#throws and Quilts
maplevillagelane · 1 month
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tj-crochets · 8 months
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I had exactly enough purple scraps left from the starry purple quilt to make a baby quilt! Well, the quilt top isn't exactly done yet, but pretty close, just one more round of ironing and sewing left
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outofbodyinjury · 6 months
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year of the rabbit themed baby quilt
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sennamaticart · 3 months
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Living vicariously through my wizard Zoltan by giving him the astronomy-themed bed I always wanted myself.
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border-collie · 1 year
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Part one of sashing done, each row of kitties gets sashing between them to further separate them out.
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cultofplush · 9 months
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another pillow! Halloween prints are from spoonflower
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Rooms by Design, 1989
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wyrmscraft · 2 months
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I call this The Bee Quilt because of the colours LOL
The black/yellow/black piecing in the middle of each rectangle block is actually dark brown. I thought it was black when I was putting the strip units together, but in the sun they were most definitely very dark brown.
I decided that I liked it anyway 😂
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I had some extra fabric from the border fabric and a little co-ordinating fabric, so I made a little ruffled throw pillow sham to match the lap quilt.
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lavendette · 6 months
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Sleepy girl
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shrikeseams · 8 months
Tolkien things that could form the basis of a really neat Storm at Sea quilt:
The wave dream / the drowning of Numenor
the burning of the swanships at Losgar
Elwing's attempted suicide & transformation
Earendil 'sailing' the sky (just imagine! all in different shades of star prints!)
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tj-crochets · 3 months
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I went to finish off that baby quilt, and the first step was trimming the edges to make them straight, which meant I suddenly had a lot of little triangles of fabric
So I got sidetracked by scrap management! In addition to these wonky block (they have not been trimmed yet), I have a whole bunch of tiny HSTs
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strawberry-jackalope · 6 months
one of my hobbies is buying/collecting fabric and I have full intentions of sewing or making a quilt, it's just time consuming blah blah blah, but there are two quilt shows in my area next year and it makes the brain go brrr
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awheckery · 1 year
so for those of y'all who've been following me since before I busted out the historical research gong fu, you may remember the saga of Tess Piggy and the Bella Dots Design Wall project
I did eventually finish quilting all the dots, but my immune system threw a bitch fit, requiring a substantial rest period, so the thing's done, save for doing the binding my beloathed
I'll get around to it. eventually.
but at one point I was over at my parents' house and my mom saw the bella dots project and was like, 'omg I love it, can I have it?' and I was like 'excuse me??? I don't suffer over this kind of bullshit for other people, this bastard is MINE,' and thus was my mother somewhat disappointed, but even then, six-ish months ago, I filed the thought away and recalled that I had the Hoffman 1895 Bali Watercolor Panel hanging over my ironing board at home
it looks like this:
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I am following all the same steps that I did on the bella dots project, so I'm not gonna rehash any of that, except I put the walking foot back on my sewing machine and hooooooooooly shit, quilting diamonds is SO much faster than quilting circles, ilu walking foot, never leave me
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so much faster. holy shit.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 7 months
A thing I pre-ordered months ago has shipped!
What's the thing?
Keepsake Quilting, and several other quilt companies/stores, put a sort of gift box together with fabric, notions, patterns, and gift cards in them. You don't know what you're getting, making it a surprise. I have never purchased one because they're expensive. This was 50% upfront, 50% when shipped, for a total of $150. Considering how much is in it, and what reviews were left the last several years, it's a steal. Plus, I wanna treat myself after having such a stressful and unpleasant year.
My mom and one of aunts have ordered such boxes in the past, but according to my mom, they're disappointing because she has so many of the things in the package, or no use for many of them. Rulers (some of which cost $30), needles, rotary cutters and extra blades (blades can be $10/each, new cutters up to $50), fabric marking tools (chalk pencils, disappearing ink, etc), precut fabric collections (jelly rolls can be $80, fat quarter collections up to $100 depending on number of FQs), and yardage ($12.99-$21.99/yard). She's been disappointed by "ugly" fabric too many times.
I, on the other hand, have significantly fewer tools. I make things for people to buy, and some folks love fabric I cannot stand (like x-mas and patriotic prints). There have been fabrics I consider well and truly hideous, and those I list in my shop or sell to people here. One person's trash is another's treasure, right? I've met people who think pastels are ugliest things to have ever existed. I think baby pink and green military camouflage look fantastic together, as well as turquoise and light hemp brown or terracotta and peacock blue. My mom finds them hideous. I think pink and any shade of brown look terrible together, or red and khaki (likely from working at Target and seeing is everywhere). Again, personal taste.
If any of you ever fancy treating me to one of these random collections of fabric and/or notions, feel free to do so. They're the sort of surprise I enjoy (that and people purchasing my work, especially from my shop). Sure, there are things that may he of no use to me, but others can use them. Nothing goes to waste.
This package will be arriving on November 18th, and has me giggling with excitement!
#words from the artist#my year has been filled with my husband nearly dying and us having thousands of dollars in medical bills to pay AFTER#the financial aid program forgave three of the six bills. we have around $5k of thag left to pay off#and one of the bills has gone to collections#plus my ear issues that cleared up after over six months of torment. my husband had to quit his previous job because working in#kitchens was slowly killing him and is now working fulltime in theory but not getting enough hours#i've sold virtually nothing and have had to beg for aid because not enough money due to lack of hours and lack of sales#my asthma throwing a fit and my sewing room being entirely too hot to work in and remaining that way for weeks at a time#then my left wrist being injured and leaving me unable to do virtually anything.#my husband then being taken to court by Unemployment three years after receiving the money. oh and being denied Unemployment#this year so for 10 weeks were on thoughts and prayers while he hunted for a non-kitchen job#plus his major surgery over the summer that was 100% covered by financial aid because we opted for a different hospital#there have been good things like he has insurance now and i'm abke to walk without feeling like i'm walking on glass#plus a few commissions over the summer. but those have been among the very few good things. oh and he won his court case#i would just like to have the rest of the year be filled with good things like all or most of my listed quilts selling. someone#commissioning me to finish the quilts i have listed as available to handquilting. the tops are finished but if i finish the quilts#completely they're gonna take up sooooo much space. even folded and rolled up. i store them in plastic bins to protect them but the#bins take up a lot of space. people praise my work and tell me hoe much they wanna buy it or will buy the things as soon as i list them...#and then no one buys them and the things just hang in my closet or rest in a bin. it's extremely disheartening to be repeatedly#disappointed. it has made me cry and question if it's worth making anything at all.
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cultofplush · 9 months
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the cat pillow is done! now it's gotta be washed
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