#tips & tricks videos
tau1tvec · 7 months
Fun trick using EA's Alien Eyes Modifier Slider, located in Eyes/Global. You can adjust the wing tip on eyeliners. This will also minimize the upper eyelid depending on how much you use it, but there's a slider to adjust that as well ( EA's Eye Socket Slider I believe it's called ).
While you're at it, download my all time favorite eyeliner set.
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hayatheauthor · 4 months
Ghouls, Ghosts & Poltergeists: What's The Difference?
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When it comes to the supernatural, the terms ghouls, ghosts, and poltergeists often get thrown around interchangeably. However, each of these entities has distinct characteristics that set them apart. Whether you're a paranormal enthusiast, a horror writer, or simply curious, understanding the differences can enhance your appreciation of the spectral world.
Ghouls: The Graveyard Dwellers
Origin and Mythology Ghouls are creatures rooted in ancient Arabian folklore, often depicted as demonic beings that dwell in graveyards and consume human flesh. The term "ghoul" comes from the Arabic word "ghūl," meaning "to seize" or "to take." They are often seen as monstrous beings that prey on the dead and sometimes the living.
Appearance and Behavior Traditionally, ghouls are depicted as decaying, grotesque figures with a penchant for haunting cemeteries. They are known for their ability to shapeshift, sometimes taking the form of animals to lure their prey. Unlike ghosts and poltergeists, ghouls are corporeal, meaning they have a physical presence that can interact with the material world in a gruesome and tangible way.
Cultural Impact Ghouls have made their way into various cultures and media, often symbolizing death and decay. They appear in literature, films, and video games, usually as menacing creatures to be feared and fought. Their depiction varies, but their essence as flesh-eating, cemetery-dwelling beings remains consistent.
Ghosts: The Restless Spirits
Origin and Mythology Ghosts are the spirits of deceased individuals who have not found peace in the afterlife. Belief in ghosts is widespread, transcending cultures and eras. They are often thought to linger due to unfinished business, unresolved emotions, or a tragic death.
Appearance and Behavior Ghosts are typically depicted as ethereal, translucent figures that may resemble their former human selves. They can appear as full-bodied apparitions or as mere shadows and mists. Ghosts are known for their ability to pass through solid objects, and they often haunt specific locations tied to their past lives, such as homes, battlefields, or places of death.
Cultural Impact Ghost stories are a staple of folklore and have been passed down through generations. They appear in a wide array of media, from classic literature like "Hamlet" to modern horror films like "The Conjuring." Ghosts often evoke a mix of fear, sadness, and curiosity, reflecting our own fears and fascinations with death and the afterlife.
Poltergeists: The Noisy Spirits
Origin and Mythology The term "poltergeist" comes from the German words "poltern" (to make noise) and "geist" (ghost or spirit). Poltergeists are believed to be mischievous or malevolent spirits that cause physical disturbances, such as loud noises and the movement of objects. Unlike traditional ghosts, poltergeists are often associated with specific individuals rather than locations.
Appearance and Behavior Poltergeists are typically invisible and manifest their presence through physical actions rather than visual apparitions. Common poltergeist activities include knocking, banging, object displacement, and even physical attacks. These disturbances often escalate over time, creating a sense of fear and chaos for those affected.
Cultural Impact Poltergeists have been a popular subject in paranormal investigations and horror media. The infamous "Enfield Poltergeist" case in the 1970s, for instance, drew significant media attention and inspired numerous books and films. Poltergeists challenge our understanding of the supernatural by interacting with the physical world in inexplicable ways.
While ghouls, ghosts, and poltergeists all belong to the realm of the supernatural, they each offer unique elements to the tapestry of paranormal lore. Ghouls, with their corporeal form and ghastly habits, bring a sense of physical horror rooted in ancient mythology. Ghosts, as the restless spirits of the deceased, embody our deepest questions and fears about the afterlife. Poltergeists, with their noisy and often violent disruptions, blur the lines between the seen and unseen worlds.
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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claypigeonpottery · 1 year
tumblr ate another ask, of course, but someone asked what tools I use for sgraffito. I made a 3.5 minute video covering the tools I use
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leota-nexus · 2 months
^ the process
v the result
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pluto-rainstorm · 5 months
Ya'know that one tiktok trend "do you think you would've dated me when you were in high-school?" or "younger" or something like that, but think about it with BuckTommy
Buck would post it thinking it's hilarious, it would be a cute photo of them now with the caption and then you swipe to a picture of Tommy looking like this muscular army lad, with stubble, looking very mature...
And then you swipe again to a picture of a baby faced Buck, maybe he has a few pimples, he's a lot shorter and has lighter blonde, shaggy hair and he's holding a skateboard
He'd show Tommy and he would just stare at it like "oh my god..."
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fannishknits · 14 days
How to Knit Stranded Colorwork, Catch Floats, and Keep Tension Even & Stretchy!
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allisonperryart · 1 year
In case you missed it, check out this video from BaM Animation about BG painting that I helped consult on and drop them a follow for more industry tips if you're not already! Thanks for watching!!
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notbrianna · 2 months
Discover Sequence Knitting: All Textures - No Charts!
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sheepyshepherd · 3 months
Hey fellow Sky enthusiasts!
I've created a comprehensive guide showcasing solo Candle Run shortcuts and tricks for Sky: Children of the Light in 2024.
In this video, I cover all the shortcuts and tricks that I know to help you with your Candle Runs without relying on Chibi or props!! 🕯️
Check out the video here: Solo Candle Run Shortcuts & Tricks 2024 - No Chibi, No Props, No Problem! | Sky: Cotl
Happy gaming, everyone!✨🎮
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devsgames · 2 years
Are you too lazy to search for a bunch of variations of a sound effect and spend time implementing them all? Me too!
Here's my favourite gamedev trick to avoid audio fatigue and get away with using one audio clip repeatedly - just deviate the pitch slightly whenever you play it.
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It's a small polish thing but it really help make 'grating' sound effects that can potentially get on a player's nerves blend in and feel way less repetitive. Really useful if you have limited resources or in situations like Game Jams where finding or generating lots of different audio can be too time consuming.
Here's what it sounds like:
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peculiarbluerose · 11 months
Tips I wish I knew for my first RE4R Hardcore playthrough (Original Campaign)
-This can also be applied to lower difficulties to make it 10x easier
-This does not include tips for the Separate Ways DLC, but some of them can be applied, I suppose
-All of these are picked up from personal playthroughs as well as YouTube videos (Neon Slice influences the majority of these)
-I've also just played this game on the hardest difficulties too many times lol
1. FLASH GRENADES - They WILL be your best friend, I promise you. Why? They stun enemies for at least 5 to 10 seconds and you can melee them. Alternatively, you have a window to stab them (always a critical hit, perfect for mini bosses like the Brutes)
2. Keep at least one first aid spray on you at all times; this has saved me on several occasions, and not doing it has killed me
3. Ashley's armor is worth the hassle if you are trying to get the S+ rank on Professional (if it's your first run, professional will only be unlocked after you beat the game at least once)
4. If you are in a spot where you are overwhelmed, just RUN. Run if you can, especially if you're out of bullets and you're on your last knife. This is another situation where flash grenades are useful.
5. Speaking of flash grenades, if it is your first playthrough (or you just lack attention to detail), Plagas hate light and die when flashed by a flash grenade. If you have too many Plagas in the area, don't hesitate to throw a flash grenade. This is especially useful against the knights in Salazar's castle.
6. The only way you're gonna get infinite ammo is through an S+ rank on Professional, so don't even worry about that until later.
7. Yes, there are limits on saves and the number of hours it takes to complete the game in order to get certain ranks. If you don't know the rules to a rank, Google them. The game, if it does tell you, doesn't like to make those rules obvious.
8. Ashley is a pain in the rear end even with the armor. In areas like the Water Hall, she's immune to enemy attacks and Leon's bullets, yes, but she will still crouch down when surrounded, or get picked up (they can't carry her anywhere though since the armor makes her heavy, so she'll be in a constant cycle of screaming until you get rid of the zealots). Added this because I don't know how many people address this part of Ashley's armor.
9. On the flip side, the armor makes Ashley immune to attacks even during her segment of the game where you play as her, so you can walk through the knight room and be hit 45 times and be just fine. It makes that part of the game much easier.
10. One hit in Ashley's segment without armor, however, (yes, even just one) will result in a game over. Keep moving, know your paths before triggering things, and be quick about it.
11. Saddler is pathetic, even on hardcore mode. At the start of his battle, just shoot him with a rocket launcher and you'll be good to go, no time wasted
12. Two golden eggs thrown at Salazar (start of his battle, preferably. Much easier from there) will easily get his battle out of the way.
13. You know the room with the 4 Regeneradors in the test tube things? Yeah, those. Don't bother killing all of them, just get the wrench from the one and you'll be fine.
14. Speaking of Regeneradors, they're a pain. A big one. Keep your distance, they're slinky's. Keep your distance.
15. If the Regenerador is asleep (like the 4 test tube ones in the lab), line up two of the parasites (if you can, all three would be awesome, though) and shoot. It will make your job MUCH easier
16. Use the rocket launcher on Krauser when you're in the final battle with him. He's a tough one, and it's much easier to skip the fight. You also get his knife once he's dead, and it's better than Leon's. That's nice, I guess.
17. There's nothing you can do about Leon's slowness when approaching Luis's lab. That's meant to happen, and no, you can't skip it. On the bright side, you won't get hurt, either.
18. You may or may not have heard about the heavy grenade trick when Ashley is using the wrecking ball. Two heavy grenades will do the trick. If you don't have those, several normal grenades will suffice, but it will add a little extra time to your run.
19. Use flash grenade right as one of the two Giants (with Luis) are approaching the center of the room. It takes a second for the flash to go off, and it stops them just enough to open the trap door to incinerate one of them. Nice.
20. Take out the lamp guys ASAP. You know, the ones with the red lamps that make the zealots turn into Plagas? Those things. I hate 'em. Flash them with a flash grenade, then knife them. Best way to go, just like Brutes.
I hope this was of SOME use to you. I racked my memory for this info, it's a long game. If you want more, let me know. Should I do Separate Ways next?
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fakeasmr · 7 months
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oooooh look who got picked up by the algorithm today
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chokrihizem · 1 month
🌱 Grow your own freesia from seed! 🌸 Learn how to grow gorgeous freesia flowers from seeds right in your home! 🌼 In this video, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to successfully start freesia seeds indoors, 🌼✨ Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this step-by-step guide will make your gardening journey successful and enjoyable!
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leota-nexus · 2 months
^ the process
v the shot
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thelittlepoetworld · 2 months
Ultimate Fashion tips & tricks I use all the time 👗 by Annie Lynn
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fannishknits · 3 months
Top 10 Yarn-Hungry Knitting Stitch Patterns
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