#tourmaline is just short
poorlemons · 2 years
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Day 7 - Animated A sufficiently low quality blinking cus i absolutely do not know how to animate but like.. whatever whatever. Its yet another artwork of Tourmaline!! am I using the excuse that he is olm/axolotl inspired to use this prompt list to draw him? yeah absolutely.
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unhingedandunwell · 2 years
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taylor-titmouse · 2 months
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so we know that gender for dwarves is mainly divided between rock and jewel (for the sake of keeping it simple to explain. there are definitely genders outside that binary) and that rocks map closer to masculine, and that jewels map closer to feminine, but it has nothing at all to do with genitals and everything to do with presentation. in dwarven terms, tourmaline and angre are both crafters, in that they're capable of childbirth, but this is considered a sort of natural skill rather than tied to their value. outside of the aristocracy and royal lines and half-things, dwarves do not generally care about bloodlines. children are raised by the community. you keep track of your crafter and getter for the sake of good health, but outside of that, it's not a big deal what you have down there.
of course tourmaline and angre are both exceptions to the bloodline concern, given she's royalty and he's half human. but this post is for dissecting presentation, rather than social dynamics.
so the richer you are, the more you want to show that off. we know that having smooth skin is indicative of free time/money to spend on achieving it. that doesn't change for rocks. the one difference is that rich rocks (and sometimes jewels!) may, instead of shaving their faces, engage in elaborate beard braiding and decoration. this is more common among the older generations, who by the time they reach those ages, are either too wrinkled or simply too tired of dealing with shaving and wax. tourmaline, being a strapping young stone, would shave completely. long hair would also still be considered the fashion for a young rock of his station. however, luxurious thickness is for jewels. a tight, sober braid is preferred for rocks for everyday wear. he also doesn't wear makeup. makeup is entirely the realm of jewels. foundation to hide blemishes at the very most, but otherwise it is not expected of him.
gemstones are incredibly important to dwarves, with a lot of coding regarding how much you can wear and what styles/stones you can wear. as a jewel, tourmaline would be expected to wear a Lot. earrings, hairpieces, bracelets, anklets, everything and anything. rocks are a bit more limited, because the presentation is about strength and steadfastness rather than beauty... but if you're rich, you still have to show it. so in practice, rich rocks and jewels can both be totally decked out, but rocks will favor chunkier, less delicate pieces. notably: rocks will also have more piercings than jewels, because it signals toughness against pain. thus, rock tourmaline has pierced his nipples and belly button. and of course he's not covering his chest to show that off (and wearing anything heavy would be uncomfortable)
the slitted trousers are of course to show off the hot smooth leg. it would be perfectly acceptable for him to wear a skirt or skirt-like piece, but for the sake of making him more readably masculine, he gets pants. his shoes would also have a slight heel or platform to them. there's a sweet spot of height that dwarves find attractive, and he's otherwise fairly average/short. angre would be just on the upper edge of it.
so while rock tourmaline is fairly unchanged, angre as a jewel would be a very different person with a very different life path. as a jewel, she cannot become a knight or soldier. she can be taught self defense and how to wield a weapon, but being employed in the defense of another is Not Done with jewels. remember: this has nothing to do with childcraft, entirely with presentation. if she wanted to become a knight, she would have to transition to rock, which isn't an uncommon occurrence. switching genders based on occupation is very normal. but then we'd just have original flavor angre. so this is an angre who took a different path.
this angre would be a lady in waiting, and, if we want to give her the equivalent job to captain of the guard, she would be tourmaline's royal barber. she would be in charge of the care and keeping of his body, a role that requires significant training and trust. she would have command over a team, but she would be the only one permitted to touch and tend to his neck, and would be a close confidante.
as for her presentation, she would be considered a very conservative jewel. nothing in her hair (which she wears long) and very few actual gemstones in her jewelry. this is partially about expectation--she is a commoner, and it would be very inappropriate for her to be ostentatious in the service of royals--but it would also be her own choice. she does not want to be attractive to the young prince [undecided on the actual term]. rock angre did not want to be perceived as a sexual threat to jewel tourmaline, and so jewel angre would not want to be perceived as a sexual option (but would be just as in love with him). so she wears simple patterns, little jewelry, and very light makeup. showing skin is something she can't really avoid, because it also represents her work. you wouldn't really trust a barber if they had a bad haircut.
phew. that's a lot.
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eeboshmeebo · 3 months
[Fake Shameless vs Stoic Shameless]
I can't take it. I can't take it no more. I HAVE TO WRITE IT BEFORE IT DIES, AAAAHHH!
Neito Monoma x Very straightforward Fem-Reader
"Hahahahaha! I heard that you've gotten a new member today, 1-A! I'm guessing that they're just as pathetic as the rest of you!"
The classroom door had been left open, the only reason that this boy could've ever opened it without the keys.
This... boy. Short blonde hair. Blue eyes that made you think of both forget-me-not flowers and blue granite at the same time. Perfect teeth. The odd way he bent over. His eyelashes and his lips, vitally noticeable yet unnoticeable like the texture of a canvas underneath the paint. His voice, which you'd normally find irritating on another, seemed perfectly suited for him. The white pupils he had, instead of the 'dead fish' eyes you were reminded of with others, looked like pearls inlaid into a tourmaline and white quartz of some sort.
Oh, you were smitten the moment you saw him. Your classmates didn't seem to share the same sentiment, however.
"So not manly to judge a person before you even met her, Monoma!" said Kirishima. Monoma was one of the few people he didn't get along with, which was a surprise only to you.
"Yeah! Go away, leave us alone!" said Denki after Kirishima finished speaking, looking up from his conversation with Mineta to get Monoma to go away. Mineta wandered off now that the attention was off of him.
"Sorry about that, he comes around often..." said Mina, her lips forming a pout and her eyes slightly narrowed in obvious annoyance.
You knew that she was actually more upset about having her 'conversation' with you interrupted, a one-sided talk with her speaking endlessly while you were completely silent, but you patted her on the shoulder, much to her surprise, and walked up to him
"Oh, what's this, the new 1-A student, trying to fight with-"
"You're cute. Go out with me."
The entire class was silent. Wide eyes, gaping mouths, even Mineta had frozen before he snuck up on Yaoyorozu and promptly got stopped by Jiro.
"W-well, I never! You could be j-joking and trying to trick me, f-f-for all I know!" Monoma stuttered out, pointing his trembling finger at you as he fixed his posture.
Ah, he was blushing... he looked so much better with a blush on- no, wait, scratch that. He looked good all the time. His cuteness was just enhanced when he was blushing and stuttering.
Before he could continue, however, you had unlocked your phone and gently grabbed his hand, placing your phone into the palm of his hand.
"Put your phone number into my calls list. I like your voice."
He blushed even more with that, little half-attempted words coming out of his mouth at how... assertive you were. Did you have no shame, no awareness of the multiple people filming this!?
Monoma, under your abnormally intense, wide-eyed stare that seemed to see through him (you wish), input his phone number into yours and gave your phone back to you.
You intentionally held his hand as you took your phone back, and once you did, he fled...
"I'll get my vengeance for this, 1-AAaaaaaaaaaa!"
He was surprisingly quick but you could hear that he ran into someone down the hallways outside.
You smiled to yourself in your newfound victory.
And, of course, someone just had to ruin it.
"This feels a lot like the story of how my dad and the old hag got together, damn it! I don't want to relive that!"
...Bakugo was quickly silenced by the death stares from a few of the more... gossipy girls. Namely Mina and Tooru. For such energetic girls they sure can silence a man.
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digitalgirlguide · 7 months
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Beyond Bubble Baths: A Realistic Guide to Wellness, Hygiene Hacks, Energy Cleansing, and the Art of Setting Healthy Boundaries
self-care as we know it has been reduced to retail therapy and splurging on skincare and the the essence of true well-being often gets lost in the noise of buying stuff.
you're not alone, i'm guilty of this too.if i'm sad i buy thing. i'm happy? i buy things.
and not saying that self care can't be buying yourself things because you feel like it but that's not a true reflection of self care.
self-care is a disciplined commitment to becoming the best version of yourself while tuning into your body's needs.
so what does realistic self care look like?
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Take a few minutes each morning to set intentions for the day ahead.
practice gratitude by writing 3 things you're grateful for or using some of these prompts:
What are three things you are thankful for as you start your day? Consider the small details that often go unnoticed.
Recall a specific moment from today that brought a smile to your face or warmed your heart. Describe it in detail and express gratitude for that experience.
Think about any unexpected surprises or acts of kindness that came your way. How did they make you feel, and why are you grateful for them?
Before your next meal, reflect on the journey of your food from its source to your plate. Express gratitude for the nourishment it provides your body.
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Organizing your day/week:
Plan with Purpose: Start your week with a glance at your calendar or planner. Note any upcoming deadlines, appointments, or social events. (A little prep goes a long way!)
Prioritize with Intent: Identify your top priorities for the week and break them down into manageable tasks. Tackling the most crucial items first ensures a sense of accomplishment. (Check off those big to-dos, and watch the momentum build!)
Time Blocking: Allocate specific time blocks for various activities. This technique helps maintain focus and prevents the day from slipping away in a blur. (Time blocking = your new productivity bestie.)
Flexibility is Key: While planning is essential, leave room for flexibility. Life throws curveballs, and being adaptable ensures you can navigate unexpected changes with grace. (Embrace the spontaneity – it's the spice of life!)
Self-Care Slots: Intentionally carve out moments for self-care throughout the week. Whether it's a short walk, a cozy reading break, or a meditation session, these are non-negotiable appointments with yourself. (Because self-love is a crucial part of productivity.)
Schedule regular social activities to stay connected: Meaningful connections are the backbone of a healthy support system. (Humans need socialization – it's science!)
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Hygiene tips for mind and body
Begin your day with a cleansing ritual that extends beyond the physical. Consider practices like meditation (Remember, a cluttered mind can be just as burdensome as a cluttered space.)
Incorporate energy cleansing techniques into your routine, such as using crystals (clear quartz, black tourmaline, amethyst, rose quartz, selenite) to clear negative energy from your surroundings. (Just as we dust and declutter our physical spaces, it's important to cleanse the energetic residue that accumulates throughout our day-to-day lives.)
Recognize the importance of setting boundaries and restricting access to yourself when necessary. (You're not obligated to be constantly available to others, and it's okay to prioritize your own needs and well-being.) Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you, who make you feel good and encourage you to be your best self. (Life is too short to waste time on relationships that drain your energy and diminish your spirit.)
Embrace a straightforward yet consistent skincare routine. Cleanse, moisturize, and shield your skin from the sun – simplicity meets effectiveness.
Practice regular handwashing to ward off germs, especially before meals and after restroom visits. (Your hands will thank you, and so will your immune system.)
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Simple ways to show up for yourself everyday
Practice self-compassion and forgiveness, recognizing that perfection is an illusion and mistakes are opportunities for growth. (We're all human, and it's okay to stumble along the way.)
Listen to your body's signals and honor its needs, whether that means nourishing yourself with wholesome food, getting regular exercise, or allowing yourself time to rest and recharge. (Your body is your greatest ally and deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.)
Embrace moments of joy and playfulness, indulging in activities that bring you laughter and delight. (Life is meant to be savored, not endured.)
let's reshape the narrative of self-care into a journey of discipline, mindfulness, and attunement to our inner voices.
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the-mortuary-witch · 3 months
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Also known as Ashmodai, Asmodeus, Asmody, Asmoday; appears as a Great King 'Asmoday' in the Ars Goetia, where he is said to have a seal in gold and is listed as number thirty-two according to respective rank. He "is strong, powerful and appears with three heads; the first is like a bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram or a goat; the tail of a serpent, and from his mouth issue flames of fire." Also, he sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner, and amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy two legions of Spirits.
Asmodeus is one of the “seven princes of hell,” a demon whose wickedness is matched only by his talent. He specializes in spreading lust, and he doesn’t just prey on common people. Kings, queens, and even divine beings have been affected by his touch!
Appearance: a strong and attractive young man with shoulder-length black hair, fiery orange-yellow eyes (like burning embers), black draconic wings, and ram horns. When angered, his hair catches in flames and burns to become short, blazing like embers. His horns become more prominent, and his eyes become even more fiery. He goes into battle with a staff or sword commonly, but sometimes with a mace. The dragon he is sometimes seen riding is a trusted friend of his from ages past. He can also appear as a bull or ram, which are aspects of his. His traditional art which shows him as having three heads is simply a symbolization of this. 
Personality: Asmodeus is tremendously strong at heart and holds a great deal of wisdom and passion. Overall, he has a very resilient and noble attitude, and is also connected to lust and domination, as he indulges in sexual pleasures. Asmodeus enjoys luxury and sensuality, but can also be very dark and serious when needed, and can become quickly impatient with those who earn his disfavour. He can also feel war-like at times, but in a way that is similar to heroism. But his darker side, however, is called Asmodai, who is one of the most destructive and terrifying of all the demons.
Asmodeus is a master of emotions and knows how to rapidly gain favour by playing to the emotions of crowds, masses, or even single persons. He doesn’t have to lie, he simply uses emotional reasoning to appeal to peoples’ hearts in order to be convincing. He tends to be very kind-hearted, loyal, passionate, and steadfast. 
Symbols: upside down red pentagram, cards, snake, crown, scorpion, seal of Asmodeus, money, the element air, and gambling
King/God of: demons, lust, passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, knowledge, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of power.
Culture: Demonic and Jewish
Plants and trees: rose, mint, sunflower, blackthorn tree, mandrake root, belladonna, nightshade, yew tree, lavender, poppy, cypress tree, jasmine, and snakewood tree
Crystals: leopards skin jasper, carnelian, peridot, ruby, cinnabar, black tourmaline, red jasper, and garnet
Animals: bull, snake, scorpion, ram, cats, and rooster
Incense: frankincense, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, and dragons blood
Colours: red, black, yellow, and silver
Numbers: 32 and 3
Zodiac: Aquarius
Tarot: The Devil, King Of Wands, and 6 Of Swords
Planet: Venus
Days: Friday the 13th, full moons, Valentine’s Day, Beltane, and Litha
Parents: Agrat bat Mahlat and King David
Siblings: N/A
Partner: Bensozia, Lilith, Sarah (the daughter of Raguel), and possibly many other demons and spirits
Children: N/A
• Lust and carnal desires: Asmodeus is said to have great power over matters of lust and sexuality, and is often depicted as a seducer and temptress.
• Love and passion: he is believed to be able to stir up powerful emotions of love and passion in humans, leading them astray from their true path.
• Sexuality and physicality: Asmodeus is associated with the physical realm and is said to have great understanding and influence over the physical body.
• Material wealth and luxury: sometimes portrayed as a being of great material wealth and luxury, and is often depicted surrounded by opulence and excess.
• Power and authority: Asmodeus is a high-ranking demon in the hierarchy of hell, and is believed to have significant power and influence over humans and other supernatural creatures.
•’Use of seductive and manipulative techniques: Asmodeus is known for using charm, persuasion, and deception to achieve his goals and manipulate others.
• He HATES water, shellfish, seafood (especially fish), complaining, and pettiness.
• Known for his gambling or being over gambling.
• He is also associated with music, battles, and vengeance.
• He rules over the gambling houses of Hell and can bestow luck in gambling and loves to play poker and blackjack in the astral with his practitioners.
• Can be invoked to help with justice or vengeance spells.
• He dislikes birds, but likes cats.
When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to approach him with respect and caution. Remember that he is a powerful demon and should be treated as such. Be open to receiving his gifts of passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, and more, but also be prepared for his darker side. If you’re looking to connect with Asmodeus on a deeper level, try meditating with his enn (Ayen avage aloren Asmoday aken) or creating a sigil in his honor. And always remember to thank him for his gifts and offerings.
Here are some additional tips for working with Asmodeus:
• Build a relationship: Like any deity, building a relationship with Asmodeus takes time and effort. Try making regular offerings or dedicating a space in your home to him. You can also try researching more about his history and lore to deepen your connection with him.
• Focus on inner strength: Asmodeus is known for his rulerships of inner strength, which can come in handy when facing obstacles or challenges in life. Try working with him to cultivate this quality within yourself, and remember to thank him for his guidance.
• Use protection spells: Asmodeus can also be called upon for protection, especially in matters of the heart. Try creating a protection spell or talisman with his sigil to ward off negativity and attract positive energy.
• Connect with sexuality: Asmodeus is strongly connected to sexuality, making him a great deity to work with for matters of the heart and relationships. Try connecting with him through sexual energy or using his energy to enhance your own passion and desires.
• Always show respect: When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to always show respect and approach him with caution. He is a powerful demon, and should be treated with the reverence and respect that he deserves.
Another fun way to work with Asmodeus is to create a vision board that reflects his rulerships. Cut out pictures and phrases that represent passion, sex, valour, and inner-strength, and arrange them on a board or piece of paper. Place this vision board on your altar or carry it with you as a reminder of the gifts you’re seeking from Asmodeus.
"Oh mighty King Asmodeus, ruler of the underworld and master of the infernal realms, I call upon you in this moment. I beseech thee to draw near and manifest your presence before me.
By your divine power and authority, I seek your guidance, protection, and assistance in the matters that concern me.”

“I acknowledge your greatness and offer my respect and devotion to you.
Hail Asmodeus, King of the Fire and Ruler of the Underworld!"
• He shows up in your dreams.
• Shows up as the King of Wands when using tarot cards.
• Feeling of being watched or accompanied by a supernatural presence when alone.
• Seeing or drawing toward animals associated with him (bulls, snakes, scorpions, rams, cats, and/or roosters).
• Unusual dreams or vivid visions, often involving themes of love, lust, or sensuality.
• Experiencing feelings of intense desire, passion, seductive, or sexual energy (in my personal experience).
• Feeling a sense of connection or communication with a supernatural entity or presence, especially during meditations or rituals.
• A sudden need or desire to explore darker or taboo aspects of your personality or desires.
• Feeling a stronger connection to the elements of fire or earth.
• Observing unusual synchronicities or patterns in your life that remind you of him.
• Sexual acts.
• Roses.
• Cards.
• Frankincense.
• Dice.
• Food and drinks: pineapple, oat meat, alcohol (red wine, spiced rum, and whiskey), spicy food, lemons, limes, chestnuts, honey, chocolate, and natural made lemonade
• Bull, ram, or narwhal horns.
• Sunflowers.
• Black or red candles.
• Shadow work.
• Carnelians.
• Axes.
• Maces.
• Ornate swords.
• Money.
• Cinnamon scented candles, incense, perfume, (anything cinnamon scented overall).
• Participating in activities that he may appreciate, such as creative pursuits, sexual expression, or pursuits of power and control.
• Boundary work.
• Leaving offerings such as wine, herbs, or flowers on his altar.
• Engaging in acts of passion and pleasure.
• Working towards personal goals and desires related to sexuality, power, and success.
• Singing and overall talking to him.
• Making a meal in his name.
• Shadow work.
• Knowing how to stand up for yourself.
• Learning to stand up for others.
• Lighting a candle or incense in honour of Him.
• Coming to terms with your sexuality.
• Body worship.
There is no clear consensus on whether it is safe to eat or drink an offering given to Asmodeus, as beliefs and practices vary greatly within different occult and magical traditions. Some practitioners may feel that consuming an offering is a way to establish a deeper connection with the deity, while others may prefer to dispose of the offering in a respectful manner after the initial ritual.
It is important to use your own judgment and discretion when deciding whether or not to consume an offering given to a deity. It is also advisable to research and follow established protocols and procedures for working with demons, deities, and entities.
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silenced-judgement · 5 months
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝚍𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜; 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚜
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‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
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Identified with Mors (Roman), and Letum (Roman)
Greek God/Personification of Non-Violent Death and mortality
Known Symbols: Inverted Torch, Sword, Theta (θ), Wreath, Wings
Plants and Trees: Poppy and Cypress
Animals: Butterflies
Stones/Crystals: Onyx, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst
Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress
Colors: Black, Silver, White, Purple
Death 13 Tarot card
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚜
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Paean "Healer"
Makar "Blessed one"
Leukokhrotos "White-skinned"
Acherontis "Woeful"
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢
✧ .
Son of Nyx, Night Incarnate
Grandson of Primordial Chaos
Twin Brother of Hypnos, Sleep Incarnate
Brother of The Moirai (Fates), Charon, The Keres, Nemesis
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜
✧ .
Common offerings include: Red wine, olive oil, water, honey, milk, fruit, poppy seeds, black tea, dark chocolate
Other than that, play around a bit with different types of offerings and figure out what he likes, I've only offered him dark chocolate which was also torture to myself since I enjoy it as well, but thankfully he was understanding that I mean no disrespect if I ended up eating it (which I did), though now I have two bags of dark chocolate I got for Easter just sitting in my room unopened.
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The rest of this will be of my own personal experiences with interacting with Thanatos, everyone has their own experiences so yours is likely not going to be the same. I will also include some things I personally associate with him.
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‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚜
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As soon as I had reached out to Thanatos through my Tarot he answered almost immediately, however as someone who had only done a reading once and correctly translated Hestia's message to a friend who was confused on what she was trying to say I am not good with any other Tarot spread as the friend had used a custom spread that was similar in layout to a Yes/No spread. The type of spread I use is the Yes/No spread, where you lay out five (5) cards with Major Arcana and even number Minor Arcana being for "yes" and the Suits and odd numbered Minor Arcana being "no". Personally I prefer this as it's easier for me to understand with my silly little Autistic brain.
The first thing I did after connecting with him through Tarot was actually ask him how he was doing, I don't know why I chose to ask him that, but I said "yes is for if you're doing good, and no is for if you aren't" and then placed out my cards. His answer to me was "No" with a hidden message within the cards in order to explain to me that something didn't go well that day and he was upset, to which I replied with an apology for the fact he was feeling upset and then I asked him if he'd like to just hangout and sit with me the rest of the day, his answer was a yes and as soon as he answered I began crying. I'm naturally sensitive to the presences of beings that aren't exactly within our plane of existence; such as ghosts, spirits, demons, and deities, it's just with everything else besides deities I get a shortness of breath but all presences give me that same sort of tingly feeling one might get when they look down from somewhere up high or are in an elevator and it's going up/down.
From that single interaction alone I've learned that Thanatos is a rather kind individual and enjoys interacting with others. I always thought he was more of a reserved and quiet individual as one may think Death to be, and while he is rather quiet he's far from reserved. The best way to explain him is someone who wants to be around others but can easily become a bit anxious if he feels as if he's making the person uncomfortable and depending on his mood he can become rather introverted. If you feel like he's possibly becoming anxious over something the first time interacting with you, especially if you're as sensitive as I am to the presence of other beings, the best thing to do is reassure him that it's alright and he doesn't have to limit his interactions with you. I had told him near the end of the day that from now on he can come and hangout whenever he wants without me getting his attention first, but he instantly became unsure and worried that he'd overwhelm me due to my sensitivity. Thankfully he calmed down after I explained to him that I'm not overwhelmed and explained my sensitivity to him.
I've only seen him twice in some dreams, the first time he had gotten lost in it (as my dreams are chaotic and I can't control them if they choose to shift to something else) after like 10-20 minutes into the dream, but from that first appearance, he chose to appear as a mix of how he really looks like and the design of the character Thanatos from the game Hades. Turns out, after asking him about it the next day, he had chosen to appear that way just to mess with me and to be funny. Second dream I remember nothing about other than the fact he was there looking normal. Third dream he wasn't there but at the end of it he did send some butterflies in order to say hello.
Normally, Thanatos doesn't need to try and reach out to me, he's done so once through a butterfly, a few days after our dog had passed away but that was just to say hi and for no other reason. I had also drawn the Death Tarot, which was reversed but there was no hidden message. He seems content enough to come and sit with me without me knowing or to watch over me, plus most the time I'm the one suddenly getting his attention by talking to him at random and he's fully aware that due to my Autism and ADHD I wont exactly go and grab my Tarot to talk to him and is content with just listening, dealing with me being extremely random, or, something he did yesterday (28th) and yesterday night (27th) was sit directly next to me on my bed and lean in extremely close just to stare at my laptop screen. I'm unsure if he was trying to comfort me after Hecate scared the fuck out of me with a spider because I was paranoid and refused to sleep at all even after coming to an agreement that no more spiders will be sent into my bedroom with Hecate.
Based on that interaction, I feel as if Thanatos can become rather protective over people he's taken a liking to, his presence itself being rather warm, comforting, sometimes it's enough to make me feel like crying because suddenly all my anxieties, everything is just gone and I feel as if I don't have to worry about anything. Sometimes I'm unsure if I'm smelling lavender or some other floral scent, or even chamomile, which sometimes makes me think he's literally gone and gotten into my teas. I believe at times he's also gone and woken up Hypnos some nights just in order to get me to sleep. While writing this, I've felt warmth against my ear, cheek, felt peaceful, I smell a familiar scent that smells floral of some sort, so another thing is that Thanatos also seems to be rather curious once he's gotten used to someone. Although, as I don't find many people talking about their interactions with him, and based on how he told me that no one had ever really offered to let him just hangout whenever he wants with them before, I have a feeling that a lot of this is actually Thanatos feeling as if he is free to just be himself and that he's in a safe place because when I interact with him I don't see him as Death itself or as a literal Greek God/Deity, instead I treat him as if he's just like anyone else, I don't reach out to him for advice or help, I reach out to him because I genuinely enjoy interacting with him and I'm one of those few people who aren't afraid of death or dying, at least, not the concept of dying, as I would never do anything that actually puts me at a risk of death out of fear of being forgotten and also because I want to enjoy life as much as I can before it comes naturally.
I've also had a natural affinity towards death and the concept of an afterlife and Gods of Death, so to me, Death is a friend and is my friend, which I believe is why Thanatos interacts differently with me.
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
✧ .
Blue colored butterflies, specifically the Blue Morpho (for those who play Animal Crossing, it's the Emperor Butterfly, literally just learned it's actually called a Blue Morpho. Although the Ulysses Butterfly is also called an Emperor Butterfly or the Blue Emperor and is a swallowtail butterfly)
Red Spider Lilies (Japanese flowers associated with death)
That silly "guh-dong" sound that happens when you get a "Death Approaches" area in the game Hades.
White roses
  ・.⸻⸻˖⁺‧̟⭒₊☠︎︎🦋☠︎︎₊ ˖⁺‧̟⭒⸻⸻.・
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sketch-cat · 9 months
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The power of a good story
I lost count on how many times I listened to balance. I wanted to make a poster to celebrate this relisten i just finished. This story is so important to me as I’m sure it is to so many people, it never fails to make me cry- with laughter and sadness. At its core, it's about the importance of bond, our connecting to the world and people around us, and how important stories are in our experience of those connections . A power that is only matched by lesbians with knives.
Thank you for the goofs boys, they live on in every reality.
[image ID: a poster for the Adventure Zone: balance. It features four segments with vibrant background colors that overlap each other but are separated by black tendrils with streaks of color in them: the Hunger. At the top we see the moon base, the starblaster flying through the hunger, seven bird silhouettes, a small part of a huge purple worm and big crab claws. The section below is featuring Magnus, a white man with auburn hair wearing armor and red clothing. He is holding a big axe aiming it at the purple worm, he is surrounded by flames. The section below features taako, a purple skin blonde elf with a pointy hat a purple cape and a pink skirt. He's preparing a magic spell to cast at a horde of faceless mannequins in front of him. behind him is the colorful wheel from wonderland. the bottom section has merle, a grey haired dwarf with a beard and an eyepatch wearing an orange shirt and khaki shorts, he holds a book open with one hand and his other hand is wooden, and is casting magical yellow light at some vines with flowers and a toothy flytrap. behind him are pink tourmaline stalagmites. everything is surrounded with a black frame with the artists signature. on the black tendrils separating the segments are the words The Adventure Zone written by hand in yellow. End ID]
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vallerianella · 9 months
Just wanting to ask about Vallerianella because I'm so interested in your fandorm and your art is fantastic!!! anyways, hope you're doing well <333
hi anon!!! yes ofc ^^ I'd love to give a brief overview hehe
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Vallerianella is a fandorm based off Tangled. its values are founded on the unconditional love and protection of the guardian mother. that said, most students typically excel at subjects such as defense magic (or as I joke with friends, just have really long hair).
the dorm is secluded within a forest, where not much can be seen past the lush flora and fauna. its construction is of a grand, impervious tower with several stories and flights of stairs. despite this, dorm life is nothing short of a safe haven for its students with the dorm leader there to tend to any inconveniences one might have.
however, as per dorm tradition, students generally have stricter curfews and are required to return to the dorm earlier than other dorms for mandatory checkups. as a result, perhaps some more rebellious students could consider it a prison. but most students seem to cherish the protection and security the dorm provides. after all, what more could you ask for in such a comforting settlement?
the three main members from left to right go Gallerian (Mother Gothel), Sasha (the tower) and Tiara (Rapunzel's crown).
Gallerian Morta
the capable leader and established mother figure of the dorm. he considers the dorm his family and has a tendency to dote on people, although without playing favourites. graciousness and succour are his greatest virtues, and it seems that Gallerian never fails to lend a helping hand to those in need. should you ever require any assistance, Gallerian insists that you seek him out first, before anyone else.
Sasha Amönau
the vice dorm leader, and perhaps what some may consider the antithesis to Gallerian in demeanour with his lack of pleasantries. while Gallerian deals with the day to day and domestic upkeep of the dorm, Sasha is the one in charge of maintaining the state of the tower at late hours. at night, he can be seen strolling through the tower hallways with a candle in hand, ensuring that all is at peace. as such, perhaps some of his morose temperament could be attributed to staying up late.
Tiara Tourmaline
a first-year student who joined NRC rather late. having faced a fairly reclusive upbringing as a result of an incident, Tiara is most noticeably skittish towards the rest of the student body. he was born into a family harbouring an immense collection of precious antiques and artifacts, and thus owns more jewels than he can wear, to the point of easily giving them away to people he meets - and is therefore easily swindled!
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catindabag · 9 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (59)
*When Sejanus met Coryo*
Ma: I can’t believe that my dearest son is now a handsome little lad.
Sejanus: Ma, I’m 8.
Ma: Still, you’re almost as tall as me and your father.🥰
Strabo: That’s a lie. I’m taller than most people. I’m even taller than President Ravinstill and Monster Cardew.
Ma: Whatever you say, my love.
Sejanus: Ma, just this once, please don’t embarrass me in front of the other kids today.😞
Ma: Ok, dear, I promise. But make sure to share those sugar free gumdrops I bought for you and your new friends-
Sejanus: Yes, Ma, I will.
Ma: That’s my boy! Now, run along and have a great time at the playground, Seji Pie.☺️
Sejanus: Thanks Ma!
Ma: And be careful!
Sejanus: I’ll try! Bye-
Strabo: Son.
Sejanus: Yes?
Strabo: Do you know why I moved our family to live in this terrifying city as soon as the war ended?
Sejanus: Because you’re a scheming old man who wants to rule Panem forever?
Strabo: Yes.😈
Sejanus: Typical Pa-
Strabo: But that’s just the half of it.
Sejanus: Then what’s the other half?
Strabo: *points at an 8 year old Coryo Snow* My son, you see that little white haired boy sitting alone on that bench over there?
Sejanus: You mean that malnourish looking gorgeous boy with the most beautiful pale blue eyes that sparkles like a rare pair of Paraiba Tourmalines whenever he looks at the morning sky?
Strabo: Yes, him.
Sejanus: Why?
Strabo: That boy right there will be your future spouse, my son!
Sejanus: My future spouse?!😍
Strabo: Exactly!
Sejanus: But I don’t even know his name! He might even hate me!😭
Strabo: Well, that’s alright, son, because he’s going to be your future fiancé and marry into our family whether he likes it or not!
Sejanus: How do you even know him?
Strabo: His drop dead gorgeous father and I were very close friends.
Sejanus: How close?
Strabo: Extremely close.😏
Sejanus: So you guys were besties?!
Strabo: More than that.
Sejanus: So you were roommates?!
Strabo: Sure! My beloved Crassus and I were the best roommates!😉
Sejanus: But what if he doesn’t like me?
Strabo: Don’t worry about that. Little Snow will eventually melt and love you forever.
Sejanus: Really?🥹
Strabo: Really. You two are destined to be together, my son.
Sejanus: Destined?
Strabo: Written in the stars, fated by life, carved in the ground by love itself and whatever young couples tend to say nowadays.
Sejanus: So he’s mine?
Strabo: Yes, he’s yours.
Sejanus: Mine!😍
Strabo: That’s right! Now go feed him before someone else does!
Sejanus: Ok! *quickly runs to a sad and lonely Coryo*
Coryo: *is secretly starving* Ugh. I think I’m gonna cry. I’m so hungry right now-
Sejanus: Come home with me!
Coryo: Huh? Who are you?
Sejanus: The man who’s gonna marry you!
Coryo: Marry who?
Sejanus: I’m your husband!
Coryo: Husband?! I’m too young to have a husband-
Sejanus: Do you want a gumdrop, my love?😍
Coryo: Um- Sure? I’ll have one-
Sejanus: Take all of them, my love!
Coryo: Why are you calling me that?
Sejanus: Calling you what, my love?
Coryo: That.
Sejanus: I don’t get it! But here! Have my gumdrops and marry me!
Coryo: Thank you, friend.
Sejanus: Boyfriend.
Coryo: Friend.
Sejanus: Husband!
Coryo: I don’t even know your name!
Sejanus: I’m Sejanus Plinth, the love of your life, the boy of your dreams, and the man who’s gonna marry you!
Coryo: I- I’m Coriolanus Xanthos Snow.
Sejanus: What a beautiful name you have, my love!
Coryo: Thank you?
Sejanus: Tell me, my Snow Angel, which one sounds better? Snow-Plinth or Plinth-Snow?
Coryo: I don’t really understand what you’re saying-
Sejanus: So is that a yes?!
Coryo: A yes to what?
Sejanus: That you’ll come home and marry me!
Coryo: I’m too young to marry you!
Sejanus: Pretty please?🥺
Coryo: No.
Strabo: *is hiding behind the bushes* Marry him, little Snow! Marry my one and only idiot son!
Coryo: *points at Strabo* Who the heck are you?!
Strabo: Your father-in-law.
Coryo: *turns to Sejanus* Why is your crazy old man hiding behind those bushes?
Sejanus: It’s a District 2 thing.
Coryo: Right. So I’m just gonna go home now-
Sejanus: To my place!😘
Coryo: No.
Strabo: My beloved Crassus will be extremely happy if you marry my son, little Snow!
Coryo: *sighs* Tigris was right. I should’ve stayed home today-
Sejanus: I’m rich by the way.
Coryo: So when’s our first date?
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 8 months
Dante x male reader ♠️
870 words
Huge thanks to @halfetirosie for working on this fic and the epilogue with me! They did an awesome job and because of them this fic turned out amazing!
He looked like he was sculpted by the God of Klein himself. His slender, muscular frame; white tattoos ornamenting copper skin; fiery hair; eyes shimmering tourmaline and deep brown. Every feature displayed his majesty, and even at a glance, one could see he was worthy of the throne…I never expected that one day, rather than watching him from a distance, I would be looking down at him as I use him as a throne of my own.
A sudden jolt of his hips knocked me out of my stupor, and I couldn’t suppress the whine in my throat.
“Slowing down already?” he said with a smirk, “I didn't realize my favorite guard needed more stamina training.”
My chest tightened. Had I not already been struggling to keep my body upright as his cock speared into me from below, I would have hidden my face in my hands.
The sound of my panting filled the room as I tried to adjust myself. “M-my Lord…with all due respect, i-it has been two hours. My stamina is normal, y-yours is just...far above a-average.”
A light chuckle escaped his lips. “Is that so~” He rolled his hips slightly, hitting my sweet spot perfectly. My cock twitched against my stomach despite having cum multiple times already. The world was spinning. Warm hands caressed my sore thighs and gently massaged them as his mismatched eyes looked into my own hungrily. “Would you like to wrap this up then?”
I nodded my head sheepishly, and before I could blink, he had me flipped onto my back. I found myself caged beneath him, trapped in those strong arms; exactly where I always longed to be.
I didn't even have the energy to react as he started moving his hips and lifted my legs over his shoulders. His cock is long to begin with, but this position hit me even deeper. Broken moans fell from my lips with every thrust, and then-
“A-ah? W-wai–AAHHHH!”
My scream echoed through the bed chamber as he pinched the tip of my cock right below the head. He playfully nipped my calf that was on his shoulder, adding to the many marks he had already decorated my shin with.
“OH! OH, GOD!”
I gripped the bed sheets so hard I was afraid they would rip. Sweat and tears soaked my face. I could barely think, I could barely speak. Everything ached, but the heat the enveloped me from the outside and invaded my insides–
–It’s so good. Oh God, it’s so good!
His handsome face contorted in pleasure as he continued to fuck me. Every other thrust hit my prostate and rearranged my guts. My own pleasure was building again, almost overflowing, but his strong grip on my cock stopped even precum from dripping out.
It hurt, and it hurt so good. My body tensed up, my cock became harder and harder. Every violent thrust vibrated through my entire body. I hated it, but I loved it. I was fighting against my own strangled moans in an attempt to speak.
“P-please!” I finally managed to squeak out. My voice and throat were raw. One weak hand managed to grab onto his pistoning thigh. “Please, My Lord!!”
He smirked down at me. “Please what?”
His thrusting didn’t stop, but it did slow down a bit; allowing me a short break to catch my breath. Still, my lips shook as I begged, “L-lord Dante, p-please let me cum. I can’t take it anymore. P-plea-”
Like a carnivore pouncing on its prey, he released my member and leaned forward; folding my knees against my chest. My mouth, already slack, welcomed his ravenous tongue.
Something inside the both of us snapped. We were out of patience. His thrusts were longer and harder than ever before, hammering into my most sensitive zones without mercy. I moaned loudly, pitifully, into the mouth smothering my own, and I reached to pull him even closer…
Close. Close. Oh God, I’m close! I’m-
I couldn’t finish the thought, much less warn him, before the unbearable heat scorching my stomach exploded. I keened, and my cum splashed across our stomachs.
He didn’t follow immediately after; he fucked me through my orgasm, releasing my mouth and grunting erratically against my ear. “Fuck, it’s tight…”
My mind became hazy, my insides continued to clench tighter, and my fingers dug into his warm flesh. I couldn’t tell if seconds or years went by. But just when it seemed everything was about to be too too much-
One last thrust, his teeth sinking into my neck, muffling his raspy moan. I felt my insides filling up, bloating and overflowing. Ecstasy.
I desperately tried to hold onto him; to hold him close for as long as possible. Who knows if this will happen again? But my arms were starting to slip, and so was my vision. Whiteness and paralysis were beginning to take me. I needed to do something, to say something at least, while the chance was still here.
I felt my lips move, briefly, but couldn’t hear.
The last sight, before I drifted away, was his beautiful face; surprised, at first, but then smiling with a sweetness and pride that took my breath away.
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bakathief · 5 months
I'm a little shy! But I would like to express my amazement and admiration! A while ago I found your Shadow Chase art, I loved it and became a fan, you create very funny stories and your art is beautiful, but that's not the point, I started following you because of that, but then I realized that you have many others projects and You are also very busy with your personal life. My question is how is everything organized and planned to advance a project despite academic/work responsibilities? I've seen that you even have collaborations with others and I keep thinking "this person is great." As a final note, I just want to leave my good wishes and hope you have a nice week. <3
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Gosh, so many compliments in one ask, I‘m still a little loss for words. Thank you so much for reading my work and looking into my other projects, collabs and art! I hope you‘ve been enjoying them. ❤️ 
I think there is no denying that I need to organize myself a little bit to make everything work. I think I‘ve always used drawing, especially drawing comics, as a way to breathe and when I started uni I promised myself I would continue drawing somehow. The first semester was hell, but I finished all the way. 💪 And I had the same mindset for working, so when I started this year I was very motivated to draw. Lol I think it also helped that I had several different projects to work on so when I wasn’t in the mood for black and white I would move to something colorful. Comics also offer the possibility to work on different parts. Do I want to work on the story, on the storyboards, on the actual drawings or just editing…? A lot of options. And this is something which I heard on a video on AI but artist and creative people in general don‘t create in other to have more content but to get something out of their head and feel the satisfaction of creating a certain idea and I felt that very much. And then there is the joy of collabs and while there were unfortunately more failed attempts at collabs I’m very glad for those which eventually resulted in great projects. ❤️ I might have to take actual breaks from drawing when I get back to my thesis. I finished all the work but need to write the discussion part and wow, how much I don‘t wanna work on that. 
Currently I use my time on commutes for drawings digitally or making storyboards. In the evening I finish private stuff and when time is left I work on traditional art. Shadow Chase is the only project where I try to have an overview on how many pages I have done and want to finish before the next upload. Other works can usually go up once finished. When I create something for fan projects like zines, bigbangs, etc. I usually just try to finish said project right away. I don‘t like procrastinating (except my thesis I guess) and rather have stuff than can be finished done right away and focus on my other projects again.  Shades of Tourmaline was definitely my biggest collab project yet and with the amount of art planned it took like 3 years to finish because that was something I couldn‘t get done right away. 😂 fortunately clef was very patient with me (and kept me distracted with new collabs, oops). 
The short answer would be I try to draw as much as possible because it is just a lot of fun with the additional bonus of entertaining a few people. ❤️ 
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taylor-titmouse · 2 months
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i've been wanting to draw these two again all week but i had to get through the unicorns thing before i could post anything else and it was driving me crazy. hi. do you want to hear about dwarven shaving and bath culture? (contains some light spoilers for the long road, have you read that? you should read that. come back after you read that)
as established, shaving is the fashion for highborn/wealthy dwarves, because it implies you have the leisure time to do it and/or the money to pay someone to do it for you. a dwarf like tourmaline would have a dedicated team for her skincare, who'd routinely trim, pluck, and wax as needed to maintain perfect smoothness. while traveling, she doesn't have that. she can do a fair bit of it herself, but she is a crown jewel. she is not going to do that.
"but wouldn't angre feel some sort of way about this because of his feelings for her?" yes! but mostly no. dwarves are largely fine with casual, non-sexual nudity, especially in regards to bathing. mixed-sex bath houses are the default in the lower classes and it's just normal. we're here to wash after a long sweaty day. everyone has tits and your typical dwarf is so hairy you can barely see their genitals anyway. zero sexual thought. we are just bathing, please wash my back for me, my arms are too short.
it's slightly different for higher dwarves. a jewel like tourmaline would hide her genitals (as she demonstrates here) because a lower dwarf does not "deserve" to see them, but even then it's less out of sexual modesty and more out of pride. there isn't an expectation for angre to do so himself because he's common. he can be fully nude and it's absolutely whatever so long as it's in the context of bathing. if they were both alone and naked in a bedroom then it would feel different, much like the difference between a bathing suit and lingerie.
as for shaving: this would be kind of huge. shaving with a blade is an intimate act of absolute trust. royal barber is probably like, The highest serving position you can have and would have insane requirements and prestige. shaving your lover is The Big Thing. slitting somebody's throat while shaving them would be an ultimate unforgivable crime. their culture is crazy about it in their stories.
so angre would definitely feel some sort of way about being asked to do it for her. even if it's absolutely, totally, just because circumstances require it, and nothing more than that. it's not sexual, it's just unbelievably intimate and would say a lot about their relationship.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Chakras Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Location: Base of spine in tailbone area. Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food. Location: behind the sacrum bone (here is where the kundalini resides) Color: red Musical note: C Function: vitality to the physical body (life force) Gemstones and Crystals: Smoky quartz, garnet, alexandrite, ruby, agate, bloodstone, onyx, tiger’s eye, rose quartz, hematite (magnet) Physical body affects: adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones Aspects: survival instincts, good self-image, and our ability to ground ourselves in the physical world, material success, stability, individuality, courage and patience; main aspect is innocence, this innocence gives us dignity, balance, a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life. Blockages: paranoia, insecurity, and a feeling of being out of touch with gravity Too Open: dishonest, bullying, hyperactive, defensiveness Essential oils: (those coming from the root or trunk): juniper, frankincense, sandalwood, cedar wood, vetiver, tea tree, rosewood Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. Color: red-orange Musical note: D Function: birth, assimilation of food, sexuality Physical body affects: ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder. Attributes: relates to our sexual and reproductive capacity, vitality and sexuality, emotions, desires, pleasure, change, health, family, tolerance, surrender Gemstones and Crystals: Amber, citrine, topaz, aventurine, moonstone, jasper Blockages: emotional problems, sexual guilt, lust and base emotions, when this center is drained of energy (out of balance) it allows diseases like diabetes or blood cancer to occur. Too Open: Sexual addictive, manipulative and excessive behavior Essential Oils: (those that come from seeds): spices and herbs such as cumin, fennel, coriander, sage, clary sage, marjoram Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives. Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area. Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem. Color: yellow Musical note: E Physical Body Affects: pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, muscles Gemstones and Crystals: Yellow Citrine, apatite, calcite, kunzite, rose quartz, iron pyrites, topaz, malachite Attributes: give us our sense of personal power (will power); destiny, autonomy, determination, assertion, personal power, purpose and sight, self-control, humor, laughter; keeping this center in balance helps you to get rid of habits of laziness, gross attachments, and anything that enslaves us. Blockages: sense of victimization, inability to manifest, over emotional and attached love, afraid of being alone Too Open: judgmental, workaholic, lack of humor, anger, addictive behavior Essential Oils: (those coming from fruits): orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, lavender, chamomile Heart Chakra - Our ability to love. Location: Center of chest just above heart. Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace. Color: Bright Green Musical note: F Physical body affects: heart, thymus gland, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs Gemstones and Crystals: Emerald, Green Calcite, Amber, Azurite, Chrysoberyl, jade, rose and watermelon tourmalines Attributes: ability to express love for self and others, compassion and intuitiveness, unconditional love, balance, acceptance, contentment, oneness with life; when in balance all our worries, doubts, and fears are destroyed Blockages: immune system or heart problems, lack of compassion, suppression of love emotions towards others and even self, or if felt, only for a short time before it is withdrawn; fear and rage, feeling stuck and afraid to let new things manifest; feeling unworthy, self-pitying and fearing rejection Too Open: an over stimulated heart chakra can result in a ‘bleeding heart’ and possessiveness. Essential Oils: (those that come from leaves) peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, pettigrain, lavender Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate. Location: Throat. Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth. Color: sky blue Musical note: D Physical Body Affects: thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouth Gemstones and Crystals: Lapis, Lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire Attributes: directly tied to creativity, communication, sound, logic and reason, truth, gentleness, kindness, reliability. When balance the heart is then aligned with what is in your head Blockages: laryngitis or sore throats, creative blocks or general problems communicating with others; rigidity, prejudice, and an inability to accept other people’s views Too Open: Over-talkative, arrogant, self-righteous Essential Oils: geranium, frankincense, cypress, tea tree, and lavender Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. Color: Indigo (deep purple) Musical note: A Physical Body Affects: pituitary gland, pineal gland, left eye, nose, ears Gemstones: amethyst, purple Apatite, Azurite, Calcite, pearl, sapphire, blue and white flourite Attributes: seat of intuition, awareness, and inner wisdom, clairvoyance, imagination, ability to perceive truth in the world, analyze, think, and reason; peace of mind, forgiveness Blockages: can manifest as sinus and eye problems, wish to control others, egotistical Too open: Impatience and authoritarian Essential oils: lavender, vanilla, chamomile, neroli, ylang ylang (alcohol and tobacco will impair this chakra) Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Location: The very top of the head. Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. Color: White Musical note: B Physical Body Affects: vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum) Gemstones: diamond, white tourmaline, white jade, snowy quartz, and Celestite Attributes: highest spiritual consciousness, personal expression, connection to the source of love, to God, divine wisdom and understanding, gives us direct and absolute perception of reality on our central nervous system. Blockages: can manifest as emotional problems, feelings of alienation and condemnation Too open: psychotic or manic depressive, frustrated. Essential Oils: rose, jasmine
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steveyockey · 1 year
On-screen and in life, there’s a false narrative that trans women are tricking men into having sex with us. Watching Aysha and Sky aggressively pursue these boring men, I realized this is an offshoot of that same narrative.
Even the cis people who don’t see us as traps are still comforted by the idea that trans women are the ones doing the chasing. They can’t fathom the Lukes of the world choosing to watch a trans dancer. They can’t fathom the Dylans seeking us out on a queer commune. They imagine we are forcing ourselves on people when they themselves are proof of the opposite. To paraphrase Mariah Carey and Regina George, “Why are you so obsessed with us?”
Whether it’s to fuck or to make movies, cis people are the ones doing the chasing. Cis people might not share their lusts publicly; cis people who make movies about us might do a bad job. But there is no shortage of cis people who want to own a piece of us — our bodies, our stories, their idea of our stories.
The good news is we’re telling our stories too. I’ll say it again: we are in an abundant era for trans cinema. There are low-key indies like Mutt, Something You Said Last Night, and Summer Solstice. There are dreamy fantasias like L’immensita, Death and Bowling, and Playland. There are documentaries pushing the boundaries of non-fiction filmmaking like Framing Agnes, Kokomo City, Queenmaker, and The Stroll. There are auteurs who have broken into arthouse film culture like Isabel Sandoval and Jane Schoenbrun. There are trans filmmakers who have created incredible short form work who will continue to amaze in that medium and probably move on to features like Tourmaline, Rain Valdez, Nava Mau, and Nyala Moon. There are so many more trans filmmakers in features, in shorts, in television who are telling our stories and telling them well. And, just like there are cis people who do share their romantic desires publicly, there have been movies made by cis directors that are great like The Cow Who Sang a Song Into the Future, Dos Estaciones, Bad Things, and Alice Júnior. Some cis people actually can see our humanity.
We don’t have to settle for mediocrity. We don’t have to settle for being the catalyst in someone else’s story. I want nothing less than abundance. Let’s demand it.
Drew Gregory, “TIFF 2023: Trans People Deserve Better Than ‘Unicorns’ and ‘National Anthem’,” September 15, 2023.
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cielcreations · 2 years
Avian Instincts - Shiny! [Pixlriffs]
Pixlriffs, Pix for short, wasn't sure how he got into this situation.
He was simply walking around his empire, a pen in one hand, resting against his lips, as he stared at the paper and geode in his hand, confused. He was trying to figure out what exactly this geode was. It wasn't your standard diamond, iron, gold, and copper. Hell, it wasn't even an emerald or a lapis lazuli or an amethyst! Like an small amethyst geode would be, the outer layer was covered in smooth basalt, the middle layer calcite, and finally the gem itself. The gem was a bright red, shiny, beautiful. He was looking through his list of gems, humming.
I narrowed it down to either a ruby, garnet, or a tourmaline. Ruby would make the most sense as they are the most common, but I still might need to put it under a microscope. I just want to make sure. He held the gem up to the sun, Though, if it's a ruby, shouldn't we see more of them? I d-
Pix let out a yelp as something jumped on his shoulders. He put the geode down to his side as he turned, thinking maybe it was a cat or wolf or something. He turned and looked up, seeing Solidarity staring down at him.
"Uh, hey, Sheriff?" Pix smiled awkwardly, "What's up?"
Solidarity was silent, staring down at him. He then got off of his shoulders and simply stood behind him.
"....Um, Solidarity? You okay?" Pixlriff asked, lifting his hand with the geode. He went to undo his satchel with his other hand, but gasped when the dirty blonde grabbed his wrist.
He turned back and Solidarity was staring at the geode, eyes wide, amazed. Two wings unfolded from his back, making Pix gasp. The golden yellow wings fluttered in excitement, just staring at the shiny jewel. Pix blinked and gently took the geode away, making the dirty blonde let out an unhappy whine. Pix put the paper in his satchel before offering the geode to Solidarity. The avian smiled brightly and took it, chirping and hugging it to his chest before holding it out again and staring at the shiny bits again.
Pix let him do that for a few minutes before holding his hand out again, "Okay, I need that back now."
Solidarity just continued to stare.
"...Come on, Sheriff, I really need it!"
The dirty blonde, again, just continued to stare.
"...Alright, fine. Sorry about this, Solidarity."
The bird let out a little squeak as Pix picked him up before he look back at the gem. He let out happy trills, a small smile on his face as his wide eyes stared at the red gem. Pix couldn't help but chuckle and carry the bird to his home. Solidarity hadn't once complained, just chirped and trilled, occasionally nuzzling into Pix and making the brunette blush. When they got to the brunette's home, Solidarity looked up and seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in. He blinked and looked up at Pix before blushing darkly, gently tapping his shoulder.
Pixlriff looked down and smiled, setting him down, "Sorry, I just really need that geode and you weren't giving it up anytime soon."
"I-I-I'm sorry!" Solidarity blushed, gently poking the geode, his fingers running over it, "I-I d-didn't mean-"
"It's fine, I don't mind."
"I-I didn't realize this would happen..." He blushed, looking down, "I-I mean, I do like shiny things but..." He blushed more, "God, I hate being an avian..."
"Why?" Pix said without thinking, "U-Uh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that! That was extremely rude, you have every right to keep your secrets and-"
"It's fine." Solidarity reassured, smiling softly, "I just... don't worry about it. J-Just... Please don't tell anyone?"
Pix nodded, "I won't, I promise. ...Um, can I have that back?"
"O-OH! Right, sorry!" The dirty blonde gave him the geode before he folded his wings back, "Anyways, sorry again. I didn't realize such dumb things would make me act like that."
"Hey, before you go-" Pix gently grabbed his wrist, "-I've heard about this. If you push down your instincts, they will tend to come out at random. You need to-"
"I don't need to do anything." Solidarity yanked his arm away, glaring.
The brunette stepped back, "H-Hey! Wait, I didn't mean it like that! I-I'm not trying to force you to do anything I just-" He hesitated before he sighed, "You're my friend, Solidarity, I don't want you to hurt yourself. I don't want you to be unable to stop your instincts and then end up in danger. I just... I just don't want you to get hurt."
Solidarity's eyes widened and looked away, "...I... I know, I'm sorry..." He sighed, "I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just... there's a reason I try my best to hide these wings and my instincts... I know it's dangerous but..."
"I understand. You have your reasons and you don't want, nor do you have to, explain." Pix smiled, "But, if you ever need help, just come to me. I'd be happy to help."
Solidarity smiled and nodded, "I'll think about it. Well, I'll go now. See you later." He turned to walk away.
"Oh, wait, Solidarity!"
The dirty blonde turned.
"Your wings? They're really pretty!"
His eyes widened before he shook his head, turning back, "...They're really not. Thanks though."
Pix watched the other leave, looking down at the geode. I wonder what happened...
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