#timothy jones jr
thecrimecrypt · 1 year
Five Angels Slain
Killed by the person who was supposed to protect them. 
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When the police stopped Timothy Jones at a checkpoint in Mississippi in August 2014, nothing could have prepared them for the utter horror that lay ahead.  Jones was agitated and high on drugs. His clothes were covered in blood. 
The police officers were overwhelmed by the stench of decomposing bodies. As they searched the vehicle they couldn’t work coming from.  It was then that Jones confessed - said he’d murdered his five children, driving around with them in the back of his car for days. 
He said he’d dumped them in black bin bags and told the police to search on a hillside in Alabama. 
And there they were - little Merah, 8; Elias, 7; Nahtahn, 6; Gabriel, 2, and Abigail, 1 - wrapped in bin bags, as Jones had said.  As the news broke, shock spread nationwide. 
What possessed a father to murder his children?  The children’s mother Amber was heartbroken. She’d handed custody to her ex-husband after their divorce in 2011, as he earned more money than her. 
She was adamant that Jones was a good father during their marriage. He had a respectable job as a computer engineer.  There was no sign that he was capable of such evil.  The marriage had fallen apart after Amber was said to have had an affair with a 19-year-old. 
She moved out of the family home, leaving her husband devastated. To those who knew the family, Jones was a loving dad, raising his kids alone in South Carolina.  But, at his trial in Lexington County in May 2019, the jury heard another side to the story. 
Crystal Ballentine - one of Jones’ former babysitters and single mum of a baby girl herself - said she was just 17 when she first met Jones in 2012.  She worked from 7am to 6pm, looking after Jones’ kids and doing chores in the home. It wasn’t long before she and Jones, then 30, were in a relationship. 
But, soon, Crystal noticed Jones had started to beat the children. Sometimes he made them stand on their tiptoes in the corner.  She told the court Jones even tried to whip her own daughter when she was less than a year old - the final straw for Crystal. She ended the relationship. 
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But it didn’t stop Jones from handing out more brutal punishment to his five innocent children.  Another babysitter, Joy Lorick, told the court she accompanied Jones and his children on a visit to Disney World in June 2014 - just eight weeks before the children were killed. 
Joy told the court she’d seen Jones pull down the pants of little Gabriel and Nahtahn to beat them.  And Joy testified the children had asked her, ‘Could you not tell Daddy you just fed us again?’  But why had Jones killed his five children?
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The confession came from Jones himself. He told psychiatrists that, on the night of 28 August 2014, he had an angry confrontation with little Nahtahn.  Just 6 years old, Nahtahn had allegedly broken an electrical outlet. 
As punishment, Jones forced him to do various strenuous exercises.  Later that night, Jones found the child dead in bed.  But, instead of calling an ambulance, Jones panicked, spent hours thinking about what to do. 
He decided his five children should be together in heaven.  So he strangled Merah and Elias, using his hands, then used a belt to choke Gabriel and Abigail. 
He wrapped their bodies in plastic and bundled them into the back of his truck.  Driving around frantically, he stopped off at various places to buy drugs. For nine days, Jones drove around in a daze, his dead children in the back of the car. 
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He searched online for ways to make bodies decompose faster.  Then he researched countries that didn’t extradite criminals back to the US.  Jones was under no illusion about what he’d done. 
Finally, he found a spot in rural Alabama and dumped his children on a hillside.  Jones’ lawyers claimed he was deep in the throes of mental illness when he killed his children. 
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They said that his sanity was damaged by his wife leaving him for a teenager. ‘He’s crazy,’ lawyer Boyd Young told jurors. ‘You can’t rationalize crazy. But at the time, he thought it was the right thing to do.’ 
Then the defense called a social worker, who detailed several levels of trauma within Jones’ family.  The horror included three generations of rapes, molestation by family members, gunshots, stabbings, drug deals, voodoo rituals, prostitution, frequent screaming fights, and swearing at children. 
The court also heard how Jones’ own mother dipped him in ice-water baths and gave him laxatives to try to make him behave.  Even Amber, the grieving mother of five dead children, begged the jury not to give her ex-husband the death sentence. 
‘He did not show my children any mercy by any means,’ said Amber. ‘But my kids loved him, and if I’m speaking on behalf of my kids and not myself, that’s what I have to say.’ 
But, in June 2019, the jury’s verdict was unanimous. Jones should face the death penalty. Days later, Jones launched an appeal against his conviction and sentence. At the time of writing, he’s on Death Row, knowing he can never truly pay the price for the innocent lives he stole. 
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pinetreevillain · 9 months
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Stray 5/5
THAT’s A WRAP ON STRAY!!! One more comic 👊👊👊💥
Previous, Reassurance ->
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chaos-potat · 14 days
Before I post the 03 turtles, here's all of the rise hold hands thingies I made
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My rise Mona and Tim
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screenzealots · 11 months
"Til Death Do Us Part"
It's one thing to have a couple of inspired homages to another writer and director's films, but here it feels like the work of a straight Tarantino copycat that's distracting and desperate.
“Til Death Do Us Part” is a “Kill Bill” rip-off that’s not an inherently bad movie, but it does have its fair share of problems. The idea of a killer bride certainly isn’t original, but the film isn’t helped by the fact that director Timothy Woodward Jr. isn’t the greatest storyteller. His film lacks brevity, and it’s painful to watch scene after scene of filler that could’ve easily been cut. He…
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moviesandmania · 1 year
TIL DEATH DO US PART (2023) Thriller about a former bride-to-be battling for her life!
‘From the creator of Final Destination’ Til Death Do Us Part is a 2023 American action thriller about a former bride-to-be fighting off her ex-groom and seven angry killer groomsmen. Directed by Timothy Woodward Jr (The Call; The Outsider; The Final Wish; Silencer; Gangster Land; Hickok; American Violence; Traded; Decommissioned) from a screenplay written by Chad Law and Shane Dax Taylor. The…
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goobersforlife · 7 months
This is side A brackets
(camp hamato) CH! Leo & Vincenzo - belonging to @p0t3nt1al
Rose Jones- belonging to @omgselinabeckendorf
Hamato Giovanni- belonging to @enthblaze
(universal mayhem) UM!Foxy, Venus, Peter, April- belonging to @trixanimations
UWG!Donnie and IitM!Leo- belonging to @witchybluedeity
orange- belonging to @itsnotillegalyet07
Misa- belonging to @littlemissartemisia
(Lab rats sons) LRS!One- belonging to @rubberducky2pointoh
Mikey, and (chaotic time travel) CTT! F!Donnie and Dahlia-belonging to @cats-inthe-cradle
kirby- belonging to -@tomatoshapedstars
(turtles all the way down) TATWD!Murasaki & mizuiro- belonging to @pommigranite
(Green eyed mask) GEM!Casey Jr- belonging to @azucar-skull
Vassari, Donnie, paris, zink- belonging to @angelcorpse230
(Rabbits broach) RB! Aristotle and Plato Umigame- belonging to @pigeonsgrame
Toby Sage Darner -belonging to @flockofcrowsinatrenchcoat
(once more with feelings) OMWF! Jasper, and bell - belonging to @tuatara-time
Artie-belonging to @faemorningstar
Donatello & Genetrix- belonging to @tmnt-starlit-sin
Kirby Hamato- belonging to @darth-sonny
(Teenage Turtle Ninja mutants)TTNM! donnie, mikey, raph and leo- belonging to @idiot-mushroom
Yuchi, Cali, Mikey, and the QUILT! Au turtles- belonging to @cokowiii @cokoweee
(starblind) Yuchi, Leo- belonging to @dancingthesambaa
(Queen of the birds)QOTB!Leo- belonging to @just-another-wren
Robo!Rise Donnie, Raph, Leo, and Mikey- belonging to @zinovi768
Leonette- belonging to @leonette-soup
Timothy- belonging to @pinetreevillain
Sunflower- belonging to @agentturtlecupcake
These are side A participants, I will reblong with side B’s participants soon
Good luck, and have fun!
(also lmk if I got someone's username wrong, or anything like that, so that I made tag the right person :3)
and its smaller twin
Goober comp brackets! Side b | Bracket HQ
side b of the baskets
TMNA! rafa, doni, miguel and leo- belonging to @matutito
(giant mutant toddler turtles) GMTT! Raph, Mikey,Leo, Donnie- belonging to @bambiraptorx
(open your shell to find your wings) OYSTFYW!Donnie, and snapsonnie! -belonging to @onejellyfishplease
Kraang Subprime- belonging to @optimalminds
HorrorAU! Donnie, Raph, Mikey, leo- belonging to @hyperfixated-homo
(not hero material)NHM!Raph, mikey, donnie, leo- belonging to @peanutrat20
Iridiana- belonging to @chipistotallysane
(raised by kraang)RBK! April, and (raised by foot) RBF Casey- belonging to @apollothesunrat
Venus, Leo, Raph, and Donnie- belonging to @fxliciq-a
Pondside! Raph, Donnie, Leo, Mikey-belonging to @purple-the-turtle
Milkshake and Waffles- belonging to @sleepis4theweak
That concludes side b’s particapents
Wishing you guys luck, and can't wait to see what happens
Also side note, if you do anything to break the rules, you will be eliminated from the competition, please be respectful. And enjoy
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rawcherrycake · 22 days
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Some main humans!!
April O'Neil
Married to CJ
Works as a reporter/investigator
Great with words
The turtle's mom figure
Drives a van and always carries cookies with her
Super loving and patient
Think Bluey's Chilli, that's literally her
Timothy Lombardi
Pizza delivery boy
Works at a family business
Air-headed but sweet
A terrible flirt (still flirts a LOT)
A bit awkward...
Casey Jones
Married to April
Stay-at-home dad, works as a mechanic
Head over heels for April, literally everything is about his wife
... Uses eye shadow, but only to make his mask look cooler
Has a prosthetic leg
Has militar training
Very street-smart, but terrible with words
Has a great sense of humor
Oroku Karai
Was once Oroku Saki's daughter... Not anymore
Tried to manipulate Leo when younger and it ended pretty badly, has apologized multiple times for it but they still don't get along
Very energetic and swift, but has a short temper
Casey Jones Jr.
April and Casey's only son
Shy and sheepish
Scaredy cat
Mama's boy
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alpleo · 1 year
Complete List of Marauder's Era Students
Tell me if I missed anyone! Under the cut because it is a very long list. I'm defining Marauder's Era as the seven years the Marauders were attending Hogwarts. Includes some fanon first names. Organised A-Z by surname. Some liberties taken with uncertain birth dates.
Betram Aubrey Duncan Ashe Avery II Andromeda Black Narcissa Black Regulus Black Sirius Black Edgar Bones Alecto Carrow Amycus Carrow Richard Carter Glenda Chittock Oscar Crabbe Dirk Cresswell Bartemius Crouch Jr. Caradoc Dearborn Dedalus Diggle Lily Evans Lucretia Fawley Benjy Fenwick Mundungus Fletcher Flilus Flitwick Florence Florence BF Florean Fortescue Cornelius Fudge Albert Gibbon Benjamin Goyle Olivia Green Gareth Greengrass Davey Gudgeon Daisy Hooklum Mafalda Hopkirk Jacob Marshall Johnson Hestia Jones Bertha Jorkins Bradley Jugson RJH King Steve Laughalot Rabastan Lestrange Rodolphus Lestrange Gilderoy Lockhart Frank Longbottom Alice Longbottom Pandora Lovegood Xenophilius Lovegood Remus Lupin Mary MacDonald Walden Macnair Lucius Malfoy Marlene Mckinnon Tarquin McTavish Dorcas Meadowes Alastar Moody Quinn Montague Mulciber II Peter Pettigrew Sturgis Podmore James Potter Quirinus Quirrell Patricia Rakepick Augustus Rookwood Evan Rosier Thorfinn Rowle Albert Runcorn Isaac Selwyn Kingsley Shacklebolt Gaspard Shingleton Severus Snape Timothy Snyde Lucinda Talkalot Tilden Toots Rupert Travers Sybill Trelawney Dolores Umbridge Emmeline Vance Emma Vanity Wilkes
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stanathanxoox · 5 months
Completed Masterlist Updated 3/1/2024 PART 1
Abby Scuito Masterlist
Ellie Bishop Masterlist
Jimmy Palmer Masterlist
Leroy Jethro Gibbs Masterlist Part 1
Leroy Jethro Gibbs Masterlist Part 2
Timothy McGee Masterlist
Tony DiNozzo Masterlist
Tony and Ziva Masterlist
Ziva David Masterlist
Densi Masterlist
Eric Beale Masterlist
G Callen Masterlist
G Callen and Sam Hanna Masterlist
Kensi Blye Masterlist
Marty Deeks Masterlist
Nate Getz Masterlist
Nell Jones Masterlist
Neric Masterlist
Sam Hanna Masterlist
NCIS NOLA Team Masterlist
Loretta Wade Masterlist
Meredith Brody Masterlist
Meredith Brody and Sonja Percy Masterlist
Meredith Brody and Tammy Gregorio Masterlist
Patton Plame Masterlist
Raymond Isler and Dwayne Pride Masterlist
Tammy Gregorio Masterlist
Hannah Khoury Masterlist
Christopher LaSalle Masterlist
Chris LaSalle and Meredith Brody Masterlist
Sebastian Lund Masterlist
Dwayne Pride Masterlist
Sonja Percy Masterlist
Sonja Percy and Tammy Gregorio Masterlist
Hannah Khoury and Tammy Gregorio Masterlist
Richard Castle Masterlist
Castle Misc Characters Masterlist
Jane Rizzoli Masterlist
Frankie Jr Masterlist
Tommy Rizzoli Masterlist
Bobby Nash Masterlist
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Rosa Diaz Masterlist
Jake Peralta Masterlist
Amy Santiago Masterlist
Jake and Amy Masterlist
Raymond Holt Masterlist
The Team Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Draco Malfoy Masterlist
Neville Longbottom Masterlist
Fred Weasley Masterlist
George Weasley Masterlist
Oliver Wood Masterlist
Cedric Diggory Masterlist
Hermione Granger Masterlist
Luna Lovegood Masterlist
Ron Weasley Masterlist
Percy Weasley Masterlist
Bill Weasley Masterlist
Seamus Finnigan Masterlist
Dean Thomas Masterlist
Hogwarts Mystery Masterlist
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Masterlist
Carlisle Cullen Masterlist
Carlisle and Esme Masterlist
Edward Cullen Masterlist
Emmett Cullen Masterlist
Jasper Hale Masterlist
Alice Cullen Masterlist
Demetri Masterlist
Jacob Black Masterlist
Seth Clearwater Masterlist
Sam Uley Masterlist
The Denali Coven Masterlist
The Wolf Pack Masterlist
The Cullen Coven Masterlist
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tomorrowusa · 9 days
It's obvious that RFK Jr. picked his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, because he needed somebody who was filthy rich to fund his campaign. Shanahan is the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin who probably has enough money to buy one of the smaller Hawaiian Islands.
Why Shanahan doesn't mind being an ATM for the worm-brained RFK Jr. is that she shares his idiotic conspiracy theory which falsely links autism to vaccines.
It’s easy to see why the controversial heir to the most prestigious liberal name-brand in American politics chose Shanahan, a relative unknown, to be his nominee for vice president. As an ambitious and athletic millennial who surfs and grows her own food with her boyfriend, a cryptocurrency software developer she met at Burning Man, the 38-year-old attorney brings a woman’s presence, and youthful energy, to a race dominated by octogenarian men, not to mention the 70-year-old Kennedy. And as the former wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the seventh richest man in the world, Shanahan brings another factor crucial to the campaign: unfathomably deep pockets. Her backing enables Kennedy to skirt questions about why the notoriously anti-immigration GOP megadonor Timothy Mellon is financing the super PAC supporting Kennedy’s campaign, American Values. Mellon has poured millions into Trump’s Make America Great Again Inc., while donating $53 million in stock to the state of Texas to build the former president’s border wall.
As an aside, shouldn't the RFK Jr.-curious be concerned about the loot he's getting from MAGA megadonor Timothy Mellon? 🤔
Back to Shanahan...
So how did Shanahan end up on a “spoiler” ticket praised by right-wing ideologues like Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, the notorious GOP mischief-maker who called an alliance between Kennedy and Trump his “dream ticket”?
The turning point in her life came in 2020, she says in an Instagram video, when (daughter) Echo was diagnosed with autism. The Daily Beast claims that Shanahan “chafed at Brin’s left-brain thinking” about the best practices for raising a child on the spectrum, and the Google co-founder filed divorce papers shortly thereafter, citing “irreconcilable differences.” She initially contested their prenuptial agreement and sought $1 billion of Brin’s fortune but eventually settled out of court.
"Left-brain thinking" is often a euphemism for being logical and analytical. In other words: rational. Rationality is not a strong point for conspiracy freaks.
But while she claims that world-class experts keep her apprised of cutting-edge autism research, her ideas about her daughter’s condition seem stuck in the 1990s; during that era, actress Jenny McCarthy was hailed as an autism expert, and Andrew Wakefield triggered a global panic about vaccines with the publication of a paper in The Lancet linking autism to vaccines. That paper was later retracted after multiple investigations found it based on fraudulent data and riddled with conflicts of interest.
So Nicole Shanahan is fixated on a debunked and retracted article from three decades ago.
For somebody who is allegedly concerned about her autistic daughter, why is she the running mate for a candidate who calls people with autism "zombies"?
And you wouldn’t know it from listening to Kennedy, who routinely caricatures people on the spectrum as “vaccine-injured” zombies. “They get the shot ... and three months later, their brain is gone,” Kennedy told an audience in 2015. Insisting that previous generations of autistic people simply never existed—when in truth, they were often hidden away in institutions because of a thoroughly discredited theory that autism is caused by bad parenting—the candidate told radio and TV host Michael Smerconish last year: “I have never in my life seen a man my age with full-blown autism, not once. Where are these men? One out of every 22 men who are walking around the mall with helmets on, who are non-toilet-trained, nonverbal, stimming, toe-walking, hand-flapping. I’ve never seen it.”
RFK Jr. is intent on being the 2024 version of Ralph Nader. In 2020 Nader, as the Green Party candidate for president, hoodwinked enough gullible progressives into voting for him so that he helped George W. Bush take Florida – the deciding state in the 2000 election. Bush then gifted the US with two recessions (including the Great one), two wars (one totally unnecessary and one which could have been avoided if he had paid more attention to terrorism), two rightwing appointees to the Supreme Court (one bad, one horrendous), and two rounds of tax breaks for the filthy rich.
One way to undermine RFK J.'s support among some people on the left is to strongly debunk his autism vaccine conspiracy theory.
Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) at the University of Pennsylvania published a new survey showing that 12% of Americans feel that a link between the MMR vaccine is either definitely true or probably true.
False Belief in MMR Vaccine-Autism Link Endures as Measles Threat Persists
While anti-vaxxers tend to be Trumpsters, there's a sizeable number of misinformed people on the left who share this view regarding MMR. So debunking the MMR-autism bullshit should be a routine part of your anti-Trump activism.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ● ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁺ ʳᵘˡᵉˢ
taglist doc ● general masterlist
ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵃˢʰᵉˢ
● she/her born+identifies as ● trainwreck, airheaded and feral, chaos queen - oh look,it me ● i write, but only sometimes and it’s usually whatever makes my cold little heart happy. ● due to my own age + the nature of my blog contents, absolutely no minors. ● i match energy. What you give is exactly what you’ll get back. ● queen bitch in charge of fuckery and shenanigans.
ˡᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʰᵃᵒˢ ⁻ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᶜᵉ
ʳᵘˡᵉˢ ⁻ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵏⁿᵒʷ
[ Fandoms + Characters ] 
If they’re not listed below, I don’t write for them. 
All American | Asher Adams
American Horror Story | Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, Dandy Mott,  Michael Langdon, Xavier Plympton, Bobby Richter Jr.
Arrow | Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen
The Breakfast Club | John Bender, Andrew Clark, Brian Johnson
The Boondock Saints | Connor McManus, Murphy McManus, Rocco
Criminal Minds | Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan
The Crow | Eric Draven, Jimmy Quervo
CSI Las Vegas | Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes, Warrick Brown
CSI Miami | Eric Delko, Ryan Wolfe, Tim Speedle
CSI New York | Danny Messer, Don Flack
Dazed & Confused | Ron Slater, Randall Pink Floyd
Detroit Rock City | Lex, Hawk, Tripp, Jam
The Flash | Cisco Ramon, Barry Allen
Friday Night Lights | Landry Clark, Matt Saracen, Tim Riggins
Ghostbusters | Ray, Peter, Egon, Winston
Gotham | Jerome Valeska, Riddler
Horror Movies | ask upon request, tbh
Harry Potter | Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom + Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Legends of Tomorrow | Ray Palmer
The Lost Boys | Allen Frog, David, Edgar Frog, Michael Emerson, Sam Emerson
Mayans MC | Angel, EZ
MCU | Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier, Bruce Banner / Hulk, Captain America / Steve Rogers, Eddie Brock / Venom, Hawkeye / Clint Barton, Loki, Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
NCIS | Timothy McGee, Tony Dinozzo
Outer Banks | JJ Maybank, John B Routledge, Pope Heyward, Rafe Cameron, Topper Thornton
The Outsiders | Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis
Punisher | Billy Russo, Frank Castle
Riverdale | FP Jones, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, Sweetpea
Shameless | Lip Gallagher
Sons of Anarchy | Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston
Supernatural | Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Stranger Things | Argyle, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Gareth Emerson, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington & Tommy Hagan
Teen Wolf | Stiles Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries | Damon Salvatore
The Walking Dead | Daryl Dixon, Negan, Shane Walsh
[ what i do / don’t write ] 
These are my hard and fast nopes. Any requests sent in for these will be deleted immediately. Save yourself the time and don’t ask.
● sexual assault, non-con, rape or attempted rape and pedophilia. ● incest ● beastiality ● domestic violence ● anything involving urine or feces ● anything that glorifies self harm or mental illness or suicide ● anything that glorifies racism or other harmful ideology  ● underage pairings ● popular pairings/ships - pairings/ships in general ● one shots of any kind unless I’ve made a post that states otherwise beforehand. I don’t write one shots and trust me, none of you want me to, lol. ●
These are the things I’m willing to write, feel comfortable writing and enjoy writing. Feel free to send these + know that you’re going to see a lot of them on the blog as you read.
● nsfw alphabet / fluff alphabet ● headcanons, personalized or just in general ● you can send me your headcanons and if I agree, I’ll elaborate on why. Because it’s always fun to hear an idiot ramble, right? ● aesthetics and moodboards, maybe even playlists? I’ve gotten really into making playlists lately, so.. We shall see. ●fluff ●angst ●friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers, you name it. ● hurt comfort and pining, mutual or otherwise ● tropes like ‘there was one bed’ or ‘body heat = warmth’ ● requited/unrequited love ● i dabble in darker themes ( horror, fantasy, etc ) so yeah. ●omegaverse, when/if I feel i haven’t botched it entirely ●friendships, family dynamics ● slice of life ●happy endings -or open endings, for the win ● what if scenarios / au type stuff ● 
[ rules + stuff you need to know ]
Absolutely no minors. I’m over 18.. Way over 18. It just doesn’t feel right or comfortable for me to engage with anyone who is a minor for several reasons. So, if you’re underage / your blog is ageless / ageless and content free / content free, you’re most likely going to end up blocked. 
Anyone sending hate in messages or asks / starting fights or being rude to each other in the comments on my posts will be blocked immediately. I’m not here for it, I don’t want any part of it and frankly, I don’t care enough about fandom drama, ship wars or faceless opinion enough to engage further. It’s a waste of time. Just be kind to each other, please? It’s… really not that hard? TLDR; do not fuck up Ashes’ zen/escape space.
Read all warnings. Tags to look for are ← trigger warning; (trigger) or ← warning; (trigger) / any variant of the bolded including ← tw;trigger or ← cw;trigger or if it's just smut, <- warning. adult content. There will also be a warning area on each post, so it’s worth it to check that out before reading. If you ignore the tags / warnings, whatever you end up seeing as a result is your own fault and is now strictly a you problem. If you’re looking to avoid my adult content altogether, the tags you need to look for are ← minors dni; adult intended content or any variation of that including ☠ this symbol or this one ♥ on my masterlist, in the warnings area/tags.
Any requests containing my own personal nopes listed above will be deleted upon receipt. I can’t stress enough how unwilling I am to compromise my personal boundaries.Please respect this, okay? Just don’t send it if I’ve already clearly stated I won’t write it. Requests are done on my own time, in whatever order I feel most motivated to do them in and all requests will not make the cut. If this is a problem for you, you’re being warned in advance. It’s probably not a good idea to request it from me. 
Any character I write for is 18+, regardless of canon. I do not write for minors. My writing isn’t tailored to them so it’s not about them. So, if you’re looking for a writer who writes those younger fandom characters, look elsewhere. End of story. If this bothers you at all, don’t read, ig.
Reader inserts are gender neutral / gn, female and all must be human.Pairings are typically female/male or gn/male and/or gn/female. I’m a person who was born as and identifies as a female and I happen to be straight, so out of respect for everyone, I’m opting to stay in my little lane. 
Occasionally, I have a reader insert that turns out to be well… a little more heavily personified. If this is a problem for you, the tags you need to be on alert for are any variant of ← warning; heavily personified reader ( traits ). If you’re looking to avoid that on my masterlists when I finally get around to remaking them, you’re going to want to avoid anything with ☻ beside the title/description. I’ll probably also put ☻ in the tags too, just to be sure nobody reads anything they don’t want to. 
I write original character pieces. And self inserts. And I enjoy writing them. I stopped posting them to here but.. I’ve recently come to the decision that I’m going to post them again and IDC if they’re ‘unpopular’ or ‘cringe’. If you’re the kind of person who can’t stand reading something with an original character / self insert present, you’ll need to look for ← warning; original character content or any variant of that and this symbol ❃. I’ll put the symbol in my warnings and in the tags just so nobody is forced to read my self-indulgent bullshit, no worries. 
Last but not least.. If the ask box is off or there’s a HIATUS / SEMI HIATUS notice in my bio area on the blog or pinned as a post, requests are closed. Currently, I am.. Still on hiatus. But, I’m *fingers crossed* hoping to return soon.
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stcllata · 3 months
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𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐀. italian translation of the word starry.
hey, what's goodie? name is kelly. she/her. taurus. i was born in 1981; you can do the math yourself. also happen to be a roleplay veteran, been at this since 1997. this is a multimuse account [ you probably remember venusiiian, oxtaiiiled and tawruhs ]. 85-90% of the time i'm mobile; i've also got a full time job and outside responsibilities. i'm going to be keeping this real simple. don't be a dick and we'll get along just fine.
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work schedule; sundays [ 2:00 pm through 7:00 pm EST ], mondays through thursdays [ 8:00 am through 3:00 pm EST ].
blogroll; @galcttica, @bykokoro, @nottc, @leeayzh.
affiliates; @bruisin @bruz3r @byeolyeou @crankfield @dcmoniism @dixoniisms @hisfinesse @italianexotiicbeauty @khozmoh @kurjaks @likeprotege @nxtahxro @ofbitterdeath @pwrups @scalpelwielding @shotgunshellsandfeathers @sxltedgxn @tiderider @tobeblamed @whcwashe
muse list is under the read more.
important connotation; there are characters here that are either sired by a canon, or are the offspring of canons, if you happen to play one (or both), i will not now, nor will i ever assume you'll accept them.
arranged alphabetically by LAST NAME.
KYLE, selina. catwoman. cleo wattenstroem.
DANVERS, kara. supergirl. melissa benoist.
PALMER, raymond. the atom. brandon routh.
BRIDGERTON, benedict. luke thompson.
BRIDGERTON, colin. luke newton.
FEATHERINGTON, penelope. nicola coughlan.
CONSTANTINE, john. keanu reeves. *adjacent.
CRUZ, jessica. green lantern.
SANDSMARK, cassandra. wonder girl ii. sydney sweeney.
LEGUME, gilbert. dylan playfair.
UMA. daughter of calypso. china anne mcclain.
SHEPHERD, derek. patrick dempsey.
BARNES, james. the winter soldier. sebastian stan.
ROGERS, steven. captain america. william levy.
SCOTT, haley. bethany joy lenz.
SCOTT, lucas. chris zylka.
SAWYER, peyton. hilarie burton.
FENG, sao. chow yun-fat.
ANAMARIA. zoe saldana.
CALYPSO. tia dalma. naomie harris.
GROVER, ziggy. ranger operator series green. milo cawthorne.
PARK, adam. second black. zeo ranger iv green. johnny yong bosch.
SCOTT, jason lee. original red. gold zeo. austin st john.
TAYLOR, zachary. original black. walter emanuel jones.
KENT, clark. superman. tom welling.
LANE, lois. bryce dallas howard.
QUEEN, oliver. green arrow. derek theler.
WINCHESTER, samuel. jared padalecki.
ARGENT, christopher. jr bourne.
BOYD, vernon. mehcad brooks.
HALE, derek. tyler hoechlin.
MCCALL, scott. tyler posey.
HEATHER. erin moriarty.
GERARD, marcellus. charles michael davis.
MIKAELSON, elijah. ian bohen.
GILBERT, elena. poppy drayton.
HALE, rosalie. nikki reed.
ACQUARONE, cathán murrough. selkie. daniel gillies. bio.
BARTON, francine. daughter of hawkeye and black widow. stella maeve.
BENNETT, sheila grayson. witch; daughter of bonnie and jeremy. vanessa morgan.
BRECKENRIDGE, graham. lawyer. ben barnes.
CRESCENTI, zeno. son of venus. luke pasqualino.
DIMITRIOU, cassian. son of lucifer. dacre montgomery. bio.
HINTON, royce emery. real estate attorney. henry cavill. bio.
HOWELL, wallis. leanansídhe. bella thorne.
KYUNG, miles. chauffeur. getaway driver. felix yongbok lee.
LOSNEDAHL, ylva. vampire; sired by elijah mikaelson. olivia holt.
MESERVE, delphine. beta werewolf. shay mitchell.
MONTAGNA, zaira. angel. shelley hennig.
NORWOOD, thaddeus sampson. skip tracer. timothy olyphant.
O'HEARN, rowan. private chef. chris evans.
PATTERSON, euan coinneach. beta werewolf. tobias sorensen. bio.
REYES, ximena. drug cartel queenpin. eiza gonzález.
RIESE, evan. prostitute. colton haynes.
ROMERO, lennox. demon. cody christian.
ROSTAGNO, alayna ileana. hunter. lindsay morgan. bio.
SAVARESE, kelly. hunter. werewolf. emilia clarke.
STILINSKI, bazyli “baz” jacenty. blind stilinski twin. younger by 10 minutes. dylan o'brien (as dave hodgman).
TRUMBAUER, alfons. head librarian. lee pace.
WAINWRIGHT, raleigh. demon hunter. justin hartley.
WILLOUGHBY, darcy. wendigo. phoebe tonkin.
WIRTH, adelais johanna. crime scene investigator. katherine mcnamara. bio.
ISEUL. demon prince. park seong hwa.
NALINI OF AGRABAH. street rat crown princess. daughter of aladdin and jasmine. emeraude toubia.
TINRAHNE. succubus. kate beckinsale.
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pinetreevillain · 9 months
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Stray Part 4
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whump-collector · 2 years
Whumpees (actors)
All the actors on this blog (so far):
Search for the name or use this link and add the name you're looking for https://whump-collector.tumblr.com/tagged/
I use the tag compilation for posts with several whumpees.
a: aaron ashmore - aaron tveit - adam palsson - adarsh gourav - aidan turner - alex o'loughlin - alexander dreymon - ali tarik findik - allison scagliotti - andreas pietschmann - andrew j. west
b: ben levin - benedict cumberbatch - brian austin green - burc kümbetlioglu
c: callum turner - channing tatum - charlie cox - charlie hunnam - charlie vickers - chris pine - christian bale - christipher egan - colin farrell - colin morgan - colin o'donoghue
d: dan lewis - daniel craig - daniel sharman - david boreanaz - david dastmalchian - david tennant - david wenham - diego klattenhoff - diego luna - dirk benedict - dominic cooper - drake rodger
e: engin akyürek - eric christian olsen - ewan mcgregor
f: freddie stroma - freddy carter
g: gael garcia bernal - gavin drea - giacomo gianniotti - guy pearce
h: halil ibrahim ceyhan - harold perrineau - henry cavill - henry golding - hisham tawfiq - hugh dancy - hunter doohan
i: iain de caestecker - ian somerhalder - iko uwais
j: jack bannon - jack davenport - jack martin - jack quaid - jake mclaughlin - james mcavoy - james spader - james wolk - jared padalecki - jason isaacs - jay hernandez - jd pardo - jenna ortega - jensen ackles - jeremy allen white - jim sturgess - joe flanigan - joe gilgun - joe keery - joel kinnaman - john cho - john cusack - john reardon - jon bernthal - jonas nay - jonny harris - jordan bridges - joshua jackson - jude law - julian morris
k: karl urban - keegan allen - kevin alejandro - kiefer sutherland - kit harington
l: lee pace - liam hemsworth - lucas till - luke evans - luke mitchell
m: mark hamill - mark waschke - markus brandl - martin henderson - martin shaw - martin wallström - matt barr - matt bomer - matt czuchry - matt lanter - matt smith - max thieriot - megan boone - mel gibson - michael fassbender - michael hurst - michael shanks - michael sheen - michael weatherly - mike farrell - milos bikovic
n: nathan fillion - nathan parsons - nicholas galitzine - nikolaj coster waldau - noah centineo
o: oliver rayon - oscar isaac
p: pablo schreiber - paul bettany - paul hassall - pedro pascal - pio marmai
r: raj yadav - rami malek - richard armitage - richard harmon - richard madden - rish shah - robert downey jr - robert james-collier - robert kazinsky - robin lord taylor - rodger corser - rupert evans - rupert penry jones - russell crowe - ryan guzman - ryan kelley - ryan reynolds
s: sabin tambrea - sam riley - santiago cabrera - scott caan - sean bean - sebastian stan - shawn ashmore - simon baker - stanley tucci - stephen amell - steve burton
t: thomas elms - thomas gibson - tim dekay - tim roth - timothy granaderos - tobey maguire - tolga saritas - tom austen - tom ellis - tom holland - tom payne - tom riley - tom sturridge - torrance coombs
y: yon gonzalez
z: zach mcgowan - zeeko za
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mylifeincinema · 11 months
My Week(s) in Reviews: July 28, 2023
Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan, 2023)
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A truly staggering achievement. As ambitious and bold a biopic as we’ve gotten in a very long time. Cillian Murphy is brilliant, and I’ll be shocked/impressed/excited if his doesn’t finish out the year as my favorite performance from a Lead Actor. Plus, the rest of the cast is absolutely stellar, damn-near filling up the Supporting Actor/Actress categories in one three-hour acting showcase. Nolan directs scenes in which characters are simply discussing physics and politics in a manner that makes it edge-of-your-seat shit. His understanding of the mechanics of this man and his story is so philosophically nuanced. The score, editing and cinematography all further (and brilliantly so) add to the overwhelming weight of this story. - 10/10
Barbie (Greta Gerwig, 2023)
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Hilarious. Bold. Heartwarming. And not at all subtle. Margot is perfection, which doesn’t always work in the film’s favor, but it knows and acknowledges that, and becomes more interesting in doing so. Gosling is hilarious and interesting and delivers what will surely be one of the most absurdly audacious performances of the year. And I can’t wait to see him battle Robert Downey Jr. for the Oscar. (Kidding... but am I??) Gerwig’s vision, here, is dazzling in not only its use of practical effects, but also its brazen approach to the film’s message. - 8.5/10
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, 2023)
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They came so damn close to giving Indy his perfect ending. But then they fumbled that shit in favor of another cameo. The rest of the film is fun enough, but is missing the magic with which the original trilogy was overflowing. I still had fun, though, so who cares about all that other shit? - 6.5/10
Extraction 2 (Sam Hargrave, 2023)
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Starts off strong with a fantastic prison break/car and train chase, but after that it becomes a big of a drag. The action is still enjoyable enough, throughout, but the plot never has the urgency of the first film, and that calms the thrills significantly. - 6/10
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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indiejones · 1 year
1. .Harrison Ford 2. .Michael J. Fox 3. .Charles Chaplin 4. .Bruce Lee 5. .Cary Grant 6. .Jackie Chan 7. .Gary Cooper 8. .Macaulay Culkin 9. .James Stewart 10. .Clark Gable 11. .Clint Eastwood 12. .Sean Connery 13. .Peter Sellers 14. .Marlon Brando 15. .Humphrey Bogart 16. .Tom Hanks 17. .Mel Gibson 18. .Steve McQueen 19. .Leonardo Di Caprio 20. .Martin Sheen 21. .Orson Welles 22. .Gary Oldman 23. .Fred Astaire 24. .Robin Williams 25. .Kirk Douglas 26. .Eddie Murphy 27. .Keanu Reeves 28. .Jim Carrey 29. .George Clooney 30. .Gregory Peck 31. .Charles Laughton 32. .John Cleese 33. .Hugh Grant 34. .John Travolta 35. .Roger Moore 36. .Charlie Sheen 37. .Gene Hackman 38. .Douglas Fairbanks 39. .Daniel Radcliffe 40. .Tommy Lee Jones 41. .Christopher Plummer 42. .Al Pacino 43. .Rowan Atkinson 44. .Henry Fonda 45. .Peter O’ Toole 46. .Albert Finney 47. .Timothy Dalton 48. .Brad Pitt 49. .Michael Keaton 50. .John Wayne 51. .Steve Martin 52. .Christopher Reeve 53. .Pierce Brosnan 54. .Walter Pidgeon 55. .Michael Douglas 56. .Brendan Fraser 57. .Christian Bale 58. .Dustin Hoffman 59. .Johnny Depp 60. .Jeff Goldblum 61. .Michael Caine 62. .Robert Redford 63. .Danny De Vito 64. .Jack Lemmon 65. .Dan Aykroyd 66. .Ethan Hawke 67. .Ronald Colman 68. .Jon Voight 69. .Kevin Bacon 70. .Mickey Rooney 71. .Sylvester Stallone 72. .George C. Scott 73. .Peter Ustinov 74. .Jack Nicholson 75. .Robert De Niro 76. .Arnold Schwarzenegger 77. .Bruce Willis 78. .Morgan Freeman 79. .Walter Matthau 80. .Richard Gere 81. .Spencer Tracy 82. .Colin Firth 83. .Martin Lawrence 84. .Tom Cruise 85. .James Cagney 86. .George Kennedy 87. .Richard Burton 88. .James Woods 89. .Patrick Swayze 90. .Kevin Costner 91. .Gerard Depardieu 92. .Rex Harrison 93. .Fredric March 94. .Woody Allen 95. .Mike Myers 96. .Charles Boyer 97. .Daniel Craig 98. .Montgomery Clift 99. .Robert Downey Jr. 100. .Chevy Chase
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