#tickling in october but not exactly ya know
rosileeduckie · 2 years
Haunted Safehouse
Yes, I’m aware my house is haunted; this ghost, I did consent to rooming with.
Jon and Martin have a discussion about costumes. Projecting only a little how excited I am getting dressed up for the occasion. 😋 Happy Halloween! 🧡🎃
SFW. Potential warnings: none. TMA JonMartin tickle fic.
Word count: 1,942
“I’m just saying, it’d be a brilliant costume. Especially since I wouldn’t need to go buy a lot; could just wear what I usually do. What do you think, Jon?”
Jon would have replied, but he found it necessary to dedicate the entirety of his focus to the fitted sheet in his hands, which was being very stubborn against his efforts to capture the corner of the mattress with it.
“Hm?” Jon replied, not looking up from the fabric he was wrestling with.
He heard a chuckle, and then, in the next moment, Jon found himself nearly falling forward onto the bed when Martin yanked hard on the end of the sheet opposite to the one Jon’s hands were white-knuckling. The archivist caught himself, only to feel his stomach drop and his heart leap into his throat when he looked up to find Martin smirking down at him. “I was asking what you thought of me dressing as a tickle monster for Halloween,” Martin clarified, as though Jon hadn’t heard him the first time and wasn’t just trying to keep his face from catching fire.
“Uh-huh,” Jon said, clearing his throat and standing, smoothing out his jumper and the fitted sheet that suddenly wrapped snugly on all four mattress corners. “Well.” He went around the bed to the pile of somewhat-folded bedding that lay at the foot, gathering the top sheet into his arms to give himself something new to grip when he puckishly replied, “It sounds to me like you just don’t want to come up with a real costume.”
Still smiling, Martin narrowed his eyes, moving slowly to where Jon stood at the end of the bed. “I think it’s creative, actually,” he reasoned. “Simple, but smart, and effective for all those who get it.”
“‘All,’” Jon echoed with a roll of his eyes as though that gesturing was louder than the flush of his cheeks.
“Even if it’s just you,” Martin allowed with a sigh and a happy shrug. He picked through the sheet in Jon’s arms, looking for an end to take hold of and assist with, his lips widening into a grin as he did so. “Will have to try the costume out before Halloween, of course. See what you think before the day of. Though I have an idea already of how you’ll like it.”
The sparkle of mischief in Martin’s gaze that was so fondly and evilly fixed on Jon was too flustering for the poor archivist. He didn’t have to Know Martin’s thoughts to know exactly how his teasing costume would be broken in, but Jon, too, had an idea of what that process may entail, and he couldn’t bear the thought of it, nor the fact that it wasn’t happening at present. A hopelessly happy smile longed to spread across his face, and Jon bit his lip, knowing Martin would only tease him more for it. A minute ago, Jon had nearly burrowed into the top sheet in his arms, but, now, he implemented the defense another way, throwing the fabric up and over Martin’s head. “There. A ghost. Simple, but classic,” Jon said with a huff, praying the sheet was just thick enough that Martin couldn’t see through it to see how Jon was unable to curb the giddy smile at the thought of having his own personal tickle monster for Halloween. The novelty and silliness of it all was too sweet. “If you’re going to half-ass costumes this year anyway,” he tacked on, hoping to sound less excited and more of his usual calm and grumbling style. That effort was as fruitless as biting down his smile, which he didn’t know if Martin could see, but Jon knew he could hear Martin giggling beneath his shroud, and the archivist couldn’t help the soft smile that warmed his cheeks at the sound.
“I’m genuinely curious,” said Martin. “Is it less flustering when you can’t see me?”
And Jon could hear the grin in Martin’s words. His smile went wobbly and his cheeks went rosy at the familiarly teasing lilt to Martin’s voice, and the sensitive nerves under his arms and in his chest and behind his knees tingled in anticipation. Jon scoffed, glad Martin couldn’t see him pouting either. “No,” he admitted, reaching up to pull the sheet off Martin’s head.
The avatar of the all-seeing Eye realized several things simultaneously, and all of them too late. Firstly, his lifting of his own arms offered the perfect unintentionally opening for a very impish Martin to attack. If Martin were still in front of him. Because, secondly, Jon realized that there was no one under the sheet. It was like a middle school or social media magic trick, except Jon was never one for magic, and he certainly hadn’t conjured any hocus pocus to make his partner vanish. Thirdly, he realized Martin hadn’t vanished. Exactly. He’d teleported, in his invisible Lonely way, right behind Jon. And from where he stood just behind Jon, Martin took good advantage of Jon’s elevated arms, striking under them with wiggling fingers.
Dropping the sheet with a yelp, Jon’s arms crashed down against his sides, effectively trapping Martin’s hands in the archivist’s armpits. The rest of Jon crashed as well, prompting him to stumble back against Martin’s chest as laughter burst from his own lungs. “Martin!”
Martin withdrew his hands from Jon’s armpits, drawing him in for a hug that allowed him to hold Jon close whilst scribbling his fingers into the archivist’s belly. “Maybe I could be the ghost of a tickle monster,” he mused as though his boyfriend wasn’t cackling in his arms. “Seems I’ve already got the characteristics for both down pat, don’t you think?”
Jon was sure his being adamant in not answering Martin’s earlier question was the reason Martin now was tickling him too hard to let him even think about forming a response. When his fingers drifted to Jon’s hips and the poor chortling man’s knees buckled, Martin did pull back, just embracing Jon from behind until he could stand again and his breathing had slowed, even if the dizzy smile he wore was still beautifully present.
The mischief was far from over, it seemed, as Martin leaned in to chuckle into Jon’s ear. “Remind me again, Jon,” he said, the brush of his lips against Jon’s ear making him shiver, and the sudden vanishing of his arms around Jon making the archivist gulp. “Is it less flustering when you can’t see me?”
It took a brief glance for Jon to realize he was the only visible occupant in the room, and the unknown but inevitable promise of Martin’s next attack had butterflies winging in his stomach. “If you expect me to finish this bed by myself—” Jon said, trying hopelessly to sound stern despite his eager grin.
“Oh, I wouldn’t recommend staying in one place,” Martin teased, his voice fading in and out, louder and softer, as he presumably moved around Jon to keep his hackles raised. “Tickle monsters belong to the Hunt, you know.”
The words had hardly left Martin’s invisible lips before Jon had dashed out the door. He hardly had an avatar tailing him that wasn’t out for his blood or general destruction, so it was something of a relief to be able to run and know he was still safe. Fun. His heart pounded in his ears and his cheeks ached from the grin he wore. The corridor ended all too soon, and Jon screeched to a halt in the living room. Curse their flat for being so small. He couldn’t run far, and his options for hiding were scant. Subconsciously, Jon could feel Martin’s mind as it flitted and faded in and out around him, sashaying in close before darting away, keeping Jon from getting a grasp on his location. Curse the Lonely for having such helpful power. Curse the Eye for having no physical power to help Jon now. Having no course of action before him, Jon swiftly turned around, hoping against hope he could beat Martin to a room with a lock and that the Lonely would be too polite to warp inside. He felt Martin’s mind go amusedly blank in surprise, which was satisfying both for the expression Jon imagined on Martin’s face and for the fact that the archivist could See clearly now that Martin was at his back. With the tiny advantage he had, Jon ran.
Only to slam straight into Martin’s chest upon rounding the corner to duck back into the bedroom.
“Ah—!” Jon gasped, Martin’s thumbs catching the belt loops of his jeans before he could try to flee once more. “You— you knew where I’d go.” Jon definitely wasn’t pouting again.
“You Knew where I was going,” Martin replied, only a little accusatory.
“Thought we were going all out with cheating and powers,” Jon huffed, half crossing his arms and half shielding as many tickle spots as he could.
Martin chuckled, pressing a kiss to Jon’s forehead. “Would you like to know where I’m going to go, Jon?”
“You sure? You’re welcome to, if you like.”
Jon couldn’t resist. Martin’s lips still rested on his forehead; it was as familiar and easy an invitation to follow as anything. The softness of that kiss juxtaposed harshly against the images he saw in Martin’s imagination—of Jon, breathless and howling, as Martin pinned him to the unmade bed and tickled him until there were stars outside the window to see—and Jon buried his face in Martin’s sweater. “Fuck.”
“Albeit,” said Martin, easily lifting Jon up to carry him to bed, the archivist naturally melting into the hold like a koala, seated at Martin’s waist with his arms around Martin’s neck, face still hidden, “I could be nice if there’s somewhere you’d rather I go.”
“To the store to get a real costume,” Jon replied, hoping the fabric of his new sweater mask didn’t dull the sarcasm in his words. It certainly didn’t muffle his squeak when Martin gave a chastising pinch to either of the backs of his thighs.
Martin lay Jon on the bed, quick to squish him to the fitted sheet and pin his arms above his head. “Nice offer rescinded,” Martin smiled, shaking his head. “The nicest I’ll be now is that I didn’t make you wait for this. Not to mention, waiting until after we got the bed made; we’d have to redo it all with how much you squirm.”
Jon gave a laugh at that, and more laughter easily followed when one of Martin’s hands danced its fingers down his outstretched arm and into the exposed hollow of his underarm. He did kick, he wiggled and giggled like the devil, but all the fight had gone out of Jon after being caught. It had been fun to be chased, but now he could revel in being happy, being seen, being loved. There was something unbearably lovely about it. Aside from the obvious fact that laughter had prompted his eyes to squeeze shut, he couldn’t See through this. Couldn’t See when all he could do was feel, couldn’t Know when all he could do was laugh. The hunt, he could steady his nerves enough during to Look, but now with his nerves alight like firecrackers, his head wasn’t straight enough to recall his own name, let alone Know where Martin was going to target next. Fun as the hunt had been, all anticipation and pitting their powers against one another, this—being tickled silly by his partner, when it was just human, warm, safe, and soft—he liked even better.
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lovely-lady-lumps · 2 years
Sugar Cookie Fun
October Writing 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are decorating sugar cookies and can't help but make each other laugh
Word count: 702
TW: some language (Like 2 words)
Very short but I had this idea and needed to get it out there. Might rewrite to be better. Kind Feedback is welcome.
  The smell of freshly baked sugar cookies wafts into the air of your and Bucky’s shared kitchen. Soft music plays from your “spooky” spotify playlist and orange lights litter the cabinets, the feeling of October overwhelming all throughout the apartment. The two of you are standing side by side in front of a countertop covered in frosting and sprinkles, cookies strewn everywhere.
  Bucky watches in amusement as you try your best to ice your skull cookie. Your tongue is slightly poking out from your mouth, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and your hands move slowly to keep the icing neat. Your attempts are futile and as you pout, he knows you know it too. He belts out a “HA” when the piping bag lets out an air bubble, little specks of pink flying across the cookie and work space. You purse your lips together to keep from smiling.
  “Shut up. I’m trying.” You frown, hands shaking slightly with the effort of squeezing more icing to the tip of the tube.
  His hands raise in defense, “I didn’t say anything.” 
  “You laughed you dick! They’re not that bad.” You straighten from your hunched position to look down at the cookie.
  A giggle can be heard as you take them in, frosting dripping off of some.
  “I don’t know babe, yours are pretty bad.” He shrugs and points at one of yours.
  The fat cat shape is covered in smooth white icing, but the black outline you made has a smeared smiley face in place of a cat’s.
  “Hey! Yours aren’t great either, Boo.” You nod to his recently decorated cookie, the word boo no longer eligible under the mountain of sprinkles poured on top.
  “Hey,” He laughs before looking back at you with a grin, “It’s not my fault okay? The stupid cap came off.”
  Your giggles become laughter, getting stronger the longer you look at your failed attempts. It just seems to get worse when you see his cheek, smeared in green.
  “What? Babe what? What?!” Bucky tries to get you to tell him what was so damn funny, voice rising in fake frustration and getting frantic.
  “Come here.” You say once you catch your breath. A small giggle escapes.
  Bucky leans over, one hand braced on the counter and the other taking the piping bag out of your own hand to place elsewhere, most of the icing having dripped out onto the floor. His face gets close enough for you to kiss, which to be fair is exactly what he was expecting. Your hands grab the sides of his face gently, pulling him to you, oh so sweetly. Bucky tilts his head in wait.
A lick from the corner of his mouth to his jaw in a quick swipe has him jerking away in surprise. Wiping his face with the back of his hand only results in what's left being smeared further.
  “Gross! I thought you were being sweet!” He shouts, face twisted in both disgust and somehow, joy.
  His fake anger fades fast as he sees you with your head thrown back and your arm covering your stomach. 
  “You have frosting- all over your face!” You gasp out.
  Bucky grins and grabs you by the shoulders, “Oh yeah? Here, I’ll share it with ya!”
  You scream when his cheek touches yours and try to wiggle yourself free to no avail.
  “No! Please, I’m sorry!” your voice is breathy, giggles interrupting your plea.
  Bucky’s cheek moves up and down your own to get the frosting onto your skin, stubble tickling yet burning as he does so. When he pulls back your face is red and your eyes are closed, mouth wide open in a smile. The green has barely passed onto you but what little of it did sits in speckles on your own cheek, blended together with beard burn. He places a kiss on your nose as you calm down and takes in the sweet moment with a fond glint in his eye. 
  His arms drop to your waist and he pulls you closer, your own arms reaching around his neck. Fingers gently brush through the hair on the nape of his neck.
  “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” He blurts out into the comfortable silence, warm breath brushing your lips.
  “Only every day. And guess what?” You almost whisper, lips brushing his.
  “What?” Even closer.
  “I love you too.”
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emma-nation · 3 years
The Devil In I - Bela x OC (Resident Evil Village AU)
Tumblr media
“Step inside, see the Devil in I”
Summary: Aleena Novak is a 19 years old orphan who desired more than living in a village in the middle of nowhere. A talented artist with a big future ahead, she gets the scholarship of her dreams in United States. But everything changes when her twin brother, Auryk, steals an important artifact from Castle Dimitrescu.
In this adventure, Aleena will find way more than she expected.
“You’ll realize I’m not your Devil anymore”
Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x OC
Genre: Between T and M (Trigger warning for violence, blood, abuse and eventual smut)
Tag List: @nydeiri
Notes: This is my first RES fic, so I'm sorry if I mess it up a bit. English is also not my main language, so a mistake or two may happen. I hope you enjoy it :)
Trigger Warning: Language, abuse, blood and violence.
Eastern Europe - July, 2009
"If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?"
Mother closed the book, placing it on the bedside table between Auryk's bed and mine. Then, she lowered herself and kissed my forehead like she did every night. Her long, blonde hair tickled my face and left a trace of her sweet lavender fragrance in the air. I giggled.
"Good night, sweetheart," she spoke.
"Good night, momma."
"Cherish your last night as a six years old. Tomorrow you will become a..."
"A seven years old girl. The prettiest girl in the village."
"Pffft," Auryk let out a displeased grunt from his bed, covering his head with the pillow to avoid listening another word from the conversation.
"And you too," mother sat by his side on the bed and repeated her nightly ritual of kissing his forehead to wish him a good night too. "You'll become the most handsome and brave warrior in this village. Do you understand?"
"I hope so. Good night, mom."
"Good night, buddy."
Mother left the room, leaving us both in the dark. However, we couldn't sleep. Not because we were thrilled about our incoming birthday party as any regular child, but because we knew our lives were about to change. Seven years old was the age every child from our village was introduced to the truth and started being trained to fight the evil that haunted our lands. Auryk and I spent minutes, or maybe hours, in silence, staring at the ceiling.
"Leena?" He was the first one to speak. "Do you believe a spell can broken? I mean, like a curse?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I answered, feeling my thoughts starting to drift away. "Maybe we're doomed after all. Or... we could learn how to love the beasts."
The birthday parties always happened during the daytime, rules of the village. We could no longer be outside after 6 PM. Mother got help from the other women to prepare the treats and organize the decorations. Auryk was disguised as a pirate and I... I was Belle, from the Beauty and the Beast.
"So, what do you think you will be getting this year?" My best friend Elena asked while we were playing with our dolls. She was about two years older than us.
"I don't know," I shrugged. Being a merchant, my father always returned home with the most unusual gifts: a magical music box, a voodoo doll that had a life on its own or a fragrance that chased away the monsters - and everybody else too. "A new book. I'm hoping for a new book."
It was only by the end of the party Adrian Novak made his entrance. That was the mystery about him. Nobody knew when he would show up, or if he would show up at all. He still had that same annoying smirk on his face. The corner of his mouth holding a cigarette. The months away made his beard grow longer, as well as his dark hair. In the sunlight, the scar above his eye was even more visible.
"Auryk," he shouted, "come here, son. I've got something for ya."
My twin brother, who had been climbing trees with his friends stop frozen in spot for a second. I couldn't tell if he hated or feared that man. Maybe both. He slowly followed father's command, approaching him cautiously.
"Hi, dad."
"Happy birthday, son," father ruffled his dark straight hair with his strong and calloused hand. "It's about time you grow up."
He handed my brother a large package. From our experience, we knew exactly what it was, a shotgun.
"T-Thank you, dad."
"I'll be spending some time at home. Tomorrow we'll start practicing."
Auryk consented. He shot me a quick glance. From our twin bond I could tell my brother was far from happy. When he blew his candles that afternoon, he didn't wish for a weapon. We wished to be a normal child.
"What did you get, Leena?" He asked once we were locked in the safety of our bedroom.
"Pencils and a drawing book. Dad thinks I'm talented."
Not really. Adrian Novak would never allow his daughter to hold a shotgun. That was, according to him, 'a man thing'.
"Good, at least one of us got what they wanted. Happy birthday, sister."
"Happy birthday, brother."
4 Years Later - October, 2013
It wasn't easy to be the weakest of the twins. Although he was born first, Auryk was the tinniest. The one who was always getting sick or getting injured. The one who couldn't hit a single fucking target when he had the alcoholic breath of his father on his neck.
He aimed for a crow, sitting still on a fence. How hard could it be? Even the eldest man from the village could do any better than that.
BANG! He shot again. And missed.
"Again?!" Adrian angered, shoving him hard on the shoulder. "What the hell is your problem, kid?"
"I don't know, okay? This gun... it's heavy!"
"Heavy? And why do you think we've been exercising for all these years, huh?! We do not live in Disneyland, Auryk. We need to fight monsters, abominations. Someday I won't be home and you need to be prepared to protect our people. Do you understand?"
Tears started forming in the corners of the boy's blue eyes. He couldn't cry. Not in front of him. Crying was a sign of weakness and he couldn't be weak. Not right now. Auryk started to think about all the things he could be doing. He thought about the ocean, as he had seen on TV and books. He could feel the warmness of the sun on his skin. The sand between his toes. His mom and sister were also there, of course - they'd carry them with him everywhere. And he would study Math and Physics. There would be no guns, no monsters, no blood, only numbers, only formulas, only theories. He smiled. He no longer felt like crying.
"I'm sorry, dad," kindness was always the answer, his mother said. "But this isn't for me, you know? I don't like it. I... Remember that boarding school my teacher mentioned? I thought maybe I..."
His words were interrupted by a hard slap on his face. Auryk could taste a small amount of blood coming out from his lower lip.
"So that's what you want? To become one of those little fancy fags? Maybe you're not my son after all."
Adrian started walking away, leaving his son alone, sitting on the floor.
"I AM!" Auryk yelled, enraged. "I am your son."
"Then prove it."
"You shouldn't take so hard on him," Savannah poured her husband a cup of tea. "He's just a boy."
"He's eleven years old, for god's sake," the husband punched the table strong enough to make it shake. "He needs to man up a bit. You should stop spoiling him."
As I left my bedroom I found my brother sitting on the stairs. He didn't have to be so close to listen to the conversation between our parents, father's voice was loud enough to echo through every wall of our small and cozy home.
I sat down by his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"Maybe you should do it, Leena. You'd do it better, I know."
"I'm not so sure. Remember when I tried to shoot a scarecrow and almost shot that old witch?"
"Come on, you aimed on purpose! I know."
Auryk finally let out a small laugh at the memory.
"You're good at everything, Leena," he spoke fondly. "You're an extrovert, you're everybody's friend, you can cook, you can draw and paint... you're a true artist. I'm a mistake."
"You're not a mistake, Ryk," I pulled my brother closer, resting my cheek against the side of his face. "We're only at the wrong place and you know it."
Going back to our bedroom, we pulled from the drawers the postcards our grandma Louise sent us from San Diego. Mom had been born in California and lived there her entire life, until she met father during one of his trips. God knows what made her fall in love with that man. Adventure? Danger? I expected better from myself when I turned eighteen. Otherwise, I'd never want to fall in love. Love could be my ruin, just like my mom's.
"Leena..." Auryk held the postcard tightly, "do you think... if he died... do you think mom would take us to nana's home?"
"I don't know, Ryk," I didn't want to think of my father's possible death. But I also dreamed of a better life. "Maybe."
"What the hell?" Father's voice in the kitchen made me jump in fear. I knew that tone. I grew up used to that. Something was wrong in the village. We had to hide.
"To the basement, now!" He emerged at the bedroom, holding a rifle. "Lycans were seen surrounding the area."
We barely had any time to react, mom came and dragged us both to the basement. Father left, carrying his arsenal of weapons as usual. There were other hunters in the village but we always knew how badly it could end. Somebody could always get seriously hurt. Or worse.
The basement had been carefully prepared for that kind of situation years before. It had a big bed, two armchairs, a heating source, some stored food and a shelf. Mom sighed and forced a smile.
"So," she walked to the shelf, "what is it going to be today?"
"Frankenstein," Auryk suggested. My brother loved mystery and horror. As if his life hadn't enough of it.
"Romeo and Juliet," I spoke. There was something about forbidden romance that always caught my interest.
"Okay. I... I'm gonna say a prayer and you two can read the books you picked by yourselves. What do you think?"
Mom kneeled down by the bed's side, holding a crucifix. I could join her if I wanted to, but I'd rather watch in silence. I grabbed my book, sitting on one of the armchairs and pretending to pay attention, while I tried to distract myself from the fact my father could be the Lycans' next prey. Or all of us, if they managed to break into our house.
"Leena?" I woke up hours later with my mom shaking me. "Leena?! Where's Auryk? Where's your brother, Leena?"
I had no idea. I had fallen asleep and apparently, so did mom. She checked for the basement's door, it had been locked from outside.
"No..." she tried to force it open. "No! I can't be..."
All Auryk had to do was to successfully kill and take a Lycan's carcass as a trophy to his father, right? That was what that old douchebag wanted him to do, to prove his courage, his manhood. We had his shotgun, a binoculars and a knife, that should be enough, but first, he needed a good plan.
Looking down to his hands, he had the most perfect idea. Without thinking twice, he sliced a cut through his palm, letting some blood pour on the ground. Then, he found a tall tree. He climbed it and observed. The smell of blood his trail left behind should be enough to attract a creature.
"Come on... come on..."
From a distance, Auryk could hear the sound of destruction and death. There was a battle going on somewhere nearby. Once again Lycans should have found a family or a group of hunters.
And then, he could hear it. The heavy footsteps, the screeching sounds, the sniffing. The mutant creature was only a few meters away from the tree. He aimed, but it was still too distant. He needed to move to a closer branch.
It all happened in one second. He was almost there, reaching for the spot he had picked, but his weight was too much for the tree's branch. In a blink of an eye, he was lying on the ground. His vision was blurred. His head hurt intensely, as well as his arm. It was broken for sure. He possibly had a concussion too. He tried to stand up and run but his legs wouldn't follow his commands. The Lycan was coming straight at him.
"AURYK!" His mother screamed behind him. "NO!"
Time seemed to freeze in that fraction of second. How did she manage to escape the basement? How could she have found him?
But without hesitation, Savannah threw herself on top of her son, protecting him from the jaws and claws of the monster. Auryk couldn't see much, but he could smell it. He could feel it. Blood. There was blood everywhere. He couldn't tell who it belonged to, he or his mom's.
A fast sequence of shots suggested the hunters had found them. The creature stopped moving, stopped howling. It was finally dead.
"M-Mom... it's dead. We... We're safe."
She didn't answer. Instead, he heard another familiar voice.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" It was from his father. "Savannah! Savannah!"
"D-Dad..." Auryk tried to speak, but the words got lost along the way. "I... I..."
Adrian lifted him by his jacket, holding him inches above the ground.
"I..." tears streamed down the boy's face, his injured brain trying to process what had just happened. "I'm sorry.'
After he was thrown back to the ground, he was hit with a hard kick on his stomach. He turned his head around to notice a small figure hiding behind a tree, watching the whole scene in pure horror.
"L-Leena..." he muttered.
"This is all your fault, Auryk. You're a disgrace to this family."
And then, he passed out. Rumors said he was unconscious for days or maybe weeks. When he woke up, he wished everything had been a nightmare.
Present Days - July, 2021
Nobody mourned Adrian Novak when he died. Not his children. Not his village mates. No human being would ever feel any sympathy for a man who abused and blamed his eleven years old son for his mother's death. It had been two years since Adrian left this world and I couldn't feel any more free.
"Hey," I left another message on my brother's voicemail, "in case you've forgotten it's our birthday today. I'd like to have my twin home, you know? Call me when you get this message."
It was useless, I knew. Auryk would only pick up his phone when he wanted to. Or when he was too drunk. God knew where that guy would be at that time, probably waking up at some girl's bed or getting some rest from... working.
After grabbing myself a cup of coffee, I checked the door's mat. Bills, bills, newspaper and... California Institute Of Arts? I remember having an argument with Auryk about this matter at some point. He wanted me to fill the application and send them my portfolio. I insisted we had no money, not even to pay for the tuition. I won - I always win every argument by the way.
"Your damn son of a..." I placed the envelope on the kitchen's table. I was a coward, I confess. However, I didn't know which pain was worse - to be sure I wasn't good enough or to be sure I was, indeed, but I'd never have money to leave that hellhole. Anyways, I decided to leave it alone. I had more important things to do.
My morning routine: to go to the middle of the woods and do some training. My father used to say fighting wasn't a girl thing, but I was no regular girl. And never in this life I'd allow someone to tell me what to do.
After running, climbing and doing a set of push-ups, it was time for combat training. Travelers from abroad taught me some different set of moves, I'd like to think I created my own fighting style. I was also very good with knifes, daggers or any kinds of short blades, they were useful during a close distance combat. My shooting was a work in progress, once or twice I'd miss the center of my handmade targets.
Then, like everyday, I'd go back home, shower and follow to my shift at the village's pub.
"Hiya, Leena," Gustav greeted me when I arrived. "I heard today is a special day... the day a little girl..."
"NO!" I stopped him. Gustav was my best friend. We had known each other since we were children and somehow, he liked to make my birthday a special - and embarrassing - event.
He placed a handmade fairytale-like book on the table. There were some edited pictures, mixed with some messed up drawings about my birth and childhood. He called it 'The Princess Who Carried The Light'.
"God, you're soooo stupid..." I rolled my eyes and moaned, before wrapping him into a very tight hug. "I love you, you know that?"
"I know. You'd probably marry me, if you weren't into girls."
We laughed together, as Olga, our boss emerged from the kitchen, bringing a cake with nineteen candles.
"Here's to another year," the older woman opened a wrinkled smile, "make a wish, my darling."
I fell pensive for a moment, besides having my twin brother back home, safe and sound, what else could I wish for? California, that scholarship, a new life... that's for sure.
"I wish for... a new life, a new adventure," I pronounced aloud while blowing the candles.
"Careful," a male voice spoke behind me, "words have power, little sister. You may get what you want."
I jumped straight to my brother's arms. I could swear that in only a few weeks he had gotten a little bit taller, and stronger too.
"I wouldn't miss my own birthday, right?" He smirked. "So, where's the cake? Please, chocolate... tell me it's chocolate."
"Your silly boy," Olga spread some icing on his nose. "Of course it's chocolate, as you love. And with cherries too."
Auryk responded with a satisfied smile. Olga and her husband, Kristoff, were those responsible for taking care of him after the Lycan attack, years ago. They sort of adopted him like one of their biological children.
"Oh!" The woman exclaimed taking a closer look at Ryk's forearm. He had gotten a tattoo. I hadn't been informed of those news either. Apparently, my brother had more secrets than I could even start to imagine. "This is... new. It seems like my kids are really growing up."
"And only now you noticed that, Olga?" Gustav joked.
Olga shook her head, grinning at herself and returned to the kitchen. The customers were starting to fill the pub. I stared at Ryk again, wondering what other secrets my brother could be keeping.
"So, what does that mean?" I pointed to his newly gotten tattoo, a strange and ancient symbol it seemed.
"Protection from the evil. This is what we need the most in our lives, especially in a place like this. What reminds me -" we turned around, taking a small box from the pocket of his jacket. "Your gift."
I took the black velvet box from his hands, it contained a golden necklace with a magenta gemstone as pendant. My blue eyes drowned themselves in the stone. It had a mysterious glow. Something hypnotizing. Something magical.
"Whoa..." was everything my mouth could pronounce. "And I bought you an Astronomy book."
Auryk stood up from his chair and went behind me, taking the necklace from my hands to wear it around my neck himself.
"This is supposed to protect you from any supernatural and inhumane beings. I won't lose you to them, Aleena. Not like I lost mom."
"Ryk, I... I can't even thank you enough."
"You don't have to. Just... stay alive."
First, I was overflowing with happiness. It either had to do with the fact my brother was home, alcohol, or both. Also, Olga should thank me. Most of the costumers of the day only stopped by the bar because of me. They absolutely loved me and knowing it was my birthday, they had to come and see me. A few of them even gave me some extra tips or a small gift, which was even greater.
"Okay, party girl..." Auryk helped me to get inside of the house as I tripped over the door mat. "Time to go to bed now. Don't you think?"
"Come on, Ryk! Have some spirit! You're home, Olga gave me the day off tomorrow, I earned some money..."
"You told Mrs. Hansen you secretly had a crush on her daughter during Middle School, you danced on top of a table, you're gonna get a hangover..."
"Party pooper!"
I threw myself at the couch. Auryk stood in front of me with arms crossed, looking like a father about to give his child a lecture.
"What?!" I yelled. "It's not like you've never been drunk before. Remember when you stole Adrian's..." I started to laugh, remembering the episode.
"When you were going to tell me about this, Leena?" He showed me the envelope. The Art Institute envelope. The one I had been struggling to open.
"Oh! I forgot. My bad, I didn't open it myself yet. I probably didn't get in anyways."
"You did."
I did?
"It's not like we have money to pay for my tuition. Also, how are we supposed to move to California, Ryk? I work at a pub and you..."
"I've gotten more than enough for that. You know that getting out of this place has always been the plan, since we were children. Leena, I've done some big jobs those last few months. I have the money to grant us a comfortable life in California."
"Smuggling, Ryk!" I raised my voice, saying aloud the information that was supposed to be a secret or not. "You've been stealing to grant us this life."
My brother stared at me in silence. I couldn't tell if he felt offended or embarrassed about my words.
"I'm getting out of here, whatever it takes," he ran a hand through his dark hair. "And you are coming with me. In two weeks, we move to United States for your enrollment."
What I was trying to protest against? Leaving the village and starting a new life with my brother was everything I always dreamed.
"Look, I promise you," Auryk placed both of his firm hands on my shoulders, "once we settle down, no more smuggling."
"Okay," I sighed. "We leave in two weeks then."
There was a loud knock on the door. Being drunk as I was, I figured out I should have forgotten my purse at the pub. Or it could be a neighbor with some very stupid emergency.
Auryk opened the door and there was a strange looking man standing there. We wore sunglasses and a hat, behind his back he was carrying a giant hammer. According to the rumors and stories I heard from my parents, that was one of the Lords of The Four Houses, Karl Heisenberg.
"Auryk Novak?" He asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Come with me, kid. You've gotten yourself in big trouble."
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xmyshya · 3 years
Bumpy road
summary: What if two of your favourite boys were pining after you? genre: angst, fluff, crack warnings: stupidity special thanks: the whole HQ Headquarters DS, for giving me ideas, for hyping up, for everything, I love you all. a/n: Colour coded! Red for Kuroo, Yellow for Atsumu, black for neutral/both! There's an Easter Egg! wc: 3.9k words
“Please take a seat in the last row”, your eyes followed an extended arm of your new homeroom teacher until they landed on a boy with the messiest bedhead you’d ever seen. He didn’t seem to pay much attention to you though, instead resting his eyes on a faraway point on the other side of the window. Until he heard the noise you made while shuffling your chair, that is. “Hiiiiii, I’m L/N Y/N, nice to meet you neighbour!”, a wide smile formed on your face. “Kuroo Tetsurou, nice to meet you too”.
One week later, you were standing on the gym's threshold, filling your lungs with a deep breath before taking the first step in as a new manager. Volleyball had never been a sport close to your heart, but you had had some experience with it, as well as basic knowledge, so you were up for a challenge. All the more reason to after being asked by an unexpectedly fun friend. And being able to spend more time with said friend. But more time spent on talking came with another consequence. You started hearing rumours and whispers. Things like wow, she’s really talking to him or oh, another victim to his charm reached your ears from everywhere. “Kuroo, am I not supposed to talk to you or something?”, slipped your lips one day. You might as well continue, since he already heard you and was now looking at you with a confusion clear in his eyes. “I just heard people being… surprised about this”. “Oh, apparently I’m either intimidating or hot enough to be a fuckboy”, you choked on your own saliva. “You’re what?” “Intimidating or hot, or both”, did he really say that with a straight face, not once but twice? You just burst out laughing, eyeing him up and down. “Sorry, where?”, laughter bending your body in half, you bumped your head against the desk. “Ouch”
School premises were swarmed with sweaty boys. Some of them were familiar, like Bokuto or Akaashi, who had been friends with Kuroo for quite a long time. You recognised Karasuno, also known as Country Bumpkins, due to a practice match 2 months prior. The rest? Well, you only knew they were parts of the Fukurodani group. There was a mock game going on, and you, being a diligent manager, observed every move of your teammates to give them performance feedback. Further into the game though, your eyes shifted more and more onto your best friend’s lifting shirt, every time he went for a block. Or spiked. Or served. And wow, his thigh muscles were really… “Okay people, time for a break!”, a shout somewhere near you brought you back to reality. You stood up and made your way to the door, to catch some fresh air, while you bumped into quite a firm body. Looking up revealed it was Kuroo. His smirk made you wonder if he noticed your stares. His wink convinced you he, in fact, did. “Y/N, your name should be Neon, cause daaaaaamn you’re a perfect 10” “So you must be Helium, cause I sure as hell want you on top of me on a table”, few people whistled. Oh shit. His reaction gave you an extra boost of confidence, because now it was painfully obvious that all the rumours about the man in front of you were pretty much it, rumours, since his ears could as well be beacons. You winked at him on your way back to the door, and he still stood there dumbfounded when you looked back after reaching it.
Something had changed. You couldn’t quite put a finger on what exactly, but it was different. Like a tiny heat wave whenever your hands brushed, and they brushed more often. Like an extra beat of your heart whenever you felt his touch on the small of your back. Like your eyes lingering on for a second longer, before dropping to each other’s lips. Like a blush tinting his ears when you smile at him. Or like the way his heart clenched, when your thick tears threatened to burn their way through his chest, because the world had been unfair to you once too many, while the only thing he could do was to hold you so tight and kiss the top of your head so gently.
Having to stay late at school really was a blessing, when it was just the two of you in an empty train compartment on your way home. Otherwise, you surely would be scolded or at least stared at, because the decibels of your laughters while fooling around were beyond socially acceptable limits. He was now chasing you, fingers threatening to tickle you once you’re caught… You started to turn just in time for your back to hit the wall, and you definitely didn’t expect him to be so close, with the way he hovered over you and his hand making a loud thud. Or maybe it was your heart. “Oh sorry, the train bumped”, there was something in his eyes that compelled you to look into them, even when he leaned on his forearm above your head. He was so close, you could almost feel his breath on your skin. “Are you sure it’s not you falling for me?”, a chuckle in your throat died instantly as you saw his eyes open wide in fear for a fraction of a second, before his usual cocky smirk curled his lips again. He booped your nose before leaning against the wall next to you. The rest of the way home was silent.
It was time for you to run to your own team’s match. There was no way to miss a game for a manager, even if it was just your presence serving as a support on court. Your eyes slipped down to your watch only for a moment, but it was enough for a disaster to occur. You felt your body clash with another. “I’m so-” “Watch where yer running, ya fucking idiot”, you really wanted to apologise, you really did. But obviously not anymore, not when the other person was shouting at you like that. “Excuse me?! And where the fuck did your eyes go, huh? And don’t you dare speak to me like that”, your finger digging relentlessly into this stranger’s chest, despite his posture being so much bigger than yours, rage boiling in your veins blocking successfully any feeling of intimidation. “Do ya have any idea who ya talkin’ to? Miya Atsumu of Inarizaki, ya pig”, he straightened up and lifted his chin, looking down at you with a half smirk. You, however, only raised a brow. “Ooohhhhh…”, you squint your eyes for a moment, tapping a finger on your slightly pouty lips. “Never heard of ya”, you gave him a wide smile as you continued your rushed steps towards another gym. “W-wait a sec!”, shit, you really didn’t have time for this, “I uhh, sorry? I thought ya were one of dem stalking fangals and uhh...”, it was clear he wasn’t used to apologising. “The way ya talked back at me was so freaking cool! Can I have yer number?” You were shocked that he dared asking you that after the insults he spouted. Even more so, when you found yourself tapping your digits into his phone.
Nekoma won the match. Not that it was surprising, you always believed in the boys, and you had believed in their plan. But now that the game was over, you were heading to have a sneak peek at your Crow friends. You didn’t expect the situation to be so dire. From the scoreboard, your eyes moved to their opponents and… oh shit. Preparing to serve was HIM, none other than self-proclaimed “THE” Miya Atsumu. He noticed you too, surely, because he was grinning your way and oh my god was it a wink? Because it definitely looked like a wink. The whole match was a pain to watch. It had you hyped, it had you devastated, it had you crying and laughing uncontrollably. But when Oranges finally won, indescribable joy overwhelmed you, while you screamed and jumped around. Sudden hand on the small of your back startled you, emotion quickly replaced with surprise and confusion when you saw Kuroo attached to it. He hadn’t touched you in 2 months. “C’mon, time for us to go”, he pushed you gently towards the door while staring down the blonde setter behind your back. His gaze said he was taking up the challenge.
In the evening, the whole team was gathered in front of the tv to watch repetitions, over and over again, and figure out a strategy. Honestly your focus only could last that long, mind already looking for distractions, when you heard a ding from your phone. [unknown]: Ya know, could’ve been less happy about our loss. ‘M heartbroken now. [Y/N]: That’s what you get for playing against my friends ;) who’s this, btw? [Miya]: Whaddya mean ‘who’?! It’s Miya Atsumu here! [Y/N]: Aaahhhhh… Never heard of him :D [Miya]: We gotta change it then “Maaaaan, I wish we could play against Miyas”, Yamamoto’s voice dragged you back into the room. “Yeah, me too”, Kuroo hissed through clenched teeth.
Recent weeks were crazy. Preparation for college entrance exams was consuming most of your time, along with your sanity. If only Kuroo was with you, he would surely tell you to take a short break, instead, your mind was spiraling into educational anxiety. Am I doing enough? What if I fail? What if I forget something? What if… the soft sound of a notification brought you down to Earth. Miya Atsumu sent you a friend request. Ah, right. You were overworking yourself so much lately, that you almost stopped replying to his texts, still you were sure to receive at least one every 2-3 days. Request accepted. Just when you were about to re-focus on the textbook in front of you, another notification came. Miya Atsumu liked your photo. Amused, you click on it only to discover the picture was from… 4 years ago. Reaction disappeared, however, almost as quickly as it appeared. On the other side of the line Atsumu’s hands were shaking and sweating, his face red, as his brain was sent into an overdrive. Oh no, oh no, ohnonono, what have I done, has she noticed, do I look desperate, what do I do now, whatdoIdo. But you never said anything about it.
[Miya]: Ya need ta relax once in a while, ya know? [Miya]: Stress ain’t bringing in results [Y/N]: Wow, so you can say something wise :0 [Miya]: HA. HA. HA. [Miya]: Now please wouldya get me? I dunno Tokyo too much. 10 minutes later you were scanning the crowd on the train station in search of a familiar blonde. It wasn’t too hard to find him, but unexpectedly… he had company. Of 2 other guys, including one looking exactly like him, except for a different hair colour. They were introduced to you as ‘Samu (apparently Atsumu was too nervous to go alone) and Suna (he would never miss a spectacle like this). “So where do you need to get to?”, Suna looked at his friend with amusement, and you could swear you heard his twin whisper “she doesn’t know?”. Suddenly you had a phone screen right in front of your eyes, pictures of your favourite cafe on display. How did he.... “I wanna take a certain gal here”, Atsumu tapped on the screen, his eyes focused intensely on yours. As soon as you shifted your gaze from his mobile to his face though, he looked away. “Let’s go then, I guess”
Having your favourite hot chocolate in your hands would have been relaxing, if not for the deafening silence and weird smirks between two extras. “Soooooo, care to explain what you’re doing here?” “Sightseeing?”, blonde sitting opposite of you looks quite adorable with the pink tint, hand on the nape of his neck. Wait, adorable? “Yeah, y/n here being the sight, OUCH”, Suna jumped in his seat, definitely kicked by Atsumu. Maybe he was right, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have a breather from books and notes. On the other side of the window, Kuroo was clenching his fists, as he watched you laugh, not really sure of the reason behind his anger.
Being late on the very first day is a bad omen, you cursed as you ran through the campus. It was NOT your fault that it was so needlessly big. It also wasn’t your fault that you spent way too much time searching for motivation to attend this class, which was clearly added to the program to harass students. It was bound to be the most boring subject, you just felt it in your bones. You opened the door to the lecture hall as quietly as you could, and then tiptoed to the nearest free seat, eyes trained on the lecturer (you thanked gods she was turned back to the room). Luck was on your side, she hasn’t noticed. “Whatcha doin’ here, babe?”, a sudden whisper and lips barely brushing your ears made you jump in your chair. You almost screamed, but the man’s reflexes were almost inhuman, as he covered your mouth with his hand. Truthfully speaking, it might have been better to prevent your knee from bumping against the desk, because now you had all the unwanted attention. And a hurting knee. “K-Kuroo?!”, you whisper-shout back at him. “I knew we enrolled in the same university, but same class?” “I think this might be the only one, since it’s mandatory for everyone” You thought this course might actually be your favourite.
Obviously he noticed it. It was impossible not to, since the pisshead was a new follower on almost ALL of your social media. Not just a follower, no. He was commenting on nearly each photo, and reacting to every. Single. One. At first Kuroo was just mildly annoyed. Then angry. And then he could feel his blood boil whenever he saw his name under your post. He wasn’t going to tell you though how he checked every hour or so if you had replied. That day, when you both sat in your room, working on some early assignment (two heads are better than one), your phone was blowing up. Tetsurou knew who it was, he saw the bubbles popping up on your screen. You didn’t pay attention to them, much to his relief. On the other hand, Atsumu was going crazy. “Samuuuuuu, she ain’t replying!” “Samuuuuuu, ya think she’s on a date?” “Samuuuuuu, did I annoy her too much?” “Samuuuu….” “Shut up, Tsumu” “Y/N? Smile for the photo”, he laughed when your head snapped towards his raised hand, and your eyes opened wide. Kuroo pushed the shutter button exactly when you smacked his arm. “What the hell’s wrong with you?!”, notes and the search engine slowly reclaimed your main focus, partly because you wanted to hide a blush blooming on your cheeks. “Just wanted to commemorate our first study session in our university life!”, he mused as he entered First assignment with the best girl <3 - @y/n in caption and pressed <upload>. Let’s see if you react to this one, asshole. He didn’t.
[Y/N]: Are you okay? You’ve been awfully silent lately. [Miya]: ‘M ok! Didn’t want to bother ya. [Y/N]: Huh? [Y/N]: Why the sudden change? [Miya]: Idk, maybe I shouldn’t text “best girl <3” [Y/N]: Atsumu… You’re an idiot [Miya]: Am not! He was. He realised this few days later, right before hopping on a train to Tokyo. Or rather… his brother made him realise this. “Huuuuuuuh?! Whaddya mean I like her?! I mean, I do, she’s cool, but whaaaat?!” “Tsumu… Yer about’a get on a train ta see her!” “So?” “Yer an idiot” “Hey! That’s what she said too!” Looking back at it, that might have been true. Maybe. After all, he was on his way to a city 500 km away, just to see… a friend. Would he do that for just a friend?
He found you outside, and he swore it was the prettiest scene he had ever seen. Gentle breeze blew your hair, as you basked in the sunshine. With your floral dress you reminded him of a flower praising the sun. In that very moment he regretted he hadn’t bought you anything, not even some flowers. Not that they would compare to you. He watched you turn to him in slow motion, as if he was in a movie, and you were about to jump into his arms. You just smiled instead, but its brightness could rival the orb up in the sky. At that moment, he knew he was gone.
“So ya say… there’s anime about volleyball?” “Yes! And it’s so good! Seems pretty accurate too!” “Ya hafta show me! That’s so cool!”, he reminded you of a kid, with his eyes shining like glitter, and a smile covering at least half of his face.
He had exactly the same expression, when he suddenly stopped walking and you bumped into him, ice cream spreading nicely on your nose as he was taking a selfie of both of you. And then again at the train station, when he was worried his arms might have lingered a tad too long around your waist, but you didn’t pull back. Later, a screech could be heard in your room as that photo appeared on your timeline. With your name attached to it. In yer face, rooster bastard, Atsumu thought as he had clicked the <upload> button. Kuroo only scoffed, original much. But if that’s how he wants to play…
Lunch break was your favourite part of the day not just because it was, well, a break, and not only because of lunch. It was the time spent on talking, goofing around and stealing each other’s food, together with Tetsurou. That day, however, exhaustion took over and you couldn’t do much more than just lay your head on the cantine table, your hair a messy veil. “I can’t wait for summer break to come, I want it to come already! My brain is so tired” “Hang in there! It’s just 2 weeks of exams, and then we’re free!” “Why are you doing this to me, Kuroooooo” “I’ve always been a nice person” His hand was soft as he gently uncovered your face, strand by strand. “Wanna go somewhere and relax a little before all hell breaks loose?” Soft hum was the only thing leaving your lips as you melted into his touch.
The sun was merciless, as if its sole purpose was to burn the Earth to ashes. The fact that you were ankles deep in a stream and shielded by dense leaves didn’t help at all. Undeniably though it was soothing for the soul. “Okay, let’s move on”, Kuroo said, despite wanting to watch you forever. There was something about this relaxed expression that strung the cords of his heart. Yes, you looked happy. It took you too short a while to have shoes on and be ready to walk again. Summer breeze felt wonderful as you climbed up a rocky hill, scorching heat finally letting up a little. Temptation to just stand there with eyes closed and arms open wide almost too strong. Still, you let yourself submerge in it enough, not to notice a slippery boulder. You were preparing yourself for the impact, but instead, you felt a pull on your wrist and then a firm chest in front and a strong arm around your waist. “Please be more careful”, a whisper rather felt than heard, barely louder than a breath. This and his scent intoxicated you. “Let’s go?”
The view was magnificent. Just behind the hill, there was a lake, as clear as glass. Its naturally azure colour was tinted with golden afternoon light and rosy flowers covering the trees growing around the coastline. Some of the petals were floating on the surface, between the sun kissed shimmers. It was truly breathtaking, both of you wished you could stay in that moment. Neither of you noticed, none of you had let go of each other’s hand.
[Y/N]: Random thought. [Y/N]: What if I were a werewolf? [Miya]: … [Miya]: Are ya? oO [Y/N]: Hmm? Would it be a problem if I was? [Miya]: I… ‘m allergic to dogs… :( [Miya]: I swear I’ll get meds! [Y/N]: Wow, such a sacrifice! You would do that for me? [Miya]: I would even hunt squirrels for ya! [Y/N]: Squirrels? [Miya]: Or whatever werewolves eat [Y/N]: Wow, I’m speechless “Samuuuuuuuuu, she sent me a heart! A HEART!”, the fluttering in his chest was almost unbearable. “Shut yet mouth, ya simp! It’s 1 am!” He wasn’t a simp, of course not. Sure, he did watch whatever you recommended to him, and listened to whatever song you said you loved. He did research on things you had said were interesting, and rushed to his phone whenever it announced a new message. But being a simp? Him? Never.
If this wasn’t heaven, you didn’t know what would be. Warm sand under your back, cool water coming in waves to wash the heat off of your skin, and the sun watching you from the clearest sky. You heard a click somewhere behind your head, and opened your eyes to see your relative, showing proudly their creation. “You just looked so blissful, Y/N. Couldn’t help it”. You couldn’t blame them. You didn’t remember feeling this much at peace either. “Send it to me, please!”
Tucked gently in your covers, you were swiping through your gallery, admiring the pictures you and your relative had taken. After another round you finally decided which ones you wanted to share with the world, a mixture of landscapes, sunsets and portraits. As soon as you were informed about the post being up, you silenced your phone and closed your eyes ready to sleep… This might have been one of the best decisions you had made recently. You had never seen that many alerts on any of your content. Majority of these were from Atsumu, who obviously made sure none of your uploadings went unnoticed, which spread a warmth in your chest. What really caught your attention though, was how many times one particular picture was mentioned. Yes, the one on the beach. It was almost scary. {Kuroo}: Babe, you shouldn’t expose yourself like that, there are thirsty bois around. {Atsumu}: Who tf are ya callin’ thirsty?! {Kuroo}: Never said I was talking about you, but I guess I found one {Atsumu}: Listen here ya smug ass’ole, ya think yer funny? Suna only sent a gif of popcorn eating {Osamu}: Okay Y/N, as much as I find this exhilarating…just choose already, spare those two poor souls! Suna sent another gif, this time a very disappointed one.
Choose? Wtf does that mean? And then it hit you. Kuroo suddenly getting touchy again after distancing himself from you. His sudden clinginess whenever Atsumu interacted, phone in plain sight. Miya’s constant attention. His willingness to travel and never asking for anything in return. His eagerness to learn about anything you liked. Had you really been so oblivious for this whole time? Well, it could wait until you were back home.
Memories flooded your mind as you were typing the message, your heartbeat rate over the roof, your hands shaky, but you knew you needed to do this. For your sake. For his sake. One last glance over the text “I think it’s time for us to talk…” before you press <send>
Epilogue 1 - Kuroo Epilogue 2 - Tsumu Epilogue 3 - both
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acedhigh · 4 years
SIEGEMAS 2020 @dualrainbow​ starring: Marius Streicher, Dominic Brunsmeier, Monika Weiss, Elias Kötz. main blog: @elitejager​ note: hey to anyone who reads this, I haven’t written anything in forever and the only time I’ve ever written a fic was a request, so this is a first for me. as an Autistic person I wanted to touch on the topic a little (i.e how the world views us versus how we view others and express ourselves) and incorporate it into my prompt for this piece. Marius inspires me a lot, I know he’s a popular part of Team Rainbow so I hope you all like it & happy holidays ✌
07 December.
As an icy chill snaked its way down his nape, Marius was reminded of the changed season. Days, weeks even, inside the workroom (his 'safehaven' as he called it to himself), made time and weather and all things mundane merge together in one big negligible blur. The transition between October into November now early December had seemed so...rapid. "Getting lost in one's work" was nothing short of apropos for this revelation; Unfazed by the cold however, he merely rolled down his sleeves and resumed gazing intently at his go-to site for ordering parts - Hated the white background (far too garish) but it offered the best of the best, and a quicker delivery schedule. He'd need it. It wasn't unusual for him to spend great bouts of time in one place. Even less unusual to be knee-deep in a project or two. But it was when morning frost and Christmas music became part of everyday life to crudely round off the year, that Monika and Elias were particularly attentive to Marius and his propensity to isolate. He'd been like that as long as they could recall. It could be almost jarring at first - His quips that'd rub less-familiar colleagues the wrong way, the speed at which his social battery would fizzle out like an ember, and a subtle arrogance which stepped on many toes. In contrast to Marius' heated and bull-headed nature, even his enthusiasm and eagerness to share or contribute somehow seemed misplaced or perhaps just poorly timed; Boundaries were a struggle and frequently crossed line despite how many walls he put between himself and others. He was unpredictable to most. "Hard to decipher", as Monika once put it. She was the first out of the four to recognize he was on the spectrum, and it tugged at her heartstrings to watch him endure contempt in place of a little understanding - But she vowed to hold her tongue. She did not want to patronise or belittle someone as bold as Marius. After all, in many ways she considered him to rival herself academically, and that garnered much of her respect. He was capable, he didn't need her or anybody else to coddle him or worry. Monika did not worry about him at all in fact, until this time of year.
16 December.
Elias had a similar view. Never had he met someone so rigid in his performance, so disciplined, yet so antsy. Must be the whole chaos of creativity, he thought. He recounted several incidences where he tried his hand at entertaining Marius, to no avail. Like things just didn't connect with him or tickle him the way Elias could achieve with others. But that didn't mean they lacked a connection at all - They were close, but where other people stood Marius was always one step further away, by his own accord. It was clear from the get go that the engineer liked to do things his way and per his agenda. Elias would grant him the favour of “breathing room” because he knew that although Marius held people at arms' length, beneath that eccentric exterior there was a shining heart of gold that cared deeply about the people he would shoo out of his workroom. Today was no exception, apparently.
"Hey, Marius--" There he was, ensconced in something technical of course, and drenched in fluorescent white light.
"Don't-- You can't look. Just...I'm busy. And I'm discussing this prototype of mine with the head of BMVg, whatever it is, it can wait."
Oops, Elias. "This isn't for prying eyes, it's commission work. I'll humour you later."
"Ah, err, got it. No peeking. Just don't work yourself to death and I'll check back in tonight. See ya!"
Yeah, this wasn't uncommon he muses, as he's met with a cold hand gesture towards the door. Though Elias couldn't help but wonder if maybe Marius was pushing himself even harder as to not think about the holidays. Dominic's relationship with him was different. Not as warm to the touch. And certainly more volatile, when tension arose. A clash of unorthodox personalities. They were polar opposites in one way, but fiercely empathetic in others, because pariahs stick together even when grating on each others' nerves - It was their non-conformity that made them a good team no matter how unconventional (and potentially troublesome) the dynamics. He knew how it was to be alone like the back of his hand. Maybe that too is the reason for their kinship, once all strain dissipated. Even he occasionally considered how his comrade handled the isolation; Dominic relished it to a degree, a darker mind who co-existed with his demons. But he knew Marius and he frequently observed his drive to form relationships only for them to fall flat or worse because of that same old disconnect Elias talked about on occasion. Never brought it up verbally but nothing could ghost Dominic's perusal. "Damn. Rejected again," Elias jests as he spots Dominic taking a break from playing grease monkey on his bike - Cigarette routinely positioned in mouth and garage wide open so that snow had begun collecting on the entrance floor. This wing was probably his safehaven, too.
"You should leave him to it." Dominic takes a long drag before expelling two plumes from his nose.
"Yeah I know, I know. Just seems wrong to not try. I don't think he's going home for Christmas. Hasn't heard from his Uncle for a couple of years...Not sure why. Marius tells me that's nothing out of the ordinary. Still, doesn't hurt to remind him we're around."
"He knows we're around. If you and Monika make a fuss it'll probably backfire."
"You could be right. But hey, buzzing in somebody’s ear is better than letting them feel ignored. I wouldn't be half as fun if I wasn't annoying."
"...Are you sure 'fun' is the right word?" Dominic concealed his smirk behind another toke.
"Whaaatever. Have a good night Brunsmeier. And don't get too cold old man! I don't know how you have the place all opened up on days like this. I don't want to come back tomorrow morning and find you in cryostasis."
"Uhuh. Well, snow chains. Fitting new ones on the tires and have to put 'em to the test somehow. See you, Smartass."
23 December.
The air was cold and dry and it permeated indoors but the serenity of snow blanketing everything for miles upon miles outweighed the chill in his lungs. Even the sun couldn’t thaw the ice nor interfere with celebrants having their white Christmas. From the moment he'd woken up that morning he rushed to get stuck back into his work without so much as cranking up the radiators. No matter the climate, it wouldn't deter him from his endeavours, much like Winter itself. As he fine-tuned his latest creation Marius felt overcome with accomplishment and relief knowing he had the rest of the day to spare after hours of trial and error. Fingers weaved and arms raised he stretched up high, taking a moment to admire the fully customised apparatus begging to be used. Fishing his phone out of a denim pocket he checked the time and grabbed one of the gift boxes wrapped neatly with a lavender bow. Monika would always make a point of going home to celebrate with her family - he'd heard many stories about her mother's Sauerbraten - and was always the first to leave to ensure she'd catch her flight. Ergo, her turn came first. His soles crunched against the virgin snow as Marius made his way to the dormitories. He could've forgotten the clean scent of fresh air or the sheer brightness the day can bring after spending a majority of his time hunkered down at the workroom. Cutting it close, he was fortunate enough to cross paths with Monika, luggage in her wake while punching in a numberpass for the electronic gate. "Monika!" He called out, waving her down.
"Hm?" Immediately she turned on her heel - Perhaps he startled her, or it was the (pleasant) surprise of hearing that familiar voice in another place other than his station or dorm.
"Monika, I'm glad I could catch you. Here--" Offering the palm sized box it was clear to the both of them that neither knew exactly how to handle the situation without underlying befuddlement. "--Frohe Weihnachten." (Merry Christmas). Ah yes, he'd forgotten that part. He wasn't well-versed in the act of gift giving - not face to face, at least...
"Really? For me?"
"Of course it is. It's purple. I don't know anybody else's favourite colour."
"I'm a little speechless...! Thank you Marius, and Frohe Weihnachten. I got something for you too, so did Elias. You were too busy we didn't think to disturb you and thought we'd leave them on your desk. You're welcome to pick them up yourself beneath the tree Emmanuelle and Yumiko set up in the foyer." Something akin to a glorified 'Secret Santa' Harry suggested for Team Rainbow to build on their camaraderie but appealed little to Dominic.
"Oh, that was unnecessary, but I'm grateful. Then I'm obliged to thank you as well. I didn't expect anything - I just wanted to see what I could come up with. I hope you like it."
"No act of benevolence is unnecessary. I'm tempted to open this up right here and now, I'm very curious. I'm going to show restraint however and open it tomorrow. I'll shoot you a message afterwards, OK?" She unzipped her case and placed it delicately atop folded clothes. Whatever it was, it seemed fragile, and would need the padding. "You take care of yourself Marius. Tschüss!" She passed through the gate and left with a smile.
24 December.
With more confidence after yesterday's exchange next in line was either Elias or Dominic, whoever he bumped into first. Today was bitterly cold and much darker, grey clouds hanging overhead almost as thick as the snow. Still, it was welcomed by those who enjoyed the seasonal comforts of lounging around; Vastly preferable to these scorching Summers in recent years, to Marius' admittance. He could spy from beyond his work station window that Dominic had the garage locked up early and was now dumping fodder to feed one of his burn barrel fires. To Marius, this had grown synonymous with Winter, and was a good way to gauge the severity of the weather - Dominic explained to him that it became habit from his undercover days, and was a quick & easy disposal method of...well, anything that could burn. Which sounded vaguely ominous with the way he put it, and there was no doubt in his mind that it absolutely was ominous. But that was then. He would ponder though, what his fellow operative saw in those flames. If he thought of an array of things and memories like a haunting myriad or maybe he just saw nothing more than a warming fire and burning magazines. It was hardly worth asking either, because he was scarcely linear, and seemed to quietly take pleasure in keeping people on their toes. An enigma for sure. They both were. Joining Dominic's side he could feel heat from the fire and the barrel itself as it raged on between them.
"You've been out here a while?" "An hour, maybe less." "Can't be too good for you. It's cold & flu season. If you're going to see your nephews and nieces, that's not wise." "I've dealt with worse." "Yes, that's true, I'm sure your lungs appreciate your pack-a-day fitness ritual." "If I smoked a pack a day, BPOL would give me the chop faster than any bad habits could on my life expectancy. Besides, I can still outrun you. Did you come here to give me health advice or was there something else?" "I know you well enough to know that giving you advice often goes unheeded." Much to my dismay. "So no, however--" He presents the red giftbox to Dominic, which he'd yet to acknowledge. Or he didn't care enough to ask. There's a visible confusion that reads in his otherwise stark expression - Like Monika's the day prior. Was it really so foreign for Marius to present his generosity this way? "Oh...?" "Open it, Dummkopf." Rather than muster some spur of the moment retort Dominic does as instructed. He settled the box in snow and crouched down to examine what awaited inside. "Pure silver electromagnetic rods. In a similar vein to an EMP device, rather, a preemptive attack on them and on your target. Think of them as an extension to your CEDs. Place them around in any formation you like to create an electromagnetic field; They will go live the moment your CEDs do. I've included a remote for functionality and to check that they're all within range of each other. The frequencies will be dizzying for enemy weaponry and at the touch of a button, shock anybody standing within the field's radius." Astounded, Dominic can only look down in disbelief at the device in his hands. It's one thing to fix up an old motorcycle, or even a car, but something of this calibre was truly belonging to a prodigious acumen. And that prodigy is Marius Streicher. "Oh, there's also armbands and a 'plate' you fit to the bottom of your footwear to absorb static and safeguard you from being on the receiving end of the electrogrid. That part should be a familiar concept." "..." "Well?" "I don't know how the hell you come up with this shit, but it's incredible." "Mmhmm. Of course it is, I made it. Brave of you to finally admit that." "Don't make me regret showing some gratitude. I mean it. Is this what you've been busying yourself with the whole month?" "Yeah, calculating pulse waveforms took more work than Monika's and Elias' upgrades, I readily accepted the challenge though." "You went to the trouble of making something for them too huh. Crazy." "I did yes. Monika's was no sweat. I pulled up the files on her RED Mk III and tweaked a few things. Utilising the same technology I fitted a lens-like screen to a headpiece, so the intel she needs is always in view, and her handling of weapons isn't compromised. I think she'll appreciate the purple tint I used for the lens. That, and it can also be used for her spelunking - The new and improved Spectre can see beyond solid walls several metres thick, and it can detect hollow spaces like tunnels. If she removes the chip and slots it into the drone I made for her - I'll reveal that part to her once she's back - she can apply the Spectre to airborne recon in the same way as the lens itself." "Now, you're showing off. She's going to use and abuse that thing every chance she gets." "Good. Then I won't have made it for nothing." "What about Elias, what did you give him?" "I haven't given him his yet which works out nicely." "I'm all ears, Brainiac." "Interesting moniker. Elias gets a conal radius motion & thermal detector that bolsters his ballistic shield. This will give him an increase in tactical advantage, by alerting him to whoever is in his vicinity. If there's an obstruction or he loses sight of the enemy he can find them with ease and make his move. Like Monika's, his can mimic the technology he's accustomed to and can also be detached and used with the specialised drone made for him. He'll be able to temporarily blind at range, or cause distraction, meaning if he keeps his wits about him he'll manage to play a part from long distances." Dominic spied something else in the box as Marius gave his run down on each of the devices. Brow furrowed he picks it up and examines it closely, unable to crack what purpose it served. "Hm. And this?" "That, is a personal touch. Call it whimsical but I think you'll like it. His drone is also yours." Shooting the engineer a bewildered glance Dominic held the second remote in hand, waiting expectantly to understand its significance and what exactly made it so 'whimsical'. "I had trouble coming up with a unique quality for each of you. You're both irreverent in your sense of humour, so I decided to play on that. Elias' drone also has a compartment where something, such as a flashbang for example, can be stored and dropped at command. I'll tell him about that. What I won't tell him however is that you have full access to the drone with that control you're holding. I'll leave it to your imagination to invent shenanigans of your own design. It ought to appease your prankster inclinations," Marius smiled knowingly, but only just - A sliver of the pride gathering in his center. Dominic's was blatant and devilish; Cogs turning in his mind already. But moreso this was a gift with meaning, and understanding to a level that excelled clinical intelligence. He had captured all three of them as operatives and as people, as friends, in the best way he knew how. Each gadget was far from mere machinery. Like polaroids immortalising their merits on the field and in life. "Don't expect to hear this out of me again anytime soon but you've outdone yourself." "Hah! It's worth the effort just to wring sincerity out of you, you ornery bastard." "Yeah, yeah, pot calling the kettle black. I know you're not a drinker but come on, show me how to use this thing over a pint - and bring the drone. I want to get Elias back for all his gaudy Christmas music in the dorms. I considered smothering him with his pillow, but this will suffice." He sneered, amused by his own facetiousness. "I know you don't have anything else planned so I'm not giving you much of a choice." After placing everything back in its box Dominic stood up to give his friend a gracious pat on the back. Marius noticed a glint in his eye he hadn't been privy to before - one unlike the dispassion that most would consider default to 'Bandit' - perhaps they were both seeing each other in a different light. An aspect they kept tucked away, save for rare junctures such as these. "Fine. I'll agree, considering the occasion. Might as well get into the spirit of things a little. Frohe Weihnachten, Dominic." "Frohe Weihnachten."
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impala-dreamer · 4 years
Just A Cape Away
SPN FanFic
~Dean gets hurt on a hunt and Y/N helps patch him up...and give him a little reward for his bravery. ~
Dean x Reader
2,090 Words
Warnings; NSFW, Show level violence and injury, Comfort Lovin'. Fluff.
A/N: Written for @burningcoffeetimetravel​ who won a fic and asked for some Comfort Smut with Dean. Hope you all enjoy!
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Dean went down, all breath pushing from his lungs in a loud groan as his back slammed into the cold earth. Wet grass tickled his cheek as he rolled onto his side and coughed; breath coming out in a fog in the cold midnight air.
“Son of a bitch!”
Dean was down but the fight wasn’t over. The wolf advanced, fangs bared, claws sharp and aimed at flesh. Dean tried to stand, flipping fully onto his belly to push himself up, but his wrist buckled under his weight and he skidded back down.
He felt the claws rip into his jacket, tips of the claws pushing down through the layers to dimple his skin. Any harder and they would have drawn blood.
In a flash, the ground fell away and Dean saw stars as the wolf flung him up and away, narrowly missing hitting a half-dead apple tree with his skull. Another crash of solid ground and Dean felt a rib break. He roared with pain and clenched his teeth as he curled inwards, left arm wrapping around his middle. His vision was starting to go, black and white dots pelting the edges as he searched the dark for his sparring partner.
The wolf was closer than Dean thought and there was no time to dodge the fur covered hand that swooped down with razorlike nails that tore through Dean’s shirt like a knife through warm bread.
His scream echoed through the dark and Y/N could wait no longer. She cocked her pistol and slammed the Impala door shut, rushing towards Dean’s voice.
He was bloody and sprawled out on the grass; exhales filling the air in heavy, sporadic puffs as he struggled to catch his breath.
The wolf turned and Y/N took the shot, taking him down with a silver bullet straight through the heart.
Dean gasped as the attack finally let up, rolling to sit up as he clutched his ribs. “Damn it, Y/N!” he yelled through the pain. “I told you to stay in the car!”
She rolled her eyes, stowed her gun, and held out a hand to help him up. “I think you mean, thank you for saving my ass...”
Dean slapped her hand away and rolled onto his knees, sneering as a wave of pain spread through his middle. “You could have gotten hurt,” he hissed.
Y/N stood back and crossed her arms, one hip popping in annoyance. “Hey, asshole,” she growled. “I just saved your life. Say thank you!”
Dean gave in, his head hanging, body shaking, blood dripping. He looked up with red eyes and nodded pitifully. “Thank you, Y/N.” He shifted a bit and lifted his left hand to ask for help. He couldn't say it out loud, but he didn’t need to.
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The motel room was cold. The bathroom window was open and refused to shut, allowing a draft of late October air to sneak in and curl beneath the closed door into the main room. Y/N shivered as she passed it, bringing the first aid kit over to the bed, shaking her head at Dean who was refusing to settle.
“I’m fine!” he lied, wincing as he tried to sit up straight. He clutched his ribs and held in a cough.
“Oh yeah?” Y/N teased knowingly. “Shake my hand.” She held out her left hand so he would shake with his, but he sneered instead and looked away. “No?” Her smile was proud but her eyes were worried. He was really hurt.
“Shut up.”
“Is it broken?” she asked, reaching for his left hand. She turned it carefully in her hand and Dean hissed. The underside was red and a bruise was forming beneath his thumb, but otherwise it wasn’t too bad.
“Nah, just a sprain.”
Y/N sighed and ran her hand gently down his open palm. “I wish you’d stop hurting yourself.”
Dean shook his head. “I don’t do it on purpose.”
“You’re not Superman, you know, and without Cas around-” Her eyes filled with tears but Dean wouldn’t have any of that.
“Hey,” he cut her off, screwing on a smile. “I’ll be fine. I’m just glad you’re OK.”
Y/N laughed softly and kissed the middle of his palm; soft lips gliding over calloused skin. “I wish you wouldn’t do that, either.” She sat back to open the first aid kit, rummaging for alcohol swabs.
Dean grit his teeth as he unbuttoned his torn flannel. “Do what?”
Y/N ripped open a little square of soaked gauze. “Lock me out of hunts, try to hold me back. I’m not an idiot, Dean. I can take care of myself.”
Chewing his lip, Dean peeled back his blood soaked t-shirt; the frayed fabric clinging to the wound beneath, pulling painfully. “Fuck!” He took a deep breath and yanked the rest away, eyes growing huge as the sting bore into him. “I know you can,” he answered finally. “I just worry.”
Y/N met his eyes and leaned in, zoning in for a distracting kiss. “You worry so much about keeping me safe you go and get your own ass kicked.”
Dean puckered his lips, his eyelids dropping as she leaned close. “That’s not tru- Fuck!”
She kissed his scream away as she pushed the alcohol swab against his wound.
“You...bitch…” he gasped, sucking in a quick breath once her lips were gone and pushing it back out slowly. “Not cool.”
Y/N laughed. “I was trying to ease the pain.”
“You did not succeed,” he groaned, lips puckering into a pathetic pout. “God, this hurts.”
“Hey, don’t turn into a pussy on me. Where’s my big, strong superhero?” She dabbed gently at the edges of his torn flesh until the gauze was soaked in various shades of crimson.
Dean pushed his head back against the headboard and grit his teeth. “He died. Fifteen years ago. Shit.”
“I don’t know about that,” she said, leaning down to blow a soothing breath of hot air across the tingling skin. “You look plenty strong to me.” She kissed him gently, just above the slice as she fit a sterile bandage into place, securing the ends with tiny rips of tape. “And you’re just a cape away from being a superhero.”
Dean relaxed as her lips landed again, this time over his heart, slowly making their way upwards. He ran his good hand up her back, middle finger firmly tracing her spine. “Hey, not all superheroes wear capes, ya know.”
She kissed his aching shoulder. “I know.” Another peck at the bend of his neck. “Mine wears flannel…” She sucked at his pulse, feeling it quicken under her lips. “...listens to ancient rock…” Y/N licked at his ear and drew the tender flesh between her teeth. “...drives a kick-ass car…”
Dean’s eyes fell closed but his hand still roamed, moving upwards to tangle in her hair. He held her close, sighing a little moan as she nibble on his ear, licked at the sensitive space behind, doing her best to distract him.
“Ancient rock?” he laughed, her words finally filtering through his mind.
She smiled against his cheek. “Anything made before 1980 is ancient, Dean.”
He cleared his throat in sarcastic defiance. “Excuse me. I was made before 1980.”
Y/N lifted a brow and grinned. “Exactly.”
Very carefully, Y/N shifted on the bed, climbing to her knees and tossing one over his lap. She hovered over him, conscious of his injuries, and let her fingertips dance across his bare chest. He was bruising all over and she bent to softly kiss each bloody blossom.
“What’re you doing?” he asked, voice a raspy whisper as her hands traveled his body.
Y/N ran her tongue across his left nipple and felt his stomach tighten beneath her hands. “Just giving my hero a little reward.”
Dean pulled her up to him, his strong hand tugging on her hair until he could reach her lips. “I like rewards.”
“Then you’ll especially enjoy this one.” She licked into his mouth, caressing his plump lips with hers until she felt him weaken just a bit. When he let go and melted against her, she pulled away, sliding back down to continue her attentions.
Every scar, new and old, she acknowledged; each dip in his body, every muscle saw a visit from her lips. She went slowly, taking her time, moving in no particular pattern, massaging and lightly caressing every inch but the one that was aching for attention.
Dean’s cock was hard and pushed against his boxer briefs, the faded green cotton about to tear as it tented. He lay back and let her work, muscles too strained and overused to do much, too tired to contribute more than a heavy moan now and then.
Y/N was perched on top of his right leg, his thick shin between her thighs, bowed knee pushing lightly against her pussy. She sat up and drew his eyes to her, slowly peeling off her shirt and tossing aside her bra, exposing her tits for him. He reached up and took hold, cringing as his left wrist protested the quick move.
It was pained and sexual all at once, and Y/N bit her lip as he rubbed his palms against her nipples.  
“Just relax, baby,” she commanded, lifting his hands away. “Let me take care of you.” She dropped down and covered his cock with her tits, slowly rubbing against him. Dean pulled in a heavy breath and set his hands by his head, determined to lay back and enjoy. “That’s better.”
Y/N tugged his briefs away and licked him firmly from base to tip.
Dean’s throat tightened. “No,” he squeaked. “That’s better. Fuck.”
She took him in slowly; her lips a tight circle around his swollen head, bobbing leisurely, inch by inch sinking downwards. By the time her nose was buried in the thick hair around the base, Dean was gone, eyes rolling, chest heaving, fingers tensing against his thighs.
“Please, Y/N/N…”
She smiled around his dick and swallowed before pulling back with a pop. “What do you want, Dean? Tell me.”
His mouth opened, ready to answer, but she sank down quickly, sucking hard as she went, sealing her mouth around him.
“Tell me…” She bobbed at the tip, wetness leaking from the sides of her mouth, trickling down the sides of his erection.
Y/N swallowed and he growled.
“Tell me.”
“Tell...me…” She choked on him, gagging as she forced her way down too quickly and Dean jerked his hips upwards.
“Wanna cum in that pretty mouth,” he grit, mind and body sinking to its most base desires. “Wanna paint those fucking lips. Fuck.”
Y/N sat up on her knees and set her hands on the bed beside his hips, giving herself better leverage. She worked faster, her mouth tight and hot around him, humming as she worked. Dean dragged his hand through her hair once more and collected a fistfull, using the ponytail to guide her speed. Up and down, up and down, deeper with each pass. He bucked his hips, meeting each push down with a hard thrust up, making her gag until her eyes filled with breathless tears.
“Shit, baby,” he groaned, “fuck, I’m cumming. Fuck.”
He released his grip to let her pull away, but Y/N wouldn’t move. She waved her tongue against his pulsing vein as he let go, shooting a hot load into her mouth with a guttural cry.
Y/N drank him down and then cleaned him up with kitten licks as he softened before her eyes.
“That was…” He searched for words, but English was hard, his brain a sleepy mush.
“You’re welcome, baby,” she grinned, climbing up the bed to lay against his uninjured side.
“So hot…” he continued, dropping his sprained wrist on his stomach. “Shit.”
Y/N lay her hand atop his and patted gently. “You earned it, Superman.”
Dean sighed and snuggled deeper into his pillow. “About that...I think I’m gonna need an actual superhero name.”
“Hmm… OK…” She scrunched up her nose in thought, Dean’s face doing much the same.
“Meat Man?” he offered.
Y/N shook her head. “No.”
“The Baconator!”
“The Bacon-Eater…”
“Nah... Impala Man!”
Y/N laughed and pushed up to look at him. “How about… Dean Winchester.”
He smiled. “Yeah, I like that.”
She kissed his cheek and settled back in place. “Me too.”  
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2020 Forever Tags: @67-chevy-baby​ @akhuna01​ @amanda-teaches​ @autumnmoon​ @because-imma-lady-assface​ @blushingjared​ @broiderie​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @classic-rock-angel​ @coopercharlie16​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @covered-byroses​ @crashdevlin​ @deansgirl215​ @deans-baby-momma @deangirl7695​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @dolphincliffs​ @dontshootmespence​ @edge-oftonight​ @emoryhemsworth​ @eternal-elir​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @flamencodiva​ @focusonspn​ @herbologystudent252​ @heycasbutt​ @hornyandsmol​ @ilovefanfic86​ @i-love-superhero​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @imjustadrummer​ @ivvitm1109​ @joseyrw​ @justagirlinafandomworld​ @justcallmeasmodeus​ @katymacsupernatural​ @laxe-from-outer-space​ @leatherandfrackles​ @lessons-of-red​​ @letsby​ @letsdisneythings​ @lonewolf471​ @maddiepants​ @mariekoukie6661​ @meganwinchester1999​ @melbelle45 @missjenniferb​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @our-jensen-ackles-love​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @starboycas​ @stephaniecanfield96us​​ @stoneyggirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @thebookisbtr​ @the-chocolate-moose​ @thehardcoveraddict​ @thevelvetseries​ @veevm​​ @winchestersister55​​ @wendibird​ @winecatsandpizza​ @winterpoohbear​
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the-silvr-speedster · 4 years
The Totally Crazy Adventures of the Astro Ambassadors
Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Relationships: Daisy Johnson / Daniel Sousa, Daisy Johnson & Kora, Kora & Daniel Sousa
After they return from their six-month mission in space, Daisy, Daniel and Kora want just a bit of peace and quiet before they are shipped off on another space adventure. But Mack has other plans for them since they are needed for one more short mission. However, things might not go according to plan and without the extraction team, they have to rely on a teleporting device they've never used before.
Chapter 1: Just One More Adventure
Read on AO3 or here ↓
I teased last week that I am working on something and now I deliver. It took me longer then anticipated, the story started to write itself so it was taking different turns than those I originally planned, and I was unfortunatelly most productive only from midnight until 4 a.m. Anyway, here is my new multichapter fic. I hope you like it. Updates should come every week on Wednesday. Hopefully. 
I am sorry for any mistakes. I don’t have a beta.
So, the story begins in October 2020 (oh, how much I would love to live in their corona-free universe), about four months after the one year jump in the last episode. 
It will totally make my day better if you leave kudos, comments or reblog this. I need positive motivation.
Happy reading!
“I like this,” Daisy mumbled contently, twirling a reddish maple leaf in her fingers absentmindedly. She was sprawled on a blanket with her head placed on Daniel’s lap, watching the rustling leaves of the maple tree above her.
It was a nice day in early October. Warm enough for a picnic at their favorite spot in a park yet a bit chilly with the fresh autumn breeze but that was nothing a warm blanket and hot cocoa couldn’t solve.
Daniel stopped reading a book and looked down at her with a smile. “What in particular?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” Daisy said unsure, meeting his eyes. “This? Right now, right here. Us. The peace and quiet,” she paused before looking at him again. Seeing his amused expression, she added: “Hey, don’t look at me like that. I can appreciate peace and quiet.”
“Uh-huh. Right. But only for so long before you barge into another storm…or cause it,” Daniel laughed at her mock offended pout.
Daisy playfully smacked him on the arm. “That’s not true and you know it. I don’t cause problems anymore. I am the commander of Zephyr-3.”
“Hmm…Termans would disagree,” Daniel chuckled.
“Hey!” She gasped. “That was on Kora, not me!”
“If you say so,” Daniel shrugged and picked the book up again, a teasing grin spreading on his face. “Quake.”
Daisy groaned. If she ever thought that he’s gonna drop the whole Quake thing after some time, she had never been more wrong. Not when most of the universe out there knows her as Quake.
“Don’t push your luck Danny-boy.”
“Or what? You quake me?” He asked her with a raised eyebrow and a glint in his eyes.
“Definitely not. It’s not a punishment when you actually want it,” she winked at him teasingly. “No, you will sleep on a couch.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t do that.”
“Yes, I would,” Daisy stuck her tongue out and then yelped when Daniel proceeded to tickle her. “You…really…wanna…find…out,” she managed to get out in between giggles.
When he finally stopped his attack, she took a moment to catch her breath, watching his smug expression. “You are a dork,” she said with a huge grin.
“I love you, too,” he told her, a tender smile playing on his lips.
She sat up and cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand. Daniel leaned into her touch and placed his hand on top of hers, the engagement ring on her finger lightly pressing against his palm. He moved her hand to his lips and placed a small kiss on her fingers, his eyes never leaving hers. Well, forget the cocoa, this warmed Daisy up much more. She closed the distance between them bringing their lips together in a short but sweet kiss.
“I love you,” she whispered like it was a secret kept just between the two of them. Their faces lingered close to each other for a while longer, just to enjoy their little bubble. Daisy then changed her position and leaned against Daniel’s side. He snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her even closer and placed a kiss on her temple before grabbing the forgotten book again.
Daisy let out a content sigh. “This is what I meant. I like being out there, exploring the universe with you and Kora and our team but…I love this, too. I missed it for those six months we were away. Just the two of us enjoying some time together without other people and…mission updates and…looming threats…” She looked up at him and let out a soft laugh. “I’m rambling now, aren’t I?”
“I like listening to your rambling,” he said and kissed her temple again. “And I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I like our adventures but I love our time together. Just the two of us. But hey, we have a couple of months before the next mission is scheduled. So, we are okay.”
“Yeah. We have a wedding to attend to,” Daisy grinned at him.
“Uh-huh.” Daniel looked at her with a small smile. “That wouldn’t be very nice if we didn’t show up there now, would it?”
“It definitely wouldn’t. We are too important,” she laughed lightly and put her head on his shoulder.
Daniel shifted his focus to the book again but before he resumed the reading, a memory crossed his mind and he let out a chuckle.
“What?” Daisy asked curiously.
“You know, the first time we came here to have a picnic you said ‘How very square of you’ and how sappy and tooth-rottingly sweet we sound and look. Sitting here under the tree, me reading to you, you laying on a blanket with your head in my lap always trying to hide that big smile of yours…and failing,” he laughed and shook his head. “And now…”
“And now I say I like it,” she mumbled into his shoulder and cringed as she said it. “I think I just…I guess I blame you for that,” she told him lightly.
“Me?” he asked jokingly, turning his head to look at her but Daisy kept staring at her fingers, playing with the engagement ring on her left hand.
“Yeah. I’ve never thought I would like something like this before I met you. An ordinary life. Well, as ordinary as one can get while still working for S.H.I.E.L.D.,” she chuckled softly. “And even before joining S.H.I.E.L.D….I’ve never thought I could have this. I just couldn’t see it for myself, growing up the way I did. And later I’ve thought I…I don’t deserve this.”
“Daisy- “
“So yeah. Uh…I still think we are overly sweet sometimes but…” she looked up and met Daniel’s warm brown eyes, “I like it. I always did. I’ve just never thought I could be this person. And I have you to thank for that. You showed me that I can be this person…that I deserve a little normalcy in my life.” She lowered her gaze again, her hands picking at his shirt this time.  “That I deserve to be loved and to love.”
“Of course, you deserve it. You deserve the best things in the universe,” Daniel put the book down and ran his hand through her hair before cupping her cheek and guiding her face to look up at him again. There were unshed tears shining in her beautiful eyes. She tried to blink them away offering him a watery smile. But then with a little shake of her head, she switched back to her joking self.
“Gah! Even now I sound so corny! I don’t even recognize myself sometimes. Kora says you are rubbing off on me. Making me a dorky square like yourself,” she smirked and poked him in the chest. “She says it’s annoying. But you know what? I don’t care.”
Daniel gave her his best lopsided grin. “Because you love this dorky square?”
“Yep. Exactly,” Daisy flashed him the biggest smile. “And…I like to annoy my little sister.”
They were suddenly interrupted by the ringing of Daisy’s phone. She sighed as her hand dived into the back pocket of her jeans, fishing it out. She cursed silently as she saw the caller ID flashing across the screen. There go peace and quiet.
“We were pushing our luck earlier. It’s Mack,” she informed Daniel with a sad smile, knowing that whatever it is, it will involve getting back to work, even if it’s Sunday.
“Hey Director, what’s up?” she asked him lightly.
“Hey Tremors,” Mack started with a tired sigh. The man just keeps working too much. “Listen, I know that it’s a weekend and you’ve just got back from space few days ago but I need you to come in. Both of you, assuming Sousa is there with you.”
“What’s going on? You sound tired,” Daisy remarked worriedly.
“I’ll disclose the details when you get here. Come as soon as you can,” he replied.
“Okay. Uh, we can be there in…thirty?” She said, uncertain, meeting Daniel’s eyes for confirmation. He nodded.
“Great. See you then.”
“See ya.” Daisy kept her eyes on Daniel and shrugged as the call ended.
“So, I guess we won’t finish the chapter today,” he commented, book in hand.
“I guess not.”
When the duo arrived at Triskelion some twenty minutes later, they bumped into Kora in the lobby. She looked a little disheveled, annoyed expression plastered on her face.
“I guess Mack called you guys, too. On Sunday of all days,” she mumbled with a hoarse voice.
“Were you…sleeping?” Daisy asked her, raising her eyebrows.
“And? It’s Sunday. We came back from space four days ago. I have a lot of sleep to catch up on. And I can finally sleep in a normal bed,” she defended herself fiercely.
“Ooookay. Let’s go find Mack and get this over with so we can all go home and relax…or whatever,” Daisy offered and started to walk towards the elevators.
When they reached Director’s office, Mack opened the door before they even had the time to knock. He quickly ushered them inside and closed the door behind them.
“What- “ Daisy started but Mack cut her off.
“Sagittarians contacted HQ earlier today. They want to meet up and discuss a potential alliance.”
“You really don’t beat around the bush, do you?” Daniel remarked and Mack just shrugged.
“Are you kidding me?” Daisy spoke up a little too loudly, clearly frustrated. “We stopped on Berhert less than two weeks ago on our way home and they refused to talk to us. What changed?”
“They didn’t care to elaborate on that. But they want to meet up today,” Mack informed the three agents.
“Yeah, that’s funny. Since it will take us almost two days to get there. It’s three jumps away and the jump drive needs to charge in between the jumps…so…not today,” Kora explained as she plopped into a chair with a heavy sigh.
“They know that. That’s why they are sending someone to get you,” Mack stated, his hand scratching his beard in thought. “Apparently, they have some kind of advanced tech for interstellar travel without the need to use a spaceship.”
“Well, they are known for their impressive technology. That much we gathered about them by visiting other planets. We didn’t see much ourselves since they didn’t give us the permission to land,” Daisy grumbled still frustrated after the last encounter with the aliens.
“But isn’t it just a different version of our jump drive?” Daniel asked, leaning against Mack’s table. “Like the one we have on the Zephyrs but it moves just people around the galaxy?”
“No. These jump drives…we didn’t invent them,” Mack tried to clarify. “We got one from a crashed Confederacy ship and recreated more, thanks to Deke. So, yeah, he basically stole the technology. The original one could teleport even people themselves without the need of a spaceship. But it was always a one-way trip unless there was another jump drive on the other side.”
“Meaning?” Daniel gave him a confused look.
“Meaning that whatever tech Sagittarians possess, they are probably teleported with the device in hand,” Daisy explained to him and then turned to face Mack. “But Deke redesigned the original jump drive to be wearable. Remember? He used it to get to the temple.”
“And failed to get back to the Lighthouse,” Mack remarked. “Look, whatever they have, we’ll see soon enough. But I have to say, having a device like that in S.H.I.E.L.D. would be very useful. You guys wouldn’t have to spend so much time drifting in between planets and could spend more time at home.”
“Sleeping in a normal bed,” Kora added dreamily.
Daisy raised an eyebrow at her and sighed. She had to admit that it would be a much more comfortable way for visiting planets.
“So, what are our orders Director?” she asked.
“Suit up. They’ll come to get you in two hours,” he paused, thinking. “If they will be willing to trade one of those devices, we have to come up with a suitable counteroffer.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” Daniel shrugged. “Considering how they refused to talk to us only to change their mind so suddenly. I don’t really trust them.”
“We’ll do our best and see how that goes,” Daisy fixed everyone with a determined gaze. “Let’s suit up.”
“Just one more adventure for the Astro Ambassadors before a few months break,” Daniel muttered pushing himself off the table.
Kora groaned and Daisy shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips as she led the way out of Mack’s office so they could get ready for their new mission.
Two hours later they were all gathered in the HQ’s hangar waiting for the Sagittarians to show up. Wearing her Quake suit, Daisy was shuffling her feet nervously, standing between Mack and Daniel. She couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. There was just something unsettling about the way the Sagittarians changed their mind so fast. She doesn’t know much about them but what she does know is that they are a monarchy led by a princess called Daydra who may or may not have some dispute with her uncle who is the head of their military. The last thing Daisy wanted was to get mixed up in family affairs and instead of a new ally make a new enemy. Daniel, being as observant as ever, took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She offered him a grateful smile in return.
Suddenly they were startled by a bright blue light in front of them. They shut their eyes to block the light and when they opened them again two tall grey-skinned aliens stood before them. One was a male and the other was a female, both looking like warriors. The woman had long black hair woven into a braid and her dark grey eyes were studying the humans in front of her cautiously yet with a drop of curiosity. Slightly taller than her, the man had an impressive white mustache and was bald with-
“Is that…a fin on his head?” Kora whispered in Daisy’s ear from behind.
“I…think so?” Daisy whispered back.
“Greetings Terrans. My name is Brodin,” the guy with the fin spoke. “I am a Captain of the Royal Guard and I and my second-in-command, Adlynn, were tasked to bring you to our planet Berhert for the scheduled meeting with Princess Daydra, our fearless leader.”
The group of humans shared a look between each other before Mack spoke up.
“I am Alphonso MacKenzie, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Welcome to Earth. I believe we spoke to each other when you contacted us this morning.”
“That is correct. I see you assembled the small team you wanted to send as emissaries since you will not be attending personally,” Brodin commented, pointing his hand towards Daisy, Daniel and Kora.
“Yes. They are some of our best agents,” Mack looked at the trio standing by his side with a proud smile. “Leaders of the special team tasked with space exploration and acquiring new allies…and assessing the threats from outer space.”
“That has been a wise decision on your part. There are many threats out there,” Adlynn spoke for the first time.
“Yes. We had enough bad luck to cross paths with some of them,” Mack remarked with a sigh. “So, anyway, this is Agent Daisy Johnson,” he put his big hand on Daisy’s shoulder. “She is in command of Zephyr-3 and its space exploring team.”
Daisy smiled at the two aliens and gave them a nod.
“Next to her,” Mack continued, “is Agent Daniel Sousa. He is her second-in-command or a first officer on Zephyr-3.”
“Nice to meet you.” Daniel, as polite as ever, offered them a hand to shake but Daisy could hear an edge to his voice, which was missing its usual warm friendliness.
“Likewise,” Brodin replied with a neutral voice and shook Daniel’s hand as did Adlynn.
Daisy sighed in relief because she could still vividly remember the time when Daniel offered a handshake on a planet where it was considered inappropriate due to rules of no physical contact in public. She had to quake a guard off of him and then explain in length that they didn’t know it was forbidden since on Earth it’s a gesture of friendship. They barely evaded the prison and were immediately exiled from the planet, never to return back. It was impossible to learn the etiquette rules of all the planets before they visited them.
“And finally, this is Agent Kora Johnson. She is one of our best pilots and a valued member of this team,” Mack pointed to Kora who in the meantime moved to stand on Daniel’s other side.
“We came to your planet like ten days ago and you refused to let us land,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Kora!” Daisy hissed warningly while Daniel tensed beside her and Mack ran his hand down his face with a sigh.
“What? It’s the truth. We came as emissaries too and they refused to talk to us. Now they are suddenly willing to,” Kora voiced her concerns.
“We are deeply sorry for that. There was…a misunderstanding on our end that had nothing to do with you,” Adlynn explained with a sad smile.
That seemed to calm Kora down a little but it sparked some suspicions in Daisy’s head. But this was nor time or place to be voicing them.
“It’s okay,” Mack assured them.
“If these are your most trusted agents who can speak on your behalf at the meeting with Princess Daydra, it is my duty now to bring them to our planet safely,” Brodin announced.
“Yes, they have all my trust,” Mack nodded and put his hand encouragingly on Daisy’s shoulder. “Agents, good luck,” Mack added, looking from Daisy to Daniel and Kora who both nodded at him.
“Thank you, Director.” Daisy squeezed his arm in response.
“Thank you, sir,” Daniel said at the same time.
“Let’s go then,” Brodin suggested and held a spherical device, slightly smaller than a soccer ball, in front of him. “Please stand in a circle as close to the device as possible.”
“If I may ask,” Mack spoke up again, “what is that thing?”
“It’s an interstellar and interdimensional teleportation device,” Brodin explained. “It allows us to travel anywhere in the universe or even between the universes. Although I am not sure how much you Terrans know about the Multiverse.”
“It’s the same as multiple timelines, right?” Daisy asked, unsure.
“Yes, but it’s more than just that,” Brodin muttered, looking down at the device he was holding.
“Then, yes…uh, we know something about it,” Daisy looked at Daniel and Kora with an amused grin on her face.
“I am pleasantly surprised. Many races out there have never heard of it,” Adlynn commented, excitement visible in her eyes. “You are much more advanced than we thought.”
“Not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult,” Daniel whispered into Daisy’s ear and she tried hard not to smile.
“Yeah,” Mack sighed, scratching the back of his neck nervously, “you could say we discovered a lot in the past ten years or so.”
“Maybe your friends will share some of those discoveries with us. I would like to hear all about them. They are usually accompanied by interesting stories,” Adlynn couldn’t hide her excitement anymore.
“Sure,” Daisy said, “but you know, these things go both ways. We share if you do too.”
“This will be a very interesting meeting, I can tell,” Adlynn smiled while Brodin shook his head with a sigh.
“That’s why we should be going, Adlynn,” he noted dryly and held the device in the middle of their small circle.
“Of course, Captain,” Adlynn tried to compose herself and warned the trio of humans: “Get ready.”
Daisy grasped both Daniel’s and Kora’s hands in each of hers. The last thing she wanted was to lose one of them in the vacuum of space or whatever. She didn’t know how that device worked.
Suddenly they were all enveloped by the blue light emitting from the device in the middle. Somehow, in some way, it reminded her of Gordon’s powers.
Next Chapter →
I wrote this and the next chapter as one big chapter but decided to split them up...it was too long and I know some people prefer shorter chapters. This is the calm before the storm.
Both planets mentioned here exist in the MCU (Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2) but the Sagittarians were not mentioned so I took them out of the comics (I've never read any of them). Princess Daydra and her uncle exist in the comics the rest is made up.
So that's it then. Thanks for reading. Stay safe and see you all next week!
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soulful--siren · 4 years
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody [Fem Reader x Nicky Valentino]
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After being invited as Nicky’s plus one, you find yourself lost in the glitz and glamor of a drunken Halloween party. You’re just hoping that you don’t find yourself hopping into hot water with your gangster boyfriend.
[fem reader x nicky valentino]
Words: 1567
A/N: hello hello there!! first Nicky fic here because like the rest of you I am DESPERATE for any type of Nicky content on this site. I have no idea how long this will be!!! Thanks for reading! :’D
It’s been a month since your stepping into your biggest role yet: the leading lady of a 1920’s gangster film. To say things were grossly different than the imminent future would be an understatement. New York seemed like a different place entirely thanks to your little wish come true. In some ways, it was odd, foreign and just downright weird. The slang was totally different and the buildings seemed to come straight out of a history textbook. However, in some ways, it was absolutely charming; namely in one way in particular: Nicky Valentino.
If he hadn’t come straight out of a movie you would have been convinced that he came straight from heaven instead. He was charming, romantic, stern yet soft and you were falling hopelessly head over heels for him with every day that passed. You were sure that he would do absolutely anything for you to ensure your happiness, and if you were being truly honest with yourself, you were starting to feel the same for him.
It was a cool day in October when the leaves had finally shed their last traces of life and started displaying their wondrous blends of harvest colors. You found yourself linked in arm with Nicky strolling through the Central Park of New York’s past leaning your head sweetly on one of his broad shoulders.
“I’ll tell ya, there ain’t any fall like a Central Park fall,” Nicky looked down at your figure the edges of his lips lifting in a smile.
“Oh, I believe you,” you replied looking back up at him nuzzling his coat closer for warmth. “Just wish it wasn’t so cold out, you’d think winter was right around the corner.” You laughed.
“Oh, it isn’t. Soon enough the leaves will be gone, and kaput it’ll be winter for the next half of the year.” He took a moment to watch the ground beneath the two of you and your gaze followed his. The ground below was littered in red, orange and gold keeping your steps quiet against the black pavement.
“Fall dies off too fast but that's what makes it gorgeous… it’s fleeting.” his voice became strangely somber for a moment and you instinctively squeezed his arm. The physical affection seemed to bring him back to earth.
“Ah! That’s right I’d almost forgotten!” He stopped mid-step and turned around to face you fully taking both of your hands in his. You felt your heart do a summersault as he gave you his signature million-dollar smile.
“My darling, my sweetheart, my absolute angel, I have a proposal for you.”
“Proposal..?! Did… did you just… did you just say proposal??” You yelped holding tight onto his hands now. You were fairly smaller than him, but Lord help you if he tried to drop down to one knee you would summon whatever powers that be to keep him from falling to the floor.
He saw your frightened expression and laughed. “Oh!! You thought I meant!! Darling, I didn’t mean that typa proposal!!” he sheepishly ran a hand through his slicked hair. “At least… not yet.” You were pretty sure your heart had been stopped and restarted at least three times since he started this conversation but you were somehow still conscious.
“Okay then…dually noted... What proposal did you mean exactly?”
“I’ve been invited to some party right on the sound for Halloween and I am allowed one gorgeous guest of my choosing,” he took one of your hands and pressed his lips against your knuckles sending electricity up your arm. “You wouldn’t perchance have anything to do then would you?”
You smirked humming in response taking your free hand to cup the side of your cheek. “Gosh, Nicky I just don’t know! I’ll have to ask my boyfriend and get back to you,” You snickered your eyes trailing back to him. He returned your smirk pulling you in fast towards his chest snaking an arm around your waist as he loomed over you, his chocolate eyes glittering mischievously. 
“Something tells me he’s gonna say yes.” He touched his forehead to yours leaning near you to close to distance till he stopped suddenly at the call of his name. You both craned your necks from one another to see an out of breath Ralph bending over to catch his breath his hands holding him up by bearing down on his knees.
“Nick we’ve got the fuzz swarming the club downtown. Looks pretty serious…!” You saw his jaw clench as he pinched the bridge of his nose sighing. “I swear those pigs will herd if I’m a second late on their pay off…” He grumbled. He threw a hand up. “I’ll be down there with ya in a minute let me just say goodbye.” He muttered. Ralphie nodded only to turn straight back around this time taking his sweet time in walking to get his breath back. 
Nicky drew his hand into his coat pocket drawing out a few bills licking the tip of his thumb as he counted. 
“I’ll meet you at the hotel at around four. Go pick something nice out for yourself for the party. On me,” he gave the bills to you in one hand and in the other parted your hair gently laying a kiss on the space of your forehead beneath it. “I’ll see you soon okay sugar?”
You were starting to feel lightheaded from all the puppy love. “See you soon.” 
Shopping didn’t take you long, after all, everyone could be considered modest in comparison to Nicky. Halloween costumes while available weren’t nearly as extensive as present-day costumes so you had to throw something together. With a sleek silver sequined dress, a faux fur to wrap around your shoulders and silver eyeshadow, you had convinced yourself it was the perfect look for an ice queen. Getting yourself together took almost no time in comparison to the time it usually took you to get ready(probably because of the lack of supply). You were reaching for your back buttons when you heard a knock at the door. You lifted your dress just inches above your ankles so that you wouldn’t collect any dirt on the way to the door. “Coming!” you called before swinging it open to find Nicky standing in the doorway costume and all.
He looked slick. He always looked unnaturally handsome but today took the cake. His suit was a creamy white with a cotton shirt and tie to match, but at his shoulders hung a long crimson velvet cape that draped to the floor. His hair was slicked back as it usually was but upon it held a crown of olive leaves. It was bad enough Nicky already looked like a roman emperor, now he looked ready to conquer the entirety of Europe.
“Well well well what do we have here?” You leaned in the frame eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise. “I’m sorry Caesar but I’m expecting someone right about now,” You joked while walking back into your room.
“You look gorgeous toots,” Nicky smiled coming up alongside you. 
“Mind fastening my back Nicky?” You asked pulling a bit of your hair away from your neck.
“Why I’d be happy to,” he placed one hand on your hip while the other fastened each button on your dress.
“You look handsome Nicky,” You turned to face him after he finished and got close to him standing on your toes to reach around the back of his neck. 
“With a face like that, I’m sure you could rival a queen,” You blushed leaning your head against his chest. “Softie.” You murmured against his suit. 
“Guilty as charged,” He purred sitting his chin atop your head. “Shall we, my dear?” You looked up at him humming thoughtfully. In all honesty, you would have loved nothing more than to stay in the hotel room all day to hold Nicky close and talk but this was an obvious call to adventure, and who knew? It could be more fun than you thought.
“We shall.”
The drive was drastically shorter than your trips from Manhattan to the Hamptons but it was still lengthy nonetheless. Ralph pulled the car into a long roundabout driveway until pulling to a stop to park. The back car door opened and Nicky stepped out only to offer you his hand to join him.
Looking at the three-storied house you tried to suppress a whistle. They didn’t make mansions like these anymore that was for sure. The whole estate screamed Gatsby with its white marble walls and pillared entrance. The house was surrounded by high hedges which were only just beginning to turn brown. It seemed as if the entire place was barely touched by time.
“Which pal of yours owns this place?” You asked awestruck. The two of your walked arm in arm as you came near the front doors. You could already hear the bustling music and conversation from beyond the ten-foot wooden entrance.
“I don’t know… he’s sort of an acquaintance of an acquaintance that wanted to get in contact with me…” He explained. In a moment you felt Nicky lean in closer to your ear his breath tickling your neck.
“I don’t exactly know what to expect from this goon, but you say the word sweetheart and we’re out of here understand?” You nodded, leaning on his shoulder.
“I think we’ll be fine Nicky,” you smiled. “After all a little party never killed nobody right?”
You couldn’t have been more wrong.
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thegreencircleone · 4 years
A Belated 10/10 Story
The Girl from Out of Town.
((Eloni gets hit on/hits on someone.))
October 10th, 9 pm. Officially 1010’s 6th birthday.
It was between a few big events; but honestly from looking at Eloni, the green Android, one could not tell. October 10th was a big night for 1010, but it was one of Eloni’s favorite nights in general (apart from maybe new-years)... Even now he wandered to-and-fro speaking with guests, introducing himself, even pairing people off with other dancers.
A robot’s job was never truly done, but Eloni lived for this! 1010 loved to party, but Eloni in particular loved THIS party. He loved the formal wear, the excuse to get gussied up, the copious amounts of booze and alcohol, the exorbitant amount of food (though he couldn’t enjoy it). Right now he was waiting primarily for the game of croquembouche jenda- but as he did so he scanned the room for any negative or alarming emotions.
… And that is exactly what he found.
Eloni slowly maneuvered his way in between throngs of party-goers toward the bar; his vision of the emotions causing the disturbance to his radar began to ping more completely. Anger was brewing loudly at the bar, though the cause remained a mystery. There was no fight, no arguing that he could detect; it seemed like the barely contained rage was simply stewing there on it’s own…
And then it’s source came into view.
At the bar sat a woman with vibrant yellow skin, brownish hair with streaks of medium blond curled into a loose, low, and messy bun at her neck. Her jewelry was simple and ornate, but hung close to her body aside from her sequined headband and row of pearls that hung in a knot all the way down to her navel, and her dress was an old-fashioned tabard-style dress of white and sequined gold and copper. She looked less like a party-goer, and more like a run-away or jilted bride.
She was stunning, even if you didn’t have a thing for the art-deco look… Or her pretty, pissy face as she slowly sipped whatever drink she had in that martini glass. This mystery woman also did not look like she was a typical party-guest for the 1010 crowd.
Eloni needed to intervene.
And that’s just what he was going to do.
Eloni slid up to the bar-stool right beside her. “You know;” he began with an earnest grin. “I thought the Captain turned off the time-machine before the party.”
The mystery woman stopped, looked up at him and gave him a dubious scowl. For a moment they stared at each other in mutual silence as the heartbeat of the EDM around them did some of the talking for them.
She locked eyes with her as she took a pointed sip from her glass as he started to continue.
“Hey. Name’s Elo-” but the Android stopped his sentence half-way through as he realized something much more interesting to talk about. “Oh wow. Your eyes are pretty.”
The woman continued to sip her drink, this time her brows knit in confusion. Beneath fluttering, heavily eye-lined lashes and golden eye-shadowed lids lay a set of perfectly vibrant emerald eyes- with a ring of ultra-light purple around her pupils.
Finally, she spoke. “That’s it?” she asked. “... I thought y’were some sorta robo-casanova. You pick up most skirts like this?”
Eloni was flabbergasted.
“I mean- I…” he blinked as he tried to unpack what all the heck she just said. “Oh. OH, no. I’m not- I’m not a lady-killer. That’s uh- that’d be my brother. He’s… Uh…” Eloni felt his shoulders ride up in awkward embarrassment as he gestured elsewhere. “I just… Uh. I didn’t greet you as you came in and you seemed really mad, and I thought I’d come over to… You know?”
“Shoot the shit?”
“... Help?” Eloni offered, smiling. “What are you drinking? Where are you from? You don’t sound like you’re from around here.”
From where he sat the woman’s ire retreated noticeably. She was still angry, but now she was more… Uncomfortable than angry. Well… No. Mostly angry… She just wasn’t the rage-filled time-bomb waiting to go off.
She looked back to Eloni, who by now was leaning halfway over the bar, trying his best to be suave. He thought for a moment that her anger retreated entirely-- and then the rage was back.
She let out an audible noise, crossed her legs the opposite direction from him and returned to her drink. “One; if this is your attempt to get me to say by boozin’ me up; don’t bother. It’s lemonade, sugar. Two; you just insulted my dress. Why the heck’d I’d tell ya where I’m from?”
Eloni sat up. “What? Nooo. I didn’t- I didn’t mean to insult your-” he gave her a once-over again. 1010 wasn’t really programmed to oggle fans, at least not discriminate, but Eloni still found her sense of style utterly different and definitely worth looking at. The dress, be it old-fashioned definitely fit her pretty well, and upon closer inspection it wasn’t white; but a very pale yellow. She looked and talked like a gangsters wife from some of those old mob movies.
“My eyes are up here, birthday boy.”
“Sorry!” he said on instinct.
The mystery woman turned around in her seat and finally looked at him again. “Don’t’cha have some fan to flirt with?” she asked. “Doubtless this is comfortable for you.”
Eloni smiled a little more. “Try me! My prime directive is to make sure all our fans have a good time at our birthday party!... Annnnd you seem dead-set on being pissed.”
The woman gave him a disbelieving look and crossed her arms, letting her drink sit on the counter empty. “Butter my scotch n’ call me in the mornin’, you ain’t gunna give up on this, are ya?”
“I’m programmed to make people smile!” Eloni insisted, sitting up straight and giving a little, informal salute. “Noooo frowns on my birthday!”
Eloni relaxed and leaned a little closer to her. “So, seriously baby. If I’m bothering you; I can always get one of my brothers. I’m not the popular one, but you say the word! All I want is a smile from you, and it’d be the best birthday gift.”
“Ppft,” the woman dismissed, but then she got a little quiet. “... No offense…” she said quietly. “... I’m flattered, but, seriously. You should go try to flirt with one of your fans, okay?” she asked. “It’s sweet you’re trying to make me feel better, but it’s not going to do much for me.”
“SiiiiSTER!” came a bombastic voice from right behind them. “Sister, I have procured the caviar and blinnies! You are correct! They are-” Eloni turned around to see a man with long, straight blond hair with stripes of green, but the strangest thing about this man was not his hair- but the goggles worn on his face.
The moment that Eloni saw the man seemed to be the moment the man saw him in return. There he stood, knees slightly bent with two plates filled with the aforementioned hors d'oeuvres on little plastic plates.
“OH. A 1010!... I will- uhh… I’ll just.”
“Zeebs, it’s fine…” the woman said, turning around and sliding off. “We were just going anyway.”
Eloni spun to follow her with his eyes. He should have just dropped it- everything in his code should have told him to stop his pursuit of this faraway, foul-mouthed, foreigner… But it was his birthday, dang it.
“You know; it’s rude to come to the party and ignore the birthday-boy!”
The pair stopped. The man with the goggles; (Zeebs wasn’t it?) turned around and let out a low and singular laugh. “It’s rude to harass a troubled woman! You don’t see her complaining!”
The woman held up her hand to her companion, then glared back at Eloni. “Well, kill me softly with his song- for an NSR goon ya don’t give up, do ya?”
Oh! That was a musical reference… Actually it was two. The comment on being an NSR goon was a bit befuddling for a moment, but figured it had been because she plainly was not from Vinyl city.
Eloni saw her irritation flare, but all he could do was smile. By now their interaction had proven to become interesting to the people around them. “1010 never surrenders,” he recited.
The two unknown party guests stopped and seemed to survey the situation. Zeebs glanced around a little more frantically than his sister whose interesting gaze settled back onto the green android after a moment. “Oh my goood… What. Do. You. WANT from me? A smile?” she asked, not at all afraid to show she was still mad. “‘Cause I’ll have y’know:  I have a reason why I’m absolutely livid!”
“Sister… Ix-nay on the Ad-may…”
“Fuggit. We’re already here,” the woman said back at him. “Go on, birthday boy. What’ll it take for you to let me skip town in peace?”
Eloni stood up, stretching out to his ten foot height. “If you weren’t here for my birthday; you should have made an appointment!” he chided, watching the face of this mystery-woman’s flinch with embarrassment. “Tonight’s my night! A night to pAaRrTty~” he hummed musically. “What sort of party would it be without dancing?”
The woman paused, her face still scrunched in disbelief before she turned to her brother. “... Hold my purse,” she instructed softly, turning back to Eloni with a little stomp. “Alright, soldier-boy,” she said lifting a finger up at his face… From allllll the way down there. At least five feet down. “You get ONE. Dance. After that, and I’m gone. No ifs, ands, or buts.”
Eloni studied her emotions for a moment. She was still… Mad, but she was almost acting comically pissy. To liken it to something easier to explain- if red was anger and yellow was happiness, then her emotions teetered on a pale orange. She was just as happy to be pursued as she was angry it was him.
Eloni leaned down. “Sure, baby. I can make one dance count.”
There came a tart snort from the woman below him. “Oh,” she laughed… Then slowly her anger receded a little more. “Oh. I’m gunna fucking run you into the ground, you sentient lamp-post.”
It was a threat. It was playful. It was a challenge… It tickled him.
Eloni let out an equally incredulous laugh. “Can you even… Dance in that thing?” he asked, taking in the nearly floor-length gown.
But surprisingly the woman forced a smile, grabbed Eloni by his suit jacket and started dragging him off to the dance floor. “Quit talkin’. Move ya gams.”
Eloni let out another chuckle as he watched the woman drag him out to the dance floor. The anger was practically no longer there. Only tracings remained; but emotions didn’t necessarily just stop because you had moved on: they lingered. This stranger had some fight back in her, but it seemed she was enjoying this more than not.
“So aggressive, baby~”
The woman looked back up at him. “Don’t call me ‘baby’, sugar.”
“Don’t call me ‘sugar’, doll.”
“Don’t call me ‘doll’, either.” By the time Eloni was dragged back into the dancing fray the woman had turned around and snapped to, heels he hadn’t had the chance to see snapping to as she readied herself. “You swing, darling?”
Oh. Oh he didn’t entirely know how to respond to that.
“... I’ll take that as a-”
“I’ll match whatever you put out, ma’am,” he finally pushed out.
The woman finally seemed to regard him for a second, before shrugging, not looking at him straight in the face. “Mm. We’ll work on it,” she said, stepping close. “Ever dance with a partner?.... And I don’t suppose you can use your super robot powers to play a good swing number?”
Eloni…Wasn’t entirely sure what happened after that. All he did was look up towards the DJ booth where Subatomic was playing his fair share of music and sent in a request, message hurried and likely missing a few vowels. He didn’t care.
“... So, uh,” Eloni started. “Uh, I’m sorry. I’m not normally this brave…” he said. “Or. Uh this pushy…”
The woman cocked her hips and shimmied a bit closer. “It’s your birthday,” she excused. “... And it was kinda rude of me to stop and not say hi, at least, so. Two-fer-two, darling.”
Eloni blinked again as DJ came through- birthday boy requests were high on the chain of command. Soon the sound of electric-pumped ragtimey-toons pounded through the air… That’s when it was all a blur.
1010 was designed to dance, yeah, but new dances took a lot of concentration and coding on the part of the Droids AI. Eloni and his brothers were great with their dance routines, but sometimes their personal dancing skills were hit-or-miss… Even then Eloni liked to think his long legs would hit those swing-high kicks; but he was nothing on this woman. Sheer fabric and  high-heels were competing with him faster than he had ever seen…It wasn’t a quarter into the dance that his lead was entirely taken over by her.
It was a situation he had no idea was coming; a woman half his size beating him at dancing. A HUMAN woman practically running him into the ground… It was a lot, it was an endless barrage of legs and shimmies…
It was pretty great.
Just as soon as the song had started; it had ended, Eloni was practically bent over and the mystery woman was done. Off she trotted in her high-heels to re-join her worried looking brother with a completely enraptured Eloni to follow her.
“W-wait. What’s your-” but before Eloni could finish the question or even grab her attention- he felt his hydraulic knee buckle- and land him square onto a nearby table.
Plasticware and plates flew to the floor and Eloni struggled to keep his holographic head above a pool of spilled rose and champagne. When people rushed him to see what was wrong he gazed around.
The Mystery Woman and her brother were gone.... Well. At least he made her smile!
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Little Darlin's All Things Fall Writing Challenge
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Jumping straight into this, y’all know the deal!
Rules and things!
You don’t have to be following me, but it would sure be spooky if ya did!
Please signal boost this so it doesn’t flop!
Open for all Marvel characters!
Send me your pairing and prompt in an ask! That way I can keep track of things easier in case tumblr implodes, a url changes, whatever!
Use the “keep reading” insert on anything over 500 words
No word minimum or maximum
Use proper warnings please!
No rape/incest
This does not have to be spooky! it could be the fluffiest Halloween fic ever and I would love it because I love all things Halloween!
AU’s are allowed, especially Supernatural AU
Fic due date: November 10th, 2019
@ me in the fic when you post and  # it #ldatfwc
Once a prompt is gone, it’s gone! If I run out of prompts I will try to find or cook up some more!
That’s it! Any questions feel free to send them via DM or my askbox
Prompts below the cut!
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"Hold on, you have hay in your hair." @all1e23 w/ bucky
“Take that mask off it’s creeping me out.”
“Babe, the sweets are meant to be for the trick or treaters.” @mrsalh32611 w/ bucky
“You’re on my cape.” @just-the-hiddles w/ loki
“Trick or treat!” / “You live here.” / “It was worth a go.” @intheendyouwillalwayskneel w/ clint
“Dead men tell no tales, but we do bend the truth alot.” @sebastianstanfavpita w/ bucky
“Out of all the items in this thrift store, you find the only cursed one.” @iambuckyrogers w/ carol
“With the last breathe in it’s body, it cursed me to death.” @afewmarvelousthoughts w/ natasha
“You can’t sell me your soul, when you don’t have one to begin with.”
“Okay, who’s raising the dead when I’m trying to sleep?” @sammy-jo1977 w/ daredevil/matt
“My life goal is to be a swamp witch.” @slithredn w/ jessica
“The full moon is out tonight. You know what that means.” @chuuulip w/ bucky
“Do you think it tickles when ghost pass through things?” @nacho-bucky w/ clint
“How long have you been dead?” / “Roughly 70 years.” / “Damn. Guess I missed the funeral then.” @afewmarvelousthoughts w/ bucky
“Bite me!” / “No thanks. I’m trying to go on a diet.” @oliviawestbay w/ natasha
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you didn’t have wings yesterday, right?” @rebloggerblogging w/ pietro
“I will dress up as literally anything else, but don’t make me wear this.” @saltybaltic w/ natasha
“We should do a couples costume.” @a-crowd-of-newsies w/ tony
“You’re too old to go trick-or-treating.” @avintagekiss24 w/ bucky
“I know the neighborhood by heart, which also means I know exactly which houses give out the King Size bars.” @selfcare101stuff w/ loki
“I thought you agreed I should wear this costume to the party tonight?” / “Oh I agreed to you wearing it tonight, but I had no party in mind” @shield-agent78 w/ bucky 
“Come on, just let me scare a few trick-or-treaters.” “You’re going to horrify them!” “It’ll build character.” @spacemansam w/ peter q
“Oh my gourd, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you’re a dumbass.” @justagaymess w/ natasha
“Making out in a graveyard?” @friday-ocean w/ steve
“Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” @caws5749 w/ natasha
“There are some things about Halloween you don’t understand.” @notyetneedcoffee w/ steve
“You look the same as you did 600 years ago.” / “Thanks. I have a great skin care routine.” @lexxierave w/ loki
“Do you remember where I put my grimoire?” @daffodilsbucky w/ bonky😉
“Vampires, geez.”
“Your soul, or hers.” @bettercaptain w/ steve
“I hate costumes, just get me a shirt.” @infinity-witch clint x natasha
“I can finally wear my sweaters.” / “You mean my sweaters?” @lesbian-deadpool w/ natahsa
“Don’t you just love it when the trees change colors?” @marvelgirl7
“Did you seriously just jump into the leaves I spent an hour raking?” / “Possibly.” @jobean12-blog w/ bucky
“Stop picking up the leaves its gross.” / “But they’re pretty.” / “That one has a spider on it.” @the-unspoken-rule w/ sam
“The fall fairs this weekend, we have to go.” @littleredwritinghood13 w/ bucky
“Who knew it would be this cold?” / “Me, that’s why I brought you extra gloves.” / “Well I was just gonna ask to hold your hand…” @multi-fandom-imagine w/ stephen
“Nothing is better than a crisp fall day and hot apple cider.”
“Apple cider is better than pumpkin spice and on this hill I will die!”
“I don’t do horror movies- no, puppy dog eyes are against the rules, you can’t make me- fine, I’ll watch a scary movie with you” @dtrainwin w/ bucky
“I had an amazing idea for a Halloween costume but it requires two people, can you please be the other person?” @sincerelymlg w/ bucky
“I’m having a bonfire. You should join me.” @wkemeup w/ bucky
“Ooh! A pumpkin patch! We have to stop.”
“Do you want to check out that corn maze?” @sunmoonandbucky w/ bucky
“I hate haunted houses. Why would I pay for someone to scream at me?” @harringtonsbaseballbat w/ loki
“I thought you said we were gonna watch a scary movie?” / “We are!”  / “Y/N, Hocus Pocus isn’t a scary movie.” @ruckystarnes w/ sam
“Is that my shirt?” / “It’s the only one that will warm my cold soul.” @louhooo w/ bucky
“That hay ride was a lot scarier than I thought it would be.” @jessiejunebug w/ loki
“I just wanted to jump into a pile of leaves once in my life, I didn’t notice you were in there!”  @spectralbucky w/ steve
“It’s storming pretty bad out there, I think we have to cancel our Halloween plans…” @stanningsebucky w/ bucky
"Being normal is vastly overrated."
"Are you going to start wearing all of my sweaters now?" / "First of all, they're our sweaters." @awkwardfangirl2014 w/ bucky
“Hot cider and a warm blanket — what else could I need right now?”
“Is fall supposed to be this cold?”
“It’s snowing... in October.” @winterromanov w/ bucky
"'Who ya gonna call?'" / "Uh- (insert other character name)." / "You mean to tell me you don't even know about Ghostbusters?" (This dialogue prompt can be played with a bit, or insert more dialogue between those three lines to make it work) @spacemansam w/ bucky
“Cuddling always helps combat cold weather.”
“Ugh, I think my fangs are coming loose.”
“I love you almost as much as I love this weather.”
"I don't want to look 'pretty.' I want to look otherworldly and vaguely threatening."
“At least we’re cozy now.” @evanstarff w/ bucky
“I made four different types of soup. Is that over-doing it?”
“Do you think this sweater is too big?” “A sweater can never be too big.”
“I think I need to put on a few more sweaters.”
“Grab the blankets, we’re going stargazing.” @nobernieyouareunderreacting w/ bucky
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enamoured-x · 5 years
@riptmyouths requested prompt 7 from the Halloween Prompt List
So this got away from me a little bit, I was having too much fun writing it so it ended up being pretty long. But I hope you like it! Thanks for the ask! ♥️
Halloween Prompt List can be found here, send me an ask!
Sonny Carisi x Reader
Word count: 2,540
7. “You’re never too old for a pumpkin patch, but maybe we could bring your niece along to avoid strange looks.”
It was yours and Sonny’s day off, it was rare for you both to have a full day to spend with each other but seeing as Sonny had some leeway in his hours as ADA, he decided to take off the same day you were off so he could spend time with you. You both had a lazy morning and didn’t know exactly what to do with all this free time. It was when you turned on the tv to watch while you drink your morning coffee while cuddling into Sonny that you had an idea. Just about every channel had a movie or show related to halloween and you wanted to get in the spirit. October was a fun time of the year with costumes, candy, haunted houses, corn field mazes, and pumpkin patches. You were stuck on the last one. You hadn’t been to a pumpkin patch in a few years and you couldn’t help but get excited remembering all the fun things that it provided, like the hot chocolate you drink as you looked for the perfect pumpkin or the hay rides that sometimes led to a few scares or the corn field mazes that were actually pretty hard to get out of. You missed it all and you figured you and Sonny should use your day off to join in on the festivities. 
You sat up straight from Sonny’s side and he looked over to you to see you smiling. 
“What?” He asked with a smile.
“Let’s go to a pumpkin patch.” You set your coffee down and turned to face him. 
“A pumpkin patch?” He looked skeptical but he wasn’t exactly saying no either. 
“Yeah! It will be fun! We can get a pumpkin or two while we’re there and carve them.” You suggest still with a smile on your face. You desperately wanted to go but if Sonny wasn’t up for it you weren’t going to push him, afterall, you just wanted to spend time with him, it didn’t exactly matter what you were doing. 
“Doll, aren’t we a little too old for a pumpkin patch?” He asked but he looked amused and you felt that maybe he didn’t need much convincing.
“You’re never too old for a pumpkin patch, but maybe we could bring your niece along to avoid strange looks.” You shrug and wait for his answer. He laughs and sets his coffee down on the table and pulls you on top of him. 
“You really want to go?” He asks as he wraps his arms around your waist and you set your hands on his shoulder.
“Yeah, but if you don’t want to we can stay here and have a lazy day.” You shrug. You didn’t want Sonny doing something he didn’t want to do, especially on his day off. Besides, spending the day in Sonny’s arms was not a bad idea either.
“No, I want to go. I’ll call my sister, see if Teresa will let Eva join us, ya know, to avoid all those strange looks.” He teases.
“Yes!” You can’t help but get excited and he laughs and pulls you in for a kiss. What was supposed to be a small kiss became heated right away and you pulled back.
“You should probably call your sister.” You say not exactly meaning it, you still wanted to go but right now you wanted Sonny.
“It’s still early, we’ve got time.” Sonny says and you nod quickly as he pulls you down for another kiss.
An hour later Sonny had called Teresa and she was more than happy to let you have Eva for the afternoon. She said she had errands to run and Eva wasn’t going to enjoy the day with her, afterall, she was only six. You and Sonny were happy that she agreed and overall just in a good mood, after your quickie earlier and the fact that you both had a day off, nothing was going to sour your mood. You and Sonny both dressed warm, he had on a grey hoodie and black jacket with dark blue jeans and sneakers. Meanwhile you had on a thick grey sweater with black leggings and some plain boots. The matching was unintentional but you couldn’t help but think how cute it was. When you picked up Eva she was more than excited to spend the day with her uncle Sonny and her favorite aunt as she put it. You and Sonny occasionally would have dinners at her house and you were always the one to amuse Eva in her tea parties as you let Sonny and Teresa handle the food. She was the cutest girl and she was such a sweetheart, you couldn’t help but love her as if she really was your own niece and technically she was, Sonny’s family was your family. 
When you arrived to the pumpkin patch, Eva started to point out everything she was seeing and getting really excited. You and Sonny laughed and you were glad Eva was with you guys. You paid the entrance fee and all three of you got stamped on your hand, you missed all of this. 
“So where to first?” Sonny asked you both. There were kids running around and you faintly heard halloween music playing. 
“How about we go into the maze?” You ask them and Sonny agrees.
“Yes! Let’s go!” Eva pulls on Sonny’s hand and you laugh and follow her lead. You walk through the maze and let Eva decide which way to turn and eventually you came to a dead end. The maze was huge and tall and you were actually surprised at the difficulty. Some kids would run past you guys but there was hardly anyone in the maze, probably with good reason because you suggested a few turns and you came to another dead end. You couldn’t help but laugh and you were happy that Eva didn’t care and was excited to figure out how to get out.
“Alright, Detective, it’s your turn to get us out of here.” I tease Sonny and he laughs. You grab Eva’s hand and Sonny walks in front of you guys and you follow him. He eventually gets you out out and you pick up Eva.
“We did it!” You tell her and she giggles.
“Thanks to Uncle Sonny.” You add and then leaned over to give Sonny a kiss on the cheek, he grins and his dimples appear and Eva leans over and gives him a kiss on the cheek too while adding a dramatic mwah. He laughs and kisses your head and Eva’s.
“Come on you two, let’s go look at the pumpkins.” Sonny says and you put Eva down, she grabs both your hands so she’s in the middle now and you both swing her at her request while you walk to the pumpkin field. 
“Alright, Eva, we need your help with the perfect pumpkin. Think you can do that?” Sonny asks as he crouches down next to her and she nods quickly. 
“Yes! I’ll get the best one!” She says and starts pulling you guys into all different directions. 
“She has your energy.” You tell Sonny as she makes you guys run to different pumpkins so no one else will get them, as she put it. He just laughs. 
Eva finally finds one that she thinks is perfect and waits for me and Sonny to examine it. 
It was actually pretty decent sized and there was no discoloration, only on the bottom but you couldn’t even tell. 
“Well, Eva, I think we have a winner.” You tell her and she jumps up and down and claps. 
“So I guess Uncle Sonny is stuck carrying it?” Sonny asks as he’s already bending down to pick it up. 
“I could carry it but I don’t want to.” Eva says matter of factly and shrugs. You let out a deep laugh. 
You can’t help but give her a high five while Sonny playfully glares at you.
“Me too, Eva. Let’s go on the hayride now.” You grab her hand as you both lead the way. You turn to look at Sonny and he rolls his eyes at you but he’s smiling. 
A worker there had told you that they could keep your pumpkin till you were ready to leave and you wrote your name on a tag and they put it up for you so Sonny wasn’t stuck carrying it around. When you guys got on the hayride there were two other families joining you guys and when you all were seated it started to move. Eva sat between you and Sonny and was looking all around and pointing things out. You decided to get out your phone to snap a few pics of Eva for Teresa and then you tried to take a selfie with her which she was more than happy to smile big and lean in to you. You even got Sonny in it as well.
“Would you like me to take a picture for you guys?” The older woman across from you asked, from what you could tell she was here with her husband and her two grandkids. 
“Oh, yeah. That would be great.” You told her and handed her your phone. You scooted in closer to Sonny as Eva was halfway on your lap and Sonny’s and you all smiled at the camera. She snapped a few and then handed your phone back. 
“You guys are such a beautiful family!” She says and you felt heat rush to your cheeks. She thought Eva was your’s and Sonny’s. 
Before you could correct her, Sonny speaks up.
“Thank you, ma’am.” Is all he says as she focuses her attention back on one of her grandkids who was calling her name. Sonny places a kiss on your head and you just shake your head with a smile. When the hay ride was over you and Sonny let Eva climb the hay castle a few times until she was over it.
“Alright, let’s get some hot chocolate in you girls.” Sonny says as he takes your hand in his and takes Eva’s hand in his other. 
“I love hot chocolate!” Eva says as you all walked over to the tent selling the warm beverages and pastries. 
“We want extra marshmallows!” You tell Sonny as you grab Eva’s hand to lead her to a table. 
“Yeah! Extra marshmallows, please, Uncle Sonny!” She nods her head enthusiastically and you laugh.
“You got it.” He tells her as he walks up to the counter. 
“Are you having fun, Eve?” The nickname Sonny used for her caught on with you a long time ago. You both sit down at the table. There was a projector playing a cartoon halloween movie for kids and you and Eva were facing it. 
“Yeah! I like pumpkin patches!” She says as she swings her legs.
“Yeah, me too. Especially with you here.” You tickle her and she laughs. 
“Uncle Sonny too!”
“Yeah, of course.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Are you and Uncle Sonny gonna get married?” She asks out of nowhere and your eyes widen. Kids definitely have no filter. 
“Married?” You ask her, how does she even know what that entails.
“Yeah! Momma said you guys were going to get married and have lots of babies.” She says getting excited at the thought of babies.
You almost choked. 
“When did she say this?” You ask her. 
“I don’t know, she was talking to nonna on the phone.” She shrugs like it wasn’t a big deal. 
“Well, your mommy has a wild imagination.” Sonny says as you turn to see him with three cups in his hand and a bag underneath his arm. He sits down on the other side of Eva and you share an amused look with him. Why was Teresa and their mom talking about marriage and babies for you and Sonny? You felt like it was a question that could answer itself though, it was Teresa and Mrs. Carisi, they were always gossiping, especially when it came to you and Sonny. She would always ask Sonny when he was gonna pop the question while you ate dinner with their family. 
“So you’re not getting married?” She looks upset and then she clings to you.
“But I won’t see you anymore!” She adds and looks like she’s close to crying. Kids were all over the place, one second happy and the next ready to burst into tears about random stuff they mostly knew nothing about. It was almost amusing.
“Woah, hey. Don’t say that, I’m always going to be here.” You tell her and grab her face and place a kiss on her head.
“So you are getting married?” She smiles again, tears gone. 
You spare a glance at Sonny as he laughs but doesn’t do anything to help the situation. 
“Why don’t we drink our hot chocolate? It also looks like Uncle Sonny got us some goodies.” You tell her and she quickly gets distracted. 
“I did, warm chocolate chip cookies.” He says and takes a few out the bag and puts one on a napkin for her. Her eyes widen and she immediately starts eating it. Sonny blows on her hot chocolate and tells her to let it sit before she drinks it. 
“I love you.” You can’t help but mouth to Sonny as Eva is preoccupied with her cookie and watching thhe movie on the screen. 
“I love you.” He mouths back and you both smile. He leans over and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
“Ew!” Eva says and you laugh, first she wants you to get married and then she’s disgusted by you and Sonny kissing. 
“Do you need kisses too?” You ask Eva and pull her in and start placing kisses on her face dramatically. She shrieks when Sonny joins in.
“Okay! Okay! Stop!” She’s laughing hard as she pushes your faces away and you and Sonny finally let up. 
“Alright, alright. Finish up, it’s getting late.” Sonny tells her and takes sips from her small cup. You finish your cookie and Sonny finishes his. When it’s time to leave Eva was already halfway asleep leaning into Sonny’s shoulder. You threw away your trash as Sonny took off his jacket and picked Eva up and covered her with it. She was quick to pass out as soon as he did it. You grab the pumpkin you guys picked out from the same worker who put it up for you and then you all walked back to the car. Sonny put her in her booster and leaves the jacket on her. You start the drive back to Teresa’s and you can’t help but stare at Sonny. You were happy and he was the cause.
“What? What’s got you all smiley?” He asks as he spares a glance at you with a smile of his own.
“You.” You shrug.
“Oh, yeah?” He asks, dimples showing.
“Yeah. I had fun today, Sonny. Thank you.” You lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Me too, Doll. And Eva was right.” He says. 
“Right about what?” You ask curiously. 
“We are going to get married and have lots of babies.” 
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
All My Sins - Chapter 15
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Pairing: priest!Cas x demon!Dean
Summary: Dean fights back. But what if he just can't stop? Meanwhile, Cas has to run for his life. And the hellhounds are near...
Warnings: angst, lots of blood, strong violence, torture, murder…let's just say, it's pretty graphic. XD
Words: about 1300 ( it's a rather short one this time...the next one will be longer, I promise! <3 )
A/N: Welcome to chapter 15! Gawd, I have so much fun writing violent scenes...I'm sorry. XD There is some extra heavy stuff going on in the next chapters, so be prepared. I literally can't wait to write all of this aaaahhhh :D Oh, and "Sweet Tooth" by Marilyn Manson is like the perfect song for this chapter, just if ya wanna know what inspires me from time to time - his music is THE SHIT.
Catch up here ( Masterlist ) <3
I hope you'll like it! Enjoy <3
Meg screams in surprise as Dean hits her right between the eyes. She cuts herself at her own blade, crying out in anger. "How-" The other demon tries to hold Dean to the ground, but the young man isn't going to stay there. No freaking way. He pushes backwards, until the other's back slams against a tree. The demon curses, struggling not to let go. But he will. After a few moments of fighting, Dean actually manages to overwhelm the creature, bringing it on the ground. He manages to free one of his arms, and immediately uses his fist to crush into the other's humanoid skull until the demon lets go of his other arm. But before he can make it, there is Meg right behind him, trying to stab him in the back. Dean winces, rolling aside in hurry. The blade almost stabs the demon that is lying on the ground, bleeding. Sadly just 'almost'. Meg growls in frustration. Blood is running over her face, making her features seem bizarre and grotesque. She jumps forth, the bloody blade in her hands. Dean tries to grab it, and makes her to let go of her hold, but she manages to push him against a tree, brutally. For a moment, pain pulses through his back, quickly followed by another feeling like his damn insides are being ripped out by an unknown force... He sinks to the ground, crying out. Nononononono! I knew that she was gonna use her freaking super - powers - And suddenly, he realises. If she can do this sick stuff, and she is a demon just like I am...well, partly... Dean breathes in deeply. Stay calm. Focus. The he rushes forward, getting everything out of the inhuman parts of himself. He almost flies, well, at least that's what it feels like in the moment he jumps in Meg's direction, his body filled with fresh strength and power. He lands on top of her, and they both fall to the ground. Within seconds, Dean grabs the blade, sticking it right into her forehead. She screams. Inhuman, loud, dark screams. The other demon cries out, rushing to her side as fast as he can. Still too slow. Dean turns around while he pulls the weapon out of Meg's skull with a quick gesture. She screams and screams, even louder as her partner gets simply beheaded by the deadly blade. His body falls to the ground with a muffled noise, blood spitting literally everywhere. Dean has literally no idea where that unbelievable amount of strength suddenly came from. But don't fucking care anymore. I want to see them bleed. Even more. It feels so fucking good. Meg attacks him again, but he just pushes her away like a single leaf has touched his shoulder and tickled him what made him to brush it off in annoyance. She falls to the ground, and gets up again. It's like a funny game. A game in which I'm making the rules. My rules. She winces and goes back a little as Dean steps closer to her, slowly. Her dark eyes are filled with nothing but fear - if that's even possible, well, she's not even human. The hole inside her head is bleeding, heavily. Her face is just a red painted mask with two black spots. Two spots I'm going to carve out. Now. "I...I'm sorry, Winchester. I...I may have underestimated you, I - " she stutters, almost in tears. The young man just grabs her by her throat, looking up and down at her 'human vessel' with his now pitch black eyes. "That's exactly what I was trying to tell you before, sweetheart. But you just didn't listen to me. I guess, now I will have to punish you," he says, his voice as sweet as honey. She closes her eyes for a brief second. "You have to...to stop," she rasps, "When you keep murdering others your demonic part will just get stronger and stronger. Look at you! You're just like me. Like us. You have already changed. It's  -" "Fuck off!" he growls, "Time to pay, bitch!" He can feel her thin neck almost break under his touch. I like that. "Dean...,"she whispers, but then he runs the blade over her throat, slicing it open, fully. Her gasps are music in his ears, as her body hunches over in pain. The blackness in her eyes flickers. And suddenly, Dean knows what she will try to do. She will try to leave this body, to leave the sinking ship! That's sad. I really would have loved to torture her in some different ways before killing her. But well, let's get this over with. He stabs her right through the heart, ripping her chest open with a quick movement of the blade. There is a strange light coming from her insides as she falls to the ground, and Dean knows that she is dead. Finally. In this moment, he hears a terrifying growl behind him. It sounds like all tortured voices of hell would scream in pain at the same time, awfully. The young man winces, turning around - just to stare into a pair of horrible demonic eyes in the colour of flashing red. Fuck. I guess the hellhounds are here.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castiel's back is pressed against the wood of an old tree that he bets to be already rotten inside. Like I will because of the marks on my chest. Well, if I actually survive this. He is hunched over a little, trying to control his constant shivering. As he woke up about twenty minutes ago, he just knew that something wasn't right. Not right at all. Dean was gone, and he had no idea where he would have disappeared to. It was cold as hell, and his body was aching, but Castiel tried to look around as good as he could. But he found nothing. Well, except an pretty evil looking demon that was trying to kill him, obviously. All he could to was run deeper into the sea of trees, hoping that the creature though that he has headed for the street instead. Or was that a bad idea? I bet that it was! He closes his eyes, trying to ignore the pain that is caused by his wounds. I'm such an easy target, damn it. And what, if the police found Dean? Or what if Meg is back and - "Where are you angel?" a deep voice scoffs. Terrifyingly, the speaker doesn't seem to be that far away... And why is he calling me angel? Oh shit...he must be working with Meg! The priest tries to duck into a couple of bushes, looking around, his eyes wide and filled with pure fear. His heart races, and the smell of wet leafs is driving him insane, slowly. Sweat is running down his forehead, and he bites his bottom lip. Where did he go? Is he - "Found you!" Castiel jumps and turns around, just to get pushed to the ground by the man who just seems to simply appear out of the shadows. No! Before the demon can overwhelm him, the priest gets up to his feet again, stumbling deeper into the forest as far as he can. The other is right behind him, walking with slow, relaxed steps... As if he knows that he will catch me anyway. I'm practically dead. In this moment, he hears some terrible howls coming right out of the forest. And these sounds don't stop. They're are just getting louder and louder, followed by some creepy growls that are sending chills down the priest's spine. None of them sounds slightly human, they're deep and absolutely terrifying, giving Castiel goosebumps all over. Hellhounds. That must be some freaking hellhounds. What else could it be? And suddenly, there is only one thing he can think about: Dean! Ignoring the pain, he accelerates, running into the direction the noise is coming from, blindly.
 ( A/N: Next chapter on October 25, 2019 <3 )
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That was chapter 15! Thank you so much for reading, and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will love you forever! <3
Tag lists are open!
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets​ @rebeloftheseas @ablavalba​ @smodernlife​ @ignis-glaciesque​ @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel​ @xsghn @helpmeluci​ @trenchcoatsandfreckles​ @legendary-destiel​ @leahslovelylibrary​
"All My Sins" Tags: @emodestielshipper​ @emumag​ @waywardtricksterangel​ @didntwanderstillgotlost​ @angel-e-v-a​ @too-old-for-fangirling-but-idc​ @justanotherfangirl511​
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Seasons of Love a Max Richman/Zoey Clarke Fanfiction
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A/N: Alright guys we are headed into the home stretch! Just 2 more chapters left! Thank you all for the lovely comments and for reading this! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my work and letting me know how much you enjoy it! It means so much to me!
Thanks to aubreyrichman for reading it over and fixing my errors!
As always I’m just borrowing the characters for fun, they belong to the genius that is Austin Winsberg!
Summary: Thanksgiving with the Clarke family
This month's song is “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” by Rod Stewart (Listen to it here https://youtu.be/Hphwfq1wLJs )
November 26 Thanksgiving
October 31 Halloween
September 23 Max’s Birthday
August 12 Perseids Meteor Shower
July 4 Independence Day
June 21 Father’s Day
May 10 Mother’s Day
April 12 Easter
March 17 St. Patrick’s Day
February 14 Valentine’s Day
December 31-January 1 New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day
Thanksgiving was the only time Maggie allowed Zoey to "help" in the kitchen. There was so much to prepare and do that she needed all hands on deck.
David and Emily were off the hook for helping since they had their hands full with Peter. He had started teething recently and was having trouble being soothed. Which, of course, meant that David and Emily were both exhausted. 
Zoey finished getting the table set, while Maggie basted the turkey and Max worked on mashing the potatoes.
"Anything else I can help with Mom?" She asked, looking to make sure she hadn't missed anything.
Maggie glanced up, "No, I think we're good. Why don't you just sit and keep us company?"
"Sure, I can do that," she reached for a chair at the island when she heard Peter begin to cry.
"Why don't I go offer them a break," Zoey left the kitchen, and headed upstairs. She knocked on the door to David's old room. He opened the door looking exhausted and holding a crying Peter.
"Gimme," Zoey said, holding out her hands.
David breathed a sigh of relief as he handed him over. "Here's his teether. He can have some Motrin in about an hour if he's still a mess "
Peter had stopped crying as soon as he was in his Aunt's arms. He was watching her hair as it bounced up and down when she nodded at David.
"Come on, Peter, let's go see what Grandma and Uncle Max are up to," she said cheerfully.
Even in his exhausted state David looked at her oddly, "Something you haven't told us?"
"Huh?" Zoey wrinkled her nose in confusion.
"Uncle Max? I don't see a ring there?" David nodded at her bare left hand.
Zoey turned bright red, "Just a slip of the tongue."
David chuckled, "Relax, Sis. He's practically family, anyway, I'm just teasing you. Actually, I wanted to run something by you. It’s just Emily and I were talking about it, and we were wondering if you and Max would be Peter's godparents." 
"Godparents? As in?"
"More like you get to be his extra special Aunt and Uncle."
"Are you saying that you don't think I'm special enough?" Zoey teased. 
"Yeah yeah, you know what I mean. It also means that Emily and I would name you guys Peter's legal guardians in case something ever happens to us."
"Oh, David," Zoey reached out to grasp his hand. "Of course I will. Though, you should be the one to tell Max. I think it would mean a lot coming from you."
"Of course. Thanks Zo, it's important to us that he's in good hands." 
Zoey leaned in and hugged him as tight as she could while holding Peter.
"Now go on, some of us need to try and nap," David said, waving her off.
"Look who I escaped with!" Zoey laughed as she entered the kitchen, bouncing Peter up and down excitedly.
Maggie grinned, stopping long enough to drop a kiss on her grandson's head.
"Are your toothies bothering you again?” She glanced at his red and tear stained cheeks. "Poor guy. Here, Grandma knows what to do." Maggie reached into the freezer and pulled out a frozen washcloth.
Zoey took it and held it up to Peter. Peter grabbed it, shoving a corner of it into his mouth and began sucking away. 
"Is that better? Grandma’s pretty smart like that," Zoey said, smiling at him.
She walked over to where Max was getting the stuffing ready for the oven.
She smiled as he dropped a kiss on her forehead. "Hey, buddy," he said to Peter. "Hanging out with Auntie Zo? Can't say I blame you, she's pretty cool."
Zoey laughed, "I thought we had already established how not cool we are."
Max grinned, "Ah but Peter doesn't have a concept of cool yet, so anything you do is cool enough for him."
Zoey shook her head. "Peter, your Uncle Max is being ridiculous."
Max whipped his head up and looked at her. She didn't seem to realize what she had just said.
Zoey started humming as she swayed back and forth with Peter. She glanced at Max who was looking at her with something akin to awe on his face.
“Max, honey? Are you okay?”
Max grinned and nodded at her. “I’m fine, babe. Just thinking about something.”
Zoey nodded and turned back to Peter who was starting to fall asleep in her arms. 
Maggie came over and held out her arms for him, “I’ll take him back to David. Max, can you just keep an eye on things?”
“Of course. I won’t let Zoey anywhere near the stove,” he said, tossing a wink her way. Maggie chuckled and left with Peter.
Zoey made a face at him, swatting his hands away when he attempted to placate her with a hug.
“Nope, you’re being mean!” she chastised, turning her back to him.
Max wrapped his arms around her waist, “I’m just teasing you, sweetheart. I love that you’re a terrible cook. It gives me the chance to cook for you.” 
Zoey leaned back against him. “Well, I do love it when you cook for me,” she admitted, begrudgingly.
Max chuckled, he turned her in his arms and gave her a soft kiss.
Max pulled away to check on the food.
Zoey took a seat, enjoying the view of him bending over to open the oven. She let out a small whistle.
Max glanced back at her and shook his head with a grin. 
“What can I say? I enjoy the view,” Zoey cheekily said.
“Mmm I see, you only want me for my body,” he teased.
Zoey watched, entranced as Max began to shake his hips to a nonexistent beat.
He turned around, and catching the direction of her gaze, he tossed a wink at her as he began to sing
If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on, sugar, tell me so 
Zoey couldn't stop the laugh that escaped her as Max pulled her against him, continuing the song.
If you really need me, just reach out and touch me
Come on, honey, tell me so
Max pulled back and looked at her face flushed with laughter. "Sorry, I can't remember how the rest of the song goes," Max said, shrugging.
Zoey started laughing again as she pulled him down to kiss him.
"What's so funny?" Max asked between kisses.
"Nothing, you're just cute," Zoey grinned.
Maggie came back into the kitchen, smiling as she saw the happy couple laughing. She felt a pang in her chest as she wished that Mitch was there to see how happy Zoey was. 
They pulled apart, blushing as they realized Maggie had been watching them.
Maggie waved them off. "Looks like everything is about ready. So, let's get it on the table and we can all eat."
The family, minus Peter who was still sleeping, gathered around the table.There was a slight air of sadness to the meal. It was the first of the big holidays that they would be facing without Mitch. David carved the turkey and they toasted in memory of Mitch.
While they ate, they shared stories and memories of Thanksgivings past.
 Max chuckled as Maggie described the year that Zoey was insistent that they eat only what Snoopy had served in the Peanuts Thanksgiving special.
"She was 5 and so very stubborn," Maggie laughed. "And she stood there telling Mitch that he was wrong, that we didn't need a Turkey for thanksgiving, but instead needed jelly beans,  toast, popcorn, pretzels and ice cream sundaes. And you know how Mitch was, so of course he goes out and braves the grocery store the day before Thanksgiving to get everything on Zoey's list."
Zoey flushed, taking a drink of her wine to cover her embarrassment. 
"Luckily, Mom managed to convince Zoey that we could have regular Thanksgiving for dinner, and Snoopy's Thanksgiving for breakfast instead." David chimed in. "Plus, it kept her out of everyone's hair when the inevitable sugar crash happened. She was a menace in the kitchen from an early age."
Zoey wadded up her napkin and threw it at David, hitting him in the face.
"Hey, ow! Mom!!"
Maggie, Max and Emily all locked eyes and just shook their heads  
They heard a cry come from the baby monitor on the counter.
David went to stand, but Max gestured for him to sit. "I'll get him, you guys are still eating."
David nodded and sat back down.
Max squeezed Zoey's shoulder as he passed her chair.
When he got upstairs, Peter was looking up at him from the crib, a confused expression on his face. 
"Hey big guy, was that a good nap?" Max asked, smiling as he picked him up.
"You almost missed all of dinner, sleepy head!" He teased, tickling Peter's toes to make him smile.
Peter made a "whoooo," noise kicking his feet.
"Who? Well kiddo, that's the question. I'm the man who loves your Auntie Zoey. And though, I don't know that she realized it, but earlier, she called me your Uncle Max." 
Peter grinned at Max, "ahhhhhh," he responded.
"My thoughts exactly," Max agreed. "So, maybe someday soon I can be your actual uncle." He grinned, mentally planning a trip in the future to get his Grandmother's ring resized. 
"But that will be our little secret for now, okay buddy?"
 "Aaaa," Peter responded.
 "Good, I knew you could keep a secret."
Max and Peter made their way into the kitchen. David, Emily and Maggie were all grinning  at him.
Zoey had tears in her eyes as she smiled at him. He cocked his head at her and she shook her head. He handed Peter to Emily, who thanked him. "Did you tell your Uncle Max ‘thank you’, Peter?"
Max looked at her startled. She pointed to the blinking baby monitor.  Max turned red, groaning in embarrassment. "Ohhh, ummm…"
David interrupted him. "That is if you want to be. We were actually hoping that you would agree to be Peter's godfather."
Max looked over at Zoey who smiled at him and nodded.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded at David and Emily, "I'd be honored."
Zoey beamed at him as he sat down. He looked around at the table at the family that had become more dear to him than he could imagine. 
Zoey squeezed his hand affectionately, and he turned to look at her. She leaned her head onto his shoulder and sighed contentedly.
Oh yes, he decided. He needed to get the ring resized very soon.
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spective90 · 5 years
Medusa Complex - 1
Many people in my hometown believed that the house next to my parents’ place was destined to be empty for as long as it stood its ground. Built in 1929, the Victorian palace sat on top of the hill that cast its shadow upon the entire valley.
We think the royals lived in it before the world wars begun, where dynasties collapsed, and common people revolutionized the lands. It could have been torn down ages ago but after years of standing tall, the town has pretty much left it alone. It’s like a totem protecting Foxwood from disaster; we hadn’t had any devastation in a long time. Everybody knew about the house and its lonely reputation, so you can imagine my surprise when a black SUV pulled into its driveway one day as I returned from the grocery store, carrying a realtor and a pair of young house hunters.
“And here, as you can see, is by far the oldest house in the neighborhood,” the realtor said as he exited the car, “I figure this relic might not be ​exactly​ what you’re looking for, but if you’re going to move to Foxwood, this is a nice part of its history–”
“Well, we’re open to buying any property at this point, Mr. Lorem,” a middle-aged man said, climbing out of the back seat, his voice loud and deep. His skin fair, he sported long, ginger hair with a trimmed beard, and dressed nicely. He rounded the vehicle as the realtor waited by the cobblestone stairs, and opened the door for who I assumed to be his wife.
The first thing I noticed were her black pumps and silk tights as she climbed out of the car. I tried to keep my eyes on what I was doing as I gathered bags from the back of Waylen’s sedan, but despite myself, I looked again as soon as I heard the door close.
The woman, tanned and lean, wore white-framed sunglasses and a matching summer dress. Her hair was dirty blonde and she carried herself confidently beside her husband while he led her by the arm. The action struck me as odd, and I wondered if she was older than I originally thought; I couldn’t see her face too well, but the body she had was almost criminal.
My eyes traveled over her as the three of them walked into the building, and I nearly lost my grip on one of the bags on my way up the driveway.
As soon as they disappeared, I sighed and shook my head.
“Jessie,” my brother called from inside, “You good?”
“Yeah,” I replied back, throat feeling a bit dry, “Give me a sec.”
After the last of the bags, I shut the trunk and locked it up. Our parents had tasked us to fix their house up while they went away for a bit. Its birch wood structure and wide, open backyard was definitely a sight to see; it was exactly the same as I’d remembered it to be.
I headed into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Sitting on the couch, my brother squinted his eyes as he watched a soccer game play out.
“Hey, do you know if the house next door is for sale?” I asked him as I unscrewed the cap.
Waylen made a confused face. “The castle-looking one?” I nodded. “Uh, not that I know of. Why?”
I took a few swigs and played with the hem of my tank top. “Some couple is looking at it right now. I don’t even think the guy showing it is from around here.”
Waylen scoffed and turned to look at me. “How does that even...? So it’s not someone from the local place?”
“No. The dude kinda looks like Willy Wonka.” I thought for a second. “With glasses.”
“Heh,” Waylen chuckled, “Maybe they’re from the next town over? Darton, or something?”
“Dunbarton,” I corrected. “Maybe. Or Cozy Lake.”
My brother shook his head and turned back to the game. “We’re surrounded by rich people out here,” he grumbled. “Not gonna lie, I’m happy to get away from everything, but I think I’ll be happier when the rents get back. You can only be out here in the boonies for so long before it just... gets to you.”
I put my drink down and looked out the living room window, watching the wind tickle the flowerbeds outside. “Yeah. I just hope mom and dad find what they’re looking for on their trip,” I mumbled.
“True.” Waylen threw his head back against the couch and closed his eyes. “They deserve it, right?”
“Mhm,” I nodded and glanced towards the stairs. “Hey, I’m gonna hop in the shower. When is Laurie coming over again? Sunday?”
Laurie was his fiancée. She’d offered to help with the job since we’d first gotten out here a few days ago. “Eh... I’ll call her. She said sometime this weekend,” he confirmed, his focus torn between the TV and our conversation.
I didn’t wait for him to elaborate. The floorboards creaked as I ascended the stairs and got ready for my shower.
What I knew about this entire expedition was that we had about two months to finish it. To celebrate their anniversary, my parents bought themselves a 6-week long vacation to rekindle what had been lost while they both worked and sent us away to college.
Waylen graduated with a degree in business management and I barely finished with a degree in traditional arts this past May. All I knew heading into school was that I was good with my hands, and I liked to create things. As far as I was concerned, maybe I’d be lucky enough to be in a gallery one day.
Part of the reason I decided to come out to Foxwood again was to take a break before finding a job, and to spend time with Waylen before he went back to his suburban life outside the city. Our parents’ place was still in good condition but definitely needed some touch-ups, as the wood was stained and matted from constant weathering, and my mother was having none of it.
“Just give it a facelift, honey,” ​she’d said to me over the phone not too long ago. ​“We’ve already asked your brother to come too. Think of it as a small vacation; you’ll be there until the end of November... you don’t have to pay us anything. We just want to see what you can do with it.”
“You’re asking the twins of​ terror,”​ I said dramatically, “to give your house a makeover while you travel the country with dad?”
“Yes, thank you, Jessie. You’re a sweetheart for agreeing to do this.” I​ hadn’t— not yet, at least. ​“We love you very much.”
I didn’t seem to have much of a choice in the matter, anyway. “Love you too, mom.”
Over dinner later that night, after the pizza guy came, the two of us started spitballing ideas for any serious reparations during the next few weeks.
“So here’s what I’m thinking—” I started, twirling some spaghetti with my fork, “We start with the outside first and work our way in. It’s gonna be cold by the end of October and I really don’t wanna be out in the woods with the temperature below 30.”
“True,” Waylen agreed.
“So outside first. We can figure out colors when the sun’s up.” A flicker of light caught my eye and I turned to the living room window, watching as the people from earlier wandered outside on the Victorian house’s balcony.
“Ooo,” I hummed as I pointed. “Look. Told ya.”
My brother looked at me quizzically before catching the scene outside. He stood and walked over to the kitchen window to get a better angle. “Huh. Yeah, they’ve gotta be from Dunbarton,” he mused, taking another bite of his pizza. “Imagine if they end up buying the place? That’d upset the town for sure. Watch them knock it down and build a park over it.”
I shook my head. “No way, dude. It’s held up since the beginning of time. They’d need a ton of lawyers for all that.”
Waylen scoffed. “Well, from the looks of it, I don’t think money would be a huge problem for them...” He paused. “Do you see that guy’s wife? She’s wearing sunglasses and it’s like 6 o’clock at night.”
Furrowing my brows, I leaned forward to get a better look. Sure enough, she hadn’t taken them off, and the sun had definitely gone down since they arrived. My curiosity grew
when the woman stalked back inside, her husband still supporting her with his arm, and the realtor shuffled through a bunch of papers in his hands as he followed them.
“You think the rents would be psyched if they came back here with new neighbors?” Waylen said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Living in that house, no less.”
“I mean, the dude’s got the paperwork right there,” he pointed out. He probably had a better view than I did. “Yeah, wow, I think they’re shaking hands.”
I was still highly skeptical, no matter what it looked like.
Waylen moved back into the living room and joined me on the couch. “If anything,” he said, grabbing the remote, “you’ll have some good eye candy for these next two months, right?”
“Shut up.”
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More of “Between Worlds”
Hi all! I have been writing like crazy in this new project, and the more I write the more excited I get about sharing it. I have actually been working on a new title for it, since I’m not too sure if I like “Between Worlds” all that much. I might make a post about the new title I’ve come up with tomorrow to see what you all think. Today though, I wanted to post the next couple of paragraphs as a continuation of the first little excerpt that I put on here a few days ago to see what you guys think. I really hope you guys like it. Feedback is appreciated. Happy reading!
The static’s volume increased abruptly and Natalie nearly fell off of her bed, clutching her chest, when he appeared through the wall across from her.
“Christ! Roy, how many times have I told you to quit doing that? Knock!”
Roy wouldn’t look like himself if he didn’t have that mischievous smirk on his face. It always seemed out of place to Natalie, when paired with his nice dark blue uniform that he was eternally wearing, but he just wasn’t Roy without it.
“Knock on what, doll? My knuckles won’t exactly rap on any nearby surfaces ya know.”
She kept the smile, threatening to crack her annoyed façade, at bay as she watched his hand glide right through the wall and bedroom door. Roy had that kind of effect on her; she couldn’t ever be genuinely annoyed with him.
“You better figure something out. I’m getting too old for you to pop in and scare me like that. My little heart can’t take it.”
She rolled off of her bed where she had been writing in her journal, and let the sunshine of the October morning in through her curtained window. Roy let out one of his hearty laughs. It was one that Natalie could always feel in her chest. When she was a kid, she would make him laugh just to feel the tickle that it put in her stomach. Once when she was still a young kid, she thought he could use a new outfit to wear, so she had gone into her dad’s closet and stabbed a new pair of jeans and one of his polos then presented them to Roy. His hearty laugh went on for a solid three minutes and it sent her into a giggling fit along with him, even though she had no idea what it was that they were laughing at. Then Roy explained that that wasn’t exactly how things worked. He couldn’t wear a new outfit, and clothes couldn’t die and go to the Between.  
“Ah yes, because 18 is the new 60. Ya know from my observations, I thought people were living longer these days. I mean in my day you would already be an old maid, but these days it seems that ‘old’ doesn’t happen ‘til at least 40.”
He sat cross-legged in the middle of her bedroom floor and watched as she sorted through her closet, finding an outfit for the day. His Naval uniform contrasted against the khaki color of her rug. And of course, the hazy light blue glow that surrounded him in the sunlight seemed alien. It was other-worldly.
She chose a pair of light-colored jeans and a TMNT t-shirt. Most of the shirts that made up her closet were graphic tees that came from the men’s section because her shoulders were too broad for the girlishly petite shirts in the women’s section. When she was fourteen, she went through a phase where she was terribly self-conscious about her height and broad shoulders. She was much taller than the other girls in her class and always broader. Roy boosted her confidence by telling her that her figure was just perfect to fill out a soldier’s uniform. He told her that her shoulders were strong and indicated she was destined to carry the weight of the world. He was just one more person to constantly remind her that she was meant to be “somebody.”
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artdjgblog · 4 years
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Innerview: Tom Biederbeck (Editor ) / STEP Inside Design 
October 2008 
Image: NA
Note: Email Q&A
Rumors of your absence from STEP magazine’s Design 100 competition MUST be exaggerated! I’ve been impressed with your work in past Design 100s, but it doesn’t look like you’ve entered the 2009 competition…at least so far. ​
STEP. I think you’re living up to your name…well, maybe with an adopted “E” in the middle to get it right, as I’m watching every year for rising prices on your competition fees. How many rungs will I climb? I’m not even sure if I entered last year as the years are running together now for me, but I’m leaning towards “nope.” I’m for certain it was due to billfold blues, but another reason is because I lost interest in what I was doing so why blow money on it and share it? I’m a little more upbeat this year as I’m turning the corner on 30 and another round of “more-more-more-more”. Still, I almost didn’t enter this year until the last check of my online bank account. Next year, who knows? I’m just curiously concerned as to what is going on in dollar signs? My aim of intent is not for this choppy letter to sound wrong or biting or ouchy or itchy or immature or nasty…worshiping of St. Upid*, a big yes…frustrated and humiliated on my end, perhaps a tad bit? Whatever, I’m a happy camper and thanks for making it this far. High competition prices are weeding out the little guys who scrape by. Personally, I know that I’ve barely cleared 80 dollars all year from clients, which is the price for me to only submit 2 entries. So, I think I qualify for “little guy”. The 2 entries I’m forking over are pretty much bending over my billfold and breaking it in two. In previous years I’ve been fortunate to dump 80 mades-a-milking, unlimited on your doorSTEP for a reasonable sum of money, a sum I’m now seeing with double vision. I’m a bit perplexed at this current flex. In a time where I feel the idea of the “Mom & Pop” design house is a mockery of every high-price Tom, Dick and Church Secretary who bang desktop decorations out because they have access to a computer (which, sometimes I find their work more charming and immediately served)…it’s the design magazines of all people who should be rewarding (in lower entrance pocket book exams) those who work on top of work, get up early and stay up late making basement donuts (notice here we don’t spell it with “dough”). Even though I still have a goal to do what it is I do for full-time income some day, it’s never really been about the money and I knew that at the starting line of my design odyssey. Though, I think rising competition prices finally just made it be a money case. I think that in the past seven years I’ve spent more on competition fees than what I’ve actually saved. I know I don’t spend much on tape, cutting blades, spray paint, glue sticks and construction paper. It might not be a wise business venture, I get that, but it’s the glossy recognition that helps get the work out and sometimes gets work that pays more than one cheeseburger. Recognition helps a young struggling kid tickled on both ends of the scroll and I’m thrilled to think that some of the magazines and whatnots might even eventually become shredded to either evolve into other books or poster papers or the lining of a puppy carrier somewhere this side of Deer Creek Falls, Cornwall. Making things for me isn’t about winning prized ponies, beer helmets and cotton candy, even though those things are nice added bonuses to parade with. Awards certainly don’t get me to point C, but they might get me to B or B-thirty, which in-turn might mate with C to get me out of my day job, in some sort of mutated moody Monday morning, if I’m caught in the right spirit. Which, in-turn might finally get me the urge to shout, “Look Ma and Pa I’m no longer a college drop-out failure.” I’d like to say I stay in my basement full-time, but that’s not the case as I’ve previously put it. I realize that everything is rising in cost, the economy stool is flowing over and we’re all doomed. I realize that it takes a large amount of good money to make, distribute and payroll a major magazine, especially orchestrating special awesome issues like the STEP 100. But, I can’t help but feel it’s just getting ridiculous. Not to mention, I think you’d get a more well-rounded selection of work, from people you wouldn’t expect if entry prices were lower. I’m 0 for 4 with Algebra classes, but I tend to think more money could be made in the long run if competition entry fees were cheaper. Ya know? This is similar (for me at least?) to raising the price of vending machine items. I’m not saying your design magazine is as cheap, non-nutritional and throw-away as junk food, though it’s fueled many great and passionate design adventures in my world and I’m a big fan. I’m saying that it’s like hiking up all the items in a vending machine to where you can only get one over-priced thing for a dollar, when everything could easily be made 50 cents or cheaper. In such a world I know that everybody would spend their whole dollar, maybe even a Lincoln to feed the family. Money would be made and one more child could be fed. I’ve never understood this. On another end…I was the small town grade-schooler who couldn’t wait to “git” and get tucked into that slip of 40 minute-onct-a-week art class to finally execute the creative rights that were squandered to the back lot of my brain while managing to make it through the school day blues (and I’m still there now in the day job tune). Though it was definitely in my own private Missouri, of bedwoom and backwoods, where the real goods were got at…it was in this makeshift “art” room where I learned to work together with my fellow makers. It was here I hunched happy and content, saliva dripping, with a meager box of 24 colors, as the uninspired jerk wads with the biggy-size box of a hundred (plus a pathetic built-in sharpener) spent the entire period breaking in-half a wide assortment of made-up B-Side rainbow colors to toss at me in order to beat my day. But, it was brighten, what they did. You know why? Because at the end of each class with each week, I raked up all the extra orphaned bits and pieces, saw their potential and fed them to my newsprint paper, which in-turn has lead to some ideas that eventually wound up on your well-printed pages. Now, what exactly am I trying to say? Not sure, and that ‘n’ this is something I have to put up with every second of back ‘n’ forth with the upstairs. I’m not trying to win hearts or exercise my patriotic spew. I’m not saying I wouldn’t be opposed to some sort of bonus points program, rewards system, price cutting card or a salary cap thing with competition fees. What I am saying is what all I just said and to add that through it all as we quickly unravel this ball, I’m not giving up on you and your fantastic design coverage. I love STEP. I can’t afford a subscription and barely look at it, but I love it. I barely look at any design magazines, but I love them, mostly just love “it”, design. Even when I think I don’t, I still do and it still comes back to poke and prod me in the night. Back to you, I love every piece of person at your offices and beyond who have helped me and my little makes in some way. I even salute those who may curse my name in the after-hours as they sift through and catalog my design dumps and read/see my silly testimonials, interviews and now…this electronic sampling. Please tell me you have lent all the poster piles of competitions’ past to those who truly need warmth to burn or sleep beneath? Add this letter to the pile under the overpass or please tack it with the other junk above your own bunk? I originally had intentions to drop this into my entry package that I AM sending, but then I had second-thoughts about writing a letter as my writing is quite foolish and the whole idea is quite selfish and sloppy. Then again, I thought I could just typewriter it, bang it out in the morning dew, and mail it out with the postal blue. But, then I thought that idea was still ignorant and arrogant. So, finally I just put my gut in the cage with my heart and let them duke this out. I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me in the past whether it’s your kindness on the phone or email or with appreciating my piles of work and saving several pages of glossy wow-wow space for me. That’s great stocking stuffer for this kid and I am sure tickled to know it’s trickled into other people/peep holes, places and things. That means so much to me that you helped play second stork. I appreciate the present day email check-ups and multiple mailings to my door, wondering what the heck I’m doing. This means a ton to me that you care enough to give me a free check-up. I hope we can further extend this appreciation on both ends as the paper trail extends and meanders. I realize my little silly stink might cause me to gamble with “the system” a bit and if I’ve wronged you, then I’m sorry. But, please laugh as it is way better to do so. Heck, this letter might even cause me to lose my ’08-80-Bucks and have my work be swept into a janitor’s broom closet (which is a location I’ve made many a poster and a working location I prefer than my present stab at data entry / STEP letter writing). Maybe just put your trust in your fellow makers, and they will come, clinching Lincoln’s nonetheless. Logs, letters, rainbow stumps or dollar markers, you make that STEP. -djg * Please Note: The phrase St. Upid is the intellectual property of writer and pop-culture analyst, Chad T. Johnston. It was borrowed for this essay.
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