#tl;dr: no more gay blog for you
Hey, guys !
I will be retiring this blog soon, either through archival or turning it into something else. I'm not as in-touch with the LGBTQIA+ community as I once was (though I'm still very much the same, identity-wise). I think that the community can be rather silly at times, and not in a good way, so I've started distancing myself from it. I've started developing more interests and having actual friends, so this community isn't really as important to me as it once was. As such, I find no use for this blog. I'm not sure exactly what I'll post from now on, but it'll likely be way diffrent and closer to the real Laura. If that's not something you fuck with, you can unfollow. This is a goodbye to what this blog was.
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 3 months
i don’t feel right putting my opinion here as i am white and from the us so im not even close to the demographic of people you’re talking about, but i just wanted to say i like reading your posts!
now i don’t know everything that dan and/or phil has said, but i do think it’s important to realize the context
i really do wish they were going to other countries, as it does suck that they aren’t able to see everyone, but i’m also sure they have a valid reason for not, whatever that reason may be…i can’t see them deliberately avoiding other countries just cause there’s “better” options (not saying there are better options i just couldn’t think of another word hehe)
i feel very privileged to be in a place financially (barely) and geographically to see it
i don’t think it’s that outlandish to say that they’ll do something to attempt to make up to the people who couldn’t see it, but i know it won’t be as good as it should be, which isn’t fun
also, i will agree that i don’t like the arguments of other countries not accepting of gay rights, as there’s not much weight there. not only do gay people live there too, but they’ve been to japan three different times. they love it there, and while there’s other countries that are definitely worse when it comes to queer rights, gay marriage isn’t legal there and they obviously know that
jesus christ i yap so fucking much i apologize
tl;dr, i completely understand what your saying, and while calling them “racist” is a little harsh, i definitely understand that not going to other places is not ideal and wish they are able to be more inclusive to everyone
i know they’re touring cause they love it, especially dan, and that going everywhere is impossible, but that does not mean that people can’t complain about them not going over to where they live
i’m sorry this is so long, i just can not stop typing ffs
Hey! So yeah again as I've said many times but feel the need to reiterate: what originally started the discussions from poc and particularly non western blogs was that they have made disparaging remarks particularly to do with tours like come to brazil type remarks and then not taken time to add on like, one line or anything somewhere about not touring in entire continents.
Also obviously we don't think they aren't visiting because they think we're lower to them or whatever, and I'd say you'd be hard pressed to find a post on my blog that says that. Seriously, try it, no implications of the sort have been made, we are just saying it's clear that they've never felt the need to makeup for past mistakes either, and then the phandom defends them each time and all of that together feels very alienating, especially when western fans talk down to us constantly and feel the need to tell us to chill out or whatever and make it out to be that the tour is the primary issue
It isn't! This isn't about the tour!!! The tour was the latest thing that sparked the discussions again because some people, especially LATAM fans who have microagressed So Often, were understandably thinking "seriously they aren't gonna say anything about it?"
And again, I will ask that you try because you'll be hard pressed to find a post on my blog where we day dnp "are racists". My previous ask to this also explains this but just because someone "isn't racist" doesn't mean that when they do racist things we don't call those things "racist behaviours". Racist microagressions are still racist even when coming from goody two shoes progressives. Please understand this and don't get defensive over the language, it's a humble request
And if I may for anyone else looking to talk with me about this in any way, please please stop bringing up the tour with me. I don't care about the tour, I promise you I do not care about the tour, you can talk with me about the other stuff but I've just said it in almost every post I've made: I Do Not Care About Them Not Touring Here, it's small fucking potatoes and it's more western fans' defensiveness and racist remarks while trying to defend them for no reason that are Far Far more of a problem racism (and orientalism) wise than DnP not talking about the tour yet, I don't carrrreee About that I care about what you all are directly saying to US which is more hurtful
I hope this clears stuff up for you and others, again, no hard feelings whatsoever, you were genuinely reaching out and I appreciate that ❤️
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
I still very much like the idea of redeeming Gortash. For one, yes, because I am projecting onto this man too much (on the basis of being autistic and having abusive parents - and no, you will never convince me that Gortash isn't autistic). But also, as I wrote about before: Narratively it is just so much more interesting to redeem him than to kill him.
I wrote a longer blog about that before, which I cannot find because tumblr search is still useless. But tl;dr: Right now the only thing Karlach gets to do in Act 3 for her companion quest is basically to kill Gortash, which you still gotta do no matter whether you have Karlach as a companion or not. You get two more scenes if you have Karlach along, sure, but it does not do anything - nor does it give her story anything interesting. Which kinda overlooks one big thing about Karlach and her Engine: Gortash should know how to fix it. Because he made those Infernal Engines work in the Steel Watch. So, to give Karlach that important story decision that literally any other character has: Make her decide whether she cares more about her revenge - or about wanting to live. Let Gortash live if he fixes her engine.
It would have been so much more satisfying for her story. (I just hate how they dropped the ball on Karlach in Act 3. I hate it so much. My girl deserved so much better!)
However, yes. I also simply am a massive sucker for good redemption stories. Especially as those are rare. (Mostly, because media tends to go with "character does one big good thing, now everyone forgives them and they are redeemed" all the time.) And I... yeah, I am just kinda obsessed with the idea of redeeming Gortash.
Now, I am already writing Kindness Begets Kindness, which is basically just Astarion gay-bitching at Gortash until Gortash realizes that maybe he actually wants to redeem himself. But it ends with that. With Gortash getting to the point that maybe he wants forgiveness.
And it got me thinking about how Gortash could even go about it. Because, you know. Killing hundreds, if not thousands, and enslaving at least hundreds as well... It is hard to come back from, right?
So, here I was talking to a friend of mine.
Me: "Really, the thing that Gortash needs is an autistic nerd as a friend, you know?"
Him: "Well, then write one up."
Me: "Or Barcus."
Him: "Who?"
Me: "Or, he is this gnome, who to me reads also as super autistic."
Him: "Well, there you have your answer."
Me: "... Or I could ship them."
So, I guess I have officially come up with the most insane crack ship for Gortash yet. This is even more crack than my Aurelia/Araj ship, I guess.
I am kinda tempted to write it. Darn it.
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ftmtftm · 10 months
something i wanted to ask, genuinely, is if you think the labels transmisogyny/misandry and the way theyre used can really be helpful
i personally think they can be but with how so many ppl try to frame it as "exclusive" forms of oppression just doesnt help at all. yes, transmisogyny does mainly happen to trans women/fems, but a lot of ppl refuse to believe it could also happen to trans men/mascs. and i believe it can go the same way with transmisandry as ive seen multiple ppl describe wut it is and see how it could be applied to trans women/fems. and that doesnt even acknowledge intersex ppl, whether theyre trans or not. i feel like labeling it in specific ways to say "this is an intersection of oppression" without going "this is an exclusive experience" is beneficial to all sides, but ppl try to gatekeep with labels like "tma" and "tme" and so on. its like saying a gay guy cant call themself a dyke bc "youre not a lesbian and therefore u cant reclaim that slur" even if theyve been called a dyke before. it really just feels like the labels of transmisogyny and transmisandry is used as a way to fuel the fires of oppression olympics by saying that "if ur a trans man u experience less oppression than a trans woman." and it seems to be mainly fueled by the idea of "woman (oppressed) + trans (oppressed) = really oppressed" whereas "man (not oppressed) + trans (oppressed) = not as oppressed" when its nothing like that.
its also incredibly hard to find Any information about transmisandry. i always see "trans men just have it/pass easier" and even other transphobic statements of how going on T makes trans men more aggressive and assertive. i feel like tumblr has been the only place ive seen any genuine discussion about transmisandry and even then its not great or very informative.
i believe that both transmisandry and transmisogyny should be acknowledged as real forms of oppression rather than being used as a way to oppress ppl further.
i dont wish to cause an argument as these r just my thoughts and i genuinely want to hear yours on it too
So the TL;DR my opinion sort of boils down to "Yes, I think they can be incredibly useful terms when used with intention and clarity of purpose" but there's a lot of nuance to that opinion. Basically though - I mostly agree with you on a conceptual level anon. I just wanted to write an essay.
(and also I don't fully address some things in this ask because frankly I'm burnt out and don't want to talk about them at the moment and I made this blog to talk about my special interests anyway. Sue me ‪¯\_(ツ)_/¯‬)
Something I've been noticing in my reading of Intersectional/trans-inclusive Feminist literature, combined with my engagement with trans activism, over the last few years is: We're all very, very afraid of talking about sexism right now and it absolutely makes sense why.
It makes sense because the conversation has been ground to dirt by TERFs constantly yelling about "sex-based oppression" as a means to be transmisogynist and degrade the womanhood of trans women. However the response to this has been deeply flawed in my opinion.
Instead of actually addressing sexism as it's own distinct form of oppression under an Intersectional lense, we've simply made a hard left into only discussing gender informed oppression and only legitimizing gender informed oppression in the form of misogyny. It's a very uninformed response in my opinion actually - but that also makes sense because it's currently very hard to be informed on general feminist theory and politics at the moment because Radical Feminism is a fucking plague.
In reality though, sexism and misogyny are two different forms of oppression that often overlap because gender and sex are different classes of identity that often overlap.
This degradation of language - both from TERFs conflating sex and gender and from Intersectionals/progressives separating the two so hard they don't even acknowledge sex - is what I think is part of the cause of this problem that is leaving trans men / trans mascs with a massive hole in our ability to discuss our experiences. And not just trans men either!!! It's also nonbinary and intersex people as well who are harmed by this void.
So that begs the question: How do we actually talk about sexism in an Intersectional Feminist, trans inclusive, capacity that combats Radical Feminist rhetoric on sexism?
And the answer? Is carefully, consciously, and in a manner that is aware of several different experiences within the nebulous concept of female identity.
I will actually be using the word "female" as a term a decent amount throughout this post. For the sake of this discussion I am defining "female" as anyone anyone who presently identifies as female due to their assigned sex as well as anyone who is socially treated/viewed as female due to their gender, legal, and/or medical statuses. In this post "female" is an umbrella term that includes cis women, trans men, trans women, nonbinary people, and intersex people who feel that definition applies to them in relation to their sex.
Because the fact of the matter is that Patriarchy and our society at large hate women and they hate people who are assigned female and they hate people who are female and those are distinct categories of people with a lot of overlap and a lot of differences.
Female identity is like venn diagram of sex informed experiences that cis women, trans women, trans men, nonbinary people, and intersex people all have a place in for various different reasons. It's a diverse category of experiences and this should be a touchstone for solidarity, not division in my opinion. The experiences and needs of one group don't inherently negate the experiences and needs of another similar group, even if they conflict, you know?
It's a concept I've actually adopted from disability activists, who often talk about the ways in which disability activism often has to address conflicting needs because sometimes some disabled people's needs are in direct conflict with each other!! Conflicting needs are not something unique to disability activism though.
Most groups and classes people have conflicting needs within themselves and I think there's a lot to be learned in gendered activism from disability activists in this regard. I think often in activist discussions a lot of people stop when situations stop impacting them directly instead of trying to find commonality and empathy with similar experiences. It's easy to have knee jerk reactions, it's harder to pause and contemplate.
So, let's actually contemplate transmisogyny and transandrophobia/transmisandry as terms for a moment.
Transmisogyny was coined as a term by Julia Serano in 2007 in her book The Whipping Girl and I do think it's incredibly useful for describing the ways in which transphobia (the broader oppression of trans individuals) intersects with misogyny (the broader oppression of women) in specific ways wrapped up into a specific term.
I've engaged in a lot of criticism of The Whipping Girl because, well, I think for just about every excellent idea Serano posits about the trans feminine experience she undercuts it with White Feminist rhetoric and simple "cis men and women are opposites therefore trans men and women are opposites" type rhetoric that harms her arguments more than helps them. HOWEVER! Serano herself even articulates that misogyny and transphobia may intersect in ways that impact nonbinary and trans masculine individuals differently from trans feminine individuals, and that additional language may be required to fill that gap in The Whipping Girl!!
So now there's a bit of a linguistically philosophical discussion to be had here on the function of language and what language we can actually use to fill the hole trans men experience with our language - which is also where we dive back into talking about concepts like conflicting needs and sexism.
When creating terminology (or jargon), one must take into account several things like clarity and context, which is why personally - I do not like the term "transmisandry" at all. I use it as a tag because I know some people prefer it as a term and I'd like my posts to reach that audience as well. Generally speaking though - I think any inclusion of "misandry" as a term will always be a nonstarter in most discussions on gender. It's much too loaded of a word because of it's association with the misogynistic actions of MRAs among several other semantic reasons.
An argument could, I think, be made for a term like "transsexism" which would describe the intersection of transphobia (the broader oppression of trans individuals) and sexism (the broader oppression of female individuals) but I think that is still too broad if we want to talk about trans masculine experiences specifically. (Though I do still think it may have contextual use as a term quite frankly - that's just beyond the scope of this post).
So? Then we come to transandrophobia and a conversation on misogynistic, sexist responses to masculinity in people society forcibly identified as "female women" under patriarchy.
I want to state that off the bat that I take a lot of issue with the way people dismiss trans men's experiences as just "general transphobia" or "default transphobia" because... Why are you automatically treating a man's experiences as the universal default? Especially when there are things based on the intersection of his manhood and marginalization that he experiences that women of the same marginalization don't?
I have this issue with most other conversations about the intersection of marginalized identity and manhood honestly. It actually really reeks of unconscious misogynist bias to me. But I digress, that's not the subject of this post.
I think a lot about Brandon Teena and the motivations for his murder. I think a lot about Lou Sullivan's diary entries about his loneliness and isolation with regard to being around trans women and lesbians - as well as his history fighting for his right to medical transition. I think about P. Carl's musings about the ways in which his entire community abandoned him once he came out as a trans man as opposed to a lesbian woman. I think about Irreversible Damage by Abigal Shrier and the way she manipulated - if I'm remembering correctly - YouTuber, Chase Ross into misleading interviews that skewed his words and stories to attempt to "prove" her points about how "our girls" are being manipulated into transgenderism via social contagion spread through platforms like YouTube.
I think about the ways in which trans mascs - particularly those on HRT - actively avoid medical care because of the deeply gendered nature of gynecological care and also because we are treated like medical freaks and abominations when we do try to seek that care. I think about the ways our bodies are inherently, deeply impacted by the overturning of Roe V. Wade and how our decisions to not carry children via abortion or hysterectomy - or our desire to carry children - are met with the phenomenon of medical misogyny like any other woman or female individual but in a way that also explicitly intersects with our transness.
I think about the ways in which Patriarchal society sees my "female" body in direct opposition to my identity as a "man" and how that is something that needs to be "corrected" back into "female womanhood" via rape and assault. I think about my own corrective assault a lot. I think about how the 2015 National Trans Survey actually found higher self reported instances with sexual assault in trans men than in trans women. I think about how I personally see that as a touchstone of solidarity with my lesbian siblings and especially with my other butch siblings who also have their expressions of masculinity treated as deviancy that deserves corrective action.
I apologize for diverting into less of an academic musing into prose and also for diverging from the subject of this ask directly into a much larger essay - but I am simply so tired of trying to say that I and other trans masculine people are people worthy of having our own language for our own experiences instead of just being dismissed as a privileged class - quite literally on the basis of our own oppression.
Especially when people use the words of someone like Julia Serano to say we don't deserve that language when she herself posited that maybe we should have it. Especially when Kimberlé Crenshaw - the woman who created the theory of Intersectionality that Serano is attempting to engage with in The Whipping Girl - has stated that one of the goals of Intersectionality is to create language for and give voice to marginalized identities that otherwise are not given language and voice.
So - What do you call it when trans masculine people are explicitly targeted on the basis of their trans masculinity? What do you call that intersection of sexism, misogyny, and transphobia that misgenders and attacks trans masculinity explicitly? Because that isn't "general transphobia" - that is transphobia motivated by a Patriarchal desire for control over the broader "female identity" that society is seeing as "too masculine".
It's trans-andro-phobia. Transphobia targeted at a particular group of trans individuals on the basis of their masculinity in a way that intersects with a sexist, misogynist, Patriarchal desire to control perceived/forced female identity and the subsequent interpersonal and social ramifications that come alongside that systemic abuse.
Focus, intention, and clarity of purpose.
I do want to add that there is absolutely something to be said about the fact that these conversations are all extremely White at the moment.
Radical Feminism is a deeply White (and White Supremacist) movement. Conversations on Trans Feminist theory in general are still deeply White as well. Julia Serano is very much a White Trans Feminist, and as such most responses to her work by other White trans people tend to be, well, very White.
I myself am even contributing to the prevalence of Whiteness in the conversation because even though I am Ashkenazi I am also still White. I might be informed by and am actively using concepts formed by Black Women and Ethnic Minority Women as the basis of my own theories, but that doesn't erase the context of my own race in this conversation either.
I really do not want that to be lost upon people, especially other White people. A racialized context matters in this conversation because Race and Gender really cannot be fully separated from each other in conversations about power and systemic oppression.
Bonus TL;DR - Read The Will to Change and Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks. Read Audre Lorde. Read Kimberlé Crenshaw. Read Leslie Feinberg and Judith Butler. Read María Lugones. Learn the concepts they are presenting and then also learn how to apply those concepts in a consciousness and self aware manner.
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Ya know, I was procrastinating on reviving this old blog instead of lurking through Tumblr for a while, and I can’t believe that Bridget discourse pushed me to do it. VERY long rant ahead because boy do I have some opinions.
The other day I saw a tweet (I don't remember where) saying how glad they were that a queer character was getting a bunch of spotlight in regards to the new Bridget figure; then after that I IMMEDIATELY saw someone punching down on people asking for other characters and bringing up Anji specifically, and it's like holy shit, either you're genuinely ignorant or an idiot.
There are 3 other canon queer in Guilty Gear, yet people only want to focus on Bridget, and I could honestly go on about it.
Testament obviously suffers the least from this, but it’s still noteworthy how people will ignore them being queer since 1998, and before anyone says, "They used he/him and were only GNC." 1. That was a botched localization, & 2. There’s a queerness in gender nonconformity, which makes it devastating that Baiken has been made less nonconforming for the sake of sexualization.
In a similar vein, Anji's queerness is often ignored by a good chunk of the fandom, which is in itself a can of worms considering he's a GNC man who is treated normally (unlike Bridget who was essentially a gag character while she still identified as male) and bisexual, which seems to really stir up shit when said bisexual character shows attraction to the opposite sex, which is probably why people don't acknowledge him.
Lastly, there's Venom, and I'm gonna preface this by saying that I'm a lightskin before I'm queer, so I find it very interesting that they wrote out an explicitly gay POC out of the story. Don't get me wrong, I love this series, but once I noticed that fact, it didn't sit with me well, especially since Venom being gay is an integral part of his character that can't be hidden.
And that's what pisses me off the most, the fact that people aren't realizing that the reason Bridget is the only being pushed because her queerness isn't blatantly obvious at first glance and she fits the mold of a popular, fair-skinned, and cute that figure distributors love. I want ya'll to realize that Bridget being trans is overshadowed by her being a white girl, which is a real shame because it means other queer characters won't get attention because they don't fit this standard. The worst part is that people just ignore this, which makes it painfully obvious that they don't care for queer characters; they care for Bridget.
I this isn't everyone, but I ask that Bridget fans slow down on mindlessly buying merch of her because all it does is show distributors that you guys are cashcows ready to be used at any moment and PLEASE don't punch down on people asking for other characters. Seriously, some of ya'll are way too comfortable mocking other people because you got what you wanted. As for the other characters, show them some support and buy their merch if you have the means to (god knows I don't). Even just picking up the character can show that people care about them and want to see them more. I know it's little more than delusion on my part, but it’s at least something.
Tl;dr: Don't be pretentious about a queer character getting merch if you only care about Bridget and support other characters. Sorry about this being so long.
Yeah I think I may know the tweet you’re referring to…
Another tweet I saw on the topic also featured a family guy meme about thanksgiving
Anyways ON GOD !
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agp-terf-ally · 25 days
No, I am not being a troll
As my url states, I have autogynephilia and by common definition I am transfem/TIM, but I also support radical feminism generally and its stance on trans people specifically (I know that a lot of you consider "TERF" a slur, but I picked it as more open, because a lot of people here are trying to make radical feminism trans-inclusive by removing sex-based oppression from it).
Why do I believe in sex-based oppression?
Because it obviously exists and you can see it in how transmasculine people are treated
Because it's the only meaningful explanation of emergence of patriarchy
Because sex of trans people still affects our lives and everyone recognizes it
I went through a brief period of detransition because of severe doubts, and it made me realize that attempts at describing patriarchy as "gender-based oppression" fail to address cases of detransitioners
My stance on trans people
(This has gotten long, but TL/DR: sex and gender are different, and both are valid in different contexts)
I don't think that trans people are purposefully being predatory and inherently wicked, don't come at me with this thing.
I don't think that gender identity is innate the way sexuality is, I do believe that it's constructed, but I don't think that it's not real altogether. It's real the same way ethnicity or religion are - there is nothing in your brain that makes you Swede or Catholic, but this identity has meaning to people and affects their lives. And I don't mean masculinity/femininity by it, I have masculine female friends who I am not trying to trans, and GNC trans people are real.
Some people are trans because of life-long physical dysphoria, some because they detest social expectations, some internalize homophobic or sexist stereotypes, some do it because of AGP/AHE (which is not some dirty perversion), some have culturally-specific reasons, and much more. Obviously, different groups of trans people have different needs, and some of them wouldn't be trans in different societies or won't be in the futue, but they are trans now and that's something you can't dismiss.
However, one's gender identity doesn't erase your sex (though a lot of trans people tend to emphasize with people of their gender rather than sex), and doesn't make you entitled to be included in someone's sexuality. Sexuality is about body as much as it's about personality, and it's bodies that we have innate attraction to. Existence of trans people and especially medically transitioning ones does complicate categorization, because some people may be only attracted to men in daily lives but also wouldn't mind transmasc partner who is on T but didn't have SRS, some would dislike even fully operated partner because other features or even because of their AGAB (and it's fine), and some people may have no preference in bodies but strong preference in gender identity, and so on. But in the end of the day, for a lot of people it's either birth sex that matters or they are bisexual, and it's completely fine.
This attitude is especially gross when it comes to gay people, because on top of trans people simply not being attractive to them it provokes their trauma response.
Why do I call myself AGP?
This is complicated and some of it is just for edginess.
But also I recognize that my physical dysphoria is pretty insignificant and incomplete, and I can't even prove that it won't go away. That's why I decided to not transition.
When I say AGP I mean that I feel a thrill when I think of myself as a girl etc. I don't get hard from it and don't enjoy being degraded for femininity, as transphobic caricatures say, but I think that foundation of my AGP is at least partially in attraction to women.
It also highlights the fact that I am probably not a "true transsexual" or otherwise absolutely inborn woman, and I accept it. Whatever.
Some additional information:
My chosen name is Belle
This blog exists as my attempt to build bridges from transfem side (transmascs both do it themselves and some cis women reach out to them) and to provide insights both about lives of transfems and views of radical feminists to anyone who asks
I am into women, but I don't call myself a lesbian because it feels like too much of an intrusion. I won't describe my sexuality further here, but asks are open
DNI: misogynists, homophobes, racists (including antisemites and zionists)
If you feel uncomfortable about me - just block me, I won't feel bad
I admit being male, but I still dislike it. It's always fine to point how being socialized as a boy or being perceived as male changes my social life, and I recognize sexual dimorphism in reasonable (i.e. real) terms, but I would like you to not go out of your way to trigger my dysphoria. Thank you
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
TL;DR It's not too late to turn things around. Keep pushing on until something happens, and if not, it's going to be #sparkleover.
With her current behavior, Eve will near-certainly attract unwanted attention. That's probably obvious by this point, of course.
But on top of trolls and haters, there are several online communities entirely dedicated to mockery and harassment. That's where the true problem comes in.
Kittycorn quite literally has every single possible thing they'd want from a target. Immaturity? Check. Hubris? Check. Outbursts? Check. Relevance? Check. If changes aren't made in time, I don't think ANYBODY would like what'd happen. Fortunately, however...
They have yet to find her. Or, if nothing else, they indeed know about her but simply don't care enough to do anything. Yet.
There is still time. Judging by how Kneeby APPARENTLY doesn't have the sparklecriticism blog blocked yet (along with there not actually being that many barriers for us anyways), we can still get words in. I'm unsure if people would wanna hear the truth, but they likely need to by this point. After all, I may currently dislike Eve as a person, but I don't want her or Sparklecare to crash and burn.
So, cue Plan Z.
Step 1 - Tone: TL;DR Be more approachable. This might not seem like a great idea to you guys at first, and I think this step might get flamed the most, but we should lay off the bitterness that comes with every post. There is a reason we're thought of as disguised hate blogs. We might have some right to be angry, but by doing so, our message will come off as hateful yap, impeding our goal. Instead, approachability will be part of our key. Obviously, criticism is still going to be imperative, and we certainly shouldn't forget about that part, but know that aggression will not help.
Step 2 - Action: TL;DR 3, 2, 1, GO! Once we master courtesy, we can progress to Step 2. The deal's simple; just keep posting like y'all usually do with a revised tone. With that, we'd (hopefully) be genuinely listened to, and then we'd (hopefully) see more progress until something becomes of our efforts.
Step 3 - Increment: TL;DR Step 2 but BETTER!!! This basically just takes Step 2 and ups the ante a bit. Post more often, make the posts longer, et cetera. Maybe even hop on over to the main sparklecare tag if y'all particularly need to. Whatever would further improve our reach.
Step 4 - ???: TL;DR idk I'm not sure about what we might do if Step 3 fails, or if being concerned about that is even reasonable. For all we know, we could just give up, or maybe something never before thought of could suffice. I don't know, man.
I'm still kind of brainstorming, and this plan really isn't polished that much in the slightest, so I'd like to be told what y'all think for now along with any possible ideas (step 4, revisions, literally just giving up, etc). I get that composing a whole fucking campaign over fictional gay furries is probably an act of blatant, unfiltered stupidity on my part, but that's what happens when you have a hyperfixation you never asked for.
If all goes according to plan, we'll get a better Kittycorn, and we'll get a better Sparklecare. Hopefully we don't get a full civil war instead or anything. Hell, I really do hope there's some far simpler thing that can be done rather than hosting a full campaign, because I'm very doubtful regarding both myself and this plan.
Signed, Chuck.
Four step plan time
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
Are you aware that I'm-a-gay-fish and Zu ship dr//m/are ?/genq
okay so it took me a while to answer this but i finally found the words to so here goes; yeah i do know, and i totally understand if you don't ship it, neither do i, but there's nothing i can do about it?
they're allowed, so long as they don't harm people, to do whatever they want on their own platforms. and before you ask me if i support *ncest, would you actually ask someone if they support toxic relationships and murder whenever they ship two unhealthy killers with mental problems? because that's funnily enough what most people do around here! you can say it's not the same, and that they're romanticizing it, but i can personally detach myself from fiction enough to realize that while this concept depicted in their art shouldn't be recreated in real life, that doesn't mean they actually engage or support people that do that irl- they asked zu the same question so many times, and frog doesn't either and i've known gayfish for three years! you're well within your right to stop associating with them or distance yourself from their content but i myself won't.
i know fiction affects reality to a degree, don't twist my words please, but if you're too young to consume that kind of content with a nuanced perspective or is triggered/affected by it then as long as they tag their content properly then you can unfollow, block and move on. i have a habit of following and reblogging people's works before looking at their bios and before i know it find myself having to choose between two sides i don't belong to and i frankly don't want to! anti this or proship that- in this online era you have to adapt by keeping your cool and curating your own online experience and viewing people in black and whites is stressful, painful and dangerous for everyone involved. i don't even reblog the content you probably have a problem with, and i'm honestly still scared of the response i'll get-
i will not blame or hate whoever unfollows or blocks me for this, it's to be expected, but please don't think about it like some bad vs good guys dilemma? sometimes thought provoking morally grey ambiguous stories with messed up characters spark more positive discussion and healing than people looking into it because they suffer from the same delusions and want a justification-
like realistically, in my blog, most ppl here are basically shipping two literal skeletons with magic in their bones who are sometimes almost the exact copy of one another, and who theoretically have a very similar dna, and sometimes they make shipkids, which, if you know anything about *ncest, is one of the main reasons why you shouldn't bang your siblings - mostly from a moral standpoint because that's so gross i can't even think of it, but also because any offspring would suffer greatly from physical and mental diseases hidden in their genetic code- like. you could argue it's not the same but it's sancest for a reason. and even when they're widely different sanses, you wouldn't think fell x sans is wrong (at least in this specific community) but really we've all just gotten numb to how weird that sounds. trust me, there's a reason we don't talk about our ships to outsiders HHH
TL,DR: so while i greatly encourage you to block people and content you don't want to see/associate with, including me! i hope i made it clear why i, personally, don't care about dreammare and whoever ships it.
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Steven is in fact canonically gay! (Aka Ouija fangirling over a character she likes because people don’t talk enough about him and I’ll take any excuse)
So this post isn’t meant to attack anyone I’m fine do what you want. It’s more because I’ve noticed a lot of people saying Steven is bi or stuff and I’m thinking it’s because they aren’t aware. Which is fair because it’s not really a widely known fact.
Everyone knows that Doggo confirmed Dave and Jack to be bi/pan but they don’t know in the same post he also stated the canon (or at least his headcanon which I take as canon because he’s the creator) sexualities for Peter, Dee, Henry, and Steven. Peter being Straight, Dee being a child and thus too young to tell, Henry being straight (although I have heard from a few sources he was originally stated to be bi and Doggo was bullied into going back on it by the fandom which if that’s true, Henry is in fact bi but no one has ever provided any proof so I tend to go bi and female leaning/closeted) and Steven who is gay.
Steven being gay has been mentioned before and actually was going to be mentioned in the game but didn’t fit into dialogue easily. Steven had a boyfriend when he was alive.
I think there’s two places people get confused on this 1, these are old Doggo posts and I think people just listen to word of mouth and only know the Dave and Jack confirmed sexualities and NOT that Doggo did this for other characters. The other place is Steven’s “wife”. He didn’t actually have one.
Phones are given a fake family photo consisting of a few children and a wife who is also a phone. Which also I recall in the lore but I can’t remember exactly is in itself proof it’s not real because I recall Rebecca being mentioned as the only phone gal? But I don’t know actually if you know more please tell me this could be a Mandela effect thing.
Steven’s wife was in fact never real, it’s part of a character. In the game Scott was a real person but he was also made into somewhat of a character by the company. Steven was given a fake wife despite being gay because he wouldn’t fit the Scott role if he had a husband. Which by the way is an interesting idea to tackle in a fic of Steven’s sexuality actively being repressed by the company I may do something with that someday. He is my favourite character.
TL;DR: Steven is canonically gay but it’s kinda buried on Doggos blog and people don’t talk as much about it, Steven had a boyfriend. Steven’s wife is not real she’s basically just part of the Scott backstory, and I think Steven is a character people don’t talk enough about so I mostly wanted an excuse to talk about my boi.
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prismatoxic · 6 months
Tumblr media
(ID in alt!)
hello i'm tox and i'm a 29-year-old gay trans man! i draw, write, play games, and think about boys kissing a lot.
my art tag & my writing tag my ao3 my twitter (don't use it a lot)
current main fandom is dungeon meshi and my otp is chilaios
i have finished the manga/am watching the anime/i tag spoilers
i am also very much into original characters and will post about my own frequently
i have an organizational tag system and also i do a lot of commentary tags, i also tag common triggers when necessary
minors do not send me messages or follow me, thanks
love talking to people but i am nervous and forgetful, be patient
i block anyone who's rude to me on the spot
you may ask me to tag things or correct misinformation i post/spread
anon asks are open for the foreseeable future
if you want to know more please read the full thing below!
i'm in a lot of fandoms and have a lot of OCs, but my current main fandom is dungeon meshi! my otp is chilaios, but you'll also see kabumisu from time to time because that's my other fave. i've finished the manga and watch new episodes as they air; for blacklisting purposes, my general spoilers tag (for major plot points or things the anime isn't at yet) is "#dunmeshi spoilers" and my spoiler tag for new or upcoming anime episodes is "#dunmeshi anime spoilers".
as the anime is currently on hiatus and i've finished the manga, my focus has been wandering. i'm not done with dunmeshi, nor am i abandoning any of my chilaios fics!! i just have adhd. i'll be posting lots of OC stuff and reblogging general posts about things i have an interest in.
i tag most posts, often with commentary but i also have a mild organizational system. you'll see a lot of "laugh rule", "psa", and "queer stuff". i always try to tag for fandom and ship (if either are things i like and may appear on my blog again), and if a post's body doesn't include text for sensitive content that's in links or images, i'll try to tag things that are widely considered triggers as well. i don't have a dedicated nsfw tag, so if you can't handle tumblr's allowed level of filth, my blog may not be for you. also, no minors, period. if you are under 18 and follow me or contact me directly i will block you. (if you see my post on your dash and reblog it without checking my blog, like... that's fine, i don't care. just stay out of my immediate space, ok?)
i love talking to people and will happily answer most messages, but i'm also shy and extremely forgetful, so try not to take it personally if i don't get back to you. people who are rude will be blocked on sight, i don't have the time or energy for that.
@/captainfkingmagic is my partner! he's not around here often but he's my everything and i do tend to talk about him fairly often.
if you ever want me to add a specific tag to something or want to offer a correction or information on a post that i don't seem to already know, please reach out! unless people start being shitty, anon asks are always open. thanks for checking out my blog!
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schiltron · 6 months
Was Isaac newton voluntarily celibate or did he just lack sexual desire (like asexual)?. Was he gay
There's a lot of debate surrounding this question and historians aren't completely sure. He never left any kind of personal diary so all we have to go by is his correspondence with others. Some biographers have suggested he was gay, pointing to how much time he spent with mathematician Fatio de Duillier while being unmarried and supposedly never having any intimate relations with a woman. If you're interested in reading more about this, here's a link to an interesting blog post written on the topic. But TL;DR, he spent a lot of time with this guy De Duillier, and eventually when Newton died, De Duillier ended up writing an ode to him. So make of that what you will.
There's also a letter that Newton wrote to his friend John Locke, who sort of tried to set him up with a potential wife, and Newton was really mad about this. He accused Locke of attempting to "embroil (him) with women" and wished death on him in the same letter.
A biography I read also suggested that Newton had some affections for a girl in his village when he was quite young (mid to late teens), but it's not a certain fact.
Some other historians suggest he just swore a vow of celibacy, possibly linked to his religious belief (As most were at the same time and place as him, he was a Christian).
My personal opinion was that he was just voluntarily celibate, but of course we'll never know for sure.
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toccata-i-voir · 7 months
Tell me more about Bonnie. I would like to hear about her.
And you are?
In any case, basic things to know which you would find quickly if the search function was functioning properly (there's always blog archive, just without tag filtering i believe);
Bonnie is my girlfriend, recently turned fiancé (or is it fiance? Ikeep forgetting which is feminine)
She is badasss who saved my life from a dangerous guy (Rodion / R3, if you've been keeping up)
I believed her dead from her previous encounter with the same guy, but gay love wins and she survived
Tl;dr: I love this woman and I fully intend to marry her. Not set on a date yet, but that will come with time.
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hakucho-art · 26 days
Hi 👋
I have a random question—
I came to this fandom late; but I’ve seen on some of your posts that you have to defend Touken…
Can someone like…explain to me why people don’t like this ship? 👀 like, am I missing something??
It’s a freaking adorable couple AND canon?
I’m so confused.
Hellu anon! c:
WELL, now it is much less the case, I do think touken has gotten a lot more acceptance than back in the day. I feel like most people have their individual reasons now for not liking it which is fair. Idc as long as its not some bullshittery lol.
But while the Manga was going, some people viewed touken as abusive and toxic due to Touka's violent outbursts. Kaneki was the uwu poor abuse victim who has never done anything wrong and NEVER hurt her as well 🥺 poor baby innocent man and the oh so mean and horrible woman. Simply, a perspective that lacked a lot of nuance.
And then you have also the people who get so lost in their fanon Interpretation that kaneki is gay and touka a lesbian that they found it homophobic that they got canon. Who think they had no development and are a forced hetero ship.
Also a lot of misogyny towards touka. Called her Hoeka, Thotka, walking vagina. Etc.
If you're curious and not too bothered by seeing hate anons, check out from the blog @/toukaisbetterthanyou their #hall of shame. Partially very fun stuff but also quite nasty so dont stay there for too long.
TL;DR people can't read
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writingforfishes · 27 days
spams you spams you spams y
do i even need to tag myself at this point 💀 eh it probably invites more views to my own blog why the hell not
ik you've gone on a few times abt why atticus has yet to be written with a case of their own
what do they think about that lack tho? any different from you? do they want to experience that or is it brain-scrambling enough to have otto getting them so frequently? would they be open with anyone (otto) abt trying to induce or just casually walk into the kitchen or somethin at some point while having them and act like it wasn't intentional
if they were to get them unintentionally, how might that go, both atticus' thoughts about it in general and/or how otto might react to that (im remembering that i asked abt role reversal before but idt i got this specific when i did)
tl;dr if it were to happen, regardless of what the case itself might be like, how would either of them think about or react to it...and would either of them try to cause that again?
yuh..gay shit....
Oooh, I like this question!
:packs a lunch with worm sent Spam:
I imagine, as my uninventive self-insert is shamelessly me, Atticus has some excitement about wanting to induce hiccups. And I imagine that Atticus has shared this excitement with Otto.
No doubt, the conversation has come up between them that Otto wonders if Atticus ever gets them and Atticus has lamented that they very rarely do, though they have attempted.
I think Otto would be very giddy to see Atticus hiccup. I don't believe he'd get aroused, necessarily, but knowing that Atticus had wanted to have the hiccups would make him very endearingly excited for them.
He'd also check in with them, though. Atticus would most likely be very shy about hiccuping, even in front of Otto. If they contracted a case in public Otto would likely never know about it as they'd cure it very quickly (though never say never if the situation is right). But if they happened to have a case at home, that would be ideal.
Atticus belches a lot. Otto is always taken aback by how loud they are. He very verbally wonders how where all that gas is coming from and if they have some sort of portal into another world in their gut that they are expelling from somehow. Otto, himself, has never belched as loudly as Atty. (Though something something suppressing inappropriate bodily sounds something something needs to be perfect something something.)
That all being said, when Atty finally does get the hiccups (as it is my hope of hopes to do the same) Otto will find them incredibly charming. And in my heart of hearts, Otto will contract them simultaneously during Atticus' case. They'll compare their body reactions and as Atticus' case goes away Otto's will continue.
Just imagine Otto cooing over how adorable Atty's hiccups are and how shy Atticus will become, but also a bit excited, too. And, yes, they will be a little overwhelmed and perhaps overstimulated, but Otto will be there to rub their belly and help them get everything from the experience that they want.
It'll be super fluffy and maybe one day I'll be able to write it!
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Hey so I know you work at a university and are also a queer person from following your blog for a while. I have a professor that asks that we use person first language in her classroom- like saying a person who is gay instead of gay person or person with autism, ect. but this feels really weird to me? looking for the opinion of a person who's been in the community longer to tell me if i'm right and this isn't what most people prefer, because i'm considering talking to her about it.
okay so my *professional answer* is that the question of person first language is a big and messy one and there's just fundamentally not a "right" answer; the question of person first language wouldn't even exist if there weren't people in marginalized communities who find it valuable. and there are also people who find person first language off-putting and unnecessary, which is also a completely legitimate take. I can't validate your feelings on something completely subjective; if you find it weird that's entirely your prerogative and you are both right and wrong depending on who you ask, so the only real determining factor is your own personal taste and conviction. such is the nature of identifying terminology. your professor has every right to her linguistic preferences and so do you; no one is right or wrong in this scenario, just in disagreement.
my *personal answer* is that while person first language is valuable to some and that's fine, insisting on the phrase "a person who is gay" is extremely silly and absolutely not something I personally would be able to adhere to nor expect any of the queers I know to actually abide by. (I do wonder how your professors squares person first language with people who prefer to be identified by noun - the gaya, the queers, the dykes, etc.) the impulse to refer to myself as "a personal experiencing homosexuality" would simply be too strong.
if this professor were one of my colleagues I would love to sit down with her and discuss the pitfalls of enforcing this kind of language with students, especially since objecting seems to necessitate students outing themselves as queer, neurodivergent, disabled, etc, in order to validate their opinion on the matter. obviously it's one thing to insist on respectful lanuuage being used in the classroom, but you'd hope the person making that call could recognize that respect doesn't have a single static appearance, especially when it comes to in-group terminology.
tl;dr your professor seems well-meaning but I personally would make fun of her for this and seek to redirect this behavior to incorporate a smidge more nuance in the classroom.
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7grandmel · 8 months
Blog Update - 04/02/2024
TL;DR - Google Form for rip requests and other anonymous comments is open. Link to it can be found on the blog's Pinned Post, which has been overhauled. Tagging system on daily posts has been vastly expanded with individual tags per ripper and more. "Media Player" has been scrapped - rips using tentative names are being edited per their official releases.
Hey everyone! Been a hot minute since I did one of these. I've wanted to make a post talking about the tinkering I've done with the blog for a while, but figured it'd be best to wait until all of it had been done. Well, now's that day - conveniently right as Season 8 of SiIvaGunner is rolling out, fresh out of the oven with Puyo Puyo day.
Let's start with the most recent, but most important change - I've opened a Google Form for requesting rips to be covered on the blog. Tumblr's default Ask box is mighty convenient for me, but over the months I've noticed several users troubled by having to start Tumblr accounts just to submit to the blog, even anonymously! You can of course still use the Ask box if you're a Tumblr user already, but now even non-Tumblr users should be able to request to the blog - or just leave anonymous comments! - completely hassle-free.
Next, to help promote this new request system and to accommodate for all the other changes made to the blog recently, The Pinned post of the blog has been given a pretty significant overhaul, alongside adding the current Eighth season to its per-season filtering buttons. I've done my best to also reword the main body of the post to more properly convey the blog's goals, and to help readers new and old navigate it easier. For instance, I've added descriptors of some of the tags that I use for the blog's contents, as well as links to said tags and their Archive views. Take a look around yourself if you wish!
I've been doing a lot more than than just explain the tags, however - you'll notice that the tags #high quality art and #epic flintstones have been added! To help make this blog the ultimate hub for SiIvaGunner activity on Tumblr, I'll be reposting fanart/official art and just various funny posts under these tags to feature on the blog! If you're only here for the daily posts, you're of course still able to use the prior mentioned navigation buttons on the pinned posts to only see posts tagged as #todays siivagunner. But what if you want to get more specific than even that?
Well, alongside retroactively tagging all fanart and shitpost reblogs with the two aforementioned tags, I've added a few more categorizing tags to all 490+ of the Daily SiIvaGunner posts - most notably, the names of every person credited per rip. This both makes it easier for myself to check how many times a ripper has been featured on the blog prior, and should help you find out more about your favorite rippers on your own! There's also some other miscellaneous tags added, such as tags denoting if a rip has visuals, if a post is covering multiple rips at once, if a rip is a Fusion Collab, and so on - I'll have a post properly denoting all of these tags up sometime in the future.
Finally, back in July of last year I described my thought process for how to handle rips that, due to lacking album releases, lack proper official names per the time of writing - alongside spitballing an idea for a post-navigation "media player". First off, I can say now after six months that I'm not moving forward with the media player concept, as fun of an idea as it was - I don't believe it offered much benefit over what can be done through just using the pinned post's links to begin with. Second off, though, a lot of the rips I've covered with tentative names, primarily rips from Season 7, have gotten official album releases, and thus been retroactively edited to feature their new official names. You can see an example of how this looks with Persona 64, which was previously titled I'll Face Gay Bowser. All mentions of a rip with its tentative name as featured across other posts will also be edited to feature their official release name.
Whew! What a big update! I've been having the time of my life with this blog in the months since the last Update, and the lack of updates here have certainly not been due to a lack of confidence in the blog - I've simply had too many ideas on what to do for them to be properly distilled to just one post! Hopefully this conveys everything I've been doing in the background of it all. If you have any feedback or other changes you'd like to see happen on the blog, please let me know!
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