#tony stark fan for life
lienwyn · 7 months
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And here are the other two illustrations I did for the @reforgedzine! I've been wanting to do matching art nouveau illustrations for these two for a long, long time and I'm very happy I finally got a reason to do it! I really like how these turned out! :D
Also, the leftover sale for the zine has now started! So go to the website if you're interested in buying one of the zines! And you can find the AO3 collection for all the amazing fics here :D
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
the way Tony Stark's biggest fear is his friends all dying around him and him being unable to stop it and people still say he doesnt care. like lmao what more do you want from him???
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puppy-bitch24 · 6 months
FanFic alert!
I need help finding a fairly old fanfic. imma explaining the plot the best as I can as I remember
it is a Marvel fic. Steve and the others manage to bring Bucky back to the tower but something is still off. the only person who knows is Tony.
Problem? Tony cannot tell anyone without the risk of Bucky hurting him. Bucky at every chance would hurt and harm him. it started off with pinches and bruised or light pushing. but now has escalated into leaving bruises and snarling threats.
Tony still tries to tell Steve but is ignored. he goes for a walk only to get ambushed by Bucky who kidnaps him and begins choking him. The Avengers arrive and fight him off of Tony. steve, who's still in denial, starts to reason with him thinking it is the winter soldier influence. Tony barely breathing reminds him that it is not. They beat Bucky and take him into custody and Tony is taken to the hospital. bucky wakes up and tries to play dumb but it doesn't work. so he admits the truth with no shame. confident that they couldn't truly hold him. steve sick to his stomach goes to leave the room but Bucky stops him and says
"Call me when you finally get sick of Stark. Til the end of the line. right,"
and laugh as Steve runs away.
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Seeing Iron Man for the first time... Holy shit the civilian casualties and property damages this guy's caused directly and indirectly
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 17
Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 16
Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16
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Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease​
"Loki, stop pacing. I am sure that Dr. Caroline is going to be just fine."
Thor's voice was grating in its earnestness, and it was all Loki could do not to slam his knee into his brother's sternum. Of course, with all the breakfast pastries his brother had been wolfing down, 0that would have no doubt resulted in a disgusting mess, adding to the list of irritations rapidly mounting.
At least Stark had the decency to look miserable. Slumped in a chair with the largest mug Loki possessed filled with coffee, the mortal glowered behind a pair of dark glasses. Every noise, however large, seemed to send waves of discomfort through his entire body. Normally, Loki would have delighted in tormenting him further, banging chairs, flickering the lights, and whatnot, but at the moment he had more important concerns. Besides, Thor's normal behavior was loud enough to cause the man to wince every few moments.
"What is taking her so long," he asked for the umpteenth time.
Now that the time had come for them to attempt this foolhardy plot, Loki wanted to get on with it, to have it over and done with. Every moment delayed was another moment he was in agony thinking of the peril his precious Caroline would be placing herself in. His brain continued to conjure up one fate after another that were each alone enough to make him seethe with preemptive venom.
"If there's one thing I've learned in my life...," Tony grumbled into his coffee, "well, actually, it's don't fuck around with Bruce Banner when he's looking green. Thanks for that, by the way, throw rug. Better you than me. But, only slightly behind that is never rush a lady. No good ever comes of it. Besides, I need a few minutes more before I'm flight ready."
"I don't give a damn what you need," Loki spat, glaring at the miserable sot.
It was not as though Loki himself had gotten any sleep. After a brief, blissful doze in his beloved's arms, he had awoken to the realization of what he had agreed to. He knew that Caroline was a strong, independent woman. He would not have wanted her any other way. In this case however, he cursed that streak of stubbornness that normally pared so well with his own.
For an hour or so he had occupied himself thinking up ways he might wriggle out of allowing her to come on the mission. The idea of simply following through on what Stark obviously expected of him and whisking her away via the Tesseract was supremely tempting. He could do it while she slept, and by the time she awoke they would be in a completely different galaxy. The only problem was he was sure she would never trust him again. The thought of her eyes, cold with contempt and devoid of affection was chilling to his very soul. No, she would give him no peace until the scepter with its damned stone was off of her world and no longer a threat to it.
He could go himself and leave her behind. Mentally he rifled through all of the ways that he could keep her here, safe in his cottage on the other side of the world. Magically induced sleep, ropes, sealing the doors so that she could not escape, all of these were mentally examined out and discarded. The idea that something might happen to the cottage while she was trapped inside due to him was worse than any other scenario he could fathom. Even if he just slipped out while she still slumbered it would not do. She was still wanted by SHIELD, and he would not leave her alone on the run from a powerful enemy.
No, there was nothing for it but to let her come along and hope that he could find some way to keep her safe. Whatever it took, whoever and whatever he had to sacrifice, Loki was determined that not a hair on Caroline's lovely head would be harmed.
"Okay, I think I'm ready."
The voice was the same, but as Loki turned to look at his love a different form greeted him. Her hair was a reddish blonde, longer than she wore her own, and pulled back into a loose braid. She stood a good half foot taller, and her delightful curves had been stretched out to a more statuesque physique, now clothed in the SHIELD uniform. Her face was slightly altered as well: higher cheekbones, a wider mouth. Loki had done the illusion himself of course, but it was still a shock to hear the voice he loved so well coming out of a different body.
"I am glad to see you didn't decide to go with a feline," Thor nodded, causing Loki's eyes to roll back in his head. "You look lovely, Dr. Caroline. Not that you didn't before. But this is nice too. In fact, now that I look at you, you look quite a bit like our mother!"
"Boy is that a lot to unpack this early in the morning," Stark practically spit out his coffee. "I can see why you like this one, Doc. He'll keep you in business for decades."
"I look forward to meeting her," Caroline ignored Tony's jibe, instead smiling at Thor and bringing a completely irrational blush to Loki's cheeks with her comment. "I think I'm used to this new look enough that I won't jump every time I catch my reflection in the mirror."
"Are you sure?" he asked. Despite his previous wish to get on with things, he was once again overcome with reluctance. "We can delay if you prefer. A day, even longer if need be."
"No, let's do it now."
"Yeah, you can defile fake mommy once we secure the Earth, Oedipus. Let's get this over with."
Loki glared at Stark, wishing that he had time to find a window high enough to toss him out of. The man must have a death wish of his own with the way he so continually goaded Loki. Caroline seemed to collect broken warriors the way other women collected jewelry. The thought made Loki's eyes narrow in irritation. He didn't like the idea of being one of many. When they were through with their fool's errand, he would make sure he did everything he could see that he remained her one and only. Oh, she could treat other patients, but perhaps not ones with reputations like the billionaire hero possessed.
"Alright," he began, trying to settle the anxiety thrumming inside him. "We all know the plan. Let's do this as quickly as possible so that Caroline and I can get on with our lives."
"Assuming we decide to let you go," Tony interrupted.
"Assuming I give you a choice," Loki countered. "I dropped you from too low a height last time. Perhaps over your Grand Canyon would work better."
"Easier there, tiger," Tony said with a smirk. "Yes, we know the plan. I just called the jet; it should be here within the moment. Maybe you ought to change yourself. Unless there's some sort of Norse alt rock fest in the area, you are sure to stand out looking like that."
"You do cut quite a striking figure, Loki," Caroline smiled up at him through different eyes. "Not that I'm complaining, but it would be impossible not to notice you."
"Right," he sighed.
With a slight shimmer his black hair was replaced with the curly golden blond and skin was once more tanned and be-freckled. It was not as drastic a transformation as he had made for Caroline, but then he was not as concerned about his safety if discovered.
"That is a handy trick. Don't suppose you could teach me that on the plane?" Stark asked, staring at him as though trying to see the mechanism that had made the change.
"Don't bother, friend Stark," Thor slapped the small man on the back, making him groan. "Loki is famously secretive about his spells."
"I don't recall you ever bothering to ask," Loki said, voice clipped.
"Oh, of course I didn't," Thor laughed. "Why would I want to learn magic when I was already able to fight. I was thinking of Fandral in those early days, before he perfected his skill with a blade. He was desperate enough to think perhaps your tricks would at least give him some sort of usefulness, even if he couldn't do battle."
Loki's entire body tensed at the careless mockery in his brother's voice, years of resentment suddenly filling him. A combination of shame and rage formed in his chest, dying to be given vent in some sort of destructive act or cutting remark.
"Interesting," Caroline commented in a light voice. "I would have thought the opposite. After all, anyone can swing a sword, or a hammer, but how many people do you know can change their entire appearance with a thought? But then, I guess I've always appreciated the extraordinary. I'm sure the ordinary is just fine as well, and many people actually don't mind it."
"Okay, retract your claws Doc. Seems you put a little bit of cat in there after all, Loks," Stark laughed.
"I meant no disrespect," Thor looked confused.
A whirring noise sounded from the front of the cabin and Loki released the tension he had been holding.
"Ah, saved by the jet. All aboard, people. Stark Airlines is waiting for you."
It was all fine as long as she kept her eyes straight ahead. When she simply looked where she was going, Caroline could walk naturally, head up, no problems. It was only when she glanced down that the difficulties began. It was rather like when one forgot the number of steps walking down the stairs and didn't realize one had reached the bottom. Caroline's physical legs were inches shorter than the image that currently strut down the hall of SHEILD, so it seemed to her eyes that it should take much less time to reach the floor. Or something.
"Are you sure you don't wish I was taller?" she asked Loki where he strut beside her.
Not all the glamour spells in the world could hide the deadly swagger that his hips and shoulders made as he walked heel toe, heel toe down the corridor. The fact that his walk alone was enough to make her pulse beat faster was ridiculous, and yet there it was.
Her question was mostly a way to distract herself. She knew that, despite all logic, Loki was attracted to her. He had made that clear enough over the past forty-eight hours. Still, she would not have been human if she didn't have some insecurities. The most stunningly beautiful creature in existence had chosen to court her (to use the word he had murmured to her the night before as they drifted to sleep). It was beyond anything she had ever dreamed of.
"Don't be absurd," he answered with scowl. "You are perfect just the way you are. Why? Are you wishing that I were fair haired? Or perhaps marked by the sun the way your mortal men can be?"
"Loki, you are absolutely perfect the way you are," she laughed. "Besides, I would want you regardless of skin color or hair style."
"I might hold you to that," Loki's voice held the self mockery that she loathed, but less so than it might have just days before.
"Please do, my prince."
"Ixnay on the Oki-stay!" Tony said with a glare. "Besides, my system's still a bit too fragile for all this intergalactic love island."
So far their plan had gone exactly as planned. They had landed Tony's futuristic jet on the SHIELD compound with barely a raised eyebrow. A wave of the billionaire's hand had been enough to dissipate questions about the two new recruits he had brought with him. Caroline, dressed in the standard SHIELD uniform, had been introduced as Agent Jocasta. Loki, insistently in a very expensive looking suit, was Dr. Rex. She just hoped Tony's cleverness was not the undoing of them all.
Once inside, Thor had been dispatched to find Fury and Pierce and keep them occupied while the other three went after the scepter. Unspoken between them was the knowledge that while the blond Asgardian meant well, he was not the most agile when it came to dissembling. Having him far away if people began to question their identities seemed wise.
Flanking Stark they made their way down the familiar halls until they neared the room where the scepter had been last seen. It was strange to Caroline, but the base felt similar in a way to her knew appearance. It was still the same at the core, but her perception of it was completely changed. The industrious workers rushing to and fro were no longer agents for good, but potential dangers who might see through their charade. Oh, she had always been aware that one or two bad apples lurked in the barrel, but now she glanced with suspicion at everyone. If a large enough contingent could be willing and ready to kill a prisoner without granting him due process and a fair hearing, what else might the men and women working here be capable of?
All too quickly they reached the doorway. By collective agreement they stopped just outside. Caroline rose up and down on her toes a few times, as though stretching could help in this situation. Loki looked quickly down the hall in each direction before pulling her into a tight embrace. For a moment she forgot everything as he kissed her sensless.
"Okay, Romeo, let her up for air. She's just going into the next room, not onto a battle field."
"The object in the next room is more powerful than any army," Loki said, still holding her but surrendering her lips. "Darling, listen to me. If you feel any hesitation, any fear, get out of there instantly. There is no shame in not being a match for one of the founding powers of the universe. Even I was brought down by it eventually."
"It is such an odd experience not being the biggest egotist in the room. I don't think I like it," Tony quipped. "Mr. Fantastic is right for once though. If anything feel janky, you cut and run. We will find another way to get the spear. Now, I'm gonna run down to my lab and grab my case. Here's my ID. I'll be back almost before you miss me."
With that, he was off at a trot down the hall, leaving Caroline and Loki alone in front of the plain metal door.
"You don't have to do this," Loki tried one last time to convince her. "I can just as easily go in."
"And if you come out under its sway, how on Earth or any other planet for that matter, could I stop you?" she asked. "I am counting on you to stop me and make me drop the thing into Tony's scepter dampening suitcase."
"Here we go."
"I love you."
Caroline felt tears well in her eyes and willed them away.
"I love you," she answered.
She opened the door and closed it quickly behind her, wanting to keep Loki from coming in after her. She had the sequence from Tony to unlock the cradle the scepter lay in. By the time she had released it, he would be back with the case.
As she stepped towards the shiny metal weapon, she felt a tingling sensation almost like a caress run over her skin. Caroline stopped for a moment took a deep breath. She knew what this was. She could ignore it. Not looking at the glowing blue gem that pulsed softly at the head of the scepter, she entered the pass code into the pad controlling the cradle. One nob slid down to the bottom, a second up to the top, and a dial spun two thirds of the way around. With each move she made, the tingling grew stronger, eager almost anticipatory.
At last, the gold light surrounding the scepter died, and the sensation dug like needles into her skin. Caroline's breathing was coming fast and shallow as her hands reach, trembling, for the smooth, deadly weapon. As her fingers wrapped around the cold metal it was as though every cell in her body sprang to life and she all but lifted off the ground.
"Oh yessss," she felt more than heard the voice in her mind. "We are going to have so much fun together."
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hurtspideyparker · 5 months
Thinking about all the subtle irondad canon in MCU.
The ease Peter used Stark tech to make his suit in FFH meaning he's likely spent time in Tony's lab
All the types of Spider-suits in the data base implying Tony had been working on tons of Spider-Man gadgets and suits for Peter
Peter has been an Iron Man fan since he was at least 8 years old
Tony lent Peter a car to take his driver's test (from a car commercial)
Tony actually listens to all the unimportant details of Peter's life (and remembers them) such as getting a churro on patrol and when he quit band practice
Tony to Happy about his party: "did you invite the kid? Why do you hate fun, I like the kid I want you to invite the kid" (from another commercial)
Tony thinks of himself as a father figure to Peter ("my dad never really gave me a lot of support and I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame")
Peter being Tony's favourite young adult
Peter is affectionately referred to as 'the kid' so often that everyone knows exactly who Tony is talking about (e.g. Steve, Happy)
Tony keeping a photo of Peter in his home after his death (for longer than he actually knew Peter)
Tony not wanting to mess with time travel because he valued a peaceful life with Pepper and Morgan over half the universe's population, only to change his mind at the thought of bringing Peter back
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avawritesthings · 9 days
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disclaimer ! NONE OF THESE FICS WERE WRITTEN NOR PUBLISHED BY ME. please give these author’s a little bit of your love ! all fics are x reader, and some are nsfw.
ava’s note ! i have read and reread all of these fics at least twice, and i just wanted to show my love to them and so other’s can read these wonderful stories! some of these are also on ao3. take this as my apology for barely posting xx
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formula one !
lando norris
call it magic - @444lec33
caught orange-handed - @mariahcarreyyy (+ oscar piastri)
slow down, be here - @katsu28
workplace distractions - @curiousthyme
life is like a box of chocolates - @dilemmaontwolegs (+ oscar piastri)
hazy days - @coff33andb00ks
charles leclerc
dime, ¿esto es lo que tú quería'? - @yazmarina (+ oscar piastri)
you wonder why i’m bitter - @moviecritc (+ alex saint mleux)
red flags - @holllandtrash
daniel ricciardo
sweet like grenadine - @scuderiahoney (one of my favs!!!)
picture perfect - @thef1diary
got drunk on you - @userlando
feels like home - harley_sunday (ao3)
oscar piastri
no more mister shy guy. - @jamminvroomvroom
dime, ¿esto es lo que tú quería'? - @ yazmarina (+ charles leclerc)
caught orange-handed - @ mariahcarreyyy (+ lando norris)
life is like a box of chocolates - @ dilemmaontwolegs (+ lando norris)
lewis hamilton
harmony - @curiousthyme
partition - @monzabee
jenson button
missed flights - @whorekneecentral
max verstappen
he must be lucky ! - @adventuringblind
little verstappen - @lxclerc
milk and sugar - @sunrizef1
in the mind of another - @pierregazly (author has a lot of great fics!)
masterlists i’ve binged:
lewisvinga’s masterlist
maplesyrupsainz’s masterlist
pucksandpower’s masterlist
theemporium’s masterlist
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nhl !
matthew tkachuk (i am nothing if not matty t’s #1 fan)
baby it’s cold outside - @raysofcrosby
waking up in vegas (masterlist) - @doc-pickles
you say you hate me - @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys
praise you like i should - @senditcolton
want you to want me - @troubatrain
4 times you faked a relationship + 1 time you didn’t - @hockeywhy
love you like me - @heavenlyhischier
jerseys and dumplings - @hockeyboysiguess
four times you sat in Matthew’s chair + the one time they called him out - @ extratragic
jack hughes
saturday sleepies - @leaentries
jersey - @sydnikov
feels like home - @ quintinh43
always an angel - @wineauntie (technically hughes brother x sister!reader)
sidney crosby
sugar sugar (masterlist) - @ holy-pucks
home is where the heart is (masterlist) - @fallinallincurls
bubble wrapped (part of a series) - @myhockeyworld87
lovestruck, went straight to my head - @harlowhockeystick
andrei svechnikov
fake numbers and date numbers - @matsbarzal
gaslight - @comphy-and-cozy
high speeds - @thewintersoldierdisaster (so many great andrei fics!)
in five - @ sydnikov (so many great andrei fics)
quinn hughes
heavy heads and heavy hearts - @quintinh43
wiped away kisses - @theemporium
game night - @sc0tters
baevillier’s masterlist
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marvel !
tony “iron man” stark
straight lines and sharp angles - nicky_writes (ao3)
kinds of love (series) - bartonstark (ao3)
james “bucky” barnes
sweet dreams - abovethesmokestacks (ao3)
these ties that bind - sweetascanbee (ao3)
druig (eternals)
three-part series - @ohcaptains
how could they not know? - @saintlike78
mark spector/steven grant/jake lockley (moon knight)
man in the mirror - @fettuccin-e
i’m getting to know someone - davosmymaster (ao3)
keep a secret? - cakealicoi (ao3)
matt “daredevil” murdock
dirty little devil - @courtforshort15
kate bishop/yelena belova
blank space - @ mrsyelena (ao3) (unfinished)
wanda maximoff/natasha romanoff
kidnapped - artemis_writes123 (ao3)
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star wars !
anakin skywalker
save a spaceship, ride a starpilot - kkismygod (ao3)
jealousy - kkismygod (ao3)
patched up - kkismygod (ao3)
eventide - ohgodmyeyes (ao3) (more darth vader, less anakin)
the babysitter - ohgodmyeyes (ao3)
braids - sarcastic_bubble (ao3)
primal - lullows (ao3) (ft. obi-wan kenobi)
drunk confessions - oreosmama (ao3)
master + padawan knight senator = ? - darthtrek (ao3) (ft. obi-wan kenobi)
say my name - kkismygod (ao3)
the mandalorian
cold showers - cptnbvcks (ao3)
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misc !
jj maybank (outer banks)
amnesiac - cherienymphe (ao3)
i know (5+1) - heathersmoonlight (ao3)
soul deep - heathersmoonlight (ao3)
art donaldson (challengers)
beyond the play - @sapphire-writes
and then there were three… - @kolsmikaelson
good luck, babe! - @sunsburns (ft. tashi & patrick)
the mikaelsons (tvdu)
patisserie - wickedlyemma (ao3)
carmen “carmy” berzatto (the bear)
nothing’s gonna hurt you baby - tinybluewitch (ao3) (the link literally won’t work im sorry)
david von erich (iron claw)
yellow rose - @daysofyellowroses
ransom drysdale (knives out)
rubber? i don’t even like her - @ whateveriwant
lip gallagher (shameless)
out of excuses - @ borntobewondering
billy loomis/stu macher (scream I)
jealous jerks - @ potter-imagines
bruce wayne (the batman 2022)
written in the stars - batsingotham (ao3)
*please let me know if you want me to remove any of these links or anything, i hope i didnt offend anyone <3 also sorry that i couldn't tag everyone !
** i WILL be adding more as time goes on. i have many many recs
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Propaganda why Tony Stark is insufferable:
>Makes weapons
>Made multiple AI Surveillance Robots
>Gaslight a child into fighting a super soldier in a foreign country for him
>His fans are annoying
Portrayed as a hero because? He chose to no longer mass produce war weapons and bombs after suffering the consequences. Huge hypocrite. Doesn't care about anyone but himself. Will backstab people if they believe in human rights when it's inconvenient to him. Seen as a hero while he's the personification of privileged people saying they're not privileged
There’s the usual “he’s a war criminal who only felt bad about it when he realized his weapons were killing white Americans as well as Arab people” reason, and also he’s just super annoying. You had to be there for the original Avengers shitty dialogue a la “we have a Hulk” that had Tumblr in a vicious chokehold. Also he was supposed to FINALLY go away after destroying all his suits in Iron Man 3 but he just… didn’t! Which is bullshit.
Tony is so annoying. When they first meet he straight up bullies Peter into fighting for his personal bullshit, insults and objectifies Aunt May in front of him, spits into his trashcan and is in general being pushy af. He blackmails Peter when he doesn’t wanna come to Germany with him AND HE DOESNT EVEN EXPLAIN WHY HE WANTS HIM TO COME. Uncomfortable vibes lol.
Tony being the one to tell peter “if Captain America wanted to hurt you he would’ve” when Peter was trying to state his case, yet HE’S also the one who put Peter in harms way when he didn’t even want to go with him???
Telling Peter that he should stick to being a “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” (stealing his thing once again) when that’s what Peter _was_ doing before Tony took him out of his zone and filled his head with grander things to be apart of….bitch? Die. Ohh waaaait (jkjk) but yeah
Super long, sorry lol
Thinking about how in Homecoming when Peter accidentally caused that boat to get split in half because the Vulture’s gun exploded and Tony was acting like as if Peter was completely in the wrong for going there just because he did it without his permission. He was acting like as if Peter was out of line and “disobeyed him”, trying to act like his father. And then I remember how in CACW he’s the one who scouted Peter in the first place just because he saw he might be useful against a personal squabble between him and Captain America despite knowing that he was a kid and he’s just now acknowledging how dangerous it is because Peter “acted on his own”
Completely hijacking Peter’s superhero story and trying to control his every move (Training wheels protocol and baby monitor thing he put in the suit), acting like Peter should’ve known that Tony would send someone in despite the fact that he’d been ignoring him for 2 months since Civil War and not keeping him updated on anything!!
How the hell is peter supposed to know Tony is going to listen to him when he treats him like a kid instead of a superhero when it’s convenient for him? And when Tony loses his temper after Peter says he’s 15 not 14 like “the adult is talking” bitch he could literally flatten you without your suit!!!
I guess in a way he is acting like a father but like the absentee kind. He’s more like a sperm donor father trying to act like he has any rights over Peter’s life smh.
It’s not that reprimanding Peter for the situation is bad, but the way he makes it seem as if Peter is irredeemable as if Tony wasn't a literal weapons dealer lmfao. He could’ve said what was the truth about it without completely invalidating him saying shit like “no thanks to you” after Peter asked if everyone is okay when it’s literally thanks to Peter finding a lead on those guys in the first place that they were even noticed and it’s not like the FBI being there could’ve in no way caused a similar situation.
And then near the end of the movie when he’s getting crushed by the building rubble screaming and crying for someone to help him where the fuck is Tony?? That scene just proved that he never needed Tony’s suit in the first place to be Spider-Man since he had to use 100% his own strength to lift it off of him. I know he would’ve found the motivation even if Tony hadn’t been involved in the first place to give him the suit, take it away from him and have the words “if you’re nothing without the suit you shouldn’t have it“ echo in his head. Why did Tony even take the suit away? Like as if he expects Peter to stop being spoderman without it??? Holy fuck. This is why you don’t make it out of endgame /j /srs.
When Tony took this suit away from Peter he was like “God I sound like my dad“ shouldn’t that be a red flag to him? Wasn’t he literally just saying that he wished his dad was better than he was?? Lmfao
Propaganda why Victor Frankenstein is insufferable:
Victor Frankenstein is so pathetic not even tumblr could love him. The best parts of Frankenstein are the ones where your blessedly saved from being in his whiny, self deprecating, self centered pov. He’s so conceited that when his creation tells him directly “In revenge for killing the wife you were making for me I’m going to kill YOUR wife to see how YOU like it!”, Victor Frankenstein thinks that the creation is going to kill him and *only* him. (A decision And on top of it, he’s a shitty dad. Truly the worst.
this fucker has zero self awareness, which could maybe be fun to read about! except that 3/4 of the book consists of him constantly woe-is-me-ing about his own mistakes and how he shouldn't be responsible for any of his own actions.
He's not irredeemable, but his refusal to take accountability til it's too late is irritating
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Crash and Burn 7
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Tony Stark
Summary: a powerful man comes crashing into your life. Literally.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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There’s a stubbornness in you that often gets you in trouble. You could blame it for this very circumstance. And again, for how you pull away at his touch. Just the nudge on your elbow is enough to make you react. 
You move away from Tony and he follows. The truth is out there and there’s no denying it. You know why you’re here, you know what he wants. Knowing doesn’t make it any better. 
“Sweetheart,” he trails after you as you put the empty glass down. “We really going to draw this out?” 
“Why?” You face him. 
He sighs in exasperation, “I’m tired of this. I don’t wanna talk anymore. It’s getting... redundant. So let’s move on to the fun part.” 
“But... you could have any girl in New York. You said that--” 
“They’re boring. Come on, sweetheart, I want you. Doesn’t that make you all hot and tingly?” 
“Uh, no, it--” He reaches for you and you try to dodge him. His thumb brushes behind your ear and you recoil as something pinches there. You cry out as the strange piercing in your skull. 
“Oh, it doesn’t?” He taps his watch and your whole body vibrates.  
Your eyes go wide as you search behind your ear for whatever he’s put there. The flat circle is barely discernible against your skull and you can’t get your nail under it. As you try to pick it off, another current flows through you and has your knees shaking. 
“You’ll get there,” he chortles as he drags his finger around the watch screen. 
Your insides squeeze as your core electrifies. You whine and whimper as you bend over and hug your stomach. Your legs bend and your knees knock as your nerves set alight. A flick has you on the floor. 
You heave as you hold yourself up on your arms, legs folded and tight together as your cunt throbs. Your clit swells and sends a crashing tide through your body. He laughs again and a ripple sets your entire body rigid as you collapse. 
Your spine goes straight and stiff as you hiss through your teeth. Your look up at him as he swirls his finger against his watch and your feet arch with your back. You bend your legs and whine as a storm brews deep inside of you. 
You pant wildly, thrashing like an animal as he continues his torture. You give up try to peel off the circular plate behind your ear and clutch your hair instead, nearly tearing it out. You moan and drone as you writhe. 
“Tony-- please--” 
“That’s what I like to hear,” he cackles. “Come on, sweetie,” he walks circles around you, “tell me, are you feeling it yet?” 
“It’s not—fair,” you chuff out as you turn onto your stomach. 
You try to lift yourself, crawling a few inches before another zing has you back on the floor. You grasp and claw at the hardwood and push your head down as your shoulders curl. Your nails drag on the wood as your pelvis twitches. 
The thrill twists inside of you, tighter, and tighter, until it’s about to release. And then, it doesn’t. It relents, just enough to keep you on edge but not enough to push you over. You whimper as your eyes roll. 
“I always knew you’d beg me,” he mocks you as he steps over you, looming above as you shake. “But you made this hard for me, now it’s gonna be hard for you.” 
You cough as he toys with you. The coursing energy nestles in your core. It sets your skin alight until you’re itchy. You wriggle and spasm, scratching and clawing at your clothes. You’re hot. Too hot. 
You escape from between his legs and strip off your shirt. You fan yourself as you roll around. Your body slickens in sweat and you push on the top of your pants, wiggling to get free of the suffocating layer. You’re trapped in an invisible cage of fire.  
You peel away your clothes until your naked but it’s not enough. It’s too much. You’re huffing like a thirsty dog. You shove your hand between your legs. Just a little and you can-- 
“Ayeeeeee,” you rip your hand back as your fingertips are zapped from within. 
“No cheating, baby,” Tony warns. “You get to suffer just like I did.” 
“Why-- stop!” You cry out desperately. “Please... I’ll do... whatever you... want.” 
Your voice trails off into a shrill yowl. He keeps you bound within your own body. He pushes you further and further, right to the apex, then lets you down all at once. You slap the floor and buck your hips, pushing your thighs together until they chafe, clutching at your own chest, pouting and pleading. 
“Hm, you got a nice ass. Tits aren’t bad either. I mean, I tried to picture it,” he says, “but it doesn’t compare to the real thing.” He grabs your knees and forces you onto your back, “let’s see if that cunt’s as tight as I thought.” 
He rips your legs apart and you exclaim. He moves between your knees to keep them open and bends to shove his hand against your cunt. He slides a finger into you and you squeeze him. 
You latch onto his wrist as he tries to pull away. “Please, I get it. Please, please, please--” 
“No, baby, not yet,” he wrenches away from you and taps his watch again. 
You close your eyes and grip your stomach and skull. You shrivel up as another violent vibration shakes you. Tears prick as you bite down on your tongue. Fighting it is only making it worse. You try to give in but it’s not any better.  
It’s unbearable and yet you can’t make it stop. More torturous than the incessant push and pull is the futility of it all. It’s just another reminder that you’re nothing compared to Tony Stark. 
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mionemymind · 3 months
The Driver & The Witch
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Summary: Small moments of what it's like for Wanda and her F1 driver girlfriend.
A/n: For my favorite anon S!, Happy Birthday. I know you wished for incorrect quotes but I also wanted to give you this. I hope you enjoyed today's race and this past weekend. Much love! (Gif Credits to @overtake)
“Dekta, I need you to win this,” Wanda said as she strapped the HANS device to Y/n’s helmet. Everyone around them was busy making sure the car was ready for the race as Wanda and Y/n did their race ritual. 
The red head gave a small kiss at the lower side of the helmet, leaving an imprint of her lipstick on it for goodluck. “Do you understand me?” 
The sparkle in Y/n’s eye was hard to ignore as she nodded her head yes, feeling oh-so proud that she was able to even call Wanda her girlfriend. “Perfect, ‘cause if Max wins today, Tony will undeniably hold it over me for the rest of my life.” 
“Are you betting on today’s winner, babe?” Wanda acted coy as she looked off into the distance. “More like ensuring that Tony knows that my girlfriend is the best. Nothing more. Nothing less.” 
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“Jesus christ, are they seriously trying to give Ricciardo his seat?” Wanda was in the kitchen cutting up tomatoes as she prepared their dinner. “Are they trying to piss me off?”
Y/n laughed from behind as she slid her arms around Wanda’s waist. “You seem to be more pissed off about me possibly losing my seat than I am.” 
Wanda turned around with a deadly glare. “Does it look like I want to be an Aston Martin fan? Last thing I need is you embarrassing the CEO’s son.” 
Y/n smiled widely as she kissed Wanda’s cheek, hoping to calm her girlfriend down. “And if I were to go to Ferrari?”
“Red would look good on you and I, but a messed up strategy doesn’t.” Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle at Wanda’s comments. 
“You know I love you right?”
“Set up the table and maybe I will.” 
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“Why can’t I come over?” Charles whined as the two walked away. “It’s been ages since we hung out and I’m dying to play.” 
“Well my girlfriend kind of hates you.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders as she made sure no one was around to hear her comment. “Ever since you made me crash last year-”
“Oh come on! That wasn’t my fault.” 
“If you can tell that to my very powerful girlfriend, then sure, come over.” 
“....fine, I’ll just have to sneak in when she’s not around…”
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“Your girlfriend drives pretty fast.” Tony said as he popped a grape in his mouth. The Avengers were having their monthly check in and Tony was dying to talk to Wanda. 
“She does.” Wanda hadn’t looked up from her phone, not wanting to give attention to Tony at that moment. 
“Would she be interested in driving for a new team?”
“Depends on the team.”
“Stark Industries?” Wanda finally looked up from her phone. 
“...tell me more…”
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What if... too much time has passed?
Instead of running into her in 2007, Natasha doesn't see Katya again until 2018, when she and Yelena manage to break free from the Red Room's brainwashing. Katya isn't as eager to see Natasha again.
• Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC • Wordcount: 3.4k • Warnings: angst, mentions of unaliving (not detailed) •A/N: I'm calling all my AU stories the 'What if...' series. Very original, I know. This takes place in the BW movie. Masterlist
Do not repost my work as your own or translate my work!!
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Natasha felt anxious and tense as she followed Yelena around the Budapest apartment, staring at the intricate braids on the back of her sister's head as they argued over the mind control antidote she accidentally brought with her from Norway.
It was hard to process the last twenty-four hours. It felt like it had been a week. The car crash, the suited robot assassin, the glowing vials and the pictures slipped between them, and then standing face to face with her "sister", the one she thought had died years ago.
Mentally and physically, Natasha felt drained. Her body ached with muscle pains and bruises. But the tension in her body kept her sharp, on edge. Always. She had to be. 
This apartment brought her nothing but bad memories, chills running down her spine as she remembered the horrible minutes spent here with Clint. It had changed since then. So had she. Being on the run for two years, constantly hunted by the American government, had put a paranoia in her that she couldn't shake. And now it seemed she'd fallen into new danger. Whatever it was had Yelena rushing around to gather runaway supplies.
"Why don't you take it to one of your super-scientist friends? They can explain it to you," Yelena snapped impatiently after Natasha didn't understand her original explanation of the purpose of the antidote. "Tony Stark, maybe?"
Natasha legged after her through the long hallway. "Oh, yeah. We're not exactly talking right now, so…" She trailed off, hiding the pain and loneliness in her voice with a simple shrug. Instinctively, she glanced into the rooms they passed.
Yelena scoffed. "Great. Perfect timing. Where's an Avenger when you need one?" She said dryly, her Russian accent thick, but her sarcastic question fell onto deaf ears.
For Natasha, the world had stilled. She heard nothing but the ringing in her ears and the air flowing in and out of her lungs at a quickening pace.
She stood frozen in the doorway of the master bedroom, halfway down the hall. With a trembling hand, she had pushed the door open further, trying to make sense of what her sharp eyes had seen as she passed the half-open door. It had been only a glimpse, but that brief glimpse of the figure in the bed was enough to halt her dead in her tracks. 
Her head spun as she watched the sleeping woman on top of the covers, the edges of her vision flickering with her pounding heart. The woman lay curled up on her side, wearing jeans and shoes like she'd collapsed suddenly for a nap. Her long blonde hair—tied up into a messy ponytail—was fanned out over the pillow she gripped tightly, her toned arm muscles prominent in the black short sleeve that covered her upper body. A large scar ran along her arm.
Natasha felt disconnected from her mind. It didn't want to accept what her eyes saw correctly.
It couldn't be real. This couldn't be true.
Through the shock, she didn't want to believe it, but she'd never forget the curve of her lips, of her nose, the shape of her jaw and the most transparent blue eyes she'd ever seen, now covered by her twitching eyelids. 
It couldn't be. She was dead.
Memories of another life came flooding back. Memories she'd shoved into the deepest, darkest drawer in her mind and pretended didn't exist. Ones filled with torture, with hardship and pain. 
But also memories filled with light, with warmth and careful laughs, all centered around one golden-haired girl, like she'd been the sun in Natasha's difficult existence. Those were the ones flooding her brain now, nearly making her lips curve up into a smile despite her shock.
It couldn't be. But it was truly her. 
Katariina Petrova.
Looking back, she was Natasha's first and only love. Nobody had managed to make her feel emotions so intensely as Katya had, and they were only teenagers at the time, seventeen when Katya suddenly disappeared and Dreykov had told her the girl had died on a mission. 
Natasha genuinely thought about giving up then. A piece of herself died with Katya that day. The highest highs of her early life had been because of her, showing her warmth during the barren winter that lasted all year long in Russia.
Natasha nearly crumbled to the ground, swaying as she grasped the doorframe with one hand to keep herself upright. Then the questions started.
How? When? What? Who? 
The words tumbled over each other in her brain. Nothing made sense. For eighteen years—eighteen, which is longer than the time Natasha knew her—she believed Katariina was dead. Gone. That she had left Natasha to deal with this cruel world on her own.
But maybe she'd never been on her own, after all.
''Oh, yeah, turned out Katya wasn't dead like they told us.''
Natasha wanted to look at Yelena, who had stopped and watched her from a distance, but she was scared that if she looked away, Katariina—Katya—would disappear into thin air.
Swallowing to grease her dry throat, Natasha's voice came out in a pathetic croak. ''What is she doing here?''
''Long story, but she's seriously messed up.'' 
Now, that caught Natasha's attention. Reluctantly, she ripped her gaze away from the bed and turned it to a bit-too-casual Yelena, frowning. ''Messed up?''
Yelena tapped the side of her head. ''Something broke her.'' Natasha's heart clenched painfully. Katya was always the stronger one. Where Natasha felt insecure at times, was afraid, Katya never was. ''She was the one who freed me, but she was under mind control twice as long as any of us. You can try and wake her, but this is the first time she's slept in three days.''
That explains why the fight in the kitchen and living room didn't wake her up. Any good spy would have woken up right when Natasha opened the front door, but Katya slept through it all. She didn't even stir with a set of intense green eyes drilling into her.
But then the bedroom window flew open. It slammed against the wall with a gust of wind, throwing over multiple things in the room with loud commotion. 
Within the blink of an eye, Katya sat up in bed, the gun in her hand pointed at the noise. All the muscles in her body were tense, ready to shoot, reminding Natasha strongly of a panther ready to jump its prey. The adrenaline had flushed the sleep out of her system in seconds.
When she saw that it was just the window, Katya relaxed, lowering her gun. But then she caught sight of the two people in the doorway, and Natasha found herself in a spot she never expected to be; on the other side of Katya's gun barrel. 
Yelena lazily raised her hands. ''Hey, don't shoot the host.''
Natasha would have done the same, but she couldn't move a muscle. Her eyes had locked with Katya's, and she got sucked into those deep blues for the first time in nearly twenty years. They were nothing like she remembered. 
Twenty years ago, when they were still living in that hellhole, one glance at Katya's eyes would have been enough to calm her in any situation. They were always confident, in control, serene. They had saved Natasha in countless situations when they couldn't talk out loud or give each other physical comfort when she was so close to falling apart. 
But things had changed. Life had managed to affect Katya in a way Natasha never expected. Her once assuring eyes were now filled with panic and fear, and something irreplaceably broken. They flickered with anger when Katya finally recognized the woman in the doorway.
''Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you right now.''
Natasha was too flabbergasted and confused to enjoy hearing Katya's voice for the first time in so long. The harsh reality of her words clashed too brutally with her inner joy. She hadn't expected a warm reunion, but the hatred that came off her childhood friend was unexpected, to say the least.
Slowly, Katya moved off the bed, her gaze and gun never moving away from Natasha's frozen figure. She tried to hide it, but it took her great effort to move fluently, like a weakness had settled deep into her bones. Once her legs had to carry her weight, she stumbled backwards. 
In a reflex, Natasha shot forward to catch her, but Katya tightened the grip on her gun and scowled warningly, pushing herself upright with help of the bed. 
All the joy had faded from Natasha's body. Worry made her head spin as Yelena's earlier words bounced around in it. She's seriously messed up. The Katya she knew never stumbled. She could shoot six guys straight in the head while doing a pirouette on one foot.
Natasha would never know what words her own brain managed to find, because a loud explosion in the apartment whipped them all into action. 
~~Cue BW movie events~~
With a pounding heart, Natasha turned away from her limited view on the metro station below and settled into the rusty vents. Their escape from the half robot assassin had been a close call, with her nudging Yelena and Katya into a space she'd occupied with Clint years ago, but the assassin had followed their false trail into the basement, which gave them a moment of safety. For now.
She looked at Katya. The adrenaline must have kicked in while they were running for their lives, because she had managed to keep up in the way Natasha expected of her. Not a scratch on her. But she could feel the hostility. Katya snapped at her a few times in the heat of the moment, and even now, as Yelena formed a welcome barricade between them, Natasha saw her look everywhere but at her. 
The redhead clenched her jaw, exhausted and fed up. ''Okay, you need to tell me why you're mad at me, because I don't know what I did wrong.''
An annoyed frown creased Katya's brows. ''Forget about it," she said sharply.
''No, I don't want to forget about it," Natasha snapped, her anger boiling over. "I spent my whole life thinking you were dead! I mourned you! I thought about you on your birthday!''
An intense silence followed as her words settled in, Yelena awkwardly staring at the ceiling. She'd never admitted that to anyone. She'd never even told anyone about Katya. What they'd had was too special, too intimate to put into words. It belonged in her heart only.
''Or maybe you just wanted me dead.''
Natasha blinked, taken aback by that ridiculous accusation. The way Katya said it so calmly too, like she'd fully convinced herself and accepted that it was the truth. ''Why would you say that?''
Katya finally looked at her, squinting accusingly. ''What do you remember of that day? My last mission?''
''I don't know!" Natasha exclaimed helplessly. Her mind was in too many scrambles to correctly recall it, and she was tired of Katya twisting around the answer. "You left in a jet and you never came back, then Dreykov told everyone you died.''
Katya ignored the waver in Natasha's voice on the last word. ''I nearly did, because you never showed up. You were my backup, and you never came!'' she snarled.
Natasha gaped at her. ''I was–" She confidently shook her head. "No, I wasn't even on that mission.''
''Because of you, I was captured," Katya continued. "Spent years getting tortured by the KGB until they dropped me off on Dreykov's doorstep again. By then, you were gone. Escaped." Her dark chuckle stabbed Natasha right in her aching heart. Katya, tortured? Because of her? "Convenient, isn't it? Got rid of your competition.''
''I was never on that mission!" Natasha hissed quietly, realizing they were being too loud for three people hiding. "I don't know what lies they told you, but it sounds like you were sent into a trap.''
Katya looked away, clenching and unclenching her jaw. Natasha wanted her to believe her so badly, but she also knew that changing her mind didn't happen in one day. For twenty years, she thought Natasha had betrayed her that night. And now she was trapped in a vent with her worst enemy. ''Yeah, because I can trust your word on that. I've fallen for your lies before.''
''Nothing I ever told you was a lie! I loved you!''
The words echoed painfully in the vents, lingering in the silence that followed. A truth, spoken twenty years too late.
Heat clawed up Natasha's cheeks. She couldn't believe she admitted that. Right in front of Yelena too. But she couldn't care about that right now. She needed to reach Katya somehow, convince her. And if that meant pouring her heart out then so be it.
Katya didn't answer. She kept scowling at the wall, keeping her face perfectly unreadable and the look in her eyes hidden. 
Natasha wanted to cry and scream. This was not how she imagined seeing Katya again. Yes, even though she thought she was dead, she dreamed of this day in fleeting moments of weakness. After a heartbreaking mission that took a toll on her, or a really long day at HQ, when all she wanted was to be held by someone and disappear into their comfort.
It was faint at first—Natasha only noticed it because she was already looking at Katya;  Her body started to shake. It started in her hands and then slowly spread over her whole body. A tremble. Like a dog that had been outside for too long in the cold rain.
''You're shaking again," Yelena said bluntly.
''Yes, Yelena, I can see that," Katya bit back, tightening her arms around her legs to try and hide it. "It will wear off in a bit.''
Natasha frowned, her worry flaring up again. ''Why is it doing that?''
Yelena shrugged. ''It's a trauma response after an adrenaline rush, or something like that.''
''Yeah, jeez, why don't you tell her?'' Katya glared at her friend, trying to put up a tough front, but she was softly rocking back and forth as a self-soothing motion.
''Hey! I'm not the enemy here," Natasha snapped, unable to contain herself as her worry grew.
Katya rolled her eyes. ''Still haven't decided.''
''Where are your pills?" Yelena asked her.
"I ran out."
"Pills?" Natasha frowned, but the conversation carried on without her.
"We have to get you new ones then."
"I haven't exactly had time to steal some," Katya reminded Yelena.
"There's an apothecary on the next street over."
"Okay, why are we robbing an apothecary for drugs?" Natasha interrupted, annoyed with being left out. 
"To stop…that." Yelena waved her hand in Katya's general direction.
"It's just a temporary fix," Katya said, tiredness seeping into her every word. "Eventually they'll run out and I still won't be any better. Might as well take em all at once and be done with it."
"I won't be digging the hole. Too much work." Yelena said casually as she checked on the cut in her arm.
"Yeah, thanks," Katya responded dryly.
"No one is dying or killing themselves." Natasha said sternly, her heart pounding loudly at the thought of losing Katya again after just finding her. "We'll get your pills and get you help after all of this is over."
"Help?" Katya raised her eyebrow.
"Doctors, therapists."
Katya chuckled humorlessly, for the first time somewhat of a smile appearing on her lips. "A shrink? No thanks."
Natasha didn't take offense. She wasn't fond of therapists herself, but until her own dying breath, she would help prevent Katya taking hers prematurely. "I'm not giving up on you."
"You did before."
Instead of fighting her on the lie, Natasha shook her head. "And I'm not going to do it again."
"We'll see."
~~ 2 years later ~~
Natasha waited impatiently outside the therapist's office building, checking her watch every few seconds. She was driving herself wild with worst-case scenario thinking, but sending Katya in there could only result in two things: succes, or absolute failure. In the last case, Natasha would never be able to get Katya inside an office again. A lot depended on this appointment.
She swung her head around when she heard the door swing open, a brunette head popping out—Katya had dyed her hair shortly after the both of them had freed the jailed Avengers and everyone was granted a full pardon by the government. The two of them had been living in an apartment in New York City ever since.
"So?" Natasha asked impatiently when Katya walked up to her. Her face was, once again, hard to read.
Katya blew out a deep breath, tightening the belt of her long fake fur coat. "Fucking hell, they really don't hold back on the invasive questions."
The tension fell off her shoulders like a blanket as Natasha laughed, reaching for Katya's gloved hand. The brunette let her intertwine their fingers, a joyful glint in her blue eyes. "I knew you'd like it."
Katya playfully rolled her eyes, letting Natasha pull her away. "It's like being interrogated but without the fun part. Can't play mind games on the therapist."
"You can, but that would defeat the purpose." Natasha gave her hand a squeeze, beyond proud of her girlfriend for giving this therapist a chance. "It'll take some time before you feel more comfortable opening up to her."
Katya turned to look at her, something unreadable yet incredibly vulnerable on her face. "Mhm." She hummed, smiling softly.
Natasha eyed her suspiciously. "What?"
"What?" Natasha laughed.
Katya glanced down at the toes of her black heeled boots. Natasha was pleasantly surprised to see that Katya leaned more towards a Russian style of clothing when she bought casual civilian clothes for the first time. It suited her. Especially with the Russian accent she didn't bother getting rid of.
"I wouldn't be here without you," Katya said softly. "Thank you for not giving up on me."
Natasha's smile widened. These moments of vulnerability were still rare for Katya, who learned to give more of herself to her girlfriend every day. She didn't take any of them for granted. "I promised."
"Yeah, well, when you made that promise you weren't really in the right state of mind," Katya chuckled.
"You mean your sudden appearance threw my whole world upside down?" Natasha smirked.
"Something like that."
The bell above the door of the small café jingled when Natasha pushed it open, letting Katya step into the inviting warmth of the cozy space first. She did promise her chocolate cake after her session, and she wasn't about to forget that.
"Actually, I think everything was made right that day. We just…" she trailed off, glancing at their intertwined hands. Katya smiled, catching on to what her girlfriend wanted to say. Nothing had ever felt right. Nothing but this. Them, together. That's when everything felt right.
"We have twenty years of lost time to make up for," Katya noted playfully.
"Hmm, you're right. What else did we miss out on?"
"Chocolate cake. Imagine how much chocolate cake I could have eaten if I wasn't enslaved by an evil organization who used me as a puppet." Katya grinned, turning to Natasha when she stayed silent, her eyebrows raised. "Too soon?"
The redhead shook her head with a light laugh. "Yes, but I got the hint." She stepped up to the barista behind the counter, whose eyes grew two twice as big at the sight of an Avenger. "Three pieces of chocolate cake, please."
"Three? You know how to spoil a woman," Katya mused, wrapping her arm around Natasha's waist when she had to let her hand go to grab her wallet.
"They're all for me actually," Natasha smirked as she grabbed a twenty, Katya watching along over her shoulder.
"Is that a picture of me?"
Natasha's heart skipped a beat. "What? No," she scoffed, quickly closing her wallet. But Katya snatched it out of her hands and opened it, her face lighting up at the small polaroid of herself, stuck in the transparent compartment of Natasha's wallet.
"Aww, it is! You have a picture of me in your wallet!"
Natasha snatched it back just as quickly as it was stolen from her, her ears burning. "Give that back. Before I cut off your fingers and put those in my wallet instead."
Katya laughed, resting her chin on Natasha's shoulder. "Empty threats."
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lives-in-midgard · 6 days
Wildest Dreams
(Musician AU Part 1)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: When you and your friend are spending time in a bar, you meet Steve Rogers which leads to an incredible and life changing offer.
Word Count: 1250
A/N: Hey! I'm so excited to share the first part of Bucky's musician AU with you. I hope you like it!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Masterlist | Musician AU
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Almost everyone knows the famous band ‘The Midnight Rockers’. Founded in high school by Steve Rogers with his friends Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and Clint Barton. At first, only a few people who attended their small gigs or who knew their YouTube videos listened to them. Until they were one day found by the music producer and manager Tony Stark. Now they are one of the most famous bands from all around the word.
Even though they have a lot of fans, there are still people who don’t know them or who hate their music. You’re one of those people who knows their songs, but you’ve never really been a big fan or followed their carrier.
Until one special day.
But to get to this day, the band had to go through a big change.
It all started when they went on tour earlier this year. Clint began to distance himself from the others and after three months he suddenly told the others that he wants to leave the band. Steve, Sam and Bucky were so confused and tried to talk to Clint, but his decision was final. The manager of the band was very angry, especially because it was during their tour. He decided that it would be the best to put the tour on hold until everything was sorted out.
So the band went back to New York, even though they would rather be on tour. It broke their hearts to upset their fans like that, but they hope to continue the tour soon. Steve suggested that the band could just stay with the three of them, but Tony insisted on finding a new band member.
It’s been two months since Clint left the band and they still haven’t found a new band member. It’s harder than Tony thought and it takes a lot of effort to find someone who fits into the band.
It was on a Saturday night when you and your best friend Kate decided to go to Romanoff’s bar. You enjoyed your time there and after a while Kate thought it would be fun to sing karaoke. You couldn’t resist, especially because you love to sing. Music has always been something very important in your life. It has always been one of your wildest dreams to be a singer and songwriter one day. You sang one of your favorite songs and had a lot of fun.
When you sat down at your table, you noticed a cute looking guy with blonde hair looking at you from across the room. He seemed somewhat familiar, but you didn’t know who it was. Suddenly he stood up from his chair and walked towards you.
“Omg, that’s Steve Rogers.” Kate said excited.
“You know him?” You asked not sure who he was.
“You’re joking, right?” She asked and you shook your head.
“This is Steve Rogers from the band ‘The Midnight Rockers’.” She explained and you finally knew where you must have seen him before.
“Hey ladies.” Steve said when he stood in front of your table.
“I heard you sing and think that you have a really special voice. You probably know that my band is looking for a new band member, and I think you have the perfect voice for the band.”
“Really?” You asked, not sure if this was some kind of joke or if he was really serious.
“Yeah, definitely. I would like to invite you to a band rehearsal.”
“Wow, I…I don’t know what to say.”
“Just say yes.” Kate whispered next to you and Steve chuckled.
“You don’t have to decide now. I’ll give you my phone number so you can call me when you have thought about it.”
“Okay, that’s a good idea.” You said and handed him your phone so he could type his number in. When Steve was finished, he handed it back to you and you saved his name to your contacts. Then you said goodbye to each other and when he left, you couldn’t believe what just happened. Being a singer has always been your dream and now you’re one step closer to making your dream come true.
You thought about it for a few days and even though you weren’t sure if you should be in this band, especially if you would even fit in, you decided to call Steve and told him that you would like to meet the others. The thought of living your dream as a singer gave you butterflies, and you had to at least try it.
The day came, and you drove to the location Steve told you. You were nervous and a bit scared. Would the other band members even like you? What if you would embarrass yourself because of your nervousness? Those were the main thoughts running through your mind, but they all faded away when you parked your car there and took a deep breath.
When you knocked on the door, Steve opened it with a big smile and greeted you with a hug.
“You don’t have to be nervous.” Steve said because he probably noticed how you were feeling. He led you further into the room where two other guys were. One was sitting at the drums and the other one had a guitar.
“Guys, that’s y/n.” Steve said, and they both looked at you.
“Y/n, this is Sam and Bucky.” He said, pointing at them. When you saw Bucky, you froze.
“You?” You both said at the same time.
This is your upstairs neighbor, Bucky Barnes.
The neighbor who once played his guitar so loud in the middle of the night that you had to knock on his door and asked him to be quiet.
Then he promised you not to play at night anymore.
Bucky started playing in the afternoon, and you listened to him from your balcony.
This was the highlight of your day until one day he suddenly disappeared.
You missed hearing him sing and seeing him on the hallway.
Now he’s back, and it turns out he is in the band ‘The Midnight Rockers’.
“You know each other?” Steve asked and Bucky nodded with a slight smile.
You talked with them for a while and told them that you still weren’t sure if you fit into the band. After a while they decided to try to sing a song with you. Before it was your part to sing, you looked over to Bucky who was playing the guitar. When he noticed that you were looking at him, he gave you a comforting smile. When you began to sing his smile got bigger.
“Wow, your voice is really special.” Bucky said and you began to blush.
“And it fits good with ours.” Sam said and Steve nodded.
“So, what do you say…would you like to be in our band?” Steve asked and you hesitated for a second before saying yes.
“Okay, that’s great, then we call our manager.” You stayed for a few more minutes before you decided to leave. When you went outside you smiled and were really happy to be in the band and you’re curious to see what’s going to happen next.
“Are you sure she’s the right person for the band?” You suddenly heard Bucky ask, but you couldn’t really understand what Steve or Sam were saying.
Why did he ask that? You thought he would like to have you in the band? Just like Steve and Sam? But looks like he doesn’t want you in the band.
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thefallenangelsgang · 1 month
I'm losing my fucking mind
Or: I just saw Lord of the Rings the Musical at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater and my brain chemistry has irreversibly changed
I'm too genuinely scrambled at the moment from travel to make a solid post (I am multiple states away from Illinois and I hate city driving) but I cannot shake the life-changing experience that was.
(Spoiler free tldr: story is changed sometimes severely to make a sub-3hr runtime or to simplify, but the message doesn't get completely lost. Tolkien fan approved)
First issue I can see everyone having is how much the story changes because it does change a lot. Rohan and Gondor being merged is probably the most glaring. I think it works because the show is more focused on the Hobbits (specifically Frodo and Sam). Personally I can look past it. My one issue is the missing Sam monologues (mount doom is a rather swift sequence, I'd have liked to see Sam give his devotion speech and his speech about the shire while waiting to die) those would have made insane songs but alas. The ending still was a gut punch though so it's more a personal preference thing.
First thing that blew me away was the technical aspect. The lighting and set design was GORGEOUS and EVOCATIVE. There were multiple times lighting alone drew me to tears.
The puppetry is immaculate. The nazgul chase is singularly some of the most beautiful choreo I've seen and I'm a slut for puppetry
The cast play all of the instruments live on stage, sometimes while doing choreography (nothing will prepare you to see Legolas holding a fucking trumpet or Boromir strapped into a goddamn accordion)
The costuming is more accurate to the original editions' illustrations which I found endlessly charming. One difference is, for safety (probably OSHA), all the hobbits (and Gollum) wear Sandals. This is never discussed. I love that.
(I am not joking about this. Somehow he has mastered Andy's physicality and voice work. It truly was a sight to behold.)
Saruman/Elrond's actor (dressed as a hobbit) was hanging out in our section during preshow and was having a grand old time.
Bilbo and Frodo were in the main audience bothering people. Frodo was playing a stick and ring game and got absolutely shown up by some 10 year old he invited to play.
The Entmoot took literally 2 minutes (the way I had to stop from HOWLING at that)
I was SOBBING at the end, like actually.
Somehow this production managed to keenly make me feel the ending of Frodo leaving for the Grey Havens more than the movies did. The Irony of Frodo leaving being both a hopeful prayer that there is a place where people bound with trauma and wounds too deep to heal can live in peace without pain and also a grim acceptance that sometimes people cannot recover was STARK
Frodo and Sam really push the narrative of this show up until the end and it hits HARD. God bless this cast with steady work, they all deserve it.
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tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
WinterIron Fic Recs
NarutoRox: “It’s the Little Things in Life” (Bucky/Tony) • Though Barnes had been living in the tower for almost six months now, things between him and Tony were still a bit awkward. Which is why Tony is a tad confused when Barnes starts leaving him strange little gifts.
Tahlruil: “What Has Been Done” (Bucky/Tony) Bucky has lived with the Avengers for a while now, and he's mostly settled in. During the process, he fell for Tony Stark - hard - but he can't quite bring himself to admit it to the brilliant engineer. So he just does what he can to take care of and protect him, hoping that maybe the other man will fall just as hard for him... and be the one to take their relationship to the next level. In the meantime, he's noticed that there's one member of the team that Tony seems afraid of, and he is definitely not pleased by the notion. Once he finds out what Wanda did to cause that fear, she might wish she'd never left Hydra.
Withered: “Fresh out the freezer” (Bucky/Tony) • Listen; he’s not a total asshole. Tony figures that the guy whose brain has been scrambled since the forties might have some tender sensibilities and he tones down a lot out of respect for that. It’s sweet. But ultimately unnecessary when all Bucky’s been thinking about is bending Tony over the nearest table.
Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar): “Grown Ass Man” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony Stark looks self-conscious, and it takes Bucky a stupid amount of time to figure out that’s even what he’s seeing on the guy’s face, because he’s never seen it there before. “Sorry, shoulda knocked.” Which, yeah, he should have, but he was used to rolling into the workshop whenever he felt like it. He certainly hadn’t expected to find a shirtless Tony Stark in the process of doing something with the arc reactor. And sure, he’s staring, has been staring this whole time, right from the moment he’d walked in, because this is the first he’s actually seeing the arc reactor.
Potrix: “Paths Are Made by Walking” (Bucky/Tony) • The road to recovery is long, winding and a different one for every person walking it. Bucky chooses to help himself the only way he knows how; by doing what he does best. Or, alternatively; the one in which Tony is a mess and accidentally kick-starts Bucky’s protective mother hen instincts.
Potrix: “Flirting (with danger)” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony stares at the man shackled to the wall for a long, unblinking moment. “You’re supposed to be dead.” The man raises an unimpressed eyebrow back at him. “Right back at ya, pal.”
RayShippouUchiha: “The Great Awakening (To Hold Infinity)” (Bucky/Tony) • Constellations wheel around in Tony’s mind at night, illuminating his sleep with the beauty of a supernova, the terrible gaping hunger of black holes, the whimpering cry of a nebula as it births new stars into creation. All of Space laid out for him to marvel at. Tony learns and learns and learns and then he creeps downstairs and babbles relentlessly to his first and only friend. All the while the Cube hums, just a bit smug, just a bit loving, and shows him more.
Monyas: “Bad Scoping Mechanisms Series” (Bucky/Tony) (part of a series - there's 2 more fics here) Like, the general public hates Tony Stark for having been a weapons manufacturer but actually he was pretty popular while he was still in the weapons industry so one wonders, who would have been a fan of Stark Industries before Afghanistan? Military, alphabet agencies, private security, hitmen and assassins? …Hydra assassins? -In which the Winter Soldier, aka Bucky Barnes, is an avid fan of Tony Stark for reasons.-
Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar): “Sometimes Life Happens” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony hadn’t necessarily been looking for further proof of his maladjusted—one might even argue self-destructive—approach to problems, but sometimes life happened, and you didn’t have any choice but to take a long, hard look at yourself. Sometimes, you’re sitting in your car, staring into your recently emptied coffee cup, contemplating whether or not you really want to do this whole “leading a responsible life” thing anymore, and a guy with a gun slides into your passenger seat. Sometimes, that’s just the way your Monday goes.
Ceealaina: “He's Got a Secret” (Bucky/Tony) • Tony snorted. “Are you planning to rent out the Met? I mean, I’m not saying no, the look on his face would be hilarious. But otherwise, I think we can probably make whatever you want to do work with less lead time. We’ve got almost eight months, and I am very, very rich.” Bucky stopped rubbing Tony’s shoulder, ignoring his faint noise of protest. “Eight months?” he repeated. “What are you talking about?” Tony frowned at him. “It’s November.” “Yeah.” “Steve’s birthday is in July.” “Steve’s birthday is when now?” Based on that tumblr post about Steve's birthday not ACTUALLY being July 4, and Steve being in too deep to tell the truth.
RiotFalling: “When is a bed not a bed? (When you’re not in it)” (Bucky/Tony) There’s a tiny safe house, with one tiny window and one tiny couch. And one tiny little bed.
RiotFalling: “Melt into Me (Your Words Are My Own)” (Bucky/Tony) • Bucky has a new strategy for getting Tony to take proper human care of himself. Tony has never been so well fed, hydrated, thoroughly rested, and confused in all his life.  That doesn’t mean he wants it to stop, and it’s amazing how many boring adult things Bucky can get him to do just by patting his head and calling him ‘good boy’. Right up until Tony possibly ruins everything.
RiotFalling: “Hey Tony” (Bucky/Tony) • Steve points out that Bucky never calls Tony by his actual name. Bucky doesn’t believe him, until he does.
RiotFalling: “Show Tunes and Extra Sauce” (Bucky/Tony) • So maybe three years in Bucky is completely in love, and this might be his first bodyguard gig but he's pretty sure that's breaking Rule One. It's definitely one of the top five rules, at the very least. He can't even be surprised with himself either, not when it's Tony. Bucky’s job is basically to hang out with his crush all the time, and sure sometimes he gets shot or stabbed or has to physically drag Tony out of his lab when he starts sleep-deprived-rambling about building some piece of tech from a scifi movie, but most days Bucky doesn't have a single thing to complain about. And then there's Valentine's Day.
InTheShadows: “Nothing More Deceptive” (Bucky/Tony) • When Tony enters the kitchen he is focused on one thing and one thing only - coffee. What he isn't expecting is Barnes to already be in there. What he really isn't expecting is a sassy, verbal Barnes. The man hasn't said a word since he entered the Tower as far as Tony knows. And what he most certainly isn't expecting if for it to become a tradition of late night meetings, flirting and fun that seems to be headed for something more. Right? (What if it's all in Tony's head after all?)
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youngsadlesbian · 3 months
REPUTATION — wanda maximoff.
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
summary: taylor swift is your favorite singer, and wanda finds that adorable, even if sometimes you're a bit too much of a fan.
a/n: as my old friend hannah montana used to say: this is the best of both worlds. even though it's super random, i've wanted to write a swiftie!reader x wanda for a while. i hope you like it.
word count: 1,2k
warnings: swiftie reader, that explains a lot.
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The day you and Wanda Maximoff started dating was one of the happiest days of your life. Wanda was everything you could ever want in a partner—strong, kind, intelligent, and incredibly beautiful. But there was one thing she discovered about you early on that she found both endearing and endlessly amusing: you were a die-hard Taylor Swift fan.
Your love for Taylor Swift wasn't just casual admiration. No, it was an all-consuming, heart-thumping, lyric-screaming, poster-hanging, album-collecting kind of fandom. The kind that made you want to burst into song at random moments, quote lyrics in everyday conversations, and plan your life around album releases and concert dates.
Wanda found it adorable. The other Avengers, however, found it hilarious.
"You're dating a Swiftie?" Tony Stark teased Wanda during one of the team's downtime sessions. "Isn't that like dating a walking, talking mixtape of heartbreak and revenge anthems?"
Wanda just laughed, shaking her head. "You have no idea, Tony."
When Taylor Swift's social media went dark, the world of Swifties plunged into chaos. Rumors flew around the internet, and fan theories grew wilder by the day. You were no exception to the frenzy. You analyzed every move, every clue, trying to decipher what Taylor was up to.
"Wanda, look at this!" you exclaimed one evening, shoving your phone in her face. "She posted three black squares on Instagram! What does it mean?"
Wanda chuckled and pulled you into her lap, wrapping her arms around you. "Maybe she's just taking a break?"
"No," you shook your head vehemently. "Taylor never does anything without a reason. This has to be leading up to something big."
As the days turned into weeks, your anticipation grew. Wanda patiently listened to every theory you had, from secret collaborations to hidden messages in old music videos. The Avengers, on the other hand, were amused by your relentless enthusiasm.
"What's the latest conspiracy theory?" Natasha asked one morning over breakfast.
"She's totally dropping a new album," you declared confidently. "It's going to be dark and edgy. I can feel it."
Months went by, and Taylor remained silent. It was torture for you. You spent countless hours on fan forums, discussing and dissecting every little detail. Wanda often found you hunched over your laptop, deep in conversation with other Swifties.
One day, you received the news you had been dreading: Taylor Swift had disappeared from the public eye completely. No more paparazzi sightings, no social media updates, nothing.
You were devastated. Wanda held you as you cried, whispering soothing words into your ear. "She'll be back, love. Just you wait."
"Why does this hurt so much?" you sobbed. "She's just an artist, right?"
Wanda kissed your forehead. "She's more than that to you. She's been a part of your life for so long. It's okay to feel this way."
It felt like an eternity, but one fateful day, Taylor Swift reemerged with a vengeance. She announced her new album, Reputation, and you were over the moon. You couldn't contain your excitement, bouncing around the room and squealing with joy.
"Wanda, she's back! She's back!" you screamed, nearly tripping over yourself in your enthusiasm.
Wanda laughed, catching you before you fell. "I told you she'd come back. What's the album called?"
"Reputation," you said breathlessly. "It sounds so fierce!"
You immediately pre-ordered the album, marking the release date on every calendar you owned. You even set reminders on your phone to ensure you didn't miss a single update.
The night Reputation was released, you transformed your living room into a Taylor Swift shrine. Posters adorned the walls, fairy lights twinkled, and snacks were meticulously arranged. Wanda helped you set up, though she couldn't stop chuckling at your elaborate preparations.
"This is serious business, Wanda," you said, pointing a finger at her. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime event."
"I can see that," she replied, grinning. "Are we ready?"
"Almost!" you said, pulling out your Taylor Swift-themed pajamas. "Now we're ready."
As the clock struck midnight, you pressed play on the first track. The opening notes of "...Ready For It?" filled the room, and you were instantly hooked. You danced around the living room, singing along at the top of your lungs. Wanda watched with a fond smile, joining in on the chorus.
By the time the album reached "Look What You Made Me Do," you were in full fangirl mode. You grabbed a hairbrush, using it as a makeshift microphone, and performed an impromptu dance routine. Wanda couldn't stop laughing, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
"You're incredible," she said, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.
"And you're amazing for putting up with me," you replied, pulling her into a hug.
The next day, you couldn't wait to share your excitement with the rest of the Avengers. You burst into the common room, blasting Reputation from your phone.
"Guys, you have to listen to this!" you shouted, earning amused looks from your teammates.
Tony rolled his eyes. "Oh great, more Taylor Swift. Just what we needed."
But as the songs played, even the most skeptical Avengers found themselves tapping their feet and nodding along. Natasha smirked. "I have to admit, it's pretty catchy."
Clint grinned. "I think we found our new workout playlist."
Steve, ever the gentleman, smiled at you. "I'm glad you're happy."
Wanda squeezed your hand, beaming with pride. "Told you they'd come around."
A few weeks later, Taylor Swift announced her Reputation stadium tour, and you lost your mind. You immediately began planning how to secure tickets, setting multiple alarms and enlisting Wanda's help.
The morning of the ticket sale, you were a bundle of nerves. "What if we don't get tickets? What if the site crashes?"
Wanda placed a calming hand on your shoulder. "We'll get them. Just breathe."
When the clock struck 10 AM, you and Wanda refreshed the ticketing site furiously. Minutes felt like hours, but finally, you managed to secure two tickets. You screamed in triumph, hugging Wanda tightly.
"We did it! We're going to see Taylor Swift!" you exclaimed.
Wanda laughed, twirling you around. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
The night of the concert, you and Wanda donned your best Swiftie gear and headed to the stadium. The atmosphere was electric, with thousands of fans buzzing with anticipation.
As Taylor took the stage, you felt a rush of emotions. The opening chords of "…Ready For It?" filled the air, and you screamed along with the crowd. Wanda held your hand, her smile mirroring your own.
Throughout the concert, you danced, sang, and cried. Each song was a journey, and you cherished every moment. Wanda captured it all on her phone, knowing how much these memories meant to you.
When Taylor performed "New Year's Day," a soft, emotional ballad, you turned to Wanda with tears in your eyes. "Thank you for being here with me."
Wanda squeezed your hand. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."
The days following the concert were a blur of happiness. You couldn't stop talking about the experience, reliving every song and moment. The Avengers, used to your Taylor Swift obsession by now, indulged you with patient smiles.
Wanda loved seeing you so happy. She often played Reputation in the background while you cooked dinner together or snuggled on the couch. It became your soundtrack, a reminder of the incredible night you shared.
One evening, as "Delicate" played softly, Wanda pulled you into a slow dance in the living room. You rested your head on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her embrace.
"I love you," you whispered.
"I love you too," Wanda replied, kissing your forehead. "More than you'll ever know."
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Jealous Student
Wanda Maximoff x Nerd!Reader (High School AU)
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You’ve been dating popular girl and magic user Wanda Maximoff for close to a few months at this point.
Honestly you’ve been on cloud nine. You and Wanda knew everything about one another already thanks to your strong friendship. Everyone in Wanda’s friend circle approved of you.
It didn’t matter to Wanda that you were a nerd, you were her nerd.
Everything was going well or so you thought. It was around this time that a foreign exchange student came in. His name was Vision Jarvis, a proper British chap.
It didn’t take long, literally five minutes of walking on to campus to make a beeline for your girlfriend.
“Excuse me, miss?” The proper British accent showing, “can you tell me where I can locate Mr Fury’s class?”
“Yes that’s Y/N and mine’s class” she explains, gesturing to you.
“Perfect. I’m Vision.” He shakes her hand and kisses her knuckles.
“Wanda” she gives a smile.
“And I’m Y/N” you give him a handshake, trying not to show the jealousy brewing in your very soul.
Wanda gives your hand a gentle squeeze as the two of you guide Vision to your class.
Vision quickly starting hanging out with you and Wanda. He quickly gained the affection of all your friends.
“Watch out, Hufflepuff” Tony Stark warns you within the week.
“Proper British dude? The accent?” He explains, “no girl can resist any accent.”
“I take it you used an accent when you asked out Pepper?”
“Didn’t fool her at all but I did make her laugh” he smirks.
Vision was seeming awful chummy with Wanda. He was a fan of Dick Van Dyke and Florence and the Machine.
Somehow you felt that you were starting to become the third wheel.
You approach Wanda during lunch, handmade lunches in tow. “Hey Wanda, I was wondering if you wanted to continue our Harry Potter marathon tonight”
“Harry Potter?” Vision chimes, “i love the Wizarding World!”
“Uhh…Vision was wondering if he could tag along.” Wanda looks at you uneasy.
“Oh” you find your voice brimming with sadness, “well…uhh…”
Vision interrupts, “Wanda I was inquiring if you and Y/N would like to join me for tea later”
“Well Vis the thing is-“ Wanda tries to say. But it was too late you walked away, a few tears making their way down your cheek.
“Detka?!” Wanda calls out to you before chasing after you.
“You seem awful chummy with him” you state, trying to keep from being heard by anyone else but her.
“Vis? Well he’s new.” Wanda tries to explain.
“It’s the accent right?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“You like him. You like Vision more than me” you finally blurt out.
“No I don’t.” Wanda looks at you so confused.
“Does he even know we’re dating? No one is ever that chummy with someone unless they’re into you”
“Y/N will you just listen?” Wanda takes your face in her hands, “Detka you’re the one I love.”
Vision walks up to you and Wanda, “I apologize for interrupting, but Vivian invited me out for coffee.”
“Vivian?” You ask.
“Yes. She is quite lovely. Thank you both so much for being my friends recently.” Vision finishes, “I hope I haven’t caused any strife. By the way you make such a lovely couple”
“T-thank you” you shake his hand as he walks over to a young girl.
Wanda looks to you, a little cocked eyebrow, “was my detka jealous?”
“Maybe.” You whisper. “It’s just that you’re so amazing and I’m so…bland”
“No you’re not.” Wanda giggles pulling you into a hug. “You are just right…for me.”
“So do you wanna have a Harry Potter marathon, my Slytherin?”
“With only you, my Hufflepuff” Wanda gives you a kiss on the nose.
You turn to go to class but Wanda stops you. She pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “I think we can afford to play hooky at least once in our lives.”
The two of you quickly run out of Avengers High. Tony simply smirks, being the only person to see the two of you leaving.
One day out on the town won’t kill your grades. But one life without Wanda would be unbearable.
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