#to tone it down. 'its my opinion. i have a right to free speech.' free speech is not saying that my friends should die.
featherymainffins · 1 month
Family is clearly just prolonging my and my mother's misery by forcing me to text her on special occasions and send her gifts, which is giving her false hope that her only boxing bag might come back and endure whatever she decides to take out on it again.
#if it were up to me I'd block her number and never even hear anything about her again#she made her choices and I swear to god i tried to be a good daughter and take them#when university told me that we should try to stay in contact with people in cults because it's much harder to get out without#a support system i tried to take it because of that if nothing else. i told myself that I'll take it. that I'll take it because maybe one#day she'll want out. i tried to.#maybe I didn't try hard enough I don't know. and if that's right then the universe can add it to my endless list of sins which makes me#not a human. the universe can add it to the list of reasons for why I'll never lead a happy life and why I'm better off dead.#that's what I've been told when i was growing up after all.#i tried to but it's just. it's her life or mine. and if she were mean just to me I'd let her take it. if it were just me I'd let her say all#those horrible things to me and I'd stand there and let her punch my limbs until they go numb like i always have#and I'd let her tell me that nobody will ever love me and I'd let her do her invasive checks of my body and I'd let her have those#episodes of searching through my entire room and breaking into my accounts to see if I'm saying anything about her ever to anyone#and calling my doctors and telling them that I'm crazy and not to believe a word i say.#I'd let her do all that as i always have. but she's horrible to my friends and horrible to strangers and it's just too much for me.#I don't want to hear that my friend killed herself in vain and I don't want to hear that you'll never use her name because#'it was just a year before he offed himself so it doesn't count.'#I don't want to hear any of it. i don't want to hear that all my friends hate me and I don't want to hear how horrible they are#and i don't want to hear slurs you use against them and I don't want to hear you say those things about random people you#meet on the street and i don't want to hear you passing moral judgement on strangers because of the way they do their hair#or the way they dress or the way they were born.#I don't want to hear that all my friends with tattoos are rotten and that cancer awaits them as punishment#I don't want to hear any of it. I'm sick of it. i don't want to hear 'youre a censoring bootlicker' whenever i say that i would like you#to tone it down. 'its my opinion. i have a right to free speech.' free speech is not saying that my friends should die.
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marciaillust · 2 years
Heyooo! It’s me again (i hope i’m not bothering you by asking questions like these) I started making a comic and I’m struggling with the typography
Any tips or recs to look? I really like your work and that’s why I am asking :)
I can dish out a few tips but they aren't really hard rules so take them with a grain of salt and artistic freedom.
The most important thing imo is the presentation of the text on the page. The shape and number of speech bubbles will be registered way before any of the contents so it needs to looks the part. 
The first tip would be generally avoid the speech bubbles being overly thin and long. The example below is pretty tame but believe me, I’ve read comics with the wormiest of speech bubbles and they tend to not look good.
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Sometimes the automatic alignment of the text will look closer to a square (especially if there are many short words in a sentence) so feel free to go in and move the text around via the enter key so it looks more like the rhombus. You won't always be able to achieve it especially if the first word in a sentence is long (e.g. the word "hypothetically") but a rhombus should be the goal.
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While we're on the topic of speech bubbles I like mine to have really short "tails" (the bits that indicate who is speaking), unless I REALLY want to make sure the reader knows who is speaking in a scene.
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 Also I always make the tails point directly towards characters mouth unless it would make the scene confusing (for example if two characters have mouths really close to each other or something, I might make one tail point a bit higher/lower/to the left/right to differentiate between the two speakers. But that’s like a super specific problem and could be avoided with proper frame layout.)
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And like, never skip the tails unless its the same character monologuing at length. Nothing breaks emersion more than when you have to stop and turn into an investigator to determine who is speaking in a scene.
Now for the fonts themselves, in my opinion the size of text should be unified between speech bubbles and across pages when it comes to a single font. Example, all casual speech - arial, 14; all thought bubbles - Calibri, 15. 
That is of course unless there is artistic merit to changing the font and/or font's size. Making someone yell, suggesting a threat or sarcasm, indicating a playful tone or something akin to that -  lean into what you're trying to communicate visually.
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All fonts are not made equal and sometimes you will have to adjust things manually e.g. letter spacing or line spacing. Generally I try to keep the spacing the same regardless of the font, e.g. "yay exciting" had massive gaps between the lines which I've shrunk to make it look more visually cohesive with the rest of the dialogue. Same with these ones:
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At the end of the day typography and everything pertaining to speech bubbles is design work and what designs do is communicate a message and serve a function. I’ve had this picture saved on my pc for years now (reverse google search doesn’t tell me who made it but it’s like the bible to me so I will share it, I am almost certain it was made by tryinghuman but I might be wrong):
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Really every part of a speech bubble can be “designed” down to a single word. The position of text, fonts, the shape of the bubble etc. And every change will culminate in an effect and the goal is to have that effect reflect what you’re going for.
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Make it legible or illegible, make it see-through, capitalise one word, cover speech bubbles up with other objects, make them crack or fall apart. Not every speech bubble needs special treatment! But once in a while it’s nice to throw something different in to spice things up.
Also, and this is a rule that was bestowed upon me during a graphic design class, don’t use more than 3 fonts per page (again, unless there is artistic merit to it like e.g. purposefully trying to communicate a sense of chaos. Otherwise it just looks a bit unprofessional. In my opinion anyway.)
And the last thing I will say, and this mostly applies to comics in English, is some “speech” fonts include capital “I”s both with and without serifs. The serif I should generally be reserved for the pronoun “I”.
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There is so much more when it comes to text in comics like the flow of bubbles across pages, splicing text across bubbles for communicating speech patterns or intentions of the characters, and there are tutorials about it out there but I wasn’t able to find my favourites on command............. sorry................ But I’m peppering this in just so you’re on the lookout for all the other cool things that go into comic making :)
Hope this helped!
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zonaenthusiast · 10 months
One Piece Live Action
Here is the first of my reviews on what I liked and didn't like about the first episode of the live action. I have been writing as I watched the episode for the second time, so it is written in chronological order with references to future episodes.
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To begin with, I was very happy with Roger's execution scene. I have to admit that, as soon as Garp appeared giving the previous speech, I doubted if it was like that in the manga. I had to look it up and I'm still hesitating, but I couldn't find anything about Garp being present that day. It's a pretty cool addition, it makes a lot of sense: Roger originated the great age of piracy while Garp is a very proud marine who works every day to erradicate it, his face when Roger says his last words is magnificent. And for those who watch the live action without knowing the original story it means nothing, but for those of us who do know what Garp and Roger really are to each other it was great.
From the beginning you start to notice that the characters are slightly different (I think the Luffy in the manga wouldn't know what mutiny means) but Oda was right when he said that there are things that maybe his Luffy wouldn't say, but it looks good because the words are spoken by Iñaki. Luffy for me is the one who behaves the most different from his original version and I'm not sure he convinces me all the time, but I think our Luffy would be very difficult to translate to the screen by a real actor without being unbearable. Luffy's case is more obvious but it will happen with Nami and Sanji as well, their personalities are very intense and for a live action it was necessary to tone them down.
Alvida is wonderful from the first minute, the actress is a 10/10 in all her scenes (Ilia, please call me, I am free on weekends), confident and menacing and sometimes ridiculous. Perfect. Koby more of the same, Morgan Davies has done a great job playing the scared Koby from the beginning. I loved the first scene of Luffy and Koby together.
What I didn't like so much is the battle against Alvida, the action is one of the weakest points of the series and they have been smart to reduce it just to the necessary because most of them are just barely good enough.
However, one of my favorite things about the live action is how they've connected the characters from the different arcs, especially the villains, it gives it a greater scale that in the manga we didn't see until much later. In the Marineford saga especially, we started to see that many characters know each other because of x or y, because they have a common past, because they did business together, whatever. I thought it was smart to add something like that already. In this chapter, for example, we have Morgan mentioning that he was the one who arrested Kuro.
I say this because adding the fun fact that Zoro killed the previous Mr 7, something that in the manga is only mentioned in passing a whole saga later and has no importance and using it to justify his presence in Shells Town, is brilliant to me. The my favorite is number 1 thing? Foreshadowing at its best if we have a second season.
I'm also of the opinion that while Luffy has the worst action scenes because in the end seeing the fruit is weird at times, Zoro has the best ones. Fellow Zoro stans, I don't know if you feel the same way I do but they are a delight to watch for me. Mackenyu, you are glorious.
Shanks... I liked him but my god, the hair. What is that, is that a wig? is that his hair with a bad dye? I don't know but it looks terrible, the whole wig thing in live action is a complaint I have. The series has opted for an artificial look on purpose and you can tell, similar to the series A Series of Unfortunate Events (and it was a good idea because the gyojins probably would not have worked otherwise), but the hair department doesn't convince me. Also, Makino seemed a bit weird to me, if she hadn't been characterized at the beginning I wouldn't have thought it was her, but then she has a scene with Luffy (small Luffy, you did great too!) in which I did appreciate her personality better.
Another thing about this live action… is that it's not subtle at all, Oda is a master of show don't tell and the difference starts to show soon. Luffy doesn't go around asking people what their dreams are in the manga (he does it only in very few occasions) and I think they could have worked on the script a little more to see how Luffy, without asking directly, inspires people to tell him those things.
We move on to the bar, the moment when Luffy, Zoro and Nami see each other for the first time (kind of, because Luffy and Nami notice Zoro but he doesn't notice them and Luffy and Nami don't seem to notice each other either). Very well done too, I loved it and it's one of my favorite scenes in the whole live action. Luffy eating with Coby, Zoro picking a fight (my god, he is FINE) and Nami taking advantage of the chaos to get what she needs. The stuff with Zoro, Rika, Helmeppo and the rice balls, even if it's different, makes me infinitely happy that it was kept because it's important to understand that Zoro is much less of a dick than he appears to be.
Luffy, tell Sanji about the rice balls, this fandom is begging you.
I also found it curious that they have chosen to insist a lot on Zoro being a bounty hunter, we see Zoro emphasizing several times throughout the live action on the money they provide him, and it's striking because it's not like that at all in the manga. It gives him less of a sucker vibe and that makes me a little sad because I really like that Zoro became a bounty hunter because he needed to eat and he didn't know how to get back to his village. I like my men dumb as a rock. I assume they did it that way because they wanted to tell us what he is but what he doesn't want to be, just like it happened with Coby and it's going to happen with all the mugiwara, so Luffy can ask him the question about what his real goal is.
Anywat, both the first time Luffy and Zoro talk and Luffy and Nami talk inside the navy base are perfect, you can see the differences in their personalities from the first moment. I will always defend that meeting Luffy changes the lives of all the mugiwaras but the most obvious changes are in Zoro and Nami (maybe Robin), they owe Luffy their literal personalities.
I think Zoro breaking into Helmeppo's room while the latter is naked and acting cool with the Wado Ichimonji is cinema, I'm glad they included it. The haircut was a great touch.
Luffy and Nami's shenanigans inside the navy base, from the safe robbery to the fight in the courtyard where they are joined by Zoro... I really like that. The part where Zoro is about to leave but decides to turn around and fight them fits his personality from the beginning very well but it's actually pretty Nami coded too, she has a scene like that in Orange Town in the manga where she almost leaves but in the end feels bad for leaving them to their fate and comes back. Zoro and Nami are very similar and this live action highlights it a lot, we'll see that (episode 5, my beloved).
The battle against Morgan is short and concise, and I repeat: I think they did very well not to drag the action out longer than necessary. The part of Zoro carrying the safe and leaving Nami speechless before such a display of brute force I personally liked it a lot, it's a clear reference to the scene of Luffy and the cage in Orange Town in the manga.
The Shells Town escape also is a great idea. I already wrote a post about why I don't agree at all that Zoro's loyalty to Luffy is immediate and Nami certainly isn't loyal from the start. That they don't say yes to Luffy, but that it's more of a we have to get out of here and right now these other two people are the only allies I have works very well with them because it's exactly how they started in the manga as well.
To finish with this first review, I want to mention a last point in favor of the live action: increasing Garp's presence in the saga and making him the big antagonist present in all the arcs, I will go deeper into this in other chapters. It's very important to see how his relationship with Koby develops (and to think that this was written before the recent events in the manga, good lord).
And Buggy has the best first appearance of all. My king.
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caramel-clowns · 2 years
what is your "official" [using that word loosely] review of it?
im gonna assume you're talking about the new monster high movie i mentioned earlier, if you're talking about the horror movie i apologize bc I'm semi stupid, also if you are talking about the horror movie i'll also make a post about that bc i have a lot of thoughts on the IT movies, ALSO I LOVE THIS BC I LOVE REVIEWS SO MUCH!!! i love ranting about stupid movies and ranting about things in general! feel free to ask any opinion on movies or games!!! now introducing, my VERY shitty review of Monster High: the movie (spoilers i guess) so the story starts with clawdeen, who is a werewolf, going skating, shes wearing a hoodie and stuff to hide that shes a werewolf because she doesnt belong in the human realm or something i cant remember tbh, eventually she bumps into someone and its revealed, whoopsies, she runs off home where we meet her dad (who is a human) and apparently its her 15th birthday or something, she tells her dad that she got accepted to monster high but hes kind of ehhh about it at first bc like they are against humans/half-humans eventually he gives in and she can go, woo meets frankie and draculaura who shes roommates with, meets deuce too bc romance i guess, apparently her mom was like a well respected person at monster high (her moms dead) so principal bloodgood asks her to perform a speech, also has some talk about the school being anti-human and stuff, however clawdeen feels like she belongs at monster high and is kind of nervous bc she's not fully human clawdeen discovers that when shes scared/nervous she begins transforming into a human they have a talk about jekyll and hyde in class at some point, big reveal is that the teacher who taught that class is hyde's son, hates monster high and wants to destroy it and humans because they killed his dad, stuff like that, enough with the bad summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ all around the movie was like an average disney channel movie tbh, girl doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere, finally finds a place where she belongs, conflict, stuff like that things i did enjoy were the friendships between frankie, draculaura and clawdeen, i thought it was cute and sweet non-binary frankie was something i also liked a lot! however i am quite sad about no lesbian clawdeen (also about them making her and deuce like each other but we'll get to that) i did like a lot of the outfits actually! frankie had outfits i would totally wear, and draculaura! very goregeous (fuck you Grammarly for correcting) the music wasn't awful, none of the songs stuck with me really but they didn't burn my ears i guess tbh i thought the set looked neat too things i did not enjoy however were the relationship between deuce and clawdeen, they didn't officially start dating or anything but it has been said they like each other, i didn't particularly feel any chemistry between them they fully removed the rest of the wolf family, did not like that some of the makeup was kinda eh but that might just be me being picky, the makeup around deuce's eyes looked very orange, and draculaura's makeup was a bit too toned down for my taste but yet again, might be me being picky ghoulia yelps in this movie- she wasn't a major character, only appeared like a few times however i didn't like that they made her talk, idk just didnt really sit right with me? the villain twist at the end was lame, they have a jekyll/hyde character in the monster high universe???? do jackson and holt mean nothing???? but i saw the twist coming, idk if they wanted us to see it coming but like i saw it idk its 2 am and im rambling, yet again please tell me if im rambling about the wrong movie! maybe i'll actually be well rested then kindly ignore how shitty my reviews are i was mostly spewing out words
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blue-kyber · 2 years
Hot take:
I want to see the movie before having a strong opinion about it.
Yes this is in response to the trailer for the Little Mermaid remake.
I was 8 years old when this movie came out. I watched it over and over to the point where I wore out the VHS. I still have that old tape. I knew every song lyric and every line of dialogue. I even still have a stuffed Sebastian my aunt gave me. He has posable claws.
I was one of those little girls who pretended to swim like a mermaid in the pool, and made a fin out of a blanket. It would have been my dream to be Ariel.
So far the trailer looks cut together well. That says nothing about the movie other than it looks pretty at the moment.
We'll see if Halle Bailey's portrayal of this beloved character lives up to the history.
Ariel's a sea creature. It would make sense for her to potentially have a darker skin tone to be less visible from above.
I don't care what color she is. When it comes down to it, Ariel is a fictional creature. She's a mermaid. She's not human. She could be green with fins on her head, and I'd still watch this to see if Bailey embodies who Ariel is. I care if she BECOMES Ariel. I care if she does the role justice.
I care if she as Ariel makes me CARE.
I know Disney has a history of destroying our childhoods. Take the SW sequels for a high example. I went into those with high hopes and 1/4 of the way through had them dashed. And it got worse with each movie. Not just the way the characters were handled, but the overall execution of the story. The sequels are a brilliant example of how not to structure a story. They should be shown in English classes as a cautionary tale for writers.
I'm holding out hope that this one is well written, well acted, well directed, and honors its source material - be it the Disney-fied version or the original where she fails and turns into a spec of seafoam.
Halle Bailey and Kelly Marie Tran along with Moses Ingram (from Obi-Wan Kenobi) are ALL living a dream that I would have loved to live. They were lucky enough to be an iconic mermaid, to be in the Star Wars galaxy helping the rebels, and to be a Jedi - even a dark Jedi.
They got to live a dream so many of us as kids, and adults, wanted. They were lucky. They should be excited about that. I don't know what The Little Mermaid, or Star Wars meant to them, but it likely meant a lot to them as kids, and is part of their childhoods.
I know they wanted to be loved just like the originals that they loved. No actor goes into a job wanting to destroy it (at least not if the source material is part of their lives.)
And they're getting undeserved shit by basement-dwelling trolls who aren't people, but soulless text on the internet who feel like their pointless opinions and accusations against actors doing their jobs is valid and should be heard. It is not valid. Yes, they have the right to free speech, but everyone else has the right to not listen.
Leave the actors alone. Go after the ones responsible for ruining our childhoods.
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lokiskitten · 3 years
Tom Hiddleston | nice acting skills
Pt2 : the changing room
Tom Hiddleston x fem!reader
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Author’s note : I never originally planned to write a second part but I was being held at gun point so here’s pt2 of the “nice acting skills” imagine KSKSK
plot : after going through this rather peculiar moment, you unexpectedly bump into Tom in one of the changing rooms. From there, things take an unexpected turn.
warnings : smut ( with /legal/ age gap ), unprotected sex, extremely light and discreet spanking.
You were pulled out of your daydream session again by the exhaustingly familiar sound of the director throwing around new orders, setting you and Tom free from set as this scene didn’t necessarily needed to be filmed twice. You were now sent off to the makeup and costumes room which was located nowhere far from the place you currently sat. Tom wasn’t meant to be changing nor getting ready in the same room as you did, which was totally understandable due to the fact that you didn’t share the same gender nor age. He therefore took a different turn than you did, feet leading him to the left as you were accompanied on your right.
You were allowed in your personal changing room, the makeup lady arranging her stencils which laid on the table before the mirror. However, she suddenly seemed to remember about an important detail which she seemingly needed to be getting on the instant. You were therefore left alone with nothing but the costumes and cold cup of tea to keep you company. Sighing tiredly, you sat down on the chair which faced the mirror, eyes falling on your own tired reflexion. However, you were now able to hear the sound of the door opening again, a forced smile appearing on your lips as you expected this person who just walked in to be the makeup artist.
“Did you find what you’ve been looking fo-“ you began, eyes diverting upwards only to land onto Tom’s familiar yet unexpected silhouette. He closed the door behind himself, leaning against the wall as his strong arms crossed against his bare chest. You were now trapped with him. However, it was far from being a bother. But your naturally strong mindset forced you to put up a mask and pretend as if his naked upper body wasn’t something which disturbed your mind and senses. “Oh, it’s you.” You spoke bluntly, trying you best to hide any emotion which could’ve been a threaten to your reputation as a young and serious lady.
Tom smirked. “Yes, it’s me.” He answered, his deep voice which carried a beautiful British accent rolling off his tongue perfectly. It never failed to make your heart and crotch melt. Finally getting up from the door, the older man slowly moved towards your seat before his veiny hands decided to take ahold of the leather material. His ocean blue eyes stared at your reflection in the mirror, yet he wasn’t making eye contact but simply admiring how beautiful your body was. Gently, his hand moved up to your hair which he dragged back behind your ear, fully revealing your beautiful face to him.
“You’re beautiful.” He affirmed, making sure to regulate both his voice and tone in order to guarantee that he would look as attractive as he possibly could- even tho he wouldn’t have needed any of these forced artifacts to seduce you or anyone else. You had caught him red handed through his game, though- again- it was far from being a bother. In contrary, you enjoyed it. However, the little voice in your head couldn’t help but beg you to deny his offer whilst the other part of yourself desperately wanted you to give in his flirts. Your body easily became a battlefield for those two separate opinions to fight and argue endlessly.
Face to your lack of answer- and that mostly because you were lost in your thoughts- Tom tilted his head before moving his hands down to the opening of your robe, gently starting to pull on it in order to reveal your bare chest. However, your own hand was soon to move up to his wrist and take a firm hold of it, asserting dominance and stopping the older man through his track. Face to this hostile move, the actor couldn’t help but grow confused. He frowned and accepted to respectfully pull his hand away. “Do you not want this? I beg your pardon, I thought you shared those same feelings which previously took possession of my body.” Tom explained, referring to how he felt whilst shooting the infamous scene barely a couple of minutes ago.
“No no, I do.” Your responded, your main priority being to make sure that he wouldn’t feel like he was in the wrong nor inappropriate. You finally agreed to get up from the chair you have been sitting on, still unfortunately remaining shorter than your screen partner who towered above you. “But isn’t this... not such a good thing? I mean, I always hear people brag about not mixing your love life with coworkers.” You explained, remaining aware that Tom surely didn’t work that way, which was easily noticeable if you bothered to take a look at the female casts from the movies he’s played in and link it all up with his never ending list of ex romantic partners.
Upon noticing that he didn’t seem to truly pay attention to your words, but more to your face, you stopped yourself through your speech. He was adorning those flirty eyes of his, which no woman could potentially resist to. No matter how hard you fought, in the end, you’d always fall for him. “Can you- stop looking at me like that, with your eyes and.. eyebrows.. and all of it.” You ordered, hands gesturing towards his face. Hearing those satisfying words, Tom accentuated his facial features game. “Looking at you like what?” He responded, slowly moving closer to your body until his hands could finally wrap around your waist. It felt like a huge victory to him.
Before you could know it, Tom’s lips pressed against yours, the man offering you a genuine and intense kiss which honestly resembled the ones he’d give you on set. But for now, this didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you were sharing a wanted and needed moment with your screen partner. His hands moved down from your cheeks to your shoulders, pushing off your robe which fell off your body with ease. Unlike him, you didn’t adorn any form of underwear and was therefore left naked for the older man to cherish and enjoy. The kiss progressively intensified, both of your lips parting in order to allow each other’s tongue to come in.
As he embraced your figure, Tom slowly started to push you towards the nearest wall, the two of you stumbling upon a couple of objects before your back could finally collide with the hard material. You moaned against his mouth, knee moving up to his hip which allowed you to feel his hardening bulge against your sensitive core. Your clit was throbbing, begging for sexual satisfaction coming from the man. Feeling your leg suddenly raise against his hip, Tom’s hand moved underneath your thigh and made sure to hold it up there, offering you some free support so you wouldn’t have to carry the heavy member on your own.
Tom cared a lot about the feminine pleasure- probably more than he did care for his own- which would surely guarantee you a good time spent with him during this early afternoon.
Upon feeling that you were now wrapping your arms around his neck, Tom decided to take the initiative to pull his boxers down- setting free his hardening member which had yet to grow to its full size. He was now able to fully pick you up, hands wrapped underneath your thighs in a cautious manner. His tip wouldn’t stop colliding with your soaking hole, visibly begging for entrance without ever truly daring to cross the step. Thankfully, you knew that Tom had always been a very determined man who usually reached out for the stuff he wanted instead of waiting for people to give it to him.
Therefore, it didn’t take long for him to carefully sit you down on his cock, being able to feel that you were now wet enough to painlessly welcome in his prominent member. You guys moaned together, his forehead pressing against yours as his girth was progressively coated with your love juices. Once he reached balls deep, the actor decided to take a couple of seconds in order to allow you to adjust to his size, ocean blue eyes looking up at your face which he admired and praised more than anything in the world at the moment.
Kissing your lips, Tom began to move again, hips gently and cautiously thrusting forward and retracting backwards repetitively until he felt like he could now fasten his pace. Meanwhile, you found yourself lost through pleasure and bliss, forehead firmly pressed against his as you decided that it would probably be wiser for you to keep your mouth shut and avoid to attract anyone else’s attention. Besides, you only wanted and needed his. Moaning out loud would’ve been a great risk to take as the two of you remained aware that you were in a studio filled with thousands of working people. Therefore, Tom regulated his pleasure by wincing and hissing silently whilst you decided to carry on humming sensitively.
Your arms remained wrapped around his neck as he carried on pleasuring your cunt as well as his own member, lips praising your neck which in some way also helped him through the restricted moans process. His girth rubbed past every single sensitive spot of yours, g-spot going wild and swelling out of pleasure due to the man’s perfectly appropriate actions and mannerisms. However, and without giving you a warning, Tom suddenly pulled out in order to flip you around- you chest now facing the wall as you were soon to understand that your job was now to bend over for him. His arms had probably grown tired of carrying you, which you acknowledged and understood.
Before he decided to bend you over, his large hands moved up to your breasts from behind your back, caressing and squeezing them with a lot of lustful care before he retracted his hand back to your spine, pressing his palm against your flesh and forcing you to slightly bend over. There wasn’t much space between you and the wall, which therefore only allowed you to fold a little bit. Your own palms collided with the wall as Tom’s hand caressed all the way down to your bum, giving the flesh a gentle slap before allowing his digits to take ahold of his own girth. He guided his tip to your entrance again, taking time through his actions to make sure that he would execute them properly and painlessly. Even through lust, Tom remained a gentleman.
Feeling his hardness slide inside of you again made your legs tremble, yet Tom made sure to hold you up by giving your hips a gentle and reassuring squeeze. The muscles he had developed through the intense hours spent at the gym contracted as he began to move in and out of you as you tried your best to once again remain silent and discreet. Though, a couple of moans eventually had to escape your lips. Tom shushed you respectfully, giving your bum a light spank which stood as a punishment face to your risky behavior. Yet you refused to complain, smile appearing on your parted lips as the older man continued to pound your core.
Eventually, his hips began to stutter, thrusts gaining in sloppiness which was due to his nearing orgasm. This once Tom didn’t manage to hold back his own moans, hums and groans escaping his lips as he respectfully pulled out right before white strings of sperm could be projected against your cervix. Instead, the thick liquid landed on your back, staining your flesh. “Fuck..” he praised, taking a deep breath in before exhaling loudly. His hips continued to gently rock against yours, shaft rubbing against your upper bum as Tom wished to fully get over his orgasm.
You were left emotionally shattered, body still recovering from the intense amount of emotions and sensations which had previously taken possession of your body- brain still attempting to figure out wether this was right or negative for both of your careers.
Y’all asked : I deliver. I hope you managed to enjoy it! Requested tags : @lokis-leah @marianastudiesart @fa-me @lokistoriesblog @sunshineyrosie @delightfulheartdream ❤️
[ Every single share/comment/like means a lot to me as a writer! Please never doubt that! I acknowledge and praise each one of those interactions as they also help to motivate me. Love you guys💜 thanks for the support. ]
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Comfortably Numb. Yan Chrollo x Reader [COMM]
warnings: mentions of anxiety, just general uneasiness. word count: 2.6k.
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Home is where the heart is. 
It’s meant to be the sanctuary where you can unwind after a long day of work, dress in your most comfortable pajamas, and feel no qualms for the opinions of others. A safe haven of your own making. Granted, there was a time that you felt this way, no matter how long ago it seems. A coveted period of your life that you wish you could return back to. On a surface level, any onlooker might take a glance at you and think you are as normal as they are. If only that were the truth, you bitterly lament. 
Now, what do you need to check on next? Milk is in good supply, not set to expire anytime soon. Hm… can’t say the same for the fruit. You jostle down some of your favorites onto the ever growing grocery list. What else is there? You’ve got to be missing something. Standing on your tiptoes, you open the overheard cabinet, that is now noticeably more barren than it used to be. The bags of tea that had once populated this area have vanished, all but a lonesome pack of matcha. Huffing, you close the cabinet doors, ready to voice your irritation.
Pivoting on your heel, you look over the kitchen counter and towards the occupied living room. “You drank all my tea?” 
“Not at all of it,” your unwelcome guest corrects, much to your displeasure. “Besides, you never said I couldn’t have any.” 
You raise an eyebrow at this conjecture. Who would’ve thought him a stickler for semantics. “Yeah, well, I never said you could have it either.” 
“That’s a fair enough point. I’ll be sure to reimburse you for it later.” Chrollo ends the conversation before it even begins. His attention returns to his original activity of reading, freely helping himself to yet another one of your belongings. An exhausted sigh leaves your lips at the sight. If you somehow make it out of this situation unscathed, you may take on a more pious lifestyle, having survived way more than you should’ve. It’s a wonder that Chrollo hasn’t seen fit to strike you down where you stand. Where you lack self-restraint in the verbal department, you make up for it in your overall composure. Surely anyone else would’ve been crushed under the immense pressure of having a murderer crashing at their apartment. 
That’s just about the best way to describe it, you think. How desensitized do you have to be to no longer shiver at the thought? In all fairness, Chrollo himself is treating this as the most ordinary arrangement in the world. At his own leisure he’ll start conversations with you, inquire about your day, and even offer insight that you never asked for. It’s gotten to the unfortunate point that you’re even starting to do the same. Treating him more as a peculiar roommate than the threat he truly is, though it could be your way of coping. That’s the explanation you’re going with.
Chrollo puts a bookmark into his read, and places it aside. “Is there anything you’d like for dinner?”
He asks the question as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Your normally schooled expression is broken, lips parting and eyebrows furrowing together. Is he being serious right now? There’s no way to tell for certain. Not on a lack of trying from your behalf, his countenance never hints at his innermost thoughts. You get the feeling what little Chrollo does reveal to you is intentional. How creepy. 
“I was just planning on warming up leftovers,” you accentuate this by opening your fridge. On the shelves sits lentil soup, apples, and some protein yogurts. Shit. “Scratch that. I’ll be settling for yogurt instead.” 
“You had that for breakfast, if memory serves.” Chrollo points out, as if you’re incapable of remembering that yourself. It’s odd that he feels the need to pay attention to every detail about you. How often is Chrollo observing you without you taking notice? You push the thought aside with a frown.
“What are you, my hostage-taker and nutritionist? Besides, this is what I like to call a struggle meal. Or, meals, technically. I’ll go shopping tomorrow to make up for it.” You grimace while picking up the gourmet cuisine for tonight. Strawberry cheesecake flavor. It’s better with stuff added to it for texture, but this’ll have to do. It’s doubtful someone who is hiding a stolen merchandise worth hundreds of thousands can empathize with your position. Not that it matters if Chrollo Lucilfer holds you in high regard, with all the blood on his hands. He’s got no room to judge.
“Hm, in the time we’ve spent together, I never considered you as dense,” he gets up from his seat, making his way towards the kitchen. You don’t get a word in edgewise before your dinner is plucked from your hands. Chrollo places it back in the fridge, while you stare at him with a slackened jaw. “I’m offering to buy you food, [First].” 
How considerate of him to spell it out for you. 
“Appreciative as I am for your gesture of goodwill, I’ll pass. I don’t want to be indebted to you.” You make for the fridge once again, scowling as he holds it shut with unnatural force. Damn, he’s strong. Maybe you’re playing with fire by provoking him, considering the power imbalance, but your tongue is faster than your brain. Both a blessing and a curse. Leaning more towards the latter, you muse.
“I insist. It’s only right that I repay you somehow, for allowing me to stay here. You wouldn’t be indebted to me.” Chrollo’s smile never reaches his eyes, you notice. Standing here in close proximity to him, there’s a lot more you can pick up on. Every little detail of his disposition is intentional. From his even keel tone, to his polite speech, and way of acting like you have any say in the matter. You’re all bark and no bite. Both of you are keenly aware of this, and still he talks to you as if he’s none the wiser. It’s demeaning in its own right. 
“I guess it is sacrilegious to turn down free food. Alright, you win.” You throw your hands up in mock defense. This uncomfortable interaction helped you remember the position you’re in, how every breath might be your last. He’s broken into your residence, forced you to hide him from encroaching hunters, and made your past ten days a living hell. It was the threats to your loved ones that ultimately earned your compliance. 
You can’t help the self deprecation that’s followed since that day. The law is what you’re supposed to be protecting, not protecting criminals from. Going to the station everyday with the knowledge that you’re harboring such a dangerous criminal is weighing heavily on your soul. Life sure is full of the worst ironies. Had it not been an A class bounty, you may have stood a chance. 
Chrollo reaches into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out one of his many burner phones. “You’re being more agreeable than I expected, if I’m being honest.”
“What can I say? I become a bit of a yes man when my life is being threatened.” You respond with an empty smile of your own. Instead of earning any ire from him, he lets out an airy chuckle, of dubious sincerity. Whether it’s at you or with you is difficult to decipher. He pulls up a food delivery app, showing you the options. This was all prepared in advance, he must’ve taken the time to download it. So it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision to mess with you? 
“Y-you’re really letting me pick?” There’s no hiding your incredulous tone of voice. This series of events is far too bizarre to fathom, like a nightmare stepping into reality. Just a week ago you were contemplating how to poison Chrollo without him taking notice. Now you’re ordering food together. There has to be an ulterior motive lurking around, your gut won’t tell you otherwise.
He tilts his head at your apprehension, and repeats himself. “That’s what I said, yes.” 
Fuck it. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, or so the saying goes. You’ve suffered enough at Chrollo’s hands, it wouldn’t hurt to make the most of it. You take the cheap phone from his hands, scrolling through the options, and realizing now just how wonderful the variety of food sounds. Working up an appetite hasn’t come naturally with your uninvited guest skulking about. He has enough prepaid visa cards to cover what you want, so you hold nothing back. 
After returning his phone to him, you can’t help but throw an additional sarcastic comment in. It’s second nature at this point. “Happy now?” 
“Very much so,” Chrollo doesn’t mention your indignation, eyes raking over your expansive order. It’s not until he gets to the end that he quirks an eyebrow. “... A one hundred dollar tip?” 
“Feel free to add some extra zeros to the end of that. It’s not binary code for ‘help me, there’s a criminal in my apartment’, if you’re worried about that.”
He hums in consideration. “I can’t say that came to mind.” 
“Shit, looks like I went ahead and busted my own master plan.” Your response is notably dry. A headache is already in the works, courtesy of speaking to Chrollo for too long. He never fails to keep you on your toes. For all the sardonic remarks you make at his expense, anxiety has never stopped plaguing you. It’s a miracle that your heart is still functioning properly. You don’t even know why you ordered the absurd amount that you did, other than from pure spite, since your stomach is churning too much to want to eat. Maybe that’ll change when the food shows up. If not, your co-workers are going to be in for quite a treat tomorrow. 
You return to your newfound favorite activity of ignoring Chrollo, busying yourself with anything that comes in sight. Watering your plants, putting mugs from the dishwasher away, menial stuff that keeps you busy. A new feat lies in your wake. Whoever designed this apartment didn’t do so with you in mind, your larger plates just barely out of reach. Not willing to concede to using a chair just yet, you keep up the gallant attempt, stretching as far as your body allows. Your fingertips graze just over the prized handle, only for you to fail again.
That’s when you feel an over looming presence behind you, a shadow encompassing your figure. Chrollo gets the plate you were reaching for with ease, his chest brushing over your back in the process. You feel your face flushing, your body going taut, standing still as a wooden plank. He sets it down beside you with a knowing smile. That bastard…! He’s doing this on purpose. Damn him. 
“It looked like you could use some help.” He tells you. It takes every ounce of your self restraint not to lunge at him, instead taking a deep breath and nodding your head. Why is he so intent on getting a reaction from you? It’s exasperating, serving no practical purpose other than his own amusement. Inundated with your thoughts, you don’t realize how sour a look you’re sporting. This is what he wants, you remind yourself. To get you riled up. You refuse to play into his hands, and manage to get a grip. 
Time passes by at a lethargic pace. After around forty minutes, your front door rings, and you pick up the order. Sitting at your counter, you help yourself to the meal, grateful that Chrollo has seen fit to leave you alone. There can never be anything good in this world, as he eventually joins you. You try not facing him as an act of defiance. The plan that seemed ingenious in theory has a rockier execution. Sitting in silence feels worse somehow, like a ticking time bomb. Shifting in your seat, you decide to strike up a half baked conversation.
“So, uh, about the whole being hunted down thing,” your voice wavers and you hate yourself for it, “Do you have an idea of when it’s going to be over? I’m starting to run out of excuses for why my friends can’t come over.” 
This is true. There have been no more lively gatherings at your apartment since Chrollo’s unwelcome appearance, and you’ve been pestered about it. In between the lines is the prospect of your friends finding this reclusive behavior suspicious. In your optimism, you hope he takes it as a hint to get out of here faster.
Chrollo takes on a pensive appearance, his chin resting on his hand. “I’d been meaning to talk to you about that, so I’m glad you brought it up.” 
How nice it is to be on the same page. This could be the light at the end of the tunnel, the last page in this awful chapter of your life. Ten days seems like a reasonable amount of time to lay low. Maybe he’s already packing his bags, planning to leave you far behind, so you can forget any of this ever happened. Maybe you’ll treat yourself to a vacation. From the gut wrenching anxiety Chrollo has inflicted on you, you feel deserving of one. 
“They’ve stopped searching for me a while ago.” 
Wait, what?
You look at him, silverware dropping from your lax hand. He’s never been into joking around. Does that mean he’s being serious with you? That all this time, you’ve been holding out for something that already happened? Fists balling by your side, you don’t bother hiding a sharp glare directed towards him. There’s no playfully wry response, no comeback, only disbelief and abhorrence. The bountiful meal in front of you is forgotten. 
There’s no point in asking, but you still do, voice low. “... How long?” 
“According to my sources, about a week.” comes Chrollo’s response, hammering the final nail in the coffin of your patience. His motivations have never been any less clear. You know you shouldn’t have taken the word of someone like him seriously -- you’re so painfully aware of this that it hurts -- but now leaves a final question. Why? What does he get out of this? You feel sick to your stomach, knowing that it’s going to bad no matter what. Your breathing has picked up, eyes dilating and body threatening to crumble under the tension. Everything feels out of place. 
He responds as if he was reading your thoughts. “You’re an interesting person, [First]. You never cried, pleaded, or anything of the like. Instead you accepted the situation for what it was, all while staying true to your values. I find that admirable. I’d like to learn more from you.”  
“Stop talking to me like I’m a -- a fucking -- science experiment, instead of a human being. How does any of that shit even matter?” You feel the blood draining from your face, every word coming out more forced than the last. Getting riled up here is the last thing you should be doing, but you can’t control yourself. All your negative emotions from your time with him are regurgitating into a final mess.
“I don’t know, truth be told.” Chrollo checks the watch on his wrist, and you gulp at the smile that forms on his lips. It feels like a sentencing, a foreboding omen. There’s bile rising in your throat, and you scramble away from your chair. You need to get out of here. You need to run, to scream for help, to alert your family, this is not going to end well, what is he planning-- 
There’s a hurried knock at your door.
“However, what I do know is that I have no intention of leaving this place without you by my side.” 
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Data - As The World Falls Down
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♫ - As The World Falls Down - David Bowie 
For MJ, @okamiredfoxx , I hope you enjoy! ♡
"Hey, Y/N, you like those old 20th century-era films, right?" Geordi had asked you, and you looked up from your station in the engineering bay.
"I do?" you smiled at your friend, knowing he and Argyle were bound to be debating something, as per each day there was always something. Always.
"What would you say then," Argyle began, turning to you with a smile as he continued. "is the best film to come from that era of Earth?"
You sat wide eyed at the two men who waited for your answer. You hadn't thought anybody else had an interest in 1900s/2000s era film, especially given the time frame currently. Still, you chuckled to yourself, a definitive answer that never wavered rolling off your tongue.
"Easy. Labyrinth."
Argyle chuckled. "Labyrinth?" He repeated, almost confused. "Like Pans Labyrinth with the  hand guy?" He placed the backs of his hands against his eyes and motioned Pale Man's actions, leaving you laughing as Geordi swatted his arm.
"No, Y/N means the film about the goblin city and the girl who's brother is stolen by the goblin king, right?" Geordi nodded at you and you smiled back, nodding too.
"That one exactly, Geords."
"Huh," Argyle shrugged and smiled along with the both of you. "I still think it's Interstellar."
The three of you began working once more in a comfortable silence, and unbeknownst to you, a certain android had been listening to your conversation in its entirety.
Data was an enigma, but despite everything, the two of you were close. You'd begun talking to Data through Geordi, usually Data would be there when you had your meet ups in Ten Forward, not that you had minded. You found the man fascinating, he had such impartial views on everything, and he was knowledgeable about most topics, so he made for good conversation. Soon enough, you found yourself in Data's company more and more without the presence of anyone else; be that walks through the ship simply talking, or jaunts on various holodeck programmes, you were just happy to be with him. You hoped, though he didn't feel human emotion, he felt the same in his own rights.
Data watched you leave early for your lunch break, and walked to his friend.
"Geordi, may I inquire about your conversation with Lieutenant Y/N?" Data asked, and Geordi placed his hand on Data's shoulder.
"Of course, go right ahead."
Data asked him about your interest specifically, and what Labyrinth was all about. As Geordi recounted the plot, and all the fine details Data asked for in between, Geordi look quizzically at his friend.
"You planning on a movie night, Data? I would recommend it, but there are also far better films out there than that, in my humble opinion."
As Geordi laughed to himself, Data simply nodded.
"Thank you, Geordi."
You hadn't seen Data the next day, and when you had, it had been fleeting in the hall; usually your work meant you'd run into him almost hourly. You would be lying if you said it hadn't made you a little sad, but still, you carried on with your day, assuming that Captain Picard had given him more tasks than usual. What you didn't know in that moment, however, was how wrong you were.
Sighing, you entered your quarters and breathed out; another day was over and you could finally relax. You'd been enjoying your shift and the company was great, that much wasn't being disputed, but you found yourself simply longing for a nap. Exhausted, you asked the computer to dim the lights and made your way to the bed.
Upon entering your room, however, your eyes wandered to the package on your bed; a silver box tied neatly with a light blue bow. Attached was a note, seemingly handwritten in copperplate text.
'For tonight, 20:00 hours. Holodeck three. - Commander Data.'
Twiddling the note in your hands for a couple of seconds, you smiled to yourself. Everything that man did made you love him one bit more, though each and every time you would state that was impossible. Untying the bow delicately, it fell off and you opened the lid to reveal a mass of material, shimmering even under the dim light. Confused, you pulled it out of the box to reveal it was in fact a dress. As you lifted it, it unravelled fully and you could see the intricacies of the pleating combined with the embroidery, instantly recognisable to you; it was Sarah's dress from Labyrinth. A breath of shock left you as you stared at the dress in disbelief. The box also held her hairpiece, replicated with an accuracy you hadn't thought possible. Sleep was now the last thing on your mind.
8pm had rolled around both far too quickly and not quick enough for you. The halls were fairly empty as you stepped out of your quarters. Nerves overtook you as you approached the holodecks, but you couldn't think why. It was just another holo-adventure with Data, you'd done those before. The uncertainty of what he had planned was what got to you, though you knew it was more excited nerves than bad ones. Finally reaching the door, it opened for you and you gasped.
The light hit your eyes and the sounds of soft music came from inside. You stepped in, lifting the bottom of your skirt as you did so. Looking round, your eyes were met with people dancing everywhere. Tables and chairs littered the outside of the dancefloor, adorned with different foods and embellishments. Your eyes couldn't scan quick enough, every little detail was beyond accurate and you couldn't quite believe you were stood in your favourite film scene of all time.
Looking around, you failed to see Data, far too many people were spinning by you as you walked. A few offered their hands to dance but you declined politely, still searching for the android. Eventually, your eyes landed on him, and he approached you slowly, a mask covering his face. The closer he got to you, he reached his hand out, the music still playing softly around you. Taking his hand, Data lowered his mask and you saw his face; it was beautiful at the best of times but in the light of the ballroom he looked all the more handsome.
"Hello there," you spoke softly, unable to contain your happiness. Data nodded at you.
"Good evening, I am glad you showed up." His voice was low, but you heard him well despite the noise and giggled.
"As though I could say no."
Data began to sway you to the music, and you placed your hand on his shoulder and his free one laid on your waist. A gentleman, it never faltered either. As the two of you danced, Data leaned in closer to you and began to hum along, clearly having memorised the film beforehand. You instinctively curled closer to his chest, until his chin rested atop your head and you swayed in comfortable silence. The android slowly began to sing the lyrics, quietly, but definitely there.
"I'll place the sky, within your eyes..." Data trailed off as you lifted your head to look at him, astounded more than anything that the android had sung. Not only that, but he had a lovely singing voice, too.
"There's such a fooled heart, beating so fast; in search of new dreams, a love that will last.."
"I'll place the moon, within your heart." You cut him off with your own sing along, and you saw a faint hint of a smile present on his face.
Data spun you round, your skirt flowing around you seconds later, and danced just as you'd expect, with precision and correctness. The same smile never left your face as the dance continued, the two of you working around the others perfectly, as though you had done this a thousand times before. That was what you loved about him the most, that no matter what was happening or what you were doing, Data made everything comfortable. Never once had anything felt foreign, and you had just clicked with him instantly. He felt homely, and made you feel safe whenever he was around, and times like this made you realise why you'd fallen for him in the first place.
"Y/N, may I have your attention for a second?" He asked, pulling you out of your slight daydream as you stepped with each other calmly once more.
"As ever, Data, of course."
"I have been meaning to tell you this for a while now, though I did not know how best to approach such a subject. Upon consulting Geordi, I believe this was the best way to do it," Data gestured to the program, a more serious tone to his voice. He continued. "I recalled you mentioning that Jim Henson's work was among your favourites from the 20th century, in particular Labyrinth. I wished for this to be perfect for you, because that is what I believe you deserve."
"Data?" you questioned softly, looking the android in the eye as he carried on his speech.
"Since we began to talk more often, I realised that we got along very well, and you were very willing to listen to me talk; I cannot recall one time you have ever cut me off or told me to stop talking, for which I thank you. But, I have come to realise it is more than that. Though I do not have emotions, what I feel for you I know is true, and it most certainly is there. I believe, in my own way, I have come to care for you a great deal, and in human terms, I am sure that it is love. I love you, Y/N."
Your eyes were brimmed with tears, nothing but adoration in your eyes for the man stood before you. You stood shocked at his declaration, smiling nonetheless. Letting go of his hand, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. On your prompt, Data's arms wound themselves around your waist, keeping you against him as you spoke against his ear.
"And here I was, thinking this was purely one sided." You chuckled, and he pulled you back to look at you. No matter the time of day he found you beautiful, and right now Data couldn't deny to himself that such a fact was still true.
"Does that mean you also feel the same? That you.." For the first time ever, you cut him off, unable to contain the happy feelings you had.
"I do, I love you, Data."
On instinct, the android leant in and captured your lips with his own, and you took his face in your hands. The kiss was bliss, the sounds around you adding to the atmosphere, and this time neither of you could keep the small smiles off your faces. Pulling back, Data kept you held close to him, dancing with you once more.
"But I'll be there for you," he sang once more, and you rested your head against his chest and joined in.
"As the world falls down."
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Gavin’s Old Days Date- Analysis
I received an ask just then about this date and so I’m typing my heart away at 2 in the morning. It didn’t really fully sink in to how much of a good date Old Days was until some time had passed, with the way how I looked at Gavin back then different to how I saw him now. This date brought back so many emotions and memories- especially when it’s such a well-rounded story with various hidden meanings and references which enabled me to have something to analyse!
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This date circulates around Gavin and MC’s high school history in the span of days Friday and Saturday- on that fateful day when Gavin wanted to give the letter, to the night he waited for her.
It also has a circular storyline structure, from when MC first dreams of Gavin that catalyses following events. But something we also have to note is that the whole entire time until the very last few minutes- MC is ‘dreaming’.
The turbulent flow of time and space stunned me, and countless doors opened before me one by one.
The memory fragments poured in, and those images reflecting me and Gavin flew past quickly.
He turned his back to me and walked away, his white shirt fluttering in the wind, almost engulfed by the increasingly denser mist.
I shouted his name aloud and ran desperately, wanting to catch up with him, but the corner of his shirt was like wind that couldn't be grasped, dispersing between my fingers.
His figure became increasingly blurred as he was farther and farther, finally disappearing completely in the narrow field of vision.
Standing in the void, I seemed to have lost all directions and motivation forward.
Until a gentle breeze with a familiar fragrance blew the fog away.
There seemed to be dazzling sunlight piercing through the clouds, and after the mist dissipated, a completely different space-time appeared before me…
This part of MC’s dream is like a metaphor for Gavin’s sudden leave. The mini fragments of her memories and the information that she knew now compared to back in high school come together to try to form some comprehensible picture in her mind, which in this case- her dream.
(Which probably was helped by the presence of Black Cabin with the ‘“doors”. But I could also argue that it wasn’t, because this isn’t supposed to be the first time MC enters Black Cabin. Then again, dates differ from the main storyline.)
But just like how MC is Gavin’s North Star, without him, even she is lost and directionless. They both need each other. As they are each others’ mystery, they are each others’ answers.
“This uniform and medals are my beliefs, with you guiding me in the direction forward.” -Go See Him
MC wants to reach out, not wanting Gavin to leave her, just like how he left seven years ago. Though even here, Gavin’s wind helps guide her forward- to meet him again in this time-space.
Dreams are still a big mystery to us. Some say it reveals our deepest desires and fears presented by our subconscious. By listening to it, we are able to guide our efforts in achieving and chasing what we truly desire whilst avoiding our fears. And if some dreams are based on truth, then it can easily foreshadow what we are about to encounter.
As MC finally settles in appearing at their old school of Loveland High, she sees Gavin.
Through the crowds, he seemed to be looking at the girl standing on the middle of the flag raising platform with a speech draft in her hands. Without realising, he crumpled the letter in his hand even more tightly.
The infamous letter.
Moments ago he saw me, he was so shocked that his pupils contracted slightly. He also slipped when he was about to jump down.
“Who are you?”
The shock in his eyes was now replaced by alertness and uncertainty.
Gavin clearly doesn’t know this MC- because in this time-space, she doesn’t really exist. As I said above, as dreams can be based on truth and our desires, MC feels like she could have done something to correct their relationship in this course of time. But at this stage between her and Gavin, she doesn’t know much about it because he never explicitly told her and she wants to know. This dream is a manifestation of that.
MC: “Excuse me, do you know MC? I am her cousin.”
MC also experiences being her own cousin such as in Time Subway’s Loveland High Noodle Bar and STF Drill Ground.
Gavin looked at me suspiciously for a long time, and finally nodded indifferently.
Gavin: “Oh, what do you want with her?”
MC: “How is she doing in school lately?”
Gavin: “I don’t know her that well.”
Gavin helps MC locate herself- her high school self- but when she looks back, he has already disappeared. She then overhears students talking about Gavin getting beaten up by a hundred people and becomes an investigator into his whereabouts.
The next part of the date isn’t from MC’s narration, which led me to believe that this really did happen in MC and Gavin’s own universe. The ‘truth’ of the dream.
*Beating up happening*
Random Kid Who Doesn’t Have Better Things To Do: “I heard that our school overlord is transferring to another school. Is that true? Since you are leaving, why can’t you be good?”
Gavin: “That’s none of your business!”
Random Kid Who Doesn’t Have Better Things To Do: “True, but after you leave, your beloved girl will no longer be under protection, right? Don’t worry I’ll take care of her for you. And I heard she’s our campus belle.”
Gavin (fiercely with an angry face): “What did you say?”
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*More beating up*
MC’s POV begins.
Finally, I found the alley from memory.
Gavin: “You won’t get off so easily next time. Try getting near her and see what happens.”
Gavin leaves and even MC wasn’t fast enough to catch a wounded, bleeding Gavin. She racks her brains to try to figure out where he is, and finally comes to the piano room.
And BEHOLD- Gavin casually sitting on a ginkgo tree dressing his wounds.
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Gavin (annoyed): “Why are you everywhere…”
MC: “Are you waiting for MC? She’s preparing for exams so she won’t be here today.”
Gavin: “...I wasn’t looking for her.”
Gavin reluctantly agrees to follow MC into the infirmary and she starts to help properly dress his wounds.
MC: “Are you not a close friend with MC?”
Gavin: “... I’ve just heard her name before. She’s got good grades and she’s very kind.”
MC: “Have you ever talked to her?”
Gavin: “Nope.”
MC: “Then how do you know she’s kind?”
Gavin: “Why should I answer your questions?”
He looked a little vexed, looking away with his ears turning red.
MC: “Sorry, I meant well. It’s just that she’s mentioned you to me. She says you’re not as bad as what people say you are. You helped carry her books and took her to the infirmary…”
Gavin: “I just happened to be around.”
MC: “Err, then you must happen to be around quite a lot.”
Gavin: “How do you know all of this?”
MC: “She tells me everything. We even look very similar don’t we?”
Gavin: “But you act differently.”
MC helps Gavin finish patching his wounds and Gavin is noted to be unwilling to stay with her.
MC: “I have one more thing to tell you. MC is a bit slow. She is not as good as you think, and will also be blinded by rumours…”
Gavin interrupts me coldly.
Gavin: “She’s a very nice person. What she thinks of me has nothing to do with anyone else. If you're here just to tell me these things, then I don't need to listen to you.”
Gavin grabbed his uniform, but a white object fell from his pocket to the floor.
It was a crumpled letter. Stained in blood.
I went to pick it up but the paper slipped out and I caught a glimpse of the contents by accident.
Gavin quickly picked up the letter and put it back without saying a word.
There was a flash of dismissal in his eyes. He tried to flatten the creases on the letter awkwardly.
(RIP LETTER. He even tried to flatten it. GAVINNN)
Gavin’s view remains the same in their own universe- “You can’t change other people’s opinions but you can change your attitude towards them. Don't let yourself be easily affected. You shouldn't envy me. You’re different from me. You're kind and thoughtful. That's what makes you, you. Besides, I’m not as free as you think, and I care about a lot of things.” -Company Footage [Chapter 3-7]
The scene around her changes. MC figures that if this is the memory of her and Gavin, then the most important thing was to find him.
MC’s mind fixates on the familiar bloody letter- recalling its words. MC then sprints to the school library.
The library looked a little deserted in the darkness. Looking along the rows of bookshelves, I finally found Gavin seated next to the window.
At this point, Gavin has been waiting a whole day for high school MC to meet him. She didn’t read the letter that had the time he wanted her to come.
He turned around and the moment he heard my footsteps, and the glimmer in his eyes suddenly died away again when he saw me.
I realised that on this day, he had wanted to say goodbye.
He just frowned and looked away, uninterested.
MC: “Are you waiting for MC? She might have misunderstood. Sorry, let me apologise for her.”
Gavin: “It has nothing to do with you.”
He paused and said in a self-mockery tone.
Gavin: “I knew she wouldn't come anyway.”
I’ve never seen Gavin like this. At this time, he was still so young and one could easily read his emotions.
Only then did I realise how he described his past as a mere “regret” was an understatement. He had to endure the long wait and the misery of being understood silently.
(It’s 2am and I’m crying.)
I mistook the farewell letter as a threat and threw it away. I never tried to learn the truth and misunderstood him. And still was protected and cherished by him.
I never felt so sorry and never wanted to blame myself even more.
If I didn't know all of this, if we had never met each other after we went in opposite directions…
MC: “Although I know saying these now is meaningless...You’ll be a very awesome person in the future, and you will stick to your belief and to justice. And you’ll also meet the person you want to meet. Even though she might not be great and always troubles you, you will definitely meet each other in the future. So…”
But when I looked back up, Gavin was gone.
As if back to the beginning of the dream, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t catch up or make a sound.
And MC wakes up. (Circular storyline- starts and end with a dream- starts and ends with Gavin.)
“Why did it take you so long to answer? Did you just wake up?”
It was Gavin.
MC: “Gavin… I….”
Gavin: “Why do you sound so weird?”
MC: “I had a dream about you.”
Gavin: “Was it a bad dream? Don’t worry, it won’t happen. By the way, I'll be at your place soon. I brought steamed buns and soybean milk for breakfast.”
Just like how he bought milk and bread for her at the infirmary after she fainted during a school sports event.
The moment I saw Gavin, I threw myself into his arms, crying.
His strong chest, the familiar smell under his collar. This was Gavin, the Gavin who would never disappear or leave me.
Gavin: “Why are you crying?”
He tried to dry my tears clumsily, but both his hands were occupied, so he had to move to the table and put the breakfast down while I hung onto him like a koala.
Gavin: “Tell me, what was your dream about?”
MC: “In my dream, you skipped class, got into fights, and ignored me.”
Gavin: “...”
MC: “You also said, ‘it’s none of your business’ to me coldly several times.”
He held back laughter and listened to my tearful complaint. Then he suddenly took my hand, and slapped it on his palm.
Gavin: “Then bully me back now.”
MC: “Gavin, have you ever thought about… what if we didn’t meet?”
He gave it some thought and nodded seriously.
Gavin: “Yes I have. If I wasn't there, would the girl get bullied? Would someone be looking out for her? I’ve also wondered if someone would fall in love with her or give her a love letter.... Would she like someone else? So, if I were to meet her again, I must hold onto her.”
He took my hand lightly, and kissed it preciously, his voice soft.
“And never let her go again.”
(The same hands that helped dress his wounds. CRYING.)
All this time Gavin had regretted not being able to give the letter to her in person, presumably with the fear of rejection from the one person he cared about. Even if Gavin hadn’t had a conversation with her or knew her very well, the interactions they have had together was enough for Gavin to form an opinion of her- a strong enough opinion that even he refuses to listen to MC’s ‘cousin’ (interactions like wanting to introduce himself in the library but MC dashes off LOL).
Wanting to protect her continuously from the students during the alleyway fight and waiting day and night for her also really does showcase his determination and the effectiveness of having a glimmer of hope from and for someone goes a long way, especially with a loyal man like Gavin.
Additionally, MC states that he was cold to her, which shows that even someone who claimed to be her cousin wouldn't melt Gavin’s heart with secondhand words. (That wall that he built up between him and MC of how he bats each question she asks with another question LOL.)
Even in front of Cousin MC, he wants to keep up that tough and unbreakable persona, the one that high school MC is more familiar with- until the very end when he finally has to come to the conclusion that MC is not going to see him. This therefore really does make him think that she didn't want to meet him. And in the storyline, he really did have to live like that, thinking that she thought of him just like how everyone did- until they met again.
But after all that Gavin had been through, he’s willing to cherish every moment he has with MC in the future. Not basing their relationship off of the failures, misunderstandings and regrets- but their hopes and dreams of a better future together.
“Before you… I lower all my defences.” -Gavin
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safarigirlsp · 3 years
People have the right to point out when a writer is going too far with a topic that is offensive and hurtful. They have the right to complain if something is triggering. You and other big blogs here try to police people about what they say and that’s more bullying than saying some fic is offensive to its author.
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I took a while to reply because I toned my tenor down significantly in favor of largely saying my piece in gifs. Since it’s apparent that I’m dealing with some brand of immaturity to whom that should appeal.
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Firstly, you’re right on one point. People do have the right to exercise free speech. People have the right to do all sorts of unsavory things. However, exercising that right in the form of anon turdliness makes you an asshole. Everyone has the right to say shitty things and hurl cowardly insults and critiques. Exercising that right in this context makes you a garbage human. To do so anonymously makes you a coward on top of it.
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You say ‘when a writer is going too far with a topic that is offensive and hurtful.’
Number one- police yourself, you fucking child. If something will be offensive and hurtful, don’t read it. If that requires a level of foresight of which you are incapable, that is hardly the author’s problem.
Number two- ‘too far?’ Excuse you? Are you honestly so cloistered and narcissistic that you think your personal gauge of ‘too far’ should extend to any other person in existence? Do you honestly think that you have the right to impose your arbitrary values, tastes, and morals on anyone else? The next time you feel like hailing the moral high ground, please do without hiding behind anon while scouring the bowels of the internet for porn.
And ‘offensive and hurtful?’ To whom? Clearly, just to you, buddy. Again, what internal dysfunction would lead you to believe that your moral compass is the one that points true north?
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You state that you ‘have a right to complain if something is triggering.’
If something is not tagged correctly, it would be appropriate to mention that politely. However, even tags and warnings are not mandatory! They are a courtesy.
You have no right to complain about content and work product that you are consuming for free. Are you the sort of asshole who would go to dinner at someone else’s house and complain the steak is over cooked because you prefer rare?
Furthermore, the idea of complaining because something that you chose to interact with triggered you is beyond pathetic. That attitude and mindset is not going to serve you well in the real world. Try that bullshit in some real-world career setting and see how it flies. You’ll get a nice education about being triggered.
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You then state that other big blogs and myself ‘try to police people about what they say.’
This is almost not worth responding to, other than to point out the laughable hypocrisy behind you accusing others of policing behavior two sentences after you accuse a writer of ‘going too far.’ Again, this entitled victim mentality will serve you well in life.
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Bullying is trying to make someone else feel shitty for appropriately doing something they enjoy and minding their own business. Bullying is trying to shame people. Bullying is trying to force your opinions and values onto others. And it’s the mark of a coward to do so anonymously. Gee, who’s doing those things in this scenario?
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What I’m curious about is why in the actual fuck you or anyone else feels the need to seek out a writer and go send them nasty shit? Whoever that writer may be or whatever their content may be!
Is it because you’re jealous of their talent and ability to create? That’s certainly how it seems.
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You can always write your own stuff if you want something tailored to your whims. Put it out there into the ether. And deal with the bullshit yourself of randoms sending you their assholery.
You can also ignore content you don’t like and block people who piss you off. I know it’s a revolutionary concept, but you don’t have to engage with things you don’t enjoy.
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Regardless, you should attempt to conduct yourself as a modicum of a responsible adult. The only person responsible at all for your emotions and reactions is you. It will be good practice for when you have to deal with humans in person instead of anonymously online.
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lil-blueee · 3 years
Redamancy | Takashi Mitsuya x Reader (Tokyo Revengers)
Redamancy (n.): The act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
Treasure the time you spend together,
Treasure the ride in the evening time,
Treasure the confession under the night sky.
May you all feel the love and fall in love!
It is now eventide, the moment when the Sun deliberately goes down, exuding its vibrant red and orange rays that tints the former azure firmament. And here you are, resting on the leather chesterfield sofa while gazing at those skylights above. Broken lines of cumulus, or cotton-like clouds, are stretching for miles in the air, reflecting those fiery shades that intensifies the whole scene's saturation.
"Beautiful." You mumble, eyes lingering at that exquisite sight.
It doesn't take that long for a pitch black color to invade the sky, noticing that dusk is coming to your city. You raise up both arms to stretch that stiff upper body before a small growl grabs your attention. Looking at the clock, it's a quarter past six already.
"Guess he'll come back late tonight. I've to eat alone then."
You place your right hand on your stomach to feel that small rumbling sound - a signal for dinner time. The corners of your lips pull down to reveal a sad but so-be-it face. "Well, time to eat." You reheat the bento box in the microwave and prepare a glass of water before bringing them both to the table. Hands clasp together, you mumble, "Itadakimasu."
After finishing your meal, you sip a cup of warm tea while walking towards the bust mannequin, where the sleeveless white bridal gown is put on. Four different length of layers were sew from the waist line, covering half of the chapel train - the last and longest layer of the dress. To break free from the usual, monotonous gown, that man thoroughly embroidered roses on the left lateral, artfully arranged those small flowers from the shoulder to the side of the waist, and bigger ones when reaching the end of the train.
There's only one more piece left to complete the dress, a wedding veil. And it's also the final task for you - the girl making a messy bun for her wavy silver hair with apparent black highlights. Heading to the table where the folded tulle fabric is laying, you put the tea cup down, left hand slowly grabs your pair of black eyeglasses beside it. Eyes giving a quick glance at those thin lines drawn by tailor's chalk, you take one deep breath, ignoring some strains of hair falling down on the side and hold the sharp piece of scissors. After all, this dress is made for Hinata Tachibana, one of your best friends. I can't screw it.
You slowly cut off the excess length of the tulle until those metal blades return to their starting point, making the cabbage falls down the ground. Your other hand holds the outside edge of the fabric to trim its corners slightly, adding the curve for a graceful look. "Now then," A delighted smile appears on your face. Your sparkling gaze is looking through the edge of the veil again to see any jagged or uneven fabric needs cutting.
Immersing yourself in your work, you don't even recognize the presence of another man at the entrance, crossing his arms on one another. His head leans against the door frame, looking at you with those adoring droopy lavender eyes. "Quite meticulous, aren't you?" The lilac-haired mumbles, giving his compliment before he turns around and walks along the hall.
After that final touch, you sigh in relief, gently using your left hand surface to mop the sweat from your brow. "All we need to do is sew it. I should wait for Taka—" You startle. Whatever touches against your cheek literally makes your heart jump because of the cold sensation.
"What in the—" Like a natural reflex, you turn your head around to search for the source, but that sixth sense of yours can somehow guess the person standing behind this.
"You call for me?" He asks in a soft tone voice. In front of you right now is Takashi Mitsuya, a gentleman in his dark grey suit layered with a black shin length trench coat, projecting his professional image which instantly forms the first impression to anyone he meets. Hand passes you a bottle of water, the lilac-haired chuckles at the face he saw.
You keep staring at him, your eyebrows pull closer together while your lips tighten, making an angry but quite adorable face in his opinion. As you're about to give him a piece of your mind, his genuine smile immediately blows your anger away. That gentleman appearance, combining with his somewhat irresistible face are like a deadly combo suppressing your anger. How can I get mad like this? Placing your palm on the forehead, you ask yourself before telling him,
"You can just give it normal—"
Hold up! You pause when a thought runs through your mind and interrupts your speech. An idea? No, more like a revenge! Lower your face while smirking devilishly, one side of his slit eyebrow lifts up as he wonders what has got into you until...
"Actually, thank you very much, Takashi."
Calling for his name in a mischievous voice, you raise your slender hand not to take that bottle but to gently grab the other big, masculine one. Eyes lock with the others droopy lavender, you smile innocently as a way to express your affection toward him.
It doesn't take that long for the Second Division Captain to realize your intention. Instead of questioning about your rapid change in behavior, the lilac-haired decides to go along with your act. [First name]-chan, you're no match for me. His surprised face soon reveals a smirk, taking his time to respond you.
"My my~ you really mean it, [First name]?" said Mitsuya in a low tone voice.
He takes a few steps toward while you're doing the opposite, walking backward till your body hits the table without noticing. You startle but your attention is still drawn to his hand pulling the tie knot side to side to loosen that black plain necktie. This soon piques your curiosity. Is it because of the heat or he's doing it on purpose? However, judging the look on his face, you have every reason to eliminate the former assumption. Actually, no one will argue once they meet his sharp, yet flirtatious glance trying to lure you in his sweet trap. The gap is now shortened to only a few centimeters apart, Mitsuya rests both of his hands on the table to trap you inside then leans his lips closer to your reddened ear.
"Or you're asking for something else?" He whispers, sending shivers down your spine.
A flush of excitement is rising to your cheek, but you - my friend, show no signal of being dominated. In spite of the wild beating heart in your chest, you naturally grabs his tie and pulls it closer, looking straight into that man's eyes. "Make a guess."
Now you've done it. That confident expression of yours finally pulls the trigger for a massive explosion in his heart. It's not really something unexpected, but the Captain can't help himself whenever he sees you like this. The lilac-haired signs, looking down the ground to hide his defeated face. But, things won't end that easy.
"Alright, you said it. But," Unveiling a devilish smirk, his left hand wraps around your waist and gives a sudden pull, making your eyes widen from his unexpected move, "don't mad at me afterward."
The other hand is gently placing on your cheek before his thumb touches your lips. He's not gonna... There are butterflies in your stomach as you realize his intention, but sadly, it's too late to escape by now. Feeling his head is leaning closer, you place both hands on his chest to try and stop him though his body doesn't move a single bit. Hold up, hold up, hold up!!! Too close!
"Takashi, wait—" Your eyes shut immediately, knowing what he's about to do.  
Mitsuya pauses when his lips are only a few centimeters away. That man is taking a glance at your heavily blushing face and secretly smiling to see this shy and nervous side of yours. Oh my, now I'm the meanie. He signs. Well then...
Soft. Something touches the tip your nose - a light kiss, as light as a feather. As your mind is still trying to comprehend the whole thing, his giggle soon gets you back to your senses.
"I'm just joking! You don't have to worry!" You open your eyes and freeze like a statue. Noticing how tense up you are, his hand gently caresses your cheek where the heat is still lingering around. "Did I scare you, [First name]-chan?"
You know the answer, don't you? Well, he did surprise you in a way but... why not let him guess a little longer? "Who would?" You mumble.
"Really? Shall we try again the—"
Like an instinct, your palm covers his lower face as you know he won't leave you time to answer.
"Not so fast. I won't be tricked again." You smile cheerfully because this time for sure, victory is in your hand. However, life rarely happens according to your plans, and especially when you are with him.
His gaze sharpens and that makes you think twice about your action. Just when you're about to let your hand down, the lavender-eyed holds it in position and gives your palm a kiss. You raise your eyebrows and are completely shocked at his gesture. Mitsuya gently places your hand in his palm, bowing down like a gentleman greets a lady before his lips touch your knuckles. This greeting gesture, hand-kissing, normally indicates courtesy and politeness but not in this case scenario. 
"Are you sure about that, my Muse?" He asks with a mischievous smile.
And the Cupid - the god of love in the Ancient Roman, shots his arrow right through your heart, again. Love and passion are spreading out from your wound, making you fall for this man for... how many times you have lost count to be honest. The only difference is that you sink deeper and deeper every time the Cupid has his decision.
"So now you're into role play just simply because of the suit? And what Muse would wear a white tube top with grey sweatpants like me?" You chortle.
"Well, doing it once in a while isn't so bad though." He answers. "And you're always beautiful no matter what you wear."
That makes your heart skip a beat. He always says what in his mind, even if you're ready for it or not. "You sure are good with words." Whispering softly, you don't know what to do but to smile happily like a child.
"Anyway, how was the meeting with your customers?" You ask.
"The good news is we have a big order coming up. It's for their wedding and they chose the design already. One mermaid wedding dress and a tuxedo. We have to make five dresses for the bridesmaids too, so it's gonna be a busy week."
"Oh no, it's not that much... Lemme fainted a little." Without waiting him to respond, you let your head fall down on his shoulder, creating a big "thump" sound in the ears. The Captain is trying hard not to laugh by now. He gently pats that heavy head of yours.
"But still, I'll try my best to help. Can't let my beloved handle everything, right?" There you go, being mischievous again.
Wish you could see his face at that time. It was the most happiest face in the world. He wraps you in his arms for a full, warm embrace. "And I don't want my Muse to be exhausted too."
"But we'll put that aside for now. Wanna go for a ride? It must be bored to spend your whole day in the workshop."
Your eyes wide open to hear his suggestion. How long has it been since the last ride you guys had with each other? You're obviously happy to hear that but you're quite concerned about his health. "Maybe you should rest for today, you must be tired already."
"It's okay. I need to refresh my mind a bit. Lemme get change real quick." He gives you a light pat on your head.
Standing in front of the garage, you're gazing at Mitsuya, who is wearing an energetic set of cloth, opposite to the formal style earlier. He layers his white tee with a loose black baseball jacket with cream leather sleeves. This jacket was you two first couple cloth, and it was made by you-know-who. For the bottom, he puts on grey sweatpants and a pair of sneakers.
Your man is taking his baby Impulse out. The lavender-eyed is looking for something, your helmet. He slowly puts it on for you to ensure your safety while you sit behind him.
"Hold on tight." No matter how many times he has taken you out, that sentence always comes up first like a habit. Yes, you understand clearly that he cares about you, but seeing him like this somehow makes you want to tease him.  
"Come on! It's not like my first time letting my boyfriend take me for a ride~" Leaning your body closer to his back, you slowly give that muscular body a hug from behind. The lilac-haired sighs, lowers his head before turning around.
"And it's not like my first time saying this to my girlfriend." He responds while gives you a light flick on your forehead. "I just want to make sure you'll feel safe."
You release your hands to touch the spot where he aimed. Knitting your eyebrows, you ask. "Alright, but do you have to give me a flick?"
"Cause I feel like it." Now your nose is being pinched. Right after when you try to react, Mitsuya grabs your hands and puts them around his waist again. "Alright, no more teasing. We'll be back late if we don't leave now."
You actively tighten your arms so that someone won't give a long lecture again. "Fine, baka Taka."
"That's my girl." Closing his eyes, those lips reveal a winsome smile before his black full face helmet covers it. Once everything is set, he starts the engine and drive you both to the main road.
Resting your head on his firm back, your eyes slowly observe the night life in the city, looking at those cars running on the road and how people spend the rest of their night. Every time the winds blow through your hair, they always give a sense of relaxation, relieving all the stress you have during those working hours.
You breathe out bit by bit, tighten your embrace without noticing, which is a good sign for the person sitting in front of you. Glad she's enjoying this. The lilac-haired chuckles in secret, feels glad at your reaction.
Fifteen minutes have passed by, you two leave the city center, driving on a deserted road that leads to an abandon outdoor parking space overlooking the city's view. This is his go-to place whenever he seeks for the tranquility and now, it's yours too. Mitsuya drives right to the spot where you can observe the mesmerizing scene below and parks his Impulse.
Arms in the air, you stand up and stretch your back after spending nearly the whole day in his workshop, helping him to finish the wedding dress on time. Turn your head around to look at the man sitting side saddle, you ask. "Just three days left. We'll finish Hina-chan dress before it, right?"
"Yeah, I only need to sew the veil and adjust the length of the dress a bit." Mitsuya responds before gazing at you with a delighted face. "It all thanks to your help! Your skills have improved a lot after two months."
"Really? Guess I have to thank someone being patient while teaching me too~" Your mind then recalls how many times he sighed and flicked your forehead when you messed up during your practice. Despite of that, your caring teacher always there to explain and demonstrate again and again. Also, you can't forget the times you injured yourself because of your clumsiness, and he was always there to help you. Those are the memories that you're always cherish.
"I'll still be in your care, Sensei~" You giggle.
Sitting beside the man you love, you lean your head on his shoulder while getting lost in thought. 12 years huh... They finally make it. The fact that Hanagaki could travel back in time is always unbelievable because to you, it's something that only appears in sci-fi movies. You're really grateful that he tries to save everyone even if he has to risk his life. Not knowing what the future may hold, every moment staying with Mitsuya just becomes precious and you truly appreciate it.
Hina-chan finally escapes from the Death, now they're about to engage. "I'm glad for them."
Hearing your mumble, his left arm, which wrapped around your waist, moves its way up to pat your head. Those fingers that he uses to design beautiful clothes are now gently stroking your hair.
"What're you thinking about?" He asks out of curiosity.
"I was thinking..." After a few seconds of consideration, you say something out of the blue "when will I become a bride?"
From your unexpected answer, Mitsuya completely freezes. His astonished face with raised eyebrows and wide-opened lavender eyes is fully drawn to you. Looks like someone's heart just skips a beat. You really are...
Not seeing the Captain react, you ask him with concern. "Taka— Wh—what???"
As you're about to lift your head up, his hand quickly covers your eyes, pressing it down to the old position. You're wondering what the heck is going, not knowing Mitsuya is facing the other direction, hands cover his face. He's making time for the blush to fade away but it's impossible when you're struggling like this. 
"Stay still for awhile, will you?" A long sigh escapes from his lips when you're trying to pull his hand off.
After realizing how physically strong he is, you finally surrender. "Fine, I give up."
The atmosphere go into silent, no one has opened up first because you're waiting for him, and your boyfriend? He's still trying to calm himself down. Once Mitsuya gets back to his cool, usual shelf, he removes his hand to reveal your sound sleeping face.
"[First name]-chan?" He whispers.
Oh... She must be exhausted. Caressing your cheek before moving to your ear, his mind suddenly recalls your words. The Captain tries to move his other hand without waking you up, manages to take something out of his pocket. He then remains silent, eyes are focusing that small box lying in the palm of his right hand. "A bride, you said..."
His thumb opens the box, staring at the thing placing in the middle. For some reasons, your man hesitates before taking out the circle object, raising it up to the night sky and gazing deeply.
"You should fall for someone else." He mumbles.
"That's what I said when you confessed your feelings. But you, you still stay around after everything we went through, after knowing my background." Mitsuya pinches your cheek lightly because he doesn't want to interrupt your sleep.
"How stubborn you are."
You can feel something touch your face but only make an annoyed expression like a reflex.
"You always talk to me, run toward me whenever I'm around, and even learn how to sew. And just like that, I get familiar with your presence in my life."
"I used to think if you were in love with someone else, I would be rooting for you and make sure you find a good guy. But right now, I don't think I can let you go—— No, more like I won't let you go this time."
His hand puts something on your right ear. It's his other signature piercing - a black huggie earring with silver crosses.
"One for me, one for my most important person. Hope you won't laugh at my childish thought, I was young and bold." He chuckles at his own thought.
"I'm not ready to be your spouse yet, not when I'm still struggling with financial issues. I don't want my love to struggle it with me."
"Just a little more, will you wait for me, [First name]-chan?"
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Gimli (my beloved) and grima? (I'm a hobbit and lotr books only kind of person sorry for the lack of niche characters)
Nooo don't say that, characters aren't better just because they're niche, Frodo is literally my Tolkien Blorbo!!
I'm also loving the alliteration of the character choices
one aspect about them i love: His deep love for all that is beautiful. I love beautiful things myself, but on a very superficial level? Things are pleasant to look at, that's all. But Gimli often speaks of beauty which stirs emotions and I love seeing the world through his eyes in that way. Give me a bow and call me Legolas because I would visit the Glittering Caves after being moved by Gimli's speech
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: He has so much depth! I've mentioned before that I feel like Gimli is beloved in the fandom but not taken seriously by it. He seems almost an interchangeable dwarf? Or maybe the Platonic ideal of a dwarf, actually. But Gimli has a very specific personality. He's sensitive and wise and courteous and full of regrets. He's complex, damnit!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: He's slightly cynical and pessimistic. Hoping against hope doesn't come easily to him. Like Frodo, he does what's right not always because he thinks there's any hope of it making any difference, but just because it's the right thing to do
one character i love seeing them interact with: Listen, Legolas is the most cliche answer I can give and I know it but. It's Legolas.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Pippin. You know that scene where he just sends Pippin off to bed while randomly saying how much he loves him? Give me more of that please!!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: He makes so many toys for Aragorn’s children it's frankly obnoxious. Aragorn has asked him to tone it down more than once but he will not, thank you. He would make jewels for Arwen but she's too much like her grandmother's, he doesn't dare to presume he could improve on her beauty. But kids are free real estate to be spoiled :D
one aspect about them i love: If I'm being entirely honest, I haven't spent as much time thinking about Grima as I have about characters that are objectively much more minor than him (sorry Grima!) so this is probably a veeeery basic answer, but my favorite aspect is that he shows me the importance of what Faramir says, that war must be while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all. Seeing the value of kindness comes very easily for me, but Grima teaches me a veeeery value lesson that kindness is not the same as avoiding conflict. If you don't stand up for yourself you end up allegedly eating a hobbit, you know? Sometimes you just have to take a stand
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: I'm hardly the one to be opinionated about him! One aspect I wish I understood more about him is that he's just a very scared character. Like I said a while ago, his a poor meow meow like Gollum, and I keep forgetting that just because I spend less time with him :/
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Finally something I can answer easily! I love to take the Wormtongue epithet and taking it to its logical extreme. I think of other dragons of Tolkien and can't help wondering if Grima isn't actually an excellent judge of character. Like, far above average, could give Gandalf a run for his money. He's afraid of people like Saruman and Eomer because he's keenly aware of how dangerous they can be in a way other people suspect but don't know for sure.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Theoden. I find it fascinating how Theoden tries to walk a line between justice and mercy, and how Grima doubles down on treachery at every turn
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Hm... Good question. I've always thought of him as a bit of a foil to Faramir, but I can't see how they'd interact in canon? But hypothetically, I wish they would, I think that'd be interesting
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: It's much, much easier for him to be cruel to the men of Rohan than to the hobbits. You'd think not, right? But he doesn't feel guilty about fighting back against strong Men who would kill him in a heartbeat, while hobbits unfortunately make him feel like he's kicking puppies. He'll do it because he sees no other options, but he gets no satisfaction out of it
Can I just thank you, btw, I think I like Grima more now lol I'm going to pioneer a couple therapy style where you just have to take an active and good-faith interest in someone and write out answers in detail
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Hey! Can I request Yoongi x Male Reader where they have been dating for four years and Yoongi finally proposes one night. Romantic and maybe a little bit NSFW. reader is BOTTOM.
Ok, first of all I am sooo soRRY it took me so long to write this hshsj. And sorry too for not making it nsfw, I just wasn't in the mood for writing it. However I hope you still enjoy it!
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Male Reader
Word count: 1,6 k
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"This has to be ready by 5 p.m, okay? I entrust this to you, Sunny."
The girl smiles at you and nods, taking the documents you've left on her desk, and is encouraged to speak. "You don't have to worry, Y/ N. If we have problems with this, leave it to me for today."
You let out a sigh that you didn't know you were holding. "Thank you very much."
Sunny nods before flipping through the papers and going to her computer to start working on her part of the new project. Now you head to your own cubicle to finish all to-do tasks as possible.
You were a little more stressed than before because your boss asked you to carry out a new project for the company where you work, and of course you could not refuse, despite the fact that it was heavy and took a lot of your time in recent weeks. You had to put aside many activities that you had planned, appointments, visits to the recording set that your friends had previously invited you to, and you even missed your 4th anniversary with Yoongi.
Of course he understood, in addition to that he also took advantage of that time to finish composing a couple of songs that had to be ready in that same week, but you hadn't had the opportunity to celebrate, until now.
You really want to finish all the pending tasks to go out on your date with Yoongi and have a nice time together, in addition to the fact that this weekend he is free of activities, which does not happen often, so you wanted to make sure that you won't have to return to work for the next two days, at least. Maybe that's why you feel a little distressed today, but remembering that in a few hours you will have a date makes the spirit come back and impel you to continue with your work today. Fortunately, the work team assigned to you is very fast and efficient in projects, so things are looking a little easier for now.
The rest of the day goes pretty fast; and even though there were some difficulties with some assignments, you were capable of solving all the unforseen problems, something that your boss took note of and encouraged you to keep it up like that.
As the clock striked 6 p.m. you saved your progress and sent it to your boss as a report for today's activities and prepared to go back home. Everyone knew that was the end of your shift, so no one could distract you or ask for more stuff related to work. You made sure everything was in order and as you went back to Sunny's cubicle, she gave you a thumbs up to indicate that you were free to go and enjoy your weekend.
With a smile on your face and a relief making you feel less tense, you say goodbye to your work teammates and rushed out of the building to go to your car. That's when you could finally open your messages and see a few more from Yoongi, where he asked if you could go to his studio once you finished working.
With a frown you reply that there's no problem at all, thinking that maybe he has something to show you or maybe he is late from working on his songs and wanted to take you to the restaurant so you wouldn't wait too much for him.
The way to the Big Hit building is not so far from your workplace, and sometimes Yoongi took advantage of that when he finished his work early than expected. He went to visit you and grab lunch together, or sometimes when you were extremely busy and couldn't take so much free time, he left you food with cheesy and cheering messages on sticky notes.
Once you get to the building, the receptionist greets you with a smile since everyone from the staff already knows you. Yoongi's studio is on the fifth floor, so you head to the elevator, and see Hoseok and Jimin, who are also going up, to their dance practice.
“Hyung! How have you been? We haven't seen you in awhile.” Jimin greets with a smile and Hoseok goes for a high-five.
You three have a short conversation about your work and how are they gave you news about the comeback they've been preparing the last few weeks until they arrive at their floor and go to the practice room.
“I'll see you around, guys” You say goodbye as they wave their hands and the elevator doors are closed. Just two floors more and you can finally walk down the hall until you see Yoongi's studio door. You decide to knock a few times but get no response from him, so you guess he must be using his earphones. He has told you the password, so you put it on the small keyboard and the door opens; Yoongi is right there when you enter.
“I was about to open the door for you,” He chuckles and closes the door once you totally step inside. A kiss on your lips as a greeting is what you get, making you feel on cloud nine. “How was work?”
You frown a bit noticing that he doesn't move from his spot. “Great. Kind of stressful but I could finish on time, so I'm free all weekend. How does that sound, hmm?”
Yoongi smiles and hugs you tight.
“Is everything alright?”
“Everything is perfect” He answers as he places his hands on your hips and separates to look at you in the eyes. “I want to show you something here.”
You don't ask what is he talking about because he immediately takes your hand and guides you inside. The black walls of the small hall doesn't allow you to see anything rather than some lights, but as soon as you both step into the room you frown, seeing that the recording studio's windows are covered, so you can't see through.
Yoongi sits down in front of his computer and saves the progress of what he was working on today, so that makes you feel more confused.
“Why is the window covered? Did you guys filmed something inside?”
“No, I put it there for something I want to do, but wait a minute, I'll show you and you have to give me your honest opinion.”
“Uh, mysterious, I like how that sounds.”
Yoongi laughs, “You don't even know what is it. How do you know you won't hate it?”
“I know for sure I won't, now show me! You know I am impatient.”
“I have the stubbornest boyfriend on earth.” Yoongi pinches your cheek as he stands up and walks to the door. “You have to close your eyes first.”
“Fine, fine,” You do as indicated and walk behind him, your hands over his shoulders so he can guide you again. You wait for a few seconds until he closes the door.
“Don't open them yet!” He walks past you and you can hear him moving around and grabbing things. The sweet smell of jazmine and lavender get to your nostrils.
“What are you doing? Can I open my eyes now?”
He remains silent for a few seconds more, fixing his hair and clothes and taking a look at what he did one last time. “Okay, you can open them now.”
You swear you could faint right there and right now as you see that Yoongi set what it seemed like a dinner for you two. On the floor there were some petals, pillows and sheets around a basket, and next to it there was a black piano with some candles above it, setting the perfect tone for a romantic dinner.
“Oh my god, Yoongi, wh-”
“I really wanted to celebrate our anniversary on a special place, I thought that restaurants are not fun anymore.” He smiles and offers you your hand, so you walk to him and hug.
“Yoonie, this is so beautiful, you did this on your own?”
“Yeah, well, the boys helped too.”
You can't help but chuckle, “I love it so much. Thank you for this.”
“Anything for my baby.” Yoongi kisses the tip of your nose and separates from you, signaling you to take a seat.
The night goes so good; you both eat the food Yoongi made (and that Seokjin helped preparing, as well). Drank a couple of glasses of wine, shared some memories of when you started dating; also the things you wanted to do in the future, the things you both wanted to achieve together, so that made Yoongi fondly smile.
Yoongi had a whole speech ready when you finished eating, right when you started talking about the future, but when he sees the smile on your face, he simply says: “Marry me.”
You nearly let the glass of wine fall to the floor. “W-what?”
He blushes and takes his time to stand up and take the small black velvet box he had the entire time hidden above the piano and walks to be closer to you, taking a sit right in front of where you are. He opens the box and repeats himself: “Marry me.”
You can't really process what is happening now, but the sincere smile on Yoongi's face, his reddened cheeks and his eyes shining for the love for you makes things clear.
“Of course I'll marry you, Yoon” You say with a smile and your heart beating so fast. Yoongi takes your glass and places it on the floor so he can finally put that ring on your finger. Your hands are slightly shaking so that makes him laugh, but when the ring is finally on its place, the smile on his face seems to never disappear. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The rest of the night is full of kisses, hugs and a slow dance. Later there will be time for Yoongi to show you the song he composed for you.
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rreeaahh · 3 years
Noble Chantage | Fred Weasley (02)
CHAPTER 2 - “It’s Queen for you, Weasley”
WORD COUNT - 2,406
SUMMARY - After having a fit of anger, you realize that, after all, some people near you are meant to make life easier.
WARNINGS - angst; flirt; a little swearing
TAGLIST (message me if you want to be added) - @lucymfer @prongsyy @famdomhideout @anywherebuthere​ @garyluly​
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“I can’t believe you just said that!”
Laughing, I continued to run my fingers in Cedric’s hair, messing with his warm, brown locks.
“You’re the one who mentioned his name,” I said in my defense, which only made him frown his brows.
I looked down at him, his head on my lap. Cedric Diggory was a handsome boy and every girl on Hogwarts would’ve killed to be in my place in that moment. My index went down to his face, tracing the shape of his nose, stopping to his bottom lip and then going up to the other one. His soft and sweet lips were the ones which convinced me to stay to his side two years ago, when he kissed the back of my hand after walking me to my Common Room. For already two years Cedric Diggory was spoiling me with his attention, far from people’s eyes. It was nearly a miracle how our nearly-but-not-really-relationship stayed a secret that long. We met in the library, and he got my attention with his manners – very polite and he knew to respect a girl. He walked me to my Common Room every time we’ve met and sometimes I could’ve received flowers from him – daisies, his favorites – something very important in my opinion. Mat’ taught me that a true gentleman is the one who knows how to get his way to your heart subtle, without you realizing it.
“And you’re the one who said he’s handsome – I thought you didn’t like Quidditch that much.”
“My father’s a big fan of him, so I guess I know something about him in particular,” I smiled devilish, watching the jealousy growing on his face.
“D’you like him because he’s Russian? Does it have something to do with your DNA or something?”
“Cedric!” I laughed and slapped his chest gently. “Viktor Krum’s Bulgarian.”
He rolled his eyes. “Same thing, Y/N,” he said. “You fancy him and your dad likes him, that git.”
I knew he was joking, putting that much hate on the name of a famous Quidditch player – but he was funny playing the victim and he only wanted me to have a good time with him, always putting a smile on my face.
“Maybe if your dad would see me playing he’d like me too,” he whispered, playing with the end of my hair between his fingers.
Cedric had those jokes – I preferred to think of them as jokes – he wanted to mention his name to my parents, to tell them my sympathy for the Hufflepuff boy.
I pulled out the air in my lungs and looked away from his face. “Don’t start it again, Ced,” I asked him, already exhausted at the thought of that topic.
“Aren’t you tired of hiding?” he questioned and got up, looking me in the eyes. “Because I am.”
“It’s not like I have a choice,” I sighed and closed my eyes. When I opened them, he was still watching me.
“You do have a choice, Y/N, but you’re not choosing me.”
The accusation hit me like a punch in the stomach – his eyes were dark, nearly black, and I was asking myself if he was sad or mad.
“You don’t understand, Cedric,” I said in the same tonality, hoping to make him give up.
“I do understand your family, but I don’t understand why aren’t you saying something – you’re keeping me a secret for almost two years.”
“What do you want me to say? You want me to tell them I’m madly in love with you and there’s nothing they can do?” I snorted, rolling my eyes which made him even angrier, somehow. I guess I have this hidden talent: to make people angry, and then angrier. “Besides, it’s not like you’re shouting out loud how much time you spend with me, or how much you tell me I’m the best in everything!”
He was amused, I could tell by the way his eyes went smaller, in an almond shape. “You are the one who’s telling me to not tell people! You think I don’t want to tell all those gits who are drooling over you that you’re mine?”
Part of his words were truth: I directly told him to never tell anyone, I even made him swear to me and I told him that I’m a revengeful witch, so I wouldn’t forgive him if he’d broke his promise. But he still was somehow wrong. The gits who are drooling after me, as he called them, are the ones who provided me so much fame in a short time; being a nice looking girl, being unapproachable, made me who I am in Hogwarts – so my reputation, the way my last name was known in that school, was because the boys wanted me and the girls wanted to be me. It took me a while to be comfortable with that idea, but mat’ made sure I’d understand something: I’m a Rosier, people would always want something from me.
“Oh, Cedric,” I laughed and I got up, moving in the small compartment to the window and then to the door – it was a strange habit of mine, “Do you think I’m yours?”
The mean smile on my face made him confused, and that made me smile brighter. “What?”
“Yeah, no, I think it’s cute,” I added and stayed in front of him. “To think that you own me, when we both know it’s not true.”
“You know what I meant, Y/N,” he said exhausted, but he knew very well how much he fucked up the situation.
When I was away from home, I was free: nobody’d tell me what to do, what to say or wear directly, so I wasn’t very pleased to hear that he considered me his property in any way. “I know one think very well, Diggory,” I said in a cold voice, “You don’t own me. In fact,” I laughed, “you couldn’t afford me. Who do you think you are?”
He wasn’t expecting that kind of response from me, that was sure, but he said nothing as I continued to walk. “You want me to tell my parents about you? Tell them what? Mat’, papa, this is Cedric Diggory,” I started a fake speech, laughing, “He’s a very good Quidditch player, papa, he’s in Hufflepuff, he’s in love with me, clearly, but oh, Merlin, he’s too blind to see that he’s also a toy of mine!” I ended rising my hands up in the air.
He was frozen. “What?” was all he could whisper, searching my eyes to look for a little sparkle.
“C’mon, Ced,” I pouted my lips, “Don’t tell me you think that I could see you more than a waste of time! You’re nice, don’t get me wrong.”
“You’re just mad,” he said confident in his words, “You don’t mean it, Y/N, you always talk shit when you’re angry.”
“If that’s so, don’t you think that I’d make ‘our relation’”, I drew the commas in the air, “public? At least at school? Oh, no, darling,” I laughed again, finding very funny that idea, “I don’t show off every toy I get, you know?”
The devilish smile on my lips was erased by the tip of his wand,  pointed to my face. “Get out,” he demanded, not even looking at me.
“You’re threatening me?” I asked, holding back my laugh.
“Don’t make me do something I’d regret, Rosier,” he said, now looking at me with a hurt expression.
With a fast move of my hand, I was in the possession of my Reed Wood wand, casting an unspoken spell which made his wand come to me. I took it in my left hand, smiling proudly. “I think you forget who you’re dealing with, love,” I said in a mocking tone, the expression on his face giving me chills all over my spine – he was mad, hurt, annoyed: it made me sad and satisfied at the same time.
“I’ll go now only because I want to,” I clarified and opened the door, “Because nobody tells me what to do, and nobody should point their wand at me, Cedric,” I said in a serious tone, “I thought you’d know better,” I spat and threw his wand at his feet, careful not to damage it, and I closed the door after me, striking it to its frame.
I hated so much that he was right: when mad, I’d tell a lot of shits which were only meant to hurt the person I’d be arguing with. It was a flaw of mine, the short temper, but it hurt me very much to see him pointing his wand at me, wanting to hurt me or at least show me he’d be stronger. As long as I’d have my wand in my hand, nobody could be stronger: my mother always told me that she knew, deep down, that I’d be the strongest witch in my family, especially after I inherited my grandmother’s wand, which had a Dragon Heartstring core.
Even if my words were meant to hurt him, I realized they had something true behind: I knew very well that a relationship with someone who’s not a Pureblood Slytherin was worthless – in the end I wouldn’t have my parents’ approval and they’d eventually find me a husband, something I was still trying to prevent, somehow. Maybe Cedric was a toy for me – a fun thing to distract myself from all the craziness I’ve had in my world. To distract me from my parents’ authority and to give me a sense of leadership. I immediately erased that idea from my mind: my sense of leadership was not given by him; I was a leader, I had people that respected me and I had the authority myself. Hogwarts was the place where I was the Queen, I only needed to remember that.
All the thoughts made me go blind of what was happening in front of me, that explaining why I was hit by a body and than laying down to the metal floor, surrounded by small and colored balls. I was thinking about myself like a God, so that kind of interruption made me boiling mad.
“Are you alright?” asked a voice and a similar one responded before I could even move.
“I don’t think she is, mate.”
I got up, fast, ignoring the pain my ribs were feeling after falling on them, because I didn’t know what amount of skin was shown by my skirt. “Of course it’s you two,” I said in a sour voice, frowning my brows at the sight of the Weasley twins. They were nothing else but trouble and I was lucky enough to have every single class with them.
“It’s just Rosier, Georgie,” Fred said in a bored tone, gaining a slight punch in his shoulder by his brother.
“Are you ok?” George asked in his always kind way. He was acceptable, only a pawn in his brother’s plans, which he followed loyal. Fred, on the other hand, was eyeing me unimpressed by my presence.
To say we hated each other was a big thing: we only wanted to be better than each other. I knew he wanted to be more popular than me by doing all those silly pranks and coming with those crazy ideas, and being in the school’s newspaper was a big deal for both of us. At every big event the little Gryffindor kid – who’s name I could never remember – would be present, would take a photo and then other students, mainly Ravenclaws helped by Hufflepuffs, would write a spicy story, enough to make the whole school to talk about that subject until the next edition. I was the main protagonist when it came about drama, a new jewelry or my performance at the Duelling Club, along with my grades, and he and his twin would be on the front page after doing some crazy shit.
“Good enough to hex your brother,” I said to George, not even looking at Fred. Giving him as little attention as you could was a torture for him.
“We’re sorry,” George apologized, but his brother was fast enough to correct him.
“I’m not,” he commented.
Rolling my eyes and squeezing in my hand the wooden wand, I looked at my nails. “I’m not surprised you’re a jerk, but I think your mother raised you better than this.”
Bringing his family in discussion always made Fred anxious, for a reason or another, even if I always tried to not say something harmful about them.
“I didn’t see you, lawn gnome,” he smirked and I snorted. He got even taller and he found it funny to laugh at me because a nonsense like that.
“Very mature. Where were you hurrying, gingers?” I asked George, out of curiosity.
“Going to meet Colin Creveey,” he said proudly.
When he saw the confusion on my face, he smiled and continued, “For Hognews,” he clarified, mentioning the newspaper’s name.
“We were going to show him our new product, but somebody scattered all over the train,” Fred said in an annoyed voice, looking down to the floor, to the small balls.
“I’m not sorry,” I said to his annoyance.
“We’re still going, we have a few left,” he answered proudly, crossing his hands to his chest. “We’re going to make it first page and you can’t stop us.”
“Oh, Fredrick,” I laughed, making George smile too, “I don’t even want to stop you two from doing such great things.”
He was astonished, just like his brother. “Ok, I think.” George punched him again, straightening his voice – he hit him harder this time, because Fred mouthed a little ow. “I’m sorry for making you fall,” he apologized, doing his brother’s wish.
“Oh, what was that?” I asked, amused, forgetting about the hard feelings between us. “I didn’t hear you.”
He smirked. “I think you didn’t, due to the distance, little gnome.”
I made something which made him stare at me like I was crazy. I stepped on his red shoes, raising myself. I was reaching the level of his eyes now, and it was good enough. “You can repeat now.”
Fred woke up from his daydream and shocked me by putting his hands on my waist, a cocky smile on his lips. “I’m sorry, princess.”
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of having me speechless because of his hypocrisy, I smiled. “It’s Queen for you, Weasley.”
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handmaid - 12
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, anxiety 
A/N: hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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Y/N stood in her bedroom considering Daniel’s words. Clueless. God, the word itself stung coming from someone she had grown to see as a big brother. Clueless. Well, sure, she did not exactly know what happened behind closed doors with both the Stan family and Forrest family business but neither did Daniel, or at least as well as he bragged to know. She had heard both families were cruel but in all honesty, she just couldn’t imagine any of the heads of both families being those monsters people spoke of. She specially could not imagine Sebastian to be the monster Dan wanted to paint him, no. He had kind eyes, he didn’t have the type of darkness that she had seen in various other lesser associates, he had peaceful ones like the sea after a storm. Besides, Y/N liked to consider herself a good judge of character so maybe Dan was just being overprotective.
Annoyed, she huffed, turning on her side with her phone on her hand as she searched for the contact she wanted to call. She took her phone up to her ear, hearing the dialling tone for what felt for ages until the familiar operator voice came through. The number you have dialled is unavailable, please leave your message at the sound of the tone.
     - Hi Sebastian, it’s Y/N. I just ... I just wanted to check on you, to see if you’re alright. Give me a call when you can. Okay ... bye. 
She sighed, throwing her phone to the side table before getting under her duvet, her mind finally getting time to wrap around what had happened days prior. Why didn’t she feel guilty she had kissed a very engaged man? She always thought that cheating was a terrible thing to do to someone yet right now all she could think about was that maybe ... maybe she would be able to do it again. It wasn’t right but he was just so electric, magnetic even and his words echoed in her mind like a drum ... I’m here for you, no one can harm you. 
Sure, she had protection at most times considering Elias and Christian, whenever not in Gwen’s bedroom, were constantly around ensuring that no one got in or out of the house without permission or reason to do. However, protection from Sebastian sounded ... sweeter, warmer even. No man had ever told her they were there for her, much less they would fight their own wife for her (this mostly due to her preference at avoiding married men). It was unfair, very unfair that the very first time she felt seen and protected ... maybe even fully appreciated was by someone she just couldn’t have.
As her mind raced through various excuses as to why she kissed the mob boss, the sleepless nights caught up to her and soon she found herself surrounded by the familiar darkness of slumber. She woke up once again with the sun beams cutting through her window and decided that maybe right now what she needed was a good amount of food.
Going down the stairs, the familiar sight of Amelia in the kitchen preparing a fresh brew of coffee made her sleepily smile. This was the normality and home life she needed after all of Paris’ events. 
    - Good morning, Miss Y/N. How was Paris? - she turned on the kettle at the sight of the handmaid to prepare her favourite infusion. 
    - Paris was lovely. - she smiled softly, not pulling too much at the skin of her cheeks as she sat on the high chairs. - Do you think I could have some grilled cheese this morning?
   - You can have whatever you want, Miss Y/N. It is always a pleasure to cook for you. - Y/N couldn’t help but smile wider at that statement. It felt nice to have someone to talk to who wasn’t about to married to a mob boss, a mob boss, associates or bodyguards. - You look different.
    - How so? - she raised an eyebrow at the statement. Oh god, had Gwen discovered she kissed her husband to be and cut her hair in disdain? 
    - I don’t know ... there’s a spring in your step, you look very happy. Might there be someone in Paris? - yeah, sure, he is in Paris, he’s just not her someone, he’s Gwen’s. - Maybe it’s the European air.
   - Maybe ... You wouldn’t know when Mr. Stan is coming back, would you?
   - I don’t know, Miss. Mr. Stan shows up when he wants, never leaves a message, he’s just like his father in that sense. 
   - Did you know his father? - Y/N had never actually known his father but from what she heard from Gwen he was a tall, stern man who managed to put fear and respect in everyone’s hearts without giving it much of a try.
   - Just between us both Miss Y/N, I am very glad he only resembles his father in that sense. No man should be that comfortable with death and power and not fear it all the time. - she shrugged, flipping the sandwich on the skillet. - If I must say, I think Mr. Stan is much more like his mother. I’ve always said this house needed another kind woman after she left. 
   - I just can’t picture it. - Y/N didn’t exactly knew who Sebastian’s mother was. In all honesty, not a lot of people knew and Sebastian wasn’t one for big speeches about his family. However, she had always pictured him as being much more like his father, a powerful man. - He doesn’t really talk about his family. 
   - What about you, Miss Y/N? What about your parents?
   - Oh ... - she toyed with the chain of her necklace, slightly bitting her lip. - I don’t really know. Mr. Forrest told me my father was one of his workers, never told me much about my mother either. They died shortly after I was born. 
   - I’m very sorry, Miss Y/N. - Amelia slid her the grilled cheese on a nice porcelain plate. - I’m sure that they would be very proud of creating such a nice, beautiful lady. 
   - Thank you, Amelia. 
   - Oh ... good morning, Mr. Daniel. - she pipped up and Y/N rolled her eyes, not in the mood to speak with Daniel after last night’s events. He, however, had other plans as he sat right next to her. 
   - Good morning, Y/N. 
   - Good morning, Daniel. - she slid away from him. 
   - Oh c’mon, you’re not gonna sulk at me are you? - he poked her arm with one of the forks that had been laid out to him. - You know I’m sorry.  
    - You’re always sorry but you never actually say it. - Y/N huffed, grabbing her plate from the table and walking up to the sink. Dan sighed, knowing that, despite her being generally a kind and forgiving woman, whenever she was upset, she just remained upset for a while before forgetting it. However, this could take ages. 
Y/N decided she was still not ready to deal with Daniel or any of his opinions towards her view of the people she surrounded herself with. In all honesty, she had no time to worry about him or what he thought of her as her mind was filled with worry towards Sebastian. She knew he was notoriously hard to harm or even shot at however she hadn’t gotten a reply to her call and knew nothing of when he was about to return.
The days passed by and Daniel had managed to somehow get Y/N to get less mad at him by taking her to see his daughter. Sophie had been born while he was at university and Y/N had grown very attached to the little girl as she had been at home with Gwen when she was born. However, not even young Sophie could take her mind away from Sebastian. Her brain had quit making her feel guilty about the fact she had kissed the man who was to marry the only friend she ever knew and had instead turned all its efforts into making her picture all the horrific things that could happen to him. She knew it was reckless and pointless to worry about him, he clearly seemed to be invisible at what he did and part of her pitied the poor unfortunate souls who had dared to shot at him. 
Those days turned into weeks and as the third week hit mark, she was absolutely unconsolable. Gwen was not much help. In actuality, the heiress was rather happy that her fiancé wasn’t around as this gave her plenty of free time to do what she wanted with her newly found interest in her private bodyguard, Christian. Meanwhile, Y/N had taken to spending her days in the kitchen with Amelia and in the library, but not even that could take her mind off if he was alright despite Amelia and Elias constantly telling her it was normal of Sebastian to disappear and then suddenly return. 
Nevertheless, Y/N was anxious about his fate, spending most of the night sat by the window, listening as the rain fell down on the bright city that never slept. This was one of those nights where her fingers lingered on the fogged rainy windows, lightly doodling. This quickly grew tired-some and, wrapped around in one of the very expensive white cashmere blankets Sebastian had placed around the house, she went down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mindlessly, like a movement so familiar it didn’t need her attention, Y/N put some almond milk, cinnamon and honey in a pot and brought it up to the heat before taking to slowly mix it with a wooden spoon.
The sound of the bubbling milk and rain was enough to make her feel like every corner of the world was home and as she poured the mixture into a mug, she softly smiled at the overview of New York from the countless amount of ceiling length windows. It almost made her forget her worries. Almost. The heart warming atmosphere was interrupted by the ring of the lift that gave way into the entrance of the penthouse. Y/N turned around abruptly, the sight bringing a sparkle to her eyes. Placing the mug on the first surface she came in contact with, she rushed to the entrance, wrapping her arms around the mob boss as if they had been separated for over 10 years. 
   - Night, angel. - Sebastian was tired and that was noticeable by the dark bags under his eyes and his dishevelled appearance. However, he could surely get used to having Y/N wrap her arms around him every time he came home. Y/N, on the other hand, came to her senses and stepped back, feeling the heat coming to her cheeks. 
    - We were worried about you. - she shifted her weight from feet to feet.
    - Who’s we, angel? I’d gather we would mean you. - his hand traced down her forearm to her hand, softly holding it on his. - I’m sorry I didn’t answer your message, I didn’t want to lie to you as to when I’d be back. Besides, I assumed Gwen would enjoy a holiday from me. 
    - You could’ve said something. - she rubbed the side of her neck, eyes fixated on the ground. - I was worried. 
    - Ah ... - he smirked, taking a step forward. - You were worried. That was what I wanted to hear. 
    - Well, I ... I just wanted to know so I could warn Gwen. I shouldn’t bother you anymore, you must want to rest. I can fix you something to eat if you want. 
    - You’re not the housemaid, Y/N. Although something smells really good in here. 
    -  Oh ... - Y/N rushed into the kitchen, turning off the hob and bringing the pot back to one of the metal bases in the kitchen. - It’s just something me, Gwen, and Dan used to have when we were little and couldn’t sleep. 
   - What’s wrong? - Sebastian noticed the shift in her tone.
   - Do you think I’m clueless? - she leaned onto the kitchen’s wall. 
   - Why do you ask?
   - Dan seems to think I’m clueless. 
   - Daniel Forrest? - he asked and Y/N nodded. - What does he know of the world to make assumptions?
   - He’s sort of right. - Y/N took a place on the chair next to his. - I don’t exactly know what Mr. Forrest or you do, specifically. I don’t even know what you were up to these past weeks. 
   - It’s entirely way too boring besides I’d rather be surrounded by clueless people than the ones I’m surrounded by. You really shouldn’t worry about what he thinks of you. 
  - Do you worry what others think of you?
  - I’ve lived long enough to have certain names hauled at me. Some deserving, some undeserving but I tend not to stress about it. My mother used to say people like to talk about those they can’t be. 
  - Well, if it’s any worth .. I don’t think half the names I’ve heard given to you do actually have any truth to them. 
tag list: @lilya-petrichor @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea @madisonpillstrom @cevans98 @thelostallycat @sideeffectsofyou @anxiousdreamersworld​ @sarge-barnes-sir @captainchrisstan​
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The Bae’st of All
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Kyubae the bae’st bae of all aka Kyubei
Prompt: Seeing how Kyubei is named after an alias that the real Mitsuhide Akechi used (Juubei) the chances of fans getting a Kyubei route from Cybird are slim. However, it is simply impossible not to fall for this man. He is too good. So here have my attempt at writing a route.
The key of the previous chapter was (Romantic/Dramatic):
A/N: Vote DRAMATIC or ROMANTIC to determine which ending I’m going to write first. 
1.1| 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 8.1 | 8.2
Avatar Challenge 1| 3.1 Gacha POV | 1st Letter | 5.2 Gacha | Avatar Challenge 2 | 2nd Letter
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“Back again, young miss?”
The marketman is much too eager when he spots me out from the crowd, hands wringing together as he eyes Hideyoshi next to me.
“I see you are in different company.”
Not liking the tone of that I’m about to explain when Hideyoshi steps in front of me, his expression like stone when he eyes the man behind the stand.
“I’m her brother, if you will and I don’t like that suggestive tone.”
I feel myself sweatdrop at this exclamation wondering if this is how Hideyoshi sees the rest of his female friends as well. He treated them all the same, just like me, but never expressed any interest.
“No, no, I wouldn’t dare. I was merely noting that the miss was with another man the other day, handsome lad I must say. Looks very dependable.”
Sweating himself out of that hole the marketman raises his hands towards Hideyoshi, his smile faltering as he turns towards me once more, his hand gesturing towards the timepieces on his table once more.
“It seems that the miss is from a fine line, however. With such a brother and that eye! Do you care to explore my humble stand some more?”
Hideyoshi gives me a blank look when I try to sneak a glance at him, wondering what his reaction will be. He remains stern, however, eyeing the man up close as he reaches out to one of the goods first.
“These are western goods, not?”
Opening one of the timepieces I gaze down the archaic design again from which our modern watches descent from.
“Let’s go, Hideyoshi. The sun is nearly down.”
Before the salesman can pitch his pretty talk again I quickly interrupt, tugging at Hideyoshi’s sleeve as I scuffle away from the stand. We still hadn’t finished our errand yet and the constant eyeing from the man was making me suspicious. Exhaling Hideyoshi agrees with me as he puts the item down, though I can tell from his eyes that he is still thinking about it, his brown eyes still set in contemplation and longing.  
“But maybe we can pick one for Nobunaga?”
My careful suggestion is immediately met with a bright smile and an eager nod as Hideyoshi eyes down the complete table, picking up an item occasionally as he checks out its little design and asks for my opinion.
(I better be careful with how much I pretend to know. This marketman seems to have it out for me.)
Back facing me Hideyoshi is still excitedly picking out a suitable timepiece for Nobunaga while I wait in the back, my eyes falling once more over at the salesman who has made his advance towards me.
“Can I help you?”
I purposefully raise my voice in the crowd, hoping that it will catch attention but a firm hand wrapped around my arm is already dragging me into the crowd as I watch Hideyoshi’s figure disappear.
“Hey! Stop!”
Raising my voice I fight against my captor as I struggle against the firm hold on my arm and the pace in which I’m pulled at. When I finally manage to free myself I’m slammed painfully into a wall as I come eye to eye with a pair of raging reds.
“Ya better shut up fast. I’m not afraid of rising hell in the streets.”
The firm warning leaves no room for doubt from my side as I stare at the white haired man, wild and unhinged with a wicked smile to come.
“What do you want from me?”
I try to maintain my composure as I face him, sounding out my question as my captor rolls his eyes at me, seemingly annoyed already by his catch. Though, I don’t think he is the type to let me go for being too annoying.
“Word travels fast about the new princess the Oda has. What else?”
His words make my heart sink as I wonder how many more times I’m to be a tool because Nobunaga makes enemies left and right. A kidnapping, really? I miserably wonder to myself which trope I’m subjected to next as I’m pulled away once more.
(The day is coming to an end fast. I wonder if Hideyoshi noticed me already?)
I’m stuck in a cave, my arms wrapped around my knees while Motonari (my captor) is making a fire.
(It is no use running. He has caught me three times already.)
I wallow to myself at all of my failed attempts and the patience that is obviously running thin with the pirate warlord that is holding me captive now.
“What are you planning to do with me?”
I suddenly voice out this curiosity as Motonari pokes the fire he has created, agitating it to grow. His face is firm and set but when he looks up at me he smiles that wicked smile once more, a crazy glint glossing over the man that had so attentively built the fire.
“What do ya think? The Oda values ya, even someone with gunpowder for brains knows what that means.”
He speaks so crudely, but I can still tell through that slang that he is from noble birth, articulate and eloquent. I wonder what has made him discard it all, what has made him decide to lower himself to this rank when he had it all.
“They don’t value me. I just got lucky.”
But dissuading Motonari was no easy task I found. The man was much sharper than his speech let on and his actions, though feral were much more calculated. He wasn’t about to reveal anything that he wasn’t willing to reveal.
“You tell me where you got your knowledge from.”
The change in tone and shift in language doesn’t escape me as Motonari eyes me dangerously from the other side of the cave, the fire between us giving him a near demonic glow. I suck in a breath as I wonder if he had been around when Kyubei and I last visited that market, or if someone had told him instead.
(Was this perhaps why Kyubei seemed in a hurry that day?)
Knowing that I’m not about to get this knowledge out of Motonari I press my lips firmly against each other, my mind wracking over spurning a plausible story when a shadow moves in from the corner of my eyes.
“Ye late.”
Motonari’s response is simple as he falls back in the sealord’s language he has adopted as his guise and I turn my head to face who his friend is.
Tall like a mountain, broad like the reach of the sun, but dark like the colours of the night and the depth of the sea on a skin resembling moonlight. There he stood, the man I had missed most.
(What’s going on?)
**Gasps in Sengoku**
His name escapes me so easily, but the usual warm and reassuring smile from the man is gone as Kyubei ignores me, instead facing Motonari as he goes down on his knees.
“I had to lay low for a while. Security has tightened up around this area.”
Motonari narrows his eyes at the vassal, clearly not believing the man, but choosing to keep quiet nonetheless as he shrugs his shoulders, his chin pointing towards me.
“Aren’t ya glad to see her back? Heard ya are fond of her.”
Kyubei doesn’t react to the taunt Motonari throws at him as he remains kneeling. A scoff escapes the other as he pokes the fire between us some more, this time to put out the flames.
“Ya better not think of running. Tomorrow will be another long day and I promise I will break her legs this time.”
The words leave a chill in me as the heat of the fire slowly fades away, leaving me in the dark as the shapes of the men shift, readying themselves for the night.
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