and despite the fact that he would remain rough with you if it was you asked of him, he is quite a tender lover. 
There are lots of warm smiles, and he enjoys gazing into your eyes while you fuck. Also loves to hold your hand during sex. 
Loves positions where you can face each other and kiss. Favorite is you in his lap, bodies close, just rocking into each other and he can enjoy being deep and as close as possible to you, and feel every tension of your pleasure as you cling to him. Plus, he’s tall, so it’s the best way to fuck you without feeling like he’s overpowering you. 
He also really enjoys lay-down sex from behind. It works because he also finds morning sex very romantic and convenient. He wakes up very early, so he couldn’t imagine a better start to the day than to love you in the early hours, slip into you from behind under the bedclothes and start his day moaning shared “I love you’s” before sneaking off. You’ll usually drift back off to sleep after and wake up to a little note and fresh fruit by your pillow. 
Jinpachi really really really loves seeing you in barely anything. A thin silk robe just barely draped over your bare body after bathing, your nightclothes messed and just a hair away from revealing your most hidden parts. The images are burned into his mind and many times he uses them for masturbation. He thinks these sides of you are the sexiest. 
Can actually be smiley and light-hearted during sex. That’s his heart taking over. But he doesn’t mind smiling and laughing if you move the wrong way, or almost get caught by someone. Sometimes yoou’ll just catch him blushing and smiling and when you ask why he’ll just say, 
“I’m really happy.” “You look so beautiful.” 
Kissing his jaw is a major turn on for him, as well as guiding his hands where you want them to touch you. He also really loves your hands on his abs and gripping his sides while he thrusts. 
Another major turn on is just hearing you moan his name. It’s typical but something about it just lights a fire inside of him and he’ll be doing everything to try and hold back from fucking you senseless 
Jinpachi is also very vocal in bed, probably the one place you’ll hear him speak more than anywhere else. He definitely lets loose, there’s a lot of grunting and panting, but he also is the type to moan your name a lot between I love you’s. 
He’s also periodically asking if it feels good, do you like that pace, are you okay? etc. 
His pace depends on you, most of the time. He could pound your pussy at full speed for three hours straight if you’d let him, but he usually ends up doing a variety of speeds depending on how your body is responding to him that day. If you seem needy and ready to feel him, he has enough power to easily satisfy you and have you immobile at the end of his thrusts. And if you seem sensitive and tender, he’s going slow and scooping his hips so his cock can caress your walls just right. 
He’s pretty blunt about his PDA. He is almost never embarrassed or self-conscious unless it’s in regards to how you view him (i.e. his eating too fast or not being talkative enough for you). 
He can be pretty possessive, not in a negative way, but it manifests in the way he looks out for and cares for you above all else. It has to do with the way he grew up, but his desire to never lose you is strong. He’s fiercely protective of you, and will act however boldly necessary in order to send the message that you are with him. Holding hands, kissing you, embracing you etc. he will have no shame. 
It isn’t a rare occurrence  for him to be secretly following you as you wander around town and then throw a rock at or trip anyone who seems to be following you, or to show up and wrap his arm around you if some other guy is trying to flirt. 
Since he’s often so busy, you guys regularly exchange love notes (sometimes of the sexy variety) between each other. Because his libido is increased after beginning a relationship with you, he does keep a few on hand for sinspiration on those lonely nights when he’s away. 
Absolutely loses it every single time you give him head. He’s not used to receiving services. He’s putty in your hands, and its one of the only times you see him squirm and fluster. His cheeks are red, he’s biting at his knuckles, his broad chest expanding almost enough to block his view of your head bobbing up and down in his lap. 
“Mm!--ahhh...your tongue...that feels so good...w-wait, shit, if you suck like that I’ll come”
He’s surprised and taken back every time, but bonus points if you suck him off after sex when he’s extra sensitive
Because of this, he usually persuades you to turn blow jobs into 69 so he doesn’t have to feel as put on the spot and he can have something to focus that energy on--eating the fuck out of your pussy 
He’s marvelous at eating you out. He loves it. He loves the way you smell, the way you taste, getting to feel your ass while he does it, getting to make you so dripping wet that he can slide his cock in without fear of hurting or tearing you. He has a pretty wide tongue, not abnormally so, but it feels heavenly and it’s not shy to travel around every part of your body. 
Brushing his lush lips against your folds and giving tight suckles on your clit, “you’re extra wet today...can you feel it? Even your thighs are sticky. I can’t wait to slip inside you, the way you’re twitching is too erotic. Do you want me to keep going? I don’t mind continuing until you come again.” 
This mans mouth is so good he can suck an intense orgasm out of you in less than 3 minutes. 
His stamina is one of his best attributes in the bedroom. It’s astounding that he can go several long, long rounds and at the end of it he hasn’t even broken a sweat. 
There has been more than one occasion of you guys breaking a table, various furniture, and twice the shoji door, during sex. It’s usually so impassioned that Jinpachi doesn’t realize his own strength or what you guys are leaning on, but its always something you can giggle about together afterward 
Lives for coming inside of you. He’s actually pretty turned on at the idea of impregnating you, but it takes a while for him to warm up to the idea of inviting even more people into a life he was certain he would lead alone next to Nobuyuki. 
So for a while, all he feels comfortable doing is coming in your mouth or on your body from whatever position it is that you were in. He doesn’t really get off on jerking it onto a particular part of your body except for onto the outside of your pussy so he can use it like lube and continue to tease your clit with his head. He’ll clean it up for you before you can even blink. 
Sometimes ends up marking you in visible places on accident. At first, he was blasé about it, and blunt when, say, Saizo mentions the mark in a teasing way. But once he sees you’re shy, he’ll feel badly and try to style your hair in a way that covers it or help you put on makeup etc. 
Absolutely melts when you worship and kiss his scar while stroking him off. 
Quickie’s happen often when there’s a lot going on in the castle. You become no stranger to the heated 15 minute fuck fest in a seldom visited storeroom or sneaky bedroom tryst between meal services/meetings. 
Only a few times has one of the maids been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of you hauled off over Jinpachi’s shoulder. And Saizo’s learned a new Judging You™ form of teasing when you stumble back into the kitchen with flushed cheeks and hair a mess to find he’s been waiting to have you make him some dango
He’s actually quite a bit of a tease? He loves to randomly touch you when no one is looking, or swoop in for a super passionate kiss. If you’re cooking in the kitchen you may randomly take hold of your hand and suck your fingers in his mouth, “Delicious.” He likes to get you thinking about him long before the day winds down and he’s ready to get down to business. 
Kingly in aftercare because he doesn’t get winded--like, ever. So while you’re a puddly mess on the floor barely able to walk, he could still run a few miles. He mostly loves to just hold your limp body in a tight tight embrace and smell your hair and feel your skin to his skin. Lots of kisses on the neck etc, not meant to incite more passion but just because he can’t contain his love for you. He’ll make tea and bring you food if you still feel unable to get up from the floor, and he’ll tease you about feeding you if you want him to. 
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 6 August 1838
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some minutes with A- till 8 – fine morning but brouillard low on mountains again – F69 ½° at 9 had Charles and Pierre – then chasseurs guides say that the prince de la Moscawa has engaged Cassos the Gèdre Vignemale guide to go to the top of that mountain on Thursday (the prince to sleep at Gavarnie on Wednesday night) be the weather fine or not – my 2 guides have hope that the weather will improve – at last fixed to go this afternoon – to leave here at 3 pm for the cabane – all 3 mounted and take Charles’ brother-in-law to bring back the horses and bring A- and then to meet us at Bouchero at 4pm on Wednesday – Breakfast at 9 ¼ to 11 A- read aloud the paper – strawberries, raspberries, and figs the 2 latter 1st time at breakfast and figs the 1st time of tasting them here – A- wrote copy of letter to Mr. SW. and I wrote on the 1st half of p. 1 of the sheet she is to write on, as follows –
‘Monday 6 August 1838. Pay to Mr. Samuel Washington a order two hundred pounds A. Lister
to the manager of the Yorkshire District Bank at Halifax
St. Sauveur. Hautes Pyrénées. France. Monday 6 August 1838.
I send you as above, an order on the Yorkshire District Bank for two hundred pounds – you were right to pay William Mallinson whatever balance might be due to him, as I told him his bill should be paid out of the rent – Do what you think best about paying the small bills due to Messrs. Barber, Firth, and Keighley – as Mr. Greenwoods’ bill for papering at Northgate was not sent in when I left home, I do not know what is due to him  on this account; but as he has chosen to begin paying himself out of his rent, I shall determine, on my return home, whether to let him go on doing so, or not – I am tired of laying out money on the Stump-cross Inn – but Mr. Harper may have a shade – I will have nothing to do with the new brewing pan –I was not prepared for being called upon to raise the brew house, which I therefore beg to decline for the present, whatever I may do hereafter – you had best see what the town will do for William Green – when he has done his own money, [?] him have half a crown a week till my return – I am, sir, etc. etc. A. Lister’
then wrote as under to ‘Mr. Mackean, Yorkshire District Bank, Halifax, Yorkshire, Angleterre’
‘St. Sauveur. Hautes Pyrénées. France. Monday 6 August 1838. Sir – I received your letter of the 7th ultimo on the 16th ultimo – you would receive on the 10th ultimo one hundred and sixty pounds on my account – I shall be at home, and will settle my account before Christmas – In the meantime, I shall be obliged to you to honour Mr. S. Washington’s drafts on my account to the amount of two hundred pounds – I am, sir, etc. etc. A. Lister’ – leave these two letters with A- to go by tonights’ post – had just written them, and so far of today besides listening to A-‘s letters (she is writing to her sister) till now 1 5 pm – did up my things – take my tartan cloak my Charles cape and jacket – and in my travelling bag a night chemise and one day ditto 1 pair large grey woollen stockings and 100fr. tied up and put in one of the stockings and 2 pair gloves and 1 pocket handkerchief and tooth brush, soap, comb, needle and thread, and stiletto all on one parcel tied up in a sheet of large whitey brown paper and then in a towel – and also in my bag 1 pair shoes and gaiters – nothing else but what I have on – my merinos gown and 2 white petticoats etc. pair of new strong St. Sauveur shoes, cotton socks and spun silk black stockings legs – a night cap in my pocket and pair of socks and pocket handkerchief and one silk handkerchief in my breast and ½ silk ditto and a sheet of paper in my hat – just written so far at 2 55 when the horses came – off at 3 35 – Charles and Pierre and I all mounted – at the Pont de Sia at 4 ¼ - at the pont de [Douroncate] in 20 minutes more at 4 35 – had passed the bridge and was out of Gèdre at 5 20 – sent the guides on before and alighted for a minute at 5 55 in the chaos and at the Inn at Gavarnie at 6 ½ I did not alight but waited ¼ hour at the door while Charles borrowed 2 pair crampons at 1/. per day each and 2 bâtons ferrés at 1/. each per day, the wife of Cazos [Cassos] having unexpectedly told Charles in passing thro’ Gèdre to provide us with these articles – How is this? Cazos declared on the Piméné and since we had neither glacier nor snow to pass – Charles had luckily bought a light baton ferré for me thinking it might help me and A- had persisted in my having my crampons (these I got for Mt. Perdu in 1830) with me, I nothing loth – off from Gavarnie at 6 ¾ - toujours brouillard, but otherwise fine – at the cabane de Saoussats Dabattes at 8 5 – Cazos and Charles’ brother-in-law had arrived at the cabane just before us, having come direct from Gèdre – we had just got a glimpse of them on the other side the gave as we rode along – our provisions that we had brought were [mine] a     lbs. roll put with my little bundle in the sack de nuit bought in Paris for our night things – 2 biscuits in the breast of my dress, 2 hardboiled eggs in Charles’ waistcoat pocket, and my small Swiss Chamouni [Chamonix] guide full of brandy slung over Charles’ shoulder – the guides’ provisions     lbs. bread (white like mine) ./70 a leather bottle of white wine ./70 for the bergers to drink of as Charles said and          lb, fromàge ./40 and this I had added a bottle 3/. of the best eau-de-vie (the same as that I had for myself) our pharmacien had in his shop – I had in my little bundle 1 chemise and 1 night ditto and 1 pocket handkerchief, and 2 pair gloves, and 1 pair large grey woollen stockings in the foot of one of which a small parcel containing 100/. in five franc pieces, besides which I had about 50/. in my pocket – and I had also 1 pair lightish shoes and gaiters in the sac de nuit which was done up with my Charles jacket in my Charles cape and strapped on my horse behind me – my Maclean tartan cloak tied up and hung on my saddle crutch, or on my back, or carried for and with me everywhere – I was dressed as I have been ever since my arrival here – for riding – and as I was when I ascended the Mt. Perdu – flannel waistcoat and drawers and light small merinos loose sleeves (as for the last 20 years) chemise, stays, short cambric muslin under petticoat – ditto ditto upper ditto over which striped jaconot waist with high collar and long sleeves – broad hammed 3 frilled muslin ficher – and over this double muslin handkerchief and double dark silk ditto and then my black merinos dress lightly ouattée [ouatée] and doublée de persienne, and besides, loose white cambric muslin sleeves sewed into the sleeves of the dress for cleanliness – as usual – and a double lined with persienne pelerine to the dress, and crossed over my chest a light black china crape shawl – I had had (as on going to Mt. P-) tape loops put round the bottom of my dress and string at the top, and just before setting off, had my dress tied up all round me to just about or above the knee – I wore white cotton socks and black spun silk legs with tape straps, and strong leather ¼ boot shoes with nails in (made here for the purpose) and black satin gaiters – I had my white cotton night cap in my pocket and my claps-knive of London 1826 – I had in my breast pockets a pair of cotton socks, a whole black  twilled silk handkerchief, and ½ a light coloured foulard (the one I went to the top of Ben nevis in 1828) and Charpentiers’ map of the Pyrenees, and my little note rough book containing my passport – yet I was lighter equipped and my heart was light but for the thought that I had left poor A- dull and perhaps anxious about me for my own and what I was going to attempt – she thought perhaps that I had not been free from biliousness and vertiges for many days, and perhaps she fidgeted about me – but Charles’ brother-in-law is to be back with the horses and see her tomorrow evening and bring her to meet me at Bouchero on Wednesday – the vale d’Ossōnne a fine savage valley – but latterly too dark for me to know much or see much of what I was passing – we had scarcely entered the cabane before the fire was made and pâte set on – it might be about an hour before all huddled in round the pâte-pan – ten of us 5 bergers and our 5 selves including Cazos and Charles’ brother-in-law – I declined assisting at the pâte but ate 1/3 of my roll and drunk a little cold new milk and then lay down about ½ hour before the rest – I lay in my tartan cloak and wrapped in my cape upon a couple of the bergers’ capes and my Charles jacket stuffed between me and the big granite-stone forming the far end of the cabane – my sack de nuit
 was my pillow aided by one of the bergers goat-skins bags in which they keep their cloche and provision of bread and meal (bled du turquie meal for pâte) – not comfortable enough to cheat one into sleep – it might be about 10 when all were lain down in 2 rows – head to foot – so crowded no room to stir – cabane hardly 5 yards by 2 – awoke at 11 50 – lighted candle and looked at my watch – I should have been glad to be off – but Cazos said il faisait trop nuit
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kth1 · 5 years
Dream [KTH]
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Dream [Taehyung x Reader] ⟶ Credits: @kimtaehyunq​ ⟶ Genre: Soft Smut | 21+ | Boyfriend AU | First-person Oneshot ⟶ Warnings: use of vulgar language, adult content, foreplay, creampie, fingering, soft, strong/mature theme, unprotected sex, bed sex, etc ⟶ WC: 3.3k+ ⟶ Summary: Your subconscious was messing with you a little too much, leaving you restless, nervous, and weary. Taehyung is here to reassure you though. ⟶ Teaser: My mouth parted once he put strong pressure against my spot, holding it there while intensely focusing on rolling my bud around his fingers. My toes curled up the same time my back arched, gasping “D-Don’t stop!” ⟶ Author’s note: One morning I woke up really early and got pretty upset by a dream of mine, causing me to not be able to fall back asleep. Since I couldn’t sleep, I decided that in the hours of the wee morning; I jotted down some drabbles/wips and somehow… I made a really soft oneshot. Ta-da! These stories are just pure imagination, nothing to do with actual life of whom it may concern. Hope you like it! 😊
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I was tossing and turning in bed all night, not being able to comfortably fall asleep. My boyfriend, Taehyung, knocked out relatively fast after watching a movie with me. I just couldn’t get tired, I was restless. I was going back and forth with shutting my eyes closed for what seemed to be hours, only to find out it’s been a few minutes. Checking my phone out of boredom multiple times and placing it back on the bedside table.
It had to of been after 3 AM when I finally had some shut eye. But it didn’t last long.
I woke up overheated, panicked. My dream woke me up and gave my body full adrenaline, heart racing and everything. A dream that upset me and I was glad I woke up before I encountered anymore saddening thoughts.
Lazily, I threw some of the covers off my legs to expose my skin to the cool air outside of the comforter. Sweat accumulated behind my neck causing my hair to damp up and making me toss to the side with a huff. What was causing my sleeplessness? I checked my phone once more and noticed the time, 5:30 AM on the dot.
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Why?” I said in a low whisper.
It was mid-November and it was way too early for a sunrise at this hour. I stared blankly at the curtains hanging in front of the window, trying to peer through the sheer fabric of it and watch the tree’s leaves move with the wind. I can hear the light drizzling of rain hitting the clear glass.
A weight shifted on the bed, indicating that Taehyung was moving around in his sleep. I turned my head to face my handsome boyfriend who was clutching to a pillow and laying on his stomach, face turned towards me with his lips parted. His eyes closed shut; I listened to his light breathing.
He looked so peaceful and calm. His facial features were relaxed and looked soft to the touch. I smiled to myself, thinking that I was so lucky to have someone like him in my life. So happy I can see him in this state.
My hand slowly made its way to gently cup his cheek. Taking my thumb and caressing his soft tanned skin as I continued to gaze at his features. My touch caused him to grumble in his sleep, wincing a little bit and moving his mouth around to re-comfort himself. My lips curved into a smirk, because he looked so cute. So soft.
It was when I pulled my hand away from his face where I unexpectedly heard, “Why’d you stop?” In a deep raspy tone.
Eyebrows raised in surprise and feeling a little guilty, “I didn’t mean to wake you,” I said.
His eyes remained closed as he communicated back to me. Exhaling deeply as he was slowly waking up out of his sleep. “You ok?” He reached out slothful-like to find my arm and rub up it in a comforting way.
I hummed, assuring him I was content. “I just couldn’t really sleep,” I mumbled.
Heavy-eyed Tae swiftly move the pillow that was under him away and latched onto me, moving my body facing away and spooning me from the back. He dug his face into the back of my head and softly placed a few sluggish kisses.
Tae’s body radiated with heat, causing me to shift the covers down a bit more. He smelt so nice though. His groggy behavior was super adorable, and he was definitely making me feel more at ease with his arms around me.
“Did you have a bad dream, Jagi?”
How did he know? I closed my eyes after nodding my head yes, trying to stop any type of tears from forming. I didn’t particularly want to talk about my dream at this very moment because it still seemed so fresh. I sighed heavily and pulled Tae’s hand up to my face to give a peck to the back of his mitt.
“Tell me about it.” His breath hit the back of my neck as his chest vibrated along with his baritone voice. He nuzzled his nose into my shoulder, I could feel the air exit his nostrils on my skin.
I felt my body get heavy all of a sudden, a weight I wasn’t aware of but now it made its visit and I had to deal with it before I bottle it up. “I-I lost you,” I hesitantly spoke, nearly choking back on my tongue as the words left my mouth.
A few moments of silence enveloped the room, allowing the trickling of the raindrops against that damn window becoming boomingly loud. I could feel my own heartbeat quicken at the anticipation and stillness.
“What do you mean?”
“You left me.” My stomach churned as a reviled the plot of my nightmare. My grip tightened around Tae’s palm, not wanting to let him go.
Peppered kisses contacted my shoulder briskly as Tae let out a displeased grunt. “No. No.” He spoke in between. “Don’t dream about things like that. I’m here, I don’t want to leave.”
That’s what got me. That last sentence got me to break. My emotions got the best of me and trails of tears escaped my ducts and flowed down my face. It would have been fine because I had my back towards Tae and he couldn’t see my face, but it’s my sniffling that blew my cover.
I knew Tae was on full alert now, probably with eyes wide open and trying to calm down his sobbing girlfriend. I just buried my face into the pillow and reassured him I was ok, before he could even ask again.
“I’m sorry. I swear I’m okay, Tae.”
“Don’t apologize. There’s nothing to be sorry for. You’re allowed to feel the way you’re feeling.” His soothing voice caused my heart to ache even more. This man was so kind, so nurturing, empathetic and it made me vulnerable against him. He knew exactly how to handle me, how to make me feel good about myself. I really couldn’t have asked for a better partner.
“I just really, really, really love you, Tae.”
“I love you too, Jagi. You make me so happy; you have no idea.”
Taehyung squeezed me against his chest, smushing us together in the act of being cute and trying to lighten up the mood. I heard of soft chuckle behind my back, causing me to smile at him.
“Let me show you how much I love you.” He whispered into my ear.
His actions interrupted my sentence when he leaned up and kissed in the crook of my neck. His contact was abrupt but soft. Scattering his lips along the column of my neck. His hand that I had clutched released from my grasp and made its way down my side and onto my hip, stroking the area slowly.
I inhaled sharply when Tae found my sweet spot under my ear. He began sucking on the skin and grazing his teeth, making me heat up more under his touches.
My hand instinctively made its way in his hair as I lightly pet him, slightly tugging at some strands that got intertwined between my fingers. He was making me feel in bliss. My negative mind was being transported over the moon with his arousing behavior.
The hand that laid on my hip slowly dipped into the elastic of my shorts, slithering through my undies and making contact with my folds. I could feel my face blush the second he started humming into my ear and nipping at my lobe.
My slickness was present, there was no denying that. I felt completely comfortable with Tae, I was willing to be as defenseless as possible with the man I fell in love with. His finger pushed into my slit, collecting my self-lubricated sap and slipping his finger up and down my wetness.
I jutted my butt back into him out of pure reaction due to the flick over my sensitive bud he did with the pad of his finger. My breathing hitched, while Tae’s was still steady and in control. When my ass pushed back into his hips, I could feel the slight erection he had going on under his briefs. He used his positioning to his advantage and put pressure back against me, while he toyed around with my clit.
Tae’s fingers expertly fiddled around my core, making my eyes flutter shut and my head rest back against him as he inserted a digit into my center. My teeth took in my bottom lip. Slowly fingering up into me, he added another finger. My hand reached down to his wrist and gripped onto it, not trying to stop the sensual pleasure, but to help guide him in the way I wanted to feel it. “Tae—” I breathlessly spoke out to him.
In a low husky voice Tae responds to me, “Yes, Jagi? Do you like this?”
My face flushed quickly, making me feel embarrassed that I was so engulfed by this sensation. But I didn’t feel shy at letting him know, “Yes.”
He removed his fingers from me, allowing me to take a breath that I didn’t realize I needed. Tae’s hands made their way to the band of my shorts and started tugging them down pass my knees along with my panties. He slightly pushed my lower back, giving me the hint to arch my tailbone towards him. He shuffled around, lowering his briefs to set free his member.
His dick made contact between my thighs, making me grin with excitement. He teasingly trailed his hard-on up and down my legs, tapping at my folds and then removing it just to repeat the process. Eagerly I tried pushing myself back onto him when he contacted me at my core again, causing the head dip in my slit and instantly getting polished with my juices.
Tae smirked as he leaned back to my neck with his dick positioned at my entrance. With his hand he drew circles with his stick, guiding it up, down, and all around.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/n.” He slowly entered me from behind.
Inch by inch Tae took his time easing into my walls. Allowing me to feel everything and adjust to him at a comfortable pace. Pulling back just to shove a bit more forward, until he finally sank his girthy dick all the way inside me. His lips made contact with my neck once again as I let out small moans.
Like music to his ears, my moans encouraged Tae to continue his work. He pumped into me at a slow pace, filling me up and pulling away. Making my body ache for him just to fill me up again. Small grunts escaped his throat, notifying me that this also feels good for him.
His fingers found my exposed bud again, this time without fabric constricting him. The double sensation shot a surge of pleasure up my body and my face glowed red. He was taking his time, loving me slowly and fully, showing me what it feels like to be together.
The tip of his member constantly skimmed against my g-shot, my pressure point. Not only his fingers were flicking around my swollen bean, but his dick was squishing up into my wall causing me to feel a strong coil build up deep within me.
My mouth parted once he put strong pressure against my spot, holding it there while intensely focusing on rolling my bud around his fingers. My toes curled up the same time my back arched, gasping “D-Don’t stop!”
The power was so much that a wave of electrifying sensations rippled through my lower abdomen and my body started twitching around Tae’s sunken cock. He kept a firm hold on me, making sure my hips didn’t pull away from him as I rode my orgasm.
Tae continued sliding his dick deep inside of me, pushing as deep as possible and holding me there. “I love you,” he repeated.
Coming down from my quick high, I tried twisting my body to meet his face. Locking our lips together straight away. “I want to look at you,” I stated sheepishly.
I felt his gaze on me, an endearing look. I looked back into his dark eyes that had a tint of seriousness to them, “You can always look at me,” he said smiling. I was completely captivated by him.
Tae pulled out without hurry, pulling my body to lay on my back and pushed my legs aside so he can fit back in place. Now I was able to see my boyfriend, watch him just like how I was when he was asleep. This time I get to see his features, his mannerisms, everything. Tae reached at the hem of my shirt and gently pulled it up and over my head, uncovering my bare torso to him. He leaned down to meet my face with a smile, giving me a warm kiss.
Both of my hands had made it into his hair, keeping him there to deepen the kiss. I moved my legs alongside his body, giving him friction against our skins. When we disconnected, we both stared back into another’s eyes, getting lost into our own world. We were both sleepy, tired, but still very much in love.
“God, I love you so much.” I blurted out.
He chuckled lightly, biting on his bottom lip. Placing one more peck on my mouth, and proceeded to my cheek, my jawline, down my neck, to my clavicles. His hands massaged at my breasts when his lips continued making light purple marks across my surface.
When he finally reached down to my boobs, his mouth hovered my right puffy nipple. Poking it with his wet tongue, forcing the area to harden. My hands ran up and down his arms, tracing his biceps and deltoids as I hummed in response.
I lifted my legs up and over his waist, wanting him closer to me. Leaning back down, he slid his dick back in, with my wetness giving him an easier time to enter. My hands gripped his arms for more support, while he thrusted deep into my cunt. Using his lower back, he bucked his hips up into me, forcing me back into another haze of what felt like heaven. He didn’t go slow this time, but he also wasn’t going fast. It was an immersed speed that made the both of us satisfied, enough to show how much he cares to make love to me.
Our moans together were a symphony. Trying to make this session last as long as possible, but also trying to make another feel as pleased as possible. We were determined for both.
“Ah Jagi, I’m close!” Tae panted. I can see a bead of sweat drip down the side of his forehead. I was in shock with how well he was holding himself back. How calm he was. But his orgasm was creeping up on him, and it looked like he really wanted to show me everything he’s got.
“Babe,” I whispered. I pulled him close by the back of his neck, linking my arms behind him and secured our lips together in a very passionate, sloppy kiss. I tightened my legs around him, limiting his space from pulling out all the way.
I believe Tae realized what I was doing, he caught on pretty quick to most things anyways. He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, trying to last as long as possible. But I knew he was caving in to the feeling of his dick being hugged by my warm, damp walls.
“Show me how much.” I whispered into his ear, letting out a whimper once he fastened his pace into quick sporadic strokes. Forcing himself deep inside me before releasing his warm load, letting out an exhausting throat grunt. Holding me close to him.
We both were panting, catching air as quick as it left our bodies. Tae laid on top of me, dick still submerged into my cunt. I could feel his member twitching ever so slightly, probably rocking down from his climax.
We held another during this time, until Tae was ready to roll off. He leaned up with a grin and glossy eyes. About to detach from me, I quickly gripped onto him and rolled the both of us over, so I was straddling his crotch as his member was practically glued in me.
“Y/n…” his croaky voice sent a heart welching feeling to me.
I kissed at the tears that broke free from the brims of his eyes. Wiping them clean from his now rosy cheeks. “Please don’t cry!” I said worriedly. Making him lightly laugh.
“It’s ok, Y/n.” He smiled with his eyes as his teeth beamed at me. “They’re happy tears.”
Even though these were tears of joy, it still hurt my heart. Not in a negative way, in a warming sensitive way. It ached; my heart was swelling up for Taehyung. And I would not have it any other way.
All my passion amped up in the spur of the moment and I leaned down kissing all over Tae’s face, leaving no section un-kissed. His hands made their way to my waist with his thumbs rubbing circles into my skin. He made an attempt to lift me up off of his sensitive member, but I refused. Instead I forced myself locked down on him, rolling my hips in circles. Using his shaft for my personal pleasure and his pelvis as an optimal place to stimulate my clit.
Tae’s head cocked to the side as his face skewed with hypersensitivity running through his strong figure, parting his lips and knitting his brows together. Both of our breathes picked up fast, our chests heaving as I helped get us to our next high, together.
We were more vocal now as we chased our climaxes, “Ah-ah Jagi! Fuc-,“ Tae moaned out loud. He groaned out in awe, watching me rocking around on top of him, riding him. The puddle of mixed liquids pooled between us, seaming through the connection we had and drenching everything in its path.  
I rapidly grabbed Tae’s hands in mine, lacing our fingers together as my body got shot with a rapture of pleasure, tightening my walls around Tae’s swollen dick. He choked back on his moan; the feeling so intense to him causing an orgasm to pop up out of nowhere. We both let out a high-pitched moan as we hit our peaks; him shooting more seeds up into me as I leaked all over his thighs.
This orgasm felt like I was swept from my feet, goosebumps all over my body, my body on an all-time high and trembling on him. Causing me to lose balance on top of Tae. He was quick to catch hold on me and lay me on my side by him.
We laid there, in our mess. A messy pile full of love. We embraced another, caressing whatever body part that was available to us.
“I hope you don’t have any more dreams or worries about losing me,” he placed a sweet and tender kiss to my forehead. “I love you too much to leave.”
I wrapped my arms tighter around Tae’s torso, cuddling up close into his chest. Shaking my head, “I won’t. I want to stay like this.”
“We need to clean ourselves and the bed up though.” Tae admitted, giggling.
“Another 5 minutes then?”
He smirked, reaching over to my phone on the bedside table and checking the time. “Ah, it’s 6:13 AM.”
I looked up at him, feeling a bit guilty on how early it was. Knowing we will probably have a very lazy day ahead of us. But I smiled when he spoke up.
“I’ll set a timer. 5 minutes. Then we’ll shower, grab some food and hot cocoa, throw these sheets in the washer, and watch the sun rise through this rainy weather. Deal?”
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© All rights reserved under @kimtaehyunq​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This tumblr is the ONLY place my fics are posted.
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OMG I love your headcanons and writing. So so good. How about thoughts on Andrew recovering from say wisdom tooth removal or a appendectomy or something, but seeing as he's got a real high tolerance to drugs, the painkillers really aren't doing anything, and Neil (and or Kev, Aaron, Nicky, etc) gotta help take care of a grumpy in pain Andrew. Good feels good feels
So I answered a similar prompt earlier but, tbh, I didn’t like it very much so here’s a new one! Did it need to be Mandreil? No. Did I make it Mandreil anyway? Of course I did!
“Matt says that kisses help things heal faster,” Neil said. Andrew’s gaze snapped over to his junkie, curled up on the couch. The soft glow of the color shifting lights they’d strung on the Christmas tree illuminated the planes of his faces at random. None of their lot had been very fond of the holiday season but Nicky had insisted that they decorate the house anyway. Normally, the first word out of Andrew’s mouth would have been ‘no’ but, with Aaron’s trial only two months away, he’d thought it best to let Nicky distract himself with whatever nonsense he chose to so long as he wasn’t forced to participate. 
A lot of that nonsense had ended up involving Matt. When the team broke for the holidays, Andrew hadn’t expected to drive his lot back to Columbia only to find the familiar red truck parked in their driveway. Nicky had gone behind his back to invite Matt over for the first week of break. 
“He’s just helping with decorations,” Nicky insisted. Something you never do. Nicky hadn’t said that but Andrew had heard it loud and clear. Throwing his bag over his shoulder, he’d tried not to stomp his way up the stairs. To listen to Nicky tell it, Andrew had spent the whole week being the World’s Grumpiest Grinch. That was wholly untrue. Andrew had just been his usual silent self, steadfastly refusing to take part in their bullshit. Well… most of their bullshit. More than once, Neil had managed to coax Andrew out into the kitchen to help Matt bake. Despite it being all his idea, Neil rarely helped. He’d sat there, perched on the counter as Matt and Andrew had baked. Together they’d baked beautiful sugar cookies, several fig puddings, and a gingerbread exy court complete with sugar plexiglass and the Foxes set up for a scrimmage (they’d baked a gingerbread Wymack but Andrew had hidden it for he didn’t have the heart to let his monstrous family eat him). 
Matt had left three days ago and Andrew had expected peace to return to his home but his family seemed to have other plans. All of them kept bemoaning his departure. He’d expected that kind of behavior from Nicky but Kevin was a surprise. As it turned out, Matt was a bit of a history buff. He was probably the only person in the world who capable of maintaining a conversation with Kevin about something other than Exy for over an hour. Aaron seemed to miss Matt too, evidenced by the way he kept lingering by the couch every morning as though the man might suddenly appear. 
Honestly, Andrew wasn’t 100% sure himself why he didn’t like having Matt around. Boyd had long since proved that he wasn’t a threat. Sure he was 6ft of pure muscle. He was as strong as a bull and hung like one too. In fact, he was probably strong enough that he could simply pick Andrew right up off the ground and… Andrew’s brain stalled as he momentarily lost his train of thought. Cursed with an eidetic memory, Andrew had never forgotten a single thing in his life. The fact that Matt had been capable of temporarily derailing him in such a manner was a concern. Setting those thoughts aside for the time being, Andrew made a mental note to examine them later. 
“So...can I kiss you?” Neil asked, drawing Andrew back to the conversation at hand. Sliding off the windowsill, Andrew wrapped the blanket tighter around himself. It trailed behind him anyway but he couldn’t be bothered to care. Neil unfurled and stretched himself across the couch, leaving space for Andrew between his legs. With more care than he usually allowed himself to show, Andrew climbed in. “You still haven’t given me an answer,” Neil prompted. 
Andrew had tried to speak not long after he’d woken in the dentist’s office only for blood to flood out of his mouth. Over the last two or three hours, he’d soaked through several lengths of gauze. Not wanting to disturb the freshly replaced cotton, Andrew gave him a short nod that Neil accepted. A little smile lit up his face brighter than all the bulbs in the room combined. Something in Andrew’s chest tightened as his stomach somersaulted. Stuffing all that down, he promised himself to evaluate that later too. 
Andrew reached out with one hand to cup the back of Neil’s neck and drew him close. Even after being together for nearly a year now, Neil was careful to leave space between their bodies. Andrew guided Neil forward until their foreheads were pressed together. Time seemed to slow as Neil’s parted lips ghosted a breath over Andrew’s. When Neil rubbed his nose against Andrew’s, all that breath evaporated from his lungs. Despite the jagged edges of the scarred skin stretched taut over his muscles, Neil Josten was impossibly soft and there was nothing Andrew wanted more than to sink into his arms. The very thought of being held by Neil made Andrew’s feel as though his whole head was filled with cotton.  
It was a strange desire that he’d spent countless hours picking apart both on his own and with Bee. She seemed quite pleased to hear that he’d begun to desire non-sexual physical contact. Now seemed as good a time as any to explore it. Trailing his hand down Neil’s arm, he caught hold of it by the elbow and tugged at it in silent question. As always, Neil went willingly pliant, allowing himself to be maneuvered however Andrew wanted him. 
“Are you sure this is alright?” Neil asked once Andrew had settled one of his arms around his waist. Andrew nodded. It wasn’t as sharp. He was far too distracted by the warm weight that had wrapped around him. Hugs weren’t something Andrew had ever really seen the appeal in but, nestled up against Neil, he finally understood. Distantly, he was aware of Neil’s fingers lightly tracing the shell of his ear. Feather light kisses were being planted across his face, starting at his temple and trailing down, down, down. 
Pain shot through Andrew as Neil brushed against his jaw. Shoving away with a muffled curse, he heard Neil doing the same. Surprise and anger flitted across Neil’s face, quickly replaced by alarm as he realized what had happened. Abandoning his blanket, Andrew made for the stairs. 
“I totally forgot,” Neil called as he followed him up. Flicking on the bathroom light, Andrew pulled the gauze out of his mouth. Blood oozed out. Neil stepped in a moment later, his eyes widening at the sight of the blood. “Was that because I-”
“No,” Andrew said. “It’s just not healing fast enough.” Concern washed over Neil’s face. It suddenly occurred to Andrew that maybe the fuzziness in his head was on account of blood loss. He doubted it but it was an easier thought to stomach than the notion that his cravings for Neil were intensifying. Who’s the junkie now? A voice in his head teased. Andrew promptly told it to go fuck itself onto a glass-shard covered pole. 
Rinsing out his mouth with warm water, he stuffed more cotton into his mouth. It hurt like all hell but there probably weren’t enough painkillers in the world to make him feel any better. Then again, even if there were, he wouldn’t take them. He took no pleasure in buzzing a thousand miles above the ground. Never in a million years would Andrew voluntarily subject himself to medication again. 
He left Neil to brush his teeth and headed to their room. By the time he’d changed and crawled into bed, Neil had returned. Andrew watched the muscles on Neil’s back flex and ripple as he pulled on a new shirt. 
“Scoot over,” Neil mumbled, crawling into bed. Andrew moved a fraction of an inch. “Asshole,” Neil said with a laugh and half-hearted shove. Laying himself down to face the door, Andrew was confronted by the fact that it would be impossible to do so without pressing his aching jaw into the pillow. His heartbeat sped up, fear welling up in him. “Drew?” Neil asked. “What’s wrong?” Andrew didn’t answer. He was just going to have to deal with it. The second his head touched the pillow, pain flared up and he jolted upright again. Understanding dawned on Neil’s face. “Yes or no?” he asked. Andrew narrowed his eyes at Neil, not knowing what he had planned. Then again, Neil often didn’t know what Andrew planned to have him do. That never stopped him from saying yes. 
It was always a leap of faith. It was time Andrew took one of his own. He nodded. Neil ordered him to turn over, so that he faced away from the door. Moments later, Andrew felt the warm press of a back on his own. 
“Sometimes, when the beds weren’t pushed up against the wall, Mom would make us sleep like this,” Neil explained. “It was so that we could watch all points of entry. It was also a reminder that we had each other’s backs. I know this isn’t going to be easy but, I’m here, Andrew. I gave you my back last year. Now, let me have yours.” Andrew turned his head only to find Neil doing the same. Reaching a hand out, Andrew caught Neil’s. He ghosted the knuckles against his lips in the closest thing to a kiss as he could manage. A smile broke out across Neil’s face. 
“Thank you.” It came out muffled and garbled by the cotton but Andrew knew Neil heard him. He knew he understood that it meant so much more. Letting his eyes fall closed, Andrew wished he could tell Neil all the things he deserved to hear but there were so many things other than the cotton in his mouth stopping him. One day, maybe his words would flow as freely as the blood in his mouth.
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fanficmepage · 4 years
Chapter 3
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It's been two weeks since Raven has been home. She settled in quite nicely, everything fit her just right with a bit of room to grow into. Her favorite toy had become some small egg shakers, playing with the fox shaped one the most. She can’t quite grip it yet, but she enjoys the noise. Although her father’s finger still seems to be the one thing she prefers to hold. Raven even tried to put his finger in her mouth to Bruce’s dismay. Speaking of Bruce, he went back to his day job after a week with great hesitance. He knows Raven will be perfectly fine with Alfred, but she always seemed so attached to Bruce. It took the first week home to get Raven to be bottle-fed by Alfred, but she would stare at her father the entire time. 
As for his nightly activities, he would still patrol, just weigh on the side of caution a bit more. He frequently would call the cave for updates, as if there weren't cameras around the mansion. Bruce did not like the idea of Raven down in the cave, that didn’t stop Alfred from setting up a portable playpen next to Bruce’s computer. Away from the workbench but close enough so Alfred can see her as he works as well. Even if neither liked the idea, it was necessary, Bruce needed Alfred down with him and Alfred needed Raven close. Raven didn’t seem to mind all that much, she liked watching the bright light of the screens and water raining down. Both men made sure Raven couldn’t see the graphic images that would pop up on the screen by either holding her away or covering the pen with a blanket. Another concern of her father’s was the climate of the cave. No matter what season, the cave was constantly chilly. Raven was thoroughly bundled up, nice warm onesie with a hood and fluffy gray blanket with extras just in case she gets colder. After Bruce found her, he did not want another trip to the hospital.
Raven had developed a bit from the time at the hospital. She began to start making sounds, her first one being a sneeze. She also tends to grunt when she can’t get the nipple of the bottle into her mouth. That was usually joined with the tiniest glare as she drank the formula. Raven still never cried for anything. The doctor said this sometimes occurs, Bruce and Alfred just have to pay a bit closer attention to her scheduling. Raven would eat every two and a half hours, play for about an hour or so, then fall back asleep after half an hour of rocking. That did cause some moments of frustration, they would think she finally fell asleep but her eyes were wide open when she got put back in the crib.  It didn’t help that she would smile at them. Bruce knows she will be troublesome but just too cute to be upset with. Alfred has suggested having Raven sleep in the same bed as him during the times of difficulty putting her down. This came after one sight Alfred will never forget. 
Bruce had just come home from patrol late into the night just as Raven was about to sleep. Bruce after removing the suit took her up to put her to bed, rocking her gently. Alfred stayed behind to finish up some filing. Knowing Bruce will have a bit of a hard time, he decided to check on them one last time before sleeping himself. The last thing he expected was to see his sudo son and granddaughter in the crib together, Bruce’s legs hanging out the side.
“Master Bruce,” pausing to find the right words, “what are you doing exactly?” 
“She wouldn’t sleep unless I held her, this was the only option,” Bruce groaned. Alfred walked closer just to get the answer Bruce didn’t say. Bruce was on his back with the stuffed owl folded in half as a makeshift pillow. Raven laid face down on his torso. Her tiny hands gripped his shirt as hard as she could with the rise and fall of his chest. She kept her yellow binky in her mouth, gently sucking as she slept. Bruce turned his head towards Alfred, “I hope this doesn’t become a common occurrence, this isn’t the most comfortable position to sleep in.”
“Maybe we can get one of those baby body pillows for her to lay in when she has difficulty sleeping alone. It’s common for parents to let the child sleep in the bed with them.”
“Maybe, just don’t want to roll onto her or when she can roll off the bed.”
“She will be fine, Master Bruce. You already wake up to the slightest noise. It seems your new-found parental instincts kicked in. With how alert you are, our little bird is in perfect hands. Try to get a little comfortable Master Bruce, goodnight.” And with that Alfred left, not trying to hide the smile growing. Never once since Bruce had put on the cowl that he would ever become a grandfather. But here they are, starting a new family all because of that special little girl. There was only one concern: a mother. Bruce and he can raise the girl on their own, but two men can’t replace a maternal figure. Raven needs a mother, a female figure, to guide her. It's not like Bruce hasn’t had women in his life. Selena had come to mind when he thought of a mother. No other women really have gotten close to Bruce’s heart. Their relationship was still new, it was too soon to think about co-parenting. Even then, Batman wouldn’t allow real relationships, he knew this. Yet, she was still scheduled to arrive for dinner the next evening. Alfred would argue against this seeing as this will only lead to disaster, but it's hard to argue with that man sometimes, even if Alfred raised him. 
The day goes the same, Alfred wakes up first and goes to prepare everyone’s breakfast while Bruce wakes up and gets Raven and himself ready for the day. Bruce would get dressed first while Raven was put on his bed. Then his attempt to get her into an onesie. He fights many criminals but the hardest one is keeping Raven still enough to get her dressed and swaddled. 
“Every time you do this makes me wonder how the nurses did this in hospital, princess,” he whispered to her as he lifted her into his arms. Raven immediately reached for his tie and pulled into her mouth. Bruce pulled it back for Raven to only replace it with his hand, “I know you’re hungry, angel, just a minute, no need to eat my hand.”
Bruce turned at the sound of a chuckle in the doorway, Alfred walked in with a warmed bottle in hand, “someone is as impatient as her father.”
“Hasn’t even been here for two weeks and she is already taking after me?” Bruce chuckled, giving Raven her formula, her reaching to hold it, “not quite strong enough for that princess. Don’t rush it, you have plenty of time.”
“Already wishing her to never grow up? You are sounding like your father.”
“Maybe, hopefully, I can be half the man he was for her. Not like I can be both parents.”
“Moving on sir, Ms. Kyle will be here for dinner, Master Bruce, I assume you remember making that arrangement?” Alfred knew full well he did not remember. 
“I assume that it is too late to cancel? It might be best to wait a bit.”
“If you are concerned about the little bird, I will gladly watch our little bird while you enjoy your evening. Parents do deserve some breaks.” Bruce wasn’t too sure but no reasonable excuse to cancel.  Selina would have to find out about Raven eventually, but will their relationship go anywhere. He knows about her nightly activities, but she will never know about Batman. No one will ever know if he could keep Raven from it he would. It’s a solitary life he chose. Well, maybe not so solitaire with Alfred and Raven. 
After a long day of meetings and coming home to what seemed to be a grumpy baby, Bruce started to get on board with the short break. Raven would probably be asleep for most of it anyway. He already put her to sleep in his arms just about ten minutes before his date. He and Alfred will see how long that lasts. Bruce slightly hoped to see Alfred in the same position he was in last night. What’s a couple of hours spending time with a woman gonna do?
“Ms. Kyle is here sir. I’ll take our little bird, dinner is already set, please enjoy your evening,” without giving Bruce a chance to further protest Alfred disappearing into the hallway. And so the night shall begin.
After two hours, Bruce finally relaxed a bit. Had some wine, talked about work; finally connected with someone in a somewhat personal way.
“You know, Bruce,” Selina laughed, grazing his forearm with her fingertips, “this isn’t what I expected.”
“I do tend to prefer home dinner dates. More intimate, allows me to get to know someone a bit better,” this evident lie. He just wanted to stay by Raven, just in case, “I hope that isn’t a problem?”
“Of course not, unless you planned there to be a bit more intimacy than just, ‘getting to know someone?’”
“Well, that would depend on-”
As Bruce leaned in closer, a loud cry can be heard from the baby monitor Alfred had wired in the kitchen. Then the sound of glass breaking. Before Selina had time to question, Bruce was halfway down the hall. Listening to the sounds of once mute infant grow louder.
Hey guys, thank you for sticking around and reading my au. I love to here from you all and I am quite curious, which batman do you imagine in this? I mean like Patterson, Affleck, West, etc.
Photo by Tuva Mathilde Løland on Unsplash
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howaboutleeches · 5 years
curious prompt; Luco and Mc’s 1st introduction at the palace, as Doctor Devorak’s apprentice. Lucio already sick w the plague, and MC his designated nurse and the whole thing involves Lucio being kind of reluctant to accept help from a mere apprentice but after some time and perhaps delirious fever dreams there’s some kind of tension, MC questioning helself etc? More angst and drama ish than actual smut or fluff really, just a side of this relationship i think we don’t see enough of 😖🌸
My beautiful sunflower
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Word Count: 2,421
"Are you sure he won't be bothered by the change?" I made my way through the palace halls, making sure to always stay close to my mentor.
"Absolutely! Lucio gets annoyed by many, many, things, but a new face was never on the list" Julian squeezed my shoulder, trying to ease my insecurities away.
I sighed, regretting all my life decisions until the present moment, and held my books tighter. I was just an apprentice, for haven's sake! And Julian trusted me enough to look after the count. "It won't be so hard, trust me. It will be just like babysitting, really." Why did I ever trusted him?
The hall started to become narrow and the number of doors along it was becoming scarce, leaving a single golden door at the end of the hall, shining against the candle holders fixated on the wall. As we approached the door, our footsteps being the only sounds echoing on the hall, barks were soon heard coming from the other side of the door. A smile formed on my lips and I rushed excitedly to the door but Julian held my shoulder, giving me the most serious look I have ever seen on his face.
"Don't. Pet. Just don't" And after that he just kept walking. I followed him and when I finally reached my mentor, he was already knocking at the door.
"Oh, it was about time. I was getting frustrated already, Jules! Mercedes and Melchior are great company, but they don't talk back, you know? I mean, where were you? I sent a letter yesterday and I expected you here sooner!" The count opened the door, still blabbing "It's not a lot to ask for a little company and...who's this?"
He eyed me up and down as he had a judging expression, that slowly turned into curiosity and lust. He took a step closer to me, blantly ignoring Julian, and extended his golden claw to my face, but not touching it, only letting it linger close to me, like he could feel my energy.
"Um, this is (Y/n). She's your new nurse. My...apprentice" As the words left Julian lips, I could see Count Lucio's face turn to horror.
"An APPRENTICE? YOU DARE TO BRING A MERE APPRENTICE TO TAKE CARE OF ME?" He backed away from me, pointing his golden finger to Julian's face. "YOU COME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE A REAL DOCTOR"
And with that, he dramatically turned around, grabbed the frame of the door and slammed it on our faces. Julian sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He turned to me, glaring deep into my eyes and pointed at my folders.
"Those papers, let's call them the "Lucio Guides", are going to help through your nursing time. The blue folder contains all info of Lucio's relationship, the people who are and aren't allowed into his room and some duties he still has to do as a Count. The Purple one contains his medication, the right time to take them and other precautions related to his health. The red one...contains his life story and ways to "handle" his personality. Please be careful with this last one. I only decided to share such private information because it will be easier for you to bond. I trust you. You start tomorrow. Now hippity-yay, let's cure this plague!"
- ♡ -
After grabbing all of the medicine I needed, I rushed back to the Count's chambers. First thing I learned about him is that he didn't like to wait. So I would make my second first impression really stand by showing up, not on time, but early. I balanced the papers and medicine bags on my hands while fast-walking through the halls. I passed several servants that greeted me kindly and wished me luck. That last part really made me apprehensive.
Only my footsteps were heard on Lucio's room hall. I approached the door and lightly knocked on it. Barks could be heard on the other side of the door. They started to get closer and soon scratches against the door also could be heard followed by a vicious scream.
"Just come inside at once, I need heeeeeelp" The Count's nagging could be heard from the other side of the door.
I slowly opened the door, letting both of the dogs sniff me curiously as I looked for the Count. He was laying on his stomach, completely spreaded out with his head buried on the pillow.
"Oh Jules, you have no idea of how much I have suffered these last hours, I really-- oh, it's you" He only lifted his head and dropped it again, dissapointedly.
"Good to see you too, Count. So tell me about this suffering you had" I closed the door and the dogs lost interest on me, jumping on the bed and making themselves comfortable.
"Oh nothing much. It's not like you could help me anyway" He decided to sit up and stare at me. I couldn't help but to gasp.
"Count...your eyes!" I rushed to his side, dropping the folders on the floor, and held his face, analyzing his eyes.
"That's the best pickup line you could come up with? C'mon I'm not interested in some apprentice"
I grabbed a small mirror that was laying on his nightstand and shoved it into his face. He yelled in horror.
"WHY ARE MY EYES RED? WHY ARE MY EYES RED APPRENTICE? YOU HAVE TO FIX THIS" I grabbed the mirror from his hands and threw it on the bed, startling the dogs a little.
"Listen to me! First, my name is not apprentice, it's (y/n). Second, I am going to help you, but you have to stop being so harsh with me. It only complicates my work. Do you understand?"
He sighed dramatically and mutter something under his breathed and agreed to do as I said. I made a few quick exams on him and started to write on my papers while he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Am I going to die?" The Count bluntly asked while facing the floor.
"What? Count I-"
"Just call me Lucio"
"Lucio, right" I looked at him, feeling bad for his state and walked to the bed, sitting close to him. "I can't lie to you. You're not well and you need a lot of treatment. But I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be feeling a lot better in no time. Deal?"
He stares at my extended hand for a few seconds before taking it reluctantly and shaking it lightly.
"I better not regret this"
- ♡ -
Two weeks later, and my patient-doctor relationship with Lucio had improved a lot. He had stopped calling me "apprentice", made a few jokes and, sometimes, he even called me by a cute nickname, getting intensely flustered afterwards. It was cute.
As I walked toward Lucio's chambers, I heard a hushed conversation happening on the other side of the door. I tip toed my way to the door and leaned into it in order to listen better.
"So...a dream?" What was Julian doing in there?
"Yeah, but it wasn't just any dream. She was in it"
"Did you really ask me to come here just to tell me about your sex dream with my apprentice?" I could hear the disgust on Julian's voice.
"No,no,no, it wasn't a sex dream, I swear! Let me tell you what happened, sit down"
I couldn't just stay there and listen to that! I had to think fast and do something about this situation. I harshly knocked in the door and I could hear both of their surprised gasps on the other side of the walls. Quick footsteps approached the door, and I faced a red faced Julian when it was opened.
"Heeeeey (y/n), how are you? You look fine! Lucio doesn't she look fine?...I mean...of course you think she looks fine...I mean...I'm leaving. Let's find a cure!" And then he rushed past me and vanished on the corridor.
Lucio and I just stared at each other for a few seconds, his face turning red and I couldn't identify if it was because of the plague or the embarrassment.
Mercedes and Melchior rushed to me and jumped up and down, wanting some attention. I rubbed their heads and entered the room, closing the door behind me.
"So Lucio, any updates? How are you feeling?" I walked to the nightstand to grab my papers and started analyzing them.
"Nothing (y/n)" He said, trying to keep his voice steady.
"What happened with the whole nicknaming thing, huh?" I fake pouted to him.
He chuckled softly and grabbed my chin. "Nothing, sweetheart"
We just stared at each other's eyes for a few moments. I could feel him getting closer to me, and I knew his intentions. I wasn't complaining thought. He suddenly turned around and coughed really hard into the sheets. It was the kind of cough that I have heard before.
I looked at the sheets he had coughed into and saw a big stain of blood. Looking up at his face, I noticed how pale he was. He had a thin line of blood running down his chin and I instantly grabbed a cloth to clean it up.
"Is this the first time that has happened?" I asked while cleaning the blood out of him
"What do you mean "no"? For how long is this going on?" My hand freezed on his face.
"...Two weeks" He looked at me sheepishly and then looked down.
"Two weeks? Lucio! Why didn't you tell me this before?" I grabbed his face with both my hand to make him look at me.
"I don't know...do you even really care?"
The hurt on his eyes and his voice was evident. He looked as if he was about to cry. I held him close and he wrapped his arms around me, sobbing on my shoulder.
"It's just that, everytime someone enters this room, they wish something! They wish to fake that they care or they wish me dead at once. Please tell me your neither of them."
"The first time I came here, I just wanted to get my job done. But now we're in this together" I separated our bodies and held his shoulders "I'm not leaving your side, no matter what. I'll always be here for you. Always."
His eyes widened and he smiled through his tears. He rubbed his thumb on my cheek and pressed our foreheads together.
"Just like my dream" I shot him a questioning look while giggling and he just shook his head. "I think I figured what your definitive nickname should be."
He extended his hand to a vase near the nightstand, without breaking eye contact and placed a flower behind my ear, smiling widely.
"My beautiful sunflower"
And with that, we shared a passionate and true kiss.
- ♡ -
Julian hadn't slept in days. The pain consumed his whole being, not allowing him one single moment fo rest. He marched down Lucio's wing's halls holding back his tears.
He held the doorknob and tried tuning it, only to find the door locked. He banged aggressively on it only to hear a mocking laugh from the inside.
"Oh sweet (y/n), my beautiful sunflower. Where have you been? Missed me much?" Lucio opened the door only to find a sleep deprived and angry Julian, with bags under his eyes, red from crying.
The Doctor pushed the Count hard, making him fall on the floor. Lucio couldn't be more offended, and his face showed.
"What the hell Julian?" His response was a paper thrown at him by the Doctor.
Lucio grabbed the paper, reading it carefully, his face growing paler by the second. He looked at Julian, seeking some comfort, but only found hate.
"She's dead because of you. YOU GAVE HER THE PLAGUE. DIDN'T YOU, LUCIO?" Julian cornered Lucio, making him stand to appear more confident.
"What are you talking about? She was fine a few days ago. I saw it! She was here, and she was fine!"
"Oh yeah?" Julian crossed his arms "And what exactly were you two doing here?"
Lucio silenced himself, but by the look of his face it was obvious. Julian pressed him against the wall, holding him by the shirt.
"You idiot. That's exactly how she got the plague. You gave it to her. You killed her" He let go of the Count "I hope you're satisfied. Did you at least have a good time?" He scoffed and walked away from him, leaving the room.
- ♡ -
It was around midnight when Lucio roamed around the streets of Vesuvia. He walked around until he found what he was looking for. The docks. He placed himself on the farest spot he could find and sat there. Staring at The Lazaret. Where his love was. Where her body was.
His tears fell on the sea, making small portions of the water move. He chuckled as he remember you telling him stories of the sea. How you traveled all your way to Vesuvia, obviously exaggerating some points to make him laugh a little. It always worked. But soon the grieving feeling came back to him, making him cry even more.
"I miss you so much. So much. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear! I wanted...I wanted to marry you, dammit! I needed you. I need you. You said you would never leave me. That would be by my side always"
He rose to his feet, looking angrily at the small island on the horizon.
"How dare you to leave me like this? I. NEED. YOU...PLEASE. please come back to me, sunflower. I don't know what to do without you"
And then he just stayed there. For hours. Barely blinking, only letting the tears roll down his face, not even caring to dry them. "They will go away eventually", he though, "just like her".
When the sun shone its first rays on the horizon he knew it was time to go. He kneeled down and started to look on the insides of his cape for something. He removed a single flower, a sunflower, from it and gently placed on the water, letting it folow its own path.
"I'll have you back, my beautiful sunflower. I promise"
And every night after that, he visited the docks, leaving a single sunflower on the sea, hoping it would travel all its way to his lovers heart, and somehow, bring her back.
Bruh, I cried writing this. I hope you're satisfied. Because I sure as hell am.
Love you all, you guys are very creative with requests ❤
Request: Open
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edourado · 6 years
#kastlesmutweek, day 1, September 17, 2018.
Masturbation Monday: Accidentally walking in on each other while changing/naked/etc.
I cheated.
He reached for her even before he opened his eyes.
There was a chilling breeze coming from her open window, and the morning light hit the wall by the bed, which was enough to wake him up.
His fingers touched skin and he reached further, sliding his hand on her back, following the line of her spine to the base of her neck, and then back down.
When he reached the curve of her hip, he turned his head towards her, hand opening on her belly, and pulling her on her back, under him, both of them breathing deep, not yet fully awake.
Opening his eyes was something of a chore. That had truly been the best sleep he had in ages, her bed and her sheets and her company doing wonders for him.
Still, he had to look at her.
It was a somewhat different face than the one he knew. No makeup, cheek marked by the pillowcase, eyes and lips puffy from sleep.
Karen rubbed her eyes and sighed, making room for him between her legs, and he dropped his face to plant a kiss on her mouth before making his way down her neck, pulling the loose tank top out of his way.
He sighed when her hands touched his shoulders, gently scratching their way to his back, into his hair.
They hadn’t planned any of this. It was supposed to have been a friendly coffee, that’s all. He had shit to do, she had shit to do. They were busy, it was just coffee, a “make sure we’re both ok” kinda thing, and then see you later.
Coffee turned to a stroll, and they would have walked to Los Angeles if they could. Suddenly, it was night, they were smiling too much, standing too close, he was touching her way more than necessary.
Frank had a lock of her hair between his fingers when he asked if she was hungry. Her eyes were big and bright on him, her expression shy, flirty and happy all at once when she nodded, and he offered to buy her dinner.
“Ok”, she had said, tugging on his coat to make him follow her when she started on the direction of her apartment. “Let me just change out of these clothes, I smell like office.”
To which he leaned closer, touched his nose to her temple, and inhaled a deep breath.
“You smell like you”, said low in her ear. “But ok”.
She told him to make himself at home when they walked into her dark apartment. He kinda liked that she never had all the lights on, just two lamps, and it was nice, cozy, warm and comfortable. He relaxed every time he walked through the door.
Frank had sat on her couch, and watched as she walked to her bedroom, leaving her heels behind and the door wide open.
Resting his back on the cushions, he wondered, just for a moment, if she had maybe forgotten to close the door. But then she stood right on his line of view, another lamp giving him not too much light to see her, but just enough.
It was very fast, that the shadows and contours of her hypnotized him. She started by letting her hair down from the half up do she had it in. He watched as it fell and splayed around her back. Next, she took her hands behind her and lowered the zipper of her skirt, and he found himself taking a deep, slow breath in while it fell to the floor, her naked legs stepping out of it and then bending to pick it up and throw it towards somewhere he neither saw nor cared.
Frank’s leg was bouncing up and down while she spent a few seconds standing there, her hands in front of her, no doubt unbuttoning her shirt - taking her sweet time doing it.
He told himself to calm the fuck down when she slid it over her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground and, this time, leaving it there.
“Jesus Christ”, he whispered to himself when she reached behind her and unhooked her bra, unable to take his eyes from her, his heart hammering inside his chest.
Karen walked away from the spot she had chosen to put on her show, and Frank wanted to tell her to come back. Instead, he closed his eyes and breathed deep again, trying to put his thoughts back in order. She had effectively melted his brain with her little strip tease session.
When she came back, his eyes zeroed in on the length of her body. She was a careful, calculating little thing, exposing all of her back and hiding her front, which, of course, made him want to see more, even while he enjoyed her back immensely.
Fuck, he did enjoy it.
She had something draped over her elbow, a dress, or a skirt, and stood there, putting her hair back up, all of it this time, and he had an unobstructed view of her back, bare and lean and smooth, his hands itched to know the texture, to know all of it, all of her.
He wasn’t really sure if she was deliberately slow of if time had started to lag, or if it was him, maybe he was hallucinating, but it was almost as if she was moving under water.
Fuck, she was beautiful, fucking, fuck fuck fuck.
When the long blonde strands were twisted into a loose knot, she lowered her arms and unfolded the garment in front of her. Lowering it, she lifted first one leg, then another, stepping into it, and shimmied her hips while pulling it up, and Frank had to bite the inside of his cheek, unable and unwilling to take his eyes off her.
When the simple blue dress was settled over her hips, she moved to put her arms through the short sleeves. His hand was curled tight around a throw pillow, his skin was hot, he didn’t even know what was going on around him anymore, why was he there, why was she putting on that dress, how did he get here?
Her shoulders were hidden from his view when she lifted one of them and tucked her chin against it, turning her head to look at him.
His eyes met hers and he was vibrating and she blinked at him.
“Come here and zip me up”, she said, soft and mellow, as if anything louder than that would break whatever spell it was that she cast on him, on them, on this place, this moment.
When she looked ahead again, he got up from the couch and took slow steps towards her, crossing the small hallway that separated the living room from her bedroom, stepping through the door and giving up on pushing it closed. It was just them, after all.
Just them.
Upon reaching her, his left hand rose and he dragged it from the small of her back and up, closing his fingers around her waist, squeezing when he heard the hitch on her breath. His eyes were scanning the bare skin of her back when his right hand found the zipper. Taking a small step towards her, he tugged on it to raise it, taking his time.
Frank saw as her arms raised in shivers when he let go of her waist and tugged on the knot in her hair, releasing it, letting it fall through his fingers on their way down. With an exhale that felt like surrender, he dropped his face, touching his mouth to the curve of her neck, nuzzling his nose under her ear when she moved to let him do it, left hand pulling on her sleeve while the right one yanked her zipper back down and he reached to put his arm around her torso.
Her back touched his chest and she moved to free her arms from the dress while he reached for her hair again, using it to guide her face to the left, so he could run his lips on the length of her neck, and then towards his own face, so he could get her bottom lip between his teeth while she moaned in his mouth.
When the dress fell to the floor, she turned inside his arms, reaching up to put her arms around him while he leaned forward, angling his head, opening his mouth, kissing her hard and deep, her tongue curling around his in a way that shot bolts of electricity through him.
He felt like a live wire, current running through him, making him vibrate, his fingertips on her skin doing nothing to soothe, only waking up, charging up, making him press her body to his, vaguely aware that her own hands were running around him, hair, neck, back, shoulders, arms, tugging on his shirt, runnin down his chest, trying to lift while she kissed him so openly, goddamnit, he wanted to give her the world, lay it down at her feet and worship the ground she walked on.
His hands lifted to her hair again when she pushed him away slightly, to pull his shirt up his chest, over one arm, his head, and then the other arm, throwing it behind her and coming back to him, strangled cry against his mouth when he kissed her again, telling him without words she was aching for this, for him, just as much as he was for her.
She breathed his name against his mouth and he hummed against hers, letting her know he was listening even though he wasn’t, not when he had his hands full of her, not when hers were on his waist and her fingers were undoing his belt, not when his tongue slid against hers so good, shit, it was so good, he had to actively stop himself from gripping her too tight.
He did bite on her ear lobe pretty hard when she undid his pants and sneaked her hand inside, but, judging by the nails that tried to dig their way into the skin of his back and the sound she let out, she didn’t really mind.
It was mechanical, when he stepped out of his pants and turned them towards her bed, getting a hold of her by her waist and hoisting her up when they reached it, glad when she put her legs around him instantly, allowing him to lower them to the mattress without having to let go.
If he was being honest, he hadn’t imagined it to happen this quickly - and he did imagine it, at length. Often. In his mind, he would have taken his time, discovering the things that made her tick, experimenting, learning, gauging, watching, shit, he had planned on watching so much before he actually acted. Delayed gratification was a common subject in his Karen-centered fantasies.
There was nothing being delayed in reality. He groaned and she let out a noise that was half moan, half cry, adjusting her legs around him, trying to rise her hips up towards him even as he held her as tight as he could without hurting her, his face pressed against the spot under her ear.
His right arm was around her waist, hoisting her up and tight against him, and his left one reached up to tug on her elbow, making her let go of the tight grip she had on his hair and lacing his fingers with hers, pinning her hand to the pillow, by her head, using that as a leverage point to thrust down, deep, but slower than he would have liked, just to hear her make that sound again, that unrestrained whine, and there it was, towards the ceiling, making his toes curl and his blood boil and his control to slip.
Not yet, though.
He liked the hand she had on his back, nails digging on his skin, scratching him nice and hard, he just knew he would love to look at those lines in the mirror later. Frank let go of the grip he had on her waist when she sighed his name in his ear, letting her sink on the bed, feeling her body against and around his, skin warm, and moved his free hand between them, making her moan, making his way up her body, above her belly button, closing it quickly around her breast, spending some time there when she sighed and tugged on his hair, moving it up after a beat or two, following the natural path of her chest, collarbone, shoulder, forcing her to take her other hand from him so he could catch that one in his, too, and also pin it by her head.
He didn’t hold her there long, though. While he kissed her - he loved to kiss her. He would never stop kissing her if he could -, he relaxed his grip, feeling his way down her arms, and up to her hands again, down to her elbows, past her shoulders and into her hair, and she arched her back against him, and Frank looked at her, looking like some sort of celestial entity there under him, her eyes closed for him, breathing hard over what he was doing to her, with her.
Her hands reached out to him and she opened her eyes, looking up at him, a smile stretching her lips in response to his own, but then he bore down with his hips, grunting as she gasped, eyes locked, and he kissed her, soft, quick, encouraging, moving, dragging his motions, wanting to tell her to open her eyes when she closed them, but she bit her lip, licking her legs around him, and stretched her neck, exposing it to him, to his mouth, and she tasted amazing.
Letting go of her hair, he kept his mouth on her neck, kissing and biting and tasting, and reached down to get a hold of her hip, moving it like he wanted, bringing her up for him a bit, and she gasped.
“Yeah?” He asked, smiling at her response.
Karen nodded and tightened her grip on him, hands on his back and on the nape of his neck.
“Tell me.”
“Mmm, like that, like that, right there”, she whined, voice so different from her usual defying, firm tone, that challenged him every step of the way.
Well. Not here, not right now.
He breathed in her ear, trying to get a grip on his own pleasure, his own sensations, using more than a few techniques he learned on how to sustain torture, trying to keep this going, he would go forever if he could, he would never let go of her, never allow her away from him.
She chanted his name when he sped up, hooking his arm under her knee, his hand closing around the covers, The free one doing the same with her thigh, trying to center himself while keeping the speed and rhythm, sabotaging himself with the taste of her skin on his tongue.
He was about to lose it, this felt too good, he wasn’t ready for that to happen just yet. With a deep breath, he rolled to his right, hand right on her hip, bringing her with him, making her gasp, adjusting on his back while she used his chest to center herself on top of him.
The feeling was incredible, and the view made it a whole lot better.
Frank let his hands roam, moving slower than before, keeping a soft pace, and she didn’t complain, breathing in and out deeply, moving along with him, her hair falling in front of her eyes, skin glowing on the halflight.
He jerked his hip up once, just to see her reaction, and the expression on her face made him do it again, the moan, the shiver he saw running through her, it made him keep doing it, trying not to squeeze her too hard with his hands, and then sit up to kiss her, pull her against him, he just had to feel all of her, feel her heart beating against his chest, her breathing against his mouth.
She was shivering all over, again and again, moaning in his kisses, holding herself against him tightly, her movements jerking a bit, so he reached a hand behind him, supporting his upper body on the mattress, and moved for her, let her take what she needed, took the time to watch her, engrave in his brain what she looked like in the throes of pleasure, pleasure he gave her, pleasure she took from him.
“That’s it”, he coaxed, not stopping, letting it go through him, keeping his eyes on her, bringing her closer to him by her waist when she cried out and threw her head back, his mouth on her neck before he laid them down once again, kissing her while she whimpered, moving faster, now, a bit harder, building it up slowly, wanting to bring her with him, he wanted to see that one more time, wanted her nails on his arm again, that sting, he wanted that to carry him through his own peak.
“Is that a habit of yours?” He asked, building speed and strength up gradually. “Putting on a show for your guests?”
Karen chuckled and placed her hands on his face, making him lift his head so she could kiss him.
“No”, she said, her legs still around him, rolling her hips in a wide circle, following his movements, bucking up against him. “Just for you.”
“Just for me?”
“Just for you.”
“Is this just for me, too?”
She moaned in his mouth when he squeezed the flesh of her ass and brought her hip sharply against his again.
“Yes”, she breathed out.
“Yes, Frank, yesyesyes”
“Show me, then.”
He watched as she rose up again, and didn’t restrain himself anymore, moving like he needed against her, only waiting for that wave to crash against her to follow, feeling his muscles sting and that pulse of warmth wrapped in cold go through him, following her, kissing her, grunting in her mouth, slowing down, coming back slowly, enjoying that high, her body wrapped so good against him.
Frank kissed her face while she breathed in and out, descending to her neck, licking a path between her breasts, coming back up when she tugged in his arm.
“See what you did?” He asked while she kissed him and she smiled, moving lazy and long.
“It was kind of a desperate measure.”
He moved to lie by her side, and she turned to face him. They stayed there, quiet and tranquil, looking at each other for almost a minute, his fingertips tracing her figure when he heard her stomach growling, and she blushed, tucking her lips between her teeth, fighting a smile.
“We never did make it to dinner”, he said, leaning in to run his lips on her face. “Want me to cook you something?”
“I would love that”, she said. “But there’s nothing to cook. I just have a bunch of grapes.”
“Then grapes it is”, he said, sitting up, because he was actually hungry, too. “While we wait for take out.”
That had been last night. They ate grapes and made out and he ordered food. They ate in the kitchen because he refused to eat in bed, and he watched her while she pranced around the apartment wearing nothing but his shirt, long legs exposed for his eyes.
She was putting the plates back on their cupboard when he came back from taking the trash out. While he washed his hands, she took the shirt off and made her way back to the bedroom.
“Are you coming, Frank?”, because she, apparently, wanted for his head to explode.
That was last night. It was morning, now, and she had decided that he would spend the night again, and he had asked her not to work, and she had pouted and pretended to think about it, just to hear him say ‘please’, and shower her with kisses, and reclaim his place on top of her.
By eight, they were sweaty and sated, and she was resting her face on his back, fingers tracing the contour of his arms while he called Curtis to tell him that he would not be able to meet him for lunch, after all.
“You’re getting laid, right?” His friend teased and Frank fought a smile, reaching to catch Karen’s hand, who had put her arm around him, her hand on his chest, lips on his shoulder. “If you’re ditching me, you better be getting laid.”
He guessed she could hear that, since she clicked her tongue and reached for the phone.
“Give me”, she asked, hand outstretched.
“What?” He mouthed.
“Give me the phone.”
“What? No-”
She took the device from his hand and stood on her knees, straddling him.
“Hi Curtis.”
“Karen!” His friend exclaimed, and yes, Frank could hear him just fine. “I get it, now. I’d ditch me, too.”
“Thanks”, she smiled. “But get your head out of the gutter. He’s having grapes.”
Curtis laughed and Frank smiled up at her and she winked at him.
“Oh, ok.” Curtis said on the other line. “I’ll put ‘grapes’ in the books as code for ‘Frank’s getting some.’”
Quick with the pleasantries, Karen hung up and threw the phone towards the end of the bed,
and Frank let himself be pulled back to bed, where she wrapped them with the covers, and they went back to making out and then to sleep, the whole day ahead of them.
He would request another show before lunch.
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