#tons of games have different rules and that doesn't make the game wrong
baejax-the-great · 1 year
I think some of the arguments about fan interpretations of characters and OOCness forget a fundamental part of human nature which is this: each of us perceives the world and the people in it in slightly different ways based on our own experiences.
Most people have certain characteristics they consider fundamental to their Blorbo and some characteristics that are less important and could be changed, ignored, or scrapped for AU purposes. Unfortunately, which specific characteristics fall into which category are not going to be the same from person to person. Sometimes the overlap between two people's interpretations will be huge, and those two people will probably enjoy the same fan content. Sometimes not so much.
Personally, I write for a ship that were childhood friends that became lovers. In many AUs, people have them meeting for the first time in adulthood, and for me, that changes the nature of the ship and their characters so much that I can't really get into it. I consider their childhood friendship fundamental to them as people, and those authors don't. Which is fine. Many other people like those AUs. Nobody here is really in the wrong, we just have different opinions on what makes these particular Blorbos them.
In almost all cases, someone out there will find your interpretation of a character OOC. And that's fine. Hopefully they are polite and simply choose not to read your fics/engage with your HCs/whatever. But I think all of us have had the experience of reading a wildly OOC take and seeing other people enthusiastically going along with this "wrong" interpretation of the characters and thinking, "What??!?!"
It's fine. It's normal. It's annoying as hell (people are wrong on the internet), but it's inevitable. And if you find that interpretation particularly heinous to your Blorbo sensibilities, the block button is your friend.
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forcedagere · 7 days
I personally really like the idea of Bill x Reader x Ford. This one kinda ties into my previous post, but it’s not required reading. I suppose this would be an AU where Ford accepted Bill’s offer during Weirdmaggedon, or something else went wrong resulting in Bill staying in power :)
Contents: forced age regression, yandere, implied mental manipulation
Whereas Bill is far from the best caretaker (though he tries, in his own way), Ford takes care to create a semblance of structure in your life. He doesn’t have tons of practical experience with children or little ones such as you, but he makes up for it with dedication. He takes to caring for you as if it were a newly discovered, fascinating field of study. In other words… He reads many, many books, and tries all kinds of things to figure out what you like best.
Ford is not entirely fond of the kind of dynamic you have with Bill. It's not because he doesn't want to be referred to with parental terms, that's simply a matter of preference, but that he insists on you being friends above anything else. Considering the dynamics at play here, Ford cannot help but view it…
"As simply pedagogically irresponsible, Bill." The triangle in question rolls his eye. "Oh, boohoo! Fancy McFancypants over here knows what’s up!” Bill glances at you from the corner of his eye. Seeing you crack a smile while you’re sketching away with your crayons, he’s encouraged. “You read one book on how to raise a kid, and now you wanna tell me what to do? Get lost. Kid, c'mon, prove him wrong-- I'm your favourite, right?" You look up from your latest piece of art. You are drawing all three of you, in fact. You're usually deaf to their arguments, it's such a constant that you've grown used to the noise and stopped viewing it as a threat. (Your daddy calls it 'bickering'; Billy, when daddy isn't listening, calls it 'flirting'. That makes you giggle.) But you don't like getting involved in it yourself! So you firmly shake your head, and drop the pacifier attached to your necklace to speak. "No favourites… I love you both," you say with the confidence only someone as little as you could have. Billy's eyelid flutters, and your daddy smiles.
To put it simply, Bill is the ‘fun, rule-breaking parent’ and Ford is… A little less that. One should not take Bill Cipher as the benchmark of taking good care of a human, though.
Ford will make sure your meals are more varied than the endless stream of candy that Bill feeds you, and get you tucked in for sleep at regular times, too. Compared to Bill, who enjoys playing games with you and ‘roughhousing’, Ford prefers calmer activities. He’s definitely up for the occasional board game, but, most of the time, he’ll read to you, make drawings upon requests (or give you lessons!), or toy around with science experiments safe for someone who gets the urge to put anything that looks interesting inside their mouth.
He might’ve taken you for an adventure or two outside, but… The world hasn’t been the same since Bill got his hands all over it. He may be technically immortal now. You decidedly are not, as far as he knows. Either way, he doubts that Bill would let you out of this room to begin with. He doesn’t have to ask to be able to know that. If there is any reason he would keep someone locked up the way he does with you, it must be because you have some form of special connection to him. Ford does not believe he would risk that.
Really, Ford isn’t stupid or blind. It’s not that he’s going along with all of this because he is ignorant of Bill’s manipulation of your mental state. Bill can call it a ‘nudge in the right direction’ all he wants. He’s keeping you regressed. But everything has changed. He has changed, and Ford doesn’t know if he made the right decision. He fears he hasn’t. (Somewhere out there, in an alternate universe, a Stanford must live who made a difference decision. Ford hopes he’s happy.)
Spending time in this little contained room, with something dependent on him and eager to be looked after by him, who doesn’t know better and never will… It’s not good, it’s the very definition of selfish, but it’s comforting to him. Grounding, in a sense. With an eternity of time left ahead of him and the foundations of his previous life all but crumbled, he has something steady to return to. It doesn’t matter how much he rationalizes it. It’s twisted and fucked up, plain and simple.
…He supposes he can understand why Bill finds him so amusing, even now.
A little whimper snaps him from the spiral of his thoughts. Your bottle is empty. He should get youa refill, then pull you back on his lap.
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
Starting a new life (5)
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The members of high society had gone around for many years, acting like all high and mighty. placing themselves on levels higher than everyone else in the world, and when one members does something wrong that doesn't follow their rules they are soon to turn their backs to them. Now it seems like society had bene shaken up by those they had outcasted for being different.
maid" everything is perfect madam"
y/n " good thank you it will be good to have my siblings and friends over for some tea and a talk"
maid " yes it will be good to see them again away from the eyes of snakes"
y/n " I will love to see them in a area that can make us all feel good"
butter " my lady your guest have arrived the ladies of bridgerton house and young man as well, along withers featherton as well"
y/n " good" your siblings and Penelope soon walked into the home, the rest of the group expect Eloise seem shocked about the inside of your home.
Francesca " sister you have some many books here"
y/n " yes many genres of books even some books of music notes"
Francesca " may I look at them please"
y/n " yes you can may someone bring out a stepping stool of my sister"
maid 2 " yes ma'am"
Penelope " I love your book collect as well y/n there are so many here"
y/n " yes during my time away I had collected some or had some inherited after the deaths of my husband uncle and aunt"
Gregory " are those bows and arrows they are so amazing my I ..."
y/n " you may look but not touch I will not have you go home injured baby brother"
Gregory " yes sister oh look desert my favorite may I have some"
y/n " yes you may"
Hyacinth " sister they are so many paints you have here they are amazing, I really love the painting with you and your husband"
y/n " oh yes Tristian let me say some artworks that gained my attention"
Eloise " amazing sister truly amazing"
????? " hello everyone"
Gregory & hyacinth " Tristian" your two younger siblings ran towards Tristan and gave him a hug, they are so happy to see him again in person. Tristan had soon hugged them back happy to see them as well.
Tristan " I had gotten done with paper work and came to see our guests"
Hyacinth " I'm so happy to hear you are our good brother you and my sister, have a fairytale romance"
Tristian " thank you hyacinth and I'm happy to have you all as good brother and good sisters"
Gregory " Tristian can you take me out on hunt if we come to Scotland, or to one those games at the clubs or garden please"
Tristan " I will love to have you come with me as seeing your sister, find some sports interesting and other not so much"
y/n " hey I love sports but not that much if you both go no stupid stunts"
Tristian " oh come on how much trouble can we get into"
y/n " enough to make me worry"
Eloise " if we do all come with you sister how wil we explain that to the bridgeton family and feathertons as well"
Tristan " well as your sister has stated before she can be saying she can help your three find some husbands, while giving another education to hyacinth and Gregory"
y/n " well and stating that a new environment will be good for you all, as it seems like the house might get busy with Antony and Kate"
Penelope " yes the ton has been wonder when the viscount and viscountess will have children"
Hyacinth " it seems like mama and Antony have been fighting, lately since our dear sister return as a married women"
Tristian "we had a feeling that will happen"
Eloise " sister what will you do if our mother or siblings come by calling, you know them well they will come sooner or later"
y/n " I will have them for tea and deserts"
Francesca " Tristan will it be fine I borrow some these music notes, to practice at home"
Tristian " yes you may Francesca"
Gregory " well while you all talk about music and books I'm going to eat" everyone laugh and Gregory and hyacinth went to get some desert and sat down to eat. It seems like your siblings and Penelope had been able to see how, happy you are with Tristan and see the perfect life you have made with him in your time of exile.
y/n " oh Penelope may I have a word with you"
Penelope " sure"
Eloise " I will stay with you pen Francesca can take back hyacinth and Gregory"
Francesca " I can do that and we will make sure no to tell mother where we had come from today, to respect our dear sisters wishes"
y/n " thank you" your siblings had soon left once you had seen their carriage was out of sight, you soon looked at two girls.
y/n " you know lady whistledown is a very wonderful and intelligent women, her words are always telling the truth of what is going around the ton"
Eloise " yes sister she is very amazing always speaking her mind"
y/n " yes she is right Penelope or should I say lady whistle down" the two girls looked shocked at you, as those words had come out of your mouth.
Penelope " El did you tell her"
Eloise " no I didn't I swear pen"
y/n " she didn't tell me I found out on my own I thought it was lady Danbury at first, but then I realized it could be you Penelope you are intelligent women as well who knows how to write her feelings"
Penelope & Eloise " ......."
y/n " I will not tell anyone and either will Tristian the same goes for the rest of the household"
Penelope " thank you"
Eloise " how can you tell no one hear will tell anyone"
footman " well my lady if we are honest our loyalty is towards the your sister and her husband, verse others"
y/n " thank you please make sure their carriage is ready" the footman had nodded his head and soon left.
Penelope " I'm sorry I should of write my column a while ago y/n you are my friend"
y/n " oh Penelope it okay I understand and it gave me time away from London, to make the life I have now there is no need for any of you to apologize"
Eloise " what about the rest of our family you know mother, will not like you being so far away from here even due you are back in London"
y/n " that time will come sister and I will not back down, I will let my voice be heard it will not be like the past anymore"
Eloise " good"
y/n " I'm ready for a good debate with the rest of the older Bridgeton siblings" the two girls had nodded their heads knowing most of the history of the older, bridgerton kids. You had soon escorted the pair outside and watched them leave. The evening you are in the house master bedroom, with your husband.
Tristian " it was good to have them all here today it made the home, very lively" Tristan was sitting on the bed dressed for bed as you had brushed your hair, at the vanity stand. once you were done you soon got up, and walked towards him.
y/n " yes it was and it seems like they are all willing to come with us, back to Scotland"
Tristan " speaking our family maybe we should start seeing about our family, and the children that will come from our union" you laugh as Tristan had grabbed your hand and soon pulled you onto the bed.
y/n " yes let talk more about it my husband" you had kissed Tristan making him laugh and he soon kissed you back. The day had gone well and it seems like, you and Tristian will not be heading back to Scotland alone when the times to leave in the end.
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boopshoops · 5 months
Yay yay tcoav qna!!!! I still have one more chapter left to read, but I’m super curious about the magic aspect of Yuu Shi’s homeland!! So far we know it’s been banned for like a longggg time, but magic deffo exists. How did it get banned? And regarding that, what does NRC in Yuu Shi’s universe even teach since it’s probs not a prestigious magic school?? I kinda just want to know the similarities and differences between twisted wonderland and Yuu Shi’s world
Also, I didn’t leave any comments on ao3, but ur writing style’s wonderful!! the pov switching is really smooth and not confusing to me at all, and i love how you characterized the staff members given the super limited information about them in game (in contrast to the students’, at least). Can’t wait to see and read more of it and how it differs from the game!! It’s so good so far!!!!
HELLO KRIS!!! kfndjsgjdndk 😭🥺💕💕 im SO glad you're enjoying the fic thus far. I've put a ton of research into the teachers and students alike in order to feel more confident writing them- it was my first time writing characters that i didn't make myself!!!!
As far as Dusk Summit goes, I DO eventually plan on making a post explaining it a bit more... but thats a long ways out as I'd have go learn how tf to draw maps KFNFNDN so there will eventually be a lore and aesthetic dump FJDNDJFJ
Magic in Dusk Summit is a rather tricky subject, some people partially agree that the land claims it as "dangerous," while others think its some weird form at garnering control over the citizens. It is a very... strict place, so to speak.
The main reason that magic has been banned has actually been long forgotten, both by the people themselves and the ones who rule. (Ofc i know the reason but thats entering big spoiler territory ehehe >:))) Therefore, it was simply watered down to "magic=danger!!!" Over time.
Even then they are not particularly wrong- given that in Yuu Shi's world, the outside lands still DO practice magic. She just doesn't know jack shit about it due to being raised inside the Dusk Summit. It's because that magic is still practiced in other countries that the rulers are able to handpick tragedies and push the 'magic?!?! bad!!!' propaganda.
The main differences between the two worlds of Twisted Wonderland is that basically, if you look on a globe, her homeland has poofed out of existence. Everything else is still there.
As for why that seems to be one of the only differences, i'll expand on that in later chapters mwahahaha- everything isnt as it seems, ofc!!
QnA is still open ofc! Come at me yall-
Also old doodle bonus weeee
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waywardsalt · 1 year
Hey, thanks for the response on the post where I asked about what people dislike ab totk! I genuinely appreciate it a lot, and you summarized most of my thoughts about this beautifully!
Here's something you might find interesting: something about this game's pacing REALLY bothered me from the start, and I think I know what it is. Totk, despite being an open world game that you can pour a ton of time into, feels short. It's a really weird feeling, and I think it can be explained in that Nintendo is trying to use the linear storytelling format for a nonlinear game, which is also why the ability to see the tears in a random order was disorienting, and why the stories from the ancient sages felt so repetitive.
The gameplay is long, but the story isn't! If you compare it to Skyward Sword, for example! In sksw, you go through each of the areas once, and then again with some changes, and then again with more. There's several clear acts, and even if the game is super super linear and recieves criticism for that, it works really well in that context. Additionally, the characters more than make up for the linearity of the story. Totk tries to take that same format, but doesn't seem to understand that this format is for a linear story. It only has a very brief story, and the story to gameplay ratio is so dragged out that unless you get invested in the world, it all starts to feel really stupid and pointless. Unfortunately, totk fails at getting us invested, too.
I really hope this made ANY sense at all, ty again for the input!! I love the responses I'm getting on that post djbdjsndns :D
Hi, you're welcome for my uh... totk rant, I guess? I covered a lot of stuff in it but I wouldn't say I covered everything bc there is... a lot abt that game that rubs me the wrong way in one way or another.
totk is definitely an odd case, it being an open world game that does try to adhere to linear game rules, you’re right- and i’d say the story is severely kneecapped by that attempt on the game’s part to have its cake and eat it too. it tries to mix what botw brought to the table with what was done in the past, but because botw is vastly different in what it does than past zelda games, the result is a messily paced, poorly-told, gameplay-focused with piss-easy mandatory puzzle segments result, failing to capture the advantages of linear games and instead making those specific parts considerably weaker.
people give linear games shit for… honestly, im not totally sure, as someone who really enjoys linear games. they allow for a good focus on story and character, mostly because you can have a set pace and passing of time and order of events. totk tries to implement linear style elements into a game where you can do anything out of order, so in the end the story is surprisingly brief but slow paced because you have to travel so far for everything and they have to account for you doing everything in any order, hence... repeating the same fucking information as a reward for four of the dungeons (which, i don't care how you feel about this game, is an awful fucking choice i mean holy SHIT), and is probably why the interactions with the new sages include very brief character arcs or something, they wanted to include some kind of linear character stories but it all just got stuffed in between a bunch of mini-main quests.
the fact that effectively half of the main story happens ages in the past and is communicated through brief cutscenes that can easily be encountered out of order, too, is kind of a pitiful way to tell the story. they're all basically glorified exposition dumps since nothing about them will change, they're all events that have already happened and have nothing to do with the player except hyping them up i guess.
the dungeons themselves are awkwardly transposed from a more linear game style with them relying on a specific skill to some degree, but they just fall so flat compared to past linear zelda dungeons. in botw the divine beasts honestly worked because the mechanic of manipulating the beasts themselves and the activating of switches fit perfectly with the setup of the dungeons being huge machines, while there isn't as good of a story example as to why totk's dungeons have the same switch mechanic. botw's divine beasts work pretty well in an open world setting. totk's just fall to pieces in an open with setting, even discounting how ascend could just snap them in half entirely. you just... can't have the same kind of dungeons as past zelda games in an open world format. once you take out the array of specific-use progressively-earned items, you're just left with this tiny little gmod ass toolbox to do what felt like baby's first loz-style dungeon. go to the clearly marked waypoint, do one (1) simple puzzle, get reward.
i miss mini bosses, rooms with puzzles that had to be solved to unlock a door or a doorkey, and even the experience of wandering around just trying to figure out what to do next. honestly, the first half of the lightning temple was the best part of all of the dungeons put together, and then we're back to 'go to four different rooms to do four different easy puzzles'. linear games have genuine advantages over open world games, and open world games have their own advantages. in the story segments, totk just ignores the advantages inherent to it's game's basic style in favor of trying and failing to emulate the advantages of a very different game style.
totk is so paradoxically unable to tear itself away from the series' past while at the same time disregarding series staples and even big parts of its own goddamn prequel.
in my experience with the game, as far as i can remember, i believe i went around and opened all of the towers, did some shrines and the depths, got the master sword, did the main quests with some side quests, then sped through getting all of the memories in order, then did the final boss. in between all of that, i managed to get all of the armor, do every single shrine, and open the entirety of the depths. i did not give a single damn about the story by the end. for me, with my playstyle, everything was just... spread out over such a long period of time so there was barely any urgency at all, i experienced the memories all in quick succession while already knowing the big twist (which. btw. i didnt care about. i wasnt really endeared to zelda and link's lack of visual interest during cutscenes just brought up the question of if he doesnt care why should i), and since this game's story is more linear, it just felt so disjointed and strange and... not important.
with botw it makes pretty good sense why link may take ages, why you could get the memories however you want, all of that. zelda is keeping things with ganon on pause for you. all of the big stuff happened in the past. you are here in the present, in the ruins of the past, a blank slate come to eventually complete the mission that you had failed, at the same time discovering this new world and becoming re-acquainted to it with this strange second chance you've been given. totk doesn't have this excuse. at least in past zelda games, you did things in a specific order, so when you wanted to fuck around, it was usually something related to or based on your progress. if you want to fuck around in oot what you can do is based on where you are in the game and even then it all ends up wrapping back around to bolstering link for the end. getting hearts, better items... like every side quest in every other loz game did. in totk you can do a sidequest for like. one flower. and what does that even do for you. it doesn't have the excuse of the honestly pretty well crafted setup and world state of botw.
i really don't know what happened during the development of totk, and i can't imagine it was the smoothest thing in the world, esp considering the pandemic hitting in the middle of it. but just... it just feels like it failed in so many regards and was just... so disappointing, and yet people are heralding it as the best zelda game and- this is not what i want a zelda game to be! i want a zelda game to have those wonderful puzzle-filled dungeons with well-written main characters and music that fits the setting and feels supported by the game's events and a unique setting with unique little nooks and crannies and good pacing and act structure and like. some kind of heart to it. not just another big open-world game created to be the big open world game where you can do this one amazing specific cool thing that TOTALLY is worth the $70 or whatever else it may be priced around the world.
idk. to me what makes zelda games zelda games is the linear storytelling and those complex dungeons and specific method of progression, and botw's new open-world emulation of the sense that loz 1 gave does not and probably will not ever be able to mix with that linear style unless you have massive in game game style shifts to allow for it. either return to the old format or just commit to the series becoming Triple A Open World Game Series Number 34
#asks#salty talks#bitching abt totk#wind-awoken#ty for the ask i love tearing into this game bc its at least helped me understand some stuff abt game design and what kinds of games i like#and why. too bad this game is rancid imo#dude i fucking love skyward sword. the linearity lends itself to a sense of progression and time passing and just. ugh. its so good#totk critical#totk neg#totk salt#covering my bases :)#i just. yeah gamedev is hard but if this is the mess we got after 6 YEARS what the fuck happened??? what was scrapped????#they had SIX FUCKING YEARS and having the ancient sages regurgitate the same info 4 times made it to the final release#what in the fuck happened in there#i dont really like the idea of there being a permanent move to open world bc its clearly just following the crowd on this one#its just such a massive departure from all other loz games (including loz 1 tbh) that that has to be part of it i feel. it makes sense#botw + totk dont feel unique like the other loz games do. they just. feel really similar to shit like elden ring and fenyx bc like.#thats just how open world action adventure games are ig. ironically theres not a ton of wiggle room with the open world formula#cant really get away from what makes them all feel interchangeable bc its so core to what an open world game is#best you can do is add some standout aspect like the general. Being A Souls Game in elden ring#totk adding dumbass glue doesnt even feel unique bc like. its just what every other sandbox game lets you do with some added jank#progression feels meaningless when it has no impact on what you can do in the game and thats the only kinda progression in totk#get more health make armor numbers bigger make better food fuse better weapons. you cant even upgrade the abilities this time#yeah botw has similar pitfalls but it at least owns being an open world game. it utilized and embraced the format#idk. totk before release was increasingly overwhelming to me and post release it was just such a massive letdown#i remember trying in earnest to pull a wagon using a horse and just. having the worst time. ultrahand sucks unless you make death machines#or one of like five specific traversal things
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klara and toby :3 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 28, 30, 47, 51 hehehehe
otp ask game
3 answered here 🥹 BUT!!!! something that came to my mind related to this is how there's this one* time how Toby went for lunch w Klara in the middle of a work day and basically when he returned to a lab he was wearing a shirt instead of his typical sweaters. Is it bc of the warm weather or something else 🤨
*read one as several times at least
5. Describe their cozy night in.
HEHEHE it's usually just sitting together/cuddling in their apartment's little reading corner while doing something, either playing board games/video games or reading together etc. Sometimes they just talk abt different things or just exist quietly next to each other, enjoying the time together.
Funny thing is that they have one (1) rule about it, which is basically "don't talk about work" during these moments hehehe :3 Another funny thing is that they rarely ever have sec there despite it seeming like a very nice and comfy place - maybe they just kinda see it as a fun relaxing place to hang out at?
Their tv is on a shelf that you can move around. Usually it's in the 'living room' part but they bring it to the reading corner and watch serials together or just have it on as a background noise. They also play video games there sometimes.
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
You could call how their bed usually looks a pillow fort bc there is So Much Pillows there KFKKFKCEJFKFK they like soft places to cuddle on.
As for an actual pillow fort, I'd say yeah bc the spot their bean bag reading corner is at fits very well to make a blanket roof and stuff. They'd do it for fun or to cheer each other up.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
They do small helpful errands for each other, like doing things one was supposed to do but can't bc they're sick. They get each other fav comfort food and bring medicine and tons of water and other things that will make them feel better.
Toby tends to make chicken soup for Klara bc she likes it and he's heard how people mostly eat it when sick (he makes very tasty ones that Klara just loves sm, which is funny bc he's a vegetarian and doesn't eat it so he can't really test taste it). Toby tends to be scared of getting sick but if Klara's sick he tends to, like, spend a lot of time w her if she seems like she needs it, and sits somewhat close by and all. He usually puts on her favorite tv shows they can watch together and makes her tea :3 Watch him have an alcohol based hand rub w him all the time JFBKCKCKGK
Klara gets sicker much rarely than Toby for some reason and thus isn't also afraid to like, stay close to him and tbh she wouldn't even be afraid of cuddling w him lmao. Klara likes to make noodle soup or fried rice for him bc it's usually the only thing he can/wants to eat while sick. She also gets him popsicles bc Toby eats So Many of them when sick.
10. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Mostly, no. BUT they both tend to do it when it's bc of something serious or very stressful (and basically when you'd think you need more comfort. lmao). They just "don't want to bother" the other w it and suffer in silence...
...or at least try to do that but, like, fail bc the other can usually tell something's wrong.
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
They both tend to tease each other every now and then but I'd say Klara.
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Klara tends to plan almost everything out before doing something, while Tobias tends to wing it most of the times (unless it's smth related to his job bc even he knows u shouldn't probably go improvise in a lab KFKKGGKCKGK) so when one is facing some kind of problem with their typical way to go, the other tends to offer help in some ways. Also helps when they want to do smth together and their 'plans' usually end up half planned half 'let's go by the vibes'.
Klara tends to be very determined and stubborn regared some things and rarely ever tends to leave things undone, which sometimes creates problems bc she wants to get something done and prioritizes it over everything else (including spending time w her spouse) or just simply doesn't notice how it's kinda impossible or will result in some kind of harm.
I think her some kind of "loyalty" for the corporation she's working for (despite not always agreeing w it) is also what brings some problems sometimes 😭
Toby tends to be very opinionated abt ethical/moral stuff and gets like, very upset if someone does smth he doesn't really view as "good" sjfjgkkcgkfkejfjfn
Klara's also a bit annoyed by Tobias's people-pleasing and overly accommodating personality but mostly bc she thinks it's not healthy for him to do so much things considering how exhausted he already is most of the time.
18. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
THEY'RE PROUD CAT PARENTS HEHE <3 They've had two cats. Klara adopted the first one before their relationship, a grey & white cat which the shelter lovingly/jokingly called "Wizard Lady" and then Klara ended up keeping it as an actual name. Toby, who volunteered at said shelter and grew a bit attached to said cat, also calls her Alice bc that's the cat's actual name lmaoo. They had to give Wizard Lady to their friend at some point bc of life situations (tm) though :(
They got Melody, a tabby cat, a few years later. Melody is more social and active and likes to be the center of attention which is easy considering how big cat lovers these two are. She's coming to Mars w them btw they got a special permit for that (what's tons of money when u get to take ur lil cat w u).
28. What are there thoughts on pet names? Do they have any?
They like them!!!!! They have similar preferences and basically mostly use "honey" or "darling". Klara absolutely despises anything like "baby" or "babe" JFJFJFFKKF
They also have nicknames for each other, Klara callind Toby "Sunshine" & Toby sometimes calls Klara "Cinnamon roll", THOUGH he specifically learned to say "Käraste", which is "most beloved" in Swedish just so he could call her that 🥺
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
Klara's putting Toby into something he would love to wear but rarely does, something like a white turtleneck, black pants and his leather jacket.
Toby'd love to have Klara wear her dark red three piece suit bc she looks sooo good in it and she loves wearing it. Also he finds it fun to take it off. Wait who said that.
47. Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?
Not really! They tend to be v open w each other and that's basically the most important part of their relationship sjfjfjfjjfkfkf
51 answered here 🥹
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bardofavon · 1 year
First of all, love your fic! I'm addicted, it's so good!!! But I had a question so I could get my expectations for the ending/what's upcoming in order. I'm feeling for Kaz a lot, I guess you could say I'm "rooting" for him. Am I supposed to be? My read is that Kaz is trying to make the most of an awful situation to give himself some kind of control but that he really didn't want to help in Novokribirsk but did because of the Darkling's blackmail. He also doesn't seem to agree with any of the Darkling's plans, thinking them delusional or for power rather than what the Darkling says.
Kaz is such an unreliable narrator and you make a ton of jokes about how he did it to himself in some ways, so I'm not sure I'm reading it right.
I guess what I'm asking is if Kaz is genuinely becoming a worse person (not really in acts but as in caring less about hurting innocents/children) and going to stay on that trajectory all the way through or am I reading the extortion right and irrespective of his attraction to the Darkling, Kaz would never do these things willingly.
Sorry this may be confusing and maybe you don't want to answer which is fine but i really like your fic!
Omg you never have to apologize for asking questions about my fic, I love love love love talking about my fic because I am also obsessed with it. answer under the cut bc it's 10 paragraphs
Kaz is....very complicated........I call him an unreliable narrator a lot, but he's not unreliable in the way that "he's lying to the readers" and more in the way of "he's not capable of seeing the full picture/we are so limited in his head that we can only see things through his eyes and he will very confidently come to conclusions that are wrong/he hasn't slept a full night in weeks" so there's no "kaz is secretly also just as evil but not admitting it" twist coming or anything.
You SHOULD root for him and I hope that you do, I do!! I make a lot of jokes or comments about him doing it to himself which is true and also untrue, they are jokes and they are not. He made several wrong choices that led him to this point, he let his hubris get the better of him and didn't rely on the people who were there to help and support him when he should have, he went out of his depth, he pushed people away, he tried to play the game when he should have been burning all the cards. But at the same time, that revelation he has in the last chapter about how he was fucked from the start is ALSO true. He was always going to be in the Darkling's sights, he was always going to have these dilemmas, he was always going to be put in the impossible situations.
But also...so was Alina, and she chose differently. She fought. She made allies and confidently stood against him saying "no, this is wrong" and stuck to it all the way through. She was also more easily manipulated and didn't see through the Darkling at the start the way that Kaz did, but if she had I very much doubt her conclusion would be "I will agree to side with him because there's more in it for me" (something Kaz thought he wanted because he has this view of himself of being this cutthroat heartless monster willing to do anything to achieve his goal even though at his core that's not really who he is, but again, unreliable narrator, he thinks that he is. he will continue saying that he is. he will make decisions as though he is, but he will not feel good about them and he will be torn and he will not be happy).
Kaz is kind of becoming a worse person in that he is being desensitized to violence and he is going down this path of "I've already taken so many lives, maybe I am wrong that I'm not seeing the picture of eternity, maybe this is what it takes" but he's also not there yet. He still cares very deeply about people even though he doesn't want to admit it, he advocated to kill the King not because he wanted to rule but because he made a promise to Genya and he wanted to see it through because he is genuinely disgusted by the King's actions and abuse of power.
Every time he thinks about the way Inej views him and the person she thinks he could be and the way she hoped he would use his power, he feels absolutely terrible about it...because he also kind of wishes he could be that person for her. There was a sort of bitterness in his refusal to help people at the start, that "the world never helped me so why should I help them" and "time and time again you hear stories of saints being killed by the people they helped because no good deed goes unpunished" but that was still when the people involved could be reduced to faceless masses. Something about committing the actual act and seeing the people it was affecting and watching kids as they died was brutal and brought to the forefront that these are real people, real lives, just like he's a real person with a real life.
But of course, by then it was too late. Him being unable to find peace, unable to find rest, his inability to close his eyes without reliving the people that he killed, that's definitely me trying to demonstrate that he's not free of it because he does still genuinely care about people. He's fucked up over it. They committed the same crime, but he's fucked up about it and the Darkling isn't because he still cares about people as individuals in the way the Darkling never will because he still only cares about people as a concept (the greater good outweighs the individual lives I'm taking, even though the greater good is hypothetical future and the individual lives are crying in front of me..........)
I do think if the Darkling hadn't threatened Inej and Jesper Kaz would never have gone through with it. He would have backed down, he would have stood up to him, he would have fought. But now that he's done it and also (in his mind) lost Inej and Jesper he has to recontextualize it in his brain in order to cope with it. Objectively, he wouldn't have done it if he had no other choice and he does not want to be in this situation and he is a victim and he is suffering. In his mind, the way he processes and copes with what he's going through, he made a choice and threw his lot in with the Darkling and he wants power and he is working his plan and he doesn't feel remorse. Is it true? No. Is he going to keep saying it because being in this position is his reality? Yes.
But please root for him!! Kaz is going to have quite a few more morality defining choices left to make, and he might make the right ones and he might make the wrong ones but I personally believe in his inherent goodness and think his genuine care for the people around him can't be beat out of him so easily.
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bronzewool · 11 months
So, recently I just learned Relocation Depression is a thing.
Which isn't something I would normally associate with myself because my family moved around pretty much my entire life. Maybe my parents did a good job of cushioning the blow by turning it into an adventure. Moving means a brand new bedroom I get to paint, a brand new park to play in, a brand new forest to explore, a brand new school where my bullies don't go to. Sure, my old friends wouldn't be there but I have my older brother, and he's already my best friend so its fine.
This time however I'm not feeling the old joys of being in a new place, decorating my own apartment, trying new food, and making new friends. Everyone I love is now in a different time zone so now I have to workaround when is the best time to call. I can't see them on a whim anymore, can't tell them I how weird it feels being in a different country where the culture is different, the rules are different, the people are different and you feel like an oddity for just being yourself.
Lately I just feel tired.
I've felt tired for a while but I think I've just been ignoring the signs. I have trouble convincing myself to go to bed when I'm tired, I keep jolting awake at 3am convinced I overslept, and I'm stressed out at work. I'm gonna be taking on more responsibility and its becoming very clear there are gaps in my knowledge that I need to fix before anyone finds out I'm way underqualified. My new co-workers said some pretty transphobic shit over the course of my first week. To the point I've now associated the word "mental case" with my own sense of self because that's what they believe someone like me is. A mental case.
My gender dysphoria has shot through the roof, so now I'm stress eating again which is just feeding my dysphoria even more. I'm painfully aware I don't fit into my favourite jeans anymore, my fat is hanging in the wrong places on my hips, my breasts are getting bigger, and I couldn't come out of the closet even if I wanted to because my brain won't be satisfied until I "look how I'm suppose to look". Enby folk are all beautiful skinny androgynous people with dyed hair. I don't look like that, so I avoid looking in mirrors and critique my height, high-pitched voice and the other girly parts I want to hack off with a knife.
Worse, I can't escape my own thoughts because I constantly make excuses for why I don't have the time to enjoy any of my hobbies. Can't write my original story because I have a backlog of fanfics I wanna write. Oh, can't write any of these fics because there's too many WIPs and I'm overwhelmed by choice. I wanna RP again but I have too many muses fighting for attention and the muse I want to write for needs their own blog and that's my least favourite part of the process.
Writing is overbearing, lets do something else instead.
I want to practise drawing my own characters, but I lost any skill I had as a kid and its gonna take way too long to catch up and be where I need to be...maybe I should just watch youtube tutorials instead of practising.
I wanna learn Spanish on my commute to work, oh but I always listen to audible in the car. Which one do I pick? Maybe I should just listen to music that doesn't require me to pay attention.
I downloaded a ton of games to play so maybe I can do that instead. No, I'm not a little kid anymore. I'll just feel guilty for wasting the entire day away playing video games instead of doing chores.
Maybe I could watch this series on my watch list? No, I'm not really in the mood to give this thing my full attention...maybe I should just scroll social media. That doesn't require any brain power. Social media is always there for me. It would never hurt me.
I'm sad now...Maybe I should quit social media...but what else would I do?...Wow I'm lonely. I should talk to my friends...but its been years and I'm sure they're busy...and its gonna be weird to jump out of the blue asking to pick up where we left off...is that selfish?...Wanting to rekindle a friendship because you're lonely?...That doesn't sound like something a good friend would do...I wish I was a good person...maybe I would have done a better job of making time for my friends...I miss them...I'm sorry I was a shit friend...I wish we could go back to college and start over...I promise I'll appreciate you this time around...But you're married and have different prioritise now...it sounds nice having a roommate...it sounds nice having someone to go home to...
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
I must admit that the idea of prpr is so deeply ingrained in the fandom culture that it's hard to give up on it. I saw lots of old fanarts of Adrienette, and they all are supposed to be post-reveal. I remember reading a reddit post saying that Adrienette basically cannot happen pre-reveal. Even when S5 has started airing, fans speculated that if they dated pre-reveal, there wouldn't be more than one date, and then they would inevitably break up. I think those who are upset about pre-reveal Adrienette, are mostly upset about the fact that they couldn't foresee that.
I've talked about this a little before, but fandom is a double edged sword. It's perfectly fine to speculate about what you think is going to happen or to come up with headcanons or AUs or silly ideas that are fun, but that's all they are. Speculation and fun. You have to draw a line between canon and fanon and also recognize that all of these analysis posts (even mine) while they may sound smart and true, we are all operating off of limited information, and therefore none of our takes are 100% accurate. People get stuff wrong all the time because new episodes come out that completely change the game. The analysis I wrote yesterday could be completely uprooted by a single episode if canon so decided. That's why I tell people to take everything you read in fandom with a grain of salt. Because even the "smartest" and most well thought out takes can be wrong because we don't have all of the episodes. I'm not an authority on this show by any means, nor is any other fan. Even the fans that got hired by Zag aren't privy to every single detail about the show. They know what they're told, and even then, stuff can change last minute. It's fine to speculate about what we think is going to happen, but if we're wrong, that's not canon's fault.
And look, prpr is a fun idea in fanon, but I never foresaw it being canon. Look at the what if episodes, those two jumped immediately to being a couple, so I never had a reason to think the actual reveal would be any different. The thing about building up these fanon ideas in your head is it sets an unrealistic expectation for canon, and you're setting yourself up for disappointment. You have to separate the two. Keep fanon in fandom, and let canon tell the story it intends to. Because the thing is, we aren't the ones in the writing room. We don't know all of their plans or what things need to happen in order for the plot to work. We can speculate all day long based on the little clues we have, but canon can still throw a curve ball. I mean, after the s4 finale, did we expect to get reverse love square and canon Adrinette midway through s5? Clearly not 😂 But here we are. Canon is going to do what canon is going to do whether we like it or not. It's fine to not particularly like some decisions canon makes, everyone has preferences, but to say canon is ruined or bad or should have done some popular fan idea instead is not only entitled behavior it's also childish lol. Canon is ruined for you. And that's fine. But it doesn't mean canon is inherently bad just because you didn't care for the direction it's going in. A lot of people would do well to remember they are one person, and no one is making them watch. If they don't like canon anymore, don't watch it anymore. 🤷‍♀️ As some have pointed out, there are tons of shows that do high school romance better, so go watch one of those.
Idk, I think people are crossing too many lines and blurring fanon with canon. Fan ideas are meant to be fun for fans, not to influence and predict canon. If something makes it into the show or we guess something correctly, great, but that's not guaranteed or owed to us. There also isn't a rule that says if canon contradicts your fan idea that you have to stop doing it in fandom? Fans can still write, draw, and make headcanons for prpr or romantic LadyNoir if they want, but like it or not, Adrinette is still canon, yall. Even all the way up to episode 20, and I doubt it's going to change in the last few episodes. Get used to it. Or go watch something else idc 🤷‍♀️
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stolencrownsofplenty · 3 months
When Five to One Becomes Everything (Post game, MAIN VERSE; will not be tagged) - All that's been described in their bio, you will find the Lamb holding ownership over all the five crowns they had claimed after the defeat of the bishops (Narinder's being taken after his usurp, the bishops after being dragged out of purgatory). Their rule goes as fair as stretching over the entire Old Faith island, taking claim over the five biomes that once belong to the bishops, and they are doing active changes to make sure along with their influence that the island is being fixed for the better. The Bishops had left the island in disarray even before their fated downfall, and the Emperor is doing what they can to fix the main fives' fatal mistakes. Has also made a deal with the fresh four crowns in letting the godly tools give them some mortal instincts again in exchange for letting the inky creatures think for themselves in the shadows. Will need to eat and sleep occasional due to this deal, but has been given back the ability to reproduce with other different species of creatures; and currently has a giant family made of lamb hybrids that's being made to help repopulate their sheep species as whole.
When Five Have Yet to Fall (Prepost game) - Precanon where Narinder is still their Deathly master, their memories are still fresh over their execution, and they've only just defeated Leshy in their conquest of revenge to take the bishops down for their own gain. Their cult is super small and has yet to grow to a vast colony, but completely manageable for the infant vessel that swore to take those down that have wronged them and the mortals that had been hurt in their rage to take the Lamb down. They've yet to lose most of their features and most of their eyesight, with only holding the Red Crown as their only source of power and tool for destruction. More soft spoken than their future counterpart and less experienced when it comes to taking another life in their cult, yet will only kill those that have wronged them (via heretics) in order to protect their original flock. The Lamb is more likely to make mistakes in this verse too while only being recognized as a Prince.
To be Crowned is to Serve Thy Death (Post Future, Bishop: Good Verse) - Taking place 2,000 years or so into the future, the Lamb has grown more into their godhood with a giant growth spurt as a result. They've yet to lose their individuality just yet to the crowns (yet their insanity still peaks with the Red Crown still holding itself dominant in their personality), and their cult has grown quite a ton since its small 300+ person headcount. Their holy regime has taken itself across the entire island and their family has grown as a result since then. Mortals live more in harmony under the Lamb's rule than they did under the Bishops' rule, yet newer generations have yet to remember the main fives' names after the ex-bishops themselves have since started mortal lives for themselves, and Gods have started to sprout again under the new imperial's rule.
The Crowns have taken to reproducing more crowns within the Lamb's body, reproducing as a near literal fungus that has taken to slowly take over the Lamb's body asexually. For surviving for so long, they wanted to give something back, the crowns wanted to see more generations of their kind again roam the island to take care of the mortals once again. Yet wanting to honor their Lamb's wishes, for the sheep to chose heirs to take after them if they were to perish, The Emperor had gone to give many of their children titles to work alongside them; gifting them a singular crown each, to those of their heirs that have deemed themselves worthy to their parent's cause. The Lamb doesn't rule as one anymore, and has grown a family to take care of their flock alongside them for eons to come. A good ending that wouldn't lead to them dying to their own suffering.
Let Their Minds be Our Immortality (Post Future, Bishop: Bad Verse) - Taking place 2,000 years or so into the future, the Lamb has been molded into their godhood and has grown into a giant that serves in reflection of their religion. Their influence has far outstretched its reach outside of the island, going world wide where they had since broke out of the First Gods banishment that had once cut the island from the rest of the world. Yet to rule the world as the only singular God, the Emperor does slowly succumbs to the five crowns' influence where its corruption does start to set into taking over the vessel's body. It comes for the worst, while the Emperor's hybrid family has then started to take up residence across the entire island, the Emperor hogs the new crowns that grow within their body for themselves; wanting to keep the power for themselves as a way to keep another mortal from going to power, and to make sure no one else makes the same mistakes the Bishops had done to hurt the Lamb and their kind. The Crowns have since grown more sentient, and have started to use their influence over their vessel as a way to reproduce more of themselves to grow more power for themselves to use, yet it comes at a cost.
For more power, corruption sets in when they can't seem to keep their vessel's corpse from rotting into their next death permanently. To work around this, and to prolong their own death until the Lamb's soul and Crowns find themselves another body to take over to continue their rule, much of those corruption is set to quickly take over all of the Lamb's inner circle, to turn them into black husks where most of their memories are gone to act as only puppets and mouthpieces for their God. The Hivemind turns more literal; wherever there is a Lamb's disciple, the Lamb sees through them and uses them to speak through them whenever they may wish. The corrupted Inner Circle are also used as weapons, for as long you bow to the Lamb their Inner Circle shall protect you from harm. The Corrupt shall keep spreading as long the Lamb lure more to join them, and in Death there is no true escape either.
Going way over budget (FNAF:SB Verse) - They're a sheep, they're a bot whom was made a bit late when everything in the pizzaplex was built in made without their latest addition in mind. This bot being the first of their kind to not only be made on a self-powered battery, with some artificial intelligence that's probably made on some third-party software, and with some synthetic fake wool to hide all of their shiny bits and gears, Emmy is the advertised on the go fable storyteller for kids to get a kick out of! But that's not the only thing they can do! They can sing, party with the band, be that bodyguard you don't have to pay, socialize with your co-workers so you don't have to, maybe even be better at your job than you, and so much more... This bot's made with the latest technology, but the lot of their parts were recycled from old failed projects that never made it to the public sadly.
So let's just hope you can ignore them having the purr of a lion and the bite of a gator! (They do make up for it being 6'0" lmao)
Yet A God Yet Not A Mortal Either (TADC Verse) - In here, at its most basic concept rn, The Lamb is not a legit Player nor an NPC, they are someone who intentionally hacked themselves into the digital world as a freelance hacker. The Lamb cult leader design is still prominent, but they have NPC’s code clinging to their avatar that gives them the legwork to mess around with the code like an unofficial dev. They’d be somewhere in the middle, they have the player means to interact with their environment but they’ve had to code their way into an old discarded NPC bot to get themselves some way to mess with the code as they need to.
The reason the cotl world had been discarded from Caine’s realm, it wasn’t family friendly and it was sort of a game IP he wasn’t allowed to use anymore because of some coder dispute. A crossover deal fell through and the people that made it discarded it but kept it somewhere in their servers to keep it in case they had to reuse the code for a later date that never came to be. Yet because there was a backup left to collect dust? The coders had incidentally left a backdoor unplugged that was just inviting for someone outside of the company to sneak inside. The portals for the world that go direct towards the circus are still in use, but it did take some coding to get them working again just for our hacker lamb to get through without being detected.
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ask gwme:What do you remember from your past in-source, and does it align with canon media?
Some of it does, though a lot doesn't. The things that still align with canon are my siblings still being my siblings, splinter still being my dad, the ninpo and weapons are the same, and a lot of the main plot from the series and movie. In source it was uh really not great(our brain decided to throw as much trauma at me as it could lol) which is different than canon. Uhm I ended up losing my siblings during the invasion and splinter got killed by big mama before she decided to take me and Mikey in, pre-invasion. She helped me a lot with contracts(I didn't and still don't like reading that much) and even ran a bank account for me in source to help with the Genius Built company. I ended up having a kid in source which was a whole thing. Also the "villains" that we fought often in canon we're family figures for me. Hypno and Warren were dating and pretty much my adoptive fathers. Todd was also a dad figure lol. Repo was like an uncle. I didn't interact with pig boy(Rupert) much, especially after he tried to cook me. I still love inventing things, I makes prosthetics for ppl iw now. I also have a ton of animals that I'm taking care of. I always really enjoyed animals in source but splinter had a super strict no pets allowed rule. Raph and Afina(Blue) weren't great. Raph was mostly just not there since he'd be in the Nexus all the time, it was his escape, and Afina was the "golden child" and "could do no wrong." Afina's been working on that though and has actually gotten quite a bit better. I still don't think I could forgive her for how she treated me in source tho. My appearance is also different than canon; longer snout, piercings, a lot more scars, and sharp teeth and claws. But yeah that's all I can think of now :) -Virus
-> Fictive ask game <-
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skrunklowumbo64 · 9 months
Sega Forever Discord Experience
Note: Do NOT witch-hunt & harass SF Discord members & moderators on various social medias.
Hope I'm not the only one who has issues, but I was kicked out of the Sega Forever Discord server for unexplained reasons.
My guess is that, I called their moderation poor due to little to lack there of enforcement to their #1 rule, "Be excellent to each other." (Said rule never specifies if they condemn users using slurs or not & tons of grey areas for what the mods think is bullying & what isn't.), then some arrogant guy (not a moderator) tells me to cry about it, he then denies all the toxicity happening in the Sonic the Hedgehog channel through out the years & claims saying "cry about it" is just a joke to save face.
My last comment on the server was to trying to prove him wrong, my examples were...
The mods did nothing till last month to do something about one user harassing someone over their contrarian views that's been going on since 2022.
Asking one mod about users using slurs, they didn't respond & they didn't delete comments containing slurs, nor punish users for it.
Two different users insulted my former Discord username over pinging the mods on two respectively different situations.
The arrogant guy reacted to me with a nerd emoji 3 times on three different posts of mine & I can't tell if the mods allow this or not.
Don't have any screencaps since I never expected to get banned, but I'm gonna talk about the other negative experiences about the server by memory.
Made a wish list of improvements & features for a Sonic Adventure remake, some insulted me over it & telling me to just get the modded Steam version, at least one mod step in without being pinged to defend me.
A contrarian girl calls & blocks anyone (including me) who got annoyed by her spamming the same unpopular opinions (i.e. Sonic Mania bad!), trolls/jerkfaces & she had said some perverted things about Amy's... you know what at some random point, the mods did nothing to her for either.
Some users got mad at me for frequently requesting almost every obscure Sega game ever made in the port request channel by saying I don't care & didn't bother to provide gameplay footage for any of them, even tho they could've just easily look them on YouTube themselves instead.
Post a link to repro copies of Dreamcast games, anti-piracy crowd tells me to back up my own ROMs & one mod recommends me to just buy a GDEMU instead, despite the fact that Sega doesn't make profit from the Dreamcast anymore & GDEMU mods & the games are expensive. It's cheaper to just download a free emulator on your PC or phone instead.
Wanting specifically the original Dreamcast versions of the Adventure duology to get new physical ports on multiple platforms, too bad cuz the Steam/PC supremacy crowd will call you delusional & tell you to just get them on Steam & only Steam, with mods. Also, some Apple bootlickers were making fun of contrarian girl for rightfully being critical of Sonic Dream Team being stuck on Apple Arcade & potentially be lost media due to said app's streaming digital only nature.
Say, A.I. art needs to be banned from the server, mods delete it without warning. Gives me the impression that they're pro-A.I. Art because of it.
One mod accidently shared stolen artwork from an art thief on Twitter, I tried to inform them by providing an archived link to the original artist, but they didn't respond, nor removed the stolen art piece.
In the Sonic the Hedgehog channel, not all, but several users enjoys making "make fun of Sonic fans" their entire personality & sometimes calls Sonic Team incompetent/idiots. It's unknown if the mods condone this type of behavior or not.
If you also had negative experiences with the server you like to share, reply or reblog if you want.
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alissaming · 1 year
Top Ten Favorite Legend of Zelda Games
Since I'm huge Legend of Zelda fan, I decided to do my personal top ten Legend of Zelda games. I'll even briefly go into why. Some quick rules on this. Some are the same from my last top ten. In fact, most are. If it's basically the same game with a different name, with no real gameplay differences, it'll be considered the same level. I must have at least played the game, though finishing is not required, as I sometimes have trouble finishing games like this due to my playstyle frequently getting me killed. I will do another honorable mentions, and I may even eventually talk about the game that isn't making even the honorable mentions that I've played. No, Zelda 1, 2, and 3 will not be making this list as I've never played them.
10. Oracle of Season/Ages It's basically the same game, but one has time travel. You're saving either Nayru or Din, and defeating the badguy. I think one's supposed to come after the other and the two complement each other some how, but they're still basically the same game. And it's really easy to accidently do something wrong and make the game unplayable without starting over.
9. Minish Cap. There's a reason this game made it this low. Despite it being actually a fun game with a fun concept, there's Ezlo, the cursed mage/person that will be Link's very annoying hat for the whole game. Ezlo is supposed to be your Navi of the game. He's supposed to give helpful hints, but he doesn't. Instead he says the same stuff over and over and over like "go to this area." And you go to the area and all he says is to go to the area. So no real clues on what to do. Ugh.
8. Majora's Mask. So before I get a ton of hate on the placement of this game, it has nothing to do with the graphics. I tend to greatly dislike games with time crunches, so the three day time limit always stressed me out, even though I could rewind whenever I wanted. I was always afraid that I wasn't going to get to where I needed to go and get even one area done in three days.
7. Twilight Princess. This is another good game with lots of good game play, but while I really like it, I like other games more. Actually, I think if not for the occasionally really dark colors, it would be a lot more enjoyable. But it's really dark, even in Hyrule proper.
6. Skyward Sword. So this game, I actually debated putting higher because the story is amazing, the graphics are incredible, the music is wonderful, and the friendship between Link and Zelda is very believable, unlike Minish Cap where Zelda just kinda declares us friends and we just kinda go along with it. Unfortunately, while I tend ot like Fi, I agree she can be extremely annoying. Add to that inconsistent controls, and difficulty aiming, and you can see why the game made it so low.
5. Link Between Worlds. Alright, you could argue that Link to the past also goes here, because it's kinda the same idea, just one Link travels between worlds and the other travels through time. However, while they seem to have a similar idea, I'm not sure I'd agree that they're basically the same game with a different play style. For one thing, there seems to be a new villain intent on releasing Gannon. Though he claims he only seeks beauty. The other world is an alternate reality of Hyrule called Lorule where everything is opposite of Hyrule. Everyone's unpleasant, the hero is a coward and they have no Triforce, so their world is falling apart and losing hope. Ravio is a fun character, and his shop makes it possible to take on the dungeons for the princesses in whatever order you want, though his stuff is super expensive, even to rent. I highly recommend you buy ASAP.
4. Ocarina of Time. This is the first Legend of Zelda game I ever played. And when I was very young (I think 10 or so) I could not get past Goma, the spider boss of the Deku tree. Yeah, seriously. Now, I can beat the game no problem. The updaged graphics in the 3DS version are actually much more appealing, the music is good, and it's just a good game. You feel close to most, if not all the major side characters and truly dislike Gannondorf, like a proper villain.
3. Breath of the Wild. This is the most recent Legend of Zelda game, aside from the Warriors games. The graphics are beautiful, and the world is fun to explore. The main reason it's not higher is the weapons and shields. They all break, and you can only carry so many. Heck, even the Master Sword can break if you use it against what the game classifies as the "wrong enemies" though in the case of the Master Sword breakage isn't permanent, it just needs to recharge then it's back. But it is a bit ridiculous that the most iconic sword of the Legend of Zelda franchise can break. Everything else? Sure, as long as some of the stronger swords take longer.
2. Wind Waker. This game is gorgeous. I mean, for an obviously cell shaded games. The story is really good and sailing the seas is SO much fun. The music is wonderful. It's too bad the final boss is so hard to beat
Now before I reveal the top Legend of Zelda game, here are the honorable mentions. Link to the Past, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks.
Link's Awakening. Yes, it's just a dream, but that's the point of the game. And honestly the updated release for the Switch was so much fun. It really played into the dream aspect with the characters looking like toys rather than real people, the edges of the screen being slightly blurry, and it really makes you feel bad for doing what you're doing. I love this game, becasue it really makes you feel the consequenses of your actions. Throughout the game, the enemies are constantly telling you that if you wake the Wind Fish, which is the only way to escape the island, you will destroy the island and kill everyone living there. Monsters will include you, as they seem to believe you are a figment of the Wind Fish's imagination. You have a choice here. Keep playing and destroy everything on this island, including the poeple you met here, or don't and be stuck on the island in a dream. The ending is really heartbreaking too. This is one game where I really don't blame the monsters at all. This is their home, and they know they'll effectively die when the Wind Fish wakes up. No wonder they're all unhappy when you come to wake it up.
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yandereocs · 3 years
Oh! How about strawberry boy with a darling that just LOVES affection if he doesn’t ask them they will just jump on top of him when they see him and start cuddling him and give him kisses on the cheek OR if he starts saying things like: trash like him doesn’t deserve it/you just stare at him and i mean THAT stare then starts cuddling with him again? (I honestly love every OC of yours mostly because they all have different personalities which makes it more interesting) this is my fist request idk if I’m doing it right???
* Strawberry Boy sure is getting popular LMAO
* Also don't worry, you're doing it right!! :D
Strawberry Boy with an affectionate darling
* (I made a new drawing for Strawberry Boy because I didn't like the last one)
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* Strawberry is very affectionate. But he's always nervous to touch you because he's worried that his "disgusting" touch will "taint" you. So having a darling who WANTS his affection makes him really happy.
* He loves kisses. It turns him into putty in your hands. He tries his best to "earn" kisses, despite you probably telling him he doesn't have to.
* He's of course still trash talking himself. At first it was genuine. He truly thought that he was trash. But after he catches on to the fact that you'll cuddle to cheer him up, he starts doing it on purpose to get your love. Sneaky bastard.
* Since you're so affectionate, Strawberry will start being more touchy himself so you can receive the same amount of love. He'll wrap his arms around you to surprised you and he'll ask if he can cuddle with you to sleep.
* After awhile, you two can't keep your hands off each other. If you're not giving him love in some sort of way, he'll cling to your leg or arm and beg for you to spare some affection for a lowly piece of dirt like him.
* He's start being more confident, too. Since you aren't afraid to hug and kiss him, that starts to help his self-esteem because he starts to think "Hey, they don't think I'm trash!!". But as I said earlier, he'll still trash talk himself to get more love from you.
* Oh, but don't get me wrong, just because he's confident doesn't mean he doesn't become submissive. I've said this in a previous headcanon, but Strawberry goes CRAZY over kisses. So that fact that you're giving him ALL KINDS of affection?? It's literally overloading his brain.
* As stated in said previous headcanon, he'll do anything to earn your love. He's willing to let you hurt him and he's willing to dehumanize himself further than he already does if he has to. But, considering the fact that you don't like his trash talking, I doubt you would like him saying that he'll be your human pet in exchange for affection.
* Jesus Christ you spook him when you jump on him. Strawberry is a LOT stronger than he looks, so he'll most likely be able to easily carry you, but he still panicked for a second. After a while he'll probably just give up and let you toss him to the floor so you can kiss his stupid little face.
* He tries to be more romantic. He's done a ton of research on small things he could do for affection, and he'll often try them out on you. Like letting you wear his clothes. Or if they don't fit, he'll make you clothes that are similar to his. He'll leave little notes around the house with compliments and start gifting you flowers that he grew himself.
* He'll be less strict on his little rules, too. He'll let you go outside with him and you can start playing online games. But he's constantly clinging to your arm while outdoors and he wants you to tell any man you meet in game that you're taken.
* He is HUGE on PDA. Please hold his hand when you're outside, it'll make him so happy. The more PDA you show, the longer he'll let you outside.
* I WANT to say that things are better for you if you're affectionate but like-
* Yeah, he's less strict on his rules, but now he's even MORE obsessed with you to the point where he doesn't want to leave your side because he just wants to be loved.
* So I'm going to leave it up to you to decide whether you like that or not.
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primatechnosynthpop · 2 years
Not that anyone was asking but here's some details about the twitch streamer Ernest au
He got his start making YouTube videos on a wide variety of subjects, including vlogs, enthusiastic media reviews, and showing off stuff he got at yard sales and flea markets. He keeps doing all this after joining Twitch, and his streams are far from limited to playing video games-- in fact, he's pretty bad at most games and has trouble figuring out the rules
Upon first joining Twitch he receives a ton of vitriol until a few of his close friends and followers step in and become mods. He still gets bullied by chat going forward but now it's affectionate
Since it's a modern au and they're thusly struggling millennials, Vern is Ernest's roommate rather than neighbour. He has an actual job not related to producing internet content, and takes care to avoid showing his face or voice on Ernest's streams for the sake of privacy. A lot of people assume they're dating/married, and only find out this isn't the case when Vern eventually moves in with his new fiancee
Much like his real-world reception, Ernest gets really popular with kids while many adults find him annoying. The latter group tend to assume he's putting on an act and are shocked to discover that he's literally just like that
Chuck and Bobby run another Twitch channel that's less popular than Ernest's but has a lot of overlap in their audience, and they sometimes collab. Bobby is semi-verbal and has some support needs, which is why he lives with Chuck, but he's better than his brother at most games, especially first-person shooters
The chat goes crazy whenever Ernest shows Rimshot on stream. Vern also has a dog (Shorty) who Ernest ends up taking care of a lot of the time, but Vern doesn't want her appearing on camera either, so Ernest's followers get to hear about all of Shorty's escapades but have no clue what breed she is
He does event streams frequently where he enlists the help of other people and promotes their work in the process, such as joining the staff of a local summer camp for a hiking and fishing stream, teaming up with an academic friend of his for an archeology stream, or collaborating with the Clean Sweep basketball team for a basketball stream. He always hypes these events up a lot and something usually goes terribly wrong (as is often the case during his streams) but these ones turn out less disastrous because there are other people helping him
At some point Ernest's channel gets hacked by rival streamer Felix2678 but chat assumes it's all a bit Ernest is doing, since he'll often go into different characters on stream. Even after Ernest gets his channel back, nobody ever really figures out that it wasn't a bit
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randomnameless · 3 years
I honestly don't understand why there is so much backlash agaisnt Rhea for lying and distorting history - like what was she supposed to do? And the game still has the nerve to grill her because she did this, even if it inderectly allowed Claude, Dimitri and all the crested students to exist?
I can only say Marianne's paralogue exists, and is present (by default?) in VW for a reason - even if the devs couldn't commit because Reasons (tm)
Marianne is hunted because her ancestor "became a monster" but also killed tons of people.
What was going to happen to Annette if Rhea'n'co revealed, in the beginning, that Dominic got his crest because he vivisected Seteth's younger brother and used his skull to craft a kickass weapon? If it was revealed Annette shares Dominic's original sin in her blood, and her Crest is not a revelation of the Goddess, but the indelible proof that her ancestor - part of her blood - committed those atrocities?
"Since Dominic slaughtered a guy making pies to make a hammer out of his spine, maybe Annette might also slaughter Ignatz too, because her family is known for killing people to gain more power?"
Rhea's lies protected Nabateans and the descendants of the Elites - and I find it telling that the "lore route" at least shows why through Marianne.
SS sucks because it is the Billy Route, and Rhea must acknowledge all "BaD" things she did 1/ to redeem somehow the red emperor 2/to make place for Billy and make sure everyone and their sockets understand Billy is the avatar meant to rule over Fodlan and that's a good thing, so Rhea was wrong.
Of course the "organised religion lies!!!" has real life parallels, but in this situation, it was a lose-lose situation, and imo she picked the one with the least casualties. What humans do afterwards are their own business.
This mindset is also one I know will be prevalent when discussing Deghinsea if Tellius Echoes is released soon, was Deghinsea right by deeming the branded a "crime against the goddess" and something that should not exist, or not?
But if he told everyone the truth, would Laguz have exterminated Beorcs in fear of disappearing if they ever were to mate, or would Beorcs have forcefully "befriended" Laguz to make them lose their powers and finally be "just like them"? At what point can you coexist with a different species when ultimate coexistence - interbreeding - leads to the extinction of one of the two original species?
Apparently in Hatari the Laguz, Beorcs and Branded are able to live together. But we don't know how, and the script, even the world, doesn't encourage us to learn how they manage to do it.
It is always much more complicated than "s/he lies so s/he is BaD".
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