#thunderbirds are go fan fiction
willow-salix · 2 months
So erm... I was just on Ao3 looking for your fic but I couldn't find it...
Because you haven't written it yet.
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Better get on that.
And yes, I'm calling myself out here too.
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Scott: So, about the security arrangements for the Hood and the Chaos Crew –
GDF General: That is GDF’s area of authority, Commander.
Colonel Casey: Let the GDF deal with them, Scott.
Scott: It may not be my circus, and those most definitely not my monkeys. But when those rabid little fuckers get loose, it’s me and my brothers they bite on the ass, so apparently I’m the one dealing with it. So, about the security arrangements for the Hood and the Chaos Crew …
Yeah, it's been a week, fortnight, month, weird time.
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the Original Series, the Movies (both Supermarionation and Live Action), or the Thunderbirds Are Go Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
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room-on-broom · 3 months
"I have to wok on it, tumblr said so" kinda way
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psychoseal · 11 months
A very Tracy Christmas. Annual update!
this year is it Virgil's turn to choose his favourite ever Christmas
Find out what Virgil believes is the best Christmas ever right here!
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SPACE FEVER- Chapter 6- Road to recovery- Pt 2
Here is Chapter 6 of my TBAG Fanfic with my TBAG OC Karoline “KAROL” Grayson.
I was re-reading it the other day and realised I never really finished it, so I have been spending the last few days working on it.
Here are the other previous chapters if you want to catch up with the storyline- I will mention ch 1-5 I wrote when I was about 18-19 years of age so it been 4 and a half years since I wrote anything on this..
Here is Chapter 6 and Part 2 of "Road to recovery'
Making her way down the busy hallways of the GDF hospital, Kayo had made it to Karol's isolation room in the ICU unit. Knocking on the door, she was welcomed in by Mrs. Grayson…
‘Come in Kayo dear, just leave your helmet on though, we’ll have yours and Alan’s suits sanitized on the way out’
‘Ok, Thankyou, Mrs. Grayson’.
The two walk and talk as they make their way over to Karol in her ice bath behind the shear curtains
‘I have some great news by the way. Captain Hurst and Brains are working alongside the scientific medical team right now to make an antibody with the bacteria samples right now”
“That is great news dear, Karol will be glad to hear this”.
“I know she will “, Kayo says smiling.
Pushing back the curtains, Kayo enters Karol’s  room - Karol looked up smiling, Alan was still sitting beside her ice bath by her side.
“Hey Karol, I see you’re still staying strong and fighting as always’
“Hell yeah, I’m not going out without a fight and you know it.  It’s great to see you again Kayo”, she says, gritting her teeth from the pain of her fever.
Kayo came and sat on the other side of her..
“I’ve got great news for you, you know that deadly bacterial fever you’ve got ?
“Wait what? That bacteria was deadly? Now I just feel stupid  for not getting medical attention sooner. 
“Hey, it’s all good now Karol. The good news is that Alan and I have got more of that bacteria, Captain Hurst and Brains are working on the antibody right now”.
Karol paused for a minute, calming herself down…
“I’m sorry for all the drama guys, again this is my fault. And , yes, that is fantastic news”.
Kayo hugged her, reassuring her that she needed to stop blaming herself for making herself unwell. Karol, shedding a tear of gratitude as she hugged her back. After a while to keep her mind off of the pain and suffering , Kayo started talking about some of her recent missions- keeping her mind off the pain, though it was hard at times to hold the groan of pain back.  Four days had passed, throughout these days Karol could be heard from the other end of the GDF hospital screaming out in pain. Her aunt did her best to ease her pain as they waited for the antibody to be completed.
 On the ninth day,down in the medical laboratory, around five in the morning Captain Hurst with the help of Brains and the hospital's scientific medical team, had finally perfected the antibody after doing a small test on an infected rat. Captain Hurst notified Dr.Hossen and immediately approved that she go get that antibody into Miss Grayson ASAP. grabbing the antibody and other necessary equipment, Captain Hurst and Brains made their way up to her ICU room. Up in Karol’s room where she barely slept due to the horrific pain, Mrs.Grayson got off the phone to Brain, Who told her the great news..
Already awake and sitting up in bed, Karol caught a glimpse of her aunt, she smiled when her aunt came into her room. Mrs. Grayson came and sat next to her and spoke softly..
“Good news Karoline dear?”
“What is it Aunty?”
“Well Captain Hurst and Brain have the antibody ready and they’// be here any minute to give it to you”.
“Really? That’s great aunty!” 
And with that there was a knock at the door..
“Knock, Knock”, I have come to rescue the rescuer who saved my team and I”, Captain Hurst said with a sincere smile on her face
“It’s wonderful to see you again Captain Hurst, You too Brains. I’m truly grateful for this”
“Now, now Grayson there's no need for those tears, lets sit you up and get this antibody into that body of yours”
Karol’s aunt quickly sterilized Karol’s arm, then inserting a drip into her skin, with the gage closed. Captain Hurst passed her the tube connected to the IV bag containing the antibody- that Brain had just hung up to the monitor pole. With the tube and everything secured correctly, her aunt opened the gage and the antibody made its way through the veins in her pale body.
“There you go Miss Grayson, in a few days time you’ll start to feel like yourself again. But for now have something to eat, drink and let yourself relax”
“Thankyou Captain Hurst, I am very thankful for all your help.”
“No worries dear’
“Oh yes and by the way Karol, y-your temperature should drop a little o-over the next twenty-four hours too”
“That’s awesome, Thanks Brains”, Karol said sincerely  smiling.
Leaving her to have breakfast, Brains left the GDF hospital and Captain Hurst of course gave him a ride back and dropped him off on the helipad. Making his way down to the living room, Brains was greeted by Grandma Tracy, he told her how Karol was going, she was glad to hear she was on the road to recovery. Walking into the living room, he was welcomed by Gordan and Alan, the others were out on a rescue mission. 
“Hey Brains, how did the antibody go?”
“How is Karol Brains, is she doing well, is she alright?’
“I-it’s alright Alan, c-calm down, K-Karol is doing well. C-captain Hurst and I finished perfecting the a-antibody and K-Karol is on her first dose now, she should start to feel like herself a-again soon”.
“That’s fantastic news, see I told she’d be fine Alan, you worry too much”
“I’m only worried because she’s m..my.,  doesn’t matter. Just glad she’s alright”
Back at the hospital Captain Hurst had left the other unopened bags of antibodies in the refrigerated medical bay of Karol’s room, so when she went through one bag a day, they had another until it was all gone. Twenty-four hours later, the antibodies had brought her temp down from 42.7 to 38.1 degrees, her body was still a little hot but not like before. And she started to gain an appetite again, which was a good sign. With every dose of antibody she took over the last week and a half, Karol began to feel better and stronger, after five days her temperature had gone back to a normal 37 degrees, she wasn’t hot to the touch or in severe pain. And her skin had gone back to a normal warm complexion. It wasn’t long before she had the ability to get up and slowly walk around- she needed to take it slowly before she could train again.
Of course as she was getting better, Karol was no longer contagious , so they moved her to a normal room, but made sure to sanitize her and the ICU unit first. After being told she was contagious free, Her aunty decided to surprise Karol- she went down to the nurses station and made a call to Sally and the boys down on Tracy Island.
Back on Tracy Island, Sally answered the call…
“How are you Rosalind?
“Well Sally,I’m doing well and I wanted to talk to you about something. So Karoline is now contagious-free and I thought it would be nice if the boys came and surprised her”
“That’s a great idea, I’ll let the boys know and we’ll be over shortly. See you then”
“Very well, see you soon Sally”.
Hanging up after saying their goodbyes, Sally waited for the boys to return to let them know what was going on. An hour or so later, the boys had returned from their early morning rescue mission. Sally smiled when the boys walked into the living room..
“Alright boys, I gotta call from Mrs.Grayson this morning and I have some good news”
“Is Karol all better?”
“Well she’s still gotta stay there until she’s finished all that antibiotics, but she’s not contagious anymore, she has been cleared of the bacterial fever”
“That’s fantastic news, grandma. Can we go and see her?” Alan asked, his face glowing a little.
“Of course, that’s why Mrs.Grayson called me, asking if you boys would come and surprise her”
“That’s a great idea”.
“Alright then, come on boys lets go , we can stop along the way if you wanna get something for her’.
And with that Mrs. Tracy and her grandsons made their way down to the GDF hospital.
Walking into reception, Mrs. Tracy and  the boys were greeted by Mrs. Grayson, who quietly led them down to Karol’s new room. Down in her room, Karol with one of the nurse assistance was building strength in her legs again by holding onto the IV drip stand and just walking around the room. She’d been doing these exercises for a few days now, but at times her legs were still a little wobbly- but she didn’t let that stop her. Mrs. Grayson and the others had arrived at the door of Karol’s new room, she told Sally and the boys to wait out here whilst she went in.
“Knock, knock”
“Come in”
“Hello Karoline dear, how are you doing?”
“Hey Aunty, I’m alright, just walking around. It’s nice to be walking about a little again”.
“That’s great Karoline, I'm glad to see those leg exercises are working. I have a surprise for you dear”
Karol cheekily raised a questioning  eyebrow…
“A surprise huh? -she had a feeling of what the surprise was.
“Alright Miss Grayson, I’ll leave you and Nurse Grayson alone now. You keep up those exercises now dear.”
“Will do. See you round Mrs. Darcy.
As Nurse Darcy left the room, Mrs. Tracy and her grandsons stood away from the entrance so they didn’t give away the surprise. Then closing the door over a little and opening it again Karol was warmly greeted by Mrs.Tracy and the boys..
Karol smiled sincerely, it was great to see the guys again and of course Mrs. Tracy.
“I thought it be nice to cheer you up by having all your friends here to you how you’re doing”
“He, he Thanks Aunty Ros” She smiled , then of course made her way over to the guys.
“I’m so glad to see you guys again”
“Glad you doing well young lady, you’re certainly a fighter” Mrs. Tracy said sincerely, hugging her dearly.
“I’m Glad my body kept fighting too,” Karol replied, hugging her back.
“It’s nice to see you back on your feet again Karol”
“It certainly is nice to be up again and I think I’ll stay away from deadly space bacteria for a while” she said, hugging Scott.
“We got these to help brighten the place place up for you as well”
“ I Chose them out for you”
Thankyou, Virgil and you too Gordan, They’re lovely “
Then stepping forward from behind his brothers, Alan stood there- his face glowing a little rosy and holding the small bear in his hands.
Karol smiled, her face glowing a little too…
“H.Hi Alan, I’m glad to see you’ve come along”
Making her way over to him, her leg went a little wobbly and she lost her grip and fell forward. Alan threw the bear down and quickly caught her before she hit the ground.
“Are you alright Karol? Here let me help you over to the chair”
She looked into his beautiful blue eyes, a little flustered..
“O..Oh, I’m alright, I still have to build that strength up in my legs”
“I’m glad you’re better, it was awful seeing you in all that pain”
The two just stood there for a moment looking  into each other's eyes smiling..
His brothers slightly snickering and laughing a little behind him. Snapping out of their little daze, Alan helped Karol over to the big comfy chair. After he set her down in the chair, he quickly remembered the “small” gift he grabbed for her. After picking it up off the ground, Scott passed it to his little brother..
“Thanks, Scott”
“No problem Alan”
Walking back over and sitting on the chair next to her, Alan passed her the large bear, it was golden caramel and wearing a thunderbird space suit. Seeing it made her think about all those missions she went on, but also how many people she helped as well.
“I..I thought it be a nice gift to remind you about all those missions we’ve been on a..and the new ones we’ll go on when your all better”
It was silent for only a moment, then she looked up, her eyes welled up with small happy tears, then she turned to him, pulling his face close to hers and she kissed his forehead in gratitude. 
His face as red as Thunderbird three, he smiled, then mumbled..
“Y..you’re welcome”
The others laughed a little in the background and of course they got a photo of it. Karol just smiled, she missed all this fun and enjoyment. Breaking away from the banter over their moment, she smiled,cradling the bear under her free arm and asked..
“So how have things been going lately? Any good missions?”
They grabbed a few chairs, sat down and spent quite a bit of time talking about everything, some telling their own versions of the story. She didn’t mind that they all had something different to talk about, even John, though still up on Thunderbird five, called to see how she was going. Time had flown by and it was already quarter to eight- they had spent their entire day with her- well most of them did as they had a few rescue calls from their father. All who happened to be left was Alan and Mrs.Tracy. Mr.s Tracy left Alan to have some time alone with Karol, so she went over to the nurses station to catch up With Rosalind.
Karol and Alan were walking around the hospital, her one hand holding onto the IV drip and the other in Alan’s. They made their way to the small garden terrace where they leant up against the railing staring up at the sky.
“Looks like you got some strength back into those leg muscles of yours”
“I guess I have, all that exercise I’ve been doing has paid off”
“It’s not the same going on  rescue missions without Karol, but I’m just glad to see you well again.  Seeing you with that fever  was scary, I didn’t think you were gonna make it” (Alan says in a sad tone)
Karol could see he was hurt, placing her hand on top of his she sighed..
“I’m sorry for putting all that stress on you Alan.  I had everyone all worried and I still can’t forgive myself for that. This was all my fault and I won’t let this happen to myself again”
She leant her head up against his shoulder, in response he hugged her dear as the two looked up at the stars. With their know abouts Mrs. Tracy and Mrs.Grayson standing in the doorway watching the two having a moment together. As Karol lifted her head up and turned around she caught a glimpse of her aunt and Mrs, Tracy- she gently nudged Alan and gave him the ‘look behind you look”. He turned around to see his grandma and Mrs. Grayson..
“H..Hey Grandma, Mrs.Grayson”
“Come on now Alan, it’s getting late, we better get back home and let Karol get some rest”
“AW, alright then. I’m sorry Karol..”
“Hey don’t be sorry, I still see you around  and hey I be back on Tracy island in two weeks time “
“Yeah, you’re right, I promise to visit you again soon”
Just as he went to kiss her goodbye, Mrs. Tracy grabbed his hand and started walking him towards the exit.
“Aw, come on grandma, I just wanted to say goodbye.”
“You’ve already done that, come on young man”
“Bye Alan” she giggled,watching as Mrs.Tracy just about dragged him out of the hospital.
Karol’s aunt helped back to her room, she had some dinner, then her aunt helped her into bed. 
“Did you have a lovely day Karoline? Seems like the boys went all out for you”
“It was great Aunty Ros, I did have a great day. I’m glad you invited them over, Thanks”
“You’re welcome dear. It seems Alan cares about you very much”
“Goodnight, Aunty Ros,” Karol replied, shaking her jokingly. She laid down in her bed, with the gorgeous bear Alan gave her by her side, only a few weeks left until she would be out of hospital.
"Karoline Grayson and Rosalind Grayson (Her Aunt) Belong to me!!"
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sageourplanetmeow · 4 months
Ahem, so I have decided that in preparation for the possibility that I do commissions as part of a future job that I am going to practice doing that but for free. So the floor is open, go nuts with it! Basically go on the thing on my blog that says ‘Free Comissions’ and request something if you want.
It can be: a short comic, sketch or art piece and you can choose whether I do it on paper or digitally. For comics, there may be some possibility that I make an animatic but it would have to be relatively simple since I am still not that good at that. Practice would be nice though :>
Stuff I Would NOT Like To Do:
Revealing outfits
Right wing propaganda
Discriminatory/offensive content
Heavy HEAVY gore
Things I Would Prefer To Do:
Hazbin Hotel
Tangled The Series
Helluva Boss
The Owl House
MLP Gen 4 (preferably as humans but I’ll take a swing at their pony forms even if it’s difficult)
The Ghost And Molly McGee
The Amazing Digital Circus
Carmen Sandiego
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (the mutes would be difficult to draw especially Scarlamagne but I’d still be cool with trying)
Octonauts/Octonauts: Above & Beyond
Ducktales (either ducks or human versions would be fine)
Sophia The First (sue me Cedric is great)
Secret Life Of Boys (It’s a BBC thing)
Wallace and Gromit (it would have to be comical though because I don’t know how easy angst would be to draw)
The Emperors New Groove
Steven Universe
Dodger (the BBC series)
Hercules (Disney)
DC Superhero Girls (preferably the newer ones)
Thunderbirds (1960, I mean they’re puppets so it would be hard but I like them so)
Sherlock Holmes (black and white one or the BBC series)
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I find them hard to draw but I love Donatello so I would do my best)
Moral Orel (I haven’t drawn anyone from there yet so it might take some experimenting but again this would be cool to do)
Murder Most Unladylike
Greek Myths
Picture Of Dorian Grey
Empires SMP
FNAF Security Breach (preferably Sun and Moon)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tangled The Series
Disney Movies I dunno
Circe (by Madeline Miller) and the Odyssey
The Wizard Of Ozz
Cats (animals)
Sharks (less easy)
Minecraft Buildings but drawn
Your OCs
My OCs
Designs for certain concepts
Fanart of fan fictions/covers/illustrations for them (they might not be a consistent thing)
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hebuiltfive · 9 months
(and a thank you to the Thunderfam)
It's not quite the end of the year yet, but I thought I'd put all my gratitude into one post whilst celebrating the legacy of Gerry Anderson today. Two birds, one stone and all that. 🩵
When I rediscovered (and ended up going fully all-in) on Thunderbirds last January, I never thought I'd be able to find so much joy in an almost 60-year old puppet show. I never thought I'd develop a whole host of new friends, or that I'd be able to improve my writing by miles from posting silly bits of fan-fiction here and there.
I remember watching the old re-runs back in the early noughties. My dad had been an avid Anderson fan back in the 60s and so, along with the likes of Doctor Who, I was brought up on classic sci-fi. I loved Thunderbirds, though I remember watching Captain Scarlet and, vaguely, Stingray. Thunderbirds drew me in; there was something so wholesome about a family who had marvellous machines, who could save anyone in the world!
It was a fluke that I put Thunderbirds on last January. I needed something to watch and the Blue Peter clip from the 90s about how to build your own Tracy Island had me suddenly craving International Rescue missions. So I put the episodes on and here we are now.
It was a fluke that I made my Tumblr account a few weeks later. I was engrossed in what the Thunderfam were making, all the stories and the art. The fact that there was an active, albiet small, fandom over here had me wanting to get involved. So I made my account and here we are now.
To everyone here who welcomed me all those months ago, to everyone who has liked my fics or listened to me ramble away to them, to everyone in the Thunderfam, thank you for one of the best years I've had in recent times.
And, to the man who started it all, #CheersGerryAnderson for creating such compelling, ever-lasting shows that we all can continue to come back to and love whenever we need to.
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waty-art · 1 year
Fan Fiction?
Hello everyone! I love to write and would like to write a small fic to post if anyone would read it. Of course I’m new at posting Fan fiction so I might be a little nervous, but as you can see I am still trying to make a decision what fandom I should write about.😭
please, please, please vote if you want because I am truly at a loss. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!❤️
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weirdburketeer · 2 years
Thanks @gumnut-logic for the art challenge & actually for inspiring me to return to drawing after many years & hopefully in the future give me a means of income
These last two and a bit years have been a hard slog health wise & more keeps getting added to the slog but it’s my family,friends,my art & the tremendous fan fiction writers/artists that had kept me going with a smile in my face(well most of the time 😅)
So thank you #Thunderfam #Thunderbirds #TAG
Some of my more recent digital art 💙💚🧡💛❤️💜🖤🤍
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willow-salix · 7 months
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Yay! I'm back and just in time for Love and Thunderbirds month!
I present to you the TOS fic that has been consuming my thoughts and getting on my last nerve for the past five months. We had some false starts and parts were a slog because it's so different from what I've been used to writing, but it's finally done and I'm so in love with it.
Working title was "When your bloody OC wants her man in both worlds and won't shut up".
This is a romance (obviously, I wouldn't be me otherwise) but it's a safe one, no spice, very little physical touch beyond platonic, lots of pining, right person wrong time, and a daring rescue!
(Warning, it's a fully complete 75k monster!)
I tried to embody the spirit of the original show and characters (Scott is an absolute dream to work with in all incarnations) and I hope I've done them justice.
Here it is!
I hope you enjoy it and love it as much as I do.
And I apologise to those who are subbed to me on AO3 and FF your inboxes will be bursting. Ooops.
And now, back to plotting and writing season 3 of my dumbasses.
I'm so happy to be back!
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m-calculus · 2 years
Ok so… the Tracys at Disneyland… there’s so much potential there…
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psychoseal · 2 years
Lightning strikes Twice
Gordon pulls a prank on Alan which has disastrous consequences, but can Gordon's brothers figure out the truth and get to Gordon before they lose their fish brother forever? Written for fab five feb Gordon week prompt used - Lost
let me know if you want a happy ending! 
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scott-flyboy-tracy · 3 years
Notes on how I intend to play this character:
@m-calculus here. I’m primarily a fluff writer but dip into angst as a way to vent.
If I accidentally step on anybody’s toes as @scott-flyboy-tracy then please private message me and I’ll see what I can do to rectify the situation.
I’ll mostly be drawing inspiration from TAG Scott, but there may be references relating to TOS.
My youngest sibling is playing @the-allie-gater so some actual sibling rivalry is a distinct possibility.
I also work full time and study. If I get around to replying at a later date I’ll probably play it that Scott was busy with rescues and paperwork so didn’t have time to be on social media.
Please don’t be offended if I have to drop a conversation completely due to real life commitments or lack of inspiration for a response.
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cg29 · 5 years
Little Tracy’s
Little Tracy fics from my Pick & Mix collection
TITLE: School Reports. Aged 8.
Scott Tracy:
Scott is a bright young boy, who is extremely popular with all his classmates. He is always first to put himself forward for team challenges and is a natural team leader. However, Scott tends to be impulsive and rush into an activity or challenge, which on occasions as cost him a higher mark. Scott excels in English, Geography and Physical Education but tends to struggle in maths.
John Tracy:
John is a quiet, introspective and intelligent young man, who excels in Science, Maths, English and Information Technology. John as the potential to go far in life and could be moved up a grade if he was to apply himself to what he once referred to as the ‘boring subjects’ and stop correcting myself and my other colleagues when we are trying to teach.
Virgil Tracy:
Virgil is a lovely, thoughtful boy, who always listens in class, speaks when he is spoken to, and on occasions has gone out of his way to support other classmates when they are struggling. Virgil has a gift for art, music and history. He also recently earned top marks when we taught first-aid in his class. However, I would like to bring to your attention Virgil’s tendency to day dream when he is not taking part in one of his favourite subjects.
Gordon Tracy:
Gordon is a conundrum and seems to have two sides to him. On the one side, you have the sweet boy who will always be there for his friends, excels in physical education, especially swimming and did surprisingly well when we did our big baking day. However, the other side of Gordon has a habit of constantly chatting in class, despite being asked to be quiet and as unfortunately become known as the school clown. If Gordon were to apply himself in all his work instead of drawing pictures of himself as a fish, he could gain good marks in all his classes.
Alan Tracy:
Alan is a smart boy with a deep smile always on his face. When he is interested in a subject, or as been caught by an idea he is an absolute pleasure to teach. However, like his brother before him, he tends to chat in class, and on many occasions, has had his portable computer console confiscated when he has been found playing on it, instead of learning. Alan struggles in History but excels in science and maths. I would also like to bring to your attention Alan’s report on ‘Our Heroes.’ All the children in his class decided to write about a celebrity, sports personality or historical figure. Instead, Alan wrote a fantastic and touching report where he named his older brother John as his hero and who he would most like to be like when he grows up.
Title: John: Star Boy.
“John you've been told not to run in the house.” His father complained, catching his 4-year-old son in his arms.
“I'm not John.” John answered with a serious face.
“Oh, you're not?” Jeff remarked, observing the cape John had attempted to make out of his comfort blanket. “Well, I must say, you certainly look like my John!”
“Shush! Daddy.” John whispered. No one can know my secret ident…” John paused, thinking about the word he was struggling to say. “Ident…”
Jeff smiled. “Identity.”
John grinned. “Yeah, my secret identity.”
“So, who are you then?” Jeff inquired curiously.
“I'm Star Boy.” John shouted, as he managed to struggle free and started running around in circles.
Jeff let out a chuckle at his son’s exuberance. “So, Star Boy. What powers do you have?”
“Fly in space.” John cried with joy.
 “And what's your current mission Jo… I mean Star Boy?”
John ground himself to a sudden halt. “Find baby Virgie!” He stated with a thoughtful look.
“Virgil.” Jeff corrected. “And he’s not missing, he's nice and safe in your mummy's tummy.”
John stared at his dad in confusion. “But I heard you and mummy say that he was late, and then mummy said if he didn't turn up soon she would…”
“Okay, John.” Jeff said cutting John off. He would have to have a word to Lucille about what John had overheard. He knew she would be mortified but John seemed to have exceptional hearing and they both knew that their boy was very bright for his age. Jeff held his arms out for his current youngest son. John happily ran into them, and let himself be pulled up onto his father’s lap. “Now, Virgil is still safe in your mummy's tummy, the reason he's late is because your mum has made it so comfortable in there that he doesn't want to leave yet.”
“But I want to find him, cause then I'll get to be big brother like Scotty.” John frowned.
Jeff pulled John into a warm hug. “And you will be a brilliant big brother just like Scott.” He assured him.
As Jeff held John tightly in his arms, a shout from his mother came from in the kitchen, followed by his oldest son running into the room.
“Daddy, Grandma said to tell you mummy’s waters broken!” Scott panted.
Jeff pulled himself to his feet, keeping John firmly in one arm, and taking Scott’s hand with the other. “Well, my Star Boy.” Jeff said, looking at John with pride. “It looks like your mission was successful!”
“It was?” John asked with a puzzled expression.
Jeff beamed as he stood John next to Scott, who automatically took his little brother’s hand in his. “Yes, you did!” He added, with a concerned look towards the kitchen as he heard his mother and Lucille call for him once more. “Looks like baby Virgil is on his way!”
Several hours later:
John grinned with joy, as with his mother’s help, he held his new baby brother in his arms. “Hey, Virgie.” He said softly. “I’m John, your big brother… And my secret is I’m also Star Boy.” He whispered. “I helped find you today!” John looked at Virgil who gazed at him with his big eyes. “And my next mission is to be your big brother.” He said with a contented sigh.
Title: 4 little brothers.
12-year-old Scott Tracy stretched out in his bed, enjoying the warmth from is duvet on a cold winter’s night. Yes, this was his time. His time to relax after a full-on day spent with 4 hyper younger brothers. His time to bask in the peace and quiet his room provided…
… THUNDERCLAP … the pouring rain began hammering at his window …
Scott sighed, threw back his blanket and began counting “5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”
… THUNDERCLAP … 4 scared little brothers rushed into his room …
“Come on then, jump in.”
… THUNDERCLAP… 4 scared little brothers scurried noisily into the bed.
Pulling the blanket over them all Scott smiled when he felt each of them snuggle up to him. ‘Forget the peace and quiet,’ he thought to himself. He would prefer his 4 brothers any day!
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@janetm74 @drileyf @cg29 @tbirds @nourelle-tracy @misssquidtracy @mrmustachious @rachfielden-xo @nourelle-tracy @ak47stylegirl Gordon wrote a fan fiction! Parker jr is trying to claim she wrote it, but don’t believe her!
Here it is 😊
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seathesilverlinings · 3 years
Ah yes,
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A problem for future Sea to deal with...
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