#track My Device
alasse-earfalas · 4 months
Critical PSA for anyone with Android devices!
I got the following email this morning:
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Basically Google is rolling out the ability to track you via your android devices even when you're offline and you have to manually opt out of it. Many android devices no longer come with a wired headphone jack, so if you have Bluetooth headphones or a keyboard or anything, your location will be tracked and stored by your device unless you opt out of this.
I tried using the link they gave me in the email to opt out of it, but it didn't really seem to do anything. So I looked up how to opt out and found the following steps, which worked for my phone:
Opting out from the Find My Device network is as simple as tapping a toggle in your phone's settings. 1. On your Android device, go to Settings. 2. Tap the Google setting. 3. Tap the Find My Device setting. 4. Tap the toggle to off next to "Use Find My Device." 5. Confirm with pin, pattern, or biometrics. That's it. Your device is no longer participating in the Find My Device network. To rejoin, just flip the toggle back on.
Please reblog to spread awareness. My husband has the same phone as me and he didn't get any emails about this.
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hood-ex · 5 days
Was Titans Dick dramatic for cutting open his arm to pull out the tracker Bruce had implanted inside it without him knowing? Absolutely not, I would've done the same thing.
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aurorangen · 9 months
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It was late into the night and Renee was back at the station. She needed to find the problem with Vincent's phone and why his messages didn't send. Renee relayed all the information Vincent told her and he emphasised using the hospital wifi. They figured his phone was hacked this way and someone was spying on him, preventing him from making calls or messages. With the cyber security knowledge of Captain Vazquez, they tracked the IP address of the device used to intercept Vincent's phone. And the location was Strangerville.
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Now Renee had all sorts of thoughts in her head. Despite it being late at night, she found the whole process fascinating. And all the links to Strangerville. The police may be the only way to uncover more about the place and find out what the hell is going on there. Perhaps she should switch from her history course to criminology and become a detective. Yes, she will do that. Renee doesn't like history as much as she did anyway and she liked the idea of solving crimes.
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kabutoden · 6 months
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i look at you and my eyes are so so so wet like with tears tears of pure emotion and extend out my closed fist and then I open up my hand and you see her. my troll oc. the greatest oc. from 2013. I brought her back and redesigned her and im insane about her again. i begin sobbing on the ground. she’s so small. itty bitty……….
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This is basically if he was free and in the real world. Wouldn’t have his glasses because there would be no charger to need emergency charges for (the charger fell off and he lived, crazy)
not canon, just wanted to draw him happy for once
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akkivee · 4 months
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kuukou with that sour ramen
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
I was digging through some of my wips, and I found this old Goth Teensy child I conceptualized that was partly inspired by @/flamigoat's Raypeach child <3 (not sure if they're comfortable with me fully tagging them).
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His name is Baerry (pronounced Berry), and he is Goth Teensy's biological kid. He does have another parent, but I am going to leave y'all to investigative journalism to figure out who it is. (Hint: it's not Rayman) She is totally not an excuse to draw a hybrid child noooo-
Some stuff about him, his family, and some progress pics below cut:
Baerry is an intersex kid (he/she) who is honestly pretty unstable physically and mentally. He's a nervous wreak and terrified to let people know she's not a "true teensy". He hates being limbless (even if it's saved his ass a couple times), but she still likes the perks that come with it, like reaching higher shelves and not getting sore arms and legs like her friends. He loves all his family and wants to go on a "Mama Mia" esque quest to find out who his other parent is.
Baerry was found outside of GT's home one night. He was a baby at the time, and Goth had no idea what to do with him. Goth could sense that the kid was his (when people are related their magic radiation feels different from a non-related person) but did not quite remember who the other parent was. He had an idea but did not bother pushing them into answering.
Extra hc: When Glade people have kids, it's just a magic combination of the parents (mono or poly doesn't matter). The blue lums will send out a specific magical effect that merges together. Then, the signal is sent to Polokus. There, he keeps track on which blue lums are available to inhabit a body and imagines a kid for that specific signal. Polokus is kinda messy tho, so sometimes he makes kids for people who are already broken up or widowed. It's quite the surprise when they show up, but Glade folks live by the "it takes a village to raise a child" mentality, so (most) kids have a large support group.
Baerry lives with GT on the regular (obviously), but since GT has a job, he can't care for his kid all the time. So, he has help :). Shadi is Baerry's primary caretaker outside of his dad. She's an awesome aunt who loves pushing Baerry towards his goals. She also gave him the bandana she uses for her hair. Wizard, Jano, and Romeo all come over quite frequently too to help out, but since they all have jobs too, it's not too frequently. The Grand Minimus and Rayman also like hanging out with the kid, but more like "out on the town" kinda thing and not anything long-term. Globox also babysits since his kids and Baerry get along pretty well. Ales is no contact atm b/c Wizard hates his ass and refuses to let him see Baerry.
As for his magic, it's very finicky. It's not like Goth, where his dream magic is weak but his nightmare magic is strong, or like Wizard where the opposite is true. His magic only works in bursts. He usually comes off as magicless, but when provoked enough, causes enough feeling to bubble up and create a strong blast. Folks have theorized that this was caused by Goth's weird situation (being a dream turned nightmare turned dream again), but no one knows for sure.
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There's more but I'm feeling lazy. I'm up to answer any questions tho!
Have a good one folks :))
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whetstonefires · 8 months
hey, random question! what platform/method do you use to keep your robust digital media when ripping CDs? i havent done it since i was a kid with itunes (when itunes let you upload your own stuff....) and wanted to start again
Platform...they are files?
Like, mp3s; I keep them in my hard drive and thumb drives and so forth. My 'music' folder has subfolders, mostly by artist, which have subfolders per album. I just. Have the files. In my computer. Very basic method.
I organize and play them through VLC mostly. Or, on devices that still have it, I have kept using Windows Media Player, because I'm comfortable with the UI and why not, but they're actively phasing it out so I can't recommend adopting it lmao. And ofc if you're in the apple ecosystem it's not remotely an option.
I don't know that much about macintosh tbh but afaik they do let you have a file directory where you put your files that you own, which is definitely what I consider to be the most sensible baseline, if you have a device with enough memory. And memory has gotten pretty cheap.
I don't know of any cloud client service that's actively catered to letting you upload stuff you own and then stream those files on any device you please without having to jump through extra hoops, and suspect it might not be a thing at this point because there is no profit in that and it's not free to provide. They really want you to have to pay money to access content that you don't own. Sorry.
I bet you could figure out a way to keep a reasonably large music library in the amount of free storage google gives you with an account, and then play from there, but I don't think it would be very seamless. Maybe even less so on iphone.
But if your phone of whatever type has or can be modified to have sufficient storage space, you really can just. Keep your music in it. And then play it. VLC is open source and very good, and they have it for apple; I definitely recommend it.
But you don't like, keep files in it, it's just a player and sorter. So it doesn't feel like it answers the question you asked exactly, sorry.
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Went out Saturday for date night with my beloved~ I decided to be snail themed to match my new @mayakern skirt!
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shitpostingkats · 11 months
Things in the first few eps of s3 that have added years to my life
Theodore having a lot of conflicted feeling about working with Ryoken
Theodore basically sitting around for all the hacking scenes because he's the only one in this family who can't code bless him
Kolter finally microchipping Yusaku like an endangered wolf before releasing him back into the wild (the internet)
The return of Frog and Pigeon but this time they have a ROCKET POWERED JETPACK
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Gurlies, I just tried to fly to New Jersey, but the TSA wouldn't let me because the metal detectors kept firing off 😭💔
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
Okay, started Batman Eternal. What sort of metro system is Gotham running if it can have a head-on train collision like that? Why is this metro system even SHARING LINES like that?
Who designed this system that the switches could operate like that, and the drivers weren't paying attention to their approach, given they know the system?
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goofstep · 9 months
i feel crwzy when someonee mentions like talking to their family about their relationships and shit i cant even tell my parents i have a job
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womanofwords · 10 months
The Brooch
It was beautiful. Hero couldn't help but gasp with shock and happiness as they took in the sight of the gift their darling had given them. A brooch with the image of a dragon embroidered into it with brightly coloured beads. It shone and glimmered when light hit it at the right angles.
"Sweetie, it's amazing! Where did you get it?" Hero asked them.
"I made it myself," Villain bragged. "I know you love embroidery and crafting, so I made this Took me hours."
"It's amazing! I love it and I love you! Thank you so much!" Hero wrapped themselves around Villain, who swung them around. "I'm going to wear it every day!"
"Oh, sweetie, you don't have to."
"But I want to! I really do!"
"If you insist."
Although Villain was half-heartedly protesting Hero's devotion to their birthday present, they couldn't help but feel a sense of glee.
If they'd known that disguising a tracker as a brooch would be so easy, they'd have done it a long time ago.
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shimmeringweeds · 1 year
(Written between s2 episodes 9 and 10)
"The foundation of the game is mutual trust, fairness, and equality."
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Part 3 of my "this game and its rules" theory: Part 1. Part 2.
This theory will be much less put together, as I feel I am not seeing the whole picture here, but maybe another set of eyes can spot what I've missed. I want to put this out there before episode 10 destroys everything.
Li Tianchen is a complicated character. He is a someone we inherently cannot trust. I'm sure I'm not the only one who found it comedic how quickly Li Tianchen took total control over the interrogation (CXS never stood a chance, the Coca-Cola tactic was brilliant.)
Why come in disguise as his sister? To gain sympathies, I suppose.
So then, did Li Tianchen know about the photograph?
Let's break the scene down:
-Li Tianchen introduces himself as LiTianxi. Cheng Xiaoshi is visibly taken aback. 1pt to LTC.
-Li Tianchen gives Cheng Xiaoshi a choice. Turn over all listening devices. Cheng Xiaoshi lies = feeling of unease. "The foundation of cooperation is mutual trust" says LTC. Minus 1pt to CXS. He's already in the negatives.
-Interrogation begins. Cheng Xiaoshi asks, "Why did you come and what do you know?" -
-Li Tianchen repeats, "The foundation of the game is mutual trust, fairness and equality. Did you forget this so soon?"
A connection is made in Cheng Xiaoshi's mind, this is Red Eyes! He then says:
"Why did you turn out like this?"
The conversation went directly from "The foundation of the game..." to "Why did you turn out like this." YEAH. That's one way to be suspicious CXS! -1pt
Cheng Xiaoshi knows about LTX's past and recognized her name. Li Tianchen doesn't know that Cheng Xiaoshi knows this. He is guessing based on Cheng Xiaoshi's reactions. (CXS wears his heart on his sleeve and I love him for it.)
Li Tianchen calls him on it, "How did you know?" The ball is back in LTC's court. + 1pt.
Cheng Xiaoshi tries to take the ball back. But the revelation that this is red eyes is too much. He cannot lie. So he speaks the truth and the ball stays firmly in LTC's court for the rest of the match.
The following Coca-Cola chugging relaxes the mood (+1pt LTC) and the sympathy building begins.
This plan of Li Tianchen's really hinges on building sympathy. He can't just grab CXS and go. He has to make him go "willingly" in order to not draw attention. This game is of mutual trust.
Li Tianchen needs (or at least wants) Cheng Xiaoshi to trust him.
Cheng Xiaoshi reaches out in a moment of sympathy... and gets possessed. Match won.
There is no evidence that Li Tianchen knew about the photograph before Cheng Xiaoshi willingly confirms it. But if Cheng Xiaoshi hasn't seen the photograph, then isn't this plan way more risky? Did LiTianchen really take that risk?
I know a lot of people are thinking that Li Tianxi is the one who delivers the photograph. That's very difficult to refute. But I cannot think of a reality where Li Tianchen doesn't know that the photograph was given. That was played.
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Food for thought: the twin that delivered the photograph, and the twin that took the phone. (please note: the yellow on the jacket in relation to color of the hoodie. Thin as ice, this one. But I can't stop thinking on it.) EDIT: lmao I went a took color samples in procreate. Both hoodies are purple/red. Color theory can you believe.
I really, really believe that Li Tianchen is crying out for help as much as Li Tianxi is seems to be. Everything he does is to protect his sister. He's a hunter yes, but--
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"Some (predators) are born as bloodthirsty beasts. But some are special and learn to evolve. They evolve, and they grow. Until one day in this jungle of men, they become...a hunter. So which one of those do you want to be in the future?"
vs. the English dub which chooses to take things a little farther....
"Someone to kill and eat everything. Not everyone stays the same as they were born. Some people will evolve, become something new. They're the ones who hunt predators. They learn to fight and protect. What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?"
Li Tianchen is a hunter, a provider, a protector.
So who is Li Tianxi?
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phantomsaboteur · 1 month
staring so intensely at diasomnia tonight. trying to figure out how to write them when we're following rollo's perspective and not my own. fuck
#vincent talks#i genuinely have been enjoying learning how to see through rollo's eyes for this but oh my god we are so fundamentally different#i'm currently at the stage where i need to introduce the reader to our primary location#and. if it was me. i would be paying attention to EVERYTHING#i would be thinking about the colors and the era things are from and the potential significance#but rollo isn't like that. he would not stand there and stare at a bunch of knick-knacks or lovingly count the panels of wallpaper#that's not his vibe. he doesn't care about those things#but he does care about SOME things#i am restraining myself so heavily#to put this in perspective:#rook has never once lost me on a concept. i am always right there with him.#his analysis to track down trey during bean fest? exactly how i would find a friend if we got seperated#overthinking and critical analysis but in the romantic arts way (to put it kindly) is where i tend to end up when left to my own devices#rollo is just. not that kind of guy#at all. oh my god not even a little bit#UNTIL IT MATTERS TO HIM#and so very few things matter to him. god he needs more hobbies#but then we contrast that with diasomnia as a whole which tends to sway more romantic#malleus in particular is a hard opposite if only because we do regularly get to see his interests#the way he accidentally gives out advice is a prime example#lilia is analytical and can be very brutal but is actively striving to see things differently#sebek sees things in extremes with the most obvious being how he expresses loyalty and admiration#but we get to see basically none of that for rollo#his vignette does help more given how he speaks to the bell of solace#but this is still a very slim amount to work off of#so i have to fill in the gaps without straying too far from the characterization i've already decided on#the least obvious opposite for rollo in this internal way is lilia but i think i want him to be the difference we linger on#rollo has been stuck in this very dull interpretation of the world around him for a very long time with little effort to change that#so having lilia in his immediate vicinity who is doing exactly that and succeeding should bring necessary contrast in a way the others can't#...i mean. hopefully. i could fumble this whole thing so easily
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