#tommy: youre gonna regret this tomorrow i swear
mariatesstruther · 1 year
kinda wanna write a fic where maria does something stupidly dangerous and tommy gets 😌mad😌
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teddy06writes · 4 years
sorry to request yet another one, but you are such an amazing writer. Could I possibly have a romeo and juliet type story where reader is sleepybois sibling and is in love with either poly dream team (dream,George,sapnap) or just george xx
dream x george x sapnap x reader + sleepy boys x sibling!reader
trigger warnings: swearing, yelling, character death, Wilbur being a dumbass
premise: you are one of Philza’s children, and have fought for L’manburg’s independence, we follow your secret romance with the enemy, of course, this tragedy knows no happy ending
You carefully dropped down over the side of the L’manburg wall, ducking into a roll before standing up and dusting yourself off, starting to sneak away.
A hand clamps around your forearm, pulling you around the side of a tree.
You hold back a yelp, instead turning with a smile, whispering, “Mr. Sapnap we simply must stop meeting like this.”
“And what? You’d have us march through your gates announcing ourselves to your brothers, I think not.” Nick chuckled.
“Well, I suppose that would put a damper on things.” You grinned, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He fit your hand into his, pulling you along as you started for where the others would be waiting, “Especially when they are so against our dear Dream.”
“To be fair, he was against us.” You argued.
“But no more.” The man himself pointed out, stepping out of the shadows, rising his mask enough to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“Because we continued to fight? or Because you wanted an excuse to talk to me without it being over a declaration of war?”
“I believe it was because Tommy gave up his disks,” George offered, leaning in to place a kiss on your cheek, “Hello dearest.”
You sighed, “Phil gave him those disks. They were one of the only things to survive the blast.”
Behind the mask you could tell Dream’s face fell, and he started to turn away, “I- we did what we thought was right.”
“Blowing up my country was what you thought was right?” You challenged, crossing your arms, “You even had the audacity to cheer as my head was separated from my body by the sheer force.”
“Here we go again.” George muttered.
“We didn’t know you then! Things have changed! You and your people are free now!”
“That does not change our history.” You said indigently.
“What about when Sapnap burned the forests? That’s part of your history too yet we don’t see you yelling at him!” Dream exclaimed.
You sighed, “The forests were replanted with his help, and he has shown remorse, and regret over his actions.”
Surprisingly Dream wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest, “If that is what I takes to gain your trust, then I am sorry. I hope my past mistakes do not haunt you any longer.”
Reluctantly you wrapped your arms around him, smiling as the other boys joined the embrace.
After a few moment Dream pulled away, “c’mon, we may even have time for a proper date.”
“An election?” You questioned, “But your already the president.”
Wilbur grinned, “But I put myself in that position, if we do it this way everything is fair!”
You glanced down at the papers littering his desk, “Wil I don’t see how this makes things fair, I mean,” You picked up the note book where he’d been witting makeshift ballots, “Closing the ballots early? The people will only have one option! How is that fair?”
“Actually, I’m running as well.”
You turned to see Quackity entering the office, “You? You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
The man frowned, “Well, I figure if Wilbur here gets a chance to do it fair why shouldn’t I?”
“We’ll be able to beat him easily.” Your brother quietly assured you.
“You alright love? You seem stressed.” Nick said quietly.
You sighed looking up at the sky, “Wilbur plans to hold an election. He believes we can over take Quackity and Swag 2020, but now Fundy and Niki have made there own party as well.”
George turned, propping himself up on his elbow, “That doesn’t sound good. If he’s already in charge why does he need to be re elected?”  
“We put him on the throne, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Fundy and I. He wishes to be there fairly with the support of the people.”
Dream hummed, “Do you think he could win?”
“It’s possible,” You sighed, leaning back against Nick, “But campaigns have been tricky, Tommy managed to dig up Jshlatt. They though he could help, but now he’s trying to make a claim to having a spot on the ballot.”
“I thought he was dead.” George said.
You laced your fingers through his, “Well now he’s just a drunk who’s running for president. God I hope it was just a joke.” You muttered the last part.
The boy shared glances, Nick hazarding, “What happens if someone else wins?”
“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t change much for me, technically I hold no office other than managing my brothers and the campaign, it’d shift me further out of public eye, but, I think Wilbur wouldn’t handle it well.”
Dream began to trace shapes into your open palm, “Well, with you in charge of the campaign I doubt your brother will fail.”
You smiled, “Let’s hope so.”
A few hours later, as the sun began to disappear beyond the hills of L’manburg you stood up from the picnic, bidding your lovers farewell, “Wilbur’s meeting starts soon, and I’ll be missed.”
After a few traded kisses you started back through the woods toward L’manburg, sneaking back in through a gap that had never been fixed in the wall, pausing at your house to change back into your L’manburg uniform before hurrying off to the white house.
“Your late!” Tommy called sharply as you entered Wilbur’s office.
“I lost track of time working on the last of the posters.” You pulled the rolled up tubes of paper from the bag you’d grabbed at the house as well.
Wilbur took the tubes as Tommy looked at you skeptically, “Yeah, doing that and what else?”
“Well I was talking to Phil today telling him about the election,” You sat down next to Tubbo, “But not much else.”
Wilbur sighed, dropping a flyer on the table, “We have more important notion to discuss, it would seem that Shlatt is serious about this.”
You grabbed the flyer, looking over the bolded, ‘Shlatt 2020′ and then back at Wilbur, “This can’t be real. I thought you closed the ballot.”
“The people favor him enough to allow him a spot on the ballot.” Tubbo sighed.
“We still stand a chance though,” Tommy said quickly turning to Wilbur, “Right Wil?”
Your older brother hesitated, wavering for a moment, before nodding, “Yes. Yes of course.”
“(y/n) I must ask you some thing.” Wilbur said as the meeting ended and Tommy and Tubbo headed out.
“Why do you sneak out?” Your breathing hitched but he continued, “Who are you meeting? What are you hiding? Who do you talk too from- from the SMP lands?” His voice turned to acid at the last words.
“I don’t go anywhere, outside L’manburg. Other than for walks in the forest on occasion.” You lied.
Wilbur examined your face, as if searching for something, “Fine then. Don’t tell me, I will find out sooner or later.”
He strode out of the room, leaving you to pull out your com tablet, privately messaging Dream, ‘it might be a bit before I can see you guys again’
You rolled your eyes quickly typing, ‘Wils getting suspicious, I’m just trying to keep you safe’
‘george also says :(’ Was all you received in reply, so you quickly put the tablet away, heading out of the office and out to the street.
You took a deep breath, looking back at the podium, ballots would be collected tomorrow, and then everything could change.
“Last night, before the last of the ballots were collected, Mr. Quackity of the SWAG 2020 party made an agreement with Mr. Jshlatt of the SHLATT 2020 campaign, that if neither party won the popular vote, they would combine there votes, creating a collation.” WIlbur announced.
From your place to the side of the stage you froze, fear coursing through your veins.
“And so, the combined percentages of SWAG 2020 and SHLATT 2020, bring the coalition to 46% of the popular vote.”
Your heart pounded in your ears, feeling Tommy freeze beside you.
“Which means, the coalition government of SWAG and SHLATT 2020, have won the L’manburg election, by 1%.”
The world seemed to slow as parts of the crowd erupted into cheers, Quackity jumped around on the stage yelling as Wilbur slowly moved away from the podium, out of the corner of your eye, near the back of the stands you see your boyfriends all looking down, but you paid them no mind, instead looking Shlatt dead in the eye as he grinned maliciously at you, before turning to address the crowd.
Wilbur tugged you and Tommy away from the stage, “We’re citizens tonight.”
Shlatt leaned over the podium as you took seats near the front of the crowd, “Well that, was pretty easy.”
You felt your brothers grip your hands, as you stared up at Shlatt.
“You know what I said when I announced this campaign? I said ‘things are gonna change’ I looked every citizen of L’manburg in the eye and I said ‘you listen to me... this place will be a lot different tomorrow.”
He smirked down at you, “So let’s start making that happen. My first decree as president of L’manburg- as EMPEROR! Of this great country!”
Your breathing hitched, “Is to revoke citizenship-! Of TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, and (Y/n)! Get them out of here!”
Suddenly it seemed as though every weapon in the city was trained on you as Tommy dragged you up out of your seat.
Wilbur was yelling at you to run, but you remained frozen on the spot, turning to look at the podium one last time before following your brothers, only a few steps behind, most of the crowd beginning to disperse
Some one practically screamed your name, and you turned in time for an onslaught of arrows to bury themselves in your body.
The last thing you saw before crumpling to the ground was Dream, Nick and George rushing toward you.
Shlatt strode off the stage, trying to move closer to your body only to be blocked by Dream’s outstretched sword.
He peered around where George had flung himself over you, “I want them out of here as soon as they respawn.”
You woke to someone pressing a damp cloth to your forehead, and excruciating pain spreading throughout your body.
Your eyes flicked open, looking around at the cave you found yourself in, in confusion. When you tried to sit up a gentle hand pushed you back down, “Don’t, you only respawned fully a day ago, you're too weak for that.”
“What’re you doing here?” You groaned.
Technoblade chuckled, “I heard someone say rebellion.”
You looked at him confused for a moment before he elaborated, “This is Pogtopia, cause apparently Wilbur can’t go more than a few months without establishing a new country. Tommy found the cavern after they were ran out of L’manburg. Tubbo is working with Shlatt to hunt you guys down, and Wilbur is trying to start a plan to get the country back.”
“How’d I get here? my bed is all the way in L’manburg.”
Techno grabbed one of the baked potatoes he’d brought up to your room, offering it to you, “That’s the thing I was meanin to ask ya, is there a reasonable explanation as to why it was the Dream Team who brought your body back here? All dramatic and not wantin to leave?”
You face flushed and you turned your head away from him, “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.” You brother said, moving to lean back against the wall.
You giggled nervously, “I guess it technically started when L’manburg was still fighting for independence...”
You told him of the strange glances during war councils, the way Nick had stopped in his tracks when he saw the way you looked forlorn at the burning wood, the way George found ways to sneak you trinkets signed ‘from someones special’, and the way you were never in any real danger during many battles.
You recalled your first real meeting with Dream after you had gained independence, the way he’d seemed so different then than at the signing of the peace treaty, the way that You’d received help replanting the forests, and the quiet still moments shared by the channel George almost unaware of your being there.
It was the first time you had really spoken about your lovers to anyone, and though it took a weight off your shoulders it added another as Techno subconsciously pulled out his axe and began to sharpen it.
“They wouldn’t hurt me, and the conflict that we shared was between the SMP Lands and L’manburg, not us.” You finished quietly.
Techno looked at you quizzically, “Your telling me Dream, the Dream, Mister Manhunts and smp and god among men Dream, would willingly put away his conflicts, his gains, his leverage, just for you?”
“For all of us.” You said firmly.
“That why he kept Tommy’s disks?”
“Tommy willingly gave up those disks for the country.” You muttered.
Your older brother ignored you, “That why he openly endorsed Shlatt as soon as your back was turned?”
You froze, pushing yourself to sit up, even as it made your head spin, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Shlatt’s key endorsement, you know, the endorsement given to the guy who was suppose to endorse Wil?” He watched as your face fell, before quietly starting out of the room, “I won’t tell either of them, but if Dream loses a life cause you find out it was true, don’t look my way.”
You fished your com tablet out of the pack that was lying next to your cot, ‘we need to talk.’
“(y/n)! Thank god your okay!” Nick exclaimed, throwing his arms around you.
You hugged him back before turning to face Dream, “Why did you endorse Shlatt?”
He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off, “And I don’t want a denial or an excuse, or- or any of that. I just want to know why you did it. Why you didn’t tell me?”
Shakily Dream pulled off his mask, looking you in the eye, “I didn’t mean to do anything that would hurt you. Technically I never publicly endorsed him, he took a piece of advice and ran with it to the people. If I had known he was going to do that I would’ve never talked to him in the first place. If I had known he was going to exile you, if he was going to take one of your lives I would have killed him where he stood with no hesitation.”
The mask shook his hand, and George gently took it from him, lacing there fingers together encouragingly.
“I know I fucked up talking to him but if he goes near you, or tries to get you exiled further, or anything like that, he’ll be dead. I- I will do what it takes to help you get L’manburg back.”
You bit your lip, still partially holding on to Nick, “Why did you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to add to the stress.”
“Also, you said Wilbur was getting suspicious, and you stopped talking to us for two days.” George pointed out.
You nodded, quietly rubbing at your eyes, “Uh, yeah, uh, so Techno knows.”
Nick stiffened, “What?”
“Technoblade knows about this- uh- us.”
“T- Technoblade, your brother, as in, The Technoblade, Mister violence, and blood god and technoblade never dies,  knows about us?” George gulped.
“He only threatened Dream, so don’t worry?” You said sheepishly.
Nick chuckled, “Wonderful, that means we get out with our heads and Dream gets to fight to the death.”
“I don’t see how that’s fair.” Dream pouted.
“Maybe I just thought it better to threaten you cause I know if I tried to take the other ones you’d come for me anyway.” Techno said, striding into the clearing.
The boys sat there looking at him for a moment before he sighed, turning to you, “You better get back inside ‘fore Wil goes insane. An’ you guys better clear out before Tommy sees you and goes berserk.”
Reluctantly your boyfriends nodded, quickly muttering goodbyes and leaving, only slightly in fear of Techno, and you turned to your brother with a sigh, “He can’t keep me locked up forever.”
“He’s worried. Paranoid even, thinks Shlatts gonna send someone to kill you again,” Techno explained, guiding you back towards one of the entrances of the cavern, “The stress is getting to him.”
The days spent in Pogtopia began to blend together, the only memorable ones being the ones that were spent sneaking out and seeing your lovers, though you never excepted to see one of them within the cavern itself.
You had come down one of the narrow walkways of your new home, and when Tommy had grabbed your wrist, hissing “Dream is here! And he’s going to help Wilbur blow up L’manburg!” you were not nearly prepared to see him handing Wilbur a rather large bag.
Wilbur grinned wickedly, “This is perfect.”
“Wilbur,” Your little brothers voice was shaking, “Give me that tnt.”
Dream drew his sword, holding it up almost lazily in Tommy’s direction, “I’m going to have to step in on this one Tommy.”
You could see him smirking under the mask as you pushed Tommy behind you, “Wilbur what are you doing?”
“What needs to be done.” He said coldly, “If I can’t have Manburg no one can have Manburg!”
“And you think blowing up our home is the right move?” You said cautiously.
There was something different in Wilbur’s eyes, “No survivors.”
Techno watched this from his spot on the wall, “Wilbur I think we need to have a discussion, things like this take time to plan. (Y/n) why don’t you escort our guest out.”
You nodded sharply, starting towards the back of the cavern, “This way green boy.”
As soon as you got outside the cave you grabbed his wrist, shoving him against the rock wall, “What the fuck are you thinking?”
The now lopsided mask reviled his cocky smirk, “Shouldn’t this be the other way around?”
“Shut the fuck up! What are you thinking?”  You hissed.
“I’m helping you get back your L’manburg!” He sounded all too happy about it.
“By siding with him? He’s gone manic Clay! He’s fucking insane!”
Dream winced at the words, “He’s your brother. You have to side with him.”
“My brother is gone. I side with that man because I am loyal to my family, so long as Techno and Tommy are with him I am. If there was ever a time for you two to ever get along it would not be this.” You backed away from him.
“(y/n), I’m just trying to help.”
“I know,” You said softly, turning back to the cave entrance, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Wars tomorrow.” George said quietly.
You nodded, carding your hand through his hair, “That it is.”
The month had passed quickly, and after the incident at the festival, and then Quackity’s meeting with Shlatt you seemed to have blinked and the eve of war was upon you.
You had snuck out, now spending your last night before the world changes again with your boys, huddled up together in one of the castles parapets. (It had been quite a shock to you when Dream dethroned Eret)
“We will be on different sides, how will this even play out?” Nick asked.
“Only time will tell.”
Dream, mask long since forgotten to the side, bit his lip, “(y/n), George, I want you to stay out of the fighting.”
“We can handle ourselves.” You argued.
“It’s George’s job to stay neutral, and you’re on your last life. None of us want to lose you.” He said softly, looking over Nick’s head at you.
“I will fight for my country. No one will stop me.”
“Even if Phil came back and told you not too?” Nick asked with a chuckle.
“Well-” You laughed, “I suppose it would depend.”
A while later, you began to head back to Pogtopia, your boys insisting on walking you back.
Upon reaching the cave you kissed each of them, “Until we see what tomorrow brings.”
They gave similar goodbyes, and you darted back into the cavern.
Coming around the corner someone grabbed your wrist, tugging it hard, and you came face to face with Wilbur, “Where the fuck were you?”
“uh- o- out.” You stuttered.
“Out with your boyfriends?” He taughtened, dragging you down through the cavern, past the new rooms that had been carved out recently, “When were you planning on telling us of this little fling?”
“What are you talking about?” Tears sprung to your eyes.
“Oh I know all about you and Dream and Sapnap and George! You and your fucking betrayal! Why the fuck would you try to betray me? I’m your brother!” He exclaimed, practically throwing you into a newly constructed cage.
You dug your nails into your palms, “Wilbur, please.”
“I know it was them who disconnected the TNT, who you keep sneaking out to meet, who you were conspiring against me with!” He locked the cage and you caught a glimpse of Techno, leaning against a wall looking down.
“Wil I never conspired against you!”
“We’ll see about that.” He hissed, “You’ll stay here until this is over. I may fail at regaining my L’manburg but I will not fail to kill those men.”
As he strode away you looked to Techno, “Techno what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.” Was all he managed before hurrying away.
Tears began to stream down your cheeks as you looked around the abandoned alcove of the cavern, there was no getting out of this.
Quietly you pulled your com tablet from your sleeve, sending a messege to Phil, ‘dad I need help, Wil’s gone insane’
You leaned against the bars of the cell, Pogtopia’s few members had long since left for the battle, and you were still here, trapped where Wilbur had left you, none of your boyfriends were responding to your pings, feeling utterly hopeless.
“(y/n)?” A yell echoed through the cavern.
“Phil!” You called desperately, “I’m in here!”
A few moments later your adoptive father appeared in the doorway, shocked upon seeing the locked cage and your tear stained cheeks, “(y/n).”
You nodded as he quickly began to work at the lock, pulling you into an embrace as soon as the cage opened.
“Dad,” You hiccupped, fighting back a new wave of tears, “He’s insane! He’s gonna try to blow up Manburg again! And he’s gonna try to kill them!”
“Who is?” He asked gently.
“Wilbur! He’s gone mad!”
Phil pulled away from you to look you in the eyes, “Are you sure?”
You nodded, sniffling.
Phil took a deep breath, looking around, “Okay, you get down to where they’re fighting, you try to keep Wilbur distracted once it’s over, I’ll try to think of something to stop the tnt.”
You nodded, quickly forcing yourself up, running out of the cavern.
You hurried through the woods, pushing yourself to go faster, making it to the crest of the hill as people flooded out of the van, cheering, people of Pogtopia, L’manburg and the SMP lands alike.
You charged down the hill, not seeing Wilbur standing to the side.
“Dream! Sapnap! George!” You yelled.
They turned to see you running at them, relived to see you okay, still not understanding the cryptic things Wilbur had been saying.
“(Y/n)-” Dream was cut off a yet another arrow planted its self in your back.
“Love?” You whispered, before crumpling to the ground.
They rushed forward, but it was too late, you were gone, and George early screamed, burring his face in an expressionless Nick’s shoulder.
Dream looked up at Wilbur, whos cross bow was still raised, utterly broken, “What the fuck have you done?”
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
A Secret Life:
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**Gif credits go to the amazing @nofckingfighting​ your gifs give me life ok. They’re *chef’s kiss.**
Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: None really, just some Fluff and some Swearing I think.
Word Count: 3,324
Characters: Johnny Dogs x Female!Reader
Requested by: @atjafshelby​, you can find it here. This was the first time I’ve written anything mainly for him so I hope this is good lol. I love getting the opportunity to write other characters. :)
Summary: After a spat about potatoes and a sudden departure from Thomas’ dinner meeting, Johnny Dogs rushes home to be with his wife Y/N and their family, knowing he’d have to tell the blinders about his secret life with them eventually.
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The weather was gloomy as the peaky men prepared for one of Tommy’s meetings in the middle of Charlie’s yard. The cans full of logs and kindling burning brightly through the smog of Small Heath as the smoke filled the air. The smell of smoked meat and other foods slowly making their way onto the makeshift table.
In the distance though, was a loud voice mumbling on hurriedly as he stomped along the dirt and soot covered road leading to the feast.
“Right, put the steel rods up the gooses arse there. Go on.” Johnny Dogs said to one of the younger lads who were understandably confused. His eyes watching as they did so, itching to do it himself since no one ever prepared goose the right way. This wasn’t his only criticism though, as he made his way to the table he noticed the lack of starch amongst the men.
“This isn’t a proper dinner. If you’re going to have the Gold’s here ya gotta have potatoes!” Johnny Dogs said loudly as the Shelby’s tired uncle followed the Irish traveler around the yard.
Charlie looked at the man dumbfounded, thinking it was as great a feast as any.
“I want him to see that we live proper, that we eat proper, in the proper way!” He exclaimed.
“No...no you know what?” He added, pointing at Charlie with an anger-filled expression.
“What?” Charlie asked, lighting a cigarette as his infamous nephews came strolling in.
“I’ll get the potatoes me-self!” He exclaimed, clearly frustrated as he stomped through the yard to the old market nearby. His mind buzzing with the thought of his wife and children back at camp. He loved being here with the men he considered allies, but his heart was there with Y/N, always, especially now that she’d been alone with their newest edition to the family.
“What’s he on about aye? It’s just a dinner to discuss the vendetta. Is he scared of the Gold’s?” Tommy said, a cigarette lingering on his lips.
“No he just thinks they’re bloody heathens.” Charlie said as Tommy smirked, walking back to meet Aberama Gold and his son Bonnie.
As Johnny got back, he hastily threw the potato’s in one of the boiling pots near the men. The steam rolling off them as he mashed them up and brought them to the table.
“Bit late there Johnny.” Arthur said, grabbing a huge spoonful of them.
“Not me fault someone can’t prepare a proper meal.” He said, his eyes darting to his pocket watch as Aberama agreed, thanking him for making them as they continued their tense conversation.
“Is there something wrong?” Tommy asked Johnny, causing him to swallow hard as he tried to not tell them about you. It ached him not to, but quite frankly he was nervous to do so. Knowing they’d have something to say when they learned of his relationship status and such.
“Almost forgot, I had some things to take care of at camp. I’ll be back in the mornin’ boys. Don’t get blood all over the fucking food alright?” He said, Tommy waving him off with a suspicious look on his face. He never had men leave abruptly, but if anything he thought maybe he had a whore waiting for him or another feud to handle.
But little did the blinders know what actually awaited him.
“Aye! Dads going to be home soon-no-don’t you dare hit your brother!” Y/N said aloud to her two rambunctious children Alice and Samuel, who were running around the field with the other little ones of the group that were set up nearby. Your youngest, Sarah, nestled on your hip and baby-babbling to herself.
“You’re gonna be full of words just like your father aren’t ya love?” You said to her quietly, going over to your son and daughter who were rough-housing as usual.
“Playtime’s over loves, we have to get ready for dinner.” You said, the children immediately stopping and saying goodbye to the other kids as you waved goodbye to their parents.
As you led your children back to the vardo, you quickly put your daughter down in her small crib near the cramped bed in the wooden structure.
Your tired reflection caught you off guard as you looked in the mirror. Your eyes not as bright and hair not as perfectly placed as before you’d had three children.
You were always grateful to be blessed with good looks that were surely from your mother, but you soon garnered unwanted attention as you’d grown up, the men throwing themselves at you left and right, until you’d seen Johnny one day at a camp in Ireland of course. He was bantering with his friends, fist fighting and such near one of your family’s stops, his smile catching your eye as he laid his own upon you. The poor man got punched because of you after all, making him go off his game with your beauty. But to this day he said he didn’t regret it, telling you in that moment his world stopped. That he’d felt like the luckiest man in the world to have someone as sweet and as beautiful as you by his side all these years.
And so now here you were, waiting for your traveler and infamously rowdy blinder husband to come home. The sun setting in a plethora of colors over the field as the other travelers sat around their respective bonfires.
“When’s dad coming? He’s usually back.” Your son asked, his eyes the color of yours but the shape of Johnny’s, and your daughters small smile like his as well.
“Yeah mum where’s he off to? I wanted him to tell us a bedtime story.” She said, pouting slightly as she watched you preparing dinner.
“Give him time angels. He’s a busy man.” You said, wondering where he was, knowing he’d most likely gotten held up by the fucking Shelby’s once again.
He’s never told them about you and it stung a bit, but you realized early on that he only did it to keep you and the family safe, knowing that nothing good ever came from uttering the Shelby name.
As you portioned the food out for the children, your youngest cried for her food as well as you sighed and went in to nurse her. Humming a soft song to her as she gradually fell asleep in your arms.
As the kids emptied their bowls, stomachs full and content smiles on their faces, you ushered them to their beds, your heart racing slightly as you thought about where your husband could be.
“Don’t worry loves, dad will be home soon alright? I’m going to be just outside.” You said, fixing yourself your portion of the food as you stoked the fire a bit more, the embers disappearing into the night air as you wrapped the warm knit blanket around you.
You’d gotten accustomed to spending the majority of your nights alone with the children, eating amongst the stars and telling stories, but one thing always remained constant, and that was the need for their dad to be home. He made everyone light up when he’d come around. His laugh bringing a smile to your face instantly as he entertained the kids on his off days while you rested with the baby. But now like many nights, they missed him. They missed how he’d make you all feel safe, knowing he had you all out in the open like this. But he knew the company he kept, and he trusted them with his life that they’d take care of you all if need be.
Alas, as you sat there lost in thought, you heard the cries of your daughter once again as you went into the vardo, gently cradling her to you as you carried her outside into the cool night air, the sound of the crackling fire and water rushing nearby helping her fall asleep once again as you bounced her around lightly.
“It’s okay sweetheart. He’ll be home soon.” You reassured her. Knowing he’d never ever leave you sleeping alone, unless it was something serious.
“Johnny, before you go, we’ll be stopping by tomorrow. We need to make sure you all are ready.” Thomas said as Johnny walked away from the table.
“Alright, I’ll see ya there then lads. Goodnight.” He said, tipping his hat and walking off towards the horse he’d ridden in on. Quickly riding towards one of the flower fields nearby to pick some for you. He knew they wouldn’t make up for him being late, but he knew they’d at least bring a smile to the face he loved so much.
You sat wide-awake with your sleeping daughter against your chest, your nightgown covered by the thick blanket you’d draped over you and the baby. Her soft coos and little snores bringing a smile to your face as you kissed the top of her head. Your stomach still hurting with some efforts as you shifted in your seat. She’d only been about 4 months old, so both you and her were adjusting to the whole life thing with each other.
As you sat there naming the constellations to yourself as you gazed at the stars, you heard the familiar horse hooves pounding on the ground near the vardo. Johnny’s giddy whistle making your daughter rustle around in your arms as she knew he was home.
“Shhh, she’s sleeping.” You said quietly as he walked over ever-so carefully to kiss you, his lips soft against yours as he lingered on them for a moment, taking you in.
“I wanted to get here earlier, with the baby and everything but uh...Tommy got in the way again.” He said, grabbing the flowers he’d picked earlier.
“Are these for me?” You asked, grasping them with your free hand.
“Mhmm. Picked them me-self. Thought you’d like some after a hard days work caring for the kids. And uh, since I’ve been gone so long ya know?” He said, nervously rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
“I love you Johnny Dogs. You romantic devil.” You said with a smirk as you kissed him once more.
“Now tell me love, what’s got you on your toes?” You asked, knowing his body language more than your own at this point.
“They’re coming here, to make sure everything’s ready for the big mission.” He said.
“Christ....do we need to stay in? It’ll be hard with this one crying.” You said, looking down at the sleeping bundle in your arms.
“No...I...I want you to meet them. They’re coming tomorrow mornin’.” He said.
“I see....well I’ll make sure to get up and make sure the kids meet them too. Couldn’t hurt right?” She asked.
“It could soften the blow I suppose.” He said, grabbing the last of the food that was still warm over the fire.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked.
“They’ll take one look at you and drool. You don’t think I see it every time we go outside the camp? You’re bloody gorgeous and you’ve gone and married a fool like me?” He said half-jokingly. His self-deprecating humor hurting your heart.
“They can say what they want, but you’ll always be the man for me Johnny. I wouldn’t have you any other way. You were the first man I’ve ever loved.” You said, remembering how despite your looks, you’d never had the luck of relationships on your side, thinking all hope was lost until that day so long ago. And god were you grateful for him, even if he did talk your ear off on more than one occasion, you still loved the man to death.
“Now go tell your children a bedtime story, please love?” You asked, looking at him with puppy dog eyes that made his heart swoon. He could never say no to you.
The next morning, you awoke to the sound of the kids playing out by the river, the wind rustling around the vardo as you heard Johnny helping out with the baby outside.
“I’m sorry love, I was going to get up and help ya but I guess I overslept.” You said, wrapping your robe around yourself that complimented your eyes and physique exquisitely.
“You needed the beauty sleep love. Besides, you’ve done enough for me these past weeks, thought I’d do something for ya.” He said, cradling the baby in his arms as you sat near him next to the barely lit fire, the coals still hot from the night before.
Johnny took your hand in his lightly, the ring on your finger sparkling in the sunlight as you both watched your kids playing together near the river.
In the distance though, you could hear the sound of a car pulling up, your nerves getting to you as you knew it was Thomas Shelby and his brothers.
“Here we go.” You mumbled, calling your children over as the men got out of the car, the kids nearly running into them as their little legs carried them swiftly over the grass. They quietly stood behind you as Johnny handed you your baby girl, her bright eyes looking up at you as the sun hit your face flatteringly.
“Hello boys! G’morning to ya! How’s about we get this meeting done shall we?” He asked, putting his cap on.
“Who’s the lovely lady over there aye?” John asked, eyeing her with hungry eyes.
“That’s me wife. Her names Y/N.” He said, looking John in the eyes as he crossed his arms.
“Oh and who are the children with her? They can’t be yours can they? Wow Johnny boy! Didn’t know you had it in ya. How’d you snag a gem of a girl like that aye? Use any of yer charms?” Arthur said jokingly.
“They’re mine yes, and don’t worry, I did nothing of the sort. She came to me actually.” He said with a proud smug smile on his face, knowing he married one of the prettiest women near Small Heath and the bastards couldn’t do anything about it.
“Well if you have anymore questions how’s about you lot meet them then?” Johnny asked over the awkward silence, Thomas still eyeing him a bit suspiciously.
“You boys go meet them, me and Johnny have something to discuss.” Tommy said shortly.
“Oh...al-alright. Here ya go lads.” He said, leading them over to Y/N and her children, who backed behind their beautiful mother shyly.
“Hello gentlemen, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet ya.” You said, smiling brightly as their stares lingered over you. It was something you were used to, but still made you slightly uncomfortable, so you remained focused on your kids.
“You can have a seat if you’d like, we don’t mind do we loves?” You asked, patting your son on the head as he smiled.
“No it’s ok momma. I’m gonna go play.” Your daughter said, running off towards the other little kids nearby. Your son sat by you though, eyeing the men curiously.
“So these are Johnny’s kids aye? What’s your name little man?” Arthur asked, putting on his nicest smile.
“Samuel. Who are you? Why do ya have big hats on like me dad?” He asked.
The men both looked at each other and smiled.
“We’re in a...group that your fathers in. It’s for people that are nice and strong.” He said.
“Oh...” Samuel said, fiddling with his fingers as he leaned his head against your arm.
“How’d you and Johnny meet aye? Old bugger like him sure snagged a beauty for a wife.” John said.
“Oh uhm...we met by chance really. I saw him scrapping with some people by the roadside when my family were going through and I stopped to watch. He says he got caught off guard by me. He got hit right after eyeing me up.” You said with a small laugh. John and Arthur chuckled as they looked over at Johnny and Tom having a rather tense conversation.
“While our brother’s interrogating the poor man, who’s this little one and her big sister?” Arthur asked.
“This is Sarah. She’s 4 months, almost 5. Talkative little bugger just like her dad. Always babbling about somethin’ aye? And that’s Alice. She hates sitting down, always wanting to be on the go. Guess it’s in the blood.” You said, also feeling antsy as you sat there with half of your little family.
“That it is.” Arthur said, looking around the camp as Johnny’s voice rose in the distance.
“When were you going to tell me Johnny?” Thomas asked, his cigarette dangling from his lips.
“About what mate? Bout me cookin’ and leaving yesterday or bout me family?” He asked.
“About your family, Johnny. You’re like family to us you know. How could you not tell us?” He asked loudly.
“You should know! The bloody line of work we’re in! God knows I’m not bringing them into that ‘ere.” He said a bit louder than Thomas expected, causing the others to look over.
“But why hide something like this Johnny? Not because of the way of our work but why hide it until now aye?” He asked.
Johnny thought for a moment, leaning against the tree near the river.
“Because Tom. I knew you’d all take one look at her and wonder why she’s wit’ a man like me. Ya know I’m not the nicest looking man ‘ere. Somehow how Tom...somehow she loves me and I wanted ya to see why I had to leave yesterday. It’s not just me I’m thinkin’ bout anymore.” He said.
“That why you’ve been yelling at work? Being short with everyone?” Thomas asked.
“Yeah Tom, yeah. Just...please don’t drag them into this.” He said, looking over at his wife who was managing pretty well despite John practically drooling.
“Well now that that’s cleared up how about you introduce me to them aye?” Thomas said, patting him on the shoulder and walking past him.
“I fucking guess. C’mon.” He said walking quickly ahead of his friend as Y/N smiled upon their arrival. His heart skipping a beat at the sight of it.
“Y/N, love, I want ya to meet-“ He said before you cut him off. Eyeing the man who’d put your family in risky circumstances long ago.
“Thomas Shelby. Yeah...I know. Nice to see you in person.” You said, shaking his hand roughly and with a more colder glance than you’d had given his other brothers. You knew Thomas orchestrated everything within the blinders, so he was often the one blamed when things went south, and you had no problem casting the blame on him when Johnny would come home half conscious and bleeding, or limping with a bullet wound or two.
“Pleasure’s all mine Y/N. How’s the family?” He asked, sitting beside Johnny around the bonfire that was slowly burning out.
“Good now that their father is back. This little one is Sarah, the wild one over there is Alice, and our boy here is Samuel.” You said, pointing with your free hand to your small crew of children.
“Aye, so he tells me you met by chance. How in the hell did this man meet a woman like you?” He asked.
You looked down slightly at your daughter who was surprisingly sleeping soundly, her small mass of hair on her head coming in as dark as her fathers.
“I told your brothers already but, uh we met when I was traveling with me family. Saw him scrapping with some other men from nearby, I guess ya locked eyes long enough with me that they knocked you out aye love?” You said lightly punching Johnny’s shoulder.
“Aye they did. Couldn’t stop bloody lookin’ at ya. I mean seriously boys. Isn’t she a beauty? I’m a lucky man. A lucky lucky man.” He said, lighting a cigar as you smiled and put your free hand on his. It was rough from years of work, but as warm as the hugs he gave. He was home to you, no matter where you all went, he was the one constant thing you longed for, knowing in your heart he was yours forever.
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Johnny Dogs Tag List:
@flysafepapi, @gaytommyshelby, @ta-ka-shi-ma
If you’d like to be added/removed, just send me an ask/message. :)
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slashhinginghasher · 4 years
Stargazing with the slashers
Bo Sinclair
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You knew it bothered Bo sometimes (a lot of the time) that he couldn’t take you on a real date. Real dates required money and proximity to interesting things, both of which were in short supply in Ambrose. You honestly couldn’t give a shit - you had Bo, what else could you need? - but it chafed his pride, being unable to provide something that even pimple-faced teenagers could do.
He also got defensive if you ever tried to make suggestions, so you had to be sneaky about it. You’d casually mention how your sister’s high school boyfriend had taken her stargazing, had packed a little midnight picnic, and how it was one of her favorite dates, and if Bo got inspired, then it was obviously due to the powers of his mighty intellect and creativity.
(It had actually been your high school boyfriend, but Bo didn’t need to know that. He was a jealous man; comparing him to another guy, however inadvertently, would not end well.)
So now you were cuddled up in the bed of his truck, which had been transformed into a nest of blankets. Miles from the nearest town, there was almost no light pollution, and the night sky was as crisp and clear as you’d ever seen it. The two of you had talked about this and that, nursed a few beers, eventually winding up flat on your backs, a position you rarely found yourself in with Bo unless you were asleep or...
Ah, yes, there it is.
A touch of lips on your neck, hot but fleeting, sent tingles across your skin. Bo pressed a few more kisses to your neck and jaw before sucking on that spot that drove you wild. At the sound of your blissful sigh, he raised himself up on his forearms to hover over you.
“Bo,” you scolded teasingly, “you’re blocking the view.” He flashed his signature smirk, equal parts sexy and infuriating.
“I am the view, baby.” You groaned and rolled your eyes.
“Swear to god, Sinclair,” you grumbled, fighting back a grin, “one of these days I’m gonna kick your ass.”
But you didn’t complain when he lowered his lips to yours.
Jason Voorhees
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Jason hated the lake, but he hated the idea of you wandering around alone at night more, so when you announced that you were going to go stargazing on the dock, he insisted on joining you. But now that you were actually there, you could tell he was starting to regret his decision a little. The sounds of chirping insects and the gentle lapping of the lake were almost enough to lull you to sleep. Jason, by contrast, was as stiff as the boards he lay on.
Your heart gave a painful little squeeze. You hated seeing him so unhappy. You almost wanted to tell him to head back to the cabin, but were afraid he’d think you didn’t want his company. Instead, you reached over and took his hand.
“See those three stars?” you said, pointing with your other hand. “The ones in a straight line? That’s Orion’s belt. He was a mighty hunter. So mighty that the gods put him in the sky to live forever after he died on Earth.” You felt Jason relax, just a little. Encouraged, you pointed to a bright star near the Belt. “And that’s Sirius, his dog.”
You pointed out other constellations and stars you knew: the Big and Little Dippers, the North Star, the Seven Sisters, Betelgeuse. You told him the stories behind their names, which were probably half wrong, but he’d never know or care. Soothed by the touch of your hand and the soft sound of your voice, the tension slowly seeped out of Jason’s body until all thoughts of drowning were replaced by the stars, and you.
Maybe the lake wasn’t so bad after all.
Asa Emory
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Asa wasn’t doing a lot of things right now. He wasn’t letting the dogs spend extra time out of their kennel because the brush of their noses against your hands made you smile. He wasn’t thinking about how cute the way your furrowed your brow in concentration was as you pored over star charts and fiddled with lens focus dials. And he definitely wasn’t admiring how great your ass looked in those jeans.
Nope. Definitely wasn’t doing that.
He’d bought you the telescope on a whim, which in Asa’s world meant after weeks of research instead of months. You were something of an amateur astronomer; the intricate mathematics of orbits and light refraction escaped you, but you’d always loved the stars. Childhood trips to the planetarium, camping trips in the mountains, an epic road trip once to view a solar eclipse. The sky was your happy place. Asa was your happy place, too, but he wasn’t always around. The stars were, every night without fail.
You’d lit up like the sun when he’d set the heavy box in front of you with zero comment or explanation. You’d squealed and thrown your arms around him, and if you’d been looking at his eyes, you’d have seen something that almost looked like tenderness.
Now you were set up in Asa’s backyard, searching for Jupiter. It was trickier than you expected - there was a lot of sky - but excitement tempered your frustration. You had read the telescope’s user manual cover to cover - twice - and pulled up maps of the night sky from no fewer than four different sites. You never half-assed things you cared about, a trait that Asa both understood and admired.
“Asa!” you shrieked. “Asa, I’ve found it! You’ve gotta see this!” You’re practically bouncing with excitement as he peers through the eyepiece. “Do you see that little dot near the middle? That’s Io, one of the moons.” Asa nods, stepping back and allowing you to resume your admiration of the distant planet. As you continue to gush over the cloud bands, the Great Red Spot, the tiny moons, a faint smile appears on his lips. Perhaps he’ll start acting on his whims more frequently in the future.
Thomas Hewitt
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“Mama? D’you think Thomas and I could have the night off tomorrow? There’s gonna be a meteor shower and I wanna show him.” You and Luda Mae are working through a mountain of dishes side by side at the kitchen sink.
“How’d you know it’s gonna happen tomorrow?” Luda Mae asks.
“It comes every year around this time,” you reply. “My daddy and I used to watch it every summer when I was little. I just thought Tommy might like to see it.” Luda Mae’s face softens. Playing on her motherly tendencies does that.
“Well, ain’t that sweet. Course you can, dear.” She shakes a wooden spoon at you. “And don’t let Tommy give you no for an answer. That boy works too hard as it is.”
The Texas heat is a lot more bearable when the sun is down. You and Thomas are propped up on the rusty hood of one of the wrecked cars that dot the lawn. He’d been confused when you pulled him towards the front door after dinner, but a sharp look from Luda Mae quelled any protest he might have made.
“Look!” You grab Thomas’s arm as a thin streak of white flashes across the sky. More and more meteors fill the sky, until they’re coming nearly every minute. You ooh and aah over the brighter ones, oblivious to the fact that your hand is still gripping Thomas’s arm.
Thomas, on the other hand, is very aware of your warm skin on his.
“This was always my favorite part of the year,” you sigh after a particularly bright meteor. “I always wished on shooting stars and there’s so many of them now, I figure if I wished for the same thing on each one, at least one of them’s gotta work, you know?” You glance over at Thomas and are once again struck breathless, this time by the intensity in his blue eyes. Your cheeks heat and you return your gaze to the sky, moving your hand away from his arm.
An hour or more passes, the silence between growing thicker with each minute. You’re beginning to wonder if you made a mistake, if Thomas really didn’t want to be here with you.
A large, tentative hand brushes your cheek with aching tenderness, turning your face back to Thomas. He seems to be steeling himself for something, and before you can ask what’s wrong, he leans over and brushes his lips against yours. The kiss is chaste, but it sets your heart racing, and when you lay a hand on Thomas’s chest, you can feel his galloping along as well. It’s an eternity and an instant before he pulls back, slowly.
“Wow,” you whisper with a smile as bright as a shooting star. “It came true.”
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strawbunniiee · 3 years
A Girl and a Ghost Ch. 3: The King’s Revenge
SOOOOO this is the part where the plot thickens :)
if anybody else wants me to tag them in these chapters so you know when they come out i will gladly do so andksnkfs
hope you enjoy! ive had tons of fun with writing these :D
dont mind me, just lettin my frendos know that this is a thing skfnkdjf
@salamifuposey @monsterbride99 aaAAA when i initially posted this i COMPLETELY forgot to do this a a a a a sorry
King Boo was furious.
How could that peasant, that foul impure abomination of a Boo do this to his beloved crown? It contained his power, it was so incredibly important to him...
And that filthy little purple haired brat! How could she so carelessly throw a rock at him like that?
He plopped his body down in a chair and marinated in his own rage for a few minutes.
After a few moments of enraged silence, he spoke.
"...I have got to get my revenge on those two. But... how will I do it?"
King Boo began to brainstorm a way to get the ghost Rabbid and his little idiot friend in hot water.
"Torture? No, no... one of them is a ghost. It wouldn't hurt him... Torture could be done with the little nuisance however. Perhaps a bit of childhood trauma will teach her not to mess with the wrong people." he thought aloud.
He spent almost fifteen whole minutes thinking of gruesome ways to get back at them, until it finally struck him.
"...Oooh, I know. I know exactly what to do now. It'll mostly affect that bloated rabbit, but I can still do some damage to his moronic pipsqueak pal."
He grinned maliciously and floated towards the doors of his manor.
"I'm about to open up some old wounds of yours, Tommy." he said to himself.
Meanwhile, Phantom was racing through the sky with Jawaii in his arms, panicking. He would never let King Boo lay his foul hands on her.
They were both absolutely dead silent the whole time until Jawaii opened her mouth.
"...Do you know that guy?"
Phantom halted for a moment and looked down at the young alien he held. "...Yes, I do, but I don't think I would like to go into detail at the moment. We have a very... rough history, I will say."
"Oh... I get it. It's okay, I won't pry. I understand." Jawaii said.
"Just remember that if King Boo ever tries to hurt us, I'll make sure he will regret it for the rest of his days." promised the Rabbid ghost. "I swear on it."
Phantom resumed his flight and soared down to the ground safely. He gently set her down in the grass.
"That was actually really fun! We should do that again sometime! ...without being scared off by an evil ghost, obviously. That would just make it less fun." said Jawaii.
"I'm glad you were entertained, I suppose... King Boo is quite intimidating. And rude." said Phantom.
Jawaii put her hands on her hips. "Well, yeah! I mean, he made fun of your weight! No friend of mine is getting made fun of like that!"
Phantom laughed a bit. "Oh, don't worry, I wasn't that harmed by that statement. I er, get that all the time."
She frowned. "Why do people tease you about that, that's dumb! Besides, I think you're perfect just the way you are!" She gave him a hug.
He hugged back and smiled. "Awww... thank you. I was born like this, I can't help it you see."
"You're a giant fluffy singing ghost bunny with a mustache, I have no idea how anybody could hate THAT! Cuz I don't."
"Oh, don't make me blush from all of these compliments!" said Phantom, smiling.
Jawaii jokingly grinned evilly. "Never. I'm gonna shower you in compliments 'til you DROWN!"
She cackled maniacally as she began relentlessly saying nice things about him with Phantom begging her to stop. Soon, it became a full-on flattery war to see who could out-compliment the other. They had a grand old time.
Eventually, the sun began to set.
"Oh yikes, I better get home. I had no idea we stayed out here for so long! Mom is probably having a heart attack as we speak!" said Jawaii.
Phantom was quite alarmed, his ears sprung up in worry and concern. "She's having a what?! Oh, poor child, I hope your mother is all right..."
She burst out laughing hysterically.
"Wh-what's so funny? I thought your mother was dying!"
"No, dummy! That was an exaggeration, I meant that she's probably WORRIED about me!" Jawaii continued giggling like a maniac.
"Ah. I see now... Thank you for correcting me!" Phantom joined in on the laughter.
They got themselves together after a moment.
"Oh yeah, mind if you could fly me over to my house..? We're kinda far away from home." said Jawaii.
"Of course!" Phantom replied happily.
Jawaii climbed on his back and the two flew home.
After flying back to town, Phantom gently set Jawaii down in front of her home.
"See you soon, my friend. I enjoyed showing you around Spooky Trails today!" said Phantom.
"Cya tomorrow Phantom! I had a good day today too!" She ran up to him and gave him one last hug.
She walked up to her door and waved goodbye to Phantom. He waved back.
"Moooom! I'm hoooome!"
Jawaii's stepmother Stella ran in.
"Oh, Jawaii! Thank goodness you're all right! I was so worried, where were you?"
"Sorry I came home late! But I spent today with a friend of mine."
Stella had a look of pleasant surprise on her face. "You made a friend? That's so wonderful! I know you haven't really ever had any friends, honey, I'm so happy to hear that you finally made one!" She smiled.
Jawaii grinned. "Yeah! I'll tell you allllll about him! He's the best."
They sat down at the dinner table with the food Stella made.
Jawaii dug into her mashed potatoes and ate it like a wild animal that had nothing to eat for the past 3 weeks.
"Honey, chew slowly. I don't want you choking!" said Stella.
"Sorry, Mom..." Jawaii said, frowning.
"It's okay. I don't want you in the hospital or anything, especially after you just made a new friend!"
"Oh, I've known him for a while, actually. We've been hanging out together a lot!" she smiled, her mouth still full of food.
"...Jawaii, sweetie, don't talk with food in your mouth.“
"Oh yeah! Sorry again Mom.."
"Anyways, that's why you've been out so much lately? I'm so happy for you, Jawaii!" Stella smiled.
Jawaii gulped down some water. "Yep! I'm glad I'm his friend too!"
They spent dinner talking about all of the fun adventures she and Phantom had gone on.
Jawaii however, conveniently left out any mention of them being in danger, she wouldn't want to worry her stepmother of course!
"Oh yeah! I meant to ask you this, but I got totally sidetracked but where's Dad? And where's Hakai?" asked Jawaii.
"Your father is out destroying planets again, and your sister is having a sleepover with some friends of hers." said Stella.
"Ohhhh. Wonder why Dad's out so late. Hope he's alright."
"I'm sure he's fine, hon."
Jawaii had another sister though, and her name was Roe. She went to a boarding school and wasn't home most of the time.
She stretched and yawned. "Hey Mom, I think I'm gonna hit the hay today."
Stella gave her a small look of surprise. "Oh! You are? Usually you're quite a night owl. Maybe you're just tired from all your little adventures with Phantom."
Jawaii smiled. "Yeah. Maybe. Anyways, g'night Mom! Love ya, don't let the bed bugs bite."
Stella gave Jawaii a hug. "Aww, good night sweetie. Love you too.”
Jawaii ran upstairs, changed into her nightgown, brushed her teeth and jumped into bed, quickly falling asleep after her long, tiring but fun day.
That same night, the Mushroom Kingdom was as quiet as ever when it was nighttime. The once colorful, cheerful inviting land was deathly silent, almost hauntingly so.
Princess Peach was safely tucked in her bed, sleeping peacefully.
But little did the sleeping princess know, this would not remain for long.
King Boo had finally made it to the castle after venturing there to exact his revenge. He knew how dearly Phantom loved Peach. Breaking them apart forever would be the ultimate punishment for stepping on his turf. He knew that either way, the plan would work. If Phantom didn't come to the manor, him and Peach would be separated forever. If he did, however, it would give the vengeful king the chance to trap him and Jawaii in his manor, to torture them and possibly even kill them somehow.
He knew he could kill Jawaii, that was no problem, but Phantom...? Could he possibly do it again? ...No, he's a ghost now. He can't be killed again. But the king knew that even if he couldn't die, he could still make him suffer for as long as he wanted. Possibly even for eternity.
He phased through the castle walls, not having any of the guards notice him. Then, he finally found her room. There Peach slept, defenseless, ready for the taking.
In the blink of an eye, he snatched her from her bed.
Peach immediately woke up and let out a shrill scream of horror, alerting the Toads guarding her door.
But it was too late. He had already burst out her window with her and was headed straight towards his mansion.
Tap, tap, tap.
Jawaii woke up very late that night to a tapping sound she heard at her window. She went over to it to find one of the Peek-A-Boos she had met in Spooky Trails, tapping away at her window.
"Hey... aren't you that kid who Phantom is friends with?"
Jawaii rubbed her eye and yawned. "Yeah. Why do you ask? And how are you at my house anyway?"
The Peek-A-Boo had a somber expression on his face. "Well... I have to tell you some... bad news."
Jawaii was horrified of what was about to come out of his mouth next. Did something terrible happen to Phantom?
"His love, Princess Peach was kidnapped by King Boo. And... Phantom is gone. He went off to go save her. Knowing King Boo, Phantom may not come back in one piece. ...The other Rabbids told me it was best to go tell you. That way, you would know where he is. You deserve to know..."
Jawaii was devastated. How could this happen?
She knew she had to save him. And if she couldn't save him... then she wouldn't let him suffer alone.
"...No. I'm not going to let this happen to him."
The Peek-A-Boo was taken aback in surprise by Jawaii's response. "...I dunno if you should go. You're only a kid. You could get seriously hu-"
"I don't care." said Jawaii.
She jumped into her closet and changed into her usual clothes, grabbed a lantern and ran out of the house and into the black, haunted forest that she met Phantom in.
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get-your-fics · 5 years
First Impressions
Request: “Hi! My request is for non-con Bruce Wayne. Basically the reader is mean to him, like bullying him and he finds a way to take advantage of her or something thank you :) it’d be great if it was smut” from @heimdoodle​
Pairing: dark!Bruce Wayne x reader
Warnings: Smut, non-con oral, underage drinking, playboy!Bruce Wayne
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“Please, (Y/N)!” your best friend Grace Blomdahl’s whiny voice pierced your ear through the phone speaker. “I’m begging you, come party with us just this once?”
You sighed. You had been at this for what felt like hours. “Okay. Fine, Grace. You’ve twisted my arm.”
She squealed. “Yes! It’s going to be so much fun. I promise, you’re not going to regret this.”
“Already too late,” you muttered under your breath.
And that’s how you found yourself being dragged by Grace through a crowd of writhing bodies in a club you didn’t know the name of wearing a dress too short and too tight to your liking and heels that you could barely walk in. The whole place reeked of sweat and alcohol, and the stench made your stomach churn.
You stopped at a table full of people you didn’t recognize. “(Y/N), these are my friends.” They all waved at you. She went around the table, introducing them one by one before landing on the final occupant. “And this is Bruce Wayne,” she finished.
You turned your head to lock eyes with a boy with dark hair, pale skin, and fine features. His was the only face that had a sense of familiarity attached to it. You had never met him before, but you had heard plenty about him - how he liked to take girls out, play with them, and when he got bored, dumped them like they were nothing. The corners of his pink lips curled into a sly smirk, and the weight of his heavy gaze was suddenly too much to bear, like it was scalding you. You looked away before he could burn you anymore. He was definitely someone to watch out for.
You knew you were in for a terrible night when a boy named Tommy Elliot handed Grace a drink and whisked her off to the dance floor. You spent most of your time squeezed in between two girls you didn’t know at the table. Eventually, everyone had gotten up to dance or get more drinks, leaving you alone.
“You’re not gonna dance?”
You snapped your head to see Bruce sitting at the other end of the table. You hadn’t even realized he was still there. He seemed to blend into the darkness of the club like a shadow. It was the first time you had heard him speak all night, and his voice was smooth like silk.
He quirked a brow at you, and you realized you hadn’t yet answered his question. You shook your head. “I don’t dance.”
He rose from his seat, the legs of his chair scratching against the polished floors. He walked over and sat down next to you. The sudden proximity made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. “Do you drink at least?”
You shook your head again, and he chuckled, deep and low. “So you don’t dance and you don’t drink. Why are you here then?” He leaned closer to you, a wide grin spread across his face. “For the entertainment?”
You grimaced. “Why do you care?”
He raised his hands in mock surrender. “I was just asking a question. No harm, no foul.”
“The only reason I’m here is because Grace forced me to come.” You stared straight ahead of you at the dance floor. You could just barely make out the top of Grace’s head as she bobbed along to the blaring music. “Now why don’t you go back to leaving me alone?”
The smile on his face disappeared. “God forbid I try to start a conversation.”
You whipped your head around to sneer at him. “Do you think I don’t know who you are?”
He cocked his head. “And just who am I, (Y/N)?” He put heavy emphasis on your name.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “You think you’re better than everyone. You think you can do whatever you want just because your family owns Gotham City.” As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. You felt silly spouting such venom to someone you had just met.
He drew his brows together, and his lips twisted into a frown. An expression of sorrow and pain etched its way onto his face, but in the next second, it vanished. “Right.” He scooped up his drink and stood up. “I guess I won’t bother you anymore then.”
You sat there by yourself, feeling foolish and dumb, but you told yourself it was for the better. You’d heard the stories; whatever Bruce had wanted with you, it couldn’t have been good. He was just trying to manipulate you and make you feel bad for him.
You shook it off and stood up, resolving to leave. You had had your fill of the nightlife for sometime. You texted Grace on your way out that you felt sick and had gone home. She probably wouldn’t even notice you weren’t there until the morning.
“We missed you last night.” Grace’s voice sounded weak and groggy over the speaker. You expected she was hungover from her usual antics.
“And by ‘we’ you mean ‘you,’ right?” you joked, unlocking your mailbox in your apartment complex.
“Oh, come on! I’m sure if you had made more of an effort with the others that one time, they would love you just as much as I do.”
Your thoughts briefly veered off to Bruce and the conversation you had had that night, how you had basically spurned him without even hearing what he had to say. You dismissed your guilt. You reminded yourself that he was bad news. You didn’t just get a reputation like his by accident.
“Why don't you come with me to Emma’s house party this weekend?” Grace asked, and to convince you even further, she added, “She has a super nice house just outside the city.”
You chewed on your lower lip as you dug your mail out of your mailbox. You’ve had similar versions of the same back and forth over and over again. She never gave up until you gave in. “Okay,” you agreed, if only to get her to shut up sooner.
“Great! I’ll take you shopping after school tomorrow.” You could hear the growing excitement in her voice. “See you then!”
“Bye, Grace. See you.” You hung up as you got in the elevator. You only hoped you wouldn’t run into Bruce there.
You shuffled through the various envelopes as the elevator took you to your apartment’s floor. You swear your heart stopped in your chest when you held in your hands an envelope from Gotham College of Architecture and Design. The elevator binged as the doors slid open, drawing your attention, and you stepped out. As soon as you got inside your apartment, you tore the envelope to shreds, desperate to read its contents.
You had dreamed of going to GCAD for so long. It was a very prestigious school because of its renowned faculty, and practically everyone who graduated with a degree was guaranteed a lifelong, successful career. Although your parents had assured you that you exceeded the standards to get in, you were still nervous. Your entire future was at stake.
You unfolded the letter and read the neatly printed letters. Your heart sank in your chest. You had been waitlisted. Although it wasn’t a definite no, chances were, you were going to have to look elsewhere. The first tear fell down your cheek, and you wiped it away. It was followed by another, and another, until it was like a torrential downpour of water down your face.
You slowly fell to the floor and curled up into a ball, the letter crumpled up and discarded. You would have to find a way to tell your parents when they got home. You knew they would be supportive, but no matter what, it still hurt. And it would for a while.
Come the weekend, you were still hurting. Normally you would know better than to drink away your pain, but the wound was still fresh, and every drink someone set in front of you, you downed without wincing.
Next thing you knew, you were in the living room of Emma Hseuh’s sprawling mansion, surrounded by faces you didn’t know and voices you didn’t recognize. The last time you had seen Grace was when you both did shots of tequila before dancing on the coffee table together, but that felt like hours ago, and since then she had disappeared into the air like smoke. You figured she must have ditched you again.
You staggered your way past couples sloppily making out and two kids smoking weed to get to the bathroom. You were definitely feeling it now, and you weren’t sure if you were going to puke your guts out or piss your pants. You ended up just splashing water on your face to regain your composure, and when you left, you nearly bumped into Bruce leaning back against the wall in the hallway.
He smirked and pushed off of the wall. “Just who I was looking for.” His eyes widened as you nearly fell flat on your face from the force of bumping into him, and he caught you before you could. “Are you okay?”
He righted you back on your feet, and you pushed him away. “What do you care?”
He laughed at your very drunken appearance. “God, you’re shit faced. What happened to not drinking?”
You scowled. “I thought I told you to leave me alone,” you slurred, your eyes barely open. “Are you following me now?”
The amused expression on his face dropped. “What did I ever do to you? Did it ever occur to you that you’re the one who thinks she’s better than everyone, and that’s why you’re so set on being mean to me?”
You stared up at him, wanting to shrink down into nothing. You were so convinced that he had an ulterior motive behind his actions that you contorted and twisted every interaction you had into something sinister. “I’m sorry, it’s just... After all the things I’ve heard about you...”
“Most of the time, (Y/N), you’ll find that rumors are just that - rumors, born out of jealousy.” He placed his hands on your shoulders and smiled down at you warmly. “Is there any chance we can start over? Let bygones be bygones?”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or the way he was looking at you, but you nodded. “I would like that.”
His smile grew. “Great.” He draped his arm over your shoulders and started leading you down the hall. “Why don’t we go somewhere we can be alone?”
He took you to a thankfully empty bedroom. You sat and talked for a while about your life - your hopes, your dreams, your ambitions, where you were and where you wanted to go, everything and nothing all at once. You started to sober up, and you found yourself surprisingly enjoying his company. He was the first real and genuine person you had spoken to all night, and you wanted to curse yourself for ever thinking otherwise.
“So what’s the deal with Grace?” he asked you eventually. “You guys seem like such good friends, but you’re so... different.”
“We grew up together. Our parents are old family friends.” You looked down as you fidgeted with the patterned bedspread. “We used to be so close, but in high school, we started to drift apart. She made friends with those people,” you pointed to the door where everyone was outside, “and, well, you can tell I’m not the partying type...”
“I don’t know. I saw you dancing, and you’re not nearly as bad as you think you are.”
You both laughed. “What about you?” You hugged yourself and looked up at him. “I thought you were supposed to be some hotshot, playboy, Casanova. Why aren’t you out there with the rest of them right now breaking some poor girl’s heart?”
He grew oddly serious. “Because I’d rather be here with you.” You inhaled sharply as he cupped your face in his hands. “Usually, girls fawn all over me when they see me. But not you. You’re the only girl to have ever rejected my advances. You’re different, special.”
He leaned in to kiss you, but you put your hands on his chest to stop him. “Is that all I am to you?” You pushed him away enough that you had room to breathe. “A prize to be won?”
“What?” He furrowed his dark brows. “No, of course not.”
“Well, then maybe some rejection would do your ego good.” You shot up and stormed toward the door.
“What about GCAD?”
His voice made you stop in your tracks. You felt goosebumps rise on your arms. You turned around, shoulders raised and fists clenched, and saw him sitting there with a pleased smirk plastered on his face. “Do you think I don’t know about that?” He leaned back on his hands. “You got rejected, didn’t you? That’s why you’ve been drinking so much.”
“I was waitlisted, not rejected,” you corrected him through gritted teeth. “And how do you know about that anyway?”
“Well, it’s funny.” He looked at you with a shit-eating grin. “I recently just joined the admissions board.”
You swore you were seeing red. You charged at him and grabbed him by the collar of his neatly pressed shirt, wrinkling it. “You did this, didn’t you? You got me waitlisted!”
“Calm down.” He chuckled and pried your fingers off of him effortlessly. “It’s amazing the things you can get if you just throw enough money at them.” He stood up. “I may be able to convince the rest of the board to let you in, for a price, of course.”
“You’re just as bad as everyone says you are,” you spat. “Even worse, actually.”
He clucked his tongue disapprovingly. “If you’re done running your mouth, you might put it to better use.” He grabbed you by your chin, forcing you to stare straight into his eyes. They were impossibly dark and empty like the void of space, drawing you into them. “Do what I say, and you’ll be rewarded.”
You tried to jerk away from him. “How do I know I can trust you?”
“Because I always make good on my promises, and I’m promising you, (Y/N), you’ll get what you want if you do what I want.”
You felt hot tears sting your eyes as they leaked down your cheeks. You wiped them away with your hands, desperate to preserve what little dignity you had left. “Please, don’t do this. Don’t make me do this,” you whispered.
“I’m not making you do anything. You’re doing this of your own free will.” He threaded his fingers through your hair and yanked, causing you to yelp. “Now, get on your knees. And don’t make me repeat myself.”
You glared at him, and if looks could kill, you were sure he would be six feet under. You absolutely despised him, and even though what you were about to do made you sick to your stomach, getting in to GCAD meant the world to you. You would do anything it takes.
You slowly lowered yourself to your knees, refusing to make eye contact with him on your way down. You sat up eye level with his crotch, awaiting his next instructions.
“Good girl,” he cooed condescendingly, and you resisted the urge to bust his kneecaps. He removed his hands from you and unzipped his fly. His cock sprung free from its confines, hard and aching. “Go ahead. You know what to do.”
You tentatively wrapped your hand around his length, giving his shaft a few uneasy pumps. He hissed with pleasure and bucked into your hand eagerly. You continued to stroke him, but he grew impatient. “Don’t be shy.” He buried his hand in your hair again and moved your head so the tip of his cock pressed between your lips. “Bite me, and you’ll regret it.”
You licked the head of his cock. His precum felt like acid when it hit your tongue. You swallowed your pride and gave him a few more kitten licks before taking him into your mouth. You went as far as you could without choking and used your hand to stimulate what you couldn’t reach.
He growled and used his hand in your hair to bob you up and down his length faster. “Come on, you can take it.” He thrust into you at the same time, and you gagged each time he hit the back of your throat.
Your eyes widened, and you pressed your hands against his hips. He ignored you and continued to use you for his own pleasure. Your throat burned, your jaw ached, and saliva dripped out of your abused mouth and down your chin. You inhaled through your nose, but it was never enough to inflate your lungs fully. You felt like you were on the verge of passing out, though you doubted he would care if you did.
“Look at me,” he demanded. He tugged on your hair ‘til your scalp hurt, and you stared up at him. “I want you to watch me when I cum.”
His thrusts grew spastic, and he guided you up and down his length frantically. “You’re mine now,” he grunted, his voice weak with arousal. His cheeks were flushed, and his dark eyes were clouded over with lust. “You belong to me. I own you.”
He pulled you until you took him in fully, your nose touching his pelvis. He shot his hot cum down your throat in spurts with a wanton groan. He removed himself from you, and you collapsed onto the ground. You sputtered and gasped for breath, your face bright red and your hair mussed. You hacked until you coughed up his cum onto the hardwood. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and sobbed. You had never felt more violated or defiled in your life.
Bruce recovered from his climax and glowered down at you. “You were supposed to swallow like a good slut!” He reached down and grabbed you once again by the hair. He hauled you up, and you cried out. “Oh, we’re not finished yet. Not by a long shot.” He grinned venomously. “If you want to get in to your dream school, (Y/N), you’re going to have to earn it...”
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cruecifymesixx · 4 years
Love and Leather /part seventy eight/
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: Enjoy!
Warnings: angst, language, 
Taglist:  @brideofdraculana, @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless,, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding , , @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent​ , @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet @shoutatthedevill, @beachystars , @beachystars, @rodriguez025 , @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox , @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @thanks2pete,  @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001,  @waywardprincess666, @malibubarbievince, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester  @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe, @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @youretheonlyonewhomakesme, @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991 , @xpoisonousrosesx, @cranberrirolls, @m0rnlngstar, @love-struck-aries, @findingmyths , @minxtruck, @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @sinningsixx, @motleycrueprincess, @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro
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~New Years Eve 1995~
Nikki crawled over the velvet red seats of the limo, reaching for Vanitys purse and tugging on it, "Get your ass back in the limo now!" He slid his hand off the strap, fingers wrapping around her wrist and pulling her back to the door, "You aren't gonna act like a fucking brat and just runaway like you usually do!"
Vanity stared down at him before pinching his hand, "No! I don't want to go anywhere with you! You're pissing me off! Now, let go!"
"Sir, the light is green. I am holding up traffic."
"I don't give a fuck! Vanity, I swear to god I will drag you into this car!" Nikki hissed, tightening his grip on her and pulling her, prying her hand off his with his left one.
"Fuck you and fuck off!" She yelled at him, flipping off the people behind them honking. She reached for the door and started shutting it on him. Nikki quickly let go when it almost slammed on his hand.
"Fuckin' psycho bit-" Nikki quickly shut his mouth and closed his eyes, taking deep breath after deep breath.
"May I start driving now, sir?"
*A few hours prior*
"How do I look?" Vanity twirled around for Nikki, the blue silk dress with criss cross straps in the back shining in the light. The diamond choker from Christmas glistening as well.
"Like a million bucks, babe." Nikki grinned, reaching for her hand and kissing it.
"Only a million?" Vanity joked as Nikki rolled his eyes.
"An infinite amount, that better?" He questioned as he peppered kisses up her arm and across her shoulder before kissing her lips, moaning at the taste, "Peaches?"
Vanity shook her head, "And cream. It's a new lipgloss." She kisses him again before wiping it off his lip with her thumb.
"It's almost time!" Arianna came in bursting through Vans bedroom door, "We have to!" She yelled, grabbing both her parents hands and pulling them out of the bedroom.
Nikki had came up with the idea to set all the clocks in the house three hours ahead so it would line with the ball drop on the east coast at midnight as it was only roughly fifteen minutes to nine, "Told you it would work." Nikki mumbled to Vanity as they went down the stairs and to the living room, "Plus, she can't even tell time yet."
Vanity grabbed some confetti poppers and gave them to Arianna and him before answering the doorbell, "Hi Jessie. It's nice to see you again." She smiled at the red headed teenager that lived a few houses down from theirs. While being on winter break to make some extra cash, Jessie had went door to door offering to babysit the kids of the neighborhood and walk the dogs. Nikki found it as a way to slowly get Clementine out of the way. Did he tell Vanity that? No, of course not.
"So this is a list of contacts, there's me, Nikki, Clementine and Tommy and if all else fails call Mick and he'll be over as soon as he can. And if no one answers at all, I'm sure you know how to call 9-1-1 if there's a true emergency. Um, she has no allergies to food. We do have Anarchy, our dog, but she's a sweetheart. She usually sleeps with Ari at night. Arianna does wake up sometimes to go potty or wanting a snack or water. Um, please help yourself to any food in the fridge or pantry. There's a bathroom downstairs...uh am I missing anything?" Vanity chuckled nervously, it was the first time she was leaving Arianna in the hands of a complete stranger.
Jessie smiled at her, "No, I think I got it. I see she's still awake?"
Van nodded, "Yeah, she wanted to stay up till midnight so we just changed the clocks."
"Mommy! C'mon!" Arianna ran to her, handing her party poppers.
"Ari, this is Jessie. She's gonna stay and hang out with you for a little bit while me and daddy go hang out with auntie and uncle Tommy." Vanity told her as she stared back.
Vanity cursed in her head, seeing the bottom lip start to quiver, "I don't want her. Why can't I come with you?" Arianna started the water works, red as a tomato as she clung to Vanity.
"She's tired. She's rarely up this late." Vanity explained, giving Jessie an apologetic look as she picked up Arianna.
"Baby, c'mon. We'll be back in a few hours. It's okay." Vanity rubbed her back soothingly, and kissed her cheek, "I know you can be a big girl for me. Then tomorrow, daddy's gonna take us to the boardwalk. And we can play all the games and ride some of the rides. It's not like the gigantic one in New York but it's fun."
"I am?" Nikki questioned, before pulling the string of the popper and pointing it in the air, causing colorful confetti to fall on top of Vanity and Ari.
"Yes, you are." Vanity blew him a kiss, "You think you can be okay without us?" Van questioned as she wiped a tear from her cheek.
Arianna nodded and stuck her hand out for one of the poppers in Nikkis hand, "I can be a big girl." She mumbled as she shot the popper directly at Nikki's chest, giggling in Vans ear as she rested her head on her shoulder.
"Okay okay. Let's not waste them." Nikki grumbled as he changed the channel to the ball drop in Times Square.
"I've been there!!" Arianna pointed at the tv. Nikki handed her another popper, holding her hand as she went for the string again.
"No, you gotta wait." Nikki spoke as he handed one to Van before Jessie, "You get in on this too, kid."
"5...4...3...2...1...Happy New Years!!"
They all pulled the strings as Arianna covered her ears at the noise, tossing her popper down to the carpet, "happy New Years! And it's time for bed!" Vanity kissed her cheek before handing her to Nikki.
"Goodnight baby! I love you!" Van waved to her, Ari waving back as Nikki took her upstairs, "So was I missing anything?"
Jessie shook her head, "Do you know when you'll be back home?"
"Oh! Um, maybe a little bit after midnight? Maybe one? Is that okay? We can come home earlier if you want?"
Jessie shook her head, "No, no it's okay. I was just curious. I think we'll be alright. You two go out and have fun."
Van smiled, "We will. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns." She glanced up when Nikki came down the stairs.
"I think that's the easiest I've ever seen her lay down. Did you tell her the rules?" Nikki questioned as Van rolled her eyes.
"What rules?"
"Nikki, I'm not telling her that."
Nikki looked at Jessie, "No sneaking boys in, no drugs or alcohol in the house and respect it like it's your own. And I will find out, I have surveillance in and out of the house." Vanity groaned and swatted his chest.
"We only have cameras in the front and on the sides of the house. He's just being a pest. Don't listen to him."
Jessie laughed, "My dad said you were the crazy one of the band."
Vanity laughed and grabbed her purse, "You don't know the half of it sweetie. We'll see you in a few hours." She grabbed Nikkis hand and pulled him towards the front door.
"The code is 7362. If you need it." Nikki smiled at Jessie as he armed the security system, "I'm serious, no boys." He warned her again.
"Yes sir. No boys." Jessie waved them goodbye as Vanity pulled him out of the front door.
"You got us a limo?" Vanity questioned as she saw the sleek black car waiting out front, the driver holding open the door.
"Well yeah? What else was I suppose to get. Come on get in. I told tommy we'd be there at nine fifteen to pick them up."
*End flashback*
"Van-Vanity! Wait!" Clementine chased after her as Tommy stuck his body out of the sun roof.
"Babe! Baby! What the hell did I do?! C'mon! Please get back in the limo!" Tommy shouted, "You too Van- hey I'm talking!" He grumbled as Nikki pulled him down and he changed positions.
"Vanity! Don't fucking do this, alright?! You're ruining everyone's night, including yours and I don't want to hear you bitching about it in the morn- don't throw your fucking shoe at me!" He dodged it when the black stiletto came flying at him, "Okay! Baby, look I was an asshole! And I'm sorry, alright!? I am sorry! I shouldn't have called you a whore! But we're both drunk and we're gonna regret this whole fight in the morning, so please, can you get in the limo!?"
"What part of leave me the fuck alone do you not understand!? God! I can't fucking stand you sometimes!" Vanity spat back, taking off her other heel and chucking as hard as she could, completely missing Nikki and hitting the side window.
"And I really can't stand this Vanity and all her bratty tantrums but here I am! Just like always, you started this shit!!"
"I did not start it!”
“Yes! You! Did!"
"Maybe I wouldn't have been mad in the first place if you didn't talk to that fucking bitch!!" Vanity screamed at him, throwing down her purse as she stormed down the sidewalk, Clementine quickly picking it up and chasing her.
Vanity cradled her watered down vodka cranberry as she waited patiently for Nikki to bring her back another one. The band had their own private lounge at the club, rightfully so but their bar tending service sucked. She sat on the leather couch bobbing her head to the music and listening to Tommy and John talk about the ideas for the new album. Clementine looked as annoyed as Vanity felt, "You know, sometimes I wish it was 1986 and the guys were still excited about being at a party." She said into Clementines ear over the loud music that played through the speaker.
"If I hear Tommy say 'dude, it's killer' one more time I'm gonna loose it." Clementine groaned as Tommy said it again, laughing as he did so.
I smiled and nudged Clementine, "Do you maybe want to go dance? Since they're having such a in depth conversation?" Clementine nodded immediately and grabbed Vanity's hand as she pulled her to the dance floor. The two laughed as they swayed to the music.
Nikki took a breath of fresh air as he stepped out of the bathroom. All he wanted was to take a piss but almost every guy in there just needed to have an autograph and a picture. He loved his fans, but man, did they get on his nerves sometimes.
He stepped through the crowd, avoiding bumping into people as much as possible, his anxiety was off the charts as it had been quite sometime since he's been in a party atmosphere. He stepped over to the bar ordering Van another vodka cranberry and himself a jack and coke. As he waited, he looked over to the lounge and noticed the girls weren't there till he saw them dancing. He smiled a bit and waved at Vanity to grab her attention, but stopped when a petite blonde crossed his line of sight. His eyes followed her to the bar a few bodies away from him. He gazed up her tan legs and over the bright red dress. He twiddled with his thumbs for a moment, glancing at Vanity to decide what to do. She wasn't paying attention anyways.
Nikki moved down the bar, squeezing in between her and some others, "He-hey." He choked out, scratching the back of his neck as he leaned into the bar.
The blonde smiles at him, recognizing him immediately, "Oh! Hey! You're Nikki Sixx!"
He nodded, "Yeah, that's me." He cleared his throat, "What's your name?"
"Donna D'Errico. I'm actually a big fan of Mötley Crüe."
"Thank you. You're on TV, right?" Nikki questioned
Donna nodded, "Yes, Baywatch. I'm surprised you would know that. I wouldn't expect you to watch something like that." She chuckled a bit and looked at him.
"Oh, yeah my uh...yes I watch it. It's a guilty pleasure. It's really good. Can I get you a drink?" He asked, flagging the bartender down.
"Sure, a Mai Tai please." Donna spoke kindly as the bartender nodded and went back to making drinks and taking orders, "Where's your girlfriend?"
Nikki looked at her rather confused, "Huh? Girlfriend? I-I don't have a girlfriend." Nikki shook his head, "Where's your boyfriend?"
Donna smiled at him and moved closer to Nikki, "What boyfriend?" She smirks and lets her fingers glide over his wrist, her nail tapping the gold skull ring on his middle finger, "I just assumed you had one because of the whole daughter thing that happened."
"Daughter?" Nikki questioned before his eyes widened, "Fuck! Yeah, Arianna! My daughter. She's five. And such a pain in my neck sometimes." Nikki chuckled nervously as the bartender slid the drinks over the counter. He handed Donna's fruity cocktail to her, "But no, me and her mother aren't together."
"Oh? Well, can I give you my number?" Donna asked curiously as she was already reaching into her purse to grab a pan.
Nikki nodded feverishly, "Yeah, Yes. I would love to have your number."
Donna smiled at Nikki, reaching for a napkin behind him and letting her chest brush against his. She wrote her number down, plus her name before kissing the paper and leaving a pink lip print.
*End Flashback*
"Stop the fucking limo!!" Nikki barked his orders as he stared Vanity down, "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"No! I'm not kidding-"
"Shut up! Shut the fuck up Vanity! How the fuck are you going to be pissed at me for talking to another woman when you're the one saying we aren't together every god damn day! You are saying that! Not me!"
Vanity balled her fists up at her sides glaring at him, "That's not what I mean and-"
Nikki started laughing, "Yeah, because as usual, you don't fucking mean anything ever! We aren't fucking together and if I want to talk to some chick that isn't you then I'm gonna fucking do it! You aren't my girlfriend and I don't see a ring on your finger!"
"No, you aren't!!" Vanity yelled back at him, feeling tears swelling up in her eyes as he smirked at her.
"And why the fuck not?! We are not together! If I wanna talk, flirt, or fuck some other woman I can!"
Vanity noticed Nikki at the bar talking to some short blonde chick her eyes narrowed as she saw her vodka cranberry in his hand, "I'm gonna go get a drink." She told Clementine, leaving the dance floor as she walked to them. She smirked to herself seeing the woman touching his hand and holding out a piece of paper to Nikki.
"There you are!" Vanity announced her presence as Nikki sent her a warning look. She stepped over wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his arm, "Is that my drink?" She took it from his hand and took a sip, "Oh! I'm sorry." Vanity pretended to finally notice the woman, the shit eating grin almost faltering on her face, "Oh! Wow, you're uh, uh Donna right? From Baywatch?"
Donna smiled brightly, brushing her bangs out of her eyes, "I am! You must be Vanity, right? God, the tabloids don't even remotely capture how pretty you are."
Vanity had to hold back an eye roll, "Oh thank you. Is it hard being a model when you see normal pictures of yourself?"
Nikki looked down at her before wrapping his arm around her and lightly squeezing the side of her shoulder as a way to say 'be nice'.
Donna chuckled and took a sip of her drink, "No, it's not hard at all. It's a lot of fun. You know, if you ever wanted to try it out I could probably link you up with some agencies and photographers."
"Modeling? Uh, I don't know. Nikki's really the only one that ever takes pictures of me." She leaned into his chest and rested her hand upon his sternum before reaching up and kissing his cheek, "But I'll think about it."
Donna nods and looks at the two, "Oh, well I gave him my number but you can call and we can set something up maybe. I would've never guessed you had a kid."
Vanity smiled through tight lips, "Yeah, it was a uh special diet I was on." She quickly took the paper out of Nikki's hand, "I'll give you a call if I decide."
"Thank you for my drink Nikki. Happy New Years." Donna squeezed his hand one more time before waving to Vanity.
Nikki's eyes followed her for a moment before narrowing on Vanity, "That was a shitty move." He let go of her and put some space between them.
"What's a shitty move?" She smiles innocently at him as she chewed on the straw in her cup as she waved for the bartender "Hey dude, can you throw this in the trash for me?" She laughed waving around the slip of paper with Donnas number on it.
Nikki glares and grabbed her wrist before ripping the number out of her hand, "This isn't trash." He grumbled, shoving it into his jean pocket.
"Uh yes it is? The fuck? What do you need it for?" Vanity scrunched up her nose in disgust as she tried reaching into his pocket.
Nikki quickly grabbed her wrist again, "Vanity, knock it off. I want her number."
"But why?"
"Because why the fuck not? For now it's just a number. So go away and be with Clementine." Nikki snapped quickly, eyes dark and lowering his face down to hers, "Go away." He handed her the drink with an eye roll before turning his back towards her.
*End flashback*
"And you want to be pissed about me getting some chicks number?! You fucking made out with some dude, Van! Right in front of me! How do you think that makes me feel?! Watching you all over a guy, kissing him at midnight and not me!"
"We aren't together, Nikki! I wasn't obligated to kiss you!!" Van retorted, tears finally streaming down her face as Clementine tried pulling her away from the argument.
"For fucks sake!" Nikki groaned, "Then don't get fucking pissed at me when I get someone's number since we aren't together! And while we're at it, stop acting like we're a couple when we aren't! You're either mine or you aren't! I'm done doing this shit with you, Vanity!"
"Then go the fuck home if you're done."
Nikki glared at her before sinking through the sun roof and sitting down on the cushions, swiping the spilt bottle of champagne off the floor and taking swig, "Take Tommy home and then take me back to my daughter." Nikki grumbles, wiping his face before glancing out the back window and seeing Vanity crying on Clementines shoulder.
“Okay, Van. I think that's enough tequila shots." Clementine saywatching her grab another one from the tray of a passing by cocktail waitress.
"What? No! I'm fine!" Vanity's words are slurred as she stumbles around the dance floor, Clementine quickly grabbing ahold of her arm to help her stay up right.
"Maybe we should take a break, go sit with the boys. It's almost midnight."
Vanity laughs in her face, "Fuck the boys. If you wanna go so badly you can. But I'm gonna stay right here and-" her eyes scour the crowd, glossed over hazel hues landing on a blonde guy with a half buttoned red shirt, "And I'm-I'm gonna dance with him." She points to him before handing Clem her watered down drink and moving through the crowd.
"Van-Vanity come on! Think about Nikki! And please pull down your dress, your ass is almost hanging out!" Clem yells over the music, attempting to pull the fabric down.
"Fuck Nikki and fuck you, leave me alone!" Vanity grabbed the strangers hands and put them on her hips as she danced with him, "Go be with Tommy." Van shooed Clementine away.
"Come on baby. Your friend can join us." The guy laughed over the music as Clementine scoffed in disgust before going back over to the lounge.
"You're just gonna leave her?" Nikki questioned, his eyes flickering over to Vanity and then back to Clementine.
"She's drunk and isn't listening." Clem sighed when she plopped down on the couch next to Tommy and grabbed a water bottle from the ice bucket.
Nikki gripped the cup, his eyes narrowing at them as the guys hands roamed up and down Vanity's curves and his face resting in the crook of her neck. His blood boiled picturing what that guy was probably saying to her. How she smells good, how he can't wait to see what's under her dress as his fingers went beneath the fabric. How he could make her feel so good but really he wouldn't be able to satisfy her. Nikki's stoic expression softened and switched to hurt when Vanity locked eyes with his, a smirk on her face when the New Years countdown hit one and she locked lips with some guy that wasn't him.
She's drunk. She's drunk. She's drunk. She comes home with me. Just take a breath, Sixx.
Nikki picked up his drink from the table and chugged it, glancing at the band when they all said happy New Years to one another. Tommy laughing loudly as he wiped clementines lipstick off his face with the back of his hand.
Vanity felt her stomach churn, tasting vodka on his lips. They weren't soft like Nikki's, they were rough and in dire need of some chapstick. She winced when he felt his teeth tug on her bottom lip, she tried pulling away from him but his hand wrapped around the nape of her neck and kept her in place.
"You fucking dick!!" Vanity moved away when she felt the guy tense up, watching a chick in a red glittery dress throw a drink on him before being shoved into the crowd.
"Hahahaha sorry!" Van laughed as she made her way over to the band and Clementine, looking over her shoulder she sees that same brunette yelling at her so called boyfriend before glaring at her, "We gotta go!"
Tommy glances at Nikki, noticing him staring off and brewing, "How about some water first?"
"No, no. Not yet. We-we can go to another bar." Van pouted, making Tommy sigh as he looked at Clementine for help.
"Actually Van.." Clem laughed a bit, moving a piece of hair out of Vanity's face, "Maybe we should get back. You know, relieve the babysitter early and get some sleep."
Vanity looked at her confused, "But we told her till one. If you guys want to go home you can. I can just hang out by myself since grumpy pants over here doesn't want too." She attempts to whisper, pointing at Nikki as she was completely oblivious to his glare.
"Well, I could stay with you and keep you company." John piped up as Vans smile grew.
"See! I have John! I'll be okay. You guys can go home and I'll see you in the morning." Vanity reached over grabbing a half drunken cocktail and sipping it through the red straw, "You guys can go." She waves them off.
"Vanity. You're going home." Clementine got stern, standing her ground as Van started scowling at her.
"You fucking suck. All of you. Hey! That's mine!" Her attention got taken away when Nikki grabbed the plastic cup out of her hand and slammed it on the table.
"We're going home." Nikki told her, Vans eyes watching him as he stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet.
"Nikki, I'm sorry..." She drunkenly mumbled as he guided her threw the crowd, Clem and Tommy following behind them, "Baby, I'm-"
Nikki quickly turned around, Van colliding with his chest, "I don't want to fucking hear it right now, Vanity. You got it?" He glares, watching her nod her head but still using those pouty eyes to get her out of trouble like always.
He muttered under his breath, opening up the limo door for her and getting in, Tommy and Clem following right after. Nikki breathed out lighting a cigarette as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the chair.
"Can we get something to eat at least?" She asked him, he peeked one eye open and side eyed her.
"Yeah...whatever you want." He grumbled, taking a drag of the cigarette before tapping on the glass window and telling the driver to stop at the diner.
"Thank you..." Van quietly told him, attempting to rest her head on his shoulder but he brushed her off and shifted away. She kept her eye roll suppressed and opted for just laying on the seat and letting her feet rest on Nikki's lap, surprised at the fact he'd allow it.
When Nikki Sixx is angry, he makes everyone know it. Not a single soul could be happy if he wasn't. It was like that back in the junkie years and it's like that now. Was it because he was drunk and the little demons like to come out and play every now and then? Maybe.
He glares at Tommy and Clementine watching them giggle and smile at one another, Clem kissing his cheek and then his lips before Tommy whispered something in his ear, "You know, if you moved out of my house and moved into his house you could get all the kisses you want." Nikki spat his anger, his nose wrinkling up in disgust.
Tommy nodded his head in agreement, "I told you it was a good idea." He tells Clem, kissing the side of her neck and squeezing her thigh a bit.
"Stop trying to stir the pot." Van said, nudging him with her foot and half closed eyes as she was on the brink of falling asleep.
"I told you and her it was only going to be a couple of months. We have a babysitter, and she's use to L.A. and Tommy wants her to move in."
"Guys...come on." Tommy groaned, "Enough of the arguing, you're both drunk and we know how this is gonna end up. So let's stop before we start."
Vanity sat up, the world around her spinning, "I'm fine T. It's all him. It's not just his decision, just like it isn't just his house. I like having Clemmy around."
Nikki scoffed and stared at her, "Because she's your bitch when I get mad."
"Excuse me?" Clementine blurted out pushing Tommy's hands off of her, "The only bitch in the house is you Nikki. Just drop us off at Tommy's house. You're being a dick to her for no reason!"
Nikki glared at her, "Me? I'm being- shut the fuck up you fucking cunt! She's the one acting like a god damn whore!"
The limo came to a brief stop at a red light, Vanity sent daggers through Nikki before kicking him in the side of the ribs repeatedly, "Fuck you." She quickly grabbed her purse and opened up the limo door, Nikki's hand grasping her wrist...
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cryptidshuffle · 4 years
the less we say about it the better - chp 1
Rating: Teen Fandom: Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self Aware Relationships: Tommy Coolatta & Gordon Freeman, Tommy Coolatta/Gordon Freeman (pre relationship) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Temporary Character Death(its benrey dont worry hes ok), meta about deaths and respawns, arguing about the rules of uno, gay pining, Mutual Pining, fellas is it gay to comfort ur friend who u love and are both boys?, also fair warning it'll eventually be a poly ship with benrey, Autistic Character, Autistic Tommy, ADHD Gordon, everyone is gay and trans, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary: “after everything we’ve been through we deserve a few mental break downs.” they are trying to recover after black mesa, but recovery is hard. especially when one of you is still dead
They had been out of Black Mesa for a few weeks now. It was difficult trying to acclimate to life after the incident, but they were all making it work.
The science team had gotten together for some sort of game night, something cathartic about being around others who share the same trauma. Anyways, snacks and Uno was just as chaotic as one would imagine with this group of chucklefucks, with competitive tensions high on the last round of the night.
“You can’t stack the draw 4 cards, Gordon,” Bubby argued, smacking Gordon’s hand just as he placed the card.
“Says who?”
“It’s literally against the fucking rules of the game,” Bubby said back.
Tommy agreed with, “It is in the official rules, Mr. Freeman, they- Mattel confirmed it on Twitter.”
“But that’s dumb!” Gordon argued back, “I’ve always played where you can stack those, why change that now?"
Bubby retorted, “Well maybe you’ve always been playing wrong, huh? Ever thought about that, smartass?”
Dr. Coomer chimed in with, “Well on the official page for Uno (card game) on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, it states that
The following official house rules are suggested in the Uno rulebook, to alter the game:
Progressive Uno: If a draw card is played, and the following player has the same card, they can play that card and "stack" the penalty, which adds to the current penalty and passes it to the following player.[4](Although a +4 cannot be stacked on a +2, or vice versa.)[6] This house rule is so commonly used that there was widespread Twitter surprise in 2019 when Mattel stated that stacking was not part of the standard rules of Uno.[6]”
“Well, there you have it,” Gordon exclaims, interrupting Coomer’s Wikipedia infodump, “Just because it’s a house rule doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate way of playing."
“What if I don’t want to play with that rule, that’s fuckin stupid,” Bubby grumbles.
“Jesus ok, I'll play a different card, happy?” Gordon says dejectedly, taking back his controversial draw 4 card for a more innocuous one. “It’s your turn anyways.”
Bubby throws down his last card onto the pile. “I win fuckers!!!! Ahahahahaha!"
“You wouldn’t have won if you let me stack the fucking cards,” Gordon said as he threw his losing card pile onto the coffee table.
“Don’t fret Gordon! Bubby is just extremely good at card games,” Dr. Coomer replied.
“You're forgetting I’m a goddamn genius, that extends to my sick-ass Uno skills,” Bubby bragged.
Gordon chuckled, watching the two older scientists get up to leave, and watching Tommy remain, quietly cleaning up the uno deck into neat piles to place in its box.
“Well gentlemen, it’s been fun, though I think it’s time Bubby and I better get going!” Dr. Coomer said.
“No problem, don’t want you two to be late for your old man early-bird breakfast at Golden Corral tomorrow!” Gordon teased.
“Shut the fuck- I’ll kick your ass,” said Bubby.
“Hello Gord- Actually our old man breakfast is not until Saturday! It’s the one day a week I let loose and unhinge my jaws at the buffet like a Burmese Python!” said Dr. Coomer as Bubby grabs his coat and keys.
“That sounds absolutely horrifying,” Gordon laughs.
“It really is,” says Bubby. “Well, see you later asshole,” Bubby says, herding himself and Coomer out the front door.
“See you guys later,” Gordon says.
“Goodbye, Gordon! Goodbye, Tommy,” Coomer also says, before they leave Gordon’s apartment.
Tommy had yet to get up to leave, he stayed sitting in his seat staring into space, and fiddling with the Uno card deck.
“Hey Tommy, you alright man?” he asked gently. At the mention of his name, he was shaken a bit out of his stupor.
“Y-yeah I'm fine Mr. Freeman, why do you ask?”
“I mean you were kinda just staring into space for a bit, and you didn’t say anything when Bubby and Coomer left.”
“Oh shit. Sorry about that, I’ll get out of your hair,” Tommy said, starting to move to leave.
Gordon placed a hand on Tommy’s shoulder. “Hey, if something’s bothering you, just know I’m here if you wanna talk about it,” Gordon comforted.
Tommy blushed slightly at the contact and nodded.
“Thank you. I-uh… I’ve just been thinking about things that happened back in Black Mesa and, you know,” he pauses to think for a bit, and sighs, “honestly I’ve been thinking a lot about Benrey.”
Just at the mention of him, Gordon felt his stomach drop with the weight of too many emotions.
“Yeah...I uh… I understand,” he responds with a sad sigh, “anything in particular you’re thinking about him?”
“I don’t know just kind of- Earlier I started thinking about how much he would enjoy game night. And then I started to miss him and realize that- that he’s not here. I feel guilty about killing him and upset at what he did. He was still my friend and I just- I want to know why he did what he did. I just want to understand,” Tommy said.
Gordon looked away as he thought about his own emotions regarding Benrey. He was undeniably angry with him, for getting him ambushed by the bootboys, for getting his arm cut off, frustrated with the constant taunting. Yet… he also felt guilty for some reason and he couldn’t quite place why. Gordon really didn’t want to feel guilty.
“Yeah…” Gordon sighed, “I'll be honest I do feel guilty about it too. I don’t know why because I feel like it should be justified since he did try to kill us. But there were times when him pestering me about my arm felt like… like sincere questioning? I still… I don’t know.”
“Yeah… I think-” Tommy cut himself off, staring at a fixed point in his vision, trying to decide whether or not to bring this up.
“I don’t think Benrey understood how human mortality worked.”
Well, that wasn’t what Gordon expected. “What do you mean?”
“Well, he was from Xen, Mr. Freeman, he wasn’t human. It was different for him. You remember he did die several times, but he came back eventually. He had to wait for his form to regenerate.”
“Wait-” this time Gordon cut Tommy off, “Oh shit, that wasn’t a joke?  For some reason I just assumed his talking about respawns and shit was part of his Epic Gamer bit?”
“I mean it was a little but I think… there’s probably a reason Benrey attached himself to video games so much, yeah? He can see himself in the structure. Like, uh- something he can relate to.” Tommy says. “It doesn’t excuse what- what he did, but I feel like knowing why things happened makes- makes them more understandable.”
Gordon leaned back on the couch blown away by the revelation. In hindsight it wasn’t that surprising but it took him a few seconds to come to terms with the reality.
“Yeah, when you put it that way, I guess it does make a lot of sense. Wait though, I swear to god all of you have died at least once, but you guys aren’t from Xen?” Gordon said, now confused about the seeming metanarrative of the mortality of his friends.
“Yeah, but those were weird Black Mesa things, Mr. Freeman,” Tommy said, not elaborating any more than that.
Gordon waited a beat for Tommy to explain more but he said all he needed to.
“I will ask you more about that later, but I do not have the energy to unpack all that right now,” Gordon said with a gentle laugh.
“Wait, getting back on topic real quick, why couldn’t Benrey just... respawn now? Did we really get him that good?”
Tommy looked incredibly sad when Gordon said this, and he regretted it immediately.  ‘Damn it Gordon, Tommy’s clearly upset about Benrey, you don’t gotta be an insensitive dick.’
“Well Mr. Freeman, that’s kinda why I’ve been thinking about him,” Tommy said, “I’m not sure. It shouldn’t have taken him this long to respawn. Depending on the amount of damage it takes longer but… It’s been a while and what if- What if he is back but he is mad at all of us and that’s why we haven’t seen him? Or what if it is taking a really long time because we hurt him a whole lot. Or what if we…”
Tommy got quiet for a few seconds, the silence in the room was deafening. For an instance Gordon felt as if making a sound would shatter the air like glass.
Tommy finally said with a whisper, voice thick with choking back tears, “What if we killed him for good? And I don’t- I never see him again?”
It honestly broke Gordon’s heart how distraught Tommy was. Pushing his own complicated Benrey feelings aside, he was gonna focus on Tommy here and now.
“…Tommy, is it ok if I hug you, man?” Gordon couldn’t think of the best way to comfort the other man with words, but physical comfort he could do.
Tommy looked a little surprised at this ask but nodded. Gordon leaned in to hug the other scientist and Tommy collapsed in his embrace, completely breaking down.
Gordon just sat there and held him as Tommy sobbed into his shoulder, trying to comfort the crying man by rubbing circles into his back.
Gordon’s brain processed the things Tommy had said. Was Benrey really gone? Why did he feel guilty about the idea of having killed Benrey, he was fine with the concept during the final boss fight on Xen but now… the thought made him feel… sad? Regretful? Even his seemingly rational justifications didn’t seem as clear at the moment, only thinking of his fonder memories with Benrey.
‘Fuck this,’ he thought as he felt his own tears well up, ‘this isn’t about me, I need to focus on being there for Tommy,’ pushing his own feelings to the back of his mind to be dealt with later.
Tommy eventually calmed down enough where his sobs turned into sniffles, and he started to pull away from the hug.
“S – sorry for having a – a breakdown on your- on your couch Mr. Freeman,” Tommy said, the post-crying mental fog making his stuttering more noticeable. Tommy didn’t really have the effort in him to care.
“Don’t worry about it, man, after everything we’ve been through we deserve a few mental breakdowns,” Gordon joked trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh, that was nothing, Mr. Freeman, in terms of mental breakdowns that was as mild as a first-grade pizza party in the eye of a hurricane,” Tommy compared in a way that made little sense to Gordon, yet ridiculous enough to cause the man to burst out laughing.
“Alright I’ll take your word for it,” Gordon said, still laughing.
“I’m serious Mr. Freeman, once you have a meltdown so intense that you accidentally teleport yourself to an inter-dimensional void, the rest is a cake walk at the school fair,” Tommy said.
“Waitwaitwait- teleport?” he leaned back to look at him in surprise, “Since when could you fuckin teleport!” Gordon asked caught off guard.
“You know, learned some things from my Dad,” Tommy said, again failing to further explain himself.
“…Well alright. Yeah that tracks.”
Gordon was quiet for a moment before responding with, “You know, Tommy, I want you to know I’m here for you if you need anyone to talk to. You were there for me when I was at my lowest in Black Mesa, and I wanna be that friend to you if you need it,” he said giving the other scientists hand a comforting squeeze.
Tommy smiled, “Thank you, that means a lot Mr. Freeman.”
“You know you can call me Gordon, you don’t have to be so formal all the time Dr. Coolatta,” he teased.
Tommy blushed, ‘dammit why did he have to be so cute?’
“Wow Mr. Fr – Gordon are you really gonna make fun of my doctorate that I worked very hard for,” Tommy teased back, still a bit sniffly from crying.
“Dude, I cannot imagine you in college for some reason, what was your doctorate even in” asked Gordon, semi-jokingly, but still a bit serious.
Tommy laughed a bit, wiping the remaining tears away with the back of his hand. “Bio-chemical engineering. Creating Sunkist was for my thesis project.” Normally Tommy would be more then willing to infodump about the topic but he found his energy to be draining fast.
“What the fuck, that’s cooler than mine was. Us nerds in the Theoretical Physics department didn’t do any crazy shit like that,” Gordon said.
“Bold of you to assume I was a nerd, G-Gordon. I was the craziest guy in the frat house,” Tommy said.
Gordon’s memory vaguely recalls Tommy’s insistence that he “do something crazy” when drinking Darnold’s Potion of Grow Gun Arm.
“You know what, yeah, surprisingly I can see that image vividly in my head,” Gordon said. “Real talk though…” he said changing the subject and putting his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, “Are you- uh, ok? Like feeling better?”
Tommy was quiet for a second, eyes flickering down to look at his fidgeting hands in his lap, before replying with, “I’m ok. N-not great, I don’t think, but I will be.”
Gordon nodded. “Tommy, if there’s one nugget of wisdom that I have to share, it’s that healing takes time, things usually turn out to be ok in the end. No matter what’s going on with Benrey…it'll be alright, I’m sure.” Gordon patted his shoulder for emphasis, “not the best advice out there but it’s the best I can come up with straight off the dome. And I don’t wanna seem like I didn’t try to help you out."
Tommy laughed gently, “Thank you Mr. Fr- uh, thank you Gordon. You did help. Even if- if your advice was a bit cheesy.”
“Whatever man, you can’t blame me for trying,” Gordon laughed, playfully shoving Tommy where his hand had previously rested on the other man’s shoulder. Tommy laughed in return. He only noticed the warmth of Gordon’s touch once it was gone.
Tommy absentmindedly noticed the time on the wall clock in Gordon’s apartment. Jesus, 11:30? When did it get so late? The older scientist really hoped he wasn’t overstaying his welcome; While he would love to just stay here and joke around, he had already bothered Mr. Freeman enough and was already exhausted.
“I- I’m probably gonna head back home now, I didn’t realize how late it was,” Tommy said, standing up from his spot next to Gordon.
Gordon nodded. He had the passing thought of offering for Tommy to stay but… maybe that was a step too far. ‘Tommy probably wants his space,’ Gordon rationalized to himself.
He nodded, “Alright, don’t let me keep you,” he said, getting up as well to help Tommy gather his belongings. Which, to be honest Tommy didn’t bring much but some snacks for the group, but Gordon just needed an excuse to do anything.
Gordon walked Tommy to the front door of his apartment, like the good host he was, opening the door for him.
“Thanks for coming over Tommy,” he said.
Tommy nodded. “Thank- thank you again for letting me talk about Benrey, I know it was kinda rough there at the end, but if you ever need to talk about anything… I'm here for you as well.”
Gordon smiled, “Thank you Tommy, I'll keep that in mind.”
Tommy smiled in return, “Have a good night G-Gordon,” he said turning to head to his car.
“Goodnight Tommy.” Gordon turns to head back inside, but before he does, he can’t resist one more jab.
“Thought you could teleport?” he calls out teasingly.
Tommy flips him off, which causes Gordon to laugh harder. “Gives me a headache,” Tommy called back, trying and failing keep a straight face.
Gordon laughs as he waves a final goodbye, turning back inside and closing the door after Tommy waves as well. His thoughts race as he gets ready for bed, trying to ignore his fluttering heartbeat as he lays down for the night.
Tommy shuffles his thoughts in his head as he drives home. The emotional rollercoaster of his already draining social interaction meter from the science team, his Benrey guilt, and his small crush on Gordon was just too much for one day. His hands clench and unclench the steering wheel, looking forward to collapsing in bed for the night, hoping his dad won’t notice he'd been crying.
Somewhere, in an interdimensional void far away from this reality, someone begins to shift awake.
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johnismyreason · 5 years
deal with her pt.2 // Alfie Solomons x ShelbySister!Reader
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Hi ! So I saw that Deal with Her had a little success so on the request of a few of you, I’ve decided to write a part 2 ! I hope you will enjoy it as much as the first part. Again let me know if you liked it and/or if you’d like to read a third part.  Also I tagged everyone one who liked or reblogged the first part, I’m sorry if it bothered you. Thank you again @fandom--0verdose​ for initiating this story with your request for the first part. 
Words: 🤷‍♀️
Warnings: fluff, swear words (lightly), soft Alfie lmao. 
The next evening, you got yourself prepared. You didn’t really know if it was casual or fancy, so you split it in half and wear a nice dress but not the nicest that you have. You sit in front the dressing table in your room and do your hair and makeup. You keep it light and simple but with a slight touch of femme fatale. You’re still a blinder after all, right ? A blinder who is going to go on a date with your brother’s business partner, that he doesn’t really quite like… But gosh, Alfie was so gentle with you. The conversation was so easy and pleasant, you felt so comfortable with him, as if you knew him for years. 
“Where you’re going ?” Tommy says in his low voice, a cigarette between his lips. You jump on your chair, surprised by him. 
“Tommy, what the fuck ? God, you scared the hell out of me ! What are you doing in my house ?” you breath one hand on your chest. He lights his cigarette. 
“Got your keys remember ?” he replies quickly. “So ?” he inhales “Where are you going ?” he exhales. 
“That’s none of your business, Tommy” you sigh
“It is. Tell me.”
“No ! I’m not your daughter or your little soldier, so no, I won’t tell you.” you spit. 
“So it’s man. Who is he ?”. You sigh annoyed. 
“No one.” 
“Then tell me. If it’s no one, just tell me.” 
“It’s no one because it’s not a man, ok ? I’m going out with my girlfriends. Happy ?” you exclaim, rising from your dressing table chair. You walk to your dressing to grab a coat, and pass by him. 
“Your girlfriends ? You don’t have any girlfriends.” he follows you downstairs. 
“I do.”
“I never saw them.”
“Maybe because I don’t want them to meet you.”
“Why ?”
“Would you fucking stop asking questions ?” you turn to him. “I’m going out, with my girls, and that none of your business, is all you need to know. Goodnight, Tom.” you open the door for him. He stops in the doorstep. 
“Be careful.” you roll your eyes. “I’m serious, Y/N” you look at him and see the protective big brother he is who just wants you to be safe. 
“I will. I promise” you kissed him on the cheek and he leaves before climbing in his car. 
You wait for the vehicule to be out of your sight, and then close the door. You check the time on the big clock in your entry. “Shit !” you’re almost late. You put your coat in a hurry, grab your purse and leave your house. You live in the city center so you walk to the restaurant where Alfie asked you to join him. You are so nervous and excited to meet him again. You haven’t been in a proper date for as long as you could remember, you don’t really know how it works. You actually don’t have time to think about, as you arrive to the address he gave you. You enter and discover a way nicer and fancier place than you pictured. Now you regret your dress choice. 
“May I help you, miss ?” says the waiter. 
“Uhm, yes, I’m here to see Mr Solomons, is he here ?” 
“Yes, he’s waiting for you. Follow me please” the waiter passes before you and leads you to the table. You walk by the tables, watching everyone so well dressed makes you uncomfortable. Why did you have to pick that dress for god’s sake ? The spot Alfie chose was in a discreet and cozy corner, far away from everyone’s eyes. When he sees you, Alfie rises from his chair, almost knocking it backwards. He coughs trying to play it smooth. 
“Y/N ! You are…” he examines you head to toe, suddenly speechless. “Here” he finally les out. “And looking angelic”. You feel your cheeks heating up. 
“Thank you. You look handsome too” you return the compliment. For a few seconds no one talked before Alfie rushes to your chair.
“Oh, let me pull your chair, love.” he pushes back the chair for you to sit down as you thank him and he sits on his side of the table. 
“ ‘Right. What do you wanna drink ?” 
“Uhm, red wine ?” 
“Red wine it is !” he orders your drink and his to the waiter, whom then leaves you two alone. You started a light conversation about what each of you have been doing since yesterday. You then explained that you have meetings tomorrow in the morning.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you love, you just… You look so lovely, I wasn’t paying attention to what you were sayin’, my bad. Would you start back ?”. His words catch you out of guard, you don’t even remember what you were saying 10 seconds ago. 
“I, uhm… I-... I don’t know” you chuckle. “Thank you by the way. I wasn’t sure when I entered the restaurant, it was the right dress to wear. It looks way fancier than I imagined.” 
“Where do you think I was gonna bring you at, uh ? You look perfect, don’t worry, love.” You blush again, that’s too much compliment for one night. “You blush a lot, don’t ya ?”. You rub your cheek hoping the redness goes away. “That’s alright, love.” he pushes away your hand. “You were talking about your meetings, I think.”
“Oh yeah, yeah !” you cough to come to your senses. “I have a meeting tomorrow morning with Thomas.” 
“Ah, Thomas ! Does he know you’re here with me ?” he asks. 
“No.” you shake your head “he doesn’t need to”.
“Is it a bad thing you’re spending time with me ?” 
“Not for me” you smile and he smiles back. The waiter comes back with your drinks after a while. You grab your red wine and he takes his whiskey, rising it to you. “To bad things”. You breath a small laugh and tinkle your glass on his. 
You and Alfie spent the evening and the beginning of the night talking about everything. You loved every single second of it, Alfie making you laugh every now and then. You made him laugh too. You love his laugh, it can be raucous as it is exploded. Everything was so easy and smooth, you forgot you barely know him. You were too caught in the conversation you didn’t notice the rest of the customers left, leaving you two in your isolated corner. 
“Excuse me Sir, Miss…” the waiter said. You both look at him, offended to be bothered. “We are about to close.” That’s when you finally look around and see the place completely empty. 
“Oh !” You and Alfie exclaimed. “Sorry, mate. We leave”. Alfie gets up as you follow him. He takes your coat and helps you to put it on. 
“Thank you” you whisper
“You’re welcome, love”. You feel his fingers slid on your nape of neck as he lets go your coat, giving you a rush of goosebumps. He then offers you his arm and escorts you to the exit. You are about to tell him goodnight before walking back to your place alone, but it cuts you off. “Can I walk you home ?” 
You smile sweetly, happy to spend a little more time with him “I would love that”. He smiles back and nods. 
“Let’s go then” he puts one hand on your back as the other shows the way. 
The wind was even cooler than when you got out of your house earlier this evening. Thank god, the alcohol you drank at the restaurant does its effect and warms you up a little. Actually the one who really warms you up is the man who’s been making you laugh since you met him. It was so pleasant to finally have a real date, but more importantly with a man who was treating you right and was making sure you were comfortable enough to have a good time. Usually men hit you up with an inappropriate remark like “your body does things to me and I haven’t talked to you yet” blowing their foul breath of alcohol in your face. The rare men who had talk to you in a nice way were quickly cooled down when they’ve learned you were a Shelby, more scared of your brothers than of you. 
Alfie wasn’t scared, at all. Not of Thomas or any of your brothers. He was just a little scared of you, but only because you impressed him. He was so nervous around you, like a teenager. He would cough or shake his head when he realised what he just said was a little embarrassing. But your laugh always sweeps away his doubts. He only wants to make you laugh and happy, so if it means making a fool of himself, so be it. 
Alfie and you arrive to your house, sad that it was the end of your date. He climbed the few steps of your front door with you but stops at the second last step, making you a little taller than him. You turn to him, sighing. “Well… That was an fantastic night, Alfie, thank you” you smile. 
“Any time, love. Thank you for accepting my invitation.” you nod, looking at your feet. “When, can I see you again ? I mean without your family ” he chuckles. 
“Whenever you want, I’m all yours” you realise wide eyes, what you just said. Alfie being as surprised as you are. Gosh, that sounded so desperate. “Oh my god, wait, that was not what I meant. I…” Alfie laughs at your clumsiness “I mean, yeah, whenever you want, but I’m not all yours…” you pause “yet”. 
Alfie stops laughing and stares at you. Were at of your mind ? You’ve never done that before, being so flirtatious and confident. You are so confident tonight that you lean towards him, take his face in your small and cold hands, and kiss him. It feels naturally, like it was meant to happen. You and him, all of this. When you detach your lips from his, he climbs the last step to be closer to you. He places one hand on your rosy cheek and the other on your waist and kisses you back. Maybe it was the alcohol or the sudden heat rising in your body from the kiss, but you feel dizzy. When he breaks the kiss both of your chests are panting. You look at each other and giggle, none of you thought your first kiss would happen tonight.
“I should… go to bed now, I don’t want to be late tomorrow morning” you regret to say and break this magical moment. 
“Yeah, yeah, go on, love” he lets you go and you already miss the warm of his embrace. You take your keys out of your purse and open your door. Before closing you turn to Alfie. 
“Goodnight” you smile
“Goodnight” he responds softly, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. You step in your house and close the door, giving him one last look. 
It will be a goodnight. Actually, you didn’t sleep that much. You were so excited, you couldn’t stop about him. You finally manage to fall asleep but your alarm clock decides otherwise. You drag yourself out of the bed and get ready for the meeting. You arrive before everyone else at the bet shop in Birmingham, at least that’s what you thought. Thomas was already here and walks to you, furious.
“Hi Tomm-” he grabs your arm and drags you to the small private room with the round table. “What the fuck ?” you shout debating from his grip. 
“You and Alfie”. he spits in a low voice. Your heart drops and your eyes open wide. This meeting will take longer than you had plan. 
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fatbottombucky · 5 years
Two Bro’s That Fight Together *Billy Hargrove x Reader*
Requested by Anon  You want more gay billy requests. I will come in clutch. Billy x Male!Reader where the reader is one of the most feared kids in school before billy gets there and they slowly become friends due to the fact that they both have some messed up lives. They become a feared duo
Summary: You’re Hawkins High School’s most feared student. Well respected by students and teachers, only out of fear. You don’t have many friends and the ones you do have aren’t exactly tough like you - or like you very much. That’s till another boy shows up, who is like you. 
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x [M]Reader 
Warnings: swearing & boys being closet gays/ homophobic slurs 
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Your head snapped in the direction of a deep, rumbling engine sound. A blue Camaro pulls into the carpark, you’re leaning against your own car, puffing on a cigarette as you wait for the owner to exit. You thought that maybe Steve got a new car, only you saw him park his red car a few minutes ago- Nancy delicately in the passenger seat. 
The passenger and drivers side opened, a young girl with red hair pops out with a skateboard in hand. She rolls her eyes before skating off towards Hawkins Middle School, you exhale some smoke and look back to the car. You cough out of surprise, expecting to see some disgruntled parent. 
Only it’s a guy, a very good looking guy, your age too. He lights up a cigarette, lazily looking around with an unimpressed look. He combs a hand through his long, curly blonde locks before casting a look towards the girls watching him. You watch as he stalks away from his car, not even casting a glance over his shoulder as he moves. 
“Nice of you to join us, Mr Y/L/N,” Mrs Wheeler interrupts herself and gives you a lasting glance. 
You cheekily grin at the woman, half-hour last for her lesson but that didn’t matter because you hated History anyway. You walk towards your fellow students, all casting glances elsewhere but you. That makes your smirk, you tap the shoulder of Tommy, a boy who is the latest victim- he gathers his stuff and moves to the seat behind, you slip into his seat and smile at Mrs Wheeler. 
She starts her class back up, giving you a disapproving look but doesn’t say anything just because it’s... you. You lean back on the chair, a deep sigh leaving you as she drones on about irrelevant stuff. You cast your eyes to the right, the new guy leaning far back in his chair, legs spread wide and a stick in his mouth and he chews is languidly. 
He looks bored, like you. You go to look away but he turns his head, eyes sweeping over everyone before landing on you; he doesn’t smile or even conveys any emotion before he looks towards the front. 
“You’re Y/N, right?” A deep voice has you glancing over your shoulder, towards the new guy- who's name is Billy Hargrove. 
“Depends who’s asking,” you turn away from your car to him.  
He chuckles at that, nodding once. “Billy Hargrove,” he extends a hand, you awkwardly take it, he’s only a few inches taller than you. “Heard a lot about you from everyone, quite the name for yourself around here.” 
You nod slowly, a light chuckle escaping from you. You had a reputation around here, you weren’t the nicest student around and often got into trouble for ‘bullying’.  You mostly got into heaps of trouble for starting fights with almost everyone, anyone that decided to step out of line. 
“Yeah,” you become silent and look at Billy, “so you’re new here, right? Where did you ship in from?” you swing your car keys on your pointer finger. 
“California,” Billy muses as he pulls out a cigarette, “before you ask, this town is a shithole and I hate it already.” 
You laughed and nodded, “I get it. Small town and nothing to do, plus the girls are kinda... all the same.” 
That started a sort of friendship with Billy Hargrove, you didn’t hang out after school or really talk about one another. You just walked the halls together, striking fear into other students as you stalked the halls. You skipped some classes together too, sitting on either’s car and smoking cigarettes. 
“Oh, fuck,” you sigh and attract Billy’s attention, his wonder over to where you’re looking. 
Your dad pulling into the school parking lot, you quickly jump off Billy’s hood and grab your jacket, trying to look cool and not terrified outta your mind. Billy sits up, feet resting on the fender as he watches your dad slam the car door closed- causing you to jump at the sound. 
“Forgot he had a meeting with the principal today, see ya around,” you don’t look Billy in the eyes and turn away from him; hands deep in your leather jacket pockets, musing your hair with your fingers. 
Billy watched as you walked over to your dad, who looked red in the face, placing a hand around your neck and pushing you forward harshly. Your shoulders tense up, almost reaching your ears and you look so... small. 
He had never seen you back down from anyone, not even him when he tried to take your reputation from you. You both ended up fighting each other for over an hour, bleeding and bruised, you both came to the decision to just share the reputation and be feared together. Billy knew the look, the act, too. He’d been there before, he knew the signs. 
Which is why he drove to your house at 7pm, you didn’t take your car home and that concerned Billy, for some reason. He walked up to the porch and knocked three times, stepping back to give distance in case your dad answered- and was still pissed. 
“Can I help you?” A woman asked when opening the door. 
Billy took a moment to answer, “Uh- is Y/N in?” He smiled, “he didn’t attend last period and we were given homework to do tonight for tomorrow,” he holds up a piece of paper.
“Y/N!” The woman yelled before leaving, not after giving Billy a once over, “don’t be too long, you’ve gotta clean the kitchen remember, fairy?” 
You walk to the door, walking down the step and letting the door close behind you. The left side of your lip is split, a purple bruise is dotting your cheek, too. Billy clicks his tongue, head tilting as he takes in your appearance. 
“What did you want?” 
He looks back at your house and then to you, “did he do this to you?” 
You’re silent as you look away, biting your lower lip to refrain from showing any vulnerability to him, only it reopens the wound on your lip and hiss in pain. 
“You should go before he gets back, Billy,” you mutter and look at him, sadness in your eyes like you don’t want him to leave you, “he gets weird when I’m around guys,” you mutter softly and begin to walk back towards your house. 
“Get in,” Billy yells as you exit your house in the morning, you stop and see his blue Camaro parked where it was last night. 
Your dad steps behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder as a warning to get in his car, but you shake it off and quickly step up to Billy’s. You’d regret this decision when you’d get home but, for now, you’d just enjoy the fact Billy turned up. 
“Where’s Max?” As Billy drives off towards school, “Why are you here?” 
It’s a while before Billy answers, a silence between you both as he just drives... past school. You don’t question him or tell him to stop, only because, honestly, you didn’t want to deal with it. 
“You didn’t have your car, I knew he’d take you,” Billy begins and he’s frowning as he stares ahead at the road, “you don’t- he’s an asshole, okay? I’m not gonna let him ruin your usual mood, we’re gonna go to the arcade and beat up the fucking nerds there, alright?” 
You nod once, a small smile etching on your face as you take in his words. 
“You’re my... bro, okay? And I can’t have you going all weak and vulnerable on me at school, it’ll be embarrassing.” You only nod with a grin. 
Billy only has a ghost of a smile on his face. For once, in his god damn miserable life, he feels close to someone that isn’t his annoying step-sister. Someone that understands the pain and hardship about living in a house that isn’t a home.
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raywritesthings · 4 years
Bird in a Storm 13/17
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Tommy Merlyn, Athena, Carly Diggle, Moira Queen, Thea Queen, Malcolm Merlyn Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen Summary: The confrontation between the Hood and SWAT on the roof of the Winick Building goes differently, altering the course of Laurel’s career, relationships and efforts to save her city forever, the shockwaves of such an altered path making themselves felt throughout her family and friends. *Can be read on my AO3, link is in bio*
If there was one thing Carly hated the most about closing, it was taking the trash out back. And not just for the smell.
The back of the building let out into a darkened alley with no street lamps. It reeked of garbage thanks to all the times the truck just simply hadn’t shown up, and was usually populated by all her smoking coworkers during a rush.
This late, the alley was empty. Or so she’d thought.
Just as she heaved the bags up and over to throw in the dumpster, she felt the barrel of a gun press into her side. Carly froze.
“Who’s inside the restaurant?”
“My- my manager. Couple customers.” She drew in a shaky breath. “Please, I have a son.”
“Give me your tips,” the mugger growled.
“He’s not even ten years old, father shot on the job. I’m all he has, I swear to you,” Carly continued as she slowly reached into her apron for the money. Her mace was in her purse hanging from a peg in the back of the restaurant.
“Give me the money!”
Her hand closed around the bills, shaking in fear and anger. Didn’t anyone in this town have compassion? Pity at the least? “I’m begging you. It’s for his lunches in the cafeteria. They don’t give him food if he’s in debt.”
“You think I give a shit? Give me the money!” The gun pressed hard enough into her back that she thought it might bruise.
Carly took her hand out of her apron.
Suddenly the gun left her back and she heard a thud of someone hitting the ground behind her. She whirled around, backing up several steps.
Her attacker was on the ground with a woman all in black standing over him. She carried a long stick which she’d clearly used to knock him out and wore a mask over her face.
“How- how did you?”
The masked woman looked up at her and gave a nod but no answer before running down the alley and out to the street. Carly stood there gaping a few moments after.
Had that really just happened? And to her? Sure she’d been grabbed earlier last winter by that military whacko who knew John, but this was something else.
The man on the ground gave a groan of pain, and Carly hurried back inside. She quickly explained to her manager, and the other woman agreed to phone the police.
John had stopped by in the time she’d been outside, it seemed. She was glad he wasn’t staying too far away even if their sort of date hadn’t worked out. A.J. needed a good role model.
Her brother-in-law stood from the booth he was waiting at and came over. “Everything alright, Carly?”
“For the most part. The police are gonna be here in a little while. This guy out back tried to jump me.”
John’s fists clenched at his sides. “Where is he?”
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to get in trouble over this. Anyway he’s already hurting pretty bad. There was this woman.”
“A woman?”
“Yeah. She was all in black except her hair. A blonde. And she wore this mask. I guess she must be some other vigilante?” Carly shrugged. “Least the guy’s still breathing.”
“Yeah. Guess so.” John frowned. “She say anything to you?”
“No. I don’t even know how she knew to be there. I mean I’ve been hearing things about a woman — wasn’t sure if they were true. But I’m so glad it is.”
Getting mugged tonight wouldn’t have been the end of her world. But it would have been a setback she would have struggled to come back from for a long time, even if she’d borrowed from John for a time. Now she didn’t have to. She had her own money and her pride along with it.
If that’s what these vigilantes wanted to be about, she couldn’t say she’d complain about it.
John didn’t get home until after the police had left with Carly’s statement and her would-be attacker. They’d asked her to come in the next morning to describe the woman who’d saved her to a sketch artist as well, so he’d be taking her there. Just as well, since he hadn’t gotten the chance to tell her about his success in finally taking down Deadshot with Oliver’s help. Lyla had been mad as all hell at him for showing up until the Hood had kept what had ended up being a setup by Lawton from turning too ugly. Then she’d just pretended to be mad, though John was pretty sure he could still tell the difference.
In the present, he placed a call to Oliver to update him on the situation. “I’ll be late getting to the house tomorrow. Have to help Carly with something. Police matter.”
“Is she okay?” His friend asked.
“Fine. But she wouldn’t have been if that Woman hadn’t shown up tonight. She’s definitely real, Oliver. Carly’s giving them a description tomorrow.”
Oliver didn’t speak for a moment. “See if you can sit in on it. I don’t know if this Woman’s done enough to get her sketch on the news.”
They both knew busting up the odd small crime here or there didn’t drive up ratings. Then again, perhaps the novelty of a woman being the one doing so might be enough to pique media interest.
“You think it’s time to step in?”
“I’m not sure,” Oliver admitted, and he sounded discomfited to do so. “She’s not the Savior, she doesn’t look to be doing this for her own gain… I’m not sure what to make of her or how to find her except to get lucky and spot her out some night.”
“Well, luck be a lady,” John remarked. “And ladies tend to be mysterious.”
Oliver snorted, then said, “Keep me updated about the police sketch.”
“Alright.” He hung up and eased himself back up out of his chair. If he was going to the precinct tomorrow, he wanted to have some research already done to see if he could pick up on anything else they might be talking about regarding this Woman.
He went looking through some recent reports out of the Glades. Just as Raisa, Detective Lance and Carly now said, there were rumors growing about a woman in black. Taking on gang bangers, putting a stop to a rash of bus hijackings...the more he read, the more it sounded familiar.
John went through each of his suits, digging deep into the pockets until he came across a folded piece of paper. The list Laurel had written up for Oliver weeks ago.
It was almost identical.
He sat back on his bed, hand running down his face. It wasn’t definitive proof, but it was a damning coincidence at the very least. And what was he going to do if it was more than a coincidence?
He’d warned Oliver that the problems in this city were many and varied, that people wanted to see more than some billionaires getting knocked down a few pegs. Laurel had warned him, too. Now it seemed she — or someone — had taken matters into her own hands. And he couldn’t quite bring himself to disagree.
That was the trouble that came in signing up for this kind of crusade; it was a slippery slope. How did he support Oliver while condemning Laurel? The key, he supposed, was in learning what her motivations were. If she was even the one doing this.
One thing was certain: there was no way he could suggest the Woman and Laurel were the same person to Oliver unless he had real evidence or a confirmation. It would only start another argument otherwise, judging by how fiercely protective he’d become of his mother. So he was going to have to confront her on his own.
He kept his suspicions to himself while he sat in a chair at the precinct with Carly. The sketch artist drew up a picture of a beautiful blonde in a black mask. It didn’t look just like Laurel, but it didn’t not look like her at the same time. Still, no reason for him to voice his concerns just yet. Especially when doing so would paint a big target right back over Oliver, and himself by extension.
He kept his eyes on the road as he drove Carly back to her apartment, still unsure how to address the news he’d intended to give her last night. Eventually, he said, “There was an Op the other night. The Feds. And, uh… they got him.”
“Andy’s killer.”
He heard Carly turn her head and chanced meeting her eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah. He’s in custody now.” Lyla had held him back from doing something he knew he’d probably regret, as much as his anger was telling him Deadshot should be dead in the ground for good just like his brother. “He was wanted for a lot of stuff by the government. Sensitive stuff. So there’s not really gonna be a trial or anything, but I wanted you to know.”
He pulled the car to a stop outside her building. Carly didn’t get out right away.
“Were you there?”
John nodded.
“Thank you.” She leaned across the seats and hugged him. “I don’t know what I’ll tell A.J., or when, but… I’ll sleep better, knowing he’s getting what he deserves.”
John swallowed down the little of his disappointment that remained. If Carly was satisfied, then that would have to be enough.
She got out, and he continued through the neighborhood to his next stop. He’d have to hope she was in.
John knocked on the door of Laurel’s place but received no answer. Soft music from around the back drew his attention, so he circled around to the small yard.
Laurel was crouched beside a very rough-looking bike, looking to be struggling with a tuneup. She sat back with an exhale.
“Roy, great, I could really use some help—” Laurel stopped when she caught sight of him.
“Sorry, not Roy,” he said unnecessarily. “But I might still be able to lend a hand.”
Laurel stood rather than keep working, wiping her hands off on a towel that had seen better days. In the tank top she wore, John could definitely tell she had truly dedicated herself to the training Oliver had mentioned she’d picked up.
“Is Oliver okay?”
“He’s fine. Was glad to get your tip on Rasmus.”
Laurel nodded.
“Surprised you didn’t just take care of him yourself,” he added casually, watching her freeze for a crucial instant. John nodded to the bike. “Is the Woman gonna be spotted on this any time soon?”
Laurel hung her head for a moment, then leaned over to switch off the music playing from her phone sitting on the ground.
“Okay, great. Everyone knows I’m a vigilante. I guess Oliver has a better handle on the whole ‘secret’ thing,” she muttered as she straightened up.
“There’s a reason he acts the way he does in public,” John pointed out. “But you wear your heart on your sleeve, Laurel. Of course you’d be doing this.” He took a step closer, looking out to make sure they truly were alone. “What I have to ask is, why didn’t you say anything?” Did she really not want them to know? And was it because she wasn’t interested in working with them or some other kind of reason?
“How do you think Oliver would react if he knew?”
John grimaced. “Not well.”
Laurel nodded. “Exactly.”
“But, him finding out you decided to take on the problems you pointed out might make him decide to take them on himself. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“Not anymore.” She heaved a sigh. “Since doing this, I’ve realized just how much it is, and expecting one person to tackle it all would be impossible. Oliver has his mission, and I get why. If that’s what he needs to do to absolve himself of survivor’s guilt over his father, he needs to do it. And it does help the city.”
John frowned, unable to deny her point. He was privy to just how overwhelmed Oliver got at times. Expecting him to do it all was an unfair burden.
“It’s the only way left I have to help, too,” Laurel added. “Isn’t that why you work with him?”
“Yeah, but I work with him. However he would react, he’s going to find out eventually, Laurel.”
“I know,” she admitted, looking down. “But I’m not going to stop.”
“No, I didn’t think you were. You got the same look in your eyes when you talk about going out there that he does.” He wasn’t sure he understood it fully, how two otherwise civilians could decide to throw all caution to the winds night after night in an effort to clean up the streets. Maybe it really wasn’t about the training; maybe it was just about the person. “If he asks, I have to tell him.”
“I understand.” She at least didn’t look angry with him, merely resigned. So there they were.
John bent down towards her toolbox. “This wrench will work better for what you’re doing.”
The corner of her mouth lifted as she took it from him. “Thanks.”
“So who all knows? This Roy?”
“Yeah. My old trainer, Ted. And you. That’s really it, but you know, not great for that number to keep going up.”
“From what I can tell, it only keeps going up. Secrets always get out.”
“Maybe. That’s a risk I knew going in, I guess.”
“Have you thought about what happens when your father might be forced to arrest you some day?”
“He’ll have to catch me first. And it can’t hurt worse than a rubber bullet, so.” She shrugged. “Believe me, John, I’ve thought of all the reasons not to do this. You don’t need to walk me back through it.”
“Guess I can’t help trying.” He turned and began walking back to the street. “Be careful out there.”
“You too.”
John still hadn’t decided if he was going to wait for Oliver to bring up the topic or if he was going to just get to the point on his own by the time he reached the base. But then it didn’t really seem to matter when his partner of sorts was already gearing up for a serious brawl.
“Felicity thinks she has a hit on Walter,” Oliver said the minute John cleared the steps, hope in his eyes for the first time in a while when it came to talking about his stepfather. “There’s a large sum in Dominic Alonzo’s account that’s dated the same night of the abduction. If we can get to him, we might have a lead on what happened.”
Faced with Oliver’s rare optimism, John just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Telling him about Laurel would only throw him off of what they were working on now, and the information on Walter wasn’t getting any more recent. They needed to act as fast as possible if they had even a prayer of finding him alive.
So John held his tongue and told himself what Laurel was no doubt telling herself: Oliver would just have to understand.
Tommy stood by his father’s bed, fingering the vial in his pocket. According to the woman who’d called herself Athena the other night, the contents of this vial were all that could save his father from death or from life as a vegetable. But could he risk it?
He didn’t have a way of verifying her word or her identity. But she had at least shown him her face. That was more than the Hood had done. If she wanted to poison his father, she likely could have snuck into the hospital and done it herself, considering how she had slipped past the mansion’s security team with ease.
Visiting hours were almost over, which meant that he needed to choose. What did he have to lose? He knew, active as his dad had always been, he would hate spending the rest of his days on life support, stuck decaying in a hospital bed. And Tommy did not want to pull the plug until he had tried everything.
So, with a look to the door to ensure he wasn’t about to get walked in on by a nurse, he took out the vial and added the liquid inside to the IV feeding down into his father’s arm. Tommy watched the liquid slowly descend and disappear beneath the paper tape covering the needle. He held his breath for as long as physically possible. Watching, waiting.
No change.
He deflated, even as he reminded himself that Athena had said it would take time. He needed to let the vial’s contents work through his dad’s system before he decided if this had been a waste of time and hope.
For now, he returned to his new office inside Merlyn Global. He both loathed and craved being in this place at the same time; this was where he had nearly lost his father. Yet that same night had shown him just how much his father loved him, that he had fought and even killed to keep Tommy safe. 
If this mysterious cure worked and he had the chance to speak with his dad again, Tommy knew he would apologize for ever assuming his father hadn’t cared. They had grown a lot closer in the time before his father’s injury, and he wanted that to continue. He wanted to understand him. Perhaps this Athena, if she was sticking around, could help him.
With one call on the special phone he had been given, it was not long until the very woman he had been thinking of entered his office. “Very elegant,” she remarked.
“That’s down to my father’s good taste,” Tommy said. “I gave him what you told me to about an hour ago. How long?”
“It is not an exact science. I am confident he will show signs of improvement before the night is over. Now,” Athena said, walking further into the room. “What is truly on your mind?”
Tommy smirked to himself. Was he really that obvious?
“This wall,” he answered, walking up to it. He revealed the panel of buttons hidden under a piece of artwork. “It’s false. My father was keeping something behind here, but I didn’t see what. I also didn’t see what code he put in.”
“I have been trained in code breaking,” Athena said. “But I do not think it will be necessary in this case. You are your father’s son, Thomas. You know him better than those who think they have seen his true face. What drives him?”
That was an easy question after the speech his dad had given shortly before the attack that had landed him in a hospital bed in Starling General. Which could leave only two dates, though Tommy quickly dismissed the birthday. Neither of them had felt much reason to celebrate that milestone, not without her there with them. It was the death date that he entered in on the panel instead.
The light turned green for a moment, and the wall slid aside.
What waited behind the wall caused him to back up with a startled cry. It couldn’t be real.
But the evidence remained before him. A black suit with a head covering, a quiver of black arrows and a bow. The copycat archer’s armaments and more were in his father’s possession.
“His uniform,” Athena said with warmth and reverence. “I knew he would keep it close.”
“His? He’s — he can’t be,” Tommy insisted, even as his mind went to the two Triad men his father had fought and killed without a moment’s hesitation. “I don’t understand.”
“I told you your father belonged to an ancient order,” Athena repeated. “It is one based on the oldest form of justice known to man: evil must be replaced by death.”
“But the- that’s — he took hostages!” None of those people to his knowledge had been criminals, not even of the embezzlement kind.
“And were any of those hostages harmed?”
His mouth snapped shut.
“Your father waited to engage the Hood until after the hostages had been sent back to the authorities, according to the reports I have read. Their only purpose was to draw this vigilante out.”
“But… why? Why do any of it?” He just couldn’t seem to grasp that his father had taken on that crazy vigilante at Christmas.
“Your father has been attempting to retrieve Starling City from the brink of decay. Crime, corruption and apathy rule its citizens. Even the attempts of the local relief efforts have failed to improve its citizenry. Your mother learned this the hard way.”
Tommy swallowed. Yes, he could agree that Starling City was a festering pile of shit most days, and the Glades most of all. Something should have been done about it a long time ago. But the idea of taking that knowledge and acting upon it with violence in return, was that really the way?
The Hood seemed to think so, he supposed. And Laurel believed that particular killer was a hero. There were rumors of others beating the snot out of these gangbangers and robbers. Was his father’s old form of justice really so far removed from their society when they were letting Robin Hood and his ilk roam free?
“You said you had knowledge of his plans,” Tommy began slowly. “What were they?”
“There is a phenomenon referred to by your National Park Service as ‘natural fire’, she explained, walking away from the secret room and instead turning to the windows overlooking the city. Tommy followed. “In order to revitalize nature and the lives of those creatures who dwell in such places, humanity allows these fires to burn away the parts of the forest filled with debris and detritus. They then flourish anew. So too will the Glades in your father’s vision.” Her eyes were fixed on that part of the city, which always stood out as an ugly mar beyond the tall, pristine buildings and clean streets of downtown.
“He wants to… burn them?”
Athena’s lips quirked. “Not quite. But a similar act of nature will do the job.”
If the copycat archer’s suit — his father’s suit — wasn’t standing in a case behind him, he would think she was making this up. But there was evidence to back up her claim. His father had closed his mother’s clinic after how many years of increasing crime in the Glades — why now unless he knew something was coming?
“These aren’t trees or animals, though. There are people down there. Families, children.” Laurel, he thought to himself.
“People who have chosen lives of crime and substance abuse. You have multiple stories in your culture’s religious tract of various peoples being punished for the actions of the collective evil. Is this not so different?”
“Nobody’s even sure those things really happened. They’re stories or warnings. I don’t know.” He hadn’t really done the whole Sunday School thing after his mother died. “Look, the Glades are beyond saving. The Hood and anyone else who thinks so are just delaying the inevitable. But this isn’t the answer.” He backed away, leaving the office and placing his head in his hands as he rode down in the elevator.
Was this really what his father wanted? Tommy wouldn’t know, not until his dad healed enough to ask. All he had was Athena’s word, and the matter-of-face way she spoke of this unnerved him.
He needed to get out of here, needed to think, needed — a friend.
He didn’t have very many of those. And after their last conversation, would Oliver even want to see him? But he didn’t know who else to turn to.
Tommy jumped in his car and traveled the familiar route to the club. Inside, he asked around for his friend, avoiding Thea’s busboy friend, and learned Oliver had been around but had gone down to his private office as per usual.
Tommy had never been to that part of the building himself. Oliver had been a much more private person upon returning from the island, and he had always gotten the impression that he was not exactly welcome. But after the attack on the club by that deranged firefighter where Oliver had gotten lost in the building, Tommy had had a copy of each of the door keys made for himself to make sure that he could get to his friend in an emergency if need be.
So he went around to the outside of the club and the back door he had never used. It took a few moments for him to find the right key, but he turned it in the lock and entered.
The room was dark, which likely meant no one was in. Tommy searched around for the light switch on the wall.
“I could really use some— advice,” he finished, the last word dropping almost soundlessly from his lips as the lights came on, suddenly illuminating the space.
The room was sectioned off into smaller areas, one with what looked like a mat like the kind the gym teachers put down when they were practicing tumbling in grade school. Other workout gear was around there as well. Then another section was made up of a table with computer monitors and other technology.
Tommy’s eyes, however, were fixed on the last section. A table upon which stood a row of arrows not unlike what was waiting back in his father’s office, but tipped in green. The Hood’s arrows.
Oliver was the Hood.
He wanted to reject the evidence before him, and yet it was all too obvious now that it was staring him in the face. Why would the Hood have been around in the middle of the day to rescue them from those thugs? Oliver had killed them himself, then made up the story. Why was Oliver always making excuses to be somewhere else, leaving his mother and sister behind to worry? Because he was out there in the streets hunting his chosen prey. Why would Laurel have fallen for him so completely? Because it was the man she loved.
And he had left her to fall, Tommy realized, his shock disappearing in a flash of anger. Oliver had been the one to lure her onto that roof, get her shot at, taken her away while Tommy had searched and worried — probably to this very place.
She knew. Laurel had known Oliver’s secret from at least then on, and kept it from Tommy. They both had. It was the two of them as always, shutting him out. How could he have ever dared to think Laurel even cared about him, when she would throw her own career and life away for Oliver’s sake, even after all he had done and become? They deserved each other, and it was a vicious thought. He almost wished his shot hadn’t missed the green-clad archer that night in his father’s office — that night Oliver, his own friend, didn’t save his father. He’d been lying this whole time to Tommy, pretending to be a sympathetic ear all the while never telling him the role he had played.
He needed to leave. If Oliver discovered him here, what would he do? Was Tommy allowed to know, or would he be silenced? He couldn’t say. He didn’t know his own best friend anymore. The man he’d thought of as a brother had truly died out at sea, and a monster had taken his face.
Tommy sat in his car, having no idea where he could go. His friends had all betrayed him, and he still didn’t know how to feel about what Athena had told him. He needed guidance, yet there was no one in his life who could provide it.
His phone range. And Tommy answered it with a weary, “What?”
“Thomas Merlyn? This is Dr. Adams from Starling General.”
He sat up straight in the driver’s seat. “Is my father okay?”
“He is. He’s doing better than we truthfully expected. He seems to be responding to some stimuli. We think it would be helpful for you to come in and sit with him, at least for a little while. Coma patients respond best to family and loved ones.”
“I’ll be right there.”
It had worked. The miracle liquid Athena had given him had worked. Or was working. He raced to the hospital and up to his father’s room, heart in his throat.
His father’s eyes were just barely open. Tommy was ushered into the chair at his bedside, and he took hold of his father’s hand. “It’s me, dad. It’s Tommy. You’re gonna be okay. You need to be, cause we have stuff to talk about, alright? Stuff to do. I know- I know everything now. And it’s okay. It’ll be okay when we can talk.”
Very slightly at first, and then more rapidly, his dad’s eyelids fluttered. The hand Tommy held squeezed his fingers.
Grateful tears sprang to his eyes. “He’s really there. Oh, thank God.”
He stayed another hour, keeping up a constant stream of chatter about the company and the house, old forgotten childhood memories. His father never quite managed to fully open his eyes. Eventually, the doctors decided it would be best to leave him to rest some more and asked Tommy to come back in the morning.
“I’ll be here first thing, dad. We can talk then, okay?”
Getting back into his car where he’d crookedly parked it in the garage, Tommy wiped at his eyes and let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. No matter what shocking things he had learned today, he had meant what he had said to his father; it would be okay now that he was getting better. Tommy could talk to him, reason with him about just what this whole plan was and if it was truly necessary. They could work it out together as father and son.
If nothing else, he had his family.
Moira wished she had her family here at home with her, but life seemed to find its ways to make that impossible. 
Oliver kept incredibly late hours thanks to the club he was running out in the Glades. She worried about him and knew that hiring Mr. Diggle to protect him especially as he traveled in and out of that neighborhood had been the right call.
Then there was Walter. At times, she didn’t know how she kept breathing let alone kept up her day-to-day obligations and appearances all the whole fretting over where he was, what he might be thinking. Horrid as it was, sometimes she had to force herself to stop thinking about his situation in order to just make it through the next board meeting or the next meal.
Thea was home tonight at least, though she’d been staying out rather late as often as not. It had begun shortly after she had started the community service at CNRI. Moira suspected a boy might be involved, but considering how little she had done to curb Oliver’s dalliances with the opposite sex, she couldn’t reasonably do so to Thea.
Were things different, she might have been worried about all the time her children were spending in the Glades and how to make sure they were not there once Unidac completed its work. But that had been one less worry on her mind for the last month now, even if the attack at Merlyn Global had not ended precisely with the result she had wanted.
Best not to think about that, either, Moira reminded herself. She and Thea were both relaxing in the sitting room after dinner, the television on low for something to look at more than anything.
The front door opened, and two sets of footsteps indicated her son and his bodyguard had finally arrived home. Moira looked up as they entered the sitting room, but whatever wry remark had come to mind died on her lips at the sight of both their expressions. She stood. “Oliver?”
“Mom. Thea.” His voice, normally quite steady and strong these days, barely carried. “There’s um, something we need to talk about. About Walter.”
Beside her on the couch, Thea perked up, but Moira felt frozen.
Mr. Diggle spoke next. “I reached out to some contacts I have in the FBI on Oliver’s behalf a while ago to see what they might be able to turn up for the case. The thing is, they’ve gotten word back.”
“No.” It took her a moment to realize she had been the one to speak. “No, it can’t be.”
“Did- did they find a body?” Thea asked, her voice breaking on the last word.
“He’s gone, Thea. I’m sorry.”
“No,” Moira repeated. Oliver stepped towards her but she got up and moved back. She couldn’t allow him to comfort her. That comfort would make it real when it obviously wasn’t. There was a mistake or a misunderstanding of some kind. She knew Walter was alive, had to be, because of her deal with Malcolm. And yet, could she really trust Malcolm to begin with?
Her first impulse was to leave, to seek out someone, something to set the record straight on what had to be an error. But who could? Malcolm could not answer to anything, and she had no way of her own to contact his associate. No one at Merlyn Global would either. Malcolm had always kept everything separate from the company, and Tommy of all people was running it. Tommy had no idea of the things his father had done.
No, as far as she or anyone else knew, this was the truth.
Standing as she was, Moira instead retreated up to her room to get away from her children and their stricken looks. She knew they thought she was crumbling. Well, she wasn’t. Or couldn’t. Not until she had had a moment to think. How could this be happening?
Had Malcolm’s people killed Walter once he had fallen into the coma and been unavailable to command them? Or had her husband been dead all this time? Either way, she was a widow once again, and the blame lay at the same man’s feet.
The blood pounded in her ears as one thought echoed through Moira’s head: no more. She was done being the victim, standing by as her family was picked off one by one. Malcolm slept in a hospital bed, utterly helpless. Why hadn’t they followed through? Why shouldn’t they?
Part of her had been afraid, but what did she have to fear now? Another part of her had thought leaving him to his fate in the hospital was enough. After all, without Malcolm in charge, she could put the Undertaking off indefinitely under the presumption that they should wait for his recovery. The rest of Tempest would have fallen in line. But it was not enough to scupper his plans now. Oh no; Moira had promised Malcolm what would come were he to harm her family, and Moira, at least, was a woman of her word.
She got out the phone she used for these sorts of discrete communications and dialed the number Frank had given her to arrange for the contract hit at the award ceremony. She waited three rings before it was picked up.
“Jade Dragon, how can we be of service?” A woman’s lightly accented voice spoke.
“Yes, I placed an order about a month ago that was never completed. I’m asking for it to be done now.”
She had waited too long to save her family from Malcolm’s madness, but Moira would protect what she had left and avert his horrific vision for the city in one fell swoop, the way she should have done years ago. For Robert, and now for Walter.
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fromthadiningtable · 5 years
Get A Room Part 5
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Warnings: language, angst
You wanted to cower away and not deal with this, none of it was your fault. You didn’t ask for Vince to kiss you and though you had flirted previously before, he wasn’t the one that you wanted. The look on Tommy’s face showed that he thought otherwise. Never in a million years did you want to hurt him, but now you had and the damage was done.
“You fucking kissed him?” Tommy spat out his words with venom. He was clearly pissed off and the feeling in your stomach that you felt from the sudden rejection was painful.
“I didn’t kiss him I swear, he kissed me. He just did it and I...” you tried to finish your sentence but Tommy held his hand up.
“All this time, it was supposed to be you and me.” He said this a little more calmly but with hurt. You wanted to burst into tears at how much you could see the hurt in his eyes.
“Tommy I never meant for this to happen, it wasn’t my fault.” Your voice began to break at this point. Your best friend was in pain and you couldn’t do a thing to repair it. You wanted to split Vince’s lip for kissing you, but had a feeling Tommy would probably do that for you anyways. The feelings he had for you were strong and you felt the same way, neither of you spoke this out loud but it was felt. The two of you were like magnets for each other and now, it was ruined. Would things ever be the same, you thought. The two of you sat in silence while he took in what you said. Part of him knew Vince could be sleazy and it wasn’t your fault but at the same time, it happened and it couldn’t be erased.
Tommy sniffed and wiped the back of his hand on his nose. It seemed as if he was trying to decide what to do, like act in rage or be calm about the entire thing.
“I’m gonna kick his fucking ass.” He said, and this was the most serene he had sounded. It scared you how emotionless he had become after this but you did admit to yourself that you wanted Vince’s ass kicked a little. What he did wasn’t right, flirting or not and whether he knew about you and Tommy or not.
“Do you know how obvious that’s going to seem if you do?” You said, remembering that he wanted to keep the whole relationship or whatever it was, a secret.
“Shit....fuck.” He murmured to himself as he kept pacing around the bathroom. Suddenly, his fist collided with the paper towel dispenser. It didn’t break but this sudden act in anger still frightenend you. Tommy could be hot headed but most of the time, he was the fun loving and happy Tommy. You’d only seen him like this one other time when he went through a bad breakup.
You leaned against the sink with your arms crossed, not knowing what to say or do. You had already spoken your peace and there was nothing else to do. Tommy was still pacing, deciding what to do.
“Look I’ll just...I’ll just go home.” You said, still holding back stinging tears. You were determined not to cry in front of him. Tommy surprised you and just nodded slowly to himself. You wanted him to beg you to stay and work this out but that wasn’t Tommy when he was angry. You shuffled around for a moment and then headed out of the door quickly because you could feel the tears coming in a matter of seconds. The club was still full of people and you pushed past what seemed like a hundred of them to get outside of this place. Outside in the parking lot, Vince was hanging around with the girl from before. He had his back leaned against the wall, talking about something you couldn’t hear from this distance. The anger grew in your belly just looking at him, he ruined all of this.
“Vince!” You called out. He thought you were being friendly so he waltzed over with swagger and stood beside you, slightly nudging your arm. You couldn’t help yourself, your arm cocked back and connected with his nose in an instant. You stumbled back, not knowing what you had just done. It had happened in a matter of seconds. Vince wiped some blood from his nose onto his thumb and looked at it. He also seemed to be in shock from what just happened.
“Don’t ever kiss me again.” You stated and immediately fled the scene. On the drive home, your adrenaline was still pumping at what you had just done. You couldn’t even believe you had just punched Vince Neil in the face. It was a thrill and a rush but you did have a tiny bit of guilt. How would you be able to face them again? With Tommy being absolutely furious at you and now punching Vince in the face, you didn’t exactly have a very good case against you. All of you were supposed to meet up for practice the next day and you were absolutely sure you shouldn’t go. Nothing good would come of it.
The next day, you stayed home and decided to give yourself a day off. A day off from everything like work, band practice, Tommy, and anything having to do with the band. You were so stressed by the entire situation it felt like all you could do was just lay in bed, order take out, and feel sorry for yourself. You missed him and the way he smelled and his cheesy grin. You missed the other boys too. Mick with the best one liners, Vince when he wasn’t being an asshole, and of course Nikki who was always willing to listen to you.
Later that night your phone rang and you prayed it was Tommy. The voice on the other end left you disappointed.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s Nikki.” You were semi relieved to hear from him but it wasn’t the boy who you missed the most.
“Oh hey, what’s up?” You answered, trying to play dumb.
“So, Vince’s nose is nice and swollen.” Nikki laughed on the other end of the line.
“Oh yeah, about that...” you trailed off, not sure if you should tell him what happened. There’s no way he would take it as hard as Tommy did.
“I know that he kissed you, and that was fucked up. And I know Tommy is super upset. He didn’t show up at all today.” With this information, Nikki was basically stabbing you in the gut. You thought he would at least feel like showing up to practice and doing what he loved. You felt absolutely awful about how everything went down now.
“I shouldn’t have done it. I wish neither thing had happened.” You admitted to him.
“It is what it is, but listen, I’m having a get together at my house tomorrow. I know you probably don’t wanna come but I promise it’ll take your mind off of things.”
“But what about” and then he cut you off.
“Neither of them will be there. I need a break too.” He also admitted something and then laughed.
“Well...alright.” You decided it might be best to do something rather than stay home all day like you had today.
“I’ll see you then, okay?” And then with that, Nikki hung up.
You were relieved that neither Tommy or Vince would be present. You just hoped he would come around, you missed him more than ever.
Secretly, you hoped that Tommy would show up. But as the night drew on, you realized that probably wasn’t going to happen. You wanted him to walk in the door and act like nothing happened. You missed that night in the bathroom when he made the first move on you, in that moment everything felt absolutely perfect. Now everything just felt wrecked.
You spent most of the night in a corner, talking to whomever was willing to engage in some small talk. Nikki was really the only person you knew there, after all it was at his house. Mick was hiding out as per usual and you wished he was at least next to you so you didn’t look like a total friendless leper. Nikki was making rounds around the apartment, making sure everyone was getting nice and fucked up and having a great time. You bummed a cigarette off of some guy who told you that your hair was nice. You were pretty sure he was high but at the least he was kind enough to lend you a cigarette. You went out onto the infamous balcony where you and Tommy had spent so many nights together talking and getting excited about the future. Now you were alone and the air felt colder like this somehow. Nikki came out to check on you a few times as you sat outside and contemplated your current situation. After awhile, you figured it might just be best if you went home for the night. It was late and nothing more exciting was going to happen as far as you were concerned.
“Hey Nik, I’m going to head out. I have an early day tomorrow.” You really didn’t, but you didn’t want him to be disappointed you were leaving.
“Aw okay, hey, be safe. And don’t worry about T okay? He’ll come around like I always say.”
You nodded at his words and went outside to head home. The whole drive all you could think about was how Tommy was probably at home sulking in his bedroom and thinking of the hurt you caused him. While the whole thing wasn’t entirely your fault, you felt as if you had some blame. You definitely didn’t regret clocking Vince in the nose, that was coming to him, but Tommy you could never hurt in any shape or form. You two may have bickered a lot but hurtful interactions were never the norm.
When you got home, you noticed a figure sitting on your front stoop. This was unusual, you lived alone and usually were always aware of visitors. You grew nervous and looked around the car for a weapon. The only thing you could manage was the keys in your hand. You slipped them inside your knuckle just in case your fist needed to be used again. You were always wary of being attacked when you were on your own at night but you knew a few tricks. As you walked up to the door, you called out a hello to see if the person would answer. Instead they just stood and stretched and you began to get more nervous as no reply was heard.
“Excuse me? Hello?” You asked, inching closer up to your front door.
“It’s Tommy.” He came out of the shadows and you saw the shaggy haired boy. Your heart immediately began to beat a rapid pace and you were almost excited after being completely terrified a moment ago.
“Oh my god, hey.” You were almost embarrassed at how scared you must’ve looked. And then you were embarrassed at seeming so eager to see him. Either way, you knew you looked stupid in front of him right now. You never felt aware of this until now, that you could be so embarrassed and shy in front of him.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He looked down at the ground, tracing a small patch of concrete with his foot.
“It’s okay...are you alright?” You asked, after finally calming yourself down internally.
“Uh yeah, I’m good. I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” He said, still not making eye contact with you.
“For what?” Yet again, you played the dumb card.
“For being so upset at you, when it wasn’t your fault. But I need to know something.” After saying this, he moved closer to you, barely inches in between the two of you. Your heart rate quickened again at being so close to him after awhile.
“What’s that?” You asked, nervous of what his answer would be.
“Do you actually want to do this?” He asked, finally looking up at you hopefully.
“Yes.” You’d never been more sure of anything in your life. Tommy closed the gap between the two of you and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. After stepping back, he moved forward once more to kiss you again. This time he opened your mouth his tongue and began exploring your mouth. You did the same actions and continued kissing like that for awhile.
“Cool.” He stepped back again and laughed a little to himself. You knew everything was going to be okay now. He was back to the old Tommy and finally realized that you weren’t the one to blame completely.
“Do you maybe want to come inside?” You asked him, feeling more attracted to him more than ever right now. The way the street light hit his jawline and the way his hair was laying perfectly on his head absolutely drove you insane.
“Yeah, of course.” He said, taking your hand and walking up to the front door.
(Hope you guys like it, thank you for the endless support you guys have for me!!!! I love you bunches!!!)
Tags: @getthefckouttahere @stevenandsam @dylanobandposts21 @anon-1112 @switchthewitch @sighsophiia @mainly-me @bandzrus @divaanya @evrsncnewyork @yoinks-i-dont-feel-so-good @catsoo-12 @whydoilooklikekurtcobain @supernaturalvikingwhore @vintageratdoctor @thatbandchick39 @chasityquinn @swoopygorl @shamelessobsessions @itsametaphorbriansblog @juliarose21 @whiskey-a-go-go @anxious-diabetic @ziggysstardustz @thanks2pete @captainloki1 @tommyfuckinlee @itssajeelalatheef @littlesunnymoon @imamazzellhoe @killer-queen-ofrhye @slowandangry @momothepeachgirl @itsharleyalb @ecstaticqueenbri @wheresmyvodkabitch @madsthegroupie @itsmotleyfuckingcrue @caos18blog @pandem--onium @annabeth-14 @langdonsdemon @rxsesinjune @machinegunkiki @sisterchristixn @luv4fandoms @yesloverboy @solohqrry @she-likes-dead-flowers @leterscam @kennisababe @twistnet @kat-976 @jongkey-1221 @scarecrowmax @letslyn @2dead2function @sweetshutter @myheartdesirepure @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc
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gothpanda · 5 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Chapter 2: On Palm Avenue
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A/N: Please ignore this weird gif lol I thought this one was perfect but couldn’t figure out how tf to crop it. Anyway, enjoy it! 
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As the warmth of summer night fell, a phone ring echoed in the downstairs hall of the Bass house at the front of the home. The phone rang for almost a minute before Mrs. Bass could catch it on its final ring. “Ello, this is the Bass residences.” Mrs. Bass said, wiping her hands with a kitchen towel. “Hey Mamá, it’s Tommy. Is Sammi home?” Tommy replied from his side of the phone, sitting in his shared bedroom with Vince. “Oh ello, Tommy! Yes, Samantha is in her room, I’ll call her down.” 
 “Thanks, Mamá.” Tommy smiled as he heard his mother yell through the phone. Sammi skipped down the stairs, jumping at the last step walking to the wall phone, “Yeah, Mamá?”. “Tommy wants to talk to you. Dinner is almost ready, so don’t take too long” Mrs. Bass passed the phone to Sammi and walking back into the kitchen. Sammi leaned her back flat against the wall, exhaling loudly. Sammi wasn’t entirely over with what had happened this afternoon. If it weren’t for Vince’s somewhat attempt of mending things, she would’ve made up an excuse to avoid Tommy right away. She didn’t understand how Tommy and Vince could let Nikki do something crazy. While she knew Tommy could be crazy and fun, this seemed different in comparison. Sammi put the phone against her ear, trying her best to be eager at Tommy. 
 “Yeah, Tommy, what’s up?” Sammi asked, playing with the spiral phone cord. “Hey Sam, Vince told me he invited you to the apartment tomorrow. Are you gonna come?” Tommy said, twirling a drumstick between his fingers. “Uh yeah, I’m thinking about it. I don’t have work tomorrow, so I figured it beat studying all day.” Sammi slid down the wall sitting on the floor. “Well, the apartment is near the strip on Palm Avenue. You can’t miss it.” “Okay, cool. Like I said I’ll think about it."
 Sammi said with no enthusiasm, silence falling between the phone call. Tommy hated awkward silence whenever he talked to someone. He knew Sammi was in a mood right away when she got passed the phone. Tommy threw the drumstick across the room and huffed. “Look, Sammi I’m sorry about Nikki’s driving, okay? I should’ve told him to stop.” Tommy said in hopes of Sammi coming by tomorrow. He wanted that relationship back with his little sister. Tommy knew his life was gonna be crazy in anything he did, but he still wanted his sisters by his side. “If you want, after we practice, you, me, and Athena can eat at the diner nearby. It’s pretty good. You could also help me with the sign.” while Tommy couldn’t see it, Sammi was smiling at the thought of them all hanging out again. “Yeah, that be fun. What time do you want me to come by then?” Sammi asked, hearing her mother yell for dinner. “You can come by 2. You’ll finally get to meet Mick! He’s like an alien, I swear!” Tommy said, happily looking up to see Vince walk in the room to grab something. “Cool. I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye, Toms.” Sammi said. “Later, Sams!” Tommy said before hanging up the phone and walking into the small living room.  
 Tommy dropped himself on the sofa next to Nikki and Mick working on a song. “Why are you so happy, Teenager?” Mick said, looking up from his guitar over Nikki. Nikki continued to scribble on his beaten up notebook, ignoring the conversation going on between him. “My sister’s gonna come see us practice tomorrow! You’ll finally get to meet her, Mick. She’s really cool, I swear!” Tommy smiled while getting up to grab a beer from the fridge. “We met her today. She’s nothing like Tommy.” Nikki mumbled, still glued to the notebook. “Yeah, that’s because you pissed her off. She still the same cute little Shirley Temple to me.” Vince said with a smile walking into the living room. Vince grabbed a beer and sat on the white dining chair in front of the sofa.
 Nikki looked up at Vince with an annoyance reminding him of Samantha’s dislike towards him. “She even has a new nickname for Nikki. Kept calling him porcupine the whole time.” Vince chuckled, taking a swing for his beer as he made Mick smirk a small bit. “Yeah, I already apologized to Sammi about today. Honestly, Vince, thanks for inviting her, man. I for sure thought she was gonna avoid me even more after that.” Tommy said before high fiving Vince as he pulled a chair next to him. “Well, from how you guys are describing her, this’ll sure be a treat tomorrow,” said Mick as he put down his guitar to take a sip of his beer. Nikki thought for a moment about what could happen tomorrow. He could try to be kind to Samantha and hopefully get her to stop calling him porcupine. Nikki also remembered the little moment of Vince in the backseat with little Lee. Nikki smirked up at Vince with squinting eyes, “Hey Vince, how’s Beth doing? Isn’t she gonna come to practice tomorrow as well?”. Vince wrinkled his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, leaning back into the chair, remembering about the curly blonde. “Fuck, guess this will be a treat tomorrow,” Vince muttered quietly as he took the last sip of beer for the night. 
  The sun rose high and bright the next morning, and so did Sammi. Sammi rose from her bed, immediately turning on the radio to begin her day. Heat of The Moment blared from the portable radio in the room, and curtains were drawn out to let in the sun. Sammi opened her closet, dancing a little, looking for something cute to wear. She didn’t want to take forever getting ready, already knowing how far Tommy’s apartment was from their house. For once in a long time, Sammi felt happy having some time to spend with Tommy. Even if with the bumps in the road, she was still excited to see the band fully in action. It was something Tommy always wanted to do, and that made her happy. After about 10 minutes of staring at her closet and drawers, Sammi changed into acid high waisted loose jeans with a black sunflower cut up shirt. The redhead sat down at her desk, pulling out a mirror close to her face. Sammi always wanted to look her best with every chance she got. She had a touch a mascara to her dark lashes, a tap of blush to her cheeks, and a shimmery pink lip gloss. After she was done, Sammi skipped down the stairs to find her dad sitting in the living room recliner reading the newspaper. She grabbed her denim jacket from the coat rack and slid on a pair of white superstars. 
“And where are you going so early? I thought classes didn’t start ’til this coming Monday?” Mr. Bass asked, peering up to Sammi. Sammi dropped herself on the white sofa near her father’s recliner. “I’m actually gonna go hang out with Tommy! He wants me to see his new band. Did you know Vince is in it? I think he’s the singer.” Sammi said gleefully. Mr. Bass smiled, “Well, that’s good; you and Tommy are getting along. For a minute there, it seemed like you two were growing apart.” Mr. Bass turned the page of his newspaper. Sammi bit her nails, remembering Tommy’s words at the mall.
Even though Sammi didn’t want to admit it, she was beginning to notice the habit she was building on avoiding her only brother. “Yeah, I’ve just been busy getting ready for another semester and working,” Sammi said, avoiding direct eye contact with her dad. “Well alright, then. I hope you have a nice time and careful driving into the city. Oh, and can you tell your brother to return the van? I don’t remember telling him he can take it.” Mr. Bass said as he read along. “Alrighty, dad,” Sammi kissed her father’s cheek, “I’ll be careful driving and won’t come home late, promise.” Sammi quickly walked out the door and into the impala. 
   After driving down west for a full hour, Sammi pulls up to the only fully outdoor apartment complex on the entire street. Sammi switched off the ignition before stepping out to hear a drum blaring out from the second floor. “Hey!” Sammi turned her head fast to see a man in all black leather with sunglasses on walking down the outdoor stairs. He seemed to be almost Vince’s height and had longer hair than the rest of the guys. He looked so out of place with all of southern California. “Are you, Samantha? Tommy’s little sister?” Sammi scrunched her eyebrows together with confusion and scratching the side of her head. “Uhh yeah, I am. Who are you exactly?” Sammi asked as the man approached her.
 “I’m Mick Mars. I’m the guitar player for this band. Nice to meet you.” Mick extended his hand out to Sammi, which was hastily accepted. “Oh cool. Vince mentioned I didn’t get to meet you yet. He said you were like an alien.” Sammi giggled shortly before Mick glared at the redhead. “Yeah just because I’m the oldest and don’t have the same ideas as them, I’m the alien.” Mick shrugged then asked, “You wanna be nice and help me get a couple of guitars from my car?”. Sammi noticed the small red car across the street, “Yeah! I’d be happy to help!”. 
 “Hey Tommy, your sister’s outside,” Nikki said as he peeked out of the window through the blinds. Tommy hurried over from his drum set with Vince in tow seeing Sammi hold a guitar case that Mick passed to her. “Awe Sammi’s already nice to Mick.” Vince chuckled, looking over Nikki’s shoulder, locking his eyes only on Sammi. “Oh hey, she’s an hour early! Way better than I’ll ever be.” Tommy chuckled. He moved past Vince walking outside of the apartment, leaning over the railing. “Hey, Sammi! Thanks for helping Mick!” Tommy yelled as Sammi, and Mick crossed the street.
 Sammi immediately regretted helping Mick carry this freaking guitar case. She wobbled all the way to the stairs behind Mick, barely having enough strength to care for the case. Nikki followed Tommy out of the apartment, leaving the door open for Mick. He could quickly notice Sammi struggling to not bang the heavy case on the concrete steps. Nikki felt somewhat unfortunate and proceeded to walk towards her. “Here let me take that for you, Samantha. I know how fucking heavy these things can be.” Nikki said, carefully removing the case from Sammi’s grasp, who almost tripped up the final step. “I could’ve done it,” Sammi mumbled as she passed the case looking up at Nikki with a pout. Nikki snickered with a smirk leaning on the case and lowering his face to Sammi. “You could just say you’re welcome and be nice,” Nikki said with a smile. Sammi only rolled her eyes, walking away from Nikki and hugging Tommy before stepping into the apartment.  
 When Sammi walked in, her eyes grew wide, scanning the whole living room in its complete filth. She could see burnt spots on the greyish rug with dead cockroaches on them. She even saw dark boot like footprints leading to one of the bedrooms. The smell of cigarette smoke filled up the entire apartment and maybe also weed. One bedroom door looked like it was falling off the hinges. Beer bottles all thrown into a corner next to the beaten-up sofa that used to be white. “Tommy how the fuck do you live here?! And with two other guys!?” Sammi wrinkled her nose, turning to Tommy. Tommy could only give a tight-lipped smile closing the door behind him and shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, you don’t like the beautiful smell of cigarette ash? Or the decorative footprints of Nikki from lighting him on fire at our shows? It’s what makes the Motley House feel special!”
 Vince jokingly said as he put his arm around Sammi, squeezing her shoulder. Sammi playfully rolled her eyes and took notice of the equipment layout. “The Motley House? Why that name for this dump?” Sammi asked. “Oh, I forgot to tell you! Mick over here picked the name Motley Crue! Isn’t it sick?” Tommy said, with pride twirling his drumsticks. Sammi only smiled and nodded at her brother happily. “Well, you guys should clean this Motley House at least once a month,” Sammi said, throwing herself down on the sofa. With that quick move, the right side of the couch collapsed, making Sammi yelp and slide down. “See, I fucking knew that piece of shit was gonna fucking break!” Nikki said, looking at Sammi, “Just didn’t think it was gonna be Little Lee’s fault.”. Sammi got up and moved to a stable looking chair near her. “Sorry.” Sammi grinned, trying not to laugh. “So are you guys gonna practice or what?” Sammi asked, crossing her legs Indian style. The group of men all looked at each other and processed to hook everything up. Mick beginning everything with a heavy clean guitar riff.
 Sammi was amazed at all of them, to say the least. They all functioned together perfectly and listened to what they each had to say about something. Tommy looked so happy, smiling as he beat the drums making Sammi light up as well. She also had to admit Nikki was talented in playing bass. As the guys were about to take a break, a light knock came from the front door. Nikki opened it to find the definition of blonde rich Cali girl. She strutted into the place like she owned it and most likely never smiled in her life. Before she could go straight to her primary target, she noticed Sammi and stopped dead in her tracks. “Who the fuck are you?” the short hair blonde asked with an icy stare. Sammi sat frozen in her chair and pressing her lips tightly together, looking at Tommy like a deer in the headlights.
 Vince swiftly moved in front of the blonde, blocking Sammi from her view. “It’s okay, baby. She’s just Tommy’s little sister.” Vince said, kissing the blonde’s cheek and neck, trying to defuse her temper. She still stared at Sammi with cold eyes making Sammi even more uncomfortable. Sammi got up from the chair and passed the couple to stand near Nikki. “Hey, Toms, why don’t we start on the sign for the show tomorrow? You guys do have spray paint, right?” Sammi shifted her eyes away from Vince, only trying to pay attention to the rest. “Uh yeah, I’ll get the stuff, and we can do it outside across the street,” Tommy said, getting up from his set and walked to his room. Nikki put down his bass and looked at Sammi, opening the door for her. 
 They both walked out together, going down the stairs in silence. “That was Beth. Vince’s girlfriend, if you haven’t already guessed.” Nikki said, looking at Sammi’s confused expression. Sammi leaned her back flat against the cold brick wall observing the apartment door from a distance. Nikki stood next to Sammi, their shoulders almost touching. “Look I’m not usually one for apologies, so how about I make it up to you,” Nikki said, staring down at his boots, his hair covering a majority of his face away from everyone. Sammi smirked, only staring straight ahead. “What do you have in mind?” Sammi asked. “We could go eat at the diner that nearby. I could pay for you. I know everyone likes free food.” Nikki said, picking his head up to give direct eye contact. “Tommy said he wanted to take Athena and me to eat after this. You can tag along and still give me free food.” Sammi said, smiling at Nikki right when Tommy and Mick approached them. “Okay! Help me put this up, man, so me and Sammi can get a spraying!” Tommy said, dropping everything to the ground. 
 Later that day, as the California sun began to set, Nikki sat at the end of a round booth with two of the Lee siblings. Sammi sat in the middle of Nikki and Tommy, looking through the breakfast section of the menu with pursed lips. Tommy kept turning his head back, waiting to see Athena come any minute now. “So what’s the Little Lee in the mood for?” Nikki asked, leaning on the table, crossing his arms. Sammi looked up, scrunching her eyebrows together and smiling. “Is that my new nickname? Little Lee?” Sammi asked with a sweet giggle. “Well, you don’t let me call you Sammi, so thought I’d come up with something,” Nikki said, shrugging his shoulders and smirking. Sammi playfully rolled her eyes, turning her head to see Athena walking towards the booth. With a big smile, all three siblings hugged each other and slid down the round booth. Nikki felt a bit uneasy with all this happiness going around between the three siblings. Even though he had his own half-sister, he still didn’t get the same feelings Tommy receives when he sees his sisters. “Hey, Nikki! Haven’t you seen you in a while. How was practice?” Athena asked, taking off her denim jacket similar to Sammi’s. “It was good until Vince’s girlfriend crashed it,” Nikki said, taking a sip from his soda. Athena snickered and looked over at her little sister, “And how has Sammi seen the band?”. “These guys are honestly terrific. I’ll admit it.” Sammi said, looking at Tommy and Nikki. Tommy gave Sammi a side hug with a smile growing more prominent as the day went on. He couldn’t express how thrilled he was to be in this diner with the people he loved in one booth. The foursome continued joking around as they ate and told stories of their childhood to Nikki. “For some reason when Sammi was about 6, her favorite toy was these pair of pink scissors. She would cut everything almost every day until one day she accidentally cut her hair upwards-”
  “Dude she had straight up mushroom hair! And her hair is actually brown, so it looked like those portobello mushrooms!” Tommy said with an uncontrollable laugh with Athena following in his steps. Sammi could only bite her nails and slightly look at Nikki in the eye who was trying to not laugh. “Well it sounds like you were a fun little girl, Samantha,” Nikki said, biting his lip to contain his laughter. He didn’t know if Sammi would pop off on him if he did laugh, but he did not want to test the waters. Athena looked at Sammi and Nikki with a confused face. “He calls you Samantha? Only mom and dad call you full name by when you’re in trouble.” Athena said, taking a sip of her grape soda. “Yeah well, I told him to call me Samantha. So let us move on from that.” Sammi said, messing with her nails. “Hey I was thinking, why don’t you guys come to the show tomorrow? Both of you haven’t seen us play and it would be nice. Wouldn’t you agree, Tommy?” Nikki asked, looking at the Lee’s. Athena and Sammi looked at Tommy, waiting for an answer of approval. “Yeah, that would be a cool idea. You guys can even party with us at the apartment.” Tommy said, putting his arms around his sisters. They smiled happily all together. Sammi looked up at the clock on the wall, realizing how late it was getting for L.A traffic. “Shit, I promised dad I wasn’t gonna be home late. I have to go.” Sammi said, pushing Tommy and Athena out of the booth to get out. “Oh dude, tell dad I’ll take the van back Saturday. I need it for tomorrow.” Sammi nodded at Tommy before hugging him goodbye, followed by Athena. Sammi turned to Nikki, who stood up to pay for the food. With hesitation, Sammi hugged Nikki goodbye taking him by surprise but still returning it. “Thanks for the food, Nikki.” Sammi said, smiling up. “Anytime Little Lee,” Nikki smirked back before Sammi left the diner ultimately. 
“Well, that went better than I expected! I think she’s starting to warm up to you, man!” Tommy said, slinging his arm around Nikki. “Think you’re right for once, T-bone.” 
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piperjalali · 5 years
your six word story — "i wish i could explain myself"
NAME: michael ‘mickey’ rivero FACECLAIM: tommy martinez  
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At first he thought she was a mirage. Or a side effect of the heat stroke he was inevitably gonna get out here. Red dress, red lips, red heels higher than anything he’d ever seen, and waving to people like she was at some kind of meet and greet. Stopping to shake hands, to crack jokes, and at one point, he swears to god, kiss a baby. 
“Who the fuck’s that?” He asks Todd, because he’s stupid as shit, and useless, but he’s the only one here. Todd blinks a second before he’s looking up and clocking who he’s pointing at. His grin is all crooked teeth. 
“What, you don’t know? The bandits are in town. Y’know, from the news.” Todd replies brightly, and Mickey has to do a double take. 
“That’s a bandit? You know who I’m pointing at? The bitch in red.” Mickey asks as he points at her more firmly, just to make sure Todd’s minuscule brain hasn’t got who he’s pointing at mixed up with someone else. But Todd nods insistently, like he really knows what he’s talking about, which would be a first. 
“Yeah, man, that’s her, I swear. She’s the one in that video the news has got– you know, where she’s settin’ that mop on fire.” Todd clarifies, and he looks like he’s getting pretty full of himself, telling Mickey something he doesn’t know. He’ll have to take care of that later. 
“… Well, I’ll be damned.” Mickey murmurs for a moment, as he watches her from afar. Now that she’s a bit closer she does look familiar. Mick shifts his jaw for a moment, simply watching silently before he’s smacking Todd on the shoulder and pushing off the step they’re sitting on with a cool, “I’ll be back.”
“I’ll come with you!” Todd calls as he tries to scramble up, but Mickey doesn’t even bother to look back at him. 
“No you won’t, Todd. Stay the fuck over there.” He can hear the dull thud as Todd falls back onto the step even as he continues to make his way forward confidently, closing in on the brunette with razor sharp focus. Her back is turned to him as she’s talking to someone else– and what a fucking view. He almost doesn’t wanna ask her to turn around. He waits a bit to do it, just to savor the whole thing you know, before he’s making himself known with a smooth, “Hey there, gorgeous.” 
She pauses mid sentence to glance at him behind her, arching a pretty little brow in surprise before she’s glancing between him and who she’s talking to. And it’s just fucking Ronny. Who cares. 
“Can I steal you for a minute? Always wanted to meet a celebrity.” Mickey says with a wink, and she smiles. It’s a pretty smile, almost hesitant like she’s not sure exactly what he’s doing, but also like she’s in on a joke she’s not. He’s into it. 
“…A-Actually, we were in the middle of something, Mick–” Ronny stutters out, like Mickey gives a single fuck what he thinks. 
“Get the fuck out of here, Ronny.” Mickey replies without so much as looking away from the pretty thing in front of him. 
“But–” Ronny tries again, and Mickey’s gotta be losing his touch for a bitch like Ronny to be this bold with him. 
“What’d I fucking say?” Mickey asks as his eyes finally flick up to meet Ron’s. Ronny pauses a moment, seemingly trying to gauge whether or not tumbling around with him would be worth it. He makes the right choice, and leaves with a grumble, but his tail effectively between his legs. Good. 
“… Well, aren’t you king of the castle.” Her voice comes out in an amused purr, smooth like butter, and when Mickey’s eyes meet hers, her doe eyes are crinkled with her amusement. He grins right back at her, brows bouncing suggestively. 
“You bet your cute little ass I am. You know, I’m actually in the market for a queen. You interested?” He asks shamelessly, and she laughs, bright and genuine and free. None of that pretty fake shit. 
“You’re pretty smooth, huh?” Her voice is coloured with her laughter as she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, meeting his gaze almost coyly. Jesus. He can only nod. 
“I am.” Mickey flicks his tongue over his chapped lips, looking her up and down in a way he knows is not subtle at all. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” 
“Kitty.” She says without a moment of hesitation. Mickey doesn’t hesitate either. 
“That’s not your name.” He says, simple matter of fact. She smiles, closed lipped and not even secretive. Just amused. 
“No, it’s not.”
“Why don’t you give me your real name?” Mickey lowers his voice to be a husky thing, his brows arching at her imploringly. Her smile widens enough to reveal a dimple as she backs away from him, stopping only once her back meets the railing of one of the old sets. 
“Oh, honey, you gotta earn that.” She replies playfully as she hoists herself up to sit on the railing. The skirt of her red dress falls perfectly around her thighs. Honestly, Mickey’s still half convinced she’s a mirage. 
“Oh, yeah?” He asks as he closes the space between them. He stops only when his torso is pretty much brushing her legs, placing both of his hands on either side of her hips to cage her in like the pretty bird she is. Her eyes twinkle. 
“Yeah.” And there’s that look again. Like she’s in on a secret he isn’t. Like she knows something he doesn’t, and it’s the funniest thing he’ll never hear. 
“… I’m Mickey.” The words fall out of his mouth without thought. It’s worth it to see her smile grow. 
“Like the mouse? Cute.” She utters the words without an inch of teasing, which only encourages Mickey more. 
“So you think I’m cute.” He latches onto cockily as his gaze scans her face. She hums as she leans back thoughtfully, dark eyes seeming to examine him in return. 
“Maybe.” God, she’s just teasing him now. And the worse part is, it’s working. 
“Baby, come on. Why don’t you come home with me? Huh?” The words are jokingly close to begging, and it’s the right move cause she laughs again. But then she simply looks at him again, eyes twinkling and secretive, and fuck. “What do I gotta do to get you to come home with me? Hm? Whatever it is, I’ll do it.” 
He doesn’t know if that was the right thing to say at first. Cause suddenly she gets real quiet. Head tilted so her dark hair spills over her bare shoulder, eyes boring so deep into him that he feels almost exposed and… read in a way that he’s not sure he’s comfortable with. And then she’s speaking, and he’s regretting even asking the question. “… Tell me why everybody’s scared of you.” 
“What?” Mickey blurts out instinctively as he pulls back, hands leaving the railing to drop to his side as he looks at her. She arches a brow and juts her chin in Todd’s direction of all places. 
“Your little friend over there quakes in his boots whenever you so much as open your mouth. Poor Ronny had a full head on you, and yet he went white as a sheet the moment you rolled up. And every else has cleared out too. Right around the time you got up.” She gestures around them with a finger, and Mickey has to follow her gaze. Honestly, over the years he’s gotten so used to it he barely noticed, but she’s right. Everybody’s gone but Todd who’s too stupid to follow. Just waiting for him on those steps like a loyal dog. “And I wanna know why. What’d you do?” 
“Nothing.” Another instinctive answer. He feels weirdly cornered, which is ridiculous. This girl is five foot nothing and in a frilly red dress for fuck’s sake. He could tear her in half with his teeth. 
“Seems like it.” Her head bobs with her nod, and Mickey looks up at her in disbelief. She noticed all this shit about him, pointed it all out, and yet she still feels like she can talk shit?
“… Fine. I killed a guy or two. Real public.” Mickey admits nonchalantly, even if the words settle like ice in his stomach. But the ice isn’t as cold as it was yesterday. Tomorrow it’ll be warmer still. Eventually he won’t fucking feel it at all. Eventually he’ll just be numb. 
“How come?” The question startles him out of his thoughts, making him zero back in on her and blink away his pity party, mostly because to how fucking casual it is. Like he hasn’t just admitted to the worse thing a person could probably ever do. Her big brown eyes are filled with curiosity and a lack of judgement that almost makes her seem innocent in a way he’s pretty sure she definitely isn’t. She is a bandit, right? Todd’s dumb ass didn’t get it wrong? 
Mickey stares at her another few moments, waiting for the punchline. There isn’t one.
“I wanted to.” Mickey answers briefly and confidently, somehow hoping that will be the end of the conversation. It’s a lie, but it’s a comfortable one. One he’s told before. 
And instead of being running for the fucking hills like a normal person, she nods. Like he told her that it’s gonna rain tomorrow or some shit. “Okay.” 
The reaction is too casual. So nonchalant that Mickey feels the need to defend himself, to clarify. “I had to.” 
But she just nods again, expression just… accepting in a way that Mickey can’t quite understand. “Okay.”  
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Mickey snaps, and the act of lashing out feels familiar. It feels right. Until her expression shifts into one of confusion, brows furrowing delicately. 
“It just means okay, baby.” She replies in turn, and Mickey can feel his anger ballooning in his chest. Can feel it rising up in his throat like bile. 
“It’s not fucking okay.” The words are sharper than they have any right to be, acidic and almost growled at her like she’s the one who did something wrong. Like she’s the one at fault here. Any girl in her right mind would be long gone. But her whole face just softens.
“Okay.” She says gently in return, and Mickey’s jaw clenches in reaction. But then she puts her hand on it, flat of her palm cupping the hinge of his jaw like he’s not all sharp edges. Her hand is soft. “Easy now. You wanna talk about it, honey?” 
“Talk about what.” He doesn’t know why he hasn’t pulled himself away from her touch yet. Honestly, he doesn’t even know why he’s still here or why he’s still talking. He should leave. “I killed them.” 
“… yeah, but about the rest of it.” Her hand drops from his jaw, and something in her face looks almost sad. “About why.” 
No one had ever asked him that so… kindly. Without any judgement. Or disgust. 
“… I had to. I–” Mickey feels small, and he hates it. He feels like a kid under this weird knowing look she’s giving him, and he hates it. “I fucking had to.” 
“… Okay.” She says, and he’d be starting to hate that word if she didn’t say it all soft like she did. Like she understood. “Who was it?” 
The words are hard to come out. Mickey isn’t even looking at her. Instead he’s looking at her stupidly high red heels. They’ve got little red puff balls on them. “…My dad. And my uncle.” 
And she just hums. Melodic and quiet like she’s encouraging to continue. And for some reason beyond him, Mickey does. 
“… I fucking had to. And I tried to explain it to them. To all of them. I wish I could explain but– no one would fucking listen to me anyways. None of them ever even tried.” He’s never said those words out loud before. Not to Todd, who’d be too dumb to understand anyways. Not to his mother. But instead to this random, mirage-like, stranger who steals people’s shit for a living. He doesn’t get it. 
“… Sometimes it’s hard for people to see other people as anything more than what they wanna see.” He finally looks up at her then, but she’s not looking at him. Her head is tilted up towards the sky, and she’s looking directly up at the cloudless expanse of it, seemingly immune to the sun’s rays. She’s not even squinting. “It’s almost scary for them, I think. To think that they could empathize with someone who’s done something horrible. They think that makes them horrible too.”
“So what you’re saying is you think I’m horrible?” Mickey’s words come out in what can only be described as a croak.
But she laughs, that same free laugh, and her head finally tilts back down. She looks at him with that secretive smile again, but this time she lets him in on it. “Honey, I’ve got an ex in jail for first degree. I ain’t judging you.” 
Mickey doesn’t know why he’s surprised. She’s a bandit after all. After a moment of simply meeting her gaze, he moves to the side of her, leaning his side against the railing as he smoothly asks, “…So what you’re saying is, you’re single?”
She arches her brows at the comment, her red lips forming a small ‘o’ of surprise for a moment before she’s narrowing her eyes playfully at him. “…Oh, you’re good.” 
He is. He feels good. Better. He watches her a second as she begins to swing her feet, seemingly content with the bubble of silence between them. “…What did he get put away for?” 
“… He was an asshole. You know the type. Real jealous. Real possessive. Think they own you, and anyone who looks at you is entreating on their property. For a long time it was really hot. But one day a guy looked at me, and he went too far. What can you do, you know?” She shrugs, nonchalant, like that’s just life, and maybe it was for her. Mickey doesn’t know. “But he just killed that guy just cause he was mad. Not for any real reason. For a while I fooled myself into thinking it was for love but… that’s not love, y’know? Not really.”
It’s weirdly like she’s far away for a minute. Swinging her feet, and just looking at them like they’ve got the answers. Mickey’s pretty sure they haven’t. He does though. Have an answer for her, the first person who ever really wanted to know. “I did it for my mom.” 
She blinks up at him in honest surprise at that. He guesses she wasn’t expecting anything. Mickey can’t blame her, he really wasn’t expecting to say that either. 
“… Y’see, that’s love. Noble even.” She says with a slow smile, and it’s the first time someone’s ever said that about anything he’s done ever in his fucking life. That was the kind of word people used for knights and shit. Or real kings. Not assholes from towns like Johnstown. But she seems to think differently because she’s looking at him with this kind of brightness in her eyes. Mickey can’t help but feel like he shouldn’t be allowed to be looked at that way. “You’re a good person, Mickey.” 
His eyes feel hot. And his throat feels fucking tight, and he somehow feels like shit but also like… fucking seen. Or whatever. Like for the first time in his life someone is looking at him and seeing more than just what’s on the surface. Like this random thief is peeking into his soul. 
He licks his lips again, and waits until the hot feeling in his eyes calms down before he’s breathlessly asking, “… you sure I can’t take you out sometime?” 
“Oh, so now it’s gone from a fuck to a whole date? I’m flattered, but… no dice, honey. Nice try though!” She hops off the railing and dusts off the back of her pretty red dress with both hands. Mickey isn’t ashamed to admit he checks out her ass. She might be some weird mythical mirage creature or something, but he’s only a man. She shoots him a wink as she twirls around and moves to leave, eyes still sparkling as she says, “See you around, Mickey.” 
The moment she’s moving away it hits him. The moment she’s gone she could be really gone. The one person in this goddamn town who ever let him say what’d been weighing him down forever, what even his own mother wouldn’t hear a word of, could be out of here forever. And he would have missed his fucking chance. It’s on a whim that he moves after her, grabbing her by the hand and swinging her back around like they do in those fucking sappy movies, an arm around her waist as he leans in—
Only to stop at the feeling of something awfully sharp poking into his gut.
She smiles at him, a real pretty but almost sharp thing, as she trails the pocket knife, his pocket knife that he swears to all fuck was in his pocket a second ago, up his t-shirt with almost playful slowness. 
“Oh, Mickey.” The knife finally reaches the collar of his shirt, hooks on it briefly before she’s sweetly bringing it to his throat. He swallows hard, and his adam’s apple bobs. “Don’t push it, honey.” 
Mickey doesn’t even know what to say. Honestly, he’s trying to figure out if he’s turned on or terrified. 
“You know, I’ve been lookin’ for a souvenir.” She says as she examines his knife. It’s nothing special really. He stole it off some other guy, but it’s got some engravings on the metal of the handle. It’s just roses and shit but her eyes seem to light up as she runs her thumb over them. “I think I’ll be taking this.” With that she beams up at him as she closes the knife and tucks it into her bra, like she didn’t just steal from him right in front of his damn face. Mickey thought he would breathe a bit easier now that the knife wasn’t at his throat, but then she’s leaning forward until her lips are brushing his ear. Her hair smells like mango. “And you know what? If you can take it back from me… maybe you’ll earn more than my name.” 
She struts off then, walking backwards through the dirt road as he stands there mildly stunned. He can do nothing but watch her walk away until he hears Todd’s stupid heavy breathing getting louder and louder as he jogs over. He’s panting a bit as he finally stops at his side, folded over with his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. 
“So… what happened? Were you guys… talking about me? It looked like… you guys.. were talking about me…” Todd asks between his dramatic heaves, but before Mickey can do much more than open his mouth his name is being called from a distance. 
“Mickey! Hey Mickey!” She’s got her hands cupped around her mouth, red lips perfectly framed by them. Mickey arches a brow. “You follow me home and I’ll cut your balls clean off, okay? I’ll spayed you like a dog!” 
The weird thing is, she’s grinning as she says it. Waving at him wide and grand with her whole arm over her head like this is some big farewell. She blows him a dramatic as hell kiss before she’s turning the corner, but despite all of it, the threat still somehow feels very real. Mickey doesn’t follow her. 
He can only blink for another few moments, silent before he turns to his dumb best friend, the only asshole who’s never left him because he’s too stupid to be on his own. He looks at him, and he honestly says, “… Toddy, I think I’m fucking in love.” 
Todd blinks at him. Once. Twice. And then he smiles, his big dumb crooked grin. “… Nice.”
… God, Mickey needs a new friend. 
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Michael Gray imagine part 2
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Request: May I request a part two to the imagine where reader is engaged to a peaky blinders enemy but Michael needs to try to win her over? Maybe for the part two it's about them sneaking around to see each other, him spoiling her and showering her in compliments and they enjoy each other's company like they used to?? Just found your page and I was so intrigued by that imagine so I had to request a part two but if it isn't possible I understand! - @centerhabit
Warnings: some hot scenes maybe (?) ihih and cute fluff shit
Part 2 of Michael imagine of peaky blinders
Its has been days since she saw Michael and she couldn't forget that night at Tommy shelby house , when Michael caught her alone smoking outside and cornered against the wall not being able to contain himself , he grabbed her throat softly and kissed her lips with an hunger he has never felt before , MIchael could try to deny how much he wanted but she was the only one that could make him go crazy and wild not caring about what others have to say . They shared a heated kissed and Michael led her to the stables and pushed her against the wooden door, y/n was letting her animal instinct take over so she let herself let go in the moment with the man she really loved and desired , Michael grabbed her legs and she immediately wrapped them around his waist , Michael started to thrust deep inside of her feeling her in a way he has never felt before, he grabbed her butt tight trying to go has deep has he could making the pleasure insane, y/n rolled her eyes and moan against his neck biting it hard making Michael hiss and smirk , they were insane in that night and those memories couldn't stop repeating in each others heads.
Michael was with his family taking care of some business in the Garrison while y/n and her fiance came in , she didn't want to go but her fiance wanted to tease MIchael and the rest of the family, so when they came in their presence was already noted making Tommy look at them sideways and smirking knowing damn well what happened in his house and Michael clenched his jaw at the jealousy and locked his eyes on his beloved making a note to himself that she was not going to marry that fucker.
Being the fuck polite man he was , he stood up alongside his cousins and went to say hello to them , Y/n got scared and her breath was caught on her throat and she blushed looking down and her fiance looked at her with a not so pleasant look.
“ Hello Jonathan , how curious is to see you and your fiance here, how are you ? both of you I mean” Michael put some emphasis on the last part and raised his glass of whisky towards the couple and smirked cockly at jonathan .
“ we are just fine Michael, actually we came here to say that our wedding his going to tomorrow so I wanted to warn you that our businesses have to be closed for a while, you know how things are right?” Jonathan looked at Michael with an arrogance tone and y/n lifted her head confused about what she just heard.
“that is impossible because i haven't know about anything , my mother would tell me or yours, i haven't picked the dress yet and..” y/n was trying to push the wedding has further has she could but her fiance caught up her scheme.
“ don't worry because i take care of everything , you just need to be there present unless you want to break the deal we made “he looked at her and she looked at her fiance with tears in her eyes leaving the bar feeling hurt , confused and offended that he was treating her like a prize to hurt the shelbys. Michael saw what was going on and he kept his posture even though Tommy was getting annoyed at the man.
“Jonathan i make sure to buy you a nice gift , now get the fuck out of my bar” all the shelbys turn their backs to him and his man but Michael who left saying he was going to see his mother but he couldn't let her alone ,  not after the weekend they both shared in his cousin country house , where they for three days could see how much they loved each other , the laughs they shared when they went skinny dipping , they sweet kisses they had under their tree cover with pinks flowers , when they carved their names in the tree promising to never let each other go , how they would look at each other for hours not talking but just sharing a moment where their souls spoke more than their words , when she confessed that she never stopped loving him and how he said he would change for her and give her everything she deserved and more , all of those things were in michael head and y/n , she was crying when walking in the street and even though Michael went after her he could find her.
The next day was the day she was starting to regret , her wedding day with a man she didn't like anymore since her heart told her who it belonged truly to , she was crying looking herself in the mirror and looking at her finger , her mother knew that this was wrong but she was pregnant and needed to be married to not have a bad reputation and her father needed the deal with her fiance for his shop to still be up and working , she looked everything but a happy bride and her mother kicked everyone out of the room and locked the door letting her daughter break down while she hold her daughter in her arms .
“sweetie i am so sorry about all of this but you have no other choice, Michael didn't wanted to marry you he said himself and that baby needs a father , if you marry Jonathan you won't be called a whore , i couldn't live with myself knowing my daughter had that reputation , i know it hurts but it will pass i truly believe and i am here for you princess, now we need to get you ready and try to smile, for us please”
“ mother how can I? when I went to spend the weekend at the tommy shelby house in the country me and michael shared a moment that i knew right away that this is so wrong , he doesn't know about the baby and i am so scared if Jonathan finds out the baby its not his and tries to take me away from me, my heart chose michael and i don't know why but i can't avoid this pain in my chest , I am marrying for interest not love and this is my first wedding it should be special , why can't i be happy?” y/n cried in her mother arms while her mother let her own tears flowing down her cheeks.
The shelbys where already at the church and Michael was hurt that he had to be there, they all walked inside and sit on their places since the ceremony was starting , Jonathan locked eyes with Michael and he could see the pain and anger he tried to hide but his face didn't hide it very well , Polly was holding her sons hand and the music started ,they all got up and saw the bride with her father walking in , her h/c was perfectly tied up looking like a true princess with her long veil and her white dress, she looked at the ground trying to erase the memories of Michael and her but her heart was pouding to hard , when she finally looked up she saw michael face and she smiled sadly turning away immediately grabbing her fiance hand and giving away her bouquet of flowers , Tommy saw the whole scene and kept his face neutral but he noticed that she had a glow to her that he knew it very well and that it was when it hit him the truth , y/n was pregnant and it couldn't possibly be from her soon to be husband since Jonathan bragged about taking her only in the honeymoon to prove his manhood.
The priest started the ceremony and michael tried not to cry , she was shaking in the aisle , everyone was in suspence not knowing what could happen , when the priest said if anyone had something to say she looked at everyone and when she didn't saw Michael standing up her face dropped and he looked down ashamed that he couldn't do it , Tommy had enough and grabbed michael from his collar and pulled him back whispering in his ear
“ listen  she is waiting and  you love her and she loves you and if you say that you can be the man for her stand up and stop this circus now before you regret forever .”
Michael took a quick glance at Tommy and than at the bride, y/n was about to start her vows when Michael stood up.
“ stop this!” Michael shout and everyone looked at him. “ don't tell me you are gonna go through this y/n please , you know that i never stopped loving and yes i wasn't ready to get marry because I was just getting to know who my family was and everything felt too much at that time but i can't allow this , i fucking love you and everybody here is your witness of that. You can't tell me or deny that our moments weeks ago did not meant nothing to you, when we kissed and you said i looked different it's because i do, y/n I have never stop thinking about you and I know what i have put you through but if you give me another chance I promise you that you won't regret it and i can make you truly happy and feel loved , not like this fucker who treats you like a trophy wife , you are more than that and fuck we all know you are more than that and deserve the world , so please don't marry him,i beg you “ Michael had tears in his eyes by now and y/n looked at him with tears falling on her cheeks smiling at his words , when she was about to say something her father stood up angry and turned to Michael walking in his direction with the fiance friends making every shelby present stood up to defend Michael.
“you better fucking leave you piece of garbish, you are nothing but a little gangster cursed by your family name , you won't ruin my daughter life and ours ever again so leave on your own or we make you” y/n father was about to grab Michael by his collar when Polly pushed the man with a pissed off expression.
“you dare to touch my son ever again or speak to him or even look at him and i swear to god that i will make your life a living hell , so back off because this is not about you old piss”
“stop! dad please stop “ y/n left the aisle and walked to her father side pulling him away from the shelbys “why are you doing this? you know damn right the reason why you wanted me to marry him and you call Michael a gangster but what that makes Jonathan than? a church boy?! I am so tired of being toss around like a doll and everyone making decisions for me and I will speak the truth now. Jonathan is not a sweet or anything close to a gentleman like you think he is , he wanted to force me to have intercourse with him when i said i was waiting for our now not happening honeymoon and when i refused he called me a whore and slapped me in the face making me have a purple eye , that day i had to put so much makeup to cover up so nobody would ask questions , he has so many lovers and i have to turn to look the other way , if i don't do what he wants i am a dog or god knows what else he has already calling me and i am tired of being treated like that , is that what you want for your daughter? to be married with a man who doesn't respect me? Michael can be a lot of things and he has many flaws but not for once he called me what Jonathan has or laid an hand on me and we all know you are afraid of Jonathan and his boys because of your store , so why don't you do a deal with someone else so we don't lose the business? please i beg you to stop this nonsense is not good for me or the baby.”
Y/n was now crying and her voice cracked at the last words making everyone gasp but Tommy , Michael smiled at her and her mother did as well coming to her side to support her daughter. y/n held Michael hand and put on her small bump with love in her eyes “ Michael I am pregnant and it's yours , i haven't been with anyone else but you and after what happened weeks ago in Tommy’s house i wasn't surprised when this happened , so i wanted to tell that we are having a child and i can't marry another man or i wont , I love you too and i'm sorry for leaving you and not being patient enough to help you and support you in that time but i want to be with you too because what we promised under that tree wasn't just words , i meant it , you are the only one i ever loved and i don't even know why my heart chose you but it did and i won't let me be with another but you” y/n stared at michael and he pulled her into him kissing her deeply and and in a loving way feeling his heart almost exploding with so much love like he has never felt before.
“cancel this shit and everybody can leave now , Jonathan we deal with you later and you sir we can make a deal, i buy the shop for you and help with everything and all the shares are yours if you support them , if you don't than Jonah is going to pay for what he did to her and you know how we are right? now let's go home because we have some celebration to do “ Tummy started to walk away and Michael interlaced his fingers with y/n leaving the church with his family and her mother since her father was left speechless by the whole thing , Michael couldn't keep his hands away from her tummy and from her promising to himself to never let her go.
“ Now i guess we have our own wedding to plan then and a little boy or girl to take care as well, god woman i love you so much you have no idea how i felt when you almost married him” Michael sighed in relief and y/n laughed.
“well to be fair you didn't said nothing ever so it was impossible for me to know” y/n chuckled softly and rested her hand on his shoulder once they were in their cars
“that is the problem with my son sometimes the balls fall from him and someone has to push them back up but he is a good boy” Polly smiled at the couple and grabbed a cigarette to smoke finally calm after the event passed.
Meanwhile Arthur, John and Tommy were in the same car ahead of them and Arthur was a little bit unsure how things were solved to Jonathan.
“do you think that he is going to make any move on us after this?”
“if he does i take care of him myself but no one touches in my family and laughs , ever” Tommy answer back to his brother taking a drag of his cigar and all of them headed to the country house to celebrate and to make there the real ceremony that should only happen in that day , the ceremony where y/n was going to turn to mrs. Gray.
(i'm so sorry this went a little bit far from your request but i was listening to some songs that inspired me to go in this path either way i hope you have enjoyed and if not be free to give me some feedback , love you and request everything you want anytime)
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Perfect - Billy Hargrove x Reader (SMUT)
This is a request I got a while ago from @black-bare, and as per usual, REQUESTS ALWAYS WELCOME
“Hey I was wondering if you could do a Billy x reader where the reader isn't skinny but isn't plus size either, maybe a bit of a tummy and bigger thighs and things like that? Smut too if you want but it's up to you, thanks babe <3“ 
Summary: Reader isn’t tiny like her friends but she’s still confident - most of the time. After a party gone wrong, Billy shows her how he really feels.
Word Count: 3.8k
You had never been the “skinny” one. You didn’t hate your body but you weren’t like the other girls and sometimes it got to you. Like when you were at a party with Nancy Wheeler and your other best friends you often felt out of place. As much as you wished for it, you didn’t have the confidence they did. Boys never looked at you twice, always opting for the tinier girls. Most of the time you were fine, you had learned over time how to accept your body and work it to it’s full potential but there were days when you just didn’t feel pretty.
“Guys I really don’t want to go,” you explained to your friends.
“Come on Y/N, it’s gonna be huge and I heard Steve is gonna be there,” she said as she winked at you. Steve was your biggest crush but just like everyone else, he had a crush on Nancy. You would be surprised if he even knew your name.
“I think I’ll just stay home tonight guys, don’t worry about me,” you said with a fake smile. It had definitely not been your day and you just wanted to go home. Out of your peripherals you watched Billy Hargrove brush past you, and maybe you were dreaming but you could swear you saw his eyes move up and down your body, admiring what you had to offer.
“Oh. My. God. Did you see that Y/N? Billy Hargrove definitely just checked you out, I heard he’ll be there tonight too,” Nancy said. Your cheeks flushed at the thought of Billy taking an interest in you.
“Maybe. Maybe I’ll come tonight.”
Nancy’s voice sounded through the phone, another attempt at getting you to go to the party.
“Okay listen. If you come tonight you can pick movies for movie night with the girls for the whole month. That means any horror movies, dumb comedies, chick flicks, anything you want. It’s all up to you,” Nancy bribed.
“Enticing but you gotta sweeten the pot a little more. I pick movies for the whole month and you’re designated driver for the next four parties.” You smirked, knowing that she would never agree to the second one. You were always the designated driver to and from school, parties, anything really, mostly because Nancy always liked to let loose and drink, whereas you were rarely seen with a cup in your hand.
“Fine. I’ll be DD and you can pick movies for the next month. Now, my place or yours? We’ve gotta get ready!” Your jaw dropped, stunned that she had agreed to your negotiations.
“I’ll be at yours in ten,” you said as you rolled your eyes. You hung up the phone and ran upstairs to collect your things. The short walk to Nancy’s was nothing but all you could focus on was seeing Steve. You wanted to look good, you wanted to feel confident.
Nancy swung open the door open and pulled you up to your room.
“Hi Y/N,” Mrs. Wheeler shouted as you ran up the stairs.
“Hi Mrs. Wheeler,” you shouted back as you neared Nancy’s room. You plopped down on her bed and emptied the contents of the bag you brought, your makeup, clothes, and hairspray all falling in to a pile on the bed.
“Y/N, you’re gonna look so hot tonight, I know it. All the guys are gonna be all over you!” Nancy spoke excitedly.
“Your head is up in space Nancy Wheeler. I appreciate it but I’ll just blend in like every other time,” you said with a meaningless laugh. “Actually I’d prefer to blend in,” you admitted. Nancy shook her head, refusing to take no for an answer.
After 3 hours of Nancy putting on layers of makeup, twisting and pinning your hair, and trying on umpteen outfits the both of you were finally ready and downstairs heading out the door.
“Bye mom, love you!” Nancy yelled to her mom.
The sun had set long ago, cascading the small town in a sheet of darkness, the streets illuminated by the tall streetlights. You had to admit, you looked pretty good. Your confidence had sky rocketed since earlier in the day and you were ready to party.
Walking through the crowded room seemed to prove difficult as you bee-lined towards the alcohol with Nancy following close behind. The house was packed, everyone from the school must have been there. Your eyes scanned the room, subtly looking for Steve or Billy. You unfortunately made eye contact with Tommy H and quickly looked away. You saw him whisper something to his friend and he made his way towards you.
“Looking for Steve Y/N?” he asked in a taunting tone.
“What? No? Why would you say that?” you asked, avoiding eye contact with the dickhead before you.
“Seriously Y/N? Everyone knows you have a crush on him. Kinda cute actually. Thinking that a girl like you could ever have a chance with him.”
“What do you mean a girl like me?” You asked out of sheer curiosity, already knowing that you’d regret that choice.
“Really Y/N? You’re fat. He would never go for a girl like you.” His words rang in your ears. You froze as you made eye contact with Steve across the room, your eyes quickly avoiding his as a tear ran down your cheek. “Awe look she’s crying!” Tommy taunted. He laughed as he saw you try to cover every inch of your body to the best of your ability before you ran from the house. You heard his laughter as you ran away, the word ‘fat’ ringing through your ears, invading your thoughts as you sniffled, willing the tears to stop. You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath, closing your eyes to collect yourself.
“Y/N?” A voice sounded behind you. You knew that voice, you always would.
“Oh. Uh… Hi Steve. How are you?” You sniffled, looking away so you could wipe the remaining tears from your eyes.
“Y/N I’m sorry. He shouldn’t have said that to you,” Steve said apologetically.
“Oh. Yea, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” you said with a sad smile. You turned away, heading down the drive way, just wishing to be home already.
“It’s not true y’know,” Steve shouted behind you causing you to stop in your tracks. You slowly turned towards him. “You’re beautiful Y/N, don’t listen to him.” You let out a humourless laugh.
“God Steve seriously? I really don’t need this right now.”
“I’m not kidding Y/N. Don’t listen to him, you’re way too pretty.” You sniffled and looked him in the eye. A part of you hoped he would profess his love for you and you would be happy together forever but you knew better. You were a smart girl.
“But you don’t like me, do you?” He looked at you in silence, giving you all the confirmation you needed. His hand fell from your wrist and you turned away from him one last time.
You walked away from the bustling party, not bothering to tell Nancy or any of your other friends that you were leaving. They’ll figure it out, you thought to yourself. You sat down on a bench and finally let yourself really cry without prying eyes.
“He’s a dumbass you know.” You heard Billy from beside you. You looked up and saw his sparkling blue eyes staring down at you.
“Thanks Billy but I’m not in the mood. I already got made fun of enough for the night, can it wait till tomorrow?” you said in a defeated tone.
“Nah I’m serious Y/N. You’re a hot piece of ass, he’s an idiot for not realizing that.”
“It’s not his fault. I wouldn’t like me either.” You chuckled dryly. Billy sunk down next to you and looked at you, carefully planning out what to say to you. You felt as if his eyes were looking deep in to your soul.
“Y’know I’ve got a lot of girls throwing themselves at me, kinda overwhelming actually,” he chuckled to himself with a cocky smirk adorning his face.
“Yea. I know. Why are you telling me that?” You stared at him with your eyebrows raised.
“Because that’s why I like you.” Billy Hargrove likes me? “Cause you don’t throw yourself at me. You’re strong, you don’t need a guy. Especially a guy like Steve Harrington. You’re too good for him princess.” Your cheeks flushed at the nickname.
“Yea, I don’t need a guy but it would be nice to have a guy like me and not because they pity me, but a guy who likes me for me.”
“Let’s go for a drive Y/N.” Billy stood up, reaching his hand out for you. You eyed him warily, looking from his hand to his eyes and back to his hand.
“Why, so you can kill me?” He leaned down towards you, his voice dipping to a menacing tone.
“Sweetheart if I wanted you dead, we wouldn’t be talking right now.” Your eyes widened at his sinister words. “But I don’t want to kill you because I happen to like you so just come for a drive with me.” You gripped his outreached hand and pulled yourself up. His blue Camaro was parked across the street and you climbed. in the passenger seat side. Billy started the engine and pulled down the street. Take Me Home Country Roads by John Denver played through the speakers, unlike the music you had heard from Billy previously. He looked calm and collected, focused on the road, a comfortable silence falling over you.
“Where are we going?” you inquired, breaking the silence.
“You’ll see,” he answered curtly.
“Well can you give me a hint?”
“Y/N no.” The bickering continued until he pulled up to the small hill with a spot that overlooked the entire town and further. “I know it’s a little cheesy but this where I come to think.” You looked at him, seeing the vulnerability in his eyes.
“Why are you so mean to everyone Billy?” The questioned caught him off guard as he looked at you with an open mouth. He pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit the end, an orange glow in the dark night. You thought that you had ruined everything when his voice interrupted your thoughts.
“My dad. He’s fucking cocksucker.” Your eyes widened at his words. You nodded for him to proceed. “He’s an angry guy. Takes it out on me, his personal fucking punching bag.” He took a deep breath as he took a drag from his cigarette between his full lips, allowing him to centre himself so he could continue. “I’m just angry. I’m so fucking angry and I need to let it go,” he explained with a deep sigh.
“Oh Billy…” you said, leaning over the centre console and wrapping your arms around his strong frame. “I’m sorry Billy. You deserve so much better than that.” You rested your head on his shoulder and held on to him. He was taken aback by your affection as he warily wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re so beautiful Y/N,” he mumbled in to your hair. You let out a bitter laugh and shook your head. “What? I’m serious, just everything about you!” Billy gushed.
“You heard Tommy Billy, I’m fat,” you said as you looked down to your twiddling thumbs.
“Bullshit. I’ll go kick his fuckin’ teeth in if I have to princess.”
“Billy you’re not kicking anyone’s teeth in. Just face it Billy, I’m not skinny,” you said in a quiet, defeated tone.
“Okay, so no. Maybe you’re not skinny, but you’re not fat! There’s so much of you to touch and your fuckin’ ass? God you kill me sweetheart. Look at me,” he said, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes. “I want you so bad it’s unreal.” He grabbed your hand and cautiously placed it over his crotch and you immediately felt his hardening cock in your palm through the thick material of his jeans. Your eyes widened in disbelief as you came to the realization that Billy Hargrove truly wanted you.
“Holy fuck,” you muttered. He was huge. Bigger than anyone you had ever been with. He smirked at you, pleased with your shock.
“I want you so fucking bad Y/N.” You couldn’t muster any words so you just nodded, silently telling him that you wanted him just as bad. He leaned over and placed a wet kiss on you neck, just under your ear. “Y/N, I’m gonna fuck you better than anyone ever has. You’re gonna feel me for days princess. Now, my place or yours?”
You thanked your lucky stars that your parents were out of town this weekend, a couples weekend in Napa Valley or something so you gave Billy the directions to your house and soon enough you stepped out of his car setting foot on the driveway.
“You sure you want this sweetheart?” he asked, confirming your choice to bring him home.
“Yes. Yea, I mean yea, sure I’m good, let’s go,” you said, stumbling on your words. You led the way to your room, suddenly embarrassed about all the pictures and cheesy memorabilia that decorated your room. “It’s pretty lame, I know. I just haven’t gotten around to redecorating or anything.” You didn’t know why but you felt as though you needed to explain yourself to Billy.
“No, no, it’s cute,” he said with a lopsided smirk as he picked up a picture frame, one with you, Nancy, and two other girls that Billy didn’t recognize. He slowly made his way over to you and he stopped directly in front of you. “Mmm just look at you. God just so… Perfect,” he said as he admired even inch of you. He brushed his fingertips across your cheek bone, dropping his hand to your collarbone and slowly taking his descent down you body until he reached your plump ass. He grabbed a handful, throwing his head back in pleasure as he groaned at the feel of you filling his large hands.
“Mmm Billy,” you moaned with closed eyes. This man had barely touched you and you were already in a puddle.
“That’s it baby, say my name,” he whispered huskily in your ear.
“Billy I want you,” you whined desperately. He smirked and snaked a hand up your skirt. His long fingers fiddled with the cotton of your panties, moving them slightly to the side, his fingers casually brushing over your wet folds. You whimpered at the contact, silently begging for more as you gripped his bicep tightly. You tried to push his strong hand closer to where you wanted him most but he was stronger than you and resisted your efforts easily.
“You want more princess?” You nodded frantically, not bothering to hide your desperation for his touch.
“Then beg.” Those two words made your head spin and the blood rush to your core creating a flood of wetness. “Tell me what you want,” he said in your ear, loving the way you reacted to his gentle touches.
“I want you. I want your fingers in my pussy, please I need you so bad,” you begged completely unashamed of your need. He groaned and pressed two fingers in to your dripping core. You moaned at the sensation of being filled by him. You let out an obscene moan and your forehead came to rest on Billy’s strong shoulder while he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
“That’s right baby girl, cum for me, cum on daddy’s hand,” he coaxed, his fingers pounding you faster and harder than before, before you knew it you had released the tension building up in your lower belly. You came hard with a scream, digging your nails in to his tan bicep, biting his shoulder, overcome with pleasure. You looked at him, that infamous smirk adorning his face. He looked you dead in the eye as he licked each finger clean. You exhaled deeply, a failed attempt at collecting yourself.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, still dizzy from the earth shattering orgasm he just provided you.
“Lie down for me beautiful,” he said, slightly pushing you back on your bed. He ran his hands along your body, pushing your shirt up and over your head to admire your body. You reached down to wrap your arms around your stomach, your insecurities catching up to you. “Nuh uh. Hands above your head and do not move them. If you move then you’ll be punished. Understand?” Holy fuck, he’s a dominant, you thought to yourself. You nodded and raised your hands above your head. “Should we tie you up? What do you think Y/N? Think you can be a good girl for daddy?” He barely gave you a chance to speak before he took his belt off and wrapped the leather around your wrists.
“I’ll be good daddy.” You stared at him, taking in every feature of his. He had rid himself of his shirt giving you a nice view of his tan, toned torso. Your eyes trailed down to where his stomach and his pants met, desperately hoping he would rid himself of his pants as well. You were laid on the bed naked and dripping for the gorgeous man before you. “Fuck me. Please daddy, fuck me,” you begged. He pushed two fingers in to your mouth and you swirled your tongue around his digits.
“You want my cock princess?” You nodded eagerly and watched him as he slowly shed his pants and boxers. He circled you until his cock came face to face with you. “Open your mouth sweetheart.” You obeyed and parted your lips, waiting for the feel of him, hot and heavy, on your waiting tongue. He slowly pushed the head of his cock past your plump lips. He groaned as he saw his cock disappear in to your mouth. “Yea, that’s a good girl, take it all baby, come on, take it all in that pretty little mouth,” he encouraged. You gagged as he pushed himself down your throat but his words of encouragement just pushed you to take him further and further. Your nose brushed his pelvis and you looked up at him with wide eyes, his cock completely down your throat.
He held himself down your throat, loving the look of you beneath him, so willing to please. He started thrusting slowly, his dick sliding in and out of your warm mouth. You looked up at him with spit gathering at the corners of your mouth and a tear smudging your mascara. He pulled out abruptly and jerked himself off in front of you.
“What’s wrong daddy?” you asked, confused as to why he stopped.
“Nothing princess, you did amazing. I don’t wanna cum too quick baby,” he explained. “Are you ready Y/N?” he said as he slid the head of his cock through your wet folds.
“Yes Billy. Fuck me.” He needed no further encouragement as he pushed his hard length in to your desperate cunt. You both simultaneously groaned as he started thrusting in to you, his hips slamming lewdly against yours, the sound of skin against skin and the explicit moans and words spilling  from your mouths. His hand reached down to wrap around your throat and you threw your head back, allowing him more access to take control. “Oh god, fuck yes Billy, fuck my wet pussy Daddy,” you screamed for him. Your filthy words only encouraged him further as his pace quickened, pounding in to your hard and fast.
“That’s it princess, scream for Daddy,” he said, tightening his grip around your throat. You smiled at his actions, eager to push the limits. He lifted your leg to his shoulder, the new angle making you lightheaded from the pleasure. The head of his cock was pounding in to your g-spot, making your legs shake as you neared your release. “Fuck baby, I’m close,” he mumbled. Hell fell forwards, burying his face in your neck while he rammed his huge cock in to you. His thrusts became sloppy and you could tell that he was close just as he had said. With a loud groan he pulled out, jerking his cock until his cum sprayed over your stomach. He collapsed beside you and let out deep huffs, regaining his composure. He lazily looked at you with a lopsided grin.
You sighed, disappointed that you had unfortunately not been able to cum, but you couldn’t say that you were surprised, no guy had ever made you cum from sex.
“Damn Billy, you really got it in you hey?” you said with a light chuckle.
“Did you cum?” he asked. You looked at him, not entirely sure what to say.
“Well not that time but it’s okay, don’t worry about it,” you said with a genuine yet sad smile. He rolled over, sliding down the bed until he was between your legs. You looked at  him with parted lips and unsure eyes. “What are you doing Billy?” He licked from your tight hole to your clit, earning a loud moan from your lips. His tongue flicked at your sensitive clit and you gripped the sheets beside you.
“No way you’re not cumming again princess,” he said before flicking his tongue against your clit. The more he assaulted you pussy with his mouth the closer you came to cumming. He could tell you were getting close so he harshly inserted two fingers in to your aching cunt. He curled his fingers and before you could say anything you were cumming. Hard. You screamed and ran your fingers through his hair, trying to pull him off your sensitive pussy. He lifted his head and you could see your juices adorning his chin. He looked at you with a devilish smirk and raised himself up to lay beside you again.
“Holy fuck,” you mumbled as those seemed to be the only words you could muster. He hummed in agreement and pulled out his pack of cigarettes.
“Can I smoke in here?” he asked with raised eyebrows.
“Yea, just open the window.” You smiled as his naked form stood from the bed. He stopped to pull on his boxers before walking to the window and lighting up his smoke. You studied him as he sat by the window, the two of you falling in to a comfortable silence. “Hey Billy,” you said. He turned around and looked at you with raised eyebrows, awaiting your question. “Do you maybe wanna stay the night? I can make us pancakes tomorrow morning, or waffles. It’s really up to you,” you said with a nervous smile. He looked at you in silence for a moment. Well great, now he thinks I’m creepy, you thought to yourself.
“I would love that princess.” You sighed with relief and lifted the covers, sliding under and holding them open for Billy. He laid down beside you and pulled you in close, wrapping you in his arms.
“Goodnight Billy.”
“Goodnight princess.”
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