#top quality bean bags
sunsetsimon · 2 months
i love your stuff about big eater simon with a reader who doesn't eat a lot, but i was wondering if you could do something with a reader whose appetite is as big as his?
☼ quality time is simon’s main love language, and eating is one of his favorite things to do, so being able to have you keep up with him in terms of appetite? he’s even more in love than he already was before.
it’s no surprise that a man his size with his lifestyle has to eat a lot to maintain himself, but i think people underestimate how much simon can really eat.
he’s not big on eating out, so most meals he’s making himself unless you offer to cook instead. a normal breakfast for him would consist of 5 or 6 eggs scrambled (or over-easy depending on his mood), at least 4 links of sausage, a side of potatoes, and some mixed veggies. sometimes he’ll even have baked beans and toast as well before topping it off with a homemade protein shake.
your grocery bill is hundreds because of how much the two of you eat, which he pays for of course, but he tries to be really good about using all the ingredients you already have at home to not be wasteful.
☼ so when big si is scarfing down his breakfast, his heart just swells seeing you keeping up with him. it’s a bonding experience for him to sit next to you while eating meals, talking about your day or watching a show in between each bite. your plate isn’t as big as his of course, but watching you eat a bigger amount of food makes him feel whole. simon just wants you to be happy and healthy, and knowing you’re eating well just marks those things off of his list.
plus he has so much fun cooking with you! he isn’t the best chef and only has a few things he knows how to make, but being led in the kitchen by you is so hot to him. he's a man who can take orders, but fuck they're so much better when they come from you.
☼ he eats pretty healthily for the most part, but he loves snacking. you can't be sitting on the couch for more than 10 minutes before he's standing up, "do you want some donuts, love?"
"simon we just ate dinner 20 minutes ago."
"okay... so is that a no?"
"hmm.. no, give me a few."
he chuckles as he already knew your answer, grabbing his favorite snack of white powdered donuts and cold milk to share with you. the entire bag ends up gone in that one sitting, and he just complains about how it's not his fault because they're so small! even though he purposely grabs the mini's every time, saying it'll make him eat less - yeah right.
☼ it's a breath of fresh air for him to be with someone who doesn't judge him on his consumption, he's just a big hungry man. although he has normal confidence and understands he has to eat a lot to maintain his shape, it can make anyone feel a bit insecure hearing comments of "wow you're eating all of that?!" si loves to indulge on anything food related, so the second you mention wanting something he's ready to go get it!
☼ also, he totally studies the menu before he goes anywhere new. opening the safari app on his phone, there's at least 1 menu to a restaurant in his tabs at all times. while trying to choose where to go for your dinner date, he's searching every restaurant, naming dishes off the menu he thinks you'd like. the choice is always yours though! he just wants to eat with you :)
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nmakii · 7 months
i saw u were taking requests! uhmmm, i had this thought just recently; you know how in the v first ep of hh where alastor kinda runs his fingers up his staff thingie? well, That but him doing it to reader instead teehee 🤭
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— on a date with alastor, he gets unusually possessive and jealous
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as infamously known by hotel residents and staff, alastor loves to invade others’ personal space; pulling them uncomfortably close, touching their faces— it’s the sheer entertainment to see them writhe uncomfortably under his harsh touch, knowing that he could make them disappear right now if he wanted to.
but, he especially likes to touch you, his dear. your puffy baby cheeks, your big eyes, your resting pout on those pretty lips; you’re simply just adorable, he could eat you up!
he has to admit, you’re also divinely gorgeous, what if other overlords try to steal you away from him? of course, no one would even compare to him, much less dare to… but, he must be cautious in case some egotistical sinner thinks that they’d be able to court you.
he’d thought about marking you, perhaps on the neck, but doing that would include unsightly deeds that he wouldn’t want to indulge in…
so then, he decided to do the next best thing; have you accompany him as a companion through his day. keeping you with him as he does his overlord duties, an arm safely around your waist. and, in return, he spoils you with lovely gifts of top-notch quality.
of course, there are better solutions to satiate his possessive behavior… but, this is the one that both of you find most enjoyable.
on one of these days, alastor followed you inside as the two of you went on a date to lu-lu world, taking you on all of the thrilling rollercoasters. to be quite honest, he had a fun time, albeit all the tacky circus decor throughout the place.
while at one of the game booths, you threw the bean bag, hoping to score some points. alastor used his shadow to pull it into the hole, making absolute sure you win.
the gamemaker’s jaw fell in awe, never usually having anyone beat the game. “lovely game, my dear! i believe there is a prize that was won?” alastor looked at the demon gamemaker who hurriedly brought a large lamb-like plushie, styled after charlie’s bodyguard, dazzle.
after all of that, the red skies of hell grew dark as nightfall came. you and alastor walked to the exit before you ran into a specific man.
“oh..! what are you doing here?” lucifer asked, slightly pointing his staff towards you, his face contorting to annoyance as he looked at alastor.
“alastor and i are on… um…” you wandered off, a little embarrassed to explain. “we’re on a date, of course!” alastor announced as he pulled closer to him by your shoulder, his fingers moving behind you to dance on your skin.
your posture straightened, subconsciously trying to move away from the ticklish feeling moving itself up on your spine. “i’d say the better question is what is a man such as yourself doing here alone, hm?” alastor glared down at him.
“well, for one— i own the place.” lucifer frowned back at alastor. “very well, then. we’ll see you around, i suppose!” alastor sighed, pulling you immediately away from lucifer and not even giving him the chance to bid farewell.
as alastor pulled you away, you saw his smile getting strained. “are you ok? why were you—“ “what was that about, my love? why did you not tell him yourself that we were on a date?” you asked before alastor interrupted, the radio static over his voice getting louder the more irritated he got.
your eyes avoided his as you searched your mind for an answer. “ah… well…” you bit your lip, stalling yourself as you came up with a reason.
“is it because you’d rather go on a date with him instead?” he snarled, his eyes clearly frustrated. “would you rather be with that lonely man? all he ever does is make rubber ducks!” he sighed, his jealousy ruining his composure.
“what?!” you frowned. “no… it’s just that… it’s a little embarrassing to explain things to other people. i also got a little flustered because i didn’t expect to see him here… i love you, alastor, promise…” you pouted, leaning your head on his chest
he sighed, satisfied with your response as he put a hand on your head. “good. because you’re mine, dear. don’t ever forget that. and, if you do…” alastor started before his hand once again moved to your spine, two fingers tickling your skin as they danced their way to the nape of your neck.
“agh, stop that!” you whined. “that tickles… don’t worry, i’m all yours.” you shook your head, baffled by the extent of his jealousy. “very good… i love you too, my dear.”
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In A Week's Time: Elliott x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Contains: Soft sex, creampies
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Summer. A scorching summer season had settled amongst the valley. Where others saw a reason to just flock to the beach and wade in the oceans or to take advantage of the museum’s better quality air conditioner, you had been excited for this season to make profits. Sure, you had made a good profit off of spring’s fresh crops what of strawberries and parsnips and bulbs of garlic all in a row; it was summer you were waiting for as well as many other farmers around. You could just imagine your crop fields full of patches of blueberries and of melons, peach and orange trees in full bloom as well as stalks of hops to keep the kegs full of aging beer (and let’s not get started about the starfruit patches to which you’ll be turning into wine by the end of their respected harvest).
You were out of bed before Elliott - which was rare as he’s used to waking with the gulls cawing horribly before the sun even rises over the ocean’s shore. The writer’s eyes prying open to see you already out the door, flowing auburn hair a mess against the soft pillow covers, sticking to his chiseled face as he watched on in confusion as you bolted out of the front door. He squinted, grumbling something under his breath about how eager you were and quickly followed behind you.
The early summer morning breeze was cool, crisp, inviting as you overlooked the expanse of your farm from your porch. The sun barely peeking over the trees of the forest bordering the outskirts of the farm, bits of orange rays poking through, and twinkling off of the iridium sprinklers littered around, scarecrows still standing tall, protecting the now empty fields of dead spring crops.
The front door opened behind you, you peered over your shoulder to see your beloved husband standing there, squinting as the sun slowly rises over the horizon and spill into the farm. You always loved how squinty-eyed he was when he wakes, hair tied back. He was always so handsome, even when he had just woken up. You giggled, remembering how he had woken up when the spring had started and you had woken early to start planting the usual plots of strawberries, parsnips, and beans. The poor man had his shirt on backwards and nearly had his shoes on the wrong feet before you helped correct him. It was always so sweet of him to wake up early with you every crop season to help you clear and plant and water with you.
“My darling?” he mumbled behind you.
“It’s summer, Elliott! Time for the biggest harvests of the year!” you proclaimed, puffing your chest out proudly.
“I’ll make coffee,” he nodded, leaving the front door open to allow your cat to slip outside and happily trot towards the barn and coop towards the south exit of your farm that leads to Marnie’s ranch.
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Around midday, you had retired back to the house where Elliott was waiting, radiating with excitement. He had just come back two hours ago from Pierre’s store with many bags of seeds roped around his hands and wrists for you to start sowing. You climbed the stairs and overlooked the expanse of your farm with your husband. You both took in the tilled dirt ready to be watered after lunch. You were both excited to slowly be able to see the dull beige and browns and ochres of the farm’s soil to slowly bloom vibrant greens and pinks and blues and yellows of fresh vegetation by the end of the season.
“Tired, my darling?” he stepped inside, allowing you to pass into your home.
“Not yet,” you hummed.
“Good! I have wonderful news I’d love for you to hear,” he chimed.
“Oh? And what would that be, Elliott?”
Leading you towards the kitchen, you noticed a large, square vanilla envelope bent in a slight curve. A glass mixing bowl sat a little ways away, most likely used to press out the envelope. It was opened, the obvious tear towards the top of the envelope, the contents gently pushed back inside. What looked to be a single sheet of paper was inside.
“Do you remember the genre of book you’ve inspired me to write, my love?” Elliott hummed.
You could remember that day clearly. Nearly two seasons had passed, the end of the scorching summer was settled on the land, the valley preparing for fall. The weather had cooled just a tad, but it was enough to warrant you a trip down to the beach for a dip in the ocean. Your crops were all done for the season, every last bundle of blueberries plucked, every melon uprooted, hot peppers and tomatoes picked from every patch you had planted. You were done for the rest of the season when it had come to the farm.
But as soon as you arrived at the beach, you had immediately lost all focus upon seeing Elliott’s cabin. You had been meaning to visit, and before you could even realize it, you were knocking at his front door. The poet was surprised to see you, emerald green eyes widening in pure delight at the sight of a new visitor.
Auburn hair tied back by a vibrant green ribbon, delicate locks not long enough framed his face nicely. Sharp jawline freshly shaved, not a single hair missed nor a single blemish on his healthy tanned skin. A loose white button-up long sleeve shirt sat unbuttoned a bit on the top. His shirt had been tucked into a pair of loose black slacks. If you hadn’t been blushing at the sight of a man as handsome as Elliott, you would’ve questioned him on why he decided to dress like a pirate.
Instead, he had roped you into an elegant conversation, allowing you to step into his cabin. Enchanted with his delicate words, you soon found yourself staring at him as he looked at you, groomed dark brows pulled up slightly as he waited for your answer.
He smirked as you shook your head slightly, clearing the fog from your mind as you suddenly found yourself in an embarrassing position.
“Sorry, excuse me,” you stuttered, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Elliott simply chuckled softly. His silky voice filled your ears before he glanced back at you, a smile still tugging on his chiseled lips. Yoba, they looked so soft.
“It’s this awful heat. I find myself losing my words too. I was asking you your favorite genre to read.”
“Oh!” You felt your stomach tighten into even tighter knots. “I… Romance I guess. I haven’t really had a lot of time to sit down and read something proper like an actual book. Maybe a news article on my phone or something but…”
“Romance? Ah, a classic form of literature! I find myself sinking into romantic novels myself, especially during a storm.”
“Romance,” you hummed.
He pulled the single piece of thick paper from the envelope, still a little curved from its time spent in the mailbox since early this morning.
“It’s a very short notice for such big news, but I’ve been invited to do a reading tour for the book you’ve inspired me to write.”
He handed you the piece of paper.
It was from his publisher, a full schedule on the bottom of the short notice. Every day was packed with readings to signings and meetups, all scheduled for one week.
Next week.
“You’re leaving Saturday,” you noted the date stamped at the very bottom, the following Sunday being his return.
“I am. But only for one week, my radiance.” He paused for a moment, you looked up at him with wide eyes full of excitement. “Will you be alright? I’ll be gone for one week and it’s already the start of a new crop season for us-”
“Go on it! This is what you’ve wanted, yeah? I’ll be fine!”
Elliott stared at you with slight shock, soon melting into a warm smile full of absolute love.
“I’ll be here for the rest of the week, though. I’ll still be here to help water what is not covered, help with your animals.”
You nodded and looked back down at the paper in your hands. You noticed the time to leave on Saturday is missing.
“When do you leave Saturday?”
“I believe before noon.”
Elliott produced one round-trip bus ticket from the envelope. The same company that brought you here to Pelican Town a little over two years ago.
Lo and behold, he would be leaving at ten o'clock in the morning.
Elliott plucked the schedule and ticket from your hands and placed them back on the counter. He quickly replaced the empty space between your hands, he filled them with his own. Grasping them tightly with his own, he pulled you closer to him.
His hands were strong, skin soft, fingertips scarred slightly from countless papercuts he’s given himself from binge-reading new and old books on rainy days as well as spending countless and stressful days writing, editing, and rereading his work that he’ll now read to many people out there in the world. You loved how nice his hands felt, warm, but not too warm to make your hands overheat. His hands were bigger than yours, enveloping them with their strong warmth as he pulled you closer until you both were pressed flush up against each other.
You caught whiffs of him. You always loved how Elliott smelled, from his shampoo and conditioner to the subtle hints of his aftershave and cologne. Pomegranate was the main node you would get (it was really the fruit that had started your acquaintance with him when he asked if you grew them on the farm) but he would also always smell somewhat like the sea. Sea salt in the ocean breeze, fresh and alive, and inviting like the ocean on a hot summer’s day.
And looking at your husband before you, you could feel your body heat up even more. His hands slowly rising in temperature, slowly roasting your fingers and palms still a little cool from handling your iridium hoe. You swore you could feel little tingles sparking between the minute gaps between your fingers and palms, fireworks, explosions of nerves edging you both further and further closer to the end of the cliff until-
You both suddenly found yourselves suddenly tangled in each other’s limbs. Bodies pressed flush up against each other, no room between your persons. Your breasts pressed firmly against his chest, stomachs with no gaps between, legs struggling to stand up properly and support each other.
Your hands snatched at the collar of Elliott’s button-up, crisp and clean with no wrinkles in sight now sat crumbled in your grasping hands. Your fingers flexing, suddenly releasing the collar to claw and crawl to his broad shoulders, snatching at the thin, soft material by the handful, pulling him closer if that was any more possible.
Elliott’s passion placed into his display of affections always seemed to catch you off guard. You knew Elliott was a passionate man the moment you met him, but as you grew to knew him and quickly fell for him, you learned that Elliott and romance went together like Gus and any event where he’s able to serve the town. Elliott always made you feel loved, always made you feel beautiful. He may look like he belongs on the front of a romance novel cover with his god-like appearance, but damn it all if he doesn’t know how to absolutely ravish you as the books would suggest.
One of Elliott’s strong hands had come to the back of your head, agile fingers gently grasping at the back of your head, fingers wrapped around your locks, locking your heads together. The other went around to behind your shoulders. He grabbed at the back of your shirt, a fistful of cloth fabric teasing him whereas he teased you with a few tugs, threatening to rip your shirt right off of your body without another thought.
It wouldn’t have been the first time he would have done that.
Elliott’s lips seemed to be made for yours. Every kiss was perfect.
Elliott softly moaned into the kiss, the swaying weight between you two nearly had your legs fumbling, nearly allowing the two of you to fall over yourselves. Elliott pulled away for just a moment, emerald green eyes gazing into yours for a brief moment, lust filling his gorgeous hues the more he looked at you, a faint pink blush dashing over his chiseled cheeks. You could feel your face heating up as well, the apples of your cheeks suddenly scorching just looking at him right here, nose to nose with your loving husband.
He had quickly pulled you into another kiss, lips tenderly pressing against yours in a passionate embrace, lulling your legs to finally be able to move towards the bedroom.
It was sloppy, your backs pressing against the walls of the short hallway connecting the living room to your shared bedroom. Elliott had you pinned to the wall at one point, your head pushed to the side, mouth open as soft mewls and moans escaping from your slick lips as Elliott sucked at the nape of your neck. His large, strong hands were squeezing your wrists, your fingers limp yet curling as you felt him pressed his clothed erection brush against your person.
You both had managed to tear yourselves from the wall, suddenly another mess of tangled arms, hands grasping in hair and snatching at clothing until Elliott’s nimble fingers had finally dipped under the bottom hem of your shirt, carefully peeling the hem up into a small curl of fabric until he could firmly grab at it with both hands. With a swift and sudden pull of his hands, you had suddenly found yourself topless in the sights of your beloved.
Flushing under his emerald gaze, Elliott had paused for a brief moment to look over your body, eyes scanning your form, lust slowly consuming his features the more he gazed at your form with fluttering eyes. Elliott hummed deep within his throat, hands coming up to cup at your shoulders. Hooking his thumbs under the straps of your bra, he delicately slid them off of the curve of your shoulders and crawled his fingers to the hooks behind your back. Your bra quickly came undone in his hands, the delicate lingerie now sliding off of your body with a tug of his agile hands and carelessly tossed over his shoulder.
The sight of your naked breasts alone was enough for Elliott to start to unravel more and more.
A coy little smirk fell upon your lips as you saw out of the corner of your eye the tenting in his pants, noting how the fabric was tightening more and more as the seconds ticked by.
“I hardly think it’s fair for you to still be dressed while you’re stripping off all of my clothes,” you pointed out.
“My dearest, I believe you’re right. How rude of me.”
Elliott had complied with your statement, but he was a little shit. Nimble fingers that had just ravaged your top and bra off of your person within just a few seconds, had plucked the top two buttons of his shirt apart at a snail’s pace; All with a devilish look in his eye as looked directly at you.
You flung yourself at him, hands grabbing the collar of his button-up and pulling his close to connect your lips once more. Elliott’s hands moved from his shirt to grip at the sides of your head firmly, sinking his fingers into the locks of your hair. Your hands fumbled down to the rest of the buttons, fingers struggling to pluck them apart one by one until you had no more to unbutton. Your fingers brushed against his bare chest and abdomen, lightly sun-kissed skin, toned generously as the lean muscle under your fingertips flexed softly at your bare touch.
Elliott shrugged his button-up off of his shoulders and tossed it aside, the hunk of material sliding against the hardwood floors.
Elliott advanced towards you, pushing you backwards until the back of your knees bumped into the lip of the bed. You stumbled back a bit, losing your balance and falling back into the mattress, your body bouncing a bit as you landed on the springy mattress. Elliott smirked, enjoying as your breasts bounced with you.
Elliott’s graceful fingers moved from your shoulders downward, fingers dancing down your body, past the curve of your breasts, and digging gently into the soft skin of your stomach until his fingers danced along the waistband of your pants. The button had suddenly slipped free and the zipper had been pulled down.
Elliott had leaned forward, you softly gasped when you felt his warm lips press gentle kisses down the center of your torso in a straight line, going from the bottom of your neck to in between the space of your breasts down to your belly button all while he had wrestled your pants out from under your rear. He worked your trousers down the length of your legs, eventually hitching them off from where they bunched up at your ankles and allowed the trousers to flop onto the floor, all while he was still trailing kisses right down your center.
He briefly looked up at you under a near curtain of auburn locks, emerald green hues amused at your heated face, wonderful lips smirking as you softly begged him to keep going.
His index fingers hooked around the delicate upper hemline of your underwear. Twisting his fingers just a bit to secure the hemline, he slowly pulled downwards, peeling your panties away from your pussy and down the length of your legs, soon joining your pants on the floor. The sight of you dripping wet, heat blooming from between your legs stirred Elliott onwards, but he remained collected; no matter how much he wished to absolutely ravage your body.
Elliott had stood up, you whined a bit as you immediately missed the feeling of his lips trailing up and down your torso, worshipping you, ravishing you with his soft kisses.
Your loving husband gripped the waistband of his own trousers and fiddled with the buckle of his leather belt. Shiny brass clicking a little at him fiddling and soon the long strip of punched leather slid out from the belt loops of his black slacks and was tossed onto your trousers pooling at his feet. You watched on in awe as he slowly dipped his hands under the waistband for just a brief second before plucking apart the button of his own pants and pulling the zipper down, revealing straining boxer-briefs.
You flushed at the outline hidden inside the confinements of his underwear. Cock straining, erect, yet tortured to be stuck into tightening underwear.
The black slacks dropped to the floor, Elliott nudging both his trousers and yours off to the side of the bed just out of the way. The matching black boxer-briefs looked awfully tight, you could only imagine the struggle Elliott was going through as he looked over your delightful form.
A few locks of auburn hair drifted out of place, some sticking to his slightly sweaty forehead while the others hung loose in his face, covering his eyes slightly. A faint blush still settled on his cheeks as he looked down at you with half-lidded eyes full of lust and desire.
“Elliott,” you cooed, your body heating up.
Your gut was coiling, heat pooling more around your pussy, your stomach feeling full of butterflies. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, feel your blood roaring with life.
You needed him inside of you now.
“My dear (Y/n), what do you need?” he purred, still eyeing you as if you were nothing else but prey.
“You,” you whimpered.
“And what do you want me to do?” he teased, the corners of his lips twitching upwards into a coy smile.
“I want you to fuck me into this mattress.”
You swore you could see something snap inside of Elliott. The once calm and collected writer you called a husband seemingly snapped. You could no longer see the emerald in his eyes. The sea of lovely green now consumed by his pupils blown wide.
It was a good thing you both live on a farm, a good walking distance away from the rest of Pelican Town, otherwise, you and Elliott would be looking at many noise complaints from the rest of the town.
You watched as he snatched off his boxer-briefs, the poor man-handled fabric flung away, no longer in your line of sight.
What was in your line of sight, however, was your husband’s cock springing outwards, now free of its confinements.
You only had mere seconds to gaze at it before Elliott had pinned you to the mattress, the man hovering over you, hands pinning your shoulders to the mattress, impaling you with his cock.
A moan lodged in your throat, choking slightly as you cried out in pleasure at the tightness. Elliott gave a satisfied groan as well, broad shoulders sagging for just a mere moment to lose himself in the sea of pleasure he found himself in.
You loved how Elliott’s cock fit inside of you so perfectly, it was like to was made for you. His cock was large, thick, always stretching your tight pussy just right. Just the feeling of being stretched had you whining, clawing at the sheets by the handful. Your head rocked back into the mattress, cradled by the bunched up sheets under your head and neck. Your eyes screwed shut at the painful stretch.
Elliott moaning softly, panting against your chest. His long auburn locks had spilled across your sweaty chest, thick strands clinging to your breasts, pooling on your person for a brief moment as Elliott had dipped his head to revel in the feeling of his cock in your tight pussy.
He craned his head back up, looking down at your sweaty face, mouth wide open as you cried and mewled under him. A wild smirk spread across his lips.
He was generous enough to give you a quick second to adjust to the tight stretch before he had started to slowly piston his hips.
The back of your head curled into the sheets piled underneath you more, your throat stretching, baring more skin to him. Elliott had leaned back down again, still pistoning his hips at a slow rate to enjoy the tight feeling of your slick walls around his cock.
Your guts were knotted with lust, only wanting you to raise your hips and match him with his thrusts, meet his cock thrusting inwards with you lifting your hips up, wanting your sexes to slap together, to rock the bed and make it groan like you normally do together. You loved how wild and powerful Elliott could be in bed.
Elliott’s hands snatched at your hips, nails digging into the soft skin. You whimpered at the bite of crescent moons, loving the pain adding on to the pleasure bubbling inside of your person. Each thrust seemed to make your organs knot closer together, made the coils heat up, and tighten. Your moans only spurred him to speed up once he had given you ample time to adjust to the tightness inside of you.
Elliott had let go of your hips, favoring to trap the sides of your head by placing his hands out flat against the ruffles and rumples of the sheets now bunched under the back of your skull, careful not to snag at any of your locks. His grip on the sheets tightened, supporting him better as he rocked his hips back and forth at a great pace, pounding into you like a machine powered by pistons.
He had dipped his head down to meet your parted lips. He groaned into the cavity of your mouth, wincing and tightening his grip on the sheets as your walls had clamped down on his cock. You could hear the sheets creaking, the soft fabric stretching and compressing under the intense grip Elliott was putting it through until he had released it just a touch.
He pressed hot, open-mouth kisses all around your face. He trailed kisses along the curve of your jaw all the way back to your earlobes where he would nip and gently tug at them. He would trail a sloppy line down the curve of your neck, grazing the columns of your throat with his teeth. He definitely had produced a good amount of hickies along your neck and upper chest, so much to possibly warrant a turtleneck at the beginning of summer if you were to have made any plans of going out in public. He had even gently sunk his teeth into the soft plush of one of your breasts, enjoying the little squeaks you produced as your clawed at Elliott’s back and grabbed at his broad shoulders.
Once he had deemed he had marked you up enough, he had only continued to ramp up his pace until you suddenly choke at the speed. You gasped, feeling your passageway clamp down on him once more, your husband crying out in pleasure and tossing his head back to revel in the feelings spiking through him.
You cried out, feeling the coils inside of you tighten even more, now white-hot as the seed about to enter your womb pretty soon as your climax was fast approaching.
You caught sight of Elliott’s eyes, emerald hues still missing, lost in a sea of black. His pupils dilated, still-full blown with lust, looking as though he had captured a starless sky in his eyes.
It was hypnotic, and the thundering of your blood in your ear like war drums had only added on to the pressure building up in your core. The splitting pressure inside of you had you squeezing your eyes closed, wincing, a soft moan passing through grit teeth as a wave of painful pleasure rattled through you, only tightening the coils inside of you even more.
Elliott was unraveling as well, auburn locks falling in his face, hiding his reddened and sweaty rugged face behind the curtain of his groomed mane. His shoulders tensed, lean muscle flexing in his shoulders and biceps, veins poking against his lightly tanned skin. His thrusts had gone from fast and passionate to sporadic and sloppy, longing and yearning to finally release inside of you.
A sudden eruption of heat spilled from between your legs, a massive release of pent up pain and turned to pleasure. A lewd moan had spilled from your open mouth, eyes rolling to the back of your head as Elliott groaned above you, riding and thrusting into your slickening pussy, only allowing him to lose himself to his gaining lust.
Your limbs suddenly felt heavy, weighed down by bones seemingly made of lead and iridium, allowing you to sink into the plush comfort of the mattress as Elliott continuously pounded into your pussy without fail. The man of many elegant words had crippled down to only guttural moans and heavy groans. He could barely make any other noises, he was too busy chasing his won climax. He huffed and puffed in your ears, shoulders shaking as he pistoned his hips back and forth like a well-oiled machine.
It had nearly been another full minute before you felt the slight twitch inside of your passageway, his cock stiffening ever so slowly in between the rushed thrusts of his hips. His thrusts were growing sloppier by the thrust, the bed groaning under the two of you as it rocked with each thrust. The two of you were a flurry of moans and lingering kisses, Elliott occasionally kissing down your jaw or sucking at your neck. Your pussy still slick with your sweet only allowed him to seemingly thrust faster inside of you, you could feel his cock twitch a bit more.
He was going to cum quickly.
His hands on either side of your head snatched at more of the rumpled bedsheets, twisting as his back arched downwards. With each thrust, there was no room left between your two persons, no air gaps between your sexes, drawing his cock nearly out of you only to slam right back into you without mercy. You swore you were drooling, trapped in the starry bliss clouding your mind, still chasing the joys of your climax as he only ravaged your pussy more and more.
The stiffer he got, the sloppier he got with his thrusts until hot milky white suddenly erupted from Elliott’s cock, the man coming with a choked shout. His shoulders curled up into his neck, head shooting back, auburn locks spilling over his broad shoulders and you milked every last drop of semen out of his cock still buried inside of you.
You cried, mewled as you felt the fullness inside of you, only to exhale as Elliott’s cock had slid right out of your passageway, his semen following quickly after to spill onto the bed.
Elliott nearly collapsed on top of your worn person, the man of elegance managing to roll himself to land right next to you. He draped one of his tanned arms over your body, the meat of his arm over your breasts so his hand could reach under your armpit, dragging you closer to his sweaty chest. You both laid there panting, hearts racing as moments ticked by, the thrill of your orgasms slowly riding down as you both looked at each other in the eye. Sweaty faces, blushed at the cheeks and noses, you both couldn’t help the small and loving smiles spreading across your faces. You both looked at each other through the messy, frizzy locks clinging to your sweaty faces. A good shower was to be put in order now, but it would have to wait.
You shivered, still feeling his hot seed spilling slowly out between your nether lips, tangling with the sheets under your person, a mess you would both clean in just a moment.
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You stood there by the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive with your husband right by your side. You could tell he was nervous, he would always toy with his long locks when he was. He had even pulled his hair back and tied it to try and stop himself from fiddling with his luscious auburn locks, but he couldn’t help himself.
He was nervous, and rightfully so!
He was going to be gone for a week, reading for his adoring fans, signing autographs, meeting new and important people.
You took his hand, startling the man out of his daydream. Wide emerald eyes looking at you for a mere second before he seemingly calmed down… just a bit.
“You’ll do great out there. I promise,” you smiled. “Just breathe, remember to stay calm and you’ll do great.”
Elliott smiled warmly at you. He only wished you could come along with him, join him on this adventure he was going to have, but you had a farm to take care of, animals to raise and crops to tend to so you can help feed the town.
You had your responsibilities, and now, he did too. This would open up a lot of doors, a lot of opportunities to expand his craft, make good relationships and business partners, spread the word about his writing more and more.
He only wished he could have you by his side. After all, you were his biggest inspiration for finishing his book. This was all because of you; Because you had introduced yourself to him your first day of arriving at Pelican Town, because you took up his many requests on the wanted board in front of Pierre’s, because you had taken the time to get to know him, to give him many wonderful gifts, to give him the mermaid’s pendant… You had spoken to him nearly every day, no matter if you were covered in dirt from the farm or covered in slime and bits of dead bugs and whatever horrors you had slain in the mines, you made it your goal to befriend him, to stick your muddy boot through his cabin door and get to know him. Even now, the mermaid’s pendant sat heavily against his throat, the polished silver chain choking him with suspense as he started to worry.
What if something happened and he wasn’t here to help? What if something happened to the farm? It’s summer, storms would surely come to try and wreck the farm. What if you were caught outside? What if you were caught in the barns? What if you got hurt and he wasn’t there to help you? To protect you?
The bus had rolled down the street and stopped right in front of you both. You both eyed each other one last time before you fully turned to him, Elliott doing the same.
Now face to face with your husband, you reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace. You could feel your throat tightening up just a tad as he wrapped his strong arms around your person, a quick press of his lips against your cheekbone.
“I promise to write to you every day, my radiance,” he murmured into your ear.
“Every day?”
“Every day without fail.”
“I love you, Elliott.”
“And I love you, (Y/n).”
The doors to the bus swung open, the bus driver not even looking in your direction at first.
Elliott pulled away only to press his lips to yours. The kiss was so full of passion for how brief it had to be without keeping the bus driver and the other bus occupants waiting.
You pulled away to look him in the eyes. You could see the yearning for him to stay with you, but you both knew this was coming sooner or later.
“Be careful, yeah?”
“Of course, my dearest.”
And with that, Elliott picked up his (overstuffed) suitcase and carry-on bag and set off into the bus.
You watched on with a reassuring smile as Elliott sat down at the window facing you. You followed the bus as far down the sidewalk as you could until there was no walkway left. You watched from your spot on the sidewalk as the bus was slowly swallowed by the darkness of the tunnel, heading towards the city.
With a soft sigh, you glanced down at the mermaid pendant sitting around your neck. You gently grasped the shimmering blue twisted shell and gazed back at the tunnel.
You ignored the biting, bitter feeling bubbling in your gut, wrinkling your nose at the sensation of dread wafting around your mind, and turned to follow the trail back to your farm.
Maybe if you busied yourself with farm work and the mines and whatever foraging you could find, the week would fly by quickly and Elliott would return to you sooner than you would think.
Upon arriving at the farm, you sighed. You knew the farm felt emptier the moment you stepped foot on the land. Even as your cat brushed around your leg and trotted towards the barn and coop, you hoped time would fly by quickly.
Picking up the milking bucket and shears from the chest by your house, you followed behind your faithful kitty, attempting to busy your lonely mind with work until your beloved author returned to you.
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sandinthemachine · 2 years
König x Ghost x Reader Headcanons
Wrote these a week or so ago to help with visualizing some one-shots I'll be doing, but they might take awhile so I'm posting these as a little teaser :) both sfw and nsfw
Part 2
Simon and König have a running game where they hide each other’s favorite mugs in weird hard to reach places. Simon was winning until König got pissy and started putting them on top of the cabinets in full view just outside of his reach. Simon broke your only stool trying to get them and still hasn’t lived it down.
Technically you’re in on this game but you haven’t noticed yet because every time one of them hides your mug the other finds it and puts it back where you can reach it (since you now have to get a new stool before you can reach anything on your own, thanks a lot Simon).
Simon usually wakes up first, tending to patrol the house before settling down on the couch with a tea. If you teach him how you like your tea or coffee, he’ll have a hot cup ready for you by the time you come down. König lost that privilege after you dared him to swallow his tea bag and he did it without question, so now he’s banned from the tea stash.
Simon got him back for the tea bag incident without even meaning to when you were all stationed in the U.S. He was in charge of grocery shopping the day you arrived and the only breakfast foods he bought were…beans and American toast. He wasn’t even paying attention to the bread quality.
Simon is now banned from the kitchen every time König makes bread. Apparently his bad energy will taint the dough.
You’re allowed in the kitchen but not allowed to help yet because you always get distracted and over knead the dough. You don’t mind, though. It’s nicer to watch him work. Simon comes and watches too once König is too hyperfocused to notice.
You and König tend to switch off cooking or help each other out while Simon does the dishes. 
Simon isn’t a bad cook, and he’s really good at cooking meat except fish. You refuse to let anyone else touch the fish. He just never adds enough spices and he doesn’t even notice.
You get one day a week where you get to make a dinner as spicy as you want. Simon’s eyes will tear up every time. König used to cry but then he forced himself to eat extra every time to build his tolerance. Now spice day is his favorite day, and he hovers over your shoulder begging you to add extra so he can feel it burn. Simon refuses to kiss him on those days until after he’s brushed his teeth because his mouth still tastes like pain, and not the good kind (for Simon, at least).
You invested in an immense U-shaped couch with plenty of room for all of you guys to lay down while you hang out and watch TV, but in the end it didn’t matter because all three of you cram together on one end most of the time.
The bed is even worse. You picked out a lovely custom mattress and bedframe so all of you could toss and turn and not be woken up by König’s twitching when he falls asleep only for you three to end up literally on top of each other every night anyway.
On nights where you’re in the middle you have no hope of moving once they’re asleep. König has the habit of sleeping on his stomach with an arm and a leg flung over you and touching Simon, while Simon wraps one arm around you and holds König’s arm with the other, trapping you in a prison of limbs.
That’s all well and good as long as you can fall asleep first. If not, well…
Simon’s snores are fit to wake the dead (maybe that’s why they call him Ghost) and König could sleep through a nuclear apocalypse so you’ll just have to sit and listen.
If you do manage to worm your way out and happen to peek in on them before they wake up you’ll always find Simon tucked under König’s chin and wrapped up in his limbs. Simon will never admit it, but he’d pretend to be asleep for hours if it meant getting to stay like this. König knows when Simon is awake but he’ll never tell. He enjoys these mornings just as much.
When you’ve all settled in together, Simon is still very quiet and tends to show his love through acts of service. He’ll clean up your dishes before you can get to them. He’ll notice you guys ran out of something and go out to get more before you even notice. He’ll take you out for a late-night drive when you can’t sleep. He’ll sit and listen intently to König rambling for hours, even trying to ask questions and prompt him to keep going.
Simon doesn’t tend to ask for physical affection and can be a bit grumbly about it at first, but he comes to like being given it. When one of you sits on his lap or rests a head on his shoulder, he’ll wrap an arm or two around you and is the last to let go. When you’re all doing your own thing, he’ll come up with reasons to stand close to one of you or casually touch you as he brushes by.
Once König settles he becomes a veritable chatterbox, always having things to say and stories or jokes to tell. He loves listening to your jokes too, and has the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard, the kind of laugh that will have both of you guffawing along with him.
König also becomes much more direct at asking for physical affection, happy to drape himself all over both of you guys, hug you from behind, rest his head on yours, and all manner of other things.
König also really enjoys finding little gifts to bring home for both of you guys. You and him are big hikers, and you have a shelf dedicated to cool things you’ve found in the woods. Half of it is stuff König has found and brought back for you because he knew you’d like it, and his chest bursts at your grin every time he brings home something new.
König was the first to discover that dear old Simon has a sweet tooth, so he always seeks out new chocolates and candies from each country he is in to bring back for Simon. So far Peruvian dark chocolate is his favorite.
He also sometimes gets Simon obnoxiously printed balaclavas as a joke. Simon shoves them in the back of his drawers but never gets rid of them.
Neither of them wear their masks out in public. It brings more attention to them. However, they both prefer to stay away from big crowds anyway.
König loves it when Simon gives him piggyback rides. He’ll tuck his chin on top of Simon’s head and wrap his long limbs all the way around his shoulders. Simon chuckles at him but you all see how he blushes when König leans around to kiss him on the temple.
König tried to return the favor when Simon was recovering from a leg injury but the stubborn old Brit refused and got carried bridal-style instead.
They’re both happy to carry you if you want, but know that König will take that as an invitation to jump on your back with no warning. The man just doesn’t realize how big he is. If you can’t carry him Simon will catch you and take König himself, grumbling all the way.
König’s dick is longer by far, but Simon’s is thicker.
Simon doesn’t make a lot of noise during sex, and the sounds he makes tend to be grunts and huffs. When he moans loudly you know you’re really doing something right.
Although Simon doesn’t make a lot of noises, he is really good at dirty talk and knowing what to say to get both of you guys going. Sometimes it feels like he talks more during sex than any other time.
König is a lot louder and makes all kinds of sounds, from whines and whimpers to moans and screams. He’s not as good at dirty talk because he tends to lose himself very easily, lapsing into German and quickly becoming unintelligible even in German, just spewing nonsense syllables.
All of you are switches but Simon loves bottoming for König. Play with Simon’s cock while König fucks his ass and you’ll see how loud he can really get.
König likes it rough and messy with plenty of teeth and spit. He’ll leave scratches and love bites all over both of you when you let him.
König’s neck is really sensitive. You’ve gotten him to come untouched with Simon sucking hickeys up the column of his neck while you nibble at the soft spot under his ear.
Simon’s soft spot is along the small of his back between the back of his hip bones. Gently run your nails over it while you suck him off and you’ll make him shake.
König’s hair is longer than Simon’s and he loves it getting pulled.
Simon loves getting his upper back scratched.
Both of them love taking turns going down on you and then making out with each other when they can still taste you on each of their tongues.
They’re both military men with a hell of an endurance. That being said, Simon tends to last really long before he comes and then takes awhile to recover. König comes a lot sooner but bounces back a lot faster. When König is the giver, however, he always makes himself wait until the other comes first.
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octuscle · 11 months
I need some help! I spent most of my life in the UK, but I'm living in the States. I miss it. And I may have keyed in a few changes to make me feel at home. But, I dunno, I feel different, mate. What do you fink is happen'?
Mate, you've made a few adjustments to get back to living life as a chav like you did in Newcastle. But "Young", "Stupid", "Lazy" and "Constantly Horny" admittedly leads straight to a cheap haircut, tracksuit and fake Louis Vuitton hip bag at the bus stop in the UK. But you're in Los Angeles… The clocks tick differently there. You won't be a scally. You become more of a muscle bro. No interest in soccer, just football. No beer drinking and no chain smoking. American jocks are so boring. I'm glad you contacted me.
You're standing in front of the mirror. Flawless white teeth, buzzcut, toned and tanned muscles. Ey, not everything is bad. But that has nothing to do with homesickness. And the constant "bruh" and "dude" also annoys you… One of your gym bruhs calls and asks what's up. You ask "Mate, what dee ya say to a pint in the pub?" Your bruh asks if everything is okay with you. Alcohol? And at this time of day? He wanted to go to the gym and then to the beach. "Nah, mate! i was goin' to break for lunch na n' then i havta get 'ack to work here." Back to work? You're in college. And it's Spring Break…. Fuck, of course not. You're a carpenter. Interning at an interior design company here in the US. Fuck, the quality here really sucks. You should have tried to get an internship in Scandinavia. Or even better in Germany. There you can already drink beer for breakfast. And not some light stuff like here…
You have to burp. You made yourself a great English breakfast this morning in your dorm. None of that high-protein low-carb crap. Eggs, bacon, beans. Whatever a real man needs in the morning. Shit, beans always make you fart…
Your basketball shorts become work pants. Your tank top becomes a t-shirt. Your cool Apple Watch becomes a cheap almost real gold swank watch. On the other wrist you wear a matching bracelet. Your cell phone vibrates. "Mate, us're meetin' for a booze-up at the bus stop na. Are ya comin'?" You reply that the bloody pigs should fuck off, you're in fucking America and you still have work to do. You take a selfie and send it to your mates.
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"mate, hav ya bin under the tannin' 'ed?" "you look like a 'each propa lad!" "come 'ack soon, ya're nit gettin' enough weed!"
You just answer with "I miss ya fuckers". It's time to go home. A chav like you just doesn't fit in California.
Ya alway find propa lads @toughukladz
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inoreuct · 9 months
okay okay yes chef sanji is wonderful but baker sanji. confectioner sanji. think about it.
sanji kneading dough on a saturday morning with his shirtsleeves rolled up to the elbow. he has flour on his cheeks and one of those cute canvas aprons the colour of a brown paper bag with a million pockets and he keeps getting pissed off because strands of his bangs are constantly falling into his face. he makes sourdough and cheesecake and strawberry pavlova and tangerine tarts and dried mango nougat and carrot cupcakes that everybody eyed suspiciously before they actually tried them and now they're a friend group favourite.
he makes monthly batches of those agar-agar edible crystals for vivi's entire family and ships them by the crate to alabasta. he bakes robin and franky's blue raspberry black forest wedding cake. all of the straw hats have multiple packets of his dark chocolate dried fruit and nut and oat yoghurt brittle in their bags at any one time because they're the perfect snack and they're delicious. he makes red bean matcha mochi for zoro because the mosshead can't tolerate anything too sweet.
he has jar upon jar of aromatic infusions on the shelf: vanilla, black pepper, florals, all steeped in liquor to make high-quality extracts that he has gotten MULTIPLE offers to start a business out of, but he always declines because hello. he's busy cooking for straw hats and co.. luffy and fam. he has no time he is a busy busy man and would you look at that chopper's upside-down apple crumble is ready.
usopp makes him all sorts of contraptions, a high-speed blender, a state-of-the-art stand mixer, an ice-cream machine; sometimes if he's feeling lazy he'll go equipment shopping with sanji and just modify whatever they buy. sanji has a toffee hook on the wall of the galley and a very formidable collection of cookie cutters and piping tips. he's managed to make fondant that doesn't taste like utter trash and it's legendary. his salted caramel cashew macadamia popcorn has and will continue to make grown men cry.
but sometimes, he just chucks some charcoal in a pot and plops it in the middle of the dining table with a bowl of chocolate on top and brings out the fruit skewers, or the marshmallows and graham crackers. sometimes they eat rice krispy treats out of the packaging as they huddle together on the lawn and stargaze just because they can. sometimes the almond and dried cranberry combo just can't be beat and sometimes plain toast with butter makes you see god. but you'd best believe the next day he's up and at it again; his sourdough starter's looking more and more like a sentient life form by the hour and he has seven different things going on at once with two more bowls cooling off in the fridge and the oven preheating. i love baker confectioner sanji.
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littlemissangelic · 4 months
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today so far !! i had an orange (45) before heading to the gym !! right when i got to the gym tho my bf called me to say he was on his way home so i had to cut my workout short, still burned 177 cals though! then i had three carnitas street tacos (578) from my bf (not the best, but old me would’ve had the tacos, plus a bag of chips, & a tub of beans), and a mini olipop (35)
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for a little snack while i read my book, im having some halo top vanilla ice cream (90 cals) with some high quality local extra-virgin olive oil (60)
total so far: 778 consumed - 177 burned = 601 net ✨
for dinner i’m planning to have a bowl of mexican beef & potato stew with some boiled eggs (442) & an orange pineapple protein shake (210)
estimated day end total: ~1,278 net cals
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presidentbungus · 2 years
in a similar vein to my one post it seems generally agreed that the mercs all have individual rooms on any given base--again, for convenience, but I really think if Mann Co was any little bit the cost-cutting quality-of-life-defying motherfuckers they claim they are they'd just install a big barracks in the middle of the base with 5 bunk-beds. sometimes the mercs'll go to some stripped historic factory or whatever with a bunch of rooms and amenities and like, yeah, sure (but you'd better believe it's coming unfurnished besides some bedframes and tables because "we gave you that extra floor space for only a 55% pay cut you figure out what to do with it) but more often than not they're shipped off to dinky, actively decaying little portables constructed by mann co--and mann co frankly doesn't care about any of this 'living conditions' bullshit. everybody’s in the barracks, and everybody gets to fall asleep in the general vicinity of 8 other men who also snore like fucking lawnmowers (seriously, standinf outside’s like listening to an extremely localized earthquake), and soldier gets to narrowly avoid death every single morning as he warms up his body and voice by banging pots and pans together and singing America The Beautiful at the top of his lungs.
obviously this solution doesn’t last for long—frankly, everybody’s going even more fucking insane than they were already going, and when you’re already at a breaking point that’s obviously pretty bad. so mercs test the waters, start moving out; the two couches in the rec room are heavily contested pieces of territory, since they’re sort of like beds and more importantly are not surrounded by other beds, and are the cause of many battles and compromises; Scout figures out the bean-bag he uses to read comics is both portable and comfortable, so he sleeps on that even though every morning he wakes up and his spine feels like it’s twisted into a ball the size of a fist; Sniper has his van, and Engie has his workshop, and Medic has the lab (and also Engie’s workshop but shhh), obviously; and every base without fail gets a secret door installed somewhere overnight by private, extremely expensive contractors, and to be frank all the moving’s kind of wearing a huge hole in Spy’s pockets, though he’d rather go bankrupt than sleep around other men. they figure out their own solutions. by the end all that’s left in the barracks is Demo and Soldier (since Demo crashes hard enough to sleep through a nuke and Soldier’d probably sleep in a hole in the ground if someone pointed to it and said this is military housing)—and Heavy, too, and seven of his guns, because the empty, decomposing bunk beds are at least a little better than the gory condition of the armory. literally everyone’s backs are suffering, but they make it work. more or less. sometimes you walk into the kitchen and turn on the light and hear a crash through the doorway and turn around and sniper’s sitting there in the dark of the hallway, laying on a sleeping bag in a clump of tangled limbs, only visible by his shades faintly gleaming brown-orange in the fluorescents streaming through the doorway, like cat’s eyes. did he sleep with his sunglasses on? he’s staring at you and he almost looks offended. scout’s in the hallway somewhere and he’s talking in his sleep loud enough you can hear it through the wall. you should probably really get back to bed. this should not feel like a horror game
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4rainynite · 1 year
EAH Dorm Rooms Headcanon 6
Lizzie & Duchess
Two royal princesses with bad streaks for the price of one.
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At the beginning of the school year Duchess and Lizzie (among others) were the most unlikely of roommates. Duchess found Lizzie messy and envied her since Daring had a crush on her. Lizzie found Duchess and the rest of her peers strange due culture clash and felt betrayed during 'Next Top Villian'. Afterwards the two became friends.
We've seen more of Lizzie's room than Duchess, but we got hints of their room in the books. Despite both being royalty their room seems to be on the small size.
Lizzie's side: As the future Queen of Hearts, Lizzie lives and breathes her royal heritage.
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Lizzie's room is covered in motifs that fit the Queen of Hearts motifs with the checkered patterns, cards, and hearts.
In her room Lizzie has plants that represent Wonderland. Lizzie and the rest of the Wonderlanders take care of the Wonderland Grove. In the books Lizzie has a heart shape door (not seen in the show) that is a portal to the Grove whenever Lizzie feels homesick.
The Wonderlanders are known to be messy and in the book it was stated that Lizzie had a hard time getting ready in the mornings, piles of items, a heart shaped bean bag (that sounds so cute),and no matter how many times the cleaning fairies/staff came Lizzie's side would return to its usual mess.
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Due to the room size Lizzie has a wardrobe where she stores her clothing, shoes, and books. This is also where Lizzie stores the map book to the Well of Wonder. From what it seems the wardrobe is kinda small with not enough room for a fashionista's outfits. Unless, it only looks small and is bigger on the inside or when Lizzie wants a certain outfit, she commands the wardrobe and it appears.
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Lizzie has a craft desk where she designs her outfits and sews them for herself and her friends.
In the Spring Unsprung playset we get a glimpse of Lizzie's craft desk. wardrobe, and dresser. From the image we see numerous materials that is used for making outfits.
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My headcanon is before she and the others evacuated to Ever After the sewing machine, her mother's instruction cards, and the map book were the only things Lizzie was able to carry with her.
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Even though it wasn't shown, I bet Lizzie keeps her croquet equipment in her side of the dorm.
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Lizzie's hedgehog, Shuffles, is one of the few pets that lives in the dorms. I think she stays in a cage on Lizzie's nightstand.
Duchess's side: Despite being a princess Duchess's story has a downer ending. As the future Swan Princess, Duchess's room centered on ballet.
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I highly doubt Duchess's room resembled the above image and not because it was used to decorate dorms on the website. I can see the wallpaper being that shade of lavender with the decorative swirls like the other dorms.
Like most of the students I think she would have a canopy bed do to her royal blood. And would have furniture and decorations that swan, feathers, and ballet motifs.
In the books Duchess keeps her side of the dorm clean, has a desk where she keeps her golden journal that is enchanted to only open for her to write about what she's feeling.
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Get a good look at it folks! The vanity is a blink-and-you'll-miss moment in 'Spring Unsprung' when Apple escapes before Lizzie, Maddie, Bunny, and Alistair arrive to get Lizzie's map book. Lizzie's wallpaper extends to Duchess's side of the dorm, this is obviously an animation goof and the animators were most likely crunched for time.
For the record I do not know how to make high-quality screenshots and I looked everywhere for this image so I made one myself (SERIOUSLY! How do people make high-quality screenshots?)
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With Duchess's love of dance I think the space across from Lizzie's craft desk is like a ballet bar with mirrors that resemble a dance studio along with her desk.
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Duchess's trumpeter swan, Pirouette, is one of the few pets that lives in the dorms as she has a nest next to Duchess's bed.
EAHSCREENSHOTS, @spelledmonsters @monster-lili EAHWIKI ROYALREBELWIKI, @everafterhighcaps
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swampstew · 1 year
KIᒪᒪEᖇᑕOOK - ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 3
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Join us in the family room as we sit around and browse our phones, and eat some Girl Scout cookies as we begin tonight's story. Rated Mature for language.
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NEW ALERT – LIVE VIDEO: KillerCook ~ 420 joint sesh
You fumble to press play on your screen device. It’s your favorite time of the day! A new KillerCook upload. The sound of laughter fills your ears as you see KillerCook, PunkNeverDied69, Scream_Maim_Fire, and FlamingHot420 sitting on bean bags in the kitchen. They were passing around an item that was censored but the smoke in the air and the date was enough to determine what was happening. You sigh, you only wish you could share something that touched their lips.
“Hey guys, KillerCook and the Crew here for a new kind of format. We had some 420 friendly goodies pre-prepared for quality assurance review but uhhh… during our preliminary taste test we got overzealous and uhhh well now we’re baked! So instead, I’ll post the recipes real quick for you and pin them to the top. Then we’ll be reading aloud some questions you all have had and top comments that made us chuckle.”
The others laughed in the background, waving multiple bakes goods and censored items in the air. They all looked zoned out and relaxed. KillerCook was without his apron or hair net but he still looked damn good in his jeans and tight-fitting shirt. PunkNeverDied69 was wearing loose joggers and a half-cropped band shirt with ripped sleeves and safety pins tucked on the collar; you were absolutely not drooling in private as you ogled his bare abs. Scream_Maim_Fire was wearing a dark hoodie vest, showing off muscular arms, but his long legs remained a mystery hidden behind sweatpants. FlamingHot420 looked the most bake compared to all of them. His eyes were hazy and red, his face pretty flushed and his head sort of lolled in agreement even in the silent moments. He was cute looking in his basketball shorts and jersey, his gorgeous blue locks pulled backwards in a bun.
A ping on your phone goes off and you see that KillerCook posted the recipes to the message board. The first was a recipe for cannabutter. The same cannabutter that was listed in the THC cookie recipe – a recipe for cream filled mini-cookie sandwiches. You took screenshots of the recipes to try out for yourself later.
KillerCook presented to the camera a cold butter dish filled with an almost amber looking block of what you presumed was the cannabutter.
“It does smell a bit strong of TCH but just use a tight-seal cover and it won’t be an issue,” he explained.
Then he presented a platter of the aforementioned cream-filled mini-cookie sandwiches. The cookies themselves were cinnamon cream cheese and the frosting in the center was vanilla. Both infused with the cannabutter making it a higher dosage of edible than the typical standard.
“Anyways, Heat complained they weren’t hitting fast enough. Four cookies an hour and a half later and he was zonked out. He had two more cookies before we went live and now we have this,” KillerCook pointed to the blue haired man.
“Four now,” Heat giggled as he popped another cookie in his mouth.
“Jesus Christ man, don’t forget to drink water.”
KillerCook himself did not eat any cookies but he did smoke out of a hilariously long pipe. Like Gandalf the Grey once had.
“Puff puff, so sorry I can’t do my normal baking and flexing routing but we thought we could still enjoy the holiday for a little bit with your favorite fans. We’ll be opening the reward tiers to questions and comments for 10 minutes and the highly voted ones will be chosen to be read aloud. They can be addressed to anyone in this group. We won’t answer any highly inappropriate ones so don’t waste your coins on those – or do, I get paid either way!” He smoked and explained.
Kid finished his turn with the joint before taking over. “For now, we’re going to go through some questions we’ve received in the past that we want to answer. If a top message gets answered by any of these questions, another message has an opportunity gets chosen. Since today is a national holiday of which we highly enjoy partaking in, today’s live is only 30 minutes before we dip.”
Wire held out an index card, the side that faced the camera was a question mark. Must be a question.
“’Where are you guys from or where did you meet to create your crew?’ Well, we’re from Scotland, a long way from where we are now. We were tired of being considered a part of the Royal British Empire” Wire said in near disgust, “So we said fuck it, traveled around by ship for a few years doing trade and shit before we decided to steady our legs and start anew.” He popped a creamy cookie in his mouth.
Kid held up the next card, the icon facing the camera had an action bubble. “ThePigeonsAreSpies asks, ‘do you guys work out a lot or are you lot just genetically blessed with mass?’” He snorts at that. “We work out a lot. And play sports in our free time too. We’ve been known to enjoy football, rugby, hockey, shit basketball even. You get in what you put in when you work out. Want results? Do the fucking work.”
Heat picked the final index card after 10 minutes went by, “Final question! This is open to everyone. ‘Do you guys have any ‘special someones’ in your lives?’” Heat’s face flushed almost as red as his eyes were. “Uhhh that’s pretty personal, not sure how comfortable anyone wants to answer tha—”
“Single,” Killer, Kid and Wire immediately answered.
Heat sighed, “Single.”
A timer went off signaling time was up for the submissions and voting. Killer pulled out a separate Ipad and began scrolling through the message board as he smoked his pipe.
“M’kay got a couple of good ones here and I’m deleting the repeat ones now to get ‘em out of the way. Ok, I’ll lead this round of messages and then we’ll wrap it up. RippedBongGoBrrrrsays, ‘If you guys create a workout channel I’d subscribe to it. Or any meal prep plans/boxes you sell. I want to give you all my money.’” Killer chuckled as he smoked. “Appreciate the offer, we’ll put it in a box of ideas to explore later. Keep the ideas coming – we love easy work and fast money.”
Kid chewed on a cookie as he chose a message to read. “HopelessRomantic asks, ‘What would you consider a perfect date? Question open for all,’ For me, something lowkey and fun. Going to a bar or movie, maybe mini golf or some shit. Too many bullshit expectations put on a ‘first date,’ just go out and have fun for fucks sake.”
“For me I think a perfect date is eating at a good restaurant and then a follow up to unwind. I agree that first dates have too much pressure on them but I also want the opportunity to learn about my date and dinner is the perfect time to do that. Movie or something fun after is a great follow up,” Killer mused.
Heat perked up, “For me, I’d want to do something outside the box. Let’s go to a skate park or a beach bonfire for our first date. Something chill and laid back.”
Wire lifted his joint with a shrug, “Don’t really have a preference. If I get lucky at the end of the night, I’d call that a perfect ending.”
The group laughed and continued answering messages. At one point they took a bathroom break and Heat pulled out his guitar and sang a song. Something from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The minutes burned and you grip your phone tightly, wondering if they’d get to your message. You were surprised at the number of votes it got, but then again you did pay a hefty sum to boost your message for more people to see it. As the final minute ticked down—
“Alright we’re going to wrap this Live up with one more question. I’m going to pick at complete random by covering Kid’s face and letting his finger pick the message.”
Killer stood up and kneeled behind Kid, holding the screen in front of the redhead as he puffed his joint. A purple nail painted hand covered the beautiful amber eyes as Kid lolled his finger around in anticipation before jamming it down on the screen.
Killer sat back down in the beanbag and took another puff from his pipe before turning it upside down on the 420 organizer tray.
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“The final message comes from WishUpon11:11 says, ‘I don’t offer much except adoration. You guys are so fucking cool and look so fun to hang out with. You seem to have a close friendship with each other and with your other crewmates and it makes me wish I could be a part of a group like that. I love you all and wish you nothing but continued success and happiness. If I can ask a question on my already long comment, can you tell us about that girl in the framed photo on the refrigerator?”
The men took on a somber look that replaced their relaxed and content faces from the initial praise. They all turned to look at the picture. From the camera stand it wasn’t a close angle but even from its placement you could clearly see a much younger Kid, Killer, and a young woman between them. The two friends exchanged a look before Kid gave a meek nod and took a long drag of his joint.
Sighing, “That was our close friend from childhood. She is no longer with us, having passed back in Scotland under an unfortunate circumstance. Part of the reason we left that place behind. We don’t like to talk about it and this isn’t the place for it either but I will say this – cherish the people closest to you. You never know how much time you have with someone.”
Kid gave a stiff nod and held out his joint, “To Victoria!” he barked.
“To Victoria,” the others lit up new joints and tilted them to the air before they all took a deep drag.
Killer clapped his hands, “On that note, it’s time to wrap this party up. Thanks for hanging out with us and sending us all your messages. This has been Faffaffaffa-Food with Killer.”
Live ended.
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manysketchbook · 1 month
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Tenderheart Bear | 2006
This bear got some major repairs! Unfortunately the only before photo I got was it next to my 1984 Tenderheart Bear, and it is from after I washed it. It was covered in brown stains, but they came out easily in a gentle wash cycle. It’s hard to tell in the photo, but the toy was also flattened, probably from its previous owner sleeping or sitting on it often.
So, I added more stuffing! To be clear, I overstuffed it past the level that the factory intended it to be—it has bean bags in it and is clearly supposed to be a floppy toy. I have a lot of plush toy opinions, and one of them is that it’s cheap and lazy to barely put any stuffing in a toy even if you want it to be floppy. On top of that, this toy is made with that really ugly, horrible, shiny clumpy threadbare polyester fur. I hate this material so fucking much. Nothing says “this toy is a thoughtless cash grab” more than using that material. Build A Bear uses it in their toys now and totally turned me off from them.
So, I stuffed this toy a lot to give it some kind of good quality, and sewed him back up. He now has dimensionality and feels very squeezable when you hold him. He will not be a permanent member of my collection, so I hope whoever gets him in the future agrees with my decision.
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some random exposition things i deleted from my book #1
This is a bit of a less formal post, but I thought people might want to see some of the lore I ended up deleting because there was no point in having pace-breaking exposition in the middle of a random scene. I had a *lot* of these and for the last few hours i've been working on compressing/removing them because they were just too much imo. Here's a few of them, for anyone who is *really* interested in reading about my world :P
On the import/export process of one of Leln's taverns:
Original page: pg. 142
reason for deletion: not really necessary even if its kinda cool
It should have gone without saying, but as a drink-serving establishment, they had a wide variety of things. From coffee, to tea. Obviously they specialized in alcohol, given that they were a tavern first and foremost, but that didn’t mean the coffee, tea, or food took a backseat in quality. In fact, one might find every item on the menu to be within the same margin of quality, regardless of what they ordered. It wasn’t the most expensive food on the planet, nor was it ridiculously decadent. It was simple and hearty, perfect for adventurers. The beans for the coffee were imported from a small village that specialized in the harvest of coffee cherries. In that same village, those coffee cherries would transform from seed to bean, where they would be sent to the various establishments who had contracts with said village. The tea was a similar affair, a product offered by farmers who held contracts with establishments. They would procure the ingredients, fill the tea bags, and through a long process of trial and error, make truly quality tea flavors, which could then be served at any number of establishments whether high or low end. The ale was, of course, created in-house and kept fresh in taps. Of course, if another establishment wished to share their blend of ale, they’d have to pay a hefty price. Taverns did not tend to share their specific fermentation process or their brewing secrets, and when and if they did they didn’t come cheap. The best tavern in Kommodia had been rumored to have declined an incredibly exorbitant amount of money, simply because they would have had to give up their secrets for it. It would be, of course, prudent to keep in mind that the quality of coffee and tea available to adventurers and commonfolk, and that which was available to nobles was quite different. It was not, of course, to say that the quality of these goods available to those who were not royalty was bad, but it certainly was not the top of the tree, so to say. Nevertheless, Beriyl enjoyed the tea he was served, even if to him, it was a few cuts under what he was used to.
On a certain merchant's business life:
original page: pg. 29
reason for deletion: not necessary for the reader to know any of this, breaks flow
Managing a store was not cheap, and neither was purchasing supplies to stock the store with. Luckily for him, he’d caught a big break recently, signing numerous contracts with several big name merchant companies. Essentially, he’d have a continuous trickle of arms and armour, amidst other things, delivered to him on a semi-regular basis. What he had was good, for where he was, anyway. Technically speaking, it’d be more profitable if he decided to move to the capital, Hamelan, simply for the fact he’d have even more business opportunity. More contracts and more contacts meant better equipment, which meant higher prices, which meant more money. Of course, he’d have to give an agreed-upon portion to the contractor, but that’s how it was already, and he was paying some pretty steep rates with a few of his existing contracts. While the dwarf shopkeeper was willing to negotiate on certain things, “nobility discounts” was not one of them. If he handed out discounts to every fool coming in claiming to be the heir to some renowned family, he’d be bankrupt in a week. Well, at least living in Leln had some benefits. Cheaper tax than Hamelan’s, at least. Perhaps it was obvious, but Beriyl had no way to know any of that. Putting aside the fact that he grew up in the definition of the lap of luxury, he had no window of insight into the man's confidential business affairs.
About the Adventurers Guilds rules/rankings/other nonsense:
context: i deleted this because this was just completely unnecessary, way too much exposition for something that isn't the biggest part of the story at a certain point, especially because the reader can infer 90% of these rules and a vast majority of them dont need to be shoved into the readers face like this. Ranks are fine imo to have shown and the rest should just be inferred.
original page: pg. 27
As Taka was told, the ranks went something like this, from highest to lowest:
Rank S: Legendary
Rank A: Platinum
Rank B: Gold
Rank C: Silver
Rank D: Copper
Rank E: Bronze
Rank F: Clay
(deleted stuff starts here, just added the stuff above for context)
Apparently, job board requests also followed this structure, although S-Rank missions were never really seen. However, for job board requests there was a special category of missions above S-Rank, known as "Crisis" and "Calamity" class missions. These were reserved for world-ending calamitous threats and other extremely dire situations. For example, in the event of a world-endangering natural disaster, a Crisis-Class, or CC-Rank mission would be placed. In the event of a mad magician rising up from his labyrinthian dungeon to take over a small part of the world, there would be a S-Rank mission placed. If, say, an ancient evil rose to destroy all humanity, that’d be a Calamity-Class, or CC+-Rank mission. However, these two types of requests hadn't been seen in a very long time according to the receptionist. Typically though, they'd be issued by the guild or government itself, as most people lacked the authority to post quests above an A-Rank. In any case, it seemed that the exceedingly high rank of S was more of a social status thing than an actually awarded title.
For adventurers, rank was important. It dictated what type of jobs you could accept, and by extension, how much you would earn for completing them. Dangerous, high ranking quests paid more, but had more risk associated with them than lower ranked, lesser paying quests. Of course, not every adventurer had to take on monster-hunting jobs. There were also crafting and gathering jobs, for those skilled in those fields. There were also rules associated with job-taking. Namely, you were allowed to take jobs ranked one higher and of the same level as you, but not one below. This was supposedly to "push fledglings from the nest" sooner, so that they might start contributing to the realm in larger amounts. It was also to keep a steady influx of low level jobs available for new adventurers, who were always in constant supply. There were also rules for forming parties; you were allowed to create a party with members your rank, or one higher or lower than your rank. This prevented lower ranked adventurers from joining very high ranked adventurers and simply riding their coattails. "You have to work for your rank", seemed to be the message the guild wanted to send with this rule. In essence, the guild was just a medium through which freelancers could band together and find work. In parties, it was common courtesy to split the gold, but different parties did things differently, and the guild did not have any formal regulations on how parties should be run. Most things were left up to the party leader's discretion.
Although it was not said in this exact order, Taka was also told that only the party leader may accept quests, and only one quest may be assigned to any one party at a time, barring a special government exception. He learned of "Clear Tags" which were small tags, much like the adventurer tags he noticed sometimes around people’s necks or wrists, used to verify the completion of a quest. They were given to clients of the guild who posted a job, so there was a clear "verifiable" way to prove that the quest was indeed completed without wasting the time of client and adventurer both, by dragging them both along into the guild and having a lengthy chat to ensure nothing went wrong. This was a recent technology; in the past, adventurers were subjected to long chats after each clear. Essentially, when you completed a quest, you would check in with the client, who would give you the Clear Tag. They'd press their finger on it, and the status depicted on the tag would change to "cleared", thus, the name "Clear Tags". By this point, Taka was beginning to feel sick with how much information was going through his head, and he worried that he would forget it all. He realized he was starting to space out, so he pinched his arm discretely to try and stay focused. Then, he learned that jobs could "expire" if left uncompleted for too long. The time until "expiration" varied from job to job, but mostly depended on the job's rank, although the client could set a "expiration" date themselves, if they so specified. There was a limit on how many quests parties could accept in a day, set at three. A and S-Rank parties however, were given special privileges, and allowed to accept and complete up to five in one day. Reasonably, the risks present and consequences suffered if you faltered in your duty or fell in the field while undergoing a higher ranked mission, could be much more devastating than the consequences of failing a lower ranked mission.
It was for this reason that the guild did not simply hand out promotions-- they had to be earned, by doing work for the guild or by proving yourself in battle against a particularly tough foe. Even then they weren't just granted, you had to go through a special interview process with a representative of the guild, as well as a member of the local government who had been trained in such matters. Parties were not forced to accept promotion offers, should they not feel ready for the correspondingly ranked jobs. If a party turned down such an offer, they would be able to request that promotion at any time going forward. Of course, they would still have to go through the interview process. There were no penalties associated with declining an offer and asking for it again at a later time. With this system in place, the guild was able to assure those who issued requests to the guild that their problem would be solved. However, as with anything in adventuring, nothing was certain. A single mistake could spell doom for your party. It was only a small assurance that those who had proven themselves, and not fledglings would be undertaking these quests. Anything could happen during an adventure. Veteran adventurers die to the seemingly simplest of things, and newbies pass through the most seemingly impossible of tasks. All it took was a bit of luck and skill. Those who failed quests but came back alive were reprimanded and punished, sometimes demoted. How close a party came to demotion would be decided on how many "marks" you had on your card. That is to say, failing three quests in a row would result in a demotion. For F-ranking parties, there were no such punishments, as F-Rank quests were usually inconsequential. However, those who came back alive and succeeded were rewarded with the money as per the quests description and were a step closer to a promotion. One last thing Taka learned was that if a party was confirmed to have wiped, or they simply did not return for a certain period of time while away on a mission, that job would be reevaluated by the guild, assigned a higher rank if deemed necessary, or extra addendums would be put in the description. But, that did not happen often. At least, not in Leln. Sometimes, mistakes happened and job posters tried to post jobs without the guilds permission. That's where things got a bit tricky, as that could lead to double job postings if the guild was also paid to post a job, which could lead to two parties going into the same quest, which could, understandably, lead to all sorts of confusion and conflict.
This did not tend to apply to F-Rank quests, as for the most part they were safe, relatively easy, busywork quests that had you assisting people around town. Maybe you'd kill an oversized spider or two, but monster quests for F-ranks were pretty rare. Job difficulty markers did not just denote the rank an adventurer had to be to accept it, it also denoted the job's threat level. An F-rank job possessed barely any threat to your life, whereas a D, or C rank job possessed some. Put simply, the way Taka saw it was like this:
● F and E-Rank, Clay and Bronze: You'll most likely be fine, unless you drop something on your head and break your neck on accident. Barring insane coincidences like a sudden monster attack, these jobs weren't very dangerous and typically consisted of varying degrees of busywork. Sometimes you'd get a small monster elimination based job with E-Ranked duties. ● D and C-Rank, Copper and Silver: You could die. You will almost certainly fight monsters. Be on your guard, come prepared, and you'll be fine. ● B and A-Rank, Gold and Platinum: These are dangerous jobs, with high consequences but higher rewards. You will die if you do not come prepared. Although, from what Taka had been hearing, you'd die if you weren't prepared on a D or C-ranked job.. ● S-Rank, Legendary and above: Exceptionally dangerous. Exercise the utmost of caution.
That's all for now. I have a few more long deleted exposition dumps, about Dane's backstory and about a type of monster crab that a certain restaurant in Hamelan uses as a food source, but I think I'll post them later. Maybe. we'll see :d
I'll leave you with this:
i love this song and how he says that, so damn cool, imma watch code geass
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poppyseedoncaffeine · 2 years
so we now know that lunar sleeps in the theater right, and Bloody used to stay in the the theater room right? so, and this is hypothetically, Bloodmoon goes there when hes told to, its the middle of the night, and there is Lunar passed the fuck out on the stage on a H U G E bean bag. Bloody, our top quality hobo murderer, finds the least worn out blanket that the nap-time room has and about 20 stuffed animals that are not human or animatronic based, and just drowns Lunar in them. ALSO there is a brand new packet of blood in one of the boxes behind the curtain. Not the brotherly bonding that we need but the brotherly bonding that we want.
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bokksu-vs-sakuraco · 1 year
Sakuraco Box #2 Review: Autumn Moon Festival
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Theme: Autumn Moon Festival - same as Bokksu!
Arrived: September 27
# of Unique Snacks: 12 + 2 teas
Household Item: Tsukimi dish
Similar to Gliss, there's a special place in my heart for the Autumn Moon Festival, so I was very excited for this box! Let's get right into it.
Shipping timeline for this box:
September 14 - Shipping Email Received
September 20 - Box Arrived in US, West Coast
September 27 - Box Received in Mail, East Coast
The box arrived just in time for me to enjoy these snacks leading up to the Moon Festival (September 29th). It shipped around the same part of the month as last time, so it looks like I should expect boxes to arrive towards the end of the month in general.
Pre-Opening the Box
I was a little weary when I saw that the box was packed like this again
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but I was actually pleasantly surprised when the label peeled off cleanly without any lifting or damaging of the box!
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I think a major difference this time is that there's no additional packing tape on top of the bag? But maybe the box itself is a bit higher quality too because there's no semi-circle of lifting where I took off the sealing circle of tape.
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I know I'm putting a lot of attention on this, but since saving and displaying these boxes was something I was greatly looking forward to, I really appreciate having that small boost in quality. Not to mention that I love the design of this month's box, and was hoping that I would be able to show it off!
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Now let's take a look inside!
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Taking everything out of the box and seeing so many cute rabbit snacks just made me more and more excited. Not only is it really fun to look at, but it also made me curious about what the unique character of each snack would be. (Note: There are 18 individually packaged snacks for a total of 12 unique snacks, and two teas)
The booklet is 23 pages and has information about the snacks and the traditions of Japanese moon viewing. I forgot to mention this last time, but the paper of the booklet is pretty nice, with a feel similar to a quality magazine.
Opening the flat white box in the back reveals a cute Tsukimi (moon viewing) dish!
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The dish has a diameter of about 12 cm or just under 5 inches. It says it's both microwave and dishwasher safe.
Incidentally, if right now you're confused why rabbits play such a strong theme in this box, the booklet tells us it's because of a Japanese folktale, Tsuki no Usagi (Moon Rabbit), which the booklet goes on to share with us.
Ok, it's time to taste some snacks.
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With Gliss's glowing comments about her White Chocolate Strawberry, when I saw this in my box I knew I would have to try it first. Opening the package, you get a fragrant aroma just like a ripe strawberry's; however, after taking a bite I found that the texture is more like chocolate. The smooth white chocolate flavor hits first and then the strawberry flavor joins in soon after. As a whole, I'd say the flavors are well balanced without being too sweet.
Next I thought I'd try the Usagi Pon Senbei.
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Each package had 2 senbei in it. They had that classic umami flavor (from soy sauces), but ran a bit on the salty side.
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Personal preference, but I've found that I enjoy lighter, crispier senbei more than the kind that's hard to bite into. In this one you can see how it's more light while still preserving that crispiness.
At this point, I had to open the Peach Jelly. I'd been eyeing it this entire time and couldn't resist any longer. (The Sakuraco boxes having jelly was a pretty big selling point for me. I didn't really try any during my recent trip to Japan because jelly was actually pretty expensive in comparison to other snacks.)
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The two layers sort of separated when I popped it out of its container, but I don't mind. The clear layer of jelly was on top, and it had these little jelly leaves which I loved looking at. The darker layer with the red beans in it was on the bottom. The top layer had a refreshingly sweet, somewhat fruity taste, while the bottom layer was a bit thicker and more starchy, with a more pronounced fruit flavor. I'm saying "fruit" here because at first I thought it was maybe apple or pear, so I was a bit surprised to read that it's peach.
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I could just be wrong, but mine also looks different from the picture, so I'm not sure if the jelly came in different designs or if I got a different jelly altogether? Either way, it was quite tasty.
Afterwards I went to the Black Okoshi.
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It's a little like an Asian granola bar. There's some peanuts, karinto (deep fried puff) and black sesame seeds in here, all coated in an Okinawan brown sugar glaze. Crunchy, with a good ratio of peanuts to puff. A bit too sweet for me, but the serving size was small enough that I didn't grow tired of it before I could finish.
At this point I'd like to talk about the teas. Yes, plural! Last time we got two packets of the same type of tea, this time it's two different packets of tea.
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The left one was like a barley tea while the right one was like a green tea. I think the green tea was this month's 'surprise', along with the next snack below. I don't usually drink tea so all I can say here is that they were pretty good, no complaints. I do want to point out though that in this month's booklet, they included brewing instructions!!
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I did leave some feedback on their website last month that it would be nice if they included this, so it's really cool to see that they took that feedback seriously. Following the instructions, the tea didn't get bitter at all, letting me properly enjoy it while it's flavor was at it's best.
Ok let's continue with the snacks.
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I didn't see this one in the booklet but scanning the QR code to check out this month's list of surprise snacks, I found it kind of looks like:
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...Mame Mochi? Or at least this looked like the closest snack by far on the list. Reading the description made me slightly confused because I'm not sure I would describe the snack in my box as 'soft and fluffy'. It was more like puffed and crunchy. Biting down you get some crunch before the snack quickly disappears in your mouth and you hit those small black soybeans (?). It really was like eating a pocket of air and then finding you have some grain in your mouth.
Moving on, I was very excited to try the Black Sesame Mochi:
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They came in a tray of 6, and were very cute. Although, after eating one I understand what Gliss was talking about when she said it was like tang yuan or the Chinese black sesame soup dumplings. (*Note: Bokksu had the exact same package of this snack in their box.) The black sesame mochi were bite sized and had the soft, chewy texture of mochi, with some smooth black sesame paste in the center. The main difference between the mochi and the soup dumpling is that the latter has way more filling and a thinner outer layer, whereas the mochi had a lot more rice cake. It was still pretty good, but my personal preference leans towards having more filling.
Going to another cute snack, the Usagi Marshmallow has a way of grabbing one's attention.
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You can't really tell from this photo, but it actually has strawberry jam filling. If you've had marshmallow candy, then it basically tasted like that, plus some strawberry jam. Sweet and fluffy.
Continuing, below is the Chocolate Cream Danish.
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This doesn't really seem like a traditional Japanese snack in any way.. But it sounded good so I was still interested in trying it. The pastry somewhat reminded me of a croissant, and the chocolate was very rich, like the coating you might find on top of a brownie (and of course, it was pretty sweet). The overall experience with this one was sort of a "huh, ok" for me.
At this point I really needed something salty to balance things out, so I decided to try the Peanut Arare.
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And I'm really glad I did! Wow! Just one bite and I thought to myself "this is REALLY good." It had the perfect amount of crunch, a satisfying texture that was a little flakey and kind of melted in your mouth, as well as a savory flavor with some depth. The peanut didn't come through that strongly (at first I thought it tasted a bit more like a corn chip except less salty), but in retrospect it actually checks out that the depth came from the nuttiness of the peanuts. All aspects of this snack were a hit for me, and even when I finished what was given, I found myself wanting more!
The Anko Dorayaki was like a pancake with red bean paste filling.
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The pancake part came through more strongly than the filling, but I like that they used yam flour in the dough to subtly add some more flavor. It was more light than I expected, and a tiny bit dry. Overall, I'd say this is the type of snack that pairs very well with tea.
Next, the Full Moon Cookie.
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It tasted more or less like a vanilla cookie; thin, with a firm crunch that wasn't hard. It's not exactly a stand out snack in terms of taste (although fans of vanilla cookies would probably be delighted), but the design is indeed captivating and it wasn't too sweet.
Lastly, the Full Moon Soft Chew.
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You can probably tell by now that I'm not a huge fan of candy (or anything that's too sweet). Not to mention that the designs on these are so cute that I would be ok with just setting them aside to look at them occasionally, but I should probably taste one for this blog.
They're definitely sweet, although I was surprised by the texture. It didn't really stick to my teeth and it had this granular quality to it that made this "ksh ksh ksh" sound while I chewed. This would definitely be a fun one for candy lovers.
Final Thoughts
So this box definitely leaned harder to the sweet side, with only 3 salty snacks and 9 sweet. Of the sweet ones, my favorite was definitely the jelly because of how unique it was and how it harmonized appearance, flavor, and texture to make an eminently enjoyable snack. Some of the other sweets might've not hit quite all the marks for me, but that's just personal preference.
Buying a service whose goal is to cater towards a wide variety of snackers, I'm content that so far each box hasn't had anything that I outright disliked, and even had a couple snacks that I absolutely loved (my favorite salty snack, or maybe even overall snack so far is definitely the peanut arare!).
Still, I think this box was very fun to open and explore, and it probably left a stronger impression on me over the previous box because of its theming (I'm an especially big fan of when Sakuraco does unique box designs! I feel like it sets the mood from the start). I do appreciate how the Okinawa box had a more balanced sweet/salty ratio, though I understand that it's probably more challenging curating salty snacks to have as much variety as the sweet ones.
I would say something along the lines of 'see you next month' here, but this month Gliss and I will be writing another blog that does a more in depth comparison between how Bokksu and Sakuraco handled the Moon Festival theme (since they happened to choose the same theme this month).
So, see you soon!!
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mariacallous · 26 days
Every day all over Israel, starchy chickpeas bubble away in heavy vats on gas stoves, waiting for locals to pull up a chair for something quick, simple, and delicious to eat. Customers swipe silky hummus with warm, fluffy pita or raw onions, served with zhug, a fresh Yemenite hot sauce; warm chickpeas with tahini known as masabacha or mashawasha; or ful (fava beans). This sort of establishment is called a hummusia — it solely serves hummus, pita, and a few staple salads. The message implied in these sanctuaries does not need to be said out loud: Hummus is not a side or a dip, hummus is a meal.
I can’t wait to get off the plane, drop off my bags, and head straight to my favorite hummus joint in Tel Aviv, but in the meantime, this loaded hummus recipe just about hits the spot. 
A note on chickpeas: There are a lot of complicated hummus recipes out there, but the best hummus I’ve had is made with the least ingredients. The important thing is that your chickpeas are super tender and your tahini is a high-quality, authentic one. Jarred chickpeas tend to be big and incredibly soft but hard to find. Canned are fine, though if they’re not super squishy you’ll need to cook them a second time to get smooth hummus. Or, cook dried chickpeas for 2 hours with a teaspoon of baking soda and a couple of bay leaves (after soaking overnight in water). If you can find a really good pre-made hummus, you could load that up, too. 
The following recipe is for homemade hummus plus four toppings; feel free to play around with the toppings according to your taste.
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cafalla · 9 months
4Kids Flyer (2005) & Planet Lunch (1999) Scans
I've got a short post for today, but it's a cool one (to me, at least)!
I've been scanning and uploading tons of vintage stickers I found at the Goodwill Bins, as well as a couple of random items like vintage Valentine's Day cards and this 4Kids TV flyer!
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I can still feel little me's exhaustion from waking up early on a Saturday morning to watch 4Kids TV. My favorites to watch were Pokémon Advance, Yu-Gi-Oh, Mew Mew Power, Winx Club, Kirby: Right Back At Ya, and Static Shock.
Anyways, despite my work scanning and uploading to the Internet Archive, I haven't felt much like talking about anything I've found. All the items are cool (obviously, or else I wouldn't have picked them up), but nothing has inspired me to sit and write a post about it.
However, I figured this Planet Lunch booklet deserved a little spotlight.
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The prizes inside this issue were available from January 1, 1999 until May 16, 1999.
The items could be purchased/redeemed with "ploids" that you could collect from Frito-Lay snack packages. Ploids were little tabs you would cut out of the packaging and collect. Once you collected a certain amount of ploids, you could mail them in and get prizes.
Remember box tops? I'm more familiar with those personally, but it's all the same kind of idea.
This catalog isn't very large, it's more of a little booklet than anything. The product photos in it are soo nostalgic though. Being a kid in the 90s and early 2000s was so much fun! I still love the futuristic aesthetic. Lots of bright colors, especially green!
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I'm amused by how perfectly placed and polished their snacks all are. I wonder if it was all actually fake food?
And here are the product pages to go with them that show the amount of ploids needed for each item.
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I feel like they just don't make cool little gadgets like these for kids anymore.
But I'm not a kid or a parent, so maybe they do?
I think if I was to order two items from this catalog, I'd want the inflatable chair and the glow in the dark stars.
I was never able to have the glow in the dark stars because my parents were afraid they'd ruin the walls - which to be fair, they probably would've. And the inflatable chair is the perfect Nickelodeon slime green. It looks like jello and I love it!
The little Chester Cheetah bean bag plushie is also super cute. I'd put him on my monitor like in the product photo, though monitors nowadays are a lot more slim...maybe I'd have to settle for placing him next to the monitor lol
As always, you can view higher quality scans of the whole catalog (and the other items I mentioned but didn't share here) on my Internet Archive account.
Thanks for stopping by!
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