#to be clear though i love tanjiro more
a-lil-strawberry · 4 months
I love Genya so much. I love his Mohawk, I love that he has a gun, I love how angry he is, I love the way he (spoiler ahead) eats demons, I love his temporary demon character design with the yellow hair and eyes, I love his purple clothes, I love how he's tall, I love how they make him blush like crazy when Mitsuri is around, I love his backstory with his brother (in that it's well written)... I just love Genya. I love his character design and traits and story so much.
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Please could i request a oneshot of Haganezuka meeting and falling in love with a hashira reader (Tanjiro’s older sibling) 💙💙
One More Time [Haganezuka X Reader]
Reader is Human Gender Neutral | Fluff + Romance
Recomended Song - Rather Be by Clean Bandit
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It wasn't his first sword delivery, but Hotaru had never been assigned to a slayer permanently before, having only made swords for beginners of the corps or for practice, since most upper ranks in the corps chose older, more seasoned nichirin swordsmiths.
Part of him was excited, being able to tend to an individual's abilities and forge something more unique, as opposed to the clear cut ones most starter blades were.
The other part was frustrating, because it wasn't for anyone unique, no one had specifically chosen him, just a random assignment since all the others had enough to care for. Still, he tried to feel grateful that this was a chance at becoming more reputable.
He remembered his first encounter with the Kamado, the excitement at the idea of a red blade, the disappointment that followed.
It all loomed over him now that the Kamado name had long since grown. It was hard not to recognize such a unique family; a demon, one of the fastest-growing slayers, and the sun hashira. While he wasn't one to take back his words so easily, he was reminded by the chief to bite his tongue the next time he tried mouthing off to the family.
But luck had not been on his side.
When news got back to him that Tanjiro had broken his blade for the second time, Hotaru felt a mix of anger and shame.
Anger that once again his craftsmanship had not been enough, and shame at the idea that it'd likely happen again were he not more careful.
The idea flashed across his mind that his failure twice in a row might mean he would lose Tanjiro as a client of sorts, or that he would be forced to resign from being a swordsmith, so he avoided confronting or contacting him in favour of preparing himself to make the best blade imaginable.
There he was, as the sun had barely begun to rise and the sky was a mid-blue hue, casting the village and its surroundings in a cool tone. Though he slept soundly, he woke up before anyone else got the chance so he could get a head start on his exercises, which gave him time to ponder how long he had before Tanjiro came to him instead.
"So, you must be Haganezuka."
The voice almost startled him from his perch atop a cliffside, though he barely showed it besides the clenching of his fists. The voice was entirely unfamiliar, though before he could turn to look at them their presence had moved.
"Is that a yes?" You were to his right, which he turned to finally meet the individual who had managed to find him.
While still taken back by the speed at which you had moved, he was also very surprised to see the same maroon eyes as Kamado, except it was clear that you were no Tanjiro.
"Well, I'm sure you've realised who I am, but you can just refer to me as Kamado."
Hotaru had not expected your presence in the village, had you been sent in place of your brother?
"I don't have a blade ready yet." Haganezuka had bowed his head slightly. He could run and be stubborn all he wanted, but Hashira could be far more harsh in punishment.
"Blade? I'm not- no-" You had let out a string of laughs, facing away from him and covering your mouth to suppress the giggles. He looked so worried! Even if you hadn't seen his face, the atmosphere around him had certainly dropped.
"It's his first time in the village, I couldn't miss it! Well, that and my swordsmith will be retiring, so I'm here to meet some of the newer generations and pick someone I feel is capable. I was never a fan of blind recommendations." While you spoke, Hotaru had straightened out his posture and looked back out at the village, the sun now growing the area with orange rays.
You were very relaxed, and far more talkative than any hashira he had met, so any intimidation he felt melted away, especially considering you weren't here to scold him.
"Anyways, I hope you give my little brother a hard time, sometimes I think he gets it too easy because of his kindness, and he needs to be ready to combat issues that aren't life-threatening..." Judging by your words, you hadn't seen Haganezuka chasing after your sibling with knives, which relieved him.
Still pouting from his faulty blades, he kept silent, deciding he didn't want to say much if more to prove a point for himself.
By the time he glanced to his right again, you were long gone, with nothing but the imprint of where you sat left in the grass.
The next time he saw you, you were with Kanamori, who held two nichirin blades that had seen better days.
Having been found by Tanjiro and been given the blade he was to repair, Hotaru was on his way to eat and prepare for the gruelling 72 hours worth of work he had ahead of him.
Despite the raging inspiration he felt, you had stopped him dead in his tracks, pulling all the air from him until he felt weak again. Hotaru hadn't realised how much he'd hoped to see you again, and you were still here.
"Ah, have you met my good friend, Haganezuka?" Kanamori motioned to the taller swordsmith, who you noticed now had a wide hat fit with chimes...and his upper torso was revealed, the rest of his clothes wrapped around his waist.
You nodded, smiling and waving to the surprisingly well-built swordsmith, trying to hide your rosy cheeks with a smile.
"I have, but, it's a long story." Shrugging your shoulders, Kanamori hummed pleasantly, before returning to a slow strive towards his workshop, pulling you along considering your arms were linked.
Apparently, Kanamori had experience with dual blades, so you had chosen him for his kind personality and experience since you were a dual wielder.
Before you had entirely left, you turned to look back at Haganezuka, throwing a thumbs up.
"You better make sure this one doesn't break!! I'm trusting you!"
Of course, he would have to make the best blade he could manage, for Tanjiro; if not to prove himself as a worthy swordsmith, then to impress the eldest Kamado.
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Author Note -  For some reason this took me so long to write I get procrasinating but WE GOT ER DOWN!!! Thank you for requesting <3
Word Count - 1,058
Art Credit - Kimetsu No Yaiba (2019)
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izvmimi · 1 month
cw: fluff. isekai au. selfship-coded.
There should be far more trepidation, you think, as you approach the site on the mountain where it all began, but instead of being flanked by your two close friends looking as confused and terrified as you were that fateful day, Tanjiro is holding your hand in a loose but steadfast grip as you march your way up.
It isn’t the first time you’ve come back to visit the sham jizo statue since you made your way into this world - the first time trying to see if it would do the reverse of its curse and send you back home the way you came - but it’s the first time in a couple of years that you’ve made the trip and a lot of things have changed. 
You’re older, stronger, wiser; you’ve fallen in love. In fact, you’re engaged now, and are no longer unwaveringly preoccupied with finding your way back to your world, but rather focused on making this, making him home for you. Perhaps it’s this very shift in perspective that makes the pilgrimage much more meaningful to you as you walk hand in hand.
If Tanjiro can sense your peace, he’s not saying anything about it, content instead to look around and admire the view. 
“I can see why it was a popular touring spot,” he muses. Your search for the statue pauses for a moment and your eyes divert to him - he’s smiling as usual as he takes in the landscape with both eyes and all of his heart, and your own heart flutters a bit just looking at him. It hasn’t really ever been still since the first day you fell in love, truly, and it’s embarrassing sometimes to think about it too long - that even something as simple as watching him appreciate nature can move your heart to this extent. 
No one else is out here now, despite the fact that more than a hundred years in the future, you’d have been flanked by dozens of chattering foreign guests, fighting against jet lag and wishing you’d spent more time in Japanese classes. Now instead it’s quiet and serene with nothing to distract you except Tanjiro’s quiet movements.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” you muse. He nods a yes, and a hand cups your face carefully for just a moment, as though appraising your own beauty; you find yourself leaning into his hand, and just as quickly, his hold is gone and he laughs. 
“You’re so precious,” he teases once he lets go. You pout, again flustered as his hand resumes holding yours and you keep moving. Soon approaching the clearing, you find that the fake statue again has not reappeared. Tanjiro pouts then points his nose to the sky.
“No trace of anything foul or cursed here. I guess it’s gone for good,” he adds.
You sigh. “That should be a good thing, shouldn’t it?” 
“I’m guessing it’s not for you then,” he says. His eyes are on you, careful. You fall into a sitting position quickly, and he follows suit, watching you as you stare at the bare ground.
“It’s just a reminder that I really can never go back, even if I’m not sure I really want to,” you remind him. You’ve had this conversation before and he rubs your shoulder. 
“Even if you wanted to, I’d support you,” he offers. You look at him for a moment, then press your head on his shoulder.
“I’m not going anywhere without you so it’s moot point.”
Red string wraps around your ring finger in place of a ring, safely tucked in the corner of your top drawer in your bedroom back at the Mansion. He wears a similar symbolic string, soon to be replaced by matching rings forged with a tungsten, as a gift from Kotetsu that took you both by surprise. Durable, as will your bond be for as long as the two of you live.
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Yandere! Romantic! KNY Tokito Muichiro Headcanons
(🥳 It’s a celebration~ 🥳 Final post of the Yandere Hashira seriesss~ Leaving one of the best for last!)
(Yaaay! A top favourite! Muiii 🥰! He’s aged up to adulthood for this post since I’m not comfortable with writing romantic stuff for a 14yr old! Anyway, this one is greaaat!)
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Muichiro as a romantic Yandere has the Yandere traits of; Overprotective, Possessive, Delusional, Violent, Psychotic, Hateful, Clingy/Loving and Emotionally Attached
Muichiro doesn’t really notice nor care about you being the new Hashira, gaining new support is fairly normal. A new Hashira, okay then. He does get a bit alarmed when you approach him and start stirring up a conversation despite him not answering
Though, resistance is futile as Muichiro slowly begins responding to you and your want to be friends with him. He guesses, talking to somebody so nice is a treat
You remind Muichiro of Tanjiro and that makes him all the more interested in you. You have that matching positivity, that matching view of the world and he feeds of that type of person. Muichiro feels his heart suddenly beat faster each time he sees you, the longer he gets to know you
He went from; “I don’t care about her” to “I always want to be around her” in almost no time. Even in his pre-Yandere state, Muichiro was already semi-Yandere as his obsession with being around you and learning about you in such mediocrity conversations shaped very fast. He grew unhealthily attached to you and threw mental fits if he couldn’t be by your side
Muichiro’s head was finally cleared of the mist only six years ago and is now filled with thick fog after realising his love for you. The fog zeroes in on you and blocks out everything but the most important thing to him, you.
Combining a Yandere obsession with Muichiro, he ends up becoming one of the most dangerous Yandere Hashira out there as he quickly averted back to his past self with a willingness to raise his sword but doubled. Cold, heartless, careless, aggressive. He forgot all about the important lessons of sympathy Tanjiro taught him as you drown out his rationality
Muichiro is very overprotective in both casual and battle sense. He gets fuming jealous of other people staring at you and shanks into them hard after intimidating the everliving sh*t out of them till they run away crying or terrified for their lives. You’re not gonna be able to go outside anymore without Muichiro weaselling his way into your schedule and then mercilessly berating somebody all because they needed to talk to you for whatever reason
“Unlike all of you, who have no value in the slightest, Dokusha’s value is insanely high and her time is vastly important as a Hashira and that should be obvious. Think before you act, Dokusha will not waste her beautiful breath on you feeble-minded nuisances—“
Muichiro is quite violent. Like Shinobu and Sanemi, he doesn’t mind spilling blood if needed to keep you safe and from those nuisances that plague your homeland. He’ll openly attack the people who approach you like a bloodthirsty bear and chase away them with his sword swinging. If he manages to land his hands on somebody, he’ll beat them to a inch of their life, Yandere Muichiro is merciless
Goddamn it, Muichiro is the most delusional Yandere out there(alongside dangerous). His thick clouded mind can only process what he badly wants, so nothing but your forced praise and/or your forced remarks of love for him will go through his ears. Everything else is washed away and replaced with bulls**t excuses from those tiny voices in his head. He is so delusional, he believes you’ll love him too, no matter if he had hurt your fellow Hashira, your friends or your family
Muichiro is swallowed whole by his obsession and the need to keep ownership of you. You’re his and his only, not your stupid little family’s, not your closest friend’s, not the random fleet market woman’s. NOBODY and he won’t let people brainwash you into thinking you don’t belong to him so he’ll take away that possibility altogether
Muichiro is extremely hateful towards everything and everybody except you. He glared down all the threats he must face and berates the living breathing beings around him, including his fellow Hashira. His hate is infernal and won’t ever disappear anytime soon, it fuses with his Yandere traits and amps up his danger level, he will gladly kill to vent out his anger hatred over all creatures except you
The Mist Hashira has his disastrous ways to keep you as his when he knows you are. Kidnapping, he isn’t above kidnapping and he’ll strip away your freedom until he is convinced he can trust you. He, however, is kind after kidnapping and will give you a comfortable environment so you’ll express your mutual love to him sooner
So stuck up in his ridiculous fantasies that he’ll never know that you hate him forever for what he has done. To innocents, to your sick mother, to you. How could you stand a complete lunatic like him! You don’t but you don’t have a choice in the matter
Muichiro is psychotic, if not, extremely psychotic. He doesn’t redirect his deranged mannerisms to you but to his worst enemies, the demons he fights and the people who dare to speak with you. They all will be cut down to size and he’ll smile hysterically whilst doing it. He does let his mania slip out at times though, it won’t hurt you at all
-Muichiro is very clingy and loving towards you, his beautiful spouse. He expresses his intense affections through random physical gestures, carrying you around bridal style, letting you sleep in his lap. Muichiro thrives off all of it! He does force you to let him give you affection pretty much every single time but he won’t lay his hands on you, he loves you too much
Muichiro’s Yandere means and obsession is centred around his emotional attachment to you. He is very emotionally attached and requires your presence to function, otherwise, he’ll mindlessly attack everybody around him like a true mentally-ill man. He has very bad mood drop when you aren’t around to sustain him and providing him affection powers him in a style of a candle
Muichiro does steal some of your belongings for his twisted pleasure but he returns it once he’s done as he respects your needs and he won’t push past your boundaries and hurt you. Like pretty much all the Yandere Hashira, he doesn’t realise that you’re hurt and blankly believes you’re so happy that you’re living with him now
You’ll end up spending so much time in the Mist Estate, that you’ll eventually forget what the outside looks like as Muichiro keeps you hidden away from the world out of his extreme need to have you as his soon-to-be-wife. After he took you away from the world and the Corp and brought you to a single room chained to the wall, he proposed to you and forced you to take his hand
“Aren’t the clouds so pretty, Dokusha, love? A-ah? No… I’m not gonna let you go to that place, me and this Estate is your true home. No, no, please don’t cry, I promised and still will look after you, my dear. Come on, let me cheer you up”
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ninapi · 10 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Fireflies ╝
Premise: Haganezuka gets a marriage proposal from one of the elders of the village, marrying was a must for those in the Swordsmith's village, self preservation of the clan and its techniques was absolutely mandatory. He hated the idea to his very core, to say the least.
Word count: 3544
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Amongst all the preparations of the corps to beat Muzan, came the craftsmanship of the Nichirin swords, an art that had been passed from generation to generation to this day.
Haganezuka Hotaru, had the honor, some would say, to craft every single one of Tanjiro’s swords, even if the last one wasn’t his own creation, thanks to him it was in fighting conditions.
Though, this also meant one thing, now that the sword was ready he had a lot of free time since his mountain training was over as well, the sword had been officially delivered to its owner and he had just one eye left, even if he wasn’t completely sure of how all that actually happened.
Tecchin, the village’s chief and his father figure called upon him a lovely afternoon.
He thought he was being summoned for tea and sweets, as that’s usually the only reason to call him there, but that was far from the truth this time.
He was rewarded with the promised mitarashi dango set, yet tea time was not the reason for his summoning.
“Hotaru, you are to marry next full moon.” a mochi ball got stuck in his throat making him cough loudly in order to save his own life.
“You heard me, boy. It was decided already, you will marry the great granddaughter of the previous chief. I wanted her for Gantetsu, but it appears she prefers you instead. It is your duty to take her hand in marriage, it’s final.”
“But why me? What do you mean she prefers me? Why was I an option? Does she know I don’t want any part in this? Does she even know what she’s getting herself into? Tell me where she lives! I will make her regret her decision!” he was hyperventilating at this point, smoke coming out of his mask, the elder getting ready to face one of his angry outbursts.
“I do not know why she would prefer a crazy boar like you, but it is a fact that cannot be changed. You can ask her all those questions yourself; she should be here any second now.” the man was trying to calm himself down by chewing on some more treats, he needed his head clear, otherwise he would get sucked into this situation without an exit path.
You did arrive a few minutes after his statement, proving your eagerness. The kimono you were wearing was beyond expensive, your hair up beautifully decorated with the finest hairpins, and your makeup had been clearly done by someone who knew what they were doing.
You looked like a doll, one to keep on display for all the village to look at and brag. Or at least that was the impression Hotaru got the moment you stepped into the tatami matted room, definitely not someone who should be interested in a man like him.
“(Y/N), my dear, please sit with us. Do you like mitarashi dango? I got these from the famous shop down the street, they’re Hotaru’s favorite treat.” the mentioning of his name got him restless once more, he had so many questions but also just wanted this whole thing to end so he could go back to his lone training in his room.
“I do, Tecchin-sama. You’re very kind.” stretching a hand over to grab one of the sweetened treats, you smiled in his direction. He just couldn’t believe the audacity of this woman, you weren’t just taking his time with your ridiculous expectations but were also eating his food.
“I informed Hotaru of the ceremony and its date, I will leave you two alone so you can get to know each other.” you just nodded in appreciation, bowing to the elder as he exited the room, plainly excited to finally have some alone time with your future husband.
“Woman, what is this about? I’ve never seen you in my life, why is it you wanna marry me?” the question caught you off guard, you knew you would have to address the matter at some point, you just wished it wasn’t this soon, you tried your best to look presentable and get in his good side, yet that didn’t seem to be the case.
“I- well, I have seen you around…” your voice turned softer, uncertainty could be felt from your words but also an unexplained amount of warmth came along.
“You’ve seen me around? That’s it? Have you not seen any other men ever or what’s your deal?” you could see his frustration growing by the second, you were aware of his bad temper and wanted to avoid triggering him yourself, especially on your first official meeting, though it seemed you also failed at that.
“No, no. That’s not it. I…” sitting up straighter, you left behind the sticky sweets to fully convey your thoughts and show him your resolution filled heart, it was now or never. “I saw you when you were training in the mountains. I was there myself in isolation, trying to cure the restlessness of my soul. You see, my family had been trying to get me to marry someone for a good decade now and it just never worked. But I was the problem, not them.” this piqued his interest, so he just remained quiet, listening without making any sort of commentary.
“They never interested me; I just couldn’t see myself marrying men like them. My father was so angry that he sent me to the mountains to reflect on my behavior. That’s when I saw you. Your extreme rigorous training, you were so focused you didn’t even notice I was sitting beside you one day.” racking his brain he is certain he didn’t see any woman at all while training, this was concerning to a degree.
“To me it was a wonderful sight, all that determination, that concentration, that urgency to become better, those muscles….” the last part was nearly over a whisper, yet he heard it loud and clear, the tips of his ears burning at the little piece of information gained.
“So, when Tecchin-sama and the elders came up with the proposal to marry his son, I just picked the son that managed to interest me instead of the one who was being offered. I also happened to be around to see how you were bleeding everywhere and kept on sharpening that blade for the young lad after the attack, it was so alluring and ugh, yeah…you know…” he could see your blush shinning brightly even under the layers of fancy makeup you were wearing.
He was definitely not prepared for such a confession; he was more than ready to not only turn you down but make a scene just to make sure you’d hate him. He wasn’t so sure if he wanted to go the route anymore, though.
“So, you’re physically attracted to me? Is that it? You haven’t even seen my face. What if I’m an ugly bastard?”
“Oh, but I saw it…though, even if you were…I’ve never seen someone so determined and with such a strong nature. That would be enough for me, since I’m considering traits that I want in a husband.” you were giving him a soft smile, one that made him shuffle on his seat cushion. He’s used to people yelling at him, disrespecting him, being complete dicks to him, but he was most certainly not used to this softness.
“You don’t know me, woman. I don’t get along with others, I prefer to be on my own and some say I have a bad character. Surely this isn’t what you want in a husband, rethink your decision, nobody would blame you for leaving me, I’m a lost cause anyways, nobody expects me to get married.”
“Haganezuka-sama, could you please stop insulting me? I know what I want ok? I like you, is that so hard to believe?”
You were both now standing, facing each other equally enraged by each claim, “Oh you think I’m insulting you? You haven’t gotten a sample of it yet even, prepare yourself, you have no idea what you signed up for, you…you ugly pigheaded woman!” his mask was fogging up with the steam he was blowing out of his nose, completely deranged at this point.
But you…
Oh…you were mad, alright.
How dare he call you such an awful thing after all the time you invested in dolling yourself up for him, this was outrageous.
He was screaming nonsense in your direction, a bad headache coming its way up your frontal lobe.
That’s when you saw your chance.
You’ve heard it from others in the tavern downtown, tickling this man was the only way to get him to shut up, that was his weakest point, an adorable one at that.
Tackling him to the ground, you sat on his hips, pinning him down with one hand on his chest, the other tickling his side at an insane speed.
He was so overwhelmed by the entire thing that his breathing became ragged quite fast, his strength quickly declining, giving you the chance to lift the mask off his face.
When he had your own so close to his, he could see the remaining tracks of angry tears down your beautiful face. It seems like he really hurt your feelings with his harsh words, and honestly that’s what he wanted to accomplish, but seeing your effort so up close made him feel bad for ruining everything.
Not only your clothing and hair accessories were probably bought for this encounter alone, he could see the amount of time getting in so many things must have taken, how your makeup was now ruined due to him, how even if you were tickling him and making him laugh to his death as a result, your expression was one of pain.
“I don’t have a pig face….” you were mumbling in between sniffs, your hands coming to a halt when you noticed his eye trained on your face. “You don’t….”
He sighed, getting you off of him gently, still trying to regain his breath. “Do you really want to, you know…marry me? Even when I’m like this?”
You nodded, wiping your face of any watery remains, “You’re the only man I’ve ever considered for my future. Am I…not to your liking…?” your eyes were on the floor, afraid of his response not being what you had hoped for.
“Ugh…you’re not half bad I guess, but how can I marry someone I don’t know? I get it, you’ve seen me around, you seem to know a lot about me, but I know nothing about you besides what I just gathered on your crazy stalkerish behavior.” his wording made you chuckle, the sadness filling your chest moving away on its own accord.
“Would you consider it after a few dates?” he groaned, reaching over for his discarded mask, covering his face with it once more.
“Just don’t make it awkward…you know where I live.” getting up, he headed over to his room, a weird feeling of expectation invading his confused self.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you asked him to consider your offer after going in a few dates, he honestly thought you’d be pestering him about it the very next day, yet it’s been a week since your last encounter and he hadn’t heard a word from you.
Tecchin thought his boy had ruined everything as usual, so he himself went to check on you, to try to convince you to take his actual son instead.
To his surprise, you were covered in rice flour from head to toe when he arrived at your residence, trying to master the art of pounding it into mochi.
Saying he was confused was an understatement, he thought you’d be heartbroken hiding away in a corner of the house, but you were very much busy, determination covering your face, it reminded him of Hotaru when he’s working, and so, he began to understand your line of thought when choosing a husband.
“(Y/N) dear, what on earth are you doing?”
“Oh, Tecchin-sama!! Sorry I didn’t see you there, I’ve been a bit busy. Who knew mitarashi dangos were so complicated to prepare.” so that’s what you were doing, he thought you’d been chasing chickens in the kitchen and had fallen into a sack of flour, that’s what you looked like at least.
“Why don’t you just buy them from the specialty store near my house?”
“Well, I wanted to show Haganezuka-sama I can be a good wife, so I thought of learning how to prepare his favorite dish, honestly I didn’t expect it to be this hard, but it’s been fun, I’m confident this batch will meet his expectations.” Tecchin was moved to tears, he’s never thought someone would be willing to go this far for that silly adoptive son of his, maybe you were really the one.
“I’m sure they’ll be perfect, dear. Please stop by the house to say hello when your done. Even if he denies it, I can see how restless Hotaru is, he’s most likely thinking you gave up on him.”
“I would never! I’ll go get myself ready as soon as the sauce is fully cooked!” knowing he was grumpy on your account made you smile to yourself, he’s so adorable, you wondered how nobody has noticed this as of yet, it’s so obvious to you it’s painful.
Thankfully, the treats ended up being better than you had expected, the sauce sweetened to perfection, the mochi gooey as it should be, the golden color from it indicated they had been cooked to perfection.
For your visit though this time you opted for a more relaxed fit, you wanted him to see you for who you really are and not some kind of kimono shop mannequin for sale. A pale pink yukata with scattered white lilies on the bottom, a soft braid threaded with wild flowers and only a bit of lip tint as makeup.
To any, you looked pretty ordinary, but when Haganezuka opened the door to your calling, his mask fell from his face on its own.
It was amusing how you looked even more beautiful with clearly less effort. If you looked like a doll before, you looked like some sort of goddess now, those you see painted in temples.
The natural glow of your skin, the rosy accent on your plush lips, the seemingly wild look the small flowers on your hair gave you, it was a bit too much for his brain to function properly. To this day, not even a single woman had caused this sort of reaction from this man, not even the ones from the red district, a day to remember for history books, the day Haganezuka Hotaru broke.
“Haganezuka-sama? Is something wrong?” he was just there flabbergasted while holding the door knob, looked like he was in some sort of trance-like state.
“Boy are you gonna let her go in or are you gonna keep her outside all evening? A storm is coming.” the warning seemed to snap him out of the weird feeling in his stomach, moving a side to let you in and quickly closing the door behind you, keeping his father’s prying eyes at bay.
“I apologize for taking this long, I wanted to bring a gift for you, but I didn’t know how to make it, so it took a while to master it.” your quiet fit of giggles made that awkward feeling creep back into his gut, his chest tightening, could it be possible he was going to have a heart attack just now? Man, what a pathetic way of dying…
You handed him a medium sized container, carefully wrapped in a beautiful cloth.
A gasp left his lips at the sight of way too many delightful balls of gooey goodness. “You made them yourself-?”
“I did. Hopefully they will be to your liking.”
Without wasting any time he dived in for a taste of what he assumes love tasted like. He’s eaten mitarashi dangos all his life but they’ve never been this good. He heard an old lady once saying love is what makes food taste good, guess she was right.
“Are they…good…?” he just nodded pushing a couple more into his mouth, causing you to giggle. “Take it easy, they’re all yours, nobody will take them away from you.” you leaned closer, gently removing the excess sauce from the corners of his mouth with a napkin.
Nobody’s ever been this intimate with him before, what he thought was weird though was how it almost felt natural, like this was just how things should be.
The container was soon emptier than you’ve ever seen it, he even licked the remains of sauce from it, leaving it sparkly clean.
His lazy bum was laying belly up on the tatami mat, trying his best to digest the enormous amount of sweets he just had. “You know? I made that many for them to last you an entire week. They lasted what, ten minutes?” the fond look you were giving him was making his belly hurt even more.
You noticed his discomfort and moved closer to his side, one of your hands reaching over to rub his swollen belly in adoration.
“I don’t get you, woman.”
“Would you stop calling me that? I have a name…” naming things make it hard to let them go later, that’s why he avoids calling others by their actual names.
“Then, I don’t get you, (Y/N)….” hearing your name falling from his lips felt foreign yet wonderfully, it made you smile.
“What is there to understand?”
“You’re too nice for a man like me…I don’t think I can give you what you want.”
“And what is it that I want?” the suggestive tone you were using was clouding his judgement, seems like he was a man after all.
“Well I don’t know…a husband?”
You shook your head, looking into his eyes, “I never wanted a husband, my father was the one that wanted me married with a prominent house, I on the other side, just want you.”
“So you don’t want to marry me then?” the disappointment lacing his words surprised the both of you, he didn’t know when it happened but he didn’t hate you that much anymore.
“Of course I do, silly. But I don’t want to marry you just because I want a husband. I want to marry you because I like you, because I want to spend the rest of my days with you…”
“Just because I have muscles now?” that made you laugh, opting to lay beside him on the floor, still rubbing his indigestion away.
“The muscles are just a bonus, I like your grumpy self a bit too much. Even if I have to tickle you on daily basis. But look! I’ve been here for a while now and I haven’t had to do it at all.”
“I guess you’re tolerable…”
“Does that mean you like me too? I wasn’t sure if you’d prefer me in formal dressing, or-“ he stopped your babbling by holding your face up by your chin, your eyes meeting his instantly. “I prefer you like this. You look real now, not like some sort of princess.” his honesty caught you off guard, the warmth of his hand sending tingles down your body.
“Well, I like you better like this too, without that mask and head wrap…relaxed and by my side…” you chuckled, nuzzling your face against his palm.
“Even if I have just one eye now?”
“I think it suits you, it gives you this mysterious look. I always thought guys with scars were hot, they’re like battle trophies, proof of how strong they are.” your fingers were gently caressing the severed eyelid, with such a gentle touch almost freezing the man to his spot.
“So next moon…”
“Wait, wait! I thought you wanted more dates before making a decision…” panicking, you sat up, worried you had taken too long learning the new skills needed in order to satisfy him and had lost your chances.
“Why wait? The old man is driving me crazy and those dangos gave you some extra points, I don’t think I need to think this further. If I have to marry someone, might as well take a woman this dedicated and effortlessly beautiful…” his last words were all slurred together in embarrassment, making your heart run wild within your bodily cavities.
He reached for your hand pulling you back down beside him, he already missed your belly rubs and not even five minutes had passed.
Maybe getting married wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe he should start paying attention to the outside world some more, he almost missed on this without noticing at all.
And maybe, just maybe, his heart was as happy as yours to finally find its other half.
The lonely firefly in the pond finally shone its brightest the moment he found his one and only match.
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luffyvace · 5 months
Tanjiro x male reader<3
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Tanjiro x male reader won second place in the poll!! :) enjoy tanjiro stans<3
Starting back at the final selection let’s say that’s when you met
just to clear things up
and you two started dating some time after that
of course eventually making it official
tanjiro was quite flustered when he realized his sexuality might be different from tradition
but he wasn’t afraid to be bi/gay/pan or anything
he just thought- ..! Actually he never really thought of that type of thing..
I mean he was kinda too young
but now that your together!
he has time to figure it all out :)
tanjiro is such a sweet lover!
and helpful!
and caring!
(Really he’s a ball of love)
if you feel tired he carries you
(Even if your both beat up after a mission)
if you need water he’ll spare you some of his or go fetch some
And he’s always down to spar at any type of day!
I will say he’s not thinking about you in that way when you take your shirt off
but when you do he definitely admires you!
you might have abs seeing as though the demon slayer corps has………...harsh (brutal) training 😅
if you do then he sees it as a result of your hard work!
same with scars!
especially with scars<3
he can 100% relate and you two share stories about each one
if you have any—you probably trauma bond
you guys just end up talking all night long about your past, everything that happened, your pain, whether you want revenge or not and so on!
It strengthens your trust and relationship with each other
btw if anyone asks why your together as two males or how you know you actually like men..
tanjiro will humbly and politely educate (lecture) them on how important you are to each other, how you met, why/when you started dating and even if they don’t like it, it’s simple to walk away instead of disrespecting your relationship!
I hope y’all don’t run into uzui..
(y’all do)
that man has THREE wives why wouldn’t he question when he sees you two?? 😬🧍‍♀️
tanjiro had to hit em with the quick fix cuz when I tell you he did not let that slide 😂
especially with how slick uzui mouth be gettin..😒
Tanjiro also has learned to adjust to scavenging for food (he grew crops with his mom)
as well as inosuke (he grew up in the wild) and zenitsu (he used to have crops with his sensei)
so if you can too, great!
if not the 3 of them work together to make the 4 of you meals
and after they learn how to stop burning them
theyre pretty tasty too!!
don’t expect inosuke to share.
do expect inosuke to take
-note to self, m/n.
zenitsu doesn’t see the attraction to males instead of females
he won’t judge but will ask you two if your sure your into males
and after tanjiro gives him that lecture about being respectful-
he doesn’t question it again
inosuke straight up don’t care
he doesn’t really view relationships in a romantic way
its more so between “they’re beneath me” , “they’re above me, I must beat them”
so no worries about him judging either ���
if nezuko doesn’t like you
it’s not to say tanjiro won’t date you because of it
but I’ll honestly say it plays a factor
If sweet nezuko doesn’t like you it prob means something..🤨
she has good instincts so tanjiro might start to assume you have ill intent or smth 😬
he’ll try to get her to like you and if she warms up to you he assumes it might’ve been personal 😂🤷‍♀️
but if she doesn’t..
he finds you like 30% less attractive🧍‍♀️
if she does like you from jump, she starts to protect you as well
and loves to spend time with you when she’s outside her box
tanjiro adores this and you three cuddle or play in each other’s hair whenever you have the time
It also makes him happy if you accept nezuko as a demon quickly
after missions tanjiro finds you, nezuko, zenitsu and inosuke
then cries
like your all just a crying mess tbh
i mean unless your like emotionally unavailable..
Tanjiro will help you achieve your goals as you likely help him achieve his
even more so after that night you had where you opened up to each other about your past
(again, only if you have truama)
tanjiro is really grateful for you
before all he had was nezuko
and aside from zenitsu and inosuke
now he has you!! 💗
tanjiro’s love languages are acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation and (shy) physical touch
actually maybe some gift giving when he can too!!
so all?!
such a green flag 💖
for acts of service as I said he’ll genuinely do any sane thing you ask of him
he cares about you that much
he won’t bother to complain about being tired either
he automatically assumes your either doing worse or he’s fine
as for quality time he gets really relieved when he gets sent on missions with you
at least he can be there to see and protect you
(or maybe vice versa 😂)
he’d beat himself up about not being able to protect you more if you get serious injures
tends to your wounds everyday then trains vigorously
to get stronger and protect you as you fight along side him when he fights muzan
if your gonna fight along side him in that battle? He’s gonna need to be strong enough to protect you.
he doesn’t want to loose you.
especially not to that man.
he lost everything to him.
he won’t let it happen again.
for quality time outside of missions ✌︎('ω')✌︎
tanjiro likes to train, cuddle, go on walks, go shopping, chit chat :)
All that good stuff <3
with words of affirmation he really just praises you all the time
”you did your best today in training! I could tell! :D”
“You look great today m/n!! I’m glad your wearing the (favorite men’s jewelry piece) I got you!”
”I can definitely tell your getting stronger, m/n!!!”
it can also be
“get a good nights sleep, m/n! I love you!”
”be careful on your mission okay? I love you, m/n!”
“thank goodness we surviveeeeed!!! I love you m/n!! I love you so much!!”
now lastly for (shy) physical touch
he is nervous to touch you
he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable, yes that’s the last thing he wants
he doesn’t know how to execute it so he ends up either asking or making it very obvious of what he’s trying to do
that way you can shut him down early on just in case
and you won’t feel pressured to let him if you dislike affection
which mind you he does asks if your okay with it first
so that’s likely not the case
if you did mention your distaste for physical affection, however, it’s duly noted in his mind and will keep it to a minimum
your gonna have to discuss boundaries or else he’s gonna act like you have the plague trying not to upset you 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Tanjiro doesn’t dislike pda or anything
he’s just a bit embarrassed about it
maybe if it’s more subtle like resting your head on his shoulder, then yeah that’s okay!
hugging too!!
but direct kissing or hand holding?
his face is a cherry and he’s apologizing to the passerbyers for disturbing them
even if they don’t mind
he’s self aware when it comes to not disturbing others
tanjiro can be a little flustered/shy about things but he’s certainly isn’t embarrassed about your relationship!
he’s quite proud, actually!
will happily tell/correct anyone that asks or misjudges♡♡♡
It’ll make me happy if you enjoyed this, so hopes to you did!
(apologies for the procrastination, and thank you for your patience lovelies!)
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mah-t-wordblog · 4 months
Demon Slayers HEADCANONS
~ Kamaboko Squad ~
This headcanon is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them 💛💛
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Tanjiro Kamado ☀️💦☀️💦☀️💦☀️💦☀️💦
80% ler / 20% lee
- Tanjiro often tickles people to make them happy and feel better, like that's obvious
- He loves to emphasize how beautiful someone's smile is
- Never tickle too hard because he don't have enough thought for it and feel sorry for everyone
- Love to provoke others so that they blush
- His big brother instinct makes him ruthless when he has to chase someone or arrest them
- Favorites lees: Nezuko, Kanao, Zenitsu and Inosuke obviously (I feel like he would tickle Tokito too because he deserves to smile)
- “What a beautiful smile~ I didn’t know you could do it”
- Tanjiro feels considerable ticklishness. Sensitive 80/100
- And he likes to feel ticklish skksksks
- Sometimes he asks Nezuko to tickle him a little just to make him feel better
- Several people know that he likes to be tickled and like to tickle him
- Normally during his missions
- Weakest points: sides
- Teasing that catches him: “imagine if an oni discovered that you were so ticklish? You would die”
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Nezuko Kamado 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺 🌸🌺🌸
20% ler / 80% lee
- Nezuko loves to tickle others when she thinks they are annoying her brother, or when they are sad
- Her claws hurt a little, but she learned to please her brother without hurting him
- When she was human, she loved tickling her little brothers to punish them or just to please them
- His claws have a great effect on Tanjiro as the gentle tickles are the worst for him
- Your favorite lee is just Tanjiro
- Don't tease, she kind of doesn't talk lol
- Nezuko is just a cute little baby, 80/100
- She loves when her brother tickles her and she laughs and squirms on the floor
- Another person who finds her super cute when she's tickled is Mitsuri, the hashira loves to make her laugh and see her smile
- Zenitsu also attacks her and she obviously loves it, but he's a bit exaggerated lol
- Weakest points: belly and neck
- Teasing that gets her: “you’re the cutest, Nezuko”
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Zenitsu Agatsuma ⚡️😭⚡️😭⚡️😭 ⚡️😭
50% ler / 50% lee
- Somehow good at tickling
- When I look at his face I think it's clear that he likes to come up behind people and attack them
- He's not that strong, but he uses everything he has to get on top of someone and leaves them immobilized
- Often attacks others to punish them, especially when he finds Tanjiro or Inosuke annoying
- Doesn't know how to provoke lsksksksks
- Favorite Lees: Tanjiro, Inosuke and Nezuko-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
- “I would say I got you”
- It is very sensitive, 90/100
- He doesn't love being tickled, even though he doesn't hate it
- But he just can't handle teasing, they make him blush a lot
- I like the idea of ​​imagining Zenitsu being super broken by Tanjiro and Inosuke
- It's obvious that he squeals during the tickling
- Weakest points: feet and knees and ears, right?
- Teasing that gets him: “Oh my God, Zenitsu, you look like a tomato”
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Inosuke Hashibira 🐗💥🐗💥🐗💥 🐗💥
70% ler / 30% lee
- man, it's pretty obvious that Inosuke RUNS AROUND AND JUMPS ON SOMEONE AND MAKES THEM DIE, right?
- Inosuke is ruthless, he will not leave his prey alive
- Tanjiro or Zenitsu have to jump on top of him so he can release his Lee
- He's going to scream and attack you because you said he feels ticklish, and he doesn't, right?
- He will provoke you, in fact his provocations are more insults saying that you are weak
- Favorite Lees: Gompajiro and Monitsu
- “You are my prey”
- It's also clear that Inosuke is ticklish and won't admit it
- He gets really angry when you say that to him
- he doesn't feel that ticklish, but it's enough to be broken 70/100
- He hates this so much, looking weak
- Like, when I look at his face I can see someone being cruelly tortured but resisting a lot just to prove that he’s a man
- Weak points: armpits and sides
- Teases that catch’s him: “was the wild animal that sensitive?”
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Kanao Tsuyuri 🪙🦋🪙🦋🪙🦋🪙🦋🪙🦋
30% ler / 70% lee
- Kanao doesn't usually tickle anyone
- But when she started having a relationship with Tanjiro, she developed the courage to surprise her boyfriend hehe
- Only when she started to have more courage was she able to tickle Aoi when she needed to
– She stays completely silent while tickling someone
- Only sometimes laugh with the person
- Favorite Lees: Tanjiro and Aoi
- Kanao is very sensitive 85/100
- But people never used to tickle her
- Apart from Kanae, who liked to make her laugh in times of tension
- One of the first things Tanjiro discovered was that she was very sensitive
- Running your fingers over her palms makes her shiver
- Her laugh is silent
- She blushes a lot, and hides her face when she laughs
- Tanjiro dies of love hehehehhehehe
- Let's remember that this really cute and beautiful couple exists guys
- Weak points: hands and sides
- Teasing that catches her: “where’s your laugh, Kanao?”
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Genya Shinazugawa 🔫🦷🔫🦷🔫🦷🔫🦷
60% ler / 40% lee
- Genya tickles people to punish them
- Especially when Muichiro is being annoying
- He looks angry and tough, but he feels like laughing with his lee
- Always uses the excuse that he is hungry and his victim is an oni so he can blow raspberries and use his mouth to tickle
- He loves to attack Muichiro because he thinks that he’s extremely cute
- Favorites lees: Muichiro and rarely Sanemi
- "I am hungry"
- now my friends
- Very sensitive 95/100
- Muichiro also knows his weaknesses, but Sanemi
- Genya blushes a lot when attacked
- And goes crazy when provoked
- He won't deny that he’s ticklish, he’ll just answer “maybe”
- Always runs away at the right time
- He loves, of course he doesn't admit it, raspberries
- Weak points: scars and armpits
-Teases that get him: “Now I’m the one who’s hungry~”
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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k0r3s-smu1 · 7 months
𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
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A = affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I believe he’s more into quality time than physical affection.
He often takes you out to beautiful locations to go cloud watching, or star-gazing if its night.
He holds your hand occasionally, and gives you forehead kisses <33
When he has free time, he likes to have picnics with you and nap together.
He doesn’t really communicate how much he loves you, but you can see it by the way he looks at you.
B = Best Friend (what would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) 
Being his best friend is actually quite nice.
Its a calm friendship, you two don’t talk too much but you enjoy each other's presence. 
You train together, go on missions together, nap together, muichiro trusts and cares about you a whole lot; so he prefers to be by your side as much as he can.
He does tease you as well, and enjoys when you get angry and talk back.
You must’ve approached him to become his friend, otherwise he wouldn’t have talked to you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
He loves to be close with you, so of course he would be happy to do something as intimate as cuddling. He falls asleep quite easily with his arms wrapped firmly around you, his face snuggled into your chest or neck. Or laying on your lap, a certain calmness always comes over him. He feels secure pressed up against you, and he knows you're safe. 
He doesn’t exactly seek it out, but if he’s really missing your touch, then he might initiate it.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does look forward to the day he can settle down with you and live a normal life. But until Muzan is still alive and demons still walk this earth, that won’t happen until he has to retire.
He’s decent at cleaning, and its quite relaxing for him. But he’s not too good at cooking. 
He’ll try though, and it’s very enjoyable for him when you’re there, guiding him or preparing food beside him. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
It would be a simple “Let’s break up”. If you questioned him, he would give a straightforward explanation about this decision. Then leave. Either that, or he would leave a note in your estate and stop visiting. You’d have to seek him out for further questioning. Either way, Tanjiro most likely noticed how down you were and after learning what happened, convinced muichiro to come back.
Now, Mui elaborates on his explanation in a more heartfelt way, making clear he loved and cherished you, and that this is for the best. He bids you farewell, and this second explanation definitely gave you more closure then the first.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Truthfully, he doesn’t think about it a lot. He loves you dearly but he’s also fine staying with the
“partner” or “boyfriend” title. Marriage isn’t that special to him. If he does choose to marry you though, it wouldn’t be quickly- probably a good couple of years later. (Unless you initiate it, of course) He is a bit worried about commitment, but being a capable demon slayer definitely helps.
It would really suck if he started dating a regular girl only for her to die one random night because some low level demon came crawling into her house 💀
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
He can be a little dense sometimes and say offensive things unintentionally, and he might have a hard time understanding why you’re mad because of something he said.
To him, he’s just being honest… but please don’t get too disheartened at him, he’s trying :(
You’re probably his first relationship, he’s new & might be a bit clumsy. 
But he’s otherwise pretty gentle with you in both aspects. He knows he’s strong and doesn’t want to run the risk of hurting you in any kind of way.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Yes, he does enjoy hugs! Well, specifically from you. Just like cuddling, he doesn’t really initiate it. But he’s more than happy to if you wanna. His hugs are light and warm, and being so close you can catch his scent- almost non existent, but it's there- Like clean laundry and mint.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not very fast. A few months into dating, maybe on a summer night, watching the stars.
I can see it being kind of random- It’s silent, and he’s just looking at you lovingly. And the words came, seemingly out of nowhere, so soft and sincere. Definitely caught you off guard. He’s always being honest, and it just felt right to him to say it at that moment. From there, he doesn’t say it a lot, but you know he loves you, and he knows you know.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He probably doesn’t even understand what he’s feeling when it first comes up.
All he knows is that he doesn’t like what’s happening. The presence of the other man is irritating, 
And he’ll just drag you away from him; it’s not like that guy’s worth your time anyway.
I don’t think it’s exactly easy to make him jealous, but it’s not hard either… I'd say it's in the middle.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Gentle and loving, his kisses make you feel all warm inside. It’s short but meaningful.
He likes to be kissed on the cheek, and he likes to kiss your forehead. 
But on romantic occasions, your lips are the best place for him.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children, how do they feel about having kids, etc)
I mean, we saw how he treated Kotetsu- I don’t think he’s particularly nicer around them.
Maybe gentler, but otherwise the same. Nor do I think he really cares about having them.
They’re a bit annoying, and a responsibility I don’t think he’d be the best at.
He’d rather grow old giving his undivided love and attention to you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Aaaah, it's so sweet! He’s all dozy and cute, and this is the time he gets most cuddly.
He has work to be done, but it’s so tempting to just stay snuggled in bed with you. 
He stays sleepy for a while even after getting up, and kind of clingy.
He might rest his head on your shoulder while you cook, still drowsy.
He’s extra forgetful during this time.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Basically the same as the mornings! He’s softer, more cuddly and affectionate.
Definitely looks forward to sleeping with you, or having a relaxing drink of tea with you to 
settle down before going to bed.
Prefers to spoon you then the other way around, though he also likes laying on your chest
And listening to your heartbeat. (he thinks your boobs are comfy.)
He falls asleep relatively quickly, but awakens easily if you move. Not that you can…he won't let you go.
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Part 2
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I loved what you did! Can I request a Part 2 of the Female Tanjiro Reader? (Reader and God plan to get married soon, but God likes to already call himself Reader’s ‘Husband’) Reader’s God Opponent has 2 younger brothers who are the God of Dreams and Nightmares and the God of Revenge and their father is a God of Destruction, Battle and War (I rewatched Infinity Train, and I’m feeling a LOT of things 😭) Only Zerofuku is platonic and he’s basically adopted by Reader and Nezuko (Wholesome Trio)
Anyways, the God of Dreams, out of anger his older brother was killed, demanded Reader to fight him (She refuses because she understands that he’s grieving) however he uses his power over Dreams and puts Reader under his spell and kidnaps her while she’s unconscious along with Nezuko (Goll saw this and ran over to Husband to tell him that God kidnapped Reader and Nezuko)
Anyways, this God taunts (Husband) that killed his brother by asking him if he should he make her dream about the slaughter of her entire family or should he bring her father ‘back to life’ all while laughing sadistically since if they try anything to him, Reader will never wake up (However, thanks to Nezuko’s Blood Demon Art, Reader wakes up on her own) with the God forcing Reader to fall asleep… only for her to wake up over and over again the second the God puts her under his spell, which he loudly proclaims the insanity of her indomitable will to commit suicide over and over again as not even a god would do that, so she must not be a human but a monster
Reader, enraged at this God, screams in pure rage for God to stop putting words in her family’s mouths, as they would never ever say things like that as she finally had enough and decapitates him and goes over to her husband… only for her to push him out of the way to take the stab to her side from the other God, the God of Revenge
(Husband) is very worried for Reader, however Reader begs (Husband) to spare God and save him, which honestly angers him and asks Reader why should he spare God, when he was clearly not going to spare her, and he deserves to die and that they ripped off his leg (Only for Reader to say that God then suffered enough, as he’s grieving and that as long as she doesn’t die, he won’t have her blood staining his hands)
However, the God of Dreams, furious that he lost to a human, is starting to disintegrate, loudly wishes that he could’ve killed her if he had the strength right now as he’s reaching towards her to try and strangle her and calls her a “worthless, ugly woman” and finally dies
Only for their Father to come in and try to kill Reader, which (Husband) crushes their arm that was aiming for Reader and darkly demands why they went for his wife, who is severely injured, tired and needs medical attention, only for him to state he despises the weak, especially humans, and that they should all die, especially Reader, since she’s a human, thus she’s a ‘weakling’ (This very much pisses off Husband, as he wants to murder this God)
(Husband) fights, but isn’t paying much attention as he’s more concerned over Reader, his precious wife, thus he gets injured and God starts running away since they notice other’s are coming over
However, neither expected Reader to run over and throws her sword directly through God’s Stomach, demanding for him to come back and face her ‘Coward’ and Reader finally snaps screaming at his running form calling him a ‘Coward’ and that she’s a Human, but she still fought her opponent, even though he had the clear advantage, but he’s also a coward for leaving his only living son behind to save his own skin, and that (Husband) won, because he save and protect her and Nezuko (Husband is very touched and amazed by his wife’s words)
Sorry if this is a lot, I’m just feeling a LOT of things after watching Infinity Train (I thought it wouldn’t hit me so hard, was very wrong 😭😭😭)
-You hadn’t known this amount of happiness in your life since before your family was killed, you were so happy with (Love), who you were now living with and engaged too (except Zerofuku who became your younger brother).
-Nezuko adored (Love) and you did too, completely happy to be by his side.
-It had been months after Ragnarok and Valhalla was thriving with life, gods and humanity now working together, as intended when humanity first was created.
-Goll had seen a man approach you and Nezuko, and she knew this god was one of the God of Dreams, introducing himself as the younger brother of the god you were forced to kill in your match, demanding you to fight him, so he could avenge his brother.
-He was stunned when you refused, bowing your head deeply to him, “I apologize, but you are angry because you are grieving. I did not want to kill him, but he gave me no choice and the tournament was a fight to the death.”
-His hand shot out, grabbing you over your eyes and you instantly slumped into his arms, fast asleep before he picked you and Nezuko’s box up and took off with your body.
-Goll was quick to run to (God), screaming that you had been taken and instantly he had ran out the door, following Goll’s instructions on where you had been snatched from.
-He was able to find you easily as this god who took you was sloppy, leaving a trail, leading to a massive grassy field.
-He had a wicked smirk on his face, looking down at your sleeping body, Nezuko hugging you, shielding your body with her own as he looked at your partner, “She killed my brother~ I wonder if she would like sweet dreams of watching her family be slaughtered~ or maybe her father returning to life~ what do you think (Love)?”
-You instantly stirred, Nezuko’s nails biting into your skin, her Demon Blood Art giving you the strength to overwhelm his own powers as you started to thrash, seeing your family being killed over and over in front of you.
-(Lover) tried to attack the god who immediately put you back to sleep, “Touch me and I’ll make sure she never wakes up!”
-You kept forcing yourself awake and he kept forcing you asleep, quickly growing enraged, “You monster!! Is your will that strong that you’re willing to die?!”
-With a war cry you were able to snap wide awake and managed to lunge, grabbing his head and headbutted him hard, cracking his skull, “SHUT UP!!” his head fell back from the blow, his neck instantly snapping.
-He fell to the ground, dead, while you were panting hard, Nezuko clinging tightly to you before you set her down, turning to see (Love) rushing towards you.
-Your eyes widened, seeing him there before you instantly froze, running towards him and you were quick to leap in front of him, taking a sword right through your midsection, taking the blow for your lover.
-(Love) turned in horror as you fell, seeing a God of Revenge, the brother of the god of dreams and the god you killed in your match, had been the one to attack you, furious that you killed both of his brothers and nearby was another god, their father, a god of destruction and war.
-(Love) instantly attacked him, pulling him off of you and went into a frenzy, violently attacking this god, ripping one of his legs off as well as one of his arms.
-He only froze when he heard you calling out to him, begging him to stop, not wanting him to kill another for you, you didn’t want his blood staining your hands.
-He dropped the broken but alive body of Revenge, not happy to let him live as he was going to kill you, but for you, he would do anything.
-Destruction then ran forward, aiming his hand to strike you down in a single blow but (Love) was quick to catch it, snapping his arm in half in fury as you coughed up blood, “Why would you go after my wife (big sister) when she’s injured?!”
-Revenge just snickered, “Humans are weaklings! They shouldn’t be allowed to live! They should have never won Ragnarok!!”
-(Love) instantly charged, the two locking up in battle, your love taking a few hard blows, as he was focused more on you than the fight, worried about you while Nezuko was hunched over you, crying that you were hurt.
-You heard voices and you saw other gods and humans, warriors from Ragnarok, rushing towards you, after Goll had sounded the alarm.
-You looked up at (Love) and Destruction who leapt back, seeing others were coming and he was quick to turn tail to run, leaving Revenge, who was calling out for him, begging him to not leave him behind.
-Like a surge of energy flew through you, adrenaline, you had shot to your feet and rushed at Destruction with your sword, “Don’t run you COWARD!!” and with your final word, you ran him through his midsection, shocking him but he was more enraged at you calling him a coward.
-He fell back as he tried to turn on you as you glared harshly down at him, “You call yourself a father?! Your child is hurt and crying out for you, why didn’t you help him?! That’s why (Love) is better than you! He’s at least doing his best to protect Nezuko and me!!”
-He glared hard up at you, “You dare speak to me like this?! You’re just a filthy, ugly, weak human!!”
-He started, meeting your eyes, seeing you look down at him with pity as (Love) came over, sweeping you into his arms, hugging you close as the other warriors made it to you and the injured gods.
-Hercules- Scolded you for being so reckless when you went after Destruction, while peeling you an apple to feed to you while you were, once again, in the infirmary, Nezuko fast asleep on you lap. You said nothing as you knew he had been worried about you but was angry that you had taken the hit meant for him, his body would have been able to withstand the blow, scolding you that you got injured for nothing. Once he was done venting, he fed you the apples, making you smile softly at the sweetness of them before he pecked your forehead gently, telling you to not make him worry anymore.
-Jack- Had been quiet, more so than normal, his silent tell that he was upset as he sat beside you in the infirmary bed, Nezuko lounging across your lap as his arm was around your shoulders, keeping your head on his chest. You were fretting, worried he was mad at you before he finally spoke, “Don’t ever do anything foolish like that again, Y/N. I can’t bear even the thought of losing you.” You smiled softly, tilting your head up and pecking his cheek, “I’ll try my best.” Your promise made him smile softly before he pressed a kiss to your temple.
-Thor- Guarded you fiercely while you were in the infirmary, as he knew those other two gods, who attacked you, were being treated here as well, but once they were better they would be immediately locked up to face punishments for their crimes. You were holding Thor’s hand, feeling it tensing under your grip as he finally looked at you, giving you a soft smile, seeing that you were going to be just fine.
-Loki- Pouty baby, making you feel guilty for worrying him as he scolded you, but you knew that’s how he showed he cared as he yelled at you for taking the blow meant for him. He couldn’t’ fight your big watery eyes, “I didn’t want you to get hurt, Loki.” He turned, hiding his blush as he knew he lost against you, but he was quick to crawl into your arms, hugging you tightly, feeling that you were still there, still alive.
-Hades- Pampered you while scolding you at the same time. Fluffed your pillow before calling you an idiot for taking that sneak attack blow meant for him, fed you grapes while telling you that he could have dealt with Destruction running but you did it yourself and put more strain on your body. You just let him vent and yell, as in hindsight you knew you had been a bit reckless, again, before you opened your arms, wanting a hug and you held him close, running your nails across his scalp, making him melt into you and relax.
-Poseidon- Had tried going after Revenge and Destruction more than once, for hurting you and making you cry, despite them being in the infirmary as well. When he returned after another failed attempt, a steaming lump on his head from Zeus, he immediately crawled onto the bed with Nezuko and you, pulling you into his body, pouting. You patted his head gently, doting on him as his grip tightened, remembering your words, you praise that he was a better man because he had defended you, it made him happy.
-Buddha- Hugged you while laying on the bed with you, squeezing you gently, happy that you were alive and well. He looked up at you, popping his chin up on his hand, “You do realize that I could have dodged that blow that you took for me right?” you blushed cutely, but smiled softly, “I didn’t want you to get hurt, my love. I wasn’t thinking clearly.” He hugged you, a smile on his face, hearing your words that made his own face flush red.
-Zerofuku- Cried alongside Nezuko, one on either side of you, hugging you around your neck, upset that you had gotten hurt protecting your little brother. You doted on both of them, instead of resting like you should have been, wanting to take care of them both as it was your fault that they were crying. Once Nezuko fell asleep, you turned your attention to Zerofuku who sniffled softly, trying to calm down, “Did you really mean that I was better than him?” you smiled, opening your arms to embrace him and he hugged you instantly as you pecked his forehead, “Of course you’re the best! You were so brave trying to protect us.” He beamed warmly at the praise.
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kirbyystar · 9 months
fluff Inosuke - headcanon
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character: Inosuke Hashibira
a/n: my kyojuro blog did so well (thank you for those who reblogged and liked <3) I decide to keep this going! I will be doing Inosuke in this blog, either Giyu or Tanjiro.
NOTE: my work will always purely be fluff. I will not write 18+ work as of now.
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where do i start..
for one, he clearly has his own way of love. its clearly different and not what you might experienced with anyone else. but, his love is definitely one of a kind. Of course it took a while to grasp the idea you guys were together- his feelings were always there, he just didn't know how to cope with it. He likes to come back from missions with flowers for you <3 most of the time the flowers are crushed from being in his pocket. but its the thought that counts! he genuinely cares for you. in fact, your name is the only name he can verbally pronounce right! it took a while but he made it his goal to remember it! you understand he might be a bit.. naïve or silly most of the time but you're always there to help him understand, almost as if your guide. part of why hes so fond and attracted to you. you're so intelligent, he loves it.
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his favorite thing about you is your personality
he loves how smart, bright, cheerful you are. especially when your his #1 cheerleader lol
inosuke loves your scent, you constantly remind him if he wants to cuddle or physical contact.. he gotta shower😭 hes always out of missions and now he comes back ready to shower to soon jump on you
many many things improved of him since being with you, in a good way ofc!
he loves to physically fight with you
most of the time, he wins. but when YOU win, he immediately demands a rematch
inosuke has his way of complimenting you
he doesn't usually use nicknames bc he somewhat manages to pronounce it wrong
"my paby" 😭 took you both at least 4 times to say "baby"
he loves LOVESS when you give him nicknames, especially if you praise him
praising him makes him feel like the king of the world
not really a kisser or a hugger, moments like these are rare
although he immediately folds and is basically at your feet when your in his presence. he just cant control himself
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so, its clear to say, inosuke is in love with you. he won't ever admit being in love unless he truly felt. he's the type to be very honest and wouldn't want you to get hurt. he does his best with you because he wants you to be happy. he never wants you to leave him. separation is prolly the scariest thing for him. although its almost as if he has commitment issues, ONLY BECAUSE he worries a lot if he isn't good enough. (which ofc hes more than enough, hes everything) but inosuke is very open about the thought. just for reassurance from him. part of the reason why hes so scared to leave you is because how you guys met lol
both of you had a separate mission however, you just happen to cross path with inosuke. this made him headbutt you because silly inosuke thought you were trying to interfere with his mission </3 it was quite a moment though, he kept declaring he'll kill the demon before you can and you just stood there like... what LMAO its ok tho cuz after a lot of communication mainly from you, inosuke finally understand you, and it was almost as if it was fate, you guys kept crossing each others path, soon enough, you guys were doing missions together. it didnt bother either of you considering how many times you guys often seen each other.
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hes not afraid to stand by you in public, holding hands only makes him more flustered ofc
but hes def the "man of the relationship"
wont let you hold any of your things when shopping
keeps notes you write for him so he can always read them <3
(you help him so much and hes truly thankful)
bluntly compliments you-
"y/n, you're so beautiful today."
he always got that smirk on his face when he knows he got you flustered lol
always backfires tho every time you say a comeback (as u should)
you guys be having the most random convos
Honestly, in the end, hes truly all you got and will do anything to protect you. Your happiness makes him happy, and thats all he needs.
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divider: cafekitsune
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shinobuscanonwife · 2 years
Sanemi's Number #1 Enthusiast Anon here!
So uh a few days ago I was reading wattpad head canons for the kny characters and this headcanon caught my eye, it was like " The characters saying I hate you before you die " something like that, it's basically like the character and reader were having an argument and when they wanted to apologize or talk it out after the reader comes back from some kind of mission they didn't survive and the characters regretted everything they said before
I hope you get what I'm talking about this kind of made no sense to me when I read it again🥲
Maybe if you could can you make this with the Hashiras and the Kamaboko squad + Genya? If you want then you could add the demons? I know this is a lot of characters, if you can't do all of them then it's fine! Have a great day/night! <3
the way I knew exactly what fanfic you were talking about anyways.
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It wasn't out of the ordinary to have arguments with Genya. You and him always talked it out after though. Except for this time. You and him had been arguing for 30 minutes eventually you got tired of arguing with him and you just stopped responding to him. You both hadn't talked since the argument and guilt started eating away at Genya. He heard that you went on a mission so he went to headquarters to wait for you to come back so he could apologize you never came though. Someone did come back though. The Kakushi busted through the gate one of the was carrying someone. It was you. Genya's heart sank. The Kakushi brought you to the hospital ward Genya ran after them only to hear Shinobu tell the Kakushi "It's no use. They're dead." Genya couldn't believe it. You? dead? no that couldn't be. Shinobu noticed Genya standing there in shock. "Oh, Genya I'm assuming you heard that. I'm sorry.." Genya didn't respond to her. He just walked out of the hospital cursing himself. He had said some awful things to you during that argument even if he didn't mean any of it he still said it. He was different after that day. He was a lot more aggressive towards anyone who approached him and started training a lot more just so he can avoid something like that happening again.
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You and Tanjiro didn't argue a lot. And when you did you both made up pretty quickly afterward. Your arguments are always about the same thing. Tanjiro overworking himself. And one day you both had a huge argument about how he pushes himself too much. He said a lot of things he didn't mean and you knew he didn't mean them but it still hurt. You decided to go on a mission to clear your mind from what had just happened with Tanjiro. You were gone for 3 days. Tanjiro was worried sick about you. He assumed at first you were just angry at him so you were just trying to avoid him. But that was the first couple hours you were gone. Were you really that mad at him? That you would just disappear for 3 days. No, you couldn't be this wasn't like you at all. He sent letters to your friends and family to try and find some clue about where you were he even went out looking for you but nothing. On the 4th day of you being gone, you were found by some demon slayers passing by. You had a severe head wound that nobody could have survived. When Tanjiro found out about this he immediately blamed himself. You died in the middle of the woods alone. He thought of how scared you must have been. He had to continue on with his journey but he swears that he will find the demon who killed you and behead it. He knew that part of this was his fault. If you two didn't have that argument you wouldn't have gone on that mission. He visits where you are buried a lot and apologizes to you every time he visits.
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Zenitsu loves you too much to fight with you but sometimes you both just get frustrated and you do have arguments. Most of the time there pretty stupid and you both get over them quickly and apologize to each other. Zenitsu didn't even remember what the argument was about. He only remembered what he had said to you. He said some awful things and of course, he didn't mean any of them. He just got frustrated. He tried to go and find you after the argument. He asked Tanjiro where you went and Tanjiro said you went on a mission. He just shrugged it off and decided to wait till you got back. He tried staying up late that night to wait for you but he ended up drifting off. When he woke up in the morning he saw Inosuke and Tanjiro talking with a worried expressions on their faces. "Hey, guys what's wrong?" Zenitsu asked. Tanjiro looked at Zenitsu and said "Zenitsu I'm sorry but the mission y/n went on last night.. turned out it was an upper rank and they didn't make it. I'm sorry" His heart sank hearing those words. You weren't dead. You couldn't be. He just nodded and walked away. He didn't know what to do. All he could do was cry. He didn't even feel sorry for himself. This was his fault. He was so upset and angry at himself he grew very distant from everyone else from that day on.
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You and him argued sometimes but they weren't really arguments it was just Inosuke being stupid. But this one was serious. You had never actually argued with him so you just went on a mission to blow off some steam. Inosuke always went on missions with you so when he heard you went on a mission without him he thought you were challenging him so he immediately went to find you and he did find you. Well kind of. He found what was left of you. It looked like a demon started to eat and just stopped in the middle of eating for some reason. He wasn't focused on what you looked like right now though he was focused on whether you were alive. It didn't look like the demon had eaten anything vital but you were bleeding a lot. He picked you up and ran as fast as he could back to headquarters. It was no use though. By the time he got back, you had bled out. He left your body in the hospital ward. He wasn't himself after that. He was quiet and reserved and only focused on slaying demons.
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You and Mitsuri never argue. She loves you too much to get mad at you. But sometimes she just got too comfortable with people and you got really upset at her for being so clingy to the other hashira. She insisted that she only loved you but you were still upset Mitsuri didn't argue with you and just hugged you and gave you some space. She understood why you were upset but she didn't do it on purpose at all. The last thing she wants is to upset you. When she came back to your shared home she expected you to be asleep or something but you were gone. She went back to headquarters and asked if they knew where you were. "Oh, they went on a mission I'll stay here and wait for them don't worry, go home and get some rest" Shinobu told Mitsuri. Mitsuri didn't want to leave headquarters and wanted to wait for you but Shinobu was able to convince her that it was alright. However, around 3am Mitsuri's was woken up by the sound of Shinobu's crow tapping on the window the crow told her to go to headquarters and that it was an emergency. She immediately thought something happened to you. And she was right. When she got there You were laying on a hospital bed covered in wounds. Shinobu not noticing Mitsuri standing there sighed and muttered just loud enough for Mitsuri to hear it. "Mitsuri's not going to take this well.." Mitsuri walked into the room you were in. "What happened..?" She asked. Shinobu frowned and explained that you had terrible injuries from the mission you went on and you used your last bit of energy getting back to headquarters. Mitsuri immediately started to tear up. She nodded at Shinobu and walked out. As she was walking out of the hospital ward her teary eyes turned into sobs. This was her fault if she hadn't had upset you. You would still be here you would have never gone on that mission. She was a completely different person after your death. She was quiet and barely talked to anyone.
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Shinobu was starting to get worried about you. It had been 3 hours since you left for a mission after that argument you and her had. She went to go ask the other Hashira if they knew where you were. Just as she started asking a couple of demon slayers who Shinobu recognized as your friends and the people you went on the mission with. "Where's y/n!?" She asked. "Y/n's dead!! That demon turned out to be a lower rank and it was really fast y/n didn't even see their attack coming!!" one of the slayers said. The other slayer you went with was crying. Shinobu didn't even remember what the other demon slayers you went with looked like. She just bowed her head and left. She had lost another person she loved to a demon. But this time it was partially her fault you went on the mission to blow off some steam after that argument. She went to her office sat down and just cried for the next hour.
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Giyuu doesn't like arguing with people. Especially you. But sometimes he gets frustrated and that normally leads to a fight. One time after a big argument you had you decided to go on a mission. Before you left you said bye to him and he didn't even respond. After you left he started to feel a bit guilty for ignoring you when you said bye. Even if he was still upset about the fight he should have given you a hug or something. He just would hug you when you got back. It was already pretty late so he went to bed he just expected you to be lying next to him in the morning and that's when he would apologize and hug you. But when he woke up you were nowhere to be found. He went to headquarters to see if anyone knew where you were. When opened the gate he found all the other Hashira there. Except you, all the other Hashira looked worried Mitsuri even looked like she had been crying. He heard Tengen say your name but he couldn't hear what he said about you. Shinobu noticed Giyuu and walked up to him. "Giyuu.. I'm sorry I have to tell you this but y/n...they were seriously injured when they got back from their mission and I did everything I could but they died earlier this morning.." Shinobu said frowning. Giyuu immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He should have gone with you this was his fault. While you were being killed he was sound asleep. What kind of boyfriend was he? He never even got to hug you again like he was going to. He just said "oh" and left the headquarters. He started to tear up as he walked out of headquarters. You were gone and it was his fault.
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You and Rengoku didn't argue a lot. But when you did you both made up pretty quickly. But this one was different. You and him had argued for an hour. Arguing with you made his heart ache he didn't like being upset with you so about 20 minutes after you had stormed off he went to go apologize to you but he couldn't find you anywhere. He went to ask the other Hashira where you had gone and Tengen told him "Oh they went on a mission. They seemed pretty upset what did you say to them??" Rengoku just frowned at Tengen's response. He had said a lot of things he didn't mean which is why it was even more important for him to find you even if you were on a mission. Rengoku thanked Tengen and went to go find you. Just as he left to go find you your crow found him first. Your crow was too panicked to say anything the crow just pulled on Rengoku's Haori motioning to follow them. Rengoku followed the crow with how panicked your crow seemed he could only assume you were hurt. The crow led him to you. Your sword was broken and you had been slashed in the stomach. You had no pulse and your body was cold. You were dead. He held your dead body in his arms as he apologized to you. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you"
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You and Muichiro were childhood friends. You both almost never disagreed on anything but one time you both disagreed on how to handle slaying a demon and that ended up becoming an even bigger argument. You hadn't talked to him the rest of the day even if you were upset you still had to go on a mission that night. Muichiro had remembered everything he said to you he felt really guilty about saying those things. However, you never returned from that mission. Nobody ever found your body so everyone just assumed you were dead. He was really upset for a while but eventually, he forgot who you even were. Whenever someone would bring up how they missed you he would just ask. "Y/n.. whose that?" The name sounded familiar but he didn't know why.
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Arguing with Sanemi wasn't uncommon. One night after a very long argument with him you left to go on a mission without saying anything. You were gone for a couple of days. He was really worried. He started to get worried the first couple of hours you were gone. He was on edge those days you were gone. The littlest things would piss him off. It wasn't until the 3rd day you were gone that he had heard anything about where you were. He heard you had been kidnapped by a demon and your body was found in the woods you were dead. His jaw dropped when he heard this. It couldn't be true, could it? You weren't really dead. You couldn't be. You just couldn't be!! He was so pissed at himself. He should have gone with you even if he was angry. Ever since that day he was a lot more aggressive and barely spent time with any of the other Hashira.
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Your crow frantically returned to Tengen and his wives. Your crow told them that you had died during the mission you went on. Suma started crying immediately Hina gasped and started to tear up. Makio was angry that she wasn't able to protect you. And Tengen was angry and upset at the same time. You and Tengen had gotten into an argument before you left and Tengen just didn't want to accept that you were gone and the last things he had said to you were the things he said to you during that argument. He hugged his wives and let them cry. With his wives crying and you dying he started to tear up as well. All 4 of them just sat there and cried for the next couple of hours.
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Obanai hated arguing with you. You were the only person he loved and he hated arguing with you. But one night you both disagreed on something important and the disagreement turned into arguing. It didn't last long but Obanai still said some awful things. Of course, he didn't mean any of the things he had said but he still said them and he still felt guilty about it. He couldn't apologize now because you had gone on a mission but he went out and bought you some flowers for when you got back. He didn't get much sleep that night he was too worried about you. He heard a tapping sound on the window around 3am he opened the window and it was your crow. "Y/n is dead!!!" The crow yelled. Obanai felt like the whole world had stopped. He refused to believe you were dead. He closed the window leaving your crow outside and he sat down on you and Obanai's shard bed. He looked at the flowers he had bought for you he got up grabbed the flowers and threw them away.
Thank you for your request!! have a nice day/night
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yurmomsawh0r · 2 years
Mᴜᴛᴇ ᴘᴛ. 3 - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪɴᴀʟᴇ// 18+ MDNI!!!!
Warnings: Physical Abuse, violence, murder, P in V intercourse, Oral (m. Receiving), unprotected sex, squirting, cervix kissing, afab! Mute reader! [Reader suffers from ptsd] Mental abuse. Infidelity, exhibition if you squint.
Geto, Gojo, Nanami, Megumi, Daisuke, Iwaizumi, Uzui, Tanjiro, Levi, Muzan, Itachi, Kaneki, Seshomaru, Ban, Hak
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
There you stood in the silk gown that gracefully fell down your body. Diamond earrings dangling from their hooks and a matching necklace to go along. You could feel the stares and whispers about the how you looked or simply about how Lord h/l/n has chosen a lovely wife for him to parade around.
They were jealous or maybe envious. Either way it didn't matter to your husband. It didn't matter to him because you were his. Nobody else's.
He would show you off for the world to see, but tonight was a special night. He was gonna show a certain someone exactly what he was missing!
You watched the way your husband conversed with his associates and colleagues. He still held his everyday stoic expression, but conversed amongst them.
Sipping your glass if champagne, you walked around the room admiring the decor the servants displayed throughout the ball room. The insignia of your husband's organization was painted in huge bold lettering on the floor.
Three perfectly lined crystal chandeliers hung, lighting up the room. An assortment of food and sweets was lined on the back wall, as well as a bar placed adjacently agaisnt the corner.
Your skin prickled. Someone was watching you - and you could feel all their exasperation, which you couldn't think of why? You hadn't done anything to anyone. Let alone spoken to them.
Only a select few were graced by your soft and seductive voice - or so, your husband liked to say. You took another sip of your drink trying to take the nerves away.
"Well look at you. All prim and proper, dressing the part." An all to familiar voice spoke from behind you. This voice was definitely something you didn't want to hear ever again.
Fear and dread filled you. Reliving the most traumatic experience you've ever had. As you faced him, you got a good look at what was once the love of your life, but now, you realized how wrong you were. His eyes was sullen and held bags under them. He was alot thinner too and his skin was a sickly pale. He was dying.
You once cared for him sure, but it wasn't love. It never got to blossom into that. Instead it turned into fear. You'd never give him the time of day ever again.
Clearing your throat, you did a quick look around. Your husband was no where in sight, leaving you in an even more distressed state.
He'd never left you alone before and him choosing to not be present anywhere in the room made you mad, and scared. "Your little sugar daddy is occupied." Dan spoke out, noticing your distress.
"You know it's all a lie right you'll never be good enough for him. For anyone. He doesn't fucking love you. Your a pet to be displayed on his arm. That's what everyone is saying anyway-"
"Even though you broke my fuckin heart, I would still take you back y/n, you should just, come back to me." In all reality, Dan knew the truth. He let his jealousy and rage take over. Resulting in him losing the best thing his had. You
You tried finding your voice but you felt it quickly fading. All the work that your husband had put in just to even get you to speak, and you were allowing this man to make you go backwards.
He went to speak again, but one of the servants called for your attention. "Lord h/l/n is requesting your audience ma'am."
Flittering away from the past as quickly as you could, you marched towards his office.
When you arrived, you seen your husband having a glass of whisky with his subordinates, but upon your arrival, they all said their goodbyes, and headed back to the party
"Enjoying yourself dear?" He asked. You gave a stiff nod hoping that he wouldn't notice your distress, but that was impossible. This man knew you better than anyone - better than yourself.
"What's wrong?" Again, you just shook your head. The words failing to leave your lips. By now you were sure he noticed something was wrong with you. He took slow calculated steps towards you until he stopped right in front of you. His hands gripped your waist, pulling you flush against him.
His eyes narrow into slits as he examined you, trying to find anything abnormal. "Why won't you speak?" He racks his brain for a probable cause of what could make you so meek.
Just earlier you were fine, and the only time he'd ever seen you like this was when you first started to speak but was still to scared to voice your concerns and opinions.
The other was when . . . "Was is Dan?" He asked you suddenly. "Tch - of course it was. What did he say to you?"
"N-nothing, he-he just - is it true what they say?"
"What are you talking about?"
The tears you had been holding in began to fall from you freely. "Am I just your pet that you parade around. Like your charity case?"
You know you shouldn't have let Dan's words get to you, but your insecurities were stronger than your will. Its not like you haven't questioned whether or not your husband loved you. Truly loved you.
"Have I ever made you feel like a charity case y/n? - have I ever rushed or forced you to be presented in a way you never liked?" Irritation now laced his voice. You shouldn't feel like this. He shouldn't be the reason you were. You trembled a little, but still said no.
"Exactly. So just because Dan decided to show up does that mean everything I've done for you mean it's a lie?"
Again you responded no. He caressed your face, sliding down his hand down until it gripped your neck.
"Must I show you every time?" He pulled you in for a deep penetrating kiss - one that led to many other things in his office once again.
"Come in" The door clicked open and footsteps thumped the floorboards under their souls.
"What are you doing here?" H/N asked whomever he was speaking to. He was looking over a few papers before he decided he wanted to head back over to the party. "Nice party your having, but it's sad to see the host is not present."
Dan's voice rang out through the room. He was looking around the place. Trying to find anything valuable that he could take. "When business is booming, sometimes you have to-"
He pauses for a moment. Clearing his throat and adjusting himself before continuing. "- To work when it isn't convenient."
Dan analyzed his former partner. A bead trickling down his forehead and a light tint to his cheeks and his fist kept clenching and unclenching.
"What's up with you?" Dan asked him. He had never seen this man so flustered. The only other expression he seemed to hold was neutral and anger.
"Nothing, what do you want." He proceeded to say. What's wrong is the repetitive stroking of your tongue on his cock (ee I hate this word) what's wrong was the fact he had to hold back just mere seconds from fucking your face and having the best climax in the world.
He was trying to keep his cool but once you started to stroke him with sucking on his balls he couldn't help but sweat. His nails digging in his palms.
"Oh nothing. Came to see an old friend."
You could tell your husband was getting fed up and honestly so were you. "I don't have time for games, get on with your constantly procrastination." He was close - you could tell by the way his balls tightened in your hand.
You go to stroke him again but hesitated with his next choice of words. "How is she? Tired of her yet?" You could hear the smugness in his voice. You could even imagine his stupid little smirk.
You were tired of it - you were tired of him and his constantly bullying bullshit! You've had enough.
A snap of fingers and more footsteps fall into the room. Your husband is stunned to see you rising from your spot beneath his desk. You don't know where you got this courage from, but it felt good. Dan and the guards all had shocked expressions on their faces.
It was you who had snapped for them to come in.
"Take him downstairs so I can finish what we started, and then you can ask him if he's tired of me yet."
Dan's face looked completely taken over. He hadn't heard your voice in years and to hear it now did something to him - meanwhile your husband's dick throbbed even harder with need from thr scene before him.
So he decided to add a little to moment. "Well you her my lady. Take him away" and just like that, Dan was dragged away like the trash he is.
"Now where were we my love?"
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ghostmaldo · 4 months
‧𓍢ִ໋☕ ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ Akaza x GN!Reader~Modern coffee shop AU ‧𓍢ִ໋☕ ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
I’ve had the premise of this idea brewing in the back of my mind for sometime after reading a similar fic I can no longer find ;-; Rengoku is behaving as a protective older sibling to reader. Akaza is a flirty meanace but still drinks his respect women juice.
This is a fantasy setting in a fantasy world children please don’t leave with men you don’t really know. EVER. At the very lease exercise caution and tell someone where you’re going.
No warnings, flustered reader and a sweet kiss at the end
Playlist listened to while writing: Lowkey imagined it was the music playing the lobby of the coffee shop
Ask box open 💙
“Thank you and have a nice day!” (Y/N) smiled brightly as they bid another satisfied customer farewell. Kyōjurō Rengoku stood beside them beaming his usual smile. “Excellent (Y/N)! I’m always happy to see you getting along with the guests!” They returned his warm smile, opening their mouth to form a polite response. But they were caught off mid breath by the sound of something crashing in the back room of the store followed by Zenitsu infamous screamed. The two of them could hear the ‘hushed whispers’ of Tanjiro and Inosuke bantering back and forth. “Oh my, I’ll be right back! Just holler at me if you need anything!” And with that Rengoku disappeared to investigate the trio’s whereabouts.
Chuckling to themselves, (Y/N) turned their attention back to the front counter. Seeing a figure right out of the corner of their eye, they let out a sharp gasp. Finding pastel lashes and bright ocean eyes starring directly them along with a charming smile. Recognizing these eyes, they quickly relaxed, reforming their customer smile. “A-Akaza! Sorry, you startled me…. Again.” His smirk grew while he leaned himself onto the counter. Leaning his chin into his palm promptly closing the already short space between them to a mere few inches. (Y/N) concluded he must have just finished at the gym judging by the snug black shirt he sported and his hair slicked back as if he showered a few moments ago. What also gave him away was a specific cologne he used after he visited the gym. (Y/N) had picked up on the fact he only wore it *after* his work out. The scent noticeably missing on the few occasions he came before his routine.
“Oh my apologies precious, I just can’t help myself sometimes.” He gave a low laughter that stirred (Y/N) stomach. He always managed to make them a flustering mess within the few minutes of being in their presence. They cleared their throat quickly to gather themselves, though thier eyes never moved from his. They admitted… his eyes were easy to admire.
“What can I get for you today Akaza?” His eyes seamlessly flickered up to the menu above, grazing over the many things they offered within a few seconds before retuning his gaze back to (Y/N). “Hmmm, I was thinking of trying something new today…” A michevious look danced across his eyes lashes. Heat blossomed on (Y/N) face instantly when they caught his knowing smirk. Yet, they still dared to play into his little antics… it made the work day a little more exciting with him around. “W-what did you have in mind.”
Akaza snapped his fingers suddenly, as if the best idea had just entered his mind. “I know! Why don’t we try that new ice cream parlor after your done here. My treat! What do you think about that?” The proposition took them by complete surprise. They fumbled with a response at first, stopped speaking, taking a deep breath in. And once again speaking. “W-With me?”
He nodded, pointing a gentle finger at them. “Yes, with you. No pressure though-“
“Yes.” They cut him off unintentionally. “That actually sounds lovely.” They caught themselves by surprise with their answer. But they trusted their gut instinct Akaza wouldn’t do any sort of malice to them. (Y/N) confirmation causes a genuine smile to uplift on Akaza’s face, one they’d never seen him make before. Another waft of his scent invading (Y/N) senses. It was so… lovely. Mentally they swooned
“Wonderful! I’m so glad to hear! What time to you get off precious?”
Discussing the details with Akaza, they confirmed with each other they’d meet back up at the coffee shop a little after 4pm. That was also the exact moment Rengoku made emerged back up to the front with noticeable dark coffee stains all over his nicely pressed shirt. However, all those thoughts went right out the window as he locked eyes with Akaza. Uh oh… he defiantly wasn’t happy to see him. And yet, Akaza simply waved cheerily at him as if they were life long friends. “Kyōjurō!”
A chill shiver ran over (Y/N) spine they way Rengoku frowned toward the man in question. Rengoku never, ever frowned at anyone, no matter how difficult they were being… unless that persons name was Akaza. They were unsure why Rengoku disliked him so much but at this point they were a bit too afraid to ask. “I trust you are behaving for my employee.”
“Of course! I was just about to leave actually…” He pivoted on his feet toward the door but stopped to turn his attention back to (Y/N) one last time. Sending a charming wink their way. “I’ll see you later precious~”
They melted right in their place with that singular wink. That was a enough serotonin for them to last for weeks. (Y/N) pinning was interupted however with the way Rengoku peered at them with concern. “You’re seeing him after your shift today?”
“J-just for ice cream a few blocks over. Nothing serious!” They responded hastily, raising their hands in front of them in self defense. Saying it aloud did make it have other implications or as if they were walking into a lions den- still, they were standing firm on their gut with this one. “Do you still have Mitsuri’s number?” They nodded at the mention of one of their other co-workers. “Good, good, I don’t want to tell you how to live you life, so I’m not going to. But would you at least let Mitsuri know where you are and when you get home?”
A smile broke out onto (Y/N) face. Rengoku was always so protective of his workers, much like an older brother. The concern warmed their heart. “Of course Rengoku! I promise!”
The tension of the room disappeared along with his frown as his signature smile returned to his face. “Very good! Do enjoy yourself (Y/N).”
The entire interaction with Akaza after work was more than delightful. They sent the text to Misturi as promised to Rengoku. Then, Akaza lead the both of them to the ice cream shop just a few blocks over. They took turns talking about their days and learning a few things about each other as they walked. (Y/N) rather enjoyed Akaza’s company and was exstatic to learn he ran a Dojo of his own on the other side of town. Which was the reason he was always working so hard on his physique with long hours at the gym. He also listened attentively with interest when (Y/N) spoke about the things in their life.
Once they arrived at the ice cream shop, it seemed a mountain of other people had the same idea on the warm summer evening. (Y/N) shifted uncomfortable between their two feet upon viewing how many people there were. Something Akaza’s keens eyes picked up on quickly. “If you tell me what flavor you like, Ill get it for you. And maybe you can find us a table outside?” They blinked at him for a second before happily agreeing. ‘How sweet of him to offer.’
It didn’t take long for Akaza to return with two single scoop cones in his hand. One of Strawberry for himself and the other of (Y/N) preferred flavor. “For you (Y/N), my precious.” He spoke, handing them their cone before having a seat across from them. Something was a bit different from the way Akaza carried himself now then when they were together in the shop. The mushy flirty comments had stopped, though a content smile did remain on his face. His shoulders were far more relaxed and he spoke with (Y/N) more so as a friend. It was nice to see this side of him.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Akaza questioned between licks of his strawberry ice cream. Realizing they’d been starring, (Y/N) averted their eyes and took another long lick of their dessert before answering. “I was just thinking how nice this is. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this side of you before.” This comment rippled a chuckle from Akaza. He leaned back in his chair in such a way (Y/N) already knew they was blushing all over again… How was he so handsome!
“Funny, I was thinking the same about you. I’ve picked on Rengoku so much he loathes me when he sees me and the other workers tend to ignore my gestures.. But you… I don’t know… friendly. First time I saw you I knew you were different from his other employees.”
“Different enough to ask me on a date?” He froze mid lick and his eyes blew up wide open. (Y/N) heart raced with panic they may have crossed a boundary. “S-Sorry, I was only joking-“
“Hahaha! See! I knew you were fun!” He leaned his head into his opposing palm with a teasing smirk on his lips. (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief despite the still wild beating of their heart. Together, they enjoyed the rest of their time chatting about casual things. Eventually an hour turned to too and soon enough the sun was beginning to set. Akaza offered to walk (Y/N) home since it had gotten dark on them. They felt comfortable enough to wrap their arm around his bicep in which he happily allowed them too.
They both agreed on a second date 💐
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demonslayedher · 5 months
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Things that went through my head while watching this episode:
--This is the episode when I can most look at Gyokko's eyes as eyes
--We were robbed of the chance to see Muichiro and Shinobu tag-teaming on a verbal slaughter of a demon
--That said, with how much I started wanting more Muichiro & Kanamori interaction in the previous episode, I was really, really, really happy to get it here. Kanamori's freak-out performance is a gem, and now I headcanon that in the immediate aftermath, Muichiro recovered in Kanamori's home so that he and his wife could look after him (and Kanamori could get to know him better, if only Muichiro weren't probably out cold (or hot?) for two days and then brought to the Butterfly Mansion where his temperature was recorded--but hey, the light novel gives me hope for more off-screen interactions).
--Haganezuka is such an MVP
--Kotetsu's calmness is so appreciated. He really is so stoic in a lot of ways, and wise beyond his years. ...Not always, of course.
--In the demon profiles in the second fanbook, their elimination is credited to the Corp members who killed them, though sometimes that credit is widely attributed if it was a group effort (for instance, everybody we focused on the Natagumo arc gets some credit in taking down Rui). In Gyokko's case, I think it's only fair if Kotetsu, Kanamori, and Haganezuka is get some credit in Gyokko's defeat. Muichiro wouldn't have survived without them.
--It really is Gyokko's bad luck he was the strongest opponent Muichiro has faced thus far, because that was part of what it took to push Muichiro to both a desperate point that tipped him over the edge in attaining both his mark and his memories. Gyokko was a goner against a genius with two power-ups, especially while he was already frustrated with a man like Haganezuka.
--Gyokko's final words about how he is a more perfect being than Muichiro sounded very Muzan-like, so I looked back in the fanbooks to double-check that indeed, Muzan rather likes Gyokko. Perhaps that it only due to selling his pots, because a one of my favorite 4-panel comics has Muzan very blatantly state that he doesn't care if Gyokko burns up in the sun, but I'd like to think Muzan found him likable for his own arrogance too. It was clear, of course, that Gyokko considers Muzan the most perfect being.
--This also reminded me Gyokko has a preference for eating children. Kinda ironic, dontcha think? Aside from being beaten by someone who is still practically a child, this battle could have been a lot darker if Gyokko took a hungry interest in Kotetsu.
--Ms. Tokito is pretty and I wish we got more of her. : /
--Muichiro is so many levels of child in this episode. Such a brat. The biggest brat. Snot-nosed, arrogant brat. BABY.
--I love how much this episode added little touches of humanity to Amane and her daughters; Ufotable really went for that. The struggle Amane, a mother of multiples, feels as he separates the twins' handhold. And then the narrative symmetry of having ghost!Yuichiro place his hand back on top of Muichiro's! Kya, I love it!!
--Speaking of love
--Mitsuri-chan, you may as well be the Angel Pillar. You are too sweet and graceful and wonderful for this world. That entrance, and it background music. That move wrapping the sword around one serpent and practically floating with the momentum as you use it to knock down the others. That cheerful assurance to your juniors. I love you. I love you right down to your peachy fingernails.
--Backing up a bit, credit where credit is due--Tanjiro is holding up amazing well and someone keeping minimally injured. He and Genya and Nezuko have been a significant help keeping him/them occupied this long, otherwise the damage to the village would have been far more wide-spread than just what the monster fishes did.
--Also, poor Tanjiro and Muichiro both have had to go this whole battle without shoes! Poor kids! And Nezuko too, those feet are just spares anyway.
--Genya is using those demon powers for more than just regeneration now! Look at him take on that serpent with his bare hands!
--I love how much Ufotable committed to making us feel everything Tanjiro went through in a series of very busy manga panels--his foot getting messed him, the damage to his ear and how that throws him off, and then that squeeze! It's easy to forget that happened in the manga because it was so quick, but with all those sound effects and darkness, they really sold how close he came to being mush. (Consider this practice, Tanjiro.)
--Thanks for the Rengoku feels, Gotouge. You crocodile.
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giggly-squiggily · 9 months
Here's another Demon Slayer fic I wrote for @mystwrites, I hope you like it! It's a little angsty and includes psychic!Tanjiro because I had been watching The Shining and Doctor Sleep, and it made me think how he was able to see Urokodaki's dead students.
AHHHHH! I loved this so much oh my GOD! The whole concept of Tanjiro being a psychic is something I've never thought about but utterly love??? And Rengoku being such a good big brother figure made my heart swell! Thank you for sharing this @nutzgunray-lvt- it was utterly lovely!
It was nothing more than a bad dream… or so Tanjiro tried and failed to convince himself as flashes of lightning lit up the room he was sleeping in for the night. 
The unexpected torrential downpour would have normally been welcomed by the burgundy haired boy, as he had always loved rain. The smell and sound had always brought him comfort, even if it was practically coming down sideways and severely impairing their vision and hearing. The sensation of the droplets on his hair and skin felt grounding to him, even if the cold, autumn air made them feel like flecks of ice - especially since he and Mr. Rengoku were traveling up north to Aomori. 
Though he normally loved the rain, the Wisteria House they came across as the sun set was a gift from the gods, and after some nabeyaki udon and a hot bath, he was quickly ushered to bed.
"There's no telling when the storm will end, so we'll need to stay here for the time being," the tempura haired man patiently explained, giving his Tsuguko's wet hair a ruffle. "You're about to keel over from exhaustion, and we'll be of no use if we wind up falling ill from being out in the elements, wouldn't you say?"
Though he was more than willing to push through the unfavorable weather - it wouldn't be the first time he had done so - the raised eyebrow from Mr. Rengoku had him silently nodding instead, letting himself be gently pushed into the bedroom next door to his. As was often the case, Mr. Rengoku was quickly proven to be right, because thanks to the warm food and relaxing bath, Tanjiro's eyes closed almost as soon as his head hit the pillow… something that quickly proved to be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, a deep sleep quickly found him. On the other hand, nightmares accompanied it.
It was a hodgepodge of things both from his past and yet to come, things that seemed so out of left field yet set in stone. His family's corpses blaming him for their deaths accompanied Mr. Rengoku's near demise at the hands of the Upper Third. Mr. Uzui's narrow survival against the Upper Sixth segwayed behind dead children littering temple grounds. Sabito and Makomo's dead bodies in the forest clearing sprung at the forefront. Nezuko at the mercy of Lower Fifth preceded moving corridors, slamming doors, perpendicular hallways, and upside down stairs. A woman in a black kimono sat with a biwa in her hands, and when she strummed -
A loud crackle of lightning had woken the burgundy haired boy with a yelp. Tangled in his blankets, he scrambled upright and tried to calm his thudding heart.
Please be asleep, Mr. Rengoku, he pleaded to himself as a loud rumble of thunder made him flinch. Please be asleep, please -
"Young Kamado?"
Of course the Hashira with the best extrasensory perception had to choose me as their Tsuguko.
He could hear the older man's footsteps approaching him, and as he knelt before him, Tanjiro bit his lip and looked out the window, the pouring rain obstructing the view of the outside. He trembled violently from both the cold air in the room and a fear that his guest wouldn't take kindly to being woken up in the middle of the night over something as childish as a nightmare. Mr. Rengoku had to have been just as exhausted as Tanjiro himself was, so he had every right to be angry -
"What's this?" he softly asked, pulling the burgundy haired boy into a tight hug. "Did you have a nightmare?"
Tanjiro didn't answer, burying his head in Mr. Rengoku's chest as tears welled up in his eyes, his trembling worsening as he started crying in earnest. As always, the Flame Hashira was incredibly patient with him, never once reprimanding him for his less than stoic attitude. Instead, he securely held his Tsuguko in his arms, absent-mindedly resting his chin on top of his head as he rubbed his back and whispered, "It's okay, my boy. It's okay."
These dreams always left the burgundy haired boy's mind a mess, and not wanting to worry those around him, he shouldered the burden on his own. It was his job to take care of his loved ones, not the other way around. And besides, how in the world was he supposed to explain these dreams to anyone? "Well, I've been having nightmares about a weird building with never ending moving stairs and hallways, and I also sometimes see the dead children of Mr. Urokodaki as well as my dead family."
He couldn't possibly tell that to anyone. Not only were nightmares incredibly common amongst Demon Slayers, but who would believe him about his weirder ones?
Fortunately, Mr. Rengoku's steady heartbeat and protective embrace had Tanjiro slowly but surely calming down. His sobs had quieted down to soft sniffles, and after a few more minutes of quiet crying, his tears finally stopped. Taking a deep, shaky breath, he closed his eyes and painted this moment in his mind. Though the Flame Hashira was never afraid of being physically affectionate with him - what with the head pats, shoulder squeezes, and tickle attacks he doled out - he hadn't been hugged so tightly since he had said goodbye to Mr. Urokodaki all of those months ago. 
It felt… nice.
"Young Kamado, should ever want to hug me, all you have to do is ask," the older man said evenly, cupping his head with the hand not rubbing his back. "I won't refuse you."
Tanjiro felt his face flush, and he tried to burrow deeper into the embrace, drawing out a fond laugh from the man.
"It's… you're really warm, that's all," he said clumsily, his voice muffled by Mr. Rengoku's shoulder. "It's comfy."
"Senjuro would agree with you," the tempura haired man acknowledged, carding his fingers through Tanjiro's hair, making his eyes practically roll to the back of his head. "It sometimes shocks me how similar the two of you are to each other."
The burgundy haired boy nodded absent-mindedly. "You remind me so much of Senjuro, my boy!" had been something he had heard more than once from his senior, particularly when they would visit his family's estate. Whenever Tanjiro wasn't working with Mr. Shinjuro to research Sun Breathing, he was spending time with Senjuro. The two got along great with one another, and more than once, he'd seen Mr. Rengoku watching over the two of them with a warm, approving smile.
"I always tell him that there's no shame in having nightmares, and I want to make sure that you know this as well, my boy," the older man continued. "We may be Demon Slayers, but we're human at the end of the day."
"But I woke you up," Tanjiro tried saying, lifting his head off of Mr. Rengoku's shoulder, only to have it gently pushed back down. "You were tired -"
"You're my Tsuguko," he gently but firmly said. "Not only am I in charge of your progression as a Demon Slayer, but it's also my duty to take care of you both physically and mentally. It would have been cruel of me to leave you to cry alone with how frightened you sounded."
He couldn't really argue with that… not that Mr. Rengoku would have let him. Instead, he nodded his head and let his hair be brushed out of his face. It was an almost hypnotic comfort to him, and though he wasn't sleepy anymore, he could feel his eyelids fluttering shut…
Only for a loud crack of lightning to wake him up with a gasp.
"There's no need to be frightened, Young Kamado!" Mr. Rengoku warmly said, gently prying Tanjiro from his embrace to get a better look at him. "It's only a thunderstorm!"
"I wasn't scared," the burgundy haired boy insisted, his face flushing under his senior's intense gaze. "It's just, with the nightmares…" He trailed off, not wanting to outright admit to how badly shaken he was. He felt his crying fit said plenty, and when he dared a peek at his mentor, he saw that he had the same line of thinking.
"I see… that is quite understandable," the Flame Hashira mused, frowning slightly as he listened to the howling wind and pounding rain. "I didn't expect for the storm to stay this strong up to now. We'll most likely need to hold off on traveling tomorrow as well."
Tanjiro nodded. As much as he hated to leave the potential demon lurking around Aomori, they really would be of no use if they tried traveling through the storm. The extra day would not only replenish their energy, but it would be the perfect time to plan out their reconnaissance and battle strategies.
His frustration must have been apparent to Mr. Rengoku, because his loud laughter shook him out of his feedback loop. "Don't give me that look, Young Kamado! What is it that I've always told you?"
"A watched pot never boils," the burgundy haired boy echoed, a pout still on his face. It had been a motto that was pounded into his mind ever since becoming Mr. Rengoku's Tsuguko, one that he constantly stressed due to the notoriously rigorous training he put his mentees through. He applied it to everything from overtraining to even literal boiling water, and it looked like he was going to apply it to traveling.
"Well, you don't need to sound so forlorn about it! Come on, smile for me!" Mr. Rengoku encouraged, ruffling Tanjiro's hair harder than he usually would.
"Hey!" he cried out, trying to dodge the tempura haired man's ministrations and unsuccessfully fighting the smile appearing on his face. "What're you doing?!"
"Did you not hear me? I said to smile!" he repeated, abruptly releasing Tanjiro's head to poke up and down his sides.
"Ah! Mr. Rengoku! No!" he shrieked, dissolving into giggles as he fell onto his back, trying in vain to curl in on himself as the poking turned into slow, up and down spidering.
"What's that, my boy?" Mr. Rengoku asked, playfully frowning and tilting his head to the side. "I'm afraid I can't hear what you're trying to say over the sound of you not smiling."
"Th-That-That dohohohoesn't make any sehehehense!" Tanjiro whined through his giggles, kicking his legs out as the older man took a seat on his thighs. 
"Of course it makes sense!" The Flame Hashira retorted with a proud smile, pinching at the younger boy's lower ribs and laughing at the shrieks that accompanied it. "Now all you need to do is set your heart ablaze and endure this torture like the capable Slayer you are!"
"I cahahan't! It-It's so bahahahad!" Tanjiro begged, uselessly grabbing onto his senior's wrists in an effort to stop him. The evil grin that appeared on Mr. Rengoku's face at this told him he said the wrong thing, and his begging and pleading went ignored as those awful fingers walked up over his sides and bypassed his ribs.
"Oh dear," he playfully mused, pinching each of Tanjiro's ribs and laughing at how the boy flailed and kicked underneath him. "It appears that my normal methods of torture have gone stale! Don't worry, my boy! I still have a few tricks up my sleeve!"
Mr. Rengoku lingered at Tanjiro's topmost ribs, ever so lightly pinching them and clearly deriving great amusement at how he slapped his hands over his mouth in an attempt to muffle the shrill squeals he was producing. What else am I supposed to do, wake up the owners of the inn?! The burgundy haired boy screamed to himself, squeezing his eyes shut as the pinching finally came to an end. As he gasped for some much needed air, those torturous hands left his body, and he kept his eyes shut in order to not quell the sense of hope bubbling up inside of him.
Was that it?
Had Mr. Rengoku been bluffing?
In hindsight, he really should have known better than to think such things. This was Mr. Rengoku that he was talking about - the man was practically the personification of the Tickle Monster. Looking back, Tanjiro would thank the gods that a loud crack of lightning masked the shrill scream that escaped him when two hands clawed into his stomach, completely bypassing his underarms and throwing him for a loop.
"Oho, what's this?" Mr. Rengoku teased over Tanjiro's frantic belly laughter. "Is this tummy of yours a bad spot?"
The burgundy haired boy couldn't even hope to answer verbally, so he just let his hands release the Flame Hashira's wrists and drop uselessly to the futon as he nodded, his mind and muscles being turned into a goofy mess. Tears once again filled his eyes, slowly pouring down his cheeks as his mind was further scrambled due to his senior's taunting words. Two thumbs drilling into his hips had the younger boy screaming into his pillow, an action that made the tempura haired man laugh as well.
"Why are you hiding from me, my boy?" he asked, pulling the pillow away and setting it aside. "Happiness is something that should be shared with those around you!"
Tanjiro tried answering that they couldn't be as loud as they wanted, but fingers gently scribbling along his lower abdomen had him giggling like a five year old instead. His throat and stomach hurt from laughing so much, and when he looked up at Mr. Rengoku, the soft smile on his face told him that his torture had come to an end for the night.
"There we go, Young Kamado," he fondly said, giving his hair a gentle ruffle once the tickling came to a stop. "Are you feeling better?"
Tanjiro nodded, the happy smile still on his face as he gasped for air, curling in on himself as Mr. Rengoku got off of him. The mushy goofiness was leaving in his brain, leaving him in an elated state of pure bliss and sleepiness as all of the energy he expended caught up to him. He let his eyes droop shut as he yawned, blindly reaching around for his pillow as a rumble of thunder shook the windows.
"Go to sleep, my boy," the Flame Hashira said, getting to his feet. "Let me get my pillow and blanket - "
"You don't have to!" Tanjiro tiredly insisted as he curled up under his own blanket. "'M not scared anymore -"
"Nonsense!" the older man retorted with a firm shake of the head. "I used to share a futon with Senjuro back in the day, and it always helped him with his own nightmares!"
He left the room before the burgundy haired boy could object any further, and as he listened to sounds of movement next door, he couldn't help but feel relieved that the older man insisted on staying with him. Was it childish? Maybe, but it was something that he was always allowed to indulge in around the tempura haired man. Part of him felt guilty - after all, he had his friends and Nezuko to tend to - but Mr. Rengoku thought nothing of assuming a big brother role in his mentorship of him.
"You're my Tsuguko. Not only am I in charge of your progression as a Demon Slayer, but it's also my duty to take care of you both physically and mentally."
And as the man in question returned and settled in next to Tanjiro, the younger boy thanked his lucky stars that he survived against the Upper Third. After all, who else could take on such an essential role that Tanjiro had no clue that he needed in life? (Well, there was Mr. Uzui, but he'd never say it out loud to the man's face.)
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mitsur1kanroj1 · 1 year
Yandere! Akaza x Fem! Demon slayer! Reader (Ch 1)
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TW: Gore, yandere behavior, perverts, blood, swearing and attempt of suicided.
There are no AU's in this fanfiction, unless you want to include Akaza being a Yandere as an AU then go ahead!
I try to make all of these for all so there will be no 18+ content but there might be some perverted people to make it more- Yandereish-
I also will not have everything the same as in the anime or manga, I have never read the manga before so do expect much about the manga- Since I have never ever read it-
And before you know- Donut Kyojuro happens, it will be Kyojuro x Reader. But then Akaza x Reader happens- Just to make things clear on that note- It's kinda like a KNY x reader- But mainly Akaza x reader- Idk- Just like that-
.... I can tell this is gonna be a long ass chapter- So please get comfy- Because this is gonna be a whole rollercoaster-
Description of (Name):
Name: (Name) (Last name)
Family members: Unknown mom.
Unknown dad.
Twin brother: Asa.
Little brother: Ren.
Little sister: Masako.
Like a big sister: Mitsuri Kanroji, current love Hashira.
Age: 18.
Love interest (S): Kyojuro Rengoku, current flame Hashira and Akaza, current Upper rank three.
Birthday: (Birthday).
Hair color: (Hair color) and light hot pink tips.
Eye color: Left eye: (Eye color) Right eye: Light hot pink
Height: 169cm
Weight: 43kg
Status: Alive
Race: Human
Personality: Kind, thoughtful, shy, sweet, loveable, gentle, strong, resilient, caring, assertive, hard-working, reliable, honest, practical, responsible, loyal, mature, creative, consistent, appreciative, capable, quick, sensitive, perceptive and patient.
Occupation: Demon slayer
Rank: Kinoe.
Breathing technique: Sakura breathing.
Nichirin blade color: Light hot pink.
Sensei / teacher: Mitsuri Kanroji, current love Hashira
You hated demons all your life, no matter what, they are the reason you even became a demon slayer, for killing your family and friends, working alone just incase you lose another friend that you make.
But one day you had a mission to go to the Mugen Train with three demon slayers and the flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. You had no choice but go since it was your job, being a demon slayer you just had to go no matter what, so you just were walking there normally, until you see this boy with Nichirin blades, head butting the train and the others just standing there, you noticed they were the demon slayers. One of the boys turned around to see you walking onto the train, stopping you and talking to you. "You must be the other demon slayer we are on this mission with! I'm Tanjiro Kamado, and that is Inosuke Hashabira and Zenitsu Agatsuma! You are?" "(Last name) (Name)" "And you all have lovely names!" You say to the boy, even though you stay alone most of your time, doesn't mean you aren't nice, recently you help at a hospital, tending to the patients, and also babysitting some kids to let the parents have a rest and a break. "Thank you! Your name is amazing too! But make sure you are careful on this thing! It must be the ruler of this land!-" Tanjiro says before getting cut off by the train moving. "The train! Get your friends Tanjiro, we need to get on it." Tanjiro nods, running to get his friends and running after the train with you ahead, jumping on the train you helped the others up.
"Few! That was a close one!" You nod and walk in the first carriage of the train, almost getting blown away by the "UMAIS" you hear, walking towards the loud voice you see the flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. You walk towards him, Tanjiro following close behind you like a lost puppy, the flame Hashira looks up to see you sitting across from him and Tanjiro sitting next to him.
"Well hello!" You still almost get blown away by how loud this man was, replying with a simple but sweet "Hello" back, you all were just talking to each other since you all wanted to get to know each other a little bit more, you not wanting to make friends incase you lose them because of....
You choose to ignore that dumb rule and just get over that dumb fear you had, but just for now... You would make sure no one will get hurt... "And what breathing style do you have (Name)-chan!" Tanjiro nods, like he is agreeing with the flame Hashira that revealed his name to them, telling them it was Kyojuro Rengoku. "... I have Sakura breathing.. They're my favorite flower, I tried to get trained by the love Hashira, Miss. Kanroji, but I wasn't able to do it so that both inspired me, she also said you were her sensei, correct?" You look at Kyojuro. "Yes, that is correct! She has very hard flexibility training I heard, am I correct?" "Mhm, that's where I got my flexibility from!" Tanjiro looks at you then at Kyojuro, seeing that they were close, wondering if they knew each other but can't remember each other, which wouldn't make sense because he had fiery hair and you could recognize it from anywhere and you had (Hair color) with light hot pink tips at the ends, so that couldn't be it... You both knew the same person for a while so maybe that could be it? Or you both either are very kind to people, yeah, those two must be the reason.
"Impressive! Would you say your flexibility would be close to Kanroji-sans?" "Hm... Miss. Kanroji did say my flexibility was probably better then hers, but I think she was just being nice." "I'm sure she was meaning both of those things (Name)-chan!" You were caught of guard and noticed he called you "(Name)-chan" before and you JUST noticed it, your face was a fiery emerald pink color, making Kyojuro laugh. "You are just like what Kanroji-san descripted!" "M-miss. Kanroji told you about me?!" "Yes! She said that you were easily flustered like when you got your demon slayer outfit!" You finally notice your demon slayer outfit and then go red like a tomato. "I- .." You look down at the floor, more flustered then before, being alone most of the time kept you from understanding what love was, Mitsuri told you all she knows, which was hard to understand but randomly you feel it to her sensei?! This is a whole crazy start to meeting the flame Hashira... "Well, young Kamado, what breathing style do you have?" "I have water breathing and Hinokami Kagura!" "How interesting, two breathing techniques, is that even possible?" Kyojuro has a confused look on his face, wondering how that is even possible.
"But I do believe you Tanjiro-kun!" "I believe you with all my heart!" Tanjiro smiles, glad that you have that much trust in him, even though he is a minor and you are 18 it's nice to know that though. "Same here young Kamado!" Making you wonder if it was wrong to like your sensei's sensei, which is very confusing in a way... But you just were that type of person that over thinks to much. "So what color of Nichirin blades? Because mine is a hot light pink!" You smile, making Kyojuro feel all weird and tingly inside. "I have black!-" You started to say that you've never heard about it before. "I have red!" You already expected it to be a fiery color, since he is the flame Hashira after all. But just before they could start another conversation the train conductor came and stamping the tickets, but he looked.... Weird in a good but bad way. But when Tanjiro gave him his.... The lights start to flicker. You quickly open your eyes. "Thank you... Very much..." You quickly stood up and so did Kyojuro after he said that. "Conductor! Apologizes for the sword! But there is a reason so please keep at a safe distance!" Then the lights start to flicker again, making you look around the train, making sure the demon didn't come out and do a sneak attack on anyone. You were to distracted after a couple of seconds, then a demon appears at the door of the carriage. Zenitsu screams for a second then you lift him up off the ground. "AN ANGEL!" Zenitsu screams, making you laugh to keep him distracted, the demon started to stand up. "What a giant, did you use a blood demon art? It was difficult to detect you. Know this, you bare your fangs at the innocent, I will see your bone turn to ache. With my light red blade of fire!" Kyojuro takes his katana out. The demon roared at him, making you almost fall over by the impact. "Flame breathing: First form: UNKNOWING FIRE!"  Kyojuro dashes towards the target at tremendous speeds, before unleashing a singular horizontal slash directed at the targets neck for a decapitation. Kyojuro breaks the door down into the other carriage, after cutting the demons head off. Tanjiro and you were amazed at how quick a Hashira can kill a demon. "Amazing.. And with a single slice..." You look at the passengers, to make sure they weren't having a panic attack or something like that. "There is still one more... Come with me!" Kyojuro runs through the carriages, you and Tanjiro following close behind, holding your Nichirin blade and Tanjiro holding his, "ALRIGHT!" Inosuke says, following behind. "HEY DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" Zenitsu says, now following as well. Then the lights start to flicker again.
People screaming and running towards the next carriage. Seeing a demon that was in the middle of the carriage. 'Hmph! I can do better then that!' You pout, snapping back to reality. There was still one man, seated, the demon lunges one of his long hands at him, he quickly moved out the way thank goodness.. But the demon moved and roared in his face. You look at him with a angry smile on your face. "I'm sorry but... This will be the last day of your demon adventure, trying to become an Upper or Lower moon, why would they pick you?~ It's obvious that if you tried to fight one!~ ... You'd die in a second!~ But I will make sure that doesn't happen... So! Say hi to Satan for me!~" Which makes the others have a shiver down their spines. Kyojuro snaps back to reality and gets the man out of the way. "You'll be safe in the back" "Now go!" The demon lunges towards you, so you do the same, he lifts his long hand up, trying to attack you from above, but he should have known she was taught by one of the second girl Hashira, and that never goes to waist for that tittle. "Sakura breathing: ... Third form: .... Sakura bloodshed!" You lung towards the demon after dodging the long hand, making a shower of blood drops with Sakura flowers inside, having love heart shaped petals and flames covering the blood drops, making a distraction from the demon to look at the flames floating in the air, you take this chance to cut it's head off. The demon starts to turn into ashes, you put your blade in it's sheave, Tanjiro was the first to speak. "Woah... THAT WAS TOTALLY COOL (NAME)-SAN! TALK ABOUT genius GENIUS SWORDPLAY! TEACH ME HOW YOU BECAME SO STRONG AND DO THAT!" You smile at him, making Kyojuro think about the future with you. If you became a Hashira. "Very well then! I'll teach you the things I did and what you can do to become that strong!" "CAN I JOIN?!" "YEAH ME TOO!" You'd only giggle at the desperation they had in their voices, making you miss your family a lot more... Tanjiro had the personality of your twin brother... Asa... Inosuke had the personality of your little brother... Ren.. And Zenitsu had the personality of your little sister.. Masako... You missed them a lot. But you always hid the fear and sadness on your face, no matter what... "I'll be willing to teach you all!" "YOU'RE AWESOME (NAME)!" They say, flying around like fairies. Kyojuro walks over to you. "(Name)-chan? Have you ever thought of becoming a Hashira?" Your eyes widen at the question, then you become flustered again. "W-well... I have really... But I just don't know at the same time... It's like I want to take that step but... But it just won't let me move anymore... But to answer your question; yes, yes I have...!" You look at the ground mumbling about stuff, you had the same personality as Mitsuri, since she was like a big sister to you. Kyojuro laughs at how flustered you'd get even at a simple question, making you get even more flustered. "Would you two be lovey dovey somewhere else?! It's sad to see I don't have a chance with Angel-chan!" You get even more flustered, then realize he didn't even know your age- ".... I'm 18-" Zenitsu looks at you then at Kyojuro. "YOU LUCKY ASS MAN! YOU GET A LADY THAT WILL TREAT YOU LIKE A KING! I BET YOU BOTH WILL HAVE A BIG ASS FAMILY, JUST WHAT I WANTEDDDDD!!!" You get so flustered that you almost faint, luckily Kyojuro caught you just in time. "Hah- Very funny young Agatsuma, but I don't even have a chance with (Name)-chan!" "SEE YOU ARE EVEN CALLING THEM (NAME)-CHAN, YOU DO HAVE A CHANCE!" You start to blush even more at the fact that he said that he doesn't have a chance with you, and out of all the people that were being so perverted to you, he really did have a big, big, BIG percent of actually getting with you. "Y-yeah guys, maybe stop? Looks like if we keep carrying on (Name)-san will end up fainting..." Tanjiro says, helping Kyojuro keep you on your feet. Then the lights start to flicker again. Next you were asleep next to Kyojuro... In a deep slumber, not being able to wake up...
A worker was running, crying in fact, then falls to his knees. "As ordered! I put them all to sleep sir! Now please, do the same to me as well, won't you? Let me be reunited with my dead wife and daughter, please, I'm begging you." The man cries. "Certainly." A hand drops down. "You did a fine job" "Now sleep forever" The man falls on the ground. "Dream that you are with your family again." The hand turns around to the girl. "Pardon me" "What would you like from us?" "Those who are sleeping will sink even deeper." "Wait here until then" "Although one of the demon hunters does grab my attention, she goes by the name (Name) (Last name), she has (Hair color) and hot light pink tips, and one eye is (Eye color) and the other in the same shade of the got light pink tips. Make sure nothing happens to her." "But some demon hunters will sometimes wake unexpectedly from sensing a demon. So be very careful when you are tying them up, that you do not directly touch their bodies, I must remain in the first car for the time being, 'til everything's ready to go, good luck." "You all want peaceful dreams as well, don't you?" The hand looks at all of them. "Yes."
You were in your bed, asleep for some weird reason... But... It isn't the bed Miss. Kanroji gave you... It was the one your mom and dad provided you when they were alive... You quickly shot up from your bed, running to your own bathroom, looking in the mirror you backed up slowly into a wall. "N-no... This has got to be fake!..." You start crying, curled up in a ball, you shared a room with your twin brother, Asa, he knocked on the door since he can hear you crying from a mile away. "Nee-san? You okay in there? I hear you crying, do you want me to get Ma and Pa? Is it okay if I come in?" Your eyes start to shake from happiness but sadness, happiness since you thought it was all a nightmare, your family dying was a nightmare after all huh? But you were also sad because you would have never met the man of your dreams... It was all to confusing for your brain to handle. "I-I'm okay, and you can come in if you want..." Asa opens the door slowly, looking at your terrified face and bloody scars... "OH GOSH! ARE YOU OKAY NEE-SAN?! I'LL GET MA AND PA, WAIT HERE!" You looked at him with tears streaming down your face, you stood up to look at yourself... Seeing this is the time when you... When you tried to kill yourself for looking like... Well.. You.... You always felt insecure about your eyes... Your hair... It was all shock and being terrified, you just had to try and do it, get rid of your misery of being called "Weird" or a "Freak" you weren't those things at all! You were beautiful, you just did know it yet... "NEE-SAN, YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF! ALL THOSE NAMES ARE JUST TRYING TO MAKE YOU DO THIS, THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS OF YOUR BEAUTY!" "Yes, I agree with your brother, (Nickname), you shouldn't do this to yourself! It's just them being jealous over your beautiful eyes, beautiful hair and beautiful body...!" Your mom takes out the medical kit, patching up those cuts on you... But that wasn't the main reason... When you'd go outside, you lived in a village of perverted men... Some were at least... And those men mostly picked on you for your personality being too "Weak" and being to "Easy". Which was half true, but you didn't want to think about that right now, you just needed to forget about all of this, and move on, make sure that none of this will happen again, you had the mind of a 18 year old, not a 14-15 year old anymore, you kept all of those tips you got from Mitsuri in your mind. "I-I'm sorry... I was just... I- It's not that reason fully..." "Oh? Then what is it (Nickname)?" You take a deep breath. "I-I was getting harassed by these perverted men in the village... They called me weak and easy, just because of my personality..." Your mom and dad got very mad, telling Asa to take you to the living room, wrap you up in blankets, give you some books and some food, and comfort you. Of course he listened straight away-... But before that he gave you a tiny little comfort lecture- "B-but Aniue!" Your brother looks at you with the motherly like face he has most of the time. "No buts! There will be NO dating any boy or girl!" "B-but I will be lonely!" You frown, looking at your brother with puppy eyes, but then realize... You would have already been in 'reality' already, but what did you have to do to wake up was the real question...
"Ah~ My (Name)-chan starting to realize this is all fake?~ Well then they must do it quicker!" The demon opens his eyes to reveal the rank in his eyes, "Lower moon one". " I have to get to the corner of this dream" They all had a flashback to the hand explaining about his blood demon art. "The dream world I show them isn't infinite. It's circular, with the dreamer presiding at the center. The realm of the subconscious, exist just out side the dream... Where you'll find the spiritual core. That's what you must destroy. Once you do that, the owner of the dream will cease to be." The girl stopped having the flashback, holding her hands out to feel the corner of the dream, until she feels it. "I found it! Even though I can see further I can't move beyond this." The girl says. pulling out the thing she was told to use. "I'll destroy her spiritual core as soon as possible." The girl stabs the end of the dream. "And then I'll get to experience a happy dream myself!" The girl finally opens it but to her shock, she saw pink clouds, pink moons, pink flowers, pink stars and pink everything that could be seen from the outside or inside that is healthy, the girl slowly walks in, to be greeted by a flower trail. "This is her "Realm of the subconscious"? All this pink... It's... Unusual if I do say... I've got to hurry though!" The girl runs through the flowers, feeling like she was in her normal life again... When she was little. You start to move a little while you were still asleep, feeling this weird... Well... Weird like someone is gonna figure out her past, but Kyojuro holds you in place, to be honest! If you were not fully asleep like this, you would probably wake up in seconds, feeling flustered about sleeping on his shoulder. While the girl was running she saw this ever so lonely red, bloodied flower, but kept going. The girl turned around to see the spiritual core, just floating there, ever so peacefully. "There it is, the spiritual core." "I've never seen a pink one before... All I have to do now is, destroy this!" The girl tries to stab the spiritual core, but Sakura petals start to surround her. You quickly kick her over, and pin her to the ground with your Nichirin blade. The girl starts to cough, dropping the weapon, not being able to move, at least it wasn't as brutal as when Kyojuro was holding the other girl by the neck. "I thought that humans weren't able to move, while they were under a spell like this!" "What kind of thing is she using to keep me down?!" You were going to the 'toilet' but instead you were going to figure out a way to escape this ... Dream, to be honest it is an lovely dream, nothing bad is happening...- Or at least not yet... You jumped out the window, running towards the outside of the garden, you looked around until you saw... Mitsuri?! How was she in this dream?! "M-miss. Kanroji! H-how are you here?!" Mitsuri looked at you, with a sad smile on her face. "(Name), I know how much you hated yourself when you were younger, so this would have been easy if you knew about this is the past, but... The only way you can get out is if he let's you out or... You kill yourself, there is no way you would be able to do the first option... I'm so sorry (Name).... I will be waiting for you at home..." Mitsuri disappears after that. "... She is right, it would have been easy when I was younger... But forget about that (Name)! Keep yourself focused! Make sure you do it and not cower away..." You breath heavily, holding your OWN Nichirin blade to kill yourself... You held it next to your leg... Then... You chop it off... You fall you the ground in pain, screaming and crying until you run out of breath... And get out the dream...
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