#to the point I felt uncomfortable staying there despite never saying a word about where I'm from beforehand. almost felt unsafe to be there
themidnightpanda · 4 months
and today in "why is fandom so antisemitic" just blocked two more followers in my sideblog, which makes it about 10 of what would have been almost 35 followers over a couple months. because the "all israelis are evil" bs is really big in mcyt circles.
also haven't watched the new season of hc because I don't want to touch the fandom anymore and enjoying things alone isn't as fun when you know there's a fandom. but also the fandom is full of people that wish I was dead so I dont want to be there either. which means right now the only things in my life are the jewish bloggers I follow (love yall) and doing daily challenges in microsoft solitaire. and university ig but it's the weekend and Im trying not to think about my homework rn
also gave up and made a "btw Im israeli plz stop following me if u want me dead" post on the sideblog. hope it works ig.
#its also wild bc I do fandom art on that blog and people love it#even my dad thought it was awesome enough to commission me for his own work stuff once! thats awesome#I got paid for the art I did for him with a merch hoodie from the fandom#and I love it and I love the art I did and I love the original content its based on.#but I cant even watch the new season without thinking about how I want to liveblog but cant because liveblogging attracts attention#and fandom attention scares me now. half a year ago I worked nonstop to get any amount of positive attention in the fandom#I stopped family dinners to watch new episodes and liveblog half an hour after the sessions were out to get people to see my posts#and now. I want none of that#a month or so ago I joined the community discord. the people were so nice to me#and then I went to the vent channel. bc someone mentioned there's i/p stuff in there. its all anti-israel#to the point I felt uncomfortable staying there despite never saying a word about where I'm from beforehand. almost felt unsafe to be there#just... that fandom prides itself on trying so hard to be wholesome and safe after the dsmp fandom ended up so toxic#and here they are wishing I was never born#because I never would have been born if not for this country. my grandparents on my dads side met in the resistance against the british#my parents met at uni. they never wouldve met if not for this country#I wouldnt be alive if not for this country and while I dont like the government I love this country so much#Im just so sad#ישראבלר
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midnightbluebells03 · 2 months
you should do reader x girlfriend abby where when using her strap on reader she accidentally slips up and says i love you. Forget to mention they’ve never got to that point in their relationship so it’s shocking
First anon btw
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CW - strap usage (R receiving), very slight begging
Reader isn't described apart from having a vagina and being able bodied
No outbreak
WC - about 1.2k
Leave me requests to help me break my writes block pls and thx xo
There's no place you'd rather spend your Friday night than pinned under the strong grasp of your new girlfriend Abby Anderson. Even if you had to indure a party with her resident friends from the hospital to get here. Gritting your teeth with a forced smile as Owen Moore tells another one of his stories from when him and Abby briefly dated as teenagers. Despite the fact his very pregnant girlfriend couldn't look more uncomfortable if she tried.
The only thing keeping you from telling him to shut up being the hand sitting on your thigh just out of view of the rest of the group. Abby giving you a gentle squeeze everytime you held back a snarky comment or a roll of your eyes.
And what better way for her to reward you than this?
So as you wait for her to fix the straps on her harness, still coming down from the last orgasm she gave you, you can't help but grip the sheets under you with one hand. The other lazily trailing across your stomach, dipping a little lower each time just to keep yourself on edge. There's something about the care Abby puts into getting ready that does it for you. Making sure her harness is fitted in a way that let's her have full control, tying her hair into a messy bun to keep it from falling in your face, applying a generous amount of lube to the slick 7' dildio she had recently purchased. Every little detail was just for you.
"Abby" you whine softly. Sitting up onto your elbows. You're met with a soft chuckle as she finally makes her way onto the bed. Her hands keeping your legs spread as she gets into position, the tip of the strap sitting right at your dripping pussy.
"Sorry baby" she leans down and gives you a quick peak on the lips before pulling back. "Just had to get ready for you". One of her hands trails up to your chest, pushing you down off your elbows gently. "You were so good tonight"
"Trust me if you weren't there I wouldn't have been" you admit, smiling at how Abby chuckles softly. Her hand moving to move a loose peice of hair out of your face befote just holding your cheek.
"I know but I still appreciate it" you move your own hand over hers, giving it a squeeze before she puls away. Holding the toy so its just teaing your hole. "You ready baby?"
"Words" she says sternly. But it's not mean it's because she needs you to tell her, needs to hear how badly you want her.
"Yeah, Abby please just-"
As the tip slips in you gasp loudly. But what you heard was undeniable. Abby moaning a soft "fuck I love you" as she slowly pushes in. Eyes glued to your pussy as it swallows her length. You whine softly but she clearly assumes its from the stretch, so when your hand comes up to her jaw she looks worried. "You okay? Too big?"
"You- fuck" you inturput yourself with a moan as you reach the base. Hand staying tight around Abby's defined jaw. You felt full. Completely and utterly full.
"Shhh I know baby" Abby's voice is sweet as she moves closer to your face. Making you moan at the slight movement of the toy. "I'm gonna wait okay?"
Swallowing hard you finally manage to stammer out. "You- you said it"
Abby tilts her head slightly. "Said what baby?"
"That you love me"
Her eyes widen slightly. "Did I?" You nod and her face turns red. Her voice is shaking slightly as she tries to dig herself out of the situation. "Shit, fuck, I um I know we haven't been dating that long and fuck I'm sorry I've-"
You pull her in for a kiss. Inturpting her rambling before speaking softly. "I love you too Abs"
"Yeah?" She almost sounds like she doesn't believe you. Her gorgeous steel blue eyes looking down at you, filled with hope.
"Yeah, I love you Abby" you say with a big smile. But as Abby's hips move back slightly you can't help but look at the ceiling and moan. "God"
"You good?" Abby asks with a cocky tone as her hips slowly start to move. A slow steady rythm that let's you feel every single inch.
"So good" your grip on the sheets tighten as your breaths become staggered. "So fucking good"
"Love watching you like this" Abby groans softly, her hands gripping onto your hips tightly. Giving her more leverage to start moving into you harder. "So fucking pretty"
"Fuck Abs" you moan loudly. Almost certain your neighbours must hate you. But you didn't care right now, too preoccupied with the way Abby is making you feel like your floating. "F-faster"
"You want faster baby?" The tease is thick in her tone, her thrusts slowly slightly making you whimper. Desperately trying to move yourself down onto the toy but stopped by her strong grasp. "You can ask better than that"
"Need it so bad" you beg, hands moving onto her biceps as your names dig into her freckled skin. "Please Abby, faster please". And thankfully you're being rewarded tonight because her hips snap forward, moving at a speed that has you mumbling incoherently between moans. Your grip so tight on her arms you could probably break the skin.
It's not long before your clenching around the toy so hard it makes it difficult for Abby to keep her pace. Your legs trembling and threatening to close, only stopped by Abby being in the way.
"You gonna cum for me pretty girl?" She coos softly, smiling st the way you can only nod your head as your eyes screw shut. "Go on then baby"
The knot in your stomach snaps as you cum all over her strap. Babbling a string of "Abby, Abby, Abby!" As she fucks you through it. Her hips only stopping once you release her arms and let out a breathy moan. Abby pulls out slowly, discarding the strap and harness elsewhere. Planning on dealing with it later. Right now she just slumps down next to you, pulling you onto her chest.
You listen to her heart beat fro a few minutes, fingers tracing ocer her abs lightly before you look up at her. "So you love me huh?" The way her cheeks flush makes you smile. It was one of your favourite things about her. The way she could go from tough and commanding to soft in a heart beat. "You're so cute"
"Says you" she kisses the top of your head before tapping your shoulder. "Cmon let's get cleaned up"
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prettybean · 7 months
* just for fun, don’t take it too seriously 🍌
I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS KIND OF RELATIONSHIP, if you find yourself in these situations, ask for help
If these topics make you uncomfortable, please avoid reading further.
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He just can't accept the fact that you ended things with him. It's been three months since the breakup, but Simon has completely lost it, especially when he found out that you're engaged again.
He keeps calling you persistently, and out of habit, you always answer. You hear him say the same old phrases: "I'm better than him" or "Come back to me, you know you can't be happy without me."
Despite the breakup, you've agreed to have sex with him several times. The way he pleases you makes your heart race faster and faster. Deep down, you know it's not fair to your new boyfriend, but when Simon touches you, you forget about everything else.
After years of being together, he knows your body inside out. He knows exactly how to make you moan, and he's not afraid to remind you of that. "I bet you don't scream like that with him." And as he says it, he fucks you like only he can.
"Do I have to kill him to win you back? You know I would." And as he says those words, he takes you to new heights of pleasure.
He has an unhealthy fixation on exerting control over you. John wants to demonstrate to others just how much you are under his command and how obediently you follow his every instruction.
"I've got something special for you," he informed you, as he fasten a collar around your neck, tightening it to the point where it became difficult to breathe. He didn't care about your discomfort; the tighter the collar, the more possession he felt over you.
"Do you like it, sweetie?" he asked, gazing at his name engraved on the collar, emphasizing how much he had invested in you. "If you ever remove it, it would truly break my heart."
You had no choice but to comply; it was the only option available to you. You kept the collar on, and he took advantage of it more and more, forcing you to go out in public with fewer and fewer clothes, showcasing you as his prized possession.
"No panties today, baby," he forcefully rip them off, leaving you to walk around without them. You belonged solely to him, and you had to face the consequences by fulfilling his every desire.
His protectiveness quickly transformed into possessiveness. He never bothers to inquire about your dating life, your activities, or your whereabouts. Your outings are solely determined by his decisions.
If he doesn't suit your preferences, he might even tie you up to acknowledge his authority.
"Darling, it's all about your safety. I don't want anyone to harm you."
He accompanies you everywhere, and you must remain by his side. When you walk, he clings possessively to your arm. "Stay close to me, sweetheart."
If you attempt to engage in conversation with someone else, he tightens his grip on your waist, glaring at you. "What did I tell you?" he growls before promptly escorting you home.
Nevertheless, you adore his way of expressing love. You have always obeyed his commands because, after all, he is your boyfriend.
You never truly loved him and he couldn't accept that fact. For months, he persistently tried to flirt with you, but you rejected him in every possible way. However, he refused to give up.
You couldn't help but notice his strange attempts to manipulate you. Strangely enough, you found yourself enjoying the attention and the way he tried to make you fall for him.
Every day, he would tell you, "You're the reason I'm so miserable, don't you see? It's all because of you." With a disappointed expression, he would repeat this over and over, gazing into your eyes.
He started writing you letters, each one becoming more explicit, expressing how he would pleasure you if only you would accept his love. He even went as far as to say he would eliminate any competition just to have you.
Slowly, you found yourself giving in to the temptation and his relentless manipulations. In the end, he succeeded in making you fall in love with him.
He's consumed by jealousy, and he doesn't even try to hide it. He repeatedly tells you how jealous he is and how wrong you are in your relationship. "If you could just stop thinking about other people, then maybe we wouldn't fight so much."
He wants to have complete control over your every move, to the point where he even took your phone to read all your messages, from the very first to the very last. If he finds anything he doesn't like, he doesn't hesitate to delete the contact of the person involved. "I'm sick of you and your damn friends."
You want to tell him that he's a psychopath and that he needs to respect your privacy, but you simply can't. He keeps blaming you, saying, "It's because of you that I'm like this."
There have been multiple instances where he's punched walls out of anger or broken your phone to cut off your contact with others.
But in the end, he always comes back to you with open arms, apologizing. And every time, you forgive him.
He's been tailing you nonstop. It's been ages since you two called it quits, yet every time you step out, you can't shake off the feeling of being watched.
He's always there, meticulously tracking your every move, whether you're alone or with your friends.
König watches you from a distance, careful not to get too close and blow his cover. He even went as far as snapping some pictures of you, which he proudly displayed on his wall, among others.
He used to keep you company during those long nights, lurking in your backyard, peering through your window just to catch you changing or totally naked.
You were well aware of it, and to make things easier for him, you purposely left the curtains open. König was undeniably creepy, but deep down, you still harbored a hint of affection for him.
He’s in love with you. Keegan expresses his love through the most unexpected gestures, but only when you're alone together. When there are other people around, he transforms into the perfect gentleman - kind and flawless. Your friends have even praised you for choosing such a great guy.
But when you return home, everything changes. It's happened multiple times that he's embraced you from behind, gently caressing your hips and leaving a trail of wet kisses along your neck. You tilt your head back, giving him more space, only to feel something cold against your skin.
"The only way I can make you do what I want is by holding a knife to your throat?" he says, his words making you flinch. Every time he threatens you like this, it feels as if it's the first time.
"I know you enjoy provoking me, otherwise you wouldn't do it so often," he claims. You haven't done anything wrong, he just likes making you believe that. He enjoys seeing the fear in your eyes as he grabs your wrists and forces you to your knees.
You beg him to continue, knowing that he doesn't appreciate it when you oppose him. You have no reason to resist. He controls you, able to do whatever he pleases with you, especially when he lets the knife glide across your body.
"Tell me you'd die for me”.
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luvkyu · 2 months
dunk shot ( zhong chenle )
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chenle x male reader
chenle's boyfriend becomes the talk of the athletic department, but chenle doesn't mind.
content : 1.5k words, fluff, uni!au, basketball player!chenle x track runner!reader, reader is kind of a heartthrob
( a/n ) baskemtball
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chenle rolled the cart of basketballs onto the gym floor, followed by two of his teammates doing the same. as captain of his university's basketball team, he always took the initiative of making sure the court was prepped, safe, and ready for a productive practice.
"alright, let's start with the usual stretches and a few laps around the gym," he announced.
as everyone fell into their usual warm up routines, murmurs of conversation began to resonate against the gym walls. chenle took his time and jogged lightly with yangyang and jungwoo on either side of him.
"did you guys see the new track team member?" yangyang asked.
"oh yeah, i actually have a class with him," jungwoo answered brightly.
"really?? what's his name?"
"y/n. he's really cute."
chenle perked up at the mention of his boyfriend. a small smile tugged at his lips. he decided to stay quiet on the subject of the male. despite jungwoo and yangyang being his friends, they didn't know chenle was dating someone - let alone dating the new student that they were now talking about hitting on.
chenle and y/n never agreed to be secretive or excessively private with their relationship, they were just naturally lowkey. this wasn't the first time chenle was hearing people talk up his boyfriend, either. he'd gotten pretty used to people fawning over y/n. who was he to blame them?
the rest of practice went by like any other. a few people would come in and sit on the bleachers while waiting for friends or simply to check out their crushes on the basketball team.
they were beginning to wrap up practice when yangyang recognized a familiar face.
"shit, is that y/n??"
chenle and jungwoo instantly looked over to where yangyang was pointing. sure enough, y/n was sitting on the bleachers with another track runner, jeno.
"god, he's so pretty," jungwoo mumbled. chenle couldn't help but smile.
"alright, c'mon. let's finish up and get all the basketballs back in storage," chenle nagged with a snicker. his friends ogling at his boyfriend gave him a weird feeling. he was somehow proud and uncomfortable at the same time.
jungwoo and yangyang went to join the team in finishing tasks. chenle looked over at y/n one more time, now meeting the male's eyes. y/n smiled largely at him and waved. chenle felt like he could faint at how wholesome he was. he waved back and sent him an endearing wink before joining the rest of his team.
"so how would you say your first practice was?" jeno asked.
"really good! i'm excited for the first meet."
jeno nodded happily.
"i'm glad we finally got a good anchor for the relay. you're gonna crush the other teams."
y/n let out a small chuckle. "so who're you waiting for?"
"my friend jisung. we're meeting some friends for dinner," jeno answered. "and you're waiting for chenle?"
jeno could see the way y/n's face lit up. he laughed a bit and nodded along.
"alright, when's the wedding?" jeno teased.
y/n rolled his eyes and elbowed jeno's side. jeno laughed just as jisung came up to the two of them.
jisung cringed at the name, "ew. are you ready to go?"
jeno smiled and nodded as he now got up from the bleachers.
"see you tomorrow, y/n?" he asked.
"mhm! have fun," y/n chimed in reply, giving them both a wave.
the pair began walking out of the gym, but y/n didn't miss the way jisung took a double glance at him.
"wait, that's y/n?" jisung whispered to his friend. jeno scoffed.
"yeah. you know him?"
"everyone does at this point. people are going ballistic over him."
"including you?" jeno teased. jisung gave him a side eye and continued walking.
as y/n now sat alone, he picked up his phone and began scrolling through instagram to keep himself occupied. without thinking, he went straight to chenle's profile and looked through some of the photos he'd posted. he often did this when he was missing chenle or just wanted to see him.
a few basketball players started departing from the locker rooms a few minutes later, walking through the gym to get to the exit. y/n looked up in hopes of seeing his boyfriend. he frowned. no chenle. with a small sigh, he rested his palm against his cheek and went back to his phone.
meanwhile, chenle laid his towel over his shoulder as he stepped out of the showers. he wiped his face tiredly. all he wanted to do now was go home with y/n and relax for the evening.
making his way out of the men's locker room now, chenle found y/n on the bleachers. the male looked up from his phone to see chenle walking toward him. a large grin was instantly planted on y/n's face as he got up to greet him.
"hi babe. thanks for waiting for me," chenle said warmly.
"of course," y/n replied. he took chenle's hand, intertwining their fingers as they began to leave the gym together.
"wait, isn't that y/n?" jungwoo pointed from the other end of the gym, "..with chenle?"
yangyang quickly looked where jungwoo was pointing, catching a glimpse of the couple before they disappeared from the building.
"were they holding hands??"
"what the hell.."
the two friends looked at each other in confusion.
"was that why y/n was here? waiting for chenle?" yangyang asked.
"but wouldn't chenle tell us they're together?" jungwoo countered.
they looked back in the direction of the boys, trying to process the situation before both busting into a fit of laughter.
"that little shit let us drool over y/n when they're literally dating," jungwoo laughed.
yangyang let out a small cackle. "text him and ask about it," he suggested.
jungwoo's smile never faltered as he took out his phone. yangyang hung over the other's shoulder, eager to see how their friend would respond.
jungwoo :
CHENLEEE do you wanna get dinner with some of the team tonight??
chenle :
i have plans but thanks for the invite
jungwoo and yangyang exchanged glances as more snickering erupted between them.
"he has plans," jungwoo reiterated.
yangyang rolled his eyes before gesturing back to jungwoo's phone.
jungwoo :
what are you doing that doesnt involve us 🙄
chenle :
lots of things
jungwoo :
chenle :
you guys just go, i'll meet you before the game tomorrow
jungwoo :
ur not gonna tell us about y/n? 🙄👎
chenle :
what about him
jungwoo :
chenle :
yeah he's my boyfriend
jungwoo :
chenle :
yeah it was pretty funny tbh
jungwoo :
maaaan fuck u 😭
chenle :
do you guys wanna meet him? he's coming to the game tomorrow
jungwoo :
yes we would love to meet your boyfriend 😒
chenle :
okay see you tomorrow !!
jungwoo sighed and turned his phone off before looking at yangyang again.
"he's a fucking menace."
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"where's y/n?"
"i dunno, i can't find him in the crowd."
yangyang and jungwoo were watching like hawks outside of the gym, searching for y/n's familiar face in the sea of people that came for their basketball game.
"cause he's right here, dipshits," chenle interrupted. he watched his friends quickly turn around to see y/n by his side.
"hi," y/n waved a bit awkwardly. to be honest, he was scared of meeting chenle's friends after hearing they were quite the characters. "nice to meet you guys."
yangyang and jungwoo stood up straight and gave big smiles, as if they were meeting a celebrity.
"hi, y/n! i'm jungwoo."
"i'm yangyang! nice to meet you too! finally," yangyang joked while glaring at chenle.
"will you guys go get ready for the game now?" chenle nodded toward the locker room with a teasing smile.
yangyang rolled his eyes and grabbed jungwoo's arm to drag his along. jungwoo stuck his tongue out at chenle before the two disappeared into the locker room.
chenle sighed happily and turned to face his boyfriend.
"there you go, two of my friends."
"they seem.. fun," y/n laughed.
"on some days," chenle joked along. "alright, i should go get in there too."
"yeah, the game's starting soon, go go."
chenle stayed put for a second, gazing at y/n with love struck eyes. y/n couldn't help but smile at him. he took chenle's hands and gave him a small kiss, to which chenle quickly reacted and deepened the kiss to keep y/n with him longer. their lips moved in sync until they heard one of chenle's team members shout from inside the locker room.
"oh, if only we had a team captain here!!"
chenle pulled away from y/n, a light blush coating his cheeks. he looked down at their still connected hands with an idiotic smile.
"those fuckers, i swear," he mumbled. y/n simply snickered and let go of his hands.
"i'll see you after the game, le. i'm gonna be sitting with jeno, wherever he chose to sit. but i'll wait for you after."
"mm," chenle hummed happily while nodding. he gave y/n one last kiss before hurrying off to meet his team.
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taglist ★! :
@kssyivo @jaemmphilia @vkooksupremacy @haocovr @astrozuya @themiddlefingerinthesky @dontwannaexsist
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cantalouupe · 1 year
having majorrrrrr itto brainrot …. thinking about size difference because you know this man is fucking huge …. he knows u r smaller than him and he tries to b gentle at first but he can’t for long!!!! he goes crazy rough like balls deep ….. and he’s so vocal, like babbling almost, just constantly telling u how good ur pussy feels on his cock while noting how good he’s fucking u….. mmmmmmmmmm i want this man SO BADLY LOLLLL
nsfw!!! itto x gn!reader
giant cock itto, dirty talk?
You knew it would be like this—Itto was huge, towering over every single person he’s ever crossed paths with—and yet you still can’t believe just how big he really is. Despite having been fucked before, you felt like you were in the midst of your first time; unfamiliar, daunting territory. 
“There’s no way.” You scramble back on the bed, sheets bunching uncomfortably beneath you. Itto rubs his cock against you, pressing the head just until you gasp from the pressure. There would be no amount of prepping or foreplay to ever prepare you for this—he'd tried to train you to take more, first fucking one, two, three fingers in until you were squirming and needy, but comfortable. He was so big, though, so long and thick and intimidating in size that there would be nothing that could properly amount to it; he would carve out his own space inside you, fill you so deep that you’ll be able to feel him in your stomach. 
“Come on,” he encourages, voice taking on a desperate note, as though he couldn’t handle another second being outside you. He’s restrained himself well until this point, taking things slowly in fear of hurting you, lasting with only fevered grinding, touching, and kissing. This would open a door, a flood gate that would release all his built-up desires of bending you over any surface he can find, fucking you, breeding you.  
He brings his hand to your side, touch hot but reassuring, and you try your best to relax your body. When the tip pushes in you let out a curse, and a small, relieved whimper. He’s so thick, wide enough to make you feel like you were being split in two, but he doesn’t stop, not when he finally has you around him, smooth and inviting and tight around the new intrusion.   
“Almost all the way in,” he comments, eyes trained on the spot where he’s stretching you open. Inch by inch, until you can feel the presence of his hips close behind you, just shy of meeting the plush of your ass. 
“Shit, you’re-” He heaves out a breath, unable to find the words as his hand grabs the flesh of your cheek to spread it, “Shit.” 
Everything is still for a moment. He stays seated inside you, letting you grow used to the feeling of him, body clenching around him, brain fogged up from him around you, behind you, inside you. Through the haze, you hear his voice, and you’re sure that he’s ready to absolutely destroy you, as soon as you say to. 
“Look at that. I told you it would fit.” His large hand slips along your stomach, pressing down slightly. “Do you feel me in here?” 
You aren’t sure you can speak, so overwhelmed by him and all he was giving you. Itto doesn’t mind though, never minds having to fill the quiet with his talking, his hushed rambles and loud babbles of pleasure. He loved to talk, and he knew you loved to listen, so he talks, telling you how good you were, how perfect you felt, how he would fuck you next; all while slowly shifting his body, pulling out of you to then push back in, forming a steady, leisurely pace.  
“You’re never going to need anyone else after this,” he grunts, “only I will be able to satisfy you.”  
He tries to keep his thrusts gentle, but at the first show of movement from you, relaxing into your space below him and moaning with every stroke, he gives up restraint, letting himself fall into a frenzy. It was only a matter of time before he’d finally get to have you just how he wanted, and now that it’s here, you relish in it, letting him dig his nails into your hips and fuck you until your body felt like it was buzzing with electricity, each meeting of your hips a shock. 
Grown weak and shaky, your arms give out from under you, chest collapsing into the bed. As your body sinks further into the mattress, melting with the touch of his hands against you, your knees slip further apart, back arching further. Itto makes a desperate noise and doubles down on you, a silent promise to take you apart.  
“Perfect,” he growls. His voice paired with the wet squelch and the slap of skin on skin is an erotic dream come true, a symphony of sounds that you wish you could bottle and keep forever. How many times would you come before he reached his end? He didn’t seem the least bit tired, but you were already reaching that peak that you’ve been wanting, been waiting for. You would come soon, and he knew it, not letting up for even a moment, allowing you no time to think or speak or breathe. 
When he leans forward into your space you choke out a moan, a demonic sound that gets ripped from your throat as he brings himself closer to you. The angle changes, movement changing to a harsh rolling jerk of his hips, pressing deep inside over and over again. His hot panting breath can be felt against your hair and the side of your face, and you suddenly wish he had taken you on your back so you would have unrestricted access to his face; you want to see his face, what expression he was wearing as he fucked you into the mattress, and you wanted to kiss him, to let him claim your mouth with the same animalistic force he fucks you with.  
“Are you going to come like this? I know you’re getting close,” he speaks in a hurried voice, as if the words will run away if he doesn’t say them quick enough. “I can feel it. You're so perfect, the best fuck I’ve ever had. I knew you would feel this good; I’ve fucked my hand so many times while thinking of this.” 
There’s no way you’d make it out of this alive, not with him crowding close, hitting you so deep inside, murmuring filth while he does it. You’ll die from the heat, the molten lava flowing through you, burning you from the inside out. His voice gets garbled while you burst and melt away, nerves alight and body shaking; he talks you through it still, voice shaky while he says everything he thinks of, filter nonexistent. He tells you that he needs to see it again, to witness you coming on his cock, feel you shivering with the aftershocks of it. He won’t stop—can't stop—until he’s had his fill, and until you have nothing more to give. 
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hyuuukais · 5 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x fem reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> general, feelings of anxiety, punches r thrown
CHAPTER FIVE -> BAD BITCH ENERGY (partially written! wc:722)
"Actually, I can't do this!" You exclaim, anxiety gnawing at your lungs as you get closer to your home.
"Yes, you can." Minho drives on, not sparing a glance in your direction.
Sooner than you hoped, you're there, staring at the pale yellow door through the passenger side window of Minho's car. The house looks no different than when you left, only you can see your flowers drooping slightly in the window. Although you'd only been gone less than a week, it felt like a million years. This place was no longer your home; you didn't know if you had one anymore.
"Just- can we stay parked here for a second?" You try to squash the tight feeling in your throat, constricting your words to a whisper. "I'm not ready."
"No offence, but I don't really wanna waste my gas sitting here all day-"
"Yeah, and that thing I left for you was actually kind of important-" Beomgyu chips in.
"I basically stood someone up for you, so you better not chicken out-" Han gives you a pointed look.
They all stare at you and you have to look away, hide the tears welling in your eyes. You're going to disappoint them if you don't go, just like you disappointed Seonghwa, just like you always do. You never should have asked them, never should have burdened them with this-
"Hey." Minho shifts his body to face you better and you glance over, eyes falling to your hands. "How about we come with you? Would that make it better? Easier?"
You look up at his question, tears now threatening to spill over. "Yes, please."
"Shit, she's gonna cry again!" Beomgyu laughed uncomfortably. "Y/n, c'mon, it'll be okay, don't worry! You've got us. Now, wipe your eyes and let's go. Can't have your ex seeing you this distraught over him, can we?"
"Bad bitch energy," you say in a broken voice, words NingNing has tried to engrave into your very brain over the years.
"Bad bi-" Han waves a hand in the air. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say."
You wipe your eyes, trying to muster every bit of strength you have to see him, placing a hand on the door handle. A wave of fear washes over you again when you start to push it open, the boys following suit.
But then you slam it shut.
Han groans loudly and sits back down, Beomgyu and Minho doing the same.
"What happened?" Han asks, exasperated. "Where's the bad bitch energy or whatever?"
"I'm sorry!" You can't look at them. "I'm sorry. I can't-"
"Enough with the 'I cant's' because yes, you can." Minho turns his whole body to you again, grabbing your chin with two fingers, and making you look at him. "He broke your heart. He hurt you. So, yes, you can go in there, reclaim your things, and never have to see him again. There's no reason for you to even think about him after this." He can tell you're not fully convinced. "How did it feel to see him with the other woman?"
"It felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces," you say. Minho opens his mouth, but you continue on. "Then he took those pieces, ground them up into a fine powder, and scattered them to the edges of the Earth where I'll never find them again. It felt like the ultimate betrayal because I knew I gave him everything and trusted him, but he clearly didn't do the same. Or even close."
You sit up straighter, squaring your shoulders.
"Yes, there, that's it." Minho smirks, eyes widening ever so slightly.
"And the way he thought I'd be the one cheating?" You're anger flares, skin heating up. "As if I didn't tell him how much I loved him daily? As if I wouldn't be too busy working on something that I was proud of that he didn't even let me talk about because, 'oh, honey, we both know your career isn't going any further'."
Anger leads you out of the car and to the front door before you can register your feet moving, pounding a fist on the door when the spare key is nowhere to be found, mumbling every wrongdoing he's committed.
You are furious.
And your hand moves on its own when Seonghwa opens the door.
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notes -> do NAWT mess w miss y/nnie. she WILL beat ur ass.
notes pt 2 -> didn't mean to post this! so accidental extra chapter today lmaoo
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @skzstaykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @taeriffic @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @hyperpixie @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13
L^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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your-averagewriter · 3 days
"Thinking I don’t love you, ‘course I do, sweetheart.”
Summary: (y/n) storms off after an argument with Cooper thinking he doesn't care about her but she soon realises that someone is trailing her.
Word count: 0.8K
Warnings: Swearing
“Fuck you, Cooper.” I grab my rucksack
“I’d happily oblige.” He teases despite me being frustrated.
“I’m not joking, Cooper, leave me alone.” I say storming off.
“If that’s what you want, sugar.” His refusal to react with any emotion only makes me more annoyed as I walk off into the desert. 
“I’m serious, I’m leaving and you can’t stop me.” I yell, turning back to look at him briefly before heading off into the desert, despite it nearly being night time.
The temperature drops quickly as the sun disappears from the sky but I keep my eyes set on some ruins not too far on the horizon to stay for the night, just to be away from Cooper no matter how cold I’ll be without him.
Getting there, I stay the night on the cold, hard floor, regretting not taking the makeshift bedding from Cooper’s bag when I left so I prepare for an uncomfortable night.
Unsurprisingly, I wake up early in the morning, just as the sun comes up, waking me up as I pack all my stuff up and leave, deciding arbitrarily that I’m heading into town to top up on supplies that I forgot to take from Cooper before leaving.
I stop from lunch, sitting down at the top of a sand dune and pulling a small amount of food that barely equals lunch but it’s the best I’ve got to eat. Ripping open a pack of overly dry crackers, I bite into one of them, regretting not taking more water from Cooper.
I keep watch on the horizon before seeing someone walk over one of the dunes, I take my sniper off my back, using the scope to check out the threat before seeing someone dressed exactly like Cooper. I sigh when he gets closer, his face identifiable.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I mumble, watching as Cooper walks through the desert, the same path as I was walking.
I throw my backpack on, opting to eat the dry crackers on the move to get away from him. Checking back every now and then, he trails me throughout the desert but stays far enough away that I can’t talk to him, barely able to identify him without my scope.
I turn around and stop walking and watch as he gets a pair of binoculars I bought for us out of his bag to look at me and I put my middle finger on both hands up at him, hoping he’ll get the hint but I imagine he just laughs, dismissing me.
He follows me until I reach the treeline where he’s unable to see me anymore, waiting for him to take the bait. Waiting, I use my sniper scope to see how close he gets and as soon as he breaches the treeline I stand up.
“Can you stop fucking following me? I told you I was done.” I huff.
“You ain’t done. You ain’t never gonna be done with me ‘cause you couldn’t handle it.” He smirks.
“You seem to be the one who couldn’t handle it - following me around.”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I need you as much as you need me so why are you messing around?” He asks.
“Because you’re a dickhead.” I point out.
“That’s true but I’m a lotta things and if that’s the only one you have a problem with then I’d say you’re dealing with me pretty well.”
“I have more problems with you.” I cross my arms, stubborn.
“Please, go ahead, feel free to list ‘em.”
“You’re mean, you’re rude, you never admit when you’re wrong, you, you, you never wear socks with your shoes.” He chuckles at the last one. “And you never tell me you love me and it feels like I’m just following you around like some lost puppy that you found on the street and felt bad for.” 
“You done?” I take a breath that he takes as a yes. “You’re one silly woman, you. Thinking I don’t love you, ‘course I do, sweetheart.” He scoffs, wrapping his arm affectionately around my neck and pulling me closer to press a kiss to my forehead. “Now stop running away and come back with me.”
I pretend like I’m even gonna make the choice not to go with him, I didn’t take all the supplies I would’ve needed and I can’t even lie about the fact that I love him and probably wouldn’t last that long without him. “Fine.” I sigh. “But you’ve got some making up to do.”
“‘Course, ‘course. If I didn’t make you feel loved then I’ve definitely got some making up to do.” He says. “Now, get your bag, let’s go.” He says and I grab my rucksack, throwing over my back before he takes it off of me carrying it for me. “Least I could do.” He says, when he sees my slight confusion but I don’t complain. “Now come on, sweetheart.”
AN: I hope you enjoyed reading!
Thank you for reading!
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joelscruff · 1 year
could you maybe write something similar to your javier fic but for din/reader? her not knowing his name or who he is (and obviously not being able to see his face) but having sex with him anyway? long fic, drabble, anything! I love your writing <3
spent (din djarin x reader) 18+ drabble
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okay, this is filthyyyy. you didn't tell me any specific kinks so hopefully this works for you!! thank you for the suggestion! summary: you're a prostitute and din pays you for your services. rating: 18+ explicit warnings: prostitution, dirty talk, creampie, slight degradation, helmet stays on, lmk if there's something i missed word count: 811
The beskar is uncomfortable, cold and heavy against your body. He'd asked twice so far if it was hurting you and you'd replied honestly, told him you weren't in pain but that it wasn't exactly the sexiest feeling against your skin. To your surprise, he'd apologized.
"I don't remove my armor," he'd explained, situating you in his lap on the bed. He lounged underneath you, sitting up against the headboard as you faced him and rode his cock rhythmically, your tits bouncing heavily with every thrust. "It goes against my religion."
"I t-take it your religion doesn't say anything about pre-marital sex," you'd moaned, and you swore you'd heard him chuckle beneath his helmet.
"No," he'd said, digging his gloved hands into your bare hips, "We can fuck as much as we want," he'd sat up then and angled his cock somehow even deeper inside of you, making you moan loudly, "And as hard as we want."
You've never met a real mandalorian before, or at least one so dead-set on keeping every inch of his armor on despite the service he's paid you for. You thought you'd met one a few years ago, or someone who claimed to be one anyway, but he'd removed his armor - and his helmet - which looking back makes you realize he'd probably been full of shit. Whatever, he'd paid you well.
This one is faceless and completely unreadable; the only way you can tell he's enjoying himself is the way he relentlessly pounds into you, holds you firm on his cock and helps you bounce up and down. He keeps his helmet pointed directly at your face, watching you. For someone whose job it is to remain unclothed for most of your shift, you've somehow never felt so naked.
He hasn't told you his name, a pretty common practice in your field, but usually you're able to connect more to a client when you can see their face, read their expressions, gauge their bodies. You don't need their name to figure out what makes them tick. This client however is completely closed off to you, and having no face to go along with no name leaves quite the disconnect.
He's paid for an hour, but at the speed he's going you doubt he'll stick around for his money's worth; travelers like him, people just stopping by, they rarely stay for the whole slot.
You try to look down at where you're joined, hoping to catch a glimpse of the cock belonging to this faceless man, thick and girthy inside your heat, but you feel a gloved finger on your chin. He tilts your head up and you try to see anything within the depths of his helmet, any sign of an expression or a real person. He remains unreadable.
"Eyes on me," he says firmly, voice modulated slightly through the helmet, "My cock is not for you to look at, it's for you to fuck yourself on until I come."
You tense up at his words, shivering slightly in pleasure and fucking yourself down on him harder, "S-sorry, sir," you whimper.
He squeezes your hip with one hand and presses his other flat against your tummy, thumbing the space below your belly button, "Can you feel my cock in there?" he asks and you whine, nodding, "You've had a lot in there, haven't you? Answer me."
"Y-yes," you moan, "A lot."
"How many today?"
"Only yours," it's true, business has been slow these past few days and he's the first client to pick you over the others in about a week, "Just yours."
"Damn right," he says, satisfied with your answer, "And you're gonna be thinking about it for a long time, aren't you?"
Before you can answer, he reaches up to grip your shoulders, halting your movements. He holds you firmly and pistons his cock into you with such force that your jaw drops open, drool spilling down your chin. You try to say something, answer his question, but words are completely lost on you as the fat head of his cock pounds your cervix relentlessly over and over, your mind going blank.
"That's it," he mutters under the helmet, breath faltering, "Need someone to fuck you stupid, don't you?" he chuckles again, pulling you tight against the cold beskar of his armor, "Gonna fill you up now, hold still."
You couldn't move if you'd wanted to, drunk on his cock as he pushes your shoulders down once more and holds you there, feeling him pulse and twitch within your walls as he coats the deepest parts of you with come. You writhe in his lap, tears stinging your eyes as he fills you up, marks you, makes you his.
"There you go," he's still completely unreadable behind the mask, but you can feel his eyes on your face, watching as he pumps you full of his spend, "Worth every penny."
@detectivedaughter @townmoondaltwistle @str84pedro @sammiesap-blog @heartfairy @cutesyscreenname @tinycranberri @daisysliv @morks-watermelon @dakota-00 @jettia @casssiopeia @punkmaster-flex @laneywolf @athym-y @getawayfrommewerewolf @summerfeelng @projectionistwrites @soundofsilverr @rvjaa @kamcrazy123 @buggy18 @kaccatus @aspens-cove @yellowbrickyeti @reidsgubbler @milly-louise @notthatrude @bunnyandclyde @yellingloudly @thesweetestinspiration @leathargic @yataisha @aweshelm @kaylislaven @lunarxeclipse @hecatombix @bootyhehh @eggnox @littlelou22 @chilledvibesonlyplz @that-black-gvrl @superflymaterial @mingeniee @devilmademepostit @rainbow12346 @thespaceprincess
and here's my kofi, if you'd like to leave a tip!
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7077070707 · 9 months
Hey!if you do headcanons can you do platonic relationship headcanons for Mikasa and Reiner and maybe a parental relationship with Levi?also you don’t have to do all of them lolol (and I would prefer a fem reader please!)
aot platonic relationship headcannons
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ft — levi ackerman, mikasa ackerman, reiner braun.
warnings — none, which is surprising for something aot related
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you and all the rest of the gang lowkey viewed levi as a father figure of some sorts.
it makes sense since you were orphaned and young, craving for parental affection and stuff.
you all had been through a lot together, and levi’s dealt with a lot of loss in his lifetime.
he would let the beast titan chuck him like a baseball before ever admitting he held any amount of care for you (but we all know it’s in there somewhere).
he’s a great mentor and parental figure, despite being harsh.
i definitely feel like you could just go and vent to him about whatever, and he’d either just sit there and listen silently or give a few words of advice.
DEFINITELY the type to scold you. you and the crew would be doing all kinds of shit (obv spurred on by hange) and he’d be on the verge of losing his shit.
“for god’s sake, would you all just FUCK O–”
but usually when he’s annoyed by your antics, he’d just glare at you or say “tch..” under his breath.
a great hand to hand combat teacher, but you’d get absolutely shitted on whenever you’d fight him. 
he’d blankly state where you went wrong, what you could’ve done, or if you missed a blind spot as he’s throwing out punches and sidestepping. 
after the sessions, you’d always leave with a bunch of muscle pain and bruises.
calls you brat so frequently to the point it was a bit of a shocker whenever he’d call you by your actual name.
you and the squad have accidentally called him ‘dad’ on MANY occasions and usually he’d just side eye you.
gets so MAD whenever a place is unclean or if you’ve made a mess.
“y/n.. get over here. clean this mess you’ve made. 
“on it dad!” you’d salute and he’d threaten to throw you into a titans mouth if you didn’t hurry the fuck up.
overall, a traumatised man makes an elite parental figure for a bunch of equally traumatised teenagers.
you guys met in the cadet corps, and you were basically in awe with how she seemed to do everything so effortlessly. 
you noticed how she hung around with eren and armin a lot, but stayed alone whenever all the girls stayed in the barracks. 
it wasn’t that she was hostile, she was just quiet and probably passed the eyes of a lot of people. 
you decided to make your way up to her and strike up a conversation. at first, you could tell she was quite reserved, but overtime as your friendship blossomed you grew fond of her dry humour and passive expression.
through mikasa, you also grew quite close to eren and armin. 
through you, mikasa got closer to the rest of the squad. 
DEFINITELY the mother hen of the group. 
constantly badgering you over injuries you suffered, or telling you to eat or to get some rest. 
would probably slam you during training sessions, but would try her best to help you with technique and forms. 
i feel like she’s the type of person to ominously hover behind you as you’re talking to someone else and kinda just stare at them until they get uncomfortable and leave.
it wouldn’t even be on purpose, she just wanted to hang around you silently. 
HOWEVER, could definitely scare off someone who’s visibly pissing you off with a silent death stare.
the best person to tell secrets to, she would never tell a soul.
late night talks where you’d just talk about everything and anything under the stars.
she’d open up to you about eren and the mixed feelings she felt about him.
you’d also open up to her about whatever, and she’d be the best listener.
gives very straightforward advice but it’s oddly comforting.
overall, a 10/10 friend in whether you want someone to confide in, or someone to beat a dude’s ass. 
REINER BRAUN (before the armoured titan reveal)
best older brother figure!!!!!
for some reason, it felt easy to trust him.
he was just a dude everyone liked and respected, since he was so good natured and down to earth.
he’d also give crazy bear hugs.
you’d widen your arms for a casual hug and he’d absolutely engulf you.
it may or may not seem like it, but he’s got a great sense of humour.
i feel like he’d be scarily good at card games.
he’d teach you how to shuffle and how to play loads of random games.
the only time you were ever able to beat him was in a game of snap, but that was only because he sneezed the moment the cards were matched up and you slapped your hands on top of them.
you cheer and celebrate, and he just lets you have it despite the unfair circumstances.
but don’t think he’ll ever let you win again. 
has really good vibes and is just a guy you can’t hate.
overall, a very great and supportive buddy.
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trendywaifus · 10 months
could i get a sequel to the fic of ningguang comforting anxious reader with yoimiya, kokomi and lynette if ur comfortable with writing her? :3c i'm happy to see that you're back and writing!! <3
woah lumi, you’re my first customer?? omg?? i haven’t seen you in a fat minute! it’s nice to see YOU back!! i missed you’re writing 😻
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— despite yoimiya being a bubbly girl, she’s attentive to those around her! especially you cus you’re her baby. she absolutely hates seeing you uncomfortable and anxious so she tries various ways to calm you down. unfortunately, some of her idea/plans backfires which at times, made your anxiety worsen but she learns. she’s really loud? okay, she’ll lower her voice down for you. she’s moving too fast? alr, she’s matching your pace, no biggie! you don’t like to be touched while you’re anxious? that’s fine, she’ll stay by your side and encourage you with her colorful words!
— if you dislike loud noises like fireworks, yoimiya’s completely fine with that. she’ll only work on them when you’re not around. when she’s with you, yoimiya plays with sparklers! yoimiya’s contagious laughter and smiles makes you brim with happiness. if you’re comfortable enough, you’d join in on the fun.
— yoimiya likes to take you to her fav spot where she watch the fireworks at to chill! if you want, she’ll love to hear you vent or ramble about anything you want. it’s great to have a buddy who’s a great listener. while yoimiya listens, her eyes are never off you, she’s locked in with whatever you gotta say.
when you finished speaking, yoimiya smiles brightly. she points at your hands, “ babe, give me your hand.“ confused by her request, you placed your hand out in front of her. she takes it within her own, and guides it to her chest. even though you felt her resting heartbeat against your palm, the placement of your hand was practically an inch above her bandage–covered breast. you stammer, “ yoimiya, wh-what’s the meaning of this? m-my hand—“
“ i know, ignore that! but the point i’m trying to get at here is even though my heartbeat is relaxed right now, I still have sooo many things going through my mind! and despite all of that, the reason why my heart is relaxed now is because. . “ her crinkling golden brown eyes twinkles with unadulterated sincerity. “ of you! having a precious someone or friend by your side can often shoo the bad anxiety away. it might not always be the best remedy but it’s better than dealing with it alone! remember that if you need someone to go to, i as your girlfriend, volunteer as tribute! “
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— as someone who leads a whole army and is looked up to by an island of people, kokomi understands your anxiety. for her to really cope with anxiety, she likes to take naps, read books, or plan extra battle strategies. since she has you now, she prefers to rest her head on your lap and relax.
— kokomi keeps a very keen eye on you. if she sees any signs of you becoming anxious, she’s at your side rubbing on your back. if she can’t come to your aid, she sends gorou! he’s not very good at comforting people so the little guy insists on you touching his ears and tail for therapeutic comfort. he’s only doing this for you, don’t tell anybody about it.
— naps are a musssst! when she’s stressed AND you’re stressed, she’s gonna take you to her office to nap. it’s y’all free time anyways, gotta recharge your battery. in my previous cuddle hc involving kokomi, she uses her hydro powers to make little fishies to lull you. why not sea horses or a fav sea animal of your choice instead this time??
“ you should be a magician. “ you mumbled, reaching your hand out to touch one of the hydro sea animals. one of them floats above your palm and twirls around happily as if was doing a little dance. kokomi giggles, running her fingers through your hair. “ mm, i already got my hands quite full. besides, magicians require a certain level of skill, charisma, and stage presence that i unfortunately don’t have. “
“ seriously? you do have the charisma. you have a way with words and your voice is soft to the ears. you’re able to create almost anything with hydro manipulation and that’s an advanced skill a lot of vision bearers don’t have. stage presence? pfft, your presence alone on the field changes the tide of the battle. you’re amazing. i’m so lucky to have you. “
cheeks red, she shakes her head with a tender smile. “ i very much appreciate your sentiments. however, i’m the one who’s lucky to have you, my dear. i find solace in your company, the fact that you also struggle with anxiety daily makes me feel like i’m not alone in this. as we go through our daily obstacles, at least at the end, me and you can share our experiences and give each other tips on how to cope with anxiety.“
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— lynette is such a cutie pie. much like kokomi, she knows the horrors of having anxiety! she has ways of coping like pretending to be a robot/puppet to avoid people from socializing with her (maybe i should do that). when it comes to you, she would rather help you find healthier ways to deal with it.
— one of the things she likes to do is to show you magic tricks! the good ol’ fashion card tricks, the disappearing and reappearing of objects! anything to make you smile and laugh. her cute little tadaa~ alone brightens up your mood. (:
— i believe that lynette loves to eat, esp deserts. i see her taking you to a cozy small café and she’s treating you to her fav treats she likes to eat. she knows that she might get an earful from her brother for eating too much before dinner, but since she’s chilling with you, eh.
“ these treats are delicious but. .isn’t that your fourth desert? “ you asked, voice filled with amusement. lynette sets the fork down on the empty plate. “ it is. i guess i let myself get carried away there. “ she shrugs, her resting deadpan expression sitting on her face. you found it comical that she’s a glutton and an introvert. what a cute mix! you giggled before bursting into laughter. although you sound wonderful and the butterflies fluttering in her stomach agrees as well, lynette tilts her head in confusion.
“ what’s so funny? “
“ nothing, you’re just too cute lynette. thank you for making my day like always. i feel better.“ you grinned, taking another bite of your desert. you failed to notice the small blush tainting her pale cheeks.
“ tadaa. .” she mumbles bashfully in success of making you smile and laugh today.
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quinloki · 5 months
Roronoa Zoro - Semi-Sweet
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Requestor: @aleks-chan Reader Vibes Requested: AFAB CW: Falling from a great height, angst, amnesia
Your fingers’ tips had barely grazed his as gravity pulled you from the bird’s nest toward the deck. The fear on Zoro’s face was burned into your eyes, and the scream that filled the air had alerted the Captain.
Zoro had screamed your name, you had just screamed.
You weren’t keen on heights, but you trusted Zoro, trusted him to keep you safe if you became too scared while in the bird’s nest with him. Even as you fell that trust wasn’t broken. You’d felt fine, assured, and hadn’t asked him for any help. He’d been halfway across the nest when the storm bucked Sunny.
You’d opened the hatch and turned to let him know you were leaving. The shift had thrown you off balance and when you’d went to set your footing again, your leg had gone through the hatch.
The first impact made you growl in pain as your shoulders hit the rim of the opening hard, the second lurch tossed you inside the small area and you hit your forehead on the lip.
The impact and blood had disoriented you enough your grip slipped.
Zoro had managed to clear the distance despite the turbulence, but you lost your grip a split second too soon.
Luffy broke your fall enough that you weren’t mortally wounded, but you’d bounced off his inflated stomach and slammed right into the foremast. You didn’t remember anything after that.
When you first woke up you didn’t remember much of anything. You couldn’t place Luffy, or anyone else on the crew. You weren’t scared, or uncomfortable though, and admitted you at least felt like you belonged with them all, but you just couldn’t remember.
For days you healed.
For days he avoided you.
Like a cat, he would be just on your peripherals. Never in your line of sight, never looking at you, but always there, like he was watching you.
You were starting to think he didn’t like you.
Everyone else had seemed to fall back into easy routines with you to the point you’d often have to ask them what they were talking about, because the memory had escaped you. They’d cheerfully fill you in and include you smoothly. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Nami, Franky, Brook, and especially Sanji.
But he stayed back.
After a couple weeks, you’d gone from worrying he hated you, to being angry you couldn’t seem to get him to even talk to you. You couldn’t fix what was wrong if he wasn’t going to let you within 50 feet of him.
A need for sleep seemed to finally catch up with him, and soon after you caught him napping. Deeply enough that he didn’t wake up from the other side of the ship and leave before you could close the distance.
You woke him up by sitting in his lap.
His eyes open a moment too late, your hips already dropping onto his crossed ankles, draping your legs over his thighs, your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as you settle in. Your gaze doesn’t break away from his, and you’re not trying to hide your irritation.
“Oi!” He grumbles before you grab his collar.
“Why are you avoiding me?” You ask, cheeks puffed despite your efforts to maintain anger over irritation. You feel him jerk under you, but he doesn’t say anything and just looks away. “I can’t fix whatever I messed up if you won’t talk to me.”
“You didn’t!” He looks back at you before crossing his arms over his chest. “… You didn’t mess up anything.”
“Then… is it ‘cause I can’t remember?” You question, your voice dropping. Your gaze shifts down, your stomach knotting, and your grip on his collar loosens. You’d been keeping it under wraps as much as possible, but your inability to remember everyone was eating you alive.
“No! It’s…” Zoro bites the words off and furrows his brows. He looks angry, but you aren’t sure where it’s directed. “It’s not that.” He says finally.
You’re both quiet for a moment, and a question swirls in your chest, but you aren’t sure you want to ask it. You aren’t certain you could, but you’re never going to corner him like this again.
“Is there… no way to fix this then?” You question quietly.
“There’s nothing to fix.” He grumbles, and the words thread through your heart like a blade.
“Oh, all… all right then.” You try to get the words out evenly, lightly, flippantly even, but you couldn’t. They hitched in your throat with your own breath and tears filled your eyes before you could get up.
Zoro grabs your arm as you start to move away and pulls you close, yanking you into a hug. The desperation of it is warm. One hand on the back of your head, the other across your back.
“I mean, nothing is broken to need fixing.” He clarifies, rough and quiet voice by your ear. He’s quiet for a moment, still save for the occasional tremble in his fingers as he holds you close. “I’m…
The words are hard to comprehend. You aren’t sure if he said them, or if you just felt his soul cry against your heart. You can’t even ask why, but you relax in his arms, wrapping yourself around him in return.
“Scared, that you’ll remember, and blame me.” He says in a voice that’s almost flat. “And if you do, I’ll accept it.”
“Why… would I blame you?”
He shakes his head slowly, nuzzling into your shoulder a little as he does. “You’ll remember.”
You stay like that with him, until someone calls for one of you, or food is announced, it doesn’t matter. The words of the crew cause you to part, but afterward he doesn’t distance himself as much. Doesn’t ignore you. He’s still laconic, but something in your skin tells you that’s how he is.
The day shifts to the next, and another, and one afternoon you’re looking off the rail of the ship, eyes losing themselves in the horizon, and your wandering mind finally wanders back into your memories. Like a gentle tide coming in, all the forgotten steps return to you, your fingers tight against the railing as emotions fill you up.
Tears fall quietly for a moment, before sobs wreck your bones. You wail into the calm air, unable to keep the feeling inside your lungs. All the moments of being unable to remember, all the things you had to ask, all the subtle looks of concern and fear on the faces of your friends.
Your crew.
Your family.
You can feel them, in their own way, standing back and giving you space, but also support. Waiting for you to ask, to request, silently or otherwise.
But there’s only one that presses against your emotions, and when you turn away from the ocean he’s there. Stone-faced, white-knuckled, and with an implausible emotion chiseled into his face.
One you hadn’t seen for years.
“It’s my fault.” He says in a voice resigned to its fate, steel eye focused on you, resolute.
“It was a storm.” You argue.
“I promised.” He nearly hisses the words, his stony expression cracking in pain.
“I’m alive.” You reply, stepping toward him.
“But -.”
“Luffy heard you.” You interrupt. “Chopper told me.” You point out, stepping closer again. “No one heard me scream. It was swept away by the storm, but your voice cut through.”
You reach out, slipping gentle fingers against his arm. “Whether by your own hand, or because you command the very world to comply, I know you’ll protect me.”
Your fingers move against his knuckles, insistent and pushing their way into the tight grip, forcing his hand to relax and accept them.
His fingers relax on his other hand and he slips his between yours. His eye is focused on you, the tension finally giving way. Memories slip between you as you move closer to one another.
The request is on the curve of your lips, but the words are devoured by his before you can say them.
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immajustvibehere · 1 year
Spark (7/8)
Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader - Enemies to Lovers
Chapter 7 summary: You and Arthur spend some time in Strawberry together. Your relationship develops. It's only when you get home that one incident after another seem to separate you.
link to my masterlist
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6
5400 words, 30 minutes reading time
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You awoke to the twittering of birds, their song gently piercing through the silence the awakening nature. You felt stiff and cold as you turned on the hard forest floor. Your head had rested on the bedroll, but this had done nothing for your back, which ached in pain. As you sat up, a familiar weight slipped off your body. It was Arthur's jacket. He must have covered you with it at some point during the night, you hadn't noticed. The man itself crouched in front of a fire, tending to its flames with a stick.
"Morning", Arthur greeted as his gaze shifted from the fire to meet your eyes.
You responded with a grunt, stood up and handed him his jacket so you'd have your hands free for a satisfying stretch.
"Slept well?", you asked under the cracking of your joints.
"Well enough", Arthur shrugged.
You sat down again and watched as Arthur set up some coffee. All of this went without saying. It was a bit awkward how you eyed each other occasionally. It was a bit uncomfortable, as you didn't know where this conversation would turn and you really hoped it would stay light and happy, though there were so many grave things to discuss.
"How long do ya plan on layin' low?", Arthur asked after he handed you the cup of coffee. You didn't have any cutlery with you, so it seemed like you and Arthur would have to share that cup.
"Couple of days", you said, "four, maybe?"
"Ya think we should stick together for a while?", Arthur asked. He was hesitant to ask, still not entirely sure if you'd reject him eventually.
"If it suits you", you answered, a hint of relief evident in your voice. In truth, you had never planned it to be any other way. You wouldn't mind running around alone, but the circumstances were different now. Your stitches needed taking out, you had no spare clothes, food or money on you and your mind wasn't in the best place at the moment. You'd much rather Arthur stays by your side.
"Sure. We should go to a town, though. I ain't planning to sleep in the dirt for that long", Arthur complained.
"What do you mean? Getting old?", you teased.
"Wasn't my bones that woke up half the wild-life with them cracking", Arthur grinned.
"Fair enough...", you smiled and exhaled. The teasing felt comfortable, it's what you have known for the last weeks and in a way, you preferred that method of showing that you cared. It was easier. You didn't have to expose yourself too much.
"Strawberry shouldn't be too far", Arthur pondered.
"Sure, why not", you said. You handed the steaming coffee cup to Arthur and observed how he placed his lips where yours had been a minute ago. It had done a solid job of warming your chilled bones. "Why don't we rob a couple of fellas on the way? I'd use some money for clothes and a stay at the hotel”, you suggested.
"Ain't necessary, I got some money on me", Arthur dismissed your proposal.
"Ya telling me to rob you instead, or to just submissively accept you covering my expenses?", you asked.
"I'd prefer the latter option", Arthur said sarcastically.
"I don't plan to be in your debt, Morgan."
Arthur raised an eyebrow: "You might have saved my life earlier. This ain't about being in my debt, y/n. This is not usually how those things work, you know?" Arthur chuckled at the thought that you wouldn't accept his favours, despite...well, you weren't in a relationship yet, but he hoped it was heading in this direction.
"Fine then...Strawberry's half a day’s ride. Let's go then."
The weather was nice for a ride. The crisp air carried the lingering freshness of last night’s rain, while the sun tried its best to dry the damp grass and trees. The last wafts of mist disappeared, as the sun rose higher in the sky. You would have enjoyed the ride a lot, weren't it for the turmoil within your mind. The uncertainty of the situation overwhelmed you. On the one hand, you felt like you had to address the feelings you had for Arthur. You watched him ride, reins held casually in one hand, the other nonchalantly swaying by his side.  
On the other hand, there was Micah. He had planned something. You knew very well he was in Dutch's favour, and you also knew he is a man that was willing to do whatever it takes for survival and money. Somehow, you didn't want to tell Arthur. It might overcomplicate the matter, you weren't sure how things would turn out.
"You ain't tellin' me what's on your mind, am I right, darlin'?", Arthur disrupted your thinking. The pet name made you stiffen up a bit and you couldn’t help but feel a blush rise to your cheeks.
"It’s not that important…I’m just thinking", you lied.
"I understand", Arthur’s voice was laced with empathy and understanding, "Ain't gonna pressure you."
You smiled; you were glad about that. This was new, a partner by your side who didn’t pry.
"It's just difficult to trust you, Morgan. I'm riding unarmed, I feel like I’m damn naked", you admitted with a grin, cursing that your guns were back at camp. One of those guns being Arthur's older one. Remembering this, you cursed yourself, because you had started to cherish it a lot…it had become something of sentimental value to you, and its absence was keenly felt. You saw Arthur stirred in his saddle bags before he handed you a holster and a gun.
"You carrying a whole arsenal with you?", you quipped as you secured the holster around your waist and settled the gun within it.
"Damn right, but I expect this one back, you hear?", he said with a wry smile on his face.
Midday had past when you arrived Strawberry. Arthur handed you a couple dollars, insisting you use them to get some new clothes. You agreed that a big blood stain probably didn’t give the best first impression when you tried to go unnoticed. The general store didn't offer to much of a variety, but you found a blouse you were happy with. Your pants were fine. Arthur rode ahead to the Welcome Centre, arranging a bath and a room. Arthur had convinced you to take a bath, saying it would be more sanitary to take out the stitches after your skin around the area had been cleaned.
As you entered the hotel, the clerk warmly greeted you, informing that the water had been warmed up and was ready for your use. You headed straight for the bathroom. You had to admit that your last bath was some time ago, so it did feel good to immerse yourself in warm water. The remnants of the O’Driscoll’s blood that had managed to elude your previous wash in the creek only fuelled your desire to scrub every inch of your skin.
Drying yourself off and dressed in the clean blouse you had purchased earlier, you did feel very much renewed – especially after the long ride you’ve had.
When you entered the room that Arthur had arranged, your eyes fell upon him sitting on the edge of the bed, tending to his spurs.  
"Should we get the stitches out?", Arthur asked. His question hung in the air for a while and was accompanied by a sigh of resignation that escaped your lips.
"Yeah...sure,” you gave in and took a seat on the bed.
"Ya could do it yerself, ya know? Ain't that hard."
Yor uncertainty must have been evident when you glanced at Arthur. The pain of the night he had stitched you up came back. The white glaring agonizing pain that almost had you pass out and scream muffled cries into a cloth pressed between your teeth. The memory caused a shiver of unease to travel down your spine.
"I don't know...", you admitted.  
"Under the premise that you won’t accuse me of prudishness and making selfish advances, I can do it for you, if yer so kind as to lift yer shirt for me", Arthur grinned boyishly, reminding you of words you had said yesterday.
You sighed and lied down on the bed, exposing your stitched scar to Arthur. You closed your eyes, reading yourself for some pain.
"You really never had stitches, did ya?", Arthur’s voice cut through the silence.
Your answer was the release of a tense breath, before you felt Arthur's warm touch on your flesh, resting just above your hip. He took out some tweezers. Soon, you felt a slight tugging sensation that was done after five seconds. When Arthur turned away, you knew he was done. There was this cocky smile on his face when you looked at him.
"You son of a bitch!", you cursed as you sat up, your voice was laced with playful anger, "Why didn't you tell me it doesn't hurt?"
"Liked yer submissive face, 's all", Arthur said nonchalantly.
You stared at him in utter disbelief.
"I'll fucking skin you alive the moment I get the chance", you mumbled, your gaze suggesting an attack any moment.
Chuckling lightly, Arthur met your threat with a playful glimmer in his eyes: "Sure, I'd like to see ya try, Missy.”
You went into attack position.
"Will ya try to knock me off my feet?", Arthur asked, hands resting on his hip. Your stance suggested you’d tackle him any moment, he found it quite amusing.
"I won't try. I will do."
"What are we betting for? A kiss?", Arthur suggested.
"Your life, cowpoke."
By now, you couldn't contain the huge grin that had formed on your mouth. This sort of friendly banter had been going on for the last couple of weeks, though the mention of a kiss had introduced a new dynamic. Memories came up from last night and how you avoided him after he had kissed until you had sorted your thoughts. It wasn't that you lacked trust in Arthur specifically; rather, it was a matter of your own guarded nature, a reluctance to place your trust in anyone.
Despite your reservations, you did feel safe around him. You gave up your competitive stance and settled back down on the bed.  
"You'll have to earn that next kiss", you declared, a mix of playfulness and sincerity in those words. It was more in a manner of finally addressing the issue, than actually binding it to conditions. You weren't sure if Arthur understood that you were so hesitant, not because you lacked in desire for him, but from fear of disappointment.
"I'll do whatever you want me to, my lady", Arthur replied mockingly.
"How about some food?", you asked with a smile, "Here. That's the money I've left from my shopping tour earlier." You fished a couple dollars from your bag, but Arthur shook his head.
"Keep it, ya gonna need it sooner or later. I still got some money for dinner."
So, Arthur headed out for the general store and returned ten minutes later with enough dried meats and fruits to last you a week.
You lied down, staring at the ceiling. Now this was going to be awkward. You weren't that tired yet and Arthur also didn't seem too determined to head to bed just yet. But he still sat on his side of the bed and got his journal out.
"Ya don't mind me drawin', do ya?", Arthur asked politely and opened an empty page in the journal.
"No", you answered honestly and sat up too, "can I watch?"
"Sure", Arthur said, "'s there something specific you want me to draw?"
"Remember that waterfall we passed on the ride?"
"You mean Cumberland Falls?"
"Mhm", you nodded.
"'course", and in barely a minute Arthur had outlined the most important features of the landscape. You couldn't have recalled the scenery any better, you had not the slightest doubt that every tree was placed correctly.
Arthur took his time with the drawing because he noticed, as time went by, that your body started to slump against his. Just as he had added all the shadows he had wanted to, he heard your heavy, steady breathings. The subtle scent that enveloped you was intoxicating, and the softness of your features in the warm glow of the oil lamp fascinated him. Your features looked so peaceful and inviting, Arthur wanted to bury his head in your arms. But he resisted the urge in order not to disturb your sleep.
Slowly, he draped an arm around your shoulder, pressing you gently against him as heshifted your position from sitting to a more comfortable lying position. He halted, his heart pounding when you opened your eyes. 'Please don't flinch away, please don't reject me' he thought. But you didn't, you smiled slightly and snuggled up to him. It was at this very moment, that Arthur had felt an amount of hope he had never felt before. It was a profound sense of possibility that he hadn’t experienced in a long time.
The second day had passed in Strawberry with the soon soon to be disappearing behind the mountains. As the day before, you sat on the bed and Arthur opened his journal. You watched as his pencil wrote words that you couldn’t read. The least you could do it appreciate how handsome his handwriting looked.
"Y/N woke me early today. I thought lying low meant a break from the work and chores - but no. She wants to gather some money so she can say she followed a lead and not saved me from the O'Driscolls. We went fishing and hunting. I shot a cougar, pelt was real fine. Also some birds for feathers. The post clerk gave us a hint for a stage we can rob tomorrow."
You noticed when Arthur had finished the text, as his pencil wasn’t moving on the paper anymore and the last line he had set looked very final. You sat up a little in anticipation of a drawing: “What are you going to draw?”
“Maybe the cougar?”
You didn’t need to reply, Arthur had already started with the outline of the animal.
"Third Day of lying low in Strawberry.
We was told the stage coach is best robbed quietly. Of course, y/n wanted to just start shooting. I convinced her to use dynamite. We were done with the guards quickly and the take was ok. I also remembered a fella telling me about Watson's house. We robbed the old hag blind. She had a shotgun stored away, I offered it to y/n but apparently it’s “too uncivilized and not her style”."
“It’s rude to stare”, Arthur remarked and shot you a glance as you were sitting on the chair in the corner, “Come here.” Arthur patted the bed next to him.
“No. Stop telling me what I should do”, you said. Your tone was annoyed but Arthur knew that you didn’t mean to offend. You had been a little pissed earlier when you had a disagreement on how to rob the stagecoach, but this was different. He knew you were teasing as a way of punishing him for interrupting your thoughts.
“I know you want to come here. I’m gonna start drawing without you”, Arthur carefully arranged the pillow so you could sit next to him.
He was right. And you weren’t sure if you liked that or if you wanted to grant him this little win. You supressed a smile: “I hate you.”
“Yer doing an awful job of showing it, so I doubt it”, Arthur chuckled.
You sighed and stood up to walk over to the bed: “I did at first. But it’s harder to hate you if all I thought was despicable about you…turns out I don’t despise it so much.”
“It’s what Micah told you about me before we even met, got that right?”, Arthur said, content to see you settled next to him. He started a sketch of the view you had on the ridge when you waited for the stagecoach.
You nodded and rested your head against Arthur’s arm: “You did exceed my expectations.”
“The bar couldn’t have been too high if you believed everything Micah’s told ya”, Arthur said. He handed you the tobacco and paper and let you roll a cigarette while he sketched on. When you struck a match and a little spark flew on Arthur’s journal, he brushed it away without a care, not saying a word of or cursing you for being inattentive.
The deafening roar of thunder roused you from your slumber and startled you awake in the early hours of the morning. As you slowly gained consciousness, you wondered how the torrential downpour outside hadn’t stirred you earlier. The raindrops were big and heavy and pounded merciless upon the rooftop and the window glass.
You crawled out of bed and made your way to the window. Despite the darkness with heavy clouds covering moon and starts, you could still make out the gushes of water that were coming down the skies.
"Good thing you suggested stabling the horses", you mumbled, your words almost swallowed by the overwhelming noise.
Arthur grumbled and turned in bed, he was barely awake: "Ya coming back to bed?"
His voice was drowsy. The cold air was getting to you quickly, and you regretted leaving the warmth of the bed in first place. Turning around, you gazed upon Arthur’s form, dimly illuminated by the soft glow of the flickering oil lamp at the room’s corner.
In that moment, it struck you. This was the first time you truly realised that you shared a room - a bed with a man who you had come to trust. You liked him a lot. And despite having more than one opportunity, spending pretty much every waking hour with you the last three days, he hadn't tried to make a move. He was being very respectful, only ever putting his arm around you when the opportunity was right, but never ever pushing for more proximity. It was a level of consideration and restraint that surprised and touched you deeply. Probably because you weren’t used to it.
"Y/N it's getting cold...", Arthur mumbled, referring to the empty spot in the bed next to him. As you approached bed again, Arthur shifted to the spot you had vacated, a cold patch of linen that he now warmed with his body. Half aspleep, he pulled back the blanket, inviting you to take his still-warm place beside him.
Without saying something, and probably barely registering what he was even doing, Arthur tugged you in and then spooned you, his head conveniently finding the curve of your neck. Your heart rate picked up; you hadn't been so close before.
It was a weird sensation to have someone breath hot air down your neck, his arm was snaked around you, leaving you no room for escape. However, the coldness you had felt out of bed soon was gone, replaced by the warmness that radiated from Arthur’s body. It calmed you down. You got used to the sensation of his breath on your neck. Gradually, you grew accustomed to the sensation of his breath against your neck. Heck, you even started to like it. You tried to synchronize your own breaths with his. Soon, with Arthur’s warmth and steady breathing, sleep reclaimed you.
The white noise of rain falling was still present when you opened your eyes again some hours later. You had turned onto your back; Arthur wasn't spooning you anymore. When you turned your face to his, his eyes tiredly blinked back to you. You wanted to sit up, but Arthur quickly caught your arm and held it: "You ain't dragging me out of bed so early today."
You looked out of the window. The sky had turned grey, and the rain was still falling.
"Wasn't planning to...", you mumbled.
After what felt like an eternity of lying still and counting the boards on the ceiling, you turned your face to Arthur. He was lying on his side, turned towards you. His eyes fluttered open as if he had felt your gaze on him. He watched you as you shuffled closer ever so slightly. You weren't even sure what was it that pulled you closer to him, but with your heart pounding relentlessly, you finally closed the distance between the two of you. Your lips met tenderly for a very slow and drowsy kiss. Arthur savoured every second of it.
Unconsciously, his hands wandered up to your face and he halted only a moment before he would have cupped your cheek. He wasn't sure if you'd want that. But he did feel a bit awkward when the kiss ended, and his hand lingered in the air over you in an unaddressed manner. Your cheeks were clearly flushed, and Arthur's eyes showed hope and surprise.
"Your beard needs a trim", you commented sheepishly.
"Yes ma'am", Arthur replied, a smile forming on his lips. This time, he was the one who closed the distance, finding the courage to place his hand on your cheek, cupping it gently. The second kiss was longer and more passionate. You had no intention of backing out. It felt like having your first kiss all over again, with the butterflies in your stomach going wild.
It was over sooner than you hoped, but Arthur went on to pepper your cheeks and neck with little kisses, his beard tickling quite a bit in the process. Then he stopped and simply lied down in his initial position, next to you on his back. Though your hand found his and held it loosely, just to ensure some touch between you.
"Sorry I wasn't ready sooner", you said.
"What are ya even talking about?", quipped Arthur.
"Just...making you wait and all tha-"
"You didn't make me wait", he quickly established, "Who said that I was ready? I wasn't ready either. Hell, I don't even know if I was ready now because my brain feels like it has been smashed on a wall. And I have you to blame you for that!"
"You do know how to make a lady feel special", you chuckled.
"Sure", Arthur snorted, "keep tellin' yaself that if that means I get to kiss ya again."
You grinned sheepishly, sat up and leaned over Arthur to give him another kiss. It just felt so safe to do it. The way he still held your hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb. He was entirely at your mercy, his blue eyes scanning your face the moment you moved away, pleading for another kiss which you readily granted.
"We won't ride back to camp today, huh", you said after a while, watching the rain.
"No, no use for that. We'll just drown in mud."
When you got out of bed, Arthur hurried to get his pants on, leaving you to guess what that haste was all about. The welcoming centre, as it so happened, was filled with a bunch of people. Your room neighbour and two other men who had found refuge from the storm here at night. Breakfast was shared and someone had brought a deck of cards. You and Arthur mingled with the group, playing Poker and Blackjack pretty much the entire day. Sometime after lunch it had stopped raining. Before evening, the sun was coming out from behind the clouds.
It was later decided that you'd head back to camp right now, traveling through the night and probably arrive early in the morning. There'd almost be a day between you and Arthur coming back, as not to raise suspicion that you spent the time together. You walked to the stables together, boots covered in wet soil when you said:
"At camp...you know that we can't..."
Arthur sighed and lit himself a cigarette: "I know. Micah's the problem, isn't he?"
"He'd kill us both if he found out", you mumbled, a hundred percent believing the words you had just said.
"Would rid the world of some filth for sure", Arthur joked and earned an arm slap.
"Didn't mean you, darlin'. Yer an angle", he teased.
He then watched you saddle your horse. You checked if you've got the money. Hunting, robbing and gambling had brought you a take of almost 200 dollars, enough to count as a solid lead and to excuse your long absence.
"See ya tomorrow", you said.
"Don't get yourself killed on the ride back."
"Mhm", you grinned, "You neither. Without me protecting you."
Arthur had the most beautiful smile, you realised. He had grinned and shook his head as response to your answer. It made you unbelievably happy. And then you rode off.
When you rode up to Clemen’s point, it was Charles on guard duty. You acknowledged this with relief, because out of everybody, he'd not be someone to plague you with questions.
"Y/n, we worried about you", he said, his voice laced with true compassion.
"Yeah...I'm fine", you smiled awkwardly.
"Where've you been?", he asked so innocently, a question stemming from pure curiosity.
"Ehrm...out and about. Hard to explain, really..."
"When's Arthur coming?"
"Arthur. He was with you, wasn't he?", Charles asked. The innocence seemed to be replaced by an air of knowledge. He knew, somehow, he knew. You were aware that he was a great observer...but this good?
"I...don't know", you lied. But seeing Charles' raised eyebrows, you sighed in defeat: "He'll be back by tomorrow morning."
Charles nodded in acknowledgement.
"Guess I figured out why you had a change of heart", he said with a smile. It was a subtle hint towards your changing attitude at camp.
"Mr. Smith", you grumbled warningly.
"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. But you should come up with a proper excuse, because Miss Grimshaw is furious you disappeared."
Turns out that not even 200 dollars could get you out of a scolding. You had to hear all of it. Sneaking away, disregarding your healing process, not being present to support the gang. Anyone who walked by or overhead your scolding was quite sympathetic. Even Dutch patted you on the shoulder when he walked you over to the donating box and watched you put the money inside.
To make up for your days away, you were put to work immediately. You had to help manage the horses and soon were sent off to a mission with Micah. It’s safe to say that when Arthur arrived at camp in the afternoon, you were exhausted from a night without sleep and a day full of work. It left no time to catch up with Arthur or asking him about his travels. You overslept the next morning, missing the little window which you usually shared with him, talking about your day and drinking coffee.
You weren’t sure how you had imagined it, but there was barely a minute in which you and Arthur were alone. And then, suddenly, events started to happen one after another. You went to town with the boys, found it deserted and one minute later you had the brains from the Irish boy all over your face. You had barely returned and helped to bury his still warm body, when the message spread that Jack had been taken by some Braithwaites.
When more guns were needed to get the boy back, you offered yourself willingly, fuelled by rage. You loved Jack. You had played with him so often that the thought of him gone was sickening. You understood Abigail’s fears and yet you tried to be somewhat restrained, because Micah was there and he’d certainly frown at your behaviour. But there was no Micah at the manor, so when you still kicked in doors after the place had caught fire, Arthur was suddenly by your side, urging you to leave the house.
“We sure he ain’t here?!”, you said, still ripping open closets.
“Yes. Come on, y/n”, Arthur put a hand on your shoulder and guided you out. Maybe, if he hadn’t been there to collect you, you would have been buried in the rubbles of this place with the wretched mother.
Then you moved to Shady Belle.
Jack was back with you within a week. You helped Grimshaw and Arthur to get Tilly back and stabbed the Foreman when Arthur didn’t deem it necessary.
“Tilly wanted him to tell his stupid gang-“
“His corpse will tell enough”, you answered.
Then Arthur was busy with the mayor, with robbing a boat, and finally, Shady Bell was attacked by the O’Driscolls. You watched in awe as Sadie butchered more O’Driscolls than you managed to get in front of your guns.
The only time you and Arthur had some time alone away from camp is when he had you tag along to help the Indians.
It was a young man named Eagle Flies who greeted you on a hill with a nice view on the oil factory. “You came”, he stated.
“’course I came. Said I would”, Arthur mentioned as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
“You took a friend with you, I see?”, Eagle Flies looked at you a bit sceptically.
“She’s back-up”, Arthur explained.
“Hope we won’t need that”, Eagle Flies commented before he explained to Arthur what he needed to steal.
You were left behind with the native as Arthur hid in the back of the waggon to sneak into the place. You didn’t say much, only listened to a couple of words he told you about the situation he and his people was in. Barely half an hour later, Arthur was back with the papers he was told to steal.  
You hurried up to Arthur’s room, using it as an opportunity that Micah wasn’t at camp and everybody else was busy with planning the details of the heist. You intently knocked on the door.
“Yes”, Arthur replied. He knew that it wasn’t Marston or Miss Grimshaw, because they never had bothered to knock. But when he saw you come in and swiftly closing the door behind you, his shoulders relaxed and his lips curled into a smile. “Y/N”, he breathed, relieved to see you and happy that this meant you had a moment together, alone.
“Hey”, you replied briefly, “Are you okay, Arthur? Are you sure about this bank heist?”
Your uncertainty irritated Arthur, but he’d try to reassure you that they had a plan. You had been assigned to stay at camp and to take care of the rest of the people, in case anything went wrong.
“It’s Hosea’s planning and I trust him when it comes to things like that”, Arthur said.
“I have robbed my fair share of city banks, and it always ends with half of my partners dead or captured”, you said, your shoulders slouching. You hadn’t been able to think about anything else since the idea had first come up.
“It’s risky, sure. But I think we are prepared”, Arthur nodded and looked at you. Arthur felt how uneasy you were though it had been some time since you last had intimate contact, Arthur gently pulled you into a hug. You wouldn’t have admitted it if he’d asked, but you had needed this. Carefully, you nestled your head against his chest and felt his hands roam your back, caressing it.
“If this works…we’ll soon get some more time for ourselves. Thing’s have been happening so fast the last weeks…”, Arthur murmured. It didn’t go unnoticed how you pressed Arthur tightly in your arms, your fingers dug through the clothes and into his flesh. There was this sense of fear in you, and despite his reassuring words, you couldn’t quite shake it. You had to push yourself away and stand on your tiptoes to press a gentle kiss on his lips.
“What was that for? Good luck for tomorrow?”
“That was for me”, you answered cheekily, a smile appearing on your lips.
Despite preparations, despite it being Hosea’s plan and not Dutch’s…it went wrong. Arthur didn’t dwell on it for long, he was occupied with surviving and getting off the damn island. He had lost a sense of awareness of how long they had been gone, and was eager to rejoin the gang, yearning to see your face again. He hadn’t thought about it…no he hadn’t even considered it that you might not be there. His gaze scanned the crammed room and he only mumbled your name out of fear of finding out something has happened.
It was Miss Grimshaw who spoke up: “Miss y/l/n left. Shortly after Molly, a couple of days ago.”
Arthur didn’t believe it. Only after he caught Charles’ eyes which seemed to confirm it.
“A rat fleeing a sinking ship…”, Micah commented through gritted teeth, “Should never have introduced her…”
Dutch was about to express his disapproval, when the Pinkertons arrived.
Phew, sorry if it's a bit messy. Had to cover a lot of ground to make it end on a cliff hanger =)
taglist: @xclovers @photo1030 @cowboydisaster @stilinskiwitch @globetrotter28 @unbotheredbeeeee @eyelovie @ashjbu @lovrgirlsstuff @how-the-heck-would-i-know @j4llyf7sh @urfavjanalein @thatonestrangebird
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uhohbestie · 22 days
There Are Monsters Nearby [Chapter 20]
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🏜 Pairing: Grian/Scar
🧟‍♂️ Tags: zombie AU, zombie apocalypse, lovers to exes, slow burn, eventual reconciliation
📖 Summary: The day after Scar breaks up with Grian, the dead come back to life. Knowing that venturing out alone is a death sentence, the sudden onset of the apocalypse forces them to stick together despite the tensions between them. In the wreckage of the world, they're forced to survive side-by-side, coming to terms with the fact that—try as they might—there's still no one they trust more than each other.
Chapter 20 - Goodbye California, hello Oregon. Scar and Grian keep heading north, gearing up for winter, finding a nice place to stay the night, and continuing to struggle on where they stand and what they mean to one another.
📝 Words: 10,142
🔗 Link: Read Chapter 20 on AO3
“Cub used to— god, he’d hate it. Every time we saw a nice sunset, or some satellite passing, or a shooting star, I’d say ‘I wish Grian was here to see this.’” Scar shakes his head, crouching down with the box of winter gear as he starts to sort through it, pairing off the gloves to see what suits them best. “He’d always tell me to give it a rest. He’d say, ‘Grian can look outside and see his own sunset.’ I thought it was kinda sweet at the time, like he was showing me how close we still were. Under the same sky, y’know?” He scoffs absently as he slips his hands into a pair of fingerless gloves, curling his palm into a fist before seeking out its mate. “Now I get he just wanted me to talk about literally anything else.”
Grian stands in silence, unable to articulate a response. The tenderness of Scar’s confession sits uneven within him, mixing with the deep shame at the implication that Quackity wasn’t the first to point out to Scar that he deserved better in a partner.
“I wish I’d gotten to know Cub better,” he settles on at last, the words quiet, not nearly what Scar deserves to hear right now. “I think I missed out.”
“You did,” Scar says, agreeing so easily that it feels rehearsed, finding the pair to his glove and putting it on his other hand. “He was one of a kind.”
“I enjoyed the few times we hung out together…” Grian offers, feeling suddenly meek.
“Cub did too,” Scar hums, focused and entirely unaffected by the conversation. It makes Grian wonder how long he’s sat with these feelings so that he can speak without any anger or resentment. “And so did Pearl—though she always got the impression you felt uncomfortable around her.”
Grian shakes his head. “It wasn’t discomfort so much as… jealousy, maybe,” he admits, quiet. “She was weird and chaotic in the same ways you were, and sometimes it seemed like you two had this whole world of in-jokes I’d never be part of. I guess… I felt it was impossible to compete with.”
“There was nothing to compete with, Grian,” Scar insists, looking up for the first time, his eyes sharp and focused. “You were the one I was dating. Not Pearl. Not Cub.”
“Yeah,” Grian sighs, “I see that now.”
Friday time, TAMN time! We're on the penultimate chapter of this arc! These two :') will they ever learn...
You can read the whole fic thus-far in the link below!
You may not rest now, There Are Monsters Nearby (on ao3!)
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
I know you are tired of being reminded of the whole mess that’s been going on. I had no idea what was going on until foxyanon told me cause I asked. The shock that went through me when I was reading ems post. I was decent friends with bel and interacted a lot with her. Had no idea how vile those bloggers are, just damn right disgusting and rude. But I told em as well that I have nothing to do with what’s her face. I’m always here for you! This fandom needs some serious work done and rethinking. I’m screaming the biggest f you to her! I love your content even though I don’t say anything much. You’re wonderful and deserve better! 💗💗
Thank you for reaching out, and treating me like a human being. It is more than I currently deserve. I will place the rest of my response beneath a cut, as it will be quite long and I'd like to give people the option to scroll past, as they are doubtless tired of all of this, and rightly so.
Yes, the behaviour of that group is despicable, but I cannot downplay the gravity of my own in that.
I had a longstanding block with two users (I am not going to use their online nicknames, I do not deserve to), arcielee and sylasthegrim, I said disgusting things about both of them - the screenshots of my messages regarding them both on the post you have doubtless all seen are real (so is the final screenshot where I mention an anon I had received telling me to die in my sleep, the rest of the screenshots in that post have been falsified, doctored or snipped heavily out of context to make them appear hateful - the doctoring has been confirmed by two individuals well versed in Photoshop)
I hold my hands up and apologise to both those people, and the people that have seen those messages and been harmed by them. They are inexcusable, indefensible and were guided by a false belief that those two people were being hateful in turn about me, and actively going out of their way to harm and spite me. I am unsure what Bel thought she had to gain by exacerbating the animosity between me and Em and those two women, regardless, we should have done the mature thing and reached out directly to them. I will say, that I have never once sent anonymous hatred to either person. The extent of my vitriol was confined to that group chat.
Bel also used slurs in the group chat (I would like to point out that myself, Em and Fae did not). I won't repeat what these were. I do not want those ugly words on my page. They made me uncomfortable and I called her out any time she used one in particular, but she always laughed off my discomfort and carried on anyway. She is mixed race, I am white, in my mind it is not my place as a white person to tell an ethnic minority what is racism and what isn't. There are enough white voices shouting down others in online spaces. I know better now. I should not let my own discomfort silence me. I will call out hatred, bigotry and discrimination in every instance that I see it. My past inaction is embarrassing, it's offensive and I am devastated by the hurt I have caused to others. I am so deeply sorry.
I didn't speak up for a long time, because I have seen what these people are like when they have a grudge against someone. It's frightening, I was a coward. Yet despite staying silent on all of it, I have been doxxed just the same. I suppose perhaps that's karmic retribution?
I appreciate that people have felt my response has been lacking, however, I was out of the country, away from home, from the 14th until the 22nd, with only my phone at my disposal and with the expectation from my husband that I would enjoy the vacation we were on, and not be online dealing with all of this.
I would like the opportunity to atone for my behaviour, to make amends. Currently, I feel I am not going to be given the opportunity to do that, and understandably so. Emotions are high, people are raw from what they have learned and they do not feel comfortable being around me.
Seeing the screenshots of the people in their group passing around my personal photos and saying incredibly vile things about my appearance triggered a lapse with the eating disorder that I am in active recovery for. I then had another a few days later. I need to take some time away to get myself well, as the fear and anxiety of all of this is taking its toll. I also need the space to deal with the legal action I will be exploring with regards to Chris having doxxed me. I am not running away. I simply need to get myself into a space where I am stable enough to handle all of this, be accountable, and take responsibility without my own emotions diminishing other people's.
I know people hate me right now, but it pales in comparison to how much I hate myself. I am so very sorry for allowing this to happen.
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beabeemu · 1 year
-I love you...
Nanami Kento X reader
MASTER LIST ; Taglist Form
Pilot! Kento, Rich!fiance kento They are engaged warnings: NONE, MIND FUCKING FLUFF
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Kento Nanami did not sign up for this.
That is what he would have said if he didn’t love you. But he did, he loved you so much, to the point that he’ll handle all of your family dinners for the rest of your lives together. 
That was where you two were now, at a family dinner, with all of your family. And he had expected about 8-10 people but what he was met with was a reserved restaurant, with tables connected to create 2 big ones, that can fit over 50 people, which was just enough. 
Nanami knew that you were family-oriented, that was one of the things that he adored about you, but now, that everyone was in the same room, it was kind of overwhelming for him and kind of pressuring. 
“So when are you two planning on getting married?” 
“Where are you gonna get married?” 
“Well, we’re planning on getting married in the church downtown. And we planned on getting married by July” his fiance responded, it felt like all of the words inside had gone out, now that all of the attention was pinned to the two of you, along with the noise of children laughing and overlapping conversation, it didn’t help his nerves at all.
“Ohh, a summer wedding, that's good” 
“So Nanami, do you have any siblings?” 
“I was an only child and my parents had me late, I was often mistaken as their grandchild” 
“Yeah, and they’re the same age as aunt Kendra” 
“Oh! How fascinating, and I heard that your family owns an airline?��� 
“Yes, Nami-airlines, I’m one of the pilots there too” 
“A pilot? OH how wonderful, you’ve caught a good one Y/N” said her aunt who winked at Y/N, Kento observed his fiance’s reaction, and she grimaced, she seemed uncomfortable but didn’t show it.  He took note to ask her about it later. 
“Oh ray you should ask him about that, you talked to me about pursuing aviation after your course right?” She said, changing the subject.
“You want to take aviation?” Kento asked his fiance’s brother
“Yeah, I was planning on…..
We got in the car, and after saying goodbye to everyone, we drove away and made our way to our shared apartment. 
“I noticed you earlier when your aunt said that you caught a good one, Did it bother you?” 
You knew that he was gonna ask this, but you made it too obvious for him to notice the shift in your mood, he had always noticed, never missed the signs, not even once. 
“I just didn’t want people to think that I was only marrying you for your money” kento had already known about this and had heard of the stories that when you were a teenager, you had told people that you were only gonna marry someone rich so that it helps you cope with the thought of ACTUALLY marrying someone of getting tied down to someone. Y/N was and has always been independent, she didn’t get homesick when she moved out at 18 for college, and for as long as she can remember It wasn’t her plan to get married, not now, not ever, but that changed when you met Kento. You swore to yourself that he was the only exception. But getting accused of just marrying him for money always bothered you, Sure you loved it when he surprise you with a trip to Hawaii or other exotic countries you had never imagined going to. 
But you also appreciated it when he was there physically and mentally. 
You had known that he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, him filling out the blanks of your childhood, to find someone to help you cope with having a physically absent father and a mentally absent mother wasn’t something that you could find from just anyone, and you've tried. But it seemed that Y/N had already found that person. And whenever Y/N heard people commenting about her being a gold digger always bothered her, and she had never asked Nanami for anything extreme, he was the one who was always giving, to the point that Y/N felt obligated to give back, but he always assured her that her staying – despite the accusations– was enough. 
Y/N – who came from a middle-class family– is marrying a rich guy whose family owns an airline and who is a pilot himself– She knew how it would look, but she didn’t care– and for someone who had sought validation from others all her life, was hard to do. 
“Who cares what they think? I love you, and that’s all that matters” he kissed the back of her hand as she looked at him, searching for doubt, she was an overthinker kento knew that, so he swore to himself to always assure you every time that your mind goes in a spiral. 
“I love you too” as they stopped in front of a red light, Y/n leaned in and kissed her fiance's face
they might be a part 2 of how they met so be excited about that.
your likes and reblogs are always appreciated!!!
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mythmakinvgxz · 1 day
can u write something for andrey where it's the reader's first time with him? not her first time but like their first time together and andrey is super gentle and loving
first time (blurb) - andrey rublev
warnings: smut but so cute, gentle sex, sweet praises😞
notes: yay!! hope u liked it i had so much fun writing this one !!
despite being together for almost two months, the two of you always limited yourselves to steamy make out sessions but never got to the point of doing it.
he had always been the type of guy to never push your boundaries, always respecting them and never going too far. he never put you in any uncomfortable situations or positions.
but after two months it was starting to weigh on you, the fact that the two of you never got intimate, at least on that level.
and it was making you nervous, so nervous that you started seriously doubting that he even wanted you that way. but it was too embarrassing to ask anyway, so you kept your cool and acted like you always did.
but it was unbearable.
you felt an aching pain between your legs everytime that, during a match, he got close to his bench that was right under his box, where you were sitting, and changed his shirt revealing his toned body like it was nothing.
or everytime that he came back from practice sweaty and tired, with that sweet smile on his lips. he’d reach you waiting for him on the bed and kiss your lips softly “how is my girl doing?” he’d say with the most nonchalant tone.
you felt ashamed that those simple words had such an effect on you, but what could you do about it?
it had been a tough week: andrey had been gone for almost five days for a tournament and you, because of your job, had to stay in your apartment waiting for him.
but now, being in his arms, it was as if nothing had happened, nothing had changed, and that was true.
his lips moved slowly on yours, biting your bottom lip and gaining some muffled whimpers from you, as you felt that same pain between your legs but decided to ignore. it wasn’t easy.
especially when he began to kiss and suck on your neck’s skin, leaving evident marks on you. gasping for air you tugged on his hair, your fingers intertwined with his red strands as he hummed on your skin and reached your earlobe, biting it gently.
he parted from you locking his eyes with yours and you could finally see his face: hair all messy, lips parted and of a bright red and cheeks all pink from flusteredness. he looked heavenly.
you tugged on his black shirt to bring him closer to you, making his warm body perfectly adhere on yours. climbing on his lap you gained a surprised expression from him, he couldn’t believe what you were doing.
you were eager for him, eager for his touch and the pain between your legs was starting to hurt and scream for some kind of relief. “what is it baby?” he asked you taking a strand of your hair and placing it behind your ear.
your hands were resting on top of his shoulders and your gaze was directed downward from the embarrassment. “i need you…” you confessed squeezing your eyes. you were so ashamed of giving voice to your thoughts, but what else could you do? certainly you couldn’t suppress them any longer.
so you felt his hands caressing you thighs, and his voice asking “are you sure about this? we can wait.” his tone was sweet and comforting, and you thanked him silently for it.
you nodded in response “i’ve done it before.” you pouted and it made him laugh softly. “i know, j’s wanted to make sure.” he stroke your cheeks gently before placing a kiss on your forehead.
he reached your lips and started kissing you slowly, his tongue made a little pressure on your teeth as you welcomed it inside your mouth. he took his time, his hands rested on your hips guiding your movements on top of him, you grinded eagerly on his thigh.
you could feel his member getting harder against your thigh and it just created even more desire within you. you tugged on his shirt, begging him to take it off. you wanted to touch him, made him feel how badly you wanted him.
“take this off? mh? you wanna take it off?” he asked smiling making you squirm at those words. you nodded biting your bottom lip. “okay, baby. we can do that.” he was so gentle it was making you insane, you just couldn’t wait to feel him inside you.
he removed his shirt exposing his toned body ahead of you like it was nothing, but it was having such an effect on you. your lips connected one more time, heavy breathing and lips noises filling the quiet room.
“please…” you found yourself saying before you could even register it, whispered a cm from his lips. “impatient girl…” he sighed, feeling your grind harder on his thigh.
his finger reached the hem of your shirt and slowly began to take it off, letting it fall onto the ground near his own. he stared at you in awe, contemplating your naked flesh, but then starting marking it as his own. he left one hickey right under your boob and, with your hands in his hair, you almost let out a scream of pleasure when you felt his mouth on there.
“shhh… you have to be quiet.” he demanded in a sweet tone, chuckling at your reaction.
and, finally, he got his pants off, exposing his bulge covered with his boxers. and it was so big you started getting nervous. it had been a while since you did it with someone so seeing it made you feel so anxious and awkward.
you got rid of your pants too, leaving you only in your underwear, begging for him to touch you. noticing him taking his time with you, you found the courage to say “andrey… please hurry.” in a pleading tone, and you felt so embarrassed. he laughed and removed his boxers, throwing them away.
surprised by his size, you said nervously “h-how… is that..” his tip was bright red and leaking with precum and you noticed a big vein going from the bottom to the top.
he immediately reassured you by saying “don’t worry, i’ll make it fit.” and you felt yourself melt at his words. with a hand he moved your panties to a side. kissing your flushed cheek, he lifted you up and adjusted your body on top of his member, positioning his tip right on your entrance. you hissed, closing your eyes.
he made his way into you, until his member filled you entirely. you let out a moan feeling him reaching every single spot inside of you. “mhmhh…” you cried out, you had to admit to yourself that it was hurting a bit. “i know, baby. i know.” he sighed in pleasure, taking you by the hips.
when you got used to his size inside of you, and that took a while, you felt him beginning to move slowly and sloppily. you moaned loudly, the sensation becoming all-too-much. you felt your stomach begin to swirl, your pants and breaths becoming more ragged with each growing second. subconsciously, your hips bucked up and spasmed against andrey’s movements.
his arms embraced your waist and he rested his head in the crook of your neck in an intimate position. “you’re taking me so well.” he praised you humming against your hot skin, and you shivered as he reached a particular spot.
his words were so sweet but yet so dirty that you felt your head spin in pleasure, you weren’t understanding a single thing that was coming out of your boyfriend’s mouth. he fastened his pace, hitting your hips with his own. lifting his head, he locked eyes with you, a desperate look adorning your face. “oh fuck.” you whimpered as his member filled you completely.
“you’re doing so well, baby.” he moaned as you rocked your hips even faster, to match his own movements inside of you. the friction between your bodies was becoming unbearable and you could only hear the unholy noises that you were making. all of it was making your head spin so fast.
your nails drag down his broad back, making him whine into your neck, hitting a spot inside you no one's hit before. you can feel him start to chase his release, twitching as his sounds start to rise in pitch.
it was just too much. “a-andrey i think i’m going t-to…” you tried to say between moans. “i know, baby.” he said with his lips on your chest. “just cum for me.”
those words sent you over the edge and, before you could notice it, you came all over his member, your leaks staining the sheets, but none of you seemed to care. it was a matter of seconds before he reached his climax too, filling you up completely. “shit-, i’m so sorry, i’ll get a-“ he began to say completely sorry for what he had just done.
you chuckled at his words, he was cute. “there’s no need to.” your lips reached his, placing a small peck on them. “thank you.” you stared at him lovingly as he returned that little look to you. “i love you.” he hugged you sweetly, never wanting to let you go from his embrace. “i love you too.”
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