#to be fair tho i see them in almost everything yk
quevadilla · 2 months
if you think about it this song is steddie coded
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vrisrezis · 8 months
Just going to ask for something to distract you till the next chapter. Yandere Gojo x Darling x Yandere Geto wherein the darling is trying in vain to hide from them,but they end finding her under the blankets just hoping them being crazy is just a dream
THANK U <3 reader will be gender neutral tho ^_^
Mention of noncon but nothing actually happens but yk . Fair warning since I use the word r^pe
A little nsfw but also nothing happens but it’s still very suggestive . satoru is just being a bratty sub ? Switch? Idk. . tbh
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Every morning you wake up, it’s always the same.
You wake up, your boyfriends on both sides of you, squishing you in the middle of your huge ass bed that suguru insisted on getting.
They both have so much room, yet they choose to cuddle you almost to death every night. At first you didn’t mind it, and maybe a part of you doesn’t mind that even now. Maybe it’s comfortable, and warm, and safe.
If you’re lucky, you wake up before them and bask in the peace and quiet. Even if you know it cannot last. It never does.
However, today you are not lucky. You pretend not to hear suguru whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Normally this wouldn’t be so unpleasant to wake up to, if it weren’t for the fact suguru was overwhelming when it came to absolutely anything he said about you. Even when you’re sleeping in the morning you feel his stare as you try to fall back into your slumber, but it’s hard to when he keeps calling you his one and only deity. His god, his everything. Tell you in excruciating detail the awful, horrific things he’s done for your sake, and even satorus.
You pretend that you don’t hear satoru whisper at night how badly he wants you, even when you’re asleep. How he’d have you take him, if it weren’t for suguru who insists he waits at least until you’re awake. You pretend you don’t hear them literally argue about whether satoru should fucking rape you or not.
You pretend you don’t hear him whine in your ear right now, about how he needs you, how he knows he’s been bad but you can put him in his place.
You pretend you don’t feel sugurus death glare on satoru, and satorus playful chuckle.
But at some point you find yourself hiding under the covers, masking it as a tired grumble, when really all you felt was fear. Fear of what the men you loved with all of you, have become.
“See satoru,” suguru lets out a disappointed sigh, “you’re bothering them.” he says, gently pulling the covers off of you. You let him, even though you’re scared. You don’t want him to know. Either of them. God knows what would happen, you have a feeling they’d only get worse.
“It’s okay hun, go back to sleep.” he says, petting your hair with a smile that could only be described as lovesick. “I’ll deal with him.”
You nod quietly, shutting your eyes. You feel satoru kiss your nape, but you ignore him as suguru tells him lightly to knock it off.
You can only pray to god you get to sleep, just a little longer.
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ideks-on-mars · 1 year
ik you made valentines day headcanons a few months ago but it's coming soon... reonsemishira velntines day p2 ?
Who doesn't love some good Valentine's Day hcs yk? 👀
Gonna make them older in this one hehe 🤭
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- Valentines Day...YUCKY
- I could go on about how salty I am but alas, this isn't about me 😮‍💨
- And I talk about them a lot so lol
- So RnSmSra are pretty STRESSED tbh
- They're all in college, living in one apartment, RnSm have jobs, Shirabu's a med student which already sounds like death, and yeah
- So they don't have a lot of time on their hands if you couldn't tell
- Good thing Shirabu's got something planned 👀
- His fiancés are super stressed and he wants to put them at ease
- And Valentine's day just happens to be the perfect opportunity 🤭‼️
- But first he's gotta know
- "So,, what's Tuesday looking like for you both?"
- "Gotta work"
- 🧍
- Stupid work
- He tries his very best, despite all the stupid med school work, to make plan this out
- They leave for work at about 8, they'll probably be home at a fair time cuz neither of them works at restaurants
- Mission take care of fiancés cuz they're stressed and deserve it, is a go 😎‼️
- It starts off simple
- Reon and Semi are just waking up when Shirabu opens the door to the bedroom
- Something smells good 👀
- Good ole classic breakfast in bed‼️
- Who doesn't love it?
- If you don't,, uh.. idk what to tell you
- RnSm are very 👁👁 yk, surprised
- They didn't expect all this on Tuesday 🧍
- They're not complainin tho
- They obvi thank Shirabu and they all eat together,,it's all cutesy
- RnSm eventually have to get ready for work, EW 😪
- It's not high school anymore so Shira doesn't have to deal with a bunch of people actively seeking out his boyfriends
- They're still hot tho so he makes sure to leave lipstick marks on both their cheeks
- They're his ladies, back off ✋️🙄
- Once he waves them off, he's ready to prepare everything 🤭
- He's finished all his work for today over the weekend and did extra on Monday so he's all set‼️
- Ngl, at work, RnSm are both hella confused 🧍
- They figured he was just in a good mood...
- Untilllll...they checked the date and alarm bells started going off in their head
- They forgot about Valentine's Day 💀
- They both figure that they'll get each other and Shira a card and flowers after work with some sweets
- They're simple men 💀 I don't blame them
- But still, they feel like dicks cuz they wanted to get their boyfriends something more special but yk 😪 wtv ¯\(ツ)/¯
- Meanwhile, Shirabu's got almost everything done and ready
- What can I say? He's good at stuff like this lol
- Once they get off, it's about 4pm
- The sun isn't smack in the middle of the sky so it's perfect 🤭‼️
- RnSm get a text from Shirabu, telling them to meet him somewhere
- Interesting 👀
- They both pull up to a random park..?
- Sus
- They see each other in the parking lot and just shrug before starting to look around for Shira
- Ofc they find him not long after and he drags them over to a cute little gazebo with blankets and some food 🫶
- They're all sweet and mushy 🤭 tired from work and preparing but happy now that they're all together
- Shirabu got RnSm pretty flowers and they got him some in return
- Plus, they can tell a lot of care was put into the food choices and making 😪
- They're feeling ✨️romantical✨️
- They end up staying there for a long time
- Other couples pass and they even saw a goose chasing a traumatized looking child bit nothing can break them out of the trance they've got each other in 🫶
- They stay till it gets dark so they can flip over in the grass and look at the stars 😭
- Semi's asking questions about stars every 5 seconds and right about now Reon would be dragging Shirabu off of Semi
- But nope,, they're just being all cute and shit
- I'm so jealous, wtf 😪
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chuuya-centric · 3 years
character: chuuya nakahara
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: gn afab reader, no pronouns used, alcohol mentions / use ? unorganized as FUCK — read at your own risk 🚶 these r also much longer than i originally intended 🤒🤕 they get kinda bad at the end bc im lazy asf and just wanted to be done with these im sorry yall LMAOO
↬he he i he he i i hhnhshgghfgg
↬lord please god passionate+romantic sex with this man is all i ask you for please ill never ask for anything ever again 🙏🙏🙏
↬now i would like to start this with a disclaimer by saying chuuya is usually vv rough and passionate and would manhandle your ass 😁🤞 however these hcs will be like 🧍 slow ................. and passionate ??? not gentle per se but just romantic amd uhm very much "love making" if u will 💯
↬sensual ?? i think ????
↬hhndhsgh ik we're all horny and just wanna be used like a ragdoll but please hear me out yall
↬emotional and passionate sex !!!!!!!!! this usually happens whenever chuuya gets drunk (bc i think he is a v emotional drunk, and if he's w his s/o i think he gets vv sentimental / touchy-feely
↬ofc if you say no or reject his advances he wont do anything other than cling to ur side but if u dont do anything to stop him you will 100% be in his bed by the end of the night 🔥🔥
↬starts out as him havin a lil too much to drink nothin new yk and then he gets more touchy / physically clingy than usual 🧎
↬a lil off topic but he would absolutely fight anyone who tried to flirt w you / anyone who looked at u the wrong way LMAOOO not saying u have to babysit him but 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 taking him back home would be the smart thing to do as to avoid bar fights
↬but back on track i think chuuya would refuse to leave your side 💀 he would be all over u so unless ur into like hardcore pda u fr better take him home 💀💀
↬he's a horny menace 😕👎
↬okay so blah blah blah yall r back home now what ? now he rlly starts getting emotional 🚶 he's just so grateful to have u in his life and he loves you so much and what if he's not good enough for you ???? how could u love someone like him ?????? what if— please just shut him up with a tender kiss 🤒☹️ tell him u love him very much
↬he............hhbbgdgshhhh i was talking to @chuuyasbf ab this but dhshsbhhhhhh we came to the conclusion that he'd like smother u in kisses oh my fucking god 💔🙏 like he'd just cover your mf face in kisses and i— bursts into tears
↬now by this point this is where he'll start communicating his feelings thru actions rather than words so please expect a very heated makeout session (that leads up to the best sex of ur life 😏)
↬"he just goes “oops, missed a spot *kiss* oops, theres another one *kiss*" - @chuuyasbf and i honestly could not agree more please 🧎🧎 hhnbbhghghh
↬but back to the makeout session it started after u shut him up w that kiss yk and u were both just sitting on the couch, originally basking in the others presence, before the words just started flowing so ofc u gave him a lil kiss n told him he was enough and that u loved him so so much and he pulled you back for another n another til u were sitting on his lap w his tongue in ur mouth
↬and things progressed n progressed n next thing yk he's got you intoxicated (his kisses r life changing ok 🤨🕶️🤏 even if he were sober it'd just be hjndhdghgggh) but like yall know when ur grinding against them n they buck their hips up a lil ? yeah <33
↬HE'S SO HANDSY OMFG ESP IF YOURE SITTING IN HIS LAP 🙏🙏🙏 after he's pulled you as close to him as humanly possible (im talkin chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip — he is a very intimate person and greatly enjoys physical touch argue w the wall ab it) his hands go from finding purchase on ur hips and guiding your movements to pulling at ur hair to feeling u up to running his fingers up n down ur back to helping you take your shirt off. he cannot for the life of him keep his hands to himself
↬in reality he'd shift you onto his thigh before making ur neck his next target for his kisses (and hickies)
↬when you start whining for more and saying his kisses aren't enough, thats when he'll sober up enough to be snapped back to reality n to carry you to his room 🧎 or so you thought 😚
↬confused, u didn't get the hint until he bounced his leg, once, twice, oh— and even after you'd understood what he wanted you to do, he'd grab ur hips and completey take control of the pace n grind u against his thigh almost agonizingly slow, all while leaving some awfuy dark hickies on ur lower neck n a handful on ur collarbones
↬ofc theres some muttered praise and "i love yous" as well. he'll tell you how good you look, getting off on his thigh like this
↬he'll take u back to his room only after you've cum against his thigh 🧎🧎 consider it a warm up LMFAOO
↬when he finally does get up from the couch, he'll probably use his ability to help stablize yall a little 💀 (he had a lil too much to drink pls dont clown him)
↬whereas he'd normally toss u onto the bed, this time he took his time to set u down gently before settling down in between ur thighs and— hey wait a damn minute when did this mf find the time to get your pants off huh—
↬aye speaking of which i think chuuya is rlly big on eye contact regardless bc its honestly just vv intimate to him 🧐🚶
↬yall know when they like ............. when theyre like caressing / holding your thigh n looking up at u n they kiss ur inner thigh while maintaining eye contact or whatever ...................... <33
↬i think his praise kink especially shines thru when he gets drunk bc he will take his mf time covering you in kisses and hickies all while showering u in praise n telling u how beautiful u r and ab how much he loves you
↬he knows his words usually tend to be / sound harsh, but at the end of the day he loves you sm more than words will ever be able to convey :((
↬def tries to make up for that (when he's drunk 🙄 emotionally inarticulate ass 🚶) by showering you in praise and doing his best to be tender and gentle
↬and to be fair he'd be content w smothering u in praise and kisses for the rest of the night n probably would if u let him 🧎🧎 please snap this mf back to reality by yanking his hair n whining for more
↬in which case he will be happy to oblige 😚 he's def the type of person to get off on his partners pleasure so that being said this mf will make sure u cum on his tongue at least twice before properly fucking you
↬whenever hes drunk he tends set a rather slow pace but dont let that fool you 🧎 the entire thing is so fucking intimate oh my lord you will be seeing stars by the time he's done w you
↬his thrusts r much deeper n more precise than usual and he puts one of ur legs on his shoulder and has the other pressed up by ur head it really just enhances everything yk ?? 😁😁 (mating press kinda ??????? not exactly but)
↬he ends up alternating between leaving (more) hickies on ur neck n shoulders and actually kissing you as well (your lips r gon be bruised asf by the end of it all sorry 🔥💯)
↬even drunk he loves to overstimulate you omfg 🤤 loves seeing you get all teary-eyed from the pleasure (even better if u actually cry 😏🕶️🤏) bc to him it shows that he's done a good job
↬aftercare w drunk chuuya is a lil sloppy tbh 😕 probably immiediately passes tf still inside u after pressing like a final kiss to ur forehead LMFAOOO
↬but dw he makes it up to u in the morning !!!!! after taking care of his hangover first tho 💀 once he's feeling better himself, he'll def offer to draw u a bath and, lets pretend he has the day off here, after that all he rlly wants to do is cuddle for the rest of the morning
↬do not bring up how clingy he was last night LMFAOOO his face will get so red so fast (unless ofc thats ur goal in which case go right on ahead 😚😚😚)
↬please do, however, kiss his forehead and tell him that u love him n that he did a good job last night
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shotosimp1 · 3 years
How i personally think the haikyuu characters would react to their kid asking "where do babies come from?"
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✒•••Pairings with:
sugawara x gn!reader, hinata x gn!Reader, tendou x f!Reader.
↪ P.s: the reader isn't really going to be involved its just the character and the kid :)
fluff, comedy?
marriage, kids idk 😐, time skip spoilers!!
✒•••authors note📄:
I took inspiration from one of my favourites ever @dokifluffs ♡
✒•••General notes📝:
🔴D/N = daughters name
🟠S/N = sons name
Also the child is between 5-7
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✳Sugawara koushi✳ :
》 I feel like sugawara would just be VERY awkward like "heh um.."
》probably lie and say that he doesn't know how
》 or say it in a way a kid would understand and not get traumatised
》 he's a teacher he knows that this would happen but it just came from no where yk?
"Dad?" D/n and suga were sitting in the living room watching TV everything was going smoothly until d/n decided to ask an unpleasant question. "Yes sweetheart?" Suga answered "where do babies come from?" Sugawara almost choked on the tea he was drinking. That was very unexpected to say the least. "Uhm that.. is? Actually I dont know heh" d/n looked at him straight in the eyes "dad im 6 I know your lying just tell me please?" "Fine fine ahm ahm its like something magical! Only big people can do it tho thats why its a big secret." "Wait bu-" "OKAYY LOOK AT THE TIME ITS 9:00 BEDTIME"
Its definitely something fun to witness
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❇hinata shoyo❇:
》he would simply pass away
"Hey, dad?" hinata and s/n were sitting in the living room watching a Disney movie. It was MSBYs day off which you were so happy about! But Of course you couldn't spend all day with them. Not just because of your job and all the work you had to do but because of pregnancy. Your doctor had told you that you need time for yourself, to relax take a nap or a bath just anything that would make you feel relaxed. Its good for you and the child. And from that you had to excuse yourself to follow the doctors orders. The boys were left alone watching Disney movies. "Uhh yes?" "Where do babies come from? How did mom get one?"
Mf took a screenshot istg.
"Uh so you see...😕"
"Its like? Very big"
"What? What's very big?"
"The yk heh 😆"
"Why can't you just tell me?"
"You're way to young to know sorry buddy"
Basically kinda ignores the question until the kid just stops asking about it lmao (ik its a terrible idea to ignore such question but he'd tell him when he grows up just a bit more.)
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✳tendou satori✳:
》 ngl it would be a very funny conversation 💀
》 he's still scared he would say something that may traumatise the kid so yeah
》 extra points for creativity 👏
"Ugh why cant you let me win at least ONE game?" You were out with your friends leaving tendou with D/n. They just came home from the grocery store after buying shit tons of sweets and snacks. Both of them were sitting on the living room sofa playing random video games. "Not my problem you don't know how to play the game" "its not fair! You actually know how to play it" tendou laughed "are you going to eat these chips or not?" "No thank you, im full" tendou got up and took the bag of left over chips and close it with a chip bag clip. While tendou was putting the extra sweets and bags of chips in the tapestry D/n had a question in mind.
"Dad, do you know how babies are made? Where do they come from?" Tendou smiled as he rested his body on the counter that was near him. "you see, when two people are ready to have kids they would make a spell that only they can master. Most important thing when doing this spell is that you have to keep the window open at night. If the spell works the universe would send strong light to mommy's stomach and boom! Baby" "wow, that's alot of work.." "uh yeah 😳"
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Hnnng hello!! I was actually working on this for like two fucking days and TODAY I WAS SUPPOSED TO FINSH IT but my body said no. Not only i got sick very badly for no reason but I was on my period ☺
I really wanted to add tsukishima and kita but i couldn't :(
But other than that I hope its okay sorry if there's any errors :D
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fluffallamaful · 3 years
Alright so, hc/scenario time: Sap laughter is either very very loud or v v quiet depending on the kind of tickles. Theres almost no inbetween. &while he does enjoy soft tckls more, he absolutely will try to provoke his ler into giving him hard tckls. For 1 reason & 1 reason only. Teasing destroys him. He will pass away. But if he laughs loud enough, he cant hear the horrendous teases that make everything 100x worse. 1/5
see juno’s full ask under cut 👇🏼
Juno 😍😍 fair enough about the blog, no point if it’s going to be stressful 😅 it is indeed a win for me i freakin love your hcs eeeeeeee
ok, so this is one of my favourite tropes right here: stoic people preferring rougher tickles because lighter tickles are just far to flustering.
like it gives them too much time to think about their reactions hehe, there’s more noises? like you get cute arse squeaks and squeals that are just SO embarrassing for the stubborn lee, PLUS it gives the ler more to tease, which makes the lee more red, which gives the ler more to tease and omg it’s a infinite perfect loop
so dream tickling sapnap and sapnao barking out laughter, having the time of his life, and then gogy coming in and asking him to be quieter ON PURPOSE??? so perfect 👌🏼 coz sapnap would be flustered by not only himself, but the teases, AND having gogy just there watching like naAAAWWWW 😩😩
So, if Dream is tickling him he typically succeds in provoking him (who wouldn't lmao). Good for S, bc D is a god at teasing his close friends (id imagine he collects embarassing info like gold, so he always has the perfect material for each person). Doesnt matter most of the time tho, bc S will be laughing to hard to hear it (still kind of an L for him bc it tickles more but at least no teasing to go alongside yk)
BUT since George moved in, S has been having trouble with his usual strategy. G Will be entering the room D&S are in if S is being tickled within a minute two thirds of the time. Its like hes a shark who can smell theres sth going on. Neways, on rare occasions he can be bothered to join, espc if S has been annoying him. But even if hes to lazy to join, he will still ruin S's day. How, you may ask? ...
Simple, by telling D&S to quiet down bc hes sleeping/streaming/editing/... . And D the giant simp I MEAN good friend that he is will ofc comply. Meaning the tickles get soft meaning S wont laugh as loud MEANING he will be hearing Ds teases loud & Clear. This is S's worst case scenario. Hes already dying if he even sees G stand in the doorway bc he knows itll get worse in a few secs lol.
(Ofc, G himself is also a master at teases, but S's strategy simply does Not work on George to begin with. G is Aware of Ss weakness and will not let it slide under any circumstance. Basically, George being in any way, shape or form near S while hes getting tickled means certain death for him lmao)
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daddyjackfrost · 3 years
List the Olympians (+Hades and Hestia) in order form favorite to least favorite, and why <33
okay! this actually took a little time cuz i had to really think it over. fair warning, the percy jackson fan in me is highly biased.
favourite to least favourite;
- Hades (is this obvious? yes. okay, beside being like chill and a loyal husband, he is SO cool. his power increases day by day! the increasing number of dead really does nourish his power. AND! his punishments? *solve this is puzzle* what a guy.)
- Apollo (he’s cool. LOL no okay, i know most of the myths about Apollo and yk he ain’t really a good guy, tho none of them are. everything he is the god of, are things i love and enjoy, plus he’s bi! so, respect 😌)
- Artemis (my QUEEN. she’s sexy what can i say. and i’m pretty sure she’s like the biggest lesbian every which i have to respect. i could be wrong don’t come at me she’s also this feminist icon and i love how she kinda did her own thing? and killed the men who tried to dishonour her.)
- Hestia (my soft queen. i really think that she’s just this kind goddess and from what i know, i love her. i love that her priorities were family and community and that everyone seemed to have kinda worshipped her. plus! i have this wicked idea in my head that even though she was kind, she would be the ultimate downfall of her siblings. *wink wink*)
- Dionysus (i love him. tbh, he and apollo could be tied, but i only recently started reading more about him. i have a lot to say about this guy, mainly because he was SO complex. Dionysus teaches us to become more than what we ordinarily are. He represents pure freedom, emotion, pleasures, nonconformity, and chaos. he’s also so chill?? like yeah he’s done some bad things (i found 3 major things) but he’s better than Zeus and therefor i love him)
- Hephaestus (he’s really powerful. that’s all i gotta say. he literally trapped Hera and literally blackmailed GODS. he’s an icon r u kididng me. also! tho he’s strong, he keeps a pretty low profile and apparently he’s nice and has a heart of a child. wait he also tried to rape athena— i take it back. he’s not an icon. idk man. i think he’s pretty skilled and i would love to watch him work.)
- Hermes (i would rob a bank with him, no cap. apparently he was a hoe tho. i feel like hades liked him. i like him mainly because he’s a sneaky piece of shit, and he’s considered the protector of human heralds so imma assume he’s nice. i don’t know if hermes has done anything like SUPER seriously bad, but i think he’s cool)
- Aphrodite (okay, i don’t hate aphrodite! i actually love her and her whole aura. i honestly think she needs to get over herself tho. a war? over an apple? ma’am pls. tbh, i think the goddess was bad tempered and quick to jealousy but she did protect those who worshiped her to some extent so, respect i guess. i think she could’ve kept it in her pants tho)
- Athena (NO I LOVE HER SHE SHOULD BE AT THE TOP BUT recent discoveries has bumped her down a bit. during my pjo phase, i wanted to be a daughter of athena SO bad. there can be many things said about athena, but she isn’t the goddess i thought she was. yeah, she’s super cool, and she’s good at war and giving dumb heroes courage, but eh. i think she’s hot. i just think she had a dark side and so here she is)
- Demeter (tbh i forgot her😀 so. i think she should just lay off hades and persephone. such a hover mother🙄 i think she’s pretty cool tho. very reliable and besides famine and extreme drama, i don’t think she’s ever done anything really bad? OH OH SHES A BAD BITCH THO. she’s also a pretty good mother. she loved persephone and u can see that with the way she defies zeus. zeus is a bitch for raping demeter)
-Ares (i almost forgot him omg. i think ares is under appreciated. he’s kinda only associated with war? and there aren’t many myths about him. i think he’s portrayed pretty negatively tho he did do some negative things. ares was kinda an assholw ngl. not like, SUPER bad, but i think he had daddy issues. oh oh!! i think i read somewhere that he never raped anyone and never considered women inferior to him, so, respect. i like him. i think we could be friends.)
[okay i’m ngl, these three are my least favourite. i literally like everybody above this]
- Poseidon (sigh. he’s a bitch. he’s moody and bad-tempered and so greedy. i think his powers are SO COOL THO. literally i also wanted to be a daughter of poseidon because r u dumb??? oh he’s such a misogynist tho. and a serial rapist?? keep it in your pants?? i don’t necessarily think he’s evil, mainly because our concept of good and evil don’t apply to myths and gods so. i just think poseidon is petty and i would like to give him a wedgie.)
- Hera ( a BITCH. sorry, that’s my pjo self talking. she’s so jealous and vengeful?? like sorry miss girl, ur pus*y just aint it. that’s ur fault. i really think hera and zeus should have gone to couples therapy. i think hera is petty but also rightfully so— her husband SUCKS. she killed dionysus’s while family tho😐 and did a whole shit ton of rude and bad things. i think hera should have killed zeus and retired and then lived among humans and found a nice human man who wouldn’t cheat. idk man. i’m always so conflicted with hera. do i like her? no. but do i feel bad? yeah.)
- Zeus (🙄 enough said. i don’t like zeus. at all. fuck zeus WAIT DO NOT that’s all. i think he’s a bitch and kronos should’ve just sat on him or something.)
WELL. that was... yeah. that was a mess. thank you for asking this tho! i had so much fun.
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Friendly reminders about The Flash⚡️
Things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Season 4✨
Even though this was honestly one of my least favorite seasons it was pretty interesting to watch and it had some pretty cool, badass and hilarious scenes lmao
Ok but the intro on the first episode was kinda cool
Cisco, wally and Joe working together... we stan 🙌🏼
Also the new star labs tables and tech make it look pretty cool
Samuroid, Kilg%re, Hazard, Amunet Black, T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r, Black Bison, The Thinker, Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ, 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ, Prank and Trickster Jr., Dwarfstar, m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾, Null, The folded man
Ramsey Deacon aka Kilg%re
Rebecca Sharpe (Becky) aka Hazard
Ralph Dibny aka the elongated man
T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r
Mina Chaytan aka Black Bison
Dominic Lance aka Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ
Neil Borman aka 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ
Sylbert Rundine aka Dwarfstar
Izzy Bowen
Matthew Kim aka m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾
Janet Petty aka Null
Edwin Gauss aka the folded man
Wally can speak Japanese😂
Joe being able to forgive Caitlin after what she did is amazing I love them 🥺
West-Allen kiss count (approximately): 46 😘
Cisco being upset because he was at the "doghouse" in ep2 is hilarious
"Rule number 1, when a girl say it's fine, it's not fine" i- I'd be happy with Cisco as my boyfriend
Gypsy's gorgeous bro 🤩
Ok i'm sorry but that "we are the flash" bothers me
Not Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin playing laser tag... AGAINST KIDS😂💀 And Cisco really went "you have failed this city" I love them (ep3)
Jesse just broke up with Wally... With a…
Breakup cube i-
Joe being lost or done with everything going on around him is hilarious, and he also looked so sad when Cecile asked him to sell the house
Iris and Barry really would've gotten married out of the blue if it hadn't been for Kevin (the lil boy in ep3) LMAOOO
This boy really used cinnamon incense on purpose when the father was allergic to it and just went :) ┐(´ー`)┌
"no need to shame the little boy" I-
We love Barry defending little kids 🥺
I liked Cisco's shirt in this episode
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
Not Wally leaving 🥺😩
BAHHAHHSXHAHSGHASGAH Joe's reaction when Cecile told him she was pregnant
OMG just realized that in the beginning of ep4 when Cisco and Gypsy are making out on Cisco's bed that… BRO I-
After Cisco asked Gypsy what her real name was she went to the bathroom and he stayed in bed but went to look for something in the little night table… that something was probably a condom… Y'ALL WHAT BAHBSAHBSHAS
Ralph Dibny used to be a dirty cop, I had Completely forgotten about this man
I just noticed that every time that Barry goes into a new room he looks around and i guess he tries to grasp as much information of it as possible and it's kinda cute
I like how Breacher always has a serious face but when Gypsy talks to him he smiles 🥺
Also Breacher being Danny Trejo (Machete) from Spy Kids
"Good people don't destroy lives and call it noble"
Gypsy's real name is Cynthia and Breacher's Josh
Girl Night's out was an awesome episode, I mean we got to see the girls working together, Felicity, Drunk Barry and Cecile going #feminism it's just great
Amunet was kinda funny lmao Annoying but funny lol
BAHSHAHHA that scene when they get mugged by the guy that try to mugged Barry in s1 is hilariousss (ep6)
Ok but Black Bison (Mina) was right like why are things that belong to people that are still here in a museum?
Uff istg I hate Marlize sm like she's so manipulative and she just slapped Barry like bro u know ur guilty he's just doing his job ugh, I know she becomes good at the end but still 😤🙄
Harry and Caitlin 🥺
I love how Cisco's powers improved throughout the seasons. Like at the beginning he needed his goggles to vibe and now he just did it without them.
Bro even tho Amunet is evil she really just encouraged Caitlin and let her know that she is amazing for her, not only for killer frost.
I like Iris and Caitlin's friendship
The fact that she decided to go after Caitlin, instead of Barry shows how good of a leader she is
"those white girl dreads came straight from the 90s" BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco
Bro no wth I only saw Dominic for one episode and I already loved him 🥺
UGHHHH He didn't do anything this is not fair it makes me so upset like it was so infuriating to see him go through trial for something he didn't do🥺
Ig that's what he felt like when his dad-
Caitlin holding Iris's hand during trial 🥺
Ralph really protected Joe and prevented him from basically destroying his life by planting fake evidence on Marlize's shoes
Ok but I love 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ's episode because I think it's like the first time that we get to see Killer Frost fighting alongside them 🥺
They really helped Caitlin turn into Killer Frost with... puppies 🥺😂❤️
Bro the amount of people that are in jail for crimes they didn't commit makes me so upset
And the fact that he got the same cell as his dad 🤌🏼😩
"I'm the fastest mop alive" I love how even when he's in prison he's still finds a way to smile or make Iris smile i-
Zoey Clark was James Jesse's girlfriend and Axel Walker's mother.
Ralph's first superhero name was stretchy man
Lexi La Roche was Caitlin's childhood bully
Omg just saw Nora for the first time in s4 ehhh actually probably not the first time since I think she appeared in the crossover but I skipped that episode so oh well 😂
She's so awkward- her Barry is showing lmaoooo
OMG I love this, Cecile just found out she can read minds lmaooo
Big Sir's real name is Dave and i-🥺
BARRY'S A CHEATER ABSHAHAHH he cheated on poker lmaooo
Cecile would definitely be me if I had powers
Harry's actually pretty insecure
Mini Ralph and Mini Cisco are hilarious
I will forever love Big Sir like 🥺
The fact that he did get his happy ending 🥺☺️❤️
Bro I felt so bad when the bus metas were almost free and Devoe took them 🥺
I'm ngl I'd love to get a pep talk from killer frost
OMG THATS WHY HE NEEDED T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r i never really understood why he needed him but it was to keep Marlize in love
BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco "Ralph I love you but you sleep on a futon" (a damp futon)
Ok but I love Izzy Bowen's energy, she reminds me of Laurel sm
I love how Harry calls Cecile- DA Cecile Horton
The Flash s4:E14 "Subject 9" minute 12:14 - Cisco yelling "Iris" with the voice Crack is the most hilarious thing I've seen today lmaoo
Just realized that the first time we saw Izzy Bowen she was singing Somethin' Bad which was probably foreshadowing what was going to happen with her character
Bro izzy🥺
Iris being a speedster is kinda cool and I like that her lightning is purple :)💜⚡️
Cisco just saved Iris 🥺
Poor Cisco, Harry just destroyed his little airplane thingie he was working on because he was looking for his thinking cap that Joe had because Harry was getting addicted to it
And Joe noticed because Harry had the same symptoms as Francine did 🥺
Bro that scene in ep18 where Marlize and Iris are fighting is pretty badass, especially when Iris basically stabs herself to get rid of Marlize or when Joe makes it into the Cortex with the Samuroid's head in a pole lmaooo😂
Ralph and Killer Frost 🥺
I love Snart from Earth-X
Bro no I love Cisco and Gypsy I cried when they broke up 🥺
Amunet's real name is Leslie Jocoy
Diggle throwing up after running with Barry every single time is hilarious😂
I love it when Cecile inhabits other people's minds right when she's about to give birth BAHSHAHHA SHE REALLY IMPERSONATED JOE PERFECTLY
Joe and Cecile baby's name is Jenna Marie West🥺☺️
This house is bitchin' BAHAHAHA I hated this cliffhanger like I loved it bc it wasn't that bad but it was yk?😂
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flamediel · 3 years
1. who do u think uses the most petnames
Erick, he has a silly sense of humor so I think he comes up with crazy and silly nicknames that catch on with the rest.
2. What pet names do you think they each like to call you ~romantically~
Richard- shorty/shawty or baby girl. He has a height complex (short with a big attitude) so he is def gonna use petnames that accentuate that he is bigger than you. Though, I also think he would be the one to call you like the most grand stuff to hype you up like "my diosa" or something like that.
Chris- Cutesy version of your name. In terms of like terms of endearment I think he constantly changes them up, like for a month he calls you sweetie, then two weeks he can't stop calling you whatever cute wording the used in their new single (like honeyboo for example) and so on. He has a fun personality and needs to keep it fun and light in the relationship too.
Zabdiel- He will absolutely call you Mi amor when he is annoyed/frustrated, almost all boricuas do that. Prob just goes with mami , bebe (or the less common variant beba) and if you have a middle name he would 100 call you that. With Zabdiel, I feel petnames is all about intimacy so when he uses each petname kind of becomes code words for his moods or his feelings or just some secret joke between you two.
Joel - the one that goes absolutely into the ridiculously sweet petnames. He will call you honey, sweeatheart, mi cielo, mi reina, mi vida and prob refers to you when talking to other people as "the love of my life". This boy is a hopeless romantic and the way he uses petnames reflect that.
Erick- creatively made up petname...maybe based on something that reminds him of you or maybe some silly but adorable version of your name. Whatever it is, Erick came up with it just for you and it will 100% make you feel special. He just seems to be the type that can find humor in everything and will turn that silly humor into fun petnames.
3. What petnames do they like to be called ~romantically~
Richard: I feel that though he doesn't really care much, he would kind of love it if you called him by his middle name. And well, the classic Papi I guess?
Chris: He would be so upset if you called him by his full first name, he automatically thinks he did something wrong when you do that. I think he would be fine with anything as long as you say it in the write tone, like if you say a sweet name but your tone isn't sweet he'd put a pouty face until you use the right tone...what you are actually using as a petname he doesnt care much.
Zabdiel: I think he prob likes to hear you say his name just like that. But he prob expect a similar version of what he calls you depending the situation so nicknames like Papi and bebé/bebo are prob tossed around the most.
Joel: anything is fair game except his name, he will call you like at least 3 petnames when talking to you and he expects the same treatment. Mi amor, mi rey, mi corazón, ect are some examples.
Erick: Prob the classic baby? Idk tbh 🙈 Maybe he is into animal petnames? Yeah, I can see that like you calling him by whatever animal the first plushie he gave you.
4. What petnames do they call you but ~spicy~
Ok, Im gonna try it differently now, Imma say a couple of petnames and who I think would say them when getting spicy:
-Daddy's girl/ Good Girl - Richard, Chris, Zabdiel (when he is feeling in the mood to tease)
-Mami- Erick & Zabdiel
-My (insert degrading term here) -Richard and Chris
-Mia/Mine - Zabdiel, Joel and Richard (yeah they give the vibes to whisper possessively when going down on you)
Nena- Zabdiel & Erick (prob as a warning when being teased)
-Baby- Joel, maybe Richard (though Baby Girl is more his style)
-My pet -I think this might slip out of Joel's mouth in the right context.
Kitten/ Gatita :Richard, Chris and Erick
Belleza: Chris, Zabdiel & Erick
Mi diosa: Richard
Princesa: Richard, Chris & Joel
5. What petnames do they like to be called but ~spicy~
Daddy: Obviously Richard, Chris and Zabdiel (but I think Zabdiel specifically might prefer the spanish alternative Papi)
Baby: Zabdiel and Erick (Joel would be both turned on and offended by being called baby)
Calling them by their own names: All of them, have you seen the egos of those boys? Yeah
Calling them by their middle name: Richard and Chris
Dirty/ Naughty boy: Chris, Zabdiel, Erick & Joel
My pet: Zabdiel
Guapo: Richard & Joel
DAMN ok iara lets go!
1. who do u think uses the most petnames?
erick. i agree he’s so silly he’s always using casual nicknames it’s the cutest
2. What pet names do you think they each like to call you ~romantically~
richard: can’t lie if that man started calling me shawty i would call him that right back he’s barely a few inches taller and he comes in w that energy? but tbh i just feel like i would v much enjoy pissing richard off alkjdlshs. baby girl or anything romantic or extra like that tho? bro I’d be so RED and he knows
chris: i agree i don’t see him sticking to one name for too long he’s always changing it up. esp when he’s joking around he’ll sing those parts to you and just watch you blush and roll your eyes at him for it. 
zab: i love the idea of nicknames varying by mood. and it just turns into a thing where you can kind of figure out where he’s at mentally based on what he says. mi amor when he’s annoyed or frustrated, but then bebe when he’s tired and just needs a hug. mami when he’s all needy, just TONS OF NICKNAMES. i can see him using a middle name esp if you don’t love it to make it all cutesy, or your last name.
Joel: yep.. that fucking tracks dskjjdhjkshk man loves love and he is sickly sweet w his pet names. it’s honestly cute how constant it is and esp since it’s all genuine it makes you SOFT man
erick: look i see erick pulling a christopher w those song themes pet names like my boo and shit but he’s super jokey with it, he also uses like those ridiculously over the top ones but always w some humor behind them. and name ones, 100%, he’s really cutesy and jokey with it. 
3. What petnames do they like to be called ~romantically~
Richard: def papi, but i also do think he cares like. richard gives me lowkey romantic vibes like once he’s in w someone he’s IN yk? and I feel like he’d enjoy being called my love or amor or something like that bc he does have a soft spot and we gotta talk about it more dammit
Chris: you’re right christopher is so formal? and even chris i feel like he wouldn’t love. he deserves affection ok he wants to be called love and baby and like even papi casually and just w a ton of love in your voice and if you sound off he’s gonna be so confused about it. 
Zabdiel: ok but zabdiel as a name seems so intimate for some reason? idk why but it really does. i would call him baby 100% like idc if he’s twice my side and could physically split me in half he’s baby and if he’s MY baby then he will definitely be made aware of this lmao. 
Joel: joel needs love and affection and uou know what that’s valid. baby? sweetheart? amor? angel? he’s melting
Erick: not animal nicknames 😭i can see it tbh but he looks like my cousin so i can’t even imagine him like that lmao
4. What petnames do they call you but ~spicy~
Daddy's girl/ Good Girl - this is such a richard and chris phrase, zab when he’s teasing or feeling dommy but chris ESP like if you’re giving him head? “you’re being such a good girl for me, just like that baby”
Mami- Erick & Zabdiel, sure, but also chris. tho in a more casual way. he would DEF say it in bed too. 
My (insert degrading term here) -Richard and Chris. yes, tho rich uses more degrading terms i feel like. 
Mia/Mine - Zabdiel, Joel and Richard. yes but ESP ZABDIEL like? when he’s just, slightly jealous or put off. if you’re teasing him by talking to other guys or not giving him attention for example? he’s pinning you to the bed, kissing down your chest and just whispering it to you, reminding you who exactly can turn you into this mess.
Nena- Zabdiel & Erick definitely. zab in that quiet voice when you’re trying to tease him in public especially “later, nena”
Baby- Joel ESPECIALLY yes, and in that whiney babyyyyy when he wants attention
My pet ok yes i agree this is def only joel and only in specific scenarios
Kitten/Gatita: Richard, Chris and Erick. i can see this esp w richard in that teasing, degrading tone when he has you tied up and on your knees, stroking your face and wiping the running mascara off of your cheek once he’s finished fucking your mouth
Belleza: Chris, Zabdiel & Erick. erick for sure. big erick vibes w this one, whispered undfer his breath as he watches you undress. 
Mi diosa: Richard yes he’s such a ficking simp like? we need to talk about that more
Princesa: Richard, Chris & Joel. again w richard the band’s simp and then chris and joel for sure, both sexually and not. 
5. What petnames do they like to be called but ~spicy~
Daddy: I agree with this being a richard thing, but i think chris is definitely more into papi and zab would only really be ok with papi. I don’t see him liking daddy at all tbh, but papi? for sure. 
Baby: Zabdiel better like being called baby bc i will call him baby all the time he has such baby energy. I actually see erick being more offended by it as the baby of the group, and joel being surprised at first but leaning into it. 
Calling them by their own names: omg yes in bed? esp zabdiel he will MAKE you say his name in bed when he’s feeling possessive, asking you who this pussy belongs to. richard def prefers daddy in bed and might take his name as being bratty but in foreplay or less intense scenes he’s super into it. 
Calling them by their middle name: Richard and Chris. tbh idk about this one like? maybe? i really don’t know.
Dirty/Naughty boy: Chris, Zabdiel, Erick & Joel. ok i’m gonna have to say this one goes to joel i think he feels good about breaking rules and this is definitely one of those things that reminds him he’s being nasty lol. 
My pet: Zabdiel. i see that highkey. also likes callling you mami in the same vein esp when you’re taking the lead
Guapo: Richard & Joel. i very firmly believe if you call richard anything but daddy in bed he’s mad BUT i can see this in teasing or foreplay w him for sure. joel is def into it he needs an ego boost. 
come talk about petnames
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riskeith · 3 years
hi babe, hope you slept well.. ♥️
answering on the phone is just *takes screenshots* *opens tumblr app* *switch between screenshots and answering* do you also put on my messages on the laptop and answering with your phone usually, because that’s what i do lmao sjshdks. thank god for technology.
(I LOVE BEING CALLED BRO.. i believe that i would’ve been a dudebro in another life tbh..) there is? i’m not super immersed in the fandom actually so i had no idea, do you have any examples? ofc only if you wanna talk about it i know these topics can sometimes be annoying to think about. also you’re right! ‘don’t like don’t read’ is the law. follow it. i can’t believe how some people have the nerve to talk about what other people do creatively... yikes
you should if you ever find yourself not knowing what to read! i think their fics were some of my first in the fandom and they set the bar so high hehe. dude i love how oikawa just wants to see kageyama burn it’s so funny..... he’s so cocky about it while kageyama’s just his moody self. speaking of; one of my fave fics of yours is the swapping jerseys one!
WTF 😭 BABY POOLS AND POOL FLOATIES..... razor please come back to us please. sidenote but do you also think that his powers are 5 star level? hes soo powerful it’s so odd how he’s only 4 star haha... or maybe it’s just me being biased.
YEAH! THE SAVING SCENE IS SO AHHHHH. god especially if they have dialogue while person a is hurting and person b just spills all their feelings and becomes so erratic and scared and person a is like holy shit you love me.... and after everything is okay there’s still some awkwardness and tension and aaa.... 💢💔
OOO. sadly the ps5 is always out of stock it’s crazy how fast it sold out. but i mean it makes sense it’s arguably the most popular console so.. hopefully they restock soon. last of us is such a fun game! and the second part is ~gay~ which is always a plus. i’m not sure which memes you mean? tell me 👁 HAHA that makes sense actually omg... lumine and aether reunion won’t happen until like two years if the updates keep coming the way they are (STOP THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE SO FUNNY.... like hello if you want to unlock the rest of the story you either gacha $pin for it or you imagine it yourself love ♥️😗) talking about this makes me wonder what the other worlds might look like....
your followers are just here to witness us planning our co-op date sjsjdkdjskz. speaking of,,, hehe. i have some fantastic news. i’m at ar level 11 right now and co-op unlocks at level 16... i might just reach that tomorrow (today for you) so i’m just saying hehehehehehehehehehehe.... 😏♥️
BOWL CUT. my cutie little baby. also mullet? sounds nice omg you will probably rock that look... 😳 i’m a non mullet supporter but if cluna has a mullet then call me a yeehaw mullet lover i suppose. can’t believe my wife is a cowboy. OMG YEAH IT MUST FEEL SO NICE your head went bzz bzz. how long did it take for them to accept it? and yeah god ikr some people take hair so seriously which is fair but also i’ve never understood it... like it grows out..? wow you really went from a ballet girl to punk rock style huh. i feel like you’re the both sides of the ‘she was a punk she did ballet’ meme.
memo fic is a jealous fic? mmm smells good. I FIGURED jshdjdkhsjs slow songs are just not your forte, huh? rip. langst is the best yet worst thing ever tbh. and YEAH I DO we’re truly 🤝 ok literally mood sometimes it’s just nice to talk about how much you love a character through another character in a fic yk? so what if this 2k fic contains 1k words about how beautiful oikawa looks? it’s what iwa feels <3 (YOU’RE LEARNING!!!!!!! THATS SO EXCITING!! i guess you just have to drive me around, huh?)
oh i’m in love i’m with that fic my girl. and i knew about that spoiler it’s kind of hard to miss it since it’s everywhere skdhdkdhdk... god, that sounds so good thank you for sharing it. pining iwaizumi hajime >>>>>>>> the air i need to exist 🥺 
THE DAY IS SO SOON CLUNA, it’s literally here soooo soon holy shit i just can’t wait. i played for almost 6 hours today in a row like an idiot and now i never wanna see hilichurls again in my life but hey, one step closer to my baby. prepare yourself.. 😏
AWWW i had a feeling you’d be a tea person. but omg tea effects your sleep? how late is too late for you to drink it? what’s your favorite flavors? 👁 and i’m addicted to both shdkdhsks. i say addicted bc i literally have 6 cups of tea per day easily and like.. 1 or 2 coffee cups per day. it’s really bad but i can’t stop so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️
COLLEGE BOYFIES CLUNA. COLLEGE BOYFIES WITH DIP DYE HAIR. imagine them doing each other’s make up and nails before going to concerts together. imagine xiao in euphoria kind of make up. holy shit. here’s something for your overwhelmed heart jsdhjshska. xiaoven soulmates girl, no doubt about it. THE EDIT THE EDIT THE EDIT!!!! they just look so beautiful. we need scenes with them like Asap. the edit is based on a fic... notes down.
can’t wait to see your screenshots. super excited!!
xo, m.a. (i almost wrote my name down in a haste shshskdjdk... although you’ll find it out soon...)
hiya!! i slept alright~ ahaha
:o that’s smart! but no i don’t LOL whether i’m on my phone or my laptop i just continuously scroll up and down fhdskjfkhsdf i think that’s why i come close to missing some paragraphs some times oops. yay for the ~wonders of technology~
(AIGHT NICE AHAHHA fhsdkjfsh does that mean you’re a bit of a tomboy?) actually coincidentally i came across this thread: https://twitter.com/maxatsuomi/status/1350145589296685057 which gives you an idea lmao (also some things on there i wasn’t even aware of wtf) EXACTLY??? it’s even worse when non content creators try to come for content creators like?????????/ um you’re getting all this food for FREE and yet?????? lmfao the nerve of some people
i def will!! FKJSHFDSKJ yeah that do be their dynamic lolol. and thank you!! i too think i snapped on that one 😩😩 glad others agree ahahah
i actually haven’t really seen him in combat... and when we could trial him i was too busy trying to pass the quests to focus on how he fought fhdkfhsdkfjshf but i do think his abilities are cool!! he have wolf above head 🥺
YEAHHH BOYEEEEEEEEEEE god that reminds me of a scene from a drarry fic (What We Pretend We Can't See wink wonk)
oh damn!! hope they restock soon for your sake~ yissss ive watched a playthrough and omg lev.... my Son. i don’t think i can find the memes again but it was just about the bugs like how if you throw a grenade on the highway everyone will run out of their cars like a flashmob or something hfskfhsdjfkds. (LMAOOOOO) there’s actually a trailer with the other worlds! https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY (it has spoilers tho supposedly lol. none we understand rn at least)
hdsfkhjs. omg you absolute legend!!!! but i also hope that you’re taking care of yourself and prioritising the important things too fhsfhdksdhf. but i am excited hehehehehe
AHHAAHKFHDSKJFSD pls... once i saw someone with an actual proper mullet on the bus and i was like “ew... keith would look like this irl?” FJSDHKFSAHKDASHDFSDJFKJFDSHFKJS. but what can i say i got influenced by all the kpop bois 😔 and hmmm idk? i think my dad didn’t care too much but ik my mum did/does fhsfskfsdfhkf so who knows lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. IT REALLY DOES GROW OUT LMAO LIKE. fhkshkfsdkj my cousin called me a rockstar when she saw it LOL so you’re prob right 🤪
yeah slow songs really just. aren’t LMAO ‘behind this mask of mine’ was based on a slow bts song and i put it in the playlist i had for it (bc obviously) but i wanted to skip it every time hfksjdhfskjdfhskfdkfhkslfhadksfjsdjhfkashkfjsdh. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! you are so correct. (hehehe i was gonna say that too that you don’t need to drive bc it’ll take you around 😏 LMAO)
fhkdsj thank!! legit pining iwa.......... more like pining ME mayhaps i just be self projecting 🤪🤪
lolol dw i can fight the hilichurls for you 😩 also who’s your fave enemy to fight! i used to like fighting the treasure hoarders most but the hilichurls are cute.. FHSKJDHFSDFKJSD plus i need their fucking masks my god why are their drop rates so shit hfsdhjfks
i’m not too sure actually? i’ve never been up early enough to test it but i like drinking tea like after dinner... which is the problem AHAHA. hmm well i like matcha a lot LOL but also chai? and then like black tea.... all the other ones too... i used to drink some fruity ones which were nice but we have a lot of the like basic chinese ones at home too and i enjoy those as well lol. wbu?? omg.... m.a........... dfhksdfkjhfkjshfksjd that’s a lot!!!!!!! do you even need to drink water then HKDSJFHKSDFHDKDSHFJKSDH
omg............. ive never seen euphoria LOL but ............. omg ...................... i cannot process thoughts rn.....
xoxo!! c.r. (you mean bc we’ll be playing co-op? you don’t have to if you’re uncomfy fhdskjf my genshin name was literally ‘aether’ up until yesterday FHDFHSDKFSDFJSHFKSDF)
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bthump · 6 years
How do you think the story would’ve been different if Griffith could talk after he was tortured? What do you think Guts N Griffith w
oh no lol I think this got cut off. i have another message sent right after but it’s only the letter “S” so I think something went wrong/tumblr glitched and it would be great if you could resend your second question, because I’d love to answer it!
But as for the first part (and idk maybe I’ll end up accidentally answering the rest too) I think it would almost certainly change things.
And imo it wouldn’t be so much because of what Griffith would say than because of what Guts would say knowing Griffith can actually have a conversation.
Like, even despite having the relevation that he loves Guts so much his dream is dull in comparison, I find it so hard to picture Griffith actually saying anything like that outloud to Guts lol. He might, and I think that like, if someone was writing a fic eg, it’s possible to make it feel in character, so yk maybe having a tongue would fix everything because Griffith would finally be at the point where he knows what he feels and has nothing to lose by telling Guts.
But I think it’s more likely that what would actually change things is Guts starting the conversation. In canon he had that slow creeping realization that he fucked everything up, Griffith isn’t a god, Griffith needed Guts, and by leaving Guts threw away what he actually wanted. With Griffith actually available for comment, I could see Guts bringing this up.
Not like, “hey so are you in love with me or what?” lol, but more like just asking Griffith why, the way he always does when Griffith demonstrates feelings for him. He can’t come at it from an assumption that Griffith does love him, because Guts defaults to assuming he doesn’t, hence why it took him 3 days to finally accept Casca directly telling him he broke Griffith. He wouldn’t say, “is it my fault you ended up in a dungeon?”
But he might say, how did it all go so wrong? Some of the Hawks think it’s bc I left. I told them that was ridic but… then he sees the telling look on griffith’s face or something. THEN maybe the truth would smack Guts across the face and he’d tell Griffith why he left.
Conversely I could see Guts avoiding this conversation and Griffith absolutely not talking about his feelings unprompted until the Eclipse happens anyway lol. Or yk if they still got to the point where Griffith snapped and ended up in a shallow pond with a broken arm trying to kill himself, he would have screamed “stay away!” to Guts outloud, and everything would’ve come flooding out then. Considering his thoughts at that point (”I’ll never - never again with you”) I could see him just finally confessing everything he feels if he was able to, because he’s pretty far past self-restraint in that scene.
Idk if there’s anything Guts could say to avert the Eclipse tho, because at that point I think Griffith’s despair comes not so much from Guts maybe leaving again as the fact that because of how he feels Guts is fully capable of destroying him with a word. Buuut on the other hand Guts like falling to his knees in front of him and telling him he’s sorry and having his own mini guilt breakdown might assuage Griffith enough to pull him back from the brink of despair, and then they can start dealing with their shit.
I mean to be fair there’s a narrative reason Griffith had to lose his tongue, and it’s because they could theoretically talk everything out. So if Griffith could talk I think the Eclipse would be averted, though it might be a last minute thing lol bc they’re both still dumb and avoidant.
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kritharaki · 3 years
Rating plants ive personally owned/ own on a scale of 1- 10, 1 being sucks i hate it and it also died for no reason and 10 being i love it and it is flourishing with my at times shitty care
1. Dracaena fragrans nr1
The one that looks a bit like a bamboo palm tree. Solid 7/10 i think she is pretty and you usually can tell exactly when she needs water because her leaves curl. However has had little to no growth since i got it and i cant figure out why, -3 for that
2. Dracaena fragrans nr2
The one that looks like a palm without a stump. 10/10 ive been trying to kill it for over a year and it refuses to die. That could be spite. But she is very recomendable i think... top five things she survived so far being 1.overwaterd cause if i have water leftover she gets it 2 sunburned. I forgot her outside after repotting. 3 being dropped. Standing in the darkest corner of my room 4. Being dropped. Again. 5. Forgot to water it for like two weeks cause ive moved it to another room . I would give it a -5 for personality because im mad at her but that is personal between me and her.
3. Succulents
All of them. No matter if purple or greenish. 2/10 some people love them, i hate them. idk what im doing wrong but so far ive had five? And only one of them still is alive. Either they rot or dry out. Idk who recommends them to beginners i hate them.
4. Cacti
Nice. 9/10 i dont like them because they are spiky and im an idiot, but they really are not easy to kill. One time i overwatered one and it got mushy, but since it still is alive over two years later i guess it doesnt count. They really are a great starter plant i think because they survive on very little care, and if you grow out of being a beginner you can get to the more challenging ways of caring for catci (that still are quite simple i think)
5. Monstera deliciosa
9/10, i think they can be quite tricky but only if you dont believe in yourself. They also are easy to propagate which always is a huge plus. U get more plants out of one. Its genius i love it. I got mine at ikea and on god it has doubled in size in like a year???? They should get extra points for looks because they are really nice and green
6. A yucca palm
9½/10 Idk..... ive had to repot it once but idk if it has even grown since i got it. Its a very nice and easy planta nd it looks good but doenat have much action to talk about. I wouldnt know how to kill it either so id consider it a nice starter. The very bottom leaves get yellow and krispy but that apparently is normal so no need to worry, thats just how it grows.
7. Gummy tree
6/10 i worry about it all the time even though it doesnt do anything that should worry me. But it has very few leaves so it cant loos that many which gives it a feel of walking on thin ice. Stressful. Very pretty tho should get extra points. Also remind me to ask my grandma for tips because hers is literally 60 years old.......... so maybe its like the monstera you just gotta believe in yourself
8. Orchids
I have got two, a purple ikea one and a papophilium or some shit. 4/10 They are really pretty especially the pap,,, paep,,,, the expenisive-ish one❤ but i hate them. What do they want. No that isnt true the ikea one... well ive accidentally overwatered it right after buying it because i didnt realize the pot it came w had no drainage which then lead to me removing both soil and half the now moldy roots. And orchids dont need soil so id just put it in a cup of water every once in a while...... that is really easy to forget tho and now shes dry and shrively :( the expensive one i accidentally let it stand in a saucer of water and now theres mushrooms in the soil thingy which is bad i think. Gets extra points for also surviving being dropped twice
9. Spider plants
My beloved. 10/10
I got one from ikea but then decided the single plants in the pot were to overcrowded so i took them out and seperated it into three. I probably ripped half the roots but they survived and now are flourishing. One of them has an offshoot going on rn, which leads me to the other two i have, my mom got me them as cuttings from her office plant and i left them in just water for at least third a year oops. They started getting a lil moldy so i planted them and now they are going strong again. Love. They also are really easy to propagate because offsphoots are everything but rare in an older(ish) plant, and also really easy to grow from there. Another one id consider a good beginner plant because all they want is water and a place on the windowsill. The latter is optional too but they do get nicer there i think. Ig they also wouldnt say no to the occasional fertilizer but again they do not need it i think.
10. Pileas
7/10, almost killed my big one by putting it into a too big pot AND shady place at all the same time. In the midst of winter. Cant recommend it. Have now put it back into a smaller pot and shes flourishing again. The small one i have i cant say much about. She does her job and is very smol. Also worth mentioning is you dont have to water pilea babies more than big ones it makes them mold <\3. I think its an easy plant if you dont fuck around to much. Propagating them can b really easy too because the offshoots just. Grow there. And u ideally have to cut them and put them in water. The last time i tried this was winter. Bad idea doesnt work. Trying it again rn ig ill update this section accordingly.
11. Clusia rosea
6/10 ive too put her into a too big pot cause i dont have an intermediate one so she looks stupid now. Has grown a lil since i got it 2 years ago, but thats fair cause i dont really care for her that greatly. Mediocre to me idk
12. Peperomia polybotrya
0/10 so far its getting yellow and i cant figure out why. Need to google how to care for them.
13. Venus fly trap
7/10 Doesnt work anymore idk why :((..... a bit sad but ive moved her to the bathroom that usually helps. They really are a cool gimick and theoretically very easy to take care of, you literally just gotta make sure its in water amd standing in a sunny place at all times. I think mine might be lacking fertilizer or maybe just humidity. We will see, ill update this section too
14. Nepenthes
9/10, mine had a rough start cause i interpreted 'keep in humid place ' as 'spray with water every day' so i overwaterd her. She lost all her pitchers but i now know they just do that in winter. Unless u have a growlight. She has been moved to the windowsill in the bathroom now and is flourishing there :))
15. 3 bonus tips
1) dont propagate plants in winter unless you have grow lights or want them to die. Or live somewhere really warm maybe
2) cheap plants r not inherently worse than expensive plants (now i dont own any expensive plants but since my cheapish once work fine........yk) but especially plants from like. Chain stores like ikea often need to be repotted shortly after buying..... ive heard its a marketing thing cause if you dont do it they just get yellow and ugly and youll have to buy a new one yk. But repotting them is manageable i think so its fine you just gotta know it ig.
3) if somethings going wrong for no reason and you have a window in your bathroom put the plant there it usually helps a lil. And if it doesnt well than at least the plant dies in a peaceful place...... jk theres probably several great checklist online tho that might help you find the cause of it so dont despair <33
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