rat-at-heart · 2 months
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Nelson has been really quiet (and stylish) since the recent toupée shop robbery (thief still at large)
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diogenesprintco · 11 months
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Nightingale print - carved a few years ago but still prints well!
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wubwobwubwob · 1 year
Graves: MINIONS!
Graves: Tonight. We steal...
Shadows: *CHEERS*
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sanguinessunflower · 9 months
My only grievance with the Under the Red Hood movie is that whoever redesigned Jason from the comics had switched him from looking a tumor to having that sad ass middle part.
He literally has no body to it. No matter, rain or shine. That man is balding and on the edge of becoming somebody's personal mirror with his big ass cranium
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hernameispekka · 2 years
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Panache Tartoulian is back on the screen for the first time since his infamous split with Nippy Carmichael. The questions on everyones mind is: Where has he been? Are the rumors about his stay at the "wellness estate" true? New hair: Natural or Toupée?
More on page 6.
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theperksofbeingstupid · 2 months
never tried software coding but ill figure out how just so i dont have to keep looking at that monstrosity whenever pix and bell are on my dash
0 notes
Toupée Time with Wade
You had no idea how you’d gotten roped into this, but here you were, standing in the middle of a wig shop with Wade, as he examined a display of toupées with a seriousness that would make anyone think you were choosing an engagement ring.
“So, what do you think?” Wade asked, holding up a particularly ridiculous blond toupée that looked like it belonged on a Ken doll from the 80s.
You couldn’t help but snicker. “Wade, I don’t think this one is you.”
“Not me?” Wade gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his chest. “Sweetheart, I’ve always thought of myself as a blonde bombshell just waiting to be unleashed on the world.”
You shook your head, trying to hold back your laughter. “It’s not really the color, Wade. It’s more… everything else.”
Wade squinted at the toupée as if it had personally offended him. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s too ‘Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall,’ and not enough ‘Brad Pitt in Fury.’”
“You know, you don’t have to get a toupée,” you offered gently, knowing that beneath all the jokes and bravado, Wade was more self-conscious about his appearance than he let on. “You look great just the way you are.”
“Aw, shucks, you’re gonna make me blush,” Wade replied, but you could see a glimmer of something real in his eyes. “But a guy’s gotta keep his options open, right? Maybe I want to channel my inner Fabio someday.”
You gave him a soft smile. “Then we’ll find the perfect one. But it’s gotta be something that screams ‘Wade Wilson,’ not ‘Bad Movie Villain.’”
He snorted. “You really know how to flatter a guy, don’t you?”
Wade turned back to the display, this time picking up a sleek, black toupée that looked like it had been stolen from a ’50s crooner. He placed it on his head, adjusting it with precision before spinning around to face you.
“Well?” he asked, striking a pose that was a mixture of Elvis and pure Deadpool absurdity. “What do you think, doll? Am I ready to serenade you under the moonlight, or should I just stick to killing bad guys?”
You bit your lip, trying to keep a straight face. “I think you look like you’re about to sell me a used car.”
“Ouch, tough crowd!” Wade chuckled, taking off the toupée and tossing it back onto the display. “Alright, alright, I see where you’re going with this. Let’s try something a little less… sleazy.”
He moved further down the aisle, his eyes scanning the rows of wigs and toupées until he found one that seemed to catch his interest. It was a simple, short style—brown, a little tousled, nothing too flashy. Wade picked it up carefully, almost reverently, and looked at you with an uncharacteristically serious expression.
“Hey, what about this one?” he asked, his voice softer now, as if he wasn’t quite sure how you’d react.
You walked over to him, studying the toupée and imagining it on him. It wasn’t flashy or over-the-top; it was just… normal. It reminded you of what Wade might have looked like before everything—the experiments, the scars, the trauma.
“I think it’s perfect,” you said sincerely, meeting his eyes. “You’d look really good with it, Wade.”
Wade blinked, a flicker of vulnerability passing through his eyes before he quickly covered it up with a smirk. “Well, let’s see if the ol’ moneymaker agrees with you.”
He slipped the toupée on, adjusting it in front of the mirror. For a moment, he just stared at himself, tilting his head this way and that, as if he wasn’t quite sure who was looking back at him.
“You know,” Wade said after a long pause, his voice unusually thoughtful, “I kinda like it. Makes me look almost… normal. Whatever that means.”
You smiled, stepping closer to him. “You don’t need to be ‘normal,’ Wade. You’re amazing just the way you are. But if this makes you happy, then I’m all for it.”
Wade turned to look at you, the mask of bravado slipping just enough for you to see the gratitude in his eyes. “You know, you’re not half bad at this emotional support stuff. Almost makes me want to buy you something shiny.”
You laughed, lightly punching his arm. “Just having you around is enough for me, Wade. But if you’re offering, I’ve always wanted one of those giant lollipops they sell at the candy store.”
Wade grinned, the playful spark returning to his eyes. “Done. But only if you agree to help me pick out a name for this bad boy,” he said, gesturing to the toupée.
“A name?”
“Absolutely. Every great hairpiece needs a name. I’m thinking something classic, like… Tony. Or maybe Leonard.”
You rolled your eyes, but your smile didn’t fade. “How about something a little more… unique? Like… Sir Fluffington the First.”
Wade’s eyes lit up. “You, my dear, are a genius. Sir Fluffington it is!”
As you both walked toward the counter to pay, Wade wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “You know, if I’m being honest, this was actually kinda fun. Who knew shopping for toupées could be so therapeutic?”
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his presence, and smiled. “Anytime, Wade. Anytime.”
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vivalgi · 7 months
What in the AI f*ckery is PB up to again? There is 0 doubt the cover "art" for TDG was largely done with the help of AI tools.
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Let's start with Farah. There's a lot of similarities in the hair between the in-game sprite and the cover "art" portrait, so PB probably fed both images and text prompts to the generator. What gives away that it's AI generated though is that part of the hair on the right side is randomly swept back.
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Upon initial look Dante looks pretty genuine, a suave Latin-American actor, if not for the t-shirt changing to dress shirt. But if you zoom into the hair, it's definitely an AI generated smudgy mess.
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This young nerdy girl with deer-in-the-headlights look and piggy nose is supposed to be our deadpan doctor.
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I'm pretty sure I've seen this actress in an early 2000s black comedy movie. The hair color is totally wrong as well.
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People have complained for a long time that Choices (East) Asian characters don't look very ...Asian. Probably that's why this generic young K-pop starlet looks nothing like Astoria the influencer lady in TDG.
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The "artist" inserting the prompts should have clarified to AI that the COO has no gray hair or goatee. The pattern on his jacket doesn't even match his roleplay costume.
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PB just generated a random black guy and copy-pasted the toupée on his head, which is probably one of the only two non-AI generated objects in the cover "art".
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She is literally Sarah Hyland!
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Again, like with the influencer above, the AI isn't aware that generally Asian men in Choices look big and bulky, along with other western beauty ideals.
Please stop this bullsh*t, @playchoices! AI generated images are not art, it's blatant theft. In order to train their AI tools, companies steal billions of artwork made by hardworking and underpaid artists. I'm certain you wouldn't be happy either if someone used your stories and artwork without your consent for training their AI to then profit from it.
sprites: 1; 2
cover image
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keepyourpantsongohan · 7 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Spy x Family S1
"Proof that the foreign minister wears a toupée. I even have the negatives." "Well done. Now we can force him to resign." How could this possibly be enough to force a resignation? Is wearing a toupée a sign of dishonesty or shame in this cultural context??
"In an era in which the nations of the world were waging a fierce war of information just out of sight, this man survived the battlefield by being a master of disguise." Ooooh is this a historical anime? How fun!
Update from 1 minute later: The newspaper confirms this as a Cold War-era story!! Colour me intrigued
"Farewell. May you find happiness." What a polite end to such a callous breakup LMAO
Why does Donovan Desmond look so incredibly haunted LOL
"In order to achieve this [spy mission] you will get married and have a child." Ah, there we are with the premise!
Of all the spy strengths they've displayed thus far, I am most impressed with this blond man's ability to pull a newspaper apart without bending it. You must need to generate a lot of force:
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"Yeah, sure. Take whichever one you want." This is about the average regard for orphans in Shonen Anime Societies
"This little girl happened to be a telepath." She's a WHAT NOW? What a casual way to introduce this fact
Honestly the random facts about what Anya likes and the bursting into tears with unclear motivation seems very much a realistic parent and child experience
"I just don't understand this irrational behaviour." I love how quickly Loid Forger aka Twilight, International Spy, has been foiled by this tiny, psychic child
Loid is approaching parenthood very casually so far. Surely a spy (pretending to be a psychologist, even) can recognize the psychological impact of abandonment on a child
Fjlkjfljflf what kind of society allows Loid to barricade his six (or maybe four) year-old child inside their apartment unsupervised all day LMAOOO
SCREAM not Anya immediately revealing their location from playing spy games. Also a very realistic problem to have
"Boss, I think we should just give up on the toupée." [Pulls out a gun and shoots him] "Transparency is essential in government. Toupées are a no-go." WHY ON EARTH ARE TOUPÉES THE ULTIMATE SPY PLOT DEVICE JFKJFJF
Love that the betrayal of the nation is SECOND to the toupée. They said: Wigs are for liars and cowards
"No one reached out their hand to save me. I felt alone, in despair, and so powerless all I could do was cry." We have unlocked Loid's parental instincts AND his tragic backstory in the span of 1 and a half minutes
"I'm a failure as a spy? No. My mistake was putting that little girl in danger to begin with. How could I forget? To create a world where children won't have to cry... That's why I became a spy." Alright Loid, colour me charmed:
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Ahhhhhh I love Loid giving his enemy the chance to go back to his daughter instead of attacking him
Loid deciding to take Anya back with him despite all his misgivings bc he wants to give her a home 🥺💘 HE'S NICE
"Papa is a huge liar. But he's such a cool liar." Awww, Anya
I can see how being psychic and being able to hear every single child's confusion during a test would be distracting
"I... relaxed? What the hell is going on with me?" FATHERHOOD
"It is mandatory that the applicant attend with both parents. Absolutely no exceptions." For a society with such a cavalier approach to violence and orphans (at least where Loid goes), you'd think they'd be more accepting of single parents
Everyone's absolutely on Yor's ass for being a single 27-year-old. [Yor as Charlotte Lucas voice] I'm 27 years old. I have no money and no prospects. I'm already a burden to my brother—
"I have a client for you, Thorn Princess." Is Thorn Princess Yor's sleeper agent activation phrase? Her whole face darkened
Clearly Yor doesn't have the same violence-aversion as Loid:
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Yor ready to fall in love with anyone who's nice to her. Mgkjgkg but same perhaps
"A spy...An assassin...? I'm... so excited!" [Narrator voiceover] "The little girl was straving for entertainment." The narrator's interjections are very funny
HAHAHAHA I love that they're both trying to fake date each other for very different reasons. Incredible, 10/10, love this
It's fun that Franky, spy gadget guy, is also now mission back-up
Also I take back everything I said about Loid's violence aversion
"I'll be sure to tell your brother that you came alone." Why is every woman that Yor works with (and, it seems, every woman with more than one line in this show thus far) seem to be so mean-spirited LOL
HFHLKHGLHGLGH Loid showing up to the party covered in blood and introducing himself as her husband when she needed a boyfriend. We love a spy who is terrible at his job
Loid managing to somehow make a really amazing impression on this party by being hot and defending Yor's past as a masseuse (murderer). GOOD FOR HIM
"The concussive recovery method is the latest in modern medical practices." Imagine going to your doctor for a prescription and having them kickbox you into submission LMAO
"Um, Loid-san, this may not be the best moment to ask, but why don't we get married?" SCREAMING AT YOR BEING THE ONE TO PROPOSE AND HOW KNOCKS THE WIND OUT OF LOID:
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"No matter what hardships await us, let us be there for one another." [Explosions go off in the background] Colour me sold on this grenade-pin ring and spy-assassin romance
I love that they're going on a little family outing to prep for their interview
I can also understand how a political rally would be stressful for Anya
"I've completed countless missions, yet once again I find myself losing heart." Loid will eventually get used to his girls who are obssessed with nuts and knives 💞
All of them calling attention to themselves by helping an old lady deal with a purse snatcher ❣️ I love this family. I've only had the Forgers for two episodes but if anything happened to them I would [redact] everyone in this room and then myself
"I guess... receiving thanks every once in a while wouldn't hurt." "Papa is a softie." YEAH HE IS
"Papa and Mama are flirting." "No we are not!" HEE HEE
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"Anya, are you going to be okay in this crowd?" Dad Mode Activated
Ohhhhhhh Anya helping the cow through her fear. Baby!!!!
OHGHGLGHLKGH setting aside how they managed to have at least three outfits in that suitcase, I really want to know how the quick change is happening in the middle of this cobblestone pathway to the school
"Why are you getting irritated, Loid? She's not even your real wife." I love that whenever someone makes an out-of-pocket insult to Yor (her coworker calling her a whore, this dorm master critiquing her lack of cooking) Loid jumps in and he's like, HEY, THAT'S MY WIFE
"My Papa and Mama are both so much fun, and I love them very much. I want to be with them forever." I also want this family to stay together forever, Anya 💗
Both Yor and Loid ready to fight this jerk for making their daughter cry!! I love them
The hope that Loid has because of his new family. This is really fulfilling a deepseated psychological need that I had to watch an anime that's just about a nice man
"He might just be the best spy in Westalis, so don't worry too much." With all due respect, that doesn't say much for the other spies, considering how suspiciously Loid acts everywhere he goes
Yor genuinely considering murdering someone to get her daughter into school 💝 Parenting!
"I appreciate the attempt at consolation, my elegant boy." This is how I will be responding to all attempts for someone to comfort me from now on
Loid just carrying a party popper around in his pocket for when Anya gets in. I LOVE HEEEM
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Loid can waste government resources on a little play mission for his family. As a treat
"He's requesting agents. As many as possible," incredible how Loid immediately folds to his daughter's request to be attacked by enemies LMAOOO
HAHAHAHA Loid telling them in morse code it's an imperative part of Operation Strix, which is technically true, but not at all for any reason they would think
The way they're all like, "I will JUMP at the chance to attack Loid, been waiting my whole life for this," is also really fun
I was waiting for the spy costume. I am so glad it is a plot point
I can't decide what I enjoy more, Loid's blush over having to put on the costume mask, or the way the other spies are fangirling over him
Loid getting his butt kicked by Yor in this drunk roleplay does make me wonder if we're going to see that her assassination missions run contrary to his goals of peacekeeping
"I've come to save you, Princess Anya." "Papa!" "Wait, I'm supposed to be your dad in this?" AWWWW ANYA JUST WANTED TO HER DAD TO ACT OUT SAVING HER
In fairness to Anya's fear of kidnapping, she has been kidnapped before!
"Though, you're usually on the ball, so [discussing Operation Strix Phase 2] may not be necessary." "Well... I may actually be off my game lately." At least Loid's willing to own up to it LMAOOO
Firstly, what happened just now was definitely an attempted [redacted] crime, which is hideously uncalled for, what the fuck. But secondly: I love Yor and Anya bonding time
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"I know it's really dangerous to be an Eden student now. But it won't be as scary if I train. I can do my best at school without dying!" I do love the idea of teaching this tiny child fighting techniques, but my god, what a thing to say
"Even if I can't be like a normal mother, I'm going to do everything I can for her." YOOOOOOOOOOOOR I love you
"She's already realized how amazing I am and fallen for me." Incredible confidence from Damian Desmond, Very Rich Six-Year-Old LMAO
"Mama, you liar. Smiling didn't help at all." I am very entertained by Anya's psychic child conflict management
Ffjhfkhfk I really do love the way that Anya tries her best to do things in a way that her parents would most approve of. Smiling first, trying to not get in trouble in front of the teacher when she punches Damian, claiming defence of a friend. She's a good kid!
What will Loid, who is not actually a psychologist, be doing during the day while Anya goes to school and his wife does her work. I hope it involves costumes
Update from 1 minute later: At the very least, it involves stalking elementary students from a rooftop
Update from 4 minutes later: IT DID INVOLVE COSTUMES!
Also. Also. How the hell would Loid's plan work if his daughter was NOT psychic. Like yeah yeah yeah, she knows she's supposed to be a good student. But it doesn't seem like he's explicitly told her out loud to be friends with Damian. So is he just hoping for her organic success? It's a good thing his baby knows exactly what he's thinking LMAO
I love that Becky has decided to be Anya's no. 1 supporter. She needs a friend!!
"Why do I find it so hard to speak when she's in front of me?" In a very expected turn of events, lil Damian has a crush:
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"Plan B is done for." You are wrong Loid! Plan Befriend has simply turned to Plan Boy Has a Crush on Your Daughter
This at-home tutoring really resonates with my experience of being the child of Asian parents with high expectations when it comes to their children's innate talent for math
"No, Yor. You're not a stranger, nor part of someone else's family. Right now, you're the mother of the Forgers. I'm counting on you to provide whatever I'm lacking." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love the Forgers
I loveeee this parenting discussion around positive reinforcement
"I wonder what it'd feel like to have a real family," said Loid, tits deep in a family and fatherhood
"My sister got married?" I was waiting for this ball to drop. Can't wait!
"[Twilight] is the villain who is trying to make this world fall into chaos. You could call him my natural enemy." NOT BABY BROTHER YURI ANNOUNCING HIS INTENTIONS TO MERC HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW WHO HE'S ABOUT TO MEET AT DINNER:
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I gotta say, despite them introing with assassinations, I do feel like Yuri represents a drastic tone shift for this show
"Yuri... I mean, my younger brother is coming here today! [Loid's voice raises several octaves] "Today?" The voice crack was funny. Back to family shenanigans
"What could my sister possibly like about this guy?! Just because he can cook a little, and he's handsome, and tall, and considerate, and a doctor," It sounds like Yuri is talking himself into having a crush on Loid????
Wow, Loid has made Yuri as an intelligence agent within like, mere minutes of meeting him. Maybe Loid is a great spy!
Ahhhh, so the reason Yor took up killing as a job was to put her little brother through school. How honourable!
"Kiss here and now." I can't decide if this is terrible or fun. Maybe both. My money is on Anya interrupting to see her Uncle
I do appreciate that Yor has never been kissed! It makes sense, given her murder job, and I feel like we don't often get 20somethings without prior entanglements
HDJHDKJDHDHD this is so unhinged and weird. Jesus. Yuri Briar puts the B in Behnchod
"Loid Forger. You may lay claim to my sister's lips for now." WHAT A THING TO SAY
"So, let's do everything we can to make sure Yor is happy." Loid is THE Husband. There are no other husbands, just him!
"Children are so curiously observant at times," said Loid, about his daughter who is literally telepathic
"It's a terrible idea to date a woman while deceiving her," said Loid, as if that has not been the premise of his ENTIRE romantic history thus far
I think Loid is starting to develop (romantic) feelings:
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You know, I haven't really commented on the horn cap thing, but I do wonder if they are to do with Anya's powers rather than just a fun little design thing
I need you to see what I'm looking at when they tell me this is Bill Watkins, Age Six:
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I do like all the montages of how all of these children (and Bill Watkins, Deeply Suspicious Age Six) were preparing for this dodgeball tournament
Damian taking the dodgeball bullet for Anya. Love u little guy
Calling it right now, with all this lead-up, I don't think Anya's throw is going to work out the way she wants
Update from a few seconds later: Yep, that was correct!
Gnjghkgjhgkjhg Loid loves Anya too much to be strict with her so he is engaging in quite a permissive parenting style
DAD'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I like how they do a count of her Stellas (merit points which lead to the Imperial Scholar Society of Parent War Instigation) and Tonitrus Bolts (demerit points which lead to expulsion) whenever Anya gets closer to her goal
Also, bonkers that getting a Stella doesn't cancel out your Bolt? It's like, forgive, but never forget
Fhkhfkjfhfkjh Anya deciding she'll only respond to Starlight Anya. Very Six-Year-Old Behaviour
"Do you really think we go to some third-rate school that would hand out a Stella by mistake?" Damian continuing his chivalry streak
1) Extremely rude of the people to treat the dogs that way and 2) Does that big white dog's flash to the Forger family mean that we have unlocked a psychic puppy subplot?
I have been thinking since Damian was introduced that he and Anya are paralleling the Syaroan and Sakura Archetypes, but there is no greater Cardcaptor Sakura parallel than the fact this episode is called Penguin Park
"Please wait, Papa, who is a good and normal person." 10/10 spy deception Anya, no notes
Gghkhgkghkg Loid being yelled at by his Spy Juice Lady for not prioritizing this other mission. How does no one overhear this!!
"Mama, I'm being kidnapped," said Anya, as if she did not latch onto this spy herself to help out her dad's Penguin Mission
It's incredible how many of Loid's problems are solved just by him being hot:
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Awwwwww I'm glad they did some actual family time after the Aquarium mission. Also I love how embarrassed Loid is every time has to do something silly, like pretending to be a Penguin Plushy for his kid, but how he'll immediately do it, even in public. Best dad!!
"Being both a Papa and an agent... must be tough balancing the two." Real and true, spy chauffeur
I love how they do parallel plots between family stuff and spy stuff. Anya looking for a puppy... Dad looking for bomb dogs!
They are in fact explaining the psychic puppy subplot
"It is far too early for Anya-san to get married!" Yor, I would like to study the way your mind works (also mom's here!!!!!!!!!!!!)
That was an incredibly morose diatribe from The Handler, who is the only spy other than Loid to get a title/name
How is this baby supposed to disarm a bomb?!?!?!??
Ahhhh, by leaving a ketchup message for her dad on the door that says "NO! (Drawing of Bomb)" Of course! We love a girl who knows how to improvise
Dad has got back in the danger zone to stop the last of the Foreign Affairs Minister's terrorist threats, fair enough! I really hope they don't make him [redacted violence involving animal]
From Yor's perspective, Loid has been in the bathroom for two full episodes
Yor kicking Keith the Radicalized Student Terrorist's car off the road after he has been discovered by Anya and foiled by Loid. We love a team effort!
"How many times must I tell you not to run off alone because it's dangerous?!" [Tearfully] "I'm sowwy." Awwww a very reasonable worry for your daughter who keeps running into every spy mission she possibly can
"I also had a daughter about her age." The Handler's tragic backstory unlocked?!
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"Be prepared to take care of him until the end. I may have no right to say those words." Loid's dog care advice has accidentally turned into existential dread about adopting a child for the sake of a peacekeeping mission
Awwwwwww Yor taking cooking classes from her workplace enemy to be a better cook for her family
"Camilla-san has always been a nice person," said Yor, about the woman who called her a whore in front of a room full of people and tried to scald her with hot food on like Episode 2
"The more I savour each bite, the more I see my life flash before my eyes." Say what you will about Weird Brother Yuri, he is supportive
Admittedly this cooking lesson episode has made me like Camilla
HAHAHAHA the "They are whispering" caption so the viewer can understand why no one's reacting to the yelling about spy intel on Scruffy's potential lover
Awwwwwww Loid opting out of the family outing to comfort his little scruffy friend, who I have just re-learned is named Franky
LMAOOOOO at them just having Henderson-sensei do literally all of the classes. Top-tier writing
The Handler now has unlocked TWO new names, which are Sylvia Sherwood and Fullmetal Lady
"On the one day each month that Mister Moon goes away, Anya's power to read minds goes away too." Oooooh new psychic baby lore unlocked
Even though I don't care for Weird Brother Yuri, it is nice that Anya has someone outside of her parents to rely on for tutoring
Loid covering for Incompetent Spy Daybreak jkhfkhfkjhf
I love that Loid broke into the school, not to boost his daughter's grades, but rather to check that she didn't fail and leave it that way, and then reverse cheat (as in, undo someone's wrongdoing) to make sure two other students got their earned grades. What a man!
Ffljlfjjflkj Becky objectifying Anya's dad. I know they're six, but it's not a trope I love
"I was trying to report the cigarette I found, then he punched me." I know this is a scheme but what kind of society has SIX-YEAR-OLDS plausibly smoking???
"Second Son wouldn't do that! Anya was watching." Heck yeah Anya standing up for Damian (even though her Damian motives are decidedly ulterior LOL)
"Don't try to drag me into these adult matters in the first place!" An incredibly reasonable request from Damian
Gdljljggjglkj I love these kids telling Glooman 'Actually, the biggest problem is you have a bad personality' True and real and cutting
"Don't worry. The West is a safe place." ANYAAAA. Something something children and their ability to see people outside of the confines of politics
"There's saltwater pouring out of my eyes." The implication that George has not cried once in his six years of life LMAOOOO
Genuinely heartwarming to see all these kids singing for George and giving away their favourite school items for his sake (also I bet you $5 he doesn't actually have to quit this school)
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Update from two minutes later: I was correct lol
I've been thinking about this since the hospital volunteering, but it is kind of a flaw in Loid's spy tactics to choose a public-facing job, because at any point someone could just walk into the hospital and realize he doesn't work there kjhgkjhgg like he should've just been some sort of private practice
Loid running home to "check on what Yor was doing at the school" but actually using it as an excuse to ask her on a lunch date <3
As if the show could psychically tell that I was wondering about it, they are now forcing Loid into a "Take Your Kid to Work Day" situation lmaooo
"[Loid] became an important part of our team as soon as he transferred in." How is Loid an important part of the staff if he's constantly out of hospital doing spy stuff??? How is he even capable of giving psychological care???
"To go with the rest of the facade, a number of my coworkers have also inflitrated this hospital." Ah, perhaps the fact he has a research position and other spies in the hospital is enough to cover his absences and maybe make him have fake patients
Honestly, it's a wonder Anya hasn't run into more problems in the spy realm recently other than getting stuck in a secret passage
HHGKJHGKJHGKJGH Loid taking Anya's improvised sandbox of toys as a sign of deep psychological distress
"He golfs at his workplace and creates shady channels." In every class there is one child who has the most chaotic possible interpretation of their parents' job (the kid who says their parent stabs people for money when really their parent is a tattoo artist) and Anya has decided to be that student
"But if Mrs. Forger just happened to retire, that position would have to be filled, would it not?" Why is Fiona so comically evil about getting to fake marry Loid
"But... this woman doesn't seem to have any flaws in her appearance." Even Father-snatcher Fiona Frost thinks Yor is hot
"To think the great Twilight is stuck playing house.. It's a disservice to the world." Loid said: Fuck you Fiona, I like playing house!
This silent spy standoff has certainly taken a turn:
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I actually kind of love that Loid is faced with someone else who has feelings for him, because I KNOW for certain he will choose Yor, and I think that's good for Yor to see
"You're already working hard enough, Yor. That's why Anya is so fond of you. I couldn't ask you to do anything more." HE LOVES HERRRRR
I really resonate with Yor's Girls Who Are Bad At Stuff representation kjhgkgjh
"Agent Penguin suffered honourable injuries in battle." Loid sewing up his daughter's penguin stuffy and making up a backstory for their dog chewing him up ❤️ I love hiiiim
I appreciate that Fiona confirms from someone who knew him before Loid has been changed by love (for Yor and Anya)
Though, now that I think of it, I guess Loid's given last name is Forger, so really this is a pattern of very silly names
"We've been developing a new doping agent called OSO-R along with the government in preparation for the upcoming East-West Sports Exhibition." Every so often they dip back into the crime world, and today it's sports doping
"I wonder what her relationship with Loid is." Yor babygirl, you do not need to worry about her, Loid is fully Team Yor
I love this little look into all the different things that come up in an infiltration (having to be very good at specific things like tennis, dealing with potential poisons, compensating for traps)
"You're still young, and you're clearly talented. From now on, hone your craft properly. I'm sure you'll become an amazing player." "Twain, I'll really do my best from now on!" Aside from being an incredible professional tennis player, Loid's talents also include reforming his opponents into better people:
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Fhfhfkjhfkfjhf Loid every time Fiona comes near Yor: Hey, please leave my wife alone
"Come at me with everything you've got." "Uh, don't, Fiona." Loid knows Yor has enough physical might to beat a hundred tennis players
Yor wanting Loid to praise her for winning the match 🥺❤️
Loid taking Yor on a reassurance date to let her know she's still #1
"Wait, does Yor have romantic feelings for me?!" TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH, BUT YOU GOT THERE, LOID
"I can't let my guard down like that. Somehow, being with Yor throws me off." Loid, you stupid man, who can't see that him AND his wife have feelings for each other
"I would love for you to continue being Anya's mother. And to continue in the role of my wife." This is the most honest thing Loid has said in hours
Anya getting Becky a keychain because she didn't think she was allowed to get one for herself!! Sweet girl
What kind of father has ZERO time to interact with his son LMAO (Donovan Desmond, apparently)
"Anya's a little scared because she's not sure if Papa loves her or not. He always gets mad at me. But I believe in him because I love him." ANYAAAAAAAAAA
Papa Desmond and his truly haunting eyes finally make an on-screen appearance and meeting with Loid:
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"Even the child that shares your blood is a stranger." Is this a general view from Donovan on his parent-child relationships or is this a shot at Loid for not being Anya's biological father?
"People will never be able to understand each other." What a thing to say about your six-year-old, who is standing right in front of you with his friends
"What's truly important is to continue walking them despite [not understanding each other]. I decided that I would accept her regardless, and I try to find every opportunity I can to talk to her." Loid laying spy ground work on top of challenging Donovan to be a better father. We love a man who can multitask
"I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually dislike you. It'd make me happy if you could be friends with her." "Well, I want to, too..." Gjhgjhgjhfjlfj Loid is also working on Operation Playdate
This has been a pretty delightful show so far. Spy x Family proving to everyone you can fight people AND be nice!!!!
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discipleofcringe · 26 days
I don't remember if Logan makes fun of Wade's face in the movie? There's the thing about the toupée, but is there anything about his face?
If not, it's so cool that even though he hates him (at the beginning) he doesnt show any disgust or makes any comment about it.
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verdika · 11 days
You know what they say
“Never waste a Tuesday night on a first debate”
But there I was
In my heels with my hair straight
And so, I take him to this stage
This man wouldn’t stay on task
He didn’t answer a single question
And he was wearing this fugly toupée
It doesn’t matter though
He doesn’t have what it takes to beat
A candidate like me 💅
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icycoldninja · 7 months
The Turks incorrect quotes
Reno: You’re not jealous, are you? Rude: No! Reno: Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful.
Elena: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart? Tseng: For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am! Elena: Mean.
Tseng: Did you like the food I made? Elena: No, not really. Tseng: But I put my heart and soul into it! Elena: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
Reno: Anybody got any crayons so I can color in my Ph. D.?
Rude: Tseng likes to win. When he was 8, a little Club Scout friend of his bragged she could sell the most cookies. Rude: Damned if Tseng didn't walk the neighborhood till he got blisters on his feet, and won by 10 boxes. Rude: Best part is, Tseng wasn't even a Club Scout.
Reno: You know the sound a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That's the sound that my brain makes all the time.
Reno, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Reno: Wait. I the fuck used this pan… Tseng: It was you the fuck. Reno: It was I the fuck… Rude: Who cooks rice in a pan? Tseng: He the fuck.
Reno: Any questions? Rude: Uh, yeah, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Reno: Uh, a plan, duh… Elena: Rude, chill, I know it’s weird, but Reno has a point. Rude: Rude: THAT WAS LITERALLY A PONY DOODLE WITH A HAT!!
Tseng: If there are no questions, we’ll move on to the next chapter. Rude: I have a question. Tseng: Certainly, Rude. What is it? Rude: What’s the point of human existence? Tseng: I meant any questions about the subject at hand. Rude: Oh. Rude: Frankly, I’d like to have the issue resolved before I expend any more energy on this.
Reno: Anything else? Rude: Yeah. Stay away from me! Reno: Alright. See you in the room we share.
Reno: I’m sorry, I really flew off the handle back there. It was like the handle was a bald guy going really fast, and I was his toupée.
Rude: What's the most efficient way to burn calories? Tseng: Exercise more! Reno: Set yourself on fire. Elena: There are two kinds of people.
Elena: Come to think of it… You’ve always been nice to me. Elena: I mean, you listen to all my problems- Tseng: No, Elena I just simply stand here while you talk, there’s a big difference.
Tseng: Guys where did Reno go? Elena: He got arrested. Tseng: How the hell- Reno: bursts in through the window The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Reno: Shut up, you’re messing with my train of thought! Tseng: I thought you didn’t have a brain and now you say you have thoughts?
Elena: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time? Tseng: AS ENEMIES?! Elena:
Reno: Tseng, you need to react when people cry! Tseng: I did. I rolled my eyes.
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. Rude: Which one? I have seven. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Rude: Which one? I have seven. Reno, distantly: HEY!!!
Reno: Come on, you need to go to bed. Tseng: Mr. Snuffles says that I can stay up as long as I want. And that you need to die! Reno: … Reno: What the hell, Mr. Snuffles—
Tseng: Oh, they left the bowl out? Tseng: It says, “Take two pieces of candy.” Reno: Nobody around though… Reno grabs the entire bowl and runs off with it Tseng: NO—
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flowerwriter · 6 months
- Ignihyde Incorrect Quotes -
Idia: Being gay isn't a choice. It's a game and I'm winning.
Ortho, seeing a banana on the car seat: What the FUCK?? Ortho, buckling the banana up: Fucking buckle UP, it’s the LAW!
Idia, lying on the floor, depressed: I'll never be a cop. I'm gonna have to be a robber.
Ortho: *walking around disappointed after visiting an aquarium* Idia: Ortho, what did you think a tiger shark was?
Ortho: I’m sorry, I really flew off the handle back there. It was like the handle was a bald guy going really fast, and I was his toupée.
Idia: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass.
Idia: Where have you been all day? Ortho: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
Ortho: Get in the Halloween spirit and make a ghost! Idia: That’s called murder and I heard somewhere that it was illegal.
Idia: There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play? Ortho: Did you just make that up? Idia: No. I read it in a fortune cookie once. Ortho: Idia: A really long fortune cookie.
Idia: N... No! Ortho: A fair rebuttal. However, consider this counterpoint: Y... Yes???
And another one done!! Woohoo!!! I'm having some real fun posting all of these.
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Deadpool Masterlist
My requests are open but I am no longer accepting requests for Headcannons
Main Masterlist
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Multiple Part Series
Broken Glass and red Spandex -You pick the wrong night to be working but luckily Wade is there for you Part 1 Part 2
Toupée Time with Wade - Wade takes you with him to pick a hair system.
The red in rainbow - The reader is the human version on a pastel rainbow who is not a fan of swearing or violence, but somehow it works.
Unexpected Roommates - first encounter is during one of Deadpool's battles, and once the reader takes up an offer of rooming she saw on the newspaper, she finds out she's roommates with him now and has to put up with his antics
Courting Death - What happens when Wade falls in love with death
Poly wade and logan - Daily life being with Logan and wade
The spirit of Wade - You trust wade to go shopping at spirit halloween to get your costumes
Deadpool and the drag queen of chaos - wade with a partner who works as a drag queen
Good luck, Bad luck deadpool - What happens when your dating coach wants to be the one dating you
Beneath the Surface - the reader comforts wade at his time of need because he feels insecure in his own skin
Hidden in laughter - Wade asks who would want to kiss his ugly face
Insults on Wheels - Tension on a car journey
Serenade in Scarlet - Wade confesses his love to Plus size reader
Red eye rest - Snuggling with Wade
Forget me nots - Wade helps you with remembering things
Beauty Marks - Wade dating someone with a skin condition
Period Panic Prevention - Wade looking after reader when they are on their period
Here kitty Kitty - Wade with a reader who likes to sneak up on him
Take a breather - reader passes out from exhaustion and wade is there to help
Back to the start - Wade learns to love again after Vanessa
Lipstick and heartache - Exs run into each other at the grocery store.
Home Safe - Reader gets hurt on her way home from work
Killing me Softly - What happens when he meets an assassin who matches his humour
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incorrectjjkquotes · 11 months
Nobara: I’m sorry, I really flew off the handle back there. It was like the handle was a bald guy going really fast, and I was his toupée.
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expositicn · 2 months
you said you believed in my work . –  BENNY TO MIDGE!!
"and i do. when the work is... reasonable. and doesn't include disguises that make you look like a pile of bob hope's rejected toupées." midge fingers the edge of the fur coat he wears, eyeing up the lining with mild distaste. "unless our cover is we have made a fortune selling these exclusively to the blind."
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she retracts her hand when she accidentally touches the 'fur'. "i think it might be time to have a discussion." a swipe of her hand across her skirt like she's wiping off any trace of having interacted with it. "maybe... you're not going to solve this one."
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