#trafficking awareness
baaahphomette · 4 months
We wouldn’t have phones if it weren’t for them.
The LEAST we could do is use our phones to spread awareness for these children.
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eris-abomination · 6 months
VERY IMPORTANT PSA. Please share or repost if you can.
There’s some SERIOUS misinformation spreading around and I was considering reblogging the post to clear it up, but I decided to make my own to explain (and avoid giving it more traction). The image being spread and explanation are under the cut; MAJOR TW for mentions of trafficking and wording that could trigger anxiety or paranoia. Please remember that this image is NOT real.
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THIS IS NOT A REAL CONCERN. There is NO sex trafficking ring using this spam text, and spyware CANNOT be installed on a phone simply by clicking a link.
This text is a spam message/notification for a defunct social media app called IRL. Clicking the link would simply take you to the App Store page. The unsolicited messages people claim to get are either spam marketing, incentivized invites from friends, or standard notifications regarding engagement on the app.
Even if IRL was still available, major spyware cannot be downloaded onto a phone through a link. The worst type of crime committed through spam links is credit card theft, and even that is fully dependent on you typing your personal information into a sketchy website. Your phone cannot be “hacked” through a link, and a “tracker” can’t just be installed on your phone by a random third party. Modern phones are equipped with specific protections to keep these things from happening, and phones can’t download malware like a computer can.
Human trafficking and sexual abuse are SERIOUS ISSUES, and it’s extremely disheartening to see a fake version of this being spread around online. The amount of people in the comments of the original post who were genuinely anxious and afraid breaks my heart. Not only is this misinformation harmful to survivors, but it also has the potential to severely worsen people’s anxiety, paranoia, delusions, etc.
Please be responsible and do your research before reposting shocking material.
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mysticalamity · 1 year
Check this video out! Spread the story and listen if you can!
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afghanbarbie · 11 months
since i have seen more than a few incorrect posts about it lately i would like to strongly remind people that sex trafficking does not require crossing international borders to be considered trafficking. victims don't even have to leave their hometown to be trafficked — many women and children are trafficked in their own households by their own family.
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maylorscardigan · 1 year
I have loved your take on things until now. how can you openly justify Matty with GG? It’s ok because he was curious? He’s getting off to these women being brutalized and tortured. Do you support him because YOU like doing the same thing? Do you watch it too? Because you must if you think it’s okay. It’s disgusting that you could be okay with it.
I’ve walked away from this anon a few times while writing it because I was ready to blow sky high.
Did you actually read my post? Had you actually gone through it you would have seen where I openly said I was a victim of sex trafficking. So how dare you come here and accuse me of getting off to it or enjoying it. I detest that industry with a passion you could never even begin to understand. It robbed me of my childhood and youth. So do NOT get me started on that.
No. I never said that I supported Matty’s enjoyment of it. I said that he is ONE man. ONE. Do you really think he’s the only responsible for the oh I don’t know… 🌽 hub being more popular than say Netflix in daily/monthly views? Do you think he is the only man responsible for dozens and yes I said DOZENS of videos being listed as “brutal” or “ruthless” or “hardcore” videos having multi-million views on hub? Or even worse… videos with things like “forced” or “r*pe” in the title having millions of views on other sites - sites that are even more popular than hub?
Reality check. He’s not. And if you think GG is as bad as you see on screen - you’re ignorant as hell. I can pull up in a matter of minutes, dozens of videos that make GG look innocent. And that’s BEFORE you even consider how many seemingly “tame” videos let alone more violent ones are actually sexual assaults where the girls are being f*cred or beaten on set. Or the reality that one take for half a scene can mean hours and hours and hours of painful filming and refilming like any Hollywood movie? Where women get threatened to go without pay or get beaten anyway and forced to keep going despite being raw, barely able to move with pain and without eating or fluids.
So don’t come in to my anons and act all high and mighty with me. Don’t even try it.
I am saying that going after one man for the choices he made is not the answer. I can empathize with fans feeling disgusted by it and peoples feelings being hurt and that is completely okay. But again - Matty is ONE person. Millions of people watch these same videos. Most of us have fathers, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, friends etc who do this very type of thing and people would rather bury their head in the sand then to do anything about it.
Did you know that trauma from porn addiction is so common now that there is a special kind of PTSD-like diagnosis for it? Look online on Facebook for instance. There are so many support groups for partners or porn addicts and the stories would crush you. The problem isn’t going to be fixed by hating one man. Take that anger and that rage and go for the source. Fight back.
But the reality is - out of every 100 people bashing Matty for this sort of thing… less then 1 of them will actually do anything to even research the realities of the industry let alone make any movement to change anything. And more then you’d expect will rip Matty apart online then go and watch something on one of these 🌽 sites that they think is perfectly normal when it’s not.
Witch hunt. Plain and simple.
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numbwhileintertwined · 2 months
sⲉx trⲇfficking and how the treatment of survivors relates to the lottery paradox
The lottery paradox states that, in a large lottery with one winner, it's valid to assume that any given ticket is a losing ticket, but it isn't valid to assume that there are no winning tickets.
Almost no one denies that sⲉx trⲇfficking happens. The estimates drastically range from 12 million to 50 million victims worldwide at any given moment. However, when someone claims to be a survivor, they will be called a liar every time without fail.
Why is this?
Sⲉx trⲇfficking is extremely mystified. Due to media representation, the widespread views of ST include women chained up in concrete rooms, children in shipping containers, or a rich, middle aged man wearing a black leather jacket and drinking whiskey in a dimly-lit mansion.
I cannot speak for other countries. However, in America, nearly every case of child ST is perpetrated by family. Just about every one of these kids still go to school, and often hobbies and extra-curricular activities as well. It happens in rich families, poor families, and middle-class families. It doesn't matter if the parents are addicts or not. It doesn't matter if the parents are divorced, if there's a step parent, or if the child is adopted. It happens to all races and ethnicities. It happens in suburbs, gated communities, and ghettos. It happens.
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acronymking4tdp · 7 months
So, about that speech by Senator Katie Britt ...
US Senator Katie Britt (junior senator from Alabama) gave the GOP response to President Biden's State of the Union speech. This video looks more closely at her comments. (Spoiler alert: she is being less than honest here.)
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Video commentary by Jonathon Katz (apologies for the Tik Tok hoops you have to jump through at the start.)
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2badso4nick8 · 9 months
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monriatitans · 2 years
December 2022 Cause of the Month: Dressember
During the month of December, I shared Human Trafficking Awareness Quotes, inspired by Dressember, "A community of advocates using fashion & creativity to fight human trafficking. $16 million raised since 2013!" Join the movement!
Below are the links to the initial Instagram posts.
Friday, December 2, 2022
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Tuesday, December 6, 2022
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Friday, December 16, 2022
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Tuesday, December 20, 2022
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Friday, December 30, 2022
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truth4ourfreedom · 1 month
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is publishing information that we freedom loving Americans must repost and share! Here is one of his latest:
Operation Hammer
In a world shadowed by secrecy, where power struggles and hidden agendas shape our reality, the storm is finally upon us. Operation Hammer, an unprecedented global initiative, has brought to light the underbelly of corruption, foreign interference, and crimes against humanity. With 450,000 sealed indictments leading to thousands of JAG tribunals, the stage is set for a seismic shift in the fight for justice and transparency.
The critical executive orders—13818, 13848, and 13959—are the backbone of this monumental operation, targeting human rights violators, foreign election meddling, and Chinese military companies. This is not just a battle; it is a war for the soul of humanity.
The Unfolding of Operation Hammer. Operation Hammer is a codename that has sent shockwaves through the corridors of power worldwide. This initiative, spearheaded by the White Hats military, is a coordinated effort to dismantle deeply entrenched networks of corruption and criminality. The sheer scale of this operation is staggering: 450,000 sealed indictments, thousands of JAG (Judge Advocate General) tribunals, and a litany of trials, sentencings, and, in some cases, executions. This is not merely a legal battle; it is a global reckoning.
The Genesis of Operation Hammer. The genesis of Operation Hammer can be traced back to the alarming rise of crimes against humanity and foreign election interference. As global citizens, we have witnessed the erosion of democratic principles, the manipulation of electoral processes, and the gross violation of human rights. The executive orders 13818, 13848, and 13959 are not just legal instruments; they are the swords of justice designed to cut through the web of deceit and bring the perpetrators to account.
Executive Order 13818: Targeting Human Rights Abusers Executive Order 13818, signed on December 20, 2017, is a powerful weapon in the fight against human rights abuses. This order enables the U.S. government to impose sanctions on individuals and entities involved in serious human rights abuses and corruption. The global reach of this order means that no tyrant or corrupt official is beyond the grasp of justice.
Executive Order 13848: Combating Foreign Election Interference Foreign election interference is a dagger aimed at the heart of democracy. Executive Order 13848, signed on September 12, 2018, addresses this critical threat. This order declares a national emergency to deal with the threat of foreign interference in U.S. elections. It allows for the imposition of sanctions on individuals and entities that have engaged in or assisted foreign interference in elections, ensuring the sanctity of the democratic process.
Executive Order 13959: Restricting Chinese Military Companies The global influence of Chinese military companies has raised alarms about national security and economic stability. Executive Order 13959, signed on November 12, 2020, seeks to address this issue by prohibiting U.S. investments in Chinese companies that support the Chinese military. This order is a decisive step in curbing the expansion of China’s military-industrial complex and protecting American interests.
The Mechanics of Operation Hammer. The execution of Operation Hammer is a meticulous and coordinated effort involving various branches of the military and intelligence agencies. The sealed indictments are a testament to the thorough investigations and the gathering of irrefutable evidence against the accused. These indictments cover a wide range of crimes, including human trafficking, corruption, election fraud, and more.
The JAG tribunals are at the heart of this operation. These military courts are tasked with ensuring that justice is served swiftly and fairly. The trials are conducted with the utmost transparency, providing the world with a front-row seat to the administration of justice. The sentences handed down by these tribunals range from imprisonment to execution, depending on the severity of the crimes committed.
Join and share my channel immediately: https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki
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heliohmystars · 3 months
is there a god-respecting way to club? if i just order lemonade, is that okay, or does being in the presence of a dj and ravers make me sin transitively?
sidenote, totally unrelated, does anyone know if i can order from a bar if i’m not drinking alcohol?
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thedashproject · 1 month
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maylorscardigan · 10 months
Spread this.
This is just some of the sinister ways that AI can be used. There’s ways that are far more sinister that most couldn’t even begin to imagine.
One of the things I’ve come to see working with the people I do - is how much AI is used in the trafficking and 🌽 industry. From using AI to create CP to taking videos of trafficked victims and using AI to alter their appearance and keep them hidden in that horrible existence longer… to much much more.
AI isn’t all fun and games.
Be careful out there.
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joels-golf-club · 1 year
This is not my usual content I would post but it needs to be said. Earlier today I was at Walmart to pick up purple shampoo and a loaf of bread. I decided to browse their makeup to look for a new blush and there were maybe three other people in there: a mother and her daughter and a young woman, maybe in her mid twenties.
While I was standing there the young woman came up to me and very nervously asked if she could walk around with my while I finished my shopping because she thought a man was following her in the store. She told me what he was wearing and his build and said that she had been weaving in and out of aisles in the store and everytime she changed aisles the man would follow her from a not so subtle distance. Where I live there has been a rise in human trafficking in a few nearby areas and she told me that she had seen a lot of that on the news and I could tell she was extremely nervous. I let her know that she could walk around with my while I grabbed what I needed and even offered to walk with her to her car just in case. She ended up just walking with me to get my stuff and then we separated when we both needed to checkout; per her assurance that she would be fine.
Being another young woman alone in the store I was very alert and mildly nervous walking to my car alone even though I have been there a million times by myself. I made it to my car safe and as I was pulling out of the parking spot I saw the same woman walking out to her car, alone and safe as well.
The point of this is that people, women and men and everyone else, shouldn't have to put up with the fear of being kidnapped and sold while simply shopping, or anywhere else for that matter. While this should never happen, the sad truth is that it does happen, and please if you notice anything suspicious going on or see someone in need of help do not hesitate to step in to help or clear up any confusion on a situation.
And if you are ever in a situation like this, please please please, don't wait for something to happen, talk to security or an employee, ask to walk with someone for a few minutes, find something to do to PREVENT NOT DEFEND. Don't wait to be the person on the news that has everyone else worrying.
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ex-foster · 3 months
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borderlinedolly · 9 months
What Is Clocking?
Clocking is an ability many RAMCOA survivors have to varying degrees. They can tell when someome is a RAMCOA victim. Certain survivors (typically high ranking ones) can clock victims down to their rank and possibly branch. Less common are the ones who can clock victims down to their role and sect. Low ranking victims can typically clock those who are superior to them.
Logically, this is a useful ability as sects can have thousands of members and you can't possibly remember all of them. Being able to tell who your superiors are will help keep you alive. Similarly, you can also tell when someone is lower than you/"usable". Programmers can clock people to know who they can exploit.
It is a real ability and dangerous people can and will use it to their advantage. It is not fear mongering, it is the horrifying truth of being a RAMCOA survivor. We are not safe anywhere, pretending we are will not protect us or help us survive. Being aware of the dangers can help you try to keep yourselves as safe as possible.
Here are some ways to protect yourself: keep yourself as grounded as possible while outside and avoid switching to vulnerable alters, don't talk to strangers and stay away from anyone who gives you a weird feeling.
Saying clocking isn't real won't help you if a programmer spots you.
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