#tony was talking about him being spiderman
killianthebee · 8 months
I feel like Peter would write fanfiction. Specifically fanfiction of the Avengers. It's not a big deal, he sometimes sees them on patrol but they don't talk.
Or at least it wasn't a big deal till he got a Stark Industries internship working directly for Mr. Stark. Then he gets close to Mr. Stark. And then he's introduced to the Avengers.
Then one day Mr. Stark stops him and says he knows Peters secret...
And Peter blurts out his secret of writing Avengers fanfiction...
It's not the secret Mr. Stark was talking about.
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enobariasteeth · 1 year
not enough people talking about Miguel calling MCU Peter Parker ‘that little nerd from earth 19999’
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
I Can See You
pairing: Peter Parker x Happy’s daughter!reader
synopsis: You can see Peter being your addiction and Peter can see you as a secret mission
real synopsis: Happy forbids you and Peter from dating, which only makes you want to do it more
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“Hey.” You nodded at Peter as you wandered into his room. The hair on Peters neck stood up on high alert now that a stranger was in his bedroom. He shut his laptop and swiveled in his desk chair to follow what you were doing. He watched you walk over to his Lego shelf as if you’d been in his room a hundred times and admired his Lego titanic.
“Um, hello. Can I help you?” Peter asked.
“Did you build this?” You asked in reply.
“Oh, yeah. I did. It took me almost a full month.”
“Wow. It’s huge.” You said and gently ran your hand along the side of it.
“I know. It’s kinda cramped in here, though. I want to display it in the living room.” Peter told you. His tingle was telling him you weren’t a threat so now he just saw you as a pretty girl who had wandered into his room.
“You totally should display this thing. It’s awesome. What’s stopping you?” You wondered.
“The family pictures in the way.” Peter laughed dryly.
“Psh. Who needs those?” You joked, making him smile.
“Not me.” Peter played along. “But my aunt might be just a little upset if I replaced photos of her dead brother and dead husband with my Lego titanic.”
“That’s nothing. My dad replaced my high school graduation picture with a photo of his dead best friend eating a cheeseburger. It’s not even a good picture. It’s blurry and my dads pinky is in the frame.”
“Damn, your graduation picture? That’s next level. Either he really loved his best friend or it was a really good cheeseburger.”
“Probably both.” You shrugged. “Uncle Tony knew all the best cheeseburger spots in Queens.”
“Wait, Tony? Like Tony Stark?” Peter asked and stood up from his desk chair.
“Yeah, Tony Stark. Oh, that’s right. I forgot you knew him.” You said and tapped the side of your head.
“Your dads best friend.” Peter said to himself. “Wait a second. Are you…”
“Y/n Hogan. Your aunt invited my dad and I over for dinner.” You said and you held your hand out.
“Wait, you’re Happy’s daughter? But you’re so pretty.” Peter said in disbelief as he shook your hand.
“What?” You laughed.
“I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. Your dad is a very beautiful man. I can see the resemblance.” Peter quickly followed up.
“Seeing the resemblance is impressive considering I was adopted.” You laughed again and continued looking around his room. You saw his Spiderman suit hanging in the closet and touched it with a fond smile on your face.
“Oh God. Can we start over? I feel like I failed at this conversation.”
“You didn’t. I actually think you’re doing a pretty good job talking to me considering the deep lore that runs between us and our mutual acquaintances.” You assured him.
“Oh.” He blushed. “Thanks.”
“No problem. So did this thing come with a Lego iceberg?” You asked and pointed to the Lego titanic.
“No. That would’ve been perfect. But unfortunately, Lego didn’t have a dark sense of humor.”
“But I do. Do you have any blue legos?” You asked with a devious smile.
“Yeah. What are you thinking?”
A few minutes later, you and Peter were sitting on his bedroom floor with his Lego bin between you. You led the conversation, much to Peters delight, as you added onto each others creations. Even though Peter was usually shy and awkward around strangers, he found it very easy to talk to you. Maybe it was because you were already apart of his secret world and he didn’t have to lie about anything, or maybe it was just because you got along. Whatever it was, Peter really enjoyed talking to you. You felt more like an old friend rather then a stranger. Happy came into the room after a little while and was surprised to see you already in there.
“Oh, there you are. I was looking for you. But I see you found Peter.” Happy said and gave Peter a stern look.
“You never told me you had a daughter.” Peter playfully scolded him to keep the mood light.
“That’s because I don’t disclose any personal information to teenagers in spandex.” Happy said curtly.
“Dad. Be nice.” You whispered harshly.
“What are you guys doing in here anyway?” Happy asked as he folded his arms.
“Making a Lego iceberg for Peters Lego titanic.” You explained and held up what you had built so far.
“Interesting, interesting. Peter, can I talk to you for a second?” Happy said through a fake smile.
“Yeah. Sure. Be right back.” He told you before getting up to follow Happy into the hallway.
“What’s up?” Peter asked kindly.
“Don’t even think about it.” Happy said immediately.
“Huh? Don’t think about what?”
“My daughter. Don’t even let it cross your mind. Because if it crosses your mind, I’ll know about it. And if I know about it, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Wait, you think I’m trying to date your daughter? I just met her. Relax.” Peter laughed.
“No, I won’t relax. I don’t ever want to see my daughter in your bedroom, okay? That’s gross. I don’t want you getting your horny little nerd germs on her.”
“We were just playing with legos.” Peter pointed out.
“That’s always how it starts.” Happy wagged his finger. “I know your type. You lure girls in with your boyish charm because they think you’re safe.”
“I am safe, Happy.” Peter insisted. “You know me. You know I’d never break her heart.”
“I know you won’t. Because you won’t get the chance.”
“I’m sorry, but why is it okay for you to date my aunt but not for me to date your daughter?” Peter asked and folded his arms.
“Oh, so it has crossed your mind? I knew you were thinking about dating my daughter.” Happy pointed accusingly at him. “I knew it the second I walked into your room. You’re thinking about her right now, aren’t you? Well stop. My daughter is not allowed in your head, okay? Ever. Get her out.”
“I wasn’t thinking about dating her until you put the idea into my head. But I kinda want to do it now.” Peter laughed in amusement and looked back at his room where you were.
“Don’t you even dare.” Happy whispered and took a step closer to him.
“Or what? What’ll you do?” Peter challenged him. He didn’t even care that much about it, he just wanted to antagonize Happy for his own amusement.
“Kill you.” Happy stated like it was obvious. “Like I said.”
“What if she likes me? Huh?” Peter smirked. “You can’t tell her not to date me. That’ll just drive her straight into my arms.”
“That’s not gonna be a problem because she’ll never like you. She’s too smart.”
“I’m a good guy, Happy. Tony knew that. Wouldn’t you rather her date a nice, responsible guy that you’ve known for years over some random stranger whose intentions might be impure?”
“She can date a guy I know.” Happy shrugged. “Just not you.”
“We’ll see.” Peter shrugged as well.
“What? What does that mean? We’ll see? We’re not gonna see anything because you’re not dating my daughter.” Happy declared.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” Peter shrugged again.
“No, you definitely won’t.”
“How are you gonna stop it?” Peter asked him.
“With a gun.” Happy replied. “That I use to kill you. To death.”
“I don’t think your daughter would appreciate you killing her future boyfriend.” Peter said innocently.
“You’re not her future boyfriend. You’re not her future anything. But you’re a future dead person if you keep this up.”
“Relax, Happy. I’m just messing with you. I’m not gonna date your daughter.” Peter laughed and patted Happy’s shoulder. Just then, you came out of Peters room with the Lego iceberg you had built.
“I’m gonna help May in the kitchen. Maybe I’ll accidentally knock down a few family pictures while I’m in there.” You said and winked at Peter.
“Why would you do that?” Happy asked you.
“Peter gets it.” You smiled coyly before disappearing down the hall and into the kitchen. Peter watched you walk away and felt something blossoming in his chest. That simple moment of sweet understanding between you was all he needed to fall head over heels for you.
“Happy?” Peter said without taking his eyes off where you had just been standing.
“Yeah?” Happy replied. Peter turned to face him, put his hand on Happy’s shoulder, and smiled sympathetically.
“I’m gonna date your daughter.”
Before Happy could respond, May called everyone in for dinner. Peter and Happy exchanged a look before throwing on smiles so that you and May wouldn’t suspect anything. Happy sat across from Peter with you sitting beside him, meaning that every time Peter looked at you, he got a kick under the table from Happy. Similarly, anytime you tried to ask Peter a question or start a conversation with him, Happy cut you off. Peter tried to do the same with you but was always met with a death glare from Happy. The incredibly silent and awkward dinner ended all too soon and Happy could not have taken you out of Peters apartment fast enough. You waved to Peter as Happy pulled you out the door but there was no time for an exchanging of words. What a beautiful wedding jk jk iykyk.
Peter was fully prepared to let his little crush on you go away on its own without any intention of acting on it. He knew it was a bad idea anyway to get involved with the daughter of the head of security, but that didn’t stop him from thinking about you from time to time.
“Hey Happy. I just wanted to report that I found a lost dog today. But then it ran away again after I returned to to the owner. I’m starting to think it wanted to be lost. Maybe he met a bunch of stray dogs and felt more at home with them on the streets than he ever did in his owner’s apartment. What do you think?” Peter asked over FaceTime as he gave Happy his daily report from patrolling the neighborhood.
“Kid, I don’t care. I never have. You don’t need to keep calling me with random updates of what you do on patrol.” Happy told him. In the background of Happy’s video, Peter could see you walking into the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around yourself and your wet hair hanging around your face. He perked up and felt his face heat up at the sight of you.
“Is that Peter?” You asked and walked over to where Happy was sitting.
“No. It’s not.” Happy said and tried to shut his laptop.
“Hi Peter.” You opened it back up and waved, leaving you with only one hand to hold your towel onto your body. Peter turned bright red as he stared at the screen and felt all dialogue options leave his mind.
“Oh, uh, hi.” He stammered. “I didn’t see you there. I didn’t even know you were home. How’s it going?”
“Pretty good.” You shrugged. “What kind of dog was it?”
“The dog you found. What breed?” You asked with genuine interest. Peter smiled at you wanting to know and felt his blush deepen.
“Chihuahua. His name was Pinto.”
“Aw.” You smiled. “That’s so cute.“
“Oh, yeah. Very cute. Very, very cute.” Peters eyes glazed over as he stared at your through the screen. Happy looked back and forth between Peter and you before realizing what Peter was staring at.
“I’m hanging up now.” Happy warned.
The call ended abruptly and Peter was left alone staring at a black screen. If Happy was going to stop him from seeing you, he would going to have to get creative.
A few nights later, Peter formed a new plan. If Happy was gonna date his aunt, he was going to use it to his advantage.
“Oopsie. I just accidentally ordered two pizzas instead of one. Silly me. What will we do with all this incoming pizza?” Peter asked as he dramatically scratched the top of his head to make it look like he was thinking.
“I don’t know.” May shrugged. “Eat a lot of pizza?”
“That’s a great idea, May. Or, and this is just coming to me now, what if we invite Happy over to eat some? So you guys can have a little date night. He even can bring his daughter. What was her name again? Telulah? Annabeth? Marcy?”
“Y/n?” May chuckled and raised her eyebrow.
“Right. Her.” Peter played dumb. “She probably likes pizza, right?”
“I know what you’re doing, but I’m gonna go with it anyway because there’s no way we can eat two pies and I hate wasting food.” May playfully scolded him as she dialed Happy’s number.
Much to Peters delight, you and Happy showed up a few minutes later. You were standing behind your dad with a bag behind your back.
“Hey. Thanks for the invite.” Happy said and kissed Mays cheek. You looked at Peter over your dads shoulder and waved.
“No problem.” May replied. “It was actually Peters idea.”
“Oh, was it?” Happy asked and stared daggers at Peter. Peter shrugged innocently before making eye contact with you. He discreetly nodded towards his bedroom before going to it. You followed after him once the coast was clear.
“Hey.” You smiled at him and shut his door behind you.
“Hey. Thanks for coming over. I’m glad you could make it.” Peter played it cool but was screaming on the inside over you being in his room again.
“I’m glad you invited us. I have a present for you but I didn’t have any way of getting in touch with you.”
“You wanna touch me?” Peter said in a low voice as he stared at you with his eyebrows raised.
“What was that?”
“I said you have a present for me?” He quickly corrected himself and threw on a smile.
“Uh huh. Look what I found.” You held the bag up and pulled out the Lego Super Star Destroyer, a Lego set Peter had dreamed of owning since he was a kid.
“What?! You got this for me?” He jumped out of his chair and held the box to read it.
“Yeah. You mentioned last time that you always wanted this one. I know you’re a big fan of the movies so I wanted you to have it.” You smiled sheepishly as you stared at him. His childlike excitement and wonderstruck expression made him even cuter than you typically found him. His expression changed suddenly when he realized he could never accept such a costly gift.
“This set costs a fortune. You really didn’t have to do this.” Peter looked apologetic as he looked into your eyes. You laughed a little at how bad he felt and put your hand on top of his.
“It’s okay. I wanted to do it.” You assured him. “Plus, Uncle Tony put me in his will so I’m kinda flushed with cash right now. I would’ve just spent the money on something stupid. And I know he loved you so he’d be happy I used the money to buy a Lego set for us.”
“Us?” Peter cracked a smile and felt his excitement return.
“Yeah. I thought we could build it together while my dad makes out with your aunt.” You suggested.
“Gross.” Peter grimaced. “But the part about building it together sounds fun.”
Now that he was willing to keep it, you tore the box open and dumped the pieces out. You and Peter sat next to each other with your knees touching as you built the spaceship. Peter snuck glances at you every now and then, and you caught them every time. You accidentally made eye contact at one point and he turned pink.
“You know, my dads been up my ass all week because of you.” You said with a soft laugh.
“Me? What did I do?”
“I don’t know. Did you tell him we were dating or something?” You questioned him, making him gulp.
“Actually, he told me not to date you.” Peter admitted.
“He told me the same thing. Little does he know, that just makes me want to date you even more.” You replied. Peter froze and realized that if what Happy said made you want to date him more, that meant you already wanted to date him in the first place. You realized that you had said too much at the same time Peter did and looked at him out of the corner of your eye to see if he was weirded out. To your surprise, he was staring at you with a soft expression. He quickly cleared his throat and looked away when you caught him staring.
“Doesn’t he know that the hottest thing a guy can do is be disliked by the girls dad?” Peter said like it was obvious.
“Exactly. I told him disapproving of you was just going to send me straight into your arms. And who could even blame me? They’re really nice arms.” You shrugged and gave Peter a coy smile. Peter laughed shyly and busied himself with the legos so you wouldn’t see him blushing.
“What did he say to that?” He asked you.
“That there will be a cold day in hell before he lets me go out with you.” You laughed.
“And what did you say?” Peter asked as he looked up at you and found that you were already looking at him.
“I told him that he can’t tell me who to date and if I wanted to go out with you, I will.” You said simply. Peter gulped and never broke eye contact with you and he reached for a Lego brick. Your hands accidentally touched and he saw sparks fly.
“Do you want to go out with me?” He asked quietly. You opened your mouth to answer just as May opened hers.
“Hey, kids. Pizzas here.” May said as she appeared in Peters doorway. You looked at him apologetically before getting up and following May to the kitchen. He desperately wanted to get you alone again to finish your conversation, but Happy was never gonna let that happen.
It came time for you and Happy to leave and Peter was visibly disappointed. As Happy and May said their goodbyes, you pulled Peter to the side.
“Goodnight, Peter. I had fun tonight.” You said sincerely.
“So did I. Thank you again for the legos. It’s the nicest thing anyones ever done for me.”
“I’m glad you liked them. Hopefully I’ll see you again. Hopefully soon.”
“Yeah. Totally.” Peter nodded eagerly.
You held out your hand to shake Peters, which Peter found a little strange. But when he shook your hand, he felt you slip a piece of paper into his. Peter waited until Happy was out the door before opening the paper up. Written in your handwriting was your phone number. Peter looked up in surprise and made eye contact with you.
“Call me.” You mouthed to him and made your hand like a phone just as Happy pulled you away.
And that’s exactly what Peter did. It became your nightly secret mission to sneak off and call Peter once you were sure Happy was asleep or preoccupied in front of the TV. You would talk for hours in hushed voices so no one would hear.
“Can you imagine what my dad would do if he found us out?” You asked Peter one night as you hung over the edge of your bed to talk to Peter.
“So there’s an us to find out about?” Peter asked and felt grateful you couldn’t see his blush over the phone.
“I don’t know.” You smiled timidly. “I really like talking to you, Peter.”
“Well that’s good. I’m happy to hear that. Because I like it too.” He laughed shyly.
“I think about you a lot when we’re not on the phone.” You admitted as you switched positions and rolled onto your stomach.
“You do?” Peter gulped.
“Uh huh. All the time.”
“What do you think about?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe half the things I see inside my head.” You chuckled. Peter gulped again and felt his face heat up. He cleared his throat before speaking again.
“Why don’t you explain it to me then?” He asked. Before you could answer, a loud crash sounded from his side of the phone.
“What’s all that noise?” You asked him.
“Mays looking for the pasta maker.” Peter sighed. “We have a thousand boxes of mezzi rigatoni but she wanted fettuccini.”
“Fettuccine actually sounds amazing right now. I need to get up and make some food. I just hope my dad went grocery shopping or else I’m eating sleep for dinner.”
“You should come over tonight.” Peter said before he would overthink it.
“Yeah. Come make pasta with us. May usually burns something and then gives up about 15 minutes into cooking so we wouldn’t have to hang out with her the whole time. We could make pasta together. Just the two of us.”
“Okay. My dads watching a movie in the den so he won’t mind if I go out. I’m in.” You smiled and started to get ready to see him.
“Awesome. Great. See you soon.” Peter grinned and hung up the phone. He quickly brushed his teeth and put on a fresh shirt before joining May in the kitchen. There was a knock on the door soon enough and Peter practically ran to open it.
“Ciao.” He said as he flung the door open.
“Ciao, bello.” You replied. “Scopiamo stasera o cosa?”
“Wait, what? I don’t actually speak Italian.” Peter sheepishly.
“That’s probably for the better.” You laughed and walked into his apartment.
“Oh, good. You’re here. And you brought wine! Even better. Come in, come in.” May kissed your cheek before taking the bottle of wine and opening it.
“Peters been dying for you to get here.” She whispered in your ear, but loud enough for Peter to hear.
“May.” Peter whined and motioned for her to zip it.
“What? I’m just being honest.” May shrugged. “Honesty is the best policy. That’s what I always say.”
“She’s right. That’s a great policy.” You said and gave Peter a look.
“Oh yeah? Does your dad know you’re here?” Peter asked you and folded his arms, already knowing the answer. Your smile dropped when you realized he was right.
“A little lie never hurt anybody.” You replied. Peter smirked, knowing he caught you.
“Come here. I’ll show you how to make the dough.” Peter said and led you to the kitchen with his hand on your back. You and Peter made the pasta dough while May chopped up some tomatoes and made a sauce. May switched the radio on to play some instrumental background music that made the apartment feel like a small cafe in Italy.
“All right. I think we’re ready. I’m gonna get the pasta maker. It should be in the attic.” May broke up the party and put the meatball back in the sauce.
“If you can’t find it, what do we do with all this dough?” You asked her.
“I don’t know. Make a shit ton of Pizza.” May shrugged and left to go find the pasta maker.
“Okay then.” You chuckled. Once you and Peter were alone, you hoped up on the counter and leg your legs swing.
“Should we try it to make sure it tastes good?” You asked as you rolled some dough between your fingers and made a snake.
“Yeah, but not that piece. You made a worm.” Peter said and pointed to your dough.
“So what? It’s just dough. Try some.” You replied and dangled the dough in his face.
“Dough way.” He laughed at his own pun and swatted the dough away.
“Oh, we’re making pasta puns now? You’re gonna pay for that.” You playfully warned him.
“But I dough not want it.” Peter pouted and leaned on the counter you were sitting on so you were caged in between his arms. You both became aware of how close you were at the same time and laughed shyly.
“Can’t think of anything other than replacing “do” with “dough” huh?” You asked and raised an eyebrow.
“Dough, I can’t.” He shamefully admitted. You gave him a look and he held up his hands in defense.
“That one was different.” He pointed out.
“All right. I’ll give it to you. Now eat the pasta worm.” You playfully demanded and dangled it in his face again.
“No. Get that thing away from me.” He laughed and smacked it away. It flew across the room and stuck to a nearby cabinet with a loud smack.
“Wow. Look at that.” Peter said, genuinely dumbfounded.
“It’s kinda beautiful.” You said as you quietly stared at the pasta in awe. Peter turned to look at you and rested his hands back on the counter.
“You’re kinda beautiful.” He said in a soft voice. You tore your eyes away from the pasta to look at him but couldn’t form a single word.
“Even with flour on your face.” He chuckled and wiped a smudge of flour off your cheek with his thumb. You gulped and discreetly picked up some flour off the counter.
“You have some flour on your face too.” You told him as you stared into his eyes.
“Where? Here?” Peter asked and touched his cheek.
“No. Here.” You smirked before throwing the handful of flour at him. Peter coughed and waved his hand to get it away from his face.
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” He warned and grabbed a handful of flour. He went to throw it at you but you caught him by the wrist to stop him. Peter wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him so that you couldn’t block his next attempt. But instead of feeling flour on your face, you felt Peter kissing you. You weren’t actually sure if you kissed him or he kissed you, but you didn’t really care. You wasted no time in tangling your hands on his hair and deepening the kiss. His hands slid up and down your back before finding their way up your shirt. You felt your entire body heat up as you kissed him and felt all the tension that had been building up release into the atmosphere between you. He kissed you until you felt dizzy but you didn’t stop even then. You started to unbutton his button down when the moment was interrupted.
“Found it!” May called from the hallway. You jumped apart so quickly that you fell right off the counter. You screamed on the way down as Peter watched with his hands over his mouth. He rushed to pick you up just as May came back into the kitchen. She took one look at the flour covering the two of your, most noticeably the flour handprints on either of Peters cheeks, and knew what had happened.
“Oh my God. What happened in here?” May played dumb.
“Fell.” You and Peter said in unison.
“Oh no. Are you okay?”
“Maybe?” You smiled weakly and rubbed your throbbing head. Peter touched his hands, which now felt cold from the absence of you.
“Oh my God. How did you get flour all over your back?” May laughed and turned you around to see the flour Peter had left all over your clothing.
“I’m a messy girl.” You shrugged and hoped she’d buy it.
“Look at that. The flour on Y/n’s butt looks like a perfect handprint. How funny is that?” May laughed again and pointed to the handprint Peter had left on your black leggings. He turned so red that he had to turn around so May wouldn’t see it.
“I’m gonna go potty.” You said quickly and ran to the bathroom.
“She okay?” May asked once you were gone.
“Her? What? Yeah. She’s fine. Nothing weird happened while you were gone.” Peter said a little too quickly.
“Hm. How did that piece of pasta get stuck to the cabinet?” May asked and pointed to the pasta Peter had flung.
“I’m not sure.” Peter lied.
“Are you feeling okay? Your face and neck is all red.” May asked and pressed her hand to Peters forehead. He knew she was getting suspicious and had to think of a lie to get out of there.
“I have to poop.” Peter blurted and walked out of the kitchen.
“Y/n is in there.” May called after him.
“I’ll go to the other bathroom!” He shouted back.
Peter passed the bathroom in the hallway and stopped outside of it. He pressed his ear against the door to try and hear if you were freaking out or not.
Which you 100% were.
“What the hell are you doing? You can’t just kiss him. You slut bag! You hussy! You don’t even know how he feels about you.” You whispered to the mirror. You splashed some cold water on your face to calm down before looking at your reflection.
“Woman up and get your shit together. Go out there and make pasta with your dads girlfriends nephew like a fucking normal person.” You warned yourself in the mirror.
The bathroom door suddenly opened and Peter fell inside. You gasped and pulled him the rest of the way in before shutting the door.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t doing anything!” Peter said quickly.
“What are you doing out here?!” You whispered harshly.
“Nothing! I just wanted to talk!” He whispered back in a panic.
“So you wait outside the bathroom door? What if I was pooping?! You would’ve heard it.” You whispered even louder and angrily shook his shirt.
“But I didn’t.” He said weakly.
“I think I need to go home.” You sighed and left the bathroom.
“Wait, no. Please stay.” Peter pleaded as he followed after you. He caught you in the hallway and gently pulled your arm to get you to stop.
“I can’t. I can’t go back in there. She’s gonna know something sus happened.” You whispered to him and pointed to the kitchen.
“It wasn’t sus. But I really think we need to talk about it.” Peter said and looked at you with his big puppy dog eyes. You knew he was dying to talk about it and you felt guilty leaving him after what happened.
“Peter, look. I’m really sorry that I kissed you-“
“I’m not.” He cut you off and pushed you against the wall. The interrupted kiss was resumed and even more passionate than the last. He had you up against the wall as he kissed you as if he hadn’t seen you in years. You forgot all about the pasta and your dads warning and just got lost in his touch. You both knew it was wrong and that you could be caught any second, and that’s what made it feel so right. Peter squeezed your hip, signaling you to jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. You couldn’t feel him smiling into the kiss as he pressed you against the wall. That was the moment you knew you were never giving this boy up, no matter what your father said.
“Peter! Y/n! What happened to my sous chefs?” May shouted from the kitchen. You pulled apart and stared at each other as you caught your breath.
Peter gently set you back down on the floor but stayed in your personal space as he leaned against the wall. You never broke eye contact with him as he fixed a strand of hair that he knocked onto the wrong side of your part. You gulped and smoothed your clothing down before looking away.
“Can we talk after? Please? Don’t go home.” Peter pleased as he buttoned his shirt back up. You looked him up and down and knew you were at his mercy.
“Fine. You’ve convinced me. I’ll stay.” You agreed. Peter smiled in relief and led you back to them kitchen.
“Look who decided to join us.” May smiled proudly and stepped to the side to reveal Happy standing behind her. Peters knees buckled and he immediately fainted onto the ground. You caught him and let him lean on you as you waved your hand in front of his face to wake him up.
“Dad? What are you doing here?” You asked through a big fake smile.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He said through an even faker smile.
“I was making Peter with Pasta. I mean, pasta with Peter.” You stumbled over your words as Peter came to and nearly fell over again. You held him upright but his waist until he could stand on his own. Happy was watching the whole thing and growing more suspicious by the second.
“Hm. You didn’t mention you were going over my girlfriends house when you said you were going out. I find that a little strange. Don’t you?” Happy shrugged as he folded his arms.
“Maybe I find you a little strange.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“Now that Happy’s here we’re gonna need some more pasta. Honey, can you knead the rest of the dough?” May asked you.
“Sure. I can dough that.” You laughed nervously. Happy gave you a strange look and you gulped.
“I’m sorry. I kiss-poke. I mean, misspoke.” You gulped again and went over to the dough. Peter went to follow you and earned a longing glare from Happy as he did. The two of you bumped into each other and dropped things on the floor numerous times from how nervous you were now that Happy was there. Once Happy and May disappeared to the couch to drink wine, Peter knew it was safe to talk.
“Stop being weird.” He whispered to you.
“I’m about to murder-suicide us.” You said at full volume.
“Peter, can you help her? You gotta put your elbow grease into it.” May called from the couch.
“Yeah. I can dough that.” Peter replied.
“Stop making dough puns.” You hissed.
“I literally fucking can’t.” He deadpanned. You suddenly felt his arms wrap around you as he put his hands on top of yours to knead the dough.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“Helping you knead the dough.”
“Why wouldn’t you just stand beside me?”
“Because this is how men show women how to do things in rom coms.” Peter said very seriously.
“Okay, but we’re not in a rom com. We’re in real life in your real kitchen with my dad who has a real gun.”
“He won’t shoot me. I’m his girlfriends only nephew. I’m untouchable.”
“And so am I as long as my father is present.” You said and slipped out of his arms.
“Is everything okay over there?” Happy asked from the couch.
“Yes.” You and Peter shouted back in unison. You finished with the dough and brought it over to the pasta maker.
“You better speed run this fucking pasta before I lose my mind.” You whispered in his ear.
“I’m going as fast as I can.” Peter whispered back as he put the dough in the pasta maker as painstakingly slow as possibly. The pasta maker squeaked as he turned the handle and echoed off the walls of the silent kitchen. You could feel sweat running down your face and started to fan yourself.
“I can’t handle this. My dad is gonna know what we did.” You said and gave your hair a stressful tug.
“We haven’t done anything wrong.” He pointed out as he finished up with the pasta. You nodded in agreement and picked up the pasta he had made.
“Yet.” He added and stole a kiss against your neck. You gasped and put your hand where his lips had been.
“What are you doing? My dad is in the next room?”
“I know. That’s what makes it so exciting.” Peter said and leaned in to kiss you again.
“The water should be boiling by now. Can you start putting the pasta in?” May asked as she appeared in the kitchen. You quickly turned around and pretended to be doing something so she wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Sure.” Peter smiled calmly at her and put the pasta into the boiling water. May went back to the living room, leaving you and Peter alone once again. You picked up a wooden spoon and pushed the pasta around the pot in an attempt to look busy.
“I can see you. Stop staring at me.” You said when you felt Peters eyes on you. You looked up and sure enough, he was watching you with a soft expression.
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.” He said as he walked over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and pulled you into him. It felt nice for a moment but you knew it shouldn’t be happening.
“I am off limits, okay mister? You cannot be staring at me like that.” You whispered and slipped out of his arms.
“Off limits? What does that mean?” He played dumb.
“It means that we cannot happen.” You said and gestured between the two of you. “We can never, ever happen. My dad will reign hell fire on you for even thinking about it. And he’ll reign regular fire on me because I’m his daughter which will be less hot but still really bad.”
“Psh.” Peter scoffed. “I’m not scared of him.”
“You should be. He has access to all of Uncle Tony’s weapons. So unless you want to get blown up or turned inside out, you need to stop. That’s means stop staring at me, stop touching me, and definitely stop kissing me.” You whispered as you got in his face. Peter smirked now that he had you close again and put his hands on your hips. You gulped and looked anywhere but his eyes as he got close to you.
“You want me to stop kissing you?” He asked as he tilted your chin up to look in his eyes.
“Yes.” You replied, but it came out like more of a question than a statement.
“Are you sure?” He asked and moved in even closer. His lips brushed yours when he spoke and you felt your eyelids flutter shut. Right before your lips could touch, you covered your mouth and stepped back.
“No. No more. We can’t.” You said behind your hand. Peter smiled sadly and nodded his head. He looked disappointed but like he understood.
“I know we can’t happen.” He said in a soft voice. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want it to.”
“It doesn’t matter what we want.” You gently reminded him and nodded towards the living room where Happy was.
“So you want it too?” He asked innocently and tilted his head to the side. You sucked in a sharp breath and thought about the way it felt when he had you up against the wall and how badly you wanted that again.
“Peter.” You breathed out.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful I find you?” Peter asked you. Footsteps approaching made you jump apart and turn your backs to each other.
“Hey guys. How’s the pasta coming?” May asked as she walked into the kitchen.
“It’s coming.” Peter replied.
“It’s definitely pasta.” You nodded in agreement.
“Great. I’ll set the table.” May laughed at your strange behavior and grabbed some plates. Once you were alone again, you answered Peters question.
“Yes.” You told him.
“You asked me if I’d want this to happen too. My answer is yes.” You said and looked into his eyes. Peter smiled now that he knew you felt the same but didn’t want to let you off that easy.
“Oh. But then I asked you if you knew how beautiful I found you so I thought you were answering-“
“Shut up.” You laughed as you cut him off. Peter smiled fondly at you from across the kitchen and you felt yourself smile back.
“Do you really feel the same?” He asked, all teasing in his voice gone.
“I do. But I told you, it doesn’t matter what we feel. We can’t date. Ours is a forbidden love.”
“I know. That’s what makes me want you even more.” Peter said with a wicked smile. You stopped leaning on the counter and started to walk to Peter when your dad suddenly walked into the kitchen.
“What are you guys talking about?” Happy asked suspiciously when he noticed the love struck expression on both your faces.
“Dad.” You whined. “Don’t you knock?”
“Knock on what? You’re standing in the middle of the kitchen.” He pointed out. You and Peter exchanged a look, and then you and Happy exchanged a look. Happy looked at Peter and narrowed his eyes, making Peter panic.
“Dinners ready!” Peter shouted despite 75% of the people in the apartment being right in front of him.
“Um, Peter, the pasta is still raw. It’s only been in there a few minutes.” You reminded him.
“Dinner!” Peter said again. “Let’s sit and eat.”
You shrugged and went with it to keep your dad from getting suspicious. You drained the pasta and put it in a big bowl before Peter added the sauce on top. You brought it to the dining table that May had set and put it in the center. Everyone sat down and served themselves some pasta.
“So what’s new with everyone?” Happy asked.
“Nothing.” You and Peter said at the same time. You gave him a look and he gulped nervously.
“Is anything new with you?” You asked May politely.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded. “Talk about yourselves. Tell us everything.”
“Well, um, May and I have been thinking about getting married.” Happy said sheepishly. You spit out your water as Peters jaw dropped.
“Oh.” May smiled tightly. “I didn’t realize we were telling them.”
“Wait, married?” You asked them.
“Yeah. Thinking about it.” Happy nodded as May shook her head.
“But, uh, if you guys got married, what would that mean for us exactly?” You laughed nervously and gestured between you and Peter.
“Well, I’d become Peters uncle, so you guys would technically be cousins.” Happy shrugged as May nodded in agreement. A chill ran down your spine at the use of the “c” word. Peters mouth started to heavily salivate like it usually did before he threw up.
“Cousins?” You choked out.
“Or would they be siblings?” Happy wondered.
“Oh God.” You whimpered. “Not siblings. Anything but siblings.”
“No, just cousins.” May explained. “Because I would become Y/n’s stepmom but Peter isn’t my son so they would be cousins. But you guys could consider each other siblings if you really wanted to. It might be nice to have a sister, right Peter?”
“Stop talking.” Peter said in a grave voice as he gripped the table to keep from fainting again.
“Relax guys. It won’t be too weird. You’re basically cousins already.” May said with an innocent smile.
“Oh no. Don’t say that.” You whispered and clutched your stomach.
“I’m gonna throw up.” Peter said through a gag.
“Why?” Happy asked as he narrowed his eyes at Peter.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t you want to be cousins? It’s just you and me on holidays Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bigger family?” May asked Peter.
“Don’t call us “family”, please.” Peter said and gagged again.
“Yeah, no more.” You pleaded. “Not while we’re eating.”
“Are we missing something?” May asked.
“I don’t want her to be my cousin.” Peter grimaced and shook his head.
“Peter. That’s disrespectful.” May scolded him.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want him to be my cousin either.” You assured her as you wiped some sweat from your forehead. You looked over at Peter and he was just as distraught if you were. He was pale and sweating and extremely close to breaking. You snapped your fingers at him under the table and motioned for him to keep his mouth shut. May and Happy exchanged a suspicion look at the strange behavior in front of them.
“Is there something you guys aren’t telling us?” May asked and leaned on her hand. She stared at Peter, who looked at you in a panic. You shook your head at him, making Happy frown in confusion. He turned to stare at Peter, and that’s what made Peter break.
“I made out with my cousin.” Peter blurted before gasping for air. You groaned and put your head down on the table as May and Happy reacted.
“You what with your what?” May scrunched her nose in disgust.
“You what with my what?” Happy asked and glared Peter.
“Haha. He’s just kidding.” You laughed nervously and waved your hand.
“He better be.” Happy stated without taking his eyes off Peter. Peter was staring all around the room at everything other than Happy.
“This pasta is amazing. Let’s all eat it and stop talking.” You said and shoved some pasta into your mouth.
“It’s a little undercooked.” May commented. “How long did you guys leave it in the water for?”
“Peter?” Happy asked calmly.
“Yes, sir?” Peter answered while looking up at the ceiling.
“Look at me.”
“Yes?” Peter said and looked near Happy, but not at him.
“Peter, look me in the eyes.” Happy commanded. “Right now.”
“I am.” Peter scoffed as he stared at Happy’s ear.
“Not at my ear. My eyes.”
Peter shut his eyes and turned to face Happy head on.
“Open your eyes.” Happy said through clenched teeth. Peter slowly opened one eye, then the other. Happy was glaring at him with a face redder than the sauce May had made.
“Did you make out with my daughter?”
“Which daughter?”
“The one sitting beside you. The only one I have.”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“Let me ask it again then. Did you or did you not make out with my daughter?”
“Okay. Good.” Happy nodded in satisfaction.
“She made out with me.” Peter clarified.
“Peter!” You shouted and looked at him.
“You’re a dead man. He’s a dead man.” Happy declared and lunged across the table at Peter.
“Wait! She kissed me! I didn’t kiss her.” Peter defended himself as he scrambled to get out of his chair and run away from Happy.
“You did the second time.” You pointed out.
“Second time? There was a second time?” Happys voice got louder as he chased Peter around the table.
“Daddy, no. Don’t hurt him!” You protested and stood between your dad and Peter.
“Move it, honey. I’m gonna fight him. I’m gonna fight him up real nice.” Happy declared and grabbed the bowl of Italian bread off the table. He started throwing pieces at Peter, but Peter dodged every one.
“Stop dodging my bread!” Happy shouted and threw his last piece.
“Ha! You’re all out of bread.” Peter pointed at the empty bowl before hiding behind you.
“I’ll just have to use my hands.” Happy said and lunged for Peter again.
“Hold on. Step away from my nephew.” May said as she stepped in front of you and held Happy back. Happy stopped trying to attack Peter and caught his breath.
“Happy, you need to calm down.” May told him. “Your daughter isn’t your property. She’s a beautiful young woman. She is allowed to make her own decisions. And that includes deciding who she wants to date.”
“I know that.” Happy sighed. “She just can’t decide on him.”
“Why not, dad?” You asked him.
“For starters, he rented a very inappropriate movie when we were in Germany. No man who respects women would rent a movie called “Grinding Nemo”. I can’t have a guy like that dating my daughter.”
“I was like 15!” Peter whined. “I just bought the first one I found!”
“Grinding Nemo?” You turned and asked Peter.
“It’s like Finding Nemo but instead of fish it was this guy looking for this girls-“
“I don’t even want to know.” You cut him off.
“Happy, you know Peter.” May reminded him. “You know he’ll stop at nothing to protect the people he cares about. She’s in good hands.”
“But why do they have to be his hands?” Happy pointed to Peter and sat back down. You squeezed Peters shoulder before going to sit down beside your dad.
“May is right. You knew I was gonna start dating eventually. And you also know that Peter is a great guy. You should be glad someone like him turned my head. He’s nice, responsible, smart, respectful, and loved by Uncle Tony. So come on, dad. Let me date my cousin.”
“But Tony asked me to look after him. And I don’t always so the best job. I try, but you know he won’t listen if he has his mind set on doing something. God forbid something had ever happened to him….” Happy trailed off and looked down at the ground.
“You’d be letting down the two most important people in your life.” May finished his sentence with a sad smile.
“Its hard for me to remember you’re not a little girl anymore. I thought I would have more time to prepare for this.” Happy admitted. “And I thought Tony would be here to help me. But you’re just growing up so fast. I can’t keep up.”
“We’re both growing up, dad. But we’re doing it together so it’s less scary.” You told him as you put your hands on his shoulders. Happy smiled fondly at you before looking over your shoulder at Peter.
“Do you really like him?” He asked you.
“I do. He listens to me. And he makes me smile.”
“Gross.” Happy gagged.
“Dad.” You whined. “Stop it.”
Happy sighed and looked up at everyone in the apartment. When his eyes landed on Peter, he got up and went over to him. Peter raised his fists in case Happy tried to attack him again, but Happy lowered them.
“Peter, you have my blessing to date my daughter.” Happy said sincerely.
“You have my blessing too.” May spoke up. “But I don’t love the whole cousin aspect.”
“Me either.” You agreed. “Please never get married so we’re never actually cousins.”
“We were never actually talking about marriage. May just said “Aw” during an allergy commercial that showed a wedding.” Happy admitted.
“So we’re good then? We can date without it being incestuous or forbidden?” Peter asked hopefully and wrapped an arm around you.
“I guess so. Just no PDA in front of me, okay? I don’t need to be reminded of this. Ever.” Happy asked and Peter immediately removed his arm.
“No problem, sir.” Peter replied.
“I’m glad that’s settled. Let’s get back to the family dinner.” You smiled and sat back in your seat. Everyone scrunched their face in disgust and you realized your mistake. Calling it a family dinner now that everyone knew you and Peter had kissed and nearly become cousins made everyone a little queasy.
“I, um, I apologize for my choice of words.”
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the-winter-spider · 19 days
The View Between Villages: Part One
Word Count: 4.9k
Pairings: Bucky x reader, TASM!Peter x Reader
A/N: I had this posted forever ago, buut i decided to rewrite and make the story better cuz it was bleh before. I had this idea obvs watching NWH and i loooove Bucky but i alsp loooooove Andrew Garfields spiderman so here we are LOL
You were out of touch with the world and everything going on in it—which had to be a lot; it was always a lot.
Finally, you mustered up the courage to leave your new home—scratch that, apartment. Nothing and no one was ever going to be “home” to you again.
You were done. Done with trying to see the brighter side of things, like Tony always told you to. You should’ve listened to Natasha. Love was for children, and you were so young when you fell in love with him. But neither of you were children anymore. Life was hard; you always knew it would be, but never in a hundred years did you expect your path to twist the way it did.
How did you get it so wrong? You couldn’t stop thinking about that day—the day you mustered up the courage to talk to the boy next door. Maybe you shouldn’t have. Maybe you should have just let it be, and you wouldn’t have been sucked into the whirlpool that became your life.
Maybe then you would have found a husband, had a couple of children, and died at 80, like everyone you had ever known did.
But instead, you found yourself here, in a world that wasn’t your own. The day you appeared out of thin air, you knew—deep in your bones—that nothing was right. Nothing was where it should be. And when that door in the white room opened, and Steve walked through, you couldn’t help but laugh. Did you really die of heartache and go to heaven? Because that made more sense than it being 2011, when you could’ve sworn it was 1945 just two seconds ago, and Steve was dead.
You waited anxiously for Bucky to follow Steve through that door. If Steve was here, then Bucky had to be here too, right?
But you were wrong. So very wrong. This wasn’t heaven. It was some safe house on the outskirts of New York, occupied by a government agency called SHIELD. Bucky was still dead. Steve wasn’t. And neither were you.
You could never have imagined that the war would follow you into the future, that the ghosts of your past would walk the streets of a world you didn’t recognize. But here you were, alive in a time that shouldn’t have been yours, surrounded by people who were only half the versions of themselves you had once known.
Steve tried to tell you it would be okay, that the world had moved on and so could you. But what did he know about moving on? His world ended in 1945 too, just like yours. And just like you, he was a relic of a time gone by, a ghost haunting the present.
But unlike you, Steve had a purpose. A mission. He always did. You, on the other hand, were just trying to survive, to make sense of the shattered pieces of your life. And every day, you couldn’t help but wonder—was this all that was left? Just an endless loop of waking up in a world that didn’t feel like yours, surrounded by people who didn’t really know you?
You used to believe in fate, in some grand design that connected all the moments of your life. But now, all you saw was chaos—a mess of broken dreams and lost futures, tangled together in a web that you couldn’t escape from. And yet, there was no going back. No undoing the choices that led you here, to this place, this time.
But there was one thing you were certain of: as long as you were alive, you would never stop searching—for a way back, for a way out, for a way to make sense of the senseless.
For Bucky.
Because even after everything, you couldn’t let go of the hope that somewhere, somehow, he was out there, waiting for you to find him.
Flashback - 2011
“We’re going to be okay, y/n/n, I promise.” Steve’s hand reached out to squeeze yours, a familiar warmth in an unfamiliar world.
You forced a smile, but it didn’t reach your eyes. “How is any of this okay, Steve? I have no idea how I’m here or why. I just went out for a walk after that woman told me about you, and the next thing I know, I’m here. And you’re here—you’re supposed to be dead.” You were standing now, pacing, as the rain hammered against the window. “And he’s still gone. How is that fair? How is this okay?”
Before Steve could answer, the door burst open, and a man you didn’t recognize stormed in. “If you don’t calm her down, we’re gonna be under water here in a few seconds.”
Your eyes shot back to Steve, panic setting in. “What’s he talking about?”
Steve sighed, standing up from the chair he’d been sitting in. “I haven’t told her yet, Stark.”
The man rolled his eyes and adjusted his stance to face you more directly. “Look, Sleeping Beauty, I know this is a lot to take in. I get that, I really do. But we’re beating around the bush here.”
“Stark,” Steve warned, his tone firm.
The man—Stark—waved him off, his brown eyes locking onto yours. “You have powers. Yes, superpowers.”
A crackle of thunder boomed overhead, rattling the windows.
He gave you a reassuring smile, pointing towards the storm outside. “All that? That’s you. You’re doing that.”
Your mouth parted in disbelief, your head shaking as you turned back to Steve. “He’s telling the truth, y/n,” Steve said softly.
“I always am,” Stark added, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
You took a hesitant step towards the window, staring out at the storm raging outside. You could feel something inside you, something new and terrifying, pulsing with the rhythm of the thunder. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, and suddenly, the image of his smile flashed behind your eyelids—Bucky’s smile.
You felt them both standing behind you, their presence grounding you. Stark’s voice was closer now, softer. “Pretty cool, isn’t it?”
When you opened your eyes, the rain had stopped, the clouds parting to reveal a brilliant rainbow stretching across the sky. You stared at it, a symbol of hope in a world that made no sense.
Steve smiled down at you, his arm coming around your shoulder as he leaned in close, his voice a whisper just for you. “For Bucky.”
And for the first time since you found yourself in this new world, you felt a flicker of something—something that might, in time, grow into a reason to keep going.
You weren’t sure how you felt about that memory. At the time, you were so grateful to have at least one of your boys back in your life. And you were happy to have a new one—Tony. He meant so much to you, quickly becoming one of the best people you’d ever had the pleasure of meeting in your century-long life.
But of course, that didn’t last long. Nothing good ever does.
Tony used to tell you that this was it, the big fight, the one that would decide everything. You believed him. You thought maybe, just maybe, you’d be able to pull a win out of thin air, like the team always seemed to do, even in those desperate last-second efforts.
But then, on that barren planet in outer frickin’ space, you watched everything unravel. You watched as your friends—your family—slowly turned to dust, one by one. You held onto Peter’s hand, trying to offer whatever support you could, but when he was gone, you started to feel it. The hollowness. The creeping despair.
It was as if the universe was collapsing in on itself, taking with it all the hope you had left. You were supposed to be the strong one, the one who had lived through so much loss and still kept fighting. But in that moment, you felt as fragile as the dust slipping through your fingers.
The silence that followed was deafening. You were alone again, surrounded by the echoes of those you had loved and lost. And this time, not even Steve or Tony could pull you back from the edge.
Back on Earth, when the world should have been mourning, you couldn’t. There was no time for grief. You had to keep going, keep fighting, even though you felt like there was nothing left of you but a shell. Every day was a battle against the overwhelming urge to give up, to let the weight of everything crush you.
But you couldn’t. Not yet. Not when there was still a chance—however slim—that you could bring them back. That you could bring him back.
The thought of Bucky was the only thing that kept you going. The memory of his smile, his laugh, the way he always knew how to make you feel like you belonged, no matter where—or when—you were. He was the constant in your life, the one thread that tied your past to your present. And now, that thread was frayed and fragile, but it was still there, still pulling you forward.
You didn’t know what the future held. You didn’t know if you could ever truly find your way back to the life you once knew. But as long as there was a chance, you would keep fighting. For Steve. For Tony. For Peter. For all of them.
But most of all, for Bucky.
Because after everything, after all the loss and the pain and the heartache, he was still your reason. And as long as you had that, you had something worth fighting for.
Flashback - 2018
“Tony,” your voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper.
He looked up from the spot where Peter had just been, his eyes wide with disbelief. Your hand still hovered in the space where Peter had slipped away. “No,” he breathed, shaking his head as if he could will it all away.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, the weight of the words heavy on your tongue.
Realisation hit him like a punch to the gut. His face crumpled as he leaned forward, grabbing your hand, holding on as tightly as he could. “No, kid, not you too. Please, not you too.”
You looked down at your hand, watching as it began to turn to dust, dissolving right before your eyes. “It’s okay,” you murmured, trying to comfort him even as you felt yourself slipping away. “It’s okay.”
Tony’s grip tightened, his desperation palpable. “No, it’s not okay! You’re not—” His voice cracked, his heart breaking all over again. He couldn’t finish the sentence, couldn’t bring himself to say the words.
As the dust spread from your hand to your arm, you felt a strange calm wash over you. Maybe it was acceptance, or maybe you were just too tired to fight anymore. “Tony, it’s okay,” you repeated, though this time your voice was softer, fading with each word.
Tears filled his eyes as he tried to hold on, as if he could keep you with him by sheer force of will. But you knew it was too late. The universe had made its choice, and all you could do was let go.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered one last time, your voice barely a breath. And then, like Peter, you were gone, leaving nothing behind but a handful of dust and a broken man clutching at the empty air where you had been.
Tony sat there, numb, his hand still outstretched as if you might somehow reappear. But you didn’t. He was alone now, surrounded by the echoes of what had been, and the unbearable silence of what would never be.
And for the first time in a long time, Tony Stark had no idea how to fix it.
While you were dusting away, you weren’t sad. Deep down, you knew they would find a way to bring everyone back, to win.
And they did. You came back—everyone did—but at a high cost, one that you weren’t sure was worth paying. Your home, the compound, was in ruins, and you lost members of your family along the way. Yet even then, you thought maybe, just maybe, the light would stop flickering with tragic, horrible things. Maybe it was time for it to stay on. But you were wrong. You always were.
Now, as you walked down the dark, rain-soaked streets of New York, you weren’t hurt or heartbroken. You wished you were; it would have been an honour to feel something, anything. But instead, the rain hit your skin, not with the calming or joyful effect it once had, but as another weight added to the burdens you carried.
A hundred years.
One hundred years is a long time to be alive, a number most people never even get the chance to see—but you did.
People would ramble on about how you and Steve should be so grateful for the chance to live as long as you had, how lucky you were to experience two such different decades. But you didn’t feel lucky or grateful. You felt betrayed, like your chance at ever being truly happy had been ripped out from underneath you.
You didn’t care for the powers you were burdened with. You wanted to go back—to a time before Steve was Captain America, back to when Bucky was on one knee in front of that stupid oak tree outside your parents’ old house, with lanterns scattered across the lawn. Back to when the ring was on your finger, not buried in some drawer, gathering dust.
Back to before you risked your life for the sake of your boys, only to be blindsided by them later.
Back to before Steve went back for a woman you’d never even really known until she was on your doorstep, telling you about Steve and the crash.
Back to before you fought so hard to get the love of your life back, only to have him call it off because neither of you were who you once were.
You had never felt more alone.
Had never felt more betrayed.
And then Steve left.
He didn’t just leave, though. He went back—to a life you could never touch, to a time where you didn’t exist. It felt like a final blow, the last thread connecting you to anything familiar, severed. He didn’t just leave; he chose to leave you behind.
You knew, deep down, that Steve had a right to his own happiness, that he’d earned it after everything he’d sacrificed. But it didn’t make the pain any less sharp, didn’t make the loneliness any less suffocating. You had spent so many years fighting beside him, fighting for a future where you both could find peace. And now, it felt like you were the only one still fighting.
What was left for you? The world had changed, twisted into something unrecognisable, and you were left to wander it alone, a relic of a past no one remembered, in a present you didn’t want.
The rain kept falling, soaking through your clothes, chilling you to the bone. But you kept walking, each step heavier than the last. You didn’t know where you were going, or if you’d ever find your way back to anything resembling a home. Maybe you didn���t have a home anymore.
The weight of a hundred years pressed down on you, each memory a stone in the ever-growing pile on your back. And as you walked, you couldn’t help but wonder if it was worth it—if any of it had been worth it.
You thought of Bucky, of that ring, of the life you’d dreamed of and never got to live. You thought of Steve, and the life he’d chosen, one that didn’t include you. And for the first time, you wondered if maybe it was time to stop fighting. To let the past go, to let it rest.
But the question remained—if you let go of the past, what was left?
You didn’t have an answer. And that scared you more than anything else.
Flashback - 2023
“You’re what?”
Steve sighed, the weight of his decision heavy on his shoulders. “When I put the stones back, I’m going to stay. I’m going to find her, and taste a bit of the life Tony kept telling me to get.”
“You’re just gonna leave us? Just like that?” Your voice trembled as your hand ripped out of Bucky’s grasp. You were standing now, your heart pounding in your chest. “W-when we finally have a chance at being happy, like before?!”
“Doll—” Bucky reached for your hand again, his voice gentle, pleading.
But you stepped further away, your breath hitching as you tried to process the betrayal unfolding before you. “I can’t believe after everything—you’re just going to leave me again? What if something happens, and you’re not here, and we fail, Steve? What then?”
He tried to speak, to offer some comfort, but you couldn’t hear him over the roar of your own despair. You felt as though the world was crumbling beneath your feet, the ground giving way to a chasm of loneliness you’d fought so hard to escape.
Steve stepped forward, pulling you into his arms as your resolve shattered, and you sobbed into his chest. His embrace, once your source of comfort, now felt like a cruel reminder of what you were about to lose. You clung to him, knowing this would be the last time.
“You’re not going to fail, Y/n/n,” he whispered, his voice breaking as he held you tighter. “The world has you, and you have Bucky.”
His words, meant to reassure, only deepened the wound. How could he say that? How could he abandon you, abandon the fight, when you needed him the most? The man who had been your rock through a century of war and loss was now choosing to walk away, leaving you to pick up the pieces alone.
“Steve… please,” you choked out, your tears soaking into his shirt. “Don’t do this. Don’t leave me again.”
But even as you said it, you knew it was already too late. His mind was made up. The man who had always been by your side, who had fought with you through every nightmare, was choosing a different life—a life without you.
“Doll, he’s right,” Bucky’s voice broke through the haze of your grief, but it felt distant, like it was coming from another world. “We’ll get through this. We’ll keep fighting, just like we always have.”
But the words felt hollow, empty. How could you keep fighting when the person you’d fought hardest with was walking away? How could you believe in a future that didn’t include the one man who had always been there?
Steve pulled back slightly, tilting your chin up so you had to meet his gaze. His eyes were filled with sorrow, with regret, but also with a determination you couldn’t break. “You’re stronger than you know,” he said softly. “You always have been.”
But that strength felt like a curse now, a burden you didn’t want to carry anymore. What good was strength when it meant being left behind, over and over again? What good was it when the people you loved the most kept choosing to leave?
“I don’t want to be strong,” you whispered, the words falling from your lips like a confession. “I just want you. I just want us.”
He closed his eyes, his own pain etched into every line of his face. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I’m so sorry.”
And with that, the final thread between you unravelled. You felt it snap, felt the emptiness rush in to fill the space where Steve had always been. You stepped back, slipping out of his arms, the cold air rushing in to replace his warmth.
Bucky moved toward you, his face etched with his own heartbreak, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to take comfort in his presence. Not now. Not when the wound was still fresh, bleeding with the knowledge that Steve had chosen a life that didn’t include you.
You turned away from them both, unable to bear the sight of their faces. The betrayal was too sharp, too deep, cutting through everything you thought you knew. You had fought so hard, given so much, and in the end, it wasn’t enough. It was never enough.
The door closed behind you as you walked away, each step echoing in the hollow silence that filled the room. And as you disappeared into the night, the tears fell freely, the weight of a hundred years pressing down on your shoulders.
This time, you weren’t sure if you could keep going. This time, you weren’t sure if there was anything left to fight for.
Then Bucky left, and he took the last part of you with him.
Flashback - 2024
“I just feel it’s for the best, doll,” Bucky’s eyes were pleading, searching yours for a trace of understanding, for some sign that you’d see where he was coming from. But you didn’t.
“I don’t understand, Buck.”
He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he tried to take yours. But you pulled away, placing your hands in your lap before he could touch you. You saw the way he swallowed hard, fighting back the heartbreak that threatened to spill over. “It’s just… this is the first time in 70 years that I’m free and—”
“You want to be free from everything that reminds you of the past, and that includes me?” Your voice was laced with betrayal, each word like a shard of glass cutting through the fragile remains of your heart.
His mouth opened, then closed, as if he couldn’t find the right words. He shook his head violently, desperate to make you understand. “No, not at all, doll. It’s not like that. I just need some time—time to figure out who I am now.”
You nodded, the numbness settling in as you pushed your chair back. The sound of it scraping against the floor echoed in the silence that had fallen between you. The silence of an ending.
“Don’t go, please,” his voice cracked, desperation seeping through the cracks in his resolve. “I love y—”
But before he could finish, you reached up, your fingers trembling as you unclasped the necklace from around your neck. The necklace you’d worn every day since you got it back. A single ring hung from the chain, its weight a constant reminder of what could have been. You placed it on the table beside his gloved hand, the sound of metal on wood like the final nail in the coffin of your relationship.
“You kept it?” His voice was barely a whisper, filled with disbelief and pain.
Licking your lips, you looked away, unable to meet his eyes. “I waited for you. I fought for you. It was supposed to be you, Buck. I thought it was going to be us.” You took a shaky breath, the tears you’d been holding back burning in your eyes. “I was wrong.”
Bucky picked up the ring, turning it over between his fingers as if it were a precious artifact, as if it held all the memories of what you once had. “Please, keep it,” he pleaded, his voice breaking. “It’ll always be yours. My heart will always be yours, doll. I just need some time.”
You shook your head, the pain in your chest almost unbearable as you stood up and put on your coat. “I’m tired of waiting, Bucky.”
He opened his mouth to say something, to beg you to stay, but the words never came. He watched as you turned and walked away, the ring slipping from his fingers, landing on the table with a soft thud.
You didn’t look back. You couldn’t. The weight of all those years, of all the promises broken, was too much to bear. You had given everything you had to Bucky, waited for him through a war, through decades of heartache, through every battle that followed. And now, all that waiting, all that hope, had been for nothing.
As you stepped out into the cold night air, you felt the final piece of your heart shatter. Steve had left you, and now Bucky had too. The two men who had been your world, who had been your everything, were gone. And you were alone.
You walked through the empty streets, the world around you feeling as cold and unforgiving as the emptiness inside you. The pain was overwhelming, a grief so deep it threatened to consume you. But you kept walking, each step taking you further away from the life you once knew, from the love you had lost.
You didn’t know where you were going, or what you would do now. All you knew was that the life you had fought so hard to hold onto was gone, and the future you had dreamed of was nothing more than a distant memory.
And as the night stretched on, you realised with a hollow ache that there was nothing left for you here. The life you had once shared with Steve and Bucky was over, and the person you had been with them was gone too.
You had always been a fighter, but now, for the first time in your long life, you didn’t know what you were fighting for.
That was six months ago. Bucky had tried to call you—more times than you could count—but you never answered. Sam had shown up more than a handful of times, but you never opened the door. When Steve passed, you watched from a distance, hidden in the shadows, watching Bucky search for you in the crowd, his eyes filled with an emptiness that mirrored your own.
Were you really that bad at making choices? So bad that you’d never be anyone’s first choice?
Your fingers traced the old oak tree, the one with a heart engraved into its bark, marked with “Y/N + Bucky = Always & Forever.” What a lie. What a cruel, empty promise.
Your hand gripped the tree, nails digging into the rough bark until they bled. The pain felt like the only real thing left in this world. You let out an agonizing scream, a cry so raw and broken that it seemed to tear the very sky apart. The rain began to pour down rapidly, the wind whipping through the trees, the sky echoing your torment with a thunderous roar. The roots of the oak surged up from the earth, cracking the tree down the center, splitting the heart into two jagged pieces. Just like yours.
As the tree splintered, the buzzing in your pocket yanked you back from the edge of despair. You prayed it wasn’t him—Bucky. Maybe, for once, luck was on your side. As raindrops blurred your vision, you squinted at the screen. “Peter Parker” was written across it.
You exhaled the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Hi, Pete.”
“Y/N, I—I need your help,” his voice trembled, frantic and filled with guilt. “I messed up so bad. I’m sure you have a lot going on, but I just…I need help. P-please.”
The rain eased up, the storm in the sky quieting as the storm in your heart shifted.
You pressed your forehead against the broken bark of the tree, the rough surface grounding you. “Of course, Pete. Whatever you need. I told you, I’m always here for you, kid. Where are you?”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you—” You could hear the relief in his voice as he exhaled. “That safe house, the one just north of where the compound used to be.”
The one where you woke up after you lost everything.
“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Do you need me to bring anything?”
You were already on the move, fast-walking down the street, waving desperately at any taxi that passed until one finally screeched to a halt.
“Just be ready for anything.”
A fight. He was preparing you for a fight.
“I’ll see you soon, Pete.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
You hung up, sliding into the backseat of the taxi. “Just drive straight. I’ll tell you when to stop.”
You rested your head against the cool leather, your thoughts racing as fast as your heartbeat. The driver glanced at you through the rearview mirror, his eyes wide with recognition. “You’re that Avenger, right? The one who can, like—” He hesitated, making awkward gestures with his hands. “Control the earth or something like that, right?”
You sighed, closing your eyes for a moment. “Something like that, yeah.”
As the car sped through the rain-soaked streets, you wondered what fresh hell awaited you at the safe house. But whatever it was, it had to be better than the torment you’d been living in. At least, in a fight, there was something to focus on, something other than the pain that had been gnawing at you for months.
You could feel the shattered pieces of your heart stir, not quite mending, but realigning. This wasn’t about Bucky, or Steve, or the past. This was about Peter, about keeping the promise you made to him, and to yourself.
You weren’t sure how you’d get through this, but you knew one thing for certain—you wouldn’t let Peter down. Not like you’d let yourself down. Not like you’d let Bucky go. You’d fight, because that’s all you had left to give.
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saraakpotter · 5 months
Peter Parker being a simp for y\c\n for 4 mins
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based on the request: "can you do Peter Parker (tom holland) being a simp for y/c/n?" in this one y\c\n is a 17 year old who is Natasha s daughter and is also an avenger who goes to the same school Peter dose. plus i added some scenes to the movies. i hope this is how you imagined it.
y\n, Anthony, Sebastian and Tom (Holland) are having an interview. the interview was going in characters future.
"so, what do you think the mcu has for your characters future?" the interviewer asked looking at his notes
"i dont know about 'falcon' but im pretty sure y\c\n and spider man will end up together!" Anthony answered making Tom blush
"i totally agree!" Sebastian said
"what the.... where did you get that idea from?" y\n said with a raised eyebrow
"oh come on y\n you are better than that! havent you noticed? Peter keeps simping for y\c\n the whole movie!" Anthony answered
"what! no he dosent"
"yes he dose." Sebastian answered
"i will send you prof!" Anthony replied slyly
later that night, y\n, went home thinking about the interview. she changed to a more comfortable cloth, jumped on her bed and opened her phone while clicking on the MCU group chat. it was a group they made after the avengers to communicate more and add more people by time.
as expected, Anthony, sent a youtube video with the title: "Peter Parker being a simp for y\c\n for 4 mins"
y\n quickly checked others massages in the group before clicking:
Scarlet said: this is definitely true!
RDJ said: flirting with widows daughter? not the best idea!
Chris Evans said: as much as cute this was i have to agree with Rob here!
Tom Hiddelston said: are we watching MCUs next cutest couple here?
Chris Hemsworth replied: im pretty sure we are Tom!
before reading other massages y\n clicked on the video.
the video started with a cute intro and then the title: Peter Parker simping for y\c\n for 4 mins duh
then there was a picture of Peter Parker looking at y\c\n with heart eyes which made y\n laugh.
the video started: the first video was for 'avengers infinity war' where Tony, y\c\n, Strange and Peter in Titan and just finished the miss understanding with the guardians.
 Peter Quill let go of spiderman, Tony threatened Drax and y\c\n nearly beat the shit out of Mantiss and rocket when they tried to stop Tony.
"ok so im happy to know we are on the same side" Peter quill said with a soft cough
"yeah well couldnt you figure that sooner?" y\c\n exclaimed angrily
"wha....you beat the shit out of me what are YOU mad about?" rocket said
"well i ruined my hair in the process! we could have skipped that!" y\c\n said angrier
"your hair looks good either way!" Peter Parker told her with a smile making her smile to
the next video was for 'avengers infinity war' again, just a bit earlier in the scene where y\c\n, Tony and strange where fighting the aliens Thanos sent.
y\c\n just finished beating and literal alien army and looked at where Tony was you didnt see him. instead you saw Peter talking to Wong and not noticing y\c\n. but when he dose he suddenly stops the conversation and goes to the new alien army and kills most of them.
"what do you think y\c\n? pretty cool right?" he says walking to her
"hmmmm... not bad for a 15 year old!" you teased
" im 16 and you are only a year older than me!" he said
"relax! its just my Romanoff urge to teas! lets take this one down together shall we?" y\c\n said pointing at the new army with head
"ok then!" Peter said trying to hide his happines
the next video was for 'captain America: civil war'
it was the scene in the airport, y\c\n, was in team ironman and Peter still wasnt there but they all knew he was hiding somewhere
"ok Pete! you can come out know!" y\c\n shouted with a smirk preparing herself and her weapons. Steve who seemed to notice they are more prepared than they thought throw his shield at her weapon but before it hit her Peter jumped in and caught the shield with his spider power.
"no, no, no! we dont throw a shield at a Beautiful and smart girl like our y\c\n here do we?" he said making Tony chuckle, Nat raise an eyebrow and and you look at him.
the next video was for 'spiderman homecoming'
it was the first parts of the movie when Ned and Peter where having lunch and y\c\n approached them.
"hey guys! can i sit?" y\c\n asked
"ye...yes...yes of course!" Peter answered almost Immediately
"great! i would sit anyway" y\c\n said making the three of them laugh
"so, y\c\n!" Ned started "whats your favorite movie?"
"well i dont really watch movies, nor have time for them but if im going to say one i would go with.......star wars!"
"STAR WARS" Peter asked happily
"yeah you like it to?" y\c\n asked
"we LOVE it!" Ned answered high fiving Peter.
the video paused with a little two days later. Peter approached y\c\n, who was at her locker with a box in his hands.
"ummm...he......hey y\c\n!" he said
"oh, hi Pete!" y\c\n looked at him
"this is for you." he gave the box to her. she looked at the box and saw a built star wars lego.
"oh my god Peter this is great! did you made it?" she asked
"yes, this one is my favorite so i thought you would like it to." he answered
"i love it, thank you!"
the next video was for the first movie and the scene in Mays car
"we should go back, this dosent feels right!" Peter said
"oh come on Peter it would be just fine! you got this." May told him
"yeah but...."
"plus y\c\n is going to be there!" Ned said
"wha....you know what aunt May? i think you are right, i got this!" he said opening the cars door.
before the next video can be played you went out and went to the chat and typed: ok, i see it now! earning a blush emoji from Tom Holland, some laugh emojis and a 'i told you so' from Anthony.
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strangesthirdeye · 6 months
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No Way (Stephen Strange x wife! Reader)
Summary: All hell breaks loose, like they said right?
Warning: It's Stephen, who doesn't love him? slightly injured, No Way Home spoiler alert for those who haven't watched it yet, fluff, mention of other injuries, special appearance,
As usual, forgive me if there are any language mistakes or confusing storylines.. also forgive me if there are grammatical mistakes.. English is not my first language
  ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were married to Stephen while he was still working at Metro General Hospital and were with him when he had an incident that made him decide to head to Kathmandu to find a way to recover both hands so he could return to work as a Neurosurgeon. Too much happens as Stephen tries to recover his hands. No matter how much the surgery costs, he still wants to try to get his hands back to normal. And you, with a good heart and a patient person, try to help your husband in all the challenges you both face
So you with no choice decided to follow him to Kathmandu. And that's where all the stories begin and your new life changes. Stephen became a Sorcerer, fighting Dormamu and taking over as Sorcerer Supreme due to the death of The Ancient One and also helping Thor and Loki find their father in Norway.
How about you? well you and Wong became close friends as well as Mordo but it was only for a while because Mordo chose to go and make his own way so it's only you and Wong who still communicate but due to the things that always happen in Kamar Taj, it's quite difficult also for you to spend your time with your husband and friends.
And most surprisingly you and Cloak seem to have become good friends where Cloak will usually go to you if it is bored with Stephen or just Stephen being an ass which is sometimes. And often Cloak will put itself on your thigh like a blanket or your shoulder as if it wants to be pampered. So it's no wonder if Stephen sees Cloak with you because he knows that his relic will surely pamper you like a dog that wants it's owner attention.
But then, you usually spend your time teaching your students online in the library at New York Sanctum A. K. A your new home. So you are always alone and do your own work as a lecturer. Let me say that, you are also studying mystic art but not always because of your work as a lecturer which is often busy and also because of your students who can be said to be quite challenging as if teaching a kindergarten class. But, you still know some simple spells like opening a portal, or making things float towards you. So that's pretty easy for you too.
Oh yeah, i forgot...I haven't talked about Infinity War yet. Yeah, where Bruce Banner falls from the sky and destroys the roof of the Sanctum. sheesh.. there is a lot of money to be spent to repair the roof of the Sanctum but why be surprised? Kamar Taj students can fix it while Stephen, Wong, Bruce and Tony solve this Infinity Stones thing.. plus with you who are still confused about what happened because of this sudden thing.
"You have to stayed here.. it's dangerous outside.. I don't want anything to happen to you, yeah?" Stephen said while holding your face with both hands gently.
"Oh, you better come back safely, Stephen.. I don't want to see any cuts or scratches on you otherwise you sleep outside" you said sternly while frowning as your hands held Stephen's hand which was still holding the side of your face
And the next thing you know, an Alien comes and kidnaps your husband while Ironman and Spiderman come and try to save your husband and that was the last time you heard from your husband.
Welp-that happened 5 years ago.. where everyone in the world experienced a rather shocking situation where almost all life in the Universe turned to dust, including your husband. Lucky for you, you are not one of those dusty people.
But still, for you, half of yourself has disappeared with Stephen. You have started to feel down, you have started to distance yourself from other people.. and only Wong can give you a little motivation to continue living. The moment when the news of your husband's loss came out of the mouth of Steve Rogers who came to the Sanctum just days after the infinity Stones thing happened you started busying yourself from the outside world with work.
You have started working overtime until you forget to take care of yourself. Also, you don't realize that you have lost a lot of weight. And luckily, Wong noticed your change and tried to help you by advising you to eat and so on.
The thing happened for 3 months and that was 5 years ago. And now everyone is back to normal.. but still, the news of the death of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff still remains in everyone's mind.
" I'm old now" you said in a soft tone to Stephen as you put your head on Stephen's chest after your 'best' night.
"yeah but I'm still older than you" replied Stephen smirked while stroking your hair gently.
( don't ask me about the age..)
 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
So! now the real story is about to begin. So you know who Spiderman is because you met him at Tony's funeral a few months ago. And you know that he is a good teenager, and caring and also has a heroic spirit. So for you it is not a problem because you know that every teenager has their own advantages and disadvantages.
And you also understand the side of today's teenagers because you also have students who are quite ok for you and some who are not right with you. But for you it's just ok. You don't even care as long as you can teach them so that they can continue their lives after finishing their studies is pretty good.
But for you Peter is different from the students you usually teach. He is a smart and independent person but sometimes he is a bit clumsy but that is not a problem because some teenagers are still not comfortable with their surroundings. Peter is also a shy person and is quite polite with the people around him. The way he talks is also a bit soft and a little stuttering because he's probably still shy but that's not a problem either because when you get to know him you immediately treat him like he's your child.. after all that's the way you treat kids and teenagers these days.
Back to the story, so the whole of New York is in chaos when the news about Quentin Beck or better known as Mysterio has spread all over New York plus maybe the whole world through his last footage of Spiderman killing him and saying Spiderman who controls all the drones to attack the population around And the most surprising thing is that Mysterio has also spread the identity of Spiderman to the entire population of New York and said that the true identity of Spiderman is PETER PARKER.
And of course you and Stephen know about this from the news that has been playing on TV. You start to feel sympathy for Peter and his family because he has to deal with this situation. And you believe that he is not a murderer or a criminal but just a teenager who was slandered by Mysterio because of his murder. You can feel that Peter's future is threatened by criticism and threats from the media or people around him.
And what happened after this was really beyond your expectations.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I told you, you should check again.. see what happened now?" you said while looking for a thick sweater in the closet to wear.
"oh please, I've checked ok... but I didn't expect the Rotundas Getaway was connected to Siberia" replied Stephen who was leaning against the door of your shared bedroom while rubbing his cold neck.
You see, Stephen's carelessness has caused the entire Sanctum to be filled with white snow that has been blasted into the Sanctum through the Rotundas Getaway which has accidentally connected with Siberia and has filled every room with snow. ALL THE ROOMS ARE FILLED WITH SNOW.
Coincidentally, Christmas is getting closer which doesn't mean this is part of the Christmas decorations.. In addition, with the growing cold and thick snow, Stephen and Wong wasted no time looking for students who are willing to volunteer to shovel the thick snow in the Sanctum living room.
And the lucky thing is that your shared room isn't filled with snow so it's kind of nice too because it's where you both sleep but that doesn't mean the cold isn't there either. This has been happening for almost 3 days and Stephen and Wong are trying to fix the situation in the Sanctum.
How about you? welp- you also tried to help Stephen and Wong but because Stephen was haunted by guilt, Stephen kept rejecting your offer to help him even though you insisted on helping him too and besides you don't have any class to teach.. now it's the holidays. Of course, your 'lovely' students have returned to their hometowns.
Because you insisted on helping, Stephen finally had to give in and let you help him. So, the more people do the work, the sooner this ends, right?.
"yeah, just 'check' it. Next time check with your eyes, don't just use your mouth." you murmured while sighing heavily and smoky because of the extreme cold.
"aww, don't be like that. Anyway, this thing is under control, I'm sure this situation will end soon." Stephen said and walked over and started hugging you from behind, hoping to add warmth so you wouldn't get cold.
"I know, but still.. next time you must check properly and make sure that there is nothing wrong with what happens next time. Don't just work carelessly, understand?" you said with a firm tone while rubbing both of Stephen's arms.
"okay ma'am," replied Stephen and kissed your hair gently.
No matter how great and brave Stephen is, he is still afraid of his wife. He really can't imagine your angry face. For him that is very badass and at the same time scary. that's what Stephen likes. Yes. The scariest and cutest wife that Stephen adored.
"don't always say ok if you don't even do your work, Stephen" said Wong in his hoarse but firm tone as he was carrying his heavy bags towards the Sanctum living room.
" and where do you want to go? The work here is not done yet" said Stephen loosening the hug and allowing you to walk into the bathroom to change clothes.
" you see, I have things in Kamar Taj for a few days because of my duty as Sorcerer Supreme so I'm not here for a few days until the things in Kamar Taj are finished.. and I want what happened in this Sanctum now to recover and I hope nothing happened as long as I wasn't here, understand?"said Wong while pointing his finger at Stephen.
Wong is really familiar with Stephen's personality and he is already familiar with it. So whatever happened before, he will definitely know who masterminded all that happened, no matter the matter involving duty or a spell that went out of control because all the evidence will definitely be directed at Stephen.
Stephen sighed and walked towards the door of his room and looked at Wong with an innocent face.
"Come on, Wong. Don't worry about all that, besides, nothing will happen as long as you're not here. Everything will be fine," replied Stephen.
Wong looked at Stephen for a long time while raising one eyebrow. He wouldn't be fooled by Stephen's sweet words because he knew that as long as he wasn't in Sanctum there would be trouble. And he also believes that with you being with Stephen, you will definitely keep Stephen under control.
"I don't trust you but I believe that your wife will make sure that nothing happens as long as you stay in this Sanctum and do not do anything related to dimensions or spells or else you will be in a dangerous situation" warned Wong firmly.
"oh please, you know that I-"
"The most famous person in the world. I know. " interrupted Wong without looking at Stephen before opening the portal and then walked across the portal carrying several luggage bags.
Stephen sighed heavily. The bathroom door was thrown wide open by you as soon as you finished changing into a thick sweater. You looked at Stephen confused.
"What's wrong? "you asked before walking up to Stephen with a confused face.
"well- you know that Wong always warns me right? yes.. that's why" replied Stephen before conjuring two cups of hot cocoa for him and you.
"I see.. well, what Wong warned you is true. You have to take care of yourself so you don't get into too much trouble. And you're lucky because I have to take care of you or not, I don't know what will happen in Sanctum later" you replied before taking a cup of hot cocoa from Stephen's hand and sipping slowly. Then, the sweet and warm taste continues to soothe your freeze and dry throat and warm your cold body temperature.
"I'm not a little boy to take care of" complained Stephen.
"yeah.. whatever you say you're still my boy" you said sweetly before walking out of your bedroom.
"I like that sound of that" replied Stephen and walked out of the bedroom and was followed by Cloak who had been at the end of the room from behind before landing on Stephen's shoulder.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Is all this for a holiday party?"asked Peter confused as he looked around the Sanctum's living room filled with snow as soon as he set foot inside the Sanctum.
Wong who wearing a thick sweater placed the last of his bags on the snowy floor before closing the portal and then looked at Peter with a fierce expression on his face.
"No. One of the rotunda gateways connects to Siberia. Blizzard blasted through." Wong replied quickly.
An abrupt swoosh can be heard. Doctor Stephen Strange floats down the stairs through his Cloak of Levitation, holding a mug, wearing a sweatshirt and an anorak. Its blue color resembles his usual mystical outfit. At first glance, it will definitely look like a father who is trying to get along with teenagers.
"Because someone forgot to cast a maintenance spell to keep the seals tight."replied Stephen lazily before he landed on the snowy floor and almost slipped as soon as he landed.
"Don't say that to Wong, Stephen. You should have done the work as Wong told you before" you said slowly going down the slippery stairs due to the snow and ice.
"That's right, because he forgot I now have higher duties. thanks Y/n" replied Wong.
"Higher duties?" asked Stephen, pretending to be confused.
"The Sorcerer Supreme has high duties, yes." replied Wong with a firm yet gentle tone.
Peter who had been standing watching the conversation of the three adults began to interrupt.
"Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme?" Peter asked confused as he pointed his finger at Stephen.
"No. He got it on a technicality, 'cause Stephen blipped for five years and made Wong to take over as Sorcerer Supreme."you said with a small smile as if trying to make Stephen jealous. (But then again, he's really jealous but on the inside..wink)
Peter then looked at Wong with a sign of understanding after what you said just now.
" Oh. Well, congratulations." said Peter with his sweet smile.
Wong nodded in thanks. At least, there is someone who appreciates him as much as you. After all, Wong had worked hard during Stephen's absence in the previous year. He also has many services as long as he takes the rank of Sorcerer Supreme in order to protect the universe and this dimension.
"If I'd been here, then I'd-"
"-burned the place down. " Wong interrupted without missing a beat before walking past Stephen and looking at the two students who had been shoveling snow since the beginning "You two, no one said, 'Stop shoveling!'"
With a jerk, the two students continued to scoop up the white snow quickly. Stephen was silent for a moment. Maybe still thinking about what Wong said a moment ago. You looked at your husband who was still silent before turning your gaze towards Peter who had been listening to the conversation between the three of you. Too bad he waited so long. You sighed lightly.
" Steph? " you called softly as you gently patted Stephen on the shoulder.
Stephen jerked and looked down at you. " yeah"
You tilted your head as if to point at Peter who was still standing waiting for his turn to speak. Stephen quickly understood your meaning and looked at Peter with his hand still tightly gripping the coffee mug.
" So Peter, to what do i owe the pleasure?
And there goes to Peter telling him the problem he is facing in the hope that Stephen can turn back the time before Mysterio revealed his identity to the public. It's quite sad, because not only is he the target of the media, but his family and close friends are also affected. Even sadder, Peter was unable to continue his studies at MIT or any other educational institution because his identity was revealed as a murderer.
For them, they didn't want the killer anywhere near them nor did they want him as a student. Even more sad, his best friend and girlfriend were also affected and rejected because they were close friends of Peter. The irresponsible party is cruel and so is the 24-hour media that only wants to make the current situation worse.
"Peter... we tampered with the stability of space-time to resurrect countless lives. You wanna do it again now just because yours got messy?" Stephen said supportively. Yes, he did feel sorry for the young man but, without the Time Stone, he couldn't do anything to help Peter.
"This isn't... it's not about me. I mean, this is really hurting a lot of people. My... my Aunt May, Happy... My best friend, my girlfriend, their futures are ruined just because they know me, and... they've done nothing wrong." Peter pleaded. His eyes began to show sadness.
You who heard the two of them talking earlier started to feel sorry for Peter. Peter is just a boy. He didn't do anything. But, just because of that person's greed and hatred, the hope of a victim is shattered without end.
What Peter went through was too big and dangerous. Because not only the media make this situation worse, but the government does the same. Just because a hero called the Avengers makes a mistake, the government and the people will no longer believe in their safety anymore.
You looked at Stephen with a compassionate face. Begged him so he could help Peter. Stephen looked at you. He really can't go against your look. He knows, every time you give that look. He will definitely lose to you. He is afraid of you but at the same time he loves you. He doesn't care if you don't have magic or work as a university lecturer, he still loves you and obeys you.
Stephen looked at Peter and sighed heavily.
"I am so sorry, but... even if I wanted to... I don't have the Time Stone anymore"said Stephen with a disappointed tone because he was unable to help Peter no matter what the situation. The Time Stone has already been returned to the past so Stephen can't do anything else.
You sighed heavily. "I really want to help you and your friends for university matters, but unfortunately I'm not the person who has the power for university matters.. I'm just a lecturer. If I'm in power, of course I'll help you all. I'm sorry." you said, nodding sadly.
Peter who seemed to have hope began to drop his hope. It's true what they say, Stephen can't do anything if the Time Stone isn't there to turn back time and you're not a powerful person when it comes to the university where you teach. So all the hopes he had started to drop.
Peter nodded slightly. "That's right"
You and Stephen nodded in unison. Peter paused for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh.
"I'm really sorry if I... wasted your time." continued Peter in a tone of disappointment plus sadness.
You and Stephen shook your heads in unison as you waved your hands in the air.
"N-No, you didn't..."
"it's okay, you're not wasting any time"
"It's okay, Stephen.. Mrs Strange"
"No Peter, I really want to help you but I can't do anything about your education. I'm not the one to solve the university thing. But I really want to help you" you said walking up to Peter and holding Peter's hand and caressing his hand as if a mother was persuading her child.
Peter held your hand and looked at you with a sad face but managed to hide it with his sweet smile.. "Just forget about it. Mrs Strange..it's ok"
You looked at Peter for a long time before nodding slowly and letting go of Peter's hands. You then slowly walked over to your husband's side but your eyes were still on Peter. Feelings of pity and wanting to help still open up in you. But if Peter says that, you have to follow what he wants. You have treated Peter like your own son so the feeling of motherhood is still strong inside you. Even though you and Stephen are not blessed with children yet, so it's not wrong if you treat children like your own children, right?
Peter looked at you both and repeated the sentence he said to you again.
"Just forget about it, I think I can manage with what's happening now" said Peter in a tone trying to be strong.
Stephen nodded and sipped his hot chocolate. You looked at your husband with a pitying expression on your face.
"Oh, he will. He's really good at forgetting things." Wong said suddenly as he lifted several bags into the portal.
This causes a temporary enlightenment in the Bleecker Street magician's mind, as he points at his companion. You looked at Stephen and Wong confused as Peter looked at Wong with a frown.
"Wong. You've actually generated a good idea." said Stephen looking at Wong with raised eyebrows.
Wong looked at the Master Of The New York Sanctum confused.
"What?" Wong asked raising an eyebrow.
"The runes of Kof-Kol." Stephen said in a suggestive tone.
"The runes of Kof-Kol?" you and Peter said in unison in confused tones.
"Oh, it's just a standard spell of forgetting. Won't turn back time, but at least people will forget that you were ever Spider-Man." replied Stephen looking at Peter and you while swinging his mug of hot chocolate in the air.
Peter with his hope reappeared. With light up eyes looking at Stephen, he looked at Stephen as if Stephen was his idol.
"seriously? Thank-"
"No. Not seriously. That spell travels the dark borders between known and unknown reality. It's too dangerous." said Wong with a firm tone. He looked at Stephen sharply.
You looked at Stephen and Wong at the same time with a worried expression on your face. Even if you don't know much about magic, you know what Wong warned is dangerous. What the Spell that crossed Stephen's mind was indeed dangerous. It doesn't matter if it's a little or a lot, you keep an eye on Stephen if he uses any spells every time you're with him.
Stephen snorted and looked at Wong. "God, we've used it for a lot less. Do you remember the full moon party in Kamar-Taj?"
The moment you heard those words, you automatically blushed hard and had to hide your face on Stephen's shoulder while your arms hugged Stephen's side. You know what happened at the Moon Party's in Kamar- Taj. Only you and Stephen know about it. And we're not here to talk about that, right?
"No"Said Wong frowning and looking at you who was still hiding your face on Stephen's shoulder.
"Exactly." replied Stephen casually.
"Come on, Wong. Hasn't he been through enough?" Stephen looked at Wong with a pleading expression.
Wong looked at Stephen with a stern expression before he looked at you who were still hiding on Stephen's shoulder and looked at Peter. Not long after, a portal appeared behind Wong that led to the Kamar Taj.
"Just leave me out of this." Wong said hesitantly before stepping into the portal. But his eyes are still on Stephen and you.
Stephen raised his eyebrows. "Fine?"
"Fine.. Y/n, take care of your husband.. if anything weird and dangerous happens feel free to be angry with him." said Wong with a tone of suggestion plus advice as if he were a father-in-law advising his daughter-in-law.
You raised your face to look at Wong. Immediately, you nodded. The "technical" Sorcerer Supreme's portal closes. The "practical" Sorcerer Supreme smiles at Peter. While you looked at them both with a worried face. You then slapped Stephen's arm hard while looking straight into Stephen's eyes.
"Ow, what was that for?" said Stephen, starting to distance himself from you. As soon as he looked at your sharp face, he began to swallow his saliva slowly.
"Do you need to mention about the Full Moon Party in Kamar Taj?" You reprimanded in a firm tone of voice.
"Don't worry, he won't know" said Stephen teasingly but cautiously.
"He will know later. Knowing Wong, he will be able to figure things out quickly. What if he bans me from coming to the Library?" you said angrily.
"I'll make The runes of Kof-Kol again. Easy" said Stephen as he walked closer to Peter and changed his clothes to his usual tunic with a spell.
"Please be careful with that spell, Stephen.. I'm worried what will happen to us later" you said with a pleading tone of advice.
Stephen looked at you then pointed at Peter and told Peter to go to the basement first before Stephen slowly walked towards you. His arms wrapped around your body and he placed his chin on your head and kissed your hair softly while inhaling the smell of your hair lovingly. You hugged Stephen tightly and inhaled the smell of Stephen's body where there was a slight smell of hot chocolate and mint as well as the smell of old books. A smell that for you is quite comfortable and can be called a safe place.
" you don't have to worry, I promise I'll be careful.. If you need me just shout my name and I'll come in an instant.. ok? "said Stephen while stroking your back gently and lovingly.
You lifted your head from Stephen's chest and looked at Stephen's face. Your right hand let go and caressed Stephen's sharp cheekbone.
"It's not that I don't believe you, but you also know that I sometimes worry about what you do. That's why I'm worried that if something happens, who will help you later? Even though I don't know much about magic knowledge or cloak relic that can floating and living, I'll still help you no matter where you are." you said while peck Stephen's lips.
Stephen hummed as he grabbed your neck to kiss your lips for a long time before looking at you and loosening his embrace from your body and pulling back to look at you with his signature ego look.
"The way for you to help me is to just to be in bed" Stephen winked before he dramatically turned and walked towards the basement with the cloak swinging behind him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You close your laptop slowly before getting out of bed and start reaching for the cable to charge your laptop. You stretched your body and yawned a little before walking back to bed to plug the charging cable into the laptop. You then intended to make hot chocolate again in the kitchen so you took the empty mug and walked out of your and Stephen's room. The Sanctum was quite quiet right now. The students who helped shovel the snow must have been resting for a while. You know they have been shoveling snow for a long time so it is not wrong if they want to rest for a while. And strangely, there was no sound at all from the underground where Stephen and Peter were now. Perhaps the process of the runes is quite long to make.
So you plan to make hot chocolate for the two students. Slowly you walk on the slippery floor. Carefully step your feet so you don't slip. As soon as you reached the Sanctum stairs, you immediately held the stair rail tightly with your right hand. You look for the two students who are not shoveling in front of the stairs. Weird, you're going down slowly.
All of a sudden, the Sanctum began to shake as if there was a massive earthquake causing your hand grip on the rail to slip and you immediately slipped down the slippery stairs before landing with your head hitting the corner of the stairs hard causing your vision to blur and have a black spot in the corner your eyes.
"Mrs Strange!" screams were heard simultaneously, which to you were the voices of two students who volunteered to help shoveling snow there.
Your blurry vision that was getting darker and darker was only able to see the shadow of the two students before your eyes closed, your eyes managed to look at the third shadow behind the student. A glimpse of black and bushy hair. And with that, your vision darkened as if you had fallen into a dark ocean.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Voices as if people were talking faintly sounded in your ears as soon as you started to wake up from unconsciousness. Your head is throbbing as if there is a drum in your head causing your headache to become painful. Of course this will cause you an extreme headache later. Your eyes began to open slowly as you flinched when the voice that was faint to you earlier became clear. You whimpered a little in pain as every sound made your head hurt. Immediately everything was silent.
You open your eyes and look around. It turns out that where you are now is your and Stephen's room. You tried to get up but suddenly a black figure quickly rushed to the side of your bed and grabbed your arm and back as if it was trying to help you sit up. You looked at that black glimpse.
'Stephen' looked at you strangely and confused before releasing his hold on you as soon as you were in a sitting position and pulled back but his eyes were still on you.
"Stephen? I'm Sherlock. Not Stephen. John, what is she saying?"Said 'Stephen' or known as Sherlock with a British accent looking to the man with sand blonde hair, short and dressed in a black jacket and black jeans who was standing not far from where the two of you were.
"Sherlock I think she's still semi-conscious-"
"-I'm fully aware ok. I'm not unconscious anymore. So I know what I'm talking about. And who are you anyway? Why is Stephen or Sherlock if you want to call him wearing clothes like this? As far as I know his hair is not curly like this." you said looking Sherlock up and down.
The man with sandy blonde hair approached you both slowly.
"My name is John Watson and I don't understand what you are saying right now. All we know is that we are solving a case and suddenly, here we are." John explained to you.
" and I am not the Stephen you say." replied Sherlock lazily as he rolled his eyes.
"Sherlock!" John insisted angrily as his eyes were fixed on Sherlock.
"It's true what I said. She keeps calling me Stephen. I don't know why." Sherlock replied.
"yeah but this is not the time to argue about that. Right now we have to think about how we want to go back to 221B" said John looking at you.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted. But what do you mean that you and he are suddenly here?" you said confusedly to the two men.
John looked at Sherlock with a face you couldn't read. Sherlock looked at John for a long moment before he let out a heavy sigh. John must have thought that Sherlock must have some sort of solution to this.
"I'm afraid I don't know how the two of us are here. All we know is that there's a flash of colour and the next thing we know we're in this 'museum'," explained Sherlock while running his hands through his curly hair.
You looked at the two of them for a long time before sighing heavily. It seems that this may have something to do with the spell that Stephen made. Nothing but this must have happened when Stephen made the spell.
" I think I know how to help you two. I have to go and see my husband.. " you said starting to get up but stopped when Sherlock grabbed your shoulder to sit back down.
You looked at Sherlock confused. Sherlock cocked his head to the side as if to indicate something. You looked at what Sherlock meant and gasped as you saw your right leg wrapped in a white bandage.
"I suggest you don't need to walk for a few weeks. You sprained your ankle when you fell down the slippery stairs so I've bandaged your leg and treated your head. Nothing serious, you might just have a headache but that will go away with time," explained John in doctor mode.
"oh, thank you for helping me. It seems we have to wait for Stephen to come to the room, then we can help you" you said.
Sherlock and John nodded. The atmosphere in the room was quiet again. Only the sound of motorcycle and car engines can be heard from outside the Sanctum even though it is muffled because of the windows but you can still hear how busy New York City is. Sherlock and John who were still confused by the current atmosphere seemed to have relaxed a little with the quiet atmosphere. Maybe that's what they want. Quiet and peaceful.
Maybe with the current situation, this is the best time for them to think of a way to go home. You looked at Sherlock who was now at the window looking at New York City with a frown on his face. He was definitely not used to the atmosphere of a big and noisy city compared to where he lived. Maybe?
Sherlock's face, which is indeed similar to your husband's face, makes you amazed at how different and the same they are when they stand next to each other. His clean shaven face without any goatee, even his curly hair that looks soft makes you want to run your fingers through his hair a few times just to feel how soft his hair is.
The way of wearing it is quite different compared to what your husband wears. The black trench coat and blue scarf look neat tied around his neck, probably because he doesn't want to get cold. But, no matter how different he is from your husband. You remain faithful to your true husband until the end of your life. Maybe Sherlock will find a girl like you? we don't know. Love doesn't always come rolling, what we need to do is find true love.
"so umm... Are you two partners or colleagues?" you said suddenly trying to make a conversation.
John looked at you before clearing his throat. " we can be said to be colleagues but we are also flatmates. Although, Sherlock's behavior is quite  rude, we are still friends. He trusts me and I trust him. Although some people think we are umm.. more than friends. But, it's not true. I'm a married man and Sherlock has a girlfriend, so over time the rumors just...disappeared"
You raised an eyebrow. Sherlock has a girlfriend?
Sherlock looked at you for a moment before looking back at the window. "yes, is there a problem?"
You shook your head quickly. " no no. John just said your behavior is a bit rude but it doesn't mean you can't afford to have a girlfriend. You are just like my husband, Stephen.. although his behavior is a bit cocky and his ego is a bit high, he knows how to take care of a woman who he calls his wife" you smiled to yourself.
Sherlock was speechless. His eyes were still focused on the outside of the window before he slowly turned his gaze towards you.
"Her name is Y/n. Yeah, you're just like her. Strong but she knows her limits. Fierce but kind at the same time. Likes to help others a lot. That's what I like about her. Stubborn too. That's the reason why I'm not surprised to see you is because to me you are just like her. There is no difference, only the way you throw your words is different. She is more soft but firm and you are more firm but soft." Sherlock said softly, his hand in his pocket gently stroking the black box.
You were stunned by what Sherlock said. It turns out that he admires the girl he loves without realizing it. The verse that is said to be arranged is beautiful like a poem. He really loves that girl. Even if the girl has the same name and face as you, no matter how different the version of Stephen in this universe is, it will definitely be united with the girl they really admire. And that girl is you.
You looked at John who was looking at Sherlock with his mouth slightly open. "What's wrong, John?"
John jerked away from his gaze and looked at you, his head a little closer to your ear. And then he whispered.
"this is the first time he admitted that he loves Y/n to someone else. All this time it was all done quietly and in his own way. So this is a bit of a surprise to me. He never told what 'our' Y/n is like to anyone but me " explained John in a whisper. Worried that his statement was heard by Sherlock who was now still in his own mind.
You nodded in understanding and looked at Sherlock. John pulled himself away from you and walked over to the chair not far from your bed, his hands clasped and gently stroked.
"umm.. how long will it take for your husband to come back?" asked John.
" I don't think it will be long because he is in the basement. So maybe he will come up soon. " you replied while tugging at your shirt.
Sherlock sighed quickly and ran his fingers through his hair repeatedly as if his mind was reeling. He then walked back and forth in the same place before walking and sitting on the end of your bed. He sighed heavily.
"oh please hurry up. I'm bored" Sherlock said with a complaining tone.
You looked at Sherlock confused then looked at John with a questioning look on your face. John looked at you as if he understood what you meant.
" don't mind him. He's always like that when he's bored. Complains and sometimes shoots the wall with a gun.. But that's when 'our' Y/n isn't in the flat.. if Y/n is there, of course he'll just stick with Y/n ." John said to you, shrugging his shoulders as if he'd had enough of Sherlock's behavior.
"shoot a wall? like really shoot a wall with a real gun? Aren't other people angry?" you asked widening your eyes slightly as if in disbelief.
John nodded and sighed. "yeah, of course our landlady is angry with Sherlock but because she's had enough of Sherlock's behavior it's become a habit. It's just that the price of the flat has increased"
" That's when your Y/n isn't there.. but what does he do when your Y/n is in the flat? " you asked John again.
"well, Sherlock usually just puts his head on Y/n's lap and Y/n will play with her hair as if that will calm Sherlock's mind. That's the calmest thing when Y/n is in our flat. All things or experiments are not touch by him if Sherlock is stuck with Y/n" said John looking at Sherlock who was looking out the window. Perhaps his attention was lost the moment he entered his mind.
You nodded understanding what John explained. Even though Sherlock looks cold and a little rude, he still has a kind and gentle nature to his lover. Also, just by looking at Sherlock you can imagine what it would be like if Stephen took criminology instead of the medical field. Surely Stephen will be like Sherlock. Thirst with knowledge and criminal cases must be his main characteristic. There is no difference at all.
You looked back at John but before you could open your mouth, Stephen opened the bedroom door wide and entered the bedroom you shared with his face covered in claw marks and bruises. Stephen limped into the room slowly.
Your eyes then light up when you see Stephen but turn worried when you see your husband's condition. The startled John quickly got up and walked towards Stephen to help him.
"Stephen! " you called in a soft voice plus a hint of concern towards Stephen.
Stephen who was limping and helped by John looked at you with a relieved face before turning to worry when his eyes looked at you who was lying on the bed with one leg wrapped.
"Honey, what happened to you? Are you ok?" Stephen asked worriedly and tried to go towards you with John's help. Stephen was still unaware of the presence of two men there even though he was helped by John. All his attention is only on you.
" Don't worry about me, dear. My ankle is just sprained and I'm sure I have a slight concussion but what we need to worry about is you, Steph.. what's going on?" you replied in a worried tone and tried to move towards Stephen but you winced in pain as you moved your bandaged leg.
Stephen sighed heavily and began to sit on the edge of the bed. John then stepped back trying to give the two couples privacy. Sherlock, who had been in the realm of his mind, started to snapped out of his mind and looked at you and his variant. Sherlock began to make deductions against Stephen.
Stephen rubbed your bandaged leg gently so that it would not put any pressure on your sprained leg. You looked at Stephen with a worried frown.
"What happened? you asked Stephen as your hand tried to reach Stephen's hand that was stroking your bandaged leg.
"well.. you know what Peter wants right? So I cast the spell but it started backfired and everything went haywire. And guess what, I found a lizard monster in the basement so I fought it and put it in the cell. It's pretty strong too and that's why I got some of these injuries. " Stephen explained. His hand then reached your hand and stroked it gently.
You let out a deep breath. Fortunately, nothing bad happened to Stephen and he only had injuries that could be treated with a first aid kit and enough rest. Luckily nothing bad happened after that. You frowned.
"So, the spell you cast and backfired is what caused this Sanctum to shake?" you make assumptions right away.
Stephen lowered his head slightly before looking at you with pleading eyes.
"yes.." replied Stephen with a small voice.
" and that spell caused the detective version of you to appear with his friend?" you said again as you pointed your index finger towards Sherlock and John.
Stephen raised his head quickly and looked at you with a confused face.
"sorry?" Stephen asked in a confused tone.
"the detective version of you appeared after I fell down the Sanctum stairs. Luckily, his friend helped me with a sprained leg and my head. Otherwise, I'd still be at the end of the Sanctum stairs." you murmured to Stephen.
Stephen immediately looked at your pointing finger and let out a heavy breath as his eyes widened to see his own twin standing upright next to the window of your room. Sherlock who looked narrowly at Stephen stiffened when he saw another version of himself in front of him.
The two men looked at each other in silence. Their eyes study each other's faces and selves quickly. Honestly, Stephen himself doesn't know whether this is an impressive thing or not because one, of course he was quite amazed when he could see another version of himself although it was a bit strange because he saw himself in front of his eyes and secondly, it was also quite dangerous if any variants who set foot in another universe, it will definitely result in bad things like incursion.
Talk about Incursion made Stephen widen his eyes with shock.
Stephen quickly shook his head in distress. "no, no no.. this is very dangerous. The two of you cannot be in this universe. It's too dangerous. One step in another universe, that universe will be destroyed and disappear from existence. This is all a mistake" Stephen rambled with stress while walking one places around the room.
John looked at Sherlock hoping Sherlock knew what Stephen meant. Destroyed and disappeared from existence. These two gentlemen should not be in this universe let alone other variants from different universes.
And what Stephen knew was that he was already fucked up after he cast the spell. Sherlock can only see the version of himself that is in distress and walking in that place. Back and forth steps were arranged by Stephen while rubbing his head. Stephen's injuries became numb and forgotten.
John decided to open his mouth. "You see, we here don't know what's going on right now. All we know is that your wife told us that you can take us back to.. our universe"
Stephen stopped and looked at John confused. "and you are?"
"John Watson, call me John" John introduced himself.
Stephen nodded his head. "Doctor Stephen Strange. Doctor Strange is fine" Stephen replied and looked at Sherlock with a frown. "and who's this friend of yours?"
John looked at Sherlock who was still standing stiffly by the window. "That's Sherlock Holmes.. just call him Sherlock.. Don't mind him, he's always like that. Trying to make some deductions."
Stephen nodded his head in understanding. Although Stephen knows who Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are due to him having read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books in his spare time. But he does not expect that the real Sherlock Holmes is a variant of himself. He excepted that Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson would appear as in the book describe both of them and in Victorian era clothing but his expectations were wrong just seeing the way they both wore.
Although the way they both dress is quite good for the season in London, it is also good that they wear such clothes in Sanctum because Sanctum is still in a 'Christmas holiday' state.
You, who had been a witness to the conversation, began to open your mouth after being silent for a 'long time'. "Stephen, I think we need to treat your injury. I'm afraid there will be an infection and we can continue this while Doctor Watson is here treating your wound. Doctor Watson, you go to the bathroom and open the bathroom mirror. In there we keep first aid kit." You told John.
John nodded and walked into the bathroom. Stephen sighed heavily.
"Do you still want to stand there or do you want to ask questions?" Stephen sighed tiredly.
As if he had just woken up from his mind reverie, Sherlock jerked out of his Mind Palace. His mind played some questions that only his variant could tell. The Great Sherlock Holmes himself does not know how the universe works let alone know about the solar system.
Stephen sighed weakly and shook his head several times trying to get rid of the dizziness that was growing in his head. "I still can't believe I will discover a variants from another universes let alone my own variant" Stephen paused and looked at Sherlock. "seems like you have a question to ask"
Sherlock nodded slightly. "although I believe in science but what is happening now is a bit confusing for me"
"I can say the same thing for you. Even I know everything about universes and mystics but this is really out of control and shouldn't happen" Stephen rubbing his chin with both hands.
Sherlock cocked his eyebrows at Stephen. "and why is that?"
"Because once any variants or things from the alternative universe are traced in another universe, it will trigger something that can bring chaos to that universe" Stephen explained.
Sherlock frowned. Meanwhile John came out of the bathroom with a first aid kit in his hand and walked towards Stephen. The first aid kit was opened and John began to enter his Doctor mode and began to treat the wound on Stephen's face.
"don't bother telling him about that, Doctor Strange. He doesn't know that the earth goes around the sun let alone knows about things like this" John muttered.
You stifled a giggle and put a palm over your mouth to hide your smile. Sherlock grumbled unpleasantly when he heard what John said then he turned his gaze to the window again.
"and by the way. Back to the trigger something.. how long do you think it will take to start happening?" John asked with concern. "we didn't want to cause any danger in your universe, honestly"
Stephen sighed. "I don't know.. let's just hope it doesn't happen so quickly"
"also, we still need to find out how to bring you both back to your universe" you stated.
Sherlock looked at you. "can you do magic too?"
"uhm.. no. I don't have magic like Stephen, I'm just a university lecturer" You replied.
"Y/n in our universe is a Detective Inspector at Scotland Yard. From there Sherlock knows her" John said all of the sudden as his hand dabbed cotton on Stephen's wounds.
Stephen winced as the stinging pain flashed across his face. John looked at Stephen apologetically before continuing his work.
"Stephen met me.. correction bumping into me and causing my coffee to spill all over him that's how we both met. Years later we both got married and still have no children but we are still happy" you smiled towards Stephen passionately.
Sherlock looked at you both for a long time. This is what will happen if he and your version are in his universe. His hand in his pocket tightly holding the ring box.
Just as Sherlock was about to open his mouth, your phone made a loud 'ping' sound indicating that notifications had arrived.
You looked at your phone on the bedside table and reached for it. The screen opens and the dim light from your screen shines on your face. Sherlock, Stephen and John just looked at you.
Your face is shocked when you receive a message from one of your students which is the latest news about the attack on the bridge but what makes you more shocked is Spiderman and squid man? who made havoc there. You quickly flipped your phone and directed it to Stephen.
Stephen widened his eyes and quickly got up from his sitting position causing John to jerk in surprise at the sudden movement.
"i have to go" Stephen said then leaned and kissed your forehead.
You nodded in understanding and caressed his cheek. "be safe" you muttered to him with concern.
Stephen nodded and walked out of the room you two shared. The two grown men who are with you can only witness the situation unfolding in front of them with confused and worried faces (John who is worried).
"What's wrong?" Sherlock spoke after a few moments of silence.
"He needs to get Peter before something untoward happens" you muttered.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
*Time Skips*
After the whole fiasco where Peter trapped Stephen in the Grand Canyon and he ran away with a cube that contained spells in the hope of changing the fate of the villains there, well that's what Peter said to you before he and the others left the Sanctum. You worriedly pacing with a slight limp in the main room of the Sanctum with a concerned face engraved.
You don't know how long you've been pacing around because you're worried about Stephen's condition now, you don't know how to open the portal. Stephen always said that he does not recommend you to learn magic because for him it is dangerous even though a simple spells can lead to a dangerous situation. You just scoffed at that. Said the one who always casts simple spells and leads into dangerous situations.
John and Sherlock who are 'still' in the Sanctum can only see your distressed session. John who was sitting on the steps was staring into space at the same time unconsciously tapping his foot on the floor while Sherlock was observing everything in the Sanctum trying to get rid of his boredom.
"it's been twelve hours he's trapped.. I don't know what happened to him and yet I'm here doing nothing to help him" You said with a worried tone.
"Calm down, Y/n. He's a Sorcerer of course he's fine. You don't need to worry about him.. Just sit here you shouldn't put pressure on your sprained leg. It will interfere with its healing" John tapped the spot beside him with his left hand.
"What if something happens to him? And I can't do anything. I don't have magic like Stephen" you said worriedly as you take a seat besides John.
"he's a great man, he'll be back later. You shouldn't worry about him. He might be dealing with what happened now." John assured you while patting your shoulder. He looked at Sherlock who was trying to hold the artifacts there. "Sherlock" he called.
Sherlock withdrew his fingers from touching the artifacts there and turned his gaze on John. He grumbled and sat next to you. Now you are among British men. One that looks like your husband and one that looks like one of the CIA agents you see on TV.
"I just wish he's okay, that's all. That's what a wife should do right? Worry about their husband's well-being" you murmured.
"Mary don't do that" Sherlock muttered.
John glared at him. "Pardon?"
Sherlock grumbled and looked away. You looked at Sherlock with confusion engraved on your face.
"Mary? As in Mary Watson?" You asked.
"My wife." John replied, smiling to himself.
"She sounds lovely"
"oh she was lovely.. Still is" John looked down his lap with sorrow.
"Was?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
"She's passed away a few years ago. It's complicated but everything is sorted out" John said, grieving.
"Oh, John.. I'm sorry for your loss. She's probably in a good place" you said, rubbing his back in a comforting way.
"Thanks" John said lowly. "without her me and Sherlock will not make up after a long time of not being on the same page for some reason regarding her death. She saved us one last time. Well, she's probably going to kill us if we still don't see each other. Rosie going to be pisses to her dad for that" John added.
"at least she has a favorite auntie and uncle by her side" Sherlock interrupted.
"yeah, well. obviously you and Y/n are her favorites. You both spoiled her too much with the puzzle. Now she's obsessed." John complained.
"It's good for 5 years old to grow up with the great brain. Otherwise you spoiled her with Mrs Hudson biscuits" Sherlock shot back his response.
"Rosie's first word is Murder. Murder! Not daddy or Papa. It's all your fault for teaching her that word" John said loudly.
Two British men fighting like old married couples? yup. Your day is very beautiful.
" her first word is Murder. Well.. that's quite surprising" You are dumbfounded.
"I expected she said mother but I heard it wrong.. She loudly said Murder. Now you know whose fault" John crossed his arms.
"At least she doesn't have a bad temper like yours" Sherlock said flatly.
"what?" John glared at Sherlock.
"nothing." Sherlock looked at you. "She and Y/n are very inseparable. Y/n loves her like her own daughter so no wonder Rosie has almost the same personality as Y/n. She follows her everywhere" Sherlock said admiringly.
"You really love her, don't you?" you said, grinning at him.
"Well, love is a strong word but yes. You can say that. Mycroft still debating with himself when I say that I have a girlfriend" Sherlock muttered.
You nodded in understanding and thought into space. The Sanctum is quiet.
"You know, it's a bit weird knowing that the characters from the books I read when I was little actually exist in another universe. Let alone have the same face as my husband." you chuckled.
"I'm still debating with myself that the Multiverse exists. Let alone meet the same person as my girlfriend" Sherlock said.
"I'm still in the state of making sure this is not a dream by the way" John spoke.
"well, Mr Watson. It's one hundred percent real and not a dream" you replied, smirking.
"But still, being in another universe is not our line of work" Sherlock said next to you.
You sighed lightly. "Is it true that you once encountered Professor Moriarty?"
"Moriarty is not a professor in our universe but well he claimed himself as a Consulting Mastermind. Well, he's dead now.. So no need to worry"
"is it Reinchenbach Fall? He's dead because he fell right?" You tilted your head slightly.
"he shot himself with a gun.. I was the one who jumped not him.. I'm pretending to be dead for 2 years just to destroy his network" Sherlock replied.
"oh, yeah.. i read about that too.. You pretended to be dead for 2 years... Gosh, that must be bothering you, isn't it?" You said, glancing at Sherlock sympathetically.
"You can say that" Sherlock replied.
"It's sound weird that you know everything because you read books about us even though you've never been to our place" John blurted after a long time silent.
"Well, the timeline in the book is the Victorian era, so compared to your modern era, there is no difference. The characters and the story lines are almost the same," you explained.
"but not all of them, right?" John looked at you.
You nodded. "yup" you thought for a moment. "Gosh, it's been a while.. I'm starting to worry about him" you rubbed your arms anxiously.
Sherlock awkwardly put his hand on your back and rubbed it gently in a comforting way.
"He's okay, Y/n..Don't worry about him.. Like you said he has magic so he knows when to protect himself" John reassured you.
"but what if something happens-"
The sound of the spark started to be heard in the middle of the Sanctum where the three of you were. You started to wake up with Sherlock's help. Both hands hug yourself as you try to warm yourself. There Stephen came out of the portal with scratches and cuts on his face. He looked obviously tired.
His body bends a little, probably his ribs are sore after fighting for a long time. You sighed in relief and rushed to Stephen. You immediately put Stephen's right hand on your shoulder as you helped him to sit on the Sanctum stairs.
"Oh, Stephen. Thank God you're okay" you put both hands on Stephen's cheek and caressed his cheek.
Stephen sighed heavily before putting his forehead against yours. He closed his eyes tiredly. "it takes a long time to handle that opponent"
"Are those villains already defeated? What happened to Spiderman?" You asked concerned.
"I already took them all back to their universes.. It took a long time to handle that because of Goblin. Spiderman is also okay, he's the ones who cure them all" Stephen explained.
"Oh, what a relief. At least you're okay" you said while looking at the injury on his face. "Luckily it's just a small wounds and not a big one. Need me to clean it?"
"no need, I can use healing spells besides I have one last job to do" Stephen opened his eyes and glanced at the Baker Street duo.
Stephen started to get up and walk forward facing the duo. "I believe this is the time for you two to return to your universe. Can't risk any danger in this universe, right?"
"yes.. of course.. We don't want that to happen" John replied.
"the spell doesn't hurt, it's just a bit tickle so both of you will arrive in your universe as usual" Stephen explained.
Sherlock nodded in understanding. "Thanks for letting us both sit here for a while. We appreciate it"
Stephen nodded then held out his hand to shake Sherlock's hand. Sherlock reached out and shook his hand.
"Until next time" Stephen nodded.
Sherlock nodded. John looked at you with appreciation.
"Thanks, Y/n. for explaining and letting us stay here.. Also for helping us get used to being here for a while. We owe it to you both" John said.
"You don't owe us anything, John. Besides, thanks for helping me about what happened earlier. Thanks for treating my injuries." you said to him with a smile.
You turned your gaze to Sherlock. "and you, Mr. Holmes. Make sure you propose to Y/n with a lot of books as a gift, yes? Don't think I didn't see your hand in your pocket, fidgeting with the ring box. Make sure she said yes even though she always says yes to you" you warned him.
Sherlock was stunned. His face turned red. John gawked at Sherlock while Stephen smirked.
"right, shall we?" Sherlock cut him off by telling Stephen to leave.
Stephen smirked then nodded and then he began to cast a spell to send them both back to their universe.
Their bodies glowed with a bright yellow light and slowly they disappeared in front of you both. Sherlock nodded his appreciation at the two of you before disappearing in your sight.
You looked at Stephen with a grin. "well, that went well"
"yes.. it went well, honey" Stephen put his hand on your hips.
"now, why don't we just clean ourselves up and treat those injuries? After that we can just marathon read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books in our room? what do you think?" you suggested
"Is there hot chocolate?" Stephen smirked at you.
"oh, Husband. Of course there is. Besides Sanctum is still in the Christmas spirit, so we need more hot chocolate" you smiled teasingly at him.
"well, my wife. Lead the way then" Stephen squeezed your hips teasingly causing you to shriek.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Peter Parker Masterlist (MCU)
this boy is gonna have a whole post just for himself cause damn
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The Spider Boy
14 and 46 with Peter Parker
“Dont you love me?”  
“I’ll ruin you if I ever see you talking to my love again”
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?”
Not Crushes Soul Mate
Comforting recently broken up Crush
Pretending to be a couple
Copycat trying to court Crush
Valentines Day
Yandere Copycat
Bullied S/o
Oblivious crush
S/o that loves Physical Affection
Panic attack comfort
S/o who doesnt believe in marriage
jealous cause the kissing scenes in your preforming play
Happy Birthday
Trying to get S/os parents approval
S/o with invisibility power
S/o with a bad home life
Aunt May finding out Peter kidnapped S/o
Kidnapping headcannons
Peter coming into S/os dimension via Movie
S/o who ran away/Disappeared
S/os a mermaid
starting college before him
Teenage pregnancy
Scary movie marathon
Pumpkin Carving contest
Married in LA
Zombie Apocalypse
S/o being frightened from watching horror movies alone
Post Infinity War, Ghost! Peter
First meeting, stalking, and taking pictures of Crush
S/o w/ superiority Complex
S/os the daughter of Tony Stark
Queen S/o
The type of Photos Peter will have of S/o
photoshoping himself into pictures with S/o
Manipulative S/o
“Dont say youre lonely, you have me!”
Halloween HC
“i love you, and ill do anything to prove it”
Body image issues
Yandere Crush
Dealing with another Yandere whose after you
crushs a weeb
Youtuber S/o
S/os protective best friend
Joining the side of his Villain S/o
Jealous cause S/o likes WWE
S/o whose close with their family
Touch starved S/o
“dont run away from me”+ “i need you”
Movie Star S/o
S/o who loves to be doted on
Movie Star S/o prt2
Jealous caused youre shipped with others
Being separated in classes  
Jealous cause S/os spending more time with Ned
Jealous because of S/os protective, clingy Little sister
S/os parents finding out about his yandere traits
Youtuber! Peter obsessing over S/o
S/os friends trying to separate you
Someone else asks S/o to be their Valentine first
S/os father, Tony, not liking peter
Workaholic S/o
Popular S/o
Vampire S/o who feels bad for feeding
Touch starved Peter
Straight Forward S/o
S/o with a terrifying Father
Relaxing w/ you after Spiderman duties
S/o who finally escapes
Athletic S/o
Thinking your cheating
S/o who constantly loses her glasses
Druggie S/o
Childish Drunk S/o
S/o being taken advantage of
Jealous of your friendly Teacher
S/o hiding her chest
S/o Hiding behind him
Comforting Workaholic S/o
Constantly tired S/o
S/o who stalks, takes pictures, and steals peters underware
Trying to break up with Peter
Proposing to Peter
Suddenly jumping on peter for a piggy back ride
Taking a depression nap
Someon flirting with Naive S/o
Selfless Kidnapped S/o
S/os Parents disapprove of the relationship
Short S/o struggling to keep eyecontact
Fighting anyone who bullies peter
Online Crush coming to visit
pyromaniac S/o
Recharging after Finals
Villain S/o dating Peter to kill him
Stoping Server Workaholic S/o
Stopping S/o from fighting
Another yandere kidnapping S/o
S/os Suicide TW
S/o with acrylic nails
Pregnant S/o running away
Getting better score than Peter after he Tutored you
Surprised by how muscular Peter is
S/os a unknown Hero
Peter paranoid at S/os birthday party planning
Stalker S/o forgetting to turn of their cameras Flash
S/o that does archery
Voice actress + Cosplayer S/o
S/o coming to America for College
S/o on her period
S/o asking for tech help at ungodly hours
Emotionally immature affectionate S/o
Sterile S/o
Someone trying to get your pantie shot
Intimidating but sweet S/o
S/o whos chill with Peters yandere traits
Player S/o
S/o with negative affiliations
Learning Sign Language to Adopt a deaf child
Bad, corny pickup lines
College S/o bringing back gifts from their Home Land
embroidery w/ S/o
Avengers finding kidnapped S/o
Gamer Rage S/o
What kind of parent Peter is
S/o accidentally revealing their powers
S/o being harassed because of “Thin Privilege”
S/o Shuting down when kidnapped
Autistic S/o
Tourist Crush
Comforting S/o whose parents are divorcing
S/o who loves to do calligraphy
S/o who Friendzones everything
S/o hacking into Stark Industries
Gluten allergy S/o
Pissed S/o punching a whole in the wall
Starving Succubus S/o
The Purge + Hunted down
S/o whos not allowed to celebrate Halloween
S/o who is immune to Incubus Peter
Kuudere S/o + Haunted House
Overworked S/o due to parents
Stockholm S/o with a Crippling phobia of the outside world
Monster fucker S/o being disappointed she wasnt kidnapped by a Orc
Saying a Werewolf pun to Werewolf Peter
Kidnapped S/o asking for videogames
Stockholm S/o with a Crippling phobia of the outside world PRT2
Werewolf S/o
S/o that can bring dolls to life
Bad Necromancer S/o
Telepathic S/o
Demon S/o
Escaped Naga S/o
Monster S/o Attacking peter
S/o who speaks in older languages the angrier they get
S/o having a breakdown
S/o who is secretly a DJ
Going to halloween party with Dullahan S/o
Exhausted yard worker S/o
S/o not caring for their birthday anymore
Finding out S/os a harpy
Finding S/os sleeping on the streets
People Pleaser S/os friend commits suicide TW
Tsundere S/o
S/o being upset for what peter did in their dream
S/o sneaking out to go Black Friday shopping
S/o staying home for their birthday
Knowing Spidermans peter when he saves S/o
Android S/o finally showing a huge step in affectiom
S/o just moving to NY
S/o escaping to go to McDonalds
Independent Crush in a Zombie Apocalypse
Immortal S/o pranking people in brutal ways
“What if we ran away together, JK kidding… Unless?”
Crush trying to get peter and their friend together
Stalking S/o to their safety
S/o has hyphema
Darlings brothers are terrifying
S/o sneaking out to star gaze
Murdering someone S/o knows
Yandere S/o not liking Aunt May
Witch S/o giving peter a magic Romba
Artist Male S/o gifting peter a portrait of Uncle Ben
Kuundere S/os parents not supporting them
Cat girl/boy S/o
‘Dead’ s/o being found
Dotting on stressed peter
Succubus eating off of affection rather than lust
Bullied s/o fighting back
S/o who acts like a cat when they want his attention
S/os name is hard to pronounce
Yandere letters
1st generation immigrant S/o who isnt good at English
Bratty S/o
S/o has a friend thats basically their kid
S/o who forgets to eat
S/o who forgets to sleep
Joining S/o in gym
Darling with Fainting spells
S/o who forgets to take their meds
Depressed darling comfort
S/o addicted to monster energy drinks
Izuku Midoriya vs Peter Parker
S/os obsessed w/ space
Keeping naive S/o out of trouble
Male s/o that flirts alot
Motherly S/o
Hunted down by Werewolf peter
Aro S/o who loves physical affection
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Pleasing prt2 
NS FW alphabet A-Z
Sub Peter w/ Male S/o 
Creampied w/ Male S/o 
NS FW headcannons
Using your underwear 
Jerking off in S/os bed when theyre away 
Watching S/o masturbate through closet door 
Omega peter convincing that hes a worthy mate. slightly NS FW
Breeding + Submissive 
Breeding kink 
Worked up in the middle of school 
NON-CON Breeding kink 
Sexually frustrated S/o 
Sitting on Peters face 
Indulging Male S/os dirty fantasy’s of Spiderman 
Soulmate + Somnophilia 
Sensory deprivation w/ Sub Peter 
Somnophilia HC 
Naga Peter NS FW HC
Somnophilia w/ male s/o 
sending him sexy pics 
994 notes · View notes
crushingonevery1 · 7 months
Im okay (part 1)
Warning: nothing really, slight mention of anxiety, reader has a chip in her body, i think that's it
Pairings: Peter Parker x girlfriend reader
School just ended and Peter and you were sitting in detention after being caught talking in class. You were both guilty of getting detention on purpose more times than you would like to admit. Your uncle and aunt were never home during this time so you got the most freedom to spend time with Peter. And currently, they were both on a business trip and had locked the mansion basically leaving you on the streets to fend for yourself for the week. You weren't complaining tho May and Peter had very generously offered for you to live with them whenever that happened, cause it happened way too much. Your uncle would come to find you through the tracker installed in your shoulder once they were back. You were sure he knew about Peter but just didn't care or didn't find a 17-year-old too dangerous for his "asset".
You were both just exiting school and going back home when Peter got a call from Mr Stark of course you knew about him being Spiderman so after reassuring him that you will be fine and that he should hurry up, you made your way towards Peter's while he left for the avengers tower.
At the tower, it had been a few minutes since the quinjet had landed and everyone was scattered in the living room and kitchen filling up. Peter was texting you every detail of his mission and happily smiling when you told him you were proud of him. Obviously everyone noticed that the usually talkative teen boy was smiling and blushing towards his phone and not talking to anyone or even replying when Tony called out to him. so Tony after getting ignored for the second time finally pulled out Peter's phone out of his hand looking at who he was texting.
"TONY!!" Pepper shouted clearly unimpressed.
"Relax pep I'm basically his dad" he replied very confidently looking through the texts before finally clicking on your pic. All the while Peter just sat quietly trusting Mr Stark with anything and deciding it was about time he told them about you despite you saying no.
"Who you texting kid??" asked Sam all the way from the kitchen clearly entertained knowing Tony was in for an ass-whooping later.
"umm... my girlfriend..." that got everyone's attention. It was TOO quiet for a good 2 mins before Tony finally pitched in.
"She's cute. Although I'm not sure telling her every detail of our mission to impress her is a good idea, you are not THAT ugly kid."
"WAIT WHAT!!!"spoke the one and only captain america " Peter how could you be so reckless!!". He was clearly disappointed and usually peter would instantly apologise when he saw someone upset. not this time tho, he felt the need to defend you.
"no shes not like that i swear, she would never... She's already got so much of her own stuff going on she can't and she won't."
Seeing the usually too obedient kid argue against cap everyone understand whoever you were, you were important to Peter and they will figure out whether you were a danger or not before passing anymore comments to hurt the kid. They all kept quiet and Peter was about to apologise for being rude when Scott spoke up from the couch next to him. "so hey, when do we get to meet her?? How long has it been? How'd you meet? Give us the deets kid."
Seeing all of them waiting impatiently for his answer made him a lot more calmer before he decided to answer a few questions they might have.
"Her name's y/n. She's in my maths class, and she's like super smart, like more than me. We started officially dating like a month back but we were best friends before that too. She's really close with Ned and MJ too!!" He was practically shouting out of excitement by the time he finished. They smiled widely at the whipped teenager remembering their own first loves and congratulating the spider. When everyone was done sharing their first love experiences Tony finally spoke "As much as I loved hearing about Manchurian candidate being a complete chick magnet, circling back to the exciting part of today, Underoos,when do we get to meet the spider girl?" This made Peter blush profusely before he finally spoke
"Mr stark, you know how my birthday is next week ??" At this tiny doubtfully nods, clearly dissatisfied that his question was ignored. Ignoring the expression on the older man's face Peter continues "Do you think you could throw me an early birthday party...like today?"
Completely forgetting everything at the name of a party Tony very happily replied "You got it Underoos, EVERYONE!! TONIGHT AT 8!! MY KID'S TURNING LEGAL!!"
"next week stark, the kid turns legal next week, you're not letting him drink today"
Ignoring the fight in the background between Tony and Steve everyone went back to whatever they were doing while Peter made his way to the kitchen where Sam, Bucky, Pepper and thor and loki sat. He quickly took a seat at the table dialing your number extremely excited to hear your voice.
"hey honey, did you reach home safe??" "Yes I did Pete I texted you remember?"
"Right!Is may home?" "No she went to help aunt Betty she told us yesterday at dinner"
"oh that's even better! Hey Mr stark is throwing me a birthday party tonight can you please join us it would mean the world to me" "ofc Pete anything. But...your birthday's next week isn't it ?"
By now the convo between Bucky and thor had calmed down and they were all very much listening to your conversation with zero shame.
"Yea! Yea ikr! I told Mr stark but you know him, he's so ...extravagant!!so he just wanted to have a early celebration" the lie made everyone hearing cringe very evidently but they awaited your reply not expecting you to buy that.
"right... I'll be there ofc but umm...you think u could meet me at the gate...I don't want to have to walk in among all the supers completely alone... actually nevermind I'm being a baby I'll be there, you enjoy with your frien-" "hey relax, breathe for me, I'll be coming home in a bit we'll get ready together and come to the party together don't worry, okay ? Rest well honey I'll be home in an hour"
They were superheros for godsake your unusual anxiety instead of excitement over your boyfriend's birthday was wayyyy too obvious in your voice, but there was currently a bigger issue at hand...
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 months
The meeting was coming to a close at the sanctum. Periodically, the Avengers would meet up here when they needed to consult with Dr. Strange.
Most of the time, Stephen would just open a portal to talk to the team. But with the need of having to reference ancient scripts and the instance of Tony; they were at the Sanctum.
" Don't touch that Stark"
There was a zapping sound, a flash of orange light, and then a distinct burning smell. The team other than Dr. Strange turned to look at Tony. Who was shaking his hand while blowing on the tip of his finger. The book that was locked into what appeared to be a small birdcage is still faintly glowing.
" I didn’t even get to touch it! "
Stephen sighs and closes the book he was looking at about to turn around when the Cloak jerked him to face the door.
" Wha-"
The Cloak untangles itself from around Stephen and flew to the door, swinging it open a crack and is gone.
Stephen frowns as he stares at the door for a moment. He can hear the little laughs, definitely at his expense. He shakes his head slowly.
" Like I said before - the Cloak is a sentient being. And-"
Then, a loud bumping sound could be heard beyond the door.
Steve pulled the shield from its holster on his back to hold in front of himself. Tony flicks his wrist, so a small gauntlet forms on his hand.
It continues on, but bumping sound seems to have a rhythm to it. Stephen glances at everyone. Before walking closer to the door, he nods to them lightly. He moves his hands around in a small pattern, and the door slowly opens.
Loud music pours into the room.
'And baby, don't you like this beat?
I made it so you'd sleep with me
It's like a hundred ninety-nine degrees
When you're doing it with me, doing it with me, '
And beyond the door in the large foyer is Spiderman. Who was currently dancing and singing, holding onto the edge of the cloak as he danced.
It was funny watching the cloak try to mimic the arm motions that Spiderman was doing.
'Snap and clap and touch your toes
Raise your hands, now body roll
Dance it out, you're hot to go'
Spiderman spins around and just continues to jump around, all while the cloak tries to mimic his movements to dance alongside him.
Snap and clap and touch your toes
Raise your hands, now body roll
The team just stares at them, and it wasn't until the Cloak notices them that he moves to tap Spiderman on the shoulder as he was coming up from 'touching his toes'.
Spiderman quickly shoots a web at the phone sitting on the mantel and to the speaker in the corner of the room that Stephen never noticed was there. The music shutting off.
" Uh.. Hi guys! Um.. and ladies. Uhh.. whut.. I mean. You're here?"
Tony's gauntlet retracts into his watch. And he moves to take off his sunglasses.
" Yeah, kid. We are here. But what I want to know is why you are here. No. I want to know how you freely came in. " he squints and stares down at Spiderman before turning and points at Stephen.
" What type of Harry Potter bullshit you doing here?"
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alwaysthegeorges · 2 months
What Dreams Are Made Of - Peter Parker x Reader (1/2)
Summary - You and Peter are friends. Except when he looks at you like that.
Warnings - Fluff, pining, talks of sex
Word Count - 4.4k
a/n - this went so far from what I had originally imagined. part 2 will be hardcore smut so stay tuned
!gif not mine!
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You and Peter Parker were friends. That was all. At least that's what you told yourselves.
As a neighborhood hero yourself, you spent a lot of time with Peter. Being at the "bottom of the food chain" at the Avengers tower had its perks, of course, but it also meant that whenever anyone was too lazy to go get what they needed, you and Peter were tasked with the errands. Thor wanted a sandwich from the deli across town? Whatever. Natasha craved a chocolate cupcake from the bakery right across the street? No problem. Except when they made you take the friendly neighborhood Spiderman with you to get him out of the house.
Peter had the tendency to hole himself up in his room for days when he wasn't saving the city or doing patrols. Legos and whatever online forums he was browsing took up most of his time, which was frustrating to the entire tower, especially you. Totally not because you liked him, but because it wasn't healthy. So, every few days you had gone solo, Tony would drag his young protégé out of his room (sometimes by physical force) and force him to accompany you.
Being one of the few young women living at the tower and working with the team, they all treated you like a younger sister, just like they treated Peter as their younger brother. They all knew you could both hold your own on the battlefield, but they also knew sometimes you needed big sibling advice, needed to be told which side of the wrench to use, or even to be pushed together with your crush so you guys would just kiss already and stop pining. Steve's words, not yours.
What you loved about the team is that they always looked out for the two of you. What you hated was having to go around like their assistants to get them coffee from the 24-hour gas station at 4 a.m. so they could plan for whatever major fundraising event was coming up. If they were up, so were you and Peter, just in case they needed something. It may have been annoying sometimes, but they did so much for you that it only felt right to give that back in the ways you could. So, when coffee was requested for the second time in four hours, and the idea of buying a coffee pot for the tower was waved off, you and Peter headed out to the gas station.
The ding of the bell sounded as the two of you groggily shuffled in, the clerk side-eyeing you like you had just ruined his night by showing up for the second time in a night. As you browsed the aisles separately to shoot the shit, occasionally calling to one another to grab a certain snack, you could feel the long night getting to your brain. Of course, when you got groggy and tired, your brain started to tell you Peter was sending you signs that he liked you more than a friend, which was preposterous. Peter was dating MJ, and it was going well. However, you couldn't shake the fact that his glances at you felt longer, his arm around your shoulder felt less platonic, and the air felt thicker when you were alone together. But of course, that was all in your head, as you tried to remind yourself as he tossed you your favorite snack before heading to the checkout counter.
"Put your stuff up there too, and I'll just put it on the business card. Tony really shouldn't trust me with this thing when I'm near candy," Peter joked, smiling back at you as you came up behind him to put your items on the counter.
"I don't know why he keeps giving it to you instead of me. I'm clearly the more responsible one," you quip, eyeing the 3 different packs of candy you had grabbed along with the coffee cups.
The two of you shared a stare, chuckling at the haul as Peter shoved the card into the reader. His head whipped around as the card reader started beeping rapidly, taking it out with confusion.
"Sorry man, you shoved it in too hard. Sometimes the reader can get sensitive with that stuff," drawled the clerk, and Peter gently put the card back in with a chuckle.
"Jeez, Parker. Hope you don't treat MJ like that card reader," you joked, shoving your elbow into his arm. His face went red and he laughed, but then suddenly found the reader to be super interesting.
As the two of you carried your bags and drinks back to the tower, the air felt tight, and he hadn't spoken a word since he wasn't able to take his eyes off the reader. You had a feeling it had to do with your joke about MJ, so you piped up.
"Hey, sorry if the card reader joke was weird."
"No, no, it's fine. It just took me off guard," he said, not taking his eyes off the pavement.
"I didn't mean to imply that you were.." you trailed off. That he was what? Rough? You couldn't imagine Peter being rough. Sexually at least.
"No, seriously, you're fine. It's just- we haven't exactly-" he coughed.
"You two haven't had sex?"
"It's not that she doesn't want to, I just haven't-"
The conversation got cut off by the elevator opening, causing a stampede of tired and overworked heroes jonesing for their liquid sleep. After distributing the goods, the two of you made your way into the main living room and sat on the couch, finally digging into your haul of sugar. After a beat of silence, you sat back on the plush couch and looked at him.
"So?" you asked innocently.
He finally looked at you instead of the floor.
"Why haven't you guys done it yet? I thought you were in love or something."
"That's a long story," he started, shifting in his seat. He suddenly found the floor more interesting again.
"If you don't want to talk about sex, that's fine. But you're always raving about MJ to me, and you've been quiet all night. You can tell me if something's going on, you know. We're friends," you said, shifting forward and placing a hand on his forearm.
Peter looked at you, and a beat passed as he searched your face. You were worried you had upset him or pushed too hard, but just as you rescinded your hand and opened your mouth to apologize, he spoke.
"She told me she loved me and I just... I couldn't say it back."
Your mind immediately reeled. Why couldn't he say it back? Did he like someone else? Was he lying to protect her from people coming after them?
He must have seen the look on your face, because he pretty quickly launched into an explanation so your mind wouldn't work too hard.
"I wanted to say it back," he started, taking a deep breath. "Something just told me that if I did, then she'd want to have sex, and I know we've been dating for 4 months, but I'm just not ready for that. It's too important and I don't want to waste it on-" he stopped. His face immediately reddened as you sat up quickly.
"Too important? Why?" you asked curiously, not being able to contain your thoughts.
"Just, never mind. I'll talk to you later."
With that, Peter got up and stalked away, leaving a trail of confusion behind him. Your mind raced for answers but came up short, and you ultimately gave up and shuffled back into the meeting room. There was some large map on the table, so you ended up near the end, where Steve was watching, looking bored.
"What was that all about?" Steve asked, apparently in a mood to talk about anything else than a charity event.
"Nosy much?" you joked, giving him a look.
"Indulge me. It's not that often we get a gloomy Peter."
"I think I pushed too hard when he told me he and MJ haven't had sex yet," you admitted with a sigh. Steve looked at you with surprise at the answer.
"Really? I thought they were madly in love~" he replied, wiggling his eyebrows.
"I know, I was surprised too. But apparently, it's 'too special' to do with her yet. But I can't figure out why. He's being weird about it, like he's never done it before-"
The realization hit the two of you like bricks.
"Oh my god, little Petey hasn't had sex yet? Isn't he like 21?" Steve asked, a bit too gleefully.
"Yeah, we're only a few days apart. That makes so much sense now! But I wonder why he feels like it wouldn't be special enough with MJ."
"Why don't you go ask him? Sounds more interesting in this stuff, anyway."
You nodded and cupped Steve on the shoulder before heading to the hallway with both your and Peter's rooms. You slowed as you came up to his door, bringing your hand up to knock, but stopping. He's probably had enough sex talk for the night. Instead, you dropped your hand and went to your own room, sleeping a little more peacefully with the knowledge that maybe Peter and MJ weren't as solid as you thought.
A pounding at your door woke you up with a jump.
"C'mon, we're gonna be late!" A voice called from the other side.
You rolled over to look at your alarm clock. 11:30 a.m. With a groan, you got up and started to get dressed.
You had been distracted all day. The whole team had to be at this too-large banquet hall to set up for the charity event that night, but your mind was definitely not on fancy curtains and chocolate fountains. As much as you didn't want to admit it, a part of you was relieved that Peter and MJ weren't as serious as you thought. A part of you wanted to know why he was so adamant that MJ wasn't the one he wanted to lose his virginity to, but the other part told you to leave it alone and keep it in your pants. As much as you wanted to fantasize, Peter had in no way made a pass at you, nor should he. He was your teammate. It didn't matter that his eyes gleamed when the two of you stood a little too close, or that his hand seemed to linger when you accidentally touched hands at meetings. He had a girlfriend, and that was that.
You had just started to accept this fact when you glanced at him across the room, and he ducked his head like he had just been caught staring. You brushed it off, trying to convince yourself that it was just a coincidence and that he was probably just thinking about your conversation last night. You had hauled yourself into focusing on the decorating so much that you didn't even notice at first when he showed up at your side with a coffee and your favorite dessert. You jumped a little when he said your name, but thanked him sweetly for the gesture. Peter brought you the combination a lot when he could tell you were tired or stressed. He was just a good friend like that, and you had forbidden yourself from thinking about it any other way years ago.
"I'm sorry about last night," he offered, sipping his own coffee.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I overstepped," you said, placing a hand on his arm. So muscular from training, yet so soft- nope. Not thinking about that. You removed your arm and tried really hard to focus in on the conversation. His eyes seemed to wander anywhere but yours, which wasn't like him, but you were trying not to push too hard again.
"You didn't. I'm just a little sensitive about sex. I just want it to be perfect, you know? And I know that it probably won't be because it rarely is, but I just have this picture in my head of what it should be. And I'm not ready to give that up just yet. Even if I do like MJ."
You felt a ping in your heart at the last sentence, but you soldiered on.
"That's okay. You shouldn't have to settle for something that's not what you want."
"Thanks. I'm trying to keep my expectations down, anyway. It's not like I have the means for a candlelit rooftop," he laughed, shoulders seeming to ease a bit. You chuckled, trying very hard to not notice the cute blush donning his cheeks.
"Oo, candlelit rooftop, eh? What other fancy plans do you have in mind, mister romantic?"
His blush deepened, and he hung his head to the floor with a sultry chuckle before bringing it back up with a look you couldn't decipher.
"Let's just say that when it happens, we won't leave until the sun comes up."
With that, Peter sauntered away with an air of confidence, leaving you to pick your jaw up off the floor all by yourself.
The alarm set on your phone went off with an annoying ring just as you were putting on your second earring. Fortunately, a lot of important people were going to be showing up to this fancy event, so Tony had instructed the entire team to put on their best. For you, that meant your old-that-doesn't-look-old prom dress you were surprised still fit. You peered into the mirror, giving one final look at the glittering navy that hugged your body so well it was sinful. Your hair cascaded down one shoulder, the other side pinned with silver and diamond pins. It was safe to say you cleaned up well.
You grabbed your phone to shut the alarm off just as Peter opened your door. You stumbled back from your bed in surprise, and as Peter opened his mouth to apologize, he stopped. Like a deer in headlights, the man looked you up and down with his mouth quite literally hanging open.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," you said, chuckling at his gawking.
Before you could even register what he was doing, Peter ripped his phone out of his pocket and took a picture. He lowered it after the shutter sound, smiling the biggest you had seen in months.
"Did you really just-?" you asked in disbelief, not being able to control the laughter that spilled out. This man.
Proudly, like a kid showing his parent the artwork he just created, he showed you the picture he took. It was half blurry and the lighting was terrible, but he seemed so pleased with himself that you couldn't help but laugh.
After you got ahold of yourself, you grabbed your clutch purse, sliding your phone in. You walked out of your room, grabbing Peter's hand and pulling him along with you to the elevator like an excited puppy.
"We have a banquet to endure."
The banquet was roaring with people, laughing echoing off the walls, and too-drunk women reaching for more champagne. The few people you had talked to didn't have much to say, and only really wanted to talk about their boats and mansions. You decided to steer clear of them for now, going to grab yourself a second flute of champagne from the bar instead. You sipped your glass as you surveyed the scene, and caught the eye of a curly-haired, golden retriever of a man, already staring back at you. You noticed him politely excuse himself from the people he was talking to and saunter over to you, a half-empty glass in a hand of his own.
"Come to bore me with details about your boat, Parker?" you asked jokingly as he reached you and set his glass on the bar.
"Oh, of course. But my glass was also getting empty," he quipped, winking at you before turning to watch the bartender fill his drink.
"You weren't coming over here to tell me how exquisite I look tonight like the other old men looking for a sugar baby, were you?"
Peter picked up his glass and took a long sip before pausing to answer.
"I would describe you as ravishing, darling. And that's not exactly the kind of baby I'm looking for," he said in a jokingly I-am-rich-and-serious tone, going to sip his drink again. You choked on the hair, shaking your head at him. In the background, you noticed a band start to play a slow melody.
"You're lucky you're cute, Parker," you chuckled, taking the time to look him up and down like he had done earlier. Man, did he clean up nice.
"Don't think I don't see you checking me out. If you're going to gawk, at least make it subtle!"
You gasped out a laugh, looking back up at his face to see a cocky look on his face.
"May I remind you that you basically tripped over yourself to get a picture of me earlier?"
"Mm, I don't recall. Shall we dance?" he asked, brushing past the question with one of those goddamn smiles. He sat down his drink, now empty, and held out his hand for you to take.
You shook your head at him with a smile, but ultimately put your cup down and took his hand. He grasped it gently, but like you would slip away if he let go. You could feel the suaveness in his steps as he pulled you onto the dancefloor and into him, chest to chest. As you swayed to the music, hand in hand, so close all you could smell was his cologne, a soft silence fell between you. The music tumbled through the air as he held you, and for once, you let your mind wander. Your gaze drifted all over his face, taking in his freckles, his dimples. The way his mouth curved just so. It was overwhelming, how sudden you felt it. You had known Peter for so long, and your friendship was so solid. You didn't let yourself think about him the way you truly wanted to because you couldn't give that up. You wouldn't trade it for the world. He was so good, and soft, and caring. He sometimes cared more about your well-being than you did, especially when the nightmares would come and the depression would take over. The nights you woke up screaming, he would rush in and hold you for hours, getting you a snack once you had calmed and staying with you until morning. He would go out of his way to run errands with you sometimes, even if it was just getting toilet paper from the corner store. He was everything to you, and you couldn't risk that just to have him not feel the same. It would be the loss of your life. So, you hid it. You didn't allow it to swallow you whole, until now. Here, in this sparkling ballroom, dressed to the nines and bathing in Peter's scent, all you wanted to do was scream that you loved this man. It took everything in you to hold him so close, and yet keep the biggest secret from him. It was too risky.
You thought, at least. In the time you were lost in your head, your faces had gotten close. Too close. You looked up through your eyelashes into Peter's beautiful brown eyes and tried not to drown in your thoughts as you felt his breath on your cheek. As you felt his lips brush yours, your eyes fluttered closed-
A crash. You both jumped back as the music abruptly ended, and everyone turned to see the too-drunk wife of a very rich guy you had spoken with earlier in the middle of broken glass and champagne on the floor. Of course, she ran into the champagne fountain. There's your life.
You and Peter shuffled off the floor now that the mood was sufficiently ruined. You ended up settling at one of the standing tables nearby. The silence as some waiters cleaned up the broken glass slowly began to kill you. Doubt crept into your mind because Peter was your friend. He didn't like you like that. He surely felt you shift and didn't want to ruin the moment. Stupid, letting you feel for him. You knew it would ruin everything.
Peter shifted uncomfortably from side to side, and though the band had picked up again, you could tell something was off. He wasn't as chatty as usual, and he wore a solemn expression you couldn't place, solidifying the fact that you had fucked up.
"What's wrong?" you asked gently, breaking the silence.
"I broke up with MJ," he answered, almost a whisper.
"Oh, Peter, I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. I had to. She's not the one I can't stop thinking about," he admitted, eyes shifting back to yours.
You reeled back, confused. Your heart dropped to your stomach.
"Who is she, then?" You tried not to let the hurt infiltrate your voice. Of course, he met someone.
Peter's face shifted.
"Who is she?" you gulped, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. You couldn't look him in the eye.
"Are you fucking with me? If you are, it's not funny," he said flatly. Your world was spinning. The warmth in your chest was gone now, leaving a gaping hole of emptiness in its place.
"Surprise, I don't watch your dating life with a microscope. Just tell me."
"You are unbelievable," he said, stepping back and shaking his head. You could see the hurt on his face.
"I have to go," he said flatly, and rushed off without saying another word.
You felt the emptiness in your chest rise again, and even though the champagne tower was ruined, the bar sure wasn't. You stalked over to the bar and ordered the strongest drink they had.
Come to the roof read the text you received from Peter. This had better not be some superhero emergency.
You shoved your phone back into your bag and headed towards the elevator, pushing the highest button when you got in. Peter had been gone for about 30 minutes, which gave you plenty of time to sulk over whatever the fuck had happened. Oh, and gave you time to shoot down a couple shots. To your dismay, you were only tipsy. Stark apparently didn't allow too hard of liquor in case, well, what happened with the champagne tower.
As the elevator reached the rooftop, you took a deep breath, trying to soothe the nerves in your stomach. Fucking anxiety.
As soon as the door opened to the crisp night, you saw him. Peter, standing at the end of an aisle of candles. You stepped off the elevator, now officially confused. You walked towards him up the aisle of candles slowly, as if to not startle a deer. He was quiet as you approached, but you still couldn't read his face. You had been friends for years, and yet he still baffled you sometimes.
"Sorry, I uh, I'll leave you be," you pushed out.
"What?" Peter asked, pulling his hands from his pockets.
"You meant this for someone else? Wrong number, I guess. I'll let you get to it."
As you turned to walk away, Peter snagged your hand, pulling you back toward him.
"What do you see?" he asked plainly.
"Describe what you see."
Still confused, you obliged, scanning the area.
"Candles. A blanket. The skyline. You," you answered, meeting his gaze once again.
"What does this look like?"
"A date? I guess?"
"And I texted you to come up here," he said, a small smile returning to his face. He grabbed your other hand, which was now apparently free. When did you set that down?
"You meant to text someone else," you replied confidently.
"I did not mean to text someone else. I meant to text you."
"But that means-" you stopped.
"I set this up for you. Us." His smile widened, and he began to pull you closer. Your cheeks reddened. It suddenly was very hot on this roof.
"You are so beautiful. Fast. Strong. Smart. You can be a little daft sometimes, though."
And with that, he brought his hands to your face and kissed you. Not too hard, but definitely not soft. He kissed you like he needed you, like you were oxygen and he was drowning. He put everything he had into that kiss, and it sent you soaring. You wrapped your hands around his wrist and waist, pulling him closer to you and kissing him back. You didn't realize how much you needed this until this moment. It was everything. Spring breezes, crunchy fall leaves, the stars twinkling at midnight. It was the glowing sun and the shining moon, the waves crashing on beaches, and birds singing in the morning. You never realized how much you were missing out on until this moment, when he was kissing you and you were kissing him. It was the moment you burst. There was no hiding anymore.
The kiss slowed, and you pulled away just enough to look him in his big, beautiful eyes. Breathless, the two of you sighed into soft laughter, unbelieving that it finally happened.
"So this is why you couldn't have sex with MJ?"
"You have had my heart since we met. I just didn't realize it yet."
He kissed you until your lips were swollen, until you felt there was no more air in the atmosphere. It was so perfect, and sweet, and him.
You moved to lay on the blanket he had set out, legs getting tired and weak after finally getting to feel everything you had suppressed for years. He held you, and you softly exchanged stories and sweet nothings. You told him everything, he told you. It was nothing short of perfect. The two of you lazily made out on the blanket under the stars and relished in the feeling of finally. Peter didn't even care when the sun rose over the skyline, because even though it was his first time having sex, it was deeper. It was his first time fully loving. Reveling in this happiness and the full extent of what it is to love and be loved. It was what dreams were made of.
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lnfours · 1 year
hiii do u still take reqs? if so can u write one about intern!reader in stark industries and they bump to each other in the lab being like omg what r u doing here arent u in most of my classes in uni stuff like that and hes surprised that she got to fixed spiderman’s web shooters when he couldnt figure it out himself 😭 just sum cute getting closer and closer stuff :((((( tysmmm 🩷🩷
inbox 💌
you wandered into the lab early that morning, wanting nothing more than just to get ahead on some new projects. what you didn’t expect was someone else sitting in the lab when you walked in. he almost spooked you, almost made you drop your cup of coffee.
“oh, sorry,” he chuckled, “didn’t mean to scare you. i didn’t know anyone else was coming in today.”
you shook your head, eyes moving towards what he was working on on the metal table in front of him, “it’s okay, i don’t mind sharing.”
he smiled softly, but your eyes scanned his familiar features. you pulled your eyebrows together, trying to rack your brain on where you’ve seen the boy before.
“you look familiar,” you said, “do i know you?”
he smiled, “i got to empire state, we have a few classes together.”
you pressed your palm against your forehead, feeling like an idiot, “that’s right! you’re peter, right?”
he nodded, “yeah. you’re y/n y/l/n, right?”
you smiled and nodded. the two of you started to work on your projects, low music playing in the background. the small talk continued about class.
however, you couldn’t help but notice what he was working on. it looked like he was struggling a little bit, cursing under his breath as he dropped the screw driver.
“i don’t have enough caffeine in me for this right now.” he joked and you sent him a small smile.
“need some help?” you wondered and he looked over at you with a soft smile.
“i mean, you’re busy-“
“no, it’s okay, i’m almost done,” you smiled, rolling your chair over to his table, “woah, what’s all this?”
“a new design i’ve been working on for web-shooters,” he said, “this design is supposed to have upgraded cartridges that can hold more web fluid, that way they’re not running out all of the time.”
you nodded, “i’ve seen tony work on something like this before. he said it was for spider-man, i think.”
he let out a shaky breath. should he tell you? no, you’re just a stranger to him.
“yeah, i help spider-man, uhm, design things.”
you nodded, impressed, “that’s cool.”
he nodded back, “yeah, very cool.”
you examined the web shooter, pointing out some of the things he should change to make it work. the two of you began working, he handed you some of the parts as you screwed them in.
after an hour of tinkering, you handed him the upgraded device with a smile, “give that a shot.”
he inserted the newly improved web cartridge. you watched as his fingers moved to press the button in the middle of his palm, the web shooting out and sticking to the wall nearby. you bit down on your bottom lip, shaking your head at the thoughts.
“wow,” he smiled, “that worked! it totally worked! you’re a genius.”
you smiled, “just here to help.”
he offered to help with your designs, some new arrows for clint and kate. the two of you made some more small talk.
“so, when did you start interning?” he asked.
“a couple weeks ago,” you said, twisting the arrowhead onto the shaft, “what about you? how’d you land that spider-man gig?”
he shrugged, “friend of a friend.”
you nodded, “that’s still pretty cool.”
he nodded, watching as you worked. he was in awe of you. he had been ever since you answered one of the hardest questions in class.
“how would you,” he started softly, his nerves getting the best of him as he cleared his throat, “would you like to, uhm, get coffee or something sometime?”
you smiled, “yeah, i’d really like that.”
the two of you looked up as the door to the lab closed, tony smiling as he walked inside.
“spider-boy, i see you’ve met the newest brainiac, y/n.”
your eyes widened a little as peter stiffened, you looked over at him.
“wait, you’re spider-man?”
great. thanks tony.
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bluestarjay · 3 months
Kind of a part 2 of genius/"chronically online" deku 💀💀
Idgaf about the timeline/setting of the show, so in my head, he was a typical weird kid. When he wasn't doing quirk analysis stuff, he was drawing creepypasta fanart. He was watching Markiplier play fnaf and stuff, yk? He was a Tumblr kid.
His queer awakening was probably Eyeless Jack or Ben Drowned 💀💀 And Shinsou was fs also into creepypasta, but he was more into Jeff the Killer and Smile Dog.
I love that so many people have agreed that deku writes/reads fanfic bc that's actually so funny like ik that when the bullying at school got too bad he'd start daydreaming about being taken away to the slender mansion 😭😭😭 tbh that's really sad ik but it's trueee
"Sorry for the late upload for this chapter, guys!! I actually broke both my arms, including my fingers, and fractured my leg :( Im all better now, tho!!" And then later on, "Heyyy, sorry again about late updates, I actually had to infiltrate a Yakuza organization and save a little girl :) lmk what you think of this chapter!!!" And everybody is like HUH
When he first found out that fanfic was a thing, he read a lot of x reader stuff ❤️❤️
Ohhhh, he was probably a gacha kid, too.
He watched a gacha video with "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry and was like, "Girls can like girls???" And found himself down a rabbit hole of queerness 💀💀 he watched the "Little Game" by Benny glmvs, LMAOOO AND "Stand Out Fit In" BY ONE OK ROCK yk the ones where everybody was like, yeah, I'm a girl, and I skateboard. What about it?? 🤨✊️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈" THE PRIDE MONTH SPECIALSSSS LMAOOA
Edit; I'm reading a fic rn in which aizawa and deku watch Iron Man (fairly minor, not a huge plot point or anything, but I can still give link 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️) and I'm realizing that like,, holy shit he would love Marvel. He would resonate with Spiderman SO MUCHHHH and he n Sero can be buddies who talk about the MCU together and he'd start crying bc Peter and Tony are literally him and All Might (If I had a nickel for every time an older rich guy adopted a teenage boy who was (somewhat) poor I'd have two nickels <33)
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inneedofsupervision · 10 months
Suit Up
Summary: Spiderman, aka Peter Parker, is now officially teaming with the Avengers. Working alongside his childhood heroes should be like a dream come true. But sometimes Peter feels like he's still fighting on his own. Luckily, he can always count on his friends to have his back when he's just Peter Parker and not a superhero. (This might become a series or get several chapters)
Read on Ao3
"Sir, Mr. Parker just arrived at the tower."
Tony wipes off the grease from his hands before throwing the rag on the table. His eyes linger on his project before he glances towards the clock.
"Tell the kid to come down to the lab, Friday."
"Of course, Sir."
It doesn't take long before the door to the lab slides open, giving entrance to a slightly panting Peter Parker. Tony raises an eyebrow at the teen whose checks are dusted in a soft red, catching the sheepish grin the boy throws his way. He watches the teen pushing the hair out of his eyes, the usually soft curls weighted down by the water caught in between. 
"Sorry for being late, Mr. Stark. I got your message while waiting for the bus, but because of the snow, it was about to come later than planned, so I decided to walk-"
"Hold on, Parker. Are you telling me you walked the whole way from your school to the tower in this weather?"
The sheepish grin is back on the kid's face as he rubs his neck, owing at least the decency to look slightly guilty. Tony crosses his arms over his chest as he frowns at the teen. 
"Uhm, actually, I ran because I would have been late walking, and I want to save the web fluid for the case of an emergency. Not that meeting you isn't just as important, Mr. Stark, Sir. I mean-"
Peter quickly closes his mouth as Mr. Stark holds up a hand, successfully interrupting the teen's word vomit. Sometimes, Tony wasn't sure if the kid talked this much because his nerves were running wild or if it was his default setting. During their fights, Spiderman had gotten told off more than once to keep quiet, while other times, you wouldn't hear a tone from the spider until the mission was over. The kid would give them a curt goodbye and disappear the next moment, earning silent respect from their two trained spies at his ability to disappear into thin air. It leaves him wondering if he was the only one having a hard time reading the kid or if it's just a teenager thing.
"I've got a meeting in twenty minutes, Parker, and surprise-surprise, despite all the rumors, I do not enjoy getting dragged by the collar through the building to get shooed into a conference room full of wannabe businessmen. As much as I dread that meeting, there is no way around it, so let's get this over quickly."
Tony turns around and strides through the lab, knowing by the sound of shuffling from behind that the kid has caught on and is following him. They stop at the desk, and Tony takes the sleek metal briefcase waiting on top. He hands it over to the kid, who reaches for it only to stare at him with an invisible question mark hovering over his head as Mr. Stark doesn't let go of the briefcase. 
"This is your new suit, Parker. It got an upgrade in about every aspect since your old one cannot be called a suit, in any way. More of a glorified onesie, if you will. We can discuss the upgrades another time, or you figure them out by using it. Anyway, I have to go now, and I won't let you stay here on your own so shoo shoo Parker, get out of here."
"Oh wow, thank you, Mr. Stark, Sir! I'm going to take good care of it. Is it okay if I look into the upgrades or-", Tony grabs the kid and turns him around, hands not leaving his shoulders as he pushes the teen towards the door.
"Do whatever you want, just for the love of god, use the heater function if you go out patrolling in this weather. One popsicle hero on the team is enough."
"There is a heater function? That's awesome! How does it wor-"
"Sorry kid, but our bonding time is over. It's a pity, maybe I see you in a week. Happy can drive you home."
"That's not necessary, Mr. Stark, Sir. Thank you..." 
Peter's words of gratitude fall on deaf ears as Mrs. Potts rounds the corner, and before Peter can mutter a goodbye, he is already standing alone on the floor. 
Ned looks up from his laptop when someone knocks against his window. He quickly jumps up from his stool in the corner of his room and walks over to the window. It is already dark outside, but the white eyes of the Spiderman mask seem to glow in the dark. He steps to the side, and Spiderman climbs into the room with practiced ease, softly letting himself fall onto the floor.
"Is that the new suit? The one built by Tony Stark?!"
Ned's eyes grow wide in awe as he takes in the unfamiliar high quality of his friend's superhero suit. Spiderman grasps the edge of his mask and pulls it over his head. Soft curls fall onto Peters's forehead. He beams at his best friend, who stares at him with amazement, taking in the new design of the suit.
"Isn't it freaking awesome?" asks Peter with a grin that reaches up to his with excitement sparkling eyes. 
"Peter, it looks so badass! I can't believe my best friend is wearing a suit built by Tony fucking Stark!"
Peter laughs at that, spreading his arms out and showing his friend the suit from all sides. He lets Ned inspect his gloves and the upgraded web shooters up close, both fanboy as much and as loud as they want, as Ned's parents aren't home for the weekend. 
"You have to tell me everything about the suit!"
Ned is back sitting on his chair, facing Peter, who sits cross-legged on Ned's bed. Peter's expression turns sober, the sparkle of excitement dying in his eyes. That did not go unnoticed by his friend. Peter seems uneasy as he looks down at his lap, avoiding the expectant expression Ned is giving him.
"Oh, well- Mr. Stark didn't have much time to tell me about the upgrades he installed." Peter forces his lips into a smile, not wanting to tear down the good mood. 
He pulls himself together and glances up at his friend, trying to sound cheerful.
"But the heater function is awesome."
Ned caught on instantly that something was going on Peter didn't want to talk about. He didn't get fooled by the pained smile Peter tried to convince him with, but he decided to humor his friend for now. Glancing back at the teen on his bed, who was absentmindedly rubbing at the fabric of the mask between his fingers, Ned got an idea, quickly changing the topic.
"Didn't you say Mr. Stark said you have permission to look into the upgrades without him?"
Peter pursed his lips as he gave it a short thought. "I'm not sure if Mr. Stark was serious or just mentioning it in the spur of the moment, to be honest."
"But that means he hasn't forbidden you to look into it, right?"
The two teens share a glance before they spring up from their positions.
"I go get the soda."
"I get the snacks."
Not two minutes later, the two teens hover over Ned's computer, staring in awe at the information put into Peter's new suit. Peter has his arms probed at the backrest of Ned's chair, glancing at his friend's fingers flying over the keys as he searches up everything the two deem interesting. 
"Holy cow, Mr. Stark is a genius," whispers Ned in astonishment at the code displayed before him. Peter was about to answer when something caught his eye. He puts a hand on Ned's shoulder, getting his friend's attention. 
"Hey Ned, can you open this protocol please?"
"Sure, gimme a second."
Peter frowns as Ned unlocks the protocol and gives them access to a folder of what seems to be a safety protocol.
"Protocol "Baby Steps.", read Ned out loud with a snort, but Peter didn't feel like laughing as his frown only deepened. 
"Did Mr. Stark seriously put a tracker into the suit?"
Ned tilts his head, wondering what his friend is on about before his eyes fall onto the part of the protocol that causes his best friend to pull an unamused face. Peter was right. The information tells them there has to be a tracking device installed into the suit that would go off in case of an emergency or if Mr. Stark requests it. 
"Can you turn the tracker off?"
Ned turns in his chair, raising an eyebrow at the request. He was about to ask if Peter was sure, but when he caught the expression on his face, Ned nodded. He turns back around, fingers already moving, before he opens his mouth. 
"I'll override the code. No one bats an eye if it seems Mr. Stark changed the protocol, right?" He doesn't try to sound smug, but he felt kind of badass, overriding a code by Tony Stark. He wasn't sure how long the change would go unnoticed, but he could understand his friend feeling weird for wearing a tracker and no one telling him about it. Maybe it didn't justify his actions, but for Ned's conscience, the reasoning was good enough. 
"Ned, you are the best guy in a chair one can ask for. Thank you, seriously."
"Anything to help Peter Parker and Spiderman," Ned turns slightly to give a mock salute and hits enter, setting the changed protocol into place.
"Now we have to see where Spiderman is lurking around," he jokes.
Peter huffed a laugh and shoved Ned lightly on the shoulder as he watched his friend check if the code worked. 
"Spiderman doesn't lurk. He waits to step in when someone needs help." Peter doesn't sound mad, more amused than anything, as he corrects his friend.
"Waiting, lurking, isn't that all kinda the same thing?" asks Ned with a grin as they watch a map of Queens pulling up. 
"Would you look at that? According to the coordinates, Spiderman is lurking around at home."
"Stop with the lurking already," says Peter with a laugh before walking back to the bed, letting himself fall face-first into the mattress. Ned closes the protocol, checking extra if there are any traces left that someone had put their hands on Tony Stark's work before closing the file. His computer display turns into standby as he turns around, facing his friend, watching him burying his face into his pillow. Silence falls over the room. It got broken by a sigh, source the body plastered on the bed, but Ned caught the sound nonetheless. Something troubled Peter, and Ned was sure it had to do with the tracker in his Spiderman suit. 
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There is nothing to talk about, Ned," comes a muffled answer. Ned rolls his eyes at the response, deciding to drop the topic. Knowing Peter's stubbornness, the other wouldn't talk about it even if Ned started bugging him. His friend would only get irritated, and Ned didn't want to make Peter feel worse.
Pursing his lips while watching Peter lying on his bed, Ned tried coming up with a plan to get his friend's mood up again. Maybe he was acting selfish, but Ned wasn't keen on holding a sleepover with a moping Peter, sulking on his bed the whole afternoon. This entire thing was supposed to be fun, dammit.
"Hey, do you mind if I take a closer look at the suit? You can stay lying down there."
"Sure. Do whatever you want."
Peter doesn't bother moving as the bed dips where his friends sit on the edge. 
"The colors and the fabric look expensive, dude. Not gonna lie, Captain America's outfit seems kinda tacky next to this thing."
A huffed laugh comes from where Peter had smushed his face into the pillow. Ned hears Peter muttering "tacky" under his breath, shoulders shaking in silent laughter before relaxing back into the bed. Ned breaks out into a grin, patting himself on the shoulder for getting Peter to laugh
"For real, the suit is incredible. How do you think the heater works, though?" 
Ned counts it as a win when Peter pulls up the effort to lift his head to answer.
"Not sure. I mean,- I have an idea, but I couldn't confirm it. I planned to ask Mr. Stark, but there was no time. Giving it a second thought, I bet he wouldn't bother explaining even if he had some minutes."
The last words come out dulled as Peter buries his face back into the pillow, even deeper than before
Ned sat there with eyebrows shot up in surprise. Peter had sounded so cheerful earlier, telling about his meeting with Mr. Stark. He wouldn't have guessed from his behavior that there was something else, something that had to do with Mr. Stark personally, that was bothering his friend.
"Well, if you know how it works, you have to tell me, got it?" Peter takes one of his arms and lifts it, showing Ned a thumbs up before going back to hugging the pillow. Taking Peter's willingness to respond, Ned continues thinking of topics that could pull his friend out of his bad mood. Getting him to talk was probably his best option.
"The fabric is quite thin. Does the heater work with that?" Ned was pretty sure that with a suit built by Tony Stark, there would be no issues, but he had to talk about something, and he was kind of running out of ideas. But Peter didn't seem to mind talking about the suit, so Ned goes with it.
"I had been patrolling for two hours before coming here. It had worked just fine."
"I wonder how the isolation operates. Do you think I could feel if you use the heater function if I touched the suit?"
"Maybe? I haven't thought about that. Wait a moment."
Peter lifts his head, glancing around before spotting his mask at the other end of the bed. "It should work like this too," he says, putting on the mask before taking it back off, having successfully activated the feature. 
"It starts heating up now," he informs Ned before flopping down again.
"Awesome. Do you mind-,"
"You've got permission to touch the suit, Ned." interrupts Peter the other with a chuckle. Ned grins, not needing to be told twice. At first, he only traced along the pattern, giving the suit time to warm up. He notices that Peter is lying completely relaxed next to him, reminding Ned of the cats at his aunt's place that grows sleepy whenever they lay down on the heater during the colder seasons. The comparison let his lip quirk up slightly.
He lightly presses his palm onto the middle of Peter's back, waiting to see if he can feel anything. To his surprise, he couldn't feel any warmth at all. With Peter's old suit, you could feel the body heat radiating through the fabric. Stark's suit, on the other hand, was substantially better isolated. Ned tried different places, laying his palm on Peter's calf, his lower back, and near his neck, but the suit felt the same. Not giving it a thought, Ned puts his hands against Peter's sides, but still the same result. The only difference is Peter's reaction. Ned feels muscles tensing under his fingertips, causing him to glance down. Peter's whole body had tensed up at the hands placed against his sides, just under his ribs. A knowing smile creeps onto Ned's face, and suddenly, he has the perfect plan to get Peter to stop moping like a four-year-old. Ned pulls his hands away, observing how Peter melts into the mattress again, before placing his hands onto Peter's ribs, which were unprotected since the latter was still clinging onto the pillow like a koala. Peter's body grows stiff as if frozen in place, only to twitch as Ned squeezes once, digging his fingers between his ribs. 
Ned grins at the tale-telling redness that crawls over his friend's neck up to the tips of his ears, matching the redness of his new suit. From the small part of Peter's face that is not pressing into his pillow in an attempt to hide, Ned can tell that Peter's face got colored in a bright blush, one whose origin didn't come from the digging of his fingers into Peter's ribs but from sheer embarrassment.
"Do you think it helps if I press down onto the suit?"
Peter nearly jumps out of his skin when Ned's hands suddenly are on his shoulders, staying near his neck. His eyes widen in surprise at the unexpected touch, wondering what was going on, when a pair of thumbs press down next to his shoulder blades. This time, Peter feels like jumping out of his skin. The movement of Ned's thumbs sent a shock through his whole body. He had never thought his back could be ticklish, but Ned's thumbs dug right into a spot that caused his body to tense up. 
"What got you so twitchy, Peter?" Ned presses down again, grinning as Peter continues to squirm.
"Nehed, stohohp it. It fehehels weird." Peter scrunches his shoulders up, trying to get rid of the finger that stays persistent on the mission to poke into his back. 
"It feels weird? Is the heater malfunction?" asks Ned, tilting his head in mock surprise even though Peter couldn't see him. "I can't feel anything, is it working?"
He presses down again, laughing lightly when Peters's whole body bucked at the ministration against his back. A surprised gasp escaped the teen, who was still trying to get away from the touch, but that turned out to be rather difficult, as Peter refused to let go of the pillow in his arms but also not willing to roll onto his back, knowing he would regret it.
"I dohohn't know. It juhuhust feels weihihird. AHh!" Ned grins and shakes his head at how stubborn Peter could be but plays along anyway. It was too much fun messing with Peter when he got determined like this. 
"Hmm. Maybe something is wrong with your back? You should get that checked out, man."
Peter catches his breath as Ned stops tormenting him, only to let out a rather loud squeak when a finger pokes right under his left shoulder blade. "That felt weird too? How about this?"
Ned begins to poke various places on Peter's back, lips curling upwards, whenever Peter jumps out of his skin he comes along another "weird feeling" spot. 
"I hate to say that, Peter, but you seem to have gotten a serious problem with your back. According to what you said, it feels weird all over." while speaking, Ned softly grabs Peter's sides just above his hips and begins digging his thumbs into Peter's lower back. The reaction came instantly. Peters's arms tense around the pillow as he presses his face even deeper into the fabric, giggles pouring out of him like water running out of a bucket with a hole. 
"Nehehehed, stohop, oh my goohohohd plehehehase."
"Oh, sorry, Peter. Did that feel weird, too?"
"It tihhihihickles!"
"What, it tickles? Does that mean it had tickled before, too? When I did this?" Ned poked the place between Peter's shoulder blades again, causing the latter to shriek and do a whole body twitch before breaking into another desperate giggle fit. 
"Why didn't you mention that at the beginning? I was genuinely worried about you here. But it turns out you are just ticklish," teased Ned before running his fingers lightly down Peters's back, causing the latter to try to avoid the touch by pressing himself deeper into the mattress, a maneuver that turns out to be completely useless. 
"You suhuhuhuhuck!"
"Is that your way of saying thank you for being concerned for your well-being? Maybe you should work on your way of showing gratitude. You know what? Let's work on that right now while we are at it. What do you think, Peter?"
Ned stood and climbed down from the bed as he was talking. He notices Peter lying on the bed, busy taking deep breaths with his ears still colored pink and facing the wall to hide from his friend. Ned rolls his eyes, amusement causing his lips to form a grin. Peter made it too easy for him. It takes not more than a squeeze of his side, and the teen rolls onto his back to avoid the tickling, playing right into Ned's hands. Quite literally. Ned's amusement only rises when Peter takes the pillow with him, holding it tightly over his face and avoiding looking at Ned at all costs, too embarrassed to show his face. If he had put the pillow down, he might have done something to hinder Ned from jumping onto him, causing Peter to groan at the sudden weight on him before he found himself pinned, but now with his back pressed into the bed. Ned glances down at his friend, who does not attempt to move, desperately holding onto the pillow like a lifeline.
"What?" comes the muffled question from under the pillow.
"It's kinda unpolite to not look at someone while talking to them."
"Well, sucks to be you, I guess."
Ned raises an eyebrow at that.
"I have been nice until now, you know. But now you are just asking for it."
He watches the arms tightening around the pillow, fingers burying into the fabric in silent anticipation. Ned shakes his head with a grin on his face. 
"Where should I start?" muses Ned as he voices his thoughts. His hand hovers over Peter's stomach, which lies entirely unprotected in front of him. He let out a hum, acting like he had to think fiercely, while lowering his hand, noticing how Peter's body started to stiffen, shaking under his fingers before they could even make contact with the suit. He looks up to see Peter's fingers digging even deeper into the pillow when he finally understands why Peter is reacting so strongly without needing to see what he is doing. Ned retracts his hand and lowers it next to Peter's sides, not touching but barely hovering over them. A twitch runs through the body under him as Ned's hands shoot back to his tummy but still not touching. A whimper mixed with panicked giggles broke from Peter's lips, and Ned couldn't help but laugh at the sound.
"I'm not even touching you, what's wrong? Don't tell me you can feel this with your spidey sense." Ned let his hand shoot forward again, halting his movement just before his fingers could dig in between the spaces of Peter's ribs. His action follows a muffled shriek and a whole body shudder, confirming his suspicion without needing a verbal answer.
"Oh my god, please just get over with it. This is so bahahad," comes the weak protest from under the pillow. Ned's grin grew even wider at that. 
"Now you are begging me to tickle you? That's unexpected but kinda adorable."
Without warning, Ned's hands go down, fingers digging into Peter's stomach. Peter's arms tighten the hold of the pillow, his grip tensing in an instant as he feels his friend's fingers moving all over his midriff, causing him to squeak, unable to hold it in and instantly breaking out into laughter. Ned didn't give him a chance to get familiar with any of the touches, switching places and testing his reactions, although years of knowing each other gave him all the knowledge of how to turn Peter into a laughing mess. The feeling of fingernails gliding over the suit that clings to his skin leaves a maddening tingly sensation in their trace, and Peter finds himself unable to stop the high-pitched giggles escaping him. He squirms under the ministrations on his middle, but Ned merely follows his movement, never letting up to knead, scribble, and squeeze away as he pleases. 
When the fingers wander downwards, staying right under his belly button, and the touch changes into teasingly light strokes that cause goosebumps running over his arms, Peter tries curling in on himself on instinct, legs hitting against Ned's back.
"Hey, no kicking allowed," with these words, Ned reaches out and tickles the back of Peter's knee, causing the latter to throw his legs back down with a squeal. 
"Ready to let go of the pillow, Peter?"
Ned lets out an overly dramatic sigh.
"Peter, you are making this not easier. I tried to refrain from taking such drastic matters against my best friend. But you leave me no other choice."
He shoves his hands under Peter's underarms, resulting in the teen's body buckling under the touch. Peter's arms shoot down to block Ned's fingers from moving, revealing his face. Ned glances down at the sight of his furiously blushing friend, hair a mess from all the moving around and laughter pouring out of him. 
"There he is. Now let go of my pillow. I'm afraid you are about to rip a hole in it."
Ned doesn't know how Peter manages to, but the laughing and squirming teen wore a guilty expression and let go of the pillow almost ruefully, causing it to fall onto the floor. 
"Thank you, Peter. Now it's gotten dirty."
Ned shakes his head, giving Peter a playfully stern look as he digs deeper into his underarms, wriggling his fingers in a way he knew Peter couldn't stand.
"Ahahahah, I'm sohohohorry!"
"Yeah yeah, of course you are. By the way, you should ask Mr. Stark if he can give the suit another run-over. Either you are very ticklish, or the suit doesn't offer as much protection as it should." Despite laughing his head off, Peter was quick to protest.
"The suhuhiht is just fihiHIHNE!"
To make a point, Ned went back to Peter's stomach, attacking it with kneading fingers. Peter gives a surprised shout at the sudden attack before pressing his head back into the bed, legs kicking out behind Ned as he loses himself into another high-pitched giggle fit. 
"So you're admitting that you are insanely ticklish?"
"Youhuhu are suhuhuhch an ahahass."
Ned shrugs his shoulders and grabs behind him, starting to squeeze the place just above Peter's right knee, sending ticklish shocks through Peter's leg, leaving him twitching under him. Deciding that he is done tormenting Peter's knee, Ned went back to paying attention to his upper body, poking at every place that Peter couldn't cover quickly enough. 
"I've been wondering, for someone skilled enough to singlehandedly beat up the Winter Solider and Falcon, you are not putting up much of a fight, man."
"I dohohohon't wahant to huhuhrt you!"
Peter regrets his words as soon as he catches a glimpse of the smug grin Ned is wearing while hovering over him.
"You don't want to hurt me?" Ned repeats, hands stilling their movement. He watches the teen under him calm down a little. A bit red around the face, Peter glances up at him while still about to catch his breath.
"You're kinda squishy, and I'm afraid I'm going to break your fingers, or something."
Peter realizes by the display of pure smugness taking over his best friend's face that he just dug his own grave and yeeted himself into it. Willingly.
"Are you telling me I can tickle you however I want, and you won't fight back because I'm, I quote, squishy? Cause that just now sounded like an open invitation to wreck you with tickles, and you not planning to do anything to stop it."
Before Peter can take back his words, Ned pins his arm above his head with one hand while the other hovers over Peter's stomach. Nervous anticipation takes over his whole body as his eyes pinned on the hand, ready to strike at any moment. The smirk Ned is wearing sends a shiver down his spine, and a nervous giggle slips out as Peter knows what is about to happen.
"Any last words, Parker?"
Peter swallows, his lips twitching into a nervous smile.
"Let me live?"
"Sir, according to the newly installed safety protocol, I must inform you of a significant rise in Mr. Parker's vital signs. The suits measured a fastly increasing heart rate."
Tony pinches the bridge of his nose, trying not to get irritated by what he just heard. 
"I told Parker to call if there is an emergency. Did he ask anyone for backup?"
"None of the Avengers have gotten a request for backup, Sir."
The man takes a sip of his stale coffee, rolling his eyes.
"Call the kid, Friday. And show me a display of his current vitals."
As Friday has stated, the kid's vitals are going wild in front of his eyes. Hate rate and oxygen level showed clear signs of Parker's body being highly stressed.
"Mr. Parker cannot answer your call, Sir."
Tony squints at the numbers shown in front of him. The kid couldn't be unconscious with those vitals. He should be very much awake by the amount of adrenaline pumping through his body, enhanced metabolism or not.
"Mr. Parker doesn't seem to be wearing his mask, Sir."
"Now that's surprising," Tony mutters under his breath as a frown takes over his face.
The kid has always been sensitive to his secret identity. Looking at Parker's stress level with the knowledge of him wearing the suit without his mask leaves Tony with more than one question about what kind of situation the spider-kid got into.
"Friday, track down his location."
"Tracking failed, Sir."
"Is the suit damaged?"
"No damage detected, Sir. Tracking is not possible through an override of the safety protocol."
"Why haven't I been informed about this?"
"The system states the code got overridden about four hours and thirty-six minutes ago by you, Sir."
Tony clicks his tongue, knowing full well that he hasn't been overriding anything as he had been in that annoying meeting. Maybe he underestimated the intelligence of the kid. 
"That little smartass. Friday, connect me with Spiderman's suit and activate the microphone. I want to be sure at least I won't have to scrape the kid's dead body off from a random alley."
"Understood, Sir. Presenting live audio of Mr. Parker's suit."
Tony didn't know what exactly he had been expecting. Gunshots? An explosion? Someone threatening to gut Spiderman and Parker snarking back while sounding like he was about to keel over? Maybe something like that. What Stark had not expected were the childlike and a tad panicked-sounding giggles filling up the lab. Knowing that Friday doesn't make mistakes and that this had to be the audio from Spiderman's suit, Tony couldn't help but stand in his lab, feeling a little flabbergasted.
"What am I listening to, Friday?"
"It appears Mr. Parker is laughing, Sir."
He rolls his eyes at the obvious answer, letting a hand run over his face, feeling too tired for whatever the heck this was.
"This is not an emergency, Friday."
"According to the protocol, you are to be informed about any medical anomalies or potential emergencies, Sir." Despite being slightly annoyed over the false alarm, an amused smile dances on his lips. Glancing at the vitals again, Friday had a point. The kid is currently under extreme stress. But not the kind he would have expected. 
"I swear I'm dying, Ned. Don't do it, seriously. Nehehed, pleahahase dohohon't. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna dihie- AHH NOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOHOT THAHAHAT! STAHAP!"
Tony chuckles at the audio. Giving it a second thought, this does sound like a special kind of emergency the kid was dealing with. He catches himself smirking at the sound of a shriek followed by more pleading and hysterical laughter filling the lab, the owner of the voice none over than Peter Parker. He wasn't sure if he ever heard the kid laugh before. Maybe a sarcastic chuckle from Spiderman as he webs some gangsters upside down against a lamppost. But this now was a completely different story. It was the sound of the kid laughing carefree, entirely unguarded, and Tony caught himself slightly adored at the giggling, wondering how the kid must look while laughing his head off like that. 
"Maybe I should tell Mr. Stark about this?" teases Ned as he is about to go for Peter's ribs when he gets pushed back rather strongly.
"No! Ned, you cannot do that!"
He is taken aback by the panic in Peter's voice, glancing down at his wrists caught between his friend's hands. He realizes quickly that the hold made him immobile, the opposite display of strength Peter had shown just moments ago when he had been weakly batting his hands away.
"What? Do you think the Avengers will use it against you? Scared of getting tickled by your idols?" Ned jokes in a purposely light manner. He furrows his brows as he watches his friend worrying his bottom lip, avoiding eye contact with him, and it strikes Ned that there seems to be a more complex issue they need to discuss. He leans forward, head tilted slightly to the side as he tries to get a look at his best friend's face.
"Peter, what's wrong?"
"It's stupid."
Peter still avoids looking at him. His words are a murmur, barely audible.
"Come on, Peter. Not everyone has superhearing."
Ned patiently waits until Peter heaves out a small, shaky sigh.
"I said it's stupid, Ned."
"What about it is stupid? You being ticklish? There is nothing wrong-"
"They are going to think it's childish."
Peter answers a little louder than deemed necessary before he looks surprised by his outburst, eyes blown wide and instantly flooded with regret. He quickly mutters a breathy sorry, hands releasing the grip around Ned's wrists. Ned furrows his brows as he takes in the kicked-puppy look his friend is wearing.
"Did they ever tell you you are childish?"
Peter's eyes finally meet his, clearly taken back by the question. He stumbles over his words in an attempt to answer, the rambling giving away his nervousness.
"N-No, they didn't. But maybe they think I am." Peter runs a hand through his already messed-up curly locks, chocolate-colored eyes meeting Ned's before he continues.
"I'm not sure, Ned. Mr. Stark calls me kid sometimes, but it doesn't feel like he means it to sound condescending. But at the next moment, someone asks if I have done my homework yet or if I need help with school, and I don't know if they are serious or are just making fun of me for being a high schooler. What do I even answer? "Sure, Mr. Hawkeye, Sir, I could use some help with my history report. Do you think I should ask Captain America if he can explain how the times were before he got turned into a popsicle?"
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Ned couldn't help but snort at Peters's words. His reaction causes Peter's lip to twitch upwards just a teeny bit. At least the sass was still there.
"I would pay money to see you asking him that, just saying." Ned grins when Peter gives a little chuckle. His fingers play with the hem of the mask, running over the newly produced fabric before he glances up at his friend, back to carrying a sober expression.
"I'm afraid they won't take me seriously. A sixteen-year-old high schooler playing superhero, trying to act mature between all those adults. But then it turns out he can't stay serious when someone pokes him. How can I expect them to think of me as one of their partners when everyone knows Spiderman can't stand getting tickled? It just sounds dumb, and I feel dumb-"
"Wow, hold your horses, Mr. Parker."
Peter's eyebrows rise when Ned puts a hand over his mouth, successfully shutting him up. Ned feels conflicted. He had been aware that Peter doesn't tell if he's not feeling all too well right away. He knew about his friend habitually swallowing down whatever plagues his mind and bringing it up when he felt like he was just about to break and that this situation right now was one of those moments where he had to be here for him. 
"For someone so smart, you just said a lot of dumb stuff, man."
Ned's lips break into a little grin when Peter rolls his eyes at him and crosses his arms over his chest without attempting to push his hand away. He is willing to listen. 
"First of all, you aren't playing a superhero, Peter. You are one. Spiderman is a hero. No matter if he helps someone get home safely at four a.m. or if he fights alongside the Avengers to save the world from weird aliens who try to eat our brains." Ned can feel Peter's lips curling into an amused smile under his palm, feeling encouraged to continue. 
"Just between us, as much as I'm a fanboy of the Avengers, we both know Spiderman is the coolest hero." He is met with another round of eye-rolling and laughs it off. 
"Don't get silently sarcastic with me, dude. How can you not be a fan of Spiderman? Super-strength, enhanced senses, stick to walls, and has the best punchlines. It's hard to top that, even if you are called Iron Man. I think you are not giving yourself enough credit, to be honest. As you said, you are sixteen and a high schooler. Someone who has to go to school and do his homework. Someone who takes time for his aunt and friends and is always willing to help. Never mind if he's being Peter Parker or Spiderman. You are probably handling just as much, if not more, than the Avengers. You should be proud of yourself."
Sensing Peter wants to say something, Ned takes his hand away. Peter takes a deep breath, giving him a playful look.
"Thank you. I thought I was about to pass out." He chuckles as Ned shoves him against the shoulder with a grin. 
"It's not long since we worked together as a team, and I guess I'm just anxious about them thinking of Spiderman as weak." He is back to glancing at the mask in his hold, clenching it slightly in his fingers. Ned waits patiently for his friend to continue. Peter takes a deep breath. "I haven't told you this before, but I'm not hanging out with them after missions. We go debriefing, and I usually go patrolling or home. They invite me to go out or do something together, but that means I have to take off the suit, and I just-"
"You are afraid they won't take Spiderman seriously after getting to know Peter Parker," finishes Ned, his friend's sentence, who struggled after stumbling over his words. Peter shoots him a grateful look for having caught on, visibly having a hard time. 
"I trust them to have my back when we fight together, but them knowing about this," Peter stops to gesture vaguely at his own body, but Ned understood what his friend was trying to tell him, "I think I'm not comfortable with them knowing about it. Oh god, all of this is so silly. I'm overreacting, aren't I?"
Peter bends forward, elbows leaning on his knees as he buries his head in his hands with a groan, the tips of his ears dusted in a light red.
Ned gives him a thoughtful look.
"I doubt anyone in their right mind would call someone who catches driving vehicles with his bare hands and getting away without a scratch weak. But it might help if you look at it from a different perspective. It's not Spiderman who is ticklish. It's Peter Parker who is too intelligent and sassy for his own good. Spiderman won't mess up a mission because of this. If the Avengers think a sixteen-year-old beanpole like you is stupid or childish because he breaks into a giggle fit if someone squeezes his side, then they can straight up start calling themselves the world's mighties douchebags."
"Do you want me to relay that message to them the next time we meet?" asks Peter as he glances up at his friend, a grateful smile playing on his lips.
"Only if you want me dead."
"Nah, Spiderman needs his Guy in a chair too much to let him get kicked in the ass by the Avengers."
"Wow, I feel so loved," Ned rolls his eyes but wears a gin on his face, undermining the sarcasm.
Peter laughs at Ned's expression before he puts a hand on Ned's knee, catching his attention. He gives him a bright smile.
"Thank you, Ned."
Peter doesn't have to elaborate further for Ned to understand what he is getting at as a similar smile to Peter's appears on his face. 
"Don't sweat it, dude. That's what friends are for."
"Friday, turn the audio off."
"Of course, Sir."
Tony glances at the ceiling before downing the rest of his coffee. 
"Friday put together a list of bonding activities that won't bore the heck out of me but are interesting to a sixteen-year-old, that is too smart for his good. I want this done in twenty minutes."
"Certainly, Sir."
"We also need a "No Masks During Briefings- Protocol" .Wait, scratch that. I want a "No Masks-l In The Tower-Protocol". Show it to me before sending it to the rest of the team."
"Of course, Sir. Will this be all?"
Tony purses his lips.
"This is all, Friday. For now."
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
The other side of the night
Peter Parker x male reader
Request: Tom Peter Parker x male reader, reader and Peter patrolling together and it being super goofy and cute
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You went out to patrol the city with Peter. You and Peter did manage to stop some thieves but that's it. You are sitting on the roof and you are watching cars pass by. The building across has a basketball game on and you start to watch it. Peter came back with pizza and drinks, he sits down next to you.
“I got pizza,” Peter said.
He takes off his mask and you took off your mask too.
“Finally, you came back. I want grape soda” You said.
“Here. Took a while because the owner wanted to take pictures with Spiderman” Peter said.
Sometimes you help Peter stop the criminals. Peter likes working with and he doesn't have to lie anymore like before. Now, you and Peter start to eat the pizza, now Peter is telling you a joke. You did laugh at the joke but it wasn't too funny. But you and Peter start to talk about funny videos and which was the best. He takes out his phone, then he showed some funny memes and videos. You and Peter can't stop laughing about it.
After eating, you and Peter start to patrol the city again. You can fly and he starts to use his webs, then he stands on the window of a random city.
“Y/n, I have a question but you can tell me no” Peter said.
“What is it?” You asked.
“How does it feel to fly? I have always been curious about flying and how it feels” Peter said.
“I don't know how to explain, to be honest. Maybe I can show you?” You said.
“How?” Peter asked.
He let you pick him up. You picked him up high enough and he sticks out his arms. You start to go fast but he started to freak out
“Slow down! I don't want to die!” Peter panicked.
“Sorry! Okay, I will go slow” You said.
You start to go slow and he didn't panic. But he is starting to like it and you couldn't help to laugh.
“I like it! I'm flying” Peter smiled.
You did it for a while. You land on a random building and he can't stop smiling.
“Y/n, that was so much fun!” Peter said.
“Good that you like it. But I won't keep doing that” You said.
“I know but it was worth it. Thanks” Peter said.
“Anytime,” You said.
Now Peter starts talking about how it felt that Tony picked me to be an Avenger. He starts to talk about Steve being serious and how Tony is a cool mentor, it made you laugh.
You and Peter saved two teenagers from being mugged. They wanted a group selfie, then you and Peter agreed to it.
You and Peter sit on the roof close to each other. You took a selfie with Peter, but he put the dog filter on. You two started to laugh, he adds other funny emojis in the picture.
It was getting late, you and Peter are ready to go home.
“Y/n, do you want to race home?” Peter asked.
“You, know that I have speed and I can beat you plus I can fly,” You said.
“You will lose to me” Peter smiled.
“Whatever, Spiderman. Okay, let's race” You said.
“Okay!” Peter said.
You used speed to race, but he used a device that helped him teleport.
“I don't even know why-”
“Hey!” Peter yelled.
That made you jump, he is upside down and he is holding onto the web.
“But how!?” You asked.
“Because of Tony, I got a device that will help me teleport anywhere I want,” Peter said.
“And you wanted to show it off,” You said.
“Yeah, that's why. I thought it would be fun” Peter said.
“That’s cheating,” You said.
“Nope. You're just mad that I won” Peter said.
“Whatever,” You said.
You and Peter go inside the apartment and start to change. He starts to talk about the device of what it can do.
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i have an ideaaa
so like,,,what if yandere!mcu peter parker has been stalking his s/o for a few weeks or so, but has never talked to them. then one day he sees them at the avengers tower and he's like 'omg they're here! why are they here tho-' and it turns out that they're gonna be an avenger.
and peter is flabberghasted because he had no idea they had any sort of powers or anything of the sort and maybe it's because when he's being spiderman and saving people, his s/o is also saving people (without showing their face or causing too much of a scene)
sry for the long ask!
Omg , I love this idea SO much:)( feel free to request a part two or for me to add an ending or him kidnapping you or smthing
Peter has been stalking you for some time now and he was quite certain he know most of the matters concerning you
He was a grade A stalker and it shocked him how sometimes he just couldn't find you anywhere. Like where are you ????
There is also a new vigilanete around and so he is even more concerned about you , because what if they want you too huh?
Peter was in the Stark tower at least one a day and he had never seen you there until now
But there you were , your pretty hair a little ruffled , siting at the avengers couch like it was nothing
He is startled to say at least
At first he is completely and utterly concerned because , what if you are in some kind of trouble??
He orders Jarvis to tell him if you go to leave the building , and bolts towards Tony's office , looking for some answers
Imagine his shock when his mentor told him you might be joining tha avengers soon!
At first he was extremely happy thinking that this is a sign and you are meant to be
But then the information settled down on his brain. You will be joining the avengers?? Do you even have powers. No you can't do that it is too dangerous
He informs tony about how it is to dangerous for a kid your age and all that stuff , but Tony insists that you are perfect and actually really powerful
He gets in the lobby and sees you still sitting there , with your phone on hand , writing something
He was worried about you , but this was his perfect chance
Popping right down besides you he smiles and askes you what you are doing there
You of course say some excuse you know is a lie and that angers him a little
WHY would you like to him???
Anyway he tells you that he knows about your powers and that he is spiderman
The way your eyes shine, oh he didn't even think he could fall for you any more , but here he is
You both sat there excited talking about costumes and power functions
He is a pretty tame yandere (for the most part) but after that some cameras are installed to your room and he knows just about every move you do
You are both meant to be after all , right
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crochetingwhale · 6 months
Asking tumblr because I’m having no luck elsewhere (and googling just leads to suggestions for tumblr blogs):
Does anyone know the MCU fic where Tony doesn’t know that Peter is spiderman and when he sees him getting dressed in an alleyway his first thought is ‘oh, he’s a hooker’ rather than thinking superhero. Peter works as a sort of helper/caretaker, so he talks about spending time with clients, which reinforces the idea for Tony, cue misunderstandings. I remember it being quite funny, and I can’t find it anywhere.
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