#time princess gina
danceswithsporks · 1 year
Things I’ve Written!
Star Wars
A Star Above the Rest ( Ao3 Only) Rex X Oc and Cody x same Oc Throuple
12 Days of Batchmas Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
“Fuck away the pain” Hunter X Medic!Reader
“You’re mine tonight.” Echo X Senator!Reader
"love to see you squirm. Now I want to hear you moan." And "Don't worry. I'll make you feel real good."- Sub!Crosshair x Bartender!Reader
“Did you just kiss me to shut me up?” - Rex X GN!Reader
The Complete Series (Non Canon to Season 3)
Spotify Playlist
Warm Tech x Tea Shop Owner Reader Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ Completed ]
Calm Wrecker X Seamstress Reader Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { Preview Chapter } [Completed]
Awake Crosshair X Innkeeper Reader { Preview Chapter } Part 1 2 3 4 5 6
Whole Echo X Medic Reader [ Coming Soon ] { Preview Chapter }
Centered (tentative title) Hunter x Reader {Preview Chapter} [ Coming Soon ]
Home Omega POV
Pokémon Sword & Shield
The Dragons Song (Ao3 Only) Raihan x OC
Resident Evil Village 
Before All the Stains (Ao3 only) Heisenberg x Reader
Time Princess 
1001 Loves (Ao3 only) Chapur x Gina
Qahwa,Rain,Passion (Ao3 only) Chapur x Gina
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chaotictoon · 6 months
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Work Out
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loraculis · 1 year
they should have made a side story explaining how gina got the red gem. like either she’s the descendant of one of the forty thieves, or one of them lost it/sold it and someone from her family got it. or else it comes out of nowhere
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maddsmallow · 1 year
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finally BROWN EYES. this is seriously too much fun. here's gina, the actual love of my fucking life, as i envision her
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potatochip-oc-dump · 1 year
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thinking about gary and his friends... i am trying to lean into the mad scientist aspect of his character a little more
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hoodedcrowart · 11 months
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Day 19: Plump
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Secret Underneath Part 7 ( Steddie X Plus Size You)
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Warnings: Older (Mid thirties) Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Young (Early to mid 20s) Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, slapping (brief), reader just letting out some aggression with Daddy's help, dirty talk, etc. FLUFF, they love her and tell her so a lot.
ANGST (because I'm me), the discuss more about what happened with the fallout of Gina and how they reacted when it came to Y/N. More insight into why the guys and Gina split (she's not a good woman). Reader does a thing at the end, I'm not calling it a cliffhanger but it could be construed as one.
Word Count: 5342
Series Here/ Donate to Me
“Would either of you like more coffee?”, your mom asked as the pot in her hand hovered over their cups. 
“Oh, no ma’am. Thank you though.”, Steve politely smiled as Eddie shook his head to answer her question as well. “The breakfast was delicious, sir. Thank you for allowing us to join you and your family.”
“Ok, calm down, son. That’s not the way to suck up to me and her mother.”
Both boys glance your way as you try to stifle your giggles behind you mug as you sip your coffee.
“I think I’m starting to see where princess gets her sarcasm from.”, the rockstar grins.
“Yeah, we spoiled her too much.”, you mom teases as you stick your tongue out at her reply. 
“If I may ask, what would be the way to suck up to you because we love Y/N very much and we would do anything possible to earn all three of your trust and acceptance back.”
The room became silent as Steve’s words hung in the air. 
“To be fair, honey, when it comes to us, our first experience with you is hurting our daughter. We didn’t even know she was seeing anyone again.”, you mother relayed as her eyes flicked towards you. “Everything we know about you is either from the tv or her when she came home crying.”
Eddie’s eyes squeezed shut as her words pierced his heart; they never wanted to be the ones responsible for your pain. 
“You may not like hearing it but it’s true. You have to accept what you did to her first before you can move forward. A thousand years of marriage taught us that.”
“Oh my God.”, your father sighs. “You calm down to. Everyone at this table is so theatrical. I need back up. Where is Mya?”
“Mya is probably knocked out but I’m sure she’ll be around later.”, you smile. “There’s a lake behind the house here if you guys want to go for a walk.”
“Yeah, we’d love that.”
“If you’d like after this, we can run to your hotel and grab your clothes so you can change. You can stay in our house to if you want.”
Eddie’s palm balances just under your own as you hold your arms out while walking along the bank of the water. 
“We don’t have to. I mean…we don’t want to over crowd you or make you uncomfortable.”
“Said the men who were asleep at the foot of my bed this morning.”
“We were worried about you.”, Steve replied as he carefully traveled behind you to make sure you didn’t fall. 
“Well, I’m offering but if you’d be more comfortable in the hotel I’d understand. My family and Mya can be a lot.”
As you jump down, the metalhead guides your decent making sure you’re alright before you three continue moving forward. 
“They are a part of you and you aren’t a lot.”
“Not enough to be open with me.”, you grumble before you watch their heads hang. “I’m sorry.”
“No, um, no reason to be. You’re right.”
“Can I ask…what’s been happening since I left?”
“Jesus, fucking everything.”, Steve sighs as he takes a seat under a tree and you both follow him down with you in between. “I have no idea how she’s doing all these interviews at one time. We can barely get through one in general without being exhausted.”
“Gina and her lawyer have been making the rounds on daytime talk shows and sites like TMZ. Our lawyer says that tactic works in our favor because she either puts her foot in her mouth or contradicts herself so we can use that in court.”, Eddie exhales heavily. “All we’ve done so far is make that statement on Harrington’s social media which everyone has picked apart already.”
“Did that do anything for you?”, the mogul asks as his gaze shifts your way. “We were hoping that referencing you that way in our statement would help keep all that chaos away a bit.”
“I wouldn’t know since I haven’t looked at my phone. The only reason I know you said anything is because I had a weak moment and scanned your profiles on my computer.” Your head hung for a moment before you sarcastically chuckled and looked his way. “Now Gina’s interview saying that you’re only dating me because I’m the opposite of her, that was an accident. My mom was watching her morning shows and…”
“She’s not entirely wrong.” Your head swiveled towards Eddie as you waited for him to explain. “You ARE the complete opposite of her which is another reason we love you. If we wanted another Gina we could have just stayed with her.”
Your eyes closed at the words “we love you’, not quite ready to believe and accept them just yet. 
“So, yeah, did you guys have a lake like this back in Hawkins?”
“We should probably get you to your hotel so you can change and get your stuff.”, you interrupt as you hastily rise to your feet and dust off your pants. 
“No.”, you growl as you put up your hand to cut him off. “No, Steve. You both don’t get to call me that right now. Don’t let this whole thing fool you. I’m still incredibly angry with you and it’s going to take more than a conversation and a meal with my parents to get me back.”
Silently the three of you walk back to your house but your mom’s loud voice cuts through the winter air as you come around the corner. 
“…and after the things she’s saying about MY daughter?! Gina Frost can go fuck herself!”
Eddie moves first, powerwalking forward and placing himself between a well-dressed man and your mother. 
“If I were you, Daniel, I would get in your car and go back to New York.”
“Are you threatening me, Mr. Munson? I’m not a woman you and your friend are dating so I imagine not.”, the man responds sarcastically. 
The rockstar angerly steps towards him but you hastily grab his arm and in return he stands up straighter to make sure you’re shielded with his body. 
“Is this Miss Y/L/N? I just need to talk with you if you’re able—”
“She’s not involved in anything between us and Gina. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with our lawyer.”, Steve defends, placing himself beside his friend to block the man from you and your family. 
“Trying to silence another woman, gentlemen?”
“No.”, you answer for them as you push forward. “They don’t speak for me nor would they ever try. You have one minute to say what you want before my father gets involved and trust me, you thought my mom was combative?”
“Can I at least have a minute alone—”
“No. 55 seconds.”
The man reaches into his pocket and hands you a card that you pass to your mother around your protecters. 
“I’m looking for some more character witnesses to corroborate Gina’s statements—”
“Oh, honey, I’m the last person you should ask because from what I’ve heard our experiences with these men have been very different. 30 Seconds.”
“Are they? How was the charity event? They used to bring her every year.”
“She was their partner. Try again. 25 seconds.”
“It took them awhile to do it. Even longer for her to move into their apartment. How long have you three been together?”
“Who says we’re together? They’re my friends. 15 seconds; you better make them count.”
“Gina was their friend for years before they got together and before they started lavishing her in gifts and all that material bullshit. How long was it until they started doing the same with you? This case was started almost 7 months ago. When did your friendship with them begin?”
Your eyes blink as your jaw tightens and you try to hide the doubt that hits your heart at his line of questioning. 
“Time’s up. Get off my family’s property now.”
You sit quietly as you stare vacantly out the window while both men quickly change and place themselves on the bed in front of you.
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?”, Steve asks with a soft tone as both men’s eyes constantly scan you over with concern. 
“I don’t want to believe him…”
“But you do?”, Eddie follows trying to hide the pain in his voice. 
“I can’t help it. You hid things from me and then you fucking left! No, you expected me to be ok with you disappearing for ‘some time’ which is way worse.”
“Fuck me her lawyer is fucking good.”, the mogul breathily laughs as he shakes his head. “Yeah, the case was started two months before we met you but do you know how long we were separated before we ever considered trying to find a partner again? Eight months. Eight months of alcohol filled days and hiding in our apartment because the idea of going out sounded exhausting. Eight months of watching her plaster her pages with pictures of her tongue down other men’s throats after deleting everything that had to do with us.”
“When we got served those papers, we spiraled even more.”, the other boy continued. “It finally got to the point where I told him we needed to try and get back out there. We started slow going out to bars or parties and we met so many women, Y/N. They would fucking beg to come home with us but we could never do it.”
“Not the right target?”, you sass but regret it immediately when their hurt and anger filled eyes meet yours. 
“We told you when we first spoke with you that we aren’t into ‘yes’ girls and that’s all they were. We went to the site and it was a bunch of the same shit.”
Steve pulled out his phone and ran his fingers along the screen until he found what he wanted and began reading. 
“Please Daddy. I’ll do anything to be yours especially if you can afford to get me something as expensive as your shoes! I’ll do whatever you want.”
“I’m not really into the threesome thing but if you show me your faces I can pick one of you and give you the best sex you’ve had in your life.”
“I’d love to meet you but we may need to go to the mall first. You can’t take me out in cheap clothes like the ones you’re wearing.”
Your eyes rolled as you listened to what the other Babies had said to them hating that women like them existed especially since you knew a lot of “Daddies” preferred that. After pushing another button on his phone, a high-pitched giggle filled the room.
“Stevie! Answer the phooooooone! Ugh, fine. Whatever. I just wanted to call to tell you guys I won’t be able to make it tonight for dinner. My friends are doing this thing and its sooooo stupid. Do, um, do you think you can send me $300 so I can have some real fun? I promise I’ll make it up to you two! Love you!”
“Steve, I’m out here fucking waiting for you. Why aren’t you here? If this is about me saying I didn’t feel like sleeping next to trailer trash tonight, Eddie knows I didn’t mean it. I was just…you know how I am when I get upset and he promised to take me with him to that interview with Kimmel so I could meet him backstage! It’s not my fault I got wasted and made him miss the stupid plane.”
“Fuck you both! I’m fucking done! I needed you this weekend and neither of you were there! The fucking press and people on the street are calling me a fucking whore and TMZ is making the rounds with my fucking mugshot! You’re going to regret throwing me away! The least you can do is send me some money for the hotel since I can’t go fucking home now.”
“Wow…well she sounds like a winner.”
“Stop it.”, Eddie rumbled in his Daddy tone that had you unintentionally sitting up straighter. “We’re trying to explain something and this is serious, Y/N. Every Baby we talked to reminded us of her…except you.”
“And it’s not because we were targeting you or needed you to show how, I don’t know, how fucking amazing we are or some shit because we aren’t. We’re flawed and sometimes we can definitely be assholes but I swear to God, Y/N, we never meant to hurt you. These past few months have seriously been the best of our entire lives. I offer to pay for things and take care of you because I love you. No, hey, look at me.”, Steve scolds when you avert your gaze at his declaration again. 
“It’s not because we need to establish a relationship quickly or whatever Gina’s lawyer is preaching. You have never tried to take advantage us and selfishly we took advantage of that by commanding you to wait in your apartment without telling you want was going on. That’s never going to happen again, baby girl, and I don’t care what I have to do to make sure it doesn’t.”
“Trust us, sweetheart, the speed of this relationship startled us to. We constantly asked ourselves if we were moving too fast even though we told you we needed to go slow. But like Steve said everything we do is because we love you… I love you.”
Your eyes took them in as they spoke, fully absorbing what they were telling you. 
“Is there anything else I should know about you and her?” After exchanging a look, they shake their heads. “Please don’t lie to me.”
“We’re not, baby, we promise.” As tears cloud your vision, you close your eyes to try and suffocate them as they betray you, falling down your cheek. Ringed hands cup your face as a forehead presses to yours. “What can we do, Y/N? Tell us how we can help, princess.”
“I want to be mad at you.”, you whisper.
Eddie’s head straightens, understanding what you need. 
“Then be mad. Let it all out, baby. You aren’t at home and we’re on the top floor. Shout, scream, hell, hit us if you need to. Just like you we know the word and we know when to use it.” Still seeing trepidation in your eyes, he clears his throat as he stands to his full height. “Come on, sweetheart. Don’t be a little baby.”, he coos with a mocking tone that has you standing to match him. 
“I’m not being a baby!”
“Oh really, little girl? Sound like a baby to me.”
Your palms reach out to shove him but the rockstar quickly bounces back as you push at him again a bit harder.
“M’NOT a baby! I have every right to be angry with you!”
“Yeah, ya do, baby! Let it out! Tell me why you’re angry with us!”
“I was ALWAYS vulnerable with you and more than accommodating but you both couldn’t do the same with me! You hurt me!”, you screamed as you began punching his chest with your fist barely moving him in place. “You made me feel like trash! You took me out and treated me like a queen but as soon as things got hard for you two you threw me away!”, you began to sob. “You gave me hope that I could finally be fucking happy after what Holden did and then with one letter you ripped it all away!”
Dropping your arms to your sides, they watched as your body shook as the tears continued to flow. Abruptly, you turned to leave but when Steve’s hand reached out to grab your wrist, your palm reeled back before smacking him hard across the face. 
The mogul didn’t say at word or let you go as his head swiveled back and his forehead fell on yours. Your eyes remained zeroed in on his chest as it heavily rose and fell with each angry pant, matching you own as the intense energy hung in the air. Again, you slapped him but it wasn’t as hard as before. Repeating your actions, the force of your palm connecting with his cheek became less and less until you were just cupping his face in your hands. 
Your lips roughly attach to his as a small whine leaves your throat at the taste you missed so much. A needy atmosphere replaces the old one and Steve’s strong palms grip your thighs as you jump up to wrap your limbs around him. 
Tumbling onto the bed behind you, the mogul desperately tugs down your jeans and panties as you fumble with his belt before reaching into to his own pants to free his cock. The two of you groan into each other’s mouths as you collect some of your slick with his tip and guide him into your entrance.
Hovering above you, Steve delivers a couple of slow but deep thrusts that have your eyes rolling shut and your fingers threading through his hair when his entire body presses against yours. 
“We’re so sorry, honey.”, he whispered breathlessly. “Mmph—ah, fuck—we didn’t think…fucking stupid.”
You shook your head and pushed his closer to your neck as your legs clung to him tightly.
“It hurt me the most be-because…Jesus Christ, Daddy, just like that.”
“Because why, baby? Tell Daddy.”
Your pussy clenched around him as his heavy pants rippled through your ear making you mewl as he pumped into you at a harder pace.
“Because I love you to, Steve.”
The moan that rumbled through him was one of the most beautiful sounds you had ever heard as he thrust into you so fast the bed shook aggressively underneath you. Keeping his arms secure around you, the man pushed up onto his knees, bringing you with him as he continued to thrust upwards as your palms held his face and his eyes locked in on yours. 
“I love you, Steve, so much.”
“Oh shit.”
As he pressed his head into your chest, you felt his release begin to paint your insides and at the sudden action your body trembled as you came.
When you glanced his way, Eddie couldn’t wait any longer, having been stroking his cock at the display before him and desperate to feel you in his arms again. Pulling you off his friend, he stepped out of his jeans and threw of his shirt, positioning you onto all fours with your ass in perfect view for him. 
The rockstars fingers dug into your thick hips as he slid himself inside you and leaned over to lay his chest against your back. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, we missed you so much. I promise we will—mmm—never make you feel like that again. You deserve the world, baby.”
With your eyes close, your mouth blindly searched for his and he obliged as your lips passionately mingled together. 
“I-I love you to, Eddie. Fuck, Daddy, please… harder.”
Pushing up onto his palms, he pulled his cock all the way back before slamming back into your cunt hitting that soft spot inside of you repeatedly that had you a moaning mess. His sweaty forehead was resting on the side of yours and as you opened your eyes, you watched as his gorgeous features contorted into pleasure as he picked up his rhythm.
“That’s it, Daddy. M-Make me cum.”
You couldn’t help but smirk when his nose scrunched in focus as he did what you requested. Falling completely on top of you, your hand quickly grabbed his as your pussy quivered around him and you whimpered as the coil snapped in your belly. The feeling was almost too much for Eddie as his pace sputtered and he grunted against your skin as his release filled you. 
After gently pulling his softening cock out of your now sore but content body, Eddie rolled you onto your back and continued to kiss any part of your neck and face he could reach until a second set of lips joined him on your opposite side. 
“I forgive you.”, you mumble causing their movements to stall before they raised both their heads to look at you. “I forgive you. I’m sorry I broke your rule about googling you. I only looked up your lawyer’s information. I swear I haven’t be looking up information since—”
Steve’s palm over your mouth cut you off.
“We understand. That rule was bullshit anyway… Another way for us to hide Gina.”
“We looked through your socials.”, Eddie revealed as his hand brushed some of your hair away from your face. “We had never done it before because, like you said, we wanted to learn about you from you but when we couldn’t get a hold of you…”
“Did you find anything interesting?”, you tease making both men smile.
“There’s a video on there one of your kids tagged you in where they were joking with you about slang or something. They seem to really love you.” Eddie’s grin grows when you lightly giggle. “Y/N, we’re sorry about not updating you more on our case. It didn’t even occur to us how this could ripple out and affect your job.”
“We’d hate ourselves if we were the reason you lost something like that.”
“I forgive you.”, you repeat before continuing. “I do have to make it clear, though, that this can’t happen again. I meant what I said, I do love you both but I’m not going through all of this again. I…refuse to.”
Their lips kiss your cheeks as they hold you tighter to them. 
“This is never happening again, sweetheart.”
“We promise, honey.”
As you step out of the shower at your house, you smile as you listen to Eddie’s cackle echo through the house at something your dad said before Steve’s lighthearted tone tried defending whatever was said. 
Glancing towards the drawer by your bed, you let out a heavy sigh before reaching in and grabbing your device to scroll through the screen. 
All of your socials had tags attached that you assumed were people claiming the “mystery woman” was you and the comments everyone was saying in response. There were a ton of emails from news outlets asking for you to say something or give them a quote to confirm it was indeed you that went to the charity event with them but thankfully nothing from your boss or the school. 
You saw a bunch of texts from Mya, your mom, and surprising your ex who assured you he wouldn’t say another to the press even though a few got his information as well. 
Going through your voicemails, you skipped passed reporters and the couple from Gina’s lawyer that you couldn’t care less about until a familiar voice followed through your phone. 
“Hey, sweetheart.”, Eddie chuckled with a slight slur in his tone that told he was probably drunk at the time. “I just wanted to call you myself because…Because I was thinking about you. I think about you a lot…like all the time, Y/N. Even before all this bullshit with our ex… I would be in the studio with the guys and be like ‘I wonder what pretty girl is up to?’ You’re so beautiful, baby, inside and out. I had a dream about you last night. I was back home in my trailer and I heard you screaming outside. I ran to find you b-b-but I couldn’t. I started panicking like ‘She’s gonna think I didn’t try…try to come save her.’”, he sobs making your heart break at the sound. 
“No matter what, princess, I’d be here for you. I love you so much. I’ve never loved anyone as much I love you… Fuck…I shouldn’t leave t-this on your machine. Pfft, Machine. Like it’s the 90s still.”, Eddie laughs at his own joke. “Anyway, um, yeah…I just wanted you to know…that we miss you an we love you, baby. We so sorry…”
The rest of the message was his heavy breathing where you assumed he fell asleep making your grin grow as you wiped one of the tears that fell. Pushing the button for the next message, Steve’s gravelly voice followed. 
“Hey, Y/N. Um, I’m so bad with these things. Eddie’s a lot better with technology than I am but I’m so desperate to hear your voice, honey. I miss the sound so much and not just your voice but your cute little laugh or even the adorable way you sneeze with your entire soul.” When he laughed you giggled along with him. “Jesus…we really fucked up, huh, baby girl? When I was a kid, I would watch women come and go from my dad’s office and I would think ‘I’m never going to be like him. If I had a good woman like my mom at home I would never hurt her like this. I would never make her feel unloved or unwanted.’… We understand if you need some space… I just…I just don’t want you to think we’re doing ok without you. We love you, Y/N.”
When you selected the next message, you have expected it to be another declaration of love or an apology from the guys but when a high pitched sigh came through grating your ears you were surprised. 
“I hope I’m calling the right number. I’m usually a texter but I felt like something like this required a call. My name is Gina Frost and I am Eddie and Steve’s ex. Listen, honey, for your own good, leave them now while your heart is still intact. I spent years trying to be what they wanted me to be and it was never enough. The first time I stood up for myself was when I left them and they dragged my name through the mud! They are great at twisting the truth to fit their narratives. Don’t get pulled in. Would you be willing to meet with me so we can talk?”
You growled at her tone and accusations as what they told you, her voicemails on their phone, and what she said about you on national television swirled around your head.
Opening your Instagram, you uploaded three images with different captions. The first was from the night of charity event that Stephanie took of you three before you left the apartment with you in-between them and their arms wrapped around your waist posing with their other hands pushed in their pocket. Your grin stood out as you laughed at their insistence to not smile in pictures so it looked “sexy yet intimidating” while showing you a demonstration. 
“My name is Y/N Y/L/N and as a lot of you may have noticed I am the woman that went with Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington to the event last month. I have known these men for a few months and have been in an intimate relationship with them for some time. For my privacy and because of the things being said online by Miss Frost, they tried to protect me by referring to me in the media as ‘just a friend’. I hope that notion alone goes into the column that they are not the lies that people have said about them. I love them both with every fiber of my being and I have never felt safer in my life then in these men’s company.”
The second image was a video of you and Steve sitting in your living room on the floor where you were trying to put one of your face masks on him while he kept making jokes to keep you laughing. 
“Why is it, cold?!”
“Because, you dork! It good for your skin now stop moving.”
When he playfully sticks out your tongue to lick your wrist as it grazes his lips, you can’t help but lean back on your knees as your tummy shakes with almost uncontrollable giggles. 
“Steven! Stoooop.”
“You want me to stop being adorable? I can’t do that, honey. That would be like asking me to stop breathing.”
“Steve Harrington is one of the kindest souls I have ever met even going overboard sometimes. I thoroughly believe that if he could move heaven and earth with his own two hands just to see me smile he would. He has never once asked me to change who I am but has himself adjusted his own personality to make me comfortable without me even asking. I love him as is but he can be stubborn when it comes to people he genuinely cares about. 
Your third video had Eddie straddling your waist while pinning your wrists to the floor. The power had gone out due to a storm so you three had been passing the time anyway you could think. While play wrestling, he got the upper hand and leaned down to kiss your lips. 
“Woooo! And Eddie Munson wins by a landslide!”
While he pretends to be praised by a nonexistent audience, you wrap your arms around his waist and push your chest against his bare one, flipping you both around till he was underneath you. 
“Oh no! And with the cruel hands of fate, Eddie Munson is no more.”
You giggle as he closes his eyes and pretends to pass out before you lean down to kiss him, making him grin as his fingers tangle in your hair. When you go to sit up, some of your locks get tangled in the metal of one us rings and his playful tone promptly changes to a concerned one. 
“Oh, hang on, princess, I got you here. There we go. Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you or anything? Good.”, he beams up at you when your shake your head and the video stop as he leans up to wrap his arms around you in a big bear hug. 
“Eddie Munson is so sweet and caring. He’s very protective and does whatever he can to make sure I know I’m safe whether that be by making me laugh or holding my hand till I feel comfortable. He’s never belittled me or physically hurt me in any manner unlike men from my past. I love this goofy rockstar and there is no place I feel safer or more at home than in his arms. 
Gina Frost believes that these men chose me because I’m nothing like her and I genuinely believe that is the only thing she’s said with any truth. I would never hurt them the way she did and continues to do even though they are no longer in her life. They deserved better than you and I will do whatever I can to make them happy because they do that for me every single day.”
As soon as you posted your response, a small wave of fear rumbled in your stomach as the likes began to quickly fill up your notifications until you noticed the only two handles that matter when it came to your words. 
 “@thereal_EddieMunson liked your post.”
“@thereal_EddieMunson added your post to his story: “My princess is a queen 🤘.”
“@StevenHarringtonOfficial liked your post.”
“@StevenHarringtonOfficial added your post to his story: “I would move the stars in the sky if she asked me to.”
A wide smile paints your face as you blush and hastily get dressed to skip downstairs. 
“Jesus, child. Took you long enough. Were you writing your memoirs up there?”, you father joked as you came around to hop on a stool at your kitchen counter next to Eddie who was picking at the appetizers your mom had made while dinner was being prepared. 
As you reach for a slice of garlic bread, the rockstar leans towards you to kiss your cheek before taking your other hand in his and placing it on his lap. 
Steve, who was helping by cutting up vegetables, met your eyes across the marble and smirked as he gave you an adorable little wink.
@aol19 @paradisepoisons @paleidiot @dashingdeb16 @lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer @aactuaaltraash @alastorssimp @mygirlchaos @starksbabie @imagine-all-the-imagines @hardladyheart
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chiyuo · 3 months
“such a pretty girl…”
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rosa diaz x fem!reader
what happens when rosa diaz finds an innocent little girl at shaws bar?
smut!! wlw - men dni!
warnings: corruption kink, dacryphilia, marking, collar, usage of pet names (pretty girl, bunny, baby, princess, etc.), oral (both receiving ), usage of strap (r receiving), calling a strap her cock, roughness, praise, degradation, and light sadism
a/n: i’m so scared guys this is my first time writing smut please be nice
you looked so cute, drink in hand, y/h/c locks cascading down your exposed shoulders and back, the edges of your slightly messy layered hair brushing your collarbone. it wasn’t until gina pointed you out from across the bar that rosa had looked at you, but the second she did, she was glad. she thought about your pretty, innocent eyes filled with tears of bliss, never being able to be fucked so well.
it wasn’t until you set your drink and phone down and waved that rosa was snapped out of her trance. she sat for a moment, talking to gina in hopes that she masked her excitement well. after she felt enough time had passed, she got up and sat in bar stool next to you.
“hey,” you whispered, a soft smile playing at your pretty lips. rosas eyes were locked on your lips before meeting your beautiful y/e/c eyes. “hey, pretty girl. what brings you to shaws?” she asked, slyly moving her hand towards yours, her curly mane spilling out onto her perfect face. “a birthday celebration for my cousin. they left a while ago, though…” your words trailed off as you felt her left ring covered hand touch your exposed thigh.
“oh really?” she smirked, squeezing lightly. “has anyone tried to take you home today, princess?” you flushed at the nickname, feeling butterflies swirl in your belly, biting your lip. this woman was making you feel so funny for some reason. “tell me, bunny, have you ever slept with a woman?” rosa asked, a hint of a smirk playing on her full lips.
“um, no, actually. i’ve never really been with anyone where it wasn’t a quick handjob, or something. i didn’t really like it much, though.” you responded, unable to make eye contact. “what a shame. maybe i should fix that for you?” rosa smiled, her eyes flashing with amusement.
“you never told me your name”, you said, biting the inside of your cheek. “rosa. rosa diaz.” the woman responded before squeezing your thigh. “y/n…” you sighed breathlessly as she rand her nails up and down your thigh lightly.
“what a cute name for a cute little bunny. how about we go to my house and i teach you some things?” she asked before paying both you and her tabs. you nodded shyly, thanking the bartender for the drinks, smiling as he gave you a thumbs up in response and a friendly wave goodbye.
as you left the bar, the cool new york city air hit you, most lights were off except for some street lamps and 24/7 bodegas’ neon lights. even though it was so dark, she still looked so pretty. “did you drive here, baby?” she asked, holding onto your hand loosely. “no, i’m in walking distance”, you explained, smiling at the feeling of her warm fingers interlaced with yours.
as rosa unlocked the door to her apartment, it was less than a minute until you were up against a wall in between her toned caramel arms, her cold yet soft lips making contact with your neck. “i’m not going to stop until you lose all your innocence and scream my name so loud that we get a noise complaint..” rosa bit down lightly onto your neck. “be a good girl and wait on the bed, it’s four doors to the left. can you do that, bunny?” she hummed in delight as you nodded, fixing the photo that hung above you of her and what seemed to be her family, straightening it.
when rosa entered the room, she’d stripped herself of her shirt and pants, leaving her in her black sports bra and boxers. you could drool at the sight, but that would be simply embarrassing for you, so you bit your lip instead. she set down a bag, pulling out a pink collar with a heart on it, a pink dildo, and a black 7.5 inch strap.
your eyes widened, not entirely sure what to do with all of those, when she stepped behind you and pulled up your hair for you. she ordered you to get down off of the bed and to get on your knees in front of her, you quickly complying. “such a good bunny. now, our safe word is ‘cop’, alright? if you’re overwhelmed or want to stop, say it and i will immediately.” you nodded in understanding. “use your words, princess.” she hummed, running her thumb across your bottom lip, pulling at it slightly.
“yes, i understand.” you breathed out, picking up the collar curiously. “can i wear this?” you asked, examining the pretty pink leather. she nodded, before taking it and clipping it around your neck. “get undressed, baby.” she ordered as you scrambled to get your cute clothes off. “good girl. now, as i get ready, you’re going to suck this pretty pink dildo, alright?” she said, handing the thing to you, it’s pure size shocking you.
she turned around, adjusting the harness of the strap before putting away some spare clothes. you tenderly caressed the dildo before bringing it up to your soft lips hesitantly. you licked the tip softly, your tongue swirling around it. soon enough your were licking and bobbing your head on it like it was the sweetest lollipop, fueled by the fact that you knew that she had used this to bring pleasure to herself during so many nights.
she chuckled softly, admiring how pretty you looked on your knees, taking a cock into your mouth. after she decided it was enough, she slapped it across your cheeks gently, attaching the harness of the strap on securely. she smiled as you instinctively leaned closer to the cock, finding your unsureness and nervousness cute. as you hollowed your cheeks around it, she grabbed your head lightly. “good girl, baby.” she praised, throwing her head back at the sight.
soon enough, tears of pleasure formed in your eyes as she throat fucked you, moan after moan leaving your mouth. “that’s it. there we go.” she smiled, keeping your head in place with her firm hands. once it was wet enough, she lifted you onto the bed, demanding that you get on all fours, pushing down on your back lightly to make it arch more. she rubbed her fingers down your wet, puffy, and sticky slit, admiring your swollen clit and lips.
she used her fingers to toy with your entrance to prepare yourself for something so big. she lightly pushed the tip in, relishing in the way that your breathy moans escaped your lips, before shoving the rest of it in. “you’re so fucking tight, bunny, taking it like such a good girl. my sweetheart…” rosa husked, thrusting into you at a pace that made the bed shake and your ass and thighs giggle.
she reached down to toy with your clit, adoring the way that your eyes rolled back and babbles fell from your pretty lips as she thrusted into you. “my little bitch,” rosa smirked, smacking your ass lightly. with the way you were screaming, she could tell you were close. “are you going to cum, bunny?” she asked, almost mockingly.
you nodded fiercely, still unable to stop yourself from moaning. “yeah, all over my big fucking cock,” she thrusted into you at an animalistic pace, your back arching more. as soon as you felt your climax approaching, she grabbed onto your ponytail and shoved your face into the pillows, feeling that tight coil snap.
as you fell into the bed, she pulled out gently and slowly, laughing at how you whimpered after feeling so empty. she flipped your tired body over, hovering over you. “are you okay, pretty girl?” she asked, gently caressing your cheek. “mhm” was all you could respond with before she started leaving heart shaped hickeys from your neck to you core, shivering at her cold yet soft lips.
she quickly grabbed a sharpie, writing “property of rosa diaz” on your tummy, smiling at her handywork before licking the cum off of your thighs and sensitive pussy. she moaned at your taste, diving in. she gently swirled your clit around her mouth and used her tongue to stimulate your folds, leaving wet open mouthed kisses, careful not to overstimulate you too much.
you felt your second high approaching, feeling that tight coil tense up. as soon as she tenderly kissed your clit, stars exploded in you eyes, seeing colors, your screams slowing to moans to whimpers, holding onto her hand.
she gently licked the cum off of you, carrying you to the bathroom to clean you up with a warm washcloth, praising you on how good you were for her, before tucking you into the bed with a kiss on your forehead.
a/n: ik it’s bad pls don’t come for me it’s my first time writing smut 😭😭
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Masterlist & Request Guidelines
Requests are closed right now, but the Masterlist is always open! 🫶🏻
Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Can You Stay?
Texts from Olivia Benson
Eyes Open
When Worlds Collide (x daughter!reader)
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds)
What You Want (18+)
Inside Your Head
Texts from Alex Blake
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU)
Alex Cabot x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
What You Give
Texts from Alex Cabot (18+)
Carol Danvers (Marvel)
Find Your People (x sibling!reader)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
A Hard Day
Just Playing
Headcanons: Coming Out to Rosa Diaz as Transmasc
Passenger Princess
A Little Lunch
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Lee Harker (Longlegs)
The Halloween Party
Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
The Dogs
The Intruder
Fight or Flight (x daughter!reader)
Texts from Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (18+)
The Aftermath
Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Home Again
Casey Novak (Law & Order: SVU)
Someone Will See
First Time (18+)
Sunday Mornings
She Likes You Anyway
Empty House (18+)
You're Safe Now
Home for the Holidays
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (18+)
I Need You To
Your Brother's Wedding
Casey Novak x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Panic! At the DA's Office
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
May the Fourth Be With You
With the Crack of a Bat
Just One Kiss
Texts from Casey Novak
They Go Low
Getting Older, Too
When Worlds Collide
Frozen Oranges
Maggie Pierce (Grey's Anatomy)
Just as Friends
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
The Surprise Series Masterlist
Coming Out
Let Me Keep You Safe (18+)
Emily Prentiss x Reader Headcanons
Shelter from the Storm
Don't Lie to Me
Burning (18+)
Tracing You
Tiny (x daughter!reader)
Control (18+)
The World's Largest Box of Condoms (x daughter!reader)
Touchy (18+)
Texts from Emily Prentiss (18+)
White Fang
Arizona Robbins (Grey's Anatomy)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Amelia Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
Sick Call
Tea for Two
Strap Up (18+)
Postpartum (18+)
Playing It Safe (18+)
You're Mine (18+)
The R Word
Left Unsaid (18+)
Texts from Amelia Shepherd (18+)
Callie Torres (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
If you have requests for characters outside of the above, please feel free to send them on anyway! The above are just characters I've written for before. If I'm familiar with the character/source material and the request meets my parameters, I'll be happy to give it a shot!
I only write for characters who are women. No men here. Sorry, folks.
I only write x reader. I don't really enjoy writing about already-existing relationships or character ships. I've done a couple of x daughter!reader and x sibling!reader fics, and I'm happy to do them, but to be honest I very much prefer romantic fics.
I only write for readers and characters with v*lvas. I absolutely welcome non-binary/gender non-conforming characters/readers. Just be aware that, where smut is concerned, I only feel confident writing about humans with v*ginas.
I don't feel comfortable writing dark!characters or smut that's degrading. Kinks and other smut-related requests I take on a case-by-case basis. But I absolutely will not write anything that even gets close to the line of non-consensual. No shade to you if the above are things you enjoy reading/writing, they're just personally not for me.
Autistic readers are so welcome! I love reading and writing x autistic!reader fics!
I do feel comfortable writing about the aftermath of trauma (sexual or otherwise), most mental illnesses, etc. I enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic and, as someone who's dealt with both of the above, I know it can be very comforting to read something that makes you feel like you're cared for and safe.
I also really enjoy writing headcanons, so feel free to request those as well! The same rules apply for headcanons that apply for fics.
Send those requests on, bbs!
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tiredistic · 2 months
"Sweet Evening"
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pairing: Cady Heron x Regina George x Janis Imi'ike
words: 2k words! (2,006)
content warning: Smut, Strap, Language,sex, smut, porn with no plot, Eating out, Poly relationship, Sex tape .. Fluff to follow
summary: This is just smut paired with a smudge of fluff.
a/n: Hiii guys, the long awaited 1K special is here. Uhm first time writing smut for a audience so like.. I apologise. I also don't know what content warnings would specifically apply but basically everything in there is in the fic. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading, it was taking me soo long, any feedback is appreciated. If you like this sorta fic, lmk if I should write more. >.<
Regina was laying in bed, as one does on a Saturday morning. Just in a white tank top and Janis's underwear. Her loves were up and about doing whatever queers do so early. She didn't really care at the moment. Her phone was so much more interesting, how else was she going to shop online, cyber bully, or post to her socials?
Cady and Janis were in the living room, they were chatting about lunch or something. The blonde stopped paying attention when they started geeking about some school club.
Regina was so drowned in her device, that she didn't even notice when they snuck into the room.
Then Regina heard a faint countdown, before she was tackled, her phone snatched- she was buried under her girlfriends.
"What are you two doing?" The blonde asked, suspicion evident in her voice. She wasn't used to this situation, she felt the intimacy and tension in the air yet she was being covered- essentially being pushed to the bottom.
"Let us please you baby.." Cady whispered, lust laced in her voice, just enough to get Regina going. She crawled on top of Regina's chest, smiling down at her.
Regina enjoyed the tag team foreplay, Cady whispering in her ear, kisses on her face, while Janis massaged her lower abdomen. It felt so good gosh she was getting lost in their world.. their trap.
Cady lifted up the hoodie she was wearing (Janis's hoodie), to reveal she was naked under, she threw it to the side, landing somewhere.
Cady's body radiating in the light was so captivating, Lord she could just stare at it all day. Regina didn't even notice the absence of the brunette until she saw her re-enter the room.
"Like what you see?" Janis was standing in the doorway. She was wearing the purple strap-on, it was 8 inches with a slight curve. perfectly adjusted, lubed up and ready to go.
Regina thought she was going to watch as Janis fucked Cady with the strap-on, yeah, that would have been her ideal evening. Safe to say she was quite off. Still, she was smiling ear to ear in eagerness. She couldn't wait.
"You're smiling a awful lot for somebody who's about to get pounded" Janis giggled, strolling up to the bed.
" huh." Cady and Janis internally laughed at how fast Regina's face changed. Since Regina was the one who was using the strap all the time, she never got to really feel it inside her. This was probably what they were talking about in the living room.
"It's okay Gina, we're gonna take care of our princess.. of course if you're okay with it." Cady caressed Regina's cheek, using her favourite pet name. Regina couldn't resist, they were touching her in all the right ways.
"yeah, yeah go ahead." Regina, her face red, dang how'd she get so lucky. She felt as the boxers and the tank were taken off of her, slowly, making her whine. Cady moved to Regina's stomach, starting to grind on it slowly, her sex easily sliding along since she was so aroused.
"So freaking cute.." Cady breathed, her hips rutting on Regina's stomach. Cady was holding onto her shoulders for support as she pleased herself.
The blonde felt the tip rub along her hole, gosh it looked smaller than it was. Her hips bucked up at the feeling, she needed more.
"More." It sounded like a plea, but she meant it as a demand, she wanted more attention.
Cady sliding on her tummy was already turning her on so much, she was just painting Regina's stomach with arousal. Her moans fill the room.
"Just give it to me.." the blonde moaned, her arms trailed up Cady's body.
Janis chuckled before slowly sliding it in, letting Regina adjust to it's size. It felt so different, it was stretching her hole and she liked it. She moaned at the feeling, her back arched and her eyes rolled back.
Just that was enough for Cady to speed up grinding on Regina faster, her nails digging into her shoulders as her eyes shut as her moans radiated off the walls.
"such good girls.." Janis praised them, she started to slowly move inside Regina, making the blonde curse loudly.
"Oh my shhitttt!" Regina screamed. Despite dating many frat boys back in her straight era, she never let them touch her pussy. I guess it was queer foreshadowing. So that made this her first time of penetration, and it felt so fucking good.
"fuck- holy fuck, i'm coming." Cady whispered her breath hitching as she came, her body twitching after she released. She slid off of Regina to catch her breath temporarily.
Janis pulled Regina's ass to the edge so she could get a better position, she put her legs up and held her still.
Janis started to thrust faster, she felt the harness rub along her it felt amazing. The sounds filling the room were adding to the tension, the moans, the scattered breaths. It was all so much, she closed her eyes in pleasure, her head leaning back as she slammed the strap into Regina.
Regina's eyes were fluttering, her hands gripping the sheets, pleas and moans falling out of her mouth. Her cunt clenching down on the silicone. She was going insane, her mind going blank because of the pleasure.
Cady enjoyed the scene in front of her, her loves were so passionate. She whipped out their secret personal camera, which was full of their best moments.
She hit record, watching as Regina bottom out for Janis. She pet Regina's hair, admiring her face filled with lust. She crawled around on their bed, capturing every angle. "so fucking hot..." She whispered, rubbing Regina's stomach, her wetness still present from earlier. She captured the strap exiting and entering her hole, fuck it looked so cute. She stroked Regina's clit in a fast circle, making the blonde gasp and arch her back.
"Holy- holy shit i'm coming!" Regina squealed, the sheets were being gripped for her life. She squirted all over the sheets and the purple cock. Janis slowed her thrusts so she could ride out her orgasm. The wet sounds filled the room as her voice hitched, her eyes shutting in bliss.
Cady loved the way Regina was twitching from the orgasm, it had to be the hardest one she ever had. She was in awe, the girl somehow found a way to be effortlessly hot in every situation.
They all caught their breath for a while before deciding it was time for round two.
"Ok baby.. put that mouth to good use yeah?" Cady said, mounting Regina's face. One thing Regina was good at was using her mouth, especially for talking shit and eating out her girls.
She started by kissing Cady's inner thighs, trailing her way up to the sweet spot. When she got there, she gave it a nice long lick, making Cady shiver, grabbing onto Janis's hand for support. Janis took hold of the camera so Cady could focus on the pleasure.
"So good Cady, your taking her so well.." Janis praised, interlocking their fingers. kissing her face, gently.
Janis started to move the strap again, making Regina grip Cady's waist as she moaned into her cunt.
The blonde was eating, and eating with passion. She teased the hole, as her chin softly bumped her clit.
Cady's voice hitched in her throat before a lengthy moan slipped from her lips. She felt Regina's tongue enter her, it felt so filling.
Regina felt Cady's hole clenching on her, it was getting so tight it was harder to move, but she persisted. She was licking and eating it like a dog, lapping her up.
Janis started to grind on Regina's hips, the strap barely leaving her, hitting her perfectly every time.
"Oh fuck- oh fuck-" Regina broke from Cady's hole to moan at the feeling, it was taking over her again.
"'Gina.." Cady moaned, sitting further on Regina's face, "Don't stop," she gasped, "Eat my pussy. Make me cum.." Cady was grinding slowly on Regina's face, she felt as the tongue entered her again. She felt as Regina's hand crept up to rub her clit and holy shit did it feel good.
Janis grabbed Cady's face with her free hand, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Janis was getting close, the harness sliding on her clit, making her release come much sooner.
Janis broke the kiss, The lustful look in Cady's lidded eyes did something to her. She put the camera down, and gripped the sheets to further pay attention to the harness giving her pleasure. The faster she went the better, so she was really hammering into Regina.
Regina felt the tip hit her G-spot rapidly, her eyes shut, she felt herself gripping the toy. She was lazily licking at the redhead, her mind starting to fog. Her release is just around the corner.
Cady felt just as close, she was fucking herself on Regina's face. Her body was sweaty as she held onto Regina's waist for her dear life. Her mouth was agape as whines and moans slipped from it with ease.
"Come with me." Janis moaned, detected their upcoming orgasm. She was hammering that cock into Regina, she felt as her legs started to twitch.
"I- i'm gonna come! I'm gonna fucking come!" Cady squealed.
"Come for me."
Janis watched as Regina's back arched, her nails digging into Cady's skin. She saw as Cady's head slumped as she froze on Regina, her hips slowing to a slow grind, The blonde felt her clench down on her tongue. Then one final thrust, Janis slammed the strap as deep as it would go. The harness's friction makes her also release. The room was filled with long cries of pleasure.
Janis chuckled when she saw Regina soak the strap in her honey. Regina was licking up Cady, who was still twitching and catching her breath.
"Such good girls." Janis praised,
"All you baby." Cady kissed Janis's cheek, crawling off of Regina.
"That.. that was amazing." Regina dazed, her face covered in come.
"You were such a good girl.. took Jans so well.." The red head whispered, placing a kiss on Regina's forehead, brushing her blonde hair out of her face.
Janis took off the strap, placing it off to the side while she went to set up a bath. Janis first carried Cady to the bath, giggling coming from the bathroom. While Regina was dozing off already, to no surprise since she was really sleepy after sex.
After Janis carried Cady to their second (more clean at the moment) bedroom, she went to put Regina in the bath. Regina was so sleepy, Janis could only watch as she struggled to stay awake for her bath. 
Then Janis carried Regina to the extra room, placing the sleepy girl in Cady’s arms. The brunette went to take a shower and clean up the other room before deciding to come back. She cleaned with speed and precision, taking just a while to relax in her shower. She felt the soreness already setting in, something she decided she’ll deal with in the morning.
It was maybe an hour later when she finished cleaning up, showering, throwing on a silk robe, grabbing some water, she finally made her way back to the room. She smiled warmly at the scene, Cady up reading a novel while Regina layed on her tummy. Gosh she was so fucking lucky.
“Thank you baby, this was great. I love you” Cady kissed her on the cheek, taking a sip of water. “Come lie down, you deserve it.” She added, patting the empty space next to her. Janis snuggled up close, she felt loved.
Regina was knocked out, dead asleep. She was even snoring, which wasn't a thing she did often. Janis listened to it like a melody, a sweet melody. Cady was playing with Janis's hair, holding both of her girls in her arms as they all cuddled.
It was such a nice evening.
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danceswithsporks · 6 months
Chapter 7 of 1001 Loves : The Picnic is now up!
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chaotictoon · 1 year
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Cartoon girls + 20’s
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loraculis · 2 years
Gina and Light would do the sister Minnie tiktoks with the cat
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦
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[ 🌸 ] uchiha version
characters: itachi uchiha; obito uchiha; madara uchiha; sasuke uchiha; shisui uchiha
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of menstrual pads annnd colics
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itachi uchiha
* oh boy
* itachi is a genius
*He really is
* But being a genius doesn't mean he knows what he should do with you sometimes
* Especially these days
*Fortunately, Itachi had the fortune to work with women in the past when he was in ANBU so you could say he has experience
* Are you experiencing mood swings because you don't like something? Itachi will take care of it right now, don't worry. Are you cold? “Come here my dear, I'll keep you warm until you feel better”
* He is a good cook, so he will make you something delicious for you to eat
* "Love? This is good?". "Yes, but... isn't that a lot of food?" "Not at all my love, I want you to feel good"
* Sometimes you think that he just wants to fatten you up with the large amount of food that he prepares for you
* Did you say chocolates? Do you want chocolates? Then just tell him the Brand and the flavor you want or any type of sweet you want
* Do you want ice cream?, Right now you gonna have it (it brings you ten different boats of ice cream in case you want a different flavor every day that you are in your days)
* Oh no, did the compress get cold? And the pain doesn't go away? Don't worry, he'll take care of it
"Hmm?, what are you doing Itachi?"
"Heh, don't worry love, it's just a little jutsu" said your beloved boyfriend as he put his big hand on your aching belly
"But what is it...? oh-", Just at that moment Itachi's hand began to heat up, apparently the compress would no longer be necessary ;)
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obito uchiha
* Day of the month?
* Is today??
* Poor of you ;(
* No, but seriously, sweet boy who doesn't like to see his princess suffer ❤️
* "Hey love, I'm at the store to buy your menstrual pads, but what is the size of your vagina?"
* Innocent boy, please guide him
*He wants to help, but he doesn't know what to do
* "Does your belly hurt? What can I do?", “Can I hug you?”, “Are you sure I won't hurt you if I hug you?”
* Do you suffer from mood swings? Don't know what to do?, Don't worry!... he doesn't know what to do either :D
* Fortunately, this only happened the first time you had your period together.
* "Honey, I brought you chocolates and compresses.". “Thank you Obito”
* The boy does his best to take care of you and although he may not have known what to do the first time, he learns quickly.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you!"
"... you are too good, what did I do to deserve you?"
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madara uchiha
* “So… blood is coming out of your vagina. How it feels?”
* Another guy who doesn't know what to do with you
* Being raised in a clan where only strength and power mattered, and being raised in times of war... it's not like he had time to learn anything about this.
* Fortunately, he is willing to learn how to take care of you and treat you at this time of the month
* Do you want chocolate? You got it, do you want soft blankets? Right away
* He is giving orders to the servants from left to right to treat you like a queen
* He is hardly at home, unfortunately. Well, being the leader of the clan is not an easy task and unfortunately that keeps him away from you, but that's not why he's going to neglect you.
* He was very graphic about what he would do to himself if he neglected you or worse if someone did something to you
* "I'll beat myself up if you're not okay at the end of the day because of me." "Madara, darling... that's very cruel"
* He will make sure you are well and you assure him that it was more than enough ❤️
"Are you sure that blanket is okay?"
"Yes, Madara they are comfortable"
“Are you Sure? because I can tell the servants to bring you softer ones…”
"Madara just hug me"
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sasuke uchiha
*Knows something from the talk about the male and female body due to the academy, but still...
* "My belly hurts a lot..."
* -Sasuke having a mental breakdown internally- "what am I supposed to do?"
* You are patient? God bless you because he needs you to guide him
* the poor man is confused, why are there so many menstrual pads for different occasions? And why do you use tampons?
* "Sasuke, can you buy me tampons?". “Wouldn't that be rape? Why not a night pad instead? They are more comfortable and extra large”. “…”
* Yes, no… he's not the best at this, bUT he's doing his best
* The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable
* After a full 3 hour explanation of tampons and your needs, he already knows what to do
* Oh, do you want a compress? Sure, just don't move, he doesn't want colic to attack you.
* Do you feel dirty?, he will accompany you to bathe
* Sasuke is a good boyfriend, he will take care of you and protect you, but he is still secretly afraid of tampons, he is afraid that tampons will hurt you.
"Sasuke, we've already talked about this..."
"I know."
"Tampons won't hurt me."
"I trust you, but still... I don't like the idea." calm your man's fears, please 😂
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shisui uchiha
* funny boy
* It will actually keep you happy during the day
* Had a bad time and now you're grumpy? Don't worry, he will tell you as many jokes as necessary along with lots of pampering
* “Do you feel bad, beloved? Where it hurts?"
* He buys you a lot of ice cream for you to eat
* Oh, do you want to watch your favorite movie? Now? No problem, you find the movie and Shisui will find the blankets and food
* He has some experience due to the fact that like Itachi he has had female teammates
* But that doesn't mean that he understands what your body is going through
* Even so he will do his best to treat you well
“Y/NNNN!, I brought ice cream”
"Oh my- Shisui thank you, can we watch my favorite movie again while we snuggle together?"
"Of course my love"
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* In any case; I imagine that if their S/O asked them for a massage they would gladly give it to them lmao. also, i think im gonna do a part 2 with konoha boys mmm
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vargskelegore · 2 years
ik you got a million requests rn but the roommate hc was TOO GOOD!! imagine bringing a GUY back to the dorm without telling shuri (to get back at her LMAO). mamas is HEATEDDDDD
author’s note: see you ate with this fren.... i swear when i saw this i just KNEW i had to write about it. wrote this while listening to inhale by bryson tiller. also, the hbcu!shuri tag is now considered popular!!! thank y’all so much for getting me to this point :) as per usual, all of this is my original work and hbcu!shuri as a concept belongs to me. thank you!
inhale. - hbcu!shuri x black!fem!reader
warnings: a bit mature, implied sexual things, semi angsty???? a very annoyed shuri.
requests: closed for now! read about why here.
word count: 1,312 words!
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another friday, another ‘time-to-get-this-day-over-with-so-you-can-hang-out-with-shuri.’ or was it? it had been a week since she brought a girl over to y’alls dorm without saying a word, and honestly, you felt like it was long overdue to get back at her.
other people would call this petty, but you called it-- well, you called it petty too, but you also called it ‘well deserved pettiness.’ shuri had apologized so many times since the incident, and you forgave her every time, but you needed her to see how much it bothered you when she did it.
there was no majorette practice today, so you decided to make your way to basketball practice to speak to a friend. a very special friend.
your earbuds loudly played the city girls- there sure as hell was sound bleeding, but you really didn’t care because they were your go-to’s for an anthem when you wanted to be petty.
‘don’t nun but this cash make this pussy talk..’
as you continued to make your way to the basketball court, your phone dinged. there was no doubt in your mind that it was shuri. you decided to ignore her for the time being. you took a long sigh, realizing that ignoring her would take a lot more effort than expected, but you still pursued.
you stopped at the door for the basketball court, looking down at the time on your phone, before looking up and opening the door. you looked around as you walked around, hands in your pockets as you looked for a friend.
you leaned on the side of the bleachers and waited for him to notice you. once he did, he raised his eyebrow at you and jogged over. “girl, what are you doing here? you don’t ever come to practice.” he questioned, crossing his arms.
“michael, i need to ask you a favor..”
“it can never be good when you’re asking me a favor.” he responded almost immediately, and it made you chuckle. “valid response.. just do this for me?”
“hook me up with either gina or marquise, then we can talk. i have no preference.” rolling your eyes, you sighed. “fine. we have a deal.”
michael smiled at those words. “bet. let me finish practice and we can talk afterwards.” you nodded in response as you sat down on the bleachers, crossing your legs and checking your phone, realizing that shuri was still texting you. a smirk curled onto your lips before you turned your phone off.
practice was over after thirty minutes, and michael walked over to you, bag across his shoulder. “alright, i’m ready, y/n.” you got up from the bleachers and led him out of the gym.
“so.. are you gonna tell me what this is all about, now?” he urged, following behind you. “i need your help in making someone jealous.” those words made him groan. “girl, you cannot be serious. who?”
“...so, y’know my roommate?”
“that lil gay girl?” his words made your jaw drop before you hit his arm. “michael! she’s got a name, y’know..”
“right, it’s shuri udaku. yeah, i know her. everyone does, she’s the princess of wakanda.” michael said in a blunt tone. “okay, well.. last week she brought this girl to our dorm and didn’t tell me.”
“who, jaz? because she’s been feening after shuri for a while.. like since she started attending the school.” that made you roll your eyes. “that’s her name?”
“yeah, her. i remember her from when she went to tryouts for the majorette team when you weren’t there and apparently she did awful.” a small scoff escaped michael’s lips.
“some girl she is.. anyways, i need you to-”
“pretend to be your new boy toy and bring me to the dorm unannounced? i’m not surprised. don’t she know you like girls, though?”
“i don’t know, we kissed a few times, and-”
“then girl, what the hell is the point of doing this? if you don’t take your ass to the dorm and tell her you love her! fuck is the point of beating around the bush, y’all both gay, just date.” michael rambled, placing a hand on his hip.
“it’s not that simple, i just.. i need her to see that what she did really hurt me.”
“this is the most toxic way of getting your point across, i hope you know that.”
“i’m gonna tell marquise that you don’t like dudes.”
“...just take me to the damn dorm.”
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shuri sat on her bed anxiously. she had been checking her phone like crazy for the last hour because you hadn’t texted back. was there a party she wasn’t aware of? did you actually end up having practice? all of these thoughts suddenly went away once she heard the door unlocking.
she immediately looked up from her phone like a dog seeing a squirrel. she couldn’t even wait anymore, she bolted to the door and opened it with a wide smile.. only to be greeted by the sight of you.. and a very, very tall man. that had his hand on your waist.
she tried to contain how shocked she looked. in fact, her heart jumped out of her chest at the sight. she cleared her throat as she stood aside, holding the door open and watching you two walk inside.
“um.. hey, y/n. i thought we had plans-- why didn’t you text back?” her voice was quite nervy, and you just looked at her and tilted your head. “you texted? oh.. i didn’t see it, phone must’ve died.” you shrugged, setting your bag down.
her heart slightly dropped. she took a swallow before opening her mouth again. “and.. who is this? i don’t think i’ve met him before.” you could hint the bitterness in her voice, and it made your heart race.
“oh.. this is michael. he’s on the basketball team.” you giggled a bit as you looked up at michael with a smile.
“wassup, lil bro.”
now that just sent shuri over the damn edge. her hand was slowly balling up into a fist, but she tried to keep it cool. “hello, michael. i’m not sure if you’re.. aware, but y/n is occupied for the night, we actually had plans tonight, right y/n?” shuri looked back at you with a soft face, but you could tell it was angry as hell behind all of that.
“but, i-”
“no, no.. we planned yesterday, correct?” there was no way you could say no to her. that smile was practically forcing you to say yes.
“..yeah. i’m sorry, michael.” was all you could manage to say. it was all going to plan, yes, but you didn’t exactly plan the outcome.
michael, playing the perfect role of a straight man, smacked his teeth and stuck his hands in his pockets. “aight. it’s cool. text me when you get a chance, y/n.” he looked back at you as he got up and walked to the door.
“yeah, we’ll see if she manages to go through with that, she just brings around so many guys.” shuri lied, a small laugh escaping her lips as she looked back at you with a wink.
your heart fluttered slightly. shuri urged him out the door, and slammed the door shut before locking it as well.
the room was silent for a moment.
“michael, huh? a basketball player? i knew you were absolutely ridiculous.” she began to laugh as you got up and tried to walk over to your desk to avoid this conversation.
“no no no, you don’t get to do that.” she was quick to grab your arm and spin you around. she placed a hand on your waist as she looked down at you and smiled. “what’s wrong? cat got your tongue?” you felt more than one area on your body flutter, and you managed to let out a whimper.
“i’ll make you real audible soon enough.”
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crime-wives · 7 months
ouat 1x01 thoughts
god regina, you dramatic bitch. “I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do” ok darling, you can destroy me if you’d like
henry is so small, his tiny cheeks awww
not to be gay but… emma swan in the pink dress. fuck. i forgot how attracted to her i was. and the HAIR, the fucking princess curls. jesus christ her ARMS.
“bail bonds-person” i love her
yesss bitch, strut across the street like you own it. absolute icon behavior, slamming that asshole’s face into the steering wheel.
babe you’re so sad and pathetic with your vanilla cupcake. i bet she wished for family.
not her apartment door saying ‘cast a spell’
“My name’s Henry, and i’m your son” agevgsvegw STOP
her having a panic attack in the bathroom, so real.
once again, her ARMS, i want her so bad
henry’s cute little freckles, i can’t do this.
idgaf abt snow and charming “She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her” shut up bitch, you know that’s not why
“Oh kid, you’ve got problems” emma swan, insulting children since 1983
ok but the fact that they chose the name ‘emma’ in a fairytale world, lmao
evil queen theme song playing as they enter storybrooke
emma swan wearing the most dyke outfit possible. getting ready to impress milfs
not that there’s any significance, but emma’s license plate is: 836•M4X
snow and charming are so annoying istg
ewww the blue fairy, i hate that bitch (derogatory)
regina running towards henry and wrapping him up in a hug. her eyes are wet. good lord, her first reaction is concern and worry, not anger.
“I found my real mom” my HEART. her face after he said that, so stricken and hurt, baby…
emma’s little flustered, ‘hi’ when talking to a gorgeous milf. ok babe, we get it, you’re gay.
graham leaving bc of emma and regina’s immediate sexual tension. and regina’s eyes roving over emma.
first ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at exactly 21:00 minutes.
emma swan is so desperate to impress regina. it’d be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic (affectionate)
“Sneaky bastard” once again, emma swan insulting children since 1983
crashing into the storybrooke sign like the absolute icon she is
the cgi 💀💀
yay!! curse time :)
emma waking up in a jail cell. she just does not give a fuck about this shit.
her lips parting when she she’s regina, ok babe, she’s hot we get it
god mary-margaret pisses me off
go regina, knock over mary-margaret’s shit, absolute queen
“She’s kinda a hardass” yes but that turns you on, doesn’t it?
gina’s so hot when she’s evil
putting a newborn through the wardrobe to save themselves, a+ parenting
henry mills, once again, the most mature one in a situation “You don’t have to be hostile. You like me, I can tell. You’re just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty.”
“I wanted you to have your best chance. But it’s not with me. C’mon, let’s go.” go emma! be the mature adult i know you can be
petition to get emma swan a therapist so she can deal with all her issues (trust me, she’s got a lot of them)
“Look, your mom is trying her best. I know it’s hard, and I know sometimes you think she doesn’t love you, but at least she wants you.” emma swan, standing up for regina mills since the moment they met
mmm regina’s voice is so hot.
her unhinged laughter, i love her so much
“Where are we going?” “Somewhere horrible, absolutely horrible” takes them to maine
emma swan is so fucking desperate for regina’s approval. she wished to not be alone on her birthday, baby…
second ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 38:43 (i will be keeping count of all of them :D)
regina fidgeting with her blazer pockets, she’s so anxious
first “He’s my son” at 39:01 minutes
“I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do” babe, it’s kinda gay to have a nemesis, just saying
third ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 39:32
baby… gina is coming apart at the seems
god, not to be gay, but regina’s HANDS at 40:27 agevvegse
emma’s only staying because of regina’s provocations. she wouldn’t have stayed for henry.
gold is so icky.
she’s staying a *only* a week, sure babe, sure.
also side note, i forgot how good the coloring was in ouat. like its very faded, maybe indicative of storybrooke being stuck in the past???
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