#tom holland christmas fic
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Title: Tangle
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Slight angst and mentions of depression, post-NWH
Summary: Several years after his memory is erased from the planes of existence, Peter lets himself fade into the background of another holiday season.
A/N: For those who aren’t from there, the “T” is a nickname for the subway in Boston. This fic is also part of @foreverindreamlandd​‘s Winter Wonderland Sleepover. As always, thank you for reading and supporting me. I hope you enjoy! Dividers are by @firefly-graphics​
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Slush sloshed around Peter’s boots as he trudged through the streets of Boston. He’d spent most of his day holed up in the library studying for his engineering class. His watch read 6:00, which meant that he only had an hour to get home, change into his work uniform, and head to the restaurant for his shift. If he was lucky, the T wouldn’t be as packed as it was the night before and he’d actually get there on time tonight.
Somewhere up ahead, carolers sang in four-part harmony, something about snowflakes or candles in windows. Their voices clashed with the bellringer at the corner in the opposite direction, worsening the headache that had been creeping up on Peter since hour three at the library.
Peter kept his head down and his hands in his pockets as he walked to the station. All around him, the crowds surged, buzzing with excitement, but he just couldn’t feel it, not this year. The holidays had always been something he’d looked forward to. He’d spend weeks making plans for winter break with MJ, Ned, and May until every moment was crafted to be as enjoyable as possible. The plans usually went out the window once break actually arrived, but thinking back, it was the time he’d spent with his family and friends that he’d really enjoyed, not the plan itself. Years ago, Mr. Stark had taken him out for dinner. No one had been able to know about it, of course, but it had been one of the highlights of that Christmas. It had gotten him into the holiday spirit more than anything else.
He had no reason to travel home for his Christmas break this year, even though most of his classmates were. He didn’t have the option, really, because his boss had scheduled him to work both Christmas Eve and Christmas. Even if he was able, however, Peter wouldn’t have gone back to Queens. There was nothing there for him now except the memories he’d made and a lot of pain. Three years had passed and grief still ripped through him with every thought of his life in New York, both good and bad. Lately, he’d had to bury himself in working and studying to keep from getting caught up in the memories of Christmas past. They were an ever-present knot in his stomach, like the Christmas lights he and May would have to untangle every year.
A wave of heat hit the center of his chest and Peter stepped back, forced into the person behind him by a body against his front. The woman grabbed onto his shoulders, shouting a much-too-loud apology into his ear as she tried to regain her footing on the slippery sidewalk. Instinctively, Peter’s hands went to her waist, holding onto her through her wool coat even as her cup of hot cocoa seeped into the fabric of his favorite sweatshirt.
“I am so sorry,” she apologized again, this time clutching the lapels of his open jacket. After a second, she released him and stepped out of his grasp, taking in the damage she’d done. The woman winced, then met his gaze. “I’m sorry. I slipped. I can give you money for dry cleaning, that looks expensive…”
Peter shook his head and forced a small smile. “It’s not, and it’s fine, really.”
“I know, but I—” She groaned. She looked pained, like she was the one wearing the piping hot hot chocolate. “I just feel really bad. I’m trying to be a better person, you know, with the holidays and all that, and this kinda ruined my streak.”
Unable to help himself, Peter snorted. The woman frowned and froze, looking a little offended. He lifted his hands in an apology of his own.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “but it ruined your streak?”
She crossed her arms. “Yeah, it ruined my streak. I’ve gone three whole days without knocking someone over.”
It was endearing how upset she was about the whole incident, but it was hard to have any kind of conversation in the middle of a city sidewalk. Peter didn’t want this to end, so he reached out for her elbow and gently guided her towards a storefront, away from the flow of traffic.
“Three days, huh? I must be bad luck,” he replied, sticking his hands back into his pockets. His chest was warm from the hot chocolate, but his fingers were freezing. He needed to buy a new pair of gloves. The old ones had gotten frozen to a fire escape last night after he’d tried to stay warmer while stalking out a bodega. He’d spilled water onto them without realizing and the gloves were completely destroyed by the time he got himself free. Peter made a mental note to improve the fabric of the suit next time he remade it so he wouldn’t be as cold. Each winter he’d spent here seemed to be colder than the last.
The woman shrugged with a small, shy smile. The Christmas lights in the window beside her lit up her face and Peter could’ve sworn that he knew her from somewhere, but then she shifted and the shadows moved, and it was like she was a completely different person.
“You’re not so bad.” She paused, smiling at him for a moment longer before pulling her gloved hand from her pocket for him to shake. “I’m Y/N.”
“Peter,” he replied, shaking it. He stuck his hands back in his pockets right away. “I think I owe you a new hot chocolate.”
“You don’t owe me anything, but if you really want to give me something, you could give me your number.”
He blinked. She was still smiling and from the brief time since he’d met her, he hadn’t sensed anything dishonest about her, but it was weird having someone being so forward with him. The only people who had been upfront with him lately had been angry customers, and the only thing they wanted from him was his resignation, a refund, or new food. The knot in his stomach relaxed just a little.
“My number?” he repeated, unsure if he’d actually heard her correctly.
She nodded. “Yeah. I mean, if you want. You just… seem nice. And you’re cute.” She shrugged and glanced towards the people walking past. A little girl with her hair in two little buns was pulling her dad down the sidewalk and her smile brightened as she watched them pass by, then disappear down the street. Y/N looked back at him. “I’ve been trying to find someone to go with me to this Christmas thing for work, but all of my friends are busy. I thought about dating apps but… I don’t know. There’s something about you that I can’t place, but you seem like an honest guy.”
“Wait, so you’re just inviting me to this thing even though you don’t— Sorry.” Peter quickly stepped away from the door to another store, moving into Y/N’s space. She didn’t back away, she only smiled at him and nodded for him to continue. “Even though we just met?” he finished.
Y/N shrugged again. “I guess. It’s just ice skating and hot chocolate, it’s not anything fancy. There’ll be lots of other people there since it’s a public rink. The only reason I’m really going is because our boss is nicer to us if she sees us at company events once and a while. I’ve gotta hit my quota for the year.”
Again, Peter snorted. She had a thing for setting little goals for herself, it was cute.
“Are you laughing at me, Peter?”
He froze, his smile instantly wiped off his face. The small smile she tried to hide, however, was enough to tell him that she’d only been teasing. His heart cracked a little as a memory of MJ and May’s teasing slipped past his usually ever-present defenses, but he managed to keep up appearances long enough to dig out his phone and hand it over. She traded with him and he quickly typed himself to her contact with red, frozen thumbs.
“I’ll text you later, okay?” she asked, and he nodded. “Bye, Peter!”
Y/N disappeared into the masses, leaving him standing alone in front of the Polish deli. Inside, the lights shone warmly down onto the customers and employees alike, and the evergreen garland bordering the window screamed that it was almost Christmas. The weight of it all didn’t feel so heavy now, however, and he found himself smiling a little when laughter from the two men behind the counter echoed even out onto the street. String lights blinking beside him in the window reminded him once again of his recent lack of cheer, but the knot in his stomach didn’t feel as tight anymore. He had room for a little celebration now. Ice skating and hot chocolate sounded like the best way to do that.
His watch beeped and Peter groaned. He didn’t need to look to know that he was going to be late for his shift. His pay would be docked again. It wasn’t the first time, and he’d get by without the money, but he needed his boss to like him. He didn’t want to work at the restaurant forever, which meant he needed a good recommendation. Every stepping stone was important, even if he didn’t like it. All he needed to do was stay on this one until one of his internship applications was accepted.
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A week later, Peter waited on the edges of the crowd at the outdoor ice rink. The speakers blared Christmas pop music overhead, but he’d tuned it out as he people-watched. He’d gotten to the ticket booth earlier than he’d expected. Thankfully, there was an open spot on a wall nearby that he could lean against until he was supposed to meet Y/N.
“Peter! Hey! Sorry, am I late?”
At the sound of her voice, he straightened and turned, searching for her. When he finally saw her pushing her way through the people loitering outside the entrance, he shook his head.
“I was really early,” he reassured her.
She finally popped out of the crowd and into the empty space beside him, smiling. “Okay, good. How long have you been standing here? It’s freezing out!”
Y/N was decked out in the same winter jacket as the first time they’d met. She’d added a beanie, scarf, and a different pair of gloves now that Boston’s winter weather had really bared its claws. Peter shuffled a little, tucking his hands back into his pockets. The cold bothered him less than some, but tonight it bit at him like it had teeth. Even so, her presence was like a warm beam of light, and just joining her made him feel a little more optimistic about the days ahead. He wasn’t sure how she made him feel better without even doing anything, but he didn’t care.
“Not too long,” he replied, though it had been almost an hour since he’d arrived. He hadn’t wanted to be late, and he knew that if he’d gone home after his shift he’d fall asleep. His boss had been ruthless since he was late again last week.
Appeased, Y/N nodded and looped her arm with his, pulling him towards the entrance to the rink. “I have to admit,” she said, glancing at him as they joined the end of the line, “I’m not actually good at this.”
“At what?”
“Ice skating. I haven’t been in years, not since I moved here from New York.”
Peter paused, pulling his gaze away from the skaters he’d been watching to focus back on her. “You used to live in New York?”
Y/N nodded, smiling a little as she hummed in confirmation. “Yeah, I grew up there. I moved here for college, but I ended up withdrawing last year. MIT just wasn’t for me.”
He smiled back. It was the first real smile he’d had all day, and it felt good. Life’s burdens suddenly felt a little bit lighter knowing that they have something in common. The knot unraveled even more.
“I grew up in Queens,” he told her. “You?”
Her smile grew wide as the line stopped, and she let go of his arm to face him fully. “No kidding! Me too! Where’d you go to school?”
“Midtown Tech?” she finished, grabbing his arm again with both hands. “Me too! Wait, when did you graduate?”
The lump in his throat returned and Peter swallowed thickly. He tried to keep his face neutral, but he felt his jaw clench against the tears that welled up in his eyes despite his best efforts. He looked away from her then, staring back at the rink bordered by string lights and families crowding around the benches.
“Um, I ended up just getting my GED. There was a lot going on my senior year and I just…” He trailed off as the lump choked him, and Y/N’s grip on his arm turned gentle.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain.”
He nodded, grateful for her empathy, but a little embarrassed nonetheless. 
“I graduated three years ago,” she chimed in. “You know, that year with all the Spider-Man and Mysterio stuff? I remember that everyone’s projects that year were about that. Someone even started a club to try and figure out his identity. It was crazy. It did get old after a while, though.”
So that was how he recognized her. She’d been in his chemistry class. Y/N had been the girl who always sat by the window, first by choice and then by instruction. They’d never talked, though he’d always admired the projects that she did.
Scoffing lightly, Peter forced a small smile. “That sounds crazy. That’s the year I dropped out. That must’ve all happened after I left.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Y/N’s voice was soft and she didn’t say anything more as the line moved up again. They were next, and when they reached the booth, Peter reached for his wallet. Money was tight, but he knew that May would be chewing him out if he didn’t at least offer to pay.
Y/N shook her head at him and turned to the teen behind the counter. She handed him cash and he passed them their skates without another word. It was odd that they had to pay for a work party, Peter thought, but he didn’t say anything. Maybe she had to pay to bring him as her plus one, and he didn’t want to make her think he was ungrateful that she’d paid. He wanted this to go well.
Once on the rink, Peter realized that Y/N truly hadn’t been lying about her skills. While he hadn’t been skating since he was a kid, it felt a lot like swinging from one of his webs, and he picked it up after only a few minutes. Y/N, on the other hand, wobbled and tripped her way around each lap. She didn’t improve even after several trips around the edge of the rink.
“I’m really sorry,” she laughed as he carefully guided her with both hands.
Peter skated backwards, his senses on high alert as he helped maneuver her around the other couples and the kids skating at full-speed.  “It’s okay,” he answered. She almost fell again, but he helped steady her, crouching down with her as she regained her center of balance. “It’s not your fault they chose ice skating. Have you seen your boss yet?”
“Who?” She glanced up from watching her feet, met his eyes, then looked back down again as one of her feet started to turn out a little too far. “Oh, right. Um, no, I haven’t seen her.”
“We could take a break. Maybe she’s by the hot chocolate stand.”
Her expression was nothing but relief and he laughed as she let go of his hand to hang onto the thick wooden wall. “You’re an angel, Peter, truly. An angel sent down from heaven.”
He laughed and after a moment, he switched to skate beside her and continued leading her around the ice until they reached the exit closest to the small snack bar. After taking off their skates, they made their way over and joined the line. Peter stayed quiet so she could focus on looking for her boss, but Y/N simply checked the time on her phone, pulled out her wallet, and looked ahead at the menu.
“Any luck finding her?” he finally asked.
Y/N ducked her head down, suddenly interested in aligning the ends of her scarf, and Peter felt suspicion tighten in his chest. “Huh? Oh. Um…”
“Y/N?” he prompted, and she sighed.
“I lied,” she replied, lifting her head. She winced and clutched her phone and wallet against her coat, drawing in and away from him. “I’m really sorry. I don’t actually have a work party here tonight.”
All of Peter’s senses dialed up to high alert and he frowned, glancing around. “Then why ask me to come with you to one? Why invite a complete stranger to a fake party? Is this just for fun, so you can tell all your friends and laugh about me later?”
“No! No, I would never laugh about you, Peter! You’re great, I just–” She let out a frustrated growl and stepped forward as the line moved, then quickly shook her head and stepped out of the queue. Peter followed her as she pushed her way through the crowds toward the edge of the cordoned-off area. Y/N stopped near the barrier of evergreen trees that separated the temporary ice skating rink from the rest of the city.
She turned to face him, sighing heavily and dropping her hands to her sides. “You were cute, okay? And I really wanted to ask you out on a date but I had just spilled hot chocolate all over you and I panicked. I made up a story in the hopes that it would make you feel bad and come out with me instead of saying no.”
Peter stared at her for a moment, his hands shoved in his pockets, then looked around. This area of the rink was less crowded. A trash can near the corner of the makeshift cafe and an unoccupied picnic table dulled the Christmas cheer, making the world feel a little colder, a little grayer, and Peter suddenly felt a little less like being out and about. If he hadn’t been so excited for the date with Y/N, he would’ve gone home and studied some more to distract himself from the holidays. He had friends from class, sure, and people that he talked with at work, but his past and his present made it hard for him to celebrate like he used to, like he wanted to. The knot tightened again, slowly tangling around itself and making his stomach clench with grief as he tried to find the words to say.
“So you wanted a sympathy date?” he finally asked, his voice quiet.
Y/N fervently shook her head. “No. No! God, no.” She held her gloved hands up, her phone still held against her palm with one thumb. “No, I wanted a real date with you, Peter. I just don’t normally ask out strangers and my mind went blank. I didn’t even really process what I’d said and done until after we’d gone our separate ways. I am so, so sorry. If you want to go home, I totally understand. I’ll buy you a hot chocolate and whatever else you want and we can part ways and you’ll never have to see or hear from me again.”
Her embarrassment wasn’t subtle and, ironically, Peter felt his gut twist with sympathy of his own. He understood what it was like to not know what to say or do. He felt that way all the time—most of the time, actually. He stared down at his shoes for a minute. The slush created by the outdoor heaters has left a wet shine on his boots, and he’s thankful that May raised him to buy a good pair of shoes that would keep up with all his walking. His feet would be cold and sore by now if she hadn’t drilled that thought into his brain.
“I think I’ll take you up on that hot chocolate,” he said after a few moments, and Y/N nodded. Her eyes were glossy with tears and Peter could see the reflection of the string lights on the evergreens in them. His stomach dropped a little further. The knot rolled to the bottom, heavy and filled with too many twists and turns for him to unravel alone. 
“We should get back in line then,” she murmured.
Peter nodded, following her. They joined the end of the line, keeping some distance between them, and both of them kept their hands in their pockets as they stood together in silence. All around them, the cheerful activities continued on, but the joy didn’t quite reach Peter’s heart.
Finally, he couldn’t take it any longer and he turned to look at her. “Do you want to go for a walk after this?”
Y/N lifted her head, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. “What?”
“Once we get our hot chocolate,” Peter nodded towards the cafe, which was now only a few feet away, “Do you want to go for a walk? One of my co-workers said that there’s supposed to be a bunch of cool lights nearby. It’s supposed to be one of the best light displays on the east coast. It won like four Guinness World Records.”
She blinked, frowned, and then shook her head. “Wait, you actually want to stay? You’re not just going to go home after all this?”
Peter shrugged. He didn’t know how to explain everything going through his head. It would take too long and reveal too much, and he’d never talked to anyone about what had happened at the Statue of Liberty all those years ago. So, he’d start with the small stuff: work, classes, Christmas. Hot cocoa. Christmas lights. Midtown Tech and New York City.
After a moment, Y/N nodded, her expression still slightly unsure. “Okay. I’d like that, Peter.”
“Me too,” he replied.
The knot loosened.
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Forever Tags: @aya-fay​
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
could you do a blurb with tom and you two are just all cuddly and cute in bed and yeah lol you can choose the dialogue but something like that
Joy for the holidays
Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader
Summary - You and Tom have matching pjs and cuddle in bed.
Warnings - None just Fluffy love
A/N - Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! Since it is now the Christmas season, thought to create it a little festival.
Snow covers the roof tops of most houses, kids playing outside with their family in the snow, Cars driving by to look at the pretty lights through the night.
“I bought you Christmas pjs,” You grin at Tom, “We are matching,” you twirl around in yours, giving him his.
“Thanks, Darling,” Tom takes the pjs from you, packing the rest of the shopping away, “I’ll change in a min, then we can cuddle,”
You run up stairs, hiding under the covers as you hear foot steps. Tom lifts up the covers to find you, “Who do we have here?” He grins, taking his hands towards you to tickle.
“Oh no not the tickle monster!” You gasp.
“Stop,” You laugh, Tom eventually gets into bed with you with his pjs on.
“Would you date me if I was a Christmas tree, snow elf?” You giggle into Tom’s toned chest as you hide your face at the nonsense question.
“A Christmas tree.. snow, elf?” Tom questioned, raising an eyebrow, “I did hear that correctly? Didn’t I?”
“Yes,” You squeal, none stop giggling at his reaction.
“Of course I wouldn’t,” Tom teases you, looking at your face dropping instantly to pouting, “Oh no, I’m only joking darling,” he hugs you tight.
“Of course I would,” Tom kisses your forehead to make you feel better.
“You said you wouldn’t,” Pretending to be upset, you try to turn away playfully.
“You know.. I would, baby,” Tom reassured you, “Cuddle meeee,” he squishes you with his strong, toned arms keeping you in place.
“Tommy,” You whine, “Are you sure? Before I cuddle you,”
“Omg,” Tom breathes out laughing, “Yes,”
“Mm ok good!” You smile once again snuggled up to tom under the warm covers while having matching pjs on.
Tom caresses your jaw line, pulling you in for a passionate kiss full of meaning and love. He pulls you closer to him as he slips his warm tongue into your mouth. Snogging the face off of you.
“Your warm,” You sigh on repeat, “You are too love,” Tom strokes your locks as he relaxes further into the bed.
“You do smell nice,” Tom smells your hair, “Do I?” You chuckle, “You do too,”
“Mm, yep.. my fave fragrance,”
“My Beautiful Angel,” Tom peppers kisses around your face as you giggle.
“Says yourself,” You grin, taking Tom in for another kiss.
“What can I say?” Tom winks, joking.
You playfully push him, him only bringing you back deeper into his chest.
“You can’t escape,” Tom teases, “The cuddle monster has you got you now!”
“Oh, that’s ok!” You smile, looking up to his beautiful, honey warm eyes as he looks dumbfounded.
“What?” You giggle, “I love your cuddles.. don’t be surprised,”
“Nothing, I’m just dreaming into your eyes,” Tom breathes out, catching his breath as he flickers his eyes between yours and your lips.
Tom leans into capture your lips into a soft tender kiss full of bliss, raw passion. You close your eyes, filling the taste of each other.
You both pull apart, yet going back to connect again.
“How was Christmas shopping with your brothers go?” You beamed, finally back to talking to each other.
“It was good, got lots of presents for people.. including you,” Tom smirked, teasing you.
“That’s great, I did shopping with your mum don’t forget,” You tease back, “Might of gotten you some bits and bobs too..”
“Well, can’t wait,”
You run your hands through his hair as you both relax and close your eyes, “We should build a snowman tomorrow,” Tom mumbles.
“Mm, Yh we should,”
You sigh turning over on your stomach, feeling Tom’s warm hands go under your shirt to rub your back.
“Mm, that feels nice!” You hummed, smiling.
“Does it Darling?” Tom kisses your temple, “Yh, your hands are so large and smooth,” You sink into his chest more as him relaxing you takes over you.
“Are you tired?” Tom strokes holl your hair, admiring the way you sleepily look at his face, “Go to sleep, my Christmas tree, snow elf,” He whispers, kissing your forehead.
“You need your beauty sleep to build the snowman,”
“Mm,” You purred, smiling, “Night,”
“Goodnight, Love you so much Darling,” Tom gives you a goodnight kiss.
“Love you so much too, Tommy,” You pout your lips against his as you kiss, falling back into his warm, toned chest. You close your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1847 Rating: Teen
The Nice List Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1190 Rating: Gen
Santa Bring My Baby Back Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3208  Rating: Mature
Wrapped Around My Finger Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3492  Rating: Teen & Up
Fist Fights and Silent Nights Pairing: Austin Butler x  Female Reader Word Count: 1827  Rating: Mature
Santa Tell Me Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Word Count: 1956 Rating: Teen
Will You Marry My Daddy? Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader Word Count: 999  Rating: Gen
All I Need Pairing: Zendaya x Reader Word Count: 2323  Rating: Teen
Early Christmas Present Pairing: Ben Hardy x Female Reader Word Count: 1289  Rating: Gen
Santa Stole My Girlfriend Pairing: Chandler Bing x Original Character x Joey Tribbiani Word Count: 1558 Rating: Teen
I’ll Be Home For Christmas Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2091 Rating: Gen
Free Beer and The Festive Season Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1043  Rating: Mature
Last Christmas Pairing: Nick Miller x Reader Word Count: 1974 Rating: Teen
All I Want For Christmas Is You Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1430 Rating: Gen
Baby It’s Cold Outside Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 1446 Rating: Teen
A Perfect Christmas Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 1260  Rating: Teen
Santa Baby Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Original Female Character, Draco Malfoy x Valentina Fleamont Word Count: 1867 Rating: Teen
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader Word Count: 1347 Rating: Gen
A Little Magic Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 1300  Rating: Gen
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word Count: 953 Rating: Teen
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waratah-moon · 2 years
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Requests are ✨OPEN✨
EDDIE MUNSON Fics linked under AUs are in correct timeline order (not super important but im pedantic)
!Reader/AU aesthetics
Henderson!Reader Roll for Persuasion ♡ wc 7k Roll for Deception (coming soon)
Dad!Eddie (read more blurbs and works here) - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (coming soon) - Grocery Store - Gremlin wc 5.1k / bonus smutty drabble ♡ - I Think We're Alone Now wc 3.7k ♡ Gremlin add on - Swear Jar - Wanna have sex? wc 2.5k ♡
Cheerleader!reader (read all works here) - Stay the night? - Can you come and get me? - Don't kink shame me ♡ - White Lace, Dark Denim wc 2.8k ♡ - Can I stay over tonight? - Have you seen my jacket? - You're lucky you're hot
Modern!Eddie - Super Like / part 2 / part 3 - Am I your lockscreen?
Rockstar!Eddie x Famous!Reader - I'm gonna marry you one day - You're an idiot NEW! - America's Sweetheart ♡ - untitled* ♡
You're adorable when you ramble (Eddie x tutor!reader)
STEVE HARRINGTON Christmas Eve (Dad!Steve) Idiot in Love (Co-worker!Steve) Super Like (Modern!Steve SMAU) Well this is awkward (different Co-worker!Steve) Untitled* (Ex!Nurse!Steve)
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JOSEPH QUINN Untitled two parter* (Best friend!Joe) In the middle of the night (Co-star!Joe) My mum asked about you again (Ex!Joe)
Young Rhaenyra (HOTD x reader SMAU) Black Cat and The Dragon (Matt Smith x famous!reader SMAU)
Early Christmas Present (Tom Holland x reader) Stan Behaviour (Tom Holland x famous!reader)
Also writing for Joe Keery
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join my tag list / find me on ao3 / old masterlist
*in the drafts, coming soon ♡ smut blurbs/drabbles in italics <2k
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userholland · 2 years
you're in love
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it's your friend's wedding and you're not sure what to get her and the groom for their happy day. luckily, your date and best friend, tom, helps you choose something nice but you never knew how picky he could be about kitchen supplies.
PAIRING: tom holland x fem!reader
GENRE: best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers (?), purely fluff, wedding date!
A/N: this was a blurb request, but i added more than i thought i would so, i'm just posting it as it's own thing. it's short, sweet and to the point, honestly, but don't we need that sometimes. i know i havent written anything in a while too ): but i have a college!peter fic coming very soon!!!
𑁍 masterlist 𑁍
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Christmas was only a few weeks away, and that meant everything was flying off the shelves from Black Friday and regular early shopping. Just when you thought most of your list was checked off, your friend's wedding gift sadly became a last-minute thought.
Due to your busy schedule, both work and paying off bills, on top of Christmas, you forgot about the wedding gift. You hadn't realized how many people bought out kitchen appliances for their loved ones. Even a simple cheese grater or egg beater... all gone.
"What about a salad spinner?" Tom asked, his eyes narrowing at the tiny print on the huge box.
You arched your eyebrow, "Was that on the list?"
"No, but it's a cool gift. They're salad people."
"What exactly is a salad person?" You giggled, glancing at the other kitchen supplies on the shelf.
"The future Mr. and Mrs. Henderson..." Tom trailed, showing you the salad spinner.
You rolled your eyes before putting it back on the shelf, and Tom crosses his arms. You knew that he wanted to get this over with, but he knew how much it meant to you.
He sighed, "What about... a set of wine glasses?"
"Think bigger, better, more sincere." You smiled, using your hands to emphasize your spirit, "God, I feel terrible I forgot until now."
Tom scoffed, "Well, who plans their wedding two days before Christmas? You should get them a calendar instead because-"
"Tom!" You yelped, "No time to be funny."
"This is a perfect time to be funny. It's distracting you from being stressed."
You could roll your eyes again but instead, you nudged his shoulder with yours, "Thanks for coming with me and being my date. I just- I feel like I've been so caught up in everything. Like... like-"
"Being in a salad spinner?"
"Actually, yeah. Weirdly." You huffed.
Tom stopped you, "Okay, okay, I was joking." He grinned, "But, all we need is to get some kind of great gift and then we drive up to the wedding in a few days. So, we're focusing on the gift part."
You appreciated Tom being able to help you refocus, it's like a quick reminder to tell you to slow down and that not everything has to be a race.
"Alright. Yeah, I got this."
"You got this." He chuckled, putting his arm around your shoulders, "Okay so... what about a cheese grater?"
♡ ♡ ♡
The day of the wedding was near, and your suitcase felt like it had shrunken in size overnight as you tried to push down the top. After no budging, you sat on top of it and yanked on the zipper.
"Is wrapping it in Christmas-themed paper okay? or like it's a gift someone got one of us we didn't want?" Tom asked, coming from your apartment's living room and into your bedroom.
Ironically, you both decided on the salad spinner after running around the store for about an hour. It was a mixture of exhaustion and a bit of hopelessness to find the 'perfect gift'.
"I think it's pretty. It's not like it's not Christmas." You grunted, trying to jerked the zipper once more.
"Let me help you before you pull something other than the zipper." He jeered, putting down the gift before walking up to you. He easily pulled on the zip and ran it around the entire case.
You tilted your head at him, "Okay, you don't need to show off."
"With strength like this?" He smiled, flexing his right bicep but you playfully hit his arm as you slid off the top of your suitcase.
You walked over to your desk, admiring the wedding invitation you received months ago. The beautiful lace borders and the couple's names perfectly written in calligraphy.
"Do you think getting married is as... glamorous as everyone makes it. I can't even think about what I'm gonna wear most days let alone plan an entire day about myself." You smiled to yourself, imagining wearing a veil and what flowers you'd hold.
Tom's light brown eyes shifted, smiling because of your smile, but he nodded, "You'll know when the day comes. I bet you have ideas already... like from when you were a kid." He trailed as he sat on your bed.
You sighed, "Well, I always wanted a long dress. Not one of those puffy ones and maybe, something corny like... doves." You shrugged, sitting next to him.
"Color for the bridesmaids?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"I can't choose that now and whatever I pick will probably be awful..." You both shared a laugh, "Those dresses are always bad."
"Well, I'm always here to help." Tom grinned, your shoulders touching as you shared a look to one another.
Little did he know, you had a quick image of him being the one you meet at the end of the aisle.
And little did you know that he could see you walking down to him.
♡ ♡ ♡
At the resort, you and Tom shared a room for the weekend. Right when you got to the room, you had to prepare for the wedding that evening. As Tom was getting changed into his suit in the bedroom, you closed yourself off in the bathroom with your dress and makeup.
"Do you have the gift?" You asked Tom, your voice muffled behind the door.
"Salad spinner is right by the door."
"Oh God, don't keep reminding me we got that." You groaned, putting in one earring.
"I take pride in it since it was my idea." Tom smiled as he made sure he looked put together in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his curls before hearing the door open, sneaking a peek at your final look in the reflection then, turning around.
"Don't gawk like that, but I picked this out with the bride. Today isn't about me." You grinned, a heat hitting your cheeks as you felt Tom's eyes on you.
The dress was floor length, basically a gown, and a blueish grey. You pinned your hair back, out of your face and your eyes were emphasized with a light color over your lids. Tom knew you were beautiful, but he didn't think you could be anymore ethereal.
"No, no, you look... beautiful." Tom nervously chuckled, "Amazing." He added, putting his hands into his pants pockets.
"Well, you don't clean up so badly either." You turned to him, gently adjusting the knot in his silk tie. His eyes shifted, softening as he watched you fix it.
You looked up, your eyes sparking, "Alright. Let's get going."
♡ ♡ ♡
After the ceremony inside the lodge, yours and Tom's hearts felt heavy. You both sat next to each other, not saying much but in awe of everything regardless of all the jokes you made for the whole week.
As everyone transitioned to the reception, light snow began to fall down while guests walked to the tent outside. You and Tom were linked arm in arm, and entered the warm, beautifully lit tent.
Everyone settled in and you and Tom sat at your assigned table with other couples. After denying a few times that you two weren't together, it was becoming very apparent that it was like a sign.
After watching everyone start to dance, you couldn't help but look over at your friend, the bride, and her new husband happy and spinning on the dance floor.
"What? Are you looking for our gift in the piles of gifts also wrapped in Christmas wrapping? I was surpised, honestly." Tom joked, patting your hand.
"No, no. I..." You trailed, rubbing the back of your neck, "Look how happy they are. I hope I'm that happy... with someone that loves me."
You couldn't help but feel a shiver run through your spine from the sudden confession, but Tom began to stand up. You tilted your head up at him, "What are you doing?"
"Do you wanna dance?" He smirked, putting his hand out.
You glanced at his hand, then him, and back at his hand. You decided to take it like it was some leap you were risking before falling right into his arms.
As Tom escorted you to the floor, you squeezed his hand tight before putting your arms around his neck and his hands falling at your waist.
You both swayed back and forth as the soft music continued on, mixed with laughter and talking. You couldn't help but nuzzle your head against his shoulder when he pulled you closer, your nails grazing his back. It was like being in a moment, and you wish you could take a picture to remember it.
Once you pulled back, looked into Tom's eyes as he looked into yours. There was tension- like a bomb about to drop at any second. Tom felt your hand card through the back of his hair, the two of you even swaying slower.
Before you knew it, your noses brushed against one another's and your lips softly pressed when they met in the middle. At first, you froze, and so did Tom, but once the fuzzy feeling set in, you moved your lips for another kiss. You could feel Tom's small smirk, and he had to remember to take another breath.
When you pulled away with your goofy smiles, Tom tucked your hair behind your ear before you said, "I'm really glad you were my date."
He chuckled, "I'm not just good for gift-picking, I guess."
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The After Party (Cool Kids Only)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52087249 by JAWorley Peter doesn’t know why his mom and dad planned a field trip for the day of the big Christmas party fundraiser. Maybe it just slipped their minds, or it was the only day available for his AcaDec team to take a tour. He doesn’t know, but he’s excited to get to the Christmas party later that night and hang out with his mom and dad, even if the party will be boring. What he’s not excited about is the fact that tailors, security, and assistants keep coming up to him during the field trip and asking him questions that are totally necessary for the upcoming party, but are wrecking the field trip for him and his class. OR Flash blinks, frowns, and blinks again. “You’re actually inviting me?” Peter nods. “After everything I did? After all the things I said to you? After-” he doesn’t finish that. After pushing you down in the hall the year before. Peter nods. “Yeah.” “Why?” He shrugs. “It’s gonna be fun?” OR A holiday edition to add to my ever growing collection of field trip to SI fics. A fun easy read with minor angst. Words: 11512, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 8 of Unrelated Field Trip Fics Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Bruce Banner, Roger Harrington (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Academic Decathlon Team Members (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Irondad, Iron Dad, spider son, spiderson, spider kid, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark adopts Peter Parker, Adoption, field trip fic, Christmas, Holidays, Christmas Party, Stark Industries gala, Teen Peter Parker, Parent Tony Stark, Parent Pepper Potts, Tony Stark is Good With Kids, Good Parent Tony Stark, Adoptive Parent Tony Stark, Fluff, CozyWinter2023 read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52087249
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xspeter · 10 months
okay need help picking for my next fic! its christmas themed and that’s all I will be telling you!
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annab-recs · 1 year
what i read this month - january & february '23
❀ = nsfw/mature content, minors dni
reminder to read the warnings before a fic & to support writers by reblogging :)
organized alphabetically by fandom, then by pairing, then by author
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the amazing spider-man
peter parker blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: tasm!peter parker x reader, blurb, genre: fluff summary: he eats all her cookies she made and he tries to make up for it by making some for her but in true peter style he burns them commentary: this is soooo peter i love it
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the devil all the time
arvin russell christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: arvin russell x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: baking cookies with arvin commentary: arvin being all smooth at the end got me
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peter parker christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: mcu!peter parker x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: a and b pinch each other's nose instead of kissing under the mistletoe commentary: come on, it's cookie writing a fluffy christmas blurb, of course it's going to be the cutest frickin' thing you've ever read 🥰
dad!peter parker christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: dad!peter parker x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: sharing a blanket in front of the fireplace with dad!peter commentary: this blurb was just straight 🥰😍❤️
peter parker blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: peter parker x reader, enemies to lovers, blurb, genre: fluff summary: after issues with the quinjet, you and peter are stranded which isn't so great considering you two hate each other commentary: enemies to lovers eats every single time and omg tony at the end bahahah
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stranger things
proving it - @harrysweasleys
type: eddie munson x reader, oneshot, genre: angst, fluff, hurt comfort summary: eddie messes up big time and rushes to you to fix it commentary: when the reader says 'it's fine' and he says 'no, it's not' 😩 the ownership of his actions, i love it
robin buckley blurb - @jellyfishbeansontoast
type: robin buckley x reader, blurb, genre: fluff summary: after a sweet moment, you and robin discuss some daydreams of your future with each other commentary: so stinkin' cute!!! & no catsitting for dustin got me hahah
steve harrington blurb - @t-lostinworlds
type: steve harrington x reader, blurb, genre: fluff, angst summary: you taking steve's self sacrificial role ends in a love confession from him commentary: ahhh i felt all the emotions through this!! loved it! loved it! loved it! the love confession had my heart for sure
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tom holland & co
tom holland christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: dad!tom holland x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: building a snowman with dad!tom commentary: tom and june 🥹 too cute to handle
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nathan drake new years blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: nathan drake x reader, blurb, friends to lovers, new years, genre: fluff summary: heist gone wrong commentary: loved the details in this one!!
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etoileholland · 2 years
CHAPTER 3 - Candlewax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: none at all
a/n: it’s a miracle! I’m finally updating this fic! I know it’s been a very long time since the first two chapters were posted, but I felt as though I never had the time to finish. I do now, so I really hope you enjoy!
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Tom couldn’t stop thinking about the moment when you kissed him on the cheek. He’s never felt more giddy over someone, and you were consuming all of his thoughts. When he closed his eyes, he saw you. When he had a free moment, he thought of you. He never stopped thinking of you, but with the happiness of you, a realisation hit him.
You were moving away to university.
The thought of you leaving filled him with immense melancholy, but he knew that he couldn’t stand in your way. This was a huge moment for you, so even though he was sad about you leaving, he had to support you wholeheartedly.
A few days passed, and it was now New Year’s Eve. Tom hadn’t heard from you since Christmas dinner, but he knew you were busy with the move. Still, worry washed over him, and he wanted to go and check up on you to make sure you were okay.
He was set to go to a New Year’s party, which was thrown at the Madison at St. Paul’s. Harrison was especially excited to attend the party, because it was rumored that the cast of Love Island would be there, and none of the boys wanted to miss out on that. Tom sent a quick text to you, and unenthusiastically continued to get ready.
“Are you coming?” Harrison bellowed from the other room. He emerged into the doorframe, adjusting his bow tie. “I don’t wanna be late--I’ve waited like all year for this.”
“I don’t wanna be late either!” Harry shouted from down the hall. “I need to meet Maura soo bad.”
Tom glanced down at his phone when he noticed that you had texted him back. He read your message, and his eyebrows furrowed together. “Actually, I think you should go by yourself. Y/N’s spending the night packing up the house, so I’m going to help her instead.”
Loud footsteps came within earshot, and a few seconds later, Harry was standing in the doorframe. “You coming?”
“No.” Tom answered. “I was just telling Haz I’m not gonna make it, you guys can go without me.”
Harrison titled his head to look at Harry. “He’s gonna go to Y/N’s instead.”
At the mention of your name, Harry’s face lit up. “Ooh, how exciting.” Harry glanced over at Harrison and gave him a smirk. “Tom’s definitely going to have more fun at Y/N’s”.
“Oi, I’m serious,” Tom plunked down on the bed, “I don’t want her spending the holiday alone.” He sighed. “She has no one else, and the thought of her being in her empty childhood home is incredibly depressing.”
A spell of silence fell over them, the air in the room instantly turning somber. Harry, who was now leaning against the doorframe, tapped Harrison in the shoulder excitedly.
“I know, why don’t we bring the celebration to her? We could go buy some balloons, confetti and some champagne. That way, she’ll have one last happy memory of her house before it’s packed up.”
The trio exchanged a glance with each other. “I think that may be the best idea you’ve ever had mate.” Harrison softly slapped Harry’s arm, causing Harry to look up at him.
“I can even bring my Polaroid.” Harry added.
Tom clicked his tongue, “Let’s do it.”
The boys went down to a party shop for the balloons and confetti, and to a shop to get some champagne. This took them longer than anticipated because the boys got distracted at the party shop, trying on every odd hat and mask they had, but eventually they showed up at your door, champagne and balloons in hand. It was nearly 10pm, and they had left almost an hour and a half ago.
Tom was the first to make it up to your doorstep, then Harry, and finally Harrison. They all knocked on your door at the same time, not stopping until you answered the door a minute later. They were surprised to see you in your pajamas, eyes red and puffy.
“Y/N,” Harry breathed out, “are you all right?”
You shook your head yes, sniffing. “I’m fine, really.” You leaned up against your door, shrugging your shoulders, “just, holidays are hard.” You choked out.
Harrison was the first to react, throwing his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. The affection alone was enough to almost make you burst out into tears. “What are you guys doing here?” You questioned, although your cheek was pressed up against Harrison’s shoulder, muffling your voice. “You guys are all dressed up so fancily.” After a second, you gasped. “Were you guys headed to a party?”
Tom cleared his throat gently, rubbing his hands together. “Well, we were. But when you said you were going to be alone, I was gonna come by to keep you company. And then Harrison and Harry both wanted to come by too, and Harry-”
“Who actually had a smart thought for the first time ever in his life.” Harrison interjected.
“Brought up the smart idea to bring the celebration to you.” Tom concluded.
You pulled away from Harrison’s warm embrace. “That was very nice of you guys,” you whispered , wiping a tear away. “Thank you, but now I feel bad because you’re missing out on some fancy-pants party,”
“Eh, who cares about a swanky party.” Harrison shrugged.
“We’d rather be with you.” Tom answered quietly. You smiled at Tom, and said “thank you guys.”
“Welcome.” Harry answered, “now let’s get this par-tay started!” he shouted as he held the bottle of champagne over his head.
You stepped out of the way so that the boys could pile into your house. The house was dark, and most of your possessions were already boxed up, taking up space on the south facing wall.
The hardwood floors creaked under every step--a sound that usually wasn’t loud, but now that everything’s been packed up, there was hardly any furniture to absorb the sound. Every sound echoed loudly, almost reverberating off the walls.
“Well, the acoustics in here are just fantastic.” Harrison commented, and Tom smacked him in the arm.
“You know, all the years I've lived here, I never once heard the floors creak.” You remarked, “Maybe because this whole room was covered with a large rug, and my aunt always had some music playing. So, even if the floors creaked, I would’ve never noticed.”
“It’s a nice home though, nevertheless.” Harry said, setting the champagne on the only remaining coffee table.
You padded over to the light switch, and once the lights came on, instantly the house looked less haunted. “You guys can make yourselves comfortable, if you want. I don’t really have any food to offer, though.”
Tom tied the balloons that he was holding on one of the legs of the coffee table. “It’s fine, we ate earlier.”
“I know it’s depressing in here, and I’m really sorry about that.” You mentioned, addressing the elephant in the room. You were standing next to an antique record player that sat near the front door.
Tom walked over to you, leaning his head against your shoulder. It was a simple affectionate gesture, but it had your heart racing. “Don’t worry about it, but that’s why we’re here to party.” He booped your nose lightly, which made you giggle.
“Are you going to party dressed like that?” Harrison asked, causing you to playfully scoff. You were in an oversized hoodie, a large pair of sweats, and some bunny slippers.
“I didn’t know I would be a guest on ‘what not to wear.” you joked, winking at him playfully. Throwing your hands in the air, you shuffled over to your room, locking it behind you. You quickly riffled through your drawers and closet, pulling out a pair of jeans and a glittery top. Getting dressed as quickly as you could, you admired yourself in the mirror, smiling to yourself. The boys were so sweet for stopping by, knowing them was probably the best thing that’s happened this year to you.
The boys waited for you in the living room; Harry fiddled with the record player to get it to work, and when he finally managed to figure out how to use it, he realized there wasn’t a record in sight. So, to remedy this, he put on a random New Year’s playlist he found on Spotify.
You glanced at yourself once more before emerging from your bedroom. As you headed out of your room, you noticed Harry standing in the now lively living room. He glanced up at you, and with a smirk, he pulled a long tube out of his jacket pocket. He pulled a little loop on it, and instantly a loud bang echoed through the room, releasing a flurry of gold and white coloured confetti. The sudden sound startled you just a bit, but seeing the confetti flurry brought a smile to your face.
“Happy new year.” You whispered to yourself.
The night went better than you could’ve ever imagined. You all danced to party songs and drank champagne out of plastic champagne flutes. Harry did not miss any chances to take candid photos of you guys laughing, dancing, drinking and smiling.
He would show you the best photos that he took, and you couldn’t help but feel beautiful. He made you look ethereal and glowing.
“You know…” you shouted to him over the music, “you made me look really beautiful in these photos.”
Without skipping a beat, Harry answered back, “darling, I don’t have to make you look beautiful. You already are.”
This brought happy tears to your eyes.
As it got closer to midnight, the energy of the room died down. Harry was sitting next to Harrison, showing him something funny on his phone. You were tired from all the dancing and excitement, so you sat down on the plush couch.
Tom had joined you on the couch, and carefully sat down next to you. He had left for about 30 minutes, but you didn’t dare ask what he was up to. You looked up to see that he was smiling at you softly, with his cheeks pink with happiness.
“How are you enjoying the night?” He whispered to you, as the music was at a lower volume than it was earlier.
“I’m having the best night of my life.” You whispered back. You watched as Tom’s face lit up into a smile and then into a soft laugh. “I’m serious.” You spoke up. “I’ve never smiled so much in my life.”
Tom’s face softened into a caring gaze, and you realized he was sitting very close to you. Close enough that your thighs were touching. It made you wonder how long you guys have been sitting that close to each other.
“Well, I’m really glad we’ve given you a happy night. You deserve it.”
You were about to answer him when Harrison shouted “it’s three minutes until the new year!”
Tom sat up and moved his body away from yours. You couldn’t help the small frown that appeared on your face, but that quickly subsided when he stood up and held out his hand. “Can I show you something?”
You nodded and grabbed his hand. He led you upstairs and towards the guest bedroom. He turned around to steal a quick glance at you, and then opened the bedroom door. When you both were inside, he let go of your hand and walked towards the window. With a wiggle of the lock, he slid open the window and sat down at the reading ledge just below the window. You remember all the fond memories of sneaking into this room, sitting on the ledge whilst reading whatever book struck your fancy, all while listening to the bustling noises of London from outside the window.
You sat next to him, making yourself comfortable as you leaned out the window. Tom watched as your face softened, and his lips curled into a smile. It was obvious that it was bringing up good memories for you, so he let you bask in the happiness.
He couldn’t stop looking at you. He saw a small tear escape the corner of your eye, and he turned away to give you a second.
“Thank you, for everything.” You whispered to him.
“You’re welcome.” He whispered back. As he answered, he heard a firework go off in the distance, and happy shouting coming from the streets.
“It must be midnight.” You answered and turned to face Tom. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year. Here’s to a good year.” He answered back. Tom had wanted to kiss you, but he didn’t want to overstep. He was infatuated with you, but he wasn’t entirely sure you felt the same. So, instead of acting upon his instincts, he leaned his head on your shoulder.
The movement surprised you, and Tom, taking it as a sign that you didn’t want the affection, lifted his head and sat back up.
“Sorry.” He said, sitting up. The fireworks were still going off in the distance, and Tom focused his attention on the fireworks. You watched his face as he intently viewed the fireworks, and you felt bad that you potentially ruined a moment with him by moving away.
Acting with the bit of liquid courage that was still coursing through your veins, you pressed a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips. You slowly leaned back, scanning Tom’s face to see if you overstepped. His widened pupils and eyes stared back at you, and he leaned in closer to you.
“May I?” He asked, his voice hoarse and low. Not able to even make a sound, you nodded your head yes and closed the gap between you both. He hovered his lips over yours, making sure it was okay to proceed. The suspense was killing you, but you loved how gentle he was.
As his lips intertwined with yours, you could taste the champagne from earlier. His lips were softer than what you imagined, yet he kissed you with enough movement to know that he was enjoying it.
You pulled away and hovered over his lips. The smile that erupted on your face couldn’t be helped, and you could feel Tom’s warm breath over your lips. In the distance you could still hear the fireworks and people cheering in the streets, a nice melody to accompany the moment.
His hand, which was now at the center of your back, was moving down your back. He stopped just at the base, and looked into your eyes. You noticed his eyes were slightly closed in a content manner, and you leaned in to kiss him again.
Not breaking the kiss, he pulled you into his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and continued to kiss him fervently (look up word). His breath was warm against your lips, and your breathing intensified. When he pulled away, you only closed the gap between each other, and when you finally pulled away, he did the same.
Still sitting on his lap, you moved your hands from around his neck to the nape of his neck. One hand slowly moved up into his hair, playing with his curls. His hands were still wrapped around your waist, firmly gripping you. The lights from the firework’s illuminated both of your faces, and the light made his eyes sparkle like the stars above.
“We should probably…”
“Yeah.” Tom answered quietly. You slowly got up from his lap and fixed your outfit. He followed suit and got the wrinkles out of his button up and slacks.
He held out his hand once more, and you followed him out of the room and back into the living room.
The rest of the night was a blur, and the morning light that came in through the curtains signaled that the new year was officially here.
You were on the couch, and so was Tom. His legs were intertwined with yours, his left arm was wrapped around you. As you slowly got up to not wake Tom, you saw Harrison and Harry sprawled out on the floor, with their jackets acting as a pillow. The sight of them made you giggle, and you grabbed a blanket from one of the boxes and covered them up.
The floor creaked as you walked into the kitchen to prepare a cup of tea for everyone, when you heard some footsteps behind you. It was Harrison and Harry, each one holding a hand to their forehead.
“Good god, I think I had too much to drink.” Harrison spoke up in a grovely voice.
“We had fun though mate, that’s all that matters.” Harry groaned.
“Definitely, I really appreciate you coming round and cheering me up.” You answered, holding out a hot cup of tea for them to grab. “It was such a memorable night.”
Setting his cup down on the counter, Harry bends down and picks up a Polaroid from the ground. In it was you, Tom and Harrison holding your plastic champagne flutes up in a toast. Your faces were beaming with bright smiles, and Tom was looking over at you, while you looked at the camera. Harry handed you the photo, and you clutched it to your chest. “I’m going to cherish this forever, because I never want to forget last night.”
“Well, you know what they say…” Harry commented, “Hold onto the memories, and they will hold on to you.”
“Oi, didn’t Taylor Swift sing that?” Harrison questioned.
“Oh I don’t know.” Harry remarked, “I think I heard it in a Hallmark movie.”
“You uncultured dunce, Taylor did sing that.” Harrison added with a laugh.
additional a/n: I have no idea who to tag since it’s been two years since I updated so if you’d like to be added to my new taglist lemme know!
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
Ask the Evanses ❓
asks everyone’s favourite dad-daughter duo about anything you want to know about them 🫶🏻
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Medical asks 🩺
- Luna’s first period
- More on Luna’s periods & endometriosis
- Luna’s update after her fall in the bathroom
- Luna answers: did dad take me to hospital?
- Chris on: Luna’s seizures
- Luna’s health update
- Chris explains Luna’s care plan for seizures, panic attacks and fainting whilst at school
- Chris on: Luna and her fainting whilst he’s with her
- Chris on: has Luna ever broken any bones?
- Chris on: Does luna go to the hospital every month for a check up?
- Fourth of July How does Luna cope?
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Luna and Chris answers 💫
- Luna & Chris on comic con
- When Luna first met Dodger and her relationship with him.
- Chris and Luna: dad-daughter day activities
- Chris on: Luna’s curfew
- Luna failed a test but Chris is so proud of how hard she worked regardless of if she passed
- Chris and Luna on: their favourite movies :)
- How have they been - what have they been up to?
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Chris answers 💙
- Chris on: his best memories of Luna 🥹🫶🏻
- first picture of Luna 🤍🥹
- Is Luna vegan?
- Chris talks about Luna all the time
- Chris with input from Luna on: how she is when she’s mad
- Is Chris vegan?
- Chris on: what goes though his head when Luna has a seizure out of nowhere
- Chris on: doing the Jimmy Kimmel Halloween prank
- Chris on: maybe getting Luna a support animal
- Chris on: how has Luna been doing?
- Chris on: How they spend Christmas.
- How did Chris react and feel when he first found out about Olly?
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Luna answers 🪷
- Luna on: her dad and dating
- Luna meeting Tom Holland
- Luna’s school situation
- Luna answers the question of Godparents
- The dreaded crush question
- Luna on: going to events with her Dad & Uncle Scott
- Would Luna get slimed on Nickelodeon?
- Is Luna still shy meeting people?
- Luna on: her best memories of her dad 🫶🏻🥹
- What Luna wants to do when she’s older
- Luna on: what sports she plays
- Luna on: what subjects she takes at school
- Luna on: do i play a musical instrument
- Luna whilst Chris was home from set working on “The Red One”
- More on how Luna is doing at Scott’s whilst Chris is on set
- how Luna copes with exams when she can’t always go to chris
- what are her favourite activities to do with Chris and what calms her when she gets really overwhelmed.
- how has Luna been doing recently?
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Olly answers 🛹
- Olly on: when he realised he loved Luna, their first kiss and Christmas together.
- Does Olly play any sports?
- Olly and Luna answer: how he finally beat her at mario kart, their favourite tracks and characters and how Chris reacted to seeing them cuddle
- Couple questions part 1
- Couple questions part 2
Series taglist!
@mcuamerica @wndawtch @lilithneedslove @angelbaby-fics @angelbabydoll28 @ace-of-gay @chrisevansonly @chrissyevanss @sarahrogersevans @buckybarnesandmarvel @cevansgoatee @writersblog20 @youre-amazing-say-it @ellerosie2332 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @imyourbratzdoll @anotherfuckingmarvelfanaccount @mrvlxgrl @stuckysgirl27 @hulkstacos @jessybarnes @thatsamericasass24
if you guys would like to be added to my tag list please do comment or just send in an ask :)
Reblogs, feedback and asks are appreciated <3
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holllandtrash · 1 year
Congrats on 3K followers! Very much deserved. I'm a new follower and was curious to know the story behind your blog (how long youve had it for and how you started out/transitioned into f1) only if you want to share your story of course (:
sit down and get some popcorn babes, here is my life story
Back story, I’ve been writing fanfiction since 2011, I started on quotev (If anyone remembers that) and it was solely 1D fanfics also i was way too fcking young to be writing fanfiction
I started this blog in like mid 2016 and it was mainly an mcu blog (cough cough Tom Holland/Peter Parker) and I wrote a lot of one shots and more on here, but that where the name ‘holllandtrash’ comes from :’)
I took a break from writing fanfic from like mid 2018-2020 bc I started school, moved across the country, dropped out of school, moved back home, went back to school, thought I was in love yadda yadda but I sort of fell out of writing during that time or if I did write, I would never post it
Oh but what happened in 2020 ??? Pandemic !!!! AND the 10 year anniversary of one direction so I actually started to get back into 1d fanfic writing (didn’t post any of it) but I fell back in love with fanfiction while I was stuck at home
I also fell in love w Harry Potter again and then I started a wattpad like mid 2020 and wrote a few HP fics on there that are horribly long and one of them isn’t even completed yet BUT that was most of my 2021, hp, tik tok, wattpad and school
That leads me to falling in love with F1 early in 2022 (I’m a new fan) and honestly for the entirety of last year I was still writing my Harry Potter fics, (shoutout to Elusive & Burn) I was in school up until May, had a full time job after that (still have it), broke up w my ex 💅 decided to save up to move across the world (still working on that part) but everything was going good up until December of 2022
I stopped writing because Christmas is always chaotic for me and my family and work was stupid busy and i was planning a 3 week trip for January and then I got back from that trip and suffered from a burst fucking eardrum of all things so I couldn’t work and i was stuck at home I was lonely and had no motivation
And then one day in February, still with the HP fanfic on hold bc I just couldnt bring myself to write it, I decided to log onto my good ol tumblr and what do I see but some F1 stuff and I’m like oh this is lovely (bc the season hadn’t started yet and i missed the drivers) and one of the first things I saw was a social media au and I was like hey wait…I could do that...
So I did and the Pierre smau (worlds collide) was my first ever piece of f1 writing- if you can even call it that, but then I was hooked. I stuck with the smau’s for the most part for the first few weeks but it was a really good transition to actually writing one shots and eventually back into chaptered fics
I wish I had liked or reblogged that first social media au I saw because it really jump started me back into writing after taking almost three months off
anyway now I am writing when I can, splitting my time between Tumblr and trying to write a real book. My Harry Potter fic on wattpad is still on hold and I would like to go back to it but it’s hard. But this platform really pushed me to just focus on what i love and all of the kind and supportive messages from followers like you remind me why I love to write, I want to write for other people, I want people to feel the things that I feel, even if just for a short amount of time
i'll try to publish a book one day but man writing is fucking hard so who knows
if u made it this far, thank u for reading all of this xoxo
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You’re Invited!
I’ve decided to host a “Christmas Party” or, a writing challenge. You can join now through December 31st, but entries must be posted by January 5th.
All pieces will be reblog under the tag “#RTN XMAS PARTY 🎄”
Below the cut is more information including:
• Who I am accepting pieces about.
• Prompts
How to enter:
Look through the prompts, look through the people, and pick a couple prompts and a person. Send me an ask, so I can put you down. That simple.
Then when you post your fic, tag me (or tag with the RTN XMAS PARTY 🎄 tag) and I will reblog it here :)
Decorating the tree
Dancing in the snow
Present shopping
Gift giving
Wrapping gifts
Making a gingerbread house
Building a snowman
Snowball fight
Christmas cookies
Christmas market
Watching Christmas movies
Christmas Party
Going ice skating
Dancing to Christmas music
Fake dating for Christmas
Secret Santa
New Years Kiss
Meeting the family for the first time
Found family Christmas
Looking at Christmas lights
Messing up gift tags
Christmas cards!!
Snowed in
Unique traditions
Holiday Traffic
Holiday marriage proposal
“Stop trying to get me to walk under the mistletoe”
“That should be our Christmas card this year”
“Why’d you turn the music off?”
“I know we said no presents this year but”
“I hate Christmas shopping” - “I love Christmas shopping!”
“Do you want to put the star on top of the tree?”
“What do you think? Like the tree?”
“Open your stocking!”
“It’s snowing!”
“What are you doing?” - “making a snow angel”
“Do people still even believe in Santa?”
“You’d make a cute elf”
“Is that supposed to be a snowman?”
“This is the best gift you could have given me”
“Please don’t make wear this, I look ridiculous”
“I thought you were going home for Christmas?” “Well I couldn’t leave you alone.”
“Hey, if we don’t find someone by midnight…you and me…maybe?” - “Ask me properly and I might consider it.”
“You look beautiful in the snow”
“It’s bold of you to assume I haven’t eaten my entire advent calendar.”
“Christmas hot chocolate is not normal hot chocolate. Where are the marshmallows?”
“You’re my Christmas angel.” - “Wow that was…intense.” - “Just take the compliment.”
“Will you make me a hot chocolate?” - “Name all the reindeer and I will.”
“You're being awfully sarcastic for someone dangling upside down in a mess of tinsel."
“So, you’ve never been kissed under mistletoe?” “Actually, I’ve never been kissed at all.”
“Have you ever wrapped a present before?” “…Why do you ask?”
“You know it’s an ugly Christmas sweater contest, not a ‘Medusa turning people to stone’ hideous Christmas sweater contest, right?”
“Wait, is every piece of Christmas decor you own Nightmare Before Christmas themed?” “…maybe”
“You knit me a sweater for christmas and i realized I’m in love with you”
Who you can write about
(Outer Banks)
• Rafe Cameron
• JJ Maybank
• Topper Thornton
• John B Routledge
• Eddie Diaz
• Evan “Buck” Buckley
• Howie “Chimney” Han
• Henrietta “Hen” Wilson
(note: Buddie, Henren, Maddie/Chimney, and FireFam are also acceptable)
(Stranger Things)
• Eddie Munson
• Steve Harrington
• Bucky Barnes
• Steve Rogers
• Sam Wilson
• Peter Parker
• Chase Stokes
• Rudy Pankow
• Tom Holland
• Sebastian Stan
• Chris Evans
• Drew Starkey
• Austin North
Tagging people who might be interested or can spread it around: @teelagurl558 @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection @mackenzielovee @kraekat29 @wannabestarkeysgirl @paradisehamilton @fiction-is-life
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ironstrangeao3 · 2 years
Every Time a Bell Rings
by Trickstress
When a new relic is found, Stephen is tasked with studying it and finding out its secrets. After an accident on Tony’s part, Stephen finds himself with a new view on life. Tony can’t help but blame himself for what he did to his boyfriend. It was a violation of the highest order. He should have never touched that bell.
After all, when a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.
Day 3 of The 25 Days of Strange Prompt 3: Bell
Words: 3459, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The 25 Days of Strange
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Strange (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Wong (Marvel)
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Stephen Strange & Wong, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange
Additional Tags: Prompt Fic, Wings, Transformation, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, It's a Wonderful Life (1946) References, Tony accidentally sets off a relic, IronStrange, Parent Tony Stark
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43391706
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televinita · 1 year
What if I went into the Spider part of the ‘verse
So I've secretly been circling the Spider Man (Baby Parker Version) movies for the past week in much the same way I was edging up to the Thor movies earlier this month. I'm very aware that Tom Holland has been on the cusp of stealing my heart at least since Uncharted, and it's only been escalating since I started watching Marvel interview clips -- and as YouTube notices, "so i see u like spiderkid" and keeps increasing the number of suggested videos along the lines of “5 minutes of Peter Parker being ___” type videos, I’ve been sneaking into them and it’s become very clear to me that I will be exploring this corner of the mcu next.
(I still can't believe that I was always SURE if anyone was gonna get me to break the Marvel seal it would be Chris Evans, and somehow he is now 3rd in line)
But anyway, most of the clips have been funny so still not really a priority, especially lacking all context and background knowledge except in a general sense of what I know from having seen the Tobey Maguire versions once upon a time. But my interest spiked last night upon stumbling over this (warning: character x listener vid, a category of audio I didn’t even know existed; y/n fic is evolviiiiing)
Which lit up my brain like a Christmas tree. And since I couldn't actually tell for sure if it was just a sound-alike or perhaps edited together from actual footage, I went looking for canon tears, and YouTube was like "what if I punched you STRAIGHT in the face with a death from No Way Home."
Naturally, I took one look at that thumbnail and said “sure,” and tl;dr it went so beyond my wildest dreams that I have lost my MIND. This is the kind of content I want uploaded directly to my brain always. Holy shit. That's incredible. So drawn out. So much repetition that is so unnecessary from an editing standpoint, and so very necessary for my insatiable appetite for angst and trauma. To quote some Beyonce lyrics, it was all that I wanted, and it was more than I thought it could be.
I can't even feel sad about this scene yet -- I will, eventually -- because I am just so focused on holy cow your face and voice and the hair petting and everything (round 3 of men being absolute kittens toward their beloved adoptive mothers maternal figures!). Is Peter also one of the MCU's punching bags? I Am Listening. (or maybe secretly everyone is a punching bag at some point, idk. i guess i don't know most of these people.)
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How Spidey Saved Christmas
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52398130 by happyaspie After rescuing a few stolen shopping bags, Spider-Man stumbles upon Santa Claus and his damaged sleigh in Central Park. With Mr. Stark’s help, Peter is able to get Santa back in the air, thus saving Christmas! In the process, he’s able to get Mr. Stark back on the nice list as well. Santa thanks Peter by inviting him to assist in delivering some gifts. Including the ones he’d saved! Together, they fly through the night, spreading holiday cheer. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" Words: 6327, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 79 of Tony Stark is a Good Mentor, Part 13 of May Your Days be Merry and Bright Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Santa Claus Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Santa is Real, Magic, Christmas Magic, Christmas Eve, Tony Stark is on the Naughty List, peter parker is a good kid, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Feelings, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Snow, Santa's Sleigh, The Author is Really Happy With How This Fic Turned Out read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52398130
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Other Pairings/No Pairing Oneshots 001-100
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They are all in order from highest word count to lowest. Everything is under the cut.
39 fics total
🥵 = smutty goodness 😏 = implied smut 🥰 = fluffy sweetness 🥺 = angsty heartache 🙂 = neither fluffy nor angsty
Word Count: ~2.6k
🥰 You’ve Already Won // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You’ve never been kissed under the mistletoe, and Tom wants to change that.
Word Count: ~2.3k
🥰 Malibu // Chris Evans // Summary: You’ve never been to the beach, let alone leave your home state. You’re a waitress at a small restaurant with your two best friends but you’re dating the famous Chris Evans after you met him a marvel convention. He comes to you with a surprise trip and you love it more than expected.
Word Count: ~2.2k
🥺 Please Don’t Leave Me // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You have a terrible fear of crowds and your boyfriend, Tom, doesn’t know of this. When you two encounter a college rave in the middle of the Central Park, your worst fear comes to life.
Word Count: ~2k
🥰 Best Birthday Ever // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: It’s your birthday and while at a stoplight, you meet Tom Hiddleston. Your friends embarrass you and you move onto shopping where Tom Hiddleston is again because he can’t get you out of his mind.
Word Count: ~1.9k
🥺🥰 Not Alone // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: While editing your videos for YouTube, something strange happens. Footsteps coming from above you, doors opening by themselves, and knocks on the front door when no one is there. So, you call your boyfriend for help.
Word Count: ~1.8k
🥰 Truth… or Dare…? // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: A game of truth or dare with your childish friends turns into something more when you get stuck in a closet with your crush, Tom Hiddleston.
🥺 Always Make It Back To You // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Being away from your husband is har enough, especially with a one year old. All you can do is push through until the end, hoping you’ll make it out alright.
🥺 Not A Problem Anymore // Tom Hardy // Summary: Your boyfriend is very possessive over you and effects your life in a negative way. Tom has been by your side through it all until one day it just gets too much for him and he has to do something about it.
Word Count: ~1.7k
🥰 You Won’t Know If You Don’t Try // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: After your husband dies on the job, you didn’t think you would find love again until Tom comes into your life. Will you ever move on and try to find love again with a new man?
🥰 What Christmas is All About // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: You and your girlfriend celebrate Christmas in different hemispheres, and you’re all too happy to show her just how you and your family spend Christmas in the middle of summer.
Word Count: ~1.6k
🥰 Taking Care Of You // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You hate missing out on your dates with Tom but sometimes, Mother Nature just won’t let you leave the house, much less the bed.
🥰 Words Can’t Describe… // Chris Evans // Summary: You and Chris are high school sweethearts. You’ve been through every up and downs there are, and right now, you need him for a really big down.
Word Count: ~1.5k
🥰🥺 Fighting Your Battles // Tom Holland // Summary: Anxiety is always lurking around the corner for you. It’s worse when you’re in the dark and Tom knows just how bad it can get. Luckily for you, he is always there to help you.
🥰 Knowing Your Worth // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You are always there for Tom Hiddleston, one fo your closest friends and when he and Taylor Swift ended, you were there to pick up the pieces. Now, you are here to defend him against her when a fan brings them up.
🥰 It’s What Family Does // Carol Danvers // Summary: Your relationship with Carol isn’t exactly known, and she encourages you to tell your brother despite your fears of being rejected.
🥺 At A Crossroads // Ikaris // Summary: You’re kept in the dark of Ikaris’ past because he refuses to share anything with you, but you never ask him about things he’s not ready to talk about. That is, until he’s forced to deal with it, and he may not like the outcome.
Word Count: ~1.4k
🥰 Running From Your Feelings // Sebastian Stan // Summary: Sebastian is the kind of person you need to stay away from. Ever since the incident, all you want to do is ignore him. But something inside of you won’t let you.
🥰 Feels Like Home // Chris Hemsworth // Summary: You live on the beach and one of your favorite things to do is surf. Chris Hemsworth comes back to Australia and things are different than the last time you saw him.
🥰 Tomorrow Is A New Day // Chris Evans // Summary: being far away from home is taking a toll on you, but Chris is by your side to help you through it.
Word Count: ~1.3k
🥰 I Can Always Count On You // Tom Holland // Summary: You’re at a marvel convention with your boyfriend because of how hot it is, you pass out. Tom does whatever he can to help you get better.
😏 Get Up! // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You’re tasked with getting Tom out of bed and ready for work but the problem is he doesn’t want to get up. 🥺 Wrong Time, Right Person // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Tom Hiddleston has been a part of your life ever since your daughter was born. He’s been with you through thick and thin, especially through this thick time.
🥰 Grab Every Opportunity // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: Working with the famous Elizabeth Olsen is one of your dreams come true. Working with her permanently, now that’s a different story.
🥰 Always Have A Place To Stay // Chris Evans // Summary: Meeting Chris Evans at the airport is amazing, but taking him home? That’s just unbelievable. 🥺 Too Good To Be True // Chris Evans // Summary: Having a family is everything you and Chris wanted. It was very hard to get pregnant so when you finally do, you knew it was too good to be true.🥰 Friendly Competition // Chris Evans // Summary: You drag Chris in your childhood traditions, and it’s a lot more fun than you anticipated.
Word Count: ~1.2k
🥰😏 Best Holiday Ever // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Tom takes you away for a weekend getaway, and it’s more than you could ever ask for.
🥰 New Tree, New Relationship // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: Without even realizing it, you found something much more than a Christmas Tree. You finally found the spark in not only your regular customer but also your friend.
🥰 My Car, My Music // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: You only have one rule and everyone knows it: when you’re driving, it’s your music.
🥰 Disneybounding // Chris Evans // Summary: Just because you and your husband can’t dress up at Disney, doesn’t mean you won’t look like iconic characters.
🥰 Forbidden Love // Pepper Potts // Summary: You had one mission and one mission only: track and report Loki. It never said anything about falling for a certain mortal.
🥰 Right Where He Belongs // Pietro Maximoff // Summary: Pietro died on Sokovia. Right?
🥰 Not Really Good With Heights // Eddie Brock // Summary: Eddie has to go to extreme measures to get you to help him against the battle with Carlton Drake.
Word Count: ~1.1k
🥰 Te Amo // Tom Holland // Summary: When you think Tom is doing one thing, he is actually doing another. You were so quick to judge.
🥰 Make The Pain Go Away // Tom Holland // Summary: You’re sick and as much as you hate it, Tom is there to make sure you feel better.
🥰 That’s Not Fair // Tom Holland // Summary: Your client, Tom Holland, comes to the gym all the time to train for his Marvel movies, but how can you focus on training him when he looks like that?
🥺🥰 It’s All Coming Back To Me Now // Tom Hiddleston // Summary:You’re in love with Tom Hiddleston but it gets harder and harder to be with him since most of the time you spend away from each other instead of together. You live in New York, he lives in London. Can the two fo you make it work? 🥰 Other Ways To Have Fun // Tom Hiddleston // Summary: There are other ways to have fun than being on your phone.
🥰 We’re Doing It Together // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: You and your best friend are pregnant together, but that doesn’t mean you are just best friends. 🥰 Everything Falls Into Place // Elizabeth Olsen // Summary: The person you’ve been talking to for a long time, you’ve only known her online. Now it’s finally time to meet her.
🥰 Unbreakable Bond // Chris Evans // Summary: A relaxing day at the lake with all your friends turns into something much more than you bargained for. 🥰 Everything I Ever Wanted // Chris Evans // Summary: Chris Evans has everything he ever wanted: a steady job, a wife and a beautiful daughter. You’ve done everything for him and he will spend the rest of his life trying to pay you back.
Word Count: ~1k
🥰 Alternate Means For Warmth // Sebastian Stan // Summary: When you and one of your regular customers get trapped in your store, you have to find other means of getting warm.
🥰 The Secret Is Out // Sebastian Stan // Summary: Sebastian takes you on a vacation of your dreams, away from everyone you have to hide from. Once the secret is out, it isn’t as bad as you might think.
🥺 He Was Supposed To Come Home // Chris Evans // Summary:You’ve patiently waited for your husband to come home from active duty. It’s everything your daughter wants. Sometimes we don’t always get what we want.
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