#trafalgar law centric
heliconcarpet · 2 years
Any Port in a Storm
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Chapter : 3 of 5 ( 1 | 2 )
Relationship : Trafalgar Law x Gn!Reader childhood friend
Summary : Timeline goes into post-marineford, right after Heart Pirates placed Luffy and Jinbe in the safest place under the Kuja Kingdom. And also, it's a pre-Rocky Port accident for Law's warlords title.
The sun, as Shachi just said, has a job to melt his skin and his crew mate's furry skin. It's a New World climate after all, what would he complain about then? He only accepted those oddities and survived.
" I'd like to meet Amazon Lily's female bear ..." Bepo slumps himself on the deck, tongue slightly out, feeling the wind wash his sweat away.
He wasn't joking because he had been soaked hard in sweat since the days before he entered the Amazon Lily.
" Told you, Bepo, no female bear in there! The only female human available! " This time, Shachi said to him. He and Bepo enjoyed the cool wind.
The topic they talked about was still the same. Polar Tang has been out of the Kuja Kingdom's area. Personally, for Law, it's been an odd couple of weeks. First, he met Mugiwara and saved his dear life, second it was Silver Reyleigh who came to visit and mentioned something about 'the storm'. Law, though 'the storm' is indeed about the role of the Ds, counts him in. His brain began to roll out, think, think, and make a plan. It's all he remembered that one of the factories at Sabaody belonged to Joker, aka Doflaminggo. So he made a bold decision to destroy Doflaminggo's black market, and the rest would be up to Kaidou the yonkou to face Doflaminggo's damage. But first things first, he needs full access to visit the hidden laboratory in Punk Hazard. What should he do then? The plan that is going on.
" Law, what would we face next? " Penguin stands beside Law. He was curious to see what kind of plan Law would come up with but Law only stared at the sea horizon, unbothered. Penguin thinks how deep in thought Law now is.
" I think I'm going into a personal mission. However I must build it well so I could get a smooth execution. For now, we are heading to the next town because I need some supplies for medical journals. "
" We had already depleted our herb supplies. If I'm not mistaken, Law, there's a good medical antique shop somewhere on a spring climate island. " Penguin's suggestion just grabbed Law's attention. He had heard about the famous medical supply store in the New World area. It somewhat fits with Penguin's explanation of how the location is exactly on a spring climate island.
" Got it, we'll go there then. Grab your notes and better yet, check twice how many items need to be supplied. I will check the log pose. " Said Law places his firm grip on Penguin's shoulder.
" Shachi, Bepo, prepare all the crews. Do check our stuff before Polar Tang reaches the next town! It's an order. " Law eyeing these two guys before leaving the deck immediately.
The rest of the crews completed the log pose check as dusk approached on the horizon. Today's conclusion is made as it took five days straight to reach the spring climate island. Law just hopes that the unexpected climate in the New World doesn't bother them too much. At least everything must go well with the plan, or another backup plan, Law plans. He's a mastermind, as usual.
The door was closed by Law. He walked slowly to the work chair, resting his sore back and neck. A study desk in front of him has never been empty without a bunch of papers, or books. The medical books were larger than Law's head. Back when he was eight years old, a tiny boy clumped himself into a huge encyclopedia where it got paid by you. Yes, you. Many years ago, a small memory had always been safe in the back of his mind, inside his hippocampus. It is supposed to be thirteen years or so since post-Flevance, sixteen years after you moved from the White Town and by those years without him forgetting your existence. He wondered it a lot when the world got quiet, or when he stared blankly at the night sky. In Law's hippocampus, a room he puts memories safely, it has been you and Cora-san existences.
Law's hand unconsciously reaches something under the pile of thick medical journals. It's his notebook, it is covered with a blue thin leather material. He used to scribble his mind through it, mostly the medical rant analysis and on other days he just kept a simple journaling. He flips page by page, ironing the slightly crumpled paper until he finds what his unconscious mind has searched for. Law hands it with extra care, at first it's just a common stuff for bookmarked pages, however to him having dried daisies as a bookmark was something else.
A one daisy contains the bucket of daisies memories, a bucket that has never been delivered to you. From the North Blue to the New World, it almost like an instinct for Law to tracked your footstep traces, in every island he first stepped into, in each corners of the town he visited, even once he had wander off from the crew and found random bookstore that he only wished your back was able to get reached. Oftentimes, he met a dead end.
While Law's thought swims in and out back to the past, there were busy movement outside, " Captain, dinner's ready! come out or I clean over the curry before you! ". Bepo's hurry voice just snapped Law back to present time, he sighed deeply and put down the dried daisies on one page of his blue notebook, closes it neatly.
Perhaps, all words Law had muttered which contains your name weren't reached you, like a wave hadn't never been reached the shore. Sometimes the amount of self conclusion Law has made surprises him much.
A hustle bustle dinner just passed. Apparently, Penguin made a little improvisation for tonight's curry recipe. He added a pile of bananas into it, blended until it got smooth enough to be mixed on broth. Law thought it had quite a brilliant taste since it could be called an experimental recipe. Now everyone's tummies are full, they sometimes get back in their rooms or just gather around in the kitchen pantry after cleaning the dishes. Somehow Law needs fresh air, so during the dinner he told everyone to surface Polar Tang for hours. He really needs a very good distraction after dinner. A breeze at night air often calms his hectic mind down.
The yellow submarine just surfaced and Law goes outside to the upper deck of Polar Tang, as he predicted, tonight's sea wind is quite strong. The wind already blew his capuchon away, his hair got messy in an instant. Law tightened his cobalt blue jumper lace on both sides. It would be an unwise decision if he kept his signature hat lying on top especially in these hours. Even though the wind gushes hard, the waves are quite calm. The waves bathed in moonlight, tonight's moon seems to be a full moon but it turns out to be a waxing gibbous phrase. A phrase known as symbolizing the concept of 'final steps'. It is a time for people to strive to complete their projects, just as the moon 'strives' to become full. Somehow the moon concept matches with Law's solo mission as well, it only a matter of time to get complete.
Speaking about a favourite spot in Polar Tang, Law has always had one. The spot is behind the Polar Tang lamppost, everyone who stole their captain's favourite spot would move when they caught Law near the spot. He used journaling here or just spent a nap time, hinds himself from the noises. Law's mind, as usual, had a busy circuit to plan this and that. He had enough of a familiar sense of trial and error, although it aims for many possibilities to come.
" Cora-san, what would you say to me if you were here? "
Law throws the question up for the night sky above him. A million of twinkling stars stared back at him. He wonders if Cora-san has been living side by side with his family. They were in there, dancing amongst the stars and you probably lived with them as well. A white noise sound from the sea wave crashing the submarine made Law's eyes blinked heavily. His gaze now straight to the moths doing phototaxis around the lamppost. He wrapped more tight his crossed arms when an unattended wind slaps his face. He closes his eyelids to shut, letting the auditory system enjoy the surrounding noises. But then, a faint voice came near Law's current spot.
" Captain, time's up. It's already past an hour, go get some sleep. '' said Penguin. He grabs Law's left shoulder and waits for the response. A guy who should respond only gives Penguin a small nod. Law can hear Penguin sighed at him.
" Law, come on."
This time it is Law's turn to sighed back, he raises the arse to up and lets Penguin drag him to come inside of the Polar Tang.
Note :
Writing about Law's quiet hours has been my fav so far. I felt at ease studying characters such as Law's vulnerable side, and how he embraces the past like any broken tape that replays over and over. I'd like to remain convinced that a bond between Law and Rosinante was unshakeable throughout time 🕊️
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chenziee · 1 year
For Better or Worse
Second of the two pieces I did for the charity @opwarlordzine!! Leftover sales are open right now, so do check it out for more shichibukai content :D
This one is quite short but I love how it came out :) It's a companion piece to the Doffy-centric piece I did for the zine (because I obviously do not write enough Law on the regular <3)
[ Read on AO3 ]
A hundred pirates, a hundred bodies, a hundred beating hearts.
A single box, a boring port, a screaming crowd.
It was almost laughable how easy becoming the World Government’s dog was—if it was even right to call them that. After all, none of the pirates donning the title of Warlord were doing it out of the goodness of their hearts; they all wanted something, something only the Government could give them.
Even Bartholomew Kuma, the so-called 'Loyal Puppy', had to be driven by an ulterior motive. It was simple logic; after all, what kind of pirate would bend over backwards for the Government? They didn’t follow the law. They didn’t follow orders. If they did, there was always a reason.
Peace and quiet. A throne to sit on. The key to the Gates of Justice. Information.
And Trafalgar Law was no exception.
“Captain, we’re getting close to the island.”
Slowly opening his eyes, Law gazed up at the ceiling above his bed on the Polar Tang. He wondered… when would he get to sleep in his own room again?
There was a timid, uncertain knock on his door before his first mate called out to him again, “Captain?”
“I’ll be right there.” Law heaved a deep sigh before he finally got up. 
He grabbed his hat from the nightstand, placing it on his head carefully and pulling it low over his eyes. Next, he grabbed his coat—heavy and too warm for the tiny submarine—and threw it over his shoulders before his fingers closed around Kikoku’s scabbard. The lacquered wood was smooth and cold to the touch; always cold, always hungry for something, yet somehow… 
The cursed blade brought Law comfort.
He closed his eyes momentarily, then took a deep breath. He held it in for a second before slowly, slowly… he let it out. 
He felt his heartbeat slow down, his swirling thoughts coming to a stop.
This was it.
Resting Kikoku against his shoulder, Law turned around and walked out of his room, not looking back.
“Prepare to surface,” he ordered as soon as he walked into the control room. “Bepo, how long until we reach the shore?”
“About ten minutes, Captain!” Bepo replied immediately.
“Good.” Law nodded, turning to Penguin who was manning the periscope. “Anything going on out there?”
Penguin hummed thoughtfully as he moved around to see as much of the outside as he could. “Nothing. Just a lot of icebergs and a fucking volcano going off somewhere.”
“Wonderful.” Law groaned. This island was going to be a real bitch.
Ignoring Bepo's intent gaze—the mink no doubt begging Law in his mind to change his plans while he could—Law focused on the motions of the submarine surfacing as he prepared to disembark. It wouldn’t be long now; despite what Bepo thought, the gears were already in motion and there was no stopping it.
Kikoku on his shoulder, Law stepped out of the submarine, taking in the frozen landscape. The admirals really did a number on this place.
But that was what made it perfect.
Right under the Government’s nose, yet hidden. State-of-the-art equipment in top condition, yet abandoned. Everyone knew about it, yet no one would look.
Perfect for the black market, perfect for Caesar Clown, perfect for Joker.
Perfect for Law.
“Captain, are you really going?” Shachi asked uncertainly as he handed Law his bag.
“Yes,” Law sighed. He’d lost count how many times he had answered that question just in the past ten minutes. “You guys head to Zou immediately. No loitering around, understand?” He glared at his crew one by one until he saw each of them deflate, all arguments leaving them.
“Aye aye, sir,” they all echoed, their voices painfully dejected.
Law huffed, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as a smile threatened to take over his face. Of course they were planning on staying within reach. Idiots…
He really hoped they would get to the elephant quickly and safely.
He nodded at Bepo one last time before he finally turned around, creating a Room—
“See you soon.”
As he switched places with some snow from the island’s ground, Law couldn’t help but wonder whether his final words to the crew weren’t a lie. Would he ever see them again?
He supposed it didn’t matter now.
The moment he placed the first heart out of one hundred into the box, it was already too late. Everything he did past that point, the title of Warlord… it was all for a single goal.
To make Cora-san’s dream come true. To avenge his death.
Snow crunching under his feet, Law took his first step on Punk Hazard’s soil.
A single step, a single goal, a single death.
Soon, everything would be over.
For better or worse.
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fangirl-lilith · 2 years
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Guys! I've found this another one. Is a single chapter fanfiction in Christmas event. But is too gorgeous and cute. Enjoy! https://archiveofourown.org/works/52136245
Hi there :D thank you for your wonderful rec!
it's not a goodbye (it's a see you later) by gentoopengwyn (T) [also Nico Robin/Frankie]
 Law turned to the man. “Did you just say enchanted mistletoe?” “Certainly did,” the man said proudly. “It’s one of our town’s proudest inventions.” “Wait, what’s misty toe?” Luffy asked, turning to Law. Law sighed. “Mistletoe. It’s a…how do I put it…plant, basically. A glorified plant. Customs dictate that if you get someone under the mistletoe with you, you have to give them a kiss. But mistletoe doesn’t normally get people actually stuck,” he snarled at the man who put his hands up. “So, excuse me, how do we get out?” Robin asks, gesturing to her and Franky. “How do you think? You just kiss!” the man responded with a grin. __ In which it takes some enchanted mistletoe to get their act together.
-Mod Raiya
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1000sunnygo · 11 months
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 month
Hi! Hope you take requests: any Trafalgar Law-centric angst/dark/whump recs? I would really like to see him suffer. Thank you!
I absolutely do!! I love answering asks! :D
Trafalgar Law Angst Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Some Kind of Joke by gryphonshadow - Rated E
When Trafalgar Law’s duel with Doflamingo on Green Bit ends disastrously, he winds up the shichibukai’s prisoner. He never expected this outcome. How did it come to this? And is there any escape from this hell? AKA a dark re-telling of the events of Dressrosa and what came after.
Day 2: woven birdcage by via_the_cryptid - Rated T
Law doesn’t want to be caught. He knows what will happen if his pursuer catches up to him.
In the Hands of the Enemy by GrimoireReads - Rated T
Set after Doflamingo takes Law prisoner. Trafalgar Law was ready to die when he set foot on Dressrosa, but Doflamingo doesn’t make it any easier.
Frozen Heart by kitnjinx - Rated T
For as long as Law could remember, cold had followed him in one way or another. He had been running from Death for just as long, snapping and snarling back at a world that had only ever kicked him down. He always reasoned he would die the same way. Cold, angry, alone. Too bad there's so many people who keep having different ideas about his fate.
but were we ever really human? by Gali-La (Galileoleo), gendervapor - Rated T
There was hope. It wouldn’t end here. Fallen scrap and bolts tumbled from his arms as Law ran through the snow and permafrost, back to their hidden shelter. His frozen operating room. His second chance.
Again by Arrows4_Writes - Not Rated
At first, all he could see was white; all he could feel was the cold. It reminded him of home. It reminded him of Flevance. But he wasn't in Flevance. Flevance came with the sounds of screams and the smell of burning flesh. He wasn't sure what he was doing here. Or where "here" even was.
Law has a Nightmare of Minion Island/the day Cora died
Tradition by Sleeping_Songbird - Rated G
After celebration with the Hearts, Law indulges in his own birthday tradition
lifeblood (i'd bleed for you every time) by kermit_coded - Rated T
Day Two Alternate: Gunshot Wound(s)
you are never alone by asphyxiiated - Rated T
With trembling hands, Law opened the casket to reveal the body that gave him the world.
Grief, as a Knife. by rosiinantes - Rated T
Trafalgar D Water Law, and his intimate familiarity with grief. -- That's when grief had gutted him. The knife had moved suddenly and all at once. Taken everything that he could have left. Lami: gone. Father: gone. Mother: gone. Everyone he had ever known. His teachers. The friends he had at school. The lunchtime bully. All of them were dead.
Self-Destructive Tendencies by Talvituhkat - Rated T
"Your three lives are a bargaining chip. If I refuse, Trafalgar Law will take my life along yours. A threat from a man unwilling to bet on tomorrow is something that raises concern for my own life."
Torture at the hands of Kaido's henchmen has certainly taken its toll on Trafalgar Law. Stressful situations mean that dissent ensues, pushing the Surgeon of Death to his limits and leaving the Heart Pirates in charge of their captain's recovery... both in body and mind. ____ Takes place after Episode 951/Chapters 950 & 951.
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purplehairedwonder · 7 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
This is going to change any time I think about so, so this is just based on my mood at the moment (and in no particular order):
Lead Me Back to Suffering (77.1K | slow-burn Lawlu + noncon Doflaw): In the wake of Kaido’s fall, Law is kidnapped from the shores of Wano. Far and away my most popular fic, it's also the one I'm most proud of.
(I Made My Mind) A Sunless Space (45.9K and counting | eventual Lawlu + noncon Doflaw): In another life, Minion Island goes a bit differently: a gravely wounded Corazon is recovered by the Marines while Law is taken back into the Family, eventually becoming the third Corazon. After learning Law never escaped the clutches of his brother, Rosinante teams up with Monkey D. Luffy to rescue Law and set him free for good. Basically, two of my favorite tropes (Corazon!Law and Cora lives) shoved together into one fic. Very self-indulgent!
A Fleeting Moment (When the Sun Can Kiss the Moon) (4.3K | Lawlu): Once upon a time, the Sun fell in love with the Moon. A Lawlu fairy tale! I am super into fairy tales, and I adore how this one turned out.
Heart Affords a Smile (4.7K | Gen): Contrary to popular belief, Trafalgar Law does smile. Sure, he’s more apt to smirk, and he doesn’t smile often or widely, but he does smile. Or, five times Law smiled and one smile that inspired him. A good ol' 5+1 fic, it's Heart Pirates-centric. I love them.
Floriography (4K | Gen): Five times Rosinante taught Law to communicate through the language of flowers, and one where Law turned the lesson on Rosinante. Another 5+1 fic, it's a Cora Lives AU that makes me emotional.
Again, ask me tomorrow, and this list will change again XD
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shallowoak · 2 months
Little Words in the Small Hours
>> Or read on AO3 here! <<
Summary: Finding himself as Law’s guardian and father figure, Rosinante ponders the nature of parenthood through his own experiences. With thanks to @lunarforrest for proofreading! ❤️
Word Count: 6.9k Rating: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Donquixote Doflamingo, Sengoku The Buddha, Donquixote Pirates (One Piece), others mentioned - Character
Additional Tags: Rosi-centric, rating is for themes and explicit language, descriptions of physical abuse, descriptions of childhood trauma, Canon-Typical Misery, Canon-Typical Violence, Pre-Canon, One Shot, Character Study, Introspection, spoilers for dressrosa, both Rosinante and Law are autistic, it was just going that way, Autistic Trafalgar D. Water Law, negative views on the military, though this is OP so I don't suppose you were willing to accept authority anyway, but just in case, headcanons galore, what can you do when your fav is taken away 5 mins after being introduced, yes I'm fine thanks for asking, yet another excuse to write a blonde man having a crisis, use of Den Dens as assistance animals, we love worldbuilding, Medical Inaccuracies, (X Drake drowning in the pool) this ain't about him
Through the gap in his cabin curtains, Rosinante watched as snow fell. Aboard passenger ship “The Mixer”, the gentle sway of their overnight crossing should’ve rocked them to sleep hours ago.
Swaddled together under his feathery coat, Law’s breathing was barely visible. Sat upright, one arm supported the small of Law’s back, the other gently petted his hair. Head limply resting against the cabin wall, the scratchy boat-issued blanket was used instead as a foot warmer for Rosi’s too-long legs. Staring unseeing into the dark, unable to find rest, Law clutched Rosi’s unwashed nightshirt as though it were a lifeline.
Not many moons ago, he would’ve craved a journey like this. No knots to tie, no Marine business, no family matters. Just quiet days for reading and long nights for chain smoking with a stranger. Enjoying the easy sounds of a cheap musician as the crew changed over. The liminal space of getting to know a ship, people, the bottom of a glass he knew he’d never see again.
Now, he despised that quiet. The pair could only hold one another as the boy’s laboured breathing filled the room. Quiet gave intrusive thoughts leverage, the pain and lethargy seeming worse at night. Free from the day’s rush of route planning, hospital visits and running, all they had to think about was reality. The increasingly rapid deterioration was more apparent as Law’s skin became less and less his own. The kid scratched it compulsively, wanting to be free of his discomfort, to somehow peel away the poisoned flesh and see himself underneath. He’d tried to teach Law to ground himself, to hold something comforting when he felt the need to itch. His little body had no extra energy to keep stitching up his arms.
An early night had turned into all night.
Nearing thirteen, most kids Law’s age would recoil at the idea of cuddling as the awkwardness of puberty set in. Too proud, too independent to need his love. On the surface, Law was certainly no different. He left a strong impression on everyone he met, unafraid to challenge the world and every blind adult who inhabited it. He’d sooner carve a hole through Rosi’s coat than admit he wanted to be underneath it.
The dark, the relentless cold, the long, fruitless search and endless hours of travel… These things had an effect. One that even Law was not immune to. As extraordinary as this kid was, he was still just a child. A child who had seen and been through things that would leave an adult scarred. A child who needed a gentle hand and comics as a reward for visiting the Doctor.
Over time, his beautiful brown skin had become ashen and cold, all the warm tones cruelly drawn away as the poisoning progressed. White spots-turned patches became increasingly prominent. All but impossible to ignore in the low light.
So, they did the only thing they could do. Wordlessly try to comfort one another, afraid to speak the truth. It did precious little to stop the long note in the back of Rosi’s mind filling him with dread.
Public transport and cosy overnight cabins were a luxury the pair could ill afford. Too traceable, far cheaper and easier to steal a vessel. Between being a Marine and a pirate, manning a small one single-handedly should be a cinch. Equally, it would be easier and safer to leave Law to die. For him to carry on undercover, to not cause a fuss. To let fate take her course and let Law succumb- or live his remaining years believing dying for Doflamingo was ‘love’.
As the deadline loomed, Rosinante’s heart grew fonder. Softer. Determined. It wasn’t justice nor kindness to leave Law to the wolves. It was unbearable to leave Law alone overnight while he manned a stolen boat.
He wouldn’t go down without kicking and screaming, even if he failed. If they couldn’t secure a cure, Law would pass peacefully by Rosi’s side, knowing he was loved. Safe from having to commit atrocities to live. If his brother got hold of Law, he’d sooner shoot the boy himself. He’d choose Law over himself in any situation.
The easiest option was rarely the right one. Rosinante tried to tell himself he deserved to sleep in a bed.
Until a year ago, Rosi had never imagined children in his cards. He’d never enjoyed being a kid, let alone seen the appeal of raising one. He’d never even entertained the idea of a girl -or boy- friend. Before all their strife; Law had been one of two. Rosi was one of two. He did not doubt that Doffy had fathered many more kids than he adopted. People chose to do this all the time. But it never crossed his mind that it was something for him.
A small part of him wished he had a better childhood, a normal one. A small part of him yearned to understand what kind of life Law had led before the disease ravaged his homeland. Maybe then he’d feel more ready for this. Others his age had tried to kill him, just as their parents encouraged. The brothers had been hunted down and punished for their father's and their community's sins rather than their individual actions. He only had Doffy for guidance, a boy brutalised by their ordeal and forced to turn to violence to cope.
They were both changed for the worse. What part of that experience was supposed to help him here? There was so much to fuck up with child development. So many ways to permanently damage a young psyche. So many of Doffy’s learned, twisted ideals he didn’t want anywhere near Law at the most impressionable time in his life. Rosinante hardly felt better. He didn’t feel as though he’d ever truly recovered from his childhood traumas, and now he was tasked with guiding Law through his own. Poor kid had already been through so much. Rosi couldn’t afford to lead him astray.
He’d known a few families in his life, but he wasn’t quite sure what to make of any of them. There was a memory of his birth parents trying to provide Doffy and him with a real life. With more than what they had. To try to give Law more than what he had wasn’t saying much- yet still felt like a mountain to climb. Sengoku had made it look easy, taking in someone so young and vulnerable with only the simple job of raising them on the line.
As a child, he thought Sengoku was awesome. The shit, invincible. He was like a Dragon, rich and powerful with the world at his feet- but he got to blast bad guys, too. He got to go wherever, command whoever, have whatever. For all their birth parents wanted Rosi and Doffy to lead a normal life, he had fallen on his feet with Sengoku. After months of abuse, mouldy food, loss and sleepless nights in drafty shacks, he’d been comforted to find a familiar home with hot water and soft sheets. In the end, what he knew was luxury.
As an adult…? He wasn’t so naive as to think a family had to be nuclear to work. A family could be a single father and his adopted son. That was his normal; lived it. If he had his way, he’d be reliving it for many years to come. But nothing about his life with Sengoku was normal, really. An admiral for a father figure, almost twice Rosi’s current age when he’d chosen to adopt. He was wise and sound, and he had access to the most powerful support network in the world for anything he needed.
Except… Many of Rosi’s first months were spent not in his care- but in that of a hospital or visiting specialist. After that, he was often away on duty for weeks or months at a time. Even at home, he worked long hours, hardly seeing Rosi as he chipped away at his desk. With Sengoku, he’d been shielded from so much of the world he’d known on the streets. That had been nice at first, but he came to miss someone to play with, regular schooling, and unlimited family time. There was good reason why any sensible Marine took leave or retired to raise their family.
But one of the things he’d never wanted for was medical care. Having found a random child on the street, Sengoku had been wise in getting him checked out. The fleet of Navy Doctors had returned him billed with a long receipt of new diagnoses.
A catalogue of the extensive wounds from his clear history of abuse. Horrific, ugly, burned into the memory of the physicians who saw them. But easy enough to identify and begin to treat. Physiotherapy for his torn shoulder muscles, from where he had been strung up for hours on end. Careful reintroduction to food after malnutrition, a specialised diet to build mass and strength. Extensive grafting and liberal use of creams for his burns. Bedrest for his angry bruises and burst eardrums. He was littered with so many cuts, holes and scrapes that just needed respite and time to repair themselves. For months, he’d looked like a moth-eaten quilt while he recovered. Sengoku amused him, studying the diagram on how to wrap bandages on awkward areas of skin like he would a battle plan- hunched over his desk with his brows furrowed.
Then, there was the acceptance of the permanent hearing loss brought on by prolonged -close-range- exposure to gunfire and explosions. His left ear now heard nothing, whilst the right teetered in the 40-50% range. Therapists helped him learn to live with the difference but there was no cure for clumsiness, only fuelled by the new lack of balance.
He’d been offered something special, a then-experimental surgery. A surgery Vegapunk’s team had been fine-tuning for public use by implementing it in Marine hospital trials. An implant into his left cochlear would allow him some hearing back. A specially shaped Den Den Mushi earpiece would sit on the shell of his ear and act as a receiver and interpreter for sounds. The telepathic snails were billed to provide an overall clearer, more stable sound to the internal components -adapted from the telephone originals- than using electronics alone.
At the time, he’d been sick of surgery. The seemingly endless cycle of groggy pain, tubes, and check-ups. Being stuck inside, summer days wasted with their melding together. Adults looked at him with concern as they kept turning up shrapnel in his scans, time and again. Phrases like ‘implant’ and ‘clinical trial’ had been too much for him then, and he’d been quick to turn down any added grief. The Snail solution was also not a perfect one, as it needed rest and to be fed. It would be closer to working with a service dog, and he’d need to learn how to look after it. He wasn’t sure how to look after himself. No, the old wounds were enough.
Perhaps he would’ve taken it now, having felt the impact of hearing loss in his day-to-day life. Perhaps he’d been a stupid, rash kid. He’d often looked back on himself that way. Though if he had taken it… He couldn’t have cheesed the Marine health check. The external components were much too obvious for even Sengoku to be able to hide on his record. He never would’ve gone through basic or field training, never deployed to spy on his brother. Never would’ve come to meet Law. If he’d made the choice he’d always scorned himself for? His dad could still probably swing him a desk job for the Marines: pencil-pushing anti-scurvy fruit deliveries. Safe. Sonless.
On the mental side, there were long-term conditions to contend with. The aspects of Rosi that were harder to pin and even slower to treat. Hordes of unprocessed grief, paranoia, generalised anxiety, insomnia. It culminated with a healthy topping of PTSD. Rosi’s schedule of pills and appointments rivalled Sengoku’s business calendar for a time. Finally, the one that stumped his father the most. Autism. He’d always remember the look on his father’s face as they sat in that office.
In time, it would be something he’d come to learn he shared with Law, although the two experienced it differently. Rosinante’s own was sensory-biased, his social symptoms negligible before the abuse exasperated them. Noise, light and touch. All things he struggled with. Some days, he’d shriek in the bath, find the hospital too bright, or try to bolt when Sengoku hugged him. It had taken a monumental amount of trust and gentle convincing for the hair to be removed from over Rosi’s eyes. He’d resented the sharp, unfamiliar equipment, the feeling of little prickly hairs against his skin, and the prospect of more light hitting his eyes. Audio processing issues combined with hearing loss made calming explanations difficult to understand. Things often needed to be repeated and for a time, the world only grew more terrifying. Sengoku didn’t recommend him for undercover work because he was good with the sounds of battle or because he could process new information quickly. In battle, there was a real chance he’d be stabbed long before he noticed the wielder’s approach.
From what he could gather, Law’s experience was more socially skewed. He struggled to both display and understand emotions. He took things literally and spoke bluntly, the heart on his sleeve sometimes seeming unforgiving to the uninitiated. Law tended to fixate, tunnel visioned for months on end. He could tell you in (literally) nauseating detail about his favourite medical processes. Or his favourite writing techniques used in the comics he liked.
They both found change hard, their new circumstances confusing. Their lack of routine or stability, the constant new faces and towns, made Law antsy. As their journey continued, Law had less to say. Less patience to spare. As a self-conscious teen, Doctors often assumed Law was brought in to be referred for counselling- that he needed help accepting his Autism or ‘Vitiligo’. He probably did, but it was never the main issue. After a while, Law stopped correcting them and stopped speaking up. He let his dad run him through the motions.
It was hard for Rosinante, too, to see and understand that pain. Not being able to do anything to alleviate it. Forced to carry on with the only option they had. He was starting to resent himself for the quiet his power created. For taking Law into a place which made him uncomfortable. For feeling like he wouldn’t be enough.
Sengoku was neither detached nor the most gentle of hands. His job was to be confident and turn the neurotypical into soldiers. He represented the World Government and expected others to fall into line. But even when he wasn’t sure what to make of Rosinante’s behaviour, he’d always been enough. A warm hand to hold, a secure home, a steady job.
Despite his choosing to tackle Rosinante’s trauma response with navy indoctrination. Despite his belief that regardless of Rosinante's disposition- discipline and structure were sure to yield results. That in Sengoku's mind, it was business as usual.
Despite his numerous faults, Sengoku had been a good father to him. He diligently and often single-handedly took care of Rosi when he was around. Rosi had been a quiet, sensitive child, and Sengoku had always been firm enough to slowly push him out of his shell.
Once he’d been deemed old and fit enough, he’d been allowed to accompany his father on safer voyages. Time on the sea had been presented to him as part of his recovery, that it would be good for him to get fresh air and see some sights after being inside for so long. Whilst not untrue, both father and son knew it was cover so they could spend more time together.
His days as a glorified ship’s mascot had been a blast. He had no official job, but he spent his days soaking up information, experiences, and affection from his crew. He got to see his dad daily and get tucked in every night. They played board games in their quarters and identified sea mammals together. When the cannons were tested, Sengoku comforted and taught him how to protect his ears. And why Marines needed those loud sounds he was so afraid of. How they could be used to protect. They bonded, truly, as father and son.
The books and globes in the map room showed him the world, the navigation crew was only too happy to show off what they knew. Having only known sunny, moderate climates, places like deserts and tundras seemed like that of myth. Watching the cadets work by day, he got a good feel for terminology, knots and drills. During mealtimes, they'd chat about daily life back home and regale him with fanciful tales of mermaids and adventure. Being with them was the closest he got to normality his parents dreamed of.
Hanging around with his Dad gave him exclusive access, too, to explore the private areas of a ship without being summoned there for punishment. Eventually, he even learnt what it was that his Dad actually did.
He'd never thought of it as conditioning, but at 16, with a gentle push from dad, he’d signed up for basic training to join the crew full-time on the other end. And sure, he did turn out to be a decent Marine. He never fought back on Sengoku’s ideas. Eventually, they even put him in charge of others, which had always seemed like a mad decision to him. Being a Marine gave him something to do and a way to make his father happy. Being with Law now was the first time he’d ever carved his own path.
Rosinante still felt young in the only way he had left. Even after years of therapy, he felt no closer to true normalcy. Too much to reflect on, much more to learn- and precious little time. His kid couldn’t afford for him to be lost in his head, reeling from the past- wondering if Sengoku was any parent worth replicating. Wondering even if he could. Law needed his guidance, his support, and his answers now. Could Rosinante be trusted to provide a good life for Law- where professionals had failed him?
Thinking back, he was starting to feel that Sengoku had been this way, too. He’d loved Rosi unconditionally but hadn’t really known what to do with him. Nor had he the time to learn. For all his good intentions, it had been easiest to put Rosi into a box of his ideals and call the job done.
Bringing his mind back into the present, he held Law closer, resting his chin on the crown of the boy’s head. As if he wasn’t already too late to shield Law from anything.
Maybe enlistment was the only way Sengoku could think of to keep an eye on his vulnerable son. Maybe he was actually insane, thinking the military was any autistic person’s first career choice. His head spun listlessly. What the hell did either of them know about raising kids?
Shifting at the pressure, Law looked up at Rosinante.
Right. They’d been lying here awake for four or five hours now. He should probably go himself. Smiling gently, Rosi shifts the arm supporting his back to scoop up Law, his rear now resting on his arm. Law clings to him like Koala joey as they leave the cabin.
He thinks it sweet that Law still wants his security. That a kid so willing to kill still doesn’t want to walk an unfamiliar hall alone at night. He has to have hope that there’s still time to fix this. Law might not have his sea legs yet, but Rosi isn’t much better. Thank goodness it’s a calm night; he’d rather not go ass-over-hat with his kid in hand. That clumsiness never failed to amuse his fellow seamen. He traces along the wall with his free hand until they reach a small communal washroom.
The pair leave each other to their business, taking a stall each. He takes a longing look at the showers, knowing he’ll have to take a bath stool to fit under the shower head. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. He’d been putting off washing and using the laundry service so their clothes would stay clean for longer once they were back on dry land.
Eventually, the two finish washing up, and Rosi scoops Law back up to pad back to their room. Even if Law wanted to walk, Rosi couldn’t reach down far enough to hold his hand. Somehow, he feels more tired after having gotten up. He’s thankful every night that Law came into his life not needing to be fed at 3 am.
He lifts the feather coat left on the bed, gently depositing Law underneath it. The small lump on the mattress doesn’t move. Rosi stares blankly at the dozing lump before tucking it in and arranging the sucky boat blanket as a pillow on the floor. For such an underdeveloped kid, be sure does take up a lot of space. He doesn’t mind, though. He’d known this was coming; he’d been too tall for the standardised mattress from the start. Besides, Law had the rule of cute and couldn’t be moved.
Only as Rosi shifts to curl up on the floor does Law stir, shuffling the coat to stare at his dad. Rosi stares back. A little hand appears from under the fluff, patting the bed and making a grabbing motion. His whole body then scoots closer to the inside of the bed, up against the windowed wall.
How can he say no to that? He’s so proud of Law for considering him!
Feeling sufficiently sleepier, Rosi opts to lie down facing towards Law, his knees bent and feet hanging out of the covers. The position isn’t optimal but it makes Law happy. His arm finds Law’s hat and passes it to him before loosely resting on the coat in a gentle hug.
Like them, that hat had been through a lot. It was the one thing Law still carried from his home island. He used it as a plush toy at night and thumbed it during the day when he was nervous or needed to itch. Frayed patches in the brim were already starting to appear. If it wasn’t being held, he wore it as though he’d crumble without its presence.
When Law joined the family, they’d tried to prise it from him. Tried to burn it with the rest of his old, corpse-stained clothes. There was no way they’d ever been clean, healthy enough to wear again. He wouldn’t say exactly how many days he had hidden in the corpse pile, let alone how long ago they had been fresh on. The rest of his wardrobe had been replaced, and Giolla and Baby 5 loved the opportunity to start fresh and dress Law in the same fun patterns as their Corazon. But taking the hat crossed a line. Even for the eccentric family, that hat was disgusting. It still had old, caked in blood on it. It reeked of sweat, bile and death. Turns out Law liked the stench of death. That was what home smelt like.
Law had bitten Diamante several times for trying to take it, threatening to eat his fingers so that Doffy couldn’t sew them back on. Ultimately, Doffy had to oversee an ‘intervention-negotiation’ to sort the matter out. Gladius tried to convince him a replica could be made, as his own clothes often needed replacing. Pica suggested some form of resin encasement. Baby called him a rat boy. No dice. Eventually, they’d reached the compromise that Law could keep the hat after a thorough washing. Sugar was picked as most suitable for the care of materials, and her soul was bored by gold eyes during the entire process.
After the washing, Law wasn’t happy for days. Not until the hat smelled right again- if a little less like death this time. But much to Rosi’s horror, Doffy’s intervention on Law’s behalf had only strengthened their bond.
There was real irony in how Law and a surprising number of other kids liked Doflamingo so much. A man equally damaged by his past as Rosinante and Law, only his trauma had manifested itself in a far more dangerous way. The way Doflamingo dealt with his issues made self-destruction look preferable. It was endlessly worrying to Rosi that these strays found care and support from an adult, he would argue; was the worst he knew. That Doffy would radicalise these kids like Trebol and the others had done to him all those years ago. He could see that cycle beginning to continue and it horrified him.
In trying to appear ruthless, to protect them, there hadn’t been any room for bonding. Even for their safety, he couldn’t allow himself to slip. But being so close to Doffy did allow him to learn the patterns.
He'd never anticipated this many when he’d agreed with Sengoku to ward off kids and stop the crew from growing. For all his brother did underground, he was far from subtle with his daily persona. Dressed loud, laughed loud, dreamed and dealt loud. Where he went, people took notice. People got ideas.
Kids whose parents had chosen the pull of the tide over them. Brave, stupid kids who egged each other on to test their mettle talking to a real captain. Desperate mouths who needed feeding, thinking they could learn his underhanded methods. Those were the ones who were easy to scare off, to knock sense into.
It was the ones with nothing to lose and everything to gain that were dangerous. Doffy was drawn to the ones with strong ambitions and no inhibition. He had been that child. He knew how to exploit brave souls who ignored all the red flags for personal gain. Letting Rosi scare off the ones with sense was an effective screening method, cutting out a lot of legwork for Doffy. Anyone who stuck around after being beaten by the ‘half-giant brute’ was the most vulnerable. The easiest to manipulate.
Easy to manipulate… Diamante's harsh criticisms of Rosi being 'damaged' and 'unintelligent' rang through his mind.
Mariejois was a strange place. Eerie, dreamlike. Nightmarish. It stood perpetually in the witching hour of the Gods, within the veil of unreality. A confusing place. The inhabitants were supposedly the freest, most powerful, most important people in the world. But still, they had to conform. Rosinante and Doflamingo had been expected to dress the same way as their parents and attend the same functions from birth. They were expected to live outlandishly, frivolously, in the same manner as everybody else. Their personalities and futures had been decided from the start.
Their father had been cast out for his sensitivity, for thinking differently. For wanting differently. Ultimately, he had died for it. Doflamingo didn’t think differently. At first, he had wanted back in, more than anything, to ascend both figuratively and literally. Even for a choice the child didn’t make, Doffy’s bubble of conformity burst. Forever outcasted and angry, he was going to destroy them.
Even if Rosinante had never left, he would’ve never truly fit in. No matter how many years passed, there would be no closure as to whether his emotional sensitivity was natural or an effect of his abuse. Attuned over the years to look for imminent threats, the slightest changes. If his difficulty speaking -the ease with which he slipped into his role- was a product of being unsocialised as a child or through trauma. Could even his clumsiness be a mask? A learned behaviour to appear less threatening, less deserving of abuse? He was frequently described as aloof. Off-putting. People thought of him as abnormal, unhinged, and incomplete. Lacking in personal style. That was before he put on his undercover persona. He was still adjusting. He’d never stop adjusting.
It was neither here nor there. Being autistic was not the prescribed way to be a Dragon. There would be no understanding or adjustment. Not if the material of his clothes made his skin crawl. Not if the frequent parties burnt him out or tripped him into social faux pas. He’d be laughed out without ceremony, and for all the power his father didn’t hold, Rosi may have found himself as a servant or even a slave.
For what it was worth, those loyal to Doffy were supported and accommodated. He’d never let anyone talk shit about Pica’s voice or show discomfort around Trebol’s mucus. He happily facilitated Diamante’s weird need for both approval and bloodlust. The kids he took in were provided for and protected by their elders. Despite popular belief and countless reports, he’d defended Law’s right to exist without hesitation. With his countless connections and eye for cutting through bullshit, he’d learnt the truth and dispelled fear from the family. Just once, he’d used his powers for good. But it was useless to imagine his ways ever changing as he welcomed Law’s nihilistic ideals with open arms.
For what it was worth, Doffy had always defended Rosi. From when they were small and Rosi could do nothing to defend himself. To now, riddled with afflictions, real and fake, even if Doffy saw through them- he still accommodated all of them. He never assumed Rosi could do or be less. Didn’t assume Rosi wasn’t listening just because he couldn’t speak. Always checked in after a briefing, explaining things slowly and giving Rosi time to write. He kept the other members off his back and ensured he was comfortable.
It was easy to see why troubled kids liked him, really. To come from nothing and find sanctuary, understanding- and power. To not be dissuaded but enabled. To be pushed to new heights was to serve his needs. Most troubled adults still couldn’t see past his platitudes. But that was how he got people. He lured children, Law, further and further into this underground world of terror, from which they would never be able to escape. Doffy’s latest scheme, to groom Law to die for him as another cog in the Donquixote machine, was perhaps his most heartless yet. How little another Human life meant to him.
Manipulation had always been one of Doffy’s strong suits; he knew what buttons to push. Try as he might to mask it, he had not returned unscathed from their ordeal. It was an open secret among the family that their head was legally blind. He saw in tunnel vision, the dark surround of which flashed with half-processed light. Though his fashion sense was widely regarded as worse than Rosi’s own, the bright colours were easier for his eyes to detect. For a time before his Haki was fully developed, he used the parasite puppet to see his new members. Not accommodating other’s needs would be hypocritical of him.
Physical health aside, that plague-drenched rat of a man had been more apparently damaged in his psyche. He could no longer truly care for anyone except himself and would never be able to put another before him. The last time he had done so, he had lost his entire family. Never again would he be controlled or outplayed. Understanding his people was only a means to an end; allowing them to work harder for him. Making them believe they couldn’t live without him. Trust Doffy to put sanctuary seekers under his thumb. Those with issues were just easier to manipulate. They both knew that from experience.
He knew from the first utterance of ‘family’ that there was more to the dynamic than met the eye. He and Doffy were thankfully dissimilar in all the ways that mattered, but in the end, they both still value family. Doffy had always yearned for what he had lost, forever unable to escape the past fully- and what that companionship and validation meant.
It was foolish to expect it to be innocent. True, you could take the reading that ‘family’ was perhaps more fitting for a crew who largely did not sail. And yet. Whitebeard rather famously referred to his men as sons. Germa was publicly a royal family but presented itself as an army and force first. What his brother had was not a family. It was a collection of people who ate his lies and believed the hype. It was a crime den more akin to a cult than a family. A ring of false promises and safety in numbers, impossible to leave once entered.
In becoming a family, he’d tapped into something more akin to the mindset of Big Mom. With family came loyalty and expectation. It was much harder to betray a family member than a disembodied leader. Not that he’d have any experience with that. He had no doubt he was doing the right thing by running off with Law but ‘family’ always left niggling doubt. No matter how far they ran, the Marines and Donquixotes would always be his family. It would always hurt more to think he was disappointing Sengoku by running. To disappoint mother by harming another. That was a sick power only madmen like Doflamingo would think to wield.
For all those doubts and feelings of self-hatred, Rosi was proud of how far they’d gotten. So far, Law was safe. In another life, he’d take Law further. Keep him safe forever. Truthfully, he knew there was no way they could both survive this. Not for any extended length of time. Even if he cured Law, there was no way Doffy would let Rosi live to see it. He wouldn’t take kindly to his scapegoat being influenced by outside forces or his plans being ruined. Doffy was the type to hold grudges, even if he had to hunt them down for years to come. If Doffy couldn’t live forever, he would at least take Rosi’s years down with him.
But seeing Law peacefully asleep, he allowed himself a small moment to imagine their future- how he’d establish them. A timeline in which this accursed boat wasn't taking them to some dark, Arctic recess of the North Blue.
Naturally, they’d hide in the East Blue. Skip seas to be far away from the family’s eyes. With any luck, the fabled ‘safest sea’ would have a lessened military presence. He’d pick some relatively safe, nowhere island where they wouldn’t be recognised. This meant nowhere too noteworthy or prosperous, lest it attract the attention of pirates and Marines. They’d be poor but happy; nothing wrong with that. He’d known rock bottom before and it wouldn’t be that way again. He wasn't a Dragon now. He was safe, could hold a job and had military training. He could protect them.
Somewhere completely average for a perfectly normal family.
Requirements aside, he wasn’t looking for much from the island itself. All he really wanted was other kids for Law to learn and play with. His mind’s eye chased the fantasy. A quaint schoolhouse of just two classes. Well-used blackboards and slightly rocky seats, old names and jokes scratched into the desks. A quiet, undemanding school where all the parents and kids knew each other. Surrounded by friends and well-meaning adults. Seas, he hoped Law would be able to make some nice friends. How lovely would it be for him to be influenced by normal kids? Kids who hadn’t grown up like Rosi and Law had? Kids who shared games, got messy outside and would copy Law’s homework…
A library or bookshop would be nice, if not a formally organised school. Law had already come so far with self-study; he’s sure they could make a form of homeschooling work. By the time Law was old enough for medical college, they should be safe enough to move island.
His boy graduating. All grown up and helping others. Successful in keeping a heart full of love and compassion. A prodigy who would continue to research new methods of recovery. This fruit could change everything. How nice it must be to be a parent with normal ambitions. He’d love to be there for as long as Law would have him.
As for himself? Well, he’d need a new identity to start. He’d seen enough witness protection procedures to know that much. Easy. Just become someone new. Someone far removed from the records, the bounty posters, the divine descension. Trafalgar Rosi had a cute ring to it. Rosey. Rosy. Rossi. Rosie? Rosie. Then it would look different on paper, enough to deter anyone who didn't already know the name Trafalgar Law.
Of course, it was only practical to change his name if he were to be inconspicuous as Law's father. Father... the thought made him giddy. Maybe he'd finally try growing that beard Sengoku had always warned him off.
As for his career… hm. He’d need something very ordinary for that, too. After burning down so many hospitals, he could definitely have a future in demolition. The medical circle probably wouldn’t want to see his face as a nurse. But then, what peaceful village would have steady work for him? Equally, they were unlikely to need his skills as a trained gunman except as a game hunter in Autumn. There was always childcare; after the kids of the Donquixote Pirates, nothing these ragamuffins had could phase him.
He could set up a Den Den switchboard and direct calls. Plenty of islanders didn’t keep them due to the care and set-up costs weighed against the usage. A small fee to use one when needed was preferable to most. Communication was at the crux of his role as a spy, so he may as well lean into his training. Plus, he’d get to take care of lots of cute Snails. He could see himself whiling away an afternoon painting one or making up the accessories.
Maybe there would be some kind of neighbourhood watch or council? Then he could do all these odd jobs. Get involved with all the news- a good source of information and an easy aid for his sense of security. Sounded peaceful enough.
A peaceful life was all he really wanted. Having tasted freedom from The Family and Marines put things into perspective. Travelling with his son and making his own choices, it becomes harder to want to return to work. Risking his life was a thankless task, one he likely wouldn’t see the benefit of whilst he still drew breath. He’d be excited to be a homemaker. Get to know some people his age and settle into a community. Share fruit and books and make-up tips whilst their kids hang out. Feel his presence in a space. To truly matter to people.
If only they lived in a world where all they had to worry about was where to settle down or which school to send Law to. The worries everybody else had-
Rosinante wiped the growing tear from his eye, holding Law ever so slightly tighter. Enough.
There is nothing material he can guarantee. As with his own parents, there is no home to return to. No money, no power, no community. For better or worse, there is no one to fall back on but themselves. Like Sengoku, he cannot magically fix what is broken. He succeeds or Law dies. Like Doffy, he cannot force Law’s hand. It must be guided.
But. Equally.
Like his own parents, he can hope for a better future for his child. Like Sengoku, he can offer all that he can within his power. Even, like Doffy, he can open Law’s heart to the concept of family once again.
There is no guarantee that he’ll be able to undo the damage done, but there’s hope. Maybe, like Rosi, Law will always be recovering. Maybe that constant growth isn’t a bad thing.
The only promise he can make is that his love will never waver, that he will always try his fucking hardest for his son. With an open mind and heart to go forward in their relationship, with whatever time he has left.
For that, he can't be as bad as he thinks. Surely.
Increasingly tonight, he was getting the impression no one knew what they were doing. That all anyone could do was try not to repeat the mistakes of those before them. To treat each other as equals. They were both different to the others around them. But in that way, they understood each other. And through each other, they found the other was every bit as deserving of love as they were. Rosi would be happy if Law came out the other side of this with even an ounce of love and humanity left in his heart. He would’ve succeeded.
Being around Law brought out the best in Rosinante. Law gave Rosi the courage to follow his idea of justice and choose a path for himself. For Law, he would betray everyone he’d ever known. Start a new family. Law gave his life meaning and purpose and made him smile again. Around Law, Rosi knew no bounds.
Rosinante brought out the best in Law. Rosi gave Law energy and brought out the kid in him again. For Rosi, Law would smile and talk about his fixations for hours. Would show compassion and trust. He would give people, and life, a second chance. He’d hope- and dream of a future. Around Rosi, Law was happy.
Together, they were free.
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cosmicatta · 1 year
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Read here
"Could one describe Monkey D. Luffy as graceful? Probably not, that felt like an oxymoron. But how to explain the way his limbs swayed in perfectly ordered chaos, the way his off tune singing sounded like joy and freedom? It was supposed to be ugly. Embarrassing, even. It wasn’t supposed to be this, whatever it was."
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law
Tags: Getting Together, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Pining Trafalgar D. Water Law, First Kiss, Canon Compliant, POV Trafalgar D. Water Law, Metaphors, Happy Ending, Fluff, Trafalgar D. Water Law Needs a Hug, Trafalgar D. Water Law-centric
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Hi! You seem quite knowledgeable in this, so I though you might be the right person to ask: I'm trying to find some nice heart pirates fics with them as family doing shenanigans/general stuff. Most of the fics I've found in the Heart Pirates tag in ao3 revolve around a ship involving law and the hearts are just background characters who barely do anything, which isn't what I'm looking for. Do you have any recommendations? (I've already read some of your works, but if you want to recommend those that's good too!)
Platonic Heart Pirates Fics Rec List
Wow! huge compliment.
Yeah, I wouldn't classify myself as a Hearts Pirates writer, but I do write them. I think my best characterisations of them are in my multi-chaptered works, but they're super dark, and the Hearts aren't the focus (but boy do they shine when they get the chance!).
You've probably come across my Bepo's one shots and drabble collection. There's a few shippy pieces in there, but they're clearly marked. Most are just the crew, although focus on the main four. This was also done for the Hearts' Pirates Week, so covers all named crew members (up to that point). This one shot is surprisingly popular: Dark like the North Blue Sea (aka The Sea-Hill you Die On), and you might have come across the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates crews intermingling in this fic featuring Bepo and Chopper. I'm also guessing that you probably saw the piece I wrote for the op summer festival zine: Sun Path Ozoni. An earlier version of that is in Bepo's collection! There's also Bepo's Beptober, which features everyone, but I wouldn't really say explores them in depth!
Okay, RECS!
Any of the fics with the Hearts Pirate tag by @op-sheepy Here's a link to their AO3 dash. There are quite a few Heart Pirate drabbles on their tumblr page too.
@itsxandy 's work, stormy weather, is criminally under-read. That's 22,2221 amazing words on Law's dynamic with the crew in the polar tang in close quarters. Not necessarily happy families, but, oof, it's good. Even a very plausible theory put forward for the recruitment of Clione, I think! Or maybe Uni.
Dragon_in_a_Cypress_swamp has 6 amazing Hearts & Trafalgar Law fics too. Really good (I haven't read all, but what I have read just blows me away).
This is not a place of honor by Hyperbolic Reverie (I'm not guaranteeing that all the fics are sweet). And you've probably come across
the devil knows how to row by fab_ia, is set in Law Novel land, but with flashbacks to Law's time with the Donquixote Family. It's a work in progress. But very good. The author is keats on twitter, and I think one of the guest writers for the up coming Hearts zine. Their AO3 actually has a few Hearts' fics I want to pick through.
Dunno if this counts, but the Scrubs AU with Penguin and Shachi as Law's interns, and Bepo as a trusty nurse is both hilarious and poignant. @thegrimshapeofyoursmile
Cal14's recently been uploading some of their tumblr pieces.
@slashseeker (not getting their blog come up) has some platonic stuff on their AO3 page (their slash is pretty good too though!).
And that's about all I know for now. I'm sure you've read / been pointed towards the big collection: Tales from the Heart.
Almost forgot! If you go through @purplehairedwonder 's page, towards the start of beginning to write OP (so second page), there are about 5 fics that I'd classify as Heart centric, or the Hearts seen through Law's eyes. Not necessarily shenanigans though.
It is a ship fic, and it started before a lot of the Heart Pirates were named, but razbliuto's Methyl Nitrate Pirates really builds character and crew (and it's funny). @fablecore
Hope it helps! Sorry to anyone I've forgotten. Thanks for the ask! Let me know how they go.
Remember all, drop a kudos and comment if the fics strike your fancy❤️ Makes a Heart Pirates Heart loving Heart beat heartier.
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north-blue-hearts · 10 months
Family Practice
CisFem Reader x Trafalgar Law
CW: sex, language, violence
Summary: Modern Mafia-coded AU starts in last semester of College
An alternative story of Family Ties. (alternative Tumblr link here)
This is NOT a Prelude to Family Ties, but it's set in the same world with the same background for the reader. Story begins while she's in college.
I recommend reading Family Ties before this, only because there's a lot of spoilers for that in this story right from the beginning. But the titles can also be enjoyed separately, so if you're not a fan of Doflamingo-centric stories, don't feel like you have to pass this one by =)
If you don't want to wait for updates here, check it out on Ao3
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Chapter 1: Linguistically
College life was a change in pace from what you were used to. It was calmer, quieter, far more peaceful, and honestly safer than your usual routine. Well, safer in that you weren’t fighting for money, or parkouring through the back alleys of Grandline City. And those activities were safer than life had been around your biological father.
But that was to be expected. When you were six years old your father – Captain Sakazuki Akainu – shot your mother dead at the Moim. The Moim is conference gathering of the top businesses in the land, almost all of which had underworld connections, and your father had attempted to raid it because of his dedication to the ideal of “Absolute Justice”. Someone had taken your mother hostage and he had handled the issue with cold efficiency.
You survived, thanks to a then teenage Marco and his twin brother Thatch. Thatch had rushed after your father as a distraction and Macro had scooped you up and disappeared into the crowd. After that, their father, Edward Newgate, had taken you in and raised you. You weren’t legally related to him, but he’s kept you sheltered, and protected as you’ve grown into your own.
Edward Newgate, and his dozen or so adopted boys, were at the center of the Newgate Family. A mostly local mafia family in Grandline Metro that had its hands in a dozen or so different things. You didn’t know all the details, but you weren’t completely ignorant of it. You might call him Pops like the boys do, but you’re not legitimately a part of the crew – though you likely could be if you wished it.
Coming to college was part of an agreement with the old man. He wanted you to be able to pursue whatever you were interested in, without worrying about it being a gain or loss for the Family. If you decided to join officially after you graduated, then he wouldn’t argue against it. If you decided to move out on your own, he’d make sure you were on your feet and things would go from there, and that didn’t mean you’d have to cut ties with Pops and the boys.
Family was family, no matter what shape it took. Unless you stepped away intentionally, or did something unforgivable, they’d all have your back, one way or another.
Admittedly, the hardest part of adjusting to college was being on your own so completely. You did things by yourself a lot, even as you were growing up, but you had been backed up by the boys in some way ever since Marco and Thatch had saved you. Sure, you could probably swing the Newgate name around at college, even at one outside Grandline City like this was, and find it offered you some protection. The plan was to try and exist without that, to try and sort out who you were as yourself, not as the tangential only “daughter” of Edward Newgate.
Part of that meant that when you noticed there were a dozen Charlotte children on campus with you, you did your best to ignore them. Since you weren’t ever officially introduced during any of the Newgate parties, none of the kids should recognize you, and you were okay with that. More than okay with it, if you were being honest.
Charlotte Lin-Lin, aka Big Mom, was on par with Pops in terms of power, though she was based in another city. She had 85 kids, and counting as far as you knew, despite her age, and that was impressive since it was 85 more kids than you ever expected to have. Granted, a good chunk of those 85 kids were born six or ten at a time, which was another feat of human creation that you never wanted to experience.
Lin-Lin liked to use her kids to forge marriage ties with friends and rivals alike. Considering the Charlotte Family was just as much an underground organization as an actual blood family, the process of forging bonds with business partners could be deadly. People who turned down invitations and “requests” would often find themselves with little worries in the afterlife.
Aside from the whole being in the afterlife part.
You walk into the library, looking for a quiet corner you can study in when you notice some of the girls from your English class, specifically, Charlotte Nutmeg and her friends. They’re pointing and whispering and giggling about someone sitting off in a study desk by themselves. They don’t look or sound like they’re planning on being mean, but there’s something about the way they’re talking that makes you take note. It’s almost like they’re fishing for Nutmeg’s Mrs. Degree.
(A/N - A “Mrs. Degree” or “Mr. Degree” is someone who goes to college with no intent to get their own degree, but rather to find someone who is going for a lucrative degree and starting a relationship with them.)
Pops made sure you were aware of as many of the mafia families as he could before he sent you off to college on your own. The agreement was to keep your head down, but you were who you were, and if you were going to get into trouble, he wanted you to be aware of how deep it could go. You had no intention of facing anyone from Big Mom’s family head on, but you knew that the kids were often betrothed based on their mother’s whims.
The few that married on their own, only got away with it because they managed to find useful partners that Big Mom would approve of. That process of finding someone on their own, however, couldn’t result in any waves, so the Charlotte kids had a strict code. No messing with someone already taken, and no getting involved in unnecessary drama. If things went sideways and Mama caught wind of things too soon, then it would all be for naught – they’d be betrothed before the next sunrise.
That made helping whatever poor sap they had in their sights relatively easy. So long as you could get him to play along fast enough.
You visibly perked up as you moved toward the young dark-haired man that the girls were giggling over and called out to him. He had a vibe similar to a high school friend of yours named Roronoa Zoro, so you pretended that’s who you were greeting.
“Hey, thanks for waiting,” you said as you approached. You were sitting down across from a very grumpy looking dark-haired young man who had some impressively dark circles under his eyes, and before he could say or do anything you continued a little more quietly. “Play along.”
You gave him your best disarming smile, leaving your books on the seat next to you so there wasn’t an accidental barrier between the two of you. The point was to convince Nutmeg and her gaggle of “profilers” that the two of you knew each other well. His eyes narrowed at you, and then he looked around without moving his head and closed his eyes, a flash of irritation crossing his face that even you barely caught despite sitting in front of him.
“You’re welcome.” He answers you evenly. He’s not speaking too loudly, but he’s at least got the sense to not look overtly irritated. You notice his hands are covered in tattoos, and his books are mostly medical subjects. If it wasn’t for the deep exhaustion sinking into him, you’re pretty sure you wouldn’t have been fast enough to help him before he would’ve just gotten up and walked away.
Lucky for him he’s tired.
You open your phone and type into an empty text message. “I got those tickets, so we should be good to go for this weekend.” You say happily, holding the phone up for him to read it. “I tried to get some good seats; I know how important a good perspective is.” You’re doing your best to look like a long-time comfortable-around-him girlfriend, and not some wacko stranger. Which is a little challenging since you feel a bit like a wacko stranger.
Thanks to Luffy and Ace being friendly with everyone and anyone, you have a decent amount of practice in being comfortable around random people. Luffy never met someone who wasn’t a friend, and Ace tended to buy appetizers and booze for people when he went out. The two had even made a few friends with their fists. You still weren’t sure how broken noses and split lips could lead to being besties with someone, but you’d seen it happen at least three times between the two of them.
Text: Charlotte Nutmeg has you in her sights, and her family is dangerously pushy about marriage. Unless you *want* to be someone’s Mrs. Degree, in which case I can leave and wish you well with your prize.
“Oh, those are good seats, good job.” He replies, and even manages to flash you a smile.
You suppress the urge to snap a picture of him, even though you’re quite sure that smile is rarer than a blue moon. You’re trying to help the guy, not piss him off.
“Aww, it’s always nice to have one’s efforts appreciated.” You beam, giving your own best smile. You catch them leaving out of the corner of your eye and set your books down on the table and let out a breath, sinking into the chair. “Gods, sorry about that. Er, I mean, not sorry for it, but sorry I had to bug you.”
“I appreciate it.” He says flatly. “What did you mean by dangerously pushy?”
“Ah, the Charlotte family is notorious for arranged marriages. Their matriarch is terrifying, and she’s strong-armed a lot of marriages for her own benefit. Some of her kids will set their sights on successful people of their choosing and try to avoid having mommy dearest set them up.” You explain, opting to omit the whole Mafia Family detail, since you have no idea how this guy would react to it. The underworld was extensive, but the number of people who knew about it outside of the marines was small.
“… I’m hardly successful. I’m still in college.”
“Yuh-huh. Wow me some more with your humility there, Pre-Med.” You teased, nodding your chin toward his stack of books. You extend your hand, “(F/N)(L/N), linguistics major, Grandline City, pleasure to make your acquaintance, Pre-Med.”
He accepts your hand and shakes it once. “Trafalgar Law,” he says. “I’m not pre-med, I’m a graduate student. I was just re-reading my old notes.” He said, tilting the book up to show you all the notes and highlights that were in the book despite there being no such supplies around him.
“With that level of dedication, I feel like I should just start calling you Doc now.” You admit with a smile.
“… I’d rather you wait until I earn it,” he answered shortly, irritation finally showing up on his features. “Not that I expect to see you after today.”
“Aw, c’mon, accidental friends are the best.” You say with a smile. “Besides, we can help each other out.”
“Are you being hounded by a Charlotte family son?” He raises an eyebrow, like he already knows the answer.
You snort a laugh. “Maybe if they knew who my dad was, but no. No, I mean I’m majoring in Linguistics and you’re studying your pre-med notes. I can quiz you on terminology. You get some practice, and I get to geek out over root words and if I’m really lucky some syntax.” You lean against the desk and wiggle your eyebrows in a mix of mock, and honest, excitement. “Besides, I bet you could use a everyone-assumes-I’m-the-girlfriend-friend.”
“What makes you say that?” He doesn’t even look at you as he asks, picking up his drink.
You give him a flat look. “The continued humility’s cute, I’ll give you that, but you’re hot.” He chokes on his coffee, just barely managing to keep the sputtering inside the cup. “I imagine you get asked out at least once a week. More than that at the start of a new semester, until word gets around with the new freshmen that you’re just. Not. Interested.” You punctuate the last few words, feigning an expression of appropriate long-suffering.
Law sets his cup down and pinches the bridge of his nose. You can see his ears going pink, but you think better of teasing him for that, you’ll rib this guy into oblivion if you push much more. “That’s quite the accurate assumption.” He admits with a sigh. “Alright, (L/N)-ya, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”
“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” You say with a grin.
He grunts, though there’s a sort of positive sound to it, and mutters mostly to himself.
“She goes around saving people random headaches, peers into their pasts, compliments them, and watches really old movies,” Law looks up from his notes. “I’ll give you credit on being multi-faceted, at least.”
“Says the guy who knows it was from a ‘really old movie’. Full disclosure, I don’t actually like that movie, Pops loves that it, and I’ve probably seen it a dozen times against my will.” You admit.
“Mm, now there’s a story for another time, Dah-erm-Law.” You say with a smile. “A girl needs a slight air of mystery or things are no fun.” You motion for the book he has open. “I was serious earlier, let me quiz you. Oh! Or you could teach it to me, they say a good way to study is to teach the material to someone. Makes it stick.”
“Let’s start with you quizzing me,” he replies, handing over the book.
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kermit-coded · 7 months
All The Bad Dreams That You Hide (1853 words) by kermit_coded Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace, Portgas D. Ace & Whitebeard Pirates, Jinbei & Portgas D. Ace, Portgas D. Ace & Trafalgar D. Water Law, Portgas D. Ace & Silvers Rayleigh, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates & Portgas D. Ace, Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Monkey D. Garp & Portgas D. Ace Characters: Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy, Sabo (One Piece), Whitebeard Pirates, Jinbei (One Piece), Trafalgar D. Water Law, Silvers Rayleigh, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Kurohige | Blackbeard | Marshall D. Teach, Monkey D. Garp, Boa Hancock Additional Tags: Title from a Phoebe Bridgers Song, Creepy Kurohige | Blackbeard | Marshall D. Teach, Portgas D. Ace Lives, Portgas D. Ace-centric, Trans Portgas D. Ace, ASL Brothers (One Piece), Alternate Marineford Events, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Rape Aftermath, Rape Recovery, Kurohige | Blackbeard | Marshall D. Teach Dies, Jinbei is a good friend, Protective Monkey D. Luffy, Implied/Referenced Torture, Protective Sabo (One Piece), Mugiwara no Ichimi | Straw Hat Pirates As Family, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Whump, Portgas D. Ace Needs a Hug, Portgas D. Ace Has Self-Worth Issues, Suicidal Thoughts, Panic Attacks, Mental Breakdown, all the usual ace-typical mental health issues and then some, Protective Portgas D. Ace, Portgas D. Ace is a Good Sibling, Monkey D. Luffy is a Good Sibling, Monkey D. Garp Tries to Be a Good Grandparent, jinbei spelled as jimbei, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sabo (One Piece) is a Good Sibling, POV Alternating, Mentions of Pregnancy, Mentions of Slavery, Sabo remembers early, Dissociation, Healing, Depression Series: Part 39 of yo ho yo ho (one piece fics), Part 8 of asl trio fics Summary: Ace doesn't die at Marineford. But that doesn't mean he's okay.
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gendervapor14 · 7 months
two fights for freedom ~ chapter eleven: inherited will
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There was one way he could think to squeeze out of this, but he’d never successfully tried something like it before. He wasn’t sure now was the right time for experiments.
“I’m gonna need an answer.” The fishman loomed over them, drawing a pair of vicious dark blades. “Or I’ll adjust the records myself.”
“Take my hand.” Law extended his left hand behind himself.
Without question, both girls grappled on. 
“You can run as fast as you’d like—”
The fishman guffawed as Law summoned a blue sphere from his palm and extended it across an undefined area. He gritted his teeth and grasped the girl’s hands almost painfully, clamping his eyes shut to summon as much focus as he could muster.
“The hell are you doing, kid?” The fishman demanded, “What was that, some kind of cheap magic trick—?”
With a whir and a zip, Law and the girls were gone. In their place sat the rock Nami used to draw her map of Spider Miles.
“What the hell…?” The fishman sheathed his swords and picked up the rock in astonishment. “Did…did he just turn himself into a rock…?” Grasping the stone tightly, the fishman started to run for the hills. “I got ‘em! I got the stray kids!”
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i almost posted this two days ago to celebrate my birthday, but then i didn't. i almost didn't have time to post this chapter at all, but i did!! very law-centric chapter, answering the grand "how did cora and law survive minion island" question, hehe.
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title: two fights for freedom rating: M category: F/M, gen content warnings: graphic depictions of violence status: incomplete, eleven chapters, 34,082 words relationship: rosinante/bell-mere, cora & law, rosinante & hatchan, bell-mere & rosinante & law & nami & nojiko, rosinante & genzo, bell-mere & genzo characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko, genzo, nako, hatchan, arlong, arlong pirates additional tags: canon divergent, fix-it, everybody lives, pre-arlong park, angst with a happy ending, angst and feels, fluff and humor, hurt/comfort, suggestive themes, sexual tension, limes (yes i'm bringing limes back), eventual smut, romance, slow burn, financial issues, broken bones, references to depression, alcoholism, mental health issues, canon backstory, mentioned doflamingo, non-canon backstory (giving bell-mere a backstory), found family, medical inaccuracies, blood and injury, trafalgar d. water law is a little shit, developing friendships, past child abuse, nightmares, more tags to be added later (?) summary: freedom for one means adventure. exploring all the world has to offer, while avoiding the occasional haunting. freedom for another almost costs an arm and two daughters. a home, a village. perhaps freedom is best sought back-to-back. {a cora and bell-mère lives au}
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dragongoddess13 · 1 year
Nami-centric Prompts
Nami-centric Prompts
(2877 words)
by: Dragongoddess13
Chapters: 3/?
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Nami/Roronoa Zoro, Nami/Trafalgar D. Water Law, Donquixote Doflamingo & Trafalgar D. Water Law, Donquixote Doflamingo/Nami
Characters: Nami (One Piece), Roronoa Zoro, Trafalgar D. Water Law
Additional Tags: prompt fics, Drabble Collection, NSFW, Dubious Consent, Mildly Dubious Consent, Consensual Sex, each prompt is different and will be labeled appropriately
A collection of prompts of various Nami pairings.
All prompts are different ratings and warnings and will be labeled appropriately in the notes of each chapter.
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cupcraft · 5 months
19 for fanfic asks
[fic asks]
19: any new fics to start next year
YESSS here is a list
c!crime-centric supernatural au inspired by apost from a longlong time ago back during that exorcism of uncle nasty stream by my dear mutual chrismequick (dont have the link rn but will for the fic if tumblr lets me find it goddd)
the c!beeduo interlude for my fic series I Rose from the ashes
an eggopocalypse canon divergent au centric around c!bitterduo
an origins smp SBI family fic with lots of angst about cwilbur dying and all that hehe
a shassie witch/familiar au :) from the psych fandom
finishing my trafalgar law character study fic about his friendship to monkey d luffy. probably lots of one piece fics in general i want to do
Also have a pirates/one piece inspired dsmp fic...idk if that will ever happen but i hope for it to.
I will contemplate if i will finish my currently abandoned pogtopia!wilbur fic in which ctommy is his guardian angel trying to prevent him from fuckinngg dying. Honestly i amy rewrite and stuff?
lastly, i want to contemplate rewriting my ctommy (cclingy and csbi centric) western/rodeo au fic that i posted and it flopped and i got insecure and hated how i wrote it so i deleted it from ao3 but also the concept slayed so i may rewrite.
the end for now who knows where 2024 will take me...hopefully these fics sound good to you feel free to send asks about it/replies hhehehe. us dsmp writers that still are out here sometimes it feels like we are writing into the void these days.
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iwillfightformydream · 7 months
Anyone know any good fics like this?
Tags: Relationships:
To Be Decided, Luffy & everyone, Portgas
D. Ace & Whitebeard Pirates, Monkey D.
Luffy & Portgas D. Ace
Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco, Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate, Whitebeard Pirates, Roronoa Zoro, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates
Additional Tags:
Female Monkey D. Luffy, Ace & Luffy. strictly siblings, Luffy centric, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fake Character Death, Everyone assumes everyone is dead, might be plot holes,I'm stress writing, so be kind
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