#to have em memorised
itsza · 2 years
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there might be a thing happening
tagging @yeetlegay cuz their kp wlw has literally rewired my brain
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garoujo · 2 years
mammon loving head pats and lil cheek rubs is just so sweet he’s a baby <3333
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akuutaguava · 2 years
shaking and quaking in my boots someone just came and told me that my teacher said i was v capable of doing external science .... like science is my worst subject.... what..... and that they were wondering why i didnt pick it .... like i literally suck and cant retain information and its really fucking hard idk what you want me to say wtffff .....
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februarybluues · 1 year
You spin my head around (like a record)
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summary: hobie never believed in throwing his money away to useless big corporations. but, when you started working at his favorite record shop, he decided to make a small exception. warnings: slight flirting, terrible british a/n: i love this idea so so much and have many ideas for it so if you want a part 2 let me know!!!
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If there was one thing hobie hated most, it was capitalism. Having to spend money on things you didn’t need but were marketed in a way that made you feel like you needed them, pissed him off to no end. Especially when it came to big corporations. He didn’t see the purpose of having to feed these ‘money-hungry pigs’, which would only end up causing harm to everything and everyone that got in their way. The only exception was small businesses. He never gave his money away on anything unless he desperately needed it, but that wasn’t often. Until it came to you.
There was a particular record shop in the middle of the city that he occasionally visited. Mainly because it was the only one near him that actually had his favorite artists. – which were rarely sold due to how ‘underground’ they were. Don’t get me wrong, he liked his fair share of mainstream, popular artists, he just also liked his fair share of small garage punk bands. The kind of small bands you’d find playing at your local pub. But, the point is: that specific record shop was the only one he actually liked. But, that didn’t change his hatred for capitalism. Which meant he wasn’t shy to ‘borrow’ a few cd’s, or vinyls from that shop. Actually, he hadn’t once paid for anything, and he’d never once been caught. That’s just how things were. He’d never planned to feed into society’s corrupt ideations. Never. He would continue to visit that record shop whenever he pleased, but never once considered buying anything. That is, until a new employee started working there.
They were perfect. The living embodiment of utter perfection. Every time Hobie entered the shop he was greeted by a sweet smile from behind the till. Everything that person did drove Hobie crazy. - in the best way imaginable. That person was you. You’d only recently gotten the job, around a few weeks ago. It was simple enough, but it definitely was not your dream job. You only got it because you needed the money, even though the pay was barely enough to get you going for the week, it was something! Despite never once having a proper conversation, Hobie knew he liked you. From your genuine, unrelenting kindness, to your style. He was fond of everything you did. And before he knew it, his occasional visits turned to him visiting whenever he could. Not because he wanted to actually buy anything, but because he wanted to see you. Any chance he got, he would rush straight over to you. It got to a point where he had memorised when you were working and when you weren’t. And now, here he was.
“Are you actually gonna pay this time?” you asked him, familiar with his habit of pocketing cd’s and vinyls and then leaving. You never did anything about it for many reasons. One of which was because you did not get paid enough to deal with it. And also, because he was insanely attractive. He laughed. Not like an actual laugh. But, a small exhale, similar to scoffing. “Maybe I am,” he said, handing you the vinyl. You smiled at him and scanned the record, noticing the familiar album cover. “Oh sex pistols!” you exclaimed, mentally taking note of how his music taste was almost as beautiful as he was. “You’ve got good taste.” you said, before putting the record in a bag. You didn’t notice how he lit up at the sudden compliment; freaking out on the inside, but playing it off well. “You listen to ‘em?” he asked, his heavy accent now very prominent. Your smile never once faltered as you looked back at him. “I love them!” you said. You began to hum the tune to one of their songs, doing a dramatic little dance, which earned a small laugh from him. “You know… It’s surprising that you’re actually buying something for once.” you commented, jokingly but also genuinely. He tilted his head to the side in response. “Oh yeah? How so?”  he leaned against the till, hands in his pockets as he talked with you. “Well, I see you here all the time. - Almost every time I'm working, actually. And - I guess I kinda got used to you wandering around and then leaving. It’s kind of weird how this is the first time I’ve heard your voice.” you laughed, and his lips quirked up in a small, almost unnoticeable smile. “What’s wrong with havin’ a look around?” his voice was low, and he spoke innocently. Despite the both of you knowing he was anything but innocent. “We both know you’ve been having a bit more than a look around.” you said, in reference to the many times you’d seen him ‘borrowing’ a few cd’s. He laughed this time. In truth, he cherished this moment. As it had been the first time he’d heard your voice. You were sweet, funny, and apparently had good music taste. All three of those traits were almost impossible to be found in the people Hobie had met. There was just something about you that was so different from everything else. So unique and-
“That’ll be 24.99” you said, snapping him out of his thoughts. 24.99? He repeated in his head, confused. He could’ve sworn that the price tag said 30? Had you given him a discount? For literally the first time ever, he handed the money to you and paid. He regretted a lot of things, but getting to talk to you was not one of them. You handed him the bag and smiled at him once more. Hobie then realised this would probably be the only time he’d ever interact with you again. In a panic, he spoke up again. “D’ya wanna spend time together after this? We could maybe listen t’the record? See if it was worth th’money?” While the usual confidence in his voice remained, there were hints of hesitation laced under his words. “I’d love to!” you exclaimed, blatantly happy. He smiled, now exposing his teeth. “Lovely.”
“I almost forgot–here’s my number!” you pulled out a pen from your pocket and wrote your phone number on the paper bag that you put his vinyl in; trying to make it as neat and legible as possible. Once you were happy with it, you handed it back to him. “I get off work at 6. Call me then and we can organise something, yeah?” you offered, to which he nodded. “It’s a date.” he said, and winked before turning around and exiting the shop; the jingling of the door suddenly sounded way happier than it usually did. Maybe your new job wasn’t so bad after all.
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hey pookie just wanted to let u know my requests are opennn and you wanna request something sooooo badly so why don't you just go over there and send one in thanks love u hope you liked that little fic
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jyoongim · 1 month
could i request some angel dust x reader fluff?
with prompts:
hugging and absentmindedly kissing their neck, resulting in mortification for one of them
memorising their favourite things and treating them when they have a bad day
If no one knew you, Angel did.
No Antony knew you better than you knew yourself.
The two of you were like peas in a pod.
To the point, the two of you were mistaken as a couple more often than not.
So when you weren’t spamming his phone with silly videos or blowing his phone up, or replying to his sarcastic jokes he knew something was wrong.
You had been having a rough day. Your hair was ugly, your makeup was horrible and you felt fat in all your clothes.
So what other choice did you have but to mope and be in a self-induced rot fest?
You were so focused bed rotting that you didn’t even Angel coming into your room.
The rustling of bags is what alerted you.
You turned around and you felt your eyes get teary seeing your best friend setting down multiple shopping bags and your favorite comfort food.
Angel smiled “It ain’t like ya to ghost me all day so I thought why not ditch the dicks and watch cringey shit with ya”
You threw your arms around the tall spider, babbling how he was the best. Angel chuckled and welcomed your embrace, 
“What’s with all the bags” you asked, giving him a suspicious look as he gestured for you to one of them.
He shrugged and your mouth dropped when the newest and hottest bag in Hell was sitting in your hands.
”Angel no way!” You squealed, digging into other bags.
You never understood why Angel always spent his money on you.
He always said it needed to be appreciated more than buying drugs with.
A jewelry box caught your attention and you gaped.
The couple rings you had been saving up for for MONTHS!
A promise ring you had said you would get when you found someone who always had your back.
You had been eyeing them to get for you and Angel and wanted to surprise him for his birthday.
”Do you like em? I admit I’m not a committed kind of person”
You felt him come behind you and wrap his arms around you, as he slipped a pair of arms in front of you to take the rings and slip them on your fingers, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear.
”But for you baby it hasn’t been too bad”
You felt his head nuzzle into the crook of your neck and cheeks burn when you felt his lips press softly into your tender skin.
And it seems his brain finally caught up to him because he froze.
Angel let out a staggered cough before releasing you and clumsily marching to where your couch was
”ANYWAY! I also got ya that disgusting take out place you love so much so come on and pick some stupid show to watch”
You grinned, cheeks flushed, and made your way over, snuggling into him like nothing happened.
You tried to contain your giggles when you caught him staring at you, turning away to insult the tv.
You fiddled with your ring
Yea maybe it wont be too bad…
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rewh0re · 7 months
- wc: 1.1k, aged up characters (like 19-20) doesn't dive into explicit/hardcore smut but is definitely suggestive in some parts so I'd say readers 16 and above may read this, indirect mentions of sexual activities, fluff, reader is called a minx (affectionate), a little bit of that one old greek myth about soulmates, it's true that once you use em dash you can't stop.
a/n: literally got the idea at the doctor's office don't even. REBLOGS + FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED!! also tagging: @chigirizzz (this is that one reo fic I was telling you about where you asked me to tag you)
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The room was dark. The only source of light—though bright but not enough to light up the whole room—was from the digital clock on the bedside table. '12:42,’ it read in bright neon red numbers. It was also quiet, so much so that two pairs of steady breathings could be heard.
One belonged to Reo and the other, to you.
"Are you asleep?" You whisper—soft and delicate—careful as to not wake your lover up if he indeed was asleep but loud enough to let him know of your own sleepless state.
Your eyes have been long adjusted to the darkness and you can make out the silhouette of his face. The length of his nose and his eyelashes, the slight part of his lush lips, his sharp and angular jaw—truly—he was majestic.
"No," his eyes fluttered open and his lips turned upward. His smile, the gentleness of which never failed to make your heart beat ten times faster, which never failed to make your stomach feel all giddy with the butterflies that erupted.
"I was thinking about your face from earlier and the various sounds you made too actually. Sweet as honey to me but I'm afraid Mrs. Tanaka might complain come morning," gentle tone was overruled by mischief. That was Mikage Reo, a gem of a person for a second and a force to be reckoned with the next.
"Please don't oh my god," you covered your face—now tinted with embarrassment—with the comforter you and Reo shared as you whined in protest.
The activities from an hour back rushing into your brain, playing like a movie sequence. As foggy as your mind was earlier, you were surprised that you remembered everything so vividly. You could still feel his rough, calloused and much larger hands tracing every curve of your body as if to memorise its shape. You could feel the lingering kisses on your neck, your shoulder, your chest, the now purple marks left with pride. You would have to cover them before work in the morning. You could hear your own sounds of pleasure and his groans as if to say more, more, more. You could feel it all. You could feel him. Your face flushed a deeper shade of fuchsia as you gulped, trying to get the images out of your head.
"You act like we haven't done this a million times before my love," he laughed slowly, bringing a hand to cover his mouth.
"Come on, look at me. Don't shy away now," he pulled the blanket off of you, removing your hands from your face as he hugged you.
"You're incorrigible, you know that right?" You huffed out in faux annoyance, snuggling against his chest, his arms a veil for your figure.
He laughed then, a laugh full of mischief and adoration and something akin to acknowledgement for your previous statement.
You laid like that, in silence. There was peace that came with the soft lub-dub of your synchronised heartbeats and your gentle breaths.
You were the one to break it first.
"Have you ever heard about that one Greek mythology? about soulmates?" You spoke, your cool fingers tracing gentle and soothing shapes on Reo's bare back which was painted with scratches from your nails.
"Can't say I have. Care to tell me?" He looked for your eyes as he pulled up the slipping comforter before pulling you closer to his chest. His warmth engulfed you whole, a comfortable shield from the much cooler surroundings.
"Well there is this theory," you started, face softening into affection as you laid against Reo's—albeit hard—but comfortable chest.
"It says that when Zeus created humans, he originally created them with two of everything. So two heads, two pairs of both the limbs, you get it. Their souls were one too. Fearing the power that these humans could possess, Zeus split them, including their souls, in half and scattered them around the world. The humans—as we now know them to be—would search far and wide, across oceans and lands to look for their other half. It is said that this other half is your soulmate and you search for them throughout your life," you smiled as you looked up at him, engrossed in your little story.
"Well that's just cruel of Zeus now, isn't it? I mean, what if someone doesn't find their soulmate?" Reo pouted and that made you chuckle a little.
"Maybe. Maybe not. It is just a story at the end of the day and how you decide to perceive a story totally depends on you," you jabbed his chest with your finger.
"I think I've found my other half," he stated with pride.
"Oh? Is that so? I wonder who it could be," you made a face as if you were thinking, tapping your chin with your forefinger.
"Oh I bet you do," in an instant your boyfriend was hugging you tighter than ever, his face buried in the crook between your neck and your shoulder.
His soft kisses were ticklish and they made you giggle. Your fingers further messed up his already tousled hair.
"You want me to say it out loud so bad don't you, you little minx," he whispered in your neck as you hummed in response.
"I think I've found my soulmate in you."
"I also think I've found mine in you Reo," your gentle voice was like ambrosia to his ears. He could drown in it, a bit was never enough.
He trailed kisses down the side of your face, starting from your ear, going down your jaw and finally a little bite on your neck. He licked on it in order to soothe the area. A new addition to the marks he had left earlier.
"Ow Reo!" You playfully smacked his head which forced him to separate from your neck.
"I already have enough marks to cover!" You puffed your cheek, barely hiding the smile that was begging to come up to the surface.
"You'll beg for them again tomorrow," he winked at you.
You could only roll your eyes. What would you even say? Deep in your heart, even you knew that he was right. "What is wrong with you?"
"Just that I'm irrevocably in love with you," he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, shutting his eyes.
"Unfortunately, I happen to love you too."
Teasing glances from your coworkers and friends due to the remnants from the events of the night would be a concern for later. For now, sleep would come easy to you because here you were, with Reo, in his arms. He was your safe haven and you were his and truly, whatever in the world could ever change that?
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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— the mafia main masterlist
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
summary: working at one of the world's famous hotels in seoul was pretty interesting. you never thought your life would make a whole 180 when you got the job. you were now a mafia leader's fake wife and it's definitely not how you thought how you'd spend life.
warnings: cussing, shady business, honestly would make a little more sense if you played the game bc i tried my best to describe it as how i remembered. it's been a whole 1 year since i played that game. flirty heeseung.
word count: 9.1K words
NOTE: o em gee😵‍💫 it’s been so long since last touched this series. i was supposed to continue to it after ‘jam out’ ended but you know the whole fiasco happened with my account so here this is. i’m still procrastinating on writing the next member. i feel like it’s not as great so I may just scrap it and restart the whole thing🗿
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when you look at a hotel, you would never think anything shady was happening. it was just a simple mere 5 star hotel that stood tall in the middle of seoul with all its glory. to many, the people behind this spectacular place were more in the talks. who were they? you might ask.
“have you heard about lee heeseung? one of the owners of this spectacular building?” one rich lady asks another.
“i heard. aren’t there 6 other guys too? i heard they are quite dashing too.”
“yeah. think we could meet them?”
“nobody ever gets to meet them. only if we were lucky, we would.” the ladies snobbishly laugh before leaving the hotel grounds.
you rolled your eyes at them. this was how it was everyday for the past 1 week at your new workplace, they always talked about the building but mainly the 7 boys who actually owned the place and built other hotels after.
Decelis Resort, it was really hard to get a job here. all their staff was to be trained. the first few days when you started were harsh. it felt like an army training camp rather than a simple training. thankfully, you became friends with the rest of the maids and even one of the higher up maids. there were two maids who joined 2 weeks earlier than you. they certainly made you feel like you were cinderella, as they constantly made fun of you and always left the work for you to do.
but at least there were other maids to help you out. that’s how the bond was because every one of them has gone through descrimination from the guests here.
“(name), care to help me?” danbi asks. she stands at one end of the bed and you stood at the other. the both of you lifted up the covers and straightened it out. she goes to grab something out from the cart. “oh no, we’ve ran out of towels to put in this room.”
“I can get it for you.” you say.
“(name). it’s okay, i can get it. you can stay here and help sort more stuff in this room. i’m sure you still haven’t really memorised where the storage room is.”
“well, i have to learn, don't i? so, this is a great opportunity for me!”
“oh (name).” she sighs. “alright, you can go but if you get lost. please call me, don’t even bother pondering over the contact. you know how this place is, it’s scary. one mistake and you are done for.”
“alright, danbi unnie.” you say.
you were determined to get the route of the storage room right. you always wondered why the heck it was so confusing to find the place but danbi simply explained that it was the owner’s decision to do it. which owner? danbi doesn’t know, all she knows is that it was one of them. everyone suspects it was lee heeseung because the two parks of their group couldn’t stop making out with girls. they were party lovers and you would always catch them partying with girls surrounding them constantly. some people even say that they always came back with lipstick marks staining the corner of their lips, dishevelled hair and a smirk adorning their lips. probably making out with their chosen girl for the night in a janitor’s closet. hence, lee heeseung was done with their doings so he placed the storage room far from any contact. it made the job for the maids harder though so you thought lee heeseung must really hate cleaners or either he really didn’t plan the floorplan properly at all.
“now was it the left or right turn?” you say. you took the right corridor. which wasn’t the way at all to the storage room. you entered one of the rooms.
“oh? are those towels?” you say. surprisingly, they had cleaned towels here but they were high up on the shelf. too tall for you. you found a chair but it didn’t look sturdy. you knew you had to take the risk since you needed those towels. you climbed the chair and went to grab the towels.
“just a little more.” you went on your tiptoes trying to reach for the clean towels. unfortunately, the chair gives up on you and you fell to the ground. it wasn’t a high fall but you were for sure going to have bruises the next morning. you wince at the sharp pain that appeared on your ankle. your uniform torn from getting caught on something as you fell.
the torn definitely made you look unprofessional though since it was like a cut slit to a formal dress. you were practically showing off a decent amount of your skin. you sighed and then you realised something else had broken as you fell. it was an art piece, sure to be way more than your salary. let’s hope nobody finds you-
“you.” someone says. you gasp and hide your face. he pries your hands off your face. “you just broke the bosses’ art piece! you are going to pay it back in full amount now!”
“h-how much is it?” you asked. the guy smirks.
“definitely more than your poor ass can afford.” you flinch when he brings his hand forward to tilt your head up to face him. “you seem pricey though, surely we would earn millions of dollars.” he smirks.
“i’m not an object though and i can’t be sold!” you say. the guy laughs.
“then find another solution for you to pay me off.”
“I can give you in small amounts first. how about that?” you suggest.
“it’s going to take you a lifetime if you want to pay me the full amount.”
“then i shall do it! I don’t care how long it takes. i would rather do that then we sold off to god knows what.” the guy laughs hard.
“Well too bad. I will not take that deal.” he knocks you out cold. the next time you opened your eyes, you could hear talking and gossiping. it was dark, something was blocking the light. the blanket gets pulled off from the place where you held at. you quickly realise, you were in a giant cage and your hands were bound to the chair by a tight knot.
you couldn’t even say a word as there was tape covering your lips. you could hear the guy calling out numbers and you only assume it was the price. it kept going up. this was it, you would be sold to some random old dude and he could do whatever he wanted with you. you wished someone would at least help you. please anyone but a random creep. you looked up to see who was betting for you.
there was this guy who was constantly betting for you and he looked like a complete creep. smirking at you, rubbing his hands and licking his lips constantly. it made you sick.
“going once, going twice. sold to the man in-” in grows quiet, someone else raised his hand. he was at the top, overlooking everyone. “What’s the price you’d like to name, sir with the mask and red hair.”
“100 million usd.” the announcer’s jaw drops. actually everyone’s jaw drops, even yours if your mouth wasn’t taped shut.
“anyone would like to add more?” the creep raises his hands.
“140 million won.” your eyes widened.
“500 million usd.” the guy in the red hair says. everyone gasps again. the creep was shocked. he quickly backs down, he can’t lose his money. he only had a certain amount.
“going once, going twice. sold to the man in the mask with red hair!” the announcer comes up to you and opens the door.
“good luck on your new life.” he whispers, you felt shivers down your spine. he removes the rope binding you to the chair and removes the tape across your lips. the guy who bought you comes up to you and holds out his hand. you hesitantly take it. a small smirk appears at the corner of his lips. he pulls you close.
“meet upstairs.” he hands you a keycard before pulling back and turning to the announcer. “The money is with my friends, let us go to them.” the announcer nods and follows the guy along. A few bodyguards coming along with the announcer to protect him, you guessed. you did what you were told to do because you were terrified.
you got in the elevator but you realise, that there were far more levels than upstairs. you noticed there was a penthouse but you were certain that was not what the guy meant. from what you were told, the penthouse was where the owners of the buildings hang out and probably stay. there was no way the guy wanted you there.
you entered the 18th floor, it was a ball. well, the business meeting kind of ball. tons of guests here were the rich business men/women. you certainly felt out of place, bruises glazing your skin, you carefully walked around when someone hands you an empty wine glass.
“thank you, the service here has been so far horrible. waiters are nowhere to be found. you guys should step up, we are providing more work for you to get money!” ah, how you despise rich snobby people but you couldn’t do anything. what if you somehow got told on and then you got fired. you were not taking any chances.
“of course sir, we are so sorry for the terrible service provided. I will make sure to inform the service team of our horrible behaviour.” you bowed. the guy scoffs.
“is this what enhypen taught their staff? those young boys are nothing but good looks. they have no skills.” you looked down pretending to feel sorry for the damage the other staff had done. someone stands next to you and you looked up. you stared at the man who just stood beside you. he smiles at the guy who insulted the owners of the hotel.
this young man had streaks of dirty blonde hair against his natural hair colour, his lips were wide but even though he was wearing a masquerade mask to hide his identity, you could tell he was really handsome. the suit was wearing showed off his amazing physique, small waist line, perfect combination of masculine and feminine hands, long legs and strong chest muscles (he most definitely had a huge heart under there). A rose tattoo adorned his beautiful neck, the final touch to make any girl swoon over him.
he smirks.
“you must be mr.hansel.” the young man holds out his hand. mr.hansel shakes his hand.
“yes, that is certain. i’m so sorry for not being able to recognise you but who might you be exactly.” mr.hansel says. the young man smirks again. he take off his mask and mr.hansel gasps.
“nice to meet you, i am sim jaeyun, i go by jake too. one of the owners of the decelis hotels.” he smiles. you froze in your spot.
you mean he is the jake that is part of the enhypen team? one of the owners who are highly important and the ones who created the hotels that every rich people lavish in?
mr.hansel freezes too. you noticed he was taken aback, not being able to find words to form.
“i overheard you talking to one of our staffs here.” jake turns to look at you. “you were complaining about the horrible service here and about how we don’t train our staffs right. we do apologise for that.”
“no no, it’s okay haha. mistakes are common of course. not everyone can do their job right all the time.” jake nods in agreement.
“that is very true. in that case, shall i punish our staff over here and her team?”
“oh my, there is no need for that.”
“great because she is no staff.” jake says. you tilt your head, “she’s mr.lee heeseung’s wife.”
mr.hansel’s eyes widened. he looks at you and starts bowing whilst muttering a string of apologies.
“i am so sorry, my dear lady. mr.lee has never revealed that he has a wife and we have never seen her before so i did not know it was you. Forgive me.” he mutters. you looked shocked. you turned to look at jake before he gestures for you to act it out.
“u-uh, it’s okay. i came out here without my husband’s knowledge and in a disguise. i just wanted to see how the ball was doing since my husband didn’t allow me to.”
“well, enough with the apologies, your husband awaits for you upstairs.” jake says. he helps to escort you.
you enter the elevator, jake swipes his card and clicks onto the penthouse. it looked similar to the one the guy had given to you downstairs. your eyes widened. wait so were you supposed to go to the penthouse with the keycard??
“you know, you’re really naive. heeseung hyung was waiting for you and was even looking for you but you were nowhere to be found. He thinks you should repay since he saved you from being sold to some creep.” you kept quiet. you shouldn’t voice out to someone of higher authority than you.
the elevator doors open, jake walks out first. you noticed there were 6 other people standing in the middle of the room.
“hyung, here you go. got your chew toy for you.” jake says. everyone turns their heads to look at you. you suddenly felt small, out of place. after all, these boys were higher class than you. one of them comes up to you and hands you a set of new clothes.
“here you go noona, your work attire is all ripped up.” he smiles.
“sunoo, stop being so nice to everyone you meet.” the boy with silver hair groans.
“well sunghoon hyung, maybe if you actually tried being nice to a girl for once you’d be able to find love and possibly get laid!” sunoo says. The boy named sunghoon gasps. clearly a little offended by the younger boy’s remarks. jake laughs before patting his dear friend’s shoulder.
“sunoo is right bud, being grumpy all the time does not get you laid.”
“shut it sim. you too should realise that your so called girl best friend has no crush on you!” sunghoon huffs.
“oh hoon, i do know. i’m not that dumb alright. this is why i’m part of the tech team and you are part of the protocol team.” sunghoon shoves jake. they argue for what seemed like a minute. the guy in the red hair sighs, takes off his mask and runs his fingers through his hair.
“would you two idiots stop arguing?” heeseung says. the two younger boys stopped arguing.
“sorry heeseung hyung.” jake pouts. heeseung’s eyes met yours, he steps forward towards you and you moved back. heeseung obviously knew what you were doing so his hand reaches for your waist to scoop you closer to him. you couldn’t move back anymore and when he scooped you closer, your hands fall flat on his huge chest. you blushed.
“look, i have no feelings for you in any sort of way.” well that ruined the slightly romantic mood, if there was even one to begin with. “and since I ‘bought’ you, i can do anything i want to you.” you gulped.
‘anything’ he wanted. this was not what you’d expected you’d be doing 3 weeks ago before you got this job. you thought you’d be happily living your life since you just finished college days prior. you thought you’d be happily at home entertaining your younger siblings as they play with their pet bunny. possibly also teaching your siblings their math homework and then giving up because who in their right minds likes math?
“uhhh hyung, i think you are scaring the poor girl.” sunoo says. Heeseung lets you go. he cocks a brow at you.
“so, deal?” he says. as if you could say no. well, you could but that is only a first class ticket to unemployment and possibly death if they were bad people.
“deal.” you held out your hand to shake his. his hands were huge, it covers yours. funny how it strangely fit yours too well. you shiver.
“alright, your first task.” he stares right into your eyes, “be my wife.” your eyes widened. it shocked you and it seems like you weren’t the only one who was shocked too.
“hyung, are you sure about this?” the boy with dark blue hair says.
“yes, jungwon.”
“but heeseung hyung, you do know that if you declare you’re in a relationship. everyone who practically hates us will be after noona too?” the tallest boy says.
“which is why you and sunghoon hyung will be around her at all times. don’t leave her side.”
you wondered, what did the boy mean by ‘everyone who practically hates them, will be after you’. then it hit you, they were bad guys weren’t they? you were going to be associated with shady people. oh no.
“h-hey umm, if you don’t mind me asking but what do you guys do?” your voice was soft but surely enough for them all to hear. you were terrified if you voiced out they’d possibly harm you. sunoo pouts, he could easily read your expression.
“noona, don’t worry. we won’t harm you, at most we will harm the people who hurt you so you’re safest with us.” sunoo says.
“yeah, don’t worry. we will protect you from harm.” jake says.
“then what about my family?” heeseung steps forward and holds your hand.
“they will be fine, we can move them closer to us or we can get our spies to watch over them and protect them.”
“okay. umm, what do i have to do to be your…wife?” the other boys tilt their heads. “i’m sorry, i’ve never dated anyone and neither have i been offered to be someone’s wife.”
“you’ve never dated anyone? you look like you’ve dated at least 1 person in your life.” jake says.
“unfortunately, i’ve been single my entire life. i’ve only focused on school and i just finished college 3 weeks ago.”
“wait but college doesn’t end this early.”
“i finished earlier since they allowed me to.”
“and what course did you even take.”
“Business.” they were shocked. heeseung smirks.
“maybe you could be of use, my dear wife.” he says. you blushed and quickly looked away from them.
“I need to change, is there any bathroom around?”
“go up, straight and turn left.” jungwon instructs. you nod. “that’s heeseung hyung’s room, just use his bathroom. after all, you two are gonna be a wedded couple.” the younger boy smirks.
“jungwon.” heeseung sighs. he grabs your hand and pulls you along with him. he drags you up the stairs and into the bedroom before standing still in the middle of the room.
“i can’t change when you’re here though.”
“i’m going to be your husband though, so just change.”
“what?! no. we aren’t even real husband and wife. we don’t like each other and i’m just doing your task.”
he comes close to whisper in your ears, “we’ll have an official marriage cert so we will be officially married. which makes me, your official husband.” he steps back and smirks.
you grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it at him. you didn’t care if this would get you fired, he was a pervert and you were absolutely disgusted.
“pervert!” you yelled. heeseung chuckles.
“i’m kidding. if you want to take a shower, go ahead and wash up. towels are in the bathroom. i’ll be waiting for you downstairs.” he winks before exiting the bedroom.
why did heeseung have to tease you like that? did all bad guys have to be so flirty and charming? or were you somehow attracted to bad people? no that’s not possible. you huffed and glared at the closed bedroom door.
“what have i seriously gotten myself into.”
you walked downstairs after changing and everyone literally watched you walk down the stairs. you didn’t like the attention and spotlight.
“why are you guys staring at me like that?”
“uhh sunoo, are you sure this outfit is appropriate for any of our eyes.” sunghoon asks. jake smacks the boy’s arm before pointing at heeseung. he had his arms folded and staring at them. “sorry, she’s your so-called ‘wife’ forgot.”
heeseung pulls off his blazer and wraps it around you, he holds it shut.
“don’t you guys have jobs to do? we still need to find clues as to where that idiot of a guy is.”
“right, sorry hyung.” the tallest boy bows. he goes to leave the room with sunghoon. jungwon and jake left together to enter another room. jay and sunoo remained.
“umm hyung, we kinda need you since we are working as a team.” sunoo says.
“jay, how about you go meet up with the people downstairs. i’m sure there are great investors to meet up.” heeseung says.
“yes, oh great lee heeseung.” jay bows. sunoo holds in his laughter while heeseung glares at jay. the both of them quickly left the area before heeseung could even say anything. they knew if they stayed longer, he would have possibly used his hyung card to whack them.
“idiots.” heeseung mumbles.
“uhh, i’m not exactly sure what to do…” heeseung turns to look at you. his gaze was intimidating but in some way, it flustered you. especially since he was so good looking.
“well, you need a ring and we need to register our marriage certificate so let’s go out.”
“but i haven’t clock out and technically, i’m still working. i have a shift until 10pm.” heeseung sighs.
“i’ll talk to the person-in-charge of you, you will be excused. this is more important than your job.”
“how is this more important than my job-” before you could even finish, heeseung holds your hands and lightly drags you out of the penthouse. there was another elevator down to the VIP garage. which you didn’t know existed because you were sure it was simply only for the 7 boys.
heeseung opens the door for you and you enter his-
“It’s the latest ferrari model.” heeseung says as he sees you gawking at how nice the exterior and interior of the car is.
“and how much is it exactly?”
“About 700-800 million won.” heeseung casually says as he starts up the car. your eyes widened. you feel like you should not be seated in such an expensive car.
“are you sure you are okay with me sitting in this car? i mean, if i scratch anything won’t that anger you?”
“the boys play rough all the time so no, i’m not worried over a tiny scratch. besides, you are already paying by being my wife. my earnings are also for you to share.”
“don’t tell me you’re a sugar daddy.”
“would you be surprised if i am?”
you gasp, “no way. are you actually one?” heeseung chuckles.
“no, i’ve never even dated anyone-” he shuts his mouth before clearing his throat, “i mean, i’ve dated someone before.”
“you know heeseung, you’re not that lame if you’ve never dated anyone. besides, i did mentioned i have never met anyone too since i’m too busy with school. I’m sure you had your reasons to not date anyone.”
“right.” he blushes, “any ideas of rings you’d like to get.”
“A simple one please.”
“simple one it is.” he says.
you entered a shop filled with high class jewellery. Diamond rings and necklaces everywhere. it sparkled like your eyes as you glance through the collections. heeseung smiles. he goes over to the worker.
“mr.lee, what would you be getting today.”
“a ring.” the worker smiles and nods.
“for the lady over there?”
“mhm, she’s the one.”
“judging by her appearance I think she suits these rings. let me just bring it out and you can call over to get her opinion on it.”
“thank you. oh and it’s no simple ring, rather a wedding ring.” the lady was quite shocked but she still manages to put on a smile. a fake smile. how could someone like you be marrying lee heeseung, just one of the seven charming owners of Decelis Resort.
“right on it, sir.” she says. heeseung scoffs once she leaves.
coming from a family full of liars, he could easily differentiate their fake expressions from their real expressions. it was honestly a game for heeseung and it baffled him how fake some people could be to suck up to someone handsome, not that he knows he is handsome. they’d never bat an eye for someone who was deemed ‘ugly’. 
the lady comes back and shows heeseung the collection that she thought was perfect for you.
“(name)?” he calls out your name sweetly. you walked over to him and panned the collection. they were surely pretty but none suit your exact taste.
heeseung comes close to whisper, “call me babe or any sweet nickname. wouldn’t want someone to suspect that we actually aren’t married.” he moves back and pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“so sorry dear, your hair was blocking my view of you.” heeseung says. your heart leaps.
“o-oh.” you feel your cheeks flame up, “thank you, babe.”
“anytime, love.” and…there goes your heart rate. you were starting to question if heeseung was lying about being single for all of his life because there is no way someone who is single can flirt and use such smooth vocabulary.
“now, what did you want to say before, love?”
“ah right, i was about to ask for your opinion for the ring design. i’m not entirely sure which rings suit me.” you blushed. heeseung pats your head. he scans through the collection and one of them catches his eyes.
“may i take a look at this?” he asks the lady. she nods and takes it out and carefully hands it to heeseung. heeseung delicately grabs your hand and slips the ring in. you stared at the ring.
it was twisted and intertwined with a line of small diamonds lacing one of the twists. surely sweet and simple enough for you. you looked up at heeseung and he smiles before turning to the lady.
“we’ll take this. Ah right, i have to get a ring too.” he turns to you, “care to choose a ring for me, love?”
“i’m not exactly sure what would suit you.”
“i’m not picky and definitely will never judge you.” he side eyes the lady seemingly indirectly calling her out on what she did before.
“alright.” you turned to the lady, “may i see the collection you have for wedding rings for men?”
“right this way.”
after shopping for the rings, you and heeseung went to the marriage officiant to get an official letter stating you two were married for real. they were surprised to see heeseung here since after all his private life was practically surrounded by cameras due to him being one of the top businessmen. they were of course shocked when he walked through the doors with a girl they did not know about. how did heeseung shield you away from cameras and paparazzi. not only that, how did you two even meet when you looked like a pretty average person and not part of some rich family.
those were the questions in their head as they watched you and heeseung sign the marriage letter together. then they saw the loving gaze heeseung gave you. well some sort, heeseung knew they were judging the both of you. he knows the public would act like this since it’s not common for an average person and someone as high-class as him to marry but was society this fucked up? yes, unfortunately it was.
the both of you left the place as an official married couple. heeseung’s phone rings, he goes to answer it and so you were left to wait for him as he finishes the call. once he does, he brings you over to the car and drives back to the hotel.
“you should sleep over. it’s easier for you to get to work on time without having to wake up early. it’s already pretty late.” heeseung says.
“no, its fine. my mom will be worried sick.”
“i see, in that case, i’ll drive you home and pick you up before work.” your eyes widened at heeseung’s words.
“no, it’s okay. you don’t have to drive me to work, you must be very busy with whatever. besides, we can’t exactly be seen as a couple in front of other staffs.”
“what’s so wrong about that?”
“they’ll think i got into this job through you or that i seduced you.”
heeseung snorts, “they don’t know the reason for us to even exist in the first place. Society is constantly judgmental. you don’t have to care about what they say. you’re living your own life.”
“I guess so but you seriously don’t have to pick me up tomorrow. my mom might question our relationship if you do.”
“I can just always tell your parents that i’m your boyfriend or better yet, your husband.”
“please don’t, she’ll think it’s a shotgun marriage and that i got married to you because we had a one night stand and now i’m pregnant.”
“will your mom really think that way.”
“you don’t know my mom, she’s insane.”
“maybe that’s why you are equally as insane.” heeseung jokes. you smacked his arm. “i’m kidding!”
“well, that’s not funny.” you pout. the car stops at a red light. heeseung unbuckles his seat belt and leans in to peck your lips. you gasp and before you could even question him, he speeds when the green light flashes.
“care to tell me your address now?” heeseung cocks his brow whilst smirking. you rolled your eyes playfully.
“it’s xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx.”
heeseung drives you home. it was silent and neither of you wanted to mention the little stunt heeseung had pulled. why did he suddenly peck you? was it just the slightly romantic air? why did his personality do a 180° flip? those were just a few questions that kept you awake, you couldn’t even sleep properly.
your alarm rings and you were shaken by your younger siblings waking you up.
“noona! help us choose what shoe to wear!!” the twins say.
“junyoung, jihoon. It’s too early in the morning.”
“well shoes are important!” junyoung stomps his little foot on the ground.
“yeah, very important!” jihoon added.
“alright, i’ll help. where is mom?”
“we tried to call her but i think she’s asleep.”
“that’s because it’s 6am. your classes don’t start until 8am. i have to get ready for work. just go back to sleep and mom will help you, okay?”
“fine! you are of no help, noona.” junyoung huffs before walking away. jihoon goes to almost agree but he stops himself. he gives you a hug and apologises for junyoung’s behaviour.
your twin brothers, junyoung and jihoon. they are both 10. junyoung was more chaotic compared to jihoon. jihoon was the nicer one of the twin pair, he only agreed with junyoung whenever it was right but whenever junyoung was in the wrong, he was quick to disagree. in this case, he did not believe you were of no help. in fact to jihoon, you were the best sister he could have. he wouldn’t trade you for anyone else.
you quickly showered and put on your work attire. somehow, you were thankful that you bought extra pairs in case. you had to return the clothes the boys lent you, you felt somehow in debt. maybe you were considering heeseung quite literally saved you from being sold to a creep. you quickly left a note at the fridge to inform your mom you had already gone off to work. yes, you had a very early shift and ended extremely late.
you quickly clocked in and checked your roster. cleaning duty. at least you wouldn’t be stuck with those two girls-
you heard their laughter from down the hallway. you weren’t one to be mean but their laughter sounded obnoxious. you glanced back at the roster and quickly realised…
“great, stuck with them for practically the whole day. they are probably just going to make me do their work. as per usual.” you sighed. they stepped into the room and scoffed when they saw you.
“you. why are you here so early.”
“sorry, i shall leave. I have business to attend to.” you say.
“hold on.” you paused in your step.
“take this with you.” they hand you a broom and basic cleaning supplies.
“you didn’t think we’d do the work right?”
“as your newbie orientation, you shall do extra work so you can get used to this hard labour.” they laughed. you nodded and went your own way.
you had no energy to deal with them early in the morning. you dropped the bucket of supplies onto the ground and got ready to clean the lobby. it was clean for the most parts but you were sure after last night’s ball, there had to be something amidst the clean surface. you mopped, swept, cleaned the windows and took care of the plants all by yourself until 12pm in the afternoon. lunch time finally came around and you sat down in the staff room.
heeseung pops his head in and you were startled by it. you were thankful that no one was around because it wouldn’t be great if anyone saw you with one of the owners of Decelis Resort.
you pulled heeseung inside and locked the door behind you. you folded your arms at the boy.
“why are you here?”
“can’t i visit my own wife?” you covered his mouth.
“don’t say that out loud. with the people i’m working with today, i’m sure they would be the type to listen in behind closed doors.” heeseung pries your hand off his lips.
“haven’t i told you to ignore the judging?”
“you have but these two literally bully me-” you cover your mouth.
“bully you? what did they do?”
“nothing, mr.lee-”
“also haven’t i told you that you are now my wife, you should call me by name or at least a nickname.”
“no one is around.”
“anyone can be around. you don’t know how my world works.”
“fine, since i don’t know how your world works, then why don’t you teach me.”
“that’s why i came here, to bring you over since i have some business meeting to attend to. i need my ‘wife’ to come with me so that everyone can get all shocked.”
“you could have said that first before barging in like that.” heeseung sighs.
“i was going to but you got all scared in case your co-workers heard me.”
“can you really blame me? I am suddenly married and my husband is the owner of the resort. they’d freak out.”
“whatever, i’ll meet you upstairs. don’t be late and here, the keycard.” heeseung goes up first. you rolled your eyes.
why was he so snappy today. you didn’t bother clocking out since you were still going to be in the hotel. i guess it was best that you should go up as quickly as possible to prevent heeseung from getting mad at you.
“first time getting snapped up by heeseung hyung?” ni-ki says as he leans on the elevator walls. “it’s normal, he is just stressed over work. since you are his wife now noona, you could relieve his stress.” the elevator dings and ni-ki leaves the confined space before you could even answer him.
“what did that boy mean?” you wondered. then it hit you, you gasp and covered your mouth in shock. “who taught him such dirty things?”
“hi noona.” sunoo waves and smiles. you smiled back at him.
“where is heeseung?”
“Mmm, i think in his office. probably handling some stuff. me and jay hyung need to go somewhere, do tell him since you are visiting him noona.”
“alright.” sunoo slightly bows and leaves. you went up the steps and looked around for heeseung’s office. surprisingly, you found it with ease. you knocked on the door and you could hear a small ‘come in’ before you entered. the room was huge, tons of books on each shelf. heeseung sat on the leather chair, glasses adorning his face, his tie loosened up and he muttered grunts and curses as he types away on his desk.
“you wanted me up here?” you say. heeseung briefly looks up from his laptop, his eyebrow lifting as he looks at you.
“ah right, you’re 10 minutes late.”
“i’m sorry, i was talking to sunoo. right, he said he and jay went out.” heeseung sighs before nodding.
“alright.” he stands up and hands you a red dress. “i have some business to attend to and i think it’s about time i show them my…wife.” heeseung grabs your hand and kisses it. you were flustered.
“umm where are we going?”
“i’m sorry?”
“we are going to meet with the client. this client is apparently quite the ladies’ man so it would be great to have you around to strike a deal with him.”
“oh but what if he…umm you know, tries something on me.”
“don’t worry. you’re safe in our hands.” he charmingly smiles.
you went to heeseung’s bathroom to change and you realised that the dress was extremely provocative. you looked at yourself in the mirror, eyes trailing each part of you. the dress was a spaghetti strapped velvety red dress with a slit starting from your thighs and down to your ankles. who were you? this wasn’t how you’d normally dress. you breathed in and out and confidently left the bathroom. heeseung was waiting for you, he settled right on his bed as he scrolled and typed on his phone.
“okay, i’m done.” you say. heeseung lifts his head to look at you and he was certainly in awe.
“perfect, now the hair and makeup needs to be done.”
“huh? I don’t have my makeup with me.”
“oh don’t worry.” he snaps his fingers and 2 ladies enter his bedroom with 2 huge makeup boxes. “they will take care of you.” heeseung smirks before leaving the bedroom.
they dolled you up to perfection and smiled once they were done.
“i never thought i’d see lee heeseung with a woman.” one of them say. you tilt your head.
“what do you mean?”
“ah well, heeseung kinda doesn’t hang out with any girls. after his whole family fiasco, he was never exactly keen on dating or let alone getting married.”
“what happened to his family-”
“ladies, i see you’ve done up my wife beautifully. we are already running a little late so we have to get going. thank you for your hard work.” heeseung says as he grabs you. the makeup stylist bowed at him as he left with you.
the ride there was a little quiet, you didn’t exactly know what to say or ask. you two weren’t exactly really in love so you couldn’t talk like normal couples do. heeseung parks the car once you two had arrived at the place. he holds out a hand for you to hold and you happily took it, he leads you into the building. everyone’s eyes were on the both of you, wondering how and when the lee heeseung got a girlfriend (or well wife).
“sir choi.” heeseung holds out his free hand to shake the person’s hand.
“mr.lee fancy seeing you here and without your usual partners.” the guy tilts his head at you before smirking. “who is this fine lady?”
“ah.” heeseung’s hand travels down to your waist, he tugs you closer before throwing the older male a smirk. “this is (name). my wife.” he smiles. you hear gasps from the other girls that were beside the client.
“oh, mr.lee has found a wife. never would have seen the day. she’s really beautiful.”
“thank you, sir. now, i am sure you owe me a game of poker.” the older male laughs.
“of course, mr.lee. we can certainly play a game of poker as we discuss our business together.”
“hold on for a second. I need to talk to my dear wife.” heeseung says.
“go ahead. i shall set up the game for us first.” heeseung bows before dragging you somewhere secluded.
“so, what am i supposed to do?” you asked.
“simple, just sit there and look pretty. he will get distracted by you and your beauty.”
“well, i don’t exactly look pretty. those other girls are shining more than me.”
“look, you may not know this but you’re really distracting me right now. which means, you’re pretty so don’t look down on yourself.” you blushed. “jay and sunoo are here too. take this.” he hands you the other side of the airpods.
“hey pretty.” jay says.
“jay, could you not flirt right now.” heeseung scowls at the younger boy.
“whoops sorry, you are her husband. my bad. i’ll back off.”
“hi hi noona.” sunoo says.
“hi sunoo.”
“okay enough with catching up, jay you have eyes on the guy. let me know his moves.”
“on it hyung.”
“sunoo, you’ll come in when it’s time. you know what to do.”
“okay hyung.”
“(name).” heeseung stares at you.
you felt flustered under his gaze, “y-yes?”
“you are going to need to act.”
“don’t have i have to sit there and just look pretty.”
“yes but try to act all flirty. send seductive looks to him. that will really get him distracted.”
“umm, i’ll try.” heeseung chuckles.
“you don’t have to if you can’t, your job after all is just to be by my side tonight.” 
“no, i’ll try to act. you did save me after all, it’s the least i could do for you.”
heeseung’s heart shouldn’t be racing as fast as right now. you looked adorable, well if he wasn’t looking at the outfit you were wearing. he nodded before bringing you over to where his client was.
“shall we play now?” heeseung sends his signature smirk to him. mr.choi laughs.
“eager to play, i see. in that case, let the games begin.”
the game starts, heeseung throws you a few glances. you nodded at him.
“noona, we need intel.” jay says.
“well, i’m not exactly great at poker so i don’t really know what is going on.”
“It’s okay noona. jay hyung, knows how to play and he knows tactics. he has eyes on mr.choi so you don’t have to worry about a thing. just tell us how he’s acting since we can’t see his expressions as great as you.” sunoo explains.
“for one thing, he keeps throwing me lustful looks.”
“guess you are doing well at being seductive.” jay says. you hear a smack from the other side of the call.
“forgive jay hyung, continue noona.” sunoo says.
“umm, he just has been throwing those like confident looks. like he knows he is going to win.”
“that’s because he believes so. mr.choi always wins poker matches by cheating.”
“heeseung hyung, just a heads up. he has an ace card under his sleeve and he will use it soon.” heeseung scoffs under his breath, he tilts his head to crack it before smirking at mr.choi.
“good god, he’s hot.” you whisper. it was loud enough for the boys to hear and yes including heeseung. it boosted his confidence though.
“noona, we heard that you know.” jay says. you blushed.
“ah, whoops. Sorry.” you were embarrassed, for a split second you forgot you were even wearing the airpods.
“alright, i’m pretty sure he is about to strike now. noona, you need to distract him.” jay says.
“umm.” you stood up and walked over to heeseung.
“babe, we should go.” your arms slither around heeseung’s waist. he smirks.
“of course, sorry to keep you waiting my lady.” mr.choi clenches his fist and slams the table.
“no one is allowed to leave in the middle of the game.”
“uh oh. hey, you think it’s time to call the others over. more specifically, sunghoon hyung and ni-ki?” sunoo says.
“yes of course.” heeseung answers. sunoo knows it was for both his question and mr.choi’s warning.
“noona, i think you should run to the bathroom. it’s going to get bloody. i’ll grab you.” sunoo says.
“i’m sorry, dear. I need to run the bathroom for a bit. you may continue your game.” you tried walking out but they blocked you.
“like i said, no one can leave in the middle of the game. including escorts.”
“we’re fucked.” you mumbled. you noticed someone walking in. it was jay.
“sorry to disturb the game mr.choi but i don’t think this was part of the deal.” jay puts on white gloves and then takes out a silenced pistol, he pushes back his slick back hair.
“mr.park.” mr.choi says in a distressed voice.
“how silly of you to have forgotten that the park family has joined forces with lee corporation.” jay scoffs. “you know how my family deals with people who don’t pay up.” jay cocks the pistol and points it straight to mr.choi. mr.choi’s personal bodyguards stepped in front of him, protecting him. jay laughs.
“ah, have you also forgotten. I have eyes everywhere.” a gunshot was heard and mr.choi falls flat onto the ground. you yelped, heeseung holds you close.
“heeseung hyung, you may leave. I have business to attend to. oh don’t worry about the money. it shall be deposited by the end of the day, sunoo is checking it.”
“do you need anymore help?” heeseung asks. jay laughs.
“just a clean up help? we need to make this massacre look like an accident.”
“I’ll dial for jake and jungwon for clean up help.” heeseung leads you out to where sunoo was. he sits in the driver’s seat and drives off.
“what about jay?”
“oh, don’t worry. he would never get into a horrible situation. he has help from his family.” sunoo says.
“his family is in it too?”
“yup. ah, i wish to have parents like his. they are really cool though. as for mine…they abandoned me.” sunoo says.
“i’m so sorry.”
“oh, it’s fine. you don’t have to pity me, noona. my parents are my enemies too, seems like karma got them the best though. hell sure looks great on their death certificate.” sunoo says with a happy smile on his face. your jaw dropped.
truly bone chilling for someone to just say so. heeseung chuckles.
“you’ll get used to this. sunoo usually says the grimmest things with a smile all the time.”
“i don’t think i’ll be able to do so.”
“well, don’t worry. i’m here.”
“eww hyung, you aren’t even a real couple. what’s with these flirty comments. it makes me wanna gag.” sunoo says. heeseung laughs.
a month passes by since that incident, your life was still unfortunately miserable considering those 2 maids were constantly on your ass. oh and they had found out you and heeseung were married which made it 10 times worse. heeseung doesn’t know this because you kept quiet and never told him about it since you didn’t want him to do anything drastic.
which you found weird considering, yes he was your husband but you were never a thing from the start. why was he constantly doing things for you? what if…what if he-
“yeah, there is no doubt in my mind that lee heeseung is in love with you.” danbi says. you smacked her arm.
“no, danbi unnie. he can’t fall for me. this is a fake marriage and well i can’t date him because he is a rich CEO and people like him.”
“to you it’s a fake marriage but everyone already knows you are in a real marriage. you even got real marriage certs, you can literally skip the dating phase and go straight to your hot CEO husband.”
“unnie, this isn’t right.”
“and so is denying your own feelings for mr.ceo. come on (name). give him a chance to melt your heart. actually, i’m sure he has already melted that heart of yours. considering he does things to you constantly that makes your heart go crazy.” she huffs. “this is descrimination to single people aka me.”
“shut it. your hot husband is coming over.” you froze.
“we need to go somewhere again. they want dinner with the couple.” heeseung smiles. you playfully rolled your eyes.
“do your clients want to or do you want to?”
“Both.” heeseung flirts.
“you two never fail to make me third wheel.” danbi says. heeseung laughs.
“come on, let’s go. my lady.” he holds out his hand and you happily took it. just as you were about to leave, the two (read: annoying) maids came up to you and heeseung.
“how could you leave in the middle of a shift? moreover, with the owner of Decelis Resort? disgusting, you’re just a wh*re.” heeseung scoffs.
“being a pick me girl i see. well, today’s a good day for the both of you. i’m assigning you two to a new job. a better one.”
the two girls gasp, “really?”
“yes, congrats. you’ve been promoted to unemployment.”
“what?” danbi holds in her laughter watching the two girls frantically panic.
“but we did nothing.”
“bullying surely isn’t nothing. after all, (name) is married to the owner of the Decelis Resort which makes her the co-owner of this place. if you insult the co-owner, it leads to expulsion. am i wrong? i’m just following the rules.” heeseung says. the two girls looked at you.
“we are sorry. we need this job. our parents will freeze our cards if we don’t work here.” they begged you. you turned to heeseung.
“well mrs.lee, you make the call. i’ll meet up in the penthouse.” he pecks your forehead.
once he leaves, the girls scoff.
“seriously, do you think you have the power? we only take orders from lee heeseung and the other enhypen boys.”
“ah, i came back to say. the expulsion will be done immediately so you may start packing your things right now ladies.” heeseung pops in. he leaves again and they turned back to you in shock. you simply shrug your shoulders.
“good luck.” you say.
in the car after changing into your outfit and putting on your makeup, heeseung drives with one hand on the wheel and the other holding your hands.
“so, who are we having dinner with?” you asked.
“someone who has worked for my family.”
“oh, it’s a big deal huh.”
“not exactly. we are having dinner with him because he may know who killed my parents.”
“right. again, i’m sorry about your parents’ death.” he rubs your hand.
“it’s okay. it happened already and there is no way i can bring them back.” heeseung smiles at you. your heart flutters. heeseung stops at a red light.
“heeseung, do you like me?” he turns to you.
“and if do? what are you going to do about it?” you unbuckled your belt and leaned forward to kiss heeseung. he quickly responds to it. it turns green and cars start honking at heeseung. he pulls away first and drives. you put on your belt again.
“i like you too.” you say. heeseung bites down a smile from appearing. he kisses your knuckles.
the both of you arrived at the restaurant, it was going really well until you felt something off. you excused yourself to the bathroom and dialed for jake.
“jake, something feels off. i think we need backup.”
“are you sure? i don’t think heeseung’s family connection would do anything to him.”
“jake, didn’t you say heeseung’s family was in debt to the mafia?”
“shit. we’ll come over right now. keep us updated for now.”
“alright.” the call ends and you went back to the table.
“love, do you want anymore desserts?” heeseung says.
“oh no, it’s okay. I’m really full right now.”
“can’t believe that our lee heeseung that we knew since he was young is married.” mr.kim says.
“that is right! you’re so grown up heeseung-ah.” mrs.kim praises. heeseung blushes.
“ah right, i forgot to ask.”
“ask away.” mr.kim says.
“do you happen to know who killed my parents? or did the killer ever leave any clues.” mr.kim was shocked.
“heeseung, did you not know?”
“know what?”
“your parents they are-” the door bursts open, they covered mr.kim lips and dragged mrs.kim out. they held you and heeseung at gunpoint and so you were forced to put your hand up. they were about to question heeseung when the other boys walked in.
“hey, big one. pick on someone your size.” ni-ki gestures for him to fight. the bigger guy runs to ni-ki but he was quick to avoid and then strike on the guy’s skull. you winced.
“missed us?” jungwon smirks. enhypen never knew who exactly these people were but any time heeseung tried to investigate about his parents’ death, they always appeared and caused chaos.
“sunoo, could you bring (name) out?” heeseung says.
“of course.” you quickly grabbed onto sunoo’s hand and he tries to lead you out of the room but there were people blocking the way.
“not again.” you sighed.
“noona, could you step back.”
sunoo breathes in, pulls out a pocket pistol and shoots twice before they could even react. he spins the gun and blows it out.
“come on noona.” sunoo smiles. you were still in shock. “oh? why is there a tissue paper on the ground?” sunoo picks it up.
“are alive?” it’s written in lipstick. you were thinking about it and then it hit you.
“heeseung’s parents are still alive.” sunoo gasps.
“we have to tell hyung.”
“well we can’t exactly tell them-” the 6 boys walked out of the door and shut it close.
“hey umm, we need a clean up. make it look like an accident as per usual, thanks.” jay ends the call.
“what’s wrong?” sunghoon says.
“Heeseung.” you hand heeseung the tissue paper.
“are alive? what does that even mean?” ni-ki tilts his head.
“my parents are alive.” heeseung says.
“they are what?” jake says.
“how can that even be possible. they’ve been dead for literally half of heeseung hyung’s lifetime and he is literally 40.” ni-ki says. heeseung glares at the younger boy.
“i’m not 40, ni-ki.” heeseung says.
“well you do seem like you’re ageing fast. white hair does not suit you by the way.” sunghoon says.
“can you not.” heeseung growls.
“well what are we going to do now?” jungwon says.
“find my parents and where mr.kim and mrs.kim have been abducted to.”
“is noona coming though.” sunoo says.
“well yes, she is my wife…for real.” heeseung says. you blushed. heeseung holds onto your hand.
“gross.” jay says.
taglist[open]: @my5colors @wtfhyuck @nyfwyeonjun @thealatte @dimplewonie @nuttykittypainter
(not me forgetting to put the taglist, sorry🙏🏻)
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
Five sucks at Math - A Headcanon
This is a personal fav of mine, not necessarily one I think is real in the show, but that I find endlessly funny for an AU and will now provide evidence for.
Sometimes it seems Reggie didn't give Five the same 'break em down' treatment as obviously as he did the others, but boy do we know Five was a frustrated child, so:
Reggie forced this lil toddler to believe his powers were equation-based, meanwhile Five had just Wanted to be in the pantry, what do you mean he needs to do numbers?
As soon as Reggie knows Five is bad at maths, he doubles down - this is why the boy has limitations on his powers that the others don't, Reggie needs to form him into the Correct way of using them.
Five is, of course, useless at maths to the point of near numerical illiteracy initially, not that he Can't learn how to do them with endless repetition and practice, but it does not come naturally, requires a lot of mental energy, and leaves Five extra exhausted and frustrated that he needs to do all this work and One just punches stuff and Two is allowed to work it out from just throwing things not calculate angles (Reggie tried, but we all know he had Zero time for Diego)
That won't stop him from being conceited and prideful: after all the others aren't even doing this kind of math and also it's a defence mechanism.
"Evidence" in the show:
Five can only do so many jumps, and they're very costly to him. The mental strain from calculating even remembered equations on the fly or accidentally slipping and jumping without thinking keeps him tied down.
His jumping is fairly predictable - Lila figures him out in no time, possibly because it was quicker and more strategic for Five to memorise a few set equations than come up with any math on the fly.
He does jump quickly - at what point do we ever see him pause to work out how to avoid being caught in a wall? He automatically jumps away from threat or being thrown (thank you Luther). That speaks to me that it's at least in part instinctual, he defo wasn't doing equations as a bub either.
The most brilliant use of powers Does come at a moment: When he jumps forward at 13, he looks to have no plan for a set destination and just channels his pent up anger and goes. When he rewinds time, he doesn't have time to write on the walls or a book (how we've seen him calculate complex mathematics before) he just needs it and he does it.
Five does not manage to come back from the Apocalypse via maths - now don't get me wrong, It's more complicated than anything I could comprehend and that's very validly the show's reason why. But in the books he Does make it - this Five is bad at math, and he spent horrible years in the apocalypse trying to calculate something he couldn't whilst he was starving and not understanding it.
Why was he forcing himself to find a way out by math if his powers were instinctual? Five says it himself "I told you" he hears in his head every day out there - being frivolous got him stuck, now he needs to follow the rules to get out.
When Five does work it out, he gets it wrong - makes a typo, after having that moment of inspiration. (Again, very valid for Big Complicated Math but stay on this journey with me)
We see him rewind time once, did he stop after this because his abusive childhood training taught him 'shit now I need to work out the numbers before I can do that again don't fuck it up'
Five doing math looks absolutely chaotic (again, many, many reasons for this obvs but lets look at this one) his probability walls produce names out of thin air - where'd you get the names from Five? The phone book? Did the numbers spell that out for you after you'd stared at them long enough? Did you pick some arbitrary people living in the city and work backwards? Complex math yes, but also a brain not wired to do them struggling so desperately to make the numbers make sense. They're meant to make sense. They have to make sense. I wouldn't be in this mess if I had made them make sense the first time-
Five has some little tricks with his powers - swapping a gun with a stapler. That we see him use all of once despite how much of a power move that could be (Viktor's violin? Here's the baguette Klaus was eating) I like to think of this as he found this power instinctually, showed Reginald who Ruined It With Math, and again learned one single practical combat equation that was drilled into him and it was so heinous that he never wanted to play around with more.
SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4.... Five has a doctorate of philosophy on his wall, not a doctorate for math. Powers gone? Awful. No more math? Guess there's the silver lining everyone always talks about.
Anyway, this is just a fun uno reverse that I wanted to write a story about but could never find the full picture for, so here it is.
I liked the idea of in a world with the apocalypse diverted his siblings start to notice Five's struggles with math and gently start helping to re wire that part of his brain that Five didn't have the experience to notice was all Reggie's bullshit.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
no more sad prentiss fics please 🧎‍♀️my official request for something wholesome and happy. Prentiss having a crush on R and remembering her coffee order/bringing it in every morning and being teased by tara and jj for it. during girls night reader is hit on by a stranger and she finally works up the courage to confess her feelings. and then, somethin smutty. (so sad ending 🤨)
Acts of service 18+
*Authors note~ I'm sorry about the sad prentiss fics I was going through something and poor em got the angst. I hope this makes up for it! Here's to a more lighter fic*
Trigger warnings~ daddy em sub r strap on oral praise degrading, ownership ? Thigh riding
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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Love languages are a funny thing that completely make sense with the psychology sides of love. Emily Prentiss prided herself on being an attentive lover. Her job at the BAU provided her with an excellent use of her skills. Observing people is second nature to the raven haired woman so it's no surprise that she watched you, committing things to memory. Truly, Emily was crushing on you, but not confident in your sexuality to be as bold to ask you out. So she found other ways to show love and attention, like memorising what beverage you brought to work everyday, how you stuck to a similar routine unless their was a case, how you ran your tongue over your lips in concentration or thought, when you got anxious you messed with your fingers. Yes Emily observed you from afar, afraid that's all she'd ever be able to do.
It became a ritual for Emily, she would arrive to work a few minutes earlier than you, with a hot chocolate with cream and chocolate pan au chocolate. Then when you arrived a few minutes later you would be greeted by breakfast all ready and waiting for you. You never knew who or why but it was always welcomed by you. The little action of care truly warmed your heart and made your Morning that bit better.
JJ and Tara however knew exactly who was behind the breakfast and couldn't help but tease their friend about the crush. After all Emily truly deserved some love and happiness in her life since Doyle and when SSA Parker joined the BAU a spark returned in the raven haired woman that they had missed. Teasing Emily was second nature, the whole team functioning as if they were a big happy family. It was only natural that they delighted in her blushes at the mention of you.
Girls night was something you always looked forward to. Luckily there was no case tonight, so you, Tara, JJ, Emily, Alex and Garcia were all heading out for a few drinks. You can't say you were wearing much different than what you wore to work which was some skin tight black jeans and a simple wine coloured blouse, if you got cold you'd always shove your FBI jacket on to keep warm. It was quite common for the ladies to wear similar clothing, although Alex preferred her suits and Garcia preferred her brighter clothing.
"My round guys?" You murmured happily. Receiving nods of approval you set off to the bar to get another round in, that was when she saw her opportunity. "Hey sweetheart, you alone tonight baby" the women purred at you, "I'm Alexis!" "Hey" you mumbled shyly watching as she lent against the bar in attempt to gain your attention. You were vaguely aware of Emily's eyes boring into your back. "I'm, not interested" you smiled hoping to soften the blow but she immediately became frustrated. "Then you shouldn't come here dressed like a whore!" She spat at you before coming to stop you the bar.
"Angel? Did you get those drinks?" Emily murmured into your ear, a hand circling around your waist protectively. "I uh um yeah here" you stuttered handing her two drinks to carry while you held the tray of the others. Emily even made a active effort to flash her gun causing the offending woman to scamper off. "Are you okay angel?" Emily murmured as you made it back to the table. A subtle nod, was all she offered before drinking in silence.
"Guys I'm gonna take misses here home" Emily murmured to the rest of the team while you were seemingly zoned out. "Look after her Em" Garcia whispered and JJ couldn't help but tease with a slight giggle, "don't fuck her too hard em!" Which you were met a quick glare. "Hey angel! Wait up love" Emily murmured hurrying after you only to find that you had tears silently streaming down your cheeks as you attempted to leave, forgetting you didn't drive here.
"Sweetheart, why are you crying?" She mumbled coming to stop you from walking and wiped your tears. "I didn't want her! I wanted you!" You sobbed not even worrying about the fact you just told your boss that you wanted her. "Who do you think gets your hot chocolate and cream with your pastry every morning?" The little shocked gasp you let out was truly adorable and she couldn't help but find you adorable, "That was you?!" "Yes angel, let me drive you home?" Her question sounding timid and insecure as if you'd say no. "Em? Go to yours?" You whimpered feeling relieved when she nodded in approval.
Together you both walked into Emily's apartment and got settled on her sofa. "Angel? You know I care about you so very much and I want you to be mine. Can I kiss you?" She whispered causing you not nod.  The kiss started off sweet and innocent but the pent up desire from the past months began to rear their head. A little whimper escaped your lips as Emily lifted you to straddle her thigh, "oh Em!"
Pulling away to rest your foreheads against one another, "em, please" you whimpered, "sweetheart are you sure?" With a needy kiss in confrontation you began to slowly roll your hips down against her toned thigh. "Oh fuck" you whined causing her to grip onto your hips to guide those movements. "Oh sweetheart, fuck I've wanted this for so long" she purred into your ear."Please ems" you mewled still drenching her thigh and your pants plus your underwear. "Shall we angel?" She teased before scooping you up so she could kiss you. The kind of kiss to make your toes curl. Emily set you down gently before stripping all your clothing and copying for her own. "Are you sure my love?"
"Please" you whimpered unable to tear your eyes from her body. "Okay angel, at any time you can say red and I'll stop" she murmured cupping your cheek and holding your gaze. "Yes" you nodded. "Kneel" she demanded and chuckling as you instantly fell to your knees in front of her. "Such an obedient thing for daddy" she tried hesitantly, only to see just how much you enjoyed the wording. "Daddy's perfect girl aren't you baby?"
"Be a good doll and make daddy cum" she commanded pointing to the bed to indicate she wanted you on your back. You scrambled to follow her order to be rewarded by her sitting on your face and lowering her soaked folds to your lips. "Oh fuck daddy you smell so good" you murmured happily before licking and sucking at her folds. "Oh good girl, such a good little slut for daddy, keep going baby. Oh god" she whimpered, your hands coming to clutch her thighs in order to keep her in position.
"Oh fuck gonna cum, gonna cum so fucking much whore" she mewled as you sucked harshly on her bundle of nerves causing her to let go all over your face. "Oh fuck talented little dolly for daddy" she panted as her hips finally slowed from rocking on your face. "Good girl, fuck baby want to own you, take you with my strap, can I love? Can daddy fuck you nice and hard" she panted climbing off your face. "Oh god daddy please own me make me yours" you mewled happily wiping your chin of her slick.
"Flip onto your hands and knees baby" she murmured while adorning her strap. "Angel colour?" She murmured as she applied a generous coating of lube to the faux cock. "Green please need you inside. Need your dick daddy" you whimpered rocking your hips backwards into the air. "Pathetic slut,you'd let me do anything now wouldnt you? Hmm slut?" She teased adding an explanatory spark to your ass. "Oh god! Fuck me please please, make me forget daddy!"
Emily eagerly slipped the silicone cock into your cunt. "Oh fuck! Angel you're taking me so good" she murmured watching your cunt drag her cock into your folds. "Fuck fuck daddy fuck god Jesus more" you mewled over and over again. The thrusts became ruthless and merciless, "fuck god this pussy" she panted happily. "Daddy daddy daddy oh god need cum" you whined causing her to reach around your waist and rub tight circles on your clit. "Daddy fuck me god" you screamed as you drenched the cock squirting as well from the pleasure. She slowed her thrusts to help bring you through the come down before slipping out of your cunt. "So good baby, such a good angel for me" she murmured tossing the strap to the side and coming to hold you. "Can daddy get you anything?"
"No daddy just hold me" you whimpered snuggling into the raven haired woman's neck, "mmm love you ems" you mumbled sleepily causing the older woman to smile. "I love you too my Angel."
Word count~ 1606
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
MEDIC! Part 23 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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HEHEHE love you all!
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike, @bucky32557038ww2 (let me know if you want to be tagged.)
Since we were moving off the line I started helping George with the stock. No one would be needing any medical care so I was a free hand. I unpacked the shelves with the new items we had gotten from the previous drop, rations, clothes, ammo, everything we needed to survive. I was helping George with the ration packs, they gave us a whole bunch of food but we needed to sort it into separate bags to give to the men to take with them. I pulled a heavy box off of the top shelf, sliding it to the front.  
“George.” I heard a call from behind me as one of the soldiers waltzed into the room. “We need you to come blow this thing up.” The man said. 
“Alright, I’ll be there. Em, I’m going to blow shit up, you gonna be alright here?” He asked, picking up the bazooka and slinging it over his shoulder.
“I’ll be fine!” I called over my shoulder, I heard his footsteps retreat out of the room. Now I was alone, milling around and sorting the items. It was so boring. A tedious task. Normally it wasn’t so bad. George helped and we chatted, then the other soldiers came in to visit as well, keeping me distracted as I worked. But now it was silent. If only I had some music to listen to that always made cleaning and chores so much more fun. Music! I had my phone and earbuds. No one was here and hopefully they still had some battery left. It wouldn’t hurt and I would get the job done faster I’m sure. I grabbed my bag from the corner of the room, rummaging through it. I pulled out my phone and earbuds that I had stashed deep down the bottom so no one could find them, along with everything else I had in my pockets the day I arrived. I powered on my phone, it worked. God I hadn’t been on it in months, which was weird to think about, it’s a normal accessory in my own time. 60% that’s pretty good, and my earbuds were still alive too. I was ecstatic. I placed one in my ear, I should only have one in incase someone comes in or there is a bomb strike. Wouldn’t want to miss that. I heard it chime on and connect. I opened spotify, since all the songs I wanted to listen to were downloaded I didn’t need to worry about having service or data. I scrolled through my curated playlists. I stopped on the GUTS album. This is perfect! I played it from the start. 
It was fine at the start, since I was alone I quietly hummed along to the song. If anyone walked in they would just assume I had a song stuck in my head. I sorted the rations while listening. Bopping my head the beat. I sang along with the words as I worked. Dancing to the faster songs as I went. I had memorised all of the songs when the album first came out, so I still remembered them all. 
“I’m a perfect all-american bitch, with perfect all-american lips and perfect all-american hips.” I swayed around the room, singing only a bit louder. No one could hear me. 
I packed the rations, working fast. Having dance breaks when a good song came on. I forgot where I was. I sang into my hand like a microphone, bouncing around the room. I didn’t realise it but I got significantly louder in my singing. Having the headphone on full volume so I could hear it over my own voice. I pretended I was performing on stage as I jumped around singing. I took a quick glance over my shoulder around the room, no one was there good. 
Then ‘Vampire’ came on. I stood in place singing into my hand. My voice echoed around the room as I belted it out. 
“Blood-sucker, fame fucker, bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire.” I sang loudly.
By this time I completely disregarded my task at hand, making it counterproductive. I didn’t care, liking the normalcy I had forgotten. I had missed this. Jumping around my apartment with my speakers on full singing as loud as I could. I puffed as the song finished, I pretended to receive applause from the fake audience in front of me, bowing deeply. 
The song ‘Logical’ came on. I gasped, “I love this song!” I squealed, waiting for the lyrics to start. 
I belted the song at the top of my lungs forgetting where I was and what I was doing. In that moment I was putting my heart and soul into the song. The lyrics somehow all related to the anger I had pent up about Don and I’s fight. Come for me like a saviour, Don had done that, he had made me think that he cared. When he clearly didn’t. I put myself through hell for him, just for him to tell me I was an obligation. God I was so mad, at him, at myself. I had fallen for him so hard, with such high hopes he felt the same. It crushed me to know he didn’t. So maybe I do go home after all of this, if anything was going to stop me going, it was him. But if he doesn’t want me, I’d be better off leaving. I poured my emotions into the song as I sang. It was relieving, I forgot how much music helped me when I was stressed, being able to get in my car and sing my heart out with the windows down without a care in the world. For some reason the song just hit the spot and my pain was now being shouted into the air as I sang. 
“AND ALL THE THINGS YOU DID TO ME. YOU LIED, YOU LIED, YOU LIED, OHHHH.” I was pretty proud I was hitting all of the notes. I could sing, I was in the choir at school but I was never very talented. It’s not amazing just being able to hold a tune. My voice wasn’t unique or different, but it still could belt out my favourite songs in a way that wouldn’t hurt the ear. 
Another fast paced song came on after the other one had finished. I bopped my head, dancing around the room like a crazy person. Almost bumping into multiple things around the room as I had my eyes closed as I danced. I changed my playlist to the one I most often played in the car, hitting shuffle. The song ‘Push up’, by the freestylers. It was one of the songs my mum always used to play in the car when we were driving. I was little but still sang along with her. When I got older I actually listened to the lyrics, I was horrified I was singing it in front of my mum who also belted it out in the car. Now I play it when I want a good time. Mum had good music taste. I don't know what dance moves I was doing, my body just moved to the beat. I did that one move where I moved my chest up and down pretending it was being pulled by my hand. Shaking my ass like the song said. I breathlessly sang and danced, a bright smile on my face.
“PUSH UP, YOUR BODY, YOUR BODY NEXT TO MINE, I GOTTA MAKE THAT SEXY BOOTY MINE, AND SHAKE IT, BABY, SHAKE THAT ASS, I LOVE IT WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE GETTING NASTY!” I panted as I moved, forgetting how tiring dancing was. I spun in a circle, a group of men watched me, I finished my turn, facing the way I was originally. A group of men watching me? I looked over my shoulder, surely I had just imagined it. Nope they were there, a group of Easy men looking thoroughly entertained. I turned away from them cringing, how much did they see. I quickly slipped the headphone out of my ear and pocketed it. I slowly turned around to face the men. As I did so they started clapping, they all grinned from ear to ear. There in front of me stood Lieb, Babe, Grant, Web, and George. 
“How long have you been standing there?” I asked, hoping they had just arrived. 
“We had come when you were singing that song about lying.” George grinned. “It went like you lied, you lied.” He sang. That was like three songs ago. 
“But we heard someone singing so we all came to see who it was. Turned out to be you.” Babe chuckled. I didn’t think they could hear me, but I guess I was singing loudly. 
“My favourite song was that last one.” Lieb smirked, of course he liked that one the prick. The image of me shaking my ass came into my head, they had all seen it. 
“What was that move that you were doing?” Grant asked, putting his hands on his knees and shaking his butt left to right. 
“Should I teach it to you?” I joked, trying to not sink into the floor from embarrassment. They all nodded laughing, “Wait, really?” I asked. 
“Yeah I want to dance like that, it looked different. I don’t think I have seen any of the moves you just did.” George grinned at me. “What’s it called? The move?” He asked. 
“Twerking.” I laughed as the men looked at me puzzled, they tried out the name themselves, a mutter of the word “twerking” filled the room. I laughed at them. 
I gathered the men in front of me, they shook their arms and legs loose like they were going to run a race. I laughed at them, they were so eager to learn, who was I to say no. 
“Ok, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and then lean forward putting your hands on your knees.” I was trying to keep my composure, why did they all look so serious. Their concentrating faces on, they followed my instruction. They looked like they were trying to catch their breath after running. “Ok now you just move your pelvis up and down.” They all tried, looking like cats about to throw up. I cracked up watching the five men try their hardest. 
“I can’t do it. What is it supposed to look like again?” Grant asked, standing up straight scratching his head. I got into the same pose as them, moving my pelvis up and down in a smooth motion. They all looked very impressed. 
“I can’t do that.” Babe groaned. I laughed at his pouting face. 
“Arch your back and then relax it.” I did the motion again for them. This is one of the weirdest things I think I have ever done. Not in my wildest dreams would I imagine teaching five WW2 soldiers how to twerk. 
I watched the rest of the men trying, all doing very odd interpretations of the dance move. George just bent and unbent his leg, bobbing up and down. Grant leant forward but moved his butt from left to right like a dog wagging its tail. Babe hunched his shoulders up and down like he was excessively shrugging. Lieb was impressively very good at it, “Ok Lieb!” I pretended to make it rain dollar bills over him. I looked over to Webster who just looked entirely lost, like a weird caterpillar his whole body moved. “Oh Web.” I laughed at the man, he just stared at me with his blue eyes. 
“Here, when I do it only my butt moves, everything else stays in place.” I said turning around to show him, he stepped closer and really focussed in on the move. Trying it again, he still didn’t get it. 
“Look here.” I placed his hand on my lower back, as did the move, “See my back stays still.” 
“What is going on?” I heard from the doorway, looking over to see Don watching us. His eyes set on Web and I. He looked pissed. “Web mind taking your hand off her ass.” My eyes widened, of course he was pissed. The position Web and I were in didn’t look very good. Me bent over in front of him with my butt out and him with his hand on my lower back. I stood up, stepping away from the man. The other Easy men in the room looked uncomfortable as well. Don glared at Web and I. 
“I was just teaching them a dance move.” I tried to explain. He huffed, turning on his heel and marching out of the room. The men watched me gauging my reaction. I was so mad. 
“Shut up!” I snarled, the men looked offended, they hadn’t said anything but I could feel it. The looks they were giving me said it all, they didn’t need to say anything. They looked uncomfortable, like walking in on a lovers quarrel. I followed after Don, letting my anger get the better of me. I caught up to him on the street. 
“Stop acting like you care!” I yelled at him. He turned to face me. “What? You want to push me away and then get mad at me for talking to someone else. You don’t get to do that! Stop fucking with my head!” I shouted at him. I panted from my rage that raced through my body, how dare he say he doesn’t care and then act like this, it was making my head spin. 
He stomped towards me, grabbing me by the arm. He dragged me into one of the houses. “Let go! Let go of me!” I tried to pull out of his grip but he was stronger than me. He shut the door behind him, I wrenched free of his grasp. I tried to move past him and leave, but he blocked the door. “What do you want from me? I don’t have the cash for the hours you babysat me, sorry!” I spat angrily. 
“Stop it!” He growled. “Stop acting like this!” 
I scoffed astonished, “Are you kidding! All I wanted was to check on you. You were avoiding me, I wanted to check if you were ok? I know you’re hurting too! Those boys meant so much to you! I just wanted to care for you how you did for me. It goes both ways! You’re allowed to hurt!” I told him, his face dark, I could see the pain etched into his features. 
“It’s fine, you don’t care for me the way I do you. But I still care about you, even though you hurt me so much. I can’t turn them off. If you can’t talk to me about it, that's fine, but at least talk to someone!” His features softened.
“I do care for you! Of course I do! It’s just been so much! I can’t process it, I’m so busy, I feel like I have the weight of these men on my shoulders, they have expectations of me, I feel responsible for them. If they get hurt it’s my fault!” He rambles on, it all floods out of his mouth, like opening a dam. 
“I don’t have time to think about Skip and Alex or Buck or Bill! I knew I would if I talked to you, I knew if I just spoke to you for a second that it would all come out.” He takes a breath as he spills the truth. 
“So I avoided you. I’m sorry Em.” He scrubs his hand over his face, sighing. 
“I didn’t mean what I said the other day either. I’m so sorry I hurt you. It killed me to see you so upset, and that I was the one who did that.” I listened to him, it hurt me to see the agony on his face. He walks forward standing closer to me. 
“You are not an obligation! You never have been, ever! ” He says, taking my face in his hands, lifting my head to look into his eyes. “I choose you! I will always choose you.” He pauses looking deeply into my eyes. My hands reach up holding onto his arms that still cup my face. 
“I love you.” I uttered softly, it was barely audible to my own ears, but he heard me. 
It happened so quickly, I couldn’t even process what had happened. Don kissed me. His lips found mine. He kissed me so deeply with so much desire. It was like gasping for air after coming up from the water. I didn’t know how much I needed him, wanted him. His mouth moved against mine, hungrily tasting me. I kissed him back with the same intensity. Enjoying the way his lips felt on mine, like we were made for each other. My stomach clenched, the butterflies swirling around inside. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him flush with me. His hands moved to my back and held me tightly. I opened my mouth as he deepened the kiss, his tongue finding mine. I tangled my fingers through the hair that peaked out from under his beanie at the base of his neck. It was like I was addicted, I couldn’t stop myself from kissing him. The taste of his lips on mine, his familiar scent that filled my senses, his hands that roamed around my body, the sound of him moaning into my mouth as we kissed. He pulled back, I whimpered, needing his mouth back on mine. 
“I love you.” Don smiled down at me, my heart swelled, I grinned at him. He placed another gentle kiss on my lips, letting it linger before pulling away.   
“Do you forgive me?” He asked. 
“Hmmm? I don’t know, I think maybe if you kissed me again, I could potentially forgive you.” He laughed, placing a kiss on my lips. 
“How about now?” He smirked. 
“Maybe another one?” I said playfully. He leant forward placing kisses all over my face in quick succession. I giggled as he assaulted me with his lips. He placed the last one on my lips, so gentle and sweet I could melt.
“What the hell were you teaching the guys when I walked in?” He asked, his eyebrow quirked. I flushed, burying my face in his jacket. 
“Nothing.” I mumbled into his clothes. His hand found my chin, tilting it up to look him in the eyes. “I was teaching them a dance they caught me doing.” I said giggling, thinking back to all of their weird moves they had done while I was teaching them. 
“What was the dance?” I smiled and laughed. He looked confused at why it was so funny. 
“I’ll show you another time.” I gave him a wink, he looked at me curiously. “Don, it’s not your fault if those men get hurt. You know that?” I asked, the conversation turning more serious. I took his face into my hands, my thumbs brushing along his skin gently. “I understand carrying all that responsibility, trust me. And I know it’s easier said than done as well. But we can’t let their deaths haunt us forever, all we did was try our best.” He nodded, still wrapped in each other's arms. I pulled him in, hugging him tightly. “We can have a break hopefully, since we are being moved off the line.” I smiled, thinking about how the men didn’t have patrol tonight and that we were leaving tomorrow. It was so exciting. 
The door to the house swung open, Don and I jumped apart in fright. George, who was peeking his head in the door, wryly grinned. “Sorry to interrupt you two, but grubs up.” We smiled at the cheeky man. Following him. Don and I kept sharing glances, our faces flushing pink. Thinking back to the moment we had shared. I kept giggling happily, feeling ecstatic. 
We made our way into the basement, the rest of 2nd platoon already there. I spotted Lieb who watched us enter. I came in first smiling, with a shy looking Malarkey in tow. His eyebrows raised as he smirked at me. I walked over to him. “Ah, I wondered where you disappeared too.” He teased me. 
“Shut up.” I laughed, bumping into him.
“Are you going to sing us a song?” Babe asked, his mouth full of food. 
“No, I am not!” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Or what about some more dance moves?” Grant teased. I picked up a cloth that laid on the table in front of me hurling it at the man, smacking him in the face as we all laughed. I walked over to where the cloth landed, bending down to pick it up. 
“Ow!” I cried holding my back, pain evident on my face. I looked up to see all of the men looking at me worried and concerned. I slid my hand from my back, my hands on my knees. 
“EHHH!” I said as I shook my ass laughing. The men’s faces changed from worried, to confused, to amused. “Got you suckers!” I said standing up, Grant shook his head. 
“I still have no idea how you do that?” I patted him on the shoulder, still laughing. 
The rest of the night passed quickly, it was like Christmas had come early. I was so excited for tomorrow I could hardly sleep, and when I did I had definitely fallen asleep smiling. 
We packed up our gear and made our way to the trucks, ready to move off the line. Lt. Jones had been promoted and was leaving us, he shook our hands as we wished him good luck on his future endeavours. We climbed into the back of the truck, Don helping to pull me up. He sat beside each other, our hands secretly held by our sides. I watched Web approach the truck, going to climb up by himself, Lieb stuck his hand out to offer assistance. I smiled knowing that Lieb finally came around to liking the man. I watched as the small town faded into the distance and wondered what might be ahead for us next. I knew whatever happened that Don and I would face it together. 
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Back in the Day
A Marine Biologist
Tonowari x F!Reader X Ronal
@hoodiepandaninja16 just wanted to make sure you saw this because you asked
In the beginning all dialogue is said in English, when the Metkayina come in dialogue that is in italics is English
Pushing yourself further into the corner you bared your teeth at the bearded avatar who was stalking closer to you, “come on sweetheart just put the mask on,” snarling at the scottish man you crouched down into the corner, your eyes darting between the man and the exit, “don’t even think about it,” gripping the wall you jolted towards to door before doubling back, scrambling away from the Scottish man who jumped at the spot where you faked going. As you ran for the door you tailed failed behind you, smacking into the humans and avatars that tried grabbed a hold of you, jumping through the doors they slammed behind you, Terrence right behind and slamming against the glass “you have a masters, why are you like this!?” shrugging your shoulders you spun away from the door, your tail lazily swinging as you sauntered towards the outside door and with a simple press of a button the door to the outside began to slowly raise, water slowly filling the room, “just don’t go too far, ok,”
“(Y/N) don’t you ignore me!” being completely submerged in water you swam out, admiring the way the sun shone through the waves and completely ignoring the Scottish man who was banging against the glass door. Diving down to the coral you lost yourself in the alien ecosystem, memorised by the ‘small’ interactions of the reef. About to round the corner of a practically bright colony of coral a hand wrapped around your ankle, turning you saw Terrence still holding the stupid mask, his ears fluttering when he pulled you down to him and wrapped his arm around your waist, “you can take it off when we finish the job, ok?” guiding his hand you lifted the mask up to your face, the small device sealing against your skin and blowing out the water that was trapped within, “alright soldier, whatever you say,” 
Raising the snare leash up you caught the waving tentacle, quickly tightening the freezing snare around the tip of the anemone tentacle, “doesn’t that hurt it?”
“We’ve been studying these things for years, they’re almost the exact same as the sea anemones we had on earth?” out of the corner of your eye the Scottish man floated into view, his eyebrow cocked, “they don’t have a brain, they’re unable to process pain,”
“Ohhh, so what makes ‘em different?”
“They’re dangerous to us,” pulling the snare taut the small chuck popped off, the chuck floating away, Terrence chasing after the small piece, “use tongs, those things have stingers and remember the neurotoxins are dangerous to us,”
You watched at Terrence chased after the chuck that seemed to be caught in a random current, chuckling at his efforts you heard the familiar squealing of the tulkuns, excitedly turning to them you swam closer to the pod who, just like the previous times they came into contact with you, ignored you, their calm nature allowing you to swim between each member and graze your hands over their leathery skin. Some of the members acknowledged you with a glace or by gently pushing you around with their flippers, some even humming as you traced your fingers along their tattoos.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw a mother with her calf approaching you, quickly moving out of their way you went to admire the tattoos of a different tulkun, that was until you felt something large press into your back, turning your head you found the young calf burying it’s face into your back, happily chirping when you looked down at it. Reaching your hand out you ran your hand over the head of the calf, becoming absolution giddy when it nuzzled it’s head back into your hand. Hearing a gentle rumbling your eyes flicked up, your attention caught by the mother floating just a few feet away, and while she didn’t show any signs of agitation she was staring you down, almost daring you to try and hurt her baby who was for some reason putting it’s trust in you. Ensuring your lips stayed close you smiled at the beast, the mother simply flapping her tail to re-join the pod, watching the mother you felt the calf nudging your side with it’s nose, the young bull pushing you towards his pod. Chuckling you went with the young bull’s demand, the tulkun happily singing as you swam around him, the young tulkun rolling and bumping himself into you as his mother watched in delight.
“Doc where do you think you’re going?” turning away from the tulkun you saw the bearded avatar swimming after you, “I said to not go near the whales,”
“He came to me, did you want me to be mean to him in front of his mother,”
“Just come on we have to go,” signing you turned to the young calf, giving the beast a loving pet and burying your head into his head before saying your goodbye, swimming back towards Terrence you heard the cries of the tulkun, your heart shattering as he swam in front of you and tried pushing you back.  Before you could try to push him away a shadow appeared above you, and before you knew it you were trapped inside of the mother’s mouth with the calf, “(Y/N)!”
“Terrence relax she can’t swallow me!” 
“Then what the hell is it doing,”
“It’s a natural thing the mothers do when they want to protect their babies,”
“There’s nothing to protect her baby from,”
“How far away is the pod?” a silence overcame the two of you, finally able to think properly for a second, “pretty far, guess she got sick of waiting huh?” looking around the mouth you were drawn to the bull who swam to the back of the throat, swallowing the glowing queue that floated there, “sweetheart?”
“Yeah I think I’m stuck, just tell everyone what happened and to not take me out until I give the go ahead,”
“Seriously Doc?”
“Yeah I wanna see you try and get me out,” he went quite, slight grumbling coming over the microphone, “just stay safe, and keep your tracker on, the moment that thing let’s you go, contact me and I’ll pick you up,”
“Will do soldier,”
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You sat with the bull for what seemed like hours, your mask becoming useless and forcing you to connecting yourself to the mother, becoming completely fascinated by how she was somehow able to pass fresh air to you, that you didn’t even realised she opened her mouth until someone shoved you around, a cyan na’vi pointing a knife to you, pulling your queue away from the tulkun’s you raised your hands, taking the moment she jumped away from you to swim out of the mouth, finding yourself surrounded by tulkuns and na’vi dancing with one another.
Feeling something grip and pull your tail you found the young bull holding onto it, his head bobbing as he shook your tail, swiping at him he let go and ran away, happily chirping as he ran, chasing after him you didn’t even notice the people who were watching you, confused at the random forest na’vi that suddenly appeared and was chasing after a tulkun calf. With the young bull being more energetic then the older tulkuns the only thing you could really do was chase him around, when you were able to grab a hold of a fin he would start rolling, only stopping when you had to go back to the surface for air. You spent a few hours just chasing him, you wanted to do other things and mimic the actions of the other na’vi around you but he refused to do so, either slamming himself into your gut or rushing around you to grab your tail every time you tried.
Dragging yourself out of the water you ignored the squeals of the bull, continuing to walk away from him and up further on the land, “oh shush, I’m tired and I wanna feel the sand,” making sure you were the middle of the sandy island you took your seat, ignoring the calf as you buried your feet in the loose sand, “I just wanted to collect samples and I ended up becoming a babysitter for a spoiled brat,” the bull replied by blowing air through his blowhole and slapping his tail, continuing to squeal, with a scrunched nose you returned his gesture, chuckling when he rolled in the water, soon swimming back to his mother.
Taking in the peace you turned to the sun, soaking in it’s warm rays until you heard the squeaking of sand behind you, turning you saw an old man approaching you with younger man on his heels, the younger of the two radiating much more positivity then the elder whose face was overtaken by a scowl, standing you brushed the sand off of your clothes, immediately bowing your head away from the gaze of the elder, “what are you doing here omatikaya?”
“Tulkun, bring me, … fuck,” as your tail twisted in on itself you turned away from the two, racking your brain for that one word, “um, to, this place,”
“A tulkun brought you here, why?” turning to the water you saw the young bull was back on the shore, squealing when you looked at him, “he, wanted, me here,” the old man’s eyes drifted from you to the calf, his scowl never leaving “strange, Tonowari!”
“Yes father,”
“Watch this, demon, your mother will want to witness this, unnatural bond,”
“Yes sir,” as the older man marched away your eyes were drawn to the young man who was standing at attention, unlike the forest na’vi you were used to he was much, thicker, being more solid and robust, beautifully made to fight against the overpowering force of the sea, yet you still found your eyes drawn down his body, spying on how his waist dipped perfectly and curved out into strong thighs, “hi,”
“Demon,” Tonowari bowed his head to you, and unlike his father his voice wasn’t filled with venom, simply being an innocent greeting, “my, name is (Y/N),”
“Oh sorry, (Y/N),” he bowed his head again, air blowing out your nose in a laugh, “So, what do, you do?” even with his head staying straight forward you saw the confusion coming over his face, “um, are you tsamsiyu? you look like tsamsiyu,” out of the corner of his eye Tonowari saw the way you looked up at him through your lashes, feeling his lips slightly curling at your intentional doe eyes, “well I am the future Olo'eykan so,” his head swayed as he talked, his ears standing tall and his eyes half lidded, swinging his head down to you, a large toothy grin graced his lips, “yes,” returning his smile you ducked your head away from his gaze, raising your head back up your eyes were caught by another figure approaching you, “so why do you talk like that?” your attention was drawn back to Tonowari, seeing his large blue eyes still on you, “I, do not, know all, words? and I do not know, them, well,” 
“If only you could stay, my tiyawn gets great joy teaching children,” gasping you playfully punched Tonowari’s shoulder, unknowingly causing Ronal to rush towards to, her teeth bared she shoved you away from Tonowari, a guttural hiss rumbling from her throat, “Ronal!” grabbing a hold of her arms Tonowari stood between you and Ronal, “mawey oeya tiyawn, it was just a play punch,” with a huff Ronal jerked her away from Tonowari, muttering a ‘I’m ok’, wrapping his arms around her shoulders he turned back to you, forcing a smile, “(Y/N) this is Ronal, my courter and my tiyawn,” 
Touching your hand to your forehead you bowed it to her, Ronal simply grunting and pulling herself from Tonowari arm, circling around you and picking at the clothing clinging to your body, as she looked you over you did the same thing back to her, when her hand curled around your tail you grabbed a hold of her tail, when she grabbed a hold of your bicep to feel the lack of muscle, you grabbed hold of her’s to feel the opposite, when she grabbed a hold of your hand and looked at your fingers in disgust, you grabbed a hold of her free hand, fascinated by the fin like appendage that ran down the outside of her forearm. Yanking her hand out of your grip and throwing your hand away she turned away from you and rushed to Tonowair’s side, whispering to him with her face mimicking the scowl of the older man, “why is a demon here?”
“All I know is the young bull wanted her here and the mother brought her here,” hearing a giggling the couple turned to see you now sitting in the water with the young bull’s head on your lap, a hand rubbing the top of his head while the other was under his chin, softening at the sight Ronal turned to her partner, seeing him sporting a sweet smile.
Once again the squeaking of sand rung out, the old man returning with an old woman by his side, “oel ngati kameie mother, oel ngati kameie father,”
“Oel ngati kameie my son, is this the demon I was told about,” pushing the calf off your lap and rushing away from him with your tail high, you ran back onto land, shaking your hands dry, “yes this is (Y/N),” raising your hand to your forehead you bowed it to the older woman, her staring at your fingers, “I was told this bull wanted you here,” hearing her speak English you felt relief over come you, sighing a ‘thank god’, “yes, I was out working when the pod passed by and this little guy came up to me, he wouldn’t leave me alone and the next thing I know I was in the mother’s mouth and spat out here,” as you talked the older woman circled around you like Ronal.
The difference being she pulled a needle out of a sheath around her neck and jabbed it into your shoulder, tasting the blood that tipped it she gave a hum before walking over to the young bull, kneeling down and whispering to him before giving him a quick jab as well. The moment the blood crossed her tongue her ears stood tall and her pupils expanded, turning to you with a gentle smile on her lips, “Tonowari my sweet boy,” the young man stood up tall, looking down to his mother, “until her brother leaves with his family and she is able to return herself home, you will be caring for her,” 
“Quite all of you, Eywa has brought her together with her brother, I would like to see you try and tear them apart,” grabbing your arm she dragged you over to Tonowari, “you will be leading this clan in a few years, take it as a lesson to care for the outsiders that Eywa delivers to us, plus she shouldn’t be here for that long, if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to get rid of her in a week,”
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
With a basket filled of yam like roots and sweet fruits in your arms, you marching down the woven pathway with two toddlers behind you, Aio holding onto the fake tail tied around your waist and Ao’nung holding onto his brother’s tail. 
Reaching the large marui you found Ronal inside, frowning at the plant she was grinding into a fine dust, “sa’nu,” the young Metkayina waddled up to his pregnant mother, a soft smile gracing her lips as he clung to her arm, “hello my love, how are you,” as the young boy babbled you moved to Ronal’s side, lifting Aio up onto your lap where he intensely watched you peel the skin off a fruit, making little grabby hands at the pieces of skin, which you happily gave him. When Ao’nung saw his brother chewing on the skins he jumped onto his mother’s lap, laying across her and flailing his arms at the fruit, handing him the skin you watched as he ravaged it, tearing large pieces off as he ate.
Handing the half peeled piece of fruit to Ronal she gratefully dug into the flesh, relief coming over her as the kicking in her stomach ceased, “thank Ewya, this little brat hasn’t given me a break all day,”
“Glad I don’t have to suffer that pain again,” grabbing another piece of the fruit you began peeling more skin off, satiating the two toddlers who were begging for more, “it’s all Tonowari’s fault,”
“What did I do now?” said man had just walked into the marui, grinning ear to ear as he sat in front of Ronal, lifting Ao’nung from his mother’s lap and onto his own, “you gave all of these children a craving for this damned fruit,”
“That is a really good fruit, everyone likes it,” Tonowari’s confidence quickly dissipating as he looked down at you to see slightly shaking your head and saw Ronal’s scowl, “everyone in my family likes it,”
“See your fault,” handing the second piece of fruit to the sunken form of Tonowari he slightly perked up, giving you a small smiling before being distracted by the young boy trying to climb up his arm and grab the fruit.
For those of you who don’t know, the sand in Australia and New Zealand squeaks when you walk on it, seeing how the Metkayina are inspired by my cousins, the Maori, I thought it would just be a nice thing to add.
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maelialuv · 2 years
I’m just thinking like late night driving with Eddie 🥰🥰🥰
anything eddie is just <333 :)
inspired by Cruel Summer by Taylor swift <3
Cut the Headlights - Eddie Munson
Summary: driving home slow on a hot summer night with Eddie Munson creates a fast burning spark.
Warnings: none! pure fluff
Word count: 1.8K
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The low thrum of the engine was lulling as Eddie drove. You'd spent just about the whole day together. Sunrise to sunset, you were attached at the hip. There was a gig tonight at the Hideout, and Eddie had taken you as a plus one. He was a friend of the band, he had introduced you to them, giddily watching as you made conversation with the metal heads. It was a fantastic night. But when the Hideout shut, and the two of you made you way to Eddie's van, there was a bittersweet fog that fell over the evening.
Neither of you wanted the night to end. So you - possibly with too much excitement - agreed when Eddie suggested a movie at his place. This was edging toward date territory.
You were developing a fondness for the long haired boy. After several almost-dates, you thought that maybe he was too. So there you were, in the dim light of Eddie's van as he drove down the back streets of Hawkins. You'd never been to Eddie's house before, and a nervous bounce had made its way to your leg as you rode in the passenger seat.
"You okay there?"
Eddie had the familiar teasing lift in his voice he adopted when you were around. He eyed you curiously, hands firm on the wheel. "You can relax, you know. I'm a great driver," he reached into the glove compartment, grabbing a fistful of paper, "got the tickets to prove it."
"Ha, ha. Last thing we need is Chief Hopper cramping the night with handcuffs and a speeding ticket."
Eddie quirked a brow at you. "Handcuffs would cramp the night, huh? Good to know," he grinned as you turned toward the window, hiding wide eyes and a shy smile, "good to know."
The car slowed to a more acceptable speed - on the off chance Hawkins Police were patrolling. Eddie was a keen driver, loved the feeling of the windows down with the stereo on full volume. For you, though, he would drive at the slowest - legal- speed if it meant he could spend just a minute longer with you.
Cranking down the window, you rested your arms out on the pane, allowing the hot summer breeze into the car. It was August, and the sun was setting later and later in Hawkins. Beside you, Eddie was lit up with a halo from the final rays of light dipping below the horizon. It was an idyllic scene, the two of you blissed out from a hot day and an exciting gig. Eddie couldn't help his eyes darting over to you.
"You can put some music on, if you want."
Looking through the glove compartment for tapes, you settled on a cassette by The Police. "Not really your style," you said, sliding the tape into the player.
Eddie bit his nails bashfully. "I, uh, picked it up for you. You said that you liked 'em, and I didn't really want you to have to sit through so much metal every time we hang out."
If your heart could make a sound , it would be the fast beating wings of a humming bird. You had said you liked The Police months ago, and Eddie had remembered.
Eddie remembered lots of little things about you; how you tied your shoelaces in the bunny ear method, how you liked your coffee and your favourite movies. He knew your favourite songs and flavours of ice cream. If he could, Eddie would spend hours just memorising all of your favourite things.
The sun disappeared behind the hills of Hawkins, casting a purple hew over the sky. It made the van some what darker, moodier, and the soft hum of Sting's voice on the stereo crackled through the space. "Sorry it's kind of far, promise I'm not luring you to your imminent doom," Eddie teased darkly, wriggling his fingers in the air.
"That's what you'd want me to think, though," you countered, same teasing lift in your voice. " You'd lure me in with a false sense of security, a 'don't worry' here and there. I'd relax, lose some of my wits and that's when you'd strike."
Eddie laughed heartily at you, once again unable to tear his eyes away from your grin. "Damn," he said sarcastically, "you got me."
"You're very easy to read, I had you figured out before I even got in the van." You went along with the joke, enjoying the teasing - maybe flirtatious- banter. Eddie quirked a brow at you.
"Easy to read, huh?" he smoothed his hair out of his face, one hand in his hair and one on the wheel. "Okay, how do I read?"
"Come on," Eddie encouraged, "what do you infer when you read between the lines of the great Edward Munson?"
You paused, trying to find the right words. Eddie , while easy to read, was hard to navigate. In simple terms, he was just Eddie. But it was so much more complex than that, so much harder to explain. God knows you'd tried to explain it to Robin - who incessantly pestered you about the nature of your friendship with him.
"You're different than what most expect of you. You're very gentle, and sweet," Eddie was quiet as you spoke. "You put others before yourself, especially your friends. You want others to be happy more than anything. You're surprisingly 'normal' - whatever that means- and your music taste is not as refined as you want people to think."
Eddie didn't talk for a while, and you feared for a moment that you had gone too far, been too direct or too intense. But out of the corner of your eye, you could see a small smile stretching across his lips. The two of you didn't speak for a while, content with the music and the breeze and the soft sound of the wheels on the gravel as you turned into the trailer park. "Home , sweet home." Eddie said , somewhat bashful.
While it wasn't the lush lawns of the cul-de-sacs, it was homely. The outside of Eddie's trailer was lit with a single porch light, casting a golden glow over the building. Eddie sprung from the drivers seat, tripping a little on his way as he opened the passenger door for you.
"My uncle works nights at the plant so," he swung the front door open, the trailer evidently lived in and cozy with several lamps, "it's just us. Hope that's okay." Eddie looked nervous- bouncy- as he invited you in. You resist the urge to touch his shoulder as you enter, making yourself comfortable on the couch as he grabs himself a beer from the fridge. "Do you want anything?"
When you said no, Eddie grabbed two tapes from the table. "TV is in my room, so," he gestured toward a door at the end of a hallway, "in we go." In his room? Sitting on his bed? You were going to implode.
Eddie's room was what you imagined. A typical boy's den, messy but acceptable. There were some posters of rockers you didn't know the names of, and a few family photos strewn about. You noticed one of a woman and a young boy. "Is that your mom?" You asked the question timidly - you didn't know much about Eddie's family, other than his dad was a Grade A douchebag that skipped out on Eddie as a middle schooler. Eddie looked at the photo with a ghost of a smile.
"Yeah," he said, tone soft and small. "Don't remember her much. She left my dad before I was even in kindergarten." When he saw your face - brows furrowed in sympathy- he continued. "I don't blame her. If I could go back, I'd beg her to take me with her if I knew what my dad would be like." He picked up the photo, tracing the face of the brunette woman. "I have this dream that she's out in California, living in some condo by the beach with a dog and a surfer guy that buys her flowers." He frowned to himself slightly. "Just glad she was able to leave him before he got really bad."
"You look like her." You said, and Eddie looked at you. His eyes were molten chocolate in the low light of his bedroom.
He smiled wide. "Thank you."
Propping himself on the end of his bed, Eddie held the two tapes in both hands. "Which one, up to you."
In his left hand was 'Back to the Future', in his right was 'Splash'. Your smile was infectious - you'd told Eddie about your love of the film almost four weeks ago now when the two of you had gone to the fourth of July fair.
You tapped his right hand with your index finger. "Let's watch some mermaids, Munson."
You could hardly focus on the film.
Over the course of the passing hour, you and Eddie had inched closer together on the bed as the movie played on Eddie's dresser-top TV. In between your bodies, your hands were inches apart. Your fingers twitched with the urge to hold his own, nervousness ripping through your veins. When Eddie's pinky finger brushed yours, you held in a breath as you slowly rest your hand atop his. As he flipped your hand and wove your fingers together - eyes straight ahead at the screen- you felt your cheeks heat in childish glee.
Eddie gave your hand a squeeze, getting your attention. "I like having you here," he said quietly, "makes me feel good."
"I like being here, Eddie." you said sincerely.
The two of you sat hand in hand for the rest of the movie, and all through Back to the Future as Eddie twisted your arm into staying longer. Even when Eddie drove you home, slowest speed as the roads would allow - hand gripping yours as he switched gears- and as he walked you to your porch. He held your fingers as you walked into your house, kicking at pebbles with his shoe as he made his way back to his van. He turned when he heard your door open again.
"Eddie!" you whisper shouted from your door way, motioning him over with a wave of your hand. He walked back to you , quick as he could without making too much noise. "Two things," you said quietly. From behind your back, you shoved a VHS into his hands. Eddie smirked as he stared down at a worn, clearly loved copy of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'.
"What was the other thing?" he whispered.
You took a small breath before reaching on your tip toes to press a small kiss to Eddie's lips. Before he could even thinking about kissing you back, pulling you in closer, you were rushing a whispered goodnight and scurrying back through your front door.
Eddie drove awfully slow on his way home, desperate to relive the feeling of your lips on his for as long as possible. He would beat you to it the next time, and the time after that.
And every time after that, Eddie managed to kiss you first.
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the-cooler-erinsintra · 3 months
studying german: argh all those different articles are so hard to learn and memorise. what's the point of having this many
studying english: argh all those different articles are so hard to learn and memorise. what's the point of having this many
studying portuguese: it's so easy!! em, o, a, no, na, nos, nas, os, as, te, me, lhe, -los, -las, -lo, -la...
studying japanese: wHERE ARE THE ARTICLES
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sequinsmile-x · 11 months
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Obsidian - Chapter 1
A smut anthology, set in the Stained Glass Windows universe.
Hi friends,
As requested by several people, this is a series of smut one shots that fit within the Stained Glass Windows universe.
Some chapters will be linked directly to chapters within the main SGW story and some won't be.
This first chapter is set in Chapter 7 of SGW and is a direct continuation of their first date 👀. Since it's a continuation, I've included part of the original scene from SGW here to really make it flow.
I hope you enjoy this <3
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: Smut, 18+
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
It’s everything she’d always imagined it to be and more. 
He’s everywhere. His tongue in her mouth as he presses up against her, his chest against hers, the rumble of the moan he knows she’s trying to fight caught up in his ribs. His hands on her back, burning her even through the material of her dress, are a clear attempt at remaining respectful, but somehow that makes her more aware of everything. Of the hem of her dress bunching around the top of her thighs as she sinks deeper into his lap, of him getting harder beneath her, a preview of what was to come.
He holds her close, his hands firm at her lower back as he breathes her in, remembering every little thing he can. She rolls her hips against him and he groans, part of his brain that he’d successfully ignored all evening coming back online as he pulls back from her, unable to stop himself from smiling as she tries to chase his lips.
“If you’re about to tell me you’re a second date kind of guy I might kill you,” she jokes, her words breathless as she smiles at him, her chest heaving slightly as she stares at him.
“No,” he replies, smiling at her as he smoothes some of her hair back, “It’s not that it’s just,” he pauses, unsure how to phrase it, how to put into words the concerns that had kept him from going any further with her despite his entire body screaming at him, “You’re my best friend, Em.”
She beams at him, impossibly more beautiful as she moves one of her hands from behind his neck to cup his cheek, her thumb delicate against his skin.
“You’re my best friend too, against all odds,” she replies, smiling when he chuckles at her attempt at a joke, “That’s why I think this works.”
“I know,” he says, his hands on her hips as he holds her tightly, “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t,” she says simply like it was the easiest thing in the world. She knows it was her turn to take the jump, that he’d been the one to assure her in the motel room where they began and now he needed it in return. It’s how they’d worked since they’d become friends, the give-and-take that they both needed but had never found elsewhere, “I really want this, Aaron. I want you. We can figure out the rest as we go.”
If it was anyone else saying it to him it wouldn’t be enough. He needed to know everything, to have control, but he trusts her. He loves her, he knows that already but won’t say it yet, afraid it was far too much too soon. So he accepts it, simply nodding in response. She smiles as she leans forward to stamp a kiss against his lips and he hesitates.
“For fuck sake, Aaron,” she says, rolling her eyes at him.
“I just want to know you’re sure, sweetheart.”
The term of endearment makes any misplaced anger disappear as quickly as it had appeared, and she shakes her head at him before she leans back enough to pull her dress off, leaving her in the underwear she’d later admit to him that she’d bought specifically for tonight. For him.
“I’m very sure,” she replies, leaning back in to kiss him before he can look at her properly, pleased when he immediately responds this time. His hands are scorching against her skin, his fingerprints branding her ribs as his hands drift over her, mapping out her hills and valleys.
Her skin was so soft he thought it might drive him insane, and he knows that later on he’ll take his time to memorise her, but right now his need for her overrides that. Desperate and overwhelming as he stops fighting the need to know how her skin felt everywhere. He runs his hand down her stomach, stopping as the texture of her changes, his thumb catching on some thicker skin.
She pulls away from him as the need for oxygen takes over, her forehead pressed against his, and she feels his thumb tracing the scar on her abdomen, and she looks down at the same time he does. She swallows thickly as she watches him trace the whole scar, from just below her ribcage, moving outwards onto her belly in a backwards l-shape. It was faded now, the best it would ever be, and sometimes she managed to forget it was there. This was the first time she’d ever told someone the story behind it, coming up with lies on the spot for past partners as they asked curiously, and it felt oddly liberating as well as making her nervous in equal measure that someone knew all of her like this.
“I know it’s not-”
“You’re beautiful,” he says, his hands drifting to her back as he shifts her closer, cutting off her self-deprecating comment she had ready, “So fucking beautiful.”
The compliment makes her blush, alabaster skin turning pink on her cheeks and down her neck and chest, disappearing below her black lace bra. She was a work of art, beyond his imagination, and he couldn’t believe that she was here with him.
“Aaron-” she starts, but her plea for him to touch her is cut off as he leans forward, licking her nipple through her bra, tugging at the material with his teeth. She holds his head against her chest as he moves to her other breast, paying it the same attention, her fingers tight in his hair. His hands trail up her back again, his fingers hooking under the band of her bra before he quickly undoes it, lowering it down her arms and pulling back just enough for him to take it off completely and throw it over his shoulder. He dives back in. His lips directly against her, already sensitive, skin this time, and she groans, the sound coming from somewhere deep within her belly, “Fuck.”
Aaron smiles against the swell of one of her breasts, pride flaring in his chest at the fact he was already having an effect on her and he’d barely even started. He knew it was a mutual thing, that he was already just as addicted to her. To her soft skin, the way she felt on top of him. 
“So soft,” he murmurs, kissing up her chest, taking time to suck at the hollow of her collarbone before he moves upwards, his lips on her jaw and then her cheek before he captures her lips with his. His tongue swoops through her mouth, tasting the scotch they’d shared when they first came back to his and something he’d never been able to name that just seemed to be her, “So delicious.”
Emily pulls him back in, her lips fierce against his as she unbuttons his shirt, a desperation to the action that destroys her usual dexterity. She gets frustrated about halfway down, the need to feel his skin against hers overwhelming, and she pulls the shirt apart, buttons scattering across the floor in every direction. If he cares he doesn’t say anything, he simply pulls her closer, both of them groaning as their chests collide, the movement making her hips tilts even deeper towards his. It makes her pull away from the kiss, a whine escaping her as his hips twitch up into her, the brief pressure against her clit almost torturous due to the clothing still between them. 
She takes the opportunity to push his shirt down his arms, her eyes fixed on his chest as he throws the shirt in the same direction her bra had gone. He was more toned than she thought he would be, strong in a way that was subtle as his muscles ripple under his skin. A type of safety in his embrace that she had never felt before, something she knew she could quickly get used to. She leans in and kisses his jaw, smiling as he shivers when her breath skips over his ear. She kisses down his chest, her smile only getting wider as she licks over his nipple, his hand in her hair as he pulls her back up into a kiss. 
He moves so quickly it takes a moment for it to register, her back against the couch as he looms over her, the look on his face almost animalistic. He places his hand on her abdomen, fingers trailing over her scar as he looks her up and down. 
“So fucking beautiful,” he says, leaning down to stamp a kiss against her lips before he quickly moves down, ignoring how she tries to chase him. He licks down the valley in between her breasts and she arches up into it, moaning as he pushes her back down, his hand still firmly on her belly. 
She closes her eyes as he gently kisses her scar, tracing the entirety of it with his lips, tenderness that makes her ache in every touch to her skin. It feels like acceptance, like he saw beauty even in the darkest parts of her history, parts she had run away from as soon as she could. 
It feels like love, as absurd as that thought felt since this was their first date. 
Her breath catches in her chest as he moves south, a soft kiss against the top of her panties and she places her hand on the back of his head, their eyes meeting as he looks up at her, his eyes blown black with desire. 
“You okay?” 
She chuckles half-heartedly and she nods, “I’m more than okay.”
He smiles and hooks his fingers in the side of her panties to pull them down her legs, purposely running his knuckles down her skin, watching as goose pimples chase him down to her ankles. She automatically lets her legs fall further apart, one of her feet planted on the floor and the other on the couch. He works his way back up her body, dropping a kiss to her knee, then her thigh, as he lays between her legs. He places his palms on her thighs, pressing them further apart, and she groans, the stretch in her muscles pleasant as she watches him in anticipation. 
She’s sure she should feel embarrassed or exposed to the way he’s looking at her, but she doesn’t. It makes her feel empowered. Beautiful. 
When he finally leans in and licks through her she moans, her head falling back and hitting the cushion behind her, “Holy shit.” 
He smirks against her, turning his head just enough to kiss her thigh before he’s on her again, his tongue against her clit. He groans at the taste of her, his hands hooking under her thighs as he hauls her closer, already addicted to her. She wraps a leg around his shoulders, her heel pressing into the middle of his back to hold him in place. The way he was making her feel was the only thing she could think about, pleasure slowly starting to unfurl in her belly. He pushes two fingers into her, and she moans, her thighs clenching around his head.
“That’s it,” she gasps out, encouraging him, “Right there, please don’t stop.” 
He does as he’s asked, unrelenting as he continues to roll his tongue over her clit and pump his fingers inside of her, building her up as she continues to whisper encouragement, her hips rolling against his face and hand. When she comes she feels like she’s falling, everything around her disappearing except the feel of him still against her, only slowing down as she comes down from her high. 
When she opens her eyes she’s looking right at him. She’s unsure when he moved, how he’d slid up her body without her noticing, but she doesn’t care. She pulls him into a kiss, licking herself from his lips as she pulls him in closer. She reaches for his belt with shaky hands, undoing it and his pants quickly. He helps her out, shuffling his pants and his boxers down just enough for her to grab him, both of them moaning as she wraps her hand around him. The heat of her skin against him makes his hips thrust by themselves and he breaks their kiss to bury his face in her neck, his groan muffled in her sweaty skin. 
He was huge. She’d always imagined he would be, and in the brief make-out sessions they’d had since they decided to make a go of this she’d felt him beneath her. She’d grind against him until he’d stop her, insistent on taking her out on a date before they went any further. She clenches around nothing in anticipation, her body shaking with it as she pumps him up and down a few times. 
“Take off your pants,” she breathes out, and he’s up quickly, standing so he can remove them quickly. She places her hand on her hip, encouraging him forward and he stops, shaking his head at her. She frowns, “But I want to-”
He leans down and kisses her fiercely, cutting her off before she can convince him to change his mind, “Later, sweetheart.” 
She’s not sure if it’s the nickname, or the authoritative undertones to his voice, but she finds herself nodding in silent agreement. He slips in behind her on the couch, his back flat against the back of it as he pulls her into his chest. He reaches between her legs, rubbing over her clit again, spreading the wetness he found there, that he’d created, before he lifts one of her legs back over his. He pauses and she cranes her neck back to look at him, a soft smile on her face as she nods leaning in for a kiss that was softer than one of the ones they’d shared since they walked into his apartment. 
He reaches between them and guides himself into her, their kiss breaking as they both groan at the stretch, his forehead against her temple. 
She can feel him everywhere, her body overwhelmed by him, pushed almost to its limit as he seats himself entirely inside of her, his hips flush against hers. 
“Fuck,” she whimpers, her clenching around him as her eyes roll back into her head, “You feel so fucking good.” 
He takes it as a sign to start moving, thrusting his hips back and forth into her, the wet heat of her around him enough to make him lose his mind. It felt like she’d been made for him, like they’d been made for each other. He presses his hand firmly into her lower belly, moving his hips harder against her as it draws a near scream from her, encouraging him to push his palm even deeper into her skin, her only response is a breathless grunt as he steals the words and breath from her lungs.  It makes pride wash over him again and he kisses her quickly, fiercely, before he pulls back, words escaping without him really meaning them to. 
“You’re so perfect,” he mutters against her skin as he reaches for her hand, linking their fingers together before he puts their joint hands on her stomach, his over hers as he applies pressure there again. She pushes her hips back against him, both of them giving and taking, desperate to make each other feel good. He rests his lips against her temple, the taste of salt on her brow spurring him on, “Feel how perfect you are,” he grunts, his hips getting slowly more sporadic, “Like you were made for me.”
“Aaron,” she gasps, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” 
She gets impossibly tighter around him, the trembling of her thighs letting him know she was close along with the near constant stream of moans escaping her, as if she was entirely unable to stop herself. He starts to lose control, his hips speeding up as he grunts, his forehead pressing into her temple as the sound of his skin slapping against hers echoes around the room. 
“Where?” He asks, and it takes a moment for his question, what he means, to register. They’d discussed it. He had memories that felt blurry now about her saying she was on the pill, that she was clean, but he wanted to be sure. Wanted to know she was sure. 
“Insi…fuck,” her breath catches in her throat as his hand moves back down to her clit, rubbing gentle circles against her sensitive skin, “Fuck, inside. Please.” 
They come together, tipping over the edge at the same time as they both tense, their bodies seek each other out, pressing impossibly closer as they ride out their highs. The only sound now is their breathing as they try to heave air into their lungs.
He’s gentle as he rests his hand on her waist, pulling out of her before he encourages her to turn to face him, his arms anchoring her to the couch, to him, so she doesn’t fall off. She smiles at him, a daze to it he’d never seen before, a glint in her eyes he’d seen glances of when they were alone. 
He’d knocked all of her walls down, her defences gone, and for the first time in a long time, it felt like someone was truly seeing her. It makes her feel exposed, the thought that he knew her so well already somehow more intimate than the fact they’d just fucked on his couch. She isn’t sure what’s worse, the fact that he’s capable of it, of making her feel safe enough to feel this way, or the fact that she doesn’t care.
“Kiss me,” she whispers, the first words either of them had said since they’d come, her voice raspy in the comedown of her orgasm. He does as she’s asked, not that he would have needed any convincing, and he pulls her into a soft kiss, his lips stamped against hers as their noses squish into each other's cheeks.
“I’m sorry our first time was on the couch,” he mutters as he’s still kissing her, guilt that he hadn’t taken her to his bedroom flooding through him now the desperate pleasure was fading.
“I’m not,” she replies, pulling back to look at him, her palm on his cheek, “This was perfect,” she says, frowning when he still looks unsure, “What’s wrong?” 
“It’s just…I bought you flowers,” he says, clearing his throat as embarrassment he doesn’t quite understand washes over him as her eyes get brighter, a hint of a smile on her lips, “Wildflowers because I know you love them. They are on the nightstand in my bedroom.”
“Bit presumptuous, don’t you think” she jokes, laughing as his eyes go wide, an apology she doesn’t need already forming on his tongue as if they hadn’t been having sex only minutes ago. As if he wasn’t dripping out of her onto his couch, “Honey, I’m kidding,” she says, kissing him softly, her hand still on his cheek, “That might just be the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me.” 
He leans forward to kiss her, knowing it’s the only thing that will stop him from confessing his love for her right there. She’s smiling when she pulls back, her fingers trailing through his now messy hair. 
“Let’s go to bed,” he whispers, his voice dripping with suggestions, and she nods, her teeth digging into her lower lip before she kisses him once more before they stand up, his arm around her waist as she’s unsteady on her feet. 
She knew neither of them would be getting much sleep tonight. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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vivianseda · 8 months
Thank you @ NeuroWild
“It would have been very, very useful for me to figure out my learning style during school. I only started to get it in my final year.
I learn by talking about the content- I’m a verbal processor. I learn best of all when I can teach others the content. I explain things, I give examples, I reword, I use analogies. I talk until they get it. And along the way, my own brain really, really, really gets it. And I remember it.
In year 12 I wrote a bunch of songs with all the quotes I had to memorise for English (complete with page numbers, authors, poets, dates, all of it). I sang that 20 minute song on repeat for days and then I had all that info ready to go in the exam. And I still remembered it 10 years later.
And I draw. I write stories. I use symbols, characters, colours, dialogue, humour. Anything to make the boring work interesting.
If it isn’t interesting, I can’t learn it.
The trick is to figure out how to make it interesting.
The hard thing is being forced to sit through content delivery that is not compatible with your learning style.
Apparently it’s ADHD month, maybe?
My biggest thing for ADHD is exploring your learning style.
If your kid is an ADHDer help them figure it out.
Start with what they’re naturally drawn to, what lights them up, what they absolutely love. Also pay attention to what shuts their brain right off. Those ways will not work for them. And go from there.
This is part of my longer ADHD resource which is on TPT.
Which learning style do you have?
Em 🌻🌈✌️
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munchkin1156 · 9 months
Any G/T OCs?
Thank you anon, for this chance to finally infodump about my g/t ocs! Just a fair warning, this miiight get long, we’ll see! (I have a lot of em.. So the short answer to your question, yes I do. The long ones under the cut…)
First off, we have my sona, Munchkin :D
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(It’s a rather messy sketch, sorry about that)
Munchkin’s a sizeshifting borrower from the sacred realm, destined to try hard and fail.
She’s gotten backstabbed and killed too many times to count, the only thing keeping her alive is Amble, Red, and the group of friends she made as a person wearing a sparkly box from the silent realm.
✨anon✨’s design is interesting, because she’s still mostly herself, with her tail and personality, whereas most people would get consumed, considering it’s a pretty strong mask… huh, strange.
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(Just to be clear, I’m not covering all my oc’s, just a few of them, because I’d rather not have over ten thousand words on this post accidentally)
We have Charlie and Adre, from UCD, links to chapter one and two here and here (it’s earlier on in my writing phase, so I’m warning you they aren’t very good, also it’s mainly been Charlie, with only a slight mention of Adre but oh well-)
Let’s have a spoiler for chapter three, shall we?
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(A big thank you to my sister @huggablecat for editing this, she’s not a bot I swear- I’m horrible at digital art so thanks to her for taking the sketch and doing something amazing with it… she’s not ever going to see this but oh well-)
Charlie is a Dreamer, which is a small avian race that hates humans for burning the Astrodaryn forest and attempting to destroy all magic, forcing them to flee to the sky. The seeds they have hanging around their neck are from the forest, it’s where their magic comes from.
The goal is to get rid of the humans, and replant the forest. Read the first two chapters for more information.
Adre is a human that is called cursed due to his eyes. His pitch black eyes with white pupils, so therefore a lot of people assume he’s magic/dangerous and he gets outcasted.
I don’t want to say too much about him, I want to keep him a surprise for the most part, but let’s just say he finds a small bird person and the authorities aren’t very happy about that…
I have more ocs for this story, but they have not appeared yet/I haven’t made drawings of them/I don’t feel like looking for drawings rn :D
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Vampire person? For a fake fic title that’s so old Becky probably forgot they gave it to me? Don’t mind if I do~
This is Jamie. They’re sick of being a vampire, sick of living forever, sick of having no one to care about. Aaaaand then they meet a group of friends that will change that forever.
It’s like, small vampire appears on YouTube, group of friends find them there, make videos together, while hiding the fact that they are small + a vampire, and as they grow more and more attached, the fear only grows…
Now, I’m getting tired and I have homework to do (WHYYYYYYYY) and things to memorise for tomorrows test, which is absolutely amazing, but it means I can’t make more detailed descriptions, so I’m just gonna dump a bunch of art, please ask questions about them if you want!
Anyways, let’s get started….
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(That one’s not an oc, it’s for the dystopian au but I figured I might as well put it here)
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Aaaand that’s all I can find! (For now)
Hope you like these anon, and uh… for the people that I’ve made digital art for/going to make digital art for, if it seems significantly worse, it’s cause I suck at digital art.
I’m really really bad at it. Sorry.
Kindest regards, Munchkin.
@i-am-beckyu, @da3dm, @brick-a-doodle-do, @faeiyn-cant-write yooooo check this outtt
Oh wow the taglist is getting longer-
If you want to be tagged, just dm, comment, or ask me!
(that’s supposed to sound like how grian says it, okay? OKAY?)
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